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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: Frenchguy on March 10, 2018, 11:10:41 am

Title: #1st STORY: The Day They Started to Grow [Frenchguy]
Post by: Frenchguy on March 10, 2018, 11:10:41 am
Heyah everyone, this is my very first femuscle story. enjoy, i'll try to improve myself.

The Day They Started to Grow
by Frenchguy

Part 1

Hello people, my name is Jean, I live in France, in Paris to be exact, you all know Paris, at least for the reputation of this city, i'm quite the common parisian type, i'm 26 years old, 173 cm tall with 85 kg of fat and muscle, black hair blue eyes, a little bit of beard, but I don't have a lot of beard, I look like i'm badly shaved, so I prefer to regulary shave it and look like hairless.

Where am I actually ? Well i'm waiting to a psychologist cabinet, I need to empty my bag about something that I think i'm the only witness.

The waiting room is white, with some chairs and comfy bench longing the walls, with piles of old magazine that came from the 80's, funny, there is some magazine about Female bodybuilders from that time, i'm alone in the waiting room, it's not a bad thing if you think about it, I don't think i'll be able to say everything if there was someone in the waiting room, next to the doctor room, the walls aren't thin nor the door, i'm kinda paranoid lately, especially around women.

The door is opening and a cliché of psychologist pass by the open door, and called my name.
-Jean Guyader ?
-That's me doctor.
-Come in....

I'm passing by the door, and enter in a nice bureau, with some green plants, a zen music but in a very low volume. A desk probably make of...ha who am I kidding ? I don't know a fucking thing about wood things, it's a wooden desk, final point. With a green lamp and all the stuff you can find on an office desk.

But the good doctor designed me the comfy couch, aside a chair, when I installed myself on the couch, the doctor sit on the chair, took a note pad and a pen.

-Make yourself comfortable mister Guyader.
-I didn't wait for you to do it.
-Just for curiosity, Guyader, where does that from ?
-My mom is from Brittany, from Guérande to be precise, my dad is Parisian, when they married each other, my dad changed his family name for her's.
-I see, so what's the problem you want to talk about ?
-You won't ask to me to talk about my mom ?
-After 20 years of experience, I can see in your eyes that your problem is not related to your mother, your problem is more deeper, related a little to fear...
-More incomprehension doctor...
-Incomprehension ?
-That's exactly my point doctor, didn't you saw anything...unusual outside those past days ?
-Well it's a common meteorologic phenomen, and we call it summer.
-.....told yah. It's better for me to explain you from the very beginning, it was last week, it was a day like the others, you know the workers routine, Metro, work, sleepin', with the same face and the ritual gesture everyday. When I woke up and took my breakfeast, I left my appartement in the 7th rounding, sayin hello to the grumpy madam Sanchez, the spanish janitor of my building, or maybe she is portugese ? I never knew, we never talk, she always answer to me with a grunt, not even a look or a word, I never insist and get outside, walking in the street, buying a croissant to the blond lady in the bakery just before taking the metro, I never got her name, I never dare to, and never had the time since I arranged myself to be on the right time to catch the metro to the defense quarter.
Ha the metro, you know doctor, when you take the metro as often as me, you sometime recognize some face, like the muslim lady in her burqua, I can only see her eyes, the kid that go to high school listening his music in his MP3 so loud that I can hear it too, so I can tell he is a fan of Motörhead, the tall asian girl that always sit on the same place in the wagon.
Then, like everyday I stop to my station, goes to my office building, saying hello the black girl at the entrance, to my boss, a mature redhead lady, madam Hati, and some of my coworkers.
Then my day is done and I go back to my appartement, I see everyone again without knowing their name, only their face.
-A boring routine indeed...
-Yup, being back at home, feeding my cat Skadi, watching Christophe Dechavane and his wheel of fortune, making food, and watching a movie on Netflix, or the Attic gamer when I want to laugh.
And the day after doctor....they started to grow.


-What do you mean by “grow” ?
-You never noticed something different those past weeks ?
-Not really.
-Do you have even a wife doctor ?
-Yes, 30 years of happy wedding.
-That's exactly my point.


Ho of course, there was nothing revelating yet, one day I woke up and did my morning ritual, taking my breakfeast, feeding the cat, etc, then finally going out of my appartement....and for the first time, madam Sanchez answered me, quite gently in fact.
-Hello mister Guyader, did you passed a good night ?
-Heh...yeah ? Yeah thank you....
-Have a nice day at work mister. too.

I admit it was kinda suprising, it's been years that I live here and it's the first time she finally answer me, and quite gentle, well maybe she had a good fuck, or simply in a good mood, could be the first time, now that I think of it, I don't remember being toned, she was always kinda flabby...ho well maybe she just worked out at home, and janitor is good for the body too...that's what I heard.

Then I goes outside of my building, going straight at the bakery near the metro, the ambiance in the air was kinda different, well it's soon the spring so it's start to being warm, so people start to wear lighter clothes, but I had the feeling that a lot of people looked at me, maybe I had messy hair or something dirty on me, I stopped to a bus stop and looked myself in a mirror but nothing.

I Finally arrived at the bakery, and the blond lady at the bakery welcomed me.

-Hello mister !
-Wha ? Heh, hello....
-Ho I know it's been years you come here for getting a croissant, but you never asked my name.
-I'm sorry i'm always on a urge for catching the metro and I don't take time for talking.
-I'm Sarah, here is your croissant, and this one is on me.

She said this with a wink toward me, I was blushing a little, but that lil chit-chat make me a little late so I ran in the metro while eating my croissant, usually I never run for it, so when I caught my metro just on time I was panting a lot.

-You surely caught this one on time, it's not in your habit to be late مَسَخٌ .
-What ?

It was the muslim woman in a burqua who helped to to get up and offer me her sitting place to rest, now that I look closely to her, she have really really pretty eyes, and her burqua was really close to her body, her arms seem to be really really toned.
And her voice, it's a pretty deep but still feminine voice, I thought I was starting to fall in love with this mysterious lady, but I don't think I have any chances.

-Feeling better now ? Usually you are way earlier than that.
-I'm sorry,...wait why I am sorry ? And Why would you care ?
-Don't take it like that, I was just enqueering that's all.

Ho man, I think I made her mad, for one time we talk and I made her angry.

-It's alright, I know that the white mens are always pouting when they are helped, especially by a woman.
-No I...
-My name is Jamila
-Pardon me ?
-Heh i'm sorry, i'm Jean, Jean Guyader.
-Pleased to finally meet you.

I should really focus more about what people say, I don't know how this girl is, but her eyes are so magnificient, I could stare to them all day, her burqua is way tighter than yesterday and all the other day before, even her was really really toned, is this a new mode for girls for being that muscular ? Not that I complain, but it's quite disturbing, looking all round me all women were toned, even the grannies.

-I think it's soon your station
-Ho, heh thank you.
-See you later, or tomorrow with a lil luck ?

We shaked our hands and happily said goodbye to each other, I was kinda sad to left for work, for the very first time. I think I really like her, ha well, maybe we'll just being friends, I have the habit with women, being in the famous friendzone.

I left my metro and finally reach my office in the defense quarter, I goes to Guerline, the secretarian at the entrance of the building who were really happy to see me.

-Jean !! My lil' Jean you are so handsome today !!!
-Heeeh, are you alright Guerline ?
-I never be so full of energy today !! I could lift my desk !!!
But i'll left it like that I don't wanna get fired.
-Did you worked out lately ?
-No more than any other days, why ?
-Nothing, I just saw you got quite toned.
-Ho silly Jean, you make me blush, you maybe want my number so you can send me a lot of complimenting sms ?
-No i'm okay I...

With a strenght I didn't expected from the black secretarian, she grabbed my hand and wrote her phone number on it. She kinda hurted me while writing it.

-Ho before I forgot, Hati-lla want to see you in her office right now, before starting your shift.
-The boss ? Ha shit....What does she want from me ?
-Maybe it's a good new, a promoting or something ?
-With all my errors lately ? I'll have luck if I don't get fired.
-I'll cross my finger for you, I would die if you go away.
-Thank you.

Man, what does she want from me ?
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: erminio on March 10, 2018, 07:42:22 pm
Not bad, really not bad... ;) ;)
Waiting for the second part...
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: phil123 on March 11, 2018, 06:32:59 am
Great start.

What will his Boss from him?  And what' s about the growing?
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Frenchguy on March 11, 2018, 08:52:55 am
Great start.

What will his Boss from him?  And what' s about the growing?

They are already growing since the second day.
I'm sorry i'm bad for describing muscle growth yet, so to hide this the women around him grow every day ;p

For his'll see :3.

Thank you for those kind reply :D
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: mermoz on March 11, 2018, 08:59:05 am
I really like the beginning of your story. It's promising. And the fact it takes place in France too!
I would like to be able to write a fluent English as you to post some of my stories here....
Thank you and can't wait for part 3
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Frenchguy on March 11, 2018, 09:22:00 am
I really like the beginning of your story. It's promising. And the fact it takes place in France too!
I would like to be able to write a fluent English as you to post some of my stories here....
Thank you and can't wait for part 3

The fact it's in france, it's becaus ei'm french (i'm not living in paris though XD) so it's an environnmeent with i'm familiar with.
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: FemaleMusclesFan on March 11, 2018, 10:50:34 pm
Can't wait to read more!
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Frenchguy on March 12, 2018, 06:57:37 pm
The day they started to grow part 3
(be indulgent people, it's the first time i describe a sex scene ^^')


-So, if I catch you correctly, you simply decided to look at the womens more carefully ? If you were younger i'll call this puberty.
-Did you at least heard what I said ? They were toned, the day before they were skinny, or flabby, or fat, plus all the different body type, but that day they were all slim and toned.
-Don't seem to be that incredible for me, there is a lot of workout channel.
-Ha yeah, the same kind of program they replaced the evening in place of the right price or the wheel of fortune.
-Master chief is quite interesting for healthy lunch.
-It wasn't like that before.
-Ok ok, shall we continue ?


I admit, i'm quite scared, My boss, madam Hati, is surnamed Hati-lla for a good reason, if she ever call you in her office, you'll never go back the day after. If i'm not easy at all, it's the fact I made some errors in my papers those past weeks, Hatti can be comprehensive, but after so much errors, I think I can say goodbye to my work and all my coworkers.

One of the things I hate in my office building, the thought of being fired easly, and the elevator, I swear, it's slow, and have this FU***** annoying music, nearly everyone prefer to take the stairs, since it seem to be quicker than that elevator, many of us got slighly in late because of that elevator.

The numbers upside the door slowly changing into one of the higher floors of the building, where there is all the sections chief of the building, I gulp everytime I see a changing, like I have the feeling to going to the butchery, but i'll be the meat.

-30 th floor...Our father, who are in the heavens...

The chief floor seem to be bigger than my floor, but it's not full of work boxes with computers and a lot of employee, the chiefs have theirs own office, with wooden doors and all the fancy stuff, with green plants everywhere, kinda smell good too, I walked in the corridor on the right until I find the good door, on it there was a golden plate marked “Svetlana Hati”, with a name like that she can only come from the north, I knocked to the door, and I heard a “come in” from behind, I took a deep breath and enter in the fancy office.

I entered in the room and closed the door behind me, this office was bigger than I remember from the last time I got there, and it was when I got engaged here, there was some painting on the walls, and an aquarium with some neons fish, the shiny blue and red ones. There was two wooden chairs, a desk with a lil bronze statue of an horseman, some files and a lamp, Svetlana was hided by a big newspaper called “ Le Monde”, a famous french journal, and aside of her there was a mug of coffee still hot, I can see the steam, she don't like coffee form the machine, so she have her own device for coffee in her office, behind here there was a huge window where you can see the rest of the buildings of the defense quarter.

-Mister Guyader, take a chair....
I excuted myself, and quickly sit on the uncomfy chair.
She putted away her newspaper, revealing her redmane, she changed her haircut, she had a side of her head nearly shaved and the rest of her long her was aside, she have squared black glasses and green eyes, she have a black suit and a white shirt under it, but the thing that surprised me, that on the contrary of the other women I met today, she was more massive than them, she was as big as Monica bozicevich, a female bodybuilder tha ti'm in touch on facebook for a while, her shirt seem to nearly shred because eof the large pec, and she had a large and veiny neck, her very broad shoulder and biceps intimidated me.

-Do you know why I called you today ?
-Well, I...
-SHUT UP !!!
Her voice was so loud that I jump on my chair.
-That was a rethorical question ! You aren't supposed ot answer !
-Good, now listen me carefully, you made a lots of errors in your files lately.
-I kow I...
She gave me a really bad look in my eyes, that clearly say “shut up”.
-Those errors can cost my place, or even all the building, we were near the bankrupt.

Wow, I didn't realised it could be that bad, I think I can say good by to everyone.

-But...maybe taking care of paper and numbers isn't your thing. I think I'll even promote you.
-Quiet !

She standed up from her chair, and fu**, plus being massive she is taller than before, maybe even taller than me, I dunno, she walked around the desk and sat on it, crossing her veiny and muscular legs in a pantyhose, she have a black leather skirt.
I readed too much hentaï to know where this will go.

-As I said, i'm ready to promote you as my personnal assistant, you won't have to take care of those stuff anymore, you'll assist me in my meetings, take care of my schedules, making me coffee and all that kind of stuff, got it ?
-I don't know if i'll fit to that job madam.
-Ho I know a simple way to verify that.

She left her right muscular leg and put her foot right between my leg, pretty close to my crotch, gods, I know it would happen.

-Like it boy, if i'm pleased by your performance, then you'll have the job, otherwise you are fired.
-But I....
-It wasn't a question ! Do it now !!

She didn't to ask me twice, I took her leg in my hand, god, her leg was so defined and hard that I could feel every muscle fiber, her veins pulsating under my hand, I slowly lift her leg to my mouth, and I....started to lick her leg throught her pantyhose.

-Yesssss, that's more like it boy, do it properly, go up to my tight.

I was submitted to her, I get off the chair and put myself on my knees, and goes back to her leg, and slowly lick her to her tight, her leg was so magnificient I was even able to see her white panty under her skirt, my hand worshipped this magnificent & glorious meat pillar. I took the initiative to go upper and lift her skirt, with a little of difficulty because it was a leather one.

-Haaa great, you take an initiative, that will be useful when you'll work for me....
Now do it, finish your worship boy toy.

I shred her pantyhose with my tooths, and take of the cute panty to reaveal her shaved pussy, perfumed with some eau de cologne.

-Madam, I...
-What ? Don't stop now, finish your work !
-Madam..i'm....i'm virgin.
-No way ?! You are so cute though, ho well to bad for the girls, you are all mine, now get back to work !

She take my head with her hand and force my head to her crotch, and ues her leg to blcok my body close to her, I watche dsome porn, i'm a man like the others, so I licked her pussy like I saw in the movies, using my fingers to stimulate her at some erogenous spot on her legs like behind the knees, I was surprised to hear her moaning that much.

-Yessssssss, come on, continue like that, it's SO GOOD !!

I plunged my tongue into her muscular pussy, it was also hard, but warm and slippery, my nose teasing her clitoris.

We were doing like that for five or ten minutes, I was starting to feel her hips making some back and forth, she pressed my body even more with her leg, and use her both hands to take my head, I was near to suffocate.


My tongue was stuck in her pussy because she tighted it to the extreme, and she squirted all over my face,  when she finally released me, I could saw her face, she was panting and sweating a lot, she smiled like and idiot.

-Boy, you are the best choice I could make....
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Jaguar on March 17, 2018, 08:48:26 am
Yes, great beginning!  Keep going!
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Frenchguy on March 17, 2018, 10:05:16 am
thank you all for the kind comments, i have all the big lines in my head i just having hard time to make the fillers XD and being careful to not being too quick about the juicy part untile they grow bigger than they actually are :3
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: WilfredDDeVoe on March 19, 2018, 04:02:08 pm
Good job Frenchguy! Very exciting story. I'm really looking forward to happens next.
Title: Re: The day they started to grow
Post by: Frenchguy on March 21, 2018, 06:43:23 pm
Chapter 4 of the story, sorry for the long waiting time, but i had hard time for this one :p enjoy :D

-Hey doctor, are you feeling good ?
-Was this really necessary to pas on this...part ?
-Not really but since I want to explain everything I want to put all the juicy part too, are you complaining about that ?
-I guess i'll have to support that for the rest of the session.
-And the other times.
-Let's continue sir.


My boss quickly recovered her senses and strenght, and get up from her desk, grabbing my shoulder with a strenght I didn't guessed even with her new bodyshape and french kissed me, does she have any conscience about her ?

-You made a good job my toy, now let me reward you properly....

She slowly goes lower and lower, covering my body with her kisses, I started to have a lot of mark of red lipstick, she untied my belt, lower my jeans, took my white boxer in her hand.

-You work for me now, so to win some time, you'll start your shift without any underwear, unless I specify one, understood ?

I noded, but before I said something, she teared my boxer apart to take it off from my body, and then shredded it again and again. It was kinda exciting me to see that lil feat of strenght, even if i'm sure it's not that hard to tear this, be the fact she does it like it was paper make me hard.

-Now, my dear assistant, i'll give your first and best blowjob that you'll ever have in your life.

She licked her lips, and took my hard member in her mouth.
It was warm and soft, she was doing it slowly to let me taste and enjoy every second of it. Man it was so good that I had hard time to stand up, she supported me with her other hand,..., by putting her fingers in my butt, massaging my prostate, I felt electrick shock of pleasure all over my body, I was near to cum, she felt it, she wanted to welcome her tasty gift in her mouth and sucking quicker and harder....

Until her phone on her desk started to rang, she sighed exasperately, she really wanted to continue, but she abandonned my cock to pick up the phone.

-Don't jerk off, i'm not finished with you....

I wanted to cum so badly, I was so near, it was the worst torture ever to raise the pleasure, pretty near to the climax, it was a suffering worthy of the worst chinese torture... I was so focused on my pain that I didn't heard a word of what she said, when she hanged on the phone, her folowing words was even worst.

-I'm sorry Jean, but...something happenned and I must leave now.
-What ? But, but, but....
-I know okay !? It's just...*sigh* take the rest of the day for yourself, go back home now, I'll take care of you tomorrow to learn you the ropes. And you are still forbidden to jerk off until tomorrow, trust me, i'll know if you go, I have to prepare myself.

I dressed myself as much as I can, when I weared my pants again, without boxer it feel pretty uncomfy.

-Ho my, you have a really cute butt without boxer.
-Ho please it's not funny, that's so uncomfy...
-Tomorrow, I want you to wear a tight-skin jean, I know you have some, you wear them often, and don't forget, no underwears, or you will regret it.
-Yes madam.
-When we are only together, call me mistress.
-Yes mad...mistress...

She slapped my butt and forced me to getting outside of her office, my torso was still naked but nothing really bothering, just had to put back my shirt, and slowly walked to the elevator, the elevator is still slow, my dick hurted like hell and I really wanted to masturbate to finish me off, but I was afraid that Madam Hati knew it and fire me, so I take on myself until it pass...eventually.

When the elevator opened to the entrance I was walking like a zombie, passing aside the welcome desk, where there is still Guerline.

-Tell me, tell me, tell me ! How it goes with Hati-lla ?
-She fired you  ? I knew it, that bitch ! I'll teach her a lesson, I will...
-Guerline....i got promoted as her assistant.
-Ho...this is a good new ! You'll have a better pay, you'll take me to fancy nightclub and restaurant !
-Wait, I still didn't begin, I don't even know if i'll manage it.
-You'll be fine, I swear it's not that hard than it seem to be, trust me, before being here I was the assistant of a guy in another entreprise, but he wasn't stopped sexually harassing me.
-And you left ?
-Not really, I broke his both arms in multiple points, then write on his torso “I'm a sexual harasser' and then I left, and since I knew the code of his vault in his office I take the money he owed to me.
-So why are you here if you got promoted ?
-Well she told me to take the rest of my day and coming back tomorrow.
-And since you don't have any underwear anymore I can guess she had her fun with you, i'm jealous.
-Wait, it's that obvious ?
-I saw how you walked when you got out of the elevator, i'm not an idiot, I would like to have fun now, but....another time...

When she finished her phrase, she grope my head and forcefully rape my mouth with her, kissing me with force, I wasn't able to resist her.
It took a certain time, then she decided to set me free.

-Mmmh, you are tastier than I expected, I really hope you'll call me this week-end.
-Now go back to your home, shoo !

I obey, even if I had hard time to get up, because of my dick rubbing in my jeans it hurt a lot, that made her giggling, then I walked throught the entrance, looking the hour at my phone it wasn't even the midday, so I decided to take the metro and goes back to my place.

The rest of the day goes without any issue, I was just looking to every girls and womens I saw on my way back, they were all muscular, some were just toned like a bikini or a figure competitor, and some others, pretty rare were enormous, ans since the weather got warmer, they wore only shirts, skirts, shorts etc, that showing every muscles on their bodies. In the metro I was assisting of some molesting, but I wasn't men who were molesting girls, but the inverse who goes one, not that I complain. Even a young girl wanted to have her way with me in the metro, but I managed to escape to her claws, for today at least. The bakery were closed, so I decided to eat at home.
I managed to get back at home without any other problems, madam sanchez wasn't in the building, maybe she was at home too, so after checking my letters I goes back to my appartement, making some food, reading books or playing games, it's my usual day routine...waiting for the time to pass. When it was the evening I putted on the TV to see some french shows, the first one was a reality tv called loft story, I was kinda surprised to see the title since I didn't heard of that show since 2001, and it was more impressive to see there was a only girls, big girls who passed time to train and giggles together like a whole bunch of bimbos.

I don't know what's happenning, but I decided to shut off the tv and go to sleep pretty early, with my cat.