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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: El_Roy_1999 on September 10, 2017, 08:06:34 am

Title: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 10, 2017, 08:06:34 am
Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife

So, let's get started!

Bodybuilding Housewife
by El_Roy_1999

Walker was a traditional man and he was proud of it. He was pretty certain he had done everything right in his life. Despite not managing to finish any education, he worked hard, learned to be a mechanic and went on to work as a truck driver. That brought in enough money to pay for the mortgage and feed his wife and kids. He didn't see them all that much, but that was the price to pay for a life well-led. Of course, you needed a woman willing to live this way. He had married Betty in a shotgun wedding, but the whole thing was still going strong. Surprising, but true. Today, people broke up their marriages at the first sign of a problem. For Walker, this was a sign of weakness. You had to be a true man, then things would work out. Stand by your wife, don't sleep around and don't drink. Other than the occasional beer with his friends, he was sober. That also allowed him to stay in shape. While many other men in his line of business tended to grow fat and lazy, he was still spry. Betty liked that. She also liked his full beard and the fact that he still had most of his hair.
Having her stay home with the kids, taking care of the house, was his dream. She approved. Or not. She did what he asked of her. Also having her doing the accounting was a godsend. He didn't like numbers. Or reading, for that matter. He was quite glad that he could work with his hands.
When they had a disagreement, he did as his father had done before. He wasn't proud of it. He took no pleasure in this. It was simple. As head of the house, he had to make sure everyone knew their place. And that included Betty. Thankfully, she understood quickly and accepted this.
His friends found him a bit lax, but then most of them lacked discipline. He liked them, but he found it hard to respect them. Having a quiet home and a family that respected him, meant a lot to him.

So, when he came home after two weeks on the road to find a house in chaos, he wasn't happy. He opened the door and was greeted by the screams of his younger kid. What the heck was going on? He looked for Betty. He found her in the bathroom, applying some kind of balm on one of her friends.
"What is going on? Why is Walker Jr. screaming? I told you I was coming home."
She looked at him in total surprise.
"Dear, I completely forgot about it. Nancy here had a problem and I ..."
Walker sighed. He could feel the anger rise inside of him. He asked:
"Is it life-threatening?"
"No, but ..."
"Then it can wait. I've been on the road for two weeks, I want to relax. Now." He turned to the other woman.
"Nancy, I don't know what is going on. I don't care. You can go to our guest bedroom and have a lie-down, but now, now, I need some time alone with my family. Got that?"
She looked at him meekly and replied:
"Sure, Walker. It's alright."
"Good." She left, disappearing in the back of the house. Walker returned to Betty and said:
"Make the kids be quiet and get some food on the table. I'm tired of the noise and I'm hungry for some real stuff."
She suddenly panicked:
"The meatloaf!"
She stormed to the kitchen. Walker closed his eyes and counted to ten. He had been looking forward to this evening for days and now, he wasn't even going to get a meal. He took a deep breath and walked outside. Inside, the screams continued.
He put his cap back on and started walking briskly into the night.

[Here's the next part. Be aware that I'm planning to do a slow burn, so give it a little time.]

When he returned, his anger had mostly faded. He was hungry, so he ate the pieces of the meatloaf that could be saved, then he showered and waited for Betty to come. She took forever. When she finally walked into the bedroom, he took a good look at her. It was strange. When he was on the road, she turned more beautiful every day. If he wanted to, there were plenty of nice looking women to meet on the road. Some would ask for money, some would do it for free. After all, he was nice enough and good-looking. But he always clung to his dream of her. And when reality hit back, he'd be disappointed. It was probably unfair: Two kids, plenty of time to sit on her ass at home, the lack of pressure, all that had made her way less sexy than she used to be. Her tits were deflated and saggy, her butt was getting long and her face was a bit too round for his taste. She did look after her hair, which was still a thing. It was still as black as it had been on the day they met. He liked that.
She put on her nightgown and climbed on the bed.
He turned to her and started playing with her tits. They might no longer be as good as they were, but tits were tits. She grumbled.
"I'm tired. Could we just go to sleep?"
He frowned.
"It's been two weeks. The food is bed, the house is a mess and I don't get to play with your tits. Are you serious?"
"Okay, then go ahead."
Happily for her, Walker was too tired to get angry. Instead, he just rolled over and fell asleep.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 13, 2017, 06:18:58 am
Betty was lying in the darkness while her husband snored. She was amazed that he hadn't hit her. He really had to be dead tired. It wasn't that it happened too often, but after what Nancy had gone through, she was nervous. Betty couldn't sleep now. His look when she had come in was still on her mind. He was losing interest. He was thinking she was ugly. She could tell: He was disgusted.
She had to be very careful now. Walker was a man with principles, but it wasn't out of the question that he could just find some other girl, younger, more beautiful and more obedient.
What could she do? One of her friends had gotten a mommy makeover, but that was expensive and there was no way she'd find someone to take care of everything while she healed. Besides, she was scared of needles.
She had to do something ... Maybe some fitness? She had seen a TV show recently about old women weightlifting to stay fit. It was strange to see those senior citizens in their workout outfits, but if they could do it, maybe she could too.
She'd have to take a look. A little later, she fell asleep.

The next few days were tense. Walker was around, doing repairs around the house and planning his trips. He went hunting with Walker Jr. and hung out with his friends. Nancy had left the house on the next day, returning to her husband. Walker ignored the situation as good as he could. This was none of his business. The mere suggestion that a friend's wife would sleep under his roof made him deeply uncomfortable.
Betty was a little wary of sending her home. She decided to talk to Walker. He was just sitting at the computer, sipping his coffee.
"Dear, do you have a moment?"
"What is it?"
He turned to her, putting down his mug.
"It's about Nancy."
"Could you talk to Mike? We should keep the police out of this."
He sighed.
"I'll see what I can do. It's not something I can just easily bring up. Not when his wife has been sleeping at my house."
She smiled and took his hand, leading it under her shirt.
"You'll find a way. You're our Mr. Fixit."
He grinned.
"Do you think we could have the kids play outside for a moment?"
"I sent them to Alice's place."

Moments later, they were at it. Walker was lying on top of her, pushing his cock into her. He grunted and sweated. It felt great. Finally, he could unwind. It had been so long. He lifted her ass and continued his hammering, squeezing her soft butt.
"Oh ... Oh ... Gah. This is ... Grr."
For Betty, it was as always. It could be nice. Sometimes. When he was too horny, he tended to just ram his dick into her until he came. There wasn't much emotion to this. It was just getting rid of everything. Their sex was better when he had had a few times to slow down. Then it was nice. Right now, she knew she had to go through with it. Sometimes, he did hit the right spot. If he only kept it up ... No. Sorry. He was all over the place, just grunting and squeaking. The noises were really weird.
She let him finish, barely faking enough reaction for him to be happy. Usually, they'd rest for a while now and then, she'd have her own fun with him. Not this time. He flipped her around. She was on all fours now and he was at it again.
"Hey, be careful! Don't put it in my ... Ow!"
He pulled back a little, found the right hole and sank his cock into her snatch.
Okay, this was better. She slid her hand between her legs and started rubbing her clit. This was nice. Yes. Then he came. Before she could even do anything, he flopped on her back, pushing her into the mattress.
He lay on top of her for a moment before rolling off. Lying on his back, he looked at her with a grin on his face.
"That was good."
She managed a smile.
"I'm glad you liked it."
He gave her tits a good squeeze. Betty wasn't sure: Did he like what he saw? He seemed a little disappointed. This was making her uncomfortable. Also, she wasn't satisfied. She hadn't expected to be, but now, she was annoyed. Was this good?
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 16, 2017, 11:10:04 am
Walker left soon after. His next haul was on and he had three weeks on the road before him. Betty kissed him goodbye:
"Be safe, dear."
"I will. Don't worry."
They embraced and he mussed Walker Jr.'s hair:
"You're the man of the house now, son."
Finally, he kissed Erin's brow and said:
"Look after your little brother, will you?"
"Sure, dad. Come back soon."
"It's going to take three weeks. There isn't much I can do. But I'll call you every night."
He climbed into his truck, gave them a wave and he was off.
Betty sighed. She sure wished he found a more local job. Sadly, Marburg offered little opportunities. She had to be happy that she had a husband that was willing to work hard. Walker had talked to Mike. As a "pillar of the community", his words carried a certain weight. She just hoped it would stop him from beating her up again.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 17, 2017, 06:51:53 am
As soon as she returned from bringing the kids to school, she did the cleaning, then hit the internet. There would be plenty of training tips. She was really motivated. When she discovered what fit people actually looked like, she was surprised. She had expected most of them to be either bodybuilder monstrosities or waifs, but when she looked at some of those fitness models, she quite liked what she saw.
Betty hesitated. Those women were younger, of course, and they had trained for years. They probably did little else. But they were inspiring. And there were some older ones too. She lost track of time browsing personal experiences, watching videos and reading reviews of various training techniques. Before she knew, she had to go and pick up the kids.
As she got to her car, she cursed to herself: If she wanted to get fit, she really had to be more disciplined. And that meant actually training, not just looking at other people doing that.
Still, her first attempts had to wait. She had her duties to take care of. Also, she was embarrassed by the idea. She'd be super-awkward and she didn't want other people to see just how out of shape she was. Also, people would gossip: Was Walker cheating on her? Was she having an affair? Why didn't she act her age?
She couldn't pursue those thoughts. There was too much to do.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 18, 2017, 05:01:28 am
It did take three days for her to finally start. She was really reluctant to try this even when she was completely alone. She pulled down the blinds, slipped into her pajamas and tried the exercises: She did the plank, the wall-sit, some simplified push-ups and a few yoga poses she found online. It took her half an hour. After this, she was completely exhausted. To be perfectly honest, she had already been fudging some of the movements on her way. Still, she felt as if she accomplished something.
She checked herself out in the mirror. Of course, she looked exactly the same. But still, she could swear there was a hint of muscle on her arms and waist. She smiled to herself, showered and returned the living room to its former state. Then she resumed her chores.
The next day, she did some other exercises. Squats, lounges, some stretching, flutter kicks, all those little tricks she found on the net. Again, it felt good.
So, on the third day, she waited until nightfall and went on a run. She slipped on her most appropriate shoes and started on a light jog. Marburg was quiet at night. There was little to no crime, mostly just teenagers vandalizing things and people lying around inappropriately, their minds full of legal or illegal narcotics. Other than that, the town was dead calm. She continued on the tarmac, evading the worst bumps and potholes as good as she could. She ran for ten minutes, then she had to take a break. She waited a little to catch her breath, then she continued.
Without thinking, she reached Nancy and Mike's home.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 19, 2017, 03:24:29 pm
I seem to recognize a general direction. We will see how I deal with that. (Don't want too many parallel versions, do I?)


The lights in the house were on. She could hear them scream at each other from the road. The shouts got louder, the tone got more aggressive. Betty hesitated. Should she call the cops? That would mean calling two of Mike's drinking buddies. It wouldn't fix anything. It would probably just make things worse.
She came closer. The commotion was getting worse. Suddenly, she heard the slap and then an avalanche of blows. Nancy let out a cry and went down. Eventually, it stopped and all Betty could hear was a drawn-out whimper. She stood there, paralyzed. She had done nothing. Even now, she did nothing. She stared at the door. When the lights went out, she ran home. She wasn't jogging now. She was running.
The next day, she continued her training, but there was a kind of seriousness to it now. The awkward fun-and-games mentality had faded. What would she do if Walker lost his job? What if he would turn into someone like Mike? What should she do the next time Nancy came here? She had to prepare.
For now, this meant seriously training. Getting into shape to be more appealing to Walker and to feel better in her own skin was one thing. But there was also the danger of being paralyzed again.
Before picking up the kids, she went shopping. She saw Nancy there, but she ducked away. The other woman had covered the bruises with make-up as good as she could. Her face looked gray. Betty evaded her and filled her cart. Then, she passed the sports section. Shrugging, she went in and decided to pick up some clothes and equipment. Maybe it would help.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 20, 2017, 06:56:07 am
She was greeted by Eric Jr., a tall and lanky guy with a slowly developing beard. He was Eric Ingleman's son, the owner of the local building company. After a long fight with his dad, he had managed to not be forced to take over the family business. Betty knew Eric Jr. since he was a little kid and she was amazed by the introspection he showed. She had never met a kid that was less skilled at playing with building blocks. He was so clumsy, it wasn't even funny. On the other hand, the poor kid was a good artist. She had seen his drawings in school, where they still hung with the trophies they had earned him. Now, he was working at the mall and wasn't looking too happy about it.
"Hi Betty. How can I help you?"
"Well, Eric ..." She blushed a little. "Can you keep a secret?"
"Sure. I may be one of three people in this town, but I am very discreet."
"That's good." She lowered her voice. "I need some equipment."
He looked awkward.
"We don't sell that kind of stuff. The owners don't like that. You should order things like these online. They come in plain packages."
Betty was confused for a moment, then she laughed.
"Oh no, sorry. I wasn't clear on that. No. I need some fitness equipment. I want to get in shape, you know."
She gave him a mock little flex of her arm. It did feel good.
He was relieved:
"Alright. Sorry for the confusion. Of course. Come with me, I'll help you."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 21, 2017, 03:09:02 pm
At home, she quickly stashed away the groceries and got changed into her workout wear. Eric Jr. had blushed up to his ears when she had shown her stuff. She wondered why. It wasn't revealing or anything. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her legs were stuck in tight leggings. She wasn't sure that had been a good idea. She could have taken the wider pants, but then, she had chosen these to keep her motivated. Also, she somehow enjoyed the tightness. The sports bra that now held her breasts was amazingly comfortable on the other hand. She was so happy they had her size. It was much better than the normal stuff she wore. It was also more expensive. Betty sure hoped Walker wouldn't be too angry about the money she had spent. Well, if she looked better, he'd probably forgive her. She pulled down her new shirt and nodded to herself. Nice. She looked and felt like a superhero.
The training shoes were also cute. She had bought a pair for inside and one for jogging. Betty had really indulged herself and was looking forward to breaking them in.
So, she went to work, adding her nice pink dumbbells to her routine.
When she was done, she was exhausted. This felt amazing. She just dropped on the floor and stayed there. She had no idea whether this was actually doing something, but she sure was happy. It took her a few minutes to recover, then she got up and did the last bit: Protein. She had read that this was important to build muscle, so she had bought a bottle of powder. She tried the mix. Yuck. That was pretty bad. Still, if it helped ...
She showered and returned to her chores.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 22, 2017, 05:33:35 am
Walker was on the road. He was driving along, the landscape running by. He only rarely cared about it anymore. When he had started, he had occasionally spaced out, enjoying the view. It wasn't much of a problem. The road was straight, there was little to no traffic. You could go on for miles without ever meeting another person. Nowadays, he had the necessary routine to manage this with half a mind. He could think of other things without risking an accident. Also, if things got too boring, he'd still have the radio. It just crackled to life:
"Hey guys! This is Rod speaking. I'll be your host for the next hour or so, so call in and tell us truckers what you miss the most about coming home. To get things started: I miss coming home and just switching on TV. You know, without any other boxes to turn on and passwords to input. Just hit the button and instant entertainment."
There was an immediate response:
"Man, Rod, you're really making this sound better than it was. We had like five hundred channels and there was nothing on."
"I know, but you made do with what you had. Also, there were tits on TV."
"Yeah! Remember those talk shows? They had these huge-titted girls on every week. I loved them. They don't make shows like these anymore."
"Jeez, they don't make women like these anymore."
There was a lot of agreement.
Walker said:
"Guys, I'd like to ask something."
"Go ahead, man. We're all ears."
"I know we don't talk about feelings."
"Oh, come on. What's going on? Can't get your cock up?"
"No. I assure you, everything's working perfectly."
"So, what's the problem?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 23, 2017, 10:52:23 am
"I ... I come home and I don't care anymore. My wife's nice and everything, but she's ... lost her looks."
"Happens to the best of us. Torn off the lights."
"Hey, just let him talk. There ain't no easy solutions."
"Yeah. Well, guys, it's like she's really down and she's kinda falling apart. If you get what I'm saying."
"You need a new one."
"Come on, just shut up. You're not helping."
"I didn't know this was a self-help hotline. I wanted to talk about how those new bottlecaps aren't the same anymore."
"Hey, shut up. This is Walker you're talking to."
"Wait. The Walker? Sorry, man. Hey, really. You're like a living legend."
Walker grinned. Even he was losing it. Now people were turning him into a monument to whatever.
"Guys, I don't want your pity."
"You won't get it. You know what you need: A good fuck. From someone who knows what she's doing."
"I'm sorry, but ..."
"Stop it. You can stop doing your 'I'm the only faithful guy on the road'-routine. This is a real problem and there's only this solution."
Walker sighed.
"Okay. We'll try that."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 24, 2017, 07:46:55 am
Walker stopped the truck. He hadn't yet called Betty to tell her he'd be coming home. Actually, he didn't feel like it at all. His "friends" had tried to cheer him up, but that had definitely gone wrong. As far as he was concerned, he had screwed up badly. They had gone to the Hawkwind, some ancient bar/stripclub/whorehouse the older truckers liked. The younger people preferred to just use their phones, but Walker was old school. He was also feeling old now.
They had gone inside, loud music from their youth blasting at them. He got all nostalgic. The beer was good and cold, the girls dancing on stage were sexy and his friends insisted on him having a good time. The lap dance was excellent. The girl, Kira, was fit, with big round boobs and a slim waist. She smiled a lot, was nice to an old fart like him and entertained the entire table. She made a couple of witty comments, drank their beer and was effortlessly sexy. He was in love.
That was the first problem. He ended up on the toilet. At his age, he had to be careful with the amount of beer he drank. This all had to come back out. She seemed to be used to these interruptions and continued her spiel with the others. He looked at himself in the mirror.
"Man, you are stupid. Do you really think this is what you're supposed to do? You can't go around falling in love with girls that could be your kids. That's sick."
He washed his face, cleared his mind and gave himself a slap to remind him.
He returned to the table, felt refreshed and found himself on the receiving end of a shot or two.
As the evening continued, he got more and more drunk. The others urged him to just loosen up and relax. That's when it got hard for him to remember. However, he was certain he had cheated on his wife. The missing money in his wallet, his friends' knowing looks, all this made him more miserable. The worst was that he couldn't even remember. But when he dreamt, he was with that girl again.
He sighed. He'd have to confess this. It was the only way to clean his conscience.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 25, 2017, 06:30:01 am
He let himself in, still not sure how to deal with this. Maybe Betty wouldn't be there and he'd be able to figure something out. That's when she appeared in the doorway behind him.
"Walker! You're back! You should have called ... I could have fixed you something!"
He stared at her, his mind seizing up as he tried to say something.
"Well ... I ... I got home early. Yeah."
He managed to get a better look at her. She was wearing a grey and powder blue outfit that was very sweaty. She was also wearing leggings. He hadn't seen her wear leggings in decades. No. He had never seen her wear leggings. And they did look good on her. There was also something about her face and her hair.
"Did you get a haircut?"
She smiled:
"Who are you and what did you do to my husband? Yeah! I did. I wanted something new. It looks better, don't you think?"
"Sure." He sighed in relief. Spotting these things was important. "So, what have you been up to?"
"I just went for a run."
"Okay, now it's my turn: Who are you and what did you do to my wife?"
She frowned:
"I make the jokes. I ... Whatever. Just let me stretch and shower and then, we can talk."
And stretch she did.
Walker stared as she went through several poses, twisting and pushing her body. It was nice to watch. She seemed tighter and definitely happier. He couldn't help smiling more and more as she trust out her chest, flexed her butt muscles and generally enjoyed her exhausted body. When she was done, she tapped his nose lightly, gave him a little kiss and disappeared inside to shower.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 26, 2017, 03:27:06 pm
As the water hit her skin, she felt incredily satisfied. His expression had been priceless. She hadn't planned on this, but it had been a wonderful coincidence. Betty looked down on herself, watching the water flow along her body. It was still out of shape and flabby, but her entire stance and feeling had changed. She was much more aware of her feelings and it was amazing!
The last three weeks had been hard on her. She found it difficult to keep her schedule, but she had stuck to it. And now, it was paying off. She was enjoying herself and she liked the look she was getting. At the same time, she felt there was room for more. Just feeling good was one thing, but actually getting fit and looking this way was another thing.
Betty had to admit to herself that she was beginning to find a certain eroticism in looking at muscular bodies. It was weird, but she couldn't help herself. More than once, she stayed on those websites with the real bodybuilders. They disgusted her with their absurd, unnatural bodies, but there was a fascination to their dedication. Also, she couldn't help imagining what it felt like to be so strong and big. The size was the strangest thing about this.
Women were expected to be small and to shut up. And here they were, middle-aged women in their underwear, with thick muscles and fake tans, showing off their physiques as if it were the most natural thing in the world. With big, heavy bodies that took up a lot of space.
She stopped herself from thinking about this some more. She didn't want to cum right away and she was getting dangerously close.

She dried herself and went over to her waiting husband who had just grabbed a bag of jerky. Betty grinned:
"So, what do you think?"
He looked at her and swallowed. Damn. She was looking amazing. It wasn't that much had changed, but her stance was all different and her entire expression was much livelier.
"You look incredible."
"Thank you. So, let's get going. We've got an hour until the kids get back."
He couldn't stop grinning as she dragged him to the bedroom. It was a little strange to give up control, but he was still stunned by her transformation.
She climbed on the bed and beckoned him to get undressed. He stumbled out of his pants. He pulled his shirt from his hairy chest and followed her. Walker was on top of her now and she clung to him, sinking her fingers into his back hair. He was surprised by her initiative, but went along with it. As he began pounding her, she started grunting and moaning. It almost took him out of his trance. Up until now, sex had mostly been her letting him do stuff and just putting up with it, but now, she was active. It was almost a little too much for him. This was making him uncomfortable.
She noticed this and stopped reluctantly. She wanted this so much, but she knew her place.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 28, 2017, 10:06:28 pm
When he was done, she asked:
"Say, could we try something different?"
"Like what?"
"Roll on your back."
He was very skeptical. This wasn't ... What was she up to?
He did as she asked and was surprised to find her climb on him. She began rubbing his cock to get him hard again. Walker couldn't help frowning. He didn't like what he was seeing. Well, actually, he did, but for different reasons. It was nice to see her heavy breasts swing as she started rubbing his cock quicker, but it felt wrong to see her above him and in charge.
Betty saw his frown and said:
"Just relax. I just want to see how this feels."
He groaned. He wasn't happy about this. Not at all. Still, the power of boobs was enough to make him hard and her rubbing certainly helped. Then, however, she climbed on top of him and sank his cock into her. She started riding him. He was stuck. It felt great and she was clearly having fun, but ...
Before he could finish the thought, she came with a drawn out moan. She had never done this before. Betty looked at him through half-closed eyes and smiled.
"That was ... great."
Walker disapproved.

When the kids came home, everything was nice and clean. They were happy to see their dad again and the three disappeared outside to play. Betty went back to work to prepare dinner. As she cut the vegetables, she thought about their sex and couldn't help smiling. That was what it was supposed to be like ... She wanted more.
After dinner, she did the dishes, helped the kids do their homework and tucked them in.
She waited until the house had gone quiet and walked up to Walker. He was sitting in front of the TV and watched some inane show. She took a deep breath and removed her blouse. It took him a moment to see what was going on. He stared. She asked:
"Like what you see?"
She undid the clasps of her bra and pushed her breasts against her chest. Walker's throat felt dry. He tried to say something, but only produced a rasping sound. She said:
"I take that as a yes."
Walker's mind was racing. What was going on? What had happened to his wife?
Before he could say something, she undid his fly and pulled down his pants. She saw his cock rise and smiled:
"Betty ..."
He was in shock. On the one hand, he was amazed, on the other hand, his bad conscience was acting up again. Did he remember what had happened at the Hawkwind? He couldn't tell. It was all getting really foggy and confused.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 30, 2017, 08:20:34 am
Meanwhile, Betty climbed on top of him and was starting to breathe heavily. While he tried to concentrate and focus, she was getting closer and closer to climax. The feeling was surprising. She had had the occasional orgasm before, but this time, it was different. She wanted this and she was willingly getting there. She grabbed Walker's thick chest hair and groaned as she came.
He stared at her in complete confusion. What had just happened? His mind was finding it difficult to understand what was going on. Eventually, he managed:
"Er. What was that?"
She tried to catch her breath, still sitting on top of him. She was beaming.
"I don't know, but I love it. That was amazing! Thank you. Oh God."
"I didn't ... do anything."
She was still completely ecstatic and dismissed his comment.
"This was perfect. Incredible. Let's do it again!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 01, 2017, 07:50:55 am
That night, Betty slept like a log. The long day of taking care of the house, doing her training and exhausting Walker had taken its toll. Walker, on the other hand, lay awake. It was coming back to him now. He was at the bar again. The music was a little too loud for him and he needed a break. He nodded to his friends and got up.
"I'm going to take a walk. I'll be back in a moment."
"Whatever, man."
He stepped outside. The air was fresh, the night was cool. The highway produced the occasional woosh as he walked around the building. A dog barked. The music was muted now. He looked to the horizon. The stars were out and he was drunk.
Suddenly, his meditation was broken by a friendly voice:
"Walker, isn't it?"
He turned around. It was Kira. She had a coat on and was taking a pull from her electronic cigarette.
"Yes. That's me."
He groaned internally. That was the most stupid thing to say. He felt like a teenager again. She exhaled a ring of smoke that floated around his head. He grinned.
"Nice ..."
"I can do two rings too."
"Show me!"
She did. He applauded. They laughed.
"That's so weird. Back in the day, I had an uncle who did the same trick with real cigarettes."
"Me too. I guess that's what uncles are for."
He nodded. She was looking even better now. She asked:
"You look lonely. Don't you have anybody waiting for you?"
He sighed.
"It's complicated. Life's grinding us down."
"I know. It all gets pretty hard after a while."
They looked at the stars. He felt her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her in surprised. He hadn't expected her to take the initiative.
"Don't worry. I just like you. There'll be no strings attached."
He had believed her.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 02, 2017, 06:42:31 am
They ended up in his truck's cot. It was really tight, but then, that wasn't too bad. She pulled down his pants and produced a condom which she expertly slipped on his long-erect cock. She laughed:
"Nice! I like 'em big."
She dropped her coat, revealing her large fake tits. They seemed even bigger in the twilight.
"Me too."
She laughed and said:
"What are you waiting for? Give 'em a squeeze. They were expensive enough!"
Walker fondled her boobs and kissed them. She moaned. Before her knew, they were on the tiny bed, Walker hammering away at her. She egged him on:
"Harder! Come on! Give it to me!"
Walker obliged. This woman was amazing. She had a dancer's body, her thighs thick and strong. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held to him as he pounded away at her. She grunted and and urged him on. He was confused by the strange movements of her breasts, but then again, he was overthinking things. He lost track of everything then.
Time passed. They continued. He was behind her now, grinding his crotch against her hard butt. She rubbed something between her legs and howled for more.
Walker stumbled through the whole show, losing his mind as she pushed him on his back and started sucking on his cock. He didn't know how he managed to stay this hard. Maybe it was just the lack of love? He couldn't tell.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 03, 2017, 03:32:04 pm
Walker awoke from his dream. Betty was sleeping next to him. He felt weird. He had betrayed her, but it wasn't wrong. He had just taken what he needed. There could be no wrong in that. Still, he couldn't sleep.
The next day was hard on him. He had eventually dozed off, but before he could rest, he had to get back up again. As he got up, he noticed Betty wasn't there. Walker looked around and found her in the living room, exercising. He was definitely surprised. His wife, who had always been a couch potato, was actually training hard. She was doing lounges now, huffing and puffing as she crossed the room, weights in her hands. She was concentrating hard and he couldn't help noticing that she was doing this nice and slow, without swinging and using momentum. No wonder she was sweating.
Walker decided to discreetly watch the show. He stayed completely still. Next, she did squats. Again, perfect form. With those pink weights. Whenever she went down, he could see her muscles work under her skin. She was getting thinner alright. Definitely more toned.
Once this was over, she took out a skipping rope and went to work. An eternity ago, Walker had trained as a boxer, and this had been the most important part of the training regimen, building up stamina. He had liked it, but he'd never been really good at it. Maybe a lack of coordination.
With Betty, the rope whizzed by as she did hundreds of little hops. She was really exhausting herself there. By the time she was done, she was covered in sweat. She put down the rope with a sigh and wiped the sweat off her brow.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 04, 2017, 06:30:34 am
Then she spotted him. She was already blushing from the effort, but now she turned a deep crimson up to her ears. She asked:
"Have you been there a long time?"
"Since the squats."
"Oh. Sorry."
"I don't mind. That was ... impressive."
"No, no. I was just ... I'll just shower and fix breakfast."
She disappeared as quickly as she could. Walker watched her butt sway as she left. It was getting tighter. He was instantly reminded of Kira and felt ashame. What a mess.
Meanwhile, Betty was hitting her body hard with cold water. She had to calm herself down. When Walker wasn't there, she could masturbate as much as she needed, but now, this was shameful. She wondered what he thought of her now. Running was one thing, but training with weights? She was pretty certain he didn't want her to get all manly and that's what he probably thought exercising would make her. There it was again. Did she want to, deep inside her? Maybe she was just lying to herself.
She finished up and went to work on breakfast. There was no time for daydreams. The kids had to be thrown out of bed and the house had to be spotless. She'd worry about Walker later. Also, maybe ... they could have sex again. She didn't want to be too direct, but that had been tremendous fun yesterday.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 06, 2017, 05:05:18 am
Later on, the whole family went to the town fair. Betty had spent the day doing her chores, with Walker planning his next trips. He also took the time to fix a couple of smaller things, burnt-out lightbulbs and clogged drains. Still, the kids were looking forward to the fair, so things had to be done quickly. This was a once a year thing. It was getting harder and harder to organize it. Many of the young people had moved away and the old people didn't actually have the energy. Besides, the town coffers were ... let's not say empty, but there wasn't too much cash either.
Anyway, Betty and Erin spent the early afternoon in the kitchen finishing the cakes and then, finally, the whole bunch left. As they arrived, there was quite the crowd already. The school band was playing some Sousa, people were cheering, Del pounded a keg of his home-brewn beer and Walker relaxed. Betty and Erin started selling the cakes and people commented on her slimmer frame. Betty was wearing an old dress that fit her again now, and she loved it. She had kept it carefully in the back of her wardrobe, certain that she would never wear it again, and guess what, it fit her perfectly. Well, not too perfectly, actually. She did have bigger breasts before. But that was nothing a little stuffing couldn't help.

As the hours passed, people were letting lose. The cakes were long since sold out, the school band had stowed away their instruments and Stan and his band were climbing on stage for the dance. Walker took Betty by the hand and asked:
"Care to dance?"
"Sure, dear."
He pulled her on the dance-floor as the band launched into a fast number. Walker Jr. and Erin had wandered off to hang out with their friends and eat the wonky cake they couldn't sell. The pair flew over the dance-floor and Walker was having fun. Betty was so energetic, she was really lifting his spirits. She was laughing, keeping up with him. They were feeling young again. Betty was having tremendous fun. It was as if she got her life back. As they spun over the parquet, she kissed him. A few drunks cheered and she kissed him again. Longer. Deeper. With tongue. He blushed and recoiled a little, but she smiled at him and this was such a nice moment, he just couldn't care about what people would say.
The music got more romantic and they slow-danced for a while, grinning stupidly as they enjoyed themselves. Just as they were about to deeply fall in love with each other again, forgetting all the strain and annoyance of everyday life, there was a commotion.
Nancy and Mike were fighting.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 07, 2017, 06:47:46 am
Walker let them try to sort this out for a minute, but when it was clear that it was getting out of hand, he sighed and walked over to them. Mike slapped her and threw her to the ground. She cried out and he went into a rage, kicking her in the sides. Walker pushed him away.
"Stop it, Mike!"
The other man stared at him. He couldn't believe it.
"Piss off, Walker. This is my business."
"I said, stop it. You're making a fool of yourself."
Without warning, he threw a punch at Walker. Mike was already drunk, so the blow wasn't too well aimed, but he hit Walker anyway. The older man immediately went into a boxing stance and jabbed at Mike's chin. Mike didn't dodge as much as he stumbled out of the way, but he grappled at Walker's hand and the two men fell to the ground. Mike was on top and started pounding Walker's face. He screamed:
"Shut up, old man! Stop talking! Stop talking!"
Walker protected his face as good as he could. This hadn't gone as planned. He managed to block most of the punches. People were still in shock.
And then, it all happened at once. Deep inside her, Betty knew she was supposed to help Nancy deal with this. She had to calm her and get her a drink, maybe allow her to spend the night at her home.
Instead, she charged at Mike and awkwardly hit him on the head. The young man turned around and hit Betty square in the jaw. She screamed as her eyes filled with tears.
This gave Walker the opening he needed to punch Mike on his ear, sending the drunk to the ground. Mike yelped as he tried to recover, but the old man was on him and rained down his punches. The other man pulled him away as others held to Mike.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 08, 2017, 08:15:48 am
Walker got back up, breathing heavily. He screamed obscenities at Mike while Betty was sobbing in the background. People tried to calm him down, but he only got angrier. It took him half an hour to get back to normal, including a few shots of whisky. Mike was hauled off to the sheriff's office. Erin had taken care of her mother. Betty was pressing a pack of crushed ice against her face, trying to stop the swelling. Meanwhile, some of the other women comforted Nancy. Walker Jr. was completely in shock and Betty did her best to calm him down.
The whole fair fell apart as people started talking among themselves. Finally, Betty had enough and had everybody get in the car, taking Nancy with her. Walker was too beaten and too drunk to drive, so she brought them home safely.
She cleaned him up and put him to bed, handing him some painkillers for the night and hoping he'd sleep it all off. Then, she took care of the kids and set up a bed for Nancy. She was busy until late at night and eventually fell asleep, completely exhausted.
Betty woke up in the dead of night, her face hurting. She took one of the painkillers and suddenly realized that she had been helpless. She loathed herself. Her sad attempt at helping Walker had only gotten her hurt. She groaned. And then she understood. Walker was nice, Walker was fine. He was fun, she liked to make love to him. But he wasn't there when she needed him and had gotten himself stuck. And he hadn't managed to fix this thing with Nancy.
If she was on her own, she needed to be able to take care of herself. She just hoped she would find a way.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 09, 2017, 05:59:03 am
The next morning, Walker drove off, hung over and still numb from the painkillers. They were both aware that this was a bad idea, but what choice did he have? Another three-week tour. Betty watched as the truck disappeared, praying for him to be safe. She didn't feel too good either. She had dreamed of the fight all night long, continually reliving these moments as if in a loop. It was terrifying just how helpless she had been. She woke up several times when she inadvertently rolled on her bruised side. In the morning, she had looked pretty bad, but that was nothing a little make-up couldn't hide.
Nancy was fixing breakfast for the kids. Once they were done, Betty dropped them off at school, insisting that Nancy kept the door and the windows locked. Mike should be in jail for now, but who knew how quick he would be released.
As she drove back home, she thought about what to do. What options did she have? She had to learn how to defend herself. But who to ask? Then she remembered: A few years ago, there had been a self-defense class for women at the town hall. There had been rumors of a gang of rapists in the area, so the council had decided to hold these courses for them. It had been dropped soon afterward when attendance had been too low. Besides, some of the men had deemed this unnecessary.
It took her a while to remember the name of the woman who held them. Dora ... Greene. Yes. That was the name. Ms. Greene lived outside the town and rarely showed up there. She never talked to the other people and was a bit of a hermit. Betty'd just have to try and talk to her.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 10, 2017, 03:53:28 pm
The Greene residence was a trailer in the hills, run-down and badly kept. Betty hesitated. Decent people never went here. There were rumors of meth labs and gang activity around here. Marburg residents looked down on the people here despite them living higher up on the hills. Even men like Mike felt superior to the guys up here.
Betty unlocked the car door as she stopped. She was nervous. This place was creeping her out. She got out, taking the rubber pipe Walker kept in the glove compartment with her. She was pretty certain this wouldn't help, but she felt better this way.
The visitor reached the gate of the property and looked for a bell to ring. Nothing. There was a wire fence and a simple gate, but no way to signal her presence. She called out:
"Hey! Hello! Is there anybody in there? My name's Betty and I want to talk to Dora Greene!"
No response. The leaves rustled, the birds returned to their singing. No reaction at all. She tried it again:
"Hi! I'm Betty from the self-defense classes a few years ago. I need help!"
Maybe Ms. Greene was dead. Who could tell? People never came up here.
She wanted to go back to her car and just leave this. It had been a stupid idea. Best just go away.
Then she hesitated again. If she gave up now, what could she do? She reached for the gate and pushed it open.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 11, 2017, 06:04:47 am
Betty walked carefully to the trailer. There were weeds all over the place, the undergrowth from the nearby forest was spilling everywhere. This was neither a nice nor a comforting place. Betty wondered if she'd eventually need a machete to continue. She half expected getting shot at any moment. She could feel her heart pounding. What would she do if Dora Greene had gone crazy and decided to kill her? What if she was dead? If there was just some rotting corpse in that trailer? Betty was growing increasingly anxious.
She reached the trailer and tried to peek through the blinds. There was someone inside. She knocked against the window. Maybe this was safer ...
There was some noise inside. Then, the window was pushed open. Betty stared into a gaunt, lined face.
"Who is it? I ain't got your money, Roberts!"
The old woman spotted Betty and asked:
"Who are you? What are you doing on my property?"
"My name's Betty and I want to your self-defense classes a few years ago. I need your help now."
The woman, who vaguely reminded her of Dora, frowned:
"Oh yes, I remember. A bit late, isn't it?"
She nodded vaguely at Betty's face. The bruise acted up again.
"I know. But that's not what you think it is. Well, actually, it's complicated. Whatever. I didn't understand it until now. Please. You have to teach me how to fight."
"Seriously? This isn't some kind of practical joke? You're not with Roberts, are you?"
"Who is that?"
"Good answer. Come in."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 12, 2017, 02:09:27 pm
The door was opened and Betty stepped inside. The place was a mess. There was dust everywhere, the kitchen was grimy, the windows dirty. Betty couldn't help frowning. Dora saw it and said:
"Not up to your standards, am I?"
"It's ... pretty horrible. Yes."
"At least you're honest. I can't do it. It's just too much work and with my hands, I can't really do it."
She held up her arms. There were a few fingers and a stump. Betty asked:
"What happened?"
"I went back overseas for another tour of duty. IED. The doctors did what they could, but it wasn't enough. Now I'm stuck without hands and addicted to painkillers. What do you expect?"
"That's horrible!"
"You get used to it. At least as long as I have the pills." She plopped herself back into a chair:
"What do you want?"
"I got in a fight with my husband. No. Sorry. My husband got into a fight and I wanted to help. I couldn't. I got hurt in the process. Look."
She pointed at the make-up. Dora nodded.
"I see. Shit. Well ... I can help you. It'll take my mind off all this shit."
"I can take care of your home, if you want. That's all I do anyway."
Dora laughed:
"You've got yourself a deal."The door was opened and Betty stepped inside. The place was a mess. There was dust everywhere, the kitchen was grimy, the windows dirty. Betty couldn't help frowning. Dora saw it and said:
"Not up to your standards, am I?"
"It's ... pretty horrible. Yes."
"At least you're honest. I can't do it. It's just too much work and with my hands, I can't really do it."
She held up her arms. There were a few fingers and a stump. Betty asked:
"What happened?"
"I went back overseas for another tour of duty. IED. The doctors did what they could, but it wasn't enough. Now I'm stuck without hands and addicted to painkillers. What do you expect?"
"That's horrible!"
"You get used to it. At least as long as I have the pills." She plopped herself back into a chair:
"What do you want?"
"I got in a fight with my husband. No. Sorry. My husband got into a fight and I wanted to help. I couldn't. I got hurt in the process. Look."
She pointed at the make-up. Dora nodded.
"I see. Shit. Well ... I can help you. It'll take my mind off all this shit."
"I can take care of your home, if you want. That's all I do anyway."
Dora laughed:
"You've got yourself a deal."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 13, 2017, 05:08:18 am
Betty's schedule was getting crowded now. She'd get up in the morning, do her training routine, get the kids out of the house, then she'd clean the home, prepare lunch and head over to Dora's and continue her cleaning there. This wasn't just a thing to be done in a day. It took weeks until everything was spick and span. The grime was so thick in some places, she mistook for a part of the trailer at first. For Dora, this was a godsend. The food was good and the additional help she got definitely improved her life. Betty would cook and clean, she'd fix all the little things that had broken down over the years and she even brought the "backyard" into shape.
Dora wasn't too good at showing her gratitude, but she did smile a little more. Also, getting her body thoroughly cleaned and her head massaged was a blessing. In return, she started teaching Betty the tricks of self-defense and unarmed combat. She had her work on a punching bag, do more rope-skipping and train routines on the wooden dummy they built. They also went shooting and hunting. For Betty, this was difficult. She was definitely encroaching on Walker's territory and leaving her place.
At the same time, the idea that she'd be able to protect Nancy made her soldier on. The other woman had moved in with her sister, but there were problems with getting custody. It was only a matter of time before she'd return to Mike, so Betty had to be ready.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 14, 2017, 08:53:31 am
After two more weeks of training, things were starting to look up. Betty examined herself in the mirror. The bruise was fading. She had just finished her session, she still had a couple of minutes before the kids would wake up. She stood there in her training outfit and noticed it was a bit loose. Her body had tightened some more and the steady diet was beginning to pay off. She could see faint lines of muscle in her arms and if she twisted the right way and shone the light just right, there was a hint of some abs. She couldn't help smiling. This was going well.
Erin had just recently complimented her on her recovering looks and she liked it. She definitely started to dress more youthfully, careful not to turn into a parody. But still, she felt younger, so why not show it?
Also, she stocked up on fitness equipment. Eric Jr. was happy to help, researching optimal machines for her and ordering the supplements she wanted. Betty noticed with a certain satisfaction that he was checking out her new, tighter butt in the tight spandex. She teased him a little, even though it was horribly inappropriate.
As her knowledge expanded, so did the time she devoted to her new hobby. She set up the equipment in the shed they used to store unwanted stuff, getting rid of all that junk. Her entire life seemed to revolve around this. Cleaning up her world and making room for new experiences.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 15, 2017, 06:53:05 pm
Meanwhile, Walker was on the road to the Hawkwind. He wasn't feeling too well, but he couldn't live like this right now. His world seemed to fall apart. Failing to get Mike under control had nagged him all the time during his haul. Watching his wife turn bizarrely obsessed with sex confused him even more. Not that he minded it ... It just didn't feel right. He had adjusted to their way of living and now, things were changing.
Was she cheating on him? Maybe she was covering up her bad conscience by doing this. Maybe she thought that fucking him so much would make him forget any suspicions. He couldn't say and he was definitely out of his depth here. Asking the other truckers was impossible. The idea that he, of all people, would also be cuckolded ... No. He couldn't bear the shame.
Walker stopped his car on the Hawkwind's parking lot. He climbed out and stretched. He'd talk to Kira. She'd understand him and maybe she'd know what to do. She was a woman, after all.
As he stepped inside, the music and the smells hit him and brought him back. Oh yes. This had been nice. Amazing, really. He walked to the bar and said:
"A beer. Please."
The barkeeper smiled and poured him a glass.
"Nice to hear that some people still got manners."
"You know how it is. You get old, you can't take things for granted anymore."
"Sure thing."
"Say, there was a girl called Kira around last time. Is she still there?"
"I guess she's getting ready for her show."
"That's great. Could you ask her if she'd like to talk to me once she's done with everything? I need her advice."
The barkeeper gave Walker a long look and said:
"You're having wife trouble, aren't you?"
Walker nodded and took a sip of his beer.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 16, 2017, 04:50:38 am
As the night came, Betty started to relax. The kids were asleep, the house was clean and everything was ready for tomorrow. She plopped herself on the bed and took her phone. Now for some rest. She had spent the entire day being moderately horny and now, it was getting really bad. Betty took out the little ... helper she had recently bought online. It didn't look too much like a penis, which was all for the best. She wiggled out of her pants and underwear and opened the page she had been looking at a lot recently. So much muscle! It was incredible. She had tried to stop herself from thinking about this, but it was getting too hard. She had to look at these bodies. These were women, alright, but they were far from the fitness girls she had looked at at first. Her passion had escalated quickly.
While the fit women seemed like girls, teenagers even, complete with their sexual looks, their pouting lips and their cute poses, the bodybuilders were more mature. More intense too. Betty could really see the amount of pain these were going through to create their marvelous physiques. Those were no simple amateurs, they dedicated themselves wholly to their bodies and they produced works of art. She stared at the ripped, heavy muscles that covered every bit of their physiques, with only tiny pieces of fabric protecting their decency.
Just looking at these uber-women made her hot.
Betty started rubbing her nethers, her fingers getting wet.
Did she want to have a body like this? She couldn't say. She didn't dare to. It was probably a stupid, even dangerous idea. She should probably just focus on getting in shape and being happy with Walker ... But then again, what if?
She imagined herself covered in muscles, her body heavy and dry. She'd run her fingers over her defined physique, her skin embossed with veins and fibers. She switched on the helper as she came again and again.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 17, 2017, 03:21:36 pm
When Walker came home a few days later, he felt oddly distant. Looking at his home, he couldn't help wondering what Betty would say. Strangely enough, he didn't feel disappointed in himself. So he might have slept with Kira again, but he was now pretty certain Betty was sleeping around too. How else could he explain that she was so happy right now? There was no reason he could think of. After all, their life was pretty much revolving around just barely maintaining the status quo. That she was horny all the time now was probably just a way for her to conceal her bad conscience. The strange part about this was that he was feeling the other way round. Just thinking of sleeping with her felt awkward.
He had talked about this as he lay next to Kira. He was fondling her taut breasts gently and asked:
"Why is my wife so weird?"
Kira sighed. This wasn't the topic she wanted to talk about in her bed.
"What do you mean?"
"After she had the kids, we had less and less sex. She just lost interest. Everything around her was more important. And now, suddenly, she's been getting fit and wanting to fuck all the time."
"Isn't that a good thing?"
"It's strange. Why would she do that?"
Kira rolled over to him, her tits mashing into his hairy chest:
"I dunno. Maybe she's just decided that life was getting boring?"
"Do you mean that she's cheating on me?"
"Maybe. You're cheating on her ..."
"Hey. This isn't cheating. It's ... fun."
She laughed:
"I never thought that you'd be someone to argue about words."
Kira climbed on top of him and fondled his balls.
"I like to be fun anyway."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 18, 2017, 05:50:39 am
That didn't help him much. He opened the door and stepped inside. The living room was perfectly clean. Something was steaming on the stove. It smelled excellent. He took off the lids. Weird. Vegetables, steamed chicken, rice, ooh ... that weird Vietnamese dish Betty's dad had brought home from the war. Walker licked his lips. That was excellent. You could say what you want about these bastards, they knew how to come up with tasty food. He barely managed to stop himself from tasting a bit and did it anyway.
Where was Betty? The kids would probably come home soon, but it wasn't like her to leave things like that. He looked out in the garden. She had taken care of the lawn. Wow. Normally, that was his job, but he quite hated it. There was some light in the shed. What was going on?
He sneaked over and peeked inside.
Betty was working out on a rowing machine, wearing shorts and a sports bra. She had her hair tied up in a pony tail and was sweating like a pig. Every time she pulled, her back muscles swelled. He could see the deep cuts between them and he was getting uncomfortable. She grunted unladylike as she finished her set and got up. He heard her say to herself:
"Yes! That's number three. Betty, my girl, you're getting there!"
She did a mock double biceps flex, but to Walker's shock, this wasn't entirely innocent. There was quite a lot of muscle now, at least compared to her previous fluffy self. He ducked out of sight and scrambled back to the living room.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 19, 2017, 03:03:06 pm
She will. Definitely.

Walker sat down on the sofa and did his best to look nonchalant. He had a beer in his hand and greeted Betty as she came in. She was wearing a robe and said:
"I'm all sweaty. Just let me take a shower."
"No problem."
She left and he looked at her butt, which was easily visible bulging against the robe's fabric. His bad conscience and his jealousy were acting up. At the same time, he was getting really horny, while also intimidated by the strange muscular vision he had seen. What the hell was going on with his woman? This wasn't what was supposed to happen!
That's when the kids stormed in. They were happy to see him again, Walker Jr. jumped on the sofa right next to him and asked him where he'd been and what things he had delivered and whether something exciting had happened. Erin just watched while her brother finished his shouting, then asked her father about the bruises.
"I'm fine. It was a bit hard the first few days, but I managed. Nothing a few painkillers wouldn't fix. How was school?"
"Okay, I guess. Pretty boring."
"But there ain't going to be any problems with your grades, are there?"
"Nah. It's going to be alright. I'm not at the top of my class, but I'm close. Wouldn't want to hang with the nerds."
"That's my daughter. Good for you."
It was Walker Jr.'s turn again:
"Did you bring us a present?"
"Of course. You'll get it after we eat."
"Why not now?"
"Because I said so."
He frowned at his son. The kid nodded.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 20, 2017, 04:38:21 am
Walker turned to Erin again:
"So, what has your mom been up to?"
"Didn't you notice? She's been getting really fit. She thinks I didn't see it, but it's true."
He nodded.
"But she hasn't been neglecting you or anything?"
Erin made this weird teenage scowl and shrug and replied:
"Dad? No. Why? She's been great! She cooks, she cleans, she even irons my stuff. She said I should do it, but then she did it anyway."
"Yeah. She's like so busy all the time, but she's doing really fine. And she's way happier than before. Aren't you?"
Walker hesitated.
"I'm not sure. I'll see."
"Seriously, dad. You should be happy."
That's when Betty came back, dressed in a nice, youthful outfit, her hair tied up. She smiled, gave Walker a kiss and said:
"We should eat!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 21, 2017, 07:31:02 am
Once they were done, Betty told the kids to do the dishes and said:
"Walker, you seem unhappy. What's up? Didn't you like the food?"
It was a good question. She hadn't taken any, prefering her steamed vegetables and chicken. He shook his head:
"No, it was excellent. But what's with the chicken?"
She blushed a little and said:
"We should go for a walk."
They left, leaving their kids to their chores. As they walked along the road, the wind went up and the grass danced on the fields. It was mesmerizing. She smiled and said:
"This reminds me of when we were young ..."
He sighed.
"I guess so. We spent a lot of time out here."
"The grass was higher back then. Or we were shorter."
"It was us. We were kids. Everything was big around us and then we changed."
"Strange, huh. I thought we'd stay the same."
Betty looked at him from the side. His eyes followed the sweeping waves of grass.
"I couldn't stand it anymore. Just being stuck in this ... life."
She could tell that Walker was sad. He normally was able to hide any feelings he might have, but the fields made him lose his cool.
"But it was a good life, don't you think?"
"Maybe ... But I want more."
His face froze. She knew she lost him. He turned away and walked off without a word.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 22, 2017, 08:15:43 am
Things didn't change immediately. Over the next days, Betty and Walker kept up appearances. This wasn't hard. They did their things. Walker repaired his truck, patched the roof and hung out with his friends. Betty kept the house clean, cooked and took care of the kids. And she trained. Weirdly enough, their mutual rejection made her even more avid to train. She hit the machines hard and punished herself in her shed. Walker stayed clear of her. He didn't want to get involved in this insanity.
Betty was doing chest flyes. She had begun phasing out the pink weights, switching them for simple steel ones. At fifteen pounds each, they were a nice challenge. She could feel her chest tighten with every movement. Her pectorals were growing slowly, her breasts getting smaller as her bodyfat disappeared. She concentrated. She was well into her third set, and it was starting to hurt really bad. She gritted her teeth. She was all sweaty, the poor aearation of the shed making things harder. She struggled on. Betty closed her eyes. This had to work! Only four more. She fought valiantly, stopping herself from swinging the weights. She was aware that only controlled exercises counted. Three more. Her fingers started to hurt as the metal bit into her skin. Two more. Her heart pounded hard. One more. She had to close her eyes. And done.
She sighed as she lowered the weights.
Damn. She was getting better at this.
She got up, shaking the strain from her muscles. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. Her pecs were thick and pumped. The effect would wear off soon, but right now, she loved the look. She had heard that getting a massage after training would make her gain better. But who to ask ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 23, 2017, 06:20:17 am
Once Walker was gone, Betty went to see Eric Jr. The wait had been a drag. Lying next to one another with a kind of huge elephant in the room. She had barely managed to sleep, endlessly pondering what was going to happen. Walker getting a divorce was out of the question. This was a shame for him, so it was impossible. For her, she wasn't sure. She was aware that the kids deserved both parents. They could stay together for now, after all, it wasn't as if they were seeing each other too much anyway. As long as they didn't talk about this, no one would notice. It was all about discretion. As always.
Just like when the community found out after his death that Cole had led a double life, with an entire family in another state. Or that Pauline's kid was gay. They had only found out when he appeared on TV on a talk show. Imagine the shame!
So they'd have to be careful.
And maybe, maybe, Walker would eventually understand. Maybe he'd get that she didn't want to sleep around. She just wanted to live her life and actually enjoy it. She could do that with him ... or without him.
She walked into the fitness shop and found Eric Jr. He was just talking to a couple of muscle-heads who were clearly being jerks. They laughed at him for selling stuff he couldn't even hope of using. He just smiled on company policy.
Eventually, they left. As they walked away, he let his features slip and scowled at them. She walked up to him.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 24, 2017, 03:16:27 pm
"Did they annoy you?"
"Oh, Betty, hi! No, not at all, it's okay. How may I help you?"
She blushed and whispered:
"It's complicated."
"I told you it's better to order such things online."
"I already have one of those. It's good. That's not what I want to ask."
"Well then, tell me."
As she spoke, she got lower and lower:
"Do you know how to give a massage?"
"What?" This question came out so loud that some people turned to stare at them. He repeated it quietly: "What? Why would you want that?"
She smiled and said:
"I've been training a lot, but my muscles aren't growing as fast as I want them to. I read on the internet that massages help. So ..."
"Wait. Why would you want your muscles to grow?"
She was now very, very quiet.
"Why wouldn't I? I love the look."
Eric Jr. stared at the woman next to him. She was old enough to be his mother. She was married to one of the most conservative, uptight men in town. And she said things like that. She was blushing, but other than that ...
"This is insane."
"No. I'm just fixing my life. So ... Do you know how to give a massage? If you do, I need your help. And in return, I can train you. You'll be able to rid yourself of these bullies in no time."
Eric Jr. was still completely shocked.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 25, 2017, 04:33:38 am
"So he said no?"
Dora was holding the sandbag with her mutilated hands as Betty hammered against it.
"Yes. I don't know why. Maybe I was too direct?"
"Probably. Men around here are stupid. That's why I joined up in the first place."
Betty grunted as she continued punishing the bag.
"Maybe I was too direct?"
"Probably. Screw him. Screw them all. It would have been nice, though, to have a sparring partner for you. What we're doing right now is good to build strength and stamina and for your psychology, but you definitely need real fighting experience."
Betty hesitated. Only now did she understand that building this body and learning to defend herself meant actually fighting. This was a responsibility. You couldn't just be someone without living it.
"Well, I'll cross that bridge when I reach it."
She punched the bag some more.

That evening Betty was out running again. The miles were now flying by. Her trim, strong body was pumping as she sped over the tarmac. She was feeling good. She was alone, it was dark, but she felt safe. The light on her head shone on the street ahead of her.
Without thinking, she reached Nancy's house. The lights were on. She dreaded what she would see, but she had to look. She crossed the street and came closer. The shouts were there as always. She sighed. Okay. She'd have to do this.
She rang the doorbell. The screaming stopped. There were heavy footsteps. Then, the door opened. Mike stood in the doorframe and went:
"Gah! What's with the light?"
Betty only now realized that her head-light was still on and said:
"Oh, sorry. I ..."
"Betty. What do you want?"
He was glaring at her. She switched off the light and stared at him.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'm watching you."
He laughed:
"Am I making you hot? Is Walker not enough for you?"
"That's not what I'm talking about. Don't you dare touch Nancy. Got it?"
"Else what? Are you ..."
He was cut short when she kneed him in the crotch. The effect was surprising. He blinked, unable to understand what had just happened. Then, his face was distorted by the pain. Then anger. Mike howled at her and tried to grab her, but Betty sidestepped him and pushed him. He landed on his face with a nasty sound and stayed very still.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 27, 2017, 06:55:21 am
Nancy appeared in the door-frame, saw his prone form and immediately crouched down next to him:
"Mike! Mike! Get up!"
He didn't budge. She struggled to roll him on his side.
"Mike ... Please, wake up."
He flopped on his back, completely motionless. His eyes were unfocused. He wasn't breathing. Betty stared at the prone man and slowly understood what happened.
"Oh God ..."
Nancy slapped his face.
"Wake up! Wake up! Come on! This isn't ... funny. No. No ..."
Betty didn't know what to say. She watched as Nancy howled in pain, crying as she tried to bring him back to life. There wasn't much she could do anyway. Finally, she put her hand on Nancy's, but pulled it back when she saw the other woman's expression.
"You ..." Nancy grew angry. "You killed him ..."
"It was an accident. He wanted to ... I ... He was beating you. I couldn't stand it anymore."
"This was our business. You had no right to do anything at all. And he's ... He's ..."
She collapsed again. Betty wanted to embrace her and soothe her, but Nancy just pushed her away.
"Go. Go away."

Betty returned to the road when Nancy suddenly said:
"Thank you. Thank you for wanting to help."
Betty nodded and left, confused and shocked.
It took her forever to fall asleep that night. Mike's dead body appeared in front of her again and again. She tried to find a position that would allow her to forget about this for a moment. When she finally dozed off, she had the weirdest dreams. Happily, she didn't remember them the next day.
In the morning, she quickly finished her workout, feeling unfocused. As she prepared breakfast for her kids, local news reported Mike's death. It was an accident and she wasn't even mentioned. She sighed in relief. Erin asked:
"Why did you do that?"
"Sigh. What was that between you and Mike?"
"Other than him punching me in the face and hitting Nancy? I'm not going to badmouth a dead man, but I'm not going to praise him either."
"Whatever. Good riddance."
Betty scolded her for such an attitude. However, she had to admit to herself that she couldn't really regret his death. The only thing would be for Nancy to have enough money. Maybe she could help.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 29, 2017, 07:21:24 am
The sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing as they walked away from Mike's funeral. The chirping didn't fit the ambience too well, but it couldn't rain on every funeral. Most of the men had been there. Nancy had said a few words, regretting his death and struggling with her tears. He might have been a horrible husband, but she had loved him at some point.
Betty was the lone member of her family to attend the ceremony. The kids were at school, Walker was still on the road. She had no idea where he was. They didn't speak much lately. She just hoped he was alright.
Betty handed the collected cash to Nancy in an envelope. She explained:
"This is to keep you afloat until you catch your breath. Everybody gave a little."
Nancy nodded and took the money. Some of Mike's cousins accompanied her to the parking lot.
As Betty walked to her car, Eric Jr. approached her. He whispered:
"Will you walk a little with me?"
"Sure. What can I do for you?"
"It was you, wasn't it?"
"Me? What?"
"You killed him. Or at least you made him fall."
She was shocked by the suggestion, but the truth almost made her panic.
"What kind of slander is that? Who says things like that?"
"A few of Mike's friends. They saw what you did at the fair. How you've changed."
"What a bunch of nonsense!"
He lowered his voice even more:
"Don't worry. I'm on your side. I thought about what you said the other day. I want in. I'll massage you as much as you want, but I need to get strong."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 30, 2017, 07:17:20 am
The start was pretty awkward. The shack was tiny enough, so having two people in it made it crowded. Betty started by warming up, urging Eric Jr. to join in. When she was done, he was soaked in sweat and already tired. She grinned:
"Is that all you got?"
"Oh come on! You've been doing this for months. Don't go gym teacher on me."
She saw his awkwardness and said:
"I'm sorry. I ... The muscles make you cocky. You'll see."
She let him rest and started her training routine. He was fascinated to see her pump iron. She loaded a barbell and did some curls. Her biceps swelled as she worked her way through her first set. He wanted to say something, but her concentration made it clear to him that he should keep quiet.
He waited and watched as she trained. When she was finished, she let out a long sigh and said:
"Oh God. That was hard."
"Just how much did you use?"
"Seventy pounds."
"I'm sorry, but that doesn't sound like much."
She scowled:
"It's very okay for a woman. Also, it's not about the weight. You have to do it correctly! Precision is essential."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on October 31, 2017, 04:25:14 pm
While she relaxed, he tried a first set. She helped him find the correct stance and watched him work. He finished his sets pretty quickly. Betty eyed him skeptically. He was doing well, handling the fifty pounds easily. It had taken her several weeks to reach this level and this weakling was getting along just fine.
Still, he was exhausted when he was done.
"Wow. That was hard!"
He touched his biceps and examined it, looking for some results. Of course, there was nothing. Betty wasn't sure this was a good idea. Did she really need another self-righteous guy in her home? Also, why did it have to be so hard? Why did all those guys get to be strong while she had to struggle?
She waited until he was finished, then she said:
"Okay, can you give me the massage now?"
He nodded and went to work. Maybe this was what she needed. He pulled and squeezed her muscles, trying to soften them. She winced whenever he found another twist or knob. It hurt, but all she did was grit her teeth and moan.
Eventually, he was done. He asked:
"Did I do it right?"
She twisted her shoulder and flexed her arms.
"Maybe? It feels good. Thank you!"
He smiled.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 01, 2017, 07:12:41 am
Betty stayed with Dora after Eric Jr. had left. The sparring had worked fine. The young man was an excellent opponent. He was willing to try stuff and did his best to challenge her. Dora was quite happy.
"I like him. He's bright enough to understand what we are doing. Most other guys would just have thought that we were mounting a rebellion or just looking for someone to fuck."
Betty winced at the f-word. Dora sighed:
"Oh come on, Betty. You should definitely drop the prude stuff. I mean, you're horny all the time, aren't you?"
Now Betty was really taken aback.
"Who? Me? Whatever gave you that idea?"
The crippled woman gave her a long look. Then she said:
"I've been through this too. The moment you start to train your body, you get urges. It's because you start to feel yourself. Puts you in contact with yourself, if you know what I mean."
The other woman was now blushing up to her ears. She hesitated, then confessed:
"I ... It's true. I miss Walker so much. I want to sleep with him ..."
Dora gave her a strange look Betty found hard to interpret.

As Betty fixed the food for her trainer, she said:
"You know what really annoys me? That Eric Jr. is making so much progress in such a short time."
"I mean, he never trained for anything, and yet, he's almost at my level. Why is that?"
"It's because you're a woman. It's always an uphill battle."
Betty stared at Dora. The former soldier shrugged:
"I wish it were different. But that's the world we're living in. As long as you stay put, nothing will happen to you. But don't you dare move."
"Oh, don't go all feminist on me. That's not good. People shouldn't do this. It ruins families."
"It does? What about Nancy?"
"That was something different. He was abusing her."
"And you stood up to him."
"That was just the decent thing to do. Also, thank you for bringing that up. I basically killed that man. I feel horrible."
"Betty, no. He killed himself. If you ask me, he was dead long ago. It was just an accident waiting to happen."
She pushed the lone finger of her right hand into Betty's trained chest:
"You can talk all you want, but the moment you started training and taking care of yourself, you were on your way. Do you really think your relationship with Walker is going to stay the same if you're changing?"
"But ... I ... Maybe I don't want to change it."
"Then why are you doing this?"
"I just want to feel better. And right now, you're making me feel bad."
Dora sighed:
"Don't. You're doing great. Going back now would only make it worse."

walker was on the road. It had been weeks and he was still not ready to return home. There was so much to do anyway. Roberts had recently expanded his business, so his trips got more frequent. It was good to have him, even if it was for the best not to ask too many questions. Many trucking companies were holding trials for self-driving vehicles, but with the kind of stuff he was carrying, having a real person around to make sure was paramount.
He drove on, ignoring the attempts of the CB-crowd to lure him into their newest game. Kira had asked him for help and he intended to do so. After all, he was a gentleman. She needed money to get her own business up and running, so he'd provide. Getting her out of the Hawkwind was certainly not a bad thing.
When he talked to her, he sometimes realized just how old he was. She talked of cameras and lighting equipment and licenses for software. He had no idea. He knew how to fix pretty much anything, but this computer stuff was making him uneasy. He knew how to operate the GPS, but sometimes, he longed for the time when he'd navigate using a map. Heck, sometimes he even imagined himself as a bold explorer, a viking, finding his way using only the stars.
He phantasized of returning home after a long voyage, bringing loot home to his wife. The imaginary wife was a mixture of Betty and Kira. She would cook for him the way Betty did, but she'd care for him like Kira.
Sometimes he wondered why he shouldn't be allowed two wives. Wouldn't that be great?

Betty grew accustomed to having Eric Jr. around. Their workouts got more intense. Betty had started preparing meals for him too, handing him big cooled boxes of pre-cooked chicken breast, rice and vegetables for his diet. The young man was progressing quickly. Within a few weeks, he had started to put on some mass, his shoulders getting wider and his arms growing stronger. He was beginning to look quite fit, as if some block had been removed. At the same time, Betty was also improving. She had lost enough weight to have a faint six-pack and her butt and thighs were getting really hard now. That her breasts had all but disappeared annoyed her, but she did like the pecs she sported now. She knew that there was still a long way to go, but she loved what she was seeing.
The pair would pose after training, pushing playfully against each other in front of the mirror. The tiny shack was steamy, they were both sweaty, hurting from the hard training and pumped by their amazing progress.
"Wow, Betty, you're really starting to look fit now."
"I know, look at my abs!" She flexed them, turning so that the shade brought them out nicely. "But you're also getting big. I'm a bit jealous: You've been progressing so fast."
"That's just your training. I never would have had the discipline to stick to it. Also, the food helps."
Suddenly, his hand was on her side. He smiled at her, his expression full of admiration.

In the first moment, she wanted to push his hand away, but then, she hesitated. He was young, he was tall and they were very close. Walker had all but disappeared, not even calling her anymore, and she was sooo horny. What else could she do? It wasn't her fault her man was so strange ...
She turned around to face him. He wanted to take off his hand, but she took it and held it firmly against her waist. Her training had returned a bit of her youth and even more. She caressed his arm, then his cheek. She could tell that he was just as horny as she was. It wasn't hard to see, since his cock was beginning to tent his gym pants.
He blushed.
She smiled, pulled him to her face and kissed him. His eyes went wide, he gasped. Oh, what a little darling. This was probably his first kiss from a woman that wasn't his mother. She kissed his lips and he replied awkwardly.
Before they both knew it, they sank to the floor, lying on the training mat they used for stretching exercises. She led him down and down, freeing his cock from his pants. It wasn't as big as Walker's, but it was very hard. He gasped and wanted to do things very quickly. She noticed he had no idea what he was doing. So, instead of making this frustrating for both, she caressed him gently and turned him on his back, climbing on top of him. He stared at her, completely confused.
However, his expression changed as she sank herself on his hard dick.

Without warning, she started riding him hard. She had only ever had sex with Walker, the one time she hid behind the school gym with Nathan Philips excluded. And yet, she was the experienced one. The poor young man was hopelessly caught between her thighs and she grunted and growled as she rubbed herself against his cock, playing with her clit at the same time.
For Eric Jr., the situation was completely insane and also quite awesome. This was literally a porn movie come true: This woman was a kind of fit super-cougar, she had seduced him and now, she was fucking him at full force. From where he was, he could see her abs tighten and release and her tiny boobs jump and twirl. He slipped his hands over her butt and gave it a squeeze. She looked down on him and smiled. He pushed harder, making her gasp.
She increased her speed, breathing quickly as he desperately tried not to cum. He failed miserably as she cried out, dropping down on him and sighing deeply.
Betty looked at the innocent face and felt a little remorse. But then, she was also enjoying herself innocently. It was just good to be with someone once in a while. She extricated himself from him and laid on his side, playing with his thin chest hair.
"I liked that."
He grinned, still completely confused by what just happened. He was speechless. His first time had been incredible. Betty continued:
"We have to do this again ..."
"Right now."

As he drove back to Marburg, Walker was quite pleased with himself. The deliveries had worked flawlessly and the little side jobs to earn money for Kira went well too. Things were looking up. He'd only have to spend a little time with Betty and then he'd be off again. Kira had given him a phone with which she could send him messages. He hardly knew how the thing worked, but he left it on silent mode and only occasionally checked what she sent him. That was strange about young people today: Back when he was her age, he'd send letters or postcards to Betty on his trips. Sometimes, they even turned up before he came back.
Now, it was just pictures and movies. No more imagination. On the other hand, Kira did leave little to imagination. It was incredible. She'd just send him a film of her squeezing her tits or masturbating. Just thinking of this turned him on incredibly. He regretted that he was old now ... The young ones today might have trouble with their relationships, but they were certainly having fun.
It was so strange: Things he'd never have tried with his wife were normal for Kira. She'd blow him just like that, it wasn't even a big thing. They'd walk in her tiny apartment and she'd kick the door to close it and even while it shut, she'd pull out his cock and suck him. And this wasn't even foreplay. She just liked it that way.
Yes, those young girls really knew how to please a man!
He was taken from his reverie when he noticed a car speeding up to overtake him. The driver made it clear that he was to stop.

It was Shaw, one of Roberts' lieutenants. He greeted Walker with a firm grip and led him a little off the road:
"Hey, Walker. Nice to have you back."
"Shaw. To what do I owe the favor of such a nice reception?"
Roberts usually stayed in the background. Sending a guy like Shaw meant that there was trouble. Walker stealed himself. Getting on Roberts' bad side was a death sentence. The big guy led him out of sight from the street. There were a few other goons waiting there. Walker knew them all. Some were cousins of Roberts, others were local guys without much to do. His business was keeping them all afloat, so they had to make sure everybody was loyal.
Walker nodded to them. The men acknowledged him, some smiling. Was this a good sign?
Shaw breathed out sharply:
"Walker, Roberts sent me to talk to you. He doesn't want to risk your friendship. He doesn't want to fuck up your business relationship. He also told me to tell you that he was sad things have become mixed up, but he likes you and your family and wouldn't want you to have problems."
Walker nodded. The big bald man continued:
"However, he also told me that you've been slacking on your routes. You're taking too long. Got any problems with the GPS?"
Walker hesitated. All these guys knew everybody in the family. They were barely able not to blab out Roberts' business to outsiders. He shrugged:
"I'm sorry. I ... I've been having wife trouble."
"I see. The boss told me as much. Nice to see that you're honest. Since you've been open about this, we're going to go easy on you. But no more slacking, got it?"
Walker nodded and steeled himself against what was to come.

Betty was racing through the house. Everything was nice and clean, the food was steaming on the stove, the kids were done with their homework. She had been super busy. Her bad conscience about Eric Jr. really spurred her on. She had been fucking him non-stop over the last week. The poor guy was amazed. She smiled inwardly as she thought of his poor first girlfriend: Betty certainly had put up his expectations. The young man was getting quite good at this. Their training was paying off. She was having tremendous fun and even sometimes added a second training session when he was gone. It felt so good to get fit. Of course, after pushing herself so hard, she was sore all over, sometimes barely even able to move. She'd relax and just lie around while she recovered. Also, she'd usually feel pretty broken in the morning, but that was nothing a warm bath wouldn't fix.
However, all this came at a price: She was missing the time on her chores. At first, she had only switched up the time she used to spend slacking on the couch for exercise, but now, all this cooking, eating and training was reducing the available time to clean, wash and cook. She wasn't willing to cut any corners yet, so she was really busy.
She slipped into her new dress: It was red. Red! She had never dared to buy one of these. She hadn't even dared try it on at the shop. And now, she smoothed it over her tight body. She had had to alter it a little, giving her a little more space in the back and tightening the waist. Just doing this had turned her on again. She looked at herself in the mirror: Wow. She looked amazing. Her hair was bouncy, her figure was trim and she oozed confidence. A push-up bra gave her reduced boobs a little more oomph!. She wondered what Walker would say.

She checked her make-up one last time. Make-up! At home! That was also something new. The bruise had long since disappeared, but now she wanted to look her best. She heard Walker come up to the door and opened it.
He looked at her and his expression was ... strange.
She shrieked.
"What happened to you?"
She embraced him and led him inside.
"Who did that to you?"
Walker stayed silent. His face was quite swollen, he walked slowly and a little clumsily. The men had roughed him up a little. Shaw had punched him in the stomach and when he doubled over, the others had kicked at him for a while. When they were done, they had helped him up, dusted him off and put his hat back on his head. Shaw had sighed and said:
"No bad feelings."
Walker hadn't said a thing.
And now, at home, there wasn't much he could do either. Betty led him to the table and took off his shoes, his jacket and hat. Then, she checked his bruises and got some ice from the freezer. She was quiet, efficient and careful. The kids came too and helped her.
When she was done cleaning him up, she helped him to his bed, gave him some painkillers and let him rest.
He still hadn't said a thing. For Betty, this was a strange situation: She still liked him. Maybe there was even love. But then again, he shouldn't be having secrets. And then, there were her own ones ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 11, 2017, 07:36:05 am
When the night fell, Betty climbed into bed with him. She had eschewed the lingerie she had bought and settled for her regular nightgown. Walker was awake now and examined her through one and a half eyes. She said:
"We're spending way too much time getting beaten up, aren't we?"
He produced a rasping laugh. At last, he spoke:
"I never expected you to do comedy now."
"It was just an observation. What happened?"
"It's a long story, but you don't have to worry. Everything is going to be fine."
"So you won't tell me?"
"No. I don't want you to get involved. It isn't pretty."
She scowled, but he continued:
"Unlike you. You look amazing."
It was true. Even now that she had gotten rid of the make-up for the night (that had been such a waste of time and effort), she looked good. He tried to roll on his side to face her, but that stung. She said:
"Don't worry. I'll show you."
She stood up on the bed swiftly and walked over, her feet sinking in the mattress as she held her arms up.
"I got even more whoa for you."
It felt awkward for her to give him such a show, but it was her way of making clear that she was taking control. She went with it.

She stood above him and pulled her nightgown over her head. For a moment, she was tempted to just rip it apart and display her strength, but she liked her outfit and also found it stupid to show off like that. However, the effect was just as amazing.
Walker stared at his wife. She looked incredible. She was in an amazing shape. Betty had built up her thighs and calves, making them tight and shapely. He could see the lines of her muscles, but there were also gaps between her legs now. His gaze rose and he saw that she now had something of a six-pack. This was confusing ... How could this happen? Wasn't that a male thing?
Betty slid her fingers over her abs, proving him wrong. Her midsection was really tight now. The blocks of muscle were still faint, but with the light coming from the side, they were easily visible. She cupped her breasts. Those were rather deflated and small now, but the overall look was healthy and young, so Walker found it hard to resist.
She flexed her biceps and grinned.
"Like what you see?"
He hesitated. She turned around and showed off her butt. Now that was something else. Previously, her ass had become rather droopy, looking flat and uninteresting. After months of hard training, it was quite tight and hard. It also was rather perky.
She gave it a mocking slap. Walker stared. It wasn't as big and taut as Kira's, but for a woman her age ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 12, 2017, 07:03:10 am
She noticed his reaction. He was clearly thinking about something. She knew him long enough to see when he was awkwardly trying not to say something. She was also painfully aware that he wouldn't spill the beans. On the other hand, she was glad that he liked what he saw. She smiled and knelt down above him. He was groaning, but he was also hot.
She asked:
"Do you feel like it?"
He winced:
"I'm really sorry, darling, but my jewels are ... busy right now. I would prefer not to ..."
Walker produced a wailing sound. Clearly getting an erection was painful right now.
Betty didn't know what to do. She really wanted to know what had happened. Was he cheating on her? If that was the case, maybe he had a run in with the husband ...
"Are you sure you don't want to tell me?"
He shook his head:
"I'm sorry. It's best if you don't know." Walker groaned. "I'd like to sleep now. Maybe tomorrow?"
Betty was disappointed. All her hard work was for nothing. Walker soon fell asleep, but she was still horny. She shrugged and got her helper. She had tried her best, if he wouldn't, she'd help herself. As she worked herself up, she ran her hands over her breasts. She tugged at her nipples and thought about them. She didn't like her current look. Maybe she'd have to change that too ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 13, 2017, 06:36:37 am
Walker didn't say anything the next day. Or the day after. Or at all. His lips were sealed. Betty decided to keep to herself. If he had his secrets, she'd have her own. He stayed in bed over the next few days, recovering. She saw no reason to interrupt her training. As long as Walker was here, she couldn't train with Eric Jr., so she decided to boost her routine. After all, her training partner was probably slacking, as all men tended to. She upped the ante for herself. When Walker was gone again, she'd surprise Eric Jr. with her improved training.
As a result, she spent a lot of time in the shed. She did clean and cook, she also tended to Walker's wounds, but her training sessions were getting quite extreme.
She loaded two hundred pounds on the racked barbell and got under it. Squats. With her butt being her best body part right now, she had to build on that. Having a rock-hard ass was the best. Just feeling her fingers bend when she pushed against it made her hot. Of course, she'd have to bring up the rest of her body to that level, but that was hard.
She went down for the first set. Control was everything. No shaking, no rush. She concentrated. Slow and steady. Her knees held tight and she went back up. She sighed, then went down. Betty felt her muscles swell and harden. It was amazing to feel all this strength. She continued, finally racking the barbell again.
She was sweating now, her legs were hurting. But then, this was a sacrifice she was willing to make. She would be strong and powerful. And all those men around her would never dare looking badly at her.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 14, 2017, 07:01:33 am
She continued. The second set was really hard. She struggled to do it correctly, without screwing up her stance. She fought bravely, the sweat flowing into her eyes. It burnt. She soldiered on, stretching her legs and moving the weight back up. And again.
When she racked the barbell, she felt that her legs would give out under her. She loved it when the pain subsided. It was a struggle, but one she loved. Of course, there was one thing that bugged her: She trained hard as hell. She fought and struggled and she did make some gains. But watching Eric Jr. just easily go through the motions and building a nice body in half the time made her angry. She was well-aware that women had it harder, that she was more than twice, even thrice his age, but still.
Why couldn't she have it easy?
There was a thing, of course. She didn't like to think of it. People were talking about it a lot on the internet. Steroids. Betty had soon learned that this was the way to keep up. There was a level she could reach naturally, but if she wanted more ...
She was angry with herself. The temptation was there and she wouldn't give in. How could she justify this in front of her children? Doing drugs!
But then again, wasn't she a hypocrite anyway? She was screwing a young man in a shed. And not just once. Several times a day, sometimes. How could she even hope to stay on a high horse?
She sighed. One more set.
And maybe she'd ask Dora for advice.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 15, 2017, 06:08:16 am
The third set was the worst. She felt as if her body would break apart. She gritted her teeth and fought. Her ass was burning now, as were her thighs. The sacrifices she had to make for power. For control of her life. It was pretty obvious. People all around her were caught in lives they couldn't master. Even the small improvements turned into trouble within a few weeks. Nancy received quite a lot of money from Mike's life insurance. Being rid of him was good, getting paid was even better. But of course, the moment people heard of her new wealth, one of Mike's cousins showed up and made it clear that he wanted to marry her. And Nancy, who wasn't the strongest and most independent person in the first place, was getting caught in the same circle again.
With Walker, it was the same. She had no idea what had happened, but he was clearly caught in something that was completely beyond his control. The fact that he didn't even want to talk about it meant that he was ashamed. It was probably something illegal.
Her mind returned to her exercise. She was confused. Had she continued whithout thinking about it? She scolded herself. She was losing control too. That was bad.
She racked the bar and sighed. She was hurting all over and had somehow screwed up her last set. Betty stumbled and landed on the floor. Her legs gave out under her. That had been stupid. She really could have hurt herself.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 16, 2017, 07:10:16 am
"Okay, I don't know how I can put this ..."
Dora looked at Betty, expecting her friend to confess to murder. Or worse.
"Just say it. I'm the last person to be shocked."
"Here it is: I want to try steroids. I want to make fast gains. Now."
Dora smiled. Ah. Now Betty had finally caught the muscle bug hard. Well, she didn't mind.
"That's fine by me. You know the risks?"
The older woman waved her hand:
"Sure. No problem. I read it all. I just hate how Eric Jr. has it so easy while I have to fight hard."
"Hey, you don't have to justify yourself. If you want it, I know where I can get it. Just be careful and don't overdo it."
"No, of course not. It's just to keep up with Eric Jr. I'll try one set and then, it'll be okay, don't you think?"
Dora looked at her friend. Nope. Never. It would never be enough. Not for this woman. Dora could spot a musclehead easily and Betty got it down to a point.
"Just one thing: That stuff is pretty illegal. If you get caught, you shut up. Got it?"
Betty blushed and nodded.
"I won't say a thing."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 17, 2017, 07:59:29 am
The next day, Betty looked at a box of vials. Dora had explained that injecting the stuff was more efficient and had also provided several syringes, one for every day. Betty had expected to start with pills, but Dora was all "go big or go home". She hesitated. She was anti-drugs, of course, and this was just about the opposite of anything she stood for, but the temptation was great. All these women she had seen on the internet used stuff like this, only more and worse. Many different products, each one transforming them further. She was just going to do a little thing, just to get a boost. Nothing too extreme. Everything would be fine.
She'd do one cycle, catch up with Eric Jr., feel good about it and then be done with it. Maybe she'd even do a competition to celebrate. And then, she'd go back to just regular training. She'd keep any gains she'd have and ...
Alright, who was she kidding? She knew full well that no one could put the toothpaste back into the tube. She'd do this and then, she'd do it again. And again, probably. But should she feel bad about it? Why? Just because society said that this was bad? Well, society also said that lives like Nancy's were good, and it was obvious that that was wrong.
Screw this!
She'd do it and she'd damn well enjoy it!
She took the first vial, rubbed her butt with alcohol and plunged the needle into the vial. She pulled up the liquid, squeezed the plunger until there was no air left, gritted her teeth and sank the needle into her ass.
That stung!
Slowly, she depressed the plunger. As the liquid entered her ass, it burnt pretty badly. She had to concentrate not to scream. She pulled the needle back out, stuck a band-aid on the wound and secured the syringe.
Let's see what this stuff would do!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 18, 2017, 07:37:01 am
Betty winced as she sat down on the bench. Abs! That was one of her favorite bodyparts. She loved to see hard, rippling blocks of muscle on all those musclewomen on the internet. Of course, she enjoyed looking at big, veiny biceps too and she had to admit that having a v-taper like some of the women there would turn her on, but having a tight and ripped midsection was the ultimate challenge.
She laid down and took a metal disk, laying it on her chest. It was cold and heavy. She grinned. The injection site was still hurting and her butt felt weird, but she decided to go ahead.
She slid up so her upper body was hanging freely and started her exercise. It was quite hard. She lifted her body, concentrating on only using her abs. The guys on the internet had stressed that she should really target only the parts she wanted to train, so she did.
The first set went along well. Five, six, seven ... She counted the reps between her teeth. All the while, she tried to find out whether the drug actually made things easier. She couldn't tell. Maybe she just got a motivational push, maybe it was really the chemical, but she finished the set easily. She breathed out, paused for a moment and hit the next round.
That was harder, but she got along. Eight, nine, ten ... She was really sweaty now. She felt her abs tighten and release, building their strength. She was definitely getting horny now. Betty had to focus on correctly performing the exercise. It was getting harder and harder to stay right.
The third set was hell. It was hard to do because she was getting exhausted, but it was also bad because she now desperately wanted to finger herself. Just sorting out all these thoughts was making it hard for her to exercise correctly. Eleven, twelve, thirteen ...
She'd be done in a moment.
Just a little more ...
The instant she was done, she grunted and came.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 19, 2017, 08:06:06 am
Walker stepped away from the window. He was shocked. He never, never expected his wife to act like this. The old man was shaken to the core. As Betty continued writhing on the floor, working her cunt with a vibrator, he snuck back to the house. He climbed back into his bed and stared at the ceiling. How had this happened? When did he lose control? Everything had been alright, but now, his entire life was being broken up.
First the run in with Roberts, now his wife turning into some kind of muscle-obsessed power junkie ... What was the world coming to? Maybe this was the punishment for his infidelity?
He hesitated. Wasn't he in the right to do this? If his woman had been more devoted ...
Walker groaned. He had to stop looking for responsibility in other people: It was his house, so it was his fault. He had to restore discipline and make it clear that he was the boss. If only he didn't feel as weak and bruised ...
A moment later, he heard Betty shower below. She sure spent a lot of time in that shed. Just how long did those workouts take? An hour? Longer? Clearly, things were getting out of hand. He had to act fast.
That's when Betty came in. She was glowing. Her body was hot and red, the water having heated her up some more. He stared at this apparition. She was amazing. The diet and the training were really paying off. Her waist was trim, the bumps of her abs easily visible. Her shoulders were also quite ... big. And her arms. She did have visible biceps. Betty stood there, her muscular legs spread. She smiled.
"How is your ... part?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 20, 2017, 07:57:10 am
Somehow, Walker was happy to leave again. It had taken him two weeks to fully recover and even then, there were still some painful bruises. He just wanted to get away. Being at home was somehow way more stressful than he remembered. Betty was extremely busy all the time. She trained, took care of the kids, cooked, cleaned and fixed stuff around the house. He was forced to stay out of this, and it bugged him to no end. He felt useless. What was even worse was that Betty just occasionally appeared, pushed him down and fucked him. Worse even, she didn't much care whether he came. It was more a kind of self-service.
She would push him on the sofa, undo his fly, push her panties aside, sit on him and ride him until she came. When she didn't, she'd excuse herself to the bathroom and probably rub herself. At night, when they were supposed to sleep, he'd frequently hear her moan, her vibrator buzzing.
This was getting really bad now. She seemed to have lost all respect for him.
On the road, he hoped to cool down. Evade all the stressful stuff. Not talk to Kira and just do his job. Maybe things would slide back into place. He had made a mistake, he probably could fix everything. He just needed a clear head. Then everything would be back to normal.

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normal??? ...WHO wants normal? ... great story  :bravo:
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 21, 2017, 06:53:47 am
The moment Walker's truck was out of sight, Betty was on the phone to call Eric Jr. She longed to show off. The cycle had ended yesterday and she was feeling amazing. She had made incredible progress. Betty had pushed her max on all exercises way beyond regular levels and she was feeling like a goddess of power. Three weeks of intense work had paid off. She hid her body from "normal" people now, just because she didn't want any comments, but sometimes, she longed for the attention. She had it all now: Her abs had finally emerged from that pesky layer of fat she had fought hard to defeat, her biceps were now noticeably big, at least for a woman and her pecs had really grown, lifting her tiny tits and giving her a kind of muscle cleavage.
She loved what she saw. When Walker was out, she'd run to the bedroom, strip and pose. Just looking at her fit body made her feel so sexy. She was getting hard and ripped and she was amazed by her sexiness. As far as she was concerned, there had been no side-effects other than her being really horny all the time. Maybe her skin had gotten a little worse, but that might be the constant stress from having Walker around being useless ...
And since Walker didn't really want this, she had had to wait for Eric Jr. Just thinking of the young man made her even hornier.
She decided to get pumped up while he was on the road. She looked around, trying to decide on what body part to pump up, then decided on her pecs. Something to make a good first impression. Betty slipped into her new mail-ordered very tiny sports outfit, which included some hot-pantsy shorts and a minimal workout top that left her abs in plain sight. Just putting this thing on made her both horny and ashame.
She took two dumbbells and began pumping up.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on November 22, 2017, 02:26:44 am
( (
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 22, 2017, 06:43:26 am
Eric Jr. reached the shack. He was nervous and excited. There was also a certain awkwardness to his demeanor: Not only had he really reduced his training schedule the moment Betty had told him to stay away, but he was also more aware than ever that she was a married woman. Up until now, it was just the excitement of their training success that had let them lose control, but now, this was real adultery. He knocked.
"Come in."
Betty's voice seemed strained. He opened the door and stepped inside. The moment he saw her, everything ground to a halt. He was sincerely shocked. How had this happened? It had been three weeks, there was no way she could have progressed so much in so little time.
She lowered the weights and said:
"I missed you."
She stood up and walked over seductively, swaying her muscular butt. Eric Jr. stared at her body, then at her face. She was radiating lust. The big, lanky young man hesitated. She was now very close to him. He could smell the sweat and the horniness. She closed the door behind him, took him by the hand and said:
"You skipped on your training."
"I ... I'm sorry."
"Don't be. I didn't."
She undid his fly and sank her hand in his pants. He felt her hand on his balls, then on his cock. It hardened instantly.
"Have you been saving yourself for me? I didn't. But having a young man like you is wonderful."
She literally led him by his cock, slowly directing him on the mat.

Moments later, he was above her. She spread her legs, pushed aside her shorts and guiding his cock inside her. Eric Jr. was on autopilot now. This was every porn movie's plot mashed into one. He was losing his mind as he started ramming his dick into her.
"Oh yes! Finally!"
"Betty, I ... I ... Fuck!"
"Yes! Fuck me! Come on! Harder!"
She felt him inside her and tightened the muscles of her pussy, holding him and letting him fuck her deeply. He grunted and pounded at her snatch, increasing the pace. She egged him on:
"Faster! Give it to me ... Yes! Yes! Deeper!"
Her hands grasped at his back and she sank her fingers into his muscles. She literally pulled herself up on him, wrapping her strong legs around his waist as he got even deeper.
She felt her body tighten as she began drifting off. Every stroke was heaven. How was this possible? Fucking had never felt like this before. Was it the steroids?
If yes, she needed more!
"Fuck me hard!"
"Yes - yes - yes!"
Eric Jr. felt as if her legs were squeezing the air out of his lungs. He gasped, breathed as deeply as he could and hammered away. She kissed him, caressed him, scratched him, bit him.
He was completely oblivious to his surroundings, his mind fading into a daze.
"Ah - ah - I'm ... cumming ..."
She almost screamed as he hit her deep. He felt his cock was exploding.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 24, 2017, 06:49:04 am
Suddenly, she stopped. Everything ground to a standstill. He stared at her, his eyes wild. What was going on?
The older woman grinned wickedly.
"Almost there, huh?"
She squeezed his cock. He nodded in confusion. He was so horny. The old woman pushed him back.
"I'll show you a few tricks I've learned."
She finally pulled down his pants completely, then circled his cockhead with her tongue.
"Yes. It was hard to wait for you. I watched way too much porn and I'm sure you'll like that."
The sex-crazed older woman closed her lips around his cockhead and slipped up his shaft. He couldn't believe what was happening. Was this some kind of crazy prank? Why should it be? Was he dreaming?
Betty licked the length of his cock, surprised by how hard it was now. She had never even considered doing something like that for Walker. She was pretty certain he wouldn't appreciate it. Eric Jr. on the other hand ...
She massaged his balls, making him shiver with delight.
"Almost ready ..."
"Please ..."
She rubbed his cock while she licked it. Eric Jr.'s eyes rolled away as he shot his load. She barely managed to get out of the way as he blasted his load all over her chest. For a moment, she wondered how she'd get the stains out of her top, but then again, the ecstasy was back and ...
Eric Jr. stared at her blankly. Then, he helped her out of her shorts.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 25, 2017, 05:47:53 am
Betty wasn't sure of what to expect, but when it happened, she liked it. A lot. Eric Jr. went down between her legs and licked her cunt vigorously. She gasped as his tongue slid around her clit. It was more sensitive than before, but his soft, flexible tongue caressed it relentlessly and it turned into a hard little nub.
"Oh God ... This is so ... good ... Don't stop!"
He produced a muffled noise as she wrapped her strong legs around his head. Eric Jr.'s face was getting soaked now. This old woman was incredibly horny. Without warning, she started grinding her crotch against his face, laying her hands on the back of his head.
He struggled, but she held him and had him lick her harder:
"More! Now! Please!"
She was gushing. Eric Jr. gasped for air, his tongue feeling numb as she squeezed him harder and harder. She came, then she came again. And again.
She couldn't even stop. He continued licking and swallowing for his dear life. She was howling and squealing now, trying to stop herself but not really wanting to.
He felt her juices run into his nose, choking him. However, this somehow was making him hard again.
"Lick me more! Lick me! Lick ..."
She collapsed and released his soaked and squeezed head.
He rested between her legs, gasping for breath.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 26, 2017, 07:28:56 am
Eventually, the pair recovered enough to talk. He said:
"Wow. That was amazing."
"Yes. Wow. Where did you learn that?"
"I ... The last three weeks were nice. The muscles made me all confident and girls seem to like that."
That stung a little. Of course, it was Eric Jr.'s right to have a relationship, even relationships. This was just supposed to be fun ... But still.
"Well, we'll have to train those muscles. No point in getting lazy."
"Can't we just ... cuddle?"
He rolled on top of her, laying his head on her shoulder. That was weird. Wasn't it supposed to be the other way round?
Eric Jr. played with her nipples and said:
"You're getting really ripped now, Betty. Have you thought about competing? I'm sure you could blow away the competition."
She didn't know what to say. The thought had crossed her mind. Not that she felt ready for this, but ... The idea made her hot. It'd be hard. All the people on the net reported that preparing for a competition was hard as hell, but then again, why not?
"Would you help me train?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 28, 2017, 06:57:45 am
Walker was on the road again. And again. And again. His days were now filled with endless rides on highways, just like before. But things had changed. First, there were the many calls by Kira that he had decided to ignore. He couldn't bear talking to her. He just had to keep out of this. Second, he felt as if his life at home was spiralling out of control, with his wife turning into some kind of muscle freak. It felt as if their tacit agreement to live for each other despite being constantly separated had been broken. And third, he had seen what Roberts and his people were about for the first time.
Back when the trucking business had deflated, he had grasped at straws. He couldn't tell Betty that there simply wasn't enough business to go around. So, when Roberts had approached him, he had accepted. Of course, he knew that Roberts was a criminal. He had every reason to assume that whatever was being transported in his truck was worth the money he was paid, but he had never asked.
Roberts had been happy with his professionality, Walker had managed to keep up the standard of living. Everybody was happy. But now, he felt as if their trust was getting frayed. Walker wasn't too sure this was going to go well ...

At home, time flew by. Eric Jr. had discovered a bodybuilding competition at a nearby city, close enough to be easily reached, far enough that the other people from Marburg wouldn't know. They had ten weeks to prepare and Betty was all into it. Erin was getting restless since more and more of the chores ended up on her shoulders. Whenever she tried to talk to her mother about it, Betty changed the subject. Walker Jr. was getting more and more confused by all this and just tried to keep out of it.
Betty had also decided to do one more cycle for the competition, to bulk up. Then, as the competition closed in, she'd cut and look amazing. She fantasized herself all strong and muscular in a sparkly bikini ...
What a weird idea.
Just imagining herself on stage felt odd. She had been on stage the last time at high school and then, she'd played the flute. Strutting around in heels with nothing on was outrageous.
About the heels. Buying those had been hard enough. She went to the shop and tried out a few before Christine, the owner, showed up. Her husband worked on an oil rig offshore, and she managed to fill her days at the shop.
"Betty! Long time no see!"
"Hi, Christine. I'm so sorry, I've been really busy."
"We've all been wondering."
Betty sighed. christine was the top woman of the local clique. All the gossip went through her and it was pretty impossible to keep a secret from her. Still, buying shoes online was a no-go for her. Right now, she wondered whether it wouldn't have been a good idea anyway.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 29, 2017, 06:20:59 am
"So, tell me ... What have you been up to?"
Betty hesitated. During preparation, she had started to dress down. She didn't want to have to answer any stupid questions.
"I ... I've been doing some things I thought might ... And I've been helping out a friend of mine with her chores."
Christine was a bit skeptical. There was way too much missing here.
"I was just asking because we haven't seen each other since Mike's funeral."
"I know. Poor guy."
Betty managed to make it sound sincere.
"It seems that Nancy is stuck with another one of these guys. She's got a kind of pattern there."
Betty was glad that she could change the subject.
"You know how it is ... I just hope he treats her better."
"I wouldn't bet on it. There are rumors ... He just seems to be better at hiding it."
She tried to twist the conversation in a more fruitful direction:
"About those shoes ..."
Christine was a bit surprised. Those were higher and sparklier than anything Betty had ever bought before.
"Are you sure about those? You know I love to see all the women in Marburg wear incredible footwear, but they could be a bit ... advanced for you."
"I'd just like to try them."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 30, 2017, 06:39:12 am
As Betty rode home, she glanced over to the shoe box. Even the box itself was sparkly. Walking in those things had been a pain. Christine had had to help her put them on, then help her stand, then stop her from falling over. The idea of hurting her ankle like this made her shiver. There was a lot of hard work in this box. Even more hard work.
She was taken out of her reverie by the blow of a horn next to her. A pickup truck braked next to her, having tried to cut in. The driver, one of the many cousins of Mike cursed at her and made gross gestures. That's when something strange happened to her. Normally, she would have reversed and let the asshole have his way. There was no point in fighting with people as dumb as those. However, now, something different happened. She felt a kind of fierce anger boil up in her. She couldn't tell where it came from, but she gripped her wheel and struggled not to answer in kind.
The two cars were in a deadlock for a moment, neither advancing nor retreating, but then, Betty managed to calm down enough to let the guy pass. He drove off in a squall of insults.
Betty drove her car to the side, got out and had to take a few steps outside until she had relaxed so she could drive.
It was a bizarre feeling, completely foreign. She wasn't sure she liked that.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 01, 2017, 06:49:40 am
Walker had just finished unloading some of Roberts' boxes and was about to drive off, when there was an announcement on the radio:
"Hey guys, this is Rod speaking! I have a special guest with me tonight. She'd like to say something to her anonymous guy who apparently fell off the face of the earth. So ... You're on, lady!"
It was Kira:
"Hi! I'm not going to tell them your name and I'm not going to say mine either, but I sure hope you can hear me: Please, I don't know what I did wrong, but I ... Please. Please just call or send me a message or anything, but I miss you. At least tell me that you're okay. I don't want to encroach on your life, I just need to know you're safe. Thank you!"
"So there you have it. A damsel in distress looking for her prince. You heard it here first: Be nice and give her a call. As far as I can tell, she isn't pregnant."
Walker stared at the speaker and couldn't do a thing.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 02, 2017, 07:40:54 am
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Do you have some stats of Betty?

She is currently at a fitness competitor level, maybe a little above that.
These are approximations, I'm really bad at this:
Height 5'4"
Weight 120 pounds
Chest 38"
Waist 23"
Hips 39"
Arms 10"
Thighs 16"
Calves 12"
Cupsize AA
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 03, 2017, 07:07:30 am
Betty was fixing afternoon snacks for the kids for when they came home. She had just finished wolfing down a bunch of chicken breasts and was feeling a little full, but this was the kind of sacrifice she had to take. Her morning training routine had been sharp and to the point, her movements had been precise. She had really enjoyed it. Eric Jr. had had to work and Dora was busy, so she had really focused on her lifts. It hurt, but in a good way. As she finished cutting up the fruit, she flexed her arm casually. Now that she was bulking, her arms were huge! She loved the look.
She also liked the ripped style, but all this mass gave her a kind of confidence. On the other hand, her abs had disappeared again. But her boobs had returned, a little at least. She felt the horniness well up in her. That wasn't the time! The kids could come home any moment ... That second cycle might not have been the best idea. On the one hand, she was growing bigger by the moment, on the other hand, she felt she was losing control.
Betty's hand mysteriously wandered between her legs, pushing aside the panties and beginning to rub her cunt. She gasped. Before she knew it, she laid on the table, sinking her fruity fingers down her snatch while stroking her hard clit. That's when the door opened.
With a flash, she sat back up. She was deep crimson, rearranged her clothes and greeted her kids with embrace and kisses.
She immediately noticed a problem. Walker Jr. had been crying. That was something his dad hated, so he'd been trying to hide it.

"What happened?"
Erin shrugged:
"He wouldn't tell."
He shook his head.
Betty lifted him up and sat him on her lap. The effect was bizarre. After all, he was pretty big and heavy for his age, past ten years. Not some toddler or little kid you'd casually lift up. He was confused:
"Mom! How'd you do that?"
"Don't worry about this. Relax and tell me what happened!"
She directed Erin to get some of the fruit. The teenager nodded and plopped herself on the sofa. Then she caressed and soothed Walker Jr. until he finally relaxed. He let it all out and told her everything.
It was a lot to process: Apparently, some guys from school had been taunting and bullying him for a while, and now, they stole his phone. He didn't dare tell anyone because it had been a present by his dad and had tried to get it back, but they had pushed him down and spat on him.
It took him a while to relax, but for Betty, things seemed to grow more and more frustrating. All this shit going on in this town was horrifying.
She felt her muscles tense. She hated all those bullies. This entire town seemed to be overrun by them. She set Walker Jr. back on his seat, handed him the fruit bowl and said:
"I'll be back in a moment."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 04, 2017, 07:21:32 am
Outside, she quickly went into a jog. She tried to clear her head a little, but the anger was still there and it was simmering quietly. She knew pretty much where to look. Things didn't change around here. The bullies would be where bullies from around here had always had their meeting point. Back when she was a teenager, she had hung out there with them. Or rather their fathers and uncles. The place was boring, but you would be left alone. Back during the war, someone had built a factory here to produce seats for planes. The factory had burned down after the war, but the ruins were still there. For generations, the various youths had hung out there, lying on the warm concrete blocks in the summer and exchanging hidden kisses or more amidst the ruins.
She reached the place and waited, observing. It took her a while to spot the guys. They were laughing, their voices shifting between shrill and deep. The older ones stayed in the back and were probably trying to talk to their girlfriends. One of the boys showed off the phone. There were admiring noises. They were clearly happy about the "catch".
Betty came closer. She knew them well enough. Bunch of stupid troublemakers. Well, she'd make them return the phone.

"Okay, boys, come out and give back Walker Jr.'s phone."
There was a sudden bustle of activity. They were trying to decide whether to run away or rise to the confrontation. After a moment of deliberation, they settled for the second option. Betty found herself face to face with a gaggle of young men, most of them taller and heavier than her. There were quite a few bristly beards, a lot of acne and some bad breath.
The biggest one said:
"Oh really? The wimp ratted us out to his mom? What a little shit!"
"Give me the phone. Now."
The young man laughed:
"Or else what? You're going to call the cops on us?"
"No. Give me the phone."
"Lady, I'm going to ..."
He was cut short by Betty's fist. She had asked thrice and she was fed up with this shit. She hit him in the stomach, he collapsed, she hit his face with her knee, then slammed her hands together on his back. It took a second, maybe less. She bent down, took the phone and said:
"Leave him alone."
The young man was lying on his face, producing a kind of pained whine. He tried to get up, but the sudden fury of her attack had really taken off his edge.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 06, 2017, 08:18:13 am
Only now did the others understand what just happened. One of them asked:
"What do we do, Chester?"
"She broke my nose. She broke my fucking nose!"
They turned to Betty. It was difficult for them to reconcile the situation. Betty was tiny next to most of them, she had her frock and apron on and was basically a housewife out of her depth.
The young men advanced on her, unsure of how to act. They couldn't attack first, could they? Chester managed to get back up. Blood was pouring from his nose and his face was rapidly swelling. He groaned. The other young men stared at him, then back at Betty, but she was already gone, running along the way.
They shouted, ran to their cars and pursued her.
Betty ran. She was calm. She had a tiny headstart which would be pointless the moment they'd have their cars ready, but she could build on that. As she ran, she noticed that the creek close to the factory had gone drier over the years. The ground was muddy, but looked solid. She was pretty certain she could run across the place. They would get stuck.
She turned from the road, jumped down from the bank and started over the soft ground. Her feet were flying over the marshy tufts of grass.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 07, 2017, 06:13:27 am
The car roared behind her, the uncertain terrain slowing it down. She turned a little sideways, the splurts of mud telling her they were following her, and then, when she noticed her feet were sinking in, she jumped. She felt the muscles of her legs ache, but she was propelled in the air, landing on a large tuft of grass. Behind her, there was a mechanical crash as the car's front sank into the mud up to the grill. She didn't stop to turn around, only taking the young men's curses as proof that this had worked. There was still the other car. She continued along the hidden stream, the second vehicle approaching. They were really angry now. Betty ran on and found the place she looked for. It hadn't changed in decades.
Actually, it did, transforming with every new spring, but the general shape was always the same: This part was usually under water, accumulating all kinds of debris and large pieces of wood. In the summer, it would dry out and get covered in long fields of grass that deviously hid the massive pieces of wood and stone the river had brought.
She stopped. Her heart was pounding to her chin. She could feel her muscles burn. The driver had already spotted her, she wasn't hidden or anything anyway, and turned his car into his direction. It was now going faster and faster. Betty kept her calm.
As the young men roared at her, she picked the last possible moment and jumped to the side.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 08, 2017, 08:35:21 am
She landed in the mud with a splash. Even as she realized she was still alive, she understood that the crunch she had heard was the car engine impaling itself on one of the tree trunks. She got up, didn't even wipe the mud from her apron and ran.
After a few steps she wondered whether she should check back on them and see if anybody was hurt, but then again, she'd call from home. No sense in getting involved.
Betty opened the door, walked over wordlessly to Walker Jr. and handed him the phone. He stared at it, took it and said:
"Thank you, Mom. How did you do that?"
She said nothing, still really exhausted. Walker Jr. didn't know what to make of the splatters of mud all over her. Betty went to take a shower and to get dressed again.
Under the hot water, she felt the stress fade away. That had felt amazing ... The moment she knew what she was doing and how she'd solve the situation, she had almost been flying. Her strength and toughness had allowed her to defeat these thugs and recover the phone. Was she a hero? She couldn't tell. She was quite sure that the cops would never have managed to get it back. On the other hand, what if she had been hurt? She cursed herself for her recklessness.
What if her pursuers were badly hurt? She had to call the cops and tell them. She'd make up something ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 09, 2017, 07:03:16 am
Surprisingly, the incident had little effect. No one in town mentioned what happened and it didn't make the local news. A small part of Betty wanted to call them and tell the story, but in the end, she preferred not receiving any undue attention.
For Walker Jr., things were better, though. The bullies went to great lengths to avoid him and he could continue his studies without any further problems. For Betty, this was a strange revelation: People respected strength and were willing to go to great lengths to justify submitting to it. She grinned.
Well, if a little strength helped a little, then a lot of strength would help a lot!
She began making plans for the time after the competition. She'd bulk hard and build up her power. The idea made her horny. About that: The constant horniness was making it hard for her sometimes. Not that she didn't like that, it was just that it seemed inapporpriate ...
She sighed. There was something strange going on lately. Betty felt watched in public. Not that she was being stalked or anything, just that people seemed to give her more attention than usual. She didn't know what to make of it and did her best to dress down.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 10, 2017, 08:02:32 am
The rock music was blasting from the speaker and Betty was strutting to the middle of the living room. She was still a little wobbly, but her gait was getting more confident every day. Her feet still hurt, but she was smiling them away. Eric Jr. sat on the couch and watched her intently.
She stood, legs apart, and did a double biceps pose as an entrance. The sparkly bikini she had sown was really tiny. It was a very bright blue and Betty would never have worn a thing like that. She had padded it in the chest a little to hide the fact that the last weeks of dieting had made her breasts disappear again completely.
She turned to her side to show off her arms. Flexing them to bring them out fully was hard and needed a lot of concentration. Eric Jr. said:
"More smiles!"
She forced herself. This was the hardest part for her. Training, dieting, getting her entire body painted, all this was nothing. The smiling killed her.
She locked her arms behind her head and brought out her abs. The lowest row was still a bit wobbly, but she was pretty sure she'd be able to lose that last bit of fat and water in the next two weeks.
She turned around and showed off her back, spreading it. Her lats had responded well to the last cycle and she now had easily visible masses of muscle there. They weren't thick or anything, but they gave her a more powerful silhouette and she liked that. Eric Jr. was still surprised by the progress she made.

"And ... We're done! Smile and wave!"
Betty did as told and walked to the side of the couch. She breathed out and said:
"Whoa. Was it good?"
"You're amazing. I think you'll blow away the competition."
"Seriously? You're not just saying this to keep my spirits up?"
"No, I recorded it all, you can just check it out yourself."
"I'm sure I'll find plenty of things to nitpick."
"You're your own worst critic."
She nodded. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was a strange vision. She had her hair in a kind of big curly Hollywood look, her make-up was way overdone and her skin was the color of roast turkey. Combined with a tiny bikini and those heels, she looked ... odd. Also her muscles now really stood out.
"I'm still not sure this is me, Eric."
"Well, it's what they want in these competitions. So if you want to win, you have to look the part."
"I guess so. I just miss the strength."
She had to admit that Eric Jr. had grown pretty huge over the last weeks. He had taken his time during her bulking and just continued while she had started to cut. The stick-insect type had disappeared and Eric Jr. had instead turned into a big, burly man with a tight waist and big arms. At the same time, he kept his strange submissive attitude towards her, always eager to please and help.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 12, 2017, 07:44:51 am
She clicked over to him in her heels and bent down to give him a kiss. He smiled and said:
"Be careful. You'll get the paint on the couch."
Walker would never have said a word like that.
"Okay, then I'm going to get cleaned up. Want to join me in the shower?"
They had switched their lovemaking from the shack to the main house after a while. It was just a little too cramped in there. He grinned and followed behind her, occasionally stabilizing her as she tried to keep her balance. In the shower, he scrubbed the brown paint from her skin and said:
"I love this. Your body is getting so tight ..."
She felt his strong hands on her muscular back. The warm water ran along the emerging striations. She smiled.
"You're getting really strong too ..."
"I know. I never would have made it without your help."
She liked that. Eric Jr. was just polite, courteous and nice. What a great young man!
"Betty, before that competition, I'm going to give you a good shave ..."
She was preplexed. What was that about?
"You got a bit of hair there. Nothing much. But it'll look better on stage without it."
Betty didn't know what to make of this.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 13, 2017, 09:33:14 am
A little later, they were in bed. Eric Jr. was behind her, sinking his hard cock inside her. She was on all fours and she never, never would have imagined having sex this way. And yet, she enjoyed it tremendously. This was the best! She could work her clit with one hand, feel his heavy and strong body on her back and get her tight, muscular butt pounded.
"Ah, ah, Eric, that's great, come on, harder, please!"
He obliged, grabbing her strong butt-cheeks and squeezing them as his dick went in and out of her snatch. He stared at her back, her developing lats, her long hair ... He was fucking an absolute dream woman. She might be older, but she was insatiable. Who could ask for more.
She rubbed her clit, then slipped her hand backwards and grabbed his balls. He almost came. She said:
"You like that, do you? You like it when I squeeze your balls!"
"I do, Betty, this is the best ..."
"Come on, get your big cock in me ..."
"Whoa ... Easy, I'm going to cum ..."
Betty felt her mind slip, when she suddenly torn back to reality by a machine stopping outside.
She instantly froze, breaking the trance and stopping Eric Jr. dead in his tracks.
He asked:
"What's going on?"
"That's Walker's truck!"
"Shit. What do we do?"
"No problem. You just wait here in the bedroom. I go outside and distract him. You wait for a moment, then you go out through the window. Got it?"
Eric Jr. was gathering up his things, his cock hanging comically at half-mast.
"Okay. Just don't let him catch me."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 14, 2017, 11:37:39 am
She smiled, grabbed her frock, slipped into her shoes and walked into the living room, perfectly composed. If it weren't for the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear and that her hair was way too Hollywood for the situation, everything looked perfectly normal. As it was, it was more of a fantasy.
Walker stared at her as she came in. She smiled, her recently whitened teeth blinking:
"Sorry, I was just in the back, relaxing a little ..."
Walker didn't know what to think. She had probably been in the back, masturbating. Or training. Or both. He wasn't sure he liked the situation. But then again, he needed to be home. Losing Kira was one thing, completely disappearing on the road was another.
"I ... I had a load to transport close by, so I decided to come. I haven't been here forever."
His eyes wandered to her muscular legs. She grinned when she noticed this. She said:
"You haven't. I missed you. So, why don't you get on the couch and I'll get you a nice cold beer."
She embraced him and gave him a long kiss. Walker was a little confused by her hard arms, but he liked the closeness. He was tired, lonesome and horny and this sounded just perfect. She opened the fridge. The cold made her nipples hard. Now she was even hornier. Getting interrupted while fucking Eric Jr. was one thing, but having her man back was even better. She gave him the bottle and said:
"I dropped the opener."
"Don't worry, I'll manage ..."
Before he could finish the sentence, she bent down to pick it up, the frock riding up her body and exposing a blink of her naked crotch.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 15, 2017, 08:54:23 am
Now Walker was hard. She sat on his thigh. She had definitely lost weight. She was looking fresher now, tighter. Betty took the opener and plopped open the bottle.
"There you are."
Her nipples poked against the fabric. She stretched back a little, forcing her chest out. Walker was having a hard time getting the bottle to his mouth. His mind was a bit stuck now, constantly hitting the same conclusion.
Who are you and what did you do to my wife?
She leaned against him, his arm automatically wrapping itself around her waist. He was surprised to find such a tiny and tough midsection.
"Oh my God, Betty, just how much have you been working out?"
"Me?" She looked all innocent. "A little. Do you like it?"
He nodded slowly. While he took another sip of his beer, she undid his fly.
"You know how hard it is for me to be alone every day? I've been working hard to look good and there's no one around to appreciate it ..."
Walker's mind was trying to tell him something when he heard this, but his cock just drowned him out. Yes. His wife was alone, sexy and horny and now he was finally home.
This was perfect. The fact that she was getting fitter and fitter was probably something to get used to.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 16, 2017, 07:52:27 am
And then, she went down on him. Walker felt her silky tongue run up and down his shaft, circle his cockhead and tease his balls. Her hands gave them a good squeeze, she licked him softly, then engulfed his cock completely. Walker stared at her bobbing head. This was incredible. When did that happen?
His previous blowjob experience was limited to his time with Kira, but Betty was just about as good. Maybe a little more aggressive, but he liked that. She slid her lips all the way down his shaft, managing to contain her gag reflex. Walker's cock was bigger and thicker than Eric Jr.'s, but she coped.
The whole situation turned her on. The thrill of almost getting caught, her horniness which was off the charts anyway, all this made her wet. She began rubbing her own snatch as she swirled her tongue over his dick. Walker gasped for air as she blew him hard.
Then, he couldn't stop himself anymore and shot his load. Surprisingly, Betty swallowed it all. No putting hands in front, no dripping on the floor. She just ran with it.
When he was done pumping semen from his cock, she got up and said:
"I'll just wipe my face. Be right back."
He stayed on the couch, completely exhausted and confused. Then, he took another sip of his beer.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 17, 2017, 07:31:28 am
Betty checked that Eric Jr. had managed to escape. He wasn't around. Good. That had worked. She quickly looked for any clues that might make her husband suspicious, then went to wash her face.
When she returned, she said:
"Okay, Walker, now that you're home, want me to fix you some food? I've got a steak that's just waiting for you!"
He nodded slowly.
"That would be awesome."
"Thought as much. Okay, then just relax, I'll give it a sizzle and then you'll get a nice lunch!"
He stared as she easily lifted a big steak from the fridge. Just how much meat was in there? She said:
"I'm going to join you with my own lunch."
She took out some chicken breasts and a bunch of frozen vegetables and in a few moments, everything was ready.
They ate in silence at first, then she asked:
"So, how come you're here? You've been on the road forever."
"It's just a short stop. I'll leave in a couple of hours. There's just so much to do."
She smiled. He was really giving his all. Walker watched her as she practically inhaled her chicken.
"Whoa, you have to chew that more. You're losing the flavor and everything."
"Trust me, it's no longer interesting to eat. The best part is that it tastes like nothing."
"Yes. Walker, you wouldn't believe how much I eat now."
Thinking of the fridge, he nodded:
"And that's really necessary?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: darksecret23 on December 17, 2017, 11:02:26 am
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Further down the line, Betty will hold a cam show and will answer questions from her fans. So, if you want to be in a Roy Ellison story and you have a question for our main character, ask away and she will answer. Please include a screen name if it's different from your handle here.

I'm looking forward to it!

Your body is so amazing Betty! My question is, have you taken or maybe even injected a little “help” to reach this point? If so, do you embrace or try to hide the, kind of, masculine side effects that may occur?

Trying to ask from a webcam fan point of view ;) to keep in line with the very realistic nature of the story.
As I’ve said in a previous post, I hope Betty reaches a point where she has an insatiable desire for muscle mass, even to the point where she’s practically a muscled monster and still doesn’t feel big enough. I hope this kind of obsession/desire leads her to need a continuous cycle of extremely large doses of steroids (preferably test-prop or another kind of testosterone). But that’s just me and obviously it’s not my story! :3 I look forward to every chapter though, thanks so much El_Roy!

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on December 18, 2017, 01:30:21 am
So I thought of a question:

scawnyluvsbrawny: Hey Betty! Love those pecs! Aren’t you afraid of what the neighbors will think if you keep getting bigger? Also, there is a shadow above your lip...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 18, 2017, 07:44:17 am
I now have two questions for Betty. Keep 'em coming!

"Depends on what you want. I want to be fit and strong, and that needs a lot of protein."
"I guess ..."
"No, seriously, I squat 240 pounds now."
"Wow. That's more than what I weigh."
"Yes. And I'm making great progress. Wanna try?"
"Try what?"
"Getting on my back."
"And ..."
"And I squat."
"Are you chicken?"
"No, but you could get hurt!"
"I won't, trust me. Just finish your steak and I'll show you."
Moments later, she said:
"Okay, let's do this. Get on my back!"
Walker blushed. What kind of stupidity was that? She wiggled her butt under her frock and said:
"Do it!"
He complied, finding himself piggy-backing on her back.

She smiled and said:
"Okay, let's try this. You're pretty heavy."
"It's just a better workout."
She started. Choosing a wide stance, she crouched down deep, Walker's feet dangling pointlessly.
"One ..."
"Whoa! Be careful you don't hurt yourself!"
"Two ..."
"Betty ... This is ... weird."
"Three ..."
She went up and down again and again. His hairy, strong arms were wrapped around her shoulders and waist and she wasn't terribly comfortable, but on the other hand, she was enjoying this. The power felt so good!
"Eight ..."
Things were slower now. She wasn't properly warmed up and Walker was a bit less easy to handle than a barbell. Then again, the idea of being able to lift and lower her husband so easily boosted her confidence.
"Nine ..."
"Hey, Betty, stop! This is too much."
"Stop squirming. You're making this more difficult."
This last sentence came out way less playful then expected. Walker shut up.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: sevenpeight on December 19, 2017, 12:10:38 pm
Hi Betty, I don't know if we're allowed to ask more than one question, but here goes:

1. What's the most random / unexpected feat of muscle control you've ever tried?
2. I've heard that ... um workout supplements ... increase the size of your lady bits... have you noticed anything like that?

K++ Roy!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: anon1234 on December 19, 2017, 02:28:46 pm
fbbfanguy: Are you planning on keeping those Hairy Pits? I wonder how long have you been growing them for, damn they look thick and hot.
fbbfanguy: Can you please ummm... do the arms behind your head pose and show us those sexy armpit hair... Please.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 20, 2017, 09:37:31 am
"And ... fifteen!"
She lowered him back down and stood up straight. He looked at his tiny wife. Betty was covered in sweat, her face was glowing, and she was clearly proud of what she had achieved.
"So, want me to do another set?"
"Nah. I'm good. Just how strong are you?"
"Pretty strong, I guess."
Walker felt intimidated. This was way out of the ordinary. She noticed his uneasiness and tried to decide whether she should try to calm him down or just keep him that way. She sensed that this was a new point in their relationship. She was also ridiculously hot in that stupid frock.
"I need to cool down a little. This was tough."
"Okay ..."
And then, she did something she'd never have expected of herself: She took the frock's neck with both hands and gave it a hard pull. The buttons flew everywhere and the fabric tore. She felt like the incredible Hulk. Walker stared at his wife as the frock dropped down. She was naked now and the sight was ... shocking.
Betty's body had transformed thoroughly. Her soft, droopy breasts had almost completely disappeared, replaced by a set of tight, muscular pectorals. He could see some groves in the flesh. Under this, she had a sculpted and mostly visible sixpack, with her navel standing out in the middle. The same had happened to her thighs. They had been big and flabby, now they were ripped. He could see some veins standing out among the flesh.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 21, 2017, 09:50:12 am
Betty grinned. She loved that reaction.
"Cool, huh?"
"What the hell ..."
She hadn't yet revealed her ripped body to anyone other than Eric Jr. Betty had had no idea of how people would react. Now that she was tight and muscular, her soft, flabby self seemed far away.
"Betty, what did you do to yourself?"
She kept up her attitude:
"I trained, I got fit, I got strong. What did you think?"
"It's just ... This doesn't look feminine. You look like a teenage boy."
"Oh, do I? Man, Walker, I've seen many teenage boys, and they don't look like me."
She turned around and flexed her butt. The muscular cheeks swelled. She could sense that Walker liked what he saw.
"But where's the softness?"
She came very close now and put her strong arms around his neck, pulling him down to her level.
"For now, it's gone. It made me feel old. Now, I feel strong and tough. I'm confident, I'm enjoying my life. And I think that you enjoyed a part of it too ..."
Her hand had already gone for his balls and she was making him hard again. His resistance wavered.

Later on, while she was showering, the kids returned from school. They were happy to have their father around and sat down next to him on the sofa.
"So, how was your day at school?"
Erin was her usual reticent self and said:
"It was okay. We had a test, but I did well."
"That's great. Anything else I should know about?"
"Nah. It's okay. Boys are stupid."
Walker nodded. That part was very important.
"That's right. Keep it that way."
Walker Jr. interrupted:
"Since Mom got me my phone back, the bullies have been leaving me alone."
Erin rolled her eyes and Walker asked:
"What happened?"
"The big kids stole my phone, but then Mom went to talk to them and they gave it back."
"They did? Wow. Why didn't you do that yourself?"
"They would have beaten me. Even more."
"You let them beat you?"
"Hey, they were way bigger than me. And more!"
Walker was getting angry. His son wasn't going to be bullied! That's when Erin said:
"Stop it. You're not helping."
He frowned at her. She continued:
"Mom went and beat them up."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 23, 2017, 03:30:10 pm
"She did. She broke one of the guys' noses and wrecked their cars."
Walker's jaw dropped.
"She what?"
"Yeah, Dad, your wife's become a kind of hero in these parts. We don't know how she did it, but she singlehandedly broke up those bullies and for good too."
Walker was confused. When had this happened? Having his wife go into sports and fitness was one thing, but her actually beating up people ... This wasn't right. She couldn't do this. Defending the family was his job!
He asked:
"Tell me exactly how that happened!"
"Actually, I don't know. It wasn't in the papers or anything. It's a kind of rumor that's been going around. They say Mom beat up one of the guys and then they chased her with their cars and she got them stuck in the mud by the creek."
"It's just a rumor."
Walker Jr. added:
"Mom's great! She's like a hero!"
Walker sat there speechless. He was losing control of his life here.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 24, 2017, 09:14:30 am
In the end, he stayed for the night. It would mean problems the next day, but he couldn't bear leaving again immediately. Strangely, the evening turned out to be quite nice. It was a little like old times. After finishing her chores and training for the day, Betty cracked open the self-made cookie box and they did play a boardgame together. It was almost kitschy. Erin wasn't one hundred percent sure she wanted to participate in this, after all, she was a teenager and as such uninterested in this, but then again, the cookies were good.
When Walker and Betty climbed into bed and switched off the light, he said:
"So this is how it's going to be? You're going to be big and strong?"
She smiled in the darkness and rolled on him, her tight body lying on his chest.
"I already am. And yes, I love it, so I'm going to keep it for now."
He was silent.
She asked:
"Don't you like it?"
"I'm not sure. It's ... inappropriate."
"Do you think it is? It just feels good. I love being in control of my life."
He tried to decide whether he should ask about the drugs. After all, this was a kind of criminal thing. Steroids! Imagine his wife shooting herself up to get stronger. He really didn't know what to say. Eventually, he groaned:
"Since you won't lay off it, I'll have to accept it."
"That's almost good enough."
They went to sleep.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 25, 2017, 09:22:45 am
Once Walker was gone, Betty focused entirely on the contest. Now, training was number one, she was struggling to get her diet on point and she spent hours practicing her routine. The day before, she went to the beautician, had her manicure and pedicure done and got her hair fixed. The hairdresser wasn't too much into her dry look and wanted to say something, but Betty shushed her.
"I need to focus. Please, just do the hair."
She also depilated her entire body and filled her bags with stuff she'd need.
Then, finally, the big day came. She had Nancy take care of the kids since she'd only come back the next day. Once everything was ready, Eric Jr. came to pick her up. She was already parched, since she was only drinking tiny sips to keep her hydration low. The young man took her bags and carried them to the car. She followed him, locked her door and was surprised to see a chubby young woman in the car. She asked:
"Who is that?"
"That's Jennifer, my girlfriend. She wanted to come along and maybe help with the preparation."
"Seriously? Does she know about us?"
"Of course. We're in an open relationship."
Betty wasn't entirely sure this relationship was open for Jennifer too. Her expression suggested that she was mostly happy to be with a hunk such as Eric Jr.
She climbed into the car and said:
"Hi, Jennifer."
"Hello. I hope you win this!"
"Me too."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 26, 2017, 09:13:39 am
They arrived at the motel, checked in and stashed their stuff before leaving for the center. There weren't many people around yet, only some competitors, usually looking both excited and a bit exhausted by hunger and thirst. Eric Jr. and Jennifer accompanied Betty backstage and stared. There were about a dozen women and they were shocking. Betty hadn't expected this kind of competition. She immediately sized them up. Some she could dismiss right away. Their muscles were too small, badly defined or looked asymmetric. But then, there were some women that looked amazing.
There were three of them that downright intimidated her. They were massively buff, with bigger muscles than her and they also had big round tits. Watching them get ready was mesmerizing. She whispered:
"Will you look at them: I have no chance against those women!"
Eric Jr. was just as hypnotized. He nodded slowly:
"Look at those muscles."
"And the breasts."
Jennifer blushed when she noticed the two muscleheads were losing it.
One of the big women noticed Betty and walked over to her. She was a little taller, maybe an inch, but since her shoulders were broader, she seemed way bigger. Betty had a hard time not staring at the round, fake tits.
"Hi, I'm Bella. Is this your first competition?"
Betty nodded slowly:
"Yes ..."
The big woman smiled:
"You'll do fine. Just stay focused."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 27, 2017, 10:55:18 am
As the time of the competition approached, Betty went through her preparations. She stripped out of her tracksuit, got her body painted by Eric Jr. and a rather confused Jennifer, slipped into her posing suit, pumped up, had her make-up touched up and her hair checked, pumped up some more and ...
Then, it was time. A stage hand told them to get ready and to prepare for the stage. Betty was thirsty as hell, her muscles were aching, her feet were hurting and she was nervous.
And then, she stepped on stage, into the light, and all that fell off her. She did her poses, she smiled, and she was on autopilot. She really loved the whole thing. With every flex, she felt strong again, powerful and beautiful. Somehow, there were cheers in the audience for her. She didn't know why, she couldn't see what was happening there. Once the mandatory poses were done, she did her routine. There were more cheers. Who was doing this? Was she really this good?
She ended up backstage. Bella looked at her with a certain amusement:
"That was nice. You got quite the fan club down there."
"I do?"
"Yes. They were cheering for you all the time. That's pretty surprising."
"I have no idea."
"Suit yourself."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 28, 2017, 10:04:43 am
Then came the posedown. Betty was back on stage and the judges called out various poses. She was vaguely aware that she was being compared to someone, but she was too thirsty and too stunned to care. She turned, she twisted and she flexed, but she had no idea what was going on.
Eventually, she was sent backstage. She stared at Eric Jr. and asked:
"What is going on? How am I doing?"
"I have no idea, but I think you're doing fine."
"Okay ..."
She was called back out for another comparison. By that time, she was exhausted. Being forced out again, she was getting so tired. She forced another smile and was back on stage. She did her poses again, then she was back.
"Is it over now?"
Eric Jr. shrugged.
And then, it was over.
The contestants were called back out, posed once more and then, the winners were announced. Betty, completely confused now, was handed a trophy for third place as the cheers went up. She took a bow, waved, smiled and then, she was backstage again. She stared at the trophy and wondered what had happened.
Bella walked up to her and grinned:
"Congratulations! Placing on your first contest is a very nice success."
The huge woman was holding the first place trophy.
"I hope you compete again, I'm really looking forward to what you can do. Also, here's my card. Give me a call if you need any advice."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 29, 2017, 07:29:00 am
As they left the backstage area, Betty couldn't help taking a peek at the male bodybuilders. These guys were huge! She felt a sting of jealousy. She was currently at best a lightweight female, but these men were monsters. She grinned awkwardly as their huge muscles tensed and untensed. Then, suddenly, one of them spotted her. She went deep crimson. The hunk walked over to her and said:
"Say, you're the little old lady with the cheerleader squad, aren't you?"
She didn't exactly know whether she should be flattered by the description.
"Er. Yes?"
"That was cool! You really spiced up the contest. Your girls cheered for us too, and that really kicks you into next gear! Awesome! Also, nice body. You got a great butt!"
All of a sudden, there were more musclemen and they all stood around Betty and gave her advice. Her head was swirling when she finally got out. Apparently, she had to push her shoulders a little and maybe her calves, plus there were some issues with her forearms, but that was difficult or something. She was a little overwhelmed.
Also, she was very hungry.
She got out of the backstage area and ended up in the entrance when she suddenly saw all the women from Marburg. Well, not all of them, but quite a lot.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 30, 2017, 12:37:16 pm
They cheered her and surrounded her. She was quite happy that Eric Jr. and Jennifer had gone first and that there wouldn't be any questions.
"We found out what you were up to and decided you'd need a boost!"
"We're your cheerleaders!"
"I have no idea what you did up there, but you were great!"
"Just how much work is it to look like that?"
"Did you see the size of those women's boobs?"
"Did you see the size of those men's muscles?"
"What the heck?"
"Oh God, Betty, you were amazing!"
"Did you hear us? I hope we were loud enough!"
"I brought that 'number one' finger, but it got bent."
"Does Walker know about this?"
"I loved your shoes!"
"She bought them at my shop!"
"God, just how strong are you?"
"Do you think they were all on drugs?"
"Have you seen the butts of those men? I wish Patrick had an ass like that!"
"Whoa girl!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on December 31, 2017, 09:02:16 am
It took Betty a while to extricate herself from the women's onslaught. All those questions! She wasn't even sure they were being sincere. Were they making fun of her? She found it hard to tell. Right now, she was hungry, thirsty and horny. And tired. So tired. She thanked them profusely, but managed to finally tell them that she needed to eat and relax now. Then, finally, she was out. She heard a final cheer for her as she found Eric Jr. and Jennifer in the car.
He asked:
"So, what do we do now?"
"We eat. I need junk food. Really!"
"No problem. I know just the place."
Minutes later, they arrived at a fast food joint. The moment they came in, the smell of burning meat made Betty salivate. They got to their places and soon, she was handed a gigantic burger. She dug in, almost growling with lust. Jennifer stared at the older woman devour the meat and hesitated. This was making her deeply uncomfortable.
As Betty was eating, a plump man in his thirties came up to their table. He waited until she noticed him and then said:
"Hi. My name is Chuck."
Between bites, she answered:
"Hi, Chuck. I'm eating. What do you want?"
"I saw the competition and I was very impressed by your routine and your conditioning. You have a very well-built body."
"Ah. Thank you, I guess."
Eric Jr. was frowning at the man. He continued:
"I was wondering ... If I may be so bold ... Er ... Do you offer sessions?"
"Ah. I see. Well, think about it. I would be very interested. Here is my contact information. Just gimme a call."
He handed her a card that said "Chuck" and included a phone number, an e-mail address and little else. Then, he left.
"What was that?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 01, 2018, 10:01:16 am
After dinner, Betty felt better. She was now both tired and horny. She paid the bill and said:
"Let's go to the motel. I've had enough."
They got up. Jennifer was still looking mopey. Eric Jr., on the other hand, seemed way more interested. At the motel, they got to their room. It had a queen-sized bed and a smaller one on the side. Betty grinned. Then she said:
"Okay, I'm going to get ready for bed. You should too. It was a long day."
And then, she undressed right in front of them and slipped into a lingerie set. She hooked her stay-ups to her girdle and grinned. Eric Jr. stared, Jennifer seemed deeply uncomfortable. His cock hardened visibly. Jennifer gripped his hand tighter. She whispered:
"I'm not sure I want this. Why don't we have a separate room?"
Betty turned to her and said:
"That relationship isn't all that open, is it?"
Jennifer scowled and replied:
"I ... It's just because I love him."
"Oh." She turned to Eric Jr. "I'm not into drama tonight. I just won third place, I worked for this for weeks and I'm so horny, I can't seem to stop myself."
Eric Jr. was struggling to understand what was going on. Then the satin-clad older woman went to Jennifer and whispered in her ear:
"I'm no lesbian or anything, but right now, I'd love to give your tits a good squeeze."
Jennifer blushed to her ears.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 02, 2018, 08:15:27 am
Betty wouldn't be stopped. She pulled Jennifer's shirt up, exposing her massive sports bra. The young woman offered no resistance, but didn't seen comfortable either.
"Wow. I love them. Mine were never as big and soft as yours."
Jennifer wasn't sure she liked that compliment. It was flattering, but ...
Betty undid the clasps of her bra and pulled it off. Jennifer could see that Betty's nipples were getting hard. This old woman was really weird. She squeezed and massaged the other woman's breasts and said:
"Those are so sexy. No wonder Eric is into you. You're nice, you're cute and you've got a great figure ..."
Betty's hands went to Jennifer's ass. The horny older woman was now very close and Jennifer could feel her hard and muscular body against her soft flesh. It was so strange it was actually turning her on. Getting this kind of attention was surprising and also a little flattering.
And then, Betty kissed her. On the mouth. Eric Jr.'s head almost exploded as Betty shoved her tongue between Jennifer's lips. The young woman gasped as her muscular seducer led her to the big bed and pushed her down. Before she could recover, Betty had already slipped off her pants and underwear and started fingering her.
"What ... Oh ..."
The musclewoman was on top of her and squeezed and bit her big soft tits, making her moan. Suddenly, Jennifer relaxed and grabbed the older woman's rock-hard buttcheeks.
Eric jr. stared and started rubbing his hard cock when Betty turned to him, still working Jennifer's pussy. She lifted his girlfriend's big ass with both hands, pushing her up the bed and started licking her. At the same time, she pushed her panties aside and made it clear she wanted his cock up her cunt.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 03, 2018, 05:58:58 am
Eric Jr. immediately obliged. While his girlfriend squirmed under the licks and slurps of Betty's tongue, he hammered away at her hard, tight butt.
"Yes ... Yes ... Harder! Harder!"
"Fuck ... Betty ... Fuck!"
Jennifer wrapped her legs around Betty's head and squeezed as the old woman's tongue darted out again and again, making her cunt lips drip and shiver.
"This is crazy ... What ... How are you doing ..."
The young one came with a gasp and yowl. Betty felt the legs around her head tighten, so she hit the girl's clit again with her tongue. Then, Eric Jr. hit her own sweet spot and she almost choked. Jennifer flooded her with her juices and twisted as she came again. The young man shot his load and collapsed on her. He lay on her muscular back and stared at his girlfriend's legs still wrapped around Betty's head. Then, he rolled off sideways.
Jennifer released her tormentress and Betty pushed herself back up. The young woman asked:
"What was that? How did you do that?"
Betty grinned, her face soaked in Jennifer's juices. With a little push of her muscles, she rolled her on her front and pulled her up, getting her on all fours. The young woman felt Betty's hard chest on her soft back. Then, the strong woman grabbed her dangling tits and said:
"Those are so big and soft ... I love them."
She turned to Eric Jr. who was still trying to recover.
"I'm going to have to find a way to deal with mine being all tiny now ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 04, 2018, 07:15:19 am
When they eventually fell asleep, they were all exhausted. Betty had continued pushing their lovemaking and she had brought Jennifer over the edge again and again, the poor girl completely losing her mind as the older woman brought her vibrator into play. For Jennifer, this night was completely crazy. She was still trying to understand how or why this old woman was so much into her. It couldn't just be her boobs, could it? Was she trying to turn on her boyfriend? The pervert was hard all the time.
Without warning, Betty had begun blowing him, getting him to shoot his load all over her hard chest. Jennifer had agreed to an open relationship, but for her, this was a bit much. Then, the old woman had even sat on top of him and ridden him until they both came. On the one hand, it was sexy to watch, but on the other hand, she was horribly jealous.
Just then, Betty had pushed Eric Jr. back to her and declared that she wanted to watch.
While her boyfriend had hammered his cock into her snatch, Betty had laid back and masturbated. Jennifer had no idea how to deal with this.
In the morning, Jennifer woke up and tried to find out where she was. Eric Jr. was still fast asleep, but Betty was missing. She got out of the room, looking for her. She found her outside, doing pull-ups on a bar. Just how crazy was this woman?
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 05, 2018, 07:33:48 am
The drive home was weird. Noone wanted to talk of the events of the previous evening. There was a lot of blushing involved. Even for Betty, who was at the origin of the whole chaos, talking of it was awkward. So, she confined herself to smiling and occasionally grinning. Looking at the trophy was also nice. She was a little proud of having placed, on the other hand, third place wasn't much. She definitely was going to have to train harder if she wanted to win.
There was also the matter of her boobs. The top-placed women had all had these huge chests. She'd have to do her research on this. The idea of getting implants was weird, but maybe this was a sacrifice she had to make. Also, thinking of Jennifer's big tits was nice. Walker would like them too, she guessed.
Eric Jr. dropped her off at home and she went to work on her chores. A call at Nancy's place told her that the kids had been good and that everything was fine. Betty wasn't one hundred percent sure about this, but she thanked her friend and got busy.
In the afternoon, she was basically done. The last thing to do was to balance the books. She had tried to avoid this for a while. Betty was aware of just how much money she had spent over the last months and she dreaded finding out the truth.
An hour later, she stared at the result and was on the verge of crying. They were basically screwed. Her adventure had drained their finances and pushed them into the red. She had to find a way to get money. Quick.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 06, 2018, 10:16:48 am
"Okay, we need to talk."
After Eric Jr. and her had finished their pumping session, Betty had let him fuck her, before moving to serious things.
"Whatever. Is there a problem? Are you angry about Jennifer?"
"No, she was nice. Are you still together?"
"A little, I guess. I think you kinda overwhelmed her."
"Could be. No, the problem is completely different. I'm out of money."
"Oh. That's bad. Doesn't your husband bring you any?"
"He sends money, but it's not enough. The food, the supplements, the equipment, all this is really expensive. I just don't have enough cash."
"You could get a job ..."
Betty laughed:
"Never. The moment I get one, Walker's going to get me fired. He wants a housewife, so there's no chance in hell I'm going to get a regular job. Besides, I have no marketable skills. I couldn't make this much money."
"Mhm." Eric Jr. was thinking. "You could get a sponsorship."
"That's an idea. Do you know anybody who would give me money?"
"Maybe the supplement companies? You'd have to be a little more popular, though."
"We could try the internet. Get funding there."
Eric Jr. hesitated:
"You could also ask Chuck. He seemed interested."
"Do I even want to know what a 'session' is? I'm no prostitute, Eric."
"Apparently, he wants to be wrestled and beaten up."
"Seriously? Well, I'll consider that."
Eric was surprised by her reaction.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 07, 2018, 02:15:44 pm
Over the next weeks, Eric Jr. and Betty tried to make her more popular. They set up pages on the social media platforms, filmed movies of her training and shot a lot of pictures of her posing. It was all very nice and innocent and Betty did her best to transport the idea that being a woman of a certain age and being fit went together well. Soon, local newspapers and TV stations contacted her to interview her on her success at the competition.
All that was nice, but there wasn't a lot of money in this. Indeed, what little she made immediately fueled her muscle-building without leaving any scraps for anything else.
Betty was frustrated.
"This is pointless! I get an interview, they give me a little money and I immediately bring that to the mall to buy food. I'm never going to get bigger this way!"
She longed to have bigger muscles, to build her body up to the level she had seen at the competition, maybe even larger, like those men, or even beyond that. But that needed more supplements, more equipment and more cycles. Despite Dora selling her the drugs for very little money, it was still too much.
There had to be a way to earn more. She looked at the card Chuck had given her. Maybe ...
She called him. Before he picked up, she hung up. Then again. And once more. Finally, she was confident (and desperate) enough to try and talk to him.
"Hi. Who is this?"
"Chuck? This is Betty from the competition."
"Oh! Cool. Great to hear from you. So ..."
"About that session ..."
"Yes! Are you interested?"
She hesitated again. This was getting very close now.
"I am."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 08, 2018, 04:22:34 pm
A few days later, Eric Jr. was driving Betty to her appointment with Chuck. She had pumped up beforehand and had put on her lingerie set under her tracksuit. It was a little uncomfortable, but that was something she had to deal with. Eric Jr. was to wait around and help her out should anything go wrong.
They arrived at a motel and went to the room Chuck had indicated. She knocked.
"Who is it?"
"It's Betty."
"Awesome! Come in."
The door was opened and Chuck smiled at her. He was only wearing a robe.
"You look amazing."
He held the door open for her. Eric Jr. followed her in. Chuck seemed taken aback.
"What's with him?"
"I want to be safe. He's going to wait by the door. You can trust him to be very discreet."
"You have to understand my situation ..."
"Well, yes. Okay. But you stay out of this."
Eric Jr. nodded:
"Of course. I don't give a shit. I just want her to be safe."
Chuck wasn't entirely convinced.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 09, 2018, 07:30:03 pm
When they were in the room itself, she asked:
"So, what do you want to do?"
"Well ... First of all, I want to see your body. Why don't you get pumped up and then, you strip for me?"
Betty nodded. She took her exercise bands and started her exercises. After a moment, she was getting hot, so she unzipped her training jacket. Chuck's eyes sparkled when he saw the satin underwear flash.
"I know, right. That outfit makes me feel sexy."
She continued pumping up, groaning as she switched to the next toughest bands. She said:
"I'm going to take that suit off now, okay?"
"Go ahead ..."
She could see that he was having quite an erection now. She did her best to slip out of the jacket erotically, turning around and letting it drop from her rounded shoulders. He gasped as she showed off her muscular back.
"Wait till you see my butt ..."
She took the pants and pulled them down slowly, revealing the satin underpants and girdle before showing her tight, rounded and ripped ass.
"Man, you gotta wear thongs! I love your ass!"
She smiled as she stepped out of the pants and turned to him.
"You know why I'm doing this? I need the money because I wanna get even bigger. I'm going to be so fucking huge and strong ..."
Chuck's robe tented hard.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 10, 2018, 07:27:40 am
Now that she was all pumped up, her muscles were large and ready. She looked amazing. Since the competition, she had continued to bulk up and even though there wasn't much progress, she still looked stronger than before. She asked:
"So ... What now, big boy?"
Chuck blushed:
"Let's wrestle."
Betty was surprised.
"Okay ... For real or for show?"
"Err. A little of both?"
"Fine with me."
And she charged him at full speed. Chuck produced a panicked yelp as she dove below him, shoved her shoulder under his crotch and pulled him up into a fireman's carry. She could feel his sweaty body on her, his erection squeezed against her shoulder.
"God, that was fast ... Maybe a little slower?"
"Should I let you back down?"
She grinned and said:
Betty changed her stance and added:
"Watch this."
And she squatted down all the way. She felt his erection grow harder.
"What the fuck? God, you're strong!"
She went back up and said:
"Yes. Want me to show off?"
"Oh please yes."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 11, 2018, 02:23:56 pm
So Betty started pumping out reps. The poor man was completely at her mercy. As he went up and down, she felt that he was getting more and more excited. Eventually, he couldn't stand it anymore and squawked:
"Wow ... Please, please let me down!"
Betty obliged. By now, she was sweaty and pumped up. Her thighs were hugely swollen and her veins were easily visible. Chuck was in heaven. He said:
"Man, you're amazing. I love this. I want to feel your strength."
Betty grinned and replied:
"I think I see what you like."
With these words, she pushed him on the bed and held him down. He resisted, but her martial arts training kicked in and she easily fought him down. He gasped:
"You really know how to fight ..."
"I trained a lot. A woman has to be able to defend herself today."
The suggestion made him even harder. And then, she was upon him, holding him in a nelson. She wrapped her arm around his neck and held him, then went into a double. Chuck tried to escape, but her clutch was like iron. He struggled and tried to get back on his feet to use his height as an advantage when her legs snaked around his.
Abruptly, he dropped down on her. Betty produced a sharp "Oof!", but she had him now, holding him in a rack. His heavy body was now pressing against her hard chest. She stretched, pulling him apart. He growled:
"Oh God, you're a beast!"
His cock was standing out now, pointing towards the ceiling.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 12, 2018, 07:19:27 am
He sighed, groaned and then said:
"Let me go ... Please."
Betty obliged and let him roll on the floor. He gasped for air.
"Damn. That is so amazing."
He was catching his breath, but it was clear he didn't have enough yet. Betty towered above him. Then, she went down, sat on top of his plump form and said:
"You still don't have enough, do you?"
"Never ..."
She wrapped her legs around his soft belly and gave it a good squeeze. Chuck wheezed and gasped. She could feel his cock against her back.
"You like that, don't you? You love it when a strong, powerful woman is in control."
"Yes ... Yes. I love this. This is so sexy."
"Well then, I'm going to give it another squeeze."
"Gaah! Oh God, yes!"
She held him for a moment, then she had a sudden idea and got up. Chuck stared as she sat down next to his head and wrapped her legs around it. He was rock-hard now. The poor man was gasping for air, turning a deep crimson while his cock was throbbing.
Betty was on a roll. She somehow found the situation both repulsive and intoxicating. It was bizarre. She held him as he tried to pull her legs apart, but he had no chance against her hard, well-trained muscles. She increased the pressure a little, carefully ...
Chuck came in thick splurts.
He produced a loud, gargling sound, then she let him go.
When she left, he handed her a bundle of bills in an envelope.
"Oh my God. This was amazing ... Please, call me again ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 13, 2018, 08:55:53 am
The next day, Eric Jr. and Betty sat at her dinner table and looked at the money. The situation was awkward and they both kept their silence. It was a lot of cash for so little time.
Eventually, Betty said:
"That's a lot of money."
"I know. I just don't know what to make of that."
"I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure I could pay for everything by doing this a couple of times a week."
"You could make movies and sell them online."
"Yeah. I could ..."
"I'm pretty sure this could work with the right marketing."
Betty got up.
"I mean, it's a little like prostitution, isn't it?"
"I guess so."
"Walker would leave me the moment he knew."
Eric Jr. sighed.
"We'll have to be very careful."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 14, 2018, 11:22:18 am
That's when the doorbell rang. Betty made a sign to Eric Jr. to hide and went to the door.
She looked outside and saw a young woman with a trenchcoat and big sunglasses. Betty opened the door and asked:
"Can I help you?"
The young woman was really tall and, as far as Betty could tell, had a splendid figure.
"Hi. My name's Kira. I'm looking for Walker. Are you his wife?"
"I am. I'm Betty. Walker isn't here."
"Okay ... So he's on the road?"
"I think so. That's his job."
"But he is fine?"
"Last time I saw him, he was." Betty frowned. "Listen, young lady, what is this about?"
"Nothing. I was just ..."
Betty's gaze was withering. Then she said:
"Are you having an affair with my husband?"
Kira hesitated for a moment, then she said:
"Not anymore, apparently. I mostly wanted to see that he's alright since he disappeared a while ago and hasn't answered my calls."
Betty turned pale, then crimson. Kira noticed what was going on and tried to calm her down:
"Betty, don't worry. I'm a stripper at one of those bars the truckers stop by. Walker was nice, so I spent a little time with him and made him relax. If anything he was always nervous about this and I can only say that he loves you deeply. I would have liked him to love me, but that wasn't the case ...
Betty was fuming now. Her eyes were fixed on Kira and she was about to explode.
"As I said, it's over. He helped me set up my business and I wanted to check on him whether he was okay."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 15, 2018, 04:26:16 pm
Just as Betty was about to explode, Eric Jr. clumsily stumbled out of the window and rolled on the lawn. There was a pause as both women stared at the young man, trying to get up, blushing and then starting to run away while going "Sorry ...".
Kira looked at Betty and had this strange, rather smug expression.
"What was that?"
"That's none of your business."
"I guess so."
Now it was Betty's turn to feel awkward. She said:
"Okay, we should talk inside. Come in."
Kira followed her with a stupid grin. This was hilarious.
Inside, she took off her glasses and opened her trenchcoat before sitting down at the table. Betty asked:
"Do you want some tea or coffee?"
"Coffee, please. Black."
As Betty handed her the cup and sat down, she stared at Kira's impressive bust. The stripper grinned. She loved it when all those uptight women did a double take of her boobs. However, she couldn't help noticing just how buff Betty was. She had to ask:
"You're really fit. Do you work out?"
Betty snorted:
"Do I work out? Girl, I train twice a day!"
Kira nodded approvingly. Wow. That was impressive.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 16, 2018, 05:34:50 pm
Betty asked:
"So, what is this business Walker helped you with?"
"Well, I'm a stripper, but I wanted to earn more money, so I set up a home studio to shoot movies and to get some extra cash. My dream is for this to run on its own and then I can focus on what I really wanna do. Walker was nice enough to get me the money I needed to buy a camera and some lighting equipment."
The older woman stared at her "guest". Then she grinned. This was just too bizarre. Walker had helped this woman do exactly what she was about to do.
She said:
"Okay ... Kira is it, right?" The younger woman nodded. "I know it sounds weird, but I think that we can help each other out."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, as you have noticed, I am into bodybuilding. Now that is very expensive, but I have just recently found out that there's money to be made from men who are into ... things. So what do you say: I help you doing those movies, we earn the money and we both get what we want?"
Kira stared at the older woman. Was she for real? Just how weird could old people get?
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 17, 2018, 08:05:58 am
"Okay, we can try. I'll make a movie with you and we'll see if it sells. If that works, I'm fine. And we can forget that whole business with Walker."
Betty swallowed. She hated to think about this mess. The fact that she was fucking Eric Jr. only made her feel guilty. She said:
"I'm fine with that. I'll get ready for the movie."
Kira nodded and asked:
"Just one thing so I know what we're talking about. Could I take a look?"
"At what?"
"At you. I want to see what I'm supposed to be selling."
Betty agreed and stripped. She undid her jacket and pulled it off. Kira saw her shoulders and was surprised. In a few moments, Betty was down to her underwear. She asked:
"Should I take this off too?"
"I guess so."
She undid her sports bra and dropped her panties. Kira was shocked. This woman was extremely fit. More than that, she was downright ripped. Kira spent a lot of time at the gym and was quite proud of her dancer's body, including her six-pack, but this ancient woman was jacked.
"Holy shit. You're built."
Betty grinned. She did a few poses and Kira's eyes almost popped out of their orbits.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 18, 2018, 02:25:57 pm
The older woman added:
"Nice, huh? And that's not all. When I have the money, I'm going to get even bigger."
"You're crazy, you know that?"
Betty grinned:
"I guess so. But I love this and it feels so good."
Kira nodded. It certainly looked this way. Then Betty said:
"Okay, I guess you'll like the look. But ..." She grinned. "It's an eye for an eye. I want to see the body that seduced my husband."
Kira blushed. She hadn't expected this old woman to be so wicked.
"Is that really necessary?"
"Definitely. I want to see what I'm up against."
The stripper shrugged and undressed. Betty stared. She could understand how Walker had fallen for this girl. She was toned and fit, she had long legs and a perky butt and she had these big, round tits. Betty couldn't help looking at them. She asked:
"Those aren't real, are they?"
"Oh, they're definitely real. They were really expensive, too. I'm still working to pay for them."
Betty asked:
"I've been thinking about getting mine done too. Can I touch them?"
"Er, no. Seriously."
"But I thought we were going to make a movie together."
"Yes, no, not together together. Or ..."
Betty smiled:
"Oh. So that would just be me ..."
"Well ..." That got Kira thinking. Two sexy girls meant more money. Hm ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 19, 2018, 07:18:08 am
Outside, Eric Jr. was looking discreetly through the window. Betty was crazy. Now she had this sexy stripper woman standing naked in her living room, talking about her fake tits. Just how insane was this woman?
She had even managed to make Jennifer mumble her name in her sleep. Eric Jr. was getting anxious. What had he gotten himself into? He slinked away, wondering if he should just disappear.
After Kira left, Betty finished her chores and drove to Dora. There was a lot to do. She cooked lunch for her, cleaned everything and did a few repairs. Then she told Dora the weird news.
"So I met the girl with whom Walker has been cheating on me."
"Seriously? And you roughed her up?"
"No. It turns out she might help me make money. Also, she's kinda nice and she's got big tits."
"And that's a good thing?"
"Well, I've been thinking about getting my boobs done, so I'm going to see how hers are."
"Betty, I like you, but you're weird."
"I know. By the way, I have some money, so I'd like to buy more roids. I want to get bigger and look my best."
"I'll see what I can do."
"If you can get stronger ones than last time, I'd be grateful."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 20, 2018, 12:46:08 pm
While Betty waited for new things to happen, she continued her training. The money she had earned helped her over the time. She was surprised that Eric Jr. stayed away from her. She wasn't sure what was going on, but he seemed to avoid her.
In town, things were changing too. It was strange. The other women were very friendly and still congratulated her for her success, but it dawned to her that these words were not as honest as she had thought. When they called her "champion", she noticed that there was always a snicker in the backhand.
In the end, she started to avoid them altogether. Maybe it was better this way.
Then, one evening, there was a knock on the door. Betty got up and opened. It was Nancy. Her face was swollen, she was covered in bruises.
"Help me. Please. Help me."
Betty took her in, gave her an ice pack and checked her wounds. Then she asked:
"Was it Bill?"
"Yes. He's been hitting me a while now, but tonight, it was really bad."
"Okay. You stay here. If anybody asks, we had a long talk and then watched TV. Where are your kids?"
"I brought them to my mom."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 21, 2018, 09:08:44 am
There was a sickening crunch as Bill's ribs broke. And another one. Betty was frenzied. She stomped the man's chest, then kicked his face again. Blood was spurting from his nose. She hit him again. And again. And again. Every blow hit its mark and whenever he tried to get up, she kicked him again.
Eventually, he stopped trying. Betty continued a while for good measure. She had knocked on the door and attacked the moment he opened. Then, she hadn't stopped for a moment. Bill shouted for help, but when he did, she kicked his teeth in.
Now, finally, she calmed down. She was sweaty and tired now, the ski-mask on her face was hot. She stepped on Bill's hand as he tried to reach for his phone. She took it and typed awkwardly, since her gloves made her fingers thick.
Then she showed him the screen.
"You won't touch your wife again."
There was no threat. It was clear to both of them that any further complaints would mean that she would kill him. Then, she kicked his nose in. He lost consciousness.
Betty disappeared, careful not to leave any traces.

Betty looked at the vials. Those looked pretty similar to the previous set, but they were bigger and there were more. They had also been really expensive, despite any rebate Dora might have obtained. That stuff was way more powerful than the previous one. She checked the list and the explanations on how to use them, then unwrapped one of the syringes and went to work. After disinfecting her butt-cheek she closed her eyes and bit her lip. There was a sting and then, as she pressed the plunger, it burnt. She hissed. Shit. That hurt like hell. She pulled out the needle, stuck a band-aid on the wound and got rid of the syringe.
She took a deep breath. Time to train.
She loaded ninety pounds on her barbell and sighed. This was her new level and she was really proud of it. Few women could do what she did. Betty lifte the bar carefully and started curling.
The first set went well. She was sweating like a pig and there was some grunting involved, but she managed it alright. Also, whatever the steroids did, they certainly pushed her. She put her nose to the grindstone and finished the set nice and slow. Then, she lowered the barbell back down.
She let out a sharp breath. That was good. She looked at her biceps. It was coming along nicely. Eric Jr. had stayed away lately, but she'd have to get him soon. She needed to be fucked hard and there was no one around to do that.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 23, 2018, 03:21:21 pm
She started into her second set. This was a bit harder for her, but it felt good. Imagining herself growing bigger and more muscular turned her on and that made training easier. She was practically cumming by the time she finished the set. The vision of her soon-to-be body covered head to toe in hard, bulging muscles, made her wet. She thought of how she would walk, wearing only a skimpy top and some hotpants, her huge muscles exploding with size with every step. She'd have a broad, deep back, with fat blocks of muscle all over, and a neck like a bull.
She finished the set and her hand went to her crotch. Her clit was swollen and throbbing now. She groaned as her hand slipped into her pants. She knew she was supposed to relax between sets, but pumping iron turned her on so much she had to take a short break. She leaned against the wall, phantasizing about her future muscle body and rubbing herself intensely.
Only after she came did she return to her third set.
This was hard. Not only was she close to exhaustion, there was this nagging demand from her depths to continue. She fought bravely, keeping her form and speed as necessary.
Only when she was finished did she grab her vibrator and get to work. She needed a man and soon!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 24, 2018, 07:14:53 am
When Bill returned from hospital, Nancy was relieved. She had been afraid of him, but seeing him all bruised and broken had made her feel sorry for him. Still, he was forced to stay home for now. He was still angry, but there wasn't much he could do. His jaw was wired shut, he was wearing a corset to keep his bones stable and he was still hurting when he tried to sleep.
Nancy was shocked by the damage Betty had done. She hadn't said a word, but the unstoppable rage the woman had shown had scared her. She was afraid of both sides now, both her in-laws and her savior. She had no idea what Betty would do to her if she ever said the wrong word.
Once Bill was home, he was visited by a few of his friends and family. One of them sat down next to the sofa and said:
"You still don't know who did this to you?"
"Nah. The doctor said the concussion fucked up my memory. But he also said it might come back."
"If it does, you gotta tell us. There's been a few things in this town that ain't working out and Roberts isn't happy at all."
"Fuck. He's getting involved in this?"
"Sure. It's his town. He doesn't like it when there's chaos in his backyard."
"Poor sod. He's going to wish he never touched me."
"Definitely. So if you remember anything, give us a call. That dumb shit ain't gonna see it coming."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 25, 2018, 10:36:43 pm
A few days later, Betty had just finished her training and she was looking glorious. Those new roids were really pumping her up and she could feel her muscles expand and harden. She went to work on her chores, her muscles making those ridiculously easy. When she was alone, she usually just wore her very tight workout clothes or just went along naked. It was just too good to feel her strength.
Just as she was cleaning up the house, her phone rang.
"Hi Betty, this is Kira. I just wanted to tell you that I'm ready to do our first couple of movies. Since you have the nicer house, could I come over?"
Betty hesitated. If Walker saw those movies, or anybody else from Marburg, she would be exposed. Then she realized that she would appear nude in it anyway.
"Okay. I'll just finish cleaning and we can start."
"It's going to take some time to set up anyway. By the way, could you get that young man that fell out of the window? I'm sure he'll be useful ..."
Betty nodded. She had to talk to Eric Jr. Having him hide from her wasn't helping. She got dressed and drove to the mall. When she arrived, she met a few of the local women that all went "Champion!" and whispered behind her back. Then, she found the young man at the store.
Eric Jr. tried his best to stay calm.
"Hello Betty. Long time no see."
She immediately saw that he was once again neglecting his training.
"Do you have a moment so we can talk?"
"Er ... I might take a break, yes."
"Good. Let's go."
They went to the tiny break room.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 26, 2018, 07:14:45 am
"Do you want some coffee?"
Betty took off her jacket. Eric Jr. stared at her muscles.
"God, Betty, you're getting huge!"
"I know. I'm working really hard now."
She came closer. Eric Jr. turned to the coffee maker. She put her hand on his waist.
"What's going on? Don't you want me anymore?"
His erection said that he did still want her, but he replied:
"Jennifer ... She isn't ... She doesn't want me ..."
"Eric, stop lying to me. Jennifer was into me back on the contest. I think you're afraid."
"Me? No. Never."
"Oh yes. You think this is getting too much and you don't want to get involved."
He struggled:
"Well, maybe. It's just that ... You're ... It's getting really extreme now."
"Anything worth doing is worth overdoing."
"That's a weird saying."
"I know, but I like it. Just look at my arms. I'm really turning into a bodybuilder now and I'm going to continue getting stronger and stronger."
"Okay ..."
"And I need your help. So, what do you say: You get to train, you get to fuck me and you get to be a porn actor. Isn't that every young man's dream today?"
To her surprise, Eric Jr. blushed. She smirked. What a cute little boy!

Since several people said they didn't want the hairy stuff but others loved it, here's the compromise.
I'll put it in a dark color and you can read it by highlighting it. I hope that solves the situation.

Hairy bonus bit

Before he could say anything else, she kissed him. It was a nice little kiss that soon turned into frenching. Eric Jr. struggled to get out of his uniform. He locked the door while Betty slipped out of her pants and underwear.
Eric jr. stared at her body.
"Wow ... That's amazing!"
She grinned, then got back to him. Her strong arms wrapped themselves around him and held him. She could feel his cock grow harder and harder. She kissed him again, her tongue dominating his easily. He caressed her, surprised by the thickness of her muscles. They were so hard he couldn't wrap his head around her transformation. He also noticed that her hair was back. She pushed him on the ground and held him down, her powerful arms showing their muscles.
"I'm so horny. Please fuck me!"
"Betty ... I'm not sure."
"Please ... It's the roids. They're making me so horny, I gotta fuck!"
She shoved his cock inside her and began riding him. The pleasure dispelled his doubts. Soon, they rolled around on the hard floor, fucking like animals. In the end, she sat on his face, him drowning in her juices and his mouth covered in her thick, coarse hair. Betty grunted lustfully until she came. Then, suddenly, she returned to her professional demeanor, got dressed and left.
"I can't wait ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 27, 2018, 10:14:04 am
Kira arrived a little later. Betty greeted her in leggings and a tank top that showed off her big muscles. The other woman stared at her shoulders.
"Oh shit, Betty, what happened to you?"
"Nothing, I just trained ... a lot."
"That's amazing. You're a beast, girl!"
Betty grinned. That felt nice. She helped her guest unload the equipment. Kira was impressed by the ease with which she carried the lamps and the various stuff Walker had paid for. This woman turned her on. It was bizarre. She never expected this to happen, but Betty's muscles really confused her.
Once inside, they started setting everything up. Betty asked:
"So, what are we going to do?"
"I thought we'd do a few short movies. Nothing too complicated to start. Maybe you could strip, do some posing and we could play around with each other a little. The community loves a bit of lesbian play."
Betty blushed. That was something else. Annoying Jennifer when she was drunk on her success was one thing, doing the same thing in front of the camera was something else. Kira asked:
"By the way, did you ask your guy to come?"
"Cool. He can do the filming."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 28, 2018, 01:45:13 pm
Next, Eric Jr. showed up, accompanied by Jennifer. The girl clearly didn't want her boyfriend to get into trouble. They stared at Kira and all the equipment.
"Whoa. That's way more professional than I thought ..."
Kira grinned:
"You look way better when you're not falling out of windows. My name's Kira." She turned to Jennifer: "You're his girlfriend?"
"Uh huh." The chubby girl stared at Kira. The other woman was tall and very busty. She felt intimidated. Having the crazy-muscled old woman next to her and that stripper goddess right in front was horrible. She felt tiny and ugly.
"It's cool you came along. I'd check on my hubby too if I were you."
Eric Jr. blushed.
"Okay, so what's the plan?"
"You're going to be in charge of the camera for today. Can you do that?"
"Sure. I guess."
"You'll manage."

Hairy bonus bit

Just as they all got settled, Betty called out from the bathroom.
"Hey, Jennifer, could you come and help me for a moment?"
The young woman turned in her direction and stuttered:
"M-me? Why? Sure!"
She went to join Betty. The older woman was in the bathroom and was getting ready for the show. Right now, she was shaving.
Jennifer stared at her naked muscle-body and asked:
"What do you need?"
Betty pointed at her back:
"Could you remove the hair from my back? I can't reach it and I don't want to cut myself."
"Of course!"
She took the shaving cream and sprayed it into her hand, then massaged it into the skin. Betty moaned:
"That's actually nice ..."
"Okay. Cool. I ... I just hope I do everything right."
"Don't worry. Just don't cut me. I even managed to shave my crotch without a hitch."
Jennifer nodded and went to work, concentrating. The heavy muscles that covered Betty's back were sensual and aluring to her. Jennifer wanted to squeeze them, to caress them, to kiss them.
Betty grinned when she noticed the young woman's reaction. Who'd have thought?
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 29, 2018, 07:14:42 am
Betty appeared, wearing her frock and an apron. She had her hair done up in a fifties' housewife style and grinned stupidly. She was also pumped up to the max. The older woman walked past Jennifer and Eric Jr. and asked:
"Do you like it?"
Jennifer just swallowed, while Eric Jr. managed a "Wow.". She gave them a little flex, then she turned to Kira:
"That's gonna work, don't you think?"
Kira grinned:
"Sure. Boy, do I already have an idea for our scene together ..."
Betty nodded and said:
"Okay. I'm ready, let's do this."
Eric Jr. got to the camera, Kira showed him the ropes and they went to work.
Betty walked up and smiled. Then, she looked at her phone and began playing with the hem of her frock. Soon, her hand went was slipping up her outfit and she showed off her amazing butt. She gave it a good squeeze. She gasped:
"God, I'm so hard."
Before she knew, she was undoing the knot of her apron, then exposing her chest. Her hands were all over her muscular body. She moaned in lust. At first, she had wanted to act as if, but now, it was really turning her on and she was getting wet. All this muscle ... Betty imagined herself getting bigger and bigger. She fantasized of getting all wrapped up in layers and layers of thick, unstoppable power. Before she knew, she was naked, writhing on the floor, rubbing her clit and sinking her fingers into her pussy. Her muscles were bulging and she was on the verge of cumming.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 30, 2018, 07:51:37 pm
Jennifer and Eric Jr. stared at what was happening. Kira was standing next to them and grinned. That woman was a natural. She would make a lot of money with her. Betty came with a long drawn-out groan. Kira ended the recording and said:
"Holy shit, Betty! What was that?"
The older woman rolled on her back. She was glowing.
"I dunno. It was amazing. Lord, I felt so sexy ..."
"It certainly looked that way."
Now that she realized that Jennifer and Eric Jr. were staring at her exposed, dripping crotch, she blushed and covered it up.
"Sorry ..."
Jennifer tried to say something, but she was just stunned. Kira said:
"Okay, let's get you cleaned up. Time for some posing!"
Betty laughed and left to get her outfit. Jennifer asked:
"So you're a porn producer?"
"Whoa. No, not yet. Right now, I'm just trying to set up my own stuff. This is all very homemade. But I hope it'll work and pay for itself."
"Seriously?" She laughed: "I guess. It beats working two jobs."
Jennifer nodded slowly. That's when Betty returned. She had opted for some Daisy Dukes and a very tight shirt. She also wrapped a bandana round her head, reinforcing the retro stereotype.
"Let's do this."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 31, 2018, 05:57:54 am
They moved the equipment to the shed and started filming. Betty walked into view and started with a flex of her legs. She shook her thigh, then focused, bringing her quad up. The mass of flesh tightened. She turned around elegantly and stood on the tips of her toes, showing off her calves. She lowered herself down, then pushed herself up again. Next, she lifted a leg to flex her hamstrings, before reaching for her butt. The tiny pants barely covered her cheeks. She slapped them, then flexed them again and again to bring them to their full size.
The spectators stared. That was some kind of show. Jennifer elbowed Eric Jr. when he got lost in what he was seeing. On the other hand, she was just as fascinated. Kira grinned. She had no idea why this woman was so kinky or why Walker had even looked at her, but she was starting to feel turned on herself.
Betty turned around again, pulled up her shirt and ran her fingers over her abs. They were hard little bumps, like cobblestones. She sighed lustfully. Then, she walked over to a loaded barbell, grabbed it and lifted it up. Grunting, she started pumping out reps. Every time the weight went up, her biceps struggled against her shirt. The fabric was getting badly stretched. She finished her set, sweating. Then, she lowered the weight back down and looked into the camera. Her eyes glinted with lust. Suddenly, she hit a double biceps pose. There was a snap when one of the seams broke.
She looked cheekily at the camera and turned around. Then, she hit a crab pose.
The shirt burst with a crack. Her heavy, muscular back came into view. Betty flexed again, deepening the rip. Then, she pulled the halves apart, revealing a lacy bra and a mass of powerful muscles.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 01, 2018, 05:07:16 pm
Jennifer's mouth hung open. This woman was incredible. She was so sexy. She wanted to lick her muscles. Betty turned again to the camera, flexed her triceps, then bounced her pecs. She ran her fingers over her heavy muscles, smiling lustfully at the camera.
She reached for a bottle of baby oil and popped it open. She squeezed it, pouring some of the liquid over her chest. Kira grinned. This woman was perfect. Betty started massaging her pecs, then spread the oil over her abs. She hoovered in her stomach, letting the drops of oil run down to her navel. Then she rolled her abs.
Her body was now glistening in the light. She continued with her arms, shining them to perfection. She did a few quicker poses. Eric Jr. was pretty certain that she would have won that competition now.
As Betty was now pumped up, she decided to add one last thing. She took two dumbbells and started working her biceps once more. When she was finished, she ran her fingers over its peak and winked at the camera.
She finished with a little kiss blown at the camera and bent over to show off her muscular butt cheeks.
The audience clapped and hooted.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 02, 2018, 07:14:33 am
Kira grinned:
"That was great. Have you been practicing?"
"Maybe ..."
Betty had been trying some of the moves in front of the mirror over the last days.
"Anyway, this clip is going to make us some money. Of course there's still plenty of work to do. I have to edit it, and we both have to promote it."
Betty nodded.
"Sure. Okay, now about the third one: What did you have in mind?"
The stripper smiled and rummaged in her bag. Then she pulled out a costume:
"Girl scout cookie sale!"
Betty scowled:
"Of course. People love that shit."
"Okay ... So, what's the plot?"
"I dunno. I'm the girl scout, I show up at your door and you ask me in. We talk for a moment and then you seduce me."
"So, what am I going to say?"
"Maybe we could improvise?"
Jennifer cleared her throat:
"I might be able to help."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 03, 2018, 08:46:21 am
"Hi! I'm Stephanie! I'm selling cookies for our scout troop. Want to buy some?"
Kira looked cute in her outfit, although it was very tight, especially on her bust. Betty smiled and said:
"Sure, just come in. I can make you some cocoa if you want."
"I'd love it."
Betty let her in and Kira sauntered in, her tits bouncing. Betty was wearing a pink dress that she had bought years ago for halloween. She also had her white apron on. Combined with her glasses and hairstyle, she looked every bit the traditional housewife.
Kira sat down in the kitchen and Betty went to work. She started cooking the milk, then said:
"Oh. The cocoa is way up there. Could you climb up and fetch it?"
"Sure, ma'am!"
The younger woman climbed up the chair, exposing her naked crotch in the process.
"Here it is, ma'am."
"Say, girl, don't you think it's naughty that you aren't wearing any underwear?"
Kira blushed on command.
"It just feels so much better like this."
"And you're not wearing a bra either, are you?"
The pseudo-scout nodded innocently.
"It's so tight on my boobs ..."
"Well, let me take a look."
Jennifer grinned. This was so corny. She loved it. Those two were naturals. She had written the dialogue in a few minutes, careful to make it sound as porny as possible. And it worked. Eric Jr. was concentrating. It was so weird to watch him focus on the filming. She had expected him to be hard now, but no. He was completely calm. What a weirdo.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 04, 2018, 08:54:45 am
By now, Betty was undoing Kira's buttons. The pseudo-girl scout giggled.
"Ooh, ma'am, you're making me feel ... odd."
Kira's huge boobs plopped out, standing proudly from her chest. Betty's eyes opened wide. She couldn't help staring at the round and fake tits.
"Wow, you're amazing, girl."
"Do you think so? All the other girls say my boobs are too big."
"No, they're perfect."
Betty squeezed them together, amazed by their roundness. She could feel the implant under Kira's tight skin. She wondered what it would be like to get big tits like these. For a moment, she spaced out, wondering how the young woman slept. Then she returned to the scene. She gave Kira's nipples a lick. The girl gasped:
"But ma'am, that's naughty ..."
"I know, but it's also naughty not to wear any underwear ..."
She felt Kira's hands on her thick muscles. The young woman commented:
"Ma'am, you're really fit!"
"I know. I train a lot."
"You have bigger muscles than my dad!"
Betty grinned:
"I'm also stronger than him, I'm sure."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 05, 2018, 07:23:40 am
Soon, the two women were naked, caressing each other, licking and kissing their bodies. Betty was impressed: Kira was quite fit, with a hint of abs and a magnificent butt. She had long legs and her hair was silky and beautiful. The younger woman was just as happy. Betty's hard body was powerful and strong. Her hands were all over Kira's body and she knew very well what she liked. Betty's arms were tough enough to lift her up and Betty would lick her like that. Kira gasped and sighed.
Betty grinned. She loved this power. The woman with whom Walker had cheated on her was now at her mercy and there was nothing he could do about it. She would seduce her and make her hers. Walker would be humiliated and she'd gloat. Just then, it occured to her that her thoughts were quite spiteful and aggressive. Betty continued her licking, not wanting to spoil the shot, but somehow, she realized that her mind was changing.
The older woman lowered her victim down on the table, flipped her around and began aggressively fingering her. Her hard muscles rubbed against Kira's soft flesh. The stripper gasped as Betty pushed her down, her muscles bulging.
"Ma'am, please!"
"Be quiet, Stephanie. Enjoy!"

And then, something weird happened. As far as Kira was concerned, this was all play-acting. She wasn't going to cum. She was just going to act as if and be done with it. After all, this was erotic stuff, but there were two other people in the room watching them. This should be distracting enough to prevent her from having an orgasm.
However, somehow, Betty's sheer intensity was enough to push her over the edge. The older woman's muscles controlled her and she lost herself in Betty's incredible power. Kira's round breasts were squished on the table, Betty's hand held her down, and she came with a gasp. Betty grinned and said:
"Oh you naughty girl. You're all wet now."
And she crouched down behind her and licked Kira's crotch. Kira was still trying to process what just happened when Jennifer said:
"Cut. That's enough."
The two women stared at her. Kira was completely zoned out by her sudden orgasm, Betty was a little annoyed. She asked:
"Why did you do that? I was having fun!"
"You were great. I just thought we could switch the camera position. We can't see much from that angle."
"Oh. Yes. Obviously."
That's when Walker came in.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 07, 2018, 08:36:45 am
There was a long moment of silence. Walker stared. Somehow, everybody expected him to just turn around and go back outside, but instead, he just stayed there, petrified. Betty looked at him, her mouth still dripping with Kira's juices, her younger counterpart had just barely noticed him and just detached herself from the table, her huge round tits all sweaty.
Jennifer and Eric Jr. were blushing up to their ears, completely shocked.
Eventually, Walker asked:
"What ... What is going on? Who are these people?"
Betty grinned:
"Oh, I'm pretty sure you know at least one of them, don't you?"
She pointed at Kira. The young woman grinned awkwardly.
Now it was Walker's time to blush. He stuttered:
"Ki-Kira. But why?"
"Oh, I'd been looking for you, but you just disappeared one day. So I went looking for you. Maybe you heard the truckers call for you. When you didn't reply, I was worried, so I decided to talk to your family. I didn't want to embarrass you, I was just afraid something had happened to you."
He breathed:
"Something did."
They didn't hear it. Instead, Kira said:
"Your wife was very welcoming and ... we settled on a business partnership."
"Okay ... But why are you naked? And why is there a camera?"
He paused. Then it dawned to him.
"Oh God."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 08, 2018, 08:01:02 am
Betty carried the collapsed Walker to his bed and put a bag of ice on his brow. For her, he wasn't heavy at all. She could feel his belly against her shoulder and thought that he was really losing his shape. Compared to her tight, powerful body, he was flabby and somehow weak. While the others took a break and helped themselves to some drinks from the fridge, she stayed with her husband and waited for him to come back to his senses.
As she sat in the darkness next to him, hearing his slow, calm breath, she thought about what had happened. It was a difficult situation for her. She had changed over the last months and she was aware that she had kept most of this a secret from him. He could have seen the signs if he would have been willing to look for them, but there were reasons to doubt this. Walker was notoriously able to ignore obvious things that didn't fit into his way of thinking.
As for her, she was aware that the balance of power in the family had shifted. Of course, she'd still be his housewife and take care of the home and the kids, but then again, she just needed the money. And if what Kira had said was true, she'd be able to finance her muscle building and maybe even earn some more.
What did that mean for their relationship?
After all, if Walker wasn't the strong provider anymore, what did that leave him. She smirked at the thought that he'd take care of the kids. Nah. Never. She caressed his hand. If that relationship was to survive, she'd have to play along. Did she want to do this?
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 09, 2018, 08:03:31 am
Walker stirred. He opened his eyes, groaned and shut them again. After a while, he asked:
"Did I really walk in on you shooting a porno?"
Betty smiled and nodded. He groaned again.
"Fuck. How did that happen?"
"It's a long story. I couldn't put my finger on a starting point, but here we are."
"And what about Kira? How did that happen?"
"She told you."
"But ... Why would you even talk to her?"
Betty hesitated, then lied:
"She was nice. You have a good taste in women, Walker."
"What the hell ... Don't mock me, Betty."
"Don't worry. I'm probably going to forgive you. Just call the next time you come home early."
His head was throbbing with pain.
"I guess that would be better. Do I really want to know what is going on?"
Betty shrugged:
"It really depends what you want. I don't think you'd want in on that."
"Nah. Really not. I ... I'd hate it if my friends would find out."
"They probably won't tell you. Not with what we're doing."
He groaned again, louder this time. She said:
"You know, Walker, our relationship has been under a lot of strain, but I still hope we can make it work. I still love you, even if we've grown more distant."
"Tell me about it ... Sometimes I wish I had a normal, regular job."
"That's the way it is. So, I think it would be best that we pretend that this isn't a problem. And maybe, things will fix themselves."
"I sure hope so. I couldn't bear the shame."
She gave him a long kiss.
"Everything will be fine. Just rest for a moment, I'll fix you lunch."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 10, 2018, 09:31:10 am
Walker sat down with the others and ate. Betty had cooked his favorite, steak, of course, so he was a little happier now. Still, sitting at a table with Kira and those two kids was weird. He decided not to talk of this and not to mention any of the things that had just happened. Instead, he concentrated on the steak. It was really good. He looked over to Betty and saw that her plate contained the ever same chicken and vegetables combination.
He asked:
"Doesn't that get boring once in a while?"
She laughed:
"It's been boring since day three. But that's the sacrifice you have to make for this."
And she flexed her arm. Walker stared. Those muscles were huge. Hell, they probably were bigger than his. Her biceps was really big now and stood out from the arm by at least one inch and a half. She twisted her wrist and it grew even bigger. It was also very veiny.
"God, Betty, just how big are those?"
"Oh, I measured them recently and they're close to sixteen inches now. And they're dry too."
Walker almost choked on his food. The other guests were equally shocked by the size of her arms. Betty added:
"And it's going to get so much bigger ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 11, 2018, 10:27:00 am
After lunch, Kira said:
"Okay, that was amazingly good. However, we still have the scene to finish."
Walker nodded and got up:
"I guess that has to be fine by me. I'll go take a walk. See you soon."
Without any further words, he left. Betty felt a sting in her heart. He had looked disappointed and crestfallen. She said:
"Let's do this quickly. I don't feel too good now."
Kira frowned and said:
"Whatever. We still should get this done. I'll have enough work cutting all this."
Jennifer smiled:
"I could help."
"Hm. Well, your script was pretty good, so why not?"
Eric Jr. was a little shocked by his girlfriend's enthusiasm.
They went to work anyway, but somehow, Betty's mind kept wandering. She still managed to fake her lust and when Kira sauntered back out, she managed to deliver the final punchline "You forgot your cookies!" with at least some authenticity.
When everybody had left, she cleaned up and prepared for the kids' return. She also called Walker to come home.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 12, 2018, 07:44:09 am
Later at night, she was lying in bed next to her husband. He waited for a while, then said:
"I'm sorry for everything that happened."
Betty smiled in the darkness.
"Don't be. I was angry at first, but I think I'm beginning to enjoy it."
"But ... Aren't you unhappy that you're now in this ... thing?"
She rolled over, her thick muscles lying on his soft body.
"Do I look unhappy?"
"You look amazing."
"I know. And I love it."
"Still ... Maybe it is getting a bit much."
"You think so? On the contrary, I think I'm only now getting somewhere. I want to be way bigger!"
"But don't you think this is unfeminine?"
"I don't care. Being strong is the best there is, so I'm going to be strong."
Walker didn't know what to say and rolled back away from her. He tried to sleep, but struggled all night with that. Betty herself was equally unsatisfied. Not only was she horny again, she was also annoyed by the fact that he just wouldn't accept her wishes.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 12, 2018, 08:16:11 am
Also: Hairy bonus bit

She was up early and let Walker sleep in. Sitting up, she scratched her chin. There was a slight stubble on it. She was surprised. Betty got up and went to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection. Okay, so she didn't have a five o'clock shadow, but there was some hair there. All over, actually. On her cheeks, on her upper lip and on her chest. The hair had always been there, of course, and it was hard to see because of its color, but it was there.
What should she do now? Lay off the steroids? No way.
She was a beast now and she was going to grow some more. Cutting them would mean giving up on her dream to become a huge muscle-monster. That was the moment she realized that this was what she actually wanted. She didn't care about all this femininity thing. She wanted to be big and outrageous.
Instead, she took one of her shaving razors, and while Walker grumbled in his sleep, she soaped her face and chest and went to work. She'd have to get some kind of after-shave that didn't smell like dudes. She was pretty sure there was something like that on the internet.
As she took off the hair from her chest, she couldn't help grinning. Her pecs were looking really good, despite not being pumped up. Her boobs had mostly disappeared, but those were some nice replacements.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 13, 2018, 06:21:38 pm
The next day, Betty went shopping. They were fresh out of food, so she needed to restock all the masses of stuff she was devouring. The kids went with her, still a little grossed out by the huge amounts of chicken breast their mother was gorging herself on.
As they were filling their trolley, they met Nancy with her husband. Bill was sitting in a wheelchair, still unable to walk longer distances and with his mouth wired shut. The two housewives talked for a moment, exchanging niceties. Betty was relieved that Nancy was doing fine enough for now. Then the other woman asked:
"Say, Betty, is there something with your voice? It sounds raspy. You're not getting sick, are you?"
"I don't know. I feel fine. Let's just hope it's temporary."
Betty hesitated for a moment. She had noticed this before. Her voice was a little deeper and rougher now. She was vaguely aware that the roids were responsible, but for now, she prefered not to think about this.
"Ah, just drink a lot of tea and stay in bed for a day, you'll see, everything will be perfect."
She scoffed:
"You wish. With all that stuff I have to do, I barely have time to rest."
Nancy laughed. Betty was really hiding her muscles quite well, prefering that the other women didn't notice them. She didn't really like the attention.
Then Bill made muffled noises that he wanted to leave. Nancy sighed, then said goodbye and pushed him down the aisle.
As they left, Bill turned to watch Betty's movements.
He knew this gait. This woman was the asshole that had beaten him. That was strange, but somehow satisfying. Ooh, there would be a revenge. And he knew who to tell.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 14, 2018, 08:20:46 am
A little later, Kira called Betty when she was training. She finished her set, sighing with pleasure as she lowered the barbell. She was pumped and sweaty and she loved it. She wiped her hands and picked up the phone:
"Hi Kira, what's up?"
"Betty, you gotta see this! We've got a hit! People love the videos. We're making money!"
"Cool. That's amazing!
"Yeah! We have to do more! Also, I have a dozen calls for sessions. They want you. They also want me, but it's mostly you. I gotta admit, I'm a little jealous ..."
"Don't worry, they're all perverts."
"I know, but I preferred it when they were my perverts."
"If you want to bulk up, just tell me. I can train you."
Kira laughed:
"I'll think about it. It does seem a little hard, don't you think?"
"Sure, but it feels so good."
The phone beeped.
"Hey Kira, I'm going to call you back. There's another caller on the line."
"No problem. We gotta make another movie, though. Get Jennifer to write it."
"Sure. Bye."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 15, 2018, 08:51:17 am
The other caller was Nancy:
"Hi Betty, I gotta be quick. We have a problem. Bill has figured you out. He's coming. His guys are going to attack you. Please, get out and hide. I'll try to calm him down."
"Don't. He'll hurt you. I'll be fine."
She hung up quickly and called her mother. She asked her to pick up the kids and take them to her for the time being. She also warned her to make sure that they trust no one.
Then she talked to Walker:
"We have a problem."
"A big one. Nancy's new husband is coming for me."
walker frowned.
"Is that another one of your 'business partners'?"
"Don't be sarcastic, the situation is bad. I beat him up when he hit Nancy. Now he wants revenge."
"Okay ..."
"He's coming with the whole gang. I need your help."
Walker nodded, got up and said:
"Okay. I'll call the cops. I don't think they'll do much, but it might help. Pull down the blinds, then get the mattresses and put them against the windows. Do the same thing with the tables. Prepare some buckets of water and get the fire extinguisher from the garage. Get the car ready behind the house and prepare it for a quick getaway." He stopped for a moment. "Now that you're an amazon woman, can you shoot?"
"Dora taught me to. I'm not too good, but I can manage."
"Good. I'll get the guns. Remember, shoot at the chest. That's the easiest part to hit, because it's the biggest."
She nodded.
"Got it."
Walker left to prepare the weapons. Betty busied herself with the windows.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 16, 2018, 08:41:22 am
When Walker returned, the living room was shrouded in darkness. Only thin shafts of light pierced the gloom. The room looked devastated. The table was set up against the door, the sofa leaned upright against one of the windows and the electronics had all been hidden in a corner and covere by thick blankets. Betty was just finishing the covering up of the bedroom windows. She locked the rear door. Then she asked:
"Should I do the upper floor too?"
"I don't think so. Let's just hope the cops come quickly."
Walker handed her one of the shotguns.
"You know how to shoot this?"
"Good. Be careful and don't get hurt."
He peeked outside, waiting for the attackers to come. Betty was afraid:
"Do you see anybody?"
"Not yet."
"Oh my God. I just hope everything goes well!"
"Me too."
"Walker ..."
"I still love you and I always will."
"I love you too."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 17, 2018, 11:38:51 am
I'm sorry this is getting all actiony, but I need to show off that Betty's badass now.

That's when three pickup trucks stopped in front of the house. Walker counted sixteen men with weapons. Some of them held shotguns, some rifles. However, the way they moved suggested that they didn't have any military training. His dad had insisted on him learning the basics at a young age. He didn't join up, but he had enough practice to know what to do anyway. He made sign to Betty to stay down and out of sight. Someone knocked on the door. He asked:
"What is it?"
A friendly, albeit tense voice replied:
"Hi. We're Nancy's family. We want to talk."
"We're not interested. Piss off."
"Hey! This is important."
Walker turned to Betty and pointed at the back of the house. She understood, nodded and quickly moved over to the back. Walker's intuition had been correct. Three of the men were sneaking to the door. Betty hid behind the stairs and waited. They tried the door. Since it was locked, they pushed harder, trying to knock it down. She heard them slam against the wood. The next strike would mean they could come in.
In front of the building, the guy tried to keep Walker talking. The guard just hoped the cops would come soon.
That's when the back door broke down. One of the men stumbled in. Betty turned around, aimed, and fired. The shotgun kicked against her shoulder, blasting the first man. She hit him in the chest. The man fell, screaming in pain. The men behind him tried to rush her. She fired the second barrel, hitting him in the arm. Then she threw the gun at the third one at full force. He tried to fire his own weapon, but the sudden hit made him stumble. She followed up, grabbing his gun and twisting it from his hand. As she did this, a shot went off, hitting the ceiling. The other man was struggling to resist her. Her grip was like steel. He punched her in the face with his left hand, but that didn't hurt her much. Instead, she headbutted him, making him lose his gun.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 18, 2018, 09:39:55 am
On Walker's side, the men attacked. There was a crash as they blasted the lock out of the door. Walker hid below the window next to it. As the first man pushed in, shoving the table into the room, he fired his gun. The man screamed in pain as the load of buckshot pierced his stomach. Blood splattered everywhere. Walker's shot took the edge from their willingness to attack. Then the windows in the living room shattered. The shots hit the mattresses and blocked the assailants for a moment. Still, they pushed in, outflanking Walker.
Betty kicked her opponent in the groin, then picked him up and just threw him at the intruders. Her muscles were pumping now from the effort, but the attack was successful. One of them was hit in the back by his friend. In surprise, he fired his gun, making the other one turn around. He lifted his gun and aimed at Betty. She stopped and put up her hands slowly. Behind her, the wounded tried to recover. That's when Walker counterattacked. Having stopped the assailants at the door and seeing his wife threatened, he pulled out his handgun and shot the man in the back. That wasn't the most honorable thing to do and Walker did feel the sting of his conscience, but now wasn't the time for this. The man collapsed, dropping his weapon. Betty ducked down and went for his gun. That's when a hail of bullets pierced the walls. Walker went down. There was someone outside with a rifle. Betty screamed in panic and crawled over to Walker. He was wounded in the shoulder. She asked, breathing heavily:
"Are you okay?"
"It doesn't hurt, but I don't think I can move. You need to calm down. This is going to go well."
He found himself denied moments later. The attackers charged through the front door. Walker aimed his gun and shot at the first, hitting him in the stomach. Betty lifted the shotgun and fired, wounding the next. It wasn't over. There were still way too many of them.

Suddenly, things changed. A car stopped outside with a screech and there were gunshots. The attackers stopped and turned to face this new threat. Walker couldn't help grinning despite the horrible situation they were in. Those guys had really no idea how to fight. A simple distraction and they all lost their heads. Well, they might as well exploit their advantage. He looked at Betty, who was still trying to regain her cool.
Suddenly, one of the men Betty had wounded at first jumped on her. He had a knife. Betty managed to keep her cool and instead did as Dora had trained her. She blocked his attack, getting cut in the process, twisted his arm and threw him over her. The man landed on his head, stunned. She rolled over, sat on top of him and hammered at his face. Her opponent stopped moving. Meanwhile, the shots outside grew more frequent. The shootout was reaching its peak. Walker said:
"Let's get them now!"
Betty agreed. Walker tried to get up, but his wound made him stop. His wife took him and carefully helped him to his feet. He tried to hold the shotgun with both hands, then handed it to her and picked up the pistol. That would have to suffice.
They went outside.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 20, 2018, 04:06:29 pm
Betty supported Walker to get him out on the porch. The attackers were busy right now. Several of them were wounded. They were firing their guns at a pickup truck that was already in a bad shape. As far as Betty could tell, that was Dora's. She was probably hiding behind the car. Walker took the initiative and fired his gun in the air.
The men turned around and looked at him. He aimed at them, Betty doing the same. Walker was just leaning against the wall, bleeding from his wounds, but the angle was probably good enough to make it look as if he was still fit to fight. He shouted:
"Okay! This has been going on long enough. Drop your weapons. Now!"
The men complied slowly. Just then, one more of them ran around the house and aimed at the pair. Betty twisted around. They fired almost at the same time. The discharge hit the man in the stomach and he fell, but the rifle bullet pierced Betty's leg. It didn't feel like much, more like a punch, but she still stumbled. Then she had to sit down.
Feeling that the danger had passed, Walker relaxed, keeping his handgun trained on the men. Behind her car, Dora signalled that she wanted to come out. She too had been wounded, but it wasn't too bad, just a few grazes. Her car, on the other hand, was pretty busted.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 21, 2018, 07:21:23 am
When the cops arrived, they were shocked by the devastation. The ground was littered with cartridge cases, there were several wounded people and the house and the cars had been shot up pretty bad. The officers had to call for backup from the surrounding towns. Neighbors came to help and assist in treating the wounded.
Betty wanted to get back inside and make coffee, but couldn't walk a step. The bullet had gone straight through. It had missed the bone and the blood vessels, but the muscle was torn. When the ambulance came, it set up a simple triage and began bringing the seriously injured to the hospital. Quite a few of the attackers were in a pretty bad shape, some were dead or dying.
Bill had disappeared with his car and a few of the attackers had used the confusion to escape.
Dora sat on the porch with Walker and Betty, the three people wrapped in thick blankets, their wounds cleaned and bandaged. Betty even had a few stitches. Eventually, she asked:
"Say, Dora, thank you for your help, but ... How did you know?"
"I heard a rumor. I thought I'd check on you."
"A rumor? Where did you hear that?"
Just in that moment, the sheriff walked up to them and said:
"Walker, Betty, I'm going to have to take your statement."
When he recognized Dora, he said:
"Hey, long time no see. You stay holed up on your hill all the time and only show up when there's trouble."
"You know me, sheriff."
"Do I?" He sighed. "Tell me Betty, can I have my deputy make a cup of coffee for me?"
"Only if we also get some."
He smiled and shouted his order at his bearded helper.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 22, 2018, 04:24:35 pm
At last, the sheriff was done. He suggested that Betty should go to the hospital, but for now, it was good enough. The ambulance guys had said that the rifle bullet wasn't much of a problem. If it had been a pistol round, things would have looked way worse. Betty had managed to keep her attack on Bill a secret and had declared that it was probably unprovoked, maybe drugs. The sheriff wasn't totally buying it, but he shrugged and had some more coffee. Not asking too many questions had allowed him to get re-elected again and again, so he wrote down his thoughts and said nothing.
Walker brought Dora home and promised to repair the car if it wasn't too busted up. When he returned, he found Betty lying on the couch. Getting there had been really hard. Her wound was deep enough and she had to lie still to let it heal. She was already annoyed. This really set back her training schedule and she wasn't sure how to handle the remaining steroids. Should she continue her cycle or stop it? She couldn't ask anybody, so she'd have to make the call herself.
He asked:
"So, what are we going to do now?"
"I don't know. I think I'll have to wait until my leg is healed. Shit."
"Oh, come on. Some assholes shot holes in our house, wrecked our furniture and busted our mattresses. We are both wounded and would have died if Dora hadn't saved us. I think 'shit' isn't even close to summing up what happened."
He nodded.
"Fuck. I have no idea how to get this fixed."
She thought for a while and said:
"We'll find a way."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 24, 2018, 12:03:06 pm
The next days mostly meant that Walker was forced to take care of the household. He didn't much like it, but he didn't want to leave Betty alone when another attack loomed. They both weren't sleeping too well. Betty woke up several times at night, almost panicking. She woke her dozing husband and they both went down to check whether everything was alright. Thankfully, it was nothing. Still, they were nervous, and rightfully so.
Betty and Walker also took their time to take the kids back from her mom. They weren't happy about this, but the parents just wanted them to be safe for the time being. Also, there was a lot to do. Fixing the damage the attackers had caused was hard work. Walker had to make sure all the holes in the walls were fixed and Betty scrubbed off most of the blood. It was hard work and she cursed her wound and the problems she had moving.
In the end, the cleaning had to be done by Walker and she returned to the couch. They only managed to afford the repairs because Kira sent them the money for the movies. It was clear that they would need more cash soon.
Kira heard of her problems and said:
"You could try cam shows. People like those and since we're rather popular right now, we could try that!"
Betty agreed and told Walker. He grunted "Whatever.", and went back to fixing the furniture.

"Okay, here you are. Just keep your legs still and we can film you while you talk and pose."
Kira was very busy preparing everything.
"We'll sit down next to each other, answer questions and give those guys a show."
Betty wasn't too comfortable with the situation. After all, her leg was still hurting and she hadn't trained for a while. She didn't want to put any strain on the wound. The doctor had insisted on her keeping her leg immobile as much as possible. When he checked her blood, he had immediately discovered the steroids and tried to tell her not to use them anymore. Betty had shot him down with a single sentence:
"Without the muscles, I could never have beaten up those assholes."
He had shrugged, replying:
"Well, it's your funeral."
She had rolled her eyes and called for Walker to help her to the car.
Now she was getting ready for their cam show. Kira helped her put on her shirt. It was very tight and had their new logo on it, showing Kira and Betty as stencils, kissing. There was also the name "The Kira and Betty Show", something which sounded stupid, but somehow worked.
Kira did her make-up and they were off. Walker left.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 25, 2018, 08:06:41 am
Let's answer some questions!

darksecret23: Your body is so amazing Betty! My question is, have you taken or maybe even injected a little “help” to reach this point? If so, do you embrace or try to hide the, kind of, masculine side effects that may occur?
"Hi, darksecret. Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't use some "supplements". Actually, I've been thinking about using more of them. I really like the boost they give me. I mean, you still have to train hard and eat right, but I love how they kick you up a notch.
As to the side-effects ...
It's a little hard for me. My voice has dropped a little and my skin is a little worse then before, but I think I have it under control. The hair, on the other hand ... Let's put it like this: I've been spending way more time shaving lately. Actually, as long as it's not right in my face, I don't mind it much. Hair peace, I guess?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 26, 2018, 07:51:17 am
scarwnyluvsbrawny: Hey Betty! Love those pecs! Aren’t you afraid of what the neighbors will think if you keep getting bigger? Also, there is a shadow above your lip...
"Hello, scrawny! That's really nice! I love 'em too. They're pretty amazing, don't you think? I dunno, but I think I have bigger pecs now than my boobs have ever been.
The neighbors give me funny looks. At church, the reverend asked me to put a scarf on my shoulders and cover my arms. Could you imagine that? He's even been quoting scripture at me, telling me to be less manly. Do you think I'm manly?
Anyway ...
Yes, people talk behind my back and I've been hearing more of that since I got bigger, but I don't care. Let them. It's their problem, not mine. I like my new look!
About the shadow: Yeah. That's a new thing. I really do what I can to control it, but it grows back pretty quick. The price of being big ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 27, 2018, 03:48:35 pm
sevenpeight: What's the most random / unexpected feat of muscle control you've ever tried?
"I've heard that ... um workout supplements ... increase the size of your lady bits... have you noticed anything like that?
Dear seven, there's been plenty. I mean, there's so much stuff on the internet just to get inspired. Sometimes, when I lift something heavy, I pop the seams of my shirt. That's really awkward, especially when it happens at the store. There isn't much you can do then, but everybody watches you. I usually try to act as if nothing happened, but obviously, people stare.
The other thing are my legs: They're pretty huge now and when I crouch down, they tend to overstress my pants. Before I learned this the hard way, my big thighs kinda popped them. Now I either wear leggings (I look amazing in those!) or skirts and dresses. Gives me more room.
Ooh, another thing: I kinda missjudge my strength occasionally. For example, I was at the mall when a guy was moving a big box on his trolley. He hadn't fixed it correctly and it fell off on the side. I didn't think and instinctively caught the box and set it back on top. Turns out there was a washing machine in that. The guy, who was pretty big, didn't expect me to pick up eighty pounds of appliance just like that. He was very pale. I grinned dumbly.
About the lady bits: Yes. At first, I was super embarrassed about this, but now that it's, well, bigger, I'm having some fun with it. Don't get me wrong, it's the size of the nail of my pinky, but ... You can imagine."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 28, 2018, 08:03:22 am
fbbfanguy: Are you planning on keeping those Hairy Pits? I wonder how long have you been growing them for, damn they look thick and hot.
"Nice to have you here, fbbfanguy! I'm not sure. I mean, there's a lot of pressure on women to conform. I always shaved them in the summer, but I've been thinking of skipping it this time. After all, I'm running against pretty any society thing right now. Maybe I'll let it grow. Unless I do another competition. Then, it's pretty mandatory I shave it. But I can post a video ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: darksecret23 on February 28, 2018, 11:43:15 am
“Thank you so much for answering, Betty!! And the other great questions too.
Well you see my username is darksecret.. the secret is I love when women enjoy muscles so much they turn to steroids! I love the virilisation :3 so don’t worry, a little stubble and deep voice and bigger lady part along with your growing muscles makes for a hot bodybuilder!!! Thanks so much for the show!”
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 01, 2018, 06:16:50 pm
fbbfanguy: Can you please ummm... do the arms behind your head pose and show us those sexy armpit hair... Please.
"No problem. Kira, if you would help me."
Betty lifted her arms and gave them a good, hard flex. Then, she locked them behind her head, playing down the pain below.
"Okay, here you are ..."
Her dark pits were now clearly visible. Kira looked at her intrigued:
"So, what do you want me to do now?"
Betty grinned and flexed hard, her shoulders and arms swelling.
Kira shrugged and did as asked. The big-breasted stripper sank her nose into the tuft of black hair and giggled:
"That tickles in my nose."
"Just don't sneeze in there. That would be gross."
"You know what would be gross?"
She licked Betty's pit.
The musclewoman shirked away from her friend and frowned:
Kira grinned and said:
"She's really ticklish."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 02, 2018, 07:29:27 am
Lancelot238: Hey, Betty! Was wondering if you ever thought about dressing up in costume sometime. You're looking so jacked lately, you could probably wear one of the ones I made for a convention or two and get more good attention than I ever will! Keep it up!
"Lancelot, that sounds like a tremendous idea. Send me the costume and a description for the chat and I'll be modelling it! I hope it's not too tight. I wouldn't want to ruin it."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 03, 2018, 09:21:56 am
menulight: Hi, Betty. Are you married or do you have a boyfriend? Is he a bodybuilder too?
"Hello, dear. I have bad news for you: I've been a married woman for decades and I love my husband. He loves me too, and we've been through some crazy stuff lately. I mean, he risked his life for me ... That was very chivalrous.
No, he's not a bodybuilder. Now, I'm more muscular and even stronger than him. He's buff and rather fit, but I just focused on this way more and I don't think he's realized just how much stronger I actually am. He can't even lift the barbell I use to warm up now. He thinks I didn't notice, but I totally did! *grins*
I guess this is pretty weird for him: We have a very traditional relationship. He works and brings home his pay, I take care of the house. I cook, I clean, I even mend his socks. Seriously. I'm not sure how he feels about my transformation. I think he's a little annoyed, but he enjoys the little perks he gets."
She flexed her pecs, making her reduced breasts bounce and dance.
"I think the hardest thing for him is what his friends think. I can easily beat them all at arm-wrestling and they won't like that. Gotta try it soon, though."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 04, 2018, 02:18:35 pm
Once the questions were answered, Kira smiled and said:
"Okay girls and boys, now that your curiosity has been sated, it's time for the other satisfaction ..."
Betty grinned and said:
"Let's get out of those shirts!"
She pulled her top up, yanking at it to get her shoulders out. She laughed:
"God, those are so tight!"
"That's what you get for getting such huge muscles."
"Just wait until you try to get your boobs out ..."
Kira obliged, pulling up the shirt and revealing her large round tits in a bikini top. Betty commented:
"I just can't stop looking at those. They're so big and beautiful."
Her partner smiled and said:
"Well, you can give them a good squeeze if you want to. But only if I get to touch those big muscles of yours."
"Okay. Time to get my hands on your tits!"
Betty pulled the bikini top to the side, letting Kira's boobs flop out. She looked at the camera:
"Nice, huh? Big, sexy, I love them!"
She pushed the two spheres together, creating a long line of cleavage.
"Imagine wearing your tits like this!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 04, 2018, 06:33:49 pm
Here's some bonus material for the fans of fake boobs on muscle girls.

"You could get yours done too."
"I'm not sure. Maybe ... They'd certainly have to be big. I wouldn't want to have some tiny little mosquito bites on my big pecs."
"Big like mine?"
"Why not? Maybe even bigger."
"They wouldn't look natural, then."
Betty flexed her arms:
"Do these look natural to you? No, seriously, I think my boobs would look fake regardless of what I do."
"Well, Betty, if you're interested, I could hook you up with my surgeon. He's nice, and he knows how to deal with special wishes."
Betty turned to the camera:
"I'll have to think about that. They'd be really expensive!"
"Obviously. But then, you'd be able to do this!"
Kira grabbed one of her tits and lifted it, squeezing it and brought it up to her mouth. She licked it and said:
"Boys and girls, they all love this."
She let the boob flop down and jiggled them. Betty was mesmerized.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 05, 2018, 07:18:27 am
Kira grinned and put her hands on Betty's chest:
"I like those pecs. I think no boyfriend of mine ever had such big ones."
Betty suppressed a scowl. Was that a stab at Walker or at her? Maybe Kira hadn't thought about what she just said.
"If you like them like that, just watch this!"
She flexed her pecs, tightening them into feathered slabs of beef.
"Whoa, girl! What did you just do?"
"Just a little toying around ..."
She flexed them alternately, letting them bounce.
"Sexy! I wish I could do that with my tits."
"Oh, I guess you can do this. You just have to find the right spot. I'll show you."
Betty held her hand against a part of Kira's chest and said:
"Okay, now just try to flex against my hand."
"Wow, this feels weird."
"Just relax. I hope our spectators don't mind ..."
"I don't think so, do you?"
Suddenly, Kira's left tit made a jump. It was just a small jerk, but seeing as how big her boob was, it was quite impressive.
"Cool! Let me try that again."
It worked. Betty laughed:
"Awesome. Do the other one now."
She put her hand there.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 06, 2018, 05:01:08 pm
Soon, Kira bounced her huge tits left and right. Betty clapped:
"Amazing! Ladies and gentlemen, the wonderful Kira and her bouncing boobies!"
"Let's do it in synch!"
"Okay ... You count in."
"One, two, three, go!"
They flexed their left pecs, then their right, then back again. Then they got out of synch and just wobbled about, before bursting into laughter. Kira wiped a tear from her eye:
"Whoa. I think we'll have to practice before we do that again."
"Definitely. Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to learn a choreography for next time."
"Anyway ... To compensate you for the lack of rhythm, we're going to give you a little show."
They kissed and licked each other, their hands running all over their bodies. Kira was still a little shocked by Betty's hardness just as her friend loved Kira's slim shape and her tight, toned body. Before she could stop herself, Betty was losing herself in lust.
Upstairs, Walker was sitting on the toilet, phone in hand and wanked to their show. He could never tell them, but this was the hottest he had ever seen. The mere thought of them knowing what he was doing was awkward. But he had to ...
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 07, 2018, 07:07:24 am
Suddenly, his wanking session was interrupted by a call. He stopped what he was doing and checked the caller. Shit. Roberts.
He picked up:
"Hi, Roberts. What can I do for you?"
"Just come over. We need to talk."
"Okay. I'm coming right away."
"Good. Be quick."
Walker noted that his cock had instantly shrunk back. Mentioning Roberts was enough to frustrate anybody. He finished up and got out, leaving discreetly through the back door. The house was still pretty banged up. He had no idea how to pay for all this. Their home was already mortgaged. He had hoped to be able to finally pay off the last rates over the next couple of years, but this felt far away now.
He got into Betty's car and drove to Roberts place. He sighed. At least the truck hadn't been damaged. He knocked against his head, hoping for the best.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 08, 2018, 04:34:44 pm
Walker reached Roberts' house. It didn't look like much from the outside. The building was constructed into a hillside that led down to a gorge, flanked on both sides by the forest. The house had only one storey on this side, but extended downwards for three on the other. He stopped the car and two of Roberts' men turned up, greeting him.
"Hi, Walker. How ya been doin'?"
"I had some problems, but things are looking up."
The one who had asked sighed and had him get out of the car. They walked him to the house and patted him down for weapons. Since he was clean, they let him in. Walker appreciated that Roberts didn't flaunt his fortune. Of course, from Roberts' point of view, it was a way to keep the IRS from snooping around. Things in the building were clean, simple and organized. It wasn't fancy, artsy stuff, just plain good living without any clutter.
He descended the stairs to reach the bottom of the gorge and found Roberts sitting on his garden chair, enjoying a drink with his wife. He looked at Walker and said:
"Hey. That was quick. Have a seat."
Walker sat down and replied:
"You wanted to see me."
"I did. Want a drink? Gracie made it. It's excellent."
Roberts looked like any slightly overweight pensioner. Wearing shorts and a shirt, as well as some shades. He was one of these socks-and-sandals guys. His white hair was still going strong, and he could see the navy tattoos on his bare arms. Gracie was from some Asian country, maybe the Philippines, maybe Vietnam. Roberts had mentioned it once, but Walker forgot.
Walker accepted the drink and asked:
"So, what's up?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 09, 2018, 07:24:23 am
"We have a problem. You know I like it when things stay calm around here. The last thing I need is some agents snooping around in my business. Got it?"
Walker nodded.
"Sure, boss."
"Good. Now I know that some of my men don't behave too well, but this is a serious business. We can't have people running around out of control."
"Walker, you're a good man. You don't screw around, you don't beat up your wife, you pay your taxes and you only work for me because you have no other choice. I appreciate that. We're pretty similar in our way. But regardless of how honorable and upstanding you are, I won't have you interfere with my business."
"But I didn't ..."
"No, you didn't. But your wife did. And I can't accept this. Mike was a piece of shit and Bill isn't any better. That Nancy makes stupid decisions is well-known. But if your wife keeps beating people up and dealing out her brand of justice, it ain't going to end well. I had nothing to do with that attack on your house and if Bill had told me about it, I would have stopped him. But you see, this is making things spiral out of control."
"And you want to stay in control."
"God, Walker, I love you. I wish you were my brother. I wish you had some sense of business. We'd run this country in a couple of years."
"Thank you ..."
"Anyway. I need you to get your wife under control. Make her happy, keep her busy and nothing will happen to her. You can still work for me and we'll be able to keep this town alive. Do you understand?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 10, 2018, 09:38:49 am
Roberts had Gracie pour them another glass.
"I'm going to give you some money to fix your house. You'll pay me back, but only half. The other half is going to come out of Bill's pocket. Poor fucker. As to your woman, does she have a hobby? Maybe she needs some extra cash to stay busy."
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
"Humor me."
"She's into bodybuilding."
Roberts laughed:
"Seriously? Okay, that is crazy. Well, Walker, you're going to have to be careful if you want to keep the pants on at home."
He sighed. Roberts continued:
"Okay. No problem then. I'm going to sponsor her. We're doing all those supplements anyway, she can have a few boxes. She gets to do her stuff and you get to do your work. You okay with that?"
"Sure. Thank you, boss."
"Good. I'm just happy we see eye to eye on this. I like you and I wouldn't want to lose you."
Walker nodded and got up. Roberts interrupted him:
"One last thing: Good shooting. From what I heard, you fucked up all those guys."
Walker wanted to say something, but stayed quiet. The old man continued:
"It's good to know that I have a fighter with me if the going gets tough."
Walker smiled and nodded. Then he thanked Roberts and bade him goodbye.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 11, 2018, 01:40:50 pm
When Walker arrived home, Kira was already gone. Betty was back on the sofa, reading. There was no sign of the sensual stuff that had just happened here. He came in and Betty looked up.
"I didn't even notice you left. You were so quiet."
"Sorry, darling. I got a call and had to take care of things. I didn't want to interrupt you."
"It's okay. I'm just surprised by the things I don't notice."
"Welcome to my life." He grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and said: "I also picked up a package for you. Apparently, you have a fan."
"Cool. What is it?"
"Let me finish my beer, then I'll get it."
They sat quietly next to each other, Betty flipping through the pages of her romance novel. Eventually, she said:
"We're going to have to cook dinner."
"I know. God, I wish you could move normally again."
"Me too. I hate sitting around on my ass. I'm losing my tone."
Walker smiled:
"I like your ass."
"I know."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 12, 2018, 03:46:46 pm
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 13, 2018, 08:14:48 pm
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I wonder if there's enough supplements for Kira to start pumping iron as well  >:D >:D

That might be a thing for the future, yes, yes.

Once the last sip was gone, Walker got up. Betty reminded him gently to put away the bottle. He did it grudgingly. He still hated doing these things. It wasn't his job! But what could he do? Having Betty calm down for a while wasn't too bad either. After all, he wasn't sure anymore who was the boss in this house.
He returned with Roberts' package and handed it to her. She took it, looked at it and said:
"Doesn't say who sent it."
"Maybe he wants to stay anonymous."
"I guess so. He'd have written his name on it if he didn't."
She opened it and looked inside.
"What is it?"
Betty took out a vial:
"That's a selection of the best supplements and enhancers on the market. That stuff is super-expensive and very effective. Whoever gave me this wants me big."
"So you're going to use that?"
"Sure. I can't disappoint my fans ..."

As the days and weeks passed, Betty recovered. After a while, Walker left again to take over the deliveries. His wife tried to stay in shape by training her upper body as much as possible, but she missed doing everything. Betty was annoyed: She had put on some weight. On one hand, it meant that her boobs were back and that her face looked fuller, but she missed her muscles and their sharp definition. She did do quite a few cam shows with Kira and they were making some reasonable cash. Things were looking up. Her one major problem was getting outfits that fit her soft figure. She did have her old clothes, but the training had changed her proportions, including her now broad shoulders and her big buttocks. As a result, she looked awkward and was waiting anxiously to start her training again.
When Kira asked her to coach her, she agreed. It allowed her to stay on top of things. Kira didn't want any of the bodybuilding, she was just into fitness. For Betty, this was fine. She was still somewhat jealous of her partner and wanted to be the best at what she did.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 13, 2018, 08:37:48 pm
Hairy bonus

Now that she finally could train again, she looked at her body and was surprised by the hairiness. Betty hadn't shaved since the fight, so it was everywhere. She not only had her normal leg and arm hair and the tufts in her armpits, but also an amazing amount of hair rising from her crotch to her navel. The hair was rather faint, but it was there. There were also patches of sort on her chest and back. Neither were noticeable, but Betty ran her fingers over them and wondered what she should do.
If she shaved them off, they'd grow back stronger. Also, since she was going to hit the roids again, she feared she would overgrow completely. Like a weed.
She imagined herself covered in strong, hard muscles and a kind of fur all over. The idea was weird. It wasn't feminine at all. Being hairier than Walker would certainly not earn her any sympathies. Then she thought about it. Her hair had a certain smell. A nice, intoxicating scent. She sniffed at her own armpits. Okay, now she was getting strange ...
The thought of shooting herself full of roids and turning herself into a massive freak, more masculine than her husband suddenly turned her on. Fuck. She had to get herself off now.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 13, 2018, 08:51:30 pm
Alternative implant bonus

As they were training, Betty said:
"Tell me, does it hurt to get your boobs done?"
Kira nodded:
"It really depends on how the procedure is done, but it's quite painful. Worth it, though. Why?"
"I've been thinking. Maybe I should get implants ... I'm really starting to be quite butch and I think bigger breasts would help."
"I guess so."
"And since I can't do anything else right now anyway, why not use the downtime and get them done?"
"You should definitely talk to my surgeon. He's a pro and he can give you plenty of useful advice. Just tell him I gave you his number, he'll understand."
"It must be weird to have something under your skin."
"Yeah, pretty much. But nowadays, I only really notice the implants when somebody mentions them. Like now. Thanks."
Betty grinned.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 14, 2018, 08:08:09 am
More boobs

A few days later, they drove to the surgeon's office. Betty didn't tell Walker. If anything, it should be a surprise. She had mentioned the idea of getting implants online and the fans were all for it, soon pitching in to pay for them. Combined with some of the other money she was making and a generous loan by Kira, she was pretty sure she could afford them. Betty didn't ask where Kira's money came from, preferring not to look the gift horse into its mouth.
As they drove along, Betty said:
"It's all pretty strange, don't you think?"
"What do you mean?"
"I basically turned my life around completely. I was an out-of-shape housewife to a macho guy who was nice to me, but still the boss at home. And now, look at me. I can flip a car, beat a grown man in a boxing match and I'm a sex symbol. At my age!"
Kira agreed:
"If you think about it like that, it is strange. Amazing, too. Gives me hope for my future."
"Do you have any big plans?"
"Sort of. I'll continue doing this for a while, but not forever. I mean, getting buff and staying sexy is good, but I can't be a stripper forever and I don't want to turn into a cheap hooker. So eventually, I'm going to have to find a guy to marry. One with money. Also, I want kids, so that's going to be part of the deal."
Betty looked at her friend. That was another strange thing. Her husband had cheated on her with Kira, but somehow, the bubbly young woman had managed to make her like her. She really thought of her as a friend now, while her relationship with Walker had grown somewhat distant. She'd have to fix that eventually. Not now.

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 15, 2018, 03:27:50 pm
Boobs boobs

Betty was surprised by the design of the surgeon's office. She had expected glamour and style, instead, the place looked simple and rather plain. The assistant that greeted them was a stout, friendly woman with a broad face and a large nose. Somehow, Betty had expected that the surgeon would show off his talent on his personnel, but this woman clearly wasn't his client. She was nice and well-styled and her hair was as well-kept as could be, but it missed the flair she awaited.
The woman got up when she saw them and said:
"Hi, Kira! It's so nice to have you here. How are things at the Hawkwind?"
"Everything is fine. Alice is going to come visit you soon. She's got the cash for her butt ready."
"That's great." She turned to the other visitor: "You must be Betty! I'm Rosario, I take care of everything around here."
"She's also Doctor Polito's wife."
"Nobody is perfect. Come on in, the doctor will see you now."
Betty was ushered into a clean, white room with an equally short and broad-shouldered man with slick black hair. He looked just as unglamorous as his wife:
"Hello! I'm Doctor Isidor Polito. Have a seat. Tea? Coffee? Water?"
"Tea, maybe?"
"Darling, could you bring a selection?"
She disappeared. Meanwhile, the doctor explained that he had started as a surgeon in the military. When he came back, he had discovered that there was a big demand for reliable and low-price plastic surgery at the surrounding strip clubs, bordellos and bars. So he specialized and never looked back.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 16, 2018, 07:44:05 am
Boobs boobs boobs

"Okay, so what can I do for you, Betty?"
"As you can see, I've been into hardcore bodybuilding for quite some time now, and I think my breasts don't look good anymore. So I want them back. Also, I got a bit jealous of Kira's and there's another bodybuilder that is winning competitions and she has huge ones too. So ..."
"I see. So no professional expenses. That's fine. Can I take a look?"
Betty obliged, undoing her blouse. Her broad, massive chest with its heavy, defined pectorals was revealed. She had built up a bit of fluff lately, but they still looked very impressive.
The doctor whistled:
"Wow. That must have been a lot of work."
"You bet. Every day. Every week."
He touched Betty's breasts, which had returned now, but looked a little out of place on those plates of steel flesh.
"Okay, I can see the problem. We'd have to get you bigger implants with an appropriate shape, otherwise, they're going to look wonky. I'll have to order them online. You need broader ones that really carry their own shape since you're not going to have any fat to cover them."
Betty nodded. That sounded sensible.
The doctor asked:
"So, how big do you want to go? Normally, I'd recommend smaller ones, but with a chest like this ..."
Betty signified a pair of big globes on her chest.
"Like maybe so?"
Doctor Polito said:
"Let's get some sizers and you'll be able to decide."

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 17, 2018, 11:50:17 am
Walker and Betty lay in their bed past midnight. They were both trying to cope with all those changes. Their home had been violated, their marriage was transforming into something neither of them understood and Betty had become both incredibly strong and forced to rely on Walker to get about. It was strange.
She asked:
"Walker, what is happening to us?"
"I don't know. It's all so different."
"Yes. I can't really understand. Is this good?"
"I guess so. Things were coming to an end anyway."
"What do you mean?"
He waited. Then he said:
"Our marriage was going to crash. I was cheating on you and you'd find out. In a way, it's looking better now than before."
"I don't know. We're definitely more 'together' than before."
"Fighting off a bunch of thugs does that to you."
"Betty, I love you. You're so weird, but ..."
"Me too. You're amazing."
There was a noise outside. They both stopped in their tracks. She asked:
"Should we check?"
He took a deep breath and said:
"We can't run around the house for every little noise. Just relax."
She sighed:
"We've still got a long way to go."
They embraced carefully, Walker finding himself in his wife's strong arms.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 18, 2018, 01:48:24 pm
Two variants:


In the morning, they awoke, lying in bed as if they had dropped from the sky. Betty was spread-eagled all over the place, while Walker lay face down on the mattress, drooling into her armpit. She awoke, uneasily extracting him from his hairy hiding place. That woke him up.
He propped himself up awkwardly. Betty noticed his muscles. He was getting fitter again. Those were good news. There was obviously still a lot of healing necessary, but for now, things were looking up. He did a kind of push-up and kissed her on her cheek.
"Morning ..." His expression changed. "Jeez, you're prickly. What the heck?"
She blushed:
"It's not as if I'm growing a beard ..."
He ran his hand over her cheek. There was some resistance. He didn't really know what to say. She kissed him back:
"Try my lips, they're as smooth as a baby's butt."
He blinked.


In the morning, they awoke, lying in bed as if they had dropped from the sky. Betty was spread-eagled all over the place, while Walker lay face down on the mattress, drooling into her armpit. She awoke, uneasily extracting him from his hairy hiding place. That woke him up.
He propped himself up awkwardly. Betty noticed his muscles. He was getting fitter again. Those were good news. There was obviously still a lot of healing necessary, but for now, things were looking up. He did a kind of push-up and kissed her on her cheek.
She smiled and returned the kiss. He immediately started running his hands all over her, yet still avoided her muscles as good as he could. As usual, he ended up playing with her boobs. She said:
"I've got good news for you, Walker."
"Okay ... Cool. What are they?"
"I'm going to get my boobs done. I need that and I think you need it too."
He stopped. She added:
"Hey, that was nice. Go on."
"But ... Isn't that fake?"
"Sure. But I want my tits back. And if that's what it's going to take, then I'm all for it."
"Isn't that something for strippers and prostitutes?"
"Like Kira?"
That stung. She caressed his cheek.
"Listen, Walker: I'm doing this because I want to. I can pay for them and you can play with them. So we're all going to have fun and I really need you to stop playing your weird double standards game. Relax and enjoy. Can you do this for me?"
He nodded slowly. He wasn't comfortable at all.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 19, 2018, 07:27:03 pm

Back at Doctor Polito's office, she was getting a little nervous. Kira was with her to hold her hand and she felt that she could trust his work, but still, she was wondering whether everything would go well. She didn't have any major surgeries until now and having something like that as a first ... It felt weird.
Also, her kids were spending another weekend at their grandmother's and she was starting to think that they were losing their respect for her. On the other hand, she was earning good money now, even without shows or any other ventures, just by providing chats and posting pictures, so she was also working for their future, wasn't she?
Last but not least, Walker had finally taken over some of her responsibilities, spending more time with the kids and actually helping them with their homework.
Maybe she just had to relax and let it run its course.
Things could work without her constant management, couldn't they?
Once inside the surgery, they went over the details again:
"I'll do an expandable implant, fitted to your broader chest, with moderate projection. We'll adjust the size later, but it's designed for a standard volume of 1,200 cubic centimeters."
"That's pretty big, I guess."
"We don't have to go all the way, but it gives us some wiggle room."
Kira grinned:
"And you can still overfill it!"
Betty shook her head and said:
"Okay, I'm ready."
Soon, she was asleep.

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 20, 2018, 07:28:55 pm
Also: boobs.

She drifted back into consciousness. Her body felt numb and her mind seemed to be stuffed full of cotton. She opened her eyes and looked around. Kira put down her phone and said:
"Good afternoon, sleepyhead!"
"Obviously. How do you feel?"
"Numb. Stupid. Did I really get my breasts done?"
The stripper smiled:
"Sure! That was the plan."
"And did it work?"
"Definitely. It'll take a while to heal and the doctor didn't put in much fluid, but you'll be fine."
"Okay. Wow. Good. I'm going to go back to sleep ..."
And she was gone again.
Kira nodded to herself and went to find the doctor. Soon, they would be boob-sisters. She grinned. Unless she got her tits pumped up some more ...

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 21, 2018, 07:48:26 am
And even more boob stuff

When Betty woke up again, she felt a little better. Kira was there again and immediately left to get the doctor. He checked her up, declared her fit enough and helped Kira get her to the car. He groaned a little as he struggled to support the muscular woman, after all she did weigh more than her size initially suggested. Betty apologized awkwardly, still dazed from the painkillers. Once she was loaded into the car, she said:
"Doctor, I don't know if you're into this, but your work means you get a freebie for a muscle session. If that's what you want. If you like it. Yes."
He nodded and said:
"We'll talk about that again when you're off the meds. Until then, just focus on healing."
Soon, she was home and was now forced to do even less than before. She had to wear this special compression bra and wasn't allowed to exercise her upper body. She hadn't even seen her new boobs yet. Somehow, she had expected this to go better. Kira assured her that this was all pretty normal and kept her company, but she was a little disappointed.
Meanwhile, Walker was doing smaller, local runs, nothing fancy, just to keep ahead of the bills. They didn't see each other much at that time.
Things only started to look up when they finally drove back to the doctor. Betty smiled:
"Okay, now I'm really excited. I gotta see them. Please, make them look good!"
Kira laughed:
"Don't worry, they're going to be wonderful."

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 21, 2018, 08:26:26 pm
Since I'm not going to be able to post tomorrow, here's the next portion today.

Doctor Polito busied himself with the bandages, carefully unwrapping Betty's compressed chest. She was really nervous now and prayed that this hadn't been a mistake. Kira was grinning with anticipation. Then, finally, it was time. The doctor removed the surgical bra and declared:
"There you are. I hope you like them!"
Betty looked at herself in the mirror. Her body had lost its cut, tight shape over the last few weeks, but now, she was looking buff and strong. She actually liked the look quite a bit. It felt more confident and relaxed than her nervous, ripped self. And now, she had tits. Calling them breasts was an understatement. She grinned. They were just as awesome as she had imagined them, maybe even more so. And they were big and heavy. The naturak fat surrounding them made them soft and fluffy and she loved them immediately.
She grabbed them, surprised by the feeling of the implant under her skin. She looked at Kira and said:
Kira agreed:
"Definitely. And imagine just how incredible they're going to look once you get them seriously pumped up!"
Betty bit her tongue. This wasn't even their final size! She was going to love this!
"Doctor, this is amazing. Thank you so much!"
The surgeon shrugged:
"It was nothing. I'm glad you like them. Just don't exercise too much for now. You need to be gentle with them for the next few weeks at least."
Okay, that was a little disappointing ...

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 23, 2018, 08:50:36 am
The boobs continue.

On the other hand, Walker wasn't disappointed. His wife was looking better than ever. Her muscles were hidden under a nice layer of fat and those new tits were divine. She insisted that she was going to go back to training soon, but for now, he could enjoy this strange kind of hyper-normalcy. She was sexy and he loved it. She also wasn't shy at all: Not being able to train made her feel as if she had way too much energy and that meant she had to spend it somewhere else.
Walker couldn't help grinning. They were having a lot of sex now and it was way better than before. Somewhere along the way, Betty had learned to feel herself more and to listen to her own body and that meant that she actually made him understand what she liked. He was happy to oblige.
It was a time of healing for both of them. It wouldn't be like before, but somehow, there was a chance hat it could be better.
Right now, it meant that he was taking her from behind, something which he had somewhat dreamed of doing, but never had the courage of saying. They were still both a little clumsy, but it was fun. He leaned on her thick back and played with her swaying tits while she slid her fingers over his balls, making him sigh. He was still weirded out by the fact that she had suggested this, but she said that she felt him better that way. It was great!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 24, 2018, 02:00:34 pm
Boobs, the continuation

When they were done, she lay down next to him and cuddled against his chest. It was like old times. Only better, because he could feel her big tit resting on his waist. He looked at her and sighed:
"I love this. That's amazing."
"I thought you'd do." She grinned. "I love this too. It feels good to be this strong and to just be sexy."
Walker retreated a little:
"About that ... What if I get myself a second job?"
"Why would you want to do that? Isn't being a trucker fulfilling enough for you anymore?"
"No, no, I just thought we could use the money."
"What for? I'm earning well enough as it is."
"I know, but I thought ... Maybe it would be more comfortable for you ... You know, not doing that stuff?"
She laughed:
"Wow, Walker, you really can't wrap your head around what I'm doing, do you? I'm not doing this because I have no other choice and I'm having a great time. Don't worry. It's fine."
"But ... I ..."
"Shh. Just relax. Everything is fine and you can enjoy the trip."
She grabbed his cock and started stroking it. He got hard again.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 25, 2018, 09:08:07 am
When Betty hit the weights again, she hit them hard. If she had occasionally struggled with her motivation before, she was now obsessed. She had to reclaim her muscles and rid herself of all this fat she had accumulated during her involuntary pause. Her sessions turned into grueling tortures. Eric Jr. frequently joined her, but hesitated to follow through with her entire programme. She watched him do his exercises and couldn't help smirking. Was this all he could do? He was fit, even muscular, but he showed no ambition, just doing what was necessary to stay this way and building on his natural male physiology.
Betty found this to be absurd. For her, it was all about strength and mass. Watching Eric Jr. sigh happily after three sets only spurred her on to up her weights and increase the precision with which she trained. She wanted to have the biggest and strongest body she could.
The supplements she got from her anoynmous fan helped a lot. She was sincerely shocked by the potency of those chemicals. She could literally feel her muscles kicking into overdrive. Her training sessions were out of this world now. She lasted longer and continually shifted her limits beyond what she had previously thought possible.
Eric Jr. was getting worried. When his training partner blasted her biceps with weights approaching his max, he wondered whether he should just stay away for now.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 26, 2018, 05:45:22 pm
Since several people said they didn't want the hairy stuff but others loved it, here's the compromise.
I'll put it in a dark color and you can read it by highlighting it.
I hope that solves the situation.

As she trained, Eric Jr.'s eyes wandered to her tits again. Wow. Those were amazing. They looked a little natural, but honestly, this was just an illusion. Compared to Jennifer's boobs, they looked a hundred times better. Maybe it was because he was so accustomed to fake boobs from porn that he had started to prefer those. He couldn't say.
However, he could drool at Betty's chest and wonder whether he should get Jennifer to get implants. After all, she was big, but bigger was better.
And since they were going to ...
In the end, he could settle for both. He could have Jennifer's naturals and Betty's plastic tits. And maybe, one day, Kira's. As strange as it sounded, that woman was even better, but she showed zero interest in him. Maybe he had to "age" a little. After all, she fucked Walker. He could grow a beard. That probably helped.
In that moment, he noticed that Betty's nipples were getting super hard.
Oh yes ...

Now that she finally could train again, she looked at her body and was surprised by the hairiness. Betty hadn't shaved her body since the fight, so it was everywhere. She not only had her normal leg and arm hair and the tufts in her armpits, but also an amazing amount of hair rising from her crotch to her navel. The hair was rather faint, but it was there. There were also patches of sort on her chest and back. Neither were noticeable, but Betty ran her fingers over them and wondered what she should do.
If she shaved them off, they'd grow back stronger. Also, since she was going to hit the roids again, she feared she would overgrow completely. Like a weed.
She imagined herself covered in strong, hard muscles and a kind of fur all over. The idea was weird. It wasn't feminine at all. Being hairier than Walker would certainly not earn her any sympathies. Then she thought about it. Her hair had a certain smell. A nice, intoxicating scent. She sniffed at her own armpits. Okay, now she was getting strange ...
The thought of shooting herself full of roids and turning herself into a massive freak, more masculine than her husband suddenly turned her on. Fuck. She had to get herself off now.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 28, 2018, 10:11:55 am
Betty lowered the barbell back down and racked it. The bench press was fast becoming her favorite exercise. She liked thrill and the power. She sighed and sat up.
"God. That was amazing. I'm so pumped right now."
Eric Jr. looked at her. The transformation was shocking. A thick vein was snaking over her biceps now. The muscle itself was bigger than a tennis ball and standing out hard and tight. She touched it, gently first, then squeezing hard. It didn't budge even a fragment of an inch.
"Eric, look at this. Isn't this amazing?"
"It sure is, Betty. You're getting really big now."
"I know."
She got up, her muscles swollen and defined. She had burnt through all that fat in a few weeks and was now ripped and big. Betty ran her fingers over her six-pack abs and licked her lips.
"Boy, I need to fuck now."
Eric Jr. hesitated. His relationship with Jennifer had deepened despite her still penning the weird porn scripts for Betty and Kira. He felt his cock swell nonetheless.
"Maybe I shouldn't ... I might ... I'd like to marry Jennifer."
"That's great for you both, but if you want to stay a virgin until marriage, you kinda screwed that up already. Also, Jennifer is cute and all, but can she do this?"
Betty put her hands behind her head and flexed hard, bringing her muscles all out. Eric Jr.'s cock rose.

She unwound her arms and grabbed him, forcing him to the ground. Eric Jr. was shocked by her strength. She had now probably surpassed him. Maybe he could have resisted, but his arousal got the better of him. She pulled down his pants and underpants with a single pull, his cock flopping up and standing erect. Without any pause, she dropped her tiny hotpant workout wear and lowered herself on him. She gasped as she sank on his hard cock and started riding him. This wasn't any of the hesitating gentleness that she might have displayed a long time ago. Now, it was raw, primal lust. She was just grunting and growling as she rode him, slapping his hands away whenever he tried to do something. Her expression was one of rage and absolute desire and Eric Jr. was starting to feel very afraid. Her thick muscles were working overtime as she pounded away at him. His cock began to feel sore, but she continued, completely ignoring his situation. She just wanted to satisfy her lust and that was it. She had taken into account social rules and the presumed feelings of others for so long, constantly setting herself back.
She was in control now. Walker was now a weak little man. He had somehow accepted that she cuckolded him. Eric Jr. was a fool that she could use whenever she wanted. All those other men were just sad excuses for power. They tried to bully her, she broke them. The thought of her absolute dominance was enough to send her over the edge. She came with a howl.

Betty got up and grinned. That was nice. She wanted more, though.
"Eric, I want you to call your girlfriend. Get her here. I want her."
"Err ... Betty, please. Leave her out of this."
"I don't think I will. Besides, she wants me. She loves my muscles."
"But ..."
"Come on, Eric. Don't be a square. Let me have some fun. And if you do, I'll blow you while we wait."
He hesitated. She knelt back down and started sucking on his still erect member. He took the phone and called Jennifer, trying to keep his voice under control. Betty smirked when he struggled. She squeezed his balls a little less than gently to change the pitch of his voice, but he stayed surprisingly calm.
He put down the phone and said:
"Okay, she's on her way."
"Nice. By the way ... Eric, what would you say if I trained your little girl to be as fit as I am?"
He sort of ground to a halt. Betty looked at his engorged, throbbing cockhead and added:
"I'll take that as a yes."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 31, 2018, 08:36:02 am
Jennifer arrived at Betty's house. She got out of the car, found the house empty and decided to go to the shed. She wasn't sure what to expect. Probably, Betty would be fucking her man. She wasn't sure she hated this, but she certainly wasn't happy about it. After all, Eric Jr. was the man she loved and the idea that he constantly abused that "open relationship" he had forced on her was shit. She sighed. Why did she agree to this? Of course, he was a good-looking, muscular guy who was usually well-dressed and mostly respected her. But there was really no point in him constantly getting fucked by other people and still act as if they had a relationship. Actually, she was pretty sure that most of the fucking came from Betty anyway. Most of the girls she had talked to still didn't much like him. They said that he was still the awkward loser he had always been and all the muscles hadn't really changed him.
That was true. The problem was that she liked the awkward loser. The muscles were a bonus and the confidence he got from them was nice, but in the end, you have a relationship with the person, not the muscles.
Then she thought about Betty. Those were muscles. That woman was bizarrely sexy. She wasn't into women, but Betty was something else.
She opened the door of the shed, half expecting her guy to just being fucked by Betty. Nope. They were talking. She was almost relieved.

Then she realized they were talking about her. Jennifer recoiled. She hated it when people tried to figure her out or even change her. She asked:
"So, what's up?"
Betty, always straightforward lately, answered:
"I'm gonna do another competition and I'm going to train you."
She turned to Eric Jr.:
"What's your problem?"
"My problem?"
"That's you, isn't it? You want your own muscle girl, so you asked her to do this."
"No, I didn't. She started it."
Betty interrupted their beginning discussion:
"I said it. I don't take orders from Eric. He's a nice boy, but I'd be careful around him. No. It was my idea. I've seen you look at my muscles and I think you'd look fine with some of your own."
"I ... I'm sorry, but that's really not how I think. Betty, you misunderstand me: I love muscles, but only on other people. I can't stand the boredom of your training and I'd hate to follow your diet. Seriously, that's so gross. But let me look at you, let me touch your muscles, and I'm happy."
Betty grinned:
"We'll see. For now, you can give my muscles a good squeeze."

Jennifer approached the amazon cautiously. She could feel the horniness rise inside her. Just looking at Betty's majestic physique turned her on incredibly. The older woman had really grown in every direction. She still wore flimsy clothes, this time some tiny shorts and a top that could best be described as a strip of fabric that covered her nipples. Barely. Jennifer could tell that Betty had been tanning in the buff and her skin had taken that incredible bronzed look of muscle models she liked to look at whenever she needed a fix. Betty was this and better. She stood there nonchalantly, her heavily muscled arms hanging idly from her ripped, spherical shoulders. That woman was wide and tough. Her chest was a mess of striations and thick fibers and her neck had this bizarre "V" that literally pointed between her heavy pecs. Of course, there were still female bodybuilders beyond Betty's level, and the men were still way beyond her level, but ... there was a promise.
Also, she was there.
As Jennifer's fingers touched the ridges between her hard abs, she felt a crazy kind of bliss. She felt protected and, in some crazy way, understood. Betty was a huge female muscle fanatic and this love of strength and power, well, she shared it. Eric Jr. just wanted to fuck her, Jennifer loved her. That was something else entirely.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 01, 2018, 08:18:55 am
And a boob add-on

She was so close now to Betty's new, big and round tits. Those were incredible. Jennifer had big breasts, but hers were also saggy and soft. Betty, on the other hand, sported a pair of large, round and quite fake tits that did have that bounce she loved when she secretly watched porn movies of bodybuilders. She really wanted to have hers look like this, but she knew she had neither the money, nor the courage to go through with this. She did want to touch Betty's, though ...
To squeeze them, to fondle them, to lick them, to rub her face against those round and fake boobs ...
Thinking of that made her even hotter. Betty was a modern-day amazon and Jennifer admired her for her toughness and her conviction.
Betty looked at her from what felt like above and said:
"Come on, don't be shy ..."
Jennifer laid her head on Betty's tit.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 01, 2018, 09:00:35 am
And for the hair lovers

And then, there was the hair. Jennifer was irritated. She wasn't into hairy guys. It wasn't that she insisted that Eric Jr. should shave his chest, but she did encourage him. He usually did it, which made his growing muscles look even better. With Betty, she was, well, unsure. Somehow, this was attractive to her.
Betty's body was hugely buff, but there was also that strip of hair coming up from her crotch. She was confused. It was completely at odds with what society demanded and while it might be a feminist revolution to leave the patches of hair on the armpits, few women would defend what was happening to Betty now. And yet, Jennifer liked it.
She imagined running her fingers through it, Betty's hard muscles tensing beneath. The idea turned her on. Her idol was breaking down the frontiers and limits of her gender, becoming masculine just as she was keeping her femininity. Jennifer gasped. She realized just how insane that sounded. She was a creep and Betty was the catalyst that only made things worse.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 02, 2018, 07:19:40 am
The pudgy woman ran her fingers over Betty's midsection, causing the older woman to comment:
"I could catch your little finger with a crunch of my abs, girl!"
"Ooh, you wouldn't dare ..."
Eric Jr. stared at the show and couldn't help wondering whether he was losing his girlfriend right now. Jennifer inserted her fingers in one of the muscle-valleys and Betty tried to "grasp" it with her abs. The pair laughed at their stupid little game, but it was also clear that they were both extremely turned on.
Eventually, Jennifer got slow and found her finger squeezed between Betty's steel muscles. It was pretty clear that she could pull it back any moment, after all, there wasn't much traction, but she played along, going "Oh my God, I'm stuck! I can't get my finger back out! Please release me, or I'll have to spend the rest of my days walking around with my finger on your waist!"
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Jennifer grinned and said:
"More than anything."
Eric Jr. froze. She did mean that, didn't she? Fuck. All that openness of their relationship collapsed. Having them both desiring the same woman was bad. He stared as Jennifer gave Betty's rock-hard, huge muscle-butt a squeeze, or at least tried to. She couldn't even make a dent.
Betty grinned:
"Okay, Jennifer, we're going to do a deal. You get to spend time with me, but you have to do some exercises. Otherwise, it would just be ogling, and we can't have that, can we?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 03, 2018, 07:32:42 am
The next weeks turned very hectic. Betty had Walker and Eric Jr. work together to expand the shack. The two men worked together with a certain respect, but they tried to find out what their relationship actually meant. For Walker, the young, buff man was a kind of intruder and clearly the man Betty had cheated with, but it was also clear to him that Eric Jr. was a simple and nice enough guy that had been manipulated by his mutated super-wife that was bending everyone to her will now. He couldn't really blame him for what happened.
As to Eric Jr., working with Walker was super-awkward at first. The man tried to keep things professional, but it was clear that he was pissed. Eric Jr. tried to make it up to him by being extremely polite and doing exactly what he was told. As their work progressed, he noticed that Walker was grudgingly accepting him.
Meanwhile, Betty was making money. She prepared a bunch of movies with Jennifer and Kira and got ready to shoot them. They did cam sessions on the internet and Betty advertised that she was available for wrestling for interested takers again.
It didn't take long for the first customers to appear.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 04, 2018, 06:43:27 am
Betty had decided to take Jennifer with her. The young woman was inconspicuous enough not to cause any trouble and she understood what this was all about without getting any protector's instincts. The customer had insisted on a fancy hotel, not one of the cheap places Betty would have chosen. She appreciated the gesture. They entered the lobby, amazed by the lights and the general niceness. Even on their honeymoon, she hadn't been at a place like this. They just never had the money. Betty had been astonished by the guy's offer. His wife would be with him and they'd pay five times the amount she normally asked. As far as she was concerned, the money was good, so why not.
The musclewoman was wearing her best outfit which she had carefully tailored with Jennifer's help to fit her expanded frame. It was still a bit out of style, but at least, it didn't pinch. Jennifer had to admit that Betty looked like a realtor. A muscular realtor. Nice.
The young woman grinned: "You don't like that wall here? No problem, I can tear it down for you. Hold my jacket."
Betty spoke to the receptionist and said:
"I have an appointment on room 502."
"Of course. We'll take you up there."
A porter came to take her luggage, Betty resisted, he took it anyway and almost fell over. It took him a moment to adjust, then he led them to the elevator as nonchalantly as he could.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 05, 2018, 01:21:58 pm
They reached the fifth floor and soon found themselves in front of the door of one of the better suites. The porter knocked and a woman's voice told him to come in. He opened the door carefully and they found a slim, raven-haired woman in her thirties. She was wearing a black silk robe with Japanese-looking prints and said:
"Come on in. This is Betty, isn't she?"
Betty smiled and nodded. The porter put down the luggage and left, taking Betty's tip. The older woman said:
"Hi! You must be Caroline. This is Jenny, she's my assistant."
"Very well. My husband Dan is just getting ready, so why don't you get changed into something less comfortable. You will find it in the bathroom. We're already very excited."
Betty nodded and carried her things inside. Jennifer followed her.
"Less comfortable? What do they mean?"
Betty shrugged:
"I don't know. I guess we'll ... Oh."
They found the outfits. They were black and made of rubber.
"Wow. That's going to be tight. You'll definitely have to help me put that thing on."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 06, 2018, 04:47:05 am
It took Jennifer a while to cover Betty's muscular body with lubricant. Her hands were really slippery and she was having quite a lot of fun doing this. Betty just stared as Jennifer's hands ran over every little spot of her body. Feeling her hands on her back was nice. The young woman eventually said:
"That was fun. We should do that more often. Now to get you dressed."
"Do you have any idea how that is supposed to work?"
"It can't be more complicated than putting on tights. Just all over your body."
"Wow. I think I should really have tried that before somehow."
"I guess we'll run into a lot of kinks we've never had before."
Betty sat down on the toilet, careful to keep a towel between her slippery butt and the cover. She didn't want to fall over. Then, the pair started to work.
"This is really tight!"
"Pull, damnit!"
"It's really sticky. Careful, I don't want to rip it."
"Okay, this is working. It's so tight. I feel like a sausage."
"A muscle sausage."
"Help me up."
Betty was on her feet now and she admired her thighs. They felt as if they were shrink-wrapped. They also looked awesome.
"I feel like a superhero."

Boobs version
It took Jennifer a while to cover Betty's muscular body with lubricant. Her hands were really slippery and she was having quite a lot of fun doing this. Betty just stared as Jennifer's hands ran over every little spot of her body. When she reached Betty's massive tits, Jennifer couldn't stop herself and started squeezing and pushing against them. They flopped around like balloons, their weird resistance turning Jennifer on. She had to switch positions.
Feeling the young woman's hands on her back was nice. Jennifer eventually said:
"That was fun. We should do that more often. Now to get you dressed."
"Do you have any idea how that is supposed to work?"
"It can't be more complicated than putting on tights. Just all over your body."
"Wow. I think I should really have tried that before somehow."
"I guess we'll run into a lot of kinks we've never had before."
Betty sat down on the toilet, careful to keep a towel between her slippery butt and the cover. She didn't want to fall over. Then, the pair started to work.
"This is really tight!"
"Pull, damnit!"
"It's really sticky. Careful, I don't want to rip it."
"Okay, this is working. It's so tight. I feel like a sausage."
"A muscle sausage."
"Help me up."
Betty was on her feet now and she admired her thighs. They felt as if they were shrink-wrapped. They also looked awesome.
"I feel like a superhero."

Hair version
It took Jennifer a while to cover Betty's muscular body with lubricant. Her hands were really slippery and she was having quite a lot of fun doing this. Her fingers smoothed the now lubricated hair into weird shapes all over her mentor's body. She said:
"Maybe you should have shaved off all this ..."
"Yeah, maybe. But ..."
"Let me guess, you like this."
The musclewoman stayed remarkably silent.
Betty just stared as Jennifer's hands ran over every little spot of her body. Feeling her hands on her back was nice. The young woman eventually said:
"That was fun. We should do that more often. Now to get you dressed."
"Do you have any idea how that is supposed to work?"
"It can't be more complicated than putting on tights. Just all over your body."
"Wow. I think I should really have tried that before somehow."
"I guess we'll run into a lot of kinks we've never had before."
Betty sat down on the toilet, careful to keep a towel between her slippery butt and the cover. She didn't want to fall over. Then, the pair started to work.
"This is really tight!"
"Pull, damnit!"
"It's really sticky. Careful, I don't want to rip it."
"Okay, this is working. It's so tight. I feel like a sausage."
"A muscle sausage."
"Help me up."
Betty was on her feet now and she admired her thighs. They felt as if they were shrink-wrapped. They also looked awesome. The fact that there were so many stinging little pulls on her hair was a strange bonus. She wiggled her legs.
"I feel like a superhero."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 07, 2018, 05:40:54 pm
"Let's get on with it. We shouldn't keep them waiting."
Jennifer pulled at the fabric, helping Betty to get her arms into it. The older woman was fascinated.
"This feels really weird, but I kinda like it."
"You look amazing."
"Thank you. Maybe I should have tried this years ago."
"Did you even know that stuff existed?"
"Not really. It came up in my women's magazines, usually as part of a scandal."
"Well, Betty, you're a walking scandal now, so you should embrace it."
"I will. Okay, now let's give it a good pull ..."
The rubber connected with her back as she pulled the arms up. Jennifer smoothed it out, grinning as she felt the tough, hard muscles on her back.
Then, she turned to her front and pulled the material over her chest. Betty helped her as good as she could before zipping it up. She stood up, the latex' resistance making movements a little strange.
"Wow. Look at this!"
Betty admired herself in the mirror. The rubber suit went up to her neck and her muscles really filled it out. She turned around and grinned. That was amazingly sexy.
Jennifer checked the rest of the heap of rubber and tried to hide what she found. Betty noticed and asked:
"What is this?"
Betty took it and said:
"Looks more like a second outfit. I guess it's your turn to suit up!"

Boob variant
"Let's get on with it. We shouldn't keep them waiting."
Jennifer pulled at the fabric, helping Betty to get her arms into it. The older woman was fascinated.
"This feels really weird, but I kinda like it."
"You look amazing."
"Thank you. Maybe I should have tried this years ago."
"Did you even know that stuff existed?"
"Not really. It came up in my women's magazines, usually as part of a scandal."
"Well, Betty, you're a walking scandal now, so you should embrace it."
"I will. Okay, now let's give it a good pull ..."
The rubber connected with her back as she pulled the arms up. Jennifer smoothed it out, grinning as she felt the tough, hard muscles on her back.
Then, she turned to her front and pulled the material over her inflated chest. It clung to her fake tits, squeezing them less than gently. Betty helped her as good as she could before zipping it up. She stood up, the latex' resistance making movements a little strange.
"Wow. Look at this!"
Betty admired herself in the mirror. The rubber suit went up to her neck and her muscles really filled it out. Her tits looked even more massive and fake in this outfit.  She turned around and grinned. That was amazingly sexy.
Jennifer checked the rest of the heap of rubber and tried to hide what she found. Betty noticed and asked:
"What is this?"
Betty took it and said:
"Looks more like a second outfit. I guess it's your turn to suit up!"

Hair variant
"Let's get on with it. We shouldn't keep them waiting."
Jennifer pulled at the fabric, helping Betty to get her arms into it. The older woman was fascinated, but also a little annoyed by the pull on her hair.
"This feels really weird and it stings a bit, but I kinda like it."
"You look amazing."
"Thank you. Maybe I should have tried this years ago. I should shave, though."
"Did you even know that stuff existed?"
"Not really. It came up in my women's magazines, usually as part of a scandal."
"Well, Betty, you're a walking scandal now, so you should embrace it."
"I will. Okay, now let's give it a good pull ..."
The rubber connected with her back as she pulled the arms up. Jennifer smoothed it out, grinning as she felt the tough, hard muscles on her back.
Then, she turned to her front and pulled the material over her chest. Betty helped her as good as she could before zipping it up. She stood up, the latex' resistance making movements a little strange.
"Wow. Look at this!"
Betty admired herself in the mirror. The rubber suit went up to her neck and her muscles really filled it out. She turned around and grinned. That was amazingly sexy.
Jennifer checked the rest of the heap of rubber and tried to hide what she found. Betty noticed and asked:
"What is this?"
Betty took it and said:
"Looks more like a second outfit. I guess it's your turn to suit up!"

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 08, 2018, 09:27:57 am
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Hey awesome stuff. KARMA! I have to say I've gone from not being a fan of the slow roll out of the story to finding that it's becoming its strength. If I like this story in its theme and tone what is the book on your smashwords page that is close to this. Prefer long stories too so if you could recommend one that would be great.

I would recommend these stories:

The Jockettes

College Diary (There are two versions, one with hard pecs and one with implants)

Bimbo bodybuilders

A Surprise Finding

Going Native

Those are all long, semi-realistic stories with a certain slice-of-life style.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 08, 2018, 09:33:17 am
Eventually, Jennifer was dressed up. She stared at her plastic-encased body and couldn't help admiring it. The rubber smoothed all those little imperfections and squeezed her fat into a much more pleasing shape. Of course, next to Betty, she looked like a plump little ugly duckling. But still, she felt sexy. She admired herself for a moment when Betty said:
"Let's get to work. This stuff doesn't breathe at all, so I guess we're going to be soaked in sweat in a moment."
Jennifer nodded and they both got out of the bathroom. They found their hosts dressed in the same black outfits, but they were also very shiny. Caroline was rather slim, while Dan was, well, hulking. He was clearly strong, but also huge, with a strangely compressed pot-belly. On the floor, there was a kind of plastic mat. The wife said:
"You both look amazing. Betty, this is your thing. You should put on way more latex in your shows."
"Looking at myself in the mirror, I think I will. Those outfits are amazing. So, what is it you want to do?"
"I want you to wrestle us. Your assistant can watch and can do the referee."
"Alright! Just one question before we start: Do you want real wrestling or show stuff?"
"You mean wrestling isn't real?"
The woman laughed and added:
"No, do it. We want a challenge."

The two hosts smiled at them and the husband said:
"There's just one thing to make things a little more interesting. Darling?"
"Oh yes." She turned to Betty and continued: "This is just for us. You can try it too, but it's more for experienced users."
They walked over to a coffee table, knocked two lines together and took a good snort of coke each. Then, they took two rubber masks and pulled them over their heads. Betty turned to Jennifer, looking slightly worried. The pair stood there, their masks leaving only tiny netted holes to see and breathe through. They also put on rubber socks and gloves.
Then, they attacked.
Betty lowered her stance, realizing that the mat was quite slippery. The man hit her first, crashing into her chest. She caught him, twisted around and wanted to use his momentum to throw him to the ground. However, there were two problems with that. First, she failed to get a good grip on him. His suit was so slippery that she felt her hands glide off his latex-clad body. Second, Caroline slid into her legs, destabilizing her stance. Betty yelped as she fell.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 10, 2018, 06:47:54 pm
As soon as she was on the ground, she tried to recover. However, she didn't manage to get enough contact to get back on her feet. Instead, she helplessly stumbled along on all fours as the black-clad adversaries tried to wrap their arms around her. They were clearly enjoying themselves. Betty tried to take hold of them, but they slipped from her grasp.
This wasn't working at all. Betty cursed as the big man pushed her to the floor and tried to sit on her. She rolled to the side, evading him barely when the woman appeared on top of her and slung her arms around her legs. Betty reacted quickly and twisted out of her hold.
"Okay, I'm getting how this works. This is pretty strange, but I see why you like it."
She heard muffled sounds of agreement from her opponents. Betty decided not to get up again. The ground was way too slippery. Instead, she knelt on the rubber mat and said:
"Alright. Let's do this!"
The rubber people slid at her, using the initial speed to slam into her. She rolled forward, tumbling into the man's legs and destabilizing him. He fell and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She came out on top and squeezed.
Jennifer could see her friend's thighs balloon under the tight black rubber. The man grunted. Caroline tried to help him and slid to Betty's face, trying to get her head.
Betty saw her coming and twisted herself around, instead presenting the big man as a target. There was a brief shock, then Betty pushed herself up with her hands and slung them around Caroline's chest.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 11, 2018, 08:45:46 pm
The two rubber people suddenly realized that she had them. Betty grinned and played with them, occasionally releasing them for a moment before contracting her muscles again. They had no chance to escape. However, they still had a trick up their sleeve. There was some grunting and they both pushed themselves off the ground. Caroline proved to be surprisingly strong for someone her size. Betty was hoisted in the air and started slipping back to the ground. She released the wife and flexed her abs hard to lift herself up and grab Dan by the neck. She squeezed her powerful chest against his face, making him grunt with pleasure.
Caroline came from behind and tried to pull her off, but Betty didn't let go. Instead, she realized that she was choking him. Under her butt, his cock was growing harder and harder, straining against the rubber. She didn't want to hurt him seriously, so she dropped down, making him lose his balance and bringing him to the mat. Caroline was surprised by the move and hesitated, so Betty pulled her down as good as she could and landed her on top of her husband. Betty sat on his face and put her mouth over Caroline's breathing holes while wrapping her strong arms around her waist. She inhaled sharply, sucking the air out of her lungs.
The rubbery woman got all dizzy and Betty let the pair rest for a while. She grinned at Jennifer:
"Do you think they've had enough?"
The young woman shrugged.
"I have no idea. They're breathing, aren't they?"
"Sounds like it."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 12, 2018, 09:04:32 pm
Betty looked at her assistant and said:
"You definitely look good in this."
"You think so?"
"Absolutely. It makes me want to give you a good squeeze."
Jennifer grinned and surprised herself by making the first move. She embraced Betty and gave the older woman's rock-hard ass a squeeze. Or at least, she tried to. Betty answered by running her hands over Jennifer's back, eventually reaching her butt. It was soft, but the rubber wrapping felt both weird and nice. The two women kissed. Betty liked her tongue in Jennifer's mouth. She enjoyed the young woman's plastic-wrapped tits against her chest. Before she knew it, she was feeling very hot, and it wasn't just the suit.
Soon, they couldn't stop themselves. Betty's body was sweaty and pumped under all that latex and Jennifer was longing for her since what felt like forever. They found the little openings on their suits' crotches and started to rub each other.
Caroline and Dan recovered enough to focus on what was going on before them and they really liked what they saw. While Jennifer and Betty were fondling each other and exchanging breathless little words, their hosts started pleasuring themselves amidst the creaking of rubber and the slobbering kisses.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 13, 2018, 09:43:04 am
They left very late. As Betty and Jennifer packed their stuff in the car, keeping the suits with them, the younger woman said:
"Wow! That was crazy. We made so much money and they really liked it!"
"I still don't know what to think of this. It all sounds pretty insane if you think about it."
"Honestly, I think these people just needed to show their craziness to someone."
"You think so?"
"Sure. I mean, would you spend so much money on this?"
"Jennifer, I'm spending more than you earn a month on building my body. Pot calling the kettle black, if you ask me."
"Okay. I get your point. But still ..."
"You know, they were really happy. It sounds weird and it feels ... dirty, but maybe we're doing something good here."
"And we do get paid handsomely. Plus: Black plastic suits!"
"I'll have to try that thing on again, but I'd better wash it."
"You'll have to check on the internet how to even clean that. I think it'll get icky really soon."
Betty climbed into the car and said:
"Anyway. If I get a couple of these sessions per month, I can get really big."
"Betty, you're just as bad as them."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 14, 2018, 06:47:57 am
Eventually, the shack was finished. Calling it a shack was probably wrong now. After all, it was pretty big now and offered quite a few amenities. For Betty, this was the first step for a kind of parallel career. It was clear that Walker didn't want her to work for someone, but she could run her own business as long as it didn't interfere with her household duties. So ... A gym. Why not?
Ever since her success at the bodybuilding competition, she was known in the town as "the muscle woman" and "the fit one", so why not capitalize on this? Betty started recruiting the other women from her social circle, promising to get them fit without too much muscle. It was clear that her body type wasn't what other people wanted, but it was proof that a transformation was possible.
As a result, she soon had a clientele of some twenty regulars which she put through nice, none too extreme exercises while also providing them with prepared food for their diets. She accepted women only, something which increased the husbands' acceptance.
For Walker, this nourished the hope that she would return to normal. Well, not normal, but reasonable. Betty had dropped hints of what happened during her sessions and Kira's visits and their cam shows worried him. He didn't want his wife to be a whore, obviously. So maybe this business would help her. He crossed his fingers as he resumed his deliveries.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: hairylover321 on April 14, 2018, 11:46:42 pm
This story keeps on getting better and better. K+
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: phil123 on April 15, 2018, 05:13:44 am
Again some new great chapters which makes us happy only with some few rows.

Can' t wait to read the next 20 plus rows.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 15, 2018, 08:41:43 am
Betty was in heaven. She had just finished the housewife class as she called it, sending her customers away after a little talk. They were all quite excited. None of them wanted to reach Betty's level of muscularity, of course, but they did want to get fit and be a little more toned. Betty would deliver.
Now, it was time for a little "her" time. She decided to do leg presses. Walker had constructed the machine as a kind of present to her. Betty had already shot herself up in the morning and she felt she was bristling with strength. Her morning weighing had shown that she approached 180 pounds of tight, beefy muscle and she was loving it. She loaded the press with 700 pounds of steel and congratulated herself. She was a beast now and she knew it. She climbed on the machine, adjusted her stance and released the safety. Then she went to work. Holding her back straight, she extended her legs. Her thighs seemed to explode with strength and she pushed and pushed, the sled moving away slowly. She reached the apex and returned just as slowly. It was all about control. Strength was one thing, but you had to be in command of your body to do this. Just flailing wildly at things was pointless. If she wasn't able to master herself, she couldn't do this.
She went through the first set, her body aching. She was at her limit, but she was ruling it.
The end of the set loomed and she was sweaty and in pain, but she was also happy. This was her. As she pushed again, her thighs looked as if taken from an anatomy book for fetishists. Looking at her amazing power turned her on. More and more, she realized that this was her thing: Power as a turn on.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 16, 2018, 06:10:06 am
The second set was even better. She hit the weights hard and pushed as if her life depended on it. As she extended her legs, she felt her mind getting flooded with lewd and crazy thoughts. She thought about Eric Jr. and his cock. She drifted to Jennifer's beautiful tits. She imagined Walker's shocked face as she flexed her massive muscles, overpowering him completely. She gasped for air as her arousal got the better of her. With a sigh of lust, she hit the next rep.
She felt that things were getting out of hand now. As she pushed the weight up again and again, she stringed a series of increasingly powerful orgasms together. It was amazing. Every push blasted her mind. She gripped the seat as hard as she could, wondering if she could get a vibrator without breaking her stride.
Betty reached the end of the second set, her mind sparkling with arousal and sex. She barely managed to stop herself to take a break. No sense in injuring herself.
That's when she realized she wasn't alone.
Kira looked at her and said:
"Wow. I never thought I'd see something like this."
Betty remembered now that her partner had announced her visit for another cam show, but she had completely forgotten about this. She took a deep breath as Kira switched off her phone.
"Did you film this?"
"Sure. That was amazing."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 17, 2018, 05:54:56 pm
"Alright. I still got another set, though."
"I'm all for it. Get ready."
"Get me my vibrator first. I so need this."
"God, Betty, you're really going crazy."
"And don't you love me for it?"
The plastic-titted stripper went to get the vibrator. Betty looked at her friend's butt. It was definitely getting bigger and stronger. Her training was paying off. The realization that she was turning all those women into stronger, more powerful versions of themselves made her smile. And it also made her even hotter. God, she loved being strong. She craved bigger muscles. All this power meant freedom. Self-control. It was amazing.
Kira returned and said:
"That thing's even bigger than the last one. Are you sure your husband's still enough for you?"
"Walker knows what he's doing. That makes up for certain ... deficiencies."
She took the rubber cock, licked it to make it wet and slowly pushed it inside her. She gasped.
"Wow. That feels good."
She rubbed her clit, which was already quite big now. From a pinhead, it had slowly evolved into a little nub the size of the nail on her pinkie. Just touching it made her sigh.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 18, 2018, 06:54:55 pm
She got ready for the third set. Before she could release the lock, Kira climbed on top of the weights and sat down there. She said:
"I hope you don't mind a little extra challenge."
Betty grinned:
"Not at all."
"I also took this with me."
She held up the remote for the vibrator. Betty whistled:
"I never used that thing."
"We'll find out whether it's any good. Give it to me!"
Betty started pumping. With Kira's extra weight on her legs, this was quite tough. She hissed between her teeth as she began going through her reps. Whenever she pushed against the plate, Kira grinned and turned up the vibrator. The device produced a rather aggressive buzzing and Betty rolled her eyes, trying to deal with all this stimulation. Her thighs seemed to explode with muscle.
Kira couldn't help getting turned on by what she saw. She filmed the show as good as she could, but having her hands full meant having to wait until her insane trainer was done. She regretted not having brought her own vibrator. Actually, she had, but it was over there in the bag. Well, what she saw was stimulating enough as it was.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 19, 2018, 03:18:18 pm
Kira started counting out the reps.
"Five, six, seven ... Go on! You're doing amazing!"
"Gaah ..."
As Betty pushed the weight from her, her face turned a deep crimson. Her thighs seemed to grow bigger and bigger now and the sweat was pouring from her body. She felt an orgasm building up in her.
"Eight, nine, ten ... I can't believe this. Betty, you're so sexy!"
The older woman was breathing heavily, trying to stay focused on the exercise. Kira's praise felt good, but the dildo was a little distracting. It just felt so amazingly good ...
"Eleven, twelve, thirteen ... You're almost there! Come on! Don't stop!"
Betty wavered. Her thighs started to shake. She was reaching her limit. Her trained body was prepared for most challenges, but this was a bit much. Suddenly, she felt Kira's toes on her clit. She produced a drawn-out gargling noise as she came. She concentrated barely enough to power through the set, but it was clear that this was blowing her mind.
"Fourteen ... Fifteen ... You're done!"
They quickly locked the weights and Betty literally flopped from the bench, producing exhausted, but very happy little noises.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 20, 2018, 06:19:25 am
Kira watched her writhe on the floor, still working her snatch and running her hands over her incredible body. Somewhere along the way, this woman had turned from submissive and weak housewife to dominant and sensual musclehead and Kira was still trying to wrap her mind around this. She knew previous Betty from Walker's stories, but thinking that this insanely muscular woman that was rubbing her own clit furiously while a vibrator buzzed in her cunt could once have been a little housewife ...
It was shocking. She wondered whether everyone of these little women around here hid such a ... monster. Probably not, but who could tell?
Eventually, Betty calmed down. She was soaked in sweat and juices and sighed happily.
"That was great. Do we really have to do a cam show now?"
"Well, I got it all on my phone. If we show this, people are going to go crazy."
"Then let's do it!"
Kira shrugged and went to work.
Meanwhile, Betty cleaned herself up and returned to her exercises. After all, there were still a few leg things to do.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 21, 2018, 08:13:40 am
Walker was in some strange, isolated place far away from anything. Roberts had sent him here to pick up the merchandise. While he waited for whoever would show up, he took out his phone. Strangely enough, he had some reception. He went to the page Kira and Betty used for their cam shows and found them. It was a strange thing to watch his wife posing on the internet, but then again, wasn't this somehow a good strategy to protect his marriage?
As far as he was concerned, all this craziness was his fault. He had cheated on her and made her feel unloved and he had neglected to protect her. Now, she had turned herself into this crazy, sexy muscle beast and he was helpless. He had no idea whether he could turn her back eventually. It didn't seem as if she'd return to normal anytime soon.
He wasn't sure if he actually wanted this. After all, she was ... amazing.
Walker couldn't help admiring her devotion and her can-do attitude. She was also, well, changing his perspective. Until now, he had always considered himself above her. He was her husband, meant to protect her and to take care of her. She was a woman, weak and easy to become distracted. He was supposed to guide her.
Now, she was becoming his equal.
Who was he kidding? She was stronger than him. She was earning money. People admired her. He was turning into a nobody. He sat silently in his car for a while, then the horniness got the better of him.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: phil123 on April 22, 2018, 05:47:10 am
Will Walker go to a gym again to try to get more muscles. So he tries to stay equal.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 22, 2018, 07:50:29 am
That's a good idea. I'll have to try and put this in.

It all started pretty simple. Betty and Kira appeared on the screen, both wearing rather tiny bikinis. Kira started:
"Hi, boys and girls! It's Kira and Betty!"
"Hello, everybody!"
Walker realized that Betty's voice had really dropped. She never had been chirpy, so to say, but he was pretty sure they'd have to move her to the back in the church choir now. Did she still go there? He wasn't sure. Things were falling apart.
There was something else too. They were both made up, although Betty had less "paint" in her face. She looked good, though. Her lips were looking plump and inviting. Of course, next to Kira's thick ... cock-suckers, as she sometimes called them, they looked normal. Somehow, Betty's face looked rougher. Harder. Her jaw seemed bigger. More assertive. He felt a little intimidated.
Kira said:
"We've missed you. After this little show, we'll have a new video I just shot online. You're going to love this."
"Definitely. I had a lot of fun doing this. And Kira has been a big help, if you know what I mean."
His wife winked at the watchers. Hm.
"Also, we gotta show off our progress now. Who wants to see what we've been up to at the gym?"
There was a written chorus of support. Walker almost joined them.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 23, 2018, 06:01:34 am
Kira got up, took a step back and said:
"Abs! Count them!"
She crunched them and Betty pointed at each in turn.
"... And six. Nice!"
"Yeah, I only had to do a million crunches with my favorite little torturer here."
Betty smiled and blushed:
"And you're going to do a million more. After all, there's two more little bumps to be defined down there."
His wife flexed her own abs and Walker almost choked when her waist transformed into a rippling mass of veins and fibers. Her abs were amazingly defined and there were eight of them. She was a beast. Also, they were framed by the most shockingly carved obliques. Walker had seen quite a few fit guys back in the day when he still did sports, but few of them had ever reached anything close to this.
Betty shook her torso and showed off her amazingly powerful midsection. The comments section raced by. People loved what they were seeing.
Then, she did a stomach vacuum and switched into an ab wave. The effect was shocking. Walker wasn't sure what to make of it. Did that turn him on? Whatever was going on, he couldn't turn his eyes away.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: hairylover321 on April 23, 2018, 10:09:21 am
These updates just keep getting hotter ad hotter! You are creating a masterpiece. I hope to see some more hairy updates. Karma!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: sgsg69 on April 23, 2018, 09:39:42 pm
Always you are with these chapters.....extra KARMA to you!! Keep Betty and Kira growing!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: chilipalmer99 on April 24, 2018, 01:30:21 am
This is awesome! Walker watching his wife and (former?) lover on camera, growing and fucking, and getting both turned on and conflicted by it? Keep it coming, please.

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 24, 2018, 05:21:03 pm
As the two women went about their business, joked, flirted and groped at each other, there was some noise outside. Walker put the phone aside and looked out into the darkness. This place was really isolated. He felt a little anxious. He reached for the rubber pipe he kept as an improvised weapon in his vehicle.
That's when the shots fell. Muzzle flashes lit the darkness.
Walker didn't wait to find out what was going on. He started the engine and backed the truck up. He decided he didn't want any big maneuvering right now. Better be quick. He concentrated on the road, which was barely illuminated by the truck's lights. As soon as he felt that it had straightened out, he prepared to reverse. He was halfway done when a jeep rumbled through the darkness. He didn't recognize it. Usually, the deliveries came from the same guys. Walker decided that these were probably the people doing the shooting and cursed.
He hit the paddle and let the truck jump forward. The jeep slowed abruptly and Walker used the moment of surprise to drive off the road. The suspension protested audibly, but he went with it. What else could he do?
If these guys were enemies of Roberts, they would simply kill him and be done with it. On the phone, the two women were producing slurping noises, adding to the overall surreal effect of the situation.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 25, 2018, 06:18:09 am
Walker had no idea where he was going. The truck was rumbling along over the unstable underground, the lights were flashing all over the place and his bones were rattling and shaking. He tried to concentrate on not hitting any of the obstacles, be they bushes, boulders or some vestiges of walls. Dust was everywhere and pellets were hitting the car's front.
The pursuers were still behind him, the flash of their headlights occasionally blinding him. He wondered if he should have brought a gun. Then again, this probably would have been useless and it would have been another thing to worry about.
He steered a hard left, trying desperately to return to the main road. He had to carefully balance the brake and the gas to prevent the truck from flipping over. A cloud of dust was thrown up against his windshield. Suddenly, another jeep appeared in front of him.
He hit the brakes hard, turned right and slammed sideways into the new car. The vehicle abruptly ground to a halt, but Walker just hit the gas hard and roared by. Amidst all the noise, he could swear there were shots ringing out.
He was pretty certain that those weren't the feds. So Roberts' little trick was in the open now.
That just made his job way harder.
He bulldozed a bush and hoped the engine wouldn't be damaged. Then, he emerged back on the main road. He sighed in relief and finally shut off the phone. His wife was just motorboating her friend. Yes, things weren't going as they should.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 26, 2018, 03:47:24 pm
As Betty's competition approached, she intensified her workouts. The training was taking up more and more of her time. The regular shows with Kira brought enough money, the obscure sponsoring drugs helped her too and she got bigger and bigger. Still, Betty continued to take care of the kids, her home, and Dora, which she still visited to keep her company and assist her. As far as they were concerned, Dora had taught her most of the stuff she knew about fighting and bodybuilding, so the master-disciple relationship had transformed into a regular friendship.
Betty poured her a cup of coffee and sat down next to her in the backyard of Dora's place. Months of regular work had transformed the rather over-grown place into a nice home. Of course, it wasn't one of these kitchy dream houses Betty inhabited, but it was comfortable and nice to look at. Dora insisted on maintaining the military look, displaying a large flag, her medals and her guns prominently.
Dora asked:
"So, what's new?"
"Oh, there's a lot to do: I still have to decide on a routine, I have to sew a new posing suit, I have to get some decent shoes and there is so much more ..."
"Wow. And is it worth it?"
"I guess so. I mean, third place? It's nice for a first try, but I know I can do more."
"Maybe you should get professional help. After all, no one of us knows really how this is supposed to work."
"Like a trainer?"
"Or a coach. I don't know."

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 27, 2018, 06:27:56 am
"Hi, Betty! How are you?"
"I'm fine. Thank you for having me here!"
Betty had called Bella and the champion had agreed to see her and give her some hints on how to improve. The older woman had packed her stuff and driven all the way to the city where she lived. She had also set up several sessions at the same time, taking Eric Jr. and Jennifer with her. The pair had gone to take a look around and enjoy the hotel's niceties, while Betty went to see the mighty athlete.
They embraced, their muscles brushing slightly against each other. The other woman's huge fake tits were also impressive. Betty was shocked:
"Wow. That feels ... surprising. I never ..."
"I know. The first time I met another female bodybuilder, I was electrified. I loved it. It really kickstarted my career."
Bella led her to the table where she had prepared a few very healthy snacks.
"So, you've made some amazing progress. I wonder what you really need my help for. From what I can see, you're doing fine."
"Thank you. It's just that ... I want to be the best I can be, and I really have only the vaguest idea how posing really works. And I have a hundred little questions ..."
"That's fine. I'll do my best to answer them. So, show me what you got!"

Boobs version
"Hi, Betty! How are you?"
"I'm fine. Thank you for having me here!"
Betty had called Bella and the champion had agreed to see her and give her some hints on how to improve. The older woman had packed her stuff and driven all the way to the city where she lived. She had also set up several sessions at the same time, taking Eric Jr. and Jennifer with her. The pair had gone to take a look around and enjoy the hotel's niceties, while Betty went to see the mighty athlete.
They embraced, their muscles brushing slightly against each other. Their tits mashed into each other, making them giggle. Betty was surprised that Bella's were just so amazingly big. Still, her own boobs were quite massive now. She wondered what it felt like to have such large ones. Her own somehow felt inadequate now.
"Wow. That feels ... surprising. I never ..."
"I know. The first time I met another female bodybuilder, I was electrified. I loved it. It really kickstarted my career."
Bella led her to the table where she had prepared a few very healthy snacks.
"So, you've made some amazing progress. I wonder what you really need my help for. From what I can see, you're doing fine. Also, nice boobs! You picked a good size ... "
"Thank you. It's just that ... I want to be the best I can be, and I really have only the vaguest idea how posing really works. And I have a hundred little questions ..."
"That's fine. I'll do my best to answer them. So, show me what you got!"

Hair version
"Hi, Betty! How are you?"
"I'm fine. Thank you for having me here!"
Betty had called Bella and the champion had agreed to see her and give her some hints on how to improve. The older woman had packed her stuff and driven all the way to the city where she lived. She had also set up several sessions at the same time, taking Eric Jr. and Jennifer with her. The pair had gone to take a look around and enjoy the hotel's niceties, while Betty went to see the mighty athlete.
They embraced, their muscles brushing slightly against each other. The other woman's huge fake tits were also impressive. Up close, she could see all that little hair on Bella's cheeks and shoulders. She suddenly realized that she should manage her own more. Betty was shocked:
"Wow. That feels ... surprising. I never ..."
"I know. The first time I met another female bodybuilder, I was electrified. I loved it. It really kickstarted my career."
Bella led her to the table where she had prepared a few very healthy snacks.
"So, you've made some amazing progress. I wonder what you really need my help for. From what I can see, you're doing fine."
"Thank you. It's just that ... I want to be the best I can be, and I really have only the vaguest idea how posing really works. And I have a hundred little questions ..."
"That's fine. I'll do my best to answer them. So, show me what you got!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 28, 2018, 09:19:33 am
Soon after, Betty was standing there in her self-made posing suit, going through the various stances. She concentrated on her muscles, flexing them hard and struggling to bring out their size and definition. Of course, she was nowhere near contest condition, but she still wanted to do her best.
Bella watched her and was quite impressed. What this woman had achieved without a studio or a professional coach, just by picking up tricks on the internet, was amazing. As to muscle size, Betty was surprisingly built. Normally, most competitors were pretty tiny next to her. On the serious competitions Bella ended up in the heavyweights, usually meeting only one opponent, generally someone with bad preparation and too much bodyfat.
Betty showed potential. With a few tricks of the trade, she could be a serious contender. Bella vascillated. Should she help this woman who was a potential competitor who could give her a run for the title? Feeling all mentory was nice, but what if she actually beat Bella? Then she remembered the minimal prize money.
Whatever. She'd train this woman the best she could. If only to have a serious competitor to struggle against.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 29, 2018, 12:22:20 pm
"Okay, let me show you a thing or two."
Bella got up, stripped out of her clothes and smiled as Betty stared at her body. She was still off-season, but that only made her appear even bulkier. Betty couldn't take her eyes off her.
"Wow. You look amazing!"
"Thank you. I've still got a lot to do, but all in all, I'm quite happy. I mean, I'd really love to add a dry inch to my arms and maybe work on my taper, but overall ..."
The bigger musclewoman adjusted her bra. She was wearing a quite huge sports bra that contained her huge tits.
"I know, they're huge. I used to be a stripper before I got into bodybuilding and these two were an amazing investment. After that, I kinda kept them. The judges don't like them, but other people do."
"You do sessions too?"
Bella still had to get used to Betty's directness.
"Err ... Yes. I do."
"Cool! We could do some together! Also, I'm always looking for people doing cam shows and movies with me."
"Betty, I thought you were a housewife ..."
"I was. I probably still am. But my man doesn't earn the kind of money my hobby costs, so here I am."
"Girl, you're crazy."
"People keep telling me that."

Boob variant
"Okay, let me show you a thing or two."
Bella got up, stripped out of her clothes and smiled as Betty stared at her body. She was still off-season, but that only made her appear even bulkier. Betty couldn't take her eyes off her.
"Wow. You look amazing!"
"Thank you. I've still got a lot to do, but all in all, I'm quite happy. I mean, I'd really love to add a dry inch to my arms and maybe work on my taper, but overall ..."
The bigger musclewoman adjusted her bra. She was wearing a quite huge sports bra that contained her huge tits.
"I know, they're huge."
Betty shrugged:
"Mine are smaller, but I can understand. I'd get mine bigger too if I had the money and the time."
"You would?"
"Sure. I love them!"
The older woman cupped her fake tits and let them flop down. Bella explained:
"I used to be a stripper before I got into bodybuilding and these two were an amazing investment. After that, I kinda kept them. The judges don't like them, but other people do."
"You do sessions too?"
Bella still had to get used to Betty's directness.
"Err ... Yes. I do."
"Cool! We could do some together! Also, I'm always looking for people doing cam shows and movies with me."
"Betty, I thought you were a housewife ..."
"I was. I probably still am. But my man doesn't earn the kind of money my hobby costs, so here I am."
"Girl, you're crazy."
"People keep telling me that."

Hair variant
"Okay, let me show you a thing or two."
Bella got up, stripped out of her clothes and smiled as Betty stared at her body. She was still off-season, but that only made her appear even bulkier. It was obvious that the steroids she was shooting had transformed her thoroughly. Despite her attempts to manage her body hair, it was visible. It wasn't as fluffy as Betty's, but still. Her guest couldn't take her eyes off her.
"Wow. You look amazing!"
"Thank you. I've still got a lot to do, but all in all, I'm quite happy. I mean, I'd really love to add a dry inch to my arms and maybe work on my taper, but overall ..."
She noticed that Betty was looking at the hair:
"Yeah, I know, I should get depilated again. But I don't want to irritate my skin when I'm bulking. It gets bad enough as it is."
"I don't mind. It's part of the game."
The bigger musclewoman shrugged, then adjusted her bra. She was wearing a quite huge sports bra that contained her huge tits.
"I know, they're huge. I used to be a stripper before I got into bodybuilding and these two were an amazing investment. After that, I kinda kept them. The judges don't like them, but other people do."
"You do sessions too?"
Bella still had to get used to Betty's directness.
"Err ... Yes. I do."
"Cool! We could do some together! Also, I'm always looking for people doing cam shows and movies with me."
"Betty, I thought you were a housewife ..."
"I was. I probably still am. But my man doesn't earn the kind of money my hobby costs, so here I am."
"Girl, you're crazy."
"People keep telling me that."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: hairylover321 on April 30, 2018, 03:58:44 am
I wonder how Walker would react to another "training" buddy. Great work! K+
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on April 30, 2018, 04:59:29 am
As she left Bella's home to pick up Eric Jr. and Jennifer, she was both happy and thoughtful. She had really enjoyed chatting with someone in the same situation as her, but at the same time, she realized that there was no way to make it as a bodybuilder without all those weird side-businesses. She didn't actually mind doing all this, but still, there was a certain sting to the idea that her kids would be embarrassed when everything finally came out. She suspected that quite a few people knew already, but preferred not to expose her. After all, they would be just as disgraced if they admitted to watching her stuff.
Then again, what if they stayed anonymous? What if her kids' friends were confronted by their friends?
Right now, she was a bit of a freak, but her fitness classes were well-received and people respected this even without understanding what she was doing.
She sighed. On the other hand, she was enjoying what she was doing. Seriously. She was having fun and excellent sex and the money was okay. No one in her right mind would give up on this. Maybe she should just get it over with, admit it and own it. Keep the situation under control by seizing the initiative.
She'd have to talk to Walker about this.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: phil123 on April 30, 2018, 05:18:26 am
Again some great chapters with new possibilities.

She could tsrt competition oveseas to getnot known a home. Or some private found competions to start with.

And of course - she can grow with bella.
Can't wait to read what happens with walker. Does he also use her steroids to get bigger and some fighting classes?

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 01, 2018, 07:35:13 pm
Later in the afternoon, she arrived at the place for her session. Eric Jr. and Jennifer were looking relaxed. They had had a massage first, then they went swimming at the pool and finally, they had disappeared into their room and had some fun. Betty had interrupted them and quickly retreated. Somehow, thinking about her relationship with Walker had made her more sensitive to what those kids needed. She had basically inserted herself into their thing, and now that she thought about it, she had been pretty rude.
They got out of the car and Eric Jr. and Jennifer helped her with her carrying. It wasn't as if she needed it, but she felt more in charge delegating things like these. The house was actually suburban. Not cheap, but not too fancy either. After her encounter with Dan and Caroline, she had expected her customers to be quite rich. She wondered what that one was about.
She rang.
Moments later, an overweight woman with glasses opened.
"Hi! You must be Betty. I'm Lorraine. It's great to have you here. Come on in."
They walked inside. The place was pretty normal. Betty had her assistants set down her stuff and said:
"Nice place, Lorraine. Comfortable."
"Thank you. So how does this work?"
"You just tell me what you want me to do and we get going."
"Cool. This is my first time."
"No problem. I'm not a pro yet either."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 02, 2018, 07:16:55 am
"Okay, so I'd like to see your muscles. Could you pump them up and show me?"
Betty had already warmed up at the hotel, so a little extra was always doable. She grabbed the zipper on the top of her tracksuit and slowly pulled it down. Lorraine stared. She was clearly having fun. When Betty reached the middle of her pecs, she turned around, spread her back and shot her a seductive look. She had picked up those stripper tricks from Kira. Then, she continued pulling down the zipper, finally reaching the bottom. She let the jacket flap open for a second, then she covered back up.
Shaking her hips, she turned back, walked to Lorraine and pulled her jacket open for a moment, giving her a glimpse of her chest. The fat woman swallowed. She mouthed:
"Wow ..."
Betty grinned, covered back up, walked around her "victim", opened her jacket again and slid her muscular chest down her back. She returned to the front, walking on the tips of her toes. As she walked, she loosened her pants and dropped them, stepping out of them quickly.
She flexed her buttocks and slapped her tight, muscular ass.
"You like that?"
"I love that."
The musclewoman turned her back to Lorraine, opened her jacket and revealed her shoulders. They were huge and ripped.
"And they're not even pumped up yet ..."

Boobs variant
"Okay, so I'd like to see your muscles. Could you pump them up and show me?"
Betty had already warmed up at the hotel, so a little extra was always doable. She grabbed the zipper on the top of her tracksuit and slowly pulled it down. She gave her tits a little squeeze to make her cleavage even more impressive. Lorraine stared. She was clearly having fun. When Betty reached the middle of her pecs, she turned around, spread her back and shot her a seductive look. She had picked up those stripper tricks from Kira. Then, she continued pulling down the zipper, finally reaching the bottom. She let the jacket flap open for a second, then she covered back up.
Shaking her hips, she turned back, walked to Lorraine and pulled her jacket open for a moment, giving her a glimpse of her chest and her big round boobs. The fat woman swallowed. She mouthed:
"Wow ..."
Betty grinned, covered back up, walked around her "victim", opened her jacket again and slid her big fake boobs down her back. She returned to the front, walking on the tips of her toes. As she walked, she loosened her pants and dropped them, stepping out of them quickly.
She flexed her buttocks and slapped her tight, muscular ass.
"You like that?"
"I love that."
The musclewoman turned her back to Lorraine, opened her jacket and revealed her shoulders. They were huge and ripped.
"And they're not even pumped up yet ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: sgsg69 on May 02, 2018, 02:43:12 pm
Major Karma to you!, I love the fact that in your writing you keep it so real, it not just some schmoe that Betty deals with, but every possible variant  - Lorraine. Great perspective that women can be just as interested in Betty as anyone else!! Great skill, keeps us readers on our toes and forever waiting for the next installment!
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 02, 2018, 06:55:50 pm
Thanks a lot! I try to keep it interesting.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 03, 2018, 01:57:49 pm
Betty dropped the jacket, her broad back in plain view. She gave her arms a little flex, then turned to face Lorraine. Her pecs were on full display, her bra looking a little overburdened by her heavy chest muscles.
The other woman grinned. She was having the time of her life. She sat down on her couch and said:
"Show me!"
Betty obliged. She unzipped her bag and took out the exercise bands. These were easier to use when on the road. Of course, she would have preferred to use real weights, but this was the simpler way. She wrapped the band around her hands, stepped into it and pulled. Lorraine smiled as Betty started to pump up. She used the hardest and most resistant bands available and it showed. As she pumped and went through the exercises, her muscles started to swell. Those exercises didn't look like much, but since she did them with care and precision, moving slowly, she could really feel the strain.
Lorraine blinked as more and more of Betty's magnificent muscles popped up. The older musclewoman was starting to look quite shockingly powerful. The chubby woman suddenly realized that her hand had gone to her crotch. She wondered how that had happened ... Then she sighed. Watching this goddess grow harder and bigger turned her on and she felt understood now. Betty shared her passion, albeit actively, while she loved the passive view.
Betty saw what was going on and upped the ante.

Boobs version:
Betty dropped the jacket, her broad back in plain view. She gave her arms a little flex, then turned to face Lorraine. Her boobs were on full display, her bra looking a little overburdened by her heavy chest muscles and those heavy implants. Betty wondered how they would look once she was contest ready. Maybe she should get them pumped up some more, going with the completely unnatural look ...
The other woman grinned. She was having the time of her life. She sat down on her couch and said:
"Show me!"
Betty obliged. She unzipped her bag and took out the exercise bands. These were easier to use when on the road. Of course, she would have preferred to use real weights, but this was the simpler way. She wrapped the band around her hands, stepped into it and pulled. Lorraine smiled as Betty started to pump up. She used the hardest and most resistant bands available and it showed. As she pumped and went through the exercises, her muscles started to swell. With every pull, her breasts were either squashed or stretched, the implant becoming obvious. That didn't seem to annoy Lorraine. Far from it, she couldn't help salivating and quickly shut her mouth.
Those exercises didn't look like much, but since she did them with care and precision, moving slowly, she could really feel the strain.
Lorraine blinked as more and more of Betty's magnificent muscles popped up. The older musclewoman was starting to look quite shockingly powerful. The chubby woman suddenly realized that her hand had gone to her crotch. She wondered how that had happened ... Then she sighed. Watching this goddess grow harder and bigger turned her on and she felt understood now. Betty shared her passion, albeit actively, while she loved the passive view.
Betty saw what was going on and upped the ante.

Hair version:
Betty dropped the jacket, her broad back in plain view. Lorraine could see the slight cover of hair that sprouted from her shoulders and back. Betty gave her arms a little flex, then turned to face Lorraine. Her pecs were on full display, her bra looking a little overburdened by her heavy chest muscles. There was a bit of soft, inconspicuous fur on them, which caught the sweat.
The other woman grinned. She was having the time of her life. She sat down on her couch and said:
"Show me!"
Betty obliged. She unzipped her bag and took out the exercise bands. These were easier to use when on the road. Of course, she would have preferred to use real weights, but this was the simpler way. She wrapped the band around her hands, stepped into it and pulled. Lorraine smiled as Betty started to pump up. She used the hardest and most resistant bands available and it showed. As she pumped and went through the exercises, her muscles started to swell. Those exercises didn't look like much, but since she did them with care and precision, moving slowly, she could really feel the strain.
Lorraine blinked as more and more of Betty's magnificent muscles popped up. The sweat really brought out the dark color of her bodyhair. The older musclewoman was starting to look quite shockingly powerful. The chubby woman suddenly realized that her hand had gone to her crotch. She wondered how that had happened ... Then she sighed. Watching this goddess grow harder and bigger turned her on and she felt understood now. Betty shared her passion, albeit actively, while she loved the passive view.
Betty saw what was going on and upped the ante.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 04, 2018, 08:12:05 pm
She dropped the bands now and went down on the floor, getting in a push-up position. Then, with mesmerizing slowness, she performed a few precise push-ups, varying her hand positions to really show off the various muscles of her arms and her back. She switched to one-handed push-ups, then she crouched back down, flexing her arms and hitting Lorraine with a full double-biceps pose. She felt her biceps swell, the vascularity becoming more prominent despite her not being in competition shape. The blood was rushing to her arms as she pumped again and again, getting her arms to bigger and bigger mass. She twisted her wrists, making them pop.
"Looks good, huh?"
"Amazing. Betty, I love your arms. They are so sexy."
"Thank you ..."
She looked back up and added:
"Want to touch them?"
For a second, she thought Lorraine would have a heart attack. Then the obese woman nodded lustfully.
"Then come closer."
She got up from the sofa and crawled to her. It was a bit strange to watch her like this, but Betty decided not to react. People did weird stuff and she was getting attention, money and love, so why annoy them.
Betty felt Lorraine's fingers on her arm. She traced the lines and bulges of her arms and breathed:
"It's so big ... I love it."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 05, 2018, 07:35:54 am
And then, the situation escalated. Lorraine literally clung to Betty's arm and abruptly started licking it. Betty hesitated. Should she stop her fan? It was a bit much, especially without asking. Lorraine pushed and squeezed herself against Betty's muscular body and then, without warning, tipped her over.
Betty yelped, surprised by the other woman's sudden push. She landed on her butt and the heavy woman was on top of her, her thick body holding her down. It took Betty a moment to recover. Lorraine was still licking and kissing her, murmuring:
"Oh God ... This is so good. I love you, I love you ..."
"Whoa, girl, calm down ..."
"Oh, Betty, I love your muscles. I love them."
She nibbled at Betty's thick muscular arms, her little teeth barely denting the powerful goddess' skin. This was making Betty uncomfortable. Lorraine squeezed her muscles, grunting lustfully.
Betty made up her mind: Enough. She was all for little games, but this was enough.
She grabbed Lorraine by the waist, wrapping her strong arms around it and lifted her, rolling her on her back. The obese woman gasped and landed on the floor, Betty squeezing her to calm her down. She flailed at her and shouted:
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... I got carried away!"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 06, 2018, 11:39:15 am
Betty held her and said:
"I didn't hear you."
"Please! I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!"
The musclewoman gave her another squeeze. Her arms seemed to explode with muscles. Lorraine wasn't sure what to think: Was her dominatrix angry or happy? Was this a game or serious? She looked at Betty's hard eyes and couldn't be sure. She asked:
"Are you playing around?"
Betty burst into laughter. The worried look on Lorraine's face was priceless. Having all those muscles, all this power, it was amazing! She was in control and this woman couldn't do a thing! She sighed happily. She loved being so strong!
Lorraine was relieved, but only a little.
"So, apology accepted?"
"Certainly. I just wanted to show you that I don't like it when people don't respect the limits. Got it?"
"Sure. Everything is clear. Sorry!"
"No problem." Betty squeezed Lorraine's belly again. "Are you having fun down there?"
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 07, 2018, 06:28:37 am
"I'm a bit scared, but ... Yes. Please go on!"
Betty nodded and struck. She twisted around, landing Lorraine on her face. Then, her incredibly strong legs disengaged and she wrapped them over the fat woman's, holding her tight. She slung her arms around her neck and applied a little pressure.
"Okay, that's ..." She gasped for air. "That's a bit much. Help!"
Betty obliged, letting her back out. The obese woman crawled away, then said:
"Okay, wow. That's too intense. Can I ... Can I just get back to niceties?"
Betty laid down on the floor, spreading her muscular legs and presenting her hard, powerful crotch. She propped herself up on her forearms, displaying her abs. The overweight woman licked her lips. The musclewoman grinned as her customer ran her tongue over the inner side of her legs, groping at her well-trained calves.
"Wow ... Wow. This is so sexy. God, Betty, I love this ..."
Betty flexed her quads, making her legs swell.
"Enjoy, but stay cool."
"How can I with muscles like these?"
"I'll just cool you down when it gets out of hand ..."

Boobs version:
"I'm a bit scared, but ... Yes. Please go on!"
Betty nodded and struck. She twisted around, landing Lorraine on her face. Then, her incredibly strong legs disengaged and she wrapped them over the fat woman's, holding her tight. She slung her arms around her neck and applied a little pressure. Her heavy tits squeezed against Lorraine's back. Somehow, Betty became aware of the implants again.
"Okay, that's ..." She gasped for air. "That's a bit much. Help!"
Betty obliged, letting her back out. The obese woman crawled away, then said:
"Okay, wow. That's too intense. Can I ... Can I just get back to niceties?"
Betty laid down on the floor, spreading her muscular legs and presenting her hard, powerful crotch. She propped herself up on her forearms, displaying her abs while pushing out her tits. Betty could see that Lorraine liked the view. The overweight woman licked her lips. The musclewoman grinned as her customer ran her tongue over the inner side of her legs, groping at her well-trained calves.
"Wow ... Wow. This is so sexy. God, Betty, I love this ..."
Betty flexed her quads, making her legs swell.
"Enjoy, but stay cool."
"How can I with muscles like these?"
"I'll just cool you down when it gets out of hand ..."

Hair version:
"I'm a bit scared, but ... Yes. Please go on!"
Betty nodded and struck. She twisted around, landing Lorraine on her face. Then, her incredibly strong legs disengaged and she wrapped them over the fat woman's, holding her tight. She slung her arms around her neck and applied a little pressure.
"Okay, that's ..." She gasped for air. "That's a bit much. Help!"
Betty obliged, letting her back out. The obese woman crawled away, then said:
"Okay, wow. That's too intense. Can I ... Can I just get back to niceties?"
Betty laid down on the floor, spreading her muscular legs and presenting her hard, powerful crotch. She propped herself up on her forearms, displaying her abs. The overweight woman licked her lips. The musclewoman grinned as her customer ran her tongue over the inner side of her legs, soaking her fur and groping at her well-trained calves.
"Wow ... Wow. This is so sexy. Your hair ... It has this smell. God, Betty, I love this ..."
Betty flexed her quads, making her legs swell.
"Enjoy, but stay cool."
"How can I with muscles like these?"
"I'll just cool you down when it gets out of hand ..."
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 08, 2018, 02:23:08 pm
Lorraine continued her licking, moving up slowly. She sighed and moaned happily, her fingers trying to squeeze into Betty's rock-hard flesh. She mumbled:
"It's so salty ... I love your sweat ..."
Betty was a little creeped out, but her worshipper was having a great time, so why not? Lorraine reached her crotch and licked over Betty's tiny underwear. The musclewoman shivered. That felt good now. She tightened herself, Lorraine asked:
"So you like that ..."
The obese woman intensified her licking. Betty felt herself get wet. She breathed in sharply. The other woman continued, running her tongue over the soaked panties. Betty's legs started to close, squeezing against Lorraine's head. The woman kept on licking and the amazon had to concentrate on not pushing too hard.
That's when Lorraine hit the sweet spot, her tongue running under Betty's clit hood.
Betty howled with lust and squeezed hard.
Lorraine felt as if she was caught in a bear trap. She was about to panic when the power of the other woman's legs suddenly calmed her down. It was strange. She was completely zen now, her mind overflowing with a bizarre, distant ecstasy.
"Ooh ..."

Hair version:
Lorraine continued her licking, moving up slowly. She sighed and moaned happily, her fingers trying to squeeze into Betty's rock-hard flesh. She mumbled:
"It's so salty ... I love your sweat ... It's sticky, God, that hair ..."
Betty was a little creeped out, but her worshipper was having a great time, so why not? Lorraine reached her crotch and licked over Betty's tiny underwear. The musclewoman shivered. That felt good now. She tightened herself, Lorraine asked:
"So you like that ..."
The obese woman intensified her licking. Betty felt herself get wet. She breathed in sharply. The other woman continued, running her tongue over the soaked panties. Lorraine was running her hands over the slight fur on her legs and dove deep into Betty's muff. Betty's legs started to close, squeezing against Lorraine's head. The woman kept on licking and the amazon had to concentrate on not pushing too hard.
That's when Lorraine hit the sweet spot, her tongue running under Betty's clit hood.
Betty howled with lust and squeezed hard.
Lorraine felt as if she was caught in a bear trap. She was about to panic when the power of the other woman's legs suddenly calmed her down. It was strange. She was completely zen now, her mind overflowing with a bizarre, distant ecstasy.
"Ooh ..."

Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: hairylover321 on May 08, 2018, 05:14:47 pm
Incredible updates ElRoy!  :rock:
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 09, 2018, 07:22:04 am
Betty wondered whether she had overdone it, but the other woman's moans implied that everything was alright. She obliged, keeping the pressure up. Eventually, her client calmed down, so Betty took her and craddled her in her powerful arms. Lorraine sighed happily and mumbled:
"That was amazing ... Oh, I love this. Thank you."
Betty stroked her hair and said:
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's good that you found what you like."
"Oh yes ... That's what I want."
They stayed like this for a while, then they got back up and Lorraine offered her a cup of coffee. They sat down in the kitchen, Betty wrapping her muscular figure in a robe. She let one of her huge shoulders peek out. Lorraine found it hard to tear her eyes from it. As they recovered, her host asked:
"So, how did you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Get so muscular? I mean, I've been following the bodybuilding shows for a few years now and you just kinda appeared suddenly."
Betty laughed:
"Of course. Well, I just started a little time a go. Maybe a year. I never planned for me to get so big. It sort of happened after a while. I just fell in love with training and then, I did my first competition."
"So you're planning another run?"
"Sure. I'm currently bulking. I'm going to be really big."
She could tell that the mere mention of this turned Lorraine on again.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 10, 2018, 08:56:28 am
When it was time to say goodbye, they embraced. Lorraine assured Betty that she would cheer for her at the competition. They had taken a few selfies and Betty invited her client to join her at her gym to show her the ropes if she wanted to get in shape. Lorraine made non-committal noises. Betty left, proud of a job well done.
On the way back, Jennifer said:
"Wow. That was a weird one. I wonder how long it must have taken her to finally admit to herself that this was what she liked."
"I dunno. She was a little creepy, if you ask me. Actually, all of my session clients are a bit strange. I sure wish everybody were a little more open about all this. It would certainly mean less awkwardness."
Eric Jr. added:
"You wouldn't earn any money with this if people were really honest with that."
"You think so?"
"I mean, they're basically paying you to allow them to act out their fantasy. If this wasn't super-awkward, they'd just find a partner who'd do it with them."
Betty shrugged:
"Not sure about that. You'd still have to find a person that'd fit your kink."
"Hm. Maybe."
Jennifer and Eric Jr. exchanged glances.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: big easy on May 11, 2018, 12:42:34 am
Hmmm do I sense Lorraine maybe becoming a bodybuilder too? ;)
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 11, 2018, 03:49:16 pm
We'll see ...

Betty arrived home. She was pretty tired and it was late. She took off her shoes and stepped out of her pants, sighing gladly. Tomorrow, she'd clean up the house, pick up her kids at her mother's and prepare for a nice weekend with the family. There would also be some training, of course, but for now, she just wanted a little pause. Walker was expected to arrive in the morning and she'd do everything for him to be comfortable. After all this business, she just wanted a nice day.
All in all, things were looking up, so why not enjoy them for a moment ...
Then she saw Walker lying on the couch.
What was he doing here? Had something gone wrong?
She looked at him. He was sleeping, but there were a few hard bruises on his face and arms. His clothes were dirty and he seemed exhausted. Betty wondered what the story was. She walked out to the spot where he parked his truck and was surprised to find it rather banged up. There were pieces of vegetation stuck in the grill and jammed in the fenders. The truck was really dirty.
Okay, so tomorrow would be a big cleaning day for everyone.
She returned inside, picked him up and carried him up, craddling him like a baby. Being this strong had its advantages. She undressed him, cleaned his wounds, careful not to wake him up and laid him down next to her.
They'd talk in the morning.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: phil123 on May 12, 2018, 02:59:37 am
Hope she teachers Walker so fighting tricks and he als tries to get bigger.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 12, 2018, 07:11:51 am
As she laid in the bed, she felt a rising panic. Ever since the attack on their house, she felt unsafe. Mike's guys had been beaten back and defeated, but at night, when everything was quiet, she would listen for any suspicious sounds outside. During the day, she could simply drown all of this out by working out hard. She knew that her body was powerful enough to crush any of them and her training with Dora had made her a rather skilled fighter. She not only knew how to beat people with her bare hands, she was also able to fight with sticks, knives and guns. Since the attack, she had focused on improving her techniques and to keep a cool head under fire.
All of this was a way for her to feel safe again.
And yet, in the night, she wrapped herself into her blanket and breathed deep to stay calm. Sometimes, she just wished she could return to her former weak self. She'd have Walker hold her tight and she could just cry while knowing that he would keep her safe.
Then again, he wasn't there all that much and now that she'd been caught in this horrible situation, there was no putting the toothpaste back into the tube. She felt good as she was now, but there was a certain regret anyway.
She'd have to find out what Walker's strange business was about. This was getting dangerous for everybody and she'd have to think of her kids.
After an hour of mulling all of this about, she finally fell asleep.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 13, 2018, 02:43:06 pm
Walker awoke in the wee hours. It took him a while to understand where he was. The last thing he could remember was lying down on the couch for a moment and now he was in bed, nicely tucked in. He looked around as the grey light filtered through the blinds and saw the hulking shape of his wife next to him. Betty produced cute little snoring noises. Sometimes, she sounded like an entire sawmill, but now, she only grumbled a little.
He sighed. Slowly, the memories of yesterday's complete chaos returned. Once he escaped the attack, he drove home directly, skipping all the other stops on the route. He was pretty sure Roberts would fire him now, but at least, he was alive. He only now noticed just how sore he was. Looking at the bruises and cuts, he realized that Betty must have treated them.
He just couldn't help being glad for this wonderful woman's love. Okay, she was a bit of a freak, but then, he knew he could count on her. Who could say the same for him?
Breathing in deeply, he fell asleep again, cosying himself into the sheets.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 14, 2018, 06:15:31 am
He awoke again to the smell of sizzling bacon. Walker climbed out of the bed, went to the bathroom, put on his robe and went to the kitchen. On his way there, he still noticed the patches where they had covered up the bullet holes. After what happened yesterday, these things came back to him. They had barely escaped getting killed back then. He fought back the memories. What a shitty life he was leading! Okay, he had this wonderful wife and the nice and bright kids, but on the other hand, he was stuck in a gang war and the locals were trying to kill his wife.
Maybe he should try and look for another life somewhere else. They could move to the west. Betty could set up a full gym and do her muscle stuff and he was pretty sure people there would need a Mister Fix-it. If the TV was to be believed, these West Coast idiots were pretty much good with their computers only, and completely unable to fix a roof or build a house without killing themselves.
That would mean giving up his life here, his friends and, well, his position. Here, his word counted. When people needed help or advice, they would come to him and he would be able to tell them what to do. They would trust him. In another place, what was he worth?
Seeing Betty in her sportswear and apron took his mind of these thoughts.
Title: Re: Story poll result - Bodybuilding Housewife [El_Roy_1999]
Post by: hairylover321 on May 14, 2018, 08:49:36 am
If they do move west, I'm sure they could spend some time at the beach. This story is so incredible! K+
Title: Re: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 15, 2018, 05:23:51 pm
"So, Walker, how do you feel? You seemed pretty crushed yesterday."
"Did you carry me to the bed?"
She smiled, plopped the eggs and bacon on his plate and gave him a kiss.
"I couldn't let you sleep on the couch. Your neck would have given you hell today."
Once again, Walker couldn't help noticing that her voice was a bit lower than before.
"Thank you. Also, thank you for taking care of the cuts."
"Can you tell me what happened?"
"I'm sorry. That's not a good idea. I want to keep you out of this."
She sat down next to him and started on her own food, which was way less exciting or tasty than his. He asked:
"How can you still eat this? Isn't it boring yet?"
"It's been boring a long time ago. But it's worth it. I mean, look at those guns!"
She lifted her heavy arm and gave her biceps a flex. It swelled and grew, eventually looking bigger than his ever was. He gasped:
"Wow. You're getting huge."
"I am. I'll beat the competition and earn first place."
"Betty, sometimes, this scares me."
"Me too. But then I think: This is what I want to do."
Walker stared into the distance for a moment. His own stuff was scaring him too, but was it really what he wanted to do?
Title: Re: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 15, 2018, 05:26:45 pm
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If they do move west, I'm sure they could spend some time at the beach. This story is so incredible! K+
Thank you. I'm still trying to make up my mind how to finish this ...
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on May 16, 2018, 04:31:31 am
and perhaps now Is the time Walker realized that he also have to grow an get some fighting knowledge.
So he gets trained by Betty and uses some of her steroids to get bigger.
And so he also gets into bodybuilding.
And some times they compare sizes.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 16, 2018, 06:51:05 am
When they were done, Walker went outside to check on the truck. It was pretty banged up and there would be a lot of work before he could seriously expect it to look inconspicuous again. He sighed. He'd have to see Roberts as soon as possible and fix all this. He shrugged and shouted:
"Betty, I'm going out. I'll be back soon."
She peeked out of the door:
"Okay ... Anything I should know about?"
"Nah. Best not."
"Very well then."
She disappeared. Okay. That was clear now: She didn't know what he was doing, but she was suspecting something. He had to come clean now with her. He climbed into his car and was off.
As soon as he was gone, Betty went into overdrive. She cleaned the house, went to her gym and shot herself up. As the roids entered her body, she hissed. It hurt, but she knew they would make her big and strong and she needed this so much right now. She set the pulldown machine to 180 pounds and went to work. Sitting upright, she let her muscles do the thinking. Concentrating on the exercise, she went zen in a moment, enjoying the casual emptiness of her fitness. It just felt good to workout and get stronger.
The first set went without a hitch. She was amazed by how much weight she could lift. It was easily four times the amount then when she started.
She wondered if she could continue increasing this ...
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on May 17, 2018, 04:02:51 am
I hope Betty can increase the weight much more than the 180 pounds.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 17, 2018, 03:56:18 pm
Walker found Roberts in his home office. He was staring at the screen intently, then turned to him as he noticed him.
"Walker, what's up? I heard there's problems."
"Oh yes. Everything went to shit on the last delivery. The guy I was supposed to meet never showed up. Instead I got attacked and barely managed to get away. I did bring the money back."
He put the box of cash on the desk. Roberts didn't look at it. He knew he could trust Walker.
"Good. Did you see who attacked you?"
"No. I'm sorry. They were shooting, so I just fled."
"Uh. How about the dash-cam? Do you still have that thing?"
"Yeah. That actually might help. I was reversing, so there should be something. I'll get it right after we're done."
"Excellent. You know, I told you not to use the cam. I didn't want any proof of what we're doing here. But now, that might actually help. Good work, Walker."
"Thank you. Anything else?"
"There's going to be a war. We need to make sure our town is safe. I'm going to set up some patrols. You should warn your wife. I don't want her to shoot up any of my guys."
Walker managed a chuckle.
"I'll see to it."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 18, 2018, 06:10:18 am
Betty was grunting now. The pulldowns were getting hard now. She was in her fourth set, sweating and struggling. She loved this. It hurt like hell, she really had to fight, but she knew she'd get bigger and stronger. She'd be invincible and amazingly powerful. The mere thought made her wet.
The sweat was running into her eyes, but she just bit her lip and continued relentlessly. She knew that the sacrifice was worth it. Soon, she'd start the cutting and her body would transform into a dry, ripped shape. She'd look at herself and see the muscles move under her skin. This time, she'd win.
She was longing for the success. She'd stand there in the light, her body bulked and cut to the max. She'd be like a perfect sculpture, every little bit of her physique defined. God ... She felt she was about to cum.
It took her a while to calm down after this. She continued her exercises and eventually showered. She missed Eric Jr.'s massages. The poor guy was working more now since he wanted to marry Jennifer and offer her at least some comfort. She smiled to herself. These two were cute. She wondered if Jennifer would be a housewife just like her.
Well, just like she had been before she discovered her true self. She'd have to talk to her. Maybe show her a few tricks.
She got dressed and went to take a look at the car. Maybe she could do some work and help Walker before picking up the kids.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on May 19, 2018, 02:44:01 pm
This keeps getting more and more interesting. I wonder if Betty will end up becoming an enforcer for Roberts, or perhaps running him out of town.  :rock:
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 19, 2018, 08:25:50 pm
We will see ...

Walker returned home and found Betty working hard pulling out branches from under the car. She was wearing one of his flannel shirts and some Daisy Dukes. Of course she was. Her hands were clad in the thick working gloves he used when building things and she was straining against an especially thick piece of wood. Her powerful muscles were swelling as she fought. He stopped and watched. Woman against nature. Only then did he notice the bunch of teenagers hiding behind a nearby fence, watching her. He groaned. Didn't the kids have the internet today?
It was a sight to behold. She was sweating, cursing under her breath and pulling, her muscles growing larger and harder with every turn.
Then, finally, the branch was dislodged and she removed it carefully, lifting it up easily. That thing was pretty big, probably weighing five dozen pounds. He'd sawed it up before taking it out. Betty didn't have to take the precaution. She just laid it on her shoulder, stepped back and turned around slowly, so as not to hit anything.
That's when she saw him.
With her free hand, she gave him a wave.
"Hi! I thought I'd give you a hand. Wouldn't want your truck to look all busted up."
"I'll just get my gloves and I'm with you."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 20, 2018, 09:28:54 am
They worked together in silence. It felt ... nice. It reminded him of when they built the house together. Of course, Betty had been far from her current strength, but while he and his brothers had laid the flooring, she had been outside, painting the walls. He remembered when she stretched after this and declared that this was really hard. She had also joked that if she did that every day, she'd have big muscles like the guys on TV. He had laughed.
For Betty, working on the truck with Walker was fascinating. She didn't much care about technical stuff, but she liked how they shared this moment. Also, using her strength for real felt good. On the other hand, she saw the bullet holes. They were a sign of trouble to come. She glanced over to Walker, who was just disengaging a huge clump of soil from the bottom of the car. She still didn't know what this mysterious business was about, but she hated it with a passion. She knew that it paid for most of their expenses, but if she could earn enough with her "job", she hoped he'd be able to stop. Hopefully before he got hurt even worse.
She took a break, wiping the sweat from her brow.
"I'm going to make us some ice tea. Interested?"
"Definitely. I think there's still so much to do, I could use a drink."
She nodded and went inside.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 21, 2018, 08:35:42 am
They sat on the porch, sipping on the cold drinks. Betty's was sugar-free, of course. She wouldn't spoil her diet for such a tiny pleasure. They looked at the mountain of broken branches, stones and earth next to the truck. She said:
"I can't believe there's so much dirt in that thing."
"I probably should clean it more often. I didn't know I had such a crafty assistant right in my home."
"If I can keep a house with two kids and you in it clean, I can clean a truck. Seriously."
"That hurts. It's not as if I'm home that much."
She leaned over to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
"I know. And I miss you. I know it's your job, but it'd be nicer if you were home every night."
"You know how it is, darling. But I think I'll look out for a change. I'm in this way over my head."
She grinned:
"Oh, come on. Why quit now? Now the car's got bullet holes to match our house."
"Betty, this isn't a joke."
She was immediately serious again:
"No. It isn't. I don't think I can stand this anymore. Next time, you'll get killed. I don't want to loose you."
"But I have ..."
"No. Please. Whatever that business is about ... Please stop. It's not worth it."
Walker stared into the distance. The teenagers had left once they started drinking ice tea. He hesitated.
"I'm not sure I can still get out of this."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 22, 2018, 07:16:45 am
Once they were done with the ice tea, Betty left to pick up the kids. She felt an enormous sadness set in. Somehow, there was this huge, monstrous thing rolling closer, ready to crush them, and there was nothing she could do. She could prepare for the fight, she could train hard and maybe do a first aid course, but in the end, it would happen and there would be suffering. She sighed. Maybe they should just leave. Run away. Start a new life.
She stopped the car in front of the school and let the kids in. She put on a careless face:
"So, how was your day?"
Erin harrumphed and said:
"And what about you, Walker Jr.?"
"It was nice. I mean, I got sent to the principal's office, but because I broke up a fight."
"Wash and Jaden were fighting, but actually, it was mostly Jaden and his friends beating Wash up. So I sneaked up on them and kicked him in the back, just like I saw you do."
"You saw me kick people?"
"I saw you practice. It's cool. Anyway, Jaden fell on his face and they turned to me. But before they could hit me, Ms. Spiridonas came and yelled at us. So I ended up at the principal's office. He gave me extra homework and a candy bar."
Betty groaned:
"So does that mean I have to talk to him."
"Nah. He talked to Erin."
"So, Erin, what did he say?"
"Nothing much. He didn't mind that Walker Jr. broke up the fight, but he'd prefer he'd talk it out. He also said that everyone could see he was Dad's son."
Betty rolled her eyes and asked:
"Anything else I should know about?"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 23, 2018, 05:52:49 pm
Eventually they settled back into their daily routines. Walker convinced Roberts to give him safer routes for the next weeks and Betty started her contest preparation. It was cutting time!
She upped her training even more, convinced that she had to win this at all cost. She enlisted Eric Jr. and Jennifer to help her and the pair had to spend a lot of time with her, training and massaging her to help her grow. Eric Jr. quite enjoyed it, finally recovering his desire to become bigger and stronger and, surprisingly enough, so did Jennifer.
Somehow, after months of resistance and general annoyance, she started to enjoy working out. Of course, she was nowhere close to what Eric Jr. and Betty were doing, but she kept up on her training schedule and even managed to eat right. For Betty, this was a proof for her method. The other housewives were training quite frequently, she had managed to motivate Jennifer, maybe she had a kind of talent there ...
Her progress was pretty quick. She was shedding her excess pounds fast, further tightening her muscles. As she felt herself grow better and harder, she decided to call on Kira for another movie. And she called Bella.
"Hi, girl, how are you doing?"
"Betty? Nice to hear from you. I'm dieting, and I hate it."
"I feel your pain. Say, about that movie ..."
"You're doing it?"
"Sure. Want to be in it?"
"Cool. I'll send you the script and the dates."
Betty hung up after saying goodbye. Wow. That was quick. She hadn't expected this to work. Those weirdo musclepeople were definitely on her wavelength.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on May 23, 2018, 06:57:30 pm
Can't wait to read what follows. Looking forward to seeing what happens in their next movie with the two muscle queens.  :woohoo: K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 24, 2018, 01:32:26 pm
After she hung up, she found she had another call for a session. She had to double-check the offer. That was a damn lot of money. She wrote back, just to make sure.
No, it was for real. Those were a lot of dollars. Enough to pay for most of the contest preparation and maybe even have a little extra left. Amazing. She checked out the details. Posing, pumping up and wrestling. Sounded good, as far as she was concerned. The place was okay too. Nothing too far away, and nothing explicitly creepy. She answered:
"That sounds good. You can call yourself lucky. Right now, I'm preparing for my next competition, so you get to see me all ripped and tight. I bet you enjoy that!"
The answer was short and to the point.
"I think I will. Just one more thing: Would you mind me taking you out to dinner beforehand? I'll make sure you'll get some diet-compatible food."
She hesitated, then said yes.
She sent the guy a quick snap of her in her workout gear just to keep him convinced of his decision and checked whether the deposit was in.
Betty got up, did a fist pump and danced through the gym, shouting "Yes!" and "Awesome!". Things were looking up now. She had to tell Walker. With her making this kind of money, he could maybe stop doing what he was doing now. It would certainly be healthier.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 25, 2018, 07:02:04 am
A week or so later, the place was busy. Betty and Eric Jr. were packing up the equipment. They would shoot at the closed-down mall outside the town and there was still so much to do. Betty had spent the last few days cleaning the parts they wanted to use. It was bizarre. When the company had shut down, they just left everything like it was. There had been rumors about a big sale, but instead they had just closed and let things the way they were. The individual shops had packed up their wares and there had been some vandalism, but the offices were still as they were before. They would be perfect for the movie.
Eric Jr. looked at Betty as she carried the weight set to the van. It was amazing. She was wearing a tiny outfit that showed off her massive, super-taut glutes. She had been tanning lately, and she really was starting to look very beach-ready and sun-kissed. Her hair too. She had tied it into a bun, but the hairdresser had been hard at work making it look good. The roids she was shooting herself up were thinning it a bit, but she had her hair fortified. Her face was also starting to look really harsh. The drugs and the dieting were making her look quite stern.
For Betty, this was the price to pay for superior strength and sexiness. Lately, she was getting extremely horny again, an effect of the contest preparation. To be honest, they were a little late because the first thing they did when he came in was fuck on the exercise mats. So that was that. He wondered how that movie would play out. After all, he had a scene in it and hoped he could stay hard.
Eric Jr. shrugged: He was living the life.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 26, 2018, 09:20:51 am
They arrived at the mall and spotted Kira and Bella already waiting there. Jennifer was already inside, working on the appliances. She wanted them to be comfortable while they worked. As Eric Jr. got out of the car, he couldn't help grinning stupidly. The women were all dressed conservatively or at least casually, but holy shit, were they sexy. Their huge over-inflated tits stretched their tops and their injected lips gave their faces a kind of sluttiness that made it hard for him not to cum into his pants right now. He concealed his growing hard-on by holding the folder with the script in front of him.
As the women greeted each other, their muscles became more apparent and Eric Jr. sighed happily. Kira said:
"So, Betty, did you get held up?"
"Oh, you know how it is. There's always so much to do ..."
She shot a sideways glance at Eric Jr. He blushed, making Bella go "Aw ..."
Kira replied:
"Oh, don't worry, it was nice to talk to the competition. Bella's amazing! Did you know we used to dance at the same club? Although not at the same time."
Bella laughed:
"That would be a coincidence. But since I'm a little older than you, girl ..."
"Anyway. I definitely want to see those boobs of hers. I've been thinking about getting mine done again and giving those a good squeeze might be just the inspiration I need."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 27, 2018, 07:55:47 am
Eric Jr. and Betty took most of the equipment and walked inside. Bella took another case insisting that her muscles were not just for show, but Kira prefered to let all those muscleheads do their thing and let them do the heavy lifting. The inside of the abandoned mall was pretty strange. It looked like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie. Some of the skylights were already broken and there was the chirping of birds in the air. The place was covered with a slight layer of dust, but it still looked used enough to feel a little unreal. Betty still wasn't exactly comfortable. She was relieved when they reached the office area.
Jennifer was working hard, having set up the generator and now arranging the furniture so it looked in use. Due to her efforts, the place had a really strange office vibe now. It looked straight out of a comedy series, complete with children's drawings, potted plants and post-its.
Betty was impressed:
"Wow, Jennifer, that is amazingly realistic. Don't take me wrong, but I immediately felt bored and hungry the moment I came in."
Jennifer emerged from under a desk and laughed:
"Definitely. Just wait until you see the screensavers! I even have some leftover motivational posters."
The women helped her finish the preparations, then Jennifer said:
"Okay, since Eric jr. is going to play a part in this, I'm going to be the director and man the camera. So, please, get ready!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 28, 2018, 06:18:02 am
A few minutes later, Betty, Bella and Kira appeared on scene. The two musclewomen wore business suits that showed off their broad shoulders and small waists. Bella wore pants that stretched over her massive thighs, while Betty had opted for a skirt that revealed her magnificent calves. Of course, the nylons made them look even more extravagant.
Bella couldn't help admiring Betty's look. She was still bigger, but the housewife was getting closer.
Kira was just finishing a fake presentation:
"... So I'd like to conclude by asking you to consider investing in our company. I'm certain that our product is going to be a massive hit both on the domestic and the international markets."
Betty had to admit that Kira looked surprisingly professional in her pantsuit. It downplayed her huge tits and her glasses and bun certainly helped to reinforce the stereotype. Jennifer concentrated. Her "actresses" were doing fine. This was surprisingly good.
It was Bella's turn to speak:
"Before I invest, I need to know if I can trust you. I need to check everything."
Betty added:
"That's reasonable. I want to be sure too."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 29, 2018, 07:56:00 pm
Kira acted as if she hesitated:
"What do you mean?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
She grabbed Kira's blouse and tore it open with a mighty rip, sending the buttons flying. The younger woman looked shocked as her huge bra popped into view, her gigantic tits on display.
Bella laughed:
"Nice! I see you like to invest in yourself. You're not alone!"
She took her own blouse and unveiled her own big fake tits, covered by a rather tiny bra. Kira managed to do a very convincing shocked stare. She commented:
"Wow. Those are almost as big as mine!"
"Yes. And I'm going to give them a good squeeze!"
She pulled down Kira's bra, revealing her perfectly centered aureolae with their rings stuck through the nipples. She gave them a teasing pull.
"I like those. Kinky!"
Kira moaned as she felt Bella's unstoppable strength. Meanwhile, Betty had moved behind her and pulled down the remains of her blouse. She ripped down the younger woman's pants and gave her butt a good squeeze.
"Our partner to be is quite fit. I like that in a woman."
Bella grinned:
"Then you're in for a treat."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 30, 2018, 06:45:24 am
She lifted her mighty arms and flexed them. Kira took a step to the side and said:
"Wow. You're all amazingly strong. I can't believe it. You must be bigger than any man I ever met ..."
"Oh yes!" Betty hit a most muscular pose, making the seams of her own blazer pop. She had sewn them a bit weakly to get that effect. It wasn't missed. Then she ripped it off, standing there in her own blouse.
She rolled up her sleeves and said:
"Don't you want to check out these guns?"
Kira looked as if she couldn't decide. The two older musclewomen were flexing hard, showing off their mighty muscles and their hard-earned bodies. Finally, she turned to Bella, their big tits mashing into each other. She slipped her hands over the hard muscles and followed the deepening cuts of the dieting amazon. Then, the trap closed and Betty joined in. Kira felt herself compressed between these mighty slabs of hard beef and then, the game began. The three women were caressing each other, licking their muscles, squeezing their hard biceps, rubbing each others hard six-pack abs and sinking their fingers between their legs.
Jennifer grinned. This was going exactly to plan. She had several cameras set up and let them roll and what she saw, was amazing. She breathed in deeply to keep herself under control. Somehow she hadn't expected this to go so well and to be so hot.

Boobs version
She lifted her mighty arms and flexed them. Kira took a step to the side and said:
"Wow. You're all amazingly strong. I can't believe it. You must be bigger than any man I ever met ..."
"Oh yes!" Betty hit a most muscular pose, making the seams of her own blazer pop. She had sewn them a bit weakly to get that effect. It wasn't missed. Then she ripped it off, standing there in her own blouse. The fabric was stretched over her big fake tits.
She rolled up her sleeves and said:
"Don't you want to check out these guns?"
Kira looked as if she couldn't decide. The two older musclewomen were flexing hard, showing off their mighty muscles and their hard-earned bodies. Finally, she turned to Bella, their big tits mashing into each other. She slipped her hands over the hard muscles and followed the deepening cuts of the dieting amazon. Then, the trap closed and Betty joined in. Kira felt herself compressed between these mighty slabs of hard beef and round, squishy boobs, then, the game began. The three women were caressing each other, licking their muscles, squeezing their hard biceps, rubbing each others hard six-pack abs and sinking their fingers between their legs. They groped at each other's big tits, pulling their nipples and denting their implants.
Jennifer grinned. This was going exactly to plan. She had several cameras set up and let them roll and what she saw, was amazing. She breathed in deeply to keep herself under control. Somehow she hadn't expected this to go so well and to be so hot.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on May 31, 2018, 08:23:06 am
The two musclewomen took Kira and brought her down on the ground on all fours before kneeling down on both sides. Betty said:
"It's good I always have my little toy with me ..."
She produced a double-headed dildo from her briefcase and deep-throated it, making Bella nod admiringly. She pulled it back out and turned it around, getting it all wet and warm. Then she eased her massive legs apart and sank it into herself, sighing with pleasure.
Meanwhile, Kira had pulled down Bella's pants and was licking the other woman's hairless crotch, running her tongue up and down her large clitoris.
Bella groaned, her overcharged muscles twitching and rippling. That's when Betty sank her rubber appendage down Kira's cunt, making the slim woman yelp. Bella laughed and said:
Kira looked up, her face wet from the musclewoman's juices:
"Oh yes. Wow."
Betty grinned and said:
"Time to get you pounded!"
She grabbed Kira's tight, well-trained ass and started hammering at it. The busty younger woman gasped as the dildo slipped in and out of her. Bella looked a little disappointed and asked:
"What about my clit? I didn't tell you to stop!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on June 01, 2018, 09:55:23 am
Hope Betty will be 2nd in the competion. A close second to Bella (1st).
And than Betty doubles her efforts to grow much much bigger than Bella. In every way. Muscle, strenght, boobs
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 01, 2018, 03:17:45 pm
Soon, things were getting completely out of hand. Kira found herself sandwiched between the two musclewomen, her crotch being worked both by Betty's fake dick and Bella's tongue. The other amazon was lying on top of her, getting her own cunt licked by her victim.
Jennifer couldn't help touching herself. This was amazing. She rubbed her own cunt, desperate to join in. She had to be strong, stay quiet and just film away. When this was done, she was sure she could ask them for help, but now, she had to keep her cool.
Meanwhile, the situation in front of the camera had gone full hardcore. The women were a tangled mess of muscles, tits and tongues. The slurps and moans were outrageous and they were losing themselves in the bliss, having completely forgotten the camera.
Then, Eric Jr. couldn't stand it anymore. He had been waiting in the next room for his cue, but when it didn't happen, he had just started rubbing his cock to the sound. He wrapped it back up and decided to just wing it.
"Ms. Hollaway, I've brought the data you requ ... Oh my God! What is going on?"
The trio stopped what they were doing and looked at the young man with his clipboard in front of his crotch.
Kira grinned sheepishly and said:
"Ladies, this is Wayne. He's my assistant."
Bella and Betty chorused:
"Hello, Wayne!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 02, 2018, 12:23:27 pm
And then, things went full porn. Well, even more porn. The two musclewomen literally crashed into each other trying to get to lick Eric Jr.'s cock, pushing against each other as if they were doing the world's most aggressive posedown. They flexed their muscles, squeezed their chests and tried to wrap their lips around his dick.
Eric Jr. acted all shocked, although Jennifer couldn't help wondering whether he was this good an actor. After all, these women seemed really threatening now. Their muscles were pumped, their bodies were overcharged with steroids and they were horny as hell. They grabbed him and forced him to the ground, tearing his clothes from him. They were like wild beasts, holding him down to satisfy their insane lust.
"Oh God! I need your cock now!"
"Screw you! Let me. I have to fuck this stud!"
Eric Jr. tried to calm them down, still trying to find out whether this was for show.
"Ladies, don't worry, there's enough for everybody!"
They didn't care. Bella sank herself on his dick, holding Betty away with her huge muscles. The other woman tried to push her away, "accidentally" grabbing her huge tit and giving it a mighty squeeze.
"Gah! This is so good!"
"Get off him, bitch!"
Betty sat on Eric Jr.'s face, the double-header still dangling from her cunt. She stuffed it down his throat, making him gag. He couldn't help himself and licked her snatch as hard as he could, trying to save himself. The two women hissed at each other, fighting like wildcats.
That's when Kira came between them and said:
"Why don't you do me too?"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 03, 2018, 08:42:00 pm
Faced with this strange uber-foursome, Jennifer came. She just couldn't stop herself anymore. The show was just too crazy. All those muscles, the smell, the sound, she lost her mind. She wanted this. Completely.
She let the cameras run, but she had to get herself off. As the action in front of her escalated, she fingered herself into oblivion. For Jennifer, her life changed in this moment. Living in this tiny town with its cute little people and their sweet little lives wasn't enough anymore. She wanted to live the life she deserved. A life of hard muscle and sexual excess. She would leave all this boredom behind and rebuild her world to fit her dreams.
And she would give everything she had to get this.
Meanwhile, the orgy in front of the camera was escalating into an athletic knot of bodies, licking, slurping, kissing, squeezing and fucking like no tomorrow. They had lost control and were completely intoxicated by their desires. For a moment, Betty recovered enough to think. She looked down on herself, finding Eric Jr.'s dick in her ass and Bella's tongue on her clit. She was completely relaxed. The stress and the horrors of the previous weeks were melting away in the heat and she was finally feeling good again.
It was incredible.
Then she dove back into the insanity.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 04, 2018, 06:46:56 am
None of them really knew how they got back. The daze had covered their minds for hours and their memories of what had happened had turned into a kind of muddled haze.
Jennifer stumbled home, tugging Eric Jr. behind her. they had recently moved in together, living in a room which Eric Jr. and his father had added to the house. They were saving up for marriage and to move out. Once they were inside, Jennifer pulled Eric Jr. to the bed. She was tired and exhausted, but also very horny. Once the first sequence was shot, they continued doing workout videos and more sex scenes. Eric Jr. had been in most of them, eventually wearing out his cock. Jennifer had obliged handing him one of the pills her dad used to screw his girlfriend. At least, he wouldn't complain that she took it. Since that, Eric Jr. sported a massive and awkward erection.
She had him above her now, wiggling out of her pants and said:
"Fuck me. Please."
Eric Jr. nodded and went to work. As he plowed into her, she gasped and grunted with pleasure. This was amazing! As she grew more and more aroused, she egged him on:
"More! More! Fuck me hard! Please! Come on! Faster!"
The hunk did what he could, eventually shooting his load.
She sighed, happy and relaxed.
Jennifer sank her fingers into his hair and whispered:
"You know what? I've had it with this crap town. I want a new life."
"Okay ..."
"Yeah. I want to train hard and grow huge and I want to do this for a living. Like Betty, but more. Way more."
He didn't know what to say. She continued:
"I want us both to train hard and get massive. Fucking muscle beasts. And then, we go somewhere else and get famous. Are you in?"
He nodded slowly. He was both turned on and terrified. Another muscle maniac!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 05, 2018, 08:26:23 pm
Betty's preparations intensified. She closed the gym for the day occasionally so she could focus on her workouts or posing. Sometimes, she let Jennifer stand in for her. The young woman was still far from fit enough to be even close, but she knew the ropes and could train the clients quite well. Actually, she tended to understand their point of view a little better and managed to keep them motivated.
She watched Betty train and felt so horny. This woman was turning into an iron goddess. For Betty, this was her way of coping with all this chaos. Her own transformation and the collapse of all the rules around her started to take their toll. Walker was taking up smaller deliveries again, but he was very cautious. At the same time, her clients' training started to pay off. At a party, the sheriff complained that the number of women informing the cops of domestic problems increased. Up until now, the women had just accepted it as a way of life, but now, things were changing. The men were grumbling, but there wasn't much they could do. After all, the law was on the women's side.
As she attached her ankles to the bar, Betty wondered what had happened. It had all been so gradual. She had gone from meek housewife to muscle-packed amazon, pornstar and, well, escort in the space of a few months, while also killing several people in self-defense and making some very strange friends.
Marburg was getting a little cramped for her now.
With this thought, she flexed her abs and brought her torso up.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on June 06, 2018, 01:07:05 pm
Love the way things are headed in the story! Looking forward to seeing Jennifer bulk up and Betty possibly move to a bigger pond, where she can become a bigger fish. Great work as usual! K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 08, 2018, 03:34:00 pm
So I was on a business trip over the last few days and would you believe it, they didn't have wifi. Welcome to the 21st century, dudes and dudettes.
Anyway, here's the bits I would have posted if I had been around.

The competition approached. Betty posed in front of the mirror. Her muscles were getting really defined now. She was approaching her highest level of conditioning and just couldn't believe it. Jennifer just finished her own set and whistled:
"Wow, Betty, you're really going to blow them away!"
"I sure hope so. This time, I'm going to do a big one and there will be so many excellent athletes. Also, there'll be weight classes."
"So that's why you've been dieting extra hard ..."
"Obviously. I just need to lose maybe two or three pounds, then I'm safe. Middleweight is just about the thing I could manage."
"You mean there's even bigger women?"
"I hope so. I sure would want to grow some more."
"God, Betty, this is so crazy."
"You're right, Jennifer. I'm really proud of your progress. Eric Jr. and you should definitely compete too."
"Hey! First, I'd like to get big. All this dieting seems to be mostly annoying."
Betty looked at her friend. Jennifer's body had transformed a lot lately. She was on her first cycle and the stuff was doing its magic. Her muscles were growing like crazy. She wasn't ripped or even close to defined, instead loading more and more mass on her body. The thing was that her proportions had changed. Before she hit the gym hard, she had a rather chubby belly and a big butt. She didn't actually have a double chin, but she was close. Now, she had wide shoulders, a broad chest and a smaller waist. She had gone from pear-shaped to hourglass and it looked quite impressive. Her big boobs completed the look.

Before she could stop herself, she was squeezing them. She probably wasn't bisexual ... At least she insisted to herself that she wasn't. Still, this young woman's body was so alluring, she just had to. Jennifer didn't seem unhappy with this. Far from it. Moments later, Betty felt her disciple's strong hands on her ripped, tough body. The two women touched, kissed and licked each other. There was a certain gentleness to them, but also a strength and ruthlessness to them. They groped at each other, squeezing their muscles and testing their power. Jennifer groaned:
"Oh Betty, I love this ..."
The older woman grinned and ran her fingers over Jennifer's snatch. The young girl could barely remain standing. She stumbled, and they lowered each other to the ground, landing on one of the exercise mats. Betty replied:
"I understand. Thank God no one's here."
"Even if, I wouldn't care."
Betty was on top now and rubbed her crotch against Betty's her strong fingers dug into the younger woman's breasts.
"Wow ... I still can't believe how big those are ..."
"I always hated them, but now ... I could stand them to be even bigger!"
"You're such a pervert, Jenny ..."
"Takes one to know one."
They kissed, tongues intertwining.

Time flew by and Betty was on her way to that final session. She was confident everything would be fine. She had her training schedule prepared, she was sticking to her diet, her body was looking tight and ripped. She felt pretty good. Of course, she was constantly hungry and a little irritable, but then again, that was to be expected. Walker was avoiding her now. He was a little afraid of her. After all, she was looking pretty crazy now. Even her kids thought that this wasn't a good look to keep up. The dieting had really made her face look old. On the other hand, her muscles were out of this world. She still had a week to go and she could already see most of the striations and veins. She would look even better by then. And then, she'd blow the competition away. She had done a little bit of posing practice with Bella recently and she was having fun.
The other woman was just as ready as she was, and their competitive streaks were really pushing them on. At home, Betty was trying to come up with a few extra poses, secret moves, if you will, to really blow her away.
Still, she had to focus on her customer for now. She got out of the car, adjusted her clothes and checked her make-up. It was a little more than usual to reduce the effect of the dieting. On the other hand, she was wearing a hand-sewn little black dress that clung to her muscles like a second skin. Combined with her heels, she was looking amazing.
Betty walked inside the restaurant.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 09, 2018, 02:51:26 pm
She found her client soon enough. He was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning and gave her an awkward little wave. Betty gave the maître d'hôtel a signal and he nodded, letting her in. The restaurant was on the seaside and the air was just perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. Also, the place was really upperclass. She walked up to the table and asked:
He got up and took her hand.
"That's right. Betty, welcome. Thank you for coming."
"It's a pleasure."
They sat down and he made a sign to the waiter, explaining the situation. The young man nodded and told Betty the nutritional values of the various dishes. She nodded and let him pick. Steve asked:
"Is it okay if I have a glass of wine? I normally don't drink, but I want to celebrate the occasion."
Betty was impressed. This man was actually curteous. He was a little on the heavy side, with white hair and the kind of demeanor that suggested that he was earning a lot of money with little work, but he was clearly also relaxed enough not to feel superior.
They started chatting soon enough and Betty was charmed. This man was eloquent, funny and assertive. Somehow, she liked that. She wondered why Walker never relaxed in such a way. He was always stressed out and rather autoritarian.
Steve ordered the special dessert that was just mostly protein. Apparently, he had told the chef beforehand and she had obliged. Betty smiled. This man was making it hard for her to see him just as a client.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 10, 2018, 08:01:39 am
Eventually, they were finished and he said:
"Let's walk back to the hotel. After all that food, I need a little break."
"I can understand that. It was really amazingly good."
"It must be hard to diet so much."
"Ah, you know how it is with women. It's the price we have to pay."
He rubbed his tummy.
"My doctor says I should split the bill."
Betty laughed and said:
"Steve, you're a great guy. I appreciate that. With the competition coming up, I absolutely needed someone to just feel good with."
"Let's keep it that way and get somewhere more private."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 11, 2018, 04:49:08 am
They walked down the road next to the beach. Betty was having fun. The stars were out and just visible enough to give the whole thing a romantic flair. She decided that she wouldn't fall in love now, but she insisted to herself that she could at least enjoy this. She sure wished Walker had had the idea once in a while. But he was always working and if he wasn't, he was tired. Poor guy.
"Okay, man, give me your purse!"
She was abruptly awoken from her reverie by a  young man in a ski mask pointing a knife at them. Two other guys were approaching them. Betty looked at Steve. He was hesitating and said:
"Calm down. No problem. You get the money. I don't care. Let's just not do anything stupid. No one wants to get hurt ..."
The guy did a threatening swish with his knife, but Betty reacted instinctively. The endless drills Dora had put her through kicked in. She grabbed his wrist, twisted it and made him drop the knife. Before he could react, she forced him in the way of the other two guys, swiftly pushed him down and kneed him in the throat.
She pushed him at the first one, then released him and slammed her fist into the second guy's solar plexus. He instantly collapsed, allowing her to return to the other two.
Betty stomped the initial assailant foot with her heel, driving it into his shoe and making him scream with pain. Then, she threw him to the ground and before the final one could get his guard up, she punched him into the gut, following up with a series of blows against his head.
He stumbled about, then collapsed.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: derekr on June 11, 2018, 12:07:53 pm
More great work!  Loving Jennifer's transformation story - more detail please!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 12, 2018, 03:37:54 pm
Steve stared at the devastation. In a few moments, Betty had defeated three grown men, each one as heavy as her and taller than her. She did break a sweat, but not much. Instead of being out of breath, she called the cops, standing on the knife as her victims groaned in pain.
He said:
"That was amazing. Where did you learn that?"
"A friend of mine used to be in the army and taught me a couple of tricks. Actually, it's just mostly practice."
Steve nodded. This woman was amazing. His sources had been right.
When the cops showed up, they took the men with them. Steve insisted that they should do the questioning later. He didn't want to have his evening ruined anymore than necessary. He did hand the cops his card and said:
"I can come in anytime. I just want to finish this night now. It's a thing I've been looking forward to for quite some while."
The cop took the card and said:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Roberts, but we have to do this now. Come with us."
He sighed.
"Sorry, Betty, it seems as if our evening is ruined."
"Don't worry, I guess this won't take long."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 13, 2018, 07:06:44 am
It took long. Betty was annoyed. Eventually, the cops were finished and Roberts and her left. He said:
"That really took forever. I wonder if it would have been less annoying if I had just given them the wallet."
Betty shook her head:
"You can't let the scum win. I sure hope they'll learn their lesson."
"Betty, I am impressed." They walked together for a moment, then he added: "Say, I occasionally need a bodyguard. Would you be interested in doing this? I'd pay you the same money as for a session."
Betty stopped and looked at him. That was an extremely weird suggestion. She thought about it for a moment. For no reason, she saw herself wearing a tuxedo and jumping in front of a bullet, shouting "Nooo!".
"I'll think about it. I could use an extra job. Could I tell you my decision after the contest?"
"Certainly. Also, I think we're going to drop the session tonight. I'm really tired and I think it's for the best if we both turn in early."
She agreed.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 14, 2018, 03:30:45 pm
The next day, she visited Dora and told her the news. The other woman was surprised.
"That's a weird job offer. So, are you going to take it?"
"I don't know. It seems a bit crazy, don't you think?"
"Totally. But I can understand the idea. You certainly look the part: You're big, you're strong and you're an excellent fighter."
"I had an excellent teacher."
"Yeah, okay. But you still managed to take down three grown men on your own. I don't think I could have managed that."
"Thank you. No, but seriously. Taking that job would probably fix my finances and I guess that Walker would be happier that way. I mean, I'd be encroaching some more on his manliness, but it beats getting people internet to jack off to me."
Dora smirked:
"I see your point. Just think about it. Maybe talk to him. People do that when they're married, I'm told."
Betty laughed and said:
"I still gotta do this competition first."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 15, 2018, 06:35:31 am
The whole gang was driving to the competition now. Betty was sitting in the back, sweating under several layers of clothes, trying to get as much water out of her body. Eric Jr. was driving, Jennifer was riding shotgun and they were all really nervous. They had no idea what the competition would be like. Well, actually, they had an idea, since Bella had sent them weekly updates on her look and it was downright intimidating. That woman was super-ripped.
Then again, so was Betty.
She had really upped the ante some more over the last few weeks and had dieted so harshly she actually felt really weak. It was crazy. Her muscles were pumped up to the maximum, her body was completely overtrained and massively buff, but at the same time, she felt completely exhausted. It wasn't too comfortable. Mentally, Betty decided that this would be her last competition. It just wasn't a very nice experience.
Eric Jr. reached the motel, Jennifer jumped out and quickly carried the bags up, her now fit and strong body coping with the load easily. Betty smiled weakly. That girl was making amazing progress.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 16, 2018, 03:18:27 pm
Then they were off to the convention center. As Betty registered, she was amazed by the number of tired-looking, deeply bronzed people standing around, waiting for things to happen. Somehow, she felt at home here. Bella was there too and they awkwardly hugged, exchanging little kisses. Bella declared Betty to look awesome and she returned the compliment. They soon ended up backstage as the preparations continued. Jennifer went to work on Betty's hair while Eric Jr. went over the posing routine with her. Betty was getting really nervous now.
Next, she was getting the fake tan applied. Betty and Jennifer looked wistfully at one of the major competitors in the heavyweight class getting sprayed. That was even better than that stupid roller Jennifer was using.
"Next time, you're getting one of those. That's amazing."
Bella joined them and said:
"That thing is so cool. If you know what you're doing, you can really contour the physique to look even better."
Jennifer asked:
"Isn't that cheating?"
"Nah. If getting fake tits, a fake tan, fake eyelashes and a wig isn't, then neither is this."
"A wig?"
"Yeah." She pointed at her full, blond hair. "My own hair is getting really sparse now, so I use that thing. It's amazing how real it looks, don't you think?"
Betty wasn't sure of what to think of this.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 17, 2018, 09:09:29 am
Time flew and Betty found herself pumped up, dressed in her posing suit, standing in her heels and looking very shiny and sparkly. She was really focused now, completely ignoring all the other women around her. She felt the rush of stage fright hit her hard. Betty was taking deep breaths, her hard, overtrained chest rising and sinking. She was so nervous now she wasn't even thirsty anymore.
Then, finally, the stagehand told them to get out. Jennifer crossed her fingers and winked at her, Eric Jr. mouthed a "Go get them, girl!" and she was off. She stepped outside, feeling her muscles work as she walked on stage on her heels. She only barely noticed the next woman's hard, ripped and shiny buttocks in front of her.
Betty turned to the audience, saw nobody because of the light, but still smiled, her whitened teeth flashing. She gave the invisible spectators a happy wave and took up her position.
Then, the posing started. Betty was as if in a trance. She went through the motions, forcing her muscles to swell and bulge. It was incredible to be here. As the show progressed, she got into the flow. She really could feel her muscles now and she did her best to make herself look good.
Without much trouble, she was allowed into the second round.
As she returned backstage, Jennifer gave her a little applause and said:
"That was great! Let's get you ready for the individual round!"

Boobs version
Time flew and Betty found herself pumped up, dressed in her posing suit, standing in her heels and looking very shiny and sparkly. She adjusted her weird, artificial breasts. She was so dry and ripped now she could really feel the implant and see the dents in the bag moving under her skin. It was a little disturbing to say the least. She shook her head to clear her mind. She was really focused now, completely ignoring all the other women around her. She felt the rush of stage fright hit her hard. Betty was taking deep breaths, her hard, overtrained chest and the round implants rising and sinking. She was so nervous now she wasn't even thirsty anymore.
Then, finally, the stagehand told them to get out. Jennifer crossed her fingers and winked at her, Eric Jr. mouthed a "Go get them, girl!" and she was off. She stepped outside, feeling her muscles work as she walked on stage on her heels. She only barely noticed the next woman's hard, ripped and shiny buttocks in front of her.
Betty turned to the audience, saw nobody because of the light, but still smiled, her whitened teeth flashing. She gave the invisible spectators a happy wave and took up her position.
Then, the posing started. Betty was as if in a trance. She went through the motions, forcing her muscles to swell and bulge. It was incredible to be here. As the show progressed, she got into the flow. She really could feel her muscles now and she did her best to make herself look good.
Without much trouble, she was allowed into the second round.
As she returned backstage, Jennifer gave her a little applause and said:
"That was great! Let's get you ready for the individual round!"

Hair version
Time flew and Betty found herself pumped up, dressed in her posing suit, standing in her heels and looking very shiny and sparkly. Jennifer had been so nice as to shave off the last little bits of hair that had survived the merciless waxing, plucking and pulling. She felt a little like a turkey fresh out the oven, complete with, well, goosebumps. Maybe there should be a "au naturel" competition, with big jacked women, proud of their true, hairy and bulging selves ... This wasn't the moment. She was really focused now, completely ignoring all the other women around her. She felt the rush of stage fright hit her hard. Betty was taking deep breaths, her hard, overtrained chest rising and sinking. She was so nervous now she wasn't even thirsty anymore.
Then, finally, the stagehand told them to get out. Jennifer crossed her fingers and winked at her, Eric Jr. mouthed a "Go get them, girl!" and she was off. She stepped outside, feeling her muscles work as she walked on stage on her heels. She only barely noticed the next woman's hard, ripped and shiny buttocks in front of her.
Betty turned to the audience, saw nobody because of the light, but still smiled, her whitened teeth flashing. She gave the invisible spectators a happy wave and took up her position.
Then, the posing started. Betty was as if in a trance. She went through the motions, forcing her muscles to swell and bulge. It was incredible to be here. As the show progressed, she got into the flow. She really could feel her muscles now and she did her best to make herself look good.
Without much trouble, she was allowed into the second round.
As she returned backstage, Jennifer gave her a little applause and said:
"That was great! Let's get you ready for the individual round!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: bertmacklinsbrother on June 17, 2018, 02:08:24 pm
Nicely done; I really like the idea of alternate chapters!  It's probably obvious which one I enjoy the most haha
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 17, 2018, 03:59:33 pm
I'm glad you're enjoying this!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on June 17, 2018, 06:13:52 pm
Those chapters with Roberts have gotten me wondering exactly what he is up to. Love the alternate chapters as well. I wish there was a competition that allowed natural women. K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 17, 2018, 07:56:25 pm
That could be the plot of another story ...
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 18, 2018, 06:40:02 am
And then, she was on stage again, going through her choreography, showing off her strength and flexibility. Her music was pumping as she threw away her prop vacuum and pulled off her housewife frock, displaying her mighty muscles. In a way, that moment echoed her life and she couldn't help smiling brightly. She lived a different life now, but she was probably still the same person deep down.
She was completely concentrated now. Her heart rate was incredibly low and she felt she was perfectly in control of every little movement. There were bouts of applause from the audience as she showed her back. That was definitely her best part and she could really show off her lat spread.
Things went well. Double biceps, side triceps, crouching down to make her legs look insane, a quick flip of her hair to give her neck a good showing ...
She was exhausted and sweaty now, but things were going to be amazing, she assumed.
Betty was finished, smiled, waved, picked up her things and disappeared backstage.
Only now did she realize just how excited she had been. Her heart suddenly started pumping like crazy and she had to sit down. Jennifer helped her and said:
"You're doing fine. If that worked, you have one more round."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on June 19, 2018, 04:53:36 pm
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That could be the plot of another story ...

That would be amazing!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 19, 2018, 07:34:15 pm
Only now did she have the calm to look at the competition.
There was, of course, Bella, her tits now even bigger. She had leaned out extremely and managed to hit the middleweights, albeit scratching the upper end of the class. Betty was impressed. The heavyweights themselves were grotesque. She stared at these huge women that were completely beyond anything she had ever imagined. Betty was big now, but those were gigantic. Seriously, she wondered how they even scratched their backs. If they still could ...
Then, there were the other middleweights. Most were way less lean than her, carrying quite a bit of fluff. Their admiring or jealous looks told her everything. Betty had a go at the title. If the judges found Bella to be too big ... And then there was this other woman. She had caught her name, LaKima. This woman was amazing. She was everything Betty aspired to be: Tall, statuesque, with long legs and broad shoulders. She was also shockingly ripped and her black skin made her look even more defined. This one would be tough.
Suddenly, Betty realized that LaKima was also looking at her. She smiled awkwardly.
The amazon walked over to her and said:
"Wow! You must be Betty. The Bodybuilding Housewife!"
Betty was shocked. How did she know her?
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 19, 2018, 07:34:26 pm
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That could be the plot of another story ...

That would be amazing!

It's on the list!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on June 19, 2018, 09:36:41 pm
Liked the side chapters as it gives room for some thinks like a side story. Perhaps some chapters with Jennifer growing and outgrowing Eric
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 20, 2018, 05:15:15 am
"I'm a big fan. I always watch your shows and I love how hard you train and how you take control of your life. It really inspired me."
Betty was speechless. The ebony amazon continued:
"Please wait for me when this is over. I so need to talk to you! I also have to present you to my husband. He's also totally into you!"
Betty swallowed. She barely managed an answer:
"Okay. That's ... I'm very honored. You look amazing. I love your look."
The other woman was surprised:
"Wow. Cool. Thank you so much!"
Then she turned back to pump up for the final round. Betty was still shocked by what she had just heard. Jennifer grinned at her:
"Sounds as if you're a hero in your own right."
"I can't believe it."
"Let's not get too excited. You still have to win that thing."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on June 20, 2018, 10:32:11 pm
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That could be the plot of another story ...

That would be amazing!

It's on the list!

Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 21, 2018, 03:26:32 pm
Betty was back out. She was fighting. She flexed hard, showing off every bit of muscularity she could. The light was blinding, she was parched, the voice of the judges was mercilessly neutral. She had no idea whether she was doing fine or not.
"Quarter turn to the right."
She did as she was told. She had prepared for this for endless weeks. She had practiced until her body hurt and beyond. She had wanted this, and now, she was going to see if it was worth it.
She flexed again. And again. She held her pose. She forced herself to grin. She couldn't smile anymore. It was just too hard.
"Quarter turn to the right."
Then, finally, the end.
She breathed out and looked at the competition. LaKima and Bella were completely exhausted. The others were tired too.
"The judges will now finish the ranking."
They were back behind the scenes. Betty was shaking with exhaustion.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 22, 2018, 06:50:02 am
Around her, the heavyweights were getting ready. Betty couldn't help staring as those enormous women were pumping up their insane muscles. The woman she was staring at looked up and smiled. Between pulls, she hissed:
"Hey, gorgeous! You're Betty, aren't you?"
She nodded.
"It's amazing what you're doing for the sport. I got quite a few new clients your age who came to me and just wanted to get big."
"Absolutely! They love your sexiness and confidence. You're a role-model!"
LaKima appeared behind her and asked:
"Found some more fans?"
"I can't believe it. This is amazing."
"That's right. You know what, Betty: Regardless of who wins this, it's your triumph anyway."
Betty blushed, which wasn't easy to do with all the make-up.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 23, 2018, 07:58:12 am
Eventually, they all returned on stage and lined up to receive the results. The master of ceremonies walked up to them and started:
"Okay, now, first of all, put your hands together for these awesome ladies. You were all incredible!"
Betty was completely exhausted now. The wait after her part had been excruciating. She had taken a sip of water or two, but she wanted to conserve her shape at least until everything was over. And now, it was the end.
The winners of the fitness and physique class were announced to thunderous applause. The girls waved and smiled. Then came the lightweights. The reaction was a little more muted, but still there.
Betty was getting nervous.
The master of ceremonies cleared his throat.
"Now, we get to the middleweights. It was a tight finish and the three finalists were all amazing!"
She was shaking now. LaKima took her hand and whispered:
"It's almost over. Stay cool."
"Third place, number 21, Bella Collini!"
There were cheers and applause.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 24, 2018, 08:31:23 am
"Okay. Now ... Second place ... A round of applause for number 18, Betty "The Bodybuilding Housewife" Johnson!"
Betty gasped.
Wow. That was incredible. She barely noticed how she got the trophy, then it was LaKima's turn to get hers, winning first place. Before she knew, she was backstage again, handing the sculpture to Jennifer and asking:
"What's with the nickname?"
Jennifer blushed:
"Well ... I might have been pushing your stuff under that title. It seemed appropriate and people love it. Also, you might be wanted to appear on TV ..."
"What? How?"
"I wanted to tell you once this was over, but Eric Jr. and I have been working a lot on your merchandising. People love your stuff and we're earning you money."
"Seriously? Wow. This is amazing!"
That's when Bella walked up to her, embraced her and mashed her heavy muscles and big breasts into her.
"That was amazing! Girl, you were killing it. I love this!"
"You don't mind third place?"
"No, not at all. I was too big. It was a gambit, next time, I'll try the heavyweights again."
Betty was relieved. She didn't want to loose Bella.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: big easy on June 24, 2018, 03:56:11 pm
I know you wrote that this was Betty's last show, but I really hope it's not! I'd love to see a showdown between Betty, Bella, LaKima and Jennifer for a heavyweight title in a future contest, pleassseeeeee :D
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 25, 2018, 01:15:25 pm
That sounds like a very nice idea!

Betty was surprised to meet Lorraine at the exit of the venue. The chubby woman congratulated her profusely and insisted on them all taking a picture together before hinting that she would be very happy with another session. Betty agreed vaguely. She was too hungry and too tired to make any decisions.
Lorraine was amazed by the other women and insisted on some selfies. The others obliged, flexing their tired muscles once again and posing for her.
"God, this is amazing. I know you're exhausted, so that's super sweet of you. I'm so glad ..."
Bella shrugged and said:
"Everything for the fans."
LaKima agreed:
"The few we have ..."
Lorraine blushed all over, still overwhelmed by the experience. Betty laughed and added:
"We'll have to do a kind of meet and greet, don't you think?"
The fat woman almost collapsed.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 26, 2018, 02:05:25 pm
They all ended up celebrating the results at a nearby restaurant, LaKima and Bella joining Betty, Jennifer and Eric Jr. to stuff their faces. LaKima's and Bella's assistants and trainers were there too, so the place was pretty crowded. Everybody was exhausted but happy that it had worked so well.
There was a short discussion whether they should go to a bar next, setting a bad example to all those fitness fanatics out there. At first, everybody was all "No, no, we can't do that, that's not responsible". They did end up at the bar anyway. For Betty, this was a first. Of course, she had been to bars before, always with Walker after some big event in his life. When his sister got married, when he became an uncle for the first time, after his best friend Daniel' burial ... Things like these. Happy moments, sad moments.
The idea to go to a bar on her own was completely outrageous to her. Why would a serious, normal woman do something like that?
The first step was cocktails.
Once this was done, shots were mentioned.
Betty had been drunk before, but this was something else. In Marburg, there were two kinds of alcohol: Beer and whatever moonshine some relative had cooked up behind his house. She never managed to drink enough of either to reach dangerous levels. The sugary sweetness of the cocktails and the intensity of the liquor, combined with her dehydration, pushed her over the edge quickly.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on June 27, 2018, 04:38:02 am
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I know you wrote that this was Betty's last show, but I really hope it's not! I'd love to see a showdown between Betty, Bella, LaKima and Jennifer for a heavyweight title in a future contest, pleassseeeeee :D

I second that
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 27, 2018, 07:53:03 pm
The women were all very excited. Betty was laughing a lot and trying to tell stories from her life, but kept forgetting how they were supposed to end or even what they were about. Jennifer was trying to make up her mind on who to fondle, eventually settling for Eric Jr., who was also quite confused. Meanwhile, LaKima and Bella were struggling to get what Betty was trying to say. LaKima laughed loudly and inappropriately.
They stumbled out of the bar, completely unable to find out where they were and what they were looking for. At one point, some other drunks tried to get into a fight with them, but that also didn't lead anywhere interesting.
Eventually, they ended up in a taxi or something.
The driver was both amused by their antics and terrified of their eventual sickness which would fuck up his car. Bella flashed her tits and laughed some more, prompting LaKima to join in, making things even more obnoxious. With a little finesse, the driver managed to deduce at what hotel Betty was staying and brought them there, carefully extricating them from the vehicle. Eric Jr. was slowly sobering up due to his mass and practice and helped the crowd to Betty's room. It wasn't the best solution, but things had to be resolved quickly.
At last, everybody went to sleep.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 28, 2018, 05:20:03 am
Betty awoke in the morning, completely exhausted and parched. Her head was one big pain and it felt as if something had died in her mouth. She groaned and tried to get up, suddenly realizing that her hand was resting on LaKima's big fake boob. Betty mumbled "Oh, I'm sorry", retracted her hand and fell from the bed. Her reflexes kicked in fairly slow, but she managed to not get hurt. The endless training with Nora had been good for something.
She got on all fours, her thirst manifesting itself now. She crawled to the fridge and managed to open it, the cool air hitting her like a small brick wall. She grabbed a bottle of water and drank slowly, warming up the liquid in her mouth. That made things a little less bad. At the same time, her headache returned with a vengeance.
She paused for a moment, then waited for the room to stop spinning. This was horrible!
She vowed to never drink again.
Well, not so much. Probably.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 29, 2018, 06:37:18 am
LaKima woke up next and produced a long, drawn-out groan. Then she paused and did another one. Only then did she slowly slip from the bed, causing Bella to roll on her back and spread across the entire queen-sized surface. LaKima gently massaged her cheeks, then said:
"Holy crap. That was bad. So bad. I ... Fuck."
She rolled to her side and breathed deeply. Eventually, she calmed down enough to say:
"Good morning, Betty. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday."
"What happened yesterday?"
"I don't remember, but I guess it must have been bad, don't you think?"
"I don't know. It's all very blurry."
"Okay. Then maybe it was okay. I can't tell."
"Congratulations on your win."
"Thank you. I'm so glad it's over. I hate dieting."
"It's hard."
From the bed came an outraged growl:
"Would you mind keeping it down?"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on June 30, 2018, 05:11:51 am
Hope now they decide to grow much more.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 30, 2018, 10:50:13 am
Meanwhile, Walker was waking up. He sighed. What a night! He rubbed his eyes and rolled to the side, smiling. He looked at Nancy. The young woman was still sleeping. Walker propped himself up on his forearms and thought about what all this meant. He had cheated on his wife again. First with Kira, now with Nancy. He was a serial adulterer and he wasn't sure of what to make of this.
He sat up. Nancy was doing that cute wiggle with her nose. She looked peaceful, relaxed and most importantly, feminine. Ever since Bill ended up in that wheelchair and a good part of his family got shot up, Nancy had been looking out for a new man to look up to.
Maybe it was Walker's duty to take care of this.
Of course, there was no way he'd divorce Betty. After all, a vow was a vow. He couldn't go around breaking his word. Then again, fucking with another man's wife while he was paralyzed was stretching things. He scratched his balls and sighed.
Why was everything so complicated? Couldn't a man be a man?
He had started to workout now, and had regained a little of his strength and some of his figure. Of course, he still looked nowhere as strong and powerful as his wife.
Nancy stirred. He let her sleep and went to the kitchen to fix breakfast. He might be a cheating bastard, but he still had his standards.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 01, 2018, 02:17:58 pm
When he returned, Nancy was awake. She smiled awkwardly at him.
"Wow, breakfast in bed. That's amazing."
"It's nothing. Just be careful with the crumbs. We wouldn't want to get our backs all itchy."
She laughed:
"Walker, you're great. I wish I had met you earlier."
He said nothing. After a short pause, he said:
"Let's eat."
They dug in. Walker poured her a cup of coffee and added a little milk. She asked:
"How did you know?"
"I didn't. Reflex. Lucky reflex."
"You know, I could get used to this."
"I'm not sure we should."
"Afraid of the gossip?"
"Nah. Just a matter of honor."
"Wow. You men are really all the same. On that thing. In other things, not so much."
"In good things, I assume."
"Definitely. Also, these things ..."
She slipped her hand into his briefs. He grinned.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 02, 2018, 08:23:43 am
At last, the three musclewomen were up and went to have breakfast. The effect was amazing. The other patrons stared at the three colossal females in their tight workout outfits descending upon the breakfast buffet. There was a short wave of murmured chatter as the three amazons filled their plates and walked to their table, their chests bouncing and their muscles bulging. Wives frowned at husbands, teenagers shifted their legs and quite a few people showed their disgust while secretly wondering what it felt like to be so strong.
Jennifer and Eric Jr. joined them eventually, looking surprisingly fresh and relaxed. A look at Jennifer's smiling face told Betty everything she needed to know. This fit couple had early morning fun and wasn't too hungover. An excellent combination.
Over breakfast, the huge women shared some anecdotes and talked business.
LaKima agreed to appearing on one of Betty's shows, and Bella immediately signed up for that one too.
"Wow, Betty, you're really drawing star power ..."
LaKima smiled gratefully:
"That's a great compliment!"
"It's deserved. You were amazing yesterday."
The ebony hulkess laughed and flexed her massive arm.
"I think I still am!"

Boob supplement
"So, boob talk ..." Betty had to ask. "Bella, you got yours filled up?"
"Definitely. I was still some two pounds shy of the weight limit, so I went and had them pumped up once more."
"They're huge ..."
"Yeah, kinda. The implants are now pretty maxed out, so I'll have to stay at that size for now ..."
LaKima laughed:
"Those are going to be so massive in the off-season, you're going to think twice about going even bigger!" She turned to Betty: "And how about you? Thinking about getting bigger ones?"
"I still have a bit of space in them. The doctor told me I could fill them up to 1,200 ccs and even more if I need to."
"That would bring you up to my size ..."
"Seriously? I thought those were way bigger!"
While they were chatting, Jennifer was finding it hard to stay focused. This was so sexy ... She wanted her tits done. She had been hesitant, but now, she really wanted this. Only bigger. Bigger than all of them. Huge. She had to excuse herself to the bathroom.

Hair supplement
Betty was completely relaxed. This was great. For the first time, she was with other people that shared her strange ideals. She also couldn't help spotting all the little tell-tale signs of the pre-competition cycles. Both LaKima and Bella hadn't done any hair management before coming down here and it showed a little. Well, more than a little. Apparently, even the big shave was only a little help. Bella had a slight shadow on her upper lip, and LaKima, who was wearing a spaghetti top that showcased her hard, powerful shoulders, had a hard to spot layer of ever so undeniable, well, fur on them.
Betty leaned forward and whispered:
"Girls, just one thing: How do you manage the hair?"
There were grins all around. Bella sighed and said:
"I'm mostly shaving and depilating. I've been thinking about getting a laser treatment, but with my skin, that's not a good idea."
LaKima rolled her eyes:
"I mostly shave. My hubby is so nice as to do my back. When I'm not training for a competition, I like to let it grow."
"Seriously?" Betty was surprised.
"Yeah. Why not? I mean, people see me as a freak anyway. Why should I care? I work as a lab technician, I have zero customer contact. If it weren't unsafe for work, I could do my job naked and no one would notice."
Bella laid her hand on LaKima's hard shoulder:
"Stop it, girl, you're giving her weird ideas."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 02, 2018, 08:27:51 am
By the way ...
I've been thinking about doing another Q&A session with Betty soon.

If you're interested, send me your questions and comments!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 03, 2018, 07:17:06 am
Eventually, they all packed up and drove back. Betty was happy. Everything had gone incredibly well. Second place on such a competition was a great achievement and the admiration of her peers was the icing on top. She loved that. She was floating on air. Still, seeing LaKima's amazing body made her want more. And those heavyweights ... That was a dream. To just grow unashamedly huge. Bigger, bigger and even bigger. Monstrously big. Large enough to challenge any man ...
The idea turned her on. She wondered if that was even possible. She had achieved so much in so little time. She certainly could manage this too, couldn't she? Just grow even more insanely huge ... The question was, of course, whether Marburg wasn't getting too small for her. After all, she was slowly turning into a massive fish in a tiny pond. People started to recognize her and appreciate her work. In Marburg, she was just some freak, on par with the guys who had married their cousins for three generations straight.
Then again, she did have responsibilities, didn't she? She had shirked from this for the last months, but wasn't she actually supposed to be a wife and a mother? She really neglected her kids and her husband over the last weeks and now that she realized it, she felt ashamed.
She had to make this right.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 04, 2018, 06:55:27 am
She came home and found the place empty. The kids were still at her mother's place, Walker was probably at work. Betty quickly got rid of all the laundry and the equipment, then went to her gym. Regardless of how she'd deal with all this, she had to train. There was no point in missing a beat. Also, watching Bella and LaKima, she seriously considered going up another weight class. She could see herself duking it out with the heavyweights. All that bulk ... Of course, it was pretty insane and the amount of roids they had to be shooting to get on that level could probably pulverize her liver in a few months, but watching them march by in their tiny posing suits, glistening with sweat and showing off their incredible physiques ...
Betty sighed. She wondered if she could resist.
As she started her workout, she was interrupted by her phone. She still finished her set and let the phone ring. It was annoying, but there had to be a certain structure to this. Just jumping up at the first opportunity wasn't serious.
The phone stopped ringing and she got on with her exercise. Then, she locked the machine, got up, wiped the sweat from her brow and called back.
It was Steve Roberts.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 05, 2018, 07:33:03 am
"Hi, Betty, I just wanted to congratulate you on your trophy. I was at the competition and you were amazing. Really! It was bad luck, you know? The black girl was good, but you should have won."
"Thank you, but LaKima deserved it. She's amazing."
"You are amazing. So, tell me, have you thought about my offer?"
"Wow. Yes. Well, I'm not one hundred percent sure. Just how much work would that be?"
"Oh, it really depends. If you have the time, I could even hire you full time. But we could start small. Just a couple of hours a week."
"Okay, well, then count me in."
"I like that. Just a couple of things: I need you to be discreet about this. It'll all be official, obviously, but no word to your family or friends. I wouldn't want them to be endangered. The other thing is, I'll need you to get extra training. This isn't just about fighting and standing around looking tough, you need to know how to drive and how to deal with dangers. I'll pay for that obviously, but it's probably going to be a course that takes maybe two or three weeks, just for the basics. Could you get that time off?"
"I'll have to check. I'll call you back."
"Perfect. Let me hear from you soon! Also, here's what I'd pay."
The number was ... quite large.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 06, 2018, 08:56:59 am
Betty let that sink in for a moment. That was an amazing opportunity. The problem was obvious: This threw a monkeywrench into her plans. If she took that job, she couldn't expect to stay at home. There would be travelling, there would be late nights, there would be work on weekends. Besides, if she did this full-time, she'd be the main earner here. Walker would hate that. Even now, they were getting by well enough, but if she had the money from the gym, the cash from the videos and the sessions, plus that bodyguard gig ... Walker could stay home and take care of the kids.
She laughed. No way.
She'd have to hire someone just to take care of her chores. The idea sounded ridiculous.
On the other hand, she could let Jennifer take care of the gym and pay Nancy to take care of her home. Their home. Their ... home.
She knew she had to ask Walker first, but she really wanted to do this now. He'd hate it.
As she returned to her exercises, she couldn't help being impressed by how far her muscles had brought her. She was now an entrepreneur, a champion and soon, a professional bodyguard. She should have done this years ago.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 07, 2018, 08:18:00 am
When Walker returned, he found Betty working in the garden. It was strange to see her like this, wearing her frock and apron and tending to the flower bed. Her hair was done up in a bun and if it weren't for the strange tension her massive muscles placed on the fabric of her outfit, she would have looked perfectly normal, feminine and, well, appropriate. He snuck up on her and was about to plant a kiss in her nape when she suddenly grabbed him by the arm and flung him on the grass. He landed on his back with a shout and stared at her.
Betty was above him and was clearly surprised.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I ... I was lost in thought."
He decided to just go along with it. His back was hurting a little, but she did look lovely.
"Hi Betty. I just wanted to surprise you."
"You did, Walker."
She climbed on top of him, pinning him between her muscular legs. Walker didn't know how to react to her directness, but his cock did. She smiled:
"Wow. I can see you missed me." He nodded. "By the way, I won second place."
"Congratulations, I guess. You blew them away?"
"I did. It was amazing!"
She kissed him. He hesitated for a moment, then answered. She might be terrifying and intimidating, but she was also incredibly hot.

Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 08, 2018, 09:14:46 am
Betty opened his fly, pushed his cock through his underpants' front and slipped him inside her. Walker was confused for a moment when he realized she wasn't wearing any underwear. His wife would never even have contemplated the thought of going commando, and there she was, squeezing his cock with whatever strange muscles women had down there. This was incredible. He was also horribly embarrassed. He had just cheated on her and now, she was fucking him like a sex goddess ... Every fantasy a man might have was getting fulfilled and he was awkward about it.
The musclewoman took his hands and put them on her hard, ripped waist. He held her, surprised by the muscles moving under her skin. He was strangely turned on by what was going on.
Betty opened his shirt and sank her fingers into his chest hair. She grinned:
"Hey, Walker, have you been working out? Looks good on you!"
He blushed.
"I felt I was losing my edge."
"I like it. If you need any hints ..."
He frowned. Did she really have to do this? Couldn't she just ... His train of thought was derailed by Betty's sudden tightness. He came with a grunt and she followed suit moments later.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: chilipalmer99 on July 08, 2018, 03:52:06 pm
Walker needs to lighten up and enjoy the ride.

Loving the story, as always. Thanks for the updates.

Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 09, 2018, 06:59:10 am
She lay on him for a while after this. It was strange. He was there, under her, still as broadshouldered and strong as ever, holding her in his arms. Nice. But somehow, it felt wrong. Not wrong, no. It felt pointless. He could just as well rest in her arms. After all, she was strong, she was tough, she was way more physical than him. She pulled at his chest hair. This wasn't even make-up sex. This was "I was horny and your cock was around"-sex. This wasn't how a relationship should work. And she wouldn't go back to how it was. Never.
Walker felt Betty's heavy body on his chest. It was so odd that she was both trim and hard, with not an inch to pinch, every little bit of her body defined to perfection, and yet, she was heavy. When he thought of Nancy, this was way different. Nancy knew her place and it felt ... right.
But then again, she would never be a sex freak such as Betty.
He paused. This felt so absurd. He imagined himself thinking something like this a year ago ...
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 10, 2018, 09:33:56 am
Later on, they drove to her parents' place to pick up the kids. Her mother was always staring at her growing muscles when she was there, constantly struggling whether she should say something. Betty could tell that she was deeply uneasy with this. Her mom had worked on farms all her life, first as a kid on her own parents', then on her husband's once she got married. Even now, she was still taking care of things, getting up every day at some ungodly hour and taking care of the chicken, the fields and vegetables. She was tough as nails and now that Betty's focus had shifted to that muscle business, she couldn't help noticing the hard, shifting fibers under her skin. Those weren't bodybuilder's muscles like hers, built for size, control and strength, but bred over decades to work hard and stay tough. Opening the jars her mother closed had been hard work before she picked up training.
Still, she would never have thought of herself as muscular or strong and was quite disturbed by Betty's focus.
Her dad was similar. He was quite short, with a pot-belly and hard shoulders. His hair had gone out and his ears seemed to grow bigger every year. He too was a tight, strong man. He chose to ignore his daughter's transformation, preferring to watch TV and ramble on about politics. He did support Betty, though, even going as far as to hand her some cash when she set up her gym. His words were:
"I don't know what you're doing, Betty, but you're going to need the money, so take it."
She thanked him, but he just waved his hand.
"It's okay. You need it now."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 11, 2018, 07:11:31 am
As they were rolling past the fields, Betty hesitated. There was an uneasy silence. Both of them knew they should say something, but neither dared. Eventually, Walker said:
"So, are you done now with the competitions or do you actually have to win one?"
The passive-aggressive tone was strange coming from him. Normally, Walker was straightforward. Now, he was quite snarky. She waited for a moment. Then she said:
"I'm not sure. Maybe. Don't you want me to?"
She closed her eyes. This was going all the wrong way. But she was just so frustrated with their relationship, his way of talking was so unpleasant and the testosterone in her body was chopping down her fuse.
"As a matter of fact: I don't. This has gone far enough. You've neglected your family and ..."
"Oh, did I? Walker, I am actually earning good money. Money we need to pay for the medical bills. Money you haven't been earning lately."
She knew in this moment she had overdone it. She just prayed she could somehow stuff her words back into her mouth.
Walker stopped the car and said:
"I'm done. Get out."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on July 11, 2018, 09:00:57 pm
Walker is such a hypocrite. I hope she puts him in his place. K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: GLKnight on July 12, 2018, 01:22:21 am
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Walker is such a hypocrite. I hope she puts him in his place. K+

Walker's becoming less and less of a presence in her mind, what with the focus on videos, training, sessions, training, competition and essentially styling herself as an "entrepreneur", falling further into the addictive life of a bodybuilder, leading her into direct contact with people in not only sexual matters, but also openly violent ones which is further separating the two of them. While at the same time, Walker's a lost soul who's looking for some form of comfort after being raised and forced to live a life that he was told was meant for him and learned is IMMENSELY unsatisfying, starting to go through the motions of falling out of love, and facing the challenges of what Masculinity means to him as the power dynamics in his household changes without him really having any say or involvement in the matter.

So no, they're both hypocrites. They're dancing around their issues, and not actually working on anything other than the cheap fix which fixes nothing in the long run.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 12, 2018, 06:25:24 am
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Walker is such a hypocrite. I hope she puts him in his place. K+

Walker's becoming less and less of a presence in her mind, what with the focus on videos, training, sessions, training, competition and essentially styling herself as an "entrepreneur", falling further into the addictive life of a bodybuilder, leading her into direct contact with people in not only sexual matters, but also openly violent ones which is further separating the two of them. While at the same time, Walker's a lost soul who's looking for some form of comfort after being raised and forced to live a life that he was told was meant for him and learned is IMMENSELY unsatisfying, starting to go through the motions of falling out of love, and facing the challenges of what Masculinity means to him as the power dynamics in his household changes without him really having any say or involvement in the matter.

So no, they're both hypocrites. They're dancing around their issues, and not actually working on anything other than the cheap fix which fixes nothing in the long run.

Oh yes. Thank you so much. This is what I wanted to say. I feel like a serious writer right now.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 12, 2018, 07:10:29 am
And then, it was the roids talking:
"Nah. Make me."
He nodded, got out of the car, opened the door, grabbed her arm and pulled. And pulled again. She laughed:
"What are you trying to do, Walker? Is that all you got?"
He went crimson and ... hit her. It wasn't a slap. He struck her with his fist. She was dumbfounded. It hurt. She hadn't expected this. He retreated, his body shivering all over.
Betty stepped out of the car. Her muscles swelled. Her face was a mask of anger. She took a deep breath. And another. She tried to calm down, but it didn't work. Her heart was pounding.
Walker put up his hands:
"Listen ... I've been under a lot ..."
She attacked.
Walker screamed as the musclewoman crashed into him, her blows raining down on him. He grabbed her, fell over, they landed in the ditch on the side of the road. She struck him again and again, her insane anger spurring her on. Walker desperately kicked her, trying to get her off him. There was nothing he could do. Finally, he just tried to protect his face as she unleashed her fury.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on July 12, 2018, 04:22:36 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Walker is such a hypocrite. I hope she puts him in his place. K+

Walker's becoming less and less of a presence in her mind, what with the focus on videos, training, sessions, training, competition and essentially styling herself as an "entrepreneur", falling further into the addictive life of a bodybuilder, leading her into direct contact with people in not only sexual matters, but also openly violent ones which is further separating the two of them. While at the same time, Walker's a lost soul who's looking for some form of comfort after being raised and forced to live a life that he was told was meant for him and learned is IMMENSELY unsatisfying, starting to go through the motions of falling out of love, and facing the challenges of what Masculinity means to him as the power dynamics in his household changes without him really having any say or involvement in the matter.

So no, they're both hypocrites. They're dancing around their issues, and not actually working on anything other than the cheap fix which fixes nothing in the long run.

Very good point.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 13, 2018, 07:58:12 am
When Betty calmed down, she saw his bruised and bloodied face. Her knuckles were covered in cuts. She got up, all massive and terrible and spat on him.
"Fuck you."
She wiped the blood from her fists and took a deep breath. Then she declared:
"We're done. I'm getting a divorce."
He stared at her, unsure of what to do. It was pretty obvious that any further words would send her into a flight of rage again, so he kept his mouth shut. She walked over to the car and touched up her make-up before driving off to pick up the kids.
Walker stayed on the ground for a while. He didn't know what to do or where to go. He couldn't go to Nancy, after all, she was still with her guy. He couldn't go home either. He had no idea what Betty would do to him. Roberts was also not an option.
In the end, he got to his feet and walked back. He'd have to sleep in the truck. That was bad, but not too bad, actually. He was used to it. And yet, he felt completely helpless now. She had pulled the rug out from under his feet.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on July 14, 2018, 04:25:08 am
A divorce? What do you have in mind?
Can't wait to read your new chapter and what' going on next. Will Walker also try to get big?
Will Bettynow gets much bigger and also get bigger than Bella (muscle and boobs)?
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 14, 2018, 08:45:07 pm
That's certainly an option.

Betty got the kids into the car and drove off, having thanked her parents for their support. She didn't tell them at first, preferring to clear everything up. She didn't want them to get involved.
As she drove home, she was very quiet. After a moment, Erin asked:
"So, where's dad?"
"We'll talk later."
"What do you mean? Are you getting a divorce?"
Betty stopped the car. She hadn't expected her daughter to be so direct.
"How did you know?"
"It's been obvious for a while now. I mean, you've basically stopped talking years ago. And with all that stress ..."
Walker Jr. joined in:
"Yeah, and with you being the strong one. Is that going to happen to Erin too? Because I wouldn't want that."
"Shut up, stupid!"
"Mom, she's going to get all muscly! Don't let her hit me!"
"No, stop it, Junior, you're annoying."
"Hey! I just don't want to get beaten up!"
Betty interrupted them:
"Stop it right here. Just to clear things up: Yes, I'm getting a divorce. No, Erin isn't going to get all muscly unless she wants to. This is a thing I wanted, nothing else."
Erin laughed:
"Maybe I'll do that, just to scare you, Junior!"
"Calm down, kids. What I mean to say is that there's going to be a lot things I have to go through next, so I'll ask your grandma to look after you some more."
The kids shrugged:
"Yeah, okay."
Suddenly, Walker Jr. asked:
"Say, Mom, are you going to have those women at your house the whole time now? Benny from class said you're a lesbian and he thinks you're sexy."

Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: big easy on July 14, 2018, 09:06:02 pm
Hmmm, looks like another female in this story is about to get huge :letsparty:
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 15, 2018, 07:19:00 am
Later that day, Betty was meditating in the garden. At some point, Walker had shown up and taken the bag she had packed for him before driving off with the truck. She decided she didn't want this to get any worse and had been curteous enough. Other women might have left him without even a toothbrush, but beating him up had been bad enough. That still felt horribly wrong.
It took quite a while for her to get back to a normal level. Erin was inside, fixing dinner while Walker Jr. was finishing his homework. In a way, it was the way it always had been: She was alone, Walker was somewhere else, doing whatever his boss had him do.
About that: She had to call Steve. Now that she had to earn all this money, she had to take any offer she could. And being a bodyguard had at least a little glamour.
She stopped herself: This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Relax, take deep breaths and think of nothing. Breathe in, breathe out.
When she finally managed to calm down, she felt a certain serenity. Things would be better.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 16, 2018, 07:34:52 am
"Hi, Steve? It's me, Betty. I just wanted to tell you that I'm in. If you're still interested, I'm going to be your bodyguard."
"Sounds good. Betty, I hope you don't mind, but there's one thing: Before you can start, you've got to get real training. So if you're in, I'm going to send you to boot camp over the next weeks."
Betty didn't know what to say. Boot camp? Like in the military? Well, she didn't want to spoil her chance at this job.
"Okay. Sounds good to me."
"Very well. Let's get you ready!"
The next day, she explained everything to the kids. They agreed vaguely, not certain they really wanted this. Now having no parents available was definitely annoying. Liberating, too, since Erin had a kind of tacit agreement with her grandmother, but it was hard on them.
Then, she told Jennifer and Eric Jr. to take over the gym while she was gone. The couple agreed enthusiastically. She could see that there was a slight idea of buying the entire gym from her eventually. She could imagine them being a wonderful fit couple, with plenty of kids. It made her smile.
Then, she left to the training area.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 17, 2018, 07:15:16 am
Weeks later, Jennifer, Dora and Eric Jr. were preparing for Betty's return. She had given them a short call that she was coming back the next day. She hadn't called anyone other than her kids for over a month and everybody was pretty anxious what she had been doing. Jennifer was just finishing the drinks and told Eric Jr. to take the snacks to the living room. She was now pretty buff. Seriously. Her muscles were really big from all the training and she was feeling awesome. The customers had motivated her to keep up her own schedule and it was showing. Gone was any vestige of her plumpness. Instead, she was downright bulky. Her shoulders were broad and rounded, her arms were loaded with heavy muscles and her waist, although not thin, looked amazing because of her broad back and her delicious butt. Her tits looked amazing, supported by a pair of mighty pecs. Eric Jr. could barely keep his hands of her. Lately, they had basically been fucking non-stop. Whenever they had a moment alone, they would take advantage of their new sexiness and just blow each other's minds.
She had to admit that Eric Jr. was looking amazing too. He was pretty enormous now, but she had insisted on him doing a lot of training for his stamina and speed. She wanted to be fucked hard and for a long time. He was happy to oblige.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: mjohnson on July 17, 2018, 08:07:43 pm
what happened to Kira?
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 17, 2018, 09:12:16 pm
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what happened to Kira?

She will return eventually. Don't worry. She should be fine.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: mjohnson on July 18, 2018, 05:09:50 am
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 18, 2018, 06:50:38 am
Outside, Betty stopped her car and got out. She was mostly glad to be back. She hoisted her backpack on her shoulders and walked up to the door. Just as she reached it, Jennifer opened the door and they all yelled:
"Welcome back, Betty!"
She was taken inside and handed a glass of wine. As she took a sip, the others looked at her. She was quite the sight. Betty had changed. She was tougher now. Harder. Stronger. While the bodybuilding might have given her bigger muscles, this trip had certainly allowed her to forge a stronger, unstoppable physique. She was maybe a little bigger than before, but she looked like a beast now.
The older woman was wearing a t-shirt, but everybody could see the hard muscles and thick veins bulging against her outfit.
Jennifer asked:
"So, how was it? What did you do exactly?"
Betty took a deep breath and said:
"Calm down. Everything is fine. Just let me enjoy this drink and relax. This is the first time I've been in a civilized place in weeks."
"I thought you'd be trained as a bodyguard? Wouldn't that be in the city?"
"Seriously? I don't know. I've been up and down mountains for weeks."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 18, 2018, 06:52:02 am
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, this was episode 300 of Bodybuilding Housewife!

I'm quite proud this is going so well and I hope you're still enjoying the show.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on July 18, 2018, 02:00:10 pm
The story still remains entertaining and exciting. Congrats on 300! K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: sgsg69 on July 18, 2018, 03:48:02 pm
It seems like a blur, great writing and captivated style of writing and pace. Major congrats on the 300th's to the next milestone! K++
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 19, 2018, 07:50:58 am
Dora grinned:
"Looks like someone went through some military training. Kill your own rabbit?"
Betty shrugged.
"It wasn't my first. I grew up on a farm, remember? The city kids didn't like it, though."
"They'll get used to it."
"That's what I told them."
Jennifer cut in:
"So, what did you do up there?"
"It was pretty strange. You know the weird people up in the hills with their militias? It was one of those. They trained us to use all kinds of guns and explosives, then we drove around like maniacs. And then, we spent weeks in the wild and they'd ambush us whenever they could. It was crazy."
Eric Jr. was impressed:
"Sounds that way. And that's for the job?"
"Apparently. I'm really starting to wonder what kind of job that is. I thought I'd be accompanying that guy to some trade shows and business meetings, but now, it sounds more as if we're going to a war."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 20, 2018, 07:42:11 am
"And you were the only woman?"
"Definitely. I was also easily twice as old as these guys. So I ended up being their fighting mom. It was really weird. By the end, they did exactly what I told them."
Dora laughed:
"So you turned into a sergeant! I knew you had it in you, girl!"
Betty shrugged:
"I guess so. Anyway, how have things been holding up around here?"
Jennifer grinned:
"We did pretty good. The gym's still going strong, people keep turning up for the training and as you can see, we haven't been skipping on it either."
"Oh yes. You look good!"
"Thank you! Also, we have a card for you."
Jennifer handed her a save the date.
"Wow! So it's time?"
Eric jr. blushed:
"It is. We still have a lot of time, though."
His fiancé grinned:
"I'm going to spend that well: I'm gonna look so good. I plan to be the biggest bride ever. Also, I'm going to get my breasts done. I want them to be huge!"
Betty really didn't know what to say. Things had definitely gone out of control around here.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 21, 2018, 09:29:35 am
"So, what about the other business?"
Again, Jennifer could tell her more:
"Kira and Eric kinda held down the fort here. We had Bella around a couple of times too. The fans have been asking for you a lot and I have a big stack of session inquiries, so you're all set to make a lot of money. Also, we really need a bunch of pics from you."
Eric Jr. added:
"You know what, we could do an eighties action movie style shoot. I mean, we're all starting to look pretty much like that."
"Ooh yes. Big hair, mullets, oily muscles ... I can see this working. Betty, this'll be fun!"
Betty looked at Dora. The other woman shrugged. Kids. She nodded:
"Let's do this. On a more serious note, any news about Walker?"
"Not much, really. Rumor has it that he's moved in with Nancy."
"Nancy?" Betty hesitated. She didn't know how to feel about this. For Nancy, it was definitely an improvement. Walker would treat her like a queen and make sure she'd be safe. For her, on the other hand, it stung. After all she did for her, this kind of betrayal was, well, sad. "Hm. Maybe it's for the best."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 22, 2018, 11:43:24 am
Eventually, Dora left, still having things to take care off. Jennifer and Eric Jr. stayed there, clearly waiting for something to happen. Betty looked at them as they tried to make up their mind, before finally asking:
"So, what next?"
The pair blushed. Eric Jr. managed to speak up:
"Should we go? We could understand if you just need some time alone ..."
Betty smiled:
"Maybe. Maybe not. I could need some company. Seriously, just hanging out with all those tough fighty guys was mostly tiring. I mean, they were nice and everything, but I could really use some gentleness ..."
Jennifer and Eric Jr. exchanged glances. Then, the young musclegirl said:
"Let me just put away the glasses and I'll join you in a minute. Eric, why not draw Betty a nice bath? Let's pamper her for a moment, shouldn't we?"
Betty nodded:
"You definitely should!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 23, 2018, 07:18:06 am
A little later, Betty was soaking in the bathtub, sighing happily. Eric Jr. had stared when she undressed right in front of him. Before, her body had been pumped up and a little bloated from the drugs and the training. After all, she had gone for size and definition. But now, she was looking hard and buff. The effect was astonishing. If she had looked a little like a model before, albeit a very muscular one, the training in the wild had really shaped her body into a fighter's. She was ripped and hard, her muscles looking well-used and powerful.
She opened her eyes and said:
"Wow. This feels so good. I missed this so much ..."
Eric Jr. couldn't take his eyes off her. He felt his cock harden in his pants. She noticed it and said:
"One thing after the other, Eric. I'll relax, then you can give me a massage, and then, we fuck."
He instantly blushed. He had seen her naked, he had fucked her before, he had been in porn movies with her, but there had always been a little hesitation. It was gone now. Instead, Betty clearly enjoyed her sensuality now and no longer cared about any social conventions. She licked her lips and submerged herself in the bubbles.

Boobs version
A little later, Betty was soaking in the bathtub, sighing happily. Eric Jr. had stared when she undressed right in front of him. Before, her body had been pumped up and a little bloated from the drugs and the training. After all, she had gone for size and definition. But now, she was looking hard and buff. The effect was astonishing. If she had looked a little like a model before, albeit a very muscular one, the training in the wild had really shaped her body into a fighter's. She was ripped and hard, her muscles looking well-used and powerful. What was weird was that her breasts had deflated. They were absolutely tiny now, looking a bit out of proportion on her mighty chest.
She opened her eyes and said:
"Wow. This feels so good. I missed this so much ..."
Eric Jr. couldn't take his eyes off her. He felt his cock harden in his pants. She noticed it and said:
"One thing after the other, Eric. I'll relax, then you can give me a massage, and then, we fuck."
He instantly blushed. He had seen her naked, he had fucked her before, he had been in porn movies with her, but there had always been a little hesitation. It was gone now. Instead, Betty clearly enjoyed her sensuality now and no longer cared about any social conventions. She licked her lips and submerged herself in the bubbles.

Jennifer came in to check on her and noticed the change on her chest. She asked:
"What happened?"
"Nothing much. I had them deflated before going on a trip in the wild. I didn't want them to get in the way."
"Wow. That's an option?"
"It's not perfect, but it was more comfortable. Also, I brought some fill-up material."
"I have a couple of syringes full of saline solution in my bag. You'll have to help me put them back in. And maybe ..." She grinned. "Maybe we could top them up a little."
The younger woman was grinning like a maniac.

Hair version
A little later, Betty was soaking in the bathtub, sighing happily. Eric Jr. had stared when she undressed right in front of him. Before, her body had been pumped up and a little bloated from the drugs and the training. After all, she had gone for size and definition. But now, she was looking hard and buff. The effect was astonishing. If she had looked a little like a model before, albeit a very muscular one, the training in the wild had really shaped her body into a fighter's. She was ripped and hard, her muscles looking well-used and powerful. The weeks in the wilderness had meant that she had grown out all over. A thick, dark bush was growing between her legs, going up to her navel. Her back and shoulders, just like her chest, were covered in a kind of softer fluff and her arms and legs were decorated by streamlines of easily visible hair. Now that she was all wet, her hard, manly body was looking hirsute and savage. Somehow, she wasn't sure she wanted to be back in civilization yet. Just being wild and alive had felt good.
She opened her eyes and said:
"Wow. This feels so good. I missed this so much ..."
Eric Jr. couldn't take his eyes off her. He felt his cock harden in his pants. She noticed it and said:
"One thing after the other, Eric. I'll relax, then you can give me a massage, and then, we fuck."
He instantly blushed. He had seen her naked, he had fucked her before, he had been in porn movies with her, but there had always been a little hesitation. It was gone now. Instead, Betty clearly enjoyed her sensuality now and no longer cared about any social conventions. She licked her lips and submerged herself in the bubbles.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 24, 2018, 07:13:17 am
Later on, she was on the massage bed, her two pupils squeezing and pulling her muscles. This was heaven. It wasn't one of the brutal post-training massages, but one of these long, friendly ones that really allowed her to relax. Jennifer was excited. Betty's muscles were incredible now. She realized that she wanted hers to be like this too. She'd have to take such a class too. She imagined what it would be like. With her big, sexy tits, her hard, heroic physique and her brains, she'd be an alpha-woman.
She looked at her hunky boyfriend. The poor guy was trying to conceal his hard-on, but there really was no point. Jennifer knew that he wanted to fuck Betty. Heck, she wanted to fuck her too. And they would. It would be amazing.
Lately, she had introduced a strap-on into their bedroom and strangely enough, Eric Jr. seemed to like it. It was weird. He was a huge, manly man now, with broad shoulders and a bull neck, and yet, he let her fuck him in the ass with her plastic cock. Jennifer didn't put too much thinking into this. If he liked it, more power to him. She was enjoying it immensely. It gave her a feeling of power and control she never had until then. Also, it made her want to get even bigger and stronger. People in town were starting to laugh and point, but that only made her walk taller and laugh at their weakness. After all, she had success, love and freedom, while they were all caught in their own shitty lives. No wonder they were jealous.

Hair version
Later on, she was on the massage bed, her two pupils squeezing and pulling her muscles. This was heaven. It wasn't one of the brutal post-training massages, but one of these long, friendly ones that really allowed her to relax. Jennifer was excited. Betty's muscles were incredible now. She realized that she wanted hers to be like this too. She'd have to take such a class too. She imagined what it would be like. With her big, sexy tits, her hard, heroic physique and her brains, she'd be an alpha-woman.
All that hair on Betty's back was weird, but she could understand why she'd want it. After all, it meant that she had left any vestiges of her weakness behind. Betty definitely out-maled most guys.
She looked at her hunky boyfriend. The poor guy was trying to conceal his hard-on, but there really was no point. Jennifer knew that he wanted to fuck Betty. Heck, she wanted to fuck her too. And they would. It would be amazing.
Lately, she had introduced a strap-on into their bedroom and strangely enough, Eric Jr. seemed to like it. It was weird. He was a huge, manly man now, with broad shoulders and a bull neck, and yet, he let her fuck him in the ass with her plastic cock. Jennifer didn't put too much thinking into this. If he liked it, more power to him. She was enjoying it immensely. It gave her a feeling of power and control she never had until then. Also, it made her want to get even bigger and stronger. People in town were starting to laugh and point, but that only made her walk taller and laugh at their weakness. After all, she had success, love and freedom, while they were all caught in their own shitty lives. No wonder they were jealous.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on July 24, 2018, 05:12:45 pm
I'm loving these hairy editions! K+
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 25, 2018, 08:54:10 am
Betty produced a relaxed moan.
"Wow ... That was so good. I love this ..."
She got up slowly, then stretched her muscles. She was glowing. The older woman smiled, took her guests by the hand and started pulling them towards the bedroom. She didn't have to say much. They understood perfectly. Betty pushed Eric Jr. on the bed, shot Jennifer a quick glance to check. When the young woman nodded, she pulled down his pants and extracted his cock. Eric Jr. was grinning.
Betty gave it a long, thorough lick. It hardened, its head bulging. She grinned and continued licking him until he was about to shoot his load. Just before that, she wrapped her strong fingers around his shaft and waited until he calmed down.
Then she looked at Jennifer and made it clear that it was her turn now. The young woman knelt down next to her teacher and did the same. Eric Jr. produced a long, drawn out moan as his cock hardened again.
But once more, he was stopped right in his tracks.
The two women grinned. This was fun.

Boobs version
Betty produced a relaxed moan.
"Wow ... That was so good. I love this ..."
Sighing happily, she pointed at her bag.
"Let's get my breasts back up, shall we?"
Jennifer swallowed. This was incredible. Betty's smile was seductive:
"Don't worry. You'll get to do the honors."
The young woman scrambled to get the bag and set it up next to her idol. Betty explained the procedure, then Jennifer stuck the needle through her skin into the valve.
"Okay, let's do this. Betty, I'll just start with one syringe, okay?"
"Just do it."
Carefully, Jennifer pushed down the plunger. As the syringe emptied itself, her friend's tits started to swell. At first, it was nothing, but soon, the left one was getting way bigger than the right one. Finally, the first syringe was in. Betty gave it a soft touch:
"So that's 500 ccs. Let's do another one. I want them to look big!"
Jennifer obliged and couldn't help staring as the tit grew and grew. The implant expanded and soon, it was looking pretty obvious. Betty's left breast was now pretty enormous, closing in on Kira's size. Eventually the second syringe was in and the tit looked enormous and fake. Jennifer was mesmerized, while Eric Jr. was practically drooling. Jennifer whispered:
"God, I want this too."
Betty smiled and said:
"They're rated up to 1,200 ccs. We could add a little more."
"But then, they'd be huge!"
"I think we can deflate them a little later. Now, I want to have big-titted fun!"
The young girl had to control herself so as not to cum. She managed to fill 200 more ccs into the tit. Next to its deflated sibling, it looked insane.
"We'll definitely have to bring the other one up to size now!"
Soon, her right tit was growing at the same rate. The effect was crazy. Jennifer was shaking with lust. At last, the two tits were ready, two uber-fake plastic balls under Betty's taut skin. The older woman grinned:
"I can't believe this. I never would have thought that I'd get porn star breasts!"
Jennifer smiled:
"Me neither, but I will."

Betty got up slowly, then stretched her muscles. She was glowing. The older woman smiled, took her guests by the hand and started pulling them towards the bedroom. She didn't have to say much. They understood perfectly. Betty pushed Eric Jr. on the bed, shot Jennifer a quick glance to check. When the young woman nodded, she pulled down his pants and extracted his cock. Eric Jr. was grinning.
Betty gave it a long, thorough lick. It hardened, its head bulging. She wrapped her newly inflated tits around his shaft and started rubbing them against him. He gasped and looked down to see those amazing globes of flesh. Betty grinned and continued licking him until he was about to shoot his load. Just before that, she wrapped her strong fingers around his shaft and waited until he calmed down.
Then she looked at Jennifer and made it clear that it was her turn now. The young woman knelt down next to her teacher and did the same. Eric Jr. produced a long, drawn out moan as his cock hardened again.
But once more, he was stopped right in his tracks.
The two women grinned. This was fun.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 26, 2018, 07:24:42 am
Taking turns, they brought him closer and closer to the edge. He was squirming now, trying desperately to finally shoot his load, but they were merciless. Again and again, they caught him, held him and forced him back down into submission. When he tried to get a hold of his cock and just beat himself off, they held him back. He was strong, big and muscular, but these two overcharged and pumped muscle women were stronger.
Instead, they continued until he pleaded them to finally allow him to cum. Jennifer and Betty nodded at each other and licked his rod from both sides before the young woman engulfed his cock while the older took care of his balls.
He produced an inhuman sound as he blasted Jennifer's mouth, completely flooding her. She tried to swallow his cum, but it was a bit much and it dripped all over her lips and chin.
Once he was done, Jennifer wiped her face on his stomach and said:
"Wow ... That was a bit much."
"You brought this upon yourself!"
"I guess so."
Betty smiled at her student, then slipped her hand into Jennifer's pants.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 26, 2018, 10:51:23 am
Okay, just to get you all informed:

I already finished the story in all three versions and I will continue posting daily over the next weeks until it is done.
However, I am also publishing it rightaway, so if you absolutely have to know how it ends or just generally want to support my work, here are the three available variants:

Bodybuilding Housewife

Hair Version

Implants Version

This also means that as soon as this is over, there will be another daily story poll. So if you have any ideas that you absolutely want to be worked out over a long period of time, now is the time to let me know!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 27, 2018, 06:44:32 am
Walker was on the road. Again. After a nice night with Nancy, Roberts had called and told him to get ready for an express delivery. He had sighed, gotten up and said goodbye, then went to get the truck. The poor thing was still pretty beat up, but with all those stupid little trips he was doing now he had no chance to pay for a serious renovation. Walker was also still healing. Betty's muscles definitely weren't just for show.
One of Roberts' guys had showed up, handing him an envelope with the route and helping him load the boxes of cash. After Walker memorized the way, the guy took the envelope back. No paper trail.
Walker nodded and said:
"I'm on it."
He noticed that the guy was armed. Normally, Roberts' henchmen tried to look harmless while in Marburg. After all, Roberts' shtick was the whole "pillar of the community" show. Having armed gunmen run around in town would definitely draw attention.
Maybe something big was going on. He had hesitated. Should he ask? It wasn't as if he expected an answer. In the end, he had decided against it and climbed into the truck. He just did his job, no questions asked.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 28, 2018, 09:00:56 am
Meanwhile, Betty was sitting in the back of a small bus. The other members of her "unit" were there too, holding to the seats and the handles on the roof as the car shook and rumbled. She was wearing a flak jacket and a helmet now, her gun ready. For a moment, she wondered how she had ended up in this weirdo outfit.
After spending the night with Jennifer and Eric jr., she had gone to sleep, only to be woken up early by her new boss. He quickly told her what was expected of her and it was clear that he wasn't taking a no as an answer.
Apparently, there was a "bodyguarding" job coming up. When the bus had shown up, she realized that this wasn't what she expected. No wearing evening wear and getting into the way of would-be kidnappers. This was war.
The other "soldiers" had greeted her with nods and she got dressed as fast as she could. Right in front of them. They were still pretty impressed by her massive muscles, but spending weeks with them had made her lose most of her inhibitions.
The driver handed her a file.
"Those are the instructions. Read them, then I'll take them back."
"Okay ..."
She opened the file and started reading. They were on their way to attack an ambushing party. Once the car stopped, they'd approach the place by foot and shoot them up. There were some more data on the enemy, but right then, her phone rang. The rest of the troop grinned. She smiled back, then checked it. It was her mom.
"I'll have to pick that up."
There were shrugs all around. After a few words, she had managed to convince her to keep the kids for the next days, despite her growing frustration. Only now did she realize that she was going into a real fight.
What was she doing here?

Boobs version
Meanwhile, Betty was sitting in the back of a small bus. The other members of her "unit" were there too, holding to the seats and the handles on the roof as the car shook and rumbled. She was wearing a flak jacket and a helmet now, her gun ready. For a moment, she wondered how she had ended up in this weirdo outfit.
After spending the night with Jennifer and Eric jr., she had gone to sleep, only to be woken up early by her new boss. He quickly told her what was expected of her and it was clear that he wasn't taking a no as an answer.
Apparently, there was a "bodyguarding" job coming up. She reduced her breasts a little. They had been in the way while sleeping anyway. When the bus had shown up, she realized that this wasn't what she expected. No wearing evening wear and getting into the way of would-be kidnappers. This was war.
The other "soldiers" had greeted her with nods and she got dressed as fast as she could. Right in front of them. They were still pretty impressed by her massive muscles, but spending weeks with them had made her lose most of her inhibitions.
The driver handed her a file.
"Those are the instructions. Read them, then I'll take them back."
"Okay ..."
She opened the file and started reading. They were on their way to attack an ambushing party. Once the car stopped, they'd approach the place by foot and shoot them up. There were some more data on the enemy, but right then, her phone rang. The rest of the troop grinned. She smiled back, then checked it. It was her mom.
"I'll have to pick that up."
There were shrugs all around. After a few words, she had managed to convince her to keep the kids for the next days, despite her growing frustration. Only now did she realize that she was going into a real fight.
What was she doing here?
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 29, 2018, 07:20:56 am
Just then, she received a message. It was from Dora.
"So, how was the night with your students?"
"It was fine. They're great kids. Also, Jennifer is quite the pervert."
"Maybe I didn't want to know this. So, would you mind coming to visit me?"
"I'm on a business trip for Mr. Roberts right now. I'll call you later."
"Roberts? Steve Roberts?"
"Yes ..."
"What kind of trip?"
"I can't tell you."
"Is he getting you to fight? You have to stay clear of this guy. He's bad news. Why didn't you tell me before you were working for him?"
"I didn't think it was important. What about him?"
"He's the guy who runs the entire town. All the poor people like me are dependent on him. He's the boss drug kingpin around here."
"Seriously. I bet that mystery sponsor of yours is him. Betty, you have to get out of there. This is going to be a bloodbath."
"What? Why?"
"There've been rumors that the other gangs are encroaching on his territory. He's supposed to have planned a big operation to get rid of them. This is it!"
Betty wanted to respond, but it was too late. The car stopped.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 30, 2018, 08:08:14 am
Moments later, they were out in the dark.
Other cars stopped close-by and more men in camouflage gear climbed out. Betty stared. A man approached her and said:
"You have your instructions. Your squad will be in the reserve. We're depending on you. Got it?"
She nodded. He handed them a radio set and had them turn off their phones. Then the man was off, talking to another group. She hesitated. What should she do now? She couldn't just walk away now. Besides, she had no idea where she actually was. It was a pretty deserted place, far away from everything. Now she wished she had paid more attention during the trip.
Slowly it dawned to her: If Roberts was into selling drugs, maybe this was the job Walker was doing. It made sense, thinking about it. Normal truck drivers didn't get into shootouts. And Walker had never talked about what exactly he was transporting.
She had to talk to him. Maybe he was in trouble. Maybe he was going to be ambushed. She felt sick. Yes, she had broken up with him, yes, he was a cheater, but he didn't deserve this.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 31, 2018, 07:13:07 am
Betty looked at the other fighters. She knew them all quite well from their training together. It was obvious that they were nervous. Even though most of them had some military experience or were used to violence, the situation was pretty extreme. They looked back at her. She did her best to seem calm and relaxed. She said:
"This is going to be fine. We'll go in and break them. Then we go home. Nothing big."
She managed to keep her voice level. The men seemed to accept what she said.
They waited.
The unit was used to waiting, so that wasn't much of a problem. In the distance, the first shots could be heard. Indistinct crackling, like fireworks. Betty felt a wave of panic rise up in her. During the training, she had grown accustomed to shooting and even being shot at. In a way, this wasn't extraordinary for her. But this time, it was for real. She couldn't bear it anymore and turned around, took her phone out and turned it back on. There was a missed call from Walker.
Screw this!
She called him back.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 01, 2018, 11:19:01 am
"Betty? Thank God!" Shots could be heard in the background. There was an explosion. "I got a message from that friend of yours, Dora. She told me to get out of the truck and I did. I'm stuck in a firefight. Help!"
She didn't know what to say. Apparently, Walker was just as helpless. He didn't ask her to call the police or anything. He asked her for help. What should she do? She shook her head to clear her mind and said:
"I'm coming!"
She turned to her unit and said:
"We're going in. Things are going to shit, we have to fix that. Now!"
The radio operator said:
"But we didn't get any orders."
"Fuck this. We go. You call them, ask them if they need anything. I'm not sure they'll answer."
She lifted her gun.
"Let's go! Boys, make me proud!"
There came a resounding "Yes, ma'am!" and they were off.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 02, 2018, 11:07:49 am
As they advanced to the battle, the radio operator gave it another try, but there was no reply. He ran forward to Betty and whispered:
"You were right."
"I hate it when that happens. Let's be quick!"
Their training kicking in, the small squad advanced, soon coming into contact with their enemies. Betty and the others went to the ground. Shots hissed over their heads. It was difficult to focus. Something exploded, sending a pinging spray of metal slivers flying around. They hunkered down and hoped for the best. There was an opening and Betty looked up. Men in surprisingly relaxed clothes, wearing flak jackets over their t-shirts advanced on the other side of the road. The truck was in the middle of it all, riddled with holes. A little further along, there were two pickup trucks, each one carrying a machine gun that occasionally fired short bursts in their general direction.
Betty shouted:
"Get the white truck!"
The other fighters nodded and aimed at the platform. The gunner was maybe two hundred yards away, so they took aim carefully and let of a volley of shots. The man was hit and collapsed, shouting in pain. The next salvo downed the loader. Another volley destroyed the car's tires, making it droop on one side. The driver panicked and hit the gas. The car jumped, ran into a rock maybe two feet tall on the side and got stuck.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 03, 2018, 02:48:28 pm
The second truck's gunner noticed what was going on and scanned the area for the shooters.
Betty told them to shoot him. The fighters complied. As the other man tried to swivel the machine gun in their direction, he was struck down. On the other side of the truck, a group of enemies opened fire again. Betty thought fast and shouted:
"Let's move. Get in the ditch!"
Half the troop ran forward all huddled together while the rest fired at the truck. As soon as the first group was safe, they took over. Betty ordered her half to go and stormed to the ditch. She could feel her heart race. Her muscles were pumped and hard now.
As they landed in the ditch by the side of the road, she had them spread out and took a moment to understand what was going on. The two trucks were currently out of the fight. The gang on the other side of the road could pin them down. Their own troops were lying on the street, most of them wounded or dead. As far as she could tell, they had been surprised by the trucks. Betty was pretty certain that more of these trucks would soon come. Also, there had been those explosions. Maybe there was some kind of artillery around somewhere ...
What insanity was this? She had to find Walker and get out of here!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 05, 2018, 08:23:35 am
She looked over to the rest of her troop and signaled them to get ready for a charge. They would cross the road and attack the enemy at close quarters. They would use the truck as cover. Betty made it clear that she wanted them to shoot the wheels on the other side of the truck. Then, they would use explosives to knock the whole thing over. One of the fighters advanced crawling to each of the wheels, stuck a piece of plastic under the wheels and returned as fast as he could. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad provided covering fire.
Then, they set off the explosion. With a flash and a loud bang, the whole truck was thrown on its side, crashing down. In that moment, Betty shouted:
"Charge! Get them!"
And they swarmed around the wrecked truck. The other side was completely surprised, still stunned by the detonation. Betty and the others jumped over their position and turned around, opening fire. Their opponents broke and scrambled away. Several of them lay on the ground, wounded or dead.
Now that the deadlock was broken, Betty noticed that more cars were approaching. As far as she could tell, those were reinforcements.
"Okay, let's retreat. Fighting them in the open is pointless. We move back to Marburg!"
"But what about our wounded?"
"Load 'em up! We have to get out of here. We move back to the cars!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 06, 2018, 07:48:23 am
Walker was hiding in a bush close-by. He heard his wife's voice and peeked out. There she was, standing around in camouflage gear and ordering a bunch of shady people around. He was truly freaked out now. Well, better to get this over with. When he thought about her, his face started hurting again.
He put up his hands and climbed out of the bush.
"Don't shoot! Betty, it's me, Walker! Don't shoot, please!"
Betty looked at him, all dirty, sweaty and tired. She couldn't help smiling. She was in a position of power now, and he was nothing. He was just some endlessly teaching dirtbag that spent his life lying to her and screwing up her life. And now, she was way beyond him.
She could just shoot him now. Just like that. Nobody would care. Her squad would insist that it had been an accident or some other made-up reason. She looked at him, decided that she no longer cared enough and sighed.
"Come on. Let's go."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: QBikk on August 06, 2018, 08:35:40 pm
I have to say your direction of her emotions toward Walker is confusing. At one point she's acting as if she wants to reconnect with by saving him. In another, like in the last paragraph, she's acting cold and with demeaning judgements. Which are, compared to the story as a whole exagerated...
I find this last paragraph disconnect from the story. Maybe I'm wrong...
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 06, 2018, 09:38:10 pm
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I have to say your direction of her emotions toward Walker is confusing. At one point she's acting as if she wants to reconnect with by saving him. In another, like in the last paragraph, she's acting cold and with demeaning judgements. Which are, compared to the story as a whole exagerated...
I find this last paragraph disconnect from the story. Maybe I'm wrong...

That's where I was going at: It's confusing for her. She's grown into a dominant person that is in charge, but she's not quite there yet, so she probably would like her husband to at least appear strong. He doesn't Walker has pretty much given up at this point. He even gets saved by his wife. This is different from when they saved each other during the attack on the house.

Sadly, I am not a very good author, so it's hard for me to convey this feeling.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on August 07, 2018, 04:31:49 am
Would like to see that they get together again. Perhaps Walker should try the steroids and get bigger himself. So they both get a revenge (together)
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 07, 2018, 09:14:49 am
Betty's squad ran to the wounded troops and did its best to get them to safety. Betty grabbed one of the bigger guys and hefted him up on her shoulders in a fireman's carry. The other members of her troop did the same. Walker was confused when he saw his hugely muscular, powerful wife load a grown man on her back and run. He shook his head to clear it when one of the soldier types pointed at a groaning man on the ground and shouted:
"Take this one, asshole! We need to scram!"
He couldn't even argue. Instead, he picked the wounded man up and followed behind them. He ran for the first few steps, but then, he had to switch to a quick step. Meanwhile, the monster that was his wife was sprinting, the wounded fighter on her shoulders holding on tight.
They reached the cars just as the enemy reinforcements reached site of their battle.
"Load them up, guys! When you're done, take cover and shoot at everyone who's coming!"
There were shouts of agreement as they quickly loaded the wounded into the cars. Within moments, they were sticky with blood. Betty got rid of hers and took up position while the others finished. Then everybody climbed on board and they took off.
The cars were hopelessly overloaded, the suspension groaning whenever they hit a ridge or rock. At the same time, the enemy technicals were approaching.
Betty pointed at them and shouted:
"Shoot the first one! We can't outrun them!"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: QBikk on August 07, 2018, 08:57:04 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
I have to say your direction of her emotions toward Walker is confusing. At one point she's acting as if she wants to reconnect with by saving him. In another, like in the last paragraph, she's acting cold and with demeaning judgements. Which are, compared to the story as a whole exagerated...
I find this last paragraph disconnect from the story. Maybe I'm wrong...

That's where I was going at: It's confusing for her. She's grown into a dominant person that is in charge, but she's not quite there yet, so she probably would like her husband to at least appear strong. He doesn't Walker has pretty much given up at this point. He even gets saved by his wife. This is different from when they saved each other during the attack on the house.

Sadly, I am not a very good author, so it's hard for me to convey this feeling.

No you are a great writer. What is missing there then, is an external description of what is happening in her head. Ex. If you describe the confusion in her head while describing the scene. But overall great writing. Keep going!!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 07, 2018, 09:37:30 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
I have to say your direction of her emotions toward Walker is confusing. At one point she's acting as if she wants to reconnect with by saving him. In another, like in the last paragraph, she's acting cold and with demeaning judgements. Which are, compared to the story as a whole exagerated...
I find this last paragraph disconnect from the story. Maybe I'm wrong...

That's where I was going at: It's confusing for her. She's grown into a dominant person that is in charge, but she's not quite there yet, so she probably would like her husband to at least appear strong. He doesn't Walker has pretty much given up at this point. He even gets saved by his wife. This is different from when they saved each other during the attack on the house.

Sadly, I am not a very good author, so it's hard for me to convey this feeling.

No you are a great writer. What is missing there then, is an external description of what is happening in her head. Ex. If you describe the confusion in her head while describing the scene. But overall great writing. Keep going!!

Thank you. Yes. That would have been it. Well, I hope it's cleared up now.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 08, 2018, 07:07:56 am
Walker was clinging to the side of the pickup truck's platform as Betty's troops opened fire. He was pretty sure they couldn't hit a thing with all the bumps and jumps, but they were certainly trying. Betty pointed in the direction she wanted them to go and shouted encouragement at her troops. Walker felt small and weak now.
His wife had saved him and she was in charge. It was time to give up. She would get the divorce and whatever she wanted. A man had to know when he was at his wits' end.
The concentrated fire from the cars managed to make their pursuers give up and wait for more troops. There were cheers. Betty pointed towards Marburg. The drivers nodded and put the paddles to the floor.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 09, 2018, 08:21:11 am
The convoy reached the center of Marburg half an hour later. Things were pretty crazy. Some people had called up the militia and people were forming up vaguely on the town square. The effect was unsettling. The missmatch of uniforms and the plethora of guns gave off a post-apocalyptic movie feeling. Betty's car stopped and she got out, still dressed in her fatigues. She took the loudspeaker from the car and said:
"Hi, everybody. It's me, Betty. We need to clear the way to get the wounded to the hospital. This is the most important thing right now."
The mayor shouted:
"What is going on?"
"You should know. This town has been making good money by smuggling drugs all over the country. The crap part is that the competition is here to shut us down."
People looked at each other. What was that supposed to mean?
They did make room enough for the cars to go through and get to the hospital. Betty continued:
"Anyway. They're coming. I'll need everybody with medical expertise to report to the hospital. I don't think they can handle so many wounded. All the other people with guns should get ready to fight. I'll tell you where to go! All the others go home and protect your kids!"
Someone shouted:
"Hey, who died and made you king?"
The mayor climbed on the car next to Betty:
"I support her. Let's make sure we're all safe."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 10, 2018, 07:47:53 am
People hastily assembled barricades with their cars. The mayor asked:
"So, what are you going to do? Fight them?"
Betty sighed.
"I'm not sure either. This could go horribly wrong. I wouldn't want our people to get hurt."
"We could try and negotiate. Let's give them a taste and then, we talk."
"That might work."
She turned to the militia leaders and told them about their plan. There were nods all around.
Moments later, the attackers rushed the town. The technicals advanced, guns blazing. People threw themselves to the ground and hoped they wouldn't get hurt. The assailants crashed through gardens and flowerbeds, the men on the cars screaming.
The defenders opened fire as good as they could, riposting to the initial rush. One of the technicals crashed into the barricade, but didn't manage to break through. The militiamen opened fire, killing the driver and the passengers. The other cars followed up, but the charge had been broken. That's when the other defenders started shooting from inside the surrounding homes. The mayor was hunkered down with Betty and some of the troops.
"Is it working?"
"We have them in overlapping fields of fire." Betty had interiorized the ideas from her crash course. "But if I were them I'd be going around town and attack from behind. I told Bill and his family that this would happen."
"Bill? Didn't you put him in a wheelchair?"
"I told him it was your idea."
"Wow. This is crazy."
"We still have to win this."
She turned to her crew.
"Guys, we're going around them. Time to finish this."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 11, 2018, 10:49:18 am
Betty's troops climbed on their cars and drove straight through the gardens, flattening a few hedges and causing a commotion. Gunning their engines, they drew a wide circle and then turned on the back of the attackers. The moment they appeared, their targets realized what was going on and turned around.
Betty climbed on top of her car's flatbed and said:
"You're surrounded. Drop your weapons!"
The men stared at her. Betty wasn't sure, but those guys certainly looked weird. They probably were on some kind of drug. She hesitated. Should she just tell her troops to open fire? They'd certainly do it and it would send a message ...
She waited a few more moments, but then, some of the guys dropped their guns. Good. This was better.
Then, one of them walked towards her with his hands up.
"Are you in charge? Are you one of Roberts' guys?"
Betty nodded. She wasn't sure if that was true, but for now, it was best to act as if.
"What's your name?"
"Okay, Anton. I'm Betty. This is my town. We don't want trouble, and we certainly don't want anybody to get killed. It's bad enough as it is. But we're willing to shoot down all of you if you don't surrender."
Anton mulled that over, then shouted:
"Men, drop your weapons, all of you."
Betty breathed a sigh of relief. This wouldn't end in a total catastrophe.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 12, 2018, 08:17:41 am
"Now, call your bosses and tell them we need to talk. I've had enough of all the secrecy and shittiness and I need to get this sorted out."
Anton stared at the bulky woman on the car. She looked like a grizzled veteran and a strangely powerful mother figure at the same time. This was completely insane. He took a deep breath:
"I'm not sure they'll want to talk. They don't negotiate."
"I will send a message if you won't do it. I'll get you all killed and send them your heads."
The gang leader stood there, paralyzed. His mind tried to understand what he had just heard.
Betty was concentrating on maintaining her pokerface. What did she just say? It had just flowed out of her mouth naturally, but she was having a hard time believing she just said that. Maybe she shouldn't have watched so many fantasy series about crazy queens.
Maybe she was a crazy queen at heart.
She certainly looked the part. A warrior queen in drab, camouflage armor.
The poor guy recovered eventually. He looked down and said:
"I will call them."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 13, 2018, 09:55:46 am
Now that this was over, she had to talk to Dora. She was the only person that knew how to deal with this. She put the militia leaders in charge of the prisoners and just wanted to get into her car when she ran into Walker. He stared at her and asked:
"What just happened?"
"I'm trying to save the town. Don't be in the way."
"I won't. Sorry."
She walked past him. Suddenly, he said:
"Thank you for saving me. I ... I don't know what to say."
"Don't worry. I'll get this over with and then, we'll both go our ways."
He nodded and scrambled off, just trying to find out what to do. In the end, he went home and set about to defend it. Erin and Walker Jr. were glad to see him, as were Nancy, her kids and, less so, Bill. They had all huddled together in the living room when the call came and were anxiously waiting for news.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 14, 2018, 08:50:28 am
Betty took out her phone and called on Dora.
"Betty? Good of you to call. Come on over. We have things to discuss."
"Where to?"
"Just come to Roberts' place."
"Okay ..."
A little while later, she rang and Gracie opened. Her expression was inscrutable. Was there a pang of regret? Anger? Relief? Betty couldn't tell. The older woman led her inside to Roberts' study. He was lying on the table, a gaping shot wound in his head. A gun was in his hand. Dora was standing close-by, taking deep breaths to calm down. When she saw Betty, she ran over and embraced her.
Betty asked:
"What happened?"
"That's what I like about you. Anybody else would have jumped to conclusions, but you just ask."
"I shot him. I couldn't bear it anymore. It was a little difficult and I wanted to hit him in the chest, but without hands, those things are hard to aim."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 15, 2018, 08:36:08 am
"But why?"
"So we could all be free. Now that everything is falling apart, we can finally be rid of this."
Betty just waited for the other woman to continue. As she spoke, Dora started sobbing.
"It's all pretty simple, really. Roberts started his business in Vietnam and Cambodia. He'd buy wholesale, bring the drugs here in secret and distribute them by using the trucks. Walker was one of his drivers. No questions asked was the perfect strategy for him. When I went to Afghanistan, Roberts suggested expanding the scope of his business. I helped him, but when I got hit, I ran out. Also, I had a lot of trouble getting clean. You really helped me with that."
Betty nodded. She didn't think of that, but a lot of Dora's initial troubles made sense.
"The problem was that running a family business in times of globalization is getting really hard. So the competition started antagonizing Roberts and he got you to fight for him after he saw what you did to Mike and Bill. He was impressed. And now, it's time for this to end."
The older musclewoman scratched her chin, then said:
"They are coming to negotiate. I need someone who knows the business. Why don't you both come over and we find a solution that helps the town and gets us out of the line of fire."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 16, 2018, 11:25:57 am
It took a good week to clear everything up. The whole feeling was pretty strange. The mayor was sitting at a table with a musclewoman, an amputee and a housewife, running negotiations with a bunch of very professional-looking young men which had to hand over their guns upon entry. He was feeling as if he was living a western movie.
At last, they found a compromise. The town would take over Roberts' business collectively. The sheriff was asked to accept this, which he did. As the mayor's cousin, it was all about the family business. Besides, Roberts had bought him off years ago. Dora and Gracie would manage the day-to-day business, since they both knew the tricks of the trade. The cartel or whatever it was would let them be, even using them as distributors. In a weird way, this made the whole business sort of legal. Well, not really, but since everybody's livelihood depended on it, this was the best solution.
When all was said and done, Betty was left with a feeling of loss. Things were coming to an end. It also left her with the question of what she should do now. Should she leave everything behind and move to a big city where her weirdness wouldn't be a problem? She'd be a small fish in a big pond. Should she stay and never reach anything extraordinary? Should she abandon her family and her kids for her dreams? This wasn't easy.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 17, 2018, 08:00:08 am
Everybody was excited. On stage, the music of the lightweights was blaring. The middleweights were already standing in line to go out and show off their gains. Meanwhile, the heavyweights were still pumping up. Betty could feel her mighty muscles contract as she pulled the bands up again and again. Her huge arms were bulging, the veins full of blood and power. Her deep tan made her skin chestnut-colored. She was incredibly ripped. The diet had been hard on her, but she had managed to maintain her size mostly. She grunted. Her chest spread, her thick, feathered pecs swelling. With her muscles, she could probably compete against lightweight, maybe even middleweight men. The tape on her nipples loosened again. She frowned and continued her pumping. She had to bring herself up to size. After all, the competition was fierce now.
She looked over at Jennifer. Her former pupil was bulging with power. Gone were the last vestiges of her former plumpness. Instead, the young woman had transformed herself into a mountain of muscle. Her shoulders were even wider than Betty's, which was just as well since they gave her enough space for her enormous tits. Jennifer had fulfilled her dream: Her breasts were now bigger than her head, round and uber-fake. She was pretty sure that she'd be getting marked down for obscuring her pecs and the top part of her abs, but she loved this look. In the off-season, Jennifer was a hulking ogress. Now, she was hard and ripped. Betty could clearly see the folds and dents of the implant under her darkened skin. LaKima walked up to them , finally ready. The lightweights just returned from the stage, staring at the enormous women still preparing. While they were quite feminine and cute in some way, the muscle monsters were downright terrifying.
LaKima grinned as the smaller women tried to get to their stuff without even looking at them.

Boobs version
Everybody was excited. On stage, the music of the lightweights was blaring. The middleweights were already standing in line to go out and show off their gains. Meanwhile, the heavyweights were still pumping up. Betty could feel her mighty muscles contract as she pulled the bands up again and again. Her huge arms were bulging, the veins full of blood and power. Her deep tan made her skin chestnut-colored. She was incredibly ripped. The diet had been hard on her, but she had managed to maintain her size mostly. She grunted. Her chest spread, her thick, feathered pecs swelling. Her large, round tits were only covered by a thin layer of skin, the implants painfully obvious. At her size, this was somewhat inevitable. With her muscles, she could probably compete against lightweight, maybe even middleweight men. The tape on her nipples loosened again. She frowned and continued her pumping. She had to bring herself up to size. After all, the competition was fierce now.
She looked over at Jennifer. Her former pupil was bulging with power. Gone were the last vestiges of her former plumpness. Instead, the young woman had transformed herself into a mountain of muscle. Her shoulders were even wider than Betty's, which was just as well since they gave her enough space for her enormous tits. Jennifer had fulfilled her dream: Her breasts were now bigger than her head, round and uber-fake. She was pretty sure that she'd be getting marked down for obscuring her pecs and the top part of her abs, but she loved this look. In the off-season, Jennifer was a hulking ogress. Now, she was hard and ripped. Betty could clearly see the folds and dents of the implant under her darkened skin. LaKima walked up to them , finally ready. The lightweights just returned from the stage, staring at the enormous women still preparing. While they were quite feminine and cute in some way, the muscle monsters were downright terrifying.
LaKima grinned as the smaller women tried to get to their stuff without even looking at them.

Hair version
Everybody was excited. On stage, the music of the lightweights was blaring. The middleweights were already standing in line to go out and show off their gains. Meanwhile, the heavyweights were still pumping up. Betty could feel her mighty muscles contract as she pulled the bands up again and again. Her huge arms were bulging, the veins full of blood and power. Her deep tan made her skin chestnut-colored. Shaving off her "fur" as she called it, was a little sad, but if she wanted to win, she'd have to make concessions. She just craved to let it grow out again soon.
Betty was incredibly ripped. The diet had been hard on her, but she had managed to maintain her size mostly. She grunted. Her chest spread, her thick, feathered pecs swelling. With her muscles, she could probably compete against lightweight, maybe even middleweight men. The tape on her nipples loosened again. She frowned and continued her pumping. She had to bring herself up to size. After all, the competition was fierce now.
She looked over at Jennifer. Her former pupil was bulging with power. Gone were the last vestiges of her former plumpness. Instead, the young woman had transformed herself into a mountain of muscle. Her shoulders were even wider than Betty's, which was just as well since they gave her enough space for her enormous tits. Jennifer had fulfilled her dream: Her breasts were now bigger than her head, round and uber-fake. She was pretty sure that she'd be getting marked down for obscuring her pecs and the top part of her abs, but she loved this look. In the off-season, Jennifer was a hulking ogress. Now, she was hard and ripped. Betty could clearly see the folds and dents of the implant under her darkened skin. LaKima walked up to them , finally ready. The lightweights just returned from the stage, staring at the enormous women still preparing. While they were quite feminine and cute in some way, the muscle monsters were downright terrifying.
LaKima grinned as the smaller women tried to get to their stuff without even looking at them.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 18, 2018, 11:22:05 am
Betty admired the rest of her "squad". They had made great progress. LaKima had grown truly gigantic, her long legs now bulging with power. She was now the second biggest of them, dwarfed only by Bella. The former stripper had decided to go all in and had trained her muscles way above their breaking point. If LaKima was big, Bella was bigger. She was looking downright brutal, carrying shocking amounts of muscle on her body. Still, she maintained the flexibility from her dancer days, which meant that she was able to perform bizarre and shocking contortions. Not on stage, of course.
The sheer endless supply of money from Dora's business, combined with the easy availability of steroids and growth hormone had made them all go crazy. The four muscle monsters took up position in the center of the room. The two remaining heavyweights looked worried and rather puny next to those giantesses. They looked at each other and Betty led their "prayer".
"Girls, this is it. We've come a long way and tonight, we're going to blow them all away. We're huge, we're ripped and we're thirsty, so let's get out there and show them what we've got!"
The others cheered and lifted their muscular arms with a "woot!". They finished the last touches on their makeup and outfits, then it was time to get on stage.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 18, 2018, 09:01:40 pm
At last, it was over. Unsurprisingly, they managed to take the top three heavyweight awards. Bella grinned as she lifted the massive broadsword.
"Ooh. This is like out of an eighties fantasy painting. Whoever came up with that?"
"Hey, watch where you're pointing that thing!"
Jennifer was grinning. She had hit third place on her first competition and she was feeling proud. LaKima had managed second place, something which she decided was okay for her. Betty had received a special award for her contributions to fitness and bodybuilding. For her, her friends' victories were her own. After all, she had developed the structures that allowed them to succeed.
All over the country, Jennifer was setting up gyms according to Betty's original concept and the thing was working. Eric Jr. and her were tremendously busy, which was one of the reasons it had taken so long for her to compete. Speaking of Eric Jr., he just came out of the men's backstage area, joining his wife and his kids' godmother. He was downright enormous now. He competed in the men's heavyweights. This time, he even managed to hit fourth place.
Jennifer showed him her bronze medal and said:
"Wow, I actually managed to get a higher placement!"
The hulking man embraced his wife, her enormous tits getting compressed between their supercharged chests. He lifted her up and whirled her around:
"I'm so proud of you! This is amazing!"

The group ended up at an Asian joint this time. The now traditional devouring of trash food as a reward for weeks of hard dieting had become a major thing for them. The waiters and waitresses stared at the gargantuan people that were sinking enormous amounts of food, not sure whether this all-you-can-eat business was worthwhile anymore. Bella had gone into full barbarian mode and spoke of herself in the third person while also going "By Crom!" every few sentences. LaKima was just happy to finally eat something, but couldn't help admiring Eric Jr.'s hugeness at the same time. Jennifer noticed and nodded. She didn't mind sharing. Despite her own libido being boosted by all the stuff she was shooting, she still found it hard to keep up with her husband's. Betty leaned back and watched her muscular family stuff their faces. This was incredible.
In a way, her life had been turned around twice. First, she had taken the reins in her own original household. But now, she was once again in charge of the chores and everything. Okay, the chores now included a lot of preparing food for bodybuilders, of planning their cycles and of stopping them from beating each other up when they were short-fused as hell from all the roids, but in the end, she was a housewife again.
A wealthy one, though. Dora's business was still running well and the franchise was also quite useful. She recently met Walker again. Betty only rarely visited Marburg now, mostly to see her kids and her parents. It was weird to be back in this tiny town. Walker worked as a nurse now, using his experience in taking care of Bill as a foundation for a career that was way less dangerous than his previous one.

Hair version
The group ended up at an Asian joint this time. The now traditional devouring of trash food as a reward for weeks of hard dieting had become a major thing for them. The waiters and waitresses stared at the gargantuan people that were sinking enormous amounts of food, not sure whether this all-you-can-eat business was worthwhile anymore. Bella had gone into full barbarian mode and spoke of herself in the third person while also going "By Crom!" every few sentences. LaKima was just happy to finally eat something, but couldn't help admiring Eric Jr.'s hugeness at the same time. Jennifer noticed and nodded. She didn't mind sharing. Despite her own libido being boosted by all the stuff she was shooting, she still found it hard to keep up with her husband's. Betty leaned back and watched her muscular family stuff their faces. This was incredible.
In a way, her life had been turned around twice. First, she had taken the reins in her own original household. But now, she was once again in charge of the chores and everything. Okay, the chores now included a lot of preparing food for bodybuilders, of planning their cycles, managing their body hair, including the spots they couldn't reach and of stopping them from beating each other up when they were short-fused as hell from all the roids, but in the end, she was a housewife again.
A wealthy one, though. Dora's business was still running well and the franchise was also quite useful. She recently met Walker again. Betty only rarely visited Marburg now, mostly to see her kids and her parents. It was weird to be back in this tiny town. Walker worked as a nurse now, using his experience in taking care of Bill as a foundation for a career that was way less dangerous than his previous one.

Leaving her kids in Nancy's and Walker's care had been strange. But, as Erin put it, they didn't feel more abandoned than they already were. Having a cynic as a daughter was hard. On the other hand, her own focus on getting things done had clearly been transferred to her: Erin was fit now, having won a scholarship for soccer and using it to become a doctor. Walker Jr. was training as a mechanic at a garage run by Bill's family. He was doing fine as far as she could say. There was word of him dating his boss' daughter. Betty wasn't too sure about this.
Her relationship with Walker was calm now. He treated her with respect, she sent some money discreetly and whenever she was in town, they'd have some coffee together and chat. For her, this was a short visit to her former life and just about enough. She could bear with this, but not for long. Sometimes, she wondered what would have happened if Walker had managed to keep his cock in his pants. Would they have stayed together like her parents? Living happily ever after? She knew full well that her parents fought a lot, but never in public and they usually made up right afterwards. But they managed. Walker and her had just prefered to run away.
She sighed. Best not to think too much about what could have been.

All in all, things were working out. Literally.
Then, her phone rang. It was Lorraine. She got up and walked to a quieter spot in the restaurant.
"Hi, Lorraine. Did you enjoy the show?"
"You were amazing! I'm still all hot. This was incredible!"
"We're at the Chinese restaurant, if that's what you want to know."
"Can I come?"
"Oh, we're not going to disappoint our biggest fan, are we?"
She could hear the plump woman choke with lust.
As she was on the way, Betty returned to her friends:
"Guess who's coming?"
Bella shrugged:
"Sure! She loved us."
The other musclewoman laughed:
"Ooh. I'm so going to get a foot massage tonight!"
LaKima grinned:
"She's amazing, don't you think?"
"The best."
Suddenly, Bella had an idea:
"We should call Kira. I haven't seen her in ages and she's going to love this."
Betty nodded. That was a great idea. Maybe she should also bring the camera.

Kira took a deep breath. The equipment was pretty heavy. Betty's call had come as a surprise. She didn't even recognize the voice at first. Following her divorce from Walker, they had lost contact for a while. Then, it was mostly chats over the messenger and occasional newsletters about another of Betty's stores opening. Betty had given her a lifelong member card, but Kira hadn't used it for now. The whole thing was still pretty awkward for her, after all, she had been the cause of all those changes. They were changes for the better, she assumed, but still, losing Walker and her so quickly had made her reconsider.
She knocked on the door of the motel room. There was a chuckle inside.
"Ooh, she's here."
"Lorraine, you can stop for a moment. But you are divine."
"Thank you ..."
Then, the door was opened and Kira's jaw dropped. It took her a moment to realize who she was looking at. Betty was absurdly huge now. Her muscles were incredibly thick and ripped and her face had somehow transformed. The former cute housewife had developed a hard, strong jaw, the dieting making her look even fiercer. Betty was looking dominant and unstoppable. Her face wasn't too masculine, but it certainly lost any softness.
"Kira! You came! This is great!"
The voice had also dropped. Kira was intimidated and a little shocked.
Betty embraced her, her mighty arms surrounding Kira's trim, fit body. The stripper's big round breasts were squeezed against Betty's uber chest.

Boobs version
Kira took a deep breath. The equipment was pretty heavy. Betty's call had come as a surprise. She didn't even recognize the voice at first. Following her divorce from Walker, they had lost contact for a while. Then, it was mostly chats over the messenger and occasional newsletters about another of Betty's stores opening. Betty had given her a lifelong member card, but Kira hadn't used it for now. The whole thing was still pretty awkward for her, after all, she had been the cause of all those changes. They were changes for the better, she assumed, but still, losing Walker and her so quickly had made her reconsider.
She knocked on the door of the motel room. There was a chuckle inside.
"Ooh, she's here."
"Lorraine, you can stop for a moment. But you are divine."
"Thank you ..."
Then, the door was opened and Kira's jaw dropped. It took her a moment to realize who she was looking at. Betty was absurdly huge now. Her muscles were incredibly thick and ripped and her face had somehow transformed. The former cute housewife had developed a hard, strong jaw, the dieting making her look even fiercer. Betty was looking dominant and unstoppable. Her face wasn't too masculine, but it certainly lost any softness. Then, there were her massive, round tits that stuck out from her chest like handballs.
"Kira! You came! This is great!"
The voice had also dropped. Kira was intimidated and a little shocked.
Betty embraced her, her mighty arms surrounding Kira's trim, fit body. The stripper's big round breasts were squeezed against Betty's own implants on her uber chest.

The other musclewomen turned to her and Kira was even more impressed. They had all gone huge. Bella was a female colossus, built like a monstrous fortress, her big round naked breasts protruding from her broad, powerful chest. Her face was just as harsh, yet it was smoothed a little by her big, taut lips and her lack of hard lines. She left the plump, crimson woman and ran to greet her former colleague. Kira was on the verge of panicking. If all those huge women would get on top on her, they'd pulverize her.
Then she saw LaKima approach. If the others were huge, she was gigantic. With her long, striated legs, her overdefined muscles covering every inch of her body and her brutally dried skin, she was bodybuilding personified. She growled:
"Wow, Betty, I didn't know you had friends that aren't completely covered in muscles!"
Kira sighed with relief when she understood that this amazon wouldn't squeeze her further.
That's when Jennifer and Eric Jr. showed up.
Seeing Jennifer's insane tits swing closer, she got career doubts. If her own were too big for normal people, these were too large for normal strippers. She hadn't seen tits like these since the eighties. And she suddenly realized she wanted them. She didn't much care for the rest, but those were incredible ...

"God, Jennifer, where did you get those tits?"
"They're custom-made. My surgeon ordered them from a small overseas company and put them in me. I've been getting fill-ups for over a year now and they're still not at their limit."
"Okay ... Just how heavy are they?"
Jennifer grinned and lifted the massive fake boobs, which made her big, hard biceps tighten and swell.
"I dunno. Not too much. I've got the foundation to carry them, so it's no big deal." As Kira tried to focus, she added: "Okay, five thousand ccs each."
"What the fuck?"
"Definitely the fuck. Yes, you can touch them."
Eric Jr. grinned as his wife teased her stripper fan. This was incredible. He was so far beyond anything a small town boy could ever have hoped for and he was living the dream.
Kira slowly undressed her friend's mighty tits. Jennifer teased her by flexing her humungous pecs, making her boobs wobble and jump. Kira's throat was dry. This woman was amazing ...
Finally, she got them out. They were truly enormous and way larger than her head. Her own big breasts looked almost ridiculously tiny next to these mammoths.

Betty interrupted the show.
"So, Kira, the idea would be that we get to do a little movie together. Lorraine would help us, wearing a mask, I assume."
The deep crimson woman nodded eagerly.
Kira agreed:
"We can try. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it up, though."
"You could see it like this: You're not going to get us so ripped and worked up anytime soon."
The stripper nodded.
"Cool." She turned to Jennifer. "I just need a rough plan and we can get to work."
"How about this: Lorraine is the chambermaid and all those muscle goddesses come here unexpectantly, all pumped up and hard from the contest."
Kira turned to the others:
"Are you on board with this?"
People nodded.
Time to get pumped up again.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: chilipalmer99 on August 19, 2018, 09:04:56 pm
Seems like we've nearly reached the conclusion to this unforgettable tale. Really enjoyed where you went with it and I'm glad that even though Betty and Walker do not exactly have a textbook happy ending, both are alive, well and going on with their lives. Thanks for not turning this into a "beat all men up into a pulp" story. Instead, simply a woman empowered, and who is empowering many others with her deeds and words. Kudos to you!

Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 26, 2018, 08:06:12 pm
Thank you very much. There's still a bit left, but I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 27, 2018, 09:22:50 am
There was a bustle of activity, then Lorraine put on the chambermaid outfit and a rather flimsy mask and went about cleaning the place, going "tsk, tsk" occasionally. Just as she was making the bed, the door opened and the musclewomen filed in, dressed in bathrobes.
Lorraine turned to them and gasped.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I ..."
Betty shook her head:
"Don't be. We're just changing back and we're leaving. You can stay."
"But ..."
The musclewomen turned their backs to the camera and dropped the robes. Their muscles were ripped and pumped up, the striations visible and the veins pumping. They were huge and hard.
Jennifer said:
"God, I love it when I'm all hot from a good workout."
Bella agreed:
"Girl, you are always hot."
LaKima turned to Lorraine:
"Do you like what you see?"
The fake chambermaid nodded, blushing:
"This is incredible."
"Then we should give you a tip, shouldn't we?"
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 28, 2018, 11:50:35 am
The musclewomen took up position as Lorraine dropped on the bed. It was obvious that she was amazingly horny. The four muscle goddesses were there in front of her, naked and contest-ready, their bodies so pumped up they were close to bursting with power.
Each one did a pose to really bring out their physiques. Bella lifted her mighty arms and hit a hard flex, her biceps swelling and swelling, turning into eighteen inches of hard, dry flesh. A big vein snaked over it, pulsating from the strain. She gritted her teeth and extended her fingers, giving them that extra little push.
Next to her, LaKima leaned back and crunched her abs. The pose made her small waist seem even thinner, while her enormous shoulders and her huge back improved the effect of her taper. She locked her powerful arms behind her back and grunted happily, shimmying her hips so that every single bit of muscle was on display. Watching them move and slide under her paper-thin, ebony skin made Lorraine's mouth run dry. She was supernatural.
That only spurred Jennifer on to go all in. The youngest musclegirl took a deep breath, her insanely big breasts rising, then spread her back into an enormous crab pose. Her stance made her chest look even bigger and she grinned as her shoulders and her bull neck expanded. While Bella was coiled power and LaKima seemed otherworldly elegant, Jennifer just exuded raw, unstoppable power. She was all mass and all horny sexiness. She licked her lips and flexed her pecs, moving those giant fake balls of tit to the side.
Betty looked admiringly at her squad and completed the look by hitting a side-biceps pose that showed the whole thickness and maturity of her muscles. Her relentless training had really pushed her body to its limit and she could feel the strength pour into her core. She flexed hard, gritting her teeth and looked at the extremely horny Lorraine that was looking as if she had a heart attack. A blissful one, but still way too much excitement.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 29, 2018, 06:49:08 am
Then, the whole thing escalated. Lorraine crawled towards her goddesses on all fours, her body sweaty and dripping with horniness. The four women surrounded her and started touching, caressing and licking her. She was completely shocked. Jennifer and Betty had suggested this as a surprise for her and it did work as expected. The obese woman completely disappeared under the masses of their enormous muscles. Kira stared as she filmed on.
She wanted this. This was a level of insanity that she never would have expected, but ... When she had been with Walker, she loved his rough, hard manliness. And now, there she was, staring at the incredible, bizarre omnisexual masculinity of those amazons. They were way beyond anything Walker would ever have been able to give her. She felt herself getting incredibly horny as the women tore the chambermaid outfit from Lorraine's body and started worshiping her naked, soft body. Their hard, tanned muscles rubbed against her weak, pale chest.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 30, 2018, 05:25:47 am
Lorraine was gasping for air. This was too much. The hard, heavy bodies that worshipped her were bulging with power, running their hands all over her, sinking their strong fingers into her weak flesh. This was beyond any dream she might have had. She came with a shudder as Betty and LaKima licked her nipples to diamond hardness and Bella and Jennifer explored her exposed cunt.
Then, the women released her for a moment, let her breathe. She was covered in sweat. The tanned mass-monsters around her grinned and exchanged amused glances. Then, Betty grabbed her and lifted her up. Lorraine yelped as the other woman brought her up to her chest. She never expected her to be so strong, but somehow, the musclewoman seemed to hold her easily. Like a plaything, Betty passed her on to Bella, who caught the obese ball of confusion and horniness. She threw her around like a toy and handed her to Jennifer. Lorraine's soft, weak breasts were mashed by Jennifer's hard, fake globes. She lifted her above her head, her mighty muscles pumping, then almost tossed her to LaKima.
The fourth amazon took her and grinned before starting to squat, the fat woman losing herself in her horniness.
"Gah ... This is too much ... I can't ..."
She came again with a gurgling sound.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 31, 2018, 06:01:45 am
That's when Eric Jr. had his entrance. He was the hotel manager, wearing his oversized and bespoke suit. He stared at the display and said:
"I'm sorry, but could you release my employee?"
The place was getting a little crowded. The musclewomen stopped and looked at the big man who had just come in. Lorraine was still stuck on LaKima's enormous shoulders, but she did like what she saw too. Not that she was bisexual, but she was definitely muscle-sexual. Bella laughed and said:
"We were just doing a little something for her. A tip." She licked her lips. "Speaking of tips ..."
Of course, Eric Jr.'s cock was hard by now, making a bulge in his pants. Bella and Jennifer walked over to him and quickly undressed him.
There were grins all around as his cock came into view, hard and throbbing. Jennifer and Bella went down on him, taking turns in sucking it. LaKima followed up, keeping Lorraine on her mighty shoulders effortlessly. The helpless woman was in a daze of muscle-overload.
Finally, Betty joined in too.
Kira was having a hard time concentrating. This was so bizarre: All those people had turned themselves into outrageous, uber-huge caricatures of human beings and they were clearly loving it.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 01, 2018, 08:14:27 am
Things only escalated further.
Strap-ons were brought into play, and soon, Lorraine found herself held by LaKima as in a human vise while the other musclepeople took turns fucking her cunt, ass and mouth. She was completely shocked, but also lost in her daze of total arousal. This was beyond anything she had ever imagined. She sucked on Eric Jr.'s cock as Betty and Bella fucked her with their strap-on and Jennifer seized the opportunity to peg her husband from behind.
Finally, Kira couldn't bear it anymore and just let the cameras run, joining in.
After what felt like forever, the gang was lying around completely exhausted. The tiny room was quite crowded with all those huge, bulky musclepeople. Most of them were snoring, tired after all that stress: The competition, the orgy, all this really brought them to their knees.
Lorraine awoke, saw Kira stirring and gave her a little wave. As the only remotely normal people in this room full of mass freaks, they felt a weird little connection.
She crawled over to her, going over a landscape of bronzed, hulking muscles. Kira grinned:
"That was quite something, don't you think?"
"This was so crazy. I want to do this again. Every day!"
"That's not going to be easy unless you join them."
Lorraine hesitated.
In the end, she found a nice place to rest, craddled against Betty's huge lats and gently dozed off.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 02, 2018, 09:05:23 am
A little later, Walker was once again hiding on the toilet, watching videos on his phone. He saw his ex and her friends fucking like crazy, their outrageous muscles completely overcharged. They were like wild animals. Walker's erection was almost painful, so hard had it become. He took deep breaths. Finally, he came, closing his eyes as his jizz ran over his hands. He sighed.
He cleaned himself up, then returned to the living room. The kids were either asleep or otherwise busy. Bill was with his cousins. Basically, this was a night for Nancy and him. Not that they were up to much, being usually exhausted from their days. He smiled at her and sat down next to her. She answered in turn. They kissed.
Later on, they lay on the sofa, watching TV. Nancy lifted her arm and for a moment, Walker caught the shadow of muscle.
As they continued watching the show, Walker said:
"I thought about getting back into shape and going to the gym. Would you join me? We could get fit together."
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 02, 2018, 09:09:06 am
And it's done!

Thank you all for reading and following the story. I appreciated your support and your participation during question time! If you enjoyed it and wish to support me, why not head over to smashwords and grab the version you liked most?

Also, I'll be taking a couple of days off and then, it'll be time for a new poll, so if you have any ideas of stories you would like me to write in this way, just post them here or send me a message, I might include them in the list.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: big easy on September 02, 2018, 11:49:11 pm
Fantastic story! Sad to see it end, but can't wait for your next masterpiece :)

I'd really love to see a spinoff with Lorraine and Kira getting big, or even tie it in a sequel with Walker and Nancy.

As for other ideas for future stories, here are a few I have in mind:

- A skinny wannabe actress and her overweight nerdy female roomate decide to train to get the body of superheros and land deals for upcoming movies.
- An overweight woman runs into a girl from high school that bullied her, who's now a world champion bodybuilder, so she starts training to beat her on stage and embarrass her at their high school reunion.
- A  wallflower who's struggling in school and grew up on welfare does whatever it takes to get the worlds attention by becoming the most powerful person in the world (strength, brains and wealth)
- A girl comes home from college, only to be greeted by her widowed (formerly overweight) mother who has transformed her body over the school year after her husbands deathly heart attack. She convinces her daughter to join her on building muscles together and eventually compete against each other in a competition.
- A PHD student, who had a secret fascination for female bodybuilders growing up, writes a journal about her experiment on what taking a high dose of different steroids can do over a long period of time and the side effects they implement (big clitoris, deep voice, hairiness...)

I'd love all these stories to have a realistic, long growth that is achieved with hard work and only assisted by steroids.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: phil123 on September 03, 2018, 04:14:37 am
I just want to thank your for all your efforts and providing this great story every day.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 03, 2018, 03:48:24 pm
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I just want to thank your for all your efforts and providing this great story every day.
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 03, 2018, 03:49:48 pm
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Fantastic story! Sad to see it end, but can't wait for your next masterpiece :)

I'd really love to see a spinoff with Lorraine and Kira getting big, or even tie it in a sequel with Walker and Nancy.

As for other ideas for future stories, here are a few I have in mind:

- A skinny wannabe actress and her overweight nerdy female roomate decide to train to get the body of superheros and land deals for upcoming movies.
- An overweight woman runs into a girl from high school that bullied her, who's now a world champion bodybuilder, so she starts training to beat her on stage and embarrass her at their high school reunion.
- A  wallflower who's struggling in school and grew up on welfare does whatever it takes to get the worlds attention by becoming the most powerful person in the world (strength, brains and wealth)
- A girl comes home from college, only to be greeted by her widowed (formerly overweight) mother who has transformed her body over the school year after her husbands deathly heart attack. She convinces her daughter to join her on building muscles together and eventually compete against each other in a competition.
- A PHD student, who had a secret fascination for female bodybuilders growing up, writes a journal about her experiment on what taking a high dose of different steroids can do over a long period of time and the side effects they implement (big clitoris, deep voice, hairiness...)

I'd love all these stories to have a realistic, long growth that is achieved with hard work and only assisted by steroids.

I literally like all of them. If you don't mind, I'll do them over time. And they'll be on the poll.

Thank you!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: big easy on September 03, 2018, 03:55:08 pm
That's great to hear!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: hairylover321 on September 03, 2018, 04:14:08 pm
What an epic story! Your dedication to this project everyday is nothing short of incredible. Thank you for sharing your talent of writing with us!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on September 03, 2018, 05:17:36 pm
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What an epic story! Your dedication to this project everyday is nothing short of incredible. Thank you for sharing your talent of writing with us!

Thank you for your ongoing support!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [El_Roy_1999] Bodybuilding Housewife
Post by: martybong2 on April 27, 2020, 04:31:13 pm
So good I read it again. If you've not read it yet, it's a gem from the archives.