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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: Ranger1 on November 21, 2013, 10:10:20 pm

Title: Author: [Ranger1] Lifes Changes | #WIP
Post by: Ranger1 on November 21, 2013, 10:10:20 pm
Lifes Changes
by Ranger1

Chapter 1.

Keith started the day more frustrated than usual.  Looking at himself in the mirror while shaving, he was not pleased with the image he faced.  Over the past couple of months he had lost over 15 pounds and he could not understand why.  He was working out at the club as often as he always had, yet for two months he had steadily grown weaker and was losing muscle and weight.   On top of this he was worried that he might have ED.  He understood his problems performing in bed with his wife Jen.  Jen had gained too much weight over the past several years and became overweight and flabby.  But he could understand why he was recently struggling with his co-worker Pam.  Pam was really hot and full of energy, athletic and muscly like a fitness model, or even a light weight bodybuilder.  She was a workout fanatic and seemed to improve her physique every week.  Keith had a one year affair going on with Pam and they had great times and great sex.  But recently he was having a harder time performing, as he would quickly lose stamina and tire.  Leaving the house that morning Keith decided that it was finally time to see a doctor.  There had to be something wrong with him.

Once he arrived at the office, Keith called his doctor’s office and got himself an appointment.  Luckily they had an opening in the afternoon.  The doctor’s visit proved to be disappointing.  His testosterone level was decreasing, but there was no apparent reason why.  Keith was scheduled for an appointment at a clinic the following week for further testing.

Keith decided to head to the club to work out, hoping it would energize him and clear his mind.  He was quite upset over the doctor’s findings and needed to get it off his mind.  Keith gave Pam a call and they decided to meet there.  Keith loved working out with Pam.  She was so strong and her energy level always motivated him to work harder.  After changing into his workout gear, Keith decided to weigh in.  His jaw dropped as he read the scale.  “Only 162 pounds with my sneakers on” he muttered to himself shocked at the continued loss of size.  At 6’1” tall he was starting to look skinny and even a bit weak.  He was far cry from his former proud and muscled physique of 180 pounds. 

Keith perked up a bit when Pam arrived.  They began a nice workout, rotating through a circuit of weight machines.  When they got to the bicep curling machines, Keith could not help but stare at Pam’s arms.  Her biceps bulged into baseball sized peaks as she strained with the weights.  Several veins popped on her forearms and a long thick vein erupted over her biceps.  All of a sudden Keith felt very self-conscious.   Pam’s arms looked much more muscular than his, and also looked like they might be bigger than his now.  Keith could not get this thought out of his mind.  As they finished their workout, his energy level diminished and the weights he was using were noticeably light. “I don’t know what diet you on Keith, but you really need to change it!” Pam chuckled.  “You’re losing too much weight, and getting a lot weaker.  You used to be twice as strong as me, now I’m getting pretty close to you she laughed.  While Pam meant no harm to Keith, she really struck a nerve.   He got very quiet.  He told her he needed to get right home and that he would see her tomorrow at the office.

Jen had dinner ready when Keith arrived at the house.  While she was cheerful and talkative, Keith was quiet and sullen.  He pretty much ignored Jen while they ate, and then left the table to watch TV.   Finally Keith just went up to his room to lie in bed.  Jen sensed his bad mood and followed him to bed, hoping to cheer him up.  She did her best to comfort him and fondle him, trying her best to arouse him.  She noticed his loss of muscle and how slender he was looking, and she herself was getting very concerned about him.  She asked him why he was dieting so much, and Keith snapped and lost his temper.  It’s you who need to diet, worry about yourself.  “You’ve gained over 30 pounds and look like a cow” How could you expect me to have sex with you?  Jen left the bed crying and went to the bathroom to clean up.  While in the bathroom she decided to weigh herself.  165 pounds, she thought in disgust.  How did I let myself go so bad?  That night she made a resolve to join a gym first thing in the morning.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: s0ltan on November 21, 2013, 11:41:58 pm
Great set up for a story. Can't wait to see where you go.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on November 22, 2013, 01:14:51 am
Yeah, K for that and hope to see more!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 22, 2013, 04:01:33 am
Keith nervously awaited the results from his most recent tests.  His doctor appeared pretty concerned.  We still don’t understand why, Keith, but your testosterone level has dropped despite the medication.  We have another drug we would like you to try.  Keith tried to be optimistic as the doctor wrote the prescription and explained the potential benefit.   Remember Keith, to eat 6 times a day and to continue to exercise. I’m eating more than I ever had and I’m working out 5 times a week, yet I’m down to 155 pounds he sighed. There was little his doctor could say to comfort him.

Jen finished her workout at the gym feeling amazingly energized.  She was proud of the fact that she was working out 5 times a week and that she had lost 8 pounds in just two months. To top that, she felt much firmer and felt much stronger.  She was beginning to feel much better about herself.  With her new found confidence she headed to the front desk and signed up for a personnel trainer.  It’s time to get more serious she thought, as she waited for the manager to meet with her.  “Hi Jen, I’m Rick, what type of trainer are you looking for?  What are your goals?  “I’ve been losing weight and getting pretty strong on my own, she replied, but I’d like to intensify my workout and push myself more using free weights.  Plus learn to diet better”  “Sounds great, I’ll line you up with Jeff.   When would you like to start?” “Tomorrow will be great, I’m ready!”  “Sounds good, I’ll have Jeff call you later today and get you scheduled.”    Jen left the interview both nervous and excited.   Tomorrow she would be ready to take her training to the next level!

Leaving the doctor’s office, Keith decided to give Pam a call.  Their relationship had really diminished over the past months, and she was rarely seeing him anymore.  He was no longer the muscled hunk that swept her off her feet, and his performance in bed was continuing to decline.  Luckily Pam was willing to see him that night.  Keith met her for dinner, and after a nice meal and a few drinks they headed to Pam’s place.   While strange to Keith, he had found himself growing more and more attracted to Pam’s arms.  He had always found her buff muscles cute and sexy, especially with all the cuts and veins as she stayed so lean and in such great shape all the time.   However, since he had been losing weight, muscle and strength, her muscles now looked so much more powerful and superior to him.  While still measuring 11 inches, her biceps seemed much bigger to him.  They looked bigger and stronger than his thin arms. He recently measured his own biceps at over 12 inches, but hers just looked so much bigger and better.  While flirting he became more and more aroused by the thought of her muscles, and began fondling her biceps with his hands.  He ran his fingers along her thick veins, and pressed against the muscle to feel its hardness.  Keith felt scared and confused as he had never flirted or had foreplay this way, but he just could not stop himself.  Maybe he was missing the muscles that he had lost?  The hardness of her muscles and the thickness of her veins kept him in a state lust and his hands continued to lovingly grope over her biceps and forearms.  Taking this cue, Pam flexed and pumped her biceps hard while he felt and gripped and she playfully teased “well I bet you wish you had guns like mine, don’t you Keith?”  Keith could only manage a soft moan as he remained captivated by her bulging biceps.  Pam, sensing her superiority, spoke to him again.  “Hey Keith, I think I’m stronger than you now.  Let’s arm wrestle to prove it!” 
They lied on the floor and put their arms into potion.  Keith’s arm was much longer which gave him an advantage.  They locked hands and started the contest.  For over two minutes they were locked in a standoff with neither side having an advantage.   Keith could see several veins pumped along Pam’s arm, over ridges of muscles in her forearm.  She looks so much stronger than I do, he thought, she seemed to pulsate with power.   He began to fear that he could not win, and began to feel very embarrassed that he may lose.   He tried to use the leverage of his longer arm, positioning it to try to get an advantage; he then pushing even harder in a burst.  But he could not move her.  After another minute Keith began to tire and his arm started to ache.  He started to give ground.  The power of Pam’s arm was beginning to push him down.  He was sweating profusely and his arm was burning painfully as Pam had him pushed halfway to the floor.  He noticed her bulging bicep looking like a rock, and her veins popping out to the max and her face cool with a knowing smile, while in contrast his arm looked frail and was shaking in exhaustion, his face flushed red and his body trembling.  Within seconds she pinned him down.  “I knew it! “ she boasted.   “I’m stronger than you now!”  She kneeled up and flexed her biceps in triumph, looking down at him.  He bowed his head in defeat and embarrassment. 

For the first time in their affair, Keith had sex lying on his back on the bottom.  He was more aroused than he had been in a long time as he experienced a whole new side of himself that he never knew.  With Pam above him and using her arms to hold her weight, Keith found himself feeling her arms as they strained and bulged from her exertion.  He started with her forearms feeling the steely ridges and thick veins.  He then moved to her triceps which flared out in bold relief.  He marveled at their definitions and hardness.  He began to change the position of his hand and fingers so that he could also press and feel her biceps.   He felt himself get bigger and harder within her as she continued to ride him hard and control the pace.  Next he moved his hands up to her shoulders massaging her delts and traps.   His arousal was sensational has he felt her hardness, traced her veins and thought about her strength and power.  Looking up, he noticed the striation in the middle between her pecs.  The pushup position seemed to really have her pecs bulging.  Instinctively he moved his hands there, tracing her cleavage and cupping her pecs.  From there, he fondled her breasts and nipples to please her, until she reached orgasm.  He then moved his hands back to her biceps and squeezed them hard, as he quickly and intensely climaxed.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on November 22, 2013, 03:26:38 pm
Thanks and k for the next installment. I can see where this one might go, but I'll just have to wait and see ;)
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 22, 2013, 08:48:29 pm
Chapter 3:
2 months later…
“Two more reps Jen, push it, you can do it!”  Jeff urged Jen on, truly impressed at how hard she worked and the gains she was making. “Nice job Jen, let’s get your monthly weigh in and will get you out of here.”  “159 pounds.”  “I gained another pound?” Jen asked quizzically.  Jeff was equally puzzled. “It does seem odd, given your dieting and all you’re exercising, but then again you are adding muscle too”  “You have lost two more inches in your waist; go by the inches, not the pounds!”  Jen left happy but confused, she was curious has to how things would go at her doctor’s appointment this week.  She expected to have lost more weight.
“Well Keith, you seem to be stabilizing with this medication” Doctor Williams explained.   You’re weight has stabilized at 154 pounds, and your levels have not worsened.  Please stay on the medication, keep up with your workouts and diet and you should be fine.   Keith was relived but not at all happy.  154 pounds fully clothed is not fine he muttered to himself, I used to be 185 stripped naked.  I have to work out constantly just to maintain being skinny and weak!  Keith left the doctor’s office and returned to work frustrated and brooding.
“Hey Keith, good to see you back in the office” remarked Pam.  Don’t forget you have a report due by close of business today that you need to deliver to me.  “I know Pam, I’m on it, and I’ll have it done”.  Work was becoming increasingly stressful for Keith.  Pam had broken off with him, which alone made things difficult.  But she also was promoted and had become Keith’s supervisor. She was turning out to be a real slave driver.  “How did the doctor’s appointment go for you?  Pam gripped Keith’s upper arm as she asked.  “”It went better than it could have I guess, the medicine has kept be stable, at least I’m not getting worse” he replied.  “Well that’s fantastic news!” Pam squeezed Keith’ bicep harder as she spoke, noticing that despite the good news, it did feel smaller and softer than she last remembered.   Keith, could not help wincing as Pam’s grip was really hurting him, as much as he tried to hide it a soft whine escaped him.  He looked up to Pam, with a look that was begging her to release the grip.  Pam looked down at him, fully aware of the fear in his eyes, “Did I tell you Keith that my biceps have peaked to over 11 ½ inches now?”  “My PT was so proud of me!” “That’s great Pam, Keith stammered”, trembling now due to the pain of Pam’s grip.  He continued looking up at her, taking in her 5’8 140 pound frame, realizing he was indeed really afraid of her.  Her bare arms, ripped and veiny were so intimidating.  He was still bigger than her, and felt that he could take her in a real fight he reasoned to himself; so why was he feeling so scared?  Then he thought back to arm wrestling her, and the fear intensified. Finally, Keith softly whispered hoping no one would hear “Pam you’re really hurting me, please let go.”  “Oh silly me!” Pam laughed,  “I guess sometimes I’m not aware of my own strength”.  “Don’t forget Keith, do not leave tonight before delivering the report to my office.”  Keith nodded silently and bowed his head, thankful that Pam finally released her grip. 

“No weight loss again this month Jen?” Doctor Hall asked while reading the nurses report. “How is your diet going?”   “My diet is going really well Lori, I’m sticking to it, I have lost a lot of inches, all in the right places” Jen answered proudly.  “Well why don’t you strip down and we’ll have look”.  Doctor Hall returned in 5 minutes, and as she walked inside Jen thought for sure she saw her jaw drop in surprise.  “Well Jen, you certainly have lost a lot of your fat, and it seems you have replaced it with muscle.” "I have" replied Jen.  “My trainer is amazed at how fast I’m gaining muscle and strength!”  “He jokes to me if he didn’t know better he would think I’m using steroids!”  Doctor Hall thought about that a moment has she first probed Jen’s arms, then moving to her shoulders and her chest.  Jen felt that Lori was lingering on her shoulders and chest; she had never remembered the doctor feeling her this way before.  Instinctively, Jen flexed her newly built muscles under the doctor’s touch.  Lori let out a soft gasp, before regaining her composure.  “Jen, can you stay for an extra couple of hours?  There are some test’s I’d like to perform.”

“Well Jen, thanks for staying. Our tests confirm that your testosterone levels are rising.  While it has certainly help with you muscle and strength gains, there are some side effects that you must be aware of.  We do have medications that can help.”  Lori provided Jen with literature to read regarding her conditions and the various treatment options. “Please make an appointment to see me next week and we can decide on your options.”  Driving home, Jen thought about her options and decided she would not tell Keith about her condition.  He seemed to have enough troubles of his own lately.

At 8:00pm Keith finished his report, and delivered to Pam’s office.  He noticed he was the last person left, as it was well after the normal 5:30pm work day.  Well, it’s too late to go to the gym now, he lamented to himself.  I’m beat, may as well just head home.
Keith returned home, warmed up his dinner and sat at the kitchen table to eat.  Jen sat down to join him and ask about his day.  Keith looked at Jens cute face, and her wavy, slightly curly long dark hair that rested just below her shoulders.  He marveled for a bit at how much better she was looking, and felt bad that he had ever cheated.  He also noticed that she seemed bigger in the shoulders then he remembered, even though she had clearly lost a lot of the fat that she had put on.   Keith went on about his long stressful day.  First explaining how is doctor’s appointment went, and then about his late night at the office.  Keith was shocked at Jen’s response.  Rather than her typical compassion and empathy for him, she appeared angered.  “Well you missed your workout and you missed your dinner with me!”  Jen’s voice had an edge to it and Keith felt a bit intimidated.  He slumped in his chair a bit, reacting to his shock of her response. “I’m doing hours of cooking for us so we diet properly, you need to be here at 6:00pm every night for dinner with me. “  “And you are to not miss any more workouts, do you understand?”  Keith nodded silently.  “Otherwise you are going to wither away to nothing!”  At this point Jen rose from her chair, and was clearly irritated.  Jen was over 5’10 barefoot, and with her now solid physique she looked imposing.  Looking down at Keith she asked him forcefully “Do you understand, Keith? Answer me!”  Keith slouched a little more in reaction, and spoke softly. ”Yes Jen I understand”.  At that point Jen moved right over him, clutching the back of his chair at both sides. “From now on you are home at 6:00pm, then to the gym after dinner.  Then if you still have work at the office, you return there.”  Keith noticed a thick vein that had popped on the back of each of her forearms, as Jen clutched the chair.   When did she get veins like that he thought to himself, she looks strong …  “Am I clear Keith?”  While Keith was feeling angry and the need to take charge of the argument, he was just too overwhelmed to speak back.  Keith nodded meekly, “yes Jen.” His eyes shifting between her angered face and her rugged looking forearms.

Keith excused himself and went to bed exhausted.  He felt totally confused and shell shocked. Jen was looking so much leaner and so hot again, his sexual interest and desire was definitely retuning. But he had always been the boss of the relationship since day one.  How could Jen speak to him this way?  She sounded so forceful, like Pam at work.  Then he thought back to how wide and thick her shoulders were looking and the thick veins appearing on her forearms.  How strong was she getting from her workouts?  With those thoughts, Keith fell to sleep.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 23, 2013, 10:09:29 pm
Chapter 4
2 months later …

“Would you like to try 135 pounds today Jen?”, Jeff enthusiastically suggested.   “Definitely” Jen replied without hesitation, “I’m feeling really strong today!”  They loaded the 45 pound plates on the Olympic bar.  Jen felt really impressed, she was using the Olympic bar and the big plates now, just like the serious guys at the gym.  Jen steadied herself on the bench.  “OK Jen, you did 10 reps with 125 pounds last time, let’s go for at least 7 good reps.” Jen gripped the bar and balanced it.  Using good form she slowly lowered it to her chest, and then began to push it up.  I’m feeling so strong she thought to herself, this doesn’t feel any heavier than 125 did.  With good form, Jen finished the 10 reps needing no help from Jeff.  “The last two reps were tough, other than that it felt no different than 125” Jen bragged” I think I should do my next two sets with 145”  “You’re amazing Jen, I’ve never seen anyone get so strong so fast.” Jen continued to amaze Jeff, making 9 good reps with 145 pounds on her second set and then 7 good reps with her third.

“Please take your shoes off Keith.” “6 foot and ¾ inches; does that sound right?”, asked the nurse.  “At least my height is not changing” joked Keith.  “154 pounds; Doctor Williams will be happy Keith, you’ve maintained your weight again.” “Have you thought about running 10Ks or half marathons?” “You have a perfect build for that now” “Follow me, to Doctor William’s office”

“Please take your sneakers off Jen.” “5’10 and ½ inches”  “Wow, 164 pounds “exclaimed the surprised nurse”  “I mean, I’m sorry, you really don’t look so heavy.” Jen looked over to the nurse, and noticed that her eyes were checking her out, up and down her body, and then up again, staring at her shoulders and arms.  Jen was wearing a sleeveless top that revealed her traps shoulders as well as her arms.  “My workouts are making a big difference” Jen explained proudly,   tensing her arms and shoulders to make her point.  Jen was by no means looking like a bodybuilder, but her muscles definitely flared out like a well-conditioned athlete, thick triceps flared out the sides of her arms and beefy deltoid muscle capped her wide shoulders.  The nurse continued to stare a few minutes, her expression changing to a look of awe.  Finally, she took hold of herself and blushing in embarrassment “Let’s get you to Doctor Hill’s office.”

“Have you noticed any of the side effects we discussed Jen?”  Doctor Hill’s facial expression could not hide her concern.  She was worried about Jen’s decision to deny the recommended medication and to remain natural.   “Other than how strong and muscled I’m getting? “ Jen smiled and flexed her right arm, watching it bulge an inch thicker as she tensed it, showing off a long lean biceps muscle.  “No I feel fantastic, I really do” Jen continued with her flex, noticing a couple of veins that popped on her beefy forearm.  “I have to admit you put my husband to shame in the muscles department” laughed the doctor, while unable to break her stare from Jen’s flexed arm.  “Lie down on your back for me please Jen”   Jen relaxed as Doctor Hill began to probe her arms, again, with the doctor lingering on the muscles within her forearm, her triceps and her biceps.  Jen was learning how to keep the doctor lingering longer; just by flexing her muscles harder in the areas Lori would touch. She loved Lori’s touch but even more so, Jen loved the control she was able to assert over her just by flexing her muscles.  Jen began to day dream of what it would be like to control Lori to the point to where she was totally lusting for her body.  Somewhat in a trance, Jen did not notice that Lori began to breath heavier as she moved to her shoulders and then releasing an involuntary a very soft but long moan as she probed her pecs.  “You’re as healthy as an elite athlete! “beamed the doctor, clearly in awe .  She could not resist one last squeeze of Jen’s arm as she spoke.  “Please continue to closely watch for side effects, and call me right away if you notice any”

Keith left the office, after yet another long night.  Looking at his cell phone, it was 10:40pm.  It seemed to be typical now that he would not leave until after 10:00pm each work night.  No matter how hard or fast he worked, Pam would just delegate more for him to do.  On the other hand he had to admit that Jen’s plan, while restrictive, was definitely helping him maintain his condition.  They ate a big nutritious breakfast together each morning, and then Keith would leave for a full day at the office eating two protein rich meals during his breaks, then a healthy and generous dinner with Jen at 6:00pm.  After dinner it was straight to the gym for his nightly workout and back to work to finish his assignments for Pam.  As angry as he was about Jen asserting such control over him two months ago, there was no doubt that she was right and that this was helping him.  As he drove home, Keith felt disappointment knowing that Jen would be asleep by the time he arrived back at the house. Jen was looking really hot and sexy; amazingly lean and muscled.  She had lost every inch of fat she had put on.  He noticed that she was actually beginning to show traces of a four pack.  Her muscles were really getting big and thick ….  Keith felt himself getting hard at the thought …. 


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Keith ain't the only one getting hard  :funny:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 24, 2013, 11:22:44 pm
Chapter 5

2 months later …

 “Oh my god Jen, you’re up to 172 pounds, and you look like your all muscle!”  “I should have you train me!”  Nurse Jones was young, 24 years old, and just a year out of nursing school.  She had seen Jen transform over the past year from out of shape and over weight to the astonishing physique resembling an off-season heavy weight female bodybuilder.  Today seeing Jen‘s body so wonderfully exposed within the wife beater and the gym shorts she sported, was a sight to behold.  Her neck was thick with tendons visibly pronounce with beefy traps connecting at each side.  The traps flowed into wide thick shoulders, capped with what seemed like inches of muscles which made her deltoids look like boulders.   He shoulders met with dense pectoral muscles that appeared iron plated, with a deep crevice in the middle providing clear separation.  A thick blue puffy vein flowed from each shoulder cap down the entire length of her bicep.  Her arms were thick and muscled, with the mass of her biceps and triceps evident and imposing, even while she was not flexing.  Nurse Jones marveled at Jen’s impossibly thick and meaty forearms.  Oh my god, she thought to herself, no woman can have forearms so thick and muscular; and all those thick veins all over!  Looking down, the nurse could see that Jen possessed big strong muscular thighs, but unfortunately the shorts blocked most of the view.  Finally looking all the way down she found Jen’s rugged calves, great big muscle bellies that she could make out, even looking at the front  of her legs. Each leg sported a long thick vein starting from her foot all the way up to her thigh.

Nurse Jones had always kept herself in great shape being a high school and college athlete, and kept her fitness while working,  making it a point to run and work out at the gym.  She was cute with blue eyes and blond hair, and a very lean and athletic build on her curvy 5’7 and 135 frame.  Being so attractive and fit along with a bubbly and outgoing personality she had more than her share of dates ad affairs with both guys and girls.  But she could not remember ever having experienced the level of infatuation and desire she was feeling right now for Jen.  There was something animalistic and magnetic in Jen’s appearance and demeanor that had the nurse totally drawn to her.  Jen looked down at the pretty nurse, noticing both awe and lust in her eyes.  She had caught Nurse Jones scanning and admiring her body from top to bottom. Jen had become very used to this reaction and behavior from people the past few months, and could spot it and read it pretty adeptly now.  Jen made eye contact with nurse and smiled at her warmly and invitingly.  Nurse Jones met Jen’s eye contact, reluctantly ending her fixation on Jen’s muscles, but feeling as if she was melting before her as shivers ran throughout her body. Jen coyly decided that she would yawn, as means of putting on a brief and non- conspicuous muscle show for the admiring nurse.  Jen feinted the yawn, rising up her arms and flexing her biceps as she stretched.  ”I’m thinking of starting my own PT business if you’re interested”, Jen flexed he biceps a little harder while making the proposition.   Nurse Jones let out a long gasp that obviously escaped her, as she watched Jens arms erupt into baseball size biceps that looked to be etched in granite.  She nervously looked around making sure nobody was nearby to witness, and then returned to savor the view of Jen’s incredible arms for another few seconds. “I would love to train with you” the nurse replied, unable to control the trembling and excitement in her voice. As they exchanged phone numbers, they were interrupted by Doctor Hill. “Jen, could you please come to my office now?”

“Yes Lori, I have noticed a few side effects, but I am still firm in my decision to remain natural.  I do not want to be treated with drugs.”  “Did I tell you that I’m benching 195 for reps now, and I’m getting stronger every week! I want to get stronger!”  “No, I have not told Keith about my condition, so we have not discussed it.”   Doctor Hill felt frustrated by Jen’s stubbornness and lack of concern of the increasing level and side effects of her condition.  She had made her recommendation for Jen to begin treatment, but Jen would not even consider it.   She felt so attracted to Jen that it made her feel completely torn.  Professionally she knew that treatment was the best choice for Jen, but emotionally she was in love with Jen’s muscular body that had become so massive, so hard and so strong.  And some of the side effects had the doctor craving Jen even more. “Has Keith noticed the changes in your voice Jen?”  “Yes, I’m sure he has, although he has not discussed it” “You have noticed it, haven’t you Lori” The doctor hesitated a moment, taking notice that Jen only referred to her as Lori now, and no longer Doctor Hill. “Actually Jen, I have …” The doctor began to stutter in nervousness “your v_voice   s_ sounds a l_little deeper now ….”  “b_but it sounds b_better I mean ..”  The doctor was blushing and looking down to the floor as she continued … “ I mean you s_sound so c_commanding and authoritative ….” “Oh god Jen, it makes you sound so p_powerful to go along with that powerful ph_physique ..” The doctor grasped the bed with both hands to steady herself.  She slowly raised her eyes to look at Jen again.  Jen noticed the doctor was noticeably shaking in her nervousness.  The doctor released a long sigh and then looked to Jen as if pleading “Jen, oh god Jen, be_being near you …  s_so close to you …   s_so overpowering … I f_feel like I’m the patient …..”Jen got off the bed, and stood up next to the doctor.  She realized she had at least  5 inches over Lori, as she looked down on her petite figure.  She moved toward Lori and embraced her in a strong hug.  The doctor immediately and instinctively clung to her, burying her face against Jen’s iron clad pecs. “You’re trembling Lori, are you ok?”  “I th_think so Jen, but p_please hold me” Jen hugged tighter causing a long moan to escape the doctor  “mmmm Jen , mmmmm, soooo strong”  Jen felt the doctor kissing on her pecs, and probing her back muscles with her fingers, as she continued to hug her tight.  As the doctor finally seemed to settle down, Jen spoke again.  “You have not checked my muscles out this visit Lori.  I know you love them.  I know you want to feel them.  Admit it to me”  “Yes Jen, I love your muscular body so very much, may I touch your muscles please?  Would you please lie on the bed for me, and let me check you out?  “Lori, go and lock the door and remove your clothing for me”  “Yes Jen”

Keith thought he heard a noise in the office.  Who would be here this late he wondered.  Its 10:30pm, no else is ever here this late.  Keith looked around and suddenly saw Pam walking toward him.   As usual she was scantily clad, showing off her lean and muscled bodybuilder body.  “Keith, could you please come to my office for a moment, I have something for you”  “Um, could we please meet tomorrow morning Pam, it’s late and I really want to get home. “Jen insists that I get at least 7 hours sleep each night to keep me healthy”. “Stop whining Keith, what are you a little boy now?”  Pam could not suppress a laugh as she chastised him.  “By the way Keith, look at this baby”  It’s over 12 inches peaked now”  Pam flexed as she spoke, and Keith’s jaw dropped as he watch a mountain shaped bicep of extreme definition rise in front of his eyes.    The muscle gnarled to an angry looking peak of frightful power.  Bold thick veins ran along it’s length, with smaller veins crisscrossing up and down.  Keith felt himself grow immediately hard,  as he fought off the urge to extend his hands and touch what he felt must be a harder than steel muscle.  His arousal was taking control of him, but yet he felt so guilty.  He could not cheat on Jen.   He sat there frozen, unable to move or speak.   “Over 12 inches Keith, bigger than yours now isn’t it?” Pam pumped and flexed again, closer to his face this time.   Keith shuddered at the sight.  It was bigger than his.  It also had better shape and definition than he ever had or could ever dream of having.  And it looked denser and harder than he ever achieved at his best.  “Can you tell that I gained 10 pounds Keith?  I’m 150 pounds now.  I bet you can tell.  It’s all 100% pure muscle in all the right places!”  “I’m twice as strong now Keith as when I beat you in arm wrestling.  Imagine what I could do to you now!” Pam flexed even harder to emphasize her point.  “Holy God” he gasped, gawking open mouthed at her impossible muscularity.  Her peak seemed to grow a little more and sharpen at the peak.  Her veins surged with fury to fuel her flex.  The long vein covering the length of the top her biceps was as thick as rope, working its way up to her shoulder, and now extending itself to sweep across her pectoral.  An equally thick rope like vein extended under the length of her bicep into her armpit.  The crisscrossing veins seemed to double in both quantity and in thickness from one end of the biceps to the other.  Keith shuddered again thinking about how insanely strong Pam had become and that how impossibly hard her muscles must be now.  His thoughts of Jen extinguished as he was lost in moment of extreme arousal.  Not only was he harder than he could ever remember being in life, but he felt like it pulsating on its own, almost kike he was having sex.   “Jesus Pam” he gasped again.  “This is impossible”

“Let’s go Keith. To my office.  I mean now!”  Keith obediently jumped to his feet and followed Pam to her office. I have two rewards for you Keith.  “Thanks to your hard work I received a $25,000 bonus this quarter and I’m on a short list for another promotion.”   “Here is a $5,000 bonus for your effort.”  “Thank you Keith”.  Keith felt really good about the recognition.  “Thanks a lot Pam!”  “I’ll continue to work hard for you!” 

“Now here is you’re extra reward Keith” Pam walked up to Keith and again flexed her bicep, using every ounce of her strength to flex it extra hard.  Keith watched it explode and burst to life again, as a true masterpiece.  He felt himself immediately hardening with it, and again pulsating in arousal.  Pam looked down at Keith’s trousers noticing the huge pop tent along with large wet spot that was oozing and increasing in size.  “I see you like what you see Keith!”  Pam smiled and nodded at his erection while squeezing her fist and flexing as hard as she could.  “Go ahead and touch it Keith.  This is your special reward.”  Keith desperately reached out with both hands to grasp at her muscle.  With one hand he wrapped around her bicep, pressing his fingers into her peak as hard as he could.  With his other hand, he cupped her shoulder and then traced the thick vein that extended across her pectoral.  Keith squeezed her bicep with all his might, grunting in exertion, but there was no give at all.  “You really are this hard!” he cried out.  “You really are harder than steel!”  “Oh my god he cried, while tracing and pressing along her pectoral;  there are four thick veins sweeping your pec now Pam! “They just keep on emerging!” Pam then relaxed and flexed again, and Keith felt the mountain of warm steel grow within his hand.  He felt his fingers spread apart, yielding to her impossible power and hardness.  Keith heard a long drawn out sigh escape him, and noticed that he was now thrusting back in forth, due to the pulsations within his erection, as if he was having sex.   Keith then grasped Pam’s bicep with both hands.  One at the top, one at the bottom, and squeezed with all the strength of both arms and hands.  Ggrrrr he groaned and grunted loudly, giving it all he had; but again no give at all.  Taking the cue, Pam relaxed and flexed again.  Pam’s bicep was now harder than steel and hot to the touch, as it grew to 12 ½ inches and spread Keith’s hands apart with ease, and slightly burning his fingers.  Keith was mortified as he heard an even louder and longer involuntary girlish sounding sigh escape him.  He moved his head lower and began kissing and sucking the sea of thick veins along Pam’s forearm.   Lost in lust, Keith felt Pam’s hand fumbling around his zipper.  Shortly after she felt her hand take hold of him, with a strong firm grip.  “My God Keith, you’re as hard as steel rod, burning hot and pulsating and throbbing like nothing I’ve ever felt”   Keith could only moan at her touch.  Keith moved his mouth to Pam’s bicep, keeping his left hand there as well, while moving his right to her shoulder and pectoral.  Pam kept her grip, feeling the amazing pulsation within it.   Then she felt him climax.  Keith cried out loudly as he came….
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: alzef on November 29, 2013, 09:35:42 pm
I'm a big fan of the outta-shape girl getting massive and revelling in her power.  Loving what you're doing with Jen.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 30, 2013, 05:48:34 pm
Chapter 6
2 months later …

Jen felt great at the gym this morning.  She was a regular now and had the respect and admiration of the jocks, the power lifters and the bodybuilders that frequented the place.  She loved looking into the big mirrors and admiring her physique, and was no longer embarrassed in the slightest to do so.   In fact, Jen had to admit that she was actually vain now; not only did she love admiring herself, but she loved flaunting and drawing the attention of others.  She was, without a doubt, the biggest, most muscular and strongest woman that worked out there and was bigger and more muscular than most of the guys now - even many of the regulars.  Jen stood close to the mirror taking in a good view of her body while she stretched out, waiting for Jeff.  God did she look big and muscled, and so very strong.  5’11 180 pounds she thought to herself… and all muscle … I never would have dreamed that I could develop such a physique.  She looked powerful and she felt powerful.  She wanted Jeff to push her extra hard today; it was chest and shoulder day and she wanted to hit a new max with both the bench press and the military press.
Jeff walked into the workout area and spotted Jen immediately.  As usual, his heart began to pant rapidly and his mind raced with excitement.  For the past couple of weeks, he had stopped trying to hide his feelings for Jen, and just let it all out.  “You are really looking awesome Jen!”, Jeff beamed. “Every time I see you, you’re bigger than before!”  Jeff could not help continuing to stare at her in awe, as she finished her stretches.  The thickness and fullness of her muscles were amazing, and her vascularity was astonishing.  “I wish I had your genetics Jen.  I’d kill for a body like yours” he exclaimed.  Jen was ready for business.  “Push me really hard today Jeff, I want to go for a new max, starting with the bench press”.

Jen and Jeff loaded the barbell to start with 155.  Jen did a light warm up set of 10 reps, to further loosen up and get her muscles warmed.  She really felt strong today.  Next they increased the weight to 185.  Again Jen did a set of 10 reps.   This time feeling a good burn and getting a good pump.   “I feel strong today Jeff, let’s get some serious weight on here!” They added a 10 pound plate on each side to raise the weight to 205.  Jen had previously strained out 5 reps at this weight, really struggling with the 4th and 5th reps.   Jen concentrated under the bar, getting a good grip and balancing the weight.  Jeff could see and feel her intensity.  “Work hard now Jen, let’s get 7 good reps this time”   Jen proceeded with excellent form through 7 reps, and still felt she could go on.  She grunted softly as she pushed up the 8th rep, her face flushed red with exertion.  Jeff took notice of how hard Jen was working; her skin was glistening with sweat and thick veins had popped up and down along her arms and over her shoulders.  Jeff marveled at her muscle and the power and energy she possessed.  Breathing deeply Jen grunted even louder as she obviously strained, but successfully pushed the weight up for her 9th rep.  “Go for 10 Jen” Jeff yelled.  At this point some of the guys in the area began to watch on.  Jen pushed with all her might, screaming out a grunt and with shaking arms she struggled for a second, her face grimaced and she screamed out a second grunt as and pushed up the 10th rep.  “Awesome Jen!”, Jeff beamed.  A few of the guys also cheered her on.  “Amazing Jen!, she heard from one of the nearby men.”  “Way to go Jen!”, she heard from another.

“I want to go for 225 now Jeff”.  That was my max last week “ Jeff remembered the intense effort it took for Jen to push out the 1 rep at this weight.  Jen felt confident, as she settled herself on the bench.  Her arms, shoulders and chest felt fatigued from the last set, but she felt that she still had one good set left in her.  She rested for a minute, after they loaded the bar, and then felt ready to go.  As she lied on the bench, Jeff could not help but notice that Jen’s arms and shoulders were still pumped and filled with thick veins popping from her skin.  God she looked powerful.  Jen gripped the bar, and took in a deep breath in has she lowered the bar to her chest.  Then a heavy exhale as she began to raise it back up.  I can do this she thought; my muscles are pumped and strong!  Up went the bar, with surprising ease.  She continued through her second and third reps in similar good form, with breathing and grunting getting heavier but no signs of tiring.  Jeff, staring down at Jen, noticed a thick vein now extended from each of her deltoids, sweeping across each of her insanely thick and pumped pectoral muscles. God she looks so strong, Jeff thought to himself.   At the fifth rep, she felt her muscles tiring and burning.  Red in the face and sweating more profusely, Jen ignored the pain and intensified her effort.  Even redder in the face with veins protruding along her temples, with a loud animal-like grunting exhale she managed to push it up.  Jeff thought she was wiped at this point, and was concerned when Jen lowered the weight to go for a 6th.  He moved his hands to the bar; thinking for sure she would need his help.  Jeff was amazed as she slowly began to raise the bar on her own.  Jen had never felt such burning pain during a lift and knew she had very little energy left, but she needed to do one more! Her face was beet red and intensely strained, and her body was soaking wet with sweat.  Jeff could never remember seeing so many veins popping over her body, or her face looking so contorted and so fierce with determination.  Her arms, torso and legs all visibly shook with the struggle but the bar slowly but surely kept moving up!  With a deep booming grunt that called the entire gym to her attention, Jen pushed the bar the rest of the way up!  Her body shook severely and she panted loudly for a minute or two as Jen rested on the bench, listening to Jeff and a few of the serious lifters praise her over and over.  As she caught her breath and felt the burning pain subside, Jen lurched from the bench like a wild animal, ecstatic over what she had accomplished.  GRRRRR !!! she roared as she struck a most muscular pose at the mirror.  Yeahh!!! she shouted as she watched her traps, shoulders, pectorals and arms explode, veins popping fiercely as she flexed.   “Look at my pecs!” she roared.  “I’ve got veins popping out of them now” she cried out in delight.  Jeff could only stare at the mind blowing display, open mouthed, in a combination of awe, envy and lust.  He swore that her pectorals had to be at least 2 inches thick; he had never such incredibly thick veins sweeping them or such a deeply etched crevice in the middle.  He felt himself harden, and unable to break his stare, he was drawn to her like a magnet.  He stepped towards her feeling an insatiable need to feel her power.  He grasped her shoulders with each of his hands.  Then running his hands up and down her arms, he blurted “” Your amazing Jen”. “At this rate you be lifting more than me in another month!”

Keith woke up early Saturday morning noticing it was only 6:30am.  Not wanting to wake Jen, he slipped quietly to the bathroom to take a shower. While the warm water relaxed him, his mind began to wander thinking of Jen’s astonishing transformation.  He wanted so badly to have her back again, to be lovers like they used to be.  He felt sick over his affair with Pam and his cheating on Jen, and knew he needed to prove himself worthy again of Jen’s love and attention.  This need he felt was burning deep and heavy inside him.

Keith was brushing his teeth when he saw the imposing physique step up behind him.  Looking into the mirror, Keith gasped at the reflection he saw.  Jen had developed an extreme hour glass figure that would make top bodybuilders proud.  While leaner than Keith at the waist, her lats spread out like wings up to her impossibly broad shoulders.  God, she must be at least 6 inches wider than me at the shoulders, Keith shuddered at the thought.  Jen stepped up against Keith, her weight forcing him to bend forward, enveloped by her body.  Jen extended her arms past Keith’s sides, clutching the sink counter with each of her hands.  She gripped the counter hard, tensing her arms, and pressing in against Keith from both sides.  Keith felt trapped, with Jen’s wide and thick torso pressing heavily against his back, and her muscled arms squeezing him from the sides.  Looking in the mirror he felt he looked like a little scrawny and slumping stick figure in contrast within her majestic surrounding physique.  Jen was just absolutely huge compared to him, with a grossly superior muscled build!  Keith felt himself stirring in the loin and growing extremely hard.   “mmmmmm” he moaned,  feeling the hard muscles pressuring all around his body.  Keith looked into the mirror intently, adoring the sight.  Indeed, Jen was at least 6 inches wider than him at the shoulders.  So much thicker, so much more muscled; Keith could only imagine how strong she must be now. And while always cute, she looked much more beautiful now as her face seemed sharper in feature and chiseled with power. Looking at her forearms, Jeff gasped again, they were so big and meaty, yet sharply defined with chords of steely looking muscles running the length of the top side, thick muscle bellies bulging out within the inner side and rope like veins popping out all over.  Jeff felt himself pulsating now, with his hardness to the max and desperately needing release.  His erection and the throbbing seemed even more intense than his encounter with Pam at the office, only this time he was trapped between Jen’s body and the counter, and could not thrust.  “How is my little one this morning?” Jen purred.  Her voice was deeper than it used to be, but sounding so sexy and so powerful at the same time.  “I’m good honey” Jeff squeaked, unable to conceal his intense and desperate arousal, he felt himself shaking and trembling within Jen’s surrounding body.  Jen, well aware of his state, reached down and grasped Keith’s erection with a strong tight grip.  Keith moaned immediately at her touch.   “You like what you see don’t you Lil’one?” “Oh my, you certainly do” “I haven’t felt you get this hard in ages!”  “And you’re so warm and throbbing so intensely from the inside!”  “Are you excited Lil’ one?”

“Mmmmmmm” he moaned as he meekly nodded his head, yes, to Jen. Jen wrapped her left arm across Keith’s chest, powerfully squeezing him tighter against her rock hard torso.  She flexed her shoulders and pectorals harder, increasing the pressure against Keith’s backside.  She then tightened her already hard firm grip on his erection.  “aaahhhhwww “ Keith cried out, a long hard moaning sound.   He had never felt such tightness around his erection.  “aaahhhwwwww” he loudly moaned again, but with a much higher pitch to it.   Jen was thrilled by the effect she was having on Keith.  There was no doubt in her mind that he was wildly aroused by her.  She had never seen him like this.  He had lost any and all self-control and was completely lost in extreme feelings of lust and pleasure. He was actually radiating hot heat inside her grip, now, and throbbing powerfully within his iron like erection.  She loved the feel of it! “Oh my Lil’ one, you’re so big and hard down here, and so hot!”  “You love my hard muscles and my big powerful body, don’t you Lil’ one?”  Jen’s voice was husky and so commanding and so sexy, causing Keith to shudder and throb even more intensely.  Keith felt unable to speak, but managed to squeak out a mousey sounding “yes”, as he continued moan and groan at her touch.  Jen slowly and firmly stroked his erection, which now felt like a hot iron rod, pulsating with a life of its own.   With every stroke his moaning got louder, longer and more high pitched, and the shaking and shuddering of his body steadily increased.  Jen loved the control.  Keith cried out like never before, shaking hard in near convulsion as he climaxed.  Jen was pleased as she watched the healthy spurts of his load burst out of him.  Oh yes, she said to herself, his sex drive is definitely back in full force; maybe better than it’s ever been.

Keith cleaned up the bathroom as Jen showered.  “Why don’t we do something spontaneous this weekend?” Keith asked.  “Maybe go away to a resort?” “I’m going rock climbing with Jeff today Keith.”  Jen replied.”  Kate and  Diane have personal training sessions booked with me tomorrow morning, and I’m meeting up with Lori tomorrow afternoon.”  “Sorry, I’m just so busy”.  “Maybe you could be a sweetheart and go grocery shopping and cook us a nice big dinner for tonight Lil’ one?  “I should be home by 7:00pm and I’ll be as hungry as a bear!”

Keith had a busy day.  First he thoroughly cleaned the house, hoping that Jen would notice and be happy about it.  Then he went to the butcher shop and purchased big thick steaks.  From there Keith went grocery shopping, making sure to select a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits.   He then made a visit to the gym for a quick upper body workout.  Returning home, Keith did all the food preparation work for dinner, set the table including two nice tall romantic candles, and then cleaned the kitchen again.  The house was fresh and spotless. He showered and got dressed in tight jeans and a sharp polo shirt.  He looked at the clock, seeing it was 6:00 already.  His heart raced with excitement; Jen should be home within an hour!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on December 01, 2013, 12:54:47 am
Best chapter yet :clap:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: alzef on December 04, 2013, 06:07:53 am
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: kun579 on December 04, 2013, 06:52:52 pm
best story here ;)
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 06, 2013, 08:48:02 pm
Chapter 7

“That was quite a climb Jen!” Jeff remarked while removing his gear. “You’re pretty impressive for a beginner”.  “These muscles that you helped me build made it seem so easy” Jen replied.  “My legs felt explosive with power the entire time and never even tired.”  “And my arms are so strong; it wasn’t difficult to pull myself up as I needed to.”  “Well so much for a beginners climb” Jeff laughed, “next time will be a really challenging cliff!”  After removing their gear, they continued to sit and relax for a while, relishing the warmth of the sunlight.   Jen noticed that Jeff was spying her arms, and she could just not resist tensing them harder to further command his attention.   She admired herself for a moment watching the veins in her forearm slowing come to life, gradually bulging and popping as she continued to coyly hold the tension.  She looked over to Jeff’s forearms and found herself comparing their size, shape and muscularity.  My forearms are definitely bigger and more muscular than his now, a sense of pride and a feeling of vanity surged through her.  She thought back to Jeff’s comment that within a month she would be stronger than him. Maybe in some areas she was already stronger?  With that thought she flexed her forearms even harder, watching the muscles expand and bulge in all their glory.  Her forearms seemed to widen and thicken at least an inch with the exertion, and now looked to serious out class Jeff’s.  “Hey Jeff.”  Jen and Jeff each broke away from their revelry of her arms to look up and meet at each other’s eyes. “I was thinking that I’m pretty advanced with my own training techniques now, and even have four clients of my own.” Jeff was dreading where this was heading, not wanting to lose the time he shared with Jen.  He looked back down from her eyes in worry, finding comfort in studying the muscles and veins that were now so clearly etched and bulging within her forearms.  “I’m going stop my PT sessions with you and use my own routines” Jen continued.  Jeff could not hide his disappointment; bowing is head and dropping his jaw, while continuing to admire Jen’s massive forearms.  “But how would you like to be training partners with me a couple of times a week?” “We could push each other really hard.” “I would love to be your workout partner Jen!” Jeff replied eagerly with a great big smile returning to his face.  “When would you like to start?” Jeff asked.  “I was thinking Tuesday and Thursday mornings Jeff” “Is that good for you?”  “I’ll make it work!” Jeff blurted excitedly.

“One more thing Jeff, before I head home for dinner” Jeff looked at her quizzically.  “Let’s arm wrestle Jeff, I think I can take you.  I think in some ways I’m stronger than you.” “Here?” Jeff asked tentatively, eyeing the ridges of steely tendons and jagged muscles protruding powerfully in long chords from the top side of her forearms. “Yeah, we can lie down right here; our arms seem to be the same length so it should be fair.”  Jen scrambled to the ground and positioned herself for the battle.  “C’mon Jeff, lets test our strength!”  Jeff hesitated for a moment, unsure of himself.  “Right now!” Jen commanded.  Her deep voice boomed with authority causing Jeff to immediately react.  He dutifully followed Jen to the ground.

The two contestants arranged themselves in position and locked hands.  Jen noticed that her hand was a little bigger and squeezed Jeff’s hand hard as they gripped, causing him to wince.  “What have I got myself into?” Jeff worried, trying as hard as he could to not show the severe pain he was feeling through his hand.  Jen felt his hand retreating and yielding within her grip. Seizing her advantage she expanded her wrap around his yielding hand.  Squeezing even harder, she felt his bones adjust and his grip further loosen and shrink in hope of finding relief from her increasing pressure.  She looked him square in the eyes as she began to count to three, in a deep husky tone that further reinforced her power.  His eyes were watering as he looked to be in fear of her, barely able to tolerate the throbbing pain in his hand.  The contrast between their arms, close together, was startling.  Jeff’s forearm while muscled and sporting a few veins actually looked thin and smooth next to Jen’s.  The width and thickness of her forearm tripled in size as it tapered out from her wrist to her elbow; a mighty, meaty display of iron hard mass that looked to be as big as Jeff’s bicep.  Jen appeared to have at least two inches of thick rugged muscle belly gnarling out from the inner side of her forearm.  This bulging display of rough muscle mass was layered by four thick snake-like veins that fiercely ran the length of the forearm, making it look another half inch thicker and frightfully strong. Further up her arm Jen’s software size bicep stared Jeff in the face. 

As Jen said “go”, they both pushed with everything they had.  Jen instantly squeezed Jeff’s hand harder with immense pressure as she rotated his wrist inward to obtain the advantage of leverage and angle. Jeff could not stop the screech of pain from escaping him, as he hand and wrist folded and submitted to her power.  He felt his hand contorting and his bones being pressed together.  “Aaaaahhhhh” he screamed, some tears flowing from his eyes.  On the defensive, Jeff concentrated all his power, to hold his current position.  For 60 seconds Jeff succeeded in keeping her in check, however, his entire arm was now in pain, almost as severe as his hand.  He felt all his strength being sapped away just attempting to resist her overwhelming pressure.  Jen felt so strong.  Jeff’s hand felt so soft and weak and so powerless within her vice like grip.  She knew for sure that she had to be bruising him as her iron hard fingers pressed deeper into his retreating tendons and bones.  His arm looked so small and hardly muscled next to hers.   There was no doubt in her mind that she owned him.  Jen took a deep breath, and unleashed an increased burst of power that began to slowly move his arm.  To his credit, Jeff continued to push back and resist as hard as he could, but Jen was overpowering him and slowly but surely pushing him down.  Within 20 seconds it was over. 

“How is your hand?” Jen asked with concern. “ I’m afraid it’s bruised” Jeff groaned, definitely shaken from the experience. “But it should be ok … No bones are broken.”  "But god is it sore" He winced some more as he spoke, in obvious pain.  “I’m too strong for you Jeff… You need to work on your grip… I was afraid of hurting you.” Jen could hardly believe herself speaking down to Jeff this manner, but felt herself surprising enjoying it.   “Yes, you’re much too strong for me Jen, you’re power was totally overwhelming” Jeff submitted.  “Would you please flex your arm for me?”  “Could I please feel it?   Jen allowed Jeff five minutes of worship as she flexed her arms for him, watching his fingers trace her steel-hard muscles and veins.  She basked in glorious feelings of superiority, power and control as all attention was commanded to her magnificent arms.  Arms that were not only bigger and more muscular than his, but now proven to be so much stronger. 

Jen then said her goodbye and headed for home.  She was starving and ready for dinner!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on December 07, 2013, 02:06:22 am
Totally owned him :woot:  :thanks: and looking forward to more :rock:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 08, 2013, 10:45:21 pm
Chapter 8-1

Keith felt his heart pounding as he heard Jen’s car pulling into the driveway.  He had not felt this way in years.  Maybe he had never felt this way.  He realized he was growing hard in arousal, just anticipating seeing her walk in.  He had double checked and even triple checked to be sure the food was perfect and that the house was spotless, as he felt a deeply burning desire to impress her.

“How was your climb?” Keith asked, as Jen walked in through the door.  “I loved it!” Jen replied, full of energy and spirit. “We are going to climb a more challenging cliff next weekend, and I just can’t wait!”  While jealous that he was not part of it, Keith still felt excited knowing that Jen was happy and enthusiastic about it.  “I feel like I’m really good at it” Jen exclaimed.  “While Jeff is much more advanced in technique, and led the way, I feel that he struggled physically more than I did”  “I was definitely the stronger climber!”  Jen flexed her softball sized bicep, to further emphasize her point. Keith stared at her arm in awe, watching it expand and grow, as the big round ball of muscle formed.  He felt himself fully harden in arousal, and begin throbbing against the tightness of his jeans.

Jen looked over at Keith, studying his reaction.  She noticed him staring directly at her flexed biceps, open mouthed and bug eyed.  She definitely had his complete attention!  He looked so sharp and cute in his tight jeans and light blue polo shirt.  Giving him a quick look over up and down, she indeed noticed that he had a full erection that bulged and strained against his jeans.  Jen walked towards Keith, and gave him a big hug, wrapping her muscular arms around his backside, and pressing him tightly against her body.  Returning the hug, Keith wrapped his arms around Jen’s shoulders, gripping and massaging each her beefy trap muscles.  He exhaled a nice long moan, feeling so good and so secure within her tight grasp.  “Mmmmmm” he sighed as he felt the hardness of her body, and the power of her muscular arms that encapsulated him.  Jen gave Keith a kiss on the cheek and then she spoke.  “I’m going to take a shower and change hun,   could you get dinner ready for us in the mean time?”  Keith shivered for a second as Jen broke the hug, the rush of excitement still flowing through him.  “Sure thing Jen” He replied. “Is thirty minutes good for you?”  “Why don’t you make it forty-five, hun” she countered, while heading to the bedroom.

Jen reflected during her shower.  She thought back to how years ago when Keith had the muscular physique that she now sported.  She remembered his big muscles when he was 185 pounds and in top form.  She remembered craving his powerful body.  And now Keith, at 154 pounds, had the lean athletic looking body that she used to have.  And now it was Keith that was craving her big muscles and her powerful body.  Keith was now the cute one, and she was the big hunk!  Further reflecting, Jen was certain that she loved it this way.  She loved her new physique, her amazing strength and the deepness and richness of her voice.  She loved being in control!

 Jen quietly stepped up to Jeff, who was busy at the kitchen sink.  She kissed him on the back of the neck while hugging him from behind.  She massaged his chest, and softly rubbed at his nipples.  She enjoyed listening to his giggles, followed by his long soft moans of appreciation, as she fondled him.  “I feel my Lil-One has worked really hard today to please me” she purred, her voice husky and sexy.  “The house is spotless and dinner smells delicious!” she added. “Thanks so much Jen” Keith replied “I’m so happy that you noticed”  “I wanted everything to be perfect for you!”  Jen felt Keith’s buddy shuddering as he spoke, while she continued to fondle at his breasts and nipples.  Finished at the sink, Keith turned around and instinctively began to return the hug.  He realized he had to look up to her, as Jen stood at over 6’3” in her heels, looking gorgeous in her bright red dress.  He reached up with his arms, over her broad shoulders, and grasping behind her neck.  Leveraging her thick neck and shoulders, he pulled himself upward and toward her.  Looking up into her eyes, Keith felt his body fold snugly against her as her sleeveless muscular arms wrapped around his back and pulled him in ever so tight.  Looking down, Jen kissed Keith on the forehead, as he gasped in delight.  “Well Lil-One, are you ready to serve us dinner now? “ Keith kissed her along her thickly muscled trap and then downward along her boulder like shoulder.   “Yes” he answered, sneaking in one last kiss at her neck. “Please sit at the table and relax Jen.”  “I’ll get dinner served now.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on December 09, 2013, 02:48:24 am
Hmmm... wonder what's for dessert? ;D
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 09, 2013, 03:58:57 am
Chapter 8-2

Jen had to admit that she was really impressed at the romantic candle light table setting, and how well Keith served the food and the wine.  The food was indeed delicious and the wine complimented nicely and helped establish a wonderful mood.  She relaxed for a few minutes, savoring her last glass of wine, as Keith cleared the table, and returned to the kitchen to clean up.

Keith returned to the dining room just as Jen finished her wine.  “Well hun, I hope you enjoyed the dinner” he offered.  Jen stood up before him, enjoying the fact that she was a few inches taller and looking down at him.  “I am so proud of you Lil-One!” she exclaimed.  “You did such a wonderful job with dinner!”  “Thank you very much Keith, you’ve been so thoughtful.” Keith blushed, noticeably excited and thankful of her praise. “Thank you Jen, I’m so happy you it enjoyed it” He looked up at her as he spoke, with longing eyes, hoping she would make a move.

Jen took Keith by the hand and waked him to the bedroom.  Then to Keith’s surprise she faced him again, and raised her arms into a double biceps pose.  She clenched her fists tightly, flexing both her forearms and her biceps with enormous power.  The contrast was amazing between Jen’s beautiful and delicate red dress and her rugged physique that was so frightfully imposing.  Her flaring lateral muscles and broad shoulders were at least twice as wide as her flat narrow waist, creating a pronounced hour glass figure. Her thick traps and boulder capped shoulders were intimidating, and then of course her mighty arms that she showed off as she struck her pose.  Jen smiled knowingly as she watched Keith’s erection grow tightly against his jeans, in concert with the mountains of muscles erupting within her arms.  Keith’s mouth opened wide as she flexed and he could not help from licking his lips, as he marveled at the muscles and veins that were taking shape all over her magnificent arms and shoulders.  His mind swirled as so many long sexy veins popped over her forearms and biceps with such snake-like thickness and ferocity.  Holy god, he thought to himself, she even has a vein sweeping her shoulder and pectoral!   Such huge muscles were bursting all over!  Massive balls of rugged biceps muscle; ridged and jagged forearm muscles that appeared impossibly thick and steely-hard.  A passionate involuntary gasp escaped him, as her flex reached its climax and her muscles and veins took on their most formidable and imposing form.  Keith felt his heart racing and his erection throbbing, in response to this overpowering yet erotic display of amazing muscle before him.  He was afraid that his trembling knees may buckle at any moment.  Yet, he continued licking around his wet lips and admiring the view until he heard Jen’s deep sexy voice address him.

“Do you think your muscles were ever this big Keith?” Jen asked while nodding towards her biceps.  Keith hands seemed to involuntarily and instinctively reach up towards Jen’s biceps, as if judgment was required to answer her question.  His hands trembled as he grasped the massiveness of each of her biceps, and he panted heavily while he spoke.  “M-maybe” he stuttered, unable to control the shivering that had now spread throughout his entire body. “M-Maybe when I was at 185 and top f-form a few years ago …  b-but n-no …  I d-don’t think so…  No... N-not this b-big.  N-not this h-hard …” Keith stretched his hand and pressed his fingers against Jen’s biceps as hard as he could, but there was no give.  He felt like he was pressing against a warm iron ball.  “N-no, n-no way J-Jen” he stammered as he continued to shake all over, looking up to her eyes, “I’ve n-never had m-muscles like y-yours ...”

Jen smiled down at him as she felt his weak trembling hands and fingers fail to extend fully around the thick mass of her biceps, and fail to dent the granite hardness of her muscle, even in the slightest bit.  Standing taller than him and being so much bigger than him seemed so natural now; seemed so right.   “I’m more muscular and stronger than you’ve ever been and could ever hope to be; aren’t I Lil-One?” Jen huskily purred.  Jeff continued to look up at her, and nodded in reverence.  “Admit it” she commanded, her voice growing deeper and more authoritative.  Jeff suddenly felt intense fear and shame, in addition to his already uncontrollable lust and deep arousal.  The conflicting emotions sweeping through his body like electric shock. “I-I-I a-a-admit i-it Jen” Keith squeaked, his voice cracking and rising in pitch and unable to stop from stuttering.  “I-I-I’ve n-never b-been this m-muscular or s-strong J-jen” Keith submitted between short pants, with tears of shame now flowing from his eyes.  “And I n-never w-will be …” “You’re so b-big and m- muscular Jen, s-so s-strong …”
“You love my muscles, love my size and my powerful physique don’t you little one?”  She stopped her flexing and moved her hand down to his crotch.   Rubbing her hand firmly against his throbbing erection, that had forced his jeans to bulge out at least four inches.  “Oh yes Lil-One, I know you love me this way” she purred, her voice so deep, so sexy, and so commanding as she pressed harder on his throbbing member. “Ooooohhhhmmmm” he gasped at her touch.  “Keith looked down at his erection, ashamed by his lack of control as he spotted the huge circle of pre-cum seeping out from his jeans.  He arched his head back up to her, nodding his agreement to her.  “mmmmmmmm y-y-yes” he moaned again.  Jen then moved her strong hands to his shoulders, gripping them hard and forcing Keith down to his knees.  “If you think my arms are huge, wait until you experience my legs” she chuckled, feeling like  God as she towered above him and dominated his thoughts.

Keith kneeled at her feet, and immediately spotted a long thick vein that started on the top of her foot from where it was first exposed at the front of her high heeled sandal, and worked itself up her ankle, traveling the length of the front of her calf and continuing along the inside of her thigh as far as he could see, being ultimately blocked by her lovely red dress.  He had never seen such a long and thick vein that was so pronounced and so captivating; so sensual in how it graced her muscled leg.  “Wow” he gasped.  He slowly traced the vein with his finger from her dress to her foot, amazed by how it so powerfully and wondrously adorned the entire length of her leg.  “So sexy!” he gasped again. ”So hot and sexy!”  “I-I…I  l- love this b-beautiful  v-vein Jen” he admitted quietly, somewhat embarrassed by his fetish,  pitched in a girlish sounding voice that sounded more reverent and submitting than it did lustful.  “I-It makes y-your f-foot and l- leg look so s-sexy… and s-so strong” Keith bowed his head and began kissing her foot along the beautiful vein. “mmmmmm” he moaned, ”so very beautiful.” He revered to it quietly, as if it could hear him.  He continued kissing the beloved vein following it up to her ankle.  At this point he also eyed the enormous girth of her calf muscle; an impossibly huge mound of muscle that flared out on both sides from behind her shin.  He ran his two hands up and down the back and sides of her muscular calf while he continued to kiss and lick the adorable rope-like vein, which was powerfully thickening as it surged further up the front of her long shapely leg.  His mouth was now half way between her ankle and knee.  He relished the increased thickness and fullness of the powerful vein as he caressed at it lovingly between his lips, continuing to worship its striking boldness, its utter beauty and the sheer magnificence by which it adorned her leg.  “So thick and powerful …” He revered to it again softly, but slightly louder than before.  “Mmmmm, you’re so long and thick and so beautiful ….mmmmm … surging with power…  I love you” he adoringly and emotionally chanted as if pleading with the glorious god-like vein to respond back to him.  Kissing it, licking it and sucking on it he felt inseparably bound to savor every inch of its insane thickness and its overwhelming presence and beauty, following its sexy path up her entire leg.  Suddenly he broke his trance and gasped in shock and lust as his hands felt Jen flexing her calf, causing is to split with thick diamond shaped muscles bulging on each side, laced with thin raised veins running both vertically and horizontally up and across the muscles.  He pressed his fingers more firmly against the diamond hardness of her muscle heads, and traced the steel-like veins protruding from them.  “Oh my god” he gasped, “Aaaawwwwhhhh” he moaned long and loud. “y-you f-feel so s-so g-good Jen, s-so b-big and s-strong, so h-hard,  s-so hugely m-muscled!”

Jen took a big step back breaking Keith’s grip from her leg.  Towering above him she placed her hands on her hips, looking down upon his lean trembling body that knelt before her.  Keith in a moment of helpless desperation lurched forward, feeling an urgent desire and burning hunger to return to her long thick beautiful vein that he so reverently adored, and her huge rugged calf that he so badly needed to embrace and worship.  He found himself on lying flat on his stomach and panting like a dog, his face buried on her foot, his lips passionately loving and kissing the vein, and his arms and hands reaching above his head, grasping at her calf muscle.  In between kisses, panting moans of arousal escaped him, of increasing intensity.  Jen allowed him a few moments of this intense worship and then she spoke.

“Kneel to me my little one” she commanded.  Her voice projected so deep and rich and powerful that she indeed sounded like a God.  It was in striking contrast to Keith’s trembling and increasingly girlish sounding vocals.  “KNEEL TO ME NOW” she repeated, the loudness and the depth of her voice filled the room.  Keith reactively scrambled to his knees in panic and looked up to her, in worship.  “THAT’S BETTER LIL-ONE” she boomed, hands on hip looking down at his cowering figure.  “I want you tonight Lil One” she huskily purred, her voice reducing more to a whisper and sounding sexy again.  “You’ve been very good today and your all mine” “Go get cleaned up and ready for bed …It’s time for some fun.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: sevenpeight on December 11, 2013, 08:45:25 pm

Great development.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 14, 2013, 08:15:20 pm
Chapter 8-3

Jen arrived at the gym extra early.  What a night last night, she reflected, the fabulous dinner, a bottle of wine and a late night of sex with Keith.  By far the best sex she had ever had with him.  Jen was greeted by the manager, who had a message for her.  Two men that wanted to sign on with her as their PT.  Looking at their contact information, Jen was pretty sure she knew them.  They were both regulars at the gym, in their early twenties and aspiring bodybuilders.  Wow, she noted, this will bring me up to 6 clients and my first two men!  Checking the time she was relieved she would have 3 hours to workout, before Nurse Jones arrived.
“One more rep Diane, work hard now!”  Diane groaned and struggled as she curled the barbell for her tenth and final rep, needing just a slight nudge of help from Jen.  “What a burn!” the beautiful blond haired nurse exclaimed, shaking out her biceps and happy to have finished the killer workout of her arms.  She looked around the gym to notice several of the guys spying at her.  She was hot and she knew it.  She flexed her biceps for all to see, admiring the gains in both size and definition she had made since training with Jen.  She loved the long raised vein that now ran along it.  “You’re an awesome PT Jen” Diane beamed, at first admiring her own arms but then staring back to Jen’s in favor of the view of her incredible physique.  “I love working out with you Jen, you push me so hard and you’re such an inspiration” “Being near you, seeing your powerful physique, makes me work 10 times harder!”  Jen walked towards Diane and gave her flexed biceps a squeeze.  Her long powerful fingers fully wrapped around Diane’s biceps, she tightened only enough to slightly dent the hard muscle while at the same time demonstrating the clear dominance of her grip. It’s getting bigger and harder Diane, and more defined. You’re doing great!” The feel of Jen’s big powerful hand fully surrounding and denting her yielding biceps, sent shivers of excitement through Diane’s body.  She looked up to Jen’s eyes in complete admiration “Thanks Jen, I meant to ask you.”  “Can I increase my sessions with you from twice a week to three times a week?”   “Sure thing” Jen replied, “You’re sure you can afford this?” “It’s the best money I’ve ever spent”, Diane responded, wishing she could afford to book even more time.  “Why don’t you call me tomorrow Diane and we’ll update your schedule.  “Hey Kate!” Jen greeted her enthusiastically noting her arrival.  “Diane and I ran a little long.  She’s working so hard!”  Please give me 5 minutes and we’ll get started …”

Doctor Hill waited patiently at the restaurant, eagerly anticipating Jen’s arrival.   Angela’s was one of the finest restaurants in the area, and known for their gourmet yet healthy selections.  She was certain of truly impressing Jen.  Noticing it was 1:30 already, Doctor Hill began to worry that Jen might have forgot their date.  It was not like her to be 30 minutes late.  She gave Jen a call, hoping she was on her way.  “I’m sorry Lori, both Diane and Kate ran long and I received two new clients that I needed to call.”  “I’m changing into something real nice.  I’ll see you in 30 minutes!”

Doctor Hill eyed Jen the second she walked into the dining area.  “Oh my god” she thought excitedly.   Jen has to be at least 6’ 2” with the heels she has on!!  And such a sexy black dress!! The Doctor’s heart raced faster and faster as Jen drew closer.  The thin spaghetti straps of her sleeveless dress offered a full view of her boulder like shoulders and muscular arms.  And the sexy low cut of the front, revealed most of her thick iron plated pectorals.  Doctor Hill fixated on the deep cleavage between Jen’s pecs, and the beautiful definition of the dense thick slabs of muscle on each side. ”Finally here Lori” Jen smiled as she reached the table.  Noticing Lori’s worshipping eyes clearly adoring her, Jen’s confidence level and feeling of superiority was soaring.  “But I’m worth waiting for aren’t I Lori?  Doctor Hill was panting in arousal as she quickly replied;  ”Oh god yes Jen … your dress is so beautiful and you look so tall in those heels!”  “And what about this body inside the dress, Lori?”  Jen’s voice was deep and erotic as she looked down at the doctor with her piercing and knowing eyes.  “Oh I’m so sorry Jen”, blushing beet read as she gushed in muscle lust, “Your body is so magnificent!” “Your body makes the dress!” ”I just love how your pecs show …”  Oh god I’m blabbering …”  “Sit down Jen, let’s have lunch!”

Leaving the restaurant together they chatted in the parking lot at Lori’s car.  The doctor looked up at Jen, realizing her head was only level with Jen’s deeply muscled chest.  She resisted the burning temptation to reach forward and grasp at those dense thick pectoral muscles.  Such luscious and beautiful muscles that she could not help from staring at and craving for.  Bold powerful muscles that commanded her attention and deserved her worship.  She briefly imagined herself feeling and kissing the meaty pectorals, and running her tongue through the deeply etched cleavage that separated them.  Regaining her thoughts the doctor spoke.   “As I was saying Jen, your test results have clearly showed that your condition is accelerating.”  Without treatment your muscle development will increase at a higher rate, as well as the side effects your experiencing”  “I have told you over and over again Lori, that I’m staying natural with this”  Jen spoke sternly while reaching down and gripping the doctors shoulder just hard enough to cause her to wince.  “Am I clear Lori, you do understand me don’t you? Jen’s voice deepened in authority as she squeezed the doctors shoulder a little harder further emphasizing her control.  Lori whimpered in pain while she attempted to answer “y-yes Jen,  I-I was h-honestly hoping that this w-woud be your d-decision.”  Relaxing her grip Jen smiled, her eyes softening as she looked down at the doctor.  “Did you book us a hotel room for tonight Lori?”  “Yes Jen, a l-luxury suite, the best I c-could find”  “Fantastic” Jen beamed “I wore Keith out last night, I bet it takes him at least three days to recover” she laughed. “You’re my lover for tonight Lori, and in for the time of your life… believe me!”  Feeling swept off her feet, Lori lost any remaining feelings of social constraint and hungrily reached over to Jen’s chest.  She began running her trembling fingers up and down the granite-feeling crevice, and then pressing into the iron plated slabs of the thick dense pectoral muscle.  “Can we p-please go c-check in n-now Jen”, she shyly asked with her head arched up, highlighting the begging eyes that pleaded to her master.  Lori’s heart leapt in joy and raced with anticipation as she heard Jen’s husky voice respond in the affirmative …
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on December 15, 2013, 03:13:29 am
 :woohoo:  :rock: and K ongoing!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 20, 2013, 04:22:01 pm
Chapter 9-1

3 months later …

Keith planned out his day in his mind as he enjoyed his early morning shower.  He marveled at how wonderfully his life had changed during the past few months and how much he enjoyed it.  He thought through his daily schedule during the work week, feeling proud of his superb time management:  Cook Breakfast; Serve Jen breakfast in bed; Work from 8:00 to 5:00; Prepare dinner; Dinner with Jen; Clean the kitchen; Workout at gym; and hopefully some special time with Jen to end the night ….

Pam inspected her new office brimming in pride.  It looked so fresh and vibrant and she loved the colors.  She had ordered the reconstruction of the 2nd floor in order to build her an office over twice the size as the other vice presidents.  The rich executive mahogany furniture, large windows, and the expensive artwork gave the expansive office the feel of authority, luxury and fashion.  The rack of dumbbells she had setup in the corner, complimented by large pictures of Pam flexing in bodybuilder poses was a glaring reminder of her striking beauty, physicality and strength. Pam’s rapid rise to vice president with three promotions inside 6 months was pretty remarkable.  She was already the most influential and respected VP and the clear choice as the heir apparent to the company president.  Ted Hughes, the company founder and president seemed to delegate to her more and more, and increasingly deferred to her judgment on key decisions.  Rumors were always floating around of how Pam had dominated the executive meetings, and how the other VPs and senior managers respected her, feared her and yielded to her leadership direction. Hallway discussions revealed the large numbers workers that were in awe of her, and how most men felt emasculated and even threatened by her.  Most of the staff seemed to keep up with her bodybuilding accomplishments and muscle sizes, particularly her astonishing biceps which were said to be over 13.5 inches of solid shredded muscle.

“Let’s add 25s on each side for my next set Jeff.”  Jeff could only shake his head in amazement, as Jen was now bench pressing for reps, as much as he could max for a single rep.  Jen looked over at the bench next to her and noticed Carl Jenkins working out there.  Carl was well-known and highly respected as the king of the gym.  At 6’1 225 pounds of pure muscle, the bodybuilder was clearly the best built and strongest member of the gym.  On the other hand, his cockiness and arrogance could be a real turnoff.  Jen had been at awe of him herself, watching him workout on the bench press with 365 pounds.  He’s still working out with 365 tops she noticed, beginning to think of him as less than a king and even feeling a bit sorry for him that he appeared to have reached his peak physique and strength.   Jen concentrated back on her own workout again gripping the bar with her strong hands.  Her form was impeccable as she benched 275 pounds for 10 reps.  Jeff marveled at her powerful barrel chest and thick muscled arms as she made it look much too easy.  After reducing the bar back to 225 for Jeff’s final set, they loaded it up to 295 pounds for Jen to finish up with.   Jen noticed Carl looking over.  He no longer looked as cocky as he used to; instead looking impressed maybe even alarmed by how much Jen was lifting.  “Work hard now, Jen” Jeff encouraged, “at least 5 good reps!”  Jen managed 6 reps in excellent form and then struggled and grunted through the remaining 4, needing a little help from Jeff with the last 2.  Jeff closely studied Jen’s physique the entire set as her muscles pumped to the max due to her intense exertion.  He loved the way the three thick veins crossed powerfully, popping through the paper thin skin over each of Jen’s thick bulging pectorals.  The three pronounced veins appeared to raise and thicken increasingly with each rep, and by the final reps would be complemented with the emergence of several smaller worm sized veins that further adorned the spectacular muscles.  He had also taken to studying her huge triceps that exploded from her arms as she worked the heavy weights.  Thick horse shoe shaped muscles protruding through big beefy arms, graced by a half dozen small veins that popped and surged as she blasted through the workout.  Jeff broke his trance as he heard Jen’s powerful voice resonate through the gym.  “Let’s add 5 pounds to each side Jeff, I want to break 300 with my final set” she boomed, looking directly at Carl as she pronounced her objective.  She noticed Carl stare at her pumped chest, almost entirely revealed above her low cut wife-beater.  She noticed him look back at his own chest, do a double take back at hers and then lower his head as she continued to confidently stare him down.  Not so cocky any more Jen thought, wait till he sees what I can do with 305.  Carl stopped his own workout watching in envy as Jen and Jeff loaded the bar to 305, and Jen powered through 4 reps on her own and another 3 with Jeff’s help.  At this rate she’ll be passing me in a few months, he muttered to himself, frustrated by his inability to gain.  Looking at her thick, ripped veiny chest, he probed his own chest unable to suppress feelings that it was smaller, softer and less manly than hers.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: solitariodude on December 20, 2013, 05:51:48 pm
Poor Carl :laugh:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 21, 2013, 08:30:33 pm
Chapter 9-2
Nurse Jones shook in nervous excitement and anticipation as she called Jen for her appointment.  She had brushed her long blonde hair, and re-applied her makeup just before coming out, hoping to impress Jen with her beautiful looks.  She had worn her short sleeve nurse’s dress to show off her toned and nicely muscled figure.  Her heart beat jumped to a frantic rate the second she spotted Jen rising up in her striking back dress, sleeveless, featuring a generous view of her magnificent arms.  From head to toe, Jen was drop dead gorgeous.  Her long dark brown hair, wavy and slightly curly, fell to just below her shoulders.  Her shiny hazel eyes sparkled in beauty.  Her sweetly curved lips presented the prettiest smile that one could ever imagine.  She was over 6’ 3” in the high heels she loved to wear now, and her long arms and legs made her seem even taller.  And her body had become an elite muscled sensation that any bodybuilder would envy and wish for.  Words such as hour glass physique, huge, thick, ripped, hard and vascular just could not give her mind-boggling physique its justice.
The nurse’s eyes fixated on Jen’s wondrous arms and legs , admiring how her muscles shaped and danced, as the power packed patient made her way through the waiting area.  She continued to savor Jen’s mighty physique from the corner of her eye as she walked her to the doctor’s office.  “Please remove your shoes Jen and we’ll get your height and weight measured”, she requested eagerly.  The nurse’s mind was racing, wondering how much Jen must weigh now, given the inches of muscle she had packed on all over her body.  Nurse Jones checked the height first.  “5’11?” she noted in a puzzled tone.  “That doesn’t make sense, how could you have grown a half inch?”  Jen was just as curious.  “I have no idea Diane, although I thought I was looking closer to Keith’s height lately”  “Hopefully Doctor Hill will have an answer”.  Nurse Jones then switched to the scale and checked the weight.  She did not even try to suppress the gasp that escaped her, being so excited as she read the value.  “Jesus Jen!”  “You’re up to 196 pounds!”  “And there’s not an ounce of fat on you!”  “All muscle!” Without thinking, Nurse Jones reactively reached out with both arms, longingly grasping at each of Jen’s biceps.  Impulsively, still unaware of actions, her fingers lustfully pressed and felt Jen’s biceps as she continued with not stop praise “God almighty Jen, you’re as hard as solid rock!”  “So huge!”  “Such amazing muscles!”

Jen’s powerful voice brought the nurse back to the reality of her current obsessiveness.  “I’m so glad you approve of my body Diane” Jen smiled, looking down into infatuated nurse’s lovely sky blue eyes. “You really love the feel of my arms, don’t you?” she whispered huskily and sensually, savoring the feeling of immense power she was holding over a woman as beautiful as Diane.  Jen knew Diane was hot for her body. She could tell from their frequent workouts together.  But she had no idea that it was to this extreme.   Studying Diane’s long blond hair, blue eyes and pretty facial features , Jen concluded that her beauty was absolutely stunning.  Diane was the most beautiful woman she had ever met, and now she owned her!  Jen tensed her arms hard, causing Diane to gasp in arousal.  “How does that feel Diane?” Jen asked seductively, perfectly clear of the effect she was having on the nurse.  “mmmmmmmm” the nurse responded emotionally, her hands remaining glued to the muscles she so desperately adored .  “Feels so good Jen” she lustfully moaned.   With her confidence soaring, Jen flexed even harder, feeling her biceps powerfully bulging within the nurses trembling hands.  “Feel them grow Diane” she whispered, her voice so deep and commanding, yet at the same time so irresistibly hot and sexy.  “oooohhhhhhh”  the nurse sighed “oh yesssssss” her hands probing all over the huge granite boulders of muscle, revering the warm hard mass, tracing the abundance of beautiful thick veins that had popped out all over the rugged arms.  Her face moved forward and buried itself at the front Jen’s shoulder, where she began kissing all along her monstrous shoulder, her trap muscle and the edge of her thick bull neck.
“I know you want me Diane” Jen purred, feeling the intense hunger released from nurse’s long deep passionate kisses at her trap muscles and her trembling fingers that could not stop groping and feeling the muscles of her arms.  “You want me soooo badly don’t you?” Jen continued in her husky whisper feeling god-like as she basked in her supreme power. She wondered how far she could take this, being that they were in the doctor’s office.  “Oh god yes Jen, I want you sooooo badly.  More than I’ve ever wanted any man, even Jim.”  Jen thought about Diane’s ex-boyfriend Jim a moment, a really cute aspiring bodybuilder that was now one of her clients for PT.  “Jim’s so weak and soft compared to me, isn’t he Diane?” “His muscles are so much smaller than mine” Diane nodded in agreement to Jen’s assertions, as her hands and fingers continued to obediently worship Jen’s bulging arms.  “Yesssss ….You’re much bigger Jen, much harder.  And so much more ripped and vascular”  “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” she slowly and lengthily moaned as she traced the snake like vein running the length of Jen’s bicep. “And so beautiful” “I ache and burn for you Jen!” “Please take me!” “Pleassssse” she begged longingly, as she returned her face to Jen’s shoulder and trap, and resumed her passionate kissing. 

Jen interrupted Diane’s reverence.  “Kneel to me Diane” Jen softly ordered, her voice deeper, richer and boldly commanding.  Diane responded immediately and naturally, feeling an intense desire to obey and to please the majestic muscle-god before her.  She slowly dropped to her knees while intently looking up at Jen’s eyes in complete worship. “Bow to my feet” Jen continued, her voice remaining soft but with incredible depth and authority.  As Diane submissively lowered her head, she spotted the thickest and boldest vein she had ever seen, surging in power as it adoringly ran the length of Jen’s fiercely muscled leg and over her bare foot.  The words just flowed through her lips before she even realized what she was saying…. “wow” “so beautiful” she gasped “so magnificent”  Her face lowered as she bowed  to Jen’s long athletic foot.  All she knew is that she had to kiss that vein, had to feel it, had to relish it and savor it within her lips ….  “oooooohhhhh” she moaned loudly as she reached her destination, passionately kissing and licking the vein the length of Jen’s foot.  “Keith loves her too Diane” “he worships her for hours, tracing her all the way up my leg.”   Jen lifted her dress as she spoke, allowing Diane to see the glorious vein continue up the inside of her thigh increasing to an extremely pronounced rope size thickness.   Jen ran her finger along the thickest points of the vein, at the middle of her inner thigh, up towards her crotch pointing it out to Diane. “She keeps getting bigger and thicker Diane”, Jen purred, continuing to trace the vein.   “She has to in order to fuel my massive muscles as they continue to grow!”  “God its beautiful Jen, so beautiful looking on your muscular legs”  “I love how thick it is, how it surges with so much power”  “it so further adorns your already magnificent muscles!”  Diane returned to her worship, kissing the vein along Jen’s ankle and following it up her leg as it gradually thickened and increased in boldness.  Jen smiled, enjoying that Diane began to act and sound exactly like Keith.  “So thick and powerful …” She revered to it softly.  “Mmmmm, you’re so long and thick and so beautiful ….mmmmm … surging with power…  I love you” she adoringly and emotionally chanted as if pleading with the glorious god-like vein to respond back to her.  Kissing it, licking it and sucking on it she felt inseparably bound to savor every inch of its insane thickness and its overwhelming presence and beauty, following its sexy path up her entire leg. 

They both heard the door open, and Doctor Hill’s surprised and angered voice.  Diane was halfway up Jen’s inner thigh, her face inside Jen’s dress making out with the thickest point of the vein, while her hands were groping Jen’s calf and quad.  “What’s going on in here?” snapped Doctor Hill.  “Nurse Jones!”  “What are you doing?”  Nurse Jones panicked, pulling her face out of Jen’s dress, still on her knees she looked up at Doctor Hill beet red with embarrassment.  I’ve lost my job for sure she feared to herself. 

Doctor Hill attempted to go on to chastise the nurse, but Jen interrupted before another word left her mouth.   “Calm down and be quiet Lori” “Sit down on this chair please.” I have some questions for you.”  Jen’s voice left no question of who was in charge, as she pointed at the chair.  Doctor Hill sat down and complied as she was told.  “Diane, please go get a tape to measure my muscles.”   “Please leave Lori and me alone for 15 minutes for our appointment and then promptly return.”

“Lori, I have grown a half inch.” “Did you expect this?”  “Do you understand why?”  “I don’t understand Jen.” Lori admitted.   “You have a very rare case and some rare side effects”.  Your muscle growth is off the charts, and yes, your bones are growing again”  “I can run more tests if you would like, but I’m not sure that it will do any good”  “Plus you are dead set on remaining natural” “This is what I have from your last test results, you will find it interesting  ….” As the discussion concluded Jen began to strip down, for her checkup.  “Please take your clothes off too Lori.”  “I like your exams better that way.”  As always, Doctor Hill did as she was told.

Nurse Jones gasped as she entered the room, stunned, to see Doctor Hill in the nude sucking on Jen’s nipple while probing at her pectorals with both hands.  Jen was lying on the examination bed comfortably and at ease, also completely naked. “You have absolutely no breast tissue remaining Jen; and virtually no body fat what so ever” Doctor Hill had broken her lips free to speak, while continuing to probe at the awesome muscles with her fingers. ”You have the thickest and hardest pectoral muscles that I have ever examined, and that includes elite professional athletes; men that have lifted for years”  “You are leaner than competitive bodybuilders in contest condition and your skin is razor thin” Bowing her head back down she kissed Jen’s iron hard pectoral, and then ran her tongue through the crevice in the middle. “Yes! They are without a doubt leaner and harder than any man I’ve ever met!” Diane added, walking up to the bed to get a close up view herself.

Jen began to flex her pecs for her two admirers, watching in pride as her three lusciously thick landmark veins emerged on each side, sweeping her torso and connecting to her shoulders, while she pumped up the iron slabs of muscle that plated her barrel chest.  She gripped Lori under the shoulder and at the hip, and began to bench press her up in down, working her muscles even harder.  Using Lori as a human barbell, she continued to pump and flex, admiring her rippling pecs as several additional smaller veins began to appear and crisscross the three larger ones.   “100% iron girls!” she exclaimed, looking down at her manly chest that was as ripped and vascular as any she had seen.  “Nothing but thick, dense, powerful muscle!”  “Please take off your clothes off and join us Diane” ”I’d love a nice long massage by your strong hands, while Lori measures my muscles…”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: magnusmagneto on December 23, 2013, 07:25:57 am
Wow.  Normally I'm not a big fan of the sex centric stories, but I have to hand it to you - the slow growth and gradual life changes (heh) are really really fun to read!

Keep on going, you've got my attention!

+karma and all that jazz..!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 23, 2013, 08:33:41 pm
Chapter 9-3

Keith had got into the habit of bringing Pam a gourmet coffee and the newspaper first thing in the morning.  While only good friends now and no longer in an affair, Keith held the highest level of respect and admiration for Pam.  She was a super high powered executive who was successfully transforming the company to be thriving and #1 in its business.  Pam had promoted Keith to a much better position, with higher pay.  Furthermore, he no longer needed to work all night to meet objectives as he now had a highly qualified staff supporting him.  Pam knew that he was completely loyal to her and that she could count on him and his team to come through with each and every task.  Keith treasured the 15 minutes a day that he spent with Pam over coffee, discussing company strategy and business objectives, and discussing Pam’s bodybuilding accomplishments.  She would usually flex a little bit for him, and when he was lucky she sometimes would let him feel her arms.

“Your office is awesome Pam!” Keith could not hide his astonished impression at the grandeur of the enormous office.  “I love the layout and the colors, and the huge windows!” “Wow, it’s quite a bit bigger than Ted Hughes’ office and your furniture is so much more extravagant!”   “Has Ted seen this yet?”  Pam smiled at Keith, enjoying his admiration and appreciation.  She walked to her dumbbell rack, picked up the two forty pounders and began doing biceps curls, ever so slowly with perfect form.  She turned to face Keith while continuing flawlessly with her repetitions.  “Have a seat on the sofa Keith, make yourself comfortable."  The dumbbells were something new  to Keith.  He had never seen Pam work out in her office before.  Keith sat down, relaxing comfortably within the plush leather sofa.  Pam’s facial expressions indicated that she was in deep thought, but she also looked extremely confident.  Keith then looked at her arms which were pumping up beautifully, expanding and hardening more with each repetition.  Her scant light blue dress, left most of her remarkable body exposed to see.
As Pam completed her first set, she put the dumbbells back on the rack, took a couple of steps toward Keith and looked down, directly into his eyes.  “Ted will be here in a half hour Keith, I suspect he will be quite unhappy with how much I spent with this”  “But, hell, I’m responsible for all the growth in earnings this year, not Ted!”  “He owes the success of the company to me and he knows it!” “I’m afraid he’ll be even more upset when he hears about the next phase of construction I have planned.”  “His new office will be even smaller, to make room for additional office areas to grow our workforce.” 

Pam returned to the rack, and picked up two forty-five pound dumbbells.   “I thought I’d pump up my arms really strong”, she continued, looking over her shoulder at Keith.  “It makes me extra confident with my muscles so furiously pumped and ripped, as I have to debate and over rule such egotistical men like Ted”  Pam pivoted back to face Keith again, and began her repetitions with the forty-fives.   This was clearly a more intense struggle for her.  Her face grimaced with the effort and her forearms, biceps and deltoid muscles exploded in veins as the muscles pumped into amazing size and definition every inch of the way from her hands to her neck.  Her reps were not as slow, and her form no longer perfect, but her muscles were certainly exploding to the max!
Keith stared at the magnificent display of power and muscular beauty as she completed the set.  Pam placed the dumbbells on the floor, stepped forward until she was just inches before Keith and the sofa, and began a seductive series double biceps flexes.  Keith loved how each of her ultra-ripped biceps separated so clearly into two distinct biceps heads.  The sharp definition and incredible leanness and hardness of the muscles, presented the ultimate of spectacular beauty to Keith.  He also loved how her arms and shoulders were so smothered in veins. The number of thick raised veins on her forearms was countless, as they covered most of her skin.  There were two particular veins on her biceps that he especially adored.  Both were monster veins of rope size thickness, running the length of her arms.  One of the monster veins ran over the top of her biceps.  It maintained its astonishing thickness from her forearm and up the length of her biceps to the lower portion of her deltoid.  It then divided into three veins at the middle of her deltoid.  One of them was of snake-like thickness and swept horizontally across her beefy pectoral.  The other two tributaries continued upward, splitting like in a V shape and diminishing to worm-like proportion as they crawled their way up to the top of her shoulder.  The other monster vein ran along the inside of her arm, underneath her biceps, from her forearms to her armpit.  Amazingly, it maintained its unimaginable thickness the entire length of the run.  There was a pronounced fork about mid-way under the bicep, with one main tributary continuing ferociously, on a path straight to the armpit and the other forking straight up, like a fire hose furiously fueling her remarkably split biceps peaks.  The biceps resembled rugged mountain peaks, shining with diamond like hardness and brilliance with jagged crystal like definition.  Dozens of worm sized tributary veins branched upward from the monster vein to further feed and vividly adorn her luscious biceps bellies.  Keith swore he saw the tributaries thickening in size as they surged to their limit attempting to fuel the growth of Pam’s insatiable biceps.  As they thickened they served to further beatify and adorn the biceps.  And even dozens more tributaries branched downwards from the monster vein, to the bottom of her arms, feeding and glorifying the huge bulky triceps.  Keith savored the moments in silent praise and lusty thought.   Veins this thick belong on a 300 pound bodybuilder he pondered.  They are even thicker then Jen’s veins he marveled.  I hope Jen’s biceps get this well-defined with the two peaks and these monster veins, he day-dreamed in lust. 

Working extremely hard to keep his composure, Keith spoke to Pam. “H-how big is your b-bicep now P-pam?  “Its 14 inches pumped to the max like this Keith!” she responded proudly.  “What do you think of it?” She questioned authoritatively, while giving her glorious arm an admiring look herself. “It’s p-perfection Pam!” Keith gushed out in admiration. “It r-really is!”  “I l-love the sharp d-definition and the distinct shapes of your split biceps peaks.” “I can’t believe you’re up to 14th inches!” he exclaimed with more confidence and excitement.   “And your monster veins are the biggest and thickest I’ve ever seen on an arm; oh my god Pam!”   Keith’s unconditional praise and devotion genuinely touched Pam. “Monster Veins; is that what you call them?”  She chuckled, fairly certain of the two veins that Keith was describing. She loved them too.   “Well maybe that’s a good description of them” she laughed.  She then returned to her expression of confidence and power.  “They have had to grow this large and thick to feed my amazing muscles Keith, and will grow even more”  “Can you believe that I could ever get this big and strong!”

Keith looked up at her beautiful face, her sandy light brown hair and her lovely brown eyes in wonder.  Such amazing beauty and power he pondered.  And such intelligence and so driven. She should be running this company, not Ted.  “I think you should do a set of curls with the Forty-Fives when Ted arrives”, Keith advised.  “I bet he can barely lift that much with both arms!”  “Let him witness, both your pumped muscles and your power, Pam”   “I Like that idea Keith - Thanks!”  “Another set before he comes, then a set when he gets here”  “That should blow his mind!” she beamed with boldness.  Pam’s voice then softened and her smile sweetened as she made Keith an offer.  “Would you like to feel my arm for a moment Keith, before leaving my office?”  She moved her arm inches before his eyes and flexed it hard, watching the biceps again erupt into its wondrous mountain shape, smiling even more as she noticed the veins again popping and surging at her command.  “Go ahead and press and feel the split peaks Keith, and trace the Monster Veins” she offered so seductively.  She watched as Keith’s mouth opened wide, and while licking at his lips his arms slowly reached out until his hands reached their destination and his fingers began to caress her biceps and veins ....
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 29, 2013, 10:25:08 pm
Chapter 9-4

Keith was busy cooking dinner in the kitchen expecting Jen to arrive home any minute.  He was still thinking about his day at work and wondering how Pam’s meeting with Ted went.  He was seriously impressed with Pam’s audacity in setting up a rack of dumbbells and her bodybuilding pictures in her office, and he had no doubt that she would pump up her muscles right in front of Ted.   He was hoping to hear from Pam tomorrow morning, that Ted capitulated to her overwhelming physicality, power and intelligence.  His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.  “Hello”  “Oh Hi Jen” “You’re running late with a client?”  “Ok, see you in a half hour” Keith finished getting their dinner prepared and then rested for a few minutes, waiting for Jen to arrive.

“Dinner was delicious Keith, you’re becoming such a superb cook! “Please make it quick at the gym; I have a surprise for you tonight!”

Keith rushed through his workout, constantly wondering what Jen had in mind for a surprise.  Tonight was his leg workout, which tended to move much faster than his upper body routines. He rested less between sets, to speed it up as much as he could.  Once complete with his legs, he progressed through 200 crunches in four sets of fifty.  He felt a really nice burn and could not resist from lifting his shirt up above his stomach at the end his workout, to inspect his 6-pack abdominals.  Jen loved his nice lean and ripped abs, and they indeed look ripped tonight.  He smiled, satisfied at his reflection in the mirror, and headed to the locker room for a quick shower.

Entering the house, Keith was greeted by Jen who was standing a few feet from the door.  Jen looked astonishingly beautiful and stunningly imposing, standing over 6’4” in her high heeled sandals wearing a very scant black dress, that covered precious little of her magnificent body.  The thinnest possible spaghetti straps left her shoulders and arms entirely revealed, while the front was low cut to just barely above her nipples, revealing most of her massive barrel chest.  There was a narrow opening that ran down from the middle of her lower chest line to her belly button, exposing a glimpse of the bottom of her pectorals and her abs.   Keith paused for a moment, taking in the spectacular sight before him.

Jen stood postured in a powerful looking stance with her hands on her hips.  She seemed taller than ever to Keith, as he was forced to tilt his head back in order to look her in the eyes.  Her forearms were tensed, showing powerful chords and ridges of muscles covered with thick veins.  Her huge triceps flared out showing off inches of horseshoe shaped meaty muscle that bulged wonderfully from the side and back of her arms.  Her pectorals were also tensed, causing them to ripple within their thick beefy mass right to her nipples with her landmark veins slightly emerging, as they swept across the beautiful muscle.  The taut skin covering her pectorals seemed thinner than paper and stretched to the point of tearing, unable to contain the shredded muscle and surging veins.  As extremely lean as Keith had become, even his pectorals had more flesh and breast tissue to them than Jen’s.  A shiver swept through his entire body, as he came to the realization his chest was more breast-like and feminine than hers.  Keith instinctively took two steps forward and slowly kneeled down to Jen’s feet, taking in her thick sculpted abs, her monster quads and her huge vascular calves as he lowered himself to his knees.  He briefly looked back up to her eyes for a moment of reverence, and then bowed his head to her feet.  His lips found her enormous vein of his ultimate desire, and he began to kiss it and lick it the length of her foot.

“Did you know that I grew a half inch taller during the past few months Keith?”  Keith nodded in the negative and then returned to his worship, working his way to her ankle. “Yes I did Lil-One; I’m 5’11 inches tall now, barefoot” “I have a rare condition it turns out, that’s been causing my muscles to grow at a phenomenal rate, and now it even has me growing again” Keith nodded his head in understanding, and then returned back to his servitude.  His lips had now progressed halfway between Jen’s ankle and knee, relishing in the increasing thickness he was feeling in her vein.  “I decided to stay natural Keith, and let this run its course”  “I hope you approve?”  “Oh yes” Keith sighed “I-I love the c-changes Jen” Keith continued excitedly.  It was clear that he was becoming more and more aroused.  “I w-would love you to even be t-taller than me, Jen; and to get even more m-muscular”  “And you don’t mind the side effects Keith?” she asked with intense curiosity.  “I l-love the side effects” he admitted nervously.  “I especially love how your v-voice has c-changed” “It’s so deep and rich, so p=powerful, which matches so well with your p-powerful body!”  Keith lips reached the middle of Jen’s inner thigh, the thickest point of her vein, and totally exposed due the shortness of her sexy dress.  “mmmmmm” he moaned in delight.  “I think she’s gotten even thicker Jen!”  “ooooohhhhh …. and she feels so warm too!”

“Please return to your feet Lil-One” Jen ordered.  Keith was reluctant to break loose from the beloved vein, but he instantly obeyed Jen’s command.   “Diane and Lori measured my muscles this morning Lil-One.”  “I can’t believe how big and muscular I’m getting!” I brought the tape home with me to share a measurement or two with you”  “Why don’t you strip down naked for me and we’ll measure”

Keith stripped down as Jen requested.  His member was still totally erect and now pointed upwards at Jen, free from the confines of clothing.  Jen could not resist giving it a quick squeeze, before getting started with the measurements.   “mmmmmmm” Keith groaned as he savored her firm grip that tightened so hard as it wrapped around his throbbing member. 

“Flex your bicep for me Lil-One.” “That’s it!  Flex it for me as hard as you can.”  “Awwww your bicep is just so cute Keith” Jen complimented.  “I love the sharp little peak and the thin puffy vein that runs the length.”  Jen softly traced the worm sized vein with her finger and then gave his bicep a light squeeze. It’s just too cute Lil-One!”  “Such pretty shape and definition! I love it!”  Jen then began with the measurement, wrapping the tape around Keith’s arm.  “It’s over 12 ½ inches, Keith, flex it even harder and make it grow!”  Jen continued to encourage Keith to pump and flex to expand his bicep to the max.  “12 ¾ inches Keith, pumped to the max!   Good Job!”

Keith shook out his tired arm and watched as Jen began pumping her forearm.  He watched in amazement as her arm began to widen and thicken as she flexed and pumped.  He watched as the long steely chords of muscle and tendons exploded over the top side of forearm.   The long thick ridges became even more sharply defined as she continued to flex, gradually becoming smothered with long thick beautiful veins.  The inside portion of her forearm appeared to double in width as it tapered out from her wrist to her elbow.  She then twisted her wrist and flexed harder, beginning to seriously stress the muscles within the inside of her forearm. Keith gasped open mouthed, astounded,  as he watched the huge jagged muscle bellies erupt and grow, swelling inches thick, doubling the thicknessof her arm.  The muscle bellies seemed to be gnarling out of her in raging anger, textured like jagged granite but looking even harder and sharper if that was possible.  Furious snake like veins covered the muscles, making the sight even more imposing.  “Jesus Jen”  “Fuck” “I’ve never seen forearm muscles anything like this”   Jen rotated her forearm back and forth as she continued to flex, allowing Keith to marvel between the unique muscles and veins of the top of her forearm and then her inner forearm.  Keith felt his raging hard-on throbbing on its own, much more intensely than ever before as Jen’s forearms continued to grow with layer upon layer of dense muscles compounding themselves and contorting into terrorizing shapes and insanely rippling definition. Her veins appeared so overly engorged and strained that they would burst at any moment.  Keith was thrusting back and forth on wobbly knees watching this impossible display of muscle as his cock throbbed with a life of its own intent on reaching orgasm.  “Measure me know Keith”, Jen commanded in her wonderfully deep voice.  Keith continued to thrust his body back and forth as he wrapped the tape around her forearm the best he could with his shaking hands.  Her forearm arm indeed felt like warm hard jagged granite to the touch, causing Keith to thrust even harder. “15 1/4 inches Jen” Jen smiled and semi relaxed her arm.  “That’s 2 ½ inches bigger than your biceps Lil-One”  “You’re so small compared to me now” She purred.  “You’re pretty little biceps is  much smaller than my forearm!” “And my muscles are twice as dense and hard as yours!”  “Can you imagine how strong I am Lil-One?”  She heard Keith grunting and gasping as he continued to thrust.  She flexed her arm hard again, both the forearm and the bicep, raising it above her shoulder.  “Cum for my arm now Lil-One” she sexily purred.  Jen watched proudly as Keith immediately reached to his member and began to stroke, while staring at her flexed arm.  In less than 30 seconds he was lost in intense orgasm …
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on January 01, 2014, 09:32:48 pm
Chapter 10-1
3 months later ...

Jen seemed to have reached super human status at the gym while developing a tremendous following.  She had over thirty clients now which kept her busy over 40 hours a week.  She even had to limit her clients to a maximum of two private one-hour sessions per week, as she just did not have enough time to take on more.  Close friends such as Diane were really disappointed, but understood and accepted the limitations on Jen’s time.  The new clients had to start out with group sessions, in which Jen trained two or three clients at a time.  The gym owner, Kurt, had made Jen a co-owner a month ago as she was bringing so much new business to the place.  It was a fantastic business arrangement for the two of them as they both reaped in the profits.

It was obvious to all at the gym that Jen was growing taller as well as continuing to pack on an extraordinary level of ultra-lean muscle.  At first there had been the usual rumors of steroids, but as Jen began to grow taller the rumors began to switch to her being super human or a God.  People were flocking to her, hoping she would be able to work miracles with them.  One thing was for certain, she certainly could inspire them and motivate them to work their hardest, diet properly and obtain their best possible results.

Jen now stood slightly over 6’ tall barefoot, but most people at the gym saw her at 6’1 with her socks and sneakers on.   Her closer friends saw her towering at an imposing 6’4” tall when she was out and about wearing high heels.   Consistent with her God-like image, Jen’s wardrobe had become increasingly more revealing, showing off her amazingly muscular and ripped 210 pound physique, which was marvelously vascular and shredded with her body fat miraculously maintaining itself between 5 and 8%.  For clients at the gym, Jen worked out and conducted her PT sessions wearing posing trunks and a sports bra, both of which were custom made for her.  The trunks allowed her long rugged legs to be fully revealed and admired, while the sports bras covered barely more than her nipples, allowing her followers to adore all of her wide thick upper body and her chiseled abdominal muscles. When she was outside of the gym, she wore sexy sleeveless dresses also custom made, to fit her body and compliment her magnificent physique. Most dresses revealed her entire trapezius muscles, most of her back and shoulders, her entire arms, most of her chest and about half her thighs.  Some dresses she wore on special occasions also provided openings revealing portions of her eight-pack abdominals.

Jen flourished with the admiration and God-like status that was occurring all around her.  She had developed the temperament and the confidence to readily accept new admirers and followers, and to always allow each of them a bit of her attention.  She was extremely engaging and approachable; anywhere she went, which encouraged more and more people to seek her out, speak with her, ask about her training, or even ask her to flex.  It was not unusual anymore, whether it was outside at the park, inside a supermarket or the mall, or at a restaurant or bar to see Jen flexing her muscles to admirers: sometimes a single individual, sometimes a small group and sometimes a flock of a dozen or more admirers.  She did begin to worry a bit about Keith who while quiet about it, was noticeably struggling with all the attention they were receiving when out together.  Last weekend at the mall, she noticed Keith blushing beet red the entire time as a large group had flocked all around them.  A minor event that had started out as Jen flexing her biceps for a few admirers, gradually turned into a large spectacle as several dozen people circled around them as Jen put on a spectacular ten minute bodybuilding show of one inspiring pose after another.  Cell phone cameras were flashing non-stop as were the gasps of awe, cheers of excitement and loud applause as the crowd grew from three to fifty.  Keith, blushing and terribly embarrassed, felt so thin and slender as he handed out business cards for Jen’s gym to all the new followers as they enthusiastically enjoyed the mind-bending display of enormous power and explosive muscularity before them.  Kurt of course was ecstatic the next couple of days, as he received numerous phone calls and visits for new gym memberships and requests for PT arrangements with Jen.  In fact Kurt was starting to think of expansion …
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on January 05, 2014, 10:55:30 pm
Chapter 10-2

Jen’s time was extremely tight today, yet she really wanted to quickly sneak in a heavy workout in between her clients.  She heard Carl Jenkins’ menacing voice from the free weights section.  ‘Move over guys”, he arrogantly ordered a couple of younger men, “This is my bench!”  A couple of Carl’s buddies chimed in and could be heard laughing as the young men hurriedly moved to another bench setup.  Jen hurried to her office to briefly check her schedule and for any messages.  Coming back out of her office, she headed straight towards the free weight section and noticed Carl and his buddies lifting heavy on their bench.  Perfect she thought.  I can work in with them with the bar already loaded to save time.  Plus it’s an opportunity to teach Carl a lesson.

Jen reached their bench as Carl was in the middle of his set.  She studied the Olympic bar noting a 100lb plate and a 45lb plate on each side. 335 pounds she calculated, realizing it was kind of heavy for her first warm up set, but a weight she knew she could manage.  She stretched out as she waited.  Carl got up from his set, proud that he managed a good ten reps and immediately took notice of Jen.  “What do you want?”  “Can’t you see we’re busy working out here?”  There was a tone of aggravation in his voice.  “I need to work in with you guys please; I’m on a tight schedule” Jen responded with smoothness and a tone of authority.  Carl was not pleased, but with Jen being the gym owner, he felt he had no choice.  Frowning, he sneered back at Jen. “If you’re thinking about jumping in cold with this much weight, you’re crazy; look at the bar!” “I’ll be perfectly fine with this weight to start Carl, don’t you worry” Jen smiled confidently and then she intentionally nudged Carl out of the way and took her place on the bench.  “Give me a spot please guys, but I should be fine really.  Do not help me unless I request it” Jen stretched out her arms and chest a few seconds and then gripped the bar.  She proceeded through ten good reps, feeling a nice burn but not having to push herself exceptionally hard.  She rested for a second to catch her breath and then abruptly jumped off the bench directly at Carl, banging her chest hard against his. “We need to add weight guys, this is not heavy enough!  “Add 10 pounds to each side!”  Jen’s voice was powerful and commanding, invoking immediate responsiveness from Carl’s friends who began to load the bar.  Carl, himself, was not at all prepared for either the force of the collision or the hardness of Jen chest.  The power packed jolt stunned him and knocked him stumbling back a couple of steps.  “Woah” he yelped loudly, while trying to regain his balance.  He looked around embarrassed, noticing a bunch of people staring at him as he managed to regain his composure.  What the hell she did that for, he wondered, as he as he returned to the bench. “Crazy bitch” he muttered to himself softly enough so that Jen could not her him.  Fuck she’s goddamned powerful, he thought, realizing he suddenly felt scared of her.
Carl took his turn on the bench looking up at the daunting 355 bar confident that he should be able to manage 10 reps and regain his respect.  He knew there were several folks looking on, a perfect time to show off.  Carl managed seven clean reps with good form. He noticeably struggled and appeared to tire while succeeding with the final three reps, although clearly cheating with lesser form and jerking of his torso.  Exhausted, he rested on the bench catching his breath and stretching out his tired arms.  “Move it Carl!”  Jen commanded in her deep booming voice that resonated throughout the gym.  “I don’t have all day!”  Carl jumped up instinctively; while irritated at being rushed and bossed around, he was even more upset in realization that he had just submissively obeyed her.  He hurriedly scrambled off the bench at the opposite side as Jen, not wanting to be near her.  He heard several people chuckling at his reaction.  It was Jen’s turn now.  355 pounds was her current working weight, so she expected a challenging set and a really good burn.  She worked hard through 8 reps in perfect form, her veins and muscles erupting and enlarging with each rep.  She grunted and groaned through the 9th rep holding decent form, her chest now pumped up to the point where it appeared her sports bra could snap at any moment.  Rope size veins swept across her pectorals, furiously attempting to fuel the enormous muscles bulging from her chest. She heard one of Carl’s buddies gasp “Look at the size of her chest!”  “Fuck … Have you ever seen muscles like that?”  Grunting even harder, she pushed up the 10th rep, again with decent form. “Yeah!” she boomed.  “Add two more 5 pounders boys!” “Quickly; another set!” Again they were instantaneous in response, and oblivious to the fact they were now being called boys.

Jen then sprung fiercely from the bench again, smashing her chest hard into Carl’s.  Carl was alert this time, but the explosive force of the blow was too much for him to handle.  He felt like a 100 pound sledge hammer had just been slammed into his chest.  “oouch” he cried has he fell back a few steps.  Fortunately a few nearby members grabbed him and steadied him to keep him from falling.  He felt like his chest cavity had caved in and he couldn’t breathe.  “Help me” he wheezed in panic, “I can’t breathe” Jen stepped towards him to help, but he backed up a step cowering in fear, guarding his chest with his arms.  “Please Jen, don’t do that again”  “You really hurt me.” It hurt him to speak and he continued to wheeze.  The three men helped sit him down on an open bench, and encouraged him to relax and to breathe slowly.  The fear in his eyes was obvious to the dozen or so onlookers, including Carl’s fiends.  The once cocky and arrogant king of the gym, and a bully to so many, looked as if he might breakdown and start bawling.  He heard the quiet voices around him, including his friends. “How hard did she hit him? ... Look at him, he collapsed like a wimp…“ “Look at her muscles compared to his… she looks way bigger and harder, so much more ripped and vascular…” “She must be a lot more powerful than him to knock him back like that ...” “Look at him; he’s scared shit of her …”

“Take a rest Carl, you sure look like you need it”, Jen ordered, as she stood looking down at him.   Her hands were at her hip, and she kept her chest flexed hard such that she looked much more muscular and manly than him.  The power and authority of her body and voice were overwhelming, Carl shuddered a second while submissively nodding to her.  “Fuck … her muscles are huge and their harder than iron” as he watched her turn and return to the bench.

Jen looked up at the 365 pound bar, gripping it hard.  Her two boys were spotting her, one on each side of the bar.  Both of them were staring intently at her arms, her shoulders and her pectorals admiring the powerful bulging muscles and the insane definition and vascularity.  “I’d sell my soul to have muscles like hers” she heard one of them say, in a hushed reverent tone.  “Imagine how hard they must feel …” the other one whispered.  “And look at all those thick veins …” He continued in awe, while resisting an insatiable urge to run his fingers along the triceps swelling on her upright arm. Then they both sort of whispered together “Fuck ... She makes Carl look so soft and weak; look at him sitting over there like a wimp …”

Jen worked through five good reps dramatically impressing her spotters, Carl and the several bystanders that had grouped around her to watch.  The next two reps were difficult as Jen began grunting louder, and her form slackened as she yielded slightly to the heavy weight.  Her face was painfully grimaced and flushed red with angry veins protruding from her temples.  Her muscles were pumped to their absolute max, and their overlying vascularity was utterly insane.  She was a terrifying yet magnificent picture of extreme intensity, muscularity and non-stoppable power.  She needed a little bit of help from her spotters as she tortured herself through the final three reps, showing phenomenal effort and determination.  Sweat was pouring off her face and off of her over inflated and rippled muscles and her over-engorged veins.  The moist sweat made her look statuette, a majestically sculpted marble physique all polished and shiny, and glimmering in the light.  Jen sat up on the bench, shaking out her arms and taking notice of the large crowd that had flocked around her.  Looking at her glimmering marble reflection in the mirror, she understood their gasps of awe and their intense stares.  She paused for a second, savoring their admiration and devotion. “Thanks boy, I really appreciated your help” she acknowledged to her spotters. Jen then rose and struck a most muscular pose for her crowd.  She relished the immediate emotions and sounds that surrounded her.  Some gasped in awe, some moaned in arousal, and some cheered in excitement as her muscles again came to life, bursting in power.  She felt each of her spotters timidly place trembling fingers on her shoulders.  The boy on her right side felt her shoulder and then stroked his fingers along her arm pressing against the bulging biceps.  He gasped in awe as he felt her power.  The boy on her left side started on her shoulder and then glided his fingers along her pectoral, first pressing the thick iron plated muscle and then tracing the thickest of veins.   “Aaaawwwww!!!!” he moaned loudly in arousal.  His intense moan surpassed the noise of the crowd, as he realized how badly he wanted to feel all her muscles and trace all her veins. 

“Your turn now Carl” she ordered.  “You’ve had plenty of time to rest; let’s see how well you can handle the 365 pounds” Carl hesitated, his last set with 355 pounds had drained him and now his chest felt sore from being jolted by Jen.  He was mortified that this bitch was making him look and feel like a wimp.  He doubted that he could match her performance.  “Do I need to help you over here?” Jen warned; her voice both authoritative and menacing at the same time.  Carl could only look up at her helplessly; she seemed god-like with such an astonishing physique and such a large flock of folks admiring her and worshipping her. He lowered his head and stared at his feet; unable to move.
Suddenly, without warning Carl screeched out like Banshee.  His high pitched wail of agony could be heard loudly and lengthily across the entire gym, as an indescribable pain throbbed through his right arm.  Jen’s steely fingers had powerfully gripped his upper arm and begun to squish his biceps and triceps muscles flat to the bone.  The pain was unbearable and Carl reacted instantly, jumping up from his comfortable seat and following the path Jen set.  He obediently sped to the bench press at the exact moment Jen relaxed her grip.  He absent mindedly arranged himself on the bench, unaware of his surroundings and in total fear of what Jen may do next.    Looking up, he saw his friends were spotting for him, staring down at him with an expression of pity.  His chest was sore and his right arm was throbbing with pain, how was he going to lift this weight?  He stretched for a few seconds, and then quickly got started in fear of testing Jen’s patience.  He managed to press the first rep although it hurt badly and it sapped his energy.  His arms were shaking as he slowly lowered the bar for his second rep.  He feared the bar may get stuck on his chest, but he mustered burst of  strength to push it half way up.  At that point he could not push it any further, and gasped for help.  His friends did most of the work, raising the bar back up.  “Try for one more Carl …” It was Jen’s voice, he was sure.  There is no way he thought, but he was afraid to disobey her.  His arms and body trembled as he began to lower the bar.  The weight of the bar was too much for him as he lowered it, and it landed on his chest a little hard as his arms collapsed in exhaustion.  “Oomph” he cried as the 365 pound bar bore down on his chest.  “Help” he squeaked, sounding like a wimp.  He saw Jen up above him, in the middle of his two his buddies, pulling the weight back up for him.  They all seemed to be smirking at him.  “Thanks” he gestured meekly. “I’m done for today” he muttered dejectedly.  “I can’t lift anymore  ...”  “Let’s head out guys …” He was interrupted by Jen’s upbeat commands.  “Not so fast boys!”  “Load this bar up to 375!” “I have time for one more set!” Carl reacted instantly to her command along with the other two boys, as he helped load the bar.  “Fuck, how strong is she?” He whispered to his two friends.  “Stronger than we could ever dream of being” they whispered back in unison.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: bullen77 on January 29, 2014, 01:52:32 am
 8)  This is really nice! It would be even nice if Keith lost more height and weight and become a real skinny slut for Jen  :)
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on January 30, 2014, 11:04:28 pm
I don't know.  I think if he just lost a little height and maybe got a little skinnier.....not too much.......just to keep it more realistic.

The thing I love about this story is its almost possible.  I hate the ones where the woman gets 26" biceps because that aint happening

Now 17" or 18" yes............its possible.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: outsider on January 31, 2014, 03:17:33 pm
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I don't know.  I think if he just lost a little height and maybe got a little skinnier.....not too much.......just to keep it more realistic.

The thing I love about this story is its almost possible.  I hate the ones where the woman gets 26" biceps because that aint happening

Now 17" or 18" yes............its possible.

I couldn't agree more...
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on February 05, 2014, 04:38:01 pm
Chapter 11-1

Keith daydreamed joyfully as he relaxed under his long warm morning shower.  While his emotions were torn, his mind was made up and intentions were now totally clear.   He loved and even craved Jen’s increasing masculinity and dominance.  Her increased height, the size and hardness of her muscles, her extreme vascularity, her assertiveness and confidence, her god-like presence and demeanor, and the commanding deepness and power of her voice excited him and aroused him to no end.  He felt no doubt with respect to their relationship anymore.  Jen was the man of the house, and the man of the relationship. She was in charge of their life together and his main role was to keep her as happy as possible each and every day.   Cooking, cleaning, shopping, keeping the house, lawn and garden immaculate, and keeping himself as attractive as possible to her were of highest priority to him.

Keith had felt stronger and stronger urges to further express his feminine side, ever since a few months back when Jen had compared muscles sizes with him.  Jen’s forearms were so manly and extreme; the most ruggedly muscular, vascular and biggest forearms that he had ever seen.  And so much bigger than his biceps even, which looked so puny and weak in comparison.  And Jen seemed to like it that way:  she appeared to relish in the fact that he had become so small and cute while she was growing so huge, muscular and powerful.  The thought of becoming even smaller and weaker, and more feminine had been really tearing at Keith.  Privately, he loved being smaller than Jen and being just totally out sized and utterly dominated by her vastly superior physique and power.  He loved worshipping her muscles and veins, and he loved feeling completely submissive to her god-like presence and power.  In public, however, he felt ashamed and humiliated at being so small and slender and so weak and insignificant in comparison with Jen.  He looked and felt like a little wimp.  He heard people snicker and joke about him as Jen’s little wimp, which wrenched like a knife into his self-esteem. 

Keith's private feelings proved to be the more dominant however, as for over two months he had stopped taking his medicine despite his doctor’s orders and warnings.  During this time he lost 6 pounds dropping to 148 pounds fully clothed, and had lost over an inch and a half in height, now just a little over 5’11” with his shoes on.  He had become more slender and cute looking with just a little bit of visible muscle remaining and very nice definition and curves.  Another side effect from skipping his medication was that his features were turning slightly more feminine.  He only needed to shave his face about once a week or two now. Each week it seemed the volume of his facial hair was decreasing and was growing back even more slowly.   A month ago he had decided to begin shaving his torso, arms, armpits, and legs to further beautify his appearance.  The hair on his torso was no longer growing back at all, and the hair on his arms and legs was becoming finer and covering less and less area.  It was obvious to Keith that Jen loved the smoothness of his shaved body along with his cute and slender sexy figure which motivated him to no end.  Their sex life was better than ever, with Jen always in the lead, dominating and overpowering him, yet also treating him so tenderly and delicately making him feel so pretty and precious.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on February 05, 2014, 09:34:09 pm
Chapter 11-2
Keith was anxious and excited as he drove to work, anticipating Pam’s reaction and hoping she would love the large scale framed high definition picture he had made for her.  It was an awesome near life sized full body photo of Pam in a double biceps bodybuilding pose; over five feet tall and two feet wide to hang in her office and proudly glorify  her now hard-core heavyweight bodybuilder physique.  Her sculpted 15 inch biceps shined and glowed magnificently in brilliant definition, bulging upward like softballs and covered in veins which protruded so beautifully over her thick chiseled muscles.  Her quads and calves were also striking with rippling muscles and veins enamoring every inch of her powerful legs.   Keith loved pleasing Pam and felt deeply gratified and fulfilled when she appreciated the gifts he brought to her.

Keith entered Pam’s office with a wide happy smile, carrying the picture and newspaper in one hand, and the gourmet coffee for her in the other.  Pam noticed in delight his joyful eagerness and excitement and stood up to meet him.  She was now an inch taller than Keith in her heels, and his diminishing height and size had become quite obvious to her.  Yes he is definitely shorter, she silently reflected.  He used to be dead even or slightly taller than me, when I wore my heels; now he is certainly at least an inch shorter than me.  “I brought you a gift, Pam.  I hope you like it” Keith placed the newspaper and coffee on the table, and handed Pam the large gift wrapped picture.  Pam opened it right away and burst into a huge appreciative smile. “I love it Keith!” she exclaimed cheerily.  “You’re so sweet and thoughtful!”

Pam looked down at him, marveling at how adorably cute he looked now.  His skin seemed so much softer and smoother, his eyes so colorful and sparkly and his lips so full and beautifully curved.  She loved that his hair was longer and nicely styled. She was unable to resist her impulse to touch him.  She stepped toward him and wrapped him warmly and tightly in a big heartfelt hug.  She heard Keith softly moan as her muscular arms tightened around him, pulling him snugly against her body.  She kissed him once on the cheek and then again on the forehead as he pressed his face onto her bare shoulder and adorned her muscled deltoid and trapezius with small, soft worshipful kisses.  Pam kept her tight embrace for a moment controlling his smaller softer body while enjoying the touch of his kisses and the sound of his soft lustful moans.  She then slowly broke the hug, running her fingers softly up and along each side of his neck, continuing up his cheeks and up through his silky hair.  “Please hang the picture for me Keith!  Right over here!” she pointed to an open area of her office wall.
While Keith mounted the frame to the wall, Pam walked over to her dumbbell rack, lifting two 50 pound dumbbells turning to face Keith and beginning a set of biceps curls.  “Wow, you’re gotten even stronger Pam” Keith praised.  “Your arms are enormous!”  “Even bigger since when we took this picture!”   Pam again took note of Keith’s changes.  Along with his diminishing height and weight, she was positive that Keith’s voice was changing.  It was definitely losing its deepness, sounding more high pitched and smoother in tone.  She was seeing him in a different way than before.  He was far from the cocky jock that she first fell for. He was a real cutie now; so small and slender and soft to the touch; and in such total awe and admiration of her.  He would do anything for her.  Pam completed her set of biceps curls and shook out her beautifully pumped up arms.  She looked over at the large picture of herself that now dominated the wall.  She walked towards it for a better view.  “I love the picture Keith!  I look so fiercely powerful and yet so drop dead gorgeous and glamorous at the same time, don’t you think?”  Pam did not wait for Keith to respond. “Look at size of my guns and, my amazing definition and all those beautiful veins! “ “The picture looks awesome in the office!”

They sat together at her table and discussed the recent changes occurring at the company.  Pam had been promoted to company president, with Ted Hughes now serving as her executive VP.   “Your idea really worked Keith.” She softly stroked his cheek, as she complimented his idea and explained the details of her meeting with Ted.   Ted was totally stunned as I coyly stepped to my weight rack and began to curl the 45 lb dumbbells right front of him; while explaining to him my ideas of expanding the business, the next phase of construction and justifying my need for the much larger office.  He just stared at my arms and absent mindedly nodded in agreement as I spoke. He seemed to shrink in both stature and confidence, overwhelmed by the power and muscularity of my physique.  I felt more and more confident and in charge as I continued with my presentation.  He did not even argue when I explained to him that he would need to move to a much smaller office!   “I can’t believe he backed down that easily” Keith responded enthusiastically  and obviously in awe. “But there was no doubt, Pam, that your superior physique, power and intelligence would totally overwhelm him.”  “It was all going so well and I felt so dominant over him that I decided to take it further” Pam continued.   He had already agreed to all my original plans that I had prepared for the meeting, clearly deferring to me on each and every one of my requests.  At that point I began a second set of curls, moving closer to him such that we were separated by a mere inch or two.  I had worn my 5 inch high heels so I towered well above him in height and my muscular body had him looking like a weak little wimp in comparison. My arms were now pumped to the max, bursting insanely in definition and smothered in veins. My monster veins were the thickest I had ever seen them, making my bulging muscles look even harder and super-human in definition.  I could hear his breathing getting heavier and faster, and I could see a bulge and a wet spot begin to show on his trousers.  I stared him directly in the eyes, and then stared back down to the growing wet spot on his trousers.  He could not hide either his humiliation or his lust for me.  First he bowed his head in shame and then he meekly look back up to stare at my arms.  I told him that I thought that he should step down as president and that it was time for me to take over.  I went on and explained my accomplishments, my superior credentials and his short comings and flaws. “Oh my god!” Keith interjected. “What did he say?”  “He just stood there weakly in submission staring open mouthed at my arms, as he nodded his head to me in deference and agreeing to all of my terms.” Pam proudly explained.  “He was a really a total mess” she laughed.   He had a glaring bulge in his trousers from his full erection and a sopping soaking wet spot all around it.  He could not control his heavy panting, was sweating profusely at the brow and his arms and legs were trembling badly.  He seemed so small and weak and vulnerable to me now, like a little child.  I raised my arm up an inch from his eyes, and performed a final slow and powerful repetition with the dumbbell that strained by bicep to an incredible peak.  His heavy panting became interleaved with moans, as he licked his lips and looked up to me with pleading eyes.  He raised his hands, stopping his trembling fingers just inches from my bicep and begged me to touch it.    I offered to him to be my executive VP and he immediately accepted, agreeing to all of my plans and to promote me to president in his place.

“Everyone is much happier with you in charge Pam”, Keith replied.  The company is doing so much better, people love the changes and everyone respects you so much, especially the women.”  “They all work harder for you and are so confident that we will all thrive!”  “Thank you Keith, it’s good to get candid feedback from the trenches”  “I have promoted many women into the top positions; it does not surprise me that the women are happier than the men.”  “A lot of the men fear you, and are jealous of you but also completely respect you” Keith admitted.  “Most of them follow your bodybuilding progress.  They gossip in awe about your muscle measurements and your lifts.” “What do they think now that nearly all the VPs and Directors are women?”  Pam asked.  “Nobody complains.   Everyone respects the leadership and the success of the company”  “Besides the woman are becoming physically and mentally powerful, like you.  The men respect and fear that and naturally follow them.”

It’s mandatory for all the female executives to work out” Pam smiled.  "Many of them would love to look like me, and really work out hard" She flexed her forearm and bicep in front of Keith.  They watched together as the rugged muscles erupted in granite sculpted hardness, smothered by countless veins.   Keith reached with his index finger to Pam’s armpit, touching the rope thick monster vein; he then slowly traced the rope sized vein along its path under her biceps and to her forearm.  “So beautiful” Keith admired.  Pam traced the same vein with her finger in response.  “I agree” she said softly, as she joined Keith in admiring the beauty and power of her arm. “Feel how hard my biceps is Keith”, as she began squeezing it and enjoying the sensation of feeling dense warm steel.  Keith joined her in reverence. “mmmmm” he moaned, as he squeezed the muscle belly savoring its density and hardness.  “Feels like warm hard steel” Keith continued.  Pam smiled at him in agreement. “You’re so cute Keith.  You seem so nice and pretty to me now.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on February 06, 2014, 10:13:43 pm
awesome.  Getting near 10,000 reads.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: hatour on February 07, 2014, 01:29:03 pm
Great to see you back!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on February 08, 2014, 12:40:10 am
There is a reason this has 10017 views.  Its orgasmically awesome!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on February 10, 2014, 12:43:49 am
Ch 12-1
Three months later

Jen was blessed with superb time management and organization skills which were serving her well with her flourishing business.  Since becoming co-owner of her gym, membership had rose over 50% and her personal training cliental numbered over 50 strong.  She had to increase the fee for her private PT sessions and limit her clients to private’s once every two weeks in order to keep up with the demand.  She now required that all clients also book group sessions.  The majority of her PT sessions were now with groups of four.  She had also started combined personal training and muscle worship sessions for her clients that she had become intimately close with.  All in all, Jen was now making over $20,000 a month which was twice Keith’s salary.  Combined, they were living life in high class and luxury.

While driving to the doctors for her monthly visit, Jen for the first time started to consider taking the recommended medication.  She now stood over 6’1” and weighed 220 pounds, and this was barefoot and completely naked.  She was bigger, taller, and significantly more muscular and stronger than anyone she knew. Maybe this is enough she thought.  If I keep this up I’ll be dwarfing NFL linemen! More troubling to Jen was the rate at which her clitoris had been growing the past six months.  While Keith, Jeff, Lori and Diane all loved it, and Jen indeed loved the improvements to her sex life; she was concerned that it was getting too long and thick, causing a notable bulge in her gym shorts and increasing her libido to the extreme.  Jen pondered the decision for the entire drive, as well as her stay in the waiting room.

Jen snapped out of her thoughtful trance as she heard Nurse Jone’s voice calling her name.  She looked over to the direction of the voice, and saw Diane’s beautiful face.  Diane had a huge anxious looking smile, and was staring at her with that oh so obvious look of lust and admiration.  Jen rose from her chair, presenting a commanding site as she stood over 6’5” in her high heeled sandals.  Her muscle-man top featured her neck, traps, delts and arms while her long loose shorts fully revealed her rugged calves. She heard a few of the other patients gasp in surprise as she rose to her full height and began to slowly walk towards the nurse. She heard the chatter of awe-struck whispers all around her, as people stared in astonishment of both her height and her amazingly muscular physique.  She tensed her arms causing her triceps to flare out strikingly, which along with her bulging calves were cause for even louder gasps and increased whispering throughout the waiting room.  Jen surveyed the room briefly, then slowly pivoted her body 360 degrees while smiling and making eye contact with each of the patients; tensing her arms even harder to fully flex her triceps and forearms. The room became completely captivated in awe, watching the super-human muscles and veins emerge and grow and totally transform her arms to that hardcore bodybuilder level that few people ever witness up close.  Jen looked over at Diane and met her eyes, taking notice that she was licking her lips, with her mouth opened wide in intense hunger and her eyes transfixed in a deep desperate stare.  As Jen neared Diane, the nurse was incapable of controlling her overwhelming lust and desire as she reached out and grasped Jen’s bulging triceps with each of her trembling hands.  The impossibly thick and chiseled horseshoe shaped triceps muscles had to be the meatiest and hardest muscles Diane had ever felt and she just could not let go of them - she just totally lost herself in the moment.  She throated out a deep husky primal moan that began intimately and softly but gradually increased in both volume and intensity until reaching a climatic level that clearly highlighted her extreme state of arousal while she lovingly fondled Jen’s muscles in plain view of the entire waiting room, craning her neck looking up in awe at Jen’s eyes which now towered 10 inches above her own.  The waiting room got louder and buzzed with excited gasps and oohs and aahs as the patients took in Jen’s mind-blowing display of muscles, and the dominating effect they were having on the nurse.

Jen took Diane’s left hand and placed it onto her right biceps, while pivoting towards the doctor’s office with the nurse now at her side and away from the patients.  Jen lowered her head and whispered into Diane’s ear, her voice was so deep and powerful yet hot and sexy at the same time.  “You want me so badly bitch; you crave me more than anything on earth.”   Jen flexed and then relaxed her biceps as she spoke, both teasing the nurse and emphasizing her complete control.  Diane was nodding at Jen submissively, licking her lips in desire, her mouth wide opened and panting, her heartbeat racing out of control.  She experienced the sensational thrill of feeling Jens  biceps expand and harden only to sink to deep disappointment and extreme yearning as Jen relaxed it.  With both her hands now clutching and adoring Jen’s single biceps, Diane positioned her fingers around the arm and began digging them into the biceps as hard as she could, as if silently begging Jen to flex it.  Jen picked up on the desperate cue and flexed her right biceps slowly and powerfully; expanding the muscle to a massive granite bulge exploding against Diane’s tightly clutching fingers inducing yet another long loud orgasmic groan from the nurse, which seemed to go on forever.  “That’s it, moan for me bitch.  Let it all out and show me your devotion” Jen whispered softly but so sexy and so commanding.  Jen then turned her head to face the crowd smiling at them all in supreme confidence during the midst of the nurse’s marathon-length erotic moan.  At the climax of the moan - as the deep, throaty panting and groaning peaked in raw sensual emotion and reached the loudness of a bellowing scream - Jen flexed her left biceps for the crowd, invoking a mix of wild cheers, excited gasps and even some moans of arousal. “I own you bitch” Jen huskily whispered in Diane’s ear.  “And all the patients and the entire office know it.” She purred. “You’re mine” She emphasized with commanding authority and finality.

Jen then led Diane to the doctor’s office.  The nurse still clutched at Jen’s biceps with both her hands and buried her face there kissing and sucking the muscles.  Without a doubt, the nurse needed Jen’s body as a crutch to keep her from falling down due to wobbly knees and a dizzy head.  Once in the private office, Jen closed and locked the door and then seductively reached down inside Diane’s skirt and panties with her left hand softly rubbing the nurse’s hot wet pussy. At the same time she slowly and enticingly relaxed and flexed her right biceps as Diane heatedly worshipped the arm with both her hands and mouth.  “Mmmmmmmm” Diane moaned, swept away by the combined sensations of feeling Jen’s warm hard arm muscles and the feeling Jen’s fingers sweetly caressing her hot wet pussy.  Jen slowly entered Diane’s pussy with her finger.  “Aaaahhhhhhh” Diane groaned erotically; she moved her hands with one worshipping the right biceps that Jen kept flexing and relaxing teasingly, and the other worshipping the rugged and veiny left forearm that was fingering her. “Who’s your master bitch?” Jen commanded.  “You are Jen!” Diane replied without hesitation or doubt.  Within seconds Diane’s head shot back, her mouth opened totally wide and her long desperate moan of burning arousal and relief resonated loudly throughout the room, as she reached a sensationally powerful orgasm.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: bullen77 on February 11, 2014, 03:50:21 pm
This is brilliant  :cool2: :woohoo:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on February 14, 2014, 10:16:02 pm
Ch 12-2

Keith had gotten the earliest possible doctor’s appointment, which unfortunately took a month in waiting.  For over a month he had been suffering the wrath of Jen’s disappointment in him.  He felt rejected by her, inadequate and unworthy of her.  Keith was terrified of Jen.  When frustrated or angry her mental and physical dominance over him was petrifying.  What scared Keith even more was her increasing independence which was reaching the point of flat out disregard of him.  Jen had several lovers and a worshipper that she preferred to spend time with, and she was clearly frustrated and somewhat angered by Keith’s inability to satisfy her.  Keith was reduced to her house keeper and not much more, as there sex life reduced to once a week. 

Gone were the days of Keith’s macho attitude, confidence and arrogance.  He approached the nurse timidly and worried, feeling small weak and vulnerable.  The nurse looked so athletic and strong to him.  She was wearing short sleeves and he took immediate notice of her thick arms, muscle definition and the protruded veins along her forearm.  He followed her out of the waiting room, his mind riveting in fear of his diminishing physical condition.  At first he had loved the effects as they complimented his submissive desires, but it had gone much to far and now he despised it.  And even worse, Jen despised it.  “Please take off your shoes Keith, and will get you measured.” The nurse’s voice was friendly and reassuring as she smiled at Keith, helping to make him feel at ease.
“You’re just slightly less than five feet eight inches tall” the nurse stated in a matter of fact manner.  “Does that sound right Keith?”  Hearing no response the nurse looked at Keith, noticing his dejected facial expression and his watering eyes.  Not knowing anything about his condition, she had no idea why he was so upset but realized that she would need to be delicate to his feelings.  She grasped Keith’s arm to steady him for a moment, surprised at how slender and delicate his arm felt.  She spoke to him sweetly, as she would a child.  “Let me check your weight now Keith.  "She released her grip on his arm as she looked down at the scale.  “You’re one hundred and forty three pounds Keith.  You must certainly eat very healthy.  You appear to have no excess body fat.”  The nurse complemented him the best she could, as she was aware now that he was softly crying.” She tenderly took hold of Keith’s slender arm again and led him to the examination bed.  “Sit down and make yourself comfortable Keith.  I’ll take your blood pressure next.   The doctor should be here in a few minutes.”

“I told you Keith that you never should have stopped the medication." The doctor was clearly frustrated and alarmed by Keith's diminished physical size and appearance.  "You’re condition has really advanced now and I cannot say with full certainty that we can arrest this, even with stronger medication."  Keith could not stop from whimpering and softly crying as he explained to the Doctor some of the newer symptoms that were upsetting him.  He first explained to the doctor that his shoe size had shrunk from size 10 to size 8 1/2.  He continued on to explain that his facial hair, as well as the hair on his arms, legs and torso had stopped growing back leaving him completely smooth.  After bawling badly for a few minutes, he was able to admit that his penis was shrinking also.   "I’m so sorry Keith, and we will do everything we can prevent any further continuation of these effects.  Please strip down so I can examine you."

“Why is your body so bruised up Keith?  There are bruises everywhere?” The doctor’s voice marked compassion yet serious concern.  “This is yet another symptom” Keith whimpered.  “My body and muscles have weakened and I seem to bruise so easily.  My wife is very strong and very physical.  She is really big and powerful.  She tries not to hurt me, but my body can’t hold up to her size and her physicality.”  Again, Keith began to breakdown and weep.  As Keith regained his composure the Doctor patiently resumed with the checkup.  “I’m sending you to the lab for some tests Keith.  I’m afraid this may take a couple of hours but it’s very important.   I’ll discuss the results and your treatment options with you are done.”

The day seemed to drag on forever.  The tests took over three hours and were completely exhausting.  Keith was finally led back to the doctor’s office where he lied down on the examination bed waiting for the doctor to return.  It seemed like forever, and Keith even napped for a while.  The test results were devastating and the doctor's outlook was than optimistic.

Keith could barely concentrate on the road has he drove home.  His minded was scattered in thoughts of hopelessness and fear. The tests results were so complex, so dis-heartening and so frightening.  He was distraught and scared and could not stop himself from thinking of the worst.  His testosterone level was dangerously low and has body chemistry as a whole had become more like female.  He received shots of the strongest medication available, and would continue with a maximum daily dosage prescription drugs along with shots once a month.  But the doctor was not very optimistic, which was what had Keith so frightened.  If the drugs did not work, he would waste away to a petite and feminine, and ridiculously weak little wimp.  Even worse, he feared that Jen would leave him.

Jen was just about done with her managerial work at the gym.  As she walked out of her office she heard Carl and the boys enthusiastically calling to her.  “Hey Jen!”  “You look like you’re in a hurry; want to work in with us?”  Jen liked the idea.  Walking toward them reminded her of how happy she was with her decision to remain natural a few more months.  After a long talk with Doctor Hill she had been convinced that she should hold off from drugs.  Doctor Hill was confident that her growth and masculinization effects were slowing down and would soon diminish.  Jen was now 6’2 and 230 pounds barefoot and naked, and as muscular as the top male professional bodybuilders.  Her biceps were now slightly over 20 inches, unheard of for a woman.  Her chest was wide, thick, ripped and vascular with absolutely no breast tissue remaining.  In fact the size, shape, muscularity and definition of enormous hour glass upper body put most male bodybuilders to shame.

Carl was dutifully toweling off the bench for her, making sure it was perfectly dry as she arrived.  “Should we add 25 pound plates on each side?” one of the boys asked excitedly.  “Is 365 pounds good to start with?”  “That will be great boys!” Jen’s voice boomed with power and richness.  Two of the boys quickly grabbed the plates and loaded the bar, as Jen lied down and positioned herself to lift.  Two of the boys spotted, while Carl and another boy stood at each side of the bench to get a close look.  They all marveled in excitement as Jen began to lift the heavily loaded barbell.   Her power and muscularity was unmatched, and they were drawn to her like metal to a magnet. “Look at her pecs expand!” Carl exclaimed in devout admiration.  “Look how thick those pec muscles and veins bulge!”  “Oh my god, I can't believe her triceps” one of the spotters whispered in hushed reverence. “They are so impossibly huge and ripped, and the veins oh so thick.”
As Jen completed the set, Carl toweled off the bench, cleaning up her sweat.  For some reason he urged longed to smell and feel her sweat.  He moved his towel to his nose, taking in the addictively powerful aroma of this mega muscle woman god.  He breathed in deeply with the towel pressed hard to his face; his mouth transformed to a huge wide grin as he savored her sweat and then he released a long lusty exhale.  The spotters were quick to increase the weight of the bar for her. “Its four hundred and five pounds Jen!  We know you can do it!”  The boys were in frenzy, anticipating the astonishing show of muscle and power.  And they got it big time, as Jen blasted through a set of 10 reps that pumped her muscles to explosive levels and her veins to snake like thickness.  Throughout the set they wildly cheered her on, all the while praising her impossibly huge muscles and her super human strength.  Once she completed they all rushed to towel off the bench, and along with Carl moved their towels to their face, greedily and hungrily taking in the dampness and scent of the muscle sweat she left behind.

Jen felt proud of her success in transforming Carl from an arrogant gym bully, to a model member; respectful and appreciative of others.  Furthermore he noticeably idolized her and went head over heels to support her and to please her.  “My chest is still sweating Carl.” Jen spoke with a commanding and entitled tone.  Carl did not hesitate.  He grabbed a clean towel and eagerly made his way over to Jen and began dutifully patting down her chest with his towel.  He did not stop there, as he proceeded to dry off her shoulders, arms and back.  “Could you please raise your arms up Jen, please let me check your armpits” Carl asked politely and longingly.  He moved his face closely to her armpit to inspect, breathing in deeply to capture the pungent smell he so desired.  A soft moan escaped him and it took all his will power and discipline to resist the urge of burying his face in her arm pit and sucking her powerful muscle sweat. “Mmmmmm” he sighed, as he inhaled deeply one more time.  He then patted her armpits dry, competently completing his servitude but burning in desire to have instead licked and sucked her muscle sweat.  Jen thanked him appreciatively for all to hear and then whispered privately in his ear.  “You’re mine boy” her voice husky, strong and all-knowing.  “You’re my little slave boy aren’t you Carl?”  Carl nodded his agreement in complete submission to the vastly superior muscle god before him.

“Flex for us Jen!” one of the boys requested.  “Yes, please flex for us Jen!’ All the boys chimed in, begging Jen for one last show.   “Ok boys!” Jen replied, proudly standing over an inch taller, ten pounds heavier and significantly more muscular than the largest of them.  Even Carl appeared markedly inferior to her now.  “On your knees boys and I’ll start the show!” Jen commanded authoritatively.  “Now!”  She smiled confidently, gratified in fulfillment that all the boys immediately complied with her demand.  She reflected for a moment as she began to flex her mighty forearms and biceps.  They are so in awe of me, and so submissive to my power. The thought made her feel strong, and flex even harder, as she looked down at them basking in her glory and her dominance.  They looked so small, subservient and reverent as they looked up at her admiringly in hushed silence transfixed on the muscles she flexed for them.  Jen beamed in magnificence as she continued flexing her arms, and watched the rock hard mounds of rugged vascular muscles explode to mind boggling proportions.  “Look at these guns boys! Over 20 inches and harder than granite!  Her voice boomed with power and arrogance while looking down at them condescendingly.  She then looked back up at her own astounding biceps muscle and smiled proudly. "Fuck I'm awesome!"  Compare your puny arms to these and dream on!”

“Such nice little boys.“  She purred in a deep husky voice that was so appealingly sexy.  “Get up lil-boys and line up for me.”  The boys reacted immediately scrambling quickly to their feet; her sexy voice so rich, so full, so commanding and so arousing.  “You all get one quick biceps feel!” Jen teased, relishing in their instant joy, boyish smiles and gasps of delight.  The boys hooted and hollered in excitement, oohed and awed in arousal and took their turn one by one to cop a lusciously erotic feel of her beautiful 20 inch biceps.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on February 23, 2014, 10:55:51 pm
CH 13-1

“So this is her gym?” Pam asked anxiously to her bodybuilding friend. “This is it” answered Scott. “It’s a really crowed place, she has a tremendous following.  “And she’s really bigger than you Scott?” Pam asked.  She was skeptical, jealous and excited all at the same time.  Pam thought of herself has the top female bodybuilder in the area, and now she was hearing about a woman that absolutely put her to shame.  “Taller and more muscular, without a doubt” Scott replied.  Pam could not imagine a woman being taller and more muscular than her muscular hunk. Scott was the biggest most muscular bodybuilder in the area.  “I’m going to have to see her to believe this” Pam replied.  “If she’s even half as amazing as you say, I’ll hire her as my Personal Trainer! I aim to remain the best!”

Pam asked for Jen at the front desk.  She was told she would have to first sign up for membership, and then they would try to squeeze her in for a quick appointment with Jen.  Pam fell in love with the place at first sight as she received a tour.  The gym was bustling with people and seemed to resonate with energy.  “We have four levels of membership the sales person explained.  Most people sign on with Level 1 or Level 2.  Level 2 is the most popular and affordably priced at $75 a month ….“ “What’s the best membership you offer?” Pam interrupted impatiently.  “We offer an elite membership.  It’s very expensive, but it has all sorts of awesome perks.  And you get special scheduling and pricing advantages if you are interesting in PT sessions with Jen.”    The sales person handed Pam a brochure and began to explain the perks. “I’ll take the elite membership” Pam interrupted again.  “Let’s get this done!”

Pam felt a bit annoyed that she had to wait an hour to meet with Jen.  She was glad she decided on the elite membership, otherwise she would have been waiting a week or two.  Pam walked into the office in wild anticipation of the woman that she was hearing so much raving about; the woman who was supposedly bigger and stronger than most top men bodybuilders.  Nothing could have prepared her for the sight before her.
Pam’s jaw dropped and mouth opened, clearly in awe as she looked up at the woman sanding before.  Pam was over 6’1” in her high heels but had to crane her neck to look up at the eyes of this super woman.  Jen stood at over 6’7” in her high heels, towering above Pam.  She removed her light sweatshirt as Pam entered, flexing her biceps hard as she did so, putting on an impressive display of muscle for her newest elite client.   Jen studied Pam’s reaction as she held her 21 inch biceps flexed for a few extra seconds, while pretending a long yawn.  She noticed that oh so familiar look of amazement and burning desire in Pam’s eyes and was quite sure she heard a soft gasp of awe escape Pam’s wide open mouth.   Jen immediately recognized Pam as Keith’s ex-lover, and was certain that Pam had no idea who she was.  This could really be interesting she pondered.

“Please close the door the door Pam” Jen directed politely but firmly.  Pam obediently complied, finding Jen’s deep voice to be authoritative and commanding.  Normally the one in charge and directing things, Pam felt significantly diminished in Jen’s presence and an immediate attraction to her astounding physique which was vastly superior to Scott’s.  Jen leaned down on to her desk with both her hands, causing her triceps to flare into thick meaty horseshoe shaped slabs of muscle.  “God” Pam gasped while staring at the spectacular triceps muscles as they expanded inches thick with amazing definition; right before her eyes.  “Please sit down Pam” Jen continued.  Again Pam felt the need to quickly obey her, stumbling slightly to the chair due to her eyes being fixated on Jen’s arms.
After a 10 minute survey and discussion of objectives; Pam purchased the most expensive PT package with Jen, on top of her elite membership.  She was now the #1 client of the gym and paying top dollar for it; but hell, as president of her company she could afford it!   She’ll make me twice as good as I am Pam thought; money well spent!   Plus she’s so damn hot; I’ve just got to be near those muscles and see them in action!  Maybe she’ll take an interest in me.

As they concluded the meeting Jen asked Pam to flex her arms.  Now it’s my chance to show off, thought Pam.  Pam stood up and pumped and flexed her biceps a few times to show them off in all their glory.  She smiled with confidence as her mountain shaped biceps peaked to their best form and her rope thick monster veins surged in full intensity.  Hundreds of tributary veins further adorned her beautiful biceps and forearms as she tightened and held her flex to her maximum capacity.  Maybe she’ll find my guns hot, Pam hoped.  She desperately wanted to impress Jen and get on her good side, and was flexing the absolute hardest she could, her arms were burning from the exertion.   “I can see you have been bodybuilding for a while Pam.  I’ll be able to start training you hard right from the get go. ” Jen commented.  “Nice peaks, don’t you think?” Pam replied.  “People say I have the thickest veins they have ever seen” Pam beamed with pride. “And the hardest muscles they have ever felt!  Harder than any man’s!  Like warm steel!” 

Jen stood up and walked over to Pam, looking down at her arms.  “What do you think?” Pam asked.  Jen did not look impressed.  “I’ll have to show you my legs some time Pam”, Jen replied flatly.  “Then you will appreciate real monster veins. ”  Jen softly gripped Pam’s biceps with each of her hands.  “Let’s test your hardness Pam.  They feel warm and cute to me but not at all hard and dense.” She then gradually increased the pressure, slowing digging her steely fingers into Pam’s biceps with her vice like grip.  The pain was become extreme as Jen’s fingers pressed deeper and deeper into the muscle.  Pam screamed in agony and looked up at Jen’s eyes in terror, with a look that begged her to please stop.  She then looked back in panic to see what was happing to her once mighty biceps.  Jen continued the increasing pressure, slowly but surely pressing Pam’s biceps flat, the muscles shrinking and condensing inside her powerful hands.   Tears flowed from Pam's eyes and her screams turned to outright sobbing.  Pam felt powerless; despite flexing as hard as she could her muscles were diminishing within Jen’s relentless grip, conforming to fit within her hands.  The pain was too much for Pam to bear any longer.  She relaxed her arms to minimize them, totally yielding to Jen’s over powering grip.  Her muscles seemed to disappear inside Jen’s strong hands.  She cried and pleaded uncontrollably as she felt her muscles being crushed to her bones.  She begged to Jen to please stop.  Jen looked down at her with a look of total superiority.  “Have you ever felt hands and fingers so strong Pam?”  Jen voice was so deep, so powerful.  "You're biceps appear to be no match for them." Pam bowed her head in submission as she cried “no”, amidst her heavy sobbing.   “You’re muscles are not like steel Pam.  They are soft and weak.  I could crush them to mush!” Jen glared down into Pam's eyes with a look of harshness and full authority. “Please no!” Pam cried.  “Please stop!”  “We have lots of work to do Pam, to get your muscles hard and strong like mine.” Jen continued. Please!!!! Pam screamed in desperation.

Jen slowly relaxed her grip.  “Do you always wear nice sexy sleeveless dresses like this?” Pam nodded yes, unable to speak as she could still only sob.  She never felt pain like this.  “I would advise you to change your wardrobe for a few weeks and cover up your pathetic arms” Jen continued, her voice asserting even more command and control over Pam.  “Unless you really like showing off huge bruises all over your fragile little muscles; I could continue with your forearms and deltoids.”  Jen challenged her with confidence, and then chuckled softly in condescendence. “No, I’ll cover them up” Pam sputtered meekly, in between loud dramatic sobs.  “In fact, keep them covered until I find them worthy” Jen ordered. She was enjoying her superiority over Pam.  “Their softness and weakness disgusts me.  Do you understand?”  Pam nodded yes, her head bowed as she continued to cry, tears flowing down like rain. “I didn’t hear you!” Jen boomed.  She was determined to own Pam, right here and now. Jen moved a hand under Pam's chin, lifting her head up so that their eyes could meet.  "look at me when I speak to you!"  Jen's deep powerful voice resonated with authority.  Her harsh glare invoked absolute command.  Pam felt her entire body shudder and tremble as she reacted in total fear. “Yes!” she cried out loudly, her voice then breaking back down into emotion packed sobs.  “A-anything y-you s-say Jen.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 01, 2014, 05:08:58 pm
CH 13-2

Pam seemed different to Keith this morning. She seemed distant and preoccupied as she sipped at her coffee while sitting quietly at her desk.  “I love your new dress” Keith complimented, trying to keep a conversation going. “It looks especially beautiful on you.”  He admired.  Keith could not remember the last time that Pam had not dressed in a sleeveless top at the office.  Her loose dress sleeves went down to the middle of her forearms, entirely covering her biceps.  On the other hand, the dress was extremely low cut in both the front and back, showing off nearly all of her ripped pectoral muscles and her broad deltoids.  Keith admired the view, gazing at the beautiful ripped muscles and the juicy veins sweeping across her pecs and delts, and running up her forearms.   Pam broke away from her thoughts of Jen and looked Keith over before replying to him.  She marveled at how small cute he had become, and how attractive he appeared to her.  “Thanks Lil-One” Pam responded. “You look completely adorable today yourself!” Keith blushed, taken aback at Pam’s compliments and by the fact that she called him “Lil-One".

Pam stood up and walked to the side of her desk.  She bounced her pectorals sexily a few times, rippling the muscles and increasing their vascularity.   She smiled and winked at Keith as she sensually ran her fingers ever so slowly along her pumped up pectorals, tracing the thick luscious veins that protruded above the dense muscle bellies. “God” Keith gasped out loud.  He stared lustfully as Pam continued to flex her deeply muscled chest and lovingly fondle herself with her beautiful long slender fingers.  He found himself so attracted to her strong veiny hands, her long fingers and her perfectly manicured nails that shined deep purple; and the manner in which they so seductively worshipped her rippling chest.  Pam closed her eyes briefly and slowly licked her lips in pleasure; savoring a moment of pure ecstasy.  Her muscles felt so wonderfully hard and jaggedly cut to her touch.  Her veins felt like lithe snakes surging above her muscles and bulging powerfully within her skin.  "Feels so good." she admired to herself softly.  She smiled at Keith again, staring down at him confidently as she took a step towards him.  Keith blurted out again even louder, as his mind raced in arousal and his body trembled in excitement. “Oh my God Pam! You're so hot!”

“Come here my Lil-One and give me a nice kiss” Pam purred in her lovely sexy voice.  Her voice had gotten noticeably deeper that past year and Keith loved it.  Not nearly as deep and commanding as Jen’s voice, but still, it was much more powerful and sexy than most women.  Keith immediately stood up and walked slowly towards her; trembling timidly as he made his approach.  Pam was so tall for him now.  She stood 6’1” in her 5 inch heels while he was barely 5’8”.  He felt so nervous.  He felt like a little boy.  He raised himself up on his tip toes, as high as he could and craned his neck to kiss her.  “Oh you are such a Lil-One” Pam laughed lovingly. “But you’re just so sweet and cute!”  She tenderly stroked her fingers along his soft baby face, gently touching his cheeks, lips, nose, eyes and ears.  Keith shivered at the touch and inhaled and exhaled a deep trembling sigh, feeling immense pleasure.  Pam bowed her head down to meet Keith’s lips and began to kiss him.  They kissed softly and tenderly savoring each other’s touch.  Soon their tongues met and their kissing became more passionate and intense.  Pam hugged Keith softly and carefully; her arms still writhing in pain from the damage inflicted by Jen’s overpowering grip.  Keith returned the delicate hug, his small soft hands and fingers tenderly tracing and massaging the rippling muscles adorning Pam’s upper back. Keith continued his kisses down Pam’s neck, along her tapered trap muscle and onto her boulder-like shoulder cap.  He loved the size and hardness of her muscles, the multitude of raised veins, and the power and heat that radiated from her.  He relished his state of arousal and the pleasure he experienced as he indulged in his worship her tall muscular physique.  He felt Pam’s long strong finger massage along his head and glide through his silky hair, gently forcing his face into her pectoral muscle.  It felt so good, as his soft face and lips met her dense, hard rugged chest.  “Mmmmmmmmmmm” he moaned softly and dreamily as he began passionately licking and kissing her hard rippling chest muscles and the beautiful protruding veins that graced them. He needed more. Pushing down on her low cut dress with his mouth he was able to work his way to the bottom of her pectoral, exposing her hard nipple.  He sucked on her nipple and kissed along the iron hard lower ridge of her pectoral, while he brought his small hands over to simultaneously touch and feel her upper pectorals and shoulders.

He’s so soft and tender with his touch Pam realized, as she relaxed and enjoyed Keith's ministrations.  With her arms so painfully sore, Keith would the perfect solution while she healed.  Scott was just too strong, aggressive and rough for her while she was hurt.  She needed a change until she felt better, and Keith was definitely the answer.  “I would love you to pleasure me with your tongue now Lil-One” Pam softly ordered.  She was sweet yet firm in her request.  “Take my panties off, Lil-One and pleasure me now.” “Yes-sss Pam-mmm” Keith moaned slowly in anticipation, lowering himself to Pam’s waist.  “I’d love to.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 03, 2014, 02:14:29 am

CH 13-3

Thoughts of frustration gnawed at Keith’s mind his entire drive home from the office.  One thing was certain; he did not feel guilty about his sexual encounter with Pam.  Jen had shown no interest in him lately and acted as if he was nothing but her servant.  He was her cook and house keeper, and it felt like nothing more.  He had felt good bringing Pam to orgasm.  It gave him a sense of accomplishment and he was proud that his tongue could still work so hard and do the job.  If Jen had no interest in him, at least Pam did. 

What did bother Keith a whole lot was that while his new medication and diet, and his intense workout schedule had definitely slowed down the diminishing effects on his body, they had not completely stopped it.  His feet were smaller, his hands were smaller and he had practically no facial or body hair growing back.  He was also quite certain that he had lost another half an inch in height.  Yes, he was sure of the accuracy his home measurements last night.  Jen had insisted they buy top end precision measuring equipment for their home.  There was no doubt of the accuracy.   He had measured and checked twice, before emailing the results to the doctor’s office.  He was five feet seven and a half inches tall, 140 pounds and his shoe size had dropped to size 8.  He had expected the medication to work right away like the last time, and now felt despair that his situation may be hopeless, despite the doctor’s increased optimism. Worst of all, his penis continued to shrink.  Once a real stud in that department he had shrunk to half his former size, and would now be considered small.   This had really devastated his self-esteem. He was now embarrassed while showering and changing at the gym and tried to keep himself covered up and from being seen.

As Keith got closer to home, he remembered Jen’s orders for tonight.  Jen was having Lori and Diane over for dinner and a joint muscle worshipping session.  Keith was to cook and serve dinner and then head straight to the gym for his work out.  He was then to clean the house when he returned home.

Lori and Diane were in the house when Keith arrived.  They both looked gorgeous in their beautiful sexy dresses.  They had definitely gone all out to make themselves look their very best for Jen.   Lori looked so cute and petite but with the toned muscles of a fitness model.  Diane was stunningly beautiful with her deep blue eyes, blonde hair, enchanting smile and her light to middle weight bodybuilder physique.  “Jen told us to wait in the house, she is running late.” they announced together.  “Jen also said that you should start dinner Keith, as she wanted it ready when she arrives.” Diane continued.  Keith made small talk for a few minutes, while taking in the breath taking beauty of the two women.  No wonder why Jen enjoys sessions with them he thought.  He then rushed to the kitchen to prepare and serve dinner.

Keith heard Jen opening the door as she arrived back home.  “Hi everyone!” her voice boomed with enthusiasm.  “Hi Jen!” the two women replied excitedly.  “Great to see you Jen!” Lori exclaimed.  “You’re looking awesome!  Diane praised.  “Are you almost ready with our dinner sweety?” Jen asked loudly, her husky voice booming and filling the house.  “About 10 minutes Jen” Keith replied.

Keith felt envious and jealous as he over-heard the women enjoying themselves while he finished up in the kitchen. “Oh my God, let me feel it!” He heard Lori scream out.  “YOOWWW!”  He heard her scream again “You’re arm’s GIGANTIC!” “PLEASE flex an arm for me too!” He heard Diane beg.  The excitement was filling the house, and Keith felt left out.  He could not believe the sight of them as he brought their dinner to the dining room.  It was synchronized muscle worship at its finest.  Lori and Diane each had their two hands lovingly grasped to one of Jen’s enormous biceps which she flexed up high.  Each of them owned and savored a mountainous biceps to themselves.  And they were each sucking on one of Jen’s bullet hard nipples, as she posed for them bare-chested showing off her deeply muscled and vascular pectorals.  Keith stared for a moment, lusting at Jen’s magnificent physique.  She was enormous and totally nude except for her skimpy red poser briefs.  She was beyond the physique of most heavy weight male bodybuilders, and these two beautiful women were completely infatuated with her.  Oh god, how he wished he could join in. 

“Dinner is served!” Keith squealed.  His mind alternating between intense arousal from the spectacular muscle worship session before his eyes and the deep hurt and resentment in realization that Jen preferred these women over him.  “Head to the gym now Lil-One!” Jen commanded. “And workout hard! I expect to see results!”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on March 08, 2014, 02:57:11 pm
the anticipation is killing me
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 09, 2014, 05:35:45 pm
CH 13-4


I concentrated on my workout, working hard and pushing myself to the limit.  I was highly motivated and so determined to put some muscle back on my body and to get stronger.  I tried my best to not allow the images of Jen, Lori and Diane creep back into my mind and distract me.  I kept telling myself to focus and to lift hard.

I found a bench near the mirrors and dumbbell racks and began my dumbbell curls.  With the mirrors close in front of me, I could inspect my form.  In the middle of my first set a guy walked by me, between the mirror and my bench blocking my view.  He seemed to briefly pause in front of me before continuing on.  Was he trying to annoy me or something?  He looked so familiar though.  Could that be Robbie Orlando?  He looked just like him. Why would Robbie be at a gym?

He walked by me again during the middle of my second set, this time pausing even longer in front of me, blocking my view while he seemed to take his time picking out his dumbbells.  Is this guy annoying or what, I muttered to myself, trying to still concentrate on my form.  My curiosity got the better of me and my eyes spied this guy.  This time as I was positive it was Robbie, as I had more time to check him out.  He wore the same nerdy glasses and displayed the same baby face, slender arms, and showed hardly any body hair.  “Yes it’s definitely the “little weasel!” I laughed to myself, thinking back to how much we picked on him during high school.  He’s definitely grown since high school I noticed, while continuing with my reps.  I remembered him as a diminutive 5’4” scrawny little runt, but he looked to be a couple of inches taller now.  What really puzzled me was that Robbie was wearing a bold muscle man’s t-shirt on his scrawny body. What could he possibly be thinking of, dressing like a bodybuilder? We all knew of him as a weak little nerd that we called “weasel.”  And from what I could see he still was a weasel, making a fool out of himself dressing like a muscle man.

After finishing my final set of curls, I got another set of dumbbells to start my next exercise. I stayed with my same bench near the mirror to continue to monitor my form close up.  I pushed myself through an awesome first set and really felt the burn.  My workout was going great; totally intense.   In the middle of my second set Robbie again walked right in front of me for the third time, blocking my view.  God he’s a fucking idiot I thought, why is he doing this? By now I was totally fed up with it. I focused my eyes on him and prepared to lash out and snap at the little weasel, but the sight of his arm completely floored me. 

My voice froze before I could utter a sound.   Instead of snapping at him and telling him off, I stared in astonishment.  His triceps muscles were dramatically flaring out from his otherwise slender arms.  The muscle was much too big compared to the rest of his arm, and utterly dominated it.  It was not a huge wide horseshoe, but the sharpness and definition of it was absolutely stunning.  It was a narrow muscle for sure but it was impossibly thick and protruding. It appeared to double the thickness of his arm!  How could a muscle expand so big from an arm so small?  How is this possible? I continued to stare at him in wonderment as I continued with my reps.  He put his dumbbells away and picked up heavier ones.  His left triceps came to my full view, close up, just inches from me as he pivoted from the dumbbell rack almost bumping into my bench.  “Fuck!” I whispered to myself. He’s got raised veins!  I was done with my set by now, but I continued on with more reps, mindlessly, to look busy, while studying Robbie’s left arm which was literally staring me in the face.

My eyes nearly popped from their sockets in shock and disbelief as I fixated on Robbie’s triceps. His sharply cut triceps ran down the length of his upper arm.  Starting wider as his shoulder and gradually narrowing to a ridged cord as it extended to his elbow. Three thick raised veins swept perpendicular to the muscle crossing over the middle portion of it.  The triceps muscle running lengthwise on the arm, complimented by the veins running width wise in the opposite direction made his arms look really defined, really muscular and really powerful.  Vascularity of this type is not common.  How strong is he?  The muscle man’s t-shirt is not a joke on him.  In fact it looks really fitting on him.  Fuck, am I jealous of this weasel? I broke my trance and briefly met his eyes.  Fuck! He had caught me staring at his muscles!  How long was I staring?  I felt my face flush bright red, as he stared down at me directly in the eyes.  God, I hope he doesn’t recognize me!  God, my face is burning up! His stare felt powerful to me, like his muscles.  Fuck, am I afraid of this weasel? I timidly looked down from him, my head and eyes lowering until pointing directly at the floor as I continued on with my set - even though I was at least 7 reps beyond my normal length; I had totally lost count.  I stared down at his feet, hoping that he would leave.  My arms were burning in pain but I could not end the set while he was still here.  I was embarrassed.  I was intimidated.  Please don’t say anything to me, I pleaded to myself.  He did not say a word, thank God, and he walked off a few seconds later to get back to his workout.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: jabber7 on March 10, 2014, 02:36:20 am
Time for Jen to put Keith in a dress and stick him with the strap.

You know that's what he secretly hopes for while he does the house chores!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: THPD on March 10, 2014, 06:22:15 pm
....or maybe Jen clit grow penis size , so he will be able to use keith like she use to .... :)
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 10, 2014, 11:55:04 pm
CH 13-5
I can’t seem to control my excitement.  I’m acting worse than as if I’m a teenager again, going out on my first date!  I don’t understand why I’m so attracted to her, but I am.   I feel that it must have something to do with her power.  The strength of her grip was well beyond any man I’ve met, even Scott.   Scott could hardly dent my biceps, yet Jen flattened them with ease. In addition to her power, I find her beauty to be striking, and her physique is the most muscular I had ever seen. I just can’t wait to see her today for my private personal training session.

I’m over a half hour early, due to my nervousness and rushing to get here.  I take my time changing.  I wear my pretty pink sports bra and a tight pair of shorts.  I put on a white long sleeved t-shirt over my sports bra to cover my badly bruised arms.  It’s really thin and light weight and does a nice job of still showing off my physique.  My muscles bounce and stretch the fabric.  I loosen up and stretch out before my session, per Jen’s instructions.  Finally, it’s time for my appointment!  I practically run to Jen’s office and knock at her door.

I can’t get over her height as she greets me at her office door.  A gasp of excitement escapes me as I look up to her.  She’s so tall!  She has a sweat suit on, covering her muscles, but I can still see that she is huge and really built.  Her massiveness and hour-glass physique are quite evident despite her full clothing.

I can’t seem to speak, as I just look up at her in awe.  She allows me a few seconds of my reverence before she gets to business. “Have a seat Pam” she smiles down at me.  She is so confident and so in control.  I sit down on the chair.  I feel myself trembling all over my body with nervous excitement.  I feel my heart thumping like a drum within my chest.  I don’t say a word; I wait for her to continue. “I just want to get the billing and the schedule straight, before we start” She smiles at me again as she speaks.  I feel that she is seducing me.  Can she sense my attraction to her?  “You are scheduled for one individual PT session and two group PT sessions a week Pam.  I have you grouped with three novice male bodybuilders for your group sessions.  They should challenge you.  Then you are on your own twice a week.  I want you on a five day a week workout schedule.”  “That sounds really good Jen!” I respond.  My enthusiasm is obvious.

“There is one more detail. “ Jen continues.  With your elite membership you have three options for your individual PT session.  The basic option is $100 for the hour.  With this option I wear a sweat suit like I have on.  This is less distractive to other gym members.  However, I think you may prefer the other options” She smiles at me again.  This time I blush a bit.  She is definitely seducing me!  I feel tongue tied and just anxiously wait for her to continue. “The next option costs $125 and I wear a short sleeve polo shirt and knee length shorts.  This option is more popular than the basic”  “What’s the third option?”  I ask.  I know exactly what I’m hoping for.  “The third option is quite expensive, but my most dedicated clients do swear by it.”  She chuckles a bit and pauses briefly before continuing.  She looks me directly in the eyes, her facial expression and body language exhibiting bold confidence and superiority.  “This option costs $200.  I wear a muscle shirt and tiny poser shorts.  Most of my muscles are visible the entire workout” I can't help from blushing deep red.  My heart now feels like a hammer, rapidly slamming against my chest.  I know this is what I want.  But can I admit it, and sign up for it?  I feel like a scared little girl.  Jen helps me along.  “I’m pretty sure you know what you really want Pam.  Am I right?”  She smiles at me knowingly. She is confident and in control.  I follow her lead.  “Y-yes Jen” Why am I stuttering?  “O-option three p-please.” “That will be $320 a week Pam for the three sessions.  Hand me your credit card please and we’ll get this setup.”

Jen stands up and removes her sweatshirt.  She is massive, enormous, beyond huge!  She is wearing a low cut muscle shirt.  How did she know I would choose this option? Am I that obvious?  Her boulder sized shoulders and most of her broad thick pectoral muscle are revealed.  The muscle shirt does not quite reach her waist, allowing a peek at her deeply cut abdominals.   She flexes her arms.  Her arms are to die for. Her biceps, triceps and forearms are each mind bending in their own right and compete for my full attention; I can’t decide which are the more spectacular. She is by far the most muscular human being I have ever encountered.  “You like what you see Pam?”  She looks down at me.  She sees my reaction.  She can read my mind.  I nod to her in affirmation. “You’re amazing Jen!” I offer in awe.

Jen flips off her sandals and removes her sweat pants.  Her giant sweeping quads take over my view.  “Wow!”  I gasp. I spot an amazingly thick and powerful raised vein that runs over her foot, up along the front of her calf and continuing the over the inside of her muscular meaty thigh, all the way up into her posers.  “Oh my God!” I gasp again.  I look to her other leg and see a similar type vein.  “Are your arms still bruised and sore?” Jen asks, bringing me back to the business at hand.  “Yes” I admit.  “But I can still workout.”  “Good” she says, leading me out the door and into the gym.  “It’s a long workout routine.  I’ll work with you for an hour with the free weights, and I have instructions for you to continue on your own for an hour with the machines.  Then you need to get in at least 45 minutes of cardio.”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 28, 2014, 06:13:56 pm
CH 14-1

As I drive to work this morning I can’t stop thinking about Pam.  Every morning last week she had used me to pleasure her, and I so hope she continues it this week.   I feel like my tongue and jaws are getting strong and I'm really good at it.  I love being close up with her hard muscled body.  I stop at the gourmet coffee shop and pick up a cup her favorite coffee.  I hope she is wearing sleeveless today, I have missed seeing and touching her biceps.  I don’t understand why she has been wearing long sleeved dresses all the time.

“Good Morning Pam!  Here’s your coffee and paper.”   I place the items on her desk for her, noticing with disappointment that she is wearing long sleeves again today.  I want to ask why, but it none of my business really.
“Good morning Lil One.  Thanks for the coffee!  How is my little cutie today?”  I blush at the compliments as I cheerfully respond.  “I feel wonderful today Pam.  I’m so happy to be back to work and see you!”  She stands up, rising over 6’ tall in her high heels. I feel so small and fragile, as she approaches me. She’s so tall and muscular.  I notice her lower forearms are revealed, and I see several of her raised veins popping out over the steely muscles. She’s so strong.  I wish so bad I could see more of her arms.
She gives be a powerful hug.  I feel my slender body fold into her strong embrace, relishing the solid granite hardness surrounding me.  It feels good.  I exhale a long deep sigh of delight. “Is my Lil One eager to pleasure me this morning?” She stares down at me. She knows my answer.  I blush beet red in embarrassment as my heart my heart pounds rapidly in excitement.  “Oh yes Pam!” I blurt out like a child seeking candy.  “I’ve been looking forward to it all morning!”

Driving home, I think of how I will handle myself with Jen and Jeff tonight.  I feel intensely jealous of Jeff who is coming over for a session with Jen tonight.  It’s bad enough when the women come over, but with the guys it’s just totally humiliating.  They do not care in the least that they are cheating on me, right in front of me.

“When will dinner be ready Lil-One?”  Jen’s deep voice booms and resonates throughout the house.  “About 30 minutes.” I reply.  I feel that my voice sounds so mousey in comparison.  “What’s for dinner? Lil-One?”  Jeff asks.  I feel like he is mocking me, but there is nothing I can do but answer his request.  “Shrimp, with rice and spinach.”  I answer timidly and tersely. I can’t stand that I act so afraid and that my voice sounds so mousey. “I heard you’re such a good cook, Lil-One, and I love shrimp. I’m expecting a delicious dinner. Don’t let us down.”  Jeff sounds so condescending, I feel like lashing out.  Instead I take it as a compliment. “Thanks Jeff” I squeak. “I’ll do my best”

“We’ll be downstairs in my private gym, Lil-One.”  Jen called out.  Her voice commands immediate attention. “Please holler down to us when dinner is ready.  Then head straight to the gym for your workout.  We’ll serve ourselves.  I’ll see you later tonight.”  I view them from behind as they walk towards the stairway.  Both of them are wearing skimpy thin muscle shirts and posers, exposing nearly their entire muscled physiques.  Jeff is a good size guy.  He is really muscular and toned.  Not of bodybuilder caliber but really impressive.  Jen is just enormous.  Her huge physique dwarfs him.  Nearly 6’8 in her heels, she towers over him.  She seems nearly twice his width at the shoulders and impossibly thicker.  Her rugged 21 inch plus biceps make Jeff’s otherwise impressive 16 inch guns look slender and weak in comparison.

They stop at the head of the stairway and I continue to study them.  Jeff moves both his hands to Jen’s right biceps muscle.  Jen flexes her arm in response, her muscles bulging and veins popping so unbelievably powerfully. It’s a sight to behold.  My hand reaches under my pants and I begin rubbing my cock as it hardens; while I lustily stare at Jen’s muscles exploding in mighty beauty within Jeff’s hungry worshipping fingers.  God my cock has got so small, it’s pathetic.  None the less, I massage it and begin to stroke it.   I listen to Jeff’s loud moan of arousal and begin to quietly moan myself, as I stroke with more rigor and excitement.  “Mmmmmmmmmm” Jeff moans again, louder and unabashed; so open and outright with his arousal.  “Jen, you are so fucking huge and hard!” The devout reverence and praise are clearly evident in his voice.   “C’mon downstairs baby” Jen purrs in her husky sexy tone.  I take a few steps forward, remaining out of sight, as they start down the stairs.  I watch their calves bulge and flair with each step, as I continue to stroke myself.  I quietly moan again as I see the gorgeously thick veins appear on Jen’s calves.   I stroke myself to climax as they continue down the stairs together.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on March 30, 2014, 11:37:38 pm
CH 14-1
I arrive at the gym, and I’m able to finally block my angry and jealous thoughts of Jen and Jeff out of my mind.  My workouts have been really good lately and I’m definitely getting stronger and adding more muscle.  The medication is working.  I’ve got myself in an awesome frame of mind for another intense workout.

I start with my back workout and I feel strong.  I add 10 pounds to my previous weight for lateral pull downs, and add five pounds more to my dumbbell rows routine.  My entire back workout goes well and I’m so proud of my added strength and endurance.  I move to the cable machine to start a set of seated cable biceps curls. My biceps are already somewhat pumped from my back workout.  I look at my arms with approval.  There is a small biceps showing and a nice vein running down the middle.  I also have three raised veins running along my forearm.  Not bad, I’m coming back.  It’s time to really pump these babies up.  I add five more pounds to the machine than last time.

As I sit down, I notice that Robbie is at the gym again, and he is walking towards this same machine. He is wearing a muscle man’s shirt again.  Not the really bold black color that he wore last time.  Today the color is light blue providing a much softer look, but it’s actually skimpier; cut really thin and narrow at his shoulders and lower at his chest. Robbie is definitely not shy with showing off his body.  I know from last time, however, that he is worthy of showing off.  Those triceps were amazing.  I also notice he’s wearing black sweat pants again.  I guess he doesn’t care about showing off his legs.

As I start my first set, I realize that Robbie is heading right toward me. I become nervous; afraid that he remembers me and is going to confront me about gaping at him last week.   Instead, Robbie reaches up and grips the mounted raised bar that is adjacent to me at the station.  He begins to stretch out, seemingly unaware that I am even present. I feel a sigh of relief.   As I continue with my first set, I realize that I can study him from the corner of my right eye, without being noticed at all.  I begin to compare his body with mine.  I have that jealous feeling again that the weasel is bigger and much more muscular than me despite my gains; possibly much stronger than me too.

I study his arms as I rest in between sets.  They do not seem any bigger than mine.  OK, maybe a little bigger but indeed, they do look kind of slender and ordinary as mine have become.  As I start my second set, I notice the veins that begin to gradually protrude along his arms as his stretching become more strenuous. The first few visible veins appear along his forearms.  They are soon complimented with a long vein running over his biceps.  It seems like every few seconds a new vein emerges, and that the veins that were already present are thickening and becoming even more pronounced.  I continue with my curls, inspecting my pumped up arms with one eye and comparing Robbie’s transforming arms with my other.  I feel like I’m memorizing his vascularity, noting the exact location and path of each new vein that emerges and continually reassessing the length and thickness of all of them.  I realize that I’m impulsively trying to keep count of all the veins on his arms, and I can’t stop myself.  What the fuck is wrong with me?  By the end of my second set Robbie’s arms are slightly pumped, glistening with a light sweat and covered in veins.  He has many more protruding veins than I have, especially on his forearms.  And his veins are so much thicker and more pronounced, making his arms appear bigger and more powerful.  My veins now seem really thin and sparsely located in comparison.

As I begin my third set, it is obvious to me that Robbie’s slightly pumped arms are without a doubt bigger than my fully pumped arms.  Fuck! His arms are at least an inch bigger than mine.  How could I have possibly thought we were the same size?  I notice a faint raised vein beginning to emerge, crisscrossing over his slightly flared triceps.  I slyly angle my head a little more towards him as I curl.  I feel I need a better view now, as his arms are clearly dominating mine.  A second raised vein appears over his triceps which is now sharply flared.  His arms are getting more pumped, and look even bigger. Fuck, they are at least two inches bigger than mine! They look so strong!  My emotion of jealousy is changing to a mix of jealously and envy.  Definitely more envy. I am wishing my arms were like his!  I would kill for his vascularity!  Such masculinity and power!  I finish my third set and rest before my last.  I angle my view even more towards Robbie; as much as I can without being obvious. I don’t need to look at both myself and Robbie and compare any longer. There is no comparison. He is vastly superior.  His muscular presence dominates the area.  I feel skinny, weak and emasculated being right next to him.  I’m suddenly feeling ashamed and embarrassed of my own puny physique.   As I start my last set, my eyes remain inconspicuously focused on Robbie.  I make a lengthy and thorough final assessment of his lean hard muscular arms, fully memorizing the final image of his mind boggling vascularity.  My emotions turn from envy to outright respect of this muscle man.  I timidly spy a quick view of his face.  Why did I ever think his glasses were nerdy?  They have the look of style and intelligence.  His face is handsome and his look is of extreme confidence.  He must be a high powered business man or something. I remember from school he was really smart.  I finish up my set unable to look at myself, feeling meek and diminished within his powerful presence. I can’t help from taking in one last admiring glimpse of Robbie, as I get up and walk towards the dumbbell rack.

I’m able to concentrate again, being away from Robbie as I work through my dumbbell curls.  I increase my dumbbells by 5 pounds and decide to do five sets rather than four.  If anything I feel inspired by Robbie.  I want arms like his!  I want that vascularity!  I’m able to look at myself again and feel happy about the small biceps bulge that is appearing in my arms.  It’s definitely growing!

I find a bench right in from of the mirror to begin my final exercise; concentration curls.  Again I decide on five sets.  I want to see these biceps grow!  And they do grow, shaping like small lemons as I work through my sets with impeccable form.  As I begin my fifth and final set, I look into the mirror and I see the close-up reflection of the muscle man standing directly behind me.  It’s Robbie again.  He begins a set of barbell curls.  I am barely able to control the gasp of astonishment that escapes me, as I behold his fascinating display of spectacular muscle growth and ultra-extreme definition and vascularity. By the time Robbie is progressing through his third repetition, the transformation of his body is impossibly amazing; far beyond my wildest imagination of how muscular he just might be.  “Holy Fuck!” I whisper in my suppressed gasp.  My eyes are glued to his reflection and I time my own reps to synchronize with his so that I follow him perfectly.  I really like following his lead.  He’s such an inspiration.  As he slowly raises the bar during each repetition, all of the muscles throughout every inch of his upper body grow and ripple with striking definition.  His forearms and biceps appear to double in size each time the bar approaches midpoint. Thick chords of muscle bulge in his forearms, further complimented by numerous thick, powerful overlaying veins.  His biceps swell into baseball sized balls of muscle, peaking perfectly like a jagged mountain top and enhanced by a long thick vein running the entire length along the middle of the arm and up and over his shoulder.  His shoulders thicken by at least an inch all around; expanding, rounding and bulging into small boulders of sharply shredded striated muscle.  The number of cuts that line and shred his shoulders is countless and absolutely stunning; beginning with just a few at the start of the repetition but then increasing in both sharpness and quantity like rippling waves as he raises the bar.  By the fifth rep the sight becomes even more amazing as a single powerful raised vein emerges on the front on both shoulders; thickening with each subsequent rep while horizontally sweeping across the biceps vein and the vertical striations of each rippling shoulder.  Similar to his shoulders, both of his pectoral muscles thicken by at least an inch forming into a crisp dense plated shape resembling an anatomy chart.  The entire outline of each pectoral muscle is clearly etched, and a deep cleavage is evident in the middle.  Each time he raises the bar, his pectorals first take shape as a smooth plate of muscle, and then aggressively transform into a rippling shredded mass, as dozens of sharp horizontal cuts and cords form and line across the muscle.

I complete my set at the exact same time as Robbie and continue to gape intently at his image in the mirror.  Luckily nobody can tell that I’m staring at him; not even Robbie himself.   I’m in absolute awe of him.  Robbie is an awesome bodybuilder! I realize I am hard and fully erect.  Fuck!  I have never got hard looking at a guy before, what the fuck is going on!  I know what’s going on, and I admit to myself.  I wish I looked like him.  I want to build my body like his.  I want muscles and vascularity like his. I want his masculinity and powerful presence.

Robbie looks relatively normal again as he rests, with his muscles reducing back to a moderately pumped state.  His vascularity is still pretty extreme, but not at the incredible surging state it reached while he was curling.  It’s fascinating to me how at rest and moderately pumped that Robbie looks like a well-muscled jock, but once he is lifting hard he transforms into a light weight bodybuilder.  I need to see this again to believe it!  My heart is pounding in anticipation and fierce desire. I find myself hoping that Robbie will stay there and lift for some more sets, as I so need to see his astonishing muscles again. Then a thought comes to my mind.  I instinctively dart to the dumbbell rack and grab a pair of much lighter dumbbells. I’ll need to continue lifting if I’m going to watch Robbie.  I sit back down at my bench.  These dumbbells are light enough that I can continue indefinitely.

Seconds later, my wishes are answered as Robbie begins another set.  I start my own set immediately after he starts his and I follow him precisely, one repetition behind him.  Oh my god how I love following Robbie's lead!  I’m in awe of him and imagine myself building up my muscles and vascularity just like his. I know what to expect this time; so rather than be shocked; I feel I can instead savor and enjoy the same sensational display of muscle. I was so wrong!  Robbie’s first few reps showed the same level of muscularity and vascularity emerge, that he climaxed at during his previous set.  I stare at Robbie intensely trying to take in his forearms, biceps, shoulders and pectorals at the same time, capturing their best features at just the right moment as the muscles stunningly transform during each slow and deliberate repetition.  By the fourth rep he is showing new levels of size, definition and vascularity.  His biceps seem to be growing upward like towers, and more veins are emerging all over them.  I gasp out loudly during his fifth rep, unable to control myself this time, as the sight of his astonishing progressive biceps growth overwhelms me.  I hear my mousy voice escaping through my lips, but I’m too mesmerized in awe to suppress it. “Oh my God” I squeak out in my gasp.  I’m sure I was heard, even above the music.  In addition to his biceps peak towering even higher, there are now over a half dozen thick powerful veins covering each biceps.  Some veins run the length of the biceps and some are crisscrossing.  Robbie holds the rep for a brief second; his biceps exploding at full peak and the veins surging and thickening before my eyes.  He stares down at his arms, clearly in admiration of their current condition. “Fuck!” I squeak again; my gasp is drawn out in a moaning tone this time, causing a couple of nearby lifters to give me strange looks.  I realize I am now positioned at the very front edge of the bench, leaning forward towards the mirror, drawn like a magnet to Robbie’s commanding image, needing to get the closest possible view.
As he works through his final few reps, I notice that there are now two thick veins sweeping each of his thickly shredded shoulders, with a few thin raised veins crisscrossing between them. And they continue onward, snaking a path over his pectoral muscles!  All of his muscles are now proudly flagged with the overpowering masculinity and boldness of extreme vascularity.  The image becomes sensory overload for me.   Robbie is the ultimate muscle man that I so desperately want to be!  “Wooooooowwww!!!!”  I gasp in wonderment and devotion as Robbie progresses through an excruciatingly slow final rep.  I’m fixated on his biceps, shoulders and pectorals.  My voice sounds more like a squeal than a squeak this time and it carries on for the full five or six seconds of his ever so slow repetition.  His eyes turn to me.  “Fuck no!” I whisper to myself in alarm. “He heard me!”  I realize I have stopped lifting.  I’m just sitting at the edge of the bench, leaned forward and gaping at his image with my eyes bulging and my mouth wide open. I notice a couple of other lifters looking right at me. Robbie stares at me in the eyes.  His face turns to a proud knowing smile.  His muscular body is reflecting sheer dominance, strength and control of our area.  I see our reflections together in the mirror now for the first time.  I feel horror.! Oh my God!  I look like a skinny scared little wimp menacing and distracting the presence of a true muscle God!   I feel like he's expanding and I'm shrinking!  He holds his final rep for a few seconds as he stares me down. All of his muscles are fully exploded, bursting out with frightfully enormous power and dangerous fury. His thick veins pulse and surge and snake angrily above the muscles, as if their in rage. I feel terror!  I am blushing beet red and my heart is racing frantically.  I can’t meet Robbie’s eyes any longer.  The dominance , power and threat of his image are too much for me to take and I submissively look down to the floor.  I feel panic!  I feel fear.! I grab all my dumbbells and return them to the rack as quickly as I can, with my head down preventing eye contact with anyone.  My face is burning in embarrassment. I race to the locker room with the intent of leaving the gym as fast as I can.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on April 05, 2014, 10:28:35 pm

I can’t believe how hard and strong my muscles have gotten since I’ve been training with Jen.  My biceps are fully healed and they have grown another ½ inch bigger. 15 ½ inches!!   And they are so much denser and harder now.   I doubt they would yield so easily to Jen’s grip.  I look at the time and I’m an hour early for my appointment.  I’ll do some extra cardio and warm ups.  My energy level is soaring!

I notice lots of heads turning towards me as I make my way through the gym.  My cute sleeveless pink top leaves very little to the imagination, as my deltoids, pectorals, arms and lower abdominals are fully revealed.  I notice a few guys just can’t keep their eyes off of me.  And a few women too ….  I chuckle to myself in admiration.   I just love how I command such respect and admiration.  My monster veins begin to emerge as I work through my warm ups.  God my arms look so sexy hot! I take a long look at myself in the mirror.  My reflection is awesome!  I’m so beautiful and powerful at the same time.   No wonder so many people around me are getting aroused.

A woman moves to the station next to me.  She can’t keep her eyes off of me.  I notice a guy doing the same thing on the other side of me.  He’s working out with light dumbbells, but his eyes are locked on my muscles. I feel all warmed up now.  What the hell, I’ll give these two admirers a little show.  I angle myself to give them both their best possible view.  Then I slowly begin a double biceps flex.  My biceps burst into balls of iron.  Several veins pop out and surge above my skin.  First I look over at the man and stare him down.  He  immediately blushes and bows his head.  He is looks so timid and humiliated!  Then I turn to the woman and look her in the eyes.  She just continues to stare back at my arms in lust.  I squeeze the flex harder, causing my biceps peaks to grow a little bigger and more veins to emerge.  She gasps in desire.  It’s obvious she wants me really bad. 

She steps towards me, her lust and passion showing on her face.  “May I please feel?” she quietly whispers to me.  Her eyes and her voice are both begging in desperation. She is not my type, but I feel kind today.  At least she is brave, compared to that cowardly man.  I move one of my biceps towards her trembling hands and invite her to cop a feel.  “Just a quick one" I warn.  I’m so in command of her.  “Mmmmmm” she whispers in a soft moan.”  “Oh my god, it’s so big and hard!” Her hands and fingers are so small and delicate; they struggle to grasp at the bulk and expanse of my muscle mass. She hungrily presses and feels along my biceps peak, and then traces one of my monster veins.  She whispers another quiet moan of delight.   I give her a brief smile approving her worship, and then look back at the man.  He is sneaking a look at us.  He can’t hide the jealousy in his eyes or the bulge in his crotch.  I stare him down again and reduce him to looking back down at the floor.  What a wimp!

“I’ve got to start my workout now.” I assert as I end my pose and drop my arms to my sides. “Awwww” She sighs in disappointment.  “Thanks for letting me feel; your muscles are so amazing!”  She praises.  I thank her and head towards Jen’s office.  Soon it will be my turn to be the one in complete awe and lust.  My heart races in anticipation of seeing Jen.  Maybe this time she will let me touch and feel her godly muscles!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on April 06, 2014, 09:26:29 pm

It’s exactly 3:00pm as I knock on the door.  I am so ready for an awesome workout, and I’m thirsting in desire to see Jen and her magnificent physique again.  “Come in Pam!”  Jen’s powerful voice booms from within her office.  The depth and richness of her voice send shivers down my spine. I love her voice.

I open the door and my jaw drops as my mouth opens completely wide.  An overwhelming and shocking first glance causes me to gasp in awe.  "Oh my God!"  I then feel compelled to study her head to toe. I start by looking down at Jen’s feet and slowly work my way up to her eyes.  My eyes and my mind are in ultimate adoration of this magnificent and exotic sight before me.  Jen is wearing a tiny black bikini and black sandals with high stiletto heels.  She stands before me at least 6 foot nine inches tall; with by far the most muscular physique I have ever seen in my life.  She is beautiful!  She is huge and ripped! She is all powerful.  She is a GOD! Her muscles are pumped to enormous proportions, and her vascularity is off the charts!  “Oh my God Jen, you look awesome” I gasp again. “You’re arms are so huge …”  “You’re chest is amazing … so wide and thick … ” “And your veins!  They’re like ropes!  They’re everywhere!”  I realize I am babbling mindlessly like an infatuated fool as my eyes continue to take her in.  Her bikini top can’t be more than an inch or so in height, just enough to cover her nipples and no more.  Her bottom is also tiny, revealing a really big bulge behind it. God she’s packed in there!  I feel drawn to her even more.   I want to move to her and touch her so badly it aches.  I feel my nerves shivering throughout my body, as my heart races and pounds heavily against my chest. I know now, the experience of being completely lost in love.

Jen suddenly interrupts my babbling and infatuation.  Looking back up at her eyes, I realize she looks really angry.  “I’ve been practicing my posing routine.  I hope you don’t mind if I train you in my posing suit today Pam.”  Jen purrs huskily her deep voice sounding so sexy, while at the same time her eyes and facial expression look so angry. She pauses and then she speaks again.  “I thought I instructed you to wear long sleeves at all times Pam?  Did you not understand me?” Her voice is so commanding and with such a fierce edge, that I suddenly feel terrified. What I have I done?  “I-I’m s-so s-sorry J-Jen” My voice falters in my state of panic and fear; I tremble and stutter. “I t-thought you m-meant just until I h-healed.”  I’m practically crying as I squeak out my apologetic reply.  Jen steps to her locker and pulls out a sweat shirt. “Put this on!” She orders. Her voice resonates powerfully, dominating the room.  I cower briefly in hesitation before taking the sweatshirt. “Now!” She bellows.  I react instantly, and grasp the sweatshirt and hurriedly put it on.  It’s much too big for me and I look like an idiot, but I do what I am told.

“We will discuss this incident back in my office after your workout.” Jen continues.  Her stern demeanor is unnerving.  “Now let’s get going, it’s time to work your muscles to failure!”   I follow her into the gym.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on May 04, 2014, 09:13:39 pm
Chapter 15-3


“You worked so hard Pam, I’m really proud of you!  You’re getting so much stronger!”   My deep voice commands her attention and respect.  Pam blushes shyly and smiles, girlishly accepting my compliments.  “Thanks Jen, I feel much stronger” she responds.  “You’re such an awesome trainer” Her voice gushes with admiration and praise. I notice her eyes are fixated on my rippling arms while I remove the plates from the bar and return them to the rack.  She continues to babble out compliments to me.  “I love training with you Jen!”  “You make me so much better! There is no doubt she is infatuated by my radiant beauty, my magnificent physique and my overwhelming power.  I feel the urge to test the limits of her desires.  I can tell that she lusts for me 100 times more than she ever felt for Keith.   

I flex my arm hard as I place the last barbell onto the rack, while spying Pam out of the corner of my eye.  Her eyes stare hungrily at my rapidly expanding biceps as it powerfully bulges upward into the size of a cantaloupe.  She lustfully licks at her lips and takes a step directly towards it, as if she’s being drawn in by a magnet. She seems unaware of her surroundings and the people around her, as she takes another step towards me. I quickly pivot to face her and strike an imposing double biceps pose, right before her eyes. My arms erupt like mountains causing Pam to gasp in awe and drawing the attention of several people in our vicinity. “Oh my God Jen.“  “Can I touch please?”  Her hands begin to rise upward toward each of my enormous biceps.  She licks her lips again in anticipation.  “No!”  I command.  “Not now!” She can’t hide her deep disappointment as she timidly brings her hands back to her sides, and bows her head in humiliation.  She appears about to cry. “You have your workout to finish Pam!”  I continue.  “You need to focus!” “I’m so sorry Jen.” She whimpers.  She’s definitely crying now. “I’m so sorry.”  I place two of my fingers under her chin and lift her head so that she meets my eyes.  I undoubtedly command her.  I own her. She looks up to me longingly and so submissively, waiting for me to speak.  I break the moment of silence.  “Pull yourself together Pam.  Get an hour of cardio in, and then meet me in my office.”  She responds immediately and heads to the stair master.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on June 05, 2014, 04:00:57 pm
I couldn't wait anymore so I did my own next chapter on my personal computer. ;) for personal use.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Artfuldodger on June 08, 2014, 05:05:52 pm
 :rock: SWA
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I couldn't wait anymore so I did my own next chapter on my personal computer. ;) for personal use.

Why bother telling us if you're not going to share,?
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on June 09, 2014, 02:12:58 am
No my story, it belongs to Ranger 1.

I suppose I could PM it to you?
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Artfuldodger on June 09, 2014, 01:12:39 pm
That sounds good but ask the OP if he minds you doing a chapter
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on June 09, 2014, 09:08:00 pm
I shouldn't have mentioned it.  I don't think its right fo me to even mention it.  Should have kept it to myself.

  Ranger 1 is the master.

I will shut up now and be good.

Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on June 20, 2014, 07:55:36 pm


I decide to do a full hour on the Stair Master for my cardio.  The workout is strenuous and exhausting.   I feel like I have sweat out five pounds!  Now it’s time to cool down for a bit.  The heavy sweatshirt that Jen made me wear is totally soaked and uncomfortable as it clings to me.  I know my arms are ripped to shreds inside these cumbersome sleeves and should instead be proudly revealed and worshipped.  I flex my biceps and feel them tighten and grow, stretching the wet sleeves.  I feel lean, and ripped and powerful!  I'm exhilarated from my workout!  I roll my sleeves up a few inches along my forearm arms.  I begin to tense and relax my forearms a few times, watching my muscles form and the first few veins begin to protrude and bulge. Oh yes!  My arms are hot!  I continue a moment until my forearm transforms into an astonishing network of protruding veins covering lean rippling muscles.  I need to reveal more of this!  I roll up my sleeves even further, uncovering most of my forearms.  I spot a few nearby people sneaking peeks at them.  My arms are no doubt glorious and demanding of worship!  I clench both my fists as hard as I can, holding my flex.  I rotate my arms left and right so that I can see both my  anterior and posterior development.   Both sides are equally vascular and shredded!  I continue flexing my right forearm.  I begin absent mindedly stroking along the veins with the fingers of my left hand, as  I alternate flexing and relaxing my right forearm.  My muscles and veins feel so good to the touch. The sensation of the hardness and thickness is wonderful as a dreamily adore myself.  Finally I break my trance.  There are a half dozen people staring at me!  I stare back at them and they all look down. So intimidated of me with my powerful  rippling forearms!
I realize I’m supposed to meet Jen in her office now. Shit – I hope I’m not late.  I rush to her office and knock at the door. “Is that you Pam?”  Jen’s deep voice thunders.  “Yes” I reply excitedly.  I no longer feel strong and intimidating. I’m reduced instead, to an overly excited horny little girl.  I pull down the sleeves of my sweat shirt, fully revealing my arms, as Jen requires. “C’mon in Pam!” Jen commands.  “And close the door behind you!”  As I enter the office, I see Jen and another woman.  Both are scantily clad in tiny bikinis revealing nearly their entire bodies to behold.  The woman with Jen is clearly a bodybuilder and stunningly beautiful.  She looks to be similar of my height and build with beautiful blond hair and blue eyes.  I am frozen in front of the door gaping at the two of them, not sure how to proceed.  Jen laughs at my predicament.  “Pam, I’d like you to meet Diane.  She is another client and friend of mine.  Come over here and join us!”




I cannot help from smirking as I watch Pam walk towards us.  She looks as obedient as a little puppy.  Her insatiable infatuation and devout admiration of me is just so obvious. She can’t hide her deep lust for my superior body and power.  I know she is ready to totally submit to me.  It’s the beginning of payback time for her affair with Keith! 

Pam stands facing me on my left side while Diane remains to my right.  Pam is staring at my 22 inch biceps.  She can’t help from licking her lips as she intently stares at the biggest, most muscular arms she has ever seen. She is speechless and awestruck, awaiting my direction. 

“Diane, please remove my bikini top for me.”  I softly purr with a sexy and seductive voice that also exudes power and commands respect.  Diane responds immediately, obedient and honored to serve.  She is such a gorgeous slave! I flex my pectorals, powerfully expanding my wide thick chest.  I proudly watch as my huge plates of muscle further thicken and ripple with dense definition. The cleavage between my pectorals must be 3 inches deep!  I release and pump a few times while watching the lusciously thick veins protrude like snakes along my chest and shoulders.  My fingers move to trace and feel the muscles and veins.  “Mmmmm” I sigh in admiration of myself, as I adore the look and feel of my magnificent chest.  Diane and Pam both have their eyes locked to my pectorals.  I hear their soft moans of arousal.  I sense their burning desire.

I reach out and softly grasp Diane at the back of her head.  I nudge her face ever so slightly in the direction of my hard nipple.  She knows exactly what to do.  Without hesitation, she thrusts herself towards me.  She buries her entire face against my pectoral and takes my nipple into her mouth.  She sucks and licks deliciously with her mouth and tongue while her hands wander all over the muscles of my upper body; pressing and feeling my powerful muscles and veins.  Her breathing gets louder and hotter in her excitement.  She grasps my bicep and digs in hard with her fingers.  I know what she wants, and flex my biceps slightly to tease her.  “Pleeeeaasse!!!” she begs, moaning her plead while still sucking on my nipple.  I flex it hard for her and she responds with a long erotic moan.  Her body trembles as she squeezes with all her strength along  my impossibly hard and enormous biceps.

I look over to Pam, and catch her licking her lips and rubbing at her crotch!  Her hand is inside her shorts!   Pam immediately looks down at the floor in shame, pulling her hand out from within her shorts. I lift her chin so that she is looking up at me again.  “I know you love me Pam.” My voice is erotically sexy as I state the obvious.  My superiority over her is glaring. She nods her response in silence, other than other panting breaths of excitement. I reach over to her and softly grab the back of her head, exactly as I did with Diane.  I’m pretty sure she will follow suit.  I start to nudge her face in the direction of my unattended nipple, but there is no need.  Pam thrusts like a wild animal towards me!  I am delighted with joy!  She copies Diane exactly, burying her face in my chest and sucking at my nipple.  She grasps my biceps and shoulder cap with her hands and squeezes with all her might.  She worships me intensely with an extreme hunger and compelling urgency.  Her body is hot, burning with desire.  Her energy level is off the charts, as she pleasures me far beyond my expectations! She releases her long suppressed arousal with a series of loud animalistic primal sounding groans.  I follow Pam as my own moans of arousal escape me.  I catch hold of myself, however.  What am I doing?  It’s not time for this yet!  I collect my thoughts and prepare for the next move.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on June 28, 2014, 09:01:14 pm


I’ve never felt such desire for another human being.  My feeling of hunger and need is insatiable.  I can’t help from grunting and groaning like a wild animal as I suck on Jen’s meaty pectoral and steel hard nipple.  I grip her biceps.  It’s bigger than any muscle I’ve ever felt and so much harder.  I moan in ecstasy as she flexes and her biceps expands my grip.  I don’t even try to suppress it.  I just belt it out long and loud.  I want her to hear and sense my desire.  I want to be stripped down naked so badly.  I want to feel her with all of me.  Oh god, I need more!

“That’s enough for now girls.” Jen’s voice is powerful and commanding.  I stop at once, standing still in front of her.  I am at full attention and await her next command.  I look over at Diane and she is acting the same.
“Please strip down and flex your biceps for us Pam.”  Jen requests calmly, so matter of fact.  I feel excited! Finally I can take this sweatshirt off me!  I react like a silly child and quickly strip down to my sports bra.  I pump and flex my arms a few times, admiring my monster veins emerge over my stunning forearms and biceps.  My muscles are ripped and are rock hard.  I pump my arms a few more times.  I’m chiseled with muscles and tendons and a luscious network of veins.  My biceps is bigger than a baseball and shaped like a rugged mountain!

“Diane, please test out her biceps for me.”  I do hope they have got stronger and harder since I tested them.”  Diane nods to Jen and approaches me.  I  hope to God that my muscles have gotten harder and stronger, as I begin to worry.  I feel fear.  I don’t want to have them crushed like mush again.  I feel Diane’s strong hands grip each of my biceps.  Her hands are strong.  I flex harder.  I feel her fingers slightly dent into my muscles.  I flex has hard as I can, and we reach a stalemate.  I feel myself sweating and tiring.   I am shaking all over.  I'm not sure how much longer I can last.  “How do they feel Diane?” Jen asks.  “She’s very impressive”.  Diane replies.  “I have to admit her biceps are bigger and harder than mine.”  “And they are much more vascular.”  “I can barely dent them.  I am quite impressed!” Diane sounds genuinely impressed as she reports her evaluation to Jen.

“I’m very impressed Pam.  Your hard work is paying off!” Jen compliments me, as she steps towards me.  I feel proud.  I feel sexy!  “Move aside now Diane.  Let me check them out.”  I shudder with fear, instantly digressing into a state of sheer panic.  Jen’s expression is stern, authoritative and so very intimidating.  In my panic and fear I have stopped flexing.  “Flex your biceps Pam!”  Jen’s voice booms in my ears.  “Flex them hard!"  I flex with all my might.  Jen’s hands surround my guns, and her fingers begin to squeeze.  The pain is excruciating as she begins to dent my biceps.   They are holding up much better than last time but they are definitely yielding to her power.  I will not last much longer.  “Did you not understand me Pam, when I directed you to keep your biceps covered at all time?”  Jen questions me harshly, her anger is evident.  She squeezes harder; my biceps weaken more and flatten more.  Her grip expands as my muscle size reduces, and she controls and squeezes more of my arm.  “Yes Jen!” I cry out. “I’m so sorry!”  “I was confused!”  I burst into tears.  The pain and fear has taken over me.   “You have definitely improved Pam, and I praise you for that.  But you are still no match for me!”  Her deep  husky voice  accentuates her superiority as she states the obvious.  “I am sorry Pam but I must teach you a lesson.”  She squeezes me even harder.  I scream in agony as my biceps flattens.  I can't take this much pain and I am crying hysterically.  Her grip surrounds most of my upper arm now as it is squished to the boneand conforming within her hands.  She is bruising me really badly.  Worse than last time.  I scream, I cry and I beg for her to stop.  I feel terror to the extreme.  She looks at me sternly.   “You are not to reveal your biceps without my permission Pam.  Do you understand me now?”  “Yes Jen” I scream.  “Please stop!” “I will always obey you!” I endlessly beg for her mercy.  Finally she releases her grip.  I drop to my knees sobbing frantically and cringing in pain.  When I finally regain my senses, I realize that Jen and Diane have left.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: M7 on June 30, 2014, 12:54:57 pm
I am lovin this story. Many karma Ranger1.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 03, 2014, 05:17:57 pm

Such a busy day today! I really wish I did not have this doctor’s appointment.   The waiting room is packed, and I bet the wait will be long.  I look around and catch so many people staring at me. Some of them just can’t stop themselves, even when I look back at them.  I smile, thinking of how god like I’ve become.  I’m bored.  I might as well have some fun while I wait.!

I catch the eye of a younger man that’s staring.  He looks to be in his early twenties.  He’s really cute looking and very fit. I wink at him and tighten my hands into a fist, very subtly flexing my forearms.  It doesn’t take long for a half dozen veins to pop out over the ridges of muscles that now appear.  His eyes shift to my forearms, locked in a stare.  I wink at him again.  He smiles awkwardly and blushes while he continues to stare. He looks so cute!   I clench my fist harder and pump my forearms with more power.  I’m not so subtle now.  My forearms widen and thicken as the muscles grow and expand.  The cuts and bulges and ridges are really pronounced, and a few more veins are protruding.  Yes, there are at least nine snake-like veins riding along the astonishing muscles.  My biceps are also tensing a bit now, with a few veins protruding there as well.  His mouth is open now as he is completely fixated on my unbelievable muscles.  I wink at him a third time.  He is blushing beet red, and smiles with his remaining mouth wide open.  I signal to him to come over and sit next to me.  He is unsuccessful in hiding his enormous pop-tent with a magazine as he gets up and shyly walks over and sits beside me.
“What’s your name boy?”  My powerful husky voice takes him by surprise. “Doug” he whispers meekly in response.  “How old are you Doug” I speak softly but the deepness and authority of my voice is penetrating.  “I’m t-twenty-two” he responds quietly.  He appears to be trembling now which affects his voice.  “I’m Jen.  Feel my forearm Doug” I whisper seductively yet powerfully. ” You’ve been staring at my forearm muscles for the past 5 minutes. You love them, don’t you, boy?”   Doug’s mouth is opened wide but there is no sound.  His eyes alternate between staring at my eyes and my arms as he sits there paralyzed; stuck between trepidation and desire.  “Don’t be so shy Doug.” I whisper softly and invitingly.  “I know you want to feel my big hard muscles.  Imagine what they must feel like boy.”  “Look at them bulge with power.” I flex my arms mightily and the muscles and veins explode.  The magnificence and dominance of my muscles are too much for him.  Doug is awe stuck and captivated.  Seeing my muscles is no longer enough for him.  He needs to feel them and embrace them.  His hand trembles badly as he moves it to my forearms.  He runs his fingers along my arm tracing the veins and feeling the rock hard bulges of muscles.  So softly and gently at first, but gradually he begins to press and feel with more force and lust.  His face remains beet red as he is aware of several people watching him.  He bows his head down, staring only at my arms and blocking out everyone else around him.  He reaches over with his second hand and progresses into full worship of my arm.  “Mmmmmmm” he softly moans to me, clearly lost in the moment and savoring the arousing sensation of my overwhelming power. “I love your muscles Jen.  They are so big and hard.  I have never seen of felt muscles like yours!  Oh my god, you must be so strong!” He presses and feels with more intensity and arousal.  “Oooooooohhhhhh”  he moans again.  This time longer and louder, cause a number of people to turn their heads in our direction.

“Come, sit on my lap boy, you will be closer to my muscles.” I raise my voice a bit, emphasizing that I am commanding him as well as inviting him.  He hesitates a second, still looking down only at my arms.  Perhaps he is feeling doubt. His trembling is much worse as his entire body is shaking.  “Right now Doug!”  My voice grows impatient and intimidating.  He reacts this time.  He moves over ever so submissively and sits down on my lap; his head remaining bowed low and his two hands never letting go of my arm.  He hears a number of people chuckle and gasp as he snuggles on my lap like a child. “That’s a good boy Doug.”  I console him softly. “You can worship me so much better from here, can’t you boy?”  Doug nods yes to me and then buries has face into my biceps. He tightens his grip around my forearms, moans in delight and shuts out the work around him. 
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 13, 2014, 07:37:54 pm


Doctor Hall seemed to be so pleased with my measurements and the test results.  At 6’4” and 240 pounds of pure muscle, I have become the ultimate physical specimen for her to examine.  “Your condition has definitely stabilized Jen.” Doctor Hall remarks cheerily as she reads through the data.  “You have definitely stopped growing, and I don’t think you’re remarkable muscle gains will be nearly as easy as they had been.  The doctor chuckles a bit during her last remark and then looks up at me nervously.  “I hope you’re OK with this Jen?”  “I think that’s perfectly fine with me Lori.  I’m about as big as would ever want to be!”  I reply with honesty and sincerity, leaving no doubt.   Doctor Hall looks down for a moment, clearly flustered.  “Jen, I have to admit that sometimes I have fantasied of you being even bigger and stronger” the petite doctor lustily admits.  She blushes as she looks back up at me in admiration and awe.  “I’m benching 425 pounds for 10 reps Lori.  Do you know of any man that strong?”  I look down at her while I make note of my superior strength, flexing my chest to further emphasize my point.  I take a step forward while holding my intimidating pose such that I’m inches from the diminutive doctor.  I have invaded her space and I’m in total command of the office area, as I loom over her with my huge muscular body.   God, she is so small in comparison to me!  I add power to my flex, and my pectorals expand, bulge and ripple in response.  My veins begin to protrude and flag my muscles.  The doctor suddenly loses interest in the test results and evaluation.  She reaches up with both hands, sliding them under my top, and taking hold of my pectorals.  She lets out a loud moan as she digs her fingers into my meaty slabs of beefy rock hard muscle.  She is staring up at me in deep lust and insatiable desire.  Seconds later she begins to plead.  “Please flex again them for me Jen, oh please flex them hard!”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 19, 2014, 10:11:35 pm


I shiver with fear as my doctor greets me in his office.  Diminished to 5’6 and 135 pounds, I cannot bear to get any smaller or to hear any more bad news.  At least I have continued to build up my muscle.  While small and lean, at least I am all hard muscle!  The doctor’s facial expression gives me hope that there will be good news.  I am able to relax a bit.  “Good afternoon Keith.”  He begins pleasantly.  “Let me please confirm your measurements.  Please strip down to just your underpants.”

“Hmmm” the doctor remarks, looking at me quizzically.  “I measure you at only 5’5” Keith.  I thought you reported that you were 5’6”?”  “Oh, umm, I guess I was measuring my height with my sneakers on.” I reply, embarrassed of my deceit.  The doctor shakes his head, records the measurement and looks down at the scale.  “128 pounds Keith? This is quite a bit lighter than you were reporting” The Doctor looks at me sternly.  He is obviously irritated with me.  I shudder timidly before responding.  “Ummm, oh y-yeah, I’m s-sorry” I stutter as I’m forced to admit.  “I g-guess I was w-weighing myself with my s-shoes and clothes on.”  I look down as I apologize. My face is so red with embarrassment and humiliation.  It feels like its burning up.  I’m such a shrimp.  I feel despair again.  My eyes are watering. I feel like I'm on the verge of crying.  The doctor interrupts my destructive thoughts. “Oh well Keith.  We have the correct measurements now, don’t we?”  You can get dressed again Keith, and I’ll explain your current status”.

“I have good news for you Keith.  The latest medication has worked.” The doctor smiles as he continues his prognosis. “We have successfully abated your condition.  You are cured!”   “The only bad news I have for you is that I’m afraid that the effects you have experienced to date are permanent.”  He pauses for a second, looking down at me in his calm demeanor. “Do you have any questions for me Keith?” 
My mind is racing as I am actually experiencing elation. I’m cured!  Of course I have questions!  “So I will not shrink any more in height?”  “No you will not.” The doctor replies.   “Will my facial hair return?”  I’m sorry Keith.  I don’t believe you will ever grow facial hair or body hair.  I’m afraid that effect is permanent.”  The doctor pauses, looking at me curiously.  “Also Keith; any feminine type feelings that you have developed are likely to remain.  We have not talked much about this, but it is definitely a permanent side effect of your condition.  Do we need to discuss this at all?”  I immediately clam up.  Thoughts of my deep attraction I felt for Robbie at the gym immediately haunt my mind.  I shake my head no, and quickly change the subject. “And I will not grow again, anywhere, doctor?” I ask, thinking mostly of my shrunken penis. “No Keith, I’m afraid not.”  “But the good news is Keith, that you will not further shrink in size and you should find it easier to add muscle. 

Driving home, I feel the best that I have felt in ages! I think back to the doctors words.  I will not shrink anymore!  I will find it easier to add muscle!  I am confident that I will be able to build up to 140 maybe even 145 and become a light weight bodybuilder.  I feel exuberant and ready for a workout!  I suddenly remember that Jen has ordered me to stop working out at home by myself and to return to the gym.  I haven’t been to the gym in over three months since my incident with Robbie.  Hopefully he’s not there today.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on August 03, 2014, 06:09:57 pm

I arrive at the gym and head straight to the locker room to change.  It’s pretty busy today, but I don’t mind.  My energy level is off the charts and I’m ready to start a new era of intense workouts and heavy weights.  It’s time to pack on some muscle!  I quickly change into my gym shorts, a t-shirt and sneakers.

I look around at the all people as I enter the expansive workout room.  I look small and frail compared to most people, but that's ok.   The doctor said I'll add muscle again.  I can’t help from looking for Robbie.  I’m mostly hoping that he is not here as I don’t know how I will handle the humiliation.  But on the other hand, I feel a desire to see him again and experience those amazing muscles.  I'm so curious of what he's looking like.

As I get halfway into the room, I spot Robbie.  He is over at the heavy free weight section of the gym.  My heart immediately pounds heavy with fear, as I don’t want to face the humiliation of him seeing me.  For certain he will recognize me, as the little wimp that was gawking and gasping at him.  I decide to workout at the machines, far away from the fee weight section and hopefully out of sight from Robbie.  I get right to work with a chest and shoulder workout.  I surge through six sets on the chest press starting with 90 pounds and working my way to 110 by the fifth set.  I feel strong!  I end with 115 pounds!  I flex my pecs and feel them tighten nicely.  Next is the inclined fly machine.  Six strong sets again!   Again I flex my pecs.  They feel good!  Then it’s the shoulder press machine and finally the lateral shoulder raise machine.  Nice workout so far and I still feel I have energy.  I’m thinking a few sets dips and pushups to wrap this up.

As I walk toward the dip machine, my curiosity gets the better of me.  I look over to the free weight section to see if Robbie is still there.  I see him in the corner of the free weight section.  He is next to two huge muscle guys.  I quickly assess that they must be close to 6 feet tall and 200 pounds.  I try to regain my focus and head to the dip machine but I can’t.  I am frozen in my tracks, as I continue to look in Robbie’s direction.  He is returning some really heavy looking dumbbells to the rack.  My god, they must be at least 50 pound dumbbells! What the fuck!  While Robbie is much smaller than the two muscle men next to him, his muscles and physique somehow seem to put them to shame.  His presence is overwhelming.  Even from this distance! The perfect shape and the extreme cuts and definition of his muscles, and his out of this world vascularity make him appear so much harder and dramatically superior in physique.  I feel an erection forming as my cock hardens.  Fuck; what is wrong with me!  He’s a guy!   I look down at myself and see that I am fully erect and raging hard.  My pop tent is obvious and my hardness is throbbing with excitement.  As if magnetized, I take a few steps in their direction.  With the better view, the superiority of Robbie’s muscles is even more obvious.  Robbie flexes one of his biceps, and one of the big muscle men reaches over with his hand to feel the rising peak.  Oh my god, the big muscle man has actually asked to feel Robbie’s biceps? Fuck!  Robbie's peak is insane! The muscle man is obviously impressed as he looks over to his friend in awe, and appears to be praising Robbie.  He reaches over with his second hand as Robbie relaxes and then tightens his flex.  Robbie flexes his other biceps and the second muscle man follows suit, grasping at Robbie's arm.  Fuck!  He has both these huge muscle men totally in awe of him!  I stand there mesmerized by the astonishing sight.  Robbie's superiority commands the area, as his two admirers now seem entirely diminished by  his god-like presence.  I no longer can think of them as two huge muscle men.  They are like mere shadows, so soft and weak in comparison,  as Robbie's magnetism further energizes and expands as he continues to flex. His muscles grow bigger, harder, more defined and more vascular by the second.  "Mmmmmmmm"  I moan softly as I relish the arousing view.  His peaks are no longer insane, they are impossible!  The two admirers linger with their devoted worship of Robbie's arm for another minute or so, until he finally ends his flexing.

I take a few more steps toward them, and now I have a really good view.  The two admirers appear to be asking Robbie to flex again.  They look so disappointed as Robbie shakes his head no.  They both are sporting really big erections, protruding out and bulging and straining against their shorts.  I hear one of the men ask "Please".  Robbie shakes his head no again, and the two men begin to walk off.  They look so weak and dejected.  Their heads bowed low and their arms hanging down at their sides, dangling lifelessly.   Clearly they are done for the night. 

Robbie goes back to the rack and picks up two real heavy dumbbells again.  I’m pretty sure now that they are fifties.  His arms look huge and stunningly hard and defined, and they are smothered in glorious veins.  He must have added at least 10 pounds of muscle since I last saw him!  Maybe more!  At least an inch or two of muscle to his arms!  Robbie walks within a step from the mirror in the corner of the gym, and begins alternating dumbbell curls.  My thoughts trace back to the last time I was here.   I reminisce of watching Robbie through the mirror as he worked through his biceps curls.  I think back to that unbelievable display of astonishing muscle growth.  Was it real?  Are muscles like his really possible?  How much bigger is he now?   All of my fears and past humiliation are erased as I have a single minded thought and desire.  I need to see him dumbbell curling close up.  I need to experience that magnificent muscle explosion again.  I move fast in anticipation.  I grab a pair of 25 pound dumbbells and position myself just a couple of feet from him on the other side of the corner within a step of the mirror.  This way I can see Robbie’s image while looking straight at the mirror.  Fuck, there not fifties. He’s working out with sixty pound dumbbells!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on September 09, 2014, 07:31:21 pm

Is this story still something you are continuing or done for now?

I'ts really awesome and I have to admit I still check in once a day to see if you added another chapter.

Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on September 10, 2014, 04:28:09 pm
Personally I am not into the gay/lesbian thing (not that there is anything wrong with that!) it just does nothing for me.

But Jenn and Keith, and Pam and Keith, and Keith and his Nurse?  My thoughts are running wild.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on September 11, 2014, 04:33:23 pm
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Any more changes for Keith?

Oh man, I think Keith is perfect now.  He probably will lose a little more strength but everyone is taller than him now and he is working out with 20 pound dumbbells.

I hope Pam grows an inch or maybe 5'10?
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: bertmacklinsbrother on June 02, 2015, 03:17:01 am
I know this is reviving an old topic, but I just came across this story and absolutely loved it.  I was hoping to see it continue.  If the author has any other works, I'd love to check them out!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 10, 2015, 01:50:31 am


I've been icing my sore arms all week, and finally the bruises are starting to fade.  I bought several light long sleeve tops, keeping my hideous bruises hidden at the office.  And of course I’m wearing long sleeve workout shirts at the gym.  God forbid if Jen ever caught me again.  Never again will I disobey her.  The thought of being caught terrifies me.

My workouts have been incredibly hard to get through.  The severe pain throughout my arms is so intense.  Jen has pushed me really hard, and the pain has been close to unbearable.  I feel she is proud of me for working so hard, while in so much pain.  I’m making amazing gains!

Alone at home, is the only time that I dare to reveal my arms.  I relax on my sofa in a tank top, with cold ice packs soothing my bruised and over-worked arms.  As I complete my icing, I feel the urge to flex.  I raise my right arm and slowly make a tight fist.  I watch with pride as my biceps expands and bulges.  I pump a few times watching my veins seductively emerge and protrude over my forearms and biceps.  I run my fingers softly over my meaty biceps peak as it rises, feeling the hardness.  I nod my head in approval of my beautiful muscles.

I hit a personal best of 16 ¼ inch guns this week!  An inch bigger than Diane’s!  Plus mine are more defined, harder and more vascular.  I feel jealous of Diane as we both desire and vie for Jen’s attention.  Despite my jealously I know I am hotter than her; stronger and more muscular.  Jen will fall for me for sure; it’s only a matter of time.  Diane will be yesterday’s news.

I trace a beautiful rope thick vein, softly and seductively with my finger.  I pump and flex even harder.  “Mmmmm” I sigh, as I watch it grow to its full 16 1/4 inch girth.  I study the gorgeous mountain-like shape and the sexy road map of veins.  Oh yeah!  I am definitely hot! I grip my fully expanded muscle belly with my hand, lustily massaging its sheer magnificence with my thumb and fingers.  “Mmmmm” I sigh again, savoring my density, shape and hardness.  God I’m hot! Suddenly I’m interrupted, as I hear my phone ringing …
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 10, 2015, 07:35:01 pm


While Keith is out at gym, I decide to give Pam a call.  My routine with Keith, Jeff and Diane is getting a bit stale.  I have to admit that Pam is really hot, but I also need to teach both Keith and her lesson.  After that though, I think I need to give Pam a try. 

I dial up her phone…  “Hello Pam, this is Jen.”  “I’m fine thanks Pam, how are you?”  “That’s great!”  “I’m so happy your arms are feeling better!”  “Keep up with the icing”.

“Hey Pam, would you mind coming over to my house tonight?”  “I’m home alone.”  “I’d like you to fix us dinner and then maybe we could have a special private workout together in my home gym.”  “You’re not too busy tonight I hope.”  "You’ll stop at the store on the way?  Oh you’re such a darling!”  “Great!  I’ll see you in a couple of hours!”
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 11, 2015, 10:04:58 pm


I shiver with excitement and anticipation as Robbie is about to begin his set.  I inch a little closer to the mirror and get my angle just right.  I have a perfect close-up frontal view of Robbie, through his reflection in the mirror.  I’m not the least bit disappointed as Robbie’s body wondrously transforms while he curls the heavy weights.  I am overjoyed! The 60 pound dumbbells are definitely making his muscles pump and dance!
Robbie’s breath-taking transformation evolves just like last time.  No even better than last time!  He is bigger.  Much bigger!  Not only bigger, he is much more vascular.  Not only bigger and more vascular but even more cut and rippling!  Just 5 receptions into the set, his thick powerful veins protrude everywhere imaginable over titanium hard muscles, mind boggling cuts and striations, and impossibly taught razor thin skin as he progresses ever-so-slowly with perfect form.

I stare intently, fixated mostly on Robbie’s mind-bending arms and shoulders as the view becomes more and more magnificent. His forearms, biceps and deltoids have grown bigger and sharper in definition, and more spectacular in shape with each and every repetition.  His outrageously sculpted biceps and deltoids are like a chiseled granite boulder with deep etches and cuts.  Countless razor sharp striations further beautify the hard rugged muscle bellies.  His powerful veins multiply, surge and thicken in concert with his growing muscles and tightening skin.  Hundreds of protruding veins are now adorning his forearms, biceps, deltoids, neck and pecs.  Some of his veins are thicker than my finger and still continue to grow!   “Fucking Awesome!” I whisper to myself, as I savor his fifth repetition.  “Fucking Beautiful!”

My cock has grown hard and fully erect, and is throbbing with intense desire.  It feels so good.  “Mmmmmmm”  I sigh quietly, relishing my aroused state.  My heart is racing and thumping hard due to my excitement.  I realize my legs, arms and hands are all trembling.  My breathing has got heavy, on the verge of panting.  I take a quick look at my reflection in the mirror, and compare my small, weak, trembling body next to Robbie’s majestic Muscle-God presence.  “Holy Fuck!” I speak to myself.  I look like a fragile little boy next to Robbie.  He’s so muscular!  So hard and ripped and vascular! His muscles are so fucking huge! I turn my eyes away from my reflection and inch a little more toward my view of Robbie, as if being drawn by a powerful magnet.  I’m just inches from the mirror now and I stare in reverence.

Sweat seeps through the pore of Robbie’s skin, causing his entire body to brilliantly glisten and glow.  His skin is shaved completely and perfectly, as to not allow even a minute detail of his spectacular muscularity or vascularity to be blocked from view.  The ultimate beauty of this Muscle God creates an aura of dominance and superiority that completely sweeps me away.  He is wearing the skimpiest of muscle shirts; so thin and light, soaked through with sweat, and so tightly snugged and to his body that it’s almost transparent.  It‘s so low cut that the edge of his nipples are revealed.  The spaghetti straps for sleeves block precious little of his beautifully striated shoulders.  Below his shirt he is wearing bodybuilder posers, thus revealing his outrageously muscled legs in entirety.  Every inch of this man radiates beauty, magnificence, power and perfection!

As Robbie progresses through his last few reps of this first set, my arousal is getting the better of me.  I feel an insatiable urge to just drop my dumbbells to the floor and touch my throbbing cock. I fanaticize of reaching over and feeling his amazing biceps with one hand while stroking my cock with the other.  I feel pre-cum oozing from me as I throb in lust.  “Mmmmmmm” I sigh while deep in my thoughts.
My heart is now pounding so hard and fast that it’s hurting me and my panting has increased to something more like grunting. “OOOH-OOOH-OOOH-OOOH” I groan in broken erotic pants during the final rep as Robbie’s split bicep peaks grow to an inhuman proportion; his sharp split peaks are deeply etched in separation and compounded onto each other to form an  impossible girth, shape and height.  My mouth remains wide open and out of breath, as I lick my lips over and over in lust, taking in the final seconds of this phenomenal spectacle.

I continue with one more rep after Robbie finishes.  I take a few deep breaths, shake out my arms and walk a few steps to try to control my breathing and trembling.  Then to my horror, Robbie picks up his dumbbells and walks over to the rack to put them away.  My heart sinks, as I suddenly feel extreme disappointment and emotional distress.  I rant to myself.  Why is he only doing one set?  I wanted to see more!  I need to see more!

Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: phil123 on July 18, 2015, 04:45:45 am
"Robbie picks up his dumbbells and walks over to the rack to put them away" Think he´s getting the 75 pound dumbbells for his next set.

What a great story!  :singing:
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 19, 2015, 10:02:39 pm

It’s such a beautiful day.  I would love so much wear one of my revealing sleeveless dresses for Jen, but I have to follow orders.  Well maybe there is a way.  I decide to wear one of my sexiest spaghetti strap dresses, cut seductively low in both the front and back.  And so short that most of my legs show.  I look hot!  I put on a paper thin sweater top to cover my arms, but the sleeves are so tight that my muscles stretch the fabric with even the slightest of flexing.  The bulk and definition of my amazing arms are clear.  Perfect!!

I stop at the grocery store and buy two steaks, some shrimp, fresh vegetables and a bottle of red wine.  I plan to make us a wonderful surf and turf dinner!  I notice I’m getting my fair share of glances as I leave the butcher section and walk towards the cashier.  There is no doubt I am by far the hottest babe in this store!  My calves are bulging beautifully, aided by my 5 inch heels and my muscular arms are way too big for my sleeves.  I catch a woman staring.  I shake my wavy blond hair, and tense my arms while gripping at the carriage.  My triceps flare and protrude nicely, further stretching my tight sleeves. My thick muscle definition shows right through the fabric!  I hear the woman gasp as I begin to walk away from her.  I turn my head, and look back over my shoulder.  I give her a big sexy smile, as I catch her continuing to stare lustfully at me.  I just can’t resist being a tease!  She just keeps on staring!  I raise one arm and lightly brush my beautiful blonde hair, flexing my biceps hard while I do so.  I watch my arm bulge up like a baseball, while I continue to smile directly at my admirer.  Again the shape of the muscle is perfectly visible as it stretches the ever so tight fabric to its powerful bulk and form.  It looks awesome!   I give her a wink.  The woman gasps again, still unable to stop her obvious gawking!

I have a brief thought of approaching her and seducing her.  But enough fun for now.   I’m in a hurry to see Jen.  I continue to the cashier and check out.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on July 31, 2015, 09:08:38 pm


The clear warm water feels wonderful as at streams steadily onto my body.  I just love a nice long warm shower.  It’s so relaxing and invigorating.  I work the soap and fill my hands with the soft suds.  I begin by washing my pecs.  My hands glide easily along my wide thick pectoral muscles as I softly press the slippery suds along my skin.   I press in with my fingers, and feel my thick iron-hard muscles.  I like how I feel.  I look down proudly at my amour plated chest.  I have absolutely no breast tissue left; just lean beefy pure muscle mass, and I absolutely adore it.  I begin pumping up my pecs, staring at their masculine beauty.  I press in harder with my fingers, feeling my powerful muscles as they thicken and harden even more.  I continue to pump, using my arms now to strengthen the flex.  I watch in admiration as several big deep blue veins emerge along my chest. The veins are widening in size and deepening in color before my eyes as I continue to flex.  The stunning beauty of my muscularity and vascularity inspires me to flex even harder.  I cross my arms in front of my chest in a most muscular. I grunt softly as I exert my power.  My pecs grow at least another inch in thickness, reaching their full size.  The depth and width of my chest is astounding.  Striations appear all across my pectorals, creating magnificent etches that further beautify my muscles.  My deep blue veins have now fully protruded; thickening and popping out like snakes, feverously fueling my powerful muscles.  I grunt loudly with one last flex, staring intently at my magnificent chest.  What is that I love best about my pecs, I ponder, as I proudly adore my manly muscled beauty.  Is it the enormous width and thickness of the muscle bellies?    I cup each of my pecs with my long hands, feeling their bulging shape, extensiveness and massiveness.  The bottom of my pecs is perfectly rounded creating awesome shape.  Size wise each of my pecs are like a 15 pound bowling bowl cut in half.  From a distance they could be mistaken as large rounded firm breasts, but once closer it becomes clear that they are just impossibly large beefy pectorals, seething with brutal masculinity and power!  Or is it the deeply etched cleavage that splits my two monstrous pecs, like a jagged narrow canyon?   I run my finger down into my cleavage, exploring its full length and feeling its deepness and edges and its rugged hardness.  I marvel at my granite like hardness as I trace along an especially sharp ridge.  Or is it the cuts and striations that so wondrously adorn the huge muscle bellies, creating such striking beauty?  Mmmmm I sigh, as I lust at their breath taking beauty.  An artist could not dream up anything as detailed or magnificent, than the hundreds of chords, cuts, lines, and bulges that spectacularly grace my upper body.   Or is it the gloriously thick, deep blue veins that powerfully protrude over the muscles?  I run my fingers adoringly along the long sexy veins that so proudly flag my muscles.  I feel their warmth and thickness.  They look so hot!!  They make my muscles look impossibly strong, and lean and sexy; and impossibly powerful and manly.   I decide then and there that Pam will worship my pecs tonight!
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Jaguar on August 04, 2015, 07:27:02 am
 :bravo: Amazing Ranger1.  I am so glad you are continuing this story.  It is really good to see each character's personality explored, and really good to see an unusual plot -- I love variety. 

Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on August 11, 2015, 01:14:48 am

I feel completely dejected and angry as I watch Robbie return to the dumbbell rack.  This sucks, I mutter to myself.  I feel deprived and robbed.   I feel cheated of an arousing emotional experience that I was expecting to receive and can’t get enough of.  Why can’t he do three sets like last time, I plead to myself feeling my self-pity getting the better of me.  I try to calm myself.  I look in the mirror and check myself out.  I shake my head.  It sucks to be so skinny, but at least I’m cute.  I pull down at my over-sized t-shirt making sure its hiding my erection and the large wet spot on my shorts.  I wonder how much cum has been leaking from me.  I feel soaked.

I look back over to the dumbbell rack for a final view of Robbie, and my crappy mood shifts immediately.  I see Robbie picking up a larger set of dumbbells and turn to walk back over here.  My heart picks back up instantly, beating wildly.  I can’t help but break into a huge smile of delight as he proceeds this way.  “Yes!” I exclaim in sheer delight.  A shiver of excitement sweeps through my entire body as he proceeds in my direction.  The chilling sensations cause my body and head to tremble and shake for few seconds as I’m swept away in anxiety.  My mind races ahead, anticipating the thrilling experience of Robbie’s next set.
I can see his dumbbells now.  Sixty-five pounds!  Fucking awesome!  This will work his muscles even harder!   Sixty-five fucking pounds!   I feel my insatiable lust for his powerful muscles.  I feel my intense arousal as I anticipate the experience of being so close to his beautiful body and the sight of his awesome muscularity in motion.  My cock is fully erect again and has started to twitch and throb - just thinking about the sight that’s about to unfold.  I let all of my inhibitions go, yielding to my deepest desires.

Robbie reaches his position next to me.  My first sensory reaction is in response his smell.   Robbie is sweating heavily from his intense workout.  I can smell his manly sweat.  His odor is strong and powerful.  I take a deep breath in, savoring the wonderful smell of his body.  I exhale loudly and take an even deeper breath to suck in more of his scent.  God he smells good!  “Mmmmmm”  I can’t help from moaning lustily while I exhale again.  I shiver in ecstasy while picking up my dumbbells to prepare to lift in concert with this awesome muscle man I have come to idolize and adore. I inch a bit closer to him and perfect my view through the mirror.

Indeed the 65 pound dumbbells do their job and work Robbie’s muscles hard.  And they work his veins equally as hard.  His arms are a sight to behold!  I feel so impatient this time.  I want him to get to his 6th or 7th rep already, so that his glorious split biceps peaks have grown to their ultimate mind bending size and shape.

My eyes impulsively divert from Robbie’s arms as the scent of his odor continues to overload my senses. I scan his entire body, while breathing in the strong scents of his muscle sweat.  Robbie’s manly sweat has totally soaked through his muscle shirt, such that it’s stuck tightly to his skin and pretty much transparent.  I can see the full shape and definition of his pectorals, about as clearly as if he was bare-chested.  His upper pecs are openly showing due to the low cut of his shirt.  But now his lower pecs and nipples are just about as clear!  The definition of his chest is striking.  Two thick and perfectly shaped pectorals with deep cleavage separating them.  I can see the sharp definition along the limits of his upper pectorals approaching his collar bone; the outer edges of each pectoral approaching his lats and ribs; and his lower pectorals approaching his abs.  “Awesome!” I whisper softly.  Below his pecs, I can see the definition of his lusciously muscled abs.  His abs are simply to die for!  A full eight pack; thickly muscled and beautifully separated and defined.  “Fucking Awesome!”  I whisper again.

I daydream momentarily of licking Robbie’s sweat as it continues to soak through his shirt.  He smells so fucking good as I continue to breathe in and savor his powerful pungent odor.  I imagine how he must taste, as I fantasize of licking the muscle sweat from his body relishing in its powerful taste and smell.  My eyes move down to his posers and I check out his manhood.  The front of his posers is wet with sweat.  My god, he is well packed down there!  His bulge is convincingly evident, and I feel both envy and desire. My eyes linger at his posers and his manly bulge, as I contemplate the immense size of his penis.  I have never felt desire like this.  “He’s fucking huge!” I gasp.  “He’s a huge fucking stud!”

Completely overwhelmed by Robbie’s powerfully attractive masculinity; I look up in awe to checkout his face.  My god he is handsome!  His short dark hair is perfectly groomed.  His face is chiseled in intensity and dripping in sweat as he powers through his set with such heavy weights.  He looks so powerful; so confident; so incredibly strong!  His eyes, nose, mouth and facial features are the ultimate of splendor and beauty, yet so powerfully masculine and commanding at the same time.  “He’s a fucking God” I whisper, while admiring his breath taking facial beauty.
My entranced reverence is interrupted by a deep powerful groan.  Robbie’s face is forming into a grimace and flushing red, and the deepness and intensity of his voice shocks me.  My body jumps in reaction.  I panic briefly.  Fuck!  Have I missed the rest of the set?  My eyes rapidly shift to his arms, as I listen to his intensifying deep powerful groan.  This is fucking impossible!  The separation, expansion and height of his split biceps peaks are inhuman.  The muscle growth is something only seen in the most extreme of cartoons.  Robbie groans even loader as he fights through what must be his last repetition. His biceps rise up like mountains as the 65 pound dumbbells yield to their superior power.  “Fucking impossible” I gasp in disbelief as his biceps continue to grow.  My mind is confused.  The sight is as frightening as it is magnificent.  Robbie’s bicep expansion is at least twice that of any bodybuilder I have ever seen.  This just can’t be possible.  Biceps peaks just can’t grow this fucking high!   Biceps peaks can not show separation like this!  I am in sensory overload. The vascularity, definition, hardness and striations throughout his insanely muscular arms are shocking.  This remarkable sight is at that edge between the ultimate of beauty and the repulsively sickening.   Veins are furiously protruding everywhere. Fierce bulges of shredded muscle, cuts and striations are showing everywhere.  The most gifted of artists could not imagine and create anything so inspiringly sensational or overwhelmingly frightening.  Thousands of veins, bulges, cuts and striations cover every inch of his rock hard powerful arms.  Overlapping, compounding, surging, deepening, hardening and growing to form a terrifying display of muscular power while violently competing for visual dominance.

I feel as if I’m in the Twilight Zone, pondering whether what I am experiencing is real or if it’s an allusion created from the deepest desires of my imagination.  I can no longer settle for worshipping this awe-inspiring sight indirectly through the mirror.  I need to be closer.  I lower my dumbbells and turn to face directly at Robbie.  I’m just inches from his amazing body.  I am awestruck and completely entranced by Robbie’s radiant facial beauty, the smell of his addictively intoxicating muscle sweat, the sound of his intensely deep and commanding voice, the power of his striking masculinity and manhood, and the sight of his terrifyingly inhuman and grossly insane muscularity and vascularity.  My eyes are popped out like a bug’s, staring intently at remarkable muscularity I had thought was impossible.   I feel my tongue circling my lips repeatedly, licking them over and over again in intense desire.  I feel myself sigh in warmth and ecstasy as I bask in the smell of the strong pungent odors of his body. I feel cum surging through my erect and throbbing cock, soaking my pants, in response to my extreme arousal.  I feel my heart racing and pounding and my entire body trembling in response to my extreme excitement. My mind is drifting and wandering with hopes and fantasies of an encounter with Robbie.  I have never felt like this about anyone.  Not Pam.  Not even Jen.   I feel that am in the presence of an Almighty God.  The feeling is overwhelming. I feel so small and eclipsed by Robbie’s majestic all-powerful presence.  And I feel completely captivated and drawn to his magnetic presence like nothing I have ever experienced before. 

 “God!!!!”  “Fucking Awesome!!!” I praise loudly and adoringly, clapping with my hands excitingly as Robbie successfully completes his final repetition.  Robbie looks directly at me.  His grimacing face returns to a handsome smile.   He speaks to me in softly but in a wonderfully deep, rich voice and authoritative tone. ”My name’s Rob.”  “Would you mind helping me with my final set?”  “I’d love to!”  I squeak out much too excitedly.  My voice sounds thin and girlish in comparison to Robbie.  Robbie suppresses a chuckle. “What’s your name?”  He asks.  “Keith” I reply.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: rigger30 on November 15, 2015, 08:16:21 pm
Really like this story, any chance of it continuing? 
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on November 15, 2015, 08:44:17 pm
Thanks.   Yes I plan to continue.  I have the next few chapters planned.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: phil123 on November 17, 2015, 04:49:07 am
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Thanks.   Yes I plan to continue.  I have the next few chapters planned.

Great. We hope and wait.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on December 19, 2015, 03:09:37 pm
hope you add the next few chapters
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 19, 2015, 05:07:13 pm
I've been working on it.  Just been too busy to finish.   Hopefully a few chapters soon.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: phil123 on December 30, 2015, 07:14:50 am

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I've been working on it.  Just been too busy to finish.   Hopefully a few chapters soon.

We all hope for an update and we will wait..

Hope you find some time on new years day.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on December 30, 2015, 09:38:06 pm


I can’t help from admiring myself as I slowly dry off.   The soft plush towel feels wonderful as I rub it ever so sensually against my damp skin.  I stare at my reflection in my full length mirror.  God I’m magnificent!  I just love my new haircut.  My dark hair is cropped short, above my ears and neck.  It gives me the appearance of an elite athlete or warrior and further accentuates my phenomenal masculinity, muscularity and power.  I think of the many men that I have reduced to pathetic little sissy girls.  These grown men sitting on my lap in public, acting like adolescent children, while feeling my muscles in ecstasy and awe.   They shake and tremble in their excitement, gasping and moaning like overly excited little girls, totally giving in to their submissive feminine side as they bask in my muscularity. I think of the flocks of women, drawn to me as their ultimate fantasy.    Infatuated with an insatiable hunger for my muscularity and masculinity, and obsessed with gaining my attention and favor.  They openly throw themselves at me, begging me to flex, begging me to let them touch and begging me for a date.   They have incontrollable lust for me and want me over their own men and any man that they could ever imagine.

I stroll over to my closet, pondering what I should wear. My sexy sleeveless dresses no longer interest me as much they used to.  Lately I’ve taken a liking to skimpy athletic men’s wear and that’s what I’ll pick out to wear tonight.  Pam is going to be my sexy bodybuilding muscle women slave, and I am going to be her Muscle God and Master; the ultimate of extreme power, size, muscularity and the fulfillment of her deepest fantasies.   I decide to dress for a swim, and to hang out by the pool while waiting for Pam.  I feel I want to make a dominant impression and be daring and boldly and strikingly bare-chested by the pool.  I pick out one of my skimpiest men’s bikini swim thongs and put it on.  The lovely bright yellow color adorns my bronze tanned complexion and covers precious little of my remarkable muscle-god body.  The spaghetti straps on the sides and the thong in the back leaves my hips and muscle butt totally exposed.   The small form fitting pouch in front is specially designed to barely contain and to take the shape of a man’s penis and balls while covering absolutely nothing more.  The pouch is narrowly drawn in at the top, providing for a striking teardrop effect.  It’s intentionally designed to show off powerful dominant  masculine sex, at its best.  My 7 inch clit looks enormously well-endowed pressing snugly against the bikini pouch and creating a thick and powerful bulge. 

I look my self over and I feel sexy as hell.  I burst out in a rugged most muscular pose, grunting loudly at my mirror.   I’m in awe as I watch my muscles explode and my veins pop.  My shoulders are like granite boulders, and my biceps swell the size of melons.  I hit the pose a second time, my deep voice bellowing and shaking the room.    I watch my magnificently thick pecs continue to expand, bold muscles rippling dramatically and more veins powerfully popping and surging.  Oh Fuck I’m so gorgeous!  I’m a sight to behold!  My deep voce continues to bellow, causing all the items along the sink to shake and move in disarray.  I sense my arousal.  I look down at my crotch and see that it is bulging out even more due to my excitement!  Fuck!  I must be over 8 inches for sure!  I feel my clit continue to grow and to push hard at my bikini pouch; causing the pouch to further stretch outwards as it yields to my outrageous powerful bulge.  My God, I’m stretching my bikini pouch to its limit!  I’m getting too big for it!    I reach down to rub at my clit in proud admiration of its enormity.   Mmmmmmmm….   So big and so hard…  so sexy ...   I feel my clit continue to lengthen, to thicken and to grow even harder as I continue to rub and worship it.   Mmmmmmm....   I watch in utter amazement and sheer delight as my bikini pouch can no longer contain my enormous bulge.  Stretched to its max, the pouch now submits and begins pulling away, outward from my crotch, leaving a gap at the base as my powerful clit drives it out further and further from my body.  Mmmmmmm...  What a magnificent sight!  Dominance!  I can see the base of my huge clit now, a full inch of it totally exposed naked, as it’s revealed by the gap.  Oh my God!  It's so beautiful, and so powerfully dominant!  So glorious!  It’s so thick and sexy at the base, and so boldly naked to view!   Fuck!  At least 9 inches!!  Most men are puny in comparison!  I’ll need to show off like this to Pam.   This will blow her mind for sure!  I continue to rub with one hand at the top, while feeling around the base with my other hand.  I’m feeling so fucking hot that I’m tempted to pleasure myself right here and now.  But I gain control.  Not now, I whisper to myself as I oh so grudgingly move my hands away from my huge sexy clit.  I’ll save myself for Pam.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on January 01, 2016, 11:04:38 pm


My mind swirls vividly with erotic thoughts and imagery as Robbie returns his dumbbells to the rack.  I feel relieved that I have finally spoken to Robbie and I feel infatuated with the prospect that he seems to have taken an interest in me.  He actually asked me to help with his final set!   Maybe I can be his friend!  My raging cock remains fully erect and throbbing.  It’s the hardest that it has ever been in my lifetime.  I don’t feel embarrassed about it this time.  I feel proud of my attraction and devotion.  I watch Robbie return, noticing happily that he now has 70 pound dumbbells to work with.  “Wow Robbie!”  I exclaim,  “I can’t believe how strong you are!”   “70 pound dumbbells for reps!”  Robbie glared at me in response.  A glare that was immediately terrifying.  His deep voice then asserted his authority.  “I go by Rob, not Robbie.   Do I look like a kid to you?”  The tone of his voice was intimidating and demanded respect.  N-n-n-no I stuttered.  “I’m s-s-sorry R-r-rob.”  I trembled as I spoke, feeling so very fearful of not meeting Rob’s expectations; of losing his favor.  “Well you better get it right from now on” Rob ordered, continuing in a stern demeanor.  He looked at me sharply and continued.  “Do you understand me Keith?”   “Yes S-s-s-sir” I replied.   “That’s better Keith.  Here take my towels and hold them for me.  You can rest them on your shoulders for now.  I want you to help me with negatives.  When I get to my seventh rep I want you take hold of each dumbbell as I have it fully raised, one at a time, and try to force me to lower it.  I will try to hold it in place.   You will have both of your arms, the dumbbell and gravity all working against my single arm.  As Rob handed me his towels I took a second to brush them close to my face while deeply inhaling to smell his masculine aroma.  “Mmmmmm”  I sighed softly,  treasuring his powerful scent.  I rest the towels on each of my shoulders and up against my neck, pleased to have Rob’s muscle sweat touching me and releasing its odor so close to my face.

“Stand directly in front of me now Keith. Get close enough so that you reach both my shoulders, but not so lose that the dumbbells will hit you while I curl them. Here check it out and make sure you can reach both my shoulders as test.”  “Yes Sir” I acknowledged, my excitement growing.  As I began moving each of my hands toward Rob’ shoulders, the thought of actually touch touching his rippling striated muscles began to drive me wild.  I felt my heart racing, my knees wobbling and my erection driving incredibly forceful against my shorts.  My eyes glued onto his shoulder caps, as my hands continued their route towards this luscious target.  Even partially relaxed, the shape and definition of Rob’s muscles were nothing short of spectacular! The deeply etched striations running vertically down his shoulders were beautiful beyond imagination.  The striations were crossed horizontally by a thick powerful vein, surging violently, attempting to feed the muscle. I fantasized for a second, of what muscles like these will actually feel like.   My fantasy quickly became reality as both my hands gripped Rob’s shoulders, pressing and feeling at his remarkable shape, density and hardness.  My fingers moved to contour the bulging shape and to trace the beautiful striations and veins.  Oh how wonderful they felt!  I wanted this moment to last forever, in devout worship of the most amazing muscularity that I have ever experienced!  My eyes closed and my mouth opened wide.  I felt my tongue licking along my lips.  My mind savoring the electrifying sensations running through my body as my fingers continued their worship.   Sadly,  my trance was broken.  “It looks like you can reach me Keith” Rob chuckled. “It’s alright to let my shoulders go.” At the same time, however, he clenched his hands hard, and I felt his deltoids growing within my hands.   My face turned beet red in embarrassment, but my hands and fingers continued to slave at Rob’s shoulders, craving to experience his remarkable growth as his flex intensified.   My fingers gripped along the granite-like hardness of his beautiful muscles, attempting to calibrate the growth as his deltoids continued to swell.  “Oh my God!”  I gasped loudly. “I’m s-s-sorry Rob …   your m-m-muscles are so b-b-beautiful  …  so i-i-incredibly hard and s-s-sculpted ….  I’ve n-n-never seen or felt m-m-uscles like yours …  your m-m-muscles are j-j-just so amazing… I f-f-feel them growing … s-s-so big …. they f-f-feel so good”  with my outburst complete, I finally forced myself to release my hands from his shoulders and got prepared for the start of Rob’s set. “I’m glad you approve Keith” Rob continued his chuckling while looking directly down at my throbbing erection.  “Wait till you see how big they get during this set.”  Rob positioned his dumbbells and got ready to begin.
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: phil123 on January 02, 2016, 07:47:03 am
So 70 pound dumbbells will be a warm-up soon
Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: Ranger1 on January 04, 2016, 03:02:55 am


I simply marvel at Rob’s super-human transformation as he curls the 70 pound dumbbells.   I realize that he is well over twice as strong as me as he lifts the 70 pound dumbbells with better form that I can lift 30s.   My God, his form is so perfect!  He makes it seem so effortless!  But the dumbbells are indeed doing their job.  Similar to his previous set, Rob’s muscles progress through their shocking growth.  His arms, shoulders and pectorals have again ascended to that divine state of being at that edge between the ultimate of muscle-god beauty and the repulsively sickening.  Rob’s muscle expansion, shapes, rippling definition and vascularity is simply not human.  While the scene unfolding is a bit less shocking to me now, having witnessed his previous set, I am none the less driven into a primal state of extreme animalist lust and desire.  I ’m directly facing Rob, and as close to him as possible!   A perfect close up view!  Oh yes!  I can view his spectacular body in fine detail, smell his luscious aromas and sense his masculinity and power.  I feel the immense gravity of his magnetic pull!  My eyes are working overtime at a frenetic rate, inspecting Rob from head to toe, rapidly shifting trying to constantly take him all in.  My rock hard erection throbs so hard it hurts, pounding against my cum soaked shorts.   It’s not just his impossible muscularity and vascularity that turns me on.  It’s also his incredible manly bulge driving out his posers, his beautiful erect nipples showing through the translucency of his sweat-soaked low cut muscle shirt and his handsome chiseled face portraying a perfect combination of power and beauty. The beads of sweat seeping through his pores are making is entire body glisten and glow.  Oh yes, he is a sight to behold!   "Mmmmmmmm" I moan in arousal as I savor my ultimate Muscle -God.

Rob’s biceps grow past softball size as the 70 pound dumbbells yield to his superior power.  “Fucking awesome Rob” I gasp in amazement as his biceps peaks rise and shape like rugged mountains, stretching and expanding to a frightening level.  Again Rob’s bicep expansion is, without a doubt, at least twice that of any bodybuilder.  This mind-bending sight becomes sickening as his skin is stretched pasts its limits, veins are furiously protruding everywhere, and even the minute definition and twitching of his muscle fibers are clearly visible.  Fierce bulges of shredded muscle, cuts and striations are showing everywhere.  The most gifted of artists could not imagine and create anything so inspiringly sensational or overwhelmingly terrifying.  Thousands of veins, bulges, cuts and striations cover every inch of his rock hard powerful arms, totally revealed through skin that has been stretched to near transparency.  Overlapping, compounding, surging, deepening, hardening and growing to form a terrifying display of muscular power while violently competing for visual dominance.  “Fucking insane!”  I gasp out loudly.  “Your arms are fucking insane!”   “Keep it up Rob!”   I shout as I cheer him on.  While this sight of inhuman muscularity would be horrifyingly grotesque to most folks, it is sheer beauty and magnificence to me.  My primal state of extreme animalist lust and desire is in overload, and it’s complimented with divine worship and devotion.   I am not ashamed of my arousal.  I am proud to adore him.  I want to be heard.  “Wooooooowwww!!!!”  I gasp loudly and erotically as Rob progresses through an excruciatingly slow final rep.   My voice has risen in pitch and sounds more like a girlish squeal as it resonates throughout our area of the gym.  “Gggaaawwwwddddd!!!! I moan out, emotionally, passionately rising in volume as Rob’s biceps reach their climax.
“Pull my right arm down now Keith.” Rob orders. His voice is focused and deep with power.  He inspires me.  I feel unbelievably motivated!  I reach up and grab both ends of the dumbbell, and begin to pull down.  Staring up at Rob’s eyes a can see his determination.  I apply more force, continuing to stare into Rob’s eyes.  Dammit, I can’t get Rob’s arm to move!  “Come on Keith! Put some effort into this!”  Rob’s deep voice has a tone of authority that immediately raises my urgency.   I put my legs into it too, and begin to pull down with nearly all my might.  Finally Rob’s arm begins to grudgingly move down!  Continuing to look up into Rob’s eyes, I see mostly fierceness now; much more so than facial beauty.  His face has turned red, and he is grimacing as he fights off the pain of holding off my pressure.  Blue veins have begun popping out at his temples.    “Oooomphhh”  I grunt as I surge to pull harder.  I realize that I am sweating with assertion myself, and tiring from this demanding tug-of-war type contest.  This has had to have been going on for at least a minute so far of all out exertion!  Finally I have Rob down to the half way point and I can push now, rather than pull.   Thank God!  I can put my entire body into it now.  Rob is grunting now, with intense spurts of deep breadths as he struggles with all his might to resist.  The veins along his temple have grown longer reaching onto his forehead.  They are deep blue in color and are just much too thick and protruding for facial veins.  They fearfully terrifying.  His face is now sweat-soaked and burning bright red.  His facial expressions are out-right mean looking!  With my entire body into it, I am able to force Robs arm the rest of the way down.  God, that took over two minutes and I’m exhausted!

“Good job Keith.  Move to my left arm now.  Keep this moving”   I’m panting in exhaustion while I move to Rob’s left arm, as he raises the dumbbell.  Again I grab the dumbbell with my two hands and begin to pull down.  This time I put my legs into it right away and jerk with all my might, hoping to gain a quick advantage.  God I can’t move him!  I must be getting too tired.   A minute goes by and we remain at a stalemate.  I can tell by his face though that Rob is straining badly.  The thick blue veins on his temples and forehead are now pulsating.  I put forth an energetic second effort grunting loudly as I pull with all my might, “Gggrrrrrrrrrr”  I shout,  mustering all my strength.  Rob winces in pain as his arm gives a few inches.  “Mmmmph” He winces lightly.  Finally I’ve moved him!   He winces in pain a second time as I pull him down to the halfway point.  This time his groan is louder and sharper and it’s very obvious he is in real pain.  I’m soaking with sweat and my arms are killing me, but I can push rather than pull now and I can use my entire body to force his arm down.  Despite my advantage, Rob is still resisting me.  Fuck he is strong!   His grunts, winces and deep breaths are non-stop now as he fights with all his might to hold his arm up.  His face is trembling from the effort.  Finally after another brutal minute of stalemate, he begins to yield.  A sharp whine of agony escapes him, has his arm muscles are forced to failure.

“Keep it up Keith!  Get back to my right arm ..  Two more reps …” Rob gasps intermittently, clearly out of breath.  Oh my god, I worry, I have no strength left.  My arms and legs are like rubber.   How can I do this?  Fuck!  My cock is still hard and throbbing!  How can it stay like this,  when I’m working out this hard? What’s going on with me?  Rob is ready to begin and I regain my focus.  I grab the dumbbell and get back to work, determined to do my job.  I soon realize that Rob’s arms are pretty much spent.  Within 20 seconds, he is yielding this time.  Thank god!  I can do this!  I successfully work him through the next two reps.   While easier than the first, the exercise has totally exhausted me.

As we finish up, I’m seriously worrying about Rob.  The veins over his temple and forehead have increased in quantity and thickness and are pulsating badly.  It looks really scary.   His body is drenched with sweat and his skin is burning red.  His vascularity is just overwhelming and looks outright dangerous.   He is panting badly.  As Rob drops his dumbbells I quickly grab his water bottle and hand it to him.   “Here you go Rob.  You need to drink.”  He greedily indulges and begins to hydrate.  I grab the towels from my shoulders and begin to wipe him down, drying his body from the profuse sweat.  I start with his face and neck and then move to his shoulders and upper chest.   God!  The sweat is just pouring from him!  Next I move to his arms and wipe them nice and dry.  Rob lifts up his muscle shirt, revealing his spectacular eight pack abs.  I take the cue and dry down his abs, while taking a moment to study the huge sexy bulge in in posers.  Wow I ponder.  How big is he? 

“D-d-do you want me to wipe your l-l-l-legs down Rob?”   I ask timidly.  I bring the towels to my face as I pause and wait for response, taking in a deep breath of Rob’s aromas.   “Mmmmmmmm” I sigh softly.  I wipe the lingering sweat from the towels to my face, allowing the aromas to stay with me. “Sure Keith that would be great” Rob replies.  I lower myself down on my knees and begin with Rob’s calves.   Then I work up to his thighs.  At this point a position my face right at Rob’s enormous bulge.  I brush my left  cheek against his bulge while drying his thigh, making it seem like an accident.  I brush again with my other cheek as I move to his other thigh, rubbing his bulge harder this time.  I straighten myself out and my entire face abruptly presses hard against Rob’s bulge.  This time it was Rob’s doing!  He moved up to me!  He’s teasing me!  What the hell I think.  I have nothing to lose.  I take the towels and being to dry Rob’s bulge,  taking the opportunity to feel with my hands as well as use the towel.  God he is  fucking hung like a horse!  I move my arms around to his butt  and dry the back of his posers,  while running my lips up and down his bulge in the front.  I can feel Rob harden and grow. He likes it!  God I love this!  Looking up,  I realize that Rob has removed his shirt.  I reach up high with my arms  to dry his pectorals and lats, while continuing to trace Rob's growing erection with my lips.  I find my self kissing and sucking, snug against Rob's posers..  “Keith, could you please get my back too?”  Rob asks, breaking my trance.  “Sure thing!”  I reply excitedly,  although disappointed from having to leave Rob's hardening bulge.    I stand back up and move to his back side, and finish with my administrations sensually, trance-like, while also admiring Rob’s reflection in the mirror;  including his huge erection! 

Title: Re: Lifes Changes
Post by: topad9 on March 10, 2016, 09:34:41 pm
Kindly asking for another chapter or two to this story.  I don't really know how Robbie compares to Jen at this point but it would be fun to know.

Also, I have been fantasizing of what it would be like for  Jen and Keith to have sex and compare their measurements as well.

Title: Re: Author: [Ranger1] Lifes Changes
Post by: phil123 on March 05, 2017, 06:45:40 am
2 month since last chapter.
I hope Keith took the time to grow himself.
Title: Re: Author: [Ranger1] Lifes Changes | #WIP
Post by: jabber7 on November 25, 2019, 02:15:20 am
I remember reading this some years ago, felt like reading it for the first time all over again apart from a few key parts that I remembered. Amazing description of muscle and original thoughtful vocabulary usage.
I wish Keith tested Jen that night she first decided to raise her voice to him, he had the urge to but couldn't muster the courage, they were still similar proportion, would've been cool to hear how she outmuscled him and taught him a big lesson. Regardless this was a beautiful story.
Title: Re: Author: [Ranger1] Lifes Changes | #WIP
Post by: JangoFitt5 on October 17, 2023, 12:20:15 pm
It's an incredible story. Where can I find the author's other stories and the author? Does anyone knows?