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Private Sessions => List of fantasies / Specialities discussion => Topic started by: knout on January 05, 2016, 08:35:01 pm

Title: Toned Tommi One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences?
Post by: knout on January 05, 2016, 08:35:01 pm
Hello.  I will have the opportunity of meeting with Toned Tommi when she comes to Dallas. Has anyone experienced a one way boxing session with her?  Thanks
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: crazycrazy on January 05, 2016, 11:36:25 pm
Here is my review of a boxing/mma/wrestling session with Tommi from March, 2015:
I emailed Tommi to schedule a session during a trip to LA, and she replied a week later.  After many messages back and forth we confirmed a date in Orange County.  The email replies were prompt and to the point.  I booked a nice place for that weekend, and a less fancy place for when I was in LA.  The day before I was to leave, Tommi wrote, saying she couldn't make the agreed date due to a change in her work schedule.  The only day she could make was when I was in LA.  This was bad for me because I had to wake up at 2 AM for a flight, and Tommi was only available at 7 PM that night.  I said yes, and I'm glad I did.

When Tommi came by that night, I was dead tired.  But I immediately brightened up when I saw her get out of her car.  She is insanely gorgeous.  She has long, sandy blonde hair, beautiful eyes, and perfectly formed cheekbones and jawline.  When she changed to her workout clothes, she looked dangerous and strong.  Her arms are more heavily muscled than in her last pro fight, and she looked very much like a trained fighter.  I was struggling to appear relaxed.

First we fought standing up.  Tommi had brought gloves and head gear for me, and let me chose what style of gloves we would wear: I chose boxing gloves.  The place was too small for this, and was lined on three sides with sharp-edged furniture.  I had to keep my back to the bed to avoid crashing into the dressers.  When Tommi started, she came in fast and aggressive.  She immediately advanced with a left right combination into my guard, but her punches were so fast that I was still positioned to block her first shot when the third one was coming in-- it was pure luck when I blocked anything after that.  She was edging her left jabs and hooks into the space that was opening up between my gloves, and she hit my mouth with several hard lefts.  She followed the left with a fast overhand right which she somehow launched from her shoulder to the left side of my head.  (I am about 5 inches taller than her.)  I had no idea how she landed that right as an overhand blow from her height.  I couldn't see the right coming in because I was too focussed on her left.  I fell backwards over the bed a few times, and she backed off to let me get back up.  Then she came forward again with another flurry of punches.  She also shot several sharp, low roundhouse kicks to my left thigh, eventually making me drop my left hand to block them, then shoot it back up because I was afraid of her right hand.  When Tommi saw me confused and covering up, she backed off to let me reset.  She was going easy on me.  Then when I was ready, she attacked again.  She caught me at least ten times with left jabs and hooks, and knocked me down twice with the overhand right.  Eventually she caught me with a hard left hook to the jaw, and followed it with a big right to head, knocking me down, and I'd had enough.

After a break, we tried an MMA style fight, only with no head shots.  She put on the smaller gloves, and her punches hurt much more with lighter padding.  She hit me many times in the ribs and aimed her right at my left shoulder.  She kept kicking me in the left thigh.  She dropped me to my knees with a punch to the solar plexus.  After I got back up she came in again and took me down hard to the mat.  She was on top of me, punching my ribs, shoulders and obliques, and I struggled to hold her in close, to limit the damage.  Several times she ended up in a full mount, and showed how she could finish me off with head shots.  After that, it began to go very much like Polaris' match on page 1 of this thread.

I have no ground game, and could only hold on while she went from one submission to the next.  It was very much like fighting Flexy, as Tommi seemed to take any movement I attempted to slow her down as an invitation to switch tactics, and lock in an armbar or triangle choke.  She demonstrated holds on me, like I was a practice dummy.  The guillotine, crucifix, rear naked choke, and a few I hadn't felt before: Trapping my neck between her hamstring and calf, and miming a hammerfist to the head, and an ingenious and devastating choke with her shoulder on my jugular, with her arm wrapped around the back of my neck, and her forearm on my carotid artery.  Then she slowly increased the pressure by leaning down on me.  It was a completely one-sided match, and seemed effortless on her part.  Several chokes left me dizzy long after I'd tapped out, and the cumulative effect was totally debilitating.  I was blown away by her skill and intelligence on the mats.

After the match was over, I asked her how much she was holding back when we were boxing.  She said she wasn't going 100%, but was trying to be quick, and that power comes with speed.  In between submissions we talked about the fight business and her sessions.  I found her to be very easy to talk to, confident but not dismissive, with a no-nonsense attitude that didn't come off as gruff or impatient.  She is very approachable and personable, talented and beautiful.  I have never been beaten so thoroughly in three different styles, by someone who I outweighed by 25 pounds.  If you want to get beaten by a smaller, skillful fighter, I can't recommend a session with Tommi highly enough.
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: Alina-fan on January 07, 2016, 02:13:43 pm
I've never had a beatdown session before but it could be something I'd consider if the chance comes up.  However, I've seen some videos of Tommi and she's very aggressive.

Anyway, I have some questions please.
Is it safe? Were there any bruises or marks especially on your face? Or was the head gear enough to prevent that? Did you at some point feel like it was really scary and dangerous?

I know that these girls are professional and know what they're doing, but they fight agains other trained fighters and it's completely different from fighting untrained out of shape men.
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: crazycrazy on January 07, 2016, 02:50:46 pm
 Alina-fan: no, it's not "safe" like walking across a green and pleasant field in well-manicured park on the most beautiful day of the spring...  but Tommi is a professional and she is highly trained. That means she's had many sparring matches where the goal is not to injure your partner, but to show your skills.  She has also had many sessions, I assume with men of all fitness levels.  This skill level means you are more safe with her than you would be with someone who is much bigger, but is untrained.  I was never scared and it never seemed dangerous.  She is aggressive and fast, but she's also experienced and careful.  She backed away a few times when I had just stumbled while moving backwards in the cramped area, bumping against the bed.  She also stepped back the times when a punch truly knocked me down.
My jaw was sore but my head was fine. The headgear was not the most protective type like we use in my self-defense class (with a face cage) but it was padded.  There were no noticeable bruises on my face.  I had sore shoulders and ribs the next day, but that was from the second round with the smaller gloves (when I had asked for no more head shots, we switched to the MMA style gloves).
My impression of Tommi is that she will give you the kind of match you ask for, within whatever limits she sets.  She doesn't seem like the type of person who will wail on you to prove some sort of point.   She's confident and competent, not sadistic or unstable.
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: Alina-fan on January 07, 2016, 05:51:45 pm
Thanks crazycrazy. Seems like something I might try.
During boxing, did she allow you to fight back? If so, was she wearing a headgear? Or was it only one-sided boxing?
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: crazycrazy on January 07, 2016, 09:24:17 pm
I didn't ask her if I could hit her.  I outweigh her by 30 pounds, and anyway, it's not my thing.  (I spar with men at my fighting class, and it's fun to hit a guy, but when I get paired with a woman our coach always gives me shit since I won't try to hit high.  I once got matched with a woman who is like only 5' tall during her level 4 test, and our coach almost failed me for my level 5 because I wouldn't hit her.)

Back to Tommi though, she brought headgear for herself, but I assured her she wouldn't need it.  I didn't want to see her wearing it, because she is so attractive that I wanted to be able to see her face.
Title: Re: One-sided boxing/beatdown experiences with Toned Tommi?
Post by: knout on January 23, 2016, 08:35:56 pm
Thanks for the info