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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: Brfan on September 27, 2019, 10:02:25 pm

Title: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on September 27, 2019, 10:02:25 pm
Chapter 1

Claire looked herself in the mirror and sighed. Another school day was ahead of the 13 year old girl. Sadly, most of her days began with a small beating by one of her older brothers, Charlie. Charlie was a 14 year old kid who happened to be the star of the family. Smart, handsome and gifted in sports, the only bad thing about him was his character. Charlie loved to pick on Claire, strangling her, proving himself stronger and smarter than her whenever he could. Usually this happened on a daily basis, and it began when Claire made her way to the bathroom early morning. Despite having a room closer to it than her brother's, Charlie was faster and apparently was always lurking. The second she stepped out of her room, Claire was shoved off against the wall by him so that he could get into the bathroom first. Today was no different.
After Charlie finished his business, Claire entered into the bathroom with the usual nasty smell that he left behind.
"If only I could do something about it" she thought to herself.
But she couldn't. It's not like her parents would believe that Perfect Charlie did something like that. Charlie and Claire's older brother, Jeff, who was 18 and usually protected her from him tried to help sometimes, but he always told Claire that she should be able to defend herself, and she didn't want to look weak to Jeff.
"And I'm as skinny as a starving mouse" she said out loud, fulfilling her resignation.

That day, after school, when Claire got home, entering through the back door, she tripped herself into something and fell down. Cursing her bad luck, she looked around.
"What the h...?"
Then she saw it. There was a dumbbell on the floor. Claire's family had built a small home gym down in the basement for the family to use, but except for Jeff who eventually went there, the thing was pretty much abandoned.
Figuring out this had to be another one of Charlie's pranks to annoy her, she grabbed the dumbbell using both hands and took it downstairs. It was heavy. She looked at the inscription '15 pounds'
Entering the gym, she found the rack and stored the dumbbell back. It's been a while since she last entered there. It looked normal, but quite clean for a not so used place. Scanning the dumbbell rack, she noticed that some of them were lighter. Not sure why, Claire dropped her backpack, which was still on her back, to the ground and grabbed two five pound dumbbells.
Staring at the mirror, she started doing bicep curls with them. She never saw Charlie entering the room.
"haha. What's this? Little squirrel is working out now?" his tone was mocking her
Scared by his presence, she immediately put the dumbbells down "Erm, no, I was..."
"Out of bounds, that's what you were" Charlie came close to Claire and grabbed her by the shoulders. Before she could try to run, Charlie spun her around and put her in a headlock
"You little rat, this is no place for you. This is for men to get stronger. I don't want to see you here anymore, understood?"
Claire, running out of air, was trying desperately to let herself out, not caring about anything Charlie said. She just mumbled 'yes', but Charlie wasn't letting go. In a desperate attempt, Claire grabbed one of the dumbbells she was using and hit Charlie in the leg with it. The bully let go of her, pissed at her strike
"What the fu...? You're dead now"
Claire tried to run away, but tripped in her own backpack and fell, hitting her head on the bench that was in front of her. Scared by the sound of the hit, even Charlie stopped his charge
"Are you ok?"
Claire was dizzy, and feeling the bump growing immediately in her temple.
"I... am"
"Get out of here. And put some ice on it. Now!" even he seemed concerned with her, Charlie's tone was not to be challenged, so Claire obeyed.

Walking back to her room with a frozen pea bag pressed against her temple, Claire bumped into Jeff
"What happened?"
"Oh... it.. was an accident"
Jeff knew better than that
"Charlie again?" He was rolling up his sleeves and making way to their brother's room
"No... Jeff. Wait. It was an accident... I was downstairs in the basement and..."
"In the basement? Why?"
"Oh.. I was just, you know... checking the whole weights and all..."
"Oh" Jeff was surprised "You want to start working out?"
"Yeah, well..." Claire sighed "It's not like I can do it regularly..."
"Why is that?"
"Oh, well... I don't think Charlie would take it well..."
"Listen to me. If you want to, you will work out every day. Heck, I'll even teach you a couple things"
"But.. what about him?"
"Leave him to me"

The next day Jeff knocked on Claire's door with a bottle of water and a gym towel on his hands
"C'mon on, brat. Put on some sports clothes and follow me. Were pumping some iron"
"What?, But..."
"No buts. I've already talked to Charlie and made very clear to him that if you want to, you'll use the basement whenever you want. I also made clear to him that if he bugs you, I'll kick his ass. So come on"
Still surprised by all that, Claire obeyed Jeff and joined him downstairs 5 minutes later. As Jeff taught her the basics about weight lifting, Claire got more and more psyched. Presses, curls, extensions, lunges, everything made her happier and more confident. This was nice. She was obviously all clumsy and weak, but with her brother's help, she was sure she would get better at this somehow.

The next three months went on with Claire working out on a daily basis with Jeff, and even trying it out all by herself sometimes. The pranks and attacks from Charlie were still present, but now she didn't care much about them. She was always excited by being around Jeff later and doing things together like two loving siblings. What bugged her was that in another month Jeff would leave to College and she would be left alone with Charlie, but that was something she could worry about when it happened.

Claire entered her room after doing her exercises alone since Jeff was out with some friends and took her t-shirt off. As she was untying her pony tail, she noticed something new. Drawn by the apparent mass that bulged slightly on her arms, Claire looked herself in the mirror and flexed her arms. A very small, but very visible bump appeared. She never had noticed it before. Instinctively, she extended and twisted her arms, trying to see if she had some visible muscle on her tricep too. And there it was. a tiny sting of muscle running down her arm.
Claire was so excited, she locked her door and picked up her phone. Typing quickly 'bodybuilding poses' she found an youtube video with some huge guy posing for the camera and tried to replicate his moves. Some of them were quite complex and she didn't even knew how to contract that muscle exactly, but everywhere she looked she could definitely see something that wasn't there 3 months earlier. She was happy with it.
Opening her door carefully, Claire looked both ways before running to the bathroom. There, she locked herself again and climbed on the scale.
"Wow!" she let out loud as she read the 122 mark. That was 5 pounds more than she had before.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: MrCrowley on September 28, 2019, 07:52:06 am
Good start, slowly building the relationships of the characters will pay off for sure. Although im anxious to see how Claire develops  :)

Keep at it, i have the feeling i will love this story.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Idylls on September 28, 2019, 08:44:59 am
This story has a caring brother. That alone easily made this different from the cookie cutter stories here. The bullying older brother is getting lame and boring.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on September 28, 2019, 03:15:30 pm
as always, I love your writing style...
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on September 28, 2019, 07:50:57 pm
Chapter 2

Unfortunately, summer came and along with it Jeff's departure to college. That didn't reduced Claire's focus, however. The only thing is that now, without her brother's protection, she was going down to the basement in more strange hours, like really early, before everyone was awake. She just didn't want to face Charlie's judgement and everything that came with it. Not only that, but after the first month of summer Claire discovered a outdoor free gym where many bodybuilders and fitness aficionados worked out and joined them. Being a young, motivated girl made her way in easy. Soon enough, she was 'adopted' by them, and was receiving training and dieting tips from people even more expert than Jeff.
A Saturday, after an early work out, Claire was on her way to the shower when Charlie was waiting for her, blocking the hallway
"Up so soon, brat?"
"Charlie, let me pass. I need to shower"
"And why is that?" his voice was menacing
"Because I'm all sweaty. Just let me through"
"Well, you can shower"
That was a surprise to Claire. Charlie was never this kind
"After I'm done with my business" he laughed hard and tried to push Claire like he had done many times. This time, however, she didn't trip, didn't even took a step back. Claire's legs were well dug on the carpet. She didn't move an inch. Instead, in a reflex that normally she wouldn't have, she pushed Charlie back. Astonished by not being able to shove his sister down and not expecting a push back, Charlie fell on his butt. Claire saw the opportunity and ran down to the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to make sense of what just happened. Did Charlie really tried to push her? It felt like a real shove, but she didn't even move. And why in Heavens would she push him back? There would be consequences, she knew. Still... why did he fell so easily?
Stripping down from her clothes, Claire planted both her feet on the ground and looked at her thighs. They had grown since she started working out. All that squatting must have payed off. Still looking down, she flexed one of her quads. Excited, she watched as the muscles separated themselves. It was nothing like those people at the gym, but it was something she wasn't able to do 6 months ago. Jeff would be proud. She had developed quite nice muscles on her legs
"Nice enough so that Charlie can't push me, at least" se thought too herself.
Entering the shower, she kept relaxing and flexing her quads, and admiring the volume it had nowadays.

The next week, Claire's father came to her and Charlie asking for help. He wanted to remove some boxes from the basement and store them in the attic. He lowered the attic stairs, climbing half of the stairs, so that his head could look inside the attic, and commanded his children
"Alright, kids, you grab those boxes and hand them to me. I'll store them upstairs. Now go"
Claire and Charlie got downstairs and noticed there were at least a dozen boxes. They were heavy boxes, and although they could carry each one their own, they had to use both hands and walk slowly. After the 3rd box, Charlie was panting hard from going up and down the basement carrying that load
"This is bullshit. Why dad can't do this on his own?"
Claire, who was still rather rested answered like it was nothing
"Oh, c'mon Charlie. There's only 4 left. Two each and we are done"
As they each grabbed the last box and headed to their father, they lifted their boxes above their head so that their father could grab them. Only thing is that he was inside the attic making room for the last boxes
"Be there in a second, guys" his muffled voice came
After a few moments, Charlie lowered his box, obviously his shoulders exhausted from the effort. Claire was looking up, unaware that her brother had just 'given up' and was still holding her box up, covering her face.
Panting hard, Charlie checked his 14 year old sister. She had always been skinny and, therefore, had a slim waist with a smidge of lines drawing her abdomen muscles. But now, as she held her arms up and her shirt was lifted, he could see for the first time that Claire actually held developed muscles on her abs. That was no 'fake six pack'. Instinctively, he looked down at his flat, but unmuscular abdomen. It made him uneasy. Still, girls tend to workout their abs like crazy, and it was clear that Claire had been taking her gym very seriously.
Soon their father returned and, as they handed him the last boxes, he pointed out
"Claire, why were you carrying this one? It's by far the heaviest!"
"Oh, it was nothing, dad." she answered calmly
As they headed back to their rooms, Claire walking in front of Charlie, the boy looked at his sister's frame. Her shoulders looked kind of... broad. actually, not hidden by her sleeveless shirt, they looked round and quite developed. Thinking about what just happened, Charlie quickly processed that Claire's shoulders were able to hold a larger amount of weight for a longer period than his own. He tried to come up with a reason for that, but he was smart enough to realized that they had been doing the same amount of exercise with those boxes and she didn't seem half as tired as he did.
Right before entering his room, he made a move, like he had always did, trying to make her trip on his foot. But something stopped him. Maybe it was best today if he didn't pick on his sister.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on September 28, 2019, 11:55:59 pm
wow... the best as always...
I can't wait ...
K for you
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: phil123 on September 29, 2019, 05:07:57 am
Can't wait to read more of Claire's blossoming. Hope she really gets strong.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: bstretcher20 on September 30, 2019, 12:42:36 pm
Great story so far!
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: pepperdog on September 30, 2019, 02:36:50 pm
Very good story,  can't wait for more. Here's some karma
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on October 01, 2019, 04:16:54 pm
Chapter 3

Claire was really excited. Jeff was coming home in a few hours for the weekend, and she was eager to be around her big brother again. During dinner, she kept asking her parents if they shouldn't be leaving to the airport to pick him up already.
"Easy there, tiger. Jeff's plane lands in about two hours"
Charlie rolled his eyes at his sister's behavior.
"Chill out, freak. It's not like he's been overseas after joining the Forces, you know"
"Oh, shut up, Charlie. I miss him, ok? But don't worry, when you leave for college, I won't miss you"
Trying to burn some energy, Claire stomped her feet rhythmically under the table. Charlie couldn't help but notice how plump Claire's legs had become over the last months. It was some change. What first looked like fragile twigs now were well filled with muscle.
Finally, time passed and Claire's parents left for the airport. Still anxious, she decided she had to chat with somebody in order to help time pass, and the only person around was Charlie.
She knocked on Charlie's door, waiting for him to shove her off, but no answer came. Opening it, she found him playing some videogames
"Hey Charlie"
"Go Away"
Now, that normally would have sounded like an order, but Claire made no mention of moving
"Didn't you hear me?" Charlie said again, no turning his eyes to his sister
"So, I was thinking... what if we all went to a water park tomorrow? You, me, Jeff, mom and Dad?"
"Where is this coming from? Why do you even want my opinion on this? It's not like if you asked mom and dad they would say no to you..."
"Well, actually we both know that the one they don't say no to is you, big brother"
Charlie sighed. That was true. He's accomplishments in school had always granted him some slack around the house in chores, and hardly anything that he suggested, as long as it was comprehensible, was accepted promptly.
"Well, I guess... I mean, we are having some really warm days..."Charlie stopped talking. Claire wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him tightly from behind. He was still sitting in his chair and completely blindsided by this sudden demonstration of caring, but what surprised him the most was how strong was Claire's hug. Charlie felt as if he was being pressed against the chair rest.
"Thank you, Charlie! That's really kind of you!"
"W-well... I didn't say I'd ask them.... but, ok. Now leave"
"Sure!" Claire stopped before crossing the door "They're here!" She ran downstairs.
Charlie paused his game and followed her. Yeah, he was acting like the cool teen, but the truth is he missed his big brother too.

The second Jeff entered the room Claire threw herself in his arms.
"Hi Jeff! I missed you so much!!!"
Taken back by the sudden charge of his young sister, Jeff hugged her back
"Hi Claire! I missed you too!" That's when he ran his hands through Claire's back and noticed the visible lumps on it
"My god, Girl! What happened to you? You grew a lot!"
Blushing, Claire placed her hands in front of her body, as if she was ashamed of herself
"You think? I mean.. I kept doing what you taught me... and I've made some friends during summer, you know... that helped me with my workouts"
Patting her broad shoulders, Jeff remarked
"You kidding? You look amazing! Look at these shoulders! You've added what? 10-12 pounds since I last saw you?"
"Well... actually 16" Claire was feeling more and more radiant by Jeff's reaction to her gains.
"And look at those legs! C'mon, show them to me" Jeff was still shocked, but very enthusiastic about Claire's development
From a distance, Charlie saw when Claire extended her right leg in front of Jeff and flexed her quad. Involuntarily, he let out a small gasp
"Oh, hey Charlie! How are you? Come here, give your big brother a hug!" Jeff said, noticing Charlie's presence
Charlie approached carefully, trying not to let Claire realize how impressed he was with her muscles. The two brother hugged for a second there, but as soon as they let go Jeff went back full charge on complimenting Claire's discipline and hard work
"C'mon Claire, show us. Let me see these muscles" he said, grabbing her right arm.
Unsure of what she should do and a bit scared that Charlie might make fun of her, Claire finally gave in and flexed her right bicep. A considerable ball of muscle popped up. Jeff placed his hand on it and tried, in vain, to squeeze it
"Nice work, Claire! This is really hard! Hey, Charlie, feel them! Look, don't they look hard?"
Charlie, who had suddenly lost his breath watching his younger sister's big muscle, didn't know what to say
"I... it's, it's ok. They do look hard"
"Well, they really are" Jeff added "Hey, you and me better watch out, or in no time she will have the bigger muscles around this house!" he laughed at his joke, but Charlie managed to open a weak smile to his proposition. Watching Claire's body so closely for the first time made him wonder if she hadn't already became stronger than one of them.
Excited by Jeff's compliments, and feeling very confident, Claire said "Well, you two better start working out then, cause I have no intention of slowing this down" she giggled at her own comment, but in her head, for the first time, she wondered what it would feel like, being the strongest of the 3 siblings.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on October 01, 2019, 10:15:41 pm
what a great new chapter!!!
I can't wait to see the reaction at the water park, please don't let us wait too much!!!
K for you
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: law94 on October 01, 2019, 11:24:28 pm
I love claire and i cant expect she growth taller
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on October 02, 2019, 08:59:39 am
Can't wait to find out how she'll abuse being the strongest of three siblings.  >:D Great story!
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: gunshow98 on October 02, 2019, 03:35:11 pm
Great start! Cant wait to see Claire realize her strength
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on October 02, 2019, 08:35:24 pm
Chapter 4

Next morning everyone in the house was waken up by a loud scream coming from Claire's room
As people opened their doors and tried to make sense of what had happened, Jeff was the first to knock on his sister's door
"Uh... Claire? Everything ok?"
"Are you mom? Then DON'T COME IN!"
As soon as her mother entered her room, Claire locked the door. The two young men and their father, already up, decided to take care of breakfast.
They were half through cooking the bacon and eggs when Claire stormed down straight to the garage, followed by her mother. Crossing eyes with the men, she simply explained
"Girls issues. I'm going out to get her a new bikini for today"
"What? a new one? But she just bought one like... 3 or 4 months ago!" her dad protested
"Yeah, well... her upper body grew out of it, if you know what I mean" she responded "Tell you what. Why don't you guys pack things up and we meet at the water park?" she proposed closing the door behind her.
The three promptly agreed, as waiting for girls to shop wasn't in their priority activities for the weekend. Reaching down the water park, they picked up some chaises and a nice shadow, bought some sodas and relaxed. Jeff and Charlie were most arguing about baseball and sports in general when they saw from a distance a young woman, with her back turned to them, strip down from her shirt.
"Shit, look at that chick. Look at her back. It's all lumpy and muscular" Charlie remarked, impressed
"Yeah... she has that upside down triangle shape indeed"
"And her shoulder look round and rather big too"
Jeff stopped answering and started laughing
"What is it?" Charlie was intrigued, still not taking the eyes from the girl, who was standing in front of the entrance door, as if she was waiting for somebody
"You think she's impressive, right?" Jeff answered, still laughing
"Well, yeah. Those are impressive muscles, you know. Especially in a girl"
"Well" Jeff couldn't hold himself "What if I tell that those muscles belong to our small sister?"
"What? No Way! Claire is..."
"Growing. Fast"
A few seconds later, as their mother - who Claire was waiting for - entered the facility, Claire turned around and Charlie could see that the strong back girl was indeed his kid sister. How the hell did she got so muscular? And, most important, did she really looked stronger than him?

Feeling the unease of his younger brother, Jeff dropped the subject as soon as the girls were close. Standing in front of her brothers, Claire, unaware of the impact she had just caused, unzipped her jeans shorts and pulled them off, exposing her beautifully developed legs. As she lifted one foot after another so that she could take the shorts out, Charlie noticed how her calves had grown recently. They looked solid and defined.
"Mom, can you put some lotion on my back?" she asked
"Ask one of your brothers, Claire. I've done enough for one day, you know"
With her best pussy-in-boots look, Claire turned to the boys, holding the lotion bottle on her hand
Not containing himself this time, Jeff teased his brother
"Charlie? Feel like spreading lotion on Claire's back?"
"I... I..."
Jeff giggled, picking the bottle from Claire's hand
"Here, I'll do it"
As Jeff got up and started working Claire's back, the girl stood in front of Charlie, who was still laying on his chaise, unable to take his eyes away from his sister's body. He was still having a hard time conceiving the idea that she had grown strong. Claire started playing with her tummy, contracting and relaxing her abdominal muscles, watching them going from a flat, faintly drawn wall into a more pronounced layer of bricks.
"That's... that's... some abs you have, Claire" Charlie managed to say
"Yeah... I mean, we can't all be mushy like you two, you know" she giggled, stepping beside Jeff and flexing her abs hard, comparing them to her brother's. Even Jeff, who was rather in shape, knew this was a no-contest from the get going. Claire's abs put theirs to shame. Being a good sport, however, Jeff took it in a nice way
"Hey! Remember it was me who helped you getting those!" he said, laughing hard
As the day went on, Charlie was impressed by Claire's energy and stamina. She climbed stairs, ran around all day long and didn't seem a bit tired. It was like watching a cyborg. He quit the sliders after 2 or 3 hours, exhausted by the sun and the huge amount of ladders, but Claire seemed fresh. He felt more and more uncomfortable near his sister. It seemed that she dwarfed him just by being close to him. She looked fitter, stronger and prettier than him.

Back home, after showering mom and dad told the three that they'd be in charge of the dishes after dinner. As a regular competitive team, immediately they started arguing about a way of getting rid of the chores
"rock-paper-scissors? Loser washes the dishes, runner up takes the garbage out?" Charlie proposed
"How about Jenga?" Jeff suggested
"Armwrestling" Claire's voice came out, seriously
the two boys turned to her, surprised
"What? You can't be serious, Claire" Jeff inquired
Shyly, she explained "Well... I mean, I know I'll lose. But... I'd like to see how I handle myself against you guys..."
Thinking his options, Jeff knew that this would look bad to them if one of them lose to her, but he also knew that Charlie would never back that down. Before he could come with a counter proposal, Charlie screamed
"Alright, let's do it"
In a quick thinking attempt to save his brother face, Jeff promptly placed his elbow on the kitchen table
"You first, bro"
They locked hands and Claire counted them down. As they started pushing, none of them were able to move the other around. They remained locked for about 15 seconds when, to everybody's surprise, Charlie started bringing Jeff's arm down. It was a slow movement, and it seemed clear that Charlie was giving his all on the task, but he was succeeding. It took him a minute, but he finally beat his older brother.
As Charlie celebrated, Jeff remained silent, not getting up from the table
"Alright, kid. Now you" he spoke calmly
Rolling up her sleeve, Claire sat across from Jeff. They locked hands and once again Charlie was impressed by Claire's muscles. This time it was her bicep, which looked rather massive. He knew damn well he didn't have such volume in his own arms.
As they began pushing, Jeff noticed that Claire's hand had a strong grip, and he could feel the callosity of someone who really lifted seriously. After more than 30 seconds he began bringing her arm down, but in a slower rate than he expected. Claire was all focused, trying her best to stop her brother. Halfway through she managed to stop his progress, holding their arms for several times. For Jeff, it felt like Claire was holding his whole body using her biceps, but still she wasn't able to bring him up. As time ran, finally leverage did it's job and Jeff beat Claire.
"Well, that settles it" he spoke calmly "Congratulations, Claire. You are really strong"
"Well, thanks Jeff. Still, I haven't arm wrestled Charlie"
"There's no need for that. He beat me and I beat you. So the results are obvious. But I'll tell you what. I'll let you take the garbage and I take care of the dishes, alright? Now go"
Still unsure, Claire obeyed her brother. The second she left the kitchen, Jeff turned to Charlie
"You better watch out"
"What do you mean?" Charlie was still feeling himself after beating his big brother
"Come here" Jeff spoke placing his elbow back on the table
"You want a rematch? Why? Accept defeat, big brother"
"Just do it, you moron"
They locked hands again, and started pushing, but this time Jeff dominated his younger brother, finishing him up in about 30 seconds.
"You see?"
"What? What happened?"
"I figured Claire would beat you. So I faked losing to you to avoid you from that. But you better start treating her nicely, you know. Rather sooner than later she will figure out that she is in fact stronger than you. And she will remember all the bullying you put her through"
"Are you... are you saying...?" Charlie was astonished by his brother's thoughts
"Yes, I'm saying that Claire is more muscular and is stronger than you. And this shouldn't be a surprise for you, you know?"
"I... I..." Charlie closed his mouth as Claire entered the kitchen again
"Done with the trash. Now you two, you better start taking this seriously, you know? I have a goal of beating you both in armwrestling before summer" she giggled, heading back to her room, but not before flashing her brothers with a flex of her strong, hard biceps
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Idylls on October 02, 2019, 09:37:30 pm
Smart and wise. Well done.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on October 02, 2019, 10:23:52 pm
the perfect chapter!!!
can't wait for more
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on October 07, 2019, 06:14:14 pm
Chapter 5

Instead of treating Claire better, the weekend's happenings moved Charlie to the exact opposite. He began bullying her around even more, if possible. Only that instead of a physical bullying, he went for the intellectual approach. Whenever he could, Charlie talked Claire down, calling her dumb on her acts and behaviors, saying everything she did was silly and childish.
Claire, on the other hand, spent more and more time working out. Gym was the one place where Charlie wouldn't bug her, so it became her - even more - favorite place. She took her routine very seriously, ate right (despite her mother telling her that she would become fat eating the amount of food she was eating daily) and rest. This went on for months.
Right before summer, their parents told them that Jeff wouldn't be coming home, since he got a job back in college, and that they would take the time to travel through Europe, putting the younger siblings away into a camp of their choice. Charlie quickly picked a 6 week tech camp where he could get more into programming and 'stuff' as he said. Claire, already disappointed that Jeff wasn't coming home, begged for her parents to let her stay home and keep her routine, which was completely out of question.
It wasn't until last week of school when Claire's mom came with great news
"Alright Claire, come here. I have some news for you"
"So, since we couldn't find anywhere to send you to during the next 8 weeks, your grandmother agreed to fly in and stay with you"
"So you mean...?"
"Yeah, you can stay home. But there will be rules..."
"I'll completely follow them!" Claire interrupted her mother, kissing her on the cheek "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

First 6 weeks of summer flew by, and before they could tell Charlie would be arriving from his camp to spend the last 2 weeks before their parents returned from their trip with Claire and Granny.
Granny went pick him up, and on the way back home they chatted
"So, how was camp?"
"Oh, it was the best! You see, we had a project to develop a soft..."
"I'll stop you right there young man. You know I don't understand a word of what you're about to say"
Charlie laughed "You're right. Sorry grandma. And how was summer around here?"
"Well, rather quiet actually. Your sister spent most of her days doing exercises and going out for runs and hikes and stuff. She gave me no trouble at all"
"I suppose that's a good thing, right?"
"Yeah, and speaking of which... I know you two don't exactly get along very well. Am I going to have a headache with you two? Or are you gonna behave?" Grandma always had a feeling for knowing when there was trouble
"I'll make sure you don't hear a thing, grandma" Charlie spoke mischievously.

Charlie entered home, excused himself and headed back to his room. What he saw made him drop his jaw and his bags to the floor. Claire was inside his room, going through his clothes
"What the f*** do you think you're doing?" He screamed angrily, seeing nothing but Claire's feet and a part of her pony tail showing behind the closed door that hid her almost completely.
What happened next took the color away from his skin. Claire stepped out of the closet, wearing one of Charlie's old t-shirts and a spandex shorts, barefoot. The shock was caused by the fact that the T-shirt, which fitted him nicely, was stretched to it's limit on Claire. She had rolled up the sleeves so that she could move her arms, cause the armpits were hugging her lats hard, making it hard for her to move.
"Oh, hey brother"
Charlie's eyes were scanning the picture in front of him, not believing on themselves. Claire's legs were thick and tanned, her quads bulging by mere standing up. She seemed to have grown at least one inch during summer. Her waist was crazy slim, and her torso widened so much it seemed to have twice the width oh her waist. But was caused the most impact on Charlie was Claire's shoulders and arms. They were round, massive and, as she moved, he could notice the fibers on them. Even her traps seemed to stretch the neck of his t-shirt.
Without saying a single word, Claire walked past Charlie, who immediately followed her with his eyes. From behind, Claire's torso was even more impressive. The muscles on her back were visible even behind the t-shirt, and Claire's calves had gotten bigger and more defined than he remembered. Charlie figured she was leaving the room, but instead Claire stopped at the door, closing it and turning back to face her brother
"Wha...?" He was still mesmerized he couldn't even finish the sentence
"Well, a couple things, actually. First, staying with granny was great. She not only gave me money for whatever I needed - supplements, gear, you name it - but she did not asked any questions. Second, discipline. Third, a growth spurt came in the most perfect hour, you know"
Looking at her own arms, Claire flexed her wrists, causing her forearms to expand and show the large rows of muscle that ran up, following equally thick veins. Charlie noticed that the pair of veins made their way up on each arm, making their way into her shoulders through the large amount of flesh that her biceps and triceps had became.
Stepping towards Charlie, Claire giggled as her brother instinctively took a step backwards, stumbling on his bag and trapping himself against the wall. Laughing her massive arms around Charlie, Claire pulled him close to her and squeezed him tightly
"I missed you a lot, Charlie!" she said, holding him like a python.
Charlie, who went from scared pale to squeezed red in a matter of seconds, tried to push away from Claire's hug, placing his hands on her chest and shoulders. It was useless. All he did was feel the thickness and hardness of her pectoral and deltoid muscles. He wouldn't get out until she decided so.
Fully aware of the impact she was causing on her brother, and correctly reading the message from Charlie's eyes that screamed 'fear', Claire lifted him from the ground, still hugging him. Wrapped around her arms, he felt light. He felt small. He felt powerless.
Finally, Claire put Charlie down and simply stripped down from his T-shirt. She was wearing a white sports bra beneath it, and now Charlie could fully appreciate Claire's magnificent upper body, from her rock hard six pack to her thick, split pec muscles, and her large neck.
"Here, I was looking for something to wear during my workout, but this is too tight" she said, handing him his shirt
Charlie, still on mute, grabbed the shirt and held it
"Why don't you put it on? I think it fits better In you"
Charlie just stood still, holding the t-shirt, trying to swallow the godly view of his 15 year old sister
"Put the t-shirt on, Charlie" This time Claire's voice sounded hard, and he immediately obeyed her command. Even with his other shirt under, the t-shirt looked lose on him. Not at all like it looked on Claire's huge torso.
"Yeah... it fits better on you, indeed. I guess I got a little too big for it. I guess I'll just stay on these sports bra today"
Claire started walking towards the door, and Charlie once again got a chance to watch the magnificence of her shape. her wide lats, plump rhomboids and thick traps. Opening the door, Claire turned once again to her tiny brother
"Oh, and Charlie? Remember when we used to wrestle for fun? Gosh... I remember you beat me every time!"
Charlie shivered
"I want to try that again sometime this week, ok?" Claire said, closing the door behind her, leaving her brother dead scared of what would happen if they did
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on October 08, 2019, 07:19:37 am
It's been great so far, but it's about to get amazing!  :woohoo:
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: jcboyd on October 08, 2019, 02:02:50 pm

"First, staying with granny was great. She not only gave me money for whatever I needed - supplements, gear, you name it - but she did not asked any questions."

Supplements.. gear.. YASSSSSSSS.  Why can I see Claire forcing Charlie to do her injections....  :woot:
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Tdh436 on October 10, 2019, 02:59:57 am
amazing story! I'm curious how tall and big she will become
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: phil123 on October 10, 2019, 03:46:17 am
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amazing story! I'm curious how tall and big she will become
I second that
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on October 12, 2019, 04:33:22 pm
Chapter 6

If Charlie's bullying had always been physical or intellectual, Claire took the psychological route. Being pretty much left alone with her older brother, since Granny didn't bother coming out of the TV room much, gave her enough space to mess with Charlie's mind. Every chance she had near him, Claire flexed a muscle. Biceps, triceps, chest, quads. She knew her muscular frame scared him, and she made sure he saw it whenever they were close. Not only showing her muscles, but demonstrations of raw power were in her arsenal as well. Moving furniture around, grunting while working out, everything she could to that told Charlie how strong and intense she was, she was doing. And it was working.
As the week went on, it became crystal clear that Charlie was always uncomfortable near her powerhouse sister, and he tried his best to avoid being close to her.

One day Claire entered Charlie's room, not bothering to knock first. She knew there was no way in hell he would allow that. Charlie's immediate answer had always been shoving her down back to the hall and locking his door. But not this time. Although he was clearly annoyed by her interruption on whatever he was doing, Claire could see in Charlie's eyes that he had no courage to push his mighty sister away.
Instead, he simply asked
"Hey Claire. What do you want?"
Grinning, Claire showed him what she was carrying behind her back. A measuring tape.
"I was hoping you could help me with these... It's been a while since I've took note of my progress"
Charlie felt unsure of himself. He definitely didn't want to take measures of his sister's muscles, especially cause he was afraid she might ask him to measure his own, but there was no way he could say no to her without  bringing questions and maybe a confrontation
"So.. what do you want me to do?" he asked in a low tone
"Well, first... come with me" Claire's voice was more a demand than a request, so Charlie followed her all the way to their parent's bathroom, where Claire's mom had a scale. Claire climbed on it and Charlie's eyes bulged as he read out the measure
"One hundred... one hundred fifty seven..." he noticed that Claire outweighed himself by more than 12 pounds, even still being shorter than him.
Claire stepped down from the scale and took her t-shirt off. In her full majestic figure, she looked even bigger than Charlie remembered. Her thick chest plates that formed a large upper body, connected to round, fibered shoulders and a thick trap that was showing off from the end of her neck.
Raising both her arms, Claire told
"Go ahead, measure my chest, Bro"
Trembling, Charlie placed the measuring tape around Claire's torso, and after he finished wrapping the tape, Claire lowered her arms, inhaled deeply and stroke a pose, flexing her lats, causing the tape to slid from Charlie's fingers as her torso expanded. Once she concluded her flexing, Charlie read the measure "49 inches"
"Well... I'm not sure how big that is, actually..." Claire said "Maybe if we compare..."
"What? No!" Charlie protested
Claire placed her hands on his arms, squeezing them softly. Even though she wasn't really putting a real effort, she held him very tightly.
"Please, big brother" she said, emphasizing the word 'big'. Charlie was trapped. He simply couldn't say no. he didn't dare to. As Claire grabbed him, he could have sworn she flexed her chest muscles, making them bounce up and down really quickly. Before he knew, Claire was pulling his t-shirt off through his head, exposing his skinny frame. Facing each other, the body difference became more and more clear. Claire wrapped the tape around Charlie's chest and read "44 inches"
Humiliated, all Charlie wanted to do was to get out of there, but she was just beginning. Still holding the tape, she ordered
"Flex your bicep"
Charlie obeyed, and as Claire read it's measurement, she couldn't avoid letting out a small chuckle "10.5 inches... that's... not that big. Well, now me" she gave him the tape and flexed her mighty muscle. As Charlie placed the tape, he felt the hardness of her steel ball of muscle. He couldn't believe how hard and perfectly shaped it was. He read out 'twelve inches, Claire'.
The session kept on, with thighs, calves, forearms.. everyone one of them Claire made sure Charlie found out how bigger than him she was. How more massive her body was.
Once they were over, Charlie headed back to his room, followed by his sister. Before he could close his door, she entered the room. Instinctively, Charlie took two steps back.
"You know, Granny told me earlier that this evening she will be going to a friend's house to play cards. She wanted to know if a nanny was needed, but I told her we'd stay home and look after each other, so she said it was ok. I'm so excited! We can be home alone! Just the two of us!" and saying that, Claire stroke a powerful crab flex, contracting every ounce of muscle she had in her body, even grunting while doing it.
To her delight, Charlie's jaw fell opened and he shivered in fear of the idea of being left alone with his monster-truck sized sister
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: phil123 on October 13, 2019, 06:39:10 am
Hope this will go on.
Perhaps Charlie  tries to get a 11 inch be to close the gap to Claire's 12.
But with the next measurement it will not only a 1.5 or hope 1 inch gab - it will be 3 as Claire's got already 14 inch.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: chango14 on October 13, 2019, 04:56:19 pm
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Hope this will go on.
Perhaps Charlie  tries to get a 11 inch be to close the gap to Claire's 12.
But with the next measurement it will not only a 1.5 or hope 1 inch gab - it will be 3 as Claire's got already 14 inch.

Love this story and love the measurements, always a fan.
Agree with this it would be great to see a different one than the standard girl gets way bigger than her bro. The story is so great would defo be cool if brother tries to compete for a bit doesnt grow as fast then gives up to his sister powerhouse. ! amazing thnak u
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: vevrierboobs on October 13, 2019, 05:31:45 pm
It would be great to see Claire to surpass her brother in other masculine attributes like voice change and body hair.  :rock:
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on October 16, 2019, 05:01:03 pm
Chapter 7

Charlie remained the rest of the day locked in his room. He needed to find a way out of the house before granny left for her card game. There was no way in hell he'd be left alone with Claire. Unfortunately for him, no one of his friends were available. Some had other things scheduled, some simply didn't bother to answer his messages. As the sun was setting, someone knocked on his door.
Charlie jumped from his chair, scared that Claire might be wanting something from him. He relaxed when he heard his grandma's voice from the other side, asking him to come downstairs.
As he headed downstairs, Claire was nowhere to be seen. Breathing relaxed, Charlie entered the kitchen where granny was
"Charles, I'm leaving now. I won't be late, but here" she handed him a 100 dollar bill "Order some food for you and Claire. Keep the change" she blinked one eye to him.
"And be nice to her" she added. Charlie thought she should say that to her instead.
"Thanks, granny. You're the best" He turned around and headed himself back to his room. Maybe if he gave her the money and kept locked in his domains, he'd be safe.
As he entered his room, he heard his grandma's car engine starting, and the vehicle's sound slowly fading away. The second he passed the door, it slam shut. He never had a chance. Claire was hiding behind his room's door, just waiting for him.
Caught by surprise, his first reaction was to protest about the intrusion, but his eyes gave him the notion that that wasn't the best idea. Claire's outfit was tiny, all very tight to her body, giving her an even bigger look. She also seemed to have just worked out, cause Charlie noticed she was sweaty, pumped and her veins were very dilated. If possible, it was like she had grown more muscular in the last few hours
"What...?" it was all he was able to say, with a faint voice
"So, finally alone" she said. "Why don't we sit and talk a little bit, big brother?"
Before he could move or say anything, Claire lowered her body, placed her hands on his back and lifted him off the ground. Carrying him like a sack of potatoes, Claire gently placed him on his computer chair and remained standing in front of him. From this angle, she looked more and more powerful by the minute. As she put her hands on her hips, Charlie noticed the thickness and size of her shoulders. Claire breathed calmly, but the muscles on her torso and abs contracted as she inhaled and exhaled.
"You know" she began "I remember when you sometimes stormed into my room. Do you remember that, Charlie?"
"I... I..."
"Oh, I'm sure you do. It hasn't been so long, has it? You came in and put me into headlocks, you twisted my arms... " Claire chuckled, as if it were amusing memories. Charlie was livid, unable to breathe deeply, let alone speak or move
"Or when we were racing and you tripped me. How many times I've fallen down while you laughed your ass off"
Charlie was shaking, trying not to show her how scared he was, but it was useless.
"But hey" she said in a more happy tone "We're all grownups now, right? I mean... we can be left alone at home! Right?"
"And, can you believe this? I'm starting high school in 2 weeks! It will be so cool! Having my older brother in my school and all... I mean, I'll tell everyone that I'm Charlie's little sister!"
Charlie suddenly became aware of what she was saying. High school was his realm. In two weeks, everyone there would get to know his marvelous muscular sister. And people would talk about her. About her biceps, and her legs, and how strong she looked. And soon enough they would put two and two together. And they'd ask him if he was the stronger. What would he say? If he lied and she found out, Claire might want to prove him wrong in front of everyone. Charlie began crying in desperation.
Claire grinned. Her torture was working perfectly "What is it, Charlie? Why are you crying? You don't want to be seen with me? Do I embarrass you?"
Charlie remained silent, wimping slowly
"Or is it the other way around?" Claire's voice was now stronger and more confident "Maybe you're crying because people will see you next to me and realize how much of a wimp you are? How bigger and stronger your small sister is when compared to you?"
Charlie, who had been looking down the whole time, gazed into Claire's eyes. There was fire and rage there
"Answer me, Charlie" Her voice now showed who was in control
"I... I...."
"Are you afraid of me, Charlie? Are you afraid that I might hurt you if we fight?"
"Yes or no, Charlie"
Looking down again, he finally whispered "Yes"
Claire's voice went back to a relaxed tone "Good. Wise answer. Cause yes, I'd hurt you really bad if we ever fight. Rest assured of that"
"But I won't"
"You... you won't?" Charlie's voice, still a whisper, found some life once he heard Claire didn't want to hurt him
"Well, not unless you give me reasons to. Now get up"
Charlie immediately obeyed. Claire raised both her arms and flexed her biceps. The two hard balls of split muscle popped out proudly
"Feel them" she commanded
Charlie placed his hands on her cannonballs. They were hard as steel
"What do you feel, Charlie?"
"They... they are really hard, Claire. And... and big..."
"Yes. They are. They are also very powerful"
"Yes... I...I believe they are..." Charlie kept caressing Claire's biceps, impressed by their look and hardness
"Do you like them, Charlie?"
"Do you wish your muscles were like these, Charlie?"
"Say it" Claire relaxed her biceps, removing Charlie's hands from it. She then flexed her chest and triceps, trying to mimic one of those bodybuilder's poses
"I... I wish I had muscles like your's, Claire"
"And what else?" She stroke another powerful pose, this time inflating her lats, causing her upper body to expand largely
"I... I wish I...."
"You wish you were as muscular and strong as me, Charlie?" Another pose, this time Claire flexed her quads
"Yes... I wish I were as strong as you, Claire. I wish I looked so muscular, and big like you"
"Smart man" she said, relaxing her whole body "Now kneel"
Charlie promptly fell to his knees, looking up at her. Claire approached her brother and placed her hands on his shoulders
"You see, I came in here believing I'd have to beat these words out of you, Charlie" Claire flexed her thighs, that now were in the same level as Charlie's eyes "In fact, I was hoping I had to. You know, so that you were absolutely sure that there was no way back from here"
Slowly, Claire approached Charlie a little more, placing her hands on the back of his head now
"And part of me kind of hopes some time you challenge me. Sometime you get tired of being this wimpy boy, and try to take on me. Cause I will have a lot of fun beating you up, like you had for all those years beating me up"
Charlie began crying again "I'm... so sorry, Claire... I..."
"Oh, today I'm sure you are. You wish you hadn't treated me like crap. You know, back then all I wanted was to you to love and protect me like Jeff always did to both of us. But hey, don't worry. Now I'll protect you. If somebody ever gives you a bad time, you tell you small sister and I'll make sure he or she gets what they deserve" Claire took one hand away from Charlie's head and flexed her bicep again. He looked up in awe
"Thank you... thank you Claire... you're so big, and strong..."
With her other hand, Claire pressed Charlie's head against his chest, forcing him to look down, to her feet, what he didn't resist. She then pulled his head foward, leaning his torso foward. Instinctively, Charlie thought Claire wanted him to kiss her feet, which he was ready to do. But before he could lean all the way he felt his head trapped between Claire's legs, right above her knees.
He tried to pull apart, but the back of his head felt the butt muscles on his sister. His eyes saw nothing but her kneepits, her mighty diamond shaped calves and her ankles. In fear, Charlie put his hands on Claire's thighs and tried to push them, but it was in vain. It felt like he was trying to push two concrete cylinders.
"Claire... I... can't.. breathe..." he managed to say as his head was going from skin colored to different tones of red.
Claire just giggled. She grunted satisfied as she contracted and relaxed her thighs, at first rhythmically, but as her pleasure increased, the contractions became stronger and longer.
In a last, desperate attempt to get free, Charlie started beating Claire's quads with his fists, but she just chuckled as his lame efforts. The only way of him getting out of there was when she decided so. And that was happening only after his lights were out.

Which didn't take long
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on October 16, 2019, 08:27:37 pm
what a great chapter!!!
I hope to see when Jeff come back home and see his sister...
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: andy857 on October 22, 2019, 06:16:23 am
Will this story Continue?
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: law94 on November 22, 2019, 09:13:34 pm
Please update i hope she growth more
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: As on January 23, 2020, 10:54:21 am
Please continue this story...
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on January 23, 2020, 12:54:35 pm
it was a really good character!!! and I always hope to see her big brother's reaction
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on January 24, 2020, 06:05:29 pm
Chapter 8

The last two weeks before school began were better than Charlie expected. After being bullied by his younger sister, it seemed to Charlie that Claire decided she had enough fun, and simply stood out of his way. Except for meals, they didn't even meet around the house. Charlie preferred it that way, considering his options. He was pretty sure that Claire would be beating him whenever she could as pay back for all those years, but apparently his sister was a better person.
That was until the day school began. Being older and having a car, their parents had determined Charlie would be driving him and Claire to school. Unable to come up with any excuse, he just nodded. The following day he got up and dressed, went down for his cereal and was already inside his old ford honking, hurrying up Claire.
Claire took her time pissing Charlie off. She wanted to make sure he was very angry at her when she showed up for her ride. It worked. When she opened the car door, Charlie was mumbling annoyed. He completely shut his mouth, however, when she entered the vehicle.
Using her right hand to take hair from the front of her eyes, Claire made sure Charlie had a nice view of her thick, veiny arm.
"Sorry, brother. First day, you know. I wanted to look nice"
From the corner of his eye, Charlie scanned her sister. Claire had a tight pair of jeans, red small heeled shoes that were enough to make her calves expand and almost burst the seams around them. Her white buttoned t-shirt looked very just to her frame, with a smidge of her abdomen left exposed, and the sleeves Claire had rolled up a couple inches, just to release her massive arms from contention. Her blonde hair, which she had cut just at shoulder length, fell free over her thick traps. Fuck, Claire would draw every eye from day one, that was sure.
"So, how do I look?" she asked, almost begging him to check the majesty of her body
"You look alright" he answered, trying not to turn his head and drove away.

Charlie parked his car and Claire got out. He stood put.
"You're not coming?" she inquired
"Go ahead. I have to pick some stuff on the trunk"
Claire turned around and walked towards the building. Charlie watched as she walked. Her perfect round ass, her slim waist and thick, wide back. Surely, her muscularity drove every eye to her.
Charlie waited almost 10 minutes to step out of the car. Finally he did, and went straight to bio, his first class.
As the day went by, the word spread. By lunch everybody wanted to see this freshmen girl who was described in every way from 'hottest chick on school' to 'muscle girl'. Charlie's head was aching as this seemed to be the only topic around. He ended up feeling lucky he didn't cross ways with Claire all day. Had they bumped on each other, Claire would make sure everyone knew she was his sister.
Classes ended and Charlie went straight to his car. Claire wouldn't come out. Again, he got angry. Maybe he should leave her behind. Of course, that didn't seem like a great idea. Either his parents would bite his head off, or Claire herself would squeeze it off. Resigned, he entered the car and waited.
It took Claire another 15 minutes before she came out. Charlie noticed she was talking to two other guys, as they escorted her. He recognized them as two fellow classmen that played on the school's basketball team. They were also known by being jerks.
As the three approached Charlie's car, Claire spoke loud
"Charlie! I hope you don't mind, I've offered Tim and Jake here a ride home. They live just two blocks from us"
Charlie's face got red. Like hell he would allow those two assholes inside his ride. But he couldn't say no to his sister and risk angering her.  He just nodded. As the three entered the vehicle, Charlie drove away in silence
"Claire, I can't believe you are Chuckie's little sister!" one of them pointed
"Well, I guess you can't say she's her little sister, I guess" the other pointed. The three of them chuckled
"So, Claire, you were telling about this workout routine of yours. You mentioned there was something about strength exercises?"
"Well, yeah, Jake. You see, if you lift heavier for few reps, that's good for your muscle growth. But if you go for really heavy weight and very few reps, like 3 or 4, that's when you get stronger" Claire pretended to be curling something. Charlie noticed the thick vein on her bicep "And, to be honest, those are the best exercises, you know?" she seemed excited  "When you pick up that humongous amount of weight and curl it hard"
"Nice. I'll try that sometime. Hey, this is me. Stop here, Chuck" Jake said. Him and Tim jumped out of the car.
"Bye, Claire! See you tomorrow" they waived as Charlie drove away
"Those are nice guys, you know. How come you aren't friends with them. I reckon they're in your class"
"They're are dorks" Charlie limited to say
"Well, clearly they aren't the brightest of kids, but they are really nice" Claire responded "They were genuinely interested in hearing about my workout tips"
Charlie parked his car and went straight to his room. He had just entered it when he heard the door bell. Sighing, Charlie went down and opened the door. There were Johnny and Bill, two of his best friends
"Hey, what are you guys doing here? Miss me already?"
"Why didn't you tell us, you dork?"
"Tell you what?"
"That the new chick that was causing all the buzz was Claire!"
"Uh.. I..."
"I mean, I've known her forever, and I didn't quite believe when they told me. But then Tim sent me a picture of her. Damn! Your sister looks buff AF!"
"I..." Charlie didn't want to discuss that for sure
They were interrupted by Claire coming down the stairs. She had changed into her workout clothes, and the splits of her pectoral muscles and bulbous shape of her shoulders were on display
"Oh, hey, Bill. Johnny. What's up?"
"Sheeet Claire! What happened to you this summer? Come here!" Bill called her close. Charlie couldn't believe this was happening
"What? What happened?" Charlie couldn't tell if Claire was being naive or just messing around
"Look at you! Look at these muscles!" Johnny pointed out "Are you involved in some government experiment?" He chuckled "Can I get in?"
Claire laughed "No experiment, Johnny. Just discipline. And you know, the occasional booster." she smiled
"Geez, you look amazing. Everyone in school is talking about you, you know?"
"Oh, really?" Now Charlie knew she was only playing dumb "Good things, I hope"
"Well, I wouldn't dare say bad things about you, that's for sure" Johnny spoke "Look at the size of that arm"
Claire, not being asked to, raised her right hand and flexed her bicep. The large amount of muscle contracted hard, shaping up in a thick, vascularized peak. The boys' jaws cracked open.
"Fuck me! Look at that! Can I...?" Bill made mention of touching it
"Sure, go ahead" Claire gave the go
Bill placed his hand on Claire's bicep and tried to squeeze it. "Rock hard"
"Shit, Charlie" Johnny spoke "Your sister looks like a freaking bodybuilder"
"Oh, thank you, Johnny. I'm trying, you know" she giggled "In fact, I'm going for my workout now. You guys should stay in. When I get back that's when I'll look really pumped"
"Well, heck yeah! I'll be here" Johnny was almost screaming
"I'll be here too, Claire" Bill smiled "And you can maybe tell us about how it feels to make your big brother look like this puny little man" he teased Charlie, who was almost crying in anger and frustration
Claire giggled "Well, I guess I never made him feel like that... but hey, you could ask him. How he feels having such a muscle sister" Claire left the room

"Out you two. now!" Charlie commanded
"Like hell we are, Charlie! We want to see Claire back from her workout!"
"Well, you're not gonna"
Not bothering their friend, Bill and Johnny took a seat on the kitchen
"Tell us, Charlie. Has Claire already beat you up? Crushed you in armwrestling? Made you clean up her room?" they were having a good time making fun of Charlie
"Oh, fuck you"
"My guess is Claire took him down in like 5 seconds" Bill pretended to be armwrestling
"I say three" Johnny made more fun
"Like you two had a chance against her" Charlie pointed out
"Well, we don't, but our sister doesn't have these freaking muscles yours has"
"Well, that is if Claire doesn't work as an inspiration on them, you know"
"Fuck, can you believe if our all our younger sisters became amazons like Claire?" Bill wondered
"Well, I treat Carol just right. You two are the ones that give them a hard time." Johnny said "I bet they'd kick your asses day in day out"
They remained silent for a few moments, just picturing the idea
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: caino on January 27, 2020, 09:46:56 am
claire is a fantastic character!!! I really love her!!! please, again, go on
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: andy857 on January 27, 2020, 01:47:54 pm
I echo caino's sentiments!
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Houl on January 27, 2020, 04:59:16 pm
New chapter is great
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: As on January 27, 2020, 08:36:50 pm

Chapter good, although I fear that it may continue towards classical violence. Charlie is not an angel and the situation he is in is new to him. It is obvious that he will react unpredictably to the younger sister. In contrast, Claire may not fully understand her new position.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: WapWap on January 28, 2020, 12:16:41 pm
I'm glad you picked this back up.  You've got so many good brother-sister threads going.  Great job!
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: IBP on January 31, 2020, 12:07:19 am
Very nice story, and I love the way you describe her. The only complaint I would have is for a bit more mass and dimensions in terms of the concrete measurements, since she took on a much larger size due to your great writing. :D
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: john jonh on April 07, 2020, 11:37:05 pm
very excited for a continuation of this one
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: Brfan on April 09, 2020, 08:58:42 pm
Chapter 9

Before Charlie realized, a good 40 minutes had gone by, and Johnny and Bill were still there. Surely enough, Claire came back from her work out. She held a piece of clothing in her hand, that Charlie assumed was her workout towel.
"Oh, hey guys. Glad you're still there. Gosh, I just had the most killer chest and shoulder session"
The boys looked at her. Indeed, her shoulders seemed even more prominent than before, the striations on it dancing beautifully as she moved her arms, their round shape making very clear separation between her deltoids and her arm muscles. Claire's chest also looked ingurgitated, with small veins visible right near the split of her two pectorals. her pectorals in fact were very on display, her cleavage constituted only of hard, thick muscle.
That's when Charlie noticed she didn't had her bras. That's the fabric she was holding. Claire had deliberately taken off her sports bra to expose her upper body to them. Although her nipples were still covered by her tank top, chest muscles were freely expanding both above the tank top and to it's side, through the arm holes.
Claire approached the three boys, who were sitting on the kitchen table, and looked down on them. She smiled realizing they were impressed by her figure
"Told you I'd look more pumped up after I worked these babies" She placed her hands on her hips and flexed her chest hard. Small striations appeared on top of her pecs.
"M-my God, Claire... you look like Superwoman" Bill mumbled
"Y-yeah... astonishing" Johnny added
Claire feigned humbleness "You think? I mean... I guess I'm a bit bigger than average, but..."
"A bit? You're joking, right?"
"Of course she is. I bet she could crush Charlie if she wanted to"
Charlie went pale. Why would his friends make such a suggestion? Claire smiled
"Well..." she looked at her dwarfed, fearful brother "Both Charlie and I know who has the upper hand, strength wise, here. We don't need to fight about it. Right, brother?" She sounded calm and caring, but Charlie could sense the threat behind her words
"Y-yes, Claire..."
Johnny started laughing. Turning to Bill, he said
"I told you. He is completely scared of her"
Claire immediately walked behind the boy and placed her hands on his shoulders. She started pressing them a bit
"Well, you see, Johnny, Charlie is a smart man. He knows I'm stronger, and he lives with it. I sincerely hope you two follow his example. I'd hate to find out you're picking on him because of my muscles." She squeezed his shoulder a bit harder. Johnny's face tried to hide the pain. "And I'm sure you both would hate if my muscles proved that you two also can't handle me in some sort of physical match, right?" another powerful squeeze. "I mean, it would be especially bad if such thing happened... let's say... in front of the whole school"
Claire let go of Johnny's shoulders and watched their faces. She had the three of them in her hands. She bet right now if she told them to impersonate chickens, they would.
"Y-yes, Claire... I... we would never do that to Charlie. He is our pal"
"Good... now I think it's time you leave. It's getting late."
"Y-yes, Claire... you're.. you're right. Bye, you guys"
The two boys stormed off through the back door. Claire let a little smile escape from her lips. Charlie was about to get out of the table when she turned to him, serious "Stay where you are"
Charlie immediately sat back, remaining silent. Claire went on
"Now, let's talk, Charlie. The reason I did that to them is because, for your luck, we have a brother like Jeff. I should make your life miserable after everything you've put me through. But I won't"
"You won't?" Charlie still needed more time to recover the color on his face
"I won't. You see, let's look at the facts: We still have two more year in the same high school; I am way stronger than you, and my muscles make it very clear just by looking at them. I like being this strong and bulky. It make me feel good about myself. I like the fact that I can curl and squat amounts of weight you and most of the other boys can't. I like the fact that all of you are both intimidated and jealous about the size of my biceps. So, in these two next years, these things won't change. I'll keep looking and being stronger than you. Deal with it."
Charlie was dead silent. When did Claire became this dominant?
She continued "And also, deal with the fact that people will talk. They will tease you about it. Act cool, cause you cannot avoid it. But I can. What I did here today was a first statement that you are not to be messed with. I'll make this very same statement again, with those two dorks we gave a ride today. And with anybody else who messes with you. Cause you are my brother, and I love you. I will be able to prevent some of the teasing, but I won't be able to stop all of it, alright?"
"Can I go now?" as Charlie's words were coming out of his mouth, he realized that this evening had been a turning point in their relationship. He was asking permission of his younger sister to leave the room.
"Not yet. One more thing"
"Well, I don't think you have any doubt that I am stronger than you, right Charlie?"
"Say it"
Charlie took a deep breath. There was no turning back from this point "Claire, you are stronger than me. Your muscles are a constant reminder of that, and thus, there is no way I'll ever forget that"
Claire smiled happily now "Wow, Charlie. That was even better than I expected. No doubt why mom always said you are the smart one"
Charlie exhaled relieved.
"however" she continued. His eyes were back on the apprehensive mode "that's not enough"
"No?" his fear was palpable by his tone
"No. You see, I have no intention of beating you up constantly or anything. That's just too 'boyish' for me. But I do have a need to make sure not only you know that I am stronger than you, but HOW MUCH stronger. So get up"
Charlie, although in fear, obeyed "W-why, Claire? What do you want me to do?"
Claire walked toward him, stepping a few inches from her brother. They both examined the scene. Although Charlie still had a couple inches on her, if that much, Claire's body looked twice as big as his. She was thicker. Her back was broader. Her brawny legs looked like they could break his twigs. Claire's beefy arms made Charlie embarrassed of his skinny limbs.
Then, in a quick move, Claire ducked and grabbed Charlie by his legs, making him lose balance and fall on the top of her back. With her other hand, she got good grip of his torso, and stood up with her brother on her shoulders. As she carried him to his room, she talked about it
"You see, I considered armwrestling you, but we are way past that point now. I considered punching you, but you probably wouldn't have the guts to punch back - that is, if you could get up." They got to his room. She opened the door and, still carrying him, entered the room "so I brought you here with the idea of wrestling the shit out of you" she put him down and stared at him. There was plain fear on his face "You know, really wrestle you. Making you puke out of pain" she giggled as Charlie instinctively stepped back, a terrified prey realizing there was no escape from it's predator "But then I decided I'd just hug you, brother" Claire opened up her massive arms, inviting, or should I say, requesting Charlie to come in. Trembling and stomping, Charlie approached Claire and hugged her. He felt the thickness of her lats, how broad and hard her back muscles were. When Claire's arms wrapped around his torso, he realized he had fallen into a trap. Claire's phytonic embrace was quickly removing the air from his body. Claire had involved her hands around his midsection, taking him off the ground. She was holding her left forearm with her right hand, making sure Charlie was well trapped. She smiled at him, as his face started turning red. She controlled the strength of her squeeze.
"You see, I told you that once I needed you to be very sure of how stronger I was. Can you feel how much stronger I am than you, big brother?"
Charlie was focused on breathing, not being able to say words. The pain on his back was surreal. Tears started running down his face. Claire increased the pressure. Charlie was now purple. He wouldn't take it anymore. Taken by a killer, cruel instinct, she wanted him to feel just this once everything she had felt in the past. She was true to every word she said before, but this evening was about getting that anger out of her system. She released him and watched satisfied as he fell to the ground, breathing hard, holding his ribs in pain.
Claire calmly opened up his closet door, where he had a mirror, and placed it where Charlie could see himself on the ground. Then, taking his time, she walked around him and sat behind Charlie, who now was still trying to sit himself, not realizing what was about to happen.
Claire straightened him up, facing the mirror. From behind, she placed her legs around this abs, locking her ankles together.
"Look, Charlie"
Charlie opened up his wet eyes, realizing too late what was about to happen
"N-no! No, Claire, please"
"I'm sorry Charlie, but this is happening. And don't you dare close your eyes"
Claire passed her arms under his, pulling them back, effectively extending his chest, and started squeezing his torso with her trunk legs. Charlie screamed in pain.
"Watch, Charlie"
He opened his eyes. There he was, lying on the floor, being tortured by his mighty younger sister, who didn't even seem to be having much effort. In fact, her arms seemed rather relaxed, having him dominated with only the thick layers of muscle in her legs.
Claire let out small grunts as she squeezed him. She heard him sobbing. Finally, she relieved the pressure.
"You see, Charlie. This is how much stronger than you I am." she said, passing her left arm around his neck.
"In the end, little brother" she lifted her right arm and flexed her bicep for him to watch in awe "I can dominate you with only one of these"
She then started strangling him with her left arm, her flexed bicep compressing his Adam's apple. In a desperate attempt to avoid the pain, Charlie grabbed her arm and uselessly tried to pull it off. The last feeling he had before passing out was how hard Claire's bicep were.

The end
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: As on April 10, 2020, 06:18:20 am
Is this really the end? It can't be.
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on April 10, 2020, 10:48:42 am
Oh, finally an epic continuation, only to finish with these two dreaded words!

Awesome chapter, great dynamic.

I hope there will be an epilogue at some point, like the situation two years from now. :)

Thanks for finishing this!
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: crow004 on April 10, 2020, 03:16:55 pm
Another great chapter to this awesome story! Thanks for continuing it! Too bad it's the last one. But I'll enjoy reading your other stories
Title: Re: Claire's Blossoming
Post by: potatocarrot on February 05, 2021, 08:26:07 am
I know this has been done for some time now but I am writing to give it a bump to hopefully allow others to discover it and enjoy it as much as I did. Kudos to the author Brfan for another great story.

So I loved this story. It was in my fav unfinished folder and I thought I would check up on it. Somehow I missed the last 2 chapters being posted. I haven't read them yet but I am very excited to. I really liked the progression, time frame etc. Really well executed. What I especially liked it wasn't just one of those little sis gets stronger and treats big bro like crap, it had that but also had a hint of the caring big brother and she liked him and got on, we don't see enough of the protective, caring stronger smaller sibling.  Thanks for writing this, it was great.