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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: 009eli on July 20, 2018, 02:16:53 pm

Title: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 20, 2018, 02:16:53 pm

This is the sequel to my earlier story series which now finds the lead, Lawrence, in college and deals with his reconnection with his bodybuilding friends mother. Hope everyone enjoys it as it rolls out. I'm going to break this series up into smaller chapters for digestibly.

Please comment with feedback  - if you like. Thanks again for taking a look.

(All characters over 18yrs old)

Mrs. Jones: The College Years Part 1


After the Jones’ left town. Life went on.

After high school, my soccer skills were decent enough to get me a scholarship to a good college a bit up the road from where I grew up.  But after the incident at the hospital and the soccer game, I never saw Mrs. Jones again, but the image of her was burned fresh into my mind.

Her cradling me, her powerful tanned biceps pressing into me, as she carried me to the ER. The way her legs and calves looked in her skin-tight shorts the night at the soccer game. It was an image I could never forget.

And although I tried hard to, those images stayed with me.

Arriving at college had been a blast. I was happy for the space and when my parents dropped me off, and I got to meet my roommate Roger who was a cool dude but obsessed with video games – I got my class schedule, and my life got underway.

I even started dating a girl. Her name was Lizzy Gerber.

A fellow soccer player, Lizzy was fun and full of energy.  She was tall and athletic. A lanky body, perfect for sprinting down a soccer field. But it wasn’t hard to, in my mind compare her albeit unfairly, to the physical perfection Mrs. Jones had achieved with her prize-winning physique.

Sure Lizzy’s long legs looked killer in soccer shorts, but I couldn’t help flashback to how Mrs. Jones legs had looked, like marble carved out of living bronze with the blown out insertions that some deluded artist would have never thought to create.

In comparison to Mrs. Jones Olympian physique, Lizzy was very much, of this earth.  Despite the years of soccer playing, her legs remained chicken leg skinny and even though she was quite athletic, she seemed to carry a perennial layer of baby fat around her hips and stomach. The impression she gave when she stripped down to her panties when we’d fool around looked a bit like an egg jammed on top of two Popsicle sticks.  But we had fun, and we began dating seriously after a few hookups.

That wasn’t to say the idea of FBBs had in any way left my imagination.

After meeting Mrs. Jones my paradigm as far as what I found to be an ideal body for a female had shifted. I’m not sure if female bodybuilders would have ever come on my radar, but they were definitely on there now. And I quickly became an expert on spotting any hint of muscle definition on a female when I was out in public.
A set of bulbous thighs set off an alarm bell in my brain. Invariably those only usually led to squat old ladies who seemed to stay on their feet for too long.

There were a few occasions. One day coming out of K-Mart I spied a woman, early 20s, pretty face, big brown eyes, jogging by in a sports bra and short shorts. Her stomach was ripped to shreds with only the kind of definition an athlete could get, and her arms and shoulders were visibly well muscled. She jogged past, her blonde ponytail bobbing tantalizing along her chiseled back. I tried to follow her quickly, but my family hustled me into the car to go.

One divine shot of grace came in the form of Rose, a substitute gym teacher at our school. Word quickly spread that the new recruit of the gym dept. was also an ‘amateur bodybuilder.’ At an assembly one day, I spotted her, curly hair and unfortunately not particularly attractive with lousy adult acne. But as the assembly cleared out, I stood up, and although she was wearing a bulky sweatshirt over her upper body, partially obscuring my view, I caught a glimpse of her lower body on which she sported a set of skin-tight leggings. I followed her out of the auditorium hovering closely behind, but not too close to let off a stalker alert. I could see the telltale flexations of a pair of well-built quads and split diamond calves peeking out of her high tops.  But after subbing for a month or so, word spread that she had left and gone to another school located on the West Coast. Most probably to be closer to the hardcore bodybuilding subculture of Los Angeles.

Another sighting came in college. Lizzy and I had been dating for a few months or so… We had gone over to a friend’s room who lived in a different dorm for a few beers and to smoke some, well you can guess – Pretty soon we were flying pretty high and had the full-on munchies set in so we piled into the car and headed out to the supermarket nearby.

I was floating through the aisle stacking our shopping cart with pretzels and cookies lost in a cloud of weed smoke. That’s when I heard Liz—stop short…

‘Fuck, Lawrence dude… check them out –‘

She jabbed in my side and pointed to the cashier at the front of the store. And right then I saw them. Two massive bodybuilders unloading their cart and checking out.

They were a couple, African American, he was huge. Obviously pro level and wore a tight tank top, his arms so big and ripped they actually blocked my view of the cashier.  But it wasn’t him I was looking at. It was the girl standing next to him. An obvious bodybuilder herself. She was pretty with high cheekbones and her long hair gathered under a baseball cap

But dear lord, it was her body that stopped me in my tracks. She was wearing a tight black spandex dress revealing her massive muscular arms and big thick delts which gave her waist a tiny, tiny appearance. The dress exposed her back which rippled with muscle as she helped her boyfriend unload their cart.

It was late Saturday night, and this dou was obviously restocking, their cart was piled high with package after package of frozen chicken breasts, dozens of cartons of eggs and enough gallons of to water hydrate an army. Or maybe just them.

The entire store was watching them. They moved slowly and deliberately. The cashier seemed to be nervous around them. He was quiet, but I noticed she was talkative and friendly to the cashier, appearing to put her at ease. I stood frozen. The weed was clouding my brain, but I couldn’t help but watch them –

Unbeknownst to me, Lizzy ran up beside me.  ‘Look at them – ‘ she said slapping my arm. This time they spun around having obviously heard us. Lizzy dumbly stared. I tried my best to look at some stupid magazine at the counter, but they had obviously heard us. Thee dude stared daggers at me, but the woman started smiling, maybe that’s what she did. Her natural women’s instinct offsetting her man’s more aggressive nature.

They went back to their check out.

‘Fuck look at her arms.’ Lizzy said.
Shit. That did it. I just about came right there in line. She tugged at my arm.
‘Yeah – they are ripped.’ I said trying my best to seem ‘calm’ about the situation.

Soon Lizzy was back staring at a magazine as the bodybuilders had moved on and out of the store.

Later, as we piled into the car, I got another shot to see the two gym addicts. Across the lot, you couldn't miss them. Him, massive, piling gallon jugs of water into the car with ease. But it was her who was the most eye-catching, quickly lifting the same weight her large vein covered biceps straining, but her beautiful featured seeming to in no way show the strain. A single hair never out of place.

Lizzy spotted them to –
‘Look at the bodybuilder’ she said again.
Fuck! Even just her calling them out felt like it was bringing me a step closer to blowing a load. We watched them finish loading. Lizzy cracked open a bag of Pirates Booty she had purchased and started shoving it in her mouth.
‘I think I’m going to do that Lawrence. Start bodybuilding, huh?’
She said. Fuck… again, it felt like I was closer and closer to blowing one. This was my fantasy. Maybe I could get Lizzy into the gym with me on campus, who knows, after four good years of training – I could be walking around with my own Junior Mrs. Jones on my arm as we hit graduation.

‘Yeah… but I don’t know. I’m just kidding. Actually, I think it’s kind of gross.’
And there, my hopes were dashed.  Deflated. Lizzy shoved another handful of Pirates booty into her mouth.

That night when we fucked, and I should feel bad, as Lizzy peeled off her flowery underwear, I closed my eyes and brought back that mass of woman in the parking lot. As I closed my eyes and plunged myself deep into Lizzy, I couldn’t help but imagine. Lizzy’s frail, freckled arms transforming into the woman’s hard arms. Her thin back sprouting the thick lats and her sagging hips and buttocks transforming into the women’s massive rock hards orbs of glutes. In fact, as I closed my eyes, I could summon up the hardness I had felt so many years ago of Mrs. Jones’ jutting rock hard musculature forming under my hands. I came within moments. Crashing down next to Lizzie.

‘You were on fire.’ She said rolling over, taking a pull off the vape next to the bed. I groaned as Lizzy got up and got a grape soda out of my mini fridge I clooked her dimple ass, the sag already to starting to set in and the slight ripple of cellulite gathering even at this young age. Is this what the rest of my life had in store? Lizzy was a great girl, she was fun and outgoing, and she seemed to like me – but I just couldn’t imagine a life where  I was destined to remain forever unable to culminate my desires.

And as I adjusted to life on campus - I thought as far as my personal life, I was saying goodbye to the dream of ever actually having someone like Mrs. Jones back in my life again.

So you might ask where was Mrs. Jones during all this? After leaving town, I was able to keep abreast of what she was up to as this was the birth of the internet. I remember how my finger first quivered as I typed her name into the search bar on my parents’ old computer. After scrolling through a few names, a real estate agent from Sacramento and the widow of a World War 2 vet, I found her – Jinni Jones professional female bodybuilder. She had won a few shows, and her picture was included. My god. Time seemed to have no effect on her, I popped open image after image of the Divine Mrs. J on stage – her lat spread, thickly muscled thighs jutting out from her minuscule waist, embarrassing a poor competitor who looked at least a decade and a half younger than her on stage at a local show. Images from the posedown showed Jinni, a wide, inviting smile curling across her pink lips, her perfect white teeth offset against her coco-dark skin, literally owning this woman, who was a few inches taller than her, but looked like a twig as Mrs. Jones bounced her thickly muscled, vein-riddled bicep under the poor woman’s chin. A comparison of back shots continued to show the devastation – The thick mass of Mrs. Jones back loomed large like a silverback gorilla every single inch of the curved mass clearly visible under the under the stage lights. Mrs. Jones closest competitor looked like a grade schooler who was sent to play against the pros.

And I couldn’t help but imagine, this poor being’s drive home with her husband. Maybe it was his idea for her to do this, try a bodybuilding show, but here she had been clearly shown up by her physical superior. The woman looking down at her perfectly adequate toned arms. Later, as they fucked the husband imagining, Mrs. Jones, wife and mother, in place of his consolation prize.

And things continued like that, I was able to chart Jinni’s progress, even stumbling across a video recording on a shitty camera of her giving in an interview after a contest win. Framed above the neck, just her perfect all American features smiling, a few locks of hair falling in her eyes, as she talks about balancing a son, a husband, three hours training, two hours of cardio, meal prep tanning and training clients, like the superwoman she was. The only hint of her inhuman musculature, her thick traps, and neck which climbed into the frame, hinting at the superhuman mass below. And fuck, I was able to just come right to that, that’s the power she had, a video of her talking about grilling chicken and packing it in Tupperware was sexier to me than any porn film I had ever watched. I quickly burned the interview on a disc and hid it away for my use.

But that was two years ago, soon after that contest, all word of Mrs. Jones stopped. And the case went cold. I’d try searching her name. Her full name, her family, but it seemed like there was nothing new. I’d experienced this before with some other FBBs I was fans of. The sport is brutal and, and after a time in the sun, many seem to just disappear, perhaps out of modesty, maybe embarrassed about what their fans might say if they saw them without their superhero physiques, looking oh so human.

And that’s what I had assumed happened to Mrs. Jones. She had retired merely to return to life as a mom and a housewife. And in some ways I was okay with that, Mrs. Jones was my real life superhero, but I don’t know if that is why I kept thinking about her, she just had this way about her that made you instantly feel relaxed, she was still the coolest adult I had ever met and the only person who treated me like I had something to say. When she focused on you, you felt like you were the center of the world.

But maybe she was finally truly, gone.  I had given up hope of ever seeing her again in the flesh.

That is until… One day –

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 20, 2018, 02:19:16 pm
Here's a ling to the earlier story line where Lawrence meets Mrs J if anyone is interested:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Absfan01 on July 20, 2018, 02:47:26 pm
oh my...
when ur searching for an huge cliffhanger of a story you will find a link to this story :D :D

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on July 20, 2018, 07:51:06 pm
Wow! You did it that's great! Nice continuation. I can't wait to read what's coming up
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on July 21, 2018, 08:08:18 am
I love it.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Frenchguy on July 22, 2018, 04:56:06 pm
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on July 23, 2018, 08:49:52 am
My interest is peaked
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: hamhard91 on July 25, 2018, 03:51:20 pm
And?? Make me want to know what happen.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 26, 2018, 03:21:07 pm
Hey -- thanks everyone for the comments and feedback. Sorry I left y'all with such a cliffhanger but glad to see people wanting more. Here's the latest chapter. Pls comment or give feedback.

Also I was trying to write  smaller chapters but just seems I get carried away so sorry about the length but Ill break it up into two parts so its easier to scroll through. Thanks to everyone whose taken the time out to read and comment.

Mrs. Jones: The College Years


I had dodged my first class, having slept in after a particularly brutal soccer practice – shooting texts back and forth I was going to meet with Lizzy for lunch at the comm when I had my computer out and was dicking around on Facebook.

I’m not sure why I was scrolling through my friends when along the sidebar I saw the ‘People you may know feed—‘ which I had typically found to be full of those old friends you don’t correspond with because you never really enjoyed them even when you were in there life. And it was there I saw along the side of the page –

‘Jinni H.’ the small avatar of the women’s face was hard to make out. Pretty, a little older, deep riveting blue eyes.

Mrs. Jones?

I just had a feeling but wasn’t sure. But also, how many jinnis are there?  I clicked on the profile “SHIT!’ Private but… scrolling along the side, I saw ‘this person is also friends with… Sebastian Jones.’

WTF? This… had to be her. I looked at my phone. I had to meet with Lizzy in about twenty minutes, but the suspense was killing me. My palms started sweating. It had been nearly five years since I had talked to Mrs. Jones after the incident at the beach and never got to talk to her or express how sorry I felt about how she was treated. I was sweating – I had to at least take a shot. I opened up a message box and typed in –

‘Are you the – ‘
But quickly chickened out and closed it. What was I going to say to her, she was so refreshing, so perfect and I was just a lame 18 yr. old? But still, I couldn’t focus on anything else.
‘Is this Mrs.—’?
I lost my nerve and quit again. What was wrong with me? But I took one last shot.
I opened the MSG box and typed ‘Would you by any chance happen to be Mrs. J—‘

And right then Roger my roommate walked in with his girlfriend Amber, an overweight girl who wore t-shirts with fairies on them. They were both drinking big gulps.

‘Amber and I are going to try out my new rumble seat.’ He announced for no reason.

‘Hi, Lawrence. How’s Lizzy?’ Amber asked as she sat down next to Roger.
I had thrown my laptop across my bed in the panic when I heard the door open.

‘Fine—Fine’ I stammered out.

Both looked at me wondering why I was sitting on the bed looking like I had just seen a ghost.

I looked back at my phone. I had to go. I picked up my laptop to shut it down fearing that perhaps someone may take a look at what I was looking at, out or my browser history and that’s when I saw --

‘I am.’
‘It is.’
‘By chance it is me—‘

Msgs spilling into my inbox. Shit! I hadn’t closed out of those msgs! I’d sent them! Like a total dumbass! And here she was replying on the other end. Mrs. Jones!

Talking to me!

‘Lawrence is that you – ‘ came the next text.
Fuck my heart was beating… after all these years I was back in communication with Mrs. Jones.

I had to construct the perfect response. I thought long and hard –

‘It’s me. Lawrence’ I wrote back.

Fuck! That wasn’t it.

‘Duh.’ Came the reply. Followed by a smiling emoticon, which managed to diffuse some of the tension.

‘How goes your life?’ came the next reply.

Even the idea of her toned, muscular fingers typing made me feel electric. Did Jinni type with more force than the average woman? More stamina? Or was it again, one of those aspects a goddess like her had to pull back to exist in this world amongst us mere mortals.

I hesitated. What should I tell her?  I needed to be cool.

I began to type ‘Goo—‘

But right then my cell blasted. It was Lizzy.

‘You coming? Or am I getting stood up.’ Shit. I had gotten so caught up in finding out Mrs. Jones was on Facebook that I had forgotten.

‘I’m just kind of sitting here thinking about you ditching me’ Lizzy bleeped again. I needed to go. I told myself I get back later tonight and finish my correspondence with the Jinni, maybe not hitting her back immediately might make me seem more exclusive.

I went to close my laptop right as Amber came out of Roger’s room.

‘That rumble seat is badass.’ She said as she reached past me to grab a soda out of our dorm fridge.

‘Oh yeah, it’s great…’ I said barely looking up.

‘You okay? You look flushed.’ She asked.

‘I’m good!’ I shouted, much too loud. I needed to get out of there. Whatever would happen going forward with Mrs. J, would happen. Besides. She was a married woman with a kid, and I was just some college kid who couldn’t even make varsity soccer.  What did I think would happen? Some romance? I’d once again get to feel that warm, armor bound muscled body against mine the same way I did all those years ago in her basement? I dashed that illusion from my mind.

I went to close my computer. But as I did, I saw those ‘….’ Which meant the person on the other end is typing. Within moments the reply came.
‘Not sure if you are still in Hawthorne but I’m coming back for a little. Love to see you.’
And then she included her phone number.

And a wink emoticon. A Mrs. Jones wink. My mind flashed back to all those sidelong, relaxed winks she used to send me back at our day on the beach – and suddenly I was back there. A fifth grader watching the most fantastic woman I have ever seen in the flesh slide off her sweatpants revealing her tanned taught heavyweight bodybuilder physique in all its bikini-clad glory.

My heart started to palpitate faster nearly beating out of chest… ‘Love to…’ I finally managed to type out. Moments later Roger came out to grab another soda.
‘He does look weird’ he yelled over his shoulder, ‘Bro, you sick? You sick I don’t want to catch anything, I have like three chem exams this week.’

I went over to the comm where Lizzy was waiting, but my head was spinning. I rushed through the lunch and ran back to text Jinni. 

I texted her later that night, and we set a plan, turns out she would be in town within the next week visiting old friends –

I stared at her photo there blinking in the tiny icon. That was it. No body shots. Nothing – I wondered had Mrs. Jones retired from the sport. Looking at the photo, I couldn’t tell. I went to hit the friend request button but hesitated. Lizzy was on my page and Roger. What would my friends think if they saw that I was friends with a jacked out of her mind 40 year old with a kid? I paused thinking better of it but also feeling slightly guilty.

The time until our date couldn’t fly by fast enough. Jinni said she’d be in town this weekend!.

The next few days of the week couldn’t fly by fast enough. Until the day finally arrived Lizzy had pushed wanting to hang out together but I hastily made an excuse.

“A family friend is in town, and I need to go see her,” I said. Technically not a lie.

“Wow… sounds super fun.” She said sarcastically, and I was in such a state of excitement about the afternoon that I let it slide.

“Well call me when you get back, maybe we can hang out later.” She said before I left.

“Yep, sure,” I said back trying to extricate myself as much as I could from the situation. I didn’t want to hurt or be mean to Lizzy, but ever since reconnecting with Mrs. J online she was all that I could think about.

Mrs. Jones sent me the information for the hotel she was staying at.  Driving over
I couldn’t help coming back to those few days I spent in the presence of Mrs. J. She haunted me. The smell of her hair mixed with the warm, soft scent of the suntan lotion brought me back to being carried to the Urgent Care in her arms. The soft flexations of hard peaked biceps pressing into my neck as well as the course mixture of salt and sand on her abdomen which due to its rock hard eight back had rubbed and chaffed into my sides as she cradled me. I nearly drove into the next lane as I pulled up to the hotel. A loud honk from an oncoming car one of the only things bringing back into the present.

Arriving at the hotel – I didn’t know what to expect. I hadn’t seen Jinni is over 5 years. Had she changed? Probably. I wasn’t sure what to expect and consoled myself pretty sure she had let her love of the sport go the way I had seen so many other ladies. Hitting retirement.

I entered the lobby of the sizeable elegant hotel and scanned the place. It was busy. A favorite spot for business meetings during the day – I scanned the crowd for any sign of Jinni.

I moved across the lobby and then saw – A smiling face waving in my direction. A few years older, and a few lines of wrinkles and a softness. She waved enthusiastically back  and rose to greet me. When standing up, I could see her now wearing one of those pantsuits older women wore, her body was soft, not at all the heavy armor plated musculature I had seen in my youth. It looks like my suspicions were correct. Jinni had given up the sport and settled into middle age. I in some ways didn’t really care though, I was just excited to see her. This was a woman who had made me feel so unique and who had such an intense manner of seeing inside at who you truly are, I quickly let my disappointment go and realized how excited I was to see her again –


I heard from behind and spun to see – I had somehow made a mistake. The initial women I had seen wasn’t, in fact, Mrs. Jones. Who was in fact…

Standing behind me?

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 26, 2018, 03:21:47 pm
I hardly got a chance to spin around before –

“Oh my god! It is you…” I heard her say. That honey soaked sweet accent and as I spun, I couldn’t help but notice.

My god. Mrs. Jones hadn’t given anything up. If anything she had double down.  Mrs. Jones brought her arm around to hug me and my mind flash taking in the rippled brown muscle meat of her thick arms. The blue vein splatter and the massive meat of her massive shoulders and finally as I was pulled in tight her embrace into the thick crevasse of her raised, perfectly delineated hard bolt chest.

My head was spinning from Mrs. Jones warm embrace as well as the sweet scent that seemed to waft from her – smelling like fresh linens on a summer day and  the warm heat that spilled off her body setting off from the thin paper thin skin the covered her bulging muscles allowing the warmth of her body to snake off with minimal interference.

As I pulled away, I got my first view, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Jones today – she looked a little older in the face, but not much, perhaps just some of the small crinkles around her eyes had deepened, or maybe just looked that way due to her dark tan, which was dark as ever.  And her eyes, her eyes were bright and blue and soft and had that same aliveness, that manic glee she had always possessed.  And her hair was lighter now, going from a sandy blonde to a much lighter color that seemed to make her appear much younger then her years.

Sure Mrs. Jones was older then most people I knew. But she never seemed old, she carried herself with youth and vivaciousness that most people in their 20s didn’t even have. Her smile and plump pink lips curled around and exposed her pearl white teeth, bright white, but brighter perhaps more so due to her outrageous St. Tropez bronzed tan.

It was only then as my mind had floated back into my body that I was able to take in the rest of her. And I stumbled a bit as I did so – maybe giving her a ‘look over’ wasn’t such a good idea. Like I said before, my god – it didn’t seem as if Mrs. Jones had stopped anything. It looked like she had doubled her efforts.

Mrs. Jones was always big and thick. A middleweight BB tipping the scales at around 140/150 lbs. of rock-solid muscle. But if anything she seemed to have gotten if not bigger. Better. Denser. Everything sat hard on her small frame and seemed to fill every. Square. Inch. Of her body with muscle.

Jinni took my hand in her rather small, diminutive hand. The profound skin tone difference became readily apparent as I saw her dark tanned hand close over mine and she bounced on her platform wedge espadrilles.

She led me to the table we’d be sitting at and walked a few steps ahead of me. I have to tell you, Mrs. Jones was physical perfection from all angles, but her back was indeed something to behold.  She was wearing a summer dress, and it’s light blue, floral print played off amazingly against her flawless tanned skin. Highlighting it and seeming to make it even darker.

If Mrs. Jones front side was all thick pec, rounded shoulders bulging with power, her back echoed that, in some ways appearing the most significant part of her body. The thick meaty swelled of her traps pressing up and looking grafted onto her neck. Uncomfortably so. In fact, the whole swell and expanse of Mrs. J’s back almost did appear uncomfortable, awkward as if someone had played a joke affixing a mass of muscle far too big for the smaller women to deal with. The thick meat of her mid back thickness pressed out while the bulging beef of the outer part, and undersides of her lats pressing into and straining against the lower part of her dress. It’s fleshy muscle meat digging into the fabric, bubbling out while it pushed her arms up and out at weird angles making them spread like wings and, causing her to almost appear to struggle with the simple act of walking.

I followed closely behind and as I did I could see the looks and expressions on everyone we passed. And I was quickly reminded that of the hubbub that followed Mrs. Jones everywhere she went—

As my eyes lingered on her back, I couldn’t help but put together how relatively petite Mrs. Jones actual frame was minus the bulging musculature. And how the dress was relatively small as it only had to fit around her trim waist and I could figure that she had in fact purchased in asmaller size as the dress clung to her relatively petite frame and stopped at her back, allowing the thick swells of muscle meat to pop out.

“Too big…” I saw one of the women at a nearby table mouth to her companion and then go back to eating her lunch. I felt an immediately pulsing shock charge of excitement flush through my body. I forgot what it was like to be in around Mrs. Jones’ sphere. It seemed to send a charged shack of electricity everywhere she went. I remembered hearing someplace that men derive their power by what they do and
women derive their power by how they are observed and if that was the case then Mrs. Jones sheer obvious dedication to her body and her physical form, the discipline that was wrought on the absolute physical power she displayed by every one of her movements, meant that in a room she becomes the focal point. And some women could be jealous while as I observed at the beach others seemed to fall under her power and sway –

We were lead to our table.

Sitting down at the high top table I couldn’t help but notice, Mrs. Jones thick quads and thighs, no doubt due to the highly developed nature of her chiseled inner thighs were so packed with muscle that she couldn’t cross them in the more demure style most women would choose to do in a short dress like  the one she was wearing. Instead she had to settle for crossing them at her ankles. Wrapping her relatively small ankles around one another and balancing the bottom of her wedged heels on the base of the chair. The action caused her thick vein splattered calves to force together at the base . I couldn’t help but notice the hardness of her calves caused them to push hard, forced together with little to no give, the vein splattered meat forcing into one another.

As the waiter crossed hurriedly over to take our order, I should have of course guessed that he would know Mrs. Jones.

‘Jinni- he said waving enthusiastically as he made his way over to our table.”

“Richard!” She chirped giving him a broad, inviting smile, and I couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy as I observed her. Mrs. Jones was so kind, so warm it lead to a natural charisma. When you were around it and focused on you, she made you feel as if you were the only person in the world and amazing that such a fantastic creature was focused solely on you, but when you saw it turned to others, you couldn’t help but be jealous and wish for its intense glare to be focused back on you.

“Well, you be having your usual?” The waiter asked as he bounced on his feet and primped adjusting the few remaining stands of hair on the top of his head.

“Oh… don’t know… Should I be good or bad today.” Mrs. Jones said with a mischievous grin dancing around her deep blue eyes.

And the waiter laughed along. I don’t know why. Nothing she said was funny. And I was immediately annoyed.

‘Oh sigh… Let's be good.” She finally answered.

“And a glass of white?” the waiter asked to which Mrs. Jones seemed to turn this question over with a graveness in her mind, no doubt doing the lightning-fast calculation of if she needed the excess calories the alcohol would bring.

“White. But one glass. You make me do the worst things, Richard.” She finally said. And Richard the waiter grinned and I couldn’t help but notice start blushing under the intense glare of Mrs. Jones full 100-kilowatt smile.

“Oh and… I’ve been doing the curls like you told me.” The waiter said before heading out.

“Hammer curls?” Mrs. J asked, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes with a particular intensity which I read to mean regarding the seriousness she took regarding all things working out related. She seemed to switch gears going from giddy housewife out for a wine date, too focused professional.

“Uh huh.” The waiter said proudly and then cocked his arm, flexing a bicep peak that barely seemed to dent the bagginess of his white dress shirt.

“Not bad.” Jinni cooed giving the guy a squeeze. “We may have to train together.” She said and then slowly curled her arm back, the small bracelets along her delicate wrist jangling slightly and then tightened her fist and, giving her arm a squeeze and in an action that almost seemed to surprise herself popped her arm up into a flex. I noticed the bicep tighten and the pop up high and hard into a peak that seemed to stretch Mrs. J’s dark tanned skin, splitting it’s peak in two as the thick blue vein on top seemed to pulse invitingly.

My mouth went dry, and if this had been a movie, the move would have been accompanied by one of those cheesy record scratch sounds. It seemed that the muscle flex had not just brought the waiters attention. It had brought everyone else’s’ attention in the entire place. Heads in nearby tables seemed to crane to take a look at the highly unusual move of this buffed up lady so arrogantly flexing her muscles in public seemed to rip straight through some kind of social fabric and call attention to all in the room. All that was except for Mrs. Jones who was holding the hard flex of her diamond peaked biceps under the waiter's eyes.

It was hard to know exactly what to do next as I could see the waiter quivering with the tantalizing muscle just inches away, it seemed like Mrs. Jones was inviting him to feel it, but social mores probably prevented him from doing it. And for a few moments, I genuinely felt bad for the guy and luckily after what was only a few secons (but seemed) much longer, Mrs. Jones uncocked her arm, and the waiter seemed to snap back to life coming back into his body.

“I’ll get you- your wine.” He said –

“Wait. Wait….” Jinni called after him. “My friend’s order.” She said indicating me as the waiter had completely blind spotted me.

“Right. Right and yes, what would you like.” He said to me gruffly, no doubt turning the same sort of begrudgement that I had focused on him just moments earlier.

I had been debating in my head about what to get. I was no doubt famished, and the hamburger sounded great, but I just couldn’t do it in front of Mrs. Jones. I wanted to impress her so much, I knew I had no chance with her. This older sexy but still cute as a button woman who was the center of attention wherever her muscle bound legs took her, but still I couldn’t sit across from her eating a hamburger.

“I’ll take the turkey meatloaf…” I finally said. ‘With a side salad.’

The waiter quickly snapped the menu from me and headed off.

Soon the conversation turned back to what we both had been doing in the intervening years.

“Whelp, no more Mrs. Jones,” Jinni said somewhat mischievously and flashed her hand where her wedding ring might be but  only now sported the light colored band of exposed pale skin left from years of wearing it.

“Oh… I’m sorry – “ I said confused and thinking for a moment she was maybe hinting that her husband passed away, which Mrs. Jones quickly picked up on.

“No… Silly…. Bill and I are divorced. But it was amicable.”

I told her I was sorry. I genuinely was ,they had seemed like such a happy couple, and I couldn’t help but ask what had happened despite this may be coming across as rude.

“We met in high school… even younger then you are now…” She said kindly and patted the back of my hand in a way that was supposed to connote understanding and being maternal but sent ripples of excitement through my body.

“And well… let’s just say we changed. He changed. I changed…”

My god had Mrs. Jones changed. I remembered the photos I had seen back in her house. Mrs. Jones had started out as cute, but a somewhat unremarkable housewife and then from years of dedication morphed into a Greek Godess. As I parsed her language, I couldn’t help but scan for subtext. There was something she wasn’t saying. Did Mrs. J’s transformation into a glamazon somehow impede their marriage? Her hours at the gym brutalizing her body? The draconian diet… had it been too much for a mere mortal man? Or was it something else, had Mrs. Jones chosen to leave?

But soon my mental wheels were brought back by another touch on the hand from Mrs. J’s small but powerfully muscled and manicured hands. This time cupping my left hand in both her hands. The undersides of which I could feel were incredibly warm but with undeniable power. A few small calluses no doubt the result of swinging around mammoth weights on a daily basis.

“So Lawrence tell me about you…”

I told her about college – and soon our food arrived. And I couldn’t help but marvel as Mrs. Jones made her way through her salad, daintily eating it and picking a few strips of chicken from the side of protein she had ordered, her biceps slowly popping occasionally as she brought the small pieces of chicken up her lips, light flexations of her jaw muscles dancing.

She stared intensely at me. At times tilting her head to the side as if indicating just how deep her focus was and as I talked about adjusting to college. Mrs. J continued to stare at me, an occasional twinkly dancing behind her eyes, the curl of a smile and I felt as if for a few moments I was the most important person in the world. Her focus fixed exclusively on me.

As I talked, I had no idea of the time, and I could feel myself get sucked into her spell again. The spell of Jinni Jones. I wouldn’t have been surprised if hours had passed in the span of what only felt like moments.

We paid our bill, with me trying to pay for my part and Jinni insisting that she cover it and as did, laying down her credit card I couldn’t help but see she had one of those fancy silver cards I remember my dad talking about. The kind only given to people who spend 100k of year and I quickly did the math, Bill Jones – Jinni’s ex-husband had been a huge deal in tech, selling not one but two companies for huge sums – when Mrs. J negotiated her divorce it was no doubt that a woman like this secured an agreement to make sure she was well taken care of for the rest of her life.

As we made our way from the table, the waiter sai waved a farwell to Mrs. Jones saying he hoped she would come back soon. I only got a cursory goodbye.

“Walk with me to my car, okay Lawrence?” She said as we walked out of the restaurant. From Mrs. Jones, it was less of a question and more a statement knowing that I and the full world did what she said. And went along with it happily.

As we walked down to the parking structure to retrieve her car Mrs. J wrapped her arm around mine and momentarily rested her head on my shoulder. After that, there was no way to say no.

I couldn’t help but read the gesture as only what it was, incredibly warm and caring. But to me, there was an intimacy that was rousing. Despite her raised wedged Mrs. Jones was about a head smaller, and despite her hulking musculature, she had a way of totally making you feel you wanted to take care of her. Protect her. I couldn’t help but see why every man fell at her feet.

“So… let’s talk about the ladies Lawrence…” She said, looking up at me and batting her big blue eyes. From my vantage point I followed her eyes and followed a line down to the top of her dress, her muscular brown cleavage, the light fluttering of the veins from her light body fat and even on down further as I could see she wasn’t wearing a bra, no doubt due to the lack of fatty breast tissue. And as she walked the movement of the dress swaying would occasionally cause it to brush down and away slightly giving a quick view of her nipple. It was so odd, soft… and normal. It looked like Lizzy’s, it was such a wild contrast to see this accruement of average femininity on Mrs. Jones. I guess in my mind she had ascended to such a goddess like status that I forget she had something as ordinary as nipples! My body once again charged with electricity.

And my eyes once again found Mrs. Jones who was still staring up at me. I’m not sure she had even seen my momentary indiscretion. Or cared if she had. She had such a natural way of letting you look at her and her physicality that she would no doubt laugh it off if she did, in fact, catch me.

“So… any girls. Come on there’s no way a handsome fellow such as yourself is single.” The compliment was playful but was so satisfying I felt as if I didn’t need anything else in the world.

“Yes—yes there’s someone… A girl… Lizzy.” I finally managed to stammer still recovering from Mrs. J’s compliment.

“Good… I hope she treats you right. Otherwise, I’ll be forced to have a word with her.” She said laughing with a sly grin. And I again felt a lightning bolt course through my body as the image of Mrs. Jones with 20+yrs on her standing over the thinner but younger Lizzy flashed in my mind. Jinni embarrassing the younger girl with her sheer unbridled power. I shot back to present, weirded out and a bit embarrassed I had even had the thought. I like Lizzy as a person, but I couldn’t figure out why the idea of Mrs. Jones embarrassing her with her physical superiority excited me to such a degree. And as I try to get ahold of my breathing I felt a bit ashamed.

We stopped at Mrs. Jones new car. A sleek white Porsche Cayenne a trade up I thought from the Mercedes SUV. And I couldn’t help but think how fitting this car was for her. A perfect match of man and machine. Of course, Mrs. Jones body called out for the well crafted German engineering.  A Porsche was perfect for her. Compact but powerful.

Mrs. Jones through her purse in the back of the car –

“Look Lawrence I—“ She stopped and now she looked, for one of the first times a bit awkward and unsure of herself. I couldn’t believe it. The flash of insecurity, on some may have come across as unattractive, but on Mrs. Jones, this moment of brief vulnerability only made her more attractive in my eyes.

She took my hands in hers as she stood across from me. And I momentarily looked down at her small hands. Small but streaked with blue veins from her muscularity, which curled up, to her thick forearms.

“That day on the beach… the volleyball game you know I—I just felt so bad. So bad about what happened. You know I would never do anything to knowingly hurt you…” She said as she looked deep into my eyes and I felt as if I might fall forward due to the tractor beam-like pull of her gaze.

“No- no of course not.” I managed to stammer out.

“I always – well I always – you were always one of my favs…” She said no doubt indicating the group Sebastian’s friends. And again I felt a tingle in my spine.

“And I wouldn’t ever want you to think I could do that. And I feel bad about the way everything happened… but… I have an idea of how maybe we can make it up.”

She said bouncing slightly, and I could hear the squeak as she rocked her powerful calves forward and back in her wedges.

“If I know college students you’d probably love to make a little money on the side. A Fitness Convention is coming up next weekend, and I have to work a booth to work, I used to rope Sebastian into doing them, but he’s a bit too far away, and well Bill used to help out but… yeah, that’s not happening. It would be helping set up, sell some photos and give out samples of the supplement companies that sponsor me. I could pay you two hundred bucks for the day. “

She smiled brightly at me.

“What do you say? Is two hundred bucks worth it to hang out with a boring old housewife?” She said again flashing me a wink.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on July 26, 2018, 08:13:51 pm
Boom!! Great chapter, it was easily worth the wait... Well done!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Absfan01 on July 27, 2018, 06:30:00 am

sooo good..... :rock:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: xepha on July 27, 2018, 10:59:44 am
Nice!  Love the buildup.  K+ 88
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on July 27, 2018, 11:36:11 am
BTW: I'm really curious how the relationship with Lizzy will develop. Because she knows she's there. Will Lizzy meet her and leave? Will she be as mesmerized as he is and decide to dig in for his greatest joy.... I can't wait to read what will happen, great plot!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: musclelvr56 on July 27, 2018, 03:51:03 pm
 :hey: great!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 27, 2018, 07:35:01 pm
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BTW: I'm really curious how the relationship with Lizzy will develop. Because she knows she's there. Will Lizzy meet her and leave? Will she be as mesmerized as he is and decide to dig in for his greatest joy.... I can't wait to read what will happen, great plot!!

Hey -- I dont want to give too much away for what I have planned going forward but I can definitely say as the relationship between Lawrence and Jinni deepens they will become more and more intertwined into each others lives. So definitely look out for that!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: phil123 on July 28, 2018, 05:08:35 am
Great story.
Would really like to read who things going on. Hope there's some growing describing in it.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: ame3cv62 on July 28, 2018, 08:08:12 am
omg,if his girlfriend found out and got muscular also,that would be interesting
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on July 28, 2018, 09:31:46 am
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
BTW: I'm really curious how the relationship with Lizzy will develop. Because she knows she's there. Will Lizzy meet her and leave? Will she be as mesmerized as he is and decide to dig in for his greatest joy.... I can't wait to read what will happen, great plot!!

Hey -- I dont want to give too much away for what I have planned going forward but I can definitely say as the relationship between Lawrence and Jinni deepens they will become more and more intertwined into each others lives. So definitely look out for that!

No don't say anything, I'll wait as calmly as possible  ;D
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on July 28, 2018, 03:30:48 pm
 :rock: :bravo:

k+ of course
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: bolt21 on July 29, 2018, 04:33:40 pm
Put me in the camp of not wanting to know what happens until I finally get to read the next chapter.

That said, I'd like to see Lizzy out of the way entirely. Let Lawrence find out she's cheating on him and dump her. Or let her meet Jinni and run off in embarrassment. Anything so that it's just Lawrence and Jimmy and he doesn't have to worry about splitting his attention in the least.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on July 29, 2018, 07:53:12 pm
Bravo. Well written and with great description. I look forward to the next installment.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on July 30, 2018, 02:40:35 pm
Thanks everyone for the feedback. I love that people seem invested in this story. I'm working on  the next chapter now and hopefully will have it done in the next week or so. If anyone has any ideas, insights, stuff they want to see more of  or less of just let me know. I want to craft a story that makes people reading it feel as if they are experiencing it first hand. That being said this story is going for a realistic tone so no magic or extreme muscle growth would work in the context (not that theres anything wrong with it but I don't think it works in the conext of this story). But anything you can see happening in real life I think would fit.

Thanks again for everyone who took time out to comment!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pepperdog on July 30, 2018, 03:13:05 pm
Love your story, just let Lawrence enjoy some muscle worship with Jinni
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: bolt21 on July 30, 2018, 03:38:33 pm
Yes to muscle worship.
Yes to playful muscle domination.
Yes to Jinny and Lawrence having sex.
No to a 3 way.
No to bdsm.
Please keep it playful.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on August 04, 2018, 12:56:38 pm
This is really good, keep going! I love the "reality" approach. And do not go too fast, the affection between the two of them should develop slowly. After all the two of them have to break a taboo, this is not easy. And I wouldn't mind if she was really big, there are short bodybuilders around 180 pounds or something. The difference between his slim body and her sheer mass should be as big as possible, within reality of course. I would love her to become more flirtatious with time and tease him with her muscles in public places - I want to feel him burning with desire without the chance to fulfill it.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on August 04, 2018, 06:32:46 pm
Thanks everyone for the comments and ideas. I was a bit nervous when I open it up to feedback but I am pretty happy to see a lot of stuff I was already going to put in here and some other stuff which may finds its when in, in a different form - it tells me that ppl like the style and approach to the story which tells me I am on the right track.

I'm currently working on the new chapter and was hoping to have it done this weekend but got busy... and its looking like its longer then I though so when it drops there will be plenty to read. I will say you can expect more in the coming chapters of a growing relationship between Lawrence and Jinni, but I think this will happen slowly and let tension build like BIB said there is a taboo that they are working to overcome so we'll see how it unfolds.... or if it unfolds but I will say in the future installments you can expect a lot of my style of Mrs. J parading that powerfully muscled body in publicly in front of Lawrence and driving him and everyone else around him crazy.

I know my style is very descriptive - do you feel this slows the plot of the story? Or does it add to letting you as the reader feel immersed? Its hard sometime because I myself get carried away.

I also will say as far as the growing there will be some -- but also enjoy Mrs J as she is she's worked hard to get herself up to around 5'4 160-170 she's pretty big - well into Lisa Aukland beefy heavyweight bb territory.

Thanks again to everyone who posted. Excited to share the next chapter!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on August 04, 2018, 08:59:25 pm
I think your descriptive style adds depth to your plot and so consistency. I'd say keep going you are doing great!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: bolt21 on August 04, 2018, 09:39:25 pm
I love the descriptions. Please get carried away as much as your heart desires.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: phil123 on August 05, 2018, 05:31:31 am
Your descriptions are great.
Your story -your style.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on August 05, 2018, 08:35:57 am
Slowing the plot is great because we are in the same position as Lawrence. Our desire is growing and growing but we have to wait. I feel like Mrs. Jones is telling us: "Not yet, be patient little boys" ;)  She is so deliciosly unconscius of her insane body and the impact it makes on men but -please - as the story unfolds, let her discover her potential. Let her become a muscle goddess who is making men pass out with a slight flex of her muscles. Can't wait to read next chapters :) I wish English was my mother language so that I could write such stories too!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on August 08, 2018, 09:10:55 pm
Hey everyone! I was trying to make this a short chapter but some how it wound up swelling into one of the longest things I've written. I'm breaking it up in two parts for readability.  Also I'm about to head out of town for work and then take a few weeks off for myself so probably wont post anything until September so this will give y'all plenty to chew over as our boy Lawrence and Mrs. J continue to rekindle their relationship.

As always love comments, feedback, criticism and encouragement. I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks its been nice encouraging all the enthusiasm for this tail so give me plenty of feedback. Thanks again to everyone who takes time out to read and comment  :wob:

Mrs. Jones The College Years Chapter 2

Mrs. Jones’ skin felt incredible under my hands.

Thin and soft. Stretched tightly over the rock-hard muscles underneath. Her thick beefy pecs, board flat abdomen, peaked biceps… her body. It felt like a warmed stone.

I was in heaven. My hands traveled further down feeling the warmness as her skin moved over her muscles. The complete lack of subcutaneous body fat causing it to feel thin as rice paper as I pinched it in my hands. She giggled slightly and her thick abs flexed under my touch…

I traced further down. Her chiseled intercostals, corded with light veins that floated just below the surface curving down to her sex.

“Do you know how I got this body, Lawrence?” Jinni cooed playfully. Batting her eyes at me. “From pumping big heavy, heavy weights…. From working out hours and hours in the gym… from pumping and pumping until the muscle grew.. big and hard….” She continued to say almost in a baby doll voice. “From dedicating myself, days…. Weeks… months… years…”

“Do you want to feel them, Lawrence? My arms…” Mrs. Jones asked playfully before bringing her thick biceps up into a hard flex.

“It’s okay Lawrence…” She laughed as I stretched my hand out.


And I was suddenly brought back to reality. To the present by my American history professor, Professor Jefferies, standing at the front of the lecture hall calling out to me.

“Lawrence would you like to answer the question?”

“Uhm… Sure Professor Jefferies.” I managed to stammer out, which brought a collective bought of laughter from nearly everyone in the lecture hall.

“Well… go ahead.” He said puffing himself up under his tweed jacket and stroking his beard.

“Can you repeat the question…”? I stammered out bringing much more guffaws from my classmates and a scowl from my history Prof.

It seemed as if this had been happening more and more since my meeting the previous week with Mrs. Jones in the lobby of the hotel. I would float into these reveries be it if I was walking across campus or sitting, waiting for the bus to take me to my 11:30 office hours in the econ building. Out of nowhere I’d be back sitting across from Mrs. Jones. Taking her in. Or it was back on that beach watching Mrs. Jones strut in her polka dotted bikini and then just as suddenly I’d be brought back to reality.

These flights of fantasy were not helped by the fact that I now learned Mrs. Jones was going by her maiden name ‘Halifax.’ A Google search of Jennifer Halifax brought up a cornucopia of stuff from the interwebs. Photo shoots from numerous contests of her on stage, her golden hued body trained within an inch of its life. Photo sets of a shoot she had done in a tiny, minuscule swimsuit that you wouldn’t even be able to think of a lean young coed in her 20s being able to pull off, never mind your friend's mother. It became a daily battle to fight the fantasy and realize I had an authentic life including school and a girlfriend I needed to focus on.

But still, the specter of the next upcoming weekend loomed. I even thought about canceling it just to stay back and try to keep my sanity, but I told myself the $200 would be helpful to me to offset my cost of living. But I knew very well it wasn’t the money that would draw me to the convention center that next weekend. It was Mrs. Jones.

I had other issues as well. It wasn’t odd that I was gone off campus for a weekend, but two weekends in a row was a bit unheard of for me. I knew I’d need a good alibi and saying I was going to see a friend of my families two weekends in a row wouldn’t cut it.

“Help your dad?” Came Lizzy’s somewhat confused reply. And I felt guilty about lying to her. I hadn’t before, but now I was telling her a lie 2 weekends in a row. But still, I figured this was for her own good. Sometimes truth was stranger then fiction and I remembered seeing that Mrs. Jones was heading out of town after the convention so she wouldn’t even be a temptation after that… and I’d be able to move on with my life.


As Saturday approached Mrs. Jones sent me the information to where the expo was happening, and I caught an Uber over, thinking I could quickly make up the difference in the cost of the car from what I would make helping her work the event.

Arriving at the convention center, I had the car pull up front and hopped out.

“Body Power Expo” The sign blared above the large hall of the main building. I was immediately taken by the crowd piling in. They were unlike any group of people I had ever laid eyes on. It seemed like they looked as close to real life superheroes as humanly possible. The men were huge, great puffed up chests and arms as ripped, as they were thick, swinging at their sides like huge chunks of meat. And the women, the women… my good god…  all seemed to have primped posed and pumped for the day. Blonde hair and huge fake boobs spilling out of barely there tube tops which stopped above mid stomach to show abs as ripped as any swimmer.  They looked like something out of a Playboy spread, but better. Leaner. Healthier an entire array of BUFFED UP BARBIE DOLLS! All seeming in competition to see who could flaunt the most of their hard-earned bodies.

And flaunt they did – modesty was not on the menu this day it seemed. And who could blame them? Everyone there had worked so hard on their physiques. I’m sure they were happy for the opportunity to show it off. And it seemed that you had to be either the biggest, buffest or most beautiful to get any attention.

Jinni had texted me on the way over to tell me she was finishing up something in the central hotel adjacent to the convention center and that I should meet her over there and we could walk over to the convention together.

Entering into the hotel lobby from the heat outside – I was immediately greeted by the cool of the air conditioning. I could see that the lobby of the hotel had been taken over by the same beefy occupants of the convention center. As I entered, I saw a large group of huge men, all with baldheads and their thick tanned muscles popping out of what was left of their cut-up tank tops. Competitors in the bodybuilding show that was happening that night at the convention.

Each of the muscle heads craned their thick beefy necks in my direction as I entered and then seemed to take in my modest frame, no doubt judging me not to be a threat in any way to their dominance and then just as quickly they turned away to find the next muscular individual in the crowd to look at. It seemed that if you weren’t deemed to be at or near the level of muscle in the crowd – amongst this group, it was a bit like you didn’t even exist.

“I’m here.” I texted Jinni unsure where to meet her and suddenly feeling a bit nervous and self-conscious of my unmuscled frame.

“Back of the lobby – by the bar –“ Jinni shot back and then followed it with an “Excited to see you” and a winky emoji face.

To say I was excited to see her again was an understatement. I had replayed meeting her for lunch over in my head a hundred times in the past week. Slowing every frame of it down into slow motion. How she had looked in her summer dress. The soft, warm blue hue playing off her tanned skin. The way the thin fabric straps had dug into her thick neck and spilled down the expanse of her pecs. Her mammoth back…. And bulging thighs teetering on her wedged heels as we walked to her car in the parking structure.

I felt that seeing her again at least I had gotten a handle on the effect being around her seemed to have on me… 

But even then I wasn’t quite ready for what I was about to see next.

As I came around the corner off the main lobby. I should have known it was where Mrs. Jones was as there was a large group of onlookers gathered and as I first came around I could hear a man saying –

“Okay. That’s good Jinni… Hold it like that… Good and up more….” And what sounded like a camera whirring and clicking.

As I came closer around the corner, I got a better idea of what the commotion was. A large, bright light was perched on a frame leaning against an area, which I guessed was used as a bar when the hotel was busier.

The light was blocking my view somewhat. But as I walked closer, I could hear the murmurs of the crowd of onlookers who had gathered to look at the scene that was taking place.

“Wow… oh, my… Oh geez…” I could hear the lookie-loos all saying under their breaths a bit in unison and I knew that no doubt Mrs. Jones was playing some part in their collective awe…

But even as I steadied myself and I came into the light and moved past the crowd angling myself to get a better view, I still was a bit flabbergasted by what I saw…

It was a full-on photo-shoot! Mrs. Jones was standing by the bar end of the lobby near a couch, while a short somewhat pudgy man in a blue baseball cap snapped her photos.

“Very good Jinni. Tighten… tighten your arms” He directed her.

But it was what Jinni was wearing that nearly caused my heart to beat out of my chest! Now I had seen and been up close to Mrs. Jones in all types of clothes, and she somehow seemed to have the ability to even make a burl lap sack sexy. I remembered back all those years to her cranking out arm curls in the teeny-tiny white bikini in her basement. The small white pieces of cloth doing little to cover her outrageous musculature. And I, of course, remember full well that day at Hawthorne beach where Mrs. J had pranced for all the world to see in her cute polka dotted bikini. As if it was the most natural thing for a mom and housewife to carry 160lbs of bulk and 4 percent body fat on her frame.

But I don’t think all that had really prepared me for what happened when Jinni went all out. Since she was getting near contest condition, her supplement sponsor had thought it was a good idea to photograph her in her near peak condition. I guess I had been late to the part where she wore some cute workout wear… but now the outfit selected was off the charts hot. It was a tiny black swimsuit made up of little straps that I would learn would be called a micro-teeny. Basically only a thin square of fabric connected by tiny straps. An outfit so minuscule its only design was to show off the wearers body as I could imagine it getting quickly washed away when exposed to any water.

Mrs. Jones stood there in all her glory.

“Flex. Flex Jinni…” The photographer barked as Jinni pulled hard on the tiny string straps that sat around her thickly muscled intercostals and the lower parts of her abs. She pulled hard on the strings pulling them away from her body, and I worried that they may snap as she tightened and flexed her arms down, causing her triceps to flex hard away from her body.

The crowd all cheered in unison and applauded as if she had done a magic trick. Mrs. Jones, I noticed shot the entire gathered crowd her bright, million-watt smile and I couldn’t help feel that like a true performer, she was playing as much for the crowd benefit as the photographer.

“I’d hate to have to have you mad at me!!” a sunburnt man in a tight-fitting Disneyland shirt stretched over his belly yelled out and the crowd laughed in unison.

“And I’d hate to ever have you do anything that made me mad…” Jinni shot back in his direction with lightning fast timing. The crowd erupted again in laughter, no doubt as awed by her quick comedic response as her dazzling muscles.

She primped, balancing for a moment on the towering black stiletto heels she wore which accentuated her thick calves and made her legs seem not only impossibly muscled but also supermodel long.

“Just a second… “ Said the photog as he looked at something in the camera.

“Technical difficulties, folks…” Jinni said once again playing to the crowd who ate it up and laughed at the line as if they were watching a comedian give a monologue on a late night talk show.

As Jinni stood for a second as the photog continued to fumble with the camera, she spotted me in the crowd. Gave me a little wink and a little half wave that set my heart afire and I’m sure made the rest of the crowd wonder… who was this kid?

“Okay.. handled it. The light in here is a bit off… So Jinni lets just get a few rear lat spreads to finish…” He said taking a crouching position.

With that, Jinni spun around turning her back to the crowd. And there was another collective gasp. As Jinni spun around, she brought her thick back into view and placed her small hands on her waist. I, along with every other person there traced my eye line down to… the end of her bikini bottoms, which were dental floss tiny coming off the thin material of the side of her bikini and disappeared between the thick, jutting, bowling ball glutes the sprung off the back of her body.

With the great care of the natural performer she was, she stuck one of her high heeled, stiletto feet out and… flexing tightened her calves...

“Oh my….” I heard a woman in a sun visor that had the name of a church on it whisper under her breath.

Continuing the slow flex up her lower leg which caused her calves to thicken and explode with veins. As Mrs. Jones continued, she sent the flex up the back of her leg, bulging out her thick, curved hamstrings and then curled her back in –

Waiting a few moments for the tension to build, she then… with great care and deliberation… slowly spread and flexed first her left lat out… and then, slowly, as if trying to move and sway the large shutters on a door… finally popped her right lat out.

“Oh, my…” visor woman said once again.

And finally as the piece de resistance. Mrs. Jones clasped her hands down hard. Mashing her small tight waist and in one incredibly quick motion, popping up on her toes and flaring her bat wing wide back out and flexing her glutes so hard I not only heard audible gasps amongst the crowd but I worried that the quick, decisive flex may have cut the tiny thong in two –

“Oh, my!” Visor woman finally cried out as Mrs. Jones stood stock still holding the flex for what felt like minutes as eventually, the crowd burst into rapturous applause.


A little later after the photo shoot had finished, I watched the photographer stash his stuff away and fold up the light.

“I think we got some great stuff Jinni…” He said.

Jinni was on the other side of the lobby talking to a husband and wife. No doubt another group of average humans lured in by the amazing siren song that was Jinni Jones and her body.

As I watched their interaction.  The husband, occasionally rubbing his chin as Mrs. Jones talked to him about her health and training regiment. Every once in a while stealing glances at Jinni’s impossibly muscled, thighs, glutes as Mrs. Jones gathered her stuff up after the photo-shoot.

The wife too, almost staring as if she herself couldn’t believe that someone like Mrs. J actually existed.  I could see even now, Mrs. Jones’ body acted as a beacon. A view of what the human body was capable of. Utterly unattainable to the average person, but none the less an outlier that hinted at what complete discipline over ones physical self might look like.

Even standing there, dressed only in enough fabric to barely fit in a pencil case, Mrs. J had an ease about her. I had seen it before, but she had the amazing ability to look more clothed the less clothes she wore. As if the muscle that wrapped and coated her frame was all the clothing it needed. And the work that went into honing such a body to this apex of development called for it to be looked at rather than hidden behind layers of fabric.

Before I knew it, Mrs. J had finished her conversation and was trotting back to me, doing a remarkable job of balancing her bulk on the towering platform heels. Her thick quads, quaking, then relaxing causing the thick teardrop over her tiny knees to bunch into quick hard flexs and contract with each step.

“How did I do?” She said taking a seat next to me. Her muscular capped shoulders just inches from me as she lowered her bulk down to the bench and took a small towel from beside her and lightly began to towel off the droplets of sweat that had run down the crevasse of her bulging pectorals during the photo shoot.

“I think you did great.” I managed to stammer out, my mouth dried of any liquid as I watched Mrs. J give the underside of her boob a quick swipe with the towel. This action caused the heavily muscled breast to bounce momentarily, just as it would on an average woman. But Mrs. J was far from normal, and I watched as the pec quickly snapped back into place, reforming into its cubed, muscular shape.

“Okay. Well, don’t run away. I just need to change for the floor show, and I’ll be right back.”

Runaway? After Mrs. J’s photo shoot. I don’t think I could move.

Jinni grabbed a small plastic bag she was carrying her stuff in and with a click of her 5-inch heels powered her way to the women’s room. The back side of her thickly developed back, inches thick tris and bull work neck, swaying femininely under the black lycra strings of her swimsuit. And the cubed muscle meat of her thick glutes, bunching and squaring rhythmically as she made her way to the women’s room.

I couldn’t help but wonder what the reactions of those ladies in the women’s room would be to seeing sheer physical perfection in an outfit that none of them would ever be able to wear in the wildest dreams, unsheathing that body in front of them. But I knew whatever would happen Jinni would navigate it with her seemingly otherworldly ‘Aw-shucks’ beguile.

A little while later – Mrs. Jones had exited the women’s room now wearing what she would wear for the floorshow of the convention. A definitely more modest outfit, consisting of skin-tight lycra workout pants which clung to the impossible swells of her thighs, her thickly chiseled calves and stopped inches below her belly button giving the world a clear view of her chiseled waist and blown out 8-pack. The outfit was topped with a black sports bra that exposed Mrs. J’s chiseled stomach. I couldn’t help but notice too how an outfit like this seemed to bring into focus Jinni’s’ tremendously developed thick arms which seemed to hang, jutting out at her sides pressed out by the thick back swells which were giving the strained straps of sports bra a run for their money.

The outfit was definitely more modest than the barely-there bathing suit she was wearing moments earlier but still, let the amazing shape (Mrs. J’s calling card in the world) open for all to see.

Now out of her ridiculously high platforms, Mrs. J was a full head shorter than me, but still, her presence seemed to far outstrip her relatively short height.

“How you holding up?” She asked, and put her hand on the small of my back. She gave me a combination, light rub and scratch with her nails. The entire thing feeling tremendously intimate and maternal.

I nodded. Good now, I thought.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on August 08, 2018, 09:11:58 pm


Later we found our spot out on the convention center floor. All around us the rest of the booths were setting up for the day. Our booth was for the “Pro-Ex’ a top the line supplement company that Mrs. J was working for. My web searches have stumbled across a few ads shoots she had done for them. “Pro-Ex Pre Workout Performance Bars are good enough for my workout, are they good enough for yours?” Blared the ad copy above an ad that showed a sweaty soaked Jinni Jones (ne: Jennifer Halifax) hoisting a substantial old-school dumbbell that looked well over 50lbs while staring down at her arm with a fierce look of concentration.

As we set up the both I was also introduced to Mark and Tony, two of the co-owners of Pro-Ex and guys who looked like I could easily have been friends with them in high school. They didn’t seem much older then there mid-20s. Which was impressive considering their company was well known.

“What do we got here – You certainly seem to rope ‘em in young, Jennifer?” Said Mark, the biggest one, playfully. The two of them were big and built tall guys, but seemed to have more of the physiques of off-season football players, then the balloon inflated musculature that many of the bodybuilders circulating the floor sported.

“Meet Lawrence… he’s my manager…. So any decisions you have. Just run them through him.” Jinni said back with a playful giggle. She had changed into a pair of skintight spandex pants that clung to every curve of her bulging lower body. Her thick squared off glutes, tiny waist and curved up quads that seemed to cast her small knee joints in shadows, were all hugged and highlighted by the skintight material. On her top, she was sporting a sports bra which was cut high revealing her armor-plated stomach and allowing her thick vein covered arms to hang at her sides propped up from the meat of her thick back.

Both the pants and the sports bra were emblazoned with the company’s logo.

“Well, we got to get you jacked up and into some Pro-Ex gear. Here you go, Lawrence.” Said Tony, the shorter of the two who looked like he can easily step off the floor and play running back for a division one college.

Tony tossed me a Pro-Ex shirt and dug out from behind the table a large handful of samples of different energy bars, pre-workout and protein powder.

“Yeah, you better treat my manager right!” Jinni said playfully coming up behind me and putting her sculpted hands protectivly on my shoulders.

“You okay?” She asked bending down and drawing close.

I nodded as I pulled the shirt on as the convention hall opened and was flooded with people.


As the hall filled up, I pretty quickly got the gist of how the day was to go. Jinni had set up a huge stack of glossy photos of herself, and a line began to form around, full of eager patrons of the convention.

Jinni would sign photos that I would grab – take snaps, which I would help out with and then pass the eager fitness buffs a handful of Pro-Ex samples that I was also in charge of prepping.

Far from being a drag, I was soon thrust into the swing of things and felt the energy of all the people at the event. As well as being around Jinni began to fuel me.

I would often sit and watch the cast of people moving by, the men huge and muscular and the women looked like they had all fallen off the front pages of the most insane bikini spreads imaginable. Boobs so big and pushed up they threatened to hit there chins ,all showing off flat stomachs in their tight-fitting clothes.

My people watching was monetarily interrupted as I heard –

“Jinni-dahling…” in a thick, Spanish accent. The voice was high pitched but at the same time had the bass-gruffness of a smoker.

My head snapped to follow the sound, and I had that odd feeling, it was coming from a tall women with dark, Latina features, dark hair… and I thought for a moment it may have been a friend of Jinni's from back in Hawthorne or maybe a person from the college. I had that feeling because I was sure I recognized her. But what I was actually experiencing was a feeling akin to seeing a celeb and confusing them with a friend from high school. I could see now that the woman was, in fact, Paloma Silva the famed Venuzlian heavyweight bodybuilder, currently ranked #1 in the world! And a headache as far as Mrs. J’s efforts to climb the rankings as she had usually finished in the top spot at the Mrs. Olympia almost five years running and now had moved her dominance over the Rising Phoenix, the current contest whose winner was generally considered number 1 in the world.

I had of course seen pictures of Paloma online many times, and I had.. ergh… let us just say, been intimate with her… even though she would of course not know that ;) It was hard not to – towering near 5’10 she was bodybuilding royalty. A former model with long black hair and exotic feature and curves that didn’t seem possible on a human being. But seeing this exquisite creature in real life was indeed something else. Paloma was clad in skintight white jeans which seemed to want to burst at the seams under her famous bulging Brazilian thighs and titanticaly muscled glutes, and a pair of heels pushed her near six feet. She was huge and even made Mrs. J seem like (somewhat) small in comparison. It was crazy to see this woman in real life. The photos I had seen online and in mags didn’t do her justice and seemed to flatten her, as if shrinking her down to just a small digital image. But in real life she was huge. Her big broad back dwarfing many of the guys at the show.

She stopped at the booth and flipped her long mane of raven black hair over her broad shoulders and knelt slightly to give Mrs. Jones a hug. I winced a bit as I felt an electric charge of excitement fire through me as I saw Paloma’s burly, silicon enhanced chest push hard into Mrs. Jones iron pumped pecs as the two hugged, momentarily mashing their massive chest regions against each other. I couldn’t help imagine what that felt like to be stuck in between there. The hard, stretched silicon forced against the muscle mass would surely be enough pressure to turn coal into diamonds.

Watching the two women try and navigate their thickly developed pectorals was like watching two oil tankers try to dock. 

After the huge Paloma straightened herself up, jabbing her plastic enhanced chest out to such a degree, I wondered the struggle her internal system must go through just to balance herself. Let alone stand on her tall, log leg enhancing high heels she was currently sporting.

The gigantic and the buffed up MILF were stopping traffic on the main floor, and I noticed people whipped out their phones merely to start filming the two buffed up ladies interaction.

“You look good… big…” Said Paloma tripping over English with her light Spanish accent. All while playfully squeezing Mrs. Jones arms. I noticed Mrs. Jones mirrored the action back as if the two titanically built women were checking out each other the way you’d kick a car's tires.

And as Paloma’s big, muscular hands continued to needs and squeeze Mrs. J’s arms, triceps and shoulders in a full test of their tactile strength I felt a pang of envy. There was the feeling that these two women had built their bodies up with such extreme dedication that they were members of a club. A special club. And once you had proven your membership with your extreme commitment to your body, your diet, you were given full access to touch, test and prod someone else’s physique rewarded your sacrifice.

“You look… amazing…” Mrs. J said back, apparently in awe or the gargantuan Venizualian who playfully took the comment and whipped her ponytail over shoulders an NFL linebacker would envy.

“I don’t know… I feel a little flat…” Paloma said with the same insecurity of a regular women checking on her butt in a department store mirror. Only she then proceeded to cock her arm in front of Jinni and flexing a bicep peak, which was so big – It literally covered Mrs. Jones’ face. I kid you not.

Standing there watching this interaction, it was odd. I had, of course, looked at photos of Paloma online, but in person, as I said before she actually appeared ‘too big.’ Although I had imagined myself being intimate with her as I peruse her photo sets, now seeing her in real life – I was almost scared. Mrs. Jones compact, albeit massively pumped body with its muscles and curves seemed just fine to me – Paloma, while standing so close to her I literally felt flashes of adrenalin, fearing for my safety if something happened and she went Hulk and got angry.

Soon the two buffed up women parted ways, and Paloma gave Jinni a cute wave ‘Okay… see you in a few weeks…’ she said in her accent, which I did notice was undercut with a gruffness to her voice which seemed suspiciously deep and low for a female.

‘Yep… see you, sweetie.’ Mrs. Jones said and gave the buffed up brunette one last hug, and it almost appeared as if Mrs. Jones herself seemed to savor the mashing and the duo’s muscular chests once again pressed up against each other.

Watching that exchange I couldn’t help but wonder, and also observe in Mrs. Jones eyes, a sort of mischievous glee as if she loved the muscular poking, prodding, and power of feeling up against Paloma’s sizeable muscular chest herself. It wasn’t lost on me that these powerful women seemed to get off on each other’s muscles maybe as much as they got off on their own. And why shouldn’t they? They more then anyone else would know what went into building these bodies they paraded around.

But soon my reverie was interrupted as I saw Mrs. Jones fumble nervously and gather a few items as she exhaled under her breath… ‘And… here goes…’

It was odd to see her flustered. Perhaps the first time I had ever seen her that way. The cause of this disturbance? A tiny, grey-haired man in a skintight muscle shirt whose bulging biceps and swelled chest looked like someone had inserted overly inflated tires under his skin. The little man walked swinging his huge arms and spoke with a thick German accent as he approached our table –

“Jinni-fer! Jinni-fer!” he called out excitedly as he strode over to us. His bulk clearing out a pathway as he came over.

This man, whose chest and upper body was so massively muscled it, seemed impossible he would ever be able to put his arms flush against his body. I soon recognized him as Uri Kingman, or Uri ‘The Champion Trainer’ as he was called in some of the muscle mags I had purchased off of newsstands, in a desperate search for more women who looked like Mrs. Jones. Uri wrote a column, and I knew, trained many of the highly ranked male bodybuilders. His training techniques were often seen as highly unique (weird, contractions holds, etc.) but the results spoke for themselves as many of his clients had gone to win major titles, including the past two Mr. Olympias.

I could gather from the interaction that Mrs. Jones was one of Uri’s clients. This would, of course, explain so much, how her muscles seemed to have a sculpted, aesthetic 3d shape that set her so far ahead of the rest of her competition.

“There she is—okay to let me see it…” Said Uri as he approached the table and got uncomfortably close to Mrs. Jones. I momentarily felt a desire to protect her despite that fact that Uri seemed as thick as he was wide, but Jinni appeared to welcome the attention, if not entirely, but with only some slight reservations – which made me relax and decide to let unfold whatever was to happen.

“Okay… Let's see these compulsories…” Uri said as he began to walk Mrs. Jones through the compulsory poses she’d need to do onstage at her upcoming competition that I believe I heard Uri say was the Nationals.

But as Uri led Mrs. Jones through her poses as she strained, pumped and flexed for him, the young girl who had walked over to our booth, at Uri’s side, momentarily diverted my attention.

As Uri peered at Mrs. Jones over his glasses, my eyes glanced over to Uri’s companion. I had seen him walk over to the table with another girl, but now that they were close by I could get a better look. Looking at her face first, she was young and blonde with her golden spun hair done up in a ponytail. And as I looked closer at her, I gauged her age at reasonably close to mine. She had big eyes, and her makeup looked like it had been done fast and cheap, that wasn’t to say she looked unattractive just unsophisticated. And her bold perky lips regularly showed two buck teeth with a small gap in the middle of them which would appear when she smiled. Far from making her look unattractive, these added a sort of innocence to her that was highly alluring.

But to be honest, it wasn’t her face that most people would look at. Not as she was dressed now. She was wearing a bright yellow tube top and small daisy duke type denim shorts. It was an outfit I noticed had been selected by her with the design to show off her body to its fullest…. And what a body it was.

I had been gazing at fantastic physiques all day, and standing by the most fantastic one at least in my opinion: Mrs. Jones. I had gone a bit numb. But this girls’ body was definitely a jaw dropper. She lacked the heavyweight bulk of Mrs. J but instead looked longer and leaner. With everything on her upper body looking incredibly developed. She was tall, and her physique seemed as if someone had taken a hardcore FBB and stretched her out. That’s not to say she wasn’t muscular, far from it. The girl’s tube top showed off a huge pair of shoulders that seemed almost disgustingly muscular and thick. In fact, they looked jaring on such a young girl.

It looked in fact like Uri had shoved thick basketballs under her thin, clear skin. Taking in her sizeable upper body, I could see that her back was huge as well, pressing her thick arms out, giving her shape an impossibly inverted V-shape. And standing there I wondered (was she Uri’s wife? Girlfriend? Daughter?) It was odd to see two people (Uri short in stature and the girl, tall) but both with this distinct feature of arms unable to touch at their sides due to their full development. I flashed to an image of a family unable to walk into their front door without having to turn sideways first.

All this led the eyes down to her acres of visible abs. Obviously, her pride and joy as they were exposed for all to see. This girl may have had the best abs I had seen. Thick and running along each side of her abdomen. One, two, three…. Four… five… up… and the other side. Fuck! This young girl had the elusively developed 10 pack that only the most extreme of all athletes seemed to be able to developed. Each thick abs pressed hard and out, fluttering lightly as she breathed, under her perfected skin, before disappearing down into her low cut denim shorts.

The effect was odd because although her legs were toned, they didn’t even come  to close to he extreme development of her upper body. She was the pre-eminent example of the old gym joke, ‘don’t skip leg day.’ And it was as if some mad professor had told her to only focus on building her upper body, bigger and bigger.

The entire thing was utterly mind-blowing to behold… and I couldn’t help but get the sinking feeling as I was looking at someone or something… that seemed a bit off. A bit unnatural. But my gaze taking in her body, which she appeared wholly fine with me doing, was interrupted by her raising a soft girlish hand and giving me a half dainty wave, followed by a cute, demure smile.

After her impromptu posing performance. Mrs. Jones gave Uri a stern look.

“Enough?” She asked. Her sternness giving way to one of her playful grins.

“Enough. You work. Hard.” Uri said. “You will do well at Nationals… but we still have some work.” He said cryptically.

After a few parting goodbyes and plans to follow up regarding her training Uri get a text that he was needed and bid Mrs. Jones goodbye and held out his hand for his young blond concubine to take it. I watched as they headed off into the crowd of the expo. Uri’s bulging; bulldog body disappearing amongst the throngs of the overly pumped crowd. I scanned for a little bit longer following the blonde’s taut physique and chiseled sports bra shoulders. Looking on a few minutes longer until I finally saw her daisy duke clad chiseled glutes and long, coltish legs disappear as she obediently trotted on her tall legs behind Uri. Looking on for a moment I saw her look over her shoulder, flipping back her blonde ponytail and give me a half wave and was gone.

I looked up to see Mrs. Jones looking over at me. Smiling somewhat mischievously. I wasn’t sure if she had caught the interaction between me and the blonde. I wasn’t sure if she cared for that matter. Mrs. Jones seemed to at times catch every detail and also appear entirely unaware as if the trifling’s of us regular humans couldn‘t interfere with the goings on between her and the other gods on Mt Olympus.

“You must be starved, Lawrence. Let's take a break and get you something to eat.” She said as she gave my hair another playful tussle.


We had shut down the booth and now made our way through the crowded convention center. Mrs. Jones once again leaned in and playfully wrapped her arm around mine; she was able to convey the gesture in a way that wasn’t romantic. More like a close friend taking you into their confidence.

For our walk over to the convention center’s food court Mrs. Jones had pulled on a tight-fitting grey hooded sweatshirt with the name of her supplement sponsor on the back. I could only imagine she had done this, perhaps to be comfortable, or moreover to avoid any undue attention. Like she was shutting down the show that followed her pumped up physique whereever she paraded it, but in some ways covering up only seemed to have the opposite effect. The thin, subtle material of the hoodie squeezed tightly over her rounded shoulders and clung, stretching to the breaking point trying to contain her bulging biceps. And it was apparent as it pulled and stretched over the curved muscles of her upper body that the shirt, which reached near translucence at specific taxed areas, was made for a woman with a far less developed body.

Mrs. Jones body was a physical impossibility. It seemed almost improbable for a human to look like that. Like an anatomy chart wrapped around a real live woman. As we walked and talked with the closeness of old friends, I would occasionally crane my neck to try to catch glimpses out of the corner of my eye. I couldn’t help but notice how the thick rolls of swells of Mrs. J’s musculature offset the effects of gravity. The thick bulges of her overly developed hamstrings and obviously thickly muscles glutes seemed to push up, forming a muscular shelf which appeared to offset the sag that most women of a certain age sported in her lower hindquarter.

I had to shake out of my discreet gawking as  we soon found our way to the food court.

“What do you want. My treat?” Mrs. Jones said, a cheerful smile dancing across her face.
“You don’t have to–“ I began to protest.
“You kidding, I dragged you out here. Bored you by exposing you to all these muscle heads… Hey! Uri’s daughter certainly seemed to take a shine to you.” She said winking.

Daughter? That made sense and would explain the age difference. But still…. It seemed like the daughter was in the some ways playing guinea to Uri’s constructed training schemes. Or if not guinea pig, benefiting from them as she had to be by far once of the most developed humans I have ever seen around my age. Man or woman!

But before I had an answer – Mrs. J had yanked me further along the food court.

“Sebastian loves those… what are they – Which-which…” Mrs. Jones said indicating the shining awning of the sandwich-based food chain.

“The bread has a very low fiber count, and the turkey has a lot of phosphates… but then again, I’m not eating it.” She said cheerily and indicated her lunch in the small Tupper wear container she had carried over from the table.

“Yep. Sure. Which-which is fine.” I said, my head still a bit swimmy, from Mrs. Jones, and from Uri’s over pumped daughter, from meeting Paloma Silvia. From the entire day!

“Welcome to Which….” I heard the cashier say as his eyes fell on Mrs. Jones and he trailed off, and I could clearly see this cashier, who looked close to my age, his eyes were getting tractor beam locked into the exposed muscular cleavage that the combination of Mrs. Jones sports bra and the unzipped front portion of the hoodie offered up for view.

I felt terrible for the poor guy, as I too had fallen prey to that alluring siren call many a time. Luckily I could see him shake himself out of it. He looked over at Mrs. Jones for a moment and then looked back at me as if trying to piece together what the relationship was. Mother/son? Close relative? Boy toy and muscle mommy? I can only imagine what he came up with. Of course as per usual Mrs. Jones was wildly unaware of any of what was unfolding.

“Can you get my friend here whatever he wants…”? She said smiling at the poor cashier who was now entirely under her charms.

I ordered a turkey wrap, trying my best to be good and keep in Mrs. Jones good graces, all though I’m not sure if she actually would have cared if I ordered something terrible for you off the menu. And of course, as we waited for my sandwich the regular circle that followed Mrs. Jones wherever she went began to unfold. Moments after ordering my sandwich a young woman who introduced herself as the manager came out and handed Mrs. Jones a handful of coupons which heralded her next purchase as being 1/2 priced!

Mrs. Jones of course gratefully accepted the coupons and then passed them off to me, her faithful follower (who would no doubt use them, as Mrs. J would never put something as impure as a chain sandwich in her temple of a body.) And I then watched as the manager, and a few other employees talked to her, eagerly animated, each trying to engage and impress the muscle-bound woman in their midst. And of course, after it was all said and done came the photos. Mrs. Jones dutifully slid off the grey top, peeling it off with a slowness and casualness that communicated a complete unawareness of the effect she had on other people.

And I couldn’t help but notice as she pulled off the hoodie, revealing her bulked up muscle bound upper body in all its glory the cashier who had to take our order stared slack-jawed at her as she took her requisite series of photos with her adoring fans.

We ate both of our lunches in relative quiet at one of the tables on the other side of the food court. Not much to see, just a mediocre college soccer player and the overly muscled mother of his one of his old friends enjoying a lunch together ;)

Mrs. Jones looked up from her small container which contained the perfectly pre-measured out servings of rice, chicken breast, and asparagus. One of her six times a day rationing of her perfectly planned out macronutrient rich diet.

“How’s school going?” She asked matter of factly taking an asparagus tip off her bowl and eating it with her fingertips. Her question was so matter of fact it was easy for me to momentarily forget it was coming from the lips of a hardcore female bodybuilder and not just any other of my friend’s parents.

“Good… Good… “ I said, finishing up a bit of my sandwich.

“Okay?” Mrs. Jones asked me quizzically. And as I looked away, she held me in her gaze. Her eyes staring deep into me. And giving me that gaze. The one that held me. The one that told me she was going to get her way no matter what and it was just a matter of time.

“There is… there is this one Professor whose always up my ass…” I said, venting about Professor Jefferies, my history teacher who seemed to take delight in torturing me.

“He always calls on me. I have the work ready, and study hard… but… he just seems to have it out for me.” I said with exasperation.

Mrs. Jones continued to take a look at me. Long and hard and pursed her lips slightly as if turning over my answer. Examining it for truths in her lie detector of a mind.

“You know what I think…” She said pulling another asparagus spear and biting the tip off of it. “I think he’s jealous of you…”

“Yeah. I don’t think so.”

“No, I’m sure… He’s probably looking at you, sitting there in his class and wondering why every girl is looking at you. And not him.”

“Yeah. I don’t think that’s it.” I said with a huff.

“Lawrence, I want to tell you a secret,” Mrs. J said and lowered her eyes, cupping her hand partially over her mouth in a conspirator tone.

“You and me…” She said, leaning in close with the great care of someone taking you into their confidences. “We’re not like everyone else… we’re meant to stand out. Not to blend in – and trust me, it bugs some people. They can’t stand it. And they’ll do anything to try and cut us down.” She said again, chewing hard on the last of her lunch. And I looked at her. Closely. Really looked at her and for a moment, there amongst the raucousness of the food court for a moment I saw a flash of pain briefly behind her eyes and then… and just as quickly. It seemed to pass, and she was back to the chipper Jinni that I had grown to know so well.

“So… lunch break over. Come on. I’m going to put you back to work and really make you earn this two hundred bucks.” She laughed as she toweled off the Tupper wear and rose to head back to the booth.

As we walked back to the booth, I noticed Mrs. Jones had dispersed with the hoodie and held it in one hand at her side. Her back arched up, pecs standing upright, her muscular arms swaying at her sides, slicing through the crowd. And like magic, it seemed as if the crowd seemed to part to let the woman bodybuilder through.

“So… what are we going to do about this professor that is ruining your semester?” She asked me again, intently.

“I don’t know--- study harder…. I guess.” I said trying to come up with my best plan. “There’s a faculty open house next week, and I’m trying to get my parents to come to maybe have some face time with him to try and smooth some things over, but it’s looking like they’ll be traveling on business.”

“How about I come!” Jinni said. Her eyes were bright and vast and vivid all of a sudden.

“No! No! Noooooo…” I said maybe a bit too loudly, so a group of beefy bro’s by some exercise equipment spun their thick necks to look in my direction. It’s not that I don’t want Mrs. Jones there. God, no. I’d walk across a hot desert just to help her pick out paint samples, but I was still struggling with balancing these two spheres of my work. I hadn’t ever told Lizzy what I was doing, and she had no idea about my love for or desire of muscular women. Mrs. Jones being chief amongst those.

There was that, as well as the fact that there still was a possibility of my parents going, and after the incident at the beach all those years ago, my mother had never forgiven Jinni and certainly would not look kindly on her playing stand-in parent.

“I… I really think my parents are going to try and make it though…” I said pulling my self out of the tailspin. Still, Mrs. Jones stared deep at me with those eyes that threatened to crack me open from the inside out.


As the day ended the crowd began to disperse, and I helped Jinni and the rest of the team from Pro-Ex pack up from the day.

“I can drive you back Lawrence.” Mrs. Jones said as she put the last of the stuff away and stashed an extra bit of Pro-Ex product in my gift bag.

I told her I was fine and had gotten an Uber over but she was insistent.

“You helped me out, and we don’t do things in half measures.” She said as we put the last of the stuff away.

Later driving back to campus in Mrs. Jones Porsche. The whirr of the traffic outside seemed to glide past in the cool air-conditioned interior, and as I sat on the ivory white seats of the luxury SUV, I couldn’t help but feel safe and protected.

Mrs. Jones would occasionally glance over as if checking on me and we finally pulled into the front entrance area of my school where most of the drop-offs happened.

“Here we are – oh and… your money I almost forgot.”

“I’m fine…”

“Please, you helped me.”

And I agreed. A bit freaked out about what if one of my friends saw me pulling up in an ivory white Porsche SUV with one of the top 10 FBBs in the world chauffeuring me around. What if Lizzie saw me!

Pulling up to the college. Mrs. Jones fished around in the back of the car looking for something.

“Hand me my bag.” She asked. And I reached into the back seat of the SUV, digging through a few exercise straps and some sweat towels that had no doubt been used to towel off Mrs. Jones champion caliber body after many brutal workouts.

I finally found it, digging out a leather purse and passing it to Mrs. J on the driver’s side. And as I brought it out, I could see it was tan and had bright flowers on it. For a moment I was taken aback as the purse was so corny and looked like something one of my mom’s friends may bring over for tea. It was such a vivid reminder that Jinni was, underneath all the muscle, still a well taken care of housewife from the suburbs.

She slowly clipped open the flask of her purse with her well-manicured nails which I could see were painted a shade of pearl white which offset her deeply tanned hands and pulled out her clutch, which too looked like it could have belonged to any SUV driving mom picking up her kids from soccer practice.

“Here you go, Lawrence… “ She said flicking out a set of crisp $100 bills. “And this is for being my bodyguard” She smiled and pulled out an extra hundred. Wow! $300 bucks. I held the money for a second. Even it smelled good, clean, and pure. As if Mrs. Jones was able to retrieve even her cash from someplace us mere mortals weren’t allowed to tread.

“Let me park, and I can walk you back to your dorm.” She said after sliding her purse back behind her seat. My mind hit a panic! As much as I would love to saunter through campus with the jacked up Mrs. J on my arm, the idea of Mrs. Jones now still wearing her skin-tight outfit clinging to her bodybuilder hourglass shape would most doubly cause social problems for me.

“I’m good…” I said too quickly. And right then my phone buzzed with an email. I checked it.

Mrs. Jones looked over at me, and I could see she was looking hard, trying to gauge my expression.

“You okay…” She asked staring at me with her deep blue eyes, looking into my soul. She slowly raised her arm and nuzzled my hair slightly in a playful manner, causing her thick shoulder to bunch up, and the movement sent light ripples down my arm.

“I’m—I’m fine,” I said, and Mrs. Jones bit down hard on her lip. Her bright white teeth sinking seductively into her pink lower lip.

“Let me guess. Your parents. Can’t come to the open house…” I was about to open my mouth to say something, but before I could, Mrs. Jones continued. “That seals it. I’m going.”

“But—“ I began to protest.

“When and where is it?” She said with a touch of sternness. And I sat there feeling very much like a chastised child.

“Where and when is it, Lawrence?”

But I didn’t answer.

“Very well, I can call up the history department. ‘Hello… hi… This is Jinni, Lawrence’s… stepmother… I’m supposed to come to the history open house, but young Lawrence is withholding the information from me… would you be a dear and tell me…” Jinni said playfully while pantomiming how the imaginary conversation might go. She leant over the gear shift panel and gave me a playful tickle, jabbing her strong fingers in my side as I tried to dodge it, but her index and pinky soon found my lower oblique, and she gave me a quick, mighty squeeze with her two fingers, that felt both painful and pleasurable as I finally gave out the information.

“Thursday! 7:30! History department!” I yelled trying to shield myself from the next of her poking’s.

“Great! I’ll see you then.” She said chipperly.

“And it's cocktail attire.”

Jinni pulled down her sunglasses and shot me a look, “Oh really… I was going to come in my posing suit.” She said it bitingly, but still, the comment stirred in my mind that image and I felt a strong ripple of pleasure flash across my body. The perfect anecdote to the still tingly spot where Mrs. Jone’s powerful fingers had tickled me.

“I’ll meet you there… 7:30… And don’t worry Lawrence… I’m not going to embarrass you. “

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on August 09, 2018, 08:23:14 am
My oh my... The mixture of her protectiveness and sexuality is intoxicating. And I love little details, like the "purse thing". And I love Uri's daughter (I hope her legs will match her upper body in the future). And I love the possibilities which open in the college with the history teacher. And I hate the thought of having to wait until September to read what happens next. Are you kidding me? Are you?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on August 09, 2018, 03:57:24 pm
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My oh my... The mixture of her protectiveness and sexuality is intoxicating. And I love little details, like the "purse thing". And I love Uri's daughter (I hope her legs will match her upper body in the future). And I love the possibilities which open in the college with the history teacher. And I hate the thought of having to wait until September to read what happens next. Are you kidding me? Are you?

Hey! Glad you seem to be responding to the direction of the storyline and the details and insights about Mrs. Jo. but yes I just want to be honest that I'm probably not going to have anything new for at least a few weeks.

If you wanted to read some other writing heres a link to a another story series I've posted called Sexual Harassment. Just a small warning it is definitely more extreme and has more extreme muscle so its a little tonally different this story --

Also this story is twice the length of most of my stuff -- so you could look at it as getting 2 MONTHS IN ONE! Anyways thanks for the commenst and enthusiasm. keep em coming Im always interested in feedback and seeing how people are enjoying the unfolding of this story!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: bolt21 on August 09, 2018, 04:52:41 pm
This story gets better and better. I'm pretty sure that we all have a huge crush on Mrs. J by now :)

I love this line - "Watching the two women try and navigate their thickly developed pectorals was like watching two oil tankers try to dock."

Instant classic!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on August 09, 2018, 07:34:04 pm
Wow, you are really building it slowly. Love it!!! Have nice holidays!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on August 10, 2018, 12:20:32 pm
I love your story style.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: MaryMuscle on August 19, 2018, 05:28:08 am
love the story's slow build. It will be an interesting conundrum for Lawrence having to admit he likes muscular women or selling out Jennifer
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Bigred81 on August 23, 2018, 11:03:06 pm
Wow this story is awesome!
I would love to see more from Uri's daughter!
How big is she when she flexed? And what happens when she flex those 10 pack?!
Omg.. Can't wait to read more!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: kredenchurut on August 25, 2018, 07:58:59 pm
I really hope she will embarass him at the open house... and also embarass the hell out of all the younger bodybuilders by being much bigger and more ripped than them!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on September 09, 2018, 04:02:07 pm
Any update?  I'm enjoying the plot and your writing style.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on September 10, 2018, 01:07:29 pm
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Any update?  I'm enjoying the plot and your writing style.

Thanks for the continued interest. Its great that people are excited about this story.

I started working on the latest chapter earlier this week so I should have something out within the next week or two.

I'm also working harder on this latest installment to try and streamline my writing style a bit. Rereading some of these earlier post I actually found them a bit cluttered. So I'm working hard to make sure the writing and emotions in this next chapter come through clearly in order to improve the experience for the reader. So stay tuned. Again, its always great to know people are responding to the stuff you are working!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on September 27, 2018, 09:09:46 am
Where is the story? Where is the story? Your fans are waiting :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on September 28, 2018, 03:47:31 am
I saw this story shoot back to the top today and was hoping Eli was sharing more of this wonderful story.  I know from experience that writing takes awhile. Lets give him some time, but not too much, because this story is really good.   :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on September 30, 2018, 08:18:46 am
cant wait to read the next chapter.
I love the way you write.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on October 02, 2018, 12:31:51 am

Hey... Sorry for the delay. I've been away a while and was really surprised to see people were interested in this story. I had no idea! It's really cool to see people appreciate it so much. Thanks to all who posted! I feel bad because I promised this a few weeks ago, but its still not done yet so I figured I'd share at least the first part which I have finished.

I had thought I could be done with the chapter but its taking longer then I thought and I feel like maybe dropping a few shorter chapters might make it easier to read. So in short these are the first 6 or so pages of the latest installment. More forth coming.

As always... love feedback comments. Let me know what you think of the direction the story is going.

Mrs. Jones: The College Years Chapter 3
Part 1

Jinni told me to meet her in the parking lot at 7:30. I sat there waiting on the curb close to the visitor’s parking area.

My heart was fluttering. I was a mess of mixed emotions. I was apprehensive about what the night may bring – I don’t think I had ever really fathomed about what could transpire from Mrs. J crossing into my well-maintained college life. I had only previously met her at her hotel and then later at the show, in her worlds and as a friend to her son. I was beginning to realize she was now crossing over into my world. An idea that was giving me serious pause.

But at the same time – it meant I would get to see her again. And the apprehension I felt was mixed with equal parts excitement. So much so my excessive heartbeat was causing me to sweat through the navy wool suit jacket I was currently wearing.

After returning to campus from the time at the fit expo, I tried my best to adjust back to my life as a college student. But I still couldn’t help but feel I had been exposed to another world that felt more advanced and grown-up than hanging out with my video game playing roommate or Lizzie, who seemed to want to either fuck or hang out with friends.

The people I was around were men… and women. Real adults. And even though they may not be as well known in some circles, they were in fact highly accomplished athletes. Paloma Silvia was the golden girl of female bodybuilding, and there I was inches from her. Even the bros from Pro-Ex were actually adults with a thriving business, who asked me to keep in touch with them and email them about possibly being a brand rep on campus. Whether not they actually meant it or were only being helpful to me because of my relationship with Mrs. J felt a bit irrelevant. They were actual adults out in the world, doing real things.

And that’s what Mrs. J made me feel. She made me think not only was I supposed to be there, but I was equal to anyone who was…

And it was sitting there that I welcomed that feeling this evening, but still with apprehension. I felt any dumb thing out of my mouth could tarnish or taint this relationship. Maybe this was a mistake. Perhaps I should have just texted her to cancel. Appeased myself with merely glancing at her online when she posted a photo on her IG –

But any chance I had to get out of the evening was soon interrupted as my phone buzzed with a text.

JINNI: Pulling up now.

And I could see the LED headlights of Mrs. Jones luxury SUV cut through the night as she pulled into a spot. The engine of the white Porsche shuttering down and then just as quickly I heard the door pop open and then slam shut. Followed by the click of heels across the parking lot….

At first, I couldn’t see her due to the darkness of the evening.

“Lawrence…” I heard her calming voice call out and it soothed me, and it felt like warm honey pouring over me. Sticky, sweet but comforting.

The night was quiet, and the campus had cleared out a bit, and you could only really hear the faint distinct sound of the cicadas that were rural to our area mixed with the click of Mrs. J’s heels as she drew nearer.

“I’m right here…” I said rising from my seat and dusting off a bit of the crud that had gotten on the back of my suit pants as I stood up.

Mrs. J emerged from the darkness. I was once again taken with fear, apprehension, adrenaline… all those powerful emotions but also an odd feeling of pride that this extraordinary woman had chosen to spend time. Time with me. Here! She could have been online with her tens of thousands of fans. And I felt an immense warmness to her, mixed with an odd feeling. A feeling of wanting to protect her….

Mrs. Jones emerged from the darkness and I was once agai given my first glance at her. It seemed as if each time I had seen her, it was like seeing her for the first time – and here it was. That first time all over again, replete with those ripples of excitement…

I had been exposed to soccer mom Mrs. Jones. Beach bunny Mrs. Jones. Casual brunch Mrs. Jones and muscle expo bodybuilder making a statement Mrs. Jones but it was at this moment that I realized I had never been exposed to high-end elegance Mrs. Jones… And that’s what she was undoubtedly embodying this night.

There was something about a woman, who knows when she has ‘It’ – that certain charisma and sex appeal that makes them seem as if they glow and stand out in a crowd – but doesn’t need to force it on you which is as intoxicating as anything. And here Mrs. Jones was with ‘IT’!

She had followed my pleading instructions and dressed in cocktail attire – not come in a posing suit, as she initially threatened me in the car (although, I may have in a fantasy, loved to see what that would have done to the uptight faculty of the history department.).

She had wrapped a light pashmina type scarf around her neck and shoulders. The fabric was flowy and maybe made of silk and sported a floral print. Which I again thought was funny as floral seemed to be the go-to print of choice of women of a certain age and I once again harkened back to the fact that despite Mrs. Jones’ space age physique she was still that soccer mom in an SUV.

The light nature of the scarf covered, or I should say, fit on top of her upper body. Offering slight hints of her thick corded neck and traps as it hugged her tanned muscled skin. The sides of the scarf embraced tight covering her bulged, capped shoulders and tied in front at her pectorals. I should say fit instead of covered because the look was one which on most women would cover, but due to Mrs. Jones overly built muscular neck and shoulders, the scarf had no choice but to wrap itself around, acquiescing to her hard musculature underneath.

Mrs. Jones was sporting a very nice, and most likely very expensive, grey wool dress. The grey, heather color communicated business and class and had a bit of a look of what a high-end business woman would wear to work – and then be able to transition to a post-work cocktail reception without losing stride.

The dress fabric fit and I noticed perhaps had been selected, in light of Mrs. Jones unique build to be sleeveless as it exposed the broad expanse of her back, which I could see bulging, even from the front as she walked towards me.

Despite the professional attire and cut, the dress still seemed to be cut rather high on her powerful legs, mid-thigh… and I couldn’t help but think that the elegance of the dress was meant for something like a young 20-year-old intern at a publishing company flashing her long legs for all the male execs to see. Only this wasn’t a young intern, this was a 43 yr old mom!!

And for a split second, I felt slightly embarrassed for the audacious showiness of Mrs. J’s prominent thighs which seemed to roll, bunch and flex above her small knee joints with each step across the parking lot. I also felt a creeping bit of dread too at the obvious fact that every woman at the event tonight would unfairly compare themselves to Mrs. Jones powerful, shapely legs and no doubt come up short in their own estimations.

“There you are…” Jinni said, and I heard her high heels clack across the pavement and watched her powerful calves flex up and down as she came over to me.

“Stand…” She commanded putting her hands on her hips. And I stood up.

“You look so handsome!” She said giving me a pinch on my cheeks.

In heels, we were close to the same height, and in the flickering light of the parking lot, I took a moment to stare into her eyes.

“Let me see…” She said spinning me around to take in the full look of my suit jacket and trousers.

“My. God… I’m a sucker for a man in a suit. Little hint…” She said and leaned in, her hair brushing across my ear, and the soft hoop of her gold earing swinging inches from my collar. “Every woman is. Although, I’m not sure who tied this tie.” She said taking a step back, and with lightning quickness, she untied my tie and adjusted it through my shirt collar.

“I had to tie Bill’s ties all the time. I used to tie them at night. And then leave them for him in the morning. Sometimes I’m surprised I didn’t need to help him put on his sneakers.”

As Mrs. Jones talked, she quickly flipped, readjusted and then re-tied the tie. As she did so, my close and raised vantage point gave me an intimate view of the small flickers and lightning bolts of sinews, veins, and striations which played under the exposed pec muscle of her low cut dress.

“There you go.” She said pulling the tie tight up against my collar.

“Now… I believe you’ve got an event to escort me to…” She said holding out her arm for me to take her hand in mine.


Inside the history department building, it was a bit cooler then it was outside. There was a good crowd in there and a group of student milling around making small talk with the handful of professors who easily mingled with the students and their parents.

As we headed inside, I walked slightly ahead of Jinni, guiding her inside the sizeable old archway of the buildings entrance hall. As I did so I got an up-close glimpse at the back of her neck, thick with muscle, and I watched as the light scarf danced in the cool breeze, it’s soft fabric playing against the rock-hard muscle underneath. I couldn’t help imagine what that felt like. To be Mrs. Jones. The soft silk scarf seemed to hardly phase her at all as it continued to flap against the overlapping muscles of her thick back. And I thought about how a mighty bull pays no notice to a small fly flapping near it. I wondered too, what it felt like to be her. How did that muscle feel to wear under her skin? Did it feel like an extension of her body? Or did it feel like wearing thick plates of armor?

We found our way inside and posted up in the main lobby area. I generally am a wallflower and like to drift to the corners of parties and stay out of sight and on my own until I leave,  having talked to almost nobody. But as we made our way I noticed as I began to drift to the wall, Jinni stayed in the center of the room. I couldn’t help chalk it up to her natural ease and comfort. It seemed as if she was the center of attention in any place she was in… so why not own it.

Still here, on this night I was amazed that Mrs. Jones’ muscular physiques seemed to have hardly registered, and I began to think that this was either because the assembled were too polite to gawk… but what I genuinely believe was that seeing an outlier like Mrs. Jones in this buttoned-down affair was such a shock few had honestly gotten a sense to properly process it… yet.

“I… hate… parties…’ Jenni said to me, leaning in her way that implied she was taking me into her full confidence. She also finished her sentence by biting down hard on her lower lip. I got the sense she was trying to signal vulnerability in this new situation, but also at the same time the gesture couldn’t help but come across to me as being highly carnal and charged and an I felt a flash of desire run through my stomach.

Mrs. Jones had subtly dropped her scarf, now exposing her pumpkin-sized delts which danced with shadows in the warm lighting of the room. And I could begin to hear from behind her the low ripples of voices of coming from the place….

The soft chattering and whispering. Men and women at the gathering beginning to slowly take in the women in their midst. Looking behind Mrs. Jones and past her massive traps I could see a student behind her, a female close to my age take in Mrs. Jones’ massive back which had now been exposed to her by the dipping scarf and mouth to her companion in wide-eyed amazement.

And across the room, the same scenario was playing out. The gapes, the awe… the, of course, different reactions. The men who tried not to stare. The women who stared with envy and then looked at their male companions to see if they were watching.

Of course through all of this, either by plan or ignorance, Mrs. Jones completely ignored it. Seeming as unflappable as ever.

“Come Lawrence… why don’t you show me around …” Jinni said wrapping her bicep around my arm and taking my hand in hers.

I was about to lead her out to the courtyard which had a lovely 16th Century fountain that had been donated to the school years ago when we heard a rusty old male voice from behind us –

“Lawrence… I thought that was you…
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on October 03, 2018, 12:38:38 am

Hi - Here's the next installment. If you could please disregard the last paragraph or so so of the previous installment I posted I'd much appreciate it. I had another idea which I added.

Again, comments, critiques, encouragement are all welcome.


Part 2

A girl with a serving tray of glasses filled with champagne came over to us –

“Madame –“ I could see her eyes drift briefly to Mrs. Jones musculature and linger for a second before quickly snapping back to her own reality “Uhm… Champagne?” She asked holding out the tray of course only to Mrs Jones who was clearly past drinking age. I only got a brief smile.

“Of course… Aren’t you so sweet…” Jinni said taking one of the glasses as the girl headed off to pass out the rest of the drinks. But not before doing a quick double take over her shoulder in Mrs. J’s direction.

“Here you go…” Jinni said looking both ways before passing me the glass. “Down it.” She said again in a conspiratorial tone.

“But I’m… I’m not 21…” I said protesting.

“Jeez Lawrence… Don’t be such a stick in the mud.” She said giving me a playful wink with one of her dazzling blue eyes. “Besides, I’m in contest prep mode.”  She said and smoothed out the waist of her dress and I could clearly see the defined lumps of her sculpted 8 pack under the fabric. “Don’t you know never to argue with a female bodybuilder while she’s in prep mode. Now if that had been a tray of chocolate cup cakes… Let’s just said there may have been problems.” She laughed again and quickly motioned for me to finish the glass of champagne. Which I did and then quickly passed the empty glass back to Mrs J hopefully before anyone had noticed.

The quick downing of the alcohol had my head swimming. “Are you trying to liquor me up?” I asked her.

“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” She said back with a smirk. “Listen… I need to ask you a question. I have a contest next weekend. The nationals and –“

But before Mrs. Jones could answer I heard a voice coming from behind us…

“Lawrence… I thought that was you… “

And spun to see Professor Jefferies making a B line towards us across the room. I was glad I had finished the drink when I had, if Jefferie’s had caught me with it, it’s no doubt that it would have increased his dislike of me which he often seemed to have little problem hiding.

“Good evening Professor Jefferies – “ I said trying my best to get my bearings after gulping the champagne. That and I was still adjusting from the nearness of being in such close proximity to Jinni, whose muscular body and shoulders I could feel emanating heat just inches away from me.

Soon Professor Jones was right in front of me in his tweed jacket and wool sweater combo.

It had taken a minute but I could see that Jefferies had finally gotten a chance to take in Jinni and his face registered a flash of surprise. It didn’t hurt matters that Mrs. Jones had let her silk scarf drape lightly off her shoulders, allowing him a full view of her tanned muscled neck, capped shoulders, pecs and the top portion of thick biceps which peaked out just above the light colored fabric.

“And who is this divine creature..” Jefferies asked matting down what remained of his balding hair and held his hand out to greet Jinni.

“This is my – “ I froze. We hadn’t exactly worked out this dynamic and my eyes flitted to Mrs j’s who looked at me in recognition of the jam we were in. Whereas my eyes registered panic, Mrs J’s only danced with schoolgirl glee at the prank she was putting over.

“My step mother…” I heard myself say.

While Jinni blurted out… “In law…”

Wait? That didn’t make sense and I could see Jefferies picking it over in his mind.

“My step mother…” I quickly recovered. “She—“

“I was married to his father. Briefly.” Jinni said extending her hand. Her small wrist was replete with a small gold tennis bracelet, which only seemed to highly the golden tan of her skin and the blue veins which snaked up the back of her thickly muscled forearms.

“Right. They were married.” I said jumping in again.

“And then we got divorced.” Mrs. J threw in, keeping the game alive.

“And then my dad remarried… My old mother.” I looked at Jefferies to see if he was buying it, and although he looked a bit puzzled I don’t really even think he caught on.

“Jennifer… Jennifer Halifax” She said finishing up the introduction and extending her hand out.

“Oh mademoiselle enchante…” Jefferies said pawing over Mrs. J’s hand… and if I’m not mistaken I think I even saw him try and press into one of her veins as if to test the tertiary strength of the artery… Before bringing Jinni’s hand up to his mouth to give it a kiss, which I even had to admit seemed to go an uncomfortably long amount of time before Jinni quickly pulled her hand back.

It was at this moment that Mrs. Jones, either by chance or design, slowly undraped the scarf from her shoulders.

“Lawrence, it’s getting hot in here, would you mind holding this my dear.”

And fully exposed her upper body. I had to briefly control the urge to let off a slight whimper as Mrs J stood there, with her shoulders arms and broad back now fully exposed. I was once again taken aback, it seemed like in just the few short days it had been since I saw her at the convention Mrs J had taken her conditioning to another level. Now exposed, I couldn’t help but marvel at the large peeks of her biceps which, contracted and flexed as she folded up the delicate scarf and passed it over to me.

“There we go…  that’s much better.” She said as she adjusted the dress slightly which had dipped while removing the scarf. The action caused a brief ripple of striations to dance across her rounded delts.

I quickly gathered myself… but Jefferies didn’t seem to be dealing with it quite as well. During the unveiling of Mrs J’s upper body I could see his mouth go slack and now he was leaning in slightly rocking back and forth in his thick black loafers and I couldn’t tell if he was shocked, scared… or maybe a combination of the both.

“Professor Jefferies… You okay…” Mrs Jones asked in her most caring Southern Bell voice.

“Oh… Yes… Yes my dear it’s just… As may I say…. You seem to be in quite spectacular shape I—“ Jefferies hand seemed to float out away from his body. It hovered inches from the back of Jinni’s thick triceps which were pushing out from her arms. His hand stood there trembling as Mrs J pumped her arm out straight, flexing the horshoe of her tricep out as the hairlines of the deep striations danced under her tan skin.

Jefferies hand continued to hover there and then… briefly touched the thick tricep and then quickly shot back as if it had burned him. Mrs J did her best to stifle a laugh at how fast she had turned this ‘brilliant man of letters’ into a cowering pool. I was in fact dying and loving every moment of it and I can’t help but think Jinni realized that and was thus prolonging the agony.

“I try to keep active.” Jinni said, drawing back her flexed arm and returning briefly to her relaxed state.

“Uhm… Don’t let her lie to you Professor Jefferies… She’s a professional bodybuilder. Actually she’s number… What are you 37? 42?” I said jokingly padding the number out to try and get in a dig at her expense.

“I’m actually… top ten…” Jinni said in playful mock amusement. “Actually top five.” She finally added and I thought I could see a vein in Jefferies neck go into over drive at the news that he was standing so close to such an elite competitor.

“Oh that’s… Oh is that great… The physical pursuits have a great tradition in the art world… One only need to look at the classic statues of the Roman era which depicted the honed bodies of Olympian athletes.”

“Oh really, Professor Jefferies? I thought you said all athletes were dumb jocks?” I asked him again parroting a statement he had made to class one day about members of the school’s football team. 

“Oh what… no? Me? In fact I too was an athlete. I did archery my junior year at Yale.” He said puffing up his chest.

“My dear in fact if you would like I’d love to show you some very rare Berlusconi carvings that the department has just acquired. I think you will find a kindred spirit in their depiction of the animal lure of the human body…” He said rolling the last part of the sentence with great theatricality.

“Oh Berlusconi. How can I resist!” Jinni said, doing that thing that only she seemingly could do, of communicating one thing to Jefferies, while seemingly signaling another to me.

“Shall we Madame…” Jefferies said holding out his arm.

“You sure you’re going to be alright here… all alone?” Jinni said turning to me.

“I’ll be fine…” I said, now more sure then ever that I could plagiarize the first twenty pages of the Declaration of Independence as my final report and Jefferies would still give me a passing grade.

“You sure… I don’t want to leave my little schmmoopie out here…” Mrs Jones said pinching my cheek again in a way that I realized was completely in mockery and meant to communicate a secret to just me. That we were both players. On the same team playing at this charade.

“You know my little schmoopie here is very shy. I used to have to wash him and bath him and… “ I could see just at the reference of the intimacy of feigned relationship that Jefferies looked as if he was about to burst a blood vessel.

“Ah-hum…” Jefferies said clearing his throat. “We should look at the Berlusconi’s before the evening gets away from us.”

“Of course.” Said Jinni and then gave me a sly wink, before taking Jefferies arm. I stood there watching them briefly as Mrs. Jones muscular back and lower body sauntered away from me before disappearing across the crowded lobby floor.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on October 03, 2018, 03:43:34 pm
Oh, it looks that Mrs. Jones is kind of flirtatious that evening... We do not know her naughty side yet. It is a very promising opening :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on October 03, 2018, 08:28:31 pm
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Hey... Sorry for the delay. I've been away a while and was really surprised to see people were interested in this story. I had no idea! It's really cool to see people appreciate it so much. Thanks to all who posted! I feel bad because I promised this a few weeks ago, but its still not done yet so I figured I'd share at least the first part which I have finished.

You have no idea!! And you can also finish Henry and the Hardbody if you will 😁
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on October 06, 2018, 06:18:22 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Hey... Sorry for the delay. I've been away a while and was really surprised to see people were interested in this story. I had no idea! It's really cool to see people appreciate it so much. Thanks to all who posted! I feel bad because I promised this a few weeks ago, but its still not done yet so I figured I'd share at least the first part which I have finished.

You have no idea!! And you can also finish Henry and the Hardbody if you will 😁

Wow! I haven't even posted that story on this page. Props to you for checking it out. I just re-read some of it last night and do think I should get back to it but not really sure if it will be something i can get to immedeatly but thanks for checking it out.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on October 06, 2018, 07:29:05 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Hey... Sorry for the delay. I've been away a while and was really surprised to see people were interested in this story. I had no idea! It's really cool to see people appreciate it so much. Thanks to all who posted! I feel bad because I promised this a few weeks ago, but its still not done yet so I figured I'd share at least the first part which I have finished.

You have no idea!! And you can also finish Henry and the Hardbody if you will 😁

Wow! I haven't even posted that story on this page. Props to you for checking it out. I just re-read some of it last night and do think I should get back to it but not really sure if it will be something i can get to immedeatly but thanks for checking it out.

I follow you there  :)
Can't wait to read what's coming next
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Bugenhagen on October 07, 2018, 11:43:11 pm
The writing... the premise... AH! I just love it. Great work
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on October 21, 2018, 12:39:40 pm
Amazing story.
cant wait to read the next part
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on October 31, 2018, 09:40:48 pm
Excited to post this last part of Chapter 3 for everyone. Big shot out to Taoschild who got me off my butt and helped me work through a bit of writers block and also offered up his editing skills for this entry thanks again.

Karma and feedback much appreciated. Love feedback on where and how everything feels this is going. Thanks again for taking a look.

CHAPTER 3 part 2

I watched Mrs. Jones' impossibly muscular upper body saunter its way across the room. Her thick shoulders, arms and exposed back, open for all to see quickly disappeared into the hallway and I was left alone.

I made my way across the party. A hint of Jinni’s aroma still lingered on my arm where she had playfully touched me earlier during our charade and playing stepmother and son. I smelled my shirt and could always pick up the light scent of her perfume, flowery with a bit of spice to it. And that hint of coconut. Like the beach. Even when I think of her now, that’s how I remember her…

But I was soon interrupted by the sound of someone behind me --

“I’m sorry but who the f- is she?’ It was a girl’s voice, and I spun around to see--

Tara Owens. Tara was a classmate of mine, but she was also the captain of the school’s girl’s volleyball team. Tall and supermodel lean, Tara looked as if you combined every hot blonde tennis player into a single girl. She was nationally ranked, and it was big news when she had picked our little school over a bigger college on the West Coast.

I stammered slightly to get my answer out “My step mother…. In law..” I managed to get out, thinking we should go with the roles we had decided to play spontaneously. And then dumbly adding the “In law…” part. I quickly recovered.

“My stepmother… My ex-stepmom…” I said starring dumbly into Tara’s lipid pools of electric blue eyes. While I had, of course, clocked Tara in my history class but one never in a million years dream of even uttering a word to her and now here she was talking to me and surrounded by her posse of equally beautiful blonde volleyball playing babettes. My date with muscular Mrs. Jones was paying unexpected dividends.

“Damn… Your stepmom is jacked…” Tara said, accentuating the end of her sentence of a little bit of a valley girl twinge, that I might generally find annoying but on her seemed to suit her. The profound respect she was showing for Jinni’s hard-fought muscular body, athlete to athlete was turning me on a bit.

“Did you see her back!” One of Tara’s friends exclaimed.

“And her legs were like BLAM! BLAM!” Said another in apparent awe of Mrs. Jones sweeping lower body musculature.

“Yes. She works out –“ I said rather dumbly, again, saying Jinni worked out was a bit like saying Lebron James played a little bit of basketball.

The girls soon laughed.

“She’s a bodybuilder. “ I quickly added. “Top five in the world.”

Tara extended me her hand and I shook it in awe. “Tara Owens… Me and my friends do a study a group if you want to drop by. We try and turn Professor Jefferies stuff into something at least partially interesting.”

Tara laughed slightly as she said this and I saw that her abs, tanned and exposed, in her belly cut shirt tensed somewhat. She was a highly erotic turn on, but still nothing compared to the solid cue balls of abs I had seen on display by Mrs. J at last weeks expo.  Even un-flexed, Jini’s abs looked as if they might, at any moment, burst through their skin.

“You should stop by…” Tara added with a twinkle.

I couldn’t believe it. Tara was a walking dream billboard all through campus. At almost six feet and ravishing she turned heads everywhere she went. She was every guy’s go to crush. And now here she was… inviting me to study with her and the entire volleyball team. I had, of course, experienced the halo effect that Mrs. Jones’ body had caused, but now, here she was creating ripples when she wasn’t even in the room!

“What’re Y'all talking about?” I heard Jinni’s silk smooth drawl come up behind me and briefly tickled the hairs on the back of my neck.

“Jinni, I’ll go to the bar and get us some waters…” I heard Professor Jeffery’s say clearing across the room. Before Jinni give him a kindly, albeit slightly dismissive fluttery wave with one of her hands. Her long, well-manicured nails catching a bit of the soft lighting of the room.

“We were just talking about how cool you look…” gushed Tara breathlessly.

“Aww… thanks well aren’t you so sweet.” Said Mrs. Jones taking in the compliment in stride.

“Could you… you know….” Added Tara, bringing her arms up into an exaggerated flex, which I noticed caused her own well-toned biceps to pop notably.

Jinni laughed, I’m sure flattered by the attention that the cute girls were lavishing on her.

“Uhm… erh… let me see…” She said. Standing back a bit. “I’m not exactly dressed for it… but – “ Mrs. J said in regards to her evening dress, whose back looked as if it was struggling mightily to keep her bulging lats under wraps without tearing.

“Here goes…” Said Jinni. Once again unfurling the scarf and passing it off to me.

Jinni took a step back, placed her left hand on her hip, and balled her right hand into a fist. And then with the great theatricality of a natural performer cocked her hip slowly to the side bending down and finished by bringing her fist into a hard flex. A tight baseball-sized ball of muscle bunched and then popped up along her arm, stretching her skin tight and allowing a large blue vein that snaked along the top to pop prominently to life. The hard flex also caused the veins on Mrs. J’s forearms to push out and press out forming silhouetted blue subway map sized veins to crisscross across her arms.

“Got- damn…” I head one of Tara’s friends in tone.

Mrs. J then hinged at the hip. Lowering her elbow slightly like a tea kettle. I could see now, the reason for this was to allow her bat wing sized lats to pop out and accentuate her small waist. She then pumped her bicep one more time and brought it up in line with her shoulder one final time.

The effect of the last pump I could see now was to fill the bicep with blood and bring it to it’s full, flushed shape, which was now noticeably more extensive and more than defined than just moments ago.

“Got… damn….” Tara’s friend said once more. And I could see that the three college-age girls were all slack-jawed with the large muscle displayed inches from their face

Not only that. Mrs. J’s display had brought the night to a stop, and I could see pretty much every head in the nearby vicinity crane to see the impromptu flexing show that was being performed by a person whom everyone in the room believed to be my stepmother.

“Ah-mazing…” Tara finally said. A goofy grin crossing her face.

For the piece-de-resistance. Mrs. J, slowly and again, with great theatricality, brought her hands down to her waist. Balled her fists and, just like I had seen her do in her rear flex during the photo shoot at the fitness show, mashed her fists hard against her waist causing the fabric of her dress. I noticed, with the force generated by her small fists, the fabric bunch of up and she smashed her hands hard against her hips, contracting her already tiny waist into a now, near minuscule shape. Then… slowly… clenching her fists harder… sending out snaking veins over her already pumped forearms and shoulders and then…. With a quick upward motion popping up on her toes and cocking her elbows out to the side in a full-on lat spread.

The pose was an impossibly forceful and powerful and I noticed the contracted muscles of her arms and the upward swing of her flaring back caused her rippled pecs, which were having problems being contained in her low cut dress, to stretch wide over her clavicles and splinter in flexed muscle meat. The top muscle of her chest even pumping up high and obscuring the bottom part of her chin.

Mrs. J stood there for only a few moments holding the pose, which was no doubt impossibly powerful in front of the gawking girls. Before quickly dropping her arms at her side.

“Can’t do that one too much… Or I’ll be back at Nordstrom returning the dress….” Jinni added offhandedly. She shook her arms out to relax them, and I noticed the ropy muscles bunch and flex.

The girls all broke out into spontaneous applause.

# # #

Later. Jinni, Tara and her friends spoke about training for a little bit, with Mrs. J even acknowledging Tara’ remarkable build for a college-age girl.

“I didn’t start training until after I had a kid. If I had started at your age…” Mrs. J said, and I could see Tara glow with some pride.

We left them with Jinni promising she would send then some training tips and that they would keep in touch via email.

A little bit later we found our way out to the courtyard area. Professor Jefferies had not so subtly slipped his number to Jinni and sauntered off with a hop in his step to mingle with more parents.

“Did he try to do anything to you?” I asked.

“Why? If he did. What are you going to do? Fight your history professor?” Mrs. J asked, raising an arched eyebrow in a taunting manner.

“Yeah – I maybe…” My fists began to tighten.

“Don’t worry. The only thing he tried to do was to give me a history lesson on ancient European sculpture.”

I briefly unballed my fist.

“But I’m so glad I have you here as my protector…” She leaned forward and draped her muscular arms on my shoulders and gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

The night outside was warm, but a little bit of fall had just started to creep into the air, and we both sat there for a moment, quiet. The area had a large fountain in the middle, and we both observed silently, happy for a reprieve of peace from the festivities.

“My protector.” Mrs. Jones said. Her arm felt terrific. It felt so different than anyone else's arm. Substantial and I could even feel the thick vein of her bicep pressed lightly into the back of my neck. That was the thing about Mrs. J, she was substantial. She took up space. Physically. Mentally. Nothing on her body was there by mistake. No square inch of her frame existed by default, it had all been earned. Chiseled away by grueling hours in the gym. This gave her a fantastic presence and substance in the world. You felt as if, when everything was flying and spinning, she was the one beacon – that north star you could set your compass by.

“Don’t you think you should go back and visit your adoring public.” I said in a joking manner.

“Oh my… “ Mrs. J laughed a throaty laugh and tossed her head back.

“I think you certainly left a positive impression on Professor Jefferies.”

“Oh… He’s so cute…” She said in a way that was both off hand and dismissive. The way you may describe a friend’s pet whose constantly yapping for attention. But still, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy.

We rose to get up and head back inside satisfied with our moment of peace out away from the party, but before I headed back Jinni grabbed me by the shoulders and spun me around.

“Before we go back in  – I just need to know… Are you proud of me…” She asked me. Standing there, she took both of my hands in hers and looked me in the eyes. I’m sure to anyone observing at the party, the image looked somewhat ludicrous. Me, a bony long college student, ahead or so higher than Mrs. J, in silhouette, her body thickly muscled, bulging arms, bulging back, lats and a lower body that was so curved with muscle it should have come with its own traffic hazard sign. Standing there, facing each other in the moonlight as the music of the party was drifting out into the courtyard.

“Of course I’m proud of you,” I said.

“Good,” she said and quickly broke off the embrace

“Lawrence… You’re so cool…” She said and gave me another playful tussle of my hair and trotted off back into the crowd.

# # #

We had spent about another hour or so in the party with Mrs. J, of course, being the talk of the night and getting Professor Jefferies' phone number.

"Call me Mon Cherie--" He said planting a kiss on her hand.

Heading back to Mrs. J's car we walked side to side along the small walkway that lead to the parking lot.

“Lawrence I need to know if our great friendship is going to continue are you an introvert or an extrovert… meaning do you like to be around people or are you more comfortable with your own space… "

“I guess… I do like to be around people, but also like my own space.”I said taking this in and being a bit surprised by the level of depth of Mrs. Joneses' question.

“So, an introvert. Good. Good. I’m one too –“ She said and smiled.

“I don’t think so. You always seem to shine when you're around people.” I added, looking over to her.

“It’s all an act.” She said, in a kind of mock diva voice. And then gently rolled her head back on my shoulder. “I’m shy but…” She put her hand to lips as if she was telling a secret, but exaggerated the action to imply a certain detachment “Don’t tell anyone.”

“Now come on.”  She began to trot along a bit of the grass alongside the path back to the parking lot. “You always need to walk a lady back to her car to make sure she gets back alright.”

She said and bound forward a bit making me run to catch up with her. As we walked back, Mrs. Jones walked in the grass. She took her heels off and walked barefoot, kicking up a bit of the evening dew that had fallen. She walked kick up her legs as if exaggerating the walking action, and I could see her small, feminine feet, complete with a beautiful shade of pink nail polish kick up the dew that had collected on the grass. She felt entirely natural as if she was some sort of nature sprite, more connected to movements of the planet and life and nature and it was in moments like this I couldn’t help notice how small she would seem – far and away from the crowds and despite her massive frame she had a way of making you feel like you needed to protect her.

As we traipsed along and took my hand in hers. Holding it only by the fingertips, somehow it made feel even more intimate then if she had held the entire thing.

“Okay…. So give it to me. How did I do?”

“I think you did awesomely.”

“Hmmm., “ she said pursing her lips tightly as if really taking this in. “I do think you’ll maybe get some good grades from Michael…” She said referring to Professor Jefferies, as I guess they were on a first name basis now. 
“Oh yeah…”

We finally arrived at her car and Mrs J dug into her purse and clicked the car doors open.

“We can talk more about it at the show…”

“What show?" I asked. “The Nationals?”

“Yeah… duh…” She said clicking her tongue and shrugging her shoulders as if it was the most natural thing. The playful movement made her numerous traps bulge up high giving the motion even more of a pronounced effect and made Mrs. J’s neck and shoulder region look Frankenstein thick. And I couldn’t even help but notice the movement causes a ripple of a thick vein to cascade down the profile of her rounded out shoulder and off the thick tip of her bicep. The vein stood out even more so in the street light of the darkened parking lot.

"You brought it up but you didn't say anything else..."

"My bad... Contest prep brain..." She said in a dismissive manner. "I have the nationals in a few weeks. My biggest show of the year, I have a friend coming out to help me, but I'll need my manager there. You know help me handle stuff. Bill and Sebastian used to do that for me -- but you know... Bill's kind of out of the picture and Seb's away at school so... "

"What kind of stuff?" I said kind of dumbly.

“Lawrence… You’re my manager…” She said and leaned in pushing one of her fingernails in my chest in playful mock annoyance.

“Fine… Fine… I guess I’m on my own.” Mrs. J said throwing up her arms in a shrug and heading around to the driver’s side of her car. And I noticed, again bathed in the mixture of the moonlight and the streetlight ahead, the exaggerated gesture caused the muscles of her back to bunch and her lats to flex out to an excessive degree that I was glad the dress seemed to have a stretching fabric which moved to accommodate Mrs. J built body.

"Besides... it's just going to be a bunch of muscled oily women posing and prancing in small bathing suits. I guess we are kind of foolish... Kind of gross and freaky..."

It was the first time I had heard Jinni talk about herself that way and I couldn't tell if she was genuinely down on herself or just being a bit self-deprecating.

"I- I think it's cool..." I said managing to stammer out a response and try to keep my poker face as possible.

"Cool... I think it's kinda cool too..." Mrs J said smiling back.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on October 31, 2018, 10:51:30 pm
Such an amazing story...
I deeply love it...
A work of art such as Mrs Jones' physique!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pepperdog on November 01, 2018, 03:41:00 pm
Great story, here's more karma
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on November 01, 2018, 11:50:05 pm
Wonderful story. I look forward to where its going between the two of them.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on November 02, 2018, 10:19:25 am
009eli, I wonder whether I more love you for the story or I hate you for publishing subsequent chapter so rarely... When I decide I will let you know :)
I hope the whole volleyball team will start lifting heavily from now on :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on November 02, 2018, 03:42:54 pm
Hi! What a great plot setting chapter. I wonder now that all the school will know about Jinni how it will go for him and his girlfriend...
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 25, 2018, 12:10:33 am
Hey everyone. Working on the latest chapter which I'm hoping to have out by next month, but in the meantime here is a what I'm calling a little 'Interlude' which will bridge Chapter 3 and 4 as nice little treat to enjoy with your turkey left overs.

Thanks. Comments and karma always welcome!

“Let’s see. Well, you missed a bunch of these answers…” Professor Jefferies said as he went over my test scores. “But you seem to have a good knowledge of the subject so…” He said smiling and then, ignoring a sea of red pen marks on my history quiz he quickly changed my B – grade into a B.

“Ah… What the hell…” And then crossed the B out and finally made it an A minus.

“Jinni’s competition is this weekend huh?” Jefferies asked passing my test back to me with the new highlighted grade. “I know she’s nervous. Had to bring in her body fat and add to her quad sweep. I know Paloma is a favorite but I actually really think Jinni has a good shot at getting the title.”

I looked at Professor Jefferies in an odd way. “We corresponded by email and I was checking some of Insta**** posts…” He said, no doubt covering up his obvious schmoe-like tendencies, but who was I to be mad about something like that. After all to come down on him would be hypocritical.

“I can’t go this weekend, big history conference. But if you could give Jinni this.” Jefferies said as he dug under his desk and pulled out a hardbound book.

“Great romantic poetry…” I said reading the title.

“Yes… Yes… Jinni expressed a bit of an interest in it…and I just want to give it to her to wish her luck.”

I flipped the book open and saw he had written something in Latin on the inside in a dedication to Jinni.

“Oh yeah... Just a little well-wishing from me. No need to read it. And if you could just –“ He then leaned down again and pulled a long, red long stem rose out from a vase on his deck and stuck it in the book.

I quickly grabbed the book and my freshly graded mid-term test and bounced out of the office.

It seemed like in the past week since Jinni made her appearance at the History open house things like that had been happening to me over and over again. Now when I came to class Jefferies never seemed to call on me or embarrass me, and as soon as I walked in Tara and her clique of buffed up, volleyball girls beaconed me to a seat next to them. Every eye in the room watched me, and every guy looked on in jealousy as Tara tapped the seat immediately next to her she saved for me each class. As I took it, sitting next to her and Becky Garvis, the teams star spiker and a near 6 foot 3 amazon of a woman whose delts would bump into me during class, and she bent over to take notes during class.

In fact, everything seemed to be smooth sailing. Not only that, because Lindsey wasn’t taking a history class this semester it appeared as if she had been sequestered from hearing anything about Mrs. Jones’ appearance.

Everything seemed to be going perfectly…

That was until just a few days before the contest…

I was sitting in the student commissary with my roommate Roger and his girlfriend Amber, just grabbing a quick lunch in between classes. They had gotten pizza, but with the upcoming deadline of seeing Jinni I had declined the delicious smelling pizza and instead got a salad. I couldn’t really explain it. Ever since being around Jinni and looking at photos I just wanted her to be proud of me. I would have felt disgusted with myself I had gone to see her, her body cut and ripped poising in a tiny bikini (not only to mention all the other muscle women I would get to see this weekend) if I had shoved a pizza in my face. That was how she made you feel like you wanted to be a better person.

When I heard Lizzy's voice come up behind me. A slight shudder rippled in me. It had been a little over a week since I had last seen her, and we had slowly been drifting apart as Mrs. Jones became a more prominent aspect in my life and free time. And I definitely hadn’t seen or talked to her since Mrs. J had made her presence known by attending the history department event in the role of my escort and stepmother.

‘Hey there Lawrence. Long time no see—‘ I heard Lizzy say as she plopped down in a seat next to me. I was no expert on emotions, but I could get a sense from her expression that there was a bit of bitterness in her tone. Perhaps I had been lax in my duties as a boyfriend to her, but ever since that start of our relationship, we had both agreed to be casual. That and I had not actually ever done anything to cheat on her, although the thoughts of Mrs. J occupied my mind and more than once when Lizzy and I had been intimate the thoughts of Lizzy’s thin frame being replaced by Mrs. J’s massive musculature had danced through my mind.

Roger and Amber greeted Lizzy as she joined us with polite hellos.

“You’ve been quite a busy man… Hard to get a hold of.” She said. I remained quiet. I wasn’t sure exactly what she was getting at. And Roger and Amber shared a look at her tone was becoming apparent to everyone at the table.

“Hey, Lizzy…” I said trying my best to keep my cool as she leaned across the table and grabbed a slice of pizza off the tray without asking.

“So… Kind of crazy that we’ve been dating a few months and you didn’t tell me you’re parents were divorced.”

And it was now apparent what Lizzy had been getting at. Although Lizzy didn’t take any history courses, and our school was large, it was only a matter of time that word of the hubbub Jinni showing up had caused would flood back to her.

“Did you know Lawrence’s parents here were separated…” Lizzy asked across the table in Roger’s direction. Roger shook his head. Maybe a little confused about why this information seemed to put Lizzy so on edge.

“Also… I hear you’ve become quite good friends with Tara Owens and that entire volleyball group of hers.” She said. Pronouncing ‘Volleyball group’ with the disdain like it was something to be ashamed of.

Again Roger and Amber traded confused glances.

“First of all. My parents were separated, but my dad has gotten back together with my mom…” I said. Somewhat swallowing my words. As I knew very well what I was saying was untrue, but that the damage had been done “I also didn’t know I had to clear all of my social interactions with you.” I said defending myself.

Lizzy took another slice of pizza and dabbed the crust in the orange grease that had been pooling on her plate. I noted with a bit of disgust, comparing it perhaps unfairly to Mrs. Jone’s highly regimented eating habits. Noting that the times I had been with Mrs. Jones, she consumed helpings of the perfectly measured out foods she needed for her diet. Again, a sign of her discipline and rigor as opposed to Lizzie’s gluttony. I wanted to tell her that if she had been more disciplined in her eating habits, maybe she could get rid of a bit of her belly that she often complained about. But I kept my mouth shut deciding to fight one battle at a time.

“I am so confused…” Roger said sharing a bit of a concerned look with me, his roommate. And Amber who had been dragged into this domestic drama against their will while eating lunch.

“I guess Lawrence here has a stepmother who is some big buffed up championship weightlifter or something – “ Lizzy said again hitting the words ‘Buffed up’ in a way that communicated clownishness and ‘weightlifter’ with the same disdain she had shown for ‘volleyball player’ just a few moments earlier.

“First… she’s a bodybuilder and not a weightlifter… and again, I don’t see why this is any of your business.” I said now feeling the need to protect Mrs. Jones and come to her defense and also beginning to feel a rising bit of annoyance by being attacked by Lizzy.

“Oh… sorry… Bodybuilder. Didn’t mean to attack your girlfriend.” Lizzy said perhaps sensing the way to choose the right words to sting me.

“I’m so confused…” Amber said.

“I just think it's odd that Lawrence disappears for the last two weekend and gets all shady and then when we talked about families, and I said my parents were divorced… you never said anything about your family being separated.”

Even though I was feeling very attacked, I could empathize with Lizzy. She felt betrayed and betrayed by the trust in our relationship. I had maybe been a bit shady as the desire to spend more and more time with Mrs J and the headspace that Mrs. J had taken up, be into seeing her in the flesh or spending time talking with her online and glancing at the numerous galleries and pix she had posted documenting her getting ready for the upcoming contents.

“Lawrence here showed up to the history department meet up with his stepmom. A real honest to god, buffed up female bodybuilder.” Lizzy continued, as she told bodybuilder she even did the exaggerated sort of puffed up chest thing that people do to indicated a muscle head. The odd thing is, the hate Lizzy was sending in Mrs. Jones way only kind of made me turned on by her even more. The sheer fact that Mrs. Jones physicality threatened my girlfriend so much, and she didn’t even need to be here just spoke of how truly spectacular what Jinni had been able to achieve with her physique.

“Do you have pictures…” Roger said in a way that indicated that he too was getting slightly odded out by the fact that his roommate of a few months maybe hadn’t been completely honest with him about his home life.

“Come on pictures,” Lizzy said now, knowing full well that she could drag this out in a way to embarrass me and get back from not being honest with her about my whereabouts the last few weeks.

“I don’t… “ I stammered out, kind of wanting the entire thing to be other with.

“You don’t have pictures of your stepmom?” Lizzy asked, communicating that she was doubtful.

“Like I said, my dad remarried for a brief period. Then got back together with my mom.”

“So what’s this ‘Bodybuilder’s’ name? Let's take a look at her. There’s got to have pictures online. After all, I heard she made quite an impression.”

“Jinni—“ I began to stammer out, but then realized that Jinni had changed her name after her divorce “Jennifer Halifax.” I finally said, a bit of anxiety creeping into my stomach as far as what was going to happen next. I had already come to terms with how Lizzy was acting, but a part of me felt protective of Mrs. Jones and didn’t feel it was fair or right that she was being dragged in such a way without her being here to defend herself.

At the same time, both Roger and Amber looked nervous as well at the way Lizzie was behaving herself.

“Let’s see Jennifer… Halifax… female… bodybuilder…” Lizzie said typing into her phone. Even just hear Lizzy say the words ‘female bodybuilder’ was giving me a slight turn on.

I sat, waiting a second nervously as Lizzie looked at her phone and then –

“Oh… oh…. BLEEACH!!’ She finally said looking down at her phone and making the noise of someone pretending to throw up and pretending to cover her mouth.

“Oh barf…” she said again and pretending to cover her mouth as she pulled up the image.

“Let me see…” Asked Roger now becoming more interested. Lizzy passed him the phone, and Roger’s reaction of disgust flittered briefly under his face.

“Oh no…” He said less with meanness and more with general concern.

The image she had found had been one that had recently been posted on Jinni’s IG page. The shot was a promo for ‘Pro-Ex’s new line of pre-workout supplements called ‘X-Treme-X’ and the photo definitely fell in line with the name of the product. The shot depicted Mrs. Jones in full buffed up to the max mode mid bicep curl. Despite the fact that the photo was taken in the gym Mrs. J was sporting a criminally tiny pair of bikini bottoms and a top emblazoned with the ‘Pro-Ex’ logo that had been stylishly distressed to make it look like Jinni’s bulging muscles had torn through the neck. Mrs. J was posing mid-curl, and everything in the photo, including the lighting, the camera angle and a thin layer of oil and sweat had been choreographed to make the set up look as extreme as possible. Mrs. J teeth were gritted as she cranked the bar which had two huge 45 lb plates on each side. The sheer weight caused every fiber in her arms and even up to her shoulders to flex prominently, and veins crisscrossed her exposed pecs and flared up under her neck as she gritted her teeth communicating her strength and power. The bottom of the photo ended right around her upper thighs which allowed for her bulletproof hard flexed 8-pack and the top points of thickly muscled upper thigh and the bulging curve of one of her glutes to be visible.

The photo was a secret favorite of mine, maybe an example of muscle pushed too far. It was definitely extreme, but I felt Lizzy was a bit too mean.

Amber leaned over and looked over at the photo as well. She seemed to take a moment to take it in.

“Pretty gross right?” Lizzy said taking a moment to snatch the phone away and find another photo. This one was of Mrs. J in a bikini, slightly less extreme but still striking in her display of muscularity.

Lizzy passed the phone back over to Roger and Amber who both looked at it.

“Err…” Roger, I think his face communicating some disgust but not wanting to mean about a person he believed was one of my family members –

“That’s fucking gross right?” Lizzy said again loudly, I feel like trying to promote a reaction.

“That’s pretty hardcore,” Roger said I think trying to find the most politically correct thing to say.

“Gross, right Amber? This woman obviously has mental problems.” Lizzy asked the only other person at the table.

Amber took another look at the photo, seeming to take a bit more time to look at it then Roger did.

“I don’t know… for me… It’s not my cup of tea. And I wouldn’t want to ever look like that myself, but I think we now celebrate all different types of women and different types of bodies… if she chooses to look like that and it makes her happy, then we should support it.”

“She looks like a freak…” Lizzy said back.

Amber shrugged as if again taking this into consideration “Again, it's not my cup of tea, but I think there are different ways women can be beautiful. And I definitely respect the work she had to put in to look like this. I – don’t like it, but jeez that must have taken years of training.”

I was a bit surprised by Amber's remarks especially coming from someone like her who didn’t really seem to do much exercise besides gaming with Roger, I felt her comments were surprisingly progressive, but it only looked to egg Lizzy on.

“Blah-ha!” She said letting out an exaggerated laugh. “Look at her in a dress. Its kind of funny” Lizzy said and flipped around her phone. She had found a photo of Mrs. Jones at some kind of award banquet, and she was wearing an evening gown, which did look slightly out of place. Her huge capped muscled shoulders and veiny arms were clearly evident under the elegant dress.

“Okay… We get it.” I said finally. But Lizzy was on a tear.

“You realize this woman is taking massive amounts of steroids, right Lawrence?” She said again and this time flipped between two photos of Jinni from a recent contest, looking freakishly large as she held a lat spread on stage.

It was the first time in a while I had heard the ‘S-word’ said in conjunction with Mrs. Jones. Of course, back in Hawthorne, there were whisperings about it, and I’m sure my mom and some of the other women in town had said such things, and I saw what people had said as well in the comments section when Jinni posted photos. I had perhaps chosen to ignore them, but I couldn’t remaining being that naive. Still, I had been up close with Mrs. J, and despite maybe some light acne around her jawline, I could see none of the normal side effects one associated with steroid use. Her skin was nearly crystal clear and her voice, slightly throaty, but more in the way an older mature women’s would be and nothing out of the ordinary. Yet I knew the world of competitive bodybuilding somewhat, and I knew that even the girls at local shows were taking something and that for Mrs. Jones to compete at the level she did involve heavy drug use. And not only that to hold the size she did well into her 40s would have been unachievable naturally, but still, it registered as a shock to have Lizzy come out and say it in such a way.

“You know this woman is like a drug addict right?” Lizzy said again with a level of bitterness I was surprised by. But at the same time having her call Mrs. J out on her apparent use of steroids again weirdly left me feeling turned on.

“You don’t know her. She’s a very nice person.” I said trying my best to get the subject settled. I think I had known that things with Lizzy were done at this point, there was no future for us. What would she do? If she ever met my parents, she would quickly found out I had lied about the entire situation. Perhaps that’s why I had done this the whole time. To destruct this relationship.

“Was she popping needles when she was your step mommy?” Lizzy retorted. “I bet a spanking from her old muscles really packed a wallop.” She said again.

“Okay, that’s enough” Roger finally said. I think both him and Amber were feeling bad for me and realizing Lizzy had crossed a line.

“You know this is a person in my life who I really enjoy…” I finally said, finding a well of strength inside of me that I wasn’t sure I knew existed. “Whatever she is doing with herself is her own business.” I finally said.

I could see both Roger and Amber give me a look that said they were proud I had stood up for myself. And I was proud too. I wanted to tell Mrs. Jones that I had stood up and defended her good name in her absence. But at the same time thinking about the hurt that may come if she knew she was being made fun of in such a way.

“Fine… whatever….” Lizzy finally said snapping her phone shut. “I’m going to get some grub… want to join.” She said to me as if nothing had happened.

I declined and told her I had work to do.

“Suit yourself,” She said and headed off to the food court.

I quickly excused myself and went back to the dorm. I was pissed and tried to get some of the work I needed to get done, done so I could have everything cleared before I went to help Jinni at the show that weekend.

I was a little bit into an English essay I needed to complete when I heard a knock on the door.

“I’m so sorry…” It was Lizzy. I popped the door open, and her nose was wet from snot and her eyes red from crying.

“I’m sorry Lawrence… I didn’t mean to make fun of your family member. I just was hurt when I thought you were lying to me.” She said crying and collapsing into my arms. Gone was the anger and bitterness that was so prevalent at lunch. It was replaced by a kind of helplessness, and I genuinely felt terrible as Lizzy continued to blubber in my arms.

“I was—that was so rude. You are right. I shouldn’t have made fun of that woman” she said as she continued to cry. Despite my feelings, I patted her on the back comforting here. It’s okay.

“I just – I just like you is all,” Lizzy said looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

Before we knew it, Lizzy leaned in and kissed me. I tried to fight her off, but I felt bad and returned it. Before I knew it, we had tumbled down onto my bed.

“Yes… Yes… “ Lizzy cried out as she climbed on top of me, I couldn’t help noticing she was intense and emotional and also highly aggressive. I was frustrated and still highly annoyed about the unfair way she had talked about Mrs. Jones at lunch and quickly flipped her over and climbed on top.

“Oh my god yes!!” Lizzy cried out seemingly getting more and more turned the rougher I got. I grabbed my hand and placed it around her neck, squeezing, which seemed to drive her crazy and she fumbled for her pants button and quickly slide them down her hips. She grabbed at my belt, and I promptly popped it open. I’m not sure I was turned on, I was operating more on anger and resentment only Lizzy seemed to be completely into it.

She grabbed my dick out of my pants which was only even hard and begin to massage it with her hands. I honestly wasn't turned on but knew I couldn’t turn her away like this and went along more out of moment and passion.

Only something sparked to life inside of me. “Fine!” I said and flipped Lizzy over on her stomach and forced her head down. I quickly grabbed my dick and began stroking in and closed my eyes… Seeing in my mind's eye Lizzy’s thin boney back quickly transform into Mrs. Jones massive bulging one. Lizzy’s weak lats quickly become Mrs. J’s massive bulging lastissimus dorsi and her small, bird-like shoulders transformed under my hands in Jinni’s thick cannonball sized delts.

“You like that Lawrence…” I heard Mrs. Jones throaty cue float into my ear.

“I do… I do…” I said to myself continuing to imagine myself pumping at Mrs. J’s massively muscular physique until I collapsed, spent, onto the bed and slept.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on November 25, 2018, 06:09:18 am
 I was wondering when it would happen... here we go! Now that the cat is out of the bag, let's see how it develops. With four women looking after him....
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 28, 2018, 04:48:52 pm
Working on the next chapter now. It may be a bit long so Ill need to break it up when its released.... bu I have some exciting news, there's a scene where Mrs J is wearing a sexy outifit... and guess what... I want readers to choose the outfit. So I'm posting a poll.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: mrshhh on November 28, 2018, 07:40:08 pm
Love the poll idea!  I like all the choices, but I wanted to suggest "construction worker" as well.   
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 29, 2018, 12:17:39 am
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Love the poll idea!  I like all the choices, but I wanted to suggest "construction worker" as well.

I love it! Its is such  Mr. Shhh type outfit (and I mean that in the best way possible!) Let me see how the poll goes but maybe I can try to get something like that in in a future chapter!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on November 29, 2018, 10:13:52 pm
If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 30, 2018, 11:45:25 pm
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If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...

Hmmm... So QB you just want her to come out and straight up seduce him?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 01, 2018, 09:25:52 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
If she truly wants to seduce him, then she should wear a sexy robe, underwear and not pretend to flirt...

Hmmm... So QB you just want her to come out and straight up seduce him?
If it's what intend to, yes. If not, no... I'm speaking only about the outfit if there's an intent, direction from your side. I don't want to influence your story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on December 02, 2018, 07:26:16 am
I enjoyed the new section a ton. I think its more important how she seduces him rather than what she is wearing. If its accidental then maybe a robe would be better. If its purposeful then something to teach Lawrence how she wants him to become.  Great Job. I look forward to the next installment.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 03, 2018, 12:20:49 am
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I enjoyed the new section a ton. I think its more important how she seduces him rather than what she is wearing. If its accidental then maybe a robe would be better. If its purposeful then something to teach Lawrence how she wants him to become.  Great Job. I look forward to the next installment.

Thanks! Glad you liked it. Know there wasnt a ton of muscle of action but hoping that the next chapter makes up for it.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Jimthehunter54 on December 04, 2018, 09:46:05 am
For the other category I was going to throw the idea of a teacher out there.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 04, 2018, 10:31:47 pm
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For the other category I was going to throw the idea of a teacher out there.

Thats a good one I haven't thought of! Ill keep it under consideration and could maybe use it in a future chapter.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 07, 2018, 04:38:39 pm
Hey! Thanks to everyone  for participating in the poll and I will try to incorporate as much of everyone’s feedback as I can in the upcoming chapters.

When I started the chapter I had a basic idea but it quickly began to spin out into a longer and longer length and very soon has become the longest thing I’ve written. So I’m proofing it as I go and posting as I finish each chunk which should maybe be 4 or 5 pieces when its all finished. Ill try to post them as I go so check back here to as I update it!

Please remember – comments, feedback, karma all welcome! Let me know how you think the story is going and I feel like it’s also important at this juncture to mention *all characters in this story are over 18yrs of age.

Muscular Mrs. Jones The College Years Chapter 4 Part 1

The next few days until the contest flew by. I guess I had bought myself a little bit of time with Lizzy, as our make out session seemed to in some ways take care of her. And I noticed after our rough, aggressive sex she was positively docile and lovely to me in any interaction I had with her over the phone.

But still, all that paled in comparison to knowing that on Saturday I was about to see Mrs. Jones again. And not just see her; see her in her element, compete in a real honest to god bodybuilding competition.

Figuring I was just going to be away for the day and come back that evening since the show ended around 8 and my duties would be done by then, I decided on not telling my roomie or Lizzy my whereabouts and slipped out Saturday morning. I threw a few things in my backpack including my phone, some studying I needed to get done and my Pro-Ex shirt since Mrs. J had told me I should present myself as a rep for the company, and headed out.

Driving out to the convention center where the event was taking place I was giddy with excitement and any time traffic backed up or slowed I noticed myself getting aggressive and frustrated as I just wanted to be at the show with no delay. I honestly, besides seeing Mrs. J again, couldn’t believe what I was getting to do. I was going to a bodybuilding show, as a guest of one of the competitors. I hadn’t really worked out what my duties would be, texts between Jinni and I had been somewhat sporadic with her being busy in prep mode and travel for the few days leading up to the show and apologizing for being flaky as a symptom of her ‘Contest prep’ brain.

I pulled up to the parking lot and went to park at the convention hall. Just being a college student I had to park in general parking which was 8 bucks! I dreamed of someday maybe parking in VIP parking at an exorbitant to me at the time $20 bucks. My mind began to race as it danced with images of me pulling up in a sick sports car with Mrs. Jones as my escort, her hopping out and everyone’s jaws hitting the floor as they took in her well-muscled body clad in a tiny miniskirt, and me somehow having a well of income deep enough to afford the expensive parking. But alas… that day it was not to be.

I quickly slid off my t-shirt and put on the Pro-Ex one I had brought, as I wanted to seem like I was part of the event while walking in. I briefly took a glance at my upper body in the mirror as I did so. I had been hitting the weight room hard in preparation for today hoping I could walk into the hall with a bulging chest and those huge veiny arms I had seen on the biggest guys at the convention when I attended. Although I could see some slight changes in my chest, which seemed a tad more developed, my arms still looked like pipe cleaners. I sighed frustrated that my long, lean body type, while ideal for endurance sports like soccer, never seemed to display any prominent muscle no matter how much I trained.

I quickly exited the parking structure and began to follow the throngs of people heading towards the convention center for the show. I noticed soon that the crowd for the event did not seem to share the same problem with gaining muscle as I did. The guys (and the group was mostly guys) were all a bit shorter than me, but what they lacked in height they made up in dense muscle that was stacked in their bulging arms and back. 

Entering the lobby I could get more of a sense of these same people. My eyes were darting all over the place and were tantalized by the well-developed physiques on display there.

I grabbed my phone and quickly texted Jinni that I had arrived as that was what she had asked me to do, and I wasn’t entirely sure what the game plan for the day was when she had asked me to help her to help out.

‘Down in the libby…’ I texted her. Already embarrassed that I made a stupid mistake.

The telltale sign of the ‘…’ Dots appeared on my phone indicating that someone was typing. Then quickly disappeared. Then stopped and then reappeared again followed by –

JINNI: Cool. Lori will be down in just a sec to get you ☺

I waited for a moment. I had guessed that Lori was Jinni’s friend, Lori Summers whom, despite not being anything of a bodybuilder herself (or really much looking like she did any serious working out) was Jinni’s best friend for years and was often mentioned in Jinni’s IG posts as helping her out at her various shows.

Within a moment I heard the ding of the elevator doors open, and Lori exited. I had seen a few photos of her on Jinni’s IG. Snaps Jinni in a bikini post-show hugging her, with Jinni’s body looking virtually otherworldly, while Lori, fully dressed had that appearance of a regular mom. Although very cute and perky and with a flowy blonde ponytail which cutely hung off her head swinging from side to side whenever she displayed excitement.

“Lawrence…” Lori yelled getting off the elevator and walking over to me. I could see she was wearing a pair of casual blue pants and a loose fitting shirt. She definitely did not fit into the hardcore bodybuilding crowd much like me, along with my stringy physique, we must have looked like oddballs amongst the hyper built crowd that circulated the lobby before the show. People passed, taking a glance at us, and then moved along to get a gander at the more prominent, buffer people in attendance.

Lori bounded over to me. Her white Ked sneakers bouncing along the floor excitedly as her ponytail bobbed on her head as she gave me a big welcoming hug.

“Jinni said oh… go find Lawrence he’ll be the handsome young man in the lobby! And I was like that must have been him!” Lori said peppily and then led me over to the elevator.


Lori was talking to me about the plan for the show as we exited the elevator on to one of the hotel’s top floors. I could tell that despite her calm demeanor, Lori was undoubtedly feeling the stress of helping Jinni out that day. “I am glad you are here, Jinni was so excited that you were coming. And you are friends with Sebastian?”

I nodded. Somewhat omitting that although I had initially met Mrs. Jones through my friendship with Sebastian back those years before, that mine and Mrs. Jones’ friendship had, in the past few months morphed into something else. And that I honestly hadn’t talked to Sebastian at all in the last few years. I decided to omit it as Mrs. Jones had apparently already told Lori something about our friendship.

“Anyways I understand this is your first bodybuilding show! A pretty big one to start with I’d say! The NPC Nationals! Whelp, I’ve helped Jinni with her past 6, so I know the ropes. Although I don’t necessarily understand why she does this to herself…” Lori continued to yammer as she made her way down the halls of the hotel and I hustled to keep up.  “Anyway, I love Jinni like she’s my sister and I just will do anything for her so if it makes her happy, well then… but don’t get me wrong some of these bodybuilder folks are some oddballs! “

And with that Lori dug the card key out of her purse and opened up the door to the hotel room.

And what a hotel room! I soon entered and saw what was to be my first ‘hotel suite’ I had ever actually experienced in my life. Although the hotel was a Marriott and a chain hotel, it appeared as if in true, nothing but the best for herself ‘Mrs. Jones style,’ she had gotten one of the top floor suites and I gazed in wonder as I walked in first through the black marble entryway whose mirrors bounced off each other and exited out onto the central area of the suite, a large open area whose sweeping windows looked out onto the convention center across the way.

The room wasn’t huge, but it was obviously nice and expensively decorated, and it took me a few moments to situate myself.

My head was no doubt craning for my first glimpse of Mrs. Jones…

But the first person I saw was an overweight gentleman in a blue t-shirt and Orlando Magic hat who was eating sour cream and onion chips out of a bag, occasionally taking a moment to lick his fingers clean of the dust.

“This is Bob, my husband…” Lori said waving to Bob.

“Yo, what’s up?” Bob said barely looking up from his chips and quickly went back to watching a Tampa Bay Bucks game on the phone in front of him.

“Okay don’t mind Bob. He is so rude…” Lori said and gave Bob a dismissive shrug.

As I continued to walk into the room I could hear a thick, gruff German accent:

“Okay no. You listen to me. She may have you beat somewhat on symmetry, okay, but you have her beat on back. I think for you, the top seven is very good.  Maybe even top five…”

The thick voice was coming from the lowered couch area, and as I walked in I could see Uri Kingman, Jinni’s incredibly thickly muscled personal trainer on the couch talking loudly, and I entered –

“Oh, there he is!!” And it was then that I heard that voice. That silky soft coo of Mrs. Jones.

As I came around the couch area… I saw she was laying on her back on one of the couches. A baggy sweatshirt with the Pro-Ex logo covered her upper body. But the lower part of her legs was visible and was propped up on a cushion on the end of the couch. I would later learn that was to allow the blood to flow out of them to show the maximum amount of detail later that night at the show.

Although she was all but covered up and obscured by the sweatshirt, I could see just by her exposed calves and lower body, that she was tanned a deep dark brown. And, judging only by the muscles that were exposed on the lower part of her legs, Mrs. Jones was cut and conditioned in a way I don’t think I had ever seen her. With nearly every small detail of her muscle fibers fluttering under her skin as she shifted to the side to see me as I walked in.

“No-Jinni-fer. Jinni-fer. You stay. Okay? You don’t move…” Uri barked as she somewhat rolled over to the side to greet me.

“I’d stand and greet you Lawrence, but I’m afraid Uri here my dock me some carbs,” Jinni said joking, and I saw a warm smile cross her face.

Uri looked at me crossly as I came around to get a closer look at Jinni, who looked a bit tired lying there on the couch, and I could understand why often bodybuilders would talk about just how much it took for them to get ready for a contest.

Maybe I compared her somewhat unfairly to Mrs. Jones, but I took a brief glance back at Lori who was prepping a bag full of stuff we’d need later on for the show. I knew they were both contemporaries but where Mrs. Jones’ face was lean and defined in her jaw with raised cheekbones and piercing eyes, Lori’s face while still pretty, was softer and slightly doughy with a sort of faded complexion which stood in contrast to Jinni’s skin which seemed to be so bright and healthy as to look almost translucent.

I pulled up a chair and sat down amidst the group and briefly Mrs. J asked me about getting over and parking and how the ride had been – but quickly Uri got a beep on his Apple watch.

“Okay need to check on the competitor before the show so… let's go, go, go Jinni-fer.” Uri clucked in his thick accent. “Off, off, off… ” He said. “Show us what you got.”

Show us what you got? I don’t think a phrase has ever thrilled me so much as I watched Mrs. J shift somewhat on the couch. Prop herself up, and then, the lower part of her legs flexing and popping under her baggy sweatshirt make her way over to the center of the lowered living room part of the room.

“Okay… Here goes…” Said Jinni. A bit of mock dread playing in her voice as she knew she was about to be inspected in close detail by a room full of people.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 07, 2018, 04:39:25 pm

Jinni took her place in the center of the room and then slowly brought her pretty manicured hands down to the lower hem of her sweatshirt, which had fallen mid-thigh. And then, slowly began to peel the sweatshirt up. Exposing first the lush, bulged meat of her thickly muscled quads and then up over her crisp abs… and finally managed, with a bit of difficulty to pull the sweatshirt up off over her head exposing her buffed, built upper chest, traps and rest of her upper body.

Mrs. Jones stood then for a moment, shifting slightly on both feet which caused both her bulging thighs to dance and bunch with muscle as she did so.  For a split second, the muscle mass on her legs could almost appear to the untrained eye as being fat except for the slow, subtle shifts which would instantaneously cause them to tighten and contract to showcase the crisscrossing conditioning and striations sitting under her thin layer of body fat.

It was almost off-putting to stare at Mrs. Jones’ body. It looked, to me, physically perfect. Her small joints. The large flowing muscles of her rounded shoulders, broad back and how they fit into her smallish waist and on down to the sweeping curve of her glutes, quads, hamstrings and the other muscles that made up her lower body. It was at times nearly painful to behold. And too me, now, it was there standing so close to me, I had to fight the urge to reach out and touch it. Like testing to see if something so perfect could actually exist. I wanted to greedily experience it. To consume it in some way. But I managed to fight off the temptation, and my hand stayed at my side shaking a bit.

I also don’t think I had quite been ready to see… Just…. How…. Big… And developed Mrs. J had become in the years since she wore that bikini on Hawthorne Beach. Mrs. J had seemed immense when I was younger, but what I didn’t really fathom was at that time she had been a top-ranked amateur, but just how much more prominent in size a nationally ranked pro-competitor was. Which is what she was now. And there, standing in the middle of the room in just a small pair of athletic fitted Under Armour underwear and a white sports bra that was struggling to contain the spillover from her bulging lats, everything now seemed bigger, thicker, more densely developed. As if she had taken that already incredibly buff and symmetrical body and poured another layer of hulking muscle mass over it.

As Jinni finished peeling off her top revealing herself, I could feel a bit of breath go out of the room from between me, Uri and Lori at the stupendousness of Mrs. Jones development. It was as if all of us in unison had gasped, silently inhaling our breath. Of course all of us except for Bob who barely looked up at the near-naked muscle woman in front of him and continued to eat away at the bag of chips occasionally crinkling it and sucking his fingers.

“Jeezus Bob, do you mind?” Lori yelled out across the room.

“What?” Bob yelled back only taking a cursory glance over in Mrs. Jones’ rippling direction.

“It’s fine Lori… Don’t worry about it…” Jinni said casually and gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

“Okay side tri, now,” Uri grunted as Jinni slowly dropped her arms and shook out her back causing the bulging intertwined muscles to shake and unclench as she relaxed them. She then, and with great care pivoted to the side and drove her right toes deep into the hotel room carpet and, pushing down on her toe began to tense from her bent foot causing first her calve to flex then her hamstrings to pop away inches from her body and finally up until she grabbed her wrist with her right hand and forced her flexed arm hard against the side of her body causing her tricep to pop and bulge both from the developed muscle as well as the pressure of holding it clenched against the side of her body. She turned slightly and exhaled her breath bringing the flex into its final form and, smiled widely as she turned to showcase the muscle to the rest of the room.

I couldn’t help notice how thick and wide her tricep was and how its horseshoe-shaped development danced with thin muscle fibers under its surface. Same with Mrs. Jones hard flexed abs which continued to clench and unclench bared, visible in her small underwear as she continued to hold the flex, a minimal amount of strain apparent on her face as she smiled showing off her bright white teeth.

I knew from what little I had picked up reading bodybuilding forums online that posing was something of an under-appreciated art form, often taking more strain on the body to hold these poses for prolonged periods than actual training, and here was Mrs. J holding them all while maintaining a broad, welcoming smile.

She finally dropped her pose. Shook her arms out and smiling turned her gaze to the rest of the room, all of us who looked at her in quiet admiration. She seemed to offer up a shy smile as if to say that displaying a body that gloriously developed was ‘No big deal,’ Still, we all looked at her with a bit of slack-jawed awe.

All of us of course except for Bob who continued to eat away at his chips, crunching away loudly.


After Uri had departed to see another client of his who was competing in the day we all headed downstairs as the show was just an hour or so away.

We exited the elevator into the lobby area, and Lori and Bob walked a few steps up ahead of us. Bob had his head down looking at his phone, but I noticed every few moments Lori would watch over her shoulder at Mrs. Jones and me walking a few steps behind just to check and make sure we were okay. And I too couldn’t help but notice that we had paired off in a way as if to break into couples; Lori and Bob up ahead and me and Mrs. Jones following up the rear.

“How is school? They give you any big assignments you need to do this weekend?” Mrs. J asked turning to give her attention to me.

“Nothing really that big a deal. I did some yesterday.” I said and was somewhat amazed that moments before she was about to step on stage on one of the biggest contests of her life, Mrs. Jones’ main concern was about me.

“Good. This is fun, but it shouldn’t take you away from your schoolwork.” Jinni said with genuine concern.

“Damnit! “ I yelled snapping my fingers. “Professor Jefferies gave me a book of poetry he wanted me to give you. I forgot it in my car…”

“Oh… that’s sweet.” Jinni said as we came to a stop outside of an area with a large sign marked Pro-Tan up above and clouds of brownish liquid smoke spilling from it.

“Name?” Asked the women with the clipboard.

“Jennifer Halifax.” Mrs. Jones said as the women scanned her clipboard and checked off her name.

“Oh and no men in the tanning area while the ladies are in there.” Said the clipboard girl.

“Okay. Got it.” Jinni said and turned to me. “You’ll have to hang back and then Lori will come and get you for the show.”

I nodded I got it.

And then Mrs. Jones said cheerily. “Time to get my tan on…” And then was quickly rushed in through the double doors.

I found a small area along the side of the lobby and pulled out one of my books to try and get some work done, but with the parade of near constant muscle babes, it was hard to concentrate on anything.

My heart nearly skipped a beat as a Russian figure competitor I followed on-line named Valentina Mishina walked past me. She was wearing a tight shirt, and her lower body was covered in a pair of black stretch leggings which bulged with every step of her of well muscled thighs. I smiled at her as she walked past and she gave me a cute smile and wave and then headed off over to a group consisting of huge men with shaved heads, the smallest of whom looked like he could pick up a house.

Each time I looked down at my book, some glorious piece of tanned, muscled she beef would trot past me and I’d quickly lose my train of thought. And quickly just relegated myself to scanning the lobby of the hotel which pretty much most guys and girls seemed to be doing waiting for the next freak of nature by the guy or girl showing off their outlandishly developed body.

What seemed like only a short time later Lori rushed back.

“Okay. Showtime for us Lawrence.” She quickly dug into her bag and dug out a laminated pass with a lanyard tied around her neck.

I looked at it a bit confused but I didn’t even have time to ask --

“Okay. Follow me. Next stop, pump up room.” She said and then headed off so fast I literally nearly spilled my books running to catch up with her…

Pump up room!?!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 07, 2018, 09:28:07 pm
Wow, thanks, it gets better!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 08, 2018, 07:12:13 pm
Chapter 4 Part 2 - 'The Pump Up Room'

It was first the warmth the hit me as we headed backstage. Then the noise of the blasting music of the convention hall stereo system could be heard coming from the front of the house, but it, along with the sound of the crowd taking their seats was slightly muffled in the backstage area.

That didn’t mean it was calm. As I followed Lori, who seemed to know exactly what she was doing, to the backstage area I was hit with more busyness and commotion. Employees of the show hustled around with headsets on. As did various trainers, spouses, and helpers for the competitors that day.

Jinni had headed into the backstage ‘pump up room’ a little earlier to get started and changed into her suit.

Taking in the women of the show. Their bodies were all such transgressions from the norms of what was considered the ideal female form, but a the same time I couldn’t help but find them all so highly attractive in different ways. As they strode around the room, clad only in these tiny and sparkly bikinis, their radiance and confidence in their own physical forms were nearly overpowering.

As I acclimated a bit to the surroundings, I was able to take in a little more and begin to separate the competitors out, many of whom I had recognize from looking at their photos online, but some were brand new to me. It was interesting to see them now in person, two things became apparent; the first was how much larger they were in real life. The photos had the effect of flattening them, of diminishing the 3-D quality of the muscle, and the other was how facially attractive most were. In photos sometimes the women could appear drawn or overly masculine, perhaps from their diets, or maybe from the drug use, but seeing them in real life and all made-up, most were facially very attractive.

Margie M. Martin, a huge African American woman and one of the major competitors strode by me clad only in a her yellow bikini and as she passed I gaped at the size of her back and upper body, which momentarily blocked my view of the rest of the room as she stood there in front of me. This gave me a brief moment to try and calculate just how big she was and I could easily estimate her back at being twice as wide as mine!

Lori quickly called me over to where Jinni and her had set down their stuff.

“So we do a quick pump up and then oil?” Lori asked setting down the bag and grabbing a set of clear plastic gloves from out of Jinni’s Pro-Ex insignia backpack.

Jinni nodded and turned to grab a few weights off the weight rack in front of us that had been set up in front of the room for the competitors to pump up before the show. I quickly did the math again and compared Jinni’s back that was to me now to Margie’s who had just passed a few moments before. It was an interesting exercise. Both the same muscle group, but with Margie having a few inches on Jinni I could begin to see subtle differences. Margie’s muscles where a bit longer and more stretched, giving her a somewhat taller appearance. While Jinni’s appeared amazingly thick as if the tissue had been deeply layered on itself. The impression was somewhat surprising and just seemed to give Jinni an even more powerful overall look,  and I gasped slightly as Jinni picked up a set of dumbbells and began to pump small contractions with her shoulders and her triceps in an effort both to warm up and get the blood flowing to her muscles.

I stood behind her taking this in and watched her face in the mirror reflecting the room in front of the weight rack. I could see Jinni’s soft blue eyes begin to harden a bit as she stared at her image as she continued to pump away, the small five pound weights looking somewhat ludicrous in comparison to her large pumped arms. As I watched her watch herself in the mirror, I was taken with her intensity, I could see her just focusing on herself and I was taken back to that morning back in Hawthorne when I walked in on her basement workout and was frightened and brought back by her intensity as she repped out rep after rep of bicep curls.

I wondered what that looked like for her? To look at her body like this? After all, I had seen pictures of how Jinni looked before she started training. She looked like everyone else but now… she looked like a superhero. Did she notice the difference? Notice the changes? Thrill in her own physical supremacy? Or did it come so slowly for her (over the 12 or so years of training) that she didn’t notice the extraordinariness of her own body?

Jinni put the weights down, then stepped away for a moment and cranked her arm out flexing the tricep and bringing it into a sharp flex. She looked at herself in the mirror and then slowly brought her arm down to her side in a hard side tri pose, turning and twisting and allowing the bright overhead light to catch the subtle details of the muscle. I could see her, her lips were pursed, looking over her body critically as an artists would examine the sculpture they had created and then – just like that – she released the pose and bounced slightly on the balls of her toes – and adjusted the glittering top of her posing suit which had slid to the side just a bit, threatening to expose the bottom portion of her pec muscle and nipple – and then turned to me, a bright smile once again on her face. It was like the mask of pure concentration had fallen away and she was back to being Jinni again. I smiled at her warmly, and she smiled back as if to say, ‘Did you like what you saw?’

But the moment was broken as Lori hustled back and presented me with a pair of gloves.

“Wha—what are these for?” I asked.

“The oil,” she said, and I felt like she was too busy to ask me what a dumb question that was.

I quickly stared down at the gloves that I had begun to pull on my hands and the small bottle of oil Lori had just taken out of the bag. I started to do the math.

“Everything okay Larr?” Mrs. J asked as she trotted past me and over to the small area that Lori had cleared out for our stuff amongst the other competitors bags and personal items.

“Yes… yeah….” I said as I finished pulling on the gloves. Any further protesting would be useless as by that point Lori had popped the top of the oil bottle and began to rub it between her gloved hands and over the tops of Mrs. J’s feet.

“Just put a little dollop of the oil on your hands. Rub it like this—“ Lori said demonstrating, giving the drop of oil in the middle of her plastic gloves a quick rub, “And then start applying it.” She continued.

“Oh and… a light coat. Brush, then rub…” Lori added, demonstrating as she moved up Jinni’s feet, to her small ankles and then continued to brush the oil along the area where Jinni’s bulging calves tied into the thin portion of her lower legs. I noticed with some amazement that Lori, on her hands and knees in front of the muscle woman, was working hard, rubbing the oil into the muscle, which she would press on as she dabbed each coat and the bulging outer ridges of Mrs. J’s calves, which stood off her body would somewhat contract under the tension, then just as quickly flex back to their full size. It was like they had a mind of their own. A pride that said we will not be contained by anybody.

The entire sight and experience were beginning to get too much for me.

“Yup… a light coat, Lawrence. I’m not a Thanksgiving turkey.” Jinni joked and then gave me a trademark Mrs. Jones wink before unfurling her arms up and out to the side in a cross-like pose that caused her already capped and bulged shoulders, to flex up, even more, brushing against her bikini strap.

My hands trembled slightly as I took the small bottle of oil and put a drop in my gloves and rubbed it together. The anticipation of touching Jinni’s exposed, bulging muscle, was beginning to overwhelm me. Not only was I feeling light-headed, but the entire experience of being around all these highly physically realized women was starting to shift to my manhood. I had, had a bit of a chub all day ever since walking into the convention center that morning, but right now my balls felt like they were filled with concrete and I had to fight the urge not to run off an relieve myself.

“You okay – “ Lori asked, some genuine concern on her face as I’m not even sure how I looked.

I nodded that I was and then slowly begin to rub the oil into Jinni’s muscular body.

Both women shared a quick covert smile, which I was trying to parse, and placed somewhere between ‘cute’ and ‘should we be worried about him.’

And for a moment my fingers flitted over her bulging shoulders. Feeling their immense hardness and roundness. As the oil smoothed between the warmth coming from my fingers under my gloves and the taughtness of Mrs. J’s warmed muscled skin. My fingers traced finding the groove between the front head of her deltoid and the musclesd outer head that pushed up, off the body giving her shoulders that bulging look of a 3-dimensional superhero.

My finger continued to trace, and I fought the urge to poke and prod to test the strength of the muscle underneath knowing my job was merely to spread the thin coating of oil on the surface of the muscles, not to get caught groping. But still it was hard to resist, and within a few moments, my fingers found their way tracing up the area that connected Mrs. J’s thick shoulders to her lower arms and came right along the outside of the curved outer part of the delt and felt something odd under my finger…

First, it felt a bit like a small zit, but Jinni’s skin was nearly perfectly smooth with only a few light beauty marks along her neck and trapezius. This was something else, and I felt my fingers linger on it. A small bump, which I quickly, and with a bit of shame surmised as what I could guess as the injection point for Mrs. J’s gear usage on her upper arm. I had a bit of knowledge from my time on the internet and knew that many people’s preferred protocol was to inject right into the glute, but at times using the rounded muscle of the shoulder was also preferable to switch up the regular uptake of body-enhancing substances.

I traced around it while acting as if I was rubbing the oil, maybe staying a bit too long on this one particular area. Still, it fascinated me. And I couldn’t help but think of the nozzle on a beach ball which one blows into to inflate or let air out of the balloon. That’s what this was. A nozzle Mrs. J used to inflate, pump, pump, pumping up this body to its otherworldly proportions.

I must have stayed a bit too long because as I looked over, I could see Jinni shooting me a slight ‘Do you mind…’ look out of the corner of her eyes. In the way that women with an overly large set of breasts may give one a look that said ‘My eyes are up here…’ and I quickly broke off my rubbing of the small, interesting bump and continued to oil Mrs. J’s muscles. Who seemed to forget about it and quickly returned to her warm smile.

I could now see the system was Lori to work her way from the base and me to work my way down, but with Jinni’s back, traps and shoulders so developed I was finding the simple act of applying the oil was taking longer. And I couldn’t believe that one person would have been able to do this.  I had seen videos of this type of thing online and on YouTube, but I noticed they would only show a brief clip of the girls being oiled, and now I could see why. The entire process was involving and after being at it for what felt like 20 or so minutes the ligaments in my hand were beginning to ache merely from the density and lack of pliability of Mrs. Jones’  muscles, especially her shoulders and upper back was such that it was literally making my hands sore.

‘Girls! Twenty minutes! Twenty minutes until you are on stage!” One of the show employees with a headset barked in passing, and I watched her go. She too showed signs of buffness in her capped shoulders, and the entire aspect of being around these amazons was literally making my dick throb in a way I never thought possible.

“Lawrence, can you help me down here?” I heard Lori’s voice call as I looked away from the buff headset girl who had made her way past and looked down at Lori who was still working away, diligently at Jinni’s bulging quads. Her small hands traveling and gliding over the hard muscles that seemed, to shift, bulge and contract, each time Lori’s hands drifted over them.

“Sweetie, help Lori get the back of my legs and lower body, please…” Jinni said kindly, flipping her hair out of her way and looking over one of her thick traps and offering me a kind of subtle smile that seemed to emanate as much from her smoky blue eyes as her pink lips.

“Uh… Yeah… sure…” I said slowly and hesitantly pulling my hands away from Mrs. Jones thick columns of her lower back.

I bent slowly and joined Lori, kneeling on the floor. Lori had been working hard on the front parts of Mrs. J’s legs which left for me the back of her hamstrings and the tie-ins to her luscious bikini-clad glutes.

Hands shaking again. I covered my gloved hands with oil. I peered up for a moment and found Mrs. Jones looking down on me. From that crouched vantage point and looking up, I could see the towering and curved muscle of her upper body and her capped shoulders and bikini-clad over hanged of her bulged pecs somewhat obscured her, but I soon saw her face come into view and again, gave me another warm smile, as if to say it’s okay, and I couldn’t help but notice the light from above in the room, and the fluorescents bathed her from behind giving her an almost otherworldly glow of radiance.

I slowly took my hands and at first found the small-connected area of Mrs. J’s lower knees. The back ligaments and ran my hands along them, feeling the power that came from even that body part, but soon, and within moments they had been well oiled, and I knew my hands had to travel up. And then gliding along the back, the warm oil pooling slightly and beginning to glide under my gloves my hands then began to move, as if with a mind of their own, up and around taking in the bulged overhang of where the hamstrings interconnected to the knee.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I let out an audible ‘moan’ as my hands caressed Mrs. Jones’ hamstrings. Standing caused her to put a stress on them, and through no fault of her own, the muscles stood out hard and flexed.  They felt, unlike anything I had ever felt on a human before. Hard as rocks and the thin layer of skin, which had been deprived of any fat by Jinni’s long and arduous diet process glided smoothly over them, like silk sheets, along WITH a view of every muscle fiber underneath.

My hand continued to work it’s way up, first hitting the base and then quickly finding the peak of the muscles which, bulged and pushed away a matter of inches from her body at a such a remarkable angle that each time she subtly shifted her weight it appeared it may at any moment brush against me – or my face – which was mere inches from the hyper-developed leg muscle.

“We good…” I heard Mrs. J say and then step a few feet away, pulling me out of my muscle induced reverie. The issue was that we were getting dangerously close to stage time. Mrs. J took a small step and slowly rubbed in a last dollop of oil that I had missed on her lower thigh and then slid her finger along the back bulge of her lower bikini. Slipping it in-between her bulging striated glute and the satin fabric and slowly pushing a bit of the material that had slid out of place.

I GULPED hard as I notice the glute, acquiesce every so slightly under Mrs. J’s finger and long pink nail and then quickly flex back into its gravity-defying shape, pushing up high and hard off the back of her developed hamstrings.

“Final pump up…” Jinni said leading me over to her stuff where she pulled out a small towel.

“Are you nervous?” I asked her.

“Oh my god. I’m shaking.” She said cupping her hand to the side of her mouth in style she used when she’d disclose small personal things to me.

“I’m nervous for you,” I said. We were on the side and slightly out of earshot of the other competitors as well as Lori who gathered up the last of our stuff. It was close and intimate and felt quiet and safe.

“Lawrence, don’t be nervous. This is supposed to be fun.” Jinni said and cleared a bit of the hair that had fallen along the side of my face. And then she did the same, to a bang of hers that had dropped onto her cheek. The act was oddly bonding, and I felt an intense closeness to her at that moment that was hard to explain. A connection, like we weren’t two people. We were one living organism tied together.

“Okay…” I finally said.

“And, here’s the thing. If I don’t do well…. Fuck it!” Jinni said loudly, and a few heads spun near us. She began to laugh at her own joke, and I started to laugh as well. It felt so good, like such a release and soon Lori joined us and probably looked at us a bit like, ‘What are you two laughing about?’ But that was Jinni’s magic. Her aura was so intoxicating it left you feeling as if there was nobody outside of just her and you.

“Well we should go out there – they’ll start lining you guys up soon,” Lori said.

“Okay…” Jinni said and gave her bikini top one last tug.

“Go get em, girl,” Lori said and held up both of her hands in a high five gesture which Jinni reciprocated and then turned to me and I did the same. We all laughed a bit, and we wished Jinni good look, and then I watched her join the line of competitors. Watching her amazing back disappear and head out towards the stage.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 09, 2018, 03:29:58 pm
a big upload, one I am immensely thankful for! I love that part 2 was slowed down to one scene, it allowed for a lot of detail to be provided to us and helped paint how pumped and ready Jinni is. Simply bursting with excitement for the next instalment!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 09, 2018, 09:04:33 pm
Hey Saxony I actually believe this only 1/3rd of the way through the chapter so far! so prepare for more which I'm hoping to post in the next day or so... It seems like every time I go back and try to edit and finish it up it gets longer and longer... anyway enjoy and thanks for the comment hopefully I can finish this off before the holidays!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 09, 2018, 09:21:17 pm
Wow, what a great chapter. Thanks, I can't wait to read whats coming next...
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 09, 2018, 10:15:04 pm
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Wow, what a great chapter. Thanks, I can't wait to read whats coming next...

Thanks. I can't wait to post it but it seems like every time I think Im finished I find I need to add another detail or aspect!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 10, 2018, 04:29:17 pm
PART 3 - The Show

We made our way back to our seats and joined Uri and Bob who were waiting for us. Bob at that time had made his move away from the chips and was eating a giant hot dog.

As we rejoined them, he offered the hotdog to Lori.

“No, damnit Bob! I don’t want any hotdog…” She said dismissing the hotdog as he shrugged and began to chomp away on it.

Soon the lights went down, and the show started. The theme of the show was  ‘God’s Of Old’ which seemed to both combined Greek myths, Roman Myths and just about anything that had happened in the past and I couldn’t help but wonder how many bodybuilding shows had used this theme before.

The show started with some muscular men dressed as gladiators carrying out a large chair which held the host. One of whom I recognized as the MC, a big beefy guys whose suit barely fit him. The other was the female MC Nicole Willis! The four-time Mrs. Olympia and just one of the all-time cutest muscle women in my mind. Nicole had short bobbed blonde hair and seemed to be the perfect representation of that wholesome, to die for a Midwestern girl. Only if that girl sported capped delts, a rowers back and sculpted quads that popped out from under her short black evening down and bulged and shifted as she moved around the podium.

“Tonight! We are here to see the best in muscle, isn’t that right Nicole?”
“Yes that’s right Bruce, these guys and girls have worked hard. Give it up!” She said into the mic, and I couldn’t help but notice that she was even shy and slightly awkward which just made her appear that much cuter in my mind.

The show started with the guys, and I couldn’t help but feel slightly inadequate as these huge dudes pumped and posed on the stage. It was also somewhat awkward as I didn’t want to be seen starring at the huge bulked dudes in tiny posing briefs on stage so I mostly just tried to look around like I wasn’t looking too hard.

Luckily soon the first of the girls then came out. The bikini girls in their tiny posing suits. It was an odd feeling to be able to not only publically gawk at these women but be encouraged too, and I noticed that the crowd screamed and yelled for their favorites.

After that where the fitness girls and then finally the lights dimmed and the Nicole and the other MC took the stage.

“Okay…. Now its time for the biggest of the big – “ The male MC said.
“That’s right. These ladies aren’t playing around. It’s time for the Female Bodybuilders!” Nicole said as she cranked out a bicep flex, letting off what was actually a pretty colossal arm muscle. And I gasped as she did so in her dress, which to me there was almost nothing sexier than a muscle girl in elegant evening attire posing.

I was glad that it was time finally for the FBBs to get out on stage as I actually believed it or not getting kind of bored. It’s hard to explain, but I was starting to get fatigued as ripped, hot muscle lady after muscle lady came out on stage.

I thought I had maybe hit my max, but as the first FBB took the stage, I instantly felt myself snap back to attention. The fitness figure and physique girls all looked amazing, but as the first girl trotted out in her posing suit, you could instantly see the difference in size and level of development. Despite being just one of the smaller girls and from the lightweight category the size difference was evident from the moment her routine started.

As girl after girl came out and posed, I looked over at Lori and Uri who were watching closely knowing full well that there would be girls that Jinni was to be judged against.

Finally, after some fantastic girls came out in the light and middleweight class, it was announced that it would be time for the heavyweights. The biggest girls, and with that announcement my heart began to pound faster. I looked over too at Lori and Uri who were watching now with increased attention. Bob couldn’t seem to be bothered and had pulled out a box of red vines and returned to checking his phone.

My mouth nearly hit the floor as one of the first competitors was a personal favorite of mine; Helle Trevino. A woman who I knew had relocated from Denmark to the United States and had been training for years and had a good following on social media where she regularly posted her workouts.

Halle trotted out on stage in her glittering purple bikini and immediately the crowd fell into an awed hush. She was huge. Chief amongst her developments were her giant calves that seemed almost as big as her biceps. She began her routine moving with slow and controlled movements with each pose, and you could see the crowd was looking on in awe.

Uri shook his head. “She looks great. Look great…” He said perhaps growing nervous that Jinni was getting more competition then he expected.

“She really looks good,” Lori added under her breath. Watching someone like Lori regard these women was fascinating. I mean, she and these ladies on stage were conceivably from the same sex, but the girls on stage looked like they came from a different species than an average lady. Maybe that was why I found them so intoxicating they just appeared so superhuman. Anyway, it was interesting to watch someone like Lori, despite being so far from their insane builds, be able to appreciate the hard work they put in. The entire thing was making me wildly turned on.

And that didn’t stop with the next contestant; Shanique Watkins. An African American girl who at only 24 was shooting through the ranks and considered the next up and coming BB star. She trotted out on stage in her tiny orange bikini which I noticed how been cut in a way that was slightly different than the other women to show off both her amazing back development and glute development which was her trademark.

Shanique started off her posing very slow and sultry and spun around the stage showing real heart and finesse. It was like she had thought about every moment and was expressing it with real emotions. Watching her was odd. She was only a few years older then I and the evident passion she showed off was making me have a massive crush on her.

Shanique finished her routine with her crowning movement. A slow. Controlled split. Where she slowly dropped down onto the stage only using the incredible strength in her legs. Finishing with her body prone on the stage, the split causing the amazing, squaring up and bunching of her glutes to which the crowd literally GASPEd in unison then burst out into spontaneous applause.  It was a kind of crazy thing, I had been at sporting events or performances where the crowd had burst into applause for a particular thing, but here they were openly applauding Shanique's body. I’m sure any straight man and woman in the place after her performance had to be rock hard.

To add to the limbic torture, just when I had thought the routine was over, Shanique managed to raise herself up off the floor, using only the strength in her own legs! The crowd again burst into applause, and she bounced off stage. And I noticed as she did so, something I had seen on the other competitors. That each girl would slowly run a finger down along the back side of their suit, in between the fabric of the lower part of it and in between their glutes. It reset the material, but I found it so incredibly erotic and found a charge fire through my body each time one of the women did this.

“Very good… Very good… Very hard to beat…” Uri said again under his breath.

I had been waiting in anticipation for when Jinni would finally go on, but since there was no program, it was hard to tell. That, and I knew Jinni had a small plastic number #17 posted on her bikini, but since the competitors seemed to come out in random order, it was hard to tell precisely when they would get to her.

Finally, I saw Jinni in her purple glittery posing suit bounce out from the backstage area. She waved to the crowd, and I noticed that she was walking different, bouncing slowly on the balls of her feet. It gave her the impression of an energetic pep in her step, but I could also see, that not only did it make her walk a bit sexily, swaying her hips, but it had the added effect of causing her calves to bounce and flex to their full size with each step.

Jinni took the center of the stage, and I may be biased, but I thought she looked terrific. We had only seen her an hour or so before but she looked bigger, fuller, every part of her body looked fully round and pumped as if she had hooked a bicycle pump and pumped her already large muscles up with air. I know that when we left her backstage, she had undergone a process known as carbing-up, where the women gorged themselves on carbs, in Jinni’s case she had two large bagels and then chased it was a sweet drink to bring out their full conditioning. I could see Jinni must have timed this perfectly as she looked near 3D in her musculature, and where some of the other competitors looked stringing, Jinni’s golden skin covered her like silk. Moving and flowing with each movement.

There were murmurs in the crowd as she took center stage, no doubt brought on by how dialed in she looked.

“She looks good,” Lori said.
“Looks really good,” Uri added with the critical eye of a keen observer but still having to admit Jinni really seemed like she had pulled it off.

Jinni stood in the center of the stage. Her large pearly white smile plastered on her face and just the perfect amount of makeup to highlight her features underneath the harsh lights of the arena.

“I DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT MY REPUTATION!” Joan Jett sang blaring out of the theater's PA system as Jinni began her posing routine. She started moving along the stage, bopping her head side to side with the music. Her hair had been gathered up on the top of her head in golden blonde ponytail which swung and shook as she nodded her head with the song. Occasionally as she spun around you could see the back end of the ponytail brush up against the wondrous thickness of her traps and feather against the bulging muscles of her scapula and rhomboids.

“A girl can do what she wants to do, and that's
What I'm gonna do…” The song went.

As I watched Jinni’s routine, I noticed something else. Whereas Helle’s posing had been all hard flexing and Shanique’s was sensuous, Jinni was doing something different. She bopped along to the upbeat rhythm of the song – adding almost cheesy pin-up type poses whose unintended effect was also to showcase the muscle. Instead of flexing her triceps she bopped lightly on her toes and forced her arms down, and while flexing gave a cheesy Betty Boop ‘Who me?’ Pout with her face. The effect was so completely different and fun that the audience had no choice but to join in with it. And it was completely in line with Mrs. J’s personality, her sex appeal came almost completely from her innocence mixed with an ‘aw-shucks attitude.’ You could almost believe she’s the type of woman who would be able to change her own tire and then by the time the tow truck guy came she’d have baked him a pie.

Lori was on her feet applauding loudly, and she signaled for me to get up.

“Come on! Go Jinni!” She yelled and nearly pulled me to my feet. I rose somewhat hesitantly. I wanted to show my support, but something inside of my body stopped me from cheering too loudly. I felt like if I did, I might lose control and somehow out myself as more then just a casual friend who showed up for support.

“Oh no… no… no… no… Not me… me… me…” the lyrics to the song went.

The song began to come to a close, and the crowd was cheering, and if I wanted to see the end of it at all, I had to stand. Which I did and began to join in, at first self-consciously.

Lori was going crazy “Come on Jinni!! Bring it home!” And then shot me a look that said, you better clap, which I did. At first slowly and then louder.

Jinni flowed and twisted around the stage entirely getting into it and offering knowing smiles and winks to the crowd. Occasionally finding some guy going nuts and pointing to them and then doing a cute hair flip of her head. Literally, I wondered as I looked around, how you could not fall in love with this woman!

The song hit its last chorus and Jinni spun around showing her back to the crowd and extended her feet out past shoulder width and knelt down in a pose known as the ‘scarab’. This was Jinni’s closer, and its design was to, with the girl’s knees bent at 90 degrees cause the glutes to fully flex while showcasing the width of the back in a rear bicep pose.

Jinni crunched down, and the entire back portion of her body rippled and locked into place, and you could feel the air go out of the auditorium as they quickly grew quiet then exploded into applause. Finally, to close, Jinni released the pose. Bounced to her feet and turned to the crowd. Her smile looked ready to burst off her face, and she did a small bow, waved and then bounced off the stage in the direction she came.

The crowd went nuts, and I even found my myself cheering and clapping with a new kind of energy that felt like it was coming up through my body and exploding off my face.

“She nailed it! Nailed it!” Lori kept saying before turning to Uri who was nodding but offering a more critical estimation. “She did very well. Very good and very hard to beat.” He finally said nodding his head.

I couldn’t believe how loudly I had cheered and I looked down at my hands which was red from clapping so much.

The next and last competitor was Paloma who took the stage and started her routine. The crowd and I as well gasped, Jinni looked big and impressive, but at over 3 inches taller Paloma was  huge, and her muscles were big and thick, and she literally seemed to dominated the stage.  Paloma’s routine was thatshe moved around commanding the stage and striking each pose with hard muscular flair.

Lori looked worried, and Uri shook his head too saying “She is tough. She will be tough to beat.”


There was a bit of a pause in the show, and we took a moment to walk around and circulate the halls.

“I think I have heartburn,” Bob said clutching his chest.

“Yeah, cause you ate everything that wasn’t nailed down.” Lori shot back before Bob headed off to see if he could find some Alka-Seltzer

Uri walked back over to our group. He had headed off for a bit to go and track down the judges and to talk to some of the other competitors in the show.

“Erh. She could break top 5. But maybe number 7.” He said reporting back.

“What? She looked amazing!” Lori said, and I too felt that Jinni was easily in the top three.

“Yes. But you have to understand there is politics here too at play, but 5 is good for her.” He said and made a point, I knew from Jinni’s past history that she was a good pro but had never finished in the top 5 in a show as big as the nationals.

Soon we were called back into the main hall was as it was time for –

“This is the posedown!’ Nicole said holding the mic up to her cute face. The action making her prominent delt bulge significantly more than a normal females.

I had been charged up by the posing routines of the various girls – but had not psychologically prepared myself for what it would be like to have all ten beefy oiled up women on stage fighting, posing and flexing at the same time.

Things started off well enough with the girls posing politely, but within moments I could see Jinni aggressively head to the front of the stage – oh my god was she sexy! She stood stock still at the front point of the stage, grabbed the side of her posing suit and pulled them up while planting her feet out wide hitting a lat pose which showed off her X frame shape. The crowd at it up!

“She’s going for it!” Lori said and jumped to her feet. “Go Jinni! Go Jinni!” The crowd began to chant, and I joined in.

Jinni was really taking it to Paloma who was the apparent front-runner. Every pose Paloma did. Jinni would mimic it. Doing it right in front of the big Venezuelan’s face. She was fearless. Double bicep? Jinni brought her arms up, meeting Paloma’s. Rear back. Jinni met her head on. Quad shake? Jinni did the same. Roiling her loose quad muscle then suddenly SNAPPING! Into a rock hard flex.

It was so aggressive, it was sexy. And soon the posedown had ended, and the two beefed-up women turned to each other smiling as good friends again, and Paloma leaned over hugging Jinni and engulfing her in her slicked back oiled muscles and pressed her hard against her chest. I let off a sigh and felt the sharp bulge and tingle of my pulsating balls grow heavier and heavier until they felt like they were filled with concrete.

The girls headed back to the back of the stage and held hands as the announcements of the placing were read off.

“She’ll be number six…” Uri said under his breath. Lori held her hands tight like she was praying.

Soon the top 10… then 9… then 8 competitors were read off… and Jinni stood still holding her relaxed pose clutching hands with Paloma. Each breath from her extraordinary physique causing her abs to bunch and flex slightly under the stages harsh lights.

Then competitors… 7… 6… 5 were read off. With Halle finishing in fifth place which the entire audience let off a loud boo, thinking she should have placed higher.

“She’s top 5!” Lori said excitedly as it began to dawn on us that Jinni was far exceeding expectations. Even Bob had looked up from his phone.

“In fourth place – competitor number 8… Shanique Watkins!” Shanique held up her arms high and smiled at the crowd as she took her trophy.

“Okay. Only three more spots.”

My heart was beating faster and faster with so much pride for Mrs. Jones up their as Jinni, Paloma and Margie, the last three competitors all shuffled closer on the stage and held each other's hands tightly.

“And the third place trophy and a check for fifteen hundred dollars goes to…”

The MC let it hang there for a second as me, Lori and even Uri had joined hands nervously holding hands in anticipation of the announcement.

“Competitor number twelve… Margie M. Martin!” The crowd burst out into applause as we joined in as well so loud that we probably drowned them out –

“Which means…”

Next came Jinni’s name.

“Second place goes to Jennifer Halifax. Which means that first place and a check for ---“

But we didn’t care our section had cheered so loud. Paloma wound up winning, with Mrs. Jones finishing second. Better then anyone had thought she could do.

We stood on our feet yelling.

And I looked out on the stage. Mrs. Jones stood there. The lines shinning down on her. Her muscles glowing under her thin layer of sweat and looked up and smiled with pride and held her second place trophy up high.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 11, 2018, 05:26:34 am
That was electrifying, yay Jinni! \o/
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 11, 2018, 09:04:05 pm
It was another great addition. I like the fact that you dig deep in the psyche of the main character.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on December 12, 2018, 06:18:15 am
Excellent description Eli - thanks for continuing this fun story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 13, 2018, 01:11:47 am
Thanks. There's actually 2 more installments which complete this chapter just trying to finish them up to post them.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 13, 2018, 12:35:59 pm
Merry Christmas to us then!  :woohoo:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 17, 2018, 03:22:05 pm
Without further ado!! Part 4!

After this I think there's one more installment of this chapter. Comments! Feedback! Karma always appreciated and thanks again for taking the time to read this story!

The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years - CHAPTER 4


“This is Dave Palumbo with © Saradas, backstage at the NPC Nationals with second place finisher Jennifer Halifax. You used to be Jennifer Jones, what happened?”

“Lost the ring. Lost the last the name about a year or so ago so…”

“Now, I’m sure there’s a lot of guys out there watching who’d love to replace Mister Jones.”

‘Welp, they can email me their resumes (laughs), but if they can cook a good grilled chicken, they may be in the running.”


“Now you finished second place. Coming into the show, people thought you may not crack the top 5 – “

“I know, I can’t believe it.”

“A lot of people in the audience had you and Paloma neck and neck. She had you on a couple of things –“

“Her size is hard to beat –“

“And you carry a lot of size yourself. How tall are you?”

“Five four.”

“And your weight for the show?“

“One hundred and sixty-eight.“

“Wow. A lot of muscle, but you carry it well. And offseason?’

‘I get up to one eighty sometimes mid-180s, but… I try not to get sloppy.”

“Lot of grilled chicken.”

“Yup.” Laughter

“And what’s next for you?”

“The Emerald Cup is a couple of months away and another Wings of Strength… so try to add some size. Some sweep to my legs and arms and see what happens next.”

“Well, you are getting very tough to beat. Anyone, you want to thank?”

“Yup of course. My entire team, Uri, my trainer. The guys at Pro-Ex, my sponsor. My son Sebastian who is at college and sends me emails like “Mom, chill… (laughs) my friends Lori, Bob, and Lawrence.”

“Very nice and can we just get a quick double bicep shot…”

“You’re gonna make me strip?”

Laughter.  Mrs. Jones pulls off the track jacket and does a double bi pose for the cameras.

“There she is. Paloma, she’s coming for you –“



We waited outside the exit from backstage eagerly for Jinni.

As we did so, my head was swimming with beautiful, buff women who were exiting from their time on stage competing. Most came out clad in the grey sweatpants handed out by the show’s organizers, but it wasn’t uncommon to see a girl come out in just her sparkling posing bikini to snap pictures with fans or greet their family and supporters, standing in the middle of the lobby area letting the world ogle their rock hard bodies as if it was no big deal.

In fact, my eyes were traveling across the room to gaze at a pretty blonde figure competitor who didn’t look much older then me but whose shoulders looked as if they had been inflated with air pumps and whose veiny abs flexed every time she laughed. In fact, I had been looking in her direction when I heard Lori cry out ---

“Jinni!!” As Jinni exited into the greeting area carrying her trophy.

She had (unfortunately) covered up her posing suit with the grey warm-up gear, but the cover only made her sheer bulk look more prominent and broader, s if she was wearing shoulder pads under her warm-up jacket. As she joined us we all participated in a group hug and I could feel her hard muscles move underneath the fabric of her jacket.

The plan had been for them to go to dinner to celebrate and I was going to head back to campus, but Jinni had some opinions about that --

“You have to celebrate after something like this.” Jinni cried out after we made our way partially across the lobby.

I told her I had planned on heading back to campus --

“Okay,” Jinni said with a bit of a pout. “If you have work to do I don’t want to interfere with that.”

I thought it over. This was crazy! I was getting a chance to hang out and be close to the second-ranked female bodybuilder in the nation… Ripped and in contest shape, and I was debating going back to school and doing an econ report? It’s in certain moments that you decide to seize life, and you suddenly make a choice that will change everything for you going forward.

“Nope. I can still hang out a little.” I said.

“Good.” Mrs. J said and shot me a smile.


After making our way through the lobby, which was not easy, when you’re traveling with a woman who just defied expectations and finished second place in a national show. It seemed that every step we took to get closer to the elevator someone else stopped Jinni and asked for their photo taken.

A charming moment happened when a family who was in the hotel for another event began chatting up Jinni. They posed with a photo of their 8-year-old daughter who was wearing a Wonder Woman shirt. Jinni took off her sweat top, knelt down, and struck a bicep pose while the little girl did the same.

“Us strong women need to stick together.” Mrs. J said to the little girl who was looking on at her in wonder like she was the real Wonder Woman!


We made our way off the elevator and headed down the hall towards the suite --

The plan was to go to a steakhouse called J and J’s which was famous in our area, but a bit pricey and the only time I had ever heard of anyone going there was for special occasions.

“Don’t worry,” Jinni said maybe seeing a bit of concern on my face about how I was going to afford to pay for a meal at a place where the only time anyone from my family had gone was to celebrate my dad’s promotion. “Dinner’s on me. A thank you for everyone helping me out. I was going to say something earlier, but I don’t want to let Bob off the hook just yet for thinking he’s going to have to pay his way.”

We both laughed.

Jinni needed to shower and get changed before heading out --

“Just a sec… I swear I’m not a super girly-girl and won’t keep you boys waiting.” She said before she headed to the bedroom and shower with Lori to get ready for the night and share girl talk.

This left just me and Bob to sit and wait in the central area of the suite.

“We okay to grab something from this mini-bar Jinni?” Bob asked barely waiting for an acknowledgment from Jinni who was now in the other room with the door to her bedroom barely shut.

“Yes. Bob… Help yourself.” I heard her yell and then within a moment, Lori stuck her head out. “Jeezus Bob! Don’t abuse the privilege!”

“What? I’m just having chips and a beer.” He said and then watched Lori shake her head with disapproval before disappearing back into the bedroom to help Jinni prep for the evening.

Bob watched her go. Then popped the top on the beer, grabbed a bag of pretzels. Looked both ways, then grabbed another bag of chips.

“You want?” Bob asked extending one of the green Heineken bottles in my direction.

I hesitated. Whenever we traveled the mini bar was strictly off limits to us. “A total scam,” was what my dad called it and would often call the hotel to have them take the food out of the room just so we wouldn’t be tempted. So that’s why I waivered not sure if I wanted to take the beer that was probably over $12 a bottle!

But Bob didn’t seemed to notice and cracked the bottle and handed it to me.

“Here you go, kid.” He said. It was I think the first moment in the entire day he had given me more than a cursory glance.

Heck! I was a college student, and it was beer, so I took it. Maybe it was the day? Or the show? Or just having been so close to Mrs. J for a prolonged period but as I took a sip off the frosty bottle, I thought it was the best beer I had ever tasted.

Bob soon sat across from me on the large chair facing the TV and flipped it on and turned it to sports center.

I’d occasionally look over at him, but he was more than busy flipping his attention between the TV and his phone.

While Bob was watching TV, my mind couldn’t help racing towards what was happening in the bedroom where Jinni and Lori were. I could hear them talking, laughing… I knew Jinni was getting ready for the evening and I could even hear the sound of the running water of the shower starting. It was like torture! Was Jinni standing there naked in front of Lori, while they had girl talk? Her bulging, rock hard prize-winning physique exposed to the older woman as they gossiped and chit chatted? I felt like there was a secret club happening right next to me that I just wanted to gain access too. That and occasionally I’d hear Jinni’s full throaty laugh escape from behind closed doors and echo through the suite.

Sports Center was explaining a story of how some injury was going to affect the rest of the season of a certain pro basketball team, but it was hard for me to even focus on what the hosts were saying. I was busy thinking about what the warm water felt like once it hit those rock hard muscles. How it felt for Mrs. J to lather up that body of hers amidst the steam and the soap running her fingers across those pebbled abs…

But quickly my reverie was interrupted by –

“Who got hurt?” It was Jinni she had unbeknownst to me exited the shower and was standing behind me behind the couch.

She leaned in and reached over and took the beer bottle from my hand and took a swig of it. Before placing it back in my hand without saying a word.

I looked at the bottle sitting there in my hand. A small bit of the wetness from where Mrs. J had placed her mouth remained on the end of the bottle – The beer was nearly done and the suds were sitting at the bottom of the green bottle.  But there glistening along the neck was just the light hint of Mrs. J’s pursed lips. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and then - I took the last swig. A slight spark traveled up my spine as I luxuriated in the intimacy of knowing that my lips and Jinni’s lips had, just for a brief moment occupied the same physical space.

“Bob, you can catch up on sports later,” Lori said coming over and snapping the TV off.

“Bob. The restaurant has TVs. We’ll sit you so you can watch them. You won’t have to talk to anybody.” Mrs. J joked, and Lori joined in laughing. I tried to stifle a bit of a laugh myself. I was always amazed at Mrs. Jones’ wit. She always seemed to know exactly what to say.

‘That would be like his dream.” Lori said as Bob finally climbed up off the couch.

And I did the same spinning to find Jinni standing there in the entryway area of the suite waiting for me so she could close up the room.

She was fresh from the shower. I noticed her more severe dark contest tan had been washed away allowing her more natural olive brown skin and darker coloring to show through. And I also believed she had applied a light layer of bronzer moisturizer which covered her skin with a fine layer making it appear tantalizingly moist to the touch. The overall effect was that the bulging muscles stretched and shaped her tight dark skin literally making them shimmer when she moved.

Mrs. Jones had replaced her sweats and dressed for the evening in a tight, cinnamon brown dress was stretched over her body. Its coloring was near the coloring of her skin which gave the impression at times of her being nearly naked, while the tight fabric clung to her body and midsection and allowed for the clear visibility of her queue ball abs and the upper part of her hip flexors to be visible as she moved around the room.  The top had been designed with a single strap that clasped around her upper traps and left the majority of her clavicles, bulging chest and the plunging back of her back as well as her arms to be on full display. And a small gold necklace hung around her thick neck and fell just slightly, it’s glimmering color offsetting the beefy fibers of her pectorials as it fell mid-chest.

Mrs. Jones moved slightly adjusting herself in her heels. A bit of awkwardness as I again wondered, and was amazed at the fact, that I knew it was difficult and a specific skill for women to walk in high heels, but I marveled at and wondered, if the additional 40 or 50 lbs of dense-packed muscle beef she carried and the sheer curves and angles that the muscle packed on her frame made it more difficult for her to walk in them. If they had, you wouldn’t have known it. Besides the slight waddle caused by the acquiescing to thickness of layered inner thigh development, Mrs. Jones moved with a grace and fluidity.

“You ready Lawrence?” She said smiling to me and as she grabbed her floral print purse and shoved it under her meaty built bicep before flipping off the light to the room.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 17, 2018, 03:22:53 pm


We had soon made our way down to the lobby and as we stepped off every head spun in our direction. I think the sheer extraordinariness of seeing a beautiful muscle woman like Mrs. Jones in such elegant and feminine attire was genuinely shocking for many of the people in the lobby. And you could literally feel the attention on our party as we climbed off the elevator and headed towards the exits.

Heads spun, and people looked at us as we walked past. We had again split off in our default groupings. Lori and Bob up ahead and me and Mrs. Jones picking up the rear. Jinni completely seemed to be unaware and ignored the commotion she was causing and mostly asked me about what I was going to order that night. But I noticed pretty much every guy looked at me in envy as I headed across the lobby arm and arm with my buffed date for the evening.

We took an Uber to the restaurant and as we waited outside for the car to arrive a bit of wind picked up.

“Brrr… Cold…” Jinni said shivering, and she backed up into me a bit for warmth. “Could you, Lawrence?” She asked indicating the light silk wrap she had brought to keep her warm for the evening. And I took it from her and draped it over her shoulders. She turned and mouthed “Thank you…” to me. It seemed like just these small acts had the effect of forging our bond even closer.

“You wouldn’t be so cold if you wore more clothes,” Bob said.

“Bob! She looks gorgeous!” Lori said coming to her friend’s defense.

“Thank you, Lori,” Jinni said, and I noticed that the act of backing up into me slightly for warmth had caused a bit of the back of Jinni’s stretch tight dress and her glutes to brush up against my crotch, rubbing in their fabric encased prison momentarily against the fly of my pants before stepping away from me as the car finally arrived.


The car ride over was, and of course, the driver had commented on Mrs. Jones’ arms which prompted an impromptu pose off where the driver compared his rather okay arm to Mrs. Jones. But it was interesting on close inspection although the driver seemed to equal her in size Mrs. Jones arms contained a level of development and rippedness that put a normal person’s arms to shame. The arms were similar in size, but just a quick glance could differentiate Mrs. Jones’ pro-level development from the cab drivers amateur lifters bulk. As Jinni slowly brought her arms up in a flex you could see the immense, head and peak of the biceps stretch the skin and the small muscle fibers dance under the surface, while on the lower part of the arm, Mrs. Jones’ phonebook sized triceps layered the arm with added depth and breadth the driver just couldn’t compete with.

On the ride over Bob had climbed in the front seat which meant Mrs. Jones, Lori and I had squeezed in the back.

“All in…” The driver asked before pulling away, and I had accidentally climbed in before Jinni, which meant I was jammed up in the middle seat, pinned between Lori and her soft sweater, and Mrs. Jones’ bulging back which was now situated mere inches from me in the compact car.


Within what felt like a pretty quick amount of time the car arrived at J & J Steakhouse, which was only a few miles away from the convention.

“Jennifer… Can I get your autograph…” The driver asked rather cutely and handed Jinni a pen and piece of paper for her to sign, which I noticed that she did, adding in her looping curved feminine signature followed about a small little illustration of a flexed bicep which I thought was cute.

And exiting the car Jinni and the driver agreed to follow each other on social media.

Heading into the restaurant the place was packed, and a jazz band was playing some familiar music on the far side of the restaurant.

“You ever been here before?” Jinni asked taking my arm in hers as the hostess led us to the tables.

It had of course gone without saying, but the moment we stepped out of the car nearly every head had spun in Jinni’s direction to do a double take.. and as we walked in past the line of people without reservations waiting in the chilled night I noticed people’s eyes follow Jinni’s spectacularly shaped body whose dressed moved and flowed with each of her bulging movements.

The same effect had followed us into the restaurant as, as we made our way in between tables, I could see men look up and suddenly lose their train of thought as Jinni passed. In the distance I saw two women, about Jinni’s age, sitting and drinking martinis, they immediately, as if sensing some sort of threat was in their presence of their ability to attract wealthy men, landed their eyes on Jinni and then went slack-jawed as it was evident that the buffed, bronzed soccer mom in the skin tight strapless mini dress and the glistening smoky blue eyes was going to the topic of conversation for the night.

Even the hostess, a pretty young blonde girl, I noticed had added an extra pep in her step to seat us and continuously looked back at Jinni and me.

“I’m sorry ma’am I have to ask, are you a bodybuilder?” She said finally getting up the nerve.

“Yes. I competed tonight.” Jinni said sweetly, slowing down her pace just a bit to fully engage with the younger woman.

“I don’t know what the other women looked like, but I’m sure you must have wiped the stage with them.” She said offering Jinni a big smile.

“She came in second place!” Lori said proudly of her friend. And Jinni nodded, and nervously brushed a few of the locks of her hair which had crested into her traps.

“Well, I don’t doubt it…. You look amazing.” The hostess said with a squeal and quickly bounced off to help another table.

We had taken a seat and I cracked a menu and looked at the prices and have to say I was incredibly relieved that Jinni had revealed to me in confidence she was paying for the meal as I was sure that ordering even that cheapest appetizer which was an $18 salad would have knocked me off my food budget and forced me to eat ramen noodles for the next week and a half!

“Have you ever eaten at a steakhouse?” Jinni asked as Lori and Bob looked over the menu together.

“I think I have but …“

“Not one like this?” Jinni asked. She had leaned in close, and the bulged side of her capped shoulder was brushing against mine, even though she seemed at least a body length or so away, and I guess just the sheer width of her upper body closed the gapped.

“Okay, so they age the steaks here which means they’ll bring ‘em out on a cart.” She said, and I noticed she was cupping her hand to the side of her mouth like she was telling me a secret. I think she was doing this as not to expose my naiveté to Bob and Lori and I nodded along, once again embracing the conspiratorial bond I felt had been fostered between us.

“So when they bring out the steaks, just pretend and ‘oh’ and ‘awe’ like it’s a big deal... It’s just…. A part… of the show…” She said again in a low whisper and shot me a wink. “Now what kind of steak do you like?”

I told her I wasn’t sure and Mrs. J subtly took her pinky finger and pointed down to the bottom base of the menu pointing out one of the steaks in particular that I should order. I don’t think I fully grasped what she was doing, but today with some distance, I could see she was helping to advise me, to protect me. By advising me on what steak to order without saying it in front of Bob and Lori to save me the embarrassment of seeming like I was just imitating what she had picked for me to order.

Throughout the night a steady group of well-wishers and gawkers would make their way over to the table for a photo opp with Jinni. Since the restaurant was close to the convention center a lot of audience members from the show were in attendance and they, of course, wanted their photo taken with the new number 2 in the world!
But was also surprising was the hubbub would bring over the other patrons in the restaurant. A family of four that wanted a shot of Mrs. J in the middle cranking out a double bicep pose.  One incident involved a bachelor party, and as Mrs. J posed in the middle of 8 profoundly drunk and charged up 20 year olds I was genuinely concerned she was going to get clubbed on the head as they violently pushed prodded her to get her in the center of the picture, but throughout it all Jinni seemed to take it all in stride. And I was frankly wondering how she dealt with it as we seemed to be interrupted every few minutes with another photo request, which Jinni would gratefully rise and pose for, talk for a few moments and make each person feel as if they had been a particular special occasion in her entire night.

The meal was spectacular, and I knew that since the moment the waiter came over to take our initial orders we were in for an ‘interesting evening.’ The waiter was an older gentleman, maybe in his late 40s (but I guess that was Jinni’s age and she didn’t seem older, so it’s all just a number.) And he seemed to be thrown as he first laid eyes on Jinni who was sitting in the back of the booth and with her scarf off had exposed the top sheaf of her bulging shoulders and especially traps to the world…

“Hello and welcome to er…” The waiter trailed off as I, and I think the rest of the table, could see him first realize precisely the build of the woman he would be waiting on for the rest of the evening. Lori snickered a bit, and I looked over to Jinni, who seemed to meet the poor befuddled fellow's confusion only with warm kindness.

“I-uh…. Welcome to JJ’s Steakhouse. Have you dined with us before?” He finally managed to say, spitting out the pre-rehearsed schpeal he had no doubt delivered a dozen times that night, just not to a woman whose exposed traps resembled Christmas hams grafted under her skin.

“We all have, but it’s Lawrence first time.” Jinni said back maintaining eye contact with our waiter whose name tag I could now see said ‘Fred.’

“Oh, first timer…” Fred said barely taking his eyes off Mrs. J’s direction, and I couldn’t help but feel the temperature in the room seemed to shoot up multiples as I could see Jinni was lightly fondling the small, gold necklace then usually rested in her layered chest area.

I noticed Fred’s Adam’s apple bobbed uncontrollably as his eyes remained transfixed on the small piece of golden jewelry whose action of being played with was catching the light of the glinting candle at our table while slowly reflecting its warm glow against the fluttering pec fibers which were readably apparent under Jinni’s glistening skin.

“I’ll give you a few moments to get aquatinted with the menu and then come back and take your order,” Fred said finally managing to pull himself away from Mrs. J’s dancing necklace charm and onto what was surely the just as enchanting charms of her eyes. “Can I get you anything while you are deciding?”

“I’ll take the biggest margarita you feel comfortable making… and do you still serve bread?” Mrs. J asked.

“Bread and booze for the lady,” Fred said before dancing away from the table with a hop in his step.

Once he was gone. Lori shot Jinni a mischievous look.

“What…” Jinni said defensively still playing with her necklace and gave a Lori a sly glance. Both women quickly broke out into laughter.

“What?” Said Bob finally looking up from the menu. “Does this place have hot wings?” He asked quickly returning his gaze to the menu.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 17, 2018, 04:09:03 pm
We're all being spoiled with so much of this fantastic story being pumped out! Keep it up ♥
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 17, 2018, 11:30:08 pm
Thanks SRD - There is one more piece that I am finishing right now... and I am publicly putting this out there THAT I WILL POST B4 XMAS!! So I can hold myself accountable but that piece kind of brings everything full circle for the chapter and hopefully will justify why these installments went so into detail so hopefully ppl havent been thrown off by the length so far and will stick with it!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 18, 2018, 12:09:04 am
Personally I love detailed, lengthy reads like this. It immerses me more into the environment and gives me a more solid feel of what Ms. Halifax is about ^^
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 20, 2018, 05:14:39 pm
Hi Y'all --

As promised here is the last piece of this chapter current chapter of Mrs. J: The College Years. Hopefully it was worth the wait!

Comments, critiques and Karma are all welcome. I'd love to hear if your happy with the direction Jinni and Lawrences relationship is heading in.

This will probably be my last posting of the year so happy holidays and thanks again for reading.


“I’m literally stuffed…” Jinni said patting her stomach which had bulged out slightly and caused her deep cut abs to press out against the tight fabric of her dress as we climbed out of the car and headed back into the lobby of the hotel.

We had just unloaded from the car ride from the steakhouse and arrived back at the hotel. The food was terrific, and Mrs. Jones and I had put it away, both eating a giant steak. I had no idea where the lady put it, but actually looking at her rock hard muscular body, I could clearly see –

Throughout the evening Mrs. J had also ordered a bunch of large margaritas, jokingly telling the waiter ‘When you see this one get low, you bring the next.’ Each time the waiter would step away, Jinni was discreetly angle the straw towards me, indicating for me to take a sip, which I would pull off the straw and sucking in the sweet tequila laced beverage.

As we all stumbled into the hotel, I couldn’t help feel a warm, good vibe amongst everyone. Even Bob seemed to have finally loosened up and put away his phone.

We took a seat at the bar, and Mrs. Jones excused herself for a brief moment to use the ladies room.

I was watching her lycra-clad hourglass figure of muscle, which just a few hours before had been posed and flexed on stage in a tiny bikini, disappear across the hotel lobby as Lori leaned in next to me ---

 ‘What’s your intentions with my friend?’ she asked leaning into my ear.

I was a bit taken aback by the question and noticed Bob had looked away or at least pretended to look elsewhere and return to his phone. His demeanor communicating ‘you’re on your own with this one.’

I began to stammer out ‘I- I don’t really understand…’

‘Oh come on Lawrence.’ Lori said with a dismissive hand. ‘I’ve known Jinni for over fifteen years. Let me put it to you this way… When a woman has reached a certain age. Had kids. Did her part as a wife. She wants to have what she wants. She wants to live for herself. And only a fool couldn’t see you two have some kind of connection.”

It was an odd thing to hear said out loud, especially by someone who knew Jinni so well. But it was also something I couldn’t be in denial of. Ever since I had befriended Mrs. Jones by my acquaintance with Sebastian, I couldn’t help but feel something had continually pulled us together, as if by fate.

Back where I had grown up there was a term; ‘Kindred.’  It’s an old Southern term that had meant a kind of deeper, inexplicable connection. It wasn’t so much ‘love’ as the idea that somewhere in the world there was a person waiting for you who understood you in a way that you didn’t even understand yourself. Maybe that was why Mrs. Jones had come back into my life?

“All I’m saying is, you hurt her at all she’s been through…. And you’ll have me to deal with,” Lori said pointing at herself sternly. The idea that Mrs. Jones with her bulging muscles could ever be hurt seemed ridiculous to me, but for the first time I became aware of her emotionally as a person, and hearing her friend stick up for her just made my feelings even more real.

“What are you all talking about?” I heard Jinni said as she made her way back to the table.

“Just you… and how amazing you are.” Lori said covering the last part of our conversation as Jinni took her seat next to me.

“Oh little old me…” Jinni said in a joking Southern Belle accent and batted her eyelashes. It was meant to be a joke, but Jinni had an incredible way of making even her own self-deprecation feel incredibly charming.

“We’re also talking about how if we don’t head out we’re going to hit traffic. Isn’t that right Bob?” Lori said and slid off her stool and gathered up her stuff.

“Yup…. Yup.” Bob said and took a handful of nuts from the bowl on the bar.

“You sure? It’s only eight? Have another drink.” Jinni said and rose a bit from her chair and headed towards the bar.

“No. You, two young people, enjoy the night. I’m so proud of you.” Lori said and made her way over to the muscle woman, giving her a hug on Mrs. Jones’ thick build.

“Okay. I never could do this without you, sweetie. You know that?” Jinni said holding Lori’s arms in her hands before giving her another hug.

“And you too Bob,” Jinni said before making her way over to Bob to give him a hug, which I noticed he pulled back a bit, which to me was odd. It seemed any man or woman would savor the opportunity to take in and be close to Mrs. J’s muscles, but it really looks as if Bob was utterly indifferent to Jinni’s bodybuilt-bulk, and actually slightly put off by it.

As the two women continued to say goodbye and make plans to meet up, Bob leaned in to shake my hand –

“Good meeting you.” He then pulled me in closer and whispered something I’m not exactly sure what he meant to this day. “You get a chance to drive a Ferrari…. You don’t go back to driving a Ford.” And then pulled away giving me a pat on the back and then headed out.

With Lori and Bob gone Mrs. Jones and I sat there on the stool for a little bit. It was suddenly so quiet.

“Did you like the show?” She asked.

“It was really cool,” I said and then dumbly realized how bad I was a conversation and that I needed to ask her questions as well. “Are you happy with your placing?”
 I asked.

Mrs. J made a nose-wrinkling face as if she was thinking long and hard about it. It was both incredibly dorky, but in the candlelight of the table and with her tan and her makeup, it also looked incredibly sexy.

“I think I am. I want to do better you always want to do your best, but Paloma is really something.” Mrs. J said and took another pull of her marg straw which I noticed left the lingering impression of her pink lipstick on the straw.

“She really is..” I said, and then Mrs. J shot me a look, which I couldn’t tell if it was a surprise or her feeling threatened. “All the girls looked great… You looked great” I said trying my best now to pull it back, but in some ways feeling like I had stepped in it even more.

“Oh wow, Lawrence. You’ll make quite the politician someday.” Jinni said making a joke, and we both started laughing

A moment of silence lingered between us—

“Hey, Lawrence… I’ve got an idea. I want to show you what Lady Bodybuilders really look forward to after their competition.” She said smiling at me. Her dazzling blue eyes flickering in the candlelight.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 20, 2018, 05:15:14 pm
“Now come on Lawrence, I’m going to show you what Lady Bodybuilders look forward to the most of after their competition.” I loved that she called them ‘Lady Bodybuilders’ it sounded so feminine yet powerful and pushed me even closer to the brink then I already was.

With a ding we had found our floor and stepped off the elevator, my pulse was racing and could literally feel my heart beating out of my chest as I followed Mrs. J down the carpet covered halls to her room.

She was a few steps in front of me and I took long, lingering glances, at the way the sway of her hips and how her muscular legs pumped and flexed in her high heels with each step she took, the outer part of the front of her built up thigh muscles even becoming visible from behind as they flexed outward as she walked the carpet.

We had maintained conversation throughout most of the elevator ride, I think talking about the show, although I don’t remember. My heart was in my throat, and I felt like I might throw up butterflies at any moment.

“Here we are….” Said Jinni stopping out the door and digging out the key card for the room from her purse.

She popped the door open, and I walked in, relieved to be hit with the cold blast of the rooms running air conditioning which helped cool me from the sweat that was building under my shirt.

“I like this room… It’s very cool.” I said, trying not to be flustered and taking in the room which was now filled with the glowing light coming in from outside the large 180-degree windows which looked over the convention center which was still pulsing with people from the shows after party.

“Oh yeah… It’s pretty sweet.” Said Mrs. J taking it in as if she had seen it for the first time. “They said they had a suite open and I said… Cool. I’ll take it.” As if renting a room that grand was no big deal. Which I guess in her world, it wasn’t.

“Listen. You take a seat and take a load off. It’s been a long day.” She said plopping me down on one of the stools surrounding the kitchenette’s counter.

“I’m going to just...”

Just going to what? But I had missed the end of what she said, and before I knew it I looked around, and Mrs. J had headed off to her bedroom.

I sat there. Desperately trying to catch my breath. To figure out what was I was doing there in that room. Part of me told me to run to the door. Some mistake had been made. But another, more authentic, deeper part of me told me to stay. That if I left I’d always regret it.

‘Okay. So… they send me all these dumb suits called micro teenies to wear for photo shoots… it’s literally like stuffing your body into a piece of dental floss but – “

I could hear Mrs. J moving around in the other room of the suite. There was a bit of clunking as she did what I could surmise, was kick off her heels and then pull open a drawer as she continued to talk through the separation of the doors between the rooms.

‘They are honestly the most uncomfortable things to wear but… people seem to love them so…” I could hear her say as I listened to another drawer slide open then shut and then what sounded like the zipping and unzipping of a duffle bag.

“Ah… let us see, they sent me this heavy metal thingee, a construction themed one… oh and my personal fav 50’s housewife but… oh, let's try this… “

As Mrs. Jones trotted out of the bedroom in her 5-inch heels my mouth hit the floor for what was probably the 40th time that evening. Standing there, a bit of the golden light of the bedroom illuminating her from behind, Mrs. Jones looked like an honest to god superhero come to life. And not just one of the girl hero’s like Storm, or Phoenix who were usually depicted with long, lean limbs and bulging voluptuous breasts. No, cast in a bit of shadow Mrs. J looked like she could take on Wolverine and give him a fair fight.

She looked huge, and my eyes were first drawn to her massive rounded shoulders and then up to her bulbous traps around which the tiny string of the micro teeny sat clenched between the muscle meat of what would have been her clavicle and her neck. Her trademark thin, stringed golden necklace dangling loosely and occasionally bunching into the crevice of her thick pecs, swinging a bit, but eventually hitting the muscle meat each bulging breast as it came to sit in the middle of her chest. And man… her chest looked amazing, she was contest dry, and the alcohol and meal we had just eaten hadn’t hit her metabolism yet. Everything looked dry with the grainy fibers of the rippled muscle seeming to dance and catch the light every so often and I noticed that the tiny top of the bikini seem to capture the small point of where her breasts would be which had a slight drop to them, the last remains of her female breasts which had been worked away over years of heavy lifting.

Although she was a smaller woman, in heels, and in that moment with her glorious body revealed to me in just the barest minimum of clothes her presence was so overwhelming that I actually felt a bit scared. A growing sense of just how powerful her muscles indeed were creeping through my system.

‘What do ya’ think…’ Mrs. J said holding her arms out to the side a bit to display her torso. The suit was teeny, tiny at the bottom and primarily just consisted of the small threads and a minuscule triangle of fabric barely big enough to contain her sex.

Mrs. J’s tight stomach fluttered in and out with each breath, and I noticed the veins and flexes of her cubed stomach muscles ripple and contract under her breathing as she stood, holding her arms out. Her thighs too bunched and flexed as she turned to display the suit to me in the light of the kitchen, and I noticed from my slight raised vantage point on the kitchen area stool how thick the top of the area that connected them to her hips were.

The suit had been designed in the style of a ‘cheerleader outfit’ and seemed as it had been styled a bit after the Britney Spears ‘Hit Me Baby One More Time’ video. Only so minimally that I had no doubt you could fit the entire suit into a lipstick case.

“It even comes with these little pom-poms.” Mrs. J said pulling out a set of somewhat cheap looking plastic pom-poms. The top portion of the suit being a tiny white fitting which looked somewhat like a tied of shirt top, just barely big enough to contain Jinni’s muscle engorge pec cleavage. While the bottom was merely a triangle of grey scarcely big enough to contain her sex, with a small bit of fabric bunting around the dental floss thin strap, which was meant to bring to mind the idea of a cheerleader's short skirt.

“Go! Team!” Jinni said doing a sort of tongue in cheek cheer with the pom poms that had come with the outfit before placing them down.

I smiled and clapped, and Jinni shrugged putting down the pom-poms and then came dangerously close to me. Her tanned, pumped up body near inches from me as I sat on the kitchen stool.

“And now… Let's do it… As promised the thing lady bodybuilders look forward to most…. after months of contest prep. Hard dieting and hours of training…” Jinni said as she trotted away from me and…. Over to the fridge in the suite giving me a view of her sweeping backside and lower body.

“Well, almost the thing we look forward to the most…” She said with a mischievous gleam in her eye and popped open the fridge. As she opened the door I saw a surge fire across the side of her lat, and the light from inside illuminate her bringing into view the deep valleys, ridges, and veins that surged across her built back. And at the same time my eye took in her lower body, clad only in the tiny bikini fabric, her glutes pushing up high and hard away from her body and a bit of the light from the fridge illuminating the dimples on her squared off ripped muscle cheeks as well as the striated fibers that fired under her thin skin.

“Homemade chocolate cake!!’ Mrs. J said trotting back to the kitchen island counter and delivering a cake plate containing a brown chocolate layer cake under a cellophane wrapping…

“You ever have a chocolate cake made by the number two ranked female bodybuilder in the world?” Mrs. J asked chiding me.

I shook my head indicating that I had not, and Mrs. J laughed and brought out a knife from the drawer under the kitchen counter island.

“What did you think of the show?” She asked as she began to cut the cake up in slices.

“I loved it. It was so much fun.” I said eagerly.

“And what was your favorite part?” Mrs. J asked raising her arched eyebrow up as she took a large piece of the cake off and put it on the plate.

“Paloma of course,” I said and then laughed knowing full well I was teasing Mrs. J slight.

“I’m not sure I like you anymore Lawrence.” Mrs. J said laughing and then slowly putting the piece of cut chocolate cake in front of me.

“She is pretty amazing though. I am so jealous of her lower body.” She said and then took a large slice of cake for herself and sat next to me.

I slowly took a piece of the cake on my fork and at it. It was moist and delicious.

“Good, right?” Jinni asked as she took a small piece of cake on her fork and ate it. I saw her eyes roll back in her head as if processing the deliciousness of the cake after so many months of self-deprivation.

For a few moments, we ate the cake in silence. Savoring its rich sweetness.

“Oh my god!!” Mrs. J suddenly cried out “We need milk!” And she hopped off the seat and trotted across the kitchenette area to the fridge giving me another shot of her muscle powered lower body in the minuscule outfit.

“You just can’t have chocolate cake without milk. That should be illegal.”

I laughed and agreed, and she took two of the glass tumblers out of the cabinet and filled them with the thick creamy white milk.

I took a bite and this time chased it with the milk and looked at Mrs. J she was doing the same, and we both simultaneously nodded and smiled.

“So good…” She said in between bites of the cake.
“Yeah… so good…” I said back and then kicked myself for realizing I had basically just said exactly what she had said to me.

We ate our cake in silence again, and I swallowed hard tasting the soft, moist cake, which felt so rewarding after the long day. I could hear Mrs. J’s teeth occasionally touch the spoon and then take a sip of milk. We sat there for a moment and then finally Jinni turned to me –

“I bet Paloma doesn’t make a chocolate cake like this.”

“I bet she doesn’t,” I said smiling back.

“And I bet Paloma doesn’t have arms like these…” Jinni said bringing her arms into a hard flex a few inches from my face.

For a beat, I sat there. Unsure what to do and I caught Jinni’s eyes... Her look was so multilayered it seemed to say ‘Go ahead touch them. I worked hard on them. And you worked hard today to…’ it was like she was presenting them as her gift to me.

And once she nodded, I felt my hands uncontrollably shoot out from my body and reached for the capped peaks of her biceps. Running my hands over their hardness and finally taking her right bicep in both my hands and squeezing it as I took in the thickness of both its peak and curving stretch of the bulging tricep underneath.

My eyes quickly fluttered to Mrs. J’s face as if to say that I was sorry for what I had just done, but looking at her face in the warm glow of the kitchen she only smiled at me as if to say it’s okay.

And then, without saying a word, she lowered her arms and did something that would change both our lives forever…

She took her fork and dragged it in a bit of the chocolate frosting and scooped it up pulled the icing, smearing it across the ridged vein peaked of her biceps. Spreading it along the bulged mountainous top.

I looked to her, and her eyes again said, “Go ahead…”

And then like that, I found myself leaning forward, Mrs. J’s volcanic bicep peak in my mouth. My tongue exploring it, the thin skin moving underneath it and my tongue able to feel the muscle fibers below. I took in the cake, sucking in its sticky sweetness off the muscle cap –

I began to stammer “I—I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over me…” But Mrs. J gave me a smile ‘shh..’ she indicated placing her finger against her lip and again smiled in such a way that communicated everything was going to be okay.

She again picked up the fork and again topped it off with frosting and then, this time with the hand that wasn’t holding the fork, slightly pulled aside some of the bikini top exposing the center of her pec and the lower area of the bottom of her breast, while still keeping her nipple hidden in the tiny cups of the fabric. She then slowly and with a knowing smirk spread the frosting into the crease of her pec.

I lunged for it again. My tongue now finding the jagged space in-between her two breast muscles and tracing it. Feeling the craggling edges of the muscle tissue. Mrs. J pumped her hands and arms subtly, causing the breast and pec to bulge slightly as my mouth sucked off the last of the frosting.

Mrs. J slowly repositioned her bikini top and then reached over and passed me my glass of milk.

“Here…” She said offering me the milk, her voice now both low and rooted in a way that communicated softness, power, and confidence all in its breathy cadence.

She tilted the milk to my lips, and I slurped it greedily, feeling the crisp taste of the milk felt so refreshing and cleared my palate. Then, slowly and gently she dabbed a bit of the remaining droplets of liquid off the side of my mouth with a napkin.

I again wanted to protest, but at the point, Mrs. J had stood up and offered the next body part of hers to me. Her crisp bulging abs, which she spread the chocolate frosting across…. Then sucked in her stomach, contracting incredibly tightly and causing the mounds of molded abs to pop, flex and contract under her skin.

I sucked away greedily, feeling the paperskin thin that covered her hard cobbled abs move and pull as I sucked away.

Jinni then pulled back slightly and I wondered if the entire thing was ending but ---

For the piece d-resistance of the entire show, Mrs. J sultrily made her way over to the plate. I couldn’t help but notice that she did so she seemed to sway her hips a bit as if getting into it more.

She then scooped the last bit of the chocolate off her plate brought it up and stood there for a moment –

“Now… is this something you could see Paloma letting you do…”

I shook my head, both now a bit scared and enthused at the proceedings.

Jinni then came around in front of me and spun my kitchen stool slightly, so I was facing her. From behind she was hollowed by the light of the kitchen light overhead and her body silhouetted by the light that was coming it from the outside.

She leaned forward. Her face inches from mine a smile crossed her pretty face and her eyebrow arched up on her golden brown forehead.

She then first brought her arm down hard in a tri-flex and, with great care extended her right leg behind her, causing the side of her glute, both to POP, then finally flex up pushing up high and hard against the lower portion of her thonged panties. The extended leg flex caused the glute muscle first to flex into ridges of tissue, and the side dimple muscle of where her lower leg connected to her hip pushing and then finally squaring up into a chiseled, ledge-like bulge that stood off her lower body. Jinni held the flex for a mere moment, and I could see the lines of striations that ran parallel along the length of the brown bulged muscle, and I watched as they appeared and looked a bit like lines of corduroy bristling under the skin.

She then, continued to hold her flex, and brought the fork down grazing it along the side of her glute and using the squared up edge to clean the fork of its remaining frosting.

My eyes found her eyes again and traced their sight line down to her ridged up clenched glute cheek, and she offered up another charming look that said ‘Go ahead. Sample.”

And I lunged forward, my mouth finding first the top ridged shelf of the muscle. Sucking hard I felt the rice paper thin skin move around a bit over the fibers of her warm muscle as my tongue hungrily sucked on its surface. The tip of my tongue having to dig in slightly and as I worked to get the remaining frosting, the wedges and crevices caused by the bulging fibrous muscle underneath.

With the last of the cake gone Mrs. J finally popped up from flexed hold and used a bit of the discarded napkin on the table to clean off the rounded surface of her jutting butt muscle of the remaining frosting.

And then once again brought the glass of milk up to my lips and tipped it forward for me to sip.
“Now…” She said, raising herself up on her heels “Have you ever eaten chocolate cake off a woman with 3.7 percent body fat before…” and then brushed the last of the cake and milk off from my mouth with great care. It sounded less like a brag coming from her and more like a statement of fact.

“I—“ I again tried to protest. To say I was sorry. That I had made a mistake but…

“Shh… “ Mrs. Jones whispered to me placing her finger against her lip.

She then, slowly, and balancing her bulk elegantly on her heels – knelt down, crouching in between my legs.

I looked down at her and she gave me so such a warm, kind smile – the kind of smile that seemed to come more from some deeper place inside of her – that I suddenly felt I was instantly accepted. Instantly seen. That I would never have to hide myself or who I was again and that everything I had ever done that was wrong was being forgiven at this moment and I was being wrapped in an infinite pool of understanding and warmth.

In fact, I now felt as if the entire room had gone warm, and that the cold air conditioning that had been running in the room for most of the night had been replaced with a warm, steady blowing of air that filled the room and made it feel like a cocoon of safety wrapping me in its warming embrace. The sound of the cars and the streets outside as the convention center still hung in the distance, but in this room now it felt as if Mrs. Jones and I were the only two people alive.

Within moments Jinni working from her crouched position had slid the pair of khaki pants I was wearing that night down halfway in between my thighs. And then with her firm grip slid her hands under me, and hoisted me up and then readjusted me slightly on the stool… and then quickly and adeptly whipped my cock out of my boxer shorts…

Unsheathed from its fabric prison my cock sprung quickly to life, growing into its full rock hardness within mere moments of being exposed to the warm night air.

I looked down at Mrs. Jones imploringly; I think half checking to make sure she was doing okay, and half making sure what was happening to me was actually happening – But each time I gazed down I met her eyes which seemed to be saying “It’s okay Lawrence. Just relax. Just relax.”

Soon I felt Mrs. Jones hand ease over my thigh, moving up slowly and then encompass my cock in its grasp. She squeezed it slightly. Milking it. Putting a small bit of force as her dainty hand covered my manhood.

It was hard to explain, but I could tell the pressure she was putting on with each aching squeeze was minimal… but still…  as if my dick was connected deep into her grasp I perhaps sensed intuitively that she was holding back. Despite the strong grip, I could tell there was so much more power there… she was holding back… and my knowledge of her deep, unexplored reservoirs of strength -- just the mere potential of what she was capable of doing to me - sent ripples of fear, excitement, and adrenalin all down and coursing through my body.

My dick responded in kind, jump-jump-jumping, flexing and quivering under her grasp as I felt it thrust and grow harder than I ever thought possible. The feeling of the blood rushing to it now, quick and fast made it feel as if the skin on it might burst open at any moment –

Mrs. J ran her hand over the tip of my throbbing manhood, briefly cupping it in her small hand as my rock hard cock continued to quiver and shake the head now ozzing the pre-cum which had been stored all day by the show and the presence of girls and the nearness of my ultimate muscle crush; Mrs. Jones, who was crouched in-between my legs slowly maneuvering my manhood up and down, softly in her manicured hands.

Mrs. J worked spreading the smooth milky pre-cum up my shaft, and I could feel her small hands, a bit of the callused and meat of the palms which had been strengthened by hours of hoisting ridiculously heavy weights. Powerful hands felt rough for a moment on the shaft of my dick, but soon smoothed under the jizz which was oozing from my pulsating shaft in long steady streams –

I gasped – and I’m sure Mrs. J loved the effect she had on me, as she held my unguarded member in her powerful grip, my hips began to buck, and I gasped slightly pushing myself close to my edge, but still holding myself back as I didn’t want the eternal torture to end.

I grasped the stool tight and roiled my head back and then… I felt then Mrs. Jones take my shaft into her soft, moist mouth –

I will tell you now – I had, had a few blow jobs from Lizzie and a couple of other girls in high school, but nothing could compare to the experience of what a mature woman could do, fellas. And why not, Jinni had nearly 2 decades of being married to perfect her technique and perfect it. And perfect it she had…

And even here thinking back on it, now I could still feel it. How she’d work the underside of my shaft with her soft tongue - in… and out… gliding it up and down, occasionally dragging it just slightly with a bit of friction over her small lower teeth… and then in ever so slowly… the aching pulsating shaft meeting the inner warmness of her mouth –


And out…

Over and over… until I was right on the edge and then… as if with a sixth sense she would pull back… right as I was the on edge… With a light slurp, gently removing her lips from the shaft and occasionally brushing the underside of my engorged balls with the outside of her hand and then starting up the slow, prolonged torture all over again as….

I would occasionally look down at her, crouched in-between my legs, the brown granite muscle mass of her bowling ball delts, and traps… the pumped tanned fibers of her vein encrusted forearms and biceps on her short, but pumped arms, working, flexing away all working now to pump my shaft… to pleasure me…

It was the most mind-blowing feeling ever to watch those arms… those biceps which I’d seen on Insta**** and Youtube, cranking out hammer curls with 50lb dumbbells with the ease of lifting feathers…. Those shoulders which were capable of repping away at the military press rack with 45 lb plates on both sides of the bench press bar… cranking out set after set with ease… all now holding my cock, the most delicate part of my body with such softness and tenderness. All while knowing that any moment, if the tide had turned, or if she had been so willing, what she could have quickly done to me or my manhood.

But it wasn’t her strength she was expressing now… it was something else…

Each time my gaze lingered down there for a more then a moment, Mrs. Jones would look up as if sensing my eyes on her… and with my cock still in her mouth give me that look of infinite warmth and kindness. That look that said everything was going to be okay –

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity – My body convulsed… Shooting what was no doubt the most powerful load I had ever blown out of my rock hard dick –

Mrs. J’s jaw muscles tightened taking in the load and then swallowed –

I sat there taking everything in… Mrs. J sat, my dick, still hard in her mouth. She finally gave it one last suck, clearing the remaining cum off and then pushed herself up, standing between my still prostrated legs.

She clicked off her heels and stood there now, just in her bare feet - right at my eye line… and stared at me, with the biggest grin on her face. Less mockery and more ‘What a good girl am I…’

I sat stock still, and she looked at me deep in my eyes, my still rock hard dick quivering and brushing slightly against her exposed brick abs which were flexing and contracting as she caught her breath. She leaned in and bent her arms resting her elbows on my exposed thighs, and turning her arms, doubled her muscle thickness as her peaked biceps pressed into her engorged forearms which were still snaking with veins from the effort they had just put forth and leaned in close.  She then then leaned forward and, looking at me, dug her elbows deep into the top part of my thighs. I could tell she was putting a good amount of her dense, contest ready muscles and resting her weight on them. The point was somewhat intense and excruciating her elbows, but also exhilarating and suddenly brought me back to life after the intense oral sex and I could tell a bit from the expression on her face that this too was a test, to see if I could take her, take her weight, handle what she could dish out with her body and not complain.

I awaited a moment – unsure what to do? Did we kiss – Normally I wouldn’t after a blow job like that, but the moment felt so inmate something was lacking –

And still, Mrs. Jones continued to look at me, smiling with her beatific smile.

I went to open my mouth again to say I was sorry…

But there, before I could say anything, she opened her arms up to me and took me into an embrace.  And held me tight.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on December 21, 2018, 02:02:46 pm
Brilliant, exceptional writing.  :bravo: cant wait for the next post im on the edge of my seat!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Saxony Red Devil on December 21, 2018, 05:16:19 pm
“You ever have a chocolate cake made by the number two ranked female bodybuilder in the world?” I love this. I also love how sweet and tender the big moment between the two was, very well executed Eli 🙌🏼👌🏼
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on December 21, 2018, 06:48:46 pm
Thank you soooo much. That was an incredible chapter and a very welcome turn in their relationship!
Such a gift to read that before Christmas!
Amazing story!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: wowser1016 on December 22, 2018, 07:23:26 am
What a great way to end the year, chocolate cake and a blow job, my favorites!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 22, 2018, 03:14:12 pm
Hi all Thanks for all the comments I'm glad people are responding to this chapter. I took a bit of a chance on how it would play out so I'm glad everyone seems to enjoy it and have stuck with some of the slower parts. I'm playing with some ideas of how to move Lawrence and Jinni's relationship forward and hopefully I'll be able to start working on it next month and get something posted. Love any ideas people might have os far as stuff and situations ppl would like to see Mrs. Jones in. Happy holidays everyone!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 22, 2018, 03:18:55 pm
Wow, I didn't expect it to happen this way... I'm surprised, I expected more Jinni to remain flirty and train a potential lover for Lawrence (Lizzy... Daughter of Uri....???)
But it's a great one, very well written.
Thanks or sharing your work.

Happy holidays for you too!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: xepha on December 23, 2018, 01:31:55 am
Love it.  Great buildup and love this last chapter. 
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on December 23, 2018, 06:45:34 am
I have to agree with Qbikk about being surprised by where this went. Surprise can be a good thing though and I think this section was my favorite so far. You just keep getting better Eli. Perhaps a jealousy develops somehow. Lawrence gets more confident and asks a muscular girl out his age and she says yes?  Not sure but there need to be some conflict before you move things forward.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 23, 2018, 05:39:11 pm
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Wow, I didn't expect it to happen this way... I'm surprised, I expected more Jinni to remain flirty and train a potential lover for Lawrence (Lizzy... Daughter of Uri....???)
But it's a great one, very well written.
Thanks or sharing your work.

Happy holidays for you too!

Hey QB -- Sorry you felt so surprised by the development of this chapter. I know how much you feel Jinni should act and behave a certain way. Hopefully you can see this is in line with her character development and her and Lawrence have had a deep connection that they have been looking for the right time to explore. That being said... we have definitly not seen  the last of Uri's daughter. Don't worry... I have a feeling she'll be coming back around.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 23, 2018, 09:37:04 pm
Hey, surprised doesn't mean I'm disappointed. I don't have a clear picture of what should go on with Jinni. It's your story, please surprise us some more with what you planned!!
I'll stick around for sure!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: richard on January 04, 2019, 07:23:53 am
Very nice it was very intoxicating to read and made want more .
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Bugenhagen on January 04, 2019, 09:36:05 am
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I looked down at her and she gave me so such a warm, kind smile – the kind of smile that seemed to come more from some deeper place inside of her – that I suddenly felt I was instantly accepted. Instantly seen. That I would never have to hide myself or who I was again and that everything I had ever done that was wrong was being forgiven at this moment and I was being wrapped in an infinite pool of understanding and warmth.

I think this was the part I loved the most. It touches a particular place of a young secretive musclephile who's story seems a lot like my own. This story is fantastic. Thanks so much for creating it.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on January 05, 2019, 07:20:07 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
I looked down at her and she gave me so such a warm, kind smile – the kind of smile that seemed to come more from some deeper place inside of her – that I suddenly felt I was instantly accepted. Instantly seen. That I would never have to hide myself or who I was again and that everything I had ever done that was wrong was being forgiven at this moment and I was being wrapped in an infinite pool of understanding and warmth.

I think this was the part I loved the most. It touches a particular place of a young secretive musclephile who's story seems a lot like my own. This story is fantastic. Thanks so much for creating it.

Hey --

I think no matter who we are we are all looking for someone to see us for who we truly wish to be so I’m glad that image and idea resonated with you. I just started working on the next chapter hopefully have it out in a few weeks. Thanks for reading and everyone who commented. This chapter will definitely be shorter and more concise then the last, unfortunately think I burnt myself out a bit on that last bit so sit tight.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on January 25, 2019, 01:16:08 pm
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on January 26, 2019, 01:02:01 am
I look forward to the resolution, but don't burn yourself out to get it up there.  Waiting is hard, but its also part of the fun.  Take care and thanks again for this wonderful story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on February 15, 2019, 09:40:12 pm
Hi Yall!!

Sorry for a little bit of a lag in chapters. I had started this about a month ago and made notes but got caught up in some other stuff and was finally able to get to finish it. Hopefully people are still excited to follow this story after a bit of a lay off.

I also played around a little bit with the format breaking away from Lawrence’s point of view occasionally to focus on some others as they react to Miss Jones. It’s a still I played around with a bit in some earlier chapters and felt like I should re-explore it as just telling it from Lawrence’s POV was beginning to get a bit confining. Let me know if it works for you. Here’s Part 1. I’ll try to drop the second part sometime before the end of the weekend.

As always comments, questions, critiques and karma are all welcome. 

Note: All characters over 18

The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years Chapter 5 Part 1

Her name was Roxie Tanner, and frankly, she was disgusted.

The muscular woman had been on the elliptical machine for nearly an hour. The small exercise room at the hotel wasn’t packed at this early hour of the morning, but still… Roxie tried to keep herself in shape, but after two kids, a bit of the bulge on her hips and the front of her stomach had appeared and no amount of cardio, diets or change in her eating patterns had seemed to be able to burn it off.

And now, here at this early hour, was a woman who looked like this!

It wasn’t entirely fair. Roxie had entered the small gym at the hotel and was moderately shocked to see the muscle-bound woman, tanned and built beyond belief, cranking away at the elliptical machine. She had heard that there was a bodybuilding contest happening at the convention center adjacent to the hotel, but besides a few buffed up dudes and a couple of obviously silicone enhanced women in tight dresses she hadn’t thought much of it.

And now here was this ‘thing’ working out next to her.

Roxie turned and offered the woman a smile and was instantly shocked to catch sight of her buffed bulging shoulders which spilled out of her tank top, one of those tank tops that had been cut off to reveal the woman’s large muscular arms.

The woman smiled back at her. A kind, warm smile. Roxy hated her even more. She seemed…. Nice…

Roxy gulped as she took in the flashes of muscle fibers which danced under the woman’s tanned skin as she gripped the handles of the elliptical.

It set her off, but what had been genuinely disarming… was the site that had greeted Roxy as she first walked in the exercise room. The woman’s well-muscled lower body and backside – Which she could now clearly view in the exercise room’s mirrored walls.

Roxie had heard all about the benefits of squats, but this woman’s butt, lower body, and legs seemed something beyond that. Each step caused the woman’s impossibly developed hamstrings to press out in thick telephone cables of muscle, while the spandex shorts which Roxie noticed with some annoyance had been cut ridiculously high, showcased a set of chiseled, squared off hunks of muscle which looked closer to polished stone, then flesh. It was downright disgusting but still….  Roxie could not wholly turn away and found each time she tried to return to her IPad her eyes would glance back to the mirror. The shifting bulging squared off muscle until…

She turned and found. Once again the woman offering her a warm smile.


I woke up on the couch with the morning sun shining in through the windows of the hotel room. Brief bits of the night before flitting through my head. I, of course, remembered the scandalous muscle show Mrs. Jones had put on for me in the kitchen. Her in the tiny outfit. Her posing. The taste of chocolate cake off her warmed muscles. And of course, the blowjob which still left ripples and tingles swimming around in my manhood.

Maybe it was a bit too much of the margarita, but I only had fleeting images of how I had made it over to the couch which had been my bed for the night.

After the powerful climax, I had collapsed into Mrs. Jones muscular arms where she gave me a soothing pat on the back while I rested my head against her armor-plated chest.

“Alright… let's get you to bed…” She had said as she took my hand in hers and sauntered her way to the couch where she helped me lay down and placed a blanket over me. I sat there on the couch, and she sat there with me. As I lay my head in her lap and eventually dozed off.

Somewhere in the middle of the night I vaguely remember her getting up and heading to the bedroom. Gently placing my head down on the pillow as my eyes drifted off once again to sleep. Occasionally I’d awake like a dream thinking back to what happened in the kitchen and momentarily thinking I was back in my dorm room, but seeing I was in fact still in the high-end suite. The discarded workout wear, posing suits and Pro-Ex supplements told me that I was not at all dreaming and that the incident in the kitchen had very much really happened. My loins would fire and tingle, and my cock remained rock hard thinking back on Mrs. J’s soft mouth and tongue and how her rock hard muscles had felt under my hands.

My eyes would occasionally flit to the door of the bedroom, which I noticed had been left cracked open, I wondered briefly was that an invitation? A sign that we had crossed over into a new level of our relationship? Should I enter? But still the idea of Jinni sleeping mere feet away from me, her tanned goddess like body wrapped in bed sheets as she slumbered away.

Having awoken, I looked around the room and could see that now in the daylight it was a bit of a mess. The dishes from the cake sat in the sink, and Mrs. J seemed to be nowhere around.

I wrapped myself in the blanket and felt myself pulled toward the half-opened door of her  bedroom.

I half expected her to be still lying in bed, but when I pushed the door open, I could see just the bed with its crumpled sheets where she had slept before. My eyes traveled down to the foot of the bed where I saw her luggage, a high-end type gym bag which was partially open, its contents spilling out on the floor. My hand trembled. I was unable to control myself, and I knew I shouldn’t, but still, I reached down.

Touching the top part of the bag I felt the rich, expensive leather, but it wasn’t the material I was seeking. Spilling out of the top of the bag was Jinni’s posing suit from the night before. The violet/purple material crusted in rhinestones and sequins that she had posed and primped on the contest’s stage. I picked it up.

While wrapped on her muscular body in the previous night’s show it had seemed so much more substantial, but here in my hands, I was amazed at how tiny it was. I could ball and squeeze it up in only the palm of my hand. I traced the lycra fabric feeling how it stretched and pulled, pieces, where it had rubbed against Jinni’s perfect physique, felt softer than other parts, and I lingered for a brief moment on the straps that had been tied along her broad back and under her armpits lining and falling under her muscular lats. The fabric felt soft to the touch.

I looked around for a moment. Do I dare? And brought the small, fabric lined paneling of the lower part of the bikini bottoms, the area that had contained Mrs. J’s bulging sex amidst its tiny U of stitching, up to my nose and to my face. I inhaled deep and was surprised to find that amongst a hint of perfume, the scent of moisturizer and coconut the faint musty aroma of sweat and that undeniable, identifiable tang of womanhood. It was softer and more hidden then most but still lingered in there –

But within moments of my brief reverie of the scent of the posing suit I heard the sound of the hotel room door click open and the tone of Mrs. J’s voice calling out –


I quickly jammed the suit back as I had found it and backtracked to the door of the room just as –

“There you are.”

“Sorry, looking for the bathroom.” I smiled at her. My heart still beating hard.

 “I was just down in the gym. This hotel has excellent equipment. I was surprised…” Mrs. J said from behind me as I heard her fumble around in the kitchenette area and pour herself a glass of water.

“What—what did you? A full work out?” I managed to stammer from the couch, still trying to regain my composer after the foray into the bedroom, and still unsure exactly how much of my covert expedition Jinni had seen.

“Oh no…” Jinni said laughing. “Just cardio. About an hour.” She said as she came back and plopped herself down on the couch.

About an hour? She had just competed the night before. And then the dinner? And then after dinner, which I still wasn’t exactly sure how long that went on… and here she was up first thing in the morning and back at it! Mrs. Jones was indeed a machine. And her iron hued body clearly showed that discipline.

Mrs. J sat down next to me on the couch. She was still damp and wet from the cardio session, and my eyes had a moment to take in her full body which was clad only in a tight Pro-Ex cut off promotional shirt and a skin-tight pair of squat shorts, whose neon pink coloring somehow managed to make her appear even tanner then she was.

“Did you sleep okay?” Jinni asked and took out a small baggie which contained her vitamins, a collection of all kinds of different pills and tablets. My parents took vitamins, but Jinni had a baggie that looked like it held nearly 20 pills. Some that looked like they could choke a horse!

I nodded that I did and watched as Jinni took the first of her pills, gently placing it along her tongue and then gingerly chasing it with a light *gulp of  a small sip of water.

“Well, we better get you on your way… Unless of course, you’d like to join me for breakfast. My treat of course.”


 The elevator door dinged open on the ground floor as we exited.

Mrs. Jones had showered, and I was glad she had changed out of her tiny exercise get up. Of course in her quest to ‘Get more comfortable.’ She had slipped into a casual outfit of a pair of small turquoise shorts which clung and squeezed so tight on her glutes that as I followed her into the elevator, I worried that the seams may burst. On top she had removed the more casual workout shirt and replaced it with a tight t-shirt whose design I noticed stopped short of engulfing her shoulders, capping them half way and letting the rounded muscles press out. The hem of the shirt as well ended well above the small waist of her low cut shorts and left the bottom four squares of her still contest ready abs exposed like a brick wall of brown muscle, bunching and flexing with each of her steps.

I now had some regularity of being with Mrs. J when she was dressed like this in public and could, of course, begin to see the eyes of those in the lobby look in our direction the moment we stepped off the elevators. Still, there was something electric about it. There was also something a bit dangerous about it too as you could observe that the sheer animalistic sultry power of Jinni’s barred body seemed to bring out looks of envy and anger in some people.

“There’s a cute little café right up here…” Jinni said smiling and taking my arm in hers. Squeezing her bulged bicep against my arm as she shot me a cheery smile, oblivious of course as always to the looks that were traipsing after her as we continued across the lobby.


Bruce Conwin could not quite believe what he was seeing. He had booked the hotel for a quick weekend get away with his wife and his two daughters (aged 7 and 9) upon checking in it had been a surprise to find that this was the same hotel and resort area where a top bodybuilding competition was taking place. Bruce had been something of a closeted muscle fan ever since his teenage years. He had disclosed this to his wife but had found her not receptive to the idea and in fact judgmental – she had called these women ‘gross.’ And since then Bruce had hidden his love of muscular women from everyone but himself.

But now, here, at the table in the restaurant dining with his family there was a real-life FBB – and not just any FBB… Jennifer Halifax! One of Bruce’s all-time favorites.

Although he was trying his best to focus on what his wife was saying as she shoved the next bite of red velvet French toast into her mouth and washed it down with a creamy cup of coffee… he found his gaze drifting over her shoulder to the buffet line where the muscular woman was going through loading up her plate.

Bruce didn’t even need to see her face to know who it was. With just her back to him, Bruce could tell the telltale development of the competitor’s famous upper body. Her thick traps and her broad shoulders, back and lat development which was currently stretching the tight tank top she was wearing to its near breaking point.

Bruce watched in wonder as she conversed with the staff. Seeming to ask them questions and smiling brightly and wonderfully at each one of their replies. Was she asking them about the nutritional contents of the food? She must be. Bruce stared at her bulging quads exposed in the tiny shorts she wore. And the little bit of chiseled abs which were popping out under where her shirt stopped above her lower body. She appeared to have almost no fat on her. And the topper…. She seemed as lovely in person as she did in the interviews and video footage he covertly watched while in private. A real honest to god, sweet heart muscle MILF!

He looked over at again at his wife who had been talking to him – glowering and grim-faced. When was the last time she smiled he wondered to himself? And now here was one of his favorite muscle crushes just inches away from him. Lighting up the faces of everyone she interacted with. And who was the young man she was with? He knew she had a son. She had started training a couple of years after giving birth. That was one of the things he had always found so attractive about her. Jinni Jones Halifax had broken out of the usual downward trajectory of most mothers having kids who seem to have given up their physical appearances as soon as they completed giving birth, and in fact dived in, becoming hotter then she had ever been. This young man with her must be her son he thought, but still… their interactions seemed casual, almost too relaxed.

“Bruce… Did you hear what I said…” His wife asked again.

As Bruce tried his best to refocus but couldn’t help but stare in awe as the muscular woman in his sight line leaned down to grab something off the buffet table stretching her shorts up high and exposing another perfectly muscled glute cheek with… No. Bruce could see them now! A few crisscrossed blue veins were visible underneath the tanned slab like surface. And then as she righted herself with her plate of food he gazed again at her upper body, how the thickness of her ballooning lats seemed to stretch the shirt even more, actually appearing to have worked away to make some of the fabric near translucent in its rubbing where the muscle met the faberic.

He felt as if he was going to burst.

“Bruce are you alright…” His wife asked again and seemed to pick up something in his eyes.

“No… no… don’t turn around.” Bruce thought as his wife, now fully aware craned her head back and caught sight of the muscular woman in the tiny outfit her husband had been gawking at so openly.


“Hmm…” Jinni said as she continued to dab the grease off the top of her omelet. She had gotten an egg white omelet with 8 egg whites.

“8?” The baffled fellow at the omelet station had said.

“I’m a girl with a little bit of an appetite.” Mrs. Jones had said rather cutely as I’m sure the guy then got a chance to see precisely where Mrs. J put those 8 egg whites as he looked over her rippling body.

“Just a bit of grease on here.” She said as she continued to dab the eggs.

“If you just competed why do you still follow the diet?” I asked taking the first of the many sausage links I had taken on my plate.

“Well… I think because it's not just about the diet for me. It’s about the lifestyle. It’s strict and regimented.”

“And you like that?”

“I really think I do?” Mrs. J said smiling and took the first bite off the egg whites which I noticed she even ate plain without any condiments, her obvious dedication completely apparent in her low body fat which became evident as she chewed her food and the small striations and flexations of her jaw muscled became visible with each chew.

Mrs. J looked up for a second and caught the eyes of a young girl about 8 staring at her at the other table. She turned and smiled at her and raised her arm in a quick bicep flex to which the young girl gave a wondrous smile and a quick applause.

Jinni turned back to me and once again focused her full attention on me. “Do you like that? Does it turn you on? The idea of dedication?” She asked me. Her tone wasn’t braggy, it was more searching.

I took a moment. Things had happened so fast since last night I still was uncertain about how to take things forward and talking about my feelings, my attractions to Mrs. Jones in public like this still left me feeling a bit nervous.

I looked around before answering, but Jinni’s bright, inquisitive gaze soon made me feel comfortable.

“I think I do….” I finally said.
“I think its sexy too. When someone is disciplined. I thought you might feel that way.” She said back and returned to her food –

I noticed as I glanced that due to her muscular thighs and veiny legs Mrs. J had forgone the leg crossing that most of the woman gathered at the restaurant had done under the table. Instead, she had pulled one leg up under herself on the seat and was sitting on it. Causing the overhang of the beefily muscled quad, thigh and calve to bulge as they pressed against the chair.

We ate for another couple of moments in silence.

“Hey, Larry…” She said and softly touched the outside of my arm with her hand.

“One more thing before we go… and I promise it won’t take long. Want to take me on on a shopping spree?”

She patted my arm slightly.

I could see heads careening to take in what was going on at our table around the restaurant.

“My treat!” Mrs. J chirped again. “And… you get to dress me up!!”

I smiled. How could I turn that down?

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on February 16, 2019, 12:44:48 pm
Wow, that's really great what you've wrote. The relationship and their interaction is great to follow-up. I really wonder where it will go.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on February 16, 2019, 09:32:34 pm
Loved it Eli, you are the master of description for sure and I really appreciated the first new scene where the girl was describing her in the hotel weight room.  This was worth the wait. I look forward to the shopping spree - Pretty Woman with muscle.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on February 18, 2019, 01:04:33 am
Hey everyone here's the last part of Chapter 5 for all your reading enjoyment.

Comments, karma, critques questions all welcomed. Thanks again for taking time out to read the story. I enjoy working on it and I am glad when I see people enjoying reading it as well!

The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years Chapter 5 Part 2

“And this is a large?” Mrs. J’s voice came out of the dressing room.

“Medium Jinni.” Came the voice of one of the (three sales girls) Jinni had seemed to rope up within minutes of entering the upscale boutique.

The sales girls, most of whom only looked about a year or two older then I, giggled and looked in my direction.

“How cool is your mom?” One with thick raven black hair said to me before offering me a come hither tilt of her head and a smile.

Of course within moments of entering the shop every head had spun in Jinni’s direction and a group of the sales girls who had been hired to use their good looks to entice customers had all turned around to see precisely the spectacle of the buffed up housewife in the tiny shorts, and muscles bulging out of her tight shirt enter with a young man.

It goes without saying that in what seemed like a breeze they had all begun fawning over Jinni and were on a first name basis with her within moments.

“Okay… we have to see…” Said another who looked like she could spend her off hours modeling swimsuits as her tiny mini dress exposed mile-long legs.

“Come on show us…” Exclaimed the last sales girl who looked as if she wanted to she could give up a life of retail and easily be an actress.

“You did this on purpose…” Jinni called out from inside the changing room as the girls giggled.

I continued to sit there, here in the women’s changing area on a bench feeling like I had been let into some kind of secret sorority society. Occasionally another customer using the changing rooms would shoot me an odd glance as if to say ‘What is he doing here?” to which the sales girls would return with an equally withering look which said ‘leave him alone.’

Finally, the door to the changing room popped open.

“Fuck…” One of the sales girls said.

“That bad…” Mrs. J asked, but the other girls only answered in slack-jawed amazement.

Mrs. J stepped forward, and I gulped hard…

Upon entering the boutique, Jinni had gravitated to a rack of vintage looking rock band shirts, and now here she was… modeling a classic black ACDC one in…

“Fuck…” The brunette gasped.

The issue was that the store didn’t have the shirt in large and Mrs. J had insisted on trying on the medium which now sat clinging to her massive upper body like a second skin. The shoulder seams creaking as they tried to cover her domed capped shoulders and the back area stretched tight across her massive lats looking like with the next breath it might burst.

“Take it off… Take it off…” The girls began to giggle now I think worried that their little experiment was about to cost them a torn shirt.

Mrs. J quickly hustled back into the changing room leaving the giggling sales girl and a woman who had entered the changing room to try on an X-Large blouse looking shell shocked.

“Larry…. Larry…”

I heard Jinni’s voice whisper as the sales girls had headed back to help out some other customers and I looked over to see Jinni’s changing stall had cracked open and Jinni sticking her head out slightly to beacon me over.

“I can’t get it off…” Jinni exclaimed with a partial mix of pout and exasperation. “Come here…” She again beckoned with her curled pink nail.

I sat there unsure what to do. Then looked both ways and then – felt, before I could even make up a decision, Mrs. J’s strong hand yank me into –

“It’s stuck…” Jinni said, with me now in the changing stall.

“Help me…” She said her voice tittering on cracking up, but still talking in a hush, maybe to keep the rest of the store from knowing she had yanked a boy into the changing stall, or perhaps from the fear that any errant laughter or flex could cause the seems of the vintage shirt to go flying.

“Here… help me get it off.” Jinni said, still laughing and turned her massive back to me. Her quick breaths from fighting the giggles were beginning to get to me, and I felt the sharp rising of a torrent of laughter building from somewhere deep inside of me.

“You're too muscular…” I said rather dumbly and fought off a convulsion of laughter.

“Okay. I’ll remember that.” Jinni chirped back. Equally parts playful cutting and fighting growing guffaws.

“Here…” She finally said taking my hands in hers and lowering them down. And dragging them along the thin skin the wrapped tight around her marble bulges of the corded tops of her obliques which were left bare by the low rise her shorts.

“Raise your arms…” I said in a take-charge manner that surprised even me. And Jinni spun, facing me and then raised her arms over head. I could see the muscle bunch up around her shoulders and the upper development of her chest muscles jut up nearly obscuring her small dainty chin.

“Would it help if I breathed in…” She asked. In a breathy manner and then without me prompting, quickly second in a long full of air in a stomach vacuum pose. The effect caused her abs to suck in rabidly and tightly and I could feel grain of the muscles quickly move under my fingers as her stomach contracted. Her rib cage filled with air and her already developed chest seemed to take on a whole new bulk. The effect was quite frankly startling and I lost my train of thought as the disparity by the thickness of her upper body and the smallness of her waist quickly hit me head on.

“There…” I said finally managing to unmoor the shirt from her inflated upper body and presented it to her.

“Thanks,” she said and let out an exhale. I had noticed that in the heat of celebrating my victory of getting the tight shirt off, Jinni was now standing in front of me in just the sports bra she had been wearing under the shirt.

She crossed her arms over her pecs for a moment suddenly looking shy and vulnerable, and I looked down at her, in just her sneakers now she was a head smaller than me and looked at me with, her big eyes batting for a second and I leaned in and put my lips to hers and…

Kissing her deeply. I half expected her to pull away. But she didn’t. She seemed to lean in and close her eyes. Leaning into the kiss long and hard and I felt the tip of her small button nose rub against my chin and the brief butterfly flickering’s of her eye lashes along my cheek as I pulled back –

I smiled, and she smiled back, and I went to lean in for another kiss and I suddenly heard –

“Everything alright in there Jinni?” The sales girls were back.

“Yes. Thank you. My stepson was able to help me out.”

“That’s what family is for.” Said one of the salesgirls followed by a mischievous twit***ing giggle.


“Now you really do need to go. I will not be blamed for your truancy.” Jinni joked as we made our away back to the main lobby of the hotel from the shops. She clutched at her side a handful of bags from her shopping spree. Occasionally one of the errant bags of clothes would bounce against her muscular thigh as we continued to walk.

“Okay…” I said, and she leaned in putting her head against mine.

“Here, sit for just a moment,” She said beckoning to a small bench which was in front of the elevator banks.

“How you doing?’ She asked as we got away from the noise and moved a small strand of hair away from my eyes.  “You.. okay with everything,” She asked again, genuine concern in her expression.

“Yes…” I finally stammered out.

“Because… if not. It’s fine. I’d understand. Larry, I don’t want you to do anything you don’t ever feel confident in. Do you understand?”

I said I did and added with a slight stammer “I-I’m not.”

“I had a lot of fun this weekend.”

“I did too,” I said and took Mrs. Jones hand in mine. Our fingers quickly intertwined.

“I really enjoy you.”

“I enjoy you too,” I said and squeezed her hand tightly.

“You know… you can call me Jinni. We’re friends now…”

“Okay,” I said nodding.

“Come. Let's get you back to your car.” Jinni said again beginning to rise.

“Okay…” I said again but sat stock still.

“What’s wrong?” Jinni said and looked at me. I began to try and answer but, the truth of the matter was that the proximity of Jinni, the day, the kiss in the changing room and even surprisingly the emotional vulnerability had all gotten to me. Right at that moment, and there sitting stock still in front of the elevators, I was hard as a rock.

“Is it…” Jinni asked, seeming to intuitively understand what had happened.

I nodded. Embarrassed.

“Here lets…” And with that Jinni sat down next to me. “Here let me…” She gently put her shopping bags down in front of me in a way that blocked my crotch form the view of passerby’s. And then slowly grasped by stiffening manhood through my trousers.

The sound of the elevators opening up and closing and the sound of people exiting filled the lobby as Jinni’s hand continued to stroke me through my pants. Tenderly, at times applying light pressure then seeming to ease off.

“What was it?” She asked. “Was it the changing room?”

I nodded.

“Was it seeing me?”

I nodded again. Feeling the pressure build. But added “Not just then… the entire day.”

She turned and smiled continuing to stroke me.

“Hmmm…” Jinni said smiling. “You’re really turned on? Do I turn you on?” She asked.

I nodded again.

“I like that. It makes me feel… wanted… ” She said smiling. “Do you think I’m sexy?”

She asked her voice low and breathy her hand moving slow and steady, perfectly in time with the building pressure of my manhood.

I nodded.

“Do my muscles turn you on?” She asked again. Her voice low and controlled now the building tension of my pre cum gaining.

“Do you want me to pump them for you? Big and hard.” She continued her voice incredibly breathy and deepening and using the full register of her slight southern drawl.

“Yes… “ I whispered.

“Pump up my big arms so big and hard you won’t even be able to get your hands around them. I’ll do that for you Lawrence. I’ll—“

And she didn’t even need to say anymore as – with one powerful squeeze of her hand my hand shot down and grabbed her forearm. The upturned horshoe shape of the muscle and fibers moving beneath contracted with each stroke under her tanned skin and…

I suddenly felt the explosion of wetness along my leg and I came powerfully hard for her.  Shuddering and –

“There…. there…” It’s okay she said. “Now lets get you cleaned up and on back to school.” And smiled at me radiantly.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: wowser1016 on February 18, 2019, 07:19:17 am
That was great! A wonderful depiction of a dream experience. I love this story!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Del4 on February 18, 2019, 07:34:23 am
Wow, absolutely love this. This slow burn romance is fantastic, and excellent writing. This also plays out my fantasy - I can’t wait to see where this story goes.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on February 19, 2019, 12:04:55 am
Thanks all for commenting. Its really great to know that the work you put in is appreciated.  :thanks:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on February 19, 2019, 11:36:01 pm
As always, this is amazing @009eli !
Thanks again for such a well-written fantastic story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on February 20, 2019, 10:17:13 am
Eli, thanks. But I have to admit that I have a love-hate relationship with you. I love how the story is developing, how slowly they build their relationship, how confident Mrs. Jones is becoming, but I do hate how much I have to wait for the incoming chapters! :) Honestly I do knot know which feeling is stronger. I miss so much times when chapters were longer and they appeared more often.
I would love to see in the future Mrs. Jones in the offseason when she is building more of that delicious mass and how she is teasing her lover in public places. Just my 2 cents. Keep doing  your excellent job!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: bolt21 on February 20, 2019, 02:16:57 pm
Having dabbled in writing myself, I know that the writing bug can be elusive. Eli, your story is phenomenal and I'll happily wait for as long as necessary for you to post something this amazing rather than for you to rush something out that isn't as excellent as this work is.

Now George R.R. Martin, on the other hand... I'm tired of waiting for the next book of Game of Thrones.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on February 21, 2019, 12:13:15 am
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Eli, thanks. But I have to admit that I have a love-hate relationship with you. I love how the story is developing, how slowly they build their relationship, how confident Mrs. Jones is becoming, but I do hate how much I have to wait for the incoming chapters! :) Honestly I do knot know which feeling is stronger. I miss so much times when chapters were longer and they appeared more often.
I would love to see in the future Mrs. Jones in the offseason when she is building more of that delicious mass and how she is teasing her lover in public places. Just my 2 cents. Keep doing  your excellent job!

Hey BIB and everyone else whose given feedback. Thanks again. I definitely will take this comment under consideration... and sorry you feel you have to wait. I try to keep to a schedule of once a month for an update but don't always hit it but I'm glad that people's enthusiasm for this story continues. I also think you have a point maybe that the stories can go a bit deeper so maybe the next update will be slightly longer in length we'll see. One other factor that plays into when I post a story is actually feeling inspired by the idea to come up and to feel like I need to wirte it. I don't want to force it because then it wouldn't be fun for me to write or read.

I will say I love suggestions and feedback. This helps me know what situations the readers want to see so if they work with the tone and the direction of the story and how I feel the characters would behave I try to incorporate them. I will say that Mrs J has now finished a big comp so you may get your wish in the upcoming chapters of seeing her carry some nice offseason mass and she does seem to drive our main character crazy in public even when she's not trying so you just may get that wish as well   ;)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: xepha on February 23, 2019, 07:24:33 pm
Great writing, great story!  K+
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: jcboyd on February 25, 2019, 03:20:32 pm
As always, exceptionally well done.  I'll admit it's gone in a bit of a different direction that I first thought - where I expected Jinni to play matchmaker for Larry with some VERY young and in the process of becoming steroid-mutated competitor. - with Larry being somewhat shocked by what's going on and turning to Jinni for help/explanation - and Jinni educating him (literally - not biblically) .. always fun to see where all this goes
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on April 02, 2019, 04:06:58 am
Wow, what a wonderful scene Eli. How did I miss this? What a tremendous sequence that you were able to bring to "fruition" in multiple ways so quickly. :)  Honestly though - another great chapter of a fantastic story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on April 05, 2019, 07:48:02 am
Eli, how are you? Staiyn' alive?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on April 06, 2019, 04:09:57 pm
Hey everyone – thanks for the cool nice words and feedback. I have to admit I love when I get a good response and write a story that people respond to like this one. At the same time I have guilt because you don’t like to let people down. I should say I have the latest installment  mostly done. I just need to proof it as I get so embarrassed when I re-read my old stories and find sloppy mistakes.

This latest chapter flips up the format a little, but still should have some good Mrs J muscle pumping action to it. And I will say if you wanted to know what makes Jinni tic this chapter should give you a good idea. I am also looking at it and realizing how long it is so not sure if I should break it up or post it as one.

I also want to add a few people have DMed me asking when the story will be finished. For me I don’t look at these stories that way – I kind of think of them more like a TV show or a movie franchise like Bond. It should go on for as long as it need to go on for and as long as its fun to write and there are stories to tell, and or course as long as people respond to it. That being said I do have a design for the stories and more points I want to hit so expect more to come.

Sorry about the hold up. Story should be forthcoming soon.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on April 08, 2019, 09:57:47 pm
Please take as much time as you need to write the best possible story. Big fan of your work, keep up!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on April 09, 2019, 07:50:39 pm
Take it easy and enjoy your writing experience. Read you soon ;-)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on May 02, 2019, 10:51:32 pm
Hey yall -- Decided to break up the format for this entry and take a little break from Lawrence's POV. This way we can get to see a little of the behind the scenes that went into making Jinni the woman she is.

Hope you like the change.

I picture this story starting about a week or so after Jinni's last contest and then going into flash backs. Hope you like the change of directions. Comments, critiques, questions all welcome. Thanks for reading!

Jinni slowly pulled the sports bra down in place and with a quick snap and felt the durable lycra fabric stretching over her thick lat overhang, and then pulling tight up and around the beefy swells of her developed traps and shoulders.

She was big now. A few weeks off her dieted down contest weight. She knew what this looked like. To be a woman who looked like her. She had heard the comments but –

And how did it feel? She would demure when asked, but to be honest… it felt great! To know that whatever room you walked into you were strong. Probably the strongest person there.

Her thighs had taken on the offseason weight and were big, round, swollen. A bit of her tan had faded off, and she took a moment to jiggle her right thigh and then forcefully bring it down back into a hard flex.

She walked out of the women’s changing room of the gym she could feel the mass of development, the way her inner thighs rubbed together. At first, when she started to grow after starting her pursuit to build her body, she had found it off-putting, and when she really began her journey in earnest to add mass she had found that area seemed to respond. She could remember outings with her son and husband, something as simple as an afternoon walking around her neighborhood’s outdoor mall in shorts would cause the newly sprouting muscle thickness to chafe from the friction of its rubbing.

She learned to manage it. Training herself to walk with a slight waddle to avoid that inner thickness. An accommodation to her growing size. She knew how it made her look. She had seen the men and women at the BBing shows she had admired, how they walked, carrying themselves as if their frames were too big for their bodies.  Like pumped up gorillas. And then when her trainer and her began to slowly start to supplement in a cocktail of growth hormones to assist in her training – she began to grow like a balloon.

The feeling of the muscles of her thigh rubbing together, forcing her legs outwards became an increasing reminder of her ever sprouting growth. And she loved it. To feel the hardness in that area replace the softness that was there before… it was a reminder that she was growing and changing.

She grabbed her towel and headed out onto the gym floor…

As Jinni made her way out to the gym floor, the mirrors lining the large workout area reflected images of herself back at her. Still… even a decade after she had started this journey she would catch a glimpse of herself at times and find it hard to believe this was her. Her head on top of that super hero’s body. She could remember that first year of training. Her small limbs struggling to lift the small dinky dumbbells. Her forearms sore. When she had got a trainer and gotten serious, that’s when things changed.

She could still remember… it was about six months into her first serious cycle, waking up and looking at her newly pumped-up muscles in the bathroom mirror. Turning and flexing and posing… she spent what seemed like hours looking at herself. Her shoulders, she remembered, those were big and round like bowling balls. It wasn’t ego or narcissism that kept her eyes locked on her image, but fascination. Beauty… she thought, and she knew then that she wanted to share this with the world. That looking like this, being this big, this buff, this strong looking on a woman who was still pretty and feminine would be her art.

She stopped midway along the gym floor. Walt, the cameraman who had been hired by Pro-Ex to do the shoot had set up a bunch of lights where the photo shoot would take place. And an assistant make up lady to do her make up stood waiting near the gym area that had been roped off for a shoot for Pro-Ex’s new extreme fat burners (XTreme-Shredz) which she as the official spokeswoman for.

“Just a second Jinni let me get this set up here,” Walt said adjusting the lights as the makeup lady made her way over to do her final touch ups.

“Hi…” the makeup lady said as she approached taking in the large muscle lady in front of her in her massive shape. Jinni extended her had for a shake. Softly as she did whenever greeting another woman, cautious and always aware of her power. Lightly placing her fingers into the smaller woman’s hand and giving her just the most subtle squeeze. Almost just a light brush. Always aware of her perception. She knew how her body looked, how large and intimidating the ‘muscles’ made her appear and was always conscious of offsetting this as a spokeswoman for the sport. She wanted the smaller woman to walk away impressed by her dainty femininity. The duality the hard muscles mixed with an uber softness. The ultimate goal to bridge both the power of the muscles with the underlying beauty and softness that came with being a woman.

“Alright think we’re ready to go over here…” Said Walt finishing adjusting the last of the two lights.

Mark and Tony, the two Pro-Ex reps, made their way over to Jinn and she relaxed slightly, or as slightly as her thick meaty lats and muscle injected mass could. Still keeping her arms swinging somewhat out from her side at forty-five-degree angles. She placed a single hand on her hip giving her a slightly relaxed look, but still with the near 190 pounds of beef she was carrying it was impossible to look completely relaxed, and she could feel the slight contraction of her bra enclosed pecs, just a small layering of body fat over them to help her build size in the coming months, briefly flutter and contract under her pale marble-like skin.

The Pro-Ex reps stood close to her and Jinni couldn’t help but notice despite their own pumped-up physiques that her densely packed mature muscle just looked far more striking as she briefly regarded herself in the mirror behind them. Sure they had size, maybe even 30 or pounds on her, but at Jinni’s smaller height the dense muscle and the maturity just made her seem that much more impressive. This, of course, was one of her gifts and she sensed it from the start… the drugs helped but when Jinni had found the iron she had known… known that muscle would cling to her small bones and continue to build and compound itself in a way that it wouldn’t n 99% of the population. Her trainer has said it himself. She had a gift.

“So we’ll just shoot you out… do a bunch of shots.” The rep said, and Jinni nodded. Her bright, beautiful smile again conveying ease. Making people feel comfortable.

“I’ve lifted a few weights before….” Jinni said smiling and offering Walt a slight pat on the back of his arm which conveyed both confidences as well as ease.

Jinni approached the bar which had been loaded heavy with…. She counted them in her head – four thick 45lb plates on each side. That was 180 on each side… so 360 lbs total and the bar was at 45, so that was a deadlift of over 400 lbs. She knew the deal… bend down…snatch the weight up and hold…. The large near refrigerator bulk pulling at her arms, forearms, and traps… despite her new size she was still lean, and the veins would begin to shoot out and contract from her traps while the thick bar would press into, and impact what little it could, of her, still rock hard bubble developed quads. Hold the pose - chest press out… glutes clenched and again look both powerful and feminine. That always bugged her. The guys only needed to look powerful… But still, she loved it. She knew the effect her beauty could have on men and women combined with the power of her physique. How intoxicating the combination could be… not in a conceited way but closer to an artist sharing a gift.

“Whenever you're ready to go Jinni…” Walter said as he took the place by the camera and Mark, Tony and the makeup girl looked up. Perhaps a bit nervous that they had overloaded the bar.

Jinni walked up…

“Muscle girl moving…’ She thought to herself as she knew a good portion of the gym had stopped to see what the scantily clad women with the large muscles would do.

“We can add more…” Jinni said looking at the bar.

“Okay… let's add another plate to the side….” Said Tony, the Pro-Ex, rep as the photog assistant struggle to carry the 45lb plate over.

Jinni cocked her head. “Actually two more… to each side…” Jinni said as if it was nothing and she could see for the first time the darts of glances between Walt, the Pro Ex execs… even the makeup woman who for the first time had stopped texting on her cell to look over.

“Okay… two more…. Plates on each side…” Said Tony said again, maybe a bit worried that his spokesmodel might overdo it for the day.

Soon and with a bit of help from Jinni… “You got it?” She asked as knelt over and helped the struggling assistant whose waist looked like it was the size of one of Jinni’s muscle bulging thighs, with help loading up the bar.

There it was… over 500 lbs of steel. “Okay.. ready…” Jinni said approaching the bar and kneeling down in near perfect Olympic deadlifting form and –

“Yeah…” She gritted her teeth pouting slight and… Yank… lifted the thick bar off the ground which bounced slightly under the multiple weight which seemed to threaten to bend the iron bar in half.

Jinni brought it up mid-thigh and held it… muscles bulging and exploding as the flashbulbs popped….

And she smiled for the camera….


She still remembered the idea – a few months after Sebastian was born, Bill’s career at the computer company was just starting to blossom, and she thought. ‘Might as well get into shape.’ She held a small bit of baby weight she carried on her hips and her thighs from the difficult childbirth. But still, she had never given much thought at that point in her life to the gym or ‘working out.’ She was Jinni, the cool girl. The same girl who in high school spent a summer following her boyfriend and his band as they traveled across the country. Sleeping in the back of a van, surviving on gas station hot dogs and cheap beer. Sure she had been pretty, but that hadn’t been how she got by. People loved to talk to her, guys loved to talk to her, they felt in some ways she was one of their own… the idea of ‘working out to look good’ seemed comical, self-involved. She thought of those primped up aerobics girls, hair teased, lycra leotard jammed up there but as they stepped their skinny limbs up and down. That wasn’t who she was – she lived in jeans and her old bf’s bomber jacket.

But still, she started and…. Liked it. Weirdly enough. It became a habit. Sebastian was starting school, and she was looking at a large house all alone. The income from Bill’s job indulged her in free time, and that’s what she had.

And as she put the time in. She noticed something happened. She got stronger. Getting stronger was cool. She liked the strength. 8 or so months in, she didn’t look that much different, but she felt different. Her arms had an excellent shape to them, and still, a bit of the cellulite from the baby remained. She remembers the day when a trainer at the gym commented on her ‘dedication.’ And she signed up – under the trainer things progressed and her body found a shape. It seemed like the broad Irish shoulders she had inherited from her dad were good for something, carrying muscle.

Still, she knew she had a husband at home – and she knew Bill and the women he liked. Sleek, toned girls, but she knew her husband was also a comic book and fantasy nerd and that the women in those publications had a beautiful shape to them. She wanted to be attractive to her husband and soon found that the shape she put on fit in nicely with her the aesthetic of a husband whose childhood crush had been on Storm from the X-Men comics.

When her trainer told her it was time for her to enter a local show. She balked. She wasn’t going to get on stage in a rhinestone-studded bikini and prance around oiled up like some chicken under the hot stage lights (if only she knew then where her life would take her.) But still, she was competitive and now, out of the job market as a stay at home more for the past 3 years she was looking for something to fire her up.

She agreed and trained for what at that time seemed to be working her butt off. If only she had known then what working her butt off actually was. Bert, the local trainer, didn’t really know ‘dawg-gone’ really anything about training women. Told her to eat almost nothing and she lived on the treadmill for nearly 8 weeks leading up the show. Her hunger was so bad she’d lie awake, and the sweat and dehydration gave her headaches so bad she could barely remember to pick her kid up from school.

But still, she got ‘abs.’ A little 4-pack which popped out a week from her show. And the weight came off her shoulders revealing small spiderweb lines of muscles and that small waist she inherited from her mom came in handy as it stood out in sharp contrast to her shoulders. ‘Natural shape’ she remembers Bert saying as she stood under the lights as he looked her over.

And that weight on her hips? While not wholly gone was slowly going down – she looked good.

And Bill seemed to love it.

One night coming in to go to bed, she stood there in her panties putting away her work out clothes. ‘You look like real life X Man.’ He said coming up to her. He touched her along her firm abs, feeling them. The ripples. She loved it as his hand crisscrossed the ridges and valleys of her newly discovered mid-section, which just a few months before had been covered with a soft doughy layer of body fat. He kissed her shoulder and upper back which now sported newly unveiled chiseled muscle. Him touching her felt good. It felt beyond good. Something about the way his hands explored her body, her hard-earned muscles made all the hard work seem worth it.

The muscle felt different to be touched.

She felt appreciated.

She had always been Jinni with the good brain, the right personality. But this body. This muscle made her feel a deep physical connection to herself she had never had. A relationship she had never known she had lacked. And the way her husband pawed over her, lapping up her body, the power she seemed to ooze in her pure physical sexuality was a charge she had never felt… for the first time since giving birth to Sebastian she truly felt alive.

Unaware and without much guidance from Bert she had purchased a swimsuit from Nordstrom to pose in, she had no idea that a posing suit was generally custom made. She was such a newb then. And standing backstage she hadn’t even known to get a tan, rushing the night before to cover herself with over the counter tanning solution. As she stood there under the hot lights, in her canary yellow off the rack swimsuit, she could feel the audience looking at her. And Bill looking at her. She could now feel that powerful carnal desire she had felt in the bedroom spill out in the rest of her waking life. And as she prowled the stage in her heels, she felt the eyes of the audience on her. The eyes of the men, desiring her and the women as well. Their looks of envy for the way she looked, the status that her body conveyed.

But still, she had been woefully unprepared for the level of competition even here at a local show. She remembered how her jaw hit the floor as she came backstage and saw that even then the girls in her amateur division looked like they were from another stratosphere. This was just a fitness competion, but even the smallest girls looked big, broad and pumped. Their shoulders seemingly hanging off their bodies, sizeable back door lats and overly developed glutes which were large, pumped up and jutted from their hips with seeming little concern for the effects of gravity. And their condition! She had sweated and cried and starved herself, and she felt she looked good, but these over girls seemed to have achieved a near physically impossible look to their skin. Dry, crisp allowing each step of their gracefully carved bodies to send flutters and ripples with each breath.

Jinni finished at the bottom end of the group. She got good feedback from the judges ‘A natural frame…’ some said again with that feedback. She even knew from the stage she was nowhere near the winner, who was nearly a decade younger than her but had a body that was so powerful Jinni literally felt the breath leave her body and as she looked its shape on stage and the sharp pangs of jealousy developed in her.

She knew from then on – she needed to do whatever it took to develop that kind of body.

Jinni wasn’t dumb. She knew. Knew about the world, and the rumors. Nobody ‘just looked like’ these girls. Despite how exquisite their bodies looked there was nothing ‘natural’ about the ways the girls who topped their classes looked.

As Jinni looked at herself in the mirror that night after the show, she felt good, but the other girls looked wholly from another world. She knew drugs were rampant even amongst the smaller competitors and were the only way to explain the insanely broad pumped up shoulders which seemed to belong to pro footballer players or basketball players, not the aged up cheerleaders most of these girls looked like. Or the stomachs which showed every clear delineation of muscle. Or especially not the textbook anatomy lean lower bodies, whom Jinni had glimpsed as she stood along the back as the winner pranced across stage in her heels, the bright lights shimmering and showcasing every small muscle and movement on the girls’ hyper-developed lower body and glutes, whose conditioning was so lean Jinni felt she could tell the girl’s pulse merely from the highlighted veins along the girls butt cheeks with seemed to shake and pop with each of her movement.

The girls looked good.


And that’s she wanted to look.

She wanted to look so good. So perfect people’s understandings of what was physically possible to do with the human body would be questioned by merely looking at her…


She set to work. Bert had been a good beginner coach, but she knew if she wanted to take it the next level she’d need to work with someone better. She talked to Bill, a good coach cost money and luckily Bill was moving up the ranks at his company and money starting to really come in. To give his wife a hobby, and not only a hobby, but one that was reaping results which he himself was enjoying more and more seemed like an obvious decision. Besides… he thought what is in a few months he had this nice buffed up curvy wife on his arm to show off. How the guys at his job would envy him.

With Bill’s deep bank account at her disposal Jinni set off finding a coach. She found one who specialized in girls, one who would push her. She also knew she needed to take the next step.

The conversation of first trying ‘roids’ as she called them…. God, another thing she couldn’t see herself doing in the past… but still, some lines had been crossed that she now found herself driven. She had somewhat come right out and asked her new trainer who said it was the only way to get her to the level she needed to be. A living breathing supergirl.

But there was another line to cross… Bill.


How would he react? This was a social taboo. Not only where these drugs illegal, and carried legal penalties with them, there were social norms. These were male hormones. Uncharted territory. Jinni knew from her own research, which she did with her copious amounts of in her free time after dropping Sebastian off at school, that much of the seeming fear of these drugs were somewhat media hype. Still, these were powerful chemicals, she was playing with her own physiology. Tweaking who she actually was from the inside. On a deep, hormonal level. And there were horror stories, for as many girls out there who, besides from their fantastically developed bodies, seemed to show no signs in their face or voice of use, there were other girls, women with receding hairlines, deep voices. Irreversible effects. It was something like playing chemical roulette with her body, but she knew from her trainer's expertise and the fact that Bill’s deep financial background she could source the best stuff and use it wisely skirting most of the side effects that seemed to befall other unfortunate victims.

But still – how to convince Bill?

This was blasting off into the great beyond of chemical experimentation. It could go either way as Bill seemed to love the changes in her body, but how would he react to sleeping next to a woman, sharing his life with a woman, whose body was processing a seeming steady supply of male hormones? Building and pushing her body beyond normal, natural development.

Would he balk at a wife whose muscle and strength and now hormone level made her more of a man than him?

Or would he like her new physical developments? Jinni herself had been surprised at how men reacted to heightened muscular development on females. She had at first thought they would be turned off, but judging by the looks of the men in the crowd and the glances she would get at the gym – it seemed the opposite.

“Well, it’s curves…” Bill said one night, rubbing his arm up over his wife’s rounded shoulder and down into her sports bra where, her small breast area, which has been rather large after Sebastian’s birth, was now slowly worked down to a thin layer of muscle. “And men respond to curves…” Bill continued analytical as ever. “And the muscle gives you curves but its like… more than curves…” He said searching for the right words.

That had been it! Jinni had finally thought. The muscle didn’t detract from the feminine shape. The broad shoulders, high upturned chest and pec muscles, small rippling waist, curved out glutes hips, quad sweep and down to the pulsing diamond calves, and ever the chiseled arms and popped triceps which hung off the body – weren’t masculine! They were, in fact, the exaggeration of the ideal hourglass body, just blown up to such an extreme level!
This all made perfect sense!

It was why she’d often find men drawn to her body as she walked down the aisle at a grocery store in her tight workout attire after a workout. The curves, shape, and motion of muscle on a woman’s body made it dynamic, hyper-feminine in a way that demanded attention.

The ‘straight male gaze’ had no choice but to look on. Same with women, who were naturally trained to perceive threats nearby. Even gay men and women seemed to be drawn in, enticed by the aesthetic crossing over of her physicality. Hell! She also noticed animals and babies reacted to her differently, most likely aware of evolutionary advantage and genetics that carrying such a physique communicated.


She planned wisely for bringing the subject up of the PED usage with Bill. Sexuality had never been a thing she welded much. But in the year or so of developing her physique, she found more and more that she could use it to her advantage. Not in anyway brandishing it as a weapon, but she had begun to see it could be used to make the world an easier place for her to navigate. Still, she thought she wasn’t ‘manipulating’ her husband, merely helping him come to his own ends in the decision. One that she thought would no doubt benefit him as well and she hoped he would continue to enjoy the growing development of her body.

She planned for that night, and as they got ready for bed, she had made sure she wore a specific type of panties. A sporty cut, a light violet. The color was pretty and feminine and made her skin, which she was beginning to tan regularly, look darker. The cut rode her hips and brought out her flat stomach, while the back was cut high to allow a full view of her blossoming glute development.

She tied a somewhat baggy shirt up around her stomach to expose and highlight her abs, while the loose fit of the baggy shirt made her upper body appear broader and thus made her hips appear even smaller –

“Baby… Question…” She said bounding over to the bed and lying above the sheets next to Bill who quickly put down his computer magazine and began running his hand over her toned quad.

“Uhm… Err…” She said biting her lip in a way that made her seem both coy, indecisive, but one that she had learned was highly effective in communicating with men as created a natural pout and the bite caused her lips to plump.

“So I met with my trainer today and… well, we talked about the future and me competing, and you know how you encouraged me to—“

“Oh, yea… Of course.” Said Bill happily. Working his way up to the hip. “By the way – I showed Roger those photos of you at the show. And he was like ‘wow.’” He said as he hand continued to find its way up her hip.

“Oh, you did baby? That’s awesome. I want you to be proud of me.”

“I am… He was like ‘Damn your wife is hot.’ I think he was a bit jealous.”

“Oh, really baby. We can’t have him be jealous.” Jinni’s hand found its way up to Bill’s thigh and touched the outside of his underwear. She could feel his cock stiffening under the fabric, and she slowly rubbed the outside of her hand over it. Causing him to shudder slightly at the contact.

“No. No, it's okay… It turned me on.” Bill said, breathing as he hardened more from his wife’s light contact against his member.

“Oh, it did?” Jinni said, surprise and put a bit of girlish bop to her voice.

“Yeah… I imagined him you know like… jerking off to you…”

“Oh, you did?” She said continuing her gentle stroke. “And it turned you on?”

Bill silently nodded now feeling the intense building pressure in his crotch.

“Here,” Jinni said and pulled Bill’s thickening member out of his briefs and began stroking it.

“So… about that. I talked to my trainer and… “ She stopped suddenly. “Do you want me to do another show?”

“Yes…” Bill said fighting the increasing pressure as Jinni continued to stroke him under the sheets.

“I do too. I want to see you in that crowd, and I want you and Seb to look up at me and be proud of me… You want that right?”

‘Yes…’ Bill nodded.

“So the trainer said in order to this I need to ‘go to the next level’ this will mean… well, this will involve me taking some… stuff.” Jinni began to stroke harder, and she thought for a moment she felt Bill soften a bit.

“What kind of stuff?” Bill said pulling back a bit from the contact of Jinni’s hand.

“Well, the stuff the girls at the show took. You remember those girls. Those big buffed girls with those perfect bodies…” She began to stroke him again and at the mention of the other girls in the show felt him once again stiffen, and the trickling of a bit of cum begin to run down his shaft. Jinni cupped her hand over the head of his dick and rubbed the milky fluid on the base of her hand and dragged it down his shaft allowing it to lubricate her stroking action.

“Well he said that in order for me to get there, which I can – I need some help, chemical help…” she paused for the word. “Steroids…” she let linger there and could sense that behind the growing pleasure in Bill, there was also trepidation.

She followed up quickly “Girly steroids…” she said, making it sound cuter. ‘Ana-anavar…’ she said her mouth somewhat catching on the new word she had just learned a few days before when her trainer went over her ‘stack.’

“But these are ‘girl steroids…” she said again, rephrasing in a way to make it more admissible to Bill, also hoping that his scientific-computer programmer's analytical mind might lodge onto the ‘process’ aspect of it. The idea of her suping herself up, becoming Jinni 2.0.

“I don’t know,” Bill said, still fighting through the haze of Jinni’s stroking. She loved that, she loved that even at this moment he was concerned for her health. She increased her stroke and could feel him violently close to climaxing.

“Aren’t there—aren’t their side effects?” Bill asked, concern punctuating his shallow breaths.

“Not for these kinds…” Jinni added. Somewhat lying, there was always some hazard, but these were the safest, and she knew Bill’s finances would allow her the safest of the safe.

“Its the only way I can go forward with this…” Jinni said breathlessly, drawing close to his ear and knowing it was unfair, but letting her soft, warm breath coast along the sensitive part of his lobe, her lips just inches from brushing it.

“Besides… I thought it would be fun… your wife building herself up… turning into a superhero… just think about it…” She felt Bills dick become incredibly hard under her hand suddenly jumping to its full hardness. Fuck! Harder then she had ever felt it.

“Just think about it. Your wife all bulged up with superhero muscle… and you, her husband walking alongside of it…” Bill’s dick jumped in her hands, and she worried it was so hard the skin might tear off it.

“Can you picture that, your wittle, wittle swole wife all bulged up with big shoulders and arms…” she cooed breathily. “And remember that one girl’s glutes, those bowling balls of muscles…”

Bill nodded silently, and Jinni could see his eyes wide awake in the dark looking up at the ceiling.

“And can you imagine your wife with those bowling ball glutes, rock hard… for you to come home and touch and feel… all yours…” She was now even starting to get carried away her self and could feel the wetness dripping around her crotch as continued.

“Maybe after a show… we can go take a trip to the beach, and I’ll wear a tiny-wittle—tiny bikini with the string running up my ass to show off my rock hard glutes… all my hard work… and you walk behind me…. Looking at me… looking at all the people looking at us as I pass… your superhero of a wife…”

“Yes… yes…. My superhero of a wife…” Bill murmured and Jinni felt his dick clench and suddenly explode under the sheets pumping hard as his massive wad exploded and she too felt the insane exploding pleasure as her pussy, seemingly unstimulated tightened and climaxing then.

She continued to hold Bill’s stiffening and pulsating dick in her hands as she squeezed it slightly milking it of the last of its seamen.

She didn’t need Bill’s answer. She had already received it.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on May 02, 2019, 10:52:06 pm
She had remembered those first months. After her night with Bill and when the small, bubble envelope from some European lab showed up. Its somewhat dirty exterior, an odd assortment of stamps indicating its journey from a far off land. Her trainer had assured her, this is the best of the best, and the price she and Bill had pay had been exorbitantly high, but still she didn’t want to mess around. It was her health.

But even then, as she stood there in the bathroom of her well-appointed suburban home and looked down at what had spilled out of the packet. A few small vials of clear liquid and a small box of blistered packed pills, she had reservations. Needles she thought. Couldn’t this be done without needles? Her trainer shook his head. Orals in most substances were more impure. She could get them, but again was looking at risks.

She looked down at the set of needles she had ordered from a medical supply place. She still couldn’t believe she was going to do this. She had spent the weeks since placing the order looking at videos online of how to administer shots. Mostly for diabetes patients – and she had psyched herself up, but she still couldn’t believe it. She upturned the vial and ran the liquid into the syringe. 20mgs her coach had told her to start and then up to 30 and then eventually 50 as some girls he had coached had to go up to.

She tapped the end of the syringe and allowed the small air bubble to travel out as she had seen down in the many videos she had watched and set there looking at the glueciac chemical substance.

“Oh… Jennifer… what have you gotten yourself into…” She said. Feeling in some ways like she wanted to cry like she wanted to back out.. to go back to that girl in the back of the van drinking beer but… something inside of her pushed herself on. She had gotten this far, and she never was one to let give up. Besides she said, she had paid the entry fee to the contest. She’ll just do this one show. Then hang it up. As if the entire thing has been a lark and a hobby from the start.

She felt the cold sting of the alcohol as she dragged the swab across the top and side of her butt cheek (‘Right in there…. in the meat…” she remembered her trainer saying as she sat there in his office and he flicked the side of her exposed glute to show her were to inject.)

And then she felt the quick sting and piercing pain as the needle pierced the flesh and her finger drive down the stopper and slowly empty the enhancement substance into her body.

She remembered it was a Tuesday because she remembered driving to pick up Sebastian from pre-school. As she sat in the driver’s seat of their family SUV, a small bubble of the ‘Roid’ sitting still yet to be absorbed hovering just between her skin in her muscle in her butt cheek as the car jostled and stopped in the bumper to bumper traffic heading to school’s loading zone… She remembers thinking… how normal she felt…

She had thought that within an instant of the drug hitting her muscle, she didn’t know what she thought would happen – huge muscle sprout under her skin? Her turn green and glow with Hulk-like rage as she trashed her own house? But aside from a bit of a brief flush, she had felt very little, maybe some slight tingling and just a feeling of…. Relaxation. Well being.

She had to laugh a little bit as she sat her, queuing up at school with the other moms to pick up her kids at school… about her secret… that sitting here on the leather seats of her luxury SUVs she was now a full-on roid pumping bodybuilder. Ain’t life funny?

Even then, exiting the car to get Seb she felt as if the entire world could see the sprouting granule bulb hinging off her burgeoning developed, bulging, yoga pant covered butt. Maybe she wanted them to see it? The other normy mommies picking up their kids. Going on about their lives. Maybe she wanted them to know that she was different. Then she was becoming something else. New.  Enhanced.

That night before going to bed she looked again at the vial. Ran her hands over it. Reading and rereading the fine print. Just hours before she had sat in here looking at it – in horror of what she was about to do – now she looked at it in awe. The bottle held unbridled potential. She loved it. She wanted to do it again – could she? Probably not smart. The next injection was over 12 hours away the next afternoon, now she longed for it.

She needed to be careful. She knew this was a cycle ‘8 weeks.’ But she had heard horror stories about the girls who get psychologically addicted to the gear and don’t want to get off of it. ‘Blast and cruise’ they called it. Subjecting your body to a continuous stream of drugs, constantly upping the doses as your body became more and more immune. She knew this is where trouble lied. She knew she’d need to utilize the same level of control she’d exhibited to her diet and exercise regime in her last contest prep now. But still, she realized her life had changed, and there was no going back.


60 LBS! 60Lb dumbbell presses. She could still remember the day. Hoisting them up high and feeling them, not only pump. But pump away like feathers.

It had been 3 weeks since that first injection in the bathroom on that fateful Tuesday, and she had expected things to change. But not like they had. Not as fast as they had. The previous 2 years of lifting had not even equaled the development she was able to put on in the barely a month since getting on the ‘sauce’. Sure she had a good base, but even she couldn’t quite fathom the compounding power of the increased strength to increased muscle size to strength to muscle. One added on the other, and it felt like she could rip out of her skin. Not only that, her trainer told her she was lucky “She had amazing drug receptors.” The ability for her body to utilize the chemicals and quickly convert it to strength which added to size. She felt as if she had hooked a bicycle pump onto her body and was now growing without limit.  “We may even need to decrease your stack…” Her trainer said to her one day, worried she was developing way past her weight class and may come in “too big.”

But still, she persisted the regiment building and building solid muscle on top of muscle day after day. As much as she enjoyed this, there were hazards. Two sets of workout pants – torn from her expanding quads. A pair of her favorite shorts – ripped at the seems as her well-muscled rump appeared to fight a fight with the shorts cheap stitching and win. Two torn dress shirts, which she actually had fun with – tearing them in front of Bill in a play acting of Hulking out before some of their lovemaking sessions.

But what had really gotten her oddly enough – were… door frames.

The mass on her shoulders came so fast that she found she’d continuously enter and exit rooms, not just bumping into door frames, but doggone smashing into them – not used to her new size. She’d regularly be going about doing house chores only to find she’d misjudge her exit of a room, her mind making a calculation for the shoulder width of the old jinni, while not factoring in Jinni 2.0’s new burgeoning mass. At the end of the day, she wasn’t sure which hurt more. The soreness from the heavyweights she hoisted in her near 3-hour workout sessions or her close calls with the pantry and bedroom doors.


The show had been a success. In fact, it had been more so. She had a brief panic a few weeks out but trusted the process and the day of the show she looked good. She looked so good she scared herself. In fact, backstage as she pumped for the show, she looked at herself in the mirror. She couldn’t look away, not ego, but she couldn’t believe what she saw looking back her – her head – but that body – didn’t belong to her – didn’t seem to belong to anyone, bulging, ripped, muscles shimmering under golden flesh – the muscles – the training the diet – the steroids -- everything had gone into making this ‘thing’ in front of her something more human then she thought it could ever be.

And it worked. She was now ‘that girl’ at the show everyone feared – yes, there was a bit of feeling wrong about someone of the other girls as she crushed them, first in the call outs – and then in the posedown – she could see some of the competitors like her from before had been entirely unready – she felt somewhat bad about embarrassing than on stage – but also thought ‘let them to get this like she did.’

Things had changed. She knew this when Sebastian then in first grade wanted to bring ‘Muscle Mommy’ to school as his show and tell. He had to instead settle for bringing her posing trophy. Jinni new the heady power rush of endorphins that she was chasing her growing strength body, the lingering stares that followed her and Bill and their son everywhere they went. She knew she’d have to work to stay grounded – to keep her connection to herself. She remembered the night they had all gone out to dinner at a chain restraint they used to frequent. This time her standard order of a jalapeno cheeseburger with extra bacon had been changed to two grilled chicken breasts with steamed veggies. And when she went to the bathroom over hearing the two women talking about her while she was in the stall “Did you see steroid girl out there…” She wanted to laugh. Steroids. Like she was some bro buying a package of tren off some guido in the men's locker room of Golds. This was sports science. Chemistry, she almost needed to bite her lip from laughing out loud. But besides. Their disgust and shock told her what she was doing was working.

Within a few months of her next completion, Bill got word that an immense offer had come in for his company. They’d need to relocate. It was more money then he’d ever thought of making. Later they could every spend – and now they’d be moving to a new town, a place where people didn’t know party Jinni from the back of the van. Jinni who had snarfed milk out of her nose laughing at Dave McFadden's impressions in the lunchroom. Jinni who knew the lyrics to every Replacements album and whose crush when they were 15 was on Paul Westerberg the groups lead singer. They’d only know Jinni Jones. The muscle mommy. The newly crowned NPC rookie of the year. They’d only know this new her – there was no more old Jinni. Now only Jinni 2.O.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on May 04, 2019, 05:17:31 am
Nice detour Eli. I love the backstory of Beth and in particular her consideration and feelings regarding the drugs and how it makes you feel. As always I appreciated your wonderful description of her muscularity too.  :rock:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Del4 on May 04, 2019, 05:22:45 am
Agree - really engrossing detour.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on May 09, 2019, 07:51:09 pm
Love it, as usual
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on May 10, 2019, 08:40:35 pm
I did re-read it, it's very cool. Really well written, detailled to give great insights on the story. Well done, can't wait for more!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on May 13, 2019, 05:07:07 pm
This has now officially become my favourite story ever.
Soooo well written, you got true talent, congratulations!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on May 16, 2019, 02:23:31 pm
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This has now officially become my favourite story ever.
Soooo well written, you got true talent, congratulations!

Hey this is really nice to hear FMF. All the comments are great and really encouraging when you are working on something but to hear you've created someone's favorite is really a great compliment so thank you. Hopefully you will continue to enjoy the upcoming chapters. And thanks again to everyone who commented. Your encouragement means a lot when it comes to taking the time to put in the work.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: sentinel23 on May 22, 2019, 06:33:03 pm
This is an amazing story and has been one of my favorites for years. I'm really liking the shift in perspective. To me, nothing matches seeing the psychological changes that come with the new muscles and power they discover on their journey. Keep em coming!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: wanat on June 02, 2019, 01:52:22 am
Love the unexpected twists and turns. Can things get any hotter between offseason Jinni and Lawrence?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: wowser1016 on June 03, 2019, 01:54:45 pm
I really love this story! With the back story of the development of Jinni 2.0 I cannot help wondering about the impact on Bill. We know he liked his wife's body prior to the steroids but how does he feel now? Presumably Jinni's muscles are bigger and surely she is the stronger so how does this play with Bill? I know I would love to be in his shoes.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on June 10, 2019, 12:46:38 am
I agree Wowser - would be great to hear more from this back story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on June 10, 2019, 03:47:42 pm
Thanks everyone who has commented. I should say I JUST STARTED working on the new chapter so its still a few weeks away. Sorry about that but I've been playing some plot threads and was working out ways to tie them together and finally figured it out. I will say that the latest chapter should return back to the Lawrence and Jinni story line so people looking forward to that should hopefully enjoy it. Thanks again to everyone who reads and takes time out to comment, really means a lot to me when I hear that people enjoy the story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on June 11, 2019, 12:14:48 am
I, of course, love the Jinni Lawrence story line and want to see where it's going to go, but you also have this new story line which is intriguing. I look forward to both.  :clap:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Maestro on June 12, 2019, 03:32:09 pm
You’re doing a terrific job with this story. I’m really impressed with the character development. I hope you wil keep on keeping on with it! Thank you for the great reading.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on June 20, 2019, 09:29:59 pm

Hey y’all! Excited to drop this today so you have some weekend reading fun. Hopefully you’ll enjoy going back to the Jinni and Lawrence storylines. I’m thinking of doing a poll as to whether I should do an AMA with Mrs Jones herself so look out for that! Also, I’m trying to rebuild my karma so if you find any enjoyment in this or any of my other stories please through some karma towards ya boi! Thanks again for ready and love any questions, comments and insights!

THE MUSCULAR MRS. JONES PART 7: Grilled Fish With Lemon, A Walk In the Mall & Some Big News

Mrs. Jones’ calves bunched and flexed as she walked towards me across the parking lot.

The muscles, which resembled upturned fists, bulged powerfully over her small ankles and pulsated, powering her in her platform wedged heels as I saw her emerge from her car.

“There he is –“ Jinni said approaching me and then throwing her arms around me in a welcoming hug.

It had been radio silence ever since that morning in the hotel lobby after the contest and after our encounter in the changing room and then the intimate moment in front of the elevators where Mrs. Jones guided me expertly to a release of the built-up frustration from the weekend. Returning home from that fantastic trip I felt like my head was buzzing, we had texted a bit back and forth as I drove home and she drove off back to her place in Hawthorne –

And then. Nothing.

Not at least for a good week. I had checked my phone. Refreshing it. Do I call her? Does she call me? I had played the texting game and calling game many times before, but not with someone like Mrs. Jones. Not with a real ‘Woman.’ Not with an in-demand athlete who had an army of followers fawning over her every post on Insta****:

I began to wonder what would someone like her, be doing with someone like me? And then about a week or so ago:

JINNI: Hey loser

Finally, my phone beeped.

Followed by a bright smiley face emoji with a wink letting me know the text was meant to be taken as a joke.

ME: Paloma?

I decided to shoot back, playing her game, and responding with the name of her foremost competitor, knowing it would most likely get her goat.

There was a long pause. Followed by the telltale ‘…’ To let me know she was writing something. Oh no! Did I go too far? And then finally:

JINNI: Okay… I totally hate you now.

Followed by a trail of happy, smiley, winky emoji faces.

JINNI: You need to tell me something fun to make up for that, or you’ll be in big trouble next time we see each other.

Trailed by another litany of cute, flirting emojis.

I thought for a moment and then…

ME: Octopuses are one of the few sea creatures that can smell.

Pause on her end. ‘…’ And then…

JINNI: Laughing smiling happy face emojis and a gif of a woman putting her finger on her nose to indicate my factoid had landed with success.

And then…

JINNI: Wait? Can they smell themselves then? Perplexed face emoji.

ME: I hope not.

I countered…

JINNI: You literally just made me snarf laugh my protein shake in the American Airlines waiting area.

ME: Sorry.

JINNI: No. Now I think they may kick me out for having too much fun.

After a brief back and forth catching me up on her latest trip, we made plans to meet up when she got back and now… here she was… walking across the Oakcrest Shopping mall, an upscale shopping malls located in between my school and her place in Hawthorne with her strutting across the parking lot to me --

The entire mass of muscle that was Jennifer Jones Halifax bubbled over to me on those heels. Her legs undulating with each step, quads pushing, flexing and stretching the fabric of her skin-tight black leggings. The bulbous outer heads of her overdeveloped thighs and the small muscle fluctuations clearly visible under the tight black stretching fabric.

Balanced there on her platform shoes, her entire physical being was so improbable. The small feet, fit snugly into the cloth straps of her espadrilles, the white of the shoe design playing off the dark tan of her exposed skin, the bright pink toe polish adding a hit of girlishness to the proceedings.

On top, she wore a loose fitting blouse that was gathered snuggly around her waist. The blouse was designed to be open and airy with the neck removed, but I noticed how Jinni’s upper body bulk filled out the shirt, stretching it around the shoulders and the open neck allowing her thick, neck and traps to remain visible.

“Lah-rry…” She said, bounding towards me across the parking lot. The velvety hints of her subtle southern accent stretching out the vowels in my name. Even now, the merest sound her soft, soothing honey-dripped voice had a pavlovian response, releasing ripples that traveled up and down my spine.

She made her way over to me, and without hesitation, pulled me in for a hug. As she did so, I could feel the hard ripples of her shoulder press up against my chin, and she held me there, close. My hands took a moment and traveled from the full thickness of her mid back. I could clearly feel under the light fabric of her top, on down to her waist to the iron ridges of her lower back development and ripples of her back and outer hip development played underneath my hands momentarily, despite being covered from view by her tight clinging leggings. My hand rested there, at the small of her back, and briefly fluttered up underneath her top, feeling along the twin pillars of her massive lower back development. Tracing my finger along their dual columns of power, exploring how they shifted below her smooth skin. From my vantage point I could clearly see how they tied into her lower body development and formed the converse that flowed down her sculpted rear which was clearly visible stretching and pulling underneath the flowing black surface of her stretch skinny jeans and on down to her pressed out hamstrings which pulsated with power as she shifted to her upright position and met me to look into my eyes.

“This is is so great. Thanks for coming out to meet. So excited.” She said and gave me a pec on the cheek.


Mrs. J took my arm in hers as we walked to the mall. She told me about how she had filled her schedule since the last show.

“Photo shoots. Travel. Seminar. Seminar… Gym opening etc etc.”

I knew Jinni was in demand but I still probably didn’t give the benefit of the doubt to how much travel she was doing as a top-flight FBB. I had no doubt about the toll it could take, and I wondered how she even managed to get in some training, which she no doubt had as she now looked, bigger, fuller with every curve of her thickly muscled body popping out in true 3D fashion as her physique had been sculpted by some crazy game designer who wished to design an unfathomable personage that combined both curves and power into a flesh and blood human being.

I shouldn’t have been surprised at how busy she was. Her number 2 finish to Paloma less than a month ago had brought her new attention with new expectations from many online commentators saying she should have won the show.

“You hungry?” She asked me, offering her cute smile, lips curled up, just a small bit of wrinkling around her bright green eyes. The always possible hint of mischief and the unexpected that seemed to trail in her wake everywhere she went.

We soon found a place in the mall and Jinni consulted the menu to see if there was anything she could eat:

“Mm….” Got it. She said, looking at what was being offered by the restaurant. She continued to hold my hand tight, and as she bounced and rocked on her heels I could feel the small, subtle flexes and bunching of her broad sculpted shoulders rubbing against mine, as well as the hard outer sculpting of her thickly muscled legs, which bubbled and shifted pressing out into my own, more modest legs as if they wished to break out of their lycra incased prison.

Soon a host showed us to the table, and although I don’t think she quite registered Mrs. Jones’ magnitude as she was rather dressed down, I could quickly see a few glances that trailed Mrs. J throughout the restaurant as we were lead to our table, once again raising a level of energy electricity and the brief spark of danger that seemed to trail her everywhere she went.

For lunch, she ordered grilled fish with lemon…

“Two filets…” She said cutely to the waiter as she pinched her hands together in a manner that said ‘don’t hate me.’

“And how much is the serving size?” She asked, squinting her eyes in the manner that said she was wholly involved in the task at hand.

I could see the tall, gangly waiter try to calculate as I was sure he wasn’t used to his lunchtime crowd of stay at home moms and business people from the local offices ask about the specific macronutrient content of their lunch specials.

I could also see him clock and take small, subtle glances from his raised vantage point down to Jinni’s exposed cleavage and the pectoral area which had been left pretty visible and well presented by the low plunging cut of the blouse. His eyes no doubt taken with a small blue, pulsating vein trailing up and over the granular meat of the lower portion of her right pec which had become visible a few minutes into our stroll in the mall and was now clearly pulsating and pumping due to the exertion of Mrs. J navigating her heavyweight FBB bulk on the way to the restaurant.


Lunch was good, and I had a turkey burger, not wanting to look like a pig in front of Jinni.

Throughout the meal, she talked and regaled me with tales from her travels. It was amazing to hear about some of the famous pro BBers I had only seen online. And her insight into the women and her fellow competitors was genuinely amazing. I was looked at these girls like goddesses, but Mrs. J knew them, as PEOPLE! It was crazy!

Mrs J: Oh my god her?!!? No not nice at all… She’s a sweetie… Uhm you didn’t hear it from me but lets say she likes her female trainer more then her husband.

And I tried to do my best to pick up any nuggets I could without revealing myself as secret schmoe I was.

We soon finished lunch and Jinni pushed her plate cutely across the table.

“No more thank you….” She said with a bright smile and patted her stomach, which I noticed had become stretched during the meal, allowing her tortoiseshell of abs to show somewhat through the white cloth of her top.

“Walk with me for a moment…” Jinni said, taking my arm once again as we circled through the mall. Now full of food I felt once again energized, but I was fooling myself if I was thinking that it was my turkey burger that was giving me sustenance. It was the nearness of being next to the marvelous muscular, Mrs. Jones. Being in her stead. Her proximity. Her aura was like food for the soul. Pure. Wholesome. All consuming. And I feared because I knew just the nearness of her could be like a drug. Leaving the user strung out and crazing more at the expense of everything else in there lives. There family, friends, food… all could be sacrificed merely for her closeness or look of her approval. To get one of her sideways glances or a wink from her large green eyes and her upturned pink lips.

As we walked through the mall, I took the opportunity to trail behind her, taking in the full scope of her body. I think Jinni was aware and I noticed she’d sashay her hips slightly in a bit of a muscle girl strut I’d seen certain FBBs do in videos. Maneuvering her vast bulk elegantly in heels. Her broad back flaring up and out and her hips moving from side to side careful to acquiesce to her full inner thigh development. The movements were hypnotizing. Sensual and powerful. Like a jungle cat stalking its prey. Aware of its power but comfortable enough to let its perception of physical dominance do all the talking for it.

We stopped slowing down at one of the kiosks near the food court.

“I’m getting coffee do you want anything?”

We took a moment and looked at the dsipaly.

“Mocha, birthday cake latte I’m getting that!” Jinni said motioning to a poster displaying an enormous crazy coffee concoction that looked closer to a milkshake than a cup of java.

“Just a coffee…” I said matter factly not wanting to put her out.

“Just a coffee… Oh my god. You're so ‘basic.’” She said and give me a laugh and a playful tussle of my hair.

“That’s what my training partner Marcus says when I’m on my contest prep. ‘Jinni, you are so basic.’” She said, putting on a faux tough guy voice.

I laughed but though – Marcus. I felt a pang of uncertainty in me for a moment. I hadn’t really heard Jini mention any other men in her life besides Sebastian and her trainer. I, of course, knew she was out and around and considered something of a sex symbol as she was definitely one of more the facially attractive female bodybuilders. But I guess I hadn’t figured she would of course train with a guy and for a moment felt threatened but briefly felt it pass as I once again found myself looking in Jinni’s kind and accepting eyes.

“Why don’t you grab us a seat and I’ll get the coffees…” She said and offered me a peck on the cheek that soothed any feelings I may have had about hearing about other men in her life.

I went and found a nearby bench as Jinni queued up in the line for the coffee cart.

As Mrs. J ordered coffee, I noticed a few teenagers at a nearby table point and motion in Jinni’s direction. Pointing out and motioning to the equine prominence of Jinni’s sculpted lower body as she turned back to the cashier to place our order. How the high sheath of both her upper and lower glute development sat jutting inches off from her lower body and how the full rounded outline of the sloped, bulbous kidney-bean shaped muscles was clearly delineated even through the fabric of her pants; quivering and bulging ominously as she shifted subtlety from foot to foot.

As my eyes floated back to the table and I saw one of the teenage girls take in the garish display of muscle and mouth ‘Holy shit…’ to one of her equally in awe friends.


As Mrs. J made her way back from the cart, we soon found seating alongside a small area that had been converted into a bit of a play area for the kids in the mall.

“Oh my god… This so amazing…” Jinni said, rolling her eyes back in her head in a show of pure ecstasy as she took a sip off her coffee.

“Here, you’ve got to try this Lawrence…” she said and without even asking turned the straw out towards me to take a pull off of.

I hesitated for a moment and looked down at the plastic straw, which was the trademark purple of the coffee company that ran the kiosk. A small bit of pink lipstick sat clinging to and around the shaft of the straw. A tiny little waxy imprimatur from where Mrs. J’s lips had touched the straw mere moments before. I took pause and then leaned forward… Closing my eyes, I took a long, slow, pull off the straw. As my lips closed around it, I could feel the soft moistness of where Jinni’s mouth had been just moments before. A warm feeling of pleasure washed over me like a tidal wave of joy cascading over and up through my core as I got just a hint of her lipstick against my lips. It tasted sweet, and I felt myself hesitate, and I sought to linger over it for longer then I should, imagining my own lips pressed against hers…

I pulled long and hard, and the sugary sweet liquid immediately flooded my mouth, and I floated back to the night in her hotel suite after the contest as she too, then, offered me up to the tantalizing combination of syrupy sweetness of vanilla and chocolate warmth along with the contours improbably sculpted body.

I finished the long pull and swallowed hard and met eyes with Jinni who offered me a mischievous wrinkling of her nose as if to say she was fully aware of the ‘secret’ temptation that was just experienced between us.  A secret moment which only we two could know about and was invisible to all in the mall who merely saw two people; a college student and a buxom, beautiful older woman drinking coffee together on a bench in the mall.

“Good right?” She asked and I nodded.


Soon the afternoon was drawing to a close.

“We should get you back…” Jinni said a look of concern flickering across her face.

Exiting the mall, we stopped for a moment in front of a large store window display.  ‘Missoni’ the sign above it said in golden metallic letters. I remembered the name, my mom always would walk by it and wistfully look at the dresses bemoaning the fact that their prices were way above what she felt comfortable spending.

“Oh… I have that…” Mrs. J said taking a slow slurp off her coffee as I turned to the brightly lit display in the window which showcased a bean pole thin mannequin sporting a tiny brightly colored bikini. The bikini was made of tiny strips of bright colored striped fabric. Vibrant blue, greens, and golds ran across the fronts and the top. The bikini was small, minuscule, but was genuinely eye-catching about it was how the little bottoms were clasped around the hip area with two tiny strings connected over the hips with just the small wisp’s of fabric and two metallic M’s of the company logo. The bottoms were tiny and meant to stop right above the model’s pubis, exposing the wearer's flat stomach. A cut so bold and daring I’m sure mostly designed for the stick thing women of the runway, but my mind quickly drew a picture of not what some boney girl on  the catwalk would look like but how the exposed expense of Mrs. J’s bulging voluptuous action figure physique would look in the tiny the outfit. I was momentarily struck dumb.

I was also struck dumb by a slow dawning subtle realization. Which was the motivation for the mention by Mrs. J. I couldn’t help but think there was a bit of calculation here? Slow, subtle signaling to me that we had crossed some kind of Rubicon in our relationship after the events of a few weeks back where she posed for me in just the tiniest of outfits letting me eat confectionary treats off her exposed bulging body. Mrs. J was communicating that we were past the point of just friendship and into a new world. She was my bulging buffed up muscle pin-up that I could dress up at will in whatever outfit suited my fancy, and she’d be more than happy to oblige.

I felt a quick shock of lightning shoot through me as if everything from that day on would change.

Perhaps sensing this and not wanting a replay of the what happened at the elevator of the hotel of a few months ago Jinni subtly prompted me by running her fingernail across the back of my arm.

“Come on. We should get you back…” She said and offered me a kind smile that was wholly loving and accepting. No doubt knowing the images that her comments had painted in my mind, but now wanting me to get home safely as I’d we’d have little outlet for our affection for each other. Let alone if I needed a release like I seemed to do so often in her presence.


We exited out of the mall and made our way across the parking, I remember thinking about how it was the beginning of November and the days were getting shorter. Despite being relatively early the sun was beginning to set, and the sky was turning a greyish shade of burnt orange that was common and well remembered to all those who have spent any portion of time in the Southern East coast of the United States and know that inevitable feeling as Fall begins to creep away from Summer and the leaves fall dotting the street with the expectations that Thanksgiving will be right around the corner and then the obligations of  the holidays with family and Christmas and the smell of the holidays as the calendar flips around to a new year and once again you circle the sun another year older but not probably very much wiser.

After a bit of walking arm, and we finally arrived in front of her white SUV.

“Oh, my Lah-rry. I forget to tell you… you’re probably going to get so annoyed with me.” She said pausing as she took my hands in her eyes and bit down on her bubble gum pink lips chewing on it in an expression that made her look less like a 43-year-old mom and more like a 15-year-old waiting for the boy she likes to ask her to the school dance.

“Pro ex is having me do a seminar over in York town. Like twenty minutes away from campus.”

“Okay,” I said, not really aware of what she was getting at. York town was a straight shot from the town where our school was and definitely closer then Hawthorne, which was pretty much a day trip.’

“Well… with the commute and everything, I figured why not get a place in town there so… Guess what… I’M MOVING LAH-RRY! We're going to be neighbors again!”

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Del4 on June 21, 2019, 05:26:42 am
Nice detail - I really hope that they become more flirty and romantic together.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on June 21, 2019, 09:19:49 am
Man, as usual, you are really mastering the slow pace, detailled description with your stories. I really love the building and chemistry between them. Can't wait to read more.
BTW, your writing is nearly flawless, it is smooth and agreeable to read. Well done!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on June 21, 2019, 09:30:01 am
Great to have a new instalment of this great story!
I would love to have much more happening in the next chapter though  ;D Thanks!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on June 21, 2019, 03:37:33 pm
Another excellent installment.  ;) Near the end when Larry was thinking about the suit I was virtually shouting - ask her to try it on. When you are that engaged in a story you know its good. Thanks again for the update. I look forward to the move.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: hatour on June 21, 2019, 11:07:04 pm
I am with you on yhe Karma. Writers get no love on this site  K+
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: MuscleVille_Games on June 23, 2019, 08:33:23 am
Loving this story! You got real talent, do keep going!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: xepha on June 24, 2019, 06:45:05 pm
another great chapter K+
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Ciroki on June 25, 2019, 09:50:36 am
Nice story
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: nyfiken on June 27, 2019, 07:56:32 pm
love the updates.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMuscleStories on September 18, 2019, 12:05:08 am
just wanted to bump this, I love this story and been waiting for the next installment.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: elmarto on September 19, 2019, 09:50:23 am
Eli! Where are you???? :tongue:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on October 20, 2019, 04:25:27 am
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 02, 2019, 08:14:20 pm
Hey yall

Sorry I’ve been out of the loop a little bit and not really posting. I’ve had a hectic summer (all good stuff so no worries). I had some DMs saying that this thread was getting bumped so I wanted to check in and thank everyone for the continuing enthusiasm on this story. Its really cool to know that something you work hard on has had resonance with people. Have some good news. I just started a new chapter. Should be out in a few weeks so check back here.

Its probably going to be another kind of flashback story to go into Jinni’s a back story a bit like I did in Chapter 6 Making of A Muscle Mom since that seemed to get such good feedback and explore some earlier sequences in her life. I’m also playing with doing something in line with the upcoming holidays so hopefully that will be fun. Thinking of calling it something like ‘A Mrs. Jones Christmas Special’ like the old shows they used to run and focus what its like  to be a muscle mom as the holidays gear up.  This will also keep me on track to not dawdle and get it out in the next month or so. Again thanks to everyone whose comments and hopefully youll enjoy the new story when it posts!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on November 05, 2019, 06:44:56 pm
Great to hear, can't wait to hear from you again!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: ArkhamAsylum on November 06, 2019, 08:29:44 am
This is a great story. Well done.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 09, 2019, 10:21:16 pm
Tis that time of year again for tinsel, Christmas trees, the same 5 Christmas carols being played over and over and of course outrageously built muscle moms. So this just started off a collection of short vignettes tracking what went into being a bodybuilding mom leading up to the holidays but its grown in scope so I’m going to break it up into pieces and posted it over the next few days leading up to Christmas. I’m super excited to present this to you all and hopefully this works for everyone as narrative and the smaller pieces will mean I can keep working on it as I post it. Maybe four pieces in all so look out for those in the next few days.

Big shot out to our own Taoschild who kept me on track and encouraged me by helping edit the pieces without having him hold me accountable I probably would never have finished it up.

Note on continuity: This tracks a Christmas before the storyline with Lawrence so Jinni is still married to Bill and back in their old hometown. This just gave me a bit more freedom for the storyline and to explore themes and ideas I wanted to address. Hopefully people enjoy it and find it worth the wait.

Comments, insights etc are always welcomes and encouraged…

Twas 3 days until Christmas…
‘How many days?’ the voiced outside the changing stall asked. The voice belonged to Marge Howitzer, a pleasant, perky mom from the nearby suburbs of Hawthorne.
‘Bill comes back on Christmas eve…’ Jinni called back from inside the changing stall which was located in the back area of the Victoria Secret at Hawthornes local mall. The place was reminiscent of the department store in Elf, fully done up in anticipation of the holiday season.
The store buzzed with activity as the last minute shoppers rushed through the store picking up gift items for the people in their life. Husbands shopped for lingerie, which they hoped would look pleasing on their wives, but wouldn’t start any fights. Moms looked for PJs for their daughters and a small traipsing of other customers shopped for odds and ends.
Jinni and Marge had come to the mall to buy a surprise for Jinni’s husband Bill who had been on the West Coast working on a large project for his company. The bodybuilding house wife decided the best way to welcome him back would be a special late night surprise on Christmas Eve once their son Sebastion had been put to bed with visions of a new X Box consoles dancing in his head.
‘How does it look?’ Marge asked.
‘I’m not sure…’ came the concerned voice of Jinni from inside the stall. Jinni had spent the previous months of the summer bulking up from her middleweight division amateur status to her pro status after a string of wins in local bodybuilding shows. The suggestions from the judges was that she ‘go big’, and she had followed suit pushing her frame from more sculpted middleweight division and into the more bulging and muscular heavyweight status. The muscle had come on hard, thick and fast along with Jinni’s increase in eating and a shift in her supplement regiment as laid out by her trainer.
And now, here she was, shopping for the lingerie for the first time in months as a full on heavyweight BB.
‘Well… let me see…’ Marge asked as Jinni hesitantly unlatched the door and allowed her friend to step in.
‘So…’ Jinni asked expectantly.
‘Fuck…’ Marge said. ‘You look insane.’ The housewife and mother of three said her face contorted into dumbfounded surprise.
The outfit had been hard to shop for as Jinni’s newly built mass offered some challenges. Her waist remained relatively lean calling for a small size, but her heavy growth in her newly developed bowling ball glutes offered a challenge to the small microscopic panties.
While her upper body offered the reverse challenge. Jinni’s breast had become relatively small as she had forgone getting boob implants like some other girls had, instead choosing to go with powerful pumped pec look. Therefore, her cup sizes were still a relatively small B while her sheath of heavily built pec meat was closer to a CC. At the same time, Jinni’s wide girth back which sent a confused sales girl over to look at the plus size tops in order to select a bra big enough to contain the entirety of the bodybuilder’s upper body mass.
The scheme and design of the outfit had been chosen to go in line with a sexy Mrs Claus-look, a small set of red panties with white strings and bows attached, meant to convey the idea of candy canes… while the top was frilly. The overall effect would have no doubt given Chris Cringle a heart attack if he had ever walked in a Mrs Claus that looked like this.
‘That bad…’ Jinni said self consciously.
Marge had been with Jinni since her journey to bodybuilding success and charted her growth, but she still often had difficulty fathoming what her once waify friend had become.  The mass of muscle that was Jennifer Hallifax Jones stood there in the micro panties and bra under the harsh fluorescent lights of the changing room. Jinni took her friends awe as trepidation.
‘It looks bad doesn’t it, hun’ Jinni asked twirling and spinning daintily in the pair of heels she had brought in order to try on the lingerie as she would be modeling for her husband.
Jinni turned and spun looking at her backside in the mirror. It was the first time Margie had been exposed to the muscular woman’s back and hindquarters in the tiny outfit. Just as she was finally becoming able to process for friends formidably muscular front side, she was hit with the severe nature of the back of her friend’s body.
From the relatively dainty ankles of her small feet in heels the muscles ballooned up to her thick powerful calves and up to the flow of her covered hamstrings, glute tie ins and up to her massive back and rippled out across her broad shoulders and tapered down her muscle bulged arms.
Margie eyes took in the entirety of Jinni’s mass for a moment before finally blurting out… ‘You look fucking hot girl!”
‘I don’t know. It’s just hard to see it.’
‘Well then you’re the only one cause I can tell you that everyone could see it when we walked through the mall.’
Margie’s eyes took a moment and floated down to the sculpted distended ends of Jinni’s hard fought chunks of glute meat which stretched the back of teensy fabric of the rear of panties. The muscle meat of the lower part of her body was so pronounced and extreme that each slight step and quiver seemed to fire off flickers of the striated muscle beneath.
The look was in some ways so extreme and starting Margie found herself both in awe at, and in complete disgust with the sheer development that stood before her.
Jinni traced her friends eyes down to her prominent glutes which hung out from undies, high and hard giving zero sag to the effect of gravity. She thought for a moment about playfully giving her friend a quick show and flex, but as she took in her friends’ ashen, amazed face she thought better of it. Given how unsure her friend already looked, it was unclear whether she could withstand the severity of the muscle when flexed into its full on, rock hard form.
Walking through the Christmas laden mall, wreaths hung from all the high columns, stores were decked out in all types of decorations and at the center of the grand mall’s lobby there even sat a makeshift Santa Village complete with Santa laughing and taking photos with all the kids.
Jinni and Marge walked through the revelers clutching their shopping bags. Jinni had purchased the lingerie along with a couple of sets of leggings to which a baffled sales associate had worked hard to find the right size that managed to contain both the bulk of her built thighs and still fit around her small waist.
Soon the two had found the food court with Margie stopping to get a burger from a nearby kiosk while Jinni brought out one of her containers for pre-measured out food servings of grilled chicken, brown rice and the perfect amount of broccoli which she was forced to carry with her now as that was her one form of sustenance in preparation for her upcoming contest next month.
‘This won’t bother you?’ Asked Marge, concerned, and she bit into her juicy burger. She was always amazed at her friend’s level of discipline as she ate the brown grainy chicken and dry looking rice.
Margie stared as her friend finished up the last of the food in the plastic container. To her the food looked like mush, but Jinni’s bulging shoulders and the thick cords of bicep and triceps muscle which stretched the sleeves of her sweater certainly did not.
‘So it’s the trebele-lone… trenbalone… that’s been the main difference in your body….?’ Marge finally asked.

‘Trenbolone’ Jinni corrected as her friend tried to say the new of the newest chemical aid she had added to her regiment. Magre was one of the only friends Jinni had confided her use in although the size she maintained now left little doubt that she had jumped to the next level using chemical help;
‘We just call it Tren for short.’ Jinni said finishing off the next mouthful of rice before chasing it with a gulp of water.
‘Okay I’ll remember that next time I talk to one of my weightlifter buddies.’ Marge said. They laughed, it had been an odd friendship which had graduated from talking about handbags and their kids education to Marge being versed on the latest in diets and steroid use as her friend’s trajectory had taken off. Yet Marge didn’t care because Jinni was real, thoughtful and honest and she appreciated a loyal friend.
Trenbolone was nicknamed ‘the monster steroid’ and had remained probably last rung that Jinni was willing to take to advance her physique.  Due to its extreme nature it had called for an incredibly strict dosing regimen in order to offset its possible side effects and long half life as per her trainer. Jinni recalled with a little bit of embarrassment how the small alarm on her phone had gone off timing for her next dose in the middle of a book club she was attending.
As the circle of woman sat outside discussing the latest James Patterson novel, she slipped off to the bathroom to delicately administer herself with 30 mgs of Russian made grade-A steroid. And she chuckled to herself as her friends sat out their eating biscuits and drinking tea as she jabbed the needle full of the thick substance into the glute cheek of her pulled down yoga pants.
She sat for a moment as she could feel the milky warmth of the oil enter her blood stream and rush to the muscle. She rubbed the small divot of collected substance that had formed under her skin, massage it deeply into her body to rush on its way to rebuild her muscles stronger as she looked at the few assembled photos of her friends smiling family lined the inside of the pretty decorated bathroom.
With a few bites, Jinni finished up her container of food and ran the last bit of chicken sopping up what was left of the rice. She chewed for a moment and took a sip of her bottle of water which she was required to drink at least two servings of throughout the day.
It was only when she had finished eating that she become fully aware of them –
Margie had noticed them sooner and Jinni followed Margie’s eye line across the food court to a table of about 6 teenage boys sitting and eating burgers. They looked in Jinni’s direction, but quickly looked away when they saw the muscle woman make contact with them.
‘How long have they been looking?’ Jinni asked her friend.
‘Basically since you sat down.’  Marge said.
Jinni nodded and seemed to take this in. She turned and looked and smiled in their direction, it was a warm inviting smile. The leader of the group, a kind of jock like fella with long skateboarder hair that fell in his eyes, turned and smiled back. As if he’d won the lottery or proved his manhood,  he turned and spoke to his friends who giggled loudly.
‘Do you think they’ve seen the photos?’ Jinni asked Marge with some bit of concern in her voice.
‘They’ve all seen the photos’ Margie offered back with a slight up turn in her lip that was offered more in the leering teenagers direction then her friend.
‘The photos’ as they had come to be known were a set of images from a photo shoot Jinni had done after her last contest. They depicted Jinni near contest peak, tuned-in and dialed up to 10 with her bulging musculature on full display. Jinni had hired a photographer on the advice of her trainer to take a series of professional photos to use in case she wanted to gain sponsorship. The photos depicted Jinni a teeny tiny bikini had been tastefully shot and fully within her comfort level. It was only when a few images leaked out did it come into perspective for her just how these photos may be perceived by others in the community.
While tasteful in the realms of bodybuilding photography for female pros, the photos were wildly eye raising for a suburban mom of the local community. And within a short period of time that they had got out on-line they had made the rounds being forwarded via email, message board posting and private chat room to seemingly every member of the small Hawthorne community.
There Jinni’s body, a seeming work of athletic pride that she was confident and proud in – was turned into an element of controversy. Quiet whispers and comments circulated with the photos ‘did you see this… totally disgusting… what is wrong with this woman…’ as the photos made their rounds though Jinni and her close friends stood their ground coming to her aid. Although much of the flames had seemed to die down as people went on with their lives, the controversy hit its apex for a few short weeks in the beginning of the school year.  A few print outs of the photos were found in some of the older boys lockers at school, as well as some of the teachers, but all through the controversy Jinni kept her chin held high and her mind focused on her training.
‘That’s gotta be crazy Jinni to think about… a bunch of horny teenage boys pleasuring themselves to your image. I don’t even think any teenagers pleasured themselves to me when I was a teenager.’ Margie joked.
‘I honestly don’t really try to think about it.’ Jinni answered, a bit embarrassed but also a little flattered by some of the attention.
‘Oh my god… One of them is coming over here…’ Margie chirped excitedly.
It’s true. The long haired skater and obvious leader of the group had made his way over to the table trudging across the busy Christmas decoration festooned concourse of the food court. When he had first started striding towards the table, he has seemed bold with the kind of confidence one seems to only have at a certain stage of adolescence, but as he drew closer to the table, and closer to Jinni, his confidence seemed to wane. Now he stood near the table, literally turning his hat over in his hand seemingly at a loss for what to do.
Finally, he recovered enough to whisper, “ Are you the… the ‘mom bodybuilder?’’ He asked Jinni, his eyes only glancing up from the cap in his hands to her dazzling blue eyed gaze, before once again acquiescing once more in front of the older beauty.
‘Guilty…’ Jinni said with a slight wink and a cock of her head which caused her dangly earring to momentarily brush across the meaty expanse of her thick traps which were stretching the neck of her sweater.
‘What’s your name…’ Jinni said sweetly and tapped the young man’s hand delicately in a way that communicated both the knowing power and the effect her presence was having on the young nervous man, along with an emphatic warmth.
‘John…’ He answered again nervous. ‘Me and some of the guys where wondering if we can just get a photo with you. We saw those pictures and DAMN do you look cool.’
‘Sure!’ Jinni said beaming. And stood subtly adjusting her mass filled sweater and made her way over to the table of gawking teenagers.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on December 10, 2019, 01:11:18 am
Merry Xmas to us. Great chapter. Can’t wait to see where you take this
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on December 10, 2019, 10:23:33 pm
Another great section. Is it wrong that I'm falling in love with a make believe character?  :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 13, 2019, 04:43:09 pm
Thanks for the feed back everyone. Happy Friday yall! Here's part 2!


Over the river and through the woods…
But it wasn’t to grandmother’s house they were going, instead it was to Sebastian’s school for the annual Christmas pageant.
With Bill out of town, Jinni had decided to leave her smaller, sportier SUV back home and take his G-500. She loved the way the roomier, more masculine vehicle took the road. Handling the road and allowing her to sit up higher while Sebastian dozed in the back seat.
Jinni helped Sebastian into the back seat of their car and then climbed into the driver’s seat.
Her legs were still thick and pumped from the lower body workout she had subjected herself to earlier that day.
‘Mommy… you waddle now…’ She remembered Sebastian saying to her one day as they made their way through the supermarket. It was true, her legs could get flushed with blood, brutally so after a particularly grueling leg day. The residual pump of the full muscle along with the – uhm—increased sensitivity of certain parts of her body, did at times cause her to walk with a bit of pronounced ‘waddle.’ Legs splayed slightly outward to prevent the growing thickness of the inner abductor muscle, whose new found bulk often caused her thighs to rub together and chafe.
Snow lined the streets of Hawthorne. Dusting the picturesque buildings in a fine layer of white flakes which gave the small coastal town a nostalgic Christmas feeling of holidays past.
The tires slipped a bit on the snowy streets as Jinni piloted the car through the snowy quiet roads of Hawthorne.
Pulling off the highway and onto the small windy road leading up to Sebastian’s school, the snow lined poplars stood against the frosty night sky as snow continued to fall blanketing the streets.
It was only a two days until Christmas and already the holidays had begun to wreak havoc with her carefully planned life.
With Bill finally arriving in just a few days, Jinni had decided to forgo training on Christmas to spend the holidays fully with her husband and her son. While they of course gorged on turkey and ham with at the fillings she’d most likely being eating grilled fish out of plastic container every hour and a half in order to maintain her rigorous schedule.
The shift also meant that she’d need to switch up her training schedule as well as double up on her protocol in order to assure she maintained her proper dosing schedule. This meant that since she wouldn’t be training and injecting on Christmas she would have to double up two days out of the week which is why, with just four hours to Sebastian’s Christmas recital, Jinni found herself in their upstairs bathroom. After looking in vain for a soft spot on her hardened glutes, she plunged the second injection of tren needle through her full muscle, along with her bulking agent and a cutting compound that had just been introduced the week before. She would normally spread those out by 12 hours, but the change in schedule now called for her to get the injections in the shortened amount of time along with a quick 45 minute cardio session on her stationary bike in order to help uptake of the chemicals into her bloodstream.
This is why she found herself now driving to her son’s school recital with the fresh injection of the contraband substances still coursing through her system. The change in schedule as well with increased frequency had also forced her to improvise. The second injection of the day had created a bit of an issue when Jinni’s normal entry marks in and around the side of her glutes still hadn’t healed from her injection that morning, which is why with just a few hours until she was due to be seated in the warm auditorium she had been forced to deliver the second dosage of the compounds into her rounded delt. To the trained eye as small pucker of the residual compound was visible through the stretched fabric of her blouse, but she didn’t think many people would notice.
‘Roid mom.’ And now she really was. As her physique had traveled from aspirational to downright improbable. She had her the whispers and her friends had told her how people talked about her behind her back. She shrugged it off. There wasn’t much she could do. Her body had quickly progressed to where the additional chemical help was readily apparent. Human beings just didn’t look like she did. At least not without the added chemical help of performance enhancing drugs. Still she shrugged it off, let them talk about her she thought. The only concern she had, had been about her son. She how known he had heard the comments and she knew some day she’d have to talk to him about it. For now she knew that he knew that mommy took ‘special medicine’ for her workouts. The fact that same ‘medicine’ was both illegal and socially frowned upon for women to use would be something they’d have to talk about when he got older and she hoped he’d understand.
Jinni lead Sebastian inside the school. Open entering she held her son’s hand close. The alpha Wol******k momma protecting her cub.
As they entered the school’s auditorium and felt the warmth wash over her from coming out of the cold of the snowy night and ushered Sebastian backstage for the performance.
Her eyes scanned the room. She saw Marge sitting on the far side with her husband. Marge gave her a wave.
‘Sorry we meant to save seats for you.’ Marge said apologetically ‘But  we got here late – ‘ Marge offered pointing out that they only had enough room for just her and her husband.
‘It’s fine…’ Said Jinni giving her friend a polite kiss on the cheek and promising to see her after the show.
She made her way down the aisle. Stares followed her, along with a few polite smiles. She had gotten used to this. She knew even among the well heeled of Sebastian’s school she was an anomaly. A subject of both awe and envy amongst the women who feared what their husbands secretly thought of the sexy muscle mom.
She had tried to off set this as best she could on a night like tonight where her son was concerned. She had sported a set of skinny fit stretch jeans and a light colored cashmere sweater, but even the more casual attire stretched outrageously to accommodate her musculature. Her thickly muscled and curved thighs, hard pumped calves and chiseled glutes stretched and bent the stitching of her jeans to the seeming breaking point. While the light colored cashmere top which was large and meant to hang loose on most women, clung and stretched to accommodated her upper body. Stretching tight along her shoulders, and clearly showing the peaks of her biceps, thick traps and flaring outer side heads of her triceps. The fact that her darkly tanned skin played off the top’s light color only added insult to injury. She had topped this entire outfit off with a set of black high-heeled stiletto ankle boots less to draw attention to herself and more to accommodate her in traversing the snowfall which had started a few days prior But still, the raised height of the boot gave her a striking, powerful silhouette.
Jinni was about to grab a seat to the side of the auditorium when she saw a friendly face wave to her. –Of course… it was Joe Calhoun.
Joe was a father of one of the kids in Sebastian’s class and a recent widower. His daughter Macey was one of Jinni’s favorite of the school and she found Joe to be a truly darling and sweet man. The fact that he was such a good father and seemed to care so much about his daughter only made him more so in Jinni’s eyes. (You’ve already introduced Joe - not sure you need to do that - might be fun to introduce Lawrence’s parents here instead? It would be fun if his dad was a bit of a schmoe too and was struck by Jinni - I know it might be tough to rewrite - its just a thought)
‘Jinni…’ Joe continued to wave. And pointed to an open seat next to him.
Jinni made her way over. Her bulky frame and hard muscled body moving with poise grace, trotting like a thoroughbred through the aisles of parents seated for the recital.
Jinni soon found the empty chair and sat down next to Joe.
He was a spirited, cherubic man about Jinni’s age, and despite his balding and a bit of paunch, Jinni actually found him quite cute in a of dad kinda-way.
For his part Joe was thrilled to have the muscle mom seated next to him.
‘Thank you Joe…’ She said sweetly and gave him the polite requisite hug.
Joe had, had in the past seemed to light up whenever Jinni was around and Jinni was aware of this. She was both flattered and sensitive to the single dad. She was widely aware of the effect her body could have on certain men and tried her best to maintain a decorum. She could sense how Joe had looked at her in social situations, and the feeling became all the more apparent when, during the incident and scandal involving the leaked photos of Jinni. It came to her attention that Joe was one of the fathers in Hawthorne who was in possession of them. This came to light during a play date at a pizzeria with a group of kids. Macey had blurted out, ‘My daddy has photos of you in a bathing suit in his dresser!’

Joe had immediately blushed and stammered out an answer but Jinni, sensitive and not wanting to see the man embarrassed in front of his daughter -- smiled and offered back without missing a beat ‘Well all of us parents have photos of each other. – It’s in case we get in a jam and have to have another daddy or mommy pick one of you up from school. That was we can show you which daddy and mommy to go to. It’s very common. I have tons of photos of Joe.’ Jinni had added with an animated flourish and the improvised answer seemed to appease the young girl because she went back to her slide of pizza with no further questions.

Jinni had been happy to save Joe from the embarrassment and Joe mouthed back to her under his breath ‘Thank you.’
Ever since then Jinni had been aware of the way Joe looked at her and while she found it flattering and perhaps even thinking if she wasn’t married to Bill, Joe; caring, considerate and kind  -- might be exactly the kind of may she might date – she was cautious to in no way lead him on. But still, she enjoyed his kindness and friendship.
Soon the lights on the stage dipped and the play was underway. Joe, himself was amazed and had to consciously pull himself away from gazing at the spectacular physical specimen next to him and refocus on the action on stage. He occasionally found his eyes glancing down and taking in Mrs. Jones’ spectacular thigh development, which even though hidden from view in her tight fitting jeans, still sprung and curved outward due to the pressure of the chair. The seemed to be expanding out inches and filling the gap in between chairs, occasionally rubbing up against his own, albeit much slimmer khaki clad legs.

Soon the lights dipped and the Christmas pageant began.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: FemaleMuscleStories on December 14, 2019, 05:02:04 am
glad to see you back adding more to Jinni's story! Love it all and can't wait for more! Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on December 14, 2019, 04:58:49 pm
Eli, good to see you again. I can not wait to see what is your vision of a clash between a muscle goddess and a fragile and delicate father. Good match!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 15, 2019, 11:16:17 pm
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Eli, good to see you again. I can not wait to see what is your vision of a clash between a muscle goddess and a fragile and delicate father. Good match!

Hey BIB,

Thanks for commenting. Mrs J uses her female charms more than her fists so I wouldn't expect too many serious 'clashes' but I am working on the 3rd part now and don't want to spoil much but I can tell you Joe will probably have very a happy holidays this year. Hopefully I can finish up and post it early this week!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on December 16, 2019, 02:21:35 pm
I am not waiting for any"serious" clashes - that was a metaphor, maybe a bad one, like my English. I love strong and confident women who can conquer a man without violence, using only the soft power of their hard muscles. This is why I like your stories so much :)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pramitsen2008 on December 16, 2019, 04:43:16 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Eli, good to see you again. I can not wait to see what is your vision of a clash between a muscle goddess and a fragile and delicate father. Good match!

Hey BIB,

Thanks for commenting. Mrs J uses her female charms more than her fists so I wouldn't expect too many serious 'clashes' but I am working on the 3rd part now and don't want to spoil much but I can tell you Joe will probably have very a happy holidays this year. Hopefully I can finish up and post it early this week!
i have recently come across your stories here, and i must say they are simply briliant. this is the 1st time i'm coming across female muscle fiction where the domination happens on both the feminine side and the physique side but not of violence but of softness induced with rock solid feminine hardness. excellent work and will forward for the mrs.jones series as they are my personal favorite.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: QBikk on December 16, 2019, 06:12:07 pm
Man, that is really good stuff. I have been re reading your stories after these Xmas stories came up, it's a real pleasure to read. Thanks for sharing your time and your talent with us!!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 16, 2019, 08:10:04 pm
Wow. Thanks everyone for commenting and the great feedback. it really lets me know that the vision I have for the series is getting across! So folks we are getting down to it -- its finally Christmas Eve in Hawthorne. Looking like theyre will be 2 more installments after this so without further ado here is PART 3! Comments feedback etc always welcome !


Twas the night before Christmas….

The next day Joe found himself at the Hawthorne sports club.  He had arrived for a quick workout before starting a busy day and had found the club bustling with activity. It was Christmas Eve after all and he suspected that the denizens of the small town were eager to get one last workout in before the holidays.

On the far side of the gym Joe noticed the treadmills and one in particular. –  Sloped high and set on the highest possible setting, the woman on it walked impossibly fast. The dark black tread of the treadmill disappeared under the clean white of her sneakers – It was only then did he realize it was Jinni cranking away at what seemed an impossibly fast pace –
Next to her was another woman whom Joe recognized almost instantly. It was as Helen Yang, one of Jinni’s frequent training partners. Helen was perhaps the only other woman in town with muscle that rivaled Jinni’s. Helen was a physique competitor and albeit smaller than Jinni’s heavyweight bodybuilder status, Helen’s physique was still impossibly muscular for the small suburban town.
A pretty Asian lady around Joe’s age, he had only seen her in passing briefly in the gym, but had been taken with her amazing physique. Each time he saw her, as well as the fact that he had become aware that she too was a single parent with a child who was similar in age to Joe’s daughter, Joe’s eyes lit up in awe.
Joe stood frozen by the entrance unable to move at the sight of the two muscle women, treadmills cranked up to 10 talking animatedly as they both hung on to the front ends of the machine as they cranked out rep after rep. Jinni’s upper body was covered with a large loose fitting sweatshirt whose neck was cut out and hung low occasionally sliding off down the side of her broad shoulders and exposing the upper part of her thick neck and traps. The shirt loosely covered her upper body, but still the shape of the bulging musculature of her body was apparent under its fabric.
Next to her Helen kept pace, a few inches shorter than Jinni, Helen’s body was nothing to scoff at either –where Jinni choose to cover her upper body, Helen’s was exposed in a tan and turquoise sports bra which hugged her back and traps. Her back was big, massively so and seemed almost out of proportion with her relatively small frame. Joe stood staring in amazement as with each step on the treadmill the thick meat of the small Asian women’s lower lats would bulge and strain against the material of her top. On her lower body Helen sported a pair of low cut leggings which matched the sports bra in color coordination. He took delight in how the leggings clung to her powerful legs which bulged and flexed with each step.
Helen seemed to reflect Jinni,  just in a smaller package. Besides the size difference the two women with their matching proportions looked like they were created in the same factory: a factory intent on manufacturing futuristic females of muscular proportions.
His moment of reverie thought was interrupted as he saw in the mirror Jinni make eye contact with him, then wave indicating the treadmill in between her and Helen was open.  Joe declined at first not wanting to interrupt the two muscle women in the midst of what was no doubt a workout that would test the limits of most men. –Joe also questioned his sanity being stuck between the two bulging beauties, but Jinni beckoning remained insistent pointing animatedly to the treadmill. In between, Joe couldn’t resist not only because Jinni’s demeanor was both warm and inviting, but also because he feared what the sweet natured mom might do if crossed ;)
‘Joe, this is Helen Yang, Helen Yang this Joe Calhoun. Joe’s daughter Macey is maybe the most delightful seven year of on the planet and classmates with Sebastian.’ Jinni said making the introduction as Joe started on the treadmill in between the two Olympian women and did his best to keep up.
‘Hiya…’ Helen said taking one hand off the treadmill and extending it to Joe to shake. As she did so he took a moment to look at the woman’s small hand in his, her nails were long and strikingly feminine, painted in an ornate pink and gold pattern. Joe gave her hand a brief shake while he did his best to keep up with the fast spinning treadmill. He felt her hand in his, small, warm, and feminine, but as his fingers brushed the underside her could feel something else, a strength and power. – The meat of the underside of her hand seemed to almost emanate raw power yet the flesh was soft but at the same time. Joe could feel the small sets of calluses along the underside of her fingers no doubt from throwing prodigious amounts of weight around – a delightful contrast to the soft femininity of the upper side of her hand. Joe had a moment to take her beauty in. Her features were pretty with a short bob of black hair which framed her face in a haircut that he had seen on many women in the area who were growing into their roles as caretakers for their kids. But while the haircut was conservative the wildly muscled body underneath most certainly was not.  Joe also marveled at how Helen’s large bicep and shoulder bulged prominently as she shook his hand and then put it back on the treadmill.
Standing there in between these two pillars of strength Joe was taken with how the women, both smaller than him in height seemed to take up more room than him. Jinni with her bulging shoulders and musculature and Helen with her wide back which seemed to pop and flex with each step.
Joe wasn’t the only one noticing, ever since he climbed on the treadmill between the two show stopping examples of musculaturity he could see looks leveled in both his direction and the women’s. Heads behind them cranked as they walked past, trying to catch views as discreetly as possible to see who the man was in between these two female specimens.
Joe noticed too how both Jinni and Helen seemed to shut down the attention around them, focusing hard on the task at hand. Completely focused, completely centered no doubt a necessary skill set that must be developed by anyone attracted as much attention as these two women did by their mere physical presence.
‘And that is what we call pre-Christmas cardio…’ Jinni said and gave Helen a nod is if to confirm that her powerful partner had reached their desired allotment of time. Both women powered down their treadmill and stepped off. Joe took the opportunity to steal a quick glance at Jinni’s prominently muscled quads which were displayed in a pair of skin tight pink spandex shorts which were cut high stopping just a few millimeters below her crotch to display the full roundness of the muscle. He could now clearly see the front of her cut off muscle shirt. The image depicted a classic shot of none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger in his muscle beach days and Joe registered with some wonder that Jinni’s bulky upper body didn’t seem much smaller than the great Austrian bodybuilder in his prime. Albeit repurposed on a smaller suburban mom’s frame.
The two grabbed their gym bags and two large jugs of water that they had stored next to the treadmill no doubt to hydrate the large bulging muscles they planned on putting to the test during the work out.
‘Nice meeting you Joe…’ Helen said with a pixie-ish accent that was completely at odds with her muscular frame. Joe stood staring in wonder and thankful he had gotten to witness the two spectacular women up close in their element.
 As they headed off, Joe followed the women in the mirrors that surrounded the gym and watched Jinni stop and whisper something in Helen’s ear. The smaller woman listened intently then nodded. Then Joe watched as they both made their way back, muscles bulging as a swath of gym goers cleared the way for the ultra built babes. –
‘Uhm… Joe… let me ask you… ‘ Said Jinni leaning in and pressing herself against the arm of the treadmill as Joe hopped off, the pressure of pressing against the machine caused the molten expanse of the exposed pec meat left open by her low cut workout shirt to press up and flare against the older women’s collar bones. The effect was almost like a push up bra, but one stuffed with muscle meat instead of soft breast tissue. Joe tried not to gasp and felt his mouth go dry as he quickly pulled his gaze away and refound his footing by finding the muscle mom’s warm blue eyes.
‘‘A small favor …’ Jinni said sweetly biting the corner of her lip, having little understanding of the libidinal torture she was putting the divorcee through.
‘Helen over here is going for her personal training cert next month and we were wondering if – and you can say no here – but she could practice training you.’ Jinni finished asking with some trepidation as if she didn’t want to put him out.
‘You’d be our guinea pig…’ Helen added, playfully rubbing her hands together before giving a tiny little Pippy Longstocking giggle that Joe found both completely becoming and slightly disarming coming from the well muscled woman.
‘You can say no…’ Jinni added again sweetly as if to give Joe a way out. Joe stood there, the two muscle woman standing in front of him, completely filling his site line with hard fought for girly muscle. Joe couldn’t help but be amazed at how, even here in repose, their bodies oozed with obvious power and sex appeal. They stood relaxed, but both women’s thick upper bodies and jacked lat development caused them to stand like real life action figures.
‘I guess… If I have to…’ Said Joe finally with a self deprecating laugh.
‘Uh-ah-ha-ha next victim…’ Helen said with faux menace and rubbed her hands together imitating a mad scientist. The thick caps of her shoulders dancing under the straps of sports bra as she did so.
A while later Joe had taken off his heavy sweatshirt and found Helen on the far side of the free-weight area. The area was somewhat foreign to him, although he had been a member of the gym for a number of years he chose to stick mostly to the machines on the far side of the gym choosing. He’d forgone working out in the more ‘hard core’ free weight area which me mostly saw large Neanderthal type men throwing around heavy weight. He felt like he didn’t belong. But now, oddly, he was here with a woman who must clearly did belong. Helen patted one of the benches they had cleared off indicating for Joe to sit. He felt like he had gained entry into a secret club.
Joe made his way over as Helen turned and grabbed a few sets of dumbbells off the rack. Joe watched her in the mirror, She was an interesting dichotomy her cute face and short black hair bob was completely in line with a women her age, while her body revealed by the tight fitting workout clothes underneath was something else. Joe marveled for a moment about how the muscle on her looked so different from the large beefy men training in the area. She in some ways seemed as massive but more put together, while the men’s physiques seemed more haphazard – Big fleshy chests with little definition, some pumped large arms the size of hams – but their bodies lacked the aesthetically pleasing proportions. Helen’s muscle on the other hand seemed to have been shaped as if by a sculptor. – Her arms bulged, quads flexed, but each muscle, each tendon ebbed and flowed into tiny joints, feminine wrists, her frame worked together as pleasing whole.
Jinni had gone to refill both women’s large water jugs and soon returned to the weight area to join them.
‘Has the victim been tortured yet…’ Jinni asked strutting her weight back to the weight area and giving Joe a playful smirk in the mirror.
‘Nope. Just getting him all set up.’ Said Helen placing an area of weights alongside of him.
‘Great glad you didn’t get started without me… Maybe we should make him sign a waiver,’ joked Jinni finally arriving back at the group. She dropped the two jugs of water in front of the women and then tightened the weight belt around her midsection which Joe noticed she wasn’t wearing earlier.
She then lifted the hem of her Arnold shirt up and pulled it up over her head. And for the first time that day Joe really felt the air go out of him. She wore an off white sports bra underneath, which stood out in stark contrast to her dark, tanned skin.

Joe’s jaw nearly hit the floor as the shirt continued to come off and Mrs. Jones body was fully exposed in its full muscular glory. Joe had of course seen photos of it in online and experienced flashes of it albeit hidden under clothing but here, now revealed to him in all it’s glory it was truly staggering. The woman, looked massive. Joe had read all about just what the difference between a finely honed physique competitor’s body like Helen and a heavyweight like Jinni, but seeing it in the flesh was something else. Despite Helen’s massive development, Jinni’s exploding chest, shoulders and arms made her look like a small child in contrast. Joe felt his mouth go dry as Jinni passed in front of him giving him a clear view of the bulging knotted topography of her back muscles.
Throughout the workout Joe did his best to keep up with the muscle women’s intense heavy training regimen. Upper body seemed to be the theme of the day and Joe quickly fell into a grove as the ‘training session’ progressed.
Helen would occasionally hand him weights and give him instructions.
‘Here. Shoulder press and angle your back, tighten your glutes…’ The little muscular Asian woman would say occasionally brushing up against Joe’s hand or arm as she handed him the dumbbells. Joe thrilled as each time she moved past she’d brush by his outer arm, the fully developed outer head of her lycra clad quadriceps brushing his arm with its muscle packed hardness.
Jinni would work in as well. Sliding down onto the weight bench as soon as Joe was done and grabbing a set of weights that looked far too big for her dainty heads but would quickly be thrust up over head as Jinni cranked out rep after excruciating rep.
The close proximity and similar training regiment gave Joe a chance to gauge the level of weight he himself was using against the girls and he was amazed at the differential. Where he was given a set of small silver 25lb for shoulder press Helen grabbed a thick set of 45s and grunted out a set of ten reps seemingly without breaking a sweat. Joe was impressed, here was a woman, a fabulously muscled one, but still a woman lifting nearly twice as much as him. Joe was to have that shattered as Jinni quickly swooped in and scooped up two large 60 pounders whose heavy black rubber weighted ends looked bigger than her own head and then….
‘Argghh!!’ With Helen’s help, she brought then up and cranked out 12 hard reps her shoulder muscles blistering and firing, veins exploding under her dark tan skin.  Joe took the opportunity to glance around to see if anyone else had taken in the extraordinary display of strength. He saw a couple of men who no doubt considered themselves fit take it in, then quickly look away as they saw Joe spot them. Joe noticed a few men doing similar exercises with less than half the weight Jinni used, quickly put the dumbbells down then leaving the free weight area no doubt not wanting to have to check their manhood against the muscle bulging housewife.
Soon they hit a grove and Joe actually began to feel completely welcome amongst the group. He’d laugh at their jokes and marvel at their insider knowledge of weight training. They seemed to share a jargon which most people outside of muscle beach probably wouldn’t understand.
‘Should we do forced reps on the preacher?’ Helen asked with the  gravest concern as if her entire existence hinged on executing this workout.
‘Let’s do partial inclines and then we can do rear delts and drop sets for tris…’ Jinni answered queuing some new torture up for Joe ‘their victim.’
Throughout all this lifting jargon – he also found they frequently returned to talking about their kids, family and holidays. Joe was somewhat taken aback that in the midst of this macho, anabolic fueled workout session that two buff girls were wholly feminine, flirty housewives like you might meat on line at the Cost-Co, only housewives who could deadlift a small fridge and hadn’t touched a carb that wasn’t on their diet plan for years.
But still Joe couldn’t help feel like ‘he was on the inside.’ The entire gym seemed to be watching him and he trained with these two brawny women – throwing around iron.
The torture session came to an end and Joe’s arms felt like they might explode.
The apex of the entire experience probably came when Helen, trying to demonstrate a rear delt exercise, slide in around him, placing herself in-between Joe and the bench. Her pert, flared glutes mere inches from his crotch and her exploding back cranking out rep after rep in front of him.
‘Right here… You want to get right here… Feel…’ she said taking Joe’s hand and guiding it over her bulging shoulder and giving Joe the encouragement to feel it. His hand traveled over the muscle for a few seconds feeling the impossible hardness of the little muscle women’s skin.
‘Now you’ve really earned Christmas dinner…’ Said Jinni as they wrapped the workout, the bulging muscle women’s frame still exposed as she had yet to put her top back on.
‘What’s your fav Christmas food?’ Asked Helen dabbing her chest with her towel and taking in the cool down aspect of their post workout.
‘Dessert.’ Joe said. Everyone laughed.
‘I knew there was something about you I liked – ‘ Said Helen giving another pixish laugh and touching Joe’s arm playfully.
Jinni eyed this…
“What are you doing after this Joe?’ asked Jinni narrowing her gaze on Joe.
‘I was going to go home and get Macy and maybe grab lunch.’
‘You need to refuel. You depleted your glycogen stores, we did a lot of compound stuff so you should get some good carbs, healthy fats and proteins…’ Jinni said and Joe nodded trying as best he could to process the eating regiment the bodybuilder was laying out for him. ‘Oh my god Helen you should take him to Eatz.’ Said Jinni playfully smacking her muscular friends arm.
‘What’s Eatz?’ Joe asked with some trepidation unsure and maybe a bit afraid of somehow offending the two buff moms.
‘Oh my god Eatz is so good! They have the most bomb protein pancakes’ Said Helen tapping Joe’s hand playfully.
“Well if its bomb…’ Countered Joe.
‘You guys should go… together… Helen will show you the ropes –‘
‘I… Well I do need to run home and get Macy… but –‘ Joe added somewhat nervously not wanting to jeopardize this opportunity.
‘Well I need to get Reggie.’ Said Helen bringing up the name of her son who was about the same age as Joe’s daughter. ‘Maybe we can all four go.
‘Brunch at Eatz.’ Offered Jinni,a wry smile crossing her face.

Jinni stood and watched them exit out into the parking lot, Helen’s broad sculpted hour glass back and Joe’s tall lanky frame, a light dusting of snow had begun to fall and as the bodybuilder mom  watched them head to their cars talking she couldn’t help but feel like she’d play Santa/Cupid to two fine people. The only thing that was missing was a bit of mistletoe hanging over the gym’s protein shake counter.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pramitsen2008 on December 17, 2019, 02:06:57 am
Nice addition. Great to see the continuity of the my favorite series. Will await for the rest. Keep it up. :cool2:
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pramitsen2008 on December 17, 2019, 02:15:14 am
On a suggestion side, have you ever considered on creating a background story of Mrs. Jinni Jones from her life and time she had spent in the gym building her body to perfection?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 19, 2019, 03:22:24 pm
Hi everyone thanks for the comments.  One more chapter left as Christmas draws near  :woohoo: hope everyone if enjoying the ride so far! Also as far as a Mrs J origin story a lot of that is covered in Chapter 6 'Making of A Muscle Mom' that covers a lot of her background. 

Without further ado here's part 4!! Comments, questions, critiques karma all welcome!


After playing matchmaker Jinni found her way to the steam room. Thick clouds of steam of the steam room circled and danced around Jinni’s form as she made her way to the back of the linoleum lined room and sat against one of the small benches. The Hawthorne sports club had made the room co-ed and now here before the holidays the room was empty., As it tended to do on a yearly basis, the town had begun to thin out with folks heading off to spend the season with family in warmer climates or visit relatives up north.
Jinni often found the room to herself on days like this and relaxed against the bench after her grueling work out. She wanted to sweat out a bit of water weight in preparation for her reveal to Bill when he finally arrived home in a few days.
She found a seat in the empty rear, turned the heat up slightly and sat down removing the towel that clung to her upper body. The room was located between the men’s and women’s locker rooms which meant that occupants were required to at least wear a bathing suit. Today Jinni had picked an athletic cut bikini top and bottom which were similar in design to what a professional might wear in a beach volleyball tournament. The cut was sporty with the top opening wide allowing her pumpkin delts, thick pecs and board flat abs to be exposed. Her arms were hard, pumped and veiny from her upper body workout, and the small black bottoms were cut high over her thickly developed legs. The overall look was of extreme physical fitness and given the chance this was the same suit that she often used to practice her posing.
Soon though her reverie was cut short as she heard the door on the far side of the room open and watched  a figure enter through the fog. She could see, only partially visible through the clouds of steam – it was man… tall… tanned… and muscular. Impossibly so. He had his back to her and Jinni strained to make out through the thick clouds of steam a tall form and an impossibly muscular back. Darkly tanned and chiseled, beefy with thick muscular built perfection.
Soon the form turned and began to make its way across the room – first sitting along the far side – there Jinni could get a better sense of the figure. He was tall, well over 6 foot, perhaps 6’ 3. Not only was he muscular – she could now clearly see as he sat, his arms were thick with hugely pumped biceps and thick horseshoe shaped triceps which exploded as he gripped the tiled bench. His shoulders too were preposterously broad and rounded and made even her own incredibly developed shoulders look tiny in comparison. His chest, was so thickly developed it seemed to hang and protrude almost like female cleavage, just with an impossibly muscled shape. And his abs, which were exposed above the towel he wore low around his waist, was a set of thick, bumpy cubes of muscle. The man looked like he stepped off a pillar in ancient Greece. – He was almost god like in his proportions and Jinni felt for the first time in a very long time a stirring of yearning pierce her being.
“Do you mind if I turn the heat up… just a bit…?” came the figure’s voice from across the room. Jinni strained to see him better and got, for the first time, a sense of the hunk’s face. He was young, perhaps college aged, maybe 21- 22 at that most , with fine chiseled features. His size was staggering for his physical development – and Jinni couldn’t help but get a sense she was dealing with an anomaly.  He was a boyish Grecian god come to life.
“No… no turn it up. It’s okay. This is just the temperature it was on when I came in here…” She heard her herself answer back and was alarmed at how dainty and girlish it sounded coming out of her mouth. She found that even with the heat she was getting very warm and very flushed indeed.
She could hear the figure get up and makes his way to the thermostat and turn the heat up and then sit back down. The action and the rise of the form had given Jinni another chance to remark on the creature’s spectacular development and she traced his outlined silhouette in the steam as he rose. She could see that yes he was remarkably tall, and remarkably built for his height. While his upper body was insanely developed with a ridiculous v of broad capped shoulders, his hips were almost small and feminine and his legs were long and underdeveloped. His physique was the epitome of ‘skipping leg day’ but on this physique it seemed more by design them mistake. Jinni surmised that the youngster had let his lower body lag to better in order to better show up his remarkable V shaped upper body in contrast.
“I’m sorry….” He said and moved in closer a few mere few inches away from Jinni’s bikini clad form and Jinni thought him for a few moments a very fresh young man indeed.
“Ashton” He said extending his hand out. And now giving Jinni a chance to gaze upon him, or up at him as he height gave him a slight advantage over her. Where Jinni was a few moments previously taken with the man’s body, she found herself struck perhaps more so with his features. He was gorgeous. Almost femininely beautiful in his handsomeness. Impossibly high cheekbones, a large gaping mouth filled with bright white teeth and piercing blue eyes. They produced the effect of looking at Jinni so hard she felt as if she was being looked through. And the tension and intensity of his gaze gave her the feeling of having the breath seeped from her lungs and her body gasping for air. He was there, perhaps, the handsomest man she had ever seen in her life. Young, beautiful and muscular beyond belief and she felt right there on the warm tile bench a thing that many people had felt gazing at her and her impossibly built female form. An impossible. Painful longing.
“I couldn’t help but notice you out there in the gym earlier” –  Said Ashton tripping a bit over his worlds and tilting his blonde hair down in a way that would at times cause it fall in his eyes. “You’re a bodybuilder?” He asked.
“Yeah- a yes…”Jinni said. And felt a girlish giggle spring up from somewhere inside of her ‘Keep this together.’ She thought to herself, but at the same time, in the presence of this massive beautiful man she found herself nearly out of control, extremely small and exposed. It was a feeling that was both wildly uncomfortable and at the same time she wasn’t sure she wanted it to end.
‘Jinni…. Jones…’ She finally said extending her hand to shake and took his hand in hers. She looked up and closely and took in the sheer massiveness of his arms.
‘And you… You must… as well’ She said beaconing to young man’s bulging body.
‘Physique. I’m on break from college. I’m trying to jump ranks at least into Men’s BB, but I’m having trouble putting on size.’ He said and then as if to demonstrate turned and cranked one of his massive arms out front Jinni’s face for inspection. The bicep was huge and peaked stretching the skin up and out filling up with massive muscle. Jinni felt that the display was both bold and a bit gratuitous but at the same time she could appreciate the spectacular work that had gone into the young man’s arms.
‘I don’t quite know about that, you seem properly…’ She felt herself search for the right word. ‘Developed.’
Ashton smiled and pulled his arm away and down and he meet Jinni with a flirtatious smirk which she was sure melted any sorority girl the young hunk encountered on his college campus.
‘I’m at home. Visiting my parents. Thought I’d give the gym a try.’ He said offering further explanation. ‘I saw you out there and…’ He let the sentence trail off. ‘You’re – you’re heavyweight?’ Ashton continued taking Jinni’s massiveness.
‘Just jumped weight classes…’ Jinni said feeling the conversation shift back and once again fall under her control as the young man’s eyes took in her physique. She, upon his gaze, leaned back and cranked out a double bicep flex. She could feel the man’s gaze traipse along her muscular flesh hungrily. She held her arms up holding the flex for a moment, letting him take her in, and perhaps mischievously returning a bit of muscular punishment he had inflicted on her.
‘Your triceps are spectacularly developed…’ he said looking at the prominent sculpted thickness of Jinni’s under arms. ‘I’m having problems hitting the anterior heads of mine.’ he continued and stuck out his own arm in front of Jinni, clenching his fist and exposing a tricep head which seemed to pop off nearly a foot thick from his arm. He twisted it from side to side letting the soft light of the room play off the exposed, feathered striations which danced under his skin and Jinni could not help but become aware that the young man had taken the opportunity to in fact flaunt his prodigious development to her.
Her competitive drive fired on, not to be outdone… 
‘I’ve had the same issues with my quads…’ Said Jinni extending her leg closest to the young man, pointing her toe daintily the causing the thick muscle of her leg to tighten and flex. First, the thick diamond hardness of her calves and then the exquisite developed tear drop heads of her inner and outer quads. Jinni held her leg out, toe pointed and turned the muscle over for the young man’s inspection, the soft dew of the steam beading along the prominent thick tear dropped heads of the muscle. She could tell by the tension and silence that the muscle boy had been momentarily thwarted and a bit humbled.
Things continued on with a bit of conversation about training regimens and Jinni taking the sheer level of development the boy had sported at such a young age wanted to ask him, in confidence, just what in fact his drug regiment was, but bit her tongue. In fact, Ashton taking in the bulging mass sported by this woman who was close in age to his own mother, but looked cut out of marble wanted to inquire as well, but also held back. – The knowledge that both had attained their physiques through disciplined training as well as chemical means added a bit of subtext to their conversation. To the untrained eye who might peak in seeing two of the most perfectly developed human beings, they may have ever stumbled on sitting dangerously close together – their muscle flesh nearly touching – him the epitome of the young beautiful Greek masculine ideal – and her nearly 2 decades older than him, but her body matching his in scale, development and size.
Ashton leaned forward putting his weight on his arms and his thick triceps ballooned impossible proportions. Jinni had to resist the impulse to raise her hand and test the young man’s bubbled to flesh to see if it truly was a hard it appeared. The shift too had caused his thickly muscled chest to balloon outward and the crevice between each sheet of pec muscle rippled and seemed to recede so deeply that Jinni thought she could stick her entire fist in between the deep shelf of muscle. She could feel herself lean forward as well and here too, her pecs deep with muscle flesh as bunched and rippled pressing outward if the thick shelves of her impossibly developed physiques sought to meet their equal in the young man. She could feel her nipples in the low cut fabric of her bikini top press out and harden, almost painfully so. The nipples pressed out and down slightly as if they thirsted for contact against the boy’s muscular flesh.
Jinni too at the moment could feel, not only the blood rush from her head, but also rush down her body and down between her legs. The lips and ring of her sex flairing out and coursing with energy. The hard raised tip of her clit too becoming engorged. Ever since starting her chemical regimen, she had found that this happened more and more increasingly, a sudden rush of horniness, of lust. She could be walking in a grocery store and see a man, an average looking man albeit tall and dark and she could immediately be gripped with an insane longing to throw him down and make passionate love to him. She had asked one of her girlfriends who had taken a similar regiment of PEDs what was happening and had it explained quite simply ‘the male hormones.’ The effect was similar to a young man going through puberty. So in fact, Jennifer Jones --  very much a wife, mom and beautiful woman – was at some part of her deep down, also a lusty little horny young boy gripped in the throws of puberty. The dichotomy of this, the male and female trapped inside of her made her feel at times powerful, heady and wildly impulsive and mischievous.
The blood in the lips of her pussy and her clit continued to pulse and throb and she had wished very much that she had affixed the small strip of Scotch tape which she had often used as hack learned from her other bodybuilding girlfriends, against the back lower part of her bikini bottoms to mask the growing arousal she felt pulsing in between her legs.
Suddenly, Jinni’s phone beeped and she was brought back into the room. She looked at it. It was an alarm on her phone letting her know that Sebastian needed to be picked up and brought home and then she'd need to head out to the airport to pick Bill up. She welcomed the interruption and quickly felt some of the sexual longing slip away as she returned to her body and her form remembering the very real connection to her son and her husband.
‘Duty calls…’ Said Jinni briefly flashing the phone in Ashton’s direction.

‘Very nice meeting you’ Said Ashton his playful smirk returning to his lips and his eyes seemingly dancing with mischief and desire as he drank in Jinni’s form.

‘Goodbye Ashton’ Said Jinni rising from the bench. As she rose she let the towel drop from her back and sauntered out of the room giving the young muscle hunk a last lingering glimpse of her muscular form and then disappeared through the steam. And out the door. And out of Ashton’s life forever.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on December 23, 2019, 03:01:10 pm
Hi All -- I'm proud to present the 'climax' of a Very Mrs Jones Christmas (pun intended). Will Bill like his Xmas present and all the work Jinni has put in for him? You'll just have to read on to find out!

I should add that this story wouldn't be possible without the help of Taos Child who kept me on schedule and proofed my stuff and had an almost supernatural ability to declutter my ideas so if youre enjoying these chapters then TC is also partially to thank. And if you like my writing style I highly suggest his book Built (here's a link to an exerp its very similar to my stuff and the added length of the novel really adds to the ability to go in deeper to the characters.

Thanks to everyone who read and commented and choose to spend at least part of their Christmas with Mrs Jones. The comments and feedback make the hardwork to put into a story like this worth the effort so thanks again!


Jinni put the small set of Mrs. Clause bikini bottoms back in the Victoria secret box and then put the thin, candy cane themed bra on top and stowed them for later that night. She adjusted the top of her sweater and headed out.
The airport was busy with last minute arrivals for the Christmas season. Mrs. Jones parked her car and made her was over to passenger arrival to meet Bill.
The 7:22 PM from Seattle arrived a few minutes late and Bill sat in his seat finishing up a last bit of work before the plane taxied to its gate where Bill rose and pulled out his bags from the overhead and de-boarded the plane.
It has been nearly 2 months since he had seen Jinni and he was eager to catch up with his wife and get back home and spend Christmas with his family. He had kept a bit abreast of Jinni’s developments over Skype calls while he worked in Seattle. Jinni briefed him on training, but Bill had been so busy with the company’s new server project that he wasn’t completely able to follow. Still he knew she had been adding mass as she mentioned on their Skype calls. Despite only being able to see her from the neck up when they did their catch ups, with Jinni usually fresh from the gym and wearing one of her loose fitting loose necked sweatshirts, Bill could tell by the increasingly growing and bulge of her traps under the sweat shirts that his wife was quickly packing on seemingly epic levels of muscle mass.
Another hint had been from the boys at work.  After a few days of working with his new team in Seattle a few of his co-worker engineers had, after a quick Google search, discovered that his wife was ‘Miss Universe’ female bodybuilding division. With the article, they had found a revealing photo Jinni online complete in her two piece posing suit at a recent show. The group of jokers had photoshopped Bill’s head on top of Jinni’s massive physique and posted it next to his work computer. The joke was good humored and Bill kept the photo up throughout his assignment. But still the image of his wife chiseled and near perfect musculature in the tiny two piece bikini made Bill especially eager to get back home to her company.
‘Baby!!’ Said Jinni as Bill descended the escalator and he could see Jinni through the parted sea of family members waiting for their relatives.
Jinni ran to him and Bill scooped her up giving her a kiss. She had dressed cutely to pick him up, a large white cashmere hat covered her hair and her dark hair spilled out of it. Bill marveled that even here in the middle of winter on the east coast Jinni was remarkably tan, standing out in sharp contrast to the other pasty East Coasters. Bill held her by her arms. She was wearing a large thick turquoise down jacket to keep her from the chill and even through the heavy fabric he could feel the extraordinary heaviness and bulk. He was amazed that even through her down jacket her could see the thick bulges of her outer lats and was amazed at her her thick arms stretched the fabric of her jacket.
“There you are honey…” She said rushing and embracing him giving little care as the heads around them spun to take in the pretty older women trotting over to him in heels.
Bill also took a moment to take in his wife’s lower body.  Jinni wore skin tight leggings which wrapped her bulging shapely legs for all the world to see.  The jacket was cut short and gathered around her waist and only seemed to Bill to highlight the extraordinariness of her bodybuilders hourglass figure. All big massive muscles on top, tiny waist, rock hard ass and bulging muscular thighs. She had finished off the outfit with a pair of diminutive fur lined heeled boots with causes her calves to bulge flex.

“Come on sweetie… Let’s get you home and warm. Jinni’s got a nice little Christmas present waiting for you.” His wife said with a twinkle and grabbed him by the wrist leading him to the car.

“You’re tired from your flight. Why don’t you let me drive?” She took his heavy bag as if it was nothing and flipped it over her shoulder. Even weighed down and in her heeled boots he struggled to keep up. Lifting up the trunk she picked up the bag with her other arm. Her bicep bulged with the effort, veins snaking across the top yet it looked the motion was effortless. Bill had stumbled around the airport fighting the bag before she took it from him. Was she stronger now?

When they sat in the car, he looked across at the silhouette of his wife and watched the bulge of her sartorious muscle rose off her leg like ramparts on top of a hill. He stared at her in awe.
Jinni had stripped off her winter parka and was moving around the kitchen as Bill sat at the table. She was wearing a plunging muscle shirt – strap stringy and plunged low – exposing much of her chest – and sports bra. The exposed chest area that Bill could see looked almost masculine in its development. Jinni had so transformed herself that her once smallish boobs had been replaced by thick slabs of chiseled muscle meat. The muscle looked dry and dense, small feathers danced under the tanned skin.
Bill had truly been amazed when he and Jinni discussed her adoption of this hobby of bodybuilding he hadn’t quite fathomed just how far she’d take it. The woman before him had his wife’s pretty features and her sweet demeanor, but that seemed to be where it ended.T he body underneath was pumped and massive and Bill found himself completely taken aback by Jinni’s massive shoulders which were balled and large and stood away from her body seemingly pushing out and up against her thick neck. Her meaty muscular arms hung loosely at her sides a few inches away from her body, literally brimming with power. She turned to grab something off of the counter which gave him a view of her concrete back the lower portion of which was so lean and developed it seemed to mirror the Christmas tree that was set up glowing with a warm glow in their living room.
They had put Sebastian to bed and finished placing his toys under the tree. The fire crackled and Bill was finally alone with his wife. He found himself awed and strangely nervous around her. He wasn’t sure whether it was from their time apart or her new physique, but he found himself hesitant and unsure. She, however, projected an air of confidence that he couldn’t find anymore in her presence. Twice, he tried to speak, but lost his train of thought and closed his mouth. –
Finally,  he managed, “The guys played a joke on me.” as he pulled out the mock up photo his crew had made with his head on his wife’s bulging body.
“Oh no…” Said Jinni both trying to empathize and hide her smirk. “I do have to say your quad sweep looks fantastic.” She finally said and the two shared a laugh.
Bill took a moment and approached his wife there with the fire flickering in the fireplace. He moved in close, he was tall, maybe a foot or so taller than his wife, but Jinni’s mass, even just in her leggings and top took up much of her view.
“Did you miss me…” Jinni asked playfully and bit her lip causing a cute pout.
“I did…” He said and took his had and ran it under her shirt stroking the outer sides of her bubbled abs. No matter how many times he touched them he still couldn’t fathom that they belonged to his wife.
He felt his fingers trace up the cobble stoned masses under his wife’s soft sweatshirt and… subtly Jinni contorted and flexed the bricks of abs as his fingers traipsed along them. They shifted and felt hard as stone under his touch. Jinni breathed out a bit hollowing her stomach and Bill could feel the muscles shift under his hands. Her skin was warm and soft and moved like a thin coating of paper while the muscle underneath was so incredibly hard and dense it was difficult to believe he was touching another human being rather thana piece of brick or stone.
“Easy…” Jinni said, her voice breathless and her dark tanned skin illuminated by the glowing light of the fire.
“I have a present just for you…” Jinni teased as she led her husband upstairs.
As Bill lay in bed in the bedroom next door Jinni readied herself in the bathroom.
She took a moment to gaze down at the tiny set of lingerie she had selected a few days before and breathed out with a sense of trepidation.
‘Here goes she said…’
And looked at herself in the mirror fixing the bra strap along with her massive shoulders.
Her trepidation had been because Bill had yet to fully witness the changes in her body over the past few months.
Sure, he had enjoyed her newly sprouted muscles when she was a middle weight. The buffed up cheerleader look, she had called it. Pumped shoulders, chiseled abs and a sculpted lower body. –  But this, what she looked like now was something different, more extreme
This was hardcore bodybuilder shit. This was the biggest of the big girls. The kind of girls that women looked at and said ‘appreciate the effort. But not for me.’ She was big. Bigger than big now, not just big for a woman… but bigger. She was at least as densely muscled as any man at the gym. Now was the test of whether her man could accept it. There was a very real possibility she had pushed her body too far. – Would her husband even be attracted to her? Would he be scared of her?
Her fingers traced down her massive shoulders and the ridges of her abs as she applied a light shine body bling product which put a small shimmer to her deeply tanned brown skin. The liquid found the crevices in between the ridged blue veins of her forearms at the granite hard muscle of her bulging biceps and triceps.
There was no turning back… Here goes nothing she said… And swung the door to the bathroom open…
Bill was lying in bed when the door their bathroom swung open… He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.What was in front of him had to be an optical illusion.
Jinni was lit up from behind. The warm, golden light from the bathroom shining behind her, illuminating her batwing back from the rear. Her frame seemed to fill the entire doorway and she looked, big massive, her body stuffed with muscle.
Bill gasped as she approached.
Jinni for her part could see and sense the shift in Bill’s expression. She had witnessed it many times before in the gym when her body was unfurled and someone caught their first glimpse of her mass. It was a heady mixture of awe, fear and attraction. A powerful chemical, almost primitive cocktail that her physique would cause in the observer.
Jinni’s immediate reaction was to calm her husband. To reassure him thus diminishing the adrenal firing that she knew her presence could cause.
‘It’s okay sweetie… It’s me honey…’ she said in her soft hushed tones as she approached the bed where her husband lay. The soft click*clacking*clacking of the towering stiletto heels she wore to complete her outfit against the wood floor providing the only sounds besides his labored breathing and her soft cooing.
‘It’s just me… It’s just your Jinni…’ her tone was kind and warm and reassuring, but at the same time as Bill saw her now come into the light he still couldn’t believe it. Sure it was his wife’s head, her soft pretty features, her warm blue eyes and her long auburn brown hair collected in a bun at the top, it’s soft wisps falling and glancing along her high cheekbones, but underneath was something else. He had witnessed Jinni’s transformation over the years from his thin waifish wife to iron pumped bodybuilder, but what stood before him was something else.
Jinni’s training and chemical regimen had built her a solid foundation of muscle over her last three years, but this… this was something else… It didn’t look right. It didn’t look real. As Jinni came completely into the light Bill could see that every square inch of his wife’s relatively diminutive frame had been crammed with rock hard, jutting muscle.
Her small dainty chin and curled pink lips sat merely inches away from her bulging neck and traps of which the thickness startled him. Gone was his wife’s thin swan like neck, replaced with two thick columns of solid rough hewn cow-beef that looked like it had been grafted under her skin, jutting up and uncomfortably near her jaw. Rising below that were the thick columns of pectoral slabs that Jinni had worked so hard to develop. Forgoing the breast implants that were becoming increasingly popular amongst female competitors, she’d chose to build a shelf of rock hard granular muscle whose paper thin skin did little to cover the thick muscle underneath. In fact, here in the moonlight Bill could clearly see a web of small spider lines of veins spill out from the center of Jinni’s chest. Running to and fro along the brown columns of muscle before disappearing down and into the tiny cups of the lingerie which covered her nipples.
There moving to her lower body things became downright bizarre. Where her upper body was jutting, large meaty football sized shoulders and bulging biceps, Jinni’s undercarriage was something else entirely. Covering down bellow the shelf of pec meat Jinni’s waist stood out, tiny, minuscule and – against Bill’s better judgment it seemed even smaller and daintier then he remembered it being before her hardcore training regimen began. But how could that be? It was sleek. Covered and feminine, but at the same time mounted with the thick plating and series of highly delineated musculature plated abs which seemed to rise and fall with each of Jinni’s soft breaths in the moonlight.
Jinni could almost feel Bill’s eyes as they traveled down her lower body and she exalted in the feeling of him taking in her magnificence. She had worked so hard for this body, sweating, lifting monstrous weights injecting herself with god knows what in order she her to build this monument to strength power and discipline.
She could feel Bill’s eyes as they traced down her front side, along her rippling mid-section and down to the tiny piece of cloth that contained her sex. She had spent the better part of the morning at the salon getting her lower parts waxed and buffed and the entirety of her sex stood clean, hairless, just the paper thin of her bulged tanned body in between her and the soft inner linings of the panties.
In acquiescing to her husbands gaze Jinni slowly flexed and quivered her thigh and hip muscles. Rising up high on her tiptoes and causing her lower body, to bulge and bubble as she squeezed hard on her quads forcing them to ripple out. The thick balloon like muscles inflated, stretching her taut, tanned skin and the inner divots and flexations of the muscles pressed outward.
The move brought a gasp to her husband and she had accentuated it by pulling taught the tiny strings that connected the front of the panties to the small triangle the wedged thick between her glutes on her back. The action managed to squeeze up and in the small, silky fabric momentarily causing it to wedge against the lips of her sex which, since the first moment of catching a glance of herself in this proactive attire had bulged thick, filling with blood, At the same time, the upper part of her pussy bulged hard with her clit, now a small pronounced form due to her uptake in her chemical regiments pushed out and downward slightly denting the outer silky sheen of her panties.
She stood there, holding the pose for what seemed like an eternity. Looking like a living statue cast in the golden light of the evening before releasing it and moving towards her husband. ‘You look… you look amazing.’ Bill managed to stammer out.
‘Thank you sweetie…’ Jinni said moving closer to the bed. Each step causing her thick quads to bubble and shake as the muscle underneath quivered with each powerful step towards the bed.
Her main goal now was to get Bill comfortable. She was sure that the start of her body reveal had, produced its desired effect and caused awe in her husband. But she knew she would need to relax him and dissipate some of the fear and awe she had caused in order to fully experience this night of pleasure with the man she loved. After all this was her man, her husband – she wanted to bring them on level footing and make sure he can fully enjoy this body she had put all this work into.
She approached the bed as Bill looked at  her. My god did she look amazing he thought. There standing above him she seemed like something else the moonlight highlighting every cut crevice of her bulging rock like physique.
‘Here…’ she said gently. Her lips curling in a warm inviting smile that Bill had seen his wife deploy many times. It was sweet and maternal. It was the smile of a wife, a mother, a woman who contained an infinite amount of loving energy. It was his Jinni, only he’d never experienced it in contrast to her bulged, vein riddled and almost scary built body. The effect was intoxicating and its dichotomy once again sent sharp ripples of pain, desire and awe through his body.
Jinni could see this and smiled warmly.
‘It’s okay honey…’ She said once again and took Bill’s hand in hers. She moved slightly closer to the bed and took the back of Bill’s hand, his hand rough with hair and a bit of callous and gently brushed it over her bulging, rock hard quad. As Jinni ran her hand over her outer leg she jostled her foot slightly causing the thick muscles of the outer head of her leg to jostle and bubbles lightly flexing out and forming it’s fully formed cap over her relatively dainty knee.
‘How does it feel?’ She asked sweetly as she continued to rub Bill’s hand over her bulged muscle as she continued to demonstrate her muscle control, slightly undulating it with insane precision under her husbands touch.
‘It feels… I don’t know… it feels amazing… like soft… and then rock hard the next moment… and then smooth… it feels like there’s… it feels like there’s energy…. Electricity under my hand… like I feel sparks…’
Jinni smiled. She had been inside this body for so long and experienced from the inside, but from the outside, she had no idea how it felt. She could see the looks of awe. The lingering glances that followed her as she made her way through her day to day lives or in the reflection of the mirror at her gym, or the looks of jealousy on other women as they watched the reactions her body elicited from their husbands. ut she herself could never feel how it truly felt for someone else to experience her.
‘Hmmm… it’s probably the power underneath.’ She said as she continued to guide his hand. ‘So… I squat nearly 500 lbs, for multiple reps. Do you know how much weight that is honey?’ Jinni continued. Her demeanor had changed slightly, it was still warm but now had shifted slightly and she addressed him with just a hint of condescension, like talking to a child. The speech was both to educate her husband on the work she had done but also designed fill him with awe at the woman his wife has transformed into.
‘That’s more than most men can ever dream of lifting…. That’s a refrigerator honey. It’s more than any man at the gym. When I do it… You should see the bar… you know those big 45 lb plates?’
Bill nodded, only slightly now paying attention. His eyes rolling back in his head. Jinni could see the effect she was having on him as Bill’s cock quivered and jumped up with anticipation tenting the bed sheet that had covered it.
The bulged head of his dick stood up thick and hard pressing into the bed sheet. Jinni watched as the bed sheet was quickly became damp with sticky, moist pre-cum which was now steadily flowing the head of Bill’s erect member.
‘That’s one, two…’ she began to count out the number in a soft, girly baby cooing voice that threatened to send Bill over the edge. ‘That’s 5 plates on each side,’ she said and offered of a hard lex of her leg. ‘The bar bends underneath that kind of weight and I need to get under it… grunting… screaming…. To push the weight up and tear these big bulging muscles up and rebuild them for you…’
Bill nodded and his hand hungrily explored her leg. Grabbing and feeling it. It squeezed her hard and Jinni answered by giving her leg an incredibly hard SQUEEZE AND FLEX as the muscle bulged under Bill’s trembling hand.
‘It’s rock hard…’
‘Yes it is baby… That’s the thick muscle fibers underneath…. So big and strong…. But the hardness is caused by the wittle, itty bitty bit of body fat I keep on body…’ she said and coyly pinched and inch of her skin around her mid section. The thin skin stretched off of Jinni’s body and seemed to gave way completely under her finger tips, moving around momentarily and then resettling over Jinni’s plated abdomen. To Bill amazement the skin seemed to have nothing under it, and looked like waxed paper under his wife’s pinched polished nails. As if showing her complete lack of subcutaneous fat on her abdomen. Jinni placed her hands behind her head, took a deep breath out and crunched in her stomach hard and tightly. Her face showed little to no strain of her effort, but the already ridged mounds of her stomach seemed to bubble forming into deep wedges. As if to prove it’s structural integrity, Jinni took her left hand and with her dainty long nails tapped it, probing at its strength. The sound was unlike anything Bill had heard. It sounded more like fingernails tapping along lacquered wood or the polished stone of a counter top and less like a sound that could be elicited from the contact of skin on skin on a human body.
‘Now… ‘ Jinni said reaching one of her well muscled arms behind her body and with a quick flick, flicking off the tiny bra that covered her nipples.
‘I just want you to relax… Let this body do all the work…’
Jinni said and stepped out of her panties, pulling them down along her thick legs and stripped down her tiny ankles.
‘This body is incredibly powerful and I wouldn’t want you to get accidently… hurt…’
Jinni climbed up and mounted her husband and Bill closed his eyes and thanked whoever it was that had gotten him the best Christmas he could have ever deserved.

Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on December 23, 2019, 08:14:57 pm
 :clap: Thanks for the wonderful holiday gift 009.  Love this story.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pramitsen2008 on December 24, 2019, 01:28:58 am
Excellent way to finish the story. Really liked it. Hope there are more in future towards Mrs. Jinni Jones as she's my favorite and I also like the way you express female muscle from both angles,I.e., strength and beauty.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: wowser1016 on December 24, 2019, 12:07:02 pm
WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you! K+++!
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Del4 on December 24, 2019, 02:46:55 pm
Thank you so much, this is a magnificent story, with such vivid descriptions that I can easily imagine myself there. Are you planning on re visiting and evolving her budding romance with Lawrence? That for me is the most exciting dynamic.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Wookey on February 25, 2020, 04:05:59 am
Can we please have an Easter present in this wonderful story
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on May 20, 2020, 04:39:54 am
Jenni where are you. We miss you
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Ncsn on May 20, 2020, 06:26:34 pm
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Jenni where are you. We miss you
I second that emotion. The lovely Jinni is one of the best characters in our neck of the wood, and your stories are amazing. Hope there is more on the way - maybe the story of how Jinni and Larry got stuck in quarantine together for two months?
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: taoschild on May 23, 2020, 08:10:41 pm
OO9Eli is on writing hiatus for awhile. I did write a novella with him that is coming out as part of an anthology called, Working Muscle. It should be out soon. All the proceeds will be donated to the food bank, Feeding America.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: gwhh on October 25, 2020, 01:11:33 am
When he going to finish this story?

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OO9Eli is on writing hiatus for awhile. I did write a novella with him that is coming out as part of an anthology called, Working Muscle. It should be out soon. All the proceeds will be donated to the food bank, Feeding America.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on October 25, 2020, 03:56:33 pm
God I forgot about this story. Soo good. Please Please continue
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: toro on October 25, 2020, 03:56:58 pm
God I forgot about this story. Soo good. Please Please continue
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: jhunter on October 27, 2020, 12:43:56 am
Been a while, can't wait for more.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: biggerisbetter on October 27, 2020, 12:05:53 pm
I thought for a second that this is the best day in months when I saw that this topic has a new post. You can't imagine my disappointment one click later when it turned out that this is not a new chapter of my favourite story. 009eli - I hope you will find enough energy and inspiration to continue. Take care, man ;)
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Ncsn on October 31, 2020, 07:56:45 pm
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I thought for a second that this is the best day in months when I saw that this topic has a new post. You can't imagine my disappointment one click later when it turned out that this is not a new chapter of my favourite story. 009eli - I hope you will find enough energy and inspiration to continue. Take care, man ;)
Seconded. Possibly my favorite femuscle series, hope he comes back to it, sometime.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: 009eli on November 04, 2020, 10:53:47 pm
Hi all... Wow... Thanks everyone for the continued interest in this story. I have to say its been humbling to see that these stories have had such resonance so thanks for the continued interest. I havent been to these boards that much recently due to some life changes -- all of which are good! so no worries -- but I came back because TC told me about Madsoam's latest which I suggest everyone check out as its some of the best writing around but he also told me this thread was getting some ?s about when the next chapters were coming. I can say this I do definitely have more ideas for these stories -- I like to think of these series with continuing storylines and not so much beginning or end so expect more from the adventures of Mrs J and Lawrence.

 I have had a chance to at least start on the next installment and make some notes and get some pages but its just a matter of finding the time to balance work/personal life and get some writing in. That being said my goal is to get this next chapter posted by the end of the year and it will definitely be a continuation of the Lawrence and Jinni story line so hopefully that will make everyone happy.

I have also been playing with the idea of maybe leading up to the stories release to do a Q&A type thing with Jinni where you post your questions for her and I can type up her replies. Let me know if that's something you'd be interested in as well

Anyways thanks again for the continued interest its nice to know that in the midst of all the writers and crazy storylines going on here people are still interested in the simple storyline of Jinni and Lawerece so hopefully you find the next chapters worth of the story. Hope everyone is safe and healthy - Eli
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: pramitsen2008 on February 26, 2021, 03:06:42 am
This is probably my most favorite of stories. Really excited when the next chapter will come up.
Title: Re: The Muscular Mrs. Jones: The College Years
Post by: Ncsn on March 01, 2021, 08:41:16 pm
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... That being said my goal is to get this next chapter posted by the end of the year and it will definitely be a continuation of the Lawrence and Jinni story line so hopefully that will make everyone happy.

No pressure or anything, but - maaaaannnn, I need my Jinni fix, like, bad, man...!