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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: fitgirlfanguy on January 20, 2021, 06:41:24 pm

Title: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on January 20, 2021, 06:41:24 pm

Here's my first attempt at writing muscle fiction.  Admittedly a slow start, developing the backstory, but building up to more exciting content to follow in what are hopefully multiple chapters.  Feedback welcome.  Hope you enjoy reading!

Flex Friends

Chapter 1

     On a sunny summer Saturday afternoon, as the moving truck crew unloaded the last box into the garage and departed the quiet cul-de-sac where their new home now was, Michelle and David stood beside each other, sizing up the job ahead of them.  While the movers had brought all the furniture into their new house and set it up for them, a multitude of boxes waited for them in the large double garage.  A job promotion for David required moving to upstate New York from the city.  While the job itself brought in him into downtown Buffalo each day, their new house was situated in the nicer suburb of Williamsville.  While Michelle had been working as a yoga instructor up til the move away from New York City, David’s substantial increase in pay combined with the move to an area with more affordable housing and cost of living wouldn’t require her to work anymore unless she wanted to.  Besides, Michelle wasn’t crazy about teaching yoga.  Her growing lack of interest in it recently seemed to be due to the fact that instead of remaining tight and lean as she once was at 19 when she first started, her body at only 25 had started to become pudgy.  Yoga happened to be the trendy thing she got involved in when she was younger, and continued the part time instructing job she started during college after she and David got married.  It helped to pay the bills while David finished business school and she simply stuck with it for lack of anything else to do with her liberal arts degree.  More and more, however, she felt it wasn’t rewarding her body the way it once might have. She was becoming the dreaded skinny fat.  That conundrum would be set aside for now, as her new project in the coming weeks was to unpack all the boxes and set up the house on her own, because David would begin his job the coming Monday morning.   
     No sooner had the moving truck pulled away, a new neighbor walked across the cul de sac from her own house and came right up the driveway to meet them.  From a distance, the woman appeared to have a commanding silhouette and confident swagger as she walked, almost like a comic super heroine or something, Michelle thought to herself.  From a distance Michelle thought this woman’s height was near six feet and would dwarf her own 5’4” frame, but to her surprise, as the woman came near, turned out to be just an inch or two taller than Michelle, and that was with the high heeled sandals she was wearing.  “Hi, there!  I’m Rose.  Welcome to our little neighborhood.” Rose spoke with a somewhat deep, almost sultry tone of voice, reaching out her hand to shake both of Michelle’s and David’s.  “My husband Mike and I live across the street there, and we’re hosting everyone in the cul de sac for a barbecue later on.  Everyone here is a close-knit circle and we hope you’ll be a part of it as our neighbors too.  It would be a great way for you to meet and get to know everyone.”  As Michelle gawked at this bold beauty up close, and could barely move her hand to accept the woman’s firm handshake, she noticed that the tight wrapped dress Rose wore revealed little of this woman’s body, and wondered what lie hidden beneath to grant this woman such a seemingly commanding figure.  David stepped in and shook Rose’s hand and replied “Thank you, it’s nice to meet you too.  I’m David and this is Michelle.  Thank you for the invitation, we’d love to join you.  It certainly would be relief from digging out kitchen stuff and cooking after the long day we’ve had already.  What can we bring?”  “Oh, thank you but nothing is needed, though if you feel like coming in the pool or hot tub, bring your swim trunks if they’re handy.”  Come over anytime after 4:00 pm, just walk to the gate and let yourselves into the backyard.  We’ll already be out there.” said Rose as she turned and left.  Michelle still seemed dumbfounded as the woman sauntered back across the street to her own house.  Michelle was in awe of his woman’s presence for some reason.  “Earth to Mich!  What’s with you?” David asked, noticing that his wife continued to watch Rose walk away from them.  “I...I don’t know, David.” Michelle began.  “I’ve never been so enthralled by another woman like that before.  She seems to have a pretty good body, it seems like it’s svelte, but it’s her poise, her confidence that’s so striking.  That nice tan helps too, I guess.  Ugh, we’ve been in the concrete jungle so long, my skin doesn’t know what sun is anymore.  I have to admit that I’m in awe.”  “Well she seems very nice.  Maybe you’ll become friends with her.  Not much better way to start things off here than with a welcome party.  We have no good reason not to go, and plenty of them to go, so why don’t we find that box of clothes with the swimwear, get cleaned up and changed, and we’ll head on over there later?”  asked David.  “I don’t know about a swim, but we should show our appreciation for their hospitality and the invite with a bottle of wine and maybe some flowers?  It would be good to get things off to a good start.”  Michelle offered.  “Great idea, hon.  Why don’t I head out to the stores and pick those both up if you want to start getting ready?  You know I clean up quick.”  “Sounds like a plan, love.”
     Shortly after 4:00 pm, Michelle and David made their way over to Rose and Mike’s house for the barbecue.  They could hear the crowd of chatter in the backyard from the street as they approached.  It seemed to them both that many other guests had already arrived and settled in.  They let themselves into the backyard through the gate, and that’s when Michelle again encountered Rose, but what initially had Michelle in awe and intrigued about Rose was now fully revealed and Michelle was all of floored, intimidated and turned on simultaneously.  As soon as Rose noticed that they arrived, she excitedly came over to greet them.  “Hey you two!  We’re so glad you decided to join us!” and gave Michelle a tight squeeze of a hug with her left arm while the extended her right hand to shake David’s.  While David’s eyes may have bulged out of his head (and something else did too...) as he caught a look at Rose, it was Michelle who was frozen in awestruck fascination once again.  As Rose hugged her, Michelle felt all of Rose’s body snug up against her own.  In stark contrast to her own softness everywhere, Rose was...hard.  She was dense.  It wasn’t until Rose let go her hug and stepped away that Michelle finally took her all in.  Other than being about the same height, that’s where the similarities between Michelle and Rose ended.  Whereas Michelle’s skin was pale, her body soft, her posture stooped, Rose had bronze tan all over, as revealed by her plain white string bikini.  The part that struck Michelle most was Rose’s densely pack muscular physique.  As Michelle continued to soak in her view of Rose’s body, she noticed lean, dense, firm muscle covering her entire body, without an ounce of fat to obscure the glorious presentation of feminine muscularity.  Rose was a brick shithouse.  Underneath her straight dark brown hair held up in a cute high ponytail, her thin neck swooped out into the nicest upper traps Michelle had ever seen on a woman.  Nicely capped, rounded and striated shoulders atop cutely shaped arms.  Her biceps weren’t bulky, but nicely peaked and rounded to compliment her pumpkin shaped deltoids of her shoulders.  Her horseshoe shaped triceps had little striations rippled through each head as her arm hung straight down.  What Rose concealed earlier with her wrap dress were a lovely pair of pectoral muscles plating her torso and leading to the most perfect pair of roundly shaped and nicely sized breasts.  Beneath her bikini top was the cutest little six pack of abdominal muscles that bunched up into little tennis balls under skin with every move of her body, and tapering narrower down beneath her tiny bikini bottoms.  Her tiny yet bowling ball round glutes sat as pert as her perfect breasts, and filled out those bikini bottoms ever so snuggly.  They were the only bodypart left on Rose that was still somewhat modestly covered up.  Still in her high heeled sandals from before, the shape of Rose’s legs was heightened as she stood with diamond shaped calves atop beefy yet lean shaped quads with beautiful teardrops at her knees and shapely bulging hamstrings at the backs of them.  Michelle had never seen another woman with a body like Rose’s before.  Her face felt warm as she noticed her heart pounding and blood pressure rising, as if her head was about to explode.  Michelle was so confused with what she was feeling, wondering if she was sexually attracted to another woman or something, but her trance was broken as Rose spoke.  “David, there’s beer in the cooler over there.  Mike and the guys are at the grill.  Why don’t you help yourself to a cold one and go meet the boys.  I’m going to steal your wife for a bit but I promise you’ll have her back by the end of the night.” Rose instructed as she firmly took Michelle’s sweat soaked hand in hers and walked them toward the other women at the far end of the pool.  As David made his way, Michelle mustered up the courage to stop and confront Rose.  “Rose!’re a...goddess!”  She stammered.  “Your body is exquisite.  It’s like nobody’s I’ve ever seen before!  Most women would hate another woman for having a perfect a body like you, but I love it!”  As soon as she realized what she had blurted out, Michelle was mortified at what she’d just revealed to this woman whom she’d just met and barely knew at all.  Rose continued to hold Michelle’s hand and turned to face her, blushing as she replied.  “Oh, thank you honey.  That’s such a compliment, honestly.  I know too well as a woman with a muscular body that it can be intimidating and off-putting to both men and women, for all sorts of reasons.  That’s why I covered up earlier today when I came over to meet you and invite you to the party.  I didn’t want you to be scared off.  It’s also why the other girls and I decided it best that I be the one in the group to make the first introduction.”  With that, Rose turned to continue to lead them towards the group of other women at the far end of the pool.  While she pulled Michelle along with her, Michelle couldn’t have been more puzzled, and in response exclaimed “Wait...what?” and as the pair got closer and the other women came into clearer view, what Rose just explained quickly donned on her. 

To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: wissen on January 20, 2021, 08:31:35 pm
Wow, it's interesting :)
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: jhunter on January 21, 2021, 01:13:14 am
Interesting start. I look forward to more.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: wowser1016 on January 21, 2021, 05:03:00 am
WOW! Great and tantalizing beginning! You got me hooked. K+!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: bluerondo on January 21, 2021, 07:33:32 pm
Hooked? I just contacted my realtor and asked him to find me a house in this neighbourhood.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Sok on January 21, 2021, 10:40:47 pm
Fantastic start, can't wait to see where this goes! :wow:
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on January 22, 2021, 12:05:36 am
A great start to what promises to be an awesome story. I'm looking forward to the continuation.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: WapWap on January 26, 2021, 01:54:47 pm
Wonderful premise and great first go at story writing.  Please keep at it.  I can't wait to see where you take this.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on January 27, 2021, 09:08:48 pm

Chapter 2
     Rose led Michelle back to the group of four women at the end of the pool.  Two standing and two relaxing on lounge chairs in pool wraps and towels.  They must had just been in swimming.  As Michelle got a clearer, closer view of each them, her jaw dropped as she attempted to comprehend what she was seeing.  The two women standing were dressed in bikinis as tiny and revealing as Rose’s, and for damn good reason, Michelle thought to herself, because if Rose’s muscular body was like that of a super heroine, these two had that and then some.  Michelle stood in awe of these two muscle goddesses, marveling at their bodies, which Michelle for the first time admitted to herself were extremely sexy, and dare she consider it: possibly turning her on?  “Ladies...” Rose began, her voice jolting Michelle back to the real world.  “ Michelle, our new neighbor here in the cul-de-sac.  Michelle, this is Sarah and Samantha, and over there are Brittany and Barbara.  We are the women of Ferrous Circle.  We all live here in the houses of the cul-de-sac.”  All the women cheerfully greeted and welcomed Michelle, who remained somewhat shell shocked by the three muscular maidens standing before her.  Whereas Rose was similar in height to her, Sarah and Samantha were actually shorter, yet seemed to have equally bigger muscles than Rose.  If Rose’s body had made Michelle’s heart pump hard and fast, gazing at either of Sarah or Samantha made her head pound too.  As all six women gathered in sort of a circle, four standing, yet Brittany and Barbara still sitting, they socialized and got to know each other, learning where each were from, their husbands’ names and what they all did for a living.  What struck Michelle as peculiar was that none of the ladies in the group worked jobs.  All of their husbands had high paying executive jobs that allowed their wives the freedom not to.   
     As they chatted, Michelle kept drawing her eyes to Sarah who was positioned somewhat across from her.  Michelle being somewhat taller than Sarah gave her a fortunate vantage point looking a bit downward towards Sarah’s cleavage, which was like no other cleavage she’d seen on a woman before.  Her bosum was certainly shaped differently than typical breasts, and the flesh rippled with every movement Sarah made, as she spoke waving her hands in an animated fashion.  Michelle kept staring in fascination at Sarah’s muscle cleavage as it flexed and bounced inside her bikini top as she moved.  Michelle tuned in to Sarah speaking and using her hands to describe her struggle of stuffing her sleeping bag together while packing it up on a camping trip when she was younger.  As she made a squeezing motion with her hands coming together, Michelle watched in awe as Sarah’s pectoral muscles rippled and bunched together.  Michelle was mesmerized.  As Sarah continued the motion, her muscular she-beef pumped up more and more with each squeeze, contorting her bikini top as her pec muscles flexed under it.  Her rippling muscle cleavage appeared to be over an inch deep as Sarah concluded her story while she described the last shove of sleeping bag back into it’s carrying bag.  With that, her pec muscles seemed to nearly jump off her chest, and Michelle’s eyes seemed to similarly bulge out of her head.  “They’re magnificent, aren’t they?” Rose whispered quietly into Michelle’s ear.  Michelle, taken aback, like she’d been caught in the middle of a forbidden act, froze in a panic.  Realizing Michelle’s state, between what she was likely feeling and the thoughts running through her head, Rose took her hand, and with a gentle squeeze, turned towards Michelle and softly said “It’s all good, honey, we all understand, and we’re all with you.  Trust me.” as she smiled.   
     Michelle appeared somewhat relieved with the words that Rose had just said to her.  Rose raised Michelle’s hand and placed her fingers flat on her own muscular chest.  In comparison to the more hardcore she-beef only pec muscles seen on Sarah’s chest, Rose had smaller, flatter pec muscles that led to wonderfully shaped feminine breasts.  As Rose held Michelle’s hand in place on her pec muscles, she asked “What do you feel?”  “I feel firm, dense muscle.  I’ve never seen women like you ladies before.”  “Ok...” said Rose “How about this?” as she contracted her own pecs for Michelle to feel the hardness of them under her hand.  Michelle gulped.  Michelle felt a sense of elation, a sense of freedom, being able to enjoy this body which she was so mesmerized by, and more than that, was welcomed to.  Rose let go of Michelle’s hand, leaving it on her chest, then contracted and relaxed her pec muscles a number of times to let Michelle feel them move under her hand, bunching up, filling with blood, getting rock hard under Michelle’s hand, and then relaxing and falling flatter on her chest, her breasts bouncing up and down with each flex.  Michelle’s hand moved up to Rose’s muscle capped shoulder to feel its relaxed firmness, amazed at how dense and warm they felt.  Feeling a little bolder, Michelle brought her other hand to Rose’s other shoulder to do the same.  Next, she moved her way down to Rose’s arms and felt her horseshoe hard triceps firm up under her touch while her thumbs pressed into Rose’s firm, cutely shaped biceps.  Rose brought her forearms up, bending her elbows, flexing and peaking her biceps and pushing Michelle’s thumbs out, spreading Michelle’s worshipping hands open as she flexed.  Rose smiled and giggled, and the other ladies smiled in approval as well as they watched.  Sensing she was being watched, Michelle quickly let go of Rose’s hard rounded biceps peaks and jagged triceps.  Knowing full well Michelle’s vulnerable state, Rose embraced her in a hug and looked her in the eyes, and spoke with the warmest tone she could to soothe Michelle: “Oh Honey, you ARE one of us, and you’re going to fit in with us just fine, I just know it.”  A look of fear and hope at the same time seemed to show on Michelle’s face.  “What do you mean?” asked Michelle.  “Well,” explained Rose “The appeal of a muscular female body is certainly a strong one, not only for the admirer but for the one with the muscles too, even if they’re both women.  There is an allure to female muscle that exudes feminine strength, sexiness and sensuality, beauty, freedom, discipline and pride all at the same time.  These traits are so strong that they can be felt not only by the muscular woman being appreciated, but they can also transcend and be felt through her by her female admirer.  Now, for male admirers, that’s another story for another day, but today is about you, as a woman, discovering your enthusiasm and appreciation for female muscle.  Many women who are female muscle admirers also have sexual feelings about it, and that brings even more fun and pleasure too, so dare I say there can be a love and lust for female muscle among women admirers too.  When it comes to female muscle, there’s reward for all involved.  The muscular woman feels strong and sexy, among other things I mentioned before.  The admirer gets to enjoy the female muscle and feeds off the muscular woman exuding those traits and feelings.  It can be a win-win, even if the admirer herself isn’t muscular.”   
     Michelle eagerly took in everything that Rose was saying, relieved and elated that what she was feeling and experiencing had some explanation, and that Rose and perhaps the other women were sympathetic and supportive.  “So when I was ogling and praising you on the way in, you enjoyed that?  And when I was feeling your muscles just now, you enjoyed that too?”  Michelle inquired.  “We all did, actually” Sarah interjected.  “And I got the sense that you were admiring my pecs while I was telling my story, so got even more animated and exuberant with it, just to give you the show.  It was fun for me, and I’m pretty sure you enjoyed it too.”  “Bashfully, I did!”  Michelle blurted out in reply.  And with that, Michelle took another step into her new existence as a female muscle admirer, having yet again professing her enjoyment of female muscle.  “Want a sample?”  Sarah asked to the now giddy Michelle.  “I’m sorry.  A sample?” she asked.  “Of my muscle action.”  Sarah nonchalantly answered.  “If you liked Rose’s chest, you're going to love what else is available even more.  Come here and put your fingertips to my sternum, in between my pecs.” Sarah instructed.  Michelle did as instructed, and then Sarah began to slowly but repeatedly flex her all-shemuscle chest, contracting her hardening pecs, forcing them to bunch towards each other, and squeeze Michelle’s fingertips in between them.  Sarah’s muscular pec development was greater than Rose’s physique, her two slabs of she-beef pectorals rippling and hardening as they closed in on Michelle’s fingertips. Sarah’s muscle cleavage was over an inch deep, enough to engulf Michelle’s fingers past her first knuckles.  Muscle striations emerged as her pecs inflated and plumped up with each flex.  Michelle was astounded as she watched those slabs of beef turn into hard granite and could barely contain her excitement with the show and the experience.  With one particular flex, Sarah held the contraction as hard and as long as she could but Michelle wanted to explore her muscles more, like she had done with Rose.  Michelle attempted to pull her fingers out from between Sarah’s muscle cleavage, but that deep chasm of beef squeezed Michelle’s fingers tight and wouldn’t let go.  Michelle was puzzled, and a little panicked.  If Sarah’s pecs were strong enough to trap her, what was the rest of her body capable of?  But Michelle was enthralled by Sarah’s jagged, hard pecs, and desiring to touch and explore the rest of them, and all of Sarah’s musclebound body.  She began shaking her entire arm and finally wiggled her fingers free, maybe more because Sarah was amused by her efforts and began laughing a bit, and gave up her pec squeeze hold.  Just as Michelle went back in to get a feel of Sarah’s pecs, the fun was interrupted by a man’s voice from afar, hollering “Steaks are ready!  Time to eat!” and with that, Sarah apologetically explained “Awww, we were just getting started!  But when Greg calls you for dinner, you go for dinner.  Let’s go eat, and maybe we’ll pick this up later.” With that, the women all began making their way to the outdoor dining table and Sarah went ahead, leading the way.   
     As Michelle began to follow, Brittany, who had been sitting the whole time with her pool wrap around her shoulders and towel around her waist, stood up and walked up along next to Michelle.  “So how do you like us so far?”  asked Brittany.  “Oh, you’re all so friendly and welcoming,” answered Michelle.  “I’m still trying to take in everything, but what Rose said seems to be true about female muscle, at least for me.”  “What you’re feeling is completely acceptable.  Especially here amongst us, as you’ve already realized and will come to know and understand more and more.  Each of us has our own story that we’ll share, among other things we’ll share as you get to know each of us.”  Brittany responded, and with that reached her left arm across Michelle’s shoulders to draw her to her as they walked aside each other.  With that motion, Brittany’s arm emerged from under her loose hanging wrap.  Not a Rose arm, not even a Sarah arm.  Certainly not a Michelle arm.  This arm looked like it belonged to the Incredible Hulk, without the green.  Brittany’s arm looked jagged like a boulder as it came towards Michelle, and unless her eyes had tricked her, looked to be bigger around than Michelle’s own thigh.  Brittany’s gargantuan arm draped heavily over Michelle’s not so strong shoulders and she nearly buckled under the unexpected weight of it.  In a matter of a few hours, Michelle had her first experience with female muscle.  Rose’s physique was unassuming if covered by clothing.  Sarah’s more muscular body might be more conspicuous under clothing that was more than a skimpy bikini.  Michelle imagined that Sarah’s more hardcore physique was as muscular as a woman would or could get...until she caught a glimpse of Brittany’s arm, and began imaging what the rest of Brittany would look like under that wrap and towel.  Michelle felt excitement, fear and a warm wetness in her crotch as her mind nearly exploded at that thought.   
To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on January 27, 2021, 09:56:06 pm
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Wonderful premise and great first go at story writing.  Please keep at it.  I can't wait to see where you take this.
Thanks man!  I'm a fan of your content too!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on January 28, 2021, 01:57:36 pm
A great continuation.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: robertmac on February 01, 2021, 03:28:02 pm
Very interesting beginnig! Looking forward how it goes on!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 06, 2021, 12:01:45 am

Chapter 3
     As all six ladies and their husbands gathered at the outdoor dining table, Michelle reunited with her husband David.  “Babe!  These guys are so cool!  How are you making out?” he asked her.  “I’m good, hon.  So good.  I think we’re going to be really happy living here.” Michelle answered.  Michelle was then introduced to all the husbands in the group as everyone sat down.  Michelle ended up sitting directly across from Brittany, and continued to marvel at what her physique looked like under that wrap.  Beside Brittany was Samantha, whom she hadn’t spoken to much yet, but whose unhidden hardbody was similar to Sarah’s.  With a pool wrap so thin, it certainly wasn’t adding any bulk to Brittany’s frame, but Michelle realized a noticeable size difference between the musclebunny Samantha and the upsized musclegirl Brittany.  “Greg serves everyone’s steaks medium rare, hope you don’t mind.” Brittany spoke as she picked up her utensils and began cutting into hers.  “Not at all, and I’m starving anyway, so I’m diggin’ in.” replied Michelle as she followed suit.  As the group chatted and ate, Michelle observed Brittany’s body, hoping for a glimpse of what that wrap was concealing.  As Brittany sawed her steak knife back and forth through the thick slab of beef on her plate, Michelle, noticed the pool wrap on Brittany get shifted and pushed around by the muscles underneath.  If Rose’s or Sarah’s pectoral muscles were like tectonic plates of beef on the front of their chest, Michelle imagined Brittany’s thick, beefy chest to be like two thick hunks of rump roast, flanked by meaty bowling balls for shoulders on either side.  The wrap draped over her upper arms, with only the forearms visible in this position.  Each time Brittany put her knife and fork into the steak and began cutting, her massive forearms rippled as individual muscles danced.  Michelle felt warm all over as her mind went places it had never been before, thoughts pummeling her brain one after the other: What is Brittany’s body really like underneath?  Is it hard like Sarah’s was?  What do her breasts look like?  What do they feel like?  Is her shape sexy and feminine like Rose’s or Sarah’s and Samantha’s? I realizing and admitting to myself I find all these muscular bodies sexy and feminine?  I guess I am!  At least those three so far.  Brittany’s sure seems fascinating though.  And what about Barbara?  She’s been covered up like Brittany.  Is that for the same reason?  What do these girls look like?  And how did they get this way?  And why?  Why do they choose this?  Overflowing with excitement, awe and wonder, Michelle had found herself in a new world which she couldn’t get enough of and wanted to know more, more, more.  She wanted to experience this.  She wanted to BE this. 
     As dinner finished up, Michelle helped Rose, still in her sandals and bikini, clear the table and bring things inside to clean up.  Once inside the kitchen alone together, Michelle began her inquisition.  “Rose!” she began, in a voice like a secretive whisper. “What’s with Brittany?  And Barbara?  Are they more muscular than the other girls?”  Rose looked at her and laughed a bit, then mockingly answered with a similar whisper-like fashion. “Yes!  They are.  And you don’t have to whisper, it’s not a secret!”.  The two ladies laughed.  Michelle, feeling more and more comfortable, not only with her new friends, but with this whole new world, was emboldened to probe further.  “What do they look like?  Were they covered up in case it would dissuade me from being here or intimidate me?”  “Yes and yes.  We don’t want to be judged, good or bad, solely based on our bodies and what we choose to do with them.  We wanted you to know us a bit and like us, one by one, before we introduced you to that part of our world, which is a big part, honestly.  Fortunately, I feel it’s safe to say that you like us on the inside, which gives us reassurance to share what our outsides are too.  As for the big girls, Britt and Barb, yes they are the biggest and most muscular among us women here.  In fact, their bodies might be considered too extreme for some, whether men or women, which is why we as a group had agreed that they’d stay covered up until we felt the time was right to introduce you to their muscular physiques.  “I’m ready!” Michelle blurted out, a bit to Rose’s surprise, who then replied  “I’m glad you’re eager and you’ll have that opportunity soon.  In the meantime, there’s this pile of dishes to wash and dry.  Care to help me get through these?  I’ll wash if you dry and just stack them on the counter over there.  I’ll put them away tonight, or maybe tomorrow.”  “I’m happy to help.  You’ve been so good to us, all in our first day, at least to me anyway, though it seems David’s doing well enough on his own with the guys.  Thank you so much!” Michelle stated.  “Oh that’s so nice to hear from you, thank you!  I’m so happy we’re becoming friends so soon, and so easily.”  Rose replied.  Rose grabbed the pullout sprayer from the kitchen tap, and began rinsing a large, heavy pan as she held it with the other hand.  Michelle watched in awe as Rose’s strong, sinewy arm positioned straight out in front of her strained and bulged as she held up the heavy pan as if she were holding a front shoulder dumbbell raise at the top of the rep.  Rose’s tanned, capped deltoid swelled and hardened with the effort as she kept the pan high in the air and sprayed all around it.  Water deflected off the pan and splashed everywhere, including on her bikini-clad hardbody.  Under the bright lights of the kitchen, Rose’s tanned skin glistened, emphasizing the contours and crevices of her muscles more than ever before.  “Brrr!  That’s cold!”  She exclaimed to a mesmerized Michelle.  Both women’s nipples hardened.  Each for different reasons.  “Here let me help you with that!” Michelle fumbled as she turned to Rose with the dishtowel and began patting her sultry friend’s body dry.  Michelle worked her way up Rose’s arm, firmly gripping as she moved along, once again feeling the dense tautness of her biceps and triceps, then up to her shoulder, now somewhat swollen from holding the pan up.  Without hesitation, Michelle continued to Rose’s chest.  Michelle and Rose locked eyes while Michelle’s hand lay flat on Rose’s muscle-plated bosom.  Calmly and softly Rose asked Michelle “Do you like what you’ve found here?” to which Michelle responded “Yes, I do. I very much do.” almost as if she were under Rose’s spell.  “Don’t miss the parts below my bikini top.  I need attention there too.” Rose instructed, and with that, she brought her hands together up behind her head and contracted her torso forward, solidifying her midsection into a brick wall.  It was the sexiest, most feminine thing Michelle had ever witnessed, and she gave up all restraint.  Michelle’s hands held onto Rose’s firm lats on either side of her breasts, and gazed upon the wall of sexy female muscle before her.  Rose’s abdominals pushed out against her skin, each individual ab the size of a golf ball, and just as hard too. Her wet skin glistened, enhancing the separation and definition of each muscle as if she were carved from marble like a statuette.  Every section of her eight pack was perfectly shaped and symmetrical.  Michelle caressed and kissed each one, tracing its outline, feeling its muscular hardness.  Michelle’s hands lightly swept down Rose’s serratus and oblique muscles, and found them to be just as hard as her eight-pack.  The contours of her abdominal wall tapered in a V-shape as it veered down beneath Rose’s bikini towards her crotch.  Michelle was now down on her knees, kissing and licking every crevice and contour of Rose’s muscular abs.  Rose moaned in the same sultry way that she spoke.  Rose brought her index finger under Michelle’s chin and drew her back up to her feet.   
     “A proper showing begins here.  Up front.” she informed Michelle as she stepped back a foot, planted both feet, held her arms at her sides, flexed her quads, held her hands on her hips, flared her lats and stood up proudly in front of Michelle in a front lat pose, showing off the hard, ripped muscles of her chiseled physique in all their glory.  “Oh my God, you look so powerful!” Michelle whispered as she took in this awe-inspiring view of female muscle.  Michelle again gripped onto Rose’s lats which now flexed were as hard as steel, like wings on a fighter jet.  Michelle was enthralled, part in fascination of this exquisite female specimen standing before her, proudly sharing her finely curated body with her, and part in newfound female muscle lust.  Michelle’s hands traced down to Rose’s thighs, again feeling their granite-like hardness against her grip.  Michelle’s fingers traced the teardrops and crevices of Rose’s quads as she remain flexed in her pose.  With the prolonged flexing, veins became more visibly prominent between her ripped muscles and her paper thin skin.  Some as small as little worms, others, like the two snaking up Rose’s inner thighs towards her crotch, were as thick as Michelle’s pinky finger.  Rose relaxed the pose while Michelle stood back in awe, eyes wide open.  Rose planted one foot further apart and brought her arms up to shoulder level and slowly moved into a front biceps pose.  Her beautifully rounded, perfectly shaped biceps sprang up to prominence, each peak featuring the ever elusive split biceps speak that every bodybuilder desires and strives for yet few attain, even with years of intense, dedicated training and disciplined eating to first build the muscle and then peel the layers to reveal it.  Rose smiled proudly and moaned lustily as she showed off her hard earned muscles.  Rose was enjoying putting her body on display to such an enthusiastic audience, as much as Michelle was enjoying taking it all in, exploring with her hands as well as her eyes.  Michelle felt a warm, moist stirring in her crotch, and felt herself getting wet with female muscle lust.  Rose was turned on too, loving the feeling of flexing her own powerful, strong muscles, horny from showing them off, loving the response it was provoking in her new friend and apparent fan.  Rose moved on to a side triceps pose, with her weight on her heels, hands held down behind her near those rock hard glutes.  Michelle began her visual and feeling tour up at Rose’s round, bowling ball delts, flexed hard in her pose and popping out through all three distinct deltoid heads: front, back and middle, tapering down to her triceps attachment where her rock hard, striated horseshoe popped out from her arm just as far as her delts did.  As Michelle grabbed hold of Rose’s triceps, Rose began making it flex in a pulsating rhythm like a beating heart, filling up and pushing Michelle’s hand open with each individual flex, then closing slightly as she relaxed, only to squeeze and contract it to its full thickness yet again forcing Michelle’s hand to open wide once again.  Under a spell of muscular power, Michelle kissed Rose’s hard-as-steel armor-plate deltoid bulging out above her pulsating triceps, and followed its bulbous shape with her tongue tracing the contour deep into the crevice separating it from her biceps.  Rose returned to her magnificent front double biceps pose and Michelle eagerly fondled her peaked biceps, following their rounded shape up and down, squeezing them both in her hands simultaneously with all her might, but unable to penetrate Rose’s granite hard muscularity.  Rose changed positions and moved into a side chest pose, squeezing her muscle-plated chest, causing it to explode into a jagged landscape of ripped, yet feminine shemuscle.  Michelle was getting more and more turned on by Rose’s sexy and sensual muscle show, while Rose was getting more and more turned on by giving it.  Both women’s pussies were dripping wet, and while Michelle’s wetness had yet to visibly soak through her shorts, Rose’s tiny white bikini began to show her moist drippings soaking through.  Rose turned around to face away from Michelle and presented her rear lat pose, with a little something extra.  First, she tucked what little fabric made up the rear panel of her now soaked bikini bottom in between her bulbous, beefy, bowling ball glutes, and then proceeded to flare her lats and stand up tall on her toes and balls of her feet, squeezing her cheeks with all her might, causing them to wobble and ripple as their round shape contorted into all-muscle ass beef.  That final muscle action right before Michelle’s eyes caused her to nearly erupt in orgasmic muscle lust.  Now seemingly possessed by female muscle lust for Rose’s exquisitely developed, hard and round-as-bowling ball glutes, now flexed into a contorted mass of shredded shemuscle, Michelle gripped around the front of Rose’s hips and ground her mound against Rose’s granite glutes.  Rose quickly got the hint and began wiggling and shimmying her body side to side across Michelle’s crotch, further exciting both of them simultaneously.  Both women moaned with pleasure as they ground their bodies against one another.  “Oh oh oh...don’t stop!  I’m almost there!” Michelle shrieked.  “I AM there!” shouted Rose as she doubled over with her own orgasm, leaving her proud glutes sticking out behind her for Michelle to continue gyrating against.  Michelle gasped and then whimpered as she herself reached climax too.  With Michelle still gripping Rose’s hips, both women finally collapsed backwards together and onto the floor in a hot sweaty, pussy-scented heap.   
     “Congratulations, darling.” cooed Rose.  “You just popped your female muscle worship cherry.” and both women laughed and sighed as they lay together.  “There’s only one small problem though.” mentioned Rose.  “The other women are going to be disappointed it wasn’t a group event.”   
To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: derekr on February 06, 2021, 10:50:23 am
Great chapter.  The only thing I'd ask is for you to break up the paragraphs - those big paragraphs are a bit hard to read on a screen.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 06, 2021, 01:06:18 pm
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Great chapter.  The only thing I'd ask is for you to break up the paragraphs - those big paragraphs are a bit hard to read on a screen.

True enough.  Thanks for the tip.  I'll keep that in mind for the next ones.  Hope you liked it otherwise!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: derekr on February 07, 2021, 10:41:40 am
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Great chapter.  The only thing I'd ask is for you to break up the paragraphs - those big paragraphs are a bit hard to read on a screen.

True enough.  Thanks for the tip.  I'll keep that in mind for the next ones.  Hope you liked it otherwise!

Yep - loving it!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Wookey on February 09, 2021, 05:24:28 am
Loved the story.  Hope she grow with them. Hope the guys have done muscle.  Am sick of stories where they are subservient toothpicks
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 10, 2021, 03:37:34 pm
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Loved the story.  Hope she grow with them. Hope the guys have done muscle.  Am sick of stories where they are subservient toothpicks

Thanks for the feedback.  The plan is she takes up bodybuilding too, not sure to what degree yet.  I'm not planning on the guys having muscle necessarily, as the focus will be more on the women.  That said, they won't be subservient/submissive toothpicks either, but simply supportive and happily satisfied sexually. 
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 10, 2021, 03:41:48 pm

Chapter 4
     Rose and Michelle cleaned themselves up and finished up their work in the kitchen before rejoining the party.  While everyone continued to chat and mingle, Michelle and David also exchanged contact information and facebook friend request with the others in the group.  Samantha, Sarah and Barbara and their husbands arranged that the wives would come over to help Michelle unpack the next morning while their husbands took David out golfing.  With that, the party wrapped up and everyone parted ways and headed home.   
     The next morning, soon after David met up with the rest of the golf foursome, the unpacking crew arrived to assist Michelle.  While the movers the day before had brought some of the boxes into various rooms of the house, many were simply placed in the garage to allow for walking space around the stacked boxes inside.  Samantha and Sarah volunteered for kitchen setup duty and with that Michelle brought Barbara upstairs to unpack clothes in the bedroom.   
     Barbara wore a large baggy t-shirt and grey capri length leggings.  Just like the evening before, covering up most of what lie beneath.  What was noticeable were Barbara’s legs, her quadriceps and hamstrings pushing out against the straining spandex, each individual muscle belly of her thighs twisting and overlapping over each other like the braided steel cable of a suspension bridge.  Not to be outdone, her hamstrings bulged out beneath the drape of her oversized T-shirt.  Below her knee, the capri bottoms flared out, or rather were forced out by diamond hard, diamond shaped calves that looked like they’d be more than Michelle could fit one hand around.  Barbara’s legs looked like they belonged on an Olympic sprinter or a football linebacker, and then some.   
     “Barbara, I appreciate you girls helping me out with this so much.  I worry that it’ll take me forever to unpack all of this, and if I come upon any heavy ones in the garage without David, I’ll have to unpack them and bring the items in individually, and take even longer.”  Michelle began.  “Just from your legs alone, it looks like you’ve built even more muscle on your body than most of the other girls, except for maybe Brittany.  What I’m dying to know is why or maybe how you each chose to look like you do.  Now don’t get me wrong, everything I’ve seen of you ladies’ bodies is so amazing, and I love it about you all too.  I very seriously want to learn more and better understand this new world I’ve discovered myself in.”  She added.
     “Well before we get into that, you can call me Barb, sweetie.“  Barbara began.  “As for that story, I was the second of us to move to the cul-de-sac after Rose was already here.  She had already been bodybuilding for several years and was competing as a top amateur figure competitor when I first met her.  I had never seen a woman with a body like hers before either, and the idea of women lifting weights and building muscle certainly wasn’t something I had known before, but the sexy confidence she seemed to ooze, her sweet and generous nature, all combined with a body that could turn a gay man straight, or a straight woman gay, and I was drawn like a magnet to her and wanted a body like hers too.  What’s amazing is that she was so welcoming and understanding, much like she is with you too, and she not only took me in and brought me up in the world of female bodybuilding, she’s been a great friend over the years, even a friend with benefits, I might add.”  She explained.
     “But your muscles seem so much bigger than Rose’s, and I haven’t even seen your upper body.  If it’s as big as your lower body hints at it being, I don’t know how I’d handle it.  Between you and Brittany, I’ve only caught a glimpse of her arms, mostly her forearms.  I’m almost afraid of how I’d react.” Michelle explained, and with that, she started to feel warm all over again, her heart beating faster, pressure building in her head as if it’d explode, as she began imagining what Barbara’s body was like under that baggy T-shirt.  “Honey, it’s true.  I AM more muscular than Rose.  We each choose individually for ourselves what level of muscularity we want to have or work towards.  When I first started out, I wanted a muscular body just like Rose.  Then as I began to grow, and also discovered other girls with higher levels of muscular development, I chose to pursue more and more muscle for my own body.”   
     All of us girls compete in shows.  Rose has the amount of muscle to compete in what’s called figure.  She used to be a professional level figure competitor, but recently retired from it.  Sam and Sarah have enough muscle for physique.  Britt and I have enough muscle for bodybuilding, which is generally the most muscular of the three divisions.  Barbara explained and then Michelle quickly interjected.  “Wait, what do you mean you compete?  Like how strong you are?”  “Not at all, though there are competitions for that type of thing too.  Think of like a beauty pageant swimsuit competition, for girls with muscles.  You present the muscles of your body on a stage, in a posing suit that basically looks like a bikini, and a panel of judges score you in comparison to other girls of similar bodyweight.” Barbara explained further.   
     “Oh my God!  That sounds like it would be so amazing!  It must feel so exhilarating to stand onstage all proud of your body, isn’t it?  And do you just stand there or do you flex your muscles to display them?”  Michelle asked, to which Barbara replied. “I have to admit, it IS exhilarating to show off all the hard work, especially on stage, looking your best.  That’s just one of the ‘perks’ of being a female bodybuilder.  Some of the judging is done with you more or less just standing there, and they look at you from all sides.  Then there are mandatory poses, or flexes, if you will, to standardize how your body is displayed.  Both are so the judges can compare all the women side by side.  In some competitions, the top contenders in physique and bodybuilding do a solo routine where they can display their best bodyparts for the judges.  After all that, they tabulate the scores and award placings, winners, all that stuff.”   
     “I’m sorry, I’m being such a geek about all of this, but I want to know more!  What do you mean by ‘one of the perks’ of being a bodybuilder?”  Michelle inquired.  “Well, darling, you might be able to figure those out, but to not keep you guessing: the obvious one is that you have a rockin’ hardbody, one that you’ve purposefully worked for and earned through months and years of discipline.  You’ve chosen this life for you.  That’s very liberating and empowering in and of itself.  You have confidence in everything you do.  There might be collateral benefits for others, but at the end of the day it’s all and always for you.”
     “You’re more voluptuous than any model and you can rock any outfit of clothing way better than some waif stick figure, certainly better than some fat cow who thinks big is beautiful.  This big is beautiful, that’s for sure.”  Barbara boasted as she pointed to body.  “Theirs not so much.  Men and women both will either admire you and your body, and think you’re the shit, OR they’ll be extremely jealous and hate you for being so hot, sexy, strong and making them feel intimidated and inadequate. Not that that’s your intention.  Quite the opposite.  Just like in our group, you’d want your fellow lady to be inspired and motivated to be strong and sexy.  At the very least it’s entertaining to see men drool over you while their women wail on them with their purse.  You exude confidence in yourself inside and out because you have practiced the discipline to create the goddess statuette you have become on the outside.  Oh, and partly because you feel sexy in your body, your sex drive goes up, sometimes a LOT.  Let me think...what else..”
     “What else COULD there be?” Michelle blurted out.  “That sounds pretty idyllic to me!  Your sex drive goes up too?”  she asked.  “Yes, and it’s a blessing for the most part.  Let’s just say that our husbands are more than satisfied, and that us women are fortunate that among us muscle sisters here, shall we say, we can mutually satisfy each other.  And we do.” Barbara chuckled with a big mischievous smile on her face.  “Ummm, what do you mean by that?”  Michelle inquired, ever the clueless one.  “Let’s just say we ladies really enjoy each other’s company, and when the men are out to work, we come out to play.”  Barbara answered.  “You mean like girl on girl?  Isn’t that kind of kinky?”  asked Michelle.  “Well, would you describe your little fun in the kitchen with Rose last night as kinky?” quizzed Barbara, to which Michelle instantly turned beet red in embarrassment.   
     “Listen Michelle, we girls share everything, and it’s because we like you and care about you, and want to bring you up right in this female muscle world of ours.  We know it’s a big discovery that you’ve made just yesterday, and you’ve done amazingly well with it, I might add.  We’re all so proud of you, especially Rose.  She feels most responsible for mentoring you into this life if you’re willing to choose it.  That’s why she let the rest of us girls know about your experience last night.  You have nothing to be embarrassed about.  We’ve all had a similar experience as we began this life.  We’re familiar with what you’re going through, and we share with one another because we’re here to support you.  Now that we see you seem to be receiving it all very well, we know we can share everything with you too.  You good with that?”   
     “Ya...ya...I believe I am.  It’s just a lot to absorb, and all so fast.  But what if I don’t want muscles for myself?  What if I don’t like being muscular?”  Michelle asked.  “You know, that’s never come up?  We all fell in love with female muscle, chose it for ourselves, and have been building our bodies to a level of muscular physique development that we each like for ourselves.  Now the question that remains is: DO you want muscles for yourself?” Barbara countered.  “I don’t know!  I mean, I think I do, but how would David react?  And what if I end up not choosing to be a bodybuilder like any of you are?”  Michelle worried.  “The more muscle girls, the more fun, but even if you end up not becoming one of us that way, you can still belong as an admirer and enthusiast, just like you’ve done already.  Remember, we get similar feelings out of sharing our muscle alters of worship as you have admiring and worshipping them.  And as for David, if any of the other husbands on the street have proven anything, he’ll be on board too.”  Barbara assured her.   
     As the conversation flew by, so did the girls’ progress with the boxes already in the bedroom, so they brought the empties down to the garage and broke them all down flat and then proceeded to carry the remaining boxes upstairs.  Michelle attempted to lift the first box, filled with finance and banking textbooks that David would be keeping in the study upstairs, but couldn’t budge the box.  “Woah there, darling, we don’t need you injuring yourself.” Barbara halted her attempt.  “Let me bring these up and you can unpack them.  Deal?”  Michelle agreed sheepishly, feeling woefully inadequate in her physical weakness.  Barbara effortlessly squatted and wrapped her gargantuan arms around the box and then with her powerful legs, stood up to begin carrying the box into the house and upstairs to the second floor.  Her upper body still more or less concealed by her baggy shirt, though Michelle was floored by the display of strength as Barbara moved that box as if it seemed empty.   
     Michelle followed Barbara up the stairs, gazing at the back of Barbara’s legs, watching her huge calves flex and push her body higher with each step until she reached the second floor.  With each step, Barbara’s calf muscle exploded to a girth wider than her knee just above it.  Michelle had seen obese women with lots of fat and cellulite on their legs and their knees were dwarfed, sometimes engulfed by the disgusting excess flab, but none of this was flab.  This was purely solid muscle, working like steel pistons to propel her body up the stairs.  Michelle looked further up at Barbara’s back, which appeared to be two feet wide up at her shoulders, and her upper trapezius muscles bulged and swept up the back of her neck as they emerged from beneath the T-shirt.  What a vision of power and strength this female muscle stallion was, Michelle thought to herself.  To only see everything else she was packing under that darn shirt.  Barbara placed the box on the desk in the study and left it with Michelle to unpack and place the books on the shelves there.   
     After a few trips back up with boxes, Michelle noticed that Barbara had begun to break a sweat.  “I’m sorry Barb, it is hot up here.”  Michelle offered.  “The central air conditioning unit is old and we’re getting it replaced this week.  Luckily the sellers agreed to accept a lower price on the sale of the house to account for it.  Can I get you something cold to drink?  Water with ice perhaps?”  “Nah, that’s ok, sweetie, but thank you.  Would it be ok if I just took off my shirt and worked in my sports bra?  We’re all adults here, aren’t we?” Barbara inquired cheekily, Michelle being taken aback with the request and the prospect of finally getting a full introduction to the superior body of this female muscle beast standing before her.  “Ahh, sure!  Of course!” Michelle couldn’t get her response out fast enough.  She’d been waiting for this since the day before.  “Thanks hon.  Now, we’ve still got a lot of work to do, so I don’t want you to be too distracted.” teased Barbara as she grabbed the bottom of the oversized T-shirt and began raising it up to reveal, based on the astonished look on Michelle’s face what could only be described as a female muscle masterpiece.   
To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 10, 2021, 03:47:13 pm
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Great chapter.  The only thing I'd ask is for you to break up the paragraphs - those big paragraphs are a bit hard to read on a screen.

True enough.  Thanks for the tip.  I'll keep that in mind for the next ones.  Hope you liked it otherwise!

Yep - loving it!

I broke up the paragraphs a lot more for Chapter 4.  Looking at the previous chapters from a smartphone, you were absolutely right that the paragraphs are very long.  I guess drafting the story on a 32" monitor deceives one of the paragraph length.  Hopefully the new chapter reads much easier. 
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Apley44 on February 10, 2021, 05:49:04 pm
Loving this story so far! You really do know how to treat your readers with great descriptions of the muscles. I love how the characters are all very nice and supportive of each other. Great work all in all! Like Michelle, I cant wait to dive deeper into their world and bask in their muscular magnificence.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: wissen on February 10, 2021, 10:39:26 pm
Very interesting idea. I hope, that Michelle will become most muscular of them :)
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: jhunter on February 11, 2021, 03:44:29 am
Glad to see more, keep up the nice work.
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: wowser1016 on February 11, 2021, 08:02:42 am
Wonderful work. Not that you are asking but I hope Michelle out does them all. K+!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on February 16, 2021, 03:39:55 pm
Thanks for all the feedback.  I'm glad readers are enjoying the chapters so far.  Yes, the plan is that Michelle takes up lifting.  Will have to wait and see to what degree she adds muscle. 
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: mussgal on March 17, 2021, 08:40:13 am
great so far! cant want for next installment.  :clap:
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on March 24, 2021, 05:48:42 pm

Chapter 5
     As Michelle stood there, gawking at Barbara’s she-beast of a yoked, musclebound she-beef body, speechless didn’t quite describe her response.  Michelle visibly and audibly shuddered at the sight of the super human specimen that stood just a few feet away from her.  “I take it that you like what you see?”  Barbara asked.  Michelle, still awestruck, simply nodded and began to smile, her eyes wide open, as big as saucers, as if she could take in more of the view the more open she held them.  “Well we’re not going to make any progress with this work with you staring like that, so perhaps we can take a little break for a little show and tell.  I’ll show and you tell me what you like.  Sound like a good game?”  Barbara offered.  Michelle, still gob smacked at her friend’s astounding musculature, was already feeling warmth and moistness in her crotch.   
     Merely looking at this goddess of uninhibited muscle mass was turning her on.  Barbara’s lightly tanned skin, glistening with sweat under the lights of the hot room, showed off her imposing physique.  Simply standing there, muscles pumped up from lifting and carrying boxes up the stairs, Barbara’s beefy torso heaved and expanded with each breath she inhaled.  Her cobblestone abdomen had a six-pack of tennis balls stuffed under her skin.  Even her arms, starting with her volleyball sized and shaped shoulders, to her bulging biceps and hanging beef triceps, looked like sausage links they were so stuffed with beef and seeming to almost be ready to burst.   
     “You, sweetie, get a very exclusive sneak-peek at the package I’ll be bringing to my next competition in four weeks.  I’m not as lean as Rose is blessed to be able to walk around at, but my body’s at a sweet spot right now of looking super plump and massive, with some striations beginning to show, but not quite as ripped and defined as I’ll be on the day of the show.  I’ll get even more ripped to fully show off all the details of my hard work, but I’m pretty happy and proud of how I look already, and it’ll only get better, more chiseled and freaky as the show approaches.”  Barbara boasted.   
     As she stood in as narrow a stance as her bulging thighs would permit, she flexed her quads and they exploded up and out, engorging with blood, pushing her thighs even further apart and bowing her legs in the process.  Her teardrop vastus medialis stood out as if it were carved out from the surrounding rock which were the rest of her quadriceps muscles.  She positioned one foot out in front of the other, and shook her leg back and forth, letting the prime beef roast which was her right thigh relax and wobble back and forth before suddenly flexing it hard again, showing how she could turn her firm she-beef into hardened steel she-beef, at will.  Each thigh seemed to be as big around as a heavy punching bag.  Barbara waved her foot up and down in the air, making her calf ball up into a ball the size of a softball.   She took a wide stance, standing up on the balls of her feet, flexing her monstrous calves and enormous, tree-trunk quads as they flared out.   
     Her cobblestone torso, as densely packed with muscle as it was, seemed tight and tiny in comparison to the wildly hardcore, hugely built legs on this muscle thoroughbred.  Barbara drew her hands from behind her ribcage and traced them around the bottom of her ribcage, from the bottom of her wide V-shaped lats, around to the sides of her torso.  Just as her thunderous things flared out like an explosion of muscle from her hips downward, Barbara’s lats, traps and shoulders erupted like a muscle volcano atop her brickwork six-pack.  To say Barbara’s physique created a super sexy feminine hourglass didn’t do it justice, nor was it accurate.  Her tight abs sandwiched between monstrous she-beef glutes, quads and hamstrings, topped off with upper body muscle spilling out over her sports bra created a literal X-frame shape to this superwoman showing off for Michelle.   
     As she stood showing off her front lat pose, her lat muscles flared out wide like a cobra’s head, almost as if she wore a muscle cape that covered the back of her.  Her deltoid muscles plumped up atop her shoulders.  The may have seemed like volleyballs initially, but as Barbara continued to flex, the became more and more pumped, filling and becoming engorged with blood, looking like they’d burst if she went any further.  The effort put in to flexing and posing all of that muscle mass was already causing Barbara to get hotter and breathe harder.  Her torso heaved up and down, making her upper body appear even larger every time she inhaled.  Michelle never would have imagined a woman could be so big and muscular, yet here before her stood a living, breathing, prime example of just how much muscle women were capable of putting on their frame.  The stark contrast of feminine beauty combined with hardcore muscularity, flexed hard to make it all come even more alive, was a bewildering turn-on for both women, it seemed.
     “My God!  Barb you’re a muscle MONSTER!” Michelle spat out in aroused astonishment.  “We’re just getting started, sweetie...”  teased Barbara.  “Wait til you see the gun show.” she boasted.  With that statement, Barbara relaxed her pose, and brought her hands out in front of her waist.  She adjusted the position of her legs, squeezed her arms together to flash the sight of her thick, beefy, canyon-deep muscle cleavage as she squeezed her pecs briefly, then drew both her arms up parallel to the floor, bent her elbows to raise her arms up into the most glorious double biceps pose one could imagine.   
     Michelle’s eyes didn’t know where to begin.  Barbara’s thickly muscled pecs were already puffed up and pumped up as her pectorals blended in towards her massive, pumpkin-esque deltoids.  As much as her deltoids ballooned upwards with the pose, they were no match for the heavenly biceps pump, plump and peak that Barbara so proudly displayed.  Supported by triceps heaving and hanging underneath her upper arm, her biceps peaks rose even higher than her deltoids bulged.  Her biceps were the perfect combination of bulbous size, esthetically pleasing shape and mountainous peak.   
     Michelle finally could resist no longer, and approached Barbara for a feel of her beefy, jagged peaks.  Veins began to protrude through Barbara’s thin skin, blood flowing into her muscles more and more with each flex she held.  Michelle traced the line of the largest of veins crisscrossing and wandering along her biceps up towards her shoulders.  Even Barbara’s unexplored, unflexed chest was covered with a network of vascularity Michelle was discovering for the first time.  Michelle then attempted to wrap her hands around Barb’s flexed arm to gauge its size.  Michelle’s average hands were simply outsized by Barbara’s gigantic growth of she-muscle.  Feeling a gush of warm moistness in her groin, Michelle squeezed her own thighs together to stimulate her pussy, and perhaps attempt to disguise any pussy juices that might drain out.   
     “Eighteen inch peaks, girly girl!”  Barbara proudly declared.  “How you like them?”  “They’re miraculous!  Phenomenal!” Michelle replied.  “I never knew a woman could get so muscular and big!  And it’s so sexy to me!”  she added.  “You said it right, sister.  To be muscular like this, to be and feel so sexy and empowered, there is no feeling that rivals it.  It’s like walking around with the feeling like you’ve just reached orgasm, and you’re in that state all the time.  It’s quite euphoric...and you can have it too.”  “Mmmmmm...” was all Michelle could reply as she continued caressing Barbara’s freakish biceps peaks, though not able to actually budge Barbara nor put a dent in her rock hard she-meat.
     “If you like muscular arms that way, how do you like them this way?” Barbara asked as she transitioned positions and poses to a side triceps pose.  As she straightened and pushed her hand to the floor, her triceps burst into tremendous U-shaped hardness, striations feathered all along it.  Just like with her biceps pose, though her deltoids were by no means a lagging bodypart, her triceps protruded behind her upper arm like a string-tied beef roast hanging in a butcher’s window, meat bulging out wherever it could.  Her triceps striations looked ribbed like corrugated metal, as Michelle fondled and caressed her way all over Barbara’s hanging slabs of hard dense she-beef, kissing with her lips whatever mammoth muscle mass she couldn’t grasp with her hands.
     “Your muscles are so huge and ripped and hard, it’s frightening but in the most sexy way!  I have no other way to explain it!” Michelle admitted.  “More muscle means more to enjoy and more fun, I say.  Though, as much as you’re enjoying the interactive display and front row seat, you’ll want to step back a bit to take in and fully appreciate what’s coming next.”  Barbara instructed her.  With that, Barbara moved into her side chest pose.  Standing with her left side facing Michelle, feet close together but one foot flat and the other up on the forefoot as she slightly squatted down, the massive depth of her leg development being shown off as her hamstrings bulged and hung down off her leg, her bulbous, round basketball sized glutes bounced to attention on her concrete hard muscle ass.  The separation between her hamstrings and glutes was a definite line, the boundary separating them creating a shadow under her gluteus muscles onto her thigh.   
     As she began moving her upper body into place to complete the side chest pose, her glutes twitched while she held the position, ripples of muscle activity rolled over her exquisite rump in waves.  Barbara held her wrists together and twisted her upper body to face Michelle as she squeezed and flexed her pecs.  Thick slabs of she-beef on Barbara’s chest transformed into jagged boulders of thick, ripped muscle as she flexed.  The muscle filled and stretched her sports bra outward, looking as if she had stuffed a pair of gallon milk jugs in it.  Barbara slow and repeatedly relaxed and contracted her gigantic pec muscles in an effort to pump them up even more.  Sweat glistened on them and highlighted the ripped striations of her bulging she-beef chest.  In Michelle’s eyes, Barbara was an intoxicating vision of strength, confidence and sexy arousal all in one powerful package.
     Michelle let out an unintelligible whimper of lust and desire for Barbara’s muscle-packed body as she slipped her hand beneath her own panties and began rubbing her own crotch with her hand, fondling her own pussy with her fingers.  Michelle had become so turned on with muscle lust for Barbara’s muscle goddess body, she could hardly contain herself and wanted to finish herself off with an orgasm right then and there.  “Ah ah ah, honey.” Barbara called to her.  “If this orgasm is going to happen, it’s going to happen with your hands on my muscles.  Isn’t that what friends are for?” and with that Barbara pulled Michelle’s hand out of her panties, picked her up and sat her on the end of the desk, then laid her down on her back.   
     Standing at the end of the desk, Barbara took Michelle’s legs and wrapped them around her waist as the bent over her and supported her own upper body on the desk as if she were about to do pushups over Michelle.  Barbara guided both of Michelle’s hands up under her sports bra for a full tactical feel of her bloated femuscle chest.  With Michelle’s fingers along her muscle cleavage line, Barbara again flexed her beef stuffed pecs and trapped Michelle’s fingers in the inches deep muscle cleavage in between her two shredded chunks of she-beef.  Michelle’s fingers were buried in muscle past her second knuckle.  Nearly the entire length of her fingers were submerged in immovable female muscle.  Michelle focused her attention on the hardness of muscle she felt beneath the palms of her hands.
     The sweat glistening against the tanned skin of Barbara’s muscle-stacked chest, the steel hard feeling of fully flexed muscles under her hands, and the idea that a woman could be so muscular and so strong with such deep muscularity that she could trap another woman in a trance was more than Michelle’s libido could resist, and she began climaxing in orgasm, bucking her hips up against Barbara’s unyielding abdomen as Michelle’s legs remain wrapped around Barbara’s midsection.  The orgasm continued in waves for over a minute before finally settling, Michelle collapsing on the desk in a heap, with Barbara still propped up above her, chest finally relaxed, body no less imposing than ever.
     “Well sugar, it seems to me your taste for muscle is developing quite nicely.  Since you didn’t make it to the back and glutes poses, I guess we’ll pick up from there next time.” Barbara told her, as she planted a kiss on Michelle’s cheek.   
To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: tapion on April 08, 2021, 04:52:28 pm
This story is so hot. Hope you write more!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Jaguar on April 11, 2021, 01:01:19 pm
Wow!  Really excellent story so far FGFG!!!

This is so hot, and the premise is so fresh.  Take your time and make it last forever!

Just kidding, but definitely don't rush.  Something this good and this fresh deserves to be fully explored and developed.

I love it!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Digital Garden on May 08, 2021, 09:26:44 am
Great story bro, loving the whole thing. I agree with everyone else here, take you time and really get into it. You're doing an amazing job so far.

I just can't wait to see if  Michelle decides and start building herself, and if so hopefully read about her own growth process.

Keep it up!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on May 13, 2021, 01:42:51 pm
Thanks for all the positive comments, everyone.  My apologies that I haven't written the next chapter yet.  A combination of being really busy in the real world recently, and not really feeling creative the odd time I did have time to sit and type.  Thoughts are marinating and I hope to share another chapter soon.

Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Super_squirrel on May 13, 2021, 11:03:50 pm
This is so hot.

Can’t wait to read more (when you get time)
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: fitgirlfanguy on May 27, 2021, 02:04:40 pm

Chapter 6
     No sooner had Barbara unwrapped Michelle’s legs from her thoroughbred torso and left her to lie on the desk recovering, Samantha and Sarah reached the entrance to the room, having heard the indiscernible noises coming from above them.   
     “Hello ladies!  How are things coming along up here?  It seems you two were enjoying a little extra-curricular activity.” teased Samantha as the amply muscled physique athletes both giggled.  “Oh, just continuing our new girl’s orientation here.  We only got through half of this session’s material so far.  Care to assist with the rest?”  Barbara asked in response.  “Our student Michelle here might need some help reviewing the muscular system of a horny hardcore female bodybuilder.  We’ve still got the rear musculature to enjoy.”  she added.  “Well lucky for us all we’ve got a living human anatomy chart or three for more than just display purposes.  They are all ‘interactive’, so to speak.” Sarah chimed in lustfully.   
     “Well then class is ‘back’ in session!” cooed Barbara.  “Michelle, you’ll want a front row seat for the gun show, darling.  Ladies?” she continued as all three muscle girls stood side by side and turned their backs to Michelle, who was still sitting on the desk resting from the first round of lusty muscle admiration and worship.  With Samantha and Sarah on either side and Barbara in the middle, all three muscle maidens stood with V-tapered lats flared like cobra hoods, ready to begin an impromptu posing comparison for Michelle, as if they were standing on a contest stage together.   
     “Wait wait wait wait...” Sarah interjected and began to remove her top and shorts, upon seeing what she was doing, Samantha and Barbara followed suit.  Now all three muscle maidens had stripped down to only their skimpy underwear bottoms, and were topless, still with their backs to their gawking admirer Michelle, whose arousal began to build yet again.  For her, what was unseen might have been just as alluring as what she could see.   
     As all three muscle ladies stood there with their beefy arms held out from their widened lats, Barbara finally took command, breaking the suspenseful silence with her instructions to the other girls to join her in performing a “Rear lat pose.”  All three girls brought their hands to their waist, flared their elbows and backs wide, showing even greater width of their muscular torsos in contrast to their tiny, tightly contoured waists.  Michelle gasped in disbelief, with particular attention to Barbara’s upper back which seemed to not just double, but tripe in width compared to her waist below.  It was the sexiest type of V-taper and yet feminine hour glass she could ever imagine on a woman.   
     As all three women held their pose, Michelle was transfixed to the detailed muscularity of each of their physiques, from the round, filled-out rear shoulder muscles, to their rhomboids along their upper spine, to the wide meaty lats that Michelle just wanted to reach out and grab hold from the back or the front, just to bring her face in closer to see and kiss these proud physiques in all their sexiness she was lusting over.  To her they looked so powerful in their stances, she again felt the desire to become a muscle woman warming over her.  Her mind began to trail off as she imagined what it would feel like to be muscular herself.  Thoughts filled her mind as she wondered: would these women lust after her as she does them?  Would I be turned on by my own muscular body?  What would David...
     Her train of thoughts were interrupted by Barbara calling out the next pose “Rear double biceps”, to which all three moved into the new pose, glutes rippling and bulging first as they adjusted and stabilized their stance before raising their arms and cranking them up into an intimidating, dominating display of female muscularity.  Pumped up muscles all across their backs hardened into contours from their traps, rhomboids and lats, out to their as-hard-and-round-as-cannonball delts, then not to be outdone by mammoth muscular guns.  Bulging and peaking biceps bulged on top while gigantic triceps hung below.   
     Each girl individually would be considered a masterpiece of muscle, and while the physique caliber girls Samantha and Sarah certainly had enough sexy feminine muscularity to bring Michelle to climax by sight in their own right, it was Barbara’s hyperinflated anatomy which had Michelle mesmerized.  With each pose, flexing muscles caused Barbara’s physique to inflate and swell more and more.  Each pose engorged the veins all over her body, filled them with blood and plumped them up atop her biceps peaks even higher as those veins snaked down her arm like cables.   
     Another thing that the ripped female bodybuilder had which the others didn’t, was the hallowed Christmas tree appearance in the lower half of her back.  A feat only possible with adequate muscular development combined with freakishly low bodyfat levels.  Michelle moved off the desk and came up behind Barbara to feel the rippling muscles of her lower back.  This was nothing she’d ever seen before, and was completely mesmerized and fascinated by these muscles on this woman’s body.   
     “It seems the interactive portion of our session has begun.  I take it you’re liking this so far?” Barbara asked.  “I’ve never seen such big, hard, ripped muscles on a woman like this before.” Michelle stated, her hands attempting to grope the unyielding muscles in Barbara’s back.  She explored the jaggedly contoured muscles with her lips and tongue, to feel their hardness, and the dryness of how dense they were with little bodyfat to conceal their look or feel.   
     As Barbara continued to hold her rear double biceps pose, Michelle gawked at the individual heads of Barbara’s hamstring muscles running down the back of her thigh, each bulging sinew squeezed against the one next to it.  Her diamond shaped calf above the foot planted behind her bulged into a hard, dense boulder, each of the inner and outer head solidifying to support Barbara’s meaty she-muscle everywhere else on her body.   
     Michelle finally noticed the granite, bowling ball glute muscles bulging below Barbara’s phenomenal backside.  She playfully caused them to contract intermittently, changing from firm round butt beef that would make any woman envious for their deadly combination of shape and size, to then contracting them into a hard clenched fury of rippling she-beef, with such force they seemed capable of trapping and crushing anything that might try to fit between them.  Rapists beware.   
     Michelle had no restraint, either because she felt comfortable enough that she was welcome to, or because she couldn’t control sexual erotic lust for muscle, and placed each hand on each of Barbara’s glorious boulders of female glute muscle.  She attempted to palm them as if to squeeze them for a better feel, but Barbara’s bulbous globes of ass beef was too hard, too big and too round for Michelle’s hands to properly grasp, but she did her best to fondle them anyway.   
     Barbara lowered herself into a sumo squat position.  Her legs flared out wide, and Michelle with her hands still attempting to cling to Barbara’s glutes, lowered herself down too, now sitting on the floor, running her hands back and forth along Barbara’s thighs and glutes, attempting to penetrate their hardness with no success.  Michelle’s moist pussy, still wet from the earlier encounter, began to drip again as her arousal heightened more and more.   
     It seemed that Barbara was enjoying the current session too, being fondled as she showed off her powerful and sexy body alongside her two other playmates.  As Barbara stood in her sumo squat, her own vaginal juices began to drip through her booty shorts and onto the floor as she continued to effortlessly hold the pose for her muscle admirer Michelle.  The aroma of womanly lust filled the air and caught the attention of both Samantha and Sarah who quit their own posing to join the other two.  The two topless muscle mavens looked at each other as they approached Barbara from either side, and with merely a look into each other's eyes, both knew what to do next.   
     The two topless muscle vixens first removed their own underwear, then in an instant, Samantha and Sarah simultaneously grabbed a hold of each side of Barbara’s shorts and tore them away off her body.  Now all three hardbodies were completely nude.  As Barbara continued her sumo squat position, the two other girls squatted and straddled each of her legs, kissing all over Barbara’s powerful upper body, fondling her muscle-packed pecs and nipples.  Each with enough muscular strength and stamina to hold themselves in a squat as they straddled Barbara’s mammoth thighs, they both rode and gyrated their own moist pussies up and down her quads while they continued to fondle and kiss the muscle monster in the middle.   
     Michelle became emboldened by all the sexual pleasuring going on and reach in front to begin fingering Barbara’s vagina while continuing the fondle her glutes with her other hand from behind.  Not wanting to disappoint the other women, though she herself climaxed again ahead of the other three as she fondled the magnificent display of granite hard glute muscles, Michelle continued to finger Barbara, hoping to bring her to orgasm too.  It didn’t take much longer, as fingering by Michelle combined with the kissing and fondling by the other girls brought Barbara to a gushing climax, with her musky pussy juices dripping to the floor.
     Sarah and Samantha stood up while the exhausted yet satiated Barb collapsed on the floor beside Michelle to enjoy the aftermath of their own experience, as well as to enjoy the show of the other two girls continuing their own fun.  Sarah laid on her back on the floor, with Samantha above her in a sixty-nine position, her hot dripping pussy above Sarah’s face, to be licked and poked with her tongue as she fondled Samantha’s muscular ass.  Sam in turn buried her own face and tongue down into Sarah’s steaming hot vagina.   
     Seeing these to muscle vixens go at it full bore, pleasuring each other was a mind-blowing revelation for Michelle.  She wasn’t sure her mind could take it.  It was so hot to see a muscular woman on the receiving end of sexual pleasure, she’d seen that and done that already herself.  It was even hotter to see a muscular woman pleasuring someone else, watching her muscular body in action.  It was all so powerful, so empowering to Michelle, to desire to experience both sides of that, in both directions.  As each woman reached her orgasm, one soon after the other, and both laid on the floor together, warmly cuddling, cooing and sighing in satisfaction, Michelle confirmed in her mind her decision.
     Michelle knew what she wanted.  Michelle would become a female bodybuilder.
To be continued...
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: JoeBozo on September 02, 2021, 04:13:27 am
Super excited to see what comes next!
Title: Re: Flex Friends
Post by: Ernest L Phillips on April 24, 2022, 08:24:51 am
Very nice! I love a good harem story. Love the diversity of the women's bodies. Looking forward to read about Michelle's growth, if you go in that direction.