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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: Tuturu on August 19, 2020, 05:27:42 pm

Title: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 19, 2020, 05:27:42 pm

This is my first try at writing a story, which contains unrealistic muscles, but no violence. I'd even say it's a bit romanticized

Jupiter gym
Chapter 1:

 Jade was an ordinary girl at first sight. In her 20's,she was an already respected lawyer,  with beautiful green eyes, hence the name, and dark, silky hair, which got all the way down to her shoulders. Her little nose contrasted with her gorgeous and carnatious lips, which usually displayed a cute and innocent smile.
  At only 5ft 2,  and 110 pounds, and with average B-cups, she didn't really stood up, and she went unnoticed at most places, and the gym where she was heading was no exception.

   She had been given a 2 month coupon by someone she had helped while at work, since she was a lawyer, a pretty good one, actually, as a thank you. She had already a bit of experience with gyms, so she went in without an instructor, because back in the day, she hit it almost every other day, when her college classes allowed it. She had managed to stay fit after all of those years, but she felt like now she could start to get even fitter, maybe even get a 6 pack, thing she had never have, or some butt definition, which wouldn't be a bad thing for getting a partner either. She hadn't been in a relationship for years, since she had been so busy, and deep down she craved having some one to share her feelings with... and also have sex with.

     She got in, and showed the lady at the front desk her coupon.
'Oh, you must be that lawyer. Thanks for helping us.' She was greeted with, as well as with a gold card attached to a ribbon ' This is a pass to our premium services, you get as many protein powders or steroids, towels, massages, spa sessions, sessions with a tutor,  yadda yadda as you want in these two months. Oh, and welcome to The     Jupiter gym, where the strongest men and women come to train! I have to say that to every rookie, it's in my contract, sorry' She said with a sad smile.
   Jade was genuinely surprised of all the things that the gym offered, and was eager to start her day.

   The gym itself was huge, the size of one big apple, but she was even more surprised with the size of the people training in there. They were all huge! She let out a gasp when she saw the first group of men lifting weights. Every single one of them had biceps over 20", and shoulders the size of basketballs. But what really catched her eye was that training with them, there were women as big as them, some of them were even bigger! Some had meaty slabs of muscles as pecs, and others had watermelon sized breasts to compliment. Veins peaked all over their bodies, traveling through ripped and perfect female muscles. Their legs were amazing too, all of them would make a plastic enhanced pornstar jealous with their round butts and powerful legs. Jade started to feel aroused, trapped between that muscle orgy, and her nipples pressed hard against her sports bra and her yoga pants got wet. This was what she wanted! To have a huge, sexy and ripped body! Suddenly, she got caught by one woman, a gorgeous tall blonde, wearing an extremely loose hoodie, and pants equally loose. She started walking towards her. Jade gasped and her face quickly turned red out of shame, and before she realized, the blonde was already besides her. She had an aura of dominance that made Jade feel extremely small and weak, besides the woman towered over her at 6 ft6. Jade quickly mumbled an apology,
' I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to disrupt, I promise it won't happen again' she said trying to hide her face from the blonde.

  'Hey, don't worry, it's fine, you have nothing to worry about. Considering most people freak out and look disgusted when they see such muscular gals, your reaction is... flattering, in a way.'  The blonde stated with a deviant smile, while pointing at Jade's chest, where her nipples stood up firmly through her sports bra. Jade felt like she wanted to die and blushed even more, hiding her face with her hands, but surprised at how soft the blonde's voice was. The blonde just laughed it off.' Don't worry, you aren't the first one to have this kind of reaction either. Sorry if I made you feel bad, I'll show you something to make you feel better.'
 After she said that, she took one step back, leaned her shoulders backwards, and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes, and put her arms to her sides. She was very wide, but then Jade noticed she was getting... wider?   Her shoulders started to slowly drift away from her back, and her chest seemed to come outwards even more. She started getting read, and veins started appearing over her forehead as she grunted ' C'mon... C'mon, I can feel it!' in an animalistic tone. It was then when Jade realized that the blonde was growing right before her eyes! Her muscles became easily distinguible from under her clothes, as well as veins as thick as fingers. Her muscles were soon too much for her clothes to contain, and they gave up with a loud ripping noise!  ' C'mon... I want more! Hnnnng ...More MUSCLES!!' as she said that, Jade witnessed what looked like a muscle explosion as the blonde's biceps surpassed the 28" mark and her breasts got as bigger than her head, if not more, her traps reached her ears, and her pecs almost reached her chin!, Her core section looked like it was made out of solid rock, sculped with an impressive 8 pack. Her thighs should have been around 40" big, and her calves weren't that far away from that mark! Her pale skin looked like it would explode at any time it even looked reddened in some areas, after that muscle explosion.
 She stood there only with a bra that struggled to contain her gigantic breasts and a pair of panties that didn't cover much either
  ' Uhhhh... Uhhhh... One moment..need... to catch my breath' as she said that, it looked like she was trying to reach her knees with her hands, but her muscles fought for space with each other. After a minute or two she said ' Oh, my bad, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Skye.'
  Jade answered, still in shock:'I'm Jade... nice to meet you...' and offered her a handshake instinctively. Skye corresponded, and Jade felt the strongest grip of her life.
' Well Jade' Skye said' You'll have excellent results with us, and you have nothing to be ashamed of' as Skye winked, her bra finally gave up and her face turned completely red.

To be continued

Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: jhunter on August 19, 2020, 11:42:42 pm
Nice first start. I like that there's break in dialog. Could use a bit more detail, but since its chapter one, looking forward to more.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 20, 2020, 01:46:29 am
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Nice first start. I like that there's break in dialog. Could use a bit more detail, but since its chapter one, looking forward to more.

Thanks! There will be more details in the next part, since I wanted Jade to have more protagonism than Skye
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: sgsg69 on August 20, 2020, 04:18:30 pm
Thank you, fun start.............will be interesting to see what that "gold" pass gets her............look forward to more.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: mrshhh on August 20, 2020, 06:49:54 pm
Really enjoyed the first part!  Jade is likeable & cute, and Skye is a real beefcake.  Thank you for sharing your work.  I hope  you'll continue it.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 21, 2020, 01:59:03 pm
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Thank you, fun start.............will be interesting to see what that "gold" pass gets her............look forward to more.
Thanks! I can spoil that the gold pass gets her access to big things
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 21, 2020, 02:00:05 pm
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Really enjoyed the first part!  Jade is likeable & cute, and Skye is a real beefcake.  Thank you for sharing your work.  I hope  you'll continue it.
I'm glad you liked it! I'm currently working on chapter 2
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Lupus753 on August 21, 2020, 11:41:33 pm
I was hooked when you said there'd be unrealistic muscles.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: phil123 on August 22, 2020, 05:23:14 am
Very good start. So I hope to read how Jade will grow and get big.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 23, 2020, 04:27:00 am
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I was hooked when you said there'd be unrealistic muscles.
:D I know that some people enjoy that kind of FMG, but it is relatively hard to find with it involving futa or gore, things that I'm not personally interested in, so I thought that perhaps other people would like muscles like that.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 23, 2020, 04:28:06 am
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I was hooked when you said there'd be unrealistic muscles.
:D I know that some people enjoy that kind of FMG, but it is relatively hard to find with it involving futa or gore, things that I'm not personally interested in, so I thought that perhaps other people would like muscles like that.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 26, 2020, 01:46:06 pm
Here's the next part:
Chapter 2

    Once that Skye had put some clothes on to cover a bit of her gigantic body, she took Jade through a tour of the gym.
   The gym was so big and had so many things in it than it took them almost two hours to go through the first floor, mainly because Skye insisted on showing what every single thing did right there and then, because "it will be less time consuming when you actually start working out", and Jade didn't really have any other choice. But then, they stopped in front of a white door, and Skye turned to her: ' this is where the real magic happens', and opened the door. Inside of it there were a bunch of scientists, many of them measuring athletes, or doing something with a bunch of powders.
'Hello ladies. I see that you brought a friend, Skye' one of them said.
'Her name is Jade, and I will be training with her' she replied' This is doctor Jordan, head of supplement development in here. He's the one responsible for this body' and she flexed a double biceps pose, her veins immediately rose up to the surface of her skin, pressing against it dangerously over those huge and shredded twin peaks. Her monstrous body contrasted with her smile, like someone who just discovered chocolate.
' The credit is not all mine, after all, but also your's Skye, even if I designed your workout plan for these six months, you trained extra hard!'
Jade was dumbfounded: Skye had gotten that body in only six months? How was that even possible? Skye seemed to pick up on her confusion, so she quickly explained: ' Oh, I had been working out for a couple years before I got here, but when I did I started to grow... Exponentially.' To prove her point, she extended her lats, and immediately turned double the width in less than a split second. Her shoulders were so apart one from another that Jade wondered how many people would fit between them. At least three, she thought. Skye really enjoyed showing off her gigantic body.
Dr. Jordan continued with his explanation: 'Yeah... when Skye joined, we were testing a new steroid. It was designed in a way so that athletes didn't have to be dehydrated or go through a specific diet, as well as improving the gain ratio. It was originally intended for men, but it didn't really work as it should have due to testosterone. But once it was tested with estrogen...' he smiled towards Skye' We realized we had better results with women.'
 Jade was mesmerized. She thought it was amazing how a human, let alone a woman could get that kind of body, and then she realized... She wanted that body. How would it feel to be so huge? How would it feel to be even bigger? Stronger. Better.
But then again, Skye achieved her body in six months, and she was already a bodybuilder before the treatment. How could she get bigger than her in only two months? She couldn't afford more time of membership, and she had to work most days. That would mean to adapt her work out routine, but...
'Hey, Dr. Jordan. I guess that after Skye's results you've been working on that specific supplement, haven't you?' Dr. Jordan nodded' I was wondering... If I could start using it too, please.'
'Well, the product itself is not commercial yet, but it has passed tests successfully. We may have even achieved to make it more effective than its previous version, so if you take it you will end up being really big. Are you sure about that?
Jade sure as hell was. The single thought of a gargantuan body aroused her : ' I guess I'll have to sign something'
'Oh yeah, over here please! I will take your measurements too to determine the dose.' He started walking deeper into the room.
' Hey, Doctor, do you think you could help me get bigger than Skye? The problem is that she achieved it in six months, and I only have two and can't afford the rest!' Jade wondered.
'Huh. Well, we could try to use something a bit more extreme, if you want. The supplement is usually taken in the form of powder, but I guess we could also inject it into your bloodstream, but keep in mind it is more dangerous. You'll have to come see me before and after every work out.'
'I have no problem with that, as long as I achieve my goals' Jade was determined now. She would be the strongest and biggest human ever in record time!

   Once they were in a private room with measuring equipment, Dr. Jordan started to get the job done. Once finished, it turned out Jade was pretty much average and healthy. Her chest was 35' her back was only 34'. Her biceps were only 12' around, so nothing special. Her waist was also 37', and her thighs were about 18". She was only 5ft 2, and a 110 pounds.  Doctor Jordan also measured other things, like the fat in each part of her body, and things like that that would help him dose her.
'You know Jade, I would have usually left one of my employees take care of you, but since it looks like you really want to go to an extreme, I will personally take care of this project. I will have your dosage ready for the end of the day. Come then'

'Holy shit'
Jade was panting and sweating profusely, she couldn't anything of her body anymore. She hadn't felt so tired in her life. After almost four hours of continuous exercise, she could barely stand up.
'This is how everyone starts, at least here, so don't worry, you get used to it.You should go see Dr. Jordan now, or... perhaps you should take a shower first.'
Jade complied. All of her clothes were soaked, and had stuck to her. 
     She stayed in the shower for a good time, enjoying the feeling of hot water fall through her skin. She imagined herself as a gigantic amazon, water falling  through her body, through every single muscle, which would be worked to the maximum and beyond. She was getting horny, so she had to stop in order to be in time for her appointment. That was disappointing, but she thought: ' Soon, I will no longer have to imagine' , with a smile to herself.
   She went to the same room as before, knocked the door and got greeted by Dr. Jordan.
'Here is your supplement dose, Jade' He was holding a syringe.  ' Your right arm, please'
Jade was never a huge fan of injections, and would often get very nervous when she had to get a vaccine, but this time, for some reason, she felt completely normal and complied. She didn't even had to look away as the syringe went through her skin into her vein. She only felt a little tickle. The whole thing didn't take longer than two minutes.
' That would be all. See you tomorrow!' They shaked hands, and Jade went on with her day.


    When Jade finally got home, all she wanted to do was sleep, after the gym and all of her other errands. She was on her way to put on her pajama, but something stopped her. She stopped in front of her bathroom's mirror. Something was different, she could tell. She quickly rised her right arm, and flexed. A tiny peak appeared on the surface. That was unbelievable, so she quickly grabbed a measuring tape, and used it around her bicep. It was 13'. She gasped noticeably. That was just impossible. After the initial shock, she checked her stomach. There were lines of definition were her abs should be. They were not there that day's morning. She quickly took a look at her thighs, too, and oh surprise, they grew to 19'.
'If only one dose did this to me... How effective will be two doses with a more effective work out, then?' She wondered. She needed to know. And to ask for a vacation at her job, too.

To be continued

I've been thinking, and I think that I will upload a chapter every week, maybe even more than one, if my schedule allows it.

Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: sgsg69 on August 26, 2020, 04:04:03 pm
Down the rabbit hole she goes!! Great addition........don't pressure your writing, let it flow as you need. This is quality work! Karma to you.........
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 27, 2020, 02:38:13 am
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Down the rabbit hole she goes!! Great addition........don't pressure your writing, let it flow as you need. This is quality work! Karma to you.........
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: phil123 on August 27, 2020, 05:02:28 am
Great story idea and I like your shedule.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 27, 2020, 05:40:05 pm
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Great story idea and I like your shedule.
Thanks! I will try to make the chapters longer if they require so
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Wookey on August 28, 2020, 12:17:09 am
Love this. Karma plus
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: StrangerDanger on August 28, 2020, 02:37:20 am
Wow, this is great.  Can't wait to see how big she gets.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Online1138 on August 28, 2020, 07:16:59 am
This story is shaping up great so far, keep up the good work!
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: addie40ff on August 28, 2020, 08:58:30 pm
Love the story so far.  Keep up the good work. :bravo:
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on August 31, 2020, 12:41:40 pm
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Love this. Karma plus
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on September 14, 2020, 07:40:49 pm
Chapter 3:

Jade went to the gym as quickly as she could. Her body craved to work out, it craved for muscles. She had been marveled by her one-day progress, and was eager to find out what would happen with a stronger dose of Dr. Jordan’s supplement. She had always liked muscles, but had never imagined girls could get as big as Skye, much less herself and in so little time. One inch with her first dose. It was amazing.She also asked herself if she would continue to grow at a rate of 2 inches per day… or faster. She decided that she would set a goal every day, and accomplish it. That day's was to make her biceps grow 5 inches each. It would be hard, for sure, but after seeing Skye grow inches before her own eyes, she didn’t consider anything impossible anymore. Screw being the biggest person on  Earth in two months, she would be even bigger in two weeks!
Once she finally got to the gym, she went straight to Dr Jordan's lab, where he was already waiting for her. The first thing she did was to ask:' Dr, how much will I grow with today’s double dose?’
‘The supplement works in a way so that your growth is proportional to your effort, I see that you are already a bit bigger than yesterday. I'd say that what you did yesterday was the equivalent to some weeks of intense workout. So… your growth pace depends entirely on you, but keep in mind, that maybe you didn’t feel your muscles getting larger yesterday, but today you most likely will feel it, and I don’t know if that will be either painful or pleasurable, and you might as well need to get used to your body. But you are already an adult, so you are entirely responsible for your own actions.’ He grabbed the syringe' You’re arm please'
So she would grow proportionally to her effort? Then, she would make a titanic effort. At least that was her plan, once she saw the syringe entering her bloodstream.
She got her workout clothes on and went to meet Skye. She was waiting for her next to the bench press.
‘Today we're going with a more intense approach, Jordan told me what you want to do. Please do everything exactly as I say, if you hadn’t taken that supplement your spine would be mush just with one set of exercises and the weights and that. But since you already took the supplement, we will focus on symetry and making those muscles as defined and ripped as possible, not only big. Let’s start with a simple warm-up, okay?’ Skye handed her a pair of 66lb dumbells from a stand nearby. Jade watched lustfully how Skye’s  forearm muscles moved in response to the simple act of grabbing something, and her whole arm tensed and made even more muscle fibers visible. Despite the way her muscles reacted, Skye showed no sign of putting any kind of effort into lifting the 132lbs. Jade was pretty sure that there were some professional bodybuilders would struggle at least a bit with that weight, but Skye didn’t. The day before, they had started with 5 pounds.
Skye’s voice got her out of her fantasy: ‘Try to make at least ten reps of bicep curls, please. Both arms at the same time. The moment Jade took the dumbells from Skye’s hands, her arms fell down, almost dragging her with them. She tensed her arms and tried her best to curl, with no success. She could feel how everything tensed in her body, even parts she didn’t even know existed. She kept struggling, and in no time she started to sweat. She reddened too, and she somehow gathered the strength, to finally do one rep,. ‘Hnnggg….one…. ‘She felt like her arms were ripping apart. Why did she have to tell them she wanted to get so big that fast?’ Hnnnng…two…. Hnnnng' Well, muscles did turn her on, didn’t they?’ Ahhh… three!’ She closed her eyes, the pain was unbearable, and she probably looked ridiculous ' Come on…. Four!’ Goddammit, the sweat was making her grasp loosen' Yeeeearg… five!’ She felt like she lost her train of thought, the only thing that mattered was to finish the set, she needed to finish it. With all her forces, she accelerated the pace: ' SIX!...SEVEN!.. Hnnnng…EIGHT….Arrghhh!...NINE!... Damnit… TEN!!!!
She immediately left go off the dumbells, which fell dangerously close to her feet, and she let herself rest at the floor.She opened her eyes and turned to Skye, seeking for approval. The look on her face suggested that she had it. ‘ To be honest, I didn’t expect you to actually finish. I mean, I couldn’t the first time I tried. So… you’re on a good way. Drink some water, you have a minute left to rest.'
Jade had been smiling while Skye talked to her, up until that point. ‘And since you did so good, please use these' Skye had prepared a 50lbs pair this time. Jade was too tired to disobey, so she leaned forward and grabbed them from the floor. The pain came back immediately, so she closed her eyes and focused in her breathing. She inhaled when the dumbells went up, and exhaled when they went down. She found it oddly easy. She felt like with each rep the weight got lighter. By the fifth rep, she didn’tf feel tired anymore. Skye picked up on this, watching with interest, and a smile on her face. ‘ I’ll go to look for something, please keep going' Skye asked, but Jade didn’t listen. She was so focused on lifting she didn’t even realice when she had surpassed the 10 reps that Skye asked her to do. She just kept going. Soon enough, she was lifting the dumbells as easily as if they were mere empty plastic bottles. Skye returned:
‘ Okay, let’stop for now. Leave the dumbells on the floor, and flex your arm as hard as you can, but don’t open your eyes yet'  Jade complied, and felt a measuring tape press against her bicep. She felt… strong. A dumb smile crossed her face, she wondered if she had already met her goal. Then Skye spoke' Open your eyes now' Jade slowly opened them, just to see a well defined bicep, covered in sweat, and over it, the measuring tape with Skye’s fingers on it. She had a surprisingly gentle touch, considering her huge muscles pushed her veins outwards almost all the time. But she looked back at her own bicep. While it looked nothing like Skye’s, Jade was pretty impressed when she saw she reached the 15 inches mark. She tried to flex even harder, but nothing happened. They measured her other arm next, and it was the same size ‘ Congratulations! You are almost as big as a figure competitor… Well,  think that you are already bigger, I don’t know, there aren’t a lot of them over here. most of us are heavy bodybuilders. Come on, we need to strengthen that back of yours if you want to be able to support your new babies' Skye put her arms under her chest. Damn, those are huge too, Jade thought, but she didn’t understand how exercise would make them her breasts grow, if they were fat.   ‘ Oh, yeah, he didn’t tell you that, did he? Apparently in order to grow you need testosterone, but to keep a femenine body and kind of… compensate the testosterone and the acne and organ failure and that stuff… you need a lot of estrogen. I don’t know if that’s how it works, all I know is that my breasts grew and so will yours. Don’t worry, you get used to it. However… do expect an increase in sex drive, it might take you a while to control. And that many guys over here love big girls doesn’t really help with that. Just control your strength, specially once you’re stronger and bigger than them, and it should all be fine. You don’t want to pay for someone's hip surgery, believe me'
'That was oddly specific', but considering how hot Jade considered Skye, she almost understood.

They got to a small bench, and Jade sat down. While Skye explained the exercise to her: ' You will take both arms upwards, by the sides, while you are almost leaning in your legs. That’s a reverse fly. Ten reps. This is mostly to work your upper back, if all your body grows at the same rate that your arms did, we need to make sure you work out in a specific order, so it is easier for you.’
Jade started without question. The dumbells felt almost as heavy as the ones before, and the first rep made her feel every individual muscle she was working on. The second one came with more effort, and her arms started to shake. The movement itself was a bit harder for Jade, but that only made her try harder. Three. She needed to do them. Four. She needed to prove her worth to Skye.Five.She wanted to prove her strength. Six. Sweat made her top stick to her body. Seven. She could feel every individual muscle, pushing against the top. Eight. Pleasure was taking over pain. Nine. She was worried she might have gotten a bit too excited… 'Ten'...
 She left the dumbells on the floor and looked in the mirrors around her. It didn’t take long before she found an angle from which she could see her back, and when she did… ' Oh dear… is that really me?’ She couldn’t believe it. Now, her arms didn’t look ridiculously big on her torso, they looked like they belonged in there. And it was due to an amazing back. Every muscle was clearly defined in shape, partially because of the gym's lights, but it would surely look amazing anyways. She felt so powerful. She was one step closer to her ideal body. She tried to flex a double bicep pose, in a way she had seen at one point in a waiting room's health magazine. She marveled at her own size, but Skye got her out of her daydreaming: 'Well, you've hit today’s goal for your back, way faster than expected may I say. Let’s go and work on your legs now.’
Jade went, excited, because it hadn't been more than an hour and she was already growing inches at a time.
 Sorry if I couldn't keep up with my schedule, I tried to make this chapter longer, but I wasn't happy with how it turned out, so there will be parts in the next that were originally a part of this. I will try to keep up with deadlines, but I can't promise anything, but the story will have a faster pace from now on, as you may have noticed. Feedback is very welcome.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: phil123 on September 19, 2020, 05:19:14 am
I like your new chapter and shure hope for some more.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on September 20, 2020, 04:54:46 am
Thanks! I thought I screwed up and made the descriptions too repetitive
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: jhunter on October 30, 2020, 02:04:49 am
great follow up, hope for more soon. Keep up the great work.
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on October 30, 2020, 06:05:53 am
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great follow up, hope for more soon. Keep up the great work.
 I want to post the next chapter in a few days, and was planning on announcing it on the post that says 'Hey!' but apparently the enter key just goes and posts it. TLDR, do you know how can I remove a comment of mine?
Title: Re: The Jupiter gym
Post by: Tuturu on November 06, 2020, 05:08:38 pm
First of all, I want to apologize for taking so long in writing this, and for the ' Hey' comment that brought my story back to the spotlight when it didn’t deserve it.
With that said, I guessed I could only make up for that by writing a more extense chapter, which I don’t  consider enough to compensate( I mean, it probably won’t take over 20 minutes to read, even if it’s almost three times longer than the last 2 chapters)
Well, I leave you to read:

Chapter 3:

The moment Jade dreaded the most had come: the time to work on her legs. She was still feeling both tired and excited about her recent growth spurt, which ensured her that, if she wanted to, she could easily be the strongest human, if not living being on the planet in a matter of very few days. She could feel her recently acquired biceps pressing slightly against the sides of her chest as she walked, following Skye through the corridor, surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands of pounds in weights. At that moment she wondered if… one day, she would be able to lift all of that at once. The mere thought of her possessing that strength was sexually intoxicating, she felt how her nipples rubbed against her bra, and she felt her shorts get slightly moist. The fact that as Skye walked, all of her back muscles moved slightly, pressing against each other, occasionally leaving at sight a small vein, and that her shorts struggled to contain her glutes, leaving practically nothing to the imagination didn’t really help either.
 The cherry on the cake of her lustful daydream was watching how Skye’s legs functioned from behind. Her calves expanding with each step, one after the other, seemed always to be at the verge of exploding, her pale skin seemingly incapable of holding such glorious beef. Jade felt her face reddening, but this time, she  wasn’t embarrassed… for the first time in the two days that she had been to the gym, she felt like she could take her newly found fetish to the next level…Her nipples pressed even harder against her clothes, and if those hadn’t been black, someone could have easily pointed out that her shorts were quite noticably wet.
Images of ridiculously big muscles started crossing her mind: pecs and breasts bigger than a house, biceps harder than diamonds, capable of surpassing by yards her head when flexed, and legs thicker than the thickest trees in the world, combined, if possible, all of that complimented by fat, gross and sickening veins, crossing infinite striations, where muscles craved to break free from the skin holding them back. And then, she came to a realization: Jordan’s steroids made her grow several inches in just a few hours, and Skye’s methods proved to be extremely effective, and that alone shouldn’t even be possible, so… even if it was small.. there was, at the very least, a window of opportunity for her to get as big as her wildest dreams… perhaps… even… bigger! She could almost feel how her extremely huge and roided muscles would feel pressing against each other, fighting for space within her petite body, how powerful she would be , how strong she would be, how muscular she would be… and then, a loud noise snapped her back into reality: she was still smaller than many men, that didn’t even work out.

Skye had just finished up setting the weights on the machine, each disc making a loud metallic sound when Skye let them slide through the central pole. She realized that each disc was of 40 lbs, and Skye lifted them with ease, only struggling a bit when she had to slowly put in the lock, and that probably was just because she had to lean forward, not because she was struggling with the weights. She put three of them, and  laid down in the machine to show Jade how she had to do it:
‘You put your knees like this, and you push yourself up using this, okay?’ she pushed slightly with her legs, making them them explode instantly in a rain of tiny veins, yet visible from miles away, and inches deep striations. In a record breaking time, the three discs made their way up to the top of the machine, which was almost 10ft tall, and they hit the top with a loud clang!
Despite this amazing feat of strength, Skye remained unimpressed, as she had surely done this several times before. She didn’t show a sign of effort, and with the same ease she had pushed the weights up, she brought them down slowly, so they didn’t crash with another loud noice. She got up, and showed Jade the seat: ' Your turn'
If she hadn’t surpassed titanic efforts before, she would have thought that lifting that much with a body like hers, but this time, she craved for it, she craved for the muscles that performing that relatively simple exercise would give her. She wondered if she'd be able to grow up to 20 inches in one go as she sat down, and prepared to push: The moment she did it, she felt uncable, vulnerable, as the weights didn’t go up one bit, and she could feel the muscles in her legs scream for help. It was a frustrating feeling, and her soft moans turned rapidly into grunts, as she tried to breathe in, her dark skin going one shade of red brighter at a time. She could even feel her arms tensing around the seat edges, her hands clawing her nails into the fabric, that didn’t give in… and yet, she didn’t feel her legs move. Exhausted, Jade stopped trying for a bit, to catch air, but as she did this, Skye asked: 'Are you okay? I can take away some discs if you want' that hurt Jade's pride a lot. She was embarrassing herself in front of the person she admired the most! She reddened again, this time out of shame :' let me try it like this again, please, I can do it…' she then noticed that the measuring tape was still around Skye’s neck, like a necklace, and she got curious:' Skye, by the way, I-I've been curious… since we met, but I also didn’t know if it was appropriate or not but I was wondering… but, how big… how big are your biceps? ‘ she had panicked, as her original plan was to ask her about the measures of all her body.
‘They should be 30-and something inches if I flex without really putting in an effort, but I haven’t measured them when I flex hard. I’d say I can top the day we met easily.’
Jade pointed at the measuring tape:' Why don’t we find out?’
Skye grabbed the tape and started to play with it:' Because you should be focused on your work out, not my biceps' Jade’s face turned instantly from excitement to disappointment, and she felt bad about that:' Let’s do something. For each rep you do, I will flex harder. So, if you want to know my limit, you must break yours first. Deal?’
Skye positioned herself in front of the machine, so that Jade wouldn’t have to twist her neck to see her. Her physique was extremely impossing, blocking almost all lights from the ceiling from reaching Jade’s tiny body in comparison. She put her feet on the platform, and tried to push with all her strength. Again, it didn’t move, and Jade was starting to get desperate when she looked up. Skye had extended her left arm and was holding the tape around it with her other arm, pressing slightly against her massive breasts, because they were in the way. ‘ I'm ready when you are' That sounded to Jade like she was being challenged, and in a way she was: it was easy for Skye to say that  because she had been a bodybuilder for years, even before getting enhanced, but she was just a petite lawyer that didn’t exercise up until two days ago, and was, for some reason, fantasizing about becoming an ultra-pumped muscle monster, as if that was even possible. She was growing angrier and angrier with herself by the second, as the frustration started to kick in. The weights seemed even heavier than last time!
'I'm just as curious as you are about my biceps, it’s been almost a week since I last measured them!,
Jade took that as a mockery, and her anger turned into rage. She knew she could get bigger than Skye! She knew she could be stronger! It was just that the goddamn machine wasn’t cooperating! But, unaware to her, the machine started to move, as the steroids finally kicked in and did their job, and slowly but surely increasing her muscle mass, as well as her strength. The discs started to be lifted up in the air, supported by the central pole, almost half an inch. It was at that moment that both women noticed that, and Jade’s grunts of frustration became satisfaction, as she knew she was about to experience some muscle growth. Skye started to slowly bring her left arm up to a 90 degrees angle, but it wasn’t long until her bicep head touched her forearm muscles, making a bit hard the task. ‘ Do a full one, bring the discs up at least to the middle, and I'll flex, and I'll flex hard. That was all that Jade needed to hear to transform her rage, again, into lust. It was like having a private show! The main difference being that the muscle girl was kinda at her command instead of being the other way around. Jade liked that feeling, being “in control” when she was the physically weakest one. ‘But that’s about to change' she thought to herself. She gathered strength with all her will, and pushed the platform, lifting the discs up to 6ft up. A smile of satisfaction appeared on Jade’s face, and one of proud in Skye’s, who keeping her word, she flexed her already enormous bicep, that in the blink of an eye exploded doubling its size, veins erupting everywhere around it. And yet, Skye still showed no sign of effort.
‘That makes it… 32 inches around' the muscular coach informed.
‘Holy fuck' Jade murmured. That sight was just what Jade needed to get as aroused and muscle-thirsty as before, and getting her mind fantasizing to grotesque extremes again, but most importantly, her legs pushing and holding the discs. She noticed that, after the first repetition, the second one felt easier, although it still required a titanic effort, and she knew it, her calves tensed in protest, they were not designed to bear with such weights in such a short period of time, but Jade ignored them, pushing even harder, wanting to get stronger, wanting to get bigger!It was then that she, amidst grunts of paint and drops of sweat, felt her muscles swell and expand. Her hamstrings started to push against her shorts, and she felt the muscles's divisions for the first time in her life, the short’s fabric digging into them, making them clearer, and satisfying her more, as it also got into her into her sex. She was reaching again the state of pure sexual satisfaction, driven and fueled by muscles. The weights started to weight less by the third rep, and even less by the fourth. She was completely soaked in sweat, and her crotch was starting to get soaked in her own fluids, but she couldn’t care less. It was then that both Skye and Jade crossed gazes, looking at each other in awe. Skye kept counting :
‘Uhh...34 inches' She was amazed by Jade’s performance, that shouldn’t be physically possible! And yet, she was witnessing it! Her pupil was just something else, someone with the potential to become the apex human, when it came to muscles and strength. But there was something fierce in her, something primal, that drove the girl in an animalistic desire, Skye could tell right away, except that she didn’t know what it was, and she was curious about it. She had only met two people with that kind of motivation in her life, and one of them was herself, but for her, muscles were just a bonus, a proof of how much she liked to work out, how strong she felt, at first. It wasn’t until she started attracting gazes that she realized she felt sexy, that most women wouldn’t even think of getting a body like hers, not even most men. But then again, as much as she wanted to understand Jade, she simply couldn’t. She stared at her, admiring how her muscles flexed in synchrony, each one accentuated by drops of sweat that made her dark skin look shinier, making each cut in her body look like a valley. She could tell that despite being a very hard test for her, Jade was eager to complete it. She wondered how would she react when she realized that she had been lifting twice the weight that Skye told her.
The whole exercise made Jade feel that she was pumping both herself and Skye, both growing when she was the only one working out.She liked it, and her body was not afraid to show it.
Skye was just amazing in Jade’s eyes, being the sexiest woman she had ever seen ever. And the way she could just grow basically at will aroused her to extends she hadn’t experienced in years.
Skye’s face finally showed a sign of effort, and her bicep striated and fat veins emerged so quickly from its surface, that they seemed ready to tear her skin apart, reddening all the places that they touched, visibly throbbing.
‘41’ Her voice tone had changed, Skye’s neck was a mess of tensed muscles, but Jade got distracted by something else: her thighs clashed with each other, she didn’t see them, she felt them! Her own legs had gotten so big that the shorts made them hurt, struggling to contain them. She was now growing by the second!
She pushed as fast as she could, fueled by her desire, making the machine screech, and the discs now reaching the top . Sweat covered her eyes, cascading down her face to her now sculped body. She felt strong, her legs touching each other, getting moist by both sweet and girl juices, she found herself in a state of nirvana as she finally reached an orgasm, making her moun loudly and passionately
‘ Yes! Yes! Bigger!’ At that point, she got rid of any decency she had left, while Skye interpreted these words as being cheered on,
‘I’m trying!’ she really was, trying to push her limits, focusing as hard as she could.
'More! Oh, gawd, please give me more! MORE!’ At that point she had abandoned all decency and shame, her moans contesting the machine's screeching, as she effectively grew and grew.
‘YES!! YES, Ah YEAH!’ She experienced orgasm after orgasm, each one stronger than the last one, making her nipples so hard that they hurt.
Her mind was completely set to growing, and soon enough, the shorts' fabric started to tear apart, leaving place for more hard, solid and deliciously beefy girl-muscle, until at the end, there was next to nothing left. At that moment, Skye realized what was giving Jade the motivation, and released her flex just in time to match with Jade’s explosive squirting, that went through her white underwear and the remainders of her shorts, as Jade collapsed, leaving the weights in free fall, as she tried to catch her breath and slowly, came back to her senses.
'Oh no…oh no..’ the red tones of her cheeks turned even redder out of shame, as she met Skye’s eyes. They both stared at each other for an awkwardly long time, without any of them speaking. The coach looked mortified, and Jade felt she wanted to die on the spot. She got up in complete silence, and ran towards the locker room, with her head down, her calves seemingly expanding with each step.
Well, as usual, your feedback is appreciated, I'd even say necessary.
I also plan on making a poll to have you choose whether Jade grows as unrealisticly big as Skye ( a bit bigger, maybe) , or as unrealisticly big as her fantasies( the ups!-my-bicep-destroyed-the-house type). Keep in mind, that I have not discarded making both (yet) even if one wins by far.
Also, please tell me which pacing and length you like more, as I will try to update this as soon as possible.