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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: rugbyguy39 on October 06, 2018, 02:04:05 pm

Title: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 06, 2018, 02:04:05 pm
My first attempt at fiction.


Every time Lindsay saw Nadia her reaction was the same: “Oh My God, she’s huge.” It had been that way since they first met, three years ago when they were both freshmen at J A MacDonald High. You’d think you’d get used to it, but her friend was so far from the normal parameters of an 18-year-old senior you just didn’t. Like the Grand Canyon, Nadia took your breath away every time.

   This, was of course ironic, as around the school EVERYBODY knew who Lindsay was and most barely gave Nadia a second thought. Other than the fact they were the same age, same gender and shared the same home room, the two had almost nothing in common. At least as far as most people could tell.

   Lindsay was an All-State gymnast, entertaining scholarship offers from Universities from coast to coast. She was bright, out-going, extremely popular and stunningly beautiful. Thanks to a virtual lifetime of gymnastics she was a compact ball of coiled muscle. Thanks to genetics that muscle supported an exotic collection of improbable curves. The combination was striking and constantly on display as Lindsay’s taste in clothing ran to tight yoga pants and tighter tank-tops. Her nickname around the school was “Headsnap” after the reaction she routinely caused merely walking through the halls.

   Nadia didn’t so much walk through the halls as much as slide along the sides of them. Where Lindsay did not mind the attention which seemed naturally drawn to her, Nadia avoided it like the plague. The only child of a farm family that had emigrated from Russia, Nadia Karlamov, had dedicated her high school career to fading into the background. And was largely successful at it despite the fact she was huge: she stood six-feet tall, and was both wide and thick. It was difficult to accurately gage exactly how big she was due to the oversized hoodies, farm shirts, sweaters, overalls and floor length peasant skirts she always wore. She wore either work boots or hiking boots which added another inch or two to her massive frame.

   One of the better kept secrets in the school was the fact Nadia’s classic Slavic face was actually very pretty. This was really hard to tell as Nadia habitually hunched forward and used her hair like a protective curtain in front of her face. Her sapphire-blue eyes, high cheek bones and bow lips never touched makeup nor were they exposed to the neon lights of the classrooms or hallways for more than brief moments. She didn’t really warrant enough attention to have a serious nickname, but most of the students in her grade called her “Big Shy” when they talked of her at all.

   If Nadia ever did come up in conversation, it was inevitably in relation to Lindsay. As in how could the most popular girl in the school be friends with its almost pathological wallflower? Most put it down to the cliché about the hottest girls having the plainest friends. The truth was there was more to it than that. A lot more.
   Their friendship was born Nadia’s first day at MacDonald, a week into freshmen year. Her family had just moved from Montana and she started her new school about as shy, awkward and nervous as an enormous 14-year-old girl could be.

Part One: September, freshman year.

   “Class,” Ms. Mathias began. “We have a new student joining us today. I know you will all make her feel welcome. This is Nadia Kar…”

   The subdued chaos of homeroom quickly faded into stunned silence as 24 sets of eyes trained towards the front of the room. Nadia, head bowed, stood nervously looking back while towering over the teacher next to her. The silence was broken by a whisper from the back of the room.

   “She’s freaking huge. Her mom must have slept with a buffalo.” Before a frowning Ms. Mathias could identify the speaker a second, much louder voice broke the tension:
   “Shut up Reggie, just because your parents met at a family reunion doesn’t mean you get to take it out on everyone else.” Lindsay was standing by her desk staring daggers at Reggie Fraser.

Ms. Mathias was trying to frame an appropriate admonition for Lindsay but one look at the young gymnast brought her up short. She was clearly seething; veins were evident across the chorded tendons in her neck. They traced down and across the tops of the two pectoral muscles which showed through the opening at the neck of her polo shirt. Puberty had been delayed for Lindsay as result of her rigorous gymnastics training and competition schedule. Her muscular development, on the other hand, was way ahead of schedule. She had no breasts to speak off, but she did have cleavage. Her shirt was stretched tight across her chest and shoulders as well as her lats which flared like wings behind her arms. The sleeves of the polo shirt were pulled up to the point the bottom of her deltoid muscles were visible where they joined her arms. Three veins peered out of each sleeve and connected into one, the thickness of a lamp chord, which snaked down her bulging biceps and then split again forming a web which traced across the chorded forearms down to her clenched fists.

The room was focused on Lindsay in a mixture of shock and growing awe so no one noticed Nadia’s expression change from crimson embarrassment to focused interest, she stood staring - study in her eyes.


Just like a switch was flipped rage turned instantly to sunshine and welcome.
“Right Ms. M. Sorry. Hey girl, there’s a seat right here next to me. Welcome to Mac-High!”

Nadia, awash with relief and gratitude peered at Lindsay from behind her bangs. “Thank you,” she mouthed. Nadia inclined her head and smiled in a gesture which said ‘no worries.’ Nadia started to pick her way between the desks to the back of the room.    

“Reggie’s a jerk but he’s not wrong,” Lindsay thought. “Damn, this girl is enormous. I could do a tumbling run down that isle with no trouble, she looks like a bear on a bike path.” Lindsay’s train of thought was brought to a sudden halt by a sudden look of consternation on Nadia’s face. “Now what?” she asked herself. Tracking Nadia’s line of vision, she realized the big girl was looking at the desk she was supposed to move in to. It didn’t take Lindsay long to figure out what the problem was.
“No way she fits in that. She’s too big for a school desk.” A quick sweep of the room and Lindsay saw the solution. Ms. M had a small table with a separate chair at the back of the room as an independent work/time out station.

Lindsay leapt into action; “Hey Ms. M, this desk is no good,” she said shaking it. “It’s all uneven and wobbly.” Without waiting she grabbed the unit by the bar that connected the chair to the desk section and with a quiet grunt lifted it with her right arm. Reggie, who sat on the other side of her desk gasped as a muscle the size of a baseball bulged in her upper arm. Transfixed, he watched the veins re-appear and swell as blood surged into the sculpted limb. Looking up, he was caught in the crosshairs of Lindsay’s warning glare. “That’s right,” was the clear, unspoken message. “Do not piss me off any more.”

By now every eye in the room was following her V-shaped back and the horseshoe of her flexed triceps muscle as she carried the unit to the back wall. She put it down, reached under the corner of the table and picked that up with one arm holding it by one leg. With her other arm she grabbed the chair and delivered them, seemingly without effort, to the empty spot in the row. It wasn’t until she’d pulled out the chair for her new classmate that she realized she was the center of attention in the room. “What?” she asked, a look of genuine puzzlement on her face.

“Here you go Nadia.” Lindsay looked up and gave a brief start as she realized she had miscalculated and was still only looking into the new girl’s massive chest. Craning her neck back even farther, she was struck by the look of profound gratitude that loomed almost a foot above her.

“Thank you again,” came the response so quiet that Lindsay wasn’t sure she’d heard anything or just read the big girl’s lips. “Hey, no problem,” Lindsay said as Nadia sat down and bent down to open her backpack. In an unconscious gesture of support, Lindsay reached out and patted the upper back that was still almost at her eye level.
No one noticed the look of surprise that suddenly crossed Lindsay’s face, but everyone noticed the big girl shoot up out her chair in alarm. The look on her face was close to panic. Her face went from white to crimson again. “Please…do…not…touch me,” Nadia was almost begging.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry. My bad, totally. How about we sit together at lunch and I’ll help you settle in?”
“Really? You want to sit…with me?...still?”

A bright, disarming smile lit up Lindsay’s face. “Of course,” she said with just a hint of mischief in her voice. “I’m sure you’re more interesting than this bunch. I’m Lindsay, BTW.”

Lindsay held out her small, callused, hard hand. Nadia, after a second’s hesitation, took it, wrapping the first two of her equally callused man-sized fingers around all five of the gymnast’s. If anyone had been looking they would have noticed the sudden expansion of Lindsay’s forearm as she tightened her grip. As it turned out nobody, including, apparently Nadia, noticed it at all.

“I knew it,” Lindsay thought to herself.

With that, homeroom returned to its usual loosely structured chaos.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: shamus0013 on October 06, 2018, 02:33:36 pm
Great start! I'm looking forward to reading more.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: seldom on October 07, 2018, 02:27:38 am
Echoing the other sentiments. Great start! I love them already. Also, fantastic writing!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: ame3cv62 on October 07, 2018, 10:36:44 am
love it,more please
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: fp909 on October 07, 2018, 03:15:53 pm
great start!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 08, 2018, 09:57:06 am
Thank you all for the encouragement. And yes, there is more coming.

(be pretty cruel if there wasn't)

The outline I have now covers their high school careers. Lindsay is very popular so there are more friends to introduce. There will be some jumping around, time-wise,  basically because I can see episodes, but I don't want to write myself into a corner with a well-defined timeline.

Cheers all!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on October 08, 2018, 08:24:50 pm
Fabulous start, can't wait to read more...........
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 09, 2018, 09:14:12 am
Part Two: September, freshman year:

   “Damn girl, your parents leave a $100 bill for the Boob Fairy by mistake. Your chest exploded over the summer!” Lindsay was sitting in the school cafeteria with her new friend Nadia, and her ‘best buds;’ Carley, a red-headed soccer playing jock with a wicked sense of humour and Simone, a dark caramel coloured girl of Trinidadian extraction. Carley, never one to overlook the obvious, was commenting on one of the more dramatic aspects of Simone’s epic summer growth spurt.

   “All of me exploded Sherlock, boobageddon was just part of the overall nightmare my summer turned out to be.”

   “Nightmare? Seriously? Look at you, you have all the senior guys drooling. You could be a model for God’s sake.”

   “Ya they’re drooling alright, because I look like a stripper or some video game fantasy girl. The senior girls are all looking too…for a good spot to put the knife. You try gaining a foot in height, 60 pounds in weight and like a dozen cup-sizes in three months. I’m still struggling with my balance let alone the total number this has done on my emotions and my head. I’m an H-bomb, where the H stands for hormones.”

   “Well, you have the warheads for it, I’ll say that much.”

   “Honest to God Carley,” Lindsay interrupted, “sometimes you have the sensitivity of dump truck. I’m sorry you had to go through that Sim.”

   “Not as sorry as my Mom and Dad. Between the trips to the doctors and all the clothes they bought me that fit for about a week, it cost them thousands of bucks and a ton of worry. Nothing I owned in June will fit me now, shoes, shorts, shirts, nothing.”

   “Ouch,” Lindsay sympathized.

   “Hey, your turn is coming there Buffy. Just wait,” Simone said.

   “You figure?” Lindsay said looking down the front of her skin-tight Under Armour T-shirt. “I don’t see these mosquito bites growing into anything significant.”

   “Hey, four months ago I looked like you, minus all those muscles. Your genetic bomb hasn’t detonated yet.”


   “Seriously?? Your Mom has a body that makes ME look like a guy. I don’t see all those curves missing you completely.”

   “I’ll take some height,” Lindsay smiled. “I’m already tired of looking up at all your nostrils.”

   “Height is over-rated,” Nadia interjected causing three heads to suddenly rotate in her direction.

   “The new girl speaks!” Carley smiled. “I’m guessing you’d know something about that.”

   Nadia sighed. “I’ve been the tallest one in the classroom, including the teacher, since Grade 5. When you are big,” she glanced at Simone,” people try to make you feel small.”

   “I’ve been for about a month and I’m getting that already.”

   “That is because you are very beautiful, not just tall,” Nadia continued, nodding at each girl in turn “People are intimidated by the exceptional; beauty, strength, intelligence….size. It makes them feel inadequate and as a result insecure. They reassure themselves by trying to diminish what makes them uneasy and inadequate.”

   Total silence followed as the three friends stared open-mouthed at their new companion. “Well, ya…I mean obviously,” Carley said.

   “You really are a Russian doll aren’t you?” Lindsay said with admiration in her voice. “There’s a lot of you that meets the eye but a lot more of you than meets the eye.”

   Nadia smiled at the image. “I think that is true of everyone at this table, but as Carley said, I have some experience being obviously abnormal and the reactions that it causes.”

   “So….this shy thing you do. It’s an act?”

   “No, it’s more like a survival tactic. A coping mechanism. I am truly uncomfortable with the attention I get for my body. People find my presence …intimidating and usually don’t react positively. As a result I am very…guarded. Lindsay was the first person here who didn’t mind that I am not…normal.” Nadia’s smile of gratitude was radiant.

   “Not normal,” Lindsay said. “Well, here’s to not being normal, sucks to be them.”

   “Sucks to be who?” came a voice from behind Lindsay. Two boys, wearing the school’s gym class uniform, shorts and tee-shirts, stood with mildly questioning looks on their faces. It was Bill Bishop and Ryan Cooper, who had been friends with Lindsay since all three were in Grade School.

   “Normal people BB,” Lindsay said, “you know, like lesser beings.”

   “Oh, them,” Billy grinned at the familiar riff. He and Lindsay had bonded over the years as they were always among the shorter students in the class. They had, Lindsay realized with an ironic grin, compensated for it by seeking to diminish well, everyone else.

   Billy stood about 5’3” and weighed around 120 pounds. He was, as you had to be to be Lindsay’s friend, very funny and very smart. Ryan, who had always been bigger had apparently also had a growth spurt over the summer. He towered over Billy by a foot and weighed at least 200 pounds.

   “Sucks to be whom, by the way Billy. Hey Ryan,” Carley smiled, “looks like you and Simone were bathing in the same radioactive pool this summer.”

   “Hey Carley, ya I did grow a little bit. My mom is still trying to find me school shoes that will fit. We found football cleats in my size so that’s the main thing. Hey Linz, Hey Sim. I think you look awesome by the way. And who is this?”

   “Oh snap, where’s my head?” Lindsay said rolling her eyes. “Billy, Ryan, this is Nadia. She just transferred here.”

   “Hey Nadia,” Billy said. “Welcome to Mac-High.”

   “Ya, welcome. Anything we can do, let us know,” Ryan added.

   Nadia, who had retreated into her normal defensive shell the moment the two boys showed up, lifted her head. “Thank you both,” she said. Nadia was quickly realizing that Lindsay came with her own cone of protection. No one in the grade would cross her and few, if any were prepared to risk her wrath. If these two boys were allowed inside that circle, they could be trusted, she reasoned.

   At that, Carley and Simone stood and made to leave. “Well,” Simone said with a grin, “gotta bounce.” Billy, transfixed, groaned quietly.
   “Ya, math is next and I have to help Simone with her figures.”

        “I don’t think your figure needs any help Sim,” Ryan joked.

   “Oh God! Just stop you guys!” In truth, Lindsay knew despite the subject – Simone’s spectacular new body - there was nothing but goofy fun behind the banter. Simone’s willingness to join in had an air of relief about it. She was grateful the group dynamic hadn’t really changed, even though her body had.

   But Lindsay had also noticed a change in Billy. He was standing frozen, staring at Simone, and was he sweating? It was on his behalf she felt the need to stop the kidding. He was clearly uncomfortable about the direction things were heading.

   “Later,” Simone smiled and she and Carley turned and made their way through the cafeteria. The two boys and remaining two girls watched the pair cruise through the room causing a cascade of turning heads in their wake.

   “Would it be wrong if I yelled ‘she’s just 14!’?” Lindsay wondered out loud.

   “I’m not sure Simone would see that as helpful,” Nadia suggested.

   “You’re probably right,” Lindsay agreed. “Hey dudes, grab a chair.”

   “So, Ryan, looks like you left BB in the dust on the growth-spurt front. Sorry Bill.”

        “Oh he had a spurt alright, you just can’t see it.”

        “Dude!” A mortified Billy was staring at his friend with embarrassed exasperation.

        “What? Seriously, what I meant was the growth was all in his head,” Ryan said, a grin still on his face. Billy looked like he wanted to melt into the floor.

        “God! You guys are such… guys,” Lindsay said shaking her head. “So Ryan, pumped for football?”

   “Totally, Linz. I’ve been working out all summer and doing a lot of footwork drills, so I think I’m ready. The new size isn’t going to hurt either.”

   “You look fit, Ryan, I can’t wait to see you play.”

   “Speaking of fit, you look jacked. Did you work construction all summer?”

   “You think? Gymnastics boot-camp actually. They really worked us hard.”

   “Well I’d say you got your money’s worth, you look great.”

   “Kind of you to say so,” Lindsay smiled.”

   “He is not exaggerating,” Nadia chimed in. “Your physique is very impressive, your muscular development is remarkable.”

   Lindsay did a double-take and looked at her new friend. “Boy, you pretty much say what you think don’t you?”

   “Lindsay, my friend, I can see your abdominal muscles through your shirt. It seems pointless not to openly discuss something so openly displayed.”

   “She has a point Linz,” Ryan added. “I could see your abs from 10 feet away.”

   “I can’t help it. All my clothes are really tight now. But I kinda like the look. I worked hard for this, especially the six-pack.”

        With that, Lindsay stood up. “Here, look.” Before anyone could react, she lifted up her shirt and began to contract her stomach. Ryan and Nadia watched with interest while Billy seemed paralyzed, hypnotized by the deeply tanned midsection that was transforming itself into a cobblestone sidewalk. Only four of Lindsay’s abs were visible but the sight was no less mesmerizing. Her abs seemed to gradually separate as the gaps between them slowly deepened. Veins emerged from the waistband of her shorts and from under the hem of her shirt. Billy was finding it hard to breathe as the veins connected and the gaps deepened to what looked like a full inch.

   Lindsay was oblivious to anything other than the warm feeling coming from the positive attention her display was creating. She had always been athletic and gymnastics had given her obvious muscles from a very young age. She had a six pack by the time she was six. Traps, lats and delts since she was eight. By the time she was 11, even long-time gymnastics people were commenting on her exploding calves and biceps. Round, powerful glutes sat on top of quads that were always the subject of discussion. When all the girls in the club were measured for ‘show’ routine costumes it was revealed each quad was the same size as her waist.

        So attention wasn’t new, but her muscles had always been just the tools she used to succeed in her sport. That her muscles would generate attention for how they looked, rather than what she did with them was new to her. But she was already discovering she liked it.

        “Watch this,” she said to no-one in particular. Twisting her torso she bent to her right and contacted that side of her body. Billy’s head swam.

        A ridge of four highly defined oblique muscles fanned out of the top of her shorts up towards the one serratus muscle that peeked out of her shirt. Three more were clearly visible through her skin-tight shirt stretched even tighter by the suddenly expanded lat. Lindsay bobbed her head up and down while twisting just enough to make the right side of her torso literally dance. Billy forced himself to close his eyes and breathe slowly.

        “Cool,” said Ryan. “Impressive,” added Nadia. “I know, right?” Lindsay smiled. While their interest seemed almost clinical, Billy was sitting in his seat, eyes closed, chanting something under his breath. Satisfied, Lindsay rolled her shirt back down and tucked it in to the small, tight waist of her shorts.

        “Check this out,” Lindsay continued, completely oblivious to the effect she was having.

        She turned her back to the table and proceeded to quickly bounce up and down on her toes. With a start she stopped and contracted her calves. The result was startling: her calves were diamond shaped and looked to be the same hardness. They looked like two lop-sided hearts inserted in the backs of her legs. A hard ridge ran from the interior head of each up to the point it joined the exterior. Lindsay tightened even more and her calves seemed to form an extra layer. Once again her veins fought to the surface. Billy sat on his hands and started to rock in his chair.

        Turning again, Lindsay hiked up the right leg of her shorts. The ensuing flex had to be seen to be believed. Often people call the muscles of the thigh ‘quads’ without realizing the name comes from the fact there are four of them there. There was no doubt about that as far as Lindsay’s leg was concerned. Two diamonds grew out of the top of her knee, the rounded bottom of the inner one slightly lower than the outer. A third diamond grew up and out from between the first two, while a longer, leaner one stretched on a diagonal down the inside of her leg.

        Lindsay relaxed her leg, and in a classic posing move let all the beef on her upper leg swing from side to side twice before bringing it to a sudden and explosive stop. The separation between the muscles was dramatic and startling. The vascularity profound. The leg, which seemed to be almost double its relaxed size, radiated power and strength. Billy had opened his eyes before the display began. The room spun again as his mouth went dry and the blood drained from his brain.

        “I’ve added triples to both my vault and my floor routines,” a relaxed Lindsay stated. “I’m not bragging but thanks to these babies, I have the best springs in the state. Nobody else brings the power to their routines I do.”

        “So …State?” Ryan prompted.

        “State for sure Rye. Count on it.”

        “So you want to try for the title?”

        “What? Here? Now?”

        “Sure, why not Buffy? Let’s see whose new body wins.”

        “OK big man, but remember, you asked for it.”

        “Tough talk Chiquita, put your muscles where your mouth is.” Ryan pulled his chair closer to the cafeteria table and put his elbow down, open hand waiting in the classic invitation to arm wrestle.

        “Oh, it’s on,” Lindsay grinned. This had been an ongoing ‘thing’ between the two since the fifth grade. Lindsay, strong as she was, had never been able to beat Ryan, a very good athlete in his own right. Lindsay took a seat at the table and reached into her backpack and pulled out her science textbook. She put it on the table opposite Ryan’s elbow and her elbow on the book.

        Nadia watched the challenge with interest, she was also watching Billy out of the corner of her eye. It was becoming clear to her the poor boy was in some form of distress. She watched his eyes widen as Lindsay locked hands with Ryan popping her baseball-sized bicep for effect.

        “Ohhhh, God help me,” she was sure she heard him whisper to himself.

        Looking back at Ryan and Lindsay Nadia instantly saw what caused his reaction. Lindsay’s arm was expanding and contracting as she popped her bicep repeatedly.

        “That little gun-show for my benefit?” Ryan smiled down at her. “Just be careful what you wish for big guy,” she smiled. “K, on three. One”


        “Three.” And with that Ryan’s arm expanded while Lindsay’s exploded. The result was a slight waver on Ryan’s part as his arm moved two inches back. Bearing down, his own arm grew as he managed to bring his arm back to even.

        Lindsay’s bicep had swollen to the size of a baseball with a slightly sharpened peak on the end closest to her bulging forearm. It looked like half a brick had been stuffed on an angle into her arm. A split was working its way up from near the crook of her elbow through the center of the muscle. A vein the size of electrical wire snaked out from her shoulder down the center of the bicep. Two more veins forked off it down the outside of her arm into her swollen triceps forming a ‘K.’ Billy whimpered quietly, paralyzed by the display.

        “Is…that…all…you…got?” Ryan said through gritted teeth. Sweat was beginning to appear on his forehead. The sleeve of Lindsay’s tight tee-shirt began to travel up her expanding shoulder as she brought more strength to bear. Ryan’s own arm had flexed to impressive size and he began using his weight and leverage to his advantage.
Veins stood out on Lindsay’s chorded neck as she began to shake with effort. Ryan pressed his arm down, bringing his back and the full mass of his upper body into play. Even though her arm was slowly being forced towards the table it seemed to grow even larger. Through the haze of his swimming vision Billy thought he saw the sleeve of her shirt begin to tear. It was too much.

         Both Ryan and Lindsay were scope-locked on each other with Ryan’s arm two thirds of the way from putting Lindsay’s down. Their concentration was broken by a low moan to their immediate left. “Oh No, no, no, nonononono!” Billy was clearly in a state of alarm. His breathing was rapid and shallow, his face was white, his eyes rolling back in his head, his body frozen with tension until…it suddenly wasn’t anymore. He swayed in his seat, hands pressed in his lap under the table as his eyes returned to focus and his skin went quickly from sweaty pallor to crimson. “Ahhhhhh God no,” Billy whimpered.

        Lindsay’s focus switched instantly from her arm to her friend. “Is he OK?” she asked, concern in her voice.

        Ryan had let go of Lindsay’s hand and was moving towards Billy. “He will be,” Ryan said. “This thing comes and goes with him. Cm’on Dude. Let’s get you some air.”

        “Good idea,” Billy said breathlessly. To Lindsay it looked like Billy was suddenly exhausted, as if he’s just done something really strenuous. She was confused and concerned at the same time. “Seriously, Ryan is he OK? Should we take him to the nurse?”

        “Pretty sure that wouldn’t help at this point,” Ryan said with a slightly amused look on his face. “He’s fine, he just has…circulation issues that pop up from time to time.” Lindsay couldn’t be sure but she thought she heard Nadia stifle a short laugh under her breath.

        Billy stood sheepishly hunched over, holding his backpack with both hands in front of his waist. “I’m fine, Linz, really.” He turned to Ryan and nodded towards the door.
Neither of them spoke until they were just outside the cafeteria, headed for the Boy’s Washroom.

        “Dude,” Ryan said shaking his head. “You have got to develop some self-control.”

        Back at the table a genuinely puzzled Lindsay looked at her large friend who was looking back with laughter dancing in her eyes. “What? Aren’t you worried about him?”

        “I am sure he will be fine. Although this encounter and his ‘episode’ will probably stick with him for quite some time.”

        Lindsay just shook her head and looked out the window of the cafeteria. “Guys, who the hell understands guys?”

        “They are not all that complex,” Nadia replied. “Speaking of guys, you were going to let Ryan win. You could have beaten him.”

        “That obvious?”

        “To me, you were trying to disguise it but you were only using your arm – he was using his whole body, I’m sure he had no idea, Billy certainly didn’t. Why though?”

        “I didn’t see an upside to winning. Ryan is a really good friend, I don’t want to mess that up. You don’t think I did, do you?” Lindsay was clearly concerned.

        “No, I think you both ended up with what you wanted. I think you might understand guys better than you realize.”

Teacher’s Lounge the same day:

        “You would not believe what’s in my freshman homeroom,” Carm Zitto was saying. “This absolute amazon, she’s like almost six feet and built like a brick-outhouse.”

   “Jesus Carm, she’s what? 14 at most,” Dave Dewar was shaking his head.

        “This isn’t sexual, it’s like clinical. If you saw her in the hall you would assume she was new on staff and you’d be trying to get her number. She looks like a super-model crossed with a playmate.”

   “Have you guys seen Lindsay Carter? She’s the most jacked kid I’ve ever seen. She’s going to kill the State fitness tests,” Rachel Mathias sought to divert the conversation a bit.

   “No, but I’ve seen a kid who won’t” Zitto replied. “That new kid, she’s fucking huge. She looks like she ate a buffalo.”

   “So how are the empathy classes going Carm,” Dewar asked. “Can’t be a lot of fun to be her. New school, no friends, stands out no matter what. Kids can be cruel, you know that.”

   “Teachers too, sometimes,” Rachel added. “Before I go any farther down that road, I will say this; that girl, whose name is Nadia Karlamov by the way, is seriously smart. I’ve been looking over the intro writing assignments and she is freaking brilliant.”

   “I’ve got one of those too,” Carley McGregor. “Looks like a typical soccer girl jockette but sharp as hell. Wicked sense of humour too.”

   “Looks like the makings of an interesting year,” Zitto concluded. He had no idea how right he was.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: jcboyd on October 09, 2018, 02:24:06 pm
 :wow: :bravo:

Well done!!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 09, 2018, 06:13:30 pm
Really like this story so far, I like both Lindsay and Nadia, each for their own reasons, Lindsay is smaller, more defined and more hard looking, Nadia is bigger and I would venture to guess stronger. I like that Lindsay is not going to beat Ryan despite the fact she could, just because she doesn't want to demean him and his ego. I also like how you alluded to Billy's condition without bringing too much embarrassment to him, his buddy probably knows, and Nadia seems like she knows too, but Lindsay seemed to be clueless as to why Billy was acting the way he was. So far, a very nice, fun read, I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 09, 2018, 09:37:23 pm
Nadia seems like she knows too
Oh, she knows.
Nadia is a farm girl. So in some ways (this way) she is a lot more worldly than Lindsay.

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 10, 2018, 02:08:46 pm
oh my... fantastic!!!
but I need to write all the names and who they are  :funny:
it is like a TV series
go on!!! K for you!!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: dreamer75 on October 11, 2018, 03:31:49 am
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Really like this story so far, I like both Lindsay and Nadia, each for their own reasons, Lindsay is smaller, more defined and more hard looking, Nadia is bigger and I would venture to guess stronger. I like that Lindsay is not going to beat Ryan despite the fact she could, just because she doesn't want to demean him and his ego. I also like how you alluded to Billy's condition without bringing too much embarrassment to him, his buddy probably knows, and Nadia seems like she knows too, but Lindsay seemed to be clueless as to why Billy was acting the way he was. So far, a very nice, fun read, I look forward to more! k+!
I liked that she was letting him kinda win, it was different. Too often in these stories she would dominate him just for the hell of it.  I love the pacing we keep getting tidbits of Nadia's appearance, everyone i got an easy mental picture except her.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on October 11, 2018, 09:20:04 pm
Great story so far, love the set up and the way you are presenting everyone. Love the awkwardness of Billy's rather "large" condition..........can't wait to see what's under that first layer of protection for Nadia! Hats off to a you, can't wait for more development between the characters!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 12, 2018, 09:00:07 am
Part Three: Flashback - Labour Day.

   It was a glorious late summer day at the lake. Lindsay was glad to be home again after eight weeks of grueling work at Gymnastics Boot Camp. And while she didn’t mind the hard work and loved the results it created, she was really looking forward to just relaxing and basking in the sun before entering high school next week. She all but skipped down the path to the beach after her mom dropped her off.

   Lindsay stopped at the entrance and surveyed the area. She stood straight, as she always did, unremarkable in a ball cap, sunglasses and one of her mom’s oversized tee-shirts. “Over-sized on me,” Lindsay thought with a grin, “skin-tight on her.” She wore the shirt, not out of modesty, but because boot camp had left her with huge areas of un-tanned skin. They were always in spandex or competition suits. Tanning was not part of the routine. The shirt covered her to her elbows and down to the tops of her knees.

   It was coming off, no doubt, but she knew at some point she’d have to put it back on. Some SPF 35 sun block and being careful should help even things out. Or at least make sure she didn’t start school with a painful burn.

   Not seeing anyone she knew well, Lindsay found a spot in the sun about 10 yards from the water. She took her towel out of her bag and peeled off the shirt stretching her dramatically muscled body in the process. With the shirt covering her head for a couple of seconds, Lindsay was unaware of the reaction to her disrobing in her immediate vicinity. About 20 people looked on in admiration and awe at the sudden appearance of a young muscular goddess in their midst. Wadding her shirt up into a ball she dropped it on the towel as a make-shift pillow.

   She took her sandals off stepping onto the towel right behind the shirt. With that, Lindsay bent over backwards until her hands were also on the ground. Obliques tightened while serratus muscles bulged on her flanks. With a quick flex of her quads, she popped up into a perfectly vertical handstand. Triceps and traps were now flexing as she walked on her hands back towards where her feet were. Slowly she lowered herself through a reverse push-up, still straight as a board. Bending at the waist she brought her legs, still straight, toes pointed, to a 90 degree angle. In a wave-like motion she brought her body down to the towel.

   “And a 5 from the Russian Judge,” came a familiar voice from her right.


   Lindsay reacted and looked past her shoulder. Confusion set in as she didn’t see her friend where she thought the voice came from. There was someone there, a tall, very voluptuous, well-built caramel-coloured women was looking at her from behind large, black sunglasses. She was propped up on her left elbow. Lindsay, whose competitive instincts made her reflexively assess the athletic potential of every body she encountered, noted a smooth but solid musculature under a set of improbable curves.

   The women’s left shoulder had a slight bulge to it, there was a subtle bow to the left triceps which showed past a solid bicep. The abs, at least the ones she could see, were visible, but not in an overly dramatic way. Her right quad was bent slightly forward as it draped over her left. It was rounded and obviously firm. The calf was equally shapely in an athletic way, muscle obvious on both sides of her shin. Her ankles and knees were thinner than expected on a body that size.

   Most people would not have seen what Lindsay saw, however. Most people would have noticed the shapely hips flowing down into an improbably narrow waist. Everyone other than Lindsay would have been staring at the remarkable and magnificent chest. Her breasts were large, round and firm. Even though she was propped up on an elbow her left breast almost touched the ground. The right over-lapped it forming an almost perfect curve of deep cleavage. Her bikini top was clearly struggling to contain it all.

   The woman was clearly looking at her, as if expecting a response. “Linz. It’s me.”

   “Sim???” Lindsay was stunned. “What? How? No way…are ... you messing with me…who are you, really.”

   “I swear to God Linz, it’s me. Appearances notwithstanding, It’s really me.”

   “Well, puberty. In my case puberty on steroids, cubed. It came in hot and guns blazing.” With that, Simone took off her sunglasses and Lindsay recognized the face, even though it was a more ‘adult’ version of the one she knew. It was also, Lindsay noted, incredibly beautiful. Jet black hair framed large almond eyes, high cheekbones and full lips. Simone’s family was originally from Trinidad, an island with a very high East Indian population which had, for generations mixed with other Caribbean bloodlines to produce a race of generally tall, exotic and beautiful women.

    “You look like a whole different person, it’s incredible.”

   “It didn’t feel incredible, it felt horrible. Three months of pain and anguish. We think it’s stopped now, at least we all hope it has.”

   “Man, that must have sucked.”

   “It hurt. I could literally feel myself growing. My feet, my knees, my hips and my back took turns trying to kill me. I grew four inches a month, that’s like an inch a week. I’m 5’10 now. The doctors said it was caused by excess production of growth hormones by my pituitary gland. Rare but not unheard of. In theory, even though it was crazy fast, I’m still with in the ‘normal’ range. Which means there probably aren’t going to be any complications or long-term health issues.”

   “Sim, you’re 14. How is this ‘normal?’

   “Normal as in I’m not going to be seven feet tall or end up weighing 500 pounds. But nothing about this feels normal.”

   “Well there’s your new girls.”

   “Ya, Boobageddon. That was/is its own nightmare. You remember Carley’s cousin Becca, how Carley told us they were thinking about a reduction when she was in Eleventh Grade?”

   “Sure, I remember Carley putting her bra over her head as a joke. She was like a DD cup.”

   “She was an E. That means her boobs were like 5/6 inches bigger than her ribcage. I’m an M.”

   “A what? An M!?”

   “I need a 34 M bra. I went up a cup size a week for 12 weeks. My boobs are a foot bigger than my ribs. My chest is 46 inches around.”

   “Damn. Well they look amazing. You look amazing, Sim, really.”

   “Thanks Linz but that’s part of the problem. No guy looks me in the eyes any more, hell most women don’t either. The guys are all drooling and the girls all think I’m going to steal their boyfriends. I’m still a 14-year-old kid. I never asked to be fast-forwarded into adulthood.”

   “Well if it’s goofy and childish you need, I’m your girl. We can battle maturity together.”

   “Thanks Linz. Speaking of battles, it looks like score was Lindsay 1 gym camp zero, you must have slayed it there this summer.”

   “You think? I did put on some mass, about 15 pounds worth. I’m 120 now.”

   “Well that’s a scary looking 120, you look like one of those anatomy posters they put in the gym for health class.”

   “I never think about how I look, really. The muscle is for gymnastics, it’s just a tool.”

   “Well if your routines are as bad-ass as your tool kit, its State for sure babe. To change the subject that is one funky set of tan-lines you’re sporting there.”

   “Ya, we were always in spandex, comp-suits, sports bras, compression shorts. No tanning, but were outside a lot.”

   “Well I have to oil up and I could use your help. I can help re-SPF you too.”

   “Kay,” Lindsay said. Simone nodded to the line of narrow beach cabanas the township had installed. They were really just stalls for getting changed in private after showering the sand off in one of the two outdoor showers at each end of the row. As they stood and walked to the closest shower every eye on the beach followed them. A dark skinned amazon and a stunning compact ball of muscle. It was hard to know where to look.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 12, 2018, 09:01:38 am
Part Three (cont): Flashback - Labour Day.

   The two of them squeezed themselves into a stall and locked the door.

   “You know everyone was scoping you when you showered there Buffy. When you did your hair and all those muscles popped out everywhere you paralyzed about 20 people.”

   “Which is about 80 fewer than you did. My God Sim even I was staring at you, your body is insane.”
This brought a deep sigh. “I know and sometimes it drives me crazy.”
   “Hey one thing gymnastics has taught me is its better to be the thing that makes people look than be one of the ones looking.”

   “I hear you and I’m working on that,” Simone said. “But this is all still new, so it’ll take a while. You’ve been a killer gymnast winning medals for what? Eight years? I’ve been Boobzilla for about eight weeks.”

   Simone reached into her bag and took out a plastic bottle of oil. Answering Lindsay’s impending question she explained: “It’s Argan Oil, it’s made from trees. My Mom got it for me to prevent stretch marks. So far, it’s really worked.”

   With that she took off her bikini and started applying the oil at her ankles, gradually working her way up her spectacular body. Lindsay had not yet reached puberty, her relentless training kept it at bay. To see it in full bloom in the form of her friend was startling. Simone had pubic hair, obviously trimmed, and large dark nipples sitting on the top half of her incredible breasts. With a start, she realized she was staring at her friend’s chest.

   “It’s OK, I stare too, when I look in the mirror. It’s a lot to take in. They’re about the same size as volleyballs.”

   “They’re…it’s…you are incredible, Sim, really. You remind me of a tiger or a champion racehorse, you're like physical perfection.”

   “Thanks but mostly I feel like a drunk stork, I’m still trying to figure out how to balance all this. Do my back?”

   Lindsay took the oil and worked her way down from the solid shoulders to the tapered, proportionately tiny waist. Her touch confirmed what her initial assessment had suggested; Simone had a lot of significant muscle on her tall frame. “You’re on your own here, babe. I draw the line at your butt.”

   “No worries, I got it, it’s bigger but I can still navigate it. These on the other hand are an adventure.”

   The process of applying oil to her chest was involved. This was the spot where the oil was needed most as it was the most concentrated site of expansion. So Lindsay watched, fascinated, glancing down at her own chest (which was all pectoral muscle and no breast tissue) from time to time. Simone lifted each breast with the opposite hand and applied the oil underneath. She then worked from the top down using two hands on each one in turn. She then did the outsides and finished with both hands plunging down her deep cleavage taking extra care to cover the areas where her breasts attached to her chest and rib cage.

   Lindsay was mesmerized by the display. It was just hard to comprehend that much flesh moving around. Simone was looking at her with a slight grin on her face.

   “I’m sorry, but that was…hypnotic.”

   “I know, they follow you around the room, don’t they?” Both girls laughed.

   “Time to lube up Buffy, I’ll do your back.”

   Simone was actually curious about what Lindsay’s body would feel like. And she found herself wondering why. The answer hit her like a brick between the eyes. It felt amazing! She was so hard! Her shoulders, her back had no give at all, even though Lindsay was standing relaxed. The muscles felt…heavy and solid, her skin soft - warm silk over granite. She could literally feel the power in them. She was also feeling something deep inside, something new, something warm, something …nice?

   “Put your arms up,” Simone instructed. As Lindsay did so the muscles in her shoulders and upper back expanded.
“Are you doing that on purpose?” Simone was feeling a little short of breath.

   “Doing what?” Lindsay’s reply was totally innocent.


   “I’m not flexing, I’m just moving. When I move, my muscles move too. Technically they’re doing the moving.”

   “So at the shower, you weren’t flexing either?”

   “No, just moving. This is flexing.”

   Lindsay brought her arms down and just exploded. Simone felt an intense wave of…something… wash over her. Lindsay’s shoulders had transformed into small pumpkins. Three heads fanned out on each side from the connection to her traps. Each head was cut with dramatic striations. The center heads connected with baseball-sized biceps that looked like they were trying to tear out of her skin. Standing behind Lindsay, Simone had a clear view of the deep gap running down her spine between the huge traps and rhomboids. She could also see a hint of an enlarged pectoral muscle peering out on the other side of her right trap. Simone felt…fuzzy.

   She took a step back to try to take in more of Lindsay’s amazing display. Her back seemed twice as wide as her waist, her arms huge, with the long curves of her triceps providing a perfect balance to the dramatic peaks on the tops of her arms. Her forearms looked like two compact hams. Veins were everywhere.

   Lindsay relaxed, rolled her shoulders and then hit the same pose again…harder. Simone was fixated on the large ‘Y’ shaped configuration of veins on Lindsay’s right arm when she heard a soft ‘snap.’ The strap of Lindsay’s bikini which ran across her back was no longer there. The expanding muscle of Lindsay’s back and chest had been too much for it. Simone felt warm and realized that her nipples had suddenly become erect. “Oh God, please don’t turn around,” she thought to herself.

   Lindsay, of course, turned around. Without a hint of embarrassment, she lifted the destroyed top over her head. “Not like I have anything to hide anyway,” she thought. “I was afraid that might happen,” she told Sim. “I’m kinda hard on clothes these days.”

   Lindsay’s attention was drawn to Simone’s nipples. There were huge and hard. They had to be about as wide as the back of her hand. A little more than three and a half, four inches. The tips, which were actually pointed up on a 45 degree angle were almost as long as her thumb, and thicker. Her own nipples were the size of quarters. These were like saucers.

   “Wow,” she said. “You have me seriously beat on the nipple front.” Sim was looking any sign of a relation-ship altering reaction but could find none. Same upbeat, positive, oblivious Linz.

   “So? You gonna do my front?” Lindsay asked. Her face, stance and body language was pure innocence.

   Simone snapped back into the moment and picked up the SPF 35 she had dropped. She put some on her right hand, no point in rushing this, and began to apply it to Lindsay’s abs.

   Warm velvet over hard rubber. “Kinda bumpy Linz, a lot of detail work here.”

   “That’s nothing, I’m relaxed.” Simone was concentrating on Lindsay’s midsection so she didn’t notice her friend raise her arms and clasp them behind her head. It took about a second for Lindsay's comment to register.

  ‘Wait, Relaa’ Simone’s thought was cut short by an eruption of muscle under her hand.

   Warm velvet over steel. The abs under her hand were transforming into bricks. The tips of her fingers were actually bending forward into an inch-deep crevice that wasn’t there before.

    "Oh my God Linz, you’re hard as rock!” Sim reflexively took a step back to take it all in. It was a mind numbing display. Lindsay’s definition was incredible, Simone thought. It was like you could see each individual muscle distinctly and yet all connected at the same time. “Jeeez Lindz, how many muscles do you have?”

   “Same number as you, it’s just that mine are closer to the surface.”

   “No seriously, I’m looking at what? Like, 24 different muscles from the neck to your waist. I can count them.”

   “I know. Right? Here watch.” Lindsay relaxed again and brought her arms down. She put both her arms behind her back and clasped her left wrist with her right hand. She looked down and exploded. This flex quickly reached the level of the first and went slightly past. Every muscle in her core was standing out in sharp relief. Her shoulders and arms, now lowered, were adding to the display. Striations carved her delts which flowed down into bulging biceps and triceps. Veins were appearing in her shoulders, arms and abs.

   “Wow,” Simone managed to choke out.


   “Well what?”

   “Are we gonna wait for sunset or are you gonna finish?”

   “Right,” and Simone resumed her task with barely controlled enthusiasm. She paused when she got to Lindsay’s chest.
Lindsay looked up.


   “Well…you know. Its your chest.”

   “Oh right, here.” Lindsay brought her arms from behind her and grabbed her left wrist again. She held her arms down in front of her and contracted her upper body. The effect was staggering. Lindsay had no breast tissue at all but the exploding pecs sitting high on her thrusting rib cage caused an actual cleavage. Two distinct star-like patterns were formed by the upper and lower pecs. Both caused by grooves running out from the two-inch deep gap down the middle of her chest. “That better?”

   Again Simone was on guard and swimming in a haze of confusion at the same time. ‘Is she messing with me?’ But there was nothing but innocent expectation in Lindsay’s whole demeanor.

   “In for a penny,” Simone said quietly to herself. And, now using two hands, set about finishing the job. When she was done, and feeling relieved and a little drained, Simone stepped back. Lindsay gave herself a quick once over and, obviously satisfied, looked up at her friend. She was once again drawn to Simone’s remarkable nipples.

   “Jeez Sim, your high-beams are still on, what’s with that? It’s not like its cold in here.”

   There were so many ways this could go wrong Simone thought. Best delay this as much as possible.

   “Like I said before, hormones, puberty. This happens all the time, much as I wish it didn’t.”

   “Well one thing is kinda cool,” Lindsay said.

   Where is this going? “Really? What?”

   Lindsay walked over to Simone. She raised the bikini top she was still holding and grabbed it by the inside of each ‘cup.’ With very little effort she snapped the connecting strap in half. Simone bit her lip as her  nipples seemed to tighten and grow at the same time.

   Lindsay took the triangle of fabric that had covered the lower, outer third of her right pec and keeping her fingers on the edges pressed it on to Simone’s swollen left nipple. It looked like a little circus tent, with a center pole and three corners. Each side of the triangle still revealed the outer edge of the dark circle underneath.

   “Damn Sim, your nipple is like bigger than my whole boob. That’s freaking awesome!”

   Lindsay smiled up at her friend and Simone smiled back down shaking her head in wonder.

   "Don't ever change Linz."
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: ame3cv62 on October 12, 2018, 09:27:23 am
i kind of like the dominating part,maybe there will be some of that here,or maybe not,anyway great story so far
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 12, 2018, 09:49:50 am
I hope you have a lot of ideas to write of... because I like so much your story!!!
K for you, and go on please!!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 12, 2018, 12:25:32 pm
How old is Lindsay?
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 12, 2018, 06:13:30 pm
Wow, I loved this chapter, I mean first of all, your description of both Simone and Lindsay is arousing to say the least, you went into such intricate detail, especially concerning Lindsay's muscles, it's hard to believe that a teenage girl could develop such an incredible body. I also loved your description of Simone's reactions to her muscles, she was obviously in awe and lust, but tried to play it off by saying it was all hormones, when in actuality, Lindsay was just turning her on to incredible extents. And the way you described her body, all of her body, I was right there with Simone. Just incredible stuff, I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 13, 2018, 09:44:32 am
How old is Lindsay?
The main 6 characters are 14\15 at this point.

Simone is 14, Lindsay is 14 going on 15.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 13, 2018, 09:49:46 am
Wow, I loved this chapter, I mean first of all, your description of both Simone and Lindsay is arousing to say the least, you went into such intricate detail, especially concerning Lindsay's muscles, it's hard to believe that a teenage girl could develop such an incredible body. I also loved your description of Simone's reactions to her muscles, she was obviously in awe and lust, but tried to play it off by saying it was all hormones, when in actuality, Lindsay was just turning her on to incredible extents. And the way you described her body, all of her body, I was right there with Simone. Just incredible stuff, I look forward to more! k+!

I'm very happy you're enjoying the story so far.  Rest assured this won't be the last time Lindsay causes some tension.  >:D
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 15, 2018, 01:12:30 pm
Are Ryan and Billy older than Lindsey?
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 16, 2018, 08:44:15 am
Part Four: Labour Day continued.

   Lindsay was leaning up against the fence in the beach parking lot waiting for her mom to come and get her. She was reading a book on her phone to kill the time. She was back in sun-block mode, blonde hair tucked up under her ball cap, shirt and shades back on.
Simone’s mom had picked her up about 10 minutes ago. After their encounter in the cabana, the two girls returned to their towels for a couple of hours of basking and catching up. Girl talk. Lindsay had had the foresight to pack a sports bra, primarily if a volleyball game broke out but the thought she might demo her suit had, actually, crossed her mind. She was busting out her clothes on a weekly basis.

   The most exciting things that happened were Simone’s walk to the towels and to the gate when her mom showed up. They were both dozing when a Soca-themed ringtone woke them up.

   “It’s Mom, I gotta bounce”
    “I don’t see any way of preventing that Sim. Pretty much your life from now on.”

   Simone laughed, then looked at her muscular friend with an air of resolve. “Well it is what it is, and it’s all me so I might as well get used to the new normal and just deal.”

   “That’s the Sim I know and love,” Lindsay said with a big smile on her face.

   Sim looked back with a suddenly mischievous expression. “If I’m going to really own all this, might as well start now. Time for a test drive.”


   “Just watch Buffy. It’s show-time.”

   Simone put everything but the towel in her bag. Wearing only her sunglasses and bikini she stood up to her full 5’10. She then threw her arms over her head, grabbing her left wrist with her right arm and stretched. As she threw her chest out and inhaled deeply it seemed to Lindsay her friend had sucked all the air on the beach away from everyone else. “Well she’s got the ‘lung capacity’ that’s for sure,” Lindsay smiled to herself.

   Simone lowered her arms but kept thrusting her chest out and upward. The forward swell of her breasts seemed to be a yard from her subtly powerful back. “Makes sense,” Lindsay reasoned, “look what they have to carry around. I bet she got some serious pecs under there too.”

   Simone was far from done. She placed her hands on her hips and then slowly reached around until they were resting on the top of her full, firm, round butt. She hooked each thumb under the outer leg opening of the bikini. She then pulled her hands back and together. She let go and with a sudden snap the back of her suit bottom disappeared into the deep gap it had previously covered. She then turned to the towel and bent at the waist her back to the crowd rather than the water, Lindsay noted.

   Muted gasps came from several directions at the display of firm calf, tight hamstring and perfect, proud, firm glutes. Simone folded the towel in half, stood up, walked to the other and repeated the deep bend. Now the beach was treated to two volleyball sized breasts in their full, pendulous glory. Simone subtly turned her shoulders which caused her breasts to swing.

   Lindsay didn’t know what to think, this was all new to her. None of her friends had ever done anything like this. Heck, none of them were ever capable of doing something like this.

   “Ahh…Sim, the butt show was impressive enough, but this downward boob technique is going to cause some heart failure.”

   “I’m just owning it, Linz. Call it shock therapy, if they’re going to look all the time I might as well give them something to look at.”

   “Well mission accomplished on that front, Boobzilla, everybody's looking. You going to slide into the sea or demo Tokyo on your way out?”

   “Going downtown babe, stay off the Ginza. Linz, seriously this may seem shallow and vain, but I need to do this.”

   “Go big or go home sista! I’m cheering you every step of the way.”

   “Thanks Linz,” Simone flashed a dazzling smile and set her sights on Tokyo.

   To say she walked to the gate would be like saying sharks eat, eagles fly or cheetahs run. She strutted off the beach, head high, shoulders back each step placed on a direct line which caused her back side to rise, fall and sway all at the same time. Lindsay couldn’t see her friend’s front, but everyone else did. What they saw was a confident smile and two remarkable erect nipples seriously threatening the integrity of her suit.

   “She’s a perfect human machine,” Lindsay thought. “Curves, strength, everything is exceptional, but it all fits and works together. She’s a walking all-star team.”

   While every eye there was trained on the display, these were, by far, the most lucid and rational thoughts on the beach.

   Later, leaning on the fence, Lindsay reflected on Simone’s epic exit. “Jesus, I home Sim learns to use her power only for good.” She smiled at the thought, but there was some real truth in there. Where ever Sim went from now on, she would bring a minefield of assumption and preconception with her.

   "God I hope my puberty isn’t half as messed as hers.”

   Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud splash. It didn’t come from the lake but from across the road. Lindsay knew there was an old quarry there that was fed by a spring. The discovery of the water had forced the cement company that dug it to look for raw material elsewhere. But enough had been dug out to form a rectangle about 60 long and 30 feet wide. The floor of the quarry, while 20 feet down was above the water at one end and sloped down to a depth of 15 feet at the other. 

   It looked, for all the world, like a stone-age swimming pool. It was surrounded by an old split-rail fence. A path snaked its way down to the far side floor. While it was, in the literal sense ‘accessible’ with such a great, people-friendly beach literally across the street, no one ever used it. Yet clearly someone was. Another loud splash. “What the hell?”

   Lindsay wasn’t trying to sneak up on the quarry or whomever was in it, but there was bush all around the edge and the rocky uncertainness forced her to approach cautiously. She managed to find a dip in the brush low enough she could look over it down into the quarry. The first thing she saw was remarkable, the second thing she saw took her breath away.

   Standing in about two feet of water was an absolute bear of a man. There was no other way to describe him. He was huge, a mountain of hair-covered muscle. The distance and lack of anything to create a sense of scale made it hard to judge, but he had to be well over six feet, probably closer to seven than six.

   He was holding a rather large rock, the shape, and probably the size of a medium suitcase. “So snowflake!” he boomed in a deep, accented voice. “This is where I find you instead of doing your chores.”

   The acoustics of the quarry amplified everything, so Lindsay could hear the reply almost perfectly.

   “Papa, it is Labour Day. It is a holiday from labour, not for it.” A soft, clearly feminine voice with a trace of amusement in it. The brush prevented Lindsay from seeing who was taking. Daughter, obviously.

   'Papa' was even more amused. “Pah. Americans, always looking for a way out when they should be looking for a way through.” He then threw the rock, with impressive ease, considering what it must have weighed in the general direction of the speaker. Another large splash, followed instantly by a laughing shriek. Seconds later an air mattress appeared, drifting towards the shallow end of the ‘pool.’

   Lindsay assumed the rock had landed on the far side of the mattress and the resulting ripples, small waves really, were carrying it back. She noticed, however, that the ‘ripples’ weren’t dying off. If anything there were intensifying. The cause became clear seconds later as the man’s daughter languidly breast-stroked into view.

   “…fuck” Lindsay thought.

   The water was so clear, it was almost completely transparent. What it revealed was hard to believe. Her head and absolutely massive shoulders were above the waterline as she alternated between slow forward strokes and pushing the water forward with a cupped hand to ‘surf’ the air-mattress ahead of her. Lindsay could not tell anything about the hair as it was all tucked up in a white vintage bathing cap. She did notice a rectangular tattoo at the base of the neck.

   It was what currently lay below the waterline that had Lindsay’s full attention. Again, her first instinct was to assess. In doing this she realized nothing she had ever seen had prepared her for this. This girl (girl still?) was completely off any scale she had ever imagined, let alone seen. The massive shoulders led down into equally massive arms. An impossibly tapered V descended from huge shoulders to a narrow waist. All the way down huge muscles expanded and contracted. The gap down her spine was inches deep. Her hips had a tight, round curve that swept out and back in to join the most remarkable glutes Lindsay had ever seen. They looked like two car tires side by side. Their shape changed from flaring rhomboid to tight oval as she opened and closed her incredible legs.

   Even from here, Lindsay could see the outer sweep of huge quads on the outside of each leg. Swelling hamstrings glistened in the sun when they broke the surface of the water. Following them down, Lindsay noted the inevitable pair of monster diamond calves. “Go big or go home.” Lindsay thought with an ironic grin.

   The swimmer stopped when the water was about three feet deep. She was about 20 feet from her father. When she stood, it seemed to Lindsay it happened in slow motion. Water tends to magnify things. That didn’t seem to be the case here. Lindsay could still only see her back but that back was staggering, inhuman almost. The sun glaring off the water as it made its way over a veritable mountain range of muscle only helped make the scene more surreal.

   All doubts about femininity were erased when the figure bent over to her right and reached back under the water. Lindsay couldn’t see her front, but a clearly enormous right breast dropped into view between her lat and her arm. Lindsay’s eyes literally bugged out of her head. As the breast and half of the torso submerged Lindsay’s attention returned to the other end of the body and those glorious glutes.

   “If this girl is half a strong as she looks she could fold me up like a pillow case,” she thought.

   As if on cue the body began to shift, then shake. Her back, already massive flared out to an impossible width. The shoulders ballooned into striated mounds of strength. Slowly the body rose from the water, the muscles on her side equally swollen and impressive. There was a sudden implosion under the surface and the girl stood straight up. Lindsay could not comprehend what she was looking at. The girl was standing, relaxed, her arms spread out on a 45 degree angle. She was holding a boulder the size of a kitchen table.

   “So you want to throw rocks Papa?”

   The big man just laughed. “Do your worst Snowflake.”

   “As you wish.” The muscles of her right arm grew to incredible size as she transferred the full weight of the rock to that side. She was holding it with one hand. Her left arm quickly followed and grabbed the top of the boulder. It was clear this was just to balance it as most of the weight was still clearly on her right arm. There was a huge ‘hook’ exploding from the back of that arm. The traps and delts on that side were also expanded. Lindsay could make out the veins in her shoulder and back of her arm.

   The man, who apparently was not new to this didn’t seem worried in the least. He raised his hands slightly and made the universal gesture with his fingers: ‘bring it on.’

   “I warn you Papa, I’m feeling dizzy, I might be suffering from sun-stroke.” The man just smiled and shrugged.

   That was apparently the cue she was waiting for. With a slight grunt she lobbed the boulder at her father. It was 15 feet in the air at the top of its arch. It travelled 18 of the 20 feet between them. The splash was enormous and Lindsay heard a loud crack as the large rock hit the floor of the quarry.

 The man had not moved. He stood, the picture of mirth, completely drenched. They were both laughing as Lindsay couldn’t help herself “Jesus Christ,” she said…out loud.

   The man looked at her, he wasn’t going to see much, a ball cap and sunglasses. No real immediate worry. The girl, on the other hand, was reaching down into the water again. Lindsay instantly ducked and flattened on the ground out of pure instinct. A second later the fence exploded as a rock the size of a basketball blew right through it. It landed 30 feet behind her. Lindsay stayed on the ground with her eyes shut as pieces of fence fell all around her.


   “That wasn’t even the freakiest thing Sim.” Lindsay was in her room that evening on the phone with her friend. A quick review of Sim’s ‘smoke show’ was followed by an account of the events at the quarry.

   “This is a little hard to swallow, Linz.”

   “Says the captain of the ‘overnight amazon club.”

   “Fair point.”

   “About two minutes later I heard an engine, big, loud, I’m sure it was a truck. I figured that was them leaving so I waited a little while longer and went down to where they were.”

   “Why, what was the point in that?”

   “Because I had to see that rock up close. I had to know how big it was.”


   “It was like four feet across, three feet wide and two feet thick.”


   “Sim, I tried to pick up one end of it. I couldn’t do it.”

   “So, heavy then.”

   “Sim, we did powerlift training at gym camp. I can deadlift 300 pounds. I couldn’t move it.”

   “And she threw it like 20 feet with basically one arm.”


   “Jesus Christ.”

   “Ya, that’s what I said. But there’s something else.”

   “Other than the fact there’s a massive, super-strong girl living around here somewhere?”

   “Ya, I figured out what that tattoo was.”


   “It was a barcode Sim. What’s with that?”
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 16, 2018, 09:08:46 am
Nice! Incredible power on display from this incredibly huge, seemingly young girl, who I'm guessing is Nadia, but I could be wrong, could be her younger sister, lol. I'd be okay with anything having to do with younger muscle girls, super strength included. I look forward to more, hopefully sooner rather than later! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 16, 2018, 12:43:41 pm
very very good...
but I hope you are not going into sci-fi, fantasy, or anything else  ;)
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on October 16, 2018, 05:10:26 pm
Great story, love the level of detail in the descriptions of their "assets"........hopefully that was Nadia.....maybe she is in the "Hitman" program (hence bar code tattoo)and being trained for perfection. Can't wait to see where this goes, lots of possibilities. Take your time to develop. Love it so far... K++ for you
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: GreatJustice on October 16, 2018, 05:10:53 pm
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very very good...
but I hope you are not going into sci-fi, fantasy, or anything else  ;)

I say let it go where it goes - just enjoy the writing! It's been great so far, so I'd just sit back and trust the author on this one.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 17, 2018, 08:59:49 am
but I hope you are not going into sci-fi, fantasy, or anything else  ;)

No worries. The only dragons will be on Lindsay's pajamas.

Great story, love the level of detail in the descriptions of their "assets"........hopefully that was Nadia.....maybe she is in the "Hitman" program (hence bar code tattoo)and being trained for perfection. Can't wait to see where this goes, lots of possibilities. Take your time to develop. Love it so far... K++ for you

Thanks. The barcode is a nod to Dark Angel actually.

Nice! Incredible power on display from this incredibly huge, seemingly young girl, who I'm guessing is Nadia, but I could be wrong, could be her younger sister, lol. I'd be okay with anything having to do with younger muscle girls, super strength included. I look forward to more, hopefully sooner rather than later! k+!

Again, I'm happy you are enjoying it. Shooting for Tuesdays and Fridays on the updates.

I say let it go where it goes - just enjoy the writing! It's been great so far, so I'd just sit back and trust the author on this one.

Thank You! On several levels.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 19, 2018, 09:47:41 am
Part Five: Third week of school.

   Ryan, Lindsay, Nadia and Billy were eating lunch in the cafeteria. Simone and Carley were in the library working on math.

   “Shakespeare just sucks,” Lindsay was saying.

   “I don’t know, it’s kinda cool when you get into it Linz,” Ryan said. “There’s a lot going on.”

   “It is beautiful and profound, the man was a genius,” once again Nadia had caused the conversation to stop. Three sets of eyes looked inquisitively at her.
Nadia sighed. “Macbeth is a perfect play for us in Grade Nine. It is all about potential and power and ambition. It is about doing the right thing and what the costs of not doing the right thing might be.”

   “What goes around, comes around,” Billy said. “Bad things happen to people who do bad things”

   “Exactly,” Nadia said with genuine admiration in her eyes.

   “And loyalty, right?” Ryan picked up the tread. “And family and duty and honour.”

   “All of the above.”

   “Drama nerds?? I’m surrounded by drama nerds,” Lindsay was laughing.

   My dad is really into Shakespeare,” Ryan said. “He quotes it all the time when we’re at work.”

   Billy agreed. “Mac Cooper’s: the most literate garage in the tri-state area.”

   “What’s this I see before me? A monkey wrench, handle towards my hand?” Ryan said in a surprising good English accent.

   “You could also quote Midsummer Night’s Dream,” Nadia added. “It features the mechanicals.”

   Billy laughed out loud.

   The enjoyment came to a sudden stop when Billy was suddenly thrown forward into his tray of food.

   “Watch where you’re sitting shrimp.” It was Jason, ‘Truck’ Simmons, a junior lineman on the varsity football team and an all-around jerk. Lindsay and the rest of the crew had heard all about him last year in Grade Eight. They were hoping not to encounter him too early in their high school careers. The word was an encounter was inevitable as Truck was an insatiable bully and spent his spare time seeking out potential victims. Billy had rocketed to the top of his list the second Truck saw him.

   Billy turned and looked up, a look of irritation on his face. “I’m sitting in a chair at a table. Pretty much the first option here. Not sure how that could be a problem, unless you have a problem walking.”

   Lindsay and Ryan both quietly groaned under their breath. Nadia, who had turned in upon herself, was staring intently at Billy through the part in her bangs.

   “I have a problem with lippy little freshmen like you. Jesus you’re small.”

   “I’m what?” Billy stood up.

   “Small, you’re really small.” Truck was sneering but confused the encounter wasn’t going the way these usually did.

   “Well Thank God you pointed that out!” Billy’s voice was loud enough to get the whole room’s attention. “Now everything makes sense. I’ve been walking around all semester wondering why I was looking up at everyone. It’s because I’m small. It all falls into place. Thank you, I was really starting to wonder what was going on.”
Every eye in the room was now looking over.

   “You have a smart mouth, you know that?” Truck was glaring down at Billy, not at all happy about the way things suddenly went sideways.

   “Part of a matched set,” Billy wasn’t backing down an inch.

   “You need to shut it. Now.”

   “And if I don’t?” Ryan, who had a pretty good idea what was coming next, made to stand up, but was stopped by a sudden hand on his forearm.

   “I got this,” Lindsay said quietly.


   “No Rye, you have too much on the line with football. You don’t want this now.” Ryan felt a very solid squeeze on his forearm. He looked at Lindsay and her face was dead serious. “Really Ryan, I got this.”

   Lindsay stood up and dragged her chair over to where Billy was standing in front of Truck. The scraping sound on the floor got everyone’s attention. She placed the chair so that the two chair backs were facing each other about two feet apart.

   “Hey Truck,” Lindsay interrupted the glaring match. “What do you know about gymnastics?”

   “Why would I give a shit about gymnastics? Go away you little skank.”

   “Well,” Lindsay continued, with a big grin on her face. “I know if gymnastics was really easy, they’d call it football.”

   Lindsay had put her hands on the backs of the two chairs and proceeded to lift her feet off the ground, extending them in a forward ‘pike’ position. Billy glanced sideways and was treated to the solid bulge of her triceps stretching out the back of the sleeve on her pink Under Armour tee shirt. As if sensing the attention, Lindsay turned and looked at Billy. His eyes met hers just in time to register the quick wink she shot him. Billy was starting to feel light-headed but fear and concern was keeping him focused.
He noticed Lindsay’s shoulder expanding. She was tucking her knees up to her chest while rotating forward. The rotation continued until her head was pointed straight down. With that Lindsay straightened her legs until they were pointing straight up on a 90 degree angle to the floor.

   “Can any of you big, strong, guys do this?” Lindsay asked.

   “That’s cheerleader shit,” Truck replied with scorn in his voice. Without warning Truck kicked the chair out of Lindsay’s right hand. Those who didn’t watch it bounce across the floor saw something amazing. Those who did, looked back to see something amazing. The first clue was that there was very little noise. No yelp of surprise, no sound of flesh hitting floor, no scream of pain. In fact Billy was pretty sure the only sound her heard was a subdued giggle.

   Lindsay was still inverted. Straight up and down supported by only her left hand on the remaining chair. Billy could see her left lat extending as it took all of the strain of keeping her body stable, were those veins? He wondered as a faint ‘Y’ pattern emerged from under her armpit and down the side of the lat. She turned her head and looked at Billy again. He was wide-eyed. She gave him a look with a slight arch of her eyebrows that said, essentially; ‘no big deal.’

   Although she was showboating, Lindsay was not unaware of her surroundings. A sudden flash of alarm across Bill’s face confirmed what she suspected was going to happen next. Truck kicked out the other chair. This time everyone saw what happened.

   At the last possible second Lindsay gave an imperceptible flex of her left arm and popped about an inch straight up. At the same time she let go of the chair, which crashed across the room. Gravity was still in play but Lindsay and gravity had been doing this dance for about a decade. She fell, if that was really the word, straight down but landed easily on her hands. Triceps pulsed as Lindsay slowly lowered her face almost to the floor.

   With a sudden effort she straightened her arms and shot straight back up into a tucked-forward summersault. She straightened out and landed perfectly right in front of a stunned Truck. Whether it was training or ego, or both, Lindsay could not stop herself from ‘presenting.’ Arms high and wide, head up, chest out.

   “Maybe I should try cheerleading, seems like it might be a decent challenge. Do you guys get time off practice to try to screw up their routines?”

   “You need to just shut up.” Truck was glaring down at her.

   “I will, if you can make me. How about a little contest?”

   Truck wasn’t completely dim and knew that a small, obviously fit, gymnast would have the advantage in any kind of flexibility, cardio-related contest. “Fine, but none of this flippy-shit.”

   “We’ll do it old-school then,” Lindsay smiled. With that she sat back down at the table and offered her right arm, elbow down, palm open. Truck could not believe his luck.

   “Seriously? I’ll rip your arm off.”

   “Well, if you do. I’ll shut up, Billy will shut up and no matter what you say or do to us we won’t complain. To anyone. You get a season’s pass to abuse us.”

   “That’s going to happen anyway,” Truck growled.

   Neither Billy nor Ryan could believe what Lindsay was saying. She was all but guaranteeing a year of torment for herself and her friend. “On the other hand, if I win…”

   “Like that’s going to happen.”

   “If I win,” Lindsay continued, “Billy, me and my friends are off-limits. You leave us alone the whole year.”

   Truck, who was not the fittest guy on the football team, was still big. Huge compared to Lindsay, probably at least double her weight Ryan guessed. He did not see this ending well. Maybe she could put up enough fight in front of the crowd to shame Truck into not being a complete jerk about that. The second the thought crossed his mind he knew how unlikely that was. Truck had a well-earned reputation for living down to people’s expectations.

   “Like THAT’s going to happen.” Truck smirked. “Fine.”

    Ryan could already see the parade of abuse Truck was contemplating as he put his arm on the table. He had to move his elbow back a couple of inches in order to get his hand low enough to grasp Lindsay’s. Nadia smiled under her bangs. Unlike the other two, the scene was playing out mostly as Nadia had expected it to. The two arms made a shape like a capital ‘N’ with Lindsay’s straight up and down and Trucks bent forward at the elbow.

   “Whenever you’re ready,” Lindsay said. Knowing what was coming next, Nadia noted Lindsay was also thinking along the same lines. The compact gymnast was clearly expecting Truck to try to overpower her quickly. Unlike he ‘fun’ match with Ryan Lindsay was braced for a sudden onslaught. Her left hand was grabbing the edge of the table and her body was already leaning in, supporting her arm with her back and legs if needed.

   “On three,” Truck said. “” and of course, he went on two. Truck’s sneer was replaced by a sudden look of confusion. His arm wasn’t going down as he expected.

   Lindsay, for her part, was a study in concentration. Her eyes were focused intently on her hand, which while it wasn’t going back, wasn’t going forward either.
The two hands and their progress were the focus of everyone’s attention, except Billy’s. His expression was no less intent as he watched the brick-like bicep expand under Lindsay’s sleeve. The hem of her sleeve literally travelled up her arm, over the growing peak and back down the other side into the ditch formed by her swelling shoulder and flexing arm. His head swam a little.

   Lindsay was really starting to work hard, as was Truck. He could not believe he had not already put this yippy little bitch down. Sweat was starting to bead on his forehead.
Billy’s head swam even more as a network of veins started working their way to the surface of Lindsay’s skin. ‘No way,’ he thought to himself. ‘How freaking strong is she?’

   “I’m strong enough to beat this jerk,” Lindsay was telling herself. She felt herself slipping into her ‘zone,’ what her high-performance coach called ‘IPS – Ideal Performance State.’ Calm descended upon her. Lindsay’s forearm flexed even more as her wrist came forward and began to bend Truck’s hand back.
Billy could see a network of veins erupt in her forearm. He also noticed Truck’s fingers were starting to go pink.

   “You are a tough, little bitch,” Truck spat from between clenched teeth.

   “Right on the first two,” Lindsay spat back. Her wrist was fully cocked and her arm had passed vertical, heading slowly towards the table. Truck’s arm was shaking, his fingers now white with effort.

   Billy was scope-locked on Lindsay’s upper arm, which now featured a massive ‘K’ of veins plastered to its surface. He could see the power almost sing within the shoulder, biceps and triceps. He heard a quiet ‘rip’ as the seam of her sleeve started to unravel.

   “No…fuckin’…way…” Truck was still unable to process what was happening to him.

A look of predatory concentration was etched on Lindsay’s face.
“Way.” She said as she slammed his arm to the table.

   The gathered crowd was split between members of the football team, not all of whom had been rooting for Truck and the general population, who were all rooting for Lindsay. A cheer exploded from most of the crowd. A groan came from Billy as his eyes rolled back in his head. The last thing he remembered seeing was the sleeve of Lindsay’s shirt part along the seam with a faint riiiip. Nadia smiled, while Ryan shot up out of his chair like an ICBM and clapped Lindsay on the shoulders in congratulations.

   Lindsay was looking at Truck, challenge radiating from every pore. “A bet’s a bet.” She said.

   “Fuck that, you cheated!” Truck shot back.

   “How?” Lindsay asked? “Ask anyone here, that was a fair match.”

   Truck cast around in desperation, but the mood of the crowd was clear; no one was going to back him-up on this.

   “The way I see it you have two options,” Lindsay was saying: “you honour the bet and live with the fact you were beaten by an All-State gymnast, and you wouldn’t be the first football player that’s happened to. Or…you go back on the agreement and the whole school finds out you not only lost to a freshman girl, but you wouldn’t honour your word.”

   Truck’s look was withering. He stood and left the table without a word.

   “That was freaking awesome!” Ryan was all but dancing with joy. “God Linz, that was incredible! Amazing!”

   Lindsay had a huge, electric smile on her face. Just like a competition, she was still coming down off the high. “Wasn’t bad was it?” Turning to Billy, she was taken aback by the vacant look on his face.

   “BB? You OK?”

   He blinked twice as the room swam back into focus. “Huh? Ya, I’m good.” He looked Lindsay in the eye and said in a soft voice; “Thanks Linz.”

   “Hey, no big. Hopefully it works and Truck backs off.”

   “We have not seen the last of him,” Nadia injected. “He will not let what you did go.”

   Lindsay was looking at Nadia weighing the ramifications of what she was saying. Meanwhile Ryan caught Billy’s eye with an inquisitive look. Billy looked down, then up and gave Ryan a look of frustrated exasperation. “Again?” Ryan mouthed. Billy nodded.

   “Best we get going,” Ryan announced helping Billy from his chair while stepping in between his small friend and the two girls. Billy held his backpack in front of himself all the way to the door.

   “Dude, you have got to develop some self-control.”
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 19, 2018, 11:30:52 am
Great stuff, loved what I read here, I loved the muscle description of Lindsay, I loved her balance, and of course, I loved her power! Even though she was much shorter and weighed a lot less than "Truck" she took him down against his best efforts. That was really cool to read! And of course, I couldn't help but laugh at Billy's predicament, he just can't control himself around Lindsay, me thinks there's a crush forming there, maybe Billy can build up enough gumption and self confidence to ask her out? Anyway, k+! on a great story.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 19, 2018, 11:55:18 am
soooo good!!! I love this!!!
you're going to make me write a new chapter about Bianca ;)
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: klaus74de on October 19, 2018, 12:17:10 pm
Awesome story!
Let's see what Nadia has to offer. :woohoo:
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 20, 2018, 10:36:50 am
Great stuff, loved what I read here, I loved the muscle description of Lindsay, I loved her balance, and of course, I loved her power! Even though she was much shorter and weighed a lot less than "Truck" she took him down against his best efforts. That was really cool to read! And of course, I couldn't help but laugh at Billy's predicament, he just can't control himself around Lindsay, me thinks there's a crush forming there, maybe Billy can build up enough gumption and self confidence to ask her out? Anyway, k+! on a great story.

Glad you enjoyed it. Billy's confidence is pretty much tied to his control issues at the moment. He's having a bit of a struggle.

soooo good!!! I love this!!!

Thank You.

Awesome story!
Let's see what Nadia has to offer

Thanks. We will see more of Nadia...eventually.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: shamus0013 on October 20, 2018, 03:16:32 pm
Haven't had much of a chance to chime in on this, but I love this story! Can't wait to see where it goes!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 23, 2018, 09:44:48 am
Part Five cont: The next morning.

   Nadia was looking at the sky when she stepped off the bus into the school parking lot. Lindsay noted, not for the first time that the bus actually rose a bit when she did.

   “Jesus, what does she weigh?”

   Nadia’s weight was hard to estimate in part because she was just off the charts and in part because she always wore a lot of bulky, loose clothing. Today was no exception; she had on her customary plaid farm shirt and overalls. She was wearing a white wool sweater which had to have taken three sheep’s worth of wool over all that. Work boots completed the ensemble.

   “Good morning my friend,” Nadia flashed a rare smile.

   “Hey Nadia.”

   “It is a beautiful day, no?”

   “How can you say that? We have that Shakespeare test today. Shoot me now.”

   “That makes the day even better,” Nadia said. Lindsay muttered something incomprehensible but almost certainly profane under her breath. They were heading through the parking lot, cutting through the rows of cars on a direct line towards the main entrance. Nadia was walking at a steady pace, head, uncharacteristically, up taking in the morning sky. Lindsay paused behind her to check out her reflection in the side window of a parked car. Satisfied she was presentable Lindsay made to continue and stepped out between two parked cars.

   A huge roar shattered the morning air. Nadia’s head snapped around in time to see a huge, black Ford F150 pick-up truck with tinted windows accelerating down the lane between the lines of parked cars. The truck was headed right for Lindsay.

   Lindsay looked at Nadia in time to see horror flash across her face. A second later she turned right and learned the reason. The truck was yards away and seemed to fill the world. Every nerve in her body screamed ‘MOVE,’ but for some reason she couldn’t. Lindsay felt a sense of detachment, like this wasn’t really happening to her. Strangely, she wasn’t concerned at all.

   The next moment the world went white.


   “Lindsay? Lindsay?....”


   “Easy, easy” said an unfamiliar voice with a slight accent. She was lying down, on a bed? It was warm, things smelled like liniment, no, no…like alcohol. “You’re in the nursing station. You had a fall. Try to open your eyes, slowly.”

   Lindsay complied and was surprised to find the room was almost dark. “It’s OK, we’re just taking precautions in case you’re concussed. I’m going to shine a light in your eye. Let me know if it hurts or you feel dizzy or or you like you want to vomit.”

   Lindsay nodded and braced herself. There was light but no pain. The room gradually brightened a few degrees.

   “Can you focus on my finger? Good. Now just follow it.” Lindsay tracked the finger left, right, down, up and back down.” A concerned face swam into focus behind it. “Welcome back Miss Carter, how do you feel?”

   “O…Kay,” Lindsay managed. She gave her head a slight shake. No problem. She felt two hands grasp the sides of her neck and probe gently. No problem.

   “Can you turn your head for me?”

   Lindsay turned her head right and left. “Good, good. I am Ms. Bauch, by the way. Your school nurse. Could you lie back please?” Lindsay did as she was asked. The nurse gave her a brisk but thorough examination of her neck, arms, legs and back. Lindsay offered each limb as asked as the nurse probed and manipulated each in turn. She made a series of grunts and noises as she did this, all of them seemed to be affirmative.
   “Well, you seem none the worse for wear. No signs of concussion or any skeletal damage. In fact you are barely bruised, which seems remarkable given what apparently happened.”

   “What happened…..” Lindsay’s mind scrolled back to the parking lot.
   “Can you tell me what you remember?”
   “I remember a truck coming at me. I remember freezing. Then…white, I remember white. It’s like I have bits of it but it doesn’t make sense, I remember rotating, I was in a tumble, I know what that feels like. But there was no control. I was along for the ride, not doing it myself. It was soft and hard at the same time. I was warm, everything was quiet and it smelled….nice? I don’t remember an impact, but there must have been one, right?”
   “Well, as I understand it you were almost hit by a truck in the parking lot. Somehow you avoided it. You lost consciousness and were brought here by your friend Nadia. You show no signs of being hit, some of this is probably due to luck but also your condition.”

   “My, sorry? What condition?”

   “Ach, sorry, I have the wrong word, your conditioning. You are, as I’m sure you are well aware, an exceptionally fit and healthy young woman.”
   Lindsay nodded. “I guess.”
   “You are a gymnast, no?” Lindsay nodded again.
   “I would assume your experience and the fact your brain and body are accustomed to being thrown around are contributing factors as well.”
   “Makes sense, I guess.”
   “I see no reason to keep you here Lindsay. You may return to class. Here is a note for your teachers. If you feel dizzy or unwell, or have trouble concentrating you should come back here right away.”
   “OK, thank you very much.”
   “You are quite welcome.”
   Lindsay made her way down the hall but she was still thinking about what happened. She still had another half hour until lunch and was debating if she should go to English. She had a ‘get out of jail free card’ in the note from Ms. Bauch, she wouldn’t have to write the test. But…she should still go. Right? She passed one of the school’s mandatory hand sanitation stations. The sign read “Clean hands prevent illness.”
   “Hands.” She stopped dead in the hall. “Big, hard, callused hands. I remember hands around my head and neck.”
   Shaking her head, Lindsay decided to quickly duck into a washroom, check herself over and then go deal with English. As she opened the door she heard a high-pitched voice in obvious distress.
   “Nyet, nyet, o, moya bozh'ya mama sobirayetsya ubit' menya!”

   “Hello?” Lindsay thought it was a good idea to give a little warning. A sudden ‘clunk’ sound echoed through the room and then silence. Lindsay rounded the corner to find Nadia standing in front of one of the sinks. She had a look of near panic on her face. She had obviously been scrubbing furiously at the sink. Her white sweater had dirt all over the back, sleeves and shoulders. Her hands were covered with black dust.
   Relief flooded across her face.
   “Ohhh Lindsay. It is you. Are you Okay? I was so worried about you but the nurse would not let me stay with you.”
   “I’m fine. Really. She checked me out and gave me a note, but I’m fine. What happened?”
   “That truck was going to hit you and you dove out of the way. When I got to you, you were asleep, unconscious I guess. I took you to the nurse.”
   “That’s so weird. I don’t remember it at all. I don’t have a bump, or a headache or anything.”
   “I am glad you were not hurt. Whoever was driving that truck is an idiot.”
   “What about you?” Lindsay asked her large friend. “You seem…upset.”
   “Oh…it is not serious, in a way. I tripped running to get to you and rolled on the parking lot. I got my sweater dirty. My mother knitted it for me and she will not be pleased.”
   “I’m sure she’ll understand,” Lindsay offered.
   “You have not met my mother,” Nadia said with a rueful look. “I am very, very happy you were not hurt, and I really should be concentrating on that.”
   “Well, thanks. I’m glad I’m not hurt too.”
   “I am very new at making friends, you are…special to me. I would not like to have to start over.”
   Lindsay did a double take. “Was that a joke?” She asked with a bemused look.
   “It was…an attempt.”
   “Keep working on that. Seriously, I am totally in on being friends. You are really cool.”
   Nadia searched Lindsay’s face for signs of mockery or deception. She found none. On reflection this made sense as Lindsay was almost totally without artifice, Nadia noted. The young gymnast was exactly who she presented herself to be and never pretended to be anything else.
   “Thank you.” Nadia looked so grateful it almost hurt. After a few moments, the big girl refocused and looked into the distance as if she could see through the frosted window. She sighed and set her shoulders. Decision made. “I must go. I am glad you are well.”
   Lindsay was half expecting a hug or an embrace of some kind but Nadia headed straight out the door.
   “Huh.” She took a step towards the sink to check herself out in the mirror. As she leaned on the sink the entire front half of it suddenly gave way and crashed to the floor.

   “What the….?” She found herself surrounded by chunks of porcelain scattered all over the floor. “I barely touched it,” she thought.
   By the time she dealt with explaining what happened to the custodian and then getting her English sorted lunch was in full swing. The cafeteria was buzzing. Something had happened,
   “Linz, hey Linz!” It was Carley. She made her way to the usual table. Carley, Simone, Billy and Ryan were all there, eating. Nadia was nowhere to be seen. She was all but overwhelmed by a barrage of questions about what happened, was she hurt and how she was feeling now.
   “Guys, guys, I’m fine, really.”
   “Well, I’ll tell who’s not fine,” said Carley with an absolutely wicked look in her eye. “Truck Simmons.”
   “Why? What happened to him?”
   “Well nothing to him, except maybe the biggest load of karma ever,” Carley said.
   “More like truckma,” a gleeful Billy added.
   “Dude, really?” Ryan was shaking his head but smiling all the same.
   “Guys? Nurse’s office. Out of the loop…someone want to bring me up to speed here. Slowly?”
   Since Carley had basically started the roll, the unspoken consensus was she got to continue. “Kay. You know that was Truck driving the truck that took a run at you this morning?”
   “Whaaa? How do you know that?”
   Ryan jumped in. “He was bragging about how he scared you in the parking lot this morning. The whole team knows about it. Besides that truck is pretty much infamous here. You just didn’t recognize it because you’re new.”
   “That dick! I guess it was too much to hope that he’d keep his word.” Lindsay was clearly angry.
   “Well, before you go plotting your revenge, someone, or probably a bunch of someones beat you to it.” The glee on Carley’s face was electric.
   Lindsay cocked her head in an inquisitive look. “How?”
   “They flipped his truck.”
   “They what?”
   “His truck, the one he took a run at you with. It got turned over. It’s sitting on its side in the parking lot. Probably not wrecked but there’s got to be a ton of damage.”
   “Who? How?” Lindsay was still processing the news.
   “No one knows, but it would have taken a whole bunch of people to do it, that thing weighs tons," Billy interrupted.

   "An F-150 weighs about 4,500 pounds," Ryan said. "Two and a quarter tons."

   Carley shot both boys a withering glare. "You done?"

    Billy flinched and Ryan bowed his head sheepishly.

   "For the record Interruptus Rex, it would have taken about 20 solid guys to do it. Looks like you and Billy have a fan-club.” As usual, no one doubted Carley's math.

   “I don’t know…” Lindsay couldn’t see a group of people leaping to her defense this early into freshman year.
   “No, we do for sure,” Simone said. “Tell her the best part.”
   “The best part,” Carley continued. “Is they left a message. They scratched ‘Keep your word’ on the door.”
   “Keep your word?”
   “Wow. So we have someone looking out for us. How did that happen?” Lindsay looked at Billy eyebrows raised.
   “No idea,” Billy replied. “I’m just glad it did. It’s Truckma.”
   “Truckma,” Carley agreed.
  “You guys are sick, you know that? Right?” Ryan was shaking his head again.
   “Yep, we both have acute cases of hyper-cognition,” Carley smiled.
   Lindsay rolled her eyes and would have said something as well until she realized they were short a member.
   “Hey, any of you guys know where Nadia is?” This was a trickier proposition than for the rest of them because Nadia did not, as far as they knew, have a cell phone. You had to actually be standing in front of her to ‘communicate’ with her. Simone, Billy and Carley shrugged.
   “She went home,” Ryan said.
   “Really? I just saw her in the washroom about an hour ago. She was upset, but I thought she got over it.”
   “She said she couldn’t wear her sweater but really wasn’t looking forward to her mom’s reaction,” Ryan said. “Not that I blame her.”
   “That’s what she was freaking about in the washroom,” Lindsay said shaking her head, non-comprehension evident in her face.
   “Well, that’s a really nice sweater and brake dust is a bitch to clean,” Ryan said.
   “Sorry, what? Brake dust?”
   “Ya it was all over both sleeves and her hands. You have to use rim cleaner to get it out.”
   “When did you become a laundry expert?” Lindsay asked with a smile although in truth she was actually impressed.
   “Hey, grease-monkey, remember? I know brake dust when I see it and Nadia’s sleeves and arms were covered in brake dust.”
   “I wonder how that happened.” Lindsay asked no one in particular.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on October 23, 2018, 04:40:36 pm
Really great story, love how each person in the group contributes unknowingly to your story.......keep it going, best new story here right now. K++
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 23, 2018, 06:07:30 pm
I'm guessing it wasn't 20 people who flipped the truck, but one incredibly muscular Russian person who went home because she got dirt on her sweater. My question is if someone as strong as her can fear what her mother's reaction would be, how strong must her mother be?! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 24, 2018, 06:00:14 am
Haven't had much of a chance to chime in on this, but I love this story! Can't wait to see where it goes!

I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm kinda curious about where it goes as well. So far - for example the bathroom scene - things have been popping up as I write. Fun for me too.

Really great story, love how each person in the group contributes unknowingly to your story.......keep it going, best new story here right now. K++

You are very kind. Thank you. I'm still building the six different personalities and trying to give them each something significant to contribute. Very happy that's working for you.

I'm guessing it wasn't 20 people who flipped the truck, but one incredibly muscular Russian person who went home because she got dirt on her sweater. My question is if someone as strong as her can fear what her mother's reaction would be, how strong must her mother be?! k+!

How strong indeed? All I'm going to say now is that no one in Nadia's family is 'normal' on that front. And there's strength and then there's power. I think we've got a pretty good indication of where the power in Nadia's family lies.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: spoonmaster on October 24, 2018, 08:04:59 pm
Fantastic story.  I'm loving it so far.  Seems like Nadia might have given Lindsay a little gift.  Can't wait to see where this goes!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 26, 2018, 09:42:26 am
Freshman year Part Six: The cafeteria the next day.

   “Library? Carley asked.

   “Library, math beckons.” Billy agreed. “Sim?”

   “Shoot me now,” Simone said as she stood up. For Billy it all happened in slow-motion. Simone tilting forward, her foot-long, mile deep cleavage calling him. Simone straightening, her chest coming at him like an Orca coming out of the water. Rising, rising, huge, round, epic, primal, perfect. Simone’s chest ascending past his eyes, now above his head, gathering, settling, with a bounce then a second. Simone’s arms rising above her shoulders, extending straight up. Simone stretching, thrusting her chest out even farther in the process.  A faint whimper escaped Billy’s lips. His head swam.

   Her voice came to him as if she was at the other end of a tunnel. “Gotta bounce. BB you coming?”

   Billy, still sitting, had to literally look over the tops of her staggering breasts to see her face. He was looking ill. “Later, gimmie a sec, I’ll come later,” he croaked.

   “OK, seeya in a bit.” And to Ryan and Lindsay. “Later.” Carley and Simone left, their departure, specifically Simone’s, causing a funnel of attention from the table to the door.

   Ryan had a smirk on his face. “Circulation issues?”

   Billy shot him a rueful look in return. “Oh ya. Big time.”

   “Must be hard.” Smirk.

   “You have no idea.”

   “You might want to check out a self-hypnosis book or something.”

   “It helps to focus on the math. I’m good now. Or I will be by the time I get there.”

   Billy stood, grabbed his backpack, and walked, somewhat awkwardly Lindsay thought, to the door of the cafeteria.

   That left the two of them at the table. Lindsay was grateful for the company while she finally got to eat her lunch. However, it wasn’t long before she noticed he seemed a little uncomfortable, as if he was struggling with something.
   “Ryan,” Lindsay was looking right at him. “What?”
   “Rye, it’s not nothing. Spill.”
   Ryan took a deep breath, blew it out and plunged in.
   “You beat Truck arm-wrestling.”
   “Aaaannd……that’s…..bad?” She was worried about where this was going.
   “No, no. It’s not bad, it’s great in fact. It was so cool watching you do it. You were just, like in a zone of intensity, it was awesome.”
   “You think?” Lindsay was pretty sure he was sincere, but that didn’t make her feel any less nervous. Ryan met her gaze and looked her right in the eye.
   “One of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. I thought you were crazy to challenge him.”
   “I couldn’t let you do it. It could have messed up football for you. No matter who won the coach would not have been happy about it.”
   “I really appreciate that Linz. But that’s not it. You beat Truck. How come you didn’t beat me?”
   And the bomb finally dropped.
   “Because I couldn’t.” The moment the words left her mouth, Lindsay knew they would not ring true.
   “So help me with the logic here,” Ryan said. “I beat you. You beat one of the nastiest guys on varsity, so I should be able to beat him too.”
   “Ahhh ya. Obviously.”
   “Funny thing is we arm wrestle on the team all the time.” Lindsay really didn’t like where this was going. “Cool,” she said.
   “I lose to guys Truck just hammers, how does that work?”
   “Linz, just because I play football it doesn’t mean they scooped out my brain. You let me win.”
   “Oh God…Rye…” Lindsay, staring at her lunch on the table, was awash with remorse.
   “Linz. Linz, look at me.”
   She looked in his pale blue eyes. ‘Jesus he’s good looking, wait what? Bad, I’m bad, focus on this.’ Her thoughts were everywhere.
   “Linz. It’s cool.” Total sincerity. “Just why?”
   “OhGodRyanI’msuchadumbstupidselfcenteredgymnastabitch, I’m so sorry, please don’t be mad.”
   “Linz, I’m not mad. I will be if you call yourself that word again. Nobody calls my best friends that, not even themselves. Linz…just tell me why.”
   Lindsay blew out a long breath, studied the light fixtures for about 10 seconds and then refocused on Ryan.

   “I owe you an apology.”

   “Linz, I already said I don’t care that you can beat me, I care that you didn’t.”

   “That’s what I need to apologize for, sort of. I am sorry I did not have enough faith in you and our friendship that I thought beating you would hurt our relationship. And that’s so stupid because I’ve known you forever and I just went brain dead.” Spent, she refocused on her lunch.
   “Apology accepted.” Ryan was expecting that to be the end of it, but one look at Lindsay let him know it wasn’t. That one just impacted on the surface, he thought to himself. She was rolling now.
   “Rye, I don’t know what to say, I’m so sorry and I care for you so much I just didn’t want to mess that up, but in trying to not mess it up I messed it up and I’m messed up about messing things up trying not to mess things up.” There was a bang on the table and Lindsay stopped.
   Even though she really didn’t want to, she looked up.
   Ryan had banged his head on the table. He was bent over, holding himself, shaking. She could see his ears were crimson, presumably the rest of him was too. She felt an overwhelming wave of loss.
   Ryan suddenly straightened. His face was red, his eyes were streaming tears, his nose was flaring and his mouth was compressed into a water-tight….grin?
   “BWWAAAAHHAHAHAH!” He exploded. “Oh……..God….you are….epic! That was the most twisted, messed up apology I’ve ever seen.”
   “You’re not mad?”
   “Mad? I’m in pain I’m laughing so hard, how can I be mad?”
   “It’s just…I mean…I thought…”
   “Stop,” Ryan said. “\just...stop. That’s what got you in trouble in the first place.”
   “Thinking! Coach has a saying, and I’m starting to see the truth in it in ways I never imagined: ‘Don’t think, you hurt the team.”
   Ryan sighed. “Linz, cards on the table. I care for you more than anyone other than maybe Bill. There is nothing you can do that will change that. Yes, I’m a guy, and we have egos and we’re shallow and in puberty we’re all scattered and moody and our brains turn off. But I’m your guy. You know what? I think that fact you’re stronger than me is cool.”
   Lindsay’s look was pure disbelief. “Cool?”
   “Hell, ya! Look at me Linz. Cool, I think you and your strength are really, really cool. Kinda hot too.”
   “OOO Ick, Ryan no.”
   He rolled his eyes. “No Linz, not like that, like smokin’ y’know like impressive.” Actually, he thought to himself. It was pretty much exactly like that.
   “You’re not intimated? This doesn’t bother your ego?”
   “Look, Nadia was right about what she said. But she’s right generally, not specifically.”
   “Just because most people think that way, doesn’t mean everybody thinks that way. No matter how strong you are it doesn’t change me. I can only control who I am, what I do and how happy I am about it.”
   Lindsay was interested and puzzled at the depth the conversation was taking on. ‘Boy I really did sell him short,’ she thought.
   “I don’t have to define myself in relationship to others, and I don’t. You are stronger than me, Nadia is bigger, Carley is smarter, Sim is more creative and Billy has a bigger…ah vocabulary. None of that changes me. My dad likes to quote old movies all the time and the one he’d use now is ‘there’s always a bigger fish.”
   “Is that from that shark movie?”
   “No, it’s from one of those space wars movies, The Return of the Revenging Jelly Empire or something. The point is your strength is a real thing, no point pretending it’s not. I can treat it as a positive or a negative. Really there’s no choice, because your strength is part of you, so it HAS to be a positive.”
   “Rye. You are the coolest person I know. Please keep keeping me in line.”
   “No worries Linz, I’m all in on that.”
   The two of them just stared out the window for a short while.
   “So Linz?”
   “Just how strong are you?”
   “I don’t know. Pretty strong, I guess.”
   “I think you’re a little past that.”
   “I’m honestly not sure. I was the strongest one at camp. But we don’t train to get stronger to lift more, we train to get stronger to be better gymnasts. I get that I’m strong, but it’s just like balance, coordination, concentration or creativity; it’s an ability gymnasts need to be good.”
   “I’ll say this though,” Lindsay wasn’t sure why she was doing this, but she was getting that nice warm feeling in her core as the thought entered her mind. “I like being strong. It feels good.”
   Something deep within Ryan went ‘click.’ “Really?” He was starting to feel like Billy did 10 minutes ago.
   “Ya. Wanna find out?” Fuzzy.
   ‘Oh damn’ he thought as things started to get tight.
   “Find out what?” Things were starting to swell.

   “How strong I am?” Very warm and fuzzy.

   “Sure, that’d be cool,” things were really hard now.

   “Great,” Lindsay’s face was a glowing innocent smile. “You’re the best Rye, I’m lucky to know you.” Fuzzywarmfuzzywarm…sparks?

   “We’re both lucky Linz,” Ryan was rigid.

   “Well, I won’t be if I don’t get my butt to class,” Lindsay said. Glow fading.

   “K, go ahead, I got to hit the washroom, I’ll see you later.” Still stiff.

   As he watched Lindsay leave the room he was struck by the overwhelming physicality of her. She didn’t walk as much as she just put her feet on the ground. Like gravity was just an inconvenience. Her rock hard legs. The small diamond gap they formed where the epic thighs converged under those two perfect, round cheeks. The tiny waist, the improbable V of her back, the round, powerful shoulders, the sculpted arms always on the verge of exploding.

   ‘Jesus. I don’t have enough loose skin to blink.’

   He realized he had crossed a threshold. He wasn’t sure what to think about that.  Large parts of him, one in particular, were screaming ‘Don’t think, you hurt the team!’
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: spoonmaster on October 26, 2018, 10:57:08 am
You can't just have Lindsay offer to show Ryan how strong she is and just end it!  Now I have to, uh... go to the bathroom.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on October 26, 2018, 01:06:14 pm
ok, my English is not so good, so I don't understand some parts, but I appreciate a lot the story!!! fantastic!!!
K for you
and as always, I can't wait for more...
(and I'll try to read again and again to understand what I didn't)
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 26, 2018, 05:08:13 pm
I really enjoyed this chapter, it wasn't because there were any great feats of strength or muscle description, though the description of Simone's cleavage was quite nice, it really furthered the storyline as a whole and Lindsay's and Ryan's characters, which was good to see, plus it gave us future opportunities just to see how strong Lindsay is, which I'm very much looking forward to. K+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 27, 2018, 09:40:26 am
You can't just have Lindsay offer to show Ryan how strong she is and just end it!  Now I have to, uh... go to the bathroom.

Sorry about that. Sometimes the breaks in the story dictate a pause in the action. The torture is just a by-product  - sort of. Rest assured what you're hoping for is coming up next.

ok, my English is not so good, so I don't understand some parts, but I appreciate a lot the story!!! fantastic!!!

Thanks. Hang in there. All the teenage slang is complicating the translation I'm sure.

I really enjoyed this chapter, it wasn't because there were any great feats of strength or muscle description, though the description of Simone's cleavage was quite nice, it really furthered the storyline as a whole and Lindsay's and Ryan's characters, which was good to see, plus it gave us future opportunities just to see how strong Lindsay is, which I'm very much looking forward to. K+!

Thanks. I'm trying the mine the nature of strength and our relationship to it a little here. The first test is right around the corner.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on October 30, 2018, 09:34:32 am
Freshman year Part Seven: A surprisingly hot October Saturday at the lake.

   It was one of those magical days that can only happen in the fall close to the Canadian border. A freak high-pressure area had settled against the mountains and created temperatures in the high 70’s (F). The cloudless sky was a crystalline blue and seemed to reach up without limit. The sun was bright and soft at the same time and the air was crisp and warm.
   Carley came up out of the lake like a Polaris missile. “Waaaaahhoooo!” she yelled as she arched over the water, the sun gleaming off her soccer-hardened body. Hanging around an amazon goddess and a walking anatomy chart tended to limit the amount of attention Carley got from others. Left on her own, however, people - especially people with Y Chromosomes quickly noticed her.
   Carley stood 5’7”, most of which seemed to be legs. Years of soccer had hardened her lower body to the point there was no give in anything below her waist. Front or back. Senior boys were constantly talking about the freshman soccer girl with ‘the epic ass.” And, from a purely architectural standpoint they were not wrong. It was perfect.
As pleasing as her undercarriage was to look at it was even more functional. Carley was the fastest freshman in the school, male or female. She had the best vertical jump of any freshman, male or female. The basketball coach had wasted no time at all recruiting her.
   On this rare fall day her body was on full display. The sun was low enough on the horizon that she could expose her skin to the air. Her Scots heritage was obvious, with brilliant red hair, deep brown eyes and freckled skin so white it was almost pale blue. “I don’t tan,” Carley would say. “I go straight to stroke.” That skin was stretched across a toned and solid upper body which was clearly in the last stages of puberty. “Healthy,” was the way her mother described her in classic Scots understatement. “Carley’s a healthy young girl.” Healthy like a racehorse her dad would have added, if he’d been feeling suicidal.

   Carley hit the water about 10 feet from her launch point and submerged. Her feet found the bottom and she rocketed back up to the surface. When she emerged again, it seemed to Billy standing neck deep, that it was in slow motion. Face, solid shoulders, more solid arms, reaching up, dragging the hair off her face and pinning it behind her head, lean biceps slightly flexing, breasts lifted by the motion, water dripping from her top…..

   “Dude? Dude…ah Jesus, Dude.” Ryan’s voice brought him back to reality.

   “I’m good, I’m good.”

   “Focus Dude, there’s a lot on the line here,” Ryan said. He didn’t say what he was thinking at that moment which was ‘don’t, whatever you do look to my left.’ Saying it would guarantee Billy would look and Ryan knew in his bones that if Billy saw even the little bit of Lindsay’s glistening, tanned muscularity evident above the waterline it would be several minutes before her would be able to throw Billy off his shoulders.

   The bet was simple, who could throw whom farther. After some negotiations it was determined the best match would be the combined power of Lindsay’s body and Carley’s legs against the power of Ryan’s larger body aided by Billy’s lesser weight. The fact it caused a spilt along the gender line just added spice to the contest. At stake: Ice cream bars.

   Carley stood, yards away with mock challenge in her eyes. Maybe not so mock, Ryan thought.

   “Any day now there pigskin,” Carley said invoking the football/soccer mockery they had shared for years.

   “Gimmie a second roundball, my eyes need to adjust to the blinding glare coming from that direction.”

   “Don’t mock a Scot, big guy. You’ll pay the price for four generations.”

   Ryan turned to Bill and nodded. “K, let’s do this.”

   He submerged and felt Bill climb on his back. He reached back and put two hands under the butt he knew would there. He lifted Bill up until he felt his feet settle on his shoulders. Ryan set his own feet, raised up a bit and then squatted back down. Billy tapped his head once. Ryan leaned slightly forward and, as they had done for years began a silent three count.

   Once again the lake erupted as a smallish teenage boy exploded out of the water. Billy had timed his jump from Ryan’s rising shoulders perfectly and was soaring across the surface of the water like a miniature Superman. He hit the water like a knife, two full feet past where Carley was standing with amazement on her face.

   The lake where he hit was over his head so he had to tread water when he resurfaced.

   “THAT WAS AWESOME!” Lindsay was beside herself in admiration. “BB, you should seriously think about gymnastics, you’re a natural in the air.”

   “Comes from being thrown around a lot,” he laughed.

   Carley was less enthusiastic in her praise. “Looks like I wasted my summer at soccer camp when I should have been coming to guy-throwing practice.”

   “It’s only a loss if you don’t learn something from it roundball,” Ryan was grinning. “And what have we learned?”

   “That the fragile male ego is a powerful motivator for one.”

   “Damn straight. Bill and I have made our peace with our massive load of insecurities, we’re good with it. The important thing is we are careful to only use this power for good.”

   Billy swam towards shore, and was first to the four beach towels they had lain under two large Umbrellas. Ryan followed and plopped down just in time for the two girls to be in earshot.
“Pay up.” He grinned.

   Lindsay gave a good-natured ‘you win’ expression, grabbed some money from her beach bag and led Carley to the concession stand.

   “Dude,” Ryan said as he watched two extraordinarily fit bodies pad across the sand, “I’m not sure this view isn’t the real prize, and the ice cream is just a bonus.”

   “Hear you,” said Billy who was still, mostly on his stomach craning his neck to look over his shoulder. “We’re kinda crossing a line here tho, aren’t we?”

   Ryan sighed. “Ya, what do you do when your buddies turn into smokin’ hot babes? We’re not even talking about Sim who’s probably the hottest babe in the whole school. We have a very cool thing with those guys. Best we don’t screw it up.”

   “For sure. You’re totally right on this, but if I’m going to treat Sim like she’s just a buddy she’s gonna have to start wearing tents or something. I can barely think when she’s around.”

   “Only enough blood to use one head at a time?”

   “Dude! Really?”

   “Tell me I’m wrong.”

   Billy sighed. “You’re not wrong. It’s driving me crazy too.”

   The girls returned with ice-cream bars. The four settled in enjoying the day.

   “So Rye?” - Lindsay’s voice.


   “Wanna find out a little?”

   Oh shit. “Find out what?”

   “You know. Let’s call it round two.”

   Oh shit-fuck. “What do you have in mind?”

   “How about a lift off?”

   Shit-fuck-shit. “How’s that gonna work?”

   Lindsay was looking around and then an idea hit her: “We can use Carley.”

   “Ya, that’s me ‘Dead weight MacGreggor,” Carley jumped in. “Not like I have feelings, or a brain or anything to contribute outside of 150 lbs of soccer playing body.” Turning to Lindsay she asked: “What have you got in mind Buffy?”

   “We could squat you for reps. You lie across our shoulders and we go until we can’t.”

   “So I’d be a Barbie-bell?”

   “Better than a dumbbell,” Billy chipped in.

   “You volunteering BB?” Lindsay asked.

   “No chance. I’ll just watch this one.”

   “So. Car? You good with this or is the whole idea demeaning? ”

   “Hell yes, I’m in. I love it when you two square off.”

   Lindsay got up and helped Carley up as well. She surveyed the area in front of the towels until she found a suitably solid spot. She motioned Carley to stand next to her. She had Carley cross her arms across her chest. Lindsay then reached across with her right arm and grabbed the inside of Carley’s left arm.

   “Lean in,” She said while guiding Carley’s body behind her head and across her shoulders. She brought her left hand up and wedged it between Carley’s legs. She adjusted her friend until her weight was evenly distributed.  It was an impressive sight as the 5’2” gymnast stood supporting her much larger friend forming a muscular ‘T.’

   “K,” she looked at Ryan. “Real squats. Your quads have to be parallel to the ground.” She turned sideways so that the angle of her legs would be easy to see.

   “Yours don’t really have to go that far, Linz,” Ryan observed.

   “Which kinda compensates for the fact Car weighs more than I do and a lot less than you.”

   “She has a point,” Billy offered.

   “Whose side you on?” Ryan asked.

   “Same as always, Truth, justice that stuff.”

   “Yo! Dudes! Can we get going here?” Lindsay was standing with a grin on her face.

   “Go for it,” Ryan replied.

   Lindsay smoothly lowered herself until her quads were parallel. She bobbed a little below that and rose smoothly back up. It was obvious this took very little effort. The other thing obvious to Billy was the dramatic curve and flex of Lindsay’s glutes as they pistoned up and down. He was transfixed and unconsciously started grinding his hips down into his towel.

   “Dude!” Ryan hissed under his breath.

   Damn. Billy caught himself and dragged concentration back from his groin to his skull.

   “Got it. Thanks Bro’.”

  “Get a grip.”

   “I’m fighting that very impulse actually." Ryan just glared at him "No, I'm good, I got this. But damn…you see this right?”

   “I see it and I’m starting to wonder about my chances.”

   “Oh, you’re screwed, dude. She’s gonna bury you.”

   “Thanks for the support.”

   “On the plus side you get to have Carley lie on your shoulders.”

   “Well, there is that.”

   “50!” Lindsay had stopped.

   “What? You done?” There’s no way she’s done, Ryan thought.

   “No, I’m getting bored, and Carley can use a break. I figure I’ll stop here. You do 50, if you can, and if you do we go again.”   

   “Fair enough,” Ryan agreed. He got up and walked over to the two girls.

   “Gimmie a sec,” Carley smiled up at him. She walked over to the umbrellas and grabbed a water. She chugged half of it and put it back in the bag. “Unnnnnh, stiff,” she said to no one in particular.

   She took two steps back on to the sand and stopped. She began to do a series of stretches, toe touches and rotations, completely unaware she was right in front of Billy. Lindsay, who had returned to her towel didn’t notice, but Ryan saw exactly what was happening to his friend.

   ‘Ahhhh dude’ he thought to himself. ‘You are having a rough year.’

   “Hey Car! You good?” Ryan was really thinking about Billy and hoped Carley, who had earned a break, would be ready sooner than later.

   “M’good! The Barbie-bell returns.” The look of gratitude and relief on Billy’s face was not lost on Ryan.

   Carley set up the same way she did for Lindsay. Ryan reached across and mimicked Lindsay’s mounting technique. Having Carley’s firm body pressing against the back of his neck and shoulders was not unpleasant, he noticed. ‘Focus, dude, focus.’

   Ryan took his time with the first squat. It was no problem, the balance was a little awkward but that got sorted as he did more reps. At 30, he was pretty sure he was going to make 50, but he was also sure it was going to be work. His legs were starting to burn at 40. Trying as hard as he could to make it look easy, Ryan ground out the last few reps.

   “Getting a little shaky there big guy,” Carley’s voice sang in his ear.

   “No…problem.” He managed with a casualness his legs did not share. 50. Ryan slowly pivoted and let Carley dismount.

   “Thanks for the ride Rye,” Carley was grinning. “You’re a lot more comfortable than Lindsay. Lot more shoulder room.” There was a gleam in her eye Ryan was having trouble reading. It really didn’t help when she slapped him playfully on the butt on her way to re-hydrate.

   “Linz, I know this is fun and all but I’m not up for another 50 reps on your bumpy super-hard shoulders. Any way we can wrap this up quickly?”

   “I got an idea but if I blow this we’re both going for a spill in the sand.”

   “I’ll risk it, what’s the plan?”

   From 15 feet away Ryan could see the two girls whispering, but couldn’t hear what they were planning. He could see Billy’s head snap and the open-mouthed stare he was directing at Lindsay.

   ‘Oh boy,’ Ryan thought to himself.

   Places changed Ryan was lying next to Billy again while the girls were reloading for more squats. He turned to Billy.


   “Dude, if I told you, you won’t believe it. Just watch, this should be epic.”

   Lindsay had already turned and was going through 10 easy reps apparently as a warm up. On the start of the eleventh she lifted her left foot in the air and pointed her toe straight out. The muscles in her right leg expanded quickly as she slowly lowered herself. It was obvious balance was a battle and the muscles of Lindsay’s calf, glute, side and abdomen were now standing out in sharp relief. Still there was no shaking, no lack of control, just tremendous power and concentration working together in mind-numbing harmony.

   “You go girl,” Carley whispered in her ear.

   “Nine more to prove a point and then I want to finish with something that will blow them away,” Lindsay said.

   “I’m in, what?”

   From their towels Ryan and Billy could see Carley’s eyes go wide followed by a flurry of nodding.
Lindsay now extended her right leg and mirrored what she’d done before. Eight more reps, each smoother and more controlled than the last followed.

   “Can you believe this?” Billy asked.

   “Barely, only because we’re seeing it. For sure, I know I can’t do that. She’s just awesome.”

   Lindsay was feeling that familiar warm glow she got when all her competitive instincts and power got a chance to converge. She liked being strong and she was discovering she really liked demonstrating it. After the tenth rep she stopped and turned to face the boys.


   “Make it happen girl,” Carley said as she tightened her core and made herself as rigid as she could.

   Lindsay took a half step forward, dropped a little and then straightened. As she did she drove her arms, and Carley in them up, over her head. She stood there in triumph, legs now shoulder width apart, quads flexed, lats flaring, arms locked, the picture of strength.

   The contrast between the raw power of her body and her beaming happy young feminine face was striking. Billy and Ryan were both stunned by what stood before them. Disbelief, admiration, and desire were swirling through them.

   “So?” Lindsay asked, still holding Carley over her head.

   “Do you give?”

   “I give Linz, you win. Damn that’s impressive.”

   Lindsay beamed. “I know, right? I wasn’t sure I could do it. Damn, I’m so pumped now.”

   She gently dropped Carley back on to the sand and then just exploded backward. The impromptu tumbling run she ripped off featured three back hand springs and a summersault. She stuck the landing and then bent forward into a handstand. She then proceeded to walk 30 feet across the beach on her hands back to her initial launch point. The muscles in her back danced every ‘step’ of the way. She stopped. Lowered herself in an inverted push up and then drove herself straight up with her arms and shoulders. She piked and returned to earth landing perfectly on her feet.

   Carley was standing there grinning and the two guys were shaking their heads in admiration. Carley was the first to notice Lindsay eying her up, as if assessing something.



   “Whatcha thinkin’?”

   “You weigh 150, right?”


   “Nah, not going to work.”


   “I can squat you, I’m sure I can bench you, but I can’t curl you.”

   “Curl me? Jesus. How much can you curl?”

   “I’ve done 120, I can probably do more.”

   “So. Who weighs about 120?”

   “Well I do.”

   “Anyone else come to mind,” there was a wicked grin on Carley’s face as Lindsay grasped where she was going.

   “Hey Billy!” Both girls said in unison.

   “Run dude,” Ryan said. “Run and hide.”

   “What?” After that show running was the last thing on Billy’s mind.

   “How would you like to help me out?” Lindsay asked.

   As much as Ryan knew whatever Lindsay had planned would not end well for Billy, he also knew there was no stopping it.

   “Sure.” Billy had managed to compose himself and sprang up to take Carley’s place at Lindsay’s side.

   Carley took Billy’s next to Ryan.

   “What’s she got planned?

   “I think she’s going to try to curl him.”

   “No way.”


   “Well…this will be…interesting.” Carley noted the ruefulness in Ryan’s comment but didn’t press.

   The two looked back out towards the water. Lindsay had Billy in much the same body position Carley was in, but lying in the sand facing her. She squatted, reached down and grabbed him under one arm and between his legs. Ryan could see Billy twitch when her hand made contact. ‘Oh shit.’

   Lindsay straightened in a dead-lifting motion until she had Billy braced against her quads. Being literally dragged over her shins and then onto the warm marble of Lindsay’s thighs was at the outer limit of Billy’s control. He could feel her, warm and hard, rubbing against him. He could feel the inevitable result building. ‘God let this be quick,’ he thought while knowing, deep down, he wanted this moment to last forever.

   Lindsay was experimenting with the balance and adjusting Billy to get him in the best spot. She bounced him off her quads gently, testing for the ideal start point. The effect on Billy was excruciating. His board shorts were all that stood between him and Lindsay, and they weren’t nearly enough to stop what was now inevitable.
Even though Billy’s back was to him, Ryan could read the signs. “Oh shit.” He said out loud.

   “What,” Carley asked.

   “I think you’re about to see. We’re going to need to talk.”

   “What? Why?” And then she looked up.

   “Oh…my…God! Is that…is that…him?”

   Lindsay had finally found the sweet spot and with a final bounce she curled Billy up so that he was at the level of her shoulders. She couldn’t see anything other than the back of Billy’s board shorts. Carley, on the other hand had a clear view of Billy’s front but she was having trouble processing what she was looking at. Despite the impressiveness of Lindsay’s feat of strength, Ryan, was focused on the look of sheer panic on his friend’s face.

   “Down,down,down!” Billy was pleading.

   “But, I’m just getting warmed up,” Lindsay said, basically into his butt.

   “Dammit, Lindsay put me down now!” Billy was in a full-tilt squirm, which was totally ineffectual against her grip. In fact it was causing her to hold on tighter which only increased the pressure. Fortunately the panic in his voice led Lindsay to just drop him. Billy hit the sand, face down in a push-up position, did a quick roll to his right and sprinted, very awkwardly, into the lake.

   “Car,” Ryan said. “We really need to talk. And I mean now.”

   “K that’s for sure, but you have to gimme a minute. Jesus.”

   Lindsay chose that moment to rejoin them.

   “What, was that about?” She was the picture of confusion.

   “Lake’s closer than the washrooms,” Ryan said. Which was totally true, he reasoned.

   “Ooooo. He’s peeing in the lake? That’s so gross.”

   “Ahhh Linz,” Carley jumped in, “you know the lake has millions of cubic feet of water and 100’s of thousands of fish who all go pee, and poop and make little fish in it all the time. They live there. We just visit.”

   “We’re swimming in a fishes’ toilet?” Lindsay said as the thought occurred to her for the first time. "Only you would think of that."

   “And bedroom,” Carley added.

   “Oh Ick. You’re really selling me on pools, you know that.”

   “Lake’s still cleaner,” Ryan added. “Way more water, way less traffic.”

   Behind her Ryan could see Billy, neck deep in the water, back to them, clearly engaged in some furious submarine activity. Carley was looking as well.

   “Hey Rye. What’s long, and hard and full…”

   “Really? Car? Really?”

   Sorry, sometimes I can’t find the off switch.”

   Mercifully Lindsay’s cell phone picked that exact moment to go off. “Sorry guys, it’s Mom, I gotta take this.”

   “No worries, take your time, say hi for me,” Carley said. Turning to Ryan she looked at him with 'what now?'written all over her face.


   “Ya, so. You saw it, him. That’s his summer growth spurt, ahhh so to speak.”

   “Jesus. Is that normal? I mean I took health so I get the reproductive system, but they didn’t really cover anything about size. The mechanics mostly, but not…that.”

   “It, he, is definitely not normal. Way above average I’d say.”

   “How big…”

   “Jesus Carley, I don’t know! The point is he’s really embarrassed about it, he thinks he’s some kind of freak. I just try to help him deal when I can. And seriously, you have to help him now too.”

   “Me? How?”

   “You can’t tell anyone about it. If this gets around he will just die. He’s in a fragile place now but if he gets the idea people know, and he will because he’s smart, like you…his life will be hell.”

   “He’s not going to be able to hide all that for four years,” Carley was shaking her head.

   “No, but right now he really doesn’t need to be the freshman freak. He gets picked on enough as it is. Maybe by the time we’re juniors or seniors, the rest of him will have grown some and he’ll figure out how to deal. Right now we. You and me, have to keep this to ourselves.”

   Carley was looking at Ryan with unvarnished admiration.

   “You’re a really good friend Rye. There is so much more to you than a hunky set of shoulders.”


   “Kidding, kidding,” ‘no I wasn’t, you are so fine.’ She looked Ryan right in the eye.

   “Ryan, you have my word that I will not tell anyone, nor talk about it with anyone other than you, and then only when we’re alone.” ‘Which I hope will be soon and often.’

   “Thanks Car, that means a lot.”

   “Hey we freaks gotta stick together.”

   Ryan knew instantly what she meant, Carley hid it well but she was incredibly smart. ‘It would be so frustrating,’ he thought, ‘to live in a world where you are constantly waiting on everyone else to catch up.’ Carley’s test scores coming out of Grade 8 were MENSA level and she could have been accelerated all the way to senior year if she wanted to. But she didn’t.
She chose to stay with her friends, play soccer and enjoy high school like a ‘normal kid.’ She had run the options and decided there was no real hurry to get to university and what lay beyond. ‘Smart,’ Ryan thought, but that was Carley all over.

   Looking up Ryan noticed Billy had been making his way back to them but only got as far as knee-deep water before he stopped, turned around and headed back for deeper water.

   “Now what?” Ryan said. Turning to his left, she saw the reason. Lindsay was coming back towards them. Behind her was Simone, in a bikini.

   “Oh shit,” Ryan and Carley said simultaneously.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 30, 2018, 06:43:07 pm
Really nice, fun chapter, I enjoyed reading that a great deal, some good feats of strength by Lindsay, and really nice work fleshing out Billy and Carly as characters. Of course, with Billy, it's going to be hard to keep his emotions under control when everywhere you turn, you have gorgeous girls with extremely sexy bodies. And it seems like Carley and Ryan might soon become a couple, which is good, in the first couple of chapters, I thought Ryan and Lindsay might get together, but perhaps it will be Lindsay and Billy. Whatever happens, I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on November 01, 2018, 10:45:35 am
so great!!!
and I understood everything this time!!!  :cool2:
I was hoping to read about Lindsey's muscles when she was curling her friend, but your solution is very interesting, as well
thank you and go on!!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: srielley on November 01, 2018, 11:14:21 am
Good story, well written, and good character development. All I can say is, “More, please”
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 02, 2018, 09:39:06 am
Freshman year Part Eight: late October.

   Lindsay, Nadia and the rest of the group were sitting in the cafeteria at their usual table. The topic of discussion was the up-coming Halloween Dance. Their first as high school students. They had worked their way through ‘if’ and were now concentrating on ‘how.’ Although, Nadia, was still on the fence. Lindsay, had taken the lead and was trying to work out how to convince Nadia to go.

   “K, so the theme this year is old movies,” she was saying to the group. “It would be cool if we all went as characters from the same one.”

   “Makes sense,” Carley agreed. “Any Ideas?”

   “Justice League?” Simone suggested.

   “Not that I wouldn't love to see you as Wonder Woman, the movie's Not really old,” Ryan said. “Although you guys would rock the costumes.”  Billy was glaring at Ryan. He was clearly in favour of the idea.

   “You wouldn’t look too bad in spandex yourself big guy,” Carley was grinning. “Big ‘S’ on your chest.”

    “Do we really want to call that much attention to ourselves?” Lindsay asked. Ryan was right and the idea was good, except she couldn’t see a way of working Nadia into the mix. This was going to be a challenge.

   “Well, ya?” Carley was saying. “Isn’t that the point of a costume dance?”

   “Depends on the type of attention,” Sim said. “At the end of the dance we want people saying we looked really cool and we were really creative. We don’t want people talking about the freshman sluts and their boy toys.”

   “Hey, now,” Billy said but he was nodding. They could all see the wisdom in what Simone was saying.

   “Too bad tho’ cause we’re kinda the JL now anyway,” Carley said.

   “How do you figure?” Billy asked.

   “Every day at lunch it’s just us. We’re the Just Us League.” Groans all around the table.

   “Isn’t there some treatment for this? Some program you can enter?” Lindsay was shaking her head.

   “Twilight?” Simone suggested.

   “Those movies aren’t my type and besides they just sucked,” Carley countered. A pause and then more groans.

   “You’re terminal, aren’t you?” Lindsay said.

   “The quality of the movie isn’t important,” Simone said. “It’s the group of characters in it. What movie would fit us, all of us, best?”

   Lindsay was quick to give Simone an appreciative look. Clearly she was also trying to work Nadia into the mix.

   “I have a suggestion,” Nadia said, to the surprise of the rest of the table.

   “Great,” Lindsay was happy and hopeful at the same time. “Whatcha got?”

   “The Princess Bride. If we don’t mind crossing gender lines here and there I think we could pull it off very well.”

   “The what?” Lindsay asked.

   “That would be awesome,” Billy said. “It’s one of my family’s favourite movies.” Ryan and Carley had also seen it and were interested, Lindsay and Simone had not.

   “Kay…so lay that out for us,” Carley said to Nadia.

   “Well, Bill could be Vizzini…”

   “Inconceivable!” Billy interjected.

   “Why is there never any iocane powder when you need it?” Nadia asked with a smile as Billy laughed. Turning back to Carley: “You could be Buttercup, Ryan could be the Six-fingered Man, Simone could be Inigo, Lindsay could be Westley…”

   “And you would be Fezzik,” Ryan finished. “That’s perfect, if you’re Okay with it.”

   “Well, it is my idea, so I should stand behind it. I think I could pull it off. Even though I might look a little…soft.”

   Carley’s face lit up. “I think your plan has a lot of…merit.”

   “Thank you. I would be happy if you all would…share it.”

   Ryan jumped in. “These two haven’t …seen it.”

   “Then for homework they will have to…stream it.”

   “Oh my God, Carley’s contagious,” a clearly exasperated Lindsay said.

   “It’s from the movie Buffy,” Carley cut her off. “You have to download it and catch up. Nadia would be the perfect Fezzik.”

   The whole group had grasped this was the best way to get them all to the dance and set about planning. In the midst of this Ryan turned to Nadia.

   “The Princess Bride? Where’d you ever see that?”

   “My family is from Russia,” Nadia smiled. “I grew up in Montana. We had a Blue-ray player, satellite, Netflix and the internet. It wasn’t all plowing fields with a team of oxen.”

   “Touché,” Ryan bowed his head slightly. “I’m really glad you came up with it.”

   “I am too,” Nadia agreed.

   After a quick conference it was agreed that Lindsay and Simone would stream the movie and they would then set about getting costumes. The process ended up creating three natural sub-groups: As expected, Nadia would work with her Mama, Lindsay’s Mom was an adept seamstress and was thrilled to help the other three girls. Billy and Ryan were signed up for drama first semester and would start with the school’s supply of costumes. Their characters wore essentially Shakespearian clothing so they liked their chances.

Freshman year A Week later: Lindsay’s house:

   “These look great Mom!” Lindsay, Simone and Carley were looking at some sketches of costumes her Mom, Terri, had come up with: a red dress for Carley, leather pants, vest, boots, and a cotton shirt for Simone and an all-black combination with a mask for Lindsay.

   Terri, a lawyer and single mom, was in week-end casual mode. She had an oversized dress shirt on over yoga pants that stopped in the middle of her well-formed calves. At work, Terri made a point of wearing a business suits, usually with snug, if not tight, dresses or slacks. She was five inches taller than Lindsay’s 5’2” and had auburn hair. Her chest, even Simone had to admit, was epic. The dress shirt was under obvious strain as it tried to contain her massive breasts. She had knotted the ends of the shirt under her breasts which highlighted the distance they stuck out from above her flat and impossibly small waist. The yoga pants highlighted a firm and curvy lower body that would have been the highlight on any other woman’s body. Simply put; to call Terri’s figure ‘hourglass’ was like calling the Grand Canyon ‘a ditch.’

   “They’re just rough sketches,” Terry said, “but it gives you an idea.”

   “They look perfect to me Mrs. C,” Carley said. “We will totally rock these.”

   “I’m sure you will dear,” Terri smiled, “now let’s see what we have to work with.” Terri took measurements while Lindsay punched the numbers into her phone for her.

   “36…25…40,” were Carley’s stats.

   “Soccer booty,” Carley said. “I am literally the gluteus maximus on the team.”

   “Form and function,” Terri, who had seen Carley play, noted. “The best of both worlds. Still, a dress doesn’t give you the freedom of movement soccer shorts do,” Terri noted. “I’ve got an idea on how we can still let you dance and look like a princess at the same time. We’ll need to do your legs too.”

   Carley’s quads were 24 inches and rock solid.

   Simone was next. "Sure you have enough tape, Mom?" Lindsay kidded. Simone shot Lindsay a look, but there wasn't really anything in it.

   “46…26…38. My, you are a remarkable young woman, Simone.” And, as she was going to be wearing pants; “Thighs…22…calves…14…inseam…35, that should do it,” Terri said. She looked at Simone with understanding in her eyes.

   “My sympathies of your summer Dear,” Terri said. “I have an idea what you must have gone through and I’m sure it wasn’t very pleasant.”

   “Thanks Mrs. C, no it pretty much sucked. The good news is the docs say I’ve stopped growing now. So all I have to do is deal with the new me.”

   “Well, I have some experience on that front, and let me tell you now it’s an on-going battle. The key thing is never to let how you look define you.” Terri’s tone was light but Simone could tell there was real seriousness behind it. “Other people are always going to make assumptions because they will see you, your body and your face long before they ever get to know you. You can’t really control that and remain true to who you are. But, you can control how you feel about it.”

   “Eleanor Roosevelt,” Carley said.

   “Exactly,” Terri replied.

   “Sorry?” Simone asked. Terri nodded at Carley.

   “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

   “Working on that,” Simone said with a rueful grin. “It’s my body so like it or not, I need to own it, I get that.”

   “But that’s only half the battle,” Terri continued. “The other half is owning it in such a way that you don’t have to compromise. Never let other people or their expectations diminish who you are. Don’t be anything less than your true self, ever.”

   It was clear from the passion that had crept into her voice that this advice was hard-won. Carley and Simone were now looking at Terri with admiration and a touch of awe. This was not just Lindsay’s really cool mom anymore. Lindsay, who had heard this before, was looking on with quiet pride.

   “You go Mom.”

   "Well I do go on." Terri gave a short laugh and relaxed. “Any time you want to talk dear,” she said to Simone. “Now, as for your costume. What I can do is have the pants form fitting but the vest loose. That way it will drape off your shoulders and chest so your curves won’t be on display all the time. I’ll take in the hem of the shirt, and a little at the ribs so that will fit snugly. If I get it right, you’ll have a lovely cool shirt you can keep for summer.”

   “I thought you just said not to hide who were are Mom?” Lindsay asked.

   “There’s a difference between covering up to hide from attention and covering up to control attention,” Terri explained. Lindsay immediately thought of Nadia.  “One of the things you will all learn is the value of leaving things to the imagination. There is a lot of power in letting people wonder what’s really there instead of having everything on display all the time.”

   “Kaaay,” Lindsay, didn’t seem convinced.

   “It’s like a song, or a speech, or a movie; how you dress is a way of sending a message, making a statement,” Terri said. “A good song or speech has peaks and valleys, fast parts and slow parts. A good movie has drama and tension, but it also has calm parts that let the viewer recover for the next high point.”

   “Like you don’t text in all caps,” Carley said. “It’s like yelling and people just tune you out.”

   “Exactly,” Terri agreed. “Thanks for updating my analogy. So you don’t want to be all out there, ‘yelling’” – a nod to Carley – “all the time. You want to save that for when you think you need it. Then when you do put it all out there you will have way more impact.”

   “And be in control,” Simone said.

   “Well that still takes practice Dear, but yes, that’s the goal.”

   “And the vest will do all that?”
“It can help you do all that. Once I get it all together and we check you for the fit, I’ll show you what you can do and how it should work.”


   Terri turned to Lindsay, who was holding the sketch of her costume. Black tights, boots, and a black shirt that was tight through the torso but loose on the arms and shoulders. It was open at the neck. Lindsay’s pecs, core and legs would be on display but her arms would be left up to the imagination. So would her face when she wore the mask.

   What you think dear?”

   “Awesome Mom, I can’t wait to wear it.”

   “Well, let’s see how much material we’re going to need,” and grabbed the measuring tape. Carley took the phone.

   “36…21…32….inseam …28, thigh…22…calf…15.”

   “Ahh Mom?”

   “Yes dear?”

   “How stretchy is this going to be?”

   “The tights will have a lot of give, the boots are going to be low cut. The shirt will be something that looks like silk, so probably not much there.”

   “Might be an issue,” Lindsay said.

   “How dear?”

   “I’ll show you Mom,” and with that Lindsay peeled her skin-tight tee-shirt over her head. Looking at Lindsay standing there in her sports bra, Simone was pretty sure she knew what was coming. Carley and Terri were looking at Lindsay with mild surprise.

   “What? I like this shirt,” Lindsay explained. “K Mom, can you measure my chest again?”

   Lindsay raised her arms and Terri stepped around behind her daughter and complied. Lindsay lowered her arms and put her hands on her hips. Terri got the same measurement. “36, dear.” Then the tape started to move through her hand.

   Looking down Terry was surprised to see Lindsay literally getting wider. The young gymnast had clenched her fists, thrown up her chest and brought her elbows forward. Two wings of muscle were expanding laterally from her back. The tape was dragged through Terri’s grip by the expanding body underneath it. Terri noted she could see the tops of Lindsay’s pectorals over her collar bone. She had a front row seat to the sudden canyon of muscle that now ran down the middle of her daughter’s back. It was over and inch deep where her hands were.

   “38 inches. My word dear, that’s quite a trick,” Terri was smiling. “How long have you been doing that?”

   “Just since this summer. It just came with getting bigger at gym camp. It’s kinda cool, ya?”

   “It’s very cool Dear.” Terri was shaking her head. “You can relax now. I see the issue. I can work some spandex into the sides of the shirt. That will help with the fit and allow you to dance and move safely.”

   “Cool, Mom, thanks.” Unnoticed, Simone let out a slow breath.

   “Oh, happy to help. Happy to help all three of you, this will be fun. It takes me back to college.”

   “You made costumes in college Mrs. C?” Carley asked.

   “No, but I did a lot of sewing. I had to alter almost everything I bought because nothing would fit me right,” she said looking down at her massive chest. “I became a self-taught seamstress out of necessity. I started doing work for other girls just for cash on the side.”

   “I thought you were a model in college,” Lindsay said.

   “I was, but that money all went to fees, tuition and then law-school. This was just for running around money, movies, and chicken wings.” Terri paused. “Well, I have what I need so I’ll hit the fabric shop.”

   Terri grabbed her phone and left.

   “Your Mom is so cool, Linz.” Carley said.

   “She kinda is, isn’t she?”

   “So Linz?” Simone turned to her friend.

   “Ya Sim?”

   “Does all of you do that?”

   “Do what?”

   “Do all your muscles, like blow up like that?”

   “Well, ya. I mean they get bigger when I flex,” Lindsay said. “It’s what muscles do, right?”

   “Mine don’t,” Carley said. “I mean they get harder, but they don’t get a whole lot bigger. Yours explode.”

   To prove her point Carley took the tape measure from the table and wrapped it around her right quad. “24.” She then flexed her quad. It did not grow as much as change shape. Her leg appeared to square off as corners appeared on the outside and the dent above her knee increased significantly. “24 and a half,” Carley announced. “Your turn.”
Lindsay extended her right leg and Carley got down on a knee. She looped the tape around Lindsay’s mid-thigh. “22. K, flex.”

   Simone’s head swam as Lindsay’s quad exploded. The combination of growth and definition was overwhelming. The outer sweep of her leg had literally moved Carley’s hands while holding the tape. “Whoa!” she blurted. “Damn, girl.”

   Simone was staring past the tape at the striations forming under it. Veins boiled to the surface just above her knee. The two largest formed a ‘Y’ which travelled up before dipping around the head of the inner quad. There it merged with a very thick vein which ran along the inside of her swollen leg up into the rolled up leg of her shorts.

   “24, wow!” Carley was shaking her head. “That’s crazy. Sim? Are you seeing this?”

   Simone managed a slightly glazed nod. “Uh..huh.”

   “You should feel it,” Carley invited, looking up at Lindsay. Lindsay shrugged.
Simone hesitated a second and then joined Carley next to Lindsay’s bulging quad. She gasped quietly as she grabbed the muscle in her hands. She was hoping Carley didn’t notice they were shaking.

   ‘Jesus,’ she thought to herself. ‘It’s like silk over steel.’

   “Go ahead,” Lindsay was saying. “Squeeze it.”

   “I am squeezing Buffy,” Carley said.

   “Huh,” Lindsay said. “Can’t feel it. Really?”

   “As hard as I can, look”

   Lindsay looked down to see Carley’s fingers were white with effort.

   “Huh. Cool.”

   Carley shook her head. “I give up. Relax for a sec Buffy.” She moved the tape down to Lindsay’s calf. “15.”
Lindsay flexed her calf and the tape jumped. “Damn, 16 and half. How do you do that?”

   “I just tighten it up and it gets bigger,” Lindsay said. Carley rolled her eyes, gave her head a quick shake then gave Simone a flat look that basically said ‘can you believe her?’
Simone was transfixed. Lindsay’s calf had transformed into a series of hard planes and curves. “It’s like strata,” Carley was saying.


   “Strata, layers, geology. There are like whole layers of muscle that just appear. Wild.”

   “Ya…” Simone’s mouth was dry. “Wild.”

   Carley was running her hand along the outside edge of the inside head of Lindsay’s calf. “Jeeze, it’s almost sharp, it’s so hard.”

   “You think that’s cool? Just grab right there,” Lindsay said. “You grab the other one Sim.”

   Lindsay stood flat-footed as her two friends put their hands on her calves. She then went up on her toes and proceeded to bounce up and down while flexing both her diamond calves.
   “Cool,” Carley smiled,

   Simone was in a fuzzy world where she couldn’t think straight. The trigger was this warm, impenetrable brick shape in her hands that kept pulsing, growing and shrinking. So hard, so warm, strong, so powerful, so…hot?”

   “Ghaa!” Simone let go with a start.

   “Sim?” both Lindsay and Carley were looking at her with concern.

   “Nuthin. Fricken puberty.” Simone said keeping her head down.

   “You’re all sweaty,” Lindsay noted.

   “I know, sucks…be OK in a minute.” With that Simone left and hit the Carter’s downstairs bathroom. She splashed water on her face and stared at her reflection in the mirror. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked herself. She didn’t get an answer. She composed herself another minute. Got her breathing back to normal and left to rejoin her friends.

   “Just in time Sim,” Lindsay was saying. “Time for the main event.”

   ‘The whaaa…oh no.'

   And it was of course what she thought it was. Lindsay was standing there as Carley looped the tape around her right arm.

   ‘Kill me now, God, just kill me now.’

   "K,” Carley was saying, “just relax.”

   “I am relaxed.”

   ‘Jesus, THAT’s relaxed!?!’

   Simone sat down. Better to keep a little distance.

   Lindsay was standing with her right arm straight out. A large vein was snaking its way up her forearm to her elbow where it ducked into the gap then re-appeared on the top of her bicep.
Carley, ignored the startling topography in front of her and drew the tape tight around Lindsay’s upper arm. “13 and a half. K, make it happen.”

   Simone tried not to look. She might as well have tried to hold the ocean back with a broom. She was a 5’10” moth and Lindsay’s arm was the flame in a blast-furnace.

   “Day-am, girl,” Carley said. Simone emitted a nearly silent squeak. “15.” Fifteen inches of peaked, swollen, rock-hard muscle had erupted from Lindsay’s upper arm. The long head of her triceps formed a deep semi-circle of thick muscle on the underside of her arm. The medial head formed a wedge that started at her elbow and cut into the top of the long head and the bottom of the peaked bicep. At the other end, her shoulder seemed to literally wrap itself around the insert of the muscle.
Simone was trying not to hyper-ventilate.

   “Sim,” you have to feel this,” Carley said.

   “S’Kay, m’good.”

   “15?” Lindsay asked. “Is that big?”

   “You’re kidding? Right?” Carley was blinking up at her friend. “It’s huge.”

   “Huge? I mean I know it’s solid, but how is it huge?”

   Carley was shaking her head. “Linz, you are what? 5’3?” Simone was starting to feel light-headed again.


   “If you were Sim’s height your arm would be 17 inches.” Simone felt a rush run from her head down through her body and out her toes.

   “How do you know?”

   “Math, Buffy, math. Sim is eight inches taller than you. That’s 12.9 per cent. I’m rounding but that would pretty much it.”

   “And that’s big?”

   “That. Is. Big. Ask Ryan how many guys on the football team have arms that big.”


   Simone was feeling tingly

   “Linz, I don’t think you realize how off the charts you are.”


   “Ah, yaaaaa! Again, if you were Sim’s height, which is average on the football team, your calves would be 18 and half, your quads would be 27 and your chest would be 43 inches.”
Simone had a full-tilt head-rush. She was swaying a bit.


   “Yep, math.”

   “What would I weigh?

   “That’s a little trickier. The weight doesn’t go up on a straight ratio because you’re adding volume as well as length. Also there are things like bone density to factor in. You’re 120 now, but you’d be more than 134.”


   “I’m ball-parking this.”

   “How much?”

   “About 190, 195 maybe.”

   Simone fell off her chair.

   “Sim? Sim?”

   She was coming around slowly. The voices seemed to be coming from the bottom of a trash can.

   “Sim? You Okay?”

   She was looking up at Carley’s concerned face.

   “M’fine…gimmie a sec…feckin’ puberty.”

   Seven miles away Terri had parked in the lot next to the fabric store. It was in a strip mall and at this time of day was pretty much dead. Terri scanned the lot and the store windows. Nothing.

   She reached into her purse and unzipped a pocket subtly sewn into the side. If you weren’t looking for it, you would never know it was there. Terri extracted an all-black, razor-thin cell phone. She tapped the screen twice then held her thumb to it.

   It took 10 seconds for the face of the phone to turn green and the connection to finalize. She scanned the parking lot again.

   “It’s started.”

   She tapped the screen twice and returned the phone to its secret little womb. Terri got out of the car, grabbed her purse and headed for the fabric store.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on November 02, 2018, 02:51:32 pm
"It's started" you throw in mystery, intrigue........what a fricking great story!! The levels of complexity between the characters and how they are dealing with growing up, hormones, puberty is really well done. I can't wait for Natalie's reveal..........keep going, Karma time 10 to you!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: pepperdog on November 02, 2018, 03:13:13 pm
Great story, keep up the good work! Here's some karma for you
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 02, 2018, 08:48:48 pm
Another incredibly well written chapter, I loved what I read here a great deal, I loved that they decided to dress up as characters from the Princess Bride, one of my favorite movies growing up and still one of my favorites. I loved of course how Lindsay could expand her muscles, as a fan of stories by authors like GBM and FP909 whose sweet spot is muscle expansion, it's always fun to read, no matter how little or big they grow. And it's fun to see how Simone is affected by Lindsay's muscles. Really nice stuff overall, I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: spoonmaster on November 03, 2018, 01:39:40 am
Love this story.  Lindsay is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite characters.  I love how she’s a little naive.  I love how she’s starting to love showing off her strength, and I especially love the fact that even though she knows she’s stronger than her friends, she still a nice person and a good friend. 

Great read.  I always look forward to your biweekly update!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: halcyon3 on November 03, 2018, 04:06:54 pm
Really love this story. Some smoking hot muscle action and a truly intriguing cast of characters. Thank you for sharing this story with us all.   :clap::rock:
With all these secrets being hinted at though, I'm starting to wonder if the BFFs part of the title doesn't stand for what I think it does. Maybe it stands for something like... "Bionically-Fortified Females"? Whatever. I look forward to reading more.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: shamus0013 on November 03, 2018, 04:18:40 pm
Another fantastic chapter. Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: phil123 on November 04, 2018, 05:42:17 am
Thanks for this great chapter. Please keep going as your characters keep growing.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 06, 2018, 01:19:23 pm
Freshman year: Part Nine

   “These fitness test are so stupid,” Carley was in full rant, holding court at their regular table in the cafeteria.

   “What’s wrong with testing us for fitness?” Lindsay asked. “I’m looking forward to it.”
   “Well, of course you are Buffy. You’re going to crush it,” Carley said. “I’m going to do well too, but that’s not my point.” Simone, Lindsay, Billy, Ryan and Nadia all just sat and waited for the inevitable.

   “My point isn’t that the concept of testing us is stupid, my point is the way they test us is stupid. It’s pretty close to body-shaming.”

   “Not really an issue at the table,” Lindsay said.

   “It is for a whole bunch of kids in our class, Buffy. Not everyone is as comfortable with their body as you are. Not that anyone has your body.”

   “I’m not following how, oh say, running a mile is bad,” Lindsay said.

   “Well first off, not everyone can do it. So a bunch of kids will end up walking and that singles them out. Secondly the way they score it is just dumb. They use your VO2 max and your BMI as well as your time.”  Blank looks all round, except Nadia, who was looking down at the table and was impossible to read.

   “Arrrgggh! Don’t you guys do your homework? The whole test is on-line…you were all just gonna show up and jump through whatever hoop they put in front of you??”

   “Ahhhh…well ya,” Ryan said.

   Carley was looking straight through the ceiling and muttering to herself. “Forgive them, they know not what they do.”

   “K, Rye, here’s an example; You.”


   “Yep, you big guy. How tall are you?”


   “What do you weigh?”


   “Would you say you were fat.”

   “Ahh no.”

   “Well, here’s news, according to the Body Mass Index formula you are….50 pounds overweight.” Ryan spat is milk across the table.

   “No way.”

   “Way. The formula uses your weight, height and age and spits out a number. In your case it’s 28.75 which puts you in the ‘overweight’ bracket. The ‘healthy’ bracket for your height and age ends at 180 lbs. Good luck with the run fatty.”

   Lindsay leapt to Ryan’s defense. “Come on Car, we know Rye isn’t fat – (‘oh no, far from it,’ Carley was thinking) – and he’s going to crush the run. He’s been training all summer.”

   “Of course he is,” Carley said, “but my point is the formula is flawed because it treats all weight the same. Ryan weighs what he weighs because he’s muscular –(‘like a statue,’ she was thinking.) – muscle weighs more than fat. It will put almost any muscular person into the ‘overweight’ bracket.”

    “Like me?” Lindsay asked.

   “Hold on a sec, Buffy, this isn’t about you. This is about all the kids, especially the girls who are going to be told they’re ‘overweight’ – which they will hear as ‘fat,’ and then go out and “fail” at something they never do.” The table could now see where Carley was coming from.

   “Like Debbie Jacobs,” Lindsay noted.

   “Ya, a nice, quiet, shy kid, who really isn’t into sports. This will be among the worst days she’s going to have this semester. The school might as well give her a sweatshirt that says ‘I suck’ on it.

   “So, are we all fat?” Lindsay asked.

   “Annnd it’s about you again.”

   “To be fair Car,” Ryan jumped in, “You went off on this rant, so we all have a right to see how it applies.” Lindsay shot Ryan and appreciative look. The world swam just a little.

   “K, fair enough, fair enough.” Carley went around the table estimating weights. She deliberately skipped Nadia.

   “K, I’m 5’7” and 150 which gives me a BMI of 23.49, healthy but right at the edge of being overweight. I’m a banana split away from being fat.”

   “Billy is 5’2” and 120 which comes out to 21.95. Healthy, but you’re four pounds away from bad numbers.”

   “Well, the good news is,” Billy said. “I could eat a rhino and not gain four pounds.”

   “They kinda tough aren’t they,” Ryan was smiling.

   “Ya, you need to marinate them. But with shallots and a nice Béarnaise they cook up pretty good.”

   Carley was giving them her level two death-stare. The one that could paralyze but didn’t kill. Both boys stopped talking.

   “If I might continue…K, Buffy ends up with a 21.95 as well, but because the scale is different for girls, you have eight pounds to play with, not four.”

   “Two steak dinners and four trips to the weight-room,” Ryan noted. “Sounds about right,” Lindsay smiled. Swimmy again.

   “Now Sim, presents a different issue,” Carley continued. “Unlike you Buffy, she has ahhh, deposits of actual body fat.”

   And of course that was the cue for the rest of the table to look directly at her spectacular chest. Simone was wearing a large men’s plaid shirt knotted at her waist and open at the chest. A tight (as they all were) tee shirt was stretched across what her mother called her ‘abundance.’ Everything under it was in shadow, but all eyes were drawn, ironically to the upper side where ‘My Eyes Are Up Here!’ was printed under an arrow pointing up.
Simone looked around in amusement. “Hey guys, don’t stare, grow your own.”

   “Annnnnyway,” Carley continued as the colour returned to Billy’s face. “Sim comes out to 22.96, which is at the high end of normal and probably two banana splits away from obese.”
Carley had been dancing around how to avoid putting Nadia in an uncomfortable spot without leaving her out of the conversation entirely. Nadia saved her.

   “According to the BMI I am ‘morbidly obese,” she said. “I did look at the tests online,” Carley gave her an appreciative nod, “and that was the result.”

   “Means, nothing Nadia, really,” Lindsay said.
“Well, to be honest,” Nadia continued, “I have been off far more scales than I have been on, so one more really does not matter.”

   “I’m betting running is not your favourite thing,” Carley said.

   “You are correct, it is not,” Nadia smiled. “According to the test guidelines I am allowed to walk if I have to. They encourage walking at a ‘brisk pace.’ I can do that. It will probably take me about 15 minutes.”

   “And the range is eight and a half to 11,” Carley noted.

   “Right ladies, time for the annual State Mandated Ninth Grade Fitness Tests,” Ms. Mathias announced. Thirty Grade 9 girls were gathered on one of the classrooms off the gym. They were all wearing the standard John A MacDonald gym uniform: blue tee shirt, black shorts, socks and running shoes. Nadia, who had brought a note on her first day of school outlining some of her ‘issues,’ was permitted to wear a full JAMDHS sweat suit which exposed her hands and head. Everything else was hidden under XXXL grey cotton. Rachel was wearing a school phys-ed department nylon jacket and a pair of coaching ‘splash pants.’

   “Before we start this, and before Carley launches into a rant about everything wrong with what we’re doing,” Rachel looked right at Carley and made a subtle gesture with her palms that said: ‘trust me.’ “I want to talk to you about why we do this and what you can get out of it.”

   “You are teenage girls. That makes you complex and glorious creatures,” She smiled at the class. “It also makes for challenges. Your bodies are changing,” she deliberating did not look at Simone when she said this, almost everyone else did, however. “But that is far less important than what’s going on inside your heads.”

   “You may not realize this but your brains are still growing. They are going to keep on growing until you are about 21. In that process things get re-routed in your head, new cells show up and cause diversions in pathways already formed. If you’ve ever just forgotten something you knew you knew, that’s why. It’s  in there, your brain just couldn’t locate it.”

   “So it’s like a hard disk,” Carley said. “We have RAM and ROM in our heads.”

   “Pretty much exactly like that, except you have the added complication of hormones,” Rachel said. “Your brain and your chemistry are in pretty much constant conflict. What you think is always going to be affected by how you feel. Because you are walking estrogen factories at the moment, this affects you way more than guys.”

   “Lucky them,” said Simone, who had been at war with her emotions since June.

   “Guys have their own issues Simone, I’m not sure you’d want to swap places.”

   “Like what?”

   “OK, how many of you have had a conversation or an encounter with a guy were you just couldn’t believe how dumb or impulsive they were?” Every hand in the room went up.
“There are a couple of reasons for that. Their brains are growing too, but they are three to four years behind you. It’s like you are 16 to them and they are 12 to you. Also, they have to deal with testosterone, which pretty much shuts off their brains. They are not trying to be ignorant and impulsive, they literally can’t help it. They also, believe it or not, almost always feel really bad afterwards.”

   “As I said, I want to talk to you about the tests. First off, the concept is a good one. We are all better if we work on improving and maintaining our fitness. The point of the test is to basically underline that. A fitter you is smarter, can concentrate longer, is calmer and generally more capable of confronting the challenges life throws at you.”

   “But…Ms. M.” Carley couldn’t hold herself much longer.

   “Yes Carley the methodology of the test appears to be flawed, I know.” Carley was blinking at Rachel…”how?”

   “Hey, teacher,” Rachel laughed. “we might know a little about how you guys think. Plus you are about as subtle as an M1 Abrams.”

   “Here’s what I want you guys to think about,” Rachel continued. “This test is going to throw some numbers at you that are going to seem, and worse feel negative. It is also going to put you in situations where you are going to ‘fail’ physically. Other people are going to do better than you.” She looked around the room.

   “That’s not a bad thing. What makes it potentially bad is that we, as women, are wired to feel bad when we ‘fail.’ What I’m saying to you is to try not to let that happen. The numbers on the tests are someone’s attempt to set some standards. If you don’t meet the ‘standard’ I don’t want you to feel bad. I want you to take that as a challenge. I want you to try to get better.”

   “Eleanor Roosevelt!” Simone chimed in. Carley laughed under her breath, ‘good for you Sim, good for you.’

   “Exactly Simone,” Rachel said. “And for the benefit of the rest of the class….”

   “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

   “Thank you Simone, well done.” Simone’s smile lit up the room.

   “So back to the numbers. You guys are expected to cover a mile in between eight and a half and 11 and a half minutes. Some of you will do that, some of you might even do better than that and some of you will take longer. This is a mile run, it is not a test of your value as a human being. Do the best you can. If you can look yourself in the mirror and know you didn’t give up then you win this, regardless of the time it took.”

   “Seriously Ms. M.” Carley again. “You’re saying the scores and time don’t matter?”

   “They don’t really,” Rachel said. “Ten years from now you will all be going to job interviews. How long it took you to cover a mile when you were 14 won’t matter. But gutting it out, regardless of the time, and continuing to do that whenever you face challenges will create a mindset that will get you that job.”

   “We all have limits,” Rachel was looking at Lindsay, “what’s important is not where they are, because they are different for everyone, but learning to push past them, physically, mentally, emotionally is something you will benefit from for the rest of your lives.”

   “We all good on that?” Rachel looked around the room. Like any good teacher she knew not to look for understanding and agreement. The nods were automatic, students wanted approval so they would give the appearance they understood no matter what. For the thousandth time Rachel reflected on her time as a student teacher. Kerri Harding had been hard on her, gruff, demanding, wise and an absolute God-send. She was the perfect mentor for an ex-marine gunnery sergeant. Rachel soaked up everything she said and was still amazed how much of it worked. “If you are looking for lightbulbs you will drive yourself crazy.”
Some of the girls would get it. Some of them would get it sometime down the road, “depth charges,” Kerri called it. “You’re laying depth charges. It goes over the side and goes off sometime in the future. You’ll never see it and you rarely find out if it hit anything.” Some would never get it, the charge would “impact on the surface.”
The important part was that she’d sent the message she needed to send.

   “The test is still bogus Ms. M,” Carley was like a dog with a bone..

   “You’re talking VO2 max and the BMI?”


   “You’re right in that the BMI is BS,” Rachel said to a couple of faint gasps around the room. She looked at Carley and then down at her clip board for Carley’s numbers. “Ya, clearly you are not border-line unfit. And I know I’m not obese.”
Carley did a double-take. “How would that even be possible?”

   “Well,” Rachel continued. “I weight what you weigh and I’m four inches shorter. According to this I’m 10 lbs overweight.”

   “You weigh 150?” More reaction around the room.

   “You shouldn’t mention a woman’s weight, it’s rude.” Suzi Simpson said.

   Rachel looked at her. “Well it’s certainly frowned on in a lot of circles, but I disagree in that your weight should not be something attached to shaming you. If you let that number bother you, you give it, and other people, power over you. If you own that number then you have the power.”

   Nadia had been listening intently to Rachel since she started talking. She had never met a teacher like this. The truth of what Rachel was saying hit her like a bullet to the brain. Suddenly she, against every instinct she’d developed, spoke out.

   “I weigh 280 pounds.” Every eye in the room swung towards her.

   “Nadia,” Rachel jumped in. “That wasn’t necessary.” She was going to continue but Nadia cut her off.

   “I am big, I have always been big and that has caused attention I do not want or enjoy. But I cannot help that. This is who I am. My BMI says I am more than 100 lbs overweight. I do not know if that is true, but I understand now, thanks to you, that what that really means is I do not fit on a scale someone else created. I am not unhappy with who I am and I should not let someone else’s numbers threaten that. No one else in here should either.”

   The class was stunned into open mouthed silence. Rachel was looking at Nadia with admiration.

   “Thank you Nadia. I’m not sure everyone in here can appreciate the courage it took to do what you just did. But I do and I’m both grateful and impressed.”

   “Thank you Ms. Mathias.” Nadia said.

   “That sounded a little personal Ms. M.” Lindsay, ever empathetic, chimed in.

   “That obvious?” Rachel smiled, shaking her head. “It was. I was obese in high school. Not BMI obese, but actually obese. I was miserable, I had issues and I tried to eat my way through them, which of course compounded everything and just made it all worse.”

   “What happened?” Lindsay asked.

   “The United States Marine Corps. In junior year we had a visit from a recruiter. She spoke about being a Marine, what the Corps offered and what it took to get there. But the main thing for me was the confidence she had, I wanted that, I wanted to be like her, heck, I wanted to be her. So I sucked it up and waited around to talk to her.”

   “You must have been scared,” Lindsay said.

   “Shaking like a half-busted leaf-blower,” Rachel flashed back to the moment and cringed. “I approached her and told her I was interested in joining up. She looked at me, and to my surprise, didn’t blow me off. ‘You liked what you heard today?’ she asked me. Yes Mam I said. ‘I’m a sergeant, sweetheart, I work for a living. You don’t Mam, me, call me Gunny.’ She went on. ‘You heard about the physical requirements?’ Yes Gunny, I said. ‘Do you think you can meet them?’ Not now, but I will Gunny. And she smiled at me. ‘Well Oorah! I look forward to seeing you after graduation’.”

   Rachel remembered the swell of purpose that suddenly washed over her. Her whole senior year fell into place. She had a mission and she was going to complete it.
“She looked at me and said: ‘all our PT stuff is on line. Make sure you check it out.’ She gave me a smile and went to walk away. I couldn’t let it go. Gunny? I asked. She turned and looked at me. ‘Yes?’ Why didn’t you just blow me off? I asked. ‘Two reasons, she smiled. One, in the Corps we treat everyone with respect. Two; and this is the main one; it took guts for you to talk to me, it took more guts to ask that question. You can change your body, but you can’t change your spirit. You can acquire the physical capacity to be a Marine through hard work and discipline. But I can tell right now, you already have the heart of a Marine. We need people like you’.”

   The class was looking at her in silence. Rachel was feeling a little misty reliving the moment.

   “That is so cool Ms. M.” Lindsay was beaming.

   “So how do you weigh 150?” Carley asked. “That’s 25 lbs more than Lindsay.”

   “Well, seeing as you’re going to see anyway when I join you on your run…” Rachel took off her jacket and the class gasped.

   “Holy mac and cheese, Ms. M.,” Lindsay was the first to react, “you are jacked!”

   And she was. Rachel who always dressed conservatively at work, had given the students no hint of the incredible collection of muscle she had built. Now, half revealed, she was wearing a USMC tank top under her jacket. It was stretched tight across a chest that looked like two hubcaps had been inserted under her skin. Even relaxed there was a deep divide between her pecs and obvious striations radiating out of it. Her neck was thick and chorded. Her shoulders looked like two pumpkins, round and rippling. The right one had ‘USMC’ tattooed on it.  Her arms were relaxed but still thick with obvious muscle. A vein the thickness of a lamp chord ran down the center of her bicep. Her lats, although also relaxed, pushed her arms out away from her body. Her chest was literally twice as wide as her waist.

   “Are you, like, a bodybuilder?” Carley asked. Rachel laughed.

   “No, these muscles aren’t for show, they have a purpose. I’m a powerlifter.”

   The class bubbled over at that. Comments of ‘cool’, ‘how much can you bench?’ and ‘flex!’ bounced around the room.

   Rachel was shaking her head. “Okay, Okay, settle down.”

   A chant, started by Carley, gathered momentum. “Flex, flex, flex…”

   In the hallway outside the room Dave Dewar and Johnny McMahon, one of the custodians, turned their heads towards the door and the noise coming through it.

   “Rachel took off her jacket again,” Johnny noted.

   “Yep,” Dave agreed as they walked to the staff room.

   “Fitness tests today?” Johnny asked.

   “Yep,” Dave replied.

 Back in the room the chant came to a stop as Rachel raised her arms over hear head then brought them down in an eruption of muscle. Her bicep peeks were incredible, massive bricks of muscle stuffed over thick crescents of triceps. Two roadmaps of veins covered her forearms which looked like miniature hams as they bellied in from her elbow to her comparatively tiny wrists. Her lats were flared to the point she looked like a lightbulb.

   “Jesus Linz,” Carley whispered, “I never thought I’d say this, but she makes you look small.”

   “I know, right?” Lindsay agreed. “She’s awesome!”

   Rachel brought her arms down but rather than stop she extended them out of the sides and then brought them together at her waist. Her pecs seemed to explode out of her tank top. There was a striated ditch at least two inches deep running down the middle of her chest. Her small breasts were straining against the outer sides of her tank top, her sports bra clearly visible. Two huge slabs of muscle were starting to threaten the integrity of the bra and the shirt over it. Rachel relaxed.

   “Wow, Ms. M.” Lindsay again. “That was awesome.”

   “Thank you Lindsay, just hard work, as I’m sure you know well.” Lindsay beamed.

   “So Ms. M?” Carley said, “What’s your record for the bench press?”

   “Well you can look it up, so there’s no point in not telling you,” Rachel admitted. “My record in competition, in the 60 kilo class – that’s 132 lbs – is 310.”

   “You benched almost two and half times your bodyweight,” Carley announced.

   “Yes, and squatted 400 and deadlifted 450. In training, when I’m this weight I can bench 340.”

   “Holy sheep-dip,” Lindsay whispered to Carley, “she makes me look weak too.”

   “While I have your attention and while we’re on the subject, I’m going to be running a weight training group for girls after school starting next week. Who’s interested?”

   About 80 percent of the girls in the room raised their hands, including Lindsay, which drew a ‘really Buffy?’ from Carley, who also had her hand up. Simone’s hand was up and Rachel noted to her satisfaction so was Debbie Jacobs’ and Suzi Simpson’s.

   She noticed Nadia’s was not.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: GreatJustice on November 06, 2018, 09:51:35 pm
I'm enjoying the various strands of development running through the plot :) Nice work!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 06, 2018, 11:00:13 pm
Another really great read, I enjoyed this greatly, it seems almost like all the girls in this universe (perhaps excluding Debbie Jacobs, but we'll see.) has some level of muscle on them, which is fine with me, the more muscle girls out there, the more I would absolutely love to live in that story universe. Rachel Mathias sounds like a really cool teacher, I wish I had someone like her when I was a Freshman in high school, more than just for her muscles, but for her motivational skills and her empathy. As someone who dealt with weight issues and still does, I think I would've been more motivated to lose weight and workout if I had someone like her to inspire me then the teachers I had. But yeah, this whole fitness test thing is a great way of showing each of the girls' athletic strengths, I'm sure Lindsay and Carley will excel, because of their already highly athletic physiques. Simone, well, she has some assets that will make running difficult, and Nadia? Well, I have a feeling that even with her admission of her weight out there, she will still hold back a lot of what she's truly capable of. But I don't think that will be the way the story goes the whole way, at least I hope not. k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 07, 2018, 11:22:22 am
"It's started" you throw in mystery, intrigue........what a fricking great story!! The levels of complexity between the characters and how they are dealing with growing up, hormones, puberty is really well done. I can't wait for Natalie's reveal..........keep going, Karma time 10 to you!!

I'm glad you're enjoying it. The story will definitely have a few twists in it but the main focus will always be the characters. Nadia is still quite shy...this might take a while

Great story, keep up the good work! Here's some karma for you

Thank You

Another incredibly well written chapter, I loved what I read here a great deal, I loved that they decided to dress up as characters from the Princess Bride, one of my favorite movies growing up and still one of my favorites. I loved of course how Lindsay could expand her muscles, as a fan of stories by authors like GBM and FP909 whose sweet spot is muscle expansion, it's always fun to read, no matter how little or big they grow. And it's fun to see how Simone is affected by Lindsay's muscles. Really nice stuff overall, I look forward to more! k+!

Thanks. The Princess Bride is obviously one of my favoutive movies too. Couldn't write this without paying a little homage to it. I'm with you on the expansion. The old Sharon Best Aurora stories always had that element, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Currently I'm a big fan of Pac, Hud01 and Draight (love Devon). Simone's hormones are kind of driving the bus for her, it will make for more interesting encounter

Love this story.  Lindsay is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite characters.  I love how she’s a little naive.  I love how she’s starting to love showing off her strength, and I especially love the fact that even though she knows she’s stronger than her friends, she still a nice person and a good friend.

Thanks. This is nice to hear. I'm not a fan of the whole strong girl domination thing just because they are stronger. I don't mind 'muscle revenge' stories because there's a reason behind the domination. I like Lindsay a lot too, she's like a colt just discovering what she's capable of. It's fun and exciting for her.

Great read.  I always look forward to your biweekly update!


Really love this story. Some smoking hot muscle action and a truly intriguing cast of characters. Thank you for sharing this story with us all.   :clap::rock:
With all these secrets being hinted at though, I'm starting to wonder if the BFFs part of the title doesn't stand for what I think it does. Maybe it stands for something like... "Bionically-Fortified Females"? Whatever. I look forward to reading more.

Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy it. LOL on the BFF's but mechanics involved.

Another fantastic chapter. Keep up the great work!

Thank You. That is the plan.

Thanks for this great chapter. Please keep going as your characters keep growing.

Thanks. I think you can look forward to more growth on several levels

'm enjoying the various strands of development running through the plot :) Nice work!

Thank you.

Another really great read, I enjoyed this greatly, it seems almost like all the girls in this universe (perhaps excluding Debbie Jacobs, but we'll see.) has some level of muscle on them, which is fine with me, the more muscle girls out there, the more I would absolutely love to live in that story universe. Rachel Mathias sounds like a really cool teacher, I wish I had someone like her when I was a Freshman in high school, more than just for her muscles, but for her motivational skills and her empathy. As someone who dealt with weight issues and still does, I think I would've been more motivated to lose weight and workout if I had someone like her to inspire me then the teachers I had. But yeah, this whole fitness test thing is a great way of showing each of the girls' athletic strengths, I'm sure Lindsay and Carley will excel, because of their already highly athletic physiques. Simone, well, she has some assets that will make running difficult, and Nadia? Well, I have a feeling that even with her admission of her weight out there, she will still hold back a lot of what she's truly capable of. But I don't think that will be the way the story goes the whole way, at least I hope not. k+!

I did get up on a soapbox there so I'm glad you a) made your way through it and b) enjoyed it. Rachel is based on a combination of real life fbbs and teachers I have encountered. I'm not sure I would have done well in her class when I was 15. There would have been major concentration issues. The fitness tests will provide challenges for the whole  group. you're on to me as far as Nadia is concerned. She has to figure out how to get through them without drawing attention to her self. How many push ups can a 280 lb farm girl do? How long can she last on an arm hang? What's going to happen when they test her body fat percentage? Nadia and Billy are both trying to hide aspects of their bodies. They both have too much to keep covered up forever.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 09, 2018, 02:52:38 pm
Freshman year: Part Ten

   Rachel should have seen it coming she reflected later. There was no way Carley was going to let the numbers go.

   “Ms. M.”

   “Yes Carley?”

   “What’s the first step in the testing?” and there was the trap lying out in the open like uncovered IUD in the middle of the road.

   “The first step, as I’m sure you know is, the ‘body composition test,’ which as I’m also sure you know measures your body fat percentage.”

   “So this test will literally tell us how fat we are?”

   “Yes, Carley, but before you go off on a rant about shaming and body issues and other concerns, which I will grant you - are all legitimate, let me try to offer some perspective.” Carley was the picture of skepticism.

   “It helps it you treat it clinically, which is what we do when we take the numbers. There is no judging for us, just gathering data. If you allow us that, then you can allow yourself some detachment on whatever number comes up. Face it gang, you are all going to have to deal with tests that are a lot more intrusive and embarrassing than this. Some of you probably already have.”

   “I’ve been probed more times than Mars,” Simone announced. “I have stood naked, been CatScanned, MRIed, PETScanned, stuck, smeared and opened up more times than I can even count. I literally have no shame left. Every time I go to a doctor I feel like ‘exhibit A’.”

   “Case in, point Rachel added. “An extreme one, and thanks for having the courage to share your ordeal with us Simone.”

   “Hey, if it can help.”

   “Well, that's a great attitude and I think a great example of how you, as an individual can take power and ownership over what the world throws at you. Thanks again Simone. These tests, flawed as they may be, are going to happen ladies. You can look at the result as a negative if you choose, or as nothing more than data, or as a challenge. The point is: it will be your choice.”

   Rachel surveyed the room. “Anyone know what the ‘normal’ range of body fat percentage is considered to be?” A quick pause and then, “Sorry anyone other than Carley.”

   “For our age, 14 to 28.5 percent,” Nadia said. “For the boys it is lower; 7 to 21 percent.”

   “Very good, any theories on why that might be?”

   “We are genetically coded to carry more fat as it is tied to the female reproductive system.” Every eye in the room was no on her.

   “Looks like you’ve got some competition,” Lindsay was smiling up at Carley.

   Hell, way better than that,” Carley had a sly grin on her face. “It looks like I’ve got a comrade, we can leave all you troglodytes in the swamp.” She looked down at Lindsay’s suddenly perplexed face. “Oh God, kidding, kidding.” Carley paused and got serious. “The fact Nadia knows all this also suggests she’s not looking forward to it. Sure she’s ‘made her peace’ with her body and all, but she’s still really guarded about it. This is almost like an ‘outing,’ she can’t be happy about it.”

   “I think I can help with that,” Lindsay said. “I’ve been doing a little research on my own.”

   Carley was intrigued. “Whatchu got in mind Buffy?” Lindsay leaned in and whispered in Carley’s ear as Carley’s eyes got wider and wider. “Daymn girl, You can do that? Really?”
“Pretty sure, it’s worth a shot. Also it will give me a chance to talk to Ms. M. either way.”

   Back at the front of the class Rachel was standing, holding a clip board. She was extending on what Nadia had said.

   “Exactly, Nadia. Genetically, we are wired to develop breasts, hips, and fat around the belly in order to create and nurture babies. The female body also comes with a layer of fat the lies just under the skin and covers your whole body. You can diet this away without tons of effort, if you choose, but it’s part of your default settings.”

   “So we’re wired to be pregnant?” Carley was a little offended at the thought.

   “Well, no more so than the boys are wired to get you pregnant. This is Darwin suff, origin of the species, goes back millions of years. But...We have developed enough brain power in that time that we can control, most of us, our biological imperatives. We all good?” Rachel surveyed the room.
“Okay. Let’s get this over with. Who wants to go first?”

   There was a sudden noise and Lindsay literally landed in front of Rachel. “I will,” she beamed.

   “Of course you will,” Rachel was smiling and shaking her head. “This way Miss Carter.” Rachel led Lindsay behind a curtained off alcove set up against the wall of the gym. The school, as per the regulations, insisted the testing be done in private. They also made sure the boys and girls, unlike the mile run for example, were completely separated for this.
Behind the curtain Lindsay joined Rachel at a small table, which contained a number of devices. Out of reflex she started to reach for the hem of her shirt.

   “No, no.” Rachel put a hand on Lindsay’s shoulder. “Keep your shirt on, and I mean that literally. Lindsay”

   “Sorry, Ms. M. This is all new.”

   “The test is simple, and not intrusive’ We use these calipers to measure how ever much fat we can pinch on your tricep and then your calf.” She was holding a white, plastic set of Accu-Measure calipers. Standard school-board issue for the test. “We use these”

   “Cool. Can I see?” Lindsay asked.

   “Sure,” and Rachel handed the tool to Lindsay. The size of Lindsay’s arms were such that the sleeves of her gym tee shirt were always ‘rolled up.’ Her round shoulders, peaked biceps and heavy triceps trapped the hem of the sleeves the deep gap where the two remarkable masses of muscle joined.

   “So, like this?” Lindsay took the calipers by the handles and applied the open end to her left tricep. Before Rachel could tell her she had to pinch the skin of the tricep and another person had to do it, Lindsay flexed the back of her arm. A horseshoe the size of rolled up sock exploded from the back of Lindsay’s arm. Rachel’s impulse to correct the test was completely overridden by her intense, still clinical, interest in Lindsay’s arm. ‘Shit,’ she thought. ‘Look at the size of the hook on this kid.’

   Lindsay didn’t wait. Veins erupted on her right forearm as striations shot up from her wrist to her elbow. There was a loud series of snaps as the calipers, barely able to dent the rock-hard mound, shattered under the pressure of her grip. Four pieces of plastic wreckage fell to the ground.

   Huh,” Lindsay said. “Must have been old.”

   Rachel was looking at the young powerhouse with intense study in her eyes. The testing process was about to take on a different level.

   “Must have been,” Rachel agreed, knowing it was new, right out of the box this morning. “Here, try these instead.” She grabbed another device off the table and handed it to Lindsay. It was a metal Harpenden Caliper with a gage attached.

   Lindsay looked at it warily. “Can I do my calf? My arm’s a little tender.”

   Rachel wasn’t buying any of this and she was pretty sure what Lindsay was going to try. Really, she should just stop it but her desire to see what Lindsay was capable of was overriding everything.


   Lindsay took the metal calipers in two hands and lowered them to her right calf. Her legs were on constant display in gym class so Rachel was expecting a bit of a show, but not anything she hadn’t seen before. She was wrong.

   ‘Holy mother of God,’ She thought to herself ask she looked down at Lindsay’s lower leg. It was insane. There were three distinct layers of muscle stacked on each other bulging from the back of her fibula. The top layer was two teardrops that formed a ‘W’ of power and hardness. They were so defined they looked like the edges would actually be sharp. Veins were creeping up and around the muscle as Lindsay intensified the flex.

   She then applied the calipers to the outside diamond and began to squeeze. Rachel was distracted by a low stretching sound. She looked up to see Lindsay’s tee-shirt flatten against her expanding back. Triceps were flaring and driving the sleeves of the shirt into the pumpkin shaped shoulders. Rachel could see the striations of Lindsay’s delts through the fabric of the shirt. She followed the huge vein that snaked out of the shirt across the large peak on her brick-shaped bicep where it forked into a ‘K.’

   Lindsay's  shirt was being assaulted at the sleeves and stretched to the limit across Lindsay’s back. It was actually getting lighter in colour, turning a paler blue across the stress lines the expansion had formed.

Then Rachel heard another sound, a groaning. She looked back down. Only years of being in the classroom allowed her to keep her expression under control. The tongs of the calipers were going nowhere, which was incredible because a) they were supposed to be harder than what they were squeezing and b) even though Lindsay’s calve was ‘winning,’ this had to be painful. Skin is still skin, even if there is iron under it. While the tongs were stationary, the handles were not. The pressure of Lindsay’s grip was bending them slowly, surely together. They squealed as she brought them together and then, incredibly past that point. Lindsay bobbed up for a second and then drove both her arms back down.
A small rip appeared down the center of the back of her shirt. Rachel could see the deep divide caused by two literal mountain ranges of muscle running down the center of her back. She stopped, straightened and held of the twisted remains of the over-matched tool,

   “Huh, another old one, I guess.”

   The caliper was neither defective, nor old and they both knew it. Rachel and Lindsay stared at each other in silence. They had reached a tipping point and they both knew it. Lindsay was actually vibrating from the adrenaline rush of deforming the calipers. Rachel knew the feeling in her bones. She got it at meets and in training and in other…feats of strength. She knew Lindsay needed to let it out but in such a way that they could maintain at least the framework of a student-teacher relationship.

   Rachel knew all too well the intimacy and the dangerous attraction muscle/strength centered relationships could cause. Outliers sought other outliers, the strong were drawn to the strong. She knew this all too well. She also knew she had to avoid even the look of that kind of relationship with Lindsay. Female PE teachers had a bad enough rep without her fueling it farther, or far worse actually living up to even a part of it.

   She turned and grabbed yet another device from the table.

   “What’s that?” Lindsay’s eyes were bright and a touch unfocused, her breathing a little on the shallow side and her whole bearing anticipatory. She looked like a racehorse at the starting gate. She felt like a bomb about to explode.

   “It’s something I don’t think you can break,” Rachel smiled, the subtle challenge intentional. “It’s an Igrip grip strength meter. We use them at the gym to measure our progress. A good grip is crucial in powerlifting.”

   “Gymnastics too,” Lindsay said.

   “Clearly,” Rachel agreed. “Here, give this a shot.”

   “One condition,” Lindsay countered.

   “Which is?” But Rachel already knew.

   “I will if you will.”

   “Okay, for the purpose of instruction only, though.” Rachel took the device, which looked like a small scale with a large rubber handle on each side. She showed the ‘front’ of it to Lindsay.
“You hold it flat against your chest with this end up. You stick your elbows out and squeeze. If you look down, that little window will flash your progress. After about 20 seconds it will flash your max reading. Take a quick look and then show me.”

   Rachel took the device and raised her elbows to the side. Casually she squeezed. Even with a jacket on, Lindsay could see the tops of Rachel’s incredible pectoral muscles leap up out of the collar of her shirt. After 20 seconds she stopped, looked down and gave a short grunt. She showed Lindsay the window. 120.

   “What does that mean?” Lindsay asked. “120 lbs of pressure,” Rachel explained. “Your turn.”

   “K, what’s the record?” Lindsay asked as she took the device.

   “Well, the limit on the meter is 200. Let’s just see what you get.” ‘God I love this kid’s attitude.’ Rachel thought.

   Lindsay turned the meter over in her hands to get it where Rachel had shown her. She raised and lowered her arms a couple of times as she gauged the angle that felt best.
She raised her arms and squeezed.

   The first thing that went was her shirt, right down the back like someone had taken a box-cutter to it. The sleeves followed a second later. Lindsay’s arms were a road map of veins working across a terrain of bulging, striated muscle. She was shaking with effort as her colour changed from tan to red. After 20 seconds she stopped. She was covered in a thin layer of sweat. She was breathing hard as she showed the meter to Rachel.

   “139” Rachel noted. “very impressive.”

   “Really? That’s good? it was intense,” Lindsay felt like she was coming off a competitive high.

   “It’s outstanding,” Rachel said. “I’ve never seen anyone your age even close.”

   “Just my age?”

   “Fair enough, most ages. But we do get stronger as we get older.” And Rachel realized the second she said that she’d opened a door she’d meant to keep shut.

   “So Ms. M?”

   Internal sigh, “Yes Lindsay?”

   “You were holding back before, show me what you can really do.”

   Rachel was shaking her head. “Well I did walk into that one. Okay. But first,” she dug into a plastic bin under the table and rooted out a J-Mac Athletics tee shirt and a towel which she tossed to Lindsay. “You’re going to need these.”

   Rachel took the meter again and raised her elbows. Lindsay was struck by how still and calm she was. It was like Ms. M. was mentally in another dimension. She squeezed and her body seemed to contract and expand at the same time. There was no shaking, but the muscles stretching the front of her jacket and bulging out of her shirt collar were evidence of incredible force being brought to bear.

   She stopped and her body returned to its ‘normal’ shape and size. She tilted the meter towards Lindsay.

   Lindsay’s eyes were bugging out of her head.

   “168. That’s awesome Ms. M.”
Rachel gave a shrug as it wasn’t that big a deal, but then got serious. “I don’t want to see that on Inst@gram or Twitter, Lindsay. It’s not something that needs to be out there in the school.”

   “Got it Ms. M. Total info lockdown engaged.”

    “Thank you…I think,” Rachel chucked. “I know I can trust you Lindsay.” And Rachel knew the wave of pride that washed over Lindsay upon hearing that was proof she was right.

   “Now get out of here and get changed.”

   “So how do they measure your fat again?” Simone was asking.

   “They have two ways,” Carley explained. “They have the old standby instrument of torture, the calipers, where they pinch you and measure what they can grab. But they also have this new thing. It’s called Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis. They have this meter, you hold it in two hands and the grips have electrodes. It shoots a small current through you and reads how long it takes. Then it figures out how much fat was slowing down the signal.”

   “And we have one of those?” Simone asked.

   “Totally,” Rachel said. “Ms. M. was over the moon about it last week when it showed up. She said it meant she could stop pinching kids. They’ll be using it for sure.”

   Back behind the curtain Rachel had just finished tossing the pieces of the first caliper into the recycling bin. She grabbed the wreckage of the metal one and held it up to her chest, just as she’d held the Ugrip meter. With a sudden effort she folded it in half, flattening it in the process. Satisfied it was completely useless, she put it in the garbage can attached to the wall.

   “God, I love it when a plan comes together,” she said to herself and headed back though the curtain.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 10, 2018, 06:53:13 am
Another really enjoyable chapter, I love how Lindsay seems to love to show off her strength, muscle size, and muscle hardness, it seemed that Ms. M was quite impressed, as she should've been. I can only guess what happens when Nadia is tested, though, after all, she has hid her body for a long time, and now she will have to show her arms and legs to get them tested for body fat. Maybe she will be only with Ms. M, but even in that eventuality, her secret will be found out by someone. Of course, I could be wrong, after all, I'm not the author, just a very interested reader. Keep up the good work. k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 13, 2018, 11:22:07 am
Freshman year: Part Eleven

   Simone rounding the final turn of the mile run wasn’t exactly a symphony in motion. She was more like a half-stoned big band belting out a jazz number for the first time. She was definitely moving…in all directions. Her body was everywhere: long, subtly muscular legs pumping up and down, sculpted arms churning back and forth, head back, chest…well, out and up and down and left and right and Billy was scope-locked on every undulation, thrust, and bounce. Carley mentioned Sim had strapped herself down with three sports bras, but it seemed like they were losing. He was sure he could see huge nipples trying to poke through four layers of fabric. The JAMDHS across the front of her shirt was stretched to the point you couldn’t see half to the ‘J’ or the ‘S.’

   Billy, had also tried to strap himself down. Like Simone he was wearing spandex, knee length compression shorts, unlike Simone he’d gone baggy with his gym shorts. It worked, more or less. He made it through the mile in 8 and half minutes. There were only guys running so all he had to do was keep turning left and not worry about his blood flowing anywhere but his legs. The ones with feet.

   Things were changing rapidly now: Simone’s incredible body was impossible not to look at. The image of her breasts went through his eyes, bypassed his brain and went straight to his groin. The inevitable ensued. He knew he needed to look away, walk away, hell, run away. But he was a moth to her smoking hot flame. Things were starting to hurt, but he didn’t care. He was staring at Simone’s light and she was an on-coming train.

   Simone managed to power her way across the finish line. The run was torture for her given that her body was still so new to her and there was so much to ballance that she sometimes had trouble simply walking. Running and maintaining control was a real battle for her. ‘She never quit,’ Billy thought. ‘Score one for Ms. M.’

   Despite the risk Billy walked over to his exhausted friend. Simone was doubled over, hands on knees, chest heaving. The combination of her massive chest thrusting down and rising up combined with her upthrust glutes barely covered by skin-tight track shorts riding up the perfect firm curve took his brain back 40,000 years. He was 120 pounds of throbbing desire and the most obvious sign of that was now three feet away from Simone right at her eye level.

   “Gimmieasec,” Simone was still breathing hard. Without looking sideways she suddenly straightened and put her hands on her hips and arched her back. Billy had a hard time keeping his eyes in his head. His ‘other’ head was harder to control. Billy was startled by a sudden but quiet ripping sound. It wasn’t him.

   “Damn,” Simone said under her breath. “Oh well.” With that she threw her hands over her head, grabbed her left wrist with her right hand and threw them back. The result was epic. Her body formed a seven and half-foot ‘S’ of lust generating curves. There was another ripping sound, this one came from under his shorts. There was a full tilt jail-break underway but he was so transfixed he didn’t care.

   Simone put her hands back on her knees and said “just brew out another sports bra, man these boobs are a pain someti….” She had looked to her right and was face to head with Billy’s reaction to her body.
Billy was paralyzed with fear and desire. His worst nightmare was unravelling and he couldn’t stop it.

   “Well hey,” Simone said in a shockingly casual tone. “look at you.”

   She straightened and looked down at Billy with a combination of curiosity and….something almost predatory. “Did I do that?”

   Billy could only gulp nod.

   “Well then, I guess I better do something about it,” Simone’s look could have melted glass.

   She grabbed Billy by the front of his shirt and started dragging him toward the bleachers.

   “Huh,” Simone said looking up at the scoreboard, “That’s appropriate.”

   “What?” Billy was barely able to focus.

   “Ever seen Field of Dreams?”


   “Remember the scoreboard  said: Ease his pain?” Simone said. "Sounds like a plan." With alarming intensity, the young Amazon literally dragged him under the bleachers and pinned him up against a support beam. Her strength was surprising.

   “Lets get a good look at you, shall we?”

   Billy could not believe how calm and focused Simone was. He was sure she, or any girl for that matter would freak at the sight of him. He was totally unprepared for this.
It was suddenly obvious that Simone, at 6 feet and 160 lbs was capable of throwing Billy around like a rag doll. Billy wasn’t going to fight regardless but the thought made him hard. When Simone literally tore his shorts off his body he got even harder. She grabbed the front of his spandex and pulled them out and down. He stood in front of her in all his glory.

   “Oh Billy me breddren, be all mon, you. Be mon a all de mon.” Simone’s voice was silky and raspy with desire. “You like my boobs, ya?”

   “Is this a trick question?” Billy was getting his equilibrium back. “Your boobs are the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

   “But you’ve never really seen them.”

   And while Simone's chest was constantly on display Billy had to admit she was right. “True, but I have a pretty vivid imagination.”

   “Let’s see how vivid.” Simon grabbed the hem of her shirt and whipped it over her head. She then shrugged off the demoed sports bra. That left two more to deal with. Simone looked down at Billy with mischief in her eyes. She reached across and under her breasts causing them to squeeze together. The cleavage they formed was unbelievable. She leaned forward so Billy could get a good look at it.

   “My grand canyon,” she smiled. “It’s a foot deep.”

   Billy’s head swam. “That’s amazing. And uhhh, convenient.”

   “You’re saying?” It was Simone’s turn to be taken aback.”

   “Yah, a foot.”

   “Well now, we’ll have to see how well we match.” Simone’s look was paralyzing.

   “Relax and enjoy the show Big Mon.”

   Simone slowly, agonizing slowly, dragged her bras up over the massive mounds of her chest. As more and more flesh came into view Billy found himself wondering how this could possibly be happening. This was far beyond his wildest dreams. He was looking at enough breast to fill a DD bra and there was more to come.  The bottom of Simone’s breasts were now forming a inverted cleavage as they were lifted up by the rising bras.

   Even through the fog of desire that was engulfing him, Billy noted  the subtle musculature supporting Simone’s epic superstructure. Her ribcage was broad and firm. Her serratus muscles were evident down each side as was the curve of her lats plunging inward to an impossibly narrow waist There was an just outline of four tile-like abs on her perfectly flat stomach. Billy was overwhelmed with lust but couldn’t keep his eyes in one place. Simone’s breasts took care of that with a flash of dark.

   The bottom of her saucer-sized nipples was appearing from the hem of the inner bra.  Gravity overcame friction and her breasts shot out from under their spandex prison. They blossomed out as they crashed into her rib-cage. They bounced up again before settling into their normal upthrust glory.

   “So?” Simone was radiating pride and power.

   “Way beyond my Imagination,” Billy croaked.

   “How about this?” Simone took her left breast in both hands and slowly lifted it to her mouth. She kept her eyes on him the whole time, her smile was wicked. She stopped just at her chin, bent her head down and licked the nipple. Billy could see it swell. Simone blew on it and it grew even more. Billy was having trouble standing. He groaned and swayed a little.

   “No Big Mon, no passing out now.” Simone looked down. “I can see why you might be having issues though. I’ll fix things.”

   “How…?” Billy croaked.

   “If you blow it, he will come.”

   Billy could not believe what he was hearing. He could not believe Simone was grabbing him under his arms. The sensation in his groin as she slowly dragged him up her body was almost more than her could stand. He felt her hard stomach, her rib-cage and then the soft, firm vice of her cleavage. He was now looking down as Simone, with very little effort, lifted him higher. His eyes were drawn to her cleavage and he gasped as his head popped up out of her ’grand canyon.’

   “Perfect fit,” Simone purred. Billy was overwhelmed by the strength and the sensation, he was leaking.

   Simone smiled a predatory smile and lowered her mouth to him.

   Billy exploded and woke up at the same time. The clock read 2am. He felt wet and sticky, so did his bed. “Ahhhh shit.”

   He got up, stripped his bed, got clean sheets from the closet and dumped the soiled ones in the hamper on his way to the shower.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 13, 2018, 07:15:57 pm
Haha, great fake out, I don't know if I could actually see it happening as Simone seems to be more innocent than she showed here, but I like the idea that while she may not be as muscular as Lindsay, Carley and Nadia, that she could have a lot of power in her tall, curvy frame anyway. It was a nice read and I look forward to more, as always. k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: spoonmaster on November 15, 2018, 05:11:25 am
Another great chapter.  I do wonder if Billy’s dream will wind up being prophetic!  Keep up the excellent work.  Your story is really becoming appointment reading!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 16, 2018, 11:07:03 am
Freshman year: Part Twelve

   Simone managed to make the run in just under 10 minutes. It was a battle for her, but she didn’t quit. Lindsay and Carley mobbed her when she crossed the finish line. Carley had crushed the run in seven minutes, a minute and a half under the expected minimum. Lindsay came in 30 seconds after.

   “You were awesome,” Sim, Lindsay gushed. “I’m so proud of you.” Simone was panting and smiling.

   “Didn’t quit, hurts like hell but didn’t quit.”

   “Makes you better than us Sim,” Carley said.

   “How you figure?”

   “This is way easier for us, we do stuff like this every day, we’re supposed to crush it. You battled babe, you freakin battled.”

   “Thanks guys, means a lot.”

   “Speaking of battling, how’s Nadia doing?” Simone asked. Lindsay scanned the track and spotted Nadia, walking at a brisk pace, on the far curve. “Sim? You good?”

   “Ya, I’ll grab a water and sit down, m’good.”

   Lindsay looked at Carley and nodded in Nadia’s direction. The two took off like a pair of gazelles. Nadia was churning along when she heard two sets of footsteps coming up behind her, fast. Lindsay appeared on her left shoulder and Carley on her right.

   “Good afternoon my friends,” Nadia said. “How nice to see you.”

   “Thought you might want a little company,” Lindsay said.

   “Your gesture is heartwarming, my friends, but I can think of someone who might need you support more.”

   “Seriously? Who?” Carley asked.

   Nadia not wanting to point, nodded across the track where Debbie Jacobs was clearly struggling. “Gotcha,” Lindsay said. “Let’s go Car, race ya.”

   “You’re on Buffy,” and the two of them shot off down the track like a pair of greyhounds.

   Nadia was left, shaking her head. ‘A normal person would have cut across the infield,’ she thought. ‘Of course there is nothing normal about those two.’ She checked her watch, she was right on schedule.

   Debbie was 12 minutes into her own personal hell. She hated running. She hated the way it highlighted her weight, which normally she was fine with, she hated feeling inadequate and fat and useless. What was the fucking point? You ended up right where you started! Her internal rant was interrupted by a sudden voice in her ear.

   “Hey Debbie. How ya holding up?” It was Carley MacGeggor, who had probably crossed the line before she got to the first turn. Then there was another voice on her other shoulder.
“Yo Debbie, this pretty much sucks, huh?” Lindsay fucking Carter?? What the hell is the queen of the grade doing back here?

   “Uhhhh..hi guys. What brings you to the tail end of the train?”

   “You looked like you could use a little company,” Lindsay said. “We thought we might give you some.”

   “Me? No offence but you guys are way out of my social strata? Why bother with me?”

   “Why not?” Lindsay was relentlessly positive. “You’re not suggesting just because we’re better at running that we’re better people?”

   “Well…no, Christ no. But I don’t get it.”

   “You could use a little help, ya?” Carley asked. “So we’re the help squad.”

   Before Debbie could say another word Carley continued. “BTW, I thought your take on Sylvia Plath’s Mirror was amazing, you just crushed that poem.”

   Debbie was out in a place she’d never been, She couldn’t believe two of the most popular girls in the class, two epic jocks, were not only taking pity on her now, but one of them was actually listening to her in English.

   “Well it kinda speaks to me,” Debbie said.

   “Ya, but the depth you brought was incredible. I missed the whole bathroom angle. The condensation on the mirror blurring things makes so much sense. The way you used that to underline the dichotomy between who we really are and who we present to be really rocked me.”

   “You got that? I’m impressed. But I guess if I listen to what I was saying I should not just assume you are just a jock.”

   “No that’s Lindsay,” Carley smiled. “Hey!” Lindsay was the picture of mock indignation.

   “Quiet Buffy, the artsies are talking.” She returned her attention to Debbie.

   “Facets, right? We all have facets. We’re not like the mirror with one flat surface, like you said, we have many surfaces and like the lake, depth and levels. Ya, you totally nailed that.”

   Debbie nodded in appreciation. “Thanks. It’s cool you shared that.”

   “So, what’s your take on the latest one?” Carley asked.

   “This is a Photograph of Me?”

   “You guys are making my head hurt,” Lindsay interrupted.

   “Growth causes pain, Buffy, you, of all people should know that. Pipe down and take notes.”

   “Well, first off, Sylvia Plath might have been a depressed hot mess, but you can follow her. Margaret Atwood is just a bat-shit crazy Canuck.” Carley laughed out loud.

   “One way to put it,” she allowed.

   “Kay, poetry shouldn’t be a trick or a trap. A poem should be a way of making things easier to comprehend using images because they have more power than individual words. Everything about this poem is blurry and obscured.”

   Carley plunged in. “Isn’t that the point though? She hits that note on the first stanza when she describes the photo. It’s blurred. It’s about perception, no? Even when pics are clear are we really ‘seeing a person’ or are we seeing a snippet of a life that may or may not actually relate to what you’re looking at?”

   “Kay, rolling with that, and giving Attwood artistic license, that would be the point of the fourth stanza. You’re saying that fact she’s dead underlines the idea that we can’t really know someone just by what we see on the surface, we have to look beyond that.”

   “Kinda like what’s happening now,” Lindsay chimed in. That brought both Carley and Debbie to a verbal halt.

   “Pretty much exactly that,” Carley noted. “Sometimes that muscle between your ears is the most impressive thing about you Buffy,”

   “Who are you and what have you done with Carley?” Lindsay laughed.

   “You two are something else,” Debbie said.

   “That much is certain,” Carley noted.

   “Star Trek Four, The Voyage Home!” Debbie almost shouted.

   “Bingo! Trekkie?”

   “Total SiFi geek”

   “You just get cooler by the minute Debbie.” And Debbie, for once, had nothing to say. She was not exactly an outcast, but her circle was tight. She liked to think of herself as ‘selective,’ but the truth was closer to ‘scared’ than she wanted to admit. Direct praise from these two was so far from her expectations in life that she didn’t know where to go.

   “Annnyway, back to the poem,” Carley was saying. “I was thinking there was a link between Plath’s mirror and Attwood’s pic.”

   “Kay, on a literal level,” Debbie was grateful to be back on familiar territory. “A photograph is completely flat and two dimensional. It doesn’t matter what angle you look at it, it shows you the same moment. One 250th of a second that tells a story but never the whole story.”

   “Kay, with you so far.” Carley said.

   “A mirror exists in real-time. The image in it changes, it’s not a moment, it’s a reflection. But both have no depth, interesting that both Attwood and Plath use a lake to signify depth, looking past the surface to the truth.”

   “Very cool, I think you’re on to something there,” Carley said.

   “No, I think we’re on to something,” Debbie countered. “Can we talk more later?”

   “I’d like that,” Carley said. “Library after last period?”

   “Deal,” Debbie agreed.

   “Ahh guys,” Lindsay injected. “Look at this.”

   The two had been so lost in their investigation of poetry they weren’t paying attention to their progress. This had been Carley’s plan, to get Debbie’s mind off the grind of covering the mile. She did not expect to fall into her own web. She was just as surprised as Debbie when she looked up and realized they were in the last turn and 50 yards from the finish.  The bigger surprise was that 40 of those yards were lined with ever other grade nine student out there. ‘Billy, Sim and Ryan,’ Carley thought. ‘How cool is this?’ Then it got cooler.

   The crowd started clapping. At 25 yards they added cheering. Carley and Lindsay started to fall back to let Debbie have the moment. Debbie would have none of it.

   “Hey, no way!” She said as she slowed a little. “You two jocks got me this far, we’re all going across together.”

   “Fair enough,” Carley said and she linked her arm with Debbie’s. Lindsay coupled on the other side and the three crossed the line to thunderous cheers and applause. Debbie feeling like she had won the Boston Marathon. In reality she’d won something far more valuable.

   “Well done Debbie,” it was Rachel. “That was an impressive effort. I’m proud of you.”

   “Thank You Ms. M. I just kept thinking about what you said.”

   “Well I’m glad you were the one listening to me,” Rachel laughed. She looked at Lindsay and Carley. “A word with you two?”

   Lindsay shot Carley a quick look and a nod in Debbie’s direction. Carley got it. They couldn’t just walk away now. Carley turned to Rachel. “Sure Ms. M. but can we talk to Debbie just a sec.”

   “Of course. I’ll be over by the bleachers.”

   Carley and Lindsay ganged up on Debbie. “You know, other than Billy there’s a serious lack of SiFi knowledge in my circle of friends,” Carley said.

   “Hey I watch Space Trek!” Lindsay said. Carley knew she was kidding but let out a groan and gave an eye-roll to sell it.

   “I see your issue,” Debbie smiled.

   “It would be cool, if you’re Okay with it, if you’d join us for lunch.”

   “Well, I’d have to have my people check my schedule but I think I can give a green light to the concept.”

   “Great, have your people reach out to our people and we’ll do lunch.”

   Debbie was grinning ear to ear. “You really are serious aren’t you?”

   “Sure, why wouldn’t we be?” Lindsay had that happy/earnest thing in overdrive. Carley let her roll.

   “You shut Carley up like three times in five minutes. I will  buy your lunch if you can keep that up.”

   “K then,” Debbie said. She had about 10 seconds before she lost it so she made it quick. “See you in the caff tomorrow.” She turned and walked back to the school. After ten feet her shoulders started to shake.

   Both girls saw this and sighed. “We just did a good thing, ya?” Lindsay smiled wistfully. It wasn’t a question.

   “Damn straight, feels good too. A win all round. She is seriously cool.”

   For the hell of it Lindsay ducked down and shot up between Carley’s legs. She carried her on her shoulders over to Rachel, who was shaking her head at the sight.

   “I’m not talking to you until you are both on the ground,” She laughed. Lindsay stood still while Carley put her hands on her friend’s head. She then put her feet, one at a time on Lindsay’s rock-hard shoulders. Lindsay was holding her calves to keep her steady as she stood straight up. Carley then exploded up and back into a perfect backflip and a flawless landing.

   “Jesus MacGeggor, we have finals next week!” Rachel was impressed but the coach in her made sure Carley never forgot about the team.

   “Sorry Coach, won’t happen again.”

   “I’m sure it won’t.” Rachel had a boot-camp stare that could pierce Kevlar. She had it set on stun for just a moment and then turned it off. Her whole body relaxed and she smiled at the girls.

   “I just wanted to tell you guys that what you did out there was one of the best things I’ve ever seen.”

   “Aaaww, Ms, M.” Carley was digging her foot into the track. “We just helped out a little.”

   “You did way more than that and you both know it. I’m always on you to own your mistakes, but I’m telling you now, you have to own your victories too.”

   “Booya Ms. M.”

    “It’s Oorah, they always get it wrong in the movies.” Rachel was smiling again. “But speaking of The Corps you two would have fit right in today.” The two girls waited on the explanation.

   “Leave no man behind. We have statues with that craved into them. You didn’t and I’m proud of you.”

   “It was Nadia’s idea, actually,” Lindsay said. “We wanted to do it for her, but she pointed us at Debbie.”

   “Makes no difference. You had the impulse, she just changed the target. Wisely so as it turns out and she deserves credit for that, but it doesn’t take away from what the two of you did. Own it.”

   “Oorah Gunny,” the girls said as they snapped off two reasonable salutes.

   Rachel broke up laughing and shook her head. Again. “Get the hell out of here before go all boot-camp on your butts.”

   And they were gone.

   Ryan and Billy were down the bleachers about 20 yards. Ryan had done the run in 7 minutes, best score by a boy and just seconds behind Carley for the best score overall. Billy, despite having to tie himself off, had done the mile in eight and a half minutes. Practically speaking if any of last night’s dream was going to come true best it was that part.

   “Dude. Why do keep looking at the score board?” Ryan asked. 

   “You ever see Field of Dreams, Rye?”

   “Sure, ‘if you build it he will come.”

   “Aint that the truth.”

   “Not following Man.”

   “Had a dream about Sim and a variation of that came up, so to speak.”

   “And you…”

   “Like a frickin firehose”

   “Dude. You have got to develop some self control.”

   “So Nadia,” Lindsay was saying as they reunited with their friend. “Thanks for making us heroes. Ms. M wants to adopt us I think. We told her it was your idea, but she still thought we deserved credit.” Lindsay shrugged.

   “As she should, as you do,” Nadia said. “I could not have done what you did. I do not have the social experience or the empathy. All I did was recognize there was someone who needed your help more than I did.”

   “Speaking of that, how did you do?”

   “15 minutes with self esteem intact. Mission accomplished.”

   The three headed for the locker room, but Nadia broke off early into the bathroom.



   “Didn’t Nadia say she was going to cover the mile in 15 minutes?”

   “You’re the one with the photographic memory.”

   “Eidetic, but that’s not the point. She said she’d do it in 15 minutes and she did it in 15 minutes.”


   “You and I were right next to her, did she seem like she was struggling?”

   “No, now that you mention it I was thinking she could have gone harder if she wanted to. I mean 280 is a lot of weight but she carries it like it’s nothing.”

   "Hmmmm, I don’t think that was an accident. It feels like it was planned all along.” Carley said and dropped her voice. “I’m thinking there’s a lot more to our farm girl than even your Russian Doll theory.”

   Lindsay nodded. She was sure of it.

   In the trees overlooking the back of the school a mound of leaves stirred and took on human shape. It retreated away from the school through the trees on its belly before standing on the downslope. A 10 yard walk brought it to a Green Jeep Compass parked on an old logging track. It opened the tail gate and meticulously stripped off and packed away the forest sniper suit.

   What was left was a man, nondescript but obviously fit with military training. He moved with the minimal precision that only comes with years of dark ops experience. He packed away the Clover Electronics CL501SN military grade CCT camera he’d been using as well as the Steiner Optics M1050 LRF 10x50 binoculars. They were equipped with a laser rangefinder, but there was no reason to use it. He was just there to observe and report. There was a target, but no plans to ‘paint’ it.

   He closed the gate and settled into the driver’s seat. He drew a razor thin black cell phone from his breast pocket tapped it twice and pressed his thumb to it. When it turned green 10 seconds later he spoke.

   “Report on Golf-Golf-November-Delta….Yes…no…better than we thought.”

   He broke off the connection, put the phone away and put the truck in gear.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 16, 2018, 01:00:46 pm
Another great chapter, I love that the girls had the empathy that they did towards Debbie, who was definitely not in their social circle, but who the girls reached out to and looked to befriend, and made a new part of their group, you write things like that very well. Rachel was impressed and so was I. It also appears that they might be figuring out something having to do with Nadia, the thing is, how will they trip her up into revealing her true self? I look forward to finding out! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: spoonmaster on November 19, 2018, 01:50:19 am
The cool kids making friends with the class nerd... this MUST be fantasy.

Good work as always.  Love the hook at the end.  I’m very interested in seeing what’s going on here.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on November 19, 2018, 10:21:45 pm
Great story, keep up the intrigue and keep us all guessing where this is going to go...... Karma to you, can't wait for the next chapters.......
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 21, 2018, 10:46:00 am
Freshman year: Part Thirteen

   The Simmons family never locked their garage door. Hell they didn’t lock the doors to their house because, well who would fuck with them? They were pretty much the town badasses and they had boat loads of money. Truck, his brother, and his cousins did mostly what they wanted and got away with it. Truck, who was somewhat bound by the football team’s code of conduct, was actually the best of the bunch.

   This suited her fine. Not that the garage door was any kind of obstacle, but she wanted this to be a ninja run and leave as little damage, or evidence in her wake as she could.

   It was a cloudy night with a quarter moon, which suited her as well. Crouched in the trees looking down at the paved driveway and attached three car garage, she was invisible. She studied the house for signs of consciousness. It was 3 am and the chances of anyone being up were remote but chance wasn’t part of the plan. ‘Good fortune happens when opportunity meets preparation. Bad fortune happens when lack of preparation meets reality.’ This had been drilled into her more times than she could count. She smiled ruefully as the thought flashed across her mind.

   In truth she loved this. She loved the challenge, the rush and the simultaneous need to maintain control of her emotions. “IPS” they called it: Ideal Performance State. Hitting the right point on the ‘activation’ scale, not too high where control is at risk, not to low where the required intensity is missing.

   She also loved the challenge of stealth, a considerable challenge given her bulk. Sure, her incredibly muscular body was covered in black spandex, which might as well have been spray-paint. Her hair and everything but her eyes covered in a black nylon hood. That covered stealth if she didn’t move. But move she did and with the silence and grace of a jungle cat. Her mass was somehow an asset rather than a weakness. Her sheer strength allowed her to carry the weight with an ease people half her mass couldn’t hope to match.

   The house had been stone-still for 10 minutes when she started to move; a muscular walking shadow slipping across the road to the 10 foot high chain-link fence that ran along the Simmons’ driveway. She slid along the side until she found a suitable spot. Turning her back to the fence, she squatted down and reached behind her back to grab the post with both hands. She did a slow mental three count and softly blew out a breath. She straightened her legs and the post began to rise.
   Even through the spandex you could see her thighs expand and separate. Her calves expanded into diamonds as the cement anchor at the bottom of the post broke the surface. The metal links tightened as the post rose further. Her triceps bulged like two swollen horseshoes. The moon caused a dull sheen on her suit. The most obvious spot was her glutes which had clenched into the size, shape and hardness of bowling balls. She was looking down, focused on the cylinder of cement that was reluctantly rising. 'God I love this,' she thought.

   The challenge wasn’t if she was strong enough to pull it out of the ground, the challenge was getting the anchor out of the ground before the chain link was deformed or started to break. As it was, the links were singing with tension. She was starting to consider levering the base forward knowing that covering the resulting damage up would probably take more time than she had. The links above her head were starting to stretch.

   At that moment the bottom of the base cleared the ground. She flipped it forward and placed it gently, silently on the ground. Turning around she survived her handy-work. A couple of links near the top of the post were a little deformed, but other than that…nothing that would cause attention. As her father was fond of saying ‘a blind man on a galloping horse wouldn’t notice.’
She backed up two steps, set herself, took one step forward and launched herself 12 feet across the fence. She landed on the driveway in a crouch, a huge ball of silent muscle. She straightened. If anyone had seen her, they would have had a hard time believing what they were looking at. She was an impossible collection of curves, hard lines, bulges and power.  That all that mass functioned at a level of grace that rivaled a ballet dancer was even more mind-boggling.

   She padded up the driveway to the garage. Along the fence side of the garage was a line of stacked unsplit logs for firewood. Each of them was about three feet long, ‘perfect,’ she thought and grabbed two from the top of the pile.

   She slid over to the near door and put the logs on the ground. Grabbing the latch she slowly turned and opened the door. One of the good things about the Simmons’ being well off was they didn’t skimp on quality. The door went up in smooth, well oiled, silence. She stopped it at four feet, grabbed the two logs and ducked under it. She left the door where it was and slid along the side of ‘Truck’s’ truck.

   She placed one of the logs on end, just behind the front wheel-well. She turned her back to the truck, squatted down and grabbed under the door, where the jack plate was. In a repeat performance she straightened her legs and 4500 lbs of truck began to lift of the ground. ‘Thank God they use aluminum in these things,’ she thought. Underneath the spandex huge muscles were contracting and expanding at the same time. The vein running down her enormous biceps was visible through the spandex. Lats and quads were exploding as the truck tilted upwards.
When she got it three feet and a bit of the ground she let go with her left hand and quickly re-positioned it to the center of her back. She then dropped her right hand to the log and quickly shoved it under the jack plate. Stepping away the truck she turned quickly to see if her impromptu jack held. It did.

   She grabbed the other log and set it up in the corresponding spot on the other side of the truck. She took a moment to compose herself. This one would be harder as she wasn’t tilting the truck from one side. She was going to lift the entire weight of the front end, probably about 3,000 lbs, three feet off the ground.

   She set her feet, dropped down, grabbed the truck and lifted. Her body simply exploded. Her lats and back expanded so much and so fast that her spandex shirt ripped right down the middle of her back. The material covering her quads and her calves was threatening to do the same thing. Her neck looked like a chorded funnel as veins the size of fettuccini were emerging there, her shoulders and down the length of her forearms. Power sung within her. The tension in her arms, legs and back seemed to travel inward. She had a warm fuzzy feeling in her core. It felt better than good. It felt amazing.

   'Focus,' she chided herself, 'mission first.'

   The truck, creaking slightly, rose inexorably. Thighs the thickness of garbage cans powered her rock-hard body and the truck it was holding to the point its front end was level. She repeated the trick with the log and stood back to admire her work. The front of the truck was safely propped three feet in the air. It looked, like all the world, like it was popping a wheelie in the garage.

   She smiled under the mask and ducked down to crawl under the truck. She stopped suddenly and ducked back out. She looked around and slid over to the far wall. In the dim light she spotted what she thought, on a whim, might be there. The Simmons family functioned on the belief that ‘whoever has the most toys wins.’ So it made sense that they would have a mechanics ‘creeper’ sled. She lifted it off the pegs on the wall and placed it in front of the truck. She sat on it facing away from the truck and slid under it.

   It took her ten minutes to disconnect the part she was after. The trickiest part involved disconnecting the transmission, which she had to do to get what she was after. She reached up and unlatched the hood from the inside. The next part was lowering the truck back to the ground. She reversed the steps she took to raise the truck and gently lowered the massive beast of a machine to the ground, one side at a time.

   All that remained was to lift the part up, out of the engine well and quietly close the hood. She put the creeper back where it belonged, ducked under the door with her spoils and silently slid the door closed.

   She jumped across the fence again, put down her cargo and set about putting the fence back in the ground. She could face it this time as putting something back in the ground was easier than ripping something out of it. The fence was already stretched a little so it was really only a question of lining the anchor up with the hole and lowering it back in. She stamped the ground and loose earth back around the base of the post. Not perfect, but it wouldn’t attract attention.

   She picked up her ill-gotten booty and headed back into the woods. Thirteen minutes and two mile later she stopped at the edge of the lake. She severed the area and listened for five minutes. Nothing. The coast, literally, was clear.

   She walked over to the boat dock, which extended 150 feet out into the lake. The water at the end of it was 10 feet deep, but there was a self another 15 feet out where the depth dropped off considerably. She took another look around and, satisfied she was still alone, threw the part 20 feet out into the lake.

   She thought briefly about taking a swim. She was sweaty and her suit was a little grimy but then she thought better of it. ‘Deviating from a plan is the surest way to derail a plan.’ She’d heard THAT more than once.

   She smiled under her mask and set out for home.

   Truck was in an especially good mood this morning. He and his cousins had spent the evening working on a plan to mess up the school Halloween Dance. “Fuck it up good,” is more like it. The plan, even if Truck said so himself, was good.

   So it was with no small amount of anticipation and satisfaction that he climbed into the cab of his truck. He hit the remote to open the garage door, shoved the key in the ignition and turned. Nothing happened. “What the fuck?”

  He turned the key again and got the same result. There was nothing on dash display, no warning lights, just dead nothing. Truck popped the hood release and climbed back down. He got to the front and reached under the hood for the latch. He threw up the hood and was reaching for the support bar when it hit him. He was looking at the floor of the garage.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 21, 2018, 05:46:32 pm
Nice! I liked reading this little excerpt of not only Nadia's strength, but her agility, skill and intelligence, all of which she needed to do what she did, take the engine out of Truck's vehicle. That was impressive, I liked that she did something and there was nothing that pointed to her being the one who did it, because it was done so perfectly. Great writing as usual, really enjoyable stuff. k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: caino on November 21, 2018, 07:21:04 pm
I thought she was Lindsey :D
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 23, 2018, 11:06:36 am
Another great chapter, I love that the girls had the empathy that they did towards Debbie, who was definitely not in their social circle, but who the girls reached out to and looked to befriend, and made a new part of their group, you write things like that very well. Rachel was impressed and so was I. It also appears that they might be figuring out something having to do with Nadia, the thing is, how will they trip her up into revealing her true self? I look forward to finding out! k+!

Thanks. The game isn't quite afoot yet. but it's really close.

The cool kids making friends with the class nerd... this MUST be fantasy.

Good work as always.  Love the hook at the end.  I’m very interested in seeing what’s going on here.

Really. Rachel is just one example of how this world isn't quite like ours. Rest assured there will be more on Golf Golf November Delta and her friends.

Great story, keep up the intrigue and keep us all guessing where this is going to go...... Karma to you, can't wait for the next chapters.......

Check below

Nice! I liked reading this little excerpt of not only Nadia's strength, but her agility, skill and intelligence, all of which she needed to do what she did, take the engine out of Truck's vehicle. That was impressive, I liked that she did something and there was nothing that pointed to her being the one who did it, because it was done so perfectly. Great writing as usual, really enjoyable stuff. k+!

Glad you enjoyed it.

I thought she was Lindsey :D

Well, not sure Linz could carry an 800 lb engine. Might be Nadia, but the operation did have a certain military precision to it.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 23, 2018, 11:31:53 am
Freshman year: Part Fourteen– Hallowe’en Dance.

   “Wow! You guys look awesome!” Lindsay was gushing over Ryan and Billy’s costumes. They were standing in the parking lot waiting for Nadia so they could enter as a group. The late
October sun had just set and the twilight was off-set by a dramatic curtain of orange and yellow clouds stretching across the sky.

   In truth, they looked very good and more than a little like the characters they were posing as. Billy’s Vizzini costume featured a bald head ‘wig’, a jacket that was almost a dead ringer for the one in the movie, tights and boots. Billy had altered the look a little by wearing a pair of puffy Elizabethan breeches. Walking towards the girls Ryan had caught the reasoning there immediately. “Extra leg room?”

   “Yeah,” Billy admitted. “I’ve tied myself down too, just to be sure.”

   “I wouldn’t slow dance with Sim if I were you,” Ryan warned. “Remember the beach?”

   “Don’t worry, that lesson is burned into my brain.”

   “We got lucky,” Ryan was explaining to the girls: “As it turned out the school actually did The Princess Bride a couple of years ago. The fashion class made all the costumes and Ms. Chizevsky let us use them.

   Ryan was wearing a grey vest over a mustard-yellow shirt, tights and boots. He had on a wig and a goatee with streaks of grey. On his right hand he was wearing a glove, with six fingers. He was a truly impressive figure as the heels on the boots added an extra inch and a half to his 6’3.

   “I won’t have any trouble finding you in the crowd,” Lindsay said.

   “I don’t know,” Ryan was shaking his head in something that looked like wonder. “Once we stand next to you guys I feel we’ll be pretty much invisible.”

   “You think?” Lindsay was actually nervous about their look.

   “Really? I know,” Ryan replied. “Your mom did an awesome job Linz. You guys are just epic.”

   “Well making me look like a guy wasn’t all that hard, but making Sim look like a guy was a major challenge.”

   In truth Simone was just too much woman to hide, but Terri’s costume worked with the young Amazon’s attributes in such a way that the illusion of masculinity was easy to accept. It started at the top with her hair. Simone’s mother had curled her raven black main into a pretty good likeness of Inigo. Next she applied a stage moustache. On each cheek they had simulated a diagonal scar with make-up.

   The real challenge was what to do with a five-foot, 10-inch body that had, as Carley put it: “more curves than a mountain road.” Boots and leather pants took care of her lower body. The boots took her height to an even six feet. A cotton shirt and a vest belted at the waist covered the top. This is where Terri had worked her magic. The vest was belted at the waist but Simone was wearing a light wrap of foam under her shirt. This took her waist from it normally impossible 25 inches to about 30. The vest extended to the tops of her thighs camouflaging, mostly, her hips and heart-stopping rear-end. The cotton shirt, like its counterpart in the movie, had a vee- neck collar and was open. A draw-string was loosely knotted at the bottom of the vee. Rather than expose Simone’s spectacular cleavage, however, the opening revealed a level plain with…chest hair?

   Terri had sewn a piece of fabric which was a close match to Simone’s caramel completion on the inside of the opening. She had taken some of Simone’s hair left over from the mini-perm and glued it to the fabric. With the vest hiding Simone’s ‘hourglass’ shape the effect, especially from the front, was remarkable. There was still some suspension of disbelief required but it was pretty easy to accept, not that Simone was a man, but that she was supposed to be one.

   “What’s with that Sim?” Ryan was pointing at a rectangular sticker on the left side of her chest.

   “Ask Carley.”

   “What?” Carley asked. “It’s the perfect touch.”

   Billy and Ryan both took a step forward. Billy exploded with a short burst of laughter. Ryan just shook his head. “You can’t help yourself, can you?”
Carley had taken one of those “Hello. My name is...” stickers used at reunions and meetings and written on it: “Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.”

   “I think it’s perfect,” Simone said. “Saves me from going: Hghello! My name is Inigo Montoya, jew killed my father, prepare to die!”

   “That was awesome Sim,” Ryan said.
    “Mucho español in da Caribe mon. Can take de gurl outta de island, but can’t take de island outta de gurl. You.” Simone switched flawlessly from Spanish to Trinidadian Creole.

   “Your ear is amazing,” Ryan said. “So what’s the issue?”

   Simone laughed. “Because saying ‘hghello’ is ‘hghard’ on my throat.”
   “Speaking of amazing,” Carley was saying to Lindsay. “I can’t thank your Mom enough for the job she did on this costume.” The dress was identical to the one Robin Wright wore in the movie except for a floor to hip slit down the left-hand side. Underneath Terri had crafted a pair of spandex shorts in the same shade as the dress. Terri had also offered Carley a blonde wig, but she found it hot and uncomfortable. She combed her hair back off her face and parted to down the middle. The fact her brilliant red hair wasn’t blonde did not change the fact she looked spectacular.

   When Ryan asked, the reply was vintage Carley: “I’m Buttercup in her red…period.” Which drew an “Oh ick!” from Lindsay and a frown from Simone. Billy looked a little ill and was shaking his head. Again.

   “Seriously?” Ryan was looking at her in outright disbelief. “Honest to God Car, it’s like your brain is Dodge Viper with no brakes. All go and no stop.”

   “Over the line?”

   “Ya think?” Simone and Lindsay said simultaneously.

   “K, I’ll try to reign it in.”

   “C’ept on the dance floor,” Lindsay said.

   “Got that right, I’m totally ready to rock it.”

   “I have an affinity with rocks,” came a voice from behind them. “When do we get to have our way with them?”

   Everybody turned to find Fezzik standing there palming a rock the size of a bowling ball in ‘his’ left hand.

   The likeness was incredible. Nadia’s mom had permed her hair into tight curls and added stage sideburns to her cheeks. She had riding boots, large – baggy – striped pants, and a huge shapeless shirt. Unlike Fezzik the shirt was done up to the neck. Like Simone, Nadia was wearing a vest. She could have been Fezzik’s twin sister.

   Billy was the first one to shake off his amazement.

   “Soon. And you can finish them your way.”

   “Oh. Good. Thank you Vizzini. …which way is my way?”

   “The moment they are in view, hit them with the rock!”

   Nadia shook her head. “My way is not very sportsman like.”
   Billy, Ryan, and Carley all laughed out loud. Simone and Lindsay smiled in appreciation.

   “Awesome, just awesome,” Billy said moving towards Nadia. He put up his hand, palm up. “Up top!..or in your case - straight out!”

   Nadia smiled and gave Billy’s palm a horizontal tap with the rock.

   “Nice,” Billy laughed. “So, Nadia, I see the summer at ninja- camp paid off, it’s like you appeared out of thin air. How did you get here?”

   “I can be quite stealthy for a girl of my…girth. And to answer your question Papa and I rode over.”

   “In what?” Carley asked, “The Batmobile?”

   “Not in, on. Horses. We came through the trails at the back of the school.”

   “You can ride? Cool.”

   “I would not be much of a farm girl if I could not. At least not as far as Mama and Papa are concerned.”

   “Three moustaches, two wigs, two perms and a set of side burns,” Carley noted. “The gang’s all hair.”

   Ryan looked at Billy, “how are you fixed for iocane again?”
   “Shouldn’t we just be happy it didn’t involve the feminine hygiene cycle?”

   “Fair point.”

   With that the group headed for the dance. Lindsay fell in beside Nadia and looked up at her. “You look amazing, I am so glad you came.”

   Nadia beamed back down at her muscular friend. “Thank you. I was worried about stepping forward this much, but I can see that you are the answer to my concerns”

   “How’s that?”

   “As long as I remain near you, I will be invisible. You look especially remarkable tonight.”

   It was true, the combination of Terri’s deadly costume and Lindsay’s spectacular body was no less than breathtaking. She was all in black with black ankle-cut boots – a concession to her calves. Black spandex tights covered her legs like spray-paint. Standing still with her legs essentially together (gymnastics had trained that into her) you could see three distinct gaps: a small downward triangle where the tops of her thighs merged with her torso, a larger arrow-head shaped gap from where her thighs touched down past her knees to where her calves touched and third gap between her calves and her ankles.

   Her black shirt was a masterpiece in simultaneous coverage and revelation. It was tightly belted at the waist making Lindsay’s incredible Vee shape obvious. Her butt was semi-covered by a short tail Terri had insisted on adding. “Control the message dear, always control the message.”

   The shoulders and sleeves were quite loose, but the collared neck line was cut in a deep vee with draw-strings crossing it. Lindsay’s pectorals and the startling gap between them were obvious. She was wearing a black bikini top underneath, the straps hidden by the shirt. Terri had deliberately tightened the torso of the shirt with spandex panels down the sides, not to show off Lindsay’s incredible core, but basically to keep it covered.

   “Knowing how you will throw yourself around on the dance floor at loose shirt with an open neck will probably expose more than we want to,” She reasoned. “I don’t want you trending tomorrow for the wrong reasons”

   Lindsay had tied her blond hair back in a pony-tail and Terri had applied a thin, blonde stage moustache. A black hood, gloves and a mask completed the outfit. Once they took a group picture the mask would spend the night hooked into her belt. School rules prohibited masks that covered your face.  Not that anyone else would have complained: Even with a moustache her face was stunning.

   “Mom did a great job,” Lindsay said to Nadia. “It feels like a second skin and I can move anyway I want. I am so pumped for tonight.”

   “Your mother is obviously a very talented seamstress, but I was referring to what is in the costume. You will be much admired tonight. And justifiably so”

   “Naaa, we all look great.”

   “Ah…yaaaah, you are so the greatest,” Nadia said which drew instant head snaps from the rest of the group. She went red instantly. “I have been working on my slang. Did I get that right?”

   “Nailed it,” Billy said. “You’ll be sounding just as uncultured as the rest of us in no time.”

   They were approaching the steps to the school. There were tubular hand rails on either side. Lindsay was suddenly bolting for them. About six feet away she jumped and landed with both feet on the railing. She stood on the two-inch bar as easily as the rest of the group stood on the ground.

   Lindsay took off her gloves and stuffed them in her belt. She bent forward and grabbed the bar with both hands. The next second she was vertical on the bar and walking up it on her hands. Nadia was bemused, Carley and Simone were just shaking their heads. Billy and Ryan, on the other hand were focused on what was no longer covered by the tail of her shirt. “Damn,” Said Ryan under his breath. “Yeah,” Billy managed to croak.

   When she got to the top of the railing Lindsay lowered herself to the point her chin was almost touching the bar. She arched her back and extended her legs out over her head forming a ‘C.’ She then drove upwards and forward, did a complete summersault in mid-air and, as she always did, stuck the landing.
   “Five from the Russian judge,” Simone called out.

   “Well, this Russian judge gives it a 10,” Nadia, who caught the running gag, laughed.

   Along with masks the school had sent notice weapons and simulated weapons would also be prohibited. This included swords so Lindsay, and Ryan were sporting empty scabbards with handles attached. Simone had somehow managed to create a realistic sword using silver spray-paint, some leather strapping, a thin foam insulation tube and a very realistic ornate handle made from clay. She got stopped at the door by the off-duty cop working the dance but was allowed to keep it when she drew it out then wrapped around her neck like a scarf. In truth, it was highly doubtful his eyes got that far up, but Simone didn’t mind. ‘Nice job girls,’ she thought to herself.

Nadia’s rock passed without notice as judging by the way she was carrying it, it was obviously a Styrofoam prop.

   The dance was in the gym. As soon as they entered they were directed to the photo area. They posed, as all the students who wanted to, for a group picture for the yearbook, the school website and as a memento. On the way to the dance floor they ran across Ms Mathias. She was dressed as a zombie nurse and looked more than a little frightening.

   “Wow! Awesome look Ms. M.” Lindsay said. “Totally freaky.”

   “Thank you Lindsay, and I must say you guys look fantastic. Nadia you look amazing. I’m so glad you made it here tonight.”

   “Thank you Ms. Mathias. I am fortunate to have made some friends who would not allow me to miss it.”

   “Well, and I don’t want this to go to your head Carley, I don’t think you could have picked a better group than this,” Ms. Mathias said.” As it turned out Rachel was the school’s soccer coach and was now very familiar with Carley.

   “No worries, Ms. M. And just let me say you look like the ghoul of someone’s dreams.”

   Rachel groaned and looked at Ryan. “No known cure I hear.”
   “Nope, she’s terminal.”

   “Well, you guys have fun storming the castle.”

   This, of course, brought stunned looks from the group.

   “What? You didn’t think I’d seen The Princess Bride, I was raised on it.”

   “It’s not that, it’s just….” Ryan was fumbling with where to go next.

   “It’s just that you thought teachers were kept in coffins at night in the school and un-crated every morning, fed and led to the classrooms to teach you?”


   “We have lives guys. And you know what the scariest part of that is?”

   “Noooh…” Lindsay replied.

   “The scariest part is that not that long ago I was just like you.” Satisfied she’d inflicted enough confusion, Ms. Mathias gave a fiendish grin, arched her eyebrows and left.

   “She is so cool,” Lindsay said.

   The group found a table to use as a staging area and sat down to get organized. The gym walls were decorated with dozens of movie posters, nothing from this century, while the committee had hung huge steamers the looked like film from the walls and rafters. The sound system was playing the main theme from Star Wars at the moment but the students had all had imput to the playlist on-line and they knew what they were going to be dancing to.

   Even though the gym  was packed, as the first set started there were only a couple of couples on the floor. Carley looked at Lindsay and said, “let’s get this party started.”

   “As you wish,” said Lindsay. Anticipation was radiating from her. She was almost vibrating by the time they hit the centre of the floor.

   “Guys,” Simone said to the rest of the group, “I think we need to watch this.”

   “They got something planned?” Billy asked.

   “For sure. Look at them. They look like a rocket on a launch pad. I don’t know what they have in mind but it’s going to be epic.”

   The song was “I’ve had the time of my life,” from Dirty Dancing. Simone was right; for the next four minutes and forty seconds the best soccer player in the school and the best gymnast in the state put on a show that brought the gym to a standstill.
   Carley was Patrick Swayze and Lindsay was Jennifer Grey, if Jennifer Grey had been cloned from Simone Biles. Carley was smooth, graceful and powerful, always the center. She glided effortlessly around the floor as Lindsay moved in and out, always in orbit around her. Lindsay had combined her natural dance skills and her floor exercise moves into an explosive and stunning routine. They moved like the elite athletes they were; two tigers staking their claim to a clearing in the jungle. It was impossible not to watch them. There were more than 200 cell phones pointed at them.

   As good as it was from the start, a sizzling tango, the last two minutes would become school legend. But not before going viral.
   Lindsay ran at Carley and looked like she was going to jump into her arms. Carley braced herself for the impact and held out her arms. Lindsay timed her jump so she landed with both feet on Carley’s rock-hard quads. Carley ‘caught’ her friend by the waist, but her lower body took almost all the impact. The two girls flexed their legs simultaneously and Lindsay used the upward momentum generated by Carley’s quads to launch herself into the air. She did two perfect summersaults before landing into a backward roll that ended up in the splits.

   Without missing a beat Carley launched herself at Lindsay. She dove at her friend placing one hand on each muscular shoulder. Lindsay, reached up as Carley made contact and got her palms on Carley’s shoulders. The two girls pushed in perfect sync and Carley shot back up into a flip and a landing she punctuated with one and a half ballet-like spins.

   Carley backed away towards the center again. Cat-walking backwards, a knowing grin on her face, waving Lindsay on with her right hand.

   “Jesus that’s hot,” Ryan said then realized suddenly it had been out loud. “Errr, ah, sorry” He turned to look at Simone, who he figured was most likely to be offended.

   Billy was paralyzed while Nadia was looking on with clinical interest. Simone staring at the dance floor with a look that said she and Ryan were thinking along the same lines.

   “You’re not wrong,” Simone said without taking her eyes from the dance floor.

   Lindsay was now slinking up to Carley. She put her hands on Carley’s shoulders while Carley grabbed her waist. The pair bent and Lindsay rocketed up into the air. Carley let her go for a split second and caught her under the arms as she came back down. Lindsay curled her core forward as she drooped and swung between Carley’s legs in a perfect arc. Carley waited for the momentum to die and then pulled Lindsay back through her legs. Lindsay’s core was so strong she was able to stay bent forward and off the ground through the entire move.
   As she came back up she got her feet on the floor and once again exploded upward. This time she kicked back and sent her feet flying away from Carley’s body. They kept on going, over her own head, into a tuck and a sudden move where she shot her legs out to the side. Carley was standing with her arms straight out. Lindsay finished the move straddling Carley’s upper arms. Carley put her hands on Lindsay’s rock-hard glutes and used the last of the momentum to push Lindsay up and over her head. On the way down Lindsay wrapped her arms around Carley’s waist in a vice of iron. She let her feet fall away with the momentum while Carley drove up and back.
   “Oh…my…fecking God.” Simone said.

   Lindsay’s feet landed and her body was propelled into a standing position. That would have been impressive enough, but things were further completed by the 150 lb body Lindsay was holding in her arms. Not a problem, apparently. The gym looked in disbelief as Lindsay stood still holding an inverted Carley steady. “Showboat,” Carley whispered.
“That’s bad?” Lindsay laughed? “K, go!”

   Lindsay dropped her left arm and Carley pivoted down into a perfect cartwheel landing. She hopped back in front of Lindsay, gave a quick nod and the two of them ripped off four cartwheels across the dance floor. Lindsay stepped up the Carley, who took her hands and dipped her just as the song ended. The gym exploded in applause.

   “I need a water,” Simone croaked. “Anyone else?”

   “Yes please,” Nadia said.

   “Me too,” Ryan rasped. Billy, apparently beyond the point where he couldn’t form words, banged the table twice and nodded.

   While Simone was away the conquering heroes returned to the table. Lindsay was still high on endorphins and was bouncing. “That was awesome, Car, you were so good, that was even better than we planned.”

   “You should not be surprised,” Nadia said.

   “Well, I’m not, not really, but it did go really well and that makes me happy.”

   “You are both exceptional athletes used to performing at a high level. You function very well under pressure, it is your nature. And, I have to say…You are an absolute pleasure to watch. That was beautiful, and I am very glad I got to see it.”

   Lindsay, who was used to praise, found herself deeply touched. “Thank you Nadia, that means a lot to me, and to us, right Car?”

   Carley’s attention had been focused on Billy. He was still semi-dazed and she was pretty sure she knew the reason why. A wicked grin was spreading across her face. Unfortunately she did not see Ryan who was looking at her with a warning glare that would have melted glass. Fortunately Lindsay wasn’t one to let a train of thought get derailed.

   “Right, Car?” As she shot a quick elbow into Carley’s ribs. Carley whirled and saw the warning and concern in Lindsay’s eyes even as she was subtly indicating Nadia, who was clearly expecting a response to something. Not for the first time in her life Carley’s remarkable brain saved her. In milliseconds she was able to replay the conversation between Lindsay and Nadia and grasped what was required.

   “Nadia, I’m not sure we deserve that level of praise, or at least I’m not sure I do, but I am honoured that you think we do. Trust me, we probably enjoyed doing it even more than you enjoyed watching it. It feels so good to just go and cut it all loose.”

   Nadia was nodding with profound understanding. ‘Yes it does,’ she thought. ‘On those rare occasions you actually can.’

   At that moment a black, newly repaired Ford F150 pick-up truck oozed into the back parking lot by the gym.

   It stopped in a dark spot between the flood lights. Truck Simmons and three other members of the varsity team dismounted and headed for the back. Truck popped open the bed-cover. They grabbed two kit bags from the back of the truck.

   “This will fix those cocky little shits,” Truck growled.

   Clanking and clinking noises came from the bags as they walked towards the school.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: phil123 on November 24, 2018, 06:49:57 am
Seems to be a great party.

Please go on.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 24, 2018, 08:39:04 am
Wow, what a great chapter to read, I loved how you described how they looked in their outfits, and as a big fan of the Princess Bride, I enjoyed that everyone in that group seemed to be big fans of it themselves, even their teacher, Ms. Mathias was raised on it, much like I was. The dancing routine that Lindsay and Carley did together was very much a pleasure to read, just as much as I'm sure it would've been a pleasure to watch. But the ending, I wonder what will happen? Will Nadia step up to save her friends and show her true strength? I look forward to finding out! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Ragingsky on November 26, 2018, 02:26:46 pm
I love this story, and I love that it is an actual story, with a plot and great characters. In our world, that's exceedingly hard to find (not that I mind when it's just pure muscle, but it's nice to get some real development sometimes). I appreciate the effort; karma for you!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on November 26, 2018, 09:53:34 pm
Again, you continue to up the game and bring it to new heights.....your description of our mystery Ninja at what was happening in her outfit was spectacular, you paint such a clear and vivid picture for the reader. You could see her muscles moving right in front of you! Then you continue to the main characters costumes and the dance moves only make this one of the best stories ever on this site..........and yet, you have so much more dangling out there..........weight lifting class, who gets to notice Billy's problem first, when does somebody actually try to pick up Natalie's "fake" rock, when do we actually get to see Natalie? The list keeps goes on.............

I don't know if there is enough Karma to offer for this story, but please keep going!!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 27, 2018, 10:49:02 am
Seems to be a great party.

Please go on.

That's the plan.

See below.

Wow, what a great chapter to read, I loved how you described how they looked in their outfits, and as a big fan of the Princess Bride, I enjoyed that everyone in that group seemed to be big fans of it themselves, even their teacher, Ms. Mathias was raised on it, much like I was. The dancing routine that Lindsay and Carley did together was very much a pleasure to read, just as much as I'm sure it would've been a pleasure to watch. But the ending, I wonder what will happen? Will Nadia step up to save her friends and show her true strength? I look forward to finding out! k+!

The Princess Bride rules. Just trying to pay homage in my own small way. Nadia is facing a few challenges, but she's pretty resourceful.

I love this story, and I love that it is an actual story, with a plot and great characters. In our world, that's exceedingly hard to find (not that I mind when it's just pure muscle, but it's nice to get some real development sometimes). I appreciate the effort; karma for you!

Thanks. I've always liked stories that seemed like they could  actually happen. This is already pushing through that envelope, but the characters and how they react are really what I'm trying to nail.

Again, you continue to up the game and bring it to new heights.....your description of our mystery Ninja at what was happening in her outfit was spectacular, you paint such a clear and vivid picture for the reader. You could see her muscles moving right in front of you! Then you continue to the main characters costumes and the dance moves only make this one of the best stories ever on this site..........and yet, you have so much more dangling out there..........weight lifting class, who gets to notice Billy's problem first, when does somebody actually try to pick up Natalie's "fake" rock, when do we actually get to see Natalie? The list keeps goes on.............

I don't know if there is enough Karma to offer for this story, but please keep going!!!

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Basically I'm just trying to write something I'd want to read.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 27, 2018, 11:17:18 am
Freshman year: Part Fourteen B– Hallowe’en Dance.

   “So, wanna dance?” Nadia blinked and looked down at Billy. She wasn’t sure she’d heard him right.

   “Why would you want to dance with me?” She was thinking she would have been the last option anyone’s dance card, especially given the overwhelming collection of beauty, power and femininity the rest of the group brought to the table.

    "Why wouldn’t I want to dance with you?” Billy countered. “It’s a dance, it’s why we’re here. Is it inconceivable that I’d want a dance?”

   Nadia smiled, “No…no it is not.” And in that moment things fell into place: Billy had already demonstrated his inability to control himself around Lindsay. Dancing with her, actually touching her, would not end well. Dancing with Carley, especially after the sizzling performance she and Lindsay had just staged would almost certainly have the same result. Dancing with Simone would plant Billy’s face right in the middle of her amazing amazon superstructure and probably end up being the worst option of all.

   Nadia stood, put her rock down on her chair, and held out a hand. If she could keep him at arm’s length things would be fine. “I would be honoured.”

   Ryan heard a sudden ‘clunck’ and looked to his left. Not seeing anything to explain the noise he turned back to Sim and Lindsay.


   The first part of the plan was simple enough. They had to get the teachers and the off-duty cop away from the main entrance to the gym. To do this Truck had enlisted the help of a couple of his older cousins. They had both left J.D. MacDoanld a couple of years ago and were completely down with having a little fun at the school’s expense.

   Phase One was Candi (with an ‘i’ always) would literally crash the gate and lead the female teachers on a chase that would end up in the girls’ washroom. Her brother, Randy (with a ‘y’ always) would distract the male teacher and the cop by showing up at the door apparently (or possibly actually) drunk.

   ‘Don’t You (Forget About Me)’ by Simple Minds was playing. Nadia proved to be deceptively light on her feet as she steered the two of them around the dance floor in a modified waltz. Billy had little choice but to follow.

   “So a ninja and a dancer,” He said.

   “Dancing is important in our family, Mama says it is part of being Russian. It is in our blood. Apparently in yours as well.”

   “Spasiba.” Nadia smiled at his Russian and gave him a nod of appreciation.

   “You are welcome, but I am serious, you are very graceful. And our…makeup as a couple is …unusual.”

   “Not to me,” Billy pointed out. “This is pretty much normal.”

   “Fair point,” Nadia had to concede.

   “Hey check those two out,” Carley was saying to the rest of the group back at the table. “They are totally chopping up the floor.”

   “That’s an odd couple but they look great together,” Ryan noted. He was happy Billy was enjoying himself and happy he was doing so in apparent safety. Nadia, he reasoned, seemed to be the least likely member of the group to set Billy off.

   “She’s had dance training,” Simone said. “Look at the way she moves, she’s totally fluid, totally in the song. No wasted movement, but all the details nailed down. She’s really, really good.”

   “Add another layer to our big Russian doll,” Lindsay said.

   A wicked grin flashed on Carley’s face. “Let’s find out how good.”


   “No worries, nothing bad. I just want to see something.”

   Unaware of the plot hatching behind their backs, Nadia and Billy continued to traverse the dance floor, flowing in and out enjoying the synchronicity of their combined journey. Neither of them noticed Carley make her way past them to the DJ station.

   “Hey Dude? Can you play this?” She was holding her phone up to the DJ. She was half expecting to get shut down, but was pleasantly surprised.

   “After the show you two put on, I’d play Mozart if you asked me to. Next song?” He was already digging into his laptop.

   “Perfect, thanks so much.”

   “Da Nada.”

   Back on the floor Billy was marveling at the contrast between Nadia’s fluid movement and the rough hardness of her hands. Her fingers dwarfed his and were almost abrasive to the touch. Despite that and all the twisting, turning and guiding Nadia had put them through, he never once felt anything other than a gentle squeeze or subtle pull.

   “What?” Nadia was looking down at him with mild concern in her eyes.

   “Your hands,” Billy started. Nadia was immediately downcast but before she could disengage he continued. “Are amazing.”

   “I’m sorry,” Nadia was in really unfamiliar territory. Just being in a group at all was new. Being in a group where she was supported and admired was beyond her experience completely. Once again she used Lindsay as a touchstone. Anyone worthy of her friendship could, by default, be trusted. The fact they were all here together was proof of that. Billy was proving himself to be cut from the same cloth. He was kind, extremely bright, and strangely, despite the vast difference in their size, not the least bit uncomfortable around her. Nadia found herself liking him more and more.

   “Well, you keep bringing up the ‘farm-girl’ thing.”

   “Because it is true.”

   “Yes, but there is so much more to you than that,” Billy continued. Nadia was wary again.

   “Your hands are clearly used to hard work, but they are also capable of very fine control, the way you are using them now is in total contrast to pitchforking hay. The riding, the Shakespeare, the dancing, your career as a ninja, you are a girl of many layers.”

   Nadia suddenly felt warm inside. She was paralyzed for just a second.

   “What?” Billy was looking up with concern “Did I say something wrong?”

   Nadia shook her head. “No, no. The opposite actually. Thank you. I am sorry Bill but this whole dynamic of being friends is still new. I am still adjusting to people being positive towards me.”

   “Well, I think you’re going to need to get used to it,” he smiled. “We all think you’re really cool. I’m really glad you moved here.”

   Nadia felt warmer and a little more fuzzy. Then the song changed.

   The initial riff sounded almost African, but then it took a definite techno-pop Slavic turn. Rhythmic drum beats were quickly followed by a chorus of “Hey, hey, hey, hey….”

   “Ohhhh Nyet,” Nadia said quietly to herself.

   “I think we’ve been set up,” Billy was saying. He was looking at the table and three innocent faces. It would never have occurred to Nadia that the song would have been requested, but one look at the table and Carley’s grinning face put that to rest.

   “We don’t have to…” Billy was starting to say.

   “No. No Bill, I think we do,” there was a look on Nadia’s face he had never seen before. Challenge accepted. “I need you to give me some room,” She said.

   Nadia popped up on her toes and brought her fists to her hips. She slid gracefully sideways three steps and brought her left leg up to form a ‘P’ against her right. She then repeated the move in the other direction, bringing her back to Billy.

   “What do you need me to do?” He asked.

   “Clap. And stamp your foot.” Her smile was radiant. He face flushed with anticipation.

   Nadia shifted back away from Bill and then squared up. She did two very quick ballet-like pirouettes, stopped. Extended her right leg straight out and did two more. The crowd was now getting into it and people were stamping and clapping with the beat. Nadia seemed to draw energy from the crowd and repeated her spins with her left leg straight out.

   At the end of the second spin, she grabbed the ankle of her left boot with both hands. She squatted down on her right leg and started to hop forward in time. She suddenly shot her right leg out, and grabbed its ankle while her left dropped and took up the hopping movement. This time backwards.

   Billy, who had a ring-side seat, was thinking about the level of balance and strength the move would have required. Sure, he could see Lindsay pull something like that off, but Nadia was probably double Lindsay’s size. His head swam.

   Carley, Ryan, Simone and Lindsay had joined Billy’s side to get a better look. “Can you believe this?” Ryan asked.

   “She’s awesome,” Lindsay was saying, “God, look at her move.”

   “Inconceivable,” Billy smiled.

   “Jew keep using that word,” Simone said. “Hgi do not think it means what you think it means.”

   Billy laughed.

   “You’re not wrong,” Simone continued. “She is amazing. Wow.”

   “Knew it,” Carley said.

   Carley, who was grinning ear to ear, thought for a second she caught movement on her right. She dismissed it and turned to watch Nadia. None of them noticed Ms Mathias and another teacher trying to make their way through the edge of the crowd after Candi Simmons.

   Nadia was now, in classic Russian folk-dance form, squatting on her toes with her arms crossed over her chest. Her feet were firing straight out, left, right, left right, as she made her way slowly forward. She dropped down on one knee, spun and popped back up on her toes. Still in a squat Nadia upped the complexity of the routine. He legs were now going straight out, back in, out to the side, back in, opposite leg straight out, back in, out to the side.

   She shot straight up into a spread-eagle and landed lightly on her heels. A couple of rotations led into another squat where she completed a tight circle of spins on and off her knee. She put her right hand down on the floor and proceeded to do a quick series of kicks. Billy realized that on every other kick, the only thing keeping Nadia off the ground was her right hand.

   Nadia straightened up again and turned. She squatted back down with both heels together, thighs parallel to the floor. She shot both feet straight out together and popped forward about a foot before landing on both feet. She did it again and again as she covered 15 feet.

   ‘She lands like a butterfly,’ Billy was thinking. ‘How can all that body not make a huge sound landing?’

   The song was coming to an end and Nadia was clearly tuned into it. On her last hop, she stopped, waited a second and on ‘Oh those Russians,’ exploded straight up. She had both arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, but her legs were in a ‘V’ to the point where her feet were actually above her hands. She looked like an enormous bird floating above the floor.

   She hit the ground and threw her arms up in triumph. She collapsed into a stage bow and straightened once more. Billy was struck by the look of absolute joy on Nadia’s face. Sweat streamed down her forehead across her chin and down to her thickly chorded neck. ‘Wait, her what?’ 

   Then, as the crowd exploded in cheers and applause, all hell broke loose.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 27, 2018, 07:08:09 pm
Haha, I loved that Nadia, because of her friends, is now beginning to feel more confident about herself and perhaps show off a bit more, especially during her solo dance routine, she showed grace and agility well beyond what someone her size should have. But of course, we know that perhaps she is still a while away from showing her true abilities, even to her friends, it's good to see her let loose a little. I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on November 27, 2018, 07:50:14 pm
Another new layer of the onion and another new, partial hand keeping body (all 280+ pounds) off of the floor and now a "thickly corded neck"...............dude you are so good at this.......... karma, karma, karma
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 30, 2018, 12:09:02 pm
Haha, I loved that Nadia, because of her friends, is now beginning to feel more confident about herself and perhaps show off a bit more, especially during her solo dance routine, she showed grace and agility well beyond what someone her size should have. But of course, we know that perhaps she is still a while away from showing her true abilities, even to her friends, it's good to see her let loose a little. I look forward to more! k+!

Thanks. That dance was a hard on to describe. I had to watch a few videos. There's a difference between showing and using...hehe.

Another new layer of the onion and another new, partial hand keeping body (all 280+ pounds) off of the floor and now a "thickly corded neck"...............dude you are so good at this.......... karma, karma, karma

Your kind words are appreciated. BTW it's a big onion.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on November 30, 2018, 12:28:39 pm
Freshman year: Part Fourteen C– Hallowe’en Dance.

   The two bags Truck and his buddies grabbed out the back of his truck contained the following: Three heavy-duty pad locks, three 10 foot lengths of 1-inch anchor chain, three Enola Gaye military grade smoke grenades (legal for civilian use) and one Soundflash ‘simulation’ grenade. While actual military/law enforcement ‘flash-bang’ grenades were illegal it turned out that the Paint Ball or Mil-Sim community had several options as far as legal ‘distraction devices’ were concerned. Truck and his buddies were heavily into Paintball and were well aware of this.
Most people’s idea of a good time wouldn’t include throwing a flash-bang and three smoke grenades into a gym full of teenagers before chaining the doors shut. But Truck Simmons wasn’t most people. The plan, as fundamentally wrong and irresponsible as it was, worked perfectly.

   A huge ‘bang’ followed by billowing clouds of smoke is enough to put the damper on any dance, but the real danger was not the noise or the smoke but the panic it would cause. ‘Flash-bangs’ are intended to disorient small groups of people making it easier to overcome them. They have the exact opposite effect on crowds. Rachel Mathias, fortunately for the school, was ex-military. She had enlisted at 18, done two tours with the Marine Corps, one in Afghanistan and one in Syria. She used the G I Bill to get her teaching degree and went looking for a job where she didn’t have to deal with things exploding. She knew from the sound and the smell exactly what they were dealing with, she also knew what the real danger was. She sprinted to the DJ station.

   “We need to get to the table,” Nadia was saying.

   “We have to get out,” Simone countered.

   “No,” Carley interrupted, “the table. The doors will be a nightmare. We’ll be lucky if people don’t get crushed.” So the made their way, essentially by feel. To the table. The room was filling with smoke and visibility was dwindling to zero.

 Attention! Your attention please! This is Ms. Mathias, I need you all to calm down and listen.” The command in her voice was undeniable. “We need everyone to step away from the doors and get low. We need to exit in an orderly fashion so no-one gets hurt.”

   “The doors are locked!” A voice ran out. Rachel knew that could not be true, the gym doors all opened out. “They’re chained shut!” Came another voice. ‘Okay,’ she thought to herself, now we have a problem.

   “Every one stop!” Rachel’s voice rang out over the PA. “Lockdown protocol! Everyone on the floor up against a wall of the gym. Stay there. Help is on the way.” Which was the exact thing they needed to do. The problem was they weren’t doing it.

   Nadia’s mind was going a million miles a minute. “We have to get out of here, we have to get people out of here before this becomes really bad.”

   Carley was already processing: “We need to get the smoke out of here. We need to vent it.”

   “How?” Ryan asked. “The windows are all at the top of the gym, I can barely see them, how do we open them?”

   Visibility at ground level was now zero, but looking up they could see the rectangular outlines of the windows along the top of the gym wall. Ryan heard a scrape on the gym floor, as if a chair was being slid along it. He thought he felt a soft implosion of air next to him and quiet ‘whoosh.’

   There was a crash above their heads and the sound of glass exploding outwards. Three seconds later a car alarm went off.

   Ms. Mathias suddenly appeared. “Carley, I need your help. Round up the rest of the team, we need to keep things under control here. Ryan, can you do the same with the football team?”

   “On it, Ms. M.”

   Ryan made to leave but a large, hard hand closed on his bicep. It was Nadia. “Ryan,” her voice came through the smoke, “I need your help. Simone? Do you think you can help organize the football team?”

   “No problem,” Simone replied as she removed the part of her costume that covered her cleavage. “K, girls, time to go to work.”

   Nadia turned to the other three. “We need to get out and open the doors before real panic ensues. Lindsay, do you think you can use one of those climbing ropes to reach the window?”

   Lindsay laughed. “No problem.”

   “Do you think you can do it carrying Billy at the same time?”

    Billy froze. Lindsay looked him up and down like he was a sack of groceries. “Again, no problem,” Her’ certainty and confidence was making Billy week in the knees but strong just north of there.

   “Right then,” Nadia said. “Wait two minutes and the climb the rope. Try to work your way over to the window.”

   “K, Then what?”

   “Hopefully by then it will be obvious.”

   Nadia turned to Ryan and said under her breath. “Come with me.”

   They felt their way to the base of the wall, where the climbing ropes were tied off. During the dance the ropes were tied off 10 feet from the ground. “I got this,” Ryan said. He jumped and used the folded up bleachers as hand holds. Shortly he landed back on the ground next to Nadia. He was holding two ropes.

   Nadia’s voice was calm and had an air of confidence Ryan had never heard. “You can climb this? No?” She asked.

   “No problem,” Ryan said as he started up the rope. Ryan soon realized Nadia was holding onto the end and the rope wasn’t swaying an inch. Ryan got to the top and then felt the rope start to move. ‘That’s not what I think it is,’ he thought. But it was, Nadia was coming up the rope, faster he noted, than he did.

   She got to the top, just below him on the rope.

   “Wow,” Ryan said.

   “Farm girl.” Nadia said. “We need to get this rope out that window. And we need to get us out with it.”


   “Do you trust me?”

   “Sure,” Ryan said. He could feel her take a deep breath and blow it out.

   “Right then. I need you to climb down on my back and lock your arms around my neck.”


   “Yes, seriously.”

   “Nadia, I weigh 235 pounds.”

   “That’s less than I thought actually. Ryan, trust me. Put your foot in my hand.”

   “Ok.” Ryan lowered his right foot until he felt Nadia’s hand under it. He realized she was now holding on with one hand. “Hurry,” she said.

   Ryan dropped his right arm and wrapped it around her neck. It was solid and hard. So, he suddenly realized, was everything else about her. He was plastered to her back and it felt like iron everywhere he made contact.

   Satisfied he was stable he dropped his other and grabbed his left wrist with his right hand. Nadia’s arm shot up and grabbed the metal crossbar the rope was attached to. She then lowered both of them slightly and made her way, hand over hand, towards the window. It was like holding on to bowling balls moving and rolling under his grip. That Nadia was doing something he thought only Lindsay was capable of was mind-blowing. That she was doing it while carrying him was…well, inconceivable.


   “Not, now. Later.”

   They had made it to the window and both managed to find a perch in the rafters next to it. The air coming through it was sweet and clean. Nadia reeled in the rope and dumped it out the same way. It made it down the outside wall to about six feet off the ground. Ryan went first.

   “See if you can find a pry-bar or a tire-iron,” Nadia instructed him.

   Ryan lowered himself to the ground and then went looking. Behind him he heard Nadia land on the ground. He also heard Lindsay’s voice from the top of the wall.

   The ride up to the top of the rope was absolute torture for Billy. Wrapped around Lindsay’s rock-hard body like a cape, he could feel every expansion and contraction as she pulled the both of them up the rope. His hands were locked around her neck with his head resting just behind hers. His chest was plastered to her back and his midsection was planted against her glutes. This, of course, was the issue.

   The side to side motion of extending her arms and pulling both of them up created a natural sway that Lindsay was trying to counteract with her core. This, of course, was creating a steady source of friction and tension. By the time they got to the window he was feeling painfully swollen and light-headed at the same time.

   Nadia was down on the ground looking up. Billy took a minute to gather himself and lowered himself down the rope. Nadia was reaching up to hold it steady. Lindsay was following Billy’s progress. He’d looked pale as he grabbed the rope, but seemed to be doing fine. What she didn’t notice was the rope fraying where it was rubbing against the broken glass still in the window frame.

   Billy made it to the bottom of the rope and Nadia gave him a hand down to the ground. She looked up at Lindsay who clambered through the window and started to lower herself. Lindsay knew something was wrong before she could figure out what. Oh, she was falling, that was it.

   Nadia had taken a second to give the rope a gentle tug to create tension for Lindsay’s decent. Rather than tighten, the rope went completely slack. She looked up to see her friend falling right at her.

   Once again, Lindsay felt a strange detachment. As if this was happening to someone else, not her. She fell for about a second and a half, but it seemed a lot longer than that. She was starting to wonder what the impact would feel like when Nadia caught her.

   It took Lindsay a second to realize she was cradled in Nadia’s arms looking up at her obviously relieved face. “Well, that was a near thing,” Nadia smiled down at her.

   “You caught me?” Lindsay said.

   “It seemed like the appropriate  thing to do, give that you were falling” Nadia smiled again.

   “But…you caught me.”

   “Lindsay, my friend, you are no heavier than the bags of feed Papa loves to drop on me from the loft in the barn.” Nadia put Lindsay down gently. “As strange as it might sound, I’ve actually had practice at this.”

    Billy, who had watched the whole thing, was shaking his head. ‘Lindsay weighs about 120, the drop is about 30 feet, Gravity accelerates you at 9.8 meters per second per second, basically three feet in a meter, she’d have been doing about 30 miles an hour when Nadia CAUGHT her. 120 lbs at 30 mph would hit like three times her weight. Jesus.’ He knew his math was really rough, but that didn’t change what he just saw.

   Lindsay was letting that sink in as she righted herself. Just then Ryan showed up with a crow bar from the wood shop. “This should work,” he said to Nadia as they headed for the back gym door.

   Ryan wedged the bar up against the door and through the chain. He, Lindsay and Nadia all grabbed the top of the bar and pulled. The chain went tight and then stopped. It appeared to be going nowhere. “Again,” Nadia said.

   This time the chain did not stop when it got tight. A high-pitched sound came from it by the bar before two ‘pinging’ noises as the weld on the links broke. One link then stretched out and then gave as the three almost fell over from the sudden lack of resistance.

   “We are fortunate they did not use a very strong chain,” Nadia said. Ryan was looking at her with a combination of skepticism and study. Nadia caught his look but derailed the impending question. “Next door,” she said as coughing students began flooding out the one they had just opened.

   The routine was repeated at the side gym door while a custodian with bolt-cutters took care of the chain on the main doors. The aftermath was messy. Parents were already arriving in response to cell-phone calls. The police were called, the dance shut down. The older Simmons cousins played innocent, claiming they were just trying to crash the dance. There was no real way to prove they weren’t. Truck and his buddies were nowhere to be found.


   The group gathered by the school steps. Terri was already there waiting for them and they reconvened at Lindsay’s house. All, except Nadia, who had once again dipped into her ninja bag of tricks and disappeared. Presumably she rode off into the night with her father.

   Lindsay, Billy and Ryan agreed they would not mention their climbing exploits, nor who actually managed to open the doors. Simone and Carley both thanked Terri for the job she did on their costumes. Carley found a copy of her dance with Lindsay, which was well on its way to going viral and showed Terri on her phone.

   “Very impressive, very nice. Both of you.” She smiled. “Thanks Mrs. C,” Carley said.

   Lindsay was looking at Billy. “Where’s your sword?” Ryan turned his head and tuned in.

   “My sword?”

   “Ya, your sword,” Lindsay said. “The whole time we were climbing, it was digging into my back.”

“Ahhhh...I lost it,” Billy said.

   “I didn’t even know you had one,” Lindsay said.

   “I kinda snuck it in,” Billy admitted. Ryan was looking at him with a ‘don’t Dude’ look.


   “Down my pants.” Ryan was shaking his head.

   Simone’s phone went off with the familiar Soca ring. “Mom’s here. Gotta bounce.” Carley went with her leaving the two guys and Lindsay eating popcorn and basically just chilling.

   “So Linz?” Billy asked.


   “What it feel like?”

   “I told you, it was hard and digging into my back” Ryan almost spit out the soda he was drinking.

   “No, not that.” Billy continued. “What did it feel like when Nadia caught you?”

   “Huh. Like being caught. But like a baby.” Both boys looked at Lindsay without understanding. She shook her head.

   “We get ‘caught’ all the time in training. Off the bars, the beam and the horse. There’s always a spotter when we’re training so that’s just part of deal.”

   “So, what’s the highest you’ve ever been caught from?”

   “Well the higher bar on the un-evens is two and a half meters.”

   “Like 8 feet,” Billy said.
   “Sure, but you fall from higher if you mess up a move going off the top.”

   “So, say 12 maybe 15 feet?”

   “Twelve sounds about right,” Lindsay said. “most of the time they don’t really catch you, they grab you on the way down and slow your fall so you can land without hurting yourself.”

    “But, Nadia caught you, like in her arms” Billy said.

   “She what?” Ryan was looking at his friend in surprise. 'Hard...everything about her was hard,' Ryan remembered. He decided to sit on his recollection, but Nadia's 'later' was going to come sooner.

   “Caught me like a sack of grain,” Lindsay said to Ryan. “That’s the way she explained it.”

   “From, what? 30 feet?”

   “From the window, whatever that was. It was like being a little kid again,” Lindsay said, “She caught me like I weighed nothing. I didn’t feel anything except being warm and safe. She just cradled me.”

   Ryan and Billy looked at each other.

   “No way,” said Ryan.

   “Way, I saw it Dude. It was right out of the movie, Fezzik catching Westley. Except that shouldn’t be possible. You were 120 pounds going 30 miles an hour, the impact would have been massive.”

   “Not the only thing that shouldn’t be possible,” Ryan said.


   “That chain, the one Nadia said was cheap,” Ryan said. Lindsay and Billy were looking at him.

   “It was anchor chain.”


   “There’s no such thing as cheap anchor chain. That stuff is supposed to stop boats from drifting off. Three teenagers, even with one as strong as Linz could never break it with a crow-bar.”

   “But we did,” Lindsay said. “You were there.”

   “Are you sure it was ‘we’ who did?” Ryan asked.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 30, 2018, 06:00:29 pm
Alright, now we're getting down to it, finally Nadia had no choice but to reveal some of her abilities, and in doing so, she has let it slip, at least to those who are closely watching and feeling, that she is not your average Russian farm girl. The others are slowly figuring out that what she was doing shouldn't be possible, how she carried Ryan on her back like nothing, how she caught Lindsey from 30 feet high, how they broke the anchor chain with a crowbar. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. I love your storytelling abilities, great way of upping the tension, while keeping the abilities of Nadia confined to her closest friends. k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on November 30, 2018, 07:01:45 pm
Awesome addition........Natalie is slowly coming out into the open, I hope there is some really intense descriptions of her and her true abilities..........and by the way, a "sword" on my back!! How classic, I can't wait for one of those girls (or all three) to experience that "sword".

Such a great story.........can't wait for these next chapters!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 04, 2018, 11:35:34 am
Alright, now we're getting down to it, finally Nadia had no choice but to reveal some of her abilities, and in doing so, she has let it slip, at least to those who are closely watching and feeling, that she is not your average Russian farm girl. The others are slowly figuring out that what she was doing shouldn't be possible, how she carried Ryan on her back like nothing, how she caught Lindsey from 30 feet high, how they broke the anchor chain with a crowbar. The puzzle pieces are falling into place. I love your storytelling abilities, great way of upping the tension, while keeping the abilities of Nadia confined to her closest friends. k+!

Indeed. Nadia's cover is definitely starting to unravel. It doesn't help her that he new friends are really smart and athletically aware. I guess the question is how much of her secret does she share?

Awesome addition........Natalie is slowly coming out into the open, I hope there is some really intense descriptions of her and her true abilities..........and by the way, a "sword" on my back!! How classic, I can't wait for one of those girls (or all three) to experience that "sword".

Yep, Nadia is definitely closer to being found out. Only a matter of time. The sword will be unsheathed ....eventually. The characters are 14/15 at this point. I'm not going to write a full on sex scene with minors. However....when they get to 18, trust me the fur is going to fly.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 06, 2018, 01:07:02 pm
A little late with this one.

Freshman year: Part Fifteen – November.

   “So, where do you want to start?” Lindsay asked.

   Ryan fished for words but they wouldn’t come. Firstly there was Lindsay, standing with her hands on her hips in an Under Armour tank-top that might as well have been spray paint. Not only could he see her clearly defined abs, he could see the larger striations on the outer edges of her remarkable pecs and all four of her lats. He was pretty sure he could see some veins on her abs, the shirt was that tight. Her incredible arms and shoulders were bare as was a significant portion of her upper chest due to the top’s large scoop neckline.The second factor getting in the way of his forming coherent thoughts, let alone speech, was where they were and why they were where they were.

   “Hey, Earth to Rye,” Lindsay waved a hand in front of his face. “Do you want to get this on or what?”

   The high school weight room swam into focus. As did his memory of the moment yesterday at lunch when Lindsay suggested they hit the weight room to see what she was capable of. Ryan was only able to nod his agreement. His mouth was too dry and his brain was suddenly short on blood. He had to wait almost two minutes after Lindsay left to get up from the table. ‘Damn, I’m turning into Billy,’ he thought to himself.

   It had not helped in the least that Lindsay had prefaced the suggestion with a display of her horseshoe shaped triceps. “I think they’re getting bigger,” she mused as she turned her arms back and forth. Lindsay was holding her arms straight out flexing them so both triceps were exploding from the back of her arms about two feet from Ryan’s face. He followed the emerging veins up her chorded forearms to the backwards ‘r’ on her left arm. It looked like it was two of three inches thick. The right was just as impressive and by the time Ryan’s eyes got there was pushing veins to the surface of her tanned skin as well.

   The front of her shirt did nothing to disguise the massive muscular cleavage now spitting her chest. The inner striations of her pecs were clearly visible as were her quarter size nipples. Lindsay noticed where Ryan was staring.

   “Not much there, Big Guy.” She smiled.

   Ryan snapped back to consciousness; “I wouldn’t say that, your chest is amazing.”

   “Oh, I thought you were looking at my total lack of boobage. Compared to Sim, this is a rash.”

   “I’m not sure you want to use Sim as your frame of reference when it comes to that,” Ryan said. “Everyone in the building, including the teachers is a distant second there.”

   “That’s true,” Lindsay allowed. “Her nipple is bigger than my both my boobs put together.”

   Ryan felt a hot wave wash over him as his mouth instantly dried up. “agghh….really?” he managed to croak.

   “Oh totally,” Lindsay said looking down at the muscular canyon her pecs had formed. “I really don’t have boobs yet, this is all muscle, I have moobs I guess.”

   “Your chest is really impressive Linz,” Ryan said. “How much tissue there is on top of it doesn’t change that.”

   “Thanks,” Lindsay said. “It’s kinda fun too, wanna see?”

   Ryan’s mouth went dry again. He managed to drag the word “sure” out of his parched mouth.

   “Here, look,” Lindsay said as she looked down herself. Arms at her sides, she flexed both pecs, which jumped up and out towards Ryan. She then flexed the left, then the right. Lindsay kept alternating and the effect was hypnotic. It was like a wave of muscle was travelling across her upper-body from left to right. Ryan’s head was swimming and the instant swelling Lindsay had caused was getting painful. Just when Ryan thought it couldn’t get more intense, Lindsay raised her arms and put her hands behind her head. Baseball-sized biceps bulged, even though Lindsay wasn’t flexing them. The mere act of bending her arm caused her arm muscles to bunch up. There was just so much of it and it had nowhere else to go Ryan thought.

   Lindsay continued the show. Left, then right pecs literally jumped out at Ryan. They seemed to move three or four inches up and down. She brought her arms down again and grabbed her left wrist with her right hand. She held her arms in front of her abs and flexed. Her chest moved like a tide of muscle was coming in. It literally flowed up and down and in and out at the same time.

   “Cool, right? Feel them,” Lindsay invited.

   “Ahhhh, not sure I should Linz,” Ryan was already struggling with what Lindsay’s epic chest looked like. Touching it invited a whole other level of danger.

   “C’mon, it’s just muscle. It’s just me.” Lindsay’s smile was wide and totally without subtext.

   ‘She has no idea how hot she looks and what this is doing to me,’ Ryan thought. ‘Ah shit, here goes.’

   Ryan put his huge right hand in the center of Lindsay’s chest. His middle finger lined up with the gap running down from where her collar bones met.

   “See, it’s not like they have teeth,” Lindsay said. ‘No but this can still bite me in several ways,’ Ryan thought. ‘Not the least of which is in the ass.’

   Lindsay let go of her wrist and spread her arms. She then brought them back together and repeated the flex. Hot, hard muscle flowed under Ryan’s hand. The force of the expansion pushed his hand back two inches and his middle finger dropped into a crevice of striated muscle fiber. A star of striations spread out from beneath his hand. He pressed down and tried to squeeze but there was no give at all. Lindsay’s pecs were like warm marble.

   Lindsay noticed the movement in Ryan’s forearm. The veins popping up on the back of his hand and wrist. She also noticed his very large and defined bicep. “Go ahead,” she smiled. “Squeeze as hard as you can, I can barely feel this.”

   Ryan shook his head in aroused wonder. “OKaaay.” And bore down.

   To absolutely no effect. The only change was that his fingers were going white with effort and his arm was starting to shake a little.

   “Huh,” Lindsay grunted. “Not feeling much Big Guy.”

   With that she repeated the flex, drawing her arms closer and raising them. Ryan could feel a vice of warm marble tighten on his middle finger as his hand was spread wider by the expanding twin masses of muscle underneath it. It was getting too hot and heavy for his self-control. He went to remove his hand but couldn’t.

   Lindsay’s smile was as electric as it was mischievous. “Problem?”

   “Damn Linz, that’s impressive as hell,” Ryan figured the best way out was just to be honest.

   “I know, right? I have my own little vice.” She realized the fact she had Ryan’s hand trapped and that essentially she was in control was making her feel really warm and fuzzy. She liked it…a lot.

   “Very cool…ahh Linz?”


   “If you let me go we can do what we came here to do.”

   “Right. Let’s get this on.” Lindsay came down a bit, feeling a lot like an over-inflated balloon bleeding excess air.

   Even though Lindsay had done weight training at gymnastics camp she hadn’t gone through an actual routine. The camp used weights for specific muscle groups to help gymnasts get better at certain skills. Ryan was on the football team’s routine, which was much more comprehensive. They were currently in the “competitive phase” of the routine as football season was on. This meant a lighter routine aimed at maintenance and injury prevention. Ryan figured a one-off session with Lindsay as a training partner could fit within the guidelines. Besides he had to see just how strong she really was.

   This urge had taken on enough momentum that it was now basically a biological imperative. He was aware enough to realize that there was no way he was going to get through watching Lindsay lift up close without getting hard as a rock, and possibly, make that probably, going Billygasmic. With this in mind, he took Def-Con Bill level precautions. He strapped himself down with K-Tape. Ryan wasn’t as well-endowed as Billy, hell, who was? But, he was a 6’3” male and was proportionally large. He had measured and discovered he was 8 inches when hard. It would be very obvious if he got aroused, when he got aroused. So steps had to be taken. Rather than spandex he went with Neoprene training shorts and baggy basketball shorts over those. A “Property of J-Mac Football” sleeveless Under Armour shirt rounded out his workout wear.

   “We work from the larger muscle groups to the smaller ones,” Ryan explained. “We split the routine into two different days, which we do twice each week.” Lindsay nodded her understanding.

   “Today, as it turns out, is chest, shoulders, tris and thighs. Tomorrow would be back, shoulders, bis and calves.”

   “What about abs?” Lindsay asked.

   “We do abs and core every day,” Ryan said.

   “Cool,” Lindsay smiled and lifted the hem of her shirt. She crunched down and six abs the shape, size and hardness of cobblestones erupted from her stomach. “Me too.”

   Ryan’s head was getting lighter with the sudden disruption in his blood flow but he managed to get his head, the one on his neck, straight.

   “Clearly, now put the six pack away and let’s get to work.”  Focus, focus, focus. Ryan was determined to keep his head straight through this and reasoned as long as he concentrated on lifting and treating Lindsay like a training partner and not an incredibly hot muscle goddess flexing her rock hard body inches away from his throbbing….focus, focus, focus.

   Ryan dropped to the floor and started grinding out push-ups. He focused intently on the floor and did twice as many as he normally did. “You go big guy!” Lindsay’s voice came from next to him. He turned his head. Lindsay was on the floor on her hands and toes in the ‘up’ position. From the side Ryan was struck by the thickness of Lindsay’s upper torso. Even though she was essentially breast-less, the muscle on her chest and back tapered down to the scoop of her lower back and her flat stomach that actually swept inward to the tops of her bulging thighs. On top the perfect curve of her glutes rose from her lower back and reconnected with her flexing hamstrings. It suddenly hit Ryan that Lindsay had an ‘hourglass’ figure…from the side.

   “You, done?” Ryan asked. Stay focused, stay focused, stay focused.

   “Not really,” Lindsay replied. “Push-ups don’t really work for me.”


   “Well, it’s different for you and me.” Ryan realized Lindsay was being purely clinical in her explanation.

   “How so?”

   “Well, look at you,” Lindsay smiled. “Look at how much weight you’re moving when you do a push-up. Also you have long arms so it’s actually work for you. ‘And man do they ever work for you,’ Lindsay thought. She was thinking about his massive arms and tight little butt. ‘He is so fine,’ she thought before snapping back into her explanation: “My problem is, I have short arms and I’m so strong that the weight of my upper body is nothing to me.”

   “So? What do you do?”

   “This.” With that Lindsay, still in the push up position, let her arms go and basically dropped her upper body. Before her face could hit the floor her triceps exploded from the back of her arms and her lats shot out from the sides of her body. Lindsay flexed her lower back and drove back up with her arms. Ryan stared as her whole body left the ground. Lindsay had put more power into the thrust of her right arm so her body was rotating as it rose. She did a complete 180 in mid-air and landed in a push up facing the opposite direction. She paused for a second and repeated the feat, this time driving off her left arm so she rotated the opposite way.

   She stopped and sat up. “That’s what I do.”

   “K.” Ryan said, “That it?”

   Lindsay laughed. “No, silly that was just a demo. I do 50 of them. Gimmie a minute.”

   Ryan shook his head and watched Lindsay’s relentless series of explosive rotations. She was different when she bore down. Ryan has always known there was happy, social Lindsay and competitive Lindsay. Competitive Lindsay had a laser intensity that could be almost scary at times. After about 20 reps he had to look away, the combination of Lindsay’s exploding arms and shoulders and the rotation of her body was making him hard while giving him motion sickness at the same time.

   Finally finished, Lindsay kicked off her toes into a hand-stand. She walked on her hands over to her gym bag and grabbed a towel with her right   hand. She dropped down in a vertical push-up. She drove upward with her arms and shoulders. Piking at the top of her arch, she landed perfectly on her feet. Ryan marveled at the combination of balance and power the move required. It was the equivalent of throwing 100 pounds straight up hard enough to hit an eight-foot ceiling while controlling yourself like an Olympic diver. Yet Lindsay made it look as easy and natural as getting out of a chair.

   Ryan was grinning ear to ear and shaking his head as Lindsay toweled off her face, neck, arms and upper chest.

   “What?” Lindsay asked.

   “You’re just a never ending show,” Ryan chuckled. 

   “I can’t help it,” Lindsay said. “I have all this energy and I have to use it or I’ll go crazy. I keep getting stronger, so I have to keep upping the challenge. It’s not a problem, is it?”

   “No,” Ryan was quick to answer. “I think it’s awesome. It’s just part of who you are. I love watching you show off.”

   “I’m a show-off?” Lindsay frowned. “That’s not good.”

   “Hey,” Ryan was quick to interject. “My Dad always quoted this old Baseball manager who said ‘it’s not bragging if you ca back it up.’ That’s you all over. Just because you can do stuff other people can’t doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it.”

   “You’re the best Rye,” Lindsay smiled her 1,000 watt smile. Ryan was feeling a little week at the knees. Focus, focus, focus!

   “K,” Ryan was trying to get business-like. “You first, what do you warm up with?’

   Lindsay frowned and looked at the ceiling for a second. “I like to start light, one big plate each side.” Ryan laughed.

   “What?” Lindsay was perplexed at his reaction.

   “Well 135 is light for me, it’s 100 lbs less than I weigh. But you don’t weigh 135 do you?”

   “No, I’m up to 128.” Lindsay admitted.

   “Do you know how many people warm up with more than their body-weight and call it ‘light’?”

   “Well I do,” Lindsay said. “I know I’m not normal, I’m one of the best gymnasts in the State, probably the country. That’s not bragging, that’s just a fact and I’ve backed it up for the last five years. I’m not worried about normal, I’m worried about being the best. That’s a very small group.”

   Again, Ryan was struck by Lindsay’s focus and intensity. “Ok, let’s see who’s best here,” the challenge in Ryan’s tone was good-natured but there, nonetheless.

   “K, Big Guy, buckle up.” Lindsay grinned. Ryan racked two 45 lb plates on the bar, threw on the clip collars and stood at the head of the bench.  It was unlikely that Lindsay really needed a spot, but the school weight room rules were no one lifts without a partner and all free weight exercises had to be done with a spotter. Lindsay and Ryan, as varsity athletes had to qualify in the weight room during the first week of school. They did and that earned them the right to work out without direct staff supervision. These were Ms. M’s rules and as such, they were law.

   Lindsay slid under the bar and reached up to grab it. Ryan was struck by the definition in her forearms and the deep ridge of muscle formed by her two pecs. Her pink Under Armour tank-top was stretched across her prone chest like shrink-wrap. He could see her abs as clearly as he could see the three heads of her uncovered delts.

   Ryan lifted the bar out, just because it was good manners, and when he was sure Lindsay had control of the weight took his hands away. Lindsay was staring through the ceiling as she lowered the weight to her chest, gave it a little pop and smoothly drove it back up. The whole process took about three seconds. Lindsay’s form was perfect as she blew out in time with the rising weight. Satisfied she’d hit the right groove, Lindsay performed 11 more reps, identical to the first. She nodded at Ryan who steadied the bar as she racked it.

   “K,” she smiled. “You’re up Big Guy.”

   Ryan smiled as they swapped places. He slid his large frame down under the bar as Lindsay assumed the spotting position. Looking up into her face, he was struck by the degree her pecs stuck out from her chest. He was looking up at a ridge of about two inches of thrusting muscle just above his eyes. He reached up and grabbed the bar right by the supports of the bench.

   “Wide grip’s harder, no”? Lindsay noted.

   “Don’t have a choice,” Ryan said. “Long arms.” ‘Long, fine arms,’ Lindsay thought. It was her turn to study Ryan’s upper body while it lay on full display right in front of her. She really liked what she was looking at and was getting that fuzzy feeling again. Ryan’s arms were basically huge and very well defined, as were his shoulders. All of which was on full display thanks to the skin-tight tank-top he was wearing.

   Lindsay popped the weight off the rack and Ryan pumped out 12 reps with equal ease and control.

   “K,” he said as they racked the bar. “Add two 10’s – 155?”

   “Let’s go two 25’s,” Lindsay said.

   “So 185?” Ryan knew better than to doubt she could do it. He’d seen her curl his best friend. “K, works for me.”

   ‘It will really work for me if it makes you work a little. I want to see that body in action,’ Lindsay found herself thinking.  She pulled up mentally for a second. ‘Whoa! Down girl. Focus.’

   Ryan had added the two plates and reattached the collars. Lindsay slid back under the bar.

   “Ready?” Ryan asked. Lindsay nodded just before her 1,000 yard stare kicked in. Again, her motion was precise and mechanical. Ryan was scope-locked on her chest which was swelling as more blood rushed to aid in the work it was being asked to do. Lindsay was in a zone of concentration, oblivious to Ryan’s attention. Lindsay did 10 reps and on each her pecs bunched together in a deep V of striated muscle. Ryan could not take his eyes off the ravine of bulging bronze flesh that opened and closed beneath his eyes.

   “Nine….ten!” Lindsay was counting under her breath just loud enough for Ryan to re-focus and rack the weight.

   On Ryan’s set the roles were literally reversed. Ryan ground out 10 reps, his arms and shoulders swelling, flexing, as his already wide chest got wider and deeper. Lindsay had to force herself back from and increasingly pleasant and fuzzy daydream just in time to help Ryan finish the set. She was almost as flushed as he was when the weight hit the supports.

   “K…205?” Ryan asked. “Two 10’s”

   “K,” Lindsay agreed.

   ‘Damn,’ Ryan was thinking to himself. ‘She didn’t hesitate a second on that. This should be interesting.’

   Lindsay slid under the bar with a look of absolute focus on her face. She grabbed the bar like she was going to try to pull it down through the supports. She didn’t talk, she just nodded.

   Ryan gave the bar a short lift and then let go. He looked down and almost lost his balance as a wave of desire shot through him.

   As Lindsay powered the weight back up her upper body exploded. Her lats, which apparently hadn’t really been in play up until now, were erupting from her sides. Her body suddenly looked twice as wide as it had before. Her shirt was stretched to the point it was rolling up and exposing her brick-like abs. Stress lines appeared across the fabric on her chest. Her quarter-sized nipples were making two small, but obvious tents in her shirt. Veins were running up from her pumpkin shaped delts, combining into one along the center of her massive bicep before forking and then spidering up her forearms.

   Lindsay’s knuckles were white with effort as she relentlessly ground out six reps. Things got a little slower on rep seven and on rep eight, it suddenly looked like she wasn’t going to get it more than just off her chest. Ryan reached to help but was stopped by an almost inhuman hiss.

   “SSSSSSStopp! I got thisssss,” Lindsay was wide-eyed with concentration and intensity. Veins boiled to the surface of her neck and chest. The neckline of her shirt was a straight line as the canyon underneath it deepened. Her back widened even more as the weight slowly began to rise. Once she got through the sticking point the weight picked up a little momentum as Lindsay was literally shaking with effort.

   Ryan waited until her arms locked and racked the bar.

   Lindsay was lying on the bench, still shaking, almost vibrating.

   “That….was….awesome!” she all but yelled. Lindsay brought her feet up over her head and then drove them down onto the bench. She used the forward momentum to pop up into a crouch but then continued by jumping up into a tuck and summersault in mid-air. She landed perfectly with barely a sound until: “Yah! Damn, I feel so pumped! My chest is on fire, Rye look!”

   Lindsay brought both her hands together in front of her waist and flexed her engorged pectorals. The effect was staggering. Her chest erupted up from her rib-cage and threatened to explode through her shirt. As it was, Lindsay’s upper pecs were on full display above the tortured neck-line of her more than skin-tight shirt.

   “It’s cool the way the veins come up when I get really pumped, ya?”

   “Very cool, Linz. That was awesome the way you gutted out that last rep.” Ryan was trying to focus on the conversation, not the insane display of muscular femininity in front of him or the growing pressure in his pants.

   “Hey, this doesn’t work until it gets hard. My coach aways says ‘it’s supposed to be hard, it’s the hard that makes it good’.”

   “He stole that from ‘A League of Their Own,” Ryan noted.

   “Okay, Big Guy,” let’s make it hard for you.”

   ‘She did not just say that!?’ Ryan was tempted to look around for a camera while a hundred responses, each more suggestive than the last shot through his mind. He studied Lindsay’s totally innocent face. The only thing he could read in it was patient expectation. ‘She has no clue,’ he concluded.

   Ryan sought release from the tension, on all levels, by changing the subject and getting technical. “Hey Linz, can I offer a little advice?”


   “You’re gripping the bar way too tight. When you do that, everything tightens up and it’s harder to lift effectively. Keep your grip loose, but firm with your thumb pointing up and it will work a lot better.”

   “K, thanks,” Once again her smile lit up the room and ignited a fire in his lower abdomen. 

   Eager to head off the swelling before it became obvious Ryan slid back under the weight. Lindsay set up shop at the head of the bench and Ryan grabbed the bar. Lindsay was focusing on his chest and arms as he powered through the first six reps. ‘Damn he’s built. He looks like a statue,’ Lindsay started to imagine those massive arms wrapped around her, her face buried in in that sculpted chest.

   “Linz? Hey Linz?” Her attention snapped back into this plane of reality to discover Ryan had finished the set and racked the weight on his own.

   “Whoa! Way to go Big Guy.” She was impressed that Ryan had ground through the set, apparently with less strain than she did. “Somebody’s been training hard.”

   “Hey, I’m a freshman starter on Varsity. I took a spot away from a Senior who really wants it back. It’s train hard or die,” Ryan’s tone was light, but Lindsay caught an undercurrent of real concern. She got a sense of the ‘law of the jungle’ dynamic in the football team.

   “So, it’s really competitive for spots?”

   “It is when you’re good. And we are good. There are three guys behind me who all want my spot, they are all pushing themselves to get it and that pushes me to keep it.”

   “I get that,” Lindsay smiled. “It’s the same on the gym team. We’re all working to be better than each other and we're a better team as a result.”

   “For sure,” Ryan said. “The difference is you win your spot by ‘beating someone else out.’ On the football team guys can ‘beat someone out’ by literally beating them up in practice. Only the strong survive. Speaking of strong…what now?”

   “Two plates, 225,” Lindsay said with a certainty that left no doubt she intended to complete the set.

   “Two plates it is,” Ryan said as he set about taking off the 35 lbs plates and replacing them with 45’s. ‘This is insane,’ he thought. This is 100 lbs more than she weighs. The plates are almost bigger than she is.’ “Gotta say Linz not many guys on the team can put this up, nobody who is as light as you, that’s for sure.”

   “Well, Big Guy, that’s because if football was actually hard, they’d call it gymnastics.”

   Ryan snorted at the shot. “OK Wonder Girl. Let’s see what you’ve got.

   Lindsay slid back under the bar and once again started to zone out.

   “How many?” Ryan asked.

   “Huh?” Lindsay frowned at the break in her concentration.

   “How many reps?” Ryan asked. “Helps if I know.”

   “Right. Four.”

   She blew her breath out three times in quick succession and refocused on the ceiling. With a nod she indicated she was ready. Ryan knew her look. She was deeply into her competitive groove and totally focused on the weight. He noted that she had taken his advice to heart and had adjusted her grip.

   She nodded and, with a modified upright row and some effort, he popped up the 225.

   Whether it was the adjusted form or Lindsay’s laser focus and iron will this was a whole different set: Her muscles exploded the same way, the veins bloomed on the surface of her tanned skin the same way, her shirt stretched and flattened against her bulging pecs and erect nipples the same way; but her pace was mechanical, like a precision machine the weight went down and up without any trace of wavering. She did four reps in eight seconds and then did two more.

   They racked the weight and Lindsay dropped her arms. She was breathing deeply which only served to emphasize the swollen masses of striated muscle threatening to burst through her shirt. Ryan had never seen anything as hot as this combination of incredible power, overwhelming muscle and almost mythical beauty. The combination was threatening to defeat his safety measures. Things were starting to hurt.

   Ryan tore his eyes from Lindsay’s mesmerizing chest and looked at her face. He watched as her eyes slowly regained focus. When she spoke, it was barely above a whisper.



   “Move, you’re in the way.”

   “In the way? Of what?”

   “This,” Lindsay brought her feet up on the bench again and repeated the roll forward. This time instead of launching herself forward, she exploded up and back towards Ryan. “Shit,” he exclaimed as he jumped to the right and out of the way. Lindsay was arching backwards and looked like she was going to land on her hands. It also looked like she’d miscalculated and she wasn’t going to clear the bench. ‘Oh fuck, this is going to be messy,’ Ryan thought in alarm.

   But Lindsay had plans other than smashing her face into the bar or the bench. Extending her hands down, she caught the bar as if it was part of a gymnastics routine on the unevens. She slowed her downward momentum in an inverted military press and came to rest with her face just above the bar. Ryan could only gawk as she held herself steady, for two seconds. ‘How the hell did that bar not just fly out of there?’ he wondered. The strength and co-ordination to control her landing and keep the bar steady was off the charts. Ryan would not have thought it possible if it hadn’t happened right in front of him.

   Lindsay then drove up with her arms and piked into the inevitable perfect landing.

   She looked at Ryan with an almost feverish intensity radiating from her. “Hell…Yaaaa!” Lindsay yelled in triumph. She once again hit the classic ‘crab’ pose and her body literally swelled with power. Ryan’s was undergoing his own swelling issue which was causing his mouth to go dry and his head to swim. Even in his semi-delirious state he thought he heard a subtle ripping sound.

   Ryan knew he needed a path back to rationality and figured anger was the quickest route. Well, not real anger but he could whip up a reasonable facsimile with the very real torrent of surprise and concern flowing through him.

   “You’re crazy, you know that, right?” Ryan said looking around in alarm. That kind of stunt would get them both banned from the weight room for at least a week, probably more. He could not afford that with football in season. Fortunately the room was void of students and whichever teacher was supposed to be supervising wasn’t visible through the gym office window.

   Lindsay looked sheepish for about two seconds.

“ I can’t help it Rye,” She was practically vibrating as she spoke. “I have all this energy, all this strength, I have to turn it loose and let it out or I do go crazy. I can’t tell you how good it feels.” Ryan couldn’t help but notice Lindsay’s nipples, which were on full alert.

   Lindsay caught the direction of his gaze and laughed.

   “Nothing to see there - just my rash acting up,” she smiled. “Lucky for you, if I had Sim’s nipples I’d have taken your eye out.”

   “Errrr, ahhh, ya,” Ryan managed, momentarily distracted by the image of Simone with her high-beams on. It was a very distracting thought.

   “K, Big Guy, you’re up.” And he damn near was.

   Ryan snapped back into focus. Trying to lift 225 with less than your full focus would not end well.

   “K,” he said. “Six reps.” And he did them. Just like that.

   Lindsay was starting to appreciate that Ryan’s gorgeous and chiseled bod was not just for show. There was some serious strength in those long, sculpted limbs and finely crafted torso. The thought made her week at the knees. She felt a glow coming from her very core and could not stop herself from squeezing her legs together as hard as she could. Doing that caused her to almost double over. She bit her lip and straightened up again. She felt as if she had just done a particularly hard floor routine; drained and satisfied.

   “Ok,” Ryan said looking at his watch. “We need to wrap this up so we can move on. One rep max…what do you think?”

   “K….” Lindsay hesitated. “I’m feeling good today so we’ll go for a personal best. 250 is double my body-weight, basically, let’s go for that.”

   Ryan whistled. “I’m glad I have a front row seat to this,” he smiled. “Anyone who knows you won’t be shocked, but still, Linz, that’ll be amazing if you can do it.”

   Lindsay was the picture of mock indignance, maybe not all that mock. “IF? I’m sorry, did you just say if?”

   “No brownies at lunch for you Big Guy.”

   Ryan immediately back-peddled as Lindsay’s Mom’s brownies were to die for and once a week she gave Lindsay a dozen to share with the gang at lunch.

   “When!” Ryan said. “I meant when, it came out wrong! Fake news!”

   Lindsay laughed and relented. “Ok, Ok…right,” she straightened. “Let’s do this.” Ryan added two 10’s and two 2.5’s to the bar. He double checked the collars.

   Lindsay slid under the bar and entered her zone. A quick nod and Ryan grunted as he lifted the weight into position. ‘250 fucking pounds,’ he thought to himself. ‘Unreal.’

   Lindsay literally grew as she lowered the weight. Her entire, incredible musculature was being called into play and bulges were appearing everywhere. Her lats were spreading out on the bench like the hood of a cobra. Her forearms were corded with ropes of muscle covered with ever-growing veins. Her chest and arms were swelling as if they knew the challenge that was about to face them. Her grip was loose but her focus tight and absolute.

   As the weight neared Lindsay’s straining and swollen chest she let it go, just a bit. She bounced the weight off her rock-hard pecs and drove up with everything she had. The first thing Ryan noticed was Lindsay’s back exploding outwards like she’d grown wings. The eruption of muscle across her body eclipsed all Lindsay’s previous efforts. She was like an inflated anatomy chart with veins emerging on almost every surface.

   The second thing Ryan noticed was a ripping sound.

   “Shit,” Linsday said under her breath.

   Ryan watched in awe as the muscular dynamo drove the weight up off her chest. The front of her shirt was suddenly loose and Ryan got an even better look at the canyon of muscular cleavage between her surging pecs. The striations running from the center of her upper chest formed a star-shaped pattern.

   Her shoulder, triceps and bis were all swollen with power as they drove the weight slowly upward. Lindsay’s neck was a series of cables running from the top of her chest to under her chin. She glared at the bar as she pushed it up, daring it to defy her.

   Ryan held his hands just off the bar where Lindsay could see he wasn’t touching it. He kept them there until with a grunt she locked out the weight. Ryan grabbed it and quickly helped her rack it. Ryan was waiting for a circus level celebration but Lindsay stayed on the bench staring at the ceiling.

   “What?” he asked.

   “Iripdmmshirt.” Lindsay mumbled.


   “Ahhhh nuts, I ripped my shirt. Damnit I liked that one.”

   “I don’t see any rips,” Ryan offered.

   “Down the back,” Lindsay explained.


   “So if I get up right now it will fall off me. I don’t mind giving a little peek at my pecs, but I draw the line at full frontal.”

   “Hey, no-one’s asking for that,” Ryan threw up his hands. ‘Not that I wouldn’t want to see that,’ he thought.

Lindsay started at the ceiling some more. She exhaled and frowned briefly. Clearly she’d reached a decision.

   “Rye, can you do me a favour?”

   “Sure Linz.”

   “I need you to grab two things out of my gym bag. There’s my hoodie and my phone. The phone’s in the side pocket.”

   “Gimmie a sec,” Ryan replied.

   He disappeared and returned 30 seconds later with both. “Here”

   Lindsay sat up holding the sundered shirt tight to her chest. “K, this is gonna sound a little weird and I can’t believe I’m asking this.”

   Ryan’s antenna was fully tuned to Lindsay now.


   “No, it’ll be fine, as long as nobody shows up. And we hurry.”

   “Where are you going with this?” Ryan was pretty sure it wasn’t going the way he hoped it was going, but there was always a chance.

   Lindsay was still holding the shirt to her torso while see walked over to the corner behind the Universal, which Ryan noted, was out of sight of the office.

   “I want you to take a couple of pics of my back,” Lindsay said. “I’ve done the over the shoulder in the mirror selfie thing, but that ties up one arm. I want a couple of good shots of what it actually looks like.”

   “It looks awesome,” Linz.

   “Thanks Rye, but I don’t know that. You get to see it and I don’t.”

   “K, how do you want to do this?”

   “I stand, you shoot.”

   Ryan couldn’t believe this was happening, but he was more than happy to roll with it.

   Lindsay stood in the corner and to Ryan’s surprise dropped the shirt. He was staring at her naked back. Even relaxed it looked like an anatomy chart. Mound after mound of muscle stood ready in a V-shaped display of potential power. Her spine caused a gap that ran from the base of her neck to the top of her lower back. Between the shoulder blades it looked like it was 2 inches deep.

   She was standing with her arms out slightly. They were straight “Well?”

   Ryan snapped to and focused Lindsay’s phone on her back. He was seriously thinking about forwarding the shots to his own phone. But that felt like a betrayal, so he shelved the impulse. He took two shots. “K. That it?”

   “No silly,” Lindsay said. He could tell she was smiling.

   “The idea is to get pics of my muscles. So here.”

   Lindsay didn’t move as much as just harden up and grow. Her arms were still straight and held out a little from her sides, but her forearms were now swollen and covered in veins. Her triceps had transformed into two massive, detailed horseshoes of muscle. Her delts and upper back literally bulged back towards Ryan. Her latissimus dorsi formed a ‘Christmas tree’ of striations that fanned out from under her bulging traps and rhomboids. With the overhead lighting in the weight-room her lower back was literally in the shade caused by the thickness of her upper back.

   ‘Jesus H Christ’ Ryan thought to himself as he took three pictures. ‘That’s just unreal.’

   “K,” he said.

   Lindsay threw her arms in the air and then brought them down in a double biceps pose. The result was as startling as it was arousing and Ryan was instantly hard. Somehow his ‘unit’ as he called it, had managed to escape the K-Tape and was working its way up across his lower body like the second hand on a clock going from 6 through 9 to 12. He was praying Lindsay didn’t turn around at that moment as the horizontal bulge in his shorts was clearly visible. He was hoping when he got to point everything was heading north that the bulge would be less obvious.

   The combination of arousal and near panic was making it hard (so to speak) to concentrate.

   “You get that?” Lindsay asked. “I didn’t hear a click.”

   “No, something came up in my head. I lost focus for a sec, do that again.”

   “K,” Lindsay smiled to herself. She was happy to keep flexing because it felt good. The fire that surged through her body when she ignited her muscles felt good…on several levels. She felt strong, which was satisfying in and of itself. She felt powerful and confident, knowing she was unusual and on a physical level ‘better’ than almost everyone else around her. And she felt…warm and fuzzy. In her core. Lindsay really wasn’t sure what to make of the last one, but it sure felt good and she wanted it more every time she felt it.

   She was not totally unaware that Ryan… ‘appreciated’ her strength and her muscles. He was pretty open about the fact he thought it was cool, but Lindsay, who found herself getting hot looking at Ryan’s very fine form, was starting to think Ryan might feel that way a little too. That made her feel warm and fuzzy as well and she figured giving him a really good look might clear a few things up. ‘What could it hurt?’ she reasoned.

   So she threw herself into another flex. Willing her arms, shoulders and back to erupt. She wasn’t sure, but she thought she heard a little grunt coming from behind her. She heard the camera that time for sure.

   “How we doing?” she asked.

   “Good, all good,” Ryan said. ‘His voice sounds a little strained,’ Lindsay thought to herself. ‘I wonder what will happen if I do this.’

   Lindsay dropped her arms down and put her hands on her hips. She threw her elbows back and then slowly brought them forward as she threw everything into her chest and lats. She had seen herself do this in the mirror and knew she could make her lats wide enough there was almost no gap between them and her flexing arms. She looked like a solid V of muscle.

   Ryan took one look at the massive topographical map of muscle that covered Lindsay’s impossibly wide back and knew he was going to lose it.

   She heard Ryan say “fuck me” under his breath. Then three quick clicks from her phone then a deep groan. It reminded her of the noise Billy made at the table when she arm-wrestled Ryan. It was like a release of pressure, pleasure and pain all wrapped in one. ‘Huh,’ she thought to herself as she clearly heard Ryan say ‘ahhhh shit.”

   “Rye? You OK?” Lindsay asked. ‘I wonder what that was all about?’ she asked herself as she carefully squatted down to grab her hoodie. She threw it on and turned around. Her phone was on the bench next to where he had been standing, but Ryan was nowhere to be seen. The only movement in the room was the door of the Boy’s Washroom slowing closing on its Pneumatic arm.


   Later that night Ryan was studying in his room when the text alarm on his phone went off.

   He opened the text and was shocked to see Lindsay's flexing, muscular back. The alarm went eight more times and he let the files load before he checked again. All the shots were there and a note from Lindsay.

   "Thanks for the pics BG :-*...Hey, Why haven't you texted me. I was worried about you. Come on, it's so not you to stiff me like that :'(! You took off like a shot. I hope everything came out OK and you're feeling better now."

   Ryan stared at his phone wondering.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 06, 2018, 06:34:51 pm
Very nice chapter, that was a pure pleasure to read, I like it that Lindsay isn't superhumanly strong, but very, very strong for her age and size, and can do such amazing things with her body due to that strength, but she is definitely not powerful enough to lift a car with her bare hands (unlike her hulking Russian friend.) Still, I enjoyed a lot of the action and dialogue in this chapter because it was so simple, yet a lot more about underlying feelings that Ryan and Lindsay have for each other. I look forward to more, hopefully soon! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: fp909 on December 07, 2018, 06:30:49 am
its starting to heat up now! not long before Ryan may get a shot at seeing that full frontal....
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on December 08, 2018, 12:04:21 am
Another amazing chapter, descriptions are off the chart.............I am especially appreciative of the innuendo play between your characters, can't wait for the day when the innocence is replaced by the hormones!!!

Karma as always! Keep going, can't wait to see what they grow to during each class year!!

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: GreatJustice on December 09, 2018, 12:14:08 pm
 Nice to see I wasn't wrong about the story or the writer! Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 09, 2018, 01:12:24 pm
Very nice chapter, that was a pure pleasure to read, I like it that Lindsay isn't superhumanly strong, but very, very strong for her age and size, and can do such amazing things with her body due to that strength, but she is definitely not powerful enough to lift a car with her bare hands (unlike her hulking Russian friend.) Still, I enjoyed a lot of the action and dialogue in this chapter because it was so simple, yet a lot more about underlying feelings that Ryan and Lindsay have for each other. I look forward to more, hopefully soon! k+!

You nailed it. The idea is to put Lindsay at the upper limit of human strength and see how she, and everyone around her deals with that. Ryan and Lindsay are definitely attracted to each other and each other's bodies. More tension on the horizon, for sure.

its starting to heat up now! not long before Ryan may get a shot at seeing that full frontal....

He will, one of these days and it will be long. Oh, you meant in terms of time.

Another amazing chapter, descriptions are off the chart.............I am especially appreciative of the innuendo play between your characters, can't wait for the day when the innocence is replaced by the hormones!!!

Karma as always! Keep going, can't wait to see what they grow to during each class year!!

Thanks for the kind words. My appreciation for word play goes way back. I remember the early James Bond movies always had a classic innuendo or two which added a little something extra, in my mind.

You have my timeline sorted. There are definitely things that will happen when they are all seniors that can't happen when they are 14/15. For example, Lindsay still has to go through physical puberty. For that to happen, she has to stop pushing herself to the point she doesn't have enough body-fat for it to kick in. That's not going to happen in freshman year.

Nice to see I wasn't wrong about the story or the writer! Keep up the good work.

Thanks, I'm glad you weren't wrong either. As I said before; just trying to write something I'd want to read. Cheers!

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 14, 2018, 08:20:26 pm
Freshman year: Part Sixteen – December.

   Carley and Billy were in the library basically solving all the world’s problems when the topic drifted on to Nadia.

   “She’s not normal, you know,” Carley started.

   Billy looked at her with mild amusement. “So we’re straight on this: You’re telling me that our new 6 foot tall, 280 lb friend who has an IQ at least as high as mine, if not yours, who dances like a ballerina, moves like a cat and is strong enough to catch a dead weight of 120 pounds traveling 30 mph and can probably break anchor chains…is not normal.”

   Carley shook her head at the absurdity of her initial statement in the light of Billy’s summation.
“Yes, I believe that is what I’m saying. She is not normal.”

   Billy laughed. “OK, now what?”

   “I don’t know…” Carley said. “I really want to sort of ‘out her,’ catch her on this, but somehow that doesn’t seem totally right.”

   “Because your sense of human decency is overriding your pathological desire to solve a mystery?”
Carley stared at Billy. ‘I thought Ryan was the perceptive one. I keep forgetting there’s more to Billy than just being really smart and funny.’

   “My sense of what?”

   “You can’t BS me Car,” Billy was looking her right in the eye. “You and I both know you constantly try to hide how smart you are, you’re identifying with a fellow outlier.”

   “You think?”
   “Sure. You sit on the fact you’re smarter than everyone because it makes people uncomfortable. You don’t want to be seen as a freak but really you don’t want to become a social pariah because people feel dumb around you.”

   “Well if it isn’t Sigmund Fraud.”

   Billy was smiling, but his tone was serious: “Tell me I’m wrong Car, look me in the eye and tell me I’m wrong.”

   Carley looked up at the ceiling, down at the table. It was several second before she looked up at Billy.

    “No, dammit, you’re not wrong.”

   “K, so knowing that, I just can’t see you causing the same level of misery for Nadia. She’s already an outlier because of her size. You throw freak-show strength on top of that and no one would ever be comfortable around her. On top of that she’s nowhere near as comfortable with her uniqueness as you are.”

   “And unlike me,” Carley added. “She’s a really sweet person. It would really be like ‘killing a mockingbird’.”

   “It absolutely would. You might not be sweet, but you are kind. You have a highly developed sense of ‘noblesse oblige,’ which you often act on,” Billy said. “Despite your best efforts to hid it, you’re a good person Car.”

   “Jesus, Billy, you just dissected my psyche like it was a fetal pig in the science lab. I don’t know whether to be impressed of scared.”

   “I pay attention is all. Not hard to do when people literally overlook you,” Billy was grinning, but Carley caught the undercurrent of pain in the comment.

   “You’re more than big enough where it counts Bill,” Carley said. “I’d say you’re at the top of that pole.”
   Billy studied Carley with sudden interest and more than a little concern.

   Carley caught the look and knew what he was thinking. She weighed coming clean but she remembered her conversation with

   Ryan.  “I’m talking about your heart, silly. You have the biggest heart of all of us.”

   “K….well, thanks.” He wasn’t completely sold but the answer was plausible enough that he was willing to roll with it.

   “Anyway, getting back to Nadia,” Carley continued, “Looking back at it, a lot of her fitness testing was hinky.”

   “I’m sorry, hinky?”

   “Ya, hinky, not right, something fishy.”
   “K, I’ll bite…what was hinky?”

   “To start, her walk test time was 15 minutes.”


   “That was the same time she got on her mile ‘run.’ Remember she said she would get 15 minutes and she did, twice. Both Lindsay and I got the clear sense she was holding back on the run, she could have done better if she wanted to.”

   “Not buying it yet, Car. She’s a big girl, stands to reason she’d hate running. Works on a farm, she’d have decent cardio as a result, no?”

   “That’s my point, I think she’s got good cardio, really good cardio. You saw her dance. That was totally off the hook. I tried to do that kick thing she did and my quads were burning after about 10 seconds. Never mind she weighs almost twice as much as I do. Her quads must be insane to pull that off.”

   “She grew up doing that,” Billy countered. “It’s like a family thing.”

   “Doesn’t change the fact it’s an incredible physical feat,” Lindsay said. “It doesn’t matter how she got strong and fitter than she looks, only that she is strong and fitter than she looks and she’s hiding that. Not that I blame her. I just want to know, is all.”

   And that was it in a nutshell, Billy realized; Carley just had to know. She wouldn’t ‘out’ Nadia or do anything unkind, but the mystery was going to eat her high-powered brain alive if she couldn’t confirm or disprove her suspicions.

   “On the shuttle-run she got 21 laps.”


   “So 21 is the minimum score in the ‘fit enough’ category.”

   “And that matters because…..”

   “If you were trying to fly under the radar on a fitness test how would you do it?” Carley asked.

   Billy saw where Carley was going. “I’d get the scores that didn’t call attention to me. Score people expect, low scores but not so low or so many that the teachers decided they need to work on my fitness. I’d get the bare minimum.”

   “And that’s what she did,” Carley said. “She got 19 on the sit-ups, 9 inches on the trunk-lift…seriously? She’s 6 feet tall, she could do 12 inches just by looking up. She did 7 push-ups and got 8 seconds on the flexed arm hang, 10 inches on the sit and reach. Every one of those scores is the minimum ‘fit’ score.”

   “Seems unlikely,” Billy allowed.

   “Seems highly unlikely given what we know she can do,” Carley continued. “She climbed the rope and held her own weight, all 280 pounds of it, off the ground. She then managed to travel 15 feet hand over hand holding not only her own weight, but Ryan’s as well. That’s 510 pounds. That strongly suggests that she’s capable of waaaay more than 8 seconds on the flexed-arm hang. It also makes 7 push-ups seem ridiculously low. You saw her dance, she’s incredibly flexible, balanced and strong. She could reach 12 inches for fun.”

   “And then there’s the pull-up bar,” Billy added.

   “And then, there’s the pull-up bar,” Carley agreed.

   The test called for ‘modified pull ups.’ Students lay on their backs, reached up and grabbed a bar that was adjusted to sit two or three inches above their outstretched arms. A bungee cord is placed 7 inches below that. Keeping their feet on ground the student reaches up and grabs the bar. They pull themselves up until their chin passes the chord. The exercise uses a ‘rack’ custom-made for the test.

   When it came to her turn Nadia managed to do two reps before the bar snapped off the rack and she ended up back on the ground. The drop was about 6 inches so she wasn’t hurt, but the bar was literally snapped off at both ends and now useless.

   “So I went on line,” Carley said. “That rig is good up to 350 pounds. There’s no way Nadia’s weight was enough to break it like that.”

   “So, you’re saying she broke it?” Billy asked.

   “Ya. As crazy as it sounds. Ryan told me the breaking point on that anchor chain would have been 1,500 pounds. If she’s strong enough to break the chain, she’s more than strong enough to break the rack.”

   “But why?” Billy asked. “All she had to do is pump out the minimum number of reps and she’s home free. Breaking the rack calls attention to her.”

   “I couldn’t figure it out either,” Carley admitted. “But then I talked to Sim.”

   “Who told you…”

   “Sim was standing in line behind Nadia and, as it turns out, so was Debbie Jacobs. Debbie was going off on how demeaning and embarrassing the test was, How she hated being reminded she was ‘below the line’ in terms of her fitness. How, basically it was State-regulated body-shaming.”

   “She’s not totally wrong,” Billy said.

   “No she’s not,” Carley agreed. “You, me, Ryan, even Sim, we don’t know what Debbie feels like. Linz has no clue, obviously. Nadia probably has a much better idea of how Debbie feels.”

   “So, you’re suggesting she did something to the bar to spare Debbie?”

   “Sim told me that before her turn Nadia looked at Debbie and told her not to worry. And the next thing you know she’s lying on her back with the broken bar in her hands.”

   Billy and Nadia were in the back corner of the library. They were there to go over a poem for English, but that wasn’t what Billy really wanted to talk about. His conversation with Carley had stuck with him. In fact it was really starting to eat away at him as he was thinking of ways to subtly confront Nadia. And coming up empty.

   Finally, he couldn’t stand it anymore.

   “It must be hard for you,” he started.

   Nadia blinked and smiled. “What must be hard for me?”

   “Holding back all the time,” Billy was looking right at Nadia’s eyes and he was sure he saw a flash of alertness in them. He was on the right track.

   “Holding back? I stay back to avoid attention, you know this. I do not like to make people uncomfortable because it creates reactions that make me uncomfortable.”

   “That’s not what I was talking about Nadia, and I think you know it.”

   “Now you have me really confused,” Nadia was not at all comfortable with where the conversation was heading.

   “I watch Lindsay and all the crazy things she does because she’s so strong and so coordinated,” Billy said

   “It would be difficult not to watch her,” Nadia said. “She is an exceptional athlete and her strength is highly unusual.”

   “The thing is, when I see her do something crazy strong, I get the sense that she loves it. She glories in her power, it’s almost like she gets high on it.”

   “I would imagine to be that powerful could be intoxicating, what you say makes sense,” Nadia was really starting to worry.

   “Yes, but imagine knowing that, experiencing that, but having to hold it back. Imagine denying that impulse, that feeling. That would eventually become torture, wouldn’t it?” Billy was scope-locked on Nadia’s face.

   “Presumably,” Nadia replied. Billy was tired of fencing.

   “Nadia, cards on the table. I think you’ve been holding out on us. I think you are far more than you present and anything but a large, shambling farm girl.”

   “I do not know what you mean,” Nadia replied.

“You deliberately tanked the fitness tests, you tore the pull-up bar out with your bare hands, you carried all 230 lbs of Ryan on your back while hanging from the rafters, you broke an anchor chain and you danced like a ballerina. You pretend to be a big, over-weight shy girl. But you are anything but.”

   Nadia was looking Billy in the eye and he could almost see a switch flick in her brain.

   “I have never said I was fat,” she said.

   “Sorry?” Billy was a little off balance.

   “You suggested I am pretending to be fat, over-weight. I’m not, but people assume I am and I don’t correct their assumptions. For the record, I do weigh 280 pounds.”

   “How?” Billy asked.

   “You already know how. Muscle weighs more than fat.”

   “How much muscle are we talking?”

   Nadia sighed. It would be good to confide in at least one other person. It would to be good to share. “A lot. An un-natural amount by normal standards.”

   “Really? And that’s why you hide your body.”

   “That’s the main reason, yes.” In for a kopeck, in for a ruble, Nadia reasoned. “Would you like to see?”

   Billy’s mouth went instantly dry. “Ahhh sure,” his attempt to be calm and cool about this was betrayed by his voice cracking on the second word.

   Nadia looked around and bent over. She rolled up the right leg of her overalls revealing the largest, most sculpted muscle Billy had ever seen; her calf. It looked like someone had stuffed a football under her skin.

   “My God, it’s massive.” Billy said.

   Nadia had been paying attention enough to know that Billy had a thing for muscles and strength. As a result, she wasn’t all that worried about getting a negative reaction; in fact she was pretty sure she’d get the opposite. Looking at Billy’s transfixed face she smiled to herself. He was like a bird looking at a cobra, totally hypnotized.

   Nadia gave her calf a little flex, which caused the heads to separate for just a second while they flared out to the sides. Billy’s eyes all but bugged out of his head. She did it again and produced the same reaction. Without a word Nadia stood and turned away from Billy who was now starting to feel light headed. She rolled up her other pant leg and let him take in both calves on all their massive glory. Then she went up on her toes and, for the first time, really flexed.

   Billy almost lost it as Nadia’s massive calves exploded in front of him. They seemed to double in size as deep cuts emerged forming the two heads and two more layers of muscle underneath. The edges of Nadia’s calves looked like they could cut firewood.

   “My…God,” Billy managed.

   “Would you like to feel them?” Nadia already knew the answer and it seemed almost cruel to ask, but it was more cruel to continue to tease him.

   Billy was beyond speech. He got down on his knees next to Nadia’s right calf. Nadia had relaxed it, but it was still huge. Billy could almost feel the potential power encased in the massive muscle, it was radiating strength. He tentatively reached for it and grasped the rock-hard slab at the back of Nadia’s leg. His thumbs were touching and his fingers just barely curled around the outer edges of the slab-like mass. “It’s like warm marble, it’s incredible.”

   It was also huge. Billy had both hands on it, thumbs together and his fingertips barely reached the edges of the diamond-shaped mass. Nadia flexed it again and Billy’s hands were driven apart with unbelievable force. His thumbs were now four inches apart.

   “Jesus Christ!” Billy exclaimed.

   Nadia smiled. “This is why all my boots are ankle height. I cannot fit my calves into anything taller. Of course there is another reason.”

   “Sorry,” Billy’s head was swimming. He could not reconcile the incredible mass of muscle he was holding between his trembling hands.

   “It got too expensive. I destroyed three pairs of riding boots before Mama just gave up.”

   This just didn’t process for Billy. “Destroyed? How?”

   Nadia had an inscrutable look on her face. This was new to Billy, Nadia relaxed and confident, in control of the conversation and obviously enjoying it. It was making him hard.

   “I was younger and just growing into my body, and my…strength. Every now and then, I would forget to stay in control and flex my calf.”


   Nadia was unreadable. “It is probably better that I demonstrate. Does your belt have any sentimental value?”

   “Err, no. Why?” Billy had an idea about where this was going but wasn’t ready to let himself believe it.

   “May I borrow it?” Her smile was absolutely seraphic. Billy was like a fly in a warm, fuzzy spider’s web. He would have given Nadia a kidney, never mind his belt.

   “Sure, here,” he said as he undid his belt and pulled I through the loops. Too late he realized he’d just provided an escape route for a part of himself he wanted to keep locked down.

   Nadia was still smiling and her confidence was radiant.

   “First off, I would like to call you Bill, if that is alright. Billy seems too…juvenile for someone of your intelligence and endowment.”

   “My….?” ‘No way,’ Billy was thinking.

   “No, I am sorry, that was the wrong word. Enlightenment. That is the word I meant.”

   To Billy’s knowledge Nadia’s command of the language, while somewhat formal, was excellent, probably better than his. ‘Not sure that matters now Dude,’ he admonished himself.

   “Sure,” Billy said and before he could stop himself, he added: “I’d like that.”

   “So would I,” Nadia beamed and Billy thought he would melt.
   “So…Bill. Would you mind putting your belt around my calf and tightening it to the point it stays there?”

   ‘No freakin’ way.’ Billy thought. “Err, ahh sure,” he said as his mouth turned into a desert. Billy had a 24 inch waist and used a belt that was 26 inches. He wrapped it around Nadia’s relaxed, but still crazy-hard muscle and threaded the belt through the belt loop and into the buckle. When he drew it tight enough that it would stay up and fastened the buckle there was about 6 inches sticking out. ‘so about 18 inches relaxed,’ he though as the swelling began. ‘That’s insane.’

   “I think you know what I’m about to do,” Nadia smiled. “Does it make you excited?” ‘What the hell?’ Billy thought. 'Where is this coming from?'

   Billy looked up at Nadia and was surprised by how benign her expression was. Still, she’d nailed him. The very thought of what she was about to try had him getting harder by the second. A jail-break of significant dimension was imminent. He was getting harder by the second.

   She glanced at the front of his jeans where a tent of no small magnitude had formed and was still growing.

   “Ahhh, I have my answer. And judging by your…response, I may have to call you William.”

   “This is nothing to be ashamed of Bill,” Nadia continued. “As I understand it the desire to experience the unusual is very common in men. Added to that you are in the throes of puberty so you are at the mercy of your hormones.” She looked down at his ever-swelling crotch again. “I must say your hormones appear to be not very merciful but obviously very generous.”
Billy blushed.

   “As I was saying...I’ve read men often find the unusual arousing. Clearly that is the case for you and for me. Let me show you how unusual I really am. Stand back a bit, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

   Billy’s head was swimming through a fog but he managed to back off a couple of feet without falling over backwards.

   “All right,” Nadia said. “Here goes.” And with that her calf began to grow. He could see the outer sides of the two heads flatten and sharpen as they started to strain outward against the belt. Nadia relaxed and then raised up on her toes and flexed again.

   “I am doing this slowly because I think it’s more fun for you if I prolong the experience. Also if I just flex as hard as I could suddenly, there’s a chance you might get hurt.”

   Billy was starting to lose the ability to think at all. He was fascinated by the growing diamond of massive muscle in front of him. He was concentrating on the outer edge when it occurred to him there was something else happening. A low stretching sound was coming from the belt. Billy refocused on the buckle. His mouth slowly opened as his jaw went slack. The leather where the buckle attached to the belt was a lighter colour than the rest of the belt. It was also slightly thinner as it became obvious this was where the most stress was.

   “Any second now,” Nadia said. “Is this good for you?”

   Beyond words, Billy could only nod.

   “I’m so glad,” Nadia smiled down at him over her massive shoulder. “I really like you Bill. I’m glad we could share this.” And with that Billy went suddenly soft. This was more than just a one-off sex muscle-tease. Nadia was opening up to him and letting him know she liked him. He flashed back to the dance and suddenly realized that she’d done that dance for his benefit. ‘She really likes me. To basically out herself like that…wow.’ He also realized he liked her too…a lot.

   “This is it,” Nadia said. “Watch out.” It was like she found another gear, another level of flexation (‘is that even a word?' he wondered). Her calf sharpened even more as veins suddenly spread across the wide surfaces of the two massive slabs of muscle.

   The noise of the stretching became more high-pitched and louder. With a sudden tearing sound the leather belt gave way, right at the buckle. There was a slight clinking sound as the buckle hit the floor. There was a ‘thwack!’ as the rest of the belt shot forward away from Billy and wrapped itself around the leg of the table before sliding down toward the ground.

   The swelling in his pants returned with a vengeance. The escape was on. Oblivious to the fact that he’d broken out of the top of his jeans and about half of him was now in open air, Billy was trying to express his amazement.

   “That…was…incredible,” he managed. “You are incredible. Wow!.”

   Nadia was looking down at his waist with wide open eyes. She appeared to be doing math in her head as she scanned from the base of his crotch up his still closed but tented zipper, past the waist line and up past his naval. “So are you. I think I will have to refer to you as ‘Sir William,’ perhaps even ‘King William.’ How are you still conscious?”

   Billy looked down and immediately moved his hands to his groin in an attempt to cover up. His hands weren’t quite big enough to fully hide his enormity and he was blushing as a result. “Ahh…damn.” When he looked up at Nadia his expression was absolutely stricken. He was paralyzed with embarrassment.

   “Do not be ashamed,” Nadia was smiling in admiration at him. “You should be proud. You are a remarkable specimen, Bill. I am very impressed.”

   “Really?” Billy had dedicated the last couple of years to keeping his size a secret. He was terrified if word of his…nature got out he would be branded a freak. He was not ready for admiration and affection. “You’re not freaked out?”

   “Well, to be honest, I am a little taken aback at your shear size. That is a lot to take in,” She was still shaking her head. “But I am far from repulsed. In fact, I am feeling somewhat complemented, given all that is in reaction to me and what I just did.” Nadia paused.

   “To be fair Bill, I could ask you the same question. Does my size not intimidate you? Does knowing I am far stronger than you not make you uncomfortable?”

   Billy, to his surprise, got even harder. The head of his erection flared red and began to pulse.

   “Clearly not,” Nadia smiled. She turned her gaze to his face and softened her expression. “Bill, I want to do something for you. Something I think you are going to enjoy. And to be honest, I will enjoy too. Please sit back in the chair.”

   Beyond questioning anything at this point Billy complied. Nadia smiled and rolled her pant legs back down, covering her remarkable calves. Bill realized that so far, that was the only part of what had to be an insanely muscular body he’d seen. Nadia seemed to sense this as she took a step towards him.

   “You are wondering what the rest of me looks like? I can tell you that I look like nothing you have ever seen. I am muscular beyond your wildest fantasies Bill.”

   Billy was in a world of lust and swollen pain. His imagination was running wild, fueled not just by what Nadia was saying but by her whole confident, powerful, massive demeanor.

   “Fittingly,” she smiled. “You are also swollen beyond anything I have ever imagined. Let me get a closer look at you.” Nadia reached down with her left hand and grabbed the bottom of one of the front chair legs. She stood up and raised her arm until her hand was at the level of her waist. She stood there, as casual as can be, holding the chair and his entire body weight with her left arm.

   “You are wondering how I can hold you with one arm,” Nadia smiled. “We’ll, I am not. Your body weight is far less than I can lift with one arm. In fact, your weight is barely enough to tax my wrist.” With that, Nadia started to rotate the chair and Billy in it, simply by moving her wrist. Her arm was perfectly still and showing no signs of strain. She turned the chair in her hand until Billy was facing her. She lowered her hand slightly and Billy tipped back in the chair. She brought her wrist up and Billy followed. He was blown away by the incredible power in this huge amazon.
   Nadia smiled and with her right hand undid the buttons at the cuff of her work shirt. She held him steady with her left arm as she rolled up the sleeve with her right. Billy’s eyes bulged as a forearm the size and shape of a Christmas ham came into view, inch by inch. “You are not ready heavy enough to cause this, but I know you will enjoy it.”

   Nadia bent her elbow and brought Billy closer to her body. She looked down at her forearm and inclined her head. “Go ahead,” her tone was gentle and inviting. “Grab it with both hands.”

   Billy didn’t have to be told twice. Nadia loosened her grip so the metal leg of the chair slid through her hand. Billy started and tightened his grip on the rock-hard forearm as he dropped with it but the decent stopped when the bottom of the chair hit the top of Nadia’s un-moving hand.

   “Hang on,” Nadia said.

   Nothing seemed to be happening until Billy became aware of a screeching sound coming from underneath him. The chair was still locked in Nadia’s hand, but it began to vibrate a bit. He felt the warm marble under his hands grow and split into separate ropes of muscle. He looked down in awe as veins began to boil to the surface of her skin. He could not believe how good her arm felt under his hands. Warm, hard, massive and literally radiating power.

   The screeching intensified and Billy’s eyes bulged as the leg of the chair began to appear next to his left leg. It gradually rose until it was level with the ground and pointing straight out. Nadia had bent the chair leg using only her wrist, while somehow holding him steady. Although he didn’t think it was possible, he got even harder.

  “You liked that, did you not?” Nadia smiled. “Well there is plenty more where that came from. The same, it would seem is true, for you.” Nadia was looking at his midsection with genuine admiration in her eyes.

   “I have never seen, let alone touched a man’s penis,” Nadia admitted. “But I have done some research. The data indicated the average male erect penis is 13.1 cm or 5.17 inches. You would appear to be well above average. No?”

   “More than double that,” Billy’s voice came out in a rasp.

   “Very impressive. I fear after you, any boy I encounter will be a disappointment. The studies also indicate the girth of an average penis is 11.66 cm in circumference, or 4.59 inches. Again, you are clearly well more than that.”

   “About 9 and a half inches,” Billy croaked.

   “Again, Impressive,” Nadia said. “I must see what that feels like. Do you mind?”

   “Is that a trick question?” Billy managed to joke with a weak smile. “At this point, I think I’d mind more if you didn’t. I’m worried the swelling might become permanent.”

   “Well, from what I have read, I think I know how to prevent that,” Nadia smiled. She gently reached over with her right hand and undid the button of his jeans. With infinite gentleness she slowly lowered his zipper. The release of pressure was exquisite. Nadia looked at him with arched eyebrows. He had thought this before but at that moment he was struck by how very pretty her face was.

   She generally hit behind a curtain of hair, but now he could see the classic Slavic structure and her electric blue eyes. She was beautiful.

   “God,” he said. “You’re beautiful.”

   This appeared to catch her off-guard and she looked hard at Billy for a second. She found whatever it was she was looking for, lowered her head almost shyly and looked at him from under her eyebrows. “Why thank you Bill." She was now looking at him with a questioning expression. He realized she was asking for permission to continue. He gulped and nodded.

   Nadia gently pulled down the front of his briefs as if she were unwrapping a porcelain vase. Billy briefly lifted his butt off the chair and Nadia pulled his jeans out from under him. He was vaguely able to process she had done all this with her right hand, while her left hand was still holding him immobile in the air. There was no wavering or sign of strain. It appeared she was capable of holding him there for a very long time.

  Mission accomplished Nadia finally reached for him with her right hand. It was hard and soft at the same time. Her touch was feather light and firm.

   “My, my, you are as hard as I am,” Nadia mused. She began to lightly stroke him, her massive hand more than large enough to fully grasp his girth. However, while she clearly had a far larger than average female hand, her palm still wasn’t wide enough to cover his length. Almost half of him still towered out of her grip at the base of his shaft.

   He was starting to swell and twitch. Her touch was so different from his own. It felt amazing.

   “How does it feel to be grasped by hands that can bend metal?” Nadia’s question accelerated his excitement. “Do you not wonder what else could do with my hands? What else could I bend? What could I crush? Just how strong am I? How far above normal?”

   Billy was reeling with desire and arousal. He could barely focus. Nadia continued to slowly, firmly stroke him. Then he felt himself drop and grabbed the sides of the chair.

   “No need to worry,” Nadia’s gentle voice assured him. “I am just changing things up.”

   Instantly he realized what she meant by that. Nadia was now holding her right hand still while she raised and lowered him through it with her left. She was essentially fucking her right hand with his entire body. The thought was almost too much for him. He was going to lose it.


   “Go right ahead, I will catch it in my mouth.”

   ‘Wait? What? Was that even on the table? How…’  and Billy exploded, once again soaking his bed sheets with semen. Suddenly conscious he found himself staring at the ceiling of his bedroom. He turned his head. The clock read 2am. He felt wet and sticky, so did his bed. “Ahhhh fuckshit.”

   Once again, he got up, stripped his bed, got clean sheets from the closet and dumped the soiled ones in the hamper on his way to the shower.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 15, 2018, 05:27:49 am
Haha, I was waiting for the last shoe to drop, I figured that Billy and Nadia's sequence was a dream sequence, much like the one he had with Simone. But yeah, I enjoyed this chapter a great deal, it was good seeing Billy and Carley get together and discuss what is pretty obvious to us readers, that Nadia is well above the levels that she has shown, and I think that perhaps the two of them can come together with a plan on how to make Nadia reveal herself, at least to her circle of friends, and allow her friends to witness what she is truly capable of. I look forward to that point, as I'm sure it is coming, maybe not soon, but eventually. K+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: tmbosch on December 16, 2018, 01:04:34 am

You got me again. I was so hoping. But alas, I was fooled.

Wonderful chapter. The entire series so far is amazing. I love how they are all genuinely nice people, and that they care, and that they try and help.

It's so much better than having to see all the women going power mad and being evil and malicious. It is a wonderful change of pace.

Please continue, I look forward to the progress.  :rock:
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: MegaMassiveMuscle on December 16, 2018, 02:23:40 pm
Just for that, I’m telling Santa to put you on the naughty list!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on December 17, 2018, 05:01:46 pm
Amazing chapter, I knew it was another wet dream, poor the word play, the descriptions and the visual is always amazing. Can't wait for Freshman year to move on and the age appropriate stuff can start happening between our friends.

You are an artist!! K++++++++
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 17, 2018, 09:22:02 pm
Haha, I was waiting for the last shoe to drop, I figured that Billy and Nadia's sequence was a dream sequence, much like the one he had with Simone. But yeah, I enjoyed this chapter a great deal, it was good seeing Billy and Carley get together and discuss what is pretty obvious to us readers, that Nadia is well above the levels that she has shown, and I think that perhaps the two of them can come together with a plan on how to make Nadia reveal herself, at least to her circle of friends, and allow her friends to witness what she is truly capable of. I look forward to that point, as I'm sure it is coming, maybe not soon, but eventually. K+!

Thanks. I'm glad you're still enjoying this. There's an awful lot of brain power between Billy and Carley and they are definitely going to set about confirming their suspicions. The dream sequence is my way of having my cake and eating it too. I'm not going to write and actual sex scene with 15-year-olds. What goes though their poor tortured adolescent brains, however, is fair game.


You got me again. I was so hoping. But alas, I was fooled.

Wonderful chapter. The entire series so far is amazing. I love how they are all genuinely nice people, and that they care, and that they try and help.

It's so much better than having to see all the women going power mad and being evil and malicious. It is a wonderful change of pace.

Please continue, I look forward to the progress.  :rock:

Thanks for the kind words. I'm very glad you're a fan of the tone. These are good kids, who have a positive outlook on life, despite the fact they are all unusual in some way. I think they would naturally want to do good things with their various gifts.

Just for that, I’m telling Santa to put you on the naughty list!

No place I'd rather be! Thanks.

Amazing chapter, I knew it was another wet dream, poor the word play, the descriptions and the visual is always amazing. Can't wait for Freshman year to move on and the age appropriate stuff can start happening between our friends.

You are an artist!! K++++++++

Oh that's coming, so to speak.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 20, 2018, 01:48:17 pm

Freshman year: Part Seventeen – December.

   “I can’t believe she's doing this,” Carley was saying.

   “I think she looks cute,” Lindsay, inevitably, was going to see the positive in the situation.
Carley smiled and shook her head. “Only you would describe a 5-foot, 10 inch amazon built like a video-game fantasy girl stuffed into an elf costume that must have come from a beer hall after it was shrunk in the wash, as ‘cute’.”

   “Well, she looks good. I think,” Lindsay was sticking to her guns.

   “So do all the dads who suddenly decided it was their duty to take the kids to see Santa at the mall. The line goes out the door.”
It wasn’t hard to see the attraction. Simone looked like she had been poured into the felt and fake fur outfit. It wasn’t designed to be low cut, but it was open at the neck to allow for a wider range of body types. The ‘one-size-fits-all’ design didn’t account for one of Simone’s size. The roll of white fake fur around the neck, which was probably intended to keep the outfit PG only served to emphasize the mocha coloured canyon of her massive cleavage.

   Lindsay, Carley and surprisingly, Nadia had met up at the mall for a Christmas shopping trip. Simone had bowed out, but didn’t give a reason. Now they knew. She was one of the two elves acting as Santa’s helpers. Ryan, to their added surprise, was the other. “Sim’s got Ryan beat at least four-to-one,” Carley noted. “There are way more dads in line than moms.”

   “I think there might be another reason, besides Simone’s obvious physical charms,” Nadia offered. They looked again and noticed a large bin to their friend’s right. It was full of wrapped and un-wrapped gifts. Over it was a sign framed in blinking Christmas lights which read: “Make a child’s Christmas a little brighter. Donations for Trinidad and local families in need.”

    “Hey guys,” Ryan had slid over to them while they were studying the sign. All three girls took a moment to savor the sight of their large, fit friend rocking an elf suit at least as tight as the one showcasing Simone’s lavish assets. The open vest gave full view of his impressive chest and the tight sleeves allowed for a clear look at his large, muscular arms.
The vest was cinched tight at the waist by a large belt. Under the vest and over the ‘elf boots’ was nothing but spandex which looked like spray paint. It was a toss-up as to which was more impressive, the musculature of his legs from the front or the view of his glutes from the rear. He was clearly wearing a jock-strap and cup as an impromptu cod-piece under the spandex. Even Lindsay spent a few extra seconds checking out that particular area of the costume.

   Ryan was a little, but not overly, embarrassed by his look. “Ya, they didn’t have a costume in my size, but the Assistant Mall manager said this would be Okay.”

   “It’s OK if you don’t mind being Cougar-bait,” Carley said with a grin. “It was a woman you talked to, right?”

   “Hey, it’s in a good cause, and really I’m just an after-thought as long as Sim’s up there. Even the Cougars are checking her out.”

   “About that, the cause - not Sim’s bod, I mean,” Carley continued. “Where did this come from?”

   “What she told me was; she still has an aunt in Trinidad and every year at Christmas they’ve sent her clothes and toys to distribute to the poor families in her parish.”

   “Nice’” Lindsay chimed in.

   “Cool,” Carley added, “Seems like Nadia’s not the only one with multiple layers.”

   The look that flashed across Nadia’s face was as brief as it was indecipherable. But there was a reaction nonetheless, Carley noted.

   “Very commendable of them,” Nadia noted. “but how did the Mall become involved?”

   Ryan rolled his shoulders before answering causing various reactions in the three girls, none of them unpleasant.

   “Uhhh, little stiff from picking up all those little kids.” He noticed Carley’s sudden, evil look. “I turned down the mothers Car. Jesus. You need to Purell your brain.”
Carley just shrugged.

   “Annnnyway,” Ryan continued. “I guess Sim was talking to Ms. M about what they do every year and she suggested Sim ramp it up through the school and the mall to reach more kids. There’s a program where the board will match donations and Sim gets extra social science credits as well.

   “And so do you for being Christmas eye-candy?” Carley asked.

   “Well duh!” Ryan smiled. “It’s a win all round.”

   “I do not imagine Simone had much trouble convincing the mall it was a good idea,” Nadia was grinning. “I assume that’s why there is a local element in the campaign?”

   “I don’t have the details, but Sim said her Weapons of Mass Distraction did come into play. She said she undid the top five buttons in her shirt and things went quite smoothly.” Ryan paused at the visual that jumped into his head every time he thought of that. ‘Down boy!’ He chided himself.

   ‘Five buttons on my shirt takes me to my waist,’ Lindsay was thinking. ‘Holy crap.’

   “The main thing is the end result benefits a lot of needy people,” Nadia was trying to put things in perspective. “How she accomplished it is less important than ‘that’ she accomplished it.

   “Machiavelli –Lite,” Carley said.

   “Yes,” Nadia agreed. “In this case the end justifies the means, at least I’m sure Simone thinks so.”

   “Well, as long as she uses her power only for good,” Carley concluded. “That line of dads with roasting chestnuts is going to help a lot of families.”

   “Ick,” Lindsay said.
“Don’t kid yourself, Buffy,” Carley countered. “If Sim’s halls weren’t decked out in skin-tight felt with her epic jingle-bells on display, a lot fewer families would be having a Merry Christmas.”

   Lindsay frowned. But had to agree, she could never remember the mall being this full or its Santa being this popular.

   “You guys can get in on this,” Ryan said.

   “No way,” Carley said. “I’m not putting my butt on display, no matter how noble the cause.”

   There was no doubt where Nadia stood on this issue but Lindsay, who lived her competitive life on display had no issue.

   “I don’t know,” she soft-peddled it. “I think it would be fun.”
Carley had already noted the repeated stares Lindsay’s incredibly shaped butt and legs, which were covered by skin-tight leggings, had been getting since they arrived. She reflected that her own decision to wear jeans turned out to be a good one.

   “Trust me Buffy, they are not ready for you in an elf suit. Even though, unlike these two, you are the right height.”

   “What I meant was,” Ryan cut the conversation off, “At the end of the week we need to gather up all the gifts, wrap them and get them to UPS. Ms. M. is going to help, but looking at the size of that haul, we are going to need all the help we can get.”

   “That sounds like a wonderful idea,” Nadia replied. Obviously she would be far happier helping behind the scenes, Carley thought. And then, suddenly, she hit on an idea. ‘Oh, this could be perfect. Time to peel back some layers.’

"Sounds good," She said. "I'm in."

   “You have a weight set, no?” Billy and Carley were texting.

   “Ya, Dad bought it as part of his mid-life crisis. Lol. In the basement somewhere.”

   “Think you can score some 45 lb plates?”

   “Should be able. Why?”

   “Little trick I’m planning. No one gets hurt. Promise.”

   “And the target?”

   “Don’t freak…Nadia.”

   “Nope. I’m out.”

   “All I want to do is wrap them up like a Christmas present and see what happens when she picks it up. That’s it.’

   “You are never going to let this go are you?”

  “Probly not, no.”

   “That’s it?”

   “OMG, ya. I don’t want to be mean, I just want to no.”

   “You HAVE to know.”

   “Pretty much, ya.”

   “SMH, OK – how many?”

   “How many you got?”

   Sunday at the mall and the gang along with Ms. Mathias, was all in a back room off the loading bay. The bin of presents had turned into a veritable mountain of gifts. The first task the group had was to separate the haul into two more or-less equal piles. All of the clothes, save for winter coats and boots, went in the Trinidad pile. The higher end toys, ones that required batteries or computer games, went in the local pile.

   A store in the Mall had generously donated the wrapping paper and supplies need and the gang got busy at the two folding tables. Some of the gifts were already wrapped, but the stores had, when they knew it was intended as a donation, identified it with a post-it note. Carley, with Lindsay’s help had already put a wrapped box with three 45lb plates (135lbs) on the Trinidad table. It was labelled ‘20 t-shirts.’ She was not wrong in her assumption Nadia would automatically gravitate to the gifts headed for a third-world country. Lindsay was a little leery about tricking Nadia, but she, like Carley had to know if her suspicions held water.

   Rachel had brought her H3 Hummer (You can take the girl out of the military, but you can’t totally take the military out of the girl, Rachel often explained.) and a utility trailer, which she reasoned was enough to get the Trinidad half of the haul to the UPS depot Monday morning in time to get it onto a plane and down south. As it was, it was going to be a tight fit.
The JDMac High pile would stay at the mall for a day before being transferred to the school. Teachers on the JDMac Poverty Intervention Committee had already identified the families who would get the gifts. The same families would also be getting ‘Christmas hampers’ with a turkey and food intended to create a decent holiday dinner. The committee had raised the money to fund this through bake sales and running concession stands at the football and girls’ basketball games. The gifts and hampers would be sorted and hand delivered by teachers after school. Of the many things Rachel did as a teacher, this was one of the most gratifying.

   It was not that she felt she had to ‘atone’ for what she’d done on her tours in Afghanistan and Syria; she had served her country with valour, honour and distinction, and she had the commendations, medals and ribbons to prove it.
   Yes, some of it was messy, and she did not enjoy re-living those moments. But they are all mission-related, vetted and signed off on. She could live with the knowledge her violence had been in a righteous cause. Girls were graduating high school and going to university in Afghanistan for the first time in decades thanks to her unit. Ya, she could definitely live with that.

   With her record and even the un-redacted parts of her resume, Rachel would have been a lock for the Secret Service, the FBI or any Police force in the country. Hell, she thought with no little trace of irony, probably even the CIA. ‘Like I’d join that cluster-fuck,’ she thought. Her dealings with ‘the company’ while in theater had left a particularly bitter taste in her mouth and she had no desire to taste it again.

   Or, she mused, she could be making serious money working for a private security firm. Many of her former unit had gone that route. But while Rachel did the odd gig as a free-lance agent for a couple of her former leatherneck buddies, the thought of full time didn’t appeal. Teaching did.

   She saw what she was doing as a peaceful extension of the same process the Marines were part of. She was helping make things better, using her skills and her experience. She was still serving her country, but in a different way. The Military had been good to her, transformed her into the remarkable woman she was today and she was determined to pay that back, by paying it forward with the next generation.

   ‘And,’ she thought looking around the room, ‘if this is what the next generation has to offer, we’re in good shape. These kids are totally squared away and ‘gungy’.*
She shook her head and smiled to herself. It felt good to do good and the prospect of the amount of good this group could accomplish over the next three and a half years was definitely something to smile about.

   “Right! Deadbeats. Let’s load it up and lock it down!”

   “Oorah, Gunny!” Lindsay and Carley fired off. Again Rachel smiled and shook her head. So the kids began toting the gifts first to the back of the Hummer and then to the trailer. Carley had, somewhat cryptically let Simone know the large, flat package was for Nadia. Sim caught the conspiratorial look in Carley’s face and knew better than to ask. She would get filled in later, that was understood.

   The process proceeded like the military operation it was and the gifts were transferred to Rachel’s H3 in very little time. Rachel clearly had a sixth sense for what would fit where in what order. It was hard won. Rachel had ‘bugged out’ under fire more times than she wanted to remember. Stowing gear in a LAV-25 when every second counted and keeping the process orderly was a skill she’d keep for the rest of her life. ‘Chalk up one more for the corps,’ she thought.

   Back at the table Nadia approached the package. Carley tried to stay casual but could not help but slow down and focus intently on her large friend. Nadia gave no sign of noticing she was under scrutiny as Billy also trained his attention on her.

   She grabbed the package off the corner of the desk and slid it along the surface, as it got to the edge it slipped from her grip and crashed to the ground like, well like 135 pounds of dead weight.

   “Bozhe moy!” Nadia exclaimed. She looked at Rachel for a split second and then turned to Simone. “I do not know what is in this package Simone, but I am quite sure it is not T-shirts.” Again, she turned and gave Carley a flat, unreadable look.

   Then, with a bemused look on her face, she shrugged.

   Lindsay bounded over and grabbed the package by one edge. She tried to flip it up with her wrist, but could only get it a little off the ground. She lifted it up, her arm straight and held it at her hip.

   ‘Shit,’ Carley thought, ‘She’s holding 135 pounds in one hand. Her grip must be insane.’

   “It’s heavy,” Lindsay stated the obvious. She reached down and grabbed the other edge of the box and showing some effort curled the box up and down five times. “I’d say about 130..135 pounds.”

   Carley, who didn’t miss much, had to pause while processing her friend was almost casually curling her own body weight. She could see the sleeves of her Christmas sweater swell and contract as Lindsay’s remarkable biceps went to work. ‘I may be stalking the wrong girl,’ Carley thought. ‘How freaking strong is she?’

   “So what’s in the box, Buffy?” Simone asked.

   “Free weights, if I had to guess.”

   “Open it,” Simone said.

   “You sure?”

   “Ya, it’s clearly not T shirts and we can always re-wrap it.”

   So Lindsay put the box on the table and opened it. The whole group had gathered by that point.

   “The parish planning to start a weight room?” Ryan asked.

   “They’d need a room first,” Simone answered. “How the hell did this end up here?”

   “Well,” Ryan said. “They’re clearly used and… hey look. There are initials on them. Does RHB mean anything to anyone?” Only Billy noticed that Ryan deliberately didn’t look at him after he asked that question. ‘Oh ya, this is absolutely going to bite me on the ass,’ he thought.

   Getting no response, Ryan looked at Rachel. “Ms. M?”

   “Well, they were donated…we’ll just add them to the school weight room.” With that she grabbed two of the weights with her right hand and the other with her left. She curled the 90 lbs in her right hand seven times before she got to the trailer. Stopped, switched hands and did seven with her left.

   Everyone looked at Lindsay.

   “Ya, I still have some work to do. She’s awesome.”

   The crew set about moving all the remaining gifts into a small storage room and cleaning up. When they were done, Rachel locked the door and they all headed for the front of the Mall. All except Billy and Nadia. It had been agreed they would help stow the stuff at the school and their parents would meet them there. The rest of the group was getting picked up at the Mall.

   Rachel closed the door to the loading dock and texted the Mall staff to let them know they were out. She looked up and noted the dark clouds rapidly approaching. “We’d better get on with it,” she said. “That storm front looks ugly.”

   She was bang on. The storm came in at 40 mph complete with a wave of freezing rain and 6 inches of snow blasting in sideways. The roads quickly became treacherous and visibility next to zero. Rachel knew the sensible thing to do was to wait it out in the mall. But, she was a Marine and the H3 was sure-footed and built like a tank. They would be fine as long as she took her time and didn’t run into any idiots.

   And, of course she did - in the form of a black Ford F-150 pick-up wheeling down the center of the road at 40 mph. Way too fast for the conditions and clearly oblivious to the concept there might be other vehicles on the road. They were on a forested stretch of road about a mile south of the school. The truck rounded the bend and didn’t slow or swerve. “Can you believe this idiot?” Rachel asked no-one in particular. Nadia was in the front, for the leg room, next to Rachel and Billy was directly behind her. Rachel edged right but the truck did not do the same. Instead it the horn and just kept coming. Rachel gritted her teeth, took her foot off the gas for a second and edged further right. She reapplied the gas, four wheel drive only works when it’s driving and tried to hold it steady. “Hang on,” she warned.

   Most of the time four-wheel drive is an asset on ice and snow, but there is the odd time when it’s the opposite. As in when one of the front wheels, the right in this case, hits glare ice and the other three still have traction. Rachel had Traction Control, but it wasn’t enough to stop the truck being driven suddenly to the right and getting sucked onto the gravel shoulder. Then it was just a case of physics taking over. Momentum, centrifugal force, mass, velocity all ganged up against the H3 and drove it through the snow bank and into a tree.

   ‘Shit’ Rachel thought as she saw the tree looming through the explosion of snow. The airbag turned her world white for an instant and then black. Behind her Billy’s head bounced off the side window and into oblivion. Nadia was the only one who didn’t lose consciousness. She avoided being knocked out by the airbag by holding her hands six inches from its pocket and stopping it as it blew out of the dashboard.

   She tore the airbag out of the dash and quickly took stock. The car was still running, but the wheels were pressing it into the tree and down into the snow bank. She reached over and, grateful the H3 had an automatic transmission, shifted it into park. ‘Best to keep it running,’ she reasoned. ‘I might not be able to start it again.’

   She undid her seatbelt and quickly checked Billy. He was breathing steadily but definitely out. An egg was forming on his left temple. Nadia shook her head with a rueful look on her face. “You are not going to enjoy your return to consciousness, my friend.”

   She looked over at Ms. Mathias. The air bag had automatically deflated. All in all she seemed in good shape, Nadia smiled at the dual nature of that thought. Her nose didn’t seem to be broken, but she was definitely out. Hopefully for a few minutes, Nadia thought. She had a lot of work to do.

   She got out of the truck and checked out the trailer. The hitch had popped off the ball and the trailer had put a dent in the H3’s tailgate. It was on its side but thankfully most of the presents were still in the trailer. Chalk that up to Ms. M.’s black belt in packing and liberal use of bungee chord. It looked fully functional; fortunately both tires were still inflated.

   Nadia studied the trailer, walked around to the back, grabbed it and flipped it back on its wheels. She was careful to do this gently enough to not dislodge any more presents. She walked around to the front, grabbed the hitch and wheeled the trailer away from the truck to a spot she hoped was on the side of the road. Visibility was still terrible and getting worse.

   Nadia looked at the truck, barely visible through the swirling snow. Now the real work began. She walked around the truck which was tilted up by the snow banks to the point the front end was about four feet off the ground. Good. Gravity would be her friend.

   The problem was the front bumper was partially wrapped around the tree. Another problem was the snow bank wasn’t going to give her decent footing. She sighed and walked over to the driver's side door. Locked. She walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, reached in and shifted the truck into neutral.

   She went to the front and after a couple of seconds of study climbed up the bank and reversed herself. She squatted in front of the truck, reached back and grabbed under the front bumper. She straightened her legs which promptly went straight down  into the snow. Mother Nature one…Nadia Zero. 

   She climbed out of the holes she’d created and brushed the snow off her pants. The hard way then.

   Nadia walked around to the back of the truck. Bent down low and grasped the back bumper. She straightened her legs and the truck began to shake. Her quads, massive to start off with were exploding to an ungodly size. So much so they were making the XXXL legs of her overalls skin tight. Her triceps were doing the same as they began to threaten the integrity of her farm shirt. Slowly the truck, all 4,900 pounds of it, began to rise.

   In the H3 Billy was brought around by a sudden shaking. His head was killing him, but he quickly remembered where he was and how he got there. He was strangely looking up. The truck wasn’t level, he realized. He scanned the interior of the truck. He saw Ms. M. in the rear view mirror. She appeared to be breathing normally. There was no sign of Nadia. He went to unbuckle his seat belt but his head swam and he was overcome by a wave of nausea. “K, that’s not happenin.”

   Slowly he turned his head to look out the back window. All he saw was a mass of dark, vaguely shaped like a human head and shoulders. It was right up against the back of the truck, which was rising slowly towards level.

   Nadia was still straightening and the truck was coming up with her. The chords on her neck looked like conduit and veins were boiling to the surface. There was a sudden ripping sound and she knew it was the sleeves of her work shirt. Her biceps and triceps had just blown through the heavy flannel. Nadia realized she had a problem. She was confident she could free the truck from the snow bank, but she realized doing that would almost certainly destroy her clothing. The whole point here was to not get caught and she couldn’t imagine how to explain overalls, a shirt and jacket all literally blown apart. She knew what she had to do and sighed. She went back to the passenger door and opened it. Sitting with her legs out the door, she bent over and took off her boots.

   Billy, had resumed his ‘unconscious’ position when Nadia opened the door of the truck. He was watching her with his left eye barely open. Nadia was bent over out the door.

   Nadia took off her right boot and placed it on the snow in front of her left foot facing the truck. She stood up and put her right foot on the boot. She then reached over and undid her left boot. She took it off, put it in the snow and stood on it. She then took off her coat and put it on the front seat. She reached up and undid the two clasps of her overalls.

   Billy was scope locked on what he could see between the two front seats. Nadia reached to the sides and undid the buttons there. The top half of her overalls folded down, exposing the work shirt underneath. Billy noted, groggily, that there was something wrong with the sleeves. Nadia continued to work away on both sides of her overalls. She then shoved them down and straightened up again. She carefully stepped out of them and Billy got a brief look at an impossibly large and muscular thigh.

   Nadia folded her overalls and put them on the front seat. She looked down at the ruined sleeves of her shirt. The jacket would cover this, but if she blew out the back of the shirt and lost all the buttons off the front, both of which were highly likely, she reasoned, well, that would be hard to explain. The shirt had to go too.

   Billy saw Nadia start to unbutton her shirt and realized his breathing was getting shallower. He forced himself to calm down and resume the slow breathing pattern he’d had moments ago. His head was throbbing, but not as much as before.  Might be because a lot of blood was now heading away from it he realized.

   He re-focused on Nadia. She had got to the last button. She opened the shirt and shrugged it from her shoulders.

   A wave of desire hit Billy like an airbag. It was as if his dream was literally coming true before his very eyes.

   Her shoulders were massive, Lindsay’s were less than half the size, he thought. Despite the fact she was clearly relaxed there were smooth striations clearly marking the three heads of her pumpkin shaped delts. Her arms flowed down to biceps that were huge. Her arms had to be bigger than his legs. Again she was clearly relaxed, but muscle the size of a football rolled and bulged under her skin as she shed her shirt, folded it and placed it on the front seat.

   Nadia straightened. He almost came soft as she did. Her chest had to be three feet wide. Incredibly wide and thick pectorals bulged from under her collar bones. The gap between them had to be three inches deep. There was just a suggestion of the striations that would undoubtedly form if she flexed. Billy’s gaze traveled downward to the largest, most perfectly formed breasts he had ever seen. A huge sports bra was struggling to contain them and the effect made it look like someone had stuffed two volleyballs down her front. The upper curves of her breasts bulged from the top of the bra. Cold-activated nipples the size of 30 amp fuses threatened to poke through the material.  The massive globes were mashed together but were fighting back to the point stress lines two inches thick stretched across the front of her bra.

   Underneath, literally in shadow, Billy could just make out the outline of huge, obviously hard and thick abs. He could not get over how narrow her waist became. It was no more than half the width of her chest, boobs notwithstanding. He could just make out the beginning of her hip flare.

   Nadia bent over to put her boots back on and tie them up.

   Billy’s eyes rolled back for a second as he was flashed by cleavage more than a foot deep. He was just managing to refocus when Nadia began to tie up her boots. The huge shoulders and the muscles at the top of her back danced. Her biceps pulsed and strained against her skin, not flexing, just moving. Billy was getting hard. Nadia turned and once again bent over. She was wearing straightforward Joe Boxer bikini briefs. They disappeared into the crack between her amazing globular cheeks.

   Her glutes were the size and shape of small car tires. Perfectly round, and firm. No doubt hard as marble. He could just see the insertions of her massive hamstrings. The pain in his head was lessening, but the pain in his groin was growing, along with everything else down there.

   She straightened and his head swam at the topographical map of massive muscle standing before him. She reached up over her head and grabbed her left wrist wither right hand. She stretched and flexed at the same time. Her back exploded outwards as huge muscles erupted across the length and breadth of her massive upper body.

   Billy bit his lip to keep from groaning. He was in a swirling hell of lust and desire. He was beginning to worry that he was going to do to his pants what Nadia’s arms had done to her shirt.

   Nadia turned, set her shoulders and walked back to the rear of the truck.

   The image of her profile: the sweep of her muscular back, the size and shape of her huge arms, the bulge of her massive pecs, the unreal thrust of her incredible breasts threatening to demolish the bra containing them, the flat, ridged, tight waist, so in contrast with her massive chest and her gloriously full, round and hard glutes, that image was burned into his brain.

   Billy knew there was no point, and no little risk to trying to watch Nadia through the back window. Given her behavior since her arrival, she wanted to keep her incredible body a secret. Reflecting on that, she’d basically been honest about the whole deal. She just dressed to hide her body. This created the impression she was ashamed of it and led to the natural conclusion she was fat. She just didn’t correct that impression. “She never said she was fat,” he mused. “Well damn.”

   He closed his eyes and let his imagination take over.

   Nadia, knew she didn’t have a lot of time. Ms. Mathias and Billy could come to at any moment and even if they did not, hypothermia would probably set in in the next few minutes. She squared away and grabbed the truck again. She gasped as the ice-cold tailgate brushed her bare back and glutes. ‘More incentive then,” She thought.

   Nadia gave a silent countdown from three blowing out with each number. She straightened again and again the tuck rose with her. Not having to worry about her clothes, Nadia did not hold back. Her body swelled to an insane size as her quads, calves, glutes, back, shoulders and arms fought gravity. After what seemed like a minute, she got the tuck up to the point her arms were hanging straight down and her legs were still flexed.

Now the hard part, she thought. She dropped her right foot back and drove off it. The truck groaned as she tried to pull it up, out of, and through the snow bank. The heat from the engine had softened up the snow to the point it was slushy under the front end. The good news is this meant the H3 didn’t have to go up to get out of the bank. The bad news was the ‘though and out’ was going to mean dragging it through slush while it wanted to go down.

   Veins boiled to the surface across her body. Her quads bulged and separated, huge, deep striations formed horizontal grooves across the muscles just above her knee. Her shoulders mirrored her quads, exploding into a mass of striated, vein-covered power. Despite the cold, sweat poured from her. Dripping from her forehead into her eyes. She shook her head and blew up by extending her lower lip in an attempt to clear them. Sweat ran down the deep gap between her massive pecs, down into the deeper cleavage between her even more massive breasts. Sweat soaked her bra and pooled around her rock hard nipples. Sweat highlighted the veins forming across her cobblestone abs. It ran down the inward sweeping curve of her pelvis into her now soaked panties. Sweat ran down her trembling thighs to her flaring calves. And it intensified as she took another step.

   Nadia drove forward and then stopped. She relaxed and leaned back a bit. The H3 rolled back a little, up the groove it had formed coming in and then, started back down. This is what Nadia was waiting for. She drove forward with everything she had, adding her power to the forward momentum of the truck. She gained about six inches. Undaunted she relaxed again, let the truck roll back again and drove forward again. Another six inches. Nadia repeated this 10 more times before the truck crested and rolled the last couple of feet out of the snow bank. She suddenly found herself digging in and trying to stop the truck she had just freed. Her quads sang as the H3 skidded to a stop.
   She gradually let it go but stayed right behind it until she was satisfied it wasn’t going to roll on her.

   She took a moment to steady herself. Her body was literatly vibrating with power, she'd been 'pumped' before, but never like this. She held her arms out in front of her and flexed them. She almost passed out from the intense feeling that exploded in her groin. 

   "Bozhe moy!” She hissed. "Unnnnnngh, that feels good."  Nadia had always enjoyed using her strength, but this was something new, something different, something hot, warm, fuzzy, sexual. 'Not the time. Not the time,' she struggled to re-focus.

   She quickly made her way to the passenger door, threw the truck into park and pulled up the emergency brake just to be sure.

   Billy was biting his lip again as he drunk in the sight of this sweat-covered muscular goddess. She seemed to glow as the console light created highlights across her blood engorged body. She was literally smoking, Billy realized. Sweat was body temperature. As soon as it hit the cold air it created condensation and…steam. Steam was rolling off her. The sight of Nadia’s mythically muscular, shiny, smoking body was the hottest thing he’d ever seen and more than he could stand. He came in his pants and passed out at the same time.

   Nadia, oblivious to this, was hurrying to get her clothes back on. As the sweat dried, hypothermia became more of a risk. She finished tying her boots, jumped back into the truck, shut the door and cranked the heat. She hunched over the vent holding her hands over it. Luckily the airbags had not messed up the heat. 

   After a few minutes she reached over and undid Rachel’s seatbelt. She reached across Rachel’s body and un-locked the driver’s door. She got out and walked around to the driver’s side. She opened the door and after debating a bit, she picked Rachel up in a cradle carry and walked back to the passenger side. She put Rachel in the seat and belted her in.

   Nadia went back down the road and retrieved the wagon. She hauled it back to the H3 and reattached it to the hitch. She walked back to the front of the Hummer to survey the damage. There was a V bent into the front bumper where it had hit the tree. She bent over, grabbed behind it and pulled it out, more or less straight. She could feel her back and arm expand and again felt the fuzzy tingle. More intense and she could lose herself in how good this felt, she realized. “Focus glupaya devchonka, focus!”

   Nadia then got back in the truck and closed the door. She had never driven a car, but she had driven a tractor many times. The principles and the main controls were essentially the same. Nadia surveyed the dash and satisfied she knew what she needed to know, put the truck in gear and headed to the school.

   Rachel came to as they were pulling into the school parking lot. She was instantly alert and puzzled by the fact she wasn’t driving.

   She looked at Nadia and frowned. “I missed the memo on when they lowered the driving age to 15,” Rachel said. She immediately regretted speaking as her head hurt like hell. Her face felt tender, but, fortunately, no broken nose.

   “Well, faced with the choice between sitting in a blizzard on a road where nobody was likely to happen by, Not owning a cell phone and finding myself in a car with two unconscious, probably concussed  people, I chose to find help, rather than hope it showed up. Adapt, improvise, overcome? No?”

   “Oorah. Semper paratus…always prepared. No, you did the right thing for sure Nadia, I am impressed at your resourcefulness. Thank you.” Rachel looked out the window for a couple of seconds. “As far as everyone else is concerned I think it’s best if we act as if I did the driving. You don’t want the attention and I will have enough paperwork to deal with even then.”

   Rachel knew this whole incident could go sideways and was far more likely to if the admin, or worse the public, found out a student drove them to the school following an accident. ‘Wait, didn’t we hit a tree? How the hell did she get us back on the road. Screw it. Questions for another day.’

  The admin liked Rachel and she was pretty sure she could smooth this over. “Make sense?” she asked Nadia, noting the large girl’s face was twisted in concern.

   Nadia was quick to agree. Miss Mathias was correct. She absolutely did not want the attention and more over the questions that would bring. She would be in enough der'mo with her parents as it is.

   “You’re wondering about your parents?” Nadia turned to Rachel and nodded.

   “Tell them the truth. What you did was a good thing, they will see that.”

   “I hope so,” Nadia wasn’t so sure.

   “How could they not?” Rachel smiled. “You’re the girl who saved Christmas for a whole Parish in Trinidad. That has to count.”

   Nadia was overcome with a deep, warm feeling of satisfaction. It felt very good to do good. “Yes,” she smiled back. “I believe it does.”


   The first order of business was to call Billy’s parents. Rachel quickly checked him for broken bones and found nothing. He was surely concussed and they would have to be careful with his neck, just in case.

   The school was normally open to the public Sunday afternoons and despite the blizzard, still was. The storm came in with very little warning so the school wasn’t closed ahead of its arrival. That meant there were still custodians on duty. Rachel swapped places with Nadia and carefully drove around the back to the loading dock. Johnny McMahon was waiting there for her.

   “Hey Rachel! Hell of a day to be on the road. Everything OK?”

   “Ya we slid into a ditch and one of my passengers banged his head. I’ve got to call his parents and probably take him to the hospital. I need to get a neck brace for the trip, just to be sure.”

   “Go get it, Tom and I can unload the presents and lock them in your office. We’ll just roll the trailer inside and deal with it after we clean out your SUV.”

   “Great, Johnny. Thanks so much.”

   “Hey, no problem, happy to help.”

   Nadia was looking out the window with a pensive expression on her face. She was remembering the accident and a large, black pick-up truck. Her expression changed to steely determination. Then, unbidden, she remembered the incident with the package back at the mall. She remembered Carley and Billy both staring at her before she went to lift it. She smiled. ‘So, my friends, you want to play games?’

   Rachel had returned from the school with a neck brace. Nadia looked at her small friend with deep concern. She hoped all the rocking and swaying she caused freeing the H3 didn’t cause any damage.

   “Is he going to be all right?” Nadia asked. “I had to rock the car back and forth a lot to get us out of that snowbank.”

   “I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Rachel sought to reassure the obviously very concerned girl. ‘God, she’s so big and smart you forget she’s still just a kid,’ Rachel thought.

   “I need your help here Nadia. I need you to support his head, hold it still while I put this brace on his neck.”

   Nadia reached in and very gently held Billy’s head. He stirred while she was doing this. “Awesummmuscle,” he mumbled and Nadia’s blood ran cold for a second.

   “He awake?” Rachel asked from behind her. There was no way the teacher could have heard that, Nadia reasoned. Whatever Billy might have seen, or even meant was not the priority now.

   “Just for a moment, maybe,” Nadia said over her shoulder. “He’s back out now.”

   Rachel went around to the passenger door, got in and reached back between the seats to put the brace on. She clamped it in place and tightened the straps. She got out of the truck and walked back to where Nadia was standing, still holding Billy’s head still.

   “Can you move to your left enough to let me duck under your arm? And can you put one hand on top of his head to keep it still?”

   “Yes to both,” Nadia replied and did what she was asked. Rachel produced a roll of duct tape from her coat and ducked under Nadia’s arm. She gently wrapped the tape around Billy’s forehead and attached him to the headrest of the seat.

   The close proximity of her teacher made Nadia reflect on her decision to save her clothes by taking them off. It was paying off right now, she concluded. Billy was clearly concussed, there was no telling what he saw or would remember. Ms. Mathias, on the other hand, was fully lucid and a trained observer with a razor-sharp military mind.

   With Billy squared away, Rachel called his parents. They lived on the other side of town and it was agreed Rachel would drive him back to the hospital and they would meet there. She reassured them that Billy wasn’t in any danger but he would probably end up staying the night in the hospital.

   Nadia borrowed Rachel’s phone and arranged for her father to pick her up at the school.

   Rachel paused before stepping up into her truck.


   “Yes Ms. Mathias?”

   “I want you to know, that even though the two of us have to sit on this whole thing, I am incredibly impressed with what you did and extremely proud of you. I believe your parents will be too. I'm sure they will see it the same way as well as the reasons why we need to keep your role quiet.”

   Nadia laughed and shook her head. She was wearing a rueful smile when she replied. “The first part remains to be seen, but the last part…Of that, I have no doubt.”

   Rachel closed the door and drove off. Nadia, suddenly very weary, trudged into the school.

   Monday morning Carley and Lindsay were heading down the hall towards their lockers. They had heard about the accident but were way short on detail. Which, of course, was killing them. They could not wait for homeroom and a chance to grill both Nadia and Ms. M.

   Billy was still in the hospital, for observation. He’d suffered a pretty bad concussion but nothing else and the prognosis called for a full recovery. Lindsay’s mom was going to take the two of them and Simone to see him after school.

   As Lindsay was opening her locker she heard Carley say “what the hell?”


   “Not sure, take a look at this.”
   Lindsay closed her locker door and looked at Carley. She then followed Carley gaze down to where her lock was. Or at least supposed to be. The base of the lock was gone but the shackle remained. Rather than it’s usual ‘U’ shape, the ends of the shackle had been bent inward to the point they actually crossed each other. There was no way to get it off and as a result no way to open her locker.

   “Huh,” Lindsay said. “How could that happen?”

   Carley was looking down the hallway as Nadia’s huge form approached. Her Slavic face was beaming with an ear to ear grin.

   “Oh, I have an idea.”

* Gungy is a shortened version of ‘Gung Ho!’ Which is a Chinese phrase meaning to "work together." Introduced by Colonel Evans F. Carlson, it became the battle cry of the WW II Marine Raiders, particularly the 2d Raider Battalion. A particularly avid Marine is also called gungy. []
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 20, 2018, 06:33:00 pm
Awesome chapter, really enjoyed reading this, I felt like Billy, watching on while Nadia was unwittingly putting on an awesome performance of muscle and strength for me to enjoy! I truly hope that when her power is revealed to her other friends, that they don't make a huge deal out of it and keep it secret, but still congratulate her for being so incredible and superhuman, Billy and Ms. M are now aware of Nadia's secret, and most likely will keep it to themselves until the time comes where Nadia has no choice but to reveal it to the rest of her friends. But I'm sure Billy will be having a lot more of those dreams involving Nadia from now on! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 20, 2018, 09:24:30 pm
Billy and Ms. M are now aware of Nadia's secret,

Yes and no. Rachel was out for the whole show. She had one brief thought that things didn't add up. Obviously this will lead to more questions...but answers?

Billy has a solid concussion. He saw what he saw, but during the recovery will he trust that it was real or was his bruised brain playing tricks on him?

Time will tell.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: giantgirl7foot2 on December 21, 2018, 01:14:26 pm
This is some incredibly impressive writing—awesome characters and story and I'm looking forward to what the future will bring!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on December 21, 2018, 03:30:40 pm
Poor Billy, I'm sure he will be convinced it was another dream sequence.........wonder if the "sword" will be discovered by a nurse at the hospital??? From a clinical sense of course :-)

Love the continued work and painstaking descriptions you use to give us visuals of the characters, it was perfect for Nadia.

Thank you!!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 22, 2018, 01:38:46 am
..wonder if the "sword" will be discovered by a nurse at the hospital??? From a clinical sense of course :-)

I hadn't considered that...I like the idea....hmmmmm.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 28, 2018, 08:45:09 am
Inspired by an idea from sgsg69:

Freshman year: Part Eighteen – December.

   Rachel pulled up in front of the Emergency Department door at the hospital. She had phoned ahead and two EMTs were waiting with a gurney. One was opening the side door as she put the H3 in park. He looked at the jury-rigged immobilization Rachel had done and nodded his approval. “Your work?” He asked her.

   “Ya, seemed prudent given the drive I had to make, Didn’t want him going all bobble-head on me.”

   “Good call,” the EMT replied. “It’s been a bat-shit day, nice to see someone thinking straight for a change.”
Rachel moved towards Billy but the EMT waved her off.

   “We got him now. Just give us room.” The EMT walked around the truck and slid in the passenger side rear door. Then he reached over and stabilized Billy’s head. His partner reached in from the driver’s side and with a box-cutter sliced through the duct tape. The first EMT did not let go of Billy’s head while the other managed to slid his hands gently under Billy. He lifted and the two of them gently maneuvered the small body out and on to the gurney.

   Billy was in a fuzzy world of pain, lust and confusion. Mostly the latter two. His mind was full of images of huge, hard, shiny – smoking muscles. Nadia had finally been revealed to him in all her epic, unreal, muscular glory. Fractured images of her vast, glorious body flashed in and out of his head. She was right there, he had to have her, but she kept dancing away from his consciousness. She had a hammerlock on his seething brain. He saw, he came, she conquered.
   He felt her strong hands slide under him. He turned and stared at the biggest, most perfect breasts he’d ever imagined, let alone seen. Her massive, hard arms lifted him effortlessly. She was curling him as if he weighed nothing. He reached out and grabbed her rock hard arm. He lifted his head and tried to kiss her beautiful face, but she was lowering him, obvious to his weight and his affections.

   “I think he likes you Dave,” the first EMT was smiling.

   “It’s the uniform, gets them every time,” Dave was shaking his head.

   “Let’s get your date to X-ray. The Doc is waiting.”


   Rachel watched Billy wheel through the automatic doors then got back in the H3. She headed for the parking lot.

   When you worked in a hospital, blizzards were a mixed blessing. Generally, they forced people to stay inside, which reduced the amount of traffic in Emerge. However, they made the conditions outside far more dangerous and risky. This meant that the type of traffic they did see was more likely going to be serious. Over the ten years of her career as a nurse Tanya Knight – Ya the Knight nurse, I’ve heard it before – had pretty much seen it all. Today wasn’t even the first time a guy had been brought in with his leg in a bear-trap. That never got old.

   They had a pretty bad roll-over and a couple of winter campers who got caught in the storm and were suffering hypothermia and exposure. It would help if they’d packed proper winter gear and not the Amazon ‘camp-kit special.’

   She was on her way to the latest, a kid who’d banged his head off the inside of the car. Concussed, no spinal issues – X-rays had already confirmed that. The kid had been taped to the seat’s head-rest and snapped into a neck brace when he was brought in. Someone was on top of their game. Local, PE teacher, fit as hell, was all the EMT’s said. Good on her, Tanya thought. We need more head’s-up people around here.

   The kid had cleared triage and was in a double room, by himself. Another benefit of a blizzard. She was going to meet Ashley Burton, a newbie, but pretty much competent, so they could clean up the kid and prep him for a proper exam. Ashley was a 5’2” former college gymnast. She packed a tasty, hard, fit little body into those scrubs. Tonya fantasied about Ashley’s body and the athletic…possibilities it presented…but only when she was off duty. On duty she was all business and kept her libido under a tight reign. She was upfront about which side of the plate she swung from, but never let it become even a rumor, let alone a concern at work. Not to mention that Ashley was clearly a flaming hetro-sexual.

   Ashley’s nickname around the hospital was ‘Yard.’ She earned it on a nursing student pub-crawl when she had, to everyone’s amazement, open-throated a ‘yard’- one of those big, thermometer-shaped glass things that bars keep on display but people rarely ever try - of beer on a dare. Witnesses testified the beer flowed as smoothly out of the trumpet shaped opening and down her slender throat as if it was being poured down a drain. Ashley celebrated her feat with a back-flip off the table she’d been standing on. Thus a legend was born. A video went viral and her fame followed here. Despite the ‘party animal’ overtones her handle suggested, Ashley proved to be a solid pro as a rookie and best of all, one who was eager to learn with no issue following orders.

   Tonya was almost at the door of the room when she hear Ashley’s voice exclaim: “Oh my God, look at the size of that!”

   ‘The hell,’ Tonya thought as she strode through the door. The kid was still out, still clothed and on the bed. Ashley was looking up at the TV. She turned to Tanya and shrugged. “Shark week, you should see the size of this Great White.” Ashley was standing next to the bed, while another woman, reddish hair, broad-shoulders, was sitting in the visitor’s chair.

   Tanya shook her head. “Ok Rook, turn it off and let’s get this guy cleaned up." She turned to the other woman.

   “I assume you’re the person who brought him in?” The woman stood up, very fit indeed, really impressive shoulders, military bearing.

   “Yes. Rachel Mathias, I teach PE at JMac High.”

   “Heard how you braced and taped him. Good move. Nice to meet someone with sense on a day like today.”

   “No sense taking chances, Nursing Corps?”

   “Shows huh? Ya, one hitch in The Stan and two in the Sandbox. Been back 10 years. – Jar-head I’m guessing.”

   “Semper Fi! Gunnery Sargent, Third Battalion.”

   “Ya, you got that look.” You got a very nice look, I would like to see more of it, Tonya was thinking.

   “M’Tonya, the tadpole is Ashley. You a relative?”

   “No, the family is on their way. I’m staying with him until they show.”

   “K. Well Gunny, if you don’t mind giving us the room for a few, we have to clean and prep this guy.”

   “Copy that. I’ll wait outside.” ‘Take charge lady,’ Rachel was thinking. 'Fit looking too, I like that.’

   Rachel left the room and after looking up and down the hall decided to hunt down a cup of coffee. Hospitals, unlike Marine bases, tended to have bad coffee. 'Oh well, Any perk in a storm.'

   Tonya looked at Ashley and nodded towards Billy, lying on the bed. “K, Rook, what do you see?”

   “Adolescent male, chart says 14 but I would have guessed younger than that. He’s not very big.”

   “Which is why we go by the chart,” Tonya noted. “K, look at him, what do you see?”

   “Hematoma on the left temple. Swelling. Eyelids moving, he’s in a REM-state. Chart says he’s been in and out of consciousness, tried to kiss one of the EMTs…a guy by the way. Anything else?”

   “Look at his pants. What do you see?”

   “There’s discolouration, a stain? Faint white outline.”

   “Feel it.”

   Ashley did. “Slimy and sticky.”

   “Smell it.”

   “Coppery, saltly?’s….”

   “Yep, Semen.”

   “All that? That is one seriously big stain.”

   “Can’t account for the area, but a discharge is not unheard of in some trauma cases. K, let’s get the little guy cleaned up.” Tonya and Ashley both put gloves on and went to work. Tonya took off Billy’s shoes while Ashley took off Billy’s shirt. She smiled at Billy’s tight little body. “Gymnast, I’m guessing.”

   Meanwhile Tonya undid the button of Billy’s jeans and zipped down his fly. She carefully grabbed the sides of his pants and worked them slowly over his hips. Once she got to his upper thighs, she pulled his jeans off and put them in a plastic bag. “We’ll do the family a favour and take all this stuff to the laundry,” Tonya said.

   “Good call,” Ashley added, “the bottom half of the shirt is saturated too. How did such a small guy produce so much….oh. Oh my God, look at the size of that!”

   “We're going to need a bigger boat. Dang! I guess we can’t call him ‘little guy anymore.” Tonya was shaking her head in amazement. Now this WAS something she’d never seen before. “Two Great Whites in under an hour, now that doesn’t happen every day.”

   “Have you ever?”

   “Not that size, My God he’s soft and he’s still among the biggest guys I’ve ever seen. Well, the amount of emission is no longer a mystery. Get a measuring tape.”

   “Are you serious? We can’t just…he’s a patient,” Ashley was more than a little thrown at Tonya’s suggestion. Tonya was one of the most by-the-book team leaders on the floor and besides, she was gay.
Tonya exhaled and looked at Ashley with infinite patience.

   “Yes he is a patient, with a head injury. One of the first concerns with head injuries is blood flow. Do you see anything here that might affect his blood flow?”

   ‘Stupid, Of course,’ Ashley thought. ‘She’s always going to be professional, get your head out of your ass, Ash.’

   “We need to document it for the doctors and the chart. It’s a relevant factor in his condition. We don’t want to whip the poor kid’s robe up every time the issue comes up.” ‘So to speak,’ Tonya thought to herself. She was a pure professional, yes, but still…‘Boy are you going to be popular when you get older. Stow it. Work to do.’

   Ashley returned with a measuring tape and Tonya pulled out her phone. Billy’s flaccid penis was lying next to his right leg. Ashley leaned over and ran the tape down next to it.

   “Eight inches,” She said acting as professionally as she could but she was thinking: ‘Look at the freaking size of this thing, it’s immense. How big would that be hard?’

   Tonya took shots with her phone from a couple of angles. ‘Dang, I almost need to pano this thing,’ she thought ruefully. ‘Jesus it must be massive when he gets hard.’

   “I wonder,” Ashley started but Tonya cut her off.

   “Hate to throw cold water on your thought process, Rook, but that’s not part of the drill. Come on, this poor kid’s a mess, let’s get him cleaned and covered. He’d probably die of embarrassment if he came to and saw us looking at him. ‘Not that he has ANYTHING to be ashamed of,’ Tonya added mentally.

   Tanya and Ashely both grabbed warm, wet washcloths from the cart next to the bed and set about cleaning Billy. Tonya worked on his upper body and Ashley started at Billy’s ankles.

   Warm, wet, strong, and sooooo nice. ‘She’s licking me, Oh God!’ Billy’s bruised brain could barely process the thought.
He didn’t even stop to wonder how Nadia was licking both his leg and his chest at the same time. Only that he felt her strong hands, surprisingly small and gentle, and her tongue on him and it was driving him wild. She was working her way up his legs and down his chest. ‘God, this is so hot!’ He could see her leaning over, her massive chest crossing past his face. That’s it, her boobs are on my chest and her head is down at my legs. God, this is so hot.

   Nadia’s rock-hard cobblestone abs were right above his face. He tried to raise his head to kiss them but something was keeping him down.

   Billy moaned as he squirmed beneath the touch of the two nurses. They both stopped and stepped back for a second.

   “He’s still out,” Tonya noted. “Just dreaming. We’re good but we need to be quick about this.”

   Tonya cringed at the dreams a 14-year-old boy might be having while two sets of hands with warm, wet cloths roamed over his horny body. Then she considered the effect it might have on him…She didn’t like the conclusion she was reaching. Best be on this smartly.

   Nadia’s massive breasts were all over his stomach while her tongue had reached his inner thighs. Billy could not believe how good it felt. The idea of this majestic muscle goddess pleasuring him was starting to have the inevitable effect. Nadia straightened and looked down at him. She had one hand on the top of his stomach and the other on the inside of his right thigh. Her face was soft and beautiful. She looked at him with understanding. She knew what he wanted, what he needed and with a smile on her face and lust in her eyes she lowered her magnificent body back down on his. Her face was headed right for his groin.

    ‘Oh God…here I go…’ But there was no trace of shame attached to the thought, there was ….pride.’ And why shouldn’t there be? I have a lot to be proud of. I have a huge, hard, powerful dick…nobody around here has a dick like this. Of course she wants it, it’s unique, I’m unique, it’s awesome, I’m fucking awesome.’ Billy’s libido took the steering wheel and hit the gas. He was getting harder by the second.

   “Ah Tonya,” There was a tone of warning in Ashley’s voice. “We have an issue.”

   Tonya looked and instantly grasped what she was talking about. Billy’s penis was twitching.

   “Best we hurry Rook.”

   They intensified the cleaning process but the increased pressure and motion only fueled Billy’s internal flame. The twitching became growth, quick, incredible growth. The two nurses looked in amazement as the massive member moved down the boy’s leg. Then, as it thickened, it began to swing up the inside of his right leg. It kept growing, now passing horizontal, throbbing and pulsing as it lengthened…thickened…straightened.

   Tonya was transfixed by the process. ‘How fucking big can this thing get?’ Ashley was also hypnotized by what she was looking at. Slowly she reached into the pocket of her scrubs and took out her phone. She started to take pictures, but then switched to video.

   Billy was starting to mumble and squirm. Tonya could only imagine the torrent of hormone-fueled lust surging from his adolescent brain to his monstrous cock. In any case the end result was almost scary. ‘This kid could really hurt someone if he’s not careful, he’s immense and he’s not even done.’

   As if on cue, a final surge of blood rocketed into Billy’s throbbing member and it responded in seconds. The growth was sudden and dramatic. It straightened and literally slapped against his stomach. ‘Jesus, H. Christ.’ Tonya thought.
Ashley was hypnotized like a chicken watching a cobra. ‘Python, more likely,’ she thought. Still filming, she could not take her eyes off the immense, throbbing cylinder in front of her. She absentmindedly caressed the inside of his thigh with the warm washcloth. ‘Might as well kill two birds…’ she thought.

   The effect on Billy was subtle at first. Neither woman noticed the head enlarge and the foreskin stretch out as a result. They did notice what happened next. Billy’s member straightened even more, ‘how is this possible’ and amazingly lifted off his stomach. The tip of his penis came to just under his small, but hard and well-formed pectoral muscles. Now it looked as if it was straining to escape his body. It bobbed slightly up and down as it began to twitch.

   Nadia’s hand caressed the inside of his thigh. He could feel her hot breath on his cock, her boobs on his chest and stomach. They were so big they covered his whole upper body. He reached back and grabbed her leg just below where if joined her hard, magnificent butt. He started to squeeze as her soft mouth headed for the tip of his engorged cock. This was too much, he felt like he was going to explode. The pressure in his balls was incredible. He had to release, he had to let it go. He tingled and shook as his balls contracted and the inevitable eruption began. The feeling was indescribable. He’d whacked off many times but never felt anything this intense. His body sang with release and every muscle tightened as a load of semen rocketed up his steel-hard foot-long tube.

   Ashley sensed it first, but too late.

   “Tonya…” was all she managed before Billy groaned. He shook and a stream of semen shot from his tip, over his face and splattered all over Tonya’s stomach and chest. Billy was twitching like he was having a minor seizure, his muscles were all standing out in sharp relief, his hips were off the bed and his cock in full spasm. His balls contracted again and Ashley was sure she could see another volley of semen travel up the huge shaft towards freedom. Again the load shot out of Billy like a hose had been turned on and plastered itself on Tonya’s chest.

   After being caught off guard by the first ejaculation, Tonya’s training and logic kicked back into gear. She could have stepped aside, she reasoned, but by staying put and ‘taking it for the team,’ so to speak, she was actually cutting down on the amount of work they’d have to do to clean up. Better to throw the scrubs in the laundry and take a quick shower than have to clean the floor and maybe even the wall for God’s sake. She could actually feel semen hitting her abs and chest. ‘Jesus, this kid comes like a firehose.’

   She looked up at Ashley who was standing there, wide-eyed with her phone out in front of her.

   “You know you’re going to delete that right?”

   Ashley shook her head, as if coming out of a trance and looked at Tonya with a combination of reluctance and regret.

   “Let’s be clear Rook. What we did before was clinical. What you’re doing now could turn into a violation of patient confidentiality. That’s a career-ender. Not to mention the fact that if anyone ever sees an image of me covered in semen you will be cleaning bedpans and hand-scrubbing out the morgue until you are using a walker.”


   “I’m deadly serious Rook, I’ll send you so far down the ladder they’ll have to pump air to you.”

   “I get it, I get it.” Ashley acquiesced. “I wouldn’t anyway…but holy crap, this kid is something else.”

   Tonya grinned. “No shit Rook. He’s his own Christmas Carol.”

   Ashley looked quizzically at her partner.

   “Oh Come like Old Faithful,” Tonya said with a straight face. Ashley’s laugh was more spit than voice as she tried to hold her reaction in.

   With what appeared to be a final spasm, Billy’s cock smacked back down on his stomach. It leaked cum as it slowly receded. Even in its increasingly flaccid state it was immense. Veins ran along its length to the twitching red head. More to clean, Ashley thought. She grabbed a fresh washcloth, ran it under warm water and returned to the bed. Gently, using absorbent paper towel and the washcloth she set about dealing with the mess on Billy’s torso. Finally she had everything clean except the actual source of the mess. As she went to grab it Tonya stopped her.

   “Easy Rook, that might be the most impressive specimen either of us has seen, but it’s still attached to an adolescent boy.”


   “Meaning, at least according to my sister, who has three of them, that he’ll get hard when the wind blows. You grab him and we’re looking at an encore.”

   “Seriously? Even after all that?”

   “You’ve been with guys, no?” Ashley took the question in stride. “I prefer to think guys have been with me, but Ya, so?”

   “Well, I’m assuming they weren’t all one and done,” Tonya said catching the analytical look that crossed Ashley’s face. “I’m sure you put it down to your…prow-ess – she pronounced it as if it was two separate words – but trust me honey, hormones and the male physiology had a lot to do with it.”

   Ashley flashed back to high school and realized the truth in what Tonya was saying. “K, So?”

   “So let’s cut the mess off at the source. Hold a wad of paper towel in front of the tip so we don’t have to clean the room.”
Ashley nodded and grabbed some paper towel. She held it with her left hand while her right hand gently dabbled the crusted residue from the base of Billy’s shaft. He twitched at the contact.

   Having blown his load all over Nadia’s epic boobs, Billy was floating in a world of semi-spent bliss. God, that was intense. What an incredible feeling. He was on the verge of passing out but managed to retain consciousness through the whole glorious ordeal. ‘I almost came and went at the same time,’ he chuckled to himself. Oh God. Nadia, you are so beautiful, so strong, so incredible. She smiled down at him. Lifted one huge, perfect boob to her mouth and slowly licked his cum off it. He was twitching again. Things were suddenly wet and warm.

   Smiling, Nadia swam in an out of focus. She lifted her other boob to her mouth and this time licked her way down to her huge, erect nipple. She licked it and then blew on it. Already almost an inch long and more than that thick the swollen cone hardened and grew even larger. He could see little ridges form in a swirling pattern on the slightly raised areola. He briefly focused on her massive, ripped and impossibly muscular arm as she once again raised the huge breast so she could suck the turgid knob on its upswept crest. He felt her other hand on his swelling cock. The nipple disappeared into her soft, wet, mouth. He was going to lose it again.

   Ashley was trying to stay clinical but the thing in her hand defied belief. She could not get her hand more than two-thirds of the way around it. It felt like a warm, pulsing, baseball bat. It was that thick. She had started at the base and was gradually, gently working her way up with the washcloth when it literally jumped under her touch.

   ‘Uh oh,’ she thought as it instantly became hard and grew erect at an incredible rate. “I’d say your sister was right,” Ashley said. “He’s going off again.”

   Careful to keep her left hand and the towel in front of the tip Ashley continued to stroke up the huge, rigid shaft. It pulsed as it grew under her touch. She could see the balls contract as once again his body flexed along with the impending orgasm. She actually felt the semen rocket under her hand on its way to open air. Her left hand was braced for impact so the stream that shot out the swollen tip didn’t knock her hand back, but she was amazed at its intensity. ‘I can feel it hitting the towel…Jesus. What would that feel like inside?...Arrrgghhh! Focus Rook, focus.’

   Billy shot again and again until the paper towel was saturated with semen. The last two had actually splattered a little as there was no absorbency left. “Tonya, I’m going to need more towel. He’s literally blown this one away.”

   ‘Jesus,’ Tonya was thinking. ‘This kid is incredible.’ “On it,” she said out loud.

   Billy seemed to be calming down as Tonya fetched more towel and a pathological waste bag to dispose of the first one. Tonya started as Billy’s right arm suddenly snaked its way around her lean, hard waist. She reached down to gently remove it.

   Billy was in heaven as he exploded again and again. His mind was a disjointed slideshow of erotic imagery: shiny muscle, slimy boob, swollen nipple, smoking striations, surging veins, all growing, swelling, exploding. He reached out for anything he could touch and found his arm wrapped around Nadia’s massive, hard leg. It was the size of a normal person’s waist. It was hard and unmoving, full of unimaginable power. He felt a strong, firm hand close on his arm. He felt another on his cock…it was too much.

   Tonya was looking down at her hand on Billy’s arm when she heard Ashley; “Oh shit.”
She realized, too late, she was still holding the fresh towel and that Ashley needed it…now.

   Ashley felt the flood of semen rocket up the tube and knew the towel wasn’t where she needed it to be. She also knew there was only one way to stop Billy from creating an even bigger mess than he already had. She bent over and put her mouth over the end of his exploding cock.

   Trying to keep this as clinical as possible - ‘A clinical blowjob? That’s a new one,’ she thought. – Ashley did not try to put the end all the way into her mouth. On contact, her lips clamped down on the tip, she instantly realized to get the whole knob past her teeth would require a concerted effort. Her jaw would have to be wide open to even think about trying it. ‘Holy Fuck, he’s huge’
Fortunately that wasn’t required for this. She grabbed his shaft as tightly as she could and held him to her open lips while she braced herself. Billy dimly registered the hand on his cock and moaned.

   It hit her like a tidal wave. Her mouth was instantly full of semen. Her cheeks were blown out and it was starting to leak out the corner of her mouth. She swallowed. The back of her throat was blasted by another jet of cum and she had to repeat the process. More escaped and was dribbling down the side of her face. Another jet filled her mouth instantly. He was too much. There was only one way this was going to work, she realized. She grabbed the shaft even tighter, opened her mouth wider and pushed him into it. She straightened her torso a little and opened her throat.

   Tonya was simultaneously shocked and concerned when Ashley first went down on Billy. There was no way to get the towel in place and this was a practical, if not unique solution. She switched over to concern when she saw Ashley’s cheeks puff out like a hot little squirrel. She was barely keeping ahead of the flood of semen blasting up that huge shaft.

   She saw Ashley readjust her stance and clamp down on Billy. Her concern turned to amazement as she watched…nothing. Billy was still obviously ejaculating, if anything, more intensely than before. But Ashley seemed to be taking it without a problem. Her cheeks were actually a little concave. Clearly she was sucking on Billy to maintain a seal. Where was all that semen going? And then it hit her. ‘Open throat. Yard. Well, no one will ever know, but you’re certainly living up to your rep tonight Rook.

   After two minutes Billy shuddered and seemed to convulse a final time. Ashley could feel him soften in her mouth. She maintained the seal, but lightly. She wanted to make sure there were no aftershocks. It was all she could do to refrain from licking him. She had never had a cock this big in her mouth and knew she almost certainly would never again.
‘Although, when he’s 20, I’ll be 28…I might just look him up.’ Ashley shook her head at her plans to become a Cougar and gently removed her mouth from Billy’s now flaccid penis.

   She looked at Tonya with trepidation. This wasn’t going to be good.

   “Nice save Rook,” Tonya said.

   “Wait, what? Really, you’re serious? You’re not going to tear me a new one?”

   “Look Rook, I dropped the ball by not getting the towel. You had to do something and what you did sure as hell wasn't regulation, but it was the most efficient solution. We’re not putting it on the chart, in fact it never happened, but still, nice save.”

   “K….thanks….I guess.”

   “Right,” Tonya was back to all business. “You gown him up and make the bed. I gotta take a quick shower and get into some clean scrubs, the parentals will be here any minute.”
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on December 28, 2018, 06:37:24 pm
OMG, that was the best "clinical" episode I have ever read in my entire life. I have died and gone to heaven :-). There isn't enough Karma on this website to give you for that rather large addition to the story...........great take, great action, great play in Billy's semi-conscious state. I sure hope you can keep this story going till College when Ashley looks him up again!! No man will ever measure up!

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 29, 2018, 05:15:48 am
Really enjoyed that, nice addition to the story, if only temporary of Ashley and Tonya, I like that you're using names of former female bodybuilders, maybe unconsciously, maybe not, but it's still entertaining. Billy's libido is incredible, I mean he is a teenage boy, but he is super special in his output, and it seems like Tonya and Ashley got a taste of what's been happening to Billy for a while now. I hope he finds a way to control it, but with all the incredible beautiful, fit, strong females around him, it may not be for a long, long while. But still, I look forward to seeing what happens next! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 29, 2018, 11:40:31 am
This is some incredibly impressive writing—awesome characters and story and I'm looking forward to what the future will bring!

Thanks for the kind words. Kinda looking forward to what happens with our merry band as well.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 29, 2018, 11:44:39 am
OMG, that was the best "clinical" episode I have ever read in my entire life. I have died and gone to heaven :-). There isn't enough Karma on this website to give you for that rather large addition to the story...........great take, great action, great play in Billy's semi-conscious state. I sure hope you can keep this story going till College when Ashley looks him up again!! No man will ever measure up!

Hey it was your idea..I just ran with it a little. Regardless, I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

Not sure I can keep this up til Billy gets to college, but you never know...might be the odd flash forward. Or he might have an accident in senior year.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on December 29, 2018, 11:53:09 am
Really enjoyed that, nice addition to the story, if only temporary of Ashley and Tonya, I like that you're using names of former female bodybuilders, maybe unconsciously, maybe not, but it's still entertaining. Billy's libido is incredible, I mean he is a teenage boy, but he is super special in his output, and it seems like Tonya and Ashley got a taste of what's been happening to Billy for a while now. I hope he finds a way to control it, but with all the incredible beautiful, fit, strong females around him, it may not be for a long, long while. But still, I look forward to seeing what happens next! k+!

Glad you enjoyed it. Little change of pace from the usual teasing.

I'm using the names of fbbs on purpose. They  help me keep the characters straight and it's an homage to a generation of pioneer athletes. Rachel, especially, who I thought was awesome, and vastly under-rated.

Billy's world is absolutely a combination of heaven and hell. The only thing about him bigger than his manhood is his imagination....poor dude.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on January 01, 2019, 11:33:28 am
Freshman Year: January

   “Those Assholes,” Ryan was seething as he joined Lindsay, Billy, Carley and Simone at the lunch table. Nadia was in the Library working on an English assignment with Debbie. Ryan was so mad he didn’t register that. “Where’s Nadia?”

   “Library, Dude.” Billy said. “Calm down and tell us what’s going on.”

   “K, I love football, I love playing football, but there are times when I want nothing to do with my teammates. Assholes.” ‘Fuck,’ Carley was thinking with more than a little concern. ‘Look at him. When he gets like this, he’s fucking frightening. He’s a big, hard, angry, scary man. Where’d that kid I grew up with go?’

   Lindsay, ever the peacemaker, was the first to risk replying. “So…Rye. Are we talking about the whole team, or just a couple of specific assholes?”

  Ryan took a couple of breaths and then decompressed a couple of degrees. “Ya, ya…you’re right Linz. It’s not the whole team, it’s a couple of senior assholes.”

   “Who have…?” Lindsay’s voice was soothing without being mocking or condescending.

   ‘How does she do that?’ Carley wondered. ‘It’s like she’s a hypnotist or something. She talks and people just calm down and listen. All I do is piss people off.’

   Ryan looked at her for a couple of seconds. “I just found out about this, but apparently it happens every year. It is a ‘tradition’,” Ryan pumped as much sarcasm into the word as he could, “for the rookies on the team to find a girl and try to sleep with her.”

   “What is this? 1973?” Carley reacted. “That’s caveman shit.”

   Simone was also shaking her head, “It’s 2019, how could that even be a thing still?”

   “That’s just sick,” Lindsay added. “There’s no way I’m going anywhere near any of those guys.”

   ‘I’d go near you Rye-Guy,’ Carley was thinking. ‘I wouldn’t need a neanderthal hazing ritual to do it either.’

   “This is where it truly gets vile,” Ryan was saying. “None of you would qualify.”

   “I’m sorry?” Carley said. “We don’t qualify, why wouldn’t we qualify…unless…No…Fucking…Way. That is so twisted…that’s just wrong”

   As usual Carley’s supercharged brain got there long before anyone else had even started processing the variables. What factors do the three of them have in common? They are all attractive. What criteria would exclude them? What criteria the football team might consider? …’the girls have to be unattractive…it’s a troll hunt…Goddamn them!’

   “It’s a Fucking Troll Hunt isn’t it?”

   Ryan, as ashamed as they’d ever seen him, just lowered his head.

   “Those Assholes. Those fucking, lowlife, worm-spawn.”

   “Sorry?” Lindsay was still in the dark. "What's a troll hunt?"

   Carley looked at Ryan.

   Ryan’s ears were crimson and he did not raise his head. “The idea is to get a date with,” he raised his hands to make air-quotes, “an ugly girl. Whomever sleeps with his ‘date,’ video proof required, wins. Before anyone says anything, I told them they could all go fuck themselves.”

   “Way to go Man,” Billy said quietly.

   All three girls looked at Ryan with equal measures of respect and pity.

   “Good on you Rye,” Simone said. “You’re one of the good ones.”

   “Proud of you Big Guy,” Lindsay chimed in.

    “But there’s one more thing, isn’t there?” Carley, as usual, was a couple of steps ahead.

   “Ya….” Ryan looked up. “Debbie and Nadia are on the list of targets.”

   Carley went crimson. “Those fuckers! Well this ain’t happenin’ there is no fucking way we let this happen.”

   Lindsay looked at Carley and started to speak.

   “No!” Carley cut her off. “No Buffy, do not work your tranquilizing voodoo on me right now. I want to be mad, I need to be mad.” Lindsay opened her mouth, looked at Carley and thought better of it. She closed her mouth with a 'click.'

   “Revenge is a dish best served cold,” Billy said.

   “Machiavelli???" Carley spun and glared at Billy. "Niccolo-fucking-Machiavelli??? Seriously, you’re going to try Machia-fucking-velli to me off the ledge?” But it was already working and Carley knew it. She shook her head,

   “You’re really are something BB,” Carley was smiling now, “Don’t ever change Dude.”

   “K,” Billy took the initiative, “we are all agreed we have to blow this up.” Nods all around. “Not only that, we need to blow this up in such a way that the organizers are punished, but do not know by whom, wait Carley. We also want to teach the rookies a lesson that should underline the need to respect everyone, especially women, regardless of what they look like. That cover it?”

   “But I want them to know,” Carley’s expression was unnerving in its intensity. “I want them to know exactly who blew up their sick little game.”

   “Two problems with that.” Billy said.  “If they know, soon everyone will know. If this goes public, there will be far-reaching repercussions, including, probably, the suspension of the football program maybe even people losing their jobs.”

   “Maybe they should,” Carley said.

   “No argument,” Billy said. “But, the fact that could happen might be something we can use.”

   Carley was looking at Billy in admiration. “Now that’s Machia-fucking-vellian.”

   Billy nodded and continued, “The other angle is I do not want to spend the next three years with a football-shaped target on me.”

   “Screw them,” Carley said, “I can take anything those troglodytes can come up with.”

   “I’m sure you could, but don’t forget those troglodytes had a pretty good plan for the Halloween dance,” Billy pointed out. “They’re relentless and pretty inventive when they put their minds to it and I don’t want them putting their minds to us…And yes, Carley, Us. That means me, Sim, Linz, and Nadia and probably Debbie as well. You want to put them in the crosshairs too?”

   Carley looked down, blushed and looked back up. “No…no I don’t. You’re right BB. OK, a cold Italian dish it is. What do you have in mind?”

   “The first thing is we have to tell Nadia and Debbie.”

   “Ow. Really? That’s going to be a pretty delicate conversation,” Simone said.

   “I’ve got it,” Lindsay said, and they all knew she did. “Billy’s right, they have to know. On top of that, as their friends, we have to tell them.”

   Ryan, who was still dealing with the shame of being associated with the team on this looked at Billy. “Anything I can do to help Dude, sign me up. I want to end this, not just for this year but forever.”

   “Noted,” Billy smiled at his friend. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your shot.

   He hadn’t included it in the reasons he gave the group but giving Ryan a shot at redemption was also part of his plan. This was going to be a little thorny as the only person who had an issue with Ryan’s involvement was Ryan himself. ‘It’s just his nature,’ Billy reflected. ‘He blames himself for something he had no part in creating, just because he’s on the team.’ Logic wasn’t going to solve the problem and Billy knew it. Ryan had to ‘do’ something, play an active role in the plan, to get to a point where he could forgive himself.

   “K, I have the rough outline of a plan, which there’s no point in sharing until Linz talks to Nadia and Debbie.” He turned and looked at his muscular friend. “Tell them I have a plan in mind which involves them. Ask them if they’re willing to talk to me about it.”

   “No probs.” Lindsay smiled. “I trust you on this BB, I’m sure they will too.”

   “Well, you and I grew up together, they don’t know me that well.”

   “They know all they need to know,” Lindsay smiled. "They know you're awesome."

   “Thanks Linz.” Billy was pretty confident Debbie would be on board with almost anything. Especially with a plan that struck a blow for potential victims. Nadia, he wasn’t so sure of. He was pretty sure he knew how she’d react, but getting involved might be beyond her threshold. He would have to play that one carefully, if that is, she agreed to talk to him at all.

   “I thought I’d find the two of you here,” Lindsay was all smiles as she bounced up to Nadia and Debbie, who had set up shop at a table in the back corner of the library. There was a stack of reference books, texts and what looked like half a stationary’s worth of staplers, glue sticks, scissors, three-hole punches and Bristol board.

   “Hello, Lindsay, here for some help in English?” Nadia was smiling. She had tried to get her knew friend to spend more time on her English, but Lindsay resisted. It was funny as she was a straight-A student otherwise and certainly didn’t lack the work ethic. It was just the whole concept of figurative language, something meaning more than one thing at a time was foreign to her…and it bothered her that she didn’t get it.

   “I’d rather have railroad spikes driven through my eyes,” Lindsay replied.

   “A colourful, and alarmingly graphic metaphor,” Nadia smiled, “You are better at English than you think.”

   Lindsay was shaking her head. “That’s just from hanging around all you nerds. It’s rubbing off on me.”

   “Clearly Carley’s charming nature is also rubbing off on you,” Nadia said. “That was very close to an insult.”

   Lindsay went beet red, “I didn’t mean it to be, I’m sorry.”

   Nadia had to stop herself from laughing. “Lindsay my friend, you have nothing to worry about. We are all very comfortable in our nerdiness.”

   “May the force be with us,” Debbie chimed in

   Nadia gave Debbie a nod of acknowledgment and continued. “In fact, we consider it a badge of honour so you have, despite my earlier comment, in fact done the opposite of insult us. I merely said that as an attempt at humour. I’m sorry if I upset you.”

   Lindsay had to take a second to process the circle of logic she’d just been dragged through.

   “Whatever. Actually, there’s something I need to talk to the two of you about.” So, she laid it all out for them in a straight forward way. Debbie’s reaction was predictable.

   “Fuck, just when you think there might be some hope for the male gender they pull this shit. Really? How fucking neanderthal can you get? Nice to know I made the ugly list, well fuck them.”

   She turned to Lindsay with a look of venomous intensity. “Tell Billy I am in on whatever he has planned.”

   “I’m not sure he has got that far,” Lindsay said. “He said he wanted to talk to the two of you before he went farther.”

   “Whatever, I’m in, and the nastier the plan, the better.”

   Lindsay turned to Nadia who was sitting, her hands below the table, apparently in her lap, looking out the window with an expression that could only be described as deeply conflicted.

   Lindsay had seen Nadia in a number of moods, most of them calm and tranquil. She had never seen her like this. When her friend turned to look at her she caught a flash of…rage? Fear flashed through her on a primal level. Her instincts screamed ‘run!’ and she almost did. In that moment she thought she heard a weird crunching sound. She looked again and Nadia was calm, pensive, as if she was considering a number of issues. The hairs on the back of Lindsay’s neck lay down and she silently let out a long, slow breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

   “I have to talk to my parents,” Nadia said. “Personally, I, like Debbie, am offended and angered by this. I would very much like to be part of a plan that stops this and hopefully, punishes the boys responsible for it.” On the last phrase, there was a steely hardness in Nadia’s voice Lindsay had never heard before. “Yes…I would very much like to be part of that.” The hairs on the back of Lindsay’s neck were standing again.

   Nadia gave her head a slight shake. “Please tell Bill I would like to talk to him about it but I have to speak to my parents first.”

   “K. I’ll do that.” She looked at both Nadia and Debbie in turn. “Guys, we have to stop this. We have to stop it now and forever.”

   “Fuck Ya,” Debbie replied.

   There was that weird sound again. Nadia, who had a far-away look in her eyes only nodded.

   "K, I’ll tell Billy where we stand and we’ll go from there,” Lindsay concluded. She looked at Nadia again. She was dead still and focused on something deep inside her head. There was something there Lindsay had never seen before, she couldn’t figure what it was but it was a little scary.

   Debbie had packed up their work and stood up. She looked at the library supplies still on the table and turned to Nadia. “Can I leave you with this?” She asked.

   Again, Nadia nodded. The text alarm on Lindsay’s phone went off and she looked down at it. “It’s Billy, I gotta go.”

   Another nod from Nadia and Lindsay left.

   Nadia watched her go and then left out a long, slow breath. She lifted her hands from her lap and glanced at the twisted wreckage of the three-hole-punch she had crushed into a ball.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 02, 2019, 06:11:25 am
Well, I do feel bad that this kind of thing is still going on, but I am glad that Lindsay and the rest of the gang are going to do their best to make sure these Neanderthals realize the err of their ways, hopefully in some ways that are impressive as far as power and athleticism go. Nadia is definitely not someone that I would want mad at me, not someone who can flip cars like flipping a coin. I look forward to seeing what happens next! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: klaus74de on January 12, 2019, 06:47:36 pm
 :thanks: Fantastic story :clap: Please go on!  :rock:
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on January 14, 2019, 04:01:24 pm
Another great chapter, I still can't wait for her to reveal her true self!! And I can't wait to see how they get even with the football team.........
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: srielley on January 14, 2019, 11:08:20 pm
Excellent story so far. It has al of us wondering what will happen next. Please keep writing more episodes.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on January 20, 2019, 02:49:14 pm
Freshman Year: January cont.

   “What do you think he has in mind?”

   Simone, Carley and Ryan were in the weight room. Ryan was on the football team’s off-season program, but this was a lighter day so he could work in and out while spotting the girls without too much trouble. Carley was in off-season for basketball and soccer but on the school’s volleyball team, basically just to stay active. She was basically lifting heavy.
Simone had also made the volleyball team, mostly because she was 5’10”. “You can’t coach height,” the coach had said.
   Her co-ordination was still an issue sometimes. Her body was too, she couldn’t line up at the net the way players normally did because her breasts hit it every time she jumped. She had to play back an extra two feet. She was in the weight-room because she had discovered, to her irritation, that she wasn’t in very good shape. Practices were proving to be hard. She asked Carley to show her a routine and help her find her way around the weight room. Carley had agreed, on the condition they bring Ryan along.

   “Because he knows about weights?” Simone asked.

   “That, but really because I want to look at his gorgeous bod while he lifts them. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.”

   “You are evil, you know that? Right?” Simone was shaking her head.
Carley had just grinned.

   “You mean Billy?” Ryan asked.

   “Ya,” Carley was genuinely puzzled as to how Billy planned to accomplish all the various goals he’d shared with the group. “I mean I have some ideas, but none of them are subtle and quite a few of them end in carnage.”

   Ryan laughed. “I don’t doubt that, not for a second. But in answer to your question…I have no idea. I only know he’s really scope-locked on this thing so I’m sure whatever he comes up with will stand a good chance of working. He’s possessed by this.”

   Ryan, despite the fact Simone and Carley were his ‘buddies’ had once again taken Billy-level precautions before coming to work-out. K-tape, spandex and basketball shorts. Carley, who was hoping to scope out his butt in a pair of tight shorts, had to console herself with the fact Ryan’s huge shoulders and massive, hard arms were on full display, thanks to the skin-tight tank top he was wearing.

   As it turned out it was a smart move on his part. He was struck, again, at how firm and fit Carley was. ‘As soon as you get her away from Lindsay, it’s like she explodes into this super-hot version of herself.’ It was more than just there not being a direct comparison between the two, there was something that happened in Carley’s head when Lindsay wasn’t around. She was more confident, more relaxed and more assured. It was hot as hell.

   All of that was on display in a tank-top and a pair of black spandex shorts that hugged her epic butt like a second skin. Carley’s perfect thighs were also uncovered as were her diamond-shaped calves. Lindsay’s legs were just jacked, massive muscle everywhere. But on Carley’s legs, because she was 5’7”, the muscle was more spread out, shapelier. They were more than just nice to look at. Carley was the fastest freshman male or female with the best vertical jump, male or female in the school. No girl in any other grade was even close. They were, by definition, the best legs in the building. They were also hot as hell.

   The funny thing was, Simone’s presence didn’t seem to matter the way Lindsay’s did. There was some irony in that because Simone had, without question the most remarkable female body in the school. Her curves would have been evident in a snowmobile suit, but in spandex shorts and sports bra they were on display for the world to admire. And while her presence didn’t seem to have an effect on Carley it was certainly being felt by other users of the weight room. Her pre-workout stretches alone sent two members of the basketball team shuffling awkwardly to the boy’s washroom.

   As usual, they started on the bench press. Carley warmed up with 85 lbs. Ryan spotted her and got a front row seat to her lean, hard upper body smoothly pistoning the weigh up and down. The effect it had on her breasts was also attention-getting – they seemed to almost expand and contract as a hard ridge of subtly striated muscle appeared and disappeared between them.

   She did 12 reps, racked the weight and then showed Simone how to position herself under the bar. Ryan looked off into the distance and tried to ignore the stirring in his groin. Sensing his situation, Carley slid in next to him. “I got this Big Guy.”
   Ryan looked at her with a combination of anguish and gratitude. Carley checked the collars and looked down at Simone. ‘My God, her boobs are huge, they’re everywhere. Snap out of it, doofus, this is what you were trying to save Ryan from.’ She looked Simone in the eyes this time.

   “OK, this is probably a good weight for you too. Grab the bar here, and here. I’ll help you lift it off. Lock it out briefly and then just lower it to your chest and push it back up. ‘Not going to have to lower it too far, it’s a miracle she can breathe with all that sitting on her rib-cage.’

   Ryan tried not to, but he couldn’t help but stare at Simone’s huge breasts as they flattened out against her chest. The sports bra – was she wearing two? – kept them from going too far out to the sides, but none the less she lay on the bench with what looked like two futons on her chest. That is, until she lifted the weight.

   The act of benching finishes with your arms straight out from the shoulders, locked in a vertical position. It causes the chest to expand and contract and brings into play the back, shoulders and upper arms, mostly triceps. For guys and almost all girls, this doesn’t cause any problems. However, almost all girls don’t have M-cup breasts that measured 46 inches around. When Simone’s arms were straight out from her shoulders they were squeezing her breasts together. Carley found herself staring down a vast expanse of cleavage.

   Simone lowered the weight to the point where her elbows were at 90 degrees. The bar was touching her bra.

   “You can let it go some more,” Carley said.

   Simone was smiling, “Hey, you said to my chest, that’s to my chest.”

   “OK then, to your rib cage, or as close as you can get.” ‘Jesus,’ Carley thought. ‘They’re like airbags.’

   “K,” Simone grinned and let the weight drop until her fists were squeezing her breasts together and the bar formed a four-inch deep valley perpendicular to the mocha-coloured cleavage which was twice as deep. Ryan had to look away and start thinking about baseball.

   “K. Up and down, nice and steady. Try to breathe out evenly as you lift it. Shoot for 12.”
Simone focused on the ceiling and pushed the weight off her chest. To Carley’s surprise, it shot straight up like the arm of a catapult.

   “Whoa there big girl! Slow and steady,” Carley had her hands over the bar and was shaking her head.

   “Sorry,” Simone shrugged. “It’s lighter than I thought it was going to be.”

   “Just a warm-up, remember? Slow and steady, give your muscles time to loosen up and get a little blood flow going.”

   “K, Got it.” Simone said. She lowered and lifted the weigh smoothly 11 times. It did not seem to be much of an effort for her, Carley noted.

   Ryan was up next and swapped out the weights with two 45 lb plates. He got under the bar and, while Carley stood in the spotter’s position, pumped out 12 smooth reps. Carley was totally locked on the muscles in his chest and arms. Her chest felt tight, her knees weak, her head felt light and her groin warm and fuzzy. By the time he was done, she closer to being out of breath than he was. Her head was swimming. ‘God, you are sooo fine, you big muscular hunk of man-boy.’

   “How much is that?” Simone asked.

   “135 pounds.” Ryan replied.

   “Can I try that?”

   “Sure,” Ryan and Lindsay looked at each other. She had handled 85 lbs pretty easily and she was a big girl, probably 160 lbs anyway. Maybe she could handle it. Carley shrugged and gave an ‘over to you,’ look to Ryan, who nodded. “I’ll spot,” he said.

   Simone slid under the bar and positioned her hands on the bar. She was focused on the rafters of the weight room. She broke off, looked at Ryan for a second and briefly bobbed her head. Ryan lifted the bar into position. From where he stood, Simone seemed at grow as she lowered the weight and brought it back up again. Gravity forced her breasts out to the sides on the way down, this widened her upper body considerably. Ryan was pretty sure, however he could also see lats flaring past the tops of her breasts underneath her armpits.

   On the way back up, the view completely changed. Simone was concentrating intensely and the weight was coming up at a steady pace. The muscles in her arms were more pronounced, he could see a swelling of her triceps, shoulders and a thickening of her biceps. Her breasts were being squashed together by her arms and the resulting cleavage was incredible. Ryan tried as hard as he could to focus on the bar, but it was hard not to look past it into the canyon forming between two rising mountains.

   Carley was also drawn in by the show Simone’s body was putting on. It was enough that all the spectacular flesh on top of her muscles was being shifted around on a tectonic scale, but now that she was apparently making an effort, the muscles themselves seemed to swell. Simone’s arms and shoulders were definitely thicker and her chest had definitely pushed her boobs higher than they were before. Carley didn’t have Ryan’s view, so she couldn’t tell about Simone’s back, but she could see a trace of three tubes of muscle forming under the side of Simone’s suddenly stressed sports bra.

   Simone was hissing as she breathed on the rep. She hit the top and lowered the weight again, smoother this time. Ryan could not believe was he was looking at as the bar turned her breasts into a set of four, rather than a pair. Simone grave the weight a little pop, and raised it. She was now in the groove and pumped out 10 reps with some, but not maximum, effort. A thin sheen of sweat had broken out and which made the two huge globes shone in the gym lights. Ryan was trying to recall the batting averages for the 2018 Seattle Mariners starting line-up as he racked the weight. He did have an enough on the ball to look Simone in the eyes and tell her, “Nice job.”

   Carley’s reaction was more up-front: “Hell’s yes, girl, who knew you were stacked and strong? That’s awesome!!”
Simone had slithered down the bench and was sitting up smiling. “Well, I’m not Nadia’s size, but I am still a big girl. Takes some strength just of move all this around and not fall over. That felt good.”

   “Bet it did,” Carley smiled. “Well, I need to drop that weight a little, I’m not quite up there with you superheroes.”

   At Carley’s request Ryan put 105 on the bar. Carley slid under and fired off 10 machine-like reps. Despite her self-denigration, Carley was an all-state level athlete, she was strong and fit and impressively so. Like Simone, the effort caused Carley to break out in a sweat. And like Simone, her effort had an effect on Ryan. Especially the part when she lifted her superb butt off the bench to get a little extra leverage, the tilt of her pelvis and the hardening of her thighs were doing all kinds of things to Ryan’s imagination. Which in turn, was doing all kinds of things to his groin. He was now working his way through the batting averages for the rest of the Mariner’s line-up.

   He shook it off and set about adding weights for his set. ‘Focus, Dude focus, not good dropping 185 in your head.’
He slipped under the bar and Carley took her position at the head of the bench. He looked up at her and nodded. She didn’t really do much more than stabilize the bar, but it did make a difference. Ryan paused at the top and fired off 10 reps. It was Carley’s turn to force herself to concentrate. Ryan’s huge pecs and massive arms were working in perfect harmony. The swelling of his pecs causes a striated ravine she could not take her eyes off. Fortunately it was pretty much where she was supposed to be looking anyway. All she had to worry about was controlling the warm fuzzy feeling creeping up from her groin to her head. She started rhyming off the decimal places of Pi.

   Ryan finished and it was all Carley could do not to offer to help wipe the sweat off his glistening, sculpted upper-body. ‘3.14159 26535 89793 23846 62338 47, 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 62338 479, 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 62338 47950…’

   Simone was eyeing the weight and doing calculations in her head. “No sure I want to jump to that just yet, can we split the difference?”

   “Sure,” Ryan replied, “How about 155?”

   “Twenty pounds more...sounds good,” Simone agreed.”

   Again, Simone’s strength was up to the task. It seemed to Carley that her body was calling on untapped inner-resources…her muscles were definitely expanding past where they had before. They were not ripped, or overly defined, but definitely swelling below the skin and definitely causing her body to bulge in remarkable fashion. Her pecs were forcing her huge breasts out even farther from her rib-cage. Even lying down the effect was spectacular. Her sports bra was staring to show signs of strain and duress.

   From Ryan’s viewpoint Simone’s workout was even more mesmerizing; the rise and fall of her breasts riding the muscles underneath, combined with their expansion and contraction between her swelling arms to form a tide of mammarian movement, ‘udder undulation’ Ryan thought. To make things worse for him, Simone was gleaming with hot sweat and her saucer-sized nipples had decided to join the show. They were incredible, forming two tents in the front of her sports bra. The nubs were at least an inch long and about the same width. The dark areole were plainly visible through the dampening sports bra…all four inches of them. Ryan’s attempt to run through the ERA’s of the Mariner’s pitching staff was being met with dismal failure.

   There was no failure on Simone’s part as her mostly hidden and surprisingly powerful muscles ground out 8 reps. Only on the last one did she show any sign of real strain as her arms and shoulders were shaking a little as Ryan racked the weight. Ryan was seriously considering doing a lap or two around the track in the gym, maybe even stepping outside into the winter cold for a minute or two.

   “Hey, Rye…earth to Ryan?”

   Carley was beckoning him back to this plain of reality. “125?...can we do 125?”

   “Uhhh, ya. Sure, Car. On it.”

   “You’re on something alright,” Carley was grinning as she talked under her breath. “You’re riding the Simone-a-coaster, not that I blame you. It’s a pretty enticing ride.”

   Ryan shot Carley a look that was half plea and half annoyance. He desperately did not want to think about what Simone’s superstructure looked like when she was lifting, let alone what it was doing to him. “Carrrr…no OK? Just No!”
Carley looked up and caught the look in Ryan’s face. She kicked herself mentally for a second. “K, sorry Rye.”

   Ryan switched out plates until the bar weighed 125. Carley slid onto the bench and settled under it. If Ryan was hoping for a break on the arousal front, it wasn’t happening. Carley threw herself into grinding out eight reps as her pelvis, chest and shoulders took turns igniting Ryan’s hormones. Carley wasn’t built like a video-game fantasy girl, but she was a fine, fit, athletic vixen. Her red hair and deep brown eyes highlighted a face that could only be called beautiful. On top of all that, Carley’s concentration, was absolute. Ryan also found this hot. He knew how smart she was and that intelligence, that mental power, was just as arousing as her physical power...maybe even more so.

   ‘Fuck,’ he thought to himself. ‘All my friends make me horny now. Hell, with my luck Nadia is also super-hot and she’s just been wearing baggy clothes to hide it all this time.’ Ryan did a mental deep dive on the ERA and save-percentage of the Mariners’ bull-pen. This time it seemed to help…barely.

   He racked the weight, let out a deep breath and without even looking at Carley, headed for the guy’s washroom. On the way there he stopped at a door that opened out to the parking lot. Ryan opened the door and stepped into the opening. It was about 30 F degrees outside. He stood in the door for about a minute, letting the cold wash over him. A couple of guys close to the door looked at him in annoyance, but Ryan just stared them down. “Chill,” he said. He was big enough and the look on his face ensured that they really didn’t have a choice.

   Satisfied the cold had done its job, Ryan closed the door and headed for the washroom.

  “…God, Dude she is so hot! She’s a fricken dream-goddess, level-20, Boss-queen…Jesus, I want her so bad!”

   “You want her?...Bwawwwaah! Dude! She could pop you like old bubble-wrap! That is if, she even noticed you! Jerome, you have a better chance with She-Hulk on Marvel Contest of Champions.”

   The two voices, obviously young, freshmen like Ryan, but not nearly as far down the maturity path as he was, were coming from the area of the sinks.

   “Way to rain on my fantasy life Captain Buzz-Kill. I know I have no shot…that’s not news…I just want that moment of thinking I do…is that too much?”

   Ryan walked around the corner and saw exactly what he thought he’d see. They both stiffened when he came into view. They nodded at him, trying as hard as they could to be cool and not act like they’d been caught in the middle of something.

   One of them, had more nerve than Ryan would have expected.

   “Dude, you’re Ryan Copper, the guy starting on Varsity.”

   Ryan was surprised the kid knew him because he was pretty sure they didn’t have any classes together. “Tim Mertins,” the guy, who was half Ryan’s size, said while sticking out his hand. “Huge fan, man that game you had against Crestwood, awesome! Just awesome.”

   “Thanks,” Ryan was almost laughing as he shook the smaller boy’s hand. It had never occurred to him he’d have fans…’huh…who knew?’

   The other smaller boy was looking at him in a combination of awe and fear.

   Ryan smiled down at him: “Dude, I’m pretty sure you don’t owe me money, and I already had lunch, so I’m not going to eat you.”

   “Younoher,” the boy mumbled.

   “Sorry?” Ryan asked and turned to Tim for a translation.

   Tim, who was growing on Ryan by the second rolled his eyes and sighed. “Sorry, this is Jerome…he’s kinda in a coma. It’s your friend, the really well-built one. Jer here has a fixation with her. Well, we both do, but I can talk through mine. He’s freaking because he’s standing next to someone who stood next to her.”

   “Wow.” Ryan said looking at Jerome. “You’ve got it bad.” Deep down inside though, he could empathize. He’d known Sim for years and more to the point had known her when she was the cool, nerdy Island Girl before her hormones when nuclear on her. That still barely helped keep his own reaction from approaching melt-down. These two little dudes had nothing to slow down the reaction Simone’s incredible body created. They were probably stiff as boards within seconds of seeing her.

   “As hard,” Ryan paused...”as this might be to believe. Simone, that’s her name by the way, is a really cool, laid-back person. If you say hi to her she’ll happily talk to you. She’s really friendly and not stuck-up at all.”

   “You’re messing with me aren’t you?” Tim was looking at Ryan with skepticism, then alarm. “I mean…it’s OK if you are, just for fun, you know, no can if you want.”

   Ryan rolled his eyes. ‘Jesus this kid must have had a rough first semester.’
“Dude, do you know Bill Bishop?”

   “Errr, ya. Frosh, really smart, funny guy…stood up to Truck Simmons last fall. Right?”
“He’s my best friend,” Ryan said. “My point is you’re not on the food-chain with me, or with Sim for that matter. You’re frosh, so am I. All there is to it.”

   “But look at you two, and look at us. Natural selection man, no way around it.”

   “Maybe, but a year and a half ago I looked pretty much like you and a year ago Simone looked like your buddy’s twin sister. A year from now you could both be taller than I am. The selection process is far from over, Dude.”

   “Sorry,” Tim said. “I guess I’m just used to being a target”

   “Well hang with us at lunch a couple of days next week. Might help you out a bit on that front.”


   “Sure, as long as you’re not dicks about it, why not? You’re judging us based on what we look like, and your experience with similar people. I try to judge people on what they do, not what they look like. Can you do that too?”

Tim frowned. “Ya, I..we can do that. Cool.”

   “Aight then,” Ryan smiled. “Well, gotta get back to work. Later.”

   “Ya,…later.” Tim was still shaking his head in disbelief.

   Back at the bench Ryan found Simone and Carley waiting for him.

   “Took you long enough,” Simone was smiling.
Carley’s expression was a lot more ‘knowing.’ ‘Pressure getting to you?”

   Ryan shot her a ‘don’t!’ look. “No, I ran into a couple of dudes and we had a little talk about the food chain here and such.”

   “I hope you told them we’re not like that,” Simone was genuinely concerned.

   “I did,” Ryan. “But you can understand where they’re coming from. The little black dude has a crush on Sim so bad he can’t even talk.”

   “Maybe he doesn’t have enough blood in his brain.” Carley suggested.

   “Oh Car, come on, really?” Simone said. However, in reality she was feeling just a little…satisfied. She had power over guys, she knew this. She was aware of the effect her body had and, while she tried to follow Mrs. Carter’s advice and control it, she wasn’t opposed to turning it loose every now and then. She was stared at all the time, she reasoned. What was the harm in enjoying that a little? Simone looked at the two frosh who were nervously looking back in their direction.

   “The island boy looks kinda cute, in a semi-catatonic way.” Simone said. “I think I’ll go say hi.”

   ‘Oh God,’ Ryan thought. “Sim…..”

   “What?” She turned at Ryan. “I’ll be nice…it’s not like I’m going to eat ‘em.” With that she grabbed her water bottle and headed for the drinking fountain.

   “She’s going to break them both,” Carley said.

   “Uh, huh.” Ryan agreed. “Dead kids standing.”

   Tim and Jerome were about 15 feet from the fountain doing curls with 15 lb weights. Simone was a symphony of topographical movement all the way to the fountain. Ryan was shaking his head as her watched her prefect pear-shaped butt sway side to side. Above it an impossibly narrow waist flared out into a solid back and athletic shoulders. The back of her sports bra was stretched tight across the smooth, cultured caramel skin. Her massive breasts were on the off-beat and Ryan could see the sides of them appear in alternating fashion on her left and right sides as she walked. ‘Jesus, she’s hot as hell from behind.’ Ryan thought. ‘From the front she’d be frickin’ nuclear. Those poor little dudes.’

   “It’s almost like she’s a different species,” Carley said in Ryan’s ear. “She has curves in places where the rest of us don’t even have places.”

   “She’s definitely something else,” Ryan agreed. “I know she wouldn’t hurt a fly, but right now I feel like I’m watching a wolf walking into a chicken coop. Look at those poor dudes, they’re paralyzed.”

   Ryan was right, from the front Simone was simply mesmerizing. There was so much hot mocha flesh in motion it was hard to know where to look. Tim was experiencing ocular overload. Thighs, bouncing boobs, dancing navel, flashing cleavage, straining bra, faint trace of nipple, diamond gap…too much, glorious but way too much.
Jerome was still upright, but for all intents and purposes, catatonic.

   Simone bounced to a stop at the water fountain, more accurately the ‘hydration station.’ It took a second of two for everything to stop moving and settle. She put her water bottle on the shelf and then raised her arms. Grabbing her left wrist with her right hand, she arched her back and stretched. The result was awe-inspiring. Her breasts, which normally protruded dramatically from her rib-cage seemed to almost leap off her chest. Her sports bra rode up until it was pulled away from her upper abs.

   Whether she was sucking in her stomach for effect or it was just a natural by-product of the motion was hard to tell, but her midsection was flat and firm and seemingly less than half the thickness of her incredible chest. The contrast was mind-numbing. On the front smooth, solid thighs flowed out from the inward sweep of her pelvis. Not that anyone would look at her front. The arch of her back and its progress into the sweeping, perfect curve of her hard, firm butt was almost certainly where anyone’s attention would end up. Certainly this was the case with Tim and Jerome.

   “Dude!” Tim hissed under his breath. “Are you seeing this?” Which, when you get right down to it was a silly question. Where the hell else was a 14-year-old boy going to look? The only response Jerome could managed was a strangled whimper.

   Simone dropped her arms and almost 20 pounds of boob came down with them. Again it took a few seconds for everything to stop moving. Simone straightened her shoulders and undid the top of her water bottle. She filled it from the spout and then, without putting the top back on she brought it up to her mouth, threw back her head and chugged it.
   Water, cold water spilled from both sides of her mouth. It ran down her extended neck where the topography forced it inward and down. Water ran across the glistening tops of her huge, globular breasts to the vast cleavage between them. Cold water ran down between her epic boobs out the bottom of her over-matched sports bra and down across her abs.
Simone’s body reacted to cold water the way bodies always react to cold water. The two boys watched as two huge, dark nipples stiffened and pushed against the damp, white sports bra. It was a staring contest on a primal level. Simone’s boobs could not blink and it was doubtful either Tim or Jerome had enough loose skin to blink either.

   Jerome whimpered again and suddenly bolted for the guys’ washroom. Tim was still paralyzed by the incredible display in front of him. Simone finished her water and looked down at her wet chest. “Damn,” she said with a smile. “Clumsy me.” She turned and looked at Tim and smiled. “Damn body won’t do what it’s told. I’m like a baby giraffe, still can’t get all the parts to work together.”

   “They look pretty well coordinated to me,” Tim managed to talk without his voice squeaking, a major accomplishment, he thought to himself.

   “Looks can be deceiving,” Simone was walking over to Tim with a casual smile on her face, water bottle in her right hand, boobs still glistening, nipples staring him down. “I look like I have stuff sorted, but I’m just a geeky frosh just like you.”

   “Not, just like me,” Tim was feeling flushed.

   “Well, duh, I know, silly, I’m a girl and you’re a guy. Simone Patel,” she said as she held out her right hand.

   Tim took it, it wasn’t lost on him that her hand was bigger and harder than his. “Tim Mertins,” he said as he forced himself to look up past the two huge swelling, wet mounds into her dark almond eyes. His knees felt week and his head swam, but he managed to stay on his feet.

   “Cool Tim, nice to meet you.” Simone was all disarming smiles. “What happened to your buddy?”

    “Jerome?...oh. He had to go to the washroom. He’ll be out shortly.” ‘I hope,’ he thought to himself.

   And, as if on cue, Jerome walked back out if the Boys’ Washroom only to shudder to a sudden stop next to Tim when he realized who was standing in front of him.

   Simone seemed to glow with welcome. “Jerome, m’bredren! So nice t’meet an Island boy in d’midst a all dese sno-flakes, Mon.” She tilted her head as if to indicate she was talking about the other people in the room and not the weather.

   Jerome shook his head and suddenly felt more at ease.

   “Full troot, dat!” He smiled. “What da wybe is sistah?”

   “How act so doltish you?” Simone replied, “Am Trini – me, no Bahamian.” She looked at Jerome with study in her eyes. He thought he was starting to float a bit. “Bajan you, no?”

   “Too-nuff sistah. Yuh-right!”

   “I have an ear for voices,” Simone said dropping the Caribbean patois. “It’s nice to meet you Jerome, I’m Simone Patel, call me Sim.”

   “Jerome Marshall. Very nice to finally meet you Sim.”

   “Finally?” 'Oh shit,' Tim thought.

   Jerome was feeling light-headed but at the same time emboldened to the point he wasn’t worried about what he was saying. The whole thing just felt surreal…like how could he really be talking to the Goddess he’d been dreaming about since school started? How could she really be talking to him?? What did it matter what it he said if it wasn’t real?

   “I saw you the first day of school and have been dreaming about you ever since,” Jerome said. This drew a head-snap from Tim.

   “Ahhh Dude?” Tim was wide-eyed and shocked at Jerome’s trance-like boldness. ‘Oh Jeeze, he’s snapped something.’

   Simone looked at Jerome and leaned in. She put her hands on his shoulders. “Dreaming of me? That’s sweet.”
Jerome’s whole world was now filled with Simone’s glistening cleavage. Her massive breasts seemed to heave and churn in his vision.

   “Oh…ya. I dream of you every night.”

   Simone was feeling a weird rush of power. She had the poor guy in her headlights, literally, and wanted to see what she could do with him.
‘Am I being cruel?’ She wondered. She studied him again and dismissed the thought. ‘Look at him. He’s in heaven. He’s loving this. A little show won’t hurt. It will make his day.’

  Subtly Simone started to flex her pectoral muscles, something she hadn’t really realized she could do. She could feel her breasts rise and fall as she did it. With her hands on Jerome’s shoulders her boobs were forced up and together; tightening and deepening her cleavage at the same time.

   Jerome’s head swam as the massive breasts pulsed before him.

   “Every night?” Simone asked?

   “Yaa,” Jerome croaked. “Evryniii.” His eyes lost focus and started to flutter.

   “That’s nice,” Simone purred as she thrust her chest even closer to Jerome’s blank face.
Jerome’s eyes started to roll back in his head.

   Tim, who was watching the show from a front row seat, was almost as transfixed as his friend. He was also feeling the inevitable results of Simone’s blatant exhibition, although he too was having trouble believing it was happening. He managed to snap partly out of his lust-induced fog and catch what was happening to Jerome.

   “Oh!” Simone exclaimed as Jerome literally dropped out of her hands to the floor. Tim moved, but not fast enough as his friend collapsed to his knees and then fell on his side. Tim was tapping him on the face trying to revive him, when two long, firm, brown arms grabbed Jerome under the armpits.

   “Poor little Mon,” Simone said as she straightened and in the process lifted the boy back to a standing position.
He was still out, Tim noted. He also noted that Simone was basically holding 115 pounds in air with her arms slightly bent, held out in front of her. He noted the smooth, but solid bulge in each of her biceps. ‘How freakin strong is she?’ He wondered while his own groin kicked into gear. ‘This is so hot,’ he though as his face flushed.

   Jerome was coming to. His eyes fluttered open and were confronted with Simone’s almond gaze radiating concern back at him. Without thinking he lowered his eyes and flushed as he took in the vast expanse of the cleavage compacted but two solid arms. He lowered his eyes again and a wave of lust washed over him as they took in two huge, erect, dark nipples making tents in the sports bra mere inches from his face. His eyes rolled back again.

   A low groan escaped Jerome’s mouth as his head flopped to the side.

   “I got him,” Tim said as he reached up under Jerome’s shoulder and around his back. He was overwhelmed by the sheer physical presence of Simone, her body, her power, her smell, her…essence. He had to get away or suffer the same fate as his buddy.

   He lifted up as Simone draped Jerome’s right arm around his shoulder. Tim gave a weak smile and dragged his comatose buddy back into the washroom. He placed him sitting in a stall and bolted into the next one just in time to avoid erupting all over his shorts.

   Simone, was feeling strangely energized. She literally stalked back over to the weight rack where Ryan and Carley were looking at her with equal measures of amazement and recrimination.

   “Hey, Sim” Ryan had a slightly admonishing tone. “That was…”

   “Save it!” Simone snapped. Her reaction was so out of character that both Ryan and Carley froze. “185.”


   “One Hundred Eight Five pounds on the bar now…please.”

   Not fully understanding why he did, Ryan obeyed Simone immediately.

   She slid under the bar and grabbed the weight. Ryan popped it off the bar and she all but tore it out of his hands. Her body exploded as she dropped the weight onto her massive chest and drove it right back up again. Her lats were flaring from behind her impossibly wide breasts, her shoulders, triceps and biceps swelling to previously unseen size. Deep cuts appeared on her shoulders while a deeper one plunged down the top of her incredible cleavage.

   Ryan’s reaction mirrored Simone’s sudden and startling intense exhibition of strength. He was swimming in a whirlpool of desire and arousal. Simone was only feeding it as she powered through three more reps. Her body seeming to expand with each one.

   She started to shake on the sixth rep as she tried to get the bar off her up-thrust chest. The sides of her sports bra were starting to show little rips and her rock-hard nipples looked like they were going to punch right through the distressed fabric.

   Ryan reached down for the bar but was stopped by a look of fury in Simone’s face and an inhuman grown.

   Simone’s stare could have punched holes in the ceiling of the weight room as the bar began to slowly rise off her chest. Her arms shook, but didn’t falter. Her lats flared even more as small popping sounds came from her sides.

   A vein appeared on her forehead. More veins snaked down her neck, her shoulders and her arms. “Aaarrrghhh” Simone yelled as the weight reached the end of her arms. Ryan, who was on the verge of losing it. Grabbed the weight and racked it. He was in a stall in the Boy’s Washroom before it stopped clanking.

   Simone sat up with a look of agony on her face. She immediately bent over double at the waist hugging herself while she rocked and moaned.

   Carley’s awe was only outmatched by her concern.

   “Sim? Sim honey? You OK?”

    Sim shot out a hand with the index finger raised. “Gimmmmemminit” she managed.

   Carley continued to wait while Simone took deep breaths and rocked in time with them. After a few minutes the pace slowed and Simone seemed to steady. Her breathing turned into a hum.

   “Sim? Sim? Are you OK?”

   “OK?” came a muffled reply. “OK?” Simone sitting up with a look of absolute triumph in her face. “OK?” Simone dropping her lats, thrusting out her monumental chest and hitting an absolutely epic double biceps pose.
“Screw OK. I feel frickin’ awesome.”
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 20, 2019, 06:02:45 pm
Wow! What a great chapter, incredibly well written, I was enjoying each and every bit of it, wow, who knew Simone was so powerful? I guess that dream that Billy had earlier in the story wasn't far off in terms of Simone being strong enough to lift his smaller, lighter body. All these guys and even Carley were in an impossible situation, how not to be turned on when you have a sexual goddess in the room with you? I look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: Oerba-Lightning on January 21, 2019, 12:15:37 am
Are we sure it's a normal school, because hot damn those kids wouldn't be out of place in Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters  ;D

An awesome chapter, as always, I enjoyed every bit, but even more Simone teasing those poor boys, and the effect she has on both of her friends is just... well damn.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on January 21, 2019, 05:14:56 pm
Another incredible chapter, poor Ryan is going to have a hard time keeping up withe girls in the gym!! Hope he tries as they all keep going for heavier and heavier weights. Love the descriptions and reality of it. Just the best read.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on January 22, 2019, 12:25:05 pm
 Thanks Folks. More on the way this week.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on January 23, 2019, 10:44:40 am
Wow! What a great chapter, incredibly well written, I was enjoying each and every bit of it, wow, who knew Simone was so powerful? I guess that dream that Billy had earlier in the story wasn't far off in terms of Simone being strong enough to lift his smaller, lighter body. All these guys and even Carley were in an impossible situation, how not to be turned on when you have a sexual goddess in the room with you? I look forward to more! k+!

Thank You. Carley is absolutely in a rough spot. So is Simone who is dealing with not just what's happening to her but how everyone else reacts to it.

Are we sure it's a normal school, because hot damn those kids wouldn't be out of place in Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters  ;D

An awesome chapter, as always, I enjoyed every bit, but even more Simone teasing those poor boys, and the effect she has on both of her friends is just... well damn.

Glad you enjoyed it. Simone's hormones are still in over-drive. Makes for a bumpy ride for her and people around her.

Another incredible chapter, poor Ryan is going to have a hard time keeping up withe girls in the gym!! Hope he tries as they all keep going for heavier and heavier weights. Love the descriptions and reality of it. Just the best read.


Thanks. Ryan's trips to the weight room are definitely a challenge for him...on several levels.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: sgsg69 on February 05, 2019, 04:15:27 pm
bump, bump, hope your crafting a new twist!! Can't wait for another chapter! Karma to you
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: rugbyguy39 on February 26, 2019, 11:02:27 pm
Have been tied up with other comittments. Going to be travelling until the end of March. Will be back at it in April.

Have a couple of scenes on the go. Nadia is itching to cut loose, Linz, Ryan, Carley and Sim continue to work out and rule their year, some of the adults are going to get 'adult.' On top of that, Billy's plan will start to take shape.
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: highfi on April 20, 2019, 11:05:54 am
Bump for the best on-going story around.

Hope you will find the time to get back to it and deliver other great chapters.

Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: opksx3 on September 05, 2019, 10:44:31 pm
Any update ?
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: margeschott on March 25, 2020, 09:40:19 pm
Title: Re: Lindsay and Nadia. BFFs
Post by: tmbosch on June 20, 2020, 07:53:35 pm
Possibility of anymore to this, please?