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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: taoschild on September 14, 2018, 11:47:41 pm

Title: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on September 14, 2018, 11:47:41 pm
SO i wanted to introduce a new novel, Muscle Love: Confessions of a Muscle Worshipper, to the folks here.  The book is now available on amazon and the look inside contains the whole first chapter, a true story of when I fell in love with muscular women.  My wife wrote part of the book with me and it is somewhat based on our story.  If you read it I'd love to hear your review.  Link to novel:
Here is the jacket description:
Meet Rick, the guy next door with a muscle fetish that starts at sixteen with an encounter with an older, muscular woman. This full length novel follows his quest to explore his obsession with muscular women and his struggle to reconcile this need with the rest of his life. He hides this side of himself, satisfying his urges in clandestine liaisons, until he meets a woman with the desire to get big and revels in her transformation. But what happens when she surpasses his fantasies and wants to dominate him?
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: QBikk on September 15, 2018, 12:08:14 pm
Sounds great, any plan with the apple store? If yes I'll get it!
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on September 15, 2018, 07:16:11 pm
Thanks for your suggestion.  We are working on increasing ebook publication elsewhere.  There is a print version available on Amazon too. It can be found here:
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: bolt21 on September 15, 2018, 08:33:15 pm
I've bought a few novels for my kindle that fall under the category of "muscular women" and have always been disappointed. So I wasn't expecting too much when I downloaded your novel.

I'm blown away by how good it is. The story speaks to me in a way I couldn't have imagined. This brings back strong memories of growing up in the 80s and 90s and hiding copies of WPW Magazine under the bed, being obsessed with Rachel McLish, and later with Cory Everson on bodyshaping, and of the eye-opening realization that I wasn't alone when the internet took over and finding sites devoted to my particular obsession.

I'm about 20% of the way through and am loving every page.

Big K+++ to you!
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on September 15, 2018, 11:04:30 pm
Thank you so much Bolt.  I respect your writing so that is quite the complement coming from you.  I can promise you the last 20% is much better than the first 20%.  If you like it I'd love it if you can review it here and on Amazon.  Qbikk - ran into a ton of hurdles publishing today but its finally up on smashswords at least:
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: horst11 on September 19, 2018, 05:09:05 am
Just bought your story and started to read. Awesome!!! This is so well written... thank you! Would love to see more... :rock:
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: jdm022 on September 20, 2018, 02:21:23 pm

Cheers taoschild !

I also just bought the book and 75 pages in am still loving it!!!
Great writing for sure, I feel like I need to compose my actual short and long stories of experience at this point.

The thing that cracked me up was how you accurately described how we see women in a crowd.  If I even notice the slightest hint of muscle on a woman, I am immediately drawn to her like others might be drawn to big boobs, a nice ass, or whatever. 

simple example: I was at a college football game on Saturday and even though there were women everywhere, none had any hint of muscle so I was a little disappointed but was enjoying the game and drinking beers with my friends.  I was on the isle seat and in the third quarter I caught out of the corner of my eye some fit legs.  I quickly glanced at them as she walked past me down the steps several rows to her seat.  With each step, her quad and calf muscles bulged and I realized that they were not just fit, they were VERY muscular. 

I glanced down at her constantly and realized she was a very young co-ed.  She was kind of short and very cute and the school has a great gymnastics program so I'm kind of guessing she is one and that's why her legs were very developed for a college girl.  I waited patiently and finally saw her getting up.  She made it to the stairs and I watched her gorgeous legs intently as she climbed up the stadium stars past me.  Her quads bulged with each step and as she got just a few rows from me I glanced up at her face.  She smiled at me and was quite beautiful I noticed too.  That simple, quick view of a beautiful, muscular girl made going to the game worth it as I'm still recalling the incident even now. ha ha
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: xepha on September 20, 2018, 06:49:51 pm
K+ taoschild. I bought it and am almost finished with it.  It's great, and the opening chapters describing his first real-life encounters in particular are amazing.  The story has a level of realism that is rare, rarer than the run-of-the-mill fantasy stories. 
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: 009eli on September 21, 2018, 01:21:11 pm
So I just finished and wanted to post a longer review because there was obviously a lot of hard work put into this piece and I feel a 200+ book deserves a more detailed write up.

I too have bought a few FBB themed books on Amazon and been pretty disappointed but this book was definitely different and a definitely a level above.

The book was great from the start and I kept waiting for it to turn a corner and have its quality drop but it never did. If anything it seemed to consistently get better.

The basic story follows a guy named Rick from his discovery of muscle love as a child seeing a female bodybuilder at a football and then on his journey encountering and dealing with different aspects of his love of muscle throughout his life. Including a session with a pro Fbb and finally meeting and marrying Mel who takes up weight training and then begins to build her body to fulfill Rick’s desire and along the way begins to like and then slowly love her growing musculature and the effect it has on Rick. And her soon domination of Rick.

The story is very similar to Lisa’s Path. And much like Lisa’s path it’s told from a very grounded point of view. Everything in this story feels real and vivid and I have to think it’s because its actually been lived by the writer. In a way that’s hard to describe unless you read it. I will say that Taoschild has a way of putting you in Rick’s head in a way that makes it feel as if you are thinking the same things Rick is thinking.

Much like Lisa’s Path we the reader get to go along on the journey as Rick experiences first hand his wife’s quest to add muscle and become his ultimate woman.

And man does it dive deep. The writing is great! And it’s super hot as well. The book has a way of adding these unique details to a story that make it feel like its so vivid you are experiencing it through Rick’s eyes. There is a part early in the story where Rick goes to a session with a pro FBB. It is one of the sexiest pieces of writing Ive ever read but the description was so great and unique. He describes the girl who is a huge FBB as having a glutes that felt ‘as if she had developed a second shelf of muscle on top of them’ it was such a unique way to describe it that I had never heard before. But as soon as I read it I knew it was true. Again its hard to describe but the scene is so vividly painted you feel as if you are in the hotel wrestling with this muscle goddess yourself!!

That was the other thing. This book feels true…  The other thing that is interesting it is written in conjunction with the authors wife who I believe is a lifter and the basis of the character. This gives the story a perspective unlike any story I have read which is the female perscptive because it was written in collaboration with the authors who is a lifter so you get a point of view hardly ever given in these stories. There’s even a chapter where Mel takes over the narration as they go to their first bodybuilding contest together and she gets to witness her first exposure to female muscle  which sparks her lust to build muscle.

I’d say other aspects that I like is that each chapter almost feels like a story which would be posted on here and each chapter is pretty hot in its own way. Usually ending in some sort of climax between Rick and Mel.

I also loved the part where they go to the Olympia together to let Mel get inspired to build her own physique. I loved it as someone who had never been and the descriptions of meeting the actual women that we love to look at some much in the flesh was fantastic.  If you ever wanted to know what it was like to meet Katka in the flesh – you can vicariously get the experience from this book.

I remember reading it and not wanting to finish it because I enjoyed it so much I would definitely say this is one of the most unique experiences reading FBB stories I have ever had and would highly recommend it to those who are interested in realistic stories. You will definitely see aspects of yourself reflected back at you.

My only criticism might be at that after 200+ pages I wanted more. I would definitely be excited to see a sequel that tracks Mel’s continuing development and the continued development of their relationship.

I’d give it 4 ½ bicep flexes out of 5… only holding back the ½ bicep so Taoschild has something to work for as he expands his talents in his continued writing. Great job all around!
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: QBikk on September 23, 2018, 11:48:51 am
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Thank you so much Bolt.  I respect your writing so that is quite the complement coming from you.  I can promise you the last 20% is much better than the first 20%.  If you like it I'd love it if you can review it here and on Amazon.  Qbikk - ran into a ton of hurdles publishing today but its finally up on smashswords at least:

Hi Taoschild, Thanks for your effort to put it in another platform. I just downloaded it. I'll give a feedback when I will have read it. (PS: If the cover is a picture of your wife, she really does look awesome)
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: QBikk on September 26, 2018, 08:49:40 pm
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Thank you so much Bolt.  I respect your writing so that is quite the complement coming from you.  I can promise you the last 20% is much better than the first 20%.  If you like it I'd love it if you can review it here and on Amazon.  Qbikk - ran into a ton of hurdles publishing today but its finally up on smashswords at least:

Hi Taoschild, Thanks for your effort to put it in another platform. I just downloaded it. I'll give a feedback when I will have read it. (PS: If the cover is a picture of your wife, she really does look awesome)

Hi Taoschild, (Rick?...😉)

I just finished reading your novel. To be honest it is easily on the range of Lisa’s path. Realistic. Slow paced. Not too many description to keep things private and respectable for you as a couple. (If ever we meet you someday... 😋) I had fun reading it and learnt things and it made me reflect on me as well. I will share a bit about that later on.

I’d like to say that I find inspiring that you are sharing your story as you did, without filters and with honesty. You’ve been through situations which all people involved in such a process may have been living. Ex. Insecurities regarding the men positioning, etc... But the interesting lesson from yours is, what is the right reaction to have? And my take is, there’s none, you simply need to hear/know what the other is awaiting. The few mistakes you described showed it and you made it right when you were aware.

The second topic is the perception of others, which is a huge barrier for many. Whether it’s the women who lift weights or the men attracted to them. There’s too many need to judge and going through is not easy. There’s no answer, if only live your life and leave the others behind. Once again not simple as you described so well.

The topic of insecurities is incredible, how detailled you go to describ your feelings. That really feels true, lived, honest. Wouldn’t anybody feel the same? My take would be yes, but I can’t back it up. But deep down, are we really focusing on what the other projects and what we think she awaits instead of speaking about it freely? It is my guess... But it is so difficult to talk about it, because we fear of hurting the other one or being perceived as weird....

All in all, I had fun reading it, the differences with the stories is, I consider these as fantasies that I read because I like it, even if I don’t look to live them, I could imagine me in them. (Could be a turn on depending the quality) But i read too many times stories that are empty shells. (Ref. To the chapter with Tara)
We either find some which are so quick to come to the point, no development, that they lack sense or humanity. Some are depicting muscular women as violent women and that’s it. Some as desperate women for men to date... (No judgment from my side, I respect all tastes, they are simply not mine)
Yours is special, because even though some parts were downright sexy (I admit sometimes being arousing), I didn’t read it as a fantasy. I read it as a novel to reflect, a beautiful love story and a novel which showed that muscular women are more than brutes looking to humiliate men.

On a more personal note, it made me reflect on my personal life. This is a fetish to me, that is not obsessive. I appreciate the muscular women, but I’m married to a non one and I’m happy as it is. I take it as a fun way to distract myself when life is too serious/hard and entertain fantasies in the brain.
But honestly, it made me think that indeed, she knows me 99% perfectly. But the 1% is..... 😉
Of course, if she would pick the path of your wife, I’ll gladly encourage and support her. But I want her to be her. But at the same time, it made me feel guilty to keep that away from her... But guess what? The reason why, is I don’t want her to think I’m weird... 😊 But as a conclusion, it gave me the will to talk about it, I need to put the topic gently on the table, so that we reach 100%. Thanks to both of you for that. (I hope I wasn’t too personal)

So I’m moving away from my review, two points from my side: that could be developped:
1. She still didn’t know about the Tara episode and the related event with your car?
2. What about the perception of the respective families?
_. What happens next? A realistic follow-up would be great.

I’m curious to hear from you after what I shared
Take Care
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: QBikk on September 26, 2018, 09:36:50 pm
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Thank you so much Bolt.  I respect your writing so that is quite the complement coming from you.  I can promise you the last 20% is much better than the first 20%.  If you like it I'd love it if you can review it here and on Amazon.  Qbikk - ran into a ton of hurdles publishing today but its finally up on smashswords at least:

Hi Taoschild, Thanks for your effort to put it in another platform. I just downloaded it. I'll give a feedback when I will have read it. (PS: If the cover is a picture of your wife, she really does look awesome)

Hi Taoschild, (Rick?...😉)

I just finished reading your novel. To be honest it is easily on the range of Lisa’s path. Realistic. Slow paced. Not too many description to keep things private and respectable for you as a couple. (If ever we meet you someday... 😋) I had fun reading it and learnt things and it made me reflect on me as well. I will share a bit about that later on.

I’d like to say that I find inspiring that you are sharing your story as you did, without filters and with honesty. You’ve been through situations which all people involved in such a process may have been living. Ex. Insecurities regarding the men positioning, etc... But the interesting lesson from yours is, what is the right reaction to have? And my take is, there’s none, you simply need to hear/know what the other is awaiting. The few mistakes you described showed it and you made it right when you were aware.

The second topic is the perception of others, which is a huge barrier for many. Whether it’s the women who lift weights or the men attracted to them. There’s too many need to judge and going through is not easy. There’s no answer, if only live your life and leave the others behind. Once again not simple as you described so well.

The topic of insecurities is incredible, how detailled you go to describ your feelings. That really feels true, lived, honest. Wouldn’t anybody feel the same? My take would be yes, but I can’t back it up. But deep down, are we really focusing on what the other projects and what we think she awaits instead of speaking about it freely? It is my guess... But it is so difficult to talk about it, because we fear of hurting the other one or being perceived as weird....

All in all, I had fun reading it, the differences with the stories is, I consider these as fantasies that I read because I like it, even if I don’t look to live them, I could imagine me in them. (Could be a turn on depending the quality) But i read too many times stories that are empty shells. (Ref. To the chapter with Tara)
We either find some which are so quick to come to the point, no development, that they lack sense or humanity. Some are depicting muscular women as violent women and that’s it. Some as desperate women for men to date... (No judgment from my side, I respect all tastes, they are simply not mine)
Yours is special, because even though some parts were downright sexy (I admit sometimes being arousing), I didn’t read it as a fantasy. I read it as a novel to reflect, a beautiful love story and a novel which showed that muscular women are more than brutes looking to humiliate men.

On a more personal note, it made me reflect on my personal life. This is a fetish to me, that is not obsessive. I appreciate the muscular women, but I’m married to a non one and I’m happy as it is. I take it as a fun way to distract myself when life is too serious/hard and entertain fantasies in the brain.
But honestly, it made me think that indeed, she knows me 99% perfectly. But the 1% is..... 😉
Of course, if she would pick the path of your wife, I’ll gladly encourage and support her. But I want her to be her. But at the same time, it made me feel guilty to keep that away from her... But guess what? The reason why, is I don’t want her to think I’m weird... 😊 But as a conclusion, it gave me the will to talk about it, I need to put the topic gently on the table, so that we reach 100%. Thanks to both of you for that. (I hope I wasn’t too personal)

So I’m moving away from my review, two points from my side: that could be developped:
1. She still didn’t know about the Tara episode and the related event with your car?
2. What about the perception of the respective families?
_. What happens next? A realistic follow-up would be great.

I’m curious to hear from you after what I shared
Take Care

I forgot to mention one thing, you mention your wife as a Dominatrix, because she is agressive, assertive and demanding in some occasions. I'm surprised by this, because I would call that gentle female domination. It's loving, kind and well meant. For me, Dominatrix is a cold, without emotion one who means only to belittle, sometimes hurt the other one. No love involved. (Ok in some cases there is, to each is own).
Your take on this one?
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on September 29, 2018, 07:52:11 pm

I am humbled and honored by your review.  Thank you for your kind review and I'm glad you enjoyed the book.   I'm looking for feedback and if we get direction we may eventually  alter the novel a bit for a second edition.  My wife and I hum and hawd about the two questions you asked at the end.  Yes my wife in real life knows about my session experience.  Writing the book forced me to be honest about something I'd kept secret for so long.  In the end, we elected to minimize that aspect of the story focusing instead on their personal growth together emotionally and her growth physically.  We weren't sure we made the correct decision to be honest and feedback may add more to the second edition. 

I'm glad the book made you consider your own experience.  Societal shame sucks and it takes a lot of courage to come forward and admit something that society says is wrong.  I spoke about this a bit in my interview on smashwords:   Long story short, I can't tell you what to do but for me telling the truth was liberating and had positive results for my wife too.  Still, I'm hoping that the novel can help nudge our passion for female muscle more mainstream.

Finally, I agree with you.  I would also call it  gentle female domination.  Our sex life has spiced up since the novel and she has been more lovingly, as you put it, dominating and gentle - and super sexy.  Thanks for the review.  As you can imagine its pretty hard to publicize by traditional means.
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: QBikk on October 01, 2018, 06:44:36 pm
Hey all, here's a thought review of the book, hope it will motivate you to get it and read it!!

The book wrote by Richard and Jayne Greye is a story depicting the life of the men who are in love with muscled women. Especially, in this case, about the life of the author, his encounters with such women and ultimately, about his meeting with his (then) future wife. It is a very realistic description of their transformation as a couple, physically for her and emotionally for the both of them. (And sometimes about their difficulties while growing together)

The story gives a good idea about the perception and sometimes stigma placed on such women, because our society seeks too high standardization and/or doesn’t respect different choices. Interestingly (and logically) it highlights the struggles that the men dating them are having, due to these societal expectations which places them in doubt, or questions their place as men in such relationships.

It gives, for a change, a different description of the women pursuing these quests to build themselves muscles. Many fictional stories, videos on the internet are depicting brutish women, out there only to dominate and humiliate the men they meet or live with. The story gives a more realistic picture, showing them as any other women, tender, affectionate, full of emotions and care for the ones they love. But with a goal which is (today) not mainstream - to body build their physique. The plus of this story, as it involves a couple, is that it describes lightly their intimate, loving relationship and shows her being more assertive thanks to the confidence gained through her training. (To understand, you’ll need to get it and read ;-) )

For those enjoying these women, it is a way to reflect on yourself. It is often a ‘dark secret’ for many men. Reading their story, is inspiring, is a good way to come to terms with your tastes and reveal it to the ones you care about. (Or to start pursuing this quest to date them without second thoughts…)
Although, if you are already comfortable in your shoes as a muscle women admirer, it will be a good read that you will enjoy immensely, as it is very well written.
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on October 09, 2018, 01:05:39 am
Q -

Thanks so much for your kind review.  It was a lot of work for sure, but one of my goals was to get people to think about their attraction to female muscle. Though we all hide our love for it, is it really so different than someone who likes big breasts on a woman.  In my mind, no, except for the fact that society considers one acceptable and the other not.  I will include the prologue below:

 We all have pivotal moments and experiences that shape who we are and how we think. We remember them with an intensity, often pulling them up in our minds like an old photograph. But many more go unnoticed and we only understand their importance when we look back and see the patterns and choices that have moved us along a path. My love of muscle, more specifically female muscle, falls into both these categories. My name is Rick and I grew up in an athletic family. My dad coached football and my sister became a professional dancer. I started out like the typical teen who had posters of skinny women with big boobs on my wall and pretty much agreed with all my friends in high school that the bigger the boobs the better. I didn't think that athletic women, especially women with muscle, were attractive or at least I didn't originally. Of course I’m not really sure that I had seen any, so I really don’t know. But I do remember the night I went with my dad's team to a road game against the perpetual league champion, who was again undefeated. We were expected to lose by several touchdowns but we were playing really well that sweltering evening.           The hot, sticky evening led everyone to wear as little clothing as possible and tank tops and shorts were commonplace within the packed stadium. As I went to my seat I couldn't help but notice the woman in the row behind me. She was deeply tanned and had veins running down her arms and lines cut deep into the muscles throughout her body. A white halter top clung to her body like a second skin and her cut off jean shorts didn't provide any protection for her much bigger than average, and incredibly cut thighs. Her beautiful light brown curly hair was held back by some kind of red scarf. She glistened in the muggy night and it didn’t take much to imagine her muscles, oiled and flexed in a magazine photoshoot for Penthouse, that is if she weren’t so muscular. At the time, I remember being confused and awe struck. My breath quickened, but I felt like I couldn’t breathe. Walking up the bleachers I paused and had to get a grip so as to not collapse. My legs felt wobbly and I concentrated on climbing but the blood in my body seemed much less committed to the cause. I couldn’t make sense of my physical reaction to seeing this woman, but I knew she was the cause of my body’s sudden distress. We made eye contact and she must have known what I didn't know at the time; I was going to be attracted to muscular women. Strike that. I was going to be helpless in the presence of muscular women my whole life. I glanced up and down as I made my way to a seat, trying not to stare. She held her gaze on me the entire time. Confident, strong, and stunning I felt myself wither before her beauty and power. My member was as hard as it had ever been and was getting to that point where sometimes it aches and the seconds that had spun by, seemed like an eternity. She smiled at me and said, “Hello. Welcome to our house."
    It took me a moment to comprehend that this goddess was speaking to me. It took me another to figure out she was for the other team.  She was wearing red white and blue while I was clearly decked out in my dad's team blue and gold. It took all of the power in me to muster up a feeble response,"Hi."
     Anyway that was that. I missed my big chance. In my defense I didn't know I was interested in muscular women before that moment. She had clearly known that some men were that way. And, she was probably 15 years older than I was so she had that advantage too. Humbled, I watched the game, determined to steal as many glances as I could.  The game was one of the best I'd ever seen. There were turnovers left and right and big plays throughout - and my dad's team was ahead most of the game. The fans barely sat and there were a million high fives and cheers both ways. I actually was enjoying the game too but not nearly as much as stealing glances at the woman kitty corner behind me.  When their team scored or had a big play she turned around and high-fived her friends. Her triceps would clench and her back muscles would flare and then release as she did so and I remained firm and at attention the whole game.  I was in heaven. She was a thing of beauty. Deeply tanned, chiseled, and bulging. She was a work of art - a Michelangelo.  Surely this woman focused daily on the development of this perfect body. Just thinking about her now still gives me waves of pleasure. 
   In the end, my dad's team played a heck of a game but there were a few bad calls in overtime and the other team hit a field goal to win it. I was crushed. Not only had my team lost, but the opportunity to explore my new instant infatuation had now passed. I had nothing to look forward to but a long bus ride home. I sat down and put my head in my hands, As the fans departed, I felt someone touch my shoulder. As I turned around, there she was, leaning towards me, looking at me. I lost my breath again but this time I knew why.  I could see down her top a little bit and saw rows of pec muscles holding up perfectly formed boobs. I was instantly at attention again. As if in slow motion she said, “Nobody does that to us here. Great game.”
   I was speechless. I think she knew I would be. I turned around and rose up and looked at her magnificence and nearly collapsed again. I struggled to stand as the blood in my body again failed me. I chalked up the problem to my blood frantically going to areas other than my legs. Eventually I was able to stabilize myself and she extended her hand and we shook. Shaking her hand felt like lightning was attacking my body. Waves of sexual excitement, that I was completely unprepared for, pulsed through my body. Not only that, but her grip was so firm that I had to apply as much pressure as I could back.  It wasn't enough. I knew at this moment that not only did I love the look of female muscle but its power enraptured me too. I was feeling light headed as her powerful grip racked my whole body.  She then pulled me in a little closer into a brief light hug. Whispering into my ear she pronounced, “It's okay lots of men like it.  You’re not weird, you just appreciate hard work."
   I was, of course, stunned.  It’s like she knew everything that was going on in my head. I watched her as she walked out.  At this point I didn't care if anyone knew. I loved female muscle and I would seek it out, albeit quietly, in the future. She did give me one last glance but it really isn't that which I remember to this day. It’s that handshake and whisper.  
   When I got home from the road trip I began seeking out muscle wherever I could. I looked at TV Guide for ESPN bodybuilding competitions, slyly bought and hid issues of Women’s Physique World, and highly anticipated the date of its next issue. I also looked at every woman for muscle first—face, hair, and boobs had fallen to a distant second. My next experience with muscle was a lot closer than I might have imagined. The next time I saw my sister's best friend, Melanie, I saw this fantastic dancer a bit differently. I saw her from the ground up.  Her diamond shaped calves were enormous and rock hard from years of dancing. How had I missed this all these years?  I would have to investigate….
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: wissen on October 29, 2018, 04:00:31 pm
Thank you for this book!
I purchased it on Amazon and it was very good read. In fact, it was one of the best female muscle stories in the terms of quality I ever met. Even though in terms of preferences it doesn't meet all of them :)

But you should never listen for them, I believe. Improving some general stuff, like grammar, style, characters and plot building - very good, but changing your story in the ways of what other people like is a dead end. You will never be able to satisfy everyone. So, please, continue to write the stories that make YOU happy :)
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on November 22, 2018, 04:55:46 pm
Thanks for your kind review Wissen. I plan to be out with a second novel before the end of the year. Rick will be a secondary character in that novel.  I'm in the editing process now and will put up a few teaser snippets here.
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: wissen on November 29, 2018, 10:04:21 pm
Glad to know, taoschild!
I am eagerly waiting for your new novel :)
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on December 21, 2018, 12:48:45 am
Thank you Wissen. The novel is complete other than some editing and I'm looking for someone to do some sketches.  I'm going to donate the proceeds from the new novel to charity (the International Red Cross).  Snippets coming here within a week.
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: wissen on December 21, 2018, 02:06:58 am
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Thank you Wissen. The novel is complete other than some editing and I'm looking for someone to do some sketches.  I'm going to donate the proceeds from the new novel to charity (the International Red Cross).  Snippets coming here within a week.
Awesome news!
Title: Re: Female Muscle Fiction Novel: Muscle Love
Post by: taoschild on January 21, 2019, 02:16:25 am
The new book is out and another is coming out January 27th.

Here is the cover of Muscle Love:

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