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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: darkscribex on February 19, 2017, 02:20:30 pm

Title: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 19, 2017, 02:20:30 pm
My Girlfriend Jamie

We decided it was time to get into better shape. We had been dating seriously for a year or so, and both my girlfriend and I had gotten a little flabby. We both had athletic background but had gotten a little too comfortable in the relationship. So, we joined a local gym and start hitting the weights.

Being male, about 5’8”, and around 220 lbs, I was chubby. Jamie, my girlfriend, was shorter, at about 5’1” and 120lbs. She had a few extra pounds but was naturally on the muscular side from her background in sports.

After a few months of working out, my body began changing fairly quickly. I dropped 10 lbs and started getting some muscle tone in my arms and legs. Jamie slimmed down right away and dropped 5lbs. She also gained muscle tone and started looking quite good.

Being male, and larger than she, I could easily do heavier weights in every exercise. The problem was that Jamie had a very competitive personality. Even though she was smaller, she hated not being able to match me in every lift. Because of that, she started pushing herself really hard. She also started researching diet with the sole goal of getting strong enough to compete with me in every exercise.

At first, I tried to tell her to calm down. I was a guy, I said, and it was normal that I would be stronger.

“Fuck you,” she replied. “Just because I’m female does not make me weaker. I’m just as tough as you, and I can become just as strong as you.” she said with determination.

“I know, hun, but I’m also taller and bigger. I weigh nearly twice what you weigh.”

“So fucking what,” she replied. “I can get bigger. I will get bigger, and stronger!” she said forcefully.

I shook my head. Once she made up her mind to do something, there was no stopping her. Based on her research, she started eating more protein and pushing heavier weights with less reps. She started to put on some serious mass, bulking up from 115lbs to 125 lbs over the next several months. My progress continued, and I became a trim 185lbs of muscle.

Jamie made surprising gains, being able to bench 150lbs as a 3 rep max, which was quite respectable compared to my 225lbs 3 rep max. She could squat 195lbs for 3 reps, as compared to my 310lbs rep max. She was very strong for a 5’1” female. However, for Jamie, this was not enough. Not nearly enough, because she was still losing the competition to me.

We were at the gym doing arm curls together when she made the decision to really take things to the next level. I was curling 45lbs with difficulty, but managed 5 good reps. I put the weights down with a small crash.

“Phew, that was tough,” I said.

Jamie grit her teeth and grabbed the 40lbs dumbells.

“Hold on, hun, that’s more than you’ve done before. Take it easy,” I said.

“Shut up. I can do it,” she said through gritted teeth. She pulled hard, and a vein came to prominence on her forehead. The weight moved slowly upward as her arm started shaking.

“Arrrghhh!” she screamed. The vein on her forehead pulsated and looked like it would burst. He arm was shaking but she couldn’t finish the rep. She dropped the weights with a crash.

“Fuck!” she screamed, heedless of the onlookers at the gym.

“Calm down, honey,” I said. “You’re like the strongest girl in here. You’ve made incredible gains.”

“Shut up,” she said, “It’s not good enough. I need to get stronger.” She then grabbed a protein shake pre-mix that she always had with her in the gym these days. She gulped down a huge helping. Then she looked in the mirror, gritted her teeth and said, “I’m strong. I’m a monster!” Then she hyperventilated, bent down, and grabbed the dumbbells.

She straightened, and screamed, “Arrrghhh!” and powered up the dumbbell on her left for one rep. She screamed again, “Arrrghhh!” and powered up the dumbbell on her right. The vein on her forehead looked like it was going to explode, and her arms were shaking.

She tried to power up the left hand one more time but just could not do it. She dropped the weights in frustration.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it!” she screamed.

“Hon, calm down. That was amazing!” I said.

“Shut up. I’m not strong enough. It’s not fair. I work twice as hard as you. I eat better, I eat more. I should be stronger!” she cried.

“It’s just testosterone, honey,” I said. “It’s biology. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

She looked at me and her eyes narrowed. “Fuck that. I’m going to level the playing field,” she said, then stormed off.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: batuffolino on February 19, 2017, 02:53:29 pm
wow, great start!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: Wonder4 on February 19, 2017, 03:52:37 pm
Very interested to see how she levels the playing field. This should be good!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 19, 2017, 04:23:24 pm
Next part:

I was not sure at first what Jamie meant that day when she got angry at the gym and stormed off because she was not making the gains she wanted. What I did notice over the next few weeks was a subtle change in her behavior.

At first, i thought it was a manifestation of her frustrations in the gym. She became much more dominant in our discussions, and even in our lovemaking. She wanted to be on top. She wanted to be in control. Though I did not admit it to her, this secretly excited me. I had always had a secret desire to be dominated by a stronger woman.

Her time in the gym showed. She began to get very lean. Her arms and shoulders became striated with muscle, and you could see the blue veins squirming beneath her skin. She had a chiseled six pack, and you could even see some of the serratus and oblique muscles. It was hot as hell.

She had again increased her food intake, eating mounds of meat, eggs, and vegetables. She even got into the habit of eating things raw, including raw meat. When I expressed disgust, she laughed.

“You wimp. Burning the meat just takes away nutrients. I need as much raw protein as I can get so I can grow!”

“But what about bacteria? Germs?”

She chuckled, then smacked her fist against the solid wall of her abs. “I’m tough as rhino and strong as a bull.” Then she grabbed a huge chunk of raw meat, stuffed in in her mouth, and swallowed having barely chewed.

I shuddered, but she laughed and wiped a trickle of blood from her lips. “I’m gonna get bigger and stronger, and then we’ll see who lifts more at the gym!”

Later that day we were at the gym, curling again. I was still stuck on the 45lb dumbells, struggling through as set of 5. Jamie, wearing a sports bra that showed off her chiseled abs and biker shorts that hugged her muscular glutes, grabbed the 40lb dumbells next to me. She looked at herself in the mirror, grunted, and powered through 5 quick reps on each hand.

“Fuck yeah,” she said racking the weight. “That felt light! I must be growing.” Then she pushed me aside and grabbed the 45lb dumbells I had been using.

She stood up and looked at herself in the mirror again. “Strong as a fucking bull!” she yelled. She grit her teeth, and started curling the 45lb dumbells. To my awe and surprise, she completed a set of 5 on each hand, though she struggled slightly with the last rep.

“Fuck yeah!” she said dropping the weights. She started flexing into a most muscular and said, “How do you like that, bitch! This little girl can curl as much as you!”

Later that night she weighed herself. The scale read 145lbs. She had put on 30lbs of solid muscle over the past few months and it showed.

“I’m getting bigger, baby,” she bellowed after seeing the number. “You better work harder, because I’m gonna keep growing! I’m gonna get bigger and stronger than you!”

Normally, most women would be upset with larger numbers on the scale. But Jamie’s competitive streak fueled her to want to out muscle me in every area. More weight on her frame meant more muscle, more strength, and beating me out in the gym.

That motivated me to try harder, too. I pushed hard, working right along side her, and even started adopting some of her stranger eating habits. Raw eggs, and vegetables. I still couldn’t do the raw meat, but I tried doing medium-rare and more of it. If I was honest with myself though, it was not so much that I wanted to stay ahead. I liked the new, aggressive, dominant Jamie. What I really wanted was to keep her competitive drive going so she would want to get even bigger.

A couple of months went by and I made some steady gains. On Jamie’s diet, I leaned out and had a nice six pack, and defined muscles. I thought I was pretty big at 205lbs of solid muscle for a 5’8” guy. But Jamie somehow surpassed my gains and then some.

She was now tipping the scales at 165lbs and looked like a female bodybuilder. She had 16” biceps and 28” thighs. On a 5’1” woman with a former 24” waist, she looked huge. I say a former 24” waist because her abs bloated up with the rest of her. Her waist was now at least 28” because of the beefy abs in her mid section. The looked like a stack of apples, ripped and striated, and her serratus and obliques stood in cabled relief.

Her chest, which was never more than an a-cup, now looked like two blocks of solid muscle. She had notches and veins squirming in the groove between her meaty pecs. Her former breasts were nonexistent. They were gone, replaced by a man-shaming chest. She was the sexiest thing I had ever seen.

One day I saw her staring at her reflection in the mirror in our bedroom. She was topless, flexing her pecs, and watching the muscles roll and contract.

“Look at my huge pecs!” she said. Then she smacked her fist against one. “They are so fucking strong!”

Her nipples were erect, but the muscles in her chest were so bloated that her nipples pointed straight down to the ground.

“Who needs breasts. They’re useless sacks of fat. I’ve got muscle tits!” she cried, and flexed into a most muscular pose. I was hard as a rock.

She saw my erection in the mirror.

“I see your dick likes my pecs.” She turned to face me with her hands on her hips. She started bouncing her pecs alternately, first left, then right.

“Tell me how fucking sexy my muscular pecs are” she said.

I told her what I thought - that they were sexy, muscular, and hard as steele. I told her that her muscle tits were the best tits I had ever seen, and they made me want to fuck her then and there.

“My muscle tits are so sexy I want to fuck myself!” she declared.

I looked down toward her pussy area, covered by a thong brief. She was clearly turned on because her briefs were soaked with her juices. My god, she was getting horny just looking at the reflection of her muscular pecs in the mirror.

I also noticed something that I had not really seen before. Her bush, which she had lasered some time ago and was fairly restricted to a small patch, was now getting unruly. Tufts of hair were sticking outside of her briefs. Dark, corse hair even appeared to be crawling slightly up her lower abs.

The sight of her new hairiness did not turn me off so much as confuse me. She took notice and said, “Don’t you like my mane? I’m like a gorilla, hairy and strong as fuck!” She chuckled, reveling in the shock on my face. “I’m gonna get even stronger, even bigger, and even hairier. I’m gonna freak you the fuck out!” she said.

Then she reached down and tore her briefs off. Her clit was swollen and looked bigger than I remembered.

“Come suck my hairy cunt!” she commanded. I obeyed.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: pij15 on February 19, 2017, 06:06:34 pm
Please continue  :bravo:
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: seldom on February 19, 2017, 06:40:41 pm
Awesome story so far! I like Jamie.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: caino on February 19, 2017, 09:03:15 pm
veeeeery interesting!!!! how about the age ot he the characters?
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: MegaMassiveMuscle on February 19, 2017, 10:14:00 pm
Great plot, really look forward to more!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 20, 2017, 01:44:47 am
After an exhausting night of sex, the next morning Jamie was up early. She had started doing two-a-days. I found her at the breakfast table inhaling slabs of meat from a huge plate. It was crazy to watch. She looked like a python swallowing an animal. She would open her mouth wide and stuff a huge chunk of meat, big enough for an 8oz steak, into her maw. She would inhale and her neck would bulge as she swallowed the meat. You could see her thick traps and shoulder muscles ripple as she gorged herself on raw protein.

She saw the awed look on my face and chuckled. “Feeding time!” she said, then inhaled another hunk. She stuffed more and more meat down her maw, then finally finished. She wiped blood from her mouth with her arm.

Then she got up and walked to the bathroom. She left the door open, which was not her typical behavior. Then I got my first glimpse of what was really going on here.

I saw her take a syringe and jab it into her thick glute. She grunted as she squeezed the plunger and felt the juice hitting her blood stream. The veins all over her body started to engorge and pulsate as her pulse started racing.

“Fuck yeahh!” she said breathily.

“Honey - are those steroids?” I asked in a weak voice.

She stood straight up and turned to face me. She did a double bicep pose that locked her muscles in cabled relief.

“I told you I would even the odds, baby. And now that the odds are even, I’m getting so much bigger and stronger than you!”

“But, hun, what about side effects..”

“Like being more aggressive? Like being dominant, and hairy, and jacked up enough to make you piss your pants? I fucking love being juiced!” she said.

I was shocked into silence. My dick, however, was hard as steel.

“I see you like it too,” she said, looking down at my tented boxers.

She ran into me and her chest smacked into mine, knocking me down onto the couch. She bent down and grabbed my boxers with both hands and tore them off. Then she inhaled my giant erection down to my ball sack and started sucking like I had never been sucked before. After 30 seconds I could take no more and blew my load into her mouth, which she swallowed greedily.

“Thanks for the extra protein boost, but I want more, and I know you have more to give!” she said throatily. Then she inhaled my deflating member and used her tongue to massage me back to life. She flexed her traps, which practically touched her ears. I could also see the tops of her pecs flexing, and veins squirming all over them. The sight made me hard again in short order.

This time she did something she had never done before. She pushed my dick further in past her tongue, opened her mouth wider, and inhaled my balls into her mouth with my dick. It was so sexy and felt unbelievable as she massaged my balls with her tongue. It wasn’t long before I exploded again, this time directly down her throat.

“My god you just made me cum twice in the span of a minute, I’ve never done that before!” I said of breath.

She stood. I could see her stomach bulging out from the huge feeding of meat and my seed. Her thick abs were still clearly visible as a stack of six grapefruit-sized bulges, but all the meat in her stomach pushed it out so it resembled the early stages of a pregnancy belly.

“You like the sexy muscle beast I’ve become, and so do I. But I’m not done yet. I’m going to get even bigger and stronger! I’m going to out-muscle you and make you look like a little bitch next to me!” she cried and flexed a double bicep pose.

I sat there dumbfounded but as turned on as I had ever been. Shockingly, my dick started to get semi-hard again after cuming twice in so short a time. I could not believe it. I decided I would do everything I could to encourage Jamie to take this muscle building craze as far as possible.

I stood up and flexed my decently-sized biceps. “I do like the sexy muscle beast you’ve become, but I’m still bigger. I’m not going to let you surpass me so easily. I’m going to redouble my efforts and keep building my own muscles!” Then I walked back to the kitchen and grabbed some raw meat from the fridge. I stared at it a little uncertainly, then looked back at Jamie. She had a hard look in her eyes from the challenge I had just laid down.

Well, if she could do it, I could too. I brought the meat to my mouth, tore a hunk off, and gulped it down. It tasted coppery and rubbery but I didn’t care about that. I needed to get bigger and stronger so that Jamie would have a challenge to overcome. I consumed more and more until I couldn’t eat anymore. Then I looked Jamie in the eye and said, “Let’s hit the gym. I want to grow!”

Jamie was an animal, doing heavy set after heavy set of dumbbell shoulder presses, chest presses, tricep presses, and more. I matched her set for set as we hit new maxes in every category. On our fourth set, we were benching 80lbs dumbbells for 5 reps when Jamie suddenly dropped the dumbbells and said, “Fuck, this is too light. I need more weight!” then she jumped up and grabbed the 90lbs dumbbells.

She laid down and pressed out five more reps, screaming and arms shaking as she pressed out the last rep. Since she increased her max, so did I. I grabbed those 90lbs dumbbells, laid down, and pressed for all I was worth. It hurt like hell and my arms were shaking but I just barely managed to eek out the last rep.

I jumped up and said, “How do you like that, babe, I’m still matching you rep for rep!”

Jamie frowned. She did not like being matched. She wanted to win. She grabbed the 100lbs dumbbells and tried to press the weight. Amazingly, she nearly got the dumbbells up before her arms collapsed and the weights dropped with a smash. “Fuck!” she yelled loudly, scaring the other patrons.

I grabbed the 100lbs dumbbells and laid down on the bench. Jamie was seething as she watched me. This is where I could motivate her to get even more aggressive with her workouts. I pushed for all I was worth, grunting and screaming as I just barely was able raise the weight and lock out my elbows. I let the weight crash to the floor, jumped up, and screamed right in Jamie’s face, “I did it! I’m still stronger!”

Her face flushed with anger. “Fine. You won this round. But I’m not done yet!”
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 20, 2017, 01:49:33 am
Several weeks later I was looking in the mirror. Along with Jamie, I had been eating huge amounts of raw red meat, eggs, veggies, and gallons of protein drinks. I had gotten results. I was now weighing in at 205lbs of solid muscle at 5’8” tall. I bounced by pecs, which were big and striated. I flexed my abs and saw them visibly ripple. I flexed a big bicep and saw a thick vein running down the middle. I was turning into my own kind of muscle beast, and I liked it. I felt my cock stiffen as I started feeling my own hard muscles.

“You think you’re big? Just wait. I’m catching up and I will outmuscle you, bitch!” Jamie said from behind me. I turned around and beheld my muscular girlfriend, completely naked except for a small posing brief.

She was 5’1” and now weighed an astonishing 185lbs. Because of her short frame, she looked enormous, almost wider than she was tall. She had almost no fat on her at all due to her extremely strict diet and the gruelling two-a-day workout schedule we had maintained. The chemical assistance also helped her stay super-lean.

Her pectorals looked like two huge blocks of striated beef without an ounce of breast tissue. She had grooves running lengthwise, and pulsating veins crisscrossing in and out of her inches-deep muscle-cleavage. Without her flexing, her traps were bulging, vein-covered mounds on either side of her head, giving her the appearance of not having a neck. Her shoulders looked like giant, striated mellons of beef.

Below her man-shaming pecs, her abs jutted out like eight softballs shoved under her skin. Starting at her belly button, corse pubic-like hairs were visible, and got thicker toward to the top of her posing briefs. The briefs themselves had tufts of pubic hair pushing out around the edges in a nearly out of control fury. She had stopped shaving her legs, and they too were covered with fur, though lighter and blonde. Even her thick, muscular forearms were covered with the light blonde fur.

“That’s right, stare in awe at my huge fucking muscles,” she said and flexed her pecs. They jumped and bulged, and her nipples pointed straight to the floor. “I’m going to get bigger, and so freaky that you’re going to lose your shit just looking at me!” she said with fire in her eyes.

She started rolling her right pec. It bulged at the top, then the bulge slowly rolled all the way down to her nipple in a stunning display of muscle control. She did the same on her left. Then she did something that amazed me. She flexed her top two ab muscles and they bulged into striated prominence. Then she released the flex, and flexed the second set of abs. Then the third, and the fourth. It was a stunning display of muscle control that left me hard as a rock.

She snickered at my rock hard erection. “I’m not done yet,” she said. Then she flexed the top of her bulging pecs. The bulge moved slowly to the middle of her pecs, then down to the bottom of her pecs. Her veins pulsated across the bulge as her circulatory system struggled to carry blood to and from the flexing muscles. Then she rolled the muscle bulge to her abs. It continued down to the next set, then the next, and the next, bloating each set out in turn. The bulge stopped at her fourth and lowest abs just above the top of her posing briefs.

She held it for a second, grunted, and then amazingly the bulge slammed lower, beneath her briefs. She literally flexed the muscles of her cunt, stretching the posing briefs to their limit. She grunted again, squatted slightly, and flexed her glutes. The over burdened posing briefs could not handle the pressure and snapped off of her super-muscular lower body.

I was completely floored. Using just the muscles of lower body, she had flexed out of her posing briefs. I had never seen anything it.

“How’s that for muscle control,” she said breathily. Then she slammed her chest into mine and sent me staggering backward. As I fell off balance, she grabbed my shoulders and threw me toward the bed.

She had become so strong that the force of her throw nearly sent me airborn. I staggered backward and fell onto the bed on my back. She turned and looked at herself in the mirror. She flexed up a huge, 18” bicep and licked it.

“God, I love being juiced,” she said. “My muscles are so sexy I want to fuck myself!” Her naked, hairy pussy was now dripping with juices, and her engorged clit was sticking over an inch out from its hood.

She grabbed a long, thick, veined dildo and placed it on a seat in front of the bed. She unceremoniously sat down on it, taking almost its full length into her sex. She grabbed her own pecs and said, “Watch this muscle girl fuck herself!” and started bouncing up and down on the dildo.

I watched wide-eyed and opened mouthed as her muscles rolled and bunched with the motion of her thrusting. Her face became flushed and multiple veins came to prominence on her forehead, and even on her cheeks. God, even her face was getting built!

I almost came right then and there. She noticed how near the edge was and said, “Don’t you dare cum! Your cum belongs to me!” Then she jumped off the chair with the dildo still trapped in her muscular sex. She reached down, grabbed my ass, and pulled me up off the bed. She swallowed my member down to the hilt as my whole lower body was suspended off the bed. Then she reached out with her tongue, scooped up my balls, and sucked those into her mouth as well.

I came so hard I nearly fainted. It felt like I had pumped a gallon of cum straight down her throat. She let go of my ass and let me drop to the bed, and she gulped. Then she licked her lips and gulped again.

“MMmmmm!” she moaned. She did a double bicep flex, and then treated me to another astonishing feet. She held the bicep flex and started alternately flexing her lower abs, cunt, and ass. Her abs suctioned inward, her cunt squeezed down on the dildo, and her ass pushed it outward. The effect was to manipulate the dildo in her pussy without even touching it.

Abs, cunt, ass. They pulsated faster, and then faster. She started moaning. “Look at me, you little bitch! Ughn. Yeah! I don’t even need your dick. Ughn. Yeah! I’m so muscular! Ughn. Yeah! I can fuck myself!”

Minutes went by as she moaned and squeezed and pulsated her muscles. Still, she held the bicep flex, and veins splattered her physique. They pulsated across her chest, her abs, her biceps, triceps, and forearms. They squirmed across her lats and her traps, and right into her face! The veins on her face started pulsating as she moaned long, and hard. Suddenly, she screamed as she came, flexing every muscle in her body! It looked like her skin had shrivelled, turning her entire body into a demented, skinless, striated, veiny pile of pulsating muscle!

She finally released the flex and put her hands on her knees. The dildo was still lodged in her pussy. She was panting heavily. She straightened.

“Shit I’m so jacked!” she said. Then, using just the muscles of her cunt, she pushed the dildo out and let it drop to the ground. “And this is just the beginning!” she said as she flexed down into a most muscular pose that had me hard as a rock again.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on February 20, 2017, 02:09:42 am
I like this, especially the thought of seeing her getting bigger, stronger, and hairier, so I look forward to more! k+!

You posted 2 more parts, and boy were they hot as hell, I absolutely loved them! Nothing I love more than seeing a woman who is muscular in every single part of her body, including her pussy and face, so you definitely got my attention, I hope to hell that she can go further beyond, this has the potential to be a classic!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: phil123 on February 20, 2017, 06:17:57 am
you CAN'T stop there!!  Please continue! There´s so much room for growing.
I like that they both grow but one day Jamie will outmuscle him in weight, size and can do much more dumbbells.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: caino on February 20, 2017, 10:11:42 am
I really like it, please go on...
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: mrshhh on February 20, 2017, 10:56:36 pm
Fantastic!  I really enjoyed reading the whole story so far but you cranked the intensity dial to 11 for that last chapter.  I'm with Jeremy, the pussy and facial muscles blew my mind.  Thank-you for sharing your great writing.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: hairylover321 on February 21, 2017, 05:32:42 am
A great story indeed. I love the body hair growth and they competitiveness between them. Keep it going! K++
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 22, 2017, 12:12:27 pm
I had come to realize that if I wanted to keep pushing Jamie as far as I could, the only way I could keep up was to start juicing myself. She was just too aggressive with her program for me to ever challenge her without it.

After my first cycle, I put on another 15 lbs of muscle, bringing me to 230lbs at 5’8”. I was thick, muscular, vascular. I had so much energy in the gym, I felt like superman. That is, until I looked at Jamie.

She was starting to look like something out of science fiction, with her 5’1” height and over 220lbs of muscle. When she did a lat spread, her huge lats bulged mid way to her elbows. Her 19” biceps were thick with softball-sized crowns of veiny, striated muscle. Her shoulders were like bowling balls pressing against those gigantic biceps, only instead of being smooth those bowling balls were lined with grooves, notches, and striations that would ripple with every movement.

Her vascularity was ridiculous. When she was pumped, she had veins snaking over every inch of her skin. They would squirm and pulse like worms, giving her a grotesque appearance. She looked so freaky, normal people couldn’t handle it. Strangely, this only turned Jamie on. She loved to freak people out, to cause the “normies” as she called them to lose their shit over her steroid-fueled, freakish appearance.

The last time we were in the gym, we were benching 150lb dumbbells for reps. Jamie wore nothing but a sports bra and tight spandex shorts. She was lying on the bench, breathing heavy.

“Gonna get fucking huge!” she screamed and powered the weight up. “I’m gaining on you, bitch!” she powered the weight up again. “I’m gonna pack on another 20lbs of mass” she said and slammed the weights up yet again. “Then I’m gonna outweigh you, bitich!” she screamed.

She dropped the weights, jumped off the bench, and roared as she flexed her huge pecs. They looked like two phone books, bloated and striated. Veins snaked across her chest, neck, and even her face. She had stretch marks in odd places from the ridiculous growth of her muscles. Her skin was stretched to translucency with disgusting vascularity.

Another patron saw this display and his brain couldn’t handle what he was seeing. He immediately hunched over and puked his breakfast onto the floor.

Jamie saw this display and laughed. “You little pussy. My cunt has more muscles than you.”

The patron started backing away. Jamie walked right up to him and grabbed him by the shirt. She lifted him off the ground with one hand.

“Damn, I’m so fucking strong, I could rip you in half!” she said, as a wet spot formed on her spandex shorts. Being so big, and freaking out the other patrons was making her so horny!

“What’s your name, little pussy?”

“B..b..billy…” he stammered. Looking at the vein-riddled arm holding him aloft, Bill started to gag.

“Hahaha! You think I look sick now little billy? Just wait you little shit, because I’m going to get even huger and freakier! Then I’m going to come find you, and show you just how freaky a woman can get!” She then tossed him backward, and let him stumble onto the floor.

As we finished our workout, it became clear to me that I was struggling to match Jamie in our workouts even while juicing. She was ferocious and animalistic in her training. I later learned that once I started juicing, Jamie started increasing her dosage to push herself farther. At this point, she had more testosterone coursing through her blood than the most masculine of men. She didn’t stop with testosterone boosters, though. She ingested a cocktail of growth hormone and blood-oxygen-boosters, along with experimental stem cell injections right into her muscle fibers.

Within weeks she looked absolutely unreal and I nearly lost hope of trying to compete with her. She was just too aggressive and too single-mindedly, stubbornly focused on getting as jacked as possible. I had created a monster. The sexiest monster on the planet.

The growth hormones actually caused her to grow two inches in height, making her now 5’3”. She had exceeded her promise, and had packed on 30lbs of mass, and now weighed an incredible 250lbs of beef.

She was thicker than she was tall. I know because we measured, and her chest, lats, and back measured 65” around. Her arms were 25” and her quards a freaky 38” thick. She had razor-sharp definition, with less than 1% body fat. Every time she moved, her muscles cascaded with waves of sinew across her entire form, including her neck and her face. Speaking of her face, it was barely recognizable. It was a mishmash of veins, thick lips, drawn cheeks and puffy muscles around her jaw line.

Yes, even her jaw muscles had grown jacked, thanks to the crazy cocktail she was taking. But it wasn’t just the muscles. The growth hormone had caused her skull and her jaw to get bigger. Her forehead got larger and thicker, and her hair started receding. Her hair became stingy due to the hormones, so she got a buzz cut. Her entire visage had become more masculine, more aggressive and more dominant.

She looked in the mirror and loved what she had become. She flexed her traps, which practically swallowed her head as they reached past her ears. They looked like meat appendages growing on top of her back, and they were covered in striations and veins. She flexed her lats and they inflated like meat wings, covered in sinew and freakish veins. They reached past her elbows and lifted her arms, which she could not lower past 45 degrees when she flexed her lats.

“I’m so. Fucking. Jacked!” she said, her voice deeper still and so filled with gravel it was practically raspy.

She did a double bicep pose and her arms stopped at 90 degrees when her forearms slammed into her bulging biceps which pressed against shoulders bigger than bowling balls. Veins squirmed. Such was her muscle control that she could pulse the veins without moving her arms at all, making them bloat and throb from her hairy armpits to the tips of her fingers on command.

“Oh fuck, I’m so freaky!” She said as her pussy gushed juices and soaked her briefs.

She put her fists on her hips and flexed her chest. The huge blocks of she-beef were the size of toasters, splattered with veins and striations. Coarse black hairs had started growing on them, adding to her freakiness.

“Look at my pecs, bitch! They’re so huge, they’re so shredded. They’re absolutely alien!”

I stood behind her. At 5’8” and 240lbs, I was pretty muscular myself, but I felt absolutely dwarfed by Jamie’s massive bulk. Seeing her flex her massive muscles, and revel in her freaky vascularity, had me hard as a rock.

She turned around and I noticed the bulge beneath her posing briefs. Her clit had grown to the size of a normal man’s cock. It was erect, and it stretched her posing briefs away from her body. Tufts of dark, coarse pubic hair spilled out from around her crotch, and crawled up past her belly button and down her inner thighs.

She tossed her hips and flexed her cunt and ass muscles. Her spandex briefs stretched, tore, and then snapped off her body like a rubber band. I watched in awe.

“I’m taking your cum, bitch. Now!” she rasped. She reached under my ass and lifted my 240lb frame up off the floor effortlessly and inhaled my cock and balls. Her throat muscles pulsed with veins and massaged my cock. Her meaty tongue pressed and squeezed my balls, causing moderate pain. I exploded almost instantly and she sucked hard.

I came what felt like a gallon, but it wasn’t enough for this muscle-bitch. She shifted her hand and stuck her finger in my ass to press on my prostate. Her tongue squeezed my balls again and I cried out in pain. She sucked harder still and I felt my dick suddenly and violently pump more cum down her throat. She greedily gulped it down. It still was not enough for her.

Jamie dropped me down onto the floor, then flexed down into a mind-blowing most-muscular pose. Her traps were so big it looked like she had three heads. They pulsated with veins that crisscrossed her squirming trapezius muscle-heads and fed into her neck and face. Her pecs inflated and solidified into striated shelves of muscle jutting out nearly five inches from her sternum. They were so defined and vascular that from her chin to her abs there was nothing but notches, grooves, and big squirming veins.

“I am so fucking jacked!” she breathed and clenched her muscles harder. Her already enormous traps and chest seemed to vibrate and pulse with a wave of growth, and every vein pulsed bigger and thicker. To my own shock, my was rock hard again.

Jamie squatted above my ramrod straight dick. She flexed her abs, which bunched up like a stack of shriveled softballs covered in veins. Then, with amazing muscle control, she flexed her cunt open and sucked in my dick as she squatted down. She stayed on top of me, with her upper body motionless, holding a squat, and flexed the muscles of her lower abs and cunt. The pressure felt unbelievable, like her cunt was literally sucking on my dick! She started alternately flexing her pecs, traps, and lats, and I watched the ridiculous display of her veins squirming like worms on top of her vibrating, pulsing muscles. I blew my load in short order.

Jamie smiled derisively. “Fuck, I’m hot. I need more, but I’m clearly too much woman for you.”

She got off me and stepped toward the bed. She looked at the bed frame. It had an iron frame with baseball-sized globes welded to posts. That looked inviting. She sauntered up to the corner of the bed, squatted over the post, and slid the baseball-sized globe into her sopping wet pussy.

“Unnngh!” she moaned.

She squeezed her cunt muscles and veins snaked their way up her mid section and across her thighs. Her blood vessels engorged, sending much needed blood to her violently contracting, muscular cunt.

“Fuck yeah!” she moaned as the corner of the bed started inching off the ground. Then she released her cunt muscles, and the corner of the bed fell with a thud.

I stared in awe as she constructed her cunt muscles again, raising the bed with the power of her pussy alone. The bed creaked up, then she released it again with a thud. Creak, thud. The tempo increased, Creak, thud. Creak, thud. Soon she was moaning and pussy juice was slicking her pubic hair and dripping down her thighs. Creak, thud! Creak, thud! Creak, thud!

“Oh fuck! I’m so fucking yoked!” she screamed as the mattress moved faster and faster until it sounded like someone was jackhammering the bed! Which is exactly what she was doing with the power of her pussy alone!

Suddenly she clenched and stood on her tip toes, keeping corner of the bed suspended off the floor. “Oh fuck yessss!!” she screamed as every muscle in her body stood in striated, vascular, veiny relief. She thrust her hips forward and there was a sound of metal shrieking, then a snap.

She was panting as she backed away from the bed and looked at me me. I could see that there was something stuffed in her super muscular cunt. She smiled a toothy, predatory grin.

“Check it out, bitch. This could have been your dick!” Then her cunt muscles contracted and spat out a baseball-sized steel ball with a jagged end. She had torn it off the steel post with her massively muscular cunt.

She licked her lips. “Feeding time!”

I was so tired I could barely move, but she brought the enormous tray of meat into the bedroom so I could watch. She really got off on being so freaky, and in freaking me out with her unreal, animal ferocity.

She opened her maw, and oh wow, how the growth hormone had affected her jaw. Her mouth opened so wide it seemed almost like her jaw came unhinged. She grabbed a raw 16 ounce steak with her hands and shoved it whole into her mouth. Then she inhaled, and muscles in her neck engorged and sucked the huge hunk of meat down her throat. My eyes practically bulged out of their sockets at the display. She noticed.

“Oh I’m definitely too much woman for you,” she said before shoving another steak into her cavernous maw and swallowing.

“Fuck, I’m so jacked, so yoked, I don’t think it’s fair to call me a woman anymore,” she said. She inhaled another, then another.

“I’ve got so much testosterone, so many man hormones running through my system, I’m more manly than three men combined,” she said, and inhaled more meat.

“I’m a jacked up muscle monster!” she said. Then she started inhaling the meat faster, gorging herself. Her neck bulged as she kept her massive jaw open and shoved steak after raw steak down her maw. She ingested over 25lbs of raw meat in less than five minutes.

She backed away from the table and I noticed that her belly had expanded like a pregnancy with all the meat she had just ingested. Nevertheless, you could still see her huge ab muscles that looked like liked a stack of eight veiny, softball-sized blocks of striated muscle. Her obliques were huge, and jutted inches out from her waist. She went into a most muscular flex. Huge blue veins coursed with blood across traps that squirmed above her head. Her lats, with veins thick as fingers crisscrossing them, pressed out passed her elbows. Her mighty pecs, etched with lines and grooves and huge blue veins, touched her chin. I was rock hard again.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: Trinitus on February 22, 2017, 01:37:24 pm
This stoy is truly great and very erotic. The descriptions of Jamie are very well done. Only thing i can find to complain about is the hair thing, but that is just my own taste. Keep it up!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on February 22, 2017, 06:21:57 pm
Wow! This is an insanely described story, Jamie is so incredible in every way, I have to say that outside of a story by Mr. Shhh, I have never seen such description, a story taken to such insane lengths, the size, the definition, the masculinization, and it has gone farther in some ways than some of his work even, as far as her cunt strength is concerned, not to mention her facial muscles, and of course the fact that she ate 25 pounds worth of raw meat in a short amount of time, which allowed her to show off her muscles and strength of her face. I have always been into the most extreme of muscle fiction, not many times have I almost said in my own mind, that's too much, that's over the line, this story has almost reached that level, which is awesome, so congrats to you! k+!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: phil123 on February 23, 2017, 05:11:13 am
Again a great chapter.
Looking for more as thers´room for more growing.
He´s catching up to 250 but than Jamie grows unreachable to 300.
And than she finds Billy........................
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: Lovemusclewomen on February 27, 2017, 07:07:42 pm
Awesome story! Has all my favourite things especially manly steroid girls covered in hair and with clits like a dick.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: eoj123eoj on March 17, 2017, 05:40:22 am
It's been a few weeks. I hope Jamie has been using that time to pack on even more size.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: governor on April 09, 2017, 02:50:37 am
Hope she has a beard soon!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: derekr on May 23, 2017, 12:46:37 am
I love this story.  Must have read it a dozen times now.  So good.
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: robertmac on April 03, 2018, 06:02:28 am
i love the Gorilla Hair peace, cary on!
Title: Re: my girlfriend jamie
Post by: bstretcher20 on April 04, 2018, 08:30:10 pm
Great story! keep writing more!
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: bertmacklinsbrother on April 07, 2018, 02:29:15 pm
Can't believe it took me this long to find and read this story.  Amazing job with the descriptions and freaky transformation!  I really hope this continues some day.

Well done!
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: magician12 on April 10, 2018, 10:18:21 pm
darkscribex, l'm terribly sorry, but here another part from your DA account:

Jamie 5
Nov 10 2017

I watched Jamie’s back heave with bulging muscle as she huffed and hunched over the laptop screen. She was staring at a picture of a freakishly built male bodybuilder.

“This fucking bitch thinks he’s big,” she seethed.

“Jamie, that’s the 2016 Mr. Olypmpia. He’s 6’1” tall and weighs over 288lbs in that pic.”

“I’ll outmuscle his bitch ass!” she said as her arms and shoulders tensed, causing a wave of vascular muscle to expand outward from her spine to her arms.

I felt my dick stiffening at her outburst, her all-consuming desire to outmuscle even the most muscular man on the planet.

She stood and pushed the chair to the side. She was so strong, that even the small shove sent the chair careening against the wall with a smash. She walked over to the full-length mirror mounted on the wall. Thunderous thighs, thicker than a man’s waist, bulged and creeked with striations and veins.

She had grown another inch with the growth hormones. She was now 5’4” tall, but her scary huge, 265 lbs. of mass made her look wider than she was tall.

She put her hands on her hips, the slight movement causing meat wings to flare and slap against her mammoth triceps. She had long since outgrown sports bras, and wore only a tight white wife-beater tanktop. It looked painted on.

She flexed her mighty chest. Bulges of striated muscle swelled beneath the top, which started to tear down the middle. Veins as thick as fingers wrapped around her freaky pecs, which jutted out six inches from her sternum.

“Get me another injection. Twice the dose!” she rasped in her deep baritone voice.

“Twice the dose?” I said. “But Jamie, that’s five times what even the freakiest bodybuilders use!”

Jamie growled, and clenched her fists. Huge veins exploded along her arms, which vibrated with furious muscle. Just one of those arms was as thick as my thighs.

“Do as I say, worm!” she rasped. “Or I’ll make you my next meal!”

I hurried to comply.

“Inject my ass!” she commanded.

I stick the needle in deep, which required a major effort to penetrate the dense tissue of her thick glutes. She grunted as I depressed the plunger, sending a huge amount of the steroid cocktail into her bloodstream.

“Unnghh yeah…” she rasped as her already freakish vascularity increased further. Veins puffed up on her forehead, her cheeks, and her jaw bone. She grit her teeth and flexed her pecs, her lats, her biceps and her thighs.

“Ughh, yeah!” she groaned. After a full minute, she felt a burning sensation in her muscles and flexed harder. Five minutes went by as her muscles practically vibrated.

“Fuuuck!” she moaned. Her muscles were on fire. The bulges of her chest started twitching. She bit her lip, and held the flex. Finger-sized veins squirmed like worms, pumping the growth cocktail through her system.

“Yessss!” she breathed. Her wife beater slowly tore down the center and up the sides as she seemed to grow right before my eyes. When the shredded garment fell away, she turned toward me, clad only in her skin-tight, overstuffed biker shorts.

“I’m fucking horny!” she said, and did something completely terrifying. She flexed her cunt, the bulging outline of which was clearly visible beneath the front of her shorts. I could see the outline bulge open, and then a hole formed as she sucked at her shorts with her mighty cunt. I heard the seams tear as the garment was ripped off her buttocks and sucked into the bulging maw of her muscular cunt.

Her cunt squeezed closed, and she moaned, “unngh!” as a spider web of finger-sized veins bulged across the over-muscled pile of writhing tissue that covered her mid-section. Seconds later,she tossed her hips, and a juice-soaked crumple of lycra fabric shot across the room and hit the wall with a slap.

“Time to feed my muscular cunt!” she rasped, smiling derisively at me. She grabbed an aluminum baseball bat and fed the thick end into her pussy, which gripped  it like the hungry maw that it was. She let go of the bat and used just her pussy muscles to pull the bat in deeper. With a loud thwack, her pussy muscles slammed the other end of the bat against the floor.

“Unnngh yeahhh..” she moaned, as her mid-section erupted with muscular bulges from her inner thighs, to her lower abs, and everything in between. Then she lifted her legs. She balanced like that, supporting her entire weight with her muscular cunt.

The bulges of her abs were cantaloupe -sized, striated and freakish looking. But beneath her lowest set of abs was just.. hard to perceive. There were bulges, striations, and huge veins pulsing and twisting like thick worms, all surrounding the thick pussy lips that gripped the aluminum bat like a vice.

“Unngh!” she moaned again, as her body slowly creeped toward the floor, the bat pushing up into her muscular guts. “Oooh” she cooed. Then she grit her teeth and grunted.

Her body started rising again, lifted by the power of her pussy pushing the bat out of her mighty cunt.

She moaned as she let her body drift downward again, a little faster. Then she grunted as her pussy powered her body up again. Moan. Down. Grunt. Up.

She started moving up and down faster, and her moans and grunts coming faster.

““Unnngh! Unnngh! Fucking look at me, bitch! Unnngh! Yeah, look at me pump up with pussy power!” She screamed as she started moving faster, and faster.

“Oohh yesss!” she cried, coming to orgasm as her mid-section vibrated with power. Her eyes bulged, and she flexed her entire upper body. The might muscles of her mid-section exploded and shook. She fell back on her legs and her pussy erupted with juice, sending the bat flying over my head, causing me involuntarily to duck.

Jamie was breathing heavily and standing over me when I looked up. My dick was hard as a rock. She grabbed my legs and swallowed my dick and balls in her cavernous mouth. I felt pain as she suctioned my dick. I was so turned on that I released torrent after torrent of cum directly down her throat. She continued to suck, mashing my balls and extracting every bit of cum I had to offer. I think I came three times in a row.
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: big easy on June 17, 2018, 03:32:41 pm
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: M7 on July 01, 2018, 01:36:25 pm
Great work darkscribex!  K+++  I hope you continue this story. I like your imagination! Love the part where he's having trouble injecting her because her glutes have become so dense! So many parts to list. I could go on and on. I'm loving pretty much everything about this story. Please keep going! :clap:
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: ame3cv62 on July 01, 2018, 02:39:50 pm
omg amazing story so far,keep it up,you know since she is on the juice it might be interesting if she has a confrontation at the gym with a couple of male bodybuilders,and kicks their asses ,just thinking out load
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: ame3cv62 on July 03, 2018, 02:19:58 am
must have more
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: steroidfreak on September 27, 2018, 06:20:23 am
Good story I hope it continues k+
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: jhunter on April 28, 2020, 03:38:24 am
Interesting story to say the least. I do think you should focus on her other muscles though. Legs, thighs, and other regions are barely mentioned.
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: jacksundeen3 on August 21, 2020, 02:07:53 pm
Would really love to see this story continue! Part 1 was amazing
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: Bbw123 on December 23, 2020, 02:11:11 am
Keep going
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: darkscribex on December 23, 2020, 11:05:25 am
There's more available on my patreon page. Go to and search for darkscribex
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: wowser1016 on December 26, 2020, 08:47:29 am
I am in love with Jamie! K+!
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: jhunter on December 27, 2020, 01:48:02 am
Can't wait for more, but holidays are a thing.
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: mattrius on February 15, 2022, 03:52:14 am
Any further chapters from this story? Anybody know?
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 15, 2022, 01:40:09 pm
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
darkscribex, l'm terribly sorry, but here another part from your DA account:

In generaly, I'd say it's not cool to post content like this without the author's permission. But in my case it resulted in a few new people signing up for my Patreon page, so it's been a net gain for me. Thanks!

Occaisionally, if people on Patreon request it, I do make continuations. There is another part to the Jamie story on my Patreon page ("Sam and Jean meet Jamie").

My patreon page contains a lot of similar stories: http://www.*****darkscribex

Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: darkscribex on February 15, 2022, 01:41:22 pm
Whelp, saradas ate the link. Just search for darkscribex on patreon and my page will come up.
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: mattrius on August 09, 2023, 06:36:29 am
Do you still have your Patreon? I was a member on there and it kicked me off and now I can't find you on there anymore...
Title: Re: My Girlfriend Jamie
Post by: phil123 on August 18, 2023, 06:13:50 am
Great on her way to 300lbs. Hope for more.