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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: lawdj78 on December 09, 2015, 12:25:02 am

Title: Author: [lawdj78] Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on December 09, 2015, 12:25:02 am
ANNIE LEE  (Chapter 1 - The Library)

Annie Lee, a slight 4’11 Asian-American student of Chinese descent struggled carrying a large stack of books up the library steps.  She weighed all but 95 lbs soaking wet, and her arms, pasty white and thin as toothpicks, showed no definition though beneath her white, almost translucent skin were a network of blue veins writhing under the pressure of the 15 lbs or so of science related books she carried.  A stereotypical nerd, she wore a peach colored halter top, skirt that fell past her knees, and loafers.  Her big black rimmed glasses lie on a makeup-less face.  Her hair, she always wore up in a bun.  Struggling up the library steps with her books, she backed in through the door and dropped them onto the circulation desk inside.  She stared at her now sore stick-like arms and watched in awe as her veins, clearly visible and snaking all the way up to her shoulders, were pulsing from the exertion.  Wide-eyed at what she was witnessing, she found herself wishing that instead of sticks, she had layers of muscle, for carrying all of her science books around school would be so much easier. 

You see, Annie was an 18 year old high school senior.  The books, were to help her brainstorm for her AP chemistry course.  After a few minutes had passed, Annie had re-gained her composure and began strolling down the aisles and aisles of chemistry and other science related books.  As she was carefully scanning the shelves, she saw a large strange and book titled “The Art of Bodybuilding”.  Curious as to why such a book was hidden amongst the chemistry books, she pulled it out and saw a large b&w photo of a massively muscular man on the cover.  He was doing the classic “the beach is that-way pose”.  His arms looked like the size of grapefruits and his legs like large oak trees.  His pecs were so large and so muscular that they must have been 2 inches deep.  Across his arms, legs and chest snaked veins the size of small worms.  He was smiling.  He was proud. He was confident.  Annie, remembering the pulsing blue veins of her own, peered once again down at her skinny arms.  Her pasty white skin left the veins visible…though they were nothing like those on the cover of that book.  Looking back at the book, she wondered what it would be like to the veins in her own arms be that big, that pronounced, that worm like.  She also closed her eyes and imagined herself not with skin and bone arms, but powerful arms – packed with hard and defined muscle.  She opened her eyes and smiled.  Then she looked back at the photo and stared again at this man’s chest and his massive pecs.  She looked down at herself and almost cried.  She had no pecs.  Hell—she had no breasts!  She was an A cup in the worst sense.  She didn’t wear a bra, as there was nothing there to support.  She was flat as a wall.  Even her nipples were inverted.  Again, she closed her eyes and thought what it would be like to possess not breasts---she’d long given up on those---but massive pecs like the one on the cover of that book.  Pecs inches deep, ripped to shreds and with veins the size of small worms crisscrossing all over them---and the nipples!  Nipples the size of thimbles, over an inch long, that pointed down towards the ground due to the sickening size and depth of the pec muscle.  Annie moaned aloud and reached under her long dress to touch her panties, that were now wet from muscle lust.  She pulled her panties to the side with one finger and quickly shoved her pinky ever so slightly into her pussy.  As she did this, she moaned again, as her finger pressed through the tight slit that was her pussy…an Asian pussy that had yet to experience a cock inside it, it was so tight…and now…so wet.  As she slid her finger in, it brushed up against her clit.  While 4’11 Annie had no breasts or nipples to speak of, she did possess a little nub down there that was ever so sensitive. MMMM…there she was… spread eagle on the library floor, hidden amongst the hundreds upon hundreds of Chemistry books, staring at this hugely muscular man on the cover.  With one finger gently stroking her pussy, she used her other hand to open the book. 

She opened the book to the middle and came upon pictures of more muscular bodies.  These bodies had the same hard edges and vascular arms, though they were notably smaller.  From the head down, they looked like much like the man on the cover, but with smaller muscles.  These bodies weren’t quite as shredded and while there were veins, they were in no way worm like---more like thin string (much like her own actually).  What made these bodies different is that they were women.  This was the first time Annie had seen anything like this.  Her mind raced with muscle lust and she stared and stared at the abs….with small bumps making up the six pack….and the chest of these women.  While they still had breasts, they were pushed to the sides to make room for the pec muscle that lined the sternum.  Shredded muscles that pushed from the center of the chest to breasts on the right.  Some women, the lucky ones, even had small veins crisscrossing their chests.  Notably almost all these women had hard, visible nipples pushing against their tiny bikini tops.  Nipples that were aching to be exposed to the world.  Annie began fingering herself faster and faster with her one finger….and now couldn’t help but reach up to start rubbing on her inverted right nipple.  No matter how much she rubbed and tugged, the nipple remained inverted.  No matter, as she moaned and moaned with desire…a small puddle forming on the library floor.  Within minutes she climaxed…..biting her lip to avoid yelping loudly and no doubt alerting everyone to her embarrassing mess of muscle lust on the floor.  Annie laid back on the library floor and clutched the book in her hands.  It was at that moment that she knew she not only needed that book….but needed muscle.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on December 09, 2015, 12:25:59 am
CHAPTER 2 – Skip & Annie Meet 

Annie heard footsteps approaching, and quickly realized she was in the school library.  She popped up off of the ground, shoved large bodybuilding book into her backpack, and quickly headed down the aisle—peering backward to see the small puddle that stained the carpet behind her. Smiling, she skipped off down the library steps, and took off running towards her residence hall.  As she turned the corner, she ran right into Skip Cochran, the 6’3 215lbs sophomore quarterback of the football team.  It felt like running into a brick wall, and it practically was, as she, at 4’11, ran right into his mid-section.  She fell backward, her book bag flying off her shoulder.  Skip chuckled at the site of little old Annie sprawled out on the ground, her big black rimmed glasses sitting crooked on her face.  She was so startled, she didn’t see Skip reaching down and grabbing something off of the grass.  His chuckle, now turned into a laugh.  Annie straightened out her glasses and saw that he was holding the large “Art of Bodybuilding” book in his hands, thumbing through the various pages. 

“What—in the world are YOU of all people doing with this?? Hahaha”. 

Annie, feeling the skin on her face turning from pasty white to bright red, had drops of sweat beading on her brow.  “ummm…uhhhh….it’s it’s it’s for a science project I’m working on.  Chemistry actually.  It’s part of my research.”

Skip continued flipping through the pages, and came across one of the female bodybuilders.  He stopped laughing and just stared.  It seemed like minutes were passing, but it was just seconds.  By this time, Annie had stood up and was just standing in front of him fidgeting.  Skip then flipped the book around towards Annie and showed her what he was looking at.  Six inches in front of her nose was one of the photos she had been fingering herself to just minutes ago.

 “What kind of nasty shit is this??  That chick, if you can even call her a chick…is a freak!  Just look it her…..all those manly muscles….shit she’s got slabs of muscle instead of tits!  I mean, other than her eraser sized nipples and that small triangle covering them, all I see is pecs like MINE---maybe even bigger than mine!  And shit, she’s got fucking veins all over the place.  It looks like there are spider webs on top of her skin----damn----I mean----I’ve got a six pack (lifting up his shirt to show Annie), but this bitch looks like she’s got cue balls under her skin.  I’m natty man….this bitch has got to be on so many damn roids, she’s probably growing a small dick under there.”

Skip, meanwhile, while turned off initially, began to be a mix of turned on and envious of this physique he was looking at.  Annie, meanwhile, had started shaking.  Skip looked at her face, then looked down at the ground.  Annie did it again---looking at that photo, and hearing Skip talk about his disgust, had turned her on so much she involuntarily had an orgasm…right there…right in front of her crush.  Skip started pointing and laughing.  Annie, embarrassed for a second time in a day, grabbed the book from his hands, picked up her back pack, and tore into the residence hall—not stopping until she reached the top floor. 

She ran to her room, at the end of the building, and quickly opened then shut the door behind her.  She was so embarrassed she started to cry.  What was Skip going to think of her?  She was going to be the butt of every joke.  At that point, her brain kicked into high gear.  She stopped crying, and a mischievous smile appeared on her face.  Her brain was working at a million miles per hour, as the thoughts raced through her head.  She wanted muscle.  She wanted that masculine muscle Skip was so grossed out by.  She was going to build tectonic slabs of pec muscle.  She was going to have spider web veins crisscross her chest.  She was going to have two…no three inch deep cleavage…muscle cleavage.  She wasn’t going to have any breasts to speak of (not that she had any now)….just shredded pecs with two inch erect nipples on top of each one.  She was going to have cue balls sized abnominal muscles.  She was going to build a six pack…no…an eight pack….that would make Skip’s look like shit.  And her arms?  As she peered down at her toothpick pasty white arms, she envisioned cable veins and biceps the size of cantalopes.  She was going to show Skip just how “grotesque” she could get…..she would make him hers……even if it took the rest of her college career to do it.  It was going to be her goal….and like her grades….she was going to work as hard as it takes, and do whatever it takes, to come out on top. 

Just as she started to rub her hand quickly over her pussy area in hopes of replicating the waterfall orgasm if the library, she felt the door push against her back.  It was her roommate Erin!!!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on December 09, 2015, 12:26:48 am

Chapter 3 -- Roommates (Annie & Erin)

 “Hello?? Annie is that you?  What are you doing? Move away from the door and let me in!”

“Ummm…hold on Erin, can…can you just give me a couple of minutes?  I just have to fix something here”.  Annie was lucky that Erin hadn’t used any more force when trying to push open that door.  You see, Annie is 4’11 95lbs soaking wet, while Erin is 5’6 130lbs. She too has pasty skin but with dozens of freckles.  She’s a redhead, with long flowing red hair that she would usually tie into a ponytail.  Erin was a Sophmore and on the University Soccer team.  That meant she was an athlete, whereas Annie was a bookworm science nerd.  Erin, worked out on a regular basis in the University gym.  While she was no fitness fanatic, she definitely knew her way around the gym.  Being that she was a soccer player, she needed to (and loved) working her legs.  She had pronounced meaty quads, and when she ran, you could make out the hamstring development she had going on.  Oh…and the calves.  While not defined, she had large calves (for a non-bodybuilder type).  Erin had a flat stomach but she never could get those to die for abs.  She hated working her abs, and dammit she just liked to eat and drink beer too much (shit she was in college after all).  As Erin grabbed the door handle again and tried to push it open, her forearm muscle jumped to life and a single visible vein ran up it all the way to her bicep, which while small, was definitely visible. 

“Come ON Annie….Jesus what the hell are you doing in there!??”  Annie had managed to gather herself together enough.  She straightened her black rimmed glasses, flattened out her skirt nicely, and quickly sat on her bed.  She placed her book bag on the bed next to her, making sure the “Art of Bodybuilding” book was not visible.

 “Ummm OK Erin, you can come in now”. 

“Geez finally!” Erin opened the door, walked in and immediately confronted Annie.  “What in the hell were you doing in here?  And why are you so flushed and out of breath?”

“Ummm…I was….I was…uh”. 

“Were you masturbating or something?? Hahahahhaa” laughed Erin.

“What?? NO! I’ve never even done that!  Why would you even say something like that?”

“God I was just kidding Annie—don’t take it so personally.  So anyways, guess who I just ran into?”  Annie, still trying to calm down and gather herself together mentally, wasn’t really listening. “I ran into Skip! And he mentioned you!”
Annie’s brain, which had been running at 150 mph, came to a screeching halt.  What did she just hear?  She looked up. 

“Skip? Did you say Skip?  What did he say about me?  He doesn’t even know me.”

“Well Annie, he certainly had a lot to say!  He told me you ran into him and had some kind of bodybuilding book with you that had all sorts of pictures of roided out guys and shit, and that you seemed to get off when he was talking about it—that you left a puddle on the ground!  I told him that he must have the wrong girl, because Annie is stick thin and has never even talked about a guy before!  Isn’t that crazy?”

Annie didn’t immediately answer.  Her mind had started going back to those pictures again….those ripped women, oiled up on stage and in the gym, veins pulsating, biceps the size of softballs, shredded pecs, ugggghhh”. 


“God I’m sorry Erin, I just can’t stand it anymore---Skip was right.  I did have a book with me.” 

Annie reached into her book bag that was sitting next to her, and pulled out the Art of Bodybuilding Book.  She held it in her lap, and thought how she was going to explain this to her roommate. 

“Ok. Bear with me and don’t interrupt. I want to explain…..I was in the library, doing some research for my chemistry project.  I was looking for a book on chemical compounds—anabolic compounds among others---and I came across this book she said (pointing at her lap).  I thought “why is this here?  It must have been filed wrong”. I was going to drop it off at the circulation desk for re-filing, but curious, I opened the cover and began flipping through the pages.  I mean I had never seen people like that before? I mean, you know, I went to a math and science academy, so obviously you didn’t have many real athletes there---math athletes don’t count---hahaha.  And you know, I’ve never even set foot in the campus gym before.  So curious, I began looking at the pages.  Page by page, it seemed like the guys got bigger and bigger.  Their arms went from lemons, to baseballs, to softballs, to cantaloupes, to eventually, what looked like soccer balls.  Their pecs looked bigger than some girls’ tits---definitely mine (which wasn’t saying much, as but for her eraser head nipples that were constantly erect, there just wasn’t anything there).  They had veins everywhere---and I mean EVERYWHERE.  It was crazy.  Then, all of a sudden, I flipped to about 2/3 through the book, and saw something that really startled me.  It was like I was looking at the pictures of the guys---but they were wearing little triangle bikini tops and dental floss bottoms! They had massive, ripped bodies…8 pack abs, traps that reached their ears, chests that had no fat at all…I mean they looked even more ripped than the guys……like you could grate cheese on them.  The arms weren’t as big as the guys, but still looked like softballs---and the veins were everywhere---criss crossing their arms, running up the shoulders, down the abs, and seemed to even go down their bikini bottoms!  It was crazy.  Then something crazy happened.  I started feeling really hot.  I thought I was getting sick or something.  Then it was almost like I had no control.  My hand and fingers started reaching down and well……I lied earlier (Annie felt herself blushing)….I have masturbated before.  Right there in the library on the floor.  (Annie looked up and saw Erin’s mouth agape) I swear I was the first time---ever!  (Annie was super embarrassed now).  Anyways, I picked up the book and ran the hell out of there—which was when I ran into Skip.”

Erin just sat quiet---trying to process what her skinning little science nerd roommate Annie was saying.  “So---well----that was----a lot of information!-----so what now?”

Annie didn’t know what to say.  Then she admitted it.  “I don’t know Erin.  I never felt like that before.  I’d never SEEN anything like that before.”  Annie looked down at her arms.  The bright blue veins were visible under her pasty white translucent skin.  Thinking about muscle seemed to make them pulsate.  “I think I want to try weightlifting!  I thought those women were beautiful.  So big.  So powerful.  You know I’ve hated being this skinny.  I think it’s time to do something about it!”

A lightbulb went off in Erin’s head.  “You know Annie, I AM on the University Soccer Team.  I sort of know may way around the gym.  I’m kind of forced to go there---mostly for legs obviously—but you know.  I wouldn’t mind showing you around, and well, I can use a workout partner.  Maybe it’ll get me in gear and help me to stop drinking so much beer and eating pizza every week!” 

Annie smiled and the two high fived each other “DEAL!”   
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on December 09, 2015, 12:27:34 am
I decided to put this story under a new thread so that I can title it properly.  Expect more next week  ;)
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: derekr on December 09, 2015, 03:19:59 am
Looking forward to more!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on April 14, 2016, 05:32:41 am
A short chapter.  This is slow moving.  Bear with me.  I hope I will make it worth the wait.

Chapter 4 – Where is the Gym?

“So Annie, when did you want to get started?” 

Annie, still beaming, could hardly contain herself.  “NOW of course! Just let me get into some gym clothes” she said, as she quickly began stripping off her halter top and skirt.  Normally extremely reserved and shy, Annie’s mind was racing so fast that instead of opening the closet door and hiding behind it, she disrobed right there in the middle of the room, in full view of her roommate.  All Erin could do was chuckle—taken aback at the complete change from she had been used to these past months from her roommate.  As she chuckled, she stared at Annie’s body.  Wow she thought to herself—she has got a LONG way to go if she wanted to even look like a track athlete let alone a bodybuilder resembling anything in that book she had just seen.  She began shaking her head with doubt.  As she squinted her eyes a bit though, she began to wonder why Annie’s pasty white skin also seemed to have such a bluish color.  Erin moved closer and asked aloud—“Annie, why does your skin look so blue?  Are those….are those veins??”

Annie, immediately realizing that she was half naked in front of her roommate for the first time, stuttered “ummm… my veins maybe?  It’s really embarrassing.  I don’t know anyone else that has veins that are this obvious.  I mean, I know we all have the same, but mine are just so blue against my skin, everyone tends to stare---which is why I don’t like showing much skin.  That and the fact that I am so skinny---people always are pointing and giggling.” 

“Well, you may not want to start lifting weights then” Erin warned.

“Why’s that Erin?” asked Annie inquisitively. 

“Well because as you lift and as you gain a bit of muscle, those veins, instead of being bright blue looking UNDER your skin, may begin to look like ABOVE your skin.  You know, pop out and all that – like all those crazy jacked bodybuilders in that book over there!”
Annie looked back over at the book and began thinking of all the men—not the women---but the men she saw all over the pages.  She again started thinking of the huge biceps, ripped abs, traps up to their ears, pecs the size of toasters---hundreds of lines that made them look just shredded beyond belief.  And of course the veins.  Veins that varied from what looked like spider webs, to pencils, to worms, to sausages---just pulsating from the muscle.  Annie again looked at her body—this time in the mirror off to the side and could see that her own veins seemed to be pulsating from anticipation.  She began feeling herself up and down and shouted “I want to!  I want to lift!  I want muscle!  I want my veins to pop out all over the place!  Aggghhhhh I want to be JACKED!”  Annie through on shorts, trackpants, and a matching ziptop.  She tied up some gym shoes she had (that had been still in the box), and looked at Erin.

“Erin---let’s go to the gym!”  Erin, ready to oblige, turned to the door.  “Um Erin?  Where IS the gym?!”
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: sicktick on April 15, 2016, 07:22:34 am
glad to see this one still going, keep it up man, great work
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: phil123 on April 16, 2016, 06:08:06 am
Please keep up writing.

Great chapters so far.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: uno987 on April 18, 2016, 08:19:09 am
 :woohoo: ....great story so far--lots of potentiel..
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: martybong2 on April 20, 2016, 09:01:03 pm
Lets hope she goes beyond the guys in the book!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Jaguar on August 07, 2016, 11:09:09 am
It is off to a good start.  I hope you write more.   :clap:   :clap:   :clap:
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on August 23, 2016, 09:03:50 pm
Been VERY absent. Again. Will crank out abother chapter in the next 48 hrs or so. Stay tuned. When I write it's like all done within 1-2 hrs. Just gotta do it. Haha. Meanwhile--appreciate any feedback. Been enjoying the stories of Uno987, Onlymysoul, Fighterpilot and NHLCoolers recently. Keep up the great work all!!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: phil123 on August 24, 2016, 03:50:25 am
Gret start.
Please keep going.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: bambucea09 on August 25, 2016, 05:27:38 pm
This is a story about gym?!... I was thinking she is making a kind of serum...
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: addie40ff on November 09, 2016, 09:05:22 pm
Excellent start.  Eagerly awaiting new developments.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on January 19, 2017, 02:21:04 pm
New Chapter is FINALLY on the way. Finally have started to write again. This will be a LONG series of stories so buckle in. Excited to see almost 10,000 page views! Thanks for the continued support and feedback is always welcomed. I am not much of a writer.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Lupus753 on January 19, 2017, 06:07:02 pm
Excellent. There need to be more stories of nerd girls becoming Amazonian.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: eman on January 21, 2017, 06:46:07 am
I love were this is going.  Great start.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on January 21, 2017, 03:04:59 pm
Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess (Part 5)

Erin and Annie bounded out the door, Annie walking behind as she walked down the stairs of the dorm – two at a time.  Annie gawked at Erin’s calves and looked in wonder as they popped out with each step.  She had been living with her roommate for an entire semester, but it wasn’t until stumbling about that bodybuilding book that she ever really noticed her roommate’s body.  The calves, while not huge, definitely had shape to them and she could see that with each step down the stairs, the muscle bulged out and a faint bluish vein appeared.  Once down the 4 flights of stairs, the vein in each of the calves stood out more prominently.  Annie pointed at Erin’s calves – “Erin, I never noticed your legs before…bust especially your calves….that’s what they’re called right?”

Erin looked over her shoulder, extended her left leg, and flexed her calf muscle.  “Oh these?  Yea---I’ve never liked these”. 

“Why not?” Annie asked.

“Well, for starters, they are bigger than most boys’ – always have been – and playing soccer certainly doesn’t help.  All of the leg workouts and sprinting we are forced to do just kept making them bigger and bigger.  To make it even worse, over the summer I noticed veins would even begin to pop out!  I hate it!”

“Well I hope I could get calves like that someday” Annie said.  As they continued walking towards the gym, Annie was transfixed on Erin’s calves.  They were so big and hard looking.  And her hamstrings and quads just looked solid.  Outside of her calves, which even for a collegiate soccer player were abnormally large and vascular, the rest of her leg muscles, while definitely larger than the average girl – were not cut in the slightest.  One could tell there was muscle there, but covered by a layer of the “freshman 15”.  Erin just loved to party – and late night partying meant late night eating (burritos, gyros, pizza – all the good stuff).  Contrary to Annie however, Erin had plenty of gym attire – so she was dressed in your standard booty workout shorts and a tank top that she wore over a sports bra.  Erin didn’t dare wear only a sports bra – as her freshman pooch embarrassed the hell out of her.
As they entered the gym, Erin led Annie over to the machines.  She figured this would be a good starting point for the young waif thin chemistry nerd.  People turned their heads – not because of Annie’s physique – but because they found it a bit strange someone would be covered up from head to toe at the gym.  Annie was excited but nervous.  She was eager to start, but embarrassed by how skinny she was and how she felt she had to cover up due to that shyness and anxiety over her body. 

“Annie, what do you feel like learning about first? What body parts are you really interested in building?” asked Erin.

“Well I don’t know!  I want to look like those men and women in that book!  What do you think we should do to make that happen?”
Erin rolled her eyes a bit and sighed.  “Annie, those men and women have been training for years!  They follow strict diets.  They drink protein shakes, pre-workouts, amino acids, BCAAs, and let me tell you – a lot more.”  Why don’t you tell me what you loved most about them?  What muscles got you excited more than anything else?”

Annie stood silent – thinking – thinking about the book and the rock hard, pulsating muscles covered in veins that just seemed to jump out from the pages at her.  It was a good thing she was wearing track pants and that they were black, as she began to feel herself getting wet from the muscle lust.  She remembered the rock hard biceps as big as baseballs and softballs on the women, cantaloupes on the men.  She also remembered how the women, like her, did not seem to have much in the chest department as far as breasts were concerned.  Instead, they were replaced by muscle.  Shredded, feathered pec muscle – sometimes even plastered with veins.  Ughhhhh that is what she wanted.  “PECS!  I want PECS!” she blurted out – so loudly that a couple of girls turned around and giggled. 

“Ok ok – haha – we’ll start with the chest press machine” Erin decided.  “Here, let me show you how it works”.  Erin sat down on the chest press and adjusted it to 90 lbs.  She took a deep breath and pushed the handles out away from her chest.  “Erggghhh” – a girly sound of effort escaping her lips.  She slowly performed 8 strict reps with the weight before letting it fall back to the machine with a clank.  She sat forward, stretched out her arms in front of her, and flexed her chest.  Her nice round boobs pressed together.  They looked so full, so perfect in shape.  Erin noticed Annie staring at her – mouth agape.  “Hahah – See Annie, chest exercises are good for girls too – as it helps build enough muscle to keep out boobs from sagging” “See?” Erin grabbed her tits and molded them in her hands a bit to show Annie just how solid they were. 

“Well I don’t think I’ll have that problem” mumbled Annie as she patted her zip up – Erin hearing the thumps of her hands against her flat chest. 

“Annie – not to worry – you want muscle anyways.  This way, you won’t have any of these boobs to get in the way of whatever muscle you build!  I on the other hand it seems have to work extra hard if I want to see any of that muscle, as most of it is hidden by these tits!”

“I guess…..say….can I try the machine?” asked Annie?

“Absolutely, here hop on!” Erin adjusted the weight down to 40 lbs.  Here – try this – it’s pretty light. 

Annie, never one to give up and always one to give 100%, bit down on her lip and pushed with all of her might.  “Errgghhhhhhh” she yelled as the weight slowly began to rise. She continued to push herself through an entire set of 8 reps.  The weight might as well have been 400lbs, for at the end of the set, a light sheen of sweat had already developed on her brow. 

“Wow that felt awesome!  I know it was really light, but I guess I have to start somewhere.  I feel energized.  She looked down at her hand and saw that her veins had started to come to the surface – they were so blue she thought – and there were so many!

“How about we try some cable cross overs?” Erin suggested. Here, let me show you how these worked.  Erin set each side to 40 lbs.  As she performed her first rep, Annie again found herself starting at Erin’s boobs.  She saw how they popped outwards, then smooshed together, then popped outwards, then smooshed together again.  She was mesmorized.   After finishing a set of 10 reps, Erin let the weights drop.  “Here, let me show you what I like to do after getting a good pump.  I flex!”  Erin turned to face the wall of floor to ceiling mirrors of the gym, and hit a side chest pose.  She repeated the pose 2 more times, the final time playfully roaring.  “Rooaaarrrrrr – look at my tits Annie”.  Annie stared.  She saw how the muscle underneath made her boobs rise a little with each flex.  She also noticed her Arm had muscle – the lemon shaped bicep covered with a faint blue vein. 

“Ughhhh it’s been so long since I got a good pump.  I forget how much I missed the gym! Mmmmm – I may have to start coming more often – outside of my usual soccer workouts” pondered Erin.

“My turn My turn!” Annie jumping slightly to grab each one of the handles. 

“Wait that may be too much weight!”

“Nah, I can do it!”  Annie immediately fostered all of her willpower – her brain racing with images of hard shredded pec muscle – veins splayed across all of the muscle.  She closed her eyes, grunted, and pumped out 8 reps – at a faster pace than Erin had.  After racking the weight, she felt warm and tingly.  She wanted to rip off her zip up jacket right then and there, but her shyness returned.  Instead, Annie unzipped it about 8 inches – low enough to wear the bottom of her sports bra was visible.  She went up closer to the mirrors and extended her arms, crossing them in front of her again and again.  While there was no real muscle to speak of, her veins, which had been a faint blue hidden beneath her skin, popped to the surface a bit more, becoming far more visible and pronounced.  It looked like a dozen spiders had made blue webs all over her chest.  Annie smiled in approval and in anticipation.  She knew more than ever what she needed to do – she needed to get jacked – and she was going to do whatever it took to make it happen! 
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on January 21, 2017, 03:08:27 pm
Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess (Part 6)

4 months had passed since her first time in the gym.  Annie and Erin still worked out together a few times per week, Erin had not yet shaken her party girl habits and had difficulty keeping any regular schedule.  She also continued to eat late night junk food, which hampered her ability to let any of her newly built muscle show. Annie on the other hand, had dove into working out head first.  Her incredible intelligence, drive and ambition helped facilitate her new lifestyle.  She now referred to it as a lifestyle.  When she was not in the classroom or library or cafeteria, she was in the gym.  She worked out every – sometimes – hitting the gym twice a day – once in the early morning before class, and once late night.  She preferred to workout very early or very late, not only because her academic schedule was so rigorous, but because being alone in the gym allowed her to let go – not be that shy short pasty white Asian nerd, but the budding muscle girl that she hoped to become.

Annie used her intelligence and knowledge of chemistry to create a carefully crafted nutrition regimen consisting of the right mix of vitamins, proteins, and amino acids.  At the cafeteria, she would load up on salads, tuna, and chicken.  The academic in her knew that these were the foods needed to build her body.  She would spend hours reading about muscle building techniques – though to this point – she insisted on doing it without the assistance of chemistry.  Oh yea, she knew by now just what all of those men and women had to swallow, inject, snort, or otherwise to get those jacked bodies that they had.  She really did not want to go there – but she did at times grow frustrated and impatient by her lack of muscle growth.  Sure, Annie had more muscle than she had when she started, but not too much more. 

She now sat at 4’11, 105 lbs.  She had added 10 lbs of muscle, which on a 4’11 frame, made her look lean – like a track athlete – although due to her addiction to biceps and pecs, those muscle groups looked a bit more pronounced than the others.  Her biceps had started to resemble Erin’s when they had first started working out.  It was as if she had little lemons stuffed under her skin.  Stuffed, because she still maintained an incredibly lean physique – her body fat always hovered around 8% - which was extremely low for an 18 year old girl.  The rest of her arms had become a bit more muscular as well – needed to balance out her budding bicep.  Her previously hidden beneath the skin bluish veins were now constantly struggling to push through the skin.  They were all visible – running from her hands, crisscrossing over her forearms, and up her biceps, with the largest one the size of a pencil going right over the top of her bicep, with several other smaller ones splaying out in every direction down around the back and front of her bicep.  The veins continued up the top of her delts with others running down across her chest.  Annie still referred to it as “chest” and not “pecs”, because she still was not pleased with her chest.  Sure she had a little muscle there, when there had been none at all before, but her chest was far from that she lusted after in her bodybuilding book.  She ached to have monstrous pecs, pecs that rippled with the slightest move – that bounced at her command – that feathered when flexed – that were covered in veins that would grow and shrink with each flex /relax.  That is what she wanted – but that is not what she had. 

So there was Annie, alone in her dorm room at 6am.  It was the last day before summer break.  Erin had not come home – no doubt having crashed a boy’s room following a night of partying.  Erin had become even more popular than before.  Her increased muscle, coupled with her bombshell looks and larger breasts (they had grown from a C cup to a D cup over the last few months – apparently puberty had not blessed her enough already). 
Annie stood in front of the full length mirror affixed to the inside of her closet door.  She was naked.  She loved to examine her body in the privacy of her room prior to dressing for her morning workout.  This allowed her time to observe her muscle growth, observe the areas she wanted to improve, and fantasize about becoming that jacked muscle goddess that she so desperately wanted to be.  The room was dimly lit, which had the added effect of showcasing all cuts/definition that she had, along with the hundreds of veins that covered her body.  She still covered up at the gym, fearful of the reactions people would have – not to her muscles – which still were nothing that incredible – but for the sickening degree of striation – of the networks of veins that were no longer hidden beneath the surface and barely visible, but constantly pressed towards the surface, and very visible.  Annie stood, first looking at her feet, then her calves, then her quads.  Her quads had grown considerably.  They were no longer the sticks that they had been; rather, they now had a layer of muscle.  There was shape.  And there were veins.  Oh GOD were quads vascular.  The largest of the veins ran from just above her knee, up around the top of her quad and around it, before disappearing under her thong.  Tracing this vein always made her hot.  Annie’s breaths got shallower and slower as her finger neared her thong. Her clit, still a pronounced nub, got a bit larger with anticipation.  Annie began to rub it, the material of her thong causing it to grow even more.  Her thong got wetter and wetter.  Annie soon held one side of the thong away from her pussy and began quickly rubbing her clit – faster and faster until a gush of girl cum squirted to the floor.  This morning orgasm had become a routine.  It also had the added effect of causing her to become a vascular anatomy chart of sorts – all veins now popping through the surface of her skin – from head to toe.  Good God.  It both scared the shit out of her and excited her at the same time.  She always had to use her willpower to stop herself from masturbating to the sight.  She quickly threw on her gym clothes – still smelling of sex.  No matter she thought – the gym would be dead today – and the smell of her sweat would drown out the smell of her cum (or so she hoped). 

At the gym it was arm day – one of her favorites.  She still used the machines at this point, so she went over to the cable curl machine.  She set the weight at 50 lbs, a marked improvement from the 20 lbs she used to curl.  She loved to superset.  She loved to workout at a rapid pace and with passion.  Annie quickly cranked out 10 reps at 50lbs before moving to the tricep pushdown machine where she cranked out another 10 there.  She ran back over to the cable curls, this time increasing the weight to 60lbs – more than she ever had lifted for reps.  She felt extra energized this morning however, and proceeded to crank out 8 reps – at a pace a bit slower than her first set.  “Fuck it” she thought, “let’s do 70lbs!”.  She lowered the pin and began using all of her energy to lift the weights.  Slowly she was able to hit 6 reps – her vascularity on overdrive at this point – her veins feeding more and more blood to her arms – eager to help them curl the heavy poundage.  Her forehead was dripping in sweat that made strange patterns down her cheeks, as the pronounced veins in her forehead forced the sweat to move in different directions.  “Ugggghhhh” she cried as she racked the weights.  She ran over to the corner of the gym.  She quickly made sure no one was to be seen, then hurriedly removed her zip up to reveal what lay beneath.  Her body visibly pulsated, blood rushing to feed her muscles.  She brought her arms up and slowly hit a double biceps pose.  Two lemons seemingly popped out of her skin from nowhere.  Annie had amazing bicep beaks that had a way of looking much larger when flexed than what one would think just looking at them in their relaxed state.  Today however, she was pumped.  Her arms seemed bigger than they ever had – biceps now the size of full lemons – crisscrossed in veins.  “Fuck I love how that looks” she thought as she hit the pose over and over again.  Seeing that it was almost 7, she knew she had to get to class (her last one of the year) and needed to shower and change.  She threw on her zip up, and ran back to the dorm.

Upon arriving at her dorm room, she saw that her roommate Erin had returned.  Erin turned around to see Annie dripping in sweat and covered head to toe in her track suit.  “Wow Annie, you sure have taken to weight lifting and the lifestyle – I should have known – you never half ass anything.” 

“Yea, I really really love it.  I love finally seeing some muscle on my body instead of just a pile of skin and bones.  I have to tell you though Erin, I thought after 4 months I would have more muscle than I do” Annie said.

“Annie please – you added 10 lbs of muscle in 4 months! Most girls—and guys for that matter—take a year to do that!  I attribute it to your discipline with diet and your chemistry background.  You are a little scientist with those books and in the store.  You know exactly what to take and what to eat to gain muscle.  Just keep at it – it’s working!” pleaded Erin.

“I guess.  I’m just hoping that over the summer things are different.  I won’t have classes, so I’ll definitely be able to lift a lot more – maybe I’ll step it up to 3 a day workouts! Haha” Annie laughed at the thought, but it was something that she had thought about doing before. 

“Annie, you’re crazy enough to do it. Hey, we’ve been workout partners the last 4 months.  Let’s compare our progress, take some pictures, and then we can compare again when we get back in August!  We’re already going to be roommates again – it will be fun – we can push each other.”

“OK!  That’s actually a good idea.  Sometimes it’s hard to see your progress on a day to day or week to week basis.  The pictures are a great idea Erin! It will also help motivate me over the summer for sure. I want to be able to come back in August and totally outdo what I look like now.”

With that, the two girls stripped down to their bras and panties, and stood next to each other – their closet doors open so that the two mirrors that hung inside were flush with one another.  Not the greatest viewing – but it will have to do.  Erin put on some EDM music, and the two started flexing their muscles.  Neither one of them really knew what they were doing – but hey – it was playful fun.  Erin definitely had the larger physique at 5’6 140 lbs of full muscle (with that pesky layer of fat), but Annie seemed to be a genetic freak of nature.  Erin knew she ate a lot, but it never stuck to her.  She maintained a ridiculous 8% bodyfat to her 20%.  She peered out of the corner of her eye at Annie as she hit a goofy looking side chest pose – the lemon sized biceps covered with vascularity that ran to her chest.  The chest muscle, and that’s all she had, caused her bra to slip down, revealing small nipples that now stood erect.  Erin found herself lusting at the vascularity and now desperately wishing she had more of that.  Erin returned her focus to the mirror in front of her, raised her arm up, and flexed it a few times.  Her bicep, the size of a tennis ball, was full and round.  Much fuller looking than the cut bicep of Annie’s, it was also a good 3 inches larger.  14 inches versus 11 inches.  Erin smiled knowing that she had bigger guns than her roommate. 

The two of them finished a few more poses.  They then snapped pictures of each other’s body from different angles.  They promised to e-mail the photos to one another to motivate themselves and as a reminder of the friendship that had blossomed between them.  The rest of the day they packed their belongings up.  Annie remembered to pack the bodybuilding book she had once borrowed – but now stolen – from the library.  It had become both her motivation and her personal masturbation material – and she could not go an entire summer without it. 
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 21, 2017, 06:07:57 pm
Just want to interject to say that Annie stays at 4'11, there's nothing I love more than seeing muscle and strength on as short of a frame as possible and there's nothing in stories that I hate more than seeing a girl who should be done growing because they are fully through puberty, suddenly grow taller. That should be physiologically impossible. But people still do it in stories for whatever reason. Hope that doesn't happen to Annie. k+!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: mrshhh on January 21, 2017, 07:32:54 pm
Good god these new chapters were great.  The intensity of Annie's vascularity is incredible.  I like that you've chosen to make it a struggle for Annie to add muscle, and yet you've firmly characterized her as having the desire and willpower to push through it.  I was riveted to each and every word!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on January 21, 2017, 08:48:19 pm
Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess (Part 7)

Annie travelled home to Dixon, Kansas, a small farming town where her family had relocated since fleeing as refugees from China in the 1980s.  There were no other Asians in town, and her family, stereotypically some would say, owned and operated a Chinese Restaurant.  Her family were not wealthy, and they were not able to travel to visit their daughter at college at all that year.  Annie parked the car, grabbed her suitcase and threw her duffel bag over her shoulder, and approached the front door.  Her parents opened the door in anticipation, and were startled by what they saw.  Annie, previously a meek and timid 4’11, 95lb waif, had blossomed into a 105lb fit chick.  They were taken aback and just how shredded and vascular she was.  They knew she had always been a bit different in that department, but now, those veins were so prominently on display.  Annie, realizing her parents shocked reaction, tried to break the tension – “Hi mom! Hi dad!  I’m so happy to see you and so excited that you’ve noticed my changes.  In addition to getting straight As, my roommate introduced me to the gym.  We’ve been workout partners for 4 months now and I really love it.  I just love being able to put all of my knowledge about nutrition and chemistry to use in a different way than just taking tests.  It’s like I’m my own living experiment.  I just love seeing the changes in my body each week.  And on that note, is the old weight set still in the basement?” 

Annie’s dad took a few more seconds to process what he was looking at and what his daughter had said – “oh yes sweetie it is.  It’s still there, and in fact, our neighbors moved and did not want to take their stuff with them, so they left it down there as well.” 

Annie recalled that her neighbors were a family of athletes, and that the two sons went off to play collegiate football.  She grew excited at the thought of what may be down there waiting for her. 

“Oh that’s awesome!  I’m sure I’ll be able to keep myself busy this summer.  I figured I’ll do a lot of working out down there – but also brush up on some of my labs seeing that all of my chemistry equipment from high school is still down there too.”

“Whatever makes you happy my little angel.  That’s your sanctuary now.  You’ve got your bedroom, a big walk-in closet, and a full gym basically waiting for you.  I even added a couple of TVs down there mounted to the corners of the room – they’re a bit older – but the neighbors were going to sell them online, but being that I agreed to help move the gym equipment, they threw those in too.”

“That’s great dad.  Thank you so much.”  Annie went inside and headed downstairs.  She turned on the light and was floored by what she saw.  The basement was messy that was for sure, but sure enough, there was 42 inch flat screen tv at each diagonal corner of the basement, a room of about 25x40.  Mirrors lined on end of the room – 40 feet of mirrors – floor to ceiling.  The floor was concrete.  The walls were grey.  It was a cold feeling – but Annie thought it perfect.  A real hard core look – which is what she wanted and what she wanted to become.  The gym consisted of flat bench, incline bench, squat rack, leg press, two towers of weights for cable cross overs amongst other tricep/bicep exercises, a stand that held straight curl bars with weight ranging from 20-120 lbs, and a rack of dumbbells with weights ranging from 10-110 lbs.  In addition, there was an assortment of attachments, empty bars (straight and ez curl), and bands.  She was in absolute awe and overjoyed with what she saw.  She then walked over to the far end of the room and opened up the walk-in closet.  It was about 8x10.  The walls were blank.  She knew what she was going to do with that closet.  Now, most girls would be thinking of all of the clothes that they could put in there – imagining racks built or custom shelving.  Annie on the other hand, had other ideas.  She was going to make a fantasy room.  She was going to line it with mirrors, so that she could look at herself from all angles.  She was also going to plaster pictures up to motivate her.  Pictures of men and women that possessed the bodies – the muscles that she wanted.  These pictures would inspire and provide her with extra motivation.  She envisioned spending quite a bit of time in that room.  She thought about the meditation, the flexing, and the masturbating, that would no doubt ensue. 

Annie closed the closet door, went into her room and began to unpack.  Her room was pretty big.  She had a king size bed – she never knew why her parents bought such a big bed for her – seeing as there never had been anyone but little old her in there.  She also had a lot of photos of famous scientists on the wall.  There were periodic tables, posters of chemical compounds, and against the far wall – boxes and boxes of beakers, test tubes, hoses and burners.  She quickly scampered over and tore open the boxes.  She began carrying the equipment out and into the basement gym area.  She found a wall that had enough room around it.  She began setting out everything onto the tables that were there. 

“Here is where the magic is going to happen” she thought.  She figured she might play around with things a bit that summer.  Annie went back into her room and began taking all of the posters down and moving them to the wall where she had set up her chemistry equipment. She figured she would paint the room pink – she really wanted to make it girly.  She always loved “hello kitty” – so maybe she would incorporate some of that stuff as well she thought.  She loved the contrast.  Girly girl in the bedroom – but beast in the gym.  She would beast out in the gym, use the closet beforehand and afterward, but her bedroom would be different she thought.  She was happy that her parents seemed so on board with everything – but she hoped that the feeling would continue – as she had plans – plans that her parents would never have dreamed would come from their nerdy 4’11 asian daughter!  Annie smiled, fell onto her bed, and drifted off to sleep – dreams of jacked muscle women and men dancing through her head.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: lawdj78 on January 21, 2017, 09:57:03 pm
Thanks Jeremy and Mr. SHHH -- love hearing from both of you.  I've long loved your stories - and Mr. SHHH - wish you would write a helluva lot more than you do.  Too few and far between!  Annie MAY grow a bit in height depending on how her chemistry experiments work out, but it wouldn't be more than a 6 inches - nothing out of the ordinary (so to speak).  There will likely be some other areas where she will grow as well (if you know what I mean) - but I also am interested in hearing people's thoughts on that.  I literally can write a chapter an hour.  I don't think about it TOO much - it's just finding the time.  Enjoy!!!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: horst11 on January 21, 2017, 10:31:54 pm
Great, keep up the great work and let her grow, everywhere  :)
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Trinitus on January 21, 2017, 11:02:23 pm
This is a very good story and it has become one of my favorites.
There are a few spelling mistakes but nothing that takes away from the story. Keep up the good work! :rock:
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: sicktick on January 23, 2017, 12:15:48 am
keep up the great work, excited to see more of this
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: phil123 on January 24, 2017, 07:32:40 pm
Again a great chapter.

We all want to read more. Please continue.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: topbone23 on June 12, 2017, 02:36:38 pm
Please don't give up on this story !
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: sgsg69 on June 12, 2017, 11:46:48 pm
So glad that you continued this, really well developed story, can't wait to see what "magic" she comes up with over the summer!!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Lupus753 on June 13, 2017, 12:36:47 am
Well, this was disappointing. Guess I have to wait some more.
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: mrshhh on September 16, 2017, 02:09:39 pm
Seconded!  I've reread every chapter a zillion times  ;)
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Online1138 on September 16, 2017, 04:23:42 pm
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Hope to see more soon! This is such a good story so far!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: topbone23 on September 17, 2017, 05:58:11 pm
Yeah, same here. Please continue!!!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: gbrummey on September 18, 2017, 08:24:29 pm
This is a great story! I can't wait to see it continued!
Title: Re: Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: sgsg69 on September 18, 2017, 11:37:36 pm
Just echoing the above, hope there is going to be a continuation of this story line, it certainly is a great start and good character development!!
Title: Re: Author: [lawdj78] Annie Lee - Science Nerd to Muscle Goddess
Post by: Bugenhagen on November 12, 2018, 06:10:04 am
Randomly stumbled in... This story was incredible... I wonder how it ended