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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: draight on March 24, 2017, 04:22:45 am

Title: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on March 24, 2017, 04:22:45 am
Hello.  This is my first attempt at a story so any thoughts would be welcome.

Out of Her Shell

You have to get up eventually.  The thought wormed its way through Luke's mind as he turned over again in an attempt to fall back asleep.  When several minutes passed without any success, he opened his eyes and blinked several times at the bright light coming through the shades.

11:30, well shit.  He thought, giving a quick glance to the alarm clock by his bed.  Not his best, but it was vacation for several more days and he figured he could waste his time however he wanted.  A rumbling in his stomach made up his mind for him though, and he rose.  Scrounging a sweatshirt from the pile on his floor he stepped out of his bedroom into the common space of the dorm room.

"Hey," his roommate Nick gave a quick greeting from the couch, shaggy head bowed over his laptop.

"Hey," Luke agreed, making his way to the refrigerator and pulling out the carton of eggs.  Noting that Nick had put the bread in the fridge again he removed that too and busied himself with the creation of his breakfast.  "Want anything?"  He asked after a moment’s thought.

"Already ate."

"Up early then?"

"Yeah, trying to get this code finished up before the afternoon.  Wanted to make sure that I have time to get everything set up."

"Set up?"  Luke paused momentarily in the process of transferring his eggs from the pan to plate as he mentally shifted gears.  “Oh right, the LAN, right."

"Don't tell me you forgot?"  Nick directed a broad grin at him, finally looking up from his computer as Luke moved to situate himself at the other end of the couch.  "You're coming right?"

"Yeah, of course.  How could I forget? Just morning brain."  He had to give Nick credit, the guy did try to make friends from time to time, and he'd put quite the effort into this one.  Creating a social media page, putting it on the University activities website, he'd even printed some flyers to put up around campus.  The Winter Wonder-LAN he'd dubbed it.  Could the name be any worse?  Still, even if no-one showed up except for their friends it would be fun.

"You wouldn't mind helping me set up right?  I've gotta go get some stuff from the storeroom later and bring it to the hall.  I figured I'd go over in a few hours."

"Sure, I have a couple things I want to do but just let me know when you want to head out."  Luke got up to place the dishes in the sink and headed back to his room to change.


Jesus its cold.  Luke's breath clouded in the air as he stepped out of the dorm.  Should have worn a jacket.  Still, despite the lack of snow it was a nice January day; bright and sunny with no wind to speak of, and the campus gym was just a four minute jog.  He took off briskly.

Making his way inside, he swiped in at the front desk, giving a broad smile to the girl working today.  Much to his disappointment she hardly glanced up from her book.  Well whatever, that's not why I'm here anyway.  Although, if I had to guess at Nick's true motivations behind hosting this thing tonight...  He suppressed a chuckle at the thought.  Well who knows, some girls could show up.  Luke had to admit to himself that he wouldn't mind if they did.  While his track record with the fairer sex might be slightly stronger stronger than Nick's was, he had been single for a while.

Due to the winter holiday there was hardly anyone in the gym, and Luke navigated to the treadmills for a quick warm-up.  Two attractive blondes were working up a sweat together on the elliptical machines, and he allowed himself a brief fantasy, eyeing their toned bodies.  They were both wearing the tight black leggings which seemed ubiquitous on girls these days, the one on the left was wearing some sort of pink crop top, while her slightly less endowed friend was rocking only a workout bra, Luke caught several brief flashes of toned abs as he walked past.  However, they seemed to be the type of girls who only made use of the cardio equipment.  Their slim bodies were certainly toned, but he was always on the lookout for the more rare type of girl, alert to a hint of definition or muscular curves.


After warming up on the treadmill and spending about an hour with weights, Luke returned to his dorm room, noting without surprise that Nick didn't seem to have moved an inch during his absence.  He moved to the shared bathroom and stripped for his shower.  As much as he hated the cliché, he paused to check himself out in the mirror.

Not too bad.  Arms looking good, chest coming along.  When he was honest with himself, Luke had no difficulty admitting that he would probably never have a six-pack or the body of a professional athlete, but at 6 feet tall and with his short dark hair and tanned complexion he reckoned himself to be a handsome guy.

He was about to step into the shower when a buzz from his phone caught his ear.  He fished it out of his pocket to read;

Text from Andrew:  -Hey Man, what are you up to?-

-Helping Nick set up his party.  Want to come? -

-Oh.  Probably won't be able to make it until later.  Sorry.-

-No problem.  Jess coming?-

-If I can convince her.-

This exchange completed, Luke turned to his shower.


Later, now showered and dressed, Luke and Nick busied themselves setting up.

"We could have used a few more hands for this."  Luke mentioned needlessly.  They'd collected several tables and folding chairs out of storage and set them up in the room Nick had reserved in the student association building

"Yeah, sorry about that."  Nick continued setting up the router, pushing his sweaty curls out of his face.  He'd assured Luke that the computer science department had given him permission to take the router, along with a bunch of Ethernet cables and several switch boxes.  And besides, he'd reasoned, even if they technically hadn't, no one would notice they were gone.  Luke had conceded this point on the basis of the department all being gone for the break.  "Anyway, I figured the two of us could handle it."

But what if I hadn't agreed to help, or had been busy or something?  Luke satisfied himself with a noncommittal grunt instead of speaking as Nick bustled about setting up the cables.

"Well, hopefully people will start showing up soon..."  Nick mused, now that all the set-up had been completed, there was time for doubts to start working their way into his head.

"I'm sure that they will.  What do you feel like doing for now?"

"I guess we should test it out... so... Starcraft?"

"Shit man, you're on."


Much to Nick's delight and Luke's mild surprise, people started showing up after a little while.  A small group of freshmen arrived first, followed shortly by their friend John and his roommate Gabe.  They had played several games when some new guy who introduced himself as Adrian arrived, and Luke found himself locked in conversation with Gabe while Nick and Adrian worked on getting him connected.

"...and then, after the whole semester of tutoring her, helping her with her homework, I mean... what are the chances she could of even passed that course without my help, right?"  Gabe continued on.

"Mhmm."  Luke muttered noncommittally.

"She started going out with this guy, who, I don't know, like, is a physical therapy major or something.  After all my work."

"Yeah, that's just... wow, yeah.  Terrible."  Luke closed his eyes momentarily, shutting Gabe out.  Oh thank God, he felt a surge of relief as he opened them again.  "Excuse me."

Andrew and Jess had arrived and were scoping out the room, Andrew with a broad smile and Jess with a slightly sardonic smirk.

"Great to see you guys," Luke greeted them, walking quickly away from Gabe. "Just in time."

"Oh of course.  Happy to be here."  Jess chirped.  "You always take me out to the nicest places honey."  She gave Andrew a peck on the cheek.

"Only the best for you dear."  Andrew replied as he gave Luke a nod.

Luke chuckled as they bantered.  His best friend from childhood, Andrew and his longtime girlfriend made an odd pair.  Andrew being a tall, gawky, Anglo-Saxon accounting major and Jess a short, darkly exotic dance and theater major.

"I think that they're gearing up for a match of Unreal, if you guys want in on that."

"Oh, don't worry about me."  Jess said, "I'll just find a corner to play Unicorn Princess Island."  Andrew sighed and looked at her until she finally cracked a smile.  "Unreal it is."


"Looks like we have a few new arrivals."  Andrew remarked, glancing up from the carnage momentarily before going back to the game.

"Holy shit, real live Y-Chromosome deficients like myself."  Jess snarked from her corner.  Luke craned his head around to look to the door at this pronouncement.  "Never thought I'd see the day."

"Maybe you could try making a friend."

"Whatever for?  To talk about stuff that interests me for once?"

Luke left them to their back and forth as he looked over the small group who had just entered the room and were standing somewhat uncertainly, still bundled in their winter gear.  They were, in fact, women.  At least the one in front was, but Luke couldn't recognize her, and he was pretty sure he would recognize a woman like this.  The first thing that registered was just how tall she was, Luke looked up to a face which he thought would probably be pale and clear, but was currently brightly flushed from the cold.  Framed by long, straight blonde hair flowing from a woolen beanie, she surveyed the room with a firm, steady gaze before giving a firm nod and beginning to remove her jacket, revealing bright flannel underneath.  She was dressed, somewhat oddly for the cold, in tight black leggings and a short matching black skirt.  At least, the skirt looked short on her Luke thought, as he gazed at her legs.  They seemed to go on and on, Luke's roaming eyes noticed with interest, they were thick, her thighs stretching the material of her leggings with a hidden flex as she shifted her weight.

A sound from his computer stole Luke's attention for a moment, as he paid for his lapse in attention with his digital life.  He looked back up to see that the blonde had moved into the room followed by her two companions.  With her darker complexion and brown hair so dark it was almost black, the second girl created quite a contrast with her friend.  Her slight figure and average height also served to set her apart from her more robust companion.

The last girl, or at least Luke assumed the figure was a girl, was still bundled up in a long, poufy down parka.  This, combined with her remarkable lack of height created an impression more reminiscent of a gray marshmallow with boots stuck on the bottom.  Nonetheless, Luke's assumption was borne out as she pushed back her hood to reveal a lightly freckled face with a small pointed nose and wavy, copper colored hair.

Luke turned back quickly to the game, there was only about a minute left.  Well, someone should do the polite thing and introduce themselves...  It was a moment later that he realized someone else had come to the same conclusion, as Gabe made his way over to the new arrivals.  Jesus man, just don't scare them away before they've even taken off their coats, he thought as the last several seconds ticked down.

The round ended accompanied by the customary sounds of congratulations and smack talk as Luke rose.

"... if you've never even played it then I don't think that you can consider yourself..."

"Hello," Luke interjected, extending a hand.  "Welcome, I'm Luke."

"Hi, I'm Krista," the blonde replied, taking his hand in a firm grip.  Luke looked into her pale blue eyes, and realized that he was actually looking up.  Although the heels on her boots likely gave her an inch or two, it struck him that unshod they would be eye to eye.  Her jacket was folded in the crook of her left arm while her strong right hand held his still in its grasp, and his eyes wandered over her torso, noting the ample breasts that strained the front of her flannel shirt.  Abruptly, he realized that he was still holding her hand, and his eyes jerked back to her face where he thought he saw a small grin disappear.

"Hello, Priya." The second girl accepted a handshake with a brilliant smile.

"And that's Devin."  Krista finished, indicating the third young woman who seemed to be struggling with the zipper on her coat.  At the sound of her name she abruptly looked up, blushing wildly, and squeaked out a "Hello."

Luke gave her a reassuring smile.  "You've met Gabe then?"

"Yes, he was just... welcoming us to your little get-together."  Krista said pointedly, while Gabe fidgeted and smiled.

"Well, come on in.  We just finished up with a round so everyone will probably be discussing what to play next.  Do you need introductions?  I haven't seen you all around before.  Actually, here comes Nick, he's kind of the mastermind behind this thing."

Andrew had noticed the new arrivals and come over.  After another round of introductions Nick took Priya and Devin off to get them set up leaving Luke to speak with Krista alone.

It turned out that the three ladies were roommates at a private women's college in town.  Krista explained that she was a Kinesiology and Exercise Science major and was attending the school on a volleyball scholarship.

"Of course the season ended a little while back, so right now I'm just training; staying in shape, going to the gym, that sort of thing."

"Oh?  What sort of exercises do you do for that?"  Luke asked, in what he hoped would sound like a casual manner.  He glanced down at the thick quads outlined in her leggings and felt a bit of heat rising in his face.

"Lots of stuff," she replied with a sly smile.  "I do more weight training than the other ladies on the squad.  Especially for my legs."  She moved her right hand down to graze the outline of her leg, and suddenly flexed.  The muscle groups swelled against the lycra containing them as her hand kneaded at them.  "It helps to build that explosive power, good for jumping."  Her leg relaxed, her hand returning up to brush back a strand of loose hair.

"Amazing.  I mean, that sounds great."  Luke managed to say after a moment.  Krista's gaze had changed, she looked into his face as if assessing him.  If she looked a bit lower she would get all the answer she needs.  Luke stopped short of adjusting his pants in response to the sudden tightness he was experiencing.  "What brings you girls... or, how did you hear about this get together?"

"Oh, Priya stumbled across it online I think.  We'd been going a bit stir crazy so it seemed like a good idea to get out.  The two of them are a bit more into the gaming thing than I am."

"Oh."  Luke felt a flash of disappointment, "Right, well, I'm sure we can find something for you to enjoy."

Enough people had shown up that multiple groups were now breaking out according to preference and Luke allowed himself to be pulled away with Andrew and John.  Jess, looking grateful for the opportunity, engaged Krista and Devin.  Nick seemed more than content to leave gaming aside for the moment to speak to Priya, who Luke gathered was also a computer science student.

For the last game of the night, the group decided on a match of DoTA and set about making teams.  Nick volunteered to play with Priya.  Gabe joined them after Priya reassured Gabe that yes, really, she played regularly and knew the current meta.  They were rounded out by John and one of the freshmen, leaving Luke with Andrew, Jess and two of the others that Luke didn't know after Krista announced that she had never played but would be okay watching.

"So, it’s not too complicated," he explained over his right shoulder to Krista, "You choose a hero to play as, and they have different abilities and attributes; intelligence, agility and strength."  God, I'm probably boring the shit out of her.  "See, Jess just selected Crystal Maiden, which is an intelligence hero..."

"Oh, she's pretty."  A quiet voice said from his left.

Luke started guiltily.  He'd practically forgotten that Devin was there.  In fact, he wasn't sure if those may have been the only words she had spoken all night.

"Yeah, well... yeah I guess that's true."  He said lamely, looking over at her.  I guess I have overlooked her all night. It wasn't impossible to see why.  Although she was rather cute in her shy way, she had draped herself in an enormous grey sweatshirt and black sweatpants which, somehow, served to make her look even more shapeless than the parka had earlier.  "I'm going to play Legion Commander.  A strength type hero.  Actually, the only female strength type hero in the game."  He couldn't resist glancing over at Krista.

"A bit sexist, isn't that?"  She asked jokingly.

"Well, I didn't make the game.  It's kind of cool though, one of her abilities allows her to challenge other heroes to duels and if she wins she gets stronger.  So in theory there isn't an upper limit to her strength, which is kind of unique to her."

Krista's eyes met his levelly.  "And you like this character?"

"One of my favorites.  Can be tough to play though."

Their gaze held for several seconds before she gave a perfunctory nod.  "Cool."  She looked over at Devin, "I'm going to go talk to Priya for a little.  Want to come with?"

"I'm okay here.  Um, if you don't mind that is?"  Devin replied quietly, directing the question at Luke.

"No, not at all."  Luke's mind spun with uncertainty about this sudden development.

Several minutes passed in silence as the game progressed.  "So, Krista said you like to play games?"

"Yes.  I don't really play any of these team coordination games though."

"Oh.  Just not into people huh?"  Luke teased gently.

Devin giggled.  "Nothing like that, I just find it kind of stressful."

"Sure.  So, what is it you're studying in school?"

"Education.  I've always wanted to be a teacher.  I'm hoping to teach kindergarten, maybe 1st or 2nd grade."

“Oh yeah?”  Luke prodded, "Why is that?"

Devin was quiet for a minute, Luke glanced over and she gave him a small smile.  "The kids are sweet at that age.  They aren't really like adults... they're so curious and excited about things."  She nibbled on her lip, "They aren't judgmental.... everything is cool to them."

Uncertain what to make of this proclamation, Luke tried for what he hoped was an affirming tone.  “Yeah, kids are great.  Do you work with them yet?”

“Yeah!  I student teach several times a week, it’s part of the program.”  Devin replied happily.  Luke tried his best to listen to her as she continued on to describe the certification process while playing at the same time.

The game ended in a loss for Luke's team but he didn't really mind as he watched Nick and Priya high five, not even with Jess's cheery call of "Nice carry there Luke!"  He took out his phone to check the time, only to have it pulled out of his hands, and turned to find Krista holding it. 


She winked at him and fiddled with it, the bright pink phone in her other hand buzzing as it received a call.  "Great," she said, handing it back to him.  "We'll hit you up some time if we're out and about."  The three girls gathered up their belongings and left; Priya with a wave to Nick, Devin with a shy bob of her head.


The day after the meet-up he texted the number; "It was great to meet you last night, I had a lot of fun." After several minutes he received a reply: "It was nice to meet you too," with one of the little smiley face emoji's, which he decided to believe was a good sign.  He resolved to play it cool.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: jcboyd on March 24, 2017, 06:02:55 pm
Oh Luke.. not realizing Krista put in Devin's number.......

Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: jstans on March 25, 2017, 12:30:50 pm
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Oh Luke.. not realizing Krista put in Devin's number.......


Yessir, you got it too! I'm excited to see where this one goes.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Trinitus on March 26, 2017, 09:57:21 pm
Really well writen story and if this is your first story then you have talent. Really looking forward for the next part. :cool2:
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on March 27, 2017, 03:41:06 pm
Friday night was shaping up to be a quiet affair.  Luke and Nick occupied opposite ends of their couch with controllers in hand and beers within easy reach.  “Shit!”  Luke’s cell phone rang and he wedged it into position between his ear and shoulder without relaxing his grip on his controller.  “Hello?’

"Luke!"  Krista's voice was raised over the background noise of voices and music.  "They're doing some sort of skeeball tournament at Sullivan's!  Come out!  Bring Nick if he wants to come!"

"Uh, yeah!"  Luke had sat up straight at the sound of her voice.  "Sure, we'll be down..." he looked over at Nick and mouthed Sullivan's, girls, skeeball?ck nodded enthusiastically.  "Yeah, we'll be there in a few."

"Great, can't wait!"  She hung up.

“Skeeball though?”  Nick asked as Luke slid his phone back into his pocket.  “That’s kind of weird.”

“Really?  That was your takeaway?”  Luke shook his head.  “Besides, they asked for you too.”

“Fair enough.”  Nick examined his outfit with a slight grimace.  “I might need a minute.”

The two roommates polished off their drinks and split up to quickly get ready.

Sullivan's was busy.  In the tradition of establishments in college towns everywhere, the place served as a restaurant by day, and a sort of bar and club fusion by night.  Loud music pumped from speakers around the room, a mixture of club music and hip-hop.  The overhead lights were turned low, colored lighting providing most of the illumination.  Students from the several schools in town mingled, talking and drinking.  The tide shifted about as people moved to and from the bar, single guys moving through the crowd to hit on girls, groups establishing themselves by the tables or on the dance floor per their preference, and couples sneaking away to the corners for a relative amount of privacy.  Luke and Nick made their way through the crowd and into the quieter back room, where the lights were turned up brighter and several skeeball machines had been set up alongside a jukebox and some pool tables.

"Luke!  Nick!"

Krista waved at them from the far wall, where the three girls were standing.  She was wearing jeans and flats, along with a sleeveless white top that revealed toned, wiry arms, the bunching of her triceps, and flex of a defined bicep noticeable as she gestured them over.

"You guys made it!"  Krista pulled him in for a quick hug as Priya gave Nick's hand a discrete squeeze.

“Well, I’d hate to disappoint.  Besides, we weren’t up to too much.”  Luke returned the embrace, enjoying the gentle pressure that she exerted before the two broke apart.  He was surprised to find Devin giving him an open smile.  Her hair pulled back in an untidy ponytail, and she was dressed in a woolen sweater.

"Hi."  She said shyly, before glancing down for a second and back up to meet his eyes.

"Hi."  He said, and "Hi?" again quizzically as she continued to smile at him.  "Uh," he looked away and saw Krista and Priya move to a small table with two cocktails already perched on it.  "I guess Nick and I should get drinks...  Do you want anything?"  He asked, noticing that she didn't seem to have one.

"Not 21 quite yet," She pouted and showed him an X mark on her hand.  "Thanks though, that's sweet of you."

“You don’t feel like living dangerously?”  Luke chided her.  “What’s the worst that could happen?  Besides, you could rub that off in the bathroom if you’re really worried about getting caught.”  Devin simply shrugged and Luke decided to drop the issue.  “Right.”  He mumbled, “Well, I guess I’ll be back in just a minute.”  He looked over towards Nick to indicate that he wanted to go to the bar.  However, his friend seemed keen to speak with Priya, so Luke went to get them drinks and open a tab.  He picked his way through the crowd in the main room and after several minutes managed to flag down a bartender.  After several attempts to communicate with the man over the background noise he eventually found himself in possession of two beers and worked his way back, moving carefully to avoid being jostled and spilling any of his cargo.

"Did you sign up for the tournament?"  Krista asked him when he got back to the table.  She leaned over the table, resting on her elbows.  Her top falling slightly to reveal a hint of cleavage.

"Oh… no, not yet.”  Luke carefully maintained eye contact with her as he handed one of the beers off to Nick.  “How do I do that?"

"There's a signup sheet with a guy near the entrance.”  Krista took a long sip from her drink, nearly emptying the glass.  “It's not actually much of a tournament I guess, just two rounds.  First, second and third place get some bar credit."

"I'll show you where to sign up!"  Devin burst out.  Luke and Krista turned to look at her, and a moment later her face was flaming a bright red.  "I mean, come with me.  I was going to go out there... anyway..." she trailed off.

"Yeah.  Sure, let's go."  Luke gestured for her to lead the way.

"Ok!  Yes, just... follow... me."  Still red, Devin turned and rushed into the other room.  Being as short as she was, she almost immediately disappeared in the crowd.  Luke followed behind, occasionally craning his head around to find the gap that signified her presence.

"There you are.  I thought I might have lost you,' she said guiltily as he eventually emerged by the table.  She scuffed a shoe on the floor.

"To be honest, you did for a minute there.” Luke replied, “No harm though, it’s a jungle in here and anyway, I found you right?  Just like an explorer or something."  He laughed, and she giggled after a moment.

"A brave explorer eh?  What would that make me?"  She arched an eyebrow at him.

"Some sort of new specimen I suppose.  Maybe an uncategorized orchid or mammal."  He joked.

“Oooh.”  Devin replied.  "I think that I’d rather be an orchid.  They're so pretty."

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather be some sort of terrible beast?"  Luke smiled.  “The queen of the jungle?”

"Um, no.  I don't think I would."  Devin crossed her arms.  “I’d much rather be something that would make people happy.”  Her voice fell to a murmur, almost as though she was speaking to herself.  “Why would I want to be something big and scary?“

"Suit yourself."  Luke took a clipboard from the guy sitting at the signup table and entered his own name along with Nick’s.  "Now to blaze a trail back."  But as he spoke he hesitated a moment, studying her cute, almost elfin features, the way that the light pattering of freckles dusted her nose, and without thinking he found himself extending his hand toward hers.  She immediately looked down, the hand he had reached for moving to brush her hair from her face, and the spell broke.  He immediately turned the movement into a 'follow me' gesture and let out a jocular "Come on!" before turning to lead the way, heart suddenly beating in his chest.

“Do you do this sort of thing a lot?”  Luke raised his voice over the background noise of the crowd as they pushed through, making sure not to lose Devin this time.

“Do what?”  Devin asked.

“Bar contests, skeeball, anything like that?”  Luke paused as Devin carefully slid between two groups of patrons, navigating her stout frame so as not to bump into anyone.

“Oh, no.  I haven’t played since I was a little kid.”

“If you say so.”  Luke eyed her with mock suspicion.  “If I find out that you girls invited us out here to hustle us or something…” he let the sentence hang.

“Nooo!”  Devin squealed in protest.  “We had a good time the other night and I… we thought it would be nice to see you guys again.”

“I’ll believe you, for now.” Luke teased.  He maintained a look of mock skepticism as he turned away to lead, but as he moved through another tight squeeze in the crowd he felt her hand gently take hold of his sleeve so as not to lose him.  He smiled.

"Took you long enough!"  Krista welcomed them back, "I started to think that the two of you had gotten lost."  She said, quirking an eyebrow at Luke as she finished her drink.  He shrugged noncommittally, strangely uncertain what to say.  He stood quietly, watching as Priya wrote something out on a napkin while Nick looked over her shoulder and occasionally asked a question.  Craning his head for a closer look, it seemed to Luke that they were discussing a piece of code.  Well Nick certainly seems to understand what makes her tick Luke thought, looking over at Krista and Devin cleared his throat.

“So, did you do any student teaching this week?”  He tried.

“I did!”  Devin said happily.  “The kids were really good.  We worked on addition and subtraction and some of them were so proud when they were able to work with numbers with two digits.  Amanda, that’s the teacher I’m working with, was saying that this class is advancing quicker than most so I brought them cookies for a reward and they just go crazy.”  She stopped and looked up at Luke.  “I’m sorry, I’m sure that this isn’t really that interesting…”

Luke tried to look reassuring “Don’t worry, you get so excited talking about it, how could I not be interested?”

Devin stopped looking worried.  “Ok.  Well, I also got to read them a story.  I guess that’s what we did this week.”  A moment later they heard the announcement of the beginning of the skeeball games.

Being at the end of the list, Luke and Nick had time to drink and watch the competition go.  A mix of guys and girls took their turns, most just having fun with it but several taking it seriously.  Luke studied Krista's form, her toned arms flexing as she played.  After one particularly good shot she pumped her right arm in celebration, her bicep popping in such sharp relief that Luke swore he made out a vein traveling down it.  Priya outperformed her and tied with a guy for first place for the round, Nick provided a golf clap as she returned to the table which she acknowledged with a wry grin. 

Devin on the other hand performed miserably, her first several attempts completely overshooting the target, and putting such little force into the last attempt that it didn't even make it.  Krista clucked sympathetically as she made her way back to their table.  “I told you I hadn’t done this in ages.”  Devin said sullenly to Luke as she took a seat.

“Or you’re just really selling your deception.”  Luke joked gently, drawing a small smile.  “Don’t worry about it; I’m sure it was just nerves.  Besides you have another round to make up for it right?”

Several more contestants went before Luke’s turn.  He acquitted himself admirably, though not to Priya's level, while Nick's general lack of coordination provided a great deal of entertainment for everyone present.

"Well that was embarrassing.  Why'd you even bother to show up to this?"  Priya asked Nick with a gleam in her eye.

"I can think of a reason or two."  Nick retorted with a wide grin.

“Surely not for the company.”  She asked, deadpan.

“Surely not.”  He agreed.

The second round proceeded much like the first, although Luke found himself looking quietly into his beer as Krista took her turn.  Priya shot a perfect game to a smattering of applause.  Devin's first shot again caromed out of control.

"Hey," Krista prodded Luke in the ribs, bringing his head up.  "Go give her a hand."

"I don't think I'm allowed to do that.  People might not take kindly to interference."

"What are you kidding?  Priya already locked in the win, she can't even come in fifth at this point.  Go on."  Krista jerked her head towards the struggling redhead.

What the hell.  Luke finished his beer. What number was that anyway?  He straightened up.  Before he knew what he was doing he was walking over toward Devin's short frame.  Krista was right, hardly anyone was paying much attention and no one said anything to him as he approached.

"Hey, here, try it like this."  He reached out with his left hand, and laid it on Devin's shoulder.  Immediately, his fingers told him that something was off but there was no time to think.  It happened in a split second.  Devin's head turned toward him, her mouth opening into an "O" of surprise as he reached out his right hand to close it around her forearm.

He couldn't.  His grip, instead of encountering the air he expected under her baggy sweater, encountered thick, solid flesh.

He jerked his hand backwards in surprise.  "I..." what should he say?  He saw the look in her eyes, shock shifting to hurt.  For a moment they simply started at each other.  Then he smiled, as open and soft a smile as he could muster.  "Try it like this."  He said quietly, reaching back out.

The bulging trap muscle that his left hand had found had flexed into iron hardness in surprise, it now relaxed under his touch becoming firm and flexible.  The fingers of his right hand gently traced the ridges of muscle in her forearm.  He had immediately abandoned any thought of encircling the stout limb, and instead felt the fibers of the flexors in her forearm dance as she shifted her grasp on the ball.  He half closed his eyes as he gently guided her arm through the motion several times, before stepping back in a daze and walking backward to their table.  She managed a perfect shot, looked over at him and smiled.

Priya ended up winning first place, defraying the cost of their night out and leading to another round of drinks.  She was getting up to cash in the gift certificate she had received when Nick laid a hand on her shoulder.  "Hold on a second," he laughed, "shouldn’t you get a picture of your winnings?"

Priya chuckled and struck a pose as though she had won the lottery while Devin pulled out her phone.  Her bright pink phone.  Luke did a double-take and looked at Krista who shrugged innocently before excusing herself with a laugh.  Nick drew Priya away to the side leaving Luke to turn and look down into Devin's soft green eyes.  A now familiar pinkish hue had begun creeping up her cheeks again.

"I'd really like to hang out again, maybe just you and me?" He started to raise his hand, Hell man, just do it, and laid it on her shoulder, inwardly marveling at the inadequacy of his hand to cover even half of the massive deltoids lying concealed beneath her sweater.

"I'd like that too."  She brushed back a strand of loose hair and beamed.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on March 27, 2017, 11:30:26 pm
KU-DOS! I can't wait to learn more about Devin's physique and power! Great job. I hope we get to read a lot more.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: seldom on March 29, 2017, 02:13:12 am
I really love this story so far. The slow burn really works for it. Very well-written. Bravo and please continue!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on March 31, 2017, 02:18:52 am
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to comment.  I very much appreciate it and would be interested to hear any further thoughts.

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The slow burn really works for it.

I appreciate the comment as one of my primary concerns regarding the story was, and still is, that it has a slow start and I was hoping that it would be able to hold the reader's attention.  In that vein; this next installment is still on the slow side but the story should ramp up a bit after that.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on March 31, 2017, 02:20:24 am
Luke stared into his mirror, unaccountably nervous.  Well, no, not unaccountably nervous, he reasoned.  Since the other night he had hardly been able to think of anything else.  Part of him wondered if he had imagined, or at the very least mentally exaggerated, the feel of Devin’s body during their brief contact.  It seemed inconceivable that the shy, nervous girl could possess the musculature that his hands had detected, or that she would be able to keep it so successfully hidden.  Nonetheless, it was all that could do to keep his imagination running wild over the last several days; fantasies of the cute little redhead disrobing in front of him to reveal a body rippling with strength, more powerful than he could imagine.  Of her effortlessly overwhelming him with her superior physique.  Of…  Luke shook his head and checked the time.  He only had a few minutes before he had to leave.  They had coordinated over text messages, agreeing to meet downtown, and Luke scanned through the last several they had exchanged:

Devin – What are we going to do?

Luke – It’ll be a surprise.

Devin – How mysterious.  I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Stupid, stupid, Luke castigated himself.  He scrolled anxiously through his phone looking at local attractions, trying to find a likely, and suitably romantic, option.  Not a movie, not on a first date anyway.  Too early for dinner.  Wine and painting class?  No, she isn’t 21 yet. Eventually an option caught his eye; the local outdoor skating rink.  Kind of cliché, but it might just work.  He’d never been before, but how hard could ice-skating be?  He checked the time again.  Shit!  Gotta go. He collected his coat and rushed out.


The air was hot and steamy inside the coffee shop as they entered, and the two removed their jackets.  Luke rubbed his hands together to work the circulation back into them as he looked around.  "D'you want to find us a table and I'll go order?"

"Ok, order me a mocha?”  Devin extended a hand, “Here, give me your coat."

"You got it."  Luke replied and handed over the garment before walking up to the counter to order.  He heavily favored his right leg as he moved with a slight limp, finally coming to a stop in front of the perpetually stone faced barista.  I wonder if that expression comes with the uniform?  Maybe it's just part of the interview process.  He scanned the room again and saw that Devin had found a table.  She was seated looking out the window, hair flowing gently out from under her white knit beanie.  She had arched forward slightly, hands delicately folded in her lap and ankles crossed.  She was wearing her customary oversized clothing, but he could see the signs now that he knew; the broadness of her shoulders, the depth of her chest.  She had hugged him in greeting earlier, gently; with almost no force at all, but Luke had marveled as he returned the embrace, feeling the incredible width of her back, the corded muscle of lats like wings...

"Dude, your order."  Luke snapped back to himself as the barista stared at him.  The man gestured disinterestedly towards two beverages.

"Thanks."  He paid and worked his way over to where Devin sat gently swinging her feet.

"Thank you," she said as he placed her drink in front of her and tried a sip.  "Ah, that's hot."

"Well, yeah.  It's supposed to be."  Luke couldn't help replying.

Devin narrowed her eyes at him, before looking at his cup.  "What's that you have there?"

"It's called bubble tea."

"Can I try?"

"Go ahead."  He offered the cup to her, and she took a small sip from the straw.

"It's cold!"  She blurted, and gestured towards the windows.  "Why would you order a cold drink on a day like today?"

"I dunno," He shrugged "I just like it.  Besides, it's warm in here."

"You still have to walk home, you'll get hypothermia."

"I'll be okay."

"You'll never make it, especially after what you just did to your leg."

"I told you I'd never been ice-skating before."


"I'm human, I'm allowed to have weaknesses."

"Oh yeah?  And what about strengths?"  Devin challenged.

"For your information, I have a long string of trivia wins under my belt.  What are your strengths?"  Luke retorted.

The question hung in the air for a moment.  Luke swallowed.  "Um... I mean."

"Well," she replied slowly, "I'll have you know that I'm a professional actress."

"No."  She looked steadily at him as he cut off a chuckle.  "Wait, really?"

"No, not really."  She giggled, "I did a local commercial when I was little.  Apple juice.  God knows why my parents brought me in the first place, I think they thought that the freckles would play well."

"Ha, I'm sure that you must have been adorable.  You decided not to pursue the lucrative and stable career of a child actress?"

"Well," she took a small sip of her drink, "I didn't really like it to be honest, the attention that is, and as time went on..." Devin shrugged, Luke's eyes following the wavelike ripple as her traps rose, swelled and receded. "I wasn't really what they were looking for."

"Mmm."  Luke acknowledged.  "At least you don't have to worry about being hounded by the paparazzi everywhere you go."

"Oh God.  I don't think I'd ever go out in public.  I don't really even go out that much as it is."

"Well, you came out to Nick's shindig, and the other night."

"That's true."  Devin mused.  "Priya found the game night I think.  The bar was Krista's idea."

"I'm glad that they were able to convince you."  Luke smiled.

Devin smiled back.  "I am too.  I had a lot of fun.  I game with Priya sometimes, but mostly just by myself, so it was interesting to try something different."

“Right.”  This was a topic that Luke was no stranger to.  “What sorts of games do you usually play?”

“Oh.”  She shrugged.  “This and that really.  I started when I was little, my dad bought me Sonic for my birthday and we would play it together all the time.  I was never able to beat it though, I wasted so many hours on that game.”

Luke chuckled, “Me neither.”

“Right!?  Games were impossible back in those days.  Anyway, nowadays I mostly play adventure games, RPGs, that sort of thing.  I don’t really have much time to dedicate to it what with student teaching, school work and other things.”

“I hear you.  To be honest though I still probably spend too much time with that kind of stuff.  Do you have any other hobbies?”

Devin thought, “I cook.  I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it.  I know how domestic that sounds but... I, uh, eat a lot, so I figured it would be a good skill to pick up.”

“I really should learn how to do that.”  Luke admitted, “My culinary skills are pretty lacking.”

“I could teach you a trick or two.”  Devin’s chair creaked as she leaned forward.  “But what am I going to get I return?”

“Clearly not any ice-skating tips, but I think you might owe me a bit for the skeeball help the other night, and maybe I can throw I another lesson in a subject to be determined later?”  He extended his hand in an exaggeratedly conspiratorial manner.

“It’s a deal.”  Devin giggled, as she took his hand in her smaller one and squeezed with gentle strength.


The sun was well down as they entered the square, electric lampposts throwing out light to illuminate their way.  Luke idly dropped his head back and watched the vapor of his breath condense and drift away on the light breeze.

"Anyway, I guess that's what really got me interested in biology."  He finished.

"Yeah, but..." Devin's face scrunched up, "none of that's real."

"But some day it could be.  Besides, I was just a kid, I didn't know that; I just loved dinosaurs.  Anyway, genetic engineering has better real world applications."

He stepped up onto the broad marble rim of the fountain decorating the center of the square.  The water had been drained some months before, and the dry pool sat silently in the lamplight, someone had been through and cleaned out all the coins.  Turning, he offered his hand to Devin and helped her climb up, suppressing a grunt of surprise as her weight momentarily threatened to pull him down.  They regarded the quiet fountain.

"I suppose you must learn about all kinds of interesting stuff, biology, genetics."  Devin mused quietly.  Luke carefully said nothing.  She coughed.  "Its, um...oh, that's the shuttle stop right over there."

"Oh."  Luke stepped down and turned to help her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean...I had a really great time tonight."  She hadn't moved, her teeth nibbled her bottom lip.  With her standing on the rim of the fountain the two were almost the same height.  Luke looked into her eyes, in the soft lighting her rich honey hair formed a halo around her pale face.  His hands moved to grasp her hips, her thick coat muting the steely hardness of her form, and pressed his lips to hers.  Her body stiffened against his, but her lips were soft and warm and after a moment she melted against him meeting his kiss with inexperienced desire.

After the lingering moment, Luke moved back creating space between them while his hands remained.  Devin smiled and blushed, her hand tracing the familiar route to move a lock of hair from her face.  Before Luke realized what was happening, her petite hands had darted out to grasp his lapel and he was pulled bodily forward into a lip-lock once more.  Their lips met, the tip of her tongue cautiously flickering out to taste him as one of her hands curled around the back of his neck to lock him in place with a seemingly irresistible force.  One of his hands went to her waist and the other settled on her upper arm, shamelessly groping at the mounded bicep that flared against the confines of her jacket, pulling the sleeve taught.  Devin didn't seem to notice.

He wasn't sure how much time passed before they separated breathlessly.

"I have to go, I think that's the last shuttle."  She said reluctantly.

"Ok."  Luke's head was reeling.

"I'll see you soon?" 

Luke almost laughed at how nervous she sounded.  "You couldn't keep me away."

Lights passed by the window as the shuttle moved from downtown back towards the college, Devin peered out at them,  then down at her hands, then up and around the mostly empty bus, unable to focus on anything.  In similar fashion, her thoughts swirled endlessly.  Oh God, I shouldn't have laughed when he tripped like that.  But he kissed me.  But then I ran away.  But he kissed me.  She looked down at her hands, finding that she had clenched them so hard that her knuckles were white.  She exhaled slowly and relaxed her grip.  He did kiss me.  She slowly traced her lip with a finger, trying to call back the sensation.  Nobody has tried to kiss me since... Thomas Flenders.  That had been back in middle school.  She had been tipped off about the circumstances behind the dare ahead of time.  She squirmed in her seat at the memory.  After that incident, there hadn't been any further attempts.  Boys had apparently been too afraid to try, and if any hadn't been, she had been afraid to allow any of them to get close.  And not long after that was when everything really went crazy...

The shuttle came to a stop, rousing Devin from her thoughts.  She stood up and filed off the bus behind several other girls, zipping her coat up against the wind.  She pulled her phone out of her pocket as she walked towards her dorm, nervously turning it over in her hands.  Should I text him?  What would I say?  What if he’s mad that I left?  She felt sure that her friends would know the answers to questions like these.  But no, she resolved not to go running to them like some ditzy little girl with boy problems.  Before she knew it, she found herself in front of the door to their shared apartment.  Slipping inside, she found the common area empty and wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

Sloughing off her coat, hat and shoes, Devin continued on to her room.  She hopped up onto her bed, the frame emitting a complaining squeak as she settled on to it and dangled her legs, looking down at the phone again.  Should I say something funny?  Something flirtatious?  She came up blank on both.  With a quiet sigh she put the phone down on her bed.  He’s handsome, and tall.  Her mind flickered back to the kiss.  Her stomach had been so full of butterflies, even as she thought back now the sensation returned.  She hadn’t been able to think, just act.  She had… I grabbed him.  I hope I didn’t hurt him!  But no, in fact, he had enjoyed, it hadn’t he?  And… she raised her right hand to squeeze the hefty muscle of her other bicep, where he had.  She had hardly registered the pressure he exerted at the time.  Now she slowly tensed the muscle, feeling it first harden and then expand under her grasp.  In moments the baggy sleeve of her sweatshirt pulled tight over the expanding flesh beneath, and she rubbed her hand over the bulging limb, squeezing and touching as though for the first time.  She sat in thought for some time.

Eventually, she heard the faint buzz of an incoming text, and smiled, the butterflies kicking back into action.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on March 31, 2017, 03:53:34 am
The build up is at once agonizing and amazing. I can't wait to read more!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on March 31, 2017, 06:23:23 am
It's really a very nicely built plot. If you want to make readers addicted (and impatient for the next parts) you are succeeding I guess.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sgsg69 on March 31, 2017, 08:06:42 pm
Very nicely done. Great read, can't wait for more, love the pace and development..............very realistic.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: lowerbase on March 31, 2017, 09:50:36 pm
omg, I love this!

It is all very organic, beautifully written.

I hope this will bring even more 'first time' writers to the game, it is Inspiring. 

Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 04, 2017, 02:57:14 am
Sleet poured down from the gray sky overhead, pattering on the windows of the shuttle.  Luke's rested, his head wedged between his seat and the cold glass as he gazed out, eyes focused on nothing.  The walk between campuses wasn't too long, passing through the downtown area on the way, but given the conditions outside he'd elected not to walk.  Their plan to walk around town would need to be amended, but that shouldn't be a problem.  In fairness, it wasn't much of a plan to begin with.

The bus stopped outside the student center, and Luke joined the short queue to get off, bracing himself against the cold rain as he stepped out.  He'd only been down to this campus once before, but he had taken care to note the landmarks and layout.  Turning in the direction of the girl’s dorm he took off at a brisk walk.  On better days the campus was rather pretty with its white stone buildings, today he was just glad the campus was so small. 

Arriving at the long, three story building which was his destination he hustled in and stopped just inside the lobby.  Housing for upperclasswomen who continued to live on campus was in an apartment style which he was grateful for as it meant he didn't have to wait for someone to let him in out of the rain.  He took the stairs two at a time to the second floor and made his way to 213 where he paused just long enough to attempt to brush the water out of his hair before knocking.

"Coming!"  Someone inside called out, and several seconds later the door swung open to reveal Krista, a grin spreading across her features as she saw him.  "Heeeey, look who it is."

"Hi Krista," Luke swallowed, the statuesque blonde was dressed in a white tank top and black jogging shorts.  In her bare feet, he was taller than her for once.  Taking her ease, Krista lounged against the door-frame and crossed her wiry arms across her ample chest.  At the shifting of her weight, her defined calves swelled to form a tight angled diamond shape, the musculature of her thighs taking definition under her pale, flawless skin.

"You look half drowned.  You know it's raining outside right?"

"Very funny."

"I'm just saying.  Sometimes guys forget to pay attention to details like that when they have... something else on their mind."

"Yeah."  Luke broke with Krista's knowing gaze to peek into the apartment behind her.  "Is Devin ready?"

"I'm here!" He heard Devin chirp.  "One second!"  Devin moved into view from behind the far hallway.  Luke's heart skipped, as it always did when he saw her now.  She had straightened her hair, her usually wavy locks flowing well past her broad shoulders, halfway down her back, and... she looked different.  Makeup, must be different somehow.  Luke didn't know any more about that kind of thing than any other guy, but her lips were fuller somehow, her cheeks glowed a light rosy hue that he was pretty sure wasn't her usual blushing.  She put her hands gently on his hips and went up on her toes, Luke's head descending to meet in a kiss.  He breathed in the scent of her; lavender and honey.

"You look beautiful."

"You like?"  She performed a twirl and giggled, the flaps of her long black overcoat kicking up with the momentum.

"So, where ya taking my girl tonight?"  Krista interjected with a cheeky smile.

"Well... with the rain I thought we should just stay indoors.  Maybe a movie?"  He looked to Devin and she nodded.

"That's fine.  We can get dinner afterward."

"All right.  Have fun you crazy kids."  She leaned in toward Luke.  "Just make sure you have her home by curfew."  She continued in a stage whisper.

"Okay, bye Mom."  Devin put one hand in the small of Krista's back, and a moment later the tall blonde's feet left the ground as she was propelled through the door cackling.  Devin closed the door firmly as Luke took a moment to adjust himself against the sudden tightness in his pants.

"Shall we?"  He asked, taking her hand.

"Yes.  She was right though."


"It is raining outside."  She produced an umbrella from one of the spacious pockets of her coat.  "I believe you can handle this?"

The buxom, half-naked young blond turned and let out a piercing shriek as the shadowy figure leapt from behind a curtain and swept down on her, knife rising and falling.

Luke winced as Devin's petite hand seized his in a bone-crushing grip, his left hand coming around to grasp her forearm comfortingly.  Under her blouse, the musculature of her arm bulged and moved like steel coils, a cracking sound from the other armrest suggesting that her right hand was taking out her tension on the inanimate plastic.  He was somewhat regretting the choice of movie, and not because of the real possibility that he would be leaving the theater with several broken bones.  At least, not only because of that.  She really seemed genuinely frightened.  Still, he reflected as she turned to bury her face in his chest, there are some benefits.  He stretched out his arm, the limb barely making it all the way to her far shoulder, and held her against himself.

"Are you okay?  We can go if you want."  He whispered into her ear

"No, no."  She chuckled against his chest in embarrassment.  "It’s just a movie, I'm fine."

"If I'd known how much you didn't like this kind of movie I wouldn't have suggested it.  You didn't have to agree just for my sake."

"No, it’s fun in its own way.  To be scared I mean."

Luke mulled this over.  The girl sitting next to him was still a mystery in many ways.  It was odd to think that a person as clearly physically superior as the one sitting next to him would be scared of the scenario presented in the film.  Hell, I'm pretty sure she could break every bone in this guy's body.  It just wouldn't occur to her I guess.  In the weeks that they had been seeing each other, incidents like the one with Krista earlier tonight had occurred sporadically; a hefty jogger had run into her the other day and going sprawling while she hardly budged an inch, and on a separate occasion she had tried opening a door without realizing it was locked, accidentally breaking the knob.  Devin had studiously avoided any conversation about her incredible physique and Luke had demurred out of respect to her, while the brief moments played themselves over in his head when he was alone.  He found himself wondering, fantasizing, about what she was truly capable of.

After several minutes she withdrew her head from his shirt, smiling ruefully.  She lifted his dully aching right hand to her mouth and gave it an apologetic kiss.  Moments later they were happily locked in a kiss as, on screen, an old man droned on about some sort of cycle of murder that popped up every thirteen years.
213.  Luke traced the numbers with his eyes over Devin's head as she fumbled her key into the lock.  It clicked and the door opened a sliver as she turned around.  "Thank you so much for dinner, and the movie."

"You're welcome, for dinner anyway..."  The movie hadn't seemed to put Devin off her appetite, she had managed to put away a sizable steak dinner, although she had insisted she didn't want any sort of dessert.  "For the movie... well, sorry I subjected you to that."

"I probably won't get any sleep tonight."  She agreed.  "But I did enjoy myself."

He pulled her into an embrace, sharing a lingering kiss.  Devin scuffed her foot on the floor.  "Would you like to come in for a little while?"

"Absolutely."  Luke's heart picked up its pace at the words, and he followed her inside.  He found himself in a unit not entirely dissimilar to his own, a combined kitchen/living room set up.  It was considerably homier than the one he shared with Nick, a magnetic wall strip holding various cooking implements hung over a drying rack filled with dishes.  A small jar on the table held several yellow and blue flowers.  The refrigerator was plastered with photos of the girls in various locations, arms around each other and smiling at the camera.  Luke couldn't help noting that in almost all of them Devin inevitably occupied the space closest to the edge, often smiling in a somewhat self-conscious way.  On the other side of the room a sofa, love-seat and recliner were arranged around a television set and a small bookshelf.  Luke didn't have time to peruse the titles as Devin took his hand and continued walking.

A hallway branched off from the communal area with two doors on either side.  The first on the right was ajar to reveal a bathroom, the other three doors were closed.  Devin indicated the door directly across from the bathroom.  Light and faint music seeped out from the edges of the closed door, the only room to show any signs of current habitation.  "Priya."  Devin murmured before opening the second door on the left and leading him inside.

Devin shut the door behind them and flicked on the lights, illuminating the room.  Luke felt a moment of disappointment.  Well, what exactly were you expecting anyway, a gym? He chided himself.  The room was just a girl’s dorm room.  Off-white walls, matching blinds.  A small desk and padded chair occupied one of the corners near the window.  A small television perched on top of a little end table, and a set of dressers and a mirror was set against the far wall.

Devin shed her coat onto the chair and crossed the room to the neatly made bed with a light pink and blue comforter.  She kicked off her boots under the bed before turning and hopping up to sit on it, her feet dangling.  One hand reached out towards the pillows and re-emerged holding a small, tattered, stuffed tiger which she placed in her lap before looking back at Luke.  Her broad shoulders hunched forward slightly.

"Nice room."  Luke said conversationally as he strolled over to the desk.  More photographs were displayed here, either in frames or taped up.  Almost all of these featured people Luke had never seen before; a shorter woman with the same hair as Devin and a bespectacled man were presumably her parents.  In one photo a younger, braces wearing Devin beamed unabashedly at the camera, a small bundle of white fur held tightly in her arms.

"That's Gus."  Devin volunteered from the bed.

"He’s a cute little guy.  I don't think you've mentioned him before."

She shrugged.  "We can't keep pets here, of course.  He's my Bichon.  I always can't wait to see him when I go home.  He's much older now."

Luke walked to the bed and, when this didn't prompt a reaction, sat down next to her.  "And who is this?"  He prompted, indicating the tiger.

"Just an old toy."  Devin blushed.  "Kind of silly I guess."

"No, I get it."  He took her hand.

"Would you like to watch some T.V. or something?"

"Uh..." Damn it, "Sure."

Sometime later, Devin checked her phone.  "It's getting kind of late."

"Oh, yeah.  I guess it is."  Luke sighed inwardly and stood up patting his pockets.

"It’s still really bad out.  You... can stay over, if you want."

Luke stopped dead.

"I mean, only if you want to."  Devin let out in a rush.

"Of course."  Luke recovered.  "Someone has to protect you from murderers right?"

"You jerk!"  Devin laughed, Luke felt the tension drain from the room.  "Why would you remind me of that?"

"Well, I wouldn't want you getting complacent, that's when they get you."

"You saw the bathroom on the way in right?  You can clean up if you need to."

"Thanks, I'll be back in a moment."

Luke finished washing up and stood looking at himself in the mirror.  Come on man, get a hold of yourself, he thought against the jittery feeling in his stomach.  Taking one of the hand-towels, he dried his face and hair.

He had shut the door behind himself when stepping out, and opened it now uncertain what to expect.  Immediately, he stopped in the doorway and simply stared; his mind, his conscious ability to think overwhelmed by the vision in front of him.  Devin stood across the room, her back to the door.  She was looking into the mirror, although the sheer breadth of her back and shoulders eclipsed it from his view.  While had been cleaning up in the bathroom she had changed.  Gone were the baggy sweatpants, the tent-like sweaters and blouses.  Devin's physique stood revealed; clad only in a pair of black spandex shorts, and a pink t-shirt.

Looking into the mirror, she had gone up onto her toes.  From her slender ankles, corded tendons climbed briefly before ballooning into calves larger than Luke had ever seen, as though rippling footballs had been sewn under her skin.  As she shifted her weight slightly to her left leg the muscle bunched and flared, taking on the weight of the hulking body it was supporting.  Above, her legs narrowed briefly into her knees before exploding outward once more.  Even at rest her hamstrings were large and rugged, hinting at the strength contained.  Although he was behind her, the sheer bulk of Devin's quads was such that they visible as they overhung her knees, creating a slight concavity before they met up with her hamstrings.  Even with her legs spread on tip-toe no gap appeared between the two mighty pillars as her adductors swelled inwards, her shorts so stretched and over matched that they hardly came below her glutes.  Her legs finally met at a perfectly rounded ass and waist forming the central point for the unbelievable hourglass that was her physique.

She was putting her hair up into a ponytail, the action bringing her upper body into motion.  Underneath a t-shirt stretched over her like a second skin, lats wide enough to eclipse Luke's view of anything in front of her extended to either side as shoulders like bowling balls pulled in, causing her traps to form a crescent moon of pure muscle framing her neck.  Protruding upwards were the trunks of her arms, rugged biceps the size of small melons flexing in symphony against stone-hewn triceps as she tended to her hair.

Luke tried to announce himself; cough, anything, but the breath stuck in his throat, hypnotized by the display of feminine brawn.  In his private moments he had wondered, dreamed about the body in front of him, and to finally have it see it revealed...

As though detecting his presence Devin's head turned and looked over one of her mountainous shoulders.  Dropping her arms to her sides, she swiveled in place and for a moment they stared at each other.  Standing at rest, the sides of her calves grazed against one another beneath thighs like sides of beef, each one seemingly thicker than her waist.  Her breasts were of average side, but proudly thrust forward, supported on top of a chest like no other Luke had ever seen.  Straining under the fabric of her shirt, each pec seemed almost as large as Luke' chest.  The over matched neckline on her shirt was stretched low over them, showing the separation running down their freckled expanse.

Carefully expressionless, she put forward one bare, dainty foot; the petite juggernaut began to stride towards him.  Luke was dimly aware of a surging in his loins, the embodiment of his fantasies before him.  But fighting against it, he realized, was a primal, almost animalistic sense of fear.  He had known she was strong, unbelievably strong, but now the proof stood before him.  She could do anything with him, to him.  Her herculean physique loomed, filling his vision, filling the entire room.

Then she was in front of him, once more all of 4'11."  She bit her lip.  "Well..?"  She asked timidly.

"Well!"  He agreed.  The smile that surged across her face melted him.  She wrapped one of her hands around the back of his neck and drew him down with irresistible force.  As their tongues played against one another, he ran his hands over the landscape of her body.  Her skin was warm and soft, a thin layer of fat maintaining her feminine curves.  The steel hardness underneath was readily apparent as he grasped at her biceps, their sheer mass defying his hands attempt to wrap around them.

Later, he wasn't sure why he did it; perhaps it was attempt his re-establish his masculinity to himself.  Possibly it was because it had proved a successful move with girls in the past.  He bent down, slipping one hand behind her knees, the other barely reaching across her back, and straightened to sweep her off her feet.  He immediately realized his mistake, even as his hand filled itself with her corded hamstrings his arms and back screamed in protest, but he persevered.  Devin let out a surprised shriek of laughter as she left the ground, and Luke managed to stumble several steps to the bed before giving out under her weight and collapsing to seat himself with her across his lap.

"You're pretty strong."  She cupped his face with a gentle hand.  He couldn't hold back and barked with laughter at this comment.  She flushed.  "I mean it.  I'm not exactly light."

"I would guess that you are quite a bit stronger."

"I guess I might be."  She conceded with a shrug.  She squirmed in his lap, Luke's manhood trapped beneath her solid bottom.  "You don't mind?"

"Not even a little bit.  You are so amazing."  He had freed his hands to let them roam over her body.  One kneading her thighs, the other playing with her relaxed trap muscles.  Devin closed her eyes and sighed softly.  Between her weight and her girth, she threatened to slide off his lap but neither were thinking about that at the moment.

"I figured you wouldn't.  At this point I mean, but I still wasn't sure."  Luke had placed one hand back around her waist to steady her against him, the other crept up to her collar, feeling the gentle swell of her pectoral muscles as she took soft breaths.  "Here," she murmured and shifted herself in his lap until she was straddling him.  Luke moved to feel the gargantuan thighs which framed his midsection but before he could, she placed her hands under his armpits and he felt himself being lifted upwards and then backwards to lean against the wall.  Her heaving chest filled his vision.

Taking his hands in hers, she placed them on the exposed portion of her pectorals and, for the first time, began to flex softy.  The muscle under his fingers began to grow until they filled his grasp, and then continued, the fibers becoming visible as they inflated with her effort.  Lost in a haze of lust, he pressed his lips to her bull neck and she moaned softly.  His right hand slipped under the collar of her shirt to fondle her breast.  The juxtaposition between the soft, feminine flesh and the rest of her brutally musclebound body seemed too much to process.  His left hand fell to rest on one of the thighs encompassing him, all he could think was how incredibly small and weak it looked compared to her surging brawn before he tore his attention back to her face.  Devin’s eyes were closed, her teeth gently nibbling her lip.  She had braced herself against the wall with one trunk-like arm, as the other hand continued to rest over his as it explored her chest.  Luke moved his hips lightly against hers, and, seemingly lost in the sensation she returned the motion, her sex rubbing against his raging erection, separated only by thin cloth.  He nestled his face into the cleavage formed by her pecs, kissing softly, pulling down the neckline of her shirt until the small, perfectly formed breast popped free, topped by a perky pink nipple which he took into his mouth.  Abruptly, Devin shifted her weight backwards on her haunches, creating a space between them.  Her weight pressed down on his knees.

"I'm sorry."  She mumbled, her face beet red.

"No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..."  Luke stammered, cursing inwardly

"It's... I like you.  I really do.  But..."  She hugged herself awkwardly, as though trying to collapse herself inward.  "But, I haven’t really..."  She hesitated again.  "I'm still... innocent."  She finished lamely covering her face.

Reigning in his lack of surprise at this announcement Luke gently tried to move her hands, they slid down without resistance.  "That's ok."  He said, all too aware of his erection trapped firmly against her sex.  "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."  As if anyone could make her.

"Thank you," she replied after a moment.  "Do you still want to stay the night?"  She asked hopefully.

"Of course," Luke pulled her in for a last lingering kiss.

Later, Luke lay awake.  When lying on their sides Devin was taller than he was, but he had draped an arm around her protectively and she had taken it in her hand to hold tightly to her chest.  She sighed softly in her sleep, shifting occasionally and taking Luke with her.  As her glutes twitched against his manhood, he suddenly couldn't take it anymore and rose.  In his boxers and t-shirt he ran across the hall to the restroom.  With images of Devin in his mind's eye, and the feel of her muscles still imprinted in his nerves he hardly managed to stroke himself ten times before exploding.  He came in a torrent, longer and harder than he had ever experienced, until he found himself panting and leaning on the sink to recover from the intensity of his release.  He ruefully cleaned up after himself and stepped back out into the hallway.

He ran directly into Krista, and the two of them stumbled backwards.  She bore an expression of complete shock, the first Luke had seen on her face, as she looked from him in his boxers, to the door to Devin's room, and back to him.  Luke shuffled a foot while looking her over, she was wearing only a long t-shirt that fell to mid-thigh, revealing the lean muscles of her legs.

The look of surprise gave way to a conspiratorial smirk as she mouthed WHAAAAT!? at him and shot him a thumbs up.  Luke grinned back guiltily and shrugged.  Moving past him towards the kitchen Krista patted him heartily on the back and left him alone in the hall.  After taking a second to compose himself, Luke moved back to bed, where Devin once more sleepily took his hand to hold to herself.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on April 04, 2017, 08:11:55 am
Congratulations!  It's amazing what you are building. Your plot is really nice. And it's easy to identify to the characters. Thanks a lot and have fun with writing. You surely give pleasure to read.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Circes_cup on April 05, 2017, 04:28:37 am
What a wonderfully written story.  It all feels so real, like I have been in that dorm room and met those girls myself.  So glad to see the tale (and Devin herself) taking shape.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Trinitus on April 05, 2017, 12:22:30 pm
Part one was great but i never imagined that the rest of the story would be so much better. Great job and looking very much forward for part 4. :rock:
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 07, 2017, 08:26:00 pm
Gentle sunlight filtered through the blinds, bringing Devin back to consciousness by increments.  She murmured softly to herself and reached up toward her chest, softly squeezing the hand that she encountered there.  Wait, what!?  She sat bolt upright, her heart pounding in shock.

“Gugh?”  Luke exclaimed in groggy confusion as he was dragged along in her wake.

“Oh.  Jeez, sorry.”  Devin said in embarrassment, her heartrate leveling out and starting its descent.  Of course, he stayed the night.  I invited him to and we…  Luke had already laid back down on his back, eyes closed as his face broke into a wide yawn.

“S’okay.”  He mumbled sleepily.

Devin rubbed the sleep from her eyes.  A soft snore from Luke indicated that he had drifted back into a light sleep.  She sat quietly looking down at him.  What was she supposed to do now?  She ran through the possibilities; Make breakfast?  Cuddle?  Wake him up?  What am I supposed to do?  She contented herself with simply studying his features as he lay; the strong jawline, short hair, dark stubble studded his jaw and cheeks and she reached out to gently caress his face.  The bristles were coarse under her fingertips but his skin was warm. 

The sheets had fallen from his torso when she had jerked upwards a moment before leaving it bare.  She bit softly at her lip as she studied the faint outline of abdominal muscles and pectorals.  He takes care of himself.  The embers of the yearning sensation that had burned so strongly in her the night before stoked themselves.  He felt so soft in my hands, so delicate.  But that wasn’t the sort of thing that girls were supposed to think about their partners, right?  What would Luke think if she said that sort of thing out loud?  And when he put his hands on me; they’re bigger than mine but they still looked so small on my body, he couldn’t dent me anywhere.  What did it say about him that he found her attractive?  She placed one hand on his chest and the other on her own; the contrast was stark.  His muscles were certainly firm, but molded like putty under her slightest effort while her own were like steel underneath their soft skin.

“Morning Beautiful.”  Devin jerked her hand back guiltily.  Luke’s eyes had opened, he grinned up at her lazily from his reclined position.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“Don’t worry about it.  I’m sure that this is much better than whatever I was dreaming about.”  Devin still couldn’t help feeling a bit bad as he yawned widely again.  “Why don’t you come back down here?”  Luke stretched an arm out to the side.  Devin carefully positioned herself back next to him on her side, trying her hardest to avoid putting any of her weight on him.  She felt his arm curl up around her back to squeeze at it and tried to relax the muscles.  His lips pressed up against hers and her eyes closed as she took in his scent, the taste of him, the feel of his tongue playing across her own.

“Did you sleep well?”  He asked her when they parted a minute later.

“I did.”  She was somewhat surprised to think and realize that she had in fact slept very well.  She smiled shyly at him, “I guess I just felt so comfortable.”  Luke’s response to this was to kiss her again gently.


Some time later, and now dressed, Devin cracked open her door and peeked out into the hall.  Both Priya and Krista’s doors were open, their rooms empty.  From down the hallway came the familiar sounds of morning routines.  Steeling her resolve, she stepped out and moved toward the kitchen, Luke following along a step behind.

Priya was seated at the table, a grapefruit and yogurt arrayed in front of her.  Her dark eyes immediately took in the two of them as they approached.  She simply smiled, first directing the welcoming gesture at Luke before shifting it to Devin, her eyebrows giving the slightest hint of a wiggle.

Krista stood at the counter buttering toast with her back to the room at large.  At the sound of footsteps she whirled around holding her plate.  “Morning!” She exclaimed with more energy than Devin thought was, strictly speaking, necessary.  An almost manic grin split her face beneath arched eyebrows.  “Hungry?  Can I get you guys anything?”  Devin froze.  Behind her, Luke coughed.

“No, thank you though.”  He stepped up next to Devin and placed a hand on her broad shoulder.  She looked over and up at him.  “Do you want to go out and get something?’

 “Um.  I have a lot of stuff that I need to get done today.”  Not exactly a lie; but under the pressure of Krista’s eyes it simply burst out before she could think.

“Ok, no problem.”  Luke seemed surprised, “I’ll call you tonight.”

“Ok.”  Devin led him by the hand to the door and the two stepped out into the hallway.

“Are you alright?”  Luke asked as she closed the door behind herself.

“Yeah, sorry.”  Devin thought briefly about walking back her declaration of being too busy.  “I just have a lot on my plate for today.”

“Don’t worry about it.  We’ll talk soon.”  Luke bent down for a kiss and she guiltily gave him a peck.  With a wink he turned and strode off down the hall.

Devin stood, watching his tall frame make its way to the stairs and disappear.  With a deep breath she squared her shoulders and stepped back into the apartment.  Krista had taken a seat at the table, but otherwise nothing had changed in her brief absence.  Pretending not to notice Krista’s curious expression, Devin opened the fridge and pulled out a carton of eggs.

“Well?”  Krista prompted.

Devin shrugged uncomfortably, “He spent the night.  We just cuddled.”

“Is that right?”  Krista quirked an eyebrow.

“Ugh, leave off.”  Priya studiously peeled her grapefruit.  “I swear, you’re worse than a boy.”

“Better than a boy too, in most ways.”  Krista grinned.

Priya rolled her eyes.  “Well, I’m glad that the two of you had a nice time.”

“We did.”  Devin stood quietly in thought for a moment.  “Krista, are you going to the gym today?”

“Of course.”  Krista said through a mouthful of food.

“Can I come along?”  Devin started cracking eggs into a mixing bowl.

“Really?  Usually I have to beg for you to come with me.”  Krista sounded excited.  “Of course, last time it took me days to recover.”

“I have lesson plans that I need to draw up, would you mind waiting?  We can go later tonight.”

Krista chuckled.  “Right, lesson plans.  Nothing to do with the fact that the gym will be empty by then.”

“Will you wait or not!?”  Devin cried in exasperation.  Both Priya and Krista’s heads jerked up, suddenly staring at her.  “What!?”  She looked down at herself.  “Oh.”  Her grip had tightened on the mixing bowl, imprinting the outline of her fingers deep into the metal, the lip warped and bulging out.  “I guess I’ll get us a new one.”  She said softly.

“Eh, don’t worry about it.”  Priya said breezily.  “It kind of adds character to the piece.”

“Anyway.”  Krista said after a moment’s silence.  “That’s fine, we can go later tonight.”

Thank you.”  Devin poured the eggs out into a pan and went about gingerly trying to bend the bowl back into shape.  After a minute Krista walked over, watching as she washed her dish in the sink.

“I didn’t mean to upset you.”  Devin’s head whipped around in surprise at the low declaration.

“It’s okay.”  Devin sighed and gave up on the bowl, placing it on the counter.  It at least looked marginally better than it had a minute ago.  “I think that I upset myself.”

Krista gave her a playful punch on the shoulder.  “Who has time for that kind of junk?  Look, you get everything you need to done, and then you can kick my ass at the gym until you feel better.”

“Yeah.”  Devin smiled at the thought.  “It’s a deal.”
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 07, 2017, 08:27:43 pm
It smells better in here than it ever has.  Luke thought as he worked at the cutting board, chopping onions, garlic and some brown thing that Devin had said was ginger root.  Devin stood over by the stove, her face slightly obscured by wisps of steam as she tried to peer into the pot simmering there.  I should get her a step stool or something.  He paused in his task, simply looking affectionately at the girl as she frowned with slight annoyance and went up on her toes.  The cotton material of her sweatpants pulled tight over her calves as they ballooned with the slight exertion, their diamond shape visible through the fabric.  Luke frowned slightly to himself, Weren’t those pants looser just a few days ago?  He hadn’t been certain what was going on with her the other morning, but when they had spoken later that night Devin had been her usual chipper self, albeit sounding somewhat tired.

“How’s it going over here?”  She strolled over to look.  “Try to get the ginger a little bit more finely diced.”

“Yes ma’am.”  Luke squinted quizzically at the ginger, trying to figure out how to dice it any finer.  At his side, Devin began measuring out spices and tossing them into a bowl.  Several moments later she examined his results, declared herself satisfied and tossed them into the mixing bowl along with everything she had measured out.  Then, she picked up the bowl with what seemed, to Luke, to be excessive gentleness and mixed everything up, tossing in cubed chicken that she had removed from the fridge.

“So Priya actually taught me this one.”  Devin said brightly as she mixed everything slowly and deliberately.  “I guess it’s a traditional family recipe.  It’s a little bit spicy, I hope you don’t mind.”

“What, me afraid of a little spice?”  Luke puffed out his chest.

“Ok, so now you sauté it.”  Devin paused.  “That means fry it in a little bit of oil.”

“I know what sauté means.”  Luke groused, “Give me a little credit.”

“Of course.”  Devin resumed her stance by the pot, managing the sauce.  Abruptly she giggled as Luke’s arms draped themselves around her from behind in an embrace, barely long enough to meet around her circumference.  His lips pressed to one of her bulging traps, kissing the quivering muscle as she squirmed with laughter.  “Luke!  It’s going to burn!”

“Then let it burn.”  He whispered into the petite muscle girl’s ear.  She wriggled and flexed her shoulders, blasting his grip apart, and swiveled around.  One petite hand grasped the front of his shirt, immobilizing him.

“Down boy.”  She scolded.  “I promised to help teach you to cook.  That is what we are doing.”
“Understood.”  With mock grumbles Luke fetched a pan and began to saute the chicken.  I’d swear that her shoulders are wider than the other day.  Soon the air in the apartment was heavy with the scent of spices.

The food was spicy.  Luke took a large helping of rice and gulped down water like a fish, his eyes watering slightly at the burning sensation.  Fortunately, the meal was filling and one plate was enough to satisfy him.  He sat in silent awe as across the table from him Devin finished a second plate of the spicy chicken and began to spoon herself out some more.  Where is she putting it all?  Admittedly, she is about as wide as she is tall…  With a sigh she finished off her third serving and pushed her chair back from the table.

“Finally had enough?”  Luke asked with a mixture of teasing and genuine uncertainty.

“Ugh, I think so.”  Devin stood and stretched with a yawn.   She dropped a hand to lift up the front of her sweatshirt, bearing her stomach.  Her swollen abs pressed forward from her gut with a slight hump shape, looking like a brick wall.  “I gave myself a food baby.”  She prodded gently at the hump as Luke stared at the network of muscles.  His lips and tongue longed to trace the ridges between each mighty block, his hands to futilely press against them, to try to find any weakness, but before he could move she dropped the sweater back.  “I guess we should clean up.”  She looked over at the sink.

“What’s the hurry?  Let’s rest, digest a bit.”  Luke stood.

“Agreed.”  Devin sounded relieved.

What was it Luke said about tonight?  Something about… something.  Nick snorted to himself with laughter, before cutting himself off and glancing around.  Jesus man, people will think that you’re crazy.  Nonetheless, he couldn’t manage to wipe the wide grin from his face as he strolled back towards the dorm.  It had been a good night, and he was feeling pleasantly mellow.  His first class tomorrow wouldn’t be until noon, and hey; if he missed it, he missed it.

Their building loomed in front of him and he made his way inside and briefly contemplated the stairs, not a chance, before pressing the button to call the elevator.  As he waited he sang to himself, starting under his breath and slowly building in volume, oblivious to the presence of several others in the lobby.  At the ding he entered and pushed for his floor before leaning against the wall of the elevator, staring happily at the lights.  Seemingly a moment later, he found himself standing outside his door.

Shit, where’s my key?  Oh, here it is.  The first attempt to line the key up with the door’s lock didn’t go completely according to plan, but he was no quitter and the second go yielded results.  Success!  Damn, it smells good in here.  He couldn’t place the smell, but it was heavy with spices, and his stomach rumbled.  Why’s it so dark in here?  The lights had all been dimmed, and… Holy shit!

There was a figure on the couch, no, two figures; the first mostly obscuring the second.  The first had their back to him, and what a back it was.  The owner was wearing, or trying to wear, what seemed to be a t-shirt but it was stretched to near tearing across their back.  Their sleeves simply bunched up at the top of their shoulders, unable to stretch wide enough to cover them, creating an effect similar to a tank top.  The figure’s head was hunched forward, massive arms raised to wrap around the figure it was straddling on the couch.  All Nick could discern of the second individual was their legs, sticking out underneath the first.  What is going on?  Who is that?  Nick’s wobbling vision scanned the room, trying to figure out what to do.  Did that dude break in here?  Is Luke ok?

Uncertain what he was doing, Nick went into action.  “Hey!”  He blurted, moving forward.  He was aware of a muffled gasp of surprise and two heads turning to look at him before his leg hit a chair and he stumbled.  “Ah, shit.”  He rubbed at his shin, looking up as a pair of feet stopped in front of him.

“Nick.  What’s going on?”  He stood up, finding himself facing Luke.

“Uh… nothing.”  He craned his head to look behind his roommate.  “Who was that guy?  Where did h…”  He caught sight of Devin sitting on the couch and stopped talking.  That’s not right.  He rubbed his eyes, blinked, looked again.  Hmm, still not right.

“It’s just us.”  Luke glanced back over his shoulder at Devin, she was sitting stock still on the couch, seemingly trying to compact herself into as small a space as possible.

“Cool, cool.”  Nick couldn’t stop staring.  I thought she was fat or something.  “That’s uh… you’re… um.”  He lapsed into silence.  In the following minute, Devin found and put on her sweatshirt as Luke glanced back and forth between the two.

“You look very pretty tonight.”  Nick said suddenly to Devin, breaking the silence.

“Thank you?”

“Yep!  I’m off to bed.”  Nick bounded from his chair and strode from the room, leaving the other two bemused in his wake.  The moment his head hit the pillow he was out, already half convinced that this had been a dream.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on April 07, 2017, 09:33:28 pm
That's great, you continue to fill details about the two characters. One thing, the last part with Nick was difficult to place temporarily with the story. It wasn't clear between timing and the action itself.
Keep up your fantastic work!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 08, 2017, 03:03:20 pm
The warm sunlight played over Devin's bulging calves as they propelled her onward, moving into shade and out again.  They seemed stronger than the rocks she trod upon, feet clad in stout hiking boots.  She turned sideways to look back down at him and he followed the curve of her legs up past her knees to the tight shorts clinging to her thighs for dear life, up past the windbreaker encasing the body that he dreamed of every night, to her smiling freckled face.  A cap shaded her face, with her long hair pulled out the back in a ponytail.

"Are you doing okay back there?"  She chirped.

"Don't worry about me, Missy."  He retorted.  "I'm right behind you.  Besides, I'm not the one holding us up, we're going to lose the others."

"It's not my fault."  She pouted, "I didn't ask for these short legs.  Besides, I think I'm carrying a bit more weight than you."

"Oh yeah?  Do you need me to take your backpack for you?  Big strong man to the rescue?"

She stuck her tongue out at him before extending her hands to take his and pull him up to stand beside her on the rock.  Up close, a sheen of sweat slicked her forehead and she unzipped the windbreaker partway.  They both looked up the trail, failing to spot any other people before it turned back into the woods.

"I'm not holding us up am I?"  She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it, we'll catch up with them when they stop to take a break in a minute or two."

Here, alone on the trail, he couldn't resist bending down to kiss her and she squealed happily as she wrapped him in a tight embrace.  After a moment he tapped her on the back and managed to gasp out "Babe..."

"Oh, sorry."  She let him go and he slumped down to catch his breath.  Hands on his knees, his eyes locked on to the rolling musculature of her calves.  After several moments she stretched up onto her toes, causing the muscles to surge with the effort of lifting her body, solidifying into the size and hardness cinder blocks.  Looking up he saw her smirk down at him.

"Now what did I do to deserve that?"  He asked straightening up.

"I know you like it."  Was the quiet reply.

"I do."  He admitted, "Why do you think that I'm the only person still walking behind you."

"Perv," she swatted him gently on the shoulder.  "Come on, try to keep up."

A little ways up the trail they came upon the others waiting.  It was still early for lunch, but the group had broken out snacks and water.  Andrew was sharing with Jess out of the backpack that he was carrying for the both of them, Jess somehow managing to look as radiant and perfectly made up as she always did; even under a thin layer of sweat and dust. Nick and Priya's unfamiliarity with the outdoors was abundantly clear, both wearing sneakers, but both had brought a small bag of their own.

"I thought maybe you guys had turned around."  Andrew said by way of greeting.  "We've just been enjoying the view."  He put one arm around Jess, who smiled briefly.  She glanced at Devin, her eyes widening subtly as she once again took in the sight of her bare legs, and returned her eyes to her water bottle.  Andrew whispered something in her ear and she shook her head.

"How much farther is it to the top?" Nick wondered.  He brandished his smart-phone.  "I'm not getting any reception out here."

"I don't think you'll get any reception there either."  Priya smiled indulgently at him.

"I guess we'll have to get through this together."  Nick agreed grimly.  She simply gave him a peck on the cheek and affectionately mussed his hair into his eyes in response.

"It's not too much farther."  Andrew responded to Nick's original question.  "We should be there by noon at this pace.  You guys take as much time as you need to rest."

"Sure," Luke began to say, when Devin tugged on his hand.

"I don't want to hold everyone up."  She stated.  "We're good to keep going."

"Nonsense, relax.  We're still resting up anyway," He squeezed Jess' shoulder affectionately.  "Right?

"Right."  Jess mumbled, drawing a concerned frown from Andrew.  Luke too couldn't help noticing her unusually quiet manner.

"Fine, but I can't wait to get back to the cabin."  Nick butted in.  "I might run the whole way back down."

"You?  You'd break a leg."  Priya scolded.  "Do you think I'm going to carry you down this mountain?"

The summit was sunny and bare, a strong breeze dropping the temperature enough that Luke was glad he'd brought a jacket.  The group broke out whatever food they'd brought for lunch and found the comfiest rocks they could for seats.  Luke and Devin sat across from each other on a pair of boulders, Luke appreciating the view as her broad calves flattened slightly against the rock, spreading outward to completely overwhelm her shins, goosebumps covering the expanse of her smooth skin.  She preoccupied herself with working through the four sandwiches she had brought.

Soon enough, with the wind chilling the sweat that had built up over the hike, it was time to head back down.  Following his first tumble, Nick agreed that running was probably a bad idea and the return proceeded uneventfully.  Back at the trailhead they tossed their belongings into the trunk and piled into Andrew's borrowed SUV to head back to the cabin.  With the music going, and light conversation buzzing through the car, Devin leant her head on Luke's shoulder as he closed his eyes and rested.

He was jolted from his reverie as the vehicle came to a short stop.  He heard a low "Shit," uttered by Andrew and opened his eyes.

"What's going on?"  Priya asked.

"Just a moment ladies.  Guys?  Give me a hand with this?"  Nick and Luke trooped out of the side door to join Andrew on the road.  A fallen trunk was immediately obvious as the cause for their sudden stop, stretching clear across the road and at least a foot in diameter.

"I don't think that this was here earlier."  Nick observed helpfully.  He gave it an experimental kick.

Luke crouched down to look.  The log was suspended several inches above the ground, presumably caught on a rock or something off the side of the road.  "We can get our hands under it and try to shift it."

"Alright."  Andrew took up position opposite him and gave Nick a meaningful glance, whereupon he scrambled to also find a purchase.  "On three we lift and try to slide it off the side?"



"Three!"  The three young men heaved, the log shakily rising several inches before wobbling and sinking back to its original position.  Attempts two and three fared little better.

"Is everything OK?"  Jess called, leaning out the side window of the SUV.

"Fine, we're just figuring it out."  Andrew waved her back.  The three put their heads together.

"We're pretty far out here, I'm not sure what the chances of someone who can help coming along are."

"Should we call the... um... people who handle this kind of thing?  Who would that be anyway?"

"My uncle might have a chainsaw up at the cabin.  We could walk up, get it, come back and try to cut this thing."

Their huddle was interrupted by a sharp cracking noise, and the three turned as one to stare in disbelief.  Unnoticed by anyone, Devin had exited the car and squatted down by the trunk.  She placed her hands underneath and pulled gently, testing the weight.  With a sharp inhale of breath she heaved upwards, throwing one side of the log up and caught it as it fell back, resting it on her shoulder.

With a feminine grunt she squatted slightly before surging forward again to fully extend her arms holding the log overhead.  Luke's jaw dropped open as her barrel thighs exploded, ripping the seams on her tight shorts.  Her baggy windbreaker seemed to tighten as the muscles underneath filled it out in their mighty effort.  She started to walk forward slowly, working her hands over the trunk, progressively pushing it further up in an arc until she reached the far side of the road.  Standing behind her, Luke watched in a growing mix of awe and lust as her calves flexed to rock solid definition, her shoulder bunching to the size of pumpkins and her back flaring like an angel's wings as the back of the windbreaker finally let go and tore to accommodate her growing width.  With a last heave she sent the trunk tumbling over into the brush.

"Holy Shit!"  Nick breathed out as Luke hastened to her side.  "Did that just happen?"

Breathing heavily, Devin squatted down on the side of the road and took a knee beside her.  Her chest heaved as he put a hand on her shoulder, it had swollen larger than he had ever felt before, and was burning hot.  "Are you okay?"  He asked in a low voice.

"Oh, I shouldn't have done that."  A drop of water ran down her nose and fell to the pavement.  Sweat?  "Are they staring?  They're all going to think..."

"I don't care what they think."  Luke interrupted.  "And neither should you.  Besides, if anything I think they'll all be pretty grateful."  He glanced back across the road.  The two girls had joined their partners by the car.  Both men alternated between looking at them in shock, and trying not to stare.  Jess stared openly, her face pale.  Priya alone looked unphased, and crossed the street to join them.

"Hey there Devin."  She gave Luke a meaningful glance as she squatted down on the other side of the hulking girl.

Devin took a last deep breath, held it for a moment.  "Oh, hey Priya."

"I was worried about you for a second there.  Thought that that might have been a bit too much."

"Well, you know."  She tried to laugh, "I guess I just couldn't resist."

She stood and took Luke's hand, glancing across the street shyly.  Andrew and Nick were pointedly opening the car doors, while Jess still seemed rooted to the spot.

"You know any time that you want to do something like that again... I would love to see it."  Luke joked in a conspiratorial whisper and managed to draw a giggle from her.  He led her across the street and couldn't help noticing that her breath had completely returned to normal.  Was it the exertion that did it?  Or was she just that nervous?

The last several miles back to the cabin were quiet.

The flush to Devin's face didn't subside at any point during the ride, and upon parking outside the cabin she rushed from the car stating that she needed a shower.  Jess and Priya similarly split off to wash up as Nick and Andrew pulled out some beers to relax in the kitchen.  Luke followed Devin to their shared bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door, when there was no response for several minutes he tried the handle, but finding it locked wandered back to the kitchen.  He fished a beer out of the fridge and joined Nick and Andrew.

"Really nice place your uncle has here."  He said after a minute of silence.  It was true.  Luke had no idea what Andrew's uncle did for a living, but when Andrew had suggested visiting the cabin for their long weekend he had pictured something small and rustic.  In contrast, the place was quite fancy; an open floor plan first floor held a modern kitchen and large sitting room with sliding glass doors opening onto a spacious deck.  Downstairs were several bedrooms with full baths, and above the first floor was the master bedroom area, which Andrew and Jess had settled into.

"Yeah." Andrew mused.  "We were lucky he wasn't planning on using the place this weekend."

Nick took a pull of his beer.  "Jesus guys."  His shaggy head swiveling between the two others.  "What's up with everybody all of a sudden?  Let’s play a game or something."

Always leave it to Nick.  "Sounds good, let me just wash up first."

"Good call."  Andrew stood, the mood broken.

"What?  After I worked so hard for this sweat?"  Nick asked despairingly.

Pushing into the room, Luke was surprised to find Devin out of the shower.  Dressed in a hoody and sweatpants, she was brushing her still drying hair in front of a small mirror on top of a chest of drawers.  Luke crossed and pressed himself against her broad back, hands around her waist to rest on her steely obliques.  "Hey."

"Hey."  She paused her hair brushing, and he pressed his lips to her neck, right where one mighty trap flowed into its base.  She giggled and squirmed, the muscle flexing, pushing his head up and back.

"I think we're going to play a game or something.  I'm going to take a quick shower first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."  She returned his peck on the lips and returned to her brushing as Luke went to clean up.

They returned upstairs together to find that Nick had broken out Catan and was in the process of setting it up.  After everyone smiled without comment and continued picking out colors, Luke noted with relief that the hunched mounds of Devin's shoulders relaxed, and she kneeled down next to Priya, tucking her bare feet underneath herself.

Andrew suddenly coughed, and Luke noted a significant glance that he directed toward Jess.  "Um, Devin?"  The curvy brunette squeaked out.  When Devin lifted her head in response however, Jess suddenly seemed to come to a quiet realization.  With a sharp exhale she pulled herself to her full height and her familiar cocky smile returned.  "Devin.  I was going to open some wine, would you like any?"

"Oh."  Devin's look of surprise became one of gratitude.  "Yes, please."

"Hey now."  Nick joked, "Aren't you still twenty?  Jess, that's aiding and abetting."

"It’s my birthday next week."  Devin shot back, after a moment's pause a twinkle returned to her eye.  "But you can try to stop me if you want."

Priya and Nick laughed, and eventually everyone joined in.  Luke let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding and sat down to the game.

The sun was setting as Andrew was cleaning the grill.  Everyone had finished dinner on the porch and a cool breeze was rolling in.  Priya sat in Nick's lap, his arms around her as they watched the sunset.  Luke finished his beer and was contemplating the trip to the kitchen for another one.  Jess and Devin had disappeared inside several minutes ago.

Luke strolled over to Andrew and indicated his beer.  "Want another?"

"Maybe in a minute."

There was a silence, and then "Thank you."

"No problem."  Andrew closed the grill lid and looked over at the sound of the sliding doors.

Jess had returned to the patio.  Her tan, tight dancer's body on full display in a tiny bikini.  Her full, ripe breasts bounced enticingly as she sashayed gracefully across the deck to her partner.  "I was thinking we could open up the hot tub, babe."

"Your wish is my command." Andrew grinned like an idiot.

"And don't you forget it."  She winked at him.  "Chop chop."

"All right, you guys go get your bathing suits or whatever you brought."

"Hey, I guess we're going in the hot tub."  Luke announced as he entered their shared room and moved to the bag he had packed. When he didn't get a response he looked back.  Devin stood immobile in the middle of the room looking back at him.  "Did you hear me?"

"I didn't bring a bathing suit."  She replied quietly.  "Actually, I don't own a bathing suit."

Right, that kind of figures, Luke thought.  "Do you have anything else to wear?"  He bent back to rummage through the bag.

"Not really."

"Well, do you want to just come outside and hang out?"  A massive shadow blocked out the light.  Luke looked up to see Devin looming over him.  From this angle she seemed like a giant, easily twice as wide as him and, he knew, so much stronger.  He straightened up slowly.  Even at his full high she just seemed so much bigger than him.  Even though he could rest his chin on her head when she was on tiptoes, her sheer mass made him feel small, the overwhelming sense of strength radiating from her making her larger than life.

“Thank you, for earlier.”  She murmured.

“It’s ok.”

“I don’t know why, I just get flustered sometimes.  But, you… you’re there for me, you make it better.”

“Of course.  That’s what I’m here for.”  A pause.  “Are you okay going back outside?  What do you want to do?”

"I want you."  She said softly.

Her hands found his shirt and irresistibly drew him to her.  With a look of fierce determination, she went up on her toes and pulled his face down to meet his lips with a fiery passion.  Her tongue overpowered his, pushing into his mouth and filling it, tasting him, drawing the breath from his lips with her chest like a bellows.  Still liplocked, he felt her hands grasp the fabric of his shirt and gently draw it up to his head.  Breaking away for a moment, she wasn't tall enough to finish removing it, and he did so quickly to stand bare chested in front of her.  She raised her arms and, heart pounding in his chest, he returned the favor, drawing her sweatshirt up and off of her.

Underneath there was nothing but Devin.  Her firm breasts rode proudly on top of pecs like hubcaps, soft to the touch under his hands, her armored torso swelling and receding as she breathed deeply.  Her cobblestone abs, flanked by thick obliques, drew his eye and he slowly worked his hands down and over them.  She sighed softly as he massaged their stony texture, and leaned back spreading her arms.  Her serrati showing in sharp relief as her lats unfurled like a cobra's hood, eclipsing him.

Her eyes opened into slits as she bit her lip.  "I want you."  She whispered a second time.

"Oh God, I want you so much."  He replied.

"Then take me."

Drawing him by the hand, she walked to the bed and turned to face him.  Luke went down on his knees.  Gripping her sweatpants by the waistband he slowly pulled them down.  They grew tight around her thighs, each wider than her entire waist, but he persevered, pulling them down over the corded muscles like pythons.  They fell loose around her feet, and he palmed one of her calves, his entire hand not making it half way around the muscle.  She obligingly lifted her dainty foot free of the pants, and then the other, her hamstrings coming to life with the effort of shifting the massive limbs, either of which Luke was sure weighed more than both of his combined.

He pressed his lips to the front of her shin, running his tongue up the muscle.  Devin giggled, the sound turning instantly to a low moan as he shifted to kiss the inside of one of her barrel like thighs.  Turning his head up he found her sex, a small soft patch of hair nestled between the pillars of her legs.  Like a man in a dream he moved to nestle his head between them but was stopped as she placed a hand under his chin.  "Up here." She breathed out, drawing him to his feet, his lips running over each individual bulge of her abdominals, up the crevice between her pectorals to meet hers once more.  She fumbled with his belt, clumsily but eagerly, and his pants slid down to his ankles, he pulled free of his boxers and his cock sprang to full attention poking her in the belly, as large and hard as it had ever been.  Looking down at it, she breathed in and gingerly wrapped one of her petite hands around it before looking him in the eyes, suddenly nervous, and began to gently pump him.  As he breathed deeply she smiled, her strokes growing stronger, more sure.

"Gentle," he urged, as she gave a pull so hard he fell against her.  He put a hand on one of her boulder-like shoulders and she released him, sitting backward onto the bed.  Her thick legs dangled for a moment before she swung them up and fully reclined.  Luke climbed up to straddle her, his legs hardly able to spread wide enough to accommodate the girth of her thighs.  Her breasts flattened slightly against her pectorals with gravity and he placed his hands on them to massage them, filling his hands with the thickness of her chest.  His fingers stroked her pink nipples and they stiffened under his touch as she closed her eyes and shuddered.  He lowered his head to take her right nipple into his mouth and she arched her back with a sharp intake of breath.  The thighs beneath him spread and he dropped down into the canyon that opened between them.

Luke's right hand probed the hair of her sex and found her soaking wet. 

"Yes." She whispered, his index finger traced the opening of her lips and pushing inside, his thumb stroking across the nub of her clit.  "Yes."  She arched her back, carrying Luke up with her.  "Now.  Now."

Luke guided his cock into the tight wetness of her love canal, the two gasping in unison.  She was tighter than anything he had ever felt, but parted gently before his head, welcoming him, encompassing his shaft.  With a gasp, he was all the way in and he began to gently thrust.

Opening his eyes, Luke gazed upon the Olympian physique spread out below him.  Devin's eyes were closed in rapture, arms spread with her hands lying by her head.  They clenched and unclenched, tendons standing out as they pulled flexors larger than his biceps.  Her biceps, by comparison, were larger than grapefruits.  With a moan of desire he placed his hands over them, trying to cup them, wanting to feel how over matched he was.  She opened her eyes and smiled at him.  "You can put your weight on them.  You can't hurt me."

Luke put his weight forward onto his arms, the biceps in his hands swelling larger, harder, supporting him effortlessly.  He stretched his legs out behind himself, moving from a kneeling position to lying over Devin.  She snaked her own legs around his, holding him immobile save for the rocking of his pelvis.

"You feel amazing."  Devin moaned.  At each thrust she shuddered, her hips rising to meet him, shaking him like a rag doll.  Luke latched harder onto her swelling, rolling biceps for stability as the gorgeous musclegirl beneath him unwittingly took over the tempo and control of their lovemaking, her corded thighs around his hips and buttocks working him in and out in a slow, deep, gentle motion.

Luke shut his eyes and threw back his head, the sensation of her tight pussy on his cock, the ease with which she was using him to pleasure herself, the feel of her muscles under his body bringing him dangerously close to climax.  The further engorging of his manhood, combined with the ministrations of his hands must have triggered something in her, as Devin began to whimper.

"Yes.  Yes.  YES!  YES!  Oh, Luke!  OH!"  Devin flexed to diamond hardness beneath him, as her legs pushed him as deeply into herself as he could go.  Her orgasm rocked through her system, relaxing her muscles she slumped backward, arms spread.  Luke released, mind going white with the pleasure as he spent himself deep inside of her and collapsed onto her broad chest.

For a minute no one spoke.  Luke relaxed against her thick pecs as they quivered with small aftershocks of her orgasm, listening to the muted beat of her heart.  When he looked up into her twinkling eyes she placed her hands under his armpits and pulled him up face to face.

"I love you."  She whispered breathlessly.

Luke's heart turned over.  "I love you too."
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on April 08, 2017, 06:24:29 pm
Great story, great writing. I'm looking forward to reading more about Devin coming out of her shell to embrace her incredible strength and really show off for Luke.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on April 08, 2017, 08:29:59 pm
You are truly building a nice piece of writing. The final moment of the chapter was brought totally naturally.

To make the understanding of what is happening in her mind deeper, you could add here and there some descriptive paragraphs of her thoughts toward the effect Luke has on her. You indirectly mention it when she thank him before she says she wants him, but we still don't know what good he's doing to her that will make her come 'Out of her Shell'.

Keep up the fantastic work.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: jstans on April 11, 2017, 10:23:53 pm
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You are truly building a nice piece of writing. The final moment of the chapter was brought totally naturally.

Absolutely seconded. I like the nature of the piece, with little vignettes interspersed between longer sections. It gives the story nice pace and gives us some more information about the minor characters of the story while not detracting from Devin and Luke's relationship. Keep it up!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 13, 2017, 03:49:37 am
Thanks to everyone for your continued comments, I really appreciate any feedback.

This one's more of a brief interlude.


"Six... seven... eight…"  Krista huffed, pushing through the last reps of her set.  Legs wobbling slightly, she walked forward to re-rack the squat bar.  She ducked back and under it before leaning forward to rest her weight, feeling the burn course through her thighs.  As the sensation subsided she drew herself up, giving the muscles a shake.  Feel the burn and all that, she thought looking around the gym.  At this time of night the place was mostly empty, just two other girls using the free-weights section of the college gym.  They had given Krista a wide berth, and were currently standing over by the dumbell rack, doing curls with the 10 pounders.  Usually Krista could expect to run into one of the other volleyball girls here, but it seemed that that wouldn't be the case tonight.

What to do, what to do.  Krista eyed the bar, two 45 pounders and one 10 pound plate on each side for a total of 245; not her absolute max, but a good working weight for reps.  She toyed with the idea of putting a bit more on but decided against it.  No one here to spot my ass if I have to bail.  Devin had gone off to the mountains for the weekend, and God knew where all of her teammates were.  Besides slacking that is.  Setting her shoulders, she went back under the bar for one more set.  After grunting her way through, she took a step back and looked in the mirror.  She had worn tight black lycra pants today, and she slowly and rhythmically flexed and relaxed her quads, watching the definition swell up against the skintight material. 

"Mmm, yes."  She murmured, savoring the sensation of the blood rushing to her muscles, feeling them grow.  She realized that one of the two girls was looking at her and caught her gaze in the mirror before offering her a wide grin.  The girl blushed and jerked her head away to talk to her partner.

Pulling the plates off of the bar, Krista headed for the locker room.  It was deserted, like the gym, and Krista took her time peeling her sweaty workout clothes off, before strutting to the shower.  As the warm water flowed from the shower head, she tossed her head back and allowed it to run over her.  It was a good workout, she reflected, as she massaged her legs.  Each of her quadricep heads stood out in sharp definition and she enjoyed the steely hardness of her own physique, her index finger found a vein and she slowly traced it all the way up the inseam of her leg.  Completing its journey, the finger traveled slightly farther to slip between her lips and graze against her clit.  Krista closed her eyes, allowing the brief sense of pleasure to wash over her.

Thank God I have the apartment to myself this weekend.  She mused.  Not that she had ever been shy about having company over when Priya and Devin were around, but when they were away she had slightly more... freedom.  She had appreciated being invited to go along of course, but it had seemed like the trip was shaping up to be more of a couple’s weekend kind of deal.  And isn't that something I didn't think I'd ever see.  You wouldn't think that someone with Devin's... characteristics would be so afraid of something as simple as boys.  She couldn't help feeling a sense of pride at how far the girl had come.  Over the last several weeks she'd spent several nights over at Luke’s place and vice versa.  Admittedly, she didn’t think that it had gone any farther than that, but still.  I think that I've earned myself a little reward.

Emerging from the shower, she spared a moment to look at her reflection.  Her wet body glistened in the mirror, the sinewy definition of her muscles accentuated by the lighting and her pump.  Not an ounce of fat was wasted, with the exception of her ample breasts which stood high on her chest supported by her pecs.  I'm not sure how I managed to keep those to be honest, but I'm not about to complain.  She struck an ab and thigh pose, enjoying the sight of her stomach crunching into a steel hard plate.  God, I need to get over myself.  She laughed merrily as she toweled off and dressed.

Arriving back at the empty apartment, Krista prepared herself a protein shake and seated herself at the kitchen table.  She flipped out her phone to scroll through her list of contacts.  Coming to the number that she was looking for, she started a text.

-Hey!  What are you up to tonight?-  She sent and sat back, sipping at her shaker.  While she waited she idly flipped through her contact list.  Why do I even have half of these numbers, I don't even remember who these people are.  Just then, her phone vibrated as she received a reply.

-Not too much.  How about you?-  The text was followed by a winking emoticon.

-Just hanging out by myself.  Feeling kind of lonely, thought you might like to stop by.-

-I can be over in about a half hour if that works for you.-

-I'll count the minutes.-  Krista smiled to herself and went to change.

At a knock on the door, Krista rose from the table and crossed the room to open it.

"Hey there Sarah."  She smiled down at the willowy brunette.

"Hey Krista."  The girl’s eyes widened at the sight of Krista's tall frame filling the doorway.  The blonde was dressed only in a pair of red booty shorts and a black bra.  The sophmore and upperclasswoman had first met several months ago in a shared lecture and had hit it off quickly and easily.  As often as she had had the opportunity to see it since then, the body on display had never failed to mesmerize Sarah.

"Come on in."  Krista turned on her heel, allowing her rock hard glutes to dominate Sarah's field of vision.  She sauntered away from the door, not neglecting to roll her hips as she went.  "There's wine over on the counter, juice in the fridge, help yourself to whatever."  She gestured, "Can I get you anything else?"

"No, thank you."  Sarah crossed to the counter and poured herself a glass.  She took a sip and turned.  Krista had made her way to the love seat and sat down on it longways, her long, strong legs taking up the entire length.  Sarah perched herself on the recliner, subtly rubbing the insides of her thighs against one another.  She felt a wetness bloom in her sex as she gazed at Krista, who languorously brought her right knee up and slowly massaged her calf with her hands.

"How's everything been going with you?  Classes ok and all that?"  Krista asked breezily.

"Oh, can't complain."  Sarah said, tightly clenching her free hand.  "Lots of work, of course, but nothing too taxing.  How about with you?"

"I'm glad to hear it."  Krista chuckled.  "I'm doing fine, just got back from the gym.  I had a little workout."  She tensed her bicep, enjoying the way that Sarah's eyes were glued to the wiry muscle.  "The room-mates went away for the weekend, so I'm just hanging out."

"So your roomies all went away and you just asked me over to talk?  Or were you looking to get my help on an essay again?"  Sarah teased, her breathing growing deeper.

"No," Krista replied, her hand leaving her leg to rest lightly on one of her heaving breasts.  "I thought maybe we could have a little fun."

"Oh is that right?"  Sarah replied in a coy manner, she gracefully moved to place her glass down on an end table.  "I think I might be up for that."

"What would you like to do?"  Krista grinned.

"Could we..."  Sarah paused, "You know, like last time?"

"Oh?  Is that what you want?"  Krista brought her legs around to rest her feet on the floor.  Bringing her hands to her knees she parted them, her pussy visible against the tight, stretched material of her shorts.  "Then come here little girl."

Sarah rose, the warm wetness between her thighs growing, and stumbled toward the couch.  From her seated position Krista smiled cockily up at her, hands behind her head, biceps still tensed.  The smaller girl went down to her knees in front of the blonde amazon, the sinewy legs on either side of her slight body.

She really has it bad.  Krista thought as Sarah fastened her lips to her calf.  She tensed the muscle for her, enjoying the low moan that issued from Sarah's lips in response.

"Mmm, yeah."  Krista growled as Sarah's tongue found one of the veins protruding from the muscle and began to trace it upward.  "You like that?"  She flexed her quads into sharp relief as Sarah reached them.  The brunette wrapped her hands around them to squeeze ineffectually as her tongue continued its mission.  Jesus shes good, Krista admitted to herself, juices beginning to flow freely from her aching loins.

Sarah's head came to rest at her sex, hovering over Krista's sodden shorts.  Her tongue flicked out quickly, once, twice, three times, brushing her yearning clit through the thin material.  Krista gasped, and Sarah grinned up at her, relishing the sensation of having the taller, stronger girl at her mercy.  With a last lick she stood up, shedding her clothes as quickly as possible to stand naked in front of the goddess.  Krista's eyes drank in her slender body, her tan soft skin, her small breasts capped by dark nipples standing erect with her arousal. Sitting forward on the couch, the blonde removed her own top in response, and Sarah knelt back down to press their chests together, flushing with arousal as her breasts were overmatched by Krista's large, soft orbs.

Krista peeled off her shorts, revealing her clean shaven pussy and leaned back again.  Sarah, a mischievous grin on her face, dropped back between her thighs to resumed kissing their insides.  Finally, Krista could stand it no longer and, with a deep growl, placed a broad hand on the back on the brunette's head.  Sarah squealed as she was pulled forward to bury her face in Krista's dripping cleft.  Her nimble tongue played over the big blonde's clit, eliciting moans of pleasure.  Her thin arms snaked under Krista's hamstrings to rest on top of her hips, reading every twitch and shift the amazon made in response to her ministrations.

Fuck, Fuck!  How does she do it?  The girl has a tongue like.. like...  She lost the train of thought as another wave of pleasure pulsed through her.  As her passion grew, she drew her legs together, trapping the girl in their iron embrace.

As the vice of Krista's scissors closed around her head, Sarah went berserk.  Drawing Krista's clit between her lips she began to gently suck on the tender nub while increasing the pace of her tongue.  Her right hand fell between her own legs, and she plunged her index and middle fingers into her sopping pussy, pleasuring herself for all she was worth.  Krista's legs twitched and rolled, bringing the slender brunette along for the ride as she lost control of herself.

"God yes.  Right there... harder, faster!"  Krista's babbled.  What with her expansive thighs clamped around Sarah's head, the brunette couldn't make out the words, hearing only a muffled roar.  Nonetheless, the message was perfectly clear and Sarah redoubled her efforts, her tongue and the muscles of her jaw starting to grow sore with the effort.  Her own wetness dripped down her thighs and she felt herself building towards orgasm as she felt it happen.

"Oh, yes little girl!"  Krista's entire body flexed to its utmost, veins and tendons standing out over her striated body.  Her legs curled up towards her core, dragging the hapless Sarah forward from her knees.  At the display of dominance, the brunette felt herself explode, pleasure gushing from her sex to spread over her body in a tingling wave.  She screamed in pleasure, the sound almost inaudible as it was muffled by Krista's lower body.

The prison of Krista's thighs opened around Sarah, and the brunette slowly stood up on trembling legs.  The blonde reclined backwards, shivering in pleasure as aftershocks spread through her impressive body.  Sarah climbed up to straddle her, trembling for a moment as her cleft rubbed against Krista's sleek, defined lower abdominals.  She bent in for a kiss, and the taller girl folded her into an embrace.

"That was fantastic Kitten."  Krista panted.  Sarah simply sighed happily, enjoying the feel of their body contact.  Krista moved her hands under Sarah's posterior and, with a grunt, stood up.  Sarah reflexively wrapped her legs around her lover's hips, and the two stood still looking into each other's eyes.  "Why don't we take this into the bedroom?" Krista asked with a playful growl, "Where we can really have some fun."

Sarah giggled and kissed Krista's neck as she carried her away.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on April 13, 2017, 05:11:01 am
It indeed place the context. We now know why she didn't gave her number to Luke :-)
Keep up your great work
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Sheep on April 17, 2017, 08:43:26 pm
Excellent story, hard all the way. If only my student days were like that. Muscle women you are a rare beautiful treasure. Please keep building muscle and please keep this story going. Superb
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on April 23, 2017, 01:58:42 am
Luke sighed gently, his right hand kneading the muscles of Devin's shoulder as she rested her head on his chest.  One of her enormous thighs straddled his waist, the weight of it gently pressing him into the mattress.  He pressed his lips to her forehead.  As he pulled his head back she tipped her chin up to smile at him.  He studied the features of her face, her almond shaped eyes, the powdering of freckles, her small pointed nose.  Devin’s hand played along his chest, gently squeezing, his pectorals giving way like putty under her grasp.

"That was..."  She thought for a suitable­ word.­ "Amazing."  She finally settled.

"I'm glad."  Part of him tried to play the experienced lover, while the other part of his brain was still reeling from the most unbelievable experience of his life.  "It was for me too."  He added quickly.

Devin smiled, sighed, and snuggled back up against him.  Several minutes passed.

"Should we go outside?"  She suddenly asked.  "The others might start to think..."

"Think what?  The truth?"  Luke massaged the broad expanse of her back, feeling the rugged muscle.  That may not have been the response she wanted.  "We'll go out in a minute."  He amended.  He relaxed, looking up at the ceiling, enjoying the warmth of her body against his and the sensation as her hand worked its way over his torso.  He brought his free hand across his chest to place on her upper arm, fully extended his fingers could barely cover one half of the limb.  As it came to rest on the smooth skin, her arm stopped dead.  Luke looked quizzically down towards her to be met with an uncharacteristically mischievous smile.  The bicep in his grasp began to slowly expand under his fingers.  A peak took shape, spreading his already strained fingers as far apart as they would go, and then continued to grow.  God, how big can they get?  He realized that Devin hadn’t really flexed her monumental muscles for him for the sake of being seen or felt, almost always only in the act of performing some feat of strength.  Her smile deepened as the limb continued to grow; he couldn't tear his eyes away from her gaze as much as he wanted to drink in the sight of her mighty flex.

Then, Devin relaxed.  Her arm slid downward from his unresisting grip and Luke gasped as her hand came to rest on his manhood, gently enveloping his rock hard erection.

"You really do like it."  She sighed happily.

"Are you kidding?  I've never met anyone like you.  You know that."  Luke complimented her.  "I don't think that there even is anyone else like you."

"There might not be."  Devin said softly.  "I'm... not normal.  I know that I don't always handle it the best way possible, but you know, people can be uneasy around me."  Luke couldn't help thinking about Jess' behavior earlier in the day, "Sometimes they can be rather cruel.  Both men and women."  Devin continued.  "People think that I'm a freak, or a weirdo.  I've found that it's just easier to try not to attract any attention to myself."  The inflection of her voice had changed from relaxed to troubled.

"I'm sure that that can't have been easy for you."  Luke acknowledged.  He thought back to the photographs that the girls had up around their apartment.  They had presented a young woman who was always on edge, restrained, even in the presence of her friends.  He hadn't ascribed much significance to the fact that the only photograph where she had seemed truly at ease was a private moment with her puppy.  Perhaps he hadn't wanted to think about it too deeply.  He thought back to earlier in the day.  "But Priya seems like a great friend, Krista too."

"Yeah, they're great."  Devin agreed, "They're the coolest girls I've ever met.  Priya's just so laid back, nothing bothers her, and Krista..."  She thought for a moment.  "She's crazy.  Sometimes I think she's actually a bit jealous of me."  She snorted softly.

"I'm glad you found them anyway."  Discretion and curiosity warred in Luke's head.  "We... don't have to talk about this stuff if you don't want to..."  He hazarded.

Devin looked at him in silence for a moment.  Her mammoth chest began to heave and, much to Luke's pleasant surprise, began to giggle.

"I'm sorry.  I'm sorry."  She gasped as the outburst subsided.  "I must seem like a crazy person.  We've been going out now, and you've seen me, but I still feel the need to re-assure myself that you like me, like I'm some clingy little girl, and then when I do I can't help but get all maudlin and weepy on you..."

Luke pressed his lips to hers, cutting her off mid sentence.  After he felt her relax against him he broke the kiss.  "Jesus, Devin.  Breath."

"Right."  She inhaled in an exaggerated manner, her face retaining a measured serious expression.  "I guess it started when I was just a little girl.  I don't know when, but even when I look at pictures from when I was in kindergarten my shape was different from the other little girls.  In hindsight anyway; at the time no one noticed anything odd."  Devin's gaze fixed on the far wall, looking into the middle distance.  "My parents got me into the usual little girl activities; dance, gymnastics, swimming.  Before I knew what was happening I had... muscles."  She stumbled over the word.  "Not, you know, like this."  She gestured at herself.  "But real, noticeable ones.  Bigger than anyone else in school.  It was kind of cool for a little while."  She smiled wistfully, "The other kids thought it was kind of fun, no one thought there was anything weird about it.  Sometime, when I was by myself I would pretend that I was a superhero or whatever...  Anyway, eventually everyone started realizing that it just wasn't normal.  The girls would say that I was a boy, and the boys... they'd call me ugly, dare each other to kiss me, that sort of thing."

Luke opened his mouth to re-assure her, to say something, but she continued.

"I stopped doing sports, because I figured that that was the reason this was happening, and it sort of worked.  I didn't get any smaller, but I stopped getting any bigger, for a while.  But... as one might expect..." Devin grinned sardonically, "Everything kind of went crazy when I went through puberty.  Everyone else started growing up and I just grew out."  She raised her arm and, without warning, flexed the limb to its utmost.  Luke's eyes widened and he moaned softly as her bicep swelled before his eyes, the muscle growing until it seemed to him to be the size of a small melon.  Devin smiled indulgently at him before relaxing the flex.  "It didn't happen overnight."  She shook her head.  "My parents were so supportive, but no-one had any of the answers we were looking for.  'A previously unseen genetic condition,' 'a highly unusual mutation,' was the best guess any doctor could give."  She chuckled, "There was one doctor who wanted me to be a subject for a research paper."  Devin lapsed into silence, looking serenely into his eyes.

"And that's it?"  Luke found his tongue.  "I guess I wasn't expecting that.  You seriously don't, you know, work out or anything?"

"Oh!"  Devin smiled sheepishly.  "I do sometimes.  It was Krista really; she's always pushing me to go to the gym with her.  The gym at school is usually pretty empty, especially the weights section.  It's actually been kind of therapeutic.  Kind of like getting in touch with myself.  I have this body, so I should try to accept it.  I wasn't this big before college."

"And do you feel like that has worked for you?"  Luke couldn't resist asking.

"I don't know."  She said honestly.  "I'm not embarrassed about my body, like I used to be.  But then when people look at me I just..."  She shook her head.  "But that's not the way that you look at me."  She blushed.  "I like the way you look at me."

"Well, I like to look at you."  Luke rolled onto his side so that they were face to face.  Devin squeaked as she felt his erection press against her thighs, and she parted them slightly to allow his organ to nestle between them against her dripping womanhood.  He pressed himself against her, relishing the feeling her soft breasts on his chest, with the slab like pectorals underneath.  "So, did you still want to go outside?"

"Maybe in a minute."  She whispered.

"Hey, you guys came back."  Andrew tipped his drink to the couple as they emerged.  "I'd thought that maybe you decided to turn in."

"It’s still early."  Luke replied, "Besides, how could we sit out on the fun?"  The sun was down, the deck now illuminated by electric light.  The breeze had died down but a chill permeated the air.  From the hot tub on the far side of the deck Luke heard quiet splashes and murmurs as Priya and Jess lounged in the warm water.  Andrew had changed into a set of swim trunks, but they were dry and he was still wearing his shirt.

"Sure, sure."  Andrew said.  He swayed slightly as he took another sip from his beer.  "Hey, you didn't change?"  He indicated the two of them, Luke still in his shirt and jeans, Devin dressed in her familiar baggy sweat suit.

"Uh, no.  I didn't... Where did Nick wander off to?" Luke tried to steer the conversation.

"Oh."  Andrew waved a hand vaguely.  "He went off to smoke, I'm sure he'll be back in a minute or two."  Luke felt Devin squeeze his hand, and the creak of the deck under her heavy footfalls as she moved away towards the girls.

"Heeey girl, aren't you going to come in?"  Jess' boisterous greeting carried across the deck.  Luke couldn't make out Devin's reply.

"I'm glad we were able to do this."  Andrew's proclamation brought Luke's attention back to his friend.  He rested his full weight on the bannister enclosing the porch.  "It was a good weekend.  With the possible exception of that one incident earlier."

"Yeah, about that, it’s all fine."  Luke began.

"No."  Andrew pushed on, undaunted in his inebriation, "Devin's sweet, and we all know that you like her.  I'm sorry if we did anything to make her feel uncomfortable.  I had a little conversation with Jess, we don't want her to be anxious about hanging out with us."  He gazed over the deck at the darkened woods beyond.  "I've never seen anything quite like that though."  He murmured.

Andrew's rumination was disrupted by the return of Nick.  Preceded by a boisterous "What’s up, what’s up!?" he appeared around the corner of the cabin and clambered back up onto the deck.  "Did I miss anything good?"  He asked with a broad grin.

"Nick!"  Jess called, "No one will come in with me and Priya."

"Sorry," Nick called bashfully, "I don't think I brought anything to wear for that."

"It's all right, I know how much you fear anything that resembles a bath."  Priya interjected.

"Ugh, you guys are so boring.  I guess it’s just us girls."  Jess turned her attention to the silent third member of the fairer sex present.  "C'mon in Devin, it’s nice."

Devin's didn't respond immediately, Luke observed without surprise the now familiar gesture as she tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.  What did surprise him was the eventual response of "Ok."

Gripping her sweatshirt by the waist, she gracefully pulled the garment up and over her head in a single motion, revealing a skin tight t-shirt underneath.  The strained fabric was pulled to near translucence over the bulk of the muscle mite's upper body, revealing the rugged contours of the bricklike abdominals and granite pecs it struggled to contain.  The sleeves were unable to make it all the way to her upper arms, occupied entirely in the task of attempting to cover her pumpkin deltoids.

Determined to see the job through now that she had begun, Devin bent over and pulled her baggy sweatpants down to her ankles, stepping free.  Underneath, she wore the pair of trunks that Luke had brought for himself but had been happy to lend to her if for no other reason than to enjoy watching her try to fit into them.  Despite the foot difference in their heights, the trunks only came to halfway down the muscle girl's barrel quads, completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of flesh to contain.  Luke just hoped that they wouldn't explode off of her, at least not until the two of them were back in private.

Jess rose to her feet and took a step towards Devin, as though the massive body was exerting a gravitational pull.  Goosebumps sprang up on her wet, exposed flesh in the cold night air as she stood and stared.  Priya casually scooched over to make room as Devin sat herself on the rim of the tub and swung herself around to dip a foot in.  Finding the temperature bearable, she moved into the tub and stood, the water obscuring everything below her waist.  As Jess continued to look at her without speaking, she turned pink.  "What?"  She asked.

"Jeez girl," Jess said.  Despite being a good five inches taller, she seemed to shrink in front of the shorter, stronger girl.  "You're like She-Hulk."  Jess gushed.

"Oh."  Devin said quietly.  The pink tone of her flushed skin deepening to a scarlet.

"No, I mean, it’s amazing."  She lifted a hand, but stopped herself.  "Can I?"

"Oh.  Oh!  Ok."  Devin shifted nervously, uncertain of what to do.  Undeterred, the sultry brunette placed the hand on her upper right arm.

Suddenly aware of the uncomfortable tightness in his pants, Luke shot a glance at the other two men.  Both stood mute, their eyes likewise driven irresistibly to the scene unfolding before them.

"It's like stone!"  Jess cried.  Her other hand joined its twin on Devin's right arm lifting it up and away from her body.  Spurred to action, Devin flexed the limb slowly.  Her bicep ballooned under Jess' hands, spreading them apart effortlessly.  "You must be so strong."  Jess said in awe.

"I guess..." Devin said hesitantly.

"Of course you are.  You moved that log earlier, the three of them couldn't do it together."

"In fairness, I wasn't really trying."  Nick said.  Everyone ignored him.

"Talk about girl power."  Jess' face changed back to its more familiar mischievous expression as she looked over at the three guys clustered a few paces away.  "You guys should arm-wrestle or something.  It would be hilarious."

"Maybe another time."  Andrew said weakly.  Luke studiously attempted to maintain a neutral expression.

"Really babe?"  Jess teased, "You don't feel the need to defend your macho honor in front of your woman?"  Devin gently extracted her arm from Jess' embrace, her complexion as fiery as Luke had ever seen.

"This all sounds like far too much excitement for me."  Priya observed dryly from her seat.  Looking back at her, Jess seemed to notice the shift in tone.

"Another time then."  She smiled apologetically as Devin seated herself next to her friend.  Seemingly growing aware of the chill in the air, Jess also re-seated herself opposite the other two.

“I could go for something to eat.”  Nick volunteered.

“Yeah, that’d work, I’ll go dig out some snacks.”  Andrew agreed.  “Another round of drinks while I’m in there?”

Priya and Jess responded positively to this proposal, so Andrew and Nick slipped inside to grab.  One of them turned on the sound system for the deck, as a recent, popular song began to play, Jess grinned and started bobbing in her seat.  By the time the two emerged from the house she and Priya were singing the chorus.  Luke had moved to stand by the tub with his hand on Devin’s shoulder, and she turned her head to nuzzle happily at it.

Jess stood up, warm water running down her body in rivulets, body glistening invitingly.  She took the replacement glass of wine that Andrew had fetched for her and then slumped down next to Devin, sandwiching Devin between herself and Priya.  “Come on, you know this one!”  Jess leaned into Devin and stretched out her free arm, placing the tiny hand in the middle of Devin’s expansive back.  Devin aimed an imploring look at Luke, who shrugged helplessly.  She stewed self-consciously for a minute but on the next chorus hesitantly joined in with the other two girls.

Luke reclined on the bed in his boxers.  His eyes were open and pointed at the ceiling but seeing nothing, his thoughts full with the events of the evening.  He smiled softly to himself, listening to the muffled sounds slipping under the crack of the bathroom door.

In the bathroom, Devin finished preparing for bed.  She had stripped off the wet t-shirt and shorts and stood, body fully bared in the mirror.  The turned down lighting in the room cast shadows over her rippling body; underneath her jutting pecs, in the crevices between the muscles wrapping her arms and legs.  She softly rubbed her hands over herself, feeling her small soft breasts, tracing down her cobblestone abs.  She realized, with a little bit of surprise, that she didn’t feel very different.  It was like… Like I scratched an itch I didn’t realize I had.  He was sweet… and he said… he said he loved me.  Not long ago she had hadn’t been sure if she would ever meet someone who wasn’t turned off or frightened by her body.  And now…

Slowly, studying herself in the mirror, she raised both arms and flexed.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on April 23, 2017, 07:06:13 pm
Hi draight, karma for you! (Once again)
You are doing a fantastic job out there, you are showing her evolutions adding a new light each time, that's really great.
Keep up the great work!!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on April 23, 2017, 09:55:32 pm
Another fantastic chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. I hope Devin decides to REALLY show off for Luke.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: jstans on April 24, 2017, 04:02:37 pm
To paraphrase the god MCs, Devin is discovering that knowledge of self, and you do so very well at showing that too is in a very subtle way. Same goes for the reactions and motivations of the minor characters; I'm foreseeing some dark clouds for Andrew and Jess especially! As always, can't wait to read the next installment! This is one of the best stories I've read on this site, right up there with "A Not-So-Quick Tutorial."
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sgsg69 on April 25, 2017, 02:08:58 am
Amazing chapter! Your style of writing is perfectly paced and very detailed. Development of everyone in this story is going smoothly. Kudos to you! As the other reader said, Devin is becoming self-aware of her body and what it does to Luke......maybe she will hit the weights to see what her potential really is.......
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on May 01, 2017, 05:09:19 am
“No.  Seriously.  It’s time.”  Krista said as she rubbed her temple in exasperation.  “You asked me to come with you to do this.”

“But I mean… maybe another time?”  Devin protested weakly.  She clutched the small bag containing Hero’s Journey IV to her chest like a talisman.  Around them the mall bustled, as much as a mall bustles on a Wednesday afternoon anyway.  Canned music played softly in the background.  “We’ve already been shopping for a while.”

“Have we?”  Krista responded dryly.  “I guess didn’t notice.  But look!  Here we are!  I guess we might as well go in.”  She put a hand on Devin’s back to gently guide her around to look at the entrance to the department store.

“But it’s getting late… and I have an assignment to do.”  Devin said desperately.

“No it isn’t, and no you don’t.”  Krista resisted the urge to massage the sudden itch across the bridge of her nose.  I swear, sometimes it’s like she’s a child.  She decided to change tack.  “How are things going with you and Luke?”  A small smile and blush of color crept across Devin’s face, telling Krista everything she needed to know.

“Things have been going really well.”  Devin said, unable to keep the excitement out of her voice.

“Right, and it’s going to be your birthday this weekend.  He’s coming right?”  Krista quirked an eyebrow.

“Of course.”  Devin conceded.

“You’re turning 21, you’re a woman.  Isn’t it time to start dressing the part?”  Krista kept prodding.

“I guess so.”  Devin said reluctantly.

“And you know that he would flip to see you out and about, celebrating in a sexy little dress.”  Krista continued.  “What it shows off… and what it conceals.”

“Right, but…”  Devin began.

“So we’re agreed then!”  Krista took Devin’s wrist and marched towards the store.  The petite powerhouse allowed herself to be pulled along after putting up a token resistance.

The two entered through the wide open doorway into the section of stalls hosting perfumes, makeups, and jewelry.  Devin gazed around hopefully at this, she had some experience with these, but Krista swept along without hesitation, and the shorter girl was forced to jog along to keep up with her long stride.

“We’ll start with something easy.”  Krista slowed to a stop by the women’s footwear department.

“I have shoes.”  Devin said.

“No, you have sneakers and snow boots.  Look at this.”  Krista proffered a stiletto heeled shoe.

“I’m not sure that they would be able to support my weight.”  Devin said dubiously.

“Right.”  Without pausing Krista snatched up a pair of wedges.  “What size are you?”


“Try these.”  Krista thrust a box at her, and Devin took it reflexively, opening it to find a pair of skin tone wedge shoes.  “They have a three inch heel.  You’ll be the height of a real person.”

Devin stuck her tongue out at Krista, but sat on the nearby bench to try the shoes on.  They slipped onto her feet easily enough, and she stood uncertainly.  She had worn shoes like this before, but it had been some time since then and she had forgotten the strain that wearing them caused.  She sighed softly to herself at the sensation as her considerable body weight shifted forward to rest on her toes.  Underneath her sweats she felt her prodigious calves and thighs begin to bloat as blood moved to the flexed muscle groups.  I wonder how they would look right now, in a skirt or a short dress.  Luke would enjoy that…  She felt a wetness begin to grow between her legs at the thought.

“Well?” She jolted at Krista’s voice.  “Try walking.”  She hazarded a few steps, teetering slightly, her stabilizer muscles churning.

“I might need some practice.”  She said ruefully.

“Mmm.” Krista agreed.  “Well, you can work on it.  We’ll get you something a bit more manageable as well.  Now let’s find you an outfit.”

“I don’t think that anything here will fit me.”

“It might need a bit of tailoring to get something perfect,” Krista admitted, “But we can make this work.”

The next hour went by in a blur; Krista forcibly marched Devin to every corner of the store in search of things to try on.  Some sections she would rush through without comment, where in others it seemed that she held every single garment up to Devin in an attempt to gauge fit and fashion.  At long last, Devin found herself in front of the door to the changing room with, what seemed to her, a mountain of different things to try on.

“None of these have any sleeves.”  Devin observed.

“Well yeah.”  Krista shrugged.  “Frankly, sleeves might just be out of the question.  In any case, you already have sweaters for that.”

Devin dubiously sifted through the rack.  “Well, I guess we’re already here.”  She finally mumbled to herself in a resolved tone.

“That’s the spirit.  Do you need any help in there?”  Krista indicated the door.

“I can dress myself, thank you very much.”  Devin gathered up an armful of garments.

“Well, look who’s a big girl.  I’ll be out here if you need anything.”  Krista settled herself against the wall and flipped out her phone as Devin shouldered the door open and entered.  She plunked the heap down and shut the door behind herself.

In the solitude of the stall Devin stood and looked at herself in the mirror.  It was true, she had to admit to herself that draped in the enormous sweatshirt and pants that were her custom she looked billowy and shapeless, like a little girl who had stumbled into her father’s closet and decided to dress up.  Kicking off her sneakers, she drew the sweatshirt up over her head and peeled the sweatpants down her legs to stand in a sports bra and panties.  She turned to the full length mirror to confront her reflection.  Her bulging body was so covered in beefy female muscle that she seemed almost as wide as she was tall.  All over her frame muscle groups struggled against one another for space, as though someone had stuffed deflated balls under her skin to round out her frame and then had blown them full of air.  Arms like sides of beef hung from pumpkin shoulders, which were in turn supported by trapezius muscles so mounded she hardly seemed to have a neck.  Those same arms rested upon the wings of her lats; even unflexed they protruded out far enough to prevent her arms from hanging fully limp at her sides, before swooping sharply into an incongruously narrow midsection.  From here she exploded outwards again, her panties stretched tight over a pair of bowling ball glutes, the fabric bunched up in the crotch where it was unable to accommodate the girth of her thighs.

How is any of this stuff supposed to fit me?  She thought in desperation.  And even if it did… I’d look like a complete freak.  She hadn’t lied to Luke, not exactly.  Since meeting Krista, she had accompanied her friend to the gym from time to time, and she had enjoyed it.  The sensation of moving weight, the pleasure of blood flowing to her limbs, the tightness as they swelled and expanded.  It had felt right, as though perhaps her condition truly could be a gift instead of the curse she had always viewed it as.  She smiled to herself at the memory; in her first workout with Krista she had trailed slightly behind her friend, uncertain of how much to begin with.  By the end of the day she had matched every one of the robust blonde’s lifts, and by the end of the first week had left her far behind.

But as much as she enjoyed the sensations and her new-found strength, she hadn’t been able to bring herself to fully confront and acknowledge the changes to her appearance.  Somewhere along the line she had outgrown the high school physique that had already earned her fear and rejection from her peers.  Here, half naked in the changing stall she could hear their words in her head as clear as ever:  “She’s obviously a dude,”  “Why would she want to look like that?”  “Have you seen her?  She’s a freak, its gross.”

No!  Devin thought fiercely, That was years ago.  You’re not in high school anymore, you’re a woman and you need to act like it.  That isn’t how my friends see me… it isn’t how Luke sees me… and it isn’t how I will see myself.  Drawing herself up to her full, if unimpressive, height, she gritted her teeth, squared her shoulders, planted her hands on her hips and flexed her body with all her might.  The girl in the mirror transformed before her eyes, muscles swelling as she had never allowed them to before.  An enormous pressure brought her attention to her legs and she shifted her feet apart as her calves and the adductors of her thighs pressed against each other seeking room to expand into.  As her thighs rubbed against one another she moaned softly, the pressure giving rise to tingling pleasure in her sex.

In the mirror her back unfurled, wider and wider like a flower opening its petals.  Even with her arms akimbo, positioned on her waist like a superhero, her lats expanded to fill the empty space until there was hardly enough room between them and her expanding arms to fit a finger.  Is this what Luke wants to see?  She gritted her teeth harder, raising her herculean arms to crank out a double bicep flex, her hands, bent at the wrist, were able to lightly touch the grapefruit peaks of her arms.  Sweat began to bead on her brow as thick veins emerged from beneath her soft skin, forming a roadmap of vascularity over her hulking body.  Just wait until he sees this.  She let out a gasp at the thought, picturing Luke there before her, his cock rock hard and at the ready as he massaged her inhuman physique.  She closed her eyes, in her mind she could feel his warm hands kneading at her, picture his wide eyed expression of adoration that made her feel, for once, beautiful.  The thought, combined with the pressure between her thighs spurred her further, the wetness of her arousal soaking her panties even as the stitching began to pop with the expansion of her hypertrophied glutes.  Her left hand dropped to her crotch as she stuffed her right into her mouth and bit down to stifle a low moan.

“How’s it going in there?”  Devin almost cried out in frustration at Krista’s interruption.  She took a deep breath to center herself.

“It’s going ok.”  She said in a quavering voice.  What was I thinking?  In public?  “Hold on just one second…”  She tore into the pile, coming up with several sleeveless blouses and an assortment of skirts which she tried on in quick succession.  These must be the largest they had in stock.  Invariably, they were tight to the point of almost rupturing across the hips, chest and shoulders, while being long and ridiculously baggy around the waist.  Choosing a combo of a light pink top and black skirt, she slipped into the wedges they had picked out earlier.  “Come in.”  She called.

She heard Krista slip into the room behind her and draw in a sharp breath.  “Jesus, Short Stack.”  Devin pivoted, her rippling bulk churning into motion, and looked up at her friend.  The sight of the fully pumped girl in front of her left Krista feeling weak, and uncustomarily cowed.  She raised a hand, as if to feel the prime beef in front of her, but hesitated.

“What’s wrong?”  Devin teased softly.

“Nothing.”  Krista shook her head.  I’ve never seen her like this before… I had no idea…  “Nothing.”  She repeated.  “Look at you girl.  That boy of yours isn’t going to know what hit him.”

“You think so?”  Devin asked anxiously, she swiveled her head around to peek at the mirror over her mounded traps.  In the heels and skirt, her calves had ballooned to solid diamonds of muscle, the veins that she had called up just a moment before slowly sinking back.

“I know so.  Now let’s find you a slinky little dress, or as close as we can get to one anyway.”

“Hi there!  I’m Tamika!”  The bubbly young woman gestured towards her name tag as the two friends entered the alterations department. 

“Hello Tamika, I’m Krista,” The tall blonde replied, “This one’s Devin.”  She pointed at her shorter companion, whose arms were occupied with carrying a mound of clothes.

“Is there anything I can help the two of you with today?”  The seamstress asked politely

Is there!”  Krista grinned until an elbow from Devin lightly nudged her in the ribs.  She chuckled ruefully as she rubbed at the sore spot.

“Yes.”  Devin proffered the bundle of garments they had collected during their trip through the store.  “I, uh, think that we might need some alterations done.”

“Sure, no problem.”  Tamika took the articles and started sorting them by type.  “It usually takes a couple of days.”  She paused as she noticed the size of the garments she was handling and checked the tags to confirm.  “Um…”  She looked curiously at the girl who had handed them to her.

Extensive alterations.”  Krista chuckled.

“Right…”  Tamika sounded less certain now.  The girl did have a wide frame, shockingly wide now that she stopped to look closely at her, but she didn’t seem to have a gut and her face was slim.  “Do you happen to know your measurements?”

“I’m not sure.”  Devin said sheepishly.

“Not a problem, I can do that for you.”  Tamika wasn’t certain what was off about this situation, but she felt a sense of relief at steering the encounter back into more familiar territory.  She walked back to her desk to collect a notepad and measuring tape.  “If you’ll just hop on up over there.”  She indicated towards a fitting platform flanked by several mirrors.  Devin stepped up gingerly, as though afraid that it was going to bite her.

“Okay hun.”  Even standing on the raised platform, Devin stood an inch or two shorter than Tamika, so why did she somehow feel like she was looking up at the customer?  “To get the most accurate measurements it would be best if you took those baggy things off.  Are you decent underneath?”

“Yes.”  Devin said reluctantly, “Is that really necessary?”

“No need to be nervous, I do this every day.”  Tamika thought she heard a soft chuckle from the blonde, seated over by the side of the room.  She plowed ahead.  “We’ll get your general measurements for the blouses, skirts and pants, and then we can do fittings for the dresses.”

“Okay.”  Devin said resolutely as she turned to face herself in the mirror.  She gripped the waist of her sweatshirt, and, almost as though removing a Band-Aid, took a deep breath before whipping it up and over her head in a single fluid motion.  Tamika’s eyes widened in shock as the girl continued without pausing, bending to work her pants off.  She was rooted to the spot, simply staring in disbelief at the body on display in front of her, muscles like hewn stone quivering even at rest.  For several seconds no one moved.  Then, Tamika let out a gasp of surprise as the body went into motion, the behemoth girl turning in place to look at her.  Her face was one of trepidation, but as they continued to simply look at one another, it softened into a look of curiosity and then into a gentle smile.  The seamstress flinched as a small hand, attached to a forearm like a boulder, gestured towards her side.  She looked down to find the tape measure still clutched in her hand.

“O…Oh.”  She held it up in both hands and stepped forward.  I don’t know if it’s going to be big enough…  Now closer, Devin’s body seemed to radiate heat as Tamika’s mind scrambled to decide where to begin; the chest which seemed big enough to press a car, the waist solid enough to break rocks on, the thighs, each of which looked bigger than Tamika’s entire body.  Yes, start at the legs I guess.  She gently went down to her knees, and began to wrap the tape around the surging muscle.

“Th… thirty-five.”  She could hardly believe the words coming out of her mouth as she moved up to the girl’s hips.  “Forty.”  She almost cried out as a hand fell on her shoulder and looked up quickly, feeling an irrational, animal fear in her gut at her proximity to this massive, physically superior creature.  Of course, rather than closing with the bone-crushing strength that she knew that the hand must contain, she found herself lifted gently to her feet.  With shaking hands she drew the tape around the rippling midsection in front of her.  “Twenty three.”  She breathed out slowly.

The last one…  She found herself staring at Devin’s pectoral shelf.  The red-head raised her arms up and away from her body, the motion causing her lats to widen.  How am I supposed to reach around her to measure?  Devin smiled shyly and Tamika stepped forward, pressing her infinitely overmatched body against the one on display.  Her weight seemed not even to register with the shorter girl as she leaned into her, managing to work the tape around her and pulling it tight across her chest.  “Fifty-eight.”  She mumbled.  The tape only had two inches to spare.

“Actually…”  Devin said apologetically and placed her hands on her hips.  Her back flared, the extra two inches not enough to cover the expanded flesh as it fell from Tamika’s nerveless fingers.

“I’ll… have to see if we have a bigger one.”

The two friends emerged from the alterations department some time later, leaving behind the gently shaking young seamstress.

“It’s too bad that they didn’t have anything that I could wear off of the rack.”  Devin remarked.  Back in her familiar sweatsuit, she caught a glimpse of her reflection in a store window and gently frowned.

“It’ll all be ready in a few days.  Besides, did you see that poor girls eyes when she was taking your measurements?”  Krista laughed.  “It was worth the trip for that alone.”

“I think I made her nervous.”  Devin said quietly.  “She was very sweet.  I was sorry about the chest measurement, but I guess that if we’re spending this money I had to do it right.”

“She’ll survive.  Besides, she’ll have a hell of a story.  I’m just glad we finally got around to doing this for you.  Girl, you looked hot.

Devin smiled, her thoughts turning again to Luke.  “I hope so.”
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on May 01, 2017, 09:51:22 am
Another installment building the story of Devin which adds great details. One guy might have a schock in the next chapter... ;-)
Great work draight!!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on May 01, 2017, 06:29:55 pm
I seriously cannot get enough of this story. I keep checking back daily to see if it's been continued. I hope your muse never abandons you. This is an excellent piece!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Pac on May 06, 2017, 11:01:03 am
This is a fantastic story!

I absolutely love the pacing, the characters and everything else about it. It is a masterful piece of work.

Enjoying every entry immensely.


Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on May 10, 2017, 09:02:56 pm
Luke glanced away from the television to look at Devin.  The two of them were seated side by side on her bed, Devin idly kicking her legs as they dangled.  The bedsprings squealed in protest as she fidgeted, shifting her considerable weight about.  They had only been playing for about fifteen minutes, but she had already managed to die several times.  “Is there something going on?”  Luke asked.

“Hmm?”  Devin frowned minutely, squinting at the screen.

“It seems like you’ve got something on your mind.”  Luke clarified.

“What do you mean?”  Devin looked away from their game to talk to him.

“I don’t know.  For one, you’ve been fidgeting non-stop.”  Not to say that I mind, of course.  He had to admit, as he enjoyed the feel of her body rocking up against his.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  Devin attempted, largely unsuccessfully, to hold back a guilty smile.

“Mhmm.  Keep your secrets then.”  Luke looked back at the game, just in time to miss the glance that Devin shot towards her dresser.  “But for the record,” he said as she misjudged a jump, “Whatever is distracting you, you are absolutely tanking our progress right now.”

“Maybe I just can’t stop thinking about my handsome boyfriend.”  Devin teased.  A moment after the word left her mouth she realized what she had said.  She paused, waiting on his reaction.

“Oh?”  Luke didn’t even glance over at her.  “Tell me about him; what’s his name?  How did the two of you meet?”

“Ugh… come on.”  Devin rolled her eyes even as she sighed.  “I was talking about you.” 

“Really!”  Luke kept a straight face.  “How did that happen?”

“Well…”  Devin placed her controller down on the bed as she turned her body towards his, pulling one leg up onto the bed and curling it underneath herself.  “I guess I just decided.”  She plucked Luke’s controller from his hands and tossed it to join hers.  “And now…”  She gathered up the front of his shirt in one hand and pulled his face down to meet hers.  “You’re mine.”  She pressed her lips against his, forcing her tongue into his mouth.  The look of surprise melted from Luke’s features and he leaned into her, the carnage playing out on the television screen entirely forgotten.

“Still though.”  Luke gasped when they broke apart.  “This is the 21st century; men have rights now.  I think that I should get a say.”

“That’s fair.”  Devin conceded.  “Why… do you…?”

“Of course.”  Luke grinned.  “I just couldn’t resist.”

“I swear, sometimes you are such a jerk.” Devin playfully punched him in the side.  She didn’t put any force into the movement, not wanting to hurt him, but was surprised as Luke’s hand flashed out to grasp her wrist, stopping her.  “What are you doing?”  She asked in bewilderment as Luke smiled mischievously at her.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  Luke echoed her earlier denial.

“Fine, weirdo.”  She reached over with her free hand, intending to gently break his grip, and stopped as Luke’s other hand intercepted.  He quirked an eyebrow at her playfully.  “Is that how it is?”  She asked, catching on.

Without breaking his grasp, Devin pulled her other leg up underneath herself to kneel facing Luke.  He mirrored her movements and they found themselves kneeling face to face on the bed with Luke’s arms and bodyweight pressing Devin’s hands to the mattress.

“You asked for it then.”  Devin said sweetly.  With a smile she began to push upwards.  Luke’s grin fixed itself on his face as he locked out his arms to apply downward pressure, resisting her.  Devin began to slowly increase the amount of force she was exerting, smiling calmly as Luke’s face began to turn red.  Before she had even truly begun to try, her arms began to rise, pushing Luke’s arms up until they were at chest height.  With a simple flick of her wrists she broke free of his grasp and locked hands with him.  “I think you’re in trouble now.”

“Big talk.”  Luke was hardly able to frame a suitable retort, reeling as he was from the apparent nonchalance with which she had freed herself.  Her hands in his, overmatched as they were in size, seemed to quiver with restrained power.  Without a change in expression she casually bent his hands back as he struggled against her overwhelming muscles.  His forearms began to ache in protest under her onslaught.

“What’s wrong?”  She asked innocently, no hint of strain in her voice.

“I give!  You win.”  He gasped out.  Devin released her grip on his hands, but even as he sighed in relief and began to stretch them out she darted forward, her massive arms reaching around him and gathering him into her embrace.

“You did start it.”  She grinned up at him.  Arms pinned to his side, pressed up against her behemoth chest, Luke squirmed futilely.  His forearms flailed, slapping his hands against the dense musculature of her lats and serrati.  “That tickles.”  She cooed, as she began to flex.  Her musclebound body began to expand against his, compacting him between her swelling pectoral muscles and biceps.  In moments she had filled her sweatshirt to near bursting.

Luke’s breaths became shallower as his chest compacted in acquiescence to her swelling bulk.  He made an attempt to rear backwards and, failing this, set his feet and attempted to power forward to bowl her backwards.  Devin giggled softly, shifting hardly a millimeter in either direction.  She pulsed her arms quickly, squeezing and relaxing.  On the second relaxation, Luke redoubled his efforts, managing to slip one arm free of her embrace, then the other.  He placed the palms of his hands on her boulder shoulders, pushing with all his might as he arched his back.  For several seconds he pushed against her, trying to break her grasp, slip up and out, hell he would have considered it a victory to even dent the dense musculature of her deltoids, anything.

As beads of sweat began to break out on his forehead a small groan escaped his lips and Devin let out another giggle.  “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you were enjoying being womanhandled by your little girlfriend.”  She murmured softly.  Struck by an idea at these words, Luke ceased his struggling, moving his hands to instead cup Devin’s face.  Enduring a brief squeeze from her, he tilted her head back without resistance as he bowed his own.  Devin closed her eyes in anticipation, pursing her lips as she stretched her bull neck towards him.

Their lips didn’t meet.  Devin quizzically opened one eye slightly to peek.  Luke’s face hovered only an inch away.  She closed her eye and stretched forward more, seeking the feel of his lips.  Nothing.  “Kiss me!”  She laughed, butterflies fluttering to life in her stomach.

“Hmm?”  Luke played innocent, just out of reach.

“Kiss me.”  She pleaded, and Luke complied, bending down to meet her, Devin mouth giggling against his in relief.  Her bulging arms relaxed their hold on him as she lost herself in the sensation, moving to lightly rest her hands on his chest.  A split second later, Luke jerked backwards out of her reach.  “Alright, alright.  Well done.”  Devin conceded as he winked at her playfully.  She lay back on the bed, stretching herself out to her full, if unimpressive, length in a brief yawn.

 “Ah, tired you out did I?”  Luke asked with mock bravado.

“Oh certainly; I was no match for you.”  She simpered at him, “I’m such a delicate little flower.”

“An orchid.”  Luke moved to straddle her, spreading his legs as wide as they would go to encompass the width of her thighs.  “And now I have you right where I want you.”  He teased, splaying himself across her immense chest.

“Didn’t we just do this?”  She replied in a flat tone.

“I guess I’m not a fast learner.”

“Good thing I’m a patient teacher then.”  Devin placed her hands on Luke’s hips, ignoring his attempts to stop her, and simply lifted him up and off of her, tossing him casually onto the bed beside herself.  She reclined back again, lacing her fingers behind her head.

“Point made, beautiful.”  Luke rolled over to his side, gazing at the enormity of her relaxing form.  “I don’t suppose that I stood a chance at any point.”

“No, I guess not.”  Devin admitted.  She searched his face for a reaction to this declaration.  Was it an expression of awe or trepidation that had taken form there?  No, he loves me.  I know he does. She reassured herself.

“My little beast.”  He said affectionately. 

Devin shifted uncomfortably at the characterization, what does he mean by that?

Luke hesitated at the look on her face.  “Sorry.  I just meant…” he trailed off.

“Meant what?”  A voice in her head cautioned her to abandon this line of conversation.

“The cutest, cuddliest little beast around.”  Luke leaned in to nuzzle his nose against hers and she chuckled, seeming mollified.  Noticing that the television was still turned on, Luke hopped off the bed to switch it off.

Devin gazed at his back, the smile draining from his face as he stood.  The word beast seemed to echo in her head.  But he didn’t mean anything by it…  They had been having fun with their little wrestling match, such as it was, and then he says a single word and you’re all mopey?  No, she wasn’t going allow it to upset her, she’d show him that she was still having fun.

The bedsprings gave a loud groan as she hopped off the bed behind him.  Luke had just turned off the screen when she reached around him with one arm.  “Tsk.  Letting your guard down.”  The thick limb wasn’t long enough to reach all the way around his chest, but it was more than strong enough to take control of him, pulling him backwards to crush him up against her protruding pectorals.

Luke grasped her wrist with both hands, his feet leaving the floor as his back arched, his inferior body molding itself her immovable one.

POP!  Luke let out an involuntary gasp and suddenly found himself on his knees, Devin standing over him in a panic.

Stupid!  Stupid!  Why did you do that?  Devin’s face burned as she felt herself flush.  Oh God, not again.  Not him!  She realized she was making a quiet, high pitched noise and shut her mouth for a moment.  “Are you okay?”  She asked timidly.  Please be okay, please be okay.

“Yeah…”  Luke said heavily as he probed gingerly at his ribs.  He looked up at Devin, her face a mask of concern.  It looks like she’s about to cry.  “Yeah, I’m alright.”  He returned to his feet and experimentally twisted his back, feeling only a slight twinge.  “I didn’t know you were working on your chiropractic certification.”  He said with a wry smile.

“I’m sorry.”  Devin buried her fact in his chest, making sure to leave her arms hanging harmlessly at her sides.  “That was really dumb of me.”

“Nah, you were right.  I shouldn’t have let my guard down.”  Not that it would have made any difference.  He patted her gently on the back.  “Next time you feel like showing off like that though, maybe you could give me a little warning.  I wouldn’t mind as long as there isn’t as much crushing involved.  Or,” he continued “maybe we can find something for you to use that isn’t me.”

“Like the tree the other day.”  Her voice was muffled in his shirt.

“Right, like that.”  That way I even get to watch.  Devin removed her head from his chest to look upwards and he gave her a lascivious grin.  She wasn’t looking at him though, her gaze seemingly going through him as she thought.

“Maybe…” she mused.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on May 11, 2017, 04:15:48 am
Outstanding writing, pace and unfolding of your plot. Really well done!
We see how she tries, changes step by step, but still somehow having insecurities. Impressive story.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Trinitus on May 13, 2017, 06:27:42 am
The way you write the dialog is truly great draight. Devin being this veritable mountain of muscle compacted into a short insecure girl, it takes skill to write something like that.
Great job and looking forward for the next chapter.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on May 15, 2017, 06:22:12 am
“You’re going where?”  Krista blurted out in surprise.

“MegaGym… you know… the one downtown?”  Devin sounded almost as surprised as Krista at the words leaving her mouth.  “I just thought that I would give it a look see.”  She continued to work steadily on the half dozen eggs and pancakes that she had prepared herself without looking up from her plate.

“A public gym?  In the middle of the day?”  Krista shot a look over at Priya.  The third girl simply shrugged and spooned another bite of cereal into her mouth while browsing the internet on her phone.  That doesn’t sound right.  “Really?”

“Well?”  Devin spoke through a full mouth, “I thought it would be nice for a little change of scenery.  Besides, it’s a good distance for a jog; I can work on my cardio a bit.”

“Ugh, I need to work on my cardio.  Too much rich living lately.”  Priya commiserated.  She put down her spoon and gently poked at her stomach.

“Well… do you want me to come with you?  I was planning to hit the gym today too.”  Krista offered.  “We could get lunch or coffee afterward then come back to clean up for our outing tonight.”

“Oh!  No.  That’s ok.”  Devin’s attempt at a casual refusal was undermined by the light pink color that crept up her face.

Krista couldn’t resist a chuckle as she got the full picture.  “Ok then, have a good time.  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”  She’s been like a whole new person this last week or so.  I can’t tell if I should be proud or worried.

“I didn’t realize there was anything that you wouldn’t do.”  Priya observed.  Krista elected not to dignify the statement with a response.

Devin finished wolfing down her breakfast and stood, her chair emitting a relieved squeak.  She piled her plates and utensils into the sink before disappearing down the hallway towards her room.  Presently, she reappeared wearing her sneakers and with her hair pulled back in a ponytail.  With a “See you soon!”  She disappeared out the door.

“She’s meeting up with her boytoy down there.  You can bet on it.”  Krista said.

“His name is Luke, you know that.”  Priya said, finishing off her bowl.  “And yeah, obviously.”

“How’s everything going between you and Nick?”  Krista changed tack.  “Kind of interesting that the two of you are dating roommates isn’t it?”

“Huh.  Y’know, I’d almost forgotten that was the case.  It never seems to come up in conversation.”  Priya looked up from her phone.  “It’s been good though.  He’s sweet, and really smart when he isn’t busy being an idiot.  The other day we went to a presentation on q…”

“Sure, sure.  How is he at… you know?”  Krista grinned lasciviously.

“Seriously?”  Priya arched an eyebrow at her roommate.


“Sometimes Krista…”  Priya trailed off, shaking her head.  “How’s everything with Sarah?”

Krista attempted to shrug casually.  “That relationship is purely physical.” 

Mhmm.  “Does she know that?”

“She’s been briefed.”

Priya snorted quietly in response.  She’s not as emotionally detached as she thinks she is, or at least as much as she’d like us to think.

“She’s fine.”  The blonde stood.  “We’re hanging out tomorrow.  I have to work out today, and make some progress on my research paper.”  She announced.  “Lots to do. I’ll see you later.”  Her long legs carried her away down the hall to her bedroom while Priya, now alone, quietly sat in thought.

The building wasn’t hard to find: a large sign emblazoned with bright orange letters proclaiming ‘Mega-Gym’ set over a graphic of a barbell adorned the front of the establishment.  Luke headed for the front door, walking past a long row of windows through which he could see a number of people working on treadmills and stationary bikes.  He peered through the glass doors, his eyes finding a spacious reception area, well-lit and tiled.  Right by the entrance was a reception desk, currently unoccupied, and beyond that was what seemed to be a juice/smoothie bar.  Judging by the clock hanging on the far wall he was several minutes early, and he debated whether to go inside or wait for several minutes first.  The decision to wait for a bit was vindicated several minutes later as he spied Devin’s familiar form round the corner and walk towards him.  He felt a small pang of disappointment that she was wearing her usual outfit, but pushed the feeling away.  He waved, and the gesture was returned.

“Happy birthday!”  Luke exclaimed as she drew even with him.  He pulled her in for a hug and she gave him a peck on the lips in return.

“Thank you.”  She said.  “Finally twenty one!”

“I got you something.”  He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at his backpack.  “I don’t know if you want it now, or you can open it later.”

“I can open it when we go to lunch.”  Devin suggested.  “What is it?”

“Why would I tell you now?  It’s supposed to be a surprise.”

“I thought that it was worth a try.  Is this the place?”  Devin looked past Luke towards to doors.

“Yeah.”  Luke made an exaggerated gesture towards the sign.  “Did that give it away?” 

“It looks kind of busy.”  Devin walked up to the window and peered inside.  “Wow, it’s big.”

“Yeah…”  Luke hesitated.  “I just picked this place because it’s central to both of us, and I’ve heard good things about the facilities.  We can go somewhere else if you want.”

“Don’t be silly.”  Devin turned around to smile at him.  “We’re already here, c’mon.”

Nonplussed, Luke followed behind as she strode to the front doors and paused with one hand on the door.  It was difficult to tell from behind, but he was pretty sure he saw her draw in a deep breath and hold it for a moment before pushing through.

“Hey there!”  An employee had materialized behind the counter while the two of them were outside; a short, stocky guy who waved at them in greeting.

“Hi.  We were interested in the facility, I called yesterday and the guy told me that we could come in for a trial.”  Luke addressed him.

“Absolutely.  Just let me find…”  The employee ducked out of sight behind the counter, “Here it is.”  He popped back up, brandishing a clipboard.  “I’ll just need to get your information here…”

Luke handed one of the forms to Devin, before skimming to the bottom of his own copy to fill in his name and e-mail address.  Once Devin completed reviewing her copy he handed both back over.

“Great, thanks.  Can I answer any questions for you guys?  You want a tour?  Anything like that?  We have a variety of classes; Zumba, spinning, dance cardio, that sort of stuff.”  He said to Devin.  “Want a schedule?”

“Um, no.  I think we can manage.”  Devin answered.

“Ok, I’ll be here if you need anything.”  He waved them through.

Now on the main gym floor, the couple stopped to look around.  The room was expansive; a cardio section containing treadmills, stairs, elliptical machines, and bikes dominated the wall closest to the windows.  Various exercise machines occupied the center floor; Luke could see all the standard shoulder, back and chest machines as well as some that he had never seen before.  The far area of the room contained the free weights along with a large number of benches and squat racks.  The walls there were covered with mirrors.  Doorways spaced around the room opened into additional rooms for cardio classes.  Signs indicated that the two doors closest to them lead into the locker rooms, so the two split up to store their change of clothes before meeting back up a minute later.

“Well birthday girl, where do you want to start?”  Luke swept an arm theatrically.  “It seems like they have just about everything here.”

“I usually just do whatever Krista is doing.”  Devin walked toward the weighted machines.  “I don’t even recognize most of these.”

“I usually work with the free weights.  We can start there?”  Luke suggested.  He started towards the back wall, looking over his shoulder after a moment to confirm that she was following him.  The weights section was fairly quiet; several patrons were present working out by themselves and a small group of men occupied one corner.  No one paid their arrival any mind.  “Well, why don’t we start with bench…” Luke trailed off as her turned and found his girlfriend already standing by the nearby bench.  One petite hand rested gently on the bar, and a change had come over her face.  Luke was familiar with Devin’s expressions by now; the blushing when she was excited or embarrassed, the lip bite when she was nervous, the way her eyes shone when she was happy.  This was something different.  A slight smile quirked the corners of her lips, while her eyes radiated a calm determination.

“Load it up.”  She said.  “Whatever you want to warm up with.”

“You got it.”  He selected two 45 pound plates from the nearby rack and placed one on either side.

“Do you need a spot?”  Devin asked gently.  Luke looked at her nonplussed, trying to figure out if she was joking.

“I think I’m ok.”  He said after a moment.  “Don’t worry though, I’ll spot you for your set.”  Luke slid himself into place beneath the bar and smoothly worked out 10 reps.  As he sat back up Devin’s hands played with her hair, fishing any loose strands back into her ponytail and patting to assure herself it was secure.

“All right, make room.”  Luke moved around to stand at the head of the bench as Devin laid down.  Pulling herself into position the toes of her shoes barely touched on the ground.  Her sweatshirt fell against her torso with gravity, resting against and revealing the size, if not exact shape, of the body contained within; her mounded pecs protruding upward from her chest.  Her hands wrapped around the bar and with exaggerated ease, worked through a quick warmup set.

“You can put more on if you want.  There are plenty of open benches.”  Luke offered as she sat back up.

“I’m happy starting with whatever you do.”  She chirped, gesturing to the bench.

“Well, if you think you can keep up with me.”  Luke retorted, uncertain what to make of this new attitude.  He put another 45 pounds on each side and slid under.  Taking in a deep breath, he lifted the bar, the muscles in his arms and chest trembling slightly with the effort.  He worked through the first several reps quickly, feeling the burn begin to build in his muscles.  By sixth rep he was pausing at the apex of his lifts to take a quick breath before continuing, and after eight he replaced the bar on the rack, sitting up with a deep breath.  Wordlessly, he switched places with Devin, standing over her.  Devin locked eyes with him as she lifted the bar and began.  With the increased weight, the muscles under her sweatshirt began to noticeably flex as she quickly worked through the set.  Without breaking eye contact, she finished her tenth rep, seeming as fresh as she had on the first, and racked the weight.  Standing, she flexed her right pec before alternating to her left and back again, the fabric of her clothes stretching around the slabs of concealed muscle.  The confident smile returned as Luke gazed at her, unable to break eye contact.  Under his gym shorts, Luke felt the pressure of his growing arousal and, in a daze, moved to perform another set without changing the weight on the bar.

Luke completed another set of 8 reps with some effort and watched, mouth dry, as Devin casually placed another 45 pounds on each side.  With a faint grunt, she hoisted herself into position, and once again smoothly completed 10 reps, her gentle breaths at the peak of each rep creating the impression that she was taking a rest rather than benching well over a hundred pounds more than Luke’s bodyweight.  Devin arched an eyebrow at Luke who, with slight trepidation, took up position on the bench.  With a sharply drawn breath, he heaved.  The bar inched off the rack as his muscles protested, still, unable to admit defeat, Luke lowered the bar to his chest and pushed it back up.  As the bar stalled halfway into its ascent, he immediately realized that he had made a mistake.  The weight pressed down on him as his arms and chest gave out. 

“Devin… Devin!”  He croaked, and almost cried out with relief as he heard a small squeak of surprise and her small hands gripped the bar underhand.

“Come on!”  She grunted to herself, and Luke stared as she curled the heavily laden weight up to her chest, the baggy sleeves of her sweatshirt growing tight as blood rushed to her mighty biceps, swelling them to inhuman size.  He levered himself up, embarrassment warring against awe in his mind as the weight dropped back onto the rack with a heavy clang.

“Jesus, Luke!”  Devin cried.  Her hand fell on his shoulder and he looked up into her eyes, suddenly creased with worry and upset.

“Sorry.”  He gasped out.

“No.”  She shook her head as she bit her lip.  “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have egged you on like that but, Luke, you know you don’t have to impress me.”

“Now you tell me.”  He had recovered his breath.  “That should make everything so much easier.”

“Well, you don’t have to impress me in the gym anyway.”  She clarified with a wink.  “Now move over, I have one more to do.”

As Luke observed, she put on another set of 45s and, after considering for a second, another set.  The playful smile she had maintained on the previous sets disappeared to be replaced by an expression of fierce determination.  Looking around the weight area, Luke realized that Devin’s outburst a moment ago had attracted the attention of several of the men in the room, who were now staring at the scene about to unfold.  With a feminine huff of breath, Devin’s pecs exploded in size, pulling her once oversized sweatshirt to near skin tightness as she powered the bar upwards.  Luke hastened to spot her as she lowered the bar, ends drooping slightly under the weight, to her titanic chest and paused.  Uncertain what to do, Luke’s hands hovered near the bar as it grazed her breasts when, with a satisfied “Hup!” she fully extended her arms and continued on to complete nine more.

“How was that?”  She smiled sweetly.

Over the next hour they went through several lifts.  Luke had quickly given up any notion of competing with his partner and watched in a state of growing arousal as she performed bicep curls with the 120 pound dumbbells before moving on to bent over rows with 4 45s on each side of the bar and then barely reduced the weight for overhead presses.  Devin seemed to slowly grow aware of the attention she was receiving from the other gym-goers, but to Luke’s surprise he caught only a hint of her signature blushing, so focused she seemed to be on her workout.  On each exercise the body part in motion would inflate under her outfit as she injected more and more feminine brawn into her efforts, and Luke ached desperately to peel the clothes from her right there, watchers be damned, and run his hands over each bulging striation.  A light sweat had bloomed on her forehead, and the intoxicating scent of Devin filled his nose even as the shape of her filled his eyes.

Luke couldn’t know that under her hyper focused exterior, Devin’s own thoughts were boiling.  Even as part of her begged for her to slink off in the face of the men now openly gawking at her,  the almost palpable lust emanating from her partner was spurring her to continue if only to see the worshipful expression on his face.  Besides; the fact that her own physique would shame many a bodybuilder didn’t mean that she couldn’t appreciate the sight of Luke’s significantly less muscular but still attractive body in motion.  She found herself watching him with a mixture of pride and arousal, and as she completed her last overhead press her thoughts flashed back to their night together the previous weekend, and the quiet moan that escaped her lips wasn’t solely of physical exertion.

Luke usually preferred to do squats earlier in the workout while he was still feeling fresh, but somehow today it had seemed appropriate to leave them for later.  His thighs burned as he looked from his rack, the bar totaling 225 pounds, to the one Devin occupied next to him.  The bar sagged on both ends, 6 full plates on each side for a total… Luke quickly did some math in his head, 585?  Devin had just completed her set and stood back slightly from the bar, gazing at her reflection.  A light pink glow suffused her face, but far from the nervous look that usually accompanied her blushes her eyelids drooped dreamily, her soft lips pursed, her breath deep and steady.  Her oaken thighs, engorged from her squats, filled out her once baggy sweatpants, the heads of her quads visible where the cotton was stretched tight over them.  Devin’s right hand had fallen to rest lightly on her leg, and her fingers gently prodded and squeezed at the enormous muscle beneath.  Luke’s breath caught in his throat as the hand slowly traveled from her quads to the insides of her thighs, slowly tracing up towards where the two legs battled each other for room.  He felt an involuntary groan slip from his lips as her index finger lightly stroked against the tight patch of fabric covering her mound.

Hearing him, Devin looked over and smiled.  Then she moved, her pace a waddle as she tried to work the circumference of her thighs around the other, and slapped a final 45 pound plate on each side.  Positioning herself under the bar she jerked her head at him and Luke moved to stand in front of her.  Looking down at the petite juggernaut he felt again the bizarre sense of being small, tiny even, compared to the sheer mass of his lover.  She locked eyes with him and pursed her lips in a kiss, his erection swelling to full hardness under his gym shorts, as she stood to her full height with the weight draped across her shoulders.  Again and again she dropped, her prodigious glutes nearly hitting the floor, before powering back up to a standing position.  Tendons like cables stood out in her neck as a vein appeared, pulsating, on her temple.  The whole time she didn’t look away from him, his manhood growing harder, his desire to take her then and there nearly irresistible.  She hit ten reps, but with a growl dropped for another, and then another.  As her titanic thighs pushed for the twelfth rep, the popping of stitching was barely audible, her left pantleg splitting along the thigh to reveal a peek of the hypertrophied, lightly freckled flesh beneath.  With a grunt she lurched forward to rack the weight and stepped away, her face flush.  Luke, unable to resist any further, fell to a crouch before her, his hands finding their way to her leg.

The skin was flushed and hot from her exertions, so swollen each individual muscle fiber seemed palpable.  They were hard as stone, harder than anything he had felt before, and seemed to pulse with a life of their own.  Even as his hand rested on them they seemed to swell and grow, getting larger and stronger.

“OH!”  He heard Devin squeak, and looked up into her face.  “I can’t believe I did that!”  The muscles rippled under his grasp as she extended and swayed her thigh for a better look.

“That was… incredible.”  Luke panted as he stood and stepped back.  They stared at each other for a split second, the air crackling with electricity between them.  He took a step towards her when Devin seemed to remember where they were.  She put up a hand to his chest, gently but firmly stopping him dead in his tracks.  She jerked her head toward the nearby group of young men, who had stopped talking amongst themselves and were watching in silence.

“Not here.”  She whispered, face glowing.

“Right.  Of course.”  Luke struggled to control himself.  He dropped his voice to match hers.  “How about we get out of here, head to my place.”

Devin, glanced down, noting his obvious arousal.  She felt her own desire, the wetness between her aching thighs threatening to begin dripping down them, but suddenly she felt something new.  It was in the way he looked at her, the way that the hint of her bare thigh had dominated his attention effortlessly, spurring him to action.  It was the power that her body exerted, not only physically, but sexually as well, the way she could hold him enthralled.  She let a mischievous smile spread across her features.

“Soon enough.”  She said, “But it is my birthday, and I think you promised me lunch?”

After quickly cleaning and changing, Luke and Devin regrouped outside the gym.  “It’s your day, where do you want to go?’  He asked.

“There’s a nice little place just a few minutes from here.  I go there with my parents when they come to visit.”  Devin suggested.

“Sure, lead the way.”  Luke took Devin’s hand as they set off, slowing his long stride to match Devin’s lumbering gait.

The restaurant turned out to be a small but well-appointed establishment and they got a table near the windows, where Devin squealed appreciatively after opening the gift Luke had brought for her.

“It’s not much.”  He said sheepishly as she removed the slim silver necklace from its box.

“Nonsense.”  She opened the clasp and moved to put it around her neck, her shoulders and traps bulging as she stretched to place her hands behind her neck.  “Thank you.”  Between the thickness of her neck and the mounds of her traps, the chain almost seemed like a choker; the little heart pendant resting close to her collarbone.

Luke ordered a burger for himself while Devin worked her way through a salad with grilled chicken, followed by pasta.

“Worked up a bit of an appetite back there?”  Luke asked, unable to look away even as Devin was scarfing down food with the eagerness of a hungry wolf.

Devin burped, and covered her mouth a moment too late.  “Oops, sorry.”  She took another bite.  “I am hungry though.  You know I’m a big eater.”

It certainly is hard to forget.  “I imagine it takes a lot of food to maintain… all of this.”  He indicated her body.

Devin paused, fork halfway to her mouth, “I guess it does.”  Her free hand crossed her broad chest to squeeze at her other bicep, kneading the muscle which to Luke was hard as steel, as though it were dough.  “I guess these… muscles of mine just need all the feeding they can get.  Especially after working them so hard.”

Luke leaned in over the table.  “I don’t know, it didn’t exactly look like you were working hard the whole time there.  I think you can go harder.”

“Maybe I can.”  Devin said thoughtfully.  “Does that excite you?  The idea of little old me tossing around weight that you couldn’t hope to handle?”

“You know it does.”  He felt a sudden weight as Devin extended her leg to rest one of her little feet on his knee under the table.

“Tell me.”  She whispered.

“Just watching you in motion, seeing your strength firsthand.  I wanted to tear your clothes off right there, see those muscles of yours in action, feel them.”

“Luke!”  She said in a low whisper but her face lit up in a small smile.  “If I’d known you would enjoy it so much… maybe we should have done this earlier.”

“Any time that you want.”

“I don’t really work out too often.”  Devin looked at him.  “Mostly when Krista needs a partner… but it was kind of fun.  If you want to keep doing it…”

“Right now I’m interested in doing something else.”  Luke confessed.

“Down boy.”  Devin giggled.  “Is it always about that?  I’m just enjoying lunch with you.”

“Not always…”  Luke said, the mope in his voice not entirely fake.

“What about letting the anticipation build?  We’re going out tonight, maybe we’ll dance a bit…”  Her foot gently rubbed along his thigh as the waiter brought over the check.  “It will be worth the wait.”

“I’m sure it will be.”  Luke said.  However it was with some frustration on his part that they split after lunch to go their separate ways.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sgsg69 on May 15, 2017, 11:38:27 pm
Another amazing chapter! You are so very skilled at the interchange of dialogue.......the subtle innuendo......all leading up to her hopefully loosing an inhibition of pushing her body. Kudos to you!! I'm on the edge of seat waiting for the next installment. Thank you
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on May 17, 2017, 01:17:03 am
Continued excellence. I love how you made the characters proxies for the reader and the author. A brilliant turn on your part. :clap:
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on May 24, 2017, 06:42:59 pm
“Priya says that they arrived a little while ago.”  Nick reported, glancing down at his phone.

“We should be there in five.”  Luke said.  “It’s just several streets up.”

“The Velvet Room right?”  Nick asked.  “Not a bad choice; they have a solid selection.”

“I defer to your knowledge of local purveyors of intoxicants.  I don’t know how she chose it, probably a recommendation from one of her friends.”

“Speaking of which, do you know who else is going to be there?”

“I think just her roommates.  Jess and Andrew are out tonight, they might swing by later.”

“She doesn’t really have any friends outside of that little group, does she?”

“She’s shy.”  Luke said defensively.  “She doesn’t make friends easily.  Besides, she seems happy with that arrangement.”

“Hey, hey.  I didn’t mean anything by it.”  Nick put up his hands.  “God knows I’m not exactly a social butterfly either.”

They arrived outside the bar, and both of them showed their I.D.s to the taciturn bouncer standing by the front door.  He waved them through without a word, and Nick led the way in.  The lighting inside was spotted; tables and booths sitting inside small islands of illumination with the spaces between shadowed.  One wall was dominated by a long bar, with a dancefloor occupying the space in the middle of the establishment.  The color scheme contributed to the mood, the walls were painted a royal blue with drapery and carpeting of navy.  Despite the somewhat somber look, light music was playing and most of the tables seemed occupied.  By the far wall, Luke saw a small lit stage area where a band seemed to be setting up.

“There they are, by the bar.”  Nick pointed and waved and Luke followed his gaze.  He saw Priya waving back, her long dark hair flowing freely.  Tonight she was wearing a dark dress which emphasized her slender figure.  Krista, standing next to her in casual jeans and a shirt, had started to turn around but… Luke’s jaw fell open as he panned to the third figure.  Devin stood facing away from them, her copper hair had been lightly curled and fell in gentle waves down her broad back, but jutting out to either side her bare shoulders erupted like boulders from a white sleeveless blouse, the curving musculature of her arms exposed.  Her lower body was covered in a black skirt, the fabric pulled tight around her glutes and bulging hamstrings.  Mid-thigh and lower was exposed, showing off her meaty calves above her petite feet shod in sandals.  Krista elbowed her, and Devin turned, her musculature churning to overcome the inertia of her mass.  Luke was already walking towards her as she began to rush towards him, a drink in one hand.  Before he knew what was happening she collided with him like a landslide and wrapped him up in her arms, his feet left the ground as they constricted, his ribs creaking in protest.  He patted her gently but urgently on the shoulder until she placed him back on his feet, her free hand finding the front of his shirt and pulling him down forcefully to kiss.

“Uh.  Wow.”  Was all he could think to say once she released him.

“Do you like it?”  She asked eagerly, taking a step backwards and gesturing at herself, the simple action causing her bicep to pop and bulge into sharp relief.  The necklace that Luke had given her earlier that day was nestled securely in the cleft of her pectoral cleavage, looking tiny wedged between the slabs of muscle.

“Wow.”  He repeated.

“I was going to wear wedges; I thought it might be fun to be a bit closer to you in height for once, only I couldn’t really get the hang of walking in them in time.”  She confessed.  “I’d be tripping all over myself all night.”

“Well, practice makes perfect.”  Luke offered, while Nick drew up next to them.

“Happy birthday Devin.”  Nick nodded his shaggy head.

“Thank you!”  Devin drew him into a hug, Nick’s eyes bugging out at the bone crushing pressure.  He took an appreciative breath as she released him.

“You didn’t let me buy you your first drink.”  Luke said in faux-disappointment.

“Oh, no.  Krista covered this one.”  Devin giggled, “I’ll be sure to let you buy me one later though.”

“My pleasure.  Is that your first one tonight?”

Maaaybe.”  Devin said in a sing-song tone as she wiggled her shoulders playfully.

“I though so.”

“Come on.”  Devin took Luke’s hand and pulled him back over to the bar with Nick following in their wake.  Priya gave Luke a quick hug before moving on to embrace Nick.

“So you guys found the place all right.”  Krista greeted them.

“Yeah, I guess Nick’s been here before.  I haven’t.”

“It’s not a bad choice.”  Nick said as he and Priya broke off their kiss.

“I just liked the name.”  Devin admitted.  “Plus I’ve heard that it was nice.”

“I heard that the two of you had a little adventure today.”  Krista broke in, directing the comment at Luke.

“Krista!”  Devin whined, taking Krista’s wrist and pulling gently.

“What?  You did!”  Krista pulled herself back up and turned back to Luke.  “How’d you convince her to do that?  I can hardly get her to go to the gym at school except late at night.”  She grinned conspiratorially.

“It was her idea actually.”  Luke said truthfully.

“That’s right!”  Devin sidled up next to Luke, accidentally sideswiping him.  “Oh Luke, I’m sorry!”  She pulled him back to his feet and slipped her arm through his.  “It was just fun to try something new.”

“And maybe to show off a little?” Krista winked.

“Ugh!”  Devin rolled her eyes.  On the other side of the room, the band had completed their setup and began to play.  “Come on, let’s go dance.”  Luke once again found himself being dragged along by the hand.

“You keep teasing her like that, she’s going to push back.”  Priya observed dryly.

“That would be something to see.”  Krista gazed after her friend as she ran through imaginary scenarios.

The next several hours went by in a blur.  Luke’s head spun, intoxicated by a mix of alcohol and flesh.  His hands roamed the expanse of Devin’s body, lingering on her hips, her back, her shoulders.  For her part, Devin moved with an openness, a boldness previously unknown to her.  She didn’t notice the stares or remarks of the other patrons who cautiously gave her and her partner a wide berth.  Eventually Priya wandered over and Luke headed for the bar to replace their drinks.  He slid into the spot next to Nick and placed an order with the harried bartender.

“Hot in here.”  He remarked to Nick, wiping the sweat from his forehead.  He looked up and down the bar for Krista and spotted her down at the other end chatting with some guy, the man smiling like an idiot while she rested a hand on one of his shoulders and laughed.  He turned back to face the dance floor with Nick, the two friends watching their partners.  The two girls danced happily, Priya’s slender form moving gracefully while Devin’s bulky physique moved surprisingly lightly, bobbing to the music.

“Quite a sight, isn’t it.”  Nick said.  Luke had to agree.  The two girls gently moved and spun holding an arm up in the air.  Luke could hardly believe the contrast between the two, Priya’s brown arm slender but soft, while Devin’s mighty limb seemed as thick as her friend’s waist.  Her calves bulged obscenely as they moved her substantial weight, easily larger than Priya’s svelte thighs.  It almost looks like they’re two different species.  It’s like she isn’t human. Luke felt himself harden at the thought.

“Hey.”  Krista materialized at this side, interrupting his tipsy musing.

“Oh, hey.  Who was that guy over there?”  Luke looked over at where Krista had been, the man had moved on to a new unaccompanied woman.

Krista shrugged “Just some guy.  How’s everything going?”

“Fine.  Just taking a quick breather.”

Krista nodded towards Devin “How much has she had to drink?”

“Um, I’m not sure.”  Luke answered honestly.  “A few?  You guys were drinking before we showed up.”

“True.  She’s a big girl, obviously, but she’s not really a drinker.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

“Yeah.”  Krista headed onto the floor to join her friends.

Luke and Andrew stood quietly, nursing their drinks for several minutes, before both of them felt a pair of hands clapping them on their backs.

“Hey guys.”  Andrew stuck his head between them.

“I wasn’t sure whether you guys were going to come.”  Luke looked around for Jess and spotted her already headed toward the small group of girls out on the floor.  A black, backless top revealed her toned back, while heels and a skirt showed off her well-turned legs.

“Yeah.  Jess wanted to say hi.”  Andrew said in an odd tone.  “Anyway, we were in the area and figured that we should.  The next round is on me.”

“Nonsense, I’ve got it.”  Luke moved down the bar to catch the bartender’s attention.  He put in the order and waited, leaning on the bar.  A little ways down, a small group of girls chatted excitedly amongst themselves.  One of them, a dark haired beauty, was looking curiously at him.  He smiled at her and turned away, and several moments later felt a light tap on his arm.  He looked over to find her standing at his side; tight, dark pants and a low cut top showing off a slender but curvaceous body.


“Hi.”  The girl smiled warmly, but her green eyes darted over his face as though scanning it before gazing into his own.  “You’re here with that girl?”


“Devin, right?”

“Yeah.  How do you…?”

“I figured it had to be her.” The girl said to herself, before realizing Luke had started a question “We’re friends from high school.”

“Oh.”  Luke smiled.  “You should go say hello.”

“I would.”  The girl let out an exaggerated sigh.  “But we were about to leave and I don’t want to interrupt her.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”  Luke looked over at the group of dancing girls.

“No, no.  We can catch up some other time.”  She gently tapped his upper arm.  “It was very nice to meet you though.”

“Of course.  I’m Luke…”  But the girl was already walking away.  He stared after her as she rejoined her group, before the bartender returned with his order.  By the time he had paid they were already heading out of the exit.

The night was clear and calm as the group stepped out of the bar some time later, everyone’s steps gently weaving.

“Is anybody else feeling hungry?”  Devin asked the group at large.

“I could go for some food.”  Jess offered.

Andrew checked his phone.  “I’m not sure that anyplace would really be open at this time of night.”

Priya and Nick held a quiet conference between themselves.  “I think we’re going to head back to our place.”  Nick announced.

“Aww, really?”  Devin asked, even as Krista said “Have fun you two.”  They looked at each other and briefly giggled.

“See you tomorrow.”  Priya said, and the two split off to head to Luke and Nick’s place.

“We’ll walk with you three part of the way.”  Jess chirped as she took Andrew’s arm and looked up at him.  “Our apartment is between here and your school.”

“On the way can we stop at Mandee’s and get some pizza?”  Devin asked anxiously.

“I think that it’ll be closed.”  Luke reminded her.

“But we can just go by and check.”  Devin pleaded.

Jess patted her on one broad shoulder.  “Of course we can.  Don’t listen to these naysayers.”

After several minutes’ walk however, they were confronted by a darkened shopfront.

“Aw, man!”  Devin despondently let her fist down onto the rim of a nearby trash receptacle.  The metal dented under the blow.  “Oops.”  She giggled, as everyone stared.

“Holy crap.”  Jess walked over to examine the mark.  “Did you do that?”  She carefully tested the metal with her own fist, and then ran her fingers up and down one of the vertical bars of the protective frame.

“What?  That was nothing.”  Devin repeated the feat; a second dent appearing in the lid.

“Uh, Devin…”  Luke started forward.  As he did so, the little powerhouse giggled a second time and wrapped her arms around the can.  They weren’t long enough to meet at the other end, but she arched backward, lifting the barrel from the ground.  With a huff of effort her arms bulged, tendons like cables standing out as she squeezed.  For a moment, nothing happened.  Jess let out a soft sigh of what almost seemed like disappointment.  Then, Devin’s arms seemed to almost double in size, her biceps peaking sharply as her triceps popped out of her upper arms like horseshoes.  A vein bulged from her temple as she let out a grunt.  The thick steel bars of the can groaned in protest as they yielded to the sheer power of the feminine beef constricting around them.  Devin’s hands met on the other side of the collapsing barrel as she let out a soft grunt, her lats and chest expanding as the flimsy mettle was crushed up against her superior pecs.  Dropping the flattened contraption, Devin took a step back, and let out a small, delighted laugh of victory.  “That was a bit more of a challenge.”

After several moments, Jess broke the silence.  “Holy shit, Power-Girl.”  The brunette walked forward as though mesmerized, to feel the throbbing musculature of Devin’s arms.  “I’ve never seen anything like that.  You made it look so easy…”

“It wasn’t exactly easy.”  Devin admitted, “But I had a feeling that I could do it.”

“What else can you do?”  Jess asked in an awed voice as she pawed at her friend’s behemoth arms.

Devin looked up at Jess for a moment, her face quirked in thought.  She shrugged “Lots of things, I guess.”

“Seriously though, it’s so cool.  Look at your arms, they’re bigger than my head!”  Jess bent down to compare.  Luke could only look on in a state of growing arousal.  Some part of him wondered whether he should be jealous over someone else running their hands over his girlfriend’s body, but the contrast between the curvy, toned body of his friend and the massive muscles of his lover held him spellbound.  Jess was the kind of women that men would do almost anything to spend a night with, and here she was enthralled by Devin.

“Y’know, it might be difficult to explain the barrel if anyone were to come along right now.”  Krista supplied the voice of reason, much to everyone’s mild surprise.  “I’m guessing that those things aren’t exactly cheap.”

Devin flushed guiltily.  “Oh God, you’re right.  What was I thinking?”

“I’m not sure that you were.”  Krista laughed, but gave Devin a reassuring pat on the back.  “It happens to all of us.  Sort of anyway.  Not exactly like that.”

“Yeah, let’s get you home.”  Luke stepped forward and took Devin’s hand.  She laced her fingers through his and squeezed gently as they walked on towards campus.  After several blocks she looked up at him, her face serious, with a small frown marring her features.

“Are you mad?”  She asked quietly.

“Why would I be mad?”  He asked.  Up ahead, Jess and Andrew had stopped at the coming corner.

“We go left here.”  Andrew indicated with a thumb.  “We’ll see you guys soon, alright?”

“Yeah, that was fun!”  Jess bubbled, “See you soon.  Happy birthday Wonder Woman!”

“Thanks for coming.”  Devin said with a sheepish smile.  The couple disappeared off on their route, Krista took up position several paces ahead of them, holding a text exchange with someone.  “You know why.”  Devin returned without segue to her previous conversation.  “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Well… no.  I guess not.”  Luke conceded.  “But of course I’m not mad.”  He leaned in to her ear.  “To tell you the truth… it aroused a completely different emotion in me.”

Devin let out a squeak of laughter as her hand clamped down more tightly on his.  “How am I not surprised?”

The walk back to campus, coupled with the fresh air, seemed to do them some good; Luke’s head felt clearer, his steps more even as they arrived back at the girl’s dorm.  Devin caught a foot on one of the steps climbing the stairs but caught herself on the railing before she took herself, and Luke, down.  “I think that I’m going to turn in.”  Krista announced as she unlocked the door to 213.  “Have a good night.”

Wordlessly, Devin resumed her grasp on Luke’s hand, drawing him gently down the hallway.  Luke closed the door to her bedroom, hardly managing to turn around before Devin pressed herself against him, pinning him against the wall with the inexorable force of a glacier.  Her dainty hands grasped his shirt as she went up on her toes, nibbling gently at his neck.  Luke groaned, the lust he had felt building all day threatening to spill over.

“Mmm.”  Devin cooed, feeling his erection through his pants as it rubbed against her iron-plated stomach.  “What’s that there baby?”

“You know what it is.”  He gasped.  She backed away and turned, moving to the other side of the room, her steps quick in spite of her slight waddle as her thighs navigated around one another.  Her feet caught one other and she stumbled slightly.  “Careful.”  Luke said softly, “I think you’ve had a bit too much tonight.”

“So what if I have?”  She turned back to him, smiling slyly.  Luke had never seen her quite like this before.  Although their workout had been that morning and she was now standing at ease, her pump had persisted; light vascularity standing out visible under skin that seemed stretched over muscles that seemed to twitch with a mind of their own.  “You like what you see?”  She asked softly.

“God yes.”  Luke panted.

“What do you want me to do?”

Luke wet his suddenly dry lips.  “Flex.”

“Please?”  She quirked an eyebrow at him.

“Please.  Flex for me Devin.”  Luke’s manhood tented his pants, the heat and pressure of the blood flow to it almost overwhelming.

“Like this?”  Devin lifted her arms perpendicular to her torso and slowly began to curl them inward in a double bicep pose.  Biceps swelled out from arms as thick as Luke’s thighs, forming softball sized peaks, but Luke knew there was nothing soft about them.  As Devin strained, pouring more effort into her pose they swelled and hardened further, becoming like stone, veins standing out as she pumped more and more blood to feed her surging brawn.  Luke stepped toward the vision of feminine strength but stopped when she held out a hand.  He watched as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse, discarding it and her bra with a flick of her wrist.  Firm breasts stood proudly on her chest, each pectoral muscle looking as wide as Luke’s entire torso.  Devin brought one arm across her chest, shyly covering her breasts in a gesture incongruous with the sheer brutality of her physique, her necklace resting in the cleavage formed by her musculature.  The other hand unclasped her skirt and came around to rest between her thighs, creating an image reminiscent of Botticelli’s Venus as interpreted through the fever dreams of a muscle fetishist.

“And now?”  She prompted.

“Can I feel?  Please?”  He remembered.

“Isn’t there something that you need to lose first?”

Luke didn’t think that he had ever disrobed so quickly in his life.  Devin bit her lip softly.  The hand between her thighs played against her nether lips, feeling her wetness there as she drank him in with her eyes; his tall, tanned body, leanly muscled.  She couldn’t resist studying his cock as it stood at attention for her.  He stepped towards her again.

“On your knees.”  She cooed.  “In front of me.”  She continued over his surprised expression.  Luke complied, his mind filled only with his desire for her.  In this position his eyes were even with her collarbone, her mounded traps rising up before his eyes.  In a single smooth motion, she stepped into him wrapping her arms around his head, completely enveloping it and drawing it against the living steel of her chest.  Luke kissed and licked the smooth skin as Devin shivered in pleasure.  He placed both hands against her cobblestone waist pushing gently against her, testing her strength.  She seemed not to notice, even as he ramped up his efforts pushing harder and harder.  “Yes baby.”  She moaned as he nipped lightly at her chest, teeth unable to make a dent on the muscle beneath.  Giving up their futile efforts, his hands dropped down to her barrel thighs, unable to completely encompass them with his entire reach.

In response Devin released his arms and stepped forward again, her body seeming not to register his as she simply bowled him backwards, spreading her thighs so that his torso ended up wedged between the teardrops of her adductors.  Luke took several shallow breaths, even without exerting any effort the stone pillars of her legs compressed his puny chest.  He knew it would take only a fraction of their strength to flatten him, crush him into nothing, and the thought of her restrained power thrilled him.  Devin gazed down at him dreamily, hands on her hips, her cobra lats unfurled on either side, she seemed completely at ease.  “And what do you think of these little muscles of mine?”

“You’re unreal.  A goddess.”

“A goddess?”  Devin mused.  She looked up and away from him, tensing her body once more; lats expanding as the pressure around his chest increased slightly as her thighs expanded.  After a moment she flexed her chest, her pecs leaping up to obscure her collar as horseshoe triceps erupted on her upper arm.  Tearing his eyes away from the spectacle, Luke craned his head around to follow her gaze and realized that she was looking at herself in the mirror across the room.  He groaned at the sight of himself, so small and insignificant looking, clutched between the thighs of this hulking girl as she checked herself out.  As he watched she transitioned once more into a double biceps pose, Luke feeling the wetness of her arousal dripping against his midriff as she worked herself up.

“No.  Girls like Jess and Krista are goddesses,” Devin said, half to herself.  “That’s what people call them anyway.  I’m something else.”  She relaxed her flex, rubbing her hands over her torso, feeling her cobblestone abs.  “I’m a Titaness.” 

“Let me worship you.”  Luke pleaded.  Reaching down, she placed her hands under Luke’s arms and plucked him free from the confines of her legs, placing him on his feet in front of her.  The dam broke inside of Luke and he flung himself on her with abandon, kneading, massaging, feeling every bulging muscle he could find.  Devin placed a hand on his backside, and in a flurry of motion he found himself on her bed, the frame creaking ominously as Devin straddled him, her frame filling his vision.  His aching cock was sandwiched between his abdomen and her sex as she ground herself against it, lubricating him with her wetness.  She braced herself with her arms on either side of his head, flanking it like roman columns.

“What am I baby?”  She whispered.

“A Titaness.”  Luke groaned as he wrapped a hand around either forearm, immobile as a rooted oak.  “Let me worship you, please you.”  He shimmied his body down underneath her, squeezing his shoulders in to slip between her legs, bringing his face to her cleft.

“What are you…   Oooh!”  Devin’s question dissolved into a gasp as Luke’s tongue flicked out to play across her clit.  “Oh Luke!”  She moaned.  Nestled between her legs, Luke’s head could barely move as he licked enthusiastically at her sex.  The scent and taste of her flooded his senses, as she drew herself up, her face obscured by the jutting shelf of her pecs.  One hand nestled in his hair, kneading at his scalp, the other roamed frantically over her chest, as though searching for a resting spot.  “Oh God.  Oh God yes.  Oh God yes.”  She panted, each exclamation accompanied by a tightening of her thighs.  The hand on his scalp moved to the back of his head, pulling him into her sex as she lost control.  Stars swam in Luke’s vision, hardly able to breathe as he licked at her in a frenzy.  A tidal wave of pure pleasure burst from Devin’s core, spreading through the tissues of her heaving body, turning her stone physique to putty as she gave a wordless cry.  She relaxed her legs and slumped forward, Luke shimmying back up to hold her twitching form in his arms.

“What the fuck.”  She gasped, face buried in his collarbone.  They cuddled together quietly, Devin planting soft kisses on Luke’s chest as her heartrate returned to normal.  As she came down from the high of her orgasm, she became aware of the sensation of Luke’s erection pressed up against her abdomen.  “Poor baby.”  She growled into his ear.  “I’m being selfish, aren’t I?”  She grasped his cock, gently pumping it.  “It’s my turn to take care of you.  Would you like that?”

“You know I would.”  Luke squirmed in pleasure.

“You want your big, strong girl to make you feel good?”

“Jesus Devin.”  Luke’s hands latched on to her hips imploringly.

“I know how much you love my bulging, girly… muscles.”  She drew the word out sensuously.  “They’re all yours.”  She sat back, her calves and thighs erupting as they took her weight, and slowly took him into herself.  Even as wet as she was, the tightness of her pussy slightly resisted Luke’s entry.  Devin closed her eyes, relishing the sensation as Luke’s cock filled her.  Luke, for his part, simply stared up at Devin as she slowly started to ride him, his hips sinking deep into the mattress under her weight.  New to it as she was, Devin’s movements were inexperienced but eager.  As she settled into the rhythm she looked down at her lover.  He looked so small, his chest sandwiched between her thighs, each as wide around as it was.  It was strange but intoxicating, this feeling.  Not of being strong, but that her strength was attractive, erotic, a source of adoration for the man beneath her.

Flush with her own muscularity, she raised both of her arms into a mighty bicep flex.  Luke’s hands found her peaks and squeezed at them futilely before moving on to trace her corded forearms, her mounded traps.  “Yes baby!  What do you think of those?”

“Fuck!  You’re so big!”  The small part of Luke’s mind still capable of thought was amazed that he had lasted as long as he had, but the intense milking sensation of Devin’s sex on his, combined with the realization of his deepest fantasies as Devin flaunted her physique for his benefit was too much.  “I can’t take any more!”

“Give it to me Luke.”  Devin cranked her arms into a monumental crab flex, Luke’s hand practically disappearing into her muscle cleavage.  “Give it all to me.”  With a wordless shout, Luke erupted, convulsing in ecstasy as spurt after spurt filled his lover.  The sensation drove Devin over the edge of a second orgasm, her scream joining Luke’s voice.

A minute later the couple lay on their sides facing one another.  Devin’s head was buried in Luke’s chest, even as the width of her body loomed over his.  She giggled softly to herself with a combination of exhilaration and pleasure.

“I think that we may have been a bit loud toward the end there.”  The short giggle following this statement led Luke to believe that she wasn’t too worried about the possibility.

“I guess so.”  Luke admitted.  “You think that Krista will be angry or something?”

“No.  She’s just going to tease me about it relentlessly.”  Devin grimaced playfully.

A body like that, she could break Krista in half without even trying and she’s worried about being teased.

“What is it?”  Devin asked, as Luke smiled at her, lost in his thoughts.

“Just happy to be here.”  Luke replied.

“Oh.”  Devin yawned and snuggled up tighter against him.  “Me too.”
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Trinitus on May 25, 2017, 10:20:27 am
So hot.
I realky like this story, the way Devin went from a shy slightly insecure girl to this "Titaness" of pure sexuality.
Real godd writing, real good. :clap:
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on May 25, 2017, 12:01:03 pm
 :wow: you are really skilled. Amazing once again!!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sgsg69 on May 25, 2017, 05:42:59 pm
How do you keep cranking out this amazing work........Kudos, kudos. Devin is certainly getting comfortable in herself........can't wait for what's next. Maybe Luke can throw Devin for a loop by accidentally whispering "more" the next time they are in the throws of lovemaking?!?
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Pac on May 25, 2017, 10:31:08 pm
Enjoy the evolution of Devin's confidence. Another good chapter.


Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on June 04, 2017, 12:50:44 am
You continue to outdo yourself. Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on June 08, 2017, 05:21:00 am
Hi all.  I just want to say thanks again for the feedback, I've had a bit less free time to write lately but as long as people are still interested in the story I plan to keep going.


Luke gradually shifted from sleep into hazy wakefulness and found himself wedged between the wall and Devin’s equally solid body.  She had draped herself on her stomach; face down in her pillow, her body taking up the width of the bed.  Luke swallowed, trying to work moisture into his dry mouth.  He made a token effort to sit up, but reclined back finding a weight bearing down on him: one of Devin’s thick arms was splayed across his chest, the other hanging off the other side of the bed.  He gently patted at the limb, feeling Devin stir as he did.  “Oh God… never again.”  She said in a low moan. Bright sunlight was peeking through the blinds of the window and he raised his head to check the digital clock.  10:13.  Well, that’s not too bad.

“You feeling okay beautiful?”  Luke asked as he took stock of himself.  Truth to tell, aside from a slight headache and some cotton-mouth, Luke was feeling fine.

“Ugh… kill me.”  The muffled reply came filtering through Devin’s pillow.  She shifted her arm off of Luke’s chest and tucked it next to her head, releasing him from his fleshy prison.

“But you still have so much to live for.”  Luke reached over to rub her back sympathetically.  Her pale, bare skin was flushed and hot to the touch.  “I assume, anyway.”  This managed to elicit a sound that was halfway between a groan and a chuckle.  Luke leaned into Devin’s flank, trying to gently rub the entirety of her expansive back.  She sighed appreciatively.

“Just relax here, I’ll go get you some water.”  Luke gingerly slipped down and off the end of the bed.  Spying his clothing in a discarded heap on the far side of the room, he slipped into his pants and, after a moment of deliberation, into his undershirt as well.  He headed toward the door, pausing a moment to look back at the bed.  Devin lay almost completely still, the knotted muscles of her back rising and falling gently as she breathed.

Luke slipped out into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind himself.  The living area of the girls’ apartment was empty, with no sign that there had been any activity since their return from the bar last night.  Luke went through several cabinets and located a tall glass which he filled with water from the sink.  Browsing through several more drawers he unearthed a bottle of ibuprofen and took two himself before shaking out several more for Devin.  This task completed he returned to the bedroom.

Devin had turned herself over in his absence, and was sitting propped up against the headboard.  She had drawn the sheet up over her chest with one hand, the other held her pink phone, the screen illuminated as she squinted at it.

“Here you go.”  Luke handed over his findings as Devin murmured her thanks.  She took the pills before reclining back, her rugged biceps bunching as she pressed a hand to her forehead.  Luke took a seat on the side of the bed and rubbed her shoulder.  Her hair, usually unruly to begin with, looked like a bird’s nest; strands tangled around one another and pointing in all directions.

“Oh, my head.”  Devin sighed deeply as she handed back the empty glass, Luke stooped to place it to the side on the floor.  “I really overdid it last night, didn’t I?”

“Maybe just a bit, but you only turn 21 once I guess.”  Luke shrugged.  “Frankly, I think I was a bit of a bigger mess after my first legal outing.”

“Oh?  Did you also practice some casual vandalism?”

“On that particular occasion?  No; I got most of that out of my system by the time I graduated high school.  I may have participated in activities that could be construed as public indecency though.”  Luke chuckled.  “I also might have vomited.”  Devin’s face blanched at the word and she pressed one hand to her stomach.  “Er… don’t think about that I guess.”

“I’ll try not to.”  Devin tilted her head back and closed her eyes against the light, waiting for the pills to offer some relief.

“If you have it in you though, some food might make you feel a little better.  I could try to make you something.”  Luke offered.

Devin shuddered.  “I don’t think so.”

“Maybe a shower then?  Let the hot water run over you?”

“Maybe.  I think I need to just sit for a minute.”  She let a small smile play across her lips.  “Public indecency though?  Sorry to have missed that.”

“Ok, let’s do it.”  Devin slowly sat herself up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood uncertainly.  Goosebumps ran over the expanse of her naked body and she crossed her arms against her chest, hugging herself as the mighty pillars of her legs trembled slightly.

“Are you up for this?”  Luke asked, with some concern.

“I think so.”  She shivered, the involuntary action causing the muscles of her body to shift against one another like tectonic plates.  “I just feel really weak.”

“I’m sure that weak for you is still pretty damn strong by anyone else’s measurement.”  Nonetheless, Luke stepped forward to wrap his arms around her, and Devin sighed happily at the feel of his warm body on hers.  “Do you need a shirt or anything?”

“No, thanks.  Let’s just do this.”  She drew free from Luke’s embrace and lumbered towards the door.  Moving without her usual care each footstep landed heavily, sending a shock through the floor.  Luke followed cautiously behind her as, heedless of her nudity, she swung open the door and made her way to the bathroom.  Fortunately, there was still no sign of Krista, or of Priya’s return.  Luke gently shut the bathroom door behind them and turned on the hot water as Devin leaned on the sink, gazing blearily at her reflection.

“Jeez, I’m a mess.”  She pawed at her unkempt hair, trying unsuccessfully to coax it flat.

“Mmm.  Come on.”  Luke drew back the curtain and gestured Devin into the water.  She entered, and Luke quickly doffed his clothing to join her.  Devin stood under the flow of water, head bowed, arms limp at her sides.  She breathed deeply and slowly, her torso swelling and receding.

The shower wasn’t particularly small but Devin’s immensity served to take up most of the space, Luke squeezed himself in between her and the wall.  Her body glistened, water running in rivulets through the valleys formed between her muscles, and Luke simply stood, drinking in the sight of her.  A bicep bulged, swelling to a rounded mass as she raised a hand to run it through her hair, mumbling something inaudible to herself.  Luke reached over her to pick up the bar of soap resting in the holder and placed his free hand on her shoulder, turning her around to face him.  Despite her earlier statement to the contrary, Devin looked as strong ever to him; arms cocked out to the side where her lats flared outward, preventing them away from hanging limp, breasts standing proudly on top of pectoral muscles like paving slabs above a narrow waist carved from granite.

Luke filled his hands with her breasts, by far the softest part of her, and began to soap her up.  Devin sighed as he gently rolled her nipples between his fingers, and they stiffened into small, pink points.  The breast tissue underneath hardened into solid muscle in his grasp as she slowly flexed, corrugations and veins peeking through the white lather as her pectoral shelf thrust forward, her nipples swept up in the wave of brawn to point downward.  A canyon formed between her pecs deep enough for his hand, funneling the stream of water down like a waterfall.  His cock swelled to full attention, pressing against her abdomen, as he groped at her, seeking a single point of weakness, a lagging muscle, and finding none.

Following the direction of her pointing breasts he sank to one knee and applied himself to her stomach.  His hands rubbed over her rippling abs, fingers probing into the deep cuts between each bump.  “Making sure you get all the crevices?”  Devin asked.

All the crevices?  Still on his knees, Luke directed a hungry look at the cleft between her thighs.  His hands however, moved of their own volition to fasten onto one of the freckled, bulging pillars and he pulled himself forward to nestle against it, hands spreading soap across the expanse even as he pressed his chest up against it, his erection pressed to her shin.  An aching for release rose, and he realized that he was grinding his manhood up and down the massive limb.  With a start he switched to the other leg, looking up at Devin to find her smiling down at him serenely as she loomed over him like a granite cliff.  “Did you like it when I showed these off last night?”

“Yes.”  Luke panted.

“Although I’m guessing you liked it even more when you got between them.”

“Fuck yes.”

Devin turned around, filling Luke’s eyes with her calves like cinderblocks.  “These too?  I’ll need to do a little practice with the wedges, just think how these would have looked.”  As she spoke, she went up on her toes, fully extending her dainty feet.  The masses of feminine brawn bunched and swelled, seeming as large as Luke’s head.  His cock pulsed as he reached out a hand to feel them as she rocked back down and up again.  Even without additional weight, her mass was enough to slowly build a pump as she continued to perform raises.  “Think how big and hard they’d be after a whole night out, you watching them pump the entire time…”

“Ughhh!”  Luke gritted his teeth.  Unable to resist any longer, his free hand moved to his straining manhood and he released, his cock exploding to cover her calf in ropes of his cum.  Devin abruptly stopped, craning her head over one shoulder to look.

“Oh.”  She demurely shifted the leg under the stream of water, letting it rinse her clean.  “Do you feel better now?”

“Oh, God, yes.”  Luke took several breaths before slowly climbing back to his feet, trembling slightly.  He leaned forward against her, wrapping his arms as far as they would go around her from behind and planted a kiss on the thick nape of her neck.

“Good.  Now if you can concentrate again, you can get my back for me.”  Devin swept her hair forward over one shoulder before placing her hands on her waspish waist, unfurling her back above.  I swear, she’s as wide as she is tall.  Despite his orgasm only moments before, Luke felt himself harden again in an instant.  “I, you know, can’t usually get it for myself.”

Luke started on the back of her neck, digging his fingers into the thick cords of muscle, following to where they melded into her trapezius.  For their part, her traps bulged upwards from her collar forming lumps so large they could serve as handholds.  Luke couldn’t help chuckling slightly at the thought; himself astride her enormous back, clinging to her traps as she…

“What are you laughing about?” 

“Nothing!”  Luke snapped back to himself, in the moment of surprise his fingers dug into her stone like muscle as hard as they could. 

“Ohhhh.  That feels nice…” Devin sighed.

“Yeah?”  He could hardly penetrate any deeper than her soft skin, the tips of his fingers already protesting in pain.

“Mmm.  Would you do my shoulders next?”

“Uh, of course.”  Luke released her collar and shook out his hands for a moment before attacking her deltoids.  Either one was too large for a single hand, so he started both out on her right; thumbs and palms bracing against the enormous muscle as his fingers dug as hard as he could, probing into and between the individually swollen muscles like cables.  After a minute he released his grip, shaking his hands out again as Devin reached across herself with her left hand to feel.  Luke groaned as the muscle which had so hardily resisted his efforts moved effortlessly under her fingers.  “Do you want me to do the other one?”  He mumbled.

“If you’re offering.”  Devin replied gratefully, angling her body slightly to give him easier access.

“No problem.”  Luke said weakly.

Several minutes later, having completed the other shoulder as well as the breadth of Devin’s back, Luke cracked his knuckles and winced.  The titanic girl turned back around to face him again, her skin glowing a rosy hue from the combination of hot water and his efforts.  “Thanks, I think I needed that.”  She took his hands in hers and went up for a lingering kiss.  “I guess it’s your turn.”

“Gently.”  Luke said as a reminder.

“Naturally.”  Her small, deft hands went to work on him, working out a soreness in his muscles that he hadn’t realized was there.

“I guess I’m more tense from our workout yesterday than I thought.”  Luke observed.

“You feel perfectly soft and relaxed to me.”  Her left hand dipped below his waist.  “Except for here of course.”

“That’s really all your fault though.”

“I know.”  She said happily, giving him a light tug that pulled him forward to bounce off of her protruding chest.

“I said gently!”  Luke protested.

“That was gentle.”  Devin fake pouted.  “What are you going to do about it?”

“This.”  Luke bent over slightly to rest his head on her shoulder, his hand probing for her sex.  Devin inhaled sharply, quivering as he made contact and traced his fingers to the crest of her lips.

“Shame, ohhh... on you.  Taking advantage while I’m weakened.”

“It’s the only time that I would be able to take advantage.”  He slowly inserted a finger into her tight wetness, relishing the low growl building in Devin’s cavernous chest.  She closed her legs together, trapping his hand in their inescapable vice.

“Looks like now you’re going to have to finish what you started.”  She panted into his ear.  A moment later Luke was back on his knees, bracing himself against her waist with his free hand.  His index and middle fingers probed the tightness of her pussy insistently as his thumb gently circled the nub of her clit.  “Faster.”  She let out a mumbled groan as she brought her left fist to her mouth and bit down.  At the word, Luke complied, not stopping even as Devin wrapped her other arm around the back of his head, pulling it against her chest.  His mouth opened eagerly to accept the awaiting nipple, latching and sucking as she cooed appreciatively.  Her grip, however, continued tightening and his head gave a twinge as it was crushed between the mighty limb and torso, her bicep was so large that it covered the entire side of his head.  With his other ear pressed to the expanse of her chest her gasps and sweet words were muffled to inaudibility; all he could make out was her heartbeat and the growl emanating from her core.

As he continued his ministrations, the musclebound girl clenched her arm tighter and stars exploded in Luke’s vision.  He reached up and tugged on her arm, first gently, then with growing desperation as she seemed not to notice his plight.  “Mmmph!”  His attempts at speech were lost in her chest.  A dull pounding started up in his head and began to build, as it did he realized that her heart-rate was quickly mounting as well, her body beginning to twitch and tremble against his body.  He redoubled his efforts, feeling a mixture of pride and relief as the rumble in her chest built to a peak and spilled over.  Suddenly the arm was gone, but even as he took a breath one of her trembling thighs caught him in the chest to send him sprawling on his back.  He stared up at her in awe as every muscle in her body flexed to etched, diamond hardness and then…

“Oh shit!”  He put up his hands as her knees buckled and the heaving mass of girl-beef descended on him.  His strength was insufficient to arrest her weight, but his protesting muscles managed to guide her in a controlled slump until she stuck out one hand to stop herself just in time.

“Mmmm.”  She sighed, rubbing her body against his as her weight pinned him to the floor of the shower.  The warm water played over their intertwined bodies, pattering off of Devin's broad back.  One petite hand cupped his cheek as she kissed him with a restrained ferocity.  “Mine.

“Of course.”  I’d hate to see what would happen to the girl who tried to get between us.

Spring was finally in the air and Sarah was feeling good; the slender brunette had dressed for the weather in a long, flowing skirt and loose blouse.  She breathed deeply as she walked, enjoying the scents of the changing season.  Arriving at her destination, she took the stairs with a light step and strolled down the hall to 213, where she stopped outside the door.  Pulling a small mirror from her purse she gave herself a quick appraisal, adjusting her hair and makeup just so.  Satisfied with the alterations she replaced her kit and knocked.

“Coming.”  A voice called from inside, followed by a heavy tread moving to the door.  A moment later she heard the bolt being pulled back and the door cracked open.  Devin’s head peeked around the door, her long hair hanging damp.  “Sarah.  Hi, come in.”

“Thanks Devin.”  She stepped into the apartment and turned to the shorter girl.  “I’m sorry, did I interrupt you drying your hair or some…”  The words died in her throat.  What the fuck…

This wasn’t Devin.  She knew Devin, didn’t she?  Sure, Sarah had thought that she was cute in that shy way some girls had, but Sarah’s preferences ran towards taller, more robust women.  Devin certainly wasn’t tall but the figure in front of her put the very concept of robust to shame.  The girl standing in front of her was a beefcake, a breathing slab of solid muscle.  I must have interrupted her while she was getting ready.  Sarah’s thoughts pressed on inanely, unable to fully process the sight in front of her.  She’s always wearing those baggy sweatsuits, she must have been getting dressed.  The redhead was dressed in black lycra shorts and a matching workout bra, the material stretched to bursting over a landscape of musculature the like of which Sarah had never even dreamed.

“Oh.”  Sarah murmured, her knees beginning to buckle beneath her.

“Sarah?”  Devin’s voice filled with concern as her hands shot out to grab the taller girl by the arms, steadying her on her feet.  Sarah nearly swooned at the sensation as the bulging limbs held her entire bodyweight without a hint of strain.  The arousal she had felt on her way over stoked, in a mere moment, into a raging fire of desire.  “Are you okay?”

“Yes.  Sorry.”  Sarah managed to gasp, one questing hand reaching up to feel the granite forearm supporting her.  It’s as thick as one of my thighs!  How is that possible?  “Thank you… for catching me that is!  I suddenly felt a bit faint.”  She couldn’t help herself, openly caressing the wondergirl’s arm in awe.

“No problem.”  Devin stepped backward and Sarah used all her willpower not to move forward with her; to wrap her arms around the little musclegirl and… “It looked like you were about to fall.”

I should have.  I should have collapsed so she would have had to take me in those arms… carry me to the couch, or maybe her bed…

“Everything ok, Devin?”  Sarah tore her eyes from the vision in front of her to see a tall, shirtless man leaning out of the bathroom doorway, his short dark hair still wet.  Right, him…  Krista had mentioned Devin’s romantic progress a little while back, Sarah hadn’t paid any attention at the time.

“Yeah, it’s Sarah.”  Devin called back, “Krista’s… friend.”  The girl suddenly blushed fiercely and Sarah felt her heart skip.  “Would you like to sit down?  I’m not sure if Krista is up yet.”

“I’m up.”  Krista appeared at the end of the hallway, already fully dressed.  “I just figured that I’d make myself scarce for a little while.”  She gave an exaggerated wink to Devin who somehow found a way to turn even redder.  “I actually wouldn’t mind it if you felt like returning the favor.”  She whispered to Luke as she worked her way past him down the corridor.  He looked quizzically after her for a moment before realization worked its way across his face.

“Right, uh…”  He coughed.  “Devin, do you feel up for going out to breakfast now?  I’m starving.”

“Ok.”  Devin headed for her room as Sarah choked off a protest, “Let me just throw something on.”

Presently she reappeared in one of the baggy sweat suits Sarah was more familiar with, hair pulled back in a ponytail.  Luke made a wry smile as he pulled on a shirt and the two disappeared out the door.

“So how are y…”  Krista’s question was cut off as Sarah flung herself into her arms.  The brunette frantically covered the Amazonian blonde’s neck in kisses as she rubbed her burning sex against her body.  “What’s gotten into you!?”  Krista laughed in surprise.

“Now!”  Sarah took Krista by the hand and practically ran to her room, the blonde chuckling in delight.  The willowy brunette yanked her lover’s clothes off as quickly as she could before throwing herself on the bed to look up at her athletic physique.  Krista straddled her, her hand reaching up Sarah's skirt to probe her inflamed sex.  But as Krista descended for a kiss, Sarah closed her eyes, her thoughts filling with the image of a different, smaller, lightly freckled face appearing around a doorway.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: tdg on June 08, 2017, 09:48:33 am
GREAT! I just sincerely hope Devin doesn't turn into a lesbian. That cliché would ruin the story.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on June 10, 2017, 02:39:09 pm
Absolutely lovely. I look forward to seeing where their adventures take them.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on June 11, 2017, 06:01:25 am
You perhaps have less time, but surely not less talent. The progress and pace you set are really nice.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on June 17, 2017, 10:38:47 pm
Andrew started awake; the space in bed next to him was empty.  A quick look around to take in his surroundings assured him that he hadn’t overslept.  He swung himself up and off the bed to stand, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he padded out of the bedroom.  The apartment was nearly silent, but his ears picked up quiet sounds filtering through from the living room.  He followed them to their source, stopping in the doorway to watch.

Jess danced in the warm morning sunlight filtering through the windows.  She was still clad in the clothes that she had slept in; a black thong and tight white t-shirt.  The absence of any sort of music seemed not to matter to her as she moved with her own inner rhythm. Andrew’s eyes traced past her shapely glutes, over a toned calf as she balanced on the toes of one foot, he arms spread to the sides for balance.  He barely caught her low exhalation of effort as the leg flexed and she leapt forward to land on the toes of her other foot.  Not stopping, her arms traced graceful circles as she spun on the ball of her foot.  Andrew figured that she must have seen him at this point but she gave no sign, bending over backwards into a bridge before kicking her legs up into a handstand.  Andrew unconsciously wet his dry lips as her toned, bronze legs descended into an inverted split.  In a show of her gymnastic abilities she controlled her descent into a straddle hold, her arms supporting her in the pose as she looked up and across the room at him.

“Good morning.”  She finally settled, relaxing her arms until she sat on the floor and pulled her limbs in to touch the soles of her feet against each other.

“Morning.”  Andrew crossed the floor to stand above her and she patted his leg affectionately.  “Have you eaten anything?”


“Do you want anything?”

“Not right now.”

“Too busy working on a new routine?”

“Hmm?  New routine?”  Jess eased herself forward into a plank before dropping her hips to arch her back.  “Sort of… I’m just keeping busy.  Thinking.”

“Thinking.”  Andrew echoed dully.  Something in her tone seemed off.  He was suddenly aware of how awkwardly he was standing there, in nothing but a t-shirt and his boxers.  Nerves which had been prickling uncomfortably at his subconscious for the last week at last flared to life.

“Yeah.”  Jess didn’t clarify as she reached one arm behind her back and smoothly flipped around to face upward at the ceiling.

“What about?”  Andrew prompted quietly.

Jess abandoned her pose, sitting with legs splayed as she looked up at him without any sign of her usual mischievous smile.  “I don’t know.”  She said after a minute.  Andrew sighed and moved to the sofa where he sat and simply looked at her in silence.

“Fuck, Andrew, don’t stare at me like that.”  She jumped to her feet, crossing her arms under her breasts.  As he continued to meet her gaze she finally broke eye contact, looking down at the floor.  “I guess I’ve been thinking about… you know, Luke’s girlfriend… Devin.”

“Devin.”  He didn’t know what else to say.  It was one of the possibilities which had occurred to him; Jess had seemed somewhat preoccupied since last weekend, she’d wanted to talk about the girl after she teased him that night, and she had insisted that they stop to see her last night.

“Jesus, stop repeating everything I say.  What, are you broken?”

“What am I supposed to say?  You tell me that you’ve been thinking about the girlfriend of one of my best friends, and I’m just supposed to know what to say to that?”

“What?”  Jess stared at him at a loss for a moment.  “Wait, you think…?”  She crossed the room and plopped herself down next to him.  “I love you you idiot!  I’m not a lesbian, I think you of all people should know that.”

“But in the past you’ve…”

“That’s neither here nor there.”  Jess said quickly, waving a hand dismissively.

“Then what is all this about?”  Andrew tried to regain his grasp on the conversation.

“Is that a serious question?  When’s the last time you met someone, a woman no less, like that?”  Jess gazed off at the far wall dreamily.  “Its… amazing.  Inspiring.


“I swear to God, dude.  If you keep parroting me I’m going to hit you.”  Nonetheless, Jess’ face was covered in a smile, her humor returning.  “I mean, I tease her a bit but she really is like a comic-book character or something.  I don’t know how it happened, or what she does, but I can’t help wondering what it would be like to be like that.  So… strong.”  She turned back to him.  “What do you think?”

“What do I think...?   Ow!”  He ruefully rubbed his upper arm.  “What do I think about what?”

“Anything I’ve been saying!  Me!  Inspiration!  Muscles!

“You want…”  Light dawned.  “You want to look like that?”

Jess rolled her eyes, “And you’re supposed to be the smart one.”

“Honey, no one looks like that.  You said it yourself; when’s the last time you met someone like her?”

“Yeah, I know that.”  Jess shrugged.  “I mean, she’s some kind of freak… in a good way of course.  I know I can’t have that kind of body, but I’ll never know what I can achieve unless I try.”

“That… is true.”  Andrew said quietly.  What he thought about, however, was the previous weekend.  You guys should arm-wrestle or something.  It would be hilarious.  He shifted uneasily.  I’m glad that she and Luke found each other.  I mean, I had no idea he was into that kind of thing.  I didn’t really know anyone was into that kind of thing…  He realized that he had put his finger directly on the issue.  Sure, Jess had always had an athletic figure.  Sure, he admired the curves of her legs, the firmness of her back.  But she was a dancer, this was… something else entirely.  He looked down at her, seated next to him on the couch, filling out her limbs in his imagination, making her legs and arms as thick as his.  It didn’t work.  He cleared his throat.

“How serious about this are you?”

“Hmm?  Oh, you know me.”  Jess swiveled her body to hop up onto his lap, she draped an arm around his shoulder.  “I think that it could help me with some of my routines.  Don’t worry, too much muscle would probably do more harm than good.  But honestly, that wasn’t really what I was thinking about anyway.”

“So do I need to keep guessing or…”

“Well, it’s like you asked… about a new routine.  I never would have considered it before, I mean it hadn’t ever occurred to me, but after last night…”  Jess’ eyes lit up, “I need that body.”

“What?”  Andrew sputtered, “but we just… what?”

“Sorry babe, you’re just way too easy.  I couldn’t resist.”  Jess laughed.  “But seriously, you know that I need to coordinate and put on a final performance for my stage management credits.  I can’t help imagining what I could do if I could convince her to participate.  They’d never have seen anything like it, I’d blow everyone else away.”

“Good luck with that.”  Andrew couldn’t help laughing, partially at the thought, partially in relief at the way the conversation had played out.  “It’s one thing to let down your inhibitions during a night of drinking.  Public performance, that’s a whole other animal.  Besides, I don’t know if she’s had any training, it seems unlike her.  She’d probably trip all over herself.”

“Oh,” Jess’ grin split her face from ear to ear.  “I’m wouldn’t ask her to dance.

Krista sucked in air greedily, her bountiful breasts heaving as she sprawled on her back.  “What… got in… to you?”  She gasped out between breaths.  For what she was pretty sure was the first time in her life she found herself tapped out, she had lost track of the number of times she had cum as her little lover crawled over every inch of her body, licking, sucking, kissing...  She reached out to stroke Sarah’s sex, finding the girl still soaking wet even after their marathon session.  The brunette desperately ground herself against the larger girl’s thigh, mewling softly.  “Help yourself kitten.”  Krista yawned and stretched herself out.  “Do whatever you have to do, just let me rest for a minute.”

Sarah took full advantage of her invitation, slowly picking up the pace as she desperately sought release.  She had worked herself to orgasm several times over the last two hours, but it wasn’t enough.  A deep, urgent hunger had seeded itself within her.  Krista’s sinewy body, which had so recently driven her crazy, now seemed anemic.  The thigh she straddled seemed laughable as she compared it in her mind’s eye to the pillars of pure brawn that Krista’s roommate had been sporting.  She closed her eyes, imagining that she was rubbing herself up against those muscles like anacondas.  Yes, anacondas.  She though frantically, fully losing herself in the fantasy, They could wrap themselves around me, crush me, consume me.  I’d be helpless.  She could take me, claim me, make me hers.  Use me.  The imaginary scenario overwhelmed her, a final orgasm emanating from her sex through her exhausted body.  It was the strongest one so far, but it still wasn’t the orgasm she was seeking.  She flopped onto the mattress next to Krista, sweat dripping from both their bodies as they lay side by side.

“Finally had enough?”  Krista’s voice drifted through her sexual haze.  Sarah opened her eyes and looked over at her companion.  The tall blonde was looking at her through heavy lids.  Her smile was exhausted, but an aura of genuine happiness seemed to radiate from her.  Guilt began to gnaw at Sarah’s stomach, and she couldn’t help but avert her eyes.  It was wrong, she knew that.  But what Krista didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her right?  And besides, it wasn’t like she had done anything.  Just thought.  “Was there something that I did?  Or were you just happy to see me?”  Krista continued.  She kissed Sarah’s cheek gently, and the brunette felt herself flush, turning her head away so Krista wouldn’t see.

“Are you okay?”  Krista suddenly sounded confused.

“Of course.”  Sarah tried to keep her voice level.  “I’m just exhausted.”

“I can’t blame you.”  Krista giggled.

Sarah suddenly sat bolt upright, as if stung.  “I think I need some water… and to use the bathroom.”

“Ok.”  Krista yawned again.  “I hope you don’t mind if I stay here.”

“No, of course not.”  Sarah laughed self-consciously as she stood.  She quickly slipped back into her clothing and walked to the door.  A soft, deep breath caught her ear as she eased the door open and she glanced over her shoulder to see that Krista had already slipped into a light doze.

Closing the door behind herself, Sarah stood in the hallway and concentrated on her breathing.  The greasy, queasy feeling of guilt persisted, battling it out in her mind against her arousal.  She decided that a bit of water was, in fact, a good idea and not just a convenient excuse.  However, as she set out for the kitchen, she realized that Devin had left the door to her room ajar when she had left with Luke.

No, I shouldn’t.  But even as she thought it she knew that she would.  Sarah directed a glance back to the firmly closed door to Krista’s room, and then to the front door of the apartment.  It’s wrong, even if you don’t get caught.  But her hand had already taken the knob; was already slowly pushing the door open, her ears tuned to catch the slightest hint of a creak from the hinges.

Well, what were you expecting?  It was a normal room.  Sarah glanced around; there were photos, books, a television, a bed.  No lifting racks, no machines, no weights, not even one of the little pink ones that some girls liked to use when they were ‘just trying to tone.’  There was pink though, on the bedspread, the pillowcases, several of the desk accessories.  Sarah pictured the little muscle girl lounging around in here, maybe in a pair of frilly pink panties, the imagined juxtaposition between her hulking physique and the girly décor causing Sarah to wet her lips.

There must be something.  She stepped fully into the room, into the center, and slowly spun in a circle.  A faint floral scent tickled her nose, she thought it might be lavender, it seemed to permeate the room.  She closed her eyes and breathed deep.  When she opened them again, she found herself looking directly at the dresser set against the wall.

You really can’t be doing this.  What if you get caught?  What are you going to say, I got lost on my way to the bathroom?  Besides, it’s none of your business.  But she couldn’t help herself, even though she wasn’t certain what she was looking for or expecting to find.  Maybe she wanted to find the source of the scent.  Maybe she wanted to see the size of Devin’s clothes for herself, imagine the immensity of the body they had to contain, maybe hold them up against herself to illustrate just how puny she was in comparison.  Holding her breath, she slowly eased out one of the top drawers.

It was full of knickknacks; hair ties, scrunchies, socks.  There, see?  Nothing, let’s go.  She ignored herself, pulling open the next drawer.  The contents rattled, solids objects shifting about as she pulled, and Sarah jolted in surprise, holding her breath as she shot a look over her shoulder at the doorway which she now realized she had left wide open.  Silence.  She looked back at the drawer she had opened.

Odd  All that she saw was a large gray sweatshirt.  One of the no doubt many that Devin owned.  But sweatshirts don’t make noise when they shift around.  She eagerly dug it out, hardly registering the size of the garment in her haste.

What the fuck?  With a trembling hand she reached in and pulled out a stout metal bar, almost the thickness of her wrist.  She held it up in front of herself with both hands.  Normally, she would have been surprised to find such a thing in a girl’s dresser.  Certainly, she would have been surprised at the weight.  However, her surprise was currently directed at something else: the bar had been bent cleanly, the two ends pulled past each other to create a closed hoop in the middle.  With a delicacy born of awe, she gripped the two ends and pulled, failing to budge the metal an iota.  Glancing back at the doorway, she placed the bar on its side on the floor, steadying it against the dresser before stepping up onto the upturned end, and thrusted downward with her bodyweight to no avail.

“But she managed to…”  Sarah murmured to herself, before turning back to the drawer, still standing open.  Several more bars occupied one side of the drawer, these ones seemed to be as yet untested; resting neatly arranged in a row.  They progressed in thickness; the one that she had pulled out seemed like it would have been in the middle of the pack, the largest looked as thick as her upper arm.  She picked out the thinnest of the rods, about the thickness of her thumb, and repeated her earlier efforts, testing her strength against the metal.  Her thin arms shook with effort as she strained with all her might.  A small bead of sweat ran down her forehead as the metal at last gave slightly, deforming by a fraction of an inch.  Then her arms gave out and the metal sprung back.  Sarah stood, panting in a mix of exhaustion and arousal.  She hadn’t been able to more than slightly deform the smallest bar, while the one four times thicker had been bent like a pretzel.  What she would have done to see the act; she pictured the little redhead, innocent smile on her face, as her titanic arms flexed to their utmost, bending the solid steel to her will.  What she would give to wrap herself around her, running her tongue over the mighty limbs to feel her soft skin, taste her divine sweat.

Shaking herself from the fantasy, Sarah carefully replaced the bar, cautious to not make a sound, and realized that several more objects were obscured in the back of the drawer.  She slowly eased it more fully open, discovering a notepad with what seemed to be a list written on it in small, delicate handwriting and… Sarah felt her breath stick in her throat; something black and pink and lacy, she reached out a hand...

“Sarah?”  She bit back a scream as she whirled around at Krista’s sleepy call, but there was no one in the doorway.  Heart pounding, she scooped up the bar she had left on the floor, returned it to its place, and closed the drawer before moving as quickly and stealthily as she could back into the hallway.  She paused here for a moment, willing her heartrate to steady itself.  Remembering her initial explanation for leaving the bedroom, she scurried to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water, bringing it with her back to Krista’s room as though it were proof of the innocence of her absence.  The blonde smiled up sleepily at her from the bed.

“Sorry, I think I dozed off.  Was I out for long?”  Krista had wrapped the sheet around her nakedness, and now propped herself up on one elbow.

“N...”  Sarah rasped.  She coughed, took a gulp of water and tried again.  “No.  Just a minute.”  She perched herself on the bed.

“I’m being such a boring host.  Let me just get dressed, do you want to go for a walk downtown?”  Krista reached out to take Sarah’s hand and give it a squeeze.

Sarah returned the squeeze, looking into Krista’s smiling face.  “Sure.”  She said quietly.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on June 18, 2017, 04:39:00 am
Your ability to keep turning in these fantastic pieces is awe-inspiring. I look forward to the next episode.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on June 18, 2017, 01:43:15 pm
Your additions to the plot are fantastic. Making devin's changes impacting everybody is a nice twist.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sevenpeight on June 18, 2017, 01:56:14 pm
Everyone's going gaga for Devin. Me included.

Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Pac on June 19, 2017, 05:30:25 am
It is astounding to think this is your first story. This is such a fully-realized first work it makes me wonder what a few years under your belt will do for your prose. Absolutely top notch writing.

Characters are engaging and believable, the story is paced well, and the handling of multiple character arcs is done with ease, giving each their own voice and nuance. If you hadn't told me this is your first work I would be out there hunting for others.

Keep up the fantastic work. I'll definitely be reading, and I'm sure many others as well.


Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: JerusalemTulip on July 05, 2017, 12:13:18 am
It was a pleasure to read this story.  Surely you have succeeded in providing something for any conceivable reader.  Beyond parts one and two perhaps, almost every narrative passage (and even much of the dialogue) is connected to the raw physicality that readers look for in a story here.  Yet, the establishment of the connection between Luke and Devin, her escalating confidence, and the depictions of intimacy were touching and very well done.  Despite the sheer level of detail, across a rather long story, things never got stale.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on July 11, 2017, 02:21:49 am
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Surely you have succeeded in providing something for any conceivable reader.  Beyond parts one and two perhaps, almost every narrative passage (and even much of the dialogue) is connected to the raw physicality that readers look for in a story here.

That's a really nice sentiment, thank you.  I mean, I'm not sure that there is such a thing as a story that works for everyone and this one obviously isn't an exception to that.  I'm just happy any time anyone enjoys it.

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giving each their own voice and nuance.

I really appreciate that, thank you.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on July 11, 2017, 02:22:30 am
“Thanks for coming along with me Devin.”  Jess said over her shoulder as she led the way up the stairs to the gallery.

“Of course, thanks for inviting me.”  Devin glanced at Jess’ tight skirt and open-backed shirt before looking down at herself appraisingly.  Are you supposed to dress up for this kind of thing?  I wouldn’t think so.  I guess maybe I didn’t need the windbreaker, but at least I wore the heels.  “So what’s the right word for this place, a museum, art gallery?”

“Yeah, I think that either of those would be about right.  Not a big one of course, but the owners must have some sort of connections; they manage to get pieces in from some of the ‘real’ museums in the area.”  Jess shrugged.  “I thought it would be nice to have a little bit of girl time, y’know?  Leave all of the testosterone behind for once.”

“Of course.”  Devin said, “I mean, I’d really mostly only had girls’ nights up until, you know, I met Luke.  Actually, since last weekend Luke’s been spending a lot of time studying for his upcoming exams…”

“Well, that just gives you more time to work on you, right?”  Jess pushed open the door, holding it open for her companion.  The two stepped inside, letting the air conditioning wash over them.  “How have you been keeping busy?”

“Just this and that.”  Devin shrugged.  “The kids have been good, and my formal assessment is coming up.”

“Ugh, assessments right?”  Jess turned to the attendant at the desk, “Two, please.”  She handed over her card.

“Oh, you don’t need to pay for me.”  The attendant paid no attention to this comment, printing out two tickets.

“Nonsense, this was my idea.  You can spot me a drink sometime or something.”  Jess took the tickets and gestured, “Come on.”

“I’m afraid I don’t really know much about art.”  Devin glanced around as they entered the first gallery.  The space was brightly lit and the two girls seemed to be the only patrons, at least in this section.  Bare white walls and bright lighting served to accentuate the hanging works; splashes of color in an otherwise sterile setting.

“That’s not a problem.  I know a lot more about dance and theater than I do about painting and sculpture and whatever.”  Jess confided as she led the way.  “But I still enjoy coming here from time to time to see the exhibits.  I find that it can be helpful for inspiration, looking at the different ways people perceive and represent their surroundings and the human form.”

“That’s… rather nice.”  Devin said thoughtfully.  She meandered over towards one of the close-by paintings; a rather abstract piece that seemed to be a representation of a woman and some sort of animal… maybe a cat?  Jess followed along several steps behind, her eyes on the shorter girl instead of the painting.  “It seems that this person had some… unconventional perspectives.”  She giggled.

“They keep the more modern works out here in this wing of the building.”  Jess stepped up next to Devin.  “The university has a similar gallery that I go to sometimes where they put up student and faculty work.  A lot of that stuff is in this style.”  Jess gestured around them.  “There are a few other wings here as well; a portrait gallery, and then one with some pieces in more traditional styles that they get in on rotation.”

“Mmm.”  Devin strolled slowly along, stopping in front of another piece that caught her eye.

“Ah.”  Jess moved up to see what she was looking at.  “Some of the students at the university pose for pieces like this for classes. You can actually get paid a bit.”  She directed a glance sideways at Devin as she spoke.

“I don’t think that I would be up for doing that.”  Devin said with a small blush.  “Besides, I’m not sure what Luke would think about people looking at me like that.”

“He probably wouldn’t mind, as long as he got to keep the painting afterwards.”  Jess nudged her friend in the side gently, and the two girls shared a laugh.  “Anyway, it’s not really sexual.  It’s about learning the human anatomy.  Some women find it empowering or freeing.”

“Wait, have you ever done that sort of thing?”  Devin looked at Jess, aghast.

“Maybe.”  The brunette shrugged mysteriously, enjoying the look of surprised awe on Devin’s face.  “It’s important to push yourself out of your comfort zone sometimes.”

“Yeah…”  Devin looked back at the painting, mentally comparing herself to the model.  The painting was done in a minimalist style; it was difficult to judge the woman’s height but not much else was left to the imagination.  I must weigh at least twice as much as her.  Maybe twice and a half…  The woman’s skin was smooth and unblemished, her hair long and straight.  Her breasts looked as though they would be slightly larger than Devin’s own… but they were presented simply, matter-of-factly.  Not sexual, Jess said.  Devin mused, just aspects of anatomy.

“Who knows who she is in real life, or if it’s even a particularly good likeness of her.”  Jess interrupted Devin’s train of thought.  “But now it’s art, a representation of the feminine form.”

“You seem to have some pretty strong opinions about these things.”  Devin resumed walking.

“I think that it’s important to.  Women have the right to decide how they want to be represented and perceived.”  Jess declared.

“But what if the artist was a man?”  Devin returned.  “Couldn’t he decide how he wanted to represent her?”

“A fair question.”  Jess grinned slyly, “That’s why I prefer to be the artist and the object.  It gives me more freedom, more control.”

“That makes sense.”  Devin shrugged out of her light jacket, holding it folded over one of her enormous forearms.  “Maybe we should move on to one of the other galleries?” 

“Yeah, sure.  Of course.”  As Devin started to walk towards the far end of the hall, Jess reached out to touch her on the shoulder, her hand almost disappearing into the gap between the massive triple heads of the muscle group.  “I think that they have a coat check if you want to use it.”

“Oh.”  Devin glanced down at her jacket and shrugged.  “No, it’s ok.  I’ll just carry it.”

“I confess that I’m not all that interested in the portraits.”  Jess continued on.  “I’m sure that they’re very well done and outstanding examples of various techniques and schools, but they don’t do much for me.  Too much focus on the face, obviously.  None on the body.  There’s no movement, no action.”

“Right…” Devin agreed half-heartedly.  “But these are landscapes; there aren’t any people in them at all.”  In contrast to the prior gallery the walls here were mounted with dark maroon hangings between the pieces, which were displayed in pockets of bright illumination.

“Well these two sure, but as I said, this gallery as a whole consists of older, more traditional pieces.  There are some of historical and mythological scenes, that sort of thing.”  She moved along, gesturing at a large painting.  “See, this is…” she leaned in to read the plaque, “Um, Fredrick… some king I think.”

“Barbarossa.”  Devin said, stepping up next to her.  “Holy Roman Emperor.”

“Sure, that.”  Jess waved a hand vaguely as she continued walking with a now purposeful strut.  “Anyway, over here’s the good stuff; war, monsters, blood etcetera.  See here?  The Olympian gods and goddesses overthrowing the titans.”

Goddesses, titans.  Devin’s thoughts flitted back to the weekend.  She stood, her little Little? He’s a foot taller than me! lover sandwiched between her thighs.  The way he had looked up at her, adoring her, worshiping her.  She stirred; her breathing growing deeper as she thought back, goosebumps breaking out on the exposed flesh of her arms in the cool air.

Jess took a quick step backwards and to the side, watching Devin out of the corner of her eye.  She wasn’t certain what was going on, but it seemed that something about the painting had provoked a reaction in her friend, and she wasn’t about to interrupt.  The redhead shivered and the motion ran through her like a wave from her feet to her head.  The calves, thighs, and then seat of her jeans drew tight over the shifting tectonic plates of muscle as it moved, the muscle groups clearly visible through the fabric as it stretched.  The ripple reached the musclebound girl’s shoulders; they twitched upwards and swelled, drawing up the waist of her blouse to reveal a hint of her etched obliques.  Here the shiver splintered, one fragment moving up Devin’s bull neck, where the tendons quickly stood out as her head twitched, the other two moving down her arms, causing her chunky biceps to sway hypnotically as she shook her them out.

I’m his Titaness.  Devin smiled to herself, remembering the way his manhood had surged against her at the declaration, and when she had made him repeat it back to her.  She unconsciously tensed her body, remembering how she had flexed for him and, to be honest, for herself.

Jess watched mutely as Devin’s body began to swell, her tensing forcing blood to flow to her muscles as her veins began to peak from beneath her soft, pale skin.  Her breath caught in her throat as she stared, assessing the aesthetics of the surging muscle groups: the perfection of their form, the glorious femininity of her soft skin, breasts and hair transposed against the pure animal brutality of her strength.  The brunette glanced from her friend to the painting and back several times, comparing the physiques on display.  She wasn’t sure if the artist responsible for the work had used models or gone off of pure imagination, but there was simply no comparison between the chiseled, bronzed bodies of the Olympians and that of the behemoth standing beside her.

If Devin had been there, it wouldn’t have even been a battle.  Jess allowed herself a small chuckle.  She could have just squeezed Zeus and Poseidon into submission in those massive arms, spanked the rest of them and then gone on to trash the titans for good measure.  Then we would have just had the women in charge of everything.  The idea held an appeal to her.  “You like this one?”  She broke the silence.

“Yep!”  Devin squeaked out in a failed attempt at a casual answer.  “It’s very nice.  The… colors are so vivid.”

“I was thinking the same thing.”  Jess said dryly, observing Devin’s blushing.

“And like you said,” Devin stumbled on, “you can get a sense of action, how the figures look in motion.”

“Yeah, there’s another like that over here.”  Even as Jess led the way she began to wonder if she was laying it on too thick.  Andrew had seemed suspicious of her motives for this outing but as much as she loved him, Andrew knew about numbers, not people.  She resolved that this painting would be the last one though, after this they could go get a bite to eat or go shopping.

“The fight between Hippolyta and Hercules.”  Devin said.  “Over her girdle wasn’t it?”

“Um… I think so, yeah.  It was one of his labors.  Leave it to the Greeks I suppose.”

“Huh?  Leave what to them?”  Devin asked without looking away from the hanging.  It was intriguing; the two intertwined figures.  Though the male, Hercules of course, was portrayed as considerably larger, Hippolyta’s form was rather unusual for classical art, with thick thighs that bulged as she seemed to try to work herself to a standing position and defined arms clasped around her adversary.

“I just mean that they came up with the concept of a society of women stronger and fiercer than men and what did they do?  They made up a myth where the sole function that the women serve is to be beaten by a man.”  Jess rolled her eyes.

“I think there are a few stories where they come out on top… You really do spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff, don’t you?”

“These things are important: they shape how we think about the world.”  Jess stopped herself.  “I’m sorry, maybe this is all a bit too academic for light conversation.”

“No.”  Devin shook her head.  “It’s interesting.  You know, this sort of thing does come up in education as well.  Positive body image, gender stereotypes.”  Admittedly, I don’t always deal with those in a healthy manner myself.  “Female role models.”

“Right, that sort of thing.”  Jess mused.  The two lapsed into silence.

After the short reverie Devin spoke up.  “Well, do you feel like you found what you were looking for by coming here?”

“Yeah.”  Jess smiled down at Devin.  “I think that I came up with a couple of ideas…”

“I’m glad to hear it.  Do you want to go get something to eat?  I’m starving.”  Devin started pulling her jacket back on as they strolled towards the entrance.

“Yeah… that would be good.”  Jess stepped in front to open the door.  “There’s actually a few things I was hoping to talk to you about…”
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: havok1209 on July 11, 2017, 02:04:38 pm
I hope it doesn't go the route of Devin deciding females are the superior gender based on Jess's influence... Her attitude seems pretty healthy and I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows with a supportive but healthy partner like Luke.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on July 12, 2017, 02:05:06 am
Draight, you have a beautiful way of weaving arcs together, pacing the story beautifully. I am interested to see how each of the threads plays out. Where will Sarah's curiosity take her next? What has Jess got in mind? How will Devin and Luke's relationship grow? And of course, just what is Devin truly capable of? I look forward to learning what the future has in store for all of the characters. Keep up the great work, my friend!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on July 12, 2017, 12:49:38 pm
You have a rare ability to build consistent plots. And making all the parts connect. But please, Devin is a nice woman, keep it this way!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on July 14, 2017, 01:37:17 am
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I hope it doesn't go the route of Devin deciding females are the superior gender based on Jess's influence...

Spoilers I guess, but nah, nothing like that.  Since her introduction I've tried to establish Jess as a woman who is cognizant of gender perceptions and empowerment, but I don't want her to come across as man-hating or anything like that.  She is usually sarcastic, whereas in this chapter she is being a bit more open, so maybe it came across too strong.  In any case, that wasn't what she was trying to achieve here.

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Weaving arcs together.

I hope I can make it work anyway.  I think that the next chapter should (re)introduce the last thread, after which I swear I'm done adding complications and will try to tie this up.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: draight on July 15, 2017, 10:48:23 pm
Devin sat on a bench, idly kicking her feet and enjoying the sunlight.  Students moved about the quad; heading to and from classes, browsing on their phones.  A little ways away a group of boys were tossing a football back and forth.  In front of Devin several students exited the natural sciences building and she looked down at her phone to check the time.  Several more minutes.  She felt a light fluttering in the pit of her stomach and allowed herself a sip from one of the iced coffees she had brought.  Playing around with her phone, she opened up her message box, frowning slightly to herself as she glanced at the drafted message she hadn’t yet sent out to Jess.  After a moment she shook her head and stuck the phone back in her pocket.

She had the day off, and since it was such a nice day out she’d decided to surprise Luke after his class.  Not much of a surprise though… just coffee.  She frowned to herself for a moment but then shrugged, a small smile spreading over her face.  Actually… she reached across herself with her left hand, prodding at her other arm, feeling the pump she had worked up at the gym before setting out.  Maybe a nice surprise for him after all…   A group of girls walked by giggling about something or other.  One of them looked over at her and her laugh died away as she stared, apparently uncertain what she was seeing.  Devin smiled at her and crossed her bared arms over her chest as the girl mumbled something and scuttled after her friends.

“Oh my God!  Devin!?”  The excited fluttering in her stomach instantly died away, replaced with a queasy sense of dread.  Wait, who?  No, she can’t be…  A jolt ran through her as her adrenaline surged, urging her to go, to get up and leave, but before she could move a figure appeared in front of her.

“It is you!”  Short ankle boots leading into slender, flawless, creamy legs.  A knee length pleated skirt wrapped around delicate hips.   White shirt, pink cardigan combo carefully arranged to tastefully display ample cleavage.  Long, softly curling raven locks framing a face like a porcelain doll.  Soft, kissable lips curled into a warm smile beneath green eyes as cold as ice.

“Hi Abigail.”  Devin squeaked.

“Abby silly, you know that!  What are you doing here!?”  The girl’s eyes darted ceaselessly; to the coffee, to Devin’s face, to her clothes.  Devin stiffened under the intense scanning, stifling the urge to fix her hair and sit up straighter.

“Uh, nothing.  Nothing.”  Devin said, cringing inwardly at  the awareness of how high pitched her voice sounded.  “Just… what are you doing here?”

“I go here silly!  You know, for school?”  Abigail arched an eyebrow, one corner of her mouth curling.  “I haven’t seen you around here before though.”  She shifted her weight to one leg, crossing her arms under her breasts.

“No.”  What does she want?  Why does she have to be here?  Why now?  Why ever?  Visions rose in her mind’s eye.  Suddenly she was back in the high school locker-room as she tried in vain to cover her burgeoning musculature under a woefully inadequate towel.  Then she was at the sophomore year semi-formal, where she had sat silently in the corner wearing a dress like a tablecloth, embarrassment burning in the pit her stomach.  Then the time she had worked up the nerve to stop by Johnathan Pelletier’s locker to try talking to him just as Abigail, Abby, and her friends were walking by.  Too many incidents, she couldn’t remember them all, but she remembered the words:  “Oh my god, look at her.”  “It just makes me uncomfortable having her here, do you think we should talk to the administration?”  “Talk about blind optimism.  What is she even wearing?”  “I didn’t know you were into dudes John!”  But even louder than the words in her memory was the laughter; sometimes scornful, sometimes almost pitying, but always there.

Suddenly, Devin realized that Abigail was looking at her expectantly.  “Sorry, what?”

“Always lost in your own world.”  Abigail laughed, and Devin flinched involuntarily.  “I was asking if you recently moved here or transferred or something.”

“No, I’m… I have been here.  Um, I mean, not here…”  She realized she was babbling.  “Look, it’s been great seeing you again…”

“Ooohhh.”  Abigail cut her off, a sudden light blooming in her eyes.  “You’re at the college?  The all-women’s one right?  That makes sense.  Although I’m guessing there must not have been an in person interview as part of the admissions process, cause that could have been a bit confusing, right?”

“I… what?”  Devin squeaked, struggling to get a footing in the conversation.  Why is she still doing this?

“Well, we always thought that you might prefer, y’know, that sort of company.  I think it’s great.”  Abigail continued to burble happily.  “I imagine you’re quite a hit over there.”

“No!  I mean, my friend…”

“Right, right.”  Abigail winked conspiratorially.  “And you know, if you ever wanted any fashion tips to really impress her...”  She waved a hand dismissively at Devin’s attire.  “It looks like you’ve been working on it, but I know that’s always been a struggle for you.  It’s so great that you’re feeling more comfortable with yourself though.”

A low ringing took over in Devin’s ears.  She simply sat, mouth hanging slightly open as Abigail continued.  She was dimly aware of a pressure building up behind her eyes.

“Devin?”  Luke’s voice pierced through the haze.  Abigail frowned slightly as both girls turned as one to look over towards the doors to the sciences building.  Luke’s hand was raised in a wave, backpack slung over one shoulder as he strode over.  “Hey!”  Not now, not like this.  Devin thought desperately.

Abigail looked back over at Devin, calculation in her gaze, a small smile re-appearing on her lips.  Her posture subtly shifted; hips cocking, chest lifted and thrust outward.  “Hey there!”  She chirped brightly at Luke as he came to stand beside her in front of Devin.

“Hello,” Luke smiled politely for a moment before a look of recognition spread across his face.  He offered his hand for a shake.  “I’m Luke, I don’t think I got your name the other night.” 

Devin started, looking at Luke as though uncertain what she had just heard.  “The other night?”

“Abigail,” She spoke over Devin, “but,” she licked her lip.  “Call me Abby.”  She lightly fingered the neckline of her shirt as her other hand indicated towards the paralyzed girl.  “I saw Devin and thought I should say hello.”

“Well, it’s nice to see you again.”  Luke looked over toward Devin.

“We went to high school together.”  Devin offered weakly.  “And what other night?”

“Right, high school.”  The polite smile on Luke’s face faltered, his eyebrows creased slightly in uncertainty.

“We were just catching up.  Reminiscing, you know.”  Abigail sighed dreamily.  “She didn’t mention you though.”

“He’s my boyfriend.”  Devin blurted.  Enough is enough.

“Really!?  I had no idea… she’s such a shy little thing isn’t she?”  Abigail chuckled merrily.  “Speaking of which, you wouldn’t guess who I’m seeing these days.  Tom!  Remember Tom?”  She turned back to Luke.  “Has she mentioned him?”

“No, I don’t believe so.”  Luke’s voice was flat, face now expressionless.  The queasy sensation in Devin’s stomach redoubled.

“Oh, they have a bit of a history.  She used to carry such a torch for him you know.”  She winked over at Devin before turning her attention back to Luke, reaching up with one hand to tease a curly lock into position behind her ear.  “I don’t mind of course.  I’ve never been one to give in to… jealousy.”  She reached up to lightly brush Luke’s arm.

No.  She can’t do this.  Not with Him.  Before she had even realized she was moving, Devin stood, legs planted firmly.  Her dainty right hand darted out, seizing Abigail’s offending limb around the wrist.  She squeezed and Abigail whimpered in pain.  Her free hand scrabbled at Devin’s fingers, trying to pry a single one free to no avail.  The redhead stood immobile as a statue.

“Speaking of Tom.”  She heard the words come from her mouth.  “How is his shoulder these days?”

It wasn’t clear if the other girl had heard her, her attention focused entirely on trying to ease the vice around her arm.  “Let go.”  She moaned, her hand pulling futility on just Devin’s index finger.  “Please let go, my arm…”  She pulled backwards with all her bodyweight, struggling for freedom.

Abruptly coming to herself, Devin released her grip and Abigail stumbled backwards, barely managing to catch herself on the bench.  “Well!”  She huffed.  Her patronizing smile and smug demeanor had entirely disappeared to be replaced by rage at being humiliated, tempered to uncertainty by how suddenly it had been done.  She directed a look at Luke and opened her mouth, “Well…” she said again, with more composure but a low growl from Devin drew her attention back to the other girl.  She closed her mouth again, spun on her heel and quickly stalked off down the walkway through the quad, sparing a single backward glance.

Devin was barely aware of her adversary’s departure, she sat heavily back on the bench gazing down into her lap.  It isn’t fair… it was such a nice day.  The pressure behind her eyes threatened to break through and the world began to shimmer.  Why does someone always have to ruin everything?  Why did it have to be her?

Luke stood and watched Abigail’s retreating back until it was lost in a crowd of passing students.  “Some friend, huh?”  He remarked to Devin, hoping for a chuckle.  Her only response was a quiet sniffle.  Ah, shit.  She sat as though trying to disappear, shoulders hunched inward, legs tucked underneath the bench.  As he watched, a small tear ran down from the corner of one eye and she wiped it away with her hand.

“Hey.”  A small tray holding coffee took up the spot next to Devin on the bench, and he shifted it aside to sit next to her.  “What’s going on?”

“I missed you...  I just wanted to surprise you.”  Devin said miserably.  She indicated the tray.  “I brought coffee.”

“Thank you, that was very sweet of you.”  Luke replied.

“But Abigail… we went to high school together, she was always a nightmare.  I had no idea she went here.  And I just couldn’t… I sat there and let her do what she always does.”  Devin sniffed quietly.

“Is that what you were doing?  From where I was standing it looked like you had the last word.”  Luke gently squeezed her shoulder.

Devin took a deep breath and wiped her face.  “When she tried to drag you into her little game I got so mad.  I couldn’t let her do that, not to you.”

Luke let out a soft chuckle.  “Really?  I think I can handle myself, you have nothing to worry about.”

Devin smiled weakly.  “Still though, you shouldn’t have to deal with her.  She’s my problem.”  To Luke’s surprise, she forced out a chuckle. “God, I’m sorry about this.  Look at me.”  She sat up, unfolding her body.  “I think I just wasn’t ready to suddenly be confronted by… that.”  She grimaced and paused for a moment in thought before continuing quietly.  “Still, I could have hurt her.”

“You?  Don’t be silly.  She’ll be fine.”

“I could have though.”  Devin nibbled at her lower lip.  “She mentioned Tom.”

“Hey.”  Luke put his hands up defensively.  “I don’t mind, I know I’m not the first guy you ever met.”

“No.”  Devin flushed.  “I mean, yes, he was cute.  All the girls were into him.  He was a big athlete; basketball, baseball, all that.  A group of people thought it would be funny if her were to, you know, ask me out, see how far he could…” Devin flushed darker.  “Um, eventually someone told me.  There was an incident.”  She shook her head.  “It was bad, he was out for the season.”

“Well…”  Luke measured his response.  “I’m sure that you didn’t mean to hurt him.”

“Part of me must have.”  Devin mumbled.

“Enough of that.”  Luke cupped her chin and turned her gaze to meet his.  “You were young, high school can be crazy.  They played a prank on you and maybe you did something that you regret, but that isn’t who you are.  Besides,” he continued, “Did you see her book it out of here?  Whatever game she was trying to play, I don’t think it went exactly according to plan.”

“No, it didn’t…”  Devin’s thoughts came back up to speed as she played the image back in her mind; Abigail, Abby had been afraid… of her!.  Almost as quickly though, another thought occurred: She won’t forget this. 

Somehow, the thought didn’t bother her as much as she would have expected.  Quite the opposite in fact.  As they walked side by side towards Luke’s dorm Devin felt a sharp pain in her hands.  She raised them up to look; finding that she had unconsciously clenched them into tight fists, her nails digging into the flesh to leave indentations.  Weird… she started to think to herself, but then the tidal wave of anger rolled over her.  A pressure that had been too long built up broke loose, a burning sensation stoking in her chest and head.  Luke looked over at her as she stopped in her tracks.  She clenched and relaxed her hands, adrenaline screaming through her veins, howling at her to do… something.

What right did Abigail have to come back into her life and try fuck with everything?  What right had she ever had?  What right did anyone have? 

I didn’t ask for any of this!  I didn’t do anything to anyone!  She realized she was panting.  One of Luke’s hands rested on her shoulder, his mouth moving as he spoke to her, but she couldn’t hear what he was saying.  And why is Abigail better than me?  Just because she’s thin and beautiful she thinks she can fuck any guy she wants?  And she thinks that there’s something wrong with me?  This is just who I am!  The thought stuck in her brain.  This is who I am, what I am.  I like who I am.  Luke likes who I am.  Let her remember.  She looked down at her hands and forced them open.

“Devin?”  Luke’s voice broke through.  “Are you okay?  Do you want to sit down?”

“What?  No, I’m fine.”  She looked up at him.  “Let’s go to the gym.”

“What?”  He stared at her.

“I said, let’s go to the gym.”

“Do… did you bring a change of clothes?”

“No.  I don’t care.  I’ll borrow some of yours.”

“Um…” he looked her up and down.  “They won’t fit…”

“Then I guess you better pick out something that you don’t mind me ruining.”  With this, Devin started walking again and Luke quickly fell in beside her.

Still nonplussed, Luke followed in Devin’s sweeping wake as she pushed through the doors of the university fitness complex.  “Hi, can I see… your… student…”  The bubbly young woman behind the check in counter stopped.

“She’s my guest.”  Luke said quickly, scanning his ID and following Devin as she turned sideways to navigate through the turnstile.  She had hardly said a word since the request to borrow some of his clothing, an intensity burning in her gaze.  As she managed to get through however, she looked back at him to give him a reassuring smile and he felt a measure of relief.

True to her earlier statement, they hadn’t even had to start working out before Devin had ripped her borrowed outfit.  Luke’s baggiest gym shorts had slipped over her calves without too much trouble but she had struggled pulling them over her monstrous quads and they had burst open along the seams, leaving the expanses of her freckled thighs bare.  She had drawn the drawstring as tight as it would go over her waspish waist, but judging by how tightly stretched the shorts were over her phenomenal glutes she didn’t have to worry about them slipping down.  None of his shirts were up to the task of covering her upper body, neither of them had even considered it for a moment, so she had taken his biggest sweatshirt.  This at least was still undamaged, but she made for an interesting sight; the garment billowed loosely around her waist and where she had rolled the sleeves up around her dainty wrists, but was pulled to near the rupturing point everywhere else.  As he joined her on the floor she pulled the hood up over her head, tucking her hastily pulled together ponytail into it.

Nonetheless, people stared as what seemed to be simultaneously the shortest and yet most muscular bodybuilder they had ever seen moved onto the gym floor.  Luke himself drifted along behind her in a sort of daze.  Devin’s playful attitude from their last workout was muted, overwritten by a quiet intensity as she set about prepping the bar.  Luke’s mouth went dry as she began loading plates on each side without stopping to consider the weight.

“That’s a bit more than last time…” he said quietly, but she simply smiled at him before shimmying underneath the bowing bar and lifting it smoothly.

Despite having worked out earlier that same day, there was no feeling of soreness or fatigue in her swelling muscles.  She carefully controlled the slow descent of the bar, paused with it hovering over her chest, and returned to her starting position.  She fixed her thoughts on her exertions, relishing the burning deep in her muscles, an outlet for the energy crackling through her.  She could feel the fibers of her chest and triceps swelling, growing, and she fed her anger and frustration into them, using it for fuel.  Luke tried to repress his arousal as what was apparently Devin’s warmup set began to overwhelm the sleeves of his sweatshirt, stitching popping along the sleeves to allow peeks of the pale, mountainous flesh beneath to swell through.

The bar clanged back onto the rack.  “More weight.”  She said, and he moved to obey without thinking, slapping another plate on each side.  “More.”


“I can do it.”  She said fiercely, “I want to do it.  I can do it.”

He looked into her eyes.  “I know you can.”

“How much is that?”

“That guy has gotta be crazy.”

“It must be some kind of record right?”

Neither Devin nor Luke payed any notice to the murmurs, Devin fixated on the weight and Luke fixated on her.  The bar, visibly drooping on either end, came to a rest on her chest.  Surly this was it.  Luke stood over her, looking down as her almond eyes scrunched tight, teeth bared in a grimace, her freckles vanishing as she flushed dark red.  He reached out to try to help, as ridiculous as it was to think that he could be of any assistance with this kind of weight.  “No!”  She squeaked, and his eyes widened as she let out a small scream, her chest swelling underneath the sweatshirt, her knuckles white as she pushed with every fiber of her musclebound body.  Her sleeves ripped down the forearm, bursting from the surging brawn of her limbs.  With a thunderous clatter that seemed to shake the floor she dropped the bar back onto the rack and, her chest working like a bellows, sat up.

“Wait, did you hear his voice?”

“Is that..?”

Devin looked at the torn sleeves of her borrowed sweatshirt.  Her arms and chest felt full to bursting; as though the muscle underneath could hardly be contained by her skin.  She felt Luke’s hands on her shoulders, his touch cool against the furnace of her body.  “Sorry I ruined your clothes.”  She murmured to him, but underneath she wasn’t sorry; the anger had finally burned out to be replaced by satisfaction, the tension in her mind draining away.  She could feel herself growing; veins standing out as her blood pumped nutrients to her insatiable, mutant muscles.

“Don’t worry about it.”  Luke pressed himself to her back, she felt his fully erect manhood against her and she stifled a moan, feeling wetness bloom between her thighs.  “Let’s get out of here.”  He whispered to her ear.

“One more thing.”  She stood and walked over to the dumbbell racks, several gym-goers making room for her.   “I really wanted to have a pleasant surprise for you today…”

“Trust me, this has been.”

“Shush.”  She looked up at him and blushed slightly.  “Do you remember… our first night together?”

“Of course.”  He chuckled.  “How could I not?”

“Remember how you tried to carry me to my bed?”

That was a mistake.”  Luke laughed.

“No, it was sweet, and romantic.”

“But dumb.”

“Sure, fine.”  She shrugged.  “I was just impressed you managed to get me off of the floor.”

“Where are you going with this?”

“How much do you weigh?”

“Um…, about 185ish I think.”

“They don’t have that exact amount here…”  She stepped up to the rack and hefted the pair of 150 pound dumbbells.  “Yeah, these are the largest they have.  But I think…”  She smoothly curled her left hand up to her shoulder, bicep flexing to the size of a melon.  “If you’re interested…”  Her right mirrored its twin.  Then, with a twist and flare that of her pumpkin shoulders she hoisted her hands, still clutching the weights, up and over her head into a mind melting double bicep flex, the upper arms of her borrowed sweatshirt finally succumbing in an explosion of fabric to reveal the perfect superiority of her biceps.  “I could return the favor.”

Luke threw himself at her, watchers be damned, his hands fastening onto her gargantuan arms as they trembled and pulsed with the effort of maintaining her pose, larger than he had ever seen them.  The pure, feminine beef of his lover overwhelmed his senses; he needed her.  Now.  Here if he had to, he didn’t care.  One had moved to her chest, still bulging from the recent exertions of her inhuman bench press.  A crashing rang out as she relaxed her flex and the weights dropped from her hands to the floor.  She took the front of his shirt and began to head for the doors.  “Let’s go.”
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: QBikk on July 16, 2017, 11:43:21 am
Talk about buildig the tension. What I find very cool is how manage to bring her old feelings and show she progressively deal with them. It looks a natural rythme too. Very well done.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: sgsg69 on July 17, 2017, 02:50:36 pm
Great additions, your craft is amazing at how Devin deals with her emotions and how all of the characters are brought into her world, bravo, well done, can't wait for what happens next!!
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: havok1209 on July 17, 2017, 04:53:17 pm
Really like the latest chapter, but one question, could we get more descriptions of her actual size? She's huge, but she's also short. It's hard to visualize without any additional description.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Pac on July 18, 2017, 01:28:17 am
I personally prefer no weights and measures. She's as big as you WANT her to be. For me that only adds to the excitement.

Another excellent chapter, draight. You have a knack for character interaction. It will be interesting to see how your antagonist factors into Devin's world.


Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: shamus0013 on July 20, 2017, 03:36:22 am
A beautiful addition, rounding out Devin's character a little more. It's a great way to illustrate her progress, show how, instead of shrinking from who she is and the power she possesses, Devin now is beginning to understand that people love and appreciate  her for her. She's clearly becoming more comfortable being herself and Luke is doing a lovely job enabling that aspect. Again, I look forward to the next chapter.
Title: Re: Out of Her Shell
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 02, 2017, 09:40:13 am
I am sorry that I haven't been following this story from the beginning, I gave the whole thing a read through just now and I have to say that this is right up my alley, Devin is so muscular, yet she packs all that muscle on such a short frame, definitely what I love to see! 4'11 with the beef of a couple of heavyweight female bodybuilders put together! And so strong! Lifting that log, crushing that trash can, bench pressing almost 3 times Luke's bench press weight for 10 reps! I also love that she has seemingly been shy about showing her body because of the reactions she dreaded getting, especially in high school, but since meeting Luke, she has grown to really love her body and showing it off more in public. It's a shame that one of her old school bullies came back into her life and made her feel insecure again after such growth, but luckily Luke was there to reassure her, while it may linger for a while, it seems that Devin has a strong support system, which she didn't have so much in high school, with Luke, Krista, Priya, and Jess, who will help her get over it faster than it would've taken her in high school. I really have enjoyed this quite a bit, and look forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on August 03, 2017, 03:58:18 am
“What are you working on tonight?”

“Just now I was doing biochemistry, I’ve also got to take a look at immunology and maybe physiology later.”

“I won’t be any bother.”  Devin wheedled gently at Luke, “I can even help you study!  I’ll come over and quiz you.  We can do flash cards or something like that.”

“I don’t have any flash cards.”  The statement was simply the truth, not an effort at discouragement.

“Well, whatever.  We can make some, or I can quiz you from your notes.”

Luke looked dubiously down at his notes.  Leaving aside the issue that a fair amount of them consisted simply of fragments, chemical symbols and equations, his handwriting was somewhere in between illegible and horrendous.

“You’ve been studying so much the last several days.  Besides, I need to get out of here.  Sarah has been spending so much time over here this last week.  I mean I’m glad for Krista that things are going well, but it’s like every time I turn around she’s there.  And sometimes… the sounds…”

Luke chuckled gently into the phone.

“I’m serious!”  Devin squealed, before bringing her voice down to a more serious pitch.  “I just want to see you.”

“I want to see you too.”

“Great.”  Her tone indicated that there would be no further discussion.  “I’ll pack a bag and be over in an hour.”

“Ok, I’ll see you then.”

Luke hung up the phone and pushed back from his desk, glad to have a reason to put off studying for a little while.  He scratched at an itch on his chin and was surprised to find several days’ worth of growth there.  He grimaced, his stubble wasn’t the only thing that he needed to clean up; his desk was a mess of textbooks and notes, several unwashed dished were stacked to one side, flanked by a couple of empty glasses.  He gathered these up and took them out into the common area to wash.

Nick was perched on the other side of the room, smoking out the opened window.  Despite the attempt at courtesy, a slight breeze was blowing wisps of smoke back into the apartment, the scent tanging the air.

“You can’t do that in your room?”  Luke scrubbed away at the sink.

“Sure I can.”  Nick grinned and made no effort to move.  “You want any?”

“Not tonight, thanks.”  Luke finished with the plates and moved on to the glasses.  “I’m working on studying.”

“I commend your dedication.”  Nick wet his fingers and carefully stubbed the joint out before closing the window.

“Devin is coming over.” Luke finished up by the sink.  “To help.”  He clarified.

“So no actual studying then.”  Nick chuckled. 

Luke shrugged.  “I guess not.”  He admitted.

“If you need me to hold your noses to the grindstone, I’m here.  I can do it.”  Nick said with an easy grin.

“Yeah…”  Luke looked over. “I don’t think that that will be necessary.”

“Alright, but I offered.”  Nick settled himself onto the couch and turned on the television.

Luke had showered and dressed and was just finishing up shaving when he heard the short knock at the door.  “One second.”  He called, bending down to rinse off his face.  Several seconds later the knock repeated.

Fine.  I’ll get it.”  Nick called in mock exasperation.  He let out a long-suffering sigh and Luke heard him cross and open the door. “Good evening Miss, how might I be of assistance?”  The question was met with a girlish giggle.

Luke exited the bathroom in time to catch Nick coming up out of an exaggerated bow.  “Hi Nick.”  Devin replied.  “How’s it going?”  Nick continued to block the doorway with a look of polite confusion.  Eventually Devin sighed and stepped forward, putting a pumpkin sized shoulder into his chest to gently push him out of the way.

“Hey.” Luke stepped forward to meet her.

“Hey!”  She beamed back at him, dropping her duffle bag with a dull thud as he moved to take her in his arms.  Oddly, considering the warm weather, she was wearing her long-sleeved windbreaker.  Complementing this was one of the long, flowy wrap skirts which fell all the way to her ankles, the fabric offering only tantalizing hints at the shape and size of the legs underneath as she walked towards him.

“Mmm.”  She sighed happily into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, both hands barely meeting in the middle.  By now he would dare say that he knew the topography of her body perfectly; the rolling hills no, mountains, of her traps, rhomboids and lats.  The etched valleys between them at the insertions, deep enough to lose a hand into.  That was why he felt a surge of excitement shoot through him as he traced over the familiar shapes.  She felt slightly different.  It seemed laughable to suggest he could notice a slight change in muscles already so grossly overdeveloped, but he was sure of it.  He took a step back to look down and found her smiling up at him unabashedly.

“Sorry I’ve been a bit busy lately.”  He was, too.  “I’ve just had a bunch of studying to do.  I think I’ve finally got a handle on it though.”

“Well good.”  She didn’t sound bothered.  “I’ll just have to quiz you to make sure though.”

“Of course.”  He laughed.  “Have you been able to keep yourself busy?”

“Yeah.  I’ve been… busy.”  She said.  “You know, school, and exercise.  I’ve been hanging out with Jess a bit.”

“Oh, really?”  This was news to him.  He realized that he hadn’t spoken to Andrew in… a few days?  Something like that anyway.

“Yeah.”  She tried, and failed, to suppress a sly grin from spreading across her face.

“Um…  Ok.”  Somehow it seemed to him that she was expecting a follow up question to this statement.  “That’s cool.  Have the two of you have been having fun?”

“We have…”  She began.

“Excuse me!”  Nick called from the couch where he had positioned himself after letting Devin in.  “I know that the two of you are just studying or whatever, but some of us have important things to do.  Like watch television.”

“Goodness, I’m so sorry Nick.”  Devin called back sarcastically.  Nick made a sound in his throat that may have been an acceptance of her apology.

“Let’s just get to it then.”  Luke gestured for Devin to lead the way.

“Is he okay?”  She whispered as they entered his room.

“Is he ever?”  Luke shut the door behind them.

“I… I don’t know what any of this is.”  Devin admitted.  After shrugging off the light jacket to reveal a billowy long sleeved blouse she had perched herself on the edge of Luke’s bed with a sheaf of his notes and a textbook.  “These aren’t even words.”

“Some of them are.”  Luke said defensively from his desk chair.  “My handwriting isn’t that bad.”

“Well first of all, it is.”  Devin giggled.  “But besides that little issue, half of this is just chemical symbols.  I haven’t even thought about this stuff since high school.”

“Well, it’s not a big deal.”  Luke shrugged.  “I’ve already been reviewing chemistry all day.  We could work on one of the other subjects.  Or…” he stood and crossed the room to stand over her, “Maybe we could take a break, have a little fun.”

“Oh you.”  Devin smiled up at him as she demurely pulled her legs up onto the bed, tucking them underneath herself.  “I said that I was coming over here to help you.  You know that I take my duties as a future educator very seriously.”

Luke put his hands up defensively.  “I just figured it was worth a try.”  He started to turn to make his way back to his chair, but stopped as a dainty hand grasped his upper arm, immobilizing him.

“Now.”  She scrunched up her face as if in thought.  “You said that one of the subjects you need to work on is physiology right?”

“That’s right.”

“Is that… anything like anatomy?”

“That’s part of it.  It’s really everything that makes up the biological organism, so there are aspects of development and…”  Devin gently but forcefully placed her hand over his mouth.  Luke gamely brought both of his own to bear against hers, feeling absurdly gratified to notice the slightest shift in the muscles of her mammoth forearm in response.

“Because…” She continued with a glint in her eye.  “I think that that’s something I could actually potentially help you with.  And I wouldn’t mind learning a bit myself.  If you follow me.”  Luke wasn’t entirely certain that he did, but she simply looked at him steadily until he nodded.  “Good.”  She smiled.  “Because I came over to help you study, and I still intend to do that.”  She withdrew her hand and stood from the bed to give him a peck on the lips.  “I’m going to use your bathroom.”

“Yeah, okay.”  Luke grinned like an idiot as she scooped up her overnight bag and lumbered into the bathroom, shutting the door behind herself.  He looked from the door over to his desk where his notes and textbook were placed.  Does she actually want to study?  Coy wasn’t a word he generally associated with his girlfriend but the several quick turns in their conversation had left him uncertain.  He decided to play it safe and went to collect his notes, stomach squirming in anticipation.  The sound of the door opening drew his attention back and he turned, the pages dropping forgotten from his fingers a moment later.

Devin struck a sultry pose, leaning against the doorframe on her massive right shoulder.  Her left arm was raised; swollen bicep framing the side of her face as her hand playfully tousled her hair.  She had bent her right knee, trying to tuck the leg behind its twin on the left but the sheer mass of the two limbs had prevented her from accomplishing this; instead she had simply settled for one foot to rest behind the other as her diamond shaped, melon sized calves pushed against each other for space.  Her titanic body never failed to provoke a reaction in him; lust, awe, worship.  A seductive sense of powerlessness, of being in the presence of something superior.

This was a surprise though.

The little redhead had somehow managed to stuff herself into a little black number of a teddy.  The black lace, sheer to begin with, almost resembled fishnet as it stretched and strained around her immensity.  Pink trim around the edges worked to soften the otherwise severe effect.  On her it worked to create a paradoxical vision of a cute girly girl face superimposed on an overwhelming body stuffed with freakish muscle.  The garment was clearly too small; barely managing to cover the modesty of her nipples while the heaving mass of her chest overflowed the top, threatening to pop free at any moment.  Around her narrower waist it flowed more freely, before stopping to reveal matching black and pink panties so lost in between the adductors of her thighs they seemed like a thong.

“Do you like it?”  She shifted slightly, nibbling her lip.

“Fuck yes.”

“Good.”  She purred.  “Maybe this can serve as incentive for you to do well on your quiz.”

“Quiz?”  Academics was the furthest thing from his mind.

“Mhmm.”  She slowly stalked toward him on the massive pillars of her legs, supported by her cute little feet.  Luke mirrored her, walking forward as if drawn by the gravity of her celestial body.  As they closed together she put her left index finger into his chest to stop him and hold him in place.  As she looked into his eyes her right arm came up into a flex, her bicep swelling up off of her arm to the size of a bowling ball.  “I’ve had these little muscles of mine for so long now, and I never bothered to learn about them.”

“Learn about them?”

“Yes baby.  Lately I’ve been working them so hard for you, learning about what they can do, what they’re truly capable of.”  The finger moved away from his chest to cup the back of his head and an irresistible force drew him down to the swelling, twitching mass of beef that was her bicep.  His mouth opened; lips and tongue playing over, making out with, the steel hard, pulsating muscle.  “And now I want you to tell me about them.”

“They’re incredible.”  He gasped out between kisses.  “So big.  So strong.”

“No…”  She paused to let out a sound somewhere between a laugh and a moan.  “You’re going to go over every one of them and tell me about them.  You can start where you are.”

“Biceps.”  He panted.  “Called that because they have two heads.”  He ran his lips over the split to illustrate and Devin squirmed.  “Antagonistic to the triceps.”

“You mean these?”  She moved her forearms to extend it, the massive bulge of her bicep retracting somewhat as the deep V of her triceps swelled in answer.

“Yes.  Three heads.”  He reached out a hand to feel, but instead she stepped into him, forcing them up against his face.

“I like your lips on me.”  She giggled, and he nodded without breaking contact.  “What else?”

“The… brachialis.” His reply was muffled by her flesh as he kissed the interior of her arm, she lifted it up and away from her protruding lats to make room for his head.  Even so, it was a tight squeeze.  Without further bidding he moved down her arm.  The thick tubules of her forearms rippled like waves as his tongue worked over her extensors and flexors, pausing briefly to name and kiss each one.

“Coming… oooh… back up?”  She sighed happily.

“Mmhmm.  These are the deltoids.”  They were at least as big as his head, but he did his best to cover every inch of them.

“And what’s the… antagonist was it?  To those?”  She asked playfully.

“Lats… latissimus, but they’re kind of covered up right now.”  They weren’t really.  They were far too big for the teddy and had overwhelmed it, pushing the fabric so far down her back was almost entirely bare but he figured it was worth a try.

“We’ll get to them in a minute then.”  She bit her lip as she traced a finger along her collar and the mounded traps framing her tree trunk neck.  He followed obediently, tasting a faint hint of sweat on her pale, freckled skin, the cold silver of her necklace, the strength of the metal so insignificant in comparison to the body wearing it.  He couldn’t resist nipping at the nape of her neck and she squeezed his hand with a fraction of her power, drawing a gasp from him.  “Focus.”

“Pectoralis major.”  His face sank into the canyon between the two blocks of beef.


“There’s also the minor, but it’s covered.  They’re named because one is larger and one is smaller.”

“Small?  You think so?”

“Not on you I’m sure.”  He agreed.  His tongue darted out to explore under the strained neckline of her top, flicking over her stiffening nipple.  A hand on the top of his head effortlessly pushed him to his knees before pulling up the sheer veil in front of him to give him a clear shot at her core.  “The abdominis: rectus and transversus.  Obliques.”  He moved quickly over these in his haste to get lower.  Again he was foiled as her hand guided his head firmly past her cleft, but not before he caught the heady scent of her arousal.

“Focus.”  She murmured again.

He didn’t kiss the entirety of her thighs.  He couldn’t; they were simply too big.  Once he was done with them though she carefully lifted the leg into the air, balancing on one columnar limb as he went down the front of the tibia and around to begin the journey back upwards.  Under ordinary circumstances he could have happily spent all day worshiping her football calves but she prodded gently at the back of her thigh, prompting him to explain that these were also biceps.

Her glutes.  Their enormity simply swallowed her panties into themselves and again he was tempted to linger but the closeness of his victory was too much and he continued upward to explain the lattisimus, teres, and rhomboids.

“I can’t help thinking that you must have skipped some.”  Devin laughed as he embraced her from behind.

“I don’t have to know all of them.”  He protested.  “Those are the ones on the exam.”

“Well, as long as you pass the exam.  I’m happy to help.”

“Well, you are looking to be an educator, as you said.  You’re good at helping.”

“You think so?”  She looked at him for a moment in consideration.

“Of course.”

She brought one hand to her lips, absentmindedly nibbling at her thumbnail.  “Jess asked me for help the other day.”

“Hm?”  The shift in tone from flirtatious to serious surprised him for a moment.

“With something she needs to do for her degree.  A performance.”

“Oh.  Ok.”  He sat down on the bed.  “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Maybe...”  She stood in thought for a moment.  “She said she doesn’t have the whole thing planned out yet but that I could play a significant role in it.”

“Do you… want to?”

“I don’t know.”  Devin shrugged, suddenly looking vulnerable despite her hulking physique.  “She’s been so nice to me.  I guess I was wondering what you would think.”

Luke thought back to their last public hangout.  The way she had reacted under the scorn of that bitch, Abigail he thought her name was.  But then too, the determination with which she had risen from the encounter.  Would putting herself out there publicly help, or was it a step too far too soon?  “What sort of thing would she want you to do?”

“You know… strength stuff I think.”

“You said that you were working, learning about yourself.  Is this what that was about?”

“No.  Not exactly anyway.”  She flushed.  “I was doing it for you too.”  Suddenly it was as though a switch had flipped.  “Would you like to see?”

“See what?”  He asked, but she was already moving to her discarded duffle bag.

“A little while back I kind of started playing around.”  She said somewhat sheepishly as she stood back up and turned.  Luke was surprised to find that she was holding a metal bar, about 18 inches long and the thickness of his thumb in her hand.  “I was interested to see if I could do it and… I thought that you might, you know, like it too…”

Without further explanation the muscles of her forearms sprang into deeply corded relief, her biceps and shoulders swelling, the tendons of her neck standing out as she bent the bar into a clean U.  She handed it to Luke who took it wordlessly.

“Huh.”  He stood and gave the two ends an experimental tug.  Adjusting his grip he put all his muscle into it.  His arms and shoulders screamed in protest, but after several seconds the metal started to bend back.  Bit by bit the bar straightened out as he shifted about trying to find more effective leverage and holds until he had worked it back to about the halfway point and gave up, wiping the sweat from his forehead.  “Well, that would be pretty damn impressive.”  He looked up to find her grinning at him.  “What?”

“I was just thinking about the other day.”  She strolled back to her bag and bent over once again.  Luke let out a surprised grunt as she straightened back up, pulling out a bar of similar length, but easily the thickness of his forearm.  She stalked back towards him purposefully.

“What do you mean?”

“You know, with my friend Abby.  You didn’t actually tell me what you meant when you said that you had seen her ‘the other night.’”

“Oh.”  He smiled sheepishly.  “She was at the Velvet Room, the night of your birthday.”

“I know.  I mean, I figured it was something like that.”  She smiled up at him reassuringly.  “Don’t worry, I’m not mad.  Or bothered or anything like that.  Not by anything you did anyway.”  She went up on her tiptoes and he bent down to meet her in a deep kiss.  A hand on his back held him in place.  “But the way she talked to you… it got me thinking.”  He felt the cold metal of the bar on the back of his neck.


The hand on his back disappeared, but before he could move Devin let out a deep grunt.  Clasping the bar at both ends her upper body exploded into definition, heaving waves of muscle rippling down her arms and chest to burst the teddy off of herself as she seemed to almost double in size.  With a whine the bar surrendered to the sheer irresistible power of her feminine brawn, deforming to bend forward into a U and then further until the ends met, clasped in her petite hands.  She took a step backward and wiped sweat from her brow before giving a satisfied laugh.  He put a hand up, running it along the improvised collar.

“I don’t think that anyone could doubt that you’re mine wearing that.”  Her panties had stayed intact though this display, but her top was far beyond salvaging.  She absentmindedly ripped the remains free and dropped them on his floor, standing bare-chested in all her glory.

“Holy fucking shit.”  He didn’t know what else to say.

She laughed again.  “Don’t worry.  I’m pretty sure that I can get that off of you.”

“Yeah… yeah.  I hope so…”  He didn’t give a fuck.  “Whatever.  First do you want to help me with this?”  He indicated his shirt.  “I’m not sure if I can get it up and over this.”

“Oh!”  No sooner asked than it was torn from his chest.  He doffed his pants, manhood at the ready.  Devin looked down at it and back up at him hungrily.  “Well!”

An arm took him around his hips, lifting his feet from the floor to cradle him against her chest.  Just as quickly he was on his back on his bed, Devin’s massive thighs parting like a canyon, the wetness of her sex dripping down onto his cock to lubricate him.

“I guess you’d like that then?”

“What?”  Why were they talking?  Didn’t they have something else to do?  As if reading his mind she plunged down on him, burying his manhood in her as deep as it would go.  He arched his back in pure pleasure as the muscle of her pussy accepted him, milked him.

“You’d like to see me lifting things?  Bending things?  Showing off this strength, this body.  Showing everyone what only you get to touch?”

“Fuck yes.”  He didn’t know if she was being serious or if this was just a new level of dirty talk.  He didn’t care.

She felt him pulsate inside her, heard the telltale sound of his breathing.  It was too soon.  She slowed her pace slightly, her hands roaming over her own body, squeezing at her breasts, her arms, rubbing over her abs.

“Yes Devin.  Yes baby.”

“And what am I Luke?”  She wanted to hear it.  Needed to hear it.

“Everything.  Huge.  Incredible.”

“And?”  She felt her release building.

“My Titaness!”  He exploded deep inside her.  Filling her as she cried out in her own satisfaction, swollen muscles standing out in etched relief.  She collapsed forward onto him, sinking him deep into the mattress.  For several minutes they lay gasping, still entwined.  Without pulling off of him Devin eventually propped herself up on her arms and looked down, face red and beaming.

“Now.”  She laughed.  “Let’s get that thing off of you.”
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Pac on August 03, 2017, 06:27:52 am
Poor Luke. He may never pass a course again!

Another excellent installment.

Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 03, 2017, 07:10:33 am
Another great chapter, very nice way for Devin to show off each and every part of her huge and ripped body, telling him to describe (and subsequently worship) her muscles one at a time, so a little time for studying, and a lot of time for muscle worship and sex, I like that a lot! k+!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: QBikk on August 03, 2017, 09:07:36 am
Excellent chapter, you underline her internal struggle and the realization of who she is and the fact that she shouldn't care about it in the same place. Great.
What I like with your stories, is that we never have a feeling that the end is coming.
Pac writing level!!!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: gbrummey on September 06, 2017, 06:56:56 pm
draight, this was so good.  seriously. I sincerely hope you continue to practice and develop your skill. i can't say to see what you churn out I'm the future. your pacing,  characters,  wordsmithery(?)'s all right to my taste.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on September 13, 2017, 03:15:05 am
The apartment was crowded, warm in spite of the air conditioning.  Bodies seemed to occupy ever available seat; Nick sprawled lazily in the recliner, head back and eyes closed contentedly.  Krista had claimed the loveseat; her long, bared legs taking up the length of it while Sarah perched in her lap.  The tall blonde gazed at her companion with a secret smile, absentmindedly stroking her hair with one hand.  The brunette’s eyes wandered continually, looking from the T.V. to her lover, to the hallway, to the far side of the room.  Luke and Andrew had taken up position on opposite ends of the couch, the gap between them occupied by Jess, who had snuggled into the crook of Andrew’s arm and looked up at him with heavily lidded eyes.

Devin and Priya bustled about on the other side of the room; Priya bent over the sink washing dishes and passing them off to Devin to dry and put away.  Everyone seemed content with the relative silence for the moment, preoccupied with their own thoughts.  As ever, Luke found his attention relentlessly drawn to his girlfriend like a ship caught in a whirlpool, simply studying her back as she cleaned; her hair pulled up into a neat bun, bared arms cocked outward from her body as she dried, a pair of pajama bottoms shrink-wrapped around her cannonball glutes.

Priya straightened up with a quiet grunt, stretching out her back and gracefully raising one dark, wet hand to brush her hair back from her face.  Sarah’s roaming eyes fastened onto the motion.

“Would you girls like some help?”  she called out.  She made as if to rise before Krista’s arm lazily wrapped around her midriff, pulling her back gently.

“They can handle it.  Just relax, you’re a guest right?”  the blonde cooed.

“Yeah, but you’re not.”  Priya called back without turning.  “Get over here and help.”

“I could use some help with putting things away,”  Devin admitted.  She stretched for one of the top shelves to demonstrate, falling short by several inches even as her shirt rode up, her deeply ridged lower back peeking out.  The fabric of her pajamas drew tight around her calves, threatening to break through as she bobbed up and down.  Come on…  Luke thought.

“Fine,” Krista said heavily, neatly slipping Sarah of her lap and standing up.  Luke sighed in disappointment as she walked over to join her roommates with Sarah tagging along behind.

“It was all really good,” Andrew called after them.

“Yeah, thanks for having us,” Jess agreed.

“No problem,” Priya and Devin responded in unison, the two girls looked at each other and chuckled briefly.

“All right shorty, give me those,” Krista seized the assorted plates and glasses, returning them to their places with dramatic flourishes.  “Satisfied?”

“My hero,” Priya observed dryly.  She turned back to address the room.  “Does anyone want anything?  Everyone have a drink?” she was answered with a chorus of affirmatives.  “Great,” she took her glass and crossed the room to Nick, nudging his foot with hers.  “Hey honey, wake up.”

Nick brought the recliner to an upright position and she climbed onto his lap, tucking her feet in as he cradled her hips.  Krista and Sarah quickly resumed their prior positions while Jess and Luke both tried to draw to the side to make as much room as they could for Devin to squeeze into the middle between them.  She settled heavily, resting one hand on Luke’s knee.

“Well,” Andrew finally said, raising his voice and glass.  “To finals then.”

“What!?”  Jess exclaimed.  “You nerd!  Why would you even want to think about that right now?”

“I just thought…”  He shrugged.  “Wasn’t that what this was about?  Last exams, last weekend, all that.”

“God, I don’t envy any of you.”  Sarah tittered.

“That’s right,” Krista chuckled.  “This little girl’s got a few more years to go.  Lucky you,” She planted a kiss on the brunettes cheek, and Sarah squirmed.

“Sure, but then we at least have commencement week to do nothing,” Luke replied, in response to Andrew’s point.

“Yeah, but I can’t really focus on that too much yet,” Nick sounded morose, “the exams shouldn’t be bad but I still have to finish up several of my projects.”

“You should have spent more time on them,” Priya chided gently, “don’t worry, I’ll help you.”

“I’m feeling pretty good about everything,” Krista volunteered, “kinesiology, anatomy, all that stuff.”

“Kind of like physiology, isn’t that?” Luke shared a small smile with Devin.

“Maybe?  Why, did you want help reviewing?”

“I think I’ve pretty much got that one on lock actually.”

“Goodness, all these sciences,” Jess said, with exaggerated distaste,  “how do you stand it?”

“Not everyone can have your radiant, artistic nature dear,”  Andrew chuckled.

“Says the guy who thinks it’s a thrill to look at numbers all day,”  Jess looked around.  “No one else?  Just me and Devin, huh?”

“What?”  Devin looked over at her in confusion.  “I’m not an artist.”

Jess laughed.  “I just mean you’re the only other person here who does a more liberal arts thing.  Besides, you’re doing a bit of performing right?”

“What was that?”  Sarah interjected.

Devin shrugged her massive shoulders.  “I’m happy to try, but I don’t think it’s going to really be my thing.  Going forwards anyway.”

“You’re going to do great,”  Jess said supportively, before continuing in a mock threatening tone, “you better.”

“To be fair,” Priya interjected, “is what Krista does really science?”

“There’s some science involved…”  Krista said defensively.

“What is it that you’re doing?”  Sarah directed the question to Devin.

“Oh,” She blushed, “Jess asked me to be a part of her performance, so of course I agreed.  I’m going to…”

“Ah ah ah!”  Jess cut her off.  “No giving anything away!  You have to come see it.”  She looked around.  “All of you.”

“Well of course I’ll be there,” Andrew replied.  Jess rolled her eyes at him.

“That sounds interesting,” Sarah continued to look at Devin as she voiced her interest to Krista.


“…so yeah, we’ll just kind of be hanging out for the summer and then I’ll be starting grad right when she…”  Luke was explaining to Sarah.

“Let’s play a game or something,”  Nick proposed apropos of nothing.  Luke glanced over at the clock and was surprised to find that several hours had passed since dinner.  Everyone had moved around a bit since then; getting snacks and refills, going to the bathroom or finding more comfortable positions, but the energy level of the room had stayed mild.  Priya giggled as she leaned in to plant a kiss on Nick’s mouth.

“Not a bad idea, but we don’t have any board games,” she glanced around, “and too many people for video games I think.”

“There are other kinds of games,” Krista suggested, a sly grin crossing her face.

“Here we go,” Priya sighed.

“That could be fun…”  Jess mused, she shot a look at her boyfriend before turning back.  “What did you have in mind?”

Andrew and Luke exchanged glances with one another but stayed out of the conversation, content for the moment to let them handle it.

“What, something like truth or dare?” Devin asked.

“Isn’t she adorable?” Krista chuckled.  “And afterwards we could play spin the bottle right?”

“Well excuse me,” she rolled her eyes in response.

“I’m always up for a drinking game,” Nick suggested.

“You know what I think it’s time for?”  Jess’ eyes turned on Andrew, gleaming with mischievous energy, “I think that there was something we discussed you doing once before babe.”

“Huh?” his face screwed up in thought, “wait, you don’t mean…”

The bubbly brunette flashed across the room to Devin, snaking one hand around her waist and placing the other on her bared shoulder.  “C’mere Titania,” she shepherded the surprised redhead to the kitchen table and pushed her, unresisting, down into a seat.

“Eh?  Eh?”  Jess gestured theatrically at the nonplused Devin.

“I mean…” Andrew looked around for support, instead he found Luke and Nick giving him sympathetic shrugs while Krista met his gaze with a broad grin.  Sarah, behind her girlfriend, watched the unfolding scene with rapt attention.  “What’s even the…?  We already know…” he made a gesture of appeal to Devin, the only other person in the room who seemed on his side in this.

“Do it for me babe?”  Jess batted her eyelashes at him as she slowly but insistently steered him towards a chair.  “Besides, we’re all friends here.  No one’s going to hold it against you if you lose.”

As this exchange continued, Devin looked over to Luke uncertainly, worrying at her bottom lip.  She cocked her head slightly, mutely asking his opinion.  He couldn’t resist letting out a small chuckle, giving her a minute nod of support.  At the signal her eyes brightened, a subtle smile taking shape on her lips.  “Don’t tell me you’re scared,” she suddenly piped up, joining in Jess’ game.  She slowly lifted her right arm from her side, putting it up on the table in an arm-wrestling position.  The mountainous contours of her bicep mounded up even at rest, rising to a size that any of them would have believed to be beyond possible if they had never met the little juggernaut.

Fine,” Andrew allowed himself to be pushed into the seat across the table from her, “but if I have to do this, then everyone else has to do it too.”

“Whatever you big baby,” Jess nearly cackled in delight.  “Who knows?  You might even pull off a surprise upset.”  She turned to Devin and winked, “Try not to hurt him?  He still needs that hand.”

Resigning himself to the inevitable, Andrew stretched his arm up onto the table to mirror Devin’s pose.  The room momentarily went silent, everyone simply observing the contrast.  Perhaps if Andrew had been comparing one of his legs to Devin’s arm there would have been a contest; as it was, her arm overshadowed his like an oak tree over a twig.  It quickly became apparent, however, that there was one dimension in which he outmatched her; his forearm a good several inches longer than her own.

“Should we get a textbook or something to prop her arm up?”

“No, I think he just has to adjust the angle of his arm to match…”

“Would that give him or her the advantage with regards to leverage?”

“Wait a second,” Andrew, seeing an opening, took advantage of the interruption, “shouldn’t we do this more of a tournament style?  Guys against guys, say, and girls against girls until…” he felt a small, soft hand clasp his and turned back.  Devin’s green eyes twinkled as she looked up at him.  An instant later he grimaced in pain as Devin squeezed slightly, compacting his larger hand to allow her fingers to encompass its entirety.  “Ah, Devin, if you don’t mind…”

“Sorry,” she relaxed her grip somewhat, “I figured we should just get this over with, right?  We can start whenever you’re ready.”

“Ok,” he took a deep breath.  “Ready, and… go.”

The result was, of course, predictable.  Andrew threw himself into the match, determined that if he had to do it, he might as well try his best.  Devin, for her part, simply absorbed his efforts, only the slightest twitch of her corded forearm muscles betraying that anything had happened.

“Did you start?”  Sarah’s eyes were riveted to the scene.

“Did we?” Devin asked, warming to her role.

“I thought you wanted to get this over with?” Andrew huffed through clenched teeth.

“Sure, but I said you could start,” she smiled.  “I’m just waiting on you.”  The tendons in his thin arms were clearly visible as he strained against her.  Devin raised her left hand and placed it on her right bicep, kneading at the muscle contentedly.  In the midst of their contest, or lack thereof, the craggy peak was still soft enough to easily roll under her grasp.  Luke watched in utter fascination, even at rest he was hardly able to massage her; the inhumanly strong, tightly woven, and perhaps most of all, huge, fibers of her body resisting his hands.

“I think he’s a bit shy,” Jess laughed, “maybe he’d feel better if he could use both hands?”  Devin simply shrugged at the question.

“Isn’t enough enough?”  Andrew stopped pushing and pulled backwards, attempting to extract his hand from Devin’s grip.  The only response he got was a small squeeze from the red-head, followed by a quick tug, pulling him back down into his seat.  He scrabbled at her fingers for a moment, trying to pull them loose with no result.  “Fine!”  He brought his other hand to bare, wrapping it around hers and attempting to torque her down with his upper body.  Her forearm swelled to match him, at last exerting a hint of effort.  Her bicep, too, pulled tight as the broad peak rose.

“Well, if you really don’t want to do it,” Devin’s looked around, “does anyone want to give him a hand?”  Her face had begun to flush a light pink; Luke felt certain that this was a result of excitement at being in the unusual (for her) position of being the center of attention, rather than from any sort of strain.

“Seems like a good time,” Nick stepped up to the table, making a dramatic show of stretching.  “Want some help man?”  Andrew, tendons now standing out in his neck, simply hissed an affirmative.  “How though… ah.”  Approaching from her right side Nick reached, almost gingerly, to lock his hands around Devin’s dainty wrist, his fingers able to close around the narrow link between her hand and flaring forearm.  With a grunt he pulled towards himself, bringing the weight of his body backwards.  Devin’s hand wavered, beginning a slow descent towards the tabletop.  Andrew let out a sigh of relief as Nick gasped out, “See?  We’ve got a chance here.”

Devin’s arm immediately exploded in response.  While before the limb had been massive, bulging with evident but untapped power it now erupted into action.  The tightly braided cables of her forearm squirmed under her skin, ripples running down them as they pumped larger and larger, spurred on by the introduction of a challenge.  The slabs of pure muscle that were her biceps were spurred onward as the ripples reached them, forming into sharp relief, veins and fibers growing through her soft skin.  To the amazement of everyone watching, and the excitement of some, the tidal wave didn’t stop there; in a single movement her exposed shoulders quivered, contracted inward to diamond hardness, and then popped outward, deltoid insertions the size of handholds carving deep furrows in the deltoids larger than her own head.  A grimace plastered itself to her features for the first time since they had begun.

Fuck!” Nick nearly let go as Devin’s forearm expanded under his gasp, barely able to believe the sensation of all that feminine brawn seemingly being conjured into being under his very fingertips, forcing his hands apart.  Whether he momentary faltered in his efforts or not wasn’t certain, but it quickly became clear that it didn’t matter either way; Devin simply powered her hand back towards an upright position, overwhelming both the full weight and efforts of both Nick’s and Andrew’s bodies.  Upon reaching a perpendicular position to the table she paused, once again holding them in a stalemate.

The spectators stared at the overwhelming image of muscular female perfection, the two struggling men completely forgotten, even by their partners.  As she held them steady, growing increasingly assured of her utter superiority, the fierce expression on her face melted away to be replaced by an easy smile.  She looked over at Luke, pursing her lips into a kiss.  His heart pounded in his chest, a yearning in his manhood, his eyes filled with nothing but her.

“Well Krista?”  Priya spoke up for the first time since this had begun.  “You seemed interested in doing something different tonight, feel like stepping up?”

The Amazonian blonde blanched, awe and intimidation apparent on her face.  “I wouldn’t want to interfere, make things too easy for the guys,” she mumbled.  Sarah had stepped up behind her, wrapping her arms around her in a hug, but the brunette had continued to stare at Devin, her lower lips trembling.

“Mmhmm,” Priya grunted knowingly.

“Well, I’m feeling it now,” Devin admitted.  Her voice dropped, her eyes bored into her boyfriend’s, “Luke?  I think there’s room for one more.”

Luke found his body moving without his consent; a man possessed, dominated simply by the spectacle of his musclebound girlfriend.  He approached from Devin’s left side, extending his arms to brace them against the organic marble of her forearm, adding his weight to push in the direction that Andrew was pulling.  Unlike before, however, the titanic redhead was ready; not about to be caught by surprise by the addition of another pair of opposing hands.  No sooner had Luke touched her than she released a feminine grunt from deep within her armored core, hunching forward to finally push with all her might.  Surely she couldn’t defeat them all?  She gave ground.  Her teeth once more bared in a rictus of effort, the stitching around the shoulder and neckline of her top popping unheeded.  Her gaze snapped to the side, she and Luke locking eyes.  Yes Devin.  He had no breath to waste in speaking.  You can do this!  This is easy.

“Yes,” she said.  The declaration was so sudden, so quiet that the others weren’t certain that she had actually said anything.  “I can do this.” 

Andrew let out a ragged gasp as her hand clamped harder around his, threatening to crush it.  It would have been trivial for her to do so, but even now she maintained control.  Every muscle of her colossal body swelled as one, as if in sympathy with the work being done by her one arm.  Chest, shoulders, core, legs burst forth in a symphony of hypertrophic flesh.  The legs of the chair under her prodigious glutes and hamstrings buckled.  With a drawn out cry she pushed, sweeping away the combined efforts of three strong young men in a surge of irresistible girl power.

Priya watched from behind her boyfriend, face fixedly neutral.  Jess laughed with delight at the sight, offering up a brief whoop of congratulations.  Krista had unconsciously taken a half step backwards, watching in sheer disbelief, tinged with a hint of envy.  In the excitement she failed to notice that Sarah had fallen back several feet behind her, wrapped her arms around herself, and let out a low moan, overcome by the fantasy come to life in front of her.

As Devin’s arm surged forward and down for the final time, Luke was propelled bodily backwards; reluctantly releasing his grasp on her freakishly swollen forearm.  Andrew was bodily thrown onto the table, Nick’s form dragged along from behind for the ride until he too let go and slumped down to the floor.

“Fucking She-Hulk!”  Jess was first to move, slapping Devin on one heaving shoulder.  The three men picked themselves up, straining to catch their breath.  Andrew shook out his hand, clenching and releasing experimentally. 

“Oh!  I’m so sorry Andrew,” Devin sounded sincere. 

“It’s not too bad, just going to be a bit sore.”

Still, the redhead couldn’t help positively beaming at Luke as he stumbled over to wrap his arms around her.  “That was quite some showmanship there.  What has Jess done to you?”

“Show-woman-ship,” Jess corrected, “and you’re welcome.”

Flush from the show, the group laughed good naturedly at this.  Luke felt a gentle tug on his shirt as Devin pulled him down to plant a lingering kiss on his lips.  A thin sheen of sweat had broken out on her brow, and her flush was beginning to fade.

“If you really think that it's Jess who gave me the confidence to do these things..."  she trailed off for a moment. "Anyway, I think that might be enough excitement for me for one night,” she whispered into his ear, “how about we head to your place?”  He nodded and helped her to her feet.

“What, we’re not going best of 3?” Nick couldn’t resist asking as the two headed for the door.

Devin looked back with a smile, “Anytime you want, but you might need to bring a few more guys.”
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on September 21, 2017, 04:04:50 pm
As the door swung shut behind the departing couple, the remaining group collected their bearings.  Andrew continued to gently work at his hand, directing an accusatory glance towards his girlfriend.  Jess, for her part, chuckled to herself in a satisfied manner as she went for a refill.

“Happy?”  Andrew asked her with a long-suffering sigh.

“What?  It was all in good fun,” Jess rolled her eyes at him.  “No one thinks that you’re less of a man or anything like that.”

“No one here would have reasonably expected any other outcome,” Krista added charitably.  She turned to Sarah, “Right?”  The brunette simply stared at her without speaking.  “Are you ok?”

“Hmm?  Yeah,” Sarah said quietly.  She moved forward to rub herself against her girlfriend suggestively.

“No other outcome no matter who tried?  Or no other outcome specifically for him?”  Priya ribbed Krista, “Because you had a chance to get in there.”  Krista ignored her.

“So anyway,” Nick piped up, “are going to continue with the trend of contests where one participant clearly outclasses everyone else?  Cause if that’s the case I may have some suggestions for things that we could do next.”

“No one wants to hear your freestyling dear,” Priya rolled her eyes.

“That wasn’t my only idea,” Nick said sullenly.  “I guess if Andrew needs a win right now we could do some sort of math-off.”

“I’m fine really.  That won’t be necessary,” Andrew had finished nursing himself and replaced his drink.  “Also,” he spun, “you lost too, just as much as me.”

“I don’t choose to remember it that way…”

Krista looked down at her partner as Sarah rubbed herself more insistently against her thigh.  The willowy girl arched an eyebrow at her and Krista grinned in response, stiffening slightly as she felt one of Sarah’s hands gently cup her butt.  If the others noticed, they had the good grace to not say anything.

“Does anyone have cards?  We could play something…” Andrew suggested.

“Ugh, yawn,” Jess stood and stretched, “it’s still pretty early.  Why don’t we head out?  We could go downtown, get drinks, go dancing.”

“Or see a movie?” Nick offered hopefully.

“Or go dancing,” Jess said again, pointedly.

“Yeah,” Priya thought it over, “yeah!  Let’s do that.”  She took Nick’s hand.  “Come on, it won’t kill you.”

“I mean, technically it could.”

Krista felt Sarah shift behind her, going up onto her toes to plant a light kiss on the back of her shoulder, followed by a light nip.  “Um…” she glanced at Sarah’s smile and back to the group, “I think that we’ll stay in tonight.”

“Ok.”  Krista wasn’t certain exactly how to interpret the glance that Priya threw their way.  “Have fun you two.”

Finally in the privacy of Krista’s bedroom, Sarah attacked her girlfriend.  Krista barely had time to shut the door before the brunette’s slender frame slammed into hers with such ferocity that it knocked her a step back into the wall, regardless of their disparity in size and strength.  Krista laughed as Sarah’s hands fumbled with the waist of her shirt.  “All right, all right,” she raised her hands up over her head, assisting her in the removal of the top, “maybe we should have kicked everyone out earlier.”

Sarah didn’t respond.  She pressed her soft lips to Krista’s collar, kissing insistently.  The blonde relaxed backwards against the wall with a heavy sigh.  This quickly turned to brief yelp as Sarah’s teeth flashed.  The taller girl looked down, finding a small red mark where her partner had given her the love nip.  Sarah grinned up at her mischievously.

“Someone’s feeling naughty…” Krista’s voice broke as Sarah’s head darted across her chest to the other side, planting another small nip her collar.

“What are you going to do about it?” she trailed her tongue down Krista’s chest, stopping with her mouth poised an inch from the nipple.

“Well, if you’re not careful I might have to… ah!” She arched her back, hissing with a mix of pain and pleasure.

“Have to what?”

“Have to punish you,” Krista finished in a pant as Sarah’s mouth came to rest against her sternum, her nimble tongue darting out, the brief contact sending crackling electricity through her.

“Oh you will, will you?”

“You think I won’t?”  With her shoulders planted firmly against the wall, Krista arched her back, her hips pushing forward, abdominals rippling to prominence under her pale skin as Sarah trailed her tongue down the separation between them.

“On the contrary,” the brunette paused at the waist of Krista’s shorts, “I’m counting on it.”  Sarah braced herself against the blonde’s thick thighs as she planted her face into the deep v-cuts of her midriff; cooing with pleasure as she teased at them with her lips, planting a flurry of kisses.

“What was that?”

“You heard me,” Sarah slipped a hand into the taller girl’s shorts.  Krista compliantly parted her legs to allow the nymphet’s slender fingers easier access to her soaking pussy, aching for her dexterous touch.  An index finger traced down her cleft, Sarah relishing the heady wetness dripping from her lips, Krista bracing herself for the jolt of pleasure.

It didn’t come.

Krista opened her eyes, looking downward.  Sarah was still on her knees, slight frame pressed against her muscular legs.  Her finger idly traced along the blonde’s mound; tantalizing, teasing.  Krista let out a heavy sigh; a mix of arousal, frustration, impatience.  Sarah smiled to herself, face still pressed to the amazon’s undulating core.  She could read Krista’s body effortlessly; the heaving of her chest, the way that her hips rocked forward against her hand in minute circles, insistent and unbidden.  She could feel the heat emanating from Krista’s womanhood, matching the fire burning in her own.  We should have kicked everyone out earlier.  She had felt as though she was going to combust, explode. 

Sarah fought to keep back the rising feeling of guilt as she looked up at Krista’s body.  She had been so drawn to the blonde when they met; the way she towered over her, the feel of her strong, sinewy limbs wrapped around her, her cocky, dominant demeanor.  All of these things had made her irresistible.  Sarah had been content in the knowledge that she had found the partner of her dreams.  That contentment had been shattered, replaced by an insatiable hunger for the musclegoddess that was Krista’s roommate.

The first time she had lay eyes upon Devin’s hulking frame she had been overcome by the sight, and every time since then had never failed to provoke a furious hunger in her that she felt she could only barely resist.  To finally see those glorious, enormous, granite-hewn muscles in action; watching Devin simply womanhandle those three men… they had been nothing to her, their combined efforts no more than a minor inconvenience to be mocked, shamed, swept away by her pure, unbelievable feminine strength.  She had been simply riveted to the sight, half of her wanting more than anything to bolt from the room to pleasure herself, the other half of her simply refusing to take any action that would remove her from the presence of that goddess made flesh.

And then she had simply left with her boyfriend.  In the genial atmosphere, no one had noticed the look of envy and disappointment on her face; the way she had had to control herself to stop from following into the hall for just one more glimpse.  Instead she had seated herself; the dull throbbing ache in her slick womanhood only growing stronger as she had mulled over the match, begging for release. 

And speaking of begging…  She turned her attention back to the woman towering over her as Krista’s strong hands cupped the back of her head, twined themselves into her hair, patted affectionately at her shoulders. 

“Kitten,” Krista panted from above, “you’re starting to test my patience.”  Sarah felt a jolt of arousal run through herself at the declaration, knowing that Krista was reaching a breaking point, under her hands the muscles and tendons of her thighs and core began to tremble and flex in anticipation of movement.  “All this teasing.”

“Then do something about it,” Sarah purred, “show me what you do to bad girls.  Put me in my place.”  Her finger flicked, sliding across the tender nub of Krista’s clit, light as a feather.  “Show me how strong you are, what those gorgeous muscles can do.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” Krista preened, drawing herself to her full height, flexing for the benefit of the brunette.  Sarah gazed at the sinewy mounds of her biceps, the single vein running down the middle, feeling another pulse of arousal issue from her womanhood to sweep through her.  Quick as a snake she darted her face forward again, planting a harder bite on one of the protruding bricks of Krista’s abdominals.  The blonde cried out in pain and arousal, unable to resist any further she bent forwards.

Sarah stiffened as Krista’s long arms wrapped around her chest underneath her arms, constricting around her to sweep her bodily from the floor and into the air.  She found herself crushed tightly to the stony surface of Krista’s body; her thin torso pressed tightly to Krista’s broader, stronger one as her arms supported her, feet dangling above the floor.  As her mind reeled under the haze of her arousal, Sarah playfully fought back; pressing her hands against the amazon’s bulging upper arms and shoulders and pushing with all her might even as her fingers greedily drank in the texture of her muscles.

“Nice try little one,” Krista growled into her ear.  She swayed back and forth, shaking the hapless brunette like a ragdoll, drawing a gasp from her lips.  “But you asked for this.”  Sarah drew her arms back and dropped them forward with all her strength, landing several hammer blows on Krista’s broad chest.  The blonde grunted in surprise and pain.  With a jolt of power she squeezed with all her might.  The breath exploded from Sarah’s lungs as her chest compacted against Krista’s firm trunk, her arms dropped to dangle limply at her sides.  The blonde’s face split into a smirk of superiority as she carried the stunned brunette across the room in several long strides to drop her on the bed.  Not yet fully rallied from her stupor, Sarah squirmed but Krista ignored her ignored her impotent struggles, pinning her wrists above her head with one hand and using the other to strip off her dress and undergarments.  She reared to her full height, towering over the slim, trembling girl as she planted her hands on her hips, flexing her entire upper body into etched relief.  “What to do with you now?”  She mused, eyes drinking in the sight of Sarah’s pale, slender arms and legs, of her shapely breasts heaving as she panted in arousal, of her clean-shaven pussy waiting invitingly.

Without waiting for a response she reached down again, once more immobilizing Sarah’s arms with one strong hand while the other cupped her soft breast, squeezing.  The girl thrashed under her grasp, straining with both of her arms against Krista’s one, exulting in the sensation of being taken, controlled by the larger woman.  Yes.  So strong.  Those fucking muscles.  Take me…  Her hands lifted an inch from the bed, only momentarily before being pushed back, but her eyes snapped open.  Krista’s beautiful face was flushed, the arm restraining her trembling slightly with effort.  Sarah felt a flash of disappointment, her frantic inner monologue interrupted.  She kicked out with one leg, her knee deflecting off of Krista’s chiseled midriff, but not without drawing a momentary flinch from the blonde.

“Enough,” Krista leapt onto the bed.  Her firm glutes landed on Sarah’s chest, the weight of her body pressing Sarah into the mattress.  She rocked forward onto her knees, her massive thighs framing Sarah’s face.  Her hand released Sarah’s wrists to palm the back of her head, scooping it forward to press her face forcefully into Krista’s sopping pussy.  “Get to work,” she growled.  Sarah melted, tongue darting forward frantically to taste her lover’s juices, face thrashing s she rubbed it against her mound.  She stared up the cliff of Krista’s body; her smooth skin, craggy core, large pendulous breasts swaying as the amazon rode her face, moving her hips in a rocking motion to force her tongue further into her cleft, carrying her slight body along for the ride.  Sarah pawed at Krista’s thighs, feeling the rippling muscle underneath the skin flex and recede with her motions, clasping at the scalloped glutes as they pistoned her large body back and forth.

“Faster.”  Krista gave a squeeze with her thighs while being careful not to hurt her lover.  She panted as the pleasure building inside her grew as Sarah redoubled her efforts.  The girl’s soft hands played over her lower body; squeezing, prodding, feeling, and Krista obligingly flexed the muscle groups in turn, relishing the way the smaller woman worshiped her body.  She raised her own free hand to her chest, playing with her erect nipples.  Sarah watched in awe, her hands creeping down to her own aching womanhood, parting the folds of her own lips to play at the wetness beneath…  Stars exploded in her eyes as Krista’s muscular adductors squeezed her again and she squeaked in her desperation for release.  “Not so fast.  First you have to make it up to me.”

Sarah mewed, parting her legs imploringly, clit practically throbbing.  Krista ignored her pleas, riding her face relentlessly.  Sarah gave in, devoting herself completely to the pleasuring of her partner; tongue and hands working frantically, moaning loudly.  Finally it happened; Krista’s thighs contracting for a final time, now involuntarily, her head thrown back, long hair cascading downwards, chest heaving as her hand released the back of Sarah’s head to travel up and grasp at her breasts in ecstasy.

“Oh God,” Krista rolled off of her onto her side.  Sarah’s face and chest was flushed a bright red from her furious lovemaking; mouth trembling, nipples stiffened like little pebbles from her unsatisfied arousal.  “I think you’ve earned your forgiveness, do you?”

“Please,’ Sarah moaned as she rolled over to grasp at her partner, “now, please.”  She groped at Krista’s rugged biceps.  In her mind’s eye they expanded to twice their current thickness, muscle shapes swelling, becoming inhumanly large and defined beneath her skin, a light dusting of freckles… “I need you now.  Take me, show me how strong you are.”

Wrapped in the warm afterglow of her own release, Krista didn’t hesitate.  She stood from the bed and leaned over her love.  Sarah looked up at her uncertainly as Krista’s hands dug under her backside before the Amazonian blonde’s thighs and calves flared with exertion, arms popping as she scooped the brunette from the bed into the air.  Sarah shrieked with delight as Krista flopped her thin legs over her broad shoulders before turning to brace her back against the wall and bury her face in her crotch.

Holy shit!  At the show of strength Sarah felt herself almost immediately on the edge of orgasm, but almost immediately Krista’s arms and shoulders began to shake and tremble with the strain.  No, she’s so strong.  She’s incredible. Sarah tried to push herself over the edge, but there was no denying Krista’s limitations.  Not like Devin.  The thought sprung unbidden to her mind.  She’s a monster, a freak.  She couldn’t help it; she allowed the fantasy to overwhelm her.  Devin’s gargantuan musculature, barely showing a hint of strain as she overcame the three men earlier.  Of her simply walking into the locked bedroom door and pushing it off its hinges as though it were made of balsa wood.  Of her reaching out with a petite hand to put it on Krista’s shoulder, effortlessly forcing the much taller girl to her knees before her as she came to claim Sarah for her own.  One hand forcing the blonde head between into her gushing cleft with contemptuous ease even as Krista’s sinewy arms pressed against her barrel thighs, fighting with all her strength.  Fiery green eyes boring into Sarah’s own as her other hand simply curled her upwards to her waiting lips, cute freckled face locked in an expression of desire.

“Oh yes!  Oh yes!”  Sarah was beyond care, beyond shame.  She trembled and jerked her hips, nearly causing Krista to drop her as her arms quickly depleted of their remaining strength.  “Yes, fuck!  Those insane muscles!  Goddess!  Freak!  Fuck!  Devin!”

She was falling, wailing in pleasure as she hit the blankets.  Aftershocks rocked through her body in crashing waves of pleasure.  Everything was silent save for her final whimpers.  After a moment, rational thought returned.  She opened her eyes, looking up at Krista’s expression.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Still one of the best stories out the little flashes into their continuing relationship.........hope she keeps pushing herself, and we get some detail on that!! Can't wait for the next chapter K++

Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Pac on September 25, 2017, 01:41:06 pm
I think Sarah is in deep shit. She was so obsessed, though, it was impossible to keep that kind of fixation bottled up for long. I wonder how Devin will react to learning about it?

This was a fun couple of chapters. A shame it needs to wrap up, but their graduation sounds like a logical point to draw this story to a close.

Brilliant first effort.

Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on October 12, 2017, 12:52:08 am
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Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: confirmbiceps on November 20, 2017, 03:29:51 am
Fantastic!!!!!! May I do some custom artwork of Devin? I would be honored!

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Yeah, sure.  I'm glad you like the story.

Did some fan art!

See it here =>

I hope to do more of some of this AMAzing story!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on November 26, 2017, 11:20:24 pm
I couldn't resist writing several short passages to go with Confirmbiceps' art.  New chapter soon hopefully.


I’m definitely getting bigger.  But how much?  And how much would he want to see?  The lighting in the gym locker room seemed perfect for this, she thought she could see every individual muscle group and cut in her arms as she posed in the wall mirror.  She was pretty sure that this was the first time she had come to the gym alone, without Krista or Luke to watch or assist her and she had found that she had really enjoyed it.  Admittedly, the fact that the gym had been practically empty had probably helped her nerves.  It was odd though; she loved coming with Luke, loved seeing the worshipful look on his face as she curled dumbbells that weighed more than he did, loved knowing what it did to him.  Especially loved knowing what they would do immediately afterwards…

She shivered.  Somehow though, coming alone had been exciting in its own way.  She found a strange excitement in knowing that she was here working on herself without Luke knowing, knowing that next time she saw him she would be even bigger and stronger than he was expecting…  She flexed again, pumping as hard as she could to inject as much blood and pure brawn into it as possible.  How much larger than he expected could she make herself?  Maybe the very sight of her would be enough to…

Devin cut off a short squeak of surprise as she heard someone push open the locker room door.  She quickly dropped the flex and headed to her locker to cover up.

The Sleeping Giantess:

Goddess.  Titaness.  Luke simply sat up in bed and gazed at Devin as she lay sleeping in the quiet morning sunlight.  Even at rest her muscles seemed hewn from stone, a bicep as thick as his own thigh flexing and relaxing rhythmically as she subtly shifted in her sleep.  He couldn’t resist reaching out with one hand to feel the muscle.  It was warm as ever to the touch, her soft skin smooth and perfect.  Would it wake her if I squeezed?  He decided to risk it, he couldn’t help himself.  The inhumanly dense fibers resisted his attempts.  Even when she was asleep he was nowhere near equal to her strength.  Perhaps if the muscle wasn’t so big he would have had a bit more success; as it was his entire hand wasn’t enough to cup even half of that gorgeous, sexy mound.  He brought his other up, together they were enough to encompass about half of the tree-trunk of a limb.  Even as he thought this it seemed he was mistaken; there was slightly more girth to them than he had just thought.  Wait.  How?

Her quiet giggle instantly cued him in, followed by an explosive expansion as she fully flexed her arm.  “Very funny.”  He bent over to kiss her as she gave up on feigning sleep and opened her eyes.

“I couldn’t resist,” she said through her giggles.  “Besides, you woke me up.”

“Well, now that you’re awake, is there any more in you?”

“You know, there just might be,” she cooed as she bore down on the flex.


Devin continued forward several paces without noticing that Luke had fallen behind.  Head tilted back, eyes closed, button nose up in the air, she inhaled deeply.  The sunlight felt good on her bared shoulders and the trees were just starting to bud.  Luke surreptitiously fished his cellphone out of his pocket as she drew ahead of him, smiling to himself as he opened up the camera app.

“Luke?”  Devin said in confusion as she opened her eyes and found him missing.  She looked back over her shoulder.  “What are you…?  Wait!”  Luke’s face split into a wide grin as he snapped a quick shot of her, capturing her surprised smile.  “What did you do?”  She turned back towards him.

“Nothing!  Nothing!” He played innocent as she set her face into a fierce scowl and stalked towards him.

“Let me see!  Give it to me!” she squealed, thrusting an arm forwards for the phone.

“What?  No!  Why?”  He laughed, holding the phone up and out of her grasp.

“Because!  Let me see!”  She hopped up and down several times, reaching for the phone as he danced away from her.  Finally she reached out to seize his collar with one petite hand and yanked him down to her level, bicep bulging with power.  He nearly tumbled to the ground before her other arm caught him firmly and set him back on his feet.

“Okay, okay!” he conceded as she seized his wrist and squeezed gently, forcing his hand open.  “Happy?”

“Hm.  I don’t look too bad, do I?” she said quietly as she continued to crush him to her chest.

“Best thing I’ve ever seen,” he said weakly.

“You’re too sweet.”  She gave him a peck on the cheek before releasing him from her embrace.  “I guess you can keep that one.”
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on December 02, 2017, 05:41:14 pm
Devin joined the back of the line of girls disembarking from the shuttle and quietly followed along to step down and out into the warm spring morning.  As the queue broke up and drew away, leaving her standing alone in the sunlight, she drew in a deep breath before finally letting the giggles bubble up and out of her; shaking her broad form with giddy laughter.  She flung her arms out, careful not to dent the departing bus, and executed a quick spin on the toes of one foot.  In any other circumstances she probably would have amazed herself with how easily her form executed the maneuver, perhaps a testament to her recent sessions with Jess, this morning though she had other things on her mind.


“I mean… if you don’t want to, it’s okay.  If it’s too soon or if you think that your parents wouldn’t like it.”  Luke’s head had rested on the thick slab of her left pectoral muscle, his entire torso gathered into and supported by the broad hood of her latissimus muscle.  He had craned his neck backwards to look up into her face, his eyes heavily hooded, sweat drying on his brow in the aftermath of their frantic lovemaking.  Despite his obvious fatigue, hell, he had gone at her so passionately and powerfully that he had almost managed to make a dent on her, his eyes had burned with that light that made her feel so beautiful, so special, so… well, good.

She had relaxed; drawing the moment out, allowing herself to sink into that gaze.  Despite her unconventional shape, they hardly ever cuddled in this position.  He generally supplied the base as even though she effortlessly put her man’s muscular development to shame she still liked to feel… well… girly when she could.  Looking down at him though, she had thought that she might be able to get used to this position; the feel of his warm, toned body supported by her own.  The way it created the illusion that she was taller than him, something that would otherwise only be achievable with the assistance of a ladder or some stilts.  She gathered him more fully onto herself, lifting him with her left arm to deposit him on the center of her broad chest.  “Say that again?” she had requested coyly as she struggled to hold back her eager agreement to his request, to maintain an affect of serious consideration.

“Did I scramble you that badly?” he teased.  She had let the joke roll over her, continuing to smile blissfully until he relented.  “I found a little place, a one bedroom apartment that I can afford while I go to grad school here.”  He had paused to roll fully onto his stomach, their chests pressed against one another.  His head descended slowly as he pressed his mouth to her bull neck and she shivered involuntarily as his tongue darted into the crevice of her traps to play.

“Not that part,” she sighed heavily as he stopped talking to devote himself to his ministrations.  Her right hand had moved to take his, pulling it up and placing it on her exposed breast.  He had set to kneading it with gusto.

“I want you to come with me,” he breathed out when he finally paused.  His eyes once more locked onto hers, lazy smile still fixed as her nipple stiffened once more under his fingers, as her chest swelled with an indrawn breath.  “Move in with me.  I know you have some interviews lined up for the area.  You’re bound to get one of them, and… you know…”

“Yes!”  A wide grin had split her face as she had failed to hold it in any longer.  “Yes, of course silly!”  Before he could do anything other than grin back at her, his relief and exhilaration clear, she had pressed her lips to his, the two eagerly moving as one, any fatigue from their earlier frenzied session immediately forgotten.


Even the next day, the excitement of her decision had hardly faded.  Oh, what the heck? she allowed herself to step forward into another quick spin.  Two girls walking past nearby looked over curiously, prompting another quick peal of laughter from her.  Taking in the thickness of her arms, the way that her mounds of trap muscle kissed her ears they quickly looked away and bustled past.  Devin hardly spared the interaction a second though; she was growing used to the way that people looked at her now that she was wearing more revealing clothing and besides, she was feeling too good to let anything bring her down.

She hummed lightly to herself as she practically skipped the rest of the way back to the dorm.  She bounded up the staircase, taking them three at a time, the strength in her thighs sufficient to overcome the handicap of her short legs.

She swept into the apartment, slamming the door behind herself carelessly before leaning backwards against it to support herself as she kicked off her shoes.  “Hey Krista!” she called, directing a giddy wave at Krista.  The tall blonde stood at the mouth of the hallway, still dressed in what Devin recognized as her sleeping clothes: a pair of short shorts and tank top.  The redhead’s greeting went unanswered, a fact which Devin overlooked as she started towards the refrigerator.

“Devin,” Krista responded quietly.  She mulled over the name, had been mulling over it.  Devin… the way that Sarah had cried that name even as Krista had held her in her arms, the rapturous look on her face as she had fallen backwards to the mattress.  At first she had been confused, stunned.  That had quickly been replaced by a nausea and pain that she had never felt before.  Heartbreak.  It seemed so easy now to confess to herself that she had been in love.  Why couldn’t I have ever admitted it before?  What is wrong with me that I couldn’t bring myself to say those words?

She hadn’t been able to sleep after Sarah had hurried from the apartment last night.  She hadn’t been able to eat.  She hadn’t been able to do anything at all.  Several calls from Sarah this morning had gone unanswered as she brooded.  What had they done together?  How long had this been going on?  How could I not have known something was up?  Most of all; What am I supposed to do now?  She had no idea.  In her brief moments of lucidity Krista realized that the scenarios she was imagining didn’t make sense: Devin had a boyfriend, she had no reason to believe that her roommate had been carrying out any sort of affair with Sarah, she would have known.  Of course she would have known.  Then, the look on Sarah’s face would float back up to drown out all other thoughts, the way that she had cried that name.  Anger, humiliation and a healthy dose of fear swirled through her mind.  But more than anything else, she hurt.  Someone else needs to hurt too.

“What…?” Krista paused mid-question.  Her voice was low, uncertain.  Devin frowned at the unfamiliar tone for the blonde, usually so strong and self-assured.  She turned back towards her friend.  “What… what did you do?”

“Sorry?”  Devin asked, concern and confusion mingling.  She cocked her head.

“What did you do?”  Krista seemed to draw strength from fixating on the question, her voice growing louder and more assured as she stepped towards her roommate.  “What did you do?  How could you?  Why?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Devin’s defense came out high pitched as she took a step backwards from the advancing figure.  She quickly glanced around the room, searching for some sort of explanation or support.  Priya was nowhere to be found, and nothing else to clue her in to what was happening.  The towering blonde demanded her attention.  Finally pulled fully from her blissful reverie, Devin took in her appearance; the streaks running down her cheeks, the redness of her eyes, the bags underneath, the unkempt condition of her hair.  “Krista, what’s wrong?”

“Fucking… bitch!” Krista snarled.  Devin raised her hands defensively as the taller woman moved within arm’s reach of her.

Despite her crazed anger, the blonde paused momentarily as she drew up in front of her roommate.  She took in the unbelievable breadth of those shoulders, the bunching of those inhumanly large biceps as she raised her hands in front of herself.  Then…

Krista swung wildly; not aiming for anything in particular, not even forming a real punch so much as simply lashing out.  Her hand connected with the thick meat of Devin’s forearm with a loud smack.  Krista’s eyes widened.  Surely the warm, hard flesh had yielded a bit, even if only imperceptibly.  Even if she would never admit it openly to others, Krista wasn’t under any illusions about which of the two girls was stronger.  She’d been to the gym with the pint-sized musclegirl, hell, she’d been the one who had introduced her to it.  She had seen the kind of weight that Devin was capable of moving, or at least had been capable of moving the last time they had gone together which she now realized was some time ago, but she’d always held tight to a belief that her own superior conditioning and athleticism somehow served to bridge the gap between their raw strength.  A belief which had immediately been given the lie. 

“Hey!”  Devin let out high pitched chirp. Both girls paused and stared at the massive expanse of freckled beef.  A small red mark was barely perceptible amid the rolling, straining tubules of brawn.  “That kind of stung,” the redhead complained.

“Good!”  Krista placed her hands on Devin’s bared shoulders, God, my hands look so small… and shoved.

Devin didn’t budge.  “What is wrong with you?” she asked, a hint of pique now apparent in her voice.  A flush had started at the base of her thick neck and was working its way up into her cheeks.

“She was… I mean… I… she…” Krista leaned into her roommate with all her weight, her long legs straining, tendons standing out in sharp relief as she desperately pushed.  It isn’t fair.  Why is she so strong?  How is she so strong?  It doesn’t make any sense.

“What!?  She who!?”  Finally overcome with irritation, Devin casually brushed Krista’s hands off of her shoulders.  The blonde fell forward, head first, into her behemoth chest and rebounded.  Drawing back up to her full height, she cocked her right arm up and dropped in a hammer blow onto Devin’s bulging trap.  Her fist somehow managed to wedge itself between the enormous mound and Devin’s trunk of a neck, lodging firmly as she struggled to pull it free.  Was Devin flexing to holding it there?  She couldn’t tell.  The little beast simply stared up at her, brows furrowed in anger.  What right did she have to look at her like that?  And why was she looking so… blurry?

Devin’s expression softened as the fresh tears began to roll down Krista’s cheeks.  The blonde let out a series of short huffs before growling out a miserable, “Sarah.”  She punctuated the declaration by dropping her other fist onto the thick muscle of Devin’s pectoral shelf above her breast.  The hand immediately began to throb in pain from the shock of contact as Devin anticipated her and flexed her chest into the blow.  Before she could do anything else Devin had locked a hand around her wrist, immobilizing her.  The redhead’s eyes had quickly hardened again.

“If you do that again…” she began just as Krista lashed out once more with a knee.  Though she had intended for Devin’s midsection, the girl’s thighs were so voluminous that they protruded far enough forward to get in the way, resulting in a glancing strike off of them that ended with Krista’s leg wedged between the two of them.  “What the Fuck!?” Devin practically screamed.  She released Krista’s left hand and, without moving in inch, tensed her entire body.  Krista felt a moment of crushing pain in her trapped hand before it popped free and then she was flying.  Pressed together as their two bodies had been, the simple expansion of Devin’s mass was enough to propel Krista backwards and off of her feet.  She scrabbled backwards to huddle against the back of the chair, cradling her aching hand as Devin began to walk towards her, the floor shaking under her heavy tread.

“Yeah, what the fuck!” Krista screamed back at her.  “She was my girlfriend!  What the fuck were you doing with her?”

Devin stopped short a few feet away.  “What did she… what do you think happened?” she cried in exasperation.

“You tell me,” Krista snarled.  Now that Devin had stopped and was beginning to look more perplexed than anything else, she regained her feet.  “We were… together and she said your name… said other things…”

“Krista…” Devin shook her head, “I’m with Luke remember?  I wouldn’t… I couldn’t do something like that to you.  To anyone.”

“Yeah, Luke.”  Krista turned away, hiding her face.  “Good for you.  I’m sure you’re very happy.”

“Can we talk about this?”

“No.  I don’t want to.”  Krista walked to the hall, keeping a wide space between herself and Devin, before turning her back and heading towards her room.


“Fuck off!  Leave me alone!”  The blonde screamed back at her before slamming her door.  Devin simply stood and stared after her, her own eyes beginning to prickle with tears.  Eventually she turned and headed out the door, leaving the dorm behind.

She stepped back outside and wandered aimlessly around the campus, steering wide of any groups of students milling about as she brushed away errant tears. Eventually she found an unoccupied bench outside one of the buildings and sat herself.  What the hell just happened?  I didn’t do anything wrong!  She wanted to shout at the absurdity of the situation.  Still, she had a feeling that the best move for now was to just give Krista some space.  Her first instinct was to call Luke, but as she pulled her phone out she paused, finger hovering over the call button.  What if he thinks that…?  That was stupid.  Of course it was stupid.  That point aside though, maybe she shouldn’t bring him into this situation.

Priya hadn’t been in when she had returned to the apartment.  Maybe she knew something about what had happened.  Devin considered it for a moment and then dialed her friend.  The phone rang until the call eventually went to voicemail, “Hi, this is Priya.  Sorry I missed…” Devin hung up and sat stewing for a minute.  She didn’t want to go back to the apartment yet.  Maybe not today at all.  Jess’ apartment is near here…  She didn’t want to bring Jess into this any more than she did Luke, but for the moment it was a place that she could go under the pretense of a simple hangout.  She dialed.


Jess tensed her thighs experimentally underneath the table.  Well, what the fuck do you know?  About time too.   Just yesterday she would have gritted her teeth in anticipation of a jolt of soreness.  Today she had been pleasantly surprised to get through rehearsal without any trembling or pain and excited about the additional height she had achieved on her leaps.  She had been worried that taking up weightlifting in the weeks leading up to her performance for finals had been an enormous mistake: her acrobatic and balletic skills had been seriously impacted by the seemingly perpetual stiffness in her legs and arms.  All this despite her already considerable strength and conditioning from a lifetime of dance.  A sense of relief and lightness ran through her now that it seemed her muscles had finally acclimated to the unaccustomed movements and strain.  She ran her hands over her thighs as she flexed them, enjoying the sensation as her fingers probed into separations that she was sure hadn’t been present just a little while ago.

“Jess?  Jessica?  Hello?”

“Hm?  What?”  She redirected her attention above the table, at the ring of faces now focused on her.  It seemed that the question had come from Meghan.  “Sorry, I was just daydreaming...”

“Um… okay.”  The ring of girls tittered.  Jess repressed a grimace.  She liked the girls… well, mostly anyway.  Hanging out with them after rehearsals was the least that she could do.  She could have spent the time working on her own projects but it was important to be available to the junior and sophomore girls, and it wouldn’t have looked good if she was the only senior not putting in time with them.  “I was just asking if you had any thoughts on the way that…”

“I’m so sorry.”  Jess held up a hand before fumbling through her purse as it began to vibrate.  “Do you mind?”

“Not at all.”  The slender blonde tossed her head dramatically.

Jess finally found her phone.  Devin.  Let’s see… Thundra, have I done that one yet?  Shit, I think I’m running out.  She put it to her ear.  “Thundra!  What’s going on?”

“Uh… not much…”  A long sigh followed.  “I was wondering… are you doing anything?”

“I’m just hanging out, getting coffee with some of the girls.”  She directed an apologetic smile around the table.  “How about you?”

“Oh.  I’m sorry.”  Jess thought that she caught a muffled sniff.  “I was just… I don’t know.”

“Devin?  Are you okay?”  Jess’ smile faded.  She stood and moved away from the circle of suddenly curious girls.

“Yes!  I’m fine!”

“All right.  Do you want to meet up somewhere?”  Jess looked back at the table.  “I’m at DiCicco’s, do you want to come down?”

Devin hesitated for a moment before responding.  “Sure.  I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

Jess sat herself back at the table with a polite smile.  “A friend of mine is going to be coming by,” she informed them.  “Actually, she’s helping me out, some of you were going to meet her soon anyway.”   Should I give them some warning?  It seemed more amusing not to.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: QBikk on December 03, 2017, 08:48:17 pm
You are a master crafter. Honestly, after finishing the last chapter in a way, restarting in a total different one, to connect it all in the end... wow, you are a talented writer!!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on December 07, 2017, 04:06:09 am
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Just wondering is Devin patterned after Natalia Kuznetsova? Would be a good role model!

Can't say that she was, no.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to be trying out DA as an alternate platform for posting stuff as well.  I will keep updating here of course, but it seems like it might be an easier way to post some of the snippets for other stories I've been working on to see if there is any interest in them instead of making a bunch of threads here.  I haven't really committed to it yet though, so we'll see.  I'll hopefully be uploading stuff over the next week or so.

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Can you drop us a link for your DA page?

I don't think I can post outside links here, but its DraightD.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on December 14, 2017, 01:24:37 am
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: potatocarrot on January 01, 2018, 08:46:17 pm
Wow, Just wow! I absolutely love this. I have spent the last few days reading from start to finish. I am quite the lurker here trying to figure out how I can contribute to the site and help out the communty but I just had to write a comment because your story so far is beyond amazing and I absolutely cannot wait to read the next chapter! Please keep going forever!  :rock:  :clap:
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on February 23, 2018, 08:02:01 pm
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Hi draight, any news from this amazing story??  :rock:

No sorry, nothing to report.  Not really sure when there will be anything, probably not in the near future.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: batuffolino on June 11, 2019, 12:49:08 pm
I know that it has been a while, but this story is something else, and after re reading it for the tenth time I have to bump it
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Maestro on June 21, 2019, 03:07:49 pm
This is a fabulous story and I want keep reading it. Someone please tell me: What is a DA page? How can I find it?

Thank you!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Maestro on June 22, 2019, 03:32:31 pm
Of course! Now I remember, I have s DA account. Sorry for my confusion.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: draight on August 02, 2019, 10:57:51 pm
The cheerful gossip from the other girls washed over Jess but she bothered to listen to them, instead keeping her attention on the front door and only occasionally chipping in a sound of agreement or word of advice.  Devin had sounded… off on the phone, and she was starting to think that perhaps inviting her here to meet with a group of new people hadn’t been the best idea.  Maybe I should excuse myself, step out and meet her outside… She had said that she was fine though, and if worse came to worst she could just manufacture some sort of distraction and extract the two of them.  She looked down the table, trying to gauge how difficult it would be to spill coffee on Meghan while making it look like an accident.  Perhaps if she faked a laughing fit… or maybe gestured really emphatically at some point…


Jess stood to her feet as Devin entered the shop.  The brunette let a small frown crease her face as she quickly assessed the situation.  Something was wrong all right.  Her expert eyes roamed over her friend picking out details.  The little powerhouse was dressed in the same outfit that she had been wearing last night when she left with Luke.  She hadn’t applied any makeup, not unusual for Devin admittedly, but her eyes were red and puffy and her hair unkempt.  Most concerning for Jess was her posture; she hadn’t seen Devin in this pose in a while.  Her hands were clasped together in front, horseshoe triceps fully flared as she pulled her enormous shoulders inward, while the oversized U of her traps loomed high, the muscles seeming to frame Devin’s head as it hunched forward on her bull neck.  Instead of her usual surprisingly gentle steps she shuffled her dainty feet, mighty legs rubbing against one another.  Oh boy… Devin looked around the room and Jess quickly put on a gentle smile as their eyes met.  If Luke did something I swear I’ll kill him… assuming she didn’t already break him in half.

Conversation around the table had petered out as the other girls took note of Jess’s posture.  They began to turn, craning their necks around to see what was going on.  Immediately the buzz of voices came back with a surge.

“Oh my God!”

“Is that…?”

“I’ve heard of her.  A couple of my friends saw her around campus the other day…”

“Dan was at the gym the other day and he said that he thought he saw a girl bench, like, 500 pounds or something but I figured he was, like, joking or something…”

“Jess, do you know her?”

Jess impatiently waved them into silence, preparing to walk over and talk to Devin alone, but was surprised as the redhead quickly navigated the room to stand next to her.  The newcomer lifted one hand to wave in greeting to the assembled girls and smiled shyly.  The friendly expression began to waver after several moments as the seated young women simply gawked at her.  The silence stretched on and Devin’s herculean forearm began to slowly swell as she tensed up, the watchers’ eyes growing wider and wider as they stared entranced.

Enough of this… “Ahem,” Jess coughed, and smiled sweetly as she regained the attention of the table.  “Girls, this is Devin.”  She gave a small flourish towards the girl standing next to her as though they would have no idea who she was referring to. 

Devin took her cue, trying another smile and adding in a little wave and a “Hello”. 

“Devin, these are some of the girls from the squad.”  Jess waited expectantly for a few moments before letting out an audible sigh.  “And their names are…”

“Oh!”  The closest said sheepishly as she bolted to her feet.  The other girls rose in a staggered fashion.  “I’m Shyla, nice to meet you.”





“Nice to meet you all,” Devin chirped as she unclenched, finally seeming to relax.

“We’ll be right back,” Jess announced as she took Devin’s arm in hers and led her towards the counter.  “What’s wrong?” she asked once they were out of earshot of the others.

“It’s nothing, just something stupid.”  Devin turned her attention to the barista.  “I’ll take a mocha please.”

“Uh huh, sure thing.”  Jess waited patiently until Devin received her drink before continuing.  “Look, I’ve known Luke for a long time, I know he doesn’t always think through everything before speaking, but you know that he…” She shook her head.  “Anyway, I’m sure that I’m on your side whatever it was.”

“Just like that?”  Devin seemed surprised by Jess’s declaration.

“I mean, unless you did something horrible, which I would find hard to believe.  Unless…” she put on a look of mock horror, “you didn’t crush him by accident or anything, right?  Like…you know…”

“What?  No!  Jess!”  Devin blushed fiercely, but Jess felt relieved as she let out a short giggle.  “Actually, it has nothing to do with Luke,” she continued, “I got into a fight with Krista.”

“Oh.”  Jess’s concern instantly lifted and she turned back towards the girls.  “She’s ok, right?”  She asked as an afterthought.

“Of course… I mean, we didn’t hurt each other.”

Something about the statement struck Jess as  evasive, but she shrugged it off. “So that’s fine then.  Shit happens, you two will make up.”  Jess moved to lead the way back to the table, but it seemed like Devin wasn’t ready to go yet.

“But she seemed so mad.”  Devin thought for a moment.  “I didn’t even do anything.  I don’t think I did anyway.”


Devin let out a long breath before continuing in a rush.  “She was going on about Sarah, you met Sarah, right?  Like she had thought that the two of us were… together or something like that.  Which is crazy,” she added quickly.

Oh, you poor thing.  Jess bit her tongue and simply nodded along sympathetically.  She’s so convinced that no one could see her as anything other than a monster that she was completely oblivious to the way Sarah kept looking at her.  Krista too, blinded by… whatever she feels exactly.  Jess briefly considered whether she should feel any guilt at not speaking up earlier, but couldn’t help concluding that it really hadn’t been any of her business.  Certainly she hadn’t expected it to come to a head.

“I mean, I’d never even thought about!  Me and Sarah?” Devin continued “But Krista thought that something had happened for some reason and… it’s just… I can’t believe that this happened.” Devin asked.  “I thought that I was used to people being afraid of me or grossed out by me and now it looks like there’s a whole other side of this and it hurt my friend.”

“Ok,” Jess butted in over Devin, “yes, whatever happened between you and Krista sucks.  Whatever happened to Krista also sucks.  But you know that it isn’t your fault.”

“Yeah,” Devin sighed, “I just feel bad for Krista, and I don’t want this to ruin our friendship.”

“Well, she’s a big girl.  She’ll have to deal with it, hopefully she’ll find a way.  Meanwhile, why don’t you come hang out with me and the airheads for a little while?  I promise I’ll find a way for us to sneak away soon and we can go do something more interesting.”

“Yeah.”  Devin nodded.  “Thanks Jess.”

“No problem.”  Jess stepped forward and wrapped her arms as far as they would go around Devin’s considerable bulk, and Devin gently returned the hug.  “Don’t worry, I guarantee this hug is entirely platonic,” Jess growled into her ear and Devin shook them both with her laughter.


Priya scrolled through her phone notifications as she headed back to the dorm, noting that Devin had called.   She hadn’t left a message or sent a follow-up text, so presumably it hadn’t been anything too important.  Nothing about the apartment struck her immediately as being out of the ordinary, although she was a little bit surprised to see Krista sitting by herself on the couch as Priya had half expected Sarah to still be hanging around.  The tall blonde didn’t notice the arrival of her roommate, seeming instead to be lost in thought, so Priya proceeded on to the bathroom where she took a quick shower and changed.  Emerging some time later, she found Krista still sitting where she had left her.

“Deep contemplation isn’t generally your M.O.”  Krista looked up slowly as Priya addressed her.  “What are you thinking about?”

“I fucked up,” Krista said.  Her voice was low and hoarse, a far cry from her usual brash, confident tones.

“Oh.”  Priya hadn’t been expecting that.  Alright, well, I didn’t think I was going to be doing this today.  Let’s pick up the pieces.  “Ok, scooch over,” she said gently and seated herself next to the tall blonde.  “I’m sure that it’s not that bad.”

“It’s pretty bad,” Krista said, “I don’t know if Devin will forgive me.  I probably wouldn’t…”

“Devin?”  Priya thought back to the missed phone call.  “She’s generally pretty forgiving.”

 “We fought.”

“You fought?  Like fought, or fought?”

“Physically… I guess.”

“Really?”  Priya looked her up and down.  “Because you still seem to have all of your limbs attached.”

“Very funny,” Krista said sullenly before lapsing into a prolonged silence.  Priya waited.  “I guess that she didn’t really fight back,” she eventually confessed, looking down at her hands.  They were red and swollen, a small amount of scraping evident on several of the knuckles.  “She didn’t have to,” Krista murmured to herself, “she didn’t even have to fight back.”

As if anyone aside from Krista ever would have thought that she would.  But this probably isn’t the time to pull on that particular thread.   Priya let out a heavy sigh; she had teased Krista enough times about her over-confidence and braggadocio, had needled her about it the previous night in fact.  It was seeming a bit less humorous now.  “Look, Krista… if I said something that…” 

“What?  You?”  Krista looked up at her, wide eyed, lip trembling slightly. 

She really was shook up, Priya realized, she hadn’t ever expected to see the day.  “Tell me what happened.”

“Hello?” Jess called out as she led the way into the auditorium.  “Anybody in here?”  After several moments of silence she shrugged.  “Guess not,” she said over her shoulder.  “Come on down, I’ll show you around.”  She gestured as she made her way down the stairs.

Devin followed along, looking around carefully.  “It’s a lot bigger than I was picturing it.”

“It’s actually pretty small by the standards of a theater, we have a couple that are considerably bigger.  Don’t worry though; it doesn’t look nearly as bad when you’re up on stage.  The way the lights work, it’s like there isn’t even an audience out there looking at you.  With music, you can’t even hear them.”  They came to the end of the row through the seating, to edge of the stage.  It was about 4 feet tall, level with Jess’s chest and Devin’s collar.  The shorter girl eyed it appraisingly.  “We can go around the side and get up by the stairs,” Jess began, but Devin ignored her.  The redhead placed her hands on the stage and with a quiet huff and surge of brawn lifted herself up and on top.  A dull boom sounded out as her weight landed on top and Devin frowned, before giving an appraising *stomp* that rang out louder than the first.

 “Careful there Barda,” Jess scolded, “Its hollow in places, and I can’t imagine how expensive this would be to replace.”

“It’s fine.”  Devin executed two quick hops to demonstrate.  “See?  Perfectly solid.  Now, if I wanted to do some damage…”

“Geez, enough, please.”  Jess held up a hand to signal surrender.  She placed her hands along the edge of the stage in imitation of Devin’s earlier movement and prepared to jump up and on.  Before she could, however, her vision was obscured by the freckled expanse of Devin’s bulging calves.  The musclegirl simply bent over at the waist, slipped her hands underneath Jess’s armpits and straightened back up, plucking the brunette off the ground and depositing her back on her feet in a single effortless motion.

“Thank you,” Jess said smoothly as she led Devin away from the edge towards the center of the stage.  “I know we’ve already run through it quite a few times, but obviously you could benefit by actually being up here.  We should also play around with the lighting, give you a feel for what it will be like.  Ok, here.”  Jess indicated where she wanted Devin to stand.  “Hand,” she directed, waited for Devin to put her hand out low with the palm up and carefully stepped on, “Up.”

For their first several rehearsals Jess had marveled at these feats of strength, but now she was in the zone, hardly thinking about Devin as her friend gently and smoothly curled her up to shoulder height and then pressed her up over her head to a full arm extension.  After all, she had full confidence in her own sense of balance, and Devin’s arm, thicker around than her own thigh, was perfectly steady.  She looked around with a critical eye, trying to assess how the view would look from around the room.  I should have brought someone else to serve as the audience.  Whatever, I’m sure its fine.  “Everything ok down there, Devin?” she asked absently.

“Fine.”  Came the reply.  “You hardly weigh anything.”

“I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“Well yeah, why wouldn’t you?”  Jess silently conceded this point as Devin continued, “Handling your weight was never a concern anyway though.  Some of the other stuff you asked about on the other hand…”

“Yes,” Jess drew the word out, relishing the buildup, “about that.  I got a bit of help from some friends; the stage department came through with just about everything.”

“Really?” Devin sounded unexpectedly excited at this revelation.  “We’re going to get all the stuff that we were talking about?”

“Most of it,” Jess clarified.

“Soon, I hope. I've been going as hard as I can in the gym lately, Luke’s been loving it even if he doesn’t know exactly what’s going on,” Devin chuckled, and Jess felt herself shifting slightly in space as the redhead lifted her free arm and flexed it experimentally, the limb swelling to a jaw-dropping circumference, “but it’s gotten to the point where I’m always so tired that I’m not ever at full strength.  I need to actually test myself out against everything, make sure I’m strong enough so that I can take a few days to rest up and recover to one hundred percent.  I mean, the chains I can definitely handle, but…"

Jess paused a beat, wondering if she should ask roughly what percent Devin had been at when she had beaten all the men in their life in a simultaneous arm-wrestling match.  Instead she went for her own reveal, “it’s already here.”

“What?  Really!?”

Jess let out a surprised shriek as the support went out from underneath her.  Devin caught her in the crook of one musclebound arm and smoothly set her on her feet, nothing hurt except her pride at her momentary loss of composure.  “Yes… well.”  She brushed herself off, stalling for time to regain her composure.  A quick glance at her friend assured her that she needn’t have bothered; the other girl wasn’t paying her any attention.

Devin was focused entirely on the darkness in the back of the stage.  “So, I can try it all out?  Can we bring it out here?”  As Jess watched, her shoulders suddenly began to swell as though in anticipation, her chest expanding powerfully as her breaths grew deeper.

“Well… I can’t move all of that stuff by myself, but if you want to,” Jess said.  Devin immediately set off.  “Wait!  Just remember that if we, um, you, break anything before the show we won’t be able to replace it so…”  Jess hurried after her, “just be careful, please.


“Hey,” Luke said in surprise as he opened the door, “I wasn’t expecting to see you again today…”  Devin stood at the entranceway to his and Nick’s rooms.  Her face was flushed a deep red, copious sweat glistening on her forehead beneath wildly untidy copper locks.  She hadn’t changed clothes since he had seen her off this morning, and he noticed with some concern that the hems in her blouse around her shoulders and neck had blown out, almost completely ripping free to turn the shirt into a tube top.  She took several deep measured breaths, her powerful chest swelling out and threatening to finish the job.  Looking down further, he saw that her shorts had burst along the seams as well.  Her entire body seemed to twitch; muscles flexing and relaxing all across her body in a symphony of hypertrophied femininity as her inhuman muscle fibers quivered uncontrollably.  He found himself staring at her right shoulder, unable to take in all of her enormity at once.  The triple head of her deltoids seemed to strain against the massive cable of her traps like two industrial machines at odds with one another.  “Are you ok?” he asked with some alarm.

Instead of answering she let out a last powerful breath and lifted both arms towards him in a hug.  Luke accepted unquestioningly and then let out a large ‘huff’ as she relaxed her body, putting her considerable weight on him.  He quickly dropped lower, trying to get himself under her center of mass.  Her scent filled his nose as he buried his face in her neck.  “Tired,” she murmured.

“I can tell,” he replied, “What’s going on?  Why are you here?  Not that it’s a problem of course.”  He could feel her pulse in the base of her neck where it pressed up against his.  The heat of her body was evident even through their clothing.

“I was hanging out with Jess,” Devin offered as an explanation.  “I thought I would just come back here instead of going home.  I figured that you wouldn’t mind.”

“Of course not,” Luke said as he shifted positions underneath her.  “But I’m going to need you to stand on your own again in a minute or two.”  In response she pushed her lips to his in a kiss before sliding her body down his to stand on her own feet again.  “Come on in.”  Luke stepped back to make room for her in the doorway.

“I could use some water,” Devin said as she entered.  She made it to the table before her thick legs gave out on her and slumped into a chair.

“Sure.”  Luke filled a glass for her and put in her hand.  She immediately gulped down most of it before finishing the remaining dregs in a few slow, deliberate swallows.  Putting the emptied glass down on the table she stretched her arms out to the sides as she let out a long yawn, the movement finishing off her shirt’s attempts to contain her shoulders.  Unfortunately for Luke, the fabric was pulled tight enough by her prodigious chest to preserve her modesty and Devin didn’t seem to notice that anything had happened at all.

“Can I stay here tonight?  I don’t want to go all the way back home.”  She glanced towards Luke’s bedroom.

“Yeah.”  Luke offered his hand.  “Come on, let’s get you to bed.”  She followed along behind him, content to go wherever he led.  Once in his room, Luke quickly removed several articles of clothing from his bed and Devin gratefully tumbled in, lying spread-eagle on her back.  Luke seated himself at her side and began to rub her arm.  The organic steel of her muscles trembled under his touch and he shifted himself to dig the heel of both palms into the blocky meat of her bicep as Devin groaned appreciatively.  He continued, imagining that with each pulsation in the fibers of her arm that they were swelling; growing larger and stronger.  Taking encouragement from Devin’s sounds of pleasure, Luke moved his hands up to her collar, swinging a leg over her midriff to straddle her.  Slowly, he began to migrate his hands downward, testing himself against the slabs of her upper pectorals.

“Baby, I’m tired…” Devin protested weakly as he began to probe under the fabric of her shirt.

“You can stop me any time you want…” he replied.

“I don’t know if I can even lift my arms…”

“Really…?” Luke removed his hands from her chest and clasped them against hers, “the helpless little girl can’t fight off her big strong boyfriend?”

“I’m serious.”  She tried lifting her arms, pushing Luke up and back.  He bore back down against her with all his weight, arresting her progress.  After about 20 seconds of stalemate her arms began to tremble.  Finally, she gave up, arms going limp and flopping back down to the bed.

“Wow,” Luke breathed out in genuine surprise at his victory, uncertain if it was real or faked on her part.

“I just want to relax,” she said softly, “it’s been a really long day…”

“Of course.”  Luke placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.  “Is there anything I can do?  We could just play a game or watch something if you want.”

“That would be nice, but…”  She smiled shyly up at him,  “Well, I have been going hard all day.  Maybe you could help me relieve some of my tension…”  She began to play with her shirt, working it up and over her head.

Luke grinned and moved down to her waist.  She arched her back for him as he deftly unbuttoned her shorts.  Despite her assistance, he had to stand at the end of the bed, pulling with all his might to slip them over the grossly swollen trunks of her legs.  The sound of further tearing obvious as he negotiated them over the cables of her quads, with only a brief respite for her knees before he struggled to get them around and over her bulging calves.  At last he slipped them past her feet and discarded them on the floor.

Her thighs parted for him and he nestled his head forward to find her wet and warm.  She cooed appreciatively as he took his time; kissing, licking, teasing her.  Devin moved her legs up over his shoulders, her meaty hamstrings against his back, the sheer weight of her muscle mass pushing his body down irresistibly into the mattress and pressing his face deeper into her.  She hadn’t simply been joking about needing release; hardly a minute seemed to pass before her breath grew quick and shallow, body tensing a last time and finally seeming to melt away as she rumbled through the orgasm she had been needing.

Several moments passed before Luke tried to lift his head.  Devin’s body was completely relaxed, but the weight of her legs kept him pinned helplessly to the bed, her feet were crossed gently at her ankles, solid calves pressed to the back of his neck preventing his escape.  From his position, gazing up the trunk of her body, he couldn’t see her face; her mountainous chest completely obscuring it from his view as it swelled and receded with her breath.

“Devin?” He asked quietly, and repeated a bit louder, “Devin?”  A light snore was her only response.  He prodded at his fleshy prison experimentally, before gently pounding at her quads with his fists.  The blows rebounded off her with no more impression than a fly on an elephant.

Several minutes passed, Luke trying his best to settle in despite the awkwardness of his position before he abruptly felt the pressure on him lifting.  Before he could move, he felt a strong hand grasp him by the scruff of his neck and drag him bodily up across the cobblestone of her abs to nestle his face between her pecs.  Devin’s gentle snoring continued unabated as her other arm moved around his back to hold him against her.  Luke smiled to himself, smothering the deep cleavage between her pectorals in kisses before settling in and drifting off to sleep.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Lacertosus on August 03, 2019, 05:08:41 am
Christmas already? Thank you. :)
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: sgsg69 on August 05, 2019, 05:13:33 pm
Such amazing writing style and descriptions of the interactions and her musculature......hope the chapters keep coming!! K++
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: wowser1016 on August 07, 2019, 07:45:30 pm
What a great story! You really have a wonderful talent for the written word. I am so glad you made an update otherwise I might never have found it.This is one of those stories you never want to end and can never get enough. Thank you for a marvelous read! K+
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: potatocarrot on September 09, 2019, 07:49:54 pm
YES! YES! YES! I have been waiting for this for so long, this is by far my most favourite story! THANK YOU! Now please keep going!
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: markwilson753 on September 11, 2019, 09:10:26 pm
very nice continuation, definitely one of my favs
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Pac on November 15, 2019, 07:17:12 am
Excellent addition. Interested to see how the pseudo-love triangle between Devin Krista and Sarah is resolved. Glad to see you back at it. I was worried you had lost interest in  this most wonderful tale. Best,
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Pac on November 15, 2019, 07:18:26 am
Excellent addition. Interested to see how the pseudo-love triangle between Devin, Krista, and Sarah is resolved.

Glad to see you back at it. I was worried you had lost interest in  this most wonderful tale.


Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: wissen on February 25, 2021, 06:13:50 pm
I just finished to retead this story and it's great loss that this story was dropped. I hope that one day draight will continue it.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: jstans on February 27, 2021, 02:06:40 pm
I agree. I always liked this story and draight's writing style. He created characters that were interesting and relatable. Even Devin, while she's superhuman in terms of strength, feels like any number of people I've met. I always wanted to see the end of this one; hopefully we get it in the future.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: jumpy999 on March 01, 2021, 09:25:14 pm
This is one of my favorite all-time stories on this site. Draight's stories have the perfect balance between character, story, and sexytime stuff. Crossing my fingers he returns someday.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: bfmb3831 on March 08, 2021, 08:49:21 pm
This is one of the best stories to ever appear on this site. Great writing style and realistic scenarios. Wish there were more like this.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: mancio98 on April 24, 2023, 11:35:24 pm
Found 3 days ago this story and… my gosh it is perfect best story ever read. Wish that some days could be finished, I would pay for it
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: PopSmoke13 on May 09, 2024, 09:12:07 pm
This really is the perfect story huh
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: brave_archer on May 10, 2024, 01:37:25 am
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This really is the perfect story huh

Yeah, pretty much the gold standard of female muscle fiction with a plot/characters you actually care about. Devin is my ultimate dream girl.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: PopSmoke13 on May 11, 2024, 12:32:46 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
This really is the perfect story huh

Yeah, pretty much the gold standard of female muscle fiction with a plot/characters you actually care about. Devin is my ultimate dream girl.

I’ve read it first years ago and still come back to it, still haven’t found anything like it. There was one story about a cheerleader I also really enjoyed but nothing else.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Eljimbo on May 15, 2024, 06:31:39 pm
Draight had some pretty incredible stuff, this being perhaps the best of it. His story about the girl with virginal macromastia was another one of his I really wanted to see continue. Maybe he'll resurface someday.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Wookey on May 17, 2024, 05:33:12 am
This is my favourite story. Please continue
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: wissen on May 17, 2024, 06:59:39 am
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Draight had some pretty incredible stuff, this being perhaps the best of it. His story about the girl with virginal macromastia was another one of his I really wanted to see continue. Maybe he'll resurface someday.

Could you please tell me a title of a story about virginal macromastia?
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: Eljimbo on May 17, 2024, 04:22:09 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Draight had some pretty incredible stuff, this being perhaps the best of it. His story about the girl with virginal macromastia was another one of his I really wanted to see continue. Maybe he'll resurface someday.

Could you please tell me a title of a story about virginal macromastia?

IIRC, it was called Big and Bigger. I think he only ever posted it on one of DtV's Amazon forums, so IDK if it's accessible any more.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: brave_archer on May 17, 2024, 08:29:30 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Draight had some pretty incredible stuff, this being perhaps the best of it. His story about the girl with virginal macromastia was another one of his I really wanted to see continue. Maybe he'll resurface someday.

Could you please tell me a title of a story about virginal macromastia?

IIRC, it was called Big and Bigger. I think he only ever posted it on one of DtV's Amazon forums, so IDK if it's accessible any more.

I didn't know he had written anything else! If anyone has a copy, please share it. I must have the complete works of the master.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: potatocarrot on May 21, 2024, 07:33:51 pm
I actually contacted him via DA a couple years ago. I got a reply and he said he was going to continue, I got pretty excited but nothing came of it. Still my favourite to this date. I'd love to read anything else he has done.
Title: Re: 1st Story: Out of Her Shell [draight]
Post by: brave_archer on May 22, 2024, 04:34:25 pm
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I actually contacted him via DA a couple years ago. I got a reply and he said he was going to continue, I got pretty excited but nothing came of it. Still my favourite to this date. I'd love to read anything else he has done.

Bummer. He's so good I'd love to support him financially on Patreon or some other subscription site. Maybe he'll come back someday.