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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: The_spoon on November 04, 2021, 12:55:30 pm

Title: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 04, 2021, 12:55:30 pm
Hi Guys,

Like I mentioned previously I am placing Buttercup getting buff on hold for now.
But this story will be about a teen girl wanting to build muscle like Buttercup.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 04, 2021, 12:58:31 pm
Initially Duncan resented having to move back into his childhood home, but due to the sad news of his mother and stepfather’s accident meant that either he or his grandmother has to be the legal guardian of his little sister, he agreed to take care of her and once the social workers suggested that he moved back home as not to further disrupt Lily’s routine.
However after the first month the 21 year old started enjoying his living arrangements with his little sister.
Lily was homeschooled and Duncan being a day trader the arrangement was working out rather well and he also enjoyed spending time with his little sister who idolised him.
Duncan has two hobbies, day trading and crossfit, when Duncan was 17 when he started training and by the time he was 20 he would often compare himself to other bodybuilders or crossfit athletes both male and female on social media. Once he found that after three years of dedicated training and eating his biceps was only 14 inches he started asking for advice from his fellow gym goers and as such started using steroids in the form of 200mg of testosterone cypionate with the occasional anavar with great success.

Duncan was sitting at his desk with three screens open, two screens following the share markets and the other one was open at a bodybuilder webpage.
Lily was sitting on the opposite side of his desk giggling at some ticky tocky videos when Duncan exclaimed out loud ‘’Wow that's truly amazing.’’
‘’What's amazing?’’ asked Lily.
‘’Nothing that would interest you.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’Let me see.’’ pleaded Lily and moved to standing to the left and slightly behind Duncan.
‘’All I see is bodybuilding people?’’ said Lily as the screen contains an article with a couple of photos of various bodybuilders.
‘’Your observations serve you well little sister.’’ remarked Duncan dryly.
‘’So what's so amazing then?’’ asked Lily.
You see that girl over in this pic?’’ said Duncan, clicking and enlarging the photo of a young girl standing next to a couple of teenage bodybuilders.
‘’That girl, yes she is huge.’’ said Lily.
‘’Well it turns out those boys are between the ages of 13 to 15 and that girl is 12 or was 12 when the photo was being taken.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Wow! She is bigger than those boys.’’ said Lily.
‘’It would appear so,’’ said Duncan.
‘’What's her name? Let's see if she has an instagr@m page?’’ asked Lily.
‘’Hmmm, it seems her name is Buttercup, let me do a quick search.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Okay here is her instagr@m account.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Goodness brother her biceps are bigger than yours.’’ teased Lily as she placed her hands on her brother’s left bicep and gave a feeble and playful squeeze.
‘’I hate to admit it but you might be right, according to her profile she has 16.2 inch biceps.’’ said Duncan.
‘’How big is your brother?’’ asked Lily.
‘’15.2 inches after a workout, I can only assume that she uses lots of steroids but then again she does bodybuilding and I am doing crossfit where we focus on strength and endurance.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’But she still looks girly, I always thought steroids make your face turn manly.’’ said Lily.
‘’Not if you use it correctly and the correct term little sis is virilization.’’ replied Duncan..
‘’You think if I start pumping iron like her and use steroids then I might get bigger muscles than you and still look girly? asked Lily.
Duncan turned to face his little sister with a bemused look on his face.
‘’Lily, do you want to build some muscle?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’Yes why not, I am 13 and I reckon that if I train hard and follows Buttercup’s routine that I will outmuscle you by the time I am 16.’’ joked Lily making an attempt at a bicep pose.
‘’Well if you are serious, why don't you join me tomorrow morning for a crossfit WOD.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Aww no please that is just jumping and running around, sorry brother but can I please join a gym.’’ pleaded Lily.
‘’Your 13 and no gym will allow a 13 year old to gym without supervision.’’ remarked Duncan.
‘’Pretty please.’’ pleaded Lily whilst looking with sad eyes at her big brother.
‘’Okay, let me call the local gym and find out if there is any female trainers that will be willing to train you.’’ Said Duncan.
‘’Thank you!’’ exclaimed Lily jumping up and down and hugging her big brother.
‘’Oh and one more request please.’’ asked Lily.
‘’What is it this time?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’Can you please ask for a female bodybuilder to be my trainer.’’ asked Lily innocently.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: tapion on November 04, 2021, 01:42:39 pm
Yeah! A new story! Already love the start ;)
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: Romenjohn on November 05, 2021, 06:54:58 am
Nice start
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: jhunter on November 07, 2021, 03:36:29 am
Nice start, hope to see more soon. Keep up the nice work.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: wowser1016 on November 07, 2021, 06:37:47 am
Good work, I like it. More please.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 17, 2021, 11:57:44 am
Lily was sitting at the kitchen table eating her breakfast and eagerly awaiting for her brother to return home from crossfit. Duncan usually trains in the mornings as well as late afternoons 4 days a week.
‘’Hmm what is taking him so long? He is usually here by now.’’ thought Lily to herself.
After Lily finished her breakfast with a sigh she went to the fridge and poured herself a second glass of orange juice just as Duncan came home.
‘’Good morning Lily’’ greeted Duncan.
‘’Morning Duncan you returned late this morning’’ greeted Lily as she went to embrace her brother with a hug.
‘’Sorry about that sis, but I went to the local gym after my crossfit workout’’ said Duncan.
‘’And?’’ asked Lily, unable to contain her excitement.
‘’Well I found you a trainer, a female bodybuilder, gosh she is huge and ripped.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Thank you, thank you, thank you.’’ said Lily.
Duncan was really happy to see his little sister so overjoyed.
‘’Okay your trainer's name is Vicky, I have already paid her as well as the gym, all you need to do is to be at the gym at 11H00 and Vicky will do the rest. I also showed Vicky the photos of Buttercup and mentioned to her that you want to build muscle as well. As it turned out she is friends with Buttercup’s trainer.’’ continued Duncan.
‘’That's great news.’’ exclaimed Lily.
‘’I also ask Vicky about steroids and she said that she will train you for at least three months before having that discussion with us as to be certain if you really wants to be a bodybuilder.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Your the best brother a girl could ask for Duncan.’’ replied a giggling Lily.
‘’And you're the best and soon to be the most ripped sister any guy can ask for.’’ Replied Duncan.
‘’Aww.’’ said Lily, giving her brother another hug.

Lily arrived at the Gym before 11h00 and received her membership card from the reception clerk.
Okay you see that muscular lady over there? Well she is Vicky.’’ replied the clerk.
As Lily walked towards Vicky she suddenly felt rather nervous. And she noticed that Vicky, her trainer, was huge and as the little girl gleaned around the gym it was clear that Vicky was currently the biggest and most muscular person in the gym.
‘’Gosh I wonder if Duncan was intimidated like I am seeing how muscular Vicky is.’’ thought Lily.
As the little teenager walked towards the hulking women, Vicky turned towards Lily and Lily noticed that although Vicky was muscular she was also a beautiful woman.
‘’Hi you must be Lily,’’ said Vicky.
‘’Indeed I am.’’ replied Lily.
Vicky took the time to explain to Lily the commitment she needed to achieve her goals for the teenager. Vicky also told Lily that such levels of muscular mass is only possible with steroids and a correct eating plan but that she would not dare to expose Lily to steroids before she was certain that she really wants to become a female bodybuilder.
‘’Right, so if you're still interested, let's get started with your first workout.’’ said Vicky enthusiastically.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 17, 2021, 05:57:34 pm
It’s been three months since lily started training under Vicky’s watchful eye and Vicky just completed her monthly assessment she performs on all her clients.
‘’Well girl I must say you really improved a lot these last couple of months.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Thank you Vicky, but I could never have done this without you.’’ said Lily very excitedly as she awaited the results of her performance assessment.
‘’When you started training with me you weighed 45kg and had a fat percentage of around 19 percent, but this morning you weigh 47kg and have a fat percentage of 17 percent which is great. Your biceps was 10.8 inches and currently is 11.2 inches.’’ said Vicky.
‘’I seem to keep growing every day and my sixpack is also starting to become visible.’’ replied Lily.
‘’That may be true but in order to have a visible sixpack you would need to get your fat percentage under 15 percent. Also when you started you used the 2kg dumbbells for bicep curls and just this morning you lifted the 8 kg dumbbells with ease.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Yes but I just wish I could get stronger faster.’’ replied Lily.
‘’Well then I have good news for you, I have spoken with your brother and he said that we can start using performance enhancing drugs if you are ready to try it out.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Yes please.’’ replied Lily as she nodded in agreement.
‘’Okay my dear.’’ said Vicky as she looked around the gym to make sure they were alone before opening her gym bag and removed a medium sized brown paper bag.
‘’Here you go.’’ said Vicky as she handed the brown paper bag to the teenager.
‘’Thank you?’’ said Lily, taking a small peek into the bag.
‘’Well inside you will find one vial of Primobolan as well as two vial of Equipoise, I already spoke with Duncan and he will help you administer the dosages weekly.’’ Whispered Vicky.
‘’The Primobolan you will only use for 8 weeks and of a light dosage of 75mg but I want you to cruise on the Equipoise for a couple of months also on  75mg per week ’’ said Vicky.
‘’Is 75mg a light dosage then?’’ask Lily.
‘’Oh yes, both of those steroids are female friendly, in fact you will find that most male bodybuilders run 300 mg to 600 mg of Equipoise per week for months.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Ahh thank you, how much will this cost.’’ asked Lily giving the giant muscular woman a hug.
‘’Your brother already made the transfer my dear, you really have a great brother.’’ replied Vicky not used to being hugged by people as most people have a tendency to be intimidated by her muscular physique.
‘’Aww he is the best.’’ replied Lily.
‘’Well I also told your brother where to inject you assuming that you might be afraid of needles, and if these steroids workout as they should I have a couple of other drugs that you can try at a later stage such as Anavar and Anadrol, maybe even some low levels of testosterone.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Testosterone, but won't that turn me into like a man?’’ ask Lily, looking shocked.
‘’Not if done correctly, I myself use 20mg of Testosterone from time to time.’’ said Vicky.
‘’Well as long as I can get arms like yours.’’ joked Lily as she stared at Vicky's 18 inch biceps.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: Wookey on November 17, 2021, 08:21:03 pm
K+ I love a good muscle growth incest romance
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: jhunter on November 18, 2021, 01:41:32 am
Interesting. Been a while since I read a dialogue heavy story. Not bad, keep it up.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 18, 2021, 03:12:54 pm
Lily! time for your weekly jab.’’ shouted Duncan from the bathroom as he drew the mixture of prim and equipoise in the 2 ml syringe.
‘’I’m coming.’’ replied Lily as she dashed up the stairs.
As Lily entered the bathroom dressed in shorts and a tank top Duncan was staring at his little sister with an enquiring look on his face.
‘’Well this will be your fourth injection and I assumed that you will only start seeing results at around 6 weeks but it seems that the steroids are working extra fast on you, look your arms seem more vascular than mine.’’ said an astonished Duncan.
‘’Thanks bro, I was busy doing pushups downstairs when you called me’’ replied Lily.
‘’And your shoulders also seem a little broader sis.’’ said Duncan as he bent down to administer the injection.
‘’Ouch!, thanks I weigh myself yesterday and I almost weigh 53 kg that's almost 6kg I have gained in these last four weeks.’’ replied Lily as she rubbed the injection site with her right arm revealing a vein running down her small bicep down towards her forearm.
‘’Gosh little sis, just look at those guns.’’ joked Duncan pointing to Lily’s veiny bicep.
‘’You mean this one.’’ said Lily as she raised her right arm in a bicep pose.
‘’Your turning into a real fitness girl.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’And I am getting stronger and jacked each day, look.’’ said Lily as she raised her tank top to reveal a six pack.
‘’Well done, your six pack is almost as developed as mine.’’ said Duncan revealing his six pack.
‘’Wow, how did you get such nice abs?’’ asked Lily, amazed at her older brother,  although Duncan always looked lean and athletic Lily never thought of her big brother as muscular.
‘’Crossfit, we focus a lot on core strength such as deadlifts and toes to bar, muscle ups also helped in creating these beauties.’’ replied Duncan caressing his hands over his stomach.
‘’Please show me how to do muscle ups.’’ begged Lily.
‘’I was actually thinking of obtaining some equipment in order to do some home exercises, maybe it would be good for you to learn some functional exercises to supplement your training,’’ said Duncan.
‘’That would be great.’’ replied Lily eagerly.
‘’You want me to show you a couple of abdominal workouts?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’Yes please.’’ replied Lily looking with delight at her brother.

Once the two siblings made it down to the basement Duncan showed her how to perform and did some knee to elbow crunches, hollow holds and some plank holds with his little sister.
‘’I can feel the strain on my core as we did these exercises.’’ said Lily.
‘’Well if you do these exercises every couple of days and your diet is good, you should have a chiseled six pack in no time.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Like yours?’’ asked Lily with stars in her eyes.
‘’Even better then mine cause of all those steroids silly.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’Do you ever think that you might also use steroids?’’ asked Lily.
‘’Well I don't think so, you see sis I am really happy and comfortable with my body, maybe one day if I ever start to compete in crossfit competitions,’’ replied Duncan.
‘’Duncan can you please take your shirt off?’’ asked Lily innocently.
Duncan being fond of his little sister granted her request and removed his shirt.
‘’Wow you even have an adonis belt.’’ said Lily in awe.
‘’Again due to crossfit.’’ replied Duncan smiling.
‘’I really want to have a solid core like yours oneday.’’ said Lily, not taking her eyes off Duncan's stomach.
‘’Tell you what, you want to learn another ab exercise?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’Sure.’’ said Lily gleefully.
‘’Well this one is called leg wrap, you wrap your legs around my waist as I am standing and then lower your body backwards towards the floor then return back up towards me again.’’ said Duncan.
‘’That sounds like super awesome bro.’’ replied Lily with the joy of a thousand ponies galloping on a meadow.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: Guit03 on November 19, 2021, 07:18:18 am
Very nice progress
looking forward to this^^
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: Japagreipe on November 19, 2021, 07:23:37 pm
Kind of refreshing that he didn't seem all that threatened about her overtaking him in muscularity and even strength. She's well on her way to become the bigger sibling. Nice work!
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: phil123 on November 20, 2021, 06:44:37 am
Great story and can't wait the chapter when she outmuscles him. Perhaps then he will also uses roids and they grow together.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on November 23, 2021, 11:39:11 am
‘’It’s such a sunny day sis, why don't you swim in the pool as usual?’’ asked Duncan, raising his head up from his laptop screen to see his sister standing in front of his desk in a two piece bikini looking pumped after her returning from her workout with Vicky.
‘’No I will swim once Mr. Patrick and his guys from the garden service is done trimming the lawn.’’ replied Lily quietly.
‘’Lily, you’ve known Mr. Patrick since you were born, he has been trimming our lawn even before I was born.’’ replied Duncan perplexed.
‘’Why are you suddenly avoiding him?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’No it's not Mr. Patrik, is just that one of his guys are giving me the creeps.’’ replied Lily sheepishly.
‘’What did he do to creep you out?’’ asked Duncan seriously.
‘’He didn’t do anything he just looks at me in a funny way.’’ replied Lily.
‘’You want me to speak to Mr. Patrick so that he can talk to the creep?’’ asked Duncan.
‘’No please dont, it's probably just my imagination and besides they will probably be finished in the next 10 minutes or so.’’ said Lily looking at her feet.
‘’He was probably just admiring your six pack sis, but please if it happens again you must promise to let me know.’’ said Duncan.
‘’I promise.’’ said Lily.
‘’Since you are here, I have some great news. I made a little bit of profit from the markets this morning and remember we talked about getting some equipment for the basement. So come and have a look at this website.’’ said Duncan.
Lily instantly cheered up and stood behind her big brother looking and browsing various machines and weights.
‘’Please can we have that smith machine, then we can do bench presses and squats at home.’’ said Lily.
‘’That’s a good idea, we can even do seated shoulder raises with a swift machine.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’Are we going to buy all those weights?’’ asked an overjoyed Lily.
‘’Yes why not, then I can show you how to do clean and jerks.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’That will be great, I can do deadlifts every day.’’ said Lily.
‘’I think this is enough for now.’’ said Duncan as he placed the order.
‘’Soon we can ask Vicky to train here with us.’’ laughed Lily.
‘’Now hold on sis, I will first need to have couple of profitable days before we can purchase some more equipment, but all in good time.’’ replied Duncan.

After Mr. Patrick and his gardening service left, Lily went down to relax in the pool.
Duncan decided to join her in the pool and this surprised his little sister as he almost never uses the swimming pool.
‘’Hey bro I am really envious of your six pack.’’ said Lily looking at Duncan’s midriff.
‘’Thanks sis, but soon yours will be more impressive then mine or I will ask a refund from Vicky.’’ joked Duncan.
‘’Please don't do that, she will ripped you to pieces and then what would I do without my beloved big brother.’’ joked Lily, ducking under water and swimming between her brother's legs and  emerging behind him turning and giving him a hug from behind.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: big easy on November 26, 2021, 07:13:24 pm
Awesome premise! Can't wait for more :D
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: Guit03 on November 26, 2021, 11:33:53 pm
he's a good big bro
only a matter of time before he walks in on a pint size power house of a sister
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: GianZ88 on November 27, 2021, 04:35:59 am
Can't wait! Keep going 💪
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: phil123 on December 02, 2021, 04:38:58 am
Can't wait to read when she outmuscles him.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: The_spoon on December 02, 2021, 02:30:08 pm
Later in the evening Lily ran into Duncan’s study giggling with joy.
‘’Hmmm, why are you so happy it's almost time for you to go to bed.’’ said Duncan without diverting his eyes from the screen. Ever since he became Lily’s legal guardian he continued to enforce Lily’s bedtime hours as suggested by the social worker to create a stable home environment.
‘’Must I really?’’ pouted Lily.
‘’I am afraid so.’’ replied Duncan sternly.
‘’But I am being homeschooled, please can't I go to bed later?’’ begged Lily sweetly.
‘’You need your sleep and as you know muscles grow when you are asleep.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’I know that but I really think going to bed at 20h30 is really early I am not a child anymore.’’ pleaded Lily.
‘’You say your not a child but every time we get storm outside you always cry and ask to sleep inside my room.’’ teased Duncan making eye contact with his little sister for the first time since she entered his study.
‘’Bro, that was months ago, okay let's arm wrestle and if I can beat you then I can go to bed anytime I want to.’’ said Lily.
‘’Deal.’’ replied Duncan eagerly.
The two siblings squared up against each other and clenched their hands together.
Duncan was a little surprised at the force in which his sister gripped his hand.
‘’Lily, you sure have  a tight grip.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Thanks but wait till you see my newfound strength.’’ replied Lily with an innocent smile.
‘’One, Two, three!’’ counted Duncan.
Lily grimaced as she tried to push Duncan’s arm down with all her might but to no avail.
‘’Sorry sis but this one’s mine.’’ said Duncan as he pushed Lily’s arm down.
‘’Gosh Duncan, you are really strong. ’exclaimed Lily with a look of awe on her young face.
‘’You see whilst you do bodybuilding to build muscle, the functional fitness exercises I do helps you to build lean muscle, stamina and strength.’’ replied Duncan.
‘’Well once we set up our own basement gym you must show me some of those exercises.’’ replied Lily.
‘’Don’t you worry little sis I will teach you all the exercises I know, clean and jerks will greatly help you to get strong.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Well I guess this means that I have to go to bed early then.’’ pouted Lily.
‘’Well sis, since you are so eager and obsessed on building muscle, perhaps we can disregard your bedtime from now onwards.’’ said Duncan.
‘’Thank you!’’ shouted Lily as she hugged her older brother.
As Lily hugged and clung onto her brother, Duncan could feel his little sister's tight abs pushing through her shirt. It appeared to Lily that her brother suddenly got flushed as he gently pushed her away from him.
‘’It’s a pleasure sis but I really need to go back to watching the markets.’’ lied Duncan.
‘’Okay great I’ll go and steam a show.’’ replied Lily leaving his study.
Duncan returned to his screen and continued working for a couple of minutes before clicking on a tab which took him to a website with pictures of muscular and fit women.
Title: Re: Lily's iron pumping adventure
Post by: tapion on April 09, 2024, 09:26:47 pm
I really like this story. Do you planning a next part ?