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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: aburke on February 05, 2020, 10:26:29 pm

Title: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on February 05, 2020, 10:26:29 pm
Obligatory "Never posted here" before.  Fair warning, this gets fairly violent and has explicit descriptions of sex.  Thoughts and feedback appreciated, as I'm considering writing more with this character.

Chelsea walked quickly and deliberately up the gravel road.  Her destination, a stucco-clad mansion with a clay tile roof, loomed just above the palm trees and undergrowth.  She called up her memory of the map they’d shown her the evening before, remembering that the road up ahead would curve first to the left, then the right.  The air was heavy with heat and humidity, a thin sheen of sweat already coating her body as she made her way to the target.  She quickened her pace, taking longer strides to shorten the journey.  Her boots crunched the gravel beneath her feet, her calves tensed with each step. 

The long, sloping incline up the road was starting to make her shins burn, the defined muscle becoming more and more pronounced with each step.  Each step saw the interplay of her muscle.  As her foot touched the ground, her quad would come into stark relief, the bulging muscle all but exploding with the simple act of taking a step.  Her hamstrings were massive, defined and striated, sloping into a thick, muscular ass.  Her dark blue workout shorts hugged her body like a second skin, just barely reaching down past her tight, firm glutes.  While her powerful physique made her appearance anything but typical, anyone walking past would have simply assumed she was out for a walk on a beautiful day in this island paradise. 

That is, until they looked above her powerful legs and ass to see what else she was wearing.  Her cut, defined abs flanked by a deep adonis belt that was covered by a tan, canvas duty belt covered in several MOLLE pouches which held grenades and explosives.  The small of her back was covered by a sheathed KABAR TDR knife, the handle sticking out behind her and to the right.  Her trim abdomen and waist gave way to full, firm breasts, barely contained by a black sports bra.  Her shoulders were partially covered by a chest holster, the right side held two magazines, and the left a matte black Desert Eagle chambered in .50 AE with a suppressor attached.  Strapped across her broad, muscular back, she carried a Mk. 48 light machine gun.  This weapon had been customized to accept 100 round box magazines, and she carried 4 of them in custom made pouches which rested above her knife.  Her arms hung at her side, swinging nonchalantly with each step.  Her thick beefy biceps, bunching and tensing with each swing, coupled with massive triceps made her arms look absolutely enormous. 

She looked imposing, powerful, strong, and unstoppable.  She stood about 5’10”, with shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail.  She was stunningly beautiful, with piercing blue eyes.  She looked determined, unwilling to stop her almost methodical advance up the roadway.  Even though she carried a small armory on her body, she seemed not to be bothered by the weight.  She had trained for years, both while serving in the military and now as a private contractor, for exactly this type of work.  She continued her approach, seemingly unconcerned with whatever required her to be so heavily armed.  She almost looked as if she was walking for her own pleasure, rather than making her way to the mansion to visit carnage on all those inside.  Her unassuming gait and unconcerned demeanor belied the excitement she felt within herself.

    She approached the garage. Standing outside the door, she drew her pistol, took a deep breath and kicked it open.  Inside, she saw 4 armed men - one immediately to her right, two on the far side of the garage behind 2 parked cars, and one at the far end of the room.  There was a door along the wall to her left.  “Hello, boys” she shouted, immediately firing her pistol twice into the chest of the man nearest on her right.  She moved her gaze and aim to the right, firing a round into the chest and head of each of the two men on the far side of the room.  She used the remaining bullet to shoot the man in front of her in the head.  The suppressor did little to quiet the deafening firearm..
    She heard shuffling behind the door to her left, and it suddenly burst open.  Another armed guard walked out, momentarily stunned by the scene before him.  4 other guards lay dead, brutally killed by a massive woman standing there half-naked holding a gun.  She had no chance to reload before this new target would act, so she attacked quickly and violently.  She closed the distance between them, swatting his gun out of his right hand with her left, and savagely slamming the butt of the massive handgun into the left side of his jaw. 

His jaw was shattered, his ears ringing, and pain was shooting up his arm from where she struck him in the wrist.  Fighting through the pain, he reached for the knife that he kept on the left side of his duty belt.  Seeing the motion, she brought the pistol back across the right side of his face, slamming the hot barrel into his nose and right orbital bone.  She gained a moment as he reacted to the fresh pain.  She leapt up with her right leg, wrapping her left around his waist and taking him down to the ground into a rear naked choke.  She rolled him to her left, reaching for her knife with her right hand.  He struggled against her, but couldn’t gain purchase.  She quickly stabbed the short blade into the right side of his neck, roughly dragging it through his blood vessels and trachea to the left side.  The action nearly decapitated him, and sprayed blood all over the room and her chest.

She threw him off her and stood up, taking a brief moment to size up the room.  5 men lay on the ground.  The man by the door was blown backwards between the car and the garage door by the force of the two bullets she’d put in his chest.  He was clearly dead.  She quickly reloaded the Desert Eagle, leaving only two 7 round magazines for the rest of the assault.  She walked over to the man at the far end of the garage, verifying that he too was dead.  One of the men on the far side of the cars stirred.  She’d thrown a shot and had missed his head.  The shot to his chest would likely kill him given time, but she couldn’t take any chances.  She walked over and nonchalantly put a bullet in his head. 

She quickly assessed herself, finding no wounds or injuries.  Her chest was covered in blood from the man she’d grappled with. “God-dammit” she whispered to herself “This always happens…”  Finally, she listened carefully for any noise outside the garage.  She didn’t hear any alarms or commotion.  She hadn’t seen any cameras on the outside of the buildings, but the mansion guards would likely be there soon to check in on them if they didn’t respond to radio calls.  For half a moment, she considered moving the bodies into the small storage room the 5th man had walked out of.  She decided against it.  She’d likely already be raising all sorts of hell before the security crew came to check on these men.  She smirked as she felt her nipples harden at the thought of what she was about to do…

She made her way up the driveway towards the gate.  From the intel she received before arriving, she knew that there is a small gatehouse with a camera on the front of it.  She approached the outside of the gate, tossing a rock against the wall.  The guard bent himself over to get under the gate and began searching the area to investigate the sound.  She quickly crouched through the undergrowth and slipped underneath the gate, dodging the camera’s range of view.  Inside the gatehouse, she saw a DVD recording setup which she quickly disabled.  She heard the guard returning and slid between the wall and the door. 

As the door shut, she sprang into action.  Taking a single step forward with her right left, she thrust her knee into the back of his, compromising his hamstring and taking him off balance for a moment.  In this split second, she snaked her thick arms around his neck and began choking him out.  She knew she had to kill him, then and there.  She also knew that it would take several minutes of continuous pressure to suffocate him.  During that time, he could take control of the situation in any number of ways.  She needed both arms to maintain the choke hold, so reaching for her knife wasn’t an option.

Having sized up the situation, she acted.  She leaned back on her left leg and raising her right foot.  Her thigh bunched up tightly and her hamstring contracted before she sharply kicked at the lower portion of his calf.  She was rewarded with a harsh, wet crack, as at least one of the bones in his lower leg broke.  He jerked sharply at the pain, unable to breath but continuing to struggle. She repeated the motion, this time leaning back on her right leg and kicking sharply with her right.  This kick was even more devastating, resulting in two bits of bone popping out through the skin on his left shin.  She continued squeezing, holding up his weight almost effortlessly.  While it would still take several minutes for him to die, he at least wasn’t able to struggle as effectively and soon succumbed to pain and hypoxia.  It was a dirty, brutal kill; but it had been effective.  The alarm still hadn’t been raised, and she could now begin to make her way

The gatehouse radio beeped “Gatehouse, this is Central.  Still waiting on an update on the garage crew.  And why the fuck did you turn off your camera?”  She knew she only had a few moments.  She quickly reached into a pouch on her duty belt and removed a small piece of C-4, pre-rigged to detonate, and tripwire.  She hurriedly stretched the wire along the path of the doorway so that the explosive would detonate only when the door was fully open.  The force of the blast would likely only kill one or two of the men on the team, but would disorient the others and give her a few moments to begin making her way through the mansion. 

She felt the blood pumping through her arms and thighs.  She loved the pump she got when she was on a mission.  She sprinted along the edge of the wall towards the mansion.  She quickly assessed her options for entrance, confirming what intel had shared with her before her arrival.  The great room had an external wall made up entirely of windows.  Just to the left of it, inset a bit from the wall of the great room, was the main door to the house.  The north wing of the mansion extended to her left.  She knew that around the corner of the house was an exterior door that led to the kitchen and into the dining room. 

Her entrance had been meticulously plotted, and everything was going according to plan.  She waited patiently for the security crew to go check on the gatehouse and garage.  She felt sweat dripping down her body, running in between the creases of her muscles.  The blood on her chest had slickened again, mixing with the sweat from her exertion.  While she hated the thought of having someone else’s fluids on her body, she couldn’t wait for the terrified looks that she’d soon see on her helpless victims.  The thought of entering the building, a vision of sex and power, a blood-soaked amazon ready to visit carnage upon everyone inside.  She tentatively ran her hand across her abs and down into her shorts.  Her fingers had just reached her engorged clit as the main door flew open.

“God-dammit…” she muttered.  8 men exited the house and ran down the driveway towards the gatehouse.  She reluctantly removed her hand from her clit, and nonchalantly walked up to the door.  She opened one of the pouches on her belt and placed a series of small charges on the hinges and lock of the double doors.  She carefully stretched a wire out towards the corner of the great room exterior wall, placing a small pedal detonator on the ground.  She then crouched down below the level of the windows, making her way carefully to their far end.  Upon reaching the end of the windows, she heard a satisfying explosion from the gatehouse.  She stood up, unclipping one of the grenades from her belt.

Inside the great room, half a dozen guards were in various states of relaxation.  Two were seated on the chairs and lounges spread around the room.  Two were by the archway that led into the entryway.  The other two stood by a door at the rear of the room, which led to the study of the man they’d been hired to protect.  He was in there now, doing whatever protectees do in the early afternoon when they can’t leave the house for fear of assassination.  One of the two by the study door saw movement outside the windows, movement which made less sense the longer he looked at it.  He saw a woman in what looked like workout gear slowly walking past the windows.  Upon looking more closely, he saw that she was armed.  He reached for his PDW just in time to see her throw a grenade like a baseball through the southernmost window.  She then started sprinting, throwing 3 more grenades through the windows in rapid succession.  He called out and began firing just as the first grenade detonated.

Outside, she stopped running once she reached the front door.  She stood for a moment and paused, feeling a rush as she heard the grenades detonating.  She unslung her Mk 48, checking the chamber.  She took a deep breath, and then stomped her foot down on the detonator.  The detonator caused the 5 charges she’d placed to explode inwards.  The doors were largely shattered by the force, the lock and hinges all but disintegrated.  She stepped carefully, but quickly, through the shattered bits of wood and metal.  She’d been sent to do two things: Kill the target, and make it look like the work of a heavily-armed but amateur hit-squad.  She fucking loved jobs like this.

As the dust cleared, she crouched down in the hallway, extending her left leg outwards and putting most of her weight on her right.  This accomplished two things.  The first was to make her a smaller target, and the second was to provide more stability for the weapon as she fired it. It also had the tertiary effect of making her ass and quads pop, something which regularly drew attention on training ranges back at headquarters.  The room was small, but served as a crossroads for most of the house.  To her immediate left was a set of stairs which she remembered led to the second floor and bedrooms. Just past that was a small split-level stairway that led to the dining room and kitchen.  Beyond that was a stairway and hall that led to the outdoor pool.  To her immediate right was the archway into the great room, and just past that was a hallway that led to an alternate access for the pool and patio.

She quickly identified four targets.  One to her left on the staircase, one near the entrance to the pool, and two standing straight in front of her at the far end of the room.  She fired a 7 round burst from the left to the right, cutting down the man on the stairs and causing the one by the pool entrance to duck for cover.  She immediately fired off another 7 round burst at each of the men at the end of the hallway.  The first took four to the groin and lower abdomen, the second took 5 to the chest and head.  She discounted them as targets, making a note to later verify that they were dead.  She then zeroed in on the man taking cover near the dining room stairs. 

She began firing 5-7 round bursts at the area around him, attempting to suppress him and keep him under cover.  As she did this, she stood and began walking towards the great room.  In between bursts, she quickly glanced into the great room, surveying the carnage she’d left with the grenades earlier.  The room was a mess of explosive residue, broken furniture, bodies, and gore.  She could only identify 5 bodies, but hadn’t gotten a good count in the split second before she’d begun to throw the grenades. 

She decided to clear the great room first, and fired another burst at the stairs before ducking inside.  Immediately inside the entrance she found a 6th gunman, taking him by surprise.  He was too close for her to fire and be sure she’d hit him, so she closed the distance and slammed the muzzle of the weapon into his face.  He called out loudly, but she couldn’t hear what he said before she fired a 5 round burst.  He crumpled to the ground instantly, his head a pulverized mess of blood and tissue.  She quickly turned, leaning into the archway to fire another burst at the man by the stairs.  He’d seized the opportunity to make his way towards her, but hadn’t moved quickly enough.  The first burst she fired hit him in the knee, causing him to cartwheel towards the floor.  She moved towards him, firing two 5 round bursts into his back as he lay on the floor.  At this point, she knew that everyone left in the house knew where to find her.  She needed an advantage.  She ducked out the door she’d entered, turning hard to her right.

She had to move quickly if this was going to work.  She slung the Mk48 across her back and ran towards the kitchen door.  She drew the Desert Eagle, holding it at belly button level to her right side with both hands.  As she rounded the corner, she saw another armed man.  She quickly fired three rounds, putting one in his abdomen, one in the right side of his chest, and one in the left side of his chest, near his heart.  He flew backwards toward the ground, motionless.  She threw her shoulder into the door, identified another armed man in the room, and fired twice into center mass.  Another man was dead, having had no chance to react before slumping to the ground. 

She dropped her magazine,inserted the final 7 round magazine, and holstered the weapon.  She drew the Mk 48, wrenched the magazine from the port, slammed home another one, and worked the charging handle to ensure that a round was chambered.  This was the part that could get dicey.  From her intel, she knew that the dining room had only one way in and out.  Once she entered, she had to be able to gain the upper hand, or else she’d be pinned and likely wouldn’t make it out of this alive.  She bit her lip, thinking about how fucking cool this was going to be.

She threw the door open, immediately recognizing a half a dozen armed guards standing in the entryway.  She reasoned that these were the men on the team sent to   Her plan had been to make it look like she’d left the estate, and it had worked.  She drew the weapon up to her shoulder and let loose.  She wasn’t firing bursts anymore.  She wasn’t aiming carefully.  She had her finger on the trigger and was trying to get as many bullets down range as possible.  Her arms bulged as she held the weapon on target, spraying lead into the mass of armed men.  As she felt the weapon begin to climb, she crouched down slightly and leaned forward, tensing her ass and quads and engaging her abs to keep the weapon steady.  Most trained soldiers can’t fire a light machine gun cyclic from a standing position, but she wasn’t most trained soldiers. 

She was stronger.  Faster.  Better.  And that made her so horny.  She could feel her tits jiggle with the recoil of the weapon, causing her already hard nipples to rub against the fabric of her sports bra.  She was wet before she walked in the building, and now she was ready to explode.  She fucking loved her job.  She finally let off the trigger after firing off half the magazine.  The 6 men lay dead, ripped apart by the lead she’d sprayed at them.  Intel said there were 20-25 guards on site.  There was still so much fun to be had…

She jogged through the entryway, stepping carefully over the slaughtered bodies.  She made her way towards the study, knowing full well that there was no way the target would be inside.  Wrenching the door open, she was greeted by an armed guard.  He’d been making his way towards the gun fire, and stepped back quickly when she opened the door.  She was already leaning forward, having stepped through the door.  She decided to make the most of the momentum, and ran headlong into him.  He wasn’t expecting a nearly 200lb behemoth to tackle him, and was caught off balance.

She slammed him into the wall, quickly reaching behind her to grab her knife.  She stabbed the sharp edge of the blade into the space between his neck and his left collar bone, then drew it sharply to his right.  The cut sliced through his carotid artery, but the blade got caught in the rings of his trachea, and realized that this wouldn’t be a clean kill.  He couldn’t call out, because she’d cut through his windpipe, but he wasn’t completely out of the fight yet.  She realized she’d have to do her best to immobilize him with pain until blood loss did the job.  She leaned back, grabbed his shoulder, and twisted his shoulder to her left.  She began to repeatedly stab the blade into his lower back, aiming for his kidneys.  The pain was excruciating, and he quickly doubled over and passed out on the floor.  She found herself covered with more blood, but didn’t have the chance to lament this time.

She quickly walked over to the computer sitting on the desk, sheathing the knife as she went.  She’d been briefed on the mansion security system, she tapped a few keys and initiated the lock down sequence.  The alarm had already been raised, but now there was no way anyone could escape.  She picked up the tower, her arms barely registering the negligible weight of the computer, and slammed it down on the ground.  Probably unnecessary, but she figured it would help with making this look like the work of amateurs.  She drew the Mk 48.  She kicked open the door at the rear of the study, which led to a small patio space.  Two guards were standing there, having heard the commotion.  They were not, however, prepared for what they saw.

A woman, standing nearly 6 ft tall, with arms that put most bodybuilders to shame, and quads that looked like they crushed watermelons for fun.  She was covered in blood and viscera, with a crazed look of blood lust in her eyes.  They raised their weapons, but couldn’t fire before being cut down in two quick bursts.  She crossed the patio, seeing two doors which she knew led to a three-room guests suite.  She chose the door on the right, which intel said led to the bedroom.  She catapulted through the door, spraying the room with gunfire and leaving another guard dead.  She quickly made her way through the rest of the suite, leaving two more guards in puddles of their own blood.

Intel had indicated that the door at the far end of the suite led to the pool and patio area.  By her count, only the target and one more guard remained.  She kicked open the door, and saw him.  Her query was crouched on the ground, cowering behind a patio table. She stepped towards him, and he began begging  “Please, I can pay you, I’ll do anything, just let me get out of here.”  “I don’t know who you are, and frankly, I don’t give a fuck.” she spat, “They told me to come in here, fuck shit up, and make sure you died horribly.  So that’s what’s going to happen.”  He ran.  She followed after, menacingly slowly.  The patio was walled in, and the gate was 8 feet tall.  She knew he couldn’t clear it.  She also knew that she wanted to savor this.  She didn’t often get assignments like this, and she wasn’t about to waste it by rushing.

He began frantically pounding numbers into the keypad of the gate.  “You’re on lock down, bitch.  There’s nowhere to run.”  He turned and faced her, looking desperately for anything he could use as a weapon.  Seeing nothing, he ran at her headlong.  She was ready for his haphazard attack, and threw an effortless right hook at his face.  He crumpled to the ground, instantly.  She reached down, picking him up by the neck and bringing him back to his feet.  “Now, the guys at headquarters want me to make this look like it wasn’t a single professional.  I’d say I’m sorry for what’s about to happen, but that’d be a flat out lie.”

She roughly grabbed the back of his head with both hands, drawing it down and driving her knee up until the two met, brutally smashing his face and breaking his nose.  He screamed, and she felt her nipples harden again.  She leaned back, driving the heel of her foot into his chest.  He flew backward into the gate.  She took a step forward, and began to punch him in the chest and torso, using him as a human punching bag.  After a minute or so of brutal assault, she let him fall to the ground.  She swaggered around his limp form, her thighs tensing and bunching with each step.  He was still breathing, but she could see that one side of his chest wasn’t rising anymore.  She’d probably broken all of his ribs and definitely collapsed his lung.  Satisfied with the message this would send, she drew the Desert Eagle and fired into his limp body 5 times.

She walked quickly across the patio to go back through the entryway.  “Jesus christ…” she heard someone curse as she entered the building.  She saw him, one final guard standing amidst the chaos and carnage she’d visited upon this opulent mansion.  She drew her pistol  “Don’t fucking move,” she said.  “If you put the gun down, you might live through this.  If you try anything, I’ll slaughter just like I did these other fucks.”  He obeyed, setting his PDW on the ground.  She sauntered over, holstering the pistol.  “Here’s what you need to understand.  Killing like this?  It makes he horny as hell.  I’m ready to fuck, now, and I’m going to fuck you, now.  If you can make me cum, I’ll let you live.  If you can’t, I’ll beat you to death.  Now take off your clothes.”  He obeyed, immediately.  She unbuckled her duty belt, slid off her shorts, but left on her bra and holster.  “Another thing: If you cum inside me, I’ll break your goddamn pelvis and let you bleed to death.”

She shoved him against the wall, kissing him roughly, probing his mouth with her tongue.  She ran her hands over his torso, wrapping one of them around his cock.  She felt it begin to harden.  She smirked and bit his lip.  “That didn’t take much…  It usually doesn’t with you weak fucks.”  She threw him to the ground, then reached up and ripped open her blood-soaked bra.  She squatted down, straddling his body and rubbing her taut, firm ass against his rapidly hardening cock.  “Put your hands on my tits.  Focus on my nipples.”  He obeyed.  What choice did he have?  While he played with her firm breasts, she ran her hands down her rigid abs, trailing their way to her hard clit.  She began to swirl her fingers around it.  She was so fucking wet.  She’d been ready to cum since she blew the doors off this place.  She slid downwards on his body, running her ass and her wet slit over his now rock-hard cock.  Reaching the tip, she slowly slid forward, taking in his full length. 

She began to ride him, her thighs and ass bunching and tightening with each movement.  She rocked her hips backward and forward, rubbing her clit against his shaft with each thrust.  It felt so fucking incredible.  His hands fell from her tits as he tried his best to meet her thrusting.  “Lay still and get your goddamn hands back up there.”  He obeyed, trying frantically to hold back the inevitable.  She could feel the orgasm beginning to build deep within her.  Waves of pleasure coursed through her as her clit rubbed against the base of his cock.  His fullness stretched her tight pussy, further intensifying the pleasure she was feeling.  She began to moan, getting closer and closer to the orgasm she so desperately needed after wreaking havoc in the mansion.  She loved her power, reveled in it.  Missions like these, where she was free to absolutely wreck the place, made her so incredibly horny.

As he brought his hands back to her incredible, firm breasts, he realized that he couldn’t hold on any longer.  Her velvety pussy felt incredible around his cock, her moans were making him so damn hot, and the fear of her threat only intensified the orgasm that was building deep inside him, and before he realized it was happening, he came intensely.  Waves of pleasure surged through his cock, and he groaned uncontrollably as he felt the most intense orgasm of his life. 

“Jesus fucking christ, you weak piece of shit!” she screamed.  She launched herself off of him as he ejaculated.  As the orgasm coursed through his body he surged upwards, raising his upper body off the ground.  She shoved him in the middle of his chest, slamming him back to the ground.  She tightened her fists and punched him twice, once on each side of his chest.  Her triceps bunched up into horseshoes as she drove her fists into his ribs, shattering 3 or 4 of them on each side.  He gasped at the pain, the sudden shock of being in such extreme pleasure to suddenly experiencing intense pain was nearly unbearable.

Then, she made good on her earlier promise.  “Weak fucks like you always cum too early...”  She lowered her hips again, bringing her slit back down to his rapidly deflating cock.  She brought her thighs together on either side of his pelvis, slowly but surely squeezing them together harder and harder.  The pressure he felt on either side of his hips began to intensify, and didn’t show any signs of stopping.  “Should have held on a little longer, you dumb shit…” she whispered.  Suddenly, she snap-flexed her thighs and squeezed them as tightly as she could around his pelvis.  Her bulging quads exploded, flaring out on either side of him as she poured unbearable pressure onto his over-matched hips.  She felt two distinct cracks, which could be heard audibly in the room.  He screamed, feeling the most intense pain of his life.

“You’re dying right now.  Not as quickly as your stupid, fucking friends here, but you’re dying all the same.  You can still make it, though…”  She leaned forward, putting her hands on the ground above his head and sliding her hips up his chest.  “You’re going to clean your nasty jizz off my pussy, and then you’re going to lick and suck my clit until I cum.  If you can do that, if you can make me cum to my satisfaction, I’ll call an ambulance and you might just survive…”  She straddled his head, shoving his mouth roughly against her engorged clit.  “Do it now, you weak fuck.”

He dutifully sucked up his cum, wincing at the taste but knowing he had to if he had any chance of making it out of this.  He fought through the pain, licking as if his life depended on it.    “Oh, fuck…” she moaned, “credit where it’s...mmmm...due…you're pretty fucking good at that…”  She heard a noise behind her and to her right.  Some kind of shuffling and the sound of metal scraping against the tile floor.  She snapped out of her revelry, grabbing for the PDW that he’d so carefully placed on the floor only minutes before.

She leaned back, bringing his head with her as she scanned the room behind her, identifying one of the wounded guards who had grabbed an abandoned handgun from the floor.  Holding the gun in her right hand, she flipped the selector from Safe to Auto and fired a burst at the doomed guard, killing him instantly.  It was then that she realized that the angle she was holding his head at felt incredible.  She wrapped her right thigh around the back of his head and pulled his mouth tight against her clit as her orgasm came crashing over her.  Bucking her hips, she leaned back onto her arms, her triceps exploding even as her left leg shot out to keep her balanced.  She didn’t even realize that she was killing the man with her legs as she came intensely. 

Moments later, as the orgasm subsided, she brought herself to her feet.  She slid her shorts back on, buckling on her duty belt.  She was still topless, and considered for a moment scrounging something to cover herself.  She decided against it, reasoning that everyone in the evacuation vehicle had seen her like this before.  They were used to the sight of Chelsea leaving a target area, half-naked and soaked with sweat and blood.  It was part of the reason they’d given her the callsign “Chaos”.  She seemed to find excuses to make operations like this bloodier and horrific than her colleagues might have.  She also seemed to find excuses to wear next to nothing and often managed to lose the few clothes she did wear.

She gave the room a once over.  The walls were covered in bullet holes, both from her weapons and those of the guards who’d fired haphazardly at the amazonian death machine that had so suddenly appeared.  The floors were littered with bodies, shell casings, and explosive residue.  The doors were splintered, windows destroyed, and the walls were covered with blood and viscera.  One poor soul lay on the floor, half-naked, covered in his own cum and her juices.  She smiled and self indulgently grasped her left breast, reveling in the afterglow of her orgasm.  She sauntered out the remnants of the door, then walked off the property to wait for her ride. “Not a bad day of work.” she muttered to herself.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: billz on February 06, 2020, 03:08:30 pm
Awesome story! Heads up, trying to send a message but your inbox is full.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: rodman on February 06, 2020, 05:27:38 pm
 :thanks: Great Story. And I gave Karma to you! I hope you continue to post more stories! :rock:
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on February 06, 2020, 11:45:38 pm
Awesome story! Heads up, trying to send a message but your inbox is full.

Thanks for the heads up!  I've emptied the inbox, so if you have a chance and could resend I'd appreciate it

:thanks: Great Story. And I gave Karma to you! I hope you continue to post more stories! :rock:

Thanks for the feedback and the karma!
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on April 15, 2020, 09:20:33 pm
Okay, here's the next little bit.  I tried to break this one up a little more, as the first installment was a pretty imposing block of text.  As before, comments and feedback are appreciated.

A few miles away from the mansion, a black SUV sat parked on a dingy side street outside of town.  The street ran along a stand of trees that surrounded the edge of the massive estate.  The vehicle had arrived a few minutes before, and had been sitting with the engine running ever since.  Suddenly, there was a commotion in the underbrush.  Chelsea broke from the treeline and sauntered towards the car.  Her hair was slightly disheveled, her ponytail was loose from walking through the brush.  She glistened in the bright tropical sun, from the blood that was still smeared across her chest and from the rivulets of sweat that poured down her body.  She was breathing heavily from exertion in the dense, humid undergrowth.  She was still topless, nonchalantly carried her Mk. 48 in her right hand, muzzle towards the ground.

    The passenger rear door of the vehicle opened and a woman with vibrant red hair climbed out.  She wore dress slacks and a white button-down shirt.  She wore stylish sunglasses and had her hair up in a professional-looking bun.  She was several inches shorter than Chelsea, but her loosely buttoned shirt revealed a tight, defined physique.  Her arms strained against the sleeves of her shirt as she walked towards Chelsea.  “Jones!” she barked, “Get out here!”  He crawled out of the SUV, his poorly-fitted black suit and tie seemed to wilt in the heat.  He was about 5’ 6” and thin.  He had immaculately styled his hair when he got dressed that morning, but the heat and humidity had reduced it to a soggy mop since then.  “Chels, Jones will take care of your gear.”

    “Here,” Chelsea said abruptly as she tossed the Mk. 48 at him.  He fumbled the catch, nearly dropping the heavy piece of hardware in the gravel of the shoulder.  Chelsea scoffed in disbelief.  She knew that some of the admin staff were soft, but had never seen anybody make a mistake like that.  He struggled to open the rear hatch of the vehicle as she stripped off the rest of her gear.  He loaded everything quickly, hoping to keep the weapons out of sight of anyone who might chance upon them.  She stood behind him, an imposing beast covered in sweat and blood. 

“Hand me that bottle of water,” she commanded.  He handed her the water, struggling not to stare at the magnificent breasts that she was displaying mere inches from him.  She pulled her hair out of its ponytail, and doused herself in water.  It ran through her hair and down her body, rinsing the blood, grime, muck, and gore off of her body.  Jones realized that his mouth was hanging open as he stood there.  She tossed him the empty bottle without a thought, then began ringing the water out of her hair.  “Are you going to stare at my tits or hand me a towel?”  she spat.  He quickly grabbed the towel from the back of the SUV and handed it to her.  She carefully dried her hair, putting it back into a ponytail.  The action caused muscle to spring from her arms, her chest, and her neck.  It also thrust her breasts forward, her wet skin practically glowing in the sunlight.  “You can get in the truck now.  I don’t need a weedy fuck like you staring at me while I’m getting cleaned up.” 

He quickly climbed into the passenger side door, and she jumped in after.  The passenger compartment of the vehicle was arranged with two bench seats which faced each other.  Valerie had already taken up a position on the rear bench, and Jones on the front bench.  Chelsea took the seat next to Valerie, slamming the door behind her.  The driver immediately took off, taking the vehicle down the dusty road towards the airport as quickly as possible without risking getting pulled over.  Valerie pulled a dossier in a manilla folder from a briefcase.  “Chels, we’re going to debrief you now.  Jones is here to take notes, I’ll be asking you the usual questions.”  Chelsea nodded knowingly, putting on a pair of reflective aviators.  “Remember, it’s Jones’ first time out, so please don’t skip out on any of the details,” Valerie added with a wink.  Chelsea grinned, and began detailing her actions on the target.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: AndrewWrites on April 16, 2020, 07:23:55 am
I really like this character. Although it would have been nice to have had some more descriptions of her looks. She reminds me of what I have in mind for my character in Cyberpunk 2077:) Please keep writing.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: hero141 on April 16, 2020, 09:43:56 am
Thanks for this great story, aburke. Well-written, great action and what a character Chelsea is: gorgeous, ultra-muscular and enjoying her work! I hope there is more to come. Is she for hire? ;D Karma!
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on April 16, 2020, 11:08:47 pm
He quickly climbed into the passenger side door, and she jumped in after.  The passenger compartment of the vehicle was arranged with two bench seats which faced each other.  Valerie had already taken up a position on the rear bench, and Jones on the front bench.  Chelsea took the seat next to Valerie, slamming the door behind her.  The driver immediately took off, taking the vehicle down the dusty road towards the airport as quickly as possible without risking getting pulled over.  Valerie pulled a dossier in a manila folder from a briefcase.  “Chels, we’re going to debrief you now.  Jones is here to take notes, I’ll be asking you the usual questions.”  Chelsea nodded knowingly, putting on a pair of reflective aviators.  “Remember, it’s Jones’ first time out, so please don’t skip out on any of the details,” Valerie added with a wink.  Chelsea grinned, and began detailing her actions on the target.

As she gave her statement, she noted that Jones couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her.  She noticed a growing bulge in his crotch, particularly when she started talking about what she did in the foyer of the house.  As she described her advance through the house, she extended her leg out to the far bench.  She did it almost unconsciously, but she very deliberately wanted him to see her massive quads stretched out in all their glory.  She was still slick with sweat, in spite of the air conditioned SUV.  It was hot and humid outside, and the walk to the vehicle had taken her through some unforgiving terrain.  She used this to her advantage, knowing the visual effect that the sweat had on her physique.  She wanted to tease this weedy little admin fuck, and she could tell he wanted her to.

“So I came back to the entryway via the kitchen.  I killed the two guards there quickly, using my sidearm…”  She saw Jones’ eyes twitch towards her breasts again.  She repositioned herself, taking a deep breath and spreading her right arm across the back of the seat.  Her breasts thrust forward, her nipples hardening as her sweat evaporated and the air conditioning cooled her skin.  “Jones, do you need me to slow down?  Looks like you’re having a hard time keeping up.”  Jones eyes snapped up from her erect nipples, his own reflection staring back at him from her mirrored sunglasses.  “Anyway, I made my way back towards the foyer and saw a half-dozen or so of them checking vitals on the guards I’d killed there.  I braced myself and fired into them, gunning them all down.”  Jones swallowed, catching his breath, and then asked, “About how many rounds would you say you fired?”  Chelsea turned her gaze directly on him.  “A lot,” she said coolly.  “An approximation would be fine,” Jones pressed.  “I’m not sure, fifty or so,” said Chelsea dismissively.  Jones screwed up his courage, “Agent Adler, it’s imperative that you provide details for the report.”  “Right,” spat Chelsea, “Details.  You need details for the report.  I’d be happy to provide them.  Would you like to know my actions upon identifying the target?”  “Please,” said Jones.

Chelsea explained how she identified the target, moved towards him, and fulfilled the requirements of the contract.  “I beat the shit out of him first.  My instructions were to make it look like some pissed off amateurs, so I made sure to make it look sloppy.  I finished him off with my sidearm.”  “Then what?” asked Valerie.  “I made my way back into the main house, and found a guard standing in the entryway.  He seemed pretty lost at the shock of it all.  I don’t really blame him...I was pretty fucking brutal in there…”  Chelsea began fondling her breast.  Valerie smiled knowingly.  She’d run plenty of operations on her own, and knew how intense debriefs like this could be.  “What’d you do to him?”  “I...had my way with him…” Chelsea said with a smile.  “I’d been tracking how many tangos I’d killed, and knew he was the last one alive.  I was pretty fucking horny by that point, especially with how physical I had to get with the target.  The last kill was incidental, his head just sort in the way.”

    “So you fucked him?”  asked Valerie.  “To death, yes.  It was fucking awesome, Val, you have no idea.  The little shit almost came inside me, but I made him eat my pussy until I came.  I honestly didn’t mean to kill him, but you know how it gets sometimes.”  Jones stared in disbelief.  “I’m sorry, you what?  You fucked a guard to death?  How could you be so goddamn unprofessional?”  Chelsea chuckled, glancing over at Valerie.  They shared a knowing look, as they were both used to having to explain just how things worked within the company.  “Listen,” said Valerie, “You need to develop an understanding of how it is that we do business here.  You’re aware that we conduct clandestine operations which are often referred to as “wet work” within the community.  Our method for those operations is...unique.  Chelsea, would you please demonstrate?”  “Gladly,” she breathed.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on April 19, 2020, 02:25:08 am
Chelsea made her way to the other side of the vehicle, straddling Jones’ lap.  She thrust her full breasts in his face, taking off her sunglasses and slipping them into his jacket pocket.  “Jones, lick my nipples.”  “What?” he asked incredulously.  “Lick my nipples,” She repeated.  She squeezed her mammoth thighs together, pressing on both sides of his pelvis and sending sharp pains up and down his core.  “Fuck!” he yelled.  She wrapped her left hand around the back of his head, cradling it in her palm, running her fingers through his hair as she gently pressed him towards her erect nipples.  “Do it.  Now.”  He gave in, tentatively at first, gently licking the nipple of her left breast.  “Come on, do it like you mean it.  I’m so fucking hot right now…”  He redoubled his efforts, licking, sucking, kissing for all he was worth.  She gasped, “Oh, fuck...yes, like that…  Very good…”  As he continued sucking, her right hand travelled down his shirt, unbuttoning his shirt and tracing through his chest hair.  She continued making her way down his front, undoing his belt and trousers.  His hard cock practically sprang out of his boxers when she lifted them up.

“You see,” continued Valerie, “some of our clients prefer to send a specific message.  They choose specific agents because of their particular skillset.  Chelsea is typically the agent we pick to make it clear that they’ve fucked up royally.”  Chelsea began tonguing his ear, biting and nipping at his earlobe as he continued to lick her nipple.  “That being said, Chelsea is also very, very good at the more...subtle method that we tend to employ.  We learned a long time ago that some women are uniquely equipped to...gain access to our targets.”  Chelsea removed her breast from his mouth, kissing her way down his abdomen as she dismounted the seat and moved to the floor.  “Our agents are specifically trained to capitalize on their sexuality.  The people that we’re employed to exploit or terminate tend to be very open when it comes to sexual partners.  What I mean by that is that it’s pretty easy to get through their security with a nice pair of tits.”  Jones cock was practically ready to explode.  Chelsea took it into her mouth with one long, slow, downward and upward stroke.  Jones gasped, barely able to hold in his orgasm.  Chelsea kissed and tongued the side of his glans, driving him nearly to orgasm again and again.  “Mr. Jones, our agents are very good at what they do.  I suggest you refrain, in the future, from questioning the manner in which they carry out their missions.”

Chelsea abruptly stopped, wiping her mouth and rolling back onto the seat.  A very dishevelled Jones was left sitting alone on the seat.  His hair was a mess, his shirt and pants undone.  His erect cock was wet with saliva and pulsing as he slowly realized what had happened.  The dawning realization that she wasn’t going to let him cum washed over him along with the shame of being in this compromising position in front of his boss.  The absurdity of the scene was compounded when Chelsea bent her legs to slip off her blue shorts.  She exposed her shaved pussy, spreading her legs wide.  “Jones, get on the floor,” Chelsea commanded, “Now.”  Jones obeyed immediately, getting on his knees in front of her.  “You’re not going to cum, but I am.  Lick my pussy.”  Jones looked frantically to Valerie for some kind of salvation or escape.  “Jones, you seemed all too willing to lick my tit when I let you.  Now it’s time to return the favor.  Get to it.”  Valerie looked down at him, arching her eyebrow in a way that suggested he should listen to her.

Seeing that he had no choice, he complied.  He dove into her wet pussy, licking and sucking her clit for all he was worth.  In almost no time at all she was moaning, rolling her abs and grasping at the back of his head to pull him in deeper.  She reached her other arm around Valerie and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.  Valerie’s experienced hands traced her hard nipples, gently tugging them as Chelsea moaned more and more deeply.  Suddenly, Chelsea stiffened and broke the kiss.  “Right there…” she gasped breathlessly, “Don’t you dare stop…”  Jones continued licking and sucking exactly as she had, changing nothing about the rhythm or intensity of his frantic tonguing.  Within seconds, Chelsea was bucking up and down in her seat.  Her thighs snapped together, clapping loudly on Jones’ ears.  He didn’t dare stop licking, even if the pain was intense.  The orgasm coursed through her entire body as she bucked her hips, grasped at her own breasts, and pulled Jones' head tight against her pussy. 

As she finally came down from the throes of her orgasm, Valerie looked down at Jones.  “So you see…” she purred “It’d do you good to let us do our job.  We’re very, very good at it…”  Jones looked absolutely destroyed.  He was gasping for air, covered in sweat, his face doused in Chelsea’s pussy juices.  His throbbing cock was still out and still erect.  Chelsea looked down at him.  “That wasn’t too bad, Jones…” Chelsea breathed.  “Now, if you do exactly as I say...I might even let you cum on the plane.”
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: WapWap on May 02, 2020, 10:48:32 am
This was a great story, first time or not.  I hope you continue with it.  You've got a talent.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on May 05, 2020, 05:16:12 pm
Here's a quick interlude, as I'm still working on the next bit.  Thanks all for your comments/Karma!

The SUV slowed to a halt at the airfield gate.  The driver’s window rolled down, he punched a code into the keypad, and the gate sprang to life.  They pulled directly up to a small jet whose fuselage bore a stylized letter “V” formed by two wings.  The occupants of the SUV piled out and made their way to the plane.  Chelsea had stuffed all of her gear into a large duffle bag, which Jones attempted to remove from the trunk.  Chelsea scoffed at his meager attempts, finally shoving him aside impatiently and slinging the bag effortlessly over her shoulder.  She made her way up the stairs to the aircraft ahead of Valerie, putting a little extra sway in each step for her benefit. 

On board, Jones poured drinks for Valerie and Chelsea.  Valerie sat on one side of the plane in a bench-style seat, still dressed professionally in her button-down and slacks.  Chelsea sat across the plane, still nonchalantly topless.  Their debrief complete, the two could finally relax.   

“I’m still surprised,” Jones said, “that Valkyrie is willing to pay for all of this.”

“No one calls it Valkyrie,” said Valerie, sipping her drink.  “We refer to it as the Company, and you had best get in the habit of it.  Now, go take a seat, we’ll be taking off soon.”
“But...But Chelsea had said-”

“Chelsea didn’t say anything.” Valerie interjected.  “Agent Chaos may have said something, but you certainly haven’t earned the right to call her by name.”

“Jones, I did tell you that I might let you cum on the plane.  I’ve decided not to, at least for now.”  Chelsea said, making her way over to Valerie’s seat.  “That being said, I intend to make it very difficult for you not to.  I promise you, that if you cum before I say you can, I’m going to break every bone in your weak little body.”  She sat astride Valerie’s lap on a bench-style seat along one wall of the plane.  “You see, Jones...I paid attention to you in the car...but Valerie...she’s been neglected…and we can’t have that…” 

    Chelsea leaned forward, cupping Valerie’s head in her hand and kissing her deeply.  She reached down with her other hand, ripping open Valerie’s shirt and groping her small, but firm breast.  Jones swallowed, staring unabashedly.  Chelsea’s mammoth body practically eclipsed Valerie’s small frame.  Her massive, ripped back undulated and rippled with each movement.  Chelsea broke the kiss and Valerie gasped in pleasure.  Chelsea’s hands traced further down her body, unbuttoning her pants, pulling them down, and slipping her fingers into her underwear.  Valerie moaned, reaching up to kiss and bite Chelsea’s neck.  Jones’ cock ached for release, straining against his pants.  His crotch was practically drenched in precum.  Thinking that the two muscle beauties were distracted, he reached for his belt and began to open his pants. 

“Jones,” Chelsea said, removing her mouth from Valerie’s erect nipple, “if you touch your cock, I’m going to rip it off your frail little body.”  Chelsea dove back in, sucking Valerie’s nipple, plunging her fingers into her slit and gently massaging her clit with her thumb.  Within moments, she brought Valerie to a screaming orgasm.  She stood, licking Valerie’s juices off her fingers as she surveyed her handiwork.  This was going to be a long flight...
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: mrshhh on May 06, 2020, 12:05:07 pm
Loving every minute of this great story!  It's the bloody, sexy and pulse-pounding female action movie I always dreamed of seeing!  Your action and technical detail in the first chapter is really impressive, but I'm also enjoying the character and world building of the subsequent chapters.  And you've found the right tone too, sort of an exaggerated real where bodybuilder-jacked girl-operatives follow true to life tactics but then have hot make out sessions after their mission.  Thank you for sharing with us, and I really hope you continue!
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on May 06, 2020, 01:54:48 pm
Thanks again everybody for the comments/karma.  I'm really enjoying writing this, it's an idea I've been tossing around for a while and it's been fun to get it down on paper.  I'll have them back out on a mission again soon, just doing a little more world-building and gratuitous sex first.

Agents typically took the day after a mission to rest, recuperate, and re-equip for their next task..  Chelsea had a standing request for several “assistants” standing by at her apartment whenever she returned.  In theory, they were there to help her unpack, clean her gear, and prepare for the next mission.  In practice, they were all too willing to help her work out the inevitable sexual tension that resulted from a successful mission.  This is a polite way of saying that she fucked them senseless.

    She awoke the next morning, fully naked on her bed.  The blankets and sheets had long since been abandoned in a flurry of licking, sucking, and fucking.  Four men lay strewn about the room, all sleeping soundly.  She’d made her way through each of them in turn, making them lick her clit, suck her massive tits, and fuck her tight pussy as she came over and over again.  She smiled and leapt from her bed.  She stretched her arms and yawned, her enormous back coiling and uncoiling as she worked out the kinks of a very deep sleep.  She let herself fall forward into a push-up position, cranking out 50 in less than a minute.  Blood pumped to her triceps, making her arms explode with thick, beefy muscle.  She slowly raised herself into a downward-dog pose, thrusting her firm ass into the air and flexing her diamond-shaped calves.  She then rolled down into upward facing dog, thrusting her tits forward proudly, revelling in the stretch.  She returned to a push up position, tucked her legs underneath her, and sprang to her feet.  Kicking the nearest male she barked, “Wake the fuck up and get out, it’s time for my workout.”

    As Jones walked across the compound, he found himself surrounded by the usual flurry of activity.  Agents and administrative staff hustled from building to building, preparing for or returning from the numerous missions that were going on at any given time.  A group of agents were returning from the range to their apartments, wearing military-style fatigues and carrying various firearms.  In the lead was a veritable wall of muscle.  Jones recognized her as Sara, callsign “Slaughter.”   Her combat shirt stretched tight across her massive chest, threatening to tear through at any moment.  She was over 6 feet tall, and couldn’t have weighed less than 250 pounds of ripped, lean muscle.  Like all of the other agents, she was stunningly beautiful, although with a much sterner look that led one to believe she rarely laughed or smiled.  She was well-known for simply barrelling through missions, often with little regard for stealth or subtlety.  His mind was still reeling from his encounter with Chelsea only a couple of days before, and he had too much to do today to be sidetracked by another emasculation.  He quickly turned around to find a different route to his destination, but quickly realized his mistake.  Chelsea had been only a few feet behind him the whole time making her way towards the gym.

He saw her hulking form, nearly 6 feet and 200 pounds of sensual female muscle barreling towards him.  She was wearing her usual workout attire - Short, skin-tight workout shorts and a sports bra - and carrying a gym bag.  She sipped from her blender bottle nonchalantly, taking in the morning air.  When she recognized Jones, she smirked.  “Hey, squirrely, wanna suck my clit again?”  Jones stopped dead in his tracks, unsure how to respond.  Chelsea kept walking until she was mere inches away from him, thrusting her massive tits into his face, dripping with sexuality. 

“I said, do you want to suck my clit again?” 

“Agent Chaos, I have to get to work - “

“Hey Chels, who’s this?” asked Sara. 

Jones spun around.  The group from the range had closed the distance, and he now found himself stuck between both Chelsea and Sara with no space to escape. 

“This,” began Chelsea, “is Jones.  He’s a new admin that debriefed me from the last job I did.  He was very...thorough.  Not too bad with his tongue, either…” 

“Is that so?” asked Sara.  “I might have to take him for a ride sometime…  Speaking of which, I’ll be at the gym in a little bit.  Think you could spot me while I lift chest?” 

“Mmm…” Chelsea grinned, “That sounds great.  I’ll see you in a bit.”

Jones, thinking he’d escaped, slipped off the path around Sara and tried to keep heading towards his next task.

“Whoa there, skinny.” Sara barked.  “I’m going to need you to report to the gym in about an hour.  No need to wear anything special, I’ll be ripping it off anyway.”

“No, ma’am, I couldn’t.  I have a meeting with Valerie that can’t-”

“I’ll talk to Val, she’ll understand,” Sara said dismissively.  “Be there, and don’t make me come find you.”  The group split up.  Sara and her companions walked one way, and Chelsea the other.  Jones was left alone to figure out if he was more concerned about disappointing Valerie or disobeying Sara.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: WapWap on May 06, 2020, 10:17:47 pm
I love your "world building".  Your ladies do a great job of world destruction too.  I want to echo Mr.Shhh's comment about your technical descriptions.  Very, very good.  I hope this story has a long run.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on May 10, 2020, 04:03:38 pm
Chelsea entered the gym, taking a deep breath as she took in the scene.  The facility was sprawling, with literally every fitness apparatus imaginable.  Tons of free weights, cross training equipment, power racks, and cardio equipment were spread over hundreds of thousands of square feet.  The gym was a hive of activity.  Dozens of agents were bustling between equipment in various states of undress.  Some were built like Valerie, lean and light, but ripped nonetheless.  Some were built more like Chelsea, powerful and huge, but with an off-season look that often gave them greater endurance during missions.  Still others were gargantuan like Sara, absolutely massive and ripped, with striated muscle covering every inch of their enormous bodies.  All of them were working tirelessly with one goal, one outcome in mind: To build their bodies into the ultimate machines of violence and seduction.  But the agents were by no means alone.  In fact, the  amenities of this particular gym made working out their wholly unique.

Administrative staff were stationed all around the building, predominantly male.  These staff were tasked with assisting and motivating the agents to achieve the greatest level of fitness possible.  In most cases, this meant sexually servicing them while they worked out.  Chelsea walked past an agent, standing entirely nude and curling dumbbells with a man kneeling between her legs, furiously licking her clit.  She groaned, Chelsea couldn’t tell if it was from exertion or arousal, pumping the massive weights and making her biceps burn with effort.  She counted higher and higher, finally reaching her goal and dropping the weights.  She hurled them to the ground, grabbing the man's hair and thrusting him deep between her massive legs. 

He dutifully licked and sucked her pussy, running a hand up her abs to grasp her breast and pinch her nipple.  The woman’s abs tightened and flexed as the orgasm overtook her.  Hard bricks of muscle rolling back and forth as she thrust her hips forward, grinding against the man’s mouth and nose.  She gasped, then caught her breath and roared as pleasure coursed through her body.  She screamed loudly, squirting down his face and chest.  As she came down from the orgasmic high, she pushed the man to the ground and stomped off to her next lift.  He collapsed to the ground, catching his breath.  Chelsea couldn’t help but notice that he was sporting a rock hard erection and he was grinning like an idiot.  After a few moments, he collected himself and slunk off to get cleaned up.   

Chelsea smirked and made her way through the gym to the cardio area.  She saw Valerie climbing a rope with lightning speed, the muscles of her lithe back bunching and coiling with effort.  She reached a platform at the top and pulled herself up.  She barked to the man standing there to give her a towel, which she used to wipe the sweat from her brow.  She looked him up and down, noting a growing bulge in his shorts.  Smirking, she slowly stretched her back and shoulders, making sure to thrust out her small but firm tits.  His mouth dropped open, and she laughed loudly.  “I’m going to need that hard cock of yours in the shower in about 35 minutes.  Don’t be late, or I’ll find another dick to ride.  Got it?”  she asked, arching her eyebrow.  “Yes, ma’am.” he gulped.  Chelsea smiled at the exchange, laughing inwardly at the absurdity of the situation.  In no other place would that sort of conversation even be remotely appropriate, and yet here it was happening all over the building.

Chelsea strode over to the cardio area, finding an open treadmill and dropping her gym bag.  She stepped onto the machine, starting with a slow jog.  She worked out the kinks in her legs, breathing deep and letting the oxygen flow through her body.  She increased the speed, again and again, until she was practically sprinting.  With each step, her calves tightened and became more defined.  Blood rushed to her thighs, causing them to swell with exertion.  Her breasts swayed with her motion, the friction of her bra causing her nipples to harden.  Her skin began to glisten with sweat, then it began to pour down her body in rivulets as she ran further and further.  Her breathing was ragged now, she’d run nearly 10 miles and was starved for air.  She slowed her pace to a jog, and then a brisk walk.  Stepping off the treadmill, she grabbed her water bottle and gulped greedily.  Sweat had soaked through her sports bra and was running down her body.  She drained the bottle, tossing it in her bag.  Glancing over towards the door, she couldn’t help grinning to herself.  There was Sara walking in, with Jones close behind.  “Hey, Sara!” she yelled.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on May 12, 2020, 05:59:53 pm
Sara and Chelsea met halfway, staking out a bench, a bar, and some plates.  Chelsea nonchalantly removed her bra and shorts, standing naked but for her shoes.  Jones' mouth went dry.  She stood there, mere feet from him, sweat-soaked and gleaming, her legs pumped enormously from her run.  He couldn’t stop staring at them, massive pillars of female power.  He couldn’t stop thinking about the story she’d told him in the limo.  She’d accidentally killed a man with those legs, and here she was -

“Hey, Jones, my tits are up here.” she said, pointing at her full chest. 

“Sorry,” Jones stammered, “I zoned out, I wasn’t staring, Agent Chaos.” 

“Sure you weren’t,” Chelsea said dismissively.  “You weren’t staring, and you’re definitely not sporting a semi right now.”

Jones hands shot down to his crotch as he tried frantically to cover the clearly growing bulge in his pants.

Chelsea began prepping the bar while Sara stripped off her range clothes.  She kicked off her boots and dropped her pants, then removed her combat shirt in one fluid motion.  In mere seconds, she was nude.  Jones was staring again.  He was shorter than her by nearly a foot, and she had to outweigh him by nearly a hundred pounds.    She was absolutely massive, a veritable wall of female muscle and power.  She was lean and ripped, with vascular muscle exploding from every limb.  Her skin was deeply tanned, which made her already defined muscle seem even more cut.  She had no breasts to speak of, but years of hard training had built a massive pair of pecs that gave her deep, thick muscle cleavage.  She was jacked, and Jones couldn’t help but feel intimidated.  She tossed him a bottle of oil.

“You’re going to rub that all over my body.”  Sara said, almost carelessly.

“Sara, you’re so fucking extra…” Chelsea laughed.

“Maybe if you were a little more ‘extra’ you could bench as much as I do.  I want my body to look incredible while I’m lifting, and I want this little bitch to rub his tiny hands all over my body.”  said Sara.

    Jones made his way over to her, opening the bottle. 
    “Wait.” Sara commanded. “Strip before you touch me.”

    “Y...Yes ma’am.” Jones stammered.

“Good, you’re learning.  Another thing - You’re going to get rid of that erection, now.  And you’d better not get hard while you’re touching me, or I’ll rip your cock off.”  Sara said.

Jones stripped, his naked cock visible for both of the muscle mammoths to see.  He’d started getting hard when Chelsea walked over, and now he was fully erect at the thought of touching Sara’s enormous body.

“You are a little muscle slut!” laughed Chelsea.  “I mean, I can’t blame you with both of us standing here…  But you do need to get rid of that.  Now.”

“Ma’am, I’m trying, it’s not as easy as just-”

Sara drove her fist into his gut and shoved him to the ground.  She stood over him, watching his hard cock shrivel as he doubled over in pain.

“Seemed pretty easy to me.  Now get off your ass and rub this on my body.  And don’t forget - if you get hard, I’m going to castrate you with my bare hands.”

Jones stood as quickly as he could, and walked over to Sara.  Her massive form dwarfed him, his hands trembling as he opened the oil.  She extended her leg towards him, indicating that he should start there.  He poured the oil onto his hand and began massaging it into her calf.  She flexed at his touch, pointing her foot and hardening the massive muscle.  Jones gulped, frantically trying not to get hard.  Moving upwards, he massaged the oil into her thigh.  She tensed her enormous quad, so huge that both of his hands could barely wrap around half of it.  She moaned as he touched the inside of her thigh, and it took every ounce of Jones’ strength to keep himself flaccid. 

Chelsea walked over to the bench, and laid down.  Her full breasts were firm, held fast by shelves of pectoral beef.  Her nipples were erect, both from the ceiling fans and from watching Sara dominate Jones.  She reached up to grasp the bar, spreading her legs and planting her feet for stability.  Her cleanly shaven pussy was wet with anticipation.  Over the years, she’d trained herself to crave workouts the way she craved sex.  A good workout made her horny as hell, almost as horny as a good mission like the one she’d just gotten back from.  She lifted the bar off the bench, slowly lowering it towards her chest, breathing slowly and purposefully.  As the bar reached her breasts, it slowly pressed down into them, the cold steel making her gasp.  She paused for a moment, then pressed the weight upwards, her triceps and chest exploding with power.  She knocked out 9 more slow, purposeful reps before reracking the weight and standing.

Jones had moved onto Sara’s arms.  Sara was standing with her legs spread, her left arm extended and her bicep flexed.  Jones’ height placed her arm at just above his eye level, meaning he had to reach upwards and couldn’t even see the peak of her bicep.  “If you miss even an inch, I’m going to beat the shit out of you.”  Sara barked.  Jones knew she meant it.  He finished her left arm, moving to her right.  She lowered this arm slightly, placing her massive peak right in front of Jones’ eyes.  “If you don’t fuck this up, I might even let you fuck my bicep…” Sara purred.  Jones looked her in the eye, barely believing what he’d heard.  He paused for a moment, rubbing the oil into her huge forearm, and his cock twitched at the thought of cumming from this woman’s massive arm.  Sara caught the movement, leaning in to whisper into his ear, “Don’t you fucking dare get hard.  I’ll rip it off, right here in this gym, and no one would think twice about it.” 
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: AndrewWrites on May 12, 2020, 07:48:08 pm
Oh, yes. Please make him fuck her biceps, lol. Finally got around to finishing this. Imlike the idea alo
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on May 18, 2020, 01:26:09 pm
Chelsea put more weight on the bar, laying on the bench again.  She called over one of the admin staff to spot her, as Sara was clearly occupied toying with Jones.  She recognized him as the man who’d been near the door when she walked in. 

“I saw you earlier.  Seems like you’re pretty good with that tongue of yours.”  she said.

“Yes ma’am, that’s what they tell me.  Can I give you a hand?”  he asked, stationing himself near her head to spot the lift.

    Chelsea grasped the bar, slowly lowering it to her chest.  This time, the bar grazed her nipples, the steel causing them to harden again almost instantly.  She gasped, then pressed the weight upwards.  She cranked out 15 reps, reracking the weight and spreading her arms wide to stretch her chest.  Looking up, she saw that her assistant’s cock was rock hard. 

    “Mmm...Maybe you can give me more than a hand…”  Chelsea purred.

    “Ma’am, I’d be happy to, if you’d like.”  he said.

    Jones swallowed.  His mouth felt dryer than ever before.  “I’m waiting.”  spat Sara.  Jones poured some more oil into his hands and began rubbing it on her collarbones.  He massaged the oil into her tan skin, terrified at the thought of letting his hands stray lower.  He knew that she wanted him to.  She’d literally commanded him to; but he was terrified that she’d be angry when he touched her chest.  Finally, he had no choice.  His hands began massaging further and further down, reaching her thick pecs.  Her nipples hardened at his touch, and she gasped.  “Mmm…” she moaned, “Your hands are so fucking tiny…”  He poured more oil on his hands, rubbing it into her deep six pack.  Each ab was like a brick jutting out from her hard torso.  As hard as he pressed, he simply couldn’t make a dent in her rock hard abdomen. 

    Chelsea laid on the bench for a third time, taking deep breaths and shaking out her hands.  She’d thrown another 20 lbs on the bar, but was confident she could get it up this time - especially with the right motivation.  “Go ahead...she’s ready for you…” she moaned to her assistant.  He’d stripped off his shorts, and was crouched at the bottom of the bench with a rock hard cock.  He slowly slid it into her tight pussy.  She relished the feeling of his hard dick spreading her lips wide.  She was so fucking wet, so goddamn horny from her workout and from all the domination happening around her.  He began to pump his rod in and out of her pussy, running his hands all over her massive quads and grasping her thick ass.  She grasped the bar, knowing she could conquer the weight suspended above her.

    Sara stood with her back to Jones, placed her hands on her hips, and flexed her massive back.  She transformed from a woman into a literal wall of muscle before his eyes.  The thick V-shape of her back spread out in front of him, making him feel tiny and insignificant in comparison.  He knew he had to work quickly, or risk pissing her off.  He spread the oil on his hands and rubbed it into the deep, thick, hard muscle.  It took every fiber of his being to keep from getting rock hard as his hands traced the valleys and hills of her massive back.  As he reached her lower back, she suddenly bent forward, propelling her ass into his cock and making her hamstrings explode into definition.  He stepped back, narrowly avoiding brushing his cock against her massive glutes.  He rubbed the oil into her skin, his fingers unable to dent her rock-hard glutes or the enormous swell of her hamstrings.

Suddenly, he heard Chelsea scream.  Looking at the bench, he saw her naked, slick with sweat, with a hard cock pounding her pussy as she benched more than he weighed.  She’d screamed out an orgasm and was squirting all over the other Admin’s tool.  He couldn’t tell if she’d cum from being fucked, or if she actually came from having overcome the massive weight on the bar.  “What the fuck do you think you’re staring at?”  He heard Sara bark.  He remembered the task he’d been charged with, and realized he’d fucked up.  He turned to see Sara, hands on her hips, a massive wall of flexed muscle, gleaming with the oil he’d covered her in.  He also realized that his dick was rock hard.  Sara reached for his cock.  “I told you that if you got hard, I’d rip your dick off.  What the fuck did you think was going to happen, you little shit?” she growled. 

She effortlessly shoved him to the floor, paying no more attention to the movement than if she’d swatted a fly.  “Of course you’d get hard…” she said dismissively.  “All you little muscle sluts are the same.  All it takes is some flexing and you can’t help but get it up.” She leaned down, grasping him underneath his armpits and lifting him to his feet.  “Fortunately for you, I like seeing a good, hard cock.  I like knowing that my thick, hard, ripped muscles make you lose control.  I get wet knowing that just being around me overloads every logical thought you have in your head.”   “I also know that your prick is useless to me.  Sure, it’s good and hard, but you’d cum inside me in seconds.  Then I’d have no choice but to beat the shit out of you.”  Jones could barely breathe, standing next to this muscular beast.  He wasn’t sure what she was going to do next.  Sara reveled in the knowledge that she was in complete control of the situation, and that there was nothing that Jones could do to change the outcome.

She reached down and grabbed the bottle of oil out of his hand, pouring it liberally onto her arm and rubbing the viscous liquid all over her massive bicep.  “I bet you’d love to get into my tight, wet, pussy…  You’d slide every inch of your cock in there and love every second…  But you’re not going to get to do that.  I won’t allow it.”  Jones erection was harder than ever, his breath came in ragged gasps.  “That being said, you are going to cum.  It’s just going to be on my terms.”  With that, Sara knelt down, taking his hard tool between her forearm and bicep.  She began alternately flexing the bulging muscles, sliding her arm up and down Jones’ cock.  He gasped, he’d never hard his cock fucked like this before.  The smoothness of Sara’s skin contrasted with the steel-hard muscle underneath.  She’d stroked him three times when he felt his orgasm building.  He’d been bombarded with sex since her first ran into Chelsea earlier that morning, and could barely hold on any longer.  Sara could see his glans expanding and felt his breath quicken as he neared orgasm.  At that moment, she fully flexed her bicep and forearm, clamping down on Jones’ cock and denying him pleasure.  Jones called out loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the gym.

“Sara!” yelled Valerie.  “Get your hands off him, we’re needed in the briefing room immediately!”  Sara scoffed angrily, then decided to finish off her toy.  She grasped his pulsing hard-on, pointing it towards his abdomen as she licked the underside of his glans.  Almost immediately, he came all over himself, gasping loudly at the release.  Sara stood and grabbed her things, hardly giving Jones a second thought.  Valerie now turned to Chelsea, yelling, “Chelsea, put him down and get your ass moving!”  Chelsea hadn’t been idle while Sara toyed with Jones.  She was cradling her assistant, his legs tucked underneath her arms, and his arms wrapped around her head as she hungrily sucked his hard cock.  Valerie crossed her arms in frustration.  “Chels!  Let’s go!” she barked.  His cock still in her mouth, Chelsea rolled her eyes at Valerie, then gave him a determined look.  She curled him upwards, swallowing his whole cock deep into her throat.  She then sucked hard, pulling out its entire length.  He groaned as she swirled her tongue around the head of his dick, before finally removing her lips with a loud “pop.”  She ducked her head to the left as he came like a fire hose over her shoulder.  She then abruptly dropped him, turned to Valerie and said “I’m ready, let’s go.”
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on June 01, 2020, 10:48:06 pm
Okay, I'm finally getting a chance to write some more of this.  This bit will set the stage for their next mission.  As always, comments and criticism are appreciated!

The next two hours were a flurry of activity.  Valerie, Chelsea, Sara, and Jones quickly showered and dressed in professional attire, then made their way to the briefing room.  They were me by their Section Chief, Jen, who welcomed them in and told them to have a seat.  Jen had worked with Valkyrie for nearly 20 years, both as a field agent and now as part of the administrative staff.  She maintained an impressive physique, in spite of her no longer being involved in field operations.  She was just over six feet tall, and her muscles were lean and toned.  She wasn’t as bulky as Sara, but was still powerful in her own right.  Her face was slightly worn with the worry that came with her position, and her dark green eyes seemed to pierce the soul of whoever she was looking at.  She pulled up a series of images and layouts on a screen.  The agents saw a large, two story penthouse with access to a rooftop garden.  The main room of the penthouse was floor to ceiling windows, showing a large living space with kitchen and dining area.  Jen cleared her throat and began briefing the agents on their mission.

“We’ve been contracted by the US government, they need our skillset to complete an operation for which they require deniability.  They want us to infiltrate a gathering of arms dealers, human traffickers, and generally shitty humans at a penthouse in Tokyo.  There will be over 60 targets in attendance, so you’ve got your work cut out for you.” 

“Jen,” Sara interjected, “As much as I’d love to go in there and kill a bunch of shitheads, why don’t just blow up the penthouse, or shoot in through those windows?

“Recently, an arms dealer acquired a low-yield nuclear device, and intends to sell it on the back market.  The CIA was hoping to purchase the device from him directly so that it could be taken off the market, but he’s already identified a buyer.  Instead, we’re going to be locating and acquiring the item, at which time we’ll turn it over to the feds.  The arms dealer will be in attendance, and we need to extract the buyer’s information from him.  In addition, those windows you see are made of high grade bulletproof glass.  The building plans indicate that they could withstand any initial salvo we’d fire, at which point the targets would start fleeing.  No, you’re going to have to go in there.”

All three agents took furious notes, soaking in all of the information Jen was giving them.

“The operation will take place in two stages.  First, Valerie and Chelsea are going to infiltrate the party.  You’ll find the target, and then get him off on his own.  You need to get the information out of him as quickly as possible.  Valerie, you’ll be up first; try to use “soft” methods to get him to talk.  If that doesn’t work, Chelsea, we’ll need you to get your hands dirty.”

    “Sounds good to me.”  Chelsea chuckled.

“Once you’ve gleaned the information we need, you’re to kill everyone in attendance.  You’ll need some support, as you won’t be able to bring weapons into the party.  Once you give the go-ahead, Sara will helicopter onto the roof, making her way through the garden and into the penthouse.  Sara, you’ll need to be quiet at first, we can’t have you alerting the guests to your presence while Chelsea and Valerie are still unarmed.”

    “Understood.” Sara said, nodding calmly.

“Once everyone is dead you’ll head back to the roof and extract via helicopter.  If that egress is compromised, we’ll have surface transport for you.  Make your way to the ground level to extract.  Any questions?”

“Yes,” began Chelsea, “Once we’ve extracted the information from our target, do we need to extract him from the site as well?”

“No,” said Jen, “You’re to terminate him with the others.  Feel free to get creative.”

“Perfect.” said Chelsea, beaming.

“Jones will be on the helo coordinating communications and logistics.” Jen continued “Give him any supply orders you have, I want you on a plan within 30 minutes.  That’ll be all.”

Jones gathered their equipment requests.  Valerie would need an MP7 and an FN 5.7.  Chelsea requested an M240B light machine gun, with her signature Desert Eagle as a sidearm.  Both would need formal attire for the party, as well as streetwear to change into in case the first extract went south.  Sara requested a Mk 43 Mod 1 light machine gun.  She also requested two MP7s, one suppressed. 

“Agent Slaughter, what can I get you as far as clothing? Obviously the others will need to blend in with the party guests, but you’ll have a little more leeway.”

“I’ll use my standard mission attire.”

Jones looked at her confusedly, unsure exactly what that meant.

    “Just tell supply that I want my standard mission loadout, they’ll know what to give you.”

Jones nodded, scribbling furiously.  Valerie also added that they’d each need a knife, and a standard operational explosives loadout.  This typically included a separate assault pack of grenades, flashbangs, and a small amount of C4.  He quickly made his way to the supply depot to get the equipment they’d requested.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on July 26, 2020, 09:46:39 pm
Chelsea and Valerie strode confidently into the glass doors of the high rise.  They each wore form-fitting dresses which left little to the imagination and stiletto heels that brought their overdeveloped legs into sharp definition.  While their attire didn’t allow for them to be armed, it did better equip them to use their unique skill set to extract information from their target.  Chelsea’s dress was laced up the side, revealing her Adonis belt and ripped obliques.  The skirt strained to cover her bowling ball glutes and left her massive quads on display.  The neckline of the dress was asymmetrical, sweeping sideways from her right shoulder across and around her torso.   She proudly displayed her deep cleavage and clearly erect nipples.  Her shoulder-length, dirty-blonde hair hung around her head in curl, framing her beautiful face.

“I can’t wait to get up there…” Chelsea said with a grin, “Don’t get me wrong, you’re incredible at what you do, but I love when your methods don’t work and I have to go to work...” 

Valerie shot her a look, “As if I won’t have him drooling all over me in seconds.  I bet he tells us everything before I even get him off.”

“You certainly are dressed for it… Hell, I’d want to rip that thing off you and let you fuck me if we weren’t working.” Chelsea said, biting her lip and eyeing up her partner.

Valerie’s dress was a loose halter top, with a plunging v that fought to cover her nipples.  The skirt was slit on both sides, showing off her toned legs for all to see.  Her bright red hair was pulled into an up-do, with small ringlets cascading down around her face.

“Now, Chels, you’re just going to have to wait…” Val said sternly, “We have so much work to do before I’m going to fuck you.”

While talking, they’d made their way towards the security desk for the building.  The guard’s expression made it clear that he’d overheard the tail-end of their exchange.  Valerie flashed a smile and leaned over the desk, giving the guard a front-row seat to her nearly exposed breasts. He could see that her breasts were a full C-cup, maybe larger, and she wasn’t wearing a bra.  As she leaned over the desk, her dress fell away from her body, exposing most of her firm breasts.
    “Mmm...and you’re welcome to join too, if you’d like.”
The guard closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying desperately to maintain his professional composure while this red-headed goddess offered herself to him.

“M….Ma’am, can I ask what brings you here this evening?”  He finally stammered out.

“The party in Grovnitz’ penthouse is what brought me, but you’re welcome to take us home if you’d like.” said Val with a wink.

Chelsea rolled her eyes.  Val was barely warmed up and she already had this guy falling all over her.  At this rate, there was no way that their target wouldn’t give in to her charms.  At least she could kill him after...

“Um, I’ll need to see your...your um…” he stammered, frantically trying not to stare at her gorgeous cleavage. 

“Well you can already see most of them, but I’d be happy to strip down if it’ll make your job easier.”  said Val with a laugh.

Chelsea laughed.  Val was usually so reserved, but could be very brazen when it suited
her needs.  Still, they were taking too long.  They needed to get to the party, or else the target might leave.

“, ma’am, that won’t be necessary.  I’ll just need to see both of your invitations, please.”  the guard said, composing himself.

“That’s the thing…” Chelsea interjected, “We don’t have any.”  She licked her full lips, staring intently into his eyes.

“Ma’am, I’m sorry, but our protocol clearly states that…” he began.

“Listen,” Valerie said sharply, instantly losing her flirty demeanor, “We’re the...what’s a good word for what we are, Chels?”

“Entertainment.” Chelsea said, directing her gaze back to Valerie and very obviously taking in her firm physique.

“Exactly.  We’re the entertainment… Greg,” Valerie said, reading the guard’s nameplate.  “Now I doubt that Mr. Grovnitz would want to waste any of the time he paid for, and he’d be pretty pissed off to hear that we wasted time “on the clock” down here arguing with you.”

“Valerie, why don’t you head up.  Greg and I can find somewhere private out our difference of opinion regarding the security policy.”  Chelsea allowed her hand to trace down her abdomen and slip beneath her dress.  “I’m sure we’ll have a stimulating discussion…” 

Greg couldn’t believe what was happening.  This blonde goddess was fingering herself right in front of him, and making it clear that she wanted to fuck him in exchange for getting upstairs.  Sure it was against policy, but Grovnitz would be pissed if he held them up any longer.

“Alright,” Greg relented, “But...we need to go quickly, there’s a supply closet that doesn’t have any cameras near it. It’s down that hall and to the left.

“Excellent.” Chelsea purred.  “Valerie, why don’t you head up and let Grovnitz know we’ve arrived.  I'll be up shortly.”  The guard stood slowly, trying desperately to hide his raging erection.  “Very shortly.” added Chelsea with a snicker.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: crow004 on July 29, 2020, 01:42:07 pm
OMG this is hot! PLEASE keep going!
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: jhunter on July 31, 2020, 01:46:38 am
A very good flow and progression. Let's hope for more.
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on August 03, 2020, 02:22:09 pm

Greg began to walk briskly and awkwardly down the hallway.  Chelsea strode past
him, taking the lead, the clicking of her heels echoing across the openness of the lobby.  Greg’s breath quickened as he took the view of her incredible body.  He could clearly see that she was taller than him by at least a few inches.  The striations of her enormous calves deepened with each step, the result of hundreds of thousands of calf raises and presses.  Her hamstrings swept obscenely from the back of her knee, transitioning flawlessly into her enormous glutes.  Her ass was simply magnificent. It ballooned outwards from her thighs, flexing as she strutted down the hallway. As his eyes traveled up her body, he came to her back, exposed by the sweeping slit of her dress.  Deep dimples held his attention for a moment, but were quickly eclipsed by her massive lats.  The thick, powerful muscles flexed and bunched as she swung her arms.  Her powerful traps were just covered by her hair, but their strength was evident even as she walked nonchalantly in front of him.  Chelsea took the opportunity to adjust her hair with her right arm, flexing her massive bicep for Greg’s benefit.

    “It’s just there, to your left.” Greg croaked.

    She tried the handle, but found it locked.  Greg awkwardly slid between her and the door, fumbling with his keys.  Chelsea smirked, then took advantage of the closeness.  She pressed her firm breasts against his back and wrapped her powerful arms around him.  She bit his ear, then began sucking on his ear lobe.  She trailed her fingers down his torso, and past his duty belt to grasp his hard cock through pants.  Greg jumped like he’d had an electric shock, dropping the keys with what sounded almost like a yelp.  Chelsea laughed inwardly, reveling in the effect she had on him.  As he bent over to pick up the keys, she quickly checked the time on the wall clock.  They were running late, and this detour was talking too long.  She sighed audibly, disappointed that she’d have to make this quick.  Greg finally unlocked the door and they both slipped inside the closet.  Chelsea made sure to place herself between Greg and the door.  She couldn't have him trying to escape once her intentions became clear.

“Unfortunately, Greg, I don’t have very long.  That being said, I’ll make it worth your while…”  Chelsea said with what sounded like legitimate disappointment. 

“Yeah?” Greg said, his mouth dry with anticipation and nerves.

Chelsea paused for a moment, shocked at the stupidity of his response, then composed herself.  “Mmhmm...Now, that belt is going to get in the way of what I have planned…  Why don’t you go ahead and slip it off.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure, definitely.”  Greg sputtered as he undid the belt.
Chelsea grasped his waistband with both hands, pulling sharply to either side. The button of his pants flew across the room, and the zipper ripped away from the material. 

“Oops.” she said flatly, letting go of the waistband,  “Sorry about that…”

Greg’s pants fell instantly to the floor.  His underwear was tented by his raging hardon, and nearly soaked with precum. 

“My my… We should let him out of there, shouldn’t we?” Chelsea said with a chuckle.

    She reached over and grasped the waistband of his underwear with her right hand and twisted her torso to lock the door with her left.  Her obliques came into stark relief, and her triceps flexed as she pulled his waistband over his throbbing erection.  The physical and visual stimulation was too much for Greg to handle.  He came the second his cock was released from it’s cloth prison, sending ropes of cum spraying out all over Chelsea’s exposed and flexed hamstrings. 

    “Are you fucking kidding me?” Chelsea spat. 

“I-I-I’m so sorry, you’re just- just so beautiful- and, and I” Greg stammered.  He was mortified.  Here he was, about to fuck a goddess, and he’d cum before she even touched him.

“Greg, I’m going to cut the shit.”  Chelsea said.  “Normally, I’d beat you to death for soiling me like that.  I mean seriously, how fucking dare you cum without my permission, and all over my gorgeous thigh for fuck’s sake”  She said icily.

“I know, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” Greg continued to sputter.  He was terrified at how quickly her demeanor had changed.  Seconds ago she’d been smiling and dripping with sensuality.  Now she was pissed and dripping with sensuality.

“Well..I certainly can’t blame you...I mean look at me”  She said with a chuckle, again changing her demeanor on a dime.  “I’ll let you off easy, but you need to clean it up.”

“Of course, yes, absolutely.” Greg said with relief.  He might be able to salvage this yet.  He reached over to one of the shelves for a rag.

“Oh, fuck no you don’t.” Chelsea with a laugh.  “You’re going to lick your jizz off my leg.  That’s the price you pay for cumming so quickly.”

Greg stared directly into her eyes, hardly believing what he’d heard. 
“Today, you little shit!” Chelsea said, her anger clearly rising.

    Greg slowly bent over, taking a deep breath and reminding himself that he still had a chance with this woman if he obeyed. He began licking his semen off her leg.  He couldn’t believe the contrast of steel muscle beneath the soft warmth of her skin. Despite the situation and what she was making him do, he almost enjoyed it. 

    Chelsea knew she only had a few more minutes to get upstairs, and decided that now was as good a time as any to dispose of him.  She glanced behind her, extending her leg outward to check his progress.  As he licked the last glob of cum off her magnificent hamstring, she raised her foot off the ground and reached behind her.  She grasped the heel of her shoe and pulled sharply upwards.  The movement caught the guard’s neck between the bulging muscles of her thigh and calf.  She could feel the guard begin to fight against her movement.  She held the position for a moment, reveling in how insignificant his movements were in contrast to her strength.  Then, as quickly as she’d begun, she pulled sharply upwards.  She heard a satisfying crunch from his neck.  It was either several vertebrae shattering or his trachea collapsing. Either way he was totally incapacitated, and would be dead in a matter of minutes.  She touched her left index finger to her ear, activating the small earpiece communicator. 

“Valerie, I took care of the guard, I’m on my way up.”  She said.

“Perfect timing,” Valerie replied, “I just identified our target.”

    Chelsea looked herself over, making sure she was ready to walk into the party upstairs.  She carefully adjusted her dress, straightening the bottom hem and making sure her ample cleavage was properly displayed.  Valerie was up first, but Chelsea still wanted to make an impression with the men upstairs when she walked in.  She realized with a look of disgust that the back of her thigh was still damp with the now-dead man’s saliva.  She grabbed some paper towels and dried off the liquid.  Satisfied with her appearance, she exited the closet and immediately ran into a very confused janitor with a mop bucket.  He looked the muscle goddess up and down, as if he was trying to comprehend just why this beautiful behemoth was walking out of his broom closet.  She touched her ear again.

    “Val,” she said with a sigh, “I’m going to be a little later than I’d planned...I need to take care of a very unlucky custodian…”
Title: Re: First Story - Callsign "Chaos"
Post by: aburke on October 19, 2020, 02:40:44 am
The helicopter tore through the sky above the city, making its way to the same high rise that Chelsea and Valerie had just entered.  Several large totes and hard cases took up the floor space of the small cargo area behind the pilot’s seats.  Jones was seated precariously on top of one of the cases, shifting side to side with each bump and sway as the aircraft sped towards their target.  He was aggressively avoiding looking at Sara, who was seated on the other side of the helicopter.  She was completely nude, her deeply tanned skin was fully exposed and heavily oiled.  He skin glistened in the lights from the helicopter and helipad.  Even in the darkness, the cuts and striations of her enormous physique were apparent.  Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a bun.  She stood next to the helicopter’s crew chief, looking out the window as they passed over the city.  All three of them wore headsets that were tied into the helicopter’s intercom system.

“Agent Slaughter,” Jones began, “I don’t understand. Did the clothing I requested not make it to your living quarters?”  His words came out in a tone that was equal parts worry and fear.  “I followed your instructions to the letter, I specifically requested your loadout from supply!”

“You did, and they provided it.” Sara said.  The headset Jones wore made her voice seem to come from inside his own head.  “Clothing would just get in the way, dressing like this gives me more freedom to move.  Plus, just about anybody I run into is either going to shit themselves or fall down and worship me like the little muscle sluts they are.” she chuckled.  “The only reason I wear clothes around the base is because little bitches like you would be cumming themselves every time I walked past.  As much as I’d love the idea of knowing that I left a trail of semen in my wake, the custodial staff wouldn’t.”  She laughed.  “On missions, though... it works to my advantage.  There’s not a lot of people out there that wouldn’t lose their minds if they saw me come around the corner, running full tilt at them, all oiled up and ready to kill…”  she trailed off, absent-mindedly flexing and unflexing her massive forearm. 

“Understood, ma’am.  I just wanted to make sure I got the equipment you needed.” said Jones.

“Well, let’s see, shall we?”  said Sara, popping open one of the totes.

She drew out the weapons she’d requested, slamming magazines into the MP7s and chambering cartridges in each. She pulled a bundle of nylon straps out of the tote that looked like some kind of harness.  She stretched the straps across her body.  It formed a sort of suspension system that left her body largely uncovered, but still allowed her to carry weapons, ammunition, and equipment..  She attached a large sheath knife to the strap on her right thigh, a strap that looked about to burst from the pressure of her enormous quad.  She pulled the harness up around her torso, looping her arms through the shoulder straps.  Her chiselled abs were left exposed, evidence of her powerful core and the thousands of hours she’d spent honing her body into a weapon.  Finally she pulled the M60 from the case.  The weapon was massive, a glob of steel weighing over 20lbs.  She handled it as if it were a toy, making sure it functioned properly and then loading it.  She slung the explosives pack onto her back, barely registering the weight.

“This all looks fine, good work.”  Sara said, slinging the massive weapon across her broad back.  She turned, speaking both to Jones and the crew chief, “As soon as I’ve cleared the helipad, I want you two to start unloading our gear.  I’ll make my way across the rooftop and clear the way.”  Jones could have sworn her nipples hardened as she said it.

At headquarters, Jen impatiently drummed her fingers on her desk. The control room looked like a NASA mission control center.  Huge screens allowed Valkyrie to keep track of any number of the missions they were undertaking all over the world at any time.  Even now there were a half a dozen or so operations going on.  One screen showed an overhead, infrared satellite feed of a team approaching a compound in some dense, humid jungle.  Another was a security camera feed of one of their agents sucking the dick of some politician in the stairwell of a parking garage.  The footage would be used as leverage by one of their clients, likely to get some piece of legislation approved or disapproved.  Jen wasn’t overly concerned with what came of their operations, just that they accomplished the parameters set by their clients.  Suddenly, the overhead speakers crackled to life. 

“Jen, this is Virago.  Sending target image for confirmation.” Valerie was checking in.  She must have infiltrated the party ahead of schedule and found their target  “Very good, V.  Go ahead and send the photo though your AEGIS system-” Jen stopped speaking abruptly as her phone chimed.  She glanced down at the screen, which showed a selfie of Valerie at the party.  In the background, she could clearly see a slight man, about 5’5”.  He had thinning blonde hair and was wearing an ill-fitting white tuxedo.  She estimated he weighed about 150 lbs.  “V, target confirmed.  Next time be sure to use the system that we spent $150,000 on rather than just texting me a photo.”  “Thanks Jen, Virago out.”

The elevator doors slid open, and Chelsea strode into the party.  Some of the guests standing near the entrance felt their jaws drop as she walked through the door, but she ignored them.  She was scanning carefully, first for potential threats and second to see where Val was.  She didn’t see her, but did see her fair share of potential targets.  Just about every man in the room had a bulge in his jacket (not to be confused with the ones she’d just walked past, who had noticeable bulges elsewhere), indicating that they were carrying a weapon.  She also noticed no shortage of beautiful women strolling around the room, laughing far too loudly at poorly told jokes, and hanging off the arms of male guests.  Chelsea walked over to one of them. 

“Listen,” Chelsea began, “you and anyone else who works with you need to get out of here quickly.  Don’t all go running for the doors at once, but you need to clear out.  You have no idea, but you’re in serious danger.  Go.”

    The woman ran off without arguing, just as Chelsea’s earpiece chirped at her. 
“Chels, I’m in the bathroom of one of the second story bedrooms.  Grovnitz is in the bed waiting for me to ‘freshen up.’  I’m going to start working him, you stay close by in case
we have to go to Plan B.”
“Sounds good, Val, I’m on my way.”

Chelsea made her way to the second floor, finding 3 doorways in the hallway off the main room.  She carefully turned the handle on the first, finding a linen closet.  “That could come in handy later” she thought to herself.  Carefully opening the second door she could hear a woman screaming and moaning. She was either very close to orgasm or trying very hard to get paid well for her time.  Either way, it wasn’t Val.  As she approached the third doorway, a guard began walking up the stairs behind her.  Chelsea quickly made her way back down the hallway, opening the linen closet and sighing with exasperation.

“Hey, the hell are you doing here?” the guard asked.
“I’m so sorry,” Chelsea said, playing dumb, “I’m just so lost and I need a restroom.  Could you tell me where I could find one?”
“Sure, Miss,” he said, turning his back to her, “Just head back downstairs and-”

Chelsea didn’t give him a chance to finish.  She closed the distance between the two of them, snaking her right arm around his neck while pulling his forehead back with her left.  In a flash, she had him in a chokehold, her massive bicep cutting off the blood flow to his brain.  He kicked back at her, and she slipped off her shoe before driving her heel sharply into the side of his shin. She was rewarded with a sickening crack, his weight seeming to double in her arms as he struggled to keep himself upright.  Slowly, he stopped fighting until finally he was unconscious.  Chelsea stuffed him into the linen closet and shut the door.  Val had to be in the third room, and they were running out of time.