Forum Saradas

News and Discussion => Polls about female body builders or fitness stars => Topic started by: Pepekun on March 24, 2010, 12:08:00 am

Title: Oh you who would like to see an actress, making a movie?
Post by: Pepekun on March 24, 2010, 12:08:00 am
I have several candidates to be somebody in the world of film or a TV series.

Andrea Trent would a actress stupendous, my like the cinema of fantasy-Anime.
Other girls that I wish to jump to the movies are between others:

for example, Andrea Giacomi, Christine Resendes, Lindsey Cope, y some more.

What you see of these girls to take the plunge?. ::) :D
Title: Re: Oh you who would like to see an actress, making a movie?
Post by: Pepekun on March 26, 2010, 09:03:20 am
I want to see one of my favorite movies, but she is the main protagonist of the film of fantasy and History.

My Top 10 for the Great Screen.
Andrea Giacomi
Christine Resendes
Lindsey Cope
Andrea Trent.
Debbie Leung
Lisa Bickels.
Sarah Hayes.
Macey Boudreau.
Shawn Tan
MZ Devious

This are mys favorites to do something important.