Forum Saradas

Muscle & Fitness Videos - Auctions & Gossip => Female Bodybuilding Contest Videos => Topic started by: phy911 on December 12, 2015, 08:22:23 pm

Title: 2015 University of Pennsylvania Collegiate Women's Bodybuillding
Post by: phy911 on December 12, 2015, 08:22:23 pm
Half resolution gifs (720)Women's Short Class
Full horizontal resolution gifs(1920)
Women's Tall Class

2015 University of Pennsylvania Collegiate Women's Bodybuillding. Most muscular pose is a compulsory pose for the ladies.
In fact, more women competed in this contest than men. So the ladies event was held later as the headliner of the show.
Edited to feature just the girls. Full 1080p Resolution.