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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: reaper0002000 on January 10, 2008, 02:29:39 am

Title: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 10, 2008, 02:29:39 am


Stories in this collection:

The Monster's Embrace

The Monster--Introduced

The Monster - Termination Alley

The Muscles of Mercy

She Wanted More

The Monster's Embrace
by reaper0002000


No matter how hard he tries, he can’t even dent the amazingly thick, dense musculature of her outrageously V-shaped back. It’s like trying to bearhug a granite sculpture. Esther lets him continue his efforts, amused at how hard he tries and how futile it is against her naked rock-hard, muscle-packed torso. He’s squeezing her with all his strength, and she can barely feel him… no sense of pressure whatsoever. Her muscles are SO jacked! The thought of how far physically superior she truly is begins to arouse the monstrously muscle-packed Korean. Finally, she’s had enough of his pitiful efforts, and though her hellishly sculpted arms bulge and ripple with a frightening muscularity begging to be used, to be unleashed on him, Es merely takes a deep breath while flexing her powerfully developed pecs and spreading apart her fabulously wide lats. Her expanding Korean musculature and ribcage effortlessly throws apart his arms with just a simple flex, confirming how truly inconsequential his strength is compared to hers.

“Now it’s my turn,” Esther gloats with a soft predatory grin, and engulfs him. Her thick upper arms encircle his sides, her bulging biceps bunching into steely balls that bend his ribs inwards with terrifying ease while her veiny forearms painfully compress his torso into her bare, thick, husky pecs. Her inhuman training has stripped her of any fat and breast tissue, but Es possesses a pair of huge, rock-solid pecs that are deeper and thicker than most women’s breasts! Her small, hardening Asian nipples grind painfully into his chest as they enlarge in arousal. Es’s broad shoulders turns into mounded traps and stripped deltoid caps as she inadvertently lifts him of the ground, leaving his feet dangling, and then suspends him without any effort whatsoever.

After a second of simply holding him up and letting him feel her enormous strength, Esther viciously squeezes him with just her powerful arms, and her big peaked biceps audibly snap his middle ribs like kindling with their pumped-up shape while her forearms effortlessly bow his ribcage down its entire length. Air wheezes out of him as his torso involuntarily contracts, completely helpless against her unimaginable might. She’s broken him using only a fraction of only her arm strength, but now adds the endless strength of her gigantic back and chest as well. Her massively developed back explodes into frighteningly deep sinewy shapes and chiseled curves while her jutting chest visibly thickens, striations forming down the hard groove dividing her swelling pecs all the way across into her underarms. Pulled in by her monster back and pushed in by her ungiving and growing breastless chest with its powerful unstoppable pectorals, his ribs splinter against her, one by one loudly snapping. Effortlessly.

The Korean musclegirl marvels how easily she’s crushed him; he’s like a fragile toy to her! It’s been like squashing an ant, and the realization of how far superior her monstrous body is to his really turns her on! Aroused, Esther takes a long characteristic deep breath, and the further expansion of her tremendously developed torso shatters even more of his ribs. Sickening wet crunches are heard, muffled within the fearsome mass of female Asian muscle, and she smiles sadistically, while he barely manages to whisper “Please…” with what remains of his lungs.

“I’ve broken almost every rib of yours and I’m not even using a quarter of my strength yet,” Esther murmurs evenly, “I could kill you with my bare hands right now – just crush you to death. Like an insect.”  Her utter domination of him arouses her, and the small, light colored Asian nipples atop her granite pecs lengthen and harden even farther. “I’m so BUFF…beyond BUFF” Es whispers in erotic aggression, and her erecting nipples dig deeper into his chest, the tiny sex nubs becoming so hard that they actually pierce his skin, gouging his flesh and drawing blood.

“God, I’m sooo STRONG…” she breathes, feeding off his helpless whimpering pleas for her to stop. Esther lets him have it with another merciless squeeze, and her fearsome upper body flexes to merely a small fraction of its incomprehensible full power, instantly pulverizing more bones within the completely surpassed male torso in her muscular embrace. “…and so HARD…” She enjoys his wheezed screams of pain, getting off on her absolute muscular dominance. Her Korean muscles and nipples take on a hardness far beyond steel as she tenses them, further mangling him like meat in a garbage disposal. As she lets his tangibly shattered torso sag in her arms, she notices the bloody gouges her bared, diamond-hard nipples have left on his ruined chest. Esther laughs her evil laugh, “Even my nipples are harder than you.”

Smirking wildly, she merely holds him in place, still effortlessly suspending him off the floor. Es again tightens her hug and flexes her amazing male-shaming pecs, and as her obscene beefy Korean chest muscles expand and hump, her aroused Asian nipples again bite into his skin, easily puncturing it and burying themselves into his flesh. He shrieks in agony, and Es’s smile goes wider as she enjoys her dominance and the exquisitely erotic feel of even her sensitive nipples (her nipples!) smashing and tearing his muscles like nothing.

“God, I’m so totally YOKED”  Es sighs erotically, relishing her power. She takes a deep breath and flexes her hulking pecs again and again, pumping the muscular chest granite up to size after incredible size as she grunts in lust. He tries to scream as her erect Asian nipples repeatedly shred apart his chest flesh as they flick and burrow deeper and deeper into him with each mangling flex.

Finally Es pauses and looks down, and the sight almost brings her straight to orgasm. “Heh, I’ve totally destroyed your pecs with my pecs,” Es grins ferally. Blood is pouring out of where his chest used to be – her own pumped, amazingly deep Korean pecs have now utterly replaced the space occupied by his once proud chest, the combination of her nipples and pecs completely grinding his chest away and leaving only gristle on the sides. Her light-colored nipples erect even further and push against the now-exposed bone of his ribs. “Mmmm” she lustily moans as she feels her nipples chip against his rib bones, “Maybe your weak little boy bones will challenge how hard my big strong girl pecs and nipples are…but I doubt it,” and Es laughs savagely. She stares into his glazed eyes, and grins animalistically. With a sexy growl, Es flexes her awesome Korean chest harder than before, and her pumped Asian pecs respond with an explosion of monstrous female beef. Her granite pecs balloon with unstoppable power, and loud cracks are heard as her small but steely nipples derisively snap his exposed ribs like drill bits against matchsticks. As her mighty pecs violate his ribcage unstoppable and unopposed, Es grins nastily in total domination, “Told you – that was like nothing.”

“Nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you with my inner muscles – the muscles in my muscle mound,” Es whispers erotically in his ear, her nipples tearing into his lung membranes. “You think I’m crushing you? Wait till I actually crush you into pulp.” She chuckles, relishing the thought of her mighty female sex dominating and pulverizing his puny male sex within her. ”Ever been RAPED by a girl?” Es breathes huskily, “You know I can. You know you can’t stop me. I’m YOKED and you’re just a weak little boy next to me with all my BIG, STRONG MUSCLES…You’d better WATCH OUT.” She flexes her mighty arm right under his nose, enjoying his palpable fear as her obscenely peaked Asian bicep pushes his nose back and towers up to his eye level, an unreal female Korean muscle that dwarfs and shames his male counterpart with its size, peak and steel-hard separations.

“Are you scared of me? You should be…” Aroused, she licks his ear dangerously, her fearsomely strong tongue – even that visibly lined with muscles! -- plays with the idea of ripping it right off his head as she pumps her matchless biceps to ever higher, harder peaks.  “I’m so totally YOKED I could kill you without even trying -- look at these MUSCLES…I’m SO pumped up!” Es gloats; he now has to look up to see the split top of the enormous Korean Everest of a female bicep that’s flexed before him. “It’s over 18 inches and getting bigger, getting stronger, every day,” she breathes, admiring her monster bicep as it writhes and bulges with twists of her wrist, finally becoming a rocky, two-headed pinnacle with jagged 3” peaks towering from a broad base of visible fibers as Es tightens her flex.

“Kiss it. Lick it – feel the Asian steel, Feel the strength…!”  she growls exultingly. His lips and tongue fearfully run over her smooth Asian skin, stretched tight over fibrous separations in her huge, obscenely jagged, granite muscleball – her enormous peaked bicep is a warm, steel-hard animal he can literally feel bursting with pure man-crushing power! Es laughs at his utter terror; just her single amazing biceps is stronger than his entire body, harder than anything in it even his tooth enamel – and it’s only one of the ferociously pumped muscles exploding all over her incredibly built, nude body, begging to be unleashed like an unstoppable force of nature.

Es murmurs, “I’m WAY stronger than you… stronger than you can even imagine. And now I’m gonna rape and crush you.” In a single violent motion, the Korean tears both his jeans and underwear apart and off his body as easily as tissue paper, her muscles rippling with effortless power. He cringes in sheer terror, babbling for mercy. The nude Asian stronggirl air humps him tauntingly, her abs turning into unbelievably deep, defined knotty blocks as the wild black Asian bush above her obviously muscle-packed mound grates at his crotch threateningly. His sexual organs are small with fear, no match to her own visibly pumped-up groin and Es chuckles with scorn at the contrast.

“You’re so…puny. I even outsex you! Pathetic.” Like his pitifully inferior musculature, his scrotum and penis are literally dwarfed by her mighty sexual organs – like the rest of her amazing body, Es’ sex meat is so unbelievably hypertrophied, it even looks utterly freaky. Es flaunts a hardening, protruding clitoris as large as some young males’ penises and internal vaginal muscles so hellishly built that peaked muscular ridges actually bulge outside on the surface  and veins actually protrude from skin stretched glisteningly tight over her incredibly developed, powerful sex!

“My cunt is gonna totally surpass your dick, bitch.” Es gloats, and I’m even gonna out-ejaculate you.” Overpowering his attempts to resist her and containing his flailing with ease, a huge twisted grin splits the nude Korean musclegirl’s face as she forcibly feeds his penis and then his sack as well into her hairy super-slit, her monster Korean cunt inhaling him with its own tornado-like suction power until her sex lips press up hard against his torso. Es has consumed his entire genitalia within her hungry, supremely muscular Asian sex organ as easily as a huge shark swallowing a tiny guppy. Her sex is so strong, so unbelievably strong, it could never be described as being passively “impaled” or “penetrated” by anything, let alone a mere penis; instead, it is Es who engulfs and consumes males!  Her sheer dominance arouses her further, pumping up her groin visibly as her mighty clitoris fully erects in arousal. He screams as he feels the hellish heat and ungodly pressure of her hulking sexual inferno. “Mmmmm… you’re just one mouthful to my LION,” she murmurs dominantly, as she threateningly stares at him and flexes her upper body into an astounding double biceps victory pose that both dwarfs and humiliates his manhood. “Yeah…check this out,” Es grins, referring to her impossibly rock-hard groin which also totally emasculates him!
The sight is incongruous: two naked bodybuilders seemingly joined at the groin, the unbelievably muscular female Korean completely dominant over her terrified whimpering and mangled male counterpart, proudly flaunting her vast physical superiority with a mindboggling double biceps pose. Her pumped-up body is a legion of muscles on top of more muscles, and she is completely emasculating him with that monstrous pose. Her hellishly muscular physique is beyond mortal comprehension – utterly insurmountable! be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster's Embrace [nsfw, gory]
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 10, 2008, 02:30:28 am

Languidly pumping and posing her already matchless biceps to ever increasing peaks of raw power, Es obviously relishes her undeniable muscular supremacy – and her arousal pumps her up to even more male-humiliating muscular extremes! She grins; not only is she dominating him externally, his entire manhood is completely within her, at the utter mercy of her tremendously built sexual muscles… the sense of absolute power, of utter muscular and sexual dominance over him is overpowering, and she is tempted to simply crush and crush the fragile organs within her until nothing but a liquefied pulp remains. Her power-packed Korean pussy twitches in anticipation with the thought, and he whimpers in pain and fear as that simple tensing of her vice-like inner muscles effortlessly squashes him. He gasps in agony as her blast furnace slit becomes tighter, harder, and hotter than he thought possible – it feels like his manhood is being crushed and cooked! Es grins nastily at his horrified agonized expression, wrapping her magnificent arms around him again.

“I’m engulfing you…your entire puny body AND your entire puny sex… in my rock hard body” Es gloats sexily, her mighty arms surrounding his body, her mighty sex organ encasing his own. Her huge, hooded, flaring back all but completely obscures his outmatched torso, dwarfing him with superior Korean musculature that he couldn’t even possibly conceive in sheer size, hardness or power. As Es wraps one superbly-muscled leg around his eclipsed legs, her vaginal lips greedily take even more of his sexual meat into her ubermuscular Korean sex box, until her sinewy slit all but pinches together at his roots. “Ohhh yeah…” Es moans huskily, “You’re gonna be totally crushed.” She gives him a predatory grin and then kisses him dominantly, her ungodly powerful mouth and long, immensely strong tongue bruising and then pulverizing his mouth with her violent, vicious kissing. She chuckles as she tastes his blood!

Her incredible arms start the final carnage, her insanely peaked Korean biceps, like Korean steel wrecking balls, snapping the bones as easily as toothpicks in his upper arms as they encircle him. Then her inhuman triceps become over-inflated horseshoes as her straightening arms all but scissor his bloody torso. His ribcage and spine are effortlessly fragmented by her unstoppable, crushing Asian arms, reducing the width of his torso to mere inches at her pleasure.  Meanwhile, Es crosses her hellaciously-built Korean legs, and his trapped legs are sadistically mangled by the position of her enormous quads against gigantic hamstrings, huge bulbous calf against bulging anterior shin muscles – Es’ trackstar legs are so muscular they could overpower locomotives!

The nude Asian tenses her perfectly developed legs until breathtaking striations of steel hardness protrude from her ballooning muscle bellies. Every bone in his lower body, from his pelvis to his shins, is viciously fractured in sickeningly loud pops and crunches to her cruel delight. Es smile widens as shards of splintered bone and splurging fountains of blood erupt all over from within the crushed flesh of his legs, his skin breaking apart as her flexed legs’ monstrous musclepower far exceeds his skin’s elasticity. He would have screamed from the sheer agony, but his lungs have been utterly destroyed, imploded to tattered membranes by Esther’s overdeveloped pecs’ violent incursion into his chest cavity with a simple flex on her part.  Es’ massive, shredded pecs explode with unmitigated power, in an instant shattering whatever remains of the front of his already exposed ribcage.  Her Korean female chest muscles expand within his torso until his rear ribs are punched outwards by the influx of breastless, Asian pectoral girlbeef.

Es grins, completely aroused by her utter superiority, as she now spreads her colossal Korean back to truly inhuman proportions, making his own bodybuilder's torso utterly insignificant in comparison.  “Is my back too big? NO,” she laughs, deriding the question she had once asked him. Her enormous lets are each hulking monsters, far exceeding even the limits of reason – seen from her front, he’s a mere sliver in comparison to Es’ massive flaring Korean wings! “You’ve been totally surpassed, bitch.”  She again laughs evilly. Es casually curls her arms once again in an effortlessly deadly, crushing embrace, her hands grasping all that remains of his torso – his back wall – while unwittingly grinding remnants of bone to dust between her forearms and obscenely bulging biceps. Her grin grows ever wider, her frighteningly large, strong teeth fully visible as her lips are pulled far beyond her gumline…a lethal sign that Es has begun to get red-line horny from her utter dominance of his destruction. Nothing has ever survived The Monster's embrace.

Her amazingly strong fingers power down, crushing his rear ribs as she thrusts her awesome chest out further, reaching lustfully  for her tiny but steel-hard Asian nipples. Her muscle-packed hands and diamond-hard milk nubs destroy whatever bone and flesh is in the way.  Displaying their insane hardness, her small, but fully erect girlie nipples burst out of his back to meet her fingers as Es moans loudly, and she allows her inner muscles to finally constrict the still-intact male package that has been sheltered from the butchery that her monstrous physique has inflicted.

She’s saved the best for last -- her muscle mound. The only strength on earth that can match and even exceed her own supreme Asian physique’s strength. “You’re meat, bitch, and my LION is hungry. Time to eat! I’m gonna fuck you to a total paste!”

Es snarls and smiles downward, admiring her hairy, incomparably muscled groin. Stretching her arms above her head, she grins at the mangled body hanging from her horrific sexual grip, the carnage her muscular pussy effortlessly suspends. The devastation of his body will be nothing compared to what her pumped-up sexual organ will now do him.  Fueled by her arousal, Es’ fearsome vaginal muscles start to demonstrate their unfathomable power by actually rippling and protruding between her monstrously muscled legs, her bulging, seething cunt looking like a python writhing under her hairy skin. Her visibly muscle-packed Korean sex organ is STRONG beyond anyone’s imagination, capable of crushing anything her will directs it to. Es’ internal vaginal muscles are so excessively developed that incredible bulges and separations erupt visibly on the outside of her mound – even at rest! But then as Es flexes up her unearthly sex meat, the bulges become insane peaks, freaky striations and even veins that extrude through her skin! Her already oversized clitoris inflates with muscle that no one else posesses  The Monster’s monster awakens! Es grasps her mighty Korean clitoris, her powerful fingers ruthlessly exerting a pressure that would crumple steel, but only makes her invincible sexual stud stimulated. Es grins – she is so far beyond the rest of humanity that only she can satisfy herself fully!

The Korean ubergirl begins to pant in relish and hip-tosses, exulting in her endless sexual strength as she feels his penis rupture effortlessly within her, blood seeping out of its disintegrating walls as it succumbs like an imploding grape to her incredible sexual muscularity. Violently stroking herself, Es moans loudly in savage pleasure as first his scrotum and then each testicle just as easily shatters with wet pops to her hellishly-built cunt’s obscene crushing power. Soon nothing but gory pulp remains in her unstoppable Korean meat grinder. As the ultimate Asian hardbody orgasms, every single already-supreme Korean muscle – inner and outer -- flexes, each peaking to inhuman size and shape. Es’ inner muscles, her muscle mound, literally liquefies the gory remains of his sex organs in a mere instant, while her monstrous physique, her nude Korean superbody, utterly defies mortal comparison in an orgasmic flex of all ages.

But the Monster isn’t done….Es grins with savage, unstoppable lust. The ultimate sadistic monster, she wants to utterly emasculate him by now overjacking him, and so Es brings herself to orgasm again. Boiling streams of female cum with blood and gory bits of his mulched genitals explode from the ungodly mountain of sexual muscle between Es’ legs, turning her inhuman groin into a hairy volcano erupting, ejaculating with a force and volume that would shame males of any species!  “Check the JACK!” Es roars jubilantly as she flexes a double biceps pose of pure domination, and with a hip toss that turns her abs into bulging abdominal sculpture, spews another unbelievable sexual load from the Asian sexual powerhouse between her legs to a height far above her head! She’s completely out-ejaculated him, her almighty sex gushing with the power of a geyser! With a series of sexy, horny gasps, Es repeatedly flexes her inhumanly muscular sex tube with such skill that she actually pulls more of his ruined carcass into her crushing sex vice.

Utterly insatiable, she crams parts of even his crumpled pelvis into her still hungry snatch, the walls of bone collapsing and shattering as she eagerly sucks him in with pure sexual strength, right into the maw of her insanely muscled Korean pussy!  Es growls with musclelust, and again raising her arms into a double-biceps pose of pure superiority over any male, clenches her sexual gorilla with unending power, crushing bone into gory crumbs within its unstoppable confines. Standing over the horrific remains of a once proud male bodybuilder, she is muscularity and strength incarnate. The Monster.

And nothing, nothing, has ever survived The Monster's Embrace.

End Episode

Karma if you want more episodes!
Title: Re: The Monster's Embrace [nsfw, gory]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 10, 2008, 02:49:47 am
Hey great to see you over here reaper! Monster has always been one my favorite stories out there, your description is awesome. Keep it up! k+
Title: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] The Monster Stories~collected
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 20, 2008, 06:37:29 am
A word of caution: nsfw = not safe for work, and gore = blood, guts, etc.
I realize that this work is not to a lot of people's tastes, so hence this preface: you've been warned..!

Best wishes,

"The Monster Introduced"

He’s astounded to see Es standing at his door.
Even more astounding is the shape the Korean is in.
Her body...! Oh my God… her body!
The obvious product of mountains of iron versus an implacable, unyielding will.
Her muscles growing, growing to impossible size and hardness, growing in inconceivable strength, growing until mountains are literally lifted and iron actually bends.
Her will insurmountable, her muscles matching her will…she has built herself into a Monster.

Es is wearing her familiar pale pink T-shirt, which already had been stretched tight over her buffed body the last time he’d seen her. But now crucified on the utterly pumped-up body of The Monster, the rupturing, surrendering T-shirt is three sizes too small.

Es’ bulging traps and exploding delts are ripping shoulder seams, veritable mountains of Asian muscle tearing apart the collar.  A huge hole burst apart down her immense back displays the power and sheer size of her massive winglike lats, and a tear in the front shows striated grooves in thick pectoral slabs. Her shoulders, chest, and back are all so freakishly BIG that the shirt’s bottom has risen up, making Es’ ripped midriff visible, and it’s a six pack – and what a six pack! Es’ deep-gridded belly is a resting six pack; an ungodly washboard of thick abdominal blocks chiseled even when relaxed!

Es drinks his wide-eyed awe of her gorilla-shaming female uberbody with obvious satisfaction and answers an unspoken question: “I broke him during sex the very first night.,” she gloats, her muscles bulging ominously, “Broke him like a toothpick.  I was too strong for him – way too strong. Too aggressive. SO strong and aggressive  I literally crushed him like an ant with my muscles.”  Es enjoys how she’s terrorizing him. “I literally crushed his entire body to, like, a gory pulp – including his dick. I totally mulched it inside of me with just my pussy muscles. I’m so strong I literally fucked him to death,” she grins viciously at the memory. “And I’m even stronger now… MUCH stronger!” She laughs, clearly getting off on his fear, “I can work out harder than anyone -- I’m a MONSTER. I’ve surpassed everyone. No one can keep up with me in weights or cardio. I have do cardio with weights that other people can’t even lift to even get a cardio workout. Look at all these muscles... I’m so yoked!”

“It’s your fault,” Es continues, sneering, “YOU were the one who pushed me to start lifting. So I’ve come to break you too…” and reaches to open the locked screen door. Impatient at the obstacle, she seizes the handle roughly, crushing it like waxpaper and without any effort whatsoever rips the screen door right off its hinges, also wrenching the door frame off like it was cardboard and tossing it behind her, snickering at its weakness. The casual display of her violent strength is terrifying, and he tries to slam the main door shut…but is stopped by a single hand. Es casually flings the main door backwards with a simple thrust of her sculpted arm, making her blown-up triceps flex into an obscene, striated horseshoe. “…to completely crush you. Even more than him.”

That door is torn off its hinges by her effortless power, launching him off the back of the door as one would swat a fly away. The Asian musclegirl enters the house, incredible definition and size showing with each stop of her hellishly muscular trackstar legs, and laughs at how far he’s been thrown back – she wasn’t even trying. Enjoying his shock at her strength and the slack-jawed stare at the amazing muscular development that’s bursting her T-shirt apart, Es decides to completely blow his mind. “You wanna see my mmmmMUSCLES…?” she taunts, coy and sexy, “Wanna gawk at my totally BUFF BOD?” Chuckling evilly, she takes a deep breath, causing even more tears as she truly flexes her strapping torso and expands to frightening, freaky proportions, her unleashed muscles disintegrating the T shirt as they erupt, unstoppable. “Oh yeah...” she breathes sexily, “Check me out.” Es peels off the remaining shred that barely hangs on to her mindboggling pumped contours.

Es is not wearing a bra underneath. She doesn’t need to: her little-girl Asian tits are long gone. Whatever small perky breast tissue she possessed was first plastered flat and then literally devoured by the voracious growth demands of her huge bulging slabs of fully developed pectoral muscle – her monster pecs ATE her small breasts alive, leaving only her tiny nipples to poke out girlishly amidst male-shaming pecs! Es flaunts mindblowing pecs that any male, even professional male bodybuilders, would envy. He stares at female pecs built to such obscene size that Es’ flesh-colored nipples pout down and out, lost amongst the vast mounded slabs of shredded girl beef. Her pecs are built so granite hard that she’s entirely breastless, with permanent separations notched from her slightly stubbled armpits to her muscular cleavage. Cleavage that extends down into the thick, deep cobblestones of a totally defined six pack. Es’ gorgeous face slowly breaks into a huge predatory smile of pure dominance as he gasps in shock and awe at the brutally built, inhumanly muscular splendor of her bare upper body. Es has no equal. She is genetically a muscle freak -- males on steroids aren’t able to achieve the ungodly mass or insane hardness Es effortlessly possesses!

He can’t believe Es’ muscles, pumped up to sizes and shapes he wouldn’t have believed possible despite her warnings how easily she gained muscle, that she was a MONSTER!  Increasingly aroused by her total superiority, Es breathes huskily, first flexing one huge sliced pec, and then its colossal mate, making each hardening nipple leap inches downward to point straight down at the floor as, insanely enough, even her rounded pecs start to show pointed peaks. Her outrageous Korean genetics have endowed her with matchless muscular potential, but it is Es herself who has stuffed and stuffed and stuffed herself with muscle and more muscle in workouts of incomparable intensity…!  She is now so ungodly strong, she benchpresses for reps what powerlifters attempt to deadlift, and easily performs single handed chinups with twice her bodyweight crushed between her legs. Endless strength oozes out of every pore of her topless body. He gasps in awe as Es moans sexily, “I’m soooo YOKED…” dangerously as she violently bounces her bare pecs, each heavy chest muscle contracting at her command, erupting into uncountable striations across every square inch of female pectoral ubermuscle. He’s mesmerized by the thick, surfacing veins that snake unrestrained across her man-shaming chest into her shoulders and down her arms, feeding even more blood and terrifying power into ever growing girl muscles that would crush a gorilla like an ant. Her beyond-buff pecs now fully pumped into a permanently swollen state of inconceivable strength.

Es shrugs pumpkin-sized shoulders and takes a deep breath, and casually crunches her cubes, posing her supreme abs for his benefit. Her gridded belly is deeply defined even relaxed, but it now looks as if 6 jutting bricks have emerged out of her otherwise svelte stomach. She smirks, relishing his slack jaw and wide-eyed amazement. “I told you. You’ve created a MONSTER. A Monster you can’t handle – I’m SO STRONG! And now the Monster is going to CRUSH you with all her MUSCLES!”

Es takes another deep breath, filling her ribcage…and then spreads her gigantic back. Her broad-topped torso flares with even more inhuman muscle as monster lats the size of runways spread like wings beneath her arms. The sight is mindboggling -- each of Es’ lats is easily TWICE the width AND thickness of each of his, her back development far surpassing and dwarfing any males in the gym! The Korean musclegirl languidly rolls her bulging shoulders back, turning her multitude of back muscles into breathtakingly peaked mountain ranges whose massive ridges undulate and explode into eyeboggling detail. She chuckles, enjoying showing off the spectacular hypertrophying results of her inhuman workouts and loving how much it’s frightening him. After clenching for couple seconds to create muscular back topography so overdeveloped it would shame anatomy charts, Es spreads out her back again…and her colossal flaring body part spreads even wider than before. Another deep breath, and full inches are adding still to each of her monstrous wings. Es now looks like she could cover the sky! She grins threateningly as she flexes herself into an unearthly beast of bare-chested female Asian muscle that completely defies comparison. A low evil chuckle escapes Es’ throat. No bra could ever hope to contain her: the thickness of her jutting gigantic chest, her mammoth, flaring back the width of the Asian continent! Es is truly a MONSTER. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster Introduced [nsfw, gore]
Post by: hero141 on January 22, 2008, 07:41:31 am
O man, this is great work! What a promising introduction. I look forward to how this monstrously pumped-up beauty will demolish the man who introduced her to 'muscles'... Does Es have any links with the notorious Kwan-li-so, the North-Korean prison camps? I can easily picture her as one of the ruthless and utterly sadistic guards there...  ;D

Keep up the good work! says a big fan. Thanks for sharing!

Title: Re: The Monster Introduced [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 23, 2008, 01:29:49 am
I didn't envision any connection with N. Korean prison camps, but it would be an intriguing to conceptualize how Es is somehow an uncontrollable genetic product of a totalitarian  regime... of course, stories based on this premise number in the dozens. But as a guard who butchers the butchers....hmm.

Thanks for the comments,


“I’m MORE than just BUFF, huh?” Shamelessly bare-chested, Es smirks and raises both bulging arms and casually coils them. In that languid double biceps pose, totally unflexed, Es already completely shames him. Her huge lats flaring out, her biceps already turning into round baseballs, her pecs still thicker than his even in this stretched position, her deep abs a resting six pack. Utterly outmatching him in size, shape, and hardness, her jaw-dropping muscles humiliate his – and she’s still unflexed. 

“Look at how BIG and RIPPED I am.” She boasts, and flexes for real. Es’ biceps explode into big jagged peaks of hardened, striated steel. She tenses further, making both jutting peaks erupt even more, stretching her skin SO tight over the granite muscleballs that long, deep separations appear in the swollen bellies of her phenomenal biceps.  Fascinated by her own incredible muscles, Es rotates her fists until each amazing biceps stands at full worship-worthy attention, her bursting monstergirl biceps becoming stunning vertical pinnacles of insane male-shaming development.

“I’ve SURPASSED buff – I’m totally BUILT!”  Es revels in the fearsome mountains of power erupting on both of her unearthly arms – most guys can’t even come close to this kind of development. As she extends her arms out and relaxes them, Es gleefully grins, “Last month these were just SIXTEEN inches UNFLEXED,” referring him to her uncoiling arms.

“That was BIGGER than your LITTLE TOOTHPICK ARMS when you’re FLEXED. Now check out REAL MUSCLE!” She flexes her towering biceps again, even harder and plays with them, pumping her ungodly arm muscles. ”EIGHTEEN inches of RAW POWER! They’re total BOYBEATERS!” Es gloats jubilantly, and unbelievably, with her arousal, her amazing Asian guns visibly get even bigger and higher and harder than before. But she squeezes out even more unearthly expansion with her latest flex, milking even more muscle to stretch her skin to its breaking point. “Look at these muscles! TWENTY inches PLUS! My ARMS are BIGGER than your LEGS! They’re PUMPED UP -- PUMPED UP MANKILLERS!” Es exclaims proudly, checking out her mindblowing body and relishing her far superior physicality. Her lips are pulled past her gums, her huge white teeth fully visible in a feral grin. She’s forcing him to watch her as she grows before his unbelieving eyes, sadistic aggression and pure sexual dominance arousing her, wetting her and pumping her up to gigantic proportions. "I’ve WAY, WAY surpassed you – I’m a MONSTER, and you’re just a little boy… “

“Now check out what you’re up against!” Es grasps her denim shorts and rips it and her underwear clean off with a single pull, tearing the cotton and tough denim as easily as tissue paper. She’s now proudly nude before him, flaunting a body that redefines the limits of human muscular potential. She enjoys how his mind is scrambled by the true extent of her insanely overdeveloped muscularity: beneath the wildly spreading black Asian bush, it’s obvious that even Es’ groin is absolutely HULKING with muscle!

”Is THIS where you want to put your weak little dick, bitch? You wanna feed my yoked LION?” Es laughs nastily as he pales at the sight of her mighty sex. It a wild, hairy beast that far exceeds his own groin. Her mound is built of sexual musculature so ridiculously hypertrophied that bulging, ridged muscle separations are clearly visible on even her unaroused groin! Her clitoris can only be described as “pumped up” –  it protrudes well over an inch and packed with visible veins and unearthly muscular separations. Her clit is a monstrosity fully aroused -- her monster sex organ is as big and hard as any muscle in her body, and Es’ relaxed muscles would dwarf most flexed males and buckle steel with their flexed shape! Her entire female physique is the perfect pinnacle of pure muscle. Es is a Monster!

“Can you even IMAGINE how STRONG I am now, bitch? What I can DO to you with my BARE HANDS? Or with my SEX?” The nude pumped-up Korean is clearly getting off on her dominance, grinning nastily at her own incredibly muscled groin. “I could TEAR you limb from limb – just RIP you apart, like Kleenex. That’d be SO easy…” Her stare burns into him, predatory lust hotter than suns in her dark almond eyes. “Or I could CRUSH every BONE in your body… With my MUSCLES, I could PULVERIZE you like you’re NOTHING, bitch.” Es flexes one heavy, bulging pec up into bold, striated relief, and then the other one, demonstrating her unearthly female muscular development – development that would allow her to overwhelm for reps anyone’s maximum single lifts in the gym. Girl muscles that would viciously crush male bodies as easily as their egos. “Or I can simply FUCK you to a PULP!” Es runs her palm over her hairy muscle-packed groin, and it bulges into freakish striations in response, her cunt and literally pulsing with male-crushing power! I’m SO much STRONGER and more MUSCULAR than you could ever be… I’m SO BUFF I’m like, your god! Feel the muscles of your BUFF god, bitch!” Es orders. Mesmerized by her incredible bare-chested muscularity, his hands reach out by themselves to touch the naked pumped-up female muscle-mountains he instinctively knows are harder than rock.

Es reaches for him as well, and chuckles as he gasps at the feel of her arm muscles -- they’re harder than he could have even imagined! Warm, bursting steel swelling under smooth Asian skin. He’s shocked: he can literally feel the brute strength surging beneath her skin, and that strength is so far beyond his own that it would be like comparing an ocean against a teardrop. Es is literally exploding with musclepower! He stares at her in shocked awe and she grins back dominantly as she picks lifts him easily off the ground, manhandling him effortlessly, her spectacular muscles bulging and rippling with awesome, endless might.  She abruptly flings him against the wall as easily as a rag doll, and stands over his crumpled form, muscles bursting literally everywhere.

Es reaches down and seizes him by the jaw, her immensely strong fingers threatening to crumple bone in her grip. “You haven’t SEEN my aggression yet… my DOMINANCE. I’m going to totally DOMINATE you.” As he struggles in a futile effort to break her vice-like grip, she again lifts him up effortlessly off the floor…with one hand! And with an even greater demonstration of her mindblowing muscular strength, Es easily hoists him overhead with just that one arm as she flexes her other arm into a peaked 20” monster, striking a pose of total bare-chested, no, nude domination. She chuckles in utter superiority– she’s SO STRONG he’s just an INSECT to her… Still holding him above her by the throat with one impossibly muscular Asian arm, Es roughly rips down his pants and underwear down to his knees, tearing the cloth as easily as tissue paper. The nude Korean muscle colossus quickly flings him upward like he’s a mere toy, switching grips so she’s effortlessly suspending his helpless body directly overhead. She smiles condescendingly at his dangling manhood, licking her lips hungrily and showing her ominously large, razor-sharp white teeth in a fearsome grin.  Es eases him downwards, so his penis head runs along her big teeth. The sensation teases his member to grow, which it does in spite of himself: but not quickly enough for the Asian musclebeast.

“Grow, bitch, or I’ll bite it right off!” Es commands, snapping her teeth threateningly and chomping off huge bites of his pubic hair that she wolfs down as a pure protein appetizer. Impatient,  Es’ long tongue lashes out like a snake, skillfully running its tip over the sides of his sexual head, licking it like a lollipop and making him groan as he erects to his maximum length. With a chuckle, Es opens up her mouth and eats him up – completely. She not only deep throats his fully aroused shaft, but then takes in his scrotum in her cavernous mouth, consuming his genitals in their entirety! The Asian stronggirl moans sexily, getting off on how easily she’s taken all of him in her huge, hungry mouth. Totally engulfed in her oral inferno, he explodes with the greatest volume of cum he has ever shot, but it isn’t enough for the Korean musclegod.  Like an endless vacuum, Es downs every drop and sucks lustfully for more. A deep low chuckle emanates from her as he continues to cum directly down her throat, as she effortlessly devours all his jism, her appetite absolutely insatiable. With a deep breath, her suction becomes so powerful his skin actually begins to tear! Utterly unquenchable, Es greedily wrings his penis with her incredibly developed esophageal muscles, her mouth applying voracious bruising suction to his scrotum as her powerful tongue forcefully massages his testicles, nearly brutalizing them to pieces with just her tongue strength, milking every drop and more from him.

When he’s been completely drained and screams in agony as blood instead of semen starts to seep from him, Es slowly presses him upward, savoring every strength-giving lick. His utterly spent and mangled manhood dangling pitifully as it exits her mouth, while the Asian musclegirl smiles as her light snack fuels her to pump up even more. “I’m more than just a man-beater,” Es breathes, her nude, impossibly muscular physique emanating leviathan amounts of raw strength, “I’m a man-EATER!” she roars gleefully and flings him to the ground. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster Introduced [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 30, 2008, 05:37:47 am

Shaking with terror and brutalized by her overpowering oral copulation, he frantically looks around for a weapon, and his eyes settle on the crowbar he’s being using as a fireplace poker. He grabs it and scrambles to his feet, taking a stance to wields it like a baseball bat, his arms shaking and knuckles white with fear. Es bursts out laughing. “Oooh…I’m SO scared,” she smirks, and shrugs her bulging shoulders  while jutting out her huge chest intimidatingly, emphasizing her incredible muscularity.
As she advances on him aggressively, her monstrous muscles ripple and flow all over her nude Asian physique. She’s overwhelmingly powerful. He swings the crowbar as hard as he can, hitting Es in her amazing six-pack… and cries out in pain as the crowbar is jarred out of his hands as it hits something far harder than mere steel – Es’ abs!

“My abs are harder than anything in your little body, harder than steel, and you can see even my boobs and my mound are like ROCK!” Es hisses, “You can’t hurt me – I’m like totally ARMOR-PLATED with MUSCLE…!” Es crunches her cubes, making each abdominal section jut out like a mini bicep…and not just any bicep, one of her own ungodly peaked biceps. Even her abs have PEAKS! She snickers as he stares wide-eyed at her outrageously sculpted belly – a belly bristling with peaked Asian muscles like a city skyline. Es relaxes, causing her six abdominal skyscrapers to recede to merely mortal proportions, but it’s still deeper and harder than any six pack he has ever seen.

She chuckles, and picks up the fallen crowbar from the floor. The naked Korean muscle grrl places the crowbar between two incredibly chiseled rows of ab segments, and actually has to force the bar to wedge it in the crease; her resting abs are that hard. Then Es again flexes her hellishly muscle-knotted midsection, making her abdominal bricks protrude over an inch, and unbelievably, bite down and compress the trapped crowbar. With a sexy gasp, Es crunches to one side and then the other, and she is so ungodly strong that as its metal shrieks in helpless protest,  the crowbar is mangled by her thick, undulating abs! Es’ huge grin widens as she watches his eyes pop out of his head. Grasping both ends of the crumpling crowbar, she effortlessly wrenches the half inch steel with her mercilessly strong hands, twisting it with her forearm strength alone.  And then Es exhales and fully flexes her abs, causing them to bulge and harden to such an extent that between the unstoppable jagged ridges of her mighty stomach bricks, the metal of the crowbar is crushed flat and it’s severed into three distinct pieces that clatter to the floor. Just as amazing, two additional rows of abdominal muscle appear below Es’ navel, obvious even through the increasing fur of Es’ thick, spreading Korean bush “You saw how easily I bent that crowbar,” Es utters as he stares at her, his face quivering with fear, “I crushed it with just my abs. Your bones are like twigs to me.”

Es exults cruelly, relishing her overwhelming superiority, “I’m SO ripped! You’re totally SOFT next to me..” She advances on him, every step making a wave of muscle turn into steely striations on her quads and flaring the cannonballs of calf muscles behind her shins. The nude Asian is like an enormously muscular cat, a predator without equal. “Now beg.”
“Please don’t hurt me,” he whimpers, “You’re bigger, harder, stronger, faster…” Es gloats in erotic dominance as he admits her utter superiority and submits meekly to her. Her hairy muscle-packed mound drips in anticipation and twitches with fearsome power, splattering some of her scalding wetness over him.

“I am. I’m a MONSTER, and next to me you’re…a what?” she taunts, her muscles bursting from every part of her nude body as she again picks him off the ground like an insect, making him squirm with fear.

“I’m just a little boy next to you.”

“Just a little boy – HA!” Es snorts derisively. She sidles up to him to compare groins, and starts to chuckle at  how superior she is even in her sex! Not only is her bush far more hairy than his, her mound is actually bigger than his scrotum. And it’s not a puny flexible sack; her vulva is a rock-solid mountain of obscenely built sexual muscle, layer upon layer of ungodly vaginal sinew ready to consume and crush whatever enters its hungry slit. Laughing, Es snaps “I’m so BUILT, so YOKED, you’re not EVEN a little boy to me anymore! I’m more man than you are!” She again flexes an arm, demonstrating how far she outmuscles him. Horrified, he stares as her monstergirl muscles swell even further to truly amazing proportions, pumped ever bigger by the growing sexual arousal from her total superiority. The nude Korean now utterly dwarfs him in every muscle and even her sexual parts! “You’re NOTHING but  MEAT, bitch – I can literally eat you for breakfast!  I’m so MUSCULAR now, I really AM your god, huh, bitch?”

“Look at my muscley pecs,” Es growls with a nasty grin, “They’re totally JACKED! My pecs are so much bigger and harder than yours… they make yours look like little blobs of fat.” She flexes her hellaciously built, strapping chest muscles to complete and utter male-shaming hardness and size for emphasis; insane peaks, deep separations, countless striations and veins show off her nipple-pouting topography of vastly superior pectoral development.

“Yeah! You’ve got the boobs and I’ve got the pecs!” Es laughs cruelly at the gender turnaround, gloating at the stark contrast between her breastless, thundering shredded female pecs and his utterly humiliated male counterparts. “And my pecs are like unbelievable STRONG. I’ve SURPASSED everyone in the gym – I’m STRONGER than ALL of them PUT TOGETHER! Wanna bet I can POUND with one arm what your MAX bench is?” The Korean musclebeauty proudly flexes just her left pec in front of his chest, making it obvious her single pec is more than a match in size and hardness to BOTH his pecs. In fact, her powerhouse pecs are much more than THREE TIMES the size of his! Es relaxes her pose… and the utter lack of any fat, even at her small, light nipples, is stunning – not only is she devoid of breasts, the total absence of any fat under her skin makes Es’ massive, overly hypertrophied pecs visibly striated and vascular even at complete rest, a level of muscularity most males can only strive for.

“Flex your pecs, bitch.” Es laughs in contempt as he flexes as hard as he can – in sheer size and visible hardness, even her unflexed pecs still humiliate his! She reaches forward and grasps his left pec, grins insanely…and mangles it into a gory pulp with just the power of her grip.  He screams as torn skin and pulverized tissue squishes through her mercilessly strong fingers. Es snickers; compared to the bursting granite of her pecs, his are like a marshmallow. “Now look at MY pecs, bitch! Feel them – all that rock-hard Asian beef! Worship the mighty pecs of your god!” Es snarls, and with trembling hands, he touches a naked monstergirl chest that could crush him as easily as a paper bag. Es moans hungrily as his palm brushes against a small but steel-hard nipple, and glowering at his feebleness, flexes both her monstrous pectoral slabs to such gigantic size her shredded chest muscles actually overfill his hands and push them aside. Es’ monolithic pecs are so deeply separated it looks like she has FOUR discrete pec muscles, each shredded section bigger than his entire pec, growing to such peaked, inhumanly striated angles it looks like her skin will burst from the continuing eruption of incomparable girlbeef! Es mortifies him in abject inferiority, and scornfully snickers at the gaping dissimilarity of her supreme physique as he cowers on the ground, away from her nude, overpowering presence. 

“And you don’t want to see how BIG my back is,” Es grins menacingly. “Your back is like a baby compared to mine. MY back muscles are totally huge – my lats are like, FOUR times yours! Twice as wide AND twice as thick !” The Korean musclegirl rolls her shoulders forward, and chuckling evilly, slowly spreads her massive wings. Her barn-door lats are so wide that they literally push apart her arms, so big that they actually make her heavy shoulders rise.  He gasps as Es’ lats show more than 6” of flaring beef on each side beneath her arms – it’s obvious that both of his lats would easily be swallowed inside just one of hers -- and she’s still spreading wider!

“I have to do pull-ups with THREE 45’s to even get a light workout now,” she informs him smugly, “I POUND more than twice my bodyweight for easy reps. I’m THAT strong.” He looks at her in total awe. In worship. Es smirks as she flares herself inconceivably wider, her ungodly back a veritable fan of endless muscle. “I told you: I’m a MONSTER, so big and strong I’ll blow your mind! So big and strong I’m your god, bitch. Now feel the BIG lats of your god!” Unable to defy her command, he scampers to touch monster lats so overwhelmingly huge he can’t even get his hands to encircle them.  He wonderingly feels the smooth Asian granite sloping upwards to her arm, awed by the size, angle and hardness of her enormous winglike lats. Es dwarfs anything he’s ever seen on anyone, male or female. The Monster’s been waiting for this, and she truly spreads out her magnificent behemoth wings to their full jumbo jet size, each of her ungodly lats indeed easily quadrupling his! The monstrous lat muscles painfully trap his hands between themselves and her equally overdeveloped, overhanging inner triceps muscles. Es laughs as he screams, the bones in his hands creaking, threatening to implode between unstoppable walls of Asian girlbeef!  Es smiles at him in total dominance, and as she takes a characteristic deep breath, the expansion of her ribcage and monster lats instantly shatter several bones in both his hands as carelessly as her breath.

He screams over and over in agony until Es releases his now mangled hands and puts both hands behind her head, grasping her elbows in a stretch and exposing the massive vaults of her armpits. He’s shocked by their size – the sheer immensity of each monstrously muscle-widened lat flare is unmistakably bigger than the size of her face! Es gloats lecherously – she knows how intimidating she is like this, her torso flared beyond human reason, her huge upper arms  bigger around than his head. And her sweet feminine smell is musky with muscle strength, the pheremones enough to make anyone – male or female – faint in overwhelmed erotic arousal! 

“I’ve got SO MUCH MUSCLE on my body, you’re an ANT next to me…a mere insect that these MUSCLES, this BUILT BOD can crush at will!” Quick as lightning, faster than he could even see, Es seizes his broken left hand. The Korean puts her elbow inches from his eyes, ensuring he will see the sinuous rippling, bulging and writhing of her pumped, overbuilt forearm muscles ands strength-feeding veins beneath the lightly haired Asian skin. Es pauses, looking him in his fearful eyes, emasculating him with her dominance. With her will. With her brute strength.

The unspeakable terror in his eyes makes her crotch pulse and drip faster in near orgasmic lust and Es growls sexily. Her forearm ripples and balloons as her incredibly strong fingers power down, effortlessly pulverizing the overmatched hand in her mighty grasp. Against the terrible strength of Es’ horrific grip, his bones – broken or not –  now crumble like dry dirt, flesh squishing between her fingers like overripe fruit. Shrieking in agony, he futilely tries to pull off her bone-crushing fingers with his other hand, but his arm strength is defeated by the strength of just a single finger. Es doesn’t even notice his attempts. “I crushed your hand…Your bones are dust and I wasn’t even trying,” she chuckles menacingly. “You have no idea how STRONG I am now, bitch.” be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster Introduced [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 09, 2008, 11:48:04 pm


Releasing the his crushed hand, Es pushes him hard into the wall and presses up against his frightened form, her nude Korean body’s incredible bulges and angles utterly unyielding. He wheezes as his ribcage creaks ominously under her granite physique’s pressure. Es then grasps firmly caresses his package with her other hand, her touch sensual but terrifying in its confidence and aggressiveness. Through the haze of agony from his annihilated hand, he realizes what this muscular Asian hellioness can do with just the strength of her fingers. Like the ruined remains of pulp that was once his hand and pec, her grip would render his balls and dick a gory mush in a second if she so pleased. Es’s fingers run beneath his sack and draws teasing, bruising lines on his perineum with frighteningly assertive, skilled fingertips. “I could give you the finger, puncture your flesh, and tear your balls right off!” she whispers with a lecherous grin. She giggles evilly as he gasps in terror. “With all my big strong muscles, could I do that…?” she asks mockingly, and flexes a mountain of a bicep in front of his nose, all the while using the virtuoso-fingers of her other hand to work their magic on his now near-frothing groin. “Without even trying,” Es smirks. The Asian musclegirl is so tremendously skilled that it takes only two disdainful fingers to soon wring every drop of bloody jism from him, cruelly stroking his shaft with such vicious force that he screams more in agony than pleasure even as he cums.

He spurts all over her magnificent abs, the muscular separations on her abs so deep they actually contain his volume of bloody cum like sinewy gutters. He tries to desperately to peel her hand away as he repeatedly explodes, but Es’ strength is so overwhelming she completely ignores his efforts until his member is spent, wilting within the crushing onslaught between her two fingers as she chuckles evilly. With sadistic glee, Es bears down with bone-crushing force with her two scissoring fingers, turning the flesh between them into gory pulp and threatening to effortlessly sever his shaft.

“Shall I cut you in half, bitch?” she murmurs evenly, “You know I’m STRONG enough to…just with these two fingers, strong enough to rip your puny little dick off!” and then increases the pressure, causing permanent damage and making even more blood start to ooze from his near exploding head. “And that’s nothing compared to what my mound can and will do to you. Now lick your seed of my abs, bitch!”

Es abruptly lets him go, and he sinks to his knees before her dominating naked presence. Fighting the agony of his crushed hand and mangled penis, he tries to ignore the full Asian bush and the sexual monstrosity it crowns as he places his face above it, in her amazing abdominal grid. In abject humiliation, he laps his own cum off her ridiculously defined, rock-hard stomach, gagging at the taste and shame. But neither can he believe the flesh under his tongue. Each of Es’ abdominal segment feels like warm concrete, its sheer hardness unquestionable, but shifting and rippling without losing any of its solidity. Even her abs emanated raw strength -- no wonder she could crush metal with her abs! In awe, he glances up beyond the deep overhang of her massive pectoral slabs, at her gorgeous Asian face…and realizes her eyes are closed as she enjoys his subjugation!

Taking advantage of her inattention, he lurches up to scamper to safety, But suddenly a huge, hellishly pumped Korean runner’s thigh blocks his view. He stares in horrified fascination at the amazing muscle separations rippling as it suddenly moves towards him. As massive and unstoppable as a train, Es’ thigh bowls him over, sending him flying yards backward. The next thing he realizes is that he’s flat on his back, and another (or is it the same?) equally muscular leg is just over him…and Es places a foot on his chest, totally dominant. The weight of her amazingly muscle-heavy leg forces the air out of him, and he tries to move it, but it’s like trying to move a sequoia. “OOfff” he involuntarily utters as the vicious Asian musclegirl forces his sternum down by inches by simply tensing her bulbous calf into peaked double-headed splendor. His eyes widening at the size and hardness of her extraordinary lower body development, from the top of her incredible separated glutes and obscenely muscular hair-filled groin, down past her peaked hamstrings and to her awesome calves. His efforts are now desperate, but all his efforts don’t even budge her foot a millimeter. Snickering at his feeble attempts at overcoming just her bulging calf muscle, Es flexes further, peaking her calf till it looks like jutting diamond boulders have been implanted in, moving her toes deeper into him and effortlessly splaying his ribs beyond their breaking point, for several of them snap like straw. She wiggles her toes into his sternum, and laughs as she mangles parts of it into pulp, her toes digging into his flesh and fracturing the bone effortlessly – she’s SO strong!

“I don’t even have to TRY to beat you up. You’re not even a little bitch to me…you’re like a bug,” she sneers, “I’m so strong, I could crush you like a BUG!” He screams over and over in utter agony, the pain from all his injuries taking their toll as Es dispassionately pushes him over the brink of his tolerance with her “foot massage”. It’s more than he can take, and his eyes roll to the back of his head as his consciousness wanes.

As his shrieking stops, The Monster looks at him more closely and realizing that he’s about to pass out, slaps him. Unfortunately, Es’ gentle smack packs more punch than she intends, and he completely passes out. She rolls her own eyes in disgust and in a fit of frustrated arousal, singlehandedly picks him up by the throat again and throws him like a child’s toy against the far wall. He slams against it and collapses in an unmoving heap. Es hasn’t even started to use the pulsing, vicious muscles between her mighty legs yet, and he’s already unconscious.

“Males are such wimps,” the nude Korean musclebeast says aloud. She shakes her head, annoyed that he didn’t last a little longer. Her huge muscles still pumped with arousal, Es toys with the idea of continuing on him, but decides that she’ll have to satisfy herself on someone else. Her hands clench, veins shooting up her swollen, sculpted forearms as she considers sending her fists straight through his body. It’s more fun with someone who’s actually conscious, she thinks, clearly irritated. The powerful young Korean beauty mentally catalogues his wounds with clinical precision. Fractured ribs, sternum, left hand. Crushed left pec and severely bruised sex organs. For the kind of damage she typically inflicts, the violence that her sadistic lust is capable of, it’s barely anything at all. She judges it’ll only take him 6 months to recover, maybe 9 on the outside. Es flexes her 20” inch arms, the swollen muscles bunching into massive peaks that actually far exceed those measurements, and smiles at the towering, man-smashing biceps. She’ll be back in town just in time. Beneath her wiry black bush, Es' hellacious musclemound twitches in anticipation at the thought, clenching with vicious power. It drips, salivating with mindless desire for something to crush.

..."The Monster Introduced" concluded...
Title: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] The Monster - Termination Alley
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 11, 2008, 08:03:03 pm
The Monster: Termination Alley
by reaper0002000

[nsfw; x-gore]

A narrow, but relatively clea[nsfw; x-gore]r alleyway on an overcast, late afternoon. An inconspicuous and untravelled walkway between two sheer, high-walled buildings. Nervously, as he nearly comes to the back end of the alley, a lithe but herculeanly-muscled female Korean figure suddenly steps intimidatingly into the center of the alley, blocking his path. He stares at her and gasps, for Es is completely naked, wearing only sunglasses, her face expressionless. He stares in awe at the phenomenal muscles of her nude physique, for her Asian body is the ultimate pinnacle of frighteningly peaked muscular development. Es is an utter freak -- every single ungodly muscle has been pumped to mind-blowing extremes. In workouts of such terrifying intensity that she left others as unconscious, mangled wrecks merely trying to keep up to her, Es has fulfilled her matchless Korean genetic potential…and gone beyond it!

Thick hulking traps slope toward broad, swollen shoulders and arms so sculpted most males would die for them: big, BIG bulging biceps that although relaxed, already hint at shocking vertical peaks and on their backs, protruding resting horseshoe triceps; her pumped upper arms end in rippling, bowling pin forearms that power her rock-crushing fingers. Es’ back is so big, thick and wide that it actually pushes her arms more than 45 degrees away and far from her sides, her monstrous lats menacingly visible from the front as a mindblowing flared taper and revealing her as an ominous presence of undiluted power. So shredded she doesn’t have an ounce of fat left even around her small girlish nipples, Es’ massive, separated pecs are utterly devoid of any breast tissue, bulging like vertical superdomes atop a thick resting six pack that becomes even more jagged with every breath the rock-hard Korean takes. His eyes can’t help but wander down past the last chiseled set of solid abdominal muscle and onto the full, thick black bush between Es’ hips. His eyes pop at the sight. Her Asian pubes are wild and wiry, barely obscuring her powerfully built mound, but it’s indeed the giant muscles of her cunt that protrudes threateningly which boggles the mind! Framing her hellish sex organs are the insertions of the massive muscles that pack her pumped-up runner’s thighs; muscles that end in small kneecaps before flaring again into hellishly developed calves and even built-up anterior shin muscles.

With a start, he jerks his eyes up away from her hairy, naked crotch and realizes he’s been caught looking by the slightest smirk on her face. Es slowly raises an arm, bending it, and then flexes a terrifyingly big, peaked and ripped bicep. Looking gloatingly at her jagged muscleball, she raises her other arm as well and glances at it as her astoundingly huge lats flare like wings from her sides. The Asian beauty repeatedly extends and then violently flexes both beastly biceps, pumping them up and causing both insane peaks to push even higher till each becomes completely separated and bulgingly round! Finally, Es turns away from her flexed, smoking 20”-plus skyscrapers to stare at him behind shaded eyes, her man-shaming double biceps a herculean vision of unsurpassable power. Strength that could rip a man apart like an insect!

Es gives him a feral grin, her vicious intentions clear: “I’m a monster…,” she growls. Swallowing hard, he turns around and tries to flee back up the alley. His effort is futile; with a burst of inhuman speed, she catches up to him in three strides and then literally runs him over, ramming him with a nude muscular body as hard as steel and trampling him with legs like huge, unstoppable pistons of muscle.

He is left a sputtering, crawling mess of impact injuries in the center of the alley, and as he looks up fearfully at her from her back, he takes in the boulderous veiny diamond calves, peaked hamstrings, and perfectly developed glutes of her naked ass. Above that, Es’ monstrously built back flares, a rippling, flaring, sculpted colossus of tremendous muscular power that prompts him to stumble terrified to his feet and stagger away from this Asian hellioness, back the way he came.

This time, he barely gets a quarter of the way before Es again runs him over at blinding speed, as uncaring and unstoppable as a train. Already battered by the first collision, he is sent flying down the rest of the alley by the sheer force of her second contact… but the Korean superjock is so mind-bogglingly fast that even as he lands, she is already on top of him, and one of her bare feet tramples his thigh while the other foot crushes a couple of low ribs. The power of her legs is so great that she effortlessly snaps his femur and ribs, his bones as much resistance as dry twigs to her. Unable to even scream in pain because of the severe damage already done by colliding with her nude but incredible rock-hard body, he lies completely helpless and broken as she stands over him, once again almost expressionless but flaunting her infinitely superior female Korean physique by slowly flexing each perfectly developed muscle group. Es’ muscles inflate like overblown balloons, stuffed with rock-solid fibers of man-smashing power! He’s been totally destroyed, and Es hasn’t even started to breathe hard... be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster: Termination Alley [nsfw; x-gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 12, 2008, 08:59:46 pm


“Gawd, she’s fuckin’ naked..!” Two bikers come up behind her from the parking lots in the rear of the alley, staring at the sight of a nude, impossibly muscular Asian girl. Both stand over six feet tall and weigh over 250lbs each, both enforcers of the local gang. Despite her nudity and the fact that they both dwarf her in bloated size, Es is so confident in her limitless physical abilities that she doesn’t even glance at them. Just standing there, it’s in fact Es who dwarfs them in terms of muscle size, hardness, and strength. Their eyes are glued to her bared, perfect buttocks, but when she abruptly flexes her mighty ass to deeply separated, shockingly built gluteal relief, they finally look away, wide-eyed at the dramatic transformation from temptingly chiseled to terrifyingly striated.

“Fuck, look at her muscles!” The first one stares in awe at the unbelievable muscular development of the naked Korean beauty. “Man, she’s got better guns…hell, horseshoes and everythin’ than even Bod at Venice..!”

The other agrees, “Yeah, this pumped Asian girlie here’s big AND ripped! Shit, take a look at that back – it’s soooo fucking big!”

The first one walks around to Es’ front, unable to tear his eyes from her overpowering muscular physique. ”Fuck, even her pecs are bigger than her tits! Dude, those things are all muscle -- you have more tit than she does! And fuckin’ see that six-pack! Oh yeah! Bush, baby!”

“Jesus, and her legs … her legs are pumped from hell! That ass has striations!”

“God, look at that cunt between her legs…that thing is fuckin’ HUGE!”

For the first time, they register the broken male heap at her feet. “Hey, what’s with this guy? Jesus – the dude’s busted up bad… Was he gonna rape you and you fucked him up?” One of them finally speaks directly to her, not knowing the delay, the disrespect, has sealed their fates in her vicious mind.

“No, I’m going to rape him.” Es says evenly, dominantly. Both men stare at her in shock, but she doesn’t say anything further. Finally, one of them shakes his head, uncomprehending, as the other makes his move. He puts his right arm around the amazingly muscular Korean and tries to bring her close to him, but he may as well have tried to move a granite statue. Es’ incredible physique is as solid and unmoveable as stone.

"Why even bother with fuckhead here? Hey, I don’t mind your big, strong muscles… Jesus, you feel like steel! Your muscles are so fuckin’ hard!” He exclaims as he tries in vain to manipulate the obvious strips of sinew of her bulging capped deltoid with his fingers. “But I like my women buff…and no one could be as buff as you! What’s your name?”

Suddenly, Es seems to take notice of him; she reaches with her left hand to gently grasp him by the back of his jaw, the small movement making her enormous muscle-widened lat enlarge and extreme bicep contract into a softball even though it’s her left arm and still unflexed. “Esther,” the Korean beauty smiles coyly, and firmly pushes up, titling back his head as he closes his eyes in pleasure at her firm, aggressive touch. But her grip tightens, the pressure on his jaw building to become more than uncomfortable, and all of a sudden, his head is tilted back as far as it can go. But still Es pushes up, still smiling casually, her strength unstoppable as she lifts his entire body off the ground with just a single sculpted arm. Her flexing triceps engorges obscenely as it overpowers the force of gravity on his heavy 250lb body, and that fabulous arm muscle peaks to a huge swollen claw of ungodly sinew as she fully straightens her arm overhead.

“And I like my little boys…” Es’ tone is still just as even, though she’s now holding a 250lb man overhead with the sheer brute muscular strength of one arm like he’s a toy to her. Her immensely strong fingers abruptly power down on his jaw, crumpling it as easily as dry dirt, simply crushing bone and teeth in a wave of blood that chokes off his shriek of pain and horror. “…broken.”

As Es grinds the gore that used to be his lower face effortlessly with her bone-shattering fingers, she starts to lower and then press up the flailing man slowly and deliberately, using his 250lb bulk as a mere dumbbell to work out her monster triceps even further, striations bubbling to the surface of her beastly horseshoe with each repetition of this inhuman exercise. Her 3-headed arm muscle pumped to male-shaming size – and getting even bigger and stronger with each rep – Es simply drops her face-crushed human dumbbell behind her after 10 amazing reps.

Snapping out of the awe of watching his 250lb partner’s lifted like a toy with one arm by the naked Korean musclegirl and then the horror of seeing his friend’s face literally explode in the sadisitic grip of her hand, the other man foolishly charges at Esther, and starts throwing punches into her thick, chiseled abdominal musculature. He screams as his fists contact stomach muscle as hard as rock, but Esther just snickers derisively at him. His hardest blows are pathetically feeble to her, and as she tenses her deep thick abdominals to their magnificent, fully etched state, his knuckles shatter like glass against Korean muscle now casually flexed to a hardness far beyond steel. Her abs are so hard even a sledgehammer wouldn’t phase her!

Not knowing what else to do, the man kicks Es between her legs and somehow misses, not realizing that her bulging thigh adductors have blocked the blow. Stupidly, he tries again, and doesn’t even register the blinding speed with which she reacts, opening her hugely muscled legs up to ensure she fully takes the kick in her naked crotch. He screams in horror as his kick makes contact up to the hilt of her thick clitoris, for Es actually snatches the top of his foot with her hairy groin, her beefy, striated sex lips letting the toe of his boot in and then seizing it with mindboggling dexterity and sexual strength. Es grins nastily and flexes her powerful slit, pulling more of his foot into her unearthly slit with the irresistable pulling power of her muscular sex tube! When most of his toes are encased by her monstrous sex organ, she clenches her mighty vagina and instantly pulverizes his boot into a gory pulp.  Even the steel toe of his boot squashed as easily as tin foil! As he collapses howling, Es releases her horrendous sexual flex and gristle drips out of her vicious powerpussy – all that remains of the top of his foot looks like it’s been through a meat grinder! The Monster smiles evilly, twitching her giant masculine pecs and making her small girlish nipples dance aggresively.

Es reaches down and seizes him by his arms at the elbows. She laughs as her fingers crush bone in their utterly merciless grip. Her thumbs press deep into the soft tissue…and then straight through, dislocating his elbows from the front in fountains of blood. He shrieks and looks at his mangled arms in absolute horror, disbelieving how powerful and cruel this nude Asian musclegirl is. Still gripping him by his shattered arms, the brutal Korean musclebeauty simply shrugs her beastly shoulders back and effortlessly yanks both his arms right out of their sockets with that simple twitch of unreal musclepower. Yowling in pain, he is abruptly silenced as Es then casually backhands him.

The almost nonchalant ease of her motion belies the staggering force of the blow; she is so strong, so unimaginably strong, more contact area with his face would likely have torn his head right off his body. As it is, his neck is instantly snapped as he’s spun like a marionette and sent rocketing into the alley’s far wall, hitting it several feet of the ground. Her effortless blow is so forceful, his nearly lifeless body actually bounces off the wall to land at her feet.

There’s a guttural shriek behind her, and the crush-jawed biker locks Esther in a full nelson, barely accomplishing the feat because of the sheer width and thickness of her upper back musculature. Es’s prickly Asian stubble in her huge armpits slice into his skin like razors, the barely present, coarse pubic hair drawing blood. She snickers as he struggles despeartely to maintain the hold, stymied by the tremendous muscle weight of her beastly shoulders and upper arms. Es rotates her shoulders slightly in a circular motion, and her armpit stubble cuts deeper into his forearms, shredding his flesh into bloody circular ribbons as she arouses herself by deliberately rubbing those almost imperceptible, erogenous shards. She purrs: even her tiniest hairs are stronger than he is!  At her whim, the incredibly developed muscles of her enormous shoulders and back bunch up, ripple and then flare out, her languid motion dislocating and then shattering his elbows with unstoppable strength, putting both her hands on her hips. He shrieks in agony as his arms are torn asunder. With a deep breath of increasing sadistic arousal, Es spreads out her gigantic lats, and when the obscenely flaring sides of her vast musclefan back pins his uselesarms against the bulging inside head of her unbelievably built triceps, he screams again in pain as unstoppable muscles mangle him, viciously crushing his biceps and triceps right up to the bone. Relishing her dominance, the Asian musclegirl growls and fully spreads her monster lats to inhuman swimmer-shaming sizes. In an instant, both his upper arms are snapped and squashed to gory splinters between her enormous lats and giant triceps. His arms have been all but scissored off. Effortlessly. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster: Termination Alley [nsfw; x-gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 15, 2008, 09:04:29 pm


Es grins as he screams, her huge teeth fully visible as her lips pull back past her gum line – the terrifying, sadistic grin of the Monster! Keeping the mangled remains of his arms squished between her massive lats and huge upper arms, she reaches back without even glancing at him and grasping his jeans, tears apart the denim as easily as tissue paper with a flick of her wrists. The Asian musclegirl then seizes his pelvis, the horrific strength of her fingers actually crushing parts of it in her grip, and roughly presses his bared manhood against her naked over-developed muscular Asian ass. In a demonstration of breathtaking muscle control, she literally flexes apart her granite-hard Asian musclecheeks, shoves his manhood deep into her, and wags her beyond-perfect buttocks.

Her moans of arousal are mixed with his howls of sheer agony, as his genitals are trapped and effortlessly compressed. However, his sounds are forever silenced as the Asian hellioness releases the remains of his arms from her crushing lat flex and reaching back overhead seizes his skull with both hands, flaring her monstrous lats. Her huge lats are spread wider than his linebacker-sized torso, while each of her upper arms are obviously larger than Es' own head! The musclepower..!

Es smirks, and simply brings her hands together while she really clenches her ridged gluteal globes. With her bare hands, the Korean musclegirl easily collapses his skull with a sickening pulpy crunch, and lower down within her magnificent tail, his manhood is splattered with a disgusting wet pop of rupturing flesh. It is that simple to her. With a grin of sadistic dominating pleasure, Es crumples the remains of his head with her unstoppably strong fingers, while her Korean buttocks, flexed to separated, striated relief, pulverize his penis into grisly mulch. Enjoying the erotic feel of his gore sliding through her crushing fingers and sliding through her crushing ass. She has rendered him headless – both heads – in mere seconds. A shower of exploded brain, shattered bone, and bloody gore falls as the now decapitated and castrated corpse thuds to the ground.

Es reaches down and lifts the other uselessly-armed biker like the mere insect he is to her. Grabbing the back of his torqued head with one hand and his butt with the other, the Korean superjock rams him against her beyond buff nude hardbody. Her large hungry mouth devours his in a voracious kiss as her mighty fingers roughly knead his buttocks like they were jello, turning his flesh into bleeding squishy pulp with the sheer merciless power of her grip. Gore starts to ooze through her implacably strong, crushing fingers. Es’ aggressive kissing becomes vicious as her ferociously strong tongue starts to batter the inside of his mouth, crushing and mangling his own tongue into a gory mush, breaking his hard palate to pieces and pushing out teeth at will. The power of her savage oral suction then tears his tongue out at its root. Es devours it hungrily– more protein to fuel her muscles! She grins and opens wider, engulfing his entire mangled mouth in her own. With his teeth completely imprisoned between hers, Es snickers at his utter inferiority… and still grinning, she starts to bite down. The jaw muscles on the side of her long, gorgeous face become freakishly prominent, revealing the unprecedented totality of her tremendous muscular development. Her far bigger, far harder, far stronger dentition pulverizes his palate and shatters even his teeth to powder. Her fearsome teeth have allowed her to take bites out of reinforced concrete like it was soft tofu, and her unstoppable bite ends only when unstoppable enamel clack against each other in a feral grin.

Aroused by even her oral dominance, the Asian muscle beauty starts to gyrate her hips and thrust against him, her already amazing six-pack turning into an incredible knotty grid of abdominal iron as her bared, freakish haunches clench into thick ridges of perfect gluteal development. The naked young musclegirl grinds up against him with bone-crushing force, and her hairy crotch literally shreds the front of his jeans like wire scrub on tissue paper.

Her thick black Asian bush is so hard, strong and sharp, the thick denim melts with just a few of Es’ horny thrusts. As the metal of the zipper has all the resistance of wax against her pubic hairs, Es soon has his groin totally bare. He’s well hung, his genitals larger than most males, but compared to her unearthly pubic monster…well, he’s an infant! Es smirks at the utter obvious superiority of her mind-bogglingly pumped up, hypertrophied female sex meat! His large balls and long dick are nothing contrasted to a shredded clitoris harder unaroused than any bone in his body, and vaginal muscles so developed they actually form visible striated peaks on the outside of her oversized mound. In a single grinding stroke of ferocious musclelust, Es’ wild bushy mound tears into the man’s now exposed groin, and unstoppably sharp, her coarse pubic hairs grates his dick into a bloody fountain of mush and paste. The next horny muscley thrust shreds off his sack, and Es moans in pure dominant pleasure as her hairy sex utterly destroys his flesh. Es grunts in sexual heat and starts to really hump him with her muscles. She grinds and grinds, her wild Asian bush shredding his entire groin into pulp until his now exposed pubic bone nudges against her now obscenely erect clit and gore-washed, muscle-packed sex lips. With a sexy gasp, Es permits it to enter her. In a monster cunt so muscular and strong that it can crush diamonds, his pubic bone is barely any resistance for her.

Growling, the Korean hellioness starts grinding again, and her pubes easily grate away his pelvis until her deadly crotch pushes up against the front of his tailbone. She’s fucked straight through his body! Another moan of dominant relish escapes the vicious young musclebeauty, and she plays with his spine slowly, caressing her hungry sex with it, the bone still being bitten into by the individual coarse hairs of her razor-sharp black bush, but causing enough resistance to bend her pubes a little and stimulate her. Es licks her lips hungrily and humps his spine in earnest, her hairiness grating it away until it meets her buttock-squishing fingers. She fingers herself and strokes her aroused, now steel-hard clitoral monstrosity, playing with its unearthly muscular separations – even her smooth muscle fibers are fully and insanely developed! With a thunderous roar, Es orgasms and cums, her freakishly muscular sex tube effortlessly crushing the bone within its horrific grasp with its first clench, and then pulverizing the boney crumbs into wet powder with Es’ ecstatic spasms like an afterthought; such is the power of her muscle-packed female sex organ.

She seizes his hips with both hands, and as another orgasm hits her, Es flexes into a truly monstrous crab. Her hands slam together with unstoppable force, the shattering bone and rupturing tissue of his entire disintegrating pelvis providing all the resistance of empty air to her vicious muscular might. Grasping each end of his spine, Es stretches luxuriously after the orgasms and literally tears his body apart like it’s mere tissue paper – her strength is so great that she’s not even conscious she’s actually ripped him apart. Flinging away the gory remains of her latest victim derisively, the nude Asian superjock raises her arms and proudly flexes her bulging muscles in total and unstoppable dominance. Covered with the blood and gore of two men she has utterly obliterated with her bare hands, the naked Korean’s already incredibly muscular physique is now pumped – seriously pumped – to mindblowingly peaked, vein-popping proportions. The MONSTER! be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Monster: Termination Alley [nsfw; x-gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 21, 2008, 06:35:26 am


Stepping past the bloody dismembered body parts her amazing naked body has so effortlessly created, Es walks to the largely intact decapitated body of the first biker, her pumped-up runner’s thighs rippling and outrageously bulbous calves bulging with every step. The carnage has only been an appetizer to the nude Korean musclebeast’s carnivorous sexual appetite, and her almond eyes are wide with arousal. She picks up the headless body by its neck, and reaching between the legs also seizes its already mangled manhood, lifting the body off the ground and then overhead as easily as a feather. Her upper body a flaring Korean colossus of pure muscle, Es not only suspends the 250lb body without a hint of strain, but presses it repeatedly, pumping even more endless ungodly strength and size into her already inhumanly muscular Asian body. Her eyes are wide with power and heat as she feels how unstoppably STRONG she is...and she gets even BIGGER and STRONGER with each rep!

Es locks eyes with her original victim, who starts to shake and whimper as he sees the malicious dominance and carnal lust burning in her eyes. The Monster has come for him. Without breaking eye contact, the nude Asian superhardbody clenches both her fists. There’s a crumpling sound with sickening squishy plopping heard as the grisly remains of utterly crushed genitals fall to the ground amidst a stream of blood. His neck is less than an inch in diameter, absolutely pulverized by her other hand. A low sadistic chuckle begins to rumbles sexily in her throat as Es breaks into her huge shit-eating grin.

She hurls the body downwards as she hip tosses, ramming it into her bristling groin area with such force that his bones are heard breaking in sickening, muffled crunches as they smash against the far harder Korean sexual organs of her amazing nude body. Still holding onto the shattered human carcass, Es brings one incredibly built leg over the body so that she’s straddling it, and starts roughly and slowly rubbing the body up against her power-packed groin and shredded perineum, like she’s drying herself with a towel between her legs. She growls with lust, and doubles the intensity of her arousing strokes, while the rock-solid pistons that are the muscles of inner thighs flex closer together, easily crumpling his ribcage like dry tinder. The sadistic Monster carelessly dislocates or snaps bone, shearing off pieces of his body as she works herself up with horrific intensity, stimulating her voracious labia and rippling, muscular perineum against the jutting ends of his vertebrae.

Es stars to moan and hiptoss in arousal, her thick abs turning into undulating, jutting segments of impenetrable Korean steel as her granite-shamimg ass clenches into sculpted striped bunches of unearthly beef that could likely crush a car. But all that eye-popping muscle around Es’ core is totally outmatched by the rippling, building hairy mountain of muscle between her legs.

Her wildly flexing crotch looks like an angry bushy Asian volcano about to erupt. Veins the size of those on her biceps run rampant across individually protruding striations of externally visible vaginal muscle. The ungodly separations of her sexual muscles are like rings of steel that comprise the ubermusuclar tube of her fearsome vagina. Esther's astounding female organ actually resembles an utterly inhuman, miniature ribcage of sexual sinew bulging between her legs, a shredded mountain of sheer power jutting mightily within her coarse, sprawling pubic hair. Crowning The Monster's matchless groin is her jaw-dropping clitoris, an unearthly stud so hard it could mold steel, and this female monster also is fully and visibly shredded with smooth muscle fibers and inhuman veins.

Finally, when the remains of the human carcass is mere inches thick and consists of crumbling, compressed spine, Es cums in a flood of female ejaculate, scissoring apart her victim’s annihilated corpse as a mere afterthought in an orgasmic flex that turns her into the absolute pinnacle of perfect muscularity. She roars, exulting in her nude, unsurpassable body and its devastating strength – the Korean is the ultimate sexual predator, aggression incarnate, driven by an unparalleled will to utterly. Completely. DOMINATE!!! be cont'd...

Remember to K if you appreciate!
Title: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 22, 2008, 07:03:35 am
A word of warning: while initially tame, this gets pretty, um, messy. Mercy in her younger days is explored, but only in the context of character development, shaping her to what she is now. And what she is now is something else. While she is not my signature character, Mercy may be the most appealing antihero in my stable. Feel free to comment when this story finally gets off the ground..

Best wishes,

Note: nsfw, gore

The Muscles of Mercy
by reaper0002000

Her tiny waist barely widens to supremely narrow hips that flow to oaken thighs each the size of her waist. A perpetual, resting eight-pack of abdominals that’s been visible from infancy. Flaring out to winged scapulae and broader shoulders than what’s imaginable for a girl. Comparing the girth of her shoulders to her hips, her athletic proportions are literally breathtaking – she easily exceeds any ratio, even those of male bodybuilders. Genetically, Mercy is already far superior to anyone. Her beauty. Her intelligence. Her muscles.

Coming soon to

Title: Re: The Monster: Termination Alley [nsfw; x-gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 22, 2008, 07:24:59 am


Admiring her own incredible physique, Es rises into an unimaginable double biceps pose, and to her delight, she feels her gigantic lats flare even wider than before, and watches her towering biceps peak into a size even she can barely believe possible. The sight of so much pumped shredded muscle  -- her muscle! – and the feeling of such insane, man-killing physical strength brings her straight to yet another mindblowing orgasm.  A river of ejaculate explodes out of the hairy sexual powerhouse that nothing has been able to physically withstand, and Es screams her absolute supremacy --  The Monster is delirious with her own strength!

Es catches sight of her own reflection in an alley window, and overcome with oceans of self-lust, crunches into an equally unimaginable most muscular pose that would send a stageful of Olympian bodybuilders back to the locker room in shame, mortified by their muscular inferiority to this young Asian hellbeast. Another earthshattering climax ensues as nothing turns Es on like raw sadistic power, and when it comes to that, nothing even comes close to what is seen in the reflection! Emanating ungodly power in the afterglow of her orgasms, Es looks to see her original prey crawling towards the end of the blood-soaked alley, trying to escape the dismembering hell that is behind him.  Amazingly swift, she flies down the alley with such footspeed that when he painfully turns around to look if Es is coming after him, she is already standing in front of him. Not seeing anything in the rear but the multiple, gory shattered remnants of two bikers, he tries to suppress his retching and turns again to make his painful escape. And finds himself looking at a bare foot.

A perfectly arched, girl’s foot with long toes and immaculate nails, but one with shocking vascularity that he traces upwards to a relatively slim ankle before ballooning out to a soleus and anterior shin muscles as big as some men’s quadriceps, and utterly immense calves. Calves bursting with so much bulbous beef they look ready to push the thick veins right out of the thin smooth Asian skin, huge calves with actual peaks so ludicrously pregnant with power that every single movement The Monster takes with her hellacious legs causes these already fully separated leg behemoths to turn into jagged, angular eruptions of breathtaking feathered cross-striations. His senses can barely register so much ungodly muscle below Esther’s knees, let alone the gigantic overhanging teardrops of her colossal quads that are at the top of his vision.

He starts to tremble in absolute terror at the ungodly female leg muscularity presented before him, and hears Es’ evil laughter as she savors his fear. Suddenly, the magnificent leg before him is snap-flexed into a truly inhuman limb of such massive shredded muscularity that it utterly defies description… and he screams, instinctively knowing that he will experience its near limitless strength to certainly fatal consequences.

His terrorized shriek is abruptly squelched as Es lifts her foot and jams it into the middle of his throat, wedging it hard between her big and second toes. He gurgles helplessly as she grasps her toes together and with a toothy grin, lifts his head up slowly into the air with her foot… and then his entire body as well as she extends her leg up in an unimaginable demonstration of strength, flexibility and balance. The nude Korean musclegirl’s physical abilities are utterly incomprehensible; The Monster is actually suspending him off the ground, casually high above her own head with a single outstreched leg! More gurgling and sucking sounds are heard as she inexorably tightens her foot grip on his throat, a slight smile on the gorgeous, upturned face of the young Asian as she watches the play of her huge, veiny calves muscles.

With shocking ease, her toes crumple the hard rings of cartilage of his larynx, collapsing his windpipe and strangling him. Before he expires, Es bends the knee on the leg holding up his body, and then kicks up while releasing her foot’s deathgrip. The nearly dead man is flung yards skyward, and as his body comes back down to the earth, the sadistic naked musclebeast casually times her spin kick perfectly…

It’s a fact that something as fragile and blunt as a piece of straw can be impaled deep into the trunk of an oak tree when it is driven with sufficiently powerful force. The immense force like that of a tornado’s wind, which can howl at speeds up to 400 miles an hour. But even that force pales compared to the musclepower of Es’ freakish body. The bulging, hellacious abductors of her inner thigh bring her foot sweeping in a lethal arc at blinding velocity. The Korean musclegod’s effortless spin kick generates so much torque that at the end of her extended leg, just her toenails would slice through armor plating like the proverbial knife through butter. Unfortunately for her third victim, all her toenails encounter is the far weaker flesh of his already crushed throat as he drops from the sky… and so with her exquisitely-timed spin kick, Es’ toenails easily slash straight through the front of his neck, tearing through all his blood vessels, his windpipe and esophagus with fearsome and fully calculated precision.

He’s dead as he hits the ground, blood pouring through the severed arteries and veins, asphyxiating him in his own blood, which also quickly spreads like a carpet of red all over the dirty asphalt to join with the gory wasteland of human remains extending down the rest of the alley. The Monster stretches and takes a deep breath, her nude body becoming a rippling, bunching pantheon of ungodly muscle, the highest temple of destruction and domination. Es flexes her monstrous pecs absently, making her small, breastless nipples twitch as she regards the absolute carnage between the two walls. She licks her lips and smiles.

..."The Monster: Termination Alley" concluded...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 23, 2008, 06:56:28 pm

The Muscles of Mercy


Mercy awkwardly flung out a hand, which he accepted. Too late did he notice the ungodly arm that extended her hand, the bulging, pumped-up forearm that powered her fingers into a vise of unholy strength and his eyes widened as she effortlessly crushed his hand. The psychologist almost collapsed from the pain, the bones in his hand helplessly rearranging and crumbling in her incredible grip, his entire hand compressing beneath her fingers. His knees buckled, a gasp involuntarily forced from his lips. Mercy suddenly seemed to register what she was inadvertently doing to him. She immediately released her deathgrip, looking horribly embarrassed, as he clutched his mangled hand to his chest.

“Oh, I’m sorry…” Mercy exclaimed, abashed. Her lips pursed slightly, and she glanced up meekly before quickly looking away. “Sometimes I don’t think about my strength when I’m anxious,” she explained with a touch of nervousness, her large blue eyes barely meeting his before fluttering downwards to stare at his injured hand. For his part, he was staring at her, simply stunned by the inconceivable muscularity of the tall, good-looking girl standing in front of him. Even the clear hyperbole of the report he had read on Mercy didn’t do her justice; it didn’t even come close. Never had he seen muscles like that on anyone, woman or man.

Her long neck was more than halfway swallowed by her bulging trap muscles, while her shoulders were enormous, utterly dwarfing his. Even from the front, he could see Mercy’s gargantuan back flaring obscenely from an almost incomprehensibly narrow waist and tiny hips. Her huge chest jutted outwards, massive slabs of pectoral muscle molding the fabric like a second skin. She was unapologetically without a hint of breasts, even where her nipples were outlined; her small, erotic nubs almost pushed through the cloth by her incredibly thick, powerful chest beef.

Her hulking, fully exposed arms were grotesquely muscular, sinewy fibers seemingly protruding in chiseled relief from every freakishly swollen muscle belly, interrupted only by the thick veins that sprawled under her tanned skin. The only part of her that didn’t strike him as ridiculously muscular were her legs, and that was only because they weren’t at all visible; Mercy wore a long wrapped skirt that obscured everything down past her ankles.

But he couldn’t help but notice how her concealed lower body flared dramatically from her preternaturally small, impossibly narrow hips, like the skirt was straining to contain something significantly larger than what the upper part of cloth was wrapped around. If her lower limbs were anything like her upper limbs… The therapist shook his head in sheer amazement, as Mercy almost imperceptibly raised her head to glance at him before quickly looking down again. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 24, 2008, 07:16:56 pm


“Um, are you OK?” she asked hesitantly, her tone unsure as she forced herself to look him in the face with those amazing blue eyes.

He was taken aback by the striking beauty of the young, almost flawlessly symmetric face peering at him anxiously. She actually resembled someone in the media he had seen recently, and he struggled with the name before it hit him: Mercy looked like a twenty year-old version of Denise Richards – well, Denise with a myostatin mutation and a penchant to effortlessly humiliate Mr. Olympia in pure shredded muscularity. She could have been the younger sister of the star facially, but Mercy was mind-bogglingly muscular – she made the actress look like a twig, and one that she could snap with a mere twitch of a single muscle. Her physical traits notwithstanding, it seemingly took more force of will for Mercy to look him in the eye than what she was probably capable of lifting with just one finger.

“I, uh, didn’t mean to…” her voice trailed off timidly, a mixture of girlish naïveté and somehow, melodic sin. She looked away again, her expression trying to remain blank and casual, but failing to contain her obvious anxiety. The therapist stood back, watching – her demeanor was so…wrong. The muscles were there, but was this the same girl that was depicted with such savagery in the file?

The psychologist shook his throbbing hand a couple of times, wondering if anything was broken, and couldn’t help but marvel at what a paradox Mercy’s shy demeanor was to her fearsome, immensely powerful physique. That too contrasted with her straightforward beauty – with her looks, she might easily have been a model… if society could forgive the freakish, hypermuscular beast she actually was from her head down. Her astounding muscles notwithstanding, Mercy was fretting worriedly in front of him. He assured the powerful girl that he was all right, and wriggled his fingers in front of her, covering up the agony shooting up his arm with a short laugh. She seemed a bit relieved, and awkwardly tried to apologize again. With a pained smile, the man waved her off and directed her down the narrow hall and to the far room.  Nodding, Mercy headed in that direction.

He followed her, amazed at the sight of the utterly outrageous body walking in front of him. She looked like an anatomy chart…an anatomy chart overdosed on steroids. Mercy’s dark ponytail snuggled between such thick, high traps that she didn’t even appear to have a neck from some angles. Even more impressive than the girl’s towering trap muscles was the sheer breadth of her shoulders and upper back. He marveled at her back’s immensity -- Mercy seemed to take up most of the width of corridor, her vast, flaring lats looked like they were about to send her bulging, capped deltoids straight through both walls at any second.

Her massive upper proportions were made even more absurd in comparison to her tiny waist and miniscule hips, which he estimated as easily less than a third than her shoulder span. The utterly inhuman taper she possessed, the monstrous lat flare, would have made physique judges weak in the knees. No one could approach, let alone equal her: Mercy far exceeded the athletic shoulder-waist and shoulder-hip ratios for anyone, even males, and every step caused an incredible landscape of hardened muscle to undulate beneath the straining fabric of her vest and skirt, which was losing the battle to contain her monstrous physique by the audible creak of seams giving way to bulging, unrelenting sinew. The vest couldn’t even cover half of her enormous back span, and her bared flesh looked like golden paper stretched over the exaggerated definition of each overdeveloped muscle, punctuated by protruding veins that snaked all over.

As Mercy made her way forward and turned into the room, the therapist froze for a moment, jaw agape. What transfixed him was the flash of one of her calves, visible for a millisecond through her long skirt’s slit. The unearthly calf was a vast, huge beast and utterly shredded;  steely separations and large veins were clearly visible even in a darkened glimpse – an undeniable match for her matchlessly muscled arms. The girl was the embodiment of perfect physique development taken to a nightmarish exponential degree. Remembering the details of the incident, he swallowed hard and entered the room, gripping her file as he closed the door behind him. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 26, 2008, 05:11:18 am

Again, a note of caution -- this is pure fiction, and part of her characterization.


Since she took the couch -- actually a small loveseat --- nearest to the door, he took the chair by the far wall and started the interview. Belying her brutishly powerful physique, Mercy was painfully shy and distracted at times, but the apprehensive psychologist quickly discerned an intelligence as extreme as her body.

As they conversed, it became apparent that she exceeded his brightest, most gifted patients. This girl, barely a young woman, was simply extraordinary – an extraordinary puzzle. He marveled at the bizarre combination of stunning beauty, undeniable brains, and limitless brawn. She was absolutely loaded in all three attributes, far more than he thought anyone ever could be. She could intellectually run rings around the Mensa members he treated, and just by the look of that impossible physique, physically run over the Olympic athletes that he helped in nearby Colorado Springs. It was almost frightening, almost incomprehensible, to estimate what her potential abilities were. Everything about her was off the charts. Mercy was the complete prodigy. Except for one very apparent thing – for all her near superhuman gifts, Mercy was so… inhibited. He had the damndest time establishing a rapport, but she seemed to genuinely want help of some kind, although she apparently found it impossible to say exactly what was bothering her.

Of course, she obviously had no idea that he performed a background check on all new clientele, and that exhaustive search had inadvertently unearthed something – an awful briefing. From an old contact at Justice who told him that the contents of the dossier in front of him was something out of the “X Files.” After reading it, he was forced to agree.  But the thing was, her personality was completely and utterly opposite to what he’d expected from reading the consensus statements of eyewitnesses. Something was amiss. So the man waited for her to get comfortable, letting Mercy’s obviously low confidence grow by exploring things that were comfortable and familiar to her.

As the astonishingly muscular beauty settled into the rhythm of the conversation, the therapist found that Mercy was indeed capable of unexpected bursts of expression, speaking freely and passionately especially when she was talking about something that held her interest. Gymnastics, bodybuilding were two of those things. On the other hand, college was making her yawn – she absorbed scholastic information like the proverbial sponge, and she was on track to graduate summa cum laude in under two years. The only thing Mercy spoke about extensively on was her fascination with anatomy, physiology, genetics, and biochemistry, and in details and terminology that made the psychologist’s head spin. He was certain it was all revolved around muscles, but she was at a level that far surpassed his knowledge of the subject… and unbeknownst to him, was actually pushing past the boundaries of research in the field.

Unable to follow the scientific content of her topic of comfort, he concentrated on her process and manner instead. Her voice was itself something a revelation. As he had initially noticed, it was almost melodic in quality. Enchantingly feminine and effortlessly bewitching in tone, Mercy could change her speaking timbre from feathery and ethereal to edged steel in one word.  He had no idea exactly what that technical word meant, but it apparently it meant something to her.

Again, she was a study in contrasts, a puzzle that seemed to keep unfolding. And so he kept listening, nodding when appropriate. Inside, the psychologist was himself a mess of ambivalence – Mercy couldn’t possibly be the girl those witnesses described, could she? Then after her dissertation, out of nowhere, she dropped a bombshell.

“I think I was abused.” be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 28, 2008, 04:45:40 am
This posting and the next deserves a strong disclaimer: It is only in the service of essential characterization and plotline that the early background of Mercy is explored. Because Mercy is seriously warped, the most common explanation involves experiences early in life that can warp an individual. Therefore, some of this is portrayed, but I have limited the muscle descriptions of a young Mercy to shift as much focus away from her body to her experiences at that age (as you will see in subsequent postings). Rest assured, there will be no graphic or detailed descriptions of improper conduct towards the younger Mercy -- I would find that extraordinarily inappropriate. Comments are welcome,



His head snapped up. And almost accidentally, looked her straight in Mercy’s cerulean eyes. It was exactly the wrong thing to do, for it seemed like he had jumped into the deepest, blue ocean and it took all his training as a therapist to break the hypnosis in her gaze. The man focused hard on what she had just said. Abuse?  He looked at the smartest, strongest, most muscular being he could even imagine sitting across from him, and tried to understand how anyone could ever make this beast do anything she was not willing to.  He stared at her, and  Mercy coughed nervously, sending a tidal wave of pure shredded brawn dancing across her barely contained torso. “I have this recurring dream – from when I was just a kid,” she added awkwardly, by way of explanation. Looking mortified that she actually blurted her secret out, Mercy flushed bright red.

She visibly flinched when he raised his eyebrow, and hastened to quickly continue “Though I was really strong for a kid…” and then to his surprise, she just kept talking in an unstoppable stream of tangents. “I was only four, and I could already do back handsprings that my sister was learning in gymnastics. She was almost ten, and she was so frustrated that her four year-old sister could do ten of them in a row, when she could barely do three. I mean, it was pretty obvious I was already stronger than she was. I could do way more pullups that she could, and when we would fight like kids do, I always ended up overpowering her – pinning her down, and making her cry my name – Mercy -- before I let her up. I always beat her, and she was six years older and a whole lot bigger! She was very athletic and was pretty well built for a ten year-old girl ‘cause of the gymnastics she was doing, so she was the strongest kid in her class. But even at age four, I could beat her up bad. I could make a muscle, and it was way bigger and harder than hers… she used to get so mad! If you saw the photos of us in the pool, I have this amazing hardbody -- there isn’t a picture of me in a swimsuit as a kid that doesn’t make me look like a mini-bodybuilder already. Grownups always asked me to flex and I loved how freaked they’d get when I did. I had muscles everywhere and I wanted to show them all off, veins on my biceps and legs, even chiseled abs. It was pretty weird…”

Her face crimson, Mercy finally stopped for a breath. She looked like she was about to run, her eyes wild with anxiety from her revelation of abuse.  But before the man could even raise his pen to interrupt her, she raced on, her words getting faster and faster as she tried to verbally run away from the admission she’d just made.

“…but I’ve always had abs, even when I was, like, an infant – I’ve actually seen pictures and home video of me right after birth, and you can totally see the squares on my tummy! My calves and my delts are really built, too – the doctor actually makes a comment on camera that he’s never seen any baby as muscular as me. I mean, it's obviously genetic. But when my parents finally let me start doing formal gymnastics ---”

“Mercy, please…” he started gently, trying to interrupt her panic-driven tirade. But Mercy kept talking, getting even and more wound up as she started to gesture. The therapist watched her, his own anxiety growing as he saw her already mindblowing musculature ripple and (Good Lord) grow as she became more and more animated. He watched in helpless fascination as veins popped up all over her ripped body, sprawling visibly beneath the straining cloth as she gesticulated, her movements and agitation pumping her already impossibly powerful physique up. He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him at first as the beautiful girl’s countless sinew striations danced and swelled, but the audible tearing of her clothes failing to contain her muscles confirmed his observation. His mouth felt dry as he saw absurd peaks and bulges all over her granite body become even more prominent. “Stop” he said in a tone of authority.

“— and then I started training for real, and I became even bigger and stronger! At six years old, I started outmuscling even the boys in drills. All of them – pushups, leg raises, pullups, straddles – you name it, and I could double or triple the next best kid. I could even outrun anyone else. I was so much better that they put me in boys’ elite division so I could have some competition for strength and endurance. The next thing you know, I was doing iron crosses and strength holds longer than anyone in the gym, and ---“

“Stop.” he ordered more forcefully, as he watched her become more and more wild-eyed and distressed. She ignored him, plunging forward at full steam. He felt compelled to do something to interrupt her, but instead all he heard was:

“ – then I had this instructor who was also a competitive bodybuilder and he was amazed at my “power.” In gymnastics, your physique and strength is referred to as “power”.  I was only six, a little kid, but my body was so powerful that I probably outmuscled even him in proportions! It was obvious that I totally outmuscled all the boys. I mean, it wasn’t even close. Those 12 year-old boys were twice as old as I was, so their frames were bigger all around, but my muscles were actually far more developed…”

The therapist slapped Mercy. More accurately, he tried to slap her lightly on her cheek with his good hand. But before his palm and fingers could make contact, they were intercepted by the back of her right hand, moving with inhuman speed and economy of motion, blocking his therapeutic blow just inches from her face. In fact, her reflexes were so lightning fast, before he even registered that his hand had never reached its intended target, she was already staring him steadily in the eyes.

For a second, there was a unnerving, icy malice in Mercy’s deep blue eyes. But she had stopped talking, her anxiety clearly broken. Then she blinked and sighed heavily, her posture crumbling as she dropped her intercepting hand, and used it to rub her eyes. “Thanks” she uttered in a quiet whisper, before lapsing again into a discomfited silence. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 01, 2008, 12:54:09 am


It was that sudden glimpse of … something … in her attitude that unsettled the psychologist. A prickling began at the back of his neck as the gory horror of the incident allegedly involving Mercy once again came to the forefront of his consciousness. He tried to take breath but found he couldn’t, as he glanced the insanely attractive, young pinnacle of muscular development sitting opposite him. She was again studying the floor intensely. In silence. He could still see large veins protruding on her massive, bulging chest beef, right through the shirt. Her protruding nipples looked very small compared to what they were pinned to, but they were erect, and seemed very, very hard. His eyes took in the immensity of the fully separated, chiseled slabs of pectoral muscle, and he shivered at the sheer strength that Mercy must possess. She looked capable of bench pressing a locomotive. Or a van, his memory reminded him, and he twitched involuntarily at the thought.

A drop of cold sweat formed on his forehead. Nonetheless, he deliberately filed his fear away mentally and prodded Mercy back to her dream, the one in which she was abused. If this dream provoked a reaction like the one she just displayed, then it was something that had to be pursued.

After an eternity of affirmations and encouragement, Mercy barely managed “Uh, I was ten…” and then stopped. But it was obvious that deep down, she really did want to tell him about this dream, despite the fact that she hemmed and hawed, squirming. The psychologist gently prompted her, studiously trying to ignore the rippling and bulging of the grotesquely overdeveloped, living anatomy chart before him as she fidgeted. Finally, under his persistence and cajoling, the words came.

When Mercy was only 10 years-old, there apparently had been a murder at her gym – that much Mercy knew was fact. The therapist vaguely remembered reading about that incident in the newspaper, years ago. A older male gymnast was killed late in the evening, as the last instructor had been in the far office on the telephone. The crime had provoked a wave of fear amongst the community that ended up shuttering the facility permanently.

It turned out that the young Mercy had known the victim, if only very briefly, and she had been at the gym the very same day he was murdered. In fact, Mercy had walked the several blocks home only a couple hours before the teenager had died horribly at the hands of unknown, uncaught assailants. At least she thought that’s what had happened. “I can’t remember exactly. I do remember being at the gym, working out with him, and then I remember walking home. That’s all – nothing else happened in between. And that’s what I told the police back then.”

The man scratched his head. Mercy was probably traumatized by the boy’s death, but it didn’t speak of any kind of abuse. He said so. Mercy protested mildly “I haven’t gotten there yet – like I was about to say, I keep having this dream...” and hesitated. He looked at her as she decided if it was safe to continue. "Well, it's only a dream, right?" Mercy convinced herself with a deep breath. She looked up at him, her youthful, beautiful face solemn. “The gymnast who was murdered? In my dream, he molested me... at least, I have feelings that he did." She said plaintively, "I don't actually seem to remember that part too well.” The psychologist’s eyebrows shot upwards, and Mercy's eyes turned downward. She softly added, “That’s not the end of it. In my dream, what's really vivid is... I’m the one who kills him.”

She looked up, timid. The man was just staring at her. He didn’t say a word. An unreadable expression and a twinge at the corner of his left eye gave nothing away. This time it was his turn to be silent. Just sat there, waiting. Mercy spoke again, at last, sounding lame. “Are you sure you want to hear about this? It, uh…gets really, um…” She looks at him almost pleadingly, her radiant blue eyes a mixture of conflicting emotions.

"I think it's important that we go over your dreams," he said, his voice carefully neutral. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 03, 2008, 07:12:34 am


“Dreams,” he continued, “are sometimes what we call re-enactments.” Mercy nodded, but her face looked a little blank.  The therapist explained that by re-enacting something traumatic but changing the eventual ending, it was possible for victims to gain a sense of mastery and come to better grips with what happened. A way to cope, in essence. The gorgeous young hulk said nothing, but she looked impressed with his insights.

He delved deeper, but like she had said earlier, Mercy was unsure as to exactly happened at the time she was abused in her dream.  Mercy frowned, trying to recollect. All she remembered was the 17 year-old gymnast – the one that died – saying that she was “sooo sexy” and then a series of confused, jumbled emotions, and a sense of being profoundly violated. Frustrated, she simply could not remember details as the psychologist tried to gently walk her through the narrative. For all his efforts, he got nothing. Something was clearly missing, and it was obvious that it had affected her horribly.  After several futile attempts, he scribbled a note on his pad, reminding himself to refer her to a colleague that used hypnosis to retrieve memories.  He glanced at Mercy dabbing at her eyes, her amazing muscles rippling, clearly upset. He decided to move on.

“This other part of the dream is the part that you really know, isn’t it?” the therapist asked and she nodded, looking relieved that they were going to familiar territory.  He thought for a moment, and went for the straightforward approach. “You know he’s already dead. But do you dream about finding this person, the one that hurt the 10 year-old you, hunting him down and killing him?”

“Not really,” Mercy said, matter-of-fact. She licked her lips. “I don’t have to find him at all. It’s not like I’m older or anything.“  When the psychologist looked quizzical, she added, by way of explanation. “It’s right after the part I don’t remember. He’s still alive. He’s right there and I’m right there – the 10 year-old me, uh, kills him.” Mercy gave a slight shrug, bunching her hulking traps, and stared at the wall.

For his part, the psychologist was disconcerted by this revelation; most revenge fantasies had the victim, if they were this young, coming back in the future to wreck vengeance. But in this dream, the 10 year-old Mercy had actually turned the tables right in the moment. It was most unusual…  “You said it felt really vivid… What exactly does the young Mercy do?” he asks, trying to envision a very young, preteen version of the extraordinarily muscled girl across from him. Frighteningly enough, it wasn’t that hard to do. With that conjured image, his mouth seemed suddenly dry, and an apprehensive premonition clutched his insides. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 07, 2008, 05:42:29 am


Mercy looked at the floor, shutting her eyes. This was the part of the dream she secretly enjoyed, disturbing and grotesque as it likely would be to others. “I break him,” she smiled chillingly, eyes still closed. "All over. His spine, his legs and arms – with my bare hands, I snap his bones like toothpicks. The dream’s so vivid that I can actually feel how weak and brittle his bones are as they pop against my pumped-up body. I’m so much younger than him, but my muscles are just so much bigger and harder. And so, so strong.“

Her beautiful, smiling face was dreamy, bizarrely juxtaposed against the carnage she described. “But I don’t stop there. I even tear apart his ribcage, and I can see all his organs. I grab his heart with one hand, and rip it right out. Blood bursts out everywhere. It’s still beating, until I crush it to mush between my fingers.” Mercy’s voice rose, her grin still showing. All the hair on the back of the therapist’s neck was standing, and he’s shifted uncomfortably in his seat as his outlandishly muscled young client continued, eyes closed, oblivious to his fearful discomfort. “Then I pull his entire body apart into dozens of separate pieces, limb from limb, rip off his head, his internal organs. I totally dismember him, and it’s so easy with all my muscles...” Close-eyed, Mercy spoke with a relish that was not only disconcerting, but utterly terrifying.

“I remember what I’m thinking – I’m only a 10 year-old girl, but I’ve literally broken and torn a boy twice my age into pieces with my bare hands. I flex my muscles in superiority, and I see myself in the mirror. At first, I’m still only ten, but then my reflection changes, and all of a sudden, I’m seeing myself as I am today…" Mercy paused, obviously visualizing her dream.

"There’s still all this gore and blood everywhere, which doesn't make sense since I'm now all grown up, but I can't take my eyes off my reflection. I look so powerful – I'm naked and I've got so much beautiful, sexy muscle! Pecs, biceps, lats, abs, legs all exploding with strength! I’m SO strong I can tear a man to death. And it turns me on, making me jack like you wouldn’t believe. That’s where I usually wake up. Wet with jack.” Mercy finally opened her eyes, and looked up, blinking. She sighed a little; as she halfway expected, the therapist looked like he’s having a heart attack, or a stroke.

He just stared at her. His jaw slack, his face sheet white. Unlike what Mercy thought, it wasn’t just the shockingly gory and sexual nature of her dream. He had no idea how the male gymnast had died, as he didn’t recall what the newspaper had disclosed all those years ago. But dear God, the dream was so close to what the report said. Apart from the sexuality in the dream, the similarity was inescapable: Gory, wanton dismemberment.

He didn’t want to think it was even possible that anyone could be so vicious. He was absolutely stunned by her account, and even more so by how Mercy seemed to savor her slaughter, even in its retelling. It was like a door had cracked opened into her inner life, and its darkness was utterly foreboding.  There was a discernible shift in Mercy’s presence, one that he’d only glimpsed when she stopped his slap, but that sense of mind-numbing, malevolent power was unmistakable. The psychologist tried to gather himself, but still found no way to respond. be cont'd...

P.S. from writer: - Please note that it is indeed the COLLEGE-AGED Mercy who has experiences the sexual content of the dream.... - Reap
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: fbbs4ever on March 07, 2008, 06:58:23 am
its getting interesting i wonder whats gona happen to the doctor
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 09, 2008, 07:27:47 am
Karma to you for actually bothering to write a response! I'm relieved -- it seemed like no one else was in this thread, except for one comment earlier on. Nice to know I'm not posting into a vacuum.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: fbbs4ever on March 09, 2008, 07:52:06 am
heh im reading trying not to break it all up with posts
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: smileyface01 on March 09, 2008, 02:37:46 pm
Don't worry, your stories are definitely appreciated; I had just already read it over at the amazons forum, and didn't see the need to say the same positive comments twice. ;)
I've still been (silently) throwing some Karma your way all the same, though :)
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 09, 2008, 07:18:54 pm
Thanks -- I'm grateful for whatever support I get.
I'm having technical issues with this file, and I'm revisiting and editing each section as I post here, making this a more polished version than what's available in the other forum....



As the man opposite her made attempts to pull himself together, Mercy lamely added “It’s only a dream, I guess.” She awkwardly fidgeted a bit, and caused several seams to audibly tear under the bulges of her hardened bronzed brawn. The young beauty ignored the sound, and considered what the therapist had said earlier about dreams. Mercy pursed her lips, saying “In a way, I guess I have dealt with being molested. I think that’s why I now love building my body even more.” The psychologist eyebrows lifted at the remark.

She paused for a moment, and seeing she hadn’t made herself clear, tried to spell it out. “Because it makes me so strong. Strong enough to deal with ANY man who thinks muscles are sexy.” She thought that this conclusion, which she felt was insightful, might somehow spur the doctor back from wherever the hell he was to the here and now. But he still looked stunned. Absently, the powerful girl watched him take a deep, shuddering breath, visibly focusing on what she had just announced. Mercy cocked her head, waiting.

“That doesn’t make sense,” the therapist finally offered, objecting to the obvious fallacy in her logic. Mercy was so intelligent, he couldn’t believe she wouldn’t see it a mile away. “If you thought that muscles made you sexy, and you didn’t want the attention, you’d stop building your body. Not add to it.”

Mercy sighed, the side of her perfect mouth curling. “Doctor, my muscles… they're a given. A constant that can’t be taken away.” Seeing that she still didn’t make sense to him, the gorgeous young brute explained, “I can’t NOT be muscular. Like I told you earlier, I was born this way. It was written in my genes, and I’ve done as much research as I can to reverse or modify it, but there’s no way I can see to go any further. Even gene therapy isn’t going to work on me.” She looked at him with a tinge of impatience, her blue eyes reading him – hadn’t he been listening earlier to everything she said about the projects she was involved in? She had talked about it in substantial detail.

Seeing that the man gave no response to her conclusion, Mercy licked her thin lips, and repeated herself for emphasis. “I’m always going to have muscles. It took a long time for me to accept it, but now I actually love my muscles again,” she said, and glanced down at her own massive, chiseled chest. A mere, slight tensing and both giant breastless slabs seemed to leap full inches. Mercy’s vest cracked, the material barely containing her unholy chest brawn. In fact, her shredded pectoral separations were clearly visible through the cloth, and her small areola were now fully outlined to the extent that the tiny tips of her nipples were actually exposed, pushing their way through the fabric. Just as the man thought that she was going to literally explode straight out of her clothing, Mercy relaxed, and her mighty chest receded, but only slightly.

She smiled at her awesome physical power. “Since I’m not going to be able to change, it’s not up to me anymore. The problem is men and their urges, it’s up to them. And men don't change -- they all want the same thing. So to deal with whoever finds me sexy, I’m going to build even more strength and more muscle, more muscle than anyone can ever handle.” Mercy regarded him closely, and breathed out quietly. “Men will want me. And they will pay.” Her usually melodic voice was pointedly neutral, but there was a latent venom in those words… As he thought about that last statement with a shudder, he realized that the silence between them was again lengthening, and Mercy was regarding him quizzically. He swallowed nervously. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 13, 2008, 05:59:07 am


“Ultimately, I don’t think that muscles have anything inherent do with being sexy,” he told her, almost for lack of anything better to say. Still trying to make sense of all that had been explored, he went on, thinking things through as he talked. “It’s all in our heads, what makes someone sexual to someone else. For example, a lot of people don’t find girls with big muscles at all sexy. In fact, the effect is quite the opposite, I would say that it’s not attractive at all.”

Mercy opened her mouth, and then shut it again. She looked like she was about to make a rebuttal, but instead fell silent. She frowned, appearing upset and perhaps a little angry, but said nothing. Several full seconds passed. The hypermuscular girl continued to just sit on the couch, her smooth forehead furrowed in thought. Pondering his statement far more than he would have anticipated, Mercy pushed an errant strand of her brown hair back behind a broad shoulder with an absentminded flick of her wrist.

The therapist couldn’t help but flinch at the sight.

Just that simple, careless motion had orchestrated a rippling symphony in Mercy’s obscene, frightening muscularity. The coiling of her bare arm had made the huge, heavy bicep gather itself into an incredibly large, jutting mass, which the twisting of her wrist then further made explode into freakishly high, jagged steel peaks over the hanging bulk of her sculpted triceps. One enormous lat flared out, almost tearing through the armhole of her vest as it expanded under her arm. Her vein-strewn forearm had become a den of writhing snakes as she absently played with the ends of her hair, before tossing it back. As a result, her thick, sloping traps and bulging deltoids were also now exposed, the material of her sleeveless top clinging to a hulking ridge of ripped sinew that ended at a thick cap of brawn which showed chiseled vertical separations even when fully at rest. Her muscles were simply mindboggling. Without even trying, Mercy exuded unbelievable physical strength.

A drop of sweat fell from him as he tore his eyes away from the sight of her ungodly, casually mighty arm, trying to suppress the thoughts of what Mercy could do – what she had maybe done as a mere 10 year-old – with her incredible physique. With muscles like that, it actually wasn’t that difficult to imagine what she dreamed about being mortifyingly real. Not to mention that equally horrific and graphic report, descriptions of her vicious fearsome strength that he had read and prematurely dismissed as certain exaggeration.

The psychologist shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he waited for Mercy to respond, but she didn’t. The supremely muscular beauty just sat there, her brows knit, obviously thinking carefully at what to say next. He wondered if he had gone a little too far with his last statement, which was undoubtedly true… but he was now thinking it may have been too harsh for this girl who clearly valued her astonishing muscularity above anything else. It now occurred to him that Mercy’s muscles were not just the subject of her study, but had also become her shield against a hostile, abusive world. However, her muscles held some sort of erotic obsession, and one which he probably needed to address.

Still Mercy didn’t say a word… she just sat there, seeming to steam. As the silence became protracted, the therapist’s mind couldn’t help but wander nervously back to her file, some of the words of the report still haunting at him. It was right there in his lap. Unable to suppress it any further, he flipped open the folder containing the forensic report and reviewed it again as he waited for her to speak…. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 15, 2008, 05:00:18 am


After a party downtown around midnight, witnesses had seen Mercy with a group of young men. These hardened young males were most of a street gang whose social strata had exceeded their upbringing, likely because of an income source not quite legal in origin. Known for taking the best looking (and most intoxicated) young women out of the Riverside Club, they had an ill reputation that was likely deserved. Somehow, they always evaded prosecution, typically for lack of credible witnesses. After all, the club was said to be owned by the most powerful crime family in the state, and all investigations by the authorities had somehow proven fruitless.  Sometime after midnight, this same group entered a van and departed for an unknown destination.

The van had gone only into the far parking lot before it suddenly slammed on its brakes, and according to those who watched its red brake lights, was rocking side to side when a man was literally launched out the back of the stopped vehicle. He was thrown nearly thirty feet in the air, and both arms, several ribs and one shoulder were broken. Landing on his skull and neck and shattering both, he survived but never recovered his mental functioning. Next, a brown-haired girl with a badly torn dress and prominent, bulging muscles – Mercy allegedly -- tumbled out, and the van started to speed away, tires screeching as the driver gunned the engine. What happened after that was almost completely unbelievable.

The witnesses at the party, all on the second floor balcony, swore they saw the half-naked, muscular girl furiously take off after the van, shedding her shoes and running barefoot, chasing it at impossible speed. To their astonishment, she was so fast that she actually caught up with the speeding vehicle before it left the distant lot, and through the dark they saw its red lights abruptly stop and jerk upwards, as if the rear of the van had been lifted off the ground. The lights hung there for a moment before flipping over three times, and the van was seen overturned on its roof under the light of a nearby street lamp. The angry brown-haired girl came into view and grasped the side doors of the overturned vehicle.  Her exposed back muscles visibly exploded – the witnesses’ own words – to enormous size as she flexed and pulled at the van doors, and some swore that she was even lifting the vehicle off the pavement by the way she made the entire van shake like a leaf.

To their astonishment, there was a long loud shriek of metal as the girl ripped both doors right off their hinges with her bare hands, and she was seen holding up a torn, mangled door in each amazingly strong arm. Still holding the heavy doors aloft like trophies, the girl flexed her arms demonstratively. Even from the distant vantage point, her extraordinary muscles could be seen clearly, her huge biceps peaking like mountains as she proudly coiled her van-destroying limbs. From their distance, they couldn’t hear the crunching sounds as she derisively crushed the metal frame within her grasp, her fingers mangling steel like tinfoil with the power of her fingers. She then flung the doors away, tossing the heavy metal into the adjacent river like they weighed nothing to her.

The powerful girl then apparently registered how badly damaged her dress was, and ripped off the remnants of her torn clothing in obvious disgust, leaving her in the street wearing only her panties. Her exposed, barechested physique was shocking to the onlookers – the degree of her muscular development was frankly freakish. This young, naked girl was more muscular – much, much more muscular – than anyone they had ever seen, and some of the witnesses thought they must have been hallucinating. Emerging from incredibly narrow hips and freakishly chiseled haunches, her long legs were packed with more huge, hard sculpted muscle than most people’s entire bodies possessed. Matching those hellish legs, her monstrous back and arms were obscene idols to muscular overdevelopment. And at her slender, hardened waist, even her abdomen was unreal. She had more than a six pack, but no one could agree on exactly how many individual segments of muscle were chiseled on her stomach from that distance. And with that much alcohol clouding their senses.

The therapist had sighed; it didn’t matter – obviously, the girl was in simply incredible bodybuilding condition. However, there was a more important controversy when it came to her bared chest. Most of the observers already doubted if this was really a girl, since the physique they saw was so inhumanly strong: no mere girl could be that strong, could she? And now some witnesses also pointed out that despite the long brown hair, her pumped-up, herculean body was so incredibly ripped that this girl also didn’t have any visible breasts at all – her mighty chest was clearly all brutish, utterly shredded pectoral muscle. But the few who saw Mercy up close with that group of men – assuming this was indeed Mercy – were absolutely convinced that it was Mercy, and Mercy was definitely a girl. Yes, Mercy had muscles, monstrous muscles, but she was undeniably female; her overwhelming facial  beauty, her silky voice, and the feline grace with which she moved was utterly feminine. But if this was indeed her, there was a part that was also sadistically predatory. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 17, 2008, 08:07:36 pm

WARNING: It gets more messy from here on in, just wanted you to know the violence is extreme. You're warned.



At this point, all the witnesses said that the barechested girl then stalked into the overturned van and emerged with three struggling men. She manhandled all of them like they were mere infants, with one draped over her shoulder, another hoisted by her other arm while the third was dragged out by his legs. Any notion that this young powerhouse was rescuing them was dispelled by the sickening crack of shattering bones against metal, for she abruptly and viciously hurled one of the men into the side of the vehicle like she would throw a football. He was flung with such force that upon the revolting, crunching impact of his body, the ruined van skidded several feet on its roof, spinning. With a single arm, she had thrown him so unbelievably hard that he was gruesomely embedded into the van’s side like a compressed human javelin, every large bone in his body fragmented. He was instantly killed by her extraordinary and horrible power.

Still gripping the other man on her shoulder, the muscle girl turned on the third man, the one she had dragged out. Seeing what she had just done to his friend, he was on his knees, gesturing in a pleading, placating manner with his hands, clearly begging the girl “for mercy”.  The psychologist had initially smiled humorlessly at this witness’ exact quote. Little did the pleading man realize that perhaps it was exactly and literally Mercy that he got.

At any rate, the girl’s response was the most brutal kick ever documented. The therapist still shivered at the vivid description. She drew her leg back, the striated flexing of her legs’ spectacular muscles still embedded in the witnesses’ minds, and sent a kick of unrestrained power at the pleading man’s body. A shower of blood erupted from out of his back as he was lifted several feet of the ground to land a couple yards away, his upper body almost decimated by her single ferocious blow; a couple of shaken witnesses even said they saw her foot protrude out of his shoulders for one ghastly instant. The coroner’s report supported this gory detail, indicating that the victim’s torso had suffered “massive blunt trauma that completely penetrated the thorax and exited the left shoulder, dissecting the subject vertically from the abdomen up.” Viciously, she had kicked him so hard that she’d split him in two. His gruesome remains simply collapsed to the ground, convulsing, blood slowly seeping over where it had already been splattered with her lethal, smashing kick. He was dead before his splintered torso was hoisted by the musclegirl, and flung like a broken rag doll into the river.
The last man, slung on her shoulder, screamed and started struggling with all his strength against the powerful female arm that ensnared and hoisted him. He flailed mightily, pummeling and kicking the incredibly muscular, sadistic girl with desperate blows. He might as well as well have been pounding on a stone statue for all the effect it had on her sculpted, granite-hard physique. With an annoyed look, she captured both his wrists with ease, using her other free hand, and contained him like he was a weak child. Suddenly the suspended man started screaming again, writhing in pain. At first, the observers didn’t know why, but then they saw that that the strong, sculpted arm that held his torso trapped, was being increasingly coiled – the barechested musclegirl was starting to flex her extraordinarily muscled, steel-bending arm. Having just seen how superhumanly strong she was, the witnesses watched in fascinated horror as the last man’s torso was slowly and relentlessly crushed, visibly compressing between the vice of her vein-sprawled forearm, bursting biceps and steely deltoid.

As she slowly brought her hand closer and closer to her shoulder, she then rotated her wrist, a red stream of unknowable fluid and pulverized internal material suddenly exploded out of both his anus and mouth. When they observed the terrible sight of the mangled man vomiting his own organs from the hellish pressure from her single, scissoring arm, it was enough for some of the already drunk, nauseated onlookers to start retching and throwing up as well. What they also didn’t see – but the coroner found puzzling evidence of – was how her huge, freakishly peaked biceps erupted into unstoppable two-headed towers that broke her third victim’s ribs and actually penetrated into his thorax with their incredible flexed shape as she twisted her wrist to full contraction. Apparently, the girl had disemboweled him with just her biceps… and by simply flexing them.

When he first read this, the psychologist had to put down the file, mind reeling. It was too much. The mutilations were medical evidence, however waterlogged – and that was what made him queasy – but the narrative was ridiculous; he was disinclined to put any faith in it. All but naked, this girl had brutally killed three men with her amazing muscles and bare hands. Ended their lives like they were insects to her. But the report didn’t end; the description continued. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 21, 2008, 05:47:37 am


Apparently, squeezing this man’s torso to an unsurvivable slit wasn’t enough for her. With her other arm, the one that held both his arms immobile by the grip on his wrists, she started pulling the crushed, dying man’s limp arms. Even from afar, the witnesses were able and shocked to notice the wide smile on the barechested, tremendously muscled girl’s face – a couple of them said it was a look they will never forget, because of how jarring and out of place her expression seemed to what she was doing.  Eyes closed, her face was positively beatific; one of pure joy and contentment… as she effortlessly ripped both his arms right off his body with one hand. One observer numbly compared the ease with which the girl did this like “she was pulling warm taffy apart,” while another said it reminded him of how a child would tear the wings off an injured fly. As the blood poured out of where his arms had been, the brown-haired girl tossed his severed limbs into the van and sat his utterly mangled body to the ground.

She swiveled her narrow hips erotically, her face still blissful as her small, ripped midsection undulated with more muscle than the onlookers could believe. The musclegirl finally straddled the armless, sitting corpse while placing his skull roughly in between the colossally muscled pillars of her sculpted legs, just below her bulging crotch that her panties struggled to hold. Smiling with evil bliss, she then raised and flexed both arms again in a pose of absolute dominance. At the same time, she also flexed her shredded thighs, striations leaping to prominence and veins protruding all over her bulging muscles.

The effect on his skull was instantaneous. “My God -- she popped his head like it was a pimple!” was how one appalled witness put it, making the therapist recoil again, disbelieving the horrendous description of a human skull literally splattering apart. But the headless, armless, scissored corpse was a matter of record, as were the numerous pieces of skull and smashed brain found scattered all over the area.

The coroner had personally told the therapist’s contact at Justice that the victim’s skull had been forcibly imploded, its individual bone fragments similar in destruction to what one might expect out of a home trash compactor. He doubted that anyone’s inner thighs were strong enough to exert that kind of force, but he had already seen what could be interpreted as the double-headed imprint of an exceptionally large, high, and hard biceps muscle that was stamped into the corpse’s compressed torso. But everything was blurred by the recovery process; they had dredged the river, and had taken days to recover the water-bloated bodies for forensic pathology to examine. IF the forensic medical evidence were to be correlated with the admittedly intoxicated eyewitnesses’ utterly ludicrous accounts of a freakishly muscular, unbelievably strong girl.

A girl who had then demonstrated the full extent of her gender-bending muscular superiority. Tossing the carnage into the river like a dismembered rag doll, she sauntered towards the overturned van, every step turning her amazing legs into a symphony of bulging, striated power. Without even pausing, the incredibly muscled girl thrust her arms deep into the engine compartment, and lifted the van clear off the road. She was so strong that while suspending entire skewered vehicle, she walked it to the edge of the river, and with a heave, hurled the van into the fast-moving current. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 24, 2008, 08:06:01 pm


And although a couple witness had described her facial expression in detail, one even noting her striking good looks and facial beauty, none of them were able or willing to make a positive identification. But to those onlookers that were shown a few photographs of suspects, the investigators had noted that they all had paled, some shaking visibly, when shown the recent, senior high school picture of Mercy. But all refused to ID her as the girl in question, some even refusing to indicate Mercy was even at The Riverside Club, refused the offer of witness protection, and their fearful reaction wasn’t enough to bring to court. Not that the investigative team tried that hard, considering the less-than-upstanding nature of the victims involved. There was, after all, some degree of karma involved.

What the investigators would never know is that each witness had been paid a surreptitious visit soon after the incident by a certain young, beautiful, brown-haired girl wearing a sleeveless shirt that showed off simply stupendous, freakish arm musculature. Her ultra-short skirt revealed monstrous legs whose only competition in muscularity were her own astonishing arms. The mortified witnesses could not help but recognizer her from the incident, just as they would soon recognize her high school picture again.

They also could not help but notice what was fastened on her wrists. Bizarrely enough, the girl was also wearing no less than three sets of police-issue, maximum security handcuffs that secured her wrists together. These special manacles were nearly ten times as strong as regulation-issue cuffs, and used only on those who might have the resources to cut through regular handcuffs. They also weighed ten pounds each, yet the powerful girl wore three of them as easily as bracelets. However, what was most disturbing to every eyewitness was that she had no escorts, no police around her at all. Their fear intensifying, each realized that although she was apparently bound, the murderous musclegirl was alone… and free. Furthemore, the girl had picked her location and time to visit each witness carefully, and each of them came to the mortifying realization that there was no one else was in the vicinity. Just one witness, and one young, incredible female predator.

In front of each now petrified witness, the girl smiled meaningfully and raised her bound hands high above her crop of long  brown hair, unfolding her shockingly muscled torso to flaring, majestic proportions that utterly dwarfed the cowering individual in front of her. Her scapulae winged outwards inhumanly, spreading almost a foot in each direction and effortlessly ripping out her shirt sides. Her huge, shaved underarms were now fully exposed, each actually bigger than her lovely face, and the musky scent of her arousal saturated the entire area. She delighted in her own unimaginable strength by rippling her obscene muscles to truly hellish relief, effortlessly straining the manacles to their breaking point. Her shoulder girdle was so massive, her lats so wide, that each side looked capable of devouring an entire human head in their oversized muscle-formed vaults as she swayed, growing increasingly pumped with her arms outstretched overhead.

Smelling her own arousal, she pushed her pointy chin up past the thick meat of her pectorals, and extending her exceptionally long, strong tongue, sensually licked her lips. As the girl moaned in self-lust, her freakish muscles bulged ever larger with arousal, pumping up as she savored the moment. She smiled dreamily – even well deodorized, she could detect that her exquisitely girlish smell was incredible. Sweet. Strong. Unbearably sexy. Like the nectar that now started gushing between her legs as her soaked panties fell torn to the grown, burst asunder from being unable to contain the monstrosity of her meat. Inhumanly, her underwear's destruction was due to a simple tensing from between the girl’s awesome legs... her sexual leviathan had exploded apart yet another pair of panties to reveal a hulking brute of a groin, bursting with muscular sexuality.  For the first time, each witness now saw the girl up-close in all her inconceivable development, and the sight of her inconceivably powerful genitals coupled with the smoky erotic scent of her ungodly strength simply overwhelmed them, their senses so overcome that each tumbled to the ground stunned before the self-aroused, beautiful beast. She looked at them, smirking. Even though she would never admit to thinking it, that’s where they belonged – on their knees, bowing at her feet. Beneath a superior sex that could literally dismember and consume them. Being spattered by her wetness, or better yet, her divine jack. She finally brought her hellishly sculpted arms down, coiling them and flexing her huge, towering biceps into a mindboggling, dominating display of unequallable muscularity.

It was also a menacing demonstration of ungodly strength, for she easily snapped all three manacles apart, almost inadvertently with her flex, like they were made of cheap plastic. Their hardened steel were clearly nothing to her. If any of the witnesses failed to register what she had just done to the handcuffs, a single satisfied glance with those deep blue eyes towards the three thick, shattered metal strands hanging uselessly from her wrists on the peaked backdrop of the world’s ultimate biceps would focus their mortified attention on the inescapable conclusion. Nothing was capable of stopping her. She never said a word, but she got her point across to every trembling witness. She could find them. And literally tear them to pieces. be cont'd...
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on March 30, 2008, 09:15:35 pm


Of course, the psychologist also knew none of this. In as much as he had no idea that his online resume, his former employers, or word of mouth had attracted Mercy’s attention. Although he was genuinely shaken by the sheer goriness of what had been in the county morgue, the man was far more skeptical when it came to the story of the superhuman girl. After all, no witness identified her, despite allegedly getting good views of her face. Alcohol, drugs, and overactive imaginations combined with latent erotic longings were far more likely in his world. He’d shaken his head. After all, a girl catching a car, overturning it with her bare hands, and then ripping out the door before she literally destroyed several men, tearing one limb from limb? Popping a head like a pimple? Come on -- who’d believe that? That is, until he actually met Mercy today. And saw her muscles.


He started, refocused, and saw that Mercy had finally indeed spoken. She was looking at him, her large blue eyes questioning but without any apparent emotion. He shook himself mentally, taking a deep breath to calm his own anxiety, coming back to the present. He especially avoided looking directly at her eyes, for it was easy to get lost in those deep, intensely azure pools that now regarded him with placid, childlike inquiry. Like the girl that the report described, Mercy was young, stunningly beautiful, and impossibly muscular; however, she also came across as almost naïve despite that tremendously built, powerful body. Except for that flash of anger when he tried to slap her, when she’d recounted her dream, Mercy displayed none of the emotional cues of vicious sadism like the girl in the report. Or the 10 year-old she had just made herself out to be in her dreams.

“Do YOU think that I’m… you know…” Mercy paused as if unsure to continue, and closed her doe-like eyes. Resigned, she sighed heavily while bringing up both unbelievably sculpted arms and coiling them in the beginning of a yawning stretch.  If her previous movement had resulted an symphony, these caused an earthquake. The therapist couldn’t contain gasping at the sight.

Gigantic lats appeared out of nowhere, instantly filling and then overcoming the armholes on her vest, effortlessly splitting apart the seams to flare out unrestrained as vast, massive wings beneath her rising arms. Her released lats kept growing and spreading, her enormous flare seeming to take up the width of the loveseat. Huge, vein-filled arms bursting with unimaginable muscle that now became alive with almost ludicrous bulges and angles as they flexed, both towering biceps turning into softball-sized ovals of visibly immense power. Arching her back, Mercy’s giant chest literally erupted, the spaces between buttons turning into gaping holes that exposed her granite flesh. Since she wore no bra, all he saw was the stunningly deep, notched cleavage between two monumental chest slabs of pure girl brawn that were easily tearing apart her top… then all the buttons burst and her monstrous pecs poured out like conquering armies, her small nipples shamelessly exposed amongst the shredded expanses of unearthly girlbeef. His jaw dropped at her bared, massive, hideously muscled chest. Instead of breasts, Mercy had separations, striations, and veins. Even under her girlish nipples, Mercy had no breasts whatsoever; she was 100% granite muscle -- simply too ripped, too shredded for any fatty tissue anywhere at all. Except for those small, exquisitely feminine nipples, her exposed chest was two hulking, masculine sculptures of ungodly gender-smashing muscularity.
“… sexy?” Mercy finished.

He was surprised by the unexpected ending of her question, and his head jerked up from ogling her now mostly-exposed, insanely muscular physique to look at her young, gorgeous face. To his consternation, Mercy was staring at him with her eyes narrowed. Her blazing eyes were blue lasers that pierced into his very soul. It was as if she could read his every thought. She took a deep breath, her face darkening like a thundercloud. Just the expression on her young face chilled him as she maintained her vest-shredding posture. By her hardened features and how she was measuring his response, he suddenly realized Mercy had done the fake yawn motion deliberately. But why would she…?

Beads of cold sweat started to form on the psychologist’s forehead, his stomach sinking into a bottomless pit of fear as he realized what was happening: in “innocently” adopting this posture, she knew what her incredible muscles would to her clothing. She’d burst right out, and she did. Mercy was showing off her mindboggling musculature. Like the girl did that night, right before she entered the van…! His horror grew ever greater, and it felt like he couldn’t even take a breath as he watch the beauty become a beast right before his eyes. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on April 02, 2008, 09:35:01 pm


Adjusting her arms to a more traditional outstretched muscle pose, a now barechested Mercy chuckled menacingly, her perfect teeth glistening. He stared helplessly at the unusually pointed, prominent canines that foreshadowed her ferocious inner predator. She slowly flexed first one massive, breastless pec into hellishly striated prominence, and then the other. The therapist paled, whimpering, as layer upon layer of freakish striations formed, networks of hose-like veins protruding over every inch of obscene pectoral development. She was so ripped, Mercy had dramatic dimples hewn into her huge pecs, the deep divots larger than some women’s breasts at her deltoid tie-ins.  Her visible power was ungodly – she looked like she could lift an entire freeway of vans. Mercy smirked and perked her astoundingly powerful, naked pecs demonstratively, flicking her small nipples up and down, before abruptly snap-flexing her chest into an utterly male-shaming display of inhuman muscular supremacy. Not a single inch of her colossal pecs wasn’t deeply etched with individual muscle fibers and veins that threatened to burst right out of her skin.

A small pool of urine started to form on the carpet, trickling down his pant leg as he pissed himself in fear at the muscles of Mercy. She glanced in disdain at the familiar reaction to her mindblowing muscularity – it was not uncommon for even more waste to unload from sheer terror when confronted with her inconceivable physicality. Her strength was fathomless, more than capable of crushing an army of men like ants. Just like she had done to a teenaged male gymnast as a mere 10 year-old girl. Or any man that found her sexy.

Mercy openly admired the nightmarish hulking muscularity of her bared, clenched chest, her hardening sex nubs noticeably erect amidst their flushing areolas. Lifting her arms overheard, she moaned in arousal from her own magnificent body, oozing brute strength out of every pore. Even the vaguely smoky, musky smell of her ungodly strength permeated the room from out of Mercy's enormous muscle vaults. Her erotic, heady scent flooded every inch of the room, adding to the sense of utter domination she exuded. The man huddled back in his chair, heart pounding from both fear and the irresistible tide of pheromones, as Mercy gave him a wicked grin, and then fully flexed into a monster double biceps pose with stupefying results.

The psychologist cried out in alarm as her exploding physique completely obliterated what was left of her top, her outlandish muscles summoned to their true colossal size, and she fixed him a look of absolute, dominant superiority. There was no comparison between her magnificent physique and any human. Not even a shred of clothing was now left on the beautiful girl’s matchlessly muscled, pumped upper body as she relaxed her pose, readjusting her position calmly. Mercy’s shy, hesitant demeanor had completely evaporated in the angry heat of her muscular explosion and self-lust.  He quivered in absolute terror, as a now brazenly topless, spectacularly muscular Mercy coolly regarded him with those deep blue eyes, a slight tug on the corner of her lips. She was an absolute beast, an animal muscled beyond all reason, and she was unleashed.

“You do find me sexy, don’t you…” she said huskily, her voice laden with threat as she affirmed the answer to her own question. A slight twisted smile played on her lips. Nothing that beautiful could also ever have seemed as sinister as the look on Mercy’s gorgeous face. Never breaking eye contact, she licked her top lip and then her bottom one, as if she was savoring his heart-pounding terror.

Still seated, Mercy reached for and grasped the heavy, solid knob of the door beside her, the room’s only exit. She twisted the lock on the door with a definitive click, and looked at him meaningfully. He swallowed hard, realizing that she was intentionally locking him in with her;  there was no other way out. Then to his disbelieving eyes, with one sinewy hand, Mercy simply twisted the knob right off the door. It didn’t even look like she had tried to do it; there was no jerk or dramatic eruption of bulging muscle, just the casual separation of the solid metal knob from the rest of the lock as it provided all the resistance of soft wax against the incomprehensible might of Mercy. He started to hyperventilate. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on April 11, 2008, 09:24:00 pm

... cont'd...

As if to add punctuation to her question, Mercy leaned forward and held up the broken brass knob right in front of his face, muscles rippling all over her topless physique. Numbed, he barely seemed to register the sight: he was mesmerized by the hard sapphire eyes. He was all but hypnotized, as the incredible blue-eyed beauty with the barechested, unbelievably muscular body offered up the evidence of her shocking strength, inches from his glazed eyes. With a smirk, Mercy slowly waved it in front of him, patiently drawing his attention until blinking, he managed to focus fully on the snapped-asunder knob in the palm of her hand.

When she saw she had he was concentrating on the knob right before him, she closed her fingers on it… and crushed it like a marshmallow. The metal imploded, actually deforming, flowing, and shattering around her unstoppable fingers with screeches and crunches as her hand closed into a fist of ungodly strength. He stared agog at her fist, at the sinews visible beneath the skin of her barely fuzzed knuckles, at the large veins that protruded, feeding even more strength where no more strength was even conceivable. Mercy smiled ominously, and the man cowered away, afraid that she would send her fist straight through his head – he knew deep down that his skull was clearly all but an eggshell to her. Instead her fist slowly unclenched, and the sight of the solid metal knob’s remains sent him into more palpitations -- all that was left were the pulverized pieces on the floor, and on her hardened palm were tiny crumbs of absolutely annihilated metal, shattered beyond any recognition. Mercy had done that with one bare hand. Without any exertion whatsoever.

He started to cry softly, mortified by her effortless demonstration of unmitigated power. There really hadn’t been any doubt before, but for him, this up-close display of brute strength struck the point home: Mercy truly was the girl in the report. The muscles. The strength. It could be no one else. And she had just made escaping the room impossible.

“Watch” she ordered.

Still boring holes through him with her blazing blue eyes, Mercy took the mangled metal and pushed it hard onto her own bare chest, right where a breast should have been. Instead, all that was there was a massive, ridged slab of veiny pectoral muscle, and a small, feminine nipple. She smiled as she pressed harder and tensed the huge pec into freakish shredded prominence, stimulating herself as her brown sex nub started to fully erect. More veins rolled to the surface, and Mercy shut her eyes with a sordid, erotic moan. Her musk again inundated the room, making him sweat in terror and arousal as the scent of her sweet strength saturated the air.

She removed her hand from her pec, showing just how hard she had pressed the metal crumbs of the shattered knob against her unyielding chest muscle. He gasped, stunned. Her strength was so great that the metal had been plastered into a paper-thin patch over her nipple; it was so compressed so thin that it looked like brass paint. He could see every detail of her sexy areola outlined, and the etches of her striated pec. With a nasty snicker, Mercy again perked her pecs, causing individual veins and muscle fibers to emerge, bending the thin metal and making her nipples leap. She again licked her lips in arousal, and flexing harder and harder, concentrating on actually flexing just her lower pecs. the area around her nipples. Her aroused, hellishly hardened brown nub burst out of the metal as it flicked with her dancing chest sinew, causing the worn brass to disintegrate into flakes. She grinned at her strength and the psychologist gripped the chair, his face and knuckles white at her immense musclepower. Terrified out of his mind. And he didn’t even know what Mercy was truly capable of; that her erect nipples could shred hardened steel, that she could snap an inch-thick steel chain with a mere twitch of her hulking, breastless pecs.

Mercy abruptly stood up to her full 5’8” height as he flinched and cowered in the chair, sweating bullets as she loomed barechested over him. Her massive, flaring lats were fully visible from the front, pushing her huge chiseled arms out at 45 degrees and they were so broad, so vast that Mercy completely eclipsed him in her shadow. Her flare was so dramatic she actually looked like a gigantic winged creature about to prey upon him.

As she breathed, he fully registered, for the first time, the absolutely insane muscularity Mercy possessed even on her stomach. She didn’t have just six pack abs, or even an eight pack… the girl had a clear TEN pack. Two columns and five amazing rows of inch-thick blocks, fully separated even at rest. Only her tiny, sexy navel disrupted the jagged perfection of her magnificent abs. Abs so deep that one could lose a digit between the inhuman jutting bricks of hardened flesh. The muscular detail on her torso was something that Michelangelo would have been at a loss to capture on sculpted perfection. Surrounding the grid of abdominal ingots were individual slashing fingers of sinew that made up a stunning side-armor of steely obliques. The girl’s flesh was so hard, a sledge hammer would shatter itself against her midsection. Mercy was in better condition than any contest-ready professional bodybuilder, and it was an ordinary day for her. No man or woman could match her beyond perfect genetic structure, or inhuman level of conditioning. It was a realization that became even more pronounced when Mercy reached for the waist of her skirt…

“That's just the beginning...” be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on April 16, 2008, 11:46:51 pm


She tore off her long wrapped skirt, turning around as she did so. He wheezed, uncomprehending at the bared spectacle before his eyes, the magnificent revelation of her nude ass. Mercy possessed a rear that he wouldn’t have believed to be humanly possible. It couldn’t be described as “tight” – her buttocks weren’t just in the same league as the most shredded male bodybuilder’s glutes, they were in another world. Hell, another universe. Mercy’s haunches were so deeply hollowed at their sides, the psychologist could probably have fit his entire hand in her carved, notched butt dimples. Every gluteal muscle wasn’t only separated, or even striated, her entire ass was actually ridged in three dimensions, carved from her waist to her bulging hamstrings. To his astonishment, Mercy’s shrunken – but paradoxically bulging –  gluteal blocks looked like they had been hewn from layers of sedimentary rock, but even that comparison couldn’t do her justice: the truth was she could actually crush such rock to sand between those amazingly hard, chiseled buttocks. She possessed the freakiest, scariest ass on the planet. And emerging from that unholy beast of gluteal granite, as that earlier glimpse of her huge jagged calves had suggested, were legs as monstrously muscular as Mercy’s arms. 

Oaken thighs each the size of his waist sprouted out of her ludicrously narrow haunches, completely carved into massive, rippling pillars of brute might. Mercy’s hamstrings were the equal of her freakish arm biceps, so full and peaked that they suggested actual hams had been stuffed into those leg biceps. The sweep of her quads seemed almost unnatural, so full were her muscle bellies that they looked ready to spew out of the gigantic hanging teardrops they formed. And even the slightest movement sent caused striations to deeply feather the granite beef that constituted the stronggirl’s hugely sculpted thighs. It didn’t seem possible that any mortal flesh could ever appear as hard appearing, but it was plainly visible right in front of him. Each muscle was the size of most other bodybuilders’ muscle groups. It was no longer a wonder how Mercy could actually catch a speeding vehicle when she had legs like these.

Between her slim ankles and small knees were the wonders of her calves and front shin muscles. Her anterior lower leg muscles were so well developed they were the size of a normal man’s calves, and visibly far harder. Behind them and her fully covered shin bone flared the double-headed beasts that he’d caught a glimpse of earlier, but were now fully exposed in all their shocking glory.  Mercy didn’t have calves; she didn’t even have cows. She had bulls on the back of her lower legs, hulking oxen that made a mockery of anything someone else could flex and call a calve muscle.  The extent of mass and separation of those strapping hulks made her look like she could leap and launch herself onto rooftops if she so desired. Mercy was so far beyond anyone else that Mercy could only be compared to, well, Mercy.  As she turned to face him, and as he stared agog at the muscular revelation of her lower body, the therapist could not help but notice the protruding network of veins that ran everywhere like rivers all over  the bulging, striated muscle bellies, especially the large-bore vessels that ran from her feet all the way up and into her…

Dear God…
“I’m all muscle. Everywhere.”

The muscles of Mercy were utterly unimaginable, even between her legs.

He stared, agog. Mercy wasn’t wearing any underwear, and beneath her ample bush, it was plainly obvious that even her crotch was stuffed and overstuffed with hideous muscularity. She was mind-boggling; never had any sex organ evolved into something so visibly powerful. Mercy’s overdeveloped vulva actually resembled a jutting ribcage, her internal vaginal muscles so hypertrophied they actually protruded externally in bulging, iron bands of shredded sex beef.  Her labia was so hardened with striated fuck muscle, it was actually serrated with steely, individual muscle fibers protruding like jagged teeth. Her cunt muscles were so impossibly developed that Mercy actually possessed the fabled vagina dentata of myth – but her muscularly fanged pussy far exceeded the legend of the merely incising cunt. Mercy’s vaginal jaws were not only steel hard, but had the strength to completely crush diamonds to dust. Just as ungodly as her fearsome, man-eating slit appeared, her huge clitoris was unimaginably pumped. The thick stud protruded out those heavy vaginal jaws, a squat sexual outcropping of erectile rock. And not only was it overdeveloped, Mercy’s clitoris was actually muscular, impossibly muscular, sculpted to a truly inhuman degree of sexual smooth muscle that only Mercy could possibly achieve. Her entire sex was so hard it far outclassed both genders of the rest of humanity, just like her muscular development.

Mercy moved right up to him, straddled the chair and stood over him, breathtakingly nude and utterly menacing with that bared, unstoppable groin weapon between her legs. Her beauty and muscularity were truly an unprecedented combination – she encapsulated physical perfection, covering and exceeding the entire spectrum from the female Figure to the male Olympia bodybuilding title.  In fact, she was the one person who could unify all the Olympia titles: surpass the entire Figure contest with her beauty, level the Fitness portion with her athleticism, and absolutely dominate both female AND male Bodybuilding ranks with her freakish proportionate mass and conditioning. Mercy was simply matchless, a physical specimen evolved beyond either gender. The current Figure holder was homely compared to Mercy’s beauty, while Mr. Olympia looked like a shapeless stick compared to her physique. And as to what was between her legs, there wasn’t even a contest – be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on April 21, 2008, 05:25:27 pm


Mercy lowered herself onto him, giving him an eyeful of her shredded massive pecs, and spread her lats so wide that she completely filled his field of view. She hadn’t spread fully before, and he goggled as the girl boundlessly grew wings beneath her arms. Her aroused scent completely overwhelmed him, addling his brain and making him breathless with lust. Struggling helplessly against her overwhelming sexuality, he felt his groin stir with a mind of its own.  Mercy lustfully moaned, a sordid throaty sound that was as irresistible as the sirens of myth. He stared at a perfectly developed chest of young beef whose sheer brute muscular eroticism had no equal. She was more perfectly muscular than the entire Mr. O lineup, and sexier than a stageful of porn stars.  With a speed that amazed him, he soon involuntarily obtained the largest erection of his life… but was utterly outmatched by the supremely evolved groin that Mercy sported. 

Nonetheless, his tenting trousers abutted up against the hairy monstrosity of Mercy’s dripping groin as she straddled him. Feeling his erection poke impotently at her far mightier genitalia, Mercy smiled knowingly. Therapist or not, he was just like the rest; nothing could resist her… or survive her. "Your choice…” Mercy breathed, her voice a smoky jazz riff of temptation. She eyed him, the sapphire in her eyes hotter than an acetylene torch. But what he thought was desire burned with more than just sexual heat. For what this same therapist had done with Mercy’s sister Grace six years ago had been enough to seal his fate....

Grace had just married her high school sweetheart and been invited to Colorado Springs for the upcoming trials for the American track and field team. Already an amazing pole vaulter who had the ability to challenge even male competitors when she was on her game, it was obvious that Grace needed better mental preparation, and a psychologist had been enlisted to help. And “help” her he did, for Grace was as irresistible a girl as could be imagined – a tall, gorgeous blonde with a top model’s looks and an amazingly muscled body that typified a pole vaulting machine come to life.  The broad shoulders and powerful arms, with a flaring, thickly muscled back sprouting from small hips. Pert breasts that sat on visibly powerful pecs, just above a deeply chiseled eight-pack. Long, sculpted legs that any athlete would covet. At 18 years of age, Grace was the perfect example of the perfect female athlete. The psychologist was absolutely smitten by her looks, and her therapy, if it could be called that, was intense.

It could be said that the man was good at his craft, a master manipulator whose skills allowed his clients to succeed... and allowed him to succeed on his clients. It didn’t take long for him to make their sessions the height of pleasure in the back room, the pricking of the psychologist’s conscience no match for the lusty bounty of raw sexuality that Grace’s marvelous physicality could generate. Although she actually only had a fraction of the mental and physical gifts that her younger sister absolutely overflowed with, Grace’s personality was almost the opposite of Mercy. Whereas Mercy was often inhibited and brainy – her shockingly muscular body notwithstanding – Grace was all about meeting people and going with the flow. She was no match for this psychologist, who cajoled and enraptured her... and then completely abandoned her when Grace left her husband for him. In less than a year, a young Mercy saw her older sister’s marriage dissolve, and then watched her go from Olympic hopeful spiraling down to an emotional wreck over an anonymous older man. Grace had been crushed, but she refused to say who she had left her husband over, even to own family. Busy in academia, distracted as she appeared, young as she was, Mercy knew... and she begged her sister to report him. But Grace resisted, preferring instead to drown her sorrow by partying with a wild crowd from The Riverside Club.

Of course, one thing led to another, and soon Grace was involved in a heady mix of substances that she’d never dream of using, and with a set of rough companions she’d never dream of befriending. After yet another sky-high fling landed her skidding through the legal system, she told Mercy that she finally reported her old therapist, and mentioned the name of a man from Justice who said that a high-level investigation would be launched. Although a mere 12 year-old, Mercy had stared at her older sister, her tears spilling at the sight.

While Mercy had grown ever more powerful, her hypermuscled physique the embodiment of untold physical ability, her blonde sister was a bedraggled shadow of her former self, even compared to a couple years back. Though her eyes were glassy, there was enough of a semblance of this Grace to the pole vault champion that Mercy knew, for even the most dangerous drugs available on the street couldn’t erase the genetically endowed physique that Grace possessed. Admittedly, the contrast in muscularity had always been extremely noticeable between the two sisters, but now, when she was compared to her older sister... Mercy looked like she was a superior species -- she was that muscular at age 12, despite being six years younger than Grace. Aside from the fact that both were gorgeous, they no longer even appeared to be related when they were together. Well, it was no matter. The barely teenaged Mercy wondered who could take Grace seriously, a criminal high on drugs, let alone someone from Justice. As she expected, nothing came of any investigation of the corrupt psychologist; there probably was no investigation, if Grace had reported anything at all.

Several years later, Mercy wept the night that Grace disappeared for good, though her raped, broken body was found in a persistent vegetative state near the Riverside. Grace had somehow apparently overdosed, and although her body would recover, the specialists said her mind would be another matter. Mercy dove into her studies and the gym with new meaning – these men, who used and abused, they would all pay for their choices. She would find them, and she would make them all pay.
The therapist made his choice by undoing his pants and sliding his underwear down, and then bridging upward. Even though his better judgment screamed at him --  hell, his entire sense of survival was shrieking at him to look at what he was getting himself into -- the immediate needs of his own sexual desire were simply overwhelming. A nude Mercy was also overwhelming. But his needs, that had been so potently rewarded by countless episodes of pleasure in this very room, far outweighed the sane decision. He had indeed used up his measure of Grace, and in so doing, was at the Mercy of her sister, who was anything but her name. He gasped as his male wood came up against unimaginably pumped female iron. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on May 01, 2008, 05:17:37 am


Mercy smirked at his reaction to her sizzling sex muscles, and lowered herself on him slightly. For her own amusement, she watched him buck his hips against her with increasing desperation, his fully erect penis ineffectually try to penetrate her insanely built, muscularly fanged pussy. The amazing girl laughed in derision -- it was like trying to enter a bank vault with a piece of straw. That was how puny and fragile his genitals were compared to hers.

In utter contempt, Mercy flexed open her beastly slit to its full size, and the man gasped at the alien sight of her amazing, carnivorous second mouth gaping open. She rolled her hips, and with a single gulp, her powerpussy snatched and engulfed ALL of his organs into her sexual maw. He shrieked as Mercy devoured his entire sexual apparatus in her own super-evolved groinbeast. Sexually, she was far beyond human! “Is this what you want?” she hissed as she slowly started tensing her vaginal muscles. Her amazing pussy bulged, the fanglike striations rippling and bunching visibly. He started to groan as the pressure became unbearable, but little did he realize that Mercy’s hairy mound of fuck muscle was exerting only the tiniest fraction of its strength, and she continued to effortlessly compress him.

The man struggled desperately to free himself, but even ten times his strength would have been pathetically futile against Mercy’s matchless musclepower. When he started to scream outright, Mercy closed her eyes and smiled blissfully, cocking her head to enjoy his agony. For what he had done, his screaming was music to her ears. Licking her lips, the vicious musclegirl allowed herself to clench her magnificent cunt. A blinding agony exploded from his groin as her ungodly love organ constricted itself into a solid granite hulk of otherworldly power, his trapped penis and scrotum not even providing noticeable resistance to the fearsome vaginal muscles of Mercy.

A single simple clench not only castrated him, but in a millisecond, she literally pulped and liquefied his genitalia within her powerpussy. Her crushing fuck vice was so immeasurably strong that his manhood was instantly pulverized into unrecognizable gristle, a smear that oozed out of her hellish slit like a paste. He stared at her in dazed horror as blood poured out of his amputated groin, unable to register his fate. As she opened her cobalt eyes to look implacably at him, Mercy’s smile widened; she wasn't done.

His sexual annihilation had been just for fucking Grace. What Mercy was about to relish doing was for taking Grace's life. be cont'd...

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 26, 2009, 07:02:54 am
Hey reaper, I totally forgot you had posted this here, but I gotta say, this story is just incredible, one of the best as far as muscle description is concerned, I hope that you're still writing somewhere, if so I left a PM in your box that I hope you answer. k+
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 20, 2011, 01:02:27 am

Okay, maybe the word "forthcoming" was not the best choice for the time frame ensuing. ::)
Nonetheless, here we go to the finale....


Her colossally muscled legs pressed down hard onto his lap, the weight of unstoppable muscles pinning him deep into the chair. Her gigantic hamstrings, those leg biceps whose flexed peaks matched those of her unreal arm biceps, bulged downwards into his thighs with ominous power, enough to push his femurs to their breaking point. As he gasped in pain, Mercy looked deep into his eyes… and flexed her hamstrings. The bulging of her leg peaks into bowling balls of granite was like two anvils dropping into chopsticks: his femurs shattered as he howled, his broken legs on fire. Mercy exhaled with vicious pleasure, pulsing her hamstring peaks and repeatedly crunching his femurs to more and more fragments as he screamed for her to stop.

Rolling back her narrow hips, Mercy positioned her erect, oversized clitoris at the crater where his male organs had once been. Licking her lips Mercy enjoyed the delicious feel of her pleasure organ erotically and aggressively pressing into his bloody, oozing wound. It was hellishly pleasurable, and her little sex stud had no give whatsoever – she was as hard as, no HARDER than steel! Mercy relished the thought of violating him somewhat at like a male would a female! With a terrifying grin, Mercy thrust forward. Her chiseled abdomen surged into spectacular bulging definition, each brick of her amazing 10-pack erupting with sensual strength as Mercy’s mighty genitals plowed into him, ramming into his pelvis with unstoppable fuck power. She raped him like the ultimate jackhammer she was, pistoning him with a force and endurance no dozen man could match, plundering him, ravaging his body pitilessly like a bull in a china shop!

In a demonstration of her inconceivable sexual strength and prowess, Mercy flexed her sexy carnivorous groin in a way no one else could. Her nightmare groin reopened its hellish mouth even wider, and seized more of his already annihilated crotch in a serrated grip of unappeasable ferocity – as if not satisfied with consuming his sexual organs, her insatiable musclemound wanted to devour the rest of him as well!

Mercy grabbed his flailing arms, and overpowering him as easily as a helpless child, consolidated her grip so she was crushing his wrists in the iron grip of just one hand. He screamed as the bones in both his captured wrists shattered, one by ones as she nonchalantly played with her fingers… then she started pulling up. As he felt the ligaments and tendons in shoulders start to burn, fires of pain stabbing him relentlessly as his connective tissues snapped fiber by fiber against the inexorable might of Mercy’s left arm. He stared in utter horror as he realized that like the third victim in the report, she was going to rip his arms right off his body. Instead, the gorgeous young musclebeast twisted her wrists and simultaneously coiled her arm across her body into a rear biceps pose, uncaring at what this simple movement did to him. So great was Mercy’s strength that she barely noticed the physical resistance his arms put up as they bent and his bones broke like matchsticks. All she cared about was fully peaking that freakish veined mountain towering from her arm, a muscle that no man could match. She snarled proudly and pumped it once, and the jagged bicep beast grew, the twin peaks surging like a demon beneath her already tight skin into inhuman, towering heads. She smiled at the ungodly symbol of her matchless man-killing strength.

She pressed her carnivorous, ravenous pussy up hard against his abdomen, her horrific ubergenitalia jutting into his torso as her unimaginable physique pinning him and his chair against the wall. His struggles to free himself were not even noticeable gestures against her fully naked, supreme hardbody. Inches in front of his dazed eyes, he saw an inhuman spectacle of matchless muscularity as Mercy slowly flexed one giant pec, then the other. Each ultra-masculine slab bubbled into freakishly hard striated masses that matched any merely human standard of development...exceeded it… and then doubled that standard. The spectacular stronggirl leaned forwards and snapflexed her bare breastless chest, her huge freakishly thick pecs bursting forward with such force they punched his face back with vicious speed. The back of his head was sent backwards so hard, it cracked the plaster, leaving him stunned. Mercy’s grin was fiendish. She twisted her torso slightly, and again slammed his face into one of her unyielding pecs. She repositioned herself slightly to forcefeed him an erect, perfect nipple. Her smile was now one of absolute contentment as she roughly ground his face into her perfect nipple, stimulating herself on one sexy nub that mutilated his lower face before she unrelentingly mashed his breaking face into the other steely nipple. Mercy didn’t care what effect it had on him, not even noticing how his facial features were being smashed, bones crumpling by the unforgiving ridged steel contours of her striated pectoral brawn as she repeatedly flexed her fearsome chest. She blissfully mulched his face with flex after flex, pumping up and arousing herself. When Mercy finally let up, his ruined visage rested in the notched depth of her cast-iron muscle cleavage. She resisted the urge to do a most muscular, and pop his head like a pimple with her huge pecs alone.

Instead, the nude musclebeast rose up, row after row of jutting abs repeatedly knocking back his face, her immense columns of female muscle rippling against his torso before her juicy, erect clit scraped his cheeks, until her hairy, steaming castrating superslit was right in front of his face. Between the weird toothy striations, it dripped with gristle, the pulverized remains of his own manhood. Mercy’s clitoris batted roughly on his forehead, female pleasure organ shot through with veins and muscular detail, literally throbbing with earth-crushing fuck power! Through tear-streaked eyes, he could see the steely, protruding striations of hulking vaginal sinew ripple hungrily on Mercy’s mighty mound – the mighty groinbeast that had castrated him! Her predatory clam was so pumped up with steely sinew, its jagged serrated lips looked like the fanged jaws of some hideous creature.

With another sordid moan, Mercy rolled her miniscule hips forward so that he got a face full of her ferocious, cannibalistic pussy. Her shredded glutes bunched into shrunken striated cubes that no bodybuilder could even hope to equal, remarkable ridges of muscle fibers carved from paraspinals all the way to hamstrings, Mercy viciously thrust her pelvis forward, smashed his face with her implacable, rock-hard sex, carelessly and effortlessly breaking and re-breaking his nose, his cheeks, his teeth. Pummeling him with hip toss after hip toss, she repeatedly pummeled his head into a bloody misshapen pulp with her mighty crotch. Mercy’s power pussy plundered him like a jackhammer, her vicious vaginal jaws seizing and then sinking its muscle-teeth into his flesh, tearing asunder chunks like a lioness on its kill! The last orgasmic thrust sent her rock-hard clitoris into his mouth, breaking his teeth like paper tabs. But her thrust didn’t stop at her mighty genitals filling his mouth; instead, Mercy flexed herself through the back of his mouth and deep into brain. He started to convulse as another orgasmic Mercy thrust sent her monstrous female leviathan straight through part of his skull, as if he were fragile paper-mache and not flesh and bone. Indeed, Mercy was so inhuman that the maw of her unstoppable sexual apparatus once again open up and seized his violated head in a vaginal death grip. His collapsing head was now in the fangs of her monster Mercy pussy! be ended....

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on January 21, 2011, 01:28:12 am


Mercy smiled… how many girls could actually do a skull-fuck and envelope a human head in their vagina? And no one else had the vaginal strength to do this… and she clenched her super Mercy groin. Her muscular sex hulk obliterated his entire skull like it was crushing a mere egg, carelessly ending his life as a mere afterthought to her lust. And she wasn’t done! Her voracious sexual jaws, jutting with insatiable strength, now seized the top his spine and in a freakshow demonstration of its own extraordinary power. Mercy made her powerpussy slowly rip his entire spine from his body with unreal groin flexes. Her inhuman sexual mouth devoured bone after bone, hungrily crunched each vertebrae until she had eaten his entire spine with her all-consuming Mercy vagina! Mercy sighed as mere spasms of her impending orgasm effortlessly annihilated bone to dust within her almighty fuck beast, feeding her ascent to a thunderous orgasm! With a sexy gasp, Mercy fully orgasmed and ejaculated with that look of pure blissful delight, and more jack than a dozen men could muster exploded out of Mercy’s spasming groin. Her freakishly muscular, hairy mountain of fuck-power sending a boiling torrent of sweet, strong Mercy cum erupting out with such force that she splattered the ceiling, with such volume that she flooded the headless, spineless therapist’s entire body in a baptism of unending sexual superiority.

After minutes of pure ecstasy, Mercy dismounted her newest victim, and the sight of the decapitated, castrated, mutilated male corpse sent another tingle of pleasure through her pumped up, ever-willing groin. Reveling in her unstoppable strength and muscularity, Mercy rose up into a double biceps flex of matchless majestic proportions. She was flexing for both her and Grace, and she was so big and powerful now she far exceeded what Grace could ever have become. Fully pumped into a state far beyond human, her massive lats flared outward and her biceps peaks towered to truly fearsome heights, Mercy ejaculated again, and another endless eruption of Mercy cum exploded out of her magnificent man-killing crotch in a geyser of male-shaming volume and force. After the torrent ceased, Mercy grinned and looked over her own astounding physique. Muscles everywhere, even – no, especially – between her legs. She was so powerful… what should have been the weakest part of her supreme body was actually its strongest, and it looked the part. Exultant, Mercy clenched it, hard, and her powerpussy turned itself into a jacked mass of shredded might, its entire muscle-frenzied bulk completely striating over, individual fibers of steel fuck sinew visibly erupting and protruding from above her clitoral hood, through jutting clit, and down the all the way to her anus. Mercy was more muscular than anyone could imagine, even down to her shitter. Mercy was so strong she could have bitten off multiple bars of steel rebar in her sphincter with a single clench, just as easily as her mighty cunt. After all, she had castrated two adult men simultaneously by biting their penises off with the two muscular holes of between her legs…

Little did those gangbangers realize that the incredibly built teenage girl who they were trying to rob had muscles literally everywhere. They found out the hard way, when Mercy overpowered them and then beat them both to within an inch of death with her bare hands. As they sprawled before her broken and bleeding, smashed nearly senseless by her immense young strength, the musclebeauty then stripped herself completely naked, jubilantly revealing the freakishly muscular physique that would be their end… the sadistic sex beast in her had been awakened! The gangsters couldn’t believe their eyes: the shamelessly nude young woman looked like a champion bodybuilder, with bulging veined muscle piled atop muscle! Not an ounce of fat visible on her nude physique Mercy laughed as they literally pissed themselves in fear as she flared out her gigantic back, her enormous hulking lats displaying her enormous power as she eclipsed both grown men in her monstrous shadow. Her sexy little nipples, erect now, twitched as Mercy made her massive but completely breastless teenaged pecs dwarf both adult men’s chests with pure young beef in fearsome pec flexes that sent veins protruding to the surface over the surging striations. She smiled evilly, anticipating the carnage, as she pumped herself up! Each huge, shredded pec on the gorgeous bare-chested girl’s breastless chest was easily as strong as both men put together! Mercy coiled her arms, her lats winging out, and showing off insane biceps peaks that were each bigger than a split baseball to the horror of the men – how strong was this girl? With a sexy moan, the nude musclegirl undulated her freakish 10 pack abs, clenching her shamelessly exposed preteen pussy harder and harder with each wave, now pumping up her pubescent pussy to ridiculous extremes. The men’s jaws dropped at what emerged beneath her sleek, sexy devil’s horns, thrusting out between her amazingly sculpted legs. Her hairy sex mound became seriously jacked, growing bigger than their scrotums, a young fuck monster harder than granite, striated with sexual sinew that kept getting visibly bigger and stronger with each delicious pussy flex! By the time she was done with her sick show, Mercy was seriously pumped; the nude teenager not only visibly outmuscled both grown men, she also outsexed them! Manhandling both men like rag dolls, Mercy forcibly raped them, summarily devoured both their puny tools at the same time with her insanely built teen body – one in her fanged pussy, the other up her striated ass. The aroused musclebeast controlled both men effortlessly with their cocks trapped in her amazing young sex and shitter, her sexy Mercy muscles in those parts dominating both adult men as easily as the rest of her matchless muscular body! As they begged and screamed helplessly, Mercy licked her lips, raised her arms to show off her incredible arm peaks, and then smiled adorably as only a younger girl can… She flexed her biceps to sharpened towers of unending might, gasping in arousal as her anus and vagina pulverized both dicks to mush with one effortless, lusty clench! Mercy was more than willing to use any part of her utterly jacked body to crush men like bugs! Mercy had made both men her bitches, bloodily raping both men with such vicious power that neither would have ever walked again… if they had lived.

The mere thought of how muscular and capable her body was itself an incredible turn on, but the indescribable sight of her own superhuman genitals was the clincher. The fanged man-crushing cunt, the steely clit....the fathomless fucking muscles of Mercy. With uninhibited glee, Mercy ferociously orgasmed into a most muscular the world would have fainted at, and jacked with such fuck power that her unending blasts of divine Mercy cum actually tore the plaster off the wall. “You’re right, it is reenactment,” Mercy told the mutilated, headless corpse. “Of what you should never have done with my sister.” She looked at the cum-soaked room, the flabbergasting amount of ejaculate she had produced. It was everywhere. On the walls, the ceilings, the ruined furnishings and the annihilated body.
On the file that she picked off the floor.

And as she had found out in her own genetic research, all of her amazing sexual fluids was infuriatingly resistant to DNA analysis. Mercy glanced at the report in the file, and leafed through the folder until found the what she had been looking for penciled on a small memo inside, amidst the autopsy report summaries. She wrinkled her nose. The name was somehow familiar to her... and then it came to her. It was the name of the Justice agent that Grace mentioned years ago. He actually existed. But he had done nothing for Grace… and worse yet, he knew the therapist. Who else could have passed these reports?

Mercy blinked, and a flicker of annoyance came over her beautiful young face as she looked at the clock and realized that it was well past seven. Justice was closed. Well, Justice would be served on another day.

Irritated, Mercy pulled the jammed door, her might easily overcoming the frame and tearing out a chunk of wall as the lock dislodged. In the same smooth motion, she continued to rip the entire door right off its hinges without any effort whatsoever. Her astounding muscles tensed to freakish proportions a she grasped the door between both hands and simply brought those powerful hands together. To her pleasure, it actually provided some resistance. With an anticipatory twitch of her nipples, Mercy flexed her ridiculous pecs, bringing only a fraction of their true power to bear on top of an equally meaningless flex of her sculpted arms. At a mere whim, the solid antique oak was instantly transformed into two shattered pieces of crushed wood, with only compressed splinters between her unstoppable hands. In the now deserted office, no one heard the noise she was making.

Entering the adjacent staff lounge, she made way to the stove and reaching behind it, grasped the gas outlet. One pull and Mercy wrenched several feet of the gas line straight out of the wall, leaks springing all over the tortured piping. With a flick of her wrist that sent her forearm muscles rippling like a snake’s den, Mercy snapped off the outlet like it was made of cheap plastic. As gas spewed forth, she crushed the thick metal outlet in her hand as easily as she did the door knob. She strode naked through the corridor, and retrieved a manual alarm clock with a flint attachment from her backpack in the waiting room. Returning to the staff lounge. she placed it on the counter. The destroyed remnants would hardly be consideration for the arson investigators who would pore through the wreckage of the massive gas explosion that would soon level the small office and literally blow the late-working doctor apart. Or whatever remained of him that was even identifiable.

... Epilogue....

Under the cover of night and impervious to the autumn chill, Mercy slipped out the back of the office. Her fearsome muscles rippling and bunching everywhere on her naked physique with even the simplest of movements, Mercy caught sight of her reflection as she got in her car. In the gathering darkness, her muscularity was visibly beyond what most of humanity could imagine. Her nude body was truly the ultimate in unappeasable power. Her expression was customarily distracted as she drove away, but the inside she smiled, and flexing her incredible, man-crushing muscles. Yes, Justice would be served by the muscles of Mercy… but then her cell phone rang, jolting the nude musclebeast from her reverie. Not recognizing the number, she considered letting it go to voicemail but then flipped on the car’s Bluetooth speakerphone. “Hello?” she said dispassionately
She could barely hear the voice on the other end of the line.
“Who is this?” Mercy asked more loudly.
There was the sound of coughing, then a weak voice whispered.
“Mercy, it’s Grace.”

Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: rodman on January 21, 2011, 01:41:04 am
This does not sound like a conclusion but an intro to a new storyline and super erotic Mercy/Grace series.  8)
Title: Re: The Muscles of Mercy [nsfw, gore]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 23, 2011, 04:57:08 pm
My mouth is literally hanging open as I read each and every incredible sentence! Dude, glad to see you back and writing again, not only that but your prose is better than it ever was! I hope you write more soon! k+!
Title: She Wanted More [reaper0002000]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 05, 2011, 07:07:39 am
***WARNING: If you don't like gore, then you have the option of not continuing further.***

She Wanted More
by reaper0002000

The last time he’d seen her, Revaness had knocked him out with a single effortless punch. He’d made her mad, and without thinking, the Korean beauty threw a punch. Even though he had been looking right at the bulging muscles on her coiled arm, she was so fast, he couldn’t even see her send her fist into his face. She was so strong, she knocked him out cold with one blow. A single, unplanned nothing jab on impulse. Not even trying, but she was that strong! What he didn’t know was how much she’d surprised herself by secretly enjoying it, her own demonstration of dominating strength. As she looked down disdainfully at his unmoving form, she’d chuckled to herself, and made a quick flex of her arm in mock victory. Her bicep shot up, showing a sharp two headed peak almost two inches above her arm, stunning her. She stared at her own muscle in wonder, a warmth tingling starting to grow between her legs. Her muscles were visibly better than his… she was so fucking strong. The realization totally turned Revaness on, made her seriously drip. She wanted more.

Revaness absently stayed by the jerk to make sure he came around all right, but as soon as he did, she left. As she made her way out, she repeatedly flexed each arm, tingling and dripping as her bulging biceps seemed to just keep somehow getting bigger with each flex, veins rising to protrude on the surface of her hot Asian muscles. God, she wanted more.

So she worked out like a demon, her Korean muscles hypertrophying to shocking degrees as she lifted heavier and heavier weights with less and less effort. Bodyweight benchpresses soon became a warm up activity, and Revaness had to double that for easy reps before tripling it… and then doubling the triple. Pullups soon became an aerobic activity; she had to do single-armed versions, as that was the only way to remotely challenge her. Then she had to add weight to even that. Weights that strong men used for squats were soon another warmup for her; before long, she could do countless lunges with their squat weight. Revaness was delighted; there seemed to be no limits to her physicality. She became freakishly strong. Frighteningly muscular. And it made her only want more.

In her sleeveless top, Revaness was now incredible looking; her amazing facial beauty and unbelievably jacked body… she sported arms that most guys would’ve killed for. Her arms wasn’t just amazingly sculpted anymore, she was seriously big too. And not just big for a girl, but big for anyone. The young, pretty Korean had FAR bigger, MUCH more muscular arms than most guys. And still she wanted more.

It was not chance that brought them back together again, meeting at a gym across town. It was late at night, and he was the only one there when she entered. He was training hard. After all, he’d been totally embarrassed by a young Asian hottie – she’d floored him with one punch! He had taken to working out with renewed vigor, and although his muscles had grown, unfortunately, his ego outmatched their progress. Revaness had heard through mutual acquaintances that he was becoming even more of asshole, and when he slapped one of her friends, the Korean had decided that was it. She now walked up to him, and as usual, her scorching good looks distracted him from how stunningly jacked her physique now was. But he choked visibly as she came close, recognizing her, his eyes nearly coming out of his sockets when he began to register the insane muscularity of her bared arms. She always had great arms, but good Lord…!

“How big are your arms?” she called out. “15 and a half inches,” he replied, quite proudly.



Revaness smirked, “Mine are 17 inches unflexed.”

She brought her arm up, coiling it and watching her huge muscles form perfect sharply peaked shapes, complete with veins and dented striations. He stared in awe at her, and self-consciously glanced his own arms.“Wow, mine are so much better than yours,” she observed, admiring how absolutely genetically superior her muscles were to his.

She proudly flexed, and was rewarded by a vertical explosion of nearly 25% more size to her already scarily towering biceps, but those jagged peaks now clearly separated into two steeply angled heads of rock-hard brawn. Flexing harder brought shocking height and insane fibrous detail in the surging massive muscle belly that stretched her skin tight. Capable of biceps-curling 100lbs for reps on each arm, Revaness now flexed to past 20” of sharp-peaked veined brawn, her young jacked flesh literally as hard as steel. Revaness laughed at the contrast; her bulging arm looked like the ideal sculpture of perfect muscle development, while his arm was smaller and shapeless.

“I’m bigger, harder and stronger,” she taunted, her hard-on starting to noticeably protrude at her crotch. She smiled, realizing the statement was true not only of her biceps, but also of the frightening thing erecting between her legs. Revaness was bigger, harder, and stronger there too. She was starting to drip with arousal. She wanted more.

On a whim, she reached out and grabbed the far side of his head. Her young, clean Asian scent was overwhelming. Confused, he didn’t put up much resistance at first, as Revaness guided his head into the crook of her steely, bulging arm strangely using the back of her hand. He tried to pull away, unsure of what she was doing, and discovered that he was utterly powerless to resist her, unable to even move the back of her hand -- Revaness was so unimaginably strong. He found himself jammed between her thick forearm and beneath his chin, her thick, bulging biceps. Why she was using the back of her hand became evident when Revaness abruptly rotated her wrist. There was a loud sickening pop, and he shrieked. Even without flexing, just rotating her wrist caused her huge biceps to contract into an obscene, sharp vertical mass… and Revaness was so immensely strong, her muscles so developed that the mere shift of her biceps shape was itself strong enough to dislocate his jaw cleanly. She laughed as she felt her amazing biceps peak snap off his jawbone with a simple twist of her wrist! As he started crying in pain, trying futilely to pull away, her dimpled smile widened. It was sexy that she was so strong… she wanted more!

Revaness slowly clenched her fingers into a fist, causing her forearms to erupt into massive splendor, veins crawling liked barbed wire beneath the silky young Asian skin. Trapped between her bulging forearm and her freakish biceps, his jaw splintered audibly between the jagged twin heads that were merely tensed (still unflexed!) to already stunning, hideous prominence. Revaness nearly cummed at the sound of his jaw helplessly fracturing to her ungodly might… and she still hadn’t even truly flexed! She moaned musically, her freakish groin protruding and dripping freely, aroused by her muscles, her effortless, bone-breaking strength… And she wanted more. Looking lovingly at her unearthly peaked arm muscle wedging into his fractured jaw, she finally allowed herself to flex. Her fabulous biceps exploded to its full ungodly size, a split jutting mountain of muscle that was utterly unstoppable, shattering his already broken jaw into countless pieces. Her biceps was so strong it even shattered his teeth, her muscle fibers so hard they crushed enamel like eggshell. Revaness orgasmed at the sight, sound, and feel of her 20” biceps breaking him. She cummed, no, ejaculated with a load that would shame any man as she orgasmed, inadvertently flexing harder and causing her matchless biceps to surge even bigger and harder, now grinding and pulverizing his bones and teeth effortlessly with her unreal, inhuman muscle peaks. Revaness sighed in an orgasmic glow, seriously pumped. She’d dislocated, then broke, then crushed his jaw by just flexing her spectacular biceps. Her muscles, her strength made her orgasm heavenly. Revaness loved it, her musical laugh terrifying, for as easily as she broke him, with a mere flex of her biceps, she was only starting… she wanted more!

Releasing him from her biceps vice, she hungrily tore down the front of her vest to show off how fabulously muscular she was. Now proudly barechested, Revaness wasn’t wearing a bra – she didn’t need one: She was all but breastless, her young, sexy Asian nipples taut against absolutely hulking young Korean pecs. The dimples in her smile deepened as he gasped involuntarily, stunned even through the pain of a shattered face, at the revealed sight of her unreal, almost inconceivable muscularity.

Her exposed torso showed that her perfect, peaked, exquisite muscle shapes weren’t just limited to her magnificent biceps. Her pecs were beyond spectacular. Her shockingly thick slabs of pectoral muscle were breathtakingly defined masses, with chiseled notches and defined separations at rest. Any move that Revaness made turned her enormous, ripped pecs reform into angular, eye-popping ridges and striations. Her Asian nipples were small but unusually long, inconceivably sexy. Beneath the frighteningly thick pectoral overhand, her eight-pack of deeply hewn abs rippled…visibly hard as rock. But Revaness was actually even harder than that; she looked like she was sculpted from the densest hardest steel ever conceived. And every single muscle belly in her torso, from huge pecs to jutting abs, was actually peaked in shape. A genetic Korean freak, she had developed herself into a physical specimen that was literally muscular beyond human perfection… and yet she wanted more.

Revaness’ slit dripped at how scared he became when he saw how incomprehensibly muscular and ripped she was, just through this glimpse of what she had shown him. The already soaked denim on her bulging crotch began to jut, her fierce groin bulging so strongly it started to pop stitches as she became more and more aroused. She splattered the floor almost continuously now with her arousal. His fear of her muscles was about to make her cum again… and she wanted more. She violently tore the rest of her top off to not just show how ripped she was, but now to fully reveal her true muscular size as well. He whimpered in fear as he began to realized how seriously BIG she was. Revaness revealed pumped delts like striped pumpkins, bigger than what he would have thought possible. As her enormous lats flared outward like a 747’s wings, Revaness flaunted the truly unbelievable development of her now fully naked upper body.

“I’ve attained maximal hypertrophy,” she said as she spread her giant lats demonstratively, emphasizing not just her unreal cuts and perfect shape, but her frightening mass. She took a breath, and her mighty chest expanded beyond what he could have ever imagined, her jacked pecs as thick as phone books -- her jacked torso now visibly dwarfed him. Revaness smiled proudly; she had built herself into the ultimate in hypertrophy, and was now a stronger and more muscular girl than anyone could even conceive!

“Want to see how strong I am?” she asked coyly. Her hand shot out, her speed making it a blur as she seized him by the throat. He gasped, choked by her vicelike grip, but that was only the beginning. She toyed with the idea of tearing out his adam’s apple with a flick of her thumb. Instead, in a mindboggling display of musclepower, Revaness then lifted him off the ground and held him overhead effortlessly with a single arm. Her incredible muscles rippled, her size, shape and definition simply insane. The young jacked Korean smiled at him as she slowly raised and lowered him just a little, suspending his entire body weight like he was a toy, to show how easy this unreal feat of strength was for her. He clawed at her hand futilely, unable to even overcome the strength of even a single finger of hers.

“You don’t have to use all your strength,” he gurgled hoarsely, desperate.

... to be cont'd....
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: reaper0002000 on February 05, 2011, 07:08:31 am


“ALL my strength?” she repeated, quizzical. Her pretty brow furrowed. “I’m not using even a fraction of my strength,” she informed him. Her musical tone dipped sultrily, “Do you want to see what my big, strong muscles can really do?” Revaness dimples appeared again as she grinned in a truly terrifying manner. Her freakish musculature bulged, begging to be unleashed. She was dripping again… and she wanted more. He paled in fear at her expression, and then he sputtered, making choking noises as her merciless grip tightened. Revaness lowered him so his terrified, gasping face was right in front of her gorgeous face.

“Your cartilage is nothing to me,” she told him casually , “I could snap every bone in your body without trying.” She looked deep into his eyes, telling him the truth. “I’m so strong, I can kill you without even intending to.” She glanced down meaningfully at her outrageous biceps peak, drawing his eyes down mere inches to the hulking twin-headed beast perched like a jutting vein mountain of pure brawn on her fabulously sculpted 20” arm. The arm that was holding him up, effortlessly defeating gravity. His eyes widened, absolutely terrified at the physical sight of her mankilling strength, and Revaness chuckled, her slit dripping freely in arousal as at her crotch, her freakish,hungry beast pushed so hard and so strong that it was threatening to rip denim, adding to her pleasure. She wanted more...

With a sadistically slow clench of her fingers, Revaness snapped numerous cartilage rings like straw. She dismissively released him and watched him stumble as he caught himself, wheezing for breath through a fractured windpipe. Standing against her, he visibly cowered from the waves of raw power that emanated from her barechested, freakishly muscular form. To her delight, just her sheer muscularity was overpowering him! She reveled in her size by again flaring her gigantic lats to insane breadth, eclipsing him in a ridiculously vast, flaring shadow. She exulted in her fathomless strength, boastfully clenching her bared hulking pecs repeatedly into monstrous slabs of striated beef that completely humiliated and dominated him as she sneered at him. With her breastless chest, Revaness could outbench him by a mile, and literally squash him like an ant against those young, massive, ripped Korean girl pecs!

Fixing him with an intimidating stare, she bent closer to him and brought her fabulously sculpted arms in front of her, scornfully exhaling slowly right into his face. As her warm, fresh breath blew over him, her traps reached higher and higher up her long neck, building bulging slopes of unquestionable brawn. Revaness smiled as she slowly crabbed barechested into a classic most muscular pose. Her young Korean super-pecs didn’t even look human anymore, her sexy erect nipples hanging beneath pulsing shredded angled masses of hulking, jacked muscular perfection. Perfect peaked shapes notwithstanding, she was bigger than a gorilla. Her eight-pack jutted out in chiseled, hardened prominence. Just when he thought she couldn’t possibly blow his mind further, Revaness grasped her pants… and tore them off her with effortless glee, looking strong enough to rip him apart just as easily with her bare hands. But she actually was far, far stronger than that…and she wanted more!

He took one look at her supremely jacked body and pissed him self in fright at the sight of her… her soaked, failing panties didn’t just fail to hide, but actually accentuated her monstrous fuck beast. He gasped at her shocking virility, and his terror actually got her off, made Revaness’ muscular groin flex into an immense orgasm! Her already huge pleasure organs truly hulked out, and she effortlessly ripped apart her panties like tissue paper, freeing her ravenous sex animal. He couldn’t believe his eyes: the size and striations of her outrageous pussy, and it was much, much stronge than it looked. “Maximal hypertrophy,” she repeated proudly, “even here.”

Revaness reveled in her shockingly jacked genitals, giving even greater force to a new onrushing climax! As his bladder emptied involuntarily with his fear, she ejaculated and absolutely flooded the floor with her pleasure. And Revaness was even superior to him here, for she jacked with greater force and volume than he could piss! Beneath her deeply perfect, clenching eight pack and from a fearsomely furious mound, endless ropes and gushes blasted from her mighty slit… till she completely soaked the ground. She smirked at his pathetic puddle of urine and her mighty ocean of jack. She was so superior to him! Revaness took a deep breath, now shamelessly nude, looked herself over. And almost brought herself straight to orgasm again, for her entire naked physique was even more pumped from her pleasure. She was bigger than she’d ever seen herself -- more hypertrophied than ever! Much bigger, and even more ripped. Veiny. Every single muscle was inflated to steel hardness, from her shredded, striated Asian ass right down to her stunning powerpussy. Revaness was an absolute hulk, absolutely everywhere! “I am so. Fucking. Strong!" she exulted, thrilled at her own incredible body! She was turned on hard, dripping again, incredibly hard, utterly insatiable. And she wanted MORE!

The nude Korean grabbed the top of his head with one hand, threatening to crush his skull with her strong fingers. “You’re going to suck my crotch… and you’re going to see how big and strong a girl can get.” Revaness forced his gaping, broken face into her pumped-up groin, impaling his mouth with her amazing erect clitoris, her own not-so-little super strong sex stud ! There was no give to her mighty pleasure organ whatsoever – her Korean meat was impossibly strong! Revaness brutally jammed his mouth harder into her muscular crotch, and her sex stud pierced his palate, making her gasp in pleasure as her huge, erect Korean clit proved so hard it actually broke bone. Even her clit was unstoppable! She coiled her arm, jubilantly flexing her amazing biceps into a stunningly peaked Korean mountain as she savored this latest triumph – she was so fucking strong, just her genitalia could break him! As her tensed adductors swallowed his already shattered jaw in a bone crushing embrace, Revaness now fully covered his mouth with the pumped-up bulk of her wildly dripping Asian slit, and she started yet another steep ascent into an earth-shattering orgasm.

The terrified look in his eyes was pure candy to her as she dominatingly flexed her magnificent chest into unreal slabs of girl beef, getting even more ripped with every second – striations covered every single inch of her huge, hellish pecs, even her fully erect, downward-pointing young long nipples. Her aroused muscles were beyond human. Watching his frantic desperation made Revaness climb ever higher with musclelust over herself…her own strength, her own muscles! And with her arousal, she got even bigger and stronger! She was so strong that killing him with her muscles would be too easy; she could have popped him like a pimple. No, she wanted more.

Revaness grinned fiendishly; she was going to kill him with just her sheer male-shaming sexual abilities – literally fuck him to death! With that delicious thought, the young Korean musclebeast climaxed, her slit a muscular fire hydrant of jack boiling over with unreal power and volume into his helpless mouth. Her first fuck spasm was so powerful that she spurted several feet of cum out his nose, blasting unending ropes of her amazing jack not just down his throat, but deep into his lungs as well. But she wanted MORE!

She closed her eyes in absolute bliss, an ascending, shockingly muscular Korean hurricane of pleasure as she raised both incredibly muscled arms, flaring her huge lats, but unbelievably, his head didn’t fall off her mighty crotch. Instead, his mouth became more tightly sealed against her still gushing slit as her freakishly strong clitoris pulled his skewered palate up further with its erection, while his shattered jaw was anchored in place by the vice of her adductors. She closed her eyes, grinning as she continuously filled him with a tsunami of her unstoppable, boiling Asian sex fluids. Flexing her gorgeous, spectacular Korean muscles to impossible size and definition, Revaness was not only stronger than any fifty men, but she could far outjack all of them put together! But still she wanted more!

Inhumanly strong, Revaness spread her lats to unreal width and made herself orgasmically gigantic! She was pure glory! Her 8-pack clenched into jutting splendor, and Revaness roared in exultation, forcing her already perfect Asian body to unreachable immortal heights as she reached an even higher sexual climax, her young pumped body truly godlike in muscularity. In orgasm, her sizzling slit became a lethal geyser of divine jack, exploding cum into his pathetically hapless body with the force of a nuclear bomb detonating. Young Korean muscles bulging with unheard-of might, Revaness came with such endless ferocity, his ears ruptured and his eyes exploded out of their sockets as her unstoppable rockets of jack shot out of his ears and eyes. Revaness filled his lungs, and still she jacked, moaning with pleasure, her shockingly strong rivers of cum now bursting apart his lungs and causing his torso to visibly swell with the torrential power of her insane sexual capacity. But she still didn’t stop! Emanating heavenly deep throaty moans, Revaness jacked endlessly as her impossibly powerful arousal started cracking apart his ribs from the inside – she was literally exploding him apart with the sheer force of her virility!

Finally, his face tore into separate pieces, his flesh unable to withstand the sheer strength and raw power of her fire-hose ejaculation! As his remains slumped off her incomprehensibly powerful Asian physique, her deadly jism spilled copiously out of every orifice of his lifeless body. Revaness’ gorgeous face was beatific in her bliss, her cheeks dimpled with her smile…and her glistening, fully pumped, nude Korean body was now impossibly muscular, the pinnacle of inhumanly muscular perfection. She looked at her matchless Asian muscles lovingly, at her almighty groin with its giant clit and endlessly strong slit; she was SO far beyond merely superior to any male, in any sense. She had literally jacked a man to death, tearing his face apart with the force of her virility, while drowning and overflowing him with her sexual prowess, her uncesasing sexual tsunami! Revaness was bigger and stronger and even sexier than she had ever been, ascending orgasmically into a state of incomparable muscularity….AND SHE WANTED MORE!

Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on February 05, 2011, 06:31:58 pm
k+! All I can say, dude, is I want more of Revaness!
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: rodman on February 06, 2011, 02:48:57 am
Karma for you! 8)
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: mermoz on February 06, 2011, 08:40:03 am
Very interesting story Thanks K+
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: DEA on February 07, 2011, 01:23:59 pm
Anyway, the boy should have fight...  :D
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: Hithen on June 24, 2011, 11:03:16 pm
You are simply the best writer this genre has. Waiting for new stuff! +K
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: UK_Fan on March 18, 2012, 11:10:36 am
Not normally into this sort of story, but oh baby :wow:  More please!

Mucho karama!!
Title: Re: She Wanted More [nsfw; gore]
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on March 19, 2012, 03:51:50 am
Love this story, I'm a big fan of reaper, his description is just so awesome, and this story in particular was very hot. I really hoped that he would continue this story, but it appears it was just a one shot. Anyway, whatever story he does do next, I'll be looking forward to it. k+ again!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: JackKovan on September 20, 2018, 06:28:50 am
The very first story I posted on this site didn't make it to the OP list: "Tania: the Swimsuit"
Perhaps I ought to repost it, in its most recent version...


Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: Jdrabbit1 on September 21, 2018, 02:21:29 am
Honestly, I had always hoped you would do another Monster Story.  Something, involving her getting amnesia, maybe to a severe car accident in a very isolated area.  Her actually being rescured by a simple hermit, but still a sweet and honorable gentalman.  Who she starts t actually fall for.  Then trouble comes.  She regains her memory. Kicks ass, and then gives up her old life for happiness.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: egad00 on September 21, 2018, 03:55:00 am
I'd be happy with any new story. 

The remakes you did of Tania and a couple Monster stories (I would have to double-check if I saved two or three of your monster remakes) were also quite good.
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on September 21, 2018, 08:21:46 pm
Hey Reap, good to see you on! I look forward to any new or never before seen writing from you! K+!
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: hjp2734 on November 05, 2022, 07:51:39 am
thaks for posting
Title: Re: ★Memorable Author: [reaper0002000] Stories~collected
Post by: Kujarer on October 28, 2023, 06:19:11 am

Anyway, whatever story he does do next, I'll be looking forward to it.

I'd be happy with any new story.

"The Reap" returns with more stories, here:  ... and here: