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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: GLKnight on August 02, 2021, 04:19:56 am

Title: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 02, 2021, 04:19:56 am
So, there should be installments for Blockbuster, Getting With The Goddess and Verity within the coming weeks. So I decided to start a story that's definitely... not what I usually cover. Fair warning, the story WILL go places (it's focusing on a mother and her two kids, one of which is an adult) that will involve other types of transformations outside of FMG (age changing and race changing are the two most prominent elements). So if that's not your thing, then I must ask you avoid this story.

And don't worry, there's no sexualization of a minor in this story. So no need to be concerned, there.

Okay, with that out of the way, onto the story...

Living under one roof with both my mom and sister has been Hell.

Since the order to stay indoors while the Government began working on some undisclosed natural phenomena has been happening, my mother brought my younger sister with her to stay at my place. Desiree isn't really the issue, despite her being 10 years younger than me at 13 years old. She's shy, kind of nerdy, tends to stay out of people's way most of the time.

The real issue is my mom, Laura. If you had to define "micromanaging bitch" by looking it up in the dictionary, you'd absolutely see her picture by the definition. Trapping my father in a loveless marriage by tricking him into getting her pregnant at 14, she has always had a domineering streak that she excuses as "caring for her precious baby boy". It didn't help that she got more controlling of my life after dad died in an accident shortly after Desiree was born. Dad came from money, so my mom never wanted a thing. But no matter what, it was always her first, Desiree second and me a distant third, in that order. In all honesty, I felt more like a servant than her actual son at times. Which was why, as soon as I turned 18, I left for college and powered through a degree in business in two years. I didn't want to be dependent on her for anything, because she would hold whatever she helped me out with over my head for the rest of my life.

And I'll be frank: I'm damn good at trading, like my dad was. I ended up earning quite a bit in those five years of freedom, bought a nice house and set up my finances so I constantly cycled what I accrued. Money not moving is money not growing, after all. I thought I was free from her bullcrap in my new life. I set myself up to live by my terms, with no one's help.

Imagine my surprise when my mom showed up out of the blue, Desiree sheepishly behind her as she stood in silent embarrassment. Mom said that she was ordered to move out of her rather substantial home and was given my address. I tried to ask for details, but she quickly waltzed past me and began making comments about how sparse my home was, how I needed a woman's touch, and so on. As I let mom talk, Desiree quickly moved in for a hug.

"I'm sorry," was all she said as she hugged me tight and quickly ran upstairs to find one of the spare rooms.

Their arrival was bad enough. But soon, I started to notice some weird things.

The first day, I had to take care of some things in town, so I wouldn't be home till the afternoon. By the time I returned, mom moved EVERYTHING to my home. All her pictures, her clothes, her furniture, her car. And everything that was mine? Gone, for the most part. She had taken over my bedroom, she replaced my refrigerator with hers, she replaced everything I bought with her own stuff. Literally the only things I had left were my bed that was put in a spare bedroom, my clothes which were haphazardly put ON TOP OF the bed and a lamp for a nightstand. Everything else, from living room to bathroom to the garage, was cleared out to make way for her things. She hadn't even brought over anything for Desiree.

As soon as I learned that she neglected Desiree, I was like a hornet. I could feel a buzzing in my brain as I lost my cool and chewed her out for her selfish indulgences. Once again, it was all about her when she has two children to think of. Not only that, but completely clearing my home of things that meant something to me so she could have room for her crap which would have remained perfectly fine at her place? This was a line I didn't think she would ever dare cross. But the way she just looked at me. The indifference I saw. Or maybe mock concern? I don't know. But there was something in the way she looked at me that didn't sit right. Like she knew something I didn't. It felt like she was smiling on the inside, and I could sense it but not see it.

I was beginning to lose my nerve, so I ended it short by warning her that this was still my house. And if she dared pull any of that crap again, I'd be more than willing to have them talk to whoever sent that order for her to come here and move somewhere else. And if it came down to it, I'd register as Desiree's guardian so she'd have a safe and well loved home to flourish in instead of being under her oppressive thumb where she only gave a damn about her own needs first.

Looking back on it now, that was probably where I fucked up. Because after that tirade, she just gave me that usual placating smirk she gives when she flippantly agrees to anyone's demands while thinking of ways to manipulate things.

"Your house...", she said, turning and walking away.

I could never imagine that she was not actually saying that to me, or the lengths she'd go to in order to make that statement true.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on August 03, 2021, 03:30:37 pm
This is an interesting first part. You said this story will feature race changing. Do you mean that the ethnicity of the mom/sister will change? Or is the cause of their transformation extraterrestrial, and do they take on the characteristics of an alien race (like amazonian aliens, or something)? I'm looking forward to what happens next.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: nebulasparks on August 06, 2021, 03:37:21 am
Very cool concept
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 12, 2021, 08:13:53 am
The one thing that was both a boon and a bane about the whole stay at home order is that Desiree was at home all the time due to school being forced into reprieve as people spent time figuring out how to manage everyday life. A bane, as we both now lived with my mom who continued to micromanage both of our lives. And a boon, as I could be there to protect my sister from her manipulative bullshit 24/7. Although in the first week, Desiree spent all her time in her room except for when we stopped by their house to pack up her things. The entire time, I did enough speaking for the both of us. I honestly tried to get her to open up, as something seemed to be really bothering her about this whole situation. But she chose to stay quiet, so I had to fill that gap.

The second time I noticed something unusual was five days later on Saturday. When I woke up, I was feeling like utter shit. I was surprisingly achy and slow. It felt like I was trying to swim through stone, to be honest. I thought I could audibly hear myself creaking as I struggled to get out of bed. Was it a cold or the flu? I didn't really FEEL sick, just severely drained. Everything seemed to be a struggle for me. It even hurt to lift my arms above my head to get dressed. Pure agony, plain and simple.

Heading downstairs, I was immediately hit with this... I don't know, a scent of some kind? It was REALLY pungent, but some part of me kind of... liked it? I have no idea. Hearing the sound of the blender made me realize just how hungry I really was, so I started stumbling towards the kitchen to get something to eat. And the closer I got, the stronger the smell became. It really did feel like I was being hit so hard by something, it was making me punch drunk. My head was swimming as my feet felt like led, stomping forward autonomically like a robot as I got dizzier and dizzier. As I stepped through, the whole kitchen was beginning to overwhelm me. I could practically taste whatever the scent was, now. And as I looked over at who was in the kitchen, I became incredibly confused. All that was in there was my mom, standing in front of a blender in a pair of tights and a sports bra, looking like she had just finished a run or something.

"About time you got up," she said, not even looking at me as she poured herself a glass of whatever she had just made. "I was wondering if I should get your lazy butt out of bed or not."

"What do you mean?", I asked her, shuffling to the fridge to pull out some milk.

"I mean you're burning daylight when you should be taking care of things around here," she chided me as she sat down. "Desiree and I have been up for a while now, while you practically slept the day away!"

Moving over to the counter where I kept my phone and charging bay, I looked at the time.

"It's only 9 AM," I told her. "That's a usual start for most people."

"Not while I'm around," she told me smugly. "It's time you got a little organization in your life!"

I shook my head and grabbed a glass, not trying to pay her any mind. But the entire time, it felt like my mind was fogged over. I took a couple deep breaths, trying to focus. But all I could sense was whatever that damn scent was. It was overpowering. It felt like everything was an echo, especially my mom's words as her voice buzzed in the back of my head. I couldn't really focus. It was only when I felt someone yanking the milk out of my hand that I realized she had walked to me without me realizing it.

"First thing's first," she said, ripping off the cap and pouring the milk down the sink. "We're changing your diet. No dairy, less protein, more fruits and veggies. You're putting on weight and that's going to stop now."

I suddenly snapped to attention at what was going on.

"What are you DOING?", I shouted. I reached for the milk, but for some reason, my mom was able to easily hold me off with one hand. As I struggled, I couldn't believe that I was unable to stop her as she pushed me back. Keeping me from stopping her until the milk was all gone. Not even our height difference was enough for me to do anything.

"Doing what's best for you," she said, smiling proudly. "You're becoming a lazy good for nothing and obviously need your mommy to make you the man you should be! Which is why I'm going shopping later to make sure you eat right!"

I scoffed at her statement.

"I eat well enough as is," I shouted. "I always eat the right proportions! I work out! I take care of myself! By whose standards are you saying I'm not eating right?"

With a wicked grin, she reached over beside the blender before slapping some papers to my chest. Flipping them over, I immediately noticed they had official letterhead and everything from some new department I had never heard of before.

"The Department Of... Equivalency?"

"Government orders," my mom crowed. "As per the orders of the Equivalency Department, the rankings of individuals within a home are as followed: A for individuals of most importance, B for moderate importance, and so on down to F."

Ripping the papers out of my hands, mom pointed emphatically to a specific paragraph.

"Read it," she joyously demanded.

"Fine," I told her. "In regards to the Cavalleri Household, the rankings are as followed: For Laura Cavalleri, A ranking. For Desiree Cavalleri, A Ranking. For Desmond Cavalleri... F RANKING?!"

"That's right," mom said, pushing the papers into my chest again. "As per the decree of the Equivalency Department, the balance of power in a household is as follows: A Ranks get the most reward, while those of F Rank must attend to those duties A Ranks dole out to them. With the completion of their duties, a person's reward is attributed to their ranking. After one year's time, a person may file for a changing of their rank. But let's face it, you deserve where you're at!"

I stared at the papers that mom showed me, trying to figure out what this all meant.

"When did this happen?", I asked her, completely unable to wrap my head around this and whatever that damn scent was. That damned, pungent, sickening... sweet, enticing scent that grew more and more pleasant the more time I spent around it.

"Don't know," mom said, sitting down at the table and grabbing her drink. "And frankly, I don't care!"


Desiree's voice cut through the haze and confusion, breaking me out of the spell I was under. I had never known her to be so forceful. Normally, she remained quiet and distant. But in this instant, it was like a wind cutting through the mist I was trapped in. A wind that carried a... sweet, flowery scent? She quickly ran to me, hugging me protectively. I was too tired to resist, so I just put my arms around her shoulders.

"Morning," I gently told her.

I noticed mom just rolled her eyes, standing up from her seat as she began walking away. I couldn't put my finger on it, but now that I was getting a good look at her, I saw there was something different about her. I didn't know exactly what, but something about her had changed, if only slightly.

"Tch, children..."

As she left the room, I could swear whatever scent was in here before began to dissipate, putting less strain on me.

Squeezing me one more time, Desiree quickly made her way back out of the kitchen. Stopping at the doorway, she looked back at me with a somewhat remorseful look on her face.

"I'm sorry about the ranking," she said. "But I'll try to do what I can to help you from mom. She's known about the rankings all week and has been gloating in secret about this being 'her house now'. Just... a bit of warning, the rewards are not what you think they are. Mom will try to take full advantage of them, and you, in the next year. Be on guard."

Before I could even ask anything, she quickly ran back upstairs. Leaving me to sit and ruminate over what the fuck was going on.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Hello345 on August 12, 2021, 10:33:50 pm
Like where your going with this, hoping for a loving muscular sister protecting her brother from the evil mother!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on August 13, 2021, 06:54:01 am
I agree with Hello345. This story (as well as your other stories) has been awesome so far. It seems that Desiree will get the same "upgrades" as her mother, so she will be  able to protect her brother. I can't wait to see the battle of dominance between Desiree and her mother once the start to grow and get more powerfull.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GreatJustice on August 13, 2021, 01:47:10 pm
You'll always get karma from me - I enjoy your stories!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 14, 2021, 01:20:43 pm
For the next two days, I spent my time trying to look into the Department Of Equivalency. I tried to call in that same Friday to get some answers, but I was put to an automatic teller that asked for my Equivalency pin number. Since I didn't see a pin code in the letter, I waited for the options. When I heard "If you are an F Rank, press 8", I quickly pressed the button down. But when I heard the voice on the other end tell me to "hand the phone to the registered A Rank in charge of the home you're at", I almost threw it against the wall. I needed PERMISSION to even speak to someone over the phone about my status? And the registered A Rank in charge of the home? Did that mean my mom was put in charge of MY house, including ME? When the Hell did she do that?

Since human contact was getting me nowhere, I had to switch to online resources. I found the website for the department itself, but it hidden so far deep in the recesses of links upon links upon links that it took me damn near an HOUR just to get through them all. But I found it all the same. And wouldn't you know it, it was an honest to God arm of the government.

And just like the phone, I needed to put a pin number in to access the God damned site. So I spent time looking into its creation. And in the two days time, all I could find was the Equivalency Department's About page that explained jack shit, a couple forums dedicated to conspiracies and crackpot explanations about what the department's M.O. really is and that's it. It's like it was EXTREMELY brand new. No announcements in the news, no roll outs to people at large, no public discussions. It was all being put under the rug, it seemed.

Meanwhile, my mom treated my home like she was queen of the castle. Every hour or so during the day, she would brazenly come into my room to "check on me". Barge into my room to make sure I was "not doing anything a good boy wouldn't do". Not only that, I started noticing all these little devices everywhere. When I took a picture of one and looked it up, I was quickly put into silence. They were a really expensive brand of high end surveillance cameras. They could withstand extensive amounts of damage and come out unscathed, submerged in freezing water, being placed in the embers of a roaring fire for three days and even a significant explosion. We're talking something the military would use level of technology.

And making everything worse was that scent. It was invading every corner of the house except when I passed by Desiree's room. It seemed to filter through everything. I couldn't escape it. I had to fight through the haze that seemed to be creeping into my brain at any given moment. It was that pungent. I hate it. I mean, I don't HATE it... I think? It's too much, though. I can't really focus on anything, it's too much. It's strong and overpowering and heady, and... sweet? Maybe with hints of amber and vanilla? I don't really know how to describe it.

Finally, Monday came around. For some reason, I couldn't really sleep. I was up and down all night. And for some reason, really fucking horny. I had realized that since my mom and sister moved in, I hadn't gotten any... y'know, RELIEF? So as soon as I realized I needed release, I hopped on the computer to find something to get off to super early in the morning.

When I started, I went for some of the basics. Big tits, pov vids, that sort of thing. But as I'm sitting there, I just... couldn't get into it. My dick was hard, but there was something about what I was seeing that just wasn't doing it for me. Then I started looking in more niche areas. Asian? Nope. Black girls? No. Teens? Big no. Then my eyes fell upon a category I had never really considered before: Fit. Clicking on the link, I saw some of the videos on page one, and my dick instantly throbbed. There on the page was a video titled "Fit MILF lifts for you". Turning the volume down a bit, I started the video.

The scene opened a woman who looked like she was healthy. Not that lean, but she did look a little toned. As I noticed there was a weird tone underneath the video, she walked onto frame, the camera placed firmly on her firm ass as she strutted her stuff and followed her. The way her blue Lycra shorts molded to her frame before sitting down on a bench. The camera in tight as it drifted up her body, showing off her somewhat tanned skin as she fiddled with her gloves. Then rising up to her face as she smirked at the camera and the final testing of the glove's fit. With a kiss, she said "Let's get pumping" like I was right there with her before reaching down and grabbing a barbell.

It wasn't really that heavy, maybe about 20 pounds? But you could tell she was serious about lifting as she grunted in a proper curl, gently lowering it down before quickly lifting it again. As she controlled that weight, the sound of her voice as she grunted mixed with the buzz I was hearing in the background, almost making it sound like she was getting off on each rep. The sweat began to run down her face as she got more and more into it. Her skin flush as she grunted and moaned.

"Pump for me," she said. "Rep for rep, baby!"

For some reason, some part of my mind was telling me that I had to keep watching. Some animalistic part of me wanted to be there with her. Be in that room, on that bench. The feel of my hands on her body as she lifted that weight. Worshipping her as she got bigger and stronger. Doing whatever I could to make her happy. I had to be everything she needed so she could continue to grow and prove just how powerful she could be. Do all that I could to show her I was worthy of her.

That's when the thought initially broke through.

"I gotta do everything I can to celebrate my Alpha's evolution. It's only right for a son to let her mother take control."

The image of my mother in the woman's stead brilliantly flashed in my imagination. Leaning in as she whispered "Good boy" before our lips met. And that's when I came. As the lightning ran up my spine, causing my brain to tingle, I went rigid. Spasms overtook me as I came harder than I ever had in my entire life. I could hardly breathe, the odd scent filling my senses as my hand slowly stopped stroking my dick. I was a sweaty, panting mess as I sat there in my chair. As the video came to an end, the pressure in my head receded, leaving me to realize what I had just done.

The brief wave of nausea rose up in me as I began to slightly panic. I had not even THOUGHT of my mother at all in that way. She was a manipulative harpy. Someone who tried to take absolutely control of my life. And now, she was in my home, after probably lying to the government while signing us up with some super sketchy secret department, trying to make me into her servant once again. And I just jacked off to the thought of acquiescing to her like I was, what? In LOVE with her or something?

Riding a tide of absolute disgust with myself, I barely got my dick back in my pajama pants before I shut down the computer and started to walk to the bathroom. But before I could take three steps towards the door, my sight began to dim as I grew woozy. All my energy seemed to get drawn out of me like blood through a wound as I collapsed onto the bed. My body felt so heavy. And the ringing in my ears grew louder as the pressure returned, stronger than before. I felt like I was being crushed in my own body, though I could breathe just fine. Something was telling me to sleep, to ignore my own feelings. To just drift off. And in short work, I could feel the creeping growth of slumber pull me under its power.. Not noticing the sound of the buzz that I was hearing disappearing as I closed my eyes and drifted off into empty dreams.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 23, 2021, 06:53:02 am
By the time my alarm woke me up, I was exhausted. My head was in a constant fog as I fought my way out of bed, my body so leaden that I could practically here my muscles and joints screaming at me to stop. But I got up, all the same. As I sat on the edge of the bed, I glanced over at the clock to see what time it was.

"Six twenty-five?", I asked myself. I always wake up at Eight. Did my mom change the settings on me? I jostled as I heard a loud knock on the door right before my mom barreled her way in.

"Get up," she commanded me. "Desiree and I have a long day today, and we can't have you being a lazy little shit while we're gone. Hop to it, mister!"

"Mom," I grunted as I stood up. "Did you change my alarm settings? I don't normally get up before eight."

"You know what's going on," she said, walking over to my closet and throwing a shirt at me. "We're up at six, you're up at six. Now get dressed and get downstairs. We need breakfast before we go."

I watched as she dove into my dresser, pulling out a pair of underwear.

"These will have to change, as well," she muttered to herself as I slipped the shirt on.

"You didn't answer me," I said as she threw both a pair of boxers and shorts at me.

"I did and you know it," she said before turning to look me dead in the eye. "Get downstairs, make breakfast and I'll give you my list of chores before we go."

"Wait," I asked, realizing that she kept putting an impetus on 'going somewhere'. "What are you doing today?"

She shook her head and smiled, a clear sign that whatever she had planned wasn't going to be something I wanted to hear.

"You're an F," she said, as she began to walk out of my room. "It doesn't concern you in the least."

To say I felt like I was swimming through syrup as I hurried to get dressed was an understatement. Even just walking downstairs was a small agony. But as I made my way downstairs, I noticed something. The scent was gone. Whatever that heady mix of amber and vanilla and musk was had dissipated, leaving me to breathe clean air in peace. As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Desiree at the stove, making herself something to eat.


Catching her attention, Desiree looked at me with a smile.

"Hey," she replied. And that's when I noticed something.

"Hold up," I said, pointing. "Did you get contacts?"

She laughed and shook her head.

"No! Just chose not to wear glasses, is all. Seems I don't really need them, now."

I gave her a weird look as I took a spot next to her. Seems she was making stuffed omelets with ham, cheese and some other ingredients. I grabbed a stray piece of ham to pop into my mouth.

"Did your eyes get better or something?"

I gotta tell you, the look she gave me was weird. Like she was caught between confusion and panic as she went to flip the omelet in the pan.

"Well, it's-"

Suddenly, I saw mom's hand swat mine, HARD. Causing me to drop the piece of ham I wanted to eat.

"I told you," she chastised me. "You're on a DIET now! And you-"

Mom grabbed Desiree's shoulders, forcibly moving her away from the stove before grabbing my arm and dragging me into her spot.

"You know HE is to do what we command! You're an A RANK, Desiree! Act like it!"

"It's not right," Desiree shot back. "It doesn't matter WHAT rank he is! He's still my brother!"

Mom sneered as she shot a side eye at me.

"You know that doesn't matter, anymore! We are setting up for bigger and better things, Desi! And these rankings reflect that!"

"Bigger and better things?", I asked, making sure the omelet wasn't burning.

"It's none of your concern," mom told me. "Just keep making breakfast."

Desiree quickly placed herself between mom and myself, putting her back to mine.

"Mom, STOP! He's still your son and not a slave, for fuck's sake!"

"LANGUAGE," Mom shouted at her. "I won't have that tone in MY HOUSE, little girl!"

"Wait," I said, sliding the omelet onto a plate before putting the pan down and turning to face her. "YOUR house? Did you forget that I OWN it? That I PAID for it, with my OWN money? That it's in MY NAME?"

"I told you," she said, glowering at me. "Keep making breakfast. This is between A Ranks, so stay out of this. I want an omelet, so do as I say!"

With that, she grabbed the plate and a fork in one hand, Desiree's wrist in the other and dragged her off into another part of the house. Turning off the stove, I followed them. It wasn't hard to know where they were, as they were really getting into it in my study.

"...Don't you see how much this Ranking bullcrap is changing us?", Desiree implored my mom.

"Are you kidding?", mom replied, her feet kicked up as she sat in my office chair with a huge smile. "This is the greatest thing that ever happened to us, and you know it!"

"I don't think it is," Desiree said, in a huff as she hunched over, her hands gripping the edge of the desk. "You're treating Desmond like he's some kind of... SLAVE!"

"You know what we'll be going through over the next year, Desiree! Why should we worry about stupid relationships when you know what'll be available to us soon?"

"You're mad," Desi said, clearly disgusted. "You never should have signed us up for that damn program!"


"I don't care about language, mom!"


I noticed that Desiree, my sister who my mom constantly belittled, was on the verge of tears.


"Tough," mom coldly told her. "You know within a few months, you won't even LOOK like you once did, anyway! You should thank me! Destiny's a FAR BETTER name for you, now!"

"You monster," Desiree shouted, the tears freely flowing. "You heartless MONSTER!"

With that, Desiree quickly fled out of the room, sobbing. As she ran right past me, I trailed her as she went around the corner as fast as she could. When I looked back, I saw my mom holding one of those security devices she had gotten in her hand. Pressing a button, I heard this buzzing noise that just seemed to cut through everything I was thinking or feeling as she held it up to my ear.

"Be a Good Boy," she said, smiling wickedly. "And listen to Mommy..."

As soon as I heard those words, I fell into darkness.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on August 23, 2021, 08:19:41 am
This story gives me shivers! In a good way, though. The slow build-up is really good at setting the stage, and leaves me excited for the big changes. So far I'm digging the dynamic that you've established. It's a family-based scenario, with the brother, sister and daughter characters. That in itself isn't anything extraordinary, but your take on it makes this story stand out to me. The mother looks like an nonredeemable person, and that's highlighted in this latest chapter. She sees her own son as nothing more than slave. In the first chapter, we hear about how selfish she is, but the depth of her cruelty is really beginning to show itself. It makes me wonder how cruel she'll be once things change. The brother clearly suffered because of his mother, spurring him on to leave the house and get one of his own. He's rebellious, independent and set in his ways. The sister on the other hand is not like her mother. She does value family, and can be seen as the counter to the mother. Personally, I like this dynamic. We all hate the mother for what she does, but at the same time we're drawn to how she acts, especially once she changes. Her negative side is balanced by the sister's kindness.

And then there's the mysterious ranking system, the buzzing and the weird scent in the house. It's feels as if we're like the main character, trying to figure out what's happening here. And the mother keeps teasing us with the knowledge of what it all means. Can't say much about the transformation aspect yet, since it's for future chapters, but I'm pretty sure it'll be as amazing as this build-up. Now, personally, I'm curious about a few things. First of being the outside world. Will there be any changes there that the main character sees? Or will his mom go a step further, and lock him inside? Then I wonder about the sister. She's loyal to her family, but that works both ways. The mother has been with her for a long time, possibly influencing her, and she's not telling the main character about what this ranking system is either. Then there's the fact that, no matter if it was for a good reason, her brother kind of left her to be alone with their mother and suffer the woman's attitude. I feel as if that should be some kind of factor in the chapters later on. Young mind are impressionable, after all.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that this story is really good. I always look further to next chapters.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 23, 2021, 08:23:34 am
Definitely the same! In a way it reminds me of a mix between the prisoner and persons unknown but with a FMG aspect. It will definitely interesting to see the outcome of this story!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 23, 2021, 10:30:50 am
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This story gives me shivers! In a good way, though. The slow build-up is really good at setting the stage, and leaves me excited for the big changes. So far I'm digging the dynamic that you've established. It's a family-based scenario, with the brother, sister and daughter characters. That in itself isn't anything extraordinary, but your take on it makes this story stand out to me. The mother looks like an nonredeemable person, and that's highlighted in this latest chapter. She sees her own son as nothing more than slave. In the first chapter, we hear about how selfish she is, but the depth of her cruelty is really beginning to show itself. It makes me wonder how cruel she'll be once things change. The brother clearly suffered because of his mother, spurring him on to leave the house and get one of his own. He's rebellious, independent and set in his ways. The sister on the other hand is not like her mother. She does value family, and can be seen as the counter to the mother. Personally, I like this dynamic. We all hate the mother for what she does, but at the same time we're drawn to how she acts, especially once she changes. Her negative side is balanced by the sister's kindness.

And then there's the mysterious ranking system, the buzzing and the weird scent in the house. It's feels as if we're like the main character, trying to figure out what's happening here. And the mother keeps teasing us with the knowledge of what it all means. Can't say much about the transformation aspect yet, since it's for future chapters, but I'm pretty sure it'll be as amazing as this build-up. Now, personally, I'm curious about a few things. First of being the outside world. Will there be any changes there that the main character sees? Or will his mom go a step further, and lock him inside? Then I wonder about the sister. She's loyal to her family, but that works both ways. The mother has been with her for a long time, possibly influencing her, and she's not telling the main character about what this ranking system is either. Then there's the fact that, no matter if it was for a good reason, her brother kind of left her to be alone with their mother and suffer the woman's attitude. I feel as if that should be some kind of factor in the chapters later on. Young mind are impressionable, after all.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that this story is really good. I always look further to next chapters.

Actually, the rewards system is just that: the actual transformations they will be going through. And both Laura and Desiree received their first reward already (because A Ranks receive rewards constantly for just existing in the system). Just think about what abnormal thing has been effecting Desmond for the past few days...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 23, 2021, 10:42:50 am
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This story gives me shivers! In a good way, though. The slow build-up is really good at setting the stage, and leaves me excited for the big changes. So far I'm digging the dynamic that you've established. It's a family-based scenario, with the brother, sister and daughter characters. That in itself isn't anything extraordinary, but your take on it makes this story stand out to me. The mother looks like an nonredeemable person, and that's highlighted in this latest chapter. She sees her own son as nothing more than slave. In the first chapter, we hear about how selfish she is, but the depth of her cruelty is really beginning to show itself. It makes me wonder how cruel she'll be once things change. The brother clearly suffered because of his mother, spurring him on to leave the house and get one of his own. He's rebellious, independent and set in his ways. The sister on the other hand is not like her mother. She does value family, and can be seen as the counter to the mother. Personally, I like this dynamic. We all hate the mother for what she does, but at the same time we're drawn to how she acts, especially once she changes. Her negative side is balanced by the sister's kindness.

And then there's the mysterious ranking system, the buzzing and the weird scent in the house. It's feels as if we're like the main character, trying to figure out what's happening here. And the mother keeps teasing us with the knowledge of what it all means. Can't say much about the transformation aspect yet, since it's for future chapters, but I'm pretty sure it'll be as amazing as this build-up. Now, personally, I'm curious about a few things. First of being the outside world. Will there be any changes there that the main character sees? Or will his mom go a step further, and lock him inside? Then I wonder about the sister. She's loyal to her family, but that works both ways. The mother has been with her for a long time, possibly influencing her, and she's not telling the main character about what this ranking system is either. Then there's the fact that, no matter if it was for a good reason, her brother kind of left her to be alone with their mother and suffer the woman's attitude. I feel as if that should be some kind of factor in the chapters later on. Young mind are impressionable, after all.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that this story is really good. I always look further to next chapters.

Actually, the rewards system is just that: the actual transformations they will be going through. And both Laura and Desiree received their first reward already (because A Ranks receive rewards constantly for just existing in the system). Just think about what abnormal thing has been effecting Desmond for the past few days...

So what were seeing for Desmond are the punishments/reinforcement of the system ?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 23, 2021, 11:06:26 am
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So what were seeing for Desmond are the punishments/reinforcement of the system ?

More the benefits for A Ranks, but yes, a reinforcement of the system. F Ranks must be compliant, and one of the things I'll be covering in a few installments is just what those benefits are (like resources to enforce compliance). The key thing to remember is that we've yet to meet anyone else who is currently going through the Equivalence Department's program, so what's happening to Desmond may or may not be exclusive to his situation.

Only time will tell (in other words, we'll be seeing some aspects of rewards and the rest of society because the world in story is currently under lockdown a little later).
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 23, 2021, 11:19:50 am
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So what were seeing for Desmond are the punishments/reinforcement of the system ?

More the benefits for A Ranks, but yes, a reinforcement of the system. F Ranks must be compliant, and one of the things I'll be covering in a few installments is just what those benefits are (like resources to enforce compliance). The key thing to remember is that we've yet to meet anyone else who is currently going through the Equivalence Department's program, so what's happening to Desmond may or may not be exclusive to his situation.

Only time will tell (in other words, we'll be seeing some aspects of rewards and the rest of society because the world in story is currently under lockdown a little later).

Thanks for the reply! This story will absolutely be on my to read list!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 25, 2021, 08:35:51 am
The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the couch in the living room. There was a palpable pain in my... well, my EVERYTHING. I could barely move, that's how much pain I was in. I was on the verge of screaming as I stood up. My arms felt like fleshy gelatin and my legs felt like they belonged to a statue. It was an absolute nightmare to get up, but slowly and biting the inside of my cheek the whole way up, I got off the couch and started walking towards the kitchen cause I was thirsty as all Hell. And sweaty. Why was I sweaty?

As I shuffled out of the room, I passed by the mirror over the side table. I looked in and couldn't believe my eyes. I was covered in dirt and grass and more, like I had just gotten in from yardwork. And was that... oil on my hands? Why did I have car oil on me? I looked like a sweaty, exhausted mess.

"That can't be," I thought to myself as I tottered into the kitchen towards my phone. "It's still 6 AM! My mind must be playing tricks-"

I gasped. The phone was telling me it was after four o'clock in the afternoon! HOW?! Thankfully, my stomach gurgling loudly drew my attention. I had missed breakfast, and seemingly lunch as well. So, figuring I could grab something from the fridge, I went to get something to eat. But as soon as I saw the damn thing, I froze in my tracks. The fridge was... different. Like something you'd see in a professional kitchen, with the window to show you everything that was inside and whatnot. But it had a giant touchscreen with a number pad on it. As I checked it out, a woman's voice started to speak.

"Please enter Pin Number," it said.

"Pin number?", I asked, not expecting an answer.

"Yes," it replied, causing me to jump a little. This thing could RESPOND to your questions?! Did this get installed today?!

"What if I don't HAVE a pin number?", I asked it. Suddenly, a bluish white light begin to emit from the top of the touchpad, sweeping over me before beeping.

"Resident identified. Name: Nowell, Desmond. Ranking: F. Not authorized to use this device."

"WHAT?!", I shouted, not believing what I was hearing. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT AUTHORIZED?!"

"Please change your tone," the fridge warned me. "Or else I will have to notify the Resident in charge of this home."

"I OWN this place," I told the damn Speak-And-Spell.

"This domicile is no longer under the ownership of resident Nowell, Desmond."

I was taken aback. This fucking thing was telling me that this wasn't my house? Then whose house was-

I could feel my blood run cold. It couldn't be. There's no way...

"Then tell me who DOES own this house," I trepidatiously asked it.

The fridge beeped before replying.

"Current owner: Nowell, Laura. Ranking: A. In compliance with the Department Of Equivalence Statutes of participation, all residency claims in regard to ownership and finances goes to the head of household, specifically those of the highest ranking. In regards to two or more of highest ranking in one household, importance is placed with the person who filed for participation. That would be Nowell, Laura."

My sight began to swim as I grew dizzy at that news. My mom... She followed through on what she said! She knew THE WHOLE TIME and left me to dangle in the breeze! I began to hyperventilate as I stumbled towards the table.

"You are in the midst of a panic attack," the fridge methodically added. "If this persists, you may pass out or suffer potentially worse. Do you want me to call for medical support?"

I quickly sat down and put my hands on my head. She actually knew. The whole time, it wasn't a threat. It was what she DID. She must have come here for that exact reason.

"Damn you," I moaned, the fire within me quickly kindling. "God damn you! GOD FUCKING DAMN YOU, MOM!"

"Please refrain from comments such as that," the voice said. "As head of household, resident Nowell, Laura shall be treated with dignity and respect as she deserves."


"Security measures are activated," the voice said, echoed in earshot from multiple rooms in the house before a powerful, painful whine filled my ears. I grabbed my head, trying to block out the sound. But it was no use. It was like a sonic drill, boring through flesh and bone as it penetrated my brain, causing a sweeping fire to overwhelm my senses. I was barely able to cry out before collapsing on myself, twitching and screaming. Unable to do anything except being put into a world of suffering as the invisible buzz saw gorelessly tore me apart until I was left a crying, drooling mess that was constantly bellowing in pain on the cold kitchen floor.

I was in such indescribable agony that I never heard the front door opening, nor the sound of someone running into the room. I couldn't even feel them cradling me and rocking me back and forth to try and comfort me.

"SYSTEM OVERRIDE," was all I heard, followed by a string of numbers I couldn't make out before the pure, hellacious agony stopped. I was on the verge of passing out once more as I began to breathe without the feeling that every ounce of air was crushing my lungs. As I looked up, I noticed who it was that was holding me.

"D-Desiree...?", was all I could ask before passing out.

The next thing I knew, it was dark and I was in bed. And in a LOT of pain. And hungrier still. As I groaned and strained to turn over and look at my clock, I noticed a sandwich and some milk on my nightstand. And the clock, it said Nine Fifty Three. I was out for another five hours? I was in the kitchen, and now I was in bed-

"Oh fuck," I said, realizing I could feel the sheets on my skin. Slowly sitting upright, I pushed the covers off of me to see that, thankfully, I was still wearing my boxers. As I grabbed the sandwich, which I noticed was Peanut Butter and Jelly, I felt my mind clearing up enough to wonder who took me upstairs. I'm sure it wasn't Desiree, since she's only fourteen and not that strong. Definitely wasn't mom, she'd have had me drug to the couch. So who brought me to my room and put me in my bed? But those thoughts soon faded as I savored every bite of my sandwich. Though I knew I'd have to go to the bathroom soon, which would be a bitch because my legs were mostly non-responsive, for some reason. But a good night's rest might fix that issue. So I did the only things I could at that moment. I ate and went back to bed.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on August 25, 2021, 08:49:14 am
Nice chapter!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 25, 2021, 09:06:16 am
Damn, Nice update! So not only there is reinforcement, its downright slavery mixed in a trance - like state. Which also means anything can happen and Desmond would only wake up after
the commands\tasks have been completed (or worse). It also makes me think Laura will do anything to him short of killing himself to get what she wants. Also that this Equivalence Department is quite the
sinister thing; sinister in creating this kind of program and basically wiping out a person down to an automaton, with a dangling hope that their ranking could be adjusted. While Desiree is a saving
grace from this for Desmond, its only a matter of time before Laura does something even worse.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 25, 2021, 10:28:05 am
Before anyone points out the error with the names of the main characters, I purposefully chose to go with Nowell instead of Cavalleri. Nowell just works better imo, and I'm going with for the household form this point on.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: phil123 on August 28, 2021, 05:37:09 am
Great chapter. Would like to read the next steps of mom and the device
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 30, 2021, 03:21:06 am
When I woke up the day after everything went down, I quickly realized that my legs were absolutely shot. Scratch that, EVERYTHING about me was shot. I could barely move, really. It felt like my body just didn't want to respond at all. Even bodily functions didn't want to work. I didn't sweat, or get hungry or thirsty. I didn't even feel like I needed to use the bathroom, which was the strangest thing of all because Desiree was the only one who came to make sure I was eating and doing alright.

She'd sit with me and we'd talk about things like school and whatnot. But there was something sitting in the back of my mind that I wanted to discuss with her, but it kept slipping away from me like a fish in a pond full of algae. No matter how hard I tried to grab onto it, it kept wriggling away from me. But it wasn't just my mind that was not cooperating. I asked Desi who brought me up to my room on more than one occasion, but she kept giving me a pensive look before changing the subject.

It was on Friday that I found I had feeling in my body once again. Realizing that you were sleeping on your stomach, and that you really, REALLY needed to use the bathroom are quick motivators to climb out of bed, only to learn that your entire being was made of pins and needles. I nearly collapsed, counting my lucky stars that I had my nightstand to break my fall. Gasping and grunting and breathing sharply the whole way, I walked like a newborn out of my room and down to the toilet as quickly as I could. And for what felt like an hour, I stayed there like a broken toy king on a throne as all of his stuffing was being pulled out of him. Voiding oneself is a fucking WEIRD feeling, let me tell you. The innate sense of emptiness, accompanied by the dull ache of your body having been so tensed up due to how much was stretching you out is not something most people would like to experience, I think. It's like being a giant circle, only to have the center disappear within. Really surreal, honestly.

Cleaning up, I gently stood up to wash my hands, only to stop as I looked in the mirror. Bringing a hand to my face, I was taken aback with the fact that I looked thinner. Like, noticeably thinner. The kind of thin that only comes from a restrictive diet. Even lifting up my shirt, I noticed I lost some muscle mass on my body, as well. In the three days I was trapped in bed, it looked like I had lost over ten pounds. Laying in bed, doing nothing? That's not an exercise plan. I was eating, so I should have put on weight. What in the ever loving fuck was going on?

Carefully walking downstairs, I noticed mom and Desiree dressed in workout clothes as they walked to the door, carrying gym bags and water bottles.

"Where are you going?", I asked, tired and drained. Mom's head turned first, shooting me a look of disappointment before Desi ran up to me and hugged me.

"You're awake," she quietly said, holding me tight enough for me to know she was worried but not tight enough to cause discomfort.

"Glad you're up," mom said, rolling her eyes. "Des, we have an appointment to keep. Let's go."

"Appointment," I asked, disentangling myself from Desiree. "An appointment where?"

"Our new gym," my sister said, moving back to my mother's side. "It's... part of the Equivalence Department's orders."

"If you give me a moment," I said, turning to go back upstairs. "I can join you. Make this a full-"

"It's a women's only gym," mom said, giving me an authoritative look. "Specifically, A Ranks."

I gave Desiree a look, imploring for her to tell me more only to see her look downward. Her knuckles white as she gripped the strap of her gym bag.

"I'm sorry, Des. You have to stay here."

I couldn't help but start to laugh.

"So, what? This whole time, the stay at home order was more for people like me?"

"Yes," my mom said, clearly annoyed at me holding her up. "One of the privileges of being an A Rank, Desmond. You wouldn't understand, being an F and all that."

Mom quickly reached out, grabbing Desiree by her wrist and quickly pulling her out of the house.

"Stop dawdling," she commanded her. "We've got things to do today, Desi. Let's not waste any more time talking to your brother, now."

Without a chance to tell me bye, mom pulled Desi out to the car, practically yelling at her to get in and driving off. Leaving me to stare out the front door in a state of confusion and hunger. I waited a few minutes before the growling in my stomach grew too loud. So I slowly closed the door and walked into the kitchen. And I froze. I could practically still hear that damn frequency again in my head as I turned to look at the refrigerator that was put in my home on Monday without me knowing. I wanted to walk up to it, grab a chair and start swinging until the damn thing was nothing but a pile of junk. But I couldn't. Some part of me just froze when I saw it. I started rubbing my forehead at the phantom migraine I was feeling just being near it. So instead of following my destructive urges, I just walked over to the sink, got a glass of water and a banana from a nearby counter and sat down without even looking at the damn thing.

But as I was peeling the first thing since I was upright, a loud knock on the door interrupted the unsettled silence.

"Be right there," I shouted out, slowly pushing out of my chair. Shuffling to the door, there was another loud series of knocks as I reached for the door handle. Before I could even get to it, the door swung open. The doorknob jamming against my hand as the edge of the door smacked my wrist. I winced, quickly pulling my hand back and shaking it from how much it stung.


There in the doorway was Mrs. Tallarico, my sixty eight year old neighbor from down the street. She had recently been divorced from her husband who had moved out of the area to live with his current girlfriend, a twenty eight year old sugar baby who fancied herself a model that did porn on the side. Thankfully, the judge presiding over the case granted her the house and a sizable portion of their collective earnings. And with some advice, I helped her ensure her finances would be more than enough to be taken care of.

"I'm so sorry," she said, rushing to my side. As she stood near me, I noticed something. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the rich aroma of cocoa. Was she baking something at home?

"I'm alright," I said, wriggling my fingers as the pins and needles worked its way through my bones. "Might be some bruising, but I'll be okay."

Mrs. Tallarico nodded her head as she looked me over.

"Good, good. Don't want a fine young man like you getting too messed up, do we?"

I chuckled at her strange choice of words.

"No need to worry," I said, looking her in the eyes. Wait. Her eyes. I thought they were brown. We're they always blue? Strange. I guess I might have been wrong. My mind has been all sorts of places the past few days, misremembering some stuff and the like. I guess she's been taking better care of herself, too. She's looking livelier, more energetic. Hell, at the right angle, she even looks younger, too. Weird.

"Well," she began, looking around the house. "I wanted to stop by and thank you for coming over to fix my car on Monday."

"On Monday?", I asked, getting a quick nod from her.

"I talked with your mom on Sunday, and she said you'd be more than delighted to take of that and my yard. Though I gotta say, picking up a whole engine block by yourself? You sure know how to show off for an old biddy like me, Desmond! Nothing like a show of strength, young man!"

"Y-yeah," I muttered, not really knowing what to say.

"And the yard work you did for Miranda, plus fixing Cecily's windows after those kids broke it last week AND chopping down that dead tree on Liz's property? You really helped everyone out, Desmond. And all by your lonesome, too!"

I went quiet as she said all this. Somehow, I had done what normally would've been four full days of work in ten hours without me even knowing about it tied my gut into knots. I did all that? By myself?

"Guess all I needed was about nine hours, I guess!"

Mrs. Tallarico gave me an odd look.

"Nine hours?", she asked me.

"Well, I started super early in the morning, right?"

She slowly shook her head.

"You started at 11 AM, remember? Right after you and your mom got back from somewhere?"

I wanted to scream. FIVE HOURS?! FOUR FULL DAYS OF PHYSICAL LABOR IN FIVE HOURS?! That was the reason I was so laid up? One full day would leave someone in discomfort. But all of that in five hours? There's no fucking way! I had to know what happened, but I couldn't do it with company. I had to play it off, not look panicked. Be cool, Desmond. Be cool.

"Of course," I said, forcing myself to smile. "Rough morning, still haven't got my coffee! Anyway, thank you for coming over! It was my pleasure to take care of things for everyone!"

We each said our goodbyes, and as soon as Mrs. Tallarico was out of the house, I immediately went to go find my phone to call my mom and ask her what the fuck was going on.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 30, 2021, 05:08:25 am
Another great update. I would say this one brings more questions than answers in a good way!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Artfuldodger on August 31, 2021, 04:52:54 am
I'm not sure if I'm enjoying this story or not. It's well written. But it's giving me anxiety that he's done nothing wrong, everything right and he's getting punished for it...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 31, 2021, 05:24:37 am
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I'm not sure if I'm enjoying this story or not. It's well written. But it's giving me anxiety that he's done nothing wrong, everything right and he's getting punished for it...

You do bring up a good point. Why is this happening to him, I'd imagine with all the camera's watching every movement and someone monitoring them there would be a reason
not just purely a clerical error. I guess we'll find out soon.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on August 31, 2021, 06:45:33 am
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I'm not sure if I'm enjoying this story or not. It's well written. But it's giving me anxiety that he's done nothing wrong, everything right and he's getting punished for it...

You do bring up a good point. Why is this happening to him, I'd imagine with all the camera's watching every movement and someone monitoring them there would be a reason
not just purely a clerical error. I guess we'll find out soon.

Anxiety is the exact thing I'm going for, actually. It's not about him being punished. There are greater forces at play. There's something actively happening around the neighborhood, but Desmond doesn't quite know, just yet. For example...

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I gave Desiree a look, imploring for her to tell me more only to see her look downward. Her knuckles white as she gripped the strap of her gym bag.

"I'm sorry, Des. You have to stay here."

I couldn't help but start to laugh.

"So, what? This whole time, the stay at home order was more for people like me?"

"Yes," my mom said, clearly annoyed at me holding her up. "One of the privileges of being an A Rank, Desmond. You wouldn't understand, being an F and all that."

Mom quickly reached out, grabbing Desiree by her wrist and quickly pulling her out of the house.

"Stop dawdling," she commanded her. "We've got things to do today, Desi. Let's not waste any more time talking to your brother, now."


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"I'm so sorry," she said, rushing to my side. As she stood near me, I noticed something. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the rich aroma of cocoa. Was she baking something at home?

As well as

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"No need to worry," I said, looking her in the eyes. Wait. Her eyes. I thought they were brown. Were they always blue? Strange. I guess I might have been wrong. My mind has been all sorts of places the past few days, misremembering some stuff and the like. I guess she's been taking better care of herself, too. She's looking livelier, more energetic. Hell, at the right angle, she even looks younger, too. Weird.

Figured, what with all the other genres I'm playing with, might as well do some Sci Fi Horror, you know?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on August 31, 2021, 09:46:46 pm
Ok now I get it. Thanks for the clarification and the reply! K+
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jhunter on September 01, 2021, 01:58:26 am
Looking forward to more. The premise is getting better, with great build up. Nice work.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on September 10, 2021, 10:16:03 am
Hurrying into the kitchen with a stilted gait, I shuffled into the kitchen to where my phone usually is. But the countertop was completely clean. When I went upstairs to my room, which was excruciating due to how much my legs felt like I was walking on burning stilts, I hurried into my room to find my phone wasn't there, either. Back downstairs to my office, and not a trace. I thought about going back upstairs to my old room that my mother took over to check there, but I knew I'd be exhausted by the time I climb the stairs yet again. So I went to grab the landline I keep on the table in the living room. Only to find that it was gone, as well.

"What the FUCK," I shouted. "Where's the God damn PHONE!"

I heard a beeping to the side, on the cabinet that was for my accolades and pictures of me, my dad and Desiree that mom had turned into some sort of narcissistic altar to herself. And right there, with a large eye of electric orange, sat one of those fucking security devices. The ones that emitted that piercing sound that caught me in sonic fire as I curled into a ball on Monday. I could feel the sweat beading on my skin as my breath began to quicken, and the prickly sensation of phantom flames crawled across me like nettles on a harsh breeze.

"Communications offline," the robotic woman's voice sounded.

I swallowed nervously, slowly approaching it like it was some sort of predator.

"Call my mother," I told it.

A disappointing tone rang out from it.

"Access denied."

"Access denied?!", I asked it.

"Head of residency, Ms. Nowell comma Laura, has deactivated all communications from this domicile until her return."

I closed my eyes as tried to control my breathing. My heart beating loudly in my chest.

"Can you locate any device synced into this house?"

A positive tone chirped out.

"That is one of my simpler functions," it replied.

"Good," I said, smiling. "Find my phone."

With a brief pause, hope seemed to rise up in me. Only to come crashing back down with that disappointing tone.

"Device not on premises," it told me.

"Not on premises? Then where could it be?"

"Scanning security logs," it said, before the positive tone came back. "Records show that the last known time the device's signal was noted was 9:23 AM."

I started putting the pieces together.

"And what time did my mom and sister leave the house?"

The positive tone chirped once more.

"Nowell-comma-Laura and Nowell-comma-Desiree were recorded as leaving the house at 9:22 AM. A ten second delay before the device's signal was lost."

My head began to swoon as I put my hand against it.

"She took my phone," I muttered. "She took my home, she took my phone, she's taking everything!"

I began stumbling towards the door.

"Where are you going?", the voice asked me.

"To go find them," I said, adamantly. "I need answers!"

"You are not authorized for them."

I turned to look at the device, fire in my eyes and venom on my tongue.

"You're authorized to shut up, because I'm leaving!"

"How are you going to leave," the voice asked me. "When you have no car?"

I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What did you just say?"

The disappointed tone rang out once more, feeling patronizing and somewhat malicious after its threat.

"I said, how are you going to leave... when you have... no car?"

Hobbling over to the living room window, I looked out to see that the driveway was empty. My car. The first car I ever bought. The one I used my own money to get. The one that was the exact model that my dad used to own. It was gone.

"Fuck this," I said, anxiety spiking as I moved for the door. "I'm out! I can't live here like this!"

"Nowell-comma-Desmond is not permitted to leave the premises without supervision," the device warned me. "Nowell-comma-Laura's orders."

As soon as my hand touched the doorknob, the sound of several locks clicking sealed the doorway. I tried to open it, but both knob and door refused to grant me exit.

"Let me out," I shouted, now past the point of control as I pulled and wrenched on the door handle. "LET ME THE FUCK OUT!"

The disappointed tone sounded once more.

"I cannot do that," the voice told me.


I felt a sting on the back of my neck. Reaching up, I felt something plastic. With a quick tug, I brought it to where I could see it. A dart, aimed at me from some part of the house as I was looking at the device on the cabinet.

"What... What did you do?!", I asked it.

"A sedative," the device told me. "After the last time, I was ordered to reduce the severity of my treatment on you. Sadly, this means the use of personnel."

"Per-Personnnnel?", I asked, slurring my words as I suddenly started feeling woozy. I reached for the couch, trying to grab onto it as I stumbled. But my hand slid off as I fell to the floor. Whatever was put in me was working fast. Almost too fast. Nothing should be working this fast, as it's medically impossible.

"Do not worry," the device told me. "Personnel will be here in 10 minutes. Long before Nowell-comma-Laura and Nowell-comma-Desiree are scheduled to return."

"Lemme... Lemme out-"

My head slumped to the floor and I passed out.

I seemed to spring fully awake on the couch mere moments before mom and Desiree walked through the door.

"Are you alright?", Desi asked as she wrapped her arms around me from behind.

"No- Er, yeah," I replied. "At least, I think so."

"We received the notice of your little cry for attention," mom remarked, walking into the kitchen.

"It wasn't a cry for attention," I said, Desiree quickly moving her arms to help me stand up. "You stole my phone!"

"You don't need it," mom said, getting herself a glass of water.

"And you sold my car!"

"Again," she said, smiling. "You didn't need it!"

"And you ordered those fucking things to keep me trapped in my own home," I screamed as I walked into the kitchen.

"Language," she said, scolding me like I was a child. "And it's not your home. It's MY home. My house? My rules."

I couldn't believe the arrogant look on mom's face. She looked like the cat that ate the canary as she stood there, smug as can be.

"I never wanted you here in the first place," I said. "You showed up out of nowhere, and now you're turning me into a shut-in while you spend my money? You take away everything I own? The way you order Desiree around and treat her like she's supposed to be a clone of you? I will not stand for it!"

"As is," mom said, giving me a glare I had never seen before. "You can barely stand now."

I don't know what it was, but something in me was done putting up with her bullshit. I hobbled over to her and grabbed her by her top. The smell of amber and vanilla growing stronger with every step.

"You will get out of my house THIS INSTANT, you conniving bitch!"

I could hear Desiree screaming, feel her hands on my shoulders. But I didn't care. I wasn't going to let this continue any longer.

"DESMOND," Desi screamed at me. "DON'T! YOU DON'T KNOW-"

"Because no one has told me ANYTHING," I screamed back, pulling out of her grip as I turned back towards my mother. "Because YOU are keeping secrets! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!"

"Poor little boy," mom taunted. "You lose your daddy, and you grow up and throw tantrums? Do you feel like a Big Man threatening a woman? Huh? Do you get off on it?"

"FUCK YOU," I screamed.

"Be a Good Boy," mom told me. "And settle down and just stay perfectly still until I tell you what your punishment is."

I don't know why, but I... I settled down and let her go. God help me, I instantly did as I was told. And as soon as I stood in a relaxed position, I froze. I couldn't move, I couldn't make a sound. I just stood there, perfectly still like a statue. Mom gave me an evil smile as Desiree moved in between us.

"Mom," she begged. "Whatever you're thinking, don't do it! Leave Desmond alone!"

"It's okay," mom told her. "I'm not going to hurt him. But I do have to punish him for his behavior!"

"NO," Desiree shouted, pressing up against me. "You are not going to do anything except give him answers! He deserves to know the truth!"

"The TRUTH," my mom said, throwing glass she was holding into the sink. "He's an F RANK, DESTINY! He will accept whatever we TELL HIM is 'the truth' and accept it!"

"I am not DESTINY," Desi shouted.

"YES YOU ARE," mom screamed. "So stop acting like a brat and get out of the way!"

Mom moved forward, but Desiree just put her hands up to her chest. Pushing mom away in order to defend me. But though she tried, she wasn't that strong, pushing mom back against the counter. Mom gave her a smug smile, then like a snake, reared back before punching Desiree hard. Sending my sister to the floor, unconscious before looking back at me. I fought to move, to scream, to do ANYTHING. But all I could do was shed tears as my body was locked in place. Mom gently raised her hand, patting me on the cheek twice before slapping me as hard as she could. Laughing as I unflinchingly took the hit, unable to do anything but cry.

"This is your fault," she told me. "For not accepting what I wanted and being a little shit? Desiree was hurt because you don't do as you're told and for being a bad boy. So you're going to stay here, in the kitchen. You will be here until tomorrow, when I tell you it's okay to move again. No moving, no sleeping, no bathroom breaks. Any messes you make, you will clean up. You will be awake for at least twenty four hours, you got me, my little statue?"

As she mockingly smiled at me, I saw the palm of her hand as she waved. And the small, light blue spot that seemed a different texture than the rest of her skin. Then she leaned down, grabbing Desiree's legs before dragging her out towards the living room. Leaving me to silently weep for not being able to protect Desiree as I fought to scream for the rest of the night.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GreatJustice on September 10, 2021, 01:46:03 pm
Good writing as ever, but I have to admit that if all this was happening to me by now some people would be on fire or dead. Yeesh.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on September 10, 2021, 01:53:08 pm
IT LIVES! An awesome update, and it makes you think what is really going on to make this more or less palatable instead of telling the real truth.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: pmturnerjr on October 25, 2021, 09:45:37 pm
This is a really promising story! I hope you will be able to continue with it!  Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 09, 2021, 04:00:33 am
Okay, I should have the next installment written up in a few days. And on top of that, I've written a LOT of worldbuilding for as the story progresses. So by the end of it, I might have a series of further explanations for how and why things went down, if you want to read that, as well.

Just gonna say, like a LOT of my other stuff, this turned out a lot bigger than I originally planned.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on December 09, 2021, 12:41:09 pm
No problem. I'm a big fan of stories that are fleshed out, so more worldbuilding is always welcome. I'm looking forward to the next developments.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 09, 2021, 11:28:46 pm
Nice! I was wondering if there would be answers to the why's of this world. Thanks!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 10, 2021, 07:14:53 am
Time for the actual worldbuilding I've been working on to come into play...

The one thing they never talk about in anything related to torture is how the mind copes to deal with the stress and trauma. By my best guess, it was around nightfall that my mind just... stopped. I don't really know how to describe it. One moment, I was looking out the window, silently screaming at nothing. The next, it was afternoon and I was staring directly into Desiree's eyes when I came to. I croaked as I fell into her arms, exhausted and thirsty. As she held me up, I looked down and saw that I hadn't soiled myself, thank God. She saw just how tired I was, so she dragged me upstairs. On the way to my room, I had her stop in the bathroom because I really, REALLY needed to go. Cleaning up was strange, though. My legs didn't want to work right, having stood for twenty four hours straight. So I did a half kneeling, half leaning move that was severely uncomfortable but the only way I could clean up.

Even washing my hands was more difficult, having to hold on for dear life with one hand as I switched between them. Eventually, my hand slipped from the counter and I fell to the floor. Desi ran in, picking me up and holding me steady as I finished up. I had to admit, I didn't realize she was so strong until then. I guess the distance between us while I was fighting for custody of her and living my own life was finally setting in.

"Let's get you to bed," she told me, reaching for the door.

"Desi," I said, barely louder than a whisper. "I'm sorry."

She just shot a smile at me, squeezing me a little as she turned the handle. As I looked at her, I noticed a deep bruise from where mom struck her. I couldn't help myself as I started to tremble.

"It's not your fault," she said, opening the door just in time for us to come face to face with mom. The look in her eyes told me that she was displeased, but also hiding something.

"You have two days to rest," she said, her eyes slowly moving between me and Desiree. "After that, you've got an appointment."

"Another one?" Desi asked.

Mom smirked at us, a tell tale sign she had something up her sleeve.

"Yes," she replied before flicking the bottom of my jaw with her finger. "But Desmond, as well."

"Leave him alone," Desiree said, putting herself between mom and me. In all honesty, this was a completely new side to Desiree I had never seen before. She would always shy away, too scared to act as mom and I fought about her safety. But here she was, now acting defiant and protecting me instead of the other way around. It was almost like she was a completely different person.

"Whatever you say," mom said, her eyes sliding my direction. "But we really have to have a private talk about your attitude soon, Destiny."

"My name is DESIREE," my sister shouted as mom walked down the hall, not even caring about her words as she quickly moved down the stairs. "Damn her."

"Desi," I groaned as she shouldered me again. "Help me out here, okay? What the fuck is going on?"

"I can't tell you," she huffed as we walked out of the bathroom. "All I can say is things are changing, Desmond. You're just going to have to trust me, okay?"

"This isn't right," I told her. "Something's very off about all this, and I know you and mom are purposefully not telling me what."

As Desi quickly threw open my bedroom door, I let go of her, letting my body weight pull me forward as I waddled towards the bed before collapsing on it with a groan. Slowly climbing on it, I felt her Desiree grabbing my legs and helping me get comfortable.

"I want you to just get some sleep," she said. "I'll be up in a couple hours with something to eat, okay?"

I just nodded my head as she brushed back my hair and gave me a smile. I could tell she really was worried about me, probably because of the look on my face. But it wasn't because of mom. Because while she was stroking my head, I saw it. Right there in the center of her palm was a blue dot, the same size as was on mom's hand. The same unnatural looking texture as hers, as well.


Over the next two days, I regained the feeling in my legs pretty quickly. Desi doted on me almost constantly, even staying in my room to keep me company. We talked about this and that, not really staying on one subject for very long. My sister doing her best to keep my spirits up, but there was a palpable distance there. Every time we talked, I got this sense of... unease, I guess? It kind of felt like she was gauging me, or maybe even trying to learn about me? It was weird, to put it bluntly. Only way I can describe it is she was treating me like a sentient animal under her care, observing me as I ate and talked.
Ever since I saw that spot on her palm, I think I was getting paranoid. I could tell it was my sister, the way she talked, the way she did her hair, the way she sat, all of it. But always, like, in an unsettling or uncanny way to her. Every day, I would look at her. See the way she looked at me. And each time she left, I couldn't shake this tightness in my chest, pulling at me in my chest and throat.

Mom, thankfully, kept her distance. She didn't come see me, she never darkened my door to check on me. It was like I was less than nothing to her. An inconsequential pest that did no harm, so she did none in kind. But Desiree kept to her demands for my diet. Liquids, soft foods and nothing with animal products. Kind of like a vegan diet, but with a lot more liquid elements. No matter what I was smelling, like bacon or burgers, or something savory, I had no meat, no dairy, nothing at all that could be construed as animal in origin. I could feel my body screaming at me to eat something normal, to go downstairs and get food that I knew and loved. But the memory of that damn talking fridge, and the painful screeching, and the feeling of fire in my bones kept me from doing anything.

It was the third day, I limped to the bathroom and did my business. My legs still felt somewhat tight, like I was still dealing with the burn from a cramp I had eased out of an hour before. It made getting on my feet a little challenging, but nothing I couldn't manage. Walking downstairs was weird, though. Because of how slow I had to take them, it was almost like I was tiptoing down to the front of the house. Which was how mom had caught me when I was mid-way.

"Are you trying to sneak around my house, like a little Muridae?"

"Like a little what?", I replied, not really sure what she meant. So she just rolled her eyes and scoffed like I was a nuisance.

"Mus musculus," she said, annoyed. "Of the Muridae family? Of the Rodentia order?"

My eyes narrowed at what she meant. She was calling me a mouse.

"You do not have to insult me," I fired back. "I'm still having to walk tenderly from whatever you did to me. And for the record, I don't give a fuck what you say. I bought this house. You barged in here and told whoever the fuck is keeping us here it's yours, like a fucking thief!"

Mom gave me that same self-satisfactory smile, putting her hands to her chest.

"WhatEVER do you mean?", she said sweetly.

"Do you know where the deed to this house is?"

As I watched her smile drop, I smiled in kind. A small victory, to be sure. But one that I knew would be difficult for her to take away from me.

"That doesn't matter," she said as she grabbed her gym bag. "Today's the day. We're all going for a reward. And yes, that includes you, Desmond."

"Really?" I asked, wary of what she was about to pull until I heard my sister walking downstairs behind me.

"It's true," Desi said, walking by me to join mom in front of the door. "We need you to put your shoes on, okay?"

My eyes moved between Desiree and mom, not knowing whether to trust either of them. I'm pretty sure I looked incredibly tense, almost ready for fight or flight. But as Desi looked at me reassuringly, I put on a brave face as I slowly walked the last few steps on my toes, gingerly grabbed my shoes with my eyes locked on the women in my family in case of anything and slipped them on. As I got near them, I could smell their perfumes. Amber and vanilla around mom, and that sweet floral bouquet around Desi. I don't know why they choose to put them both on so strongly today, but I've found I've gotten more and more used to it.

"Good," mom said, confidently. "Now let's go. Desmond, your sister gets the front seat."

As I followed them outside, I noticed the car mom had bought after selling mine. It was definitely a luxury brand car, but one I had never seen before. Sleek and powerful, it was a car that screamed "I'm better than you, so you had best recognize it". Everything about it was high end, from a morphic style paint job with metallic flecktones, to the almost industrial quality tired. It was the epitome of a purchase from someone with way too much money to blow. I only noticed I had stopped in place to stare at it when mom opened her door and looked at me.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked in a derisive manner.

"How much did this car cost?" I said, gawking at the whole thing in disbelief.

"Perks of being an A Rank," she replied, suddenly looking proud. "You're lucky an F Rank like you is being allowed to ride in it at all, Desmond. Now get in."

As mom climbed in the driver's seat, a feeling of shame washed over me. Yet another thing being rubbed in my face, trying to make me feel so inferior. I was hungry, still hurting, and now a reminder of what I was being left out of due to my mother's manipulations. It's like she was trying to crush my spirit beneath her heel. Why was she doing this? She was cruel before, but now it seemed she was becoming worse. She wouldn't actively flaunt things off to us, but now she seemed ramped up to eleven. Almost like since punching Desiree in front of me, she took my downtime to rework how to approach making my life seem more insignificant.

"You don't have to keep calling me an F Rank," I told her as I climbed in. "I'm still your son."

Mom just gave me a satisfied smile as she looked at me in the rearview mirror.

"Just reminding you of your place, Desmond. You know how it is. Destiny-"

"Desiree," my sister chastised her, giving mom the side eye.

"...Your sister and I are A Ranks, and we were told to remind you of the system as much as possible, so it would give you the drive to do better."

"Better?" I asked in disbelief. "After you lied to them about me?"

"You could always do better," she said smugly. "I mean, you are my sweet, darling little boy, after all!"

Desi quickly looked back at me, clearly weirded out by the way mom was acting. As much as I felt things were off with her, we were both starting to get perplexed by the way she responded to everything.

"She's gotta be getting ready to pull something," I thought to myself. "This sweet and nice schtick means she's aiming to pull one over on somebody. Gotta talk to Desi when we stop at wherever we're headed."

For the next twenty minutes, we drove in silence to the outskirts of town. Then, another ten as we drove further out, up into the nearby hill where we approached a giant underground tunnel.

"This is really out of the way," I said. "How much farther until we arrive?"

Desi turned in her seat, looking somewhat uncomfortable.


The sound of massive motors whirring to life cause me to flinch, looking up at the roof and out the window. I saw the light being cut off by a partition, and turning in my seat, I watched as giant doors sealed off the tunnel entirely. I was in full panic mode, by that point. My breath was ragged as a dim orange light came on inside the facility as we continued driving.

"Wh-What's going on?" I asked, scared for my life.

"She was in the middle of telling you," my mom said, her eyes on me like a hawk in the mirror. "This is where we're going."

I looked out the front window, just in time to see some soldiers in front of a booth. Five in total, one working the booth itself, the other four standing guard with their guns at the ready. As we got closer, I noticed that every one of them was a woman. Desi must have noticed that I was starting to hyperventilate, as I felt her hand suddenly grasping mine. I felt left hand gently squeezing my right in a reassuring manner as her thumb lightly stroked the back of it. But as I looked at it, I noticed two things.

The first was that her grip was strong. Really strong. It was almost as if she was holding back on my sake, as the pensive look in her eyes returned as she looked between me, our mother and the soldiers.

And the second was the weird way her arm looked. I never knew Desi was able to move her arm and hand that way. If my limb looked like that, I'd guess it was broken or dislocated. But the way her arm was twisted, her wrist positioned to naturally overlap mine like it was my own left hand. And how she looked like it was just a completely natural thing for her to do. Was she triple jointed? I just... I couldn't remember, for some reason.

As mom came to a stop, the booth operator walked forward. Before they even got there, mom's hand was out the window, handing the soldier some files. Quickly checking them with her flashlight, the soldier gave them back and told the armed guards to let us through. Driving onward, she gave me the same satisfied smirk from earlier.

"Welcome to the Department Of Equivalency," she said, her voice unable to hide the thrill she got as she saw the look of worry on my face.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 10, 2021, 08:15:08 am
A lot to unpack in this update but Thanks! It definitely looks like what is effecting them due to their ranks is also effecting their mental state as well as their physical state (Mom in particular her mental state seems more like has ramped up considerably for the worse along with her intelligence). It also begs the question as to what this "reward" could be for Desmond, a "new" rank, some kind of similar attributes, a cookie, who knows but in any case here's hoping it something to keep him on a possible level with his Mom and Desi. Also we finally get a glimpse of the Dept and its inner workings!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 10, 2021, 09:50:06 am
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A lot to unpack in this update but Thanks! It definitely looks like what is effecting them due to their ranks is also effecting their mental state as well as their physical state (Mom in particular her mental state seems more like has ramped up considerably for the worse along with her intelligence). It also begs the question as to what this "reward" could be for Desmond, a "new" rank, some kind of similar attributes, a cookie, who knows but in any case here's hoping it something to keep him on a possible level with his Mom and Desi. Also we finally get a glimpse of the Dept and its inner workings!

In the next installment, expect a few of those questions answered. Although I left some very telltale signs of what's to come in previous chapters, they won't be too obvious until reveals are made. I'm messing with genres on this one.

As for the whole "ranking" thing, I've written out specifically how it works and why. And let's just say it's tied into other secrets, which are wrapped in other secrets, that are then tied into MORE secrets.

And the glimpse into the Department and its inner workings... I guess you could call it that. But are you sure you're going to be seeing what you think you are? You guys will understand what I mean when I write that part.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on December 10, 2021, 10:33:03 am
Glad to see this is getting updated!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 12, 2021, 12:17:21 am
We pulled up to an underground parking lot, deep within the mountain. Though there weren't that many cars, the ones that were around us were all obscenely high end of varying makes and models. A Lamborghini, a Porsche, even some concept cars much like the model my mom drove that did not have a company name on it yet. It was overwhelming to think of the sheer total value that was sitting around us at that moment. Something told me all of the people who owned these vehicles were somehow involved with whatever insanity our mother had pulled us into.


I turned to see Desiree looking at me, concerned. I must have been distracted, because I hadn't noticed that mom had already left the car and was walking towards a set of doors.

"Sorry," I said, unable to fathom the situation. "We should catch up to mom, I guess."

Scrambling out of the car, I picked up the pace to follow mom, only to feel Desi place her hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, there's something you should know."

"About what?" I asked, putting in my best effort to catch up to mom. But as I looked at her, I noticed that her pace was really fast. Almost as if she was purposefully power walking.

"About when we get in there," Desi continued. "It's your first time, and you might get really discombobulated by the flow of the place. So when we get inside, I want you to listen to what I say."

I stopped mid-step and sighed, hanging my head at Desi's suggestion.

"I don't know. I really don't. You and mom have been hiding things from me. No offense to you, but if there's a chance for me to learn something directly from the people who are doing this to us, then I'm going to listen to them."

As I pulled away from her, I could only hear the sounds of my own footsteps as I ran towards where mom was waiting for us. But I'm pretty sure that, if I looked back at my sister, she'd probably look hurt. I know she meant well, but I had questions that she wasn't answering. And I knew mom would probably do something to me, like when she made me stand in place. If there was one source I could learn the truth from, it might be the people in charge. Maybe get this whole "F Rank" bullshit taken care of, too.

"Are you done talking like a schoolkid hiding secrets?" mom said, giving me a disapproving look. I looked back at her, tired of the games to wear down my self-esteem.

"You're really going to keep insulting me like that?" I fired back, not giving her an inch of what she wanted as she pressed what looked like a call button for an elevator.

"It's for your own good," she said, looking proud and unfazed. "Your betters are such for a reason. And I should know, as both your mother and an A Rank."

"Yeah, and I'm an F Rank because of the lies you told whoever runs this whole fucking thing."

As I heard Desiree walking up to us, mom turned to me and smirked in that stupid, holier than thou way she gets when she's hiding something.

"Is that what you think? That I lied to the Department and the people running the experiment, Desmond? It's because you don't deserve a thing, you worthless h-"


Mom's words fell short as our attention was turned towards Desiree. The looking of intense worry on her face as we heard the doors opening next to us.

"Not here," she said, moving between us to enter the elevator. "Not now."

I felt her hand grab mine, pulling me into the elevator alongside her before placing me on her left. Ensuring that when mom got in, she would be on her right. Her face shifted to one of anger as mom joined us, sticking her nose in the air as her glare shifted between my sister and I.

"Have it your way," mom said, pressing a button. A second later, the doors to the industrial elevator closed and we began ascending. As we waited, I looked at the buttons on the console, noting there weren't that many. But every one looked a little off. Normally, there'd be numbers to make it easier to see what level you were going to. But I couldn't figure out what any of the six were. Was this experiment so clandestine that they had to use code to confuse anyone who wasn't a part of it? Maybe I'd learn how to read it so I wouldn't be so lost.

Then I remembered what mom said, about the lockdown. Could this experiment be connected to it? Was there a virus being spread out there in the world? Or maybe some other reason, like an attack or-

I felt the elevator jitter and slow, pulling me out of my thoughts as we reached wherever we were going. Desi's hand gripped mine, tight but firm like she was treating me like a parent as the doors opened. The light was brilliant, as well as the sounds of phones and people talking. As I was pulled forward, my eyes adjusted quickly enough for me to see an entire waiting area not only filled with people in military uniforms, meidcal scrubs and professional attire of many types, but scientists walking this way and that, on top of an entire litany of women of all ages. In fact, most of the people I saw in the waiting area were just women. I looked around, thinking I'd someone of the other gender. But as I searched, it was all ladies.

"Desi? Are you sure I should be here?"

"You are," she told me as a nurse with brown hair walked up to us bearing three clipboards. As she approached us, I noticed she wore orange latex gloves, and her scrubs looked almost painted on her. Seeming closer to form fitting than anything I'd normally see someone in the medical field wear.

"Laura," the nurse called out, handing each of us a clipboard. "Desiree! Glad to see you back with us! And this must be Desmond, the F Rank under your care!"

"You don't have to call me by my ranking," I told her, grabbing the board and reaching for the pen attached to it. "Just Desmond is fine."

I saw the nurse give me a pout, but in a way that looked unfazed by my comment.

"I'm sorry, but no can do! The policy of the experiment dictates that only those of Rank D or higher may request personal preferences of association. This should have been covered in the printout that your head of household should have given you."

"Don't mind Desmond," mom said, causing me to glare at her. "He chose not to read it! This is why he's an F Rank, after all."

With that, the nurse said her goodbyes and left us to find seating. But I was getting livid.

"Printout?" I asked, knowing full well that was one of many things I knew she was hiding from me. But mom just shrugged her shoulders as she filled out her forms.

"I mean, you WERE unable to move. And I might have... accidentally thrown them away in that time. But in a way, if you had listened to me, you would have been able to read them! You could even say your actions helped you choose not to!"

Desiree could see that I was boiling over, about to start another screaming match. So she quickly placed her hand on my chest.

"Don't," she said, trying to calm me down. "It's what she wants. You do it, she humiliates you in front of everyone here, she shows she has power over you. Don't. Give her. The chance, Desmond."

The way she looked, a determination in her eyes. The way her hand pressed into my chest. The tone of her voice, mature and protective. This was all new for Desi. She was focused but not backing down. A look I had given her when mom did the same thing to her growing up, trying to goad her into tantrums and more. I had only seen flares of this recently, but now she looked as if she knew she had to be that same presence in my life. In that moment, I realized something in our relationships had flipped. I was seriously beginning to believe that something was going on when I wasn't around the two of them that was forcing Desi to protect me.

But I couldn't ask her now. Not with mom around. So I listened to her advice and chose to fill out my forms. A small bit of the ordinary. Gotta say, it was a relief to do something so mundane. Just name, age, height, weight, medical history and so on. When I was done, Desi was waiting to take it in. So I handed it off to her, as both she and mom submitted the forms. I decided to scan the room again, see if I could find any other men in the area. But I couldn't see anyone. Just a bustling waiting area full of women, running here and there, chatting with each other. So I tried to listen in to some of them.

One woman talking about their kids, two sons and a daughter, and how the experiment gave them such a good opportunity to care for them. Another, frailer looking woman talking about how she's been feeling so much better since signing up, how it's really helped step her game up in the gym. A third woman in her 60's talking about her sex life with her husband and all the new things they were now trying out which made me shudder a bit at the thought.

As I was about to just zone out, something caught my attention. As the older woman was speaking, I noticed she moved her hands a lot. And there, in the center of her hands, was a blue dot. Looking back at the mother talking about her kids, she did an exchanging motion which highlighted another blue dot. Turning towards the frailer woman, I saw her waving her hands, as if she was denying something. And in both hands, it was the same blue dot. Every one of them the same shade, the same placement, the same size. And every one had the same sort of texture look to it. It's amazing what you might miss when you're so used to seeing something day in and day out. I even looked at my own hands, wondering if I'd have them, too. But I didn't. All around the room, every single woman, of every single age and body type, had the same large blue dots in the middle of their hands.

I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Everyone in the waiting area was part of this experiment. As I looked around, I noticed the speakers in the corners of the room. The same ones we had at home. The same ones that made my bones catch on fire. The ones that I knew were monitoring me. I started to shake at the notion that this was a trap. That I was being brought here for some sinister reason. God, mom must have set this up! I couldn't stay if that was the case. I had to get out. I needed to go. I needed to run. To get out. Gotta get out. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, gotta go gotta go gottagogottagogottagogotta-


Desi had put her hands on me, gently shaking me to get my attention. I didn't realize how badly I was trembling, or that I curled up on my seat, hyperventilating. Or that I had started to quietly cry.

"Gotta go," I whispered, unable to stay calm. "Can't stay. Bones on fire, speakers. Voice from the speakers. Can't do anything."

My stomach gurgled loudly, twisting as some part of me was gripped by the sudden terror of this whole place. Desiree motioned towards a nurse passing us by, urgently waving at her.

"Can we get my brother something to calm him down?" she said, motioning towards me. The nurse must have noticed the state I was in, gesturing with her orange gloved hands to stay right here as she ran off. Orange gloves. Why are the nurses wearing Orange gloves? Aren't medical gloves supposed to be blue or white or something? Orange is such a strange color.

"Strange," I muttered. "Everything strange. Blue dots. Orange gloves. Speakers that catch your bones on fire. Good boys get frozen in place. Everything taken away from me. Losing hours in a day. Hard to remember. My home. My house. My house. Not right. Not right."

"Oh God," Desi muttered as she embraced me. "Desmond! Please, calm down! You're having a breakdown!"

"Can't," I cried, loudly. "Something's not right! Not right, Desi! This place! Everyone here! The order! Mom! You! I wanna go home, Desi! They're gonna do something bad to me, I know it! I WANNA GO HOME!"

A sting on my arm, followed by the feeling of something flowing behind it caused me to look at the nurse who had injected something in me. But the second I saw her orange gloves again, I panicked. I tried to flee, struggling to get away. But as much as I scrambled in my terror, Desi's arms held me tight. As much as I kicked and screamed, begging them to let me go, Desi's hold on me was stronger. And slowly, slowly, exhaustion caught up to me. As I slumped against Desi's shoulder, I watched a team of women soldiers and medical crew rush into the waiting room. The soldiers quickly extricated me from my sister's arms as they placed me on the gurney. And as they dragged me away, I saw the nurse taking off her gloves, revealing the same blue dots in her palms before falling into unconsciousness.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 12, 2021, 05:17:35 am
Wow! Quite the update, Thanks! There are a lot of questions answered but new ones added.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 13, 2021, 04:29:31 am
Okay, you guys are gonna get spoiled.

Due to all the worldbuilding I worked on, next part will be in a couple days.

As for questions, none have been answered. They've only been deepened, as you're about to soon see.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 14, 2021, 11:35:47 am
"...readings don't match the ranking whatsoever."

As I came to, the halogen lights above me seared into the back of my head like a series of white hot needles through my eyes. As I raise my hand to block the pain, I felt someone grabbing my hand.

"Desmond! Thank goodness!"

Slowly opening my eyes, I looked into Desi's concerned face. Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying. That's when I remembered where I was, quickly looking around to find myself surrounded by doctors, soldiers and, sitting off in the corner without a single ounce of care, my mother flipping through some pages. The terror I felt was immediate, screaming as I threw myself onto the floor and scuttled into a corner. Toppling medical equipment and launching nearby items into the air in my wake.


Jumping over the bed, my sister put herself between the encroaching staff and myself as I curled into a tremoring ball.

"We have to ensure he isn't a danger to anyone," one of the soldiers, a solid looking Hispanic woman, demanded. "Especially to himself! So you're going to have to move, Ms. Nowell!"

But Desi stood her ground. As I looked up towards her from behind, she looked so tall, so strong. It wasn't like earlier before. I felt like she truly cared for me, instead of the intense doubt I had come to believe in.

"I won't let you! Can't you see how SCARED he is? Charging at him will only make him worse!"

The sound of something hitting the floor caused me to jump and make a pitiful sound, immediately curling back up to avoid the wrath I knew was coming.

"Get away from your fucking worthless brother," mom shouted. "And let them do their damn jobs!"

"We are NOT in the household," Desiree fired back. "So pulling this rank and file bullshit is NOT going to fly here, Laura!"

Mom immediately got in Desiree's face, her lips in a snarl as her eyes seemed to go red.


But my siste stared her directly in the eyes, not giving her an inch.


Mom's hands went for Desiree, but the staff immediately interceded. Falling upon the pair and pulling them apart.

"Code Violet," one of the doctors called out. "Transplants are fighting! We need heavies in here!"

The sound of an alarm followed by the flash of a light purple light added to the chaos of the room as everyone struggled to contain the madness that was unleashed over my safety. More people poured into the room, women who were unmistakably not small by any margins. Their powerful bodies seeming to glide through the horde, making an easy path towards my family as four women grabbed my mother by her limbs with green gloves. Dragging her out of the room writhing and screaming at my sister's insolance while another four grabbed Desiree, who chose to remain calm as they carried her out of the room, as well. I don't know if it was fear or something else that made me follow her, but I bolted out the door in pursuit.


As I rounded into the long hallway, I got a good look at the women who had Desiree in their clutches in the distance. Every single woman was TALL. Clearly at the six foot mark and bulky. All looking like long time powerlifters with incredibly solid physiques, coupled with figures that stood completely opposite of a life spent in the gym. Their green scrubs straining to not only contain their muscles, but also their mindbogglingly huge assets. An extreme countenance of the duality of what a woman's body can be. Part hulk, part porn parody as they calmly moved with a grace and speed towards an open elevator that defied both aspects of their looks.


As I ran down the hallway, I noticed a woman in blue scrubs and orange gloves waiting for them in the elevator as they walked in. She quickly pressed a button as soon as she saw me coming. I ran as fast as I could, tears streaming down my face as the doors began to close.


But I was just a second too late, slamming into the industrial elevator doors with my shoulder at full speed. I crumpled to the floor, bawling my eyes out at not just my sister being dragged away, but the burning in my legs and the feeling of something being not right in my shoulder after the collision with what had to be military grade metal plating. As I went fetal, staff soon descended upon me. I could feel myself being turned this way and that, could hear them asking me a litany of questions. But I just... couldn't. I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't speak. I could only cry from the sheer amount of confusion that I was in.


By the time they were finished with scans and tests, it was almost five o'clock. There were so many things they wanted to test for, bloodwork, urine, bone marrow, nervous system, you name it. I didn't care, by that point. They said I couldn't eat until everything was done, but I was so completely numb, I just went with whatever they wanted despite how scared I truly was. What the hell was I gonna do, escape the place? We were under a fucking MOUNTAIN and surrounded by armed guards.

So I let them do their tests. Even some I had no clue were a thing like genome testing and whatnot. When I asked why they wanted to test my genomes, I was told it was to update my family's medical history "in case of any abnormalities in the future". I thought it was really odd, but I kept my mouth closed. There was no use fighting. I didn't know what they were going to do to me, or if they had done something to Desiree. Mom can go to Hell, in my opinion. After everything she's done to me, she deserves to be dragged off. I only cared about Desi. My sister doesn't deserve this shit.

When the last bit of work was done, I was forced to wait in one of the rooms. By this time, I had painkillers in me, dealing with the last dregs of anesthetics and utter exhaustion. But soon enough, a doctor and nurse both walked into the room. Like everything else, they were women. But surprisingly, the nurse came in with some food and some tea. Looking at it, I noticed that like at home, it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They must have seen me just looking at it, which piqued their curiosity.

"Is something the matter?" the nurse, a pretty black woman, asked me.

"This is one of the only things I've been able to eat for a while," I said, croaking with fatigue. "I'm just... thank you, but I wish I could eat something else."

"Your chart says you have issues with anything with animal products," the doctor, an older woman wearing blue gloves, said. "That you apparently have some noted allergies you developed recently?"

"Is that what it says?" I asked, choosing to sip on my tea instead of eating. Tasting it, I found it was just good old black tea. No sugar, but I could make do without that. My throat ached like my fractured shoulder as the warm drink went down, but it was a soothing ache, like the pain you feel when something relaxes after being unconsciously tense for a long time. The doctor looked at state I was in, and I could tell her heart felt for me. The first bit of normalcy I felt in weeks.

"When you were signed up for this experiment, your forms noted the dietary restrictions. Are you saying you're able to handle meats, dairy and other products?"

I just nodded my head, almost passing out when I closed my eyes for a second.

"I can show you, if you'd let me, Doctor... uh, Doctor...?"

"Oh," she said, holding out her hand. "Forgive me. I'm Dr. Lawler. I'm the one overseeing your family during the year."

Holding out her hand, I took a look at it, a bit wary. But knowing it was best to just go with things, I shook it out of courtesy. I have to admit, despite her size, she had a really strong grip. As she pulled it away afterward, I could have sworn it looked like her gloves might be defective. Because it kind of looked like the color leeched onto her writst a bit. All that money and the government still gets faulty equipment. Probably just an unlucky draw on her part.

"Anyway," I said, gesturing towards the nurse. "I can show you I'm not allergic, if you want? I haven't eaten in, like, a day and a half."

"If that's what you wish," she said, reaching for her pocket. "I can have Emma run down and-"

"Save your money," I said, slipping my wallet from my pocket and handing the nurse a five dollar bill. "If you want, please get something for yourself, too. I probably haven't made things easy for you."

The nurse gave me an appreciative smile while taking the money with her orange gloved hand and quickly walking out the door.

"I have to say," Dr. Lawler said, flipping through my chart. "Compared to the emotional outbursts earlier, you seem in a much better state of mind."

I sighed deeply before taking another sip of my tea.

"I didn't come here in the best state," I said, my voice cracking. "Things have been... not good since the lockdown order."

I watched the older doc pull out a pen and grab a slip of paper from nearby.

"How so?" she asked. The look in her eyes, showing actual concern, just triggered something in me. And the floodgates opened. So I told her everything I could remember. The pain, the starvation, the abuse, mom hitting Desiree. I even brought up how my memory's been so fuzzy lately, including actual moments of days I completely lost. I laid everything out, my entire history with my mom growing up and everything I did to protect Desiree. And the entire time, Dr. Lawler nodded her head and took notes, grabbing pieces of paper as needed. By the time I was done, there was a veritable stack in her gloved hands.

"I have to say," she said, looking amazed at everything I told to her. "This is something we didn't take into account. Thank you for being honest with us, Mr. Nowell. I think we have plenty to work with in terms of your evaluation."

My eyes were drawn to the door as the pretty nurse walked back in, and in her hands was some jerky. I don't know if it was the fact I was finally able to eat, or the fact that someone other than Desiree seemed to be on my side, or even a smile from a pretty lady that made me cry with happiness, but that's what I did. I gladly took the stick from her, tearing into it with a zeal only those who are starving know. It was so salty and greasy, but I didn't care how bad it was for me. All I knew was I was allowed to enjoy something again.

"Do you have an update on the others in the Nowell household?" Doctor Lawler asked the nurse.

"Treatments have finished for the head of the household," Nurse Emma told her. "And they're doing the last of the reward treatments for the other A rank."

The doctor nodded her head as she handed her notes to the pretty black nurse as she stood from her seat.

"Excellent news," she said, smiling. "Do you know which treatments they went with?"

"The head of household chose to go with an enhancement, while the younger one went with a progression treatment."

Doctor Lawler chuckled, before looking me over.

"You'll be able to leave soon," she told me. "Unfortunately, both Laura and Destiny-"

"Desiree," I told her. "Her name's Desiree, not Destiny."

Lawler gave Emma a weird look, almost like there was something about my insistence that was not going to fly.

"...Right, Desiree. Unfortunately, because of the rewards they chose, they will have to stay within the facility for observation. So for the next couple of days, you will be on your own. But I have requested transit for you, as well as submitted revisions so that you may be able to access proper nutritional supplies from this point on."

"Does this mean I won't have to worry about my bones being on fire?" I asked, pensive. But I soon realized how insane I might have sounded from how both women laughed.

"You mean the security system? No, no more "bones being on fire". I've put your history as an abuse victim into your file, so that shouldn't be used against you unless absolutely warranted. You don't have to worry."

I stood up, clearly looking relieved at this news as I walked towards the door. I can actually eat again! I don't have to worry about that screeching noise lighting me up and-

"Though there is one more thing we need from you before you go."

I stopped in my tracks, hand hovering over the door handle.

"I... already went through so much today," I said. "Are you sure you need something else from me?"

"We do," Doctor Lawler said as she pulled out a large sample cup. "It'll only take a few minutes."

"I already gave you a urine sample," I told her.

"This isn't for urine," Nurse Emma replied, her words seemingly hovering in the air for a minute before it clicked.

"Oh... OH."

That wasn't for a urine sample. They wanted a sperm sample. But WHY? What purpose would a sperm sample serve that they couldn't get from all the other tests they did today?

"You don't really NEED a sperm sample, do you?"

Doctor Lawler put her hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eye. I never realized how tall she was, being at perfect eye level with me. And she had a surprisingly strong grip, too. I could feel her fingers digging into my right shoulder.

"We need a full record," she said. "It'll only take you a few minutes, okay?"

As I looked into her eyes, I could sense that she wanted to take care of me, to have a complete record so I'd get the best care possible. I'll admit, I was weirded out by it. But if it meant I could get home and feel safe for the first time in weeks, then I'd do it to make her happy.

"Okay," I said, grabbing the cup. Doctor Lawler gave me a smile and a gentle pat.

"Excellent," she said, cheerfully. "After your done, Emma will take your sample and another nurse will lead you to your transport."

Without another word, the doctor quickly left the room, leaving the door open for us.

"If you'll follow me," Emma told me, sauntering out of the room. As I trailed behind her, I couldn't help but look her over. The way she walked, the electric smile she had. Everything about her screamed "thick", but a SOLID thick. It was clear she worked out regularly, from the way her legs and ass looked in her scrub pants. And the way her arms were toned, but not to the point of thinness. She took really good care of herself, and it showed. I couldn't help but start getting hard as I watched her. Her back seemed especially cared for, a nice taper that I swore made her curves seem that much nicer. But before I knew it, she stopped in front of one of the bathrooms, pulling me out of my stupor.

"Please put the sample inside this little cabinet when you're finished," she said. And with one more electric smile, she quickly walked away before I could say anything. As I looked at the cup, I started to wonder how the hell I was going to use this. My shoulder was messed up, I was exhausted, worn down from stress and just wanted to go home after a long battery of painful and somewhat humiliating tests. Now I had to jack off until I could put a load in this thing? I took a look around, noticing some of the nursing staff watching me, making me feel even more awkward and nervous than before. So hitting the handle with the arm that wasn't in a sling, I scurried inside the bathroom before I got more of an audience and locked the door.

As I turned on the lights, the buzzing of the halogens was really strong. I could practically feel it in the back of my head, wincing at the pitch. It was the right frequency to make my head go a little fuzzy after everything that happened today. But soon, another sensation overtook me. One familiar and overwhelming, that had me in its grip since I was a teenager like it does to most men. I don't know why, but I suddenly wanted, no, NEEDED relief. The thought of the rush of endorphins you get after getting off came to mind. So, twisting the cap and putting the cup on the counter, I pulled down my pants, sat down on the john and closed my eyes.

It had been over a week since I had gotten myself off, and now that I had some privacy, I was finally able to just enjoy some "me time".

But there was one problem: nothing was coming to mind. Like, AT ALL. All I saw was darkness, and all I heard was that damn humming. But my dick was screaming for my attention. So, without prompt, I started stroking as I tried to bring something to mind. Nurse Emma, Doctor Lawler, some of my favorite porn stars. Nothing was working. All I was doing was lazily stroking myself as I failed to bring up a fantasy, ANY fantasy so that would normally work. And in my frustration, I swore I could hear the whine of the lights overhead getting louder and brighter. Energy crackling through the air as forms manifested from the light.

Bright and vibrant, they seemed to fight for space as they approached. Oranges and blues, greens and reds and purples. Slowly taking shape as they floated in the crackling ether, looming as they hovered in the maelstrom. Every figure, every heavenly form making me feel smaller, weaker, frailer. In shame, I looked away. But my downturned eyes grew wide as I saw my cock, larger and more intimidating than I thought it ever was, attached to a body that was slighter, slimmer than I had every been. Not less manly than I was used to, but definitely not as strong as I once was. It was then I felt a burst of static energy as a massive red form, roiling and angry before my eyes, pushed me backwards. Leaving me floating in the crackling field as it drifted above me.

I could feel its eyes on me, full of disgust and pity as it slowly drifted downward. Its legs spread open as it came closer and closer, ready to mount me, take me for its own and use me. My dick aimed upward, yearning to be embraced as if it had its own whims and wishes. To link with this being and give into its commands. But a blur of white collided with the red figure, sending it into the distance as a white one wrapped itself around me. I could feel myself being pulled into it as it embraced me, sinking my full length between its legs as it began to ride me. I could feel its love for me growing as its form shuddered and grew, surging with each thrust I gave it. The tingles across my body felt like a thousand sparks, suffusing my body to its core as the white figure seemed to grow larger and more powerful.

The field flashed brighter and brighter, forcing away each other figure in concussive waves. Each blast getting stronger and more violent as the white figure rolled its body as we fucked. Passions growing as my need to cum became more urgent. My eyes stared into its featureless face as each flash of light that it gave off seemed to be change color, as its form began to change color. Growing deeper and vibrant as it grew larger, suffusing its body with a pastel, then deeper hues of purple as it reared its head back and released a resonant roar in a powerful series of tones. And as it reached a deep and almost royal color, the sheer awe and might and majesty the now purple figure exuded pushed me beyond my limits, causing me to cascade into my own orgasm as an explosion of light overwhelmed my senses. Plunging me into darkness once more.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself holding the sample cup, having overflowed with my semen. I was breathing harder than I had in years though whether from exhaustion or the fact that was the hardest I had ever came, I don't know. I honestly can't tell you how much is average, but I was definitely backed up. So I gently put the cap back on, gingerly washed my hands, put the sample in the cabinet and walked out of the bathroom where a military transport was waiting to take me home. And without another thought, left the facility I knew I'd be having to come back to in the near future. My worries for my sister eating away at me with every inch I moved away from here.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 14, 2021, 11:39:16 am
Damn it, quite a few typos...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on December 14, 2021, 01:43:18 pm
This was one of the best chapters up to date. The sheer amount of stuff that Desmond has to go through, the contrasting personalities between mother and sister. Also a relief to finally see the truth come to light, which doesn't just feel like that for Desmond, but for the reader as well. Dominant women can be fun for sure, but the mother is clearly getting worse as time goes on, and now we hear that she chose for an "enhancement" procedure. Just fills you with dread!

That's probably what I like the most about this story. It's written in a way that elicits emotion from me. Also like how this chapter seemed to contain more female muscle than earlier chapters, which were partially more about the mental domination, the world changing and so on. The culmination of all of these emphasize how good this story is.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 14, 2021, 10:38:47 pm
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This was one of the best chapters up to date. The sheer amount of stuff that Desmond has to go through, the contrasting personalities between mother and sister. Also a relief to finally see the truth come to light, which doesn't just feel like that for Desmond, but for the reader as well. Dominant women can be fun for sure, but the mother is clearly getting worse as time goes on, and now we hear that she chose for an "enhancement" procedure. Just fills you with dread!

That's probably what I like the most about this story. It's written in a way that elicits emotion from me. Also like how this chapter seemed to contain more female muscle than earlier chapters, which were partially more about the mental domination, the world changing and so on. The culmination of all of these emphasize how good this story is.

1. What you think the truth might be, might actually be something else entirely.

2. There's something else at play involving Desiree and Laura that you might not expect. "Enhancement" is an extremely vague idea, after all. Just want to put that out there.

3. There have actually been a LOT more elements of female muscles at play beyond just the visual as shown in the latest installments. Think about what happened prior and you'll get what I mean.

That said, I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I got a dark fantasy story to finish, so I'm gonna take a little break on this. But I should have a new installment after Christmas.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 14, 2021, 11:32:38 pm
Definitely an eye opener of a chapter. You were right about questions really not being answered. As Biceps101 mentioned this story definitely evokes emotions (for me to at time to wrong conclusions, sorry).
Overall it really makes you think, and at the same time have a sense of relief with some resolution for Desmond but possibly more problems for him in the future.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 16, 2021, 07:54:04 pm
Just a heads up.

Chose to get another installment out in a few days. Figured since people were interested in what happened last time, you deserve to see the outcome of the "rewards" both Desiree and both kids' mom chose to go with.

Also, don't think Desmond's life is gonna be peaches and cream from now on. He has a couple days to himself, yes. But is he truly out of the woods when it comes to the DOE and their experiment?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 17, 2021, 02:18:28 am
( (

A little BTS for you guys.

There are twelve files currently in a folder specifically for this story. Only four have their titles revealed. The reason for that? Those are things I've (partially) revealed so far, as well as the installment I'm currently writing. The other eight are IN WORLD files on what's actually happening in the story, and I planned another five to create based on more story elements I've yet to cover.

By the time I'm done with this story, I might just post the worldbuilding elements to show the full scope of the story and what's going on. I mean, it's good practice anyway since I'm working on a bunch of other mediums, too.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 18, 2021, 01:22:52 am
The ride home was longer than I thought it'd be. I was in a vehicle full of women, all of whom were doting on me. I wasn't expect them to be so considerate, asking if I was alright, wondering if I wanted to stop somewhere to get something to eat, asking about my injuries. I tried my best to respond, but I was very burnt out. Midway home, I saw a burger spot and one of them must have heard my stomach gurgling. So they did a quick drive through order which they said they were willing to pay for. "As an apology for everything that happened," as one of them explained it. It felt so surreal. The hell I know they found out, and now I was being treated with so much consideration? If I was in a better state, I'd have been more paranoid. But as it was, I got my food and we were on our ways.

Eating a couple of my fries, I noticed one of the soldiers, a rather pretty Southeast Asian girl, looking at me. As I glanced at her, trying not to stare, I noticed her eyes had some really striking green to them. Almost an unnatural, vibrant green. As I quickly looked down at my bag, I had to wonder if the contacts she was wearing were prescription? There was no way anyone's eyes could be that electric. Right before I was going to ask her where she got them so I could get a pair of my own some day, I felt the car stop. The women next to me leaned over, unbuckling me and stepping out of the vehicle so I had an easier time getting out.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped on the sidewalk feeling this bizarre mixture of calm and dread. Like when you're looking at a stream that seems almost perfectly still, but you know it takes several lives every year due to how powerful its currents actually are. An unsettled peace, a subtle disquiet that he knew could be disturbed at any moment. But as our neighbors came out of their homes to watch me being led home by full blown military personnel, I knew this would cause ripples in our neighborhood. I could feel my ears getting warmer as I used the burger bag to hide my face, praying to avoid questions.

"Desmond? What's going on?"

But of course, Mrs. Tallarico's good intentions muddied the waters.

"We're sorry," one of the soldiers told her. "But there can be no questions at this time, Emmy. We need you and every other subject to go back inside your homes and give Desmond some space for the next few days until the Head Of Household returns."

"Wait," I called out, turning on the doorstep. "What do you mean by "subject"? Is everyone in this neighborhood involved in whatever you're doing at the-"

I could feel one of the soldiers putting their hand on my arm, squeezing it enough to let me know they meant business but not enough to actually start hurting me.

"Mr. Nowell," the Southeast Asian soldier with green eyes said, a very serious look on her face. "You are currently not at liberty for that information. Now please, head inside your residence. You've had a long day, so it might be best to relax and begin recuperating."

As she kept her gaze on me, the soldier opened the door and gestured inside.


Shooting one more look around, I dropped my head and walked into my home, flanked by the Asian soldier and another guard as they led me into the kitchen.

"You're going to need these," the green eyed soldier said, putting a small bag on the kitchen counter. "Painkillers for the next month or so, as well as vitamins."

"I don't need to take vitamins," I sighed, putting my food down. "I'm healthy enough without them. Well, when I'm not busted up like right now."

"These are part of your regimen," the other soldier, a girl with what I think was South Asian features, spat at me. "You're fully registered in the experiment, now. That means you have to take part. And for ones like you, that means you're on these and treatments, Mr. Nowell."

I groaned as I leaned against the counter, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"You don't have to call me "Mr. Nowell" all the time, you know. Desmond works perfectly fine."

"I don't think-"

The soldier with unnaturally green eyes held up her hand towards her fellow soldier, causing her to go quiet.

"That won't be a problem, Desmond. It helps create a familiarity, makes things easier for all of us."

Reaching into her pocket, the green eyed soldier handed me a card.

"If you need anything, you can contact me on my personal line. I'm overlooking your whole neighborhood, so it's best we build these bonds starting today. Now, if you don't have any further questions, we'll be taking our leave. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Mr. Nowe- I mean, Desmond."

I watched as the two soldiers silently walked out of the house. The heavy footfalls of their boots echoing across the still house as they all marched back to their vehicle and drove off. Leaving me alone in an almost eerily quiet home for the first time in weeks. As I grabbed my food, my eyes drifted back towards the card I was just given.

"Cpt. Amelia Chaimongkhon." I read, wondering why, after all that I've been through, everyone seemed to be treating me with kid gloves so suddenly. It made no sense. Was there something about me that made me a priority? I don't know. I don't really care, I guess. I chose to let it fall to the wayside. I needed to eat and get some sleep.


For two days, I was jumpy and on high alert. I was wary of everything. I didn't know if the speakers were going to make me burn. I didn't know if the refrigerator was going to cut me off. I didn't go outside whatsoever. I purposefully ate as little as possible. I even left the meds and vitamins they gave me alone, toughing it out as my shoulder was screaming at me for relief. It hurt like hell and made me lose sleep, but I put up with it. They wouldn't tell me anything, so I didn't know if I could trust them. Everything was quiet, which made things easier to keep track of. And I honestly preferred it that way.

It was early afternoon on the third day when I heard the car pull up to the house. I was in the middle of trying to catch some sleep, having been awake since 3 AM after I rolled in my sleep and woke up screaming. I'm pretty sure I was so loud that I woke up the entire neighborhood. At most, I had gotten maybe two meals in me, and slept maybe five hours total. So when I heard the car doors close, I was practically swimming through molasses. By the time I heard the front door close, I was getting out of bed.

"Desmond? We're home!"

Hearing Desi's voice brought me a bit of comfort. As long as she was here, I thought, then I could at least make due. When I stood up, I felt like I was drunk. I was so weary and out of it, I was visibly wobbling as I went for my door handle. But a sudden bout of dizziness struck, so I rested my head on the the frame for a second.

"Desmond," she called out again, this time accompanied by the sounds of her footsteps. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I shouted back. "Not feeling too good, though."

"You mind if I come in?" she asked, stopping on the other side. As she got closer, I noticed her voice sounded a little different. Did she have a chest cold or something? Her voice sounded like it was-

As the door opened, I was immediately hit with the scent of sweet flowers. Nothing too sickly sweet, just the kind that were in the midst of full bloom. This was closely followed by her arms wrapping around me, pulling me into a gentle embrace and being mindful of my shoulder. This was the kind of hug I could immediately tell was Desi, but there was something odd about it. It was her, but it felt... bigger? Like I was being covered more.

"I'm glad you're okay!" she said. But being so close to her now, her voice sounded different. Like it was deeper, more resonant. Dare I say, older.

"Desi," I asked, pushing away from her to look her in the face. "Are you-"

I couldn't help myself, pulling away from her as I looked her in the eyes in a panic. It was Desi... but older. When we left for the facility two days ago, she was a skinny 13 year old girl. But now, she looked like she had to be, what, sixteen or seventeen? And she was taller by a good three or four inches, as well! But what really stuck out were her eyes. Her normally hazel eyes, the same color as our dad's, now a vibrant white color, standing out against even the natural whites of her eyes in my dimly lit bedroom. I screamed as I stumbled onto the bed, rolling on my broken shoulder and falling to the floor.

"Desmond!" she shouted as I kept screaming, scuttling into the corner by the window. My heart hammering in my chest as a creeping burn crawled across my chest and neck. As she rounded my bed, I finally got a good look at the rest of her. Her body was evenly muscled, the figure of a lifelong athlete. Where there was once a mousy teenage girl, now there was a strength and power that while still burgeoning, now was undeniable.

"STAY BACK!" I demanded, holding out my hand as I I was creating a shield between us. But Desiree just carefully moved forward, inching her way to me.

"Please," she cooed, raising her hands. "Just listen, okay? This will take some getting used to, so just-"

But as soon as she saw where my eyes were locked to, she went silent. The unnatural blue dots on her hands had spread, now covering the entirety of her palms and up to the tips of her fingers. There, in the daylight, I saw the texture I had seen before now across the underside of her hands. Almost artificial looking, the subtle bumps and creases looked completely alien compared to human flesh. There were no line or marks, looking almost leather like yet super soft and pliant. And like everything else, they looked stronger, too. Her hands were broader, fingers thicker. The hands of someone who looked like they've been lifting weights for years.

"You're not Desi," I cried. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SISTER?!"

"Desmond," she said, her voice sounding hurt. "I promise you! It's me! I swear I won't hurt you!"

"Just give it up. You're not fooling him, Destiny."

My eyes slowly drifted to my door, growing wider as I looked at the figure standing in the doorway. Her figure cut an immediate presence underlit by my room and the hallway. She was wearing a pair of denim cutoffs that highlighted her long and powerful legs. The way her jacked thighs gave off the illusion they had burst through whatever she was wearing, leaving behind the Daisy Dukes she was left with. Trailing up, her abs were sculpted to six pack perfection. Deep groves of a powerful core tapering up in a perfect V towards a powerful upper torso. Lats pulling a red spaghetti strapped tube top taut as a pair of prominent breasts pushed out into an incredible valley of cleavage. Her broad shoulders leading gracefully to shredded arms and the beginnings of what would absolutely become a bull like neck in time. And on top of it all was the smirk of my mother, staring at the two of us with eyes that that seemed to glow with unnaturally vibrant red irises.

"You know they told you to stop calling me that," Desiree told her, quickly getting upright as she moved towards our mother. "To help with the acclimatization!"

"And they also said NO FIGHTING," mom shot back. "Our bodies are still stabilizing! And we're to not bother your brother, either! Especially after he's been re-evaluated."

Mom threw a folder on the bed, shooting me a look that could kill.

"As for you," she said. "You got your wish. You've been granted A Rank status. I hope you enjoy everything that entails, Desmond. Because I promise you, it's not what you think you'll be getting."

With a snap of her fingers, mom walked out of the room. Desi took a step towards the door, stopping to look back at me with a sorrowful look on her face like she wanted to say something to me. But one look at my frightened face told her it might be best to say nothing. So she lowered her head and left, closing the door on the way out. I waited a few moments, fighting back my terror and calming myself down. But fell into a state of solemn confusion as I realized that what I didn't know was deeper and more terrifying than I could ever possibly imagine.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 18, 2021, 06:24:25 am
Well this is a twist! On one end he's become A Rank but on the other end to what ends. Great Update!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 23, 2021, 01:49:11 am
I can fully admit that after I saw what had happened to my sister and mother, I was well and truly freaked out. I completely shifted my schedule for a while, basically living at night, sneaking downstairs to eat maybe a meal or two a day. Whenever I left my room, I was bombarded by their perfumes. It was so strong, like they had been spraying it around the house in a bizarre battle for airspace. I had to cover my nose and mouth, or else it would start making me lightheaded. I mean, lightheaded in a good way. I don't actually know how to describe it. It smelled nice. Sometimes, really nice. And every time I thought of either of them in my room, I swear I could smell those damn scents like reflex. Maybe I was getting used to it? I don't know, really.

What didn't make things easier was the fact that almost every day, while I slept in my darkened room, Desi was always trying to get me out of my room. Usually at the same time, she'd knock loud enough to be heard, but soft enough to not really disturb me. She would ask if I was "alright in there" or "wanting some company". Or even told me things like how I "shouldn't sleep the day away" or that she "really needed me to discuss"... something with her, I don't know. Whenever she said we needed to talk, she always trailed off like she was scared I wouldn't like what she had to say.

But I couldn't look at her. I couldn't look at mom, either. All I saw since their return wasn't how their bodies looked bigger and stronger. It wasn't that my baby sister now looked like a Junior in High School. It was their eyes. The way mom's glowed an angry red while Desi's glowed white. It made me realize that the soldier who took command of my ride home, Captain Chaimongkhon? She wasn't wearing contacts. She just happened to be in direct sunlight, which washed out the glowing aspect to hers. A truth of what mom signed us up for had signed up for had been staring me in the face the entire time. And to my great shame, I was too much of a fucking idiot in the midst of a meltdown to notice.

After eight days of being trapped inside my room, I thought things were weird enough. But on the ninth day, at around 5 AM, I was awoken by the sounds of construction as the house began to shake. All day, it didn't cease. There were many loud voices coming and going, it was hard to keep track of. They even came upstairs, asking questions and talking about renovations and designs. I curled up in my bed, eyes peeled on my door as they drew closer. My mind going crazy with worry that they, too, had eyes that glowed unnaturally. But as I heard the handle turning, my mom suddenly told them, loud enough so she knew I could hear her as well:

"That's my son's room. His room's the only one to remain as is. He told us to focus on the rest of the house."

Then they slowly walked down the hall, entering the room she took from me. The one I worked with a designer on, that gave me the open space I craved after living in a tiny spare room in our old house for so long. A room that she would use to store so many things that it felt downright claustrophobic at times. A room the same size as the one I currently slept in. I stayed there, in my bed for hours, unable to get back to sleep as the noisy work went on until dark. When they finally stopped, I peeked out of my room to find dark hallways under a cloudy night sky.

I had to feel my way downstairs, taking step after careful step so I wasn't running into anything like a missing stair or nails. Inching my way towards the ground floor, I couldn't see much beyond the occasional plastic sheets or living room lights in a neighbor's house across the street. Flicking the living room light switches, I learned that the power to the house had been turned off. I hadn't gotten my phone back, so that basically meant I couldn't talk with anybody. But as I looked around, I noticed orange dots in the most random of places. Those must have been the speakers and security setup that... that made me... made me b-b-b-bur-

Closing my eyes and focusing on my breathing, I walked towards the kitchen. Thankfully only clipping my knees and feet on things a few times before walking into the kitchen to find the refrigerator both turned off and completely empty. So I did the only thing that came to mind: I sat down at the table and sulked in the darkness. No food, no electricity, no way to contact anyone. With a sigh, I lowered my head to rest it on the kitchen table, only for two pill bottles to poke me in the eye. I turned my head and winced, knocking both bottles over as I stopped caring. Hearing the pills rattling inside them as my shoulder ached fiercely while my eyes slowly adjusted to the low light.

There beneath the pills, was a handwritten note. I didn't have to guess who it was probably from.

"Sorry," I mumbled to myself. "But I can't read it right now, Desi. It's too dark."

Grabbing the pill bottles, I put my head on my arm, closing my eyes and trying to drift to sleep. But that wasn't gonna happen as the headlights of a car pulling into the driveway lit up the house a bit. I remained still, heart hammering in my chest as whoever drove up opened the front door. Their footsteps echoed through the silent house, heading to the kitchen with a calm but confident gait. A paper bag was gently placed by my arm before they pulled out a chair. And with a sigh, sat down across from me.

"Are you doing okay, Desmond?"

I groaned, lifting my head to see the white glow of her eyes directly on me. It was a frightening image, seeing what felt like a pair of disembodied eyes in the darkness, trained on you with unerring precision. I could tell they were Desi's by the kindness that lay in them, but it still cared the ever loving shit out of me, all the same. They weren't natural, plain and simple. I could feel my legs bouncing as the anxiety grew, wrestling with my urge to get up and walk away from the spot right then and there. When I realized that I hadn't said anything yet, I knew she was actively trying to not scare me further as she waited for my reply.

"I'm scared," I told her. "I don't know what's going on and I'm too scared to ask. Things aren't right, Desi. Why won't anyone tell me what's going on?"

I watched as my sister closed her eyes and sighed. From the outline I could see, it looked like she was slightly hunched over. Her fingers bridged as she rubbed her nose down to her chin, elbows on the table. One of the things she always did when she was struggling with her frustration. Then she stood up and walked over to where the fridge was.

"Did you read the folder mom threw on your bed?"

As I thought about what happened a week ago, I heard her fumbling with some keys.

"No," I told her. "At least, not yet. So much happened, like... you know."

Desi threw the darkened fridge door open, as the sound of her moving things around cluttered and collided. Closing the fridge door, I heard the sound of a soda can being opened before it was placed right next to my hand on the table.

"Yeah," Desi sighed. "I tried, but it wasn't enough. That's on me, Des."

"No it's not," I said, my voice getting louder. "It's whoever's running that fucking experiment! They're the ones who-"

"Don't talk about my sisters like that!"

The sudden anger in her voice caught me by surprise. Desiree had never yelled at me like that before. It was like I was touching an extremely raw nerve or something, talking about something that should be best left unsaid. So I didn't push harder, gently feeling around in the dark as the glowing rings in Desi's eyes ominously watched me.

"I'm sorry," she said, quietly. "I must have scared you, yelling like that. I didn't mean to. It's just... I can't help it, you know? I've been angrier lately. Like I want to fight all the time. But I don't want to feel that way."

As my fingers grazed the bag she brought, I felt her hand take hold of mine. Across her palm and fingers, I felt the individual bumps on my flesh as they seemed to pull my hand closer to hers. The soft, leathery skin somehow both soft enough to not be abrasive, yet also callous-like that gave her an incredible hold on my own. It was so strange, how balanced and multi-layered it all felt in the dark. At once the grip of an athlete, a warrior, a friend and a lover.

The strength and power in her hand was... I don't quite know how to describe it. Kind of at odds with how alien the whole situation was? It was a grip of intimacy more than consolation or grief. In fact, something about the touch of her hand tingled. I don't honestly know how, but she felt downright electric. The feeling of her hand on mine, the way my heart was hammering in my chest, the smell of her perfume making me heady. The overall combination mixed with how tired and hungry I was had started to do a number on me. I think I was... God help me, a sudden sourness sank into my gut as I realized I was becoming excited around my own sister. Maybe... Maybe I was getting excited BECAUSE of her. That couldn't be why... Could it?

I slowly pulled my hand away from hers, tugging the bag along by the tips of my fingers. I had to change the subject quickly, or else something might have gone in a direction I'd regret, I'd feared.

"So I have to ask," I said, opening the bag to find out what she brought. "Why's the power turned off?"

Desi's hand passed in front of her face, blocking her eyes as she ran it through her hair. I grabbed the contents lying inside her package, pulling out a deli sandwich and some chips.

"The Department approved the reconstruction of the house," she huffed, clearly not happy about the topic. "It's being renovated so that it's a more suitable place to live for us. Every house on the block is getting upgrades. But as the only A Ranks in the neighborhood, we're the first to receive this benefit."

I don't know what it was, but there was something about the way she said how things were going that bugged me. Some crucial bit she was leaving out.

"You're hiding something," I told her. "What is it?"

Her glowing eyes disappeared for a second before I saw light eking out between her fingers as she rubbed her face again.

"Fine, I'll tell you before mom gets the chance to. The DOE bought your house from the bank. The property and everything that resides on it is now owned by their branch of the government in the name of eminent domain."

I tried to keep it together. I really did. I tapped my fingers, I bounced my legs, but it all quickly built up until I launched myself out of my chair, throwing it to the side as I started screaming. Over and over, in a purely primal waterfall of sonic emotions. Expletive after expletive, I went hard. My throat hurt, my lungs burned. Every single element of my being was white hot at this absolutely mockery of existence I was now in. I screamed for what had to be several minutes until I was hoarse, barely croaking out words as my whole chest felt like cinders.

As I leaned over the kitchen sink, my breath coming in hard and ragged, I felt Desiree's arms wrapping around me from behind. I still wasn't used to how strong she now seemed. It felt... nice. After dad died, mom now really comforted us like this, so I took it upon myself to comfort Desi when I could. I guess I just seemed so helpless, she feels it's her turn to do the same for me.

"It's okay," she whispered. "Just let it out. I know what you've been through, Des. Holding it in for years for my sake."

My hands went for hers, holding onto them tightly.

"This was supposed to be a place where you could get away from mom," I croaked, clearly still riled up. "I've been fighting to get approval, mere weeks from a hearing about guardianship. Then... Then this fucking EXPERIMENT! It's like mom knew and found a way around everything! She just keeps taking everything from us! Even taking away... my house..."

I could feel her chin on my shoulder, hear her slow and steady breathing. I felt a warmth I hadn't felt in over 10 years. I had never had a girlfriend, so I never had an intimate moment where I just felt comforted by someone else. Desi must have felt me shuddering, because her arms just got tighter. Holding me closer than anyone else ever had.

"You've fought for so long," she whispered in my ear, trying to soothe my mind. "For both of us. It's my turn to do the same."

And suddenly, like a phantom, I felt her arms let go of me. I turned around, hearing her walking down the hallway towards my... mom's office.

"Where are you going?" I called out.

"Finding something to light the room," she said. "If I'm to protect you, we have things we need to discuss. And that requires you being able to see."

It'd require me to see? What does that mean? Wait, how was she getting around so easily right now? It was pitch dark out.

"Speaking of which, how are you walking around no problem?"

"Using my feet," she said, almost like a snarky reply than anything else. "Do you have any emergency lights?"

"Hallway closet, a box on the top shelf."

As I heard the closet door open, followed by the sound of a box being pulled out, I rubbed my eyes as I moved back towards the table. Barely having enough time to pull everything to my side as Desi unceremoniously dropped the box where my food had been.

"Careful!" I told her, chuckling.

"Relax," she said as she pulled out an electric lantern and opened it up, lighting up the whole room. "I knew what I was doing, bro."

"Bro? That's a knew one for you?"

She smiled and shook her head, planting a couple more lights around the room.

"I've been hearing some of the other sisters in the gym using it. Probably rubbed off on me, I guess."

"That's the second time you've said that," I said as she sat down. "Why are you calling them your "sisters"?"

The look on her face told me I had touched a nerve, but one that she knew she'd have to deal with some day.

"The DOE demands we call each other "sisters", in order to build a sense of camaraderie. Every woman involved in the Experiment is going through similar treatments, just like mom and me. It's all explained in the folder."

"That I haven't read yet," I muttered, trailing off as I mentally kicked myself.

"Yeah," my sister said, smirking. "That you haven't read yet. Which is why I drove back from the hotel mom and I are staying at, to make sure you got something substantial to eat and to talk about-"

"Wait a second," I told her. "What do you mean by drove? You're only fourteen!"

"Not anymore," she said, holding up a set of car keys. "As of my last treatment, I'm officially sixteen years old."

I could feel my gut twisting as she said it. Sixteen years old?! They somehow made my little sister two years older in two days time?!

"That shouldn't be possible," I said, incredibly concerned. "There's no way they can just make you older than you actually are! That's impossible!"

Desi gave me an off-putting smile as she flexed her right arm, showing off the fair bit of muscle her body now had as her bicep caused her short sleeve to become taut across the baseball sized muscle it was covering.

"Just like it's impossible to put on a good twenty pounds of muscle and gain a good three inches of height?"

I knew the point she was trying to make, but that wasn't the matter at all. And she knew it.

"Desi," I said, grabbing the box between us and putting it on the floor. "You know that's not what I'm talking about. This is what I mean when I say I'm purposefully being left in the dark, okay? Something's happened to both you and mom, and I'm pretty damn sure all the other women we've met! Stop trying to hide things from me and tell me what's going on!"

Her smile disappeared as she lowered her arm, leaving a canyon of silence between the two of us. Then, with a sigh, she put her hands on the table and slowly flipped them over. Her palms turned upwards underneath the somewhat harsh light of the nearby lantern as she slid them towards me.

"It's a radical experiment," she said. "It works completely different on women than it does on men. For women, it completely changes our DNA. We are getting faster, stronger, tougher. We are being called Neos, built FROM humanity but no longer OF it. But with men, it ensures increased capacity for survival. You will be more resilient, able to take more, do more and most importantly, be able to continue the survival of the species. Because that is what this experiment is for: survival."

I couldn't fully grasp what she meant. The blue skin, the change in her physique, how she was suddenly older, the way her eyes glowed. Was she... Was she implying that she was...

"Are you... Are you saying that you're no longer... HUMAN?"

Desiree closed her eyes and deeply sighed, bridging her fingers as she looked at me with an intense and almost mournful sadness.

"I'm sorry," she said, voice shaking. "But after the last treatment, I may still be your sister, but I'm no longer human. Which is why we need you, Desmond. Why I need you. The more this body changes, the easier it'll be to just lose myself to them. Which is why mom signed you up. You see, while we're going to become something more than human, we need men like you to undergo treatments for two crucial reasons."

She raised her hand, holding up her pointer finger.

"The first reason is that having a tandem presence as we transition away from Humanity is reportedly the surest way to prevent any complete loss of control. That goes for both men AND Neos."

Desi suddenly paused, looking unsure about what she wanted to say next. Deciding it was best to just get it over with, I pushed forward for her.

"And the second?"

"The second," she said, looking as serious as a heart attack. "Is the mutual survival of both Humanity and Neos. Which means that the treatments may not turn men into Neos, but it does guarantee one of the most basic necessities to prevent both species from dying out."

I wracked my brain, trying to figure out what she was implying. Women were turned into Neos, an apparently new species of beings? Meanwhile, men were NOT becoming Neos, but they were NECESSARY for Neos to survive? Was there something about their compatibility that would necessitate-

Wait. Compatibility?


Desiree just slowly nodded her head as she saw me figuring out what she was truly implying.

Neos are essentially a new species.

Men were being made COMPATABLE.

"Desi," I said. "Are you saying that mom signed me up to be-?"

She hung her head and sighed, a deep element of pain in her voice.

"This is why mom has been so adamant about you being "put in your place" before now. She always saw you as pathetic, so she forced you into this program without your knowledge and has been especially harsh until now. She knew you'd be an A Rank, which meant you would be one of the most viable men in the program. So when you had a nervous breakdown, she was especially mad her actions were found out. From this point on, you're to undergo treatments under my care until I finish my transition. I'm sorry, Desmond."

I emotionally shut down after she finished explaining what I was apparently avoiding this whole time. What my sister had been trying to protect me from this whole time. Why everyone else treated me with extra care and consideration. Why mom was being especially harsh.

Mom was trying to completely break me before my evaluation.

An A Rank evaluation for men meant I was to become prime breeding stock for the Neos that the women in the experiment were being turned into.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 23, 2021, 03:05:19 am
Wow a nice update (and before holidays too, Thanks)! Now it brings to question what is this threat that brings this kind of radical experiment to even occur!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 28, 2021, 05:40:04 am
I must have gone silent and not known it, because the next thing I knew, Desi had moved next to me, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Earth to Desmond," she called out, snapping her fingers. "You alright, bro?"

I... I think so," I stammered, clearly still out of it. "It's just-"

"Just what?"

I looked her square in the eyes, the concerned look on her face.

"Why did this have to happen?"

I could see she was thinking about it, but my sister quickly shrugged her shoulders. She pushed my sandwich towards me and stood up, walking out of the kitchen.

"Don't know," she said, nonchalantly walking towards the stairs. "Now eat up, we need to talk about your role in the Equivalence Experiment. And take your meds!"

I just sat there as I heard her heavy footsteps confidently walk up towards my room. My shoulder was aching badly, my head was throbbing, chest and throat still smoldering from screaming. I looked at my sandwich, feeling phantom pangs of hunger. I knew I needed to eat, but I had no appetite. Digging my fingers into the palm of my hand, I needed to feel something, ANYTHING intense that wasn't outside of me. Even if it was a split second. I didn't hear her footsteps as I raised my fist, focusing on the need to vent my frustration.

With incredible force, I brought my fist down like a hammer and slammed it into my shoulder. I immediately crumpled as my world exploded into white hot pain, screaming as I found myself falling into Desi's arms again.

"DESMOND!" she shouted, louder than my cries as I felt a grinding sensation in my shoulder. "Why did you do that, you idiot?"

"I don't know," I admitted through tears, rocking back and forth. "I just- I have no control anymore, Desi! I thought- I thought I could control how I feel, but-"

But she just shushed me as she reached up and grabbed one of the pill bottles, popping it open effortlessly and feeding me one of them.

"It's okay," she cooed, quickly putting the soda to my lips. "Just a painkiller, Des. Just relax, breathe deep. You're gonna be okay."

"I'm not," I told her. between groans "I think- Fully broke-!"

I heard her grumble a "damn it" under her breath, but I knew Desi was focused more on what I did than the why. I watched her pulling out a phone and begin texting someone.

"Who- Who are you-?"

"It's okay," she told me. "Don't worry. I'm just telling them to send someone here to check on you, okay? We can claim it was an accident so this doesn't look bad on-"

"..On you?" I asked, finishing her sentence.

Her silence to my question told me everything I needed to know. So I, in turn, stayed quiet. My legs fidgeting as I laid in her arms, waiting for the medication to kick in. After about an hour, right as the pain started to fade, someone pulled into the driveway Then, the sounds of doors slamming shut.

"Don't worry," Desi said, stroking my hair. "Help's arrived."

The door was thrown open as several people ran into the house. Three soldiers, all with orange glowing eyes, quickly surrounded us, gently pulling me away from Desi's arms and laying me on the floor. Each strapping monitors to my wrist or waving strange equipment over me.

"Elevated heart rate," one of them said.

"Scans show full breaks in the Acromion," another added. "And possible damage to his Glenohumeral."

"He's stable but definitely worse than before, Doctor Lawler."

Before I could turn my head, she came into view. She was clearly younger than when I first met her, the grey now replaced by a full Auburn that was thick and wavy. She was also bigger, clearly showing some solid muscularity that pulled her clothing tight against her body, adding to her shapely silhouette. But her eyes. Her bright, vibrant electric blue eyes cut through the harshness of the lanterns' LED light. As she put one hand on my chest, she gave me a gentle smile.

"Heartbeat's steady," she said. "Thank goodness!"

I would have asked her how she knew, but I just let it go from how out of it I was feeling.

"You got upgrades," I whispered, the strain I put on my throat finally getting to my voice.

"Don't talk," she told me. "I need to know how this happened."

"Mom's been isolating him," Desi said, sitting back down at the table. "And I've been trying to give him space. But after what happened at the facility, he's been in his room except when he needed to eat. Today was when renovations began, so I snuck back in to talk with Des. But when he found out his- OUR house had been reclaimed, he lost it. In his explosion, he tripped and landed hard on his shoulder."

Doctor Lawler, listening to every word Desi said, just nodded her head before turning her attention back towards me.

"Just be honest," she said, seriously. "Is she telling the truth? Just nod or shake your head, okay?"

I looked over at Desi, her white eyes filled with intense worry that I would reveal the truth. It was the face of someone scared of the consequences, an innocent who had never done that sort of thing in their life before. I could practically hear her pleading me to lie, to go along with what she said.

I knew that if I didn't do as she asks, then my sister would get in trouble. And that would lead me being left alone with mom. And if that happened, then I knew things would get even worse for me. So, out of pure reflex, I did as she asked and nodded my head. God help me, I immediately turned back into my pre-teen self and caved to the wishes of others so that I wouldn't be hurt again.

"I hope you're telling the truth," Doctor Lawler said, holding my head and staring at me with her unnaturally blue eyes. "But even if you're not, you are one of our highest priorities, Desmond. Isn't that right, Captain?"

The sound of boots calmly walking towards us drew my attention as Captain Chaimongkhon's electric green eyes stood out in the darkness. Even underlit by the harsh LED lanterns, there was an incredible stern beauty to her. One that commanded respect, though as I lingered on her features, there was a... I don't know, gentleness? Like, an inner strength to her, almost like a force of nature as she almost seemed to float towards us.

"We can't have anyone abusing the menfolk," she said, her eyes calmly moving between Desiree and me. "Especially those with the highest compatibility. We have to keep those too weak and too important to our survival from harm until we can finish this part of the experiment and move on to the next phase."

I felt something stinging my hand, looking down to see one of the soldiers calmly drawing blood as it wormed its way up the tubing into a cluster of vials on top of a little controller, hissing in her hand as they filled with incredible speed. A little beep went off as another soldier was looking at their tablet.

"Initials are in," she said. "Blood is thickened, possible signs of anemia due to malnutrition. Clotting factor is high."

Doctor Lawler reached over, grabbing the soldier's device and looking it over.

"We might need to have him on some blood thinners, as well as stronger pain medication. And we need to get him on a higher calorie diet for the malnutrition. Blood sugars, cholesterol and hormone levels are normal. Which means you haven't been taking your meds, have you?"

I looked away in embarrassment, closing my eyes as I lowered and shook my head.

"After what Laura did to him," Desi said, handing her the bottles. "He's been wary about taking them. It's disappointing, but also to be expected if you know our history."

"I heard about that," Captain Chaimongkhon said, kneeling down next to the doctor and I. "But you have to take them, Desmond. Otherwise there will be severe complications, okay?"

"What... kind?" I asked, sounding like a phantom wind.

"Let's put it this way," Doctor Lawler said, taking a scanner from a soldiers hand and lifting my shirt as she put it on my abdomen. "Just as our treatments improve our bodies, so too will your treatments affect yours. You'll become better, look better. But if you don't start the hormone treatments now, then your treatments might not even work. Or worse, you might suffer an overall withering of almost every facet. Your mind will slow, your body weaken. You will lose more height. You will age rapidly. But the one thing that WILL happen is your reproduction organs will atrophy to the point of uselessness, above all else."

"In other words," Captain Chaimongkhon said, putting her hand on my good shoulder. "We want to make you a better man, but if you don't take your medicine, you're going to become a frail eunuch. And I know you don't want that."

The scanner in the doctor's hand beeped, causing her to grumble and hand the tablet back to the woman she took it from.

"I should have known," she said, tossing the scanner to a soldier as she pulled down my shirt. "Stomach ulcer is starting to develop. This means another thing to deal with to get you healthy enough for your first time."

"You keep mentioning his first treatment," Desi asked, opening the bag of chips on the table. "Has it already been scheduled?"

The soldiers quickly started to clean up as both Captain Chaimongkhon and Doctor Lawler took seats at the table, stepping over me like I was nothing as I laid on the floor.

"One month's time," Doctor Lawler told her. "We need him at a conversion factor of Three before we put him in the machine. And for that to happen-"

"He needs a lot of care," the Captain added. "This might mean restructuring the Head Of Household so it has to be filled by two figures instead of one. This also means he has to have a broader diet, unlike what he was listed under originally. And his bones have to be knit enough to endure the treatment."

I heard someone tapping on the table a few times, obviously noting they were cutting in.

"Can you please stop talking about Desmond like he's just some kind of pet?" Desiree asked. "I mean, he's laying on the floor next to us, fully awake, for fuck's sake!"

I watched as Doctor Lawler shuffled her feet, nervously.

"Sorry," she said. "Desmond's our first A Rank of his kind, and I just want to be thorough. I apologize for being so... clinical about this. He's under my care, and a LOT has happened to him. And there's more on the way..."

Getting up from her seat, Desi walked to where I was laying. Gently lifting me up, she slipped behind me, wrapping her arms around me and acting as some sort of upright pillow as I lay against her. Her chin on my good shoulder as she held me close.

"We'll deal with that as it comes," Desi told them, nuzzling into me as she gently squeezed me like a teddy bear. "But for now, he's priority number one, okay?"

Captain Chaiwongkhon lightly knocked on the table three times, whether a habit or something that just happened, I don't know. But as she stood, silently deciding a course of action, her eyes turned towards the two of us. I have to say, despite how gently she seemed, her eyes were intimidating. As I stared up at her, it felt like I was staring into the eyes of a giant, a massive and powerful force whose gaze was locked on a gnat, despite knowing how big she really was.

"Then here's how it's going to happen," she said, taking full command. "He will join you at the hotel you have been provided until this house is finished. Once there, we will finish medical treatments for his injuries. When it's time for furnishings, we will meet with you to give him a comfortable layout. I will fill out the forms for Dual Head Of Residency and place Desmond under your direct care. When you are in the hotel, I will work with Doctor Lawler here on arranging a dietician to talk about his needs. And you, Desmond, will TAKE your medications so that you can prep for your first treatment. Are we clear on this?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." Desiree replied, as I nodded my head dully.

"Good," she said, turning towards the doctor. "Do you want them to be taken back to the hotel by us or would you like a moment alone with them?"

"Both," Doctor Lawler answered, clearly giving the two of us a look like a teacher who was about to admonish two of her students. "I need to have a word with these two real quick. If that's alright by you, Amelia?"

Glancing down at us, Amelia shook her head before turning on her heels.

"Of course, June. Clean up and line up outside, ladies!"

With an impressive flurry of activity, the small unit of soldiers made quick work of the cleanup before marching in double time towards their vehicles, with Captain Chaimongkhon closing the door behind them. As the house settled from their exit, Doctor Lawler slowly slid from her seat and onto the floor across from us. Sitting cross legged as she took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose.

"Tell me the truth."

"Was it that obvious?" Desiree asked, her voice wavering as I felt her slip behind me a bit. But Lawler just chuckled as she shook her head.

"One of you is too stupid to be anything but honest, and the other is too innocent to do it effectively. You're nothing like your mother, so at least be forward about what's going on. We can't afford either of you getting hurt, sister."

"I did it," I croaked, my voice barely able to rasp as I shuffled in Desiree's arms to sit upright to act as her shield. "To myself."

"Really, now?" the doctor said, leaning back. As she did, she put her arms behind her for support. Causing her arms to flex, puffing out her chest and causing a button to launch off her shirt and land on my crotch. Making a little valley of cleavage appear as her shirt spread open enough to show off the creamy skin hidden below her professional attire. Her moderate breasts resting high and firm, acting as a mountain range that rose and fell with every breath she took. I was honestly unsure if she didn't notice or didn't even care that it happened.

"H-He said he feels powerless," Desiree told her, calmly reaching down and brushing the button off my crotch and causing my eyes to go wide at the brazen action. "So he made his shoulder worse, as a way to have some form of control."

The disapproving look on Lawler's face cut me deep as she clicked her tongue.

"Self infliction of wounds. Classic signs of issues relating to trauma, usually within teenagers looking for an emotional release. I'm not going to put you on antidepressants, but I think it'd be in Desmond's best interest to get some form of therapy for years of built up trauma."

I wanted to say something, but the doctor just raised her hand.

"Not done yet," she continued. "From now on, no more games like this. Understand, Desmond? And you need to stop doing things your mom would pull. It's unbecoming of a child like yourself, Destiny."

"Desiree," my sister cut in. "I requested my name go back to Desiree."

The stout woman with glowing blue eyes slapped her thighs as she chuckled, slowly standing up with a smile.

"You know by the time this is over," she asked, stretching her arms over her head. "Your vessel's not going to be in the same form as it was at the start, right? Might as well go with the new name to make things easier on yourself and Desmond."

Shuffling to her feet, I felt Desiree pick me up from where I was sitting. Making me feel like a cat being carried by a fully grown human, awkwardly dangling in her arms while I got my feet back underneath me without my permission.

"That doesn't matter," Desi told her. "My body, my life, my choice, my identity."

Lawler tilted her head from one side to the next, considering Desi's choice of words then shrugging her shoulders.

"Whatever you say, sister. You still have time before you're had enough treatments and your name is locked in. But I really suggest you give it some thought. You know I'm considering the name they picked for me."

Desi rolled her eyes, grabbing the soda and bottle of non-painkillers from the table and handed them to me.

"I still think Maisie doesn't suit you."

"But it IS different enough from before," Lawler fired back, smiling. "And that's what this is all about. Ensuring things change for the better. You're A Ranks, and I'm a B Rank. Things are WAY better so far, and they're only going to get better as women like you and I transition into Neos."

I must have looked hurt at being left out, because Doctor Lawler walked over (God, she was taller than before, and she was quite tall to begin with) and began to ruffle my hair like you would a little kid's.

"Don't think I'd leave you out," she said, sounding saccharine and halfway between facetious and genuine like I was a child. "Only the best men possible can be made truly compatible for Neos!"

I coughed, wanting to say something about all this, but knew I wasn't going to be listened to tonight. So, as a show of good faith, I carefully plucked a pill from the bottle, popped it in my mouth and quickly followed it with a sip from the can.

"You see," Doctor Lawler said, smiling at me like a pet as she playfully scratched my head. "Easier than you thought."

I moved my head, quickly tiring of her futzing with my hair.

"Anyway," she said, giving me a disappointed look before moving towards the living room. "You should pack his bags for the stay. You know where it is, Desti- Desiree. We'll be outside waiting for you."

We waited until we heard the front door close, Desi's arms around me as if she was trying to not lose me. I could feel her head laying on my back, just breathing deeply in order to calm down. In, holding her breath to a count of five, exhale. Over and over. Her forehead below my right shoulder, sounding like a child slowly falling asleep.

"Stay here," she told me. "I'll get your things, okay?"

As she let go of me, despite my body feeling like I was floating due to some pretty potent painkillers, I could feel something deep inside my veins pulsing. Causing my fingers to twitch as she walked past me. I wanted to reach out to Desi once again, grab her hand, bring her in for a hug and thank her. But I didn't as she walked towards the stairs. So, deciding it was best to wait, I sat down at the table.

Putting my face in my functioning hand, I began to breathe deep to try and calm myself down. But all I could smell was Desi's scent. The scent of warm spring and flowers in bloom. Of sweet breezes and growing fields. Her perfume was strong, invasive and  delightful. I could only imagine my sister in the spring, smiling happily and free away from our mother. Her white irises glowing like white hot suns as she drew near. Holding me close to her. Her black eyes staring deeply into mine as she looked down on me. A veritable mountain of strength and power as she leaned in close, her lips nearly met to mine as she-

"I got your stuff, so let's go."

Opening my eyes, I turned my head and saw Desi standing in the living room, holding up a few bags with one hand. Each one bulging obscenely, with one unable to be fully zipped up.

"Is something wrong?" she asked. Shaking my head, I stood up and walked over to her. But when I reached for one of the bags to help, she pulled them away.

"Uh uh," she tittered. "You're hurt, so that means I get to do the heavy lifting, okay?"

I wanted to fight her on this, but I was honestly too tired. So I just nodded my head, moving past her and opening the door. Greeted by Captain Chaimongkhin, waiting patiently for us.

"Are you ready?"

I just nodded my head.

"Good. Let's go, ladies!"

With that, the soldiers that came with her climbed into the military vehicle they arrived in. And in the front passenger seat was Doctor Lawler, looking somewhat bored.

"About time," she called out as the East Asian officer climbed into the driver seat. "It's getting late, kiddos! Let's get moving!"

I stopped, wondering if I was really doing the right thing by going along with everything. There was something still so very, very wrong about all this. I could go and expose everything, try and get help. But if things were this well organized, it stood to reason that they could make sure I would just not be a problem anymore. I didn't honestly know what to do anymore. I felt lost.


Desi calling to me broke my train of thought. But as my eyes drifted towards her, they grew wider at what she was in front of. She must have seen the look on my face, as she smiled brightly and nodded my head. My car! She had gotten my car back! I leaned over the hood, on the verge of tears at the sight of the exact make and model of dad's pride and joy. I perfectly copied it down to hardtop roof and paint color and interiors, though with modern details like electronics and whatnot. I thought mom had taken that away from me, too! When it was gone, it felt like I had lost one of the few pieces of dad in my life.

"I asked them to get it back," she said. "I figured I'd keep it a surprise until you're well enough. Then I'd give it over. But you gotta promise me that you'll go through the treatments, okay?"

I rubbed my eyes, nod my head and ran to the passenger side to climb in. The interiors were completely detailed, everything clean and new. I ran my hand across the console, beaming in joy at having my ride back as Desi slid into the driver's seat.

"I have to admit," she said, putting the keys in the ignition. "Mom was pretty slick. She used some backdoor sites and sold the car for about a grand. But I asked the DOE and they-"

I wrapped my arm around her, holding her tight as I shuddered with every breath.

"Thank. You."

I must have surprised her, because she was speechless at the first bit of happiness I had in what seemed to be years. A small gift that clearly made a big impact, as I hugged her as tightly as I could with only one arm. Truly appreciating what she had done for me, and what she probably has been doing since this all began.

"Okay," she chuckled, gently pushing me off of her. "We should get going. I'm pretty sure our escort's getting antsy."

I nodded my head as she turned the engine over. Signaling our two car convoy that we're moving out. I closed my eyes in relief as they led us down the road and towards wherever I was going to be staying for the time being thanks to the DOE.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: BHIM-1965 on December 28, 2021, 11:42:36 am
High time muscle mama dominates sissy boy
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 29, 2021, 06:04:51 am
Interesting developments all around. One question does remain what has happen to Laura? Also it is interesting that the good doctor isn't an A rank, you would think that someone with
that much control over the entire process would be. Overall a great update!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 29, 2021, 06:23:23 am
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Interesting developments all around. One question does remain what has happen to Laura? Also it is interesting that the good doctor isn't an A rank, you would think that someone with
that much control over the entire process would be. Overall a great update!

There's actually an entire document I've written about how the Equivalency Ranking System works. I feel it's at this point that attention to details is going to be REALLY important. Because you've seen A Ranks and F Ranks, but what about the OTHER Rankings? And what's the deal about the usage of certain descriptors when it comes to Neos and Humans?

Also, there's a certain kind of theory in play. But it might not be what you think. Starting next chapter, the real direction of what I have planned for the story will come into play.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 29, 2021, 10:14:08 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Interesting developments all around. One question does remain what has happen to Laura? Also it is interesting that the good doctor isn't an A rank, you would think that someone with
that much control over the entire process would be. Overall a great update!

There's actually an entire document I've written about how the Equivalency Ranking System works. I feel it's at this point that attention to details is going to be REALLY important. Because you've seen A Ranks and F Ranks, but what about the OTHER Rankings? And what's the deal about the usage of certain descriptors when it comes to Neos and Humans?

Also, there's a certain kind of theory in play. But it might not be what you think. Starting next chapter, the real direction of what I have planned for the story will come into play.

Awesome! Yeah that was kinda bugging me as to the entirety of the compatibility portion and thinking "Ok so what about 50% compatibility what does that look like" and also what kind of complications are happening behind the scenes. I'd imagine there must be some extra eyes, ears and noses in the mix not to mention deformities and mutations, nothing is ever 100% successful.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 29, 2021, 11:49:51 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Interesting developments all around. One question does remain what has happen to Laura? Also it is interesting that the good doctor isn't an A rank, you would think that someone with
that much control over the entire process would be. Overall a great update!

There's actually an entire document I've written about how the Equivalency Ranking System works. I feel it's at this point that attention to details is going to be REALLY important. Because you've seen A Ranks and F Ranks, but what about the OTHER Rankings? And what's the deal about the usage of certain descriptors when it comes to Neos and Humans?

Also, there's a certain kind of theory in play. But it might not be what you think. Starting next chapter, the real direction of what I have planned for the story will come into play.

Awesome! Yeah that was kinda bugging me as to the entirety of the compatibility portion and thinking "Ok so what about 50% compatibility what does that look like" and also what kind of complications are happening behind the scenes. I'd imagine there must be some extra eyes, ears and noses in the mix not to mention deformities and mutations, nothing is ever 100% successful.

This is actually a very specific subgenre I'm writing. The vagaries are a different, bigger red flag than you might think.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 03, 2022, 07:31:29 pm
"Desmond? Wake up, Des! We're here!"

I must have passed out as we were driving away from the house, because I felt Desi's hand gently shaking my leg. Rubbing my aching eyes, I looked at her. Her eyes glowing brightly against the dimly lit interior.

"...sorry." I weakly whispered, my voice raspy and irritated.

"You must be utterly exhausted," she said, leaning over to unbuckle me from the seat. "Let's sign you in and get you to your room, alright?"

I just nodded my head and reached for the door handle. But as soon as I pulled it, my eyes lifted and went wide at what I was seeing before us. The place was HUGE. Closer in design to an insular community home facility than to an actual hotel, it was a massive complex that screamed "this took far more money to build than you could ever dare consider as a guess". Easily a mile long, it looked like it could withstand a nuclear attack without a single scratch on it. And it was so tall, I was pretty sure you could fit an entire city's population in there. Taking a quick look around, I noticed there were practically no other markers of civilization around us. No lights, no easily seen roads, no towns or gas stations, nothing. Making this the only place for miles.

"...where... are-?"

"Three hours out," Desi said as she hopped out of the car and flung open the driver side passenger seat. "Maybe 200 miles from home? Now c'mon! They're waiting to check you in."

My shoulder began to ache pretty bad as I got out. Taking another quick look around, I was shocked by just how quiet everything was. I would have called it serene, but the omnipresent pressure of the hotel or whatever it is loomed far larger than everything else. I felt like I was staring at a monolith, undefiable and ancient like an impenetrable fortress of old. Walking towards it, I was reminded of an Architecture course I took in college. Specifically a type of building structure that was popular in the mid-20th century called Brutalism, I think? Just massive buildings made of concrete and shapes that gave off an air of inhuman design. Though the windows in normal Brutalist buildings were smaller, and the entrance for this place was a lot more inviting as I noticed it was lined with several trees along the pathway from the parking lot that were highlighted with warmer lights to guide the way.

As we walked in, the darkened glass doors slid open to reveal a lobby that immediately felt like I was back in the underground facility back in the mountain outside town. I could feel my heart beating strongly in my chest as my anxiety began to rise. Desiree, however, just strolled up to the front desk and the woman behind it.

"I'm back," she said, gesturing towards me. "Is my brother's room ready?"

I could only stand there awkwardly as I noticed the clerk's eyes were a vibrant electric orange color. Her smile somewhere between professional and welcoming.

"Of course," the redheaded clerk sweetly told us as she leaned over to get a better look at me. "You're going to be the first man ever allowed to stay at Equivalence Estates! Isn't that EXCITING?"

I made no sound as I nodded my head, the unease of the woman's focus growing. When she saw that I wasn't responding like she hoped, she turned back towards Desi and began to pout.

"Not much of a talker, is he?"

"He lost his voice recently," she told the clerk. "So please forgive him. He's been through a lot lately."

The clerk's smile returned, leaning forward enough to cause some cleavage to show through her shirt as she locked her eyes on me.

"You just get some rest, okay? And if you need anything, just ask for Jenna!"

As I felt Desi's hand on my good shoulder to guide me away, I quickly nodded my head and let her take me to a nearby elevator. But as I walked off, I noticed the faint hint of... strawberries and mint? I looked around to see where the scent was coming from, but all I saw was Jenna waving at me with a much different, almost hungrier look in her eyes. I mean, don't get me wrong. She was attractive, but not really my type. I honestly don't know what it was, but something told me to not even bother. That there was someone else for me. But as I stepped onto the elevator and went up to my room in silence, I had to ask myself "Someone else? Who was this someone else?"

Caught in a woozy bubble, I hardly noticed the elevator coming to a stop, let alone the sound of Desi's voice as she was talking to me the entire time. Barely snapping out of my daze at the tail end of her one sided conversation.

"...need me to get you anything?"

"N-no," I creaked out, rubbing my eyes as I stepped out into the hallway. Mutely following Desi to where I would be staying for the foreseeable future.

"Anyway, your room will be right next to mine. If you need anything, I'll give you my spare room key so you can see me whenever you want."

As we passed room after room, I noticed that each door was adorned with a nameplate. One after another, each plate had the name of a different woman on it. Only furthering the idea that I was truly the only man in the building.

"I think we should hit up the dining floor tomorrow," Desi said as she came to a stop at the end of the hall. "There's a phenomenal pizza place that has every topping you could think of! Just think, a triple sausage and onion pizza! Just like you told me you wanted last year!"

I looked at the doors we were each standing in front of. Me in front of what was obviously Desiree's, with the name "Destiny" written on its plate. And Desiree in front of mine, the nameplate empty of any wording at all. A small but crushing reminder of my lot in life so far, of everything I've fought for and how easily it was apparently taken away from me. Her eyes tracked the direction I was looking, becoming crestfallen as she realized what I noticed.

"We'll get that fixed right away," she said, frowning slightly as she slipped the keycard into the lock as a beep sounded with a green light. "This is just a minor setback."

I just felt tired as the door opened, rushing inside to get to sleep only to find both Doctor Lawler and Captain Chaimongkhon waiting for us in the middle of a very well lit and very expansive looking apartment.

"There you are," Doctor Lawler cheered. "We were getting a bit worried you got lost!"

"Desmond passed out in the car," Desi happily explained. "Exhaustion just set in and he was out like a light as we pulled out of the driveway."

"It's understandable," Captain Chaimongkhon tittered, marching over to me to look me directly in the eye. "You have been through a lot. And you're our first A Rank among the men, Desmond. So consider this a special invitation, courtesy of Desiree."

Without any explanation, Doctor Lawler began to take my shirt off of me. I squirmed to try and stop her, but she put her hand on my chest. I could feel my skin tingling at her touch, like she was brimming with static electricity but not enough to properly zap me. She looked me in the eyes, giving me a slight pout.

"I need to take your shirt off," she said, slightly whining in an unprofessional way. "We're in better lights now, and I need to see how your shoulder is looking. Just let me take it off? Please?"

I could see the Asian officer just covering her eyes in embarrassment behind the doctor, shaking her head in disbelief. But all I noticed was the tingling of my skin and the pleasant aroma of apples and cinnamon. It just smelled so good, I closed my eyes as I took it in. Not even noticing my arm being taken out of its sling as my shirt was removed.

"How did you do that?" Desi asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You'll learn it in time," Doctor Lawler told her as she inspected my shoulder. "And speaking of learning, your shoulder's getting darker. Which means you definitely broke what was already weakened with fractures. Though there was no ruptures or internal bleeding, which is good. Don't want an artery to get torn. Amelia, can you give me a hand?"

Chaimongkhon sternly nodded her head as she held my arm straight as the doctor grabbed something black nearby and started to slip my arm into it.

"This is going to be a bit uncomfortable at first," Amelia told me, slipping the thing up over my damaged shoulder, wincing as she wrapped some padding around my neck, chest and back, and underneath my arm. "But once it's on, you'll thank June for designing this device. One part automated cast, one part air brace."

I watched as Doctor Lawler pressed a button, activating a full series of mechanisms as the sound of compressed air and various clicks filled the room. I could feel a slight constriction in my arm as something bent my elbow at chest level. All the while, the thing on my arm and shoulder began to inflate, creating enough padding to protect my limb from being jostled or touched.

"How does it feel?" Doctor Lawler asked, flicking the splint with her middle finger, causing a "toonk" sound. But I was flabbergasted at the design. It had a cool cybernetic like design, like something straight out of a video game or something. My hand had this really cool synthetic glove on it, with these cool wire protector ridges and some buttons. And on the wrist was this little console that showed what had to be a pressure gauge for the padding, as well as monitored my blood pressure and some other things like remaining power and more.


Doctor Lawler, however, shushed me with a mischievous look in her eyes before I could ask.

"No talking, now. What we need is for you to get better, okay? For that, you will need to follow my instructions."

Reaching over to where she grabbed the brace, she pulled out a bag and handed it to Desiree.

"These are his medications. These are all new and don't have names yet, so pay attention! Yellow pills are for his stomach, and he's to take two with every meal. Green pills are his painkillers, those are to be taken once every eight hours so he can sleep at night. Red pills are his hormone treatments, specifically coded so he won't forget to take one pill every four hours. I don't recommend doubling up on them, as that can lead to undesired levels before his first treatment. As for his diet, I want him eating at least three times a day, aiming for about 3000 a day until treatment. After that, he should be okay enough to start exercising."

"Speaking of which," Captain Chaimongkhon added. "You missed out on today's training, Desiree."

"I know," she said. "But if I hadn't, Desmond would have probably-"

"No buts," she retorted. "You know you cannot miss any bit of training. I'll forgive it this time, but you MUST go to combat training before you can call it a night."

"But that's the class that has-"

The look in Captain Chaimongkhon's eyes changed instantly. The gentleness vanished in a heartbeat, quickly becoming the look of someone who was being challenged and was more than willing to rain hell down on whoever dared. Instantly making Desiree cease questioning and quietly submit like a child.

"I know," the Captain told my sister. "That's why. Consider it part of the consequence of insubordination. Are we clear, sister?"

Desiree quickly started nodding her head, fear in her eyes.

"Y-Yes, sister."

You could hear a pin drop as the tension began in the room broke like storm clouds, as we all held a collective breath for one beat.

"Well," Doctor Lawler sighed, clearly uncomfortable at the sudden uptick of aggression. "I think it's time Amelia and I got going. We'll both be staying in the Estates for a few days, to keep an eye on you. If you have any questions, you can come see either of us, Desmond."

Motioning for her to follow, the green eyed soldier took a deep breath, breathed out of her nose and returned to the calm state she was in before.

"Make sure to do as we say," she told me. "We only want what's best for you."

Shifting her gaze, Amelia gave Desiree a stern look. One that seemed to remind her of where she stood in things.

"As for you, you have thirty minutes before training. Do not miss this one, as well. Or else..."

With a quick salute, Captain Chaimongkhon walked out of the room I was staying in alongside Doctor Lawler, leaving Desiree and I alone. As I looked at her, I could see she was clearly shaken by the encounter. I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to reassure her. But it only seemed to make her more worried.

"I know it was the right thing to do," she said, growing more upset. "But this isn't right! I shouldn't be punished for making sure you were okay! Now they're forcing me to train with... with..."

Not knowing what to do, I did the only thing I knew could show her my support. As soon as my arm wrapped around her, she embraced me, as well. Shuddering with every breath as she slowly fought off whatever was bothering her so badly.

"Y-You're right," she told me, her face nuzzling into my bare shoulder. "I have you. And we gotta stick together, no matter what!"

Letting go of me, Desiree quickly wiped her eyes as she pulled everything out of the bag she was given onto the nearby table.

"Don't forget: one yellow every meal, one green every eight hours, one red every four. And keep what the doctor said in mind! ONE red! Don't double up, okay?"

With a flourish, she reached into her pocket, pulling out a wallet and putting two room keys alongside the pill bottles.

"These are your keycards. Your card will grant you access into most of the Estates features like dining, entertainment, leisure and so on. But keep in mind, you are in a separate program than I am, so you're restricted from some areas. My spare will allow you access to my room, but that's about it. Don't lose these, as they're hard to replace."

Gently reaching out, I grabbed the keycards and put them in my pocket. I knew Desi was being serious, so I put I promised myself I'd do as she asked. Giving each other a quick glance, Desiree quickly went in for another hug before making her way towards the hallway. Stopping to give me one more weird look of guilt before leaving me alone in what I only had to assume was an apartment, in a complex big enough to count as a city that was labeled a hotel, as the smell of sweet flowers in bloom filled the room.

Though I don't know why, as I didn't smell Desi's perfume when I was hugging her. You'd have thought I'd have smelled it then?

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on January 03, 2022, 09:06:49 pm
Another awesome update! It looks as though Desmond is already changing from the initial "vitamins" given to him and in a way emitting his own pheromones.
It also seems that Neos can also emit pheromones at will, and subdue the "menfolk", but like most things, great power comes with great responsibility. 
One question lingers how long has this "department" been around and to what level of technology/resources has it had access to? At the very least I can safely
guess who Desiree is training with. Also I hope he doesn't "accidentally" take two red pills!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 03, 2022, 10:06:52 pm
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Another awesome update! It looks as though Desmond is already changing from the initial "vitamins" given to him and in a way emitting his own pheromones.
It also seems that Neos can also emit pheromones at will, and subdue the "menfolk", but like most things, great power comes with great responsibility. 
One question lingers how long has this "department" been around and to what level of technology/resources has it had access to? At the very least I can safely
guess who Desiree is training with. Also I hope he doesn't "accidentally" take two red pills!

I'll reveal right now that Desmond doesn't emit his own pheromones. However, any and all Neos DO have access to rankings. And he is the first (and so far ONLY) A Rank that they know of.

As for Neos, this is one of the things I've been hinting at the entire time. What specific reason would Neos need to have a pheromone system? Humans aren't supposed to actually SENSE pheromones. But somehow, Desmond's able to pick up all these different combinations of scents from different women?

As for the rest, those questions will be answered. Maybe not immediately, as the story will take a full year in-universe to tell. But for an erotic Sci Fi Horror story, slow is probably the best way to take it.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 06, 2022, 10:22:53 am
Gonna split this up into a couple parts, because my workload is getting kind of wonky. But the next few sections are going to be part of what's essentially one chapter.

That night was the most comfortable I had been in a while. The "hotel", as it turns out, is labeled as a resort of some kind in order to circumvent legal land rights issues in much the same way as Camp David. Though given just how big the entire facility really is, it's really a series of interconnected high rise apartments under one roof. And now that I've been here a week, I was truly underselling the place when I first saw it.

First things first, the place is actually built on top of a plateau that's about Fifty miles in either direction. Meaning the overall size of the place is LUDICROUS. The number of lifts and people movers needed to keep things orderly is on par with a major theme park. And given that the building is also MANY miles tall only adds to the undeniably colossal atmosphere. There are so many people working here, it's ridiculous. And even more so that not a single man was on the workforce, whatsoever. Which meant that, yes, I truly WAS the only person with a Y chromosome in the place.

As for what Desiree said the complex, which I think describes the place far better, had, she was not joking. There was so many places I could go to, it took me a week to just wander around each level, each thirty miles wide, and not even break through a quarter of the total amount of indoor space. There are so many little cultural hubs and groupings, it's like a series of mini cities. They truly went all in on this, it's like an entire operation dedicated to preserving the various facets of humanity in the face of an oncoming apocalypse. It's overwhelming, to put it lightly.

As Captain Chaimongkhon- I mean, Amelia put it, "This is the surest way for the Experiment to ensure that future Neos become acclimated to the oncoming changes they face, in order to build a better world for both humanity and their own." I'd be inclined towards going along with what she told me, but there was something about the words that stuck in my brain. "A better world for humanity and their own" is such a weird way to describe it, that it just... I don't know. From all that I've seen so far, something just feels off.

Especially from what I've seen every time Desiree's come back to her room. She's been really stressed since I arrived, tired and sore and always with so many different books in a bag on her back. Or the days she comes back limping and hurt. When she's gone, I've been going into her room. Some days, she's had books with the weirdest subjects on the table in the front room. Things like computer science, books on languages and conjugation, theoretical mathematics, or even the odd book or two on fashion and design. Even books on psychology and how the human mind operates.

There isn't a single picture of us, or our dad. Nothing of our mom, obviously. I guess I'd best describe it as sparse? Or maybe even spartan? No real entertainment at all, either. I keep asking her about it, but she tells me she doesn't want any distractions because she "needs to be at her best to take care of me". I don't really know if I'm more of a responsibility or a burden to her, now. She takes classes every day, trains every day, spends time with me every day. I think she barely sleeps, as is. Despite apparently doing things for my sake, she was so closed off that there was a wall of secrets building between us.

As much as I wanted her to be honest with me, I knew she couldn't after I made the mistake on the first day I was able to speak without much issue. We were having lunch, and I stupidly asked her one simple question.

"Desi," my voice still somewhat raspy as I asked her. "If we're both A Ranks, why are we both being treated so differently?"

That simple question nearly made her choke on her food.

"I'm... I'm sorry?" she replied, patting her chest as she coughed.

"It's been eating away at me since before you brought me here," I told her. "The doctor's tone of voice, the way you told them off as I was being checked on. I'm pretty sure I'm still not being told everything. Is there something I should know?"

I could see the conflict in her eyes. How she had something she wanted to tell me. Had something eating away at her, as well. Scanning the room again and again, looking for any potential thing that would stand in her way. Some type of pain slowly welling to the surface as her eyes traced back to me, staring into mine like she was reliving a painful memory.

"There is," she said. "Desmond, the thing about that is-"

Suddenly, a voice from a nearby table caught our attention.


We looked around for the source, only to find a bulky Latina with vibrant orange eyes glaring at us from two tables over.

"Polako, sestro! ZnaÅ” kakvi su ti ljudi! Reći ćete mu istinu, a vaÅ” ljubimac će ugristi ruku koja ga hrani!"

My eyes bounced between Desi and the other woman, confused as all Hell as my sister started cringing at apparently being chastised like a child. It was then that I realized that we were both being watched. Not just by the people running the program, but apparently by the other women in it, as well.

Desi's reply, a curt "I'm sorry but I'm not allowed to tell you" hit me like a railroad spike. If they were really being that clandestine about everything, then that meant she was in danger as well. And that night, I vowed to myself to follow Desi, see what her days were like and find out what the deal with this whole place was.

I know, it sounds stupid, making some sort of promise to be a spy and all that. It's just... I was really worried, okay? She may be in charge of me by some stupid government orders, but she's still my little sister. I'd be as neglectful as mom is if I wasn't looking out for her like I tried to before all of... this. She'd been coming back with bruises and bumps, and I could practically see her burning the candle at both ends. I had to find out what they were putting her through. So nine days after I arrived, I began quietly following her. Learning her routine over the next few days when I could without causing suspicion, always making sure to get back early when I knew she went back to her room.

The mornings are usually the easiest times to track her. Every day around 6 AM, she would do a quick check on me. This was usually when we went down to get breakfast together. While I would have some fruit, oatmeal and milk and some coffee, she would power through steak, pancakes, eggs, hash browns, toast and tea. And we're talking double portions, here. I looked like I was trying to starve myself compared to what she eats. From there, she would run off down to what's called the Information Center level, which is a series of University style classrooms that taught various subjects for an hour or two at a time on floor 27. At this time of the day, she either learns linguistics or mathematics. I wasn't the best student, always able to hold my own. But what she was learning was going WAY over my head. I always knew Desi was smart, but the program she was apparently in was next level shit. I kept trying to listen in, see if I could give her a hand with the homework she was being given later. But it's like a TI-82 calculator trying to help some kind of supercomputer figure out where stars come from, and that was just how I felt sitting outside the room and listening in.

After that comes the part that usually had Desi smiling the brightest - Gym time back up on level 33 at 9 AM. Watching Desi go hard when it comes to pumping iron or cardio is freaking INSPIRING. I had always heard of Olympian level training, but watching her lose herself in how much she was lifting or how fast she was running must be what they truly meant. And Desi was a freaking MACHINE. It felt like my sister was an Action Hero in the making, pushing herself to go further than anyone else ever had. It was like she went all in during these moments, going hard with an aura of being where she belonged. Like she was MADE for this. But as much as it awed me to watch her crush it and be congratulated by the other women around her for setting the pace for the rest of them, it also scared me to my core. Because when she set foot in here, it was like she became a completely different person.

At 11, Desi usually went to her next course, which is Theoretical Physics. And by Theoretical, I really do mean that. There are so many concepts and more being taught, it was giving me a headache. Frequency modulations, multidimensionality principals, particle transference methods, just two hours of a bunch of gobbledygook that made me dizzy just to think about. On occasion, I'd peak my head into the window, watching as she wrote everything down furiously. She was so focused, her hand a blur as she wrote and scribbled constantly. I was never really good at scientific stuff, but seeing her so passionate about it made me smile. It was like I was seeing my sister's true self again after so long.

Around 1 PM is when we usually had lunch together. I would have something like maybe a sandwich or burger, maybe some chips and a drink. Desi, however, went all in on her meal like at breakfast. A bowl of noodles, a full rack of ribs, salad, fruit, mashed potatoes with gravy and lots of tea. Tearing through her food as I played dumb to ask her how her day was going. The look in her eyes as she feigned how dull and ordinary everything seemed, like I hadn't seen her do some Masters level work like it was basic Algebra or pulling some superhuman level athletics like she had gone for a gentle stroll through the park. She was never a good liar, anyway. But like a good older brother, I just nodded my head, made some non-committal noises and tried to make small talk until after lunch.

That's when things started to get a bit trickier.

When I was dealing with rendering myself mute, she'd take me back up to our floor and wait for me to walk out. Telling me to "get some rest and let my shoulder heal" as she closed the elevator doors so I couldn't see what button she was pressing before heading back downstairs. But one afternoon, right before she could say a thing, I told her that I'd see her later tonight and walked off. This caused her to mess up her routine, and allowed me to watch her pulling out her keycard and swipe it before opening a little panel and pressing something inside it.

I wasn't very good at espionage, but I was better than Desiree, thankfully. It was as the doors closed and the elevator started its descent that I was struck asking myself two questions.

The first question was "What area of the Estates was she going to that required a keycard and what seemed to be a hidden set of buttons?"

And the second was "How the Hell am I going to get my hands on Desi's keycard to find out?"
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on January 06, 2022, 11:52:45 am
An interesting update! It really shows that the "department" is more of a international effort in tackling this unknown threat (possibly X-COM like). In a
way its also telling that Neo's are trying to prep for the future with co-existing with humanity, but to be as equals, protectors, or masters?
One things for sure Desiree is burning that candle hard, of course for Desmond (and to protect him), but possibly more reasons?
Dobro napravljeno!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on January 06, 2022, 01:36:44 pm
The plot is so thick, even Jabba the Hutt is like "Dayum!"
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 07, 2022, 01:00:09 am
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The plot is so thick, even Jabba the Hutt is like "Dayum!"

I've never gotten a compliment like that, before. That actually made my day!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: QBikk on January 07, 2022, 08:33:27 am
I'm not a big fan of horror / sci-fi stories usually, but I must say, your characters are really well developed, your plot is "thick as thieves" and the world you are creating is really well build. Well done!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 07, 2022, 12:41:38 pm
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I'm not a big fan of horror / sci-fi stories usually, but I must say, your characters are really well developed, your plot is "thick as thieves" and the world you are creating is really well build. Well done!

Thank you! I'm glad I was able to tell a story in a way that made you like it so far!

Just wait, though. There are bombs in play, and this is where things start getting INTERESTING (as well as more dramatic).
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 09, 2022, 06:53:11 am
The worst part of the plan was waiting. Because since being put on my part of the treatments, I've been... UNBEARABLY horny. I was glad to have this whole business with following Desi's day to day, otherwise I'd probably be in my room, relieving myself. I mean, it's bad enough to get a random boner. But I have to jack off at least twice a night before bed in order to get some sleep. The weird part is that my, well... it's more sensitive. My dick, I mean. And my balls feel... swollen. I haven't actually looked at them, but I put them in my hand once after I got here. And they definitely felt heavier. Strangest thing of all, though, is I'd normally think of things I'd usually find hot. You know, busty girls, social media influencers, porn stars, what have you. But as much as I tried to get off to fantasies of the types of girls I normally liked, none of it was doing it for me. I don't know why, but I just couldn't get into it. And no matter how much I forced myself, I couldn't finish.

On the first night I felt okay enough to stroke my ego and I couldn't... y'know, I turned to the services Equivalence Estates provides. Maybe catch a movie and distract myself. And I went flipping through the channels, and I found that I had access to all sorts of "adult videos". So I thought to myself, "Hey! This could help me out!" But scrolling through, all the titles were generic as hell. Things with titles like Fiery Passions, Red Hot Nights, Otherworldly Lovers and so on. So I turned a random one on.

But as soon as I did, I was shocked to find that it opened on two muscular women in a gym, working out in the nude. As I reached for the remote, that's when I could feel it. That little throb in your crotch when your body starts reacting on impulse. That subtle rhythm that builds in your chest when your heartrate slowly climbs. The tightness in your chest as your lungs get greedier for air. As I kept watching the film, watching the two half naked gym rats rub each other down, I could feel my skin getting damp. Rubbing my hands on the bed as my eyes were glued to the screen. I went to grab my crotch to do the deed, but stopped when I saw it.

Their eyes. Their glowing eyes.

It was then I realized that I was watching two women, both part of the Equivalence Experiment, working out and making love to each other. The way their hands roamed each other's glistening bodies. The power they exuded from the way their bodies looked pumped as the flexed for each other. The intimacy as they leaned into one another, lips meeting together and pulled away in a rolling tide of kisses. Arousal building as they moaned with every movement, powerful hands sliding down between each other's legs as they explored each other's more private wellsprings of pleasure.

As their eyes turned towards the camera, their glowing orange and green irises peering deeply at me, daring me to get off to the lesbian tryst onscreen, I was shaken out of whatever haze I was in back into the real world. And that's when I felt it. My hand sliding up and down my painfully rigid dick. I quickly ripped my hand away, trying to get myself to calm down. My breath heavy as my heart hammered in my chest and my ears rang.

God, my ears were ringing. Shaking my head did nothing. Rubbing my ears did nothing. It was like a high pitched drill, aurally digging its way into my brain. I reached for the remote as it became more incessant, reaching an intolerable pitch that was hurting my head more and more. And then, with one press of the power button, the sound just... stopped. I breathed a sigh of relief and decided to put my unit away before Desi or someone else walked in. But since then, all of my fantasies have shifted.

Every day since I arrived, I no longer dreamed of busty bimbos fawning over me at the beach, or a slim brunette giving me massages that led into happy endings or anything else like that. Now all I see are the outlines of brawny women taking charge of me, their glowing eyes looking down on me as I lose myself to all pleasure. The only things I feel being the love they show for me, the utter power they have over me, and the intense desire to breed and give them as many children as they desire. Fantasies I've never had before. Fantasies that seemed mere flights of fantasy, impossible by every margin.

But here I am, in a building full of women with glowing eyes and growing bodies. Every single one of them physically stronger than any other woman in the world, I'd guess. Always watching me. Always flirting with me. Always around me. And from what I could reason, always changing more and more. And always growing stronger than me.

So you could see the predicament I'm in. After Desi went back downstairs, I was left alone every afternoon. In my own private place. Having to kill time with a libido that was slowly getting more and more out of control, fueled by fantasies of women growing and changing into veritable fucking goddesses (both literally and figuratively in a few ways). Spending hours cranking it out, images of women being put into the experiment and turning into swole succubi as they fawned over me, pinned me down as they had their way with me, or something else along those lines. I needed the distraction involving Desi's routine, or else I'm sure I'd refuse to come out of my room and jack off constantly. My urges were getting that strong. And I was sure that if I found out what was going on with my sister, I'd find out what was going on with me, too.

But as soon as I walked through the door, the urges came back. It was like the second I put my foot down, my dick went up. Hard as a rock as I closed the door the second I had nothing else to attend to. I shuddered as the yearning grew within me, causing my dick to dribble with pre as I rushed to the bedroom. As I shucked my pants and sat on the bed, I could hear the ringing in my ears again as my hand was a blur. I needed to cum. Oh God, it hurt so bad! I needed to cum!

I closed my eyes and tried to think about something! ANYTHING! But all I saw was Doctor Lawler flexing before me in a tight shirt and pair of undies. Her legs pure pillars of strength as she rubbed her hands all over her body before ripping her shirt open. I could practically feel the buttons hitting my face as she straddled my lap. I could feel her soft womanhood beneath the fabric, rubbing the tip of my cock as her arms pulled me between her tits. The softness of her breasts and the firmness of the pecs beneath them comforting me as she ground her hips into my waist. I could feel her nibbling on my ear, moaning as my hand kneaded her full, firm ass. The scent of apples and cinnamon emanating from her as she nuzzled into my neck.

"Tell me what you want me to do."

I looked Captain Chaimongkhon in her bright green eyes, her hair pulled back beneath her camouflage hat as my hands slid to her breasts, less than a handful but more than made up for by her sheer muscle mass as the scent of tropical fruits and lemongrass wafted into my senses. Her weight shifting the bed as I was gently pushed onto my back while she slid between my legs.

"I... I need...," I stammered, too aroused to even say proper sentences. I could feel her tongue flickering along the underside of my dick, warm and soft as she teased the tip. Her lips pressing against one side of my coinpurse and then the other.

"Understood," she said with an eagerness I had never heard in her voice before. Then, a humid warmth as my cock slid into the oral cavern that was her mouth. I gasped as she slowly brought her head down, her tongue teasing the length of my shaft as she gazed into my eyes with a look of desire, but also of complete control. Setting the pace as her head slowly bobbed up and down my dick with sumptuous sounds of moans and slurps. I tensed up, my right hand gripping my blankets tight as I floated in the incredible feelings of the powerful Thai beauty's oral skills as her hand slid along my torso. My skin tingling with every trace of her fingers, sensual static that caused my abs to twitch in an electric dance while her mouth felt sent thunderbolts of bliss through my cock and into the rest of my body.

"Holy shit," I moaned, trying to not let myself loose as she coaxed my cock inside the warm, wet sarcophagus that was her mouth. I could hear how much she was enjoying it, each moan as her lips stayed sealed while her tongue flit across the slit. The control she exerted as she gently used her teeth to inch her lips forward to reseal herself as she sucked me off. She was doing things I never realized were possible, even with all the porn I've seen in my 23 years of life.

The scent of flowers in full bloom washed over me as Desi pulled off of me. Her eyes looking up at me with pure adoration as she caught her breath.

"Are you ready, Desmond?"

I grabbed my sister's arm as I pulled her up towards me on the bed. Our lips meeting as she grabbed my dick, rubbing it against cleft as she rested atop me. Her magnificently built body in all its glory as her weight sank me into the mattress.

"I... I think so," I told her. "But we're family! And you're not eighteen! We shouldn't-"

Shifting her hips, I felt myself slipping into the tight, velvety embrace between her legs. Her eyes closed as her face was in a mask of pure ecstasy as the ringing in my ears grew louder. She began riding me, skin upon skin with every movement. Leaving me in the sensation of a warm, volcanic tunnel as she rocked her hips. Causing me to unknowingly thrust back up into her. Bonds and taboos broken beyond anything as she fell on top of me. Mashing her lips to mine in primal need as she put her full weight on me, heavier than I even realized as we went beyond love, beyond fucking and into breeding as her voice crescendo higher and higher. Pleasure tearing through us like wildfire as passions exploded.

I reached behind her, feeling how unbelievably broad her back was. A veritable monument made by the hands of God, body packed with muscles beyond reason. I felt the mattress sink more as I felt her tighten around my cock, waves of muscular control pulsing around it as I felt her tighten and loosen herself for maximum efficiency. A skill that must have taken her so long to master.

"Good boy."

I opened my eyes, only to gasp as I saw my mother above me. A cruel smile on her face as her red eyes pierced my vision. Unable to help myself as she stayed mounted on top of me, riding my dick for all it was worth. Her heavy build slamming itself into my pelvis time and again. The incredible vascularity on display greater than the last time I saw her, her frame once again bigger than before. Instilling in me equal parts fear and arousal, a figure I had never fantasized about before as she dominated me in bed as she held me down.

"That's it," she moaned, arching her back to display her incredibly deep etched abs. "Give mommy what she wants, Desmond! You're all mine!"

As her pace became frantic, I could feel myself edging closer and closer. Nearing the precipice as she forced herself on me, greedily taking everything I had. First my home, then all I earned. Then my memories of my father. And now, the one thing I had left that was me. The one thing I was told I am to give for the sake of both Humanity and Neos. I didn't want this. I didn't want HER. But I couldn't disobey her, no matter how much I didn't want to.

The ringing in my ears began to grow painful as my body, at last, betrayed me. I saw as my mother flexed her magnificent arms, hollering like some primal goddess claiming her mate or victim as I fired volley after volley deep inside her. Unleashing everything within me, I saw as her amazing abdomen slowly swelled, filling with my seed as she froze above me. Staying perfectly still until I felt the flow of my cum ebb and slow. And when I was at last completely spent, she fell forward. Smothering me with her bulk as she stared into my eyes with a malicious look.

"Thank you, sweetie! Now, be a good boy and take a nap while mommy tells you what to do..."

I awoke with a start, throwing myself out of bed completely naked only to stop myself. Why was I in bed naked? Did I take a nap? I must have, otherwise why would I be naked? And why does my head hurt? I was so confused, but the one thing that was most undeniable was how thirsty I was. Sauntering into the kitchen, I noticed the clock in the living room let me know it was almost 5 PM. That meant it was time to take my pills. Grabbing a glass of water, I walked back into the living room area and grabbed the bottle of reds. As I put my dosage in my hand, I noticed that someone had left me an envelope with my name on it on a nearby table.

"What the Hell?" was all I said as I opened it up to find a note that read "Shift change: 1 AM. Records on SB5" and a black keycard.

As I ruminated on what the card was implying, I followed Doctor Lawler's orders and swallowed the four red pills I'm to take every four hours with some water. If I'm to learn what the hell was going on, I wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on January 09, 2022, 07:45:02 am
Amazing chapter, though I do feel like alarm bells should be ringing inside Desmond's head!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 09, 2022, 09:05:04 am
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Amazing chapter, though I do feel like alarm bells should be ringing inside Desmond's head!

Alarms should be going off in his head. That is, if there wasn't that damn ringing in his ears...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on January 09, 2022, 09:39:17 am
A spicy update indeed!. Well here's hoping 4 reds don't mean half of the estates walk funny in morning  :)
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 09, 2022, 09:43:21 am
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A spicy update indeed!. Well here's hoping 4 reds don't mean half of the estates walk funny in morning  :)

Well, he IS following doctor's orders, after all. Only problem is that there are explicit instructions on the bottle. And I think there might be other issues, first.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 17, 2022, 12:33:36 pm
Started working on the next installment of Your House again. Gonna aim for the next week or two so I can focus heavily on The Sandow Family, then another installment of something else.

Being flat broke and health taking a turn at the same time abso-fucking-lutely sucks balls, y'all.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on March 17, 2022, 02:35:27 pm
GLK - if this helps you get through - use it to help.  If it's only added stress, remember this forum isn't going anywhere and we'll all be here to read what's next when you get around to it

Be well

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 17, 2022, 03:03:32 pm
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GLK - if this helps you get through - use it to help.  If it's only added stress, remember this forum isn't going anywhere and we'll all be here to read what's next when you get around to it

Be well


This. I know I cheerlead and gush a lot for stories but, at the end of the day if you need time off and this creates more stress than relief then take time off. Barring the mods changing the
forum into a  My Little Pony fansite I believe it will still be here when you get back.   :rock:
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jhunter on March 17, 2022, 07:37:41 pm
Interesting turn of events, though not uncommon in an taking over the world plot. Keep up the nice work, and let's see how things proceed.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 20, 2022, 05:48:35 am
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Interesting turn of events, though not uncommon in an taking over the world plot. Keep up the nice work, and let's see how things proceed.

...Who said anything about taking over the world?


As I was going over the best approach to this mission I found myself on, I heard a knock on my door.

"Des," I heard Desiree ask me from the other side of the door. "You alright?"

I quickly ran to my room, remembering that I was still naked to the world and hustled to get dressed.

"Y-Yeah," I called out. "Just took a nap."

Seeing my wallet on the floor, I fell forward to grab it. My shoulder aching as I flipped it open and slid the access card in the inside pocket just as I heard the click of the front door's lock. Knowing I had to hurry, I threw the message beneath the bed and scrambled to my knees. As I was climbing onto the bed, I saw my younger sister, looking like she was drained of every ounce of energy she had, walking into the living room. The way her shoulders were slumped, the look on her face. Even her glowing eyes seemed dimmed a bit. Whatever she had gone to had left her utterly exhausted.

"Whoa," I said, giving her the once over. "Are you okay?"

She sort of march-stumbled over to the bed before pivoting on the toes of one foot and falling backwards. Spreading her arms wide after gliding past me with her full weight. Causing both the bed and I to bounce from the surprising heaviness that Desi seemed to have, creating enough of a divot in the mattress to cause me to fall into her waiting arms.

"I will be when we eat," she groaned, subconsciously wrapping her arms around me like a Teddy Bear. "Think we both need to keep our calories up."

As she held me tight, I could practically do nothing but lay there. No matter how I moved, I was practically being squished. The only times I had seen Desi act this way was when mom would run her ragged before sneaking over to my place for a visit, just holding me tight after dinner as she fell asleep on me. But things were different now. Not only was Desi much bigger, but she was also stronger. She also had an alien sense around her, no matter the level of familiarity. And to cap it all off, she was also made older, which came with it a more womanly figure. As I was caught within her embrace, I was hit with conflicting emotions. The firmness of her muscular body and the softness of her gentle curves. The pure power she exhuded and the gentleness in her touch. And in the mix of it all, the sweet smell of flowers in bloom flooding my senses. I had to break her grip on me, or else things were going to get awkward.

"I think we do," I told her, carefully pushing her arm up so her bicep was no longer flexing into my face. "Do you need to take a shower?"

Lifting her arm up further, she gave herself a quick sniff, recoiling at the scent.

"I think I do," she said, letting me go. "You mind if I use yours?"

Bounding off the bed, she was barely in the bathroom before she had slipped off her shirt. Giving me a full view of her broadened back, as thick as some of the football playes I shared gym time with back in high school. But unlike the boys back then, through her tired demeanor and everything else, Desi somehow exhuded pure, undeniable strength. But I also noticed the bruising that crisscrossed her lats and lower back. The redness along her shoulders, the blues and greens and yellows along her side. The indented dots of purple, as if something has dug itself into her flesh. All of this, in barely a few seconds before she closed the door and the running shower cut me off from asking questions.

Probably for the best, I told myself. Slowly getting dressed to give Desi more time to shower and relax. It looked like she went through Hell. Was this part of her training? Are all the women- sorry, Neos treated this way?

Just what in the world would require them to be trained to fight? To be put through the ringer day after day after day like this?

Once again, I had to ask myself. What the fuck did mom get us into that people like my sister and mother and Doctor Lawler were being turned into soldiers? And what was this whole thing with Neos, in the first place? I had to get answers, and tonight was probably going to be my best, and by all rights only, chance to do so. But before that, we needed to eat.

As I waited for Desi to come out of the shower, my heart was hammering in my chest. I don't know why that was but it's true. Just sitting there on my bed, lost in my own thoughts, I could hear... nothing. No ringing in my head, no frequencies that invisibly set my bones on fire. I mean, there was a slight ringing in my ears, but that was easily more noticing that there wasn't any sort of background noise. I was glad, but also concerned. Was... Was I able to pick up some sort of humming in this place? I could swear that I could hear something every time I stepped foot in here. But right now, it's like I could clearly think.  Looking around the room, I didn't see any of the telltale orange dots. Maybe I was imagining it. Gotta stop acting like a jackass and get out of my-

"Desmond? You okay?"

Looking up at Desi, draped with a towel around her waist and another across her shoulders while she held her clothes under her arm, my mind went blank. Desi's body was INCREDIBLE. The faintest hint of a six-pack, the clear rounding of her broader shoulders, the clear firmness of her arms. Her body had the appearance of a Crossfitter with a more feminine edge.

"Y-yeah. Uh, yeah. You, uh... You want me to wait for you to come back or-"

Shuffling on her feet, I watched Desi faintly smile at my being flustered.

"If you want," she said, moving towards the bedroom door. "I'll only be a minute, alright?"

I didn't answer, too entranced to speak as the scent of wildflowers in bloom flooded my senses while she sauntered into the living room and out into the hallway. As soon as I heard the door close, I could feel my unrestrained hand tremoring badly. I was practically quaking, nearly every inch of me vibrating as my heart pounded in my chest. I was so antsy, I didn't know what to do but get up and pace around as I waited for my sister to return. I practically did laps around my apartment, I was going so fast. I just couldn't calm down. Every minute felt like an hour as I kept moving and my guy started grumbling, my mind going a million miles an hour on nothing. No thoughts, just pure sensations. I only stopped when I noticed the growing approach of flowers before the door opened, revealing Desi in a pair of jeans, a faded dark blue t-shirt and sneaker.

"Ready for dinner?"

I nodded my head and breezed past her. I didn't know why but I wanted to get to the dining floor as quickly as possible. Pressing the button and anxiously bouncing my right foot as I waited.

"Desmond," I heard her asking me. "Is something going on?"


My sister gently held my shoulder as she turned me to look her in the eyes.

"You don't seem okay," she told me, looking serious. "I can contact Maisie to do a quick check and-"

"I'll be fine," I told her as the elevator dinged. "I just want to get something to eat, is all."

Desi slowly followed me into lift as I punched in the dining floor button.

"Your eyes are a bit dilated and your skin's flush. Maybe you should-"

"I'm fine!"

I only realized I shouted at her after the words left me. A slight tension in my chest as I cringed at what I had just done. Before now, I never actual threw any type of snark at my sister.

"I'm... I'm sorry," I said, weakly. "I don't know what's gotten into me today, and I had no right to shout at you."

The tension as I waited for Desi to say something grew louder than the sound of the elevator. I kept glancing at her, trying to gauge if I hurt her feelings. But for ten floors, she was like a stone. Her face barely showing anything as she clearly thought about how I was acting as we came to a stop.


As soon as the doors opened, Desi suddenly seemed to brighten as she strode out of the lift and towards a parade of Neos heading to get their meal.

"So, what are you thinking? Pizza? Ramen? Lumpia? How about a burger? I could go for a burger!"

As I tried to follow her through the crowd, I found that she had picked up her pace. Weaving through the people she called her "sisters" as if she were a salmon in a stream. The way she deftly maneuvered between everyone made it harder and harder to catch up. Until I found my feet catching on something and I started to fall, only to feel someone's arm wrapped around me.


Wait a minute! I recognize that voice!

I turned to look at the woman- Ack! Neo, God damn it! I have to get used to saying "Neos"! I turned to look at the NEO who caught me, and I think I had my first genuine smile in weeks.

"Nurse Emma?"

As she helped get me on my feet, I couldn't believe my eyes! The pretty nurse with the killer body, out of everyone in the building? What were the fucking ODDS!

"You can just call me Emma, Mr. Nowell." she said, giving me a smile that was almost as bright as her now electric green eyes. "And how about I call you Desmond? Build a proper relationship?"

"Falling for someone's one way for something to be-"

It suddenly dawned on me that her eyes were not the only thing that was different about her. She was now taller, almost at eye level with me. And her body was... I mean, she was fit before. But this wasn't fit. This was next level. Her sweater fit her like a glove, tightened in the right places to highlight just how developed her body had become. Straining the fabrics enough to give contour to her biceps, forearms and lats, yet also tight enough around her core to highlight the insane taper she now had that led down to a pair of leggings that she seemed to have been poured into. It was like she had moved beyond solid thick and into BUILT thick, closer to a professional figure competitor rather than a regular athlete.


I wasn't quite sure if she was humoring me, but Emma actually laughing at my stupid joke made me feel, I don't know, better? Though looking her over, I have a feeling it might have been accidentally layered.

"Speaking of built," she continued. "I see you're wearing a brace Doctor Lawler helped design. Did something happen?"

Shit! Come on, dumbass! Don't leave her hanging! Say something!

"Uh... Fell and broke my shoulder. Doctor Lawler has me on meds to help me heal enough to start treatments. Which, uh, are apparently in a couple weeks."

Emma eyes went wide as she squeed a bit and wrapped her arms around me.

"That's great! That means you'll be the first man to take part in Compatibility Evaluation soon!"

As she held me close, the scent of what seemed like orange sherbet washed over me. The warmth Emma exuded, plus the scent of her perfume made me feel weirdly at ease. I could hear my heart slowly relax the longer I held her. I don't know why, but I wanted to hold her and never let go. It just felt right to be here in her arms and-

"There you are!"

The sound of Desi's voice broke my train of thought as I felt Emma's arms slip away from me. There was a sudden, sullen ache as she did. I've never actually felt something like that before.

"Desiree!" Emma called out. "It's great to see you!"

As I watched Emma move to embrace her, I noticed Desi was caught off-guard. Though I wasn't sure if it was her finding me hugging another Neo, the fact is was Emma or that someone besides me called her by her actual name. But all the same, she put on her best smile at this unexpected reunion.

"Emma," Desi said, forced to respond in kind. "This is rather fortunate! I take it you went through your second run downstairs?"

Emma gave us both a twirl before posing her newly enhanced body for the both of us.

"You know it! I was hoping for Blue, but I'll take Green any day of the week! Especially with its advantages!"

As if she realized the nurse had said something she shouldn't have, Desi's eyes grew serious, flitting towards me before giving Emma a slight scowl.

"You know we can't discuss Neo things in front of Desmond." she quietly warned her, bringing a reddish undertone to Emma's sharp cheeks

"I never liked that rule," she pouted. "He deserves to know what is going on."

Desi's whole demeanor shifted, standing as if she had to be stricter about things.

"We'll get punished if we do before his second treatment. So I want you to just let it go, okay?"

Desi's eyes drifted between the two of us, forcing me to wonder if what she was saying was for Emma's benefit, hers, mine or all of ours. Emma, however, huffed as she slowly shook her head.

"You're the A Rank," she told her before moving in to hug me. "Anyway, it was great seeing you, Desmond! If you need anything, just ask the front desk for my room number. I'll leave a spare card for you in case you need my attention, okay?"

"I will!" I said, tightly holding her as the scent of orange sherbet assailed me.

As she moved towards my sister, my hand lingered on her back. It was like I didn't want to part from her yet. But the second her arms wrapped around Desi, I pulled away. Noticing that there was an odd tightness in my hand, running along the outside along the pinky as the muscles contracted. Painlessly cramping as it pulled my finger out to the side a bit as my whole hand tremored slightly. Not wanting to alarm them, I quickly forced my fingers against my chest to help force it into a fist, feeling the tension disappear as my knuckles popped as I took a deep breath. Looking up just in time for Emma to tell Desi an "I'll see you soon, sister!" before quickly making her way into the dining area.

"Lucky you ran into her." Desi said, bemused at the run-in.

"Not so much "ran into" as "caught because I tripped and fell", really."

Desi sighed as she put her hand on my shoulder, a worrying look returning to her face.

"I need to apologize," she said, looking me in the eye. "I promised that I'd take care of you while you're part of the experiment. I know things have been rough, and you did apologize for yelling at me. But I still got a little scared. You know how Laur- I mean, mom treated us not even two months ago. So when you got aggressive, I just... ran. Like what I thought you did when you left for college."

I gently wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in for a hug.

"Mom's our boogeyman, I guess."

I felt her arms wrap around me again, hearing her breathe deeply and slowly sigh.

"I guess so."

I felt her loosening her grip on me, think for a brief second that was all she wanted before she took my hand and began pulling me. Loudly stating "I'm starved! Let's get some food!" as she quickly began pulling me through the still oncoming crowd and towards the dining area. But as I was dragged through the population of the facility, it occurred to me that there were way more people than we normally saw at this time of day. In fact, the hustle and bustle was filled with the murmur of celebration. It wasn't lost on me that something might be happening.

"Desi?" I shouted out. "What's with everyone? All the ladies seem to be excited about something."

"Don't mind them," she said. "One of the leaders of the experiment's coming in tomorrow in order to make an announcement. I'm pretty sure it's-"

We both came to a stop, looking over the central serving area to see it completely decked out. Hanging over every stall and on every wall were giant purple flags made with the various rings of the Neos eye colors of red and blue and green and orange, centered around a large purple pyramid in a white circle. Alongside the flags hung banners that proclaimed things like "Unity Through Strength", "Now Begins The Age Of Neos", "Guiding Humanity Towards A Prosperous Reality" and more. One look at Desiree, and I could see that she was taken aback by the sheer jingoistic fervor that was presented to us.


I quickly started walking again, taking the initiative to finally have some sort of control in my life again. Switching the roles as I dragged my sister along further towards the servers and maybe someone who had an inkling of what the hell was going on.

"This doesn't seem like nothing, Desi. Let's go."

As I started acting like a big brother again, I looked around for someone in the know to explain this dog and pony show. Because if I didn't start asking questions now, I knew I'd lose the opportunity to protect not only myself, but Desiree from a growing mystery that was beginning to feel more disturbing with each moment.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 20, 2022, 07:00:53 pm
An awesome update! It sounds like upgrades can be easily done for Neos but they also seem to be randomized to an extent but the overall result is something as Desmond put it "Built". Also it sound like some of the pre treatments for Desmond are starting to kick in, which makes his second treatment all the more interesting. Finally hopefully he gets some answers, because it sounds like the Neos are gearing up for something big.

On a more serious note you good?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 20, 2022, 11:04:45 pm
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An awesome update! It sounds like upgrades can be easily done for Neos but they also seem to be randomized to an extent but the overall result is something as Desmond put it "Built". Also it sound like some of the pre treatments for Desmond are starting to kick in, which makes his second treatment all the more interesting. Finally hopefully he gets some answers, because it sounds like the Neos are gearing up for something big.

On a more serious note you good?

I did promise that more things would start being revealed, but there's a LOT (and I do mean A LOT) that has yet to be touched upon. The story has only gotten maybe two months into both Desmond and Desi's time in the experiment. And this was only Part 16A, because there's still getting through dinner and finding out what's going on before I move on to the chapter involving Desmond's mission and the payoff. Let's just say that no matter what people are guessing about the Neos and the Equivalency Experiment, it's not exactly what they think it is. And that includes the name. Words matter, especially when you keep how those with power use them.

And yeah, I'm okay today. Don't wanna pour out my insides on here but things still suck really mightily atm. But I'm trying my best to focus on the only thing I really have, which is my writing.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Wookey on March 22, 2022, 01:29:21 am
May the gods smile on you GLK. May the good karma you have earned be delivered in your time of need.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 23, 2022, 10:57:46 pm
As we reached the mini-city of food stalls, sit-down restaurants, hole in the wall spots and carts that had been made available to us, I couldn't help but feel like we had stepped into the middle of a bizarro Fourth Of July celebration. The flags were everywhere, in all shapes, forms and fashions. People were wearing clothing associated with the various ring colors that matched their eyes. Brightly dyed pendants hung from the rim of stall frames. People hung sheets with things like "Neo Is New/Neo For You" and "Neo Is The Next Phase" that had an image of several colorful arms holding on to normal, flesh colored ones. Energizing the entire floor with a strange mix of open air festival and political rally, leaving the whole area with the vibe of some sort of propagandistic circus.

"This is more than they said it was," Desi said, having to speak over the bustling crowd as we grabbed our trays. "I mean, people seemed eager when we were told this morning in Engineering. But this is another level entirely!"

"So you're saying this was a surprise?" I asked, glancing around as we walked down the packed stalls to see if there was someone I could ask about all this.

"For the most part," she tittered, holding up her hand to a lady with orange eyes and dark hair for one bowl of a mix of tropical fruits. "It seems that announcements don't happen that often. And it's even rarer that it's done by Doctor Bernard!"

"Doctor Bernard?" I asked, completely lost in what she was saying. Watching as she popped a mangosteen ball into her mouth as I motioned for a loaded salad while my sister seemed to break out into a fangirl glee.

"Doctor Cecilia Bernard! One of the founding mothers of the Department Of Equivalency! She's been the driving force behind the whole operation and the reason we've been able to come so far, so fast!"

"She must have worked hard over the past ten years to get this all put together, huh?"

Desi moved in front of me, giving me a confused look.

"What do you mean?" she inquired, causing me to stop.

"I mean, all of this, causing this whole Neo thing to happen, getting the backing? She's clearly a genius, as she must have pulled some world shaking cards to make this a reality."

Desi's face fell as she thought about what I had said.

"Let's split up to get our stuff," she said, glumly. "I'll meet you at the seating area by the South elevators, alright?"

Before I could even say anything, she began walking off once more. Did I say something that offended her? As she quickly vanished into the crowd, I took a deep breath and sighed.

"What the fuck is wrong with me today?"

As I wandered from section to section, covering at least a mile of options, I found that my appetite was practically non-existent. I mean, I could eat, definitely. But no matter what I looked at, I couldn't feign even an ounce of interest for what was before me. We had a vast bounty of the world's food before us. Every dish from every part of the world for us to consume, and I wanted none of it. So I chose to go for my usual sandwich, some chips and mostly some soda. I honestly don't know why, but my throat was dry and I had some serious cottonmouth going on. I decided to play it safe and started putting some extra bottles on the tray for later before I made my way back towards where we came from.

But as I walked along, something caught my eye. Everywhere I looked, I noticed various soldiers in colored uniforms that reflected their eye colors. So many oranges and green, interspersed with the occasional blue. But most surprising of all, not a single red or white uniform. Maybe there was something about those colors that were rarer than the rest? I had so many questions to ask, but every time I got nearer to them, every woman in uniform seemed to home in on me. Their glowing eyes locking on me as if I was a person of interest. I could tell it was their way of trying to keep me in line, and damn it was working. Imagine if every authority figure knew you're name and appearance, and were told to keep an eye on you all the time to ensure you did nothing "out of pocket", as dad put it. I could feel them watching me. And every time I stopped to consider asking them anything, it was like they knew.

"Please keep it moving, Mr. Nowell." Or "Enjoy your meal so you can regain your strength, Mr. Nowell." Or "We are here for you, Mr. Nowell." Just words that seem innocuous, but add a certain look or stance and it suddenly starts feeling something more than innocent. And fuck me, it worked. Every time I wanted to ask them, I just... couldn't. The stress was starting to give me a headache. Even over the murmuring crowd, I had this slight ringing in my ears. My heart was still pounding in my chest. I had to go sit down.

As I got to the seating area, I looked around trying to find Desi. But every spot I went to, I couldn't find her. Was she still getting her food? Did she run? My thoughts started going a million miles a second as I tried to figure out if it was something I did. Oh God, she left, didn't she? Did I say another stupid thing? Did she run into mom? Please don't let her have run into mom! Is mom here? She's here, isn't she? I gotta find Desi. Gotta make sure she's-

"Looking for a seat, Mr. Nowell?"

Startled by the voice behind me, I turned to look into the glowing green eyes of Captain Chaimongkhon. Dressed in a bright green officer's uniform, her bob length hair was pulled back in a ponytail, which somehow made her eyes look even bigger. Adding to the peaceful yet authoritative aura she commanded, as the scent of tropical fruits and lemongrass drifted into my senses which seemed to help me calm down.

"I'm... yeah," I muttered. "Desi told me to meet her here, and I-"

"You can join me," she offered. "That way, she can join us and you won't have to be alone."

With a wag of her finger, she guided me to follow her, which I gladly did. As I trailed her, my eyes took in her form from behind. The uniform looked tight on her, filled with a powerful frame that had filled out since the last time I saw her. The lapels on her broad shoulders leading to a back that seemed to stretch out her jacket, as if it was having some difficulty merely containing Amelia's innate power. The way her pants hugged her every curve, emphasizing an incredible ass that was so round and firm. The kind of backside you'd find girls killing themselves every day in the gym to get. Thighs that brimmed with strength, threatening to tear the seams apart so they could show off their glory. Calves that caused her boots to distend, rippling even through both fabric and polished leather. I imagined each piece of clothing tattering and falling to the ground as she walked, slowly revealing her absolutely packed-

"Let's sit here, Mr. Nowell."

I was pulled screaming out of my fantasy as Amelia sat down, forcing me to settle myself as I took a seat across from her. As I sat down awkwardly, I watch as she unbuttoned her coat and slid out of it, revealing the very taut dress shirt, her biceps naturally flexing as they threated to pull the seams from her powerful shoulders. I could feel myself stirring in my pants as I involuntarily swallowed my spit.

"Th-thank you for sitting with me," I told her. "You didn't have to-"

She picked up her spoon and began to stir her green curry, sliding me a look that spoke equally of responsibility and courtesy.

"You are under my care," she said, in a tone reminiscent of a teacher or caretaker than a soldier. "On top of that, you're the only man in the entire building. I don't want anything to happen to you before tomorrow."

"You mean the announcement..."

She slowly nodded her head before taking a bite of her food.

"I'm here as part of Doctor Bernard's security detail. It seems she is VERY eager to meet you, Desmond."

Grabbing my fork, I began to add my toppings as I was left befuddled by that specific detail.

"Why me?"

"Every other man is at most a C Rank. You are the first truly compatible male in the entire program. She has been looking for someone like you for years in order to figure out how to increase the male population's viability in the experiment."

"Years?" I asked as I started jabbing my food. "You're making it sound like she's spent a lifetime trying to find someone like me."

"That's because she has."

Putting her filled tray down with a clatter, Desi quickly sat down beside me and started to unwrap one of her burgers.

"That doesn't make sense," I told her. "This is all extremely new, isn't it? I mean, it was just announced to the public. There's no way-"

"Do you know when the Department Of Equivalency was founded, Mr. Nowell?"

Amelia's question caught me off-guard. I tried to figure out what she meant, but her vibrant green eyes were glued on me the entire time. I could feel this intense pressure emanating from her, daring me to a challenge.

"The, uh, website said that the DOE was given authorization in the past five years to develop-"

Desi took a bite of her burger before shaking her head and putting it down.

"Wrong answer."

I glanced at both of the ladies at the table, clearly confused.

"So it's not five years," I gave. "Then that means it's ten ye-"

"Try again," Amelia said, giving me a satisfied smirk I had never seen before. "Go ahead."

"Uh... twenty?" I asked, unsure of where this was going.

Suddenly, the sound of a fourth tray joining us at the table to my right caused me to jump slightly and look to find that Doctor Lawler had joined us.

"The Department Of Equivalency," June said, matter-of-factly. "Or as it was formerly called here in the U.S., The Department Of Exploration, was founded in 1951 as a united global counter-program that would act as the bleeding edge scientific better of the CCCP's Space program. Serving as the radical sister program to NASA."

"June," Captain Chaimongkhon chastised. "You know you can't tell him this!"

"Actually," the doctor said, smiling. "I can. As his attending physician, Doctor Bernard has given me the authority to tell him at least a little bit of what's going on."

"I want to hear this," I told them, intrigued by what Doctor Lawler was saying. "So you're saying this whole program has to deal with going to Space?"

Doctor Lawler, with the smile on her face, shook her head as she opened her can of coffee.

"Used to. Now it's entirely dedicated to preserving Humanity. Turning women into Neos and  ensuring that Humans will never have to face the possibility of being wiped out due to the greed and selfishness that ruined everything to come. And it's all thanks to Doctor Bernard's breakthroughs in 1962."

"Wow," I muttered, opening one of the soda bottle to take a drink. "I can see why you're all excited about her coming for the announcement. It's not every day a woman that old makes an appearance. She's gotta be, what? In her eighties?"

"Close," Desi added. "She's actually ninety-seven this year!"

I couldn't help but whistle. The lady who created this program was in her NINETIES? The woman had to be something to be that old and still have the pull to convince political powers to do this. And since the FIFTIES? I feel like I've fallen into some sort of weird sci fi story.

"But I've gotta ask. What the Hell is with the flags and banners and whatnot?

"That flag," Amelia said, pointing towards one of the giant flags hanging nearby. "It represents all of the Neo Sisters in the program. The concentric circles for each of the types of Neos we will become, with a purple pyramid in a white field representing the structure of our society and where we come from. A reminder and a visualization to what we are and what we seek to give the world."

"I don't know," Desi interjected. "I mean, doesn't that kind of feel... fascistic?"

"Any nascent form of power feels like an imposition on "the natural order" of how we view our lives," Doctor Lawler replied. "But give it some time, Destiny. You'll find it's not as bad as you're initially perceiving it to be."

Desi's eyes narrowed, glaring at Doctor Lawler.

"Desiree. I filed the forms to keep the name Desiree."

"I still think it might be best to go with the name they gave you, sister." Captain Chaimongkhon added. "You are already nothing like the child that you were."

"Is a name change really that important?" I ask, completely unsure of why they were still going on about my sister's name. But Doctor Lawler sighed as she grabbed her knife and began cutting into her steak.

"It's part of the development of a Neo. To build the new form, one must also break down the identity tied to the old one. By associating a new name with the new life, it will make the ensuing changes that a member of the experiment undergoes easier to accept. It's a new life, albeit at the sacrifice of the old one."

"And that's why I'm keeping the name," Desi told her, a fire in her eyes. "I made a promise, and I plan on keeping it."

"A promise?" Amelia asked, putting down her utensils so she could bring her hands together. "In your files, there were no records of you making a promise with anyone. Who was the promise with?"

I could see the nerves building within my sister as her eyes kept moving between me and Captain Chaimongkhon. Was there something she wasn't telling me, let alone anyone in the experiment?

"To... To myself," she mumbled, grabbing a burger and taking a bite before she was forced to fully answer. Causing June to laugh.

"It's good to keep promises, I guess. But back to the matter at hand."

As she moved her tray to the side, I couldn't help but notice Doctor Lawler's breasts pushing up as she leaned forward. The top three buttons of her shirt were undone, leaving a beautiful chasm of cleavage that immediately put me back into feeling like a teenager again.

"Desmond," she continued, forcing me to look directly into her eyes. "Tomorrow, after Doctor Bertrand gives her speech, she wishes to meet with you. Consider it a-"

Perfectly pausing her words, my eyes went wide as June flexed her chest, causing her breasts to bounce as she gave me a Cheshire smile.

"...Personal invitation."

And just like that, I was rock hard. Holy shit. Holy shit! HOLY! SHIT! I could feel my face tingling as I realized they could probably tell I was getting turned on. Hearing both Amelia and June laughing happily at my predicament. I looked over to Desi, who had turned her eyes down to her food. Looking embarrassed for me as she picked at her fruit bowl.

"I'll... I'll get us some bags to take our food to our rooms." she quickly stammered before darting off, causing both of my caretakers to laugh a bit louder.

"Still a child," Captain Chaimongkhon tittered, giving an appreciative sigh as she sipped on her tea. "She gets so flustered over nothing when we're trying to show her how things are done."

My heart ached as it suddenly dawned on me that what I was seeing, at this very moment, was how Desiree must have been seen on a daily basis. The reason my sister was pushing herself so hard, coming back to our rooms with aches and bruises, was because of the fact that I was involved. At home, mom hung over the both of us like a dark veil, trying to ruin our lives for her own sake. Here, I was clearly the focus of everyone's interest, leaving my sister in my shadow. And the regular consensus in her daily life was that she was viewed as a child?

"Aren't you supposed to be her "sisters" or whatever you are, now?" I found myself asking before realizing it. Watching as they stopped laughing to look at me like I suddenly offended them.

"Excuse me?" Doctor Lawler said.

"You heard me," I told her, returning her gaze. "You and every other woman here-"

"Neos," Amelia warned me, as a sudden knowing pressure from her presence began to grow. "And be careful, Mr. Nowell. You do not want to provoke us."

I slowly stood from my seat, their eyes following me as I got to my feet.

"I don't think you understand," I told them both. "Desi and I? We are survivors. We have spent our entire lives being ridiculed, being harassed, being yelled at and abused. And you think that, just because of some rinky-dink little operation that, what? Is turning women here into Super Soldiers or whatever bullshit you think it is? You think that gives YOU the right to treat my sister like a child?"

Doctor Lawler sprang to her feet, glaring at me with a fury I had only seen from one other woman in my life before.

"That's because she still IS a child, Mr. Nowell! By all rights to the program, to our hierarchy, and especially by her classification! She is just a child and even breeding stock like you must recognize it!"

I could feel a burning in my chest as her words sank in. Despite everything I was led to believe, this is how my sister and I were being treated. Everything they said they'd do for us, to make sure we were safe. This was how we were viewed by those in charge. Desi, despite everything she had gone through, how much she had changed and how hard she was pushing herself, was still a child. And I, in all my blithering stupidity, finally caught on that their terminology was put plain and simple enough for an idiot like me to catch on. I took a deep breath and tried to settle down, despite the fact that my erection wouldn't go down and my heart felt like it was in overdrive.

"That's how you really think of us?" I asked, catching Doctor Lawler off-guard by the tone of my voice. She was clearly expecting a challenge, just like my mom. And I knew how to make sure she wouldn't get the satisfaction of it.

So I did the smart thing. I bent down, my shoulder aching as I grabbed both trays with a groan, and started walking towards the direction Desi went before they could say anything. Noticing for the first that the whole area around us was watching me walk away, leaving the two people who were supposed to be overseeing us in silence. It didn't take me long to find her, running back with some boxes and bags.

"Des?" she asked, quietly. "What's going-?"

I tilted my head at the takeaway stuff in her hands and smiled calmly.

"Let's finish dinner upstairs, okay?"

Without another word, she began storing everything to take upstairs as I thought about the hard choices I've had to make in my life. Sadly coming to terms with the fact that this is yet another one. Grabbing our food, we walked back to the elevator and headed back to our floor. And on the way, I made my choice.

Tonight, I'd be finding out what the fuck is going on. And tomorrow, I will be pulling Desi and I out of this fucking shit show, effective immediately.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 24, 2022, 12:49:27 am
Damn! That is a solid update! From the exposition of the brief history of the program to Desmond giving a verbal uppercut to the whole ideal and mindset of all of it. It makes you wonder what will Desmond find out and what is in store for him when he does.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 26, 2022, 01:28:20 am

In the past, it was expected of men to go off and die while women birthed children and "kept the homefires burning". From the days of cavemen to the Graecian Councils that formed the first Democratic Politics, to fiefdoms and the rise of Conservative dogma to today. One of the most precious resources we had was constantly squandered to achieve the aims of Glory, Freedom, Progress or simple things like Power and Useful elements of civil construction. We were told to breed, to build, to bear, to pass away. And with the actions of certain political regimes across the world, the noose was tightened around the collective throats of every woman, whether they were born with two X-chromosomes or not.

This was the warning we were waiting for in fear and trepidation.

The planet is withering.

Humanity is on the precipice of destruction.

It is time for us to guide Humanity to become something more.

It is time for them to become something new.


Devised by the brilliant Doctor Cecilia Bernard, The Equivalence Experiment is the polishing stages of the Neo-Transitional Process (NTP). This process is a means through which to combine radical treatments to bathed a volunteer in the energies discovered by an anomalous breakthrough in Dimensional Technology to strengthen and adapt their bodies to the rigors of transdimensional space. Fiber density, tensile strength, senses. These and many more benefits have been found to not only enhance those that undergo the process, but guarantee a more cohesive union of body and mind into a new phase of existence. A form that embodies the ideal of what Humanity could be - Homo Sapiens Neo, or the Neo-Human.


In a word? No.

There is one major flaw to the process: only those who identify themselves as Women may successfully transition from Human to Neo-Human. This is not due to a critical error in terms of regarding men or non-binary individuals. Far from it, actually. The whole purpose is to create a shift in paradigm, allowing the most populous gender to serve as a matriarchal figure to those who are unable to undergo the process. You will become the embodiment of everything feminine and join the fight to create a better future for all of Humankind.

Alongside your other sisters, you will become the forward face of evolution. The shield, the sword, the plow, the open hand. You will have the power and access to every resource the Department Of Equivalence has at its disposal to become the vessel to the true you.


This is a discussion for those who oversee your transition process, as they will make sure you understand what is going to happen to you. But from the very beginning, you will notice that you have more energy, more focus and an overall boost in terms of general wellbeing. It will be like you've been lightened of your burden, or have become a new person. This is completely natural, as the initial treatment has been noted to stabilize neurochemical instabilities and invigorate the body's natural healing processes. Our teams of extensive medical professionals will be with you from day one to guide and counsel you through every step of the process.

We are your Sisters and we are here to help.


The only limit to any women that enroll is you. Feminine is not defined by pure aesthetics. We are more plentiful in Humanity, and it is only right that we step up as the larger force in Humanity's survival.

Will you join your fellow Sisters in become the future of Neo-kind?


If you are reading this, then that means you have already been accepted. Within three to five business days, you will be contacted by a representative of the Department Of Equivalence where you may schedule an appointment at one of your nearest Governmental research sites to begin the process of making a New You.

A Neo You.


Major Denise Duchamps


Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on March 26, 2022, 07:02:50 pm
It's a good story as long as it doesn't turn into a male shaming dom cuck story. The male MC still has some backbone and hasn't been made irrelevant.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 26, 2022, 10:59:20 pm
 It's a story that basically put the main character in a Prisoner (60s TV Show) kind of situation but at the same time he doesn't lose hope to at least go back to some normalcy and at the same time try to find the truth of his situation.

As for this update it is very interesting and makes you think if this discovery was made without the department's "guidance" we'd have space marines in the 60's along with the Cold War going Neo Hot.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 27, 2022, 05:32:11 am
On the way up to our rooms, I could tell Desi wanted to ask me what happened downstairs. But even if she asked, I wasn't going to tell her. My views on both Doctor Lawler and Captain Chaimongkhon had changed after the debacle, and the secrets they were hiding from me left me with an incredible sour sensation in my stomach. The fact I needed to get upstairs and take more of my meds wasn't lost on me, as well. I needed to take a yellow with my meal, as well. I don't know why, but some more reds, as well. The only thing that kept going through my head was to take some more reds. I had to take them. I needed to take them.

It wasn't until we stopped that I caught Desi giving me a concerned look as she shook me.

"Desmond," she quietly asked, her hand on my good shoulder. "Are you sure you're okay? You have this faraway look in your eyes that I've never seen before, and you're not standing still. Are you sure you don't want me to call someone?"

"I'm- I'm fine!" I stammered as I stepped out of the elevator, fishing out my wallet. "I'm okay! I'm just... hungry! And I, uh, need to take my meds! I'll be fine when we get inside, okay?"

I wasn't even giving my sister time to catch up, practically speed walking to my door as she sheepishly trailed behind me.


Without another word, I slipped the card through the electric lock and ran through my door. Grabbing the pills on a nearby table, I popped four reds into my hand before rushing into the kitchen and turning on the water before slamming my hand over my mouth and leaning over for a drink. As I felt the cold water flow down my throat, I happily sighed before looking over to find my sister once again giving me a weird look.

"Which one was that?"

"Red," I said, wiping my mouth. "It's been four hours."

All she said in return was another "okay" before she reached into a nearby cupboard for some plates and cups. Within a couple minutes we were on the couch, watching a movie as we ate. And for the first time in months, it felt like nothing had changed. I mean, besides the obvious, of course. She may be bigger, she may be... bigger, but I reveled in the opportunity to just be with Desiree again. No mom trying to tear us down. No shadowy governmental branch doing weird shit to us for what they say is the common good.

For the next few hours, all felt right in the world for once. By the time it rolled around midnight, Desi had started falling asleep on me. Her head was in my lap as I stroked her hair. I gotta say, even her blonde hair felt different. It was silky smooth, but it felt thicker and more luxurious. Or more appropriately, stronger.

"Desmond?" she asked innocently. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"


She shifted onto her back, resting her head on my thigh. Her eyes glowing brightly in the dim room as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Would you be okay if I did change my name?"

"I don't know," I asked. "Are we talking about them changing your name? Or you changing your name?"

Her eyes moved to look at me, as a serious look crossed her face.

"Me changing my name."

I looked away, tilting my head to the side as I gave it some serious thought.

"On the one hand, it's your decision."

"So you'd be okay with it?" she asked, clearly looking for a response.

"You will always be Desiree to me," I told her, the disappointed look on her face causing me to continue. "But it's your call. It's your name, so be who you were meant to be."

Nodding her head, she sighed deeply before sitting up and moving in for a hug.

"Thank you," she said, holding me tightly. "You don't know how much this means to me."

As I returned her hug, there was this... I don't know, sensation in the air. I don't know what it was, but it reminded me of when I woke up in the hospital after the accident and found out dad had died. A sense of loss that somehow permeated the room.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

She smiled sweetly as she held on to me.


"Have you decided on a new name, yet?"

As her arms slipped away, I watched as her smile went with it.

"N-No," she mumbled, acting as if she was hiding something from me. "Not yet."

I felt like I should pry, or ask more questions. But one look at a nearby clock reminded me that I was on a schedule and had no time to lose. So, with a stretch and a groan, I stood up and began to move towards the bathroom.

"I hate to do this," I semi-shouted as I shuffled. "But it's late and you have class in the morning."

As I reached for the bathroom doorknob, I felt Desi wrap her arms around me again from behind.

"I wanna make another promise," she told me. "This time with you."

"What would that be?" I asked, feeling her trembling slightly.

"The same promise I talked about before. Down in the eating area."

I flashed back to the interrogation she had gotten earlier. How one of the people overseeing our time in the program looked at her as if she was a little child. I turned around in her grip, letting her face lean into my good shoulder.

"You know I'm not like them. You can tell me."

"It's the same promise I gave... myself. I promise to protect you, like you protected... me."

The genuine sincerity in her voice was strengthened by the absolute innocence of the statement, and I couldn't help but smile. And I don't know why, but I leaned forward to kiss her on the top of her head. I had never even slightly considered it once with anyone, but it felt... It felt like it was something I should do at this very moment. But as soon as my lips touched her hair, I felt this incredibly powerful shock run through me. Causing me to close my eyes as my vision was filled with this flash of white.

And for the briefest second, I was once again floating in that crackling miasma filled void as the white being looked down at me while claiming me for her own. A lover's union as she grew before my eyes before the darkness flowed back in like murky water and washed away the image, making sight once more unseen.

As I opened my eyes, Desi once again let me go and began walking towards the door. Pulling it open before pausing and looking at me with a peace I'd never seen in her before.

"Thank you."

And before I could answer, she was gone. Leaving me in my silent apartment. I pulled out my wallet, extracting the keycard I had found waiting for me earlier. There was a storm within me, as I contemplated whether I should go down to Sub-Basement level 05. Was me sneaking around the building that important? Did I really need to know what was going on? Desi was being picked on, sure. And she was coming back to me beaten and bruised and completely... exhausted. And... And...

I sighed as I remembered that despite everything that was happening to us, I had someone to protect, as well. So I put my wallet away, grabbed a bottle of soda, popped four more reds and waited fifteen minutes to ensure that Desi was in her room before I made my move.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 29, 2022, 05:15:06 pm
Exiting my room at seventeen minutes after midnight, I made my way to the elevators and called for one. Waiting for it to come, I kept looking around. My nerves were wired higher than I had ever been. Higher than when I snuck out of the house after dark when I was fifteen to go on a date with a girl. Mom knew, though. Getting her revenge the next morning by slipping something into the milk that made me violently ill and keeping me locked in my small bedroom until the nausea and pain went away a week later. By the time I was better, mom found who her parents were. Telling them of my "horrible behavior" to force her to never see me again. Since then, I've never actively gone after anyone. I don't want to pull them into anything that might do them harm. Better to be alone than be the cause of their pain.

As soon as I heard the ding and the opening of the doors, I quickly stepped inside. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out the black card I was given and steadied myself for what I was about to do.

"You can do this," I muttered to myself. "For Desi."

Yanking the card down, I heard the electric lock unlatch as the door popped open slightly. Holding back from cheering too early, I opened it and saw that there were way more buttons than five. I expected maybe six.

What I saw were twenty.

TWENTY sublevels, only adding further insight to the absolute immensity of the Estates.

I immediately had to stop my curiosity, because sublevel twenty had to have something seriously special to hide if I was only being guided to sublevel five. But five is where I was told to go, which meant I really couldn't argue. So I pressed the button and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Listen, there are over fifty levels above ground. The Equivalence Estates were essentially designed to be an insular city within itself, like some designs back in the Nineteen Sixties and Seventies. Massive complexes where people could spend their entire lives without any real need to go anywhere else. Sure, I remember them being discussed back in college, with a particular notion of how much money was required to maintain them and how financial instability inevitably caused them to be gigantic money pits that were built with incredibly faulty materials that eroded over time. But this place? There had to be so much money flowing through here, it could probably fund an entire city of those types of buildings by itself.

As I finally felt the elevator slow down, it suddenly dawned on me. How were they able to afford keeping this place open?

With another ding, I stepped out of the elevator to find myself in a giant warehouse like room, with several different paths leading here and there and several large boxes lined up on the side. And there, near the far wall, sat what looked like an empty security station. Quickly moving over, I began searching it. Maybe I could find something useful, like some keys or a map? Or I could find a blank spot on the camera system? Or-

The sound of doors being pushed open sent me into a panic, running as fast as I could towards cover away from where I was. Throwing myself behind some boxes and causing my shoulder to scream out in agony, forcing me to fight the urge to scream as what I assumed was the guards returned to their post.

"...only a C Rank, sadly. But my husband absolutely LOVES how I've changed so far!"

"I think you meant to say HER husband," the other one added. "But from what you've told me, he's totally worth keeping around for his tongue, alone!"

"Well, he IS a Linguistics professor!"

As both voices began laughing, I slowed my breathing to try and focus through the pain to get a peak at who I had to deal with. The first thing I noticed was that both of the guards had orange eyes, meaning they were part of the largest group of Neos in the whole building. Maybe eye color played a role in what they did? So many of the rank and file had the same orange eyes, so there could be a correlation behind positions and eyes. If so, then why did Desi have white eyes? White's apparently extremely rare from what I can tell, so what would her role be in all this? Can't think about that right now. Gotta get back on task.

Both of them looked around or maybe middle aged? Not a slight against them, but there was a definite sense that these two were in their forties or fifties. They were both good looking, though. The black lady was bigger, definitely bustier and maybe heavyset. But I had seen from my time wandering this place that even the heftier wom- Neos here were built. The other Neo, a smaller one of Asian descent, had shorter hair but a more relaxed attitude. And her clothes were tighter, definitely fitted to show off that she did have some mass on her. The way both of their electric orange jumpsuits were practically made to show off their bodies. The way their sleeves kept bulging out with every subtle flex of their arms. The way their zippers pushed their breasts up, causing both of them to have overflowing cleavage that showed of their large, surprisingly firm tits. The curves of their bodies that hinted at toned waists that maybe led down to full hips and the firmness that was their-

FUCK! WHY AM I GETTING TURNED ON? FOCUS, DAMN IT! FOCUS! Gotta get back into hiding and bide my time. This is not the time to be a fucking perv!

As they continued their discussion, I had to mentally slap myself for jumping the gun. I knew the note said 1 AM, but I still waltzed down here like I'd be in and out of here like the fucking breeze. Instead, I was now sitting behind some crates with my dick metaphorically in my hands while fighting the urge to jack off to two of the security detail who were chit-chatting away. Like a horny little mouse trying to not be seen by two beings that could seriously mess me up if I was caught.

Just have to stay calm. Run the clock out. They had to leave some time, right? Wait for the right time and make like a bandit, like dad always told me to do.

"You know, as good as he is, I have to admit that I really do enjoy spending time with you, too."

Did you ever hear something that made your head pop up like a gopher taking a look around the plains as if it heard something worth paying attention to? Yeah, that's pretty much what I did. And hoo boy, I definitely chest the right time. Because as soon as my eyes looked over the top of the crate I was using for cover, I was witness to the smaller of the two leaning forward and planting her lips on her thicker companion. Their hands roaming across each others bodies as they leaned in further to embrace each other with an intense hunger that can barely be sated. Pulling at each other's uniform in a desperate bid for sexual freedom. Fingers tugging at fabric and touching flesh as the slowly sank to the floor beneath their station. My urges went mad at the tryst that was literally going down before my eyes. I could feel myself, straining in my pants as everything within me was SCREAMING for me to stop and enjoy the lesbian affair happening within view. Grabbing my wrist, I squeezed the inflated cast as hard as I could and fought through it to consider my options.

Far wall on my left? Furthest distance meaning I'd have a head start, but ran the risk of being spotted.

Adjacent wall in front of me? Straight shot, but I'd be running right by the guards. That means it'd be easy to spot and catch me.

Nearby wall on my right? Closest, probably the easiest to get into. But there were no lights on past the doors and I had no idea where I was going, so the chances of getting lost were higher.

Fuck! Gotta make a move! Which one do I go with?

As the sound of the elevator whirring to life caught my attention, I realized that the guard change was going down, meaning it was 1 AM. But that also meant that whoever was coming in would see where I was hiding, as there was no cover from that direction. Meaning I was fucked either way if I didn't move.

"Fuck it! Go time!"

I booked it for the doors on the far wall at a full sprint. I'm pretty sure I made a lot of noise, but as soon as I slammed through the doors, I heard the ding of the elevators. I wished the Neos on watch luck explaining why they were not paying attention as I ran down the hallway. Pushing myself as hard as I could down corridors and rounding corners as I moved from door to door to find a place to hide. It was by pure chance I noticed a set of double doors at the far end of one hallway. As soon as I stepped through, I was on the floor. My lungs were on fire as I laid on the cold concrete, the chill of the flooring oddly pleasant as I fought to control my breathing. My whole life, I had never ran as fervently as that before. I was an absolutely sweaty mess.

It was only when I had calmed down that I noticed the distinct humming that permeated the room. Climbing to my feet, my mouth dropped in shock at the bizarre scene before me.

A room with six large pods in a U-shaped formation, each occupied by a different Neo that lay perfectly still inside them. A crackling, quietly chaotic miasma of energy filling each chamber as a timer on each one, counting down in hours when they would be released. Noticing a nearby console, I began fiddling around with it. Clicking on links and files, trying to make sense of what I was seeing. Finally, I found a relay schematic for each pod. So I clicked on one of them, causing a debrief of the one nearest to the console.


AGE: 55






My blood ran cold as I read what was on the screen. Next state of transition? Transplantation? Replacement of her husband?

The Equivalence Experiment wasn't about creating a better world for Humanity. This was about something much, much worse.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 29, 2022, 11:31:59 pm
A update with a whole lot more questions than answers, Nice! At the very least it looks like in terms of "Equivalence" its more to shift it to a matriarchal society (with some Invasion of the Body Snatchers vibe) with men as genetic resources or worse. A big question is why and who is funding all of this? Also why even give him the access and directions to the sub basement; to find out the truth, realize what he can or cant do in this situation, find the Neo's weaknesses if any? Now that's the real head scratcher!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 31, 2022, 11:37:28 am
As I tried to wrap my brain around what I had just read, the sound of speakers crackling to life forced me to turn my head towards the noise. My stomach twisting tightly into a knot as I realized that the room was lined with the same system of speakers and cameras that were put into my house when I wasn't looking.

I was too blinded by panic to realize that I was under watch the entire time.


Regardless of what I was doing, I immediately took that as my cue to leave. I left the console as it was and ran out of the lab, only to see a handful of orange and green uniforms rounding the corner and point in my direction.

"There he is!" one of them shouted. And I ran. I ran as hard as I could. I could feel the floor shaking as they kept at a pace in their chase. I was always fast, but it felt like they were barely pushing themselves to keep up with me. If I wasn't running for my life, I'd probably be impressed. But right now, I couldn't focus on that. I had to get out of here, looking for any possible escape. But every time I moved towards one of the doors in every hallway, I felt them pick up the pace. Slamming into the door and swiping at me, reaching out for my hoodie or hair, swinging their boots out to trip me. But the adrenaline flowing through me felt like lightning, dancing on a beam of light as I somehow stayed ahead of them. I had never felt like this, before. It was... It was fucking EXHILIRATING!

Rounding one more corner, I noticed a set of double doors at the far end of one hallway that had their lights on. Hope flared in my chest, burning white hot as I had found a possible way to get the fuck out of here! So as my clothes began to stick to my body from all the sweat that was pouring down my body, I pushed myself harder. I had to get out of here at all costs!

But as I ran through the doors, I didn't realize the ones chasing me had fallen back. Because as soon as I was in the room, I realized I had just stepped out of the frying pan and into the fire. For in front of me was a large group of Neos in the middle of what was obviously hand-to-hand combat training. And I was standing next to their instructor, glaring down on me like I had just committed the most offensive insult imaginable. She was taller than me, and looked like she could bench four times my weight without breaking a sweat. Her long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail, allowing her electric red eyes to stare directly into mine. I couldn't help but feel like a small animal falling prey to a jaguar that wanted me to know what her intentions were.

"Oooh! Bad luck, little man!"

As she reached towards me, I immediately noticed her hand was different than any other Neo I had seen. While her palm was the same shade of blue as all the others, the rest of it was not. The skin on top was the same reddish color as her eyes to her wrist, capped with black claw-like nails that slowly pushed out from the tips of her- HER SIX FINGERS?!

I threw myself backwards in fear out of her reach as she growled in disapproval, turning on my heels and immediately heading towards the doors on the other side of the room. But my flight wouldn't be without issue.


The entire room began to shake as the entire class chased me into a very long, darkened hallway. I didn't know where I was, but I knew that I had to run. My entire body began to ache as exhaustion began to settle in. But I couldn't stop. I had to get upstairs and get Desi, then get the fuck out of here! Yet as I glanced over my shoulder, watching a sea of glowing circles bobbing and swaying with every step in the shadows behind me, I realized that I might have chosen the worst fucking option by coming down here. But I had to know. I had to do something, anything! I had to take my fucking life back! And now, I was being chased by a horde of Neos who were physically my superiors in every way. But not here. I wasn't gonna let'em take me.

As my heart began to ache from being pushed well beyond my limits, I saw a little speck of light drawing closet in the darkness. And soon enough, I realized I was looking at light through a window. AN EXIT! YOU CAN MAKE IT, DESMOND! GET UPSTAIRS, GET YOUR SISTER AND GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! JUST FUCKING PUSH YOURSELF!

With a scream, I leaned forward as I put everything I had into getting through those door. And with one final slam of my shoulder, I crashed through the doors and into the arms of a massive masked woman dressed all in black. Her eyes covered by a pair of what looked like high-tech goggles as she held me tightly.

"Good job!" she said as I tried to escape her grasp. But her one arm contained more strength than my whole body as she pulled some sort of cannister from her side and threw it onto the floor in front of the door.

"No! Let me Go!"

"Be a good boy," she commanded. "And calm down. I'm not going to harm you."

I couldn't help myself as I immediately settled down in her arms as she literally carried me away. Finally giving me a chance to see that I had found my way back to the security station seconds before the doors slammed open and the class of Neos ran through to find that the floor had been lined with some sort of viscous lubricant. Each of them immediately sliding to the floor or launching themselves to the ground as they fell over each other. Watching as the person who saved me threw some more cannisters on the ground as we moved into the elevator. And with one push of the button, the doors closed and we were on our way.

"Can you... put me down?" I asked, trying to catch my breath as I was draped over her shoulder.

With a chuckle, I felt her move me like I was a bag of soil or feed before placing me on the floor. I couldn't help but groan as I laid there, my... everything hurt. I just wanted someone to come in and replace everything in me with, like, robot parts or something. And on top of that, my chest felt so tight. And why wasn't my hurt slowing down? I could still feel my blood coursing through my body like I was still in fight or flight.

I think... I think something's wrong.

"I don't kn-know who you are," I said. "But I th-think I'm- I'm-"

"Be a good boy," she told me as she tossed me a bottle of reds. "And take your meds without complaint or resistance."

I mechanically began opening the bottle and putting four reds into my palm before popping them in my mouth and opening the bottle of soda I had brought with me with an incredible explosion of carbonated fluid. As the bottle came to my lips, my hand began tremoring badly. I was able to take a sip, but it came at the cost of some spilling down the front of my soaked hoodie before I regained control of myself once more.

As she stared down at me, I finally took in her full form inside the well lit elevator. Her head was almost at the top of the elevator, causing me to question whether it was the boots giving her extra height, or that she really was that tall. I remembered "the heavies" that swarmed in after I had my panic attack before dragging both mom and Desi away. Was she as tall as those ladies were? And her body, she was unnaturally built. Between the knit black shirt that barely contained her massive arms and shoulders, to the fact that the front of her top was struggling to contain her as well, down to a pair of tactical pants that looked painted on her ridiculously strong looking legs. And on her hip, a small tactical pouch with a nylon cord, much like one you would find the military using.

"Who... are you?"

I don't know why, but I think she smiled down at me from behind the mask.

"Be a good boy and no more questions."

I felt my body betray me yet again as I went silent. Watching the numbers continue to climb as we approached the floor where I was staying.

"Thank you for saving me," I wheezed, climbing to my feet. "But this is where we go our-"

As soon as I saw the number flip to 56, I could sense something was wrong about all this. But because she told me to ask any more questions, I gave her a confused look. My eyes moving between the rising floor count and her.

"Don't worry your pretty little head," she told me. "You'll be going home soon enough."

As the elevator slowed, I gazed at the floor counter as it switched from 74 to 75 before stuttering to a stop and opening the doors with a ding to a sparsely designed area I had never been before. Pushing me out of the lift, I stumbled against the cold white wall before my savior grabbed me by the collar and began pulling me to a metal door.

"I should be getting back to my room," I said, panicking. "My sister will be-"

"Checking on you in a few hours. About that..."

As she kicked open the metal door, I soon found myself being thrown onto the rooftop of the Equivalence Estates. A roof on top of a gigantic building that stood 75 stories above a gigantic plateau in the middle of nowhere. My wet clothes making the cold winds that buffered us colder still, leaving me trembling uncontrollably as the half moon hung high in the sky. True terror began to sink in as I realized that my savior wasn't really that.

"D-Don't!" I begged her, stammering while tears ran down my cheeks as exhaustion ate away the last of my composure. "P-P-Please d-don't kill m-me!"

The masked woman began to laugh as she reached into the pack on her side once more.

"Kill you?" she asked, incredulously. "Why would I kill you?"

It was then she tossed me another bottle, forcing me to awkwardly catch it between my arms while I tried and failed to stay warm. Once I had them in hand, I took a good look at them in the lowlight of the early morning.

"M-more R-R-Reds?"

The way she moved when I asked her, how her head tilted and her shoulders pulled her back, would have been incredibly interesting in most circumstances. But like her, I was just as shocked by the fact that I had somehow defied her command.

"How did you break my command?"

"I d-don't know!"

She reached into my hoodie and grabbed the bottle of soda from my pocket.

"Finish taking your meds." she told me, the tone of her voice as frozen as the air.

"I d-don't want to," I stuttered. "S-Something's wrong! I c-can f-feel this p-pain in m-my-"

Grabbing me by my neck, I felt her lift me off the ground with one hand. Dangling helplessly as I broke into hysterics.

"FINISH TAKING YOUR MEDS!" she shouted at me. But by that point, I was utterly terrified. I was too tired to fight, too scared to listen and too worried for Desi if anything happened to me. Causing a collision of emotions that froze me in place.

With an exasperated sigh, I felt her let go, dropping me to the ground as I fought to control my breath and emotions on the icy roof. Watching as she turned around in disgust.

"I c-can't take these," I cried. "I th-think they're d-doing something to my... To my-"

"Be a good boy," she said, looking at me over her shoulder. "And finish taking the rest of your meds without spilling a single one."

My eyes went wide as I tried to fight it, to break the command once more. But my hands acted on her accord, pulling the cap off the full bottle of hormones and putting it to my lips. I tried to keep my mouth closed, saying the word "no" over and over with my lips sealed. But as soon as I tipped the bottle and felt the first pill move across my mouth, I automatically opened wide and began consuming them with abandon. Making sure to not waste a single one as I swallowed mouthful after mouthful dry. Choking on them as I couldn't help but do as I was told, like a good boy. Until finally, as the last of the pills slid down my throat and into my stomach, I threw the empty bottle at her feet. Snapping back into clarity at the realization that I was originally ordered to take ONE pill at a time and not double up.

"Wh-what did you do to me?" I asked, anger rising within me as I felt my stomach begin to churn.

"Quit your crying," the masked woman told me as she pulled me to my feet. "You're not going to die. She still needs you alive."

"Sh-She? Wh-Who are y-you-"

I felt a powerful sting in my neck as she quietly slipped behind me. Her hand gripping my jaw as she silenced me. My hand went for my neck as she pocketed the now empty syringe. I turned to look at her, perfectly timed as she took off her goggles to reveal the vibrant electric red irises of a Neo as I felt my body start to lock up on me. My heart began to pick up speed as I fell forward into her arms with a seizure, frightened beyond measure as my vision began to swirl. Colors appearing in patterns and streak of reds and oranges and blues and greens as she laid me on my back as I struggled to breathe as I watched her form filling in with the same red color as her eyes. Seeing her pull something else from her pouch and bring it to her face.

"It's done. Notify the White one before bringing the medical team up."

I watched as the sky behind the red blur that was my captor turned into a deep purplish color before cracks of static broke the completeness above me as more streaks of color seeped through. Each stream catching upon the wind and dancing like miasma while they began to block out the bright white moon. Hearing the door open and close, I realized I was left alone on a trip of incredible proportions. The world slowly changing and filling with colors that permeated everything I saw. And in my chest and head, I could feel my heart and brain being pushed beyond its limits and into catastrophic failure.

I was gonna die alone, on the roof of a building full of women wrapped up in a conspiracy to plant themselves into the rest of society for God knows what. And all I could think about was my sister. I was about to leave her alone in this world without even telling her goodbye.

Even as I closed my eyes, I could see the permeated sky with absolute clarity. As I stared up at it, feeling my lungs screaming for air and my body struggle on the verge of collapse, I was caught in the notion that, while unnatural, the way the colors moved and swirled as they poured into this world from the chaotic realm that broke the borders of my own were... rather beautiful.

Not a bad way to go, really...


A brilliant white form filled my vision as it wrapped itself around me. Shaking me as terror filled its voice that slowly grew more muffled. Holding me tight, warming me as more colorful, blurred beings came in and hovered over me. The angelic being staying by my side as I felt myself beginning to float as I drifted into unconsciousness.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 31, 2022, 03:24:15 pm
An action packed update, Very Nice! Its definitely showing that whatever Desmond is doing in terms of enhancements is going to at least give Neo's a run for their money (especially defending against Jedi mind tricks). It also looks like there may be factions within the program with different goals, what they are remain to be seen.

Also that line,
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I was gonna die alone, on the roof of a building full of women wrapped up in a conspiracy to plant themselves into the rest of society for God knows what. And all I could think about was my sister. I was about to leave her alone in this world without even telling her goodbye.

Even as I closed my eyes, I could see the permeated sky with absolute clarity. As I stared up at it, feeling my lungs screaming for air and my body struggle on the verge of collapse, I was caught in the notion that, while unnatural, the way the colors moved and swirled as they poured into this world from the chaotic realm that broke the borders of my own were... rather beautiful.

Not a bad way to go, really...

was succinctly poignant and really set the tone for Desmond as a whole.

Overall an awesome update!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 05, 2022, 06:41:15 am
The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the amount of pain I was in. The second was the piecing light that went straight through my head as I struggled to open my eyes. And the third was the sound of humming that surrounded me. I was so weak. It hurt to even think about moving any part of me. Where was I? What... What happened? I had snuck into the sub-levels of the Equivalence Estates, then I saw some freaky sci fi shit. Then I was chased for a while before I was dragged to the roof. And it was so cold. And the... colors...!

Memories started flooding my brain as panic set in once more


I had never heard a cartoony sound in real life that matched the sound of my skull slamming into whatever glass or some other bullshit that I was underneath. It was this sudden shock of reality that forced me to take a look around, and I gasped. I was inside one of the pods I had seen before, dressed in nothing buta medical gown. It wasn't quite the same, though. Whereas the ones the Neos were put into were upright and more like actual chambers, the one I was in gave more of an alien abduction vibe to it. A stasis pod like in a movie, designed for lengthy stays. I pressed my hands against the cool glass, pushing with all my might. But the damn thing wouldn't budge.

"Is someone here?" I shouted. "Can someone get me out of here and explain what the fuck is going on? Hello?!"

I started knocking on the glass, trying to get someone's attention. Urgency only increasing as my rapping got more impatient. I could feel my heart hammering in my chest with an incredibly worrisome ache as I began to hyperventilate. Suddenly, I could feel the pressure shifting as the pod opened with the hiss of air rushing into the tube. The cover tilting upward as the sides popped out a little and shifted down to the underside of the bed. I jumped at the opportunity, trying to roll over the side and falling to my knees while I took deep breaths to try and calm down.

"Are you alright, Mr. Nowell?"

The voice behind me sounded genuinely concerned. Thinking I was going to be alright, I turned and saw a pretty Asian lab tech who had definitely gone through soem treatments to make herself bigger and stronger. She had a light complexion, her hair pulled back in a semi-profressional ponytail. Looking down on me with black eyes that held vibrant orange irises and a comforting smile, as she reached out to me with an orange hand that was capped with a black claw at the end of each of her six fingers. As she gently approached me, I was now able to see that each finger had an extra joint, as well. Unnatural details that reminded me that things were not right.

"Stay away!" I screamed, scrambling to my feet as I awkwardly ran with a stumbling gait towards the nearby door. Not noticing as the lab tech ran to a nearby wall to sound an alarm as I crashed into a hallway. As the blue lights began to flash, I struggled to understand where I was. The halls felt too clinical compared to the floor I explored. Was I on another level of the building? Did they move me somewhere else?

I was distracted by my own thoughts enough that I didn't see or hear the three soldiers that quickly tackled me to the ground and held me down. The pain from one of the Neos driving their knee into the upper part of my back causing me to cry out, pinning me like some animal that had gotten out of its cage.

"GET OFF ME!" I screamed, trying to wriggle out of their grasp as they only applied more pressure. "I JUST WANT TO GET MY SISTER AND GO, YOU FUCKING MONSTERS! LET ME GO!"

As the warning lights turned off, I heard the sound of boots slowly walking down the hall before coming into view. The scent of lemongrass and tropical fruit drifted across my senses as I watched Captain Chaimongkhon squat down in her vibrant green military uniform. Her six-fingered hands resting on her knees as her now black and electric green eyes glared down at me.

"We told you, Mr. Nowell. It's in your best interests to just do as we say."

I suddenly began to realize how tired I was as my eyesight went a little blurry.

"I... want out," I groaned. "Leave... with... my sister. Keep the house. I can just-"

But the sight of Captain Chaimongkhon slowly shaking her head and smiling stopped me in my tracks.

"It's too late for that," she said. "You've got an appointment to keep, Desmond."

With a movement of her head, the soldiers under her command that had trapped me shifted positions with a speed that only comes from proper training. And as quickly as I was taken down, I was picked back up again. My arms forced behind my back as the third Neo zipped them together behind me before being pushed forward.

"You heard our Sister," the Neo behind me ordered. "Move!"

I never realized how much the cold effects you when you're in pain before walking down those sterile hallways in my bare feet. Every step, little frozen invisible needles jammed themselves in-between me bones as the Neo behind me pushed me onward. We went through hallway after hallway, the almost overly lit corridors causing my eyes to ache. I wanted to rub them for some relief, but every time my hands made a slight motion, one of my assailants would always notice and warn me to not try anything. Causing my anger to rise, but the weakness and pain I was in tempering it back down to the floor's temperature. I was torn between worlds, wishing to act but unable to do anything.

I kept glancing at them, expecting another attempt at throwing me down, pinning me to the ground, driving more pain into me. But I thought it best to do nothing. Each of them were too big for me to handle. Each of them were taller, with greater muscle mass. This included my overseer, who going by her new additions had gone through another enhancement. Why were her eyes and the eyes of that Neo in the lab black now? Why did they have six fingers on each hand? Why did they now have black claw like nails? And their hands, why did they start to match the color of their eyes? Nothing was making sense, and everything was beginning to make me feel small.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, we approached a long hallway with a set of double doors.

"You are to wait inside, copy?" Amelia told me.

"You still haven't explained any-"

With a burst of anger, she whipped herself around and grabbed me underneath both arms. Proceeding to lift me into the air without any issue by my torso. And as I looked her in the eye, I discovered that the ladies had not gotten any taller of bigger.

It was me that had changed.

I was now smaller than before by a good few inches. And as I looked down at myself as I dangled in her hands, it wasn't just my height. I looked thinner, somehow. As if I had lost all the weight I had gained trying to get healthy after going to college.

"Stop asking me questions, Mr. Nowell! I don't care if you ARE an A rank! So help me, I will teach you to stop disrespecting your superior when she gives you a command! SO WAIT INSIDE LIKE A GOOD LITTLE BOY, AND YOU WILL GET SOME ANSWERS! ARE WE CLEAR?"

"I'm- I'm confused and-"

As I looked around, trying to find a sympathetic ear, I noticed a nearby emergency cabinet, polished to a mirror finish as on of the Neos stepped away, and gasped. It wasn't just my size that had changed. I violently twisted in Chaimongkhon's hands, forcing her to drop me as I peered at my reflection. It was the weirdest sense of deja vu, looking into a mirror and seeing a version of me I had not seen in so long. True, it was only six years. But I was 24. I knew I was 24.

But my reflection was that of my 18 year old self, if slightly more innocent looking. I was clean shaven. My hair was styled like it was back when I graduated high school. My eyes were just a tiny bit wider. My face was more "boy next door" kind of cute, the kind that made girls fawn over a celebrity. It was me but... an idealized version of me.

"Oh God," I muttered, my heart breaking at the changes I had been put through. "What have you done to me?"

One of the soldiers accompanying Captain Chaimongkhon harshly pushed me and pointed down the hallway.

"Answers later! Inside!"

With another shove, I was led through the doors at the end of the hallway and into a large empty medical lab where Doctor Lawler was waiting for me standing next to what looked like a larger version of the weird device that scanned my body back in my home. Only causing my stomach to drop as the reality of the situation sank in.

"Mr. Nowell," she said with a creepy cheer as she motioned to the bed. "Right on time! Do sit down, if you would?"

I must have hesitated, because I felt my shoulder being shoved once more by a guard. Clearly taking the hint that I had no room for opposition here, I shuffled forward. When I got near June, that creepy self-amused smile wouldn't go away as she literally looked down on me. She was only a couple inches taller than me before I woke up, and now she was a couple inches taller. As I climbed onto the bed, I could tell June and Amelia were getting a sick thrill out of my plight.

"Just lay back and we'll get some readings before your appointment, okay?"

"This isn't my appointment?" I asked as Doctor Lawler pressed a few buttons on the side of the bed.

"This is for her final assessment," June replied, a touch of merriment creeping into her voice. "She has plans for you, after all."

As I lay there, confused by what she meant, the device came to life and moved itself directly over me. An odd clicking sound, somewhat like an old finish film reel that was left spinning on the projector, echoed through the lab as it lowered itself slowly onto my chest. For a second, I thought it would be some sort of x-ray or cardiogram or the like as it silently rested on me. But with a quick burst of energy, it exploded out into a spider-like contraption that extended several arms around my torso as it lengthened down to my groin where I felt another arm slide beneath me. Causing me to yelp at the sudden cocoon that I found myself in as it slowly pulsed and glowed while my audience laughed at me.

"It's not going to EAT you," Amelia threw out at me. "So calm your cute ass down, little man!"

"So I'm not worthy of having my name said?" I asked, pointedly. I couldn't see her, but from her silence, I knew I had probably struck a nerve.

"We're doing this for your sake," June added, breaking the awkward silence. "You had a heart attack and nearly had most of the blood vessels in your brain explode. If we hadn't gotten you into treatment, you would have died on the roof of the Estates."

"It might have been for the best I had died last night..."

The machine that had enveloped me suddenly stopped making noise before retracting its arms and slowly lifting away before I saw June come back into view.

"Desmond," she said, suddenly serious. "I don't think you understand."

"Understand?" I asked as I slowly sat up. "Understand what?"

As June looked at me with a sudden sadness, I knew something else had happened. I could see she was trying to word it carefully, so as to not offend me.

"It's... like this, okay? The red pills were to prep your body. You were supposed to have a hormonal balance of 3 when you went in for your first treatment. It's the common level for all men. But you didn't."

As she put her hand on my shoulder, I noticed that it was the same as I had seen it before. A minor balm for the worry that was eating away at me as she continued.

"Desmond, your hormonal level was at a 26 and your body couldn't handle it. You've been back at the mountain base, in an infusion chamber designed for men, in a medically induced coma to save your life, for the past two weeks."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 05, 2022, 09:53:51 pm
An interesting if not slightly disturbing update (in a good sci fi creeping horror way). It kind of reminds me of the Time Machine the Neo's becoming Morlocks and the Men becoming Eloi their physical appearances changing along with their mindset (hopefully no cannibalism! /s). The tonal shifts are definitely there with each treatment, Amelia becoming more aggressive and June becoming more mad scientist/evangelist to the cause.

One has to wonder what other changes/events apart from an "optimized" Desmond has occurred to him (along with why he was "guided" into an aggressive treatment with its effects/detriments), along with Desi and Laura. Especially Laura since she hasn't been seen or heard of in a while, she may be able to juggle tanks at this rate.

An update that really gets the mind thinking!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jhunter on April 06, 2022, 01:38:07 am
Hn, a new turn of events. The story remains well written, and flows well. Hope to see more soon.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 06, 2022, 04:28:48 am
As soon as I heard her say it, my mind just... refused. There's no way I had been in a coma... right? Was what I saw my brain suffocating and creating a beautiful image so I could pass on in peace? The fuzzy, glowing beings weren't real? I... I must of hallucinated Desi screaming my name, as well.

Oh God! Desi! I had to check on my sister!

"Where's Desiree?" I asked, mutely.

"I don't see why she-"

"Just answer me!" I shouted. "Where is Desi?!"

The soldiers waiting for us to finish charged into the room, but Doctor Lawler just held out her hand to command them to wait. She obviously wanted to try diplomacy first, shooing them back out into the hallway as she grabbed my chin. Making me look directly at her.

"She's here," she told me, clearly trying to keep me calm. "Upstairs, okay? I can have her meet you before your appointment with-"

I returned her gaze, feeling a warmth spread across my chest and neck. I was done taking their bullshit. There must have been a look in my eyes, because I saw June start to grow concerned as she let go of my jaw.

"I want out of this damn experiment! And I'm taking my sister with me!"

"I'm sorry, but that's not-"

Suddenly, the sound of one of the guards shouting in the hall drew me away before the doors slammed open.


Without another word, Desi threw herself around me as she began to weep. Despite the fact that everything still hurt, I could take this kind of pain for her. I returned her embrace, stroking her hair as I fought to keep my composure as the fire under my skin began to recede.

"Come on," I whispered, trying my best to be as gentle as possible. "No need for tears, okay? I'm still here!"

"I heard the alarm upstairs and knew it had to be you," she whispered back. "You weren't ready to go! I knew it as soon as I saw you on the roof! You always protected me, but I couldn't protect you! And now-"

I shushed her as I started rocking back and forth, noticing Doctor Lawler quickly become fascinated by out interaction and writing something down.

"You'll be able to keep your promise," I told her. "I'm not going anywhere, okay?"

"To be exact," Doctor Lawler said, typing something on a nearby console. "You're still going to be around for a while. But professional advice? Don't push yourself, Desmond. You had a heart attack and nearly a catastrophic stroke. And as for you-"

As she stood up, I noticed that Desi had her eyes locked on June. I don't know what was going on, but my sister did not look happy as she kept her gaze on Doctor Lawler as she grabbed a folder off her desk. Her blue eyes narrowed as she returned the angry look my sister was giving her as Desi moved herself in front of me.

"You need to tell me why you're refusing our recommendations and getting another course of Efficiency treatments, Desti- I mean, Desiree."

"I want to get better," she coldly replied, locking her hand in mine. "But I don't want Enhancements, and I don't want to be forced into an older form. And besides, I thought whatever treatments I chose wouldn't be questioned?"

Doctor Lawler threw the folder down on the table with clear frustration, sending some of the papers inside it to slide out and onto the floor with a flutter. Agitation etched clearly on her face.

"But you don't NEED them! Efficiency treatments are meant for those with weak connections and initial infusion! Yet you keep rescheduling any other treatments after your third one, and NOW you're telling me "you want to get better", despite you having one of the strongest responses to the process?!"

Desi jumped to her feet, her fists clenched tight as she seemed to stand taller and prouder than I had ever seen her be before.

"It's MY choice," she shouted. "Just like I think the men should have a say in what happens to them! Because every Sister gets to choose what they become! Take you, for example! You look like you should be on stage at a Figure level bodybuilding competition in a bikini, barely looking 45 when you're really 83!"

I admittedly got to my feet, my head now about level with Desi's as I looked closer at Doctor Lawler's features.

"Wait," I called out, trying to put it all together. "When I met you, you didn't look older than your mid-50's! Can someone clue me in on how this all works?"

"Not now, Mr. Nowell!" June shouted, quickly looking back towards Desi. "As for YOU, Ms. Nowell? I recommend you schedule yourself for another Progression treatment, so you can finally stop acting like a fucking CHILD at every chance you get! Because I swear on The Axzurat that you will pick a fight with someone who will NOT take your tone lightly! Just because she dotes on you and your mother does NOT give you the privilege to get mouthy with me, got it?"

Turning her back on us in a huff, Doctor Lawler stomped over to the doors and pushed one wide open.

"You can take Desmond to see her now, Amelia!"

As the soldiers walked into the lab, they gave Doctor Lawler a weird salute, crossing their arms so that their fists were on top of each other in the center of their chest. As her soldiers flanked behind her, Captain Chaimongkhon took a cocky stance. Placing her fingers inside the loops of her belt as she stared at my sister, still taking a protective protection as she gently pushed me behind her.

"Move out of the way, child. She wants to see him."

"If you take him," Desi threatened, her fists clenched at her side. "Then you're taking me, as well!"

The room was tense as both of them stared each other down. I could almost swear that there was a literal sense of electricity in them, their eyes seeming to flare as they remained deadlocked in a standoff. I had never been in this type of situation before, but both of them looked prime for a throw down at any given moment. The potential for violence grew with every passing second before the Asian Neo suddenly just closed her eyes, took a deep breath and shook her head with a sigh.

"Fine, you can come. But you knew this day was coming, White one."

Before she even turned around, her soldiers moved to either side of us. A slight scowl on each of their faces as they shoved us to follow Amelia, quickly making her way out the lab and down the hallway. For Desi, it was easy. But I was still having issues walking, especially at a brisk pace. Time and again, I kept getting shoved forward whenever I found myself falling behind everyone else. Especially as the Neo who flanked me, a pretty but very stern looking woman who gave off the feeling of fitting into an 80's action movie as one of the Communist villain's deadliest killers, appeared to be taking delight in making me hop along like some kind of hobbled monkey. But about halfway through the trek down innumerable corridors, I finally found a good gait that kept me from being harangued until we made our way to an elevator.

"We are going to be in her presence," Captain Chaimongkhon said, treating us, or maybe just me, like a little child being told to be on its best behavior. "You will answer her questions. You will give her nothing but honesty. You will do as she commands. You will treat her by the respect someone in her position deserves."

I couldn't help it as I thought about the weirdness in how Amelia was phrasing things.

"You make it sound like she's a god or something."

The Asian Neo's eyes felt like they were boring a hole through my skull with the intense glare she was giving me.

"We have no goddesses," she said, vitriol dripping with every word. "They are rare. What she is, is a queen-"

The sound of the industrial elevator doors opening punctuated a perfect pause as she turned on her heels and walked into the lift.

"...At least, for now."

With another shove, we walked into the elevator as Amelia pressed a button. And soon enough, we began making our way up to the top of the mountain.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 08, 2022, 07:56:58 am
Man what must had transpired in those two weeks must have accelerated the initial plans for the experiment though it sounds like for the worse. With knowing now that Neo's have (pseudo) immortality, I can see why they need to rename/remake themselves, with the vast changes over decades can wear on the psyche/adoption of treatments.

In a good way it looks like within the two weeks Desi has really gained a voice and confidence (also advocating for more freedom for all). Though it sounds like if she does continue the main treatments that voice may be stifled and she may end up lock step with her other sisters.

Cant wait to finally meet the (current) big cheese and what Amelia means for "for now" in regards to this queens' reign.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 08, 2022, 08:40:00 am
As we made our way upwards, Desi locked her hand once again with mine before leaning in close to whisper in my ear.

"I don't have much time," she spoke in hushed tones. "So listen to me, okay?"

I slowly nodded my head as I kept an eye on the soldiers around us. Noting that while she clearly looked at us so close together, whatever we were doing was not bothering Amelia in the slightest. That cocky grin on her face remaining as she slightly shook her head as if she was telling us of her disapproval.

"When we get upstairs," Desi continued. "I'm going to push for immunity for you. It's too late for me, but you only received one treatment. I can put a stop to the rest of them, but you will have to be under my exclusive care from now on."

"Hold on," I said, accidentally speaking in a stage whisper before panicking. "What do you mean by too late for you? And exclusive care? What?"

I felt my sister putting her hand on my mouth, quieting me so as to not bother the other Neos in the lift. The feeling of the soft, pliant leathery grip of her palm was rather strange. If felt like a normal hand was given the same muscle control as an octopus, but then placed into a bumpy, softly pliant leather glove that had all the warmth and gentleness of a regular person mixed with the adhesive elements of a grooved grip. To say it was a bizarre sensation was putting it mildly. To feel completely human-like but so alien, all at the same time. Utterly weird that I had never noticed that before.

I had thought I had been quiet enough, but that was when Captain Chaimongkhon decided to join the conversation.

"She means that once you reach a certain point," the beastly beauty said, turning towards us as she resumed her cocky stance. "The chance to keep some human elements is completely lost for all Neos. If you don't finish the transition, then the possibility of critical failure goes up exponentially."

"Critical failure?" I asked. "What, like, it just doesn't work if you space out treatments for too long?"

As Amelia sauntered over to us, Desi once again put herself in harm's way. Using her arm to push me against the wall as she stared at our Neo overseer. But I quickly realized she wasn't looking at me.

"Better to fall in battle than weakly collapse in the safety of home, where cowards choose to stay, little Sister."

As the elevator jostled to a stop, Amelia derisively snorted as the doors opened to another long hallway lined with windows to a majestic view of the entire county. Pushing us out of the lift, we slowly marched the corridor, letting us take in the incredible scenery from the top of the mountain. The clouds rolling by as birds of prey glided across the brilliant blue sky. The sun making its way into the afternoon glow of golds and reds and pinks and oranges as Captain Chaimongkhon began to speak at us.

"When she asks you a question," she told us, or more specifically me, as we approached the imposing double doors near the end of the hallway. "You will answer her."

"Who is this "her" everyone keeps talking about?" I replied, causing Desi to look at me with concern as she quietly mouthed at me to shush. Even going so far as to raise her hand while Amelia continued her stentorian instructions.

"As I said, little man. If she asks you a question, you will answer her. When she tells you to do something, you will do it. When she says something to you, you will consider it. When she wants something of you, you will comply."

Her words were perfectly timed as she came to a stop in front of the doors, turning with a military precision as our overseer stared me down. Her vibrant green eyes trying to drill their image into the back of my head as she leaned over me with great effect.

"Do you copy, Mr. Nowell?"

With a calmness I had never seen in her before, or maybe an overwhelming nervousness that prevented her from being timid, Desi smoothly moved herself into Amelia's line of sight. Returning her gaze for me once again.

"Need I remind you," she said, her voice flat as she rolled her shoulders in front of the soldiers. "That he's under my care? The code is there for a reason. I don't care if you have more strength than me. I will find a way to make you hurt. You got me?"

Keeping her eyes locked on Desi for a second, Amelia soon looked at her fellow soldiers with a smile before waving them away.

"Stand guard at the elevator," she ordered the two Neos. "I'll announce their arrival."

With a quick salute, the Neos double-timed back down the hallway as our overseer pointed two fingers at us.

"You two, stay here."

Without even looking away, Amelia deftly reached behind her back and slipped through the doors. The latching of the doorknob echoing in the hallway as we sighed a breath of relief from the tension that seemed to come and go in waves.

"What the fuck was that?" I asked, gesturing at the closed doors before us. "Everyone seems to have become so weird alternate versions of themselves! You included!"

"Things are happening too quickly," Desi said, panicking slightly. "From what I understand, they tricked you into going onto the roof, Desmond! They tell us how important the men in the program are, and then they find you on the roof nearly dead? I need you to remain calm and-"

"Hold on," I spat back on her, trying to understand what she just said. "Why are the men so important?"

"I'll tell you at home! But what I can tell is they used you, especially so they can have-"

The high pitched creak of the doors being thrown open silenced us both as Captain Chaimongkhon stared us down once more. And with the words "Do not disappoint her", she moved aside and gestured for us to enter. Desi grabbed my hand, pulling me along as she bowed her head in fealty into the well lit rounded room. Surrounded on all sides by thick windows that let us view the entire mountaintop as the skywalk office seemed to defy gravity itself. A magnificent cherry wood desk adorned with miniature versions of the various flags I had seen across the dining level of The Equivalence Estates. And standing in front of the window behind it was an utterly captivating woman. Her powerful legs on full display beneath her purple suit skirt, leading up to an incredibly firm, spherical ass resting on pillars of tear dropped thighs that flexed and moved with every sway of her amazing hips. A tapered waist flaring out to an astoundingly broad back and preposterously rounded shoulders. Her arms threatening to tear themselves from her purple military coat as she casually moved her six fingers in a cascading rhythm as they rest above her breathtaking backside. Her brilliantly golden hair in a stern ponytail, hanging perfectly to the middle of her back and emphasizing her almost bull like neck.

"I'm glad you're awake, Mr. Nowell."

Even her voice screamed "This is real power", resting in a mid-alto range that added heft but indelible feminine energy to her words as she turned to look at us. Her facial features resting between that of the most attractive of models and the beginning of an almost alien beauty. Her black eyes allowing the deeply powerful and vibrant red of her irises to shine through as she smiled an almost calculatingly cruel smile that made promises of both suffering and relief behind it.

"Desi? Who is-"

I couldn't help but go silent as I saw my sister, the one who I had fought for and comforted, the one who seemed ready to fight for me at every step of the day, cross her fists into that weird pyramid-like salute as she kneeled before this woman, this Neo before us with no resistance or hesitancy.

"I am Doctor Cecilia Bernard," the woman proclaimed, slowly walking around the desk before standing proudly before me. "And I am the Mother of the Equivalence Experiment."

My eyes went wide. This woman, this amazon among Neos, this regal being before me. SHE was the creator of the experiment?! I could feel my heart start to pound in my chest as the scent of a powerful storm flooded my senses. The dual sense of majesty and unbridled power running through me as my breath grew heavier. Forcing me to breathe in the unmistakable scent of ozone as she towered over my now diminished stature.

"Now, do me a favor, Desmond. Do as your sister... and kneel before your goddess."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 08, 2022, 07:25:11 pm
Damn this is one nice update!

I had a feeling that with all this advanced tech and science that there is something that the experiment can't replicate nor simulate. Something that is not only crucial to the Neo's existence and survival, beyond simple continuity of humanity and more being able to be Neo. Though one has to wonder with all that they have in terms of power, influence, and other factors why the subterfuge? I mean they could easily take what they want and have in the past so why so nicey nice all of a sudden.

It also sounds like Desi may have found the reason why but at the same time has realized that they only way to save both Desmond and herself is to fully become Neo, but was this Cecilia's plan all along or someone else's? Hopefully Desi's pleas are answered (entertained) but I think it will be a real nail biter for the coming updates. 
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on April 08, 2022, 11:23:44 pm
I'm guessing interdimensional demonic "possession".  The sixth fingers and the black claws....
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 09, 2022, 12:45:27 am
It could be! One of the final "treatments" could remove the unnecessary portions of the human body and make it more adaptable to cosmic energies but with the drawback being that of some kind of possession or removal of certain faculties that govern empathy and/or morality.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 09, 2022, 10:25:38 am
I felt my legs moving before I even knew what was going on, slowly lowering myself to my knees as my perspective of her changed to make her loom even larger above me. The cold floor pressing hard against my shins as she gently reached over to calmly ruffle my hair.

"Good boy," she tittered before snapping her fingers. "Help him back to his feet, Desiree. We don't want such a prized... man such as him getting any more hurt, now."

As this being who called herself a goddess walked back to her desk chair, I felt Desi reach around my waist. And with no effort whatsoever, she just lifted me back onto my feet before brushing my legs off.

"Just answer her to make this brief so we can go home," I heard her whispering. "I need to talk to you as soon as we're not within earshot of Neos or surveillance."

I followed the drift of her eyes as she glanced around the room, finding little dots of light where her gaze stopped. There was a flutter in my stomach as I remembered what happened a month ago at the house. The sound of fire in my bones and in my brain, the voice of the system dictating what I could and couldn't do. The fact they were designed to relay in real time what I was doing and saying at all times. I nodded my head, telling her I knew what the plan was.

"Doctor Bernard-"

"Please," the amazonian Neo said as she sat at her desk. "Call me Cecilia, Desmond. Your sister and I are on familiar terms. So it's only fitting we should be, as well!"

The eagerness in her voice at the end caught me off-guard. Here was this giant beauty, the poise of a tiger and the breadth of a mountain, suddenly sounding like she wanted to be my closest confidant and friend. I knew she was in her mid-nineties, but right now she acted closer to someone my age.

Or, at least, someone who was the age I used to be...

Doctor Ber-," I stammered, seeing the way her eyes just shifted from happy and delighted to intense and predatory as I didn't call her by her first name causing me to act jumpy before continuing. "Cecilia, I, um, appreciate you saving my life-"

"You're very welcome!" she cheered, smiling cheerily.

"...Okay. I appreciate my life being saved. But I was wondering if it was possible for me to ask some questions? Being that you're the, uh... the woman who controls everything here?"

"That's amenable." she told me as I looked around the room for a seat.

"Uh, would it be okay if I had a chair? I'm still... pretty weak."

Her smile shifted once more, taking on a slightly callous bent as her eyes narrowed with a hungry glint.

"A strapping young man like you doesn't need a chair."

"Use my shoulder if you need it," I heard Desi whisper. With a sigh, I nodded my head. I knew that the women who became Neos went through an attitude change, if only from personal experience. But I was starting to wonder if it was really something like a mandate for anyone who enrolled in the experiment to come out this way. Because I knew it'd be like prying blood from a stone with Doctor Bernard.

"I might as well get to it, then. Cecilia, would it be possible for you to tell me just what is going on with this whole experiment?"

As she leaned forward, bridging her fingers before laying her chin on them as if she was a lovestruck teenager, I couldn't help but notice that she was purposefully flexing while she did so. Watching as her body visibly swelled slightly, pushing the limits of her purple coat with what had to be an awe-inspiring physique that I only received a taste of if I was just going by her frighteningly sculpted legs.

"I can tell you at home," Desi pleaded, trying to get my attention. But I was dead set on learning the truth. And there's no better source than the woman who made this all happen. "Just ask her some simple things and let's go, okay?"

But the look on Cecilia's face let me know that she wanted to play with me.

"No need to rush, child! I'll gladly answer his queries!"

Inviting us to sit on the floor, I couldn't help but feel like I was a little child who was about to be told a story before a nap. But if she was willing to tell me what was going on, then I had no choice but play along. Holding onto Desi's arm as I slowly lowered myself to the ground once more.

"We don't need to do this, Desmond!" she quietly hissed, begging me to listen to her.

"I WANT to hear it from the person you claimed was the "founding mother" of this whole thing," I fired back, reminding her of her own claims. "And when we're home, you can fill in the details that were left out."

"If you two are done chattering," Doctor Bernard said, smiling down at the two of us. "Then I can tell you about the Department Of Equivalence. Or should I say... Department Of Exploration?"

"The space program from the fifties?" I asked. "Doctor Lawler told us about that before... the rooftop."

Doctor Bernard chuckled as she stood up once again, walking back to the front of the desk.

"That's just the old official statement, I'm afraid."

"Official statement?

I could see her body roiling as her pressed her palms against the lip of the desk. Her lats causing the sides of her uniform's jacket to bulge as she tensed her arms and shoulders once again.

"You know how it was for America back then. "Better dead than red" and all that. But we were the final line in the burgeoning days of the Cold War. The CIA took to the shadows, but we took to the umbra. Ours was the most radical of departments, a sister program to the areas that became NASA. While they received the brilliance of Werner Von Braun and the greatest Rocket Scientists of the time, we were the home to the more incalculable minds that instead of pressing "onward and upward" moved more-"

Moving her hands in front of her, she held them very close with a pause before quickly increasing the distance.

"...Laterally, you could say."

I looked at Desi, trying to figure this out.


"She means this is not the only plane of existence." she said, shaking her head as she kept her eyes on Doctor Bernard. And that's when it suddenly dawned on me.

"Wait! You mean, like... OTHER DIMENSIONS?!"

As Doctor Bernard nodded her head with a sly smile, I couldn't believe it. Some part of me just kept telling myself to accept everything happening around me, to never ask questions. But things were just getting too weird for me. And then, the whole thing with Desi looking older while mom looked younger. And their eyes. And then this? I mean, I often saw this shit in video games and comics and movies. But experiencing something like this in real life? It just... It felt wrong. And now I was understanding why.

"And most damning thing was... it worked. We broke through to another world, one with unparalleled potential we named The Axzurat. But not without issues."

I couldn't help myself. You don't get presented with the whole "other dimensions exist" detail and not want to learn more. And Doctor Bernard knew she had me hook, line and sinker.

"Like what?"

"For starters, exposure to said state of reality had incredible effects. For both men and women, subjects could be altered depending on level of exposure and factors. If you exercised, your body would adapt and grow stronger. If exposed during education, it increased the mind's ability to absorb, retain and apply information it stored. And if applied towards, say, practices to maintain health, it could increase one's lifespan, possibly indefinitely. But the boons of this energy only applied to women. So imagine how the men who discovered this reality changing energy during an age of sexism and bigotry felt they couldn't gain anything from it."

"Small minds always try to put things towards a gain." Desi said, sighing at that last sentence.

"But in that time," Doctor Bernard continued, the clicking of her heels echoing through the room as she stood tall. "I did all I could to learn of the capabilities of this dimension. Convincing many great minds to join me in controlling access to it, to harvest it safely, refine the process. Blowing past every possible barrier towards scientific enlightenment as we used our growing collective power to slowly eke out more and more ground behind the scenes."

As her words grew louder and more zealous, I slowly got to my feet as I became more unnerved. At first, it seemed like I might have been wrong about my beliefs about the program. But as her speech continued, it sounded less like a recruitment spiel and more like something you'd see some supervillain would say.

"I don't want to offend you," I told her mid-rant. "But this sounds less like something to protect the interests of the people and more like you've been building a secret empire or something."

As she tilted her head to the side, her face emotionally flat as if she had suddenly grown bored of talking to me, I could tell that, to my great displeasure, I might have just said the quiet part out loud.

"No wonder you're an A Rank, Mr. Nowell."

A sudden shift of emotions appeared on Desi's face as she sniffed at something in the air beside me. Sniffing once, twice, a third and fourth time before a fearful realization dawned in her.

"You promised me," she shouted, whipping her head towards Doctor Bernard. "You promised me we'd be left alone!"

Without waiting for a response, my sister sprinted towards the doors in a desperate pace. Throwing them open and continuing her mad dash as Captain Chaimongkhon quickly closed them behind her to prevent me from seeing what was happening in the corridor.

"That's the thing about children," Cecilia mused, the wicked smile returning to her face as she stared into my eyes. "You need guidance before you can be useful to society."

The sound of something slamming into a wall as Desi cried out in pain echoed all the way into the office. But as soon as I tried to make a move to help her, I felt the grip of a powerful hand deftly wrap itself around my throat and lifting me off the ground.

"Ghn! What... are you... doing?!" I muttered, choking as I remained helpless in the Director's hand as she pulled me closer to her face. The brightness of her eyes causing my own to ache as their light began to overwhelming my own like electricity flowing through a neon tube.

"Be a Good Boy," she said, coldly and dripping with cruel malice. "And stay put for Mommy, Desmond."

I could feel myself relax, going slack in her hands as she gently lowered me back down. Chuckling with insidious intention as I found myself locked in place one more.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

"Not until your ride gets here, human. I think I can hear her now!"

As if on cue, I heard the doors being broken open as I felt something slam into me from behind and sending me to the floor. With a groan, I looked up to find Desi, beaten and unconscious as she lay embedded into the remains of Doctor Bernard's desk. The contents on top of it strewn all over as she stayed unmoving, clearly having been defeated.


The sensation of someone's boot kicking into my side knocked the wind out of me as I flipped onto my back. Unable to move or utter a sound before I felt the sole of it stomp into my chest and stomach to pin me down.

"GHK!!! GET... OFF!!!"

Before I even saw who it was, I was immediately able to recognize our assailant. Her scent alone gave her away.

"I thought I told you we'd see whose house this really was, Desmond."

As I opened my eyes, terror immediately consumed me. For standing over me, dressed in the red uniform variation of the Neo soldiers I had seen before, stood my mother. Visibly youthened, visibly larger and wearing the smile of a proud conqueror as Doctor Bernard walked over and began to run her hands over my mother's shoulders and arms.

"W-Why?" I creaked out as my mother twisted her boot into my chest.

"Because this world needs to change," she barked. "The world is dying! Men are killing the beautiful resources without a second thought! Dying in droves because they are too stupid, too arrogant to listen to their betters! They no longer deserve the right to dictate the fate of this or any other world! And we, the Sisters of the NAE, will take that burden for you! And any that dare defy us!"

"Isn't she something?" Doctor Bernard said. "All three of you were far better subjects than we expected. A shame your sister kept refusing to let us guide her treatments. It would have been a fair fight. But you, Desmond? You have many more secrets to help us unlock. Isn't that right, Commander?"

Mom just chuckled as she bounced her foot on my chest, causing me to nearly puke as the wind was squeezed out of me.

"A shame she didn't put up more of a fight," my mom said, derisively. "If she had won, I might have granted her permission to go for more than one scheduled treatment as Head Of Household."

"I will authorize that she be admitted soon for a Progression treatment," Cecilia cooed, leaning in to kiss my mother's now increasingly broader shoulder. "As well as an Enhancement. I want to see her recognize the folly of her ways as you beat this White one into submission. And make sure to sign your son up for his schedule when he's ready, as well. We'll need him soon after our plans go into motion."

I watched as my mother brushed back her short hair before crossing her red six fingered fists in the pyramid salute. That terrifying smile never leaving her lips.

"As you command, my queen."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 09, 2022, 01:39:01 pm
Man was not expecting that turn in events (and my estimations were way off, but in a good way!). Now there is a major plot point revealed! Laura's back and more menacing than ever (and possibly the queen's lover, which explains some things).   What happens next will be more interesting to say the least to all involved along with the next phase of the experiment.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 11, 2022, 02:03:25 am
[From a flyer found on any given street for The Neo Movement, a community outreach arm of The NAE.

Please note: website link does not LEAD anywhere. It is just there for in-universe story reasons.]



You contain an inner strength that no one but you may use. Yours is a cosmic force. Of Life, Of Death, Of Power, Of Guidance.

Others will try and take your strength away.

Let us show you how to resist their grasp and make yourself unto something new.

A New Woman. A NEO Woman.



(For more information, go to Neo For You . gov/ DOE/ Equivalency-Experiment to learn how you can become your True, Neo You.)
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 13, 2022, 05:26:04 am
After the show of force in Doctor Bernard's office, I had to standby as Captain Chaimongkhon's soldiers physically dragged Desi by her feet out of the splintered remains of what I soon learned was an incredibly solidly built desk. Much like one you would find in an official government office. I called out to her, trying to rouse her from unconsciousness. But when I looked like I was wanted to run to her side, Captain Chaimongkhon put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head. I knew this was a warning. My eyes turned towards my mother, now closer to my former age than ever and standing like the mix of a professional bodybuilder and super soldier in her red fatigues that I knew she believed she was. Meeting my gaze as she shared words with her supposed queen, giving me a grin that seemed at once demanding of my respect, yet also felt... perverted. I couldn't help but shiver as her eyes darted towards my sister's almost lifeless from as it slid out the door then back to me. Seemingly telling me how it was going to be from now on if I dared step out of line in her presence, and to please do so as much as I want.

"Breathe, Desmond." I heard Amelia whisper, not noticing that her hand rested reassuringly on my shoulder. Making me quickly realize that I was beginning to hyperventilate. "Just breathe."

"She wants to hurt me," I said, my hands white from how tense a grip I had them in. "You want to hurt me. Just let me go? You'll never hear from me, I swear! I can't be involved in this! I can't-! I can't-!"

As she stepped in front of me, her black and green eyes locking onto mine, I saw a... gentleness I had not seen in a while. The bravado and bluster was gone, now more maternal than dominant. A slight mask of regret on her face as she breathed in slowly through her nose and out through her mouth.

"Just follow me, okay? Breathe in?"

I nodded my head after a brief pause, slowly copying her as I took a deep breath in through my nose.

"And breathe out."

I slowly exhaled as I closed my eyes, fighting the urge to cry as my anxiety roiled within me.

"Breathe in?"

Once more, I breathed in. My ears caught the lingering sound of Amelia's breathe as she took a deeper breath than before, a slight hissing with her inhalation lasting longer than before.

"And breathe out."

Compared to the slow breath she released, mine was a small gust of wind. A puff compared to the strong and steady one Captain Chaimongkhon exhaled. I don't know if she was a swimmer before all this, but I had this odd feeling that her breath capacity was probably exceeding that of an Olympian now. And yet here she was, guiding me through breathing exercises to calm me down as if she hadn't earlier been so gruff and downright aggressive with both me and Desi before leading us up here.

"That's a Good Boy." she told me. And suddenly, I felt my legs start to buckle as whatever had a hold of my body was undone. Amelia wrapping her arms around me as I slumped forward. The stress having eaten away the stores of energy I had left. Then my mind caught up to what had just happened. I was awake, aware and calm when it happened. I... I had been somehow trained to respond to those phrases. When? When did that HAPPEN?! My days had been so scattered until now. Just periods where I can't remember a God damn thing. And now, as I leaned against Amelia's jacked body, feeling the density and firmness of her arms as my head rested against her incredibly lean chest as I fought the sudden urge to just move my face directly between the plates of powerful sinew that lay beneath me, NOW is when I discover that I had been programmed to respond to those phrases?

My heart sank as a dark thought wormed its way into my mind. This is what they were implying for me the whole time. That I was not meant to be a life companion for a Neo. I was meant to be nothing more than a toy, a pet, a mere plaything. Weaker, subservient. What mom had shouted at me after beating my sister down echoed in my head. There was no Equivalency. It was a ruse. It wasn't about a balance at all.

Everything men had tried to impose on women in days gone by, it was to now be reflected back onto us. And this whole Neo system was probably created to ensure there would never be a chance for any sort of equality at all.


After being led to a private room back on the medical level of the facility, Amelia closed the door behind us.

"I need you to strip," she told me with a vigilant look on her face. I, however, just wanted to crawl into bed and just... not be here, anymore. What was the point?


As she paused, I took a look at her eyes and noticed some sort of... well, pain might be the right word. Like there was something within her at odds with another side of herself. Maybe it was the consequences of her actions. Or the reckoning of seeing the ones she was appointed to oversee being treated so monstrously. But whatever it was, it caused her normally vibrant eyes to dim as regret once again overtook her face.

"This is for both of our sakes. I need to see what they have done to you. And you need to see what kind of... man they made you."

As she pointed at a nearby mirror that hung on a closet door, I hesitated to move. The way Amelia spoke, the way she was moving was completely different than I had seen before. Every other time we interacted, she always seemed professional or courteous except for when I woke up today. That was the only time I had seen her bluster or try to pass herself off. And now, here in the room I'd be in overnight, she was acting completely different yet again. This time, she seemed so much smaller despite her build. It... It was like she was just acting normally. I gave it a moment of thought before I took a deep breath, scratched the back of my head nervously and sighed.

"Y-You're right," I mumbled. "I need to see what they've done to me."

As I moved closer to the mirror, Amelia slowly sat down on the bed. Her green eyes glowing anonymously in the low light of the room as I inched my way. Then, as I held my breath, I slowly slipped my arms out of my gown and proceeded to slip it off. And as soon as I began to lower it, I gasped.

"What did they do to me?"

My torso was considerably thinner, almost rail thin. My somewhat bony shoulders stuck out as they led to a considerably shriveled set of arms. All my muscle had practically vanished, leaving me emaciated to a point just before skeletal. And yet, despite how little fat there was on my body, I had no definition whatsoever. A boyish face on top of a weak and practically pathetic frame. It was like I was forced back into a childlike body, despite still being of an adult's height.

"Before you continue disrobing," Amelia said, breaking the silence. "There's something we need to discuss about the changes and rankings."

"What is there to discuss?" I shouted, causing her to flinch as I spun around towards her. "Is this what happens to EVERY A Ranking man in this fucking nightmare?!"

"...No." she weakly told me.

"Then let me guess! Men are at the whims of whoever is put in charge of them? Is THAT how it is? We're just fucking OBJECTS to Neos?!"

"...I-It's part of the arrangement in the Experiment. Both men and women go through... changes, as per the contract. Anyone who signs-"

"But I didn't SIGN anything!" I screamed, feeling my finger poking into my chest uncomfortably. "I was forced INTO this by my fucking mother!"

Wordlessly lifting her hands to defend herself, Amelia slowly stood from her seat and inched her way forward.

"I know! And that was a gross oversight on the NAE's part! But it's too late for that, now."

As she gently put her hands on my shoulders, her eyes looked like they wanted to cry on my behalf. An odd mix of confusion and empathy laid in them as she considered her words carefully.

"Desmond... you've already been arranged to be claimed."

I went numb as soon as the words left her lips.

"W-What?" I quietly asked, unable to fully process what she was saying.

"You've been claimed," she repeated, as she slowly turned me around towards the mirror once again. "You need to finish disrobing to learn more."

Her hands slid down my arms and to my hands, grasping the folds of cloth that I had bundled the gown into and gently pulling them out of my hands. Letting the gown finish its descent to the floor and leaving me in my full naked glory.


Like my arms, my legs were thinner albeit to a lesser degree. My years of track, all the hard work I put into them. They were a pale shade of the athleticism I was so proud of. But the most frightening change, the most extreme change, was to my crotch. Before today, I had an average, if slightly girthy, dick with a normal sized set of balls. But gone was average. Gone was normal. The experiment had decided that I was to be gifted a new set of genitalia befitting the companion of a Neo. Hanging from my crotch was a giant monster of a cock, resting just above my knees as its girth filled the space between my legs. A giant, vibrant red fuckstick that made porn stars look small as it rested on top of a large pair of testicles nestled inside a sack the same color as my dick. The head of my johnson a healthy purple, exposed to the open air as if I had just healed from a circumcision.

All words had left me at this point. I turned around and began to stumble towards the bed. My feet catching on the floor and falling forward, able to put my hands out and grab the mattress before screaming in rage and tearing the covers off. My fists coming down onto it again and again and again as I howled in fury at what I had been forced to undergo until I was spent. Sullenly sitting down on the wrecked bed for a minute before Captain Chaimongkhon quietly joined me.

"The color is a marker of who has claimed you," she said, trying not to upset me. "And the Neo who claimed you is-"

She didn't even need to say her name. I already knew. Everything I had gone through. Everything I had been exposed to. Every bit of change so far. There was only one being I knew who would go to these lengths. The one who I knew would gain the most from all this.

"My mother claimed me."

I put my hands to my face, unable to hold it in any longer. Sobbing into my palms so I wouldn't have to look at that fucking monstrosity between my legs, let alone the rest of me.

"This isn't right," I cried. "This isn't fair!"

Amelia wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as anguish overcame the painful ache I was still feeling. I could feel her chin gently resting on my head. Her green t-shirt twisting in my hands as I began to cry.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on April 13, 2022, 06:33:20 am
Man, I feel bad for him. Really hoping for a happy ending. Especially after the kind of shit he went through, never giving up.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 13, 2022, 07:07:52 am
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Man, I feel bad for him. Really hoping for a happy ending. Especially after the kind of shit he went through, never giving up.

Same. If anything its like all that he tried to do in order to get back to some semblance of normalcy has all been washed away. Just thinking about how most likely all that "buzzing" was most likely sublimital messages that basically put him in this mental/physical state. Here's hoping that the "others will try to take your strength away" means some opposing force to the NAE, a resistance perhaps, and possibly hope for a better tomorrow.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on April 13, 2022, 04:21:16 pm
Definitely hope this turns around. It would be very satisfying to see him somehow siphon off his mother's power into him, not just his sister fighting for him. He deserves better.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 13, 2022, 08:35:59 pm
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Definitely hope this turns around. It would be very satisfying to see him somehow siphon off his mother's power into him, not just his sister fighting for him. He deserves better.

Three more installments until a major shoe drop about what's going on.

As for "siphoning his mother's power", women who become Neos are physically being turned into new beings. It's in their genetic coding that they're able to use that energy. Desmond, albeit with some cosmetic alterations, is all too Human because men can't become Neos. And that's not just "men" as in "XY chromosome". The NAE has the technology to alter Y chromosomes into X, but it's a total "Body/Mind" situation. Dysphoria and Gender Identity play a part in respective Neo transformation as much as genetics.

How does that work?



The thing is...



 :look: I'm still working on that wrinkle.  :P

Anyway, as for the "deserves better" part, that'll be for the eventual follow up I have planned for this story. After all, a House is just a small part of the World. And as for "his sister fighting for him", there's a huge plot point behind that. But I'll wait for that reveal in a future chapter to say more.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on April 14, 2022, 02:18:54 pm
It does seem odd that a mother wanting to mate with her son wouldn't have automatically raised some red flags as far as "oversight" by the NAE for his approval into the program. Other than that, it's a pretty tight narrative. My personal preference is to avoid emasculation, because I don't think it's always necessary for FMG stories, which is why I hope there's some mechanism for Desmond to at least grow back to a normal size and not be a twink, but I'm interested to see what you do anyway.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 14, 2022, 08:38:49 pm
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It does seem odd that a mother wanting to mate with her son wouldn't have automatically raised some red flags as far as "oversight" by the NAE for his approval into the program. Other than that, it's a pretty tight narrative. My personal preference is to avoid emasculation, because I don't think it's always necessary for FMG stories, which is why I hope there's some mechanism for Desmond to at least grow back to a normal size and not be a twink, but I'm interested to see what you do anyway.

It's less about mating and more about control. The goading, manipulating, and even downright pre-programming him was all about limiting what he could do to prevent him from escaping her grasp. Now, even his manhood is symbolically "controlled" by the fact he's been altered and marked. That's not to say she won't use him for her own pleasure, as well. But like what happened when he was a teenager, his mother basically forced him to lose the ability to pick who he wants to be with. Which, like back then, will have consequences.

And as for the NAE, there's a whole host of things about them that have yet to be revealed. But let's just say that you'll want to hang on to your butts. Cause there's a specific reason Doctor Bernard made her appearance so soon, and it's about starting the real setting of the story.

I mean, you have to ask yourself one thing: don't you find it odd that she was scheduled to appear at The Equivalence Estates, and the very night before while security detail was very high, Desmond somehow found his way into the lower levels and caused a disruption?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 15, 2022, 12:38:57 am
The next morning, I was rudely awoken by five Neos with orange scrubs that matched their normal, white eyes. Moving quickly as they pulled me out of bed and in front of the mirror as my mind snapped to attention. I had initially thought of fighting back to get them off of me, but feeling the hand of one of them as it squeezed the back of my neck made me reconsider. My gown practically torn from me as one of the Neos proceeded to touch my dick.

"Look at the SIZE of this thing!" she said, marveling at the weight and heft as she bounced it in her palm. "Is this what all Companions will be like?"

"Not all," said the older Neo holding me by my neck. "This one's a special case. He belongs to Commander Nowell!"

"She must be a size queen," another chimed in as I felt a hand cradling my balls. "This thing is MASSIVE! And I heard the overdose did a real number on his fertility! They say he'll be a prime stud, from what I heard!"

As the Neos fell into a flurry of giggles, acting as if I wasn't literally the topic of their discussion, the sound of Doctor Lawler's ire reverberated throughout the room.


I had never felt such dichotomy as I had at that moment. On the one hand, I was feeling incredibly unnerved by the way I was being treated like a piece of meat being dangled over a lion's pit. But on the other hand, I was the center of attention of five women, each clearly interested in me due to something my mother gave me.

Oh God, why did I say that? My stomach just did a little flip as the words came to me. But for some reason, it's not as revolting as it should be and I don't know why...

Regardless of anything, Doctor Lawler stormed over to the gaggle of Neos and proceeded to pull me away from their clutches.

"Are you alright, Desmond?" she asked, her eyes glued to the women who had been manhandling me.

"I... think so," I muttered. "I should thank you, June."

"The approval went through," she said nonchalantly, motioning for the Orange Neos to leave the room. "I've officially been Maisie for at least a week.

"Right," I replied with an exasperated sigh. "Um, thank you, Maisie."

As soon as the last of them left the room, Doctor Lawler turned to me and flashed me a winning smile.

"You're welcome! Now, let's go through one last check-up before we put you in some new clothes and send you home, alright?"

"C-Can't I wear what I brought to the, uh... Estates?"

Placing her hand over my heart, I watched as Ju- I mean, Maisie closed her eyes and proceeded to start... I think it was listening? But I wasn't exactly sure. All I knew was I felt this weird little tingle where her fingertips touched my chest. Oddly enough, it didn't feel bad. It was weird, definitely. But it didn't hurt. Actually, none of me was hurting. I went from severely achy to completely fine, if a little sensitive to touch. And maybe temperature, as the room was a bit chilly. But I had nothing to really complain about.

"Sadly, parts of your clothing had frozen to your skin by the time we found you. When we tried to extricate you from them, your body temperature had dropped precipitously and the ice had caused some damage to your skin. In the process, your clothes were contaminated with not only blood, but urine and fecal matter as your body was going through the dying process."

Pulling her hand away, Doctor Lawler... Maisie wriggled her fingers before opening her vibrant blue eyes once more.

"So I really WAS dying on the roof?" I asked, becoming dour at the thought as she wrote something down on her tablet.

"Yes, but we were able to save you. Can you lift your left arm for me?"

Following her instructions, I could practically hear something creaking before a somewhat loud pop rang out.

"Hmph," she muttered, moving to lift my arm and check my shoulder. "Still a bit of tension. But the bones have knit together well, and there seems to be no lingering issues."

As her hands touched my skin, I noticed how warm they are. The gentleness she was taking her approach and treat me. My eyes slowly moving from the profile of her face to her long neck, to the broadened shoulders from her most recent treatment. The way her dress shirt lay on her body, tightened by her arms and chest as her breasts strained the buttons. Every jostle and movement causing the buttons to threaten to give up their struggle and free her magnificent tits to the open air. I wanted them to explode from her body so I could see the definition that lay underneath her shirt so I could-

"You might want to calm down a bit, Desmond."

"I'm sor-"

As soon as I saw why she said what she did, I stopped short. Somehow, in the midst of this checkup, I had become immensely aroused. No, scratch that. MASSIVELY aroused, for sticking almost straight up from my legs was my cock. And it turns out that what I was now packing wasn't just a shower. And if the red coloring didn't get it any attention, the damn thing looking like some kind of porn parody of what a stud would wield in bed made sure it would be seen and possibly even heard as it cleared the 12 inch mark and overshot it by at least half. And the fucking thing was GIRTHY, too! I felt like I had an actual log attached to my groin that was somehow able to stay rigid as it went behind Doctor Lawler!

"Oh God," I groaned, feeling my face burn in embarrassment. "I didn't mean to! It's just, the changes! And- And I- The feeling of your hands! My body just- It-"

The scent of apples and cinnamon washed over me, causing me to calm down as I breathed in the pleasant scent.

"It's okay," Doctor Lawler told me. "It's perfectly normal to become aroused after treatments. All the men who have been treated find themselves becoming easier to turn on in the first few days. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

I nervously ran my hands through my hair, scratching my scalp as I fought to control myself.

"I know! But it's just- I haven't, you know, in a while? And... I find you kind of hot? But you're my Doctor, and the whole "doctor/patient" thing! I should... take a couple minutes to calm down and-"

I felt my body tense as Doctor Lawler slid the tips of her fingers along the length of my shaft. Her warm hands feeling cool against the palpable heat that seemed to emanate from between my legs as she gave me a knowing smile.

"A Doctor's duty is to care for her patients, Desmond. I can give you some... hands on therapy, if you'd like?"

I felt my heart and groin throb at the implication, causing Ju- Er, Maisie to giggle.

"I... don't think mom would-"

She put a finger to my lips, shushing me as she leaned over and grabbed a nearby chair.

"I have the authority to treat you as needed," she purred. "And don't tell me you haven't thought about me in that way before, Mr. Nowell."

The feeling of her fingers as they wrapped around my dick, despite not being able to close due to its size, almost made me moan. Her grip was soft yet firm, the feeling of the utterly alien skin on her palm somehow applying an almost velvety sensation as she slowly slid her hand down to the base before bringing it back up at an agonizingly wonderful pace. The muscles beneath her skin seeming to move in concentric circles as they massaged their way towards the tip, like... Fuck, I don't know how to explain it. But the feeling of the minute control of the muscles in her hand alone was a sensation I was not prepared for.

"Holy... ngh! Holy shit!" I moaned, closing my eyes as she ran her thumb across the tip before sliding her six fingered hand back down once more at a slightly faster pace.

"As it stands," she said, the sound of her chair sliding across the floor as she moved closer to me. "You're still too big for any proper duties. But this is a prime opportunity for me to gather a sample. And if it helps you out, then it can't be all that bad. Right, Desmond?"

I could only nod my head as I felt her movements picking up speed as she began to stroke me in earnest. I could hear the rush of blood in my ears as I felt my stomach tensing up as my hips began to thrust on their own against Maisie's ministrations. Leaning back on the bed while she jerked me off.

"M-Maisie," I groaned, looking directly at her with a pleading glance. "Am I s-supposed to be this... mm, sensitive?"

Pointing my dick up at the ceiling, she gave me a knowing smile before kissing the side of my crown. Causing me to gasp as an electrical tingle ran right through me.

"You're back to early puberty sensitivity," she purred. "So it's like you're starting all over again."

Grabbing the base of my cock with her other hand, Doctor Lawler quickly picked up speed. Leaning down and kissing my sack with a reverence I had only seen in videos as her biceps threatened to split her sleeves open. Making me wish that would happen so I could see them as they should be seen. Using my manhood like a weight as she blasted out rep after rep. My mind wandering as I imagined my cock making her more swole.

"Fuck! This feels too good, Doc! I wanna cum so badly!"

A sudden twinge of pain in my head forced me to wince with a grunt. Rubbing my temple with my palm, I had thought nothing of it as it seemed to recede. But as I opened my eyes, something wasn't right. I seemed the same as I woke up. But between my legs was a giant blue blur where Doctor Lawler was. Its arms moved the same way as it stroked the length of my dick. Its head was where I last saw it as this tingling sensation permeated where it was. But there was this... I don't know, aura about it? Like, a little blue fog filled with crackling energy I had seen before when I was in the bathroom to give a sperm sample. And on the roof? I was really weirded out by it. But I was also feeling really, REALLY good. Like the energy was flowing into me. Making everything feel a thousand times better. It was... It was INTOXICATING as my pleasure proceeded to only grow and grow until I couldn't take any more and I felt my body begin to react.

I barely eked out a "Maisie!" before I saw a thick stream of white rocket out of me and into the air before falling all over the two of us with an intense, heavy splatter. Then another, and another, and another. Each jet of seed as thick as the first as volley after volley flew into the air and back down to the ground. Until, after a minute of the most powerful orgasm I had ever had to date, I felt my body start to relax as the wave of cum ebbed and thinned, and then stopped altogether. Leaving me a panting, sweaty, sticky mess.

"Fuck me!" Doctor Lawler groaned as she closed the lid on a sample jar that was absolutely filled and covered by pearlescent ooze. "I think we might have overdid it on the fertility element of your treatments!"

"You... think?" I huffed, struggling to sit up as my cock stayed pointed straight up for a moment. The damn thing reaching up almost to my neck as the last bits of cum slowly burbled and drooled out of it as I watched Doctor Lawler try to brush random bits of jizz out of her long brown hair. Noticing that her shirt was absolutely soaked in the pungent matter, causing it to stick in the best ways to highlight her glorious curves, toned arms and tapered torso.

"...You're right, it might be an issue. I'll have to figure out something to help control overflow. But on the upside, this is a good sign that everything's working as it should!"

I just gave her a thumbs up, drained of energy and fluids to the point of being tired. Letting her talk about needing to get us cleaned up and me fed and ready before my release in a couple hours. But as she walked out of the room with a spring in her step, I couldn't help but wonder what the fuck I had seen before I climaxed. It reminded me of what happened on the roof, and what I had seen of when all those glowing beings surrounded me as I lay dying. That wasn't a dream, was it? I really SAW that happening? Then... what was with the sky? Did that really happen, as well?

What the fuck is going on with me?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 15, 2022, 09:43:41 am
A spicy and sci-fi ish update indeed! At least Desmond's tackle box is fully functional (albeit possibly needing a treatment to properly handle/endure it, unless intentional). Hopefully with the marking process that its not like some DRM (or in this case PRM (Penis Rights Management)) and causes discomfort for the user and usee /s. It also looks like slowly but surely Desmond is able to see the Axzurat or in a way have Axzurat visions, and is able to "generate" energy from there to "transfer" it directly over to our plane, how it can be utilized remains to be seen.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 17, 2022, 07:26:53 am
Not long after I got cleaned up and ate, I was handed over to my chaperones, consisting of a small team of Neos dressed in Orange and Green uniforms under the command of Amelia. I was forced to dress in a pair of cotton pants that did nothing to hide the prominent bulge between my legs and what amounted to a bizarre mix of a tank top and compression shirt you'd find an athlete would wear. Both pieces of clothing feeling like something a character would wear in some cringey 90's sci fi film. But this was my reality, dressing in things that not only showed off the oversized package I was given, but highlighted just how... how frail I had become.

As I walked the surprisingly cold hallways, shuffling towards my escort in full view of every woman who worked at the facility's medical level, I felt like I was being stalked. Every pair of glowing eyes stopped what they were doing and watched as I was paraded before them. Some giving me stares, others whispering, and yet others acting out on their behavior as I was catcalled with some very lewd comments and suggestions. I had never done that sort of thing to anyone else, but I had heard plenty of stories about women having to put up with it. And in that moment, I found myself feeling that same anger, shame and discomfort they had. To do nothing but walk by as you were being judged and wanted. All I wanted to do was run to the elevator and escape, but I was forced to walk at the Neo soldiers pace. And thus, forced to feel the immense indignity of this walk of shame.

"I wanna go home," I whispered, fighting to remain calm as we approached the elevator door. "And I never want to be here again."

"Don't worry," Amelia told me, pressing the call button. "You'll be home in no time."

But as the doors opened and I was pushed inside, I knew that wasn't the case at all. I had lost my home. I had lost my financial security. I had lost my chance to provide a new life for my sister. What I was being led to was not what I had bought or planned. What I was being led to was the arms of my mother, who had forged my signature, lied to the people in charge, arranged for me to be put through Hell. She had taken everything from me, including how my body looked. She had claimed me. And she got what she wanted.

I honestly don't know what else she can take from me, now.


As we pulled into the home stretch towards my... where I was to be living from now on, my eyes lifted from my knees and out the window of the vehicle only to see something incredibly bizarre. I knew this was my street, but every house looked completely different. Gone were the individual houses I was familiar with, replaced by these incredibly alien houses that were partially still in construction. As I watched them go by, they were somehow more than three dimensional. No matter how I looked at them, no matter which angle I was adjacent to, it was like they were completely box-like in a spherical way. Every building took up so much, yet so little space. It was as if they had been constructed to be as paradoxical as possible. The only time they looked somewhat normal was when I was staring down each of the driveways, flattening out into something my brain was able to comprehend before the slightest angle made them go back into ensuring I was constantly looking directly at the entrance once more. As we slowed down, I felt my head starting to hurt from the perspective mindfuckery I witnessed.

"We're here."

As Amelia climbed out of the vehicle, I had to close my eyes for a second. There was this persistent sting in the center of my brain, like a needle slowly being twisted ever so slightly as I squeezed my eyes tightly and opened them to find... my house. Like, not just A "house". MY house. The one I bought, had painted how I wanted. The front yard in the same level of care I preferred when I paid landscapers to maintain it and everything. Stepping out of the vehicle, I moved this way and that, trying to figure out if there was something else going on. But there wasn't. This was MY HOUSE! They had chosen to leave it as is!

"I don't- They were working on it when I left," I said, elated at the reveal. "Why is it still the same, given all the others?"

"It was still modified," Captain Chaimongkhon told me. "But since this is the home of Commander Nowell, she wanted the outside to remain the same. Something about keeping up appearances."

"Desmond? Is that really you?"

As I turned towards the voice, my mouth dropped. Despite looking like a young Social Media obsessed model, with long dark hair, bigger lips, a more defined nose, large gravity defying breasts and impressively wide hips, the person's tone and cadence was unmistakable.

"Mrs. Tallarico?!"

Throwing herself at me, I couldn't help but feel myself getting turned on as she pulled me in tightly. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg and cocoa wafting over me as she squealed in joy.

"Where have you BEEN? I was worried sick since you left!"

As I gently pushed her away, I couldn't help but notice how trim Mrs. Tallarico now looked. The subtle definition in her arms and shoulders, along with her abs popping out slightly from beneath her tube top and the utter thickness of her thighs in workout tights.

"I'm... uh, I'm alright. But you... WOW! You look... amazing!"

As she smiled brightly, I noticed for the first time that my mind was not playing tricks on me a couple months ago. Seeing with crystal clarity the vibrant electric blue of her eyes as she struck some poses for me. Turning this way and that as she took proud in her new appearance.

"Awww! And you went through your own treatments, as well! Such a cutie patootie!"

As soon as the words left her mouth, I was instantly reminded of what had happened to me. I don't think she was told about anything I went through at The Equivalence Estates, her concern suddenly rising as I emotionally deflated right before her eyes.

"Yeah. Thanks."

As I turned away, causing her to start questioning why I began to act so strange, Amelia calmly put her hand on my shoulder and guided me towards the house.

"It's gonna be okay," she said, trying to comfort me. "She doesn't know about companions and how claimancy works yet. But give it time, Desmond. You'll get used to it."

But I didn't WANT to get used to it. I just wanted to go inside and never come out again. I had never felt that way before, but that's how everything was now, I guess. Every element of the neighborhood was a reminder that all I knew and thought was how things were supposed to be could easily be taken away and changed. As we stopped, I couldn't help but feel a slight tremor run through me while I stared at the front door, remembering what Amelia told me as I looked back and noticed others nearby had come out and formed a crowd around us. A cluster of Neos, with Orange or Green eyes and Misses- No, not Misses. Not anymore, since her treatments had her looking like a woman in her mid-twenties who kept in shape. I should probably start calling her by her first name, Erica. Yeah, Erica Tallarico. Ain't that a name?

"You said the outside was kept the same," I said, wearily. "So does that mean the inside has been changed?"

Amelia slowly nodded her head as she pulled out what looked like a little key fob before waving it in front of the door and causing a little clack as the entrance unlocked.

"Keep in mind, every house was fitted with some tech to create more... space that the DOE has been using for over twenty years, now. It can be a little disorienting if you're not ready for it."

"Any different than something that can cause me to be programmed into a little compliant toy with the usage of a certain phrase?"

Pursing her lips as if she was sucking on a lemon, Amelia just closed her eyes as she gripped the doorknob.

"Just ready yourself, Mr. Nowell. Okay?"

As she opened the door, my mind ached a little at what I was seeing. On the outside, it indeed looked like my old home. But then you step through the doorway, and suddenly you realize that dimensionality really did not matter to the minds at work at the DOE. The room was far bigger than it should be, almost opulent in spacing as it was littered with seating and mattresses in an almost hedonistic sense. On one side hung what was clearly a screen- Scratch that. I think it WAS the wall. The damn thing looked so big, it was almost as if the rationale was to create an actual digital gateway. There was an internal light structure on the ceiling, filled with strange looking bulbs made of what I think were glass. But the way they glinted at any given time defied my ability to explain it, switching between colors despite not being turned on in the light of midday.

And my mother's touches of her personality were everywhere. Pictures in frames of her throughout her life. Her "trophies" as she always put it, of our accomplishments remade to congratulate her. A slew of items that mom had either owned before or seemed to have recently gotten on tables or on shelves built into walls. Just more of a reminder that everything I had wanted didn't matter to her, including creating an environment that was controlled and organized for ease of access.

"Do you want a tour of the house?"

I just shook my head and moved towards the nearby stairs, which thankfully remained. Though they were replaced with something more opulent in the number of steps and design, with some type of darker hardwood and railing made of what seemed like gold. I don't know why, but it felt less like a home to me, and more like someone's attempt at recreating a despot's palace as I passed by painting after painting of my mother. Portrait after portrait, either standing proud in her red fatigues or in some form of conquering hero. Her youthened features and enhanced physique looming over me with every step as I slowly walked to the second floor.

Upon reaching the landing, I paused to look at how this has changed. Taking in the long, almost penthouse like hallway painted in a bright white with more of the same light structures as I had seen in what I assumed was the living room. Several doors lined each side, standing in contrast to the overall size of the building on the outside. Each one similarly latched with a sensor for what I assumed was the key fob that Captain Chaimongkhon currently possessed. All of the doors being locked except for two, one at each side to frame a massive pair of double doors that stood out against the rest at the far end of the hallway. It was easy to guess whose room that was. And by reason of finding the door that stood out by being like it wouldn't lead to a bed, I knew which one was my room.

Turning the latch for what was my room, I was not prepared for my "living" space. The room was half of what I had slept in before leaving the house for a month, having very little room for both a bed and a simple dresser. It felt like a glorified broom closet, which is what I'm pretty sure my mom had wanted for me. Even in my sleep, she wanted to remind me of what I did and didn't deserve. The only other change being a giant window that led out to a balcony that I was unable to access, as the glass itself gave off the air of a zoo. All so those who wanted could sit outside my room and watch me like a caged animal. There were no curtains, no blinds. The sunlight streaming into my room, meaning my mornings were going to be very early from now on.

As I moved towards the dresser, I could hear Amelia slowly walking into the room, sitting on my single sized bed as the springs squeaked beneath her weight. And pulling open the top drawer, I just stopped.

"Where are my clothes?"

"Commander Nowell's orders. From now on, you are to only wear what she has deemed appropriate for you."

Inside the top drawer, I only saw more of the same types of top that I was currently wearing, all in the same unassuming dark grey color. In the middle were crew cut socks with a strange felt padding on the sole, clearly designed to reduce the sound of my footsteps as much as possible. But in the bottom drawer, I noticed that I had more of the same types of cotton pants. But when I pulled them out, I only counted two. Which meant that, including the ones I was wearing, I now only owned three pairs.

"This can't be right," I said, looking at Amelia as she watched me from the bed. "Three pairs of pants isn't enough."

"It's what was in the log," she said, holding out her hand so I could hand her a pair as she inspected the quality. "The commander demanded we fill her clothing order immediately, specifically stating what everyone in this house would be wearing. I thought it was odd that you were given so little to wear, especially how thin they are. But-"

"Orders are orders."

My attention immediately snapped towards the doorway to find my mother standing there, her eyes scanning the room with intense focus as she smiled with satisfaction at the surroundings.

"No underwear," I asked, trying to slow my breath so I didn't scream at her. "No shoes, three pairs of pants? What's the point of making sure I have nothing to wear?"

"Having nothing to wear IS the point," she said, smirking. "From this point on, you are to wear NOTHING below your waist unless I tell you otherwise inside my house."

"Why?" I asked, growing more uncomfortable with the idea. "Do you want me to constantly show off this disgusting growth you gave me between my legs?"

Dropping the bag in her hand, mom's massive frame loomed maliciously as she leaned towards me. Causing me to lean back as she put her hand on top of mine on the dresser, her six fingers squeezing it tightly as a reminder that I wasn't able to escape her at the moment.

"Exactly! I want any and every being, whether Neo or not, who enters this building to see what you are good for, Des! I want you to show off the one thing you can give to all Neos so I may take pleasure in knowing that all you have is because of me! You are my child! My property! My companion! You get me, Desmond?"

Captain Chaimongkhon, sensing the inherent purpose of that statement, quickly got to her feet and approached my mother.

"Commander Nowell, don't you think dehumanizing him like this is a little extreme? I know he's your claim and all, but-"

My mom slowly turned her head towards Amelia, her gaze shifting slightly higher due to the green eyed Neo's slight advantage of height. But the way Amelia blanched from the growing pressure of my mom's ire as if she was wordlessly calling her out for insubordination was utterly frightening. Amelia was taller, had more mass behind her. But mom was more heavily built, more stern. And from what I had seen of the aftermath of her fight with Desi, far more prone to violence than Captain Chaimongkhon was.

"Do you think a Green like yourself is more capable of caring for him than a Red like me, Captain?"

Amelia and I both froze. The way mom coldly called her out, every syllable tinged with a desire for a challenge as mom shifted her stance, putting her hands to her sides as the grin on her face grew hungrier. It was like she wanted another fight. Willing to goad the person put in charge of overseeing us into a throwdown that I knew would have wrecked this room much like the mountain base hallway and office was. So, without a second thought, I began signaling for her to back down, to disengage. I didn't want more blood on my behalf. Not after what happened to my sister.

"I'm not looking for a fight," she said, taking a quick breath to focus. "You may be my superior officer, but I'm still overseeing your family's safety and security."

"And you shouldn't forget that I'm the one overseeing operations for Doctor Bernard, Captain."

It was at this point mom leaned in and said something in a language I couldn't understand. But it was clear Amelia could, her eyes growing wide at what had to be a threat.

"You wouldn't..."

"I would," mom replied, holding out her hand. "Now, you may leave us. I only have a couple days before I'm being deployed and I want to spend as much time as I can with my dear, sweet darling boy."

Reaching into her pocket, Captain Chaimongkhon silently pulled out her key fob and handed it to my mother before shooting me an apologetic look and rushing out of my room. My mother, bouncing the key fob in her hand, smiled and reached down for her bag.

"The next time I see you, you had best be naked from the waist down. I want to see if everything was to my specifications before dinner. I'm thinking maybe Thai food tonight!"

Laughing at her comment, I stood completely still as my mom walked out of my room and through the double doors of her new bedroom.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 17, 2022, 09:14:28 am
Quite the update on the house itself and the surrounding houses too! It makes sense as well, incorporate the tech as well as the people to show not only its dominance but also its benefits. Especially in showing that you can accomplish more with less.

Laura is really pulling all the stops in dragging Desmond through the mud. Along with little to no clothing I'd imagine that the same or harsher protocols are in place (i.e. food, room, and movement restrictions) as well and from what happened with Amelia, any unauthorized assistance will be met with brutal retaliation. I wonder what fate lies for Desi, if Desmond's predicament is a preview it will most likely be worse since she tried to fight her head on.

Another thing to wonder how many "deployments" has Laura been on. Giving her status and her "trophies" it sound like she's been on quite a tear. Though at the same time it sounds like she's the type to come back alone and use anyone (friend or foe) to get the job done and to reap all the glory. At the very least it sound like after the few days of hell, Desmond will have some (possible) reprieve once she is deployed.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 17, 2022, 11:01:51 am
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Another thing to wonder how many "deployments" has Laura been on. Giving her status and her "trophies" it sound like she's been on quite a tear. Though at the same time it sounds like she's the type to come back alone and use anyone (friend or foe) to get the job done and to reap all the glory. At the very least it sound like after the few days of hell, Desmond will have some (possible) reprieve once she is deployed.

I can tell you right now, as this really won't be a spoiler, that this is Laura's first deployment. In fact, the next installment will be a certain revelation about the incident at The Equivalence Estates  and lead into what I've actually been laying out since the beginning.

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Quite the update on the house itself and the surrounding houses too! It makes sense as well, incorporate the tech as well as the people to show not only its dominance but also its benefits. Especially in showing that you can accomplish more with less.

This has actually been a massive element of the NAE's stratagem. After the next installment, there will be another worldbuilding detail that will reveal some behind the curtain details that I really do wish I could afford to animate due to how it's technically meant to be formatted. This is also after the reveal of what NAE actually stands for. And starting in what is essentially Chapter 20, readers will finally learn what the Ranking system actually means. Because let me be crystal clear: there's a double standard system in place. And for Neos, it's not based on facetious letters like it is for everyone else.

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Laura is really pulling all the stops in dragging Desmond through the mud. Along with little to no clothing I'd imagine that the same or harsher protocols are in place (i.e. food, room, and movement restrictions) as well and from what happened with Amelia, any unauthorized assistance will be met with brutal retaliation. I wonder what fate lies for Desi, if Desmond's predicament is a preview it will most likely be worse since she tried to fight her head on.

Desi will be making her return soon. And after the fight with her mother, she'll be taking a new approach to things now that her and Desmond's roles have flipped so thoroughly. It may not be immediate, but there are more changes on the way. Because things are coming to a head and escalating in many different ways. And Desi isn't the only character who has had a severe change of heart about their role in all this.

I mean, she has been rejecting the Destiny the NAE has been trying to place on her since the beginning, after all.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 20, 2022, 08:06:25 am
I spent the next three hours inside my room. Even if I felt stifled and somewhat claustrophobic in there, it was better than being forced to expose myself for mom's amusement. But as I sat on my bed trying to come to grips with it all, I knew that my room was as much a symbolic representation of my situation as the coloration of my crotch. I was tagged, treated less like a human and more like an animal, in a cage of solid glass or emotional baggage. And I couldn't live like this forever. I had to do what I did before. Knuckle up and do what I can to survive until I could somehow get away from this nightmare I found myself in. But the only downside I saw was Desi. I had no idea what they had done to her, nor how she would be when she came home. For all I knew, she could probably be a brain in a jar while her body was piloted by some cybernetic programming into a perfect weapon of the state. Or, more frighteningly, somehow converted her into my mom's mini-clone. All kindness and gentleness drained out of her until she was noting more than a cold, heartless instrument of their will.

God damn it, stop thinking that way! There's no way in Hell that a person's entire existence can be taken over like that! You have more than just yourself to think of! You have to survive so that both of you can get out of here! Even if that means I have to humiliate myself...

As I closed my eyes and stood up from my bed, I realized I couldn't avoid it. If mom thinks she's going to humiliate me by having me constantly show off for God and everyone else the alterations she chose, then I'd have to make it my own. Quickly dropping the cotton clothing to the floor and grabbing my dick and balls for a better look.

"I can handle this," I whispered to myself assuringly. "I can handle this."

As soon as I looked downward, the immediate thing I was struck with was how small my hands looked compared to the sheer size of my genitals. Given the red coloration and sheer girth of my shaft and testicles, it was almost like I was made partially into a Neo. But as they made sure to remind me, I was still all too human. So here I was, hands on my dick as I was left pondering why, out of all the things that could have happened in my life, why was I put into this stupid program and made into a freak while all the women around me were being turned into muscular powerhouses like this was some sort of comic book? My changes were ridiculous, my mother's changes were frightening, my sister's changes were both awe inspiring AND frightening to put some thought into, this whole bullshit NAE situation made no sense. And to top it off, this fucking headache just wouldn't GO AWAY!

And what the fuck was going on with those blurry aura things I'm seeing? Doctor Lawler's was blue, like her eyes. I think that was my sister's I saw on the roof, considering she's the only one who's got any connection to white. Is that a clue or something? Maybe it's just my mind trying to rationalize things? Or some kind of aneurysm that is going unchecked, and I'm about to have a massive stroke? I mean, I feel fine outside of this stinging in my head. I think I might be dehydrated. Gotta get some water.

As I cautiously left my room, I could tell that I was not going to enjoy being forced to go without pants as I could feel myself swinging back and forth like a pendulum, gently bobbing and tapping against my knees with every step like a boat on a lake as it bumps into the dock. Guys always say that "bigger is better", but they should rethink that when you're forced to go slow due to every major jostling move down a large flight of stairs causes your family jewels to ache like you're constantly recovering from getting a swift kick in the babymaker. By the time I made it downstairs, I had to take a moment to just breathe and let the screaming needles worming their way up into my gut quiet down before I could do anything else. Breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth like Amelia told me to do last night as I fought off the urge to puke.

It was only as I felt the ache going away that I noticed mom was in the living room, clad only in a red tank top and purple short shorts amid all the cushions and chairs. Looking like she was standing perfectly still while her eyes were closed, arms in front of her in that weird salute. Her body was more than I realized, transformed well beyond the normal standards of fitness. Every inch was primed and jacked, and yet there was a supple grace to her bulky physique that gave her a balance that aided to defy an explanation. Her tear-dropped calves leading to thick and densely packed thighs, creating a pillar-like structure that lead to a wide and incredibly toned core. A prominent Belt Of Orion that guided my eye towards her insanely ripped six pack abs. Flaring lats that created an expanse of mass leading to her newly enlarged breasts atop a shelf of pectoral walls that jut out proud and firm beneath the incredibly powerful forearms as her broad six-fingered red fists rested on top of each other. Her mountainous shoulders relaxed yet still somehow flexing as her what I had to assume were twenty-six inch biceps twitched. Her bull-like neck somehow rolling beneath her skin upwards towards her youthened face, her features now closer to a pop star than the former socialite she always tried to pass herself off as. A knowing smirk spreading on her face as I approached her for a better look.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked, opening her eyes with an intense stare and catching me off guard.

"I- I didn't know what you were- I just-"

But she just snorted, shifting her stance to an at ease, putting her hands behind her back as her eyes began to narrow on me.

"You were just admiring me. I could tell by the sound of your heart, Desmond."

I couldn't help but start moving back as she approached me, looking me over like I was a meal that had been presented before a tiger. Not realizing that I was being cornered until I felt the bannister of the staircase in my upper back, my hesitation giving her ample time to grab the railing in one hand and my chin in the other.

"How?" I asked as she turned my head this way and that as she began evaluating my appearance. "How could you-"

"Hear your heartbeat?" she said, her voice sounding both warm yet commanding. "Something your sister hasn't realized yet is that treatments are not specifically limited. Enhancement means just that, Desmond."

She quickly sniffed the air, seeming to recognize something I wasn't able to notice.

"And it seems you had a meeting with Doctor Lawler. I can smell her on you, Desmond. Especially-"

She released my chin and quickly moved downward. Her hand fitting perfectly around my exposed cock as she held it in a powerful grip.

"...Here! And I smell an all too familiar scent! Seems Doctor Lawler thinks you are in perfect shape for service!"

I couldn't help but quietly moan as I felt a throb in my crotch. My dick twitching in her hand as the scent of Amber and Vanilla washed over me.

"I don't- I don't want to-"

Mom began to cruelly laugh as she let me go and turning her back on me. Her beefy build creating a perfect accentuation as her muscular back led down to a pair of full, rounded glutes as she resumed her position in the living room.

"I am not going to force you to do anything, Desmond. Instead, you will bend to my every whim until you WANT me to take you. You will come to recognize that, like your father, you are mine to do with as I please until you abandon the notion that we are equals. I am Neo and you are human. I am Breeder and you are Stud. I am your MASTER and you are my COMPANION."

As she finished telling me my role in life, she pointed next to her. Her eyes staring at me with that same air of challenge as with Captain Chaimongkhon an hour earlier in my room.

"Now, it's time for you to learn some simple movements to prepare you for your duties while we wait for dinner to arrive."

I sheepishly stepped forward, taking my place to her left as she once again crossed her arms in that weird salute. I crossed my arms as well, fully expecting this was part of the whole thing. But her smirk told me otherwise.

"Motion one."

Mom spread her arms out, nearly smacking me in the face before moving in a circular motion at the waist. Smoothly completing one rotation before stopping with another glare.


I practically jumped at her shout echoed in my ears, causing the stinging in my head to spike as I tried to imitate her. But I quickly realized that my body wasn't exactly willing to cooperate like this, as the muscles in my back and sides started screaming at me to stop. Whatever this motion was for, it kept squeezing the air out of me as I moved around and back up. I had never done this type of exercising ever in my life as I went into another spin, but at a slower pace as I felt this painful tension along my spine. Meanwhile, mom was just flying at a brisk pace, somehow in perfect control of her torso as her legs stayed absolutely still. The only swaying being from her upper body as it effortlessly went in a full propeller-like spin at high rotation. I just couldn't keep up, coming to a full stop as my back burned and dizziness creeped into me, out of breath and sweating after a few twists as I started to cramp up.

"Oh, God! Why... does it hurt so mu-"

I felt my mother's hand on the back of my head, causing me to careen forward into a slight stumble.

"DON'T STOP! Motion two!"

As I rubbed the back of my head, I was going to shout at her before storming off. But the sight of my mom's bulky body suddenly bending over in a smooth arc before slowly righting itself caused my jaw to drop. The way her abs remained perfectly defined despite practically folding in half BACKWARDS, her hands slapping onto the floor as her legs tensed and bloated into sinewy roots of stability as if she was flexing them to pull the rest of her mass back to where she had started.

Simply put, there was NO WAY IN HELL I'd be able to do that.

"I can't do that one!" I cried out, waving my hands in disapproval. "I don't know how you're able to do that now, mom. But I'm not built for that! Especially after you forced me into this pathet-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence before mom's hand was pulling the hair on the back of my head. Yanking me closer towards her enraged face while her red and black eyes seemed to get brighter as her fury mounted.

"You WILL do this one, Desmond! These are for your own good! Now, are you going to try? Or am I going to-"

A bizarre tone suddenly shot through the room, a strange mix of a bell and a beep, followed by two more close behind. Then a brief pause before another. As I tried to figure out what was going on, mom just closed her eyes and relaxed as she exhaled.

"You are lucky," she said, her fury cooling rapidly as she threw me towards a nearby love chair. "I've been waiting for Cecilia's broadcast. She told me she wants you to watch it, as you're going to be part of the conversation."

"What are you talking about?" I grunted, rubbing the back of my head as she walked towards the giant screen.

"You'll see. Voice recognition code 2J3-54B-M39-T2K2-8PW1L7. Identity phrase: Mulier, Et Qui Exsurget Regere Omnes. Axzurian frequency: Theta Theta Quill."

I was floored when I saw the screen actually coming out of the wall, an eerie blue glow filling in the seams of where it rested as little tendrils of wiring wriggled out from behind. The actual frame slowly extending and lengthening as it hummed a weird tone some part of the center of my bring tingle in a bizarre way, causing the stinging in my head to somehow get worse as I squirmed in my seat. I shook my head, rubbing my temple with the palm of my hand as the screen flickered to life as it was filled with the purple flag I had seen on the dining room level of the Estates and in Doctor Bernard's office.

"What... What was that tone?"

"You heard that?" Mom asked, amused at my question as she sat in a chair close to me. "That was the frequency to keep our communications hidden. It's what the Blues like to call a "Neo Frequency", as those who have never been exposed to the Axzurat are completely incapable of perceiving."

"Blues? What does the color of someone's eyes have to do with any of this?"

But instead of answering my question, mom just reached over, taking my hand in hers and squeezing it tightly.

"Be a Good Boy and just watch the broadcast quietly until after it ends."

My body immediately changed its posture on its own, causing me to turn my head towards the screen while I was rendered mute as Doctor Bernard appeared on screen sitting behind a completely new desk proliferated with all the different flags she had adorned the old one with.

"To all my Sisters, and to all their Companions, residing around the world. Today is a momentous day. It is a troubling day. It is a joyous day. It is a day worth celebrating. For we have reached a new stage of our existence in which to fulfil our true purpose."

I tried to turn my head, confused by Doctor Bernard's statement as I mumbled words that refused to be spoken. But all mom did was shush me and use her finger to point me to the screen.

"As you may remember, it was two weeks ago when I visited one of our many communal training cities. I went there, planning to celebrate our Sixtieth anniversary. Sixty years since we, The Sisterhood Of Neos were first formed in that terrible accident that breached this world with The Axzurat and revealed the true bounty before us. But the very night before our celebration, tragedy ensued when an unknown figure covertly infiltrated the building. Stealing vital files and causing undue mayhem in what was our operating security systems at the time. And then, the terrible discovery of Desmond Nowell, son and companion of Commander Laura Nowell, as he lay dying on the very rooftop of The Equivalence Estates. We were able to save his life, but in doing so, he revealed to us who had assaulted him."

I couldn't help but smile as hope burned within me. They were going to reveal they had a traitor in their midst! Doctor Bernard was going to tell them that they had caught her and-

"It was as we feared. A joint team of U.N. affiliated operatives had broken into the facility and tried to cause great havoc in order to make us turn on each other to bring our Sisterhood down."


"And after a discussion with all of our Sisters of the Red spectrum, I have decided that we must take action immediately. Starting today, I have officially called for War."


My head quickly turned towards my mother, somehow defying her command only to see her with the biggest, proudest smile on her face. A look I had never seen before as she took great joy. I wanted her to hear me, throwing myself forward. My lips unable to open as I silently expressed my rage as I clawed at my mouth to pry it open, to grab my jaw and break free. But she still smiled that proud smile, moving forward to grab my hands and bind me as Doctor Bernard continued her speech.

"In the next few days, we will begin operations to announce ourselves to the world. And we will give them an ultimatum: submit themselves to our banner, or bear the weight of our might and fury."

"Stop struggling and keep watching!" mom yelled, wrapping her limbs around me as I fought against her. I began to cry as frustration from being used as an excuse for conflict overtook me, growing tired and out of breath as my midsection began to cramp up once more.

"Too long has this world suffered under the misguided "right" of Man. Despots and greedy corporations have plundered the souls of Humanity and the resources at hand. And too long have we stayed in the shadows. The time for our light has come. The time for our strength is here. The time for our ascension is nigh. We, The Neo-Alsarnian Empire, must be the stewards of this world and all others we journey to."

With that, mom let me go and pushed me to the floor. Landing on some cushions in a heap as I rolled into a ball and gripped my sides while she stood up over me. Her arms crossing into that weird salute once more.

"Paxzujan haq lafokluj."

Mom squat down in front of me, the red in her eyes practically sparking with energy.

"From chaos, we create order, Desmond!"

Their voices unified as one, chanting the slogan printed on banners and posters. A slogan I could only imagine was being chanted right now by untold numbers of Neos across the world.

"Neo Is New. Neo For You."

I was too tired to fight back as mom grabbed one of my ankles and began walking off, dragging me along as the stinging needle like headache I had been fighting all day grew more painful. A bright white flash causing me to close my eyes before opening them to see the vibrant red blur that was my mother's outline as she pulled me towards the stairs.

"Now let's get you to your room, young man!" she told me while my vision began to swim and start to fade. "You're going to bed with no supper! And tomorrow, we'll pick up where we left off bright and early!"
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 20, 2022, 06:17:05 pm
I can see what you mean by hinting about the World now. It will be a quite the series of battles to come with Neo Forces vs the World and at the same time what will happen once (if) the truth comes out as well.

   It must be said that Desmond has an indomitable spirit. I mean he's deep inside of NAE territory and even then is still is resistant to their machinations even when he has little to no power against it (but it looks like slowly heā€™s resisting that programming as well). It also looks like while heā€™s still human he is gaining his own abilities, possibly having some advantage however small over Neos. Also finding out more about Desmond's father and how his relation with Laura solidifies her persona as someone who only sees others as useful tools (even Cecilia).

   In a way I can see why Ceceliaā€™s motivation (and her attraction/partnership to Laura) for all of this, she wants to manipulate both Neoā€™s and humans to install the NAE regardless of the cost of life on both sides. Laura even hints it when she says "from chaos, we create order" the ā€œchaosā€ being this war and bringing ā€œorderā€ as in being the queen makers of the world. I fear though that while Neoā€™s will have an early advantage, humanity as a whole will try to make sure (if Desmond's spirit is an example) that its a Pyrrhic victory along with both Neo and human animosity will be palpable (unless Neoā€™s have some Thanos level snap abilities to destroy en mass then all bets are off).

   It also begs the question of the deployment itself: where will it be, their rules of engagement, how will they treat prisoners of war (especially women), etc. While the average Neo will have an easy time over one to two regular soldiers, it sounds like theyā€™ll have to have some serious planning and tactics ready to take on the world. Not to mention if any of the other countries have their own Neo program or something similar waiting for an event like this to pop off.

   ā€œThe woman and the one who will rule allā€ (See. Identity Phrase), heh (well its definitely not Desmond (or is it, nah /s)). So in a way Desi is destined to rule over all and Laura is her handler.  With the proper brainwashing I'd imagine it could happen but at the same time it would need to be even more invasive than Desmond. At the same time if Laura is the handler, she could essentially take over the NAE without a fight.

This update definitely is making the noggin percolating! K++
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 22, 2022, 03:11:15 am
[From a pamphlet found near a demonstration for the opening of a new NAE branch. There were many of the same links and small text as from the flyers we found, but under a different name.

Date of evidence retrieval: 23rd of July, 2011
Profile of evidence: Purple pamphlet with purple triangle/pyramid surrounded by Orange/Green/Blue/Red rings (in order)
Title: Building A Better You (black lettering, bold font)]


I am sure you are very scared or confused, right now. The world is defined by change. You may have recently received some terrible news, or had a change in dynamics inside your home, or even face strife as one of the countless people suffering from mental illness or homelessness or the myriad of potential symptoms of chaos of existence. The world seems odd or frightening, always coming at all angles. An insurmountable force designed to break you down until you submit to the will of those you will never truly see. The phantoms in your mind, the whims of those you must care for, or just the random impugning of a person who wishes something of you.

All of it creating a belief that you are alone, powerless, weak.

We here at the Neo Achievement Enterprises are willing to guide you, to show you that you are not alone. That you are powerful. That you are strong.


The NAE is an intercontinental organization that works in tandem with authorization from governmental bodies like the Department Of Equivalence, the United Nations Equivalency Counsel, various outreach and communal care charities like the Green Star Committee and Blue Sun Institute and many more around the globe in order to ensure your sanctity and survival. With branches in over 173 countries that have direct access to both Public and Private sectors of life, we have the resources and staff necessary to enact great change for the betterment of every community around the world.

Our onsite specialists are there to help you in any and every facet of your life. From much needed medical care (whether physical or mental), to educational needs to ensure a more constructive development of skills you need to build a much more stable life, to financial experts that come from all areas of the economic centers of trading and banking and more. There is no element of everyday life that we are unable to help you get a stronger grasp on. And all of this comes at no cost to you, to ensure that you are given the freedom to explore what makes you both a stronger woman and a stronger person to create a new version of yourself that capitalizes on all that came before.

Or, as we like to call it, a Neo version of you.


By enrolling in the Equivalence Training Program, we will get you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. We can guarantee the changes in life you want. From simple things like better health and improved mental wellbeing, to more complex things like communal safety and transition opportunities. Every element of womanhood is celebrated, empowered, protected and shared. All for the sake of building a better world, a new world, a Neo world for all.

Will you join us, as well as all your sisters around the globe, in sharing the strength you cultivate here with us? For you are strong, you are powerful. And with us, you will not be alone as you grow stronger yet. For that is the will of the NAE. The will of you. The will of the Neo you.


Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 22, 2022, 08:32:08 am
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[From a pamphlet found near a demonstration for the opening of a new NAE branch. There were many of the same links and small text as from the flyers we found, but under a different name.

Date of evidence retrieval: 23rd of July, 2011
Profile of evidence: Purple pamphlet with purple triangle/pyramid surrounded by Orange/Green/Blue/Red rings (in order)
Title: Building A Better You (black lettering, bold font)]


I am sure you are very scared or confused, right now. The world is defined by change. You may have recently received some terrible news, or had a change in dynamics inside your home, or even face strife as one of the countless people suffering from mental illness or homelessness or the myriad of potential symptoms of chaos of existence. The world seems odd or frightening, always coming at all angles. An insurmountable force designed to break you down until you submit to the will of those you will never truly see. The phantoms in your mind, the whims of those you must care for, or just the random impugning of a person who wishes something of you.

All of it creating a belief that you are alone, powerless, weak.

We here at the Neo Achievement Enterprises are willing to guide you, to show you that you are not alone. That you are powerful. That you are strong.


The NAE is an intercontinental organization that works in tandem with authorization from governmental bodies like the Department Of Equivalence, the United Nations Equivalency Counsel, various outreach and communal care charities like the Green Star Committee and Blue Sun Institute and many more around the globe in order to ensure your sanctity and survival. With branches in over 173 countries that have direct access to both Public and Private sectors of life, we have the resources and staff necessary to enact great change for the betterment of every community around the world.

Our onsite specialists are there to help you in any and every facet of your life. From much needed medical care (whether physical or mental), to educational needs to ensure a more constructive development of skills you need to build a much more stable life, to financial experts that come from all areas of the economic centers of trading and banking and more. There is no element of everyday life that we are unable to help you get a stronger grasp on. And all of this comes at no cost to you, to ensure that you are given the freedom to explore what makes you both a stronger woman and a stronger person to create a new version of yourself that capitalizes on all that came before.

Or, as we like to call it, a Neo version of you.


By enrolling in the Equivalence Training Program, we will get you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. We can guarantee the changes in life you want. From simple things like better health and improved mental wellbeing, to more complex things like communal safety and transition opportunities. Every element of womanhood is celebrated, empowered, protected and shared. All for the sake of building a better world, a new world, a Neo world for all.

Will you join us, as well as all your sisters around the globe, in sharing the strength you cultivate here with us? For you are strong, you are powerful. And with us, you will not be alone as you grow stronger yet. For that is the will of the NAE. The will of you. The will of the Neo you.




We must continue to find more evidence of what the NAE actually does and stands for. Their reach is frightening, and we're having some difficulty authenticating the veracity of their so-called affiliations. While very innocuous, I fear we may be facing a potential threat the likes of which we have never seen before.

We must not let out guard down. Something tells me this is bigger than anything we've dealt with to date. We must keep our hands clean until we know for certain that whom we are dealing with are who they say they are. And I pray that what is happening is not an Omega Sanction event.

-Agent S. Merlin]
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 22, 2022, 08:46:46 am
Just when I though I things figured out (thus far) you throw a curve ball, well done!

I'll just say that disregard my previous about any conventional war theories or tactics, there's nothing conventional about this "war".
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 22, 2022, 09:45:12 am
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Just when I though I things figured out (thus far) you throw a curve ball, well done!

I'll just say that disregard my previous about any conventional war theories or tactics, there's nothing conventional about this "war".

As much as what's happened so far, I've only shown a fraction of where it's leading to. The NAE have been around for over half a decade. And the worldbuilding elements have hinted at just how scary their reach actually is. After the break from this story next month, the next chapter will show off what some of their tech is capable of.

And forgive me for the cliche, but this isn't even their final form...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 22, 2022, 09:28:14 pm
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As much as what's happened so far, I've only shown a fraction of where it's leading to. The NAE have been around for over half a decade...

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 19, 2022, 09:26:25 am
For the next few days, I was put through a very brutal boot camp of exercises I needed to do on a daily basis. This included very bizarre stretches that seemed practically impossible for a normal person to do, endurance training involving handstands, yoga-like positioning and more, and the typical calisthenics and basic weight training. And that's what I found most bizarre of all. Because despite my new size, I had somehow kept the same level of strength I had before all of this. The sheer amount of mass I had loss had not impacted it whatsoever. Meaning I was lifting just as much as I had when I wasn't trapped in the body of a frail looking teenager.

I still can't get over how I look. Every time I look in the mirror, I don't see myself. This body, looking like some perverted take on what an overly hung twink caught up in some sort of porn parody where the whole point is for them to be dominated by everyone around them. It didn't feel right, at all. If I was gay, I fear for what would happen to me in a similar scenario. Hell, I'm scared NOW. That's what it's been like the past few days. Whenever I'd see mom strolling through the house, clad in skimpy clothes designed to show off every inch of sinewy perfection and curvy entrancement, I could feel my heart beating just a bit faster. Could feel my skin tingling as if I was a mouse or bird that was allowed to exist for a giant cat's amusement. The way her black and red eyes always seemed to flit in my direction no matter what I did, the smile on her face. There was a... I don't know, maybe a sense of hunger behind it? On the cusp between cruelty and satisfaction. The way she would twitch and flex her body whenever she talked at me, told me what to do. Constantly showing off the difference in our builds and positions in the household.

And that scent, the mix of amber and vanilla that seemed to permeate the air. I couldn't get away from it. I wasn't allowed outside, so it cloyed at my senses day and night. It permeated my dreams. It was like she was always there, intervening and controlling whatever I was thinking or seeing in my head. Especially my fantasies. Now, my mind can't think of anything but muscular women. My mind doesn't WANT anyone else. Their bulky forms holding me down. Their powerful builds writhing around me, on me. The way their eyes seemed to glow in the dim light as they swarmed around me, telling me of what they were going to do to me. Going to do with me. The whispers of how I would help create a better world, a new world, a Neo world. Of how I would give them the progeny to build a new empire. Of the glory of an oncoming goddess and how I would be given unto her, the finest of breeding stock as I felt their hands caressing and ensorcelling my flesh. The feeling of their humid orifices as I ran my hands over every stone-like ridge and defined inch of their bodies. The mounting pleasure that filled me as she, my mother-goddess looked down on me with a bemused smile of approval as I submitted myself to the tide of red and blue and green and orange. A striated sea of flesh and undeniable power that washed over me, overwhelmed me.

And when I woke up, every single morning, I'd expect to find I came in my sleep to find myself laying in clean sheets. My body refusing to give up what it held within like a normal person's body would do. Mom's command ringing in my head every time I inspected my bed.

"Be a Good Boy and save all your semen for your duties."

My duties. I almost forgot about that. Starting next week, I would be put into service for the greater good of the Neo Alsarnian Empire. I was to be used as a prime bull, my body milked of seed for in vitro fertilization for when I wasn't used to press flesh and mate the traditional way. That was their words, by the way. "For the purpose of traditional mating", like it was some form of Animal Husbandry. Maisie made sure to stop by and inform mom about all of my details like my overall volume, quality and most embarrassing of all, the sheer metric density of my fertility. When she was describing just how well my body took to the treatments, Doctor Lawler was like a live wire. Jumping and moving around like she couldn't help herself. By her calculations, I was a medical miracle, falling into that 01% of 01% they were looking for: a subject with complete cellular responsivity, whatever that was. I tried to press, but I kept getting brushed off from the sheer academic euphoria our doctor dove headfirst into.

It was apparently "such a fluke" that they had "no clue how to even find someone like me again". A one in several billion chance. Something that, as it was explained to us, guaranteed to prove the sustainability of not just Humanity if it could be replicated, but also that of the NAE. It was more than a golden goose egg, in her opinion. This was like the Fountain Of Youth, something only dreamed of that they would have been foolish to seek out in the first place. As Maisie went on and on, mom just turned to me and narrowed her eyes with a smirk. The look on her face telling me all of the ideas and plans that instantly appeared in her head as the explanation continued. And after Doctor Lawler left, her smirk grew into a selfish smile as she glared down at me by the front door.

"You keep making things better and better, Desmond. Mommy's gonna make sure you never leave the safety of her arms ever again."

And that's why, ten days after leaving the facility and five days after she left to God knows where, I was residing in a home that used to be mine, surrounded by enough guards to make this house feel like a prison, unable to get myself off to relieve the ache in my body. Frightened for my life to not take even one misstep or outburst or else my bones will catch on fire. A living trophy more than a human being. All my time spent indoors, constantly being monitored by devices in the house, Neos coming through my door at regulated hours. With orders to not touch myself or even have emissions at night despite the intensity of my dreams, as well as to do these insane stretches that I'm physically incapable of performing properly. I was completely locked out of any sort of device except for the refrigerator due to it all being voice locked, and even then I was still being restricted on what I could and could not have. And in the midst of it all, I hadn't received one update about Desi. Ten days since mom beat her down viciously. Ten days since I had last seen her. Ten days since she was dragged away. The loneliness and isolation was sinking in fiercely as I was missing my sister with every part of my being, unable to know if she was alright. Stewing in the fact that despite being her older brother, I couldn't do anything to protect her.

Ten days in, and I wanted to scratch at the walls for someone, ANYONE to help me break out of this Hell I found myself in. I felt like I was losing my damn mind no matter how much I tried to give in. And that fucking buzzing in my ears wouldn't GO! THE FUCK! AWAY!

On the eleventh day, I had woken up early. I was expected to maintain the house, doing menial chores like cleaning, laundry and whatnot. Due to my new height of 5'3, it was difficult. I had to lug around a step-ladder in order to reach certain spots, and still had to get on my tiptoes to reach certain ones. Everything in this house was designed for someone who wasn't me, and it showed. But the paranoia of the machines going off on me kept me going. I couldn't falter for even one moment. There was too much risk of my perceived laziness being reported. I spent hours scrubbing everything down, vacuuming, cleaning the inside of the completely locked windows, carrying buckets, mopping, you name it. The whole house was basically hermetically sealed, but this busy work was probably chosen to make me waste my time until I was put into service. Wearing my will down so I wouldn't fight back or gladly jump at the chance for interaction with other souls. I was biding my time, after all. Something good had to come.

It had to be around afternoon when I heard someone at the front door. Everyone knew about the orders for me to be completely exposed from the waist down, so I fully expected some soldiers to react as expected. Quickly dumping the dirty mop water into the kitchen sink, I placed it down and strode into the living room for my usual inspection. But when I watched Captain Chaimongkhon... Amelia walking through the door and give me a quick look up and down with a frown, I knew something was up.

"Amelia? Why are you-"

Then she moved aside, causing me to gasp.


I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks almost immediately.


As I took in the sight of her, I couldn't believe it. My sister had come home! But... she wasn't the same. It seems Doctor Bernard followed through on her idea, for Desi was once again older than I had seen her last. Her face was narrower, stronger looking. Her blonde hair now cut in a bob that came down to just below her chin. Her thicker neck leading to a broad and  solid looking torso that was a balanced mix of powerlifter and bodybuilder, an athletic build that truly looked almost superheroic. Her clothes practically painted on her, her white t-shirt tight on her powerful arms and chest yet hanging looser around her tapered waist while her legs were clad in a pair of white camo pants that struggled somewhat to contain her thighs and calves that I could tell were heavily defined beneath the fabric.

She rushed forward, sweeping me into her arms and lifting me off of my feet in a hug. I couldn't tell who's tears was whose from us both crying. But I didn't really care right now. Despite being unable to wrap my arms around her, I knew it was Desi. I could feel it in the way she hugged me.

"I'm so sorry," she croaked. "I couldn't stop her. And now, you're-"

"Don't!" I choked out. "Don't blame yourself! We'll find a way out of this! I know it!"

Gently putting me back on my feet, I noticed for the first time that our positions had finally completely flipped. For as she put her large hands on me, running her six-fingered hands through my hair and caressing my face, I couldn't help but look up at her black and white eyes as she looked down on me. She was as tall as I used to be. Taking hold of one of her hands, I gave her a tired smile as I looked at it. The way her fingernails had turned black. The new finger that had grown on it. The way the muscles in her hands seemed to flex and move in strange, controlled motions. I had grown used to things like that. But unlike every other Neo in the program, Desi's hands had not changed color beyond the blue leathery underside. Despite the anomalies, her hands still had a shade that looked somewhat human.

"Your hands," I asked. "I thought every Neo's skin changes to a similar shade as their eyes? Why haven't they turned like a ghostly white or something?"

"It's... complicated," Amelia said as she closed the front door. "Not every Neo responds the same way to treatments."

"It's going to take more than the usual number to affect me," Desi added, looking as if she was trying to find the right words. "It's part of the downside of being a White."

As I wiped my tears, I gave them both a confused look.

"Downside to being a White? You make it sound like you're special needs or something."

As the two shot each other a look, the green eyed soldier motioned towards the couch.

"It seems no one told you about how things are truly set up. We need to discuss things while I have time."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on May 20, 2022, 02:05:20 am
Great to see this story back!

So in a way Desmond has become the pillar (no pun intended) of hope for the NAE. It also looks like new instructions are being pumped to his mind as well to essentially become more acclimated with the whole process of becoming a "prime bull" (and for Laura to use that as leverage in her schemes).

In a way while looking stern and commanding, at the same time it sounds like Laura is developing a deepening hunger/lust for Desmond, something that the NEOs seem to be having with every treatment that amps up their "needs" which means it's only a matter of time before someone says Desmond's code word and has their way with him (regardless of the punishment). 

With Desi's return it looks like Maisie's estimations were off in regards to becoming the goddess that the hope for. Hopefully the talk can shed some light on the situation and also why Desi is back home.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 22, 2022, 08:51:07 am
I wasn't exactly sure what they meant, but by the looks on both of their faces, I knew they were serious. Between the fight with mom and Desi, the secrecy about the experiment, the declaration of war by Doctor Bernard and all the weird things that have been happening, this was a serious change of pace for me. I took a quick glance around the room, pausing at each orange dot I saw in the various corners of the expansive hall that replaced my living room. I didn't know if this was being allowed by the NAE or what. Given the lengths they were going to keep an eye on me, I'm almost positive they were about to do something they really shouldn't.

"I don't... I don't know," I said, my voice noticeably shaking as I could practically hear the ringing in the back of my head getting louder and sharper. "I- I think I'm not s-supposed to know."

Rolling her eyes, Amelia quickly moved her hand into her pocket.

"I forgot about the sensors," she said. "Let me handle those."

As she sat down, I saw her pulling out this little spider-cube thing and putting it down on the table by the couches and cushions. It had this little dot in the center of it, a whitish-blue that stuck out of it slightly. As she pressed the dot and moved her hand away, I had all of a scant moment to wonder what it was for when I watched it spring open like a flower. Four pointy sections unlatching from the top of the thing as the legs beneath it lifted it slightly higher. The central lit button extending into the interior as this utterly alien design of crystalline-like electronic wiring seemed to worm its way through the heart of the device. I could hear this whirring whine as the innards seemed to glow faintly brighter before a quick flash and the whine beginning to recede. And beneath it all, I heard... nothing. No ringing in my ears, no background hum. Just the ordinary sounds of a room with three people in it. And the sudden sensation of my body suddenly relaxing, like a tightly wound coil being allowed to go slightly slack. I practically wobbled into Desi's arms as she guided me towards the couch, falling heavily into my seat as a sudden headache made itself known.

"What... What was...?"

"Relay neutralizer," Captain Chaimongkhon said with a smile. "It's meant to disable communications, but not destroy them."

"Why would you need those?" I asked, rubbing my head. Desi's moved her hands to my shoulders, giving them a rub, as well.

"They're... for the war," my sister said, morosely. "The Blues have been perfecting them for over a decade, now. When they're on, they create a quick 5D capture that neutralizes any and all three dimensional activity. No audio, no visual. Just a pre-programmed batch of corresponding data that allows stealth operations."

"This is... so weird. It got rid of that humming that's been driving me crazy."

Amelia shifted in her seat next to me, looking at me directly with those vibrant green eyes. Serious as she ever was as she checked on my eyes.

"That was a compulsion frequency. Haven't you noticed that tone before?"

"Y-Yeah," I said, nodding my head. "But I thought it was, like, stress or something?"

Slowly turning me towards her, Desi stroked my hair with a sad smile.

"It's an attuned frequency. It's specifically calibrated to affect your mind alone, Desmond. It's how they... programmed your responses."

"Programmed my... What?"

Panic was welling up inside of me. Mom's blowup with Desi when she was still young and normal looking? The sounds in my ears before blacking out? The Equivalence Estates, here at ho- Well, HERE? It wasn't just code words? They were ACTIVELY manipulating me, somehow able to influence whatever I did with some... SOUNDS?!

"Breathe," Amelia said, putting her hand on my chest. "Just breathe, Desmond. In through your nose-"

As I felt her six fingers lightly press into me, I realized I had no clue that I was visibly starting to freak out. When both of the Neos in the living room took a deep breath in, I followed suit. Slowly breathing in through my nose like them.

"...And out through your mouth."

I slowly breathed out with them. The amount of air within me nowhere near what Amelia and Desi were capable of, seemingly taking a couple minutes longer before they finished.

"That's it," Desi said, gently rubbing my back. "Steady breathing."

It took a little bit, but my heart steadied out as I kept taking deep breaths. As my mind slowed, giving me a chance to properly think, a thought stuck out. Like a bruise you know has been there for a while, but you have no idea what caused it. Just a subtle ache that becomes apparent the moment you let yourself relax and feel it.

"There's something I don't get," I said, looking at both ladies on the couch. "I was being... programmed? By the sensors, right?"

"That's correct." The Asian soldier said, affirming my question with a nod.

"Then why weren't the Neos I have been around able to hear it?"

"That's the thing," Desiree said, suddenly looking sheepish. "We... We've always been able to hear it."

I pushed off the couch, my feet still a little unsteady as my head throbbed.

"What do you mean ALWAYS? Why didn't you tell me?"

Captain Chaimongkhon just stood and put her hand on my shoulder, clearly trying to make sure I remained calm.

"Because we understand the frequency. We knew who it was meant for. We just were not allowed to say anything due to protocol."

"Protocol," I scoffed. "You couldn't tell me because of what, this whole program involving other dimensions, human experimentation and God knows what else? It's like you're acting like you're not even human or something!"

"That's because we're NOT."

I froze in place, caught off guard by Desi raising her voice. I was honestly completely confused by what she was telling me. Her black and white eyes drilling a hole in the back of my head. The seriousness of her stance as she stood next to me.

I knew, at that very moment, she was being completely honest with me.

My heart sank as I realized that the people I had known, the people I had come to know. Doctor Lawler. Emma. Amelia. Mrs. Tallarico. My mother. Desi. I had been right when I was in the facility the first time. Everyone in the Neo program was not what I knew them to be.

Not anymore.

And I collapsed under the weight of my mind being unable to handle that truth.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on May 24, 2022, 12:56:49 am
An outstanding update!

Damn when you said their tech would be mind blowing you weren't kidding! The relay neutralizer and the compulsion frequency would be game changers in anyone's hands. Just think with just those two tech items how the NAE has shaped history, good and bad (and I'd imagine there more).

The bigger question is what has made this talk possible. I'd imagine there must be a reason to do this level of disabling all surveillance equipment and not just to talk. Ignorance is bliss, so to break this illusion something big must be coming toward Desmond.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Muscles Douceur on July 18, 2022, 09:53:44 pm
Very good plot very well written (although in the first chapters, I found the main character let himself be too much to be really believable) :clap:

I already imagine a little how this story will end (be careful because if my theory is correct, it could well spoil the story).

The neos will dominate the world and establish a global empire, Laura will find a way to take the head of NAE in place of Doctor Cecilia Bernard and will have the world at her heels. DƩsirƩe is the chosen one who will save the world, the only white one (white being the color of purity while red is rather associated with evil, I suppose that women who turn red during their metamorphosis into neo are those who have ambitions malevolent and thirsty for domination, which corresponds entirely to Laura and which also seems to be the case with Cecilia, unlike DƩsirƩe who thinks only of the good of her brother and seems to have a pure heart), she will form a group of rebellious with her brother, Amelia and maybe Lawler and the nurse whose name I forget (she seems nice and considerate to me in front of Desmond, the can we see her) and I would also see Mrs. Tallarico join this group of rebels, she seems like a good lady who appreciates Desmond very much and I can't imagine her accepting such an empire. Then they will certainly recruit other neos and humans, just to form a rebel alliance against the NAE empire.

In terms of colors I imagine as follows:
Red: the dominant ones, they are the most violent and the strongest, and they crave power.
Orange: they are the most ordinary, neither good nor bad, they correspond to the standard population, they follow the influence of the movement, they are good citizens and good soldiers who do what they are asked to do.
Green: A little less numerous than the oranges, they are quite standard too but with a slightly more good heart, they do not hesitate to side with what seems right to them, they follow more what their heart tells them and take more decisions. Their decision-making ability puts them a bit higher than the oranges in the current NAE hierarchy but they could be a bit more rebellious than the oranges and I could see them siding with the rebels when the NAE global empire will take shape.
Blue: They are the scientists, they are the smartest and the most cultured, their intelligence places them just below the reds in the hierarchy but the color blue could indicate that they also have a good heart (like what seems to be the Doctor Lawler's case), they could also side with rebels. I guess Doctor Bernard also has a intelligence similar to blues, however his lust for dominance causes him to turn red.
White: Purity, the chosen one, the supreme being. There is no hierarchical place of this color, because DĆ©sirĆ©e is the first and only representative, that's why this color is not represented on the flag (the white of the flag not being a color corresponding to a neo rank). Her neo name ā€œDestinyā€ was not given to her by chance, she seems to have a great destiny. I think Cecilia wants to be able to control her because she knows she has an important destiny as the saint of Neo but it may not be what she hopes.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Muscles Douceur on July 18, 2022, 10:01:36 pm
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The neos will dominate the world and establish a global empire, Laura will find a way to take the head of NAE in place of Doctor Cecilia Bernard and will have the world at her heels.
Laura will find a way to take the head of NAE in place of Doctor Cecilia Bernard and will have the world at her feet.
(Translation problem with google ^^)
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on July 25, 2022, 08:05:39 am
"Get him on the couch!"

As soon as the words left Amelia's mouth, they quickly dove to pick me up while I slumped to the ground. In their hands, I felt like a feather on the breeze as they slipped their hands underneath me and softly placed me where I had originally been sitting. I had never fainted before, so the situation was incredibly surreal. It was like my body just shunted my mind for a split second, causing everything to dim as I went limp. And this weird tingling where I felt them lifting me off the ground, a static sensation on my legs and underneath my shirt.

"Desmond," Desiree called out as she gently tapped my face. "Wake up! Desmond!"

Like a light switch being flipped, I came to life as I felt this really powerful zap across my cheek. Jolting up from where I lay with a start, gasping with a grunt.

"What was that?" the green eyed Neo demanded, staring at my sister as my mind finally caught up to my senses.

"I don't know," Desi told her, looking at her own hands like they were something else entirely. "But that doesn't matter right now!"

As soon as she put her hand on my shoulder, a pitying look in her glowing white eyes, I immediately jumped from my seat and launched myself over the couch.

"Stay away!"

Moving to either side of the couch, Desi and Amelia tried to box me in but failing as I leapt back over the couch and towards the other side of the room.

"Desmond," Amelia shouted, holding her green hands out and trying to pacify me like I was an animal or something. "Please! Calm down! We want to explain things to you!"

"Just trust us!" Desi shouted, slowly moving toward me as she lowered her hands.

"How can I?" I screamed, catching the attention of the guards outside. Their orange eyes glowing brightly as they burst through the door.

"What's going on here?" One of them shouted, putting her hand on the club on her hip. "And why was the compulsion frequency turned off?"

"It's okay!" Amelia shouted back. "Desmond is just having a small mental breakdown! You know this is a common occurrence for Men under the frequency, thus why I followed protocol and turned it off! And I will NOT abide aggressive measures! So stand down!"

As Amelia dealt with the soldiers, I noticed that she had moved herself in front of the table. Placing her mass in the way of the thing she had brought into the house in a bid to hide her true motives. And then came Desi, rushing in to take me in a tight hug and turning me away.

"Don't say a word," she whispered, her voice clearly concerned while trying to protect me. "We can't let them figure out what's going on, or else they'll tell mom."

The mere mention of mom made me seize up. I knew she was telling the truth, which was a frightening prospect in and of itself. So, as my sister held me in her brawny arms, her surprisingly yielding pecs in my face, I nodded my head. Slowly rubbing my face along the crook of her powerful cleavage as I heard her seemingly purr, a slight rumbling deep in her chest. Being in her arms, the sound of her breathing was like the crashing of waves, in some way. The rolling roar filled my ears as I peaked past the peaked curve of Desi's bicep and over to Captain Chaimongkon, her voice somewhat muffled as she commanded the soldiers to leave the house. As the door closed, I saw her breathing a sigh of relief and turn towards us.

"Are we in the clear?" Desi asked, unwrapping her arms from around me as Amelia slowly nodded her head.

"Yeah," she said, waving us over to the couch. "Now, I want to continue our conversation, Desmond. And no childish outbursts this time."

Probably noticing my slight hesitance, I felt Desi's hand on my back gently pushing me forward. Forcing me towards the couch where I once again sat between the two Neos.

"So you... You said you're not human anymore?" I mumbled, my ears and cheeks tingling from the embarrassment I was feeling.

"Not quite of," Desi said, her hands lightly rubbing my shoulders to try and keep me relaxed. "More like "from", if we're being completely honest."

"Our genetics are slowly transitioning," Amelia added. "You know how humanity has a whole slew of junk DNA? Recessive traits that serve no greater purpose than weird physical and genetic deformities that add nothing to our survival over the millennia?"

I slowly nodded my head, trying to process everything she was explaining.

"The Neo transition process effectively replaces that portion of a woman's DNA with new material that acts like a form of genetic parasite. And with each exposure to the energies from the Axzurat, that genetic parasitism becomes more pronounced. The recessive becoming dominant and giving way to a new state of existence. Energy into matter, more or less."

"You said only women, right?" I asked. "So you need two X chromosomes for it to work?"

Desi's response surprised me.

"Not really, no. You only need one X chromosome. What matters more is the mentality of the people who become like us. Woman in mind, Neo in body."

"And vice versa, right?"

The silence that filled the room from their pause was deafening.

"It's not how that works for anyone who... isn't a potential Neo, Desmond."

"If you're not a Neo," Amelia said, struggling to find the words. "And you're not at least a C rank, then the NAE sees you as nothing more than labor or attendants."

I could feel my chest tightening as the words left my body, unbidden and clearly hurt by the truth.

"So the NAE wants to make those that can't be made into Neos... into their slaves?"

"Or, like a large portion of people like Mom? Glorified pets."

I put my face in my hands, rubbing my face harder and harder as I could feel the vomit and rage building in my throat. I wanted to scream, to throw something, destroy something, hit ANYTHING. But the guards were still right outside the house. If I screamed, then they would come right back in and discover we were in the midst of defying the NAE.

"So what do we do?" I seethed, trying to keep control as my sight practically went red.

"There's a growing number of Neos that have come to understand how wrong this all is," Amelia quickly told me, shuffling closer so she didn't have to speak so loudly. "We can't openly come out about this yet, but Maisie and I have been in contact with a few, shall we say, dissenting ladies. Right now, we're in the midst of-"

The sound of something vibrating in Captain Chaimongkhon's pocket cut her off. Forcing her to quickly pull out her cellphone which was somehow unaffected by the relay doohickey on the table and check on the message sent to her. One look, and all the emotion in her face drained away.

"Desi," she said with cold authority, reaching over to the table and grabbing the spider-like device. "Put in your code for the server screen."

As she pressed the button in the center of the little robotic relay-thingie, I watched the light die inside the thing as it closed itself up and the speakers seemed to turn on once more. Causing me to wince as the buzzing in my head returned with full force.

"Voice recognition code 2V2-67R-K88-Y3P3-8PW1L7. Identity phrase: Sit stella et non bestia. Axzurian frequency: Epsilon Quill Gamma."

As the screen slowly protruded from the way, the frame extending and lengthening as it hummed that same weird tone that made my brain tingle fiercely, I rubbed my head with the bottom of my palms to try and minimize the sensation as the NAE's flag appeared on screen.

"Good," Amelia said. "Now, turn to any news channel."


"Just do it!"

Shrugging her shoulders, Desi did as she was told.

"Whatever you say. Server, put on NBN."

The screen flickered for a scant second before one of the news anchors, a man in his mid-30's with dark brown hair, looking completely scared as his did his job appeared.

"...May be too shocking for some of our viewers to witness. Viewer discretion is advised."

The feed cut to the exterior security footage of what looked like Wall Street as people were going about their daily lives. Then, a bright flash of bluish-white light blinded the cameras before fading away. Only to reveal people either on the ground or running away in sheer terror.

"What the Hell was that?"

"Displacer bombs," Amelia muttered. "Something the Blues have been working on for a couple years now."

"Displacer bombs?! What the fuck are those?!"

"Authorities arrived shortly on the scene," the news anchor continued. "But when they went in to help the victims, they found every area of the Stock Exchange seemingly abandoned. Not a single person was inside the burning building despite the usual flurry of activity before the incident."

"I can't explain it," an officer said, trying to prevent himself from flying into a panic. "When we checked the security footage for the whole place, it was like they were here one moment, and then... FOOSH! Completely gone the next in a wall of this weird fire."

The feed returned to the studio where the anchorman was clearly in a state of shock and terror. His hand on his earpiece as he struggled to comprehend what he was being told.

"We have just received reports that New York is NOT the only subject of these attacks! I repeat, New York is NOT the only site of these attacks! Reports are coming in from... Holy shit. Reports are coming in from L.A., Tokyo, Beijing, Paris, London, Rio de Janeiro, Frankfurt, Moscow. This is... Holy shit. Holy shit! What the fuck is going on?"

"Desi, rewind the feed."

"Server, rewind feed to the beginning."

As the news rewound itself back to when we first turned it on, I couldn't help but shudder at how coordinated it all was.

"Desi! Pause the feed!"

"Server! Pause!"

The screen immediately froze as Amelia and Desi moved closer. Then with a gasp, my sister pointed at the bottom left corner.

"Holy shit! That's mom!"

I had to take a closer look. And as Desi put her hands on the screen, proceeding to zoom out the image, I gasped as well.

Our mom was the one who delivered Doctor Bernard's promise of retaliation. Striking the first blow by bombing Wall Street on behalf of the NAE.

The Neo War had begun.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on July 27, 2022, 01:10:57 am
An interesting turn of events! I wonder how much Muscles Douceur predictions will come true. Regardless this really shows the nonchalant and tyrannical nature of the NAE. K++
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on July 30, 2022, 01:03:34 am
As we watched the feed on the giant screen, we were stunned into absolute silence. Across every major capitol in the world, concise strikes had been taking place. Every attack followed by a massive fire that concealed just what the displacer bombs were designed for: highly active areas filled to the brim with human lives suddenly emptied within an instant. Spirited away to who knows where by the NAE for some unknown reason. Station after station slinging theories and potential enemies back and forth, capitulating wild speculation as inherent truth while doing nothing to work on the issue at hand.

"This is just to cause panic," Amelia said, sitting down on the chair and pursing her fingers together in anxious contemplation. "The real attack is about to begin."

"Real attack?" Desi asked, flabbergasted at the Green eyed Neo's words. "This isn't considered the real attack?"

I started rubbing my forehead, the growing tension in my body from the frequency causing my stress levels to rise and my muscles to ache.

"What more could the NAE do to prove their point?"

"They've been working toward this for decades," she muttered, her eyes narrowing on the screen before pointing her green hand at it. "And you don't remain secret without knowing what real power is."

As she finished speaking, we heard the sound of the current news anchor's voice starting to crack as another bit of news was fed to her through her earpiece.

"It seems that we have- We have more news coming in. For some unknown reason, the world's markets have entered a... This can't be right! The markets entered an economic free fall!"

We were once again struck dumb as the reports started coming in from around the world. NYSE, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, the list went on and on as everything except a few specific brands of stock completely collapsed in value within moments. Financial systems being brought low one after another after another. I knew what this level of crippling would do to the global powers. The strength of every form of currency had withered beyond the point of salvation, ballooning the rate of inflation at rocket speeds and reducing their ability to finance any real responses. I felt my stomach start to tighten at the realization that this sort of action meant that even if it were to balance itself out again, people would be unable to truly afford even the most basic of necessities for years or even decades. This meant that there was no money for practically ANYTHING.

My mind then flashed back to Doctor Bernard's office, before our mom stormed in and treated us like toys. To what Cecilia had told us, proud and almost joyfully as she peacocked in front of us.

"Blowing past every possible barrier towards scientific enlightenment as we used our growing collective power to slowly eke out more and more ground behind the scenes."

"This is what she meant," I said, emphatically grabbing Desi's wrist. "This is what Doctor Bernard meant!"

"What Cecilia meant?" she echoed, confused at what I was saying. Forcing me to point at the screen.


Desiree looked like she had suddenly become ill, slowly moving over to the couch before falling into her seat and placing her head between her knees.

"That can't be right! How would they be able to-?"

"We're everywhere," Amelia told her, matter-of-factly and with no hint of emotion. "Community centers, private deals, multiple global businesses, philanthropy network chains. Do you know what the overall financial strength of the NAE is, White one?"

"I don't." Desi said, clearly frightened of what she was about to be told.

"The NAE holds at least four hundred and thirty eight SEPTILLION in overall value. The current value Humanity holds is merely in the quadrillions. We are the dominant force that finances the world, and have been for decades."

The look of regret in Desi's eyes was indescribable. The betrayal, unfathomable.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"You two do nothing for now," Amelia told us, rising from her seat. "I will contact Maisie, as Desmond's due for one last check-up before he begins his duties. Just keep your heads down, do as you're told. And for the love of the Axzurat, stay calm so neither of you throw any more tantrums. I don't want to recover either of you and put you in Medical again, got me?"

We both nodded our heads as Captain Chaimongkhon stormed out of the house, hellbent to put things into motion immediately. The only sounds in her wake were the voices of the terrified talking heads on the TV trying to figure out what wass happening. As I looked at my sister, I couldn't tell what she was feeling. There was a storm of emotions running through her, that much I could tell by the look in her black and white eyes.

"Turn off broadcasting." Desi commanded, the screen powering down as it sank back into the wall. Then, with a surprising gentleness, she looked at me with an almost... I don't know, broken look while she bobbed her head towards the couch. Patting the seat next to her to make sure I understood the invitation.

"What are we going to do?" I asked, completely loss at what to say while I sat down beside Desi.

"We have to listen to what Amelia told us," Desi whispered. "Things are now way out of hand. And if we don't, then there are going to be terrible consequences."

She was right. I wanted to argue, but I held my tongue because she was absolutely right. This war the NAE had begun only meant that they were now willing to go to greater lengths to ensure they got their way. My mind was going at lightning speeds, trying to put together where this would go. Would there be full scale invasions? Would it be more like surgical strikes, taking out important locations? Displacer bombs had frightening capabilities, but was that their current limits? I had only seen a small portion of their tech, and that was making me feel more anxious, which only caused me to ache as I felt my body tighten in response. I just sat there in silence, unable to actual say what I was thinking, what I was feeling. I felt like I was there, but also not. Like a phantom's shell residing in one place, allowing me to feel and see and smell, but not completely occupied. Then I noticed her hand on mine, gently squeezing it as she rubbed her thumb across the top of my hand as we sat in the silence for a minute or two.

"I know you've been asking to be let in on what's going on," she said, her voice a bit gruff as she fought back tears. "And I can't say much. But you asked about this before. Why I am called "White one" by everyone."

I looked her straight in the eyes, trying my best to reassure her. To let her take it at her own pace.

"In... In the structure of Neo hierarchy, there are five predominant colors. Each color coordinates to a specific purpose or duty. Sort of a "you are where you're meant to be" kind of society. Think of it like... ants or bees."

"Weird," I muttered, picturing what she was saying. "But I guess the analogy fits?"

"Because it was made that way. Because WE were made that way."

Rising from her seat, Desi moved to the other side of the table. Making sure we were looking at each other as she continued her explanation.

"It goes like this, okay? At the bottom are the Orange Neos-"

I watched how uncomfortable this was making her feel as she placed her hands in front of her body, as if she was stacking something. Moving her hand at the bottom to emphasize her point.

"The rank and file, essentially. They handle the day to day, filling roles when they are needed. Then come the Blues."

She shook her other hand as she gave me an "I'm trying to keep this extremely simple so you understand" look.

"The Blues are the ones who are the brains of Neo society. Not as numerous as the Orange Neos, their transition to Neodom allows them greater mental capability. It's why the tech you've seen so far is so bizarre and advanced. They have catapulted Human ingenuity to new heights in such a short time. After that-"

Moving one hand above the other, Desi shook it gently once more. At this point, I honestly don't know whether I should feel insulted by the fact she considers me incapable of grasping it, or glad she's trying to explain it as best she could.

"...You have the Greens. Fewer than the Blues, the Greens are middle management, for lack of a better phrase. They are the ones that handle most of the actual politics of Neo life. Managers, officers, what have you. It's why Amelia was put in charge of us."

"I think I get why," I said, trying my best to grasp the situation. "Green is supposed to be a calming color. So it's natural Greens would be the ones to talk to people, right?"

Desi nodded her head and gave me a small proud smile.

"That's right. Greens are given a lot of respect because of the sheer weight they have in their position and the size of the role they play."

As the smile faded from her face, Desi moved her hands up one more level in the imaginary pyramid.

"Then you have the Reds. Reds are more aggressive and prone to action, making them suitable for positions of leadership, particularly in battle. They are the most likely ones to strike first. Reds are also the ones most capable of absolute destruction and terror, including among other Neos. Not all are like that, but it's a common trait."

As she spoke, I couldn't help but flash back to Doctor Bernard's office. The way Desi looked after the beating mom gave her. The way mom stood over me like I was the conquered instead of her own son. The look in her eyes as she regarded me as lesser, as inferior. It was like every look she had given me when I stepped out of line growing up, but amplified to a monstrous degree. Or maybe it was always how she, and becoming a Neo had finally allowed her true self the power to finally come out?

"You said five primary colors, right?" I asked. "So that means White's at the top?"

"The last color," Desi said, moving her hand up one more level. "Is not White. It's Purple."

I saw a flash of white as my memories seemed to pull me back to the fantasy I had when I was first taken to the facility. The glowing purple being that straddled me as we had sex. Growing larger and more powerful with every second on top of me before I woke up in the bathroom while giving the Neos a sperm sample.

"Hold on! PURPLE?!"

Desi sadly nodded her head, running her fingers through her hair.

"Purple is rarest of all. Only a few are meant to exist at any given time. They are the de facto presence of Neo existence. The Queens of the hive, basically. All others defer to them."

This threw me for a loop. Purple? PURPLE?!

"So... what about White?" I asked. "Where does that place you?"

"Whites are... They-"

She was trying to keep it together, to stay strong. But as she kept looking for words to explain what her role is, I could see the cracks starting to form. As the tears started to flow, I couldn't help myself as I went in big brother mode. Leaping from my spot and across the table to wrap my arms around her while she began to break down in front of me.

"I'm a failure!" she wailed, falling to her knees in my arms. "I'm nothing! Th-They treat me like a child because that is all I am to them! A freak to be pitied! I'm one of them, but like I can never BE them! I just- I just w-want-"

As I let her sob into my chest on the floor, I rocked her back and forth and stroked her hair. This was the thing she had been hiding from me this entire time. The reason she was always fighting so hard to prove herself, for both of our sakes. The abuse I had gotten from mom in the past, she must have been getting on a grander scale when I wasn't around. They were trying to separate us, break us down and remove that which made us family. My stomach started to knot as I sat there, wanting nothing but revenge for everything that had happened to us so far. But I knew I'd have to wait. We had to wait for the right moment. And at this moment, Desi needed me now more than ever.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: wowser1016 on July 31, 2022, 04:20:52 am
So far this work has been an absolutely incredible ride. A very well written,  very interesting and quite complex, grabbing journey. I feel like my mind has been put thru a ringer trying to anticipate the next step only to find the story twisting and leaving me having to quickly adjust my thoughts to a different approach which was  subsequently blown up by another twist. At some point I gave up trying to figure the next step in this adventure and decided to simply enjoy the trip. K+!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on September 13, 2022, 11:35:39 pm
Since the new policy is in place about some of the content in stories posted on here, I had to find a workaround. So if you want the full details, you can find it under my "GLKing" account on DA. Meanwhile, enjoy the more borderline version here.

- - - - - - - -

As we spent the next couple of weeks getting used to the new atmosphere being engendered by the NAE, it continuously felt like the world around me was becoming some sort of alien reality. In every yard, flagpoles were being put up that waved the NAE flag high. On every house, which were quickly being replaced from classic American homes to the sleek and mind bending Neo ones like mine- like mom's now was, designations were being put on entrances that listed the overall rankings of those who lived in every home and what role or function they served to the greater Neo society. In fact, something that specifically weirded me out was the drastic shifting of who lived in these homes.

More and more, anyone who didn't fit the criteria for Neodom would be seen one day, and be gone the very next. Some would come back, clearly altered to the wishes of the Neos that now owned their homes. Others, however, never returned. They were never spoken of, never brought up again. If anyone did, there'd be this awkward feeling that would emerge, like a relationship in middle school that petered out into an awkward non-friendship where neither saw each other again. Just a sigh, a roll of their glowing eyes, a slight chuckle and then hurriedly bringing up a separate subject. Like a non-entity that was barely given the notion of a thought. Everything, from the remaking of houses to the forgotten treatment of the people who were ineligible for Neo Transitioning, it all made me think that equality had been abandoned for true domination. Those of us who were kept in the neighborhood were no longer viewed as worthy of respect. Whenever I had any interaction with the women in the vicinity, I was talked down to, treated as if I was simple minded, fondled and handled like a plaything or entertainment. There only for them and not for my own sake and sanctity.

And my mother, hailed the conquering hero, deemed "The Reaper Of The Red" by Doctor Bernard in a broadcasted ceremony, allowed them to treat me in this way with a smile on her face. Telling me, when I voiced my opinions that I felt humiliated, with absolute authority after a trying day at the facility that "I had no room to complain, as I was at the service of any and all Neos that she deemed worthy of spending time with her pet."

Yes, "pet". After a day where the Blues in charge of the collection labs deemed I needed a stress test to determine my recovery rates and extended volumetric output, which led to me being strapped into a machine and milked for five straight hours. The victory had clearly gone to my mother's head, puffing out her chest and consciously keeping herself flexed for other Neos to gawk at and fawn over. While she hadn't gotten another treatment since she came home, she had taken to her new celebrity status among the other Neos like a duck to water. Every single day, we were visited by her neighbors who either wanted to spend time in her general presence, asking her to train them, or as was most common, usually in the living room in the midst of a sapphic fuck fest. And every time she was surrounded by her adoring "lessers", she ordered that I be a "good boy" and stand there while she lorded over her fellow Neos in a lake of brawny sinew and expansive mass. It was a perverse kind of torture, forced to be a source of breeding stock during the day, then her attendant during these orgies that I knew was a message on how thoroughly she dictated my life, with moments of clean-up before, during and especially after she was done for the day. The overpowering mix of scents as their hands slid along each other's powerful forms, sensuous touches of electric oranges and blues and greens, with my mother's red eyes staring deeply into her throng of submissive lessers as their fingers dove into the most intimate of places. Waves of orgasmic bliss as they maximized their own pleasure, bodies twisting in unnatural ways as their Neo physiques flexed and posed in bizarre ways. Muscles bulging in a hedonistic marriage of sexual skill and bodybuilding competition, with mom the sole judge of who would be worthy of worshipping her next.

This form of libertine attitude proved contagious around the neighborhood. The state of dress became much more lax, or should I say non-existent. Nudity was becoming more and more common, openly flaunting their developments for the delight of those transitioning away from the Humanity they had started with. Youth, vitality, power, beauty. All at a whim and an appointment. The hues of their skin slowly replaced by the creeping vibrancy of their Neo existence. It was like this change they were going through brought a newfound exuberance as old gave way to new, weakness gave way to strength, and passiveness was granted a second chance at dominance. A heady cocktail of power and sensation that bordered on the electric.

But not all of my neighbors felt that way. While she had become obsessed with her own appearance, Mrs. Tallarico, or as she told me to start calling her, "Erica", was somehow still very much her own person. While not usually participating in any of the local changing attitudes, she still tended to flaunt her porn star-like body in her new typical outfit of a sports bra that barely contained her now massive J-cup breasts and pair of booty shorts that were less "shorts" and more "glorified thong". She had become a tease, but it was oddly tempered with a genuine concern for me and Desi that she constantly played down when my mother was around. It was strange when they were in the same vicinity, usually devolving into a friendly tĆŖte-Ć -tĆŖte with Erica flaunting her more traditional yet athletic assets versus my mother's usually topless display of raw strength and mass in a pair of poser panties she wore as her only form of clothing while at home. But this form of posturing and repartee only took place when talking about me or my sister. Every other time, they were amiable and calm with each other like two lifelong friends.

This familiarity was what led to mom allowing Erica ease of access to my- her house, granting her the right to visit whenever she wanted. When I asked her about it, mom said it was because Erica seemed like less of an issue and more of a coincidental babysitter for us. An extra pair of eyes and ears to have on duty. But every time mom was away and my duties around the house were done, Erica would talk me out of the house when she could. A chaperone so I wouldn't feel trapped inside the house, which meant I spent time away from that fucking frequency that screwed with my head so badly.

Today was a prime example of her concern. Yesterday, after mom had participated in yet another orgy, she had been in the midst of working out in the nude, doing her bizarre and utterly painful stretches and yoga-like exercises in the living room while I was cleaning up. The collective scents was as pungent as the fluids that were frankly everywhere. On the floor, the seats, the carpet, the walls. That day was the most over the top fuckfest so far, culminating in a mass worship of mom's body as she stood in the midst of her fawning fans. Standing proud as they collectively surrounded her while she flexed and posed like a true professional. Hands gliding across glistening skin as she turned and moved her mighty physique with an unerring, machine-like efficiency while her eyes were locked on me. Her demanding voice getting breathier as the adulate Neos caressed her, touched her, pleasured her. Telling me "this is what this world is all about" with a cruel smile on her lips. The scent of Amber and Vanilla and Musk wafting over every other scent, overpowering all others until in one unified wave, every Neo in the room climaxed in a very wet and powerful orgasm. All save my mother collapsing to the ground with a scream of pleasure as their bodies twitched and pulsed in pure ecstasy.

Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about it, now...

Anyway, Erica later came to the house to check on me. But as she walked through the door, mom received a notification that she took in her... office. While the two of us were talking, Erica asking if I was alright and if I needed a hand with cleanup, she quickly came back out with a zeal she rarely let show.

"You're a lucky boy." she said, interrupting our conversation.

"What?" I asked, clearly confused by her statement. I quickly glanced over at Erica, who was similarly caught off guard.

"Cecilia has announced a soiree," mom continued, clearly excited at the announcement. "I am to be the guest of honor. But sadly, she has requested that my two children are to be in attendance."

"A party!" Erica cheered. "That's great news, isn't it? When's it supposed to take place?"

Mom gave Erica a questioning look, trying to pierce any potential deception like she always did. An eternal vein of paranoia through her haughty demeanor.

"In three days time. But my Queen wants me there tomorrow, so as to help her plan out this little celebration. And since I won't be here when your sister comes home after her stupid Efficiency treatment, you will have to be the one to tell her that she needs to prepare herself and you to not embarrass me again. Do you understand, Desmond?"

"Yeah," I meekly replied, shrugging my shoulders and not knowing what else to do or say. But I soon realized that was not the reaction she was hoping for. Her eyes sparking red as she grabbed me by my collar and quickly picked me up off my feet.

"That's not good enough, Desmond! When I ask you a question, you answer with "Yes, Mother!" Do you UNDERSTAND?"

"There's no need for violence," Erica said, concerned for my safety as she gently put her hand on my mother's arm. "I'll make sure that she-"

Mom's eyes went steely as she stared down our neighbor with a malevolent gaze. The tension spiked as I knew mom was clearly itching for a fight, ready to take on anyone that dared approach her in ways that went against what she wanted.

"This isn't about you, Erica. You are a Blue, while I am a Red. I have authority here, so what I say goes. Now take your fucking Blue hand off of me, or I will break it off and put it to better use!"

Despite the difference in height between the two of them, and the way Erica was contemplating taking action, I could see her realizing it would be best to keep my mother calm for no. So, with a short and heavy huff of a sigh, she took her hand off of mom's arm. Causing mom to give us both a shark like smile as she turned her attention back towards me.

"That's better," she tittered, clearly proud of how Erica gave in. "Now, when I ask you a question, you answer with "Yes, Mother!" Are we CLEAR, Desmond?"

I could feel my heart hammering in my chest. I didn't want to answer her, to give her the satisfaction. But I knew things were going to get bad if I didn't play along. So I just closed my eyes and nodded my head.

"Y-Yes, mother."

I felt her letting go of my collar, followed by my ass landing on the floor uncomfortably. My balls immediately began to ache from the impact, causing me to involuntarily groan while Erica helped put me back on my feet. Mom, for her part, paid no attention as she went upstairs to her room to pack.

"I will send for you and your sister when the party has been prepared for." she shouted back at us, refusing to turn her head as her weighty footsteps sent tremors that could be felt on the landing and floor below us.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on September 25, 2022, 05:14:36 am
Within the next two hours, mom had her bags packed. Considering how short notice it was for her to leave, it was surprising that she was taking four bags with her. And these weren't small bags, either. One rolling case, two larger duffel bags and the huge gym bag I always saw her taking along when she left the house. I couldn't help but wonder why she was so overpacked for only a few days, considering the NAE always made sure to have things well supplied for its Neos.

"Before I go," she growled, seemingly upset by the suddenness of her departure. "There's going to be a few ground rules."

"I'll be alright," I told her. "You don't need-"

"I wasn't talking to just you, Desmond." she snarled, her eyes narrowing in on Erica in a clear declaration. "This is for both of you, and your sister when she gets back tomorrow."

"There's no need to be at my throat," Mrs. Tallarico- I mean, Erica told her as she held up her hands. "I'm not here to steal anything from you, Commander Nowell."

Mom gave her a wry smile as she briefly glanced my way. I could immediately tell she was getting high on socially browbeating my neighbor. Before all this, mom usually kept her snide comments and narcissistic posturing for backstabbing people in private. But now that she had nothing to fear from us, and especially me, she wasn't afraid of showing people who she really was.

"Nor can you. But at the very least, you are behaving like a Blue truly does."

I could practically see Erica bristling at the comment. Her jaw noticeably clenching as if she was fighting back what she really wanted to say, but slowly closing her eyes to try and keep focused.

"And what would that be, ma'am?"

"Blues are very smart," mom said, leaning in closer to her smaller neighbor, barely taller than I was now, as her eyes flashed a small burst of red light. "But unlike the others, hungering to ascend among their betters, you know and accept your place. And that's to stay with my handsome, wonderful pet of a son."

That word again: "pet". She keeps saying it to dehumanize me. I could feel my stomach twist into a knot every time she said it. A little jet of acid launching itself into my throat. I would need to get something to drink after she left, to get rid of both the burning sensation and the vomit off of my breath that I knew both of them could already smell with their fucking enhancements.

"About the ground rules, mom?"

Mom gave me a disapproving look, breathing through her nose as her jaw shifted with a weird undulation left and right with a slight pop.

"You're right," she said, closing her eyes and tilting her head with another pop. "The ground rules while I'm gone."

Putting her bags down, mom made a show as she flexed before us. Her muscles bunching and swelling slightly as she forced them to their utmost, standing more upright as she glared down at us once more.

"One," she commanded, raising a finger. "You are to be a good boy and clean yourself every day."

I felt something in my head start to twinge as her order sunk in, burning as if my brain was actively rewiring itself to follow through on her commands. It was an entirely new sensation, like living lightning digging itself through my skull with an unapologetic fervor. I must have had some response, because I soon realized she had paused. A smile on her face while she looked intensely at me.

"Second," she continued, raising a second finger. "You are to be a good boy and do as the ranking Neo wherever you are tells you to do."

The burning got worse. I grabbed my head. The buzzing in the house was growing louder, more insistent. It was like my vision was flickering with flashes of white as it became an active pain, causing my nerves to flare up and make me grow more tense.

"Please," I begged her. "You d-don't need to tell me to be a g-good boy. I'll l-listen to what you say, mom!"

"Will you?" she asked, leaning down to stare me in the eyes.

My sight was going blurry, looking at things was becoming more difficult. But the odd thing was that looking in mom's eyes, it was like the electric red seemed to be creeping out. Filling the black spaces beyond her irises with an almost phantom seepage. Then, everything snapped back into clarity as she slowly brought her face closer. The youthful, model-like beauty she now possessed causing me to come out of whatever sort of shock I was in. The bangs of her slick, stylishly short almost bluish-black hair resting right above her right eye as she penetrated my soul with a malevolent gaze while she waited for my response.

"Y-yes, m-mother..."

The instant look of gratification on her face said it all, predatory looks giving way to one of haughty posturing. My eyes drifted over to Erica, the look of alarm mixed with disgust as she saw me fighting to stay upright while my mother looked like she had beaten me once again. I think she finally understood what I was going through on a daily basis, at least a little bit. She stared, unsure of what to do until mom turned towards her while raising a third finger.

"Third, you're to NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY PET SON. Do you understand me, Erica?"

"I wasn't going to!" she spat out, blustering to create a buffer so mom's aggression wouldn't get out of hand. Mom, being her usual self, smiled cruelly as she stepped forward, her hands to our neighbor's incredibly full and firm breasts as Erica's fear became evident. Moving on her like prey, she pressed her body up against our neighbor's until she had her back against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. Rubbing her knee and thigh between Erica's legs as she leaned in close and kissed her neck, gently nipping it for good measure.

"Never forget," mom growled, using her full height and size to her advantage as she slid her hands beneath Erica's sports bra. "I am the only Red in this entire neighborhood, and the right hand of Doctor Bernard. So that means all of you, including you, including my son, are mine to do with as I fucking see fit. Never forget your place, Erica."

With her demeaning power play finished, mom slipped her hands out of Erica's top and pushed herself away. Erica was naturally frightened by what mom had just done, quickly covering herself again as her commander picked up her bags once more and moved towards the front door.

"I will send for you and your sister in a few days," she said, acting like she hadn't just assaulted Mrs. Tallarico for no damn reason. "Until then, do as Good Boys do, Desmond? I'd hate to find out otherwise."

With a hearty laugh, she opened the door and left. We heard her climbing into her car, followed by the sound of the engine, with its odd mix of what sounded like a jet engine and the crackling of a tesla coil before becoming completely silent as she pulled out of the driveway and left. Both Erica and I completely stunned by this stunt she had just pulled as a simple "reminder" of where we stood with her. I think I got off light, suffering only a really strange headache. But Erica was clearly weirded out, smoothing her clothes and her hair time and again.

"Mrs. Tallarico?" I asked, gently to not scare her further "Erica? Are you okay?"

"Y- I- No," she stammered, clearly still freaking out by what just happened. "I need to contact someone. Will you be okay while I'm gone?"

I quickly nodded my head, clearly too worried for her wellbeing.

"Good," she continued, rushing in for a hug. "I need to talk to you about something. But not here, okay?"

"S-Sure," I told her, caught off-guard by how tightly she was holding on to me. As she did, I noticed the scent of cinnamon and nutmeg, and the rich aroma of nutmeg. I don't know why, but it smelled comforting. Like the smell of homemade baked goods you always imagined someone would make you whenever you came home after a long and stressful day of school or work. Something I never got the chance to experience. Even with the fucked up thing mom just did, this was... nice. It felt nice. Like a lover wanting to take care of you. It was something I wasn't used to.

"Okay," she whispered, her hug lingering another second or so before letting me go with a somewhat mournful look. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Without another word, she fled from the house and back to her own. Leaving me to the reckoning of mom's commands and the bizarre sensation in my head on my own. Suffice to say, I took some ibuprofen that were still somehow in the bathroom cabinet before heading back up to my room and passing out despite the light of the early afternoon sun beaming through my window.

As I said before, that was yesterday. Today was a completely different matter altogether.

As soon as my eyes opened, I felt that damn burning sensation in my brain. My mind was awash in white as mom's words rang in my head: "Be a good boy and clean myself every day." I stumbled towards the bathroom as the her words and the buzzing sound that dominated my life fought for space between my ears. Clashing with an internal feedback that kept feeding into itself so fast, it physically hurt. Not to the point where my bones felt like they are on fire, no. But running down my neck, into my arms and shoulders and down further. Like my body was a theater, and the sound just kept bouncing off of every wall and echoing across every ounce of me. But then I heard the hissing of our shower door, the sudden increase of pressure around me. And finally, the hissing of the shower system, spraying me on all sides with enough pressure to sting my skin. Sending a signal to the battle in my brain that I was doing as told, mom's words fading while the burning sensation slowly went away.

My hand slapped against the wall as I leaned forward, gasping. The searing pain was new. Did mom do something to me while I was healing? Like how she changed me? Changed my... you know? In my new existence, it's not beyond the impossible. I can't be distracted by that right now. Gotta get clean. Get dressed. Erica will be over later. I have chores to do. And Desi will be home.

Gotta stay good for Desi.

When I'm done essentially getting hosed down, I step out and grab a towel to dry off before standing in front of the sink. And like clockwork, I'm struck dumb by how much has changed. The sink itself was at chest level on me, everything having been rebuilt to Neo specifications. But the fact that these were a little akward for even mom and Desi to use honestly makes me ask what kind of specifications they truly were. I choose to ignore it for now with a little grumble, reaching down to get a stepstool so I can at least properly look in the mirror.

And when I do, I internally cringe every time. I look so very different than I did before. I used to have a stronger jaw, my hair used to be darker. My features are more defined, more so with how young and thin I now looked. Even my eyes, which used to be a rich brown, were almost crystal blue. It was like I was made into what everyone thinks of when describing a teen idol or something. Trapped in a cute, just legal guy with a deep red unit between his legs that would make a horse do a double take. Everything about me had been completely remade. My body, my behavior. Even the kinds of women I was into. I used to have a thing for big tits, trim bodies. But now, every fantasy involved women who could curl me one-handed, hold me over their heads as they sucked me off, pinning me down as they rode me like a stallion as they brought their full, musclebound bodies on top of me with an incessant need to make them cum in ways only I could.

Some are only partially changed, their six fingered hands working my cock as their tongues caress and savor my balls while they stare up at me with those beautiful glowing eyes. Some are further along, unnaturally bigger or more curvy with incredibly powerful bodies packed with vascularity the likes of which borders on impossible balance. And at other times, I see this utterly... I don't know, alien entity in my fantasy? I don't quite know how to describe it. There's this completely different sense of balance to it. It is clearly one of the Neos, but there's this primal, angelic monstrosity aspect to it. Sometimes Red or Blue, or Green or Orange. But sometimes, when I get the feeling it's all too real, the Neo will be Purple. Her body will be perfect, indomitable and undeniable. I can never fully see her face, but her eyes will forever be clear. A pulsating purple force almost eking out as if she cannot be contained. The air crackling as if the boundaries of our world was threatening to collapse solely through her sheer presence. Tendrils dangling from her head slowly extending out to wrap around me, touching me in the most intimate of ways. Leaning close to me as she plants herself time and again on my dick, her resonant voice deep and powerful as she stares deeply into my soul. The look of a dominant queen overtaken by the sense of love and bonding we share. Saying my name over and over as her body twitches and swells with more strength, more power, more energy. The walls of existence breaking down as the energies I saw the night I nearly died poured into our world once more. And the static skies of that other world peeked through the fractures forming in ours as our mutual climax approached. Purple light flaring in her eyes as she leans her head back to-


Yep, just made myself hard and thwacked my dick the cabinet beneath the sink. Gah, that stung! Calm down, Desmond. Daily upkeep. Brush your teeth. Check for zits. Maybe even shave your- Damn it, I forgot that I haven't needed to shave after the Equivalence Estates. I thought no hair except for eyebrows and the hair on top of your head was just a joke. But it seems some women thought that way, too. Or maybe it was just an extra step by mom to ensure that I remembered I wasn't like I was before, I don't know. I guess it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, considering it meant less time needing to maintain and keep clean. At least there was something positive about the changes?

Though, to be honest, I liked shaving. It was one of the things dad taught me before he died.

Quickly brushing my teeth, I hopped off the stepstool and was about to go downstairs when I heard a knock at the door. I called out with "Just a second" as I gingerly made my way down, making sure I didn't jostle myself too much or else I'd be fighting the urge the puke. Being this hung is more of a burden than a blessing, damn it. But I made it down all the same. And throwing open the door, I was greeted by Mrs. Tallarico, giving me a somewhat pensive look.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked, clearly worried for me as she fidgeted with her fingers. "With what Commander Nowell did to you and everything..."

"I'm fine," I told her, waving my hand. "The more important question is if you're okay?"

Erica nodded her head, rushing into the house. It wasn't lost on me that she had changed her wardrobe a little bit, wearing a pair of blue Lycra booty shorts and a blue micro bikini top that left almost nothing to the imagination while she paced back and forth in the living room. Her long black hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, as if she had just come back from a run.

"I'm... I'll be okay," she told me, though I'm pretty sure she was really trying to tell herself. "Have you eaten yet?"

"I just got up a little bit-"

Without missing a beat, she made her way towards the kitchen.

"I'll make you something to eat, then we'll go on a walk around the neighborhood, okay?"

As I closed the door, I felt myself starting to grow worried for Erica. Mom clearly did a number on her. Was she really alright? And if not, what could I do to help? I was at a loss on what to do as I joined her in the kitchen. I had been asleep for over half a day and I really needed to eat something.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on September 30, 2022, 11:57:21 am
Just a heads up. Next installment in a couple days.

And in about a month or so, I got a surprise for y'all you might enjoy.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on September 30, 2022, 04:42:39 pm
I've said this to you before in another forum - but keep up your stellar writing.  There's a lot of content here that just fetish fodder without real value as a work of authorship.  Your work, however, is professional and of high quality regardless of content.  Keep following your muse.

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on September 30, 2022, 09:07:56 pm
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I've said this to you before in another forum - but keep up your stellar writing.  There's a lot of content here that just fetish fodder without real value as a work of authorship.  Your work, however, is professional and of high quality regardless of content.  Keep following your muse.


This. Its easy to get lost in the fetish, your writing is something that adds depth and nuance to the characters and story.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 02, 2022, 01:37:39 am
Bit of an unexpected announcement, but I'm gonna have to split what would be a full installment on my DA account into two parts. Need to do some work on my SFW stuff (one superhero one shot, a dark fantasy short I plan on turning into a one show as well, a novella), so I'm having to split my time. But don't worry! PLENTY coming this month! New Sandow Family installment, starting a new multi-part short story that's just straight "big guy meeting a big part in his life that's only gotten bigger", new Cassie & Massiva installment and a new muscle horror short for Halloween.

- - - - - - - -

It was a simple breakfast, comprised of eggs and sausage and toast. As she cooked, humming a little tune to herself, I couldn't help myself as she moved back and forth in front of the stove. Mom never really made anything for either me or Desi growing up, so there was a strangeness there. But in all honesty, I couldn't help but stare due to how Erica's body moved. The emphasis as she rocked her hips back and forth. The way she swayed her shoulders, causing the muscles in her back to reveal themselves. The surprising suppleness of her body as she seemed to be putting on a show for me. While smaller than most of the other Neos in the neighborhood, there was a beautiful athleticism to my neighbor's physique. More of a dancer's build that doubled as a lighter powerlifter than a body of physical supremacy like my mother had. Such incredible control as individual sections of muscles were flexed, like a video of women who would be labeled a "female bodybuilder" but had more of a stripper aspect to its execution.

I couldn't help myself as my eyes drifted down to Erica's legs, lingering on her ass like most men would. I had to admit, it was... WOW! It almost looked like it was perfectly sculpted, so round and firm. Like it was confirming to whoever looked on it that the person it was attached to was the real deal. An ass that influencers online would do anything to obtain, to try and steal some of Erica's shine for themselves. Erica began to bend over, stretching her blue Lycra booty shorts as she tensed up. Flexing tightly as they seemed to thicken with more mass. Her quads bloating slightly as veins burbled up beneath her skin, bulging and spreading out like tree roots as her limbs slowly got more vascular. Her body seemingly replacing soft cushioning for sheer mass, like her body was consciously dehydrating to show greater details. Then, I saw it. A slight spot that grew into a small patch of darkness. A sudden scent permeated my nose. A slight musky scent, accompanied by a delicious mix of cocoa and cinnamon and nutmeg. I must have been staring a bit too long, because the next thing I knew, I felt my dick heavily thwacking the underside of the table with more than enough force to cause it to jolt a little.

"You sound eager to get to these eggs," Erica asked wryly, easing the tension in her legs while keeping her eyes on the food. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I groaned, hand on my dick to try and soothe it. "Just... bumped my knee."

"Sounded thicker than your knee," she said, killing the heat on the stove as she finished plating the food. "But I guess I might be mistaken."

Quickly putting the food in front of me, she moved towards the fridge and pulled out some milk before moving towards the coffee maker. To be honest, it's kind of strange how the kitchen was set up. There were many items that were clearly made by Neos, for Neos. From the fridge and counters, to the tables and chairs which made me feel like a child sitting at the adult table, to bizarre cabinets that always felt like they blended in seamlessly with the walls which took me a week to fully understand. But then you had the stove, some things like the toaster and coffeemaker. I understood that every lady who became a Neo had a drastically increased need for calories, but the human made items clashed in a bizarre way that felt like multiple generations of home decor on display in one room.

"You should eat up."

I came out of my thoughts to Erica having moved to the table, coffee in one hand and the milk in the other. Her six fingers splayed across a glass that rested on the handle of the small milk jug, placing the glass down with a dexterity that felt more like an octopus setting a table.

"I'm sorry. Just... lost in thought."

Erica just gave me a sad little smile, putting her coffee down before brushing her hair behind her ear.

"I completely understand," she gently told me, lightly placing her hand on my dick underneath the table and patting it. "You've been through a lot. Change is rough, but we all have to do the best we can from now on."

Her hand felt nice, reassuring even. But she was still a Neo. And my changes ensured I responded greatly to any form of intimate contact with them. So I needed to change the topic, or else we'd be seen doing something on camera that mom would come to learn real quick.

"Speaking of changes, does your daughter know about... this?"

In the past, her daughter was a point of pride. But as she retracted her hand, and her sad smile getting more somber, I knew that question had to have stun a bit.

"I... I haven't told Marlene yet."

As she went quiet, I knew I had probably fucked up. But I had to do something or else I'd probably lose it and relief some tension. I've been hot on the trigger since I woke up, mostly because that dream of the Purple Neo just wouldn't go away. It was like something had my sensitivity ramped up. I was more aware of things today than before. Erica's scent was so potent today. The smell of the food. The feeling of the chair and the fork in my hand. The light coming through the windows. Even the buzzing sounded stronger, but also... different? I don't know how to describe it other than the usual buzz attuned to a higher frequency? I didn't hurt, per se. I can't quite... I don't know.

"I'm sorry," I said, knowing I had to do the right thing as I picked at my food. "I didn't mean to upset you like that."

Erica's face brightened as her mood seemed to lighten with it. A small smile returning as she poured a bit of milk into my cup.

"You didn't," she said, trying to grapple with her emotions. "It's just that I haven't seen her in years, what with her job and all. And I only recently got in contact with her again."

"Only recently?"

She slowly nodded her head, becoming more enthused to finally be able to talk about this with someone.

"Just before I was registered with the DOE at the behest of my new doctor. She explained that if I enrolled in the program, my life would drastically improve. And she was right about that. Since then, I've become stronger, healthier, better. A new me. A Neo me. I've been writing Marlene since then."

That last part stuck out to me.

"Writing?" I asked. "I thought everything was voice locked and registered for use for NAE security reasons?"

"It is," she chuckled. "But there are ways around that. It's partly why I wanted to go for a walk today. I have a letter to drop off."

"Then I best get ready to go out," I told her, powering through my meal. "I don't really know where the mailboxes around her are since the NAE started changing everything on me. But they've only been focusing on the neighborhood. Meaning they haven't touched the outer points just yet. And the furthest point out with a box is the park."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 05, 2022, 09:18:52 pm
"We don't have to-"

"I haven't been to the park in a long while." I told her, pushing myself off the table as I got up. "Besides, I want to see how much has changed since the NAE claimed my home."

With that, I began walking towards the stairs. My dick bouncing back and forth with enough momentum to actually make a noise as I cradled my balls and began running up to my room. Going out meant getting dressed, which meant getting to wear one of the only pairs of pants I owned now. I may have to keep myself exposed at all times inside, but when I'm outside and away from the house, I can have at least a little bit of dignity. Even if the cotton did cater to outlining my dick expertly.

As I slowly came down the stairs, my eyes caught sight of Erica as she dropped one leg down from behind her, only to witness her left shoot up with unnerving flexibility as her knee silently folded around her head. Not a single sound of her body responding like it should as the tip of her shoe tapped the top of her thigh before quietly moving back into place as she kept her hands on the doorframe while her limb righted itself before she lowered it down with the grace of a ballerina. A perfect measure of personal control I had never seen before on an inhuman scale. Shaking out her legs, the muscles along her thighs and ass rippling as she tottered herself to look at the stares where I stood in complete shock and awe.

"That... That shouldn't be possible." I stammered, trying to figure out how she was so hyperflexible.

"It's not possible," Eric said, grabbing a hair tie as she pulled her hair back. "It's Neo. There are many things we are capable of doing now, Desmond. That includes things humans shouldn't or can't."

With a huff and a proud smile, my neighbor put her hands on her hips and gave me a model's smile. Her blues eyes shining vibrantly as she as she gestured towards the door with her head.

"And something we SHOULD be doing is getting the heck outta here, mister! Let's go!"

I put my shoes on and we stepped outside. Erica told me to give her a second, waiting on the sidewalk as she jogged into her home. Not knowing what to do, I just looked around. It was then I noticed that everyone else was out on the street. All of them in various states of undress, some even completely naked as they looked up at the sky. The energy was palpable as they talked and waited for something to arrive or happen. Like the attendants at a parade in late spring or early summer. The smell of sizzling meats and grill smoke wafting through the morning air as every Neo was in the midst of this makeshift celebration. Some, like Liz who now sported vibrant green hands and the body of a Physique competitor, was sharing a beer with what had to be her daughter Mandy, who was not too far off from her mother's level of muscularity and sported bright orange hands as the two wore matching microbikinis as they watched Cecily forcing Miranda's head between her legs. The black woman's blue hands running through the former Salvadoran housewife's long and luxurious black hair as she used both her tongue and large orange fingers to pleasure Cecily's more lithe and toned figure. Miranda's massive build nestling itself between the blue Neo's legs as my dark skinned neighbor's moans and whimpers grew loud enough for me to hear three doors down and across the street.

A couple houses further, I noticed a small crowd had gathered in front of Mrs. Derringer's place. All of the Neos were completely nude, posing down each other in some sort of communal bodybuilding competition. Flexing and straining their bodies as they seemed to be forcing themselves to flex harder and longer, as if trying to will themselves bigger than the rest. Some eventually giving in and grabbing the ones they were squaring off with until a makeshift wrestling contest was underway. Pairs of competitors letting their bodies do the talking as they pulled each other closer, held each other tighter. And some giving in to a more primal desire as legs were spread, tongues were out and carnality ensued. A Sapphic bacchanal of delirium and might on every inch of this and every other block of neighborhood.

Suddenly, I heard someone calling out to me. Turning in time to see both Liz and Mandy sauntering over to me, beers and hand in hand as their eyes roamed every inch of me. Though their eyes lingered on one area in particular for a long time. It took me a second to realize just how tall the two of them were now. Each looking ready for the stage as they grew closer. It was here I realized that, despite a difference of the colors of their hands, the more buxom curves of one and the size of their muscles, they could practically pass for twin sisters. It had been that long since I had seen Mandy last. I wasn't sure if her mother had chosen to be youthened, or she was made older, or perhaps both. But it was quite uncanny how much the two beefy beauties chose to resemble each other in big ways.

"Hey, Desmond!" Liz said, giving her daughter a knowing glance. "Are you ready for the show?"

"Wh-What show?"

Their fake pouts told me far more than I wanted to know.

"You mean you didn't hear about-"

"Leave him be, sisters."

The two went quiet as a familiar voice rang out, startling me a little bit with its close forcefulness. I turned in time to see Captain Chaimongkhon position herself right next to me, her stance at ease but her face commanding and intense. I was immediately struck with how she had been enhanced once more. She had clearly gone bigger, her body bulkier by the sheer bulging size of her arm as she flexed her shoulders and chest. She had also gotten taller, making me feel even smaller than before in comparison. Everything about her now loudly declared how strong she seemed. closer to the size of a larger male bodybuilder in comparison to everyone else in the neighborhood. Her bull-like neck led down to a pair of mountainous traps that strained at her military green tank top, doubly pulled tight by the way her chest pushed its way out into a cliff-face of incredibly dense pectorals that dropped down to a slightly protruding belly that I could immediately tell was filled with incredible bricks of core strength. Her camo pants filled to the brim with thick legs that I could almost imagine being able to squat the back end of my car with little to no difficulty. Her calf muscles stretching out both the bottom of her pants and the boots she had on that were shined to a perfect polish. Her blackish-blue hair fluttering freely in the gentle breeze as an aura of calm and protection seemed to flow from her.

"We're just have fun, Captain." Mandy whined, shifting on her feet as their pouts became genuine.

"And Erica left him alone out here!" Liz added.

"Fun is all well and good," Amelia scolded them. "But don't forget that even with him being claimed by Commander Nowell, he doesn't have the privileges we do. And the human is still an A Rank. So he deserves better treatment. You hear me?"

"And I didn't leave him alone out here!" Erica said, running to our side as she put her arm around me. "I said to stay here until I get back! Desmond's a good boy!"

My brain twinged as she said the words. I smelled something burning, followed by a weird smell of rubber. She had seen how I reacted to mom's commands. Why would she say it now? I could feel Amelia's eyes on me before I could look, a knowing gaze that flit between Erica and myself.

"Regardless of what the situation was, you know Commander Nowell wanted you to keep an eye on him. We can't get careless with our men, Erica. Now, please return to what you were doing, ladies."

As I watched my neighbors seemed to take being dismissed in stride, Mrs. Tallarico grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards Amelia as she pulled in close.

"I submitted the paperwork for a name change, matron." Erica proclaimed in hushed tones. "Within the month, I'll be going by Joanie Devareau."

I could feel my face scrunch up as she made the announcement. Yet another name change? Why is everyone around me so hellbent on this? Then it hit me.

"Devareau?" I asked. "That's not your maiden name."

"Neither's Tallarico," Amelia said softly, stepping in with an apparent need for secrecy. "But things change, all the-"

A low, discordant hum fell upon the street as both ladies turned their eyes to the sky. Sudden anticipation on their faces, separated by anxiousness and mere spectacle. I looked up at the crystal blue sky, wondering what was going on before glancing around the entire neighborhood to see every Neo had stopped what they were doing. Every single one looking upward towards I don't know what.

"What's going on?"

Amelia's eyes stayed on the sky, a slight grimace on her face.

"It's begun."

"What has?"

Placing her hand on my shoulder, Erica pointed me back towards the sky. A distant look of an observer studying the heavens as she pulled me in tight.

"The next step in the war," she proclaimed. "The creation of the NAE zones!"

As the neighborhood began to cheer, I watched as a golden shimmer passed above our heads. It was radiant, almost ethereal in the way it glowed as it crossed the sky like a veil. Covering us all in its frightening splendor as it defied all rational means of existing. A faintly dark crackling of energy coursing through the field, much like what I had seen in my visions as the vibrations grew more intense. I felt my teeth rattling, my ears buzzing. Something deep in my brain reverberating so fiercely, it made the inside of my skull itch. The scent of burning rubber was strong, like when I was ordered to be a Good Boy like mom told me to be yesterday. I could feel myself getting weak, my legs giving out on me like every ounce of energy within me had just vanished like a dry lake. If it wasn't for Erica or Joanie or whatever she was calling herself holding me up, I'm pretty sure I'd be on the pavement. Then, in one more burst of golden light, the field vanished from sight, though both the hum and my weakness remained.

"Wh-What... What just..."

"That's a disruption field," Amelia said, looking me over with a scowl. "Multipurpose as a chaff barrier, secondhand Axzhurat field generator and means to keep humans under control."

"Control?" I mumbled, suddenly feeling tired. "What do you mean by control?"

"Can't fight if you don't have the energy," Erica proclaimed as she handed me off to Amelia. "That means no walks for a while, Desmond. Looks like I have to go to the park alone."

As I was put in Amelia's arms, I could feel my heart starting to race. The sheer power I could feel was almost electrifying. I was reminded of the gentle force of nature element from back when I saw her again. She had clearly worked out before showing, her muscles pumped. There was a primal part of me that wanted to run my hands along her body, feel every nook and cranny and crevice and ridge. I smelled the subtle scents of tropical fruits and lemongrass as she adjusted her grip on me. My mouth was dry. I just... I had never responded this intensely to anyone before today. I could feel myself twitching in my pants as she slowly started to walk me back inside the house.

"You need to calm down," she told me, smiling gently as we reached the door. "Or else we might get into trouble."

["You are to be a good boy and do as the ranking Neo wherever you are tells you to do."]

I felt a jolt in my brain as mom's command rang in my head, and whatever urge was building instantly disappeared. Though I have to be completely honest, I wanted to follow through on it. I REALLY wanted to. I really NEEDED to. And Amelia wanted to, as well. I could tell by the sound of her voice. It was utterly undeniable. But I had to be a good boy. And Amelia was the highest ranking Neo in my area. So I have to listen and be a Good Boy.

God, I hate that those words are so ingrained in my head now. So I sighed and nodded my head as Amelia took me inside.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 11, 2022, 08:10:52 am
People of Saradas! I recently commissioned art from YOUR HOUSE from an artist going by FRK Studios both on DA and on Twitter. And outside of a couple quibbles (she's a Red Neo, so both her eyes and as of this point in the story halfway up her forearms should be red), I'm actually very pleased with the picture.

SO! May I present to you, The Reaper Of The Red! Her Majesty, Cecilia Bernard's Right Hand! Commander of the forces of the Neo Alsarnian Empire! Mother of Desiree Nowell, Sister Of The White! Mother, Keeper and Breeder of Desmond Nowell, the First Viable Human! Matron Warchief of Her Majesty's Armies and Domina Valkyria Of The Axzhurat!

The first picture of COMMANDER LAURA NOWELL!

And as a bonus, one of the banners of The NAE, for good measure!

( (

( (
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on October 11, 2022, 02:18:12 pm
Replete with the six fingered fist!!!!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on October 11, 2022, 08:24:40 pm
She looks like a super swole Karen, which fits her character, so I'd say the art turned ot really well.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Jaguar on October 12, 2022, 04:56:41 am
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it all made me think that equality had been abandoned for true domination

I predict the adoption of caste systems in Canada, the UK, and USA.  Not to fantasy levels of course, and not even as extreme as what India has had for 3000+ (according to Wikipedia) years, but sadly something for us in the direction of what Indian Dalits and "other backward classes" had to endure in the past, but less extreme.  Not now, but in future decades, maybe 50 years.

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 12, 2022, 05:34:27 am
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
it all made me think that equality had been abandoned for true domination

I predict the adoption of caste systems in Canada, the UK, and USA.  Not to fantasy levels of course, and not even as extreme as what India has had for 3000+ (according to Wikipedia) years, but sadly something for us in the direction of what Indian Dalits and "other backward classes" had to endure in the past, but less extreme.  Not now, but in future decades, maybe 50 years.


Your House is actually my commentary on muscle growth fiction, in general. It's an introspective look at the various toxic elements within our shared fetish that are then applied in a singular setting. From abusive women to sudden changes in sexuality, from men stripped of everything they have and are to people stripped of their identities and remade "for the better". Both sides of Femdom to ineffectual passivity, the aggressive demasculinization of the point of view/narrator, the inherent stakes of transformation.

It's not a story about the real world. It's a story about the worlds we create without really asking ourselves "Why?" beyond inherent satisfaction. I know I can't just write a story that's pure gratification, but that's just how I am. I like knowing people who read my stories start thinking about why they like or not like certain sections so far. And any real world elements and comparisons are from outside perspectives. That's why it's in First Person up to now, so others can bring themselves into it without losing Desmond in the process.

So, in short, the Caste/Class system in Your House is purposefully designed so that you're asking yourself whether you truly want to live under something like it. Past is present, and future is yesterday. And it's only when we decide to live in the world we want can we understand what others don't see.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Jaguar on October 12, 2022, 06:48:57 am
It is an incredible story! 
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on October 12, 2022, 06:25:16 pm
When the author articulates a finest interpretation beyond what the critics conceive.  Damn GLK - this elevates the work even more with the unironic conception of our shared interests. Stellar stellar stuff

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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
it all made me think that equality had been abandoned for true domination

I predict the adoption of caste systems in Canada, the UK, and USA.  Not to fantasy levels of course, and not even as extreme as what India has had for 3000+ (according to Wikipedia) years, but sadly something for us in the direction of what Indian Dalits and "other backward classes" had to endure in the past, but less extreme.  Not now, but in future decades, maybe 50 years.


Your House is actually my commentary on muscle growth fiction, in general. It's an introspective look at the various toxic elements within our shared fetish that are then applied in a singular setting. From abusive women to sudden changes in sexuality, from men stripped of everything they have and are to people stripped of their identities and remade "for the better". Both sides of Femdom to ineffectual passivity, the aggressive demasculinization of the point of view/narrator, the inherent stakes of transformation.

It's not a story about the real world. It's a story about the worlds we create without really asking ourselves "Why?" beyond inherent satisfaction. I know I can't just write a story that's pure gratification, but that's just how I am. I like knowing people who read my stories start thinking about why they like or not like certain sections so far. And any real world elements and comparisons are from outside perspectives. That's why it's in First Person up to now, so others can bring themselves into it without losing Desmond in the process.

So, in short, the Caste/Class system in Your House is purposefully designed so that you're asking yourself whether you truly want to live under something like it. Past is present, and future is yesterday. And it's only when we decide to live in the world we want can we understand what others don't see.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on October 12, 2022, 06:59:33 pm
Definitely a great story that's really giving some great introspection into the fetish.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 12, 2022, 08:34:06 pm
Decided to make a poll for which Neo(s) you would like to see art of in the near future. While there are no real Orange Neos of note (yet, give it time), there are a good variety of body types and personalities at play. *AND* I made sure to highlight the ones who are on Desmond's side to somewhat neutral, as I plan on having a separate poll for the more antagonistic Neos (who surprisingly are mostly Reds).

So yeah! New poll! Help me decide the next piece(s) to commission art of!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on October 13, 2022, 12:27:35 pm
Forgot to add that you can pick two options. If I can arrange it, I'll get two pieces. Otherwise, I'll have to stagger them.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on November 03, 2022, 01:35:00 am
Voting's locked, and a clear winner has been chosen by you and others elsewhere.

I'm gathering the references for the story's Deuterotagonist, DESIREE NOWELL, now.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on November 14, 2022, 02:23:15 am
Next installment should be ready tomorrow, as I have to make it compliant with the forum's rules.

Which I honestly won't have to worry about soon, because there's a massive plot point that's going to handle getting around all that soon-ish.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on November 16, 2022, 07:36:27 am
Having to work around the boards' new policies about stories is a pain, but I did it. But it won't matter soon, I guess. The original intent is still doable, as there's wrinkles in Your House that will let me write what I want to anyway without Saradas' nitpicks being a factor.

Anyhoo, with that said, here's the site appropriate version of the next installment.

= = = = = = = =

As soon as I was back inside the house, I was- Maybe not feeling better, but definitely not as bad as I was outside. It was like stepping out of a really cold waterfall, coming down from on high with freezing water that just drained everything out of you. But unlike the rest of me, my dick was tingling. I swear, it felt like my heart was hammering in two spots: my chest and my groin. It was kind of like what I went through back at the Estates, particularly the uncontrollable arousal. As I moved towards one of the couches, my eyes were glued onto Amelia. The way she was moving. The gentle power exuding from her as she took stock of the house once again. I was completely taken with her entire presence.

"Your sister will be returning soon," she said, taking a seat across from me. "So until then, I recommend we just stay calm and try to not draw any attention, okay?"

As she glanced over her shoulder, I knew exactly what she was talking about. For some reason, the orange lights of the security and communication system burned directly into the back of my eyes. I couldn't help but sigh with exasperation.

"I'll try," I groaned, rubbing my sweaty hands on my pants. "Maybe I should learn about this... field or whatever it is that made everyone cheer."

The Green Neo's eyes narrowed, a mask of concern crossing her face  as she rubbed her hands together. Showing how the Green hue on her hands had spread a bit further on her arms, now coming about halfway below her elbow.

"You mean the NAE Zone field?"

I just nodded my head as she reached for one of the pockets of her fatigue pants.

"Shield your eyes."

While she pulled out one of those... disabler doohickeys she used once before, I did as I was told. Closing my eyes and waiting. After a brief flash of blue light, I could hear Amelia breathing a sigh of relief.

"We're clear, Desmond."

Rubbing my eyes a bit, I opened them to the sight of Captain Chaimongkhon slumping back with an air of utter relief. Deflated like a cloud drained of its rain, dark and brooding but empty all the same.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded her head slowly, taking a deep breath before rolling her shoulders and neck. Her head practically swooping down as her thick neck muscles bulged unnaturally, chin noticeably pushing in her chest before going upright with a series of pops.

"They've been pushing every Neo in their training," she groaned, stretching her arms out as she began to move each of her fingers. First downward, then completely flat to each side before centering themselves and then laying flat against the back of her hand. "Even the ones protecting the men and home front like myself. All because of the Zones being put up before the soiree."

"What's so important about them?" I asked, ignoring the way Amelia kept moving her knees back and forth. Drawing my eyes between her legs, as if I was being beckoned towards what lied between.

"The fields are central for primarily one thing," she said, sitting upright with a sudden seriousness. "And that's to keep what's ours."

Reaching into her pocket once more, I watched her pull out this little metal bar. It wasn't very big, maybe a couple inches long and rather thin. She ended up putting it down on the table between us, opposite of the scrambler thing. I was going to ask her what it did, but with a pinch of her fingers and a slight clicking sound, I knew it had to be more Neo tech. My eyes went wide as I saw two thin arms pop out of either end, glowing slightly red as they lengthened to the edges of the table before two slivers of metal wire slid down the entire length of the wooden piece of furniture. Only stopping when the wires reached near the glowing blue tech. Then, with a subtle burst of red light, I watched as a highly detailed map of the county my home resided in filled in the empty space between. Every city, suburb, major landmark and topographic detail to such minute attention.

"Wh-What-? How-?"

Amelia leaned forward, swiping her hands over the map as it scrolled and zoomed in to highlight this and the next four blocks of neighborhood. The zone turning purple as it came into focus as a little NAE flag appeared over what had to be my- my mother's home.

"This is where we are," she continued, not giving me a second to think. "This neighborhood, as well as the entire city and neighboring mountain, are under NAE occupation. It's open terrain, and the nearby mountain is our only defense point. As it was, we wouldn't have a chance in Hell of protecting neither sister nor man. Except-"

Tapping the table twice, the map zoomed out to be entirely covered in purple. Then, with another tap, a golden shimmer crossed the entire section of map, covering everything. Then vanishing in a blip, revealing... nothing. No names, no streets. Not even the mountain. Everything was just gone in a flash. Topographical details remained, but that was it. Like it had never been there in the first place.

"...for what the NAE Zone generators can do. AKA Human Disruption Fields. The two hundredth generation take on the electric fence. A thorough system of camouflage to keeps ours and our kind safe."

The sound of something exploding, followed by a powerful shockwave rocking the house sent me into a panic. I ducked down, expecting to face the inevitable ball of flame and force that comes with it. But as the cries of joy crested over the receding boom, I scrambled to the window and witnessed as every Neo in the neighborhood was still outside, staring upwards as more explosions happened above us all. My fear sliding into disbelief as missile after missile rocketed towards us, only to hit the field with the ineffectuality of a child throwing a stuffed animal. The weapons slamming against the field, only to release their payload far from the intended targets as if they were nothing but really loud fireworks so high up in the air. It both awed and scared me. Technology so far advanced beyond what we were capable of, readied and in use.

"Right on time." Amelia muttered, putting her hand on my shoulder with the same serious look on her face.

"On time?" I asked, numb with this overwhelming show of passive force. "You knew the missiles were coming?"

I couldn't, or more accurately wouldn't, fight back as she gently guided me away from the window as another explosion went off without any damage and led me back to my spot on the couch.

"We've been at this for decades, Desmond." she groaned as she sat back down across from me. "I wouldn't be surprised if I learned some governments were already starting to topple, if I were you."

I could feel my emotions deflating. Yet another crushing show of force, and Amelia just remained calm and collected like it was an everyday thing for her. I don't know if my heart was hammering in my chest because of how scared I was or what. But it was making my insides shudder with each thrum.

And the whole time, the tingling along my groin was just getting harder and harder to ignore.

"Why... Why are you showing me all this?" I asked, swallowing nervously. I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Was I blushing? I had to be blushing. Gotta calm down. I have to calm down.

"Because you are the commander's son," she said, her black and neon green eyes staring directly into mine. "And you are the only A Rank to date among the menfolk. This is a reminder that while I am a Neo, I am on your side. You will have to be kept in the dark on some things, but not everything."

As she gave me a smile, I couldn't help but notice she crossed her arms as she spoke. Inadvertently flexing her chest, highlighting the fact that she had gone for sheer muscle mass instead of emphasizing a more feminine form. Her pectoral cleavage pushing her top forward, allowing me a peek at the beautiful vascularity from her protruding bosom of might while her words faded into the background. Images of me groping her chest ran through my mind. Nuzzling my face between them, lapping and suckling at her nipple as she moaned at my efforts while one hand adoringly pet my head and the other tenderly stroked my cock. Laying me down on this couch as she straddled me, both of us naked as she smiled down from on high. Teasing herself as she rubbed the tip of my dick across her hot and wet entrance.

Is is warm? Am I warm? I can't help but feel warm.

"Desmond? You need to calm down. Now."

I came out of my fantasy to find Amelia's eyes flitting from two spots. One was directly into my own eyes. The other was...


As I looked down, I realized just how much I was straining my pants. My body was tremoring as I felt throb after painfully powerful throb flowing through my groin. A sticky spot slowly spreading across my pants. It felt... similar to the night I nearly died. But only in my chest and in my groin.

"S-Something's wrong."

I shakily got to my feet, only managing to take one step, two steps before I felt my whole crotch pulse and drop me to my knees with a grunt of pain.

I heard Amelia call my name, but it sounded so distant, like a voice in a sealed room. I couldn't focus, reaching into my pants to whip out my dick. My hands felt like ice as my cock felt like fire. My sight filled with flashes of white as I looked at my crotch, angrily engorged as I slowly pumped myself with both hands. I felt hands on my shoulders, shaking me. Amelia's voice telling me to stop, but muted and without power.

The only thing I could focus on was release.

"I- I GOTTA... NGH! I GOTTA CUM!!!" I screamed, unable to look at her. My hands picking up speed as I put my entire being into it. My entire being was in my actions. A simple mantra running through my head.

"Must cum. Must serve. Must breed. Must expand."

I could feel sweat pouring down my face as I kept at it. The flashes of white getting more and more blinding. I could feel myself pitching forward, one hand shooting out to stabilize myself. Eye to eye, in a manner of speaking, with my dick as the overwhelming need to get off took claim of my soul. The pressure building inside of me, growing with more and more effort. But no matter what, I couldn't finish.



I looked up at Amelia, standing before me. But I couldn't see... HER. All I saw was a wavy field of blue, with a giant green form in the midst of it.

"C-CAN'T STOP!!!" I grunted, feeling hot tears stinging my eyes before they flowed down my face. "N-NEED! I- I NEED-!!!"

With another pulse, I crumpled again as I went to my elbow with a scream. As I looked down at the floor, my hand not slowing for even a second, I noticed a swirling of colors. Veins of red and blue, orange and green each spiraling higher and higher as they weaved their way along my girthy Neo fuck stick. I could feel myself getting more and more lightheaded as they moved across the length of my genitals. Then, with startling speed, two more colors proceeded to race towards catching up. Twin lines of both purple and white, twisting around each other in unison as my body tremored uncontrollably. A union of two colors that swiftly overtook the rest as I felt my body starting to give out.

"HELP ME!!!", I begged, taking my arm off the floor so I could use both hands again. But then I felt someone's arms wrapping around my waist to pull me upright.

"I've got this!"

The voice sounded familiar as a hand went between my legs. I couldn't tell who it was, but as I watched their hand move back and forth, the green form gently but urgently pumping up and down my length, I could sense the actual care being shown to me. The past few months, very few had shown me such courtesy. And as I felt a calming need building within me, focus returned to me and helped me realize who it was.


"I got you," she whispered, her voice sweet and kind as she placed her chin on my shoulder. "Maisie warned us this might happen. So don't worry, okay? Lemme use my healing hands to ease your pain."

As I turned my head, I saw a white figure quickly closing the door and joining Amelia nearby. The only white I knew of was her. I could feel my cheeks burning as I looked away.

"D-Don't look at me, Desi..." I begged. But she refused to look away. It was almost like she was staring through me, but her head was tilted downward. Only her head. I could feel myself nearing my limit. Sweat pouring down my face as I breathed in hot, ragged gasps. But still she kept watching, her gaze never wavered. Then I noticed sparkles of something coming from beneath me. Orange and blue, and... green? And red? And PURPLE AND WHITE?!

I looked downward, and saw that the lights swirling around my cock were actually drifting off of me. Flittering like a miasma as they glittered in the blue field. Being pulled directly towards Desi as she stood there, almost as if they were waiting for her to come back. Then, before I even knew it, I came. Firing volley after immense volley of jizz across the room, accompanied by huge bursts of colored light. Each burst landing in a heavy splatter that briefly glowed purple before fading into a dull pearlescent, while the light hovered in the air before gliding towards my sister's form as if caught in a current. Her head tilting back as the light fed itself into her form, mingling and swirling insider the white fill of her shape.

It honestly felt like an eternity as I was caught in the tsunami of relief, my entire essence flowing down to my growing as I kept coming over and over again. But soon, the flow of my seed slowed, along with the filtering of light as the colors channeling through my dick faded from view and I slumped in Emma's arms. Completely spent as my heart settled and the urge to sleep began to overtake me.

"What in the Hell just happened?" Amelia shouted.

But Desiree wasted no time, rushing to my side as Emma shuffled to her feet, carrying me with one arm as if I was a stuffed toy. My head was reeling as my vision was going wonky.

"Let's get Desmond to the couch, first. I'll explain in a minute."

Gently laying me down, I fought to stay awake as Desi's face came into view. Her black and white eyes looking fondly at me as she stroked my hair with a smile. Then turning to join Amelia and Emma as they walked into the kitchen, the little veins of glowing colors spreading out across her limbs while they faded from view as I closed my eyes and fell unconscious.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on November 21, 2022, 09:49:36 am
Another great update! Really digging what could come next.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jhunter on November 22, 2022, 12:50:18 am
Nice to see more. Keep up the gret work.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on November 30, 2022, 11:12:03 am
I awoke in my bed, my stomach in knots from hunger as I slowly opened my eyes to light piercing my brain. With a groan, I slid my legs over the side of my bed and immediately felt the kink from where my dick drooped over. It still ached pretty badly, forcing me to cradle it as I threw the blankets off. And looking at it,  it still looked fiercely sensitive. Swollen and a darker red than before, but not as bad as whatever urge it was overtook me and commanded my very soul for release. A quick check on my balls let me know that they were still swollen, as well. The humiliation, the pain, the overwhelming desire to breed. I just put my face in my hands and sighed deeply at the sheer indignity at it all. Things had to change.

I don't know how long I stayed like that. A few minutes? A few seconds? Just sitting on my bed, lost in thought until I heard a knock at my door.

"Des?" I heard my sister ask. "Can I come in?"

All I could grumble out was a "yeah" before instinctively trying to cover my nakedness with my hands as she walked through my bedroom door. I couldn't help myself but look her up and down. The symmetry of her body, softer than mom's but also bigger by a fair amount. The broadness of her hands as she fidgeted with them. The sheer presence of mass that was barely contained by a pair of Lycra short shorts and a dark blue t-shirt that was soaked in sweat, as if she had just gotten back from a run. Her short blonde bob tied back, putting more of an emphasis on her bubbling shoulders and almost bull-like neck. But then I looked at her face, and some part of me blanched. Probably from a disconnect between how she looked a couple months ago and now, but some part of me couldn't help but notice that she didn't necessarily look like she could be my sister. I mean, I saw the similarity in certain ways. I knew this was Desi from the way she spoke.

But despite the familiarity with her black and white eyes and her mannerisms and voice, I felt like I could certifiably claim that the person standing before me... was not Desi. Yet it was. I couldn't help but notice just how bizarre it really felt. Maybe it was due to the fact I had been seeing her less and less? I don't know. But it was bizarre, all the same.

"What's up?" I groaned, grabbing my blanket to cover myself.

"We need to talk," she said, looking apprehensive as she pushed out her bottom lip with her tongue while running it across her teeth. "You feeling up to eating something?"

I proceeded to stand up, my hand still holding the blanket as I shuffled to the dresser on instinct. My hand was on the drawer before I remembered mom's orders. And I knew the sensors and cameras all over the house would capture evidence of my disobedience. So, with a grim expression, I just nodded my head.

"I'll be down in a minute," I told her. "I... I gotta collect myself."

I felt her arms wrapping around me, holding me tight as the smell of sweat and flowers in full bloom assaulted my senses. But the tension between us could be cut with a knife. I didn't know if it was from her apprehension about needing to talk, or from the embarrassment I felt from her involvement yesterday over how I lost control of myself. So I returned the hug with my free arm and let her go. Watching her thick and broad back turn and slowly walk out my room. Gently closing my door as I heard her heavy footsteps walking away.

When I knew she was halfway down the stairs, I sat down at the foot of my bed and dropped my blanket to the floor. My cheeks were warm as I could feel the frustration growing. Looking up at the ceiling, I let my misty eyes wander as I contemplated how I got here, in this situation where I had lost control of my life. And in the corner of my eye, I saw it. The telltale orange light slyly hidden away, embedded in the crux along the walls by the window and the ceiling. Tucked into the corner just enough to not be easily noticed.

"Are you happy?" I asked the sensor, knowing full well I was being recorded. "Are you fucking HAPPY with ruining my life?"

I stood up, staring straight at the camera planted to keep an eye on me as I waved up and down my body. Fighting to not show discomfort as I lifted my genitals for emphasis.


I dropped my family jewels, letting them sway as I went to my dresser once more and pulled out my only other pair of pants. Throwing myself into them as quickly as possible in clear defiance of what I was told.

"You don't own me!" I screamed, finger pointing directly at the sensor. "I swear I will find a way to get out of here and bring you all down! Mark my fucking words, you bastards!"

Flipping the sensor the bird, I stormed out of my room. My middle finger staying up for all the cameras to see as I hurried downstairs and towards the front door. As my hand went to the doorknob, I could feel my body tensing up while the buzzing in my head grew louder and louder. But I wanted out. I wanted to get as far away as I could from this nightmare.

"They can't stop you," I grunted to myself. "Just open the door."

I could feel my body locking up as I leaned forward. Using my full weight to slowly push myself closer to the exit. The compulsion to stay inside, to be safe running through my body like lightning. But I refused to listen.

"Open. The. Door." was all I told myself as my hand slowly slipped closer and closer to the knob. They had purposefully set things up so I remained trapped in my house (MY HOUSE), including that fucking wall they all cheered for. But I don't care. Even if I have to fucking crawl down the street, I can get away! I just have to OPEN.




"Desmond! Stop!"

It was only when Desi had grabbed my hand, hand almost on the doorknob, when my train of thought broke. And with it came an intense headache, causing me to fold over as a stabbing sensation all across my brain overtook me. My breath heavy as I felt Desiree grabbing my jaw to make me look at her.

"Damn it, Desmond! You gave yourself a massive nosebleed!"

I suddenly felt a wet sensation on my shirt, followed by the feeling of cloth wiping my face and nose with rough concern. Her arm going around my shoulders as she held the cloth in place, guiding me to another part of the house.

"I did?"

"Yeah," she replied. "Follow me to the bathroom mom and I use."

As she practically dragged me to the office, I couldn't help but feel weaker than I already had before. The shame washing over me as she quickly opened the door and taking me into the adjoining bathroom. The light's came on with astounding brilliance, revealing that while there were some similarities to the one I was told to use, this bathroom was clearly designed exclusively for Neos. So many different items and gizmos and accoutrements that I had never seen before, all left out in the open. But I was unable to get a good look at anything before Desi shifted her arm to grab my waist and casually picked me up. My feet dangling as I heard her scooting a step for me to use as I found myself facing this black box on the wall.

"Desi? What-?"

I saw her pressing a button on the side, causing the front to pop open and reveal what looked to be a light blue liquid vertically suspended inside.

"Just put your face into this, okay? You won't drown and it's not going to harm you."

"I don't think I-"

"Desmond," she said, putting her hand on the back of my head. "Just trust me."


"Trust me."

With that, she pushed my head forward into the liquid. Holding it in place as I tried to wriggle free. My face sank pretty far into it, the device clearly deeper than I thought as I held my breath. But soon enough, my lungs began to burn. And with that came the need for air. So I opened my eyes in order to scream. But the second I did, the inside lit up. And when I breathed in the liquid, it didn't feel like I was drowning. If anything, I could breathe! Then there was this, I don't know... COLD sensation? Like when you have something with a really strong menthol undertone? But it was on my face and in my nose. It was just so weird.

And just as soon as it began, the lights dimmed and the cooling sensation went away. Then I felt Desi's hand in my hair, gently pulling on it and thus, pulling me out as well. And as I was taken away from it, I felt the liquid leaving my lungs and nose like it was doing so of its own volition. Finally, I came out of it with a gasp. My breath heavy as my hands roamed my face, finding it completely dry and smooth.

"Wh-What the fuck?! Why did you-?"

Desi, smiling proudly, lifting me up off the step and onto the floor before she turned me towards the door.

"Neo tech," she said, slapping my back as if it wasn't a big deal. "It just fixed the broken blood vessels in your face and helped with your skincare routine! Now, let's get something to eat!"

As she walked back into the office, I couldn't help but feel extremely weirded out by Desi's behavior. She has never acted like this before, always preferring to take the calm and gentle route. But in that moment, as she so casually overpowered me, I was once again reminded just how much things had changed. And I was starting to wonder if that truly did include the one person I had felt safest around, until now.

I knew I had to figure out what was going on with her, this sudden change of attitude. So I was on edge as I followed behind her as she led me to the kitchen. Pulling out a seat for me as she got to work cracking eggs and preparing ingredients for what was clearly omelets. As she got into a rhythm, I just kept my eyes on her. Watching her whisking, seasoning the pans, shredding the cheese with incredible speed, dicing onions, bell peppers and more with a perception and deftness that not even the greatest chefs could match. Instinctually knowing the depth and pressure needed to finely chop and mincing the vegetables and herbs. A veritable machine moving faster than any line cook ever could, not wasting anything by going too fast and dropping it on the floor but still faster than any human could. Every used dish or utensil going directly into the sink without a single glance, perfectly aimed and barely a splash into the prepared soapy water. It would be an amazing show if not for the whole "she just reminded me that she's still part of the group of people who openly declared war on the world" wrinkle she inadvertently reminded me of not even a few minutes ago.

"You're awfully quiet," she happily called out, flipping the omelets with three quick but powerful spikes each on each of the five pan handles in rapid succession. "Are you upset about the whole "pushing your head" thing, Des?"

"Something's not right," I said as she quickly began popping bread into a sixteen slot toaster. "What happened to you?"

There was a pause before she slowly pushed down the levers to make the toast. Turning to look at me, leaning back against the counter with a sigh.

"You were always extremely perceptive," she said with a sigh. "Look, I don't want to talk about this right now. There are other pressing matters we need to discuss, and-"

I stared daggers directly at her. My frustrations mounting as I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Like what? How I'm so easily accepting that my little sister now looks older than me? That I'm now SHORTER than her? Weaker than her? The glowing eyes, the extra fingers, the prodigious muscles? How you're changing into something inhuman and I've been somehow programmed into being hunky dory with everything? To even find my preferences in women changed to only be attracted to muscular amazons who plan on taking over the world? How my sister, the only one I can truly trust is so caught up in her changes that she hasn't realized how she's started to act like them towards me?"

Desiree, however, was ready to throw it back in my face.

"That's not fair and you know it!" she screamed back. "Do you know what kind of Hell I go through? The hoops I've had to jump in order to ensure that I can look after you when I can? More hoops than what you went through to get me away from mom!"

I leapt to my feet, knocking my chair over and slamming my hands on the table. In an absolute uproar over the insinuation.


The sound of the toast shooting up startled us both, breaking the tension and leaving nothing but awkwardness and hurt. With a huff, Desi turned and collected every piece from the toaster before grabbing the plates with the rest of the food and quickly placing it on the table.

"Do you want butter?" she quietly asked. "I can go for butter."


The room went silent again as she went to the fridge. I chose to pick up my chair and pour myself a glass of milk, letting my embarrassment over my outburst speak for how I was feeling. I didn't expect for us to blow up at each other like this over breakfast, or any other time, really. We both knew things were changing, but I guess I had no idea how much. So much so that there were things being left unsaid. The silence was deafening as we ate for the next couple of minutes without a word.

The food was good. Omelets were cooked to perfection, seasonings on point. The diced ham the perfect size for a mouthful every time. But I couldn't help but pick at my food. I had just exploded like a teenager at Desi, who only wanted to be there for me. But instead of being a reasonable adult, choosing to pick my words for maximum effect, I went up like a fireball of emotions and pain.

"I'm sorry." I muttered, putting down my fork and running my hands through my hair until I started scratching the back of my head. Choosing to hide my face in shame at my outburst.

"I know," Desi whispered back, grabbing her orange juice. "I'm sorry, too. I didn't take into consideration everything that's happened lately to you. I've heard other sisters calling you "mom's pet human" instead of your actual name, and I guess the way they dehumanized you must have rubbed off on me. It was callous of me to do the same to you."

I felt her grabbing my wrist, pulling it away from my head as she took hold of it. The way her hands felt against mine, the leathery and bumpy underside, the general size of them, her sixth finger as it hooked itself around my smaller hand as her thumb rubbed the spot between mine and pointer finger. It didn't feel like a familial type of gesture, but it was comforting all the same.

"What do you say to a ride in the car after breakfast?"

I had just woken up, but I felt so tired from my tantrum. I knew she meant it in a kinder manner, but it felt like she was talking to me like a dog. Hoping to see my spirits pick up as I eagerly realized I was going to be leaving the house.

"I want to drive," I said, resolutely. "It's my car, even if it's in your name right now."

Her eyes glanced over to the window, clearly questioning whether it would be a good move considering the brand new field that had been put up designed to control the human population in the area.

"Are you sure? I mean, you might not have the energy to even go fast enough."

"Even if we go slow," I told her. "It'll be me doing something under my own willpower. No buzzing, no compulsions. Just me. I'm owed that much."

I could see her recognizing how resolute I was in this moment. This was an opportunity for me to walk out of here, drive where I wanted. Go where I wanted after months in Hell. I wasn't going to give up this extremely rare opportunity.

"Okay. After we eat, I'll take a shower and then we'll head out. Hell, maybe we can hit somewhere for something to eat. Not often you can get out-"

A knock on the door pulled both of us out of the moment. Four short, sharp knocks followed by two long ones. Desi seemed to recognize the pattern, smiling as she took a quick bite of her omelet and a sip of her OJ before standing up.

"I'll get it," she said, gesturing for me to stay put as she quickly ran to answer the door. Wiping her hands on her shirt and shorts, she pulled it open to reveal we had not one but two guests.

"Desi! Good to see you, girl!"

I recognized that voice!


As the pair wrapped their arms around each other for a hug, I saw our neighbor slipping in from behind. Locking eyes on me before making a beeline into the kitchen and throwing herself at me. Stuffing my head between her breasts, making me feel like I was the stuffing inside my own fluffy but firm omelet.

"Desmond! I heard you had an episode yesterday! You poor thing!"

"He sure did!" Emma said, coddling me as she slipped in from behind and pulled me into her embrace. I had to admit, this was a first for me. And happier than I had felt in a long, long while.

"Air! I need air!" I playfully cried. Causing all three Neos to start laughing as they sat down, Emma and Eri- I mean, Joanie on either side of me and Desi back in her spot across the table.

"So," Emma said, giving me a playful look. "I wanted to stop by due to what happened yesterday, so he knows what happened."

Joanie had a serious expression, pointing down toward my side of the table.

"You mean..."

"What exactly was that?" I asked. "One second I felt okay, the next the field went up. And then, when I'm back in the house, it felt like when I was on top of the roof except I couldn't help but try and jack off until I came. But I couldn't, and-"

Emma raised her green hand, gently shushing me. Orange sherbet wafting through the air before putting her hand on mine.

"That's why I'm here. You see, we recently did a full breakdown of your genetics. And we found... Well, not really dangerous, but definitely concerning irregularities."

I looked to Desi and Joanie, both just as confused as I was.

"What... KIND of irregularities?" Desi asked.

Emma got serious at Desi's words. Almost as if she was about to give a serious prognosis to a terminal patient.

"The kind that shouldn't happen. You see, Desmond's overdose left some serious... changes to his DNA. Beyond what was scheduled for him, I mean. And we picked it up the day before yesterday. But Commander Nowell put a no-communication order in place that two sisters broke. The first was Captain Chaimongkhon. She was ordered to stay away from this neighborhood. I was the second, because Desmond's unable to use any of the Neo tech in the house. So I had to find this address and come here directly."

"That's rather extreme, don't you think?" Joanie asked, wringing her blue hands in concern. Emma simply nodded her head, squeezing my hand in solidarity.

"And rather dangerous. You see, in order to save Desmond's life, we had to incorporate some Neo genetics into his treatment. But the amount we set aside in order to ensure that his genetic material would guarantee the birth of more Neos in the future wasn't enough. He was suffering apoptosis on a terminal level. So we did what we had to due, and altered the treatment to be on par with what a Neo would receive."

"Wait a minute," I said, pulling my hand away. "Are you saying I'm turning into a NEO? I thought men couldn't be turned into Neos!"

"You're not!" Emma said, holding her hands up defensively. "You are one hundred percent human! That much is guaranteed! But the treatment... didn't take as planned."

Desi and I shot each other a worried look, confused at what Emma was getting at.

"Explain." Desi commanded, not trusting what this conversation was leading to. Emma wriggled her fingers and took a deep breath.

"What I'm getting at is that Desmond is still completely human. Same genetics, same features, all of it. But his cells? Those were altered on a far more fundamental level than even we could have predicted."

Emma paused, shuffling in her seat before leaning forward and using both hands for emphasis.

"The overdose of hormones, causing his cells to break down so radically and forcing us to rebuild them with Neo genetics, left him with some unforeseen changes. For one, his hormones will occasionally go into overdrive, effectively leaving him in a stage of rut. That's what happened yesterday. That can be managed."

"And what are the other changes?" I asked, starting to grow really scared of what I was being told.

"The other change is in your cells, Desmond. Every time you experience an emotional flareup, it's more than your hormones going crazy. Doctor Lawler and I discovered that your very cellular makeup has exceeded the rarity we once thought. Because your body didn't just RESPOND to the Axzhurat treatments."

A smile grew on her face, brighter than I had any person smile before. Grabbing my hands, the excitement she exuded was undeniable as her joy was unable to be contained anymore.

"Your cells are actively CHANNELING the Axzhurat, Desmond! That's why Doctor Lawler and I think your mom placed the no communication order! They KNEW and wanted that to be a surprise for the celebration tomorrow! You just might have become a walking Axzhurat generator!"

I'm sorry... I MIGHT BE A WHAT?!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on November 30, 2022, 12:04:57 pm
It's kind of amazing how big this story has gotten. I mean, I remember reading this when it first came out, with the first chapters being about how Desmond starts losing everything to his evil torture-- I mean, his sadistic devi-- I mean, the garbage that birthed him. The lore-building that went into this is mind boggling. Hell, it's like reading a mini novel.

At this point, I'm rooting for Desmond. Especially now. When this chapter described how his sister was changing, and even dehumanized him without really noticing, I felt a fraction of the despair that he's going through. Also, when reading this, I always feel kind of funny. Heart beating faster, sweating lightly. I wonder if it's because the story is really written like a horror/sci-fi genre? Regardless, props to you as a writer. The reveal of this chapter makes me feel conflicted; excited for what comes next, yet terrified for what will happen to Desmond.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on November 30, 2022, 01:10:54 pm
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It's kind of amazing how big this story has gotten. I mean, I remember reading this when it first came out, with the first chapters being about how Desmond starts losing everything to his evil torture-- I mean, his sadistic devi-- I mean, the garbage that birthed him. The lore-building that went into this is mind boggling. Hell, it's like reading a mini novel.

At this point, I'm rooting for Desmond. Especially now. When this chapter described how his sister was changing, and even dehumanized him without really noticing, I felt a fraction of the despair that he's going through. Also, when reading this, I always feel kind of funny. Heart beating faster, sweating lightly. I wonder if it's because the story is really written like a horror/sci-fi genre? Regardless, props to you as a writer. The reveal of this chapter makes me feel conflicted; excited for what comes next, yet terrified for what will happen to Desmond.

Considering the story is actually AT novel length now, your post means a lot. I love lore-and-worldbuilding. I love creating a fully fleshed out setting that the characters could arguably exist in. Which is why I've been writing the FMG/transformation stuff to support the lore from the get-go rather than the other way around. And don't worry, Desmond's mom is a serious piece of work that we've yet to really see some horrific stuff from. Because for the next few chapters (full chapters and not just installments, as this is actually the start of Chapter 22), there's going to be A LOT of revelations about what's actually going on.

From how Neo society actually works, to how the Axzhurat works, to what's happening on the human side of the seemingly one sided Neo war, and even what's really going on with Desiree. Because once her deal's revealed, you'll have to seriously reconsider everything else that has happened to date. This is why I've been labeling it as a Sci Fi Horror story. Because things are about to get REALLY weird.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on November 30, 2022, 04:19:59 pm
What's best about al of GL's work is that it's real writing, with real stories, characters, and context with wordl-building.  It may embrace fetish, but it's not confined TO the fetish (unlike so much else on this site).  It's exceptional fiction on its own.

Well done.

(and FWIW I'm rooting for Desi - and those supporting Desmond - because they seem to have context of what's going on and aren't quite on board about it - and seemingly will have some kind of mode/method to resist/oppose)
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on November 30, 2022, 11:54:51 pm
I will say that this story always keeps me guessing, pulling me in, and finally wondering what could happen next. It's awesome and the world building and characters really bring life to the story.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 01, 2022, 08:25:27 am
So, despite the fact that I work with very little money every month, I'm still trying to commission artwork so that people can understand what I'm seeing in my head.

And guess what? Your votes came together and I have the next bit of art for Your House ready to post.

Ladies and Gentlemen? DESIREE NOWELL, Child Of The White and daughter of Commander Laura Nowell. [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] of the Alsarnian People.

( (
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 01, 2022, 09:46:46 pm
Now that two of the main characters of YOUR HOUSE have received artwork, I think it's time I reopened the poll.

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Like last time, there are multiple options from which you can choose two of. The Neos listed all play a larger role in the story, with only one exception left off the list (due to me already arranging artwork of because she's surprisingly popular with readers). And after this poll, the story will proceed to expand, meaning you will FINALLY be able to meet some non-Neo characters that will become options in the next few chapters.

So if there have been any Neos you've been wanting to see, or even more incidental characters you think deserve some love, let me know in the replies. Depending on the amount of interest, they may be included in any future polls starting next year.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 07, 2022, 05:13:31 am
You know what? Fuck it. I said I need to take more control of my life, and that includes asking questions.

"I'm sorry, I'm a WHAT, NOW?!"

"How much has he been told?" Emma asked, shooting my sister and our neighbor a weird look. Desi, for her part, could only give a sheepish look as she reached up and starting rubbing the back of her neck. Her bicep twitching as she flexed it tightly.

"Not much," she admitted. "They've been keeping him in the dark on most things. You know how the Reds like mom and Doctor Bernard prefer to keep the chain of command. The whole "need to know when you need to know it" spiel they give us."

"That's usually how they treat us in the labs," Eri- I mean, Joanie added. "We're given some orders about what they want, but then ignore the specifics about why they want things done. We have to figure it out as we go along."

Emma just shook her head, obviously exasperated by having been put through similar bureaucracy.

"I heard about the deal with the devices involving Neos that get out of line-"

"I hate to interrupt," I told my three companions. "But what's this about me being a "walking generator" of some kind?"

Chuckling at the irony of being called out for gossiping, Emma clapped her hands as she shuffled in her seat to give me her full attention.

"Okay, so. You know about The Axzhurat, correct?"

I nodded my head, giving quick glances to Desi and Joanie.

"Good! The thing with The Axzhurat is that, for most of what the NAE has developed, we must tap directly INTO it to do things like empower the tech the girls in Blue make, as well as for imbuing Neos in the dimensional energies to continue our transition from Humanity."

There was that phrase again. "Transition from Humanity". They keep bringing that up in ways that imply Neos aren't human. Even with everything else, casually saying stuff like that weirds me out.

"So you're saying that I'm... making this energy, right?"

Emma hemmed and hawed for a brief second, working through her words with her hands before vocalizing them.

"Not quite, no. You see, you're not MAKING the energy. You're more of a conduit FOR the energy. We've honestly never seen anything like this. Just like your mom and your sister, your body seems to be perfectly suited for handling, or at least interacting, with the Axzhurat's dimensional energies."

"So what you're saying," Joanie asked, leaning in closer as her interest grew. "Is that when Desi and Laura were put into their... programs for treatments, the sisters in charge realized their potential may also carry over to Desmond, as well?"

"Which is why I believe they might have put him into an excessive amount of milkings," Emma replied, overjoyed that everyone seemed to understand where she was alluding to. "Imagine an entire generation of sisters with a potential adaptability to their new forms of AT LEAST ninety percent suitability per every exposure to The Axzhurat's energies."

"Our mother knew this the whole time," Desi groaned, rubbing her face as the realization sunk in. "She knew I have a heightened response to the energies, and that Desmond was a natural conduit. Which is why she tried to break us early on. She knew and hid it to get what she wanted, like always."

As Emma and Joanie began to talk about the logistics and science behind what was going on, all of which just went over my head like a bird over a mountain, Desi and I locked eyes. We had been through this before, practically our whole lives. The manipulation, the abuse, the poisonings, the lies. We had been wrangled into yet another scheme of hers. But now, with the potentially of practical godhood in something akin to a bad movie from the past, she had been given the keys to the kingdom. Able to receive an unprecedented amount of power that only unlocked more malicious aspects of her personality.

I mean, she showed the world how far she would go when she orchestrated that attack on Wall Street a couple weeks ago. Something inside me was frightened just how far she would really go to get what she wants.

Suddenly, Emma stood up from her chair. Pulling me out of my thoughts and back into the conversation.

"...But I really should get back. I have a meeting with Captain Chaimongkhon about taking over as Desmond's medical resident when I begin my time as the managerial head for Neo Research & Development before I talk with Doctor Lawler about what to do next."

"You're keeping busy!" Desi crowed, acting cordial as she pulled Emma in for a hug.

"I know," Emma tittered. "But we agree that a system around you and Desmond needs to be put in place for your security."

"It was great seeing you." I told her as she quickly wrapped her arms around me.

"I plan on seeing you a lot more!" she cheered, pulling me in and holding onto me for dear life.

Then she whispered something into my ear that caught me off-guard. Quietly, but with a subtle intensity. Almost like a secret that was about to be kept. Orange sherbet filling my senses as I felt her lips so close to my ear, practically a kiss before she spoke.

"Open the box in the backseat when you safely away from this house, okay?"

As she let me go, she gave me a knowing smile before waving to Joanie and Desi once more. Walking towards the door with a saunter I couldn't help but notice as she gave me a little flex of her arm and a wave as she left. I felt my heart beating in my chest, loud but not dangerously so. The warmth in my face was unbearable. Rendered mute as a joy washed over me at her touch.

"Someone's got a crush!" Joanie crowed, bringing me fully back into awkwardness as I rushed to sit down.

"N-No I don't!"

While Joanie playfully teased me about being infatuated with Emma, I noticed Desi growing silent and pulling away. There was a look in her eyes... hurt, maybe? Or maybe she was becoming withdrawn? I don't know.

It wasn't long before Joanie left, gossiping about various things involving the neighborhood and her job for about an hour before winding down and walking out the door. Reminding us that we were to leave for the party early in the morning, and to be clean and presentable before we left. But as soon as she was gone, we both released a sigh of relief. Collapsing onto the couch side by side.

"Man, does she like to talk!"

"You're telling me!" I added, smiling as I gently tapped Desi's triceps with the outside of my hand. I couldn't help but feel how dense yet relaxed her arms were, like they were begging to be massaged but also in a state of comfortable looseness. It was so strange to experience it, like Schrodinger's Muscles or something. But regardless, it felt good to just have a moment alone. Just the two of us, away from the madness and noise.

"I still need to take a shower."

With those words, Desi stood up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. But as she moved, I watched her slip her hands beneath the hem of her shirt, and without a single care, pull it off of her in one smooth motion. Her back was a masterpiece, the way her muscles were bunched and built. The sheer power in her mass as she walked with a swagger that was tired but still dominant all the same. Throwing her shirt onto the floor, clad in nothing but her shoes and socks, and the Lycra shorts that hid little to the imagination. Her body thick with strength that I knew she was proud to put on display.

"Be a good boy and get me some clean clothes, okay?"

I barely had a second to think before I felt my brain burn, and the acrid stench hit my nose. And with that, my mind went blank as I stood up and began trekking upstairs. Her orders, resonating loud and clear, repeatedly in my head. "Get her clean clothes. Get her clean clothes. Get her clean clothes." Over and over with every step as I could only watch myself walking towards her room like a passenger in my own body. As soon as my hand was on her door, I could hear the sound of rushing feet bounding towards the stairway. Getting louder and louder as I walked into her room. I took three steps into her room before I felt arms wrapping themselves around me. But despite being held still, my legs stayed in motion. My soles sliding across her carpeted floor.

"I'm so sorry!" she sobbed. "You can stop, Desmond! You got me clean clothes, so you can stop!"

And just like that, I was back in control of my body once more. My blood ran cold as I stared around her room, noting how much nicer it was than mine. How much it was over five times bigger than mine, bordering on an apartment than the storage room I was living in. The darkness from the curtains that meant she could choose to stay asleep whenever the sun was up. Appliances and electronics, comforts that I was now forced to live without.

I said nothing as I pulled Desiree's arms off of me. I couldn't be here. I had to go. Even if it meant having to struggle against the frequency or whatever. Even if it meant walking out into the open air and traveling beneath that barrier the put up. Even if it meant that I might be left a crawling lump of flesh, clawing his way down the street.

I could feel myself trembling at the thought of it all as I walked out of my sister's room, ignoring her pleas for me to stop. Every word falling on deaf ears with every step as I calmly made my way downstairs. I could hear her stomping after me. But I couldn't look at her. Wouldn't look at her. The one person I trusted the most, casually using a phrase she had seen our mother use on me to do what she wanted, to lock me in place and torture me.

I slowly put on my shoes, slipping my feet into the obviously smaller walking sneakers before strapping them in with the Velcro. As I could practically feel her voice pelting the back of my head, her pitch becoming louder and more demanding, I just took a deep breath and closed my eyes. And slowly moved my hand towards the door. Fully expecting for my body to lock up once again, or for my bones to catch on fire. But when I touched the cold metal doorknob for the first time in weeks, I felt... nothing. Too numb to respond. But then I heard Desi's voice, begging me once more.

"Desmond! Please! Be a Good Boy and STAY! I need you!"

It was odd. I heard the words. I felt my brain twinge, as if on reflex. But I felt... nothing. There was no burning pain coursing through my head. No acrid smell as if something caught on fire. I felt tears building in the corners of my eyes as I realized, for the first time in months, I was actually making a decision. Not responding to anyone else. Not some false decision I was being led towards. Not lashing out. But an honest to God free choice.

So with that, I took a deep breath and sighed. My eyes locked onto the only way out of this fucking place.

"This place is killing me." I quietly told her. "Everyone wants me to stay. But this isn't my house. Not anymore."

I threw open the door, causing an assembly of alarms to go off behind me. But I didn't care. I was leaving, with the biggest fucking smile on my face. Savoring every step as I counted them.

One step.

Two steps.


I went limp, all the energy in me suddenly snuffed out like a wire had been cut. My body nothing more than a ragdoll as I crumpled in the driveway next to my car. Desi's screams a faint echo as my vision swam. Unable to do anything as she picked me up in a blind panic and rushed me back inside. But as soon as I went inside the house, I sprung back to life. My eyes wide open as I rolled out of her arms and to the floor, the alarms cutting off in perfect synchronicity as I made landfall. My heart was hammering in my chest as adrenaline coursed through me, practically skittering onto the couch as I was left trembling at the sudden loss of control.

My eyes were trained outside the window as Desi threw her arms around me again, holding me tight as she tried to calm me down. Telling me "you're okay" over and over as she rocked me back and forth.

Over the next few minutes, she did all she could to help me settle my nerves. But I had to admit I appreciated the effort. She had rushed outside, not fully dressed as she scooped me up from the ground and ran me back inside. I know I owe her an apology, but I have to come down first. I kept telling her I'd be okay, to take the shower she wanted. She was clearly not in that mode, constantly telling me she needs to put me first. But I gently forced the issue, countering everything she would say with a "you need a shower" until she finally stopped fighting me and walked away towards the office. Despite how much she changed, in that very moment, she seemed to be shrinking more and more into herself until all I saw was my little sister again. 13 years old, mousey, long blonde hair and big glasses. The only family I had left besides our mother, who I didn't even really consider to be related to me at all.

Then again, looking at both of them now, you wouldn't even think they were my family at all. Two women, in the prime of their life and jacked to all Hell. With glowing eyes and inhuman features. The more I thought about it, the more I realized everything else wasn't as it once was. Not even me. So I closed my eyes and started doing the breathing exercises Amelia showed me.

Breathe in. Hold your breath. Breathe out. Let the air flow out for as long as you can. Count to three. Breathe in. Over and over as I tilted my head back and let myself drift. Just float away. Be in the moment. Be in the-

Suddenly, a weird buzzing broke through. It's nothing like the frequencies, more harmonic in tone. A small spark in the abyss, surging to life. A flash of white. Then orange. Blue. Green. Red. Purple. White. Cycling over and over as each spark except the White and Purple explode and create more sparks. The darkness lit up as more and more color fills the void. Static filled bolts shooting out from the center, connecting to each of the sparks. Filling in the nothingness. Bonds and pathways being connected, spreading out as a grid emerges. My mind tries to make sense of it all, watching as it spread out farther and farther.

Then it all clicked. A Blue spark next to a White, which is next to an Orange. Individual lights moving through and between the gridlines. A map, shaped with electricity in real time inside my brain. It's almost like I can hear them, feel them moving. And then a wall, golden and shimmering as it boxes the entire pattern inside its walls. But on one side, I see the sparks moving closer to one side, lining up along the roadway. And where they stop, a portion of the golden wall is... shimmering. Cascading like water that keeps having its flow interrupted. And I can feel its energy drifting down and then vanishing, over and over. A curtain or veil that keeps letting air in. And every time it does, it's like I can feel it disappearing. And it doesn't hurt. Almost like it's telling me... where to go. And just beyond it is-


I feel my shoulder being shaken as the lights inside my head vanish back into the abyss before opening my eyes. Looking directly into Desi's glowing black and white eyes as she's given me a considerate look. Hair wet and slicked back, wrapped in a towel to contrast her mass with a fuzzy red border around her chest and midsection.

"You okay?"

I rub my eyes for a second before rolling my shoulder, hearing it subtly click and pop with a grunt. Even with getting healed and time to recover, the tension is still there. It's often made me wonder if that will ever go away.

"Yeah," I whisper. "I think I might have passed out for a minute. That was a quick shower."

Desi's face scrunched up, confusion her mask as she looked at me with a questioning look.

"I was in there for an hour. Are you sure you're okay?"

I was asleep? It didn't really feel like I was. Was that a dream? So weird. It felt like every time I saw that crackling field... The Axzhurat? I'm somehow tied to it, right? Nothing's making sense.

"Um, yeah. Guess my hissy fit hit me harder than I thought."

Desi just placidly smiled at me before slowly walking towards the stairs. Her broad shoulders exposed as she held onto the towel.

"You can come with me, if you want?" she asked, stopping at the bottom of the stairway. "The NAE recently took Carrow, but have yet to put a field up there. I figure you can wander around for a bit, then we can hit up Delaney's for some burgers and shakes?"

I could feel myself lighting up at the thought. I honestly haven't been to Delaney's Drive-In for a while, now. And a Muscle Car with extra cheese and toppings and Double Piston Shake was really tempting.

"That sounds... nice."

My response seemed to be exactly what she wanted to hear. Her smile growing as she bounced on her toes.

"Give me a minute to get dressed, then I'll help you get in the car."

With that, she bound up the steps. Two at a time with the eagerness of a child. Throwing her towel to the side as she faded from view. My mind was telling me to question why Desi was acting this way. To not let myself relax. If I was going to trust Desi, I had to spend more time around her to understand what her changes were. And as much as it put me in danger, I had to be around her. And who knows? Maybe this was what I needed. To get out, stretch my legs. Even if it was occupied, Carrow's a nice little town. Not like too much can change at one time... right?

I could hear Desi approaching before I saw her. Effectively leaping down the stairs with the surefootedness of a dancer and the precision of a cat in only four small jumps before landing dramatically at the bottom. Despite our obvious issues with the association to the color red, she had chosen to wear a shirt that not only highlighted her arms to spectacular effect, but also allowed the barest peak at her incredibly toned abs. Her body equal parts thick and strong as both top and bottoms had to practically contour themselves around her. Her thighs bulging inside her black slacks as she knelt down to slip on her shoes. As she fiddled with her shoelaces, I realized that not only had she essentially leapt her way downstairs, but had done so in socks without slipping on the hardwood steps. Another defiance of reason that only seemed to border on the logical for Neos.

"Still have your shoes on?" Desi asked me, stomping her feet to make sure hers were on good and tight. I slowly got up, walking over with a defeated look.


"Good," she said, smiling as she slipped her arm around my waist. "I'm going to hold onto you until we get to the car. After we drive out a bit, I'll pull over and you can take the wheel. Sound like a plan?"

"You sound like dad," I told her. A wistful look in her glowing eyes at the notion.

"I wish I got to know him. Now, let's go."

As she opened the door, we stepped out together. Her arm firmly around me as I counted the steps.

The first step was alright. No sign of weakness or anything. The air was neither warm nor cool. Almost like the inside of a room in early spring, despite the golden light shining down on everyone from the field's glow.

The second step was when I noticed things going wrong. With this being my first time leaving the house under full awareness, I could feel the effects firsthand with no distractions. The way my legs felt a little numb. The lack of energy, quickly being leeched out of me. A dragging feeling all across my body, like gravity had been turned up on me. I could feel myself folding over at this point, the muscles in Desi's forearm seeming to shift and stretch on reflex as her hand slid further along my stomach as we began to turn towards the passenger side of the car.

"Just go limp," Desi whispered. "I can carry you the rest of the way."

And on the word "way", we took the third step and I deflated. My body refusing to move as it slumped over across Desi's arm. My vision going weird as I hung there like a limp doll, watching the ground sail by from a close-up view while I seemed to fly over it. The tire coming into view from the corner of my eye like a cliff jutting out from the sea of concrete before the sound of the door opening preceded a swiveling of Desi's hip. Spinning me out to watch the oceans of grass of the front yard before gliding back over the concrete and soaring upwards in one smooth motion as I shifted and landed inside the car in the upright position.

"There we are! Need me to buckle you in?"

I gave Desi a dirty look as she started chuckling at her stupid joke.

"Can't help but tease me, can you?" I ask, rolling my eyes and laughing along as she closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. As she got in, I felt the car noticeably shifting as she climbed in behind the wheel. The weird thing was that the amount of movement was more than expected. I know Desi had put on muscle recently, but was it really enough to shift things that much? But I let it go as I heard the engine purring to life. The was the car was sounding, she was clearly being taken care of. No sounds out of place, the roar nice and strong. I watched Desi putting her into gear, the motions smooth and proper like she had spent decades driving it.

"Ready to get away from here?"

I just looked at her with a smile, reached over and turned on the stereo.

"What do you think?"

"Hell yeah!"

Draping her arm over the extended front seat, Desi turned her head to back out of the driveway, deftly maneuvering the car onto the pavement of our street. And with a tussling of my hair, we hooked right and began the drive towards the recently dominated town of Carrow.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on December 07, 2022, 07:37:30 pm
I tell you what, this has really drawn me in. I would have liked to know what Desiree was trying to say to him after she released the command, but I get the idea that heas just in shock. Really makes you wonder why she said that, it's not like it's a common phrase that would have been accidentally spoken. Gotta wonder if the mom has a hypnotic suggestion working on her too, to become more dominant. Or maybe Desiree is just succumbing to the power, just a little bit. Definitely looking forward to him taking his power back though.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 07, 2022, 11:46:02 pm
I think its a more of the environment influencing her. I mean she's experienced tech that scifi writers have only dreamed of, and here she is using it like we use a light switch. At the same time
said environment is also influencing her to think of others as lesser and only when reality hits her like a truck does it only dawn on her that maybe said environment is not all roses and sunshine. It also may
be that even though she's not trying to be her mom its the feeling of convenience and what works that made her do what she did, good and bad.  Visiting
Carrow I think will possibly be a ground level experience of how the NAE mindset (and her's) treats non-neos and really challenges her way of thinking.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on December 08, 2022, 02:51:25 am
He did seem to get over it pretty quickly. Maybe it's less of an issue than I imagine it would be.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 08, 2022, 03:15:11 am
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He did seem to get over it pretty quickly. Maybe it's less of an issue than I imagine it would be.

It's actually more of an issue than you think. He just happened to get what he wanted, anyway.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on December 08, 2022, 02:35:13 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
He did seem to get over it pretty quickly. Maybe it's less of an issue than I imagine it would be.

It's actually more of an issue than you think. He just happened to get what he wanted, anyway.

I can see the red flags that are starting to show when it comes to Desi too, the subtle manipulations that can be just as abusive as what his mother put them through. Desi is giving off obsessive stalker vibes; she withholds just as much information from him as their mother, only sharing it when someone else brings it up, and it's especially noticeable as she gets more comfortable with her changes. She's starting to see him as more of her pet.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 09, 2022, 12:55:13 am
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
He did seem to get over it pretty quickly. Maybe it's less of an issue than I imagine it would be.

It's actually more of an issue than you think. He just happened to get what he wanted, anyway.

I can see the red flags that are starting to show when it comes to Desi too, the subtle manipulations that can be just as abusive as what his mother put them through. Desi is giving off obsessive stalker vibes; she withholds just as much information from him as their mother, only sharing it when someone else brings it up, and it's especially noticeable as she gets more comfortable with her changes. She's starting to see him as more of her pet.

The more I think about it you are probably right and I may have misread. In her instance of messing up she should have just apologized but instead she felt so desperate for him not to leave she instead decided to use the code phrase to control him. Also in instances with her and other Neos, instead of joining in the conversation (once it gets flirty) it always feels like a mix of jealousy, anger, and desperation with her. 
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on December 09, 2022, 04:05:00 pm
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He did seem to get over it pretty quickly. Maybe it's less of an issue than I imagine it would be.

It's actually more of an issue than you think. He just happened to get what he wanted, anyway.

I can see the red flags that are starting to show when it comes to Desi too, the subtle manipulations that can be just as abusive as what his mother put them through. Desi is giving off obsessive stalker vibes; she withholds just as much information from him as their mother, only sharing it when someone else brings it up, and it's especially noticeable as she gets more comfortable with her changes. She's starting to see him as more of her pet.

The more I think about it you are probably right and I may have misread. In her instance of messing up she should have just apologized but instead she felt so desperate for him not to leave she instead decided to use the code phrase to control him. Also in instances with her and other Neos, instead of joining in the conversation (once it gets flirty) it always feels like a mix of jealousy, anger, and desperation with her.

It's certainly a trauma response built out of fear. Now that she's being given more control than she's ever had in her life, she's going to use it to cling to the only person or thing that helped to begin with, even if that means pushing all others away and inadvertently building a guilded cage for him.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 11, 2022, 06:11:06 am
As we pulled away from the house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of giddiness as I watched everyone pass by. Not only was I getting the fuck out of this neighborhood, if only temporarily, but it seemed that the weird golden fencing field thing had some serious limits. Because as I sat in my car, listening to some music that dad used to love, I felt perfectly fine. The weird effect that dropped my like a rock was somehow unable to penetrate the interior of the car. Maybe that was by design, to keep men inside why Neos were allowed to have perpetual freedom? If so, I think I might need to test the limits of how much protection I'd need to not become a human ragdoll every time I wanted to go outside.

Speaking of outside, as we drove down the street, I could swear I was having a very real sense of Deja Vu. The way the whole neighborhood was moving, with the Neos out and about on their daily activities. It was almost as if I knew they were there before I left the house. As I looked at them, I could also swear I was hearing snippets of their conversations. Annabelle talking with Diana, her Orange hands moving excitedly as she talked about her training. Misty in her yard, training with her two now fully adult daughters as all three Blue Neos lifted weights in the nude. Miranda walking into the house on the corner belonging to Samantha, Orange hand in Blue as she was led into private quarters as we turned the corner. Tabitha leading a group of various Neos in a weird sort of Yoga, her back twisting her body through her legs in extreme contortionist ways as the Green Neo placidly led them through their exercises while we drove down the block. All as I think I saw it? Or maybe imagined it? I don't know. It was all-

"...So bizarre."

"What is?" Desi asked. I immediately came out of my thoughts, pulling my head away from the passenger window and rubbed my eyes.

"Nothing. Just a sense of... Sense of Deja Vu, I think?"

Desi just shrugged her shoulders as she kept on driving. Not really concerned with what I was saying as we pulled into a lineup of cars.

"If you say so. Now, get ready. Once we're waved through, you're gonna feel a bit weird."

"What do you mean a bit-"

It's then that I noticed what we were in line for. Directly ahead of us stood that field that was put up yesterday. But what I hadn't noticed was this giant, crystalline and steel looking gateway that stood where the neighborhood's park used to be. Clearly built for big vehicles, the two lanes diverged into four as they worked their way through a cascade of shimmering golden light that would periodically part, let a car through and fall again. Across the front of the structure, four signs that directed drivers towards recently taken towns were placed above the four different stations attended by Orange Neos.

Wallaby. Destination. Kanaky. And in the fourth lane, Carrow.

As Desi merged with the fourth lane, I felt something weird deep inside my core. It was like my body was flickering like a lightbulb, blinking with infrequent bursts of light. I could feel my hands tremoring, my vision was wobbling. I suddenly felt myself fluctuating between a fever and a chill, like I had immediately caught the flu or something. I think I'm sweating? Oh, God...

"Easy," Desi whispered, putting her hand on my chest. "Breathe. This happens to all humans who pass through the gate. It will pass once we're through. Just breathe."

I could only nod my head as we pulled up to the booth. Reaching into the console beneath the stereo, Desi quickly pulled out a small billfold before turning the stereo down.

"This is gonna feel uncomfortable."

Before I could even ask, she began rolling the window down and I could feel myself going limp. It was at that point I realized that while I was safe in the car, any sort of opening let the effects wash right over over. But what no one told me was what being so close to the field itself would feel like. That blinking light sensation quickly went away, and was immediately filled with the sensation like I was actively pulling light into myself, instead. With each pulse, things seemed to shrink and grow dimmer. All sound was gone except for the sound of my heartbeat. My vision kept sinking further and further inward like everything was imploding into nothingness. I closed my eyes, trying to fight the frightening abyss I was being dragged into. I opened my mouth and-

"You can open your eyes, now."

I waited a brief second to see if I would disappear. And once I noticed nothing was happening, I opened my eyes to find... the road.

"We're through?" I asked, turning in my seat to watch the golden field getting farther and farther from view. And I felt... okay!

"Sure are!" she chuckled, popping the driver's side door open. "Now, you ready to get back behind the wheel?"

As she climbed out, I scooted myself along the lovers front seat. Absolutely excited to be able to drive my car again. Mine! Not mom's car. Not Desi's car. But MY car! The last thing I had that connected me to dad after mom cleared practically everything else with him in or on it after the funeral. Running my hands along the knotted leather grip. Fingers sliding along the wood console. Adjusting the mirror so I could get a good view behind us. Desi must have seen the biggest, dumbest grin I've ever had on my face as she got in on the passenger side.

"You really missed this, huh?"

"I did." I said, my voice cracking a bit as I was getting a little misty eyed. "Dad and I used to go on drives from time to time, to get away from mom when she was getting too much. Go to Delaney's, get some Piston Shakes. I pieced this car together when I went to college. Scrimped and saved before I got into investing. Made sure it was just like his, before the day of the... Before he-"

I could feel the tears rolling down my eyes as I thought about the accident. How his brakes wouldn't respond. Throwing his arm in front of me as he fought to turn the car to try and slow us down. The oncoming semi smashing us from one side and throwing us off the road. The way the car wrapped around it, crushing him behind the wheel. I screamed for help over and over as I watched the life drain out of him. His free hand rubbing my hair as he told me it'd be okay, comforting me in his final moments. The window breaking. Hands pulling me out. I kept screaming for him as they drug me out of there, leaving him alone.

"Dad would want you to have his car." Desi said, sliding in to give me a hug. Her voice sincere as she approached me with gentleness.

"And mom didn't," I said, wiping my eyes. "She doesn't want us to have anything. That's how she's always been. She needs to take control and always make it about her. Our whole lives have been nothing but her. That's why she tried to sell the car."

Desi let me go, returning to her side of the car as she grew quiet. Fiddling with her thumbs as I could see her trying to piece together something important.

"The NAE didn't force mom to return the car."


Desi reached forward, opening the glove box and pulling out the registration. As soon as she went to hand it off, I could see my signature on the title, plain as day. No changes, no alterations. Everything was in my name.

"I... I used your money to buy the car back from the vintage dealer she had sold it to. The NAE facilitated the sale on mom's behest. That's why she claimed she sold it on some backdoor site, and became so angry when you got the car back. I couldn't let her-"

I leaned forward and gratefully held Desi as tight as I could, taking her by surprise. Slowly hugging me and rubbing my back.

"I've felt like I've been alone for so long because of her. Thank you!"

We just stayed there, on the side of the road as we hugged each other for a minute. By this point, I had stopped crying, thank goodness. But it felt good to just hug someone with a genuine appreciation for what they had done, not having to constantly fight myself to accept they had done it out of the kindness of their hearts. Not trying to sus out secret motives or underhanded reasons.

"So you're not mad I used your money to get it back?"

"Why should I?" I said, letting her go and getting behind the wheel. "In a way, it's like mom bought the car back for me, right? Considering she was the one who claimed everything I had as "head of residence" or whatever?"

The look on Desi's face as I turned the engine over was absolutely priceless. A visage of stunned disbelief, smiling like a goof as if I had just blown her mind.

"Huh! I never thought of it that way!"

"And that's why I'll always be your big brother!"

With a quick adjustment of the seat so I can reach the pedals, I threw the car into gear and took off down the road. Relishing the open highway with my window down as we drove through the warm plains for the twenty minute drive to Carrow. Our spirits lifted by the fact we had inadvertently got one over mom, albeit unintentionally. Jamming to some music on our joyride. I had to admit, this was the most fun I had almost a year. Desi allowed to be young despite her treatments, and me being allowed to not worry about our mom for a short while.

But soon enough, the exit came up. And with it, a contingency of Neos getting to work on putting up another crystalline and metal gateway monstrosity, while a few others were stopping traffic for inspection.

"Maybe I should take the wheel, Des."

But I shook my head.

"If they have a problem, they can take it up with mom. Just claim you're my chaperone and you wanted me to drive you around. They'll believe a Neo."

As one waved off the vehicle in front of us, their partner motioned us forward. As we got closer, I could see them growing confused. The two Orange Neos in matching military garb giving each other wary looks while moving to either side of the car.

"What brings you to Carrow?" the one by me asked.

"Personal matters," Desi answered. Shooting me a slightly unconfident look as her side's inspector held out her hand. "Just hear for some burgers from Delaney's, take a walk around the town. Was thinking of getting a haircut while I'm here."

Her inspector waggled her Orange fingers, prompting Desi's compliance.

"We'll still need to see some ID."

As Desi reached into her pocket, I went to the console beneath the stereo where I usually kept my wallet while driving.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting my ID?" I asked, unsure of what the soldier was asking about. "Don't you need to see mine, as well?"

The two ladies outside our car burst into laughter, unable to hold back.

"Men don't GET ID's! You should just stay inside the house like a good-"


My inspector looked at her partner, annoyance on her face that quickly fell into a state of mild panic.

"S-Sorry about the disturbance, Ms. Nowell. You and the human may move along."

Both gave us the weird pyramid salute before handing my sister back her ID and waving us along. The two clearly scared by our interaction as we drove off.

"What was that all about?"

Desi just smiled as she held up her translucent ID card, her picture sticking out almost like a holographic image as she pointed next to our last name.

"Mom's like a celebrity with the troops," Desi said. "So why not just get SOME good use from our affiliation?"

"About fucking time..."

While my sis kept going on and on, my mind phased out as I took stock of the spree of activity going down in the small town of Carrow. Neos covered the streets of the former one-horse town, busy as bees while the tourist trap was being remade with Neo specifications in mind. The sound of construction filling the air while I turned towards the town's only parking lot, slowed by the traffic of colored hands and glowing eyes that didn't even give any consideration to who was driving what. A swagger in everyone's step as they filtered through the freshly conquered place. The only signs of non-Neo activity were the occasional men who looked absolutely frightened while fulfilling domestic duties, scurrying to or from places as their new overlords made comments or passes at them as they ran by. A complete inversion of the nightmare women faced or feared of facing, thrown back at their tormentors whether undeserved or rightly so.

As we made pulled into the empty parking lot, now rendered free by the destroyed gate, I made sure to pick a spot where we could climb in and go in the last row of the plot of land. Killing the engine just in time to hear the sound of Neos chanting in unison as the statue of the town's founder, E. Walter Winchell, who stood proudly next to his wife Delaney, came crashing down before our eyes. The clatter of breaking stone and screeching metal as rebar and steel reinforcement gave way under their might. The crowd of Neo witnesses cheering as if this was a game they were winning, followed by the rise of "Neo For You" rose over the disturbance.

"It's something, isn't it?" Desi asked.

"You could say that." I said, not looking at Desi as I closed my door and began walking into the town square.


I could hear the subtle annoyance in her voice. The way she drew out the vowel with a little whine. I didn't really say ANYTHING, but she took it as a slight challenge. I had only seen statues being toppled on the news, when a dictator fell or people took it upon themselves to control the narrative. And to be fair, some narratives need to be taken away from those who try to glamorize a lie. But while Winchell wasn't the BEST, a businessman who always looked for a new opportunity, he was the one who let his wife make all the important decisions. Delaney was considered the real founder of Carrow, and they celebrated her tribute being torn down because of the written history.

As I stepped out onto the street, Neo eyes were on me with every beat. Some were hungry, eying me like a predator as they passed us by. Others were derisive, wondering why I was even out in public. Some probably due to curiosity, looking at my alterations and wondering why someone would do this to another person. All of them eventually wandering down to between my legs, and the absolute monster that was barely even covered up down there. Shock causing all thoughts to lead to the one thing I was almost positive was on their minds.

It felt... I don't really know how to put it. Beyond the limits of uncomfortable, maybe into the realm of actual fear for my safety. I turned to Desiree, her eyes scanning the crowd as I put my hand on her arm.

"I think this was a bad idea, Desi."

"You'll be fine," she told me. Grabbing my hand in hers as she took the lead. "Just stick with me, alright?"

I tried to listen, but as she spoke, so many scents swam over me as she pulled me through the crowd. It was like my mind was telling me so many things: stay, come with me, cute, attractive, hot, wait, calm, excitement. The Neos around me seemingly huddling in closer together, pressing up against me. It was becoming so suffocating. I felt hands on me. On my neck. Going for my hands. Trying to free me from Desi's grip. On my waist. On my ass. And so many, so SO many hands going for my groin. Squeezing me. Gently caressing me. Trying to slide beneath my pants. Hefting it up. All I can hear are their laughter. Their catcalls and come-ons. And they keep pushing in on me. They're trying to wrench my hand free. I want them to stop, but my brain keeps telling me it's their right. Don't fight against your mistresses. I deserve this.

I gotta get out. Force my way through.

Oh God.

I want out.

I want out.

I want out.

I want out. I want out I want out I want out IwantoutIwantoutIwantoutIwantoutIwantoutIwantout I WANT-

"Desmond! It's okay! You're safe!"

As I look at Desi, breath ragged as she looks at me, I can see the buildings behind her. A bakery, a news and smokes shop that was being cleared for another business, a salon. Everything in sharp relief as I feel my anxiety slowly fading away.

"Let's go to the salon, okay? Where I can keep an eye on you just in case anything happens."

As I glance through the window, I notice that the salon is littered with Neos of all types. Orange Neos at each seat, taking care of each occupant of Blues and Greens. Fingers working at inhuman speeds as they tease and trim, measure and braid. I can feel my hands still tremor at the thought of being inside a packed building full of them, even if Desi was among their number.

"I-I-I need air," I mutter, looking to my right at a rambler's alley that led to the nearby creek. "I'm... I'm gonna sit by the creek. If, uh... If that's alright?"

As she stroked my hair, I took one look in her eyes and could immediately sense what she felt: pity. Like when you're a child and being coddled and placated. That same smile an adult gives you when you did nothing wrong, but reacts in hushed tones all the same.

"Sure. If anything happens, run to me, okay? You know where I'll be."

I say nothing, choosing silence and nodding my head as I watched her walk away. A confident swagger that was so unlike how she used to be. Shoulders back, head up. A projection of strength while I could feel myself doing the opposite. As I walked into the alley, I could feel my hands starting to rub my forearms. An old habit, when my nerves got too worked up from mom scolding me. As I walked past all the hidden shops, each filled to the brim with the Neos hard at work to change the town into something more befitting their interests, my memory drifted back to my eleventh birthday.

Mom came down hard on me, taking my forgetfulness to do a chore as a slight beyond forgivable and she called every parent in my class to say that I had acted so out of line that she had no choice but to cancel the celebration. Over the next three days, I was forced to do every chore she could think of, which included making meals for both her and Desi that she constantly ridiculed me about. No school, no going outside. When I wasn't working, I was rubbing my arms. Skin chapped and cracking from the cleaning chemicals I had to use. Rubbing it into my arms until I was bleeding from wounds in various spots from the elbow down. Nobody questioned mom, not even challenging her claims it was from me "lashing out in a tantrum, flailing about and smashing my arms into things". She always got her way. So I picked up the pace and rushed out of the walkway towards the sound of the babbling creek that await me.

There's just something about the sounds of nature that can be soothing to the soul, yeah? Like the rest of the world fades away and all you're left with is the way things should be, will be. As I sat down on the bench facing the creek, I just felt everything drifting away. Sure, the sounds of tools and Neos talking were there. But it was like they didn't matter. I was alone, finally. No sensors, no control. I could breathe without having to worry about commands or my bones catching on fire.

"Mind if I join you?"

My head snapped towards the voice, seeing a woman in a full black pantsuit combination, her very long dark hair pulled back in a loose ponytail as the sounds of her dress shoes clacked on the pathway inlaid with river stones. Sunglasses over her eyes as she approached me calmly but assuredly. There was something odd about it, but I didn't know what that was exactly. All I could tell was that she probably meant no harm.

So I did the polite thing and shifted over a bit to give her room.

"Go right ahead."

She nod her head, sitting down slowly and spreading her arms over the back of the bench with a sigh. The two of us basking in the serenity for a moment or two.

Then she asked me something that freaked me out.

"I love taking in the natural world. Don't you, Mr. Nowell?"

I jumped from my seat, keeping my eyes on the lady as I backed away from her.

"Who the Hell are you?!"

"You don't need to be scared," she sighed, taking off her sunglasses. Revealing a pair of brown eyes. No glowing neon colors. No changes. Just a fresh faced woman in her mid forties. "I'm human, just like you."

"That still doesn't answer my question," I loudly demanded. "Who ARE you and HOW do you know my name?"

The woman just chuckled as she reached into her jacket.

"You may call me Merlin," she told me as she pulled out a letter. "As for how I knew? Let's say I'm a friend of a friend. And that's all you need to know for now. Now please-"

She pat the spot where I had been sitting, a smile on her face that she had clearly been working on for many years as she looked me dead in the eyes.

"...Sit back down. We have things to discuss, Mr. Nowell."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 15, 2022, 07:07:22 am
I was naturally apprehensive about doing what this Merlin lady was telling me to do. And it was apparent she knew that, too. But she just calmly smiled at me, waving for me to come back over with the letter between her fingers and patting the bench. So I scooched over, keeping my eyes trained on her with every timid step until I slowly sat down on the far edge.

"There you go!" she said, chipper as all Hell as she slipped the piece of paper back into the inside pocket of her jacket.

"Why should I trust you?" I asked, watching as she relaxed. Kicking one dress shoed foot over her knee as she lounged back.

"Because I'm human," she tittered, glancing at me with an incredibly calm demeanor. "Just like you are. And I'm taking a massive risk being here. Making contact with the NAE's only A Rank male after they declared war on all of Humanity."

Being reminded that there was a war going on hit me like a sledgehammer. I lowered my head in shame as the memories came flooding back of the broadcast mom made me watch.

"It's all my fault..."

My companion put her leg down, sitting forward and leaning in so she could look me in the eye.

"What's your fault, Mr. Nowell?"

"I'm why they declared war," I admitted, covering my eyes in shame. "They... did things to me. Tortured me. Tortured my sister. Drove me to my breaking point and I hurt myself. Took me to this... building in the desert. Gave me drugs. Someone left me a note with instructions and a keycard. And I- AND I-"

"Hey, hey!" Merlin told me, putting her hand on my chest in much the same way as Amelia did after the incident in Doctor Bernard's office. "You're getting erratic. Breathe, Mr. Nowell."

So, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. Shuddering as I inhaled, going a bit too fast on the exhale. Over and over until my heart slowed down.

"That's better. Now look, I can tell you want to get this off your chest, But this isn't the place for this, okay? It's a bit too public."

I nodded my head as I tried to focus on the sound of the babbling creek flowing by.

"Okay. But I have to ask: why me?"

Taking a quick glance around, the agent moved closer and leaned in. I could tell she was trying to prevent anyone from listening in.

"Here's the thing, kid. Our mutual friend told me you'd be our best chance at intel. Your family is apparently important to the NAE, and we wish to utilize that. And for that, we want you on board."

I knew what she was implying almost immediately.

"You want me to tell you everything I know?" I practically shouted, causing her to shush me and raise her hands to quiet me down.

"From what we were told, your entire household are "A Ranks", whatever that means. And that affords you certain liberties, right?"

"Not really. Some extra security, and I get to eat normally. But I'm not allowed access to technology and I can't leave my house unsupervised."

As she leaned forward, rubbing her hands together in contemplation, I could tell she was thinking about my "benefits".

"That sounds more like house arrest than anything. Almost like they're keeping you as a pet or something."

"That's what mom has started calling me," I said, rubbing my forehead with my fingers. "Cruelty is her main trait. It's why she was chosen to bomb Wall Street."

"She was the bomber?!"

I didn't look her in the eye, letting the weight of what I was saying be the answer.

"They consider her a hero, now. "The Reaper Of The Red", as they call her. Well, when they're not literally worshipping her and fawning over her in massive orgies whenever she's at home."

"And you're forced to participate in them?"

I shook my head and looked at the creek.

"I'm their attendant. I'm refused participation, only to watch and wait on all of those that join for the evening. It's just another punishment from mom, considering how she's altered me."

"Altered you?" Merlin asked. "Why would they alter a boy your age?"

"How old do you think I am?"

As she cocked her to the side, Merlin's hands did this weird waving motion where her finger curled in and out of some invisible loom. As if she were trying to weave an answer from the air.

"On appearance alone? Eighteen, maybe nineteen?"

"I'm twenty-five. And I used to be taller and bigger, too. And this-"

I twisted my left leg and shifted my pelvis, letting the most important thing about me that was altered bulge noticeably against my cotton pants. Its girthy size leaving a very recognizable shape all the way down to my knee. The crotch of my pants sagging from the giant hormone factories between my legs as the weighty sack pulled my pants even tighter around my groin.

"...Used to be normal sized, too."

Merlin's jaw had dropped, eyes wide as she took in what they had done to me.

"We heard rumors of what the Neo-Alsarnians were doing to the women they tricked into joining them," Merlin said, pulling out a pack of gum. "But this is the first time we've heard about anything being done to the men."

"To be honest," I grunted as I carefully sat down. "I haven't seen another man since quarantine began."

Merlin's head popped up, a quizzical look on her face as she put a stick of incredibly strong mint gum in her mouth.

"What quarantine?"

"The government mandated one a couple months back...?"

The look in her eyes, the seriousness she was projecting. The way she turned to me as she pulled out a phone from her pocket.

"Mr. Nowell, I'm a representative of our nation's government. And I can tell you, with full authority, that there WAS NO ORDER for public quarantine."

All I could croak out was a "what" as she began furiously typing something. Her fingers were a blur as she would write a message, swiping left and right quickly, pressing on what had to be random files to attach and send off to God knows who.

"Mr. Nowell," Merlin said, bruskly getting to her feet as she began to look around for any unwanted eyes and ears. "We have been provided a window of opportunity that has taken us over a decade to acquire. If you so wish, we can guarantee an extraction for you in exchange for your testimony-"

"An extraction?" I asked, having a hard time understanding what she was saying due to a mix of her trying to keep it overly simple and speaking way too fast.

"...And firsthand accounts on the NAE and its practices. If you refuse, I and the other members of the DOC will leave you alone. But if you do, then you will not only be jeopardizing the safety of the American populace, but also that of the entire world."

"I'm not following you!" I demanded, maybe a bit too loudly as I got to my feet. "What is going on?"

"Yes or no, Mr. Nowell?

"For what?!"


I paused at the question. The woman who made my entire life a living hell, who continued to torment and torture me. And here was an offer to get away from her. From this bad sci fi movie I found myself trapped in, like I had wanted. But I wasn't the only one caught up in this fucking thing.

"If I do, my sister comes, too."

"Your sister?" Merlin asked, incredulous at my demand. "Mr. Nowell, your sister is one of them! She's a NEO!"

"And just as much of a victim!" I fired back. "She's been beaten and abused and demeaned as much as I have! So if you want me? Then you take her, too!"

"You don't know what's going on, do you?" she asked, pulling out her sunglasses and putting them back on. But I wasn't backing down.

"That doesn't matter. We're a package deal. I'll only go with you if you can guarantee her safety, too."

Tilting her head back, Merlin took a deep breath and sighed.

"Fine. We will prepare for both you and the Alsarnian's extraction. We can't tell you exactly when, but it's soon. Real soon."

I watched as she moved her head slightly, looking past me. It was then I heard the voices of two Neos and a man behind us. Turning around, I saw there were two of them. Both heavyset Orange Neos, laden with muscle. Their work clothes covered in dust from debris, half removed to show off their thick muscular bodies in crop topped wife beaters. Clearly defined by the word "beefy" as they accosted a guy who had been altered by whatever Neo controlled his household. A runner's physique unable to compete against their own as they knocked his groceries from his hand.

"C'mon! Don't be like that! We just want some fun!"

"Please! I need to get home! My wife is expecting me back!"

I turned back towards Merlin, who just stood there and smiled that same practiced smile at me.

"Aren't you going to do something about that?" I asked.

She put her hands in her pockets and slowly turned to walk away. The man's voice getting louder as he begged them to stop.

"You defied your mother once," Merlin called back to me, walking briskly down the pathway by the creek. "You can do so again, Mr. Nowell."

A part of me wanted to chase after the agent, to get her involved. But as I heard him calling out for help, I knew I couldn't leave things be. So I took a deep breath and took action.

"HEY!" I shouted, marching forward quickly to close the distance and get between them all. "LEAVE HIM ALONE!"

The Orange Neos stopped their harassment long enough to look as all 5'4 inches, 110+ lbs. of my tiny furious form made a beeline straight for them. Causing the pair to burst out in laughter.

"Two pets, Sadie?" The paler one with reddish blonde hair guffawed. "Looks like we get to have some REAL fun today!"

The other Neo, a stockier, dusky skinned brunette with clear Italian features, chuckled as she bounced her pecs while looking directly into my eyes. Causing her full breasts to bounce and quiver as if she was on top of a lover. Causing my dick to twitch as a flash of fantasy sped through my mind. Of me beneath her as she rode my cock to ecstasy, her mountainous form flexing as she called out my name, demanding I breed her and give her all the daughters she could ever want. Then coming back into the moment.

"And what might your name be, cutie?" Sadie asked, running her fingers through my hair. I pushed her hand away, trying my best not to look scared.

"My name doesn't matter," I told her, told them both really. "I said to leave him alone."

As they looked at each other, a wicked smile crossed both of their faces. The Orange Neos stood taller, prouder as they began to tighten and flex their muscles. Veritable walls of power as they practically loomed over me. Their gaze slowly turning to me as they pressed forward, and causing me to stumble back. As soon as I felt the other man behind me, I put my hands out to the side to protect him. Keeping my eyes locked on them until we were against the wall.

"I hope you don't mind," the strawberry blonde Neo told her companion. "But I think I'm gonna call dibs on this little firecracker, Sadie."

"Fine by me," Sadie told her friend, hands slipping beneath her friend's top and kissing her thick shoulder. "Just means I can ride the other one. Have a little fun like last week, Liz."

"Last week..." the strawberry blonde Neo hissed, slightly dreamy at the memory. A clear sign that whatever they had planned was not as fun for whoever they were with than it was for them. And I had just inadvertently signed myself up for similar treatment. I could feel the other man trembling, clearly in fear for his life. To be honest, I was scared, too. But I couldn't show them that. They were acting just like my mother. And I couldn't give them the satisfaction.

"Is this what being a Neo is ALL ABOUT?" I shouted, urging myself to be defiant to the last. "I thought your fucking motto was "Neo is new, Neo for you"? Or was that some fucking dogshit to hype yourselves up to hide just how weak you bitches truly-"


My head whipped from one side to the other, the impact so great that I was practically a puppet on a string while my teeth rattled inside my head. I could immediately taste the familiar copper as my mouth began to fill with blood. I opened my mouth and watched as it fell to the ground and splattered, bright red as droplets burst upon contact with stones and landed on my shoes and pants. within seconds I could feel the sting on my cheek, as well as the burning in my gums. Shit, I think I cut my tongue open, too.

Fucking ow...

But I didn't have time for that, as the blonde Neo grabbed my throat. Lifting me off the ground and slamming me into the wall with enough force to hold me up there, but not enough to really choke me. My hands immediately went to her wrist in the vain hope of prying her off of me.

"Teach him a fucking lesson, Liz!" Sadie cheered, poking my stomach as she held on to the man I was trying to save.

"I'm going to!" Liz crowed, tightening her hand around my throat slightly. I could feel the pressure build as the constriction slowly increased. Gasping and coughing as they laughed, I knew I had fucked up big time. So I just closed my eyes and waited.

In the darkness, I expected nothingness. But instead, I saw two glowing fields of electric Orange light. Each close to each other yet incredibly distinct. Then, from the side, a field of White rushed into view. It ran into the field behind the closer one. Appearing to strike the Orange once, twice, three times, each blow causing the Orange light to flicker as if it was losing energy. Fast and vicious, the field of White moved at speeds that made it difficult to keep track of. A veritable blur attacking the Orange field, before it seemed to reach out, grabbing the Orange field and lifting it high before slamming it to the ground and stomp on it. And with the same frightening speed, it joined the field that filled the darkness, brighter and more alive as it enveloped its victim and pushed it forward. I fell as I heard the sound of meat on stone and the reverberations of something making impact over and over and over again while I caught my breath.

Opening my eyes, I saw an absolutely furious Desi, fresh from the stylist with a now much shorter and almost pure white haircut that seemed like the mirror opposite of our mother's. And in her hand was the Neo that had been choking me, slamming her head into the wall one final time before letting her fall like a sack of meat at my side. My attacker's face a mangled mess as she lay, unconscious but still breathing beside me. And behind Desi lay the other Neo, unresponsive as she lay face down with her head inside a small crater of broken stone and displaced dirt.

The aftermath of violence on display was frightening, my sister breathing heavily and with ill intent in her eyes as my would-be assailants remained broken at her feet. But then I suddenly remembered about the man I had tried to help.

"Hey, are you-?"

But before the words had even left my mouth, the man had already gathered the last of his groceries from the ground and was in the midst of running away from the scene of the crime. Panic running down his leg as he rounded the corner into the rambler's alley.

"Guess he's okay," Desi said, offering me her hand. "How about you?"

"Could be better," I offered, grabbing her hand and letting her pull me to my feet. "At least I was able to- Agh! Fuck!"

I immediately winced as I felt my tongue flick my teeth. The sting cutting me off as I gingerly placed my hand on my jaw.

"You don't look okay," Desi asked, holding my face carefully as she looked me over. "You'll have to get another round of care in the Rejuvenal Box."

I moved her hands away from my face, giving her a brave smile as I looked her in the eyes.

"Is that what it's called? Face fixer thingy sounds like a better name for it."

For a brief moment, there was this pause between us. The way she looked at me, almost as if there was something she wanted to say or do. Subtly moving her head forward and then back again. Her white irises flashing in bursts against her black eyes before closing them and taking a deep breath.

"Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, it probably does. Do you, um... Do you still want to stop by Delaney's?"

I gave it a moment to think it over, and quietly nodded my head.

"By the way," Desi continued, putting her arm around me. "You did the right thing. Even if you did get slapped around for it."

I looked down at our feet, seeing the two Neos Desi had just laid out still breathing, thankfully.

"Will they be okay?"

"Them?" Desi said, refusing to look at who she had just beaten down. "They'll be fine. It's what they deserve for what they did."

I wasn't so sure, though. I mean, the blonde was still moving somewhat. But her friend wasn't moving at all. And that's what was really getting to me. I think Desi didn't want me thinking about what she had just done as she gently but with definite force moved me towards the alleyway. A swagger in her step as she looked happy. Actually, maybe proud was the better word for it.

We went back to the car, Desi taking the wheel and I silently slid into the passenger seat. We drove to the drive-in, gave the Neos our order and took off for home. The entire way back, we both kept quiet. Desi listened to some music, one hand on the wheel and the other on one of her three extra large milkshakes. I looked out the window, watching the terrain pass by and wondering if this would be the last time I'd be able to go where I want under my own will. The golden wall causing me to have another episode before we were back in the "safety" of our neighborhood once more. And soon enough, we pulled into the driveway.

"Gimme a sec, Des."

As soon as her door was open, I knew I wouldn't be able to walk inside. So I stayed put, my mind stuck on the carnage I had seen. It had all happened so quickly. And I could swear the color filled shapes when my eyes were closed, the proximity and overall shape of each figure, was the actual fight by the creek. Just... how? I knew of the things Neos were capable of, but this was just something else entirely. I could feel a growing tension in my chest as Desi opened the car door and scooped me up over her shoulder.

"There we go! Now to bring you in..."

Without another word, she stood upright and grabbed our food off the roof. And with a playful little bounce like I was five years old or something, she began making her way towards the house. But I was quick to notice something.



Without even looking, Desi simply lifted her leg and deftly tapped the passenger side door. Throwing it closed with a loud slam. I could tell by the way she lifted her shoulders that it was unintentional, caught by surprise with how strong she was.

"Sorry, Des."

But by this point, I was limp like a cat. My head was swimming as my sight went wide. I was so out of it, I didn't notice Desi run inside the house and put me on my feet before I snapped out of it. Desi looking into my eyes with a self satisfied smirk.

"And we're home!" she said, taking another look at my face again. "How about you go through another round in the face fixer thingy?"

She was trying to make my comment an inside joke. Cute, but I didn't feel right. So I solemnly started walking towards the office and into the downstairs bathroom. As soon as I opened the door, the lights turned on, stinking my eyes almost as much as my face did. I think I was in shock at this point. Everything about today just weighing on me. How I woke up. How Desi treated me so wildly. The fight we had. Emma and Joanie stopping by. Meeting Agent Merlin and her offer. The two Neos. And the look in Desi's eyes, the sheer malevolence within them.

As I climbed onto the stool and opened the box, that image wouldn't leave my head. There was some level of violence, almost a predatorial state of being in her eyes. Not the usually calm, shy looks she had but a cocksure, hungry for carnage feeling emanating from the bright white glow. As my face sank into the vertical liquid, filling my mouth and nose and throat, causing my head to tingle as it went to work fixing my slight wounds, it was that look I kept seeing. That look of satisfaction at what she had done. As the light in the box went off and the fluid left my head, I realized what I had seen in Carrow. Something I knew I wasn't okay with as I walked into the office.

I had witnessed a murder. My sister, sitting at the kitchen table and greedily diving into her food without a care in the world, had killed someone to protect me.

"I think I'm gonna eat upstairs and take a nap," I asked, passive as I could be. "Is that okay?"

"Sure," Desi said, quickly swallowing the last bits of her first of five burgers. "Just make sure to come down later so we can talk about when we're leaving tomorrow for the party."

The party. I fucking forgot about that. Good thing Desi used the Rejuvenal thing earlier. Otherwise I'd have shown up bruised and battered, which might have severely pissed mom off. And then she would have done God knows what. But that was thankfully averted. But as I moved towards the stairs, my unease only grew. I was now living in a home with not one, but two women I'm almost positive had killed people. It's like in those programs on TV, about people who learned they were living with spouses or parents who not only killed someone, but they were positive were going to kill again? The fear they couldn't help but feel? This was how I was feeling. This was my reality now.

Then I thought about Desi's actions as I slowly climbed the stairs. About how she kept getting in the way, how she always seemed to be looking for a fight. How she always seemed to be looking out for me.

She said she wanted to protect me.

She was protecting me... right?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on December 15, 2022, 04:44:19 pm
And now the yandere personality starts to show...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 15, 2022, 07:16:01 pm
Damn never thought that Desi would take a life like that and have pride in it. I think in that moment of her hesitating she probably was about to let her inner 'needs' take hold and it took some deep self control not to do it.  Now comes the inner conflict for Desmond do you take or leave Desi along with what escaping could entail for everyone not a red/Nowell.

Now on to the positives, Desmond I think is starting to really resist the programming. If he can channel what he can do maybe it will be to an advantage maybe even along the lines if he ever has to go one on one against another NEO.


I think Desi has already had access to "pets" and used them to simulate Desmond but due to her mental state none have measured up to the real thing. With regards to her brutality, I think Agent Merlin has seen the aftermath of what Desi has done and would want to be a few galaxies away from her if possible.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 27, 2022, 04:01:37 am
That night was one of the worst I've ever had. I barely slept at all, my eyes constantly on the door with worry about whether Desi would come in and try to explain herself or worse. But it was like she had completely written off what she had done. I have no access to TV or the like, so I wouldn't know if there were any news reports about if the person she attacked had died or not. But it was still a harrowing feeling, all the same. I had tried to bring it up some time after we got back, but all Desi could talk about was the party we were being taken to, what time we had to be up, what to wear and so on. Since I have extremely little, I had to immediately do some laundry. But outside of that, I stayed in my room except to get some water.

I felt so very small. I had to stay quiet. When mom was in one of her moods, it was the only way to stay out of sight and out of mind. But Desi is different. She constantly wants my attention, so I just acquiesced to what she wanted. She wanted to have dinner with me, so we ate despite the fact I was practically sick from worry. She wanted to talk, so I listened. She wanted to work out, so I counted her reps. It was like dealing with a cat that demanded your attention, constantly on you no matter what you truly wanted to do. I just wanted to go lay down, but she would even follow me there and take up space. And I just had to let her, because I'm nothing compared to my sister and mother now. By the time she went to bed, I was exhausted. And yet, I couldn't help but keep an eye on the door all night. I think I got maybe an hour or two of sleep?
But I was up and down all night, my stomach in knots from Desi losing control once more and the rest of my body incredibly tense and straining from the damn frequency.

By daybreak, I was beyond my limits. Woozy and swaying as I got up and started my day. No matter how I felt, or what was going on, I had to maintain the house. Mopping, sweeping, cleaning. Dishes were done last night, thankfully. But there were other things to do. Had to beat out dust and other things from the couch cushions and other spots. Had to take an inventory of our food so that the next delivery could be arranged. All I could hear in my head the entire time was two separate buzzing sounds: one from the system that could light my bones on fire, and another from who knows where that rang louder than the electronic eyes inside every wall and corner in the house. The first one hurt, obviously. But the second one was... Well, not exactly pleasant but more reassuring. Not like a dial tone when you're about to make a call on an old landline phone. More like those old hypnosis tapes you get when you wanted to relieve your burdens and unlock your inner self? I don't know how to describe it, honestly. For the next two hours, I did all I could in regards to the house's upkeep. And all I heard was the buzzing that reverberated all through my skull.

In all honesty, it was a good thing I had gotten up so early. Because it left me with an hour to make breakfast and get dressed. So I got to work on a super simple meal of eggs, pancakes and bacon. Partly because I wasn't in the mood for anything more complicated, and partly because I didn't have the energy for it. By the time I was halfway through, I heard Desi's heavy footfalls making their way into the kitchen.

"You're up early," she crowed, cheerily. "Too excited for the party?"

"You could see it that way," I said, forcing myself to put on a smile as I began moving some of the stacks of food over. "Had a lot to do before we leave, anyway."

As I tried to move away, I felt Desi's hand grabbing my wrist. Tugging on it so that I had to look her in the eye.

"Did you get any sleep? You look completely exhausted!"

"Maybe an hour," I admitted. "Like I said, way too much to do before we leave."

"Sit down," she told me, putting her hands on my shoulders as she gently pushed me towards a chair. "I'll finish up."

My anxiety told me I shouldn't refuse, so I did as she wanted. Taking a seat before she quickly moved over towards the stove and did her usual magic. Her timing was impeccable, turning up the heat to cook everything quicker yet someone perfectly in sync with turning and flipping and stirring the ingredients. And once again, cutting me entirely out of the equation as she took what would have been twenty minutes of cooking and making it essentially five. I know most would consider that a blessing, but it was just another reminder that I was losing more and more ground of what little I had left. Even being able to provide for myself was seeming like a memory than an actual experience. All I could do was pour myself some juice and drink about half of it before she began casually putting the rest of our meal down like a veteran waitress.

The difference between what we made was staggering. The stuff I made was decent, like a homemade item. But Desi's was the definition of picturesque, looking like it came straight out of a cookbook that promised to teach you how to make the most perfect meals you ever saw. The bacon showing no char, the pancakes the perfect golden color, the scrambled eggs fluffy and a sunny yellow. Professional in all marks versus my amateur attempts.

Diving in to her meal, she quickly piled her plate high before grabbing the syrup in one hand and milk in the other. Perfectly timed as she poured them both. But while she went for what she made, I stuck with the stuff I had cooked. My bacon overly crispy, the eggs were dry. My pancakes had come out a bit mottled from the heat and misshapen. And it was all clearly not as good, given how Desi's face lit up as she ate. I took one bite of each item on my plate and knew this wouldn't cut it. So I got up, turned on the coffee and once it was brewed, poured myself a very strong cup. It was going to be a very long day, so I finished my meal in complete silence to try and mentally prepare for it.

As I got up to wash my dishes, I noticed that Desi wasn't really in a talkative mood. As she continued to eat, she had hunched over her food with a look of serious contemplation. Indistinct little whispers would occasionally burble out of her, loud enough to be heard but too quiet to be understood, especially against the sound of running water. I had plenty of time to try and parse what she was saying, but it was impossible to tell. I'm pretty sure that if I was a Neo, I'd understand what she was saying. But I'm not, so I didn't. I just let her mumble, wondering if there was something else going on with her.

By the time she was done eating, I had done all the dishes except hers by hand. I was forbidden from using any of the Neotech anyway, so hand washing was my only option. And when I was about to walk away, drying my hands off with a nearby towel, *plunk*. Desi casually walked over and dropped her dishes into the water and began to shuffle away, completely distracted. Desi was never a morning person, but this was new. As I watched her broad shoulders and back as she moved towards the stairs, I began to wonder what was going on with her. Was the training getting to her? Was her conscience eating away at her for yesterday? Was there something else going on that I should worry about? I had so many questions, but I was too scared to bring them up in fear of making her angry. It's best to keep myself small, out of the way of everything. So I washed her dishes, as well. By the time I was done and the sink was drained, my hands had soaked enough to get wrinkly and start to peel in spots.


I glanced up at the clock on the wall, really more of a timer in my case, and sighed. 7:48 A.M. Washing the dishes took longer than I had hoped, leaving me only a few minutes to get ready. I had to hurry upstairs, cupping what I could as I rushed up to my room. My feet softly tapping on the wooden steps, careful steps I relearned to take since this nightmare began. But as I moved to enter my room, I paused when I noticed Desi speaking in her room. Her door was slightly open, her light on. Despite my better judgment, my curiosity won out as I crept towards her door and looked inside to find her standing in front of her mirror. Arms on either side as she seemed to be peering deeply into it. Stage whispering to herself as she stared into her reflection's eyes.

"I think I scared him... I didn't mean to... She's waiting for us to mess up... We can't keep promising to be honest with him and then shut him out... We need to tell him everything..."

She kept saying strange things to herself, over and over and on and on. Like she was talking to someone other than herself inside the room, despite being the only person in there. Or maybe she was saying things so the sensors could pick her up, voicing her concerns? A strange two sided conversation where only one side could be heard, or was even being vocalized. I could feel a shiver running up my spine as she slowly went quiet, just staring at herself with an intense gaze like she was listening to something that wasn't there. I admit that I got scared standing there, watching as my sister was unraveling before my eyes. So many things started running through my mind: should I stay, should I call for help, should I risk it and run. This was something I had never dealt with before.

It was only when I heard the sound of the front door opening that I realized I had been watching Desi for a bit too long. I had officially run out of time, forcing my hand and running to my room to get ready as the sound of boots marching in double time while they stormed into the house reverberated through the halls. I had barely been able to slip into a pair of pants before my door was opened by an Orange Neo in full fatigues. A bizarre chrome-like rifle at the ready position as she took an at-ease stance by my bed. I could hear my heart thundering in my chest in perfect sync with the sound of heavy boots slowly moving towards my door. Is it mom? Oh, God, no. Please don't let it be mom. Please don't let it be mom! PLEASE! DON'T-

"You can relax, Desmond."

A familiar gloss of bluish-black hair on a head that had to lower itself in made me breathe a sigh of relief, as Captain Chaimongkhon looked at me with a comforting smile. Tilting her body to properly fit inside my room due to her linebacker build before she took a power stance for her soldiers.

"For a second, I thought you were mom." I told her, wiping my face and chin for a nonexistent beard that I was unable to grow.

"She is currently busy with some... personal training," Amelia said, looking around my room. "As such, I will be bringing both you and your sister to Chateau Bernard."

I moved towards the dresser, fully intending to grab my other pair of pants in case I needed them.

"Oh. Okay then. Just let me-"

Amelia quickly placed her hand on top of mine, giving me a disapproving look as if I had done something wrong while slowly pushing the drawer closed. The scritching hiss as it shut worming its way into my head before a quick scream of wood on wood and silently coming to a stop. A clear show of force due to the fact we were not alone.

"No need. The two of you will be fitted with outfits for the event. It seems you are to be Guests Of Honor."

Those words didn't sit right with me. A Guest Of Honor? After everything that happened to me? Maybe Emma was right about what they had planned for the gathering. About the announcement that I was somehow connected to the Axzhurat, channeling its energies because of how I nearly died. Or more precisely, how they nearly killed me.

"Guaranteed that's because of mom." I said, yawning as I pulled my hand away and looking at her uniform closely for the first time. Fully decked out in a military green outfit, I wasn't sure if I was seeing things. But I could have sworn that Amelia's uniform was giving off the same perspective bending effect as the houses were getting. It was so strange, seeing her constantly seeming to face me no matter how I moved. Almost like some sort of lens filter was overlaying her at all times. I  knew where she was, but my eyes kept finding it difficult to keep track to the point it was making my head hurt. Or maybe that was the sleep deprivation? I don't know and I was frankly starting to not care. Neo Tech hurt my brain to understand how it worked and it was honestly pissing me off.

"Most likely," she said, putting her hand on my upper back as if to guide me towards the door. "But you don't have to worry. You'll have a friend there if anything goes wrong."

I looked up at, wondering what she meant when I saw a smile on her face. Something I had honestly never really seen her do before. Every other time I've talked to her, she's always been grim and serious. The very model of a taciturn soldier that took her job and everything with it with the utmost concern and priority. But now, in a weird way, she was trying to be supportive and open with me. Maybe it's because of how I would just let her be? Or more likely, it was due to the fact that I was unable to challenge her whatsoever, letting her facade slip as a reminder that I was not the one in charge here?

Damn it all, I have to stop thinking like that. This shit's not good for me, and I know it. It's still hard to ignore, given all I've been through. As I walked into the hallway, rubbing my eyes due to how dry they felt, I felt my shoulder bumping into someone else.

"Sorry, I-"

I opened them just in time to see Desi looking at me. Her walls had gone back up, putting on a brave face as she saw me futzing with my face.

"Are you okay, Desmond?"

"I'm, uh- I-I-I'm okay," I stammered, as I felt myself listing from side to side. "You don't have to worry about me."

I think I came off a bit colder than I intended, given the look Desi was giving me as I waved her off. But that could be excused by how fucking sleepy I was. Right now, I was more concerned with the fact that we were being flanked by an entire squad of Neos in military garb. To say I was on high alert is a bit of an understatement.

"Can't dawdle," Amelia told us as she gently pushed us forward. "We have a bit of a drive ahead of us, and a schedule to keep."

I could feel my sister bristling at the Captain's demands, but I had to remain focused. I was so tired, I could practically imagine myself falling down the stairs in front of everyone. Which, all things considered, I think most of them would actually find entertaining were it not for the fact we were being personally escorted at Doctor Bernard's request. So if anything happened to me, it could possibly draw the ire of the mucketymuck in charge of this whole nightmare. But I was still visibly bobbing from side to side as I slowly made my way downstairs, trying my best to not bump into the Neo soldiers that completely dominated the left side the flight of steps.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Captain Chaimongkhon asked, concern very evident in her voice.

"I'll be fine," I told her, though I could tell I wasn't hiding anything due to how weak my voice was. "You don't have to wo-"

In my need to not cause any trouble, the haze I was in had caused my foot to miss its mark. Sliding off the edge of a step as my other foot was on its way out. I immediately felt gravity slipping away from me as I floated forward, only realizing too late that I was going prone while I felt a pull outward, and then downward. My mind was weirdly empty save for the two buzzing frequencies in my head, a passenger in my own body as I felt my whole being focused on the door vanishing while my eyes panned up to the ceiling. Then the feeling of landing on something before sliding down to the ground for the rest of the way.


I suddenly came to, realizing that I was not laying on something, but someONE. Flipping over, I quickly found that I was now on top of Desi, my face close to hers as I inadvertently mounted her prone form. Having thrown herself beneath me and taking the brunt of the fall. I quickly got to my feet, panicking as I realized what I may have looked like, laying on top of her with my arms on either side of her.

"Oh my God! I'm- I'm so sorry!" I said, holding out my hand on instinct to help her up. Guilt and something more keeping his head turned to not look her way.

"It's alright," she groaned, wrapping her much larger hand around his. "I'll be sore for a bit, but I'll-"

"What you'll be doing," Captain Chaimongkhon blustered out, as she reached down to pick up her prone charge on the floor. Easily lifting Desiree up and onto her feet with one hand, causing my sister's eyes to bug out with the impressive dsiplay of power. "Is to stop messing around and tell us if you're not feeling well, Desmond."

My cheeks only got more scarlet at being called out. Partly because of the embarrassment, but also because that sudden show of strength was, well... It was fucking hot. Seeing Amelia's calm demeanor as she lifted Desi off the floor without even trying, the control she had. I suddenly found myself starting to imagine her using her strength. Picking me up, holding me close. Her arms wrapping around me as she pressed me against her bulky chest, hand on the back of my head as she pulled me in closer to-

"Are you feeling okay, Desmond?"

My fantasy faded into mist as Amelia's question bored through. I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead as if to check my temperature. But I'll be honest, it was more to pull myself together. I could feel how warm my face was, so I got why she asked. But I knew better. My dick knew better.

"Yuh- Yeah, I'm fine. I just barely slept, is all. Still loopy, I guess."

Amelia eyed me, suspicious if I was being honest or not. But with a smirk, she walked up and put her hand on my shoulder firmly but reassuringly.

"I trust you. Now, put your shoes on, you two. We have to go."

I didn't notice as she reached for the door, throwing it open to reveal a metal covering or shedding that block out all light except through some sort of plastic windows. Every inch of the fitted walkway lined by Orange soldiers and leading to a military vehicle of some kind I had never seen before resting on the street underneath what seemed like a special tent. It was sleek but large, obviously built for mass transport or the like. No matter how I looked at it though, the coloring just defied description. Just a mishmash of painted hues and shades that just screamed "inconsequential" to me. Not plain, or ordinary. Literally "inconsequential", like that was the only word my brain could think of to describe it. The armoring, the size, everything about the vehicle didn't matter because my brain was TELLING me it didn't matter.

"What's with the paint job on... Huh?"

It was so weird. The second I turned my head to ask Amelia what was up with our ride, the thought of it just... vanished into thin air. Like even asking about it didn't matter. All thoughts of it? Gone, like I never had them in the first place.

"I see the distortion shielding is working as it should," Amelia said, happy as could be while handing me my shoes. "You should be honored, Desmond! You're the first human to experience what it can do!"

"Distortion field? What distortion field?"

"I didn't realize the Blues had already gotten it ready for the field." Desi groaned, rubbing her back as she hurried me along. Causing me to hop around a bit as I struggled to close the last Velcro strap. The jacked Green Neo just took it in stride

"That's the miracle of Neo tech!"

"And is this covering Neo tech, as well?" I asked.

Amelia chuckled and shook her head.

"No. It's just some sheds we repurposed into a makeshift walkway so you're not left like a depressurized Monkfish on the driveway again."

I turned my head to pout as Desi laughed at the image. As the three of us approached our ride, I couldn't help but notice that the paint job on it kept moving. Rearranging itself in small ways that my mind kept trying to reinforce its unimportance. Like a smattering of mini-Rorschach tests mixed with those Magic Eye illusion things that you had to cross your eyes to see. The entire vehicle much larger than I realized, closer to something like an All Terrain Carrier than a typical truck or the like.

"Well, small favors, I guess. How long is this trip going to be, anyway?"

"A little over three hours," Amelia said, lifting her head at a nearby Orange Neo with striking Electric Blue hair. The soldier rushed over, only stopping to give our caretaker a quick cross-armed salute before reaching for the door. As her fingers sank in, the metal seemed to warp and indent. Allowing her hand to slide beyond the metal. Then with a huff, there was a loud tick and the sound of something being powered up. The mobile paint that kept rearranging itself seemed to jitter and lag, twitching as it tried to stay in motion. Then the sound of something popping, a hissing and finally the whir of mechanics in motion as a seam of orange light framed an outline in front of us and the metal began to flip and fold all over itself. One half folding up and in, the other half remaking itself into a ramp for us to climb into the massive carrier.

It was when the ramp was laid out for us to board that I realized the thing had no wheels.

"Hold on! How are we going to go anywhere? This things doesn't have any-"

"Just get on board, Mr. Nowell." Amelia said, cutting into my question with a clear sense of annoyance as she physically grabbed the back of my pants and hefted me up to quickly throw me onto the seat. Sailing through the air before landing unceremoniously onto the surprisingly firm padding next to the far wall. Desi quickly followed, boarding the vehicle and crossing the standing space before moving to take the seat next to me. But as she put her hand on the backrest, Amelia slapped her hand onto Desi's. Stopping her in her tracks

"There's arranged seating," she told Desi. "You're over here by the door. Soldiers-guest-soldiers-guest-soldiers, with me placed beside Desmond to act as his personal guardian."

Desi's brow furrowed, a brief flash in her eyes as her electric white irises pulsed. It wasn't hard for me to see that she was getting angry. So I reached out to her, taking hold of her wrist. Forcing her to slowly look at me, her anger giving way to confusion.

"Don't," I quietly warned her, wishing upon every star for her to realize that I knew what was going to happen. "I'll be alright."

The way she melted, giving me a defeated look as she realized I knew what she had to be thinking. But I couldn't let her do it. If not for my sake, then definitely for hers. As much as things had changed, I was still her brother. And I had to protect her from doing the stupid thing, especially when it isn't called for.

"Fine," she sighed, turning her gaze back towards our larger caretaker. "I'll accept how we're arranged. But let me get one thing across, Amelia-"

Desi pulled her hand away from my grip before pointing directly at me.

"Desmond is under MY care, first and foremost. Anything happens to him, and I am going to treat it as if it was an attack against me. You get me?"

Amelia's black eyes narrowed, taking what Desi was threatening into consideration. The green light in her eyes flashing briefly as a small wicked smile came to her.

"Duly noted. Now, take your seat."

Without another word, Desiree breathed deep and exhaled slowly. Marching to her seat adjacent to the door before sitting down and keeping her eyes trained on Amelia as she calmly took her spot next to me as the other Neos boarded the carrier in double time and took their places around us.

"So why did you cut me off when I asked about-"

"Why there are no wheels?" Amelia replied, as the last two soldiers climbed onboard. One of them slapping a panel that glowed the same Orange color as on the outside, causing Amelia's voice to be drowned out slightly by the sound of mechanics of the armored panels sliding back into place before seamlessly returning back to a metallic grew siding.

"Well, yeah. It's a little odd."

"Mr. Nowell, we're currently in what the sisters in Blue like to call a June Bug. Do you think Humans designed it?"

I heard the sound of what had to be energy charging up, lighting up the entire interior of the vehicle with a slight bluish glow. The Neos in front flicking switches and holding their hands up to what had to be translucent virtual fields. Their fingers working overtime as they typed and picked options and more before holding them out in front of themselves. Which in turn caused a flickering over their stations that revealed that not only was their camera systems on the outside of the vehicle, but that the covering had been opened for us to pull out.

"Well, of course not. It's just that-"

I had to admit, my stomach dropped down to my asshole as our ride suddenly lifted without warning. Causing me to yelp in surprise as I watched the point of view outside shifting, raising from the ground and gently swaying slightly.

"A June Bug is a type of beetle, Desmond. Thick chitinous exterior, takes up quite a bit of space. They are also unconcerned with humans, which we co-opted with the distortion fielding to make it practically invisible to cognizant view. It also flies."

As she said the word "flies", I felt myself suddenly being pushed by drag as I watched the street and houses of what used to be my neighborhood suddenly getting further and further away as we took off from home. Quickly soaring higher and higher, I could feel my balance suddenly start to feel weird as I tilted to one side. Like I was being choked. The harmonic buzzing in my head only seemed to grow louder the more we climbed. I tried to stay awake, but my body refused to obey me. My vision slowly growing more dim as we leveled out, I could no longer stay upright as I collapsed. My head sliding down Amelia's body before coming to stop in her lap.

"Pressure getting to you, little man?" Captain Chaimongkhon cooed, stroking my hair. "It's okay. Just sleep it off, Desmond. We'll be there soon."

The last thing I saw was the look on Desiree's face, the worry and anger in her eyes as I passed out. And then the harmonic buzzing filling the oncoming darkness with sparks of light and a growing, everchanging grid of static filled electricity that sung to me in my sleep.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on December 27, 2022, 06:47:07 am
Getting spicier by the minute! All I'll say is if the extraction of Desmond was during the party it would send quite the message "Your House is not safe".
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on December 30, 2022, 01:13:54 am
Well, I said I was going to commission more art.

And I always try to deliver.

Ladies, gentlemen and gentlepeople? The first Green Neo we are introduced to. "The Gentle Storm", overseer of the Nowell household. Former Captain in the United States Marine Corps. and current Captain in the NAE. Kind but powerful force of nature, and a Neo sister everyone agrees you definitely don't want to be on the bad side of.

( (

CAPTAIN AMELIA CHAIMONGKHON, an earlier point in her transition as drawn by FRK Studios on DA.

Now to arrange the next two Neos to get artwork, as decided by the collective polls I placed in various spots: EMMA VALENTINE and DOCTOR CECILIA BERNARD. And to find another artist to properly convey the utterly inhuman elements of the Neos as they are really seen (black eyes with electric irises, the actual level of muscularity they're at, and more when the eventual time comes). Which means that Doctor Bernard will have to be arranged ASAP. Because she's making an appearance in this chapter that pushes some story elements forward.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 03, 2023, 03:30:17 am
I don't know how long I was out, but the sudden jostling beneath me brought me back to life. The shock of turbulence I was clearly not prepared for causing me to sit up with a gasp as I braced for impact. But the thing I was truly unprepared for was the sound of riotous laughter as I looked at every Neo within the transport taking immense joy at my reactions. All but two, that is. One was Amelia, who had a bemused smile as I recovered my faculties. And the other was Desiree, sitting on the far side as she glared daggers at every Orange sister around her while the lights inside the cabin died. I tried to turn my head to see where we had landed, but the footage from outside flickered and vanished as the pilots rose from their seats.

"Are we there?" I asked, my eyes blurry as I rubbed them. Wobbling slightly as my head started to ache while I got to my feet, I moved to stretch my arms out a bit. The click in my left shoulder in perfect timing as my right arm brushed up against Amelia's firm chest before she gently held my wrist and pushed my arm down.

"We've arrived." she replied, a slight hint of annoyance as she softly yet commandingly pat my head before moving towards the hull. "Ready your eyes, Desmond."

Before I could ask why, the Green Neo slapped her hand onto the hull, a green outline burning itself into a frame. The metal began to separate, folding and reforming itself as the inside of the vehicle was filled with overwhelming bright light as the open air flooded into our ride. My hand raised to shield my eyes as they unwillingly were forced to adapt to the new environment. It was here that I realized I did not realize how much of a difference there was between normal air flow and pressurized air. The air was almost sweeter by the fact that it was allowed to move without constraint, picking up the aroma of flowers and trees and even water itself. I could feel the warmth rushing in, pushing aside the sterile comfortability of what I was sure were our regulation systems.

It's odd, really. Before now, I was not really that keenly aware of things like that. Maybe due to the fact I constantly had something in my head subconsciously telling me to be on constant high alert and do whatever I was told? All I could hear was the far away tone that I had become more accustomed to over the past couple of days, now cleared than I had ever heard before. Subtle little pulses interspersed among the-

"Let's go, Desmond."

It was less Amelia's voice than it was the sensation of something being slipped around my wrist that dragged me out of my head. Looking down, I saw this little quicksilver like band wrapping itself tightly on my right arm, followed by the sting of something digging into my flesh.

"Gah! What the FUCK?!"

"Tracer band," Amelia said as I saw it spring to life. A red light running down the center as a projection of my name and vitals like height, weight, blood type, heart rate and more hovered over the back of my hand. "This way, we can know where you are at all times, your condition and more. This is for your protection."

"Whatever," I said, shaking out my fingers as my hand felt like I had hit a nerve and it had gone slightly numb. "I know a collar when I see one."

As I walked down the ramp, I truly noticed for the first time the amount of activity that was happening on the absolutely massive piece of property. In all honesty, I couldn't help but think about all those movies set in the deep south where everything happened on plantations around the Civil War. The sheer number of men at work picking fruit, tending to the grounds, working certain sections of fields in the distance and more around the absolutely palatial estate. And the number of muscular women monitoring them, all armed with the same type of chrome gun the Neos under Captain Chaimongkhon's command were now carrying. All watching with intent as the men slaved away under the hot sun. Each dressed in the exact same way I was, though I quickly noticed none were as... endowed as I was. Meaning I was clearly modified to have something I couldn't hide between my legs. Which also meant that I was meant to be kept inside the house my mother had stolen from me at all times.

"I don't like this. Why do we-"

I heard a woman gleefully shouting "RUNNER!!!" right before I felt something hitting me from my left side, sending me to the ground. As I fell, I saw a man with dark hair and somewhat dusky brown skin running as quickly as he could. Desperation in his face as he looked back at me, clearly apologetic but knowing he had to take this chance. His form perfect as he sprinted towards an open gate not that far from us. There were arms wrapping around my waist, lifting me to my feet as I watched the man getting further away.

"You okay?" I heard Desi whisper into my ear.

"Yeah." I answered, brushing myself down for dust and dirt. "Thank you."

"Should we run him down?" I heard one of the soldiers ask, clearly ready for some action. But Amelia just smiled and snapped her fingers.


One of her squad instantly turned over their rifle as the Captain just took a slow breath in, readied her weapon and took aim.


In the distance, the man knew he was close as he leaned down and focused on going as fast as he could.


His speed picked up, his arms pumping faster as I could practically hear him screaming to encourage himself to get faster. His image getting smaller and smaller as he ran further away.


I could feel the energy gathering within the gun as Amelia pulled the trigger. The front where the muzzle would be twisting itself open and lengthening out as a bluish-white light gathered at the tip and firing at such astounding speeds that it left a hovering trail in the air. Allowing me to barely be able to follow it as it struck the man mid-step, causing him to turn and rear back with a loud scream as he fell to the ground. His arms stuck out at waist level as he arched painfully in the dust, clear enough for us to see what kind of pain he truly was in.

"What did you shoot him with?!" I shouted, demanding an answer as two Neos jogged past us.

"A Synapser," Amelia said, holding up the rifle with a smile as she answered me like she had answered this very question a thousand times before. "Non-lethal weapon. Designed to send a Human's synapses into disarray. Its efficiency is based around the Human capability for producing Vitamin D. In short, it's laser tag that makes you feel like your bones are on-"

"...On fire." I whispered, fear evident in my voice as I knew exactly what that left like. Sinking further into Desi's arms as my body felt the phantom pains of a memory I was never going to forget. Amelia turned towards me, her eyebrow lifted as she watched my reaction.

"Oh ho! Now this is interesting! Why are you shying away?"

"I need to know," I asked, wriggling out of Desi's arms as I moved away from them all. "The sensors? In my house? Is it the same?"

I could see Amelia wrangling with her emotions. Seeing the way I was reacting, the clear worry and rationalization to how I was trying to hide. I don't think she had ever seen anyone act this way around her, let alone someone she was supposed to be in charge of. I watched her smile fade as she quickly handed the rifle back to the soldier she had gotten it from. She took a quick glance around, motioning for the Orange Neos to gather up and move towards the house as she approached Desiree and I, once more deadly serious.

"Is there something I should know about before I hand you over?" she asked, her eyes darting between the two of us.

"Like what?" Desi replied, already knowing what Amelia was asking about as she put her arm in front of me.

"No games, child. How does he know what it feels like to be hit by a Synapser?"

Desi sighed as she turned towards me, putting her arm around my shoulders to comfort me from the panic attack I was going through.

"A couple months back, before Desmond hurt his shoulder. Mom was really fucking with him, and he lost it when he found out he had lost everything. The sensors in the house picked up his activity, and hit him full force with a-"

Amelia just closed her eyes and tilted her head back as everything started coming together.

"Synaptic neural feedback! Of all the-"

I had never seen the captain respond to something like this. She was not only disappointed, but also clearly angered by Desi's answer.

"I was never told that he activated the housing security system," she continued. "Desmond, can I see your hands?"

My hands were shaking as I held them out, tremoring fiercely as I felt my body grow cold from just the memory of it all. Every inch, every joint was refusing to stay still. The grimace on Amelia's face told me everything she was feeling at that moment.

"God damn it! How could I not see you had Synaptic Schismatica until now?"

"Synaptic Schismatica? What the hell is that?"

Captain Chaimongkhon took hold of my hands, rubbing them as if she was able to sense the coldness that I was feeling. The muscles in her hands roaming underneath her skin as the bumpy leathery palms slid back and forth, trying to warm both sides of my hand up.

"It's a neurological condition. When Neo frequencies are used for conditioning, it also sends out a little energy signal that works with a man's natural neuro-electrical system inside his brain to better attune towards reception. Now, be honest with me, Desmond. When you receive any new commands, is there any sensations in your head?"

"A... painful burning sensation," I quietly said. "And there's this really awful smell."

With a disappointed sigh, Amelia switched to my other hand. Gently rubbing both hands across it, trying to coax me into calming down.

"That would be it, alright. How long have you been feeling the burning sensation?"

I looked at Desi, who looked worryingly back at me.

"A few days. When mom left and she commanded me to do as the Neo in charge wanted."

"It's potentially early," she said. "Not much damage has been done, then."

Putting her hand on Amelia's shoulder, Desi got in close to whisper.

"Damage? What are you implying?"

Glancing at her troop while they were slowly walking towards the massive manor, she bobbed her head to have us walk and talk.

"When Desmond was put in treatment to save his life, his neural pathways were already frayed from having the security frequency frankly carved into his mind from the exposure alongside the conditioning frequency. Couple that with the trauma the two of you have been through, and the energies from the treatment permanently fried that stimuli into certain parts of his brain."

"Permanently?!" Desi shouted, forcing Captain Chaimongkhon to hush her.

"Yes, permanently. It's something that we should have known about before he was put under. But I didn't know. Hell, I don't think anyone knew. There should have been a report when the security system went off, but I never saw anything in his files about it."

I was listening, but my eyes were looking down at my hands as we walked. Even as the phantom cold that burned through me slowly faded away, my hands still trembled slightly. The twitching in my fingers settling ever so slightly.

"In other words," Desi said, holding me tightly. "Someone either lied about it, or purposefully neglected to put it down in Desmond's files."

"Maybe," Amelia sighed. "From what I know of the condition, make sure to not overload him with commands. Desmond's got a lot going on right now, and that includes the fact that he's got so much Axzhurat energy running through him, he could probably make a Neo go through an entire treatment from just one... let's call it a "session"."

As we came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs that led to the front door, Desi and I exchanged a look. I knew what Amelia was implying, but it took Desi a second. In the span of one second, her face went from confusion to shock, to embarrassment. I'm almost positive that last one happened from actually imagining me in one of these implied "sessions".

"Oh! Oh, I didn't realize-! Is that one of the reasons why they, uh, take him to get-?"

With a nod of Amelia's head, Desi's face went pink. Her eyes went wide as her hands went to her mouth in what was the first really girly thing I had seen her do in months. And for me, it was good to learn why they were doing what they were doing to me. It still didn't make it right, but learning the full truth is a good thing.

"Well, that and I'm apparently hyper virile." I added, trying to lighten the mood. But the two Neos by my side were not in a humorous mood. Staying quiet as we heard the front door opening, we all watched as Doctor Lawler sauntered forward to greet us.

Dressed in a sheer golden top that was unable to hide her larger breasts, a pair of deep blue short shorts that hugged the curves of her astounding hips and nothing else, Maisie was an absolute vision as she slowly moved out of the shade. The perfect balance of a pinup model and a competitive bodybuilder, she had once again gone for treatments, age having slipped further away as an absolute vision of youth walked towards us with a model's grace. Her mass had been increased slightly, her body toned with the bulk of an offseason fitness competitor, she flashed us the smile of a goddess in repose at the top of the stairs. Her dark, curly hair drifting across broad shoulders as a warm wind carressing her incredible physique. Subtly flexing her body for us to take it all in. Abs tensing to show us every solid block of muscle as she held her hands out to her side, while her arms bulged in response. Thighs tightening and bloating slightly as she lifted herself onto her toes with a dancer's skill, making her calves harden with intense focus. Wordlessly telling us "See what I have become, a goddess of grace and power".

"I was wondering when you were going to get here," she cheered, taking each step down the stairs with a cat-like manner. "And my oh my, aren't you all looking spectacular!"

I looked at Desi, who looked at me, then joined me in looking at Captain Chaimongkhon, who was herself hiding her face in shame.

"Are you on Chrysalis, Maisie?" Amelia asked as Doctor Lawler strut her way over to the larger Green Neo, her blue hands sliding up the captain's chest before wrapping her blue forearms around her head.

"And why not? There's a party tonight, and I aim to enjoy it, darling..."

With that, Maisie brought Amelia's head forward. Lips joining together as Amelia's arms instinctually went for the Blue Neo's waist. Her powerful hands cupping the doctor's ass as Maisie wrapped her legs around her lover. Her feet twisting around as she slid them down the back of Amelia's thighs like a serpent as they corded between the captain's legs. A standing mass of limbs and moans as they devoured each other in a way only the most intimate of unions can be.

Suffice it to say, both Desi and I were caught unaware by this sudden explosion of passion between the two.

"Hey," I whispered, tapping Desi on her arm. "Is Chrysalis, like, a new drug or something?"

Desi, however, was sufficiently locked on our overseers as the two continued to openly display their affection for each other in front of us.

"It's a bit complicated," she stammered. "You see, it's-"

"It's a drug for Neos only," Maisie warned me, slowly extricating herself from Amelia's wide and bulky body as she leaned in and twirled a wobbly finger in my direction. "So it's not even for good boys like you, okay?"

I could feel my fingers twitching as she said the words, my head tilting to the side as I felt something shoot through the inside of my skull. Amelia, noticing how out of hand Maisie was getting, hugged onto her more lithe partner tightly. Receiving the doctor's hands caressing the soldier's arms with absolute fondness and reverence in return.

"It's, uh, like our version of Ecstasy," she admitted. "Stimulates our senses, makes things more enjoyable. It also enhances some of the natural features of a Neo, like temporarily adding more muscle mass or increasing our flexibility."

As Amelia said the words "more muscle mass", I swear I could see Maisie's arms slowly throbbing as they coaxed themselves to get bigger. Her limbs wrapping around Amelia's own as she sensually rubbed her hands along the captain's triceps and biceps.

"And more is good!" Maisie moaned, her words slurring slightly.

It was easy to see how weirded out Desi was by this experience, considering she had most likely never been around anyone who was high on something that would be considered illicit by normal standards. So I just did a polite cough and clapped my hands to bring the attention back to now.

"We should, uh, head in?"

The three Neos I was familiar with all agreed, and we began to walk inside. Desi could only gawk at the four massive marble pillars that adorned the entrance to the manor, each covered in carvings of women spiraling upward and around until the reached the top where a giant relief stood high above all. A veritable goddess, dressed in purple and resting in her paradise far above her followers as she held a purple sun with beams of different color light projecting towards her faithful. Each beam a different color that the NAE flag bore to represent. Meanwhile, I could only watch as Doctor Lawler moved behind Captain Chaimongkhon before hopping onto her lover's back. The Green Neo paying no mind to the Blue Neo's weight as she carried on, her lover proceeding to wind herself around Amelia's impressive bulk with ease while gently nuzzling her face into her partner's mountain like shoulders and upper back.

"Can you do that?" I whispered to Desi.

Desi tore herself away from the relief to give me a puzzled look.

"Shoot beams of light from my hands?"

Rolling my eyes, I pointed over to two of the people I could arguably say were our friends. Clearly meaning what Maisie was currently capable of.

"Oh! No, Extreme Hyperflexibility is a trait only certain Neos are capable of. I mean, we're all REALLY flexible. But the sisters in Blue seem to really have no limits with how bendy their bodies and minds can get. Like how Greens are bigger than literally everyone else, Reds dominate whatever and whoever they are focused on, and Oranges are the most versatile of all of us."

Thinking on it, it made perfect sense. Doctor Lawler seemed to always be able to wrap her mind around stuff, and the things she made were absolutely beyond what I could grasp. Amelia and Emma were quickly towering over me every time I saw them. And mom... I wasn't sure I liked the idea of someone who wished to control everything in my life having the power to commit atrocities like the bombing. A small shudder ran up my spine about what she had planned for me as we reached the landing. There, two timid looking men awaited us at the front door. Their eyes downcast, they bowed deeply as if they were unworthy to look upon us as we drew near.

Or maybe, based on the look of equal parts fear and reverence in their eyes, it's because they felt unworthy to look at the Neos that were accompanying me.

"And White Neos? What's your thing?"

Desi took a quick deep breath and sighed, pausing for a second with a slightly faraway look.

"I'm the only White Neo. And in the eyes of my sisters, I'm a mistake." she said as she walked into the manor, her eyes filling with a shallow bitterness that only comes when you know you are one of but not really part of something. Like a lingering taste of bile on the back of your tongue that just won't go away. A sense of disgust, if not for what you have become involved in, then for what you have done or become.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on January 03, 2023, 01:49:34 pm
For the briefest of moments I was thinking that maybe with the plan that Ameila, Maisie, and the others were implementing that it could possibly bring a new era to the NAE something that could be considered an reformation. That was quite foolhardy and the NAE needs to be burnt to the ground with no survivors.

The worst part about this chapter is the realization that the men will be in a perpetual hell. Any injury of any kind can easily be fixed within moments with NEO tech and they can be right back to their 'duties' and they can't age either so it be until a NEO finally gives them the final death then they will be free.

Meanwhile NEO's will explain away that its for the best, something something they were criminals, something something we are preventing war, something something saving humanity from itself, and always justifying it with a intellectual veneer to make it sound palatable knowing full well its painting over their atrocities. If anything if this ever gets out humanity will rather die on their feet than live on their knees.

In a way it could be inferred that this is also future to one who relinquishes control and autonomy for pleasure would look like. Regardless if you are up or not for the deed, once you've relinquished your freedom, your now on someone else's timetable. While some would relish the opportunity, sometimes you need a break or for life to be a bit boring to be exciting, too much of a good thing and all that.

Overall great addition to the chapter, and I guess my blood boiling a bit too. 
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on January 03, 2023, 02:15:56 pm
I still don't get Desi's attempts at withholding information. She "clearly" has no love their mom, but she still hides literally everything from Desmond, and even Amelia. Why would she be hesitant to say her mother triggered the house security system? You would think it would be another perfect opportunity to point out how much of a bitch their mom is and garner support, but she still doesn't give up the facts until pressed by Amelia. Honestly, her attitude is getting more and more infuriating.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 03, 2023, 08:06:22 pm
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I still don't get Desi's attempts at withholding information. She "clearly" has no love their mom, but she still hides literally everything from Desmond, and even Amelia. Why would she be hesitant to say her mother triggered the house security system? You would think it would be another perfect opportunity to point out how much of a bitch their mom is and garner support, but she still doesn't give up the facts until pressed by Amelia. Honestly, her attitude is getting more and more infuriating.

Well, keep in mind that Desiree was 13 when she was turned into a Neo. At that age, quite a few teenagers tend to clam up or make things more frustrating because they're trying to figure themselves out. Also moodiness and more, as well as her trauma from living with her mother, Laura. Couple that with artificially aging, being subjected to something that's turning her into a muscular powerhouse of an adult, having energy from another dimension running through her veins and God knows what else, and it's just asking for trouble.

But as you'll see soon (I had originally planned to combine the party with Chapter 23, but quickly realized that will have to be its own chapter), Desi is struggling with something that is rather unique to her. Chapter 23 is getting to the party. Chapter 24 is where some juicy reveals happen. Chapter 25 is when we start finally getting to what Desi's deal is, including the beginning of why she's acting like she has. And that's the best non-spoilery way I can describe it.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on January 04, 2023, 04:08:03 pm
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I still don't get Desi's attempts at withholding information. She "clearly" has no love their mom, but she still hides literally everything from Desmond, and even Amelia. Why would she be hesitant to say her mother triggered the house security system? You would think it would be another perfect opportunity to point out how much of a bitch their mom is and garner support, but she still doesn't give up the facts until pressed by Amelia. Honestly, her attitude is getting more and more infuriating.

Well, keep in mind that Desiree was 13 when she was turned into a Neo. At that age, quite a few teenagers tend to clam up or make things more frustrating because they're trying to figure themselves out. Also moodiness and more, as well as her trauma from living with her mother, Laura. Couple that with artificially aging, being subjected to something that's turning her into a muscular powerhouse of an adult, having energy from another dimension running through her veins and God knows what else, and it's just asking for trouble.

But as you'll see soon (I had originally planned to combine the party with Chapter 23, but quickly realized that will have to be its own chapter), Desi is struggling with something that is rather unique to her. Chapter 23 is getting to the party. Chapter 24 is where some juicy reveals happen. Chapter 25 is when we start finally getting to what Desi's deal is, including the beginning of why she's acting like she has. And that's the best non-spoilery way I can describe it.

Fair point, it's easy to forget her age sometimes.

White light being a combination of all colors, I think I see where it's going, but I'm very much looking forward to seeing how you tie it together. There definitely still seems to be layers of deception within even the NAE ranks that hints at the whole story still isn't being told.

Really looking forward to Laura getting her comeuppance.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 10, 2023, 08:51:59 am
As Desi fell into a brooding mood, storming into the manor like she was on a mission, I was left wondering why Desi was going through such extremes in her attitude. At times proud and hopeful, focused on doing all she could to help. And at other times, a hurricane of emotions that just battered whoever got near her. And most recently, a veritable volcano of violence and ferocity. Looking at my sister for a second, I had to wonder if her actions were in part caused by the inhuman change she was going through. Everything involving hormone treatments, energy from the Axzhurat, the way her body was slowly getting bigger and stronger. More and more of her humanity seemingly being remade into that of a Neo.

It was almost like I was losing my sister and there was some sort of monster where she stood, slowly unable to hide its true nature as time went on.

I wanted to speak up, ask her if she was alright. But as I was looking for the words, my eyes drifted for a second and I stopped as the overall opulence of the entrance overwhelmed me. The place was MASSIVE, deceptively hidden by the much smaller exterior despite the outside of the manor being massive, itself. The lighting in there was exquisite, a veritable wall of windows that defied logic given the length of the floor plan coupled with crystalline chandeliers fitted with golden framing that filtered light with enough gems of varying color to fill a vault. Statues that looked ancient yet somehow more immaculately cared for than even the best museum pieces. Paintings of various age, all kept in pristine condition as they hung on the walls. It was only as I really took everything in that I realized the sheer number of famous works on the wall.

The Girl With The Pearl Earring, Starry Night, Liberty Leading The People, Guernica, The Garden Of Earthly Delights, Wanderer Above The Sea Of Fog and more. Paintings that hung in museums across the world, images that my father shared with me as part of his passion before his passing.

"Can you give me a minute?" I asked, not waiting for a response as I moved in for a closer look. I cautiously approached the wall, looking carefully at the frames and actual quality of the art. It was astounding how well made the pictures were recreated. The colors were too clean, no signs of varnish. There was no decay on the paint itself. Nothing was flaking off. Everything dad had taught me to look for in a painting, I was actively trying to remember and apply towards a critical eye. But then I started noticing details that were almost impossible to recreate. Things dad said I had to look for in order to prove its authenticity. And I gasped.
Part of me didn't want to believe it, but as I drew closer to take a better look at Caspar Friedrick's masterpiece, I couldn't deny it. These weren't reprints. These were the ACTUAL paintings on the walls of the manor. Moving from one painting to the next, I notice that everything dad instructed me to look for were there. Then I took a look at the closest statue to me and I gasped as I took in the visage of the Lady of Auxerre. Her face no longer marred by time and painted in the brilliant colors that she supposedly was once adorned with. The blues and whites and reddish hues that made her stand out with her original beauty once more. I ran to the next, seeing the Peplos Kore, also restored to true form. Given her true colors once more, an ancient styled bronze helm on her head, and wielding a sword and shield.

And on it went, lost in a world of classical art and statues that were not meant to be here. A veritable treasure trove of the will and spirit of humanity, squirreled away onto a plantation that was filled by beings with glowing eyes that stood by. Keeping watch as I basically lost my shit trying to rationalize why they had done this.

"Why are these here?" I shouted, running up to Amelia. "These should be somewhere that people can look after them! Where they can be protected and treasured and kept-"

"Safe?" Maisie groaned, slipping off of Amelia's back. "There is nowhere more safe than in our hands, Desmond. We have restored them all to their true beauty. In the hands of Man, they're just trinkets and things to be hoarded and hidden, or to be destroyed because of vanity, jealousy, anger and carelessness."

As she moved past me, she touched the Lady Of Auxerre. Her blue fingers gently sliding along the statue's exterior, as if using them to lightly add another layer of paint with them. The leathery underside of her hand softly made a skiffing kind of sound, leaving no trace of damage as she went like she was able to intensely feel how much pressure was needed to rub away the refurbished chest and stomach of the piece.

"And yet it's okay for you to casually brush up against it?" I asked, moving further into the entryway and spreading my arms out wide. "Look around, Doc! These don't belong here!"

"Desmond," Amelia said, crossing the room and putting her hands on my shoulders. "Don't be like that, okay? I understand how you're feeling, but-"

"You don't!" I shouted, brushing the captain's hands away. "This isn't about protection! These were TAKEN! These were-"

"What is going on in here?"

We heard a woman's voice long before she even entered the room, a large pair of doors practically slamming open as an incredibly beautiful yet somehow cold woman with long brown hair tied high in a ponytail stormed into what was basically a gallery. She was definitely tall, taller than I was before I was altered, only aided still by the extremely high end looking stillettos she was wearing. Her tight blue power suit showing off every inch of her incredible figure as both her black business shirt and her pencil skirt fought to keep her frankly cartoonish proportions contained. Pushing her expensive looking glasses up with a blue hand, the Blue Neo glared at us all with steely eyes as the entire atmosphere inside the room changed instantly with an almost omnipresent pressure that seemed to center on her as a retinue of guards followed her in.

"Sister Attendant!" Amelia stammered, immediately going into damage control as she approached the newcomer. "I didn't expect you to meet us!"

"That's Jenna Merrymore," Desi whispered as she moved next to me. "She's Doctor Bernard's assistant, handling operations on her behalf."

"On her behalf?" I whispered back. "So an executive assistant?"


"And a Blue Neo?"

"Uh... not quite?"

"What do you mean not-"

As I watched Amelia approaching her, it was the weirdest fucking thing. There was a shimmering in the woman's eyes, a flickering of light like a switch being flipped. And then she just started getting... BIGGER. As she stumbled and grabbed onto herself, I could hear the seams of her power suit quickly popping as her arms swelled within them. Her clothes creaking as her mass quickly increased. Watching her hands and forearms inflating as Green crept along her flesh, slowly overtaking the Blue as she grew taller. Her shoes loudly groaning as her body filled with power, pushing her already ludicrous assets outward as she stared at Captain Chaimongkhon's approach. Her eyes meeting Amelia's level before a slight jump as she grew bigger still. Causing her clothes to finally begin to rip as Jenna's mass shudder once more, sending her into hulking territory as a look of anger overtook her. I had to admit, it was taking every ounce of willpower to fight every fantasy that was struggling to take me.

"Damn it all," she moaned, shaking her hands as she looked herself over. "I liked this suit!"

"...Whoa, She-Hulk!"

I must have been louder than I thought, because Ms. Merrymore's eyes turned away from Amelia mid-sentence and locked onto me. A bolt of fear running through me as she stared deep into my soul from across the way.

"You may be an A Rank, Mr. Nowell." Ms. Merrymore said, her voice authoritative and clear. "But I am outside of your fantasies, and will not tolerate your objectification. So programming or no, you are just another man to me and I will treat you as such. Do you understand me?"

What?! She just literally Hulked out in front of me! Something I've seen no one else do! The chances of me saying something was practically one hundred percent. And my dick just makes it more likely by a factor of a hundred!

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

I felt Desi's elbow bumping into my arm. Turning to look at her as she leaned in close.

"Be considerate, okay? She was involved in an accident at the start of her treatments, and now fluctuates between two states on reflex. And it causes her to be in constant pain."

"But she looks like she's still going through treatments," I whispered. "So wouldn't going through it again and again cause her more pain?"

Desi sighed, shooting a quick look over to Amelia and Ms. Merrymore as Doctor Lawler wandered up to the pair and started snuggling into Amelia's arm while they talked.

"It's complicated. They're trying to find a solution and even things out so her body isn't constantly remaking itself, so don't make fun of her or treat her differently."

What Desi had just said didn't sit right with me. They were willing to go out of their way to treat her with kid gloves, but my sister was constantly being put through the ringer? And even she was trying to justify it? No. No, this wasn't right. The fucking gall of these people.

"...Doctor Bernard has ordered that he be put into the Men's chambers so they may have direct access to him at all times."

Wait, what?

That phrase, "Men's chambers", instantly brought me back to now. The look of disappointment or turmoil that was on Amelia's face practically told me everything I needed to know. But I had to ask the one person who might know more.

"Desi, what did she mean I'm to-"

As soon as I saw her marching her way towards the others, her fists so tight that her knuckles were turning white, I knew things were about to blow up in our faces.


Amelia quickly put herself in harm's way, holding Desi back. But she was having none of it, constantly pushing her way towards Ms. Merrymore, standing by with a complete lack of concern. A bemused smile on her face as she watched my sister put her full weight into pushing past our overseer.

"Calm down, Desiree!"

In a move that surprised everyone, Desi bent down, going into a full squat before springing upward. Her arm crooking around Amelia's waist as she proceeded to fling the captain into the air and across the room with one swing of her forearm. Eliciting gasps and screams from Doctor Lawler and the guards as Captain Chaimongkhon spiraled towards the doors on the far wall to my right. The sound of the impact was frightening as the massive Asian woman slammed into three Orange Neos, all of them making some sound of shock or pain as the wood splintered powerfully. The doors giving way as they all fell into the adjoining hallway while Desi continued her charge.

"Desmond stays with me!" my sister bellowed, her fist cocked for a blow into Ms. Merrymore's face as she stared into my sister's eyes with absolute fear.

But another sound drew everyone's notice. The sound of someone screaming before something else breaking open. Coming from the top of a grand staircase leading to an immensely ornate pair of doors at the far end of the entryway. Each scream following the crunching sound of splintering wood and the slamming of doors. I ran past everyone towards the stairs, wondering what was coming. The sounds getting louder and louder as they drew near. Then I heard it. The voice of whoever was screaming, begging loudly and through intense sobs.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me, Mistress!"

It was the sound of a man in the midst of absolute suffering. And of a Neo in the midst of a rage.


Oh God... I didn't want to see her...


Oh God, NO...!


I found my legs going weak as my memories began to flood through me. I couldn't help it. I wanted to stand, but it was like my heart fled with every ounce of strength I had as I crumpled to the floor.

"Please," the man screamed. "I'm sorry! Just let me go, Mistress!"

The ornate doors burst open, breaking their golden frame with the intensity of a bomb as my mom stomped her way to the top of the stairs. Naked as the day she was born as her body glistened with sweat and other fluids as she held one of the men, broken and bloody as he feebly tried to will himself to move between his tears, by the throat as her eyes continuously flashed and thrummed. Her black hair tussled, her muscles were pumped. Twitching as if she had just finished an intense workout. Her veins along her face and arms thick and twitching as she scowled towards Ms. Merrymore.

"You said he was a fucking stud," mom screamed. "And he didn't even last two fucking MINUTES!!!"

I had seen this kind of fit before. When she was truly unpleased with the outcome of something, she would wait until we were behind closed doors and then unleash Hell on us. It was right as her eyes narrowed, realizing who was by the Sister Attendant that I figured out her next action. The malicious smirk on her face was the tell, and I knew exactly what was about to happen.

"Desi! Move!"

The man screamed in absolute terror as mom lifted him up with one hand as if she were a child in the midst of a tantrum, reared back and hurled him as hard as she could towards Ms. Merrymore and Desi on the floor below. His limbs flailing uselessly around him as he rocketed towards the two. But Desi had grown up with mom, just like I had. And unlike me, she had the ability to rebuke mom's attempts. Letting Ms. Merrymore go, she planted her feet, crouching down slightly and holding out her arms. Curling herself to give some cushioning with her own body as the poor man's form slammed into hers. Using herself as a shock absorber while the currently Green Neo hopped out of the way as my sister was knocked off her feet. Rolling backwards as she cradled our mother's victim as he cried out in pain, the pair spun once, twice and a third time before hitting the door frame behind them. Desi grunting in discomfort as her back collided with the thick wooden wall before grimacing and unwrapping her arms from around the man.

I scrambled to my feet, rushing to her side as we both looked at the man. His face torn up, eye swelling obscenely. He was in so much agony as he tried to move his arms, only able to shrug as he twitched in pain. His breath ragged and staggered as he kept his eyes closed.

"Give me room!" Maisie shouted, sprinting to our side of the entryway as she went to work. Assuredly sobering as she carefully slid her hands around his body.

"What did she do to him?" Desi asked, rage present in her voice.

"Arms broken in three spots each," Doctor Lawler said, closing her eyes. "Sternum's broken. Three ribs. Leg's are... Fuck, he's got a torn artery from a femur splinter. Broken occipital, broken jaw, four vertebrae in his upper spine."

I felt this incredible burning sensation crawling up my throat as I glared at my mother. A languid, pacified smile on her face as she slowly walked down the stairs. Even from where I was sitting, the unmistakable beads of fluid that dripped from between her legs was undeniable. She had just gotten off on the suffering she had inflicted on him.

"He shouldn't have disappointed me. But you know that all too well, don't you, Desmond?"

"You... fucking... MONSTER!" I screamed, practically on the verge of tears.

"Call me what you want, my son!" she cheered, spreading her arms out as she neared. "For we all know what I am! I am power incarnate! I am as I always knew I was meant to be!"

As she reached the ground floor, I knew mom was going to do something. So before I even realized it, I had found myself getting to my feet. Walking towards her as she sauntered towards me.

I've had enough of her bullshit.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 17, 2023, 09:00:16 am
"Desmond, STOP!"

I could hear my sister's voice, the growing horror and anguish as she saw me heading towards our mother. A sneer that bordered on a smirk on mom's face as she eyed me up. But I couldn't take it anymore. I knew she could kill me, if she wanted. But I didn't give a fuck. She could break me a thousand way. Crush me. Twist me until my bones snapped. Strangle me with one hand. Throw me around until my insides were splattered all over the walls. Pin me down and smother me. Slap me around until my brain turned to mush. Hold me down and let her full weight press every ounce of life out of my flesh. Wear me out until I died of ex... exhaustion...

...Okay, getting a little fucking weird, Desmond. I gotta dial it back.

Anyway, point still stands. My mother, who had turned herself into a towering, jacked up muscle monster with the beauty of a young pop star for God knows why, literally has the strength to do whatever she wants with me. And I, the scrawny five foot four inch, one hundred and ten pound weakling I had become, was now meeting her head on. Fully ready for my doom after she had thrown a man she had mangled to the point of near death for not getting her rocks off like she had wanted at my sister like she fully intended to use her as the finishing blow. Most likely to cause more trauma on top of everything else she had done to us.

And here I was, marching straight at her like a fucking idiot to my certifiable destruction. All because I wanted this to end. But as I looked at her, the way her muscles twitched and flexed to goad even more strength out of them, how deeply etched her body seemed, the way she continuously opened and closed her six fingered red hands time and again to pump her forearms up, bouncing her pecs with every breath, rolling her shoulders again and again as if building them into literal mountains. As I stared at the beastly engine of destruction that slowly but eagerly moved towards me, it suddenly struck me what really was about to happen.

But it wasn't until I felt myself coming off the ground, feet dangling below me as mom casually grabbed the front of my shirt and picked me up like a plush doll without even stopping that it finally sank in how one sided this contest was always going to be.


"Naughty boy!" she said, clearly amused by my attempt to confront her failing badly as she walked with a model's grace and gait towards my sister, Doctor Lawler and Ms. Merrymore. Desi jumped to her feet, clearly ready to charge into the fray for my sake, the white glow in her eyes visibly flashing.

"Put him down!" she growled, her fists tight as she went to make a move. But mom didn't care, lobbing me at her with a short swing of her arm like I was a kid's backpack as they got into their room and sending me... What, fifteen? Twenty feet? Unlike the man she had just hurled with all her might from the floor above, it was almost like she was trying to be more careful despite how casual she tossed me away. Desi, for her part, was clearly ready. Softly guiding me into her arms as she used her full body to cushion the fall. Mom, however, remained unconcerned as she continued her march towards the crowd.

"The grownups need to talk," she said, not even looking at us as she passed by to confront Ms. Merrymore. "So the children need to stay quiet and out of sight."

I could practically feel Desi blanching at mom's words, just like I was. We were not her priority right now. Instead, as she got closer to a withering Ms. Merrymore, I knew where her true ire was directed. The massive Neo holding up her hands as panic overtook her.

"P-P-Please," she begged as mom grabbed her jacket and picked her up. "I-I'll have someone get another man! You don't n-need to-"

Mom's smile grew wider, watching the woman grow quiet as she raised her open hand. Ms. Merrymore shut her eyes tightly knowing full well what was about to happen as our mother went for the blow. But right before her palm connected, we heard someone shouting with a powerful and sonorous voice from the open hall to our left.


As we turned to see who it was, Desiree gasped.



As she approached, the first thing I noticed about the woman was the massive blotchy scar across her face. An extremely pale flow across her darker skin and down to her strong jaw, her red eyes focused with intense anger beneath her thick eyebrows. Her red wife beater wrapped tightly around her barrel chest, barely able to contain her full breasts as they jostled and swayed with enough force to threaten escape as she marched in double time towards us. Her body bristling with power, covered in sweat from apparent exertion. Red fatigue pants practically painted onto her magnificent legs, thighs bulging obscenely with a clear teardrop shape as she ran while her calves stretched the cuffs to their limit. Her boots thudding loudly as she stared down our mother during her run. The intensity only growing more palpable as she came closer. As my eyes drank her form in, I couldn't help but notice how tall she was. Like, TALL tall. Taller than mom, tall. Taller than even Captain Chaimongkhon, tall. Only adding to the intensity ever more as she came to a stop, pulling Ms. Merrymore out of mom's clutches and putting herself in the way. Forcing mom to look up at the intruder, who only returned the look right back to her.

"What gives you the right to assault the Sister Attendant, Nowell?"

"She failed in her duties," mom said, pointing at the man she had broken as Doctor Lawler waved some oncoming soldiers to give the man aid. "She picked a man she claimed could satisfy me, and he could not! By our rights, I have the obligation of disciplining her!"

"She is a NON-COMBATANT," Dizane fired back with her heavy accent, pointing her finger into mom's face. "So you have no obligations to handle her discipline in any way, especially over something as trivial as your pleasure. And furthermore, Jenna was chosen by Doctor Bernard herself! You mistreat her and it'll be like you have slapped our Sister Ascendant!"

"Wait," I asked, confused as all fuck. "Non-combatant? Why do you have to mark her as a non-combatant? Aren't all people who are not involved in any form of fighting known as such?"

Mom's eyes narrowed as she began to move towards me, anger in every step. Desi pushed me behind her, clearly ready to take the brunt of her assault.

"What did I tell you about keeping quiet?" she said, her knuckles cracking with a clenching of her fists as my sister braced herself. "Good children stay small and-"

But this Dizane woman was having none of it, grabbing mom's arm and dragging her back. Causing the bitch's eyes to go wide as she was overpowered.

"NO VIOLENCE!" she shouted, her voice calm and commanding as she forced our mother to focus on her. "Doctor Bernard's orders, Nowell. Now go calm your ass down by hitting the gym!"

Mom's eye flit between us, Ms. Merrymore and Dizane. Squinting as she squared up to her fellow Red before releasing a rumbling growl from deep in her chest.

"You're fucking lucky we're in the Matriarch's home, Safira. And as for you two-"

Mom shifted her attention towards us, her jaw clicking as it moved side to side.

"...Enjoy tonight. Because when we get home, your workload's only getting more intense."

With a wiping of her chest and a quick huff at Dizane, mom chose to retreat. Quickly walking off down the opposite hallway, shoulder checking Amelia into the nearby guards as she left. There was a moment where the tension still remained, suffocating and omnipresent. Then, with a sigh and a shaking of shoulders and cracking of her neck, the tall Central Asian Neo closed her eyes and sighed.

"Why does your mother have to be like that all the time, awlād?"

"She's been like this as long as I've known her, Dizane." Desi replied, rushing forward to give the Neo a hug. An unusual amount of warmth in her approach as the two embraced like old friends.

I, however, felt like the outsider once again. Raising my hand to get their attention.

"Uh, excuse me?"

The Red Neo looked up, probably realizing for the first time that I was actually there. A look of recognition in her eyes as she smiled warmly at me.

"Do forgive me," she said, offering a slight bow. "I am Safira, but the sisters also call me Dizane. I am the Child Of The White's combat teacher."

"I'm, uh, Desmond. Pleasure to meet you."

Her eyes lit up as I introduced myself, a coy excitement readily apparent as she turned to my sister.

"So this is the one you keep going on about, Destiny? The Desmond boy?"

"My name's Desiree," Desi groaned, blushing as she pouted. "Not Destiny."

I knew something was up when this woman's smiled disappeared and began to rub along the giant scar on her face.

"Then we have an issue. They have not told you, yet?"

"Told me what?" Desi asked.

Ms. Merrymore quickly moved in, pulling out a small device out of her pocket before unfolding it to show a screen, and then unfolding it again to make it bigger before tapping it. An image of the NAE flag appearing on the device before she began moving through files. double tapping on one and then showing it to my sister.

"Y-You're request to keep the identity you were given was put under review and retroactively... d-denied."

"Why would they do that?" Desi asked, outraged at this sudden reversal of the decision. Ms. Merrymore flinched as Desi raised her voice, quickly swiping up to clearly scroll to the part that mattered into whatever file was open.

"Th-They want you to acclimate away from Human aspects," she stammered, trying her best to pacify my sister. "Embrace the parts of you that are N-Neo. They noted that you seem to be t-trying to identify as one of them, which is raising some major fffflags in the system."

As the three fell into arguing amongst themselves, I had to admit that it was all so odd to watch. But the one who I was most perplexed by was Ms. Merrymore. As an outsider being around her for the first time, it was strange seeing the Sister Attendant acting this way, especially after charging in here to take control and then changing into a Green. It was as if the switchover from Blue to Green had completely altered her personality. Essentially cold and direct when she first came in, but then skittish and practically docile as soon as she grew. Was this why she was being called a non-combatant? Were the Neos so warlike that anyone who was unable to control themselves in a fight seen as unworthy? Then why were they treating my sister so harshly, yet treating Doctor Bernard's assistant with kid gloves? Was there a structure to their organization I was just unable to comprehend?


Seeing Desi in near hysterics as Safira and Ms. Merrymore kept trying to help her remain calm caused me to flinch. I had forgotten that my sister was still emotionally young, despite having been made into an adult. And I knew she needed me given her current state, probably more than I needed her.

"It may not seem fair," Safira said, calmly but intently. "But it was the Societal Matriarchs that dictate these decisions. Even the War Sisters like myself are to obey their commands, Destiny."

"I don't care!" Desiree shouted, tears starting to flow as her frustration clearly grew. "They promised that the decision was final! I wanted to stay like this, and now they-"


Before she could even respond to me calling my name, I wrapped my arms around her from behind. I could feel the thick cords of her abs rubbing across my forearms as I pulled her in tight. My face planted into the incredible brawny topography of her corded back muscles as I closed my eyes and took in the vibrant field of white in my head that thrummed with the same pulsation of a heartbeat. Her breathing slowed, shallow with a loss of control that soon began to settle and gain depth as I held her. Her hands reaching for my arms as she wrapped her six fingers around them, initially to force me off of her but acquiescing to my concerns.

"I don't know why this matters," I said, making sure my voice was clear. "But it'll be alright. You'll always be who you are, okay? No matter what anyone says, you are you."

I could feel her black nails pressing into my skin, enough pressure to probably leave a light mark but not enough to do real damage. A low tingle where they made contact, kind of like when you put a battery on your tongue. Then, with a deep sigh, she gently lightened the pressure and pat my arm.

"You're right," she said. "I'll be me, no matter what name they want me to have. So I'll accept the name change... for now. But I want you to still call me Desi, okay?"

"It is your decision," Safira said. "I just think we might have to meet the Societal Matriarchs about this reversal."

"Th-That won't be ffffor a while," Ms. Merrymore stammered, flicking through her files on her device that looked like neither an phone nor a tablet. "They are b-bu-busy for at least s-s-several months with the w-wah-war effffort."

Safira rubbed her hands together before breathing out and clapping them. The snapping impact loudly echoing off the walls, which also caused me to wince from just how sharp the sound was.


"Regardless of what we all want or wish to do," Safira stated, motioning towards Amelia and the guards. "We must get you to your quarters."

"Regardless of the timetable, we must get the two of you to your rooms, fed and ready for the evening."

"I think I know where to go," Desi told her, grabbing my hand as she started walking towards the stairs. "Let's go, Desmond."

As I went to follow her, Safira put her hand on Desi's shoulder. Stopping her in her tracks.

"Sorry, awlād. But the instructions are clear: Desmond is to be put into the Men's quarters that have direct access to Doctor Bernard's chambers."

The look of pained betrayal on my sister's face was heartbreaking.

"What? No! He's staying with me!"

"Again," Safira told her, motioning for an escort. "Doctor Bernard's orders, Desi. I would allow it, but it is out of my hands."

As Amelia and four guards surrounded Desiree, putting their hands on her like a prisoner to pull her away, she fought to hold on to me. But knowing that it was a game she would inevitable lose, her hand slipped from mine. Her eyes locked on me as she was led towards the stairs.

"I'll find you later!" she shouted, before having to turn around to head upstairs. Safira was clearly saddened, seeing her pupil being led away as she was, turning towards me and putting her arms behind her back.

"It is amazing how much she loves you," she said, sighing with a bit of melancholy. "So for her sake, I will treat you as if you were one of my own."

"That... means a lot," I told her, stuck somewhere between befuddlement and happy. "I guess we should probably head to where I'll be staying?"

"You are. Ms. Merrymore?"

The skittish Green Neo's head popped up, her eyes wide at being called.

"Y-Yes, Safira?"

"Please take Desmond to his quarters. I have other matters to attend to, sadly."

I felt Safira pushing me, a gentle smile on her face while the Sister Attendant caught me as I calmly crashed into her.

"Right away, S-Safira."

With another bow, the Red Neo turned and began moving back down the left hallway. Leaving the two of us alone while surrounded by a company of Orange Neo soldiers who retook their positions.

"If you'll f-follow me, Mr. Nowell...?" the Sister Attendant asked, a kind smile on her face as she began walking towards a set of doors by the back of the stairway. Not even given a chance to respond, I had to move quickly in order to not be left behind.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Bleeezzee on January 19, 2023, 04:44:12 am
Reading from start to current, itā€™s crazy how much things have developed! Especially since it always seems to defy my expectations.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 25, 2023, 06:29:43 am
Just a slight update: life has gotten rather hectic as my SFW side has gone into disarray due to an idea being spurred into full blown PROJECT status that has canceled all my other works except for one novella WIP.

This means all my NSFW stories are on hold except for Your House, as that's the only story I can reasonably allow myself time to work on. I should have the next update ready in a few days, but it's a bit slow due to planning, organizing, arranging editors, working on the project's mission statement and guidelines, figuring out fair payment for both writers and artists, copyright and much more.

But that aside, next installment by this weekend at the earliest. And then it's the night of the Soiree, more reveals involving the Neo society's plans, a really important scene that will get the official Alternate version on my GLKing Art-what-for-Deviants account and a few REALLY massive twists in Chapter 24.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on January 28, 2023, 01:14:34 am
Well, I got the art I commissioned of Emma Valentine. And I'm IMMENSELY disappointed by it.

The issue isn't that she's not supposed to be Green. It's that she's a NEO, not a fucking HULK. At the point the pic is supposed to represent, she's to have gone through an extensive series of treatments to reach that size. And that means only her forearms, hands and eyes were supposed have green. And the artist chose to ignore that important detail and make her all Green.

And after the bizarre, shitty month I've had, I'm just ready to scream. With the new project, I can't fucking AFFORD to get a replacement pic right now!

Just... GOD DAMN IT!!!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 03, 2023, 05:15:42 pm
"Why are we- WHOA!"

As soon as I stepped through the doors by the stairwell, I was immediately overtaken by the sheer size of the ballroom. The Neo architectural framework was on full display, giving the room a mindboggling amount of space to work around. High vaulted ceilings that lent an almost cathedral-like flair, decorated with artwork of what had to be highly self-conceptualized Baroque era style artwork of various Neos in what had to be multiple time periods on the walls and ceilings. More Classical relief work against in-laid marble pillars that showed masses of Neos lifting each other up as they each held a brightly lit sun of the four colors of the NAE that seemed to connect directly to the giant purple goddess on the ceiling. Immaculate dark wooden walls that allowed all of the artwork and structural details to pop in a brightly lit contrast all around the room. Ornate chandeliers proliferating across the several football fields long room, each bearing gemstones that twinkled and shone the NAE standards, as well. The lighter cream color of the Cedar dance floor gave a stark reprieve from the almost ethereally gaudy walls, as it led to a massive stage at the far end of the room while there were several exhausted men hard at work to clean and prepare for tonight's celebrations all around us. Several guards casually watching them as they talked amongst themselves, some giving orders and instructions while the rest were lounging about. A total of probably 20 armed Orange Neos for maybe 120 men.

"It's qui-quite amazing, isn't it?" Ms. Merrymore asked, motioning to everything around us. But I was no longer interested in the decor. My heart heavy as I looked at the nearest man, clearly fatigued as his stomach loudly gurgled. Taking one chapped and peeling hand off of the brush he was using to polish the floor and rubbing his gut with a wince.


"What do we have here?"

I turned in time to watch a guard with long dark hair reaching for my shirt, jostling me for show with a smirk as her blonde bobbed haired companion started chuckling to no one besides us. A pair of bullies if I ever saw one.

"Looks like we got a new houseboy, Mattie!" the other guard chortled. "Thank you for the new toy, Sister Attendant!"

Ms. Merrymore quickly moved in, putting her hands on the dark haired guard's to gently pry her off of me.

"N-No! He's not f-f-for the house!"

The two Orange Neos were beyond caring, though. Both amused at how flustered she was getting over my treatment. I, however, just stared directly at the two harrassing me. I was done with how my mother treated me, just like they were now.

"Do you know who you're messing with?" I asked them, trying to will as much steel in my eyes as possible. But it apparently wasn't getting anywhere, as they looked at each other before openly laughing at me.

"What can you do, shrimp?"

"Yeah! What can YOU do? Cry as you cum in your pants from how turned on you are by us, like a virgin?"

"Good one, Darcy!"


With a quick tug, Ms. Merrymore quickly pulled me to the side and started smoothing my clothes as the two continued their pompous posturing while making snide comments.

"I am s-s-sso sorry," she began, trembling slightly as she looked around. "I didn't expect this to happen to you, M-M-Mr. Nnnowell..."

At the sound of my last name, the two immediately went quiet. The brunette's eyes wide at the revelation of who they had fucked with.

"N-Nowell...?" she asked, her face getting pale as the connections were being made. "As in... COMMANDER Nowell?!"

"The one in the same." I said, an evil smile on my face.

"What does that mean?" the blonde Neo asked, her glowing Orange eyes looking at her friend with confusion. But the brunette remained silent, grabbing her friend's Orange uniform jacket and dragging her away with haste amidst her friend's flurry of questions and cajoling for answers.

"Th-Those two may not be the s-smartest of Neos," Ms. Merrymore said, huffing with pride as she quickly messed with my hair. "But they kn-know when to be somewhe-where else when called for."

Seeing the look on her face, the faint smile on her lips, helped me finally work up the nerve to ask her something I had been wondering since the debacle in the entryway. When Desi literally threw Amelia across the room and charged at her, and when mom callously did the same after throwing the man in disgust.

"I'm sorry to ask you this," I said, pausing slightly as she looked me in the eye. "But... I need to know something, if it's not a problem."

I saw a little flash, as if one of her eyes was beginning to fritz out like a blinking lightbulb. Rapidly flickering before flaring into a deep electric blue before she closed her eyes tightly. Opening them again in a heterochromatic state, one green and one blue.

"Just be sure it's a question that you're-" she stated, her head twitching to a tilt as her jaw clicked three times while moving to the right, swooping to the left and back to center. "Allowed to have answered."

I had to admit, that was REALLY fucking creepy. Just seeing her eye flickering like a malfunctioning robot, the way she moved her jaw. Something told me she was trying to scare the shit out of me. And to her credit, it was working. It was clearly helped by the face she was leaning down while doing it, practically face to face as she moved in an almost mechanical manner. It was like someone else took control of her.

"...I j-just wanted to know why they call you a non-combatant?" I asked, my voice squeaking as the worry grew. She didn't move, keeping her face close to mine for a couple seconds. Then her blue eye began flickering, flashing back into Green before rolling her neck with a crackle and standing up straight. A gentle smile returning to her face as she waved me along to follow her.

"That's a fffair question! Come along, now! We m-mu-must go through the kitchen to get to the main ha-hall-wuh-way!"

As she started to walk away, I couldn't help but notice that people had stopped to look at us with invigorated interest. Although, as I overheard the nearby men talking and the Neos overseeing them suddenly standing at attention when I looked directly in their direction, it was more that I was the center of their undivided attention. I know that Desi was associated with mom, but I was starting to get the feeling that this was their first time actually seeing that she was not the ONLY child their hero had given birth to. I had to start walking, or else the exact disturbing nature of this notion would probably begin to eat away at me. So I turned my eyes down to the floor and got moving.

"Ms. Merrymore? You didn't answer my question."

"Not here, D-Desmond!" she said cheerily, throwing open the double doors that led to an unbearably noisy and busy kitchen full of people at various stations in the midst of cooking. Walls of pots and fields of pans in motion as hundreds of meals was being cooked at the same time while a stern looking woman with light brown skin and straight black hair with shocks of electric blue was roaming the stoves and ovens and tables. Her electric blue eyes moving here and there with an intensity unlike anything I had seen before as she was flanked by three Orange Neos who were going over menus and requests behind her. The woman, clearly the executive chef in charge of this army of cooks, physically moved one person to the side to taste what he was making. Their short blonde hair whipping back and forth as they fell unceremoniously, panic in their eyes as they scrambled to their feet as the chef ruminated on the dish before a disappointed look became known.

"NOT GOOD ENOUGH!" she screamed, her blue hand swinging wide as it struck the cook hard. Sending them back to the ground, blood oozing from the lips as they curled into a ball. As soon as I saw them go fetal, I moved on instinct. Running past Ms. Merrymore and the entire litany of line cooks to throw myself on top of a person I didn't know. Immediately getting a foot to my side for my troubles.

"Get off of my cook!" the chef screamed, rearing back and swinging her foot once again to connect right at waist level. I couldn't help but cry out as I was forced to let go and roll right into someone's legs. Bringing them down on top of me.

"Chef Elena!" Ms. Merrymore shouted in blind panic as she rushed over. "Y-You have to s-stop!"

"I must teach this STUPID MAN his place!" she screamed back, charging forward despite her followers' attempts to hold her back. But Ms. Merrymore got in her way, putting her hands on the chef and forcing the enraged Blue Neo to look directly at her.


The sounds of the kitchen went silent except for that which was being cooked. Utensils dropped, bowls and plates clattered and broke. The line begin to murmur at the revelation, some asking others about my parentage being true. As I looked up at the chef, she looked back at me. Equal parts worried and furious at what had just happened.

"Aquest Ć©s l'home que la Germana Ascendent va convidar a la reuniĆ³ d'aquesta nit?"

"Sƭ, germana." Ms. Merrymore told her. "Ɖs fill del comandant de sang."

As I climbed back onto my feet, helping the man I knocked down get to his, I could practically see the executive chef working out every variable as she glared at me with utter contempt. Her tight uniform accentuating every curve as she held her arms tightly against her body. Her moderately large breasts resting high as she lifted them with her blue forearms. Muscles bulging in her sleeves as she unconsciously flexed them again and again, as if trying to will them to grow bigger to intimidate me while I seemingly resisted her.

"Mai no entendrĆ© per quĆØ la Germana Ascendent va optar per portar-lo aquĆ­ en lloc del Centre de Cria. Sap per quĆØ Ć©s aquĆ­?"

Despite my inability to understand what they were saying, I was getting the feeling that this Chef Elena was talking about me.

"No ho fa, germana."

Closing her eyes with a sigh, she let her arms fall to her side. Then, as if the entire room was her prey, pounced into action as she turned to the entire kitchen.

"GET BACK TO SERVING!" she screamed, her voice filled with cruel authority that silenced the line as they flew into a panic and resumed their duties. "YOU HAVE SOLDIERS TO FEED, DAMN IT! MEALS ARE GO IN FIVE!"

As everyone else feverishly went back to work, I went to check on the cook that the chef had assaulted. Their slight build swaying as they stumbled onto their feet. And as I looked at them, I noticed for the first time that their proportions were somewhat feminine. Cute face, loose long sleeved clothes unable to hide some rather sizable breasts and more. It immediately struck me as odd that there was someone this feminine among the men that were clearly the labor force. But as I took a quick look around, I noticed that quite a good portion of the cooks were not exactly men, to put it lightly. What was going on? Were they all people who took part of the experiment, but somehow failed? I thought this experiment was to help people adapt for a new purpose? If this is what the outcome is, then what was the experiment actually for?

"Are you... Uh, you okay?"

The chef nodded their head slowly, gently rubbing their jaw.

"Outside of my jaw," they said, their voice in a mid-alto. "I'll be fine. Thank you, um...?"

"Desmond. As you've heard, I'm... I'm Commander Nowell's son."

"Y-Yeah," they said, keeping their eyes downcast. "To be honest, this is the first time any of us have heard that she has a son. We only know of her daughter. Er, your sister, I guess?"

Suddenly, one of the Orange Neos that was flanking the chef moved up behind the cook and shoved them to get to their attention.

"Back on the line, Jude. Pan's about to burn because of your carelessness."

"Right away, matriarch. My apologies, matriarch."

As the cook shuffled back to their position, the Neo who ordered them to return to work, a rather short woman that was still taller than me with long sandy blonde hair in a severe ponytail, Orange eyes and hands with a stocky build got close to me. Her eyes narrowed as she looked me dead in my own. I could feel the tip of a black claw poking me in the chest before she said anything, my skin tingling as it kept pressing hard enough to cause discomfort.

"A word of advice? Stop telling the men and not-men you're the Reaper's son, boy. It's not good for them, and it sure as Hell won't be good for you. Do you understand me, baby bull?"

Not knowing how to respond to that, I just looked on, confused. But my silence was apparently what she was looking for, eying me up and down like a piece of meat. Her gaze lingering on my groin as she gave me a cocky smile before walking away.

"Wuh-We should move on." was all I heard before Ms. Merrymore put her hands on my shoulders to walk me out. Pushing me towards a set of double doors along the far side of the huge kitchen. As I was led to the exit, I couldn't help but notice the look the cooks were giving me. Some looked ponderous, others jealous. Some were worried, unsure if it was for their safety or mine. A couple looked angry, again unsure for whom. But all remained silent as they finished their work. All of them resigned to their duties, thin and tired as they stood over their incredibly warm stations. Flames flaring high as they struggled to finish making their assigned dishes.

"Ms. Merrymore," I began, as I got closer to the exit. "Tell me what's going on here. This, plus the plantation and the last room? This is completely wrong and not at all what I was led to believe was happening. I deserve to know what the fuck is going-"

"Y-You asked me why I was a non-cccombatant," she said, quickly moving us through the double doors and into an extremely long, windowless hallway that was lined with the same red carpeting as the stairway in the entrance, framed by doors every few feet on my right side. "The reason for tha-that is my threshold is far less than every other Neo."

"You're avoiding my question with an earlier one," I told her, clearly choosing not to play this game. "What the fuck is happening with all the men and women in this-"

My neck and shoulder popped from the force of my body being spun around so God damn fast, I felt like I was slightly drunk. But this was a fleeting sensation, as I felt her grabbing my shirt and picking me up off the floor to stare her directly in the face. Her left eye having gone blue again as she scowled at me.

"I am answering your fucking question, breeder! Be thankful you get one!"

And just as unceremoniously, I was dropped to the floor. I was barely able to stay on my feet before her eye flickered green and the gentle smile returned.

"As I wuh-was saying, my threshold is less th-than required for c-combat. But because of my yuh-unique condition, I was p-put in charge of the nnneeds of Doctor Buh-Bernard."

As she gestured down the hallway with what I now realized was an empty smile, I could feel my skin crawl. I was purposefully being railroaded, questions being rerouted to not give me answers as I was given a guided tour of just another prison. A place that wasn't my own or meant for me. So I turned and began walking, the thick red carpet muting my lighter footsteps to near silence, while my guide's fell with a heavier thud. Counting each of the doors as the sound to the harmonic tone that replaced the reedier, drill like sound I was used to back in the building that used to be my home. It was a mixed bag, honestly.

On the one hand, the tone was wearing me down. Always present, always ringing through my skull and alerting me it was there. But on the other, it was oddly comforting despite not knowing where the sound was coming from. A constant reminder that I was away from the sensors and the way they set my bones on fire. Away from being trapped inside the odd dimensions of the... house and its-

"...I'm still trapped."

"You sh-shouldn't whisper," Ms. Merrymore tittered, pressing herself into me to hurry me along. "And you're not trah-trapped. You're free to go whenever you'd like."

"I can?"

I felt her feet kicking the back of mine, like she was toying with me for no reason. Each movement slipping mine further forward, causing me to stumble. The longer I was alone with her, the more I felt something wasn't truly right. Quite possibly more so than with any other Neo.

"As luh-long as you can outrrrun the guards, that is." She said, suddenly sounding very childish. "I like watching the muh-men run. Wanna race, D-Desmond?"

I felt her pushing me forward, her full weight in motion as I was sent careening to the ground. Landing flat on my face in front of an open doorway. I checked my face as soon as I got on my knees, my nose and mouth stinging but no blood, thankfully. Then I heard the sound of someone crying out in pain, followed by something hitting the ground. I looked inside the room, finding myself in front of a private area covered in mats that was most likely for some form of training. There were several Neos inside, all of them surrounding someone. From the way they stood, frozen in place with apprehension, I knew whatever was going on had them practically scared shitless. As a section moved aside, I watched as they carried out one of their own. Unconscious but breathing, her jaw broken as it hung down towards her right shoulder. And beyond her, I saw- OH SHIT.

"I didn't tell you one at a time!!"

It was mom. And she looked fully ENRAGED.

"Are you humans? Or are you fucking NEOS?"

Still fully nude, mom looked like she was ready to throw down. Using her anger from being denied pleasure in an impromptu sparring match with several of the guards, her face was a mask of pure focused aggression as she eyed up every Neo in the room. Having more than likely stormed in, demanding a challenge to the first guard that came up to her.


As soon as she commanded them, one of the Orange Neos rushed at her. But mom was ready, stomping her gut before hitting her square in the jaw with an uppercut. As soon as the guard began to fall, three more rushed forward only to receive a series of strikes that my eyes couldn't follow. And when they went down, all out chaos ensued. Every remaining Neo rushed forward, creating a wall of bodies. My heart began to pound as I watched the melee, seeing Neo after Neo dropping to the ground with an almost mechanical sense of timing. Slowly revealing the carnage my mother was unleashing on people like her.

I'm sorry. Not like her. Because if they were, then the throng of Neos would have been a match for her. Joyously laughing as she delivered an unholy beatdown the likes of which action movies wish they could emulate. The speed she moved at. The precision of her actions. The way that she not only controlled the fight, but seemed to be fully thriving. Her red eyes glowing brightly as every challenger fell before her, happening so quickly that it felt like I was caught in slow motion. Not even breaking a sweat as she stood triumphantly over every body except one, caught in her clutches as she gave the poor guard an evil grin. The guard was as tall as mom, and as broad too. But the way she had manhandled all of the other Neos, the way she held that poor soul on her unsteady feet?

This wasn't a contest. It wasn't even a sparring match. It was a victimization. Or worse, an absolute slaughter.

"What should I do with you?" mom asked the Neo she had in her grasp, tilting her head as if she was truly enjoying the moment. "I know! Let's ask my son his opinion!"

I felt my soul freeze as she slowly looked at me. Her smile getting bigger as she moved the guard in my direction, as well.

"What do you say, Desmond? Should I end it? Or should I have more fun?"

It was at this moment that I realized it was all a ruse. I was set up from the very start, allowed to try and act brave but then brought here away from Desi or anyone else that might have been able to help me. This was why I was paraded through all those people. It was evidence I was on the grounds, only to be taken to some back room for a "lesson".

With that bolt of clarity, I scrambled to my feet as mom began to laugh a throaty laugh I haven't heard since I was a boy. When I tried to run away, only to run into a nearby officer who my mom alerted that I was a danger to myself. They searched me, finding a bag filled with pills that my mom claimed I was trying to sell to someone else. The way I was treated in court, how mom claimed I was still processing my grief and just needed a firmer hand. Put on house arrest and forced to care for my newborn sister while mom went out and lived her life. The same laugh she gave every time she threatened me with claims that she would call in to report me if I didn't do everything she said.

I was brought back to that exact moment in my life, that desire to run and escape. Getting to my feet, I ran. I ran as fast as I could, looking for any open doorway. But the further I ran, the more locked doors I ran into. It got to a point where the walls began to look dreary and dull. Every door got older and more rundown. The carpet remained the same, but everything else started looking like it wasn't a concern for anyone else. Soon finding a really old door fast approaching, I moved as fast as I could. Thinking I had finally found a way out, I reached down and pulled it open. And for the briefest second, I thought I had found a way out. But instead, I found myself in a musty room the same size as my bedroom. With a simple bed, a simple blanket and nothing else except for a red outfit resting at the foot of the only piece of furniture. And I could feel the despair rising inside me as I realized that, in my blind panic to escape my mother, I had run directly to the room that they had set up for me.

"No no no...!"

I turned to run back the other way, but was immediately met with a wall of muscle and flesh as Ms. Merrymore simply grabbed my upper arms, squeezing me as she picked me up and carrying me into my quarters.

"I see you found your ruh-room!" she cheered, dropping me onto the bed and turning to leave. "Now, I'm going to lllleave you in here to relax and get acclimated before your big night!"

"What do you mean? What big night?" I shouted, moving to rush past her but only finding myself being thrown back onto the bed as she kept moving. Not even turning to look at me as she made her exit.

"You just get suh-some rest, and I'll come get you in a fffew hours, okay?"

"You didn't answer me!" I screamed as she turned off the light. I tried to stop her, but I was a half second too late as she closed the door.

"Don't leave me in here!"

I began to pound my fists on the door, finding it to be sturdier than I expected as I vainly tried to fight my way out. The sound of the lock turning loudly in my ears despite the drumming of my desperation.


"I'll see you in a little while, Mr. Nowell!"

As Ms. Merrymore walked away, the sound of her heavy footsteps slowly getting further and further away, I completely lost it. I screamed for all I was worth, thrashing against the door that looked so dilpadated but was able to resist my attempts at escape. I wailed as loud as I could, as long as I could. My mind only able to connect to one name as I howled in fear and frustration.


In time, I realized she could not hear me when I could scream no more. And in my hysterics, I crawled towards the bed in the dark and cried myself to sleep.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Biceps108 on February 03, 2023, 06:13:10 pm
Sheesh. As much as I love the story, it also depresses me sometimes. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can't even imagine what it would feel like for Desmond.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 03, 2023, 06:45:06 pm
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Sheesh. As much as I love the story, it also depresses me sometimes. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Can't even imagine what it would feel like for Desmond.

Yeah, sorry about that. It's part of the whole Horror aspect, sadly.

BUT, if I can set up what's to come without spoiling anything, all it takes is one single moment to completely change the tide between hope and true despair.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on February 05, 2023, 06:59:33 am
An interesting update. It really infers that without the tech that the NEOs would be having more a difficult time. In a way it also shows that even with the tech, reproduction seems to be quite the endeavor and priority (even with Desmond's compatibility and abductions of humans). Which makes it more and more sound like the war isn't going quite so well.

As for Desmond wow, quite the history lesson. It makes you wonder what life did his mother have before any of this and what we see now is her in a vain attempt through cruelty to get it back even thou she arguably has everything. Not to excuse her but to really see how and why someone can be so manipulative and cruel to their own.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 05, 2023, 08:16:09 am
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An interesting update. It really infers that without the tech that the NEOs would be having more a difficult time. In a way it also shows that even with the tech, reproduction seems to be quite the endeavor and priority (even with Desmond's compatibility and abductions of humans). Which makes it more and more sound like the war isn't going quite so well.

As for Desmond wow, quite the history lesson. It makes you wonder what life did his mother have before any of this and what we see now is her in a vain attempt through cruelty to get it back even thou she arguably has everything. Not to excuse her but to really see how and why someone can be so manipulative and cruel to their own.

For the first part: Remember that they are just getting the ball rolling with the war. They are using technology that has allowed them to radically alter a person's genetics for a plethora of different tastes and more, for example. And then there's the fact that they have fully operational vehicles that would take normal humanity several centuries to develop (not to mention their methods of camouflage and weaponry is centuries ahead, as well). They have a whole assortment of advantages that I haven't talked about due to Desmond being left in the dark about the war. And that plus how much the Neos really seemed to be unbothered by their situation should be troubling about why Desmond (and thus the reader) is left uninformed. This is something that will be coming up very soon in an upcoming chapter.

And in Chapter 24 (aka this next section of story), it will be revealed exactly WHY they have done so. And it's a major thing that highlights the difference between how Neos and the rest of the world operate.

For the second part: Considering that everything is being told from Desmond's POV, I don't think I'll be writing that aspect. Though I do think it'd be interesting to get glimpses to Laura's history, if only because Laura's backstory is not quite what people think it would be. Despite how people might perceive her, Laura's a few steps beyond being a bully. She's in a completely different category.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 15, 2023, 08:19:55 am
I was woken by light coming through the doorway, unceremoniously alerting me that I was no longer alone. But it was only when I felt hands on my person did I realize that I was being moved. A pair of six fingered hands grabbing onto each arm, I was dragged out of the bed without a word. My head was pounding, fully sinking into a migraine as my eyes slowly adjusted to the light while I was taken into the hallway. I looked up at my captors, trying my best to place faces to memory. But try as I might, I didn't know a single Neo as they pulled me through a set of nearby doors and into another hallway.

"What's going on?" I begged, my words slurring from sleep and pain. But nobody responded. Their silence telling me far more than any question. So I let them take me wherever I was going. Which I soon learned was a set of showers for the nearby gym, turning through another open set of double doors to find Ms. Merrymore, once more with blue hands and much closer to regular human proportions in a brand new blue executive outfit, waiting with a dissatisfied look on her face.

"Hold still, Mr. Nowell." was all she said to me as she produced a weird little device that reminded me of when I broke my shoulder, the almost unreal machines with tubes and whatnot, only streamlined and more advanced. Placing the device on my head, it beeped three times before she placed it on my chest over my shirt. And once it beeped three more times, she paused. Looking at the thing with a smirk, like she was happy with something I knew had to be related to my vitals, she then waved off to the side. And wordlessly, the Orange Neos that had a hold of me took me to a space on the wall big enough for a shower. And I was thrown in.

I was fully awake now, my anxiety spiking as I heard a melodic tone as a door came out of nowhere and sealed me in. I could hear my heart beating loudly in ears as I pounded on the door inside the box I was trapped inside.

"Let me out!" I told them, my throat aching. "What are you doing? Let me-"

I felt something on my feet, wet and rather viscous. I glanced down, and instantly I knew what it was. A bluish liquid that, despite being flowed in, moved and acted of its own accord. It began to creep up my body, crawling higher and faster than the regular stream. I knew this sensation, an effervescent chill running through me like I was out in the snow. It was the same type of fluid as that Rejuve-what's it box, but on a grander scale. I think they knew I was going to scream my head off, so they threw me in here to clean up and hide what they did.

Which clearly meant it was almost time for whatever party they had planned for the evening. And that meant they couldn't have a "guest of honor", whatever that meant to them, showing up in bad shape. As the fluid reached my waist, I looked out the available window to see Ms. Merrymore giving orders as she looked over her tablet. "If she wasn't concerned about this", I figured, "then neither should I."

So I closed my eyes and waited. Lights came on. The fluid rose more. And soon, I was fully submerged in it. I did not resist as the liquid invaded my body, letting the chill permeate every contour of my body. I tingled fiercely from wherever the fluid touched me, both inside and out. But it wasn't a bad tingle. It was that kind of tingling when you know your body's healing, like when you get a cut and you run your finger just along the part that separates flesh from wound. A hyperaware sense of being that overtakes you, electric current along stimulated skin and nerves. But the strongest feeling came from my throat. It was a cold that bordered on burning, flowing down my esophagus and into my lungs. The weirdest part, though, was that in my head, I could see every inch of my body. It was like my body had been suffused by the multi-tonal buzzing that had overridden everything else. Almost like a sonogram that highlighted every cell, every fiber. And within each cell were these little beads of light, the same pattern as I saw in my dreams and fantasies of that otherworldly place, linked together with a small ball of energy that pulsed in different colors. White, orange, blue, green, red, purple. Then in reverse from purple to white, with the two ending colors glowing brighter than the rest. My entire body thrumming as I waited. Letting the liquid do its job.

Then the lights inside the cell turned off. The multi-tonal buzzing receded to its normal intensity. The image I had of myself fading from view as the liquid pulled itself out of my body while the sound of suction filled my ears. The box drained within seconds before the door hissed open and Neo hands pulled me out, quickly shedding me of my clothes before dragging me into an actual shower. The water was scalding in comparison to the chamber as they sprayed me down, but I held my tongue. Washing me down like I was a dog as they ran their hands all over me to rinse off any remaining traces of the rejuvenating treatment. And then, when they were finished, they proceeded to roughly dry me with a towel as another soldier brought the same red outfit that had been on the bed into the showers and slapping them onto a nearby counter, along with a hairbrush and some nicer looking shoes despite those also being strapped. Looking around, I noticed that Ms. Merrymore had already left.

"You're wanted in the hall in five minutes," the soldier said. "Doctor Bernard wants you to mingle. She says you're to "be a good boy and to tell everyone how much you love being under the care of the NAE and especially your mother until her appearance."

I immediately felt my brain start to burn, causing me to wince. But there was something different about the pain. Instead of this white hot heat searing itself across the matter inside my skull, it was... cool. Cooler than it had ever felt before. I tilted my head and grunted, but more in expectation of the incoming hurt that never came.

"Is there... any... thing...?"

My words fell on deaf ears as they all walked away, leaving me alone in my nudity and shame. If they wanted me dressed, then I'd get dressed. Picking up what they left for me, I couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. A full matching silk outfit, red from top to bottom with deep royal purple buttons. Sleeveless to show off my slimmer physique, and purposefully made of silk that I knew would cling to my body and practically overemphasize the goods. I groaned, picturing the stares and comments I was positive were going to be lobbed my way. But if this was what they left me with, then I had no choice.

I have to be a good boy and get dressed.


As they led me down the hallway towards the entrance, I couldn't help but notice how close the four guards were. They were almost squeezing me on all sides, claustrophobic as I could smell so many scents wafting all around me. It was dizzying the closer I got. But once we came through the double doors, I couldn't help but gag a bit. The entire room was filled with Neos, the room somewhat loud as they talked amongst themselves and took in Doctor Bernard's collection. A vast array of accents and dialects, of bodies and types. But as I looked at them all, every single one had a body built for power. From the typical athletic Blues to the impressively large Greens, the incredibly jacked and ready to fight Reds to the Orange soldiers in full uniform, every lady in this room was primed to not only look their best, but better than anyone else they came across. Every Neo highlighting their features with the most eye popping choice of clothing.

One Blue dressed in would could barely be considered a mini skirt and tube top that didn't even cover everything as she talked to a Red who wore a sparkling ruby dress that was designed to show off her brick like abdominals as she posed to match the statue she was by with a boisterous laugh. A nearby Green Neo who chose to dress more plainly, the pastel green dress shirt she was wearing stretched to its limit across her rather sizable bulk that threatened to tear it apart as she was held in rapt discussion with another Blue Neo that was dressed in a slinky blue party dress. The human servers that were dressed in some sort of fetishized waiter outfits moving here and there, offering strange glowing cocktails to guests with empty hands. Everywhere I looked, the notions of appropriate attire varied so wildly, you couldn't tell whether this was a celebration or the point right before an orgy was to break out... or both.

"Keep up appearances, Nowell." was gruffly whispered in my ear as I felt one of the soldiers pushing my left shoulder, causing it to click rather loudly. Taking this as my cue, I slowly began to move through the crowd as I tried to relieve the pressure. But as soon as I took my first step, I could feel their eyes on me. Some were curious about this random man dressed differently than the rest. Others were less curious, openly staring at me as I walked by. But no matter where I went, I could feel them. Hell, I could practically hear their thoughts. "Who does this man belong to?" or "What is this man doing here?", or whatever. I felt like an outsider, and they weren't hiding it. I just wanted to get to wherever the food was and become a wallflower, blending in with the scenery as best as I could. Because the minute I stepped foot in this goddamned area, I've felt nothing but unwelcome.

Walking through the crowd, most of whom were either bigger than me, taller than me or both, I heard snippets of their discussions. Talking of war and science, of concepts that I had no grasp of, or in languages I had no knowledge of. It was really bizarre seeing Neos slipping between ideas and words so naturally, like they had a complete mastery of everything Humanity ever thought or said. Some were not even talking, instead practically eye fucking their acquaintance with unmistakable looks as they leaned in so close that their lips were practically on each other. One pairing on the massive stairway were in each others' hands, feeling each other up as they flexed for the other. The Red Neo in a shirtless full pantsuit held the Blue Neo in a translucent top and booty shorts close, tensing her full pecs as the Blue Neo shifted her hips to emphasize the incredibly round and firm ass she had obviously found her best feature. But the second I passed by them, both turned their heads to give me disapproving looks that rocketed me into full on embarrassment. I shielded my eyes and hurried past them as they both began to laugh at my awkwardness.

I tried to focus on my breathing, but the air was so cloying and heavy that I was struggling. It felt like I was breathing in smoke or dust that was sending my body into overdrive. So, right before the closed doors to the hall past the steps, I stopped to catch myself. My body overheating as I leaned against the wall next to an side room I didn't notice before. But before I had a chance to prepare myself, I suddenly heard a voice coming through the partially open door.

"...You're going to destroy yourself, Destiny."

...Doctor Lawler? Wait, Destiny?

"You've seen the results, Maisie. I can handle the current levels of treatment intensity."

It WAS Desi! I wanted to run through the door, but as I looked inside, I froze in my tracks from the way Desi was staring at Doctor Lawler. It was a similar look that mom gave when she felt we were challenging her. But Desi was more than looking ready to fight, her knuckles an eerie white as she clenched them tightly. She was standing proud in an all white outfit, white pants and dress shirt accentuated by a deep purple tie and belt. Her brilliantly white hair slicked back as she exuded a defiant confidence as Doctor Lawler worried from her position on a nearby desk. Her sparkling see-through sapphire dress with what had to be symmetrical thigh high splits that reminded me of Jessica Rabbit's outfit as she fidgeted with her blue fishnet stockings.

"That's not what I'm worried about," Maisie fired back. "It's your MOTHER. If she learned what you are doing-"

Desi jabbed her finger in Doctor Lawler's face, nearly putting her finger in the doctor's blue lipstick lined mouth.

"She won't learn because you won't tell her. Because YOU signed off on treatments."

"Don't threaten me, child!" Doctor Lawler growled, picking up a matching purse and opening it up. "I will get reprimanded, but you will kill yourself by pushing yourself so hard."

Pushing herself so hard? With her treatments? What did she mean by that?

"And yet here I am," Desi cheered, holding her arms out wide. "Unlike Dianna who was put through HALF of what I've undergone for one test."

Closing her makeup mirror with an annoyed look, Doctor Lawler got up and closed the distance. Face to face with my sister, grabbing her tie as I could practically feel her anger flowing through her from outside the room.

"She volunteered for safety reasons and died for it, you inconceivably stupid brat! Her sacrifice ensured the safety of all our sisters, and you have the GALL to say you're better than her? All you have is a promise to someone who doesn't fucking exist anymore while you're acting high and fucking mighty like your fucking mother!"

I watched as Desi's eyes sparked and flared, filling the dimly lit room with flashes of light as Maisie's words hit her hard. I knew she had been acting strangely, but this was something else entirely. My stomach soured as I realized that Desi had been purposefully avoiding telling me the truth, which is something that mom did to both of us constantly. She really WAS acting like mom, and I couldn't deny it any longer. My heart broke, because it meant I had to be honest with the truth.

No matter how much she claimed she was there for me, I could not trust Desi.

As I made an attempt to move away from my hiding spot, I suddenly felt hollow. I couldn't trust mom, and now I couldn't trust the one person who I believed was protecting me. But as I slumped against the wall next to the doorframe, my curiosity stopped me from walking away. I had to know more of what they were talking about. So taking a moment to focus, I peeked through the door as Desi fell into the plush seat behind her and rubbed her face as Doctor Lawler sat back down on the desk.

"She's not gone."

Doctor Lawler seemed utterly confused by what my sister was saying, same as me.

"I'm sorry?"

"She's not GONE," Desi reiterated, slapping the hand rests of the chair. "The one I made my promise to."

"That can't be right," Maisie said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a small glowing device. "May I?"

Nodding her head, Desi got comfortable as Doctor Lawler attached the glowing thing to her temple. The three dots blinking white before beeping loudly as they turned a solid whitish blue.

"Oh my God, you're telling the truth."

Desi pulled the thing off of her temple, rubbing her chin with the other hand as she handed what I had to assume was a lie detector back.

"I'm not like Laura," Desi told her, frustration evident in her voice. "I need to come clean to Desmond. He deserves to know everything."

"You cannot tell him EVERYTHING," Maisie said, her fist thumping on the desk. "It's for his own interest that he be kept unaware of what our sisters need from him."

"I made her a promise and that includes protecting Desmond! I have to get him out of here before they-"

"You will do no such thing!" Maisie shouted, standing up and pointing in my general direction. "If you do, then they will certainly come after you!"

"And if I DON'T," Desi shouted back as she leapt from her seat. "Then he will no longer be considered a human, and I will be forced to KILL! And that is something I want for neither of us!"

Doctor Lawler's eyes were wide, staring at my sister as if she was a true anomaly. Putting her blue hands on the back of her neck as the shock of what my sister told her weighed on her like a stone.

"I should have seen the signs," she said, flabbergasted. "Your personality's changing, isn't it?"

"Maybe?" Desi said, suddenly unsure as she started rubbing her arm. "I don't know? I mean, it's starting to feel like maybe this isn't the way we're-"

A shadow suddenly loomed over me as a green hand pushed the door closed.

"Oye, hombrecito guapo!"

Someone I had never seen before, a woman with Latin features and long dark hair with glowing green eyes suddenly wrapped her arms around me as she began pulling me away.

"Come join me for a drink and some dancing, papi!"

She carried me to the double doors that led into the hall with ease, only needing two full steps before throwing the doors open. Loud music drowning out her voice as I struggled to escape her grip. My eyes turned towards the room as its door opened just as the double doors closed.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on February 16, 2023, 10:37:22 am
Damn the way in which they are treating Desmond is like a pet. Just thinking of those auto pet cleaners and in a way they're doing the same to him.

As for his "sister" it seems that in a way he's lost and found her and not just in trust. In a way she's gone and in her place is her brash NEO version. At the same time her non NEO side is still there in an unknown capacity, a Schrodinger's sister if you will. Kind of reminds me of a star trek episode where two crew members merge due to a transporter accident and becomes a new (or NEO hehe) being with the best of both traits but ultimately have to separate. How this will effect things will be quite interesting since the whole NEO process is supposed to transcend humanity into NEOdom but she seems to be in the middle.

That being said with Desmond being kept in the dark and Desi's subsequent hard line of trying to get him out of the party it must mean that at the very least what his possible fate awaits him very soon. That fate must be something, enough that Desi is willing to kill him in order save him from: possibly "merging" with Laura, lobotomy, or something unimaginably worse. Whose to say, though I wouldn't blame him for lack of trusting anyone at this point (especially with Desi's deceptions), he's been pulled around more times than salt water taffy.

Another fine chapter, it really makes you think and with this revelation makes you wonder what can and what will Desmond do to survive and to live to fight another day.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 28, 2023, 11:26:08 am
The sound of the bass pumping through the speakers thrummed in my head as the Neo who abducted me spun around while I was still on her shoulder as she moved into the center of the hall. Twirling around as if I weighed as much as a handful of feathers, my line of sight was unimpeded as I witnessed just how many people were in the room. Neo eyes glowing in the dim as glowing figures floated above our heads, slowly moving through different colors and shapes as they illuminated the mass of bodies. Many were dancing, celebration clearly on their minds along with other intentions as flesh was pressed. Hands and hips in motion as Neo bodies brought together in an almost primal manner,  the air heavy with so many scents and humidity that I'm almost positive bordered on tropical.

Among those who were not dancing, there were other measures of contact in play. Off to one side were contests of strength and skill. A station that was clearly being dominated by a Red Neo I had never seen before as a Green Neo walked away in disappointment, shaking her arm as another Green Neo stepped up for the challenge. A small area in the back of the hall where two Green Neos grappled with each other, trying their best to sway each other to the side and down to the ground as their Sisters cheered them on. Not too far away from the grappling Neos were some who had chosen to participate in a pose-off, clad only in their underwear as they flexed and twisted their forms into an impromptu bodybuilding contest with no weight limits as they looked deeply into mirrors that had been put on the walls while I had been detained. And for those desiring more social conflicts, many Neos were in deep discussions. Some clearly heated as hands moved with blistering speed, others face to face as they shouted at each other from a distance that rendered them mute to my ears. All of them grouped together yet spaced out enough for their reflections to provide the illusion of the sheer number of Neos in one space to be multiplied to an astounding degree.

For several minutes I was carried, lifted, twisted, spun and twirled in my captor's large green hands. The sound of her joyous laughter was loud enough and powerful enough to be heard over the music. I had to admit, she had an amazing figure. Undeniably strong as her muscles flexed and bulged with every movement of her arms, but also undeniably feminine. The curve of her hips as she rocked them from side to side, the fullness of her breasts as she pulled me in close and practically smothered my face between them. The thickness of her torso as I inadvertently ran my hands across her incredibly solid stomach and down to her wide, plush hips. A powerlifter's physique coupled with a model's curves, loudly expressing her joy and love of life as she demanded my attention onto her. Warmth emanating dually from her smile, as well as from between her legs. The smell of cinnamon and tajin all around her as she ground her hips onto my leg. Her eyes filled with passion, with desire, and with a demanding need. My dick was beginning to tingle once more as arousal built within me, my head filling with fantasies of allowing her to take me in the middle of the floor for everyone to watch.

I couldn't help myself. I wanted her. I wanted her to tell me to want her. I kept hearing myself say in my head "Please! I'm yours! Do with me as you wish! Please, let me satisfy you!" over and over again. She began to lean down, her dark brown skin glowing as bright as her black and electric green eyes as she stared into mine. I could feel it, the permission to be hers. I wanted her now. I NEEDED her, NOW. Her lips slowly coming to mine and we-

An almost nostalgic series of notes filled the hall, causing the music to stop with a loud contingency of moaning from the Neos in attendance as the lights rose high above us all.

"Will all sisters please make their way to the Hall. The announcement is about to begin in fifteen minutes. I repeat, all sisters to the Hall."

"Ā”Maldito anuncio!" my dancing partner said, disgust in her voice and disappointment in her eyes as she held my chin in her hand. "Tal vez podamos recoger esto mĆ”s tarde, hombrecito lindo?"

And with that, she turned and walked away. Waving goodbye over her shoulder as I realized just how much my heart was pounding in my chest and my stomach was grumbling as hunger was setting in. I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to chase after her. I knew she wanted me to chase after her. But the way my stomach gurgled and churned over the sound of the various Neos around me chatting amongst themselves. I could feel myself being torn, but I had to obey one urge above all others and moved towards where I hoped the refreshments were. Choosing satiation over satisfaction as I tried to hide my cock that I was almost positive was giving every Neo who looked at me a good show.

Cautiously moving through the crowd, I wandered to the side of the room that I remember seeing long rows of tables at. As they came into view, I rubbed my growling belly as I took stock of what was laid out for everyone to enjoy. Meats, breads, cheeses, fruit, pans filled with what had to be various sides and sauces. Table after table after table, going from one end of the room to the other. Piled high as various Neos grabbed their plates and made their way down the line of the buffet. Moving to the end, I went to pick up a plate... only to see an Orange hand smacking mine away.

"What are you doing?"

Looking up, I saw that it was the Sous Chef that had told me to not tell people who I was. She was dressed in what looked like something you'd find in an upscale Restaurant worker's outfit, an orange suit with an orange tie on a black shirt. Her orange and black eyes glaring at me like she had just smelled something putrid.

"I'm a guest," I said, rubbing my hand. "So I'm getting something to-"

"This isn't for the likes of you!" she declared, loud enough to get the attention of nearby Neos. "This food is for the actual guests, and you... will..."

Her eyes grew wide as I felt someone placing their hand on my shoulder.

"He said he was a GUEST, Alicia."

I turned to look as Safira, dressed in a red and gold Sarong over what looked like a red tunic and gold pleated pants, stood by my side. Reaching down and grabbing a plate as her steely gaze alone held the Sous Chef in place while she gave it to me.

"Do you really wish to defy the Sister Ascendant in so petty a manner? Especially as he is her companion's child?"

"Y-You know he is only a man," she balked, her eyes darting from side to side. "We are not supposed to recognize him as her child. It is his-"

I was sure that Safira had tired of this conversation, as she reached down for another plate. Then, as she kept her eyes trained on the Sous Chef, placed both hands on it before calmly bringing them together. Loudly crushing the plate and rubbing her palms before pointing at her feet.

"Since you have nothing of merit to say, you will clean this up."

"R-Right away, matron! I'll just get one of the men or not-"

"You misunderstood me," Safira told her, narrowing her eyes as she reached down and grabbed another plate before swiftly crushing that, as well. "YOU will clean this up yourself. This is your mess, thus it is your responsibility. If you bother the servants, things will only escalate. Do you UNDERSTAND me?"

There was a tense pause as Safira kept her eyes locked on the Orange Neo. Neither moving an inch, one in focused anger and the other in fearful reproach. Then, with a hurried bobbing of her head, the Sous Chef ran off towards the kitchen. Mostly likely to retrieve a broom and dustpan.

"Thank you." I said, meekly. My hands holding the surprisingly heavy plate as Safira wrapped her arm around my shoulder while she went to grab a fourth plate.

"You and the White one are like my children," she reminded me, gently pulling me along the long line of tables overflowing with food. "And I will do all I can to help you. Now, come-"

I watched as she leaned in, grabbing some small warm baguettes and placing one on my plate.

"I can hear your stomach gurgling. You must keep your strength up, Desmond."

As we went down the line, I grabbed mostly light items. Some meat and cheese for the bread. Grapes and strawberries, the latter looking plump and picture perfect despite them being wildly out of season. A small mound of rice. Safira, however, was stacking her plate full. Some goat and curry sauce, jasmine rice, a fruit dish filled with things like raisins and currants and whatnot, a wedge of honeycomb. And when we got to the end, we were offered two sizes of drinks: one full bottle of our choice, or something closer to a normal size. Safira, naturally, chose a large bottle of what I believe was cider. I chose a liter of whatever cola they had, due to the fact that my head was starting to bother me. Maybe it was caffeine withdrawal? I don't know. I just know that my head was feeling weird, which wasn't meshing well with the multi-tonal buzzing that was oddly louder than usual.

"Are you sure that will be enough for you?" Safira asked, her black and red eyes glancing between my plate and me as she walked towards the other side of the hall while I followed her lead.

"Yeah. Over the past few months, my appetite has... well, it shrank. Mom put me on a severely restricted diet, at first. But my body just acclimated, I guess. Now I just get full really easily on less."

"Regardless," she said, gesturing towards an open table. "You should have a more varied diet. It is mostly carbohydrates and sugars, which is not good for a normal boy like you."

"I wouldn't call myself normal," I replied as I took my seat. "Not after what they did to me. Not after being treated like a pet for weeks, taken to be milked of my seed every day for hours on end."

I could tell that she had nothing to say about my comments. I had come across rather heavily, but it's what I've been going through. Though, if I can be completely honest, it felt like I had finally been allowed to cut open an infection to let it drain. I was regretting laying it out like that, yeah. But it was also freeing. Still, it was a heavy discussion. So I chose to sit in silence to enjoy my food. Pulling the small baguette open, I put the meat and cheese inside for an impromptu sandwich. Looking at the thing, it was all I wanted. The beef cut thin, the cheese thick and creamy looking. The bread soft and warm, and an outside that crackled in the perfect way that all the most enticing loaves like it do when you squeeze it gently. I was practically salivating as I put it to my mouth. But as soon as I bit into it, I tasted... nothing. The textures were all there, but nothing else. Instead, I tasted something else entirely.

"Is something wrong?"

"I don't know," I said, quickly plucking a grape from the stem on my plate. "I think I might be-"

As soon as I bit down, I felt the skin pop, the juice flowing. My brain recognized that there was flavor, but it refused to acknowledge the grape. It was like there was something else getting in the way of the sweet sharpness of the grape itself.

"I... I can't taste anything. I can feel the food in my mouth, recognize there are flavors and everything. But there's something else completely blocking it. This weird... I don't what to call it but, uh, thickness? It's overriding what I want to be tasting."

Quickly grabbing the honeycomb off of her plate, she tore off a chunk before holding it out for me.

"Here, try this. One more test."

Taking it from her red and blue fingers, I put the comb into my mouth. And once again, I recognized that there was flavor but could not taste it.

"This can't be right..."

Opening her bottle, Safira looked upset as she looked around the hall.

"It is. It's sensory diversion. One of the symptoms of Synaptic Schismatica. You can't taste anything because that sense is being overworked for your sense of smell. In short, you're tasting the pheramones every Neo in this place is putting out instead of your food."

I proceeded to open my own drink as the Red Neo across from me began to chug her own.

"So... you knew I have this issue?"

Wiping her mouth, Safira furrowed her dark brow before reaching for her spoon.

"Captain Chaimongkhon told me when I asked about you. Apparently, you have been treated far worse that what we were told in reports."

"And how was I being treated in the reports?"

"You were being cared for with full luxuries and willingly volunteered to increase the number of Sisters for our cause."

"In other words," I thought to myself. "They were lying about my treatment." It was at that moment that, no matter how I was feeling at that moment, I had to get away. And despite what I heard, Desi was still my sister. And I had to get her as far away from Mom as possible, even if it meant taking a chance and running as fast as I could out of here.

"After you eat, I need you to find Desi."

"Why do you need me to find Destiny?"

"I just need you to trust me, okay? I want you to find her and tell her to find me. Tell her that I-"

"Am I interrupting something important?"

Oh, God, no...

"Not at all, Commander Nowell. I'm just keeping an eye on your son while he eats."

As she came into view to stand at our tableside, I noticed that mom had chosen to wear a vibrant Red suit, with black shirt and red tie. Accessorized by red six fingered gloves. Every inch of her outfit filled to the brim with pure mass, visibly straining around every single micron of her fully pumped build. Her black hair slicked back as she smiled a predator's smile at us, I could feel her eyes boring into me behind her expensive looking red sunglasses. An overpowering air of Gymbro Fuckboy meets Stylish Daddy vibes oozing out of every pore. The scent of Amber and Vanilla and Musk instantly overwhelming me, causing my sight to go a little blurry as my dick twitched and rubbed against both my thigh and silk pants. The tingling building more as she slapped her meaty gloved paw on my left shoulder.

"Well, I hope you don't mind. But I need to abscond with my little man. I have some friends who are dying to meet him."

Safira's eyes shifted towards me, her look asking me for guidance. But I was in a haze at that moment. Too lost in both hunger and a heady fog to give her an answer.

"Could I at least... bring my food? I'm very-"

"You can come back for it," mom said, her hand gripping my collar and dragging me out of the chair. "You're going to LOVE my Sisters!"

And just like that, I was being hauled away through the crowd and towards the back of the hall to meet whoever mom was excited to introduce me to.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 20, 2023, 08:45:52 am
Keeping her eyes ahead, mom pulled me through the crowd by my hand like a child with a weird gait. For every step I took, she was just a half step faster. Causing me to stumble into people more than I dare want. But every Neo was far more solid than I realize, barely moving despite how much I tripped over my own feet and bumped into them with my full weight. Even when I fell onto some arms, none moved a single inch. Glasses full of drinks perfectly steady as they glared at me like the unwitting disturbance I was. But mom didn't care, always looking straight ahead despite my asking her to slow down.

Finally, I had enough and yanked my arm away. Shocked with how easy she let go of her grip.

"Mom! Stop!"

"Stop your tantrums," she said, unamused at my indignation. "We're amongst my friends, Desmond! And I will not have you acting like a spoiled brat!"

"Spoiled?" I asked, my voice getting louder as I was clearly becoming agitated. "You think I'm spoiled? When you HURT me? Abused me? Treat me as a prop to make yourself look bigger? There's a reason I left, MOM! A reason I was trying to get Desi away from-"

I saw her placid smile starting to turn as she stepped up to me. Her head crooking downward as she put her face close to mine. Despite the red sunglasses, I could tell that her eyes were flashing in eager anticipation. I think she was starting to itch for a fight.

"And how did that work out, SON?" she growled, quietly staring me down. "Face it, Desmond. You lost. Your house, your money, your sister. Even who you were. So ask yourself something. Do you think you can beat me when it was so easy to take everything away from you, like you deserved?"

That's when I realized how it had happened. I was just too blind to see just how deep her relationship with her new way of life went. Why everything went so quickly in her favor. Why she acted the way she had as soon as she arrived at my house. There was only one real explanation why it went so perfectly as she wanted.

"You've been with them since I left, haven't you?"

"With who?" mom asked, standing proudly as she put on the same false smile she always did when in public.

"Don't act fucking dumb. They've been around for decades, right? That means they did all the work for you."

"You definitely are Reggie's son," she snidely quipped as she turned her back. "Your dad was always so keen on details and mysteries. It's why he became an engineer."

Suddenly, she threw her arms wide and marched forward, cheering loudly.

"Sisters! There you are! I was looking for you!"

I watched as a group of Neos rushed forward, embracing my mother or kissing her on the cheek. As I looked on, I quickly noticed why my mother was so invested in pulling me away. Every single Neo wore similar colors: black and red, to match their skin and eyes. A small grouping of ten Red Neos, more than I had seen at any time before. All of them were big, and I mean Capital B "BIG". Every one of them in the best condition of their lives, bodies burgeoning with mass and strength, dressed to accentuate their killer physiques. Some more buxom than others, but all of a matching body type. All of them exuding confidence and power. All of them a Neo just like my mother.

"So... where is your boy?" one of them, a blonde woman with I think a French accent asked.

"We can't wait to meet him!" another, a woman with long red braids and very dark skin and a thick African accent, asked.

"He's right here!" mom told them, taking off her sunglasses before turning towards me with a serious look. "Come on, Desmond! Be my good boy and greet my Sisters like a good gentleman!"

Mom's words sank in deep and strong as a sensation like cold fire ripped through my head while her voice saying the words "good gentleman" began to echo in my every thought. I was once again caught outside of my own body as it slowly approached the gaggle of Red Neos, pouring every ounce of willpower into wrenching control back.

"H-How do you d-do...?" I stuttered, my hand reaching out. But as soon as I got closer to them all, my mind began to frazzle as it was overwhelmed by so many delightful scents as they rushed forward to coddle me.

"He's so CUTE!" one cried as she squeezed my face, biting her lip as she looked me in the eyes.

"It's hard to believe he used to look so... ordinary before!" another cheered, brushing my hair as she gave me an eyeful of her cleavage.

"And he's so lean!" another said, feeling up my arms like she was taking stock of my build.

"All except where it counts," the French Neo said as she gave my unit a quick squeeze. "He's so virile! Truly built for us, non?"

Mom seemed especially proud at that comment, puffing out her chest as her smiled widened.

"You know it! And the best part? He can only give us more Neo Sisters and Daughters! No silly human DNA in this baby factory!"

I felt myself slipping back into my own body as the words left her mouth. Human DNA? Neos are human, too. Something felt immensely off at the idea.

"Wh-What do you m-mean by th-that?"

But without missing a beat, mom just leaned in close and whispered "Be a good boy and stay put. Oh, and don't interrupt our conversation as well, comprende?" I noticeably winced as the feeling in my head grew more painful. I could feel the words sinking into my brain, mom's voice growing louder and louder. My hands began to tremble, but I couldn't disturb them. Forcing myself to grab the sides of my pants to try and make them stop. My knuckles rubbing into my thighs through the silk as they vibrated at an intense speed. But I stood there as they began to talk amongst themselves like I wasn't even there, though they would occasionally look at me with what I had to assume was hunger in their eyes.

No, maybe not hunger. Something else that they craved, though it was meat all the same. I was beginning to feel small, again. I knew they saw me as a man, but it came with this weird feeling like they didn't even see me as a human. More of an object that they could use. As they talked of things like battlefronts where the ease in which city positions seemed incredibly easy to take over due to population manipulation through simple social campaigns, troop numbers and conversion rates being on a steady incline as the systems of wealth around global societies pushed people into needing their services more than staying loyal to their civilizations and more, I just wanted to get away from them. Trying to come up with a good reason to let me leave.

Then a thought came to mind: I'm just a human, right? I have needs and urges, right? That includes things like going to the bathroom. I can make the excuse that I had to pee or something, find Desi and get the fuck out of here! Everyone's too preoccupied with this party, anyway! It's air tight! So, tugging on mom's suit jacket, I went for it.

"I'm sorry, but I need to use the-"

What I didn't expect... was someone showing up.

"Is that DESMOND?!"

Her voice was burned into my memory, unforgettable. It was the voice of a deceiver, someone who claimed to be there to help me, to save me. I didn't recognize the face. But as soon as I saw the way she walked, her build, heard the way she talked, I froze. She stared at me, and I stared at her. I felt the chill of the rooftop as she approached the circle of Red Neos, dressed in red dress pants and shoes, a black jacket and tie over a red dress shirt that was barely able to contain her body that was as bulky and pumped as mom's was. Her long bluish-black hair in a ponytail that highlighted just how pale her skin was.

"Akane!" mom cheered, rushing forward to embrace her fellow Red Neo sister. "I'm glad you came! You remember my son, right?"

"I do," Akane said, wryly. "I'm so glad you survived that horrible experience on the rooftop. And I have to say, you look positively SCRUMPTIOUS!"

I tried to step backwards, but she was on me far quicker than I could react. Her arms wrapped around my head as she held me as tightly as she could to her body. The firmness that lied beneath every scrap of clothing was undeniable as she forced me to nuzzle into her chest. Forcing me to struggle against her grip while she towered above me. The one who had nearly killed me several weeks ago by commanding me to overdose on my medications before leaving me locked out of any safety on top of the Equivalence Estates to freeze beneath the desert skies. An experience that left me in a coma, forced to go through their planned treatments that left me as I am now and in this new level of Hell I was forced to go through. But as she held me close, I was overcome with the scent of citrus and sweetness, like a light and airy dessert that comforted you on a rainy day. And I couldn't help myself as I felt my body start to relax while my hands moved of their own accord, sliding across her sides and to her incredibly broad back. As I felt my dick starting to throb, images of what she looked like beneath her clothes began to taunt me as I-

"I'm so glad you're here," mom crowed, yanking me out of Akane's arms unceremoniously and forcing me to her hip with a noted bump. "How goes things with you and the other Sisters of The Three Spears?"

As soon as mom finished her sentence, the gigantic Japanese Neo just rolled her eyes and let out a exasperated sigh.

"Just because Wu Da Xia, Kwan Ha-yoon and I come from regions of Asia doesn't mean we have to do this flowery Heroic propaganda here, Laura. I never see you guys using Safira's nickname in any way!"

"We didn't give her that name," the African Neo cut in. "She was called that before she joined us."

"It is quite interesting you bring her up," a busty Red Neo with a thick Russian accent said, stepping up next to Akane and putting her hand on her shoulder. "We were just talking about her before Commander Nowell brought her young Bull child over. It seems she has been acting as more of a diplomat than her appointed duties in her assigned territories, as of late."

Akane cocked her eyebrows as she looked past me, probably in Safira's general direction.

"Diplomatic? The woman whose family scarred her for choosing to seek her own way of life? Whose body count was in the hundreds before joining us? Dizane of the Scourge, choosing to broker peace? With who?"

"With the stock," mom said, sounding disappointed. "We've gotten reports that she's trying to preserve their ways of life instead of bringing them into the fold."

"She is right," the French Neo added, adjusting her tight top that was failing to hold her magnificent breasts in. "Resources and acquisitions paperwork have been discovered where she is using terraformers to reinforce and enrich the soil in Pakistan and Afghanistan. And since eradicating Ihibah Almuqadas, she has been personally overseeing who gets put into power."

"And every person is not one of our own," a suntanned Red Neo with, I think, a thick Italian accent spoke up. "And some of them are even perfectly good men stock!"

Akane crossed her arms, showing off how jacked she really was as the upper sleeves of her jacket seemed to tighten and take on the overall shape of her biceps in her power pose. Flexing in her displeasure as her coat noticeably shifted around her shoulders.

"She's going too far ahead of schedule. If she wasn't one of our best fighters among the Red Sisters, do you think the Sister Ascendant would have approved her training of Destiny?"

"I have put my daughter in her place," mom said, holding her head high as she put out a confidence and assuredness that honestly made me feel a bit sick. "Even if she improves, Destiny will always defer to me from now-"

I don't know why, but before I knew it, something just seemed to lift from me. Mom's words just stopped echoing in my head. I felt my hands stop trembling with phantom jitters. And the harmonic tone getting louder inside my head. And without any prompting, I finally felt like I could act of my own accord again.


"I'm sorry?" Akane asked, her eyes mirroring all the other Red Neos in the small circle as they began to give me curious or incensed looks. Particularly mom, whose look was one of severe disapproval while standing right next to me.

"Her name," I told her, cautiously looking at the gaggle of large and definitely much stronger than me Super Soldiers that could probably crush me without even trying. "It's Desi, or Desiree. It's not Destiny. Just because whoever's in charge of that chose to reneg on their promise to allow her to keep her name doesn't mean they have final say. Everyone has a right to choose for themselves, after all."

As I looked around, I noticed every Red Neo was intensely focused on me. And not a single one looked pleased at my speech. Giving quick glances at each other before looking at mom. And I didn't need to look at her to know that I had just done the one thing she didn't want me to do in front of her friends.

"You're right," she said, slapping her hand on my shoulder as she slowly started to dig her nails into it. "Everyone has the right to choose for themselves, Desmond."

I started to squint as the pressure mounted. Her nails digging into my body more and more. It... hurt. It really hurt. I went to pull her off of me, but my hand couldn't move even one finger a single inch. My teeth clenched as I felt the claws shifting, getting longer as they began to curve. I didn't know they could do that, but my skin tingled fiercely with every agonizing push. I swear to God, it felt like she was actually trying to tear her way into my shoulder.

"Mom... STOP!" I whispered, feeling myself starting to get woozy. I think I felt something wet? I don't know, it was just so sudden. But the tingling in my shoulder only got stronger the longer she held on. But then there was a sudden release, and I fell to my knees as mom snapped her fingers and motioned for someone to come over. Quickly finding myself kneeling at the feet of one of the guards on watch.

"Your orders?" the guard asked, giving a quick pyramid shaped salute as I slowly got back up. My whole arm felt numb, like I had slept on it for several hours as the tingling in my shoulder remained. I had no choice and used my left, hearing my shoulder click loudly in my ears as I put my weight on it.

"Get three sisters," she told them, posturing as proudly as her smile. "You have already been told who is to be detained. She is to be questioned after the celebration is over. Stay armed. She is more dangerous than anything you could imagine."

Then with a wave of her hand, she dismissed the Orange Neo. Once more receiving the NAE salute before running off to gather others for... someone. I wasn't sure who. Probably Safira, given the way my mother talked about her. I didn't have long to think about it before the lights suddenly dimmed and every Neo in the room started to cheer as loud, celebratory music filled the room. I didn't have a moment to gather my bearings before I felt mom's hand grabbing the back of my shirt as she started to drag me towards the stage.

"Come along, Desmond!"

"Wh-What's going on?" I demanded, holding my arm and massaging it to try and get the feeling back into it.

"It's what we're all here for," she said, pushing through the crowd as they surged forward. "The announcement's about to begin! And you have a part to play in it!"
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on March 20, 2023, 05:46:11 pm
Always another cliffhanger! Lol
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on March 22, 2023, 02:25:07 am
Another banger of an update. I think this is the first time we are really seeing Laura have fear. Not only in terms of Safira and her capabilities but also in her grip loosening on Desmond. Even though she's been with the NAE for awhile it seems that even with decades of planning, no plan survives first contact. Speaking of planning now that's its open that Laura was part of the NAE before becoming NEO it makes you think about things like Desmond and Desi's upbringing, Reggie's "accident" and a whole host of other things and how the NAE had their hand in the past.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on March 22, 2023, 03:51:56 am
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Another banger of an update. I think this is the first time we are really seeing Laura have fear. Not only in terms of Safira and her capabilities but also in her grip loosening on Desmond. Even though she's been with the NAE for awhile it seems that even with decades of planning, no plan survives first contact. Speaking of planning now that's its open that Laura was part of the NAE before becoming NEO it makes you think about things like Desmond and Desi's upbringing, Reggie's "accident" and a whole host of other things and how the NAE had their hand in the past.

Good eye.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 01, 2023, 06:57:40 am
The room felt like it was getting smaller as everyone pressed forward towards the stage at the far end of the room. Bodies pressing in tight as mom kept a firm grip on my collar. Loud, triumphant music I had never heard before began to play as the floating geometric lights I had seen before while everyone was partying began reappeared, sending the Neo crowd into an ecstatic cheer. It was surprising how quickly we made our way through. As I looked at mom, the crowd seemed to part just as she was approaching. Granting her passage without impediment. The scent that seemed to always linger around her stronger than I had ever sensed before, Amber and Vanilla practically assaulting my sinuses as I was caught up in her wake. Before long, we had broken through the crowd. Mom whipping me forward as I tumbled to the floor and rolling into the side of the stage near some steps, hitting my bad shoulder into the wall with an audible click.

I glared at her, my throat burning as I got up. My right arm still numb, but slowly getting its strength back as I pushed myself back to my feet.

"What the Hell is the matter with you?" I shouted, my voice partially drowned out by the audio and the crowd.

"We don't have time for your bitching," mom said, pointing towards the stage as Ms. Merrymore walked on stage with a microphone and sending the crowd into even louder cheering. "We're on in five. So smile and wave, or I swear on your father's grave that I'll do things that'll make your life until now look like Sesame Street."

"We're on in five? What the Hell does that-"

I was cut off as a spotlight came on, making the crowd cheer louder as mom turned and waved towards the audience. The biggest fucking smile on her face as she leaned in close.

"Smile and wave, son!"

I couldn't help but do as she said, forcing myself to smile and wave as mom drank in the adoration. A chant of "Reaper! Reaper!" building as she gently grabbed my arm and pulled me up the steps. Guiding me onto the stage as I was forced to join Ms. Merrymore, who gestured towards us before applauding.

"Are we ready?" Ms. Merrymore said, looking fantastic in a sequined blue dress that glinted with green underneath the lights. Her blonde hair stylized into a loose ponytail as her eyes remained glued onto mom.

"I know Cecilia is," mom replied, giving her a knowing smirk. "But I don't think our Sisters know why they're here."

Ms. Merrymore began to giggle as she gave mom a gigantic hug.

"No, they are not!"

Then, with a flourish, she pressed a button on the microphone and got the ball rolling.

"Sisters!" she declared, excitement in her voice and in the air. "I want to thank you all for coming tonight! You, who represent important sections of our planned society! Scientists! Social engineers! Our strongest generals and warriors! You, who will change this planet for the better as we spread out into all factors of this reality! Give it up for you absolutely BEASTLY, BEAUTIFUL BADASSES!"

The crowd's fervor swelled once more, responding to the praise. Some were calling out with thank you's, others with "New for you!" Others were chanting "N-A-E! N-A-E!" And as I looked out across the crowd, I got a good look at who was really attending this gathering. While Orange Neos lined the walls, the crowd itself was filled with the other colors. Blues and Greens and Reds. My eyes scanned the crowd, looking for a pair of White eyes. But then, in the far back, right by the doors that lead to the entryway, I saw them. Moving out of the room was Desi, surrounded by four pairs of Orange eyes. A glint of metal revealing that they had their guns trained on her, ordering her to move and shoving her as our eyes met.

Mom hadn't ordered them to retrieve Safira. It was for Desiree.

I wanted to make a move, but mom's hand was on my chest before I realized it. Giving me a smirk as she mouthed the words "stay" to me, clear as day. I looked towards Desi, and she looked at me. Our eyes meeting as one of the guards pointed out the door, while another seemed to activate the gun she was holding to show my sister that she wasn't fucking around. They were taking no chances, openly threatening to shoot her before forcing her out of the hall.

"But now, for the real reason you're here!" Ms. Merrymore exclaimed, moving to the side and motioning off stage. "And to make such an announcement, give it up for The One! The Only! Our Sister Ascendant! Queen Cornelia Bernard!"

The crowd lost its mind as some sort of military march began to play, and out of the darkened corners of the stage, she walked out. And she had most definitely changed since I last saw her three weeks ago.

The first thing I noticed was that she was very much BIGGER than before. Her body looked thicker, stronger. Clearly focused on mass, her sleeveless royal red dress was holding on for dear life across her torso as incredible sinew threatened to tear itself out of her clothing. Lats like wings forcing satin to dare challenge her physicality as she held her head high. Her elegant neck replaced with a thicker Bull like one as her broadened, boulder-like shoulders allowed a most perfect slope to some truly outrageous arms, comparable to my mother's. Every inch of forearms looking like she had spent years working on curls and other exercises to build them to titanic power, capped with red skin that came to her elbows like gloves. Her hands had gotten wider, thicker as she waved towards the Neos in attendance, her forearms brushing up against an absolutely massive pair of breasts that stretched the top of her dress even further than her lats alone could.

And above it all, her facial features had been further refined. A more youthful appearance, to be sure. I'd almost say she now looked like the image of a teenage beauty queen, all signs of previous maturity given way to a fresher, longer lasting appeal that she had clearly taken inspiration from mom on. Her long, blonde hair now a lighter color, an almost white shade that contrasted against her golden skin. An almost perfect embodiment of the most fetishized of both bimbos and female bodybuilders, fitting onto the frankly gigantic being that Doctor Bernard had turned herself into. As she drew closer, I realized it wasn't just her build itself as she slowly loomed larger than ever. Walking up to my mother, she had now become so tall, she nearly towered over her as she moved in close and gave her a passionate kiss. I wasn't taken aback by the kiss itself, but more how casually mom pushed me away before she threw herself at Doctor Bernard. Standing next to them, I noticed that I felt even smaller than before. I had been isolated, tortured, nearly killed, transformed, humiliated. But at that moment, Doctor Bernard hadn't even registered me. She knew my name, held an interest in me. But on this stage, all that mattered was what she wanted. And I realized that I was a prop that didn't matter to either her or my mother.

And as I gazed at them, and out at the crowd, the chants seemed to be fading away as the multi-tonal buzzing in my head grew louder. But as I listened to it, I thought I could hear something else. Something growing clearer. I could swear it sounded like-

"Sisters," Doctor Bernard cheered, holding the microphone at the perfect distance. "I am glad you came tonight! How are you feeling?"

Playing it up to the crowd, she held the microphone out as the women in the crowd cheered once more. Their screams reaching a frenzied pitch as they pushed forward to reach out to their great leader. Fawning in ecstasy as they cried out her name, praising her, some hands luck enough to grab onto her legs and sending the lucky few into hysterics. It felt less like a gathering and more like an invite only concert for the most hardcore of Cecilia's fans.

"I'm so glad you're here with me," she continued. "Celebrating the fantastic job our brave Soldiers and Officers have accomplished as we bring Humanity to where it belongs! At the feet of its betters, its true mistresses!"

As she spoke, I couldn't help but notice just how wrong her words seemed. Before, she had spoken of wanting to help the world. Of needing to save it. But now, her words had a tinge of true egotistical violence to them. Like she was now at liberty to speak what she truly believed.

"For the past several decades, we have worked tirelessly to claw away everything that Humanity has built up. They built industries, we took their financial institutions. They fought over land, we bought it washed in their blood from underneath their feet. They took to the stars, we guided Humanity into a new Dark Age of overopinionated perceptions that fed their greed and desire for self importance into the greatest loss of mindfulness and intelligence they hadn't seen since they rose out of the mud around the trees they fell out of millennia ago!"

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" I asked mom, clearly wanting an answer. But for her part, mom rolled her eyes and took a step away from me.

"The truth," she said, noticing that Doctor Bernard was looking over her shoulder at us with a small smile. "Now shut up and let the Sister Ascendant speak, Desmond."

"But that is also why we are here," Doctor Bernard exclaimed, moving towards us and throwing her arm around my shoulders. "Our rise. From monkeys came humans. And from humans... comes us. We are not of humanity. We are something different. We, who have taken everything they have to offer and built something greater. Their genes, remade into ours. Both in Neo form... and breeding form."

With a quick ruffling of my hair, Cecilia pushed my head away. But as she approached the front of the stage, I noticed two things. First wasn't as obvious, because where she walked, there wasn't any clicking of high heels. Her footsteps were silent, almost like she was barefoot and walking carefully. But the second was most obvious. Because as she walked, I noticed her suddenly getting taller, like she had gotten onto her tiptoes. And then gain another inch in height. My eyes grew wide in disbelief, not sure what I was seeing. But to my right, I heard mom giggling.

"You want to know what this is all about?" Mom asked. "Then take a look!"

"The future will be remade," Cecilia declared, reaching for the hem of her dress. "And it will be remade-"

With a quick pull, the crowd went wild as the skirt of her dress tore away. Revealing that she was actually wearing a red leotard designed to look like part of a skirt. But it wasn't what she was wearing that made the fawning Neos lose their minds.

It was what was underneath the skirt that sent them over the edge. For her legs had changed. Just as heavily muscled as her upper half had become. An electric red color at knee height, leading down to some truly monstrous calves in perfect flex. Diamond shaped beneath perfectly sculpted tear dropped thighs, leading down to... I don't know what. She still had feet, but they looked bizarre. Two large toes with two smaller ones on either side. Each capped with black claws that reflexively extended. Her feet themselves looked like they were on tiptoes, but the placement of the joint was all wrong. Too high up to be useful until I looked at the soles of her feet, covered in the same leathery blue skin as the bottom of Neo hands that seemed to precisely divit and bulge in ways that seemed to highlight that her feet had become multijointed. And at her heel, there seemed to be a black nub protruding out. But with a sudden twitch of her calf, a long spike shot out and hit the stage floor. Then, with a little rocking motion, she stomped down and smoothly punctured the stage to return to a flat footing.

"...In a Neo image!"

As the crowd continued to scream their lungs out in jubilation at this news, Doctor Bernard held her hand out towards my mother. And she, giving me a smug look, moved to Cecilia's side. Hand in hand before the crowd like they were at a rally that was chanting their names.

"This is only the beginning, sisters! Our evolution is at hand! We will take those who claim to be female and weed out the fake ones from the real ones! We will take their humanity and rebuild them in our image! Our design! We will build our strength and numbers until nothing in existence can stop us! It is our right to exist! It is our right to thrive! It is our right to rule! And it is our right to remake this world as we see fit! And when we are done here, we will spread right to other places! We will remake them! We will show them that there are only two ways to be - no way or the Neo way! And we will show them all that New is not scary! New is not bad! NEO... IS NEW!"

It sunk in what I was unknowingly a part of as the crowd began chanting "Neo for you", over and over. Each repetition getting it through my fucking skull what their slogan truly was - a rallying cry of fealty.

Neos were never going to save humanity. They were here to conquer, to rule and to remake us into something for their own purposes.

Neo is new.
Neo for you.
It wasn't for us.
It was for Doctor Bernard and the NAE.
They had been telling us the whole time that it was for themselves, and only for them.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on April 05, 2023, 08:45:20 pm
So in the end it was really about becoming the dominant species, in a way it makes sense all of it points were to being NEO and only NEO and leaving humanity in the dust regardless of gender. It also makes sense why the deception, how could you get your numbers up by disclosing that in a group of human females that some will ascend to godhood and some will be janitors. With that godhood carrot I'd imagine the stick of doing anything (betraying ones morals, countries, loved ones, etc.) to get that carrot becomes comically simple and useful for conquering from overt and covert means. It also has the added effect of controlling the human race. By controlling the female population in such a way either by becoming NEO or slaves, your effectively controlling reproduction. Which in a way the NAE is saying also that if they don't get the human numbers down and kept docile, humans could get united and rout them out regardless of their tech or tactics or the humans would force the NEOs into a Pyrrhic victory scenario.

While I understand Desmond saying in horror that what Dr.Bernard has become, you have to also think what is efficient or what could be efficient to become the dominant species. That is what NEO is, becoming the dominant species by hook or crook. Hook being brains and beauty and crook by becoming the most strongest and deadly thing on earth. Its like evolving a rose to become more and more beautiful and alluring but at the same time have every disease and poison on the planet along with friggen lazer beams while being as invasive as kudzu.

Overall a fantastic update. In a way it also shows that NEO is new could also mean that NEO is never set in stone its constantly on the move trying to be the best of the best as shown with Dr.Bernard with each of her iterations. What that end goal will be and how it will shape this story well whose to say.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 06, 2023, 10:08:52 am
As their chanting grew louder and more fervent, I watched as mom and Doctor Bernard let the praise wash over them. Red hand in red hand, six fingers wrapping around and holding the other tight. They looked so natural there, at the front of the stage as they stood tall and proud above the waves of adoring faces and glowing eyes. But as I looked on, I suddenly felt this pressure in my head. My sight was flickering, blurring as this intense sensation was going through my head. It was intensely familiar, causing my mind to flashback to the Equivalent Estates. The way my head felt when I was laying on the roof as my body was starting to fail. My heart was still, but the piercing sensation as the damned harmonic tone grew louder was unbearable.

I put my palm on my forehead, rubbing to try and help me focus. But no matter how hard I ground my hand, the sensation seemed to only grow. But as I focused on the pain, the sound only seemed to get clearer. And it was here that I noticed it wasn't just a sound.

As I opened my eyes, squinting as the stage lights seemed to burrow through my eyes and into the back of my skull from the growing migraine, I had to ask myself, "Wait... Are those... VOICES?"

I didn't have long to actually consider what I seemed to be hearing, as I felt a hand on my back pushing me forward. I stumbled a bit, pulled out of my thoughts as several hands began tugging at my clothes. As I reflexively lifted my arms, my brain finally caught up to what was going on.

"...No longer will fertility ever be an issue! As you have all witnessed, our treatments never fail to remake men into the best we made them to be! We have guaranteed the growth of future Sisters and Daughters, to a degree even the brightest of our Blues were unable to calculate!"

As soon as my shirt was off, the wolf whistles and catcalls came rolling in.

"Look at that cutie!"

"Hey, big boy! The fields are too good for you!"

"Your body says teen idol, but your bulge says Lumberjack!"

"Did you mix horse DNA in his treatments?"

The crowd seemed to lose it as mom pulled me forward to stand next to her. Her look was weird, a mix of pride and shame as she stared at me.

"This man you see before you is Desmond. He currently resides in Commander Nowell's house. He is her attendant, serving in various household duties, as well as on loan for more... intimate occasions. Care to show them why, Laura?"

With a smirk, mom leaned down. And in one quick motion, pantsed me before God and everyone. The collective gasps and laughs and cheers was utterly humiliating as they took in what was between my legs. I tried to cover up, but I knew my hands were too small for all of... me. I saw them moving forward, grabbing at me. I wanted to move back, but mom's hand held me firm around the back of my neck. I truly felt like a piece of meat before a starving pack of beasts. Their hands appraising me, sliding across my cock or across my legs. I felt like an animal for auction, for both breeding and slaughter.

"This is the future of Men, my dear Sisters! We will remake them into the truly docile being they must become for us to thrive and survive. And thanks to the generosity of Commander Nowell, she has given us permission to put on a little show for everyone here tonight! Isn't that right, my dear?"

As she handed mom the microphone, it hit me. A show? What kind of show were they talking about?

"That's right," mom told her, motioning offstage. "It's a one of a kind event, ladies! For tonight, we're going to have a live demonstration of the benefits of converting your Men into the best we can make them!"

I heard something moving behind me. Turning my head, I watched as a bed of some kind, practically medical in its somewhat wide design and sparsely covered with a couple pillows and a sheet, was silently brought in by two Orange Neos. It took me a second to realize that the bed itself wasn't on wheels, hovering a couple inches off the floor before being lowered down. I caught a glimpse of the floor in the bed's shadow suddenly opening up, allowing it to sink in slightly with a click before the machine they used to carry the bed in simply slid out.

I quickly realized what mom was implying.

"Whoa," I said, anxiously putting my hands up. "Hold on! You want me to fuck someone for your enjoyment?!"

Handing the microphone back to Doctor Bernard, mom wrapped her arm around my head and pulled me in close.

"You will do as I say, Desmond." she quietly growled. "No whining, no crying like a little bitch. You will fuck Cecilia's choice of a partner for you and LIKE it. You understand, boy? Now... BE A GOOD BOY AND BE HAPPY TO FUCK WHOEVER JOINS YOU ON THAT FUCKING BED, YOU HEAR ME?"

As her words sank in, my head burned two ways. One was the familiar burning I had grown used to, a short pain accompanied by the scent of something charred. But the other was the cold fire I had felt since I woke up a couple hours ago. The harmonics growing slightly louder in my head, as I picked up the distinction of several muted voices in a weird wail. It reminded me of a song dad had me listen to when I was eight. He said it was called a threnody? A mix of several dissonant notes to create a chorus of power and mystery, as he described it. I think that was what I was hearing, at that moment.

As I was willingly led to the bed, mom's command echoing in my head, Doctor Bernard continued her speech.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on April 06, 2023, 10:22:57 am
Now, for a very special wrinkle in this story.

It's here that the story branches into two different parts, each equally canon to the story in different ways. Unfortunately, I will only post ONE of those branches here. So what you guys on here will get will be the OBEDIENCE branch of the story.

Meanwhile, there will be the other branch: DEFIANCE (which will absolutely break the rules when it comes to Saradas policies). I'll post that one elsewhere

After both are posted, I will then move on to the completion of the chapter. Which I can guarantee you furthers why I keep saying this story is a SCI FI HORROR tale at its core. And after that, one more chapter before this book is finished and I take a break in May.

And then in June, we move on from YOUR HOUSE to YOUR WORLD, book 02 in THE NEO TRILOGY.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: havok1209 on May 11, 2023, 06:07:23 pm
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Now, for a very special wrinkle in this story.

It's here that the story branches into two different parts, each equally canon to the story in different ways. Unfortunately, I will only post ONE of those branches here. So what you guys on here will get will be the OBEDIENCE branch of the story.

Meanwhile, there will be the other branch: DEFIANCE (which will absolutely break the rules when it comes to Saradas policies). I'll post that one elsewhere

After both are posted, I will then move on to the completion of the chapter. Which I can guarantee you furthers why I keep saying this story is a SCI FI HORROR tale at its core. And after that, one more chapter before this book is finished and I take a break in May.

And then in June, we move on from YOUR HOUSE to YOUR WORLD, book 02 in THE NEO TRILOGY.

Anxiously awaiting the new installment!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Sounder9- on May 12, 2023, 03:28:08 pm
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Now, for a very special wrinkle in this story.

It's here that the story branches into two different parts, each equally canon to the story in different ways. Unfortunately, I will only post ONE of those branches here. So what you guys on here will get will be the OBEDIENCE branch of the story.

Meanwhile, there will be the other branch: DEFIANCE (which will absolutely break the rules when it comes to Saradas policies). I'll post that one elsewhere

After both are posted, I will then move on to the completion of the chapter. Which I can guarantee you furthers why I keep saying this story is a SCI FI HORROR tale at its core. And after that, one more chapter before this book is finished and I take a break in May.

And then in June, we move on from YOUR HOUSE to YOUR WORLD, book 02 in THE NEO TRILOGY.

Anxiously awaiting the new installment!

Indeed, looking forward into where the story goes next and the next book too!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on February 21, 2024, 11:22:22 pm
Well, it's been a while since I posted anything (especially anything YOUR HOUSE related).

I came across this pic which I'm not happy about in the slightest, but I'm going to post it anyway because it's one of my favorite side characters from the story that I still need to develop more. The artist did me dirty by drawing her like She Hulk when she's actually not supposed to be like that except in regards to muscularity. And on top of that, it was meant to be a teaser for what was to come in Your World (which would be the LAST TIME you would see any Neos resembling Humanity in pretty much every important way as most would be transitioning into the final stages of Neo-Alsarnian appearance).

As I type this, I'm still struggling to find the energy to write the ending to Your House, so it might still be some time before that happens.

Anyway, this pic was the beginning of the spiral that I'm still trying to escape. Mostly because the green parts of her skin were supposed to stop midway up her arm because she went through several treatments due to the events of Your House's planned finale.

But enough talking. Here's the pic that was one of the triggers of my massive flare out a while back.


( (
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: erocha75 on May 03, 2024, 02:01:46 am
So, I had not had a chance to read this story (novel) until 2day. It is absolutely magnificent, the scope of it really staggering. The World Building also mesmerizing.

I realize it's been 3 months since the author posted anything, and several months more since an actual chapter was posted. Just wanted to let the author know that I do hope that this story, as offered, is continued here (and elsewhere). It is just too good to be left unfinished.

Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 13, 2024, 11:24:55 pm
So, uh... Surprise?

- - - - -  - - - - -

"For this," Doctor Bernard continued, taking center stage with a joyous bent one can only find in the greatest of performers and showmen. "We have selected one of our newest Sisters!"

Waving to someone offstage, I slid onto the bed as I saw this very slim looking lady came onto the stage. Her eyes glowing a bright orange, she was all smiles as she walked out from behind the stage left curtain. Her very simple sundress flowing freely as she walked proudly towards Doctor Bernard. Excitement in every ounce of her body as she waved both hands towards all the Neos in attendance beyond the edge of the stage. Her short stiletto heels clacking muted as the cheers of everyone on the floor washed over us. I didn't realize I had been staring at her until I felt something cold touching my wrists. But when I did, I looked up to find my arms had been put in restraints by two soldiers. Concern burned the inside of my chest as I felt more hands grabbing my legs, causing me to look down as they, too, were put inside the same type of metal latches as my hands. Pinning me to the bed as if I was a danger to everyone around me.

"H-Hey! Is this really-?"

"Quiet, Mr. Nowell." was the only answer I received from one of the Orange Neos, her glare cutting deeply with an intent of violence I had only seen in my mother. When I looked at the other three Neos that aided her, I realized they all shared the same sentiment. They were openly telling me that I was here for them, and not the other way around.

As I looked at my mom and Doctor Bernard, all I received in kind were cold looks and a bright placid smile on Cecilia's face that sent a chill down my spine. It felt like a cult, honestly. A rabid cult of muscular women with multicolored limbs and glowing eyes. fervently fawning over some sort of messianic figure while I was being served up like a lamb to the slaughter. I watched as their leader turned towards my mom, and with a lover's look nodded her head in confirmation before putting her arm around the newcomer.

"Sister," she said, turning on the charm once more. "Please introduce yourself and how long you've been where you've always belonged."

The new Neo brushed her dark blonde hair behind her ear with a shy smile, scanning the audience for a second as Doctor Bernard lowered the mic in front of her.

"My name is Suzanne Bellamy," she said, quietly but firmly. "And I have been a Neo for almost two months!"

As all the Neos in front of the stage roared in praise and approval, something bothered me as I looked at Suzanne. I could have sworn I had seen her somewhere. It wasn't like I knew her, knew her. But I had seen her before. I just wasn't sure where. With the crowd, and the smells. And the way my mind was buzzing. And what sounded like a choir in my head. And my mom's words reverberating in my head. Everything was just too much. My vision was starting to swim, and I was starting to feel so weird. The way my brain and dick were tingling was new, like slow lightning that was creeping down my neck and shaft. Both tied together as my heart hammered in my ears. I just couldn't put the pieces together, no matter what I tried. All I knew was she looked familiar and I was getting more willingly aroused than I had felt in a long time.

In fact, I was so distracted by the way I was feeling, I only realized something was going on when the Neos began chanting "Take it off!" over and over again. I looked over just in time to see my mom slowly pulling off Suzanne's dress. Letting it drop to the floor and revealing that their guest wore absolutely nothing underneath. It's not like she wasn't pretty, maybe I'd truly feel something for her before all of this. But she was just... ordinary, in a way. Healthy, yeah. Toned, definitely. But if it wasn't for the order I was given, it just felt wrong. My brain kept repeating mom's command, but my body was telling me she wasn't right for me.

As they turned towards me, each had a different reaction. Mom was the image of cruel enjoyment, her mask slipping as she reveled in taking control away from me once more. Suzanne was nervous, visibly fighting her nerves as she walked towards me. But Doctor Bernard? She surprised me. There was a giddiness on display. Her joy was irrepressible. A smile brighter than a thousand suns while her eyes were filled with some sort of intent. Like something she had been building towards was finally coming together as Suzanne held out her arms to let herself be lifted onto the bed with a choreographed grace. I had to look at her, looming over me with a pitiable look from on high.

"You're cute," she pouted, childishly as she rubbed the top of her foot along my.. you know. "But we're not here for cute, are we? Be a good boy and let go of what's holding you back."

As soon as she said it, I shot up like a rocket. It was like my body was prepared for her words, instantly getting erect. And with how she was standing, I felt myself grazing against her... yeah. And it felt... good. I felt this... pulse? Deep inside me. Like a spark shooting through me. kind of like when you turn on a lightbulb, electricity being allowed to flow through wires. I looked up at her, and suddenly I couldn't see her. It was... It was like I was seeing who she could be. Instead of the small, toned woman, I was seeing a hulking being with orange skin, with orange and black eyes towering above me. Her body fertile but mighty as her powerful arms cradled her gravid belly. A subtle glow from within herself as if literally being powered by the natal essence she bore. Her thick six fingers running along her expansive middle, her black nails gently scratching at it.

But as much as I was turned on, there were so many things that felt wrong about her. While she was beautiful, her face was different. It was... unnatural. Utterly inhuman. As strong as her face seemed, it was also gaunt, like all the fat in her face had vanished. Her nose was gone, replaced by two odd looking slits that seemed to have a weird membrane. And her smile, once pitiable but now predatory. A toothy smile that only became stranger as I watched another sharper and more feral row suddenly appear behind the present one she had before.

As much as I wanted to fuck, I suddenly felt more afraid than I had ever felt in my life. I closed my eyes when I saw the creature reaching down

She asked "Are you ready?" and I felt her hand on my dick. And it was normal. I opened my eyes, and it was Suzanne. Not the thing, just her. But something still felt wrong about all this.

"I don't- I-"

Suzanne didn't care. Her grip tightened on me, and she wasn't amused with my reaction.

"I wasn't talking to you, pet."

Without another word, she spread her legs, squat down and sank herself on me. Her head rearing back with an overjoyed smile as the Neo crowd cheered her on.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: erocha75 on May 14, 2024, 03:47:17 am
Yeahhh! Another exciting chapter of this magnificent story (novel)!! So, poor Desmond is finally being "put to use" by the Neos. Whats gonna happen next?? When are we getting the big reveal??

PS Where can we read the DEFIANCE versiĆ³n of the story??
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 14, 2024, 10:43:01 pm
In the span of one day, the number of views on here jumped by almost 1000.

You guys really wanted me to continue this, despite not saying so or commenting, huh?
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: Wookey on May 15, 2024, 09:44:44 am
We are enjoying. Sorry that we do not give enough praise
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: poop on May 15, 2024, 10:09:37 am
Binged the entire thing. Really impressive premise and great work! Though I understand it's a space horror, I keep waiting for the moment of retribution, where the tables turn. Very much like Berserk, if you're familiar with that manga. Where this character Griffith, gets so terribly tortured and then by a miracle, turns into a demon of great power at the penultimate hour.

I wait for this moment for the protagonist of this story. Where he somehow channels a huge amount of energy from the alternate dimension and just uses his dick like a laser gun and blows a hole straight through his mom. She is in shock, mid sentence, and just crumples down to the ground. Then as if a star wars ending fashion with a bad villain, all the other Neos lose their powers and revert back to normal naked girls, and the US military storms in, gunning them all down. The End  ;)
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 15, 2024, 03:52:44 pm
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Binged the entire thing. Really impressive premise and great work! Though I understand it's a space horror, I keep waiting for the moment of retribution, where the tables turn. Very much like Berserk, if you're familiar with that manga. Where this character Griffith, gets so terribly tortured and then by a miracle, turns into a demon of great power at the penultimate hour.

I wait for this moment for the protagonist of this story. Where he somehow channels a huge amount of energy from the alternate dimension and just uses his dick like a laser gun and blows a hole straight through his mom. She is in shock, mid sentence, and just crumples down to the ground. Then as if a star wars ending fashion with a bad villain, all the other Neos lose their powers and revert back to normal naked girls, and the US military storms in, gunning them all down. The End  ;)

I'm a fan of Berserk, but that's not the direction the story is going.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on May 15, 2024, 05:41:12 pm
GL My Brother - your work ALWAYS is in demand.   :woohoo:
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 15, 2024, 05:46:49 pm
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We are enjoying. Sorry that we do not give enough praise

I'm not looking for praise. But the sheer fact that people severely take others for granted on here and elsewhere is a big issue.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: HumanPersonBeing on May 16, 2024, 02:32:14 pm
FWIW I think you're one of best writers in this niche and I always get excited when I see one of your stories has an update.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: erocha75 on May 24, 2024, 03:53:26 pm
Hey, just to let our awesome author know that it would be soooo great if we could get a continuation to this fantastic story (novel)!! It is sooooo good!! I am very grateful that he sent us this new chapter recently!! Pls pls continue!!
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: phil123 on May 26, 2024, 05:51:50 am
Hope for and update and how the World will react on the NEO. And perhaps what will internal issues within the family / sisters.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 26, 2024, 07:53:51 am
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Hope for and update and how the World will react on the NEO. And perhaps what will internal issues within the family / sisters.

Next installment will be in a few days. Don't know if I want to make it one or two before the end of the chapter.

As for how the world will react to the NAE, that's for Your World, which will change up writing styles from 1st Person to 3rd Person (there's a very specific reason for that).
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 28, 2024, 05:23:46 am
Decided to make it a couple installments before chapter's end. So let's keep on with it.

I know you asked for details, but I kinda feel like this might be TMI.

She was... tight. I don't just mean I was "too big for her", that wasn't an issue. Her body just seemed to *give* in the right amount. Down... Down there, I mean. She took me like a fucking champ until she couldn't go any further. I've never seen anyone's body bulge out like that except in some really fucking weird cartoons, really. I could practically see my dick's outline in perfect detail. Hell, it even felt like her pelvis itself was accommodating me, if that makes any sense. It was frankly comical. Or maybe "disturbing" would be a better way to put it.

But the look on her face was one of pure bliss. She was fucking laughing when she stared to move on top of me. Her legs spread wide as she squat down, bottomed out and mechanically lifted off of me like a pneumatic piston. And I could feel her tightening up on me the whole time. Perfect control of her muscles as she rode me. Slowly at first, letting me feel her body working itself around me. I had never been with anyone that tight or controlled before.

All I could do was grunt as she took charge. Partly due from how much it hurt when she squeezed my dick, kind of like when they put me in the milking machines. But as Suzanne used me without abandon, my head was starting to swim. The air was getting heavier, filling with so many scents. I couldn't help but feel more aroused as my vision drifted away from the woman using me and towards the audience as they began to fall into sexual abandon. Clothes were being removed as flesh pressed against flesh. A veritable lake of muscular women fawning over one another upon the first instance of pleasure on stage serving as a flag for their own. I could barely see what was going on, but I could tell. Glowing eyes staring deep into others, electric pleasure sparking as lips came into contact. Hands roaming bodies as their cries and moans grew louder and louder. Neo lovers guided to the floor as LED like points drifted and turned away from the stage. I looked towards Doctor Bernard, looming over my mother as she slowly caressed her escort. My mother gave me a proud smile, a look that wordlessly expressed every ounce of power she felt at that moment.

I could tell, at this moment, as Cecilia's hand slipped her top across her shoulder before lovingly grabbing for her breast, that my mother, Laura Nowell, truly and earnestly believed that she had achieved what she wanted. She had power. She had control. And most importantly, that I had lost everything to her. Including the one thing that came through my genetics.

My heart ached, hammering in my chest as I felt my emotions swell. I could feel myself tremoring as I realized what I truly was - a sacrifice for my mother's sake. The abuse, the treatments. The way my body was changed, making me so easy to overpower and use against my wishes.

It felt like every part of me was burning. My head, my throat. My chest. My dick. I could hear my mom's voice bouncing around in my skull as I was made a centerpiece for the NAE's grand display of what was in store for me, let alone everyone else the NAE didn't want among their ranks. I wanted to scream. I could feel tears running down my face. It was too much. Everything was starting to hurt. Even my breath felt caustic, like I was breathing lightning. Down to my core, it felt like I was back on the rooftop of the Equivalence Estates. My vision was blurring and my head was pounding. I could hear the roar of my blood in my ears.

Then, without warning, I felt something. The burning felt real. Realer than anything I felt before. I tried to fight the feeling, closing my eyes tightly as I fought the confusion. But with each pulse, the darkness was filled with light. So many lights. Green and Blue. Orange and Red. I could see so many figures made of those lights, so many in attendance. One hundred and twenty four in attendance. A sea of lights, and a sparse few on stage - two Reds, one that was a mix of Green and Blue and four Orange. The detail was impeccable, like I was looking at every being in the room. But at the same time, there was something else about the colored lights. They were... wrong. All of this was wrong. These lights weren't meant to be here.

...let go...

Did you hear that? That voice?

...Let go...

No, not one voice. MANY voices.

"...Let go, Desmond."

There was something... building inside of me. I could feel it burning its way out of me. It... hurts.

Suzanne stopped riding me. I could see both her and her light turning to look at me.

"What are you doing?" she asked. But I just stared beyond her, up at the ceiling and watched as this purplish hue began to permeating the darkness beyond the lights in the room. Too far away to really be felt but bright enough to be seen. Something... past everything else.

"She said to let go, Desmond."

Oh God. It was the chorus of voices I was hearing before. They were clearer than ever. Whispering in my ear... In my head! The voices of so many women. They were... demanding. And all I could do was listen to them. Obey them.

"LET. GO."

I screamed as I felt something inside me explode. It was like a thousand storms had broken, all at the same time. So much lightning was coursing through my body that everything that was unlit turned purple. So much pain. So much power.

"Sister Ascendant?! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH-"

I felt myself moving on its own, watching as my hands, filled with cascading colors, reached forward. Unbound for the first time in my whole life as I grabbed Suzanne's hips. And with a casual cruelty and a strength I had never felt before, pulled her full weight down on me. Her Orange light flickering as I slammed my full length and girth inside of her and rendering her silent. Her faces a mask of shock and pain as I began to thrust.

I had to let go.

I needed to let go.

The voices from beyond told me to. As did she. And I had to obey them.

I had to be a good boy, like my mother ordered me to.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: jcboyd on May 28, 2024, 04:12:14 pm
Completely expecting it to be "... and I felt her pelvis and hips and midsection fracture, rupture, and shatter, torn asunder as I LET GO in her..."
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: GLKnight on May 28, 2024, 05:19:44 pm
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Completely expecting it to be "... and I felt her pelvis and hips and midsection fracture, rupture, and shatter, torn asunder as I LET GO in her..."

I'm not going that far, trust me.

There's a completely different "letting go" that's going to happen next time.
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: erocha75 on May 28, 2024, 09:21:07 pm
Wow, another super exciting chapter! What a vclffhanger
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: erocha75 on May 28, 2024, 09:25:09 pm
Wow, another super exciting installment!! Thank you!! What a cliffhanger!! Can't wait for the final segment of this chapter!! 

PS For whatever reason, my money is on Suzanne transforming into some sort of monstruous & powerful creature...
Title: Re: Your House
Post by: phil123 on May 30, 2024, 04:23:33 am
A new direction of the story and charcters? Cant'wait to read what happens next and hope the next chapter is not the last.