Forum Saradas

Private Sessions => Talking about sessionettes => Topic started by: Alina-fan on April 13, 2017, 05:38:47 pm

Title: Warrior Amazon
Post by: Alina-fan on April 13, 2017, 05:38:47 pm
Has anyone wrestled Warrior Amazon? I saw a couple of matches of her and she seems tough. Any experiences with her?
Title: Warrior Amazon
Post by: sbn on April 28, 2017, 10:56:47 pm
i have done 23 sessions with different 14-15 women in last 9 years. Anyway 3 days before she was in Istanbul, i asked for a 1 hour session, she sent the hotel name and adress 10 days ago, i went and saw the hotel, the hotel was in a rubbish location and only 3-star . Here you can only free to invite your guests in 5-star hotels or aparts..I told her several times, but she didn't listen to me. Then she never gave me her mobile phone number, she only communicated with me by e-mails, and sometimes very lately. And she could only gave me time very early in the morning or very late in the evening.

At last, i told her, i can't trust you, all the things about you worries me, i don't want session. But 3-4 days later she e-mailed me to confirm if i'd come ,first  i said no, but at last, cause i am weak about women , i said okay , i am coming..i told her i would come to Istanbul from another city, so i left my home at 5 am to reach my 9 am appointment. when it was 8 o'clock, she e-mailed me that hotel didn't accept her 8am client. I answered her, "i told you hundred times this kind of hotels don't accept noone from outside to the rooms. But don't worry, i am coming in ten minutes ,wait me in front of the hotel and we can go to a 5-star hotel" and when i was going there i already booked one. But when i reached her hotel, she wasn't there. i call the hotel , they told me she left the hotel, then she e-mailed me she is out of hotel. I think her 8am client took her to another place. And then no e-mail from her, no answer no nothing

Long story short, she is a shame of this business. she is the most stupid women i've ever corresponding. She absolutely don't know English. She doesn't give her mobile phone, she has not internet connection when she is out of hotel. At my last e-mail i advised her one thing; quit this job, you are not Professional, you don't respect people, okay maybe you don' need to be an Einstein for making this job, but you are simply an idiot.

I am very known sessioner by the very famous women in this business in my country.
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: sbn on April 28, 2017, 11:02:04 pm
I am very known sessioner by the very famous women in this business in my country.  And this is the first time i lived a negative sitituation like this. My experiences with other women were all great.
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: sbn on April 29, 2017, 10:39:23 pm
But i waited her in front of the hotel maybe 1,5 hour, hoping that anytime she turns back. But she didn't turn to hotel, she never respond my e-mail, she never think to call me from my mobile.  i felt myself so bad. This kind of woman shouldn't be in this business. this kind of behavior can not be accepted. i didn't sleep one night before. i didn't go to my job, i drove hours in a very bad traffic jam and what she gave me is this.
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: Dona Fell Friz on February 07, 2019, 01:57:06 pm
Warrior is a seriously committed session artist.
The early criticisms of Warrior’s scheduling etc. should be dismissed now and understood in context.
They refer to her very beginning in the session world, when she was inexperienced with the logistics and scheduling details of the business.
Whatever beginner’s errors she made in her early days are faded memories now.
She has moved through a learning process in the matter, just as her conversational English has reached excellent levels. In a half hour chat she might use Google Translate once or twice for idiomatic details.
She wants your business as a client just as you want her expertise as a wrestler.
And just like you, she has to fit that contact into a real-world schedule.
That can become complex and changing as some appointments are shifted and other added.
She will meet you quite reliably on a first-requested, first served basis.
But if you are less than entirely committed to a date and time in your initial contact with her, understand that others may push to the front of the line while you decide.
Keeping contact with a crowd of clients (who often send several emails daily and expect prompt replies even if there is a big international time difference) is challenging even for veterans of the business.
She is an industrious and committed professional dealing with multiple contacts.
If a bit of persistence on your part is needed, remember, you are one of many contacting her and she is an independent businesswoman balancing competing demands from a sizable fan base.
Let’s be polite, gentlemen.
Popularity such as Warrior has built up comes at a certain cost!
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: zachef on September 30, 2019, 11:27:47 am
Anyone actually been able to contact here? Whenever I email her. it says the email doesn't exist...
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: boyofwinter on September 30, 2019, 12:04:11 pm
Never had that problem, you're likely not sending it where you should.
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: ramblerbc on October 01, 2019, 12:44:28 pm
Has anyone tried boxing with her? Not sure if its a goid idea or not haha.. i have never tried before always felt weird going up against a  woman but she seems so tough and skilled i am thinking of trying her plus we are the same size
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: ramblerbc on October 02, 2019, 07:06:43 pm
Anyone?  Any advise  or recent expirence. Should do wrestle pins or box? How aggresive is she?
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: boyofwinter on October 02, 2019, 07:35:09 pm
There's nothing she's not really good at. Will be as aggressive as you want her to be, naturally she likes coming down to your level but she'll run over you if you request that.
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: ramblerbc on October 02, 2019, 08:08:52 pm
Ok thanks . You took her on? I hope to feel her full ppwer then take it down to a fun slower speed! Sounds good. I perfer the strong ones over the highly skilled ones but cant pass up seeing her... she looks fun
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: ramblerbc on October 03, 2019, 02:52:01 pm
Haha. I think she will prob be strong i just meant like arekah or goddess severa freaky strong lol. I think i might be stronger than Warrior but her skill seems like is what makes her so good
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: ramblerbc on October 05, 2019, 01:01:40 am
I just wrestled her and sheena... i was able to win the arm wrestling but was very close and long matches. The wrestling i did the worst i ever did against anyone. But suprisingly did pretty good  boxing. Muust betteragainst sheena but did pretty good against warrior too but was not to competitive
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: lleroy on June 06, 2020, 11:22:04 pm
Her new picture on IG is impressive an looks like she put on more muscle. Only met her once, total sweetheart an dominant amazon. Don't know if u can get much better
Title: Re: Warrior Amazon
Post by: daller3000dk on September 28, 2021, 07:20:39 pm
Any recent reviews? She's coming to my area. Anyone have any lift and carry experience with Warrior?