Forum Saradas

Muscular & Strong Females => Pro Wrestling Divas => Topic started by: Floret deBrocoli on November 25, 2021, 07:25:50 pm

Title: Kaitlyn vs Maxine [NXT Redemption, 2012]
Post by: Floret deBrocoli on November 25, 2021, 07:25:50 pm
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This match took place nearly 10 years ago, when Kaitlyn (Celeste Bonin) was in peak shape. I usually prefer a medium size gal, but Celeste was an exception. It depends on how they're shaped. If the woman is large, I prefer she has a smooth, lean physique, rather than a ripped one. Abs are always welcome, of course, but I really like well rounded glutes and large thighs. The announcer claimed Celeste could squat 300 lb. Doesn't seem like an exaggeration, given the way she lifted Maxine, who I imagine weighed in at around 150 lb. Holding Maxine out at an angle and walking with her is no easy feat, even for a guy.

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