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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: Poddy on October 01, 2013, 03:19:33 pm

Title: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on October 01, 2013, 03:19:33 pm
***This is the first story I'd like to post on here. The concept itself has been sitting in my head for the best part of a year, but I've never found the impetus to put it onto virtual paper. As with a few others on here, I prefer a more realistic take on my muscle growth stories - believability has always drawn me closer to a story, even in something as fantastical as womens' muscles bulging out of their clothes in a heartbeat.

Anyway, first chapter is something of a set-up and introduction, with a hint of things to come. I hope you enjoy it!

Natalie and the PumpSuit
by poddy

Natalie was so giddy her signature on the delivery man’s clipboard was nothing short of an indecipherable scribble. With one hand already around the heavily taped and fairly large cardboard box, and the other shakily handing back the pen, the man was gone and she was rummaging for the kitchen scissors before the front door had swung shut. The box was surprisingly heavy, she thought, as her forearm gently trembled under the weight. 

She soon had it sliced open, but inside, the contents were sparing. There were three blue, yellow and white plastic tubs of varying size, some plastic wrapped garments that resembled lycra tops, and some text-filled sheets of stapled A4 titled ‘Congratulations!’ on top. Natalie scrunched her button nose and cocked an eyebrow. A ‘sponsorship deal’ had had a lot more grandeur in her imagination.

Speaking of which she thought, she grabbed her phone from the table, deftly selected the camera, raised an outstretched arm, straightened her golden, choppy bob haircut and poised her thumb.

Social media had been the biggest cog in the machine so far. As well as the first spark in her decision to try and be one those women whose bodies she’d enviously ogled for so long. She’d been following every one of her idols across every online platform she could think of for the past 10 months. It had been a source of inspiration and frustration since she decided to become a figure competitor on her 19th birthday.

She naturally snapped some quick ‘selfies’ - making sure the opened box was in full view and more importantly, she knew, her crystal blue eyes, curved pink lips and just a glimpse of her pert, plump breasts. Her thumbs flew all over the screen: ‘Box o’ goodies fresh from my first ever sponsors @Pumplabs! New supps and workout gear, thank you so much! Im coming for you chest n bis! Xx.’ She posted and checked her Inst@gram profile; she was up to 345 followers now. It made her smile; it was three more than yesterday, and it was progress, however small.

Natalie was also happy because she had the house all to herself. Her older sister took the morning shifts at the family store on Mondays, giving her time to get a solid meal and hit the gym. Her mom never seemed to stop working since dad left either. Everyone pulled their weight, and the family was close – when they were together. Dinner was now an inconvenience rather than a family occasion. It didn’t bother Natalie, it meant she could control her own meals and make sure she was packing in enough protein as well as keep an eye on her carbs in every meal to keep her muscles lean, her body fat low and her weight steady.

Progress all-round had been slow but steady. At just 98lbs 10 months ago, she was up a solid 109lbs now. Squats, curls, presses and countless reps had rounded her shoulders, tightened her stomach, filled her arms, ripened her backside and toned her legs. She was burdened by barely an ounce of fat. She cut a sleek and feminine figure.

Of course there was room for improvement, she told herself, but competing and stepping on stage couldn’t be more than 6 months away, by her estimates.

She was happy with herself, on good days. On bad days, the seconds turned to minutes staring the mirror – scrutinising. Each muscle, each little bump and each flat spot. Her posterity kept her going, as did the lingering image of forever being the skinny little girl in the family – whether she admitted it or not, it was a fear of weakness that drove her. Stepping on stage, slim, lean, and with a body the model of feminine efficacy would change that, she told herself. Her older sister Marie, was always the son her father never had. Worse still, when he was hoping for another ‘son’, he got Natalie - cute, slim, pretty, blonde Natalie.

Taking the box to her bedroom, she eagerly unloaded the rest of the box. Three tubs of powders in ascending size as well as two plastic-wrapped undergarments. “Thermals maybe? Cool, that’s kinda helpful I guess.” she thought aloud. The more she could wear at the gym to please her new benefactors, the better.

She ripped open the bag and unfurled the garment. It unrolled in her arms. It was long, it was longer than a shirt, it was closer to a long sleeved one-piece, only it stopped just under the crotch, the lower half covering only a few inches of upper thigh.

It was a pleasing sky-blue, with an asymmetrical white stripe streaking from the right shoulder down to the thigh. A ‘PL’ logo was embossed within the stripe, just above the right breast. Natalie liked it. It looked positively tiny without a body inside it - it was sexy, stretchy and skin-tight.
As much as she embraced her shameless selfies, she knew which kind of pictures were the most popular, and exactly why. She chalked it up to not so necessary evil. Necessary? Unfortunately. Evil? Certainly not.

A brief glimpse inside the suit caught Natalie’s attention. The stitching inside had some strange patterns. Patches of a few inches in width and height lay spaced out – they resembled bandages in various shapes. Looking more closely, she spied two long, thick strips on each thigh, another two blocks occupying each glute, likewise the upper pectorals. Six small pads lined the abdominals, and thin strips stretched along the bicep and triceps too. The back featured the most elaborate display however, thick strips along the traps, two more on the rhomboids and two more stretching down the lateral muscles.

'Padding, maybe?' She thought 'something to fill me out? God, they don’t think I’m too skinny do they?! Do they want me to become a physique model? What’s next? Am I gonna get anavar in the mail tomorrow?!They didn’t mention anything like this…'

She wrestled her runaway thoughts back under control and instead turned her attention to the tubs lying on her bed.
They were neatly marked one to three, with a yellow warning tape design pattern around the rim of the lid. A deft twist and tub #1 was open: Pre-Pump. She foraged for the invariably buried scoop and flicked the golden dust off her fingertips. She sucked one dusted finger for a few seconds – flavourless.

Natalie mixed and gulped down the shake with ease. The powder was still lumpy. 'I guess they can iron that out' she thought 'but some strawberry flavouring would’ve been nice!' She wiped her mouth and set the dirty shaker on her nightstand. Her mind was already on that one-piece.

She stripped down to nothing, tossing her dressing gown, bra and panties onto the bed. God, it really is small she thought, before giving another curious glance to the smattering of patches stitched inside.  Caressing the weightless fabric, she threaded her smooth legs through each hole and gently pulled it up.

The suit wrapped around her like a second skin. It contorted to her curves and gripped her tight waist as she pulled it over her midriff and then gently over her plump, pale breasts. The fabric was cold; her hardened nipples crept up and pressed into the fabric. Next she slid her arms through the sleeves, it was a perfect fit, barely a wrinkle in sight. Though it was tight around the crotch, she was in the suit’s firm grip.

She spun in the mirror, admiring her newly compressed figure. Her waistline already looked tighter, and standing with her legs apart revealed such an inviting gap between her thighs she simply had to stare. ‘PumpLabs’ was written in large white letters across her backside, she giggled as she tickled one of her hardened nipples and reached for her phone for some timely self-promotion.

Suddenly, deep, soothing warmth enveloped her. It was as though the suit had come alive. She felt the warmth trickling from the same places as the patches sewn inside. It felt like a dozen pairs of soft, glowing hands stroking her all over. There was a hard pinch on both her thighs, immediately followed by a rush of massaging warmth. Next came her glutes, they both received a strong but caring squeeze from both of the patches, followed by another hot wave.  Her flat stomach received six individual pinches, before another two just above her breasts sunk into her shallow pectorals. Her sinews of her biceps, triceps and back were all treated together in the final crescendo, and the arresting, tightening sensation that followed squeezed a heavy, sensual sigh from Natalie’s pursed lips.

“God...” She whispered as she blinked herself back into the room. It was a rush, an unexpected, inexplicable, unforgettable rush. Gentle yet overwhelming, and over far too quickly Natalie thought - her pulse gently pumping in her neck.

The suit felt tighter, yet in the mirror her body cut the same slim, lean, curved outline as before. It wasn’t just over her skin; it felt like it was her skin, weightless and warm. From neck to her upper thighs, her pulsing body welcomed the PumpSuit’s empowering embrace.
Natalie stood wide eyed in the mirror, breathless and embarrassed that she was blushing in an empty house. She dropped her phone and reached for the crumpled pages of A4 that she had ignored earlier.

***Hope you enjoyed reading. K+ if you liked it! Next chapter (at the gym) should be up fairly soon.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Online1138 on October 03, 2013, 07:13:12 am
Wow, really great start! Definite K+ given!  :wow:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on October 03, 2013, 01:36:04 pm
Great start to an interesting story. K and hope to see more :thanks:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on October 04, 2013, 04:21:02 pm
**Here's Chapter 2. A big thank you to FBBJunkie, Online1138 and Solitariodude for the reviews!

A taste of things to come.

Shaking in the afterglow, Natalie clumsily knocked the papers on the floor. She dropped to her knees and started scanning with a furrowed brow.

Dear Ms Marsh,

Congratulations! You have been accepted by PumpLabs to participate in the exclusive prototypical phase of our latest range of workout enhancing products: The PumpSuit! (Patent pending).

Here at PumpLabs, we monitor the progress of budding ‘athletes’ from all over the globe, and in light of your social media campaign, our executive group of elite fitness and nutrition experts unanimously agreed that you could use our help.

Our hearts here at PumpLabs are too big to watch another potential ‘athlete’ fighting against the tide. We feel the need to help those athletes who need that final step. We recognise struggling ‘athletes’ like yourself, and are always quick to recognise when assistance is needed – as we have notably found in your case.

Accordingly, we have generously donated our latest, most exciting product to the ones who desperately need it. We promote fitness and strength for all – even to those whom it appears completely out of reach.’

The sentences bit like a snake; fast, sharp and with loaded fangs that sunk in deep. Natalie’s eyes were stinging with tears before she could even finish the last sentence. Squeezing the tears from her quivering blue eyes, she tried to continue.

“PumpLabs was founded in 2011 with the aim of blah blah f**king blah.” Natalie snapped. Her shaking hands changed quickly from pleasure to resentment.

“F**k these guys! Who do they think they are?! ‘Notable amounts of help?’ ‘Out of my reach?!” She tossed the sheets over her shoulder in a fluster. The pages spread like wings for but a split second, before crashing to a splayed heap next to her wardrobe.

Natalie bolted to her feet. All the progress she’d made, all the things she’d changed, the time she’d spent, the sweat she’d poured, the muscles she’d sculpted, the fat she’d singed, the cravings she’d endured, and the ‘friends’ she’d lost that called her boring just for giving up alcohol. And finally, someone reached out, and all they said was ‘Not good enough’? Are you even trying?!’

Destined for second fiddle, again. Just like it was with her sister. Natalie remembered watching her play baseball outside, just after her dad came home with just one glove, just for Kelly. Kelly was the sporty one. Natalie was the pretty one. That’s the way it was, that’s the way her family still thinks it is, despite everything Natalie had tried to give.

“F**k ‘em”. She spat through snarled lips. “Not today. Not now, after all I've done.

And if I’m not doing well enough by their standards – I’m sure as s**t not going to let them promote their name on my arse of all places.”

She turned to her wardrobe, her fingers already peeling the suit from her neck. Her bare foot stamped onto something cold; glancing down Natalie saw the muddled papers again.

Only this time, something caught her eye. Some emboldened sentences were too loud to ignore:

Once the suit is worn and has synergised with your muscles. You MUST NOT remove the suit for a period of at least ONE HOUR, under any circumstances. Muscles need time to absorb all the chemicals from each ‘PumpPatch’, thus removal of the suit before the body has adjusted will cause permanent damage to the muscles affected.

She read the sentence again, then once more, her flushed pink lips breathing out each word.

“What the hell is this thing?” she whispered. She looked back at herself in the mirror – she’d never felt more miniature, flatter or weaker. The ‘PumpPatches’ now seemed more visible through the suit’s tight fabric, obvious even. She repeated the words in her head, ‘synergised’, ‘chemicals’, ‘absorb’, ‘muscles!’.

The clock on her nightstand interrupted with a furious ringing. Natalie cursed under her breath. It was time to hit the gym already, and she’d spent the better part of half an hour in an emotional hurricane – better than sex one minute, in tears the next. She needed to go now or cut her workout short. And she needed a work out now.

“Fine...whatever this thing is, it won’t get a second of exposure from this body.” She muttered to herself as she picked out her baggiest, most unflattering, grey tracksuit and threw it over herself.

Time was running short, so she ran to the gym. It was usually just a 10 minute jog, but in her frustration at the letter, from those pricks, that easily became a 5 minute sprint. She couldn’t out-run those needling words that chased her along the pavement.

The contempt gave her energy, and today wasn’t the first time she’d used it as a pre-workout pump. This is going to be a real workout she told herself. Her favourite kind, the ones that purged the anger and helped forget about the past.

The crisp morning air had done little to clear her mind. Yet the fast run had already made her feel better already, and her tight quads, calves and hamstrings were tingling pleasurably as the automatic gym doors opened for her.

**A little character heavy I know, but this’ll become important later, you’ll see! Everybody’s either driving towards something, or away from it - and right now it seems Natalie’s somewhere in between.

Hope you enjoyed reading again. Next – to the gym!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on October 04, 2013, 08:48:03 pm
I gotta say, I'm all gooey with anticipation. Nicely done. K+
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on October 05, 2013, 02:43:12 am
Well, I really enjoy seeing some character background and plot development and you're doing great with Natalie! :clap:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on October 09, 2013, 09:07:28 am
**”Start the growth already!” I hear you cry!

You got it.

A thank you Ninjastar and Solitariodude for their reviews! Hope you enjoy this one too

Chapter 3 – Everyone remembers their first

Natalie preferred it when the gym was quiet and Monday mid-mornings were usually just that. But usually, the Monday morning meatheads were also long gone by 10am. Instead, the weights area rung with the sound of clanking metal, exaggerated grunts and macho banter.

“Great”   Natalie huffed.  “The day just gets better and better.” She knew they’d soon be gone, off to don their hard hats or black ties and puffy jackets – all they seemed to boast about was their work and their weights. Cardio would help pass the time, though the only thing she really wanted to throw some weights around herself.

Wasting no time, she deftly hopped onto the stair-master machine for her cardio. She’d already decided that every step would be a crushing boot atop the faces of every single one of PumpLabs’  ‘Fitness and nutrition experts’ . A weights area full of meatheads was more than enough frustration on its own, and she jerked the steps into motion with a kick that could start an old motorbike. Stumbling over her own strength, the endless stairway rolled under her stamping feet as she began her ascent to nowhere.

The suit’s soft fabric felt good as it contorted to her moving body. As her blood started pumping, the suit’s supportive grip kept squeezing it through her thighs and up through her hamstrings at the top of each movement. It gently rubbed her crotch as the skin-hugging cloth rippled under her movements.

As much as the frustration clouded her mind, more than once Natalie struggled to conceal an occasional smile; she felt virtually naked, and no one had a clue.  ‘Imagine if they knew what I had on…’   she thought  ‘the looks she would get! Would anyone say something? Would they throw me out?’    The mischievous idea gave her a second wave of energy; she increased the resistance of the machine and pumped her legs harder.

It wasn’t long before 30 minutes had passed and the machine’s small TV glistened with tiny rainbow streaks of Natalie’s sweat. Her eyes were vacant as her mind swam aimlessly. She was absorbed in the workout, consumed by the rewarding tension in her thighs.

Abruptly, an obnoxious guffawing came tearing down the walls of her mental sanctuary. The meatheads were plodding their way towards the door. Tight tank-tops and over-spilling protein shakes in hand. The walking gang of thick but soft looking flesh bumped and shouldered each other egotistically until they were through the doors and out of sight at last.

  “Finally”   she sighed. Her legs burning, she took to the water foundation for a much needed drink. Patches of darkened grey circled her neck and back. Within the suit however, Natalie was far from spent.

Usually she’d amble casually towards the weights, not wanting to look overly keen or in a rush; the same was true for machines that she wanted to use. Today though, Natalie made a bee-line straight for the benches, barbells and plates, playfully skipping over a rowing machine and on to the rubber padded floor of the weightlifting section.

A bomb-site was probably the only way to describe it.

Metals of different weights, shapes and sizes littered the floor. The bench press barbell remained fully loaded with heavy plates of 35kgs on each side, as did another bar for deadlifts. A minefield of dumbbells from 10 to 45kgs stretched like a minefield all along the weight rack, in fact one was still rocking back and forth in one of the grooves punched into the floor, presumably hurled to the ground with a primal display of indifference.

  “Arseholes”  she grunted through gritted teeth. What little salvation she’d found in the cardio had washed away and there she stood again, her mind rushing and her lungs desperately trying to exhale her anger. She checked the clock on the wall – time was ticking, and the weights evidently weren’t moving themselves, she thought. With a grimace, she began to tidy up.

The lighter dumbbells weren’t an issue – she playfully bicep-curled them onto the rack up until about 22 kilos. She approached the rest like mini-deadlifts, bending her knees low and jerking out with the toned muscles in her glutes and lower back. 30kgs were no problem, if anything it was a nice deep stretch. 35 and 40 kilos got the blood flowing through her back nicely, but the pair of 45s each took a deep breath and more strain than she’d like.

She felt her glutes and the lightly muscled cords in her lower back fully tensing as she lifted the final dumbbell up and onto the rack. She exhaled, dusted her hands and nodded at the clear(er) floor.

Next were the plates of the chest press – she removed them and gripped each large metal disc with both hands. Three sets of six plates were more than enough to get the blood pumping in her biceps, and soon they too were back where they belonged.

Only the big barbell on the floor remained. By now, with Natalie’s blood was flowing in the right places; she decided to take an added moment to check the weights - 45kgs on both sides.

  “Just one rep”   she murmured to herself. Her back, legs and backside was still warm from the dumbbells; they had been a warm-up, the same way she saw the meatheads lifting as they climbed towards their limit before performing one boisterous final rep.

She took a firm grip on the bar and with three short, sharp breaths, squeezed her legs, back and butt, and the bar slowly, shakily rose from the floor.

Glutes and legs straining, she squeezed her buttcheeks hard and pushed through to straighten her legs. Her back followed suit, and with an audible grunt, she stood fully erect, the bar trembling at her knees.

A second or two seemed to crawl past before she lowered the bar to the floor with a heavy sigh. She squatted down next to it, panting and satisfied with herself.

 Whew, I didn’t know I could lift that much. She thought, her mind’s voice panting in time with her lungs.

She confidently removed the plates from each end and rolled the bar back against the wall and slumped down onto the nearest workout bench. With a sweep of her sleeve cleared a bead of sweat from her forehead. Some of those weights individually had been her personal bests, especially the deadlift. She’d struggled with two hands with some dumbbells too, and worried for her energy levels, she sat hunched with her elbows propped on her legs.

She breathed deeply through her nose, savouring the rest when became strangely aware of her heart rate. She felt her pulse in her neck once again, and before she knew it, that sensation began pulsing through her arms, legs and lower back.

Her back bolted upright as she felt a strong grope from within the suit. Her muscles tensed as hard as they could, followed by that familiar hot squeeze as her body surged into life. The suit hugged her tightly, the fabric that sat so snugly between her thighs seemed to stroke her as it clenched her back muscles tight and the seconds marched by.

Then, within the suit’s vice-like grip, she could feel two small vines of muscle rise out and creep upwards beneath her skin, just a few daring centimetres.

Her legs and glutes followed immediately, her strong hamstrings overpowered her tightening quads and pulled them together, lifting her shuddering legs parallel to the gym floor. Natalie’s eyelids flickered as her pumping hamstrings filled and gently squeezed against her taught calves. Her glutes flexed into tight, solid buns beneath her and she could swear she was lifted a few millimetres higher as the muscles ripened.

Finally, with a sharp intake of breath, there came the rush of penetrating warmth - this time deeper into her body than she’d ever felt. She covered her trembling jaw with a shining palm, trying to disguise the ripple of intense pleasure as some kind of yawn.

Just then, her biceps felt the same tingling and Natalie’s arms tensed in unison. Her elbows clamped into her sides and she felt the two little bulbs of muscle stretch into their typical ping-pong ball size for a few aching moments, and then, with final wave of intensity, press harder against her ribcage.

Natalie gave the slightest thrust of her crotch as the warmth crashed through and enveloped her. She kept her eyes closed and revelled in the pump. It pumped furiously – and she was convinced it felt thicker than usual – she could even follow it through her arms, butt, and legs and down into the small of her back.

  “Is it over?”   She panted delicately.

Tentatively, she rolled up one sleeve, revealing the suit’s light blue skin. She had to blink as she saw a strong, pronounced vein winding down her forearm towards her pumping biceps.

Natalie gasped and immediately covered it.  ‘What the hell was THAT? Is there more?’ She thought, ‘God that was good…but, oh God, did I almost cum in front of everyone here?!’

Her eyes wide and still breathless, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were a flushed a vitalised, youthful pink, her skin glistened and her lips were redder than she’d ever seen them. Her face shimmered from sweat and her body glowed from the suits overwhelming embrace.

She reached a hand around her to her lower back. Foraging with her fingers, she found a newly deepened valley between two short, solid vines of muscle, and she couldn’t supress her shock. She ran her hands over her legs – they were hard and felt fit to burst when she extended her legs and tensed her quads.

But what struck her most was the energy - energy so pure she could have run to the weight stand and snatched the 20kg dumbbells with her teeth. Her legs felt weightless as the massaging warmth trickled down her shaking quads and into her petite feet.

Natalie gleefully glided over to the weight rack. Her mind was a rushing torrent of pleasure and the terrified energy from a thrill ride that left her scared to experience it again, yet unable to think about anything else.

One thought did emerge from the blinding currents – her chest workout, that real workout she’d been needing.

16kgs was already heavier than her usual chest warm-up, but the rush, the warmth, the empowering grip of her PumpSuit made the choice for her. Shuffling eagerly back to the same bench – where a heart-shaped patch of sweat lay in the centre – she lay flat on her back and began a chest press.

The first set felt almost weightless. She waited for the burn and strain that never seemed to arrive, 20 easy reps. Incredulous, she put the 16s back and reached for the 18 kilogram dumbbells – Natalie wasn’t into easy workouts; intensity was the always bare minimum she allowed herself.

With held breath, she hoisted the 18kg dumbbells over her chest. That was more difficult. As her rush of energy faded, the reps became harder, more laboured and the muscles strained. She stuck through it though, finishing the exercise and dropping the weights to the floor with a clatter.

She trembled with nervous energy every time she finished a set. ‘Is it going to happen again? Is it going to happen this time? It’s the workout that sets it off, right? Maybe it isn’t? It is on a timer or something, like every 30 minutes? What’s happening under this suit? How much of these ‘chemicals’ is it giving me? Should I even do it again?’

At the end of each set, she’d gaze into the mirror and wait anxiously. The seconds quickly became minutes, but nothing. Whatever the case, she secretly knew she’d welcome it whenever it returned. She tensely continued working through her chest workout, cautious not to drop the intensity.

Every set went by without a snag. She pushed hard on her incline bench press, eager to stress her upper pectorals on her rather featureless chest. Natalie maintained that having nice boobs was one though, but having a ‘chest’ was another.

Natalie had worked up a decent sweat by the time she’d finished her chest, and her hands gently trembled from a mixture of adrenaline and frayed nerves. She needed a few minutes rest before moving onto her biceps.

She couldn’t stop looking over her shoulders, glancing around in case another person came into the weights area – she definitely didn’t want the rush to come then. For now it was thankfully deserted. As a precaution, she pulled the hood of her tracksuit up over her head. Looking into the mirror, some blond hair dangled out and her blue eyes glimmered from within the shade.

The tension made her muscles ache, all the pent up energy, and anticipation spent wondering if the suit was going to take hold of her again and squeeze her in its pleasing, powerful grip.

Another pair of minutes passed, and nothing. With a relieved and exhausted sigh, Natalie finally felt like she could relax her body.

And she had barely time to blink before her pectorals clenched again.

Her chest muscles flexed tighter than the top of any rep. The uncontrollable flexing clamped her arms forward and together, her arms shook so much under the tension that she hunched her back forward to clench the edge of the bench, but that just made her entire upper body quiver as the suit squeezed layers of hardened muscle into her writhing body. The suit slipped greasily away from her neck as her pecs crept a few strained centimetres outwards.

The tension continued – it had already been longer than the earlier rush, and this was just one muscle group. Natalie’s wet hair clung to the side of her face as she sank her teeth in to her lower lip. The suit, now lubricated with sweat, groped her even more sensually as it slid over her skin while her muscles pumped.

Her upper pectorals took the bore of the brunt, she felt them tense more than she’d ever felt before, spreading out ever so slightly towards her collarbone. She could feel each pec individually too, both of them throbbing in harmony, before at last, the burst of heat gushed through her whole chest from her neck to the very tips of her rock-hard nipples.

Her arms fell to her side, her pectorals relaxed and Natalie exhaled such a heavy sigh it blew her teeth straight off of her lip. Once more, her crotch jolted hard along the hard leather bench – Natalie was almost bent double as she panted over the bench’s edge.

“Hah…hah…Oh my god”   she whispered loudly.

The suit felt tighter than ever as its warmth oozed over her. Another flood of energy and pleasure enveloped her body, from her quivering pecs, to her fluttering fingertips and tingling toes.

Natalie watched herself grinning from ear to ear as she blushed in the mirror.

**Hope you enjoyed reading. It’s just baby steps for now, as you can see Natalie’s still learning how it all works – I’m sure she’ll get the hang of it…
Chapter 4 is already half written, so you prolly won’t have to wait long for that. Monday is for chest  AND biceps you know
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on October 09, 2013, 05:28:41 pm
Very nice! Love the way it all creeps in (the on-going growth) instead of "instant muscles" :thanks: and looking forward to more. K+
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on November 27, 2013, 03:18:17 pm
Many apologies for taking such a long time to write up this last chapter, time just slips away so quickly. Another thank you to Solitariodude for the review! Hope you enjoy this one.

Chapter 4

Natalie’s eyes dazedly regained their focus and she soon re-entered her senses.  Her body buzzed with energy as her pecs twitched with flirtatious muscle spasms. She froze in wonderment while her muscles jerked eagerly, as though they had so much more to give.

They stopped soon afterwards, and with a wary glance over each shoulder, Natalie assumed control of her invigorated body.

She tensed her chest and her eyes and mouth widened in tandem. Newly formed pectorals, she could move them, feel them separately, control them, squeeze them and feel them rise together. Her boobs jerked playfully and after few playful twitches she regretted wearing the unflattering tracksuit as she explored the new muscles in her chest. Little gasps escaped from her mouth with every flex, each one more addictive than the last.

The early stages of two hard, tight pectorals greeted Natalie’s nervous fingers. She gasped, before running a tentative finger slowly in-between the new gap between her muscles, she slid it down the smooth, moist fabric for only an inch before her perky breasts intervened. She flexed them incredulously; feeling the suit tighten around her chest and underarms as she did – for a few entranced moments, she forgot about the letter’s hurtful contents and became entranced in her own reflection.

Her cheeks flushed with a post-sex glow, and lips were a rich red, once she’d swept her sweaty hair from her face, that is. The suit had eased its grip slightly, but still kept a few of its warm fingers on her clit.

Natalie couldn’t clasp her hands around the dumbbells fast enough. Her delicate small hands poked out from the baggy sleeves – nails buffed and shined. Excitedly, she began to curl.

Her arms tensed pleasurably, again feeling the suit’s support around her arms as she lifted. She felt her biceps poke into her sides. They pressed against her sides when her muscles were fully tensed. She lifted with discipline – long, sustained motions isolated the muscle group, she extended her arm and let the dumbbell down to her waist, before she restarted its steady journey back to her upper arms with a satisfying squeeze.

Months of high intensity reps had crafted her arms into hard, sleek but ultimately flat slabs. Her strength had improved greatly as the months had crept by, but her thin arms were still in keeping with the rest of her slim frame – fatless, but in places, featureless. Flexing would give only a glimpse of the thin stream of muscle that lay under her skin, if only it was as big as it was hard she always thought to herself. She had revelled in the day that she moved away from those horrendously girly, desperately feminine dumbbells and finally onto the real dumbbells, even if it was still the top row of the rack.

But from what the suit had already done to her, she was almost tempted to stop a few sets earlier. She imagined herself still in her slender figure model’s frame but with cannonball biceps bulging from each arm and grimaced at the uncomfortable image.

Yet her reservoir of energy refused to run dry, the end of each set was so satisfying she knew she’d felt guilty for not attacking the next. Pushing herself was never a problem for Natalie. She’d set the bar at preposterous heights, fail again and again to the point of despair, and then raise the bar higher still.

Adrenaline fizzled behind her eyes as she pumped out the reps. It was just one of those workouts, where everything went just like she wanted it to, only with the special addition of this, whatever you call it, helping her along the way.

Natalie burned through set and after set – now mindful to keep the intensity high – she noted that the suit squeezed her after a few minutes of rest. I guess it thought I was finished she thought as she grunted through some barbell curls. If I let my body relax for too long it might start doing its ‘thing’ to me again before I’m ready.

Dropping the weights by her ankles with a sigh, she sat back and let her weightless arms hang by her sides. She sat panting; her pecs were still tense. She could feel her chest sticking out further than before, or that her shoulders had been pushed wider apart to make way for the new muscle – she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Her forearms throbbed pleasurably, and the burning in her strained biceps washed away while Natalie’s mind drifted into emptiness as she vacantly stared into the ceilings lights and revelled in the pump – her workout was finished.

“Ok” she panted quietly to herself “I’ve gotta see it this time.” She couldn’t contain her curiosity a moment longer, the way the suit had groped her muscles and squeezed her body made her feel so aroused, even desired. If it wasn’t for the smattering of other people in the gym, the track suit would have been practically ripped off and she’d have been giddily watching herself in the mirror, counting down the seconds until the next rush.

Replacing the last dumbbell, she practically skipped out of the gates of the weights area like a school girl in the mid-afternoon. She wasn’t willing to get caught in the open again if the suit decided to unleash its offerings unexpectedly.

Natalie’s favourite stall was the one tucked away in the furthest, quietest corner of the changing room. Natalie liked the privacy. Three snapped clothes hooks on the door kept it empty. It was her bubble of privacy for her post-workout selfies, flexes and for countless lost hours admiring and critiquing her body in largely uneven amounts.

She didn’t spare a glance at herself in the changing room mirrors – it took everything from her not to sprint to the cubicle, only a middle-aged woman drying her hair forced her to try and act naturally.

Seconds later the tracksuit, made heavy with sweat laid in a heap on the floor at the delicate feet of a breathless, stunned and a little bit frightened teenager.

Natalie stood wide-eyed in the mirror. Natalie had observed herself long enough to know every inch of her body and she had absolutely no doubt she had changed – been changed. She drank in the sight of her fuller body within her skin-tight PumpSuit. She glowed from within its grip, it clung to her frame more tightly that before. Twisting curiously to the side, her glutes hung in a plump pair, stretching the suit and tightening her crotch.

Her smooth legs were fuller too, with two small bumps of muscle hanging atop and framing each kneecap. Just those few centimetres of mass made her waist looked even smaller.

“Curves” she breathed with pleasure. Her breasts, perking and crowned with hardened nipples, twitched beneath her cooing, open jaw. “God, look at me… Look at me!”  She squeaked giddily.

Looking down, she’d almost been overwhelmed into forgetting her new-found pecs. She deftly assumed control her new muscles and twitched the same breast again. The tension felt good, even if it only sent an unobtrusive ripple and inch down her chest. She tensed them both together, her tits playfully bounced beneath their blue skin, nipples trying to burst free.

She drew her arms together and forward in front of her, giving her pecs a real squeeze. She scoffed in disbelief as she saw the start of a small crevice between her muscles, just beneath her neck. Previously soft, flat flesh had been inflated with a sturdy, albeit thin layer of muscle just an inch tall that stretched parallel to her collarbone.

The shelf of muscle hoisted her breasts higher, and again it made her look fuller as her tits pressed against the suit. She released them from her flex, the corners of her plump lips twitching into crooked crescents, and turned her attention to her arms.

She blinked in astonishment, she froze the hand that was reaching for the suit’s sleeve, and she needn’t even roll it up. Thick veins trickled down her forearms, so pronounced they were easily visible through the suit. Two of their ridges forked through the joint of her elbow before conjoining their narrow rivulets into one thick creek that ran up and along her bicep.

The same was true of the other arm. Natalie prodded them curiously, holding them down for a few seconds and watching the blocked streams bulge with blood, before releasing the flow and watching her them return to ripeness.

Has is happened already? Did it I just not notice? I’ve never seen my arms this pumped before, God, look at all the veins! She thought, enthralled by her vascularity.

The suit gladly answered for her. It sucked the breath out her lungs, and she felt that deep heat rising through her body as the suit squeezed her arms.

Her arms snapped to her side and her biceps flexed, pulling her trembling fists up to her shoulders. She fought to keep her eyes focused in the mirror. Through flickering eyelids and delicate moans, with a penetrating rush of warmth she watched her biceps swell up and up into compact little balls.

She felt the spandex stretch and the muscles bulge against her ribcage with fullness. Her knees jolted underneath her and her eyes shook in their sockets. Her forearms rippled with sinews too, encasing her elbow joint and etching agile, crowded cords of sinew down to her trembling hands.
Natalie spotted veins that furiously pumped to fuel her biceps. They struck down her forearm like lightening, and with one final burning squeeze, the suit tightened its sensual grip. It released a crashing orgasm through her body and Natalie’s knee buckled beneath her.

She collapsed onto the bench, heaving as fresh waves of pleasure rippled through her, her body throbbing at the suits desire. Her small feet fluttered in girly little kicks as the sensation washed from her toes all the way up to her cheeks and then back down again.

“Hah…hah…humphf…” she panted, her eyes still closed and her mind still swimming in the pleasure. She’d never had an orgasm like it, such explosive sensation crackling into every fibre in her body. Like a drug, she gleefully relaxed, opened herself to the effects and let it flow through her.

A minute or so marched by before she blinked herself back into the tiny cubicle. The wooden walls seemed to burst with vibrancy she’d never noticed before, and the bench felt so smooth under her quaking fingers. Drunk with sexual pleasure, she dizzily rose to her feet and blinked her body back into focus in the mirror.

Natalie was looking at her arms before they were even back in focus. No longer featureless and flat –richer, fuller arms greeted her. Her forearms had followed suit, the muscles before her elbow were thicker, wider and still pulsed with veins that slowly started to melt away as the rush began fade.

She flexed them high above her shoulders, and there rose muscles in her arm higher than before. A neat, defined lump in her arm pushed through the suit, a vein strapped across the top of each. She flexed them into submission. She’d never felt such tension, such a sensation from within her arms. She watched with a giddy smile as from beneath the stretching spandex, her biceps peaked into firm, powerful little lumps that belied her lean, feminine frame.

Instinctively, she grabbed her phone and gorged herself with selfies. All of a sudden, the awkwardness had fled and there wasn’t an ounce of contrition left to pester her self-consciousness. She snapped dozens of times – of her arms flexed, her pecs, her legs and her bum, from all angles until she was satisfied and left staring back in her own reflection as she came down from the high.

Then it struck her - that familiar feeling of post-sex shame, when you blink back to real life and see just what you’ve been doing to yourself. A shockwave of embarrassment burst within her, like she’d noticed a dozen spying eyes watching her from underneath the cubicle door.

“Oh, Jesus Christ. What have I done?!” she stammered. “What’s happened to me? What the fuck have I just done to myself?! Why didn’t I stop!? Look at me!”

Natalie checked for prying eyes, scanning the floor as she bent down to the pick up her tracksuit. She threw it back over herself, ignoring the dampness from the workout. “I’ve gotta go home - I’ve gotta go home – I’ve gotta go home right now!” she gushed in her head as she burst out of the cubicle, passed the middle-aged woman still blow-drying her hair and out of the changing rooms.

So there it is. Ups and downs really! In the same way I’m not fully into hugely explosively growth, I still try to make the whole process, both physically and emotionally, a little more realistic too. A lot has just happened to Natalie, and it’s going to take her a while, like any body-conscious teenage girl, to accept it. But I have a sneaky feeling she’ll come to like it in the end  Next chapter hopefully won’t take as long to write, and I think I’ll have a little more fun writing it seeing as there’ll be a new character introduced as well. Thanks for reading!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on November 27, 2013, 05:59:13 pm
Welcome back. I know how hard it is to keep motivated. But it's good to see well-written growth in earnest, even if it is rather modest at first. I have a feeling Natalie's barely scratched the surface. K+
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on December 29, 2013, 03:36:02 pm
(A/n) Apologies for another long delay. Thanks again to NinjaStar for showing how regularly updated content should be done! Hope you guys enjoy this one.

Chapter 5 Part 1

The day working in her mother’s corner shop came and went in a blur. Natalie dashed home, gulped down the two post-supplements (which were also tasteless and a bit lumpy) as per the instructions, which she stuffed in her backpack and spent every private moment reading, re-reading, then re-reading again. Her mind and her body felt out of synchrony, despite the overwhelmed pleasure of her morning workout, the euphoria seemed like a distant memory, poorly disguised as sheer denial.

An over-sized mound of stock from deliverymen had awaited her at the store – which meant Natalie’s Mum spent the day shouting down the phone, which put her in a bad mood, and would have normally irritated Natalie too if she hadn’t been too busy letting her physiotherapy textbooks gather dust in the corner while she scoured the PumpLab notes.

Her phone had also been vibrating incessantly since she left the gym. Previously its needy tantrums would have had Natalie rushing over to it like mother checking on her new-born - instead, its cries for attention went unheeded. 

Natalie’s mind paced busily in directionless circles – the suit, the sensations, the workout, the mirror, the orgasm, the muscles – her conscience drifted down fast-flowing torrents of wonderment, unease, fear and excitement, lasting well into the evening when Natalie could close the store and retire upstairs to her bedroom.

The cluster of A4 notes lay ruffled and dog-eared on her bed, the last page was the most worn, proof of how many times it had been studied, with a several paragraphs illuminated in pink highlighter:

Please find attached overleaf, further details and instructions on using the PumpSuit©. PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE USE.

Chapter 2A-B3 The PumpSuit© and allocation of PumpPatches©: - on the shoulders (posterior, lateral, anterior fibres), biceps, triceps, back (extended trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscle coverage), chest(left and right pectoralis major and minor), abdominals , glutes(gluteus maximus) and two large horizontal PumpPatches© positioned on the front and rear of upper thighs. Upon donning the PumpSuit©, these Pump-Patches© require a minimum of 30 seconds to recognise and activate the associated muscle – administering our (patent-pending) PumpSuit Formula©.
The PumpSuit Formula ©(patent-pending) is a hyper-muscle sensitising chemical, causing any affected muscles to react as though they have been subjected to 20 times the physical strain – significantly enhancing and potently inducing muscular hypertrophy, including both myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic growth – or in layman’s terms, both size and strength.

Combined with the pre and post supplements, the affected muscles must be fuelled by our ground-breaking super-nutrients to cope with the growth and to maximise the PumpSuit’s© effects. All three must work in synchrony. With any of the three components omitted, results will invariably decline, energy will reduce, and by proxy, the effectiveness of workouts as well as the potency of any ‘vitality’ associated with the PumpSuit’s © effects

Take note - Please read and understand these directions, adhering to these instructions is essential to maximising the benefits of the PumpSuit ©.

Fully maximising the effects of the PumpSuit © takes an athlete of the utmost focus, dedication and, importantly, mental strength – we hope you are up to the challenge.

What you have in your hands is highly experimental, extremely valuable and enormously powerful.
We’ll be in touch regarding more detailed feedback in the near future.
For now, enjoy the Mk. 1 PumpSuit ©.

Yours in health,


‘Steroid suit?!’ was handwritten and circled underneath in the same fluorescent ink.

That question had wracked her thoughts since she first felt her biceps bulge and her pecs ripple in the changing room. The sudden realisation of the potent chemicals that must have been coursing through her body left a gnawing uneasiness insider her stomach. It felt so good, but was it too good? Was any of it legal? Was it safe? What happens if I use it too much or too often? Will my mum notice I start bulking up like a bodybuilder? What would she say? She’d seen videos of female bodybuilders, and the unashamed presence of the suit’s performance enhancing chemicals came with all the presumptions that would naturally occupy any pretty 19 year old girl’s mind.

Natalie hadn’t looked at any of the pictures she’d taken at the gym, or the avalanche of Insta**** messages which had been bombarding her phone. She knew what she’d seen, but her memory was clouded with such sheer incredulity, by the time she collapsed onto her bed she was unsure whether the morning had even happened or not.

She passed out the moment her head hit the pillow.


The next morning, the alarm clock bleated loudly atop the nightstand, signalling ‘Gym o’clock’ as Natalie said. She stood next to the bed, naked, and thoroughly engrossed by her phone.

Her thumb scrolled furiously through her Insta**** profile, comment after comment swept past her wide blue eyes. “Dammm girl you are so hot!!” “You’re just super :)” “Wow, what an inspiration! Keep it up!” “Jealous! You’re so perfect!” “Whatever you’ve started doing with your workouts, it’s working! You look so sexy” “Look at that assss!!!!”  “OMG give me your body!” Such ‘lucid’ praise left Natalie dazed and somewhat overwhelmed.

Evidently, the pictures she had uploaded in her post-workout haze had been well received. More than anything she’d ever posted. Finally it was the recognition she’d worked for, at long last, ever since the beginning. Even when her raunchiest pictures would gather just a smattering of likes (including one from her ever supportive mother) – when Natalie ‘played the game’ of flaunting her breasts and good looks, despite only wanting to be congratulated on her progress, she scavenged resolve when she thought it had been all but devoured by an infinitely-sized panel of invisible scrutinisers – she carried on, hoping for this day. The ‘follower’ count ticked its way steadily upwards, minute by minute.

Every aspect of Natalie’s fitness career had been quantified – how much weight she could lift, how many times, how long she could run, how far, how quickly, the width of her waist, and now a surging number of her supporters. She’d reluctantly surrendered to the numbers so long ago she couldn’t remember, and the extra followers felt just like gym progress - another 20 kilos added to her personal best, or another inch off of her already sculpted waistline.

The grip of fear suddenly loosened one of its fingers; she glanced back to the rumpled suit in her gym bag. She remembered the rush, the sensual touch its skin had on hers, another finger loosened.

She remembers the suit’s overwhelmingly delightful squeezes and the awesome pleasure that surged through her muscles when it gave them.
She looked at the handful of pictures on her phone – her athletic body fully ripened and wrapped in blue, her cheeks flushed, and her hair sweaty and ruffled, her lips popping pink and her smile flirtatious – virtually post-sex. One final anxious finger uncurled from around her irresolute conscience.

She padded over in the front of the mirror. Her body was undoubtedly fuller, enriched with extra curves. Plumper leg muscles drew her waist even tighter, her widened upper body looked more athletic thanks to the fledging pectorals running along the very top of her chest that hoisted her perky breasts a few alluring centimetres higher. Natalie was excited most however, by her newly shaped ass. Underwhelming – by her standards – before, now sat a boastfully plump pair of sturdy glutes. Natalie spun to her side, she spied her breasts and behind confidently protuberant, and her heart fluttered at the sight. The thought of a leg workout, where she’d really get to work out her glutes, quads and hamstrings made her tense her muscles subconsciously, her mind and body suddenly became eager to explore.

“One more workout couldn’t hurt.” She muttered through pensive lips.  “If it’s too dangerous– I’ll stop. If it’s too much – I’ll stop. If I start looking like some juiced-up steroid freak – I’ll stop. Simple.”

The modest rationing cleared her mind, and for the first time since the package arrived, Natalie felt as though she had found something that resembled clarity.

She unfurled the tiny-looking suit onto the bed. She studied it closely while she stood naked. The blue-skinned garment looked so small and so harmless when unoccupied; she sighed excitedly as she laced herself inside it, the stretchy suit gliding effortlessly over her smooth skin.
The suit’s embrace felt reassuringly familiar, but her heart pounded harder than before. She knew what was coming, and the heady mix of excitement and fear made those 30 seconds pass in an endless march.

Natalie’s body began to tremble as she felt a dormant energy bursting outwards from her chest and fizzling down to her fingers and toes. The accepting squeeze greeted her afterwards, like a pair of hands it explored her new muscles and seemed to approve, groping its sensual fingers deeper into her developing pecs and chiselled biceps.  Natalie let out a small whimper, feeling a little more in control. She gasped down deep breaths and her eyelids flickered while the suit kneaded her muscles in preparation. She exhaled in a rush of excitement, and all of her previous concerns washed away as the suit, the patches and their intoxicating formula wrapped their intoxicating fingers around her body again.

The baggy tracksuit stayed behind today. Figure-hugging leggings fit closely over her legs and she pulled one of her tighter hoodies snugly over her upper-body as she skipped down the stairs and out the front door.

A gentle buzzing behind her eyes acted stronger than any pre-workout supplement – the adrenaline fizzled through her all the way to the gym. She cycled to get the blood pumping through her legs before she would subject them to the squats, presses, lunges and curls she excitedly intended.
Much to Natalie’s delight, the weights area was a meat-head free zone. In fact, something rather different occupied the weights area when Natalie strode confidently through the gym doors.

A petite, fragile-looking girl was pacing nervously in front of the weights rack. She barely filled a crisp-white tracksuit top and large baggy shorts revealed a slightly unfashionable amount of her pale, skinny legs. Her pale skin contrasted sharply with her raven-black hair, which was draped untidily over hunched, narrow shoulders.

She uncertainly gripped her small hands around the lighter dumbbells and gave the small weights a weak tug away from the rack, before shrugging it back on to the rack one a time a with both hands. She looked young; her timid hesitation accentuated her youth. She pulled the lightest pair of dumbbells to her sides and began some poorly-formed bicep curls, completing only a couple before she returned them gingerly to the rack once again.

Natalie watched her curiously as she walked towards the changing rooms. ‘Are they doing a special on new memberships?’ Natalie thought jokily. ‘Or a potential new workout partner, perhaps?’

She certainly wouldn’t object to the idea - sharing the weights area with another girl, no matter how skinny, she knew there wasn’t anything she couldn’t teach her anyway. She would certainly have been a welcome relief from the usual jocks who contaminated the place every other day.
As she finished the thought, the frail-looking girl’s gaze caught Natalie in the mirror, and her head spun around towards the athletic blonde strutting across the room.

Natalie’s friendly smile barely had time to fully stretch across her face before the girl darted away from the weights rack and hurried towards the cardio machines. Her raven hair swept across her face, seemingly wracked with overwhelming shyness. She marched back onto the nearest treadmill, giving one final timid glance in Natalie’s direction before beginning a slow, downbeat jog.

“So much for that idea” Natalie muttered dismissively, shrugging and pushing open the changing room door.

Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on December 29, 2013, 03:37:31 pm
Chapter 5 - Part 2

Natalie had soon forgotten the incident by the time she loaded up the squat-rack after her warm-up. The warm-up weight felt lighter than usual, and she was keen to start her leg workout in earnest.

She sank deeply into each squat, waiting to feel her glutes relax before squeezing them together and pushing herself upwards, slowly and assuredly. Her legs tingled with energy – she’d never felt such control over her movements, or such reliable power in her muscles before. Natalie felt great in the suit, even though her legs had never been her strongest body part.
But now, there was a confidence that she could rely upon her muscles with every rep that they would give her precisely what she needed to complete each exercise. She paid close attention to each muscle group, squeezing her legs at the top of each rep to maximise the workout’s efficacy.
Her muscles seemed to reward her for it, responding to their own punishment by feeding her more energy, seemingly in the assurance that they’d knowingly rebuild themselves bigger and stronger.

The raven-haired girl meanwhile, ground away on the treadmill, though her steps had become increasingly laboured. Natalie shot a spying glance over to her between sets, and sure enough the petite girl’s gaze snapped away from Natalie and straight forward like a parading soldier. Natalie snuffled with a smile, her prickly confusion slowly turning to curiosity.

She kicked out hard on the quad press machine and watched her legs swell within her leggings. Natalie wished she would simply take them off to see her muscles exposed; only her self-consciousness stopped her. She felt strong, adding a few extra kilos to confidently increase the weight beyond her personal best.

Natalie flexed out hard, expecting the resistance to check her buoyant strength, but eagerly, her quads assuredly drew themselves parallel to the floor and extended with a flourish of size that stretched her leggings a little further than before. She steadily lowered her legs and squeezed her legs out fully again – satisfaction blossomed through Natalie’s physique as she pumped out another two sets, her legs finally tiring during the last few reps.

Deep lunges and her strong hamstrings followed suit, a satiating surge of strength allowing her to the push past her personal best in both, an invigorating pump crackling through her body. Natalie rose a centimetres higher in her machine’s seat when she squeezed her hamstrings underneath her, the pumping muscles swelling under the strain of another new personal best. Her leggings felt tight around her ripened muscles, Natalie wished they had the same generous elasticity as her pumpsuit.

She completed her least favourite exercise: calf raises before staggering over to the decline bench, her swollen legs quivering with a gratifying tension, signalling their quenched exhaustion.

Her abdominals were next, she powered through the first dozen reps with the typical weightlessness, expecting her straining muscles to eventually struggle with her upper body. 30 reps went past without a hitch. She rested guiltily, only doing so because she knew she should. Another unsatisfactory 30 flew past before she jumped to her feet, grabbed a medicine ball from the rack and rested it against her forehead.

Her abs responded hungrily, pumping with adrenaline. Natalie felt the individual lumps at the very top of her abs grip around the suit’s fabric as she crunched her torso up to her knees. She pressed her forehead into the ball’s rubbery skin, hissing through the last few sets, her taut abs cried in burning submission before she finally relaxed and let the ball roll away.

Natalie clambered off of the bench and scooped up the medicine ball, wiping away the branding oval of sweat and returning it to the rack. She glanced back towards the cardio machines – no exhausted raven-haired toothpick to be seen this time.

Her hands trembling from the pumping adrenaline coursing through her panting body, Natalie wanted to take advantage of her muscles new-found hunger, finishing her ab routine with some weighted cable crunches. Another set of burning ripples swept over her abs, Natalie’s breath became more and more laboured as the temptation to explore her body’s increasing limits pushed her onwards. Sweat dripped off of her nose while she grunted through another set.

Her mind was lost in the sensation of her burning stomach muscles, she felt them tighten and then confidently pull together with a deep squeeze, ensnaring their strength all the way to the triumphant peak of their tension, before finally releasing them with an aching wash of relief. 

Exhausted, panting and sweating, Natalie stumbled to her feet, feeling dizzy as she rose upright. The blood eventually returned to her head, but she was giddy as she staggered towards the changing rooms and in to her usual peg-less cubicle.

Her body felt depleted, her steps were weightless under the numbness of her spent muscles, but Natalie was already grinning with anticipation by the time she locked the cubicle door – poised and satisfied that she had done more than enough for the suit to reward her, handsomely.

With her body already bubbling up with irresistible power, Natalie had just enough to time to slip out of her sneakers before she felt the suit’s eager burning pleasure began sweeping up her legs. Scrambling to pull her leggings down, she pulled them over her rounded backside and just down to her knees, fighting the persuasive arousal of her humming muscles.

But by then it was too much, she fell down on the cubicle bench as her legs were flooded with pumping pleasure. Her legs bolted outwards, tensing parallel to the floor - half-exposed. Natalie looked down at her revealed quad muscles, finally getting a glimpse of them in their unconcealed form.
Lean, tight muscles marched down her legs. Her legs filled out from the crotch down in a wave-like ripple, thickness burst from below her waist and rippled to her quaking knees, trickling down either side before swelling again in her sinewy calves.

Her glutes clenched keenly together and provided Natalie body with a meaty, pumping cushion of power atop which she sat. They stretched the suit tight around her crotch, tugging it tighter and tighter against her clit, the sweat-soaked spandex lapped against her masterfully as her muscles throbbed and bulged rhythmically. Rapidly the sweat was lost amongst the wetness from her tender womanhood.

Defined sinews effervesced through her glowing quads, they ripened before her eyes, and intricate strands of new muscles emerged and pressed their way outwards against her soft, smooth skin. An outline of a muscular teardrop beside each kneecap soon appeared, and more muscles thickened up towards her crotch before they disappeared under the suit tiny leggings.

Her legs fluttered as her hamstrings tightened and began to grow, Natalie felt her legs bulge again as the muscles stamped their presence on to the backs of her legs – kicking back her chin and forcing a delicate moan from Natalie’s entranced mouth. Her tingling toes spread out individually as Natalie’s body feasted on the pleasure.

Her abs were next. Natalie crunched forward, her body movements being entirely dictated by her bulging, expanding muscles – but she was so submissive to the glorious pleasure that she couldn’t care less. She felt the burning, shallow knots of muscles on her stomach clench around the suit once again, this time the blooming sensation kicked the air out of her lungs as all 6 of abdominals flexed in synchrony.

Her straightened legs were hoisted up a dozen degrees into the air as tightness gripped Natalie’s midriff, the suit feeding her surging abdominals. Her body was clinched in the gymnastic pose, her toes pointed to satisfy the fervent tension in her quads and hamstrings. She felt her abs punch outwards a couple of centimetres, and the two individual nubs of her upper abs bulge out harder than the others before the suit finally released her.

Natalie legs fell lax and her heels crashed into the warm tiled floor. Her body buzzed with pleasure, Natalie’s abs and legs spasmed giddily, overjoyed with the suit’s reward. Natalie drew her feet back underneath the bench, she felt new hamstrings muscles flexing under her, swelling against the wooden slats.

She sighed loudly, more than satisfied. Wiping her sweaty hair from her face, she staggered to her feet and to the mirror. Her legs trembled underneath her, she giggled when she saw her exposed thighs twitching below the tight suit around her moist crotch.

Natalie need the support from the cubicle walls to take her leggings completely off, finally revealing her new heart-shaped calves. A thick vein ran up each of her quad muscles, still pumped up with blood, adrenaline and whatever else the suit had so generously given her. Her legs were enveloped in denser quads from beneath the crotch down to her knees, with the early forms of two teardrops of muscle next to each kneecap.

Her quads had filled up like a leg inside a stocking, wrapped in hard, lean muscles. There was no water retention; no illusion to their size, every muscly millimetre was strong, fatless fibres that encased her lower body.

Her small kneecaps made her quads look even bigger, as did her waist. Natalie flexed her legs and saw the sinews rise to the fore, keen to be seen. They looked thicker, firmer and riper than she’d ever seen them. She inspected them curiously, flexing one leg completely and turning it slowly. Definition swept across all parts of it, and a thick, powerful cord of muscle stretched down the inside of her leg when she pulled her leg out to the side.

She mapped her legs’ new musculature with her fingers. She squeezed and could barely indent an inch. Her fingernails flushed with a pale yellow, but were met only with rock hard legs. An incredulous gasp spilled from her lips as she continued groping her legs, searching for some kind of weakness, a few rogue inches that hadn’t been powerfully coated in new muscle.

Her calves bulged out from her sleek shins when she titled a foot into her toes, and already looked defined and hard, athletically defying the girly little feet on which they were perched.

Next, Natalie straightened her back and saw her abs printed against the suit’s sweaty interior.

She exhaled with delight, and watched her lean, dry, tight abdominals ripple in reply. A solid, defined 6-pack greeted her, her top 4 abs in tight, fatless, small blocks and her bottom two abs marking their presence before flowing sleekly down to her sculpted waist. Natalie playfully breathed in and out, watching her newly pronounced abs rise and depress under her skin and against the suit. She was transfixed, in awe of her the powerful, athletic muscles that flexed inches under her delicate boobs that signified her gentle femininity.  Beneath her glowing, beautiful face and under her soft, hairless skin lurked such athletic power that she couldn’t look away from her reflection, she was hypnotised by that entirely unique living figure of power and beauty – combined.

She was already starting to cut a powerfully athletic figure, the newfound strength inside her muscles felt like it dug down into her very bones. Addiction crackled through her like wildfire.

She needn’t confirm it to herself. She knew exactly what to do.

She reached for her phone, snapped a few more sexy ‘post-sex’ selfies, and foraged for the menu to edit her profile and moments later, her shaking thumbs began ‘tacking’ at the screen.

‘Natalie Marsh – Gymfreak –PumpLabs Athlete - Physique Competitor’

Natalie strode out of the gym beaming. She leapt onto her bike with adrenaline still coursing through her, unabashed and with enough energy to walk straight up to the weights and workout all over again.

But standing, staring through the lobby window was the raven-haired girl, sipping on a small protein shake. Natalie’s gaze caught a glimpse of her skinny figure behind the glass before she unlocked her bicycle outside; she threw her leg over the seat and looked again, deliberately this time.
The girl didn’t move, seemingly thinking she was invisible, or on the wrong side of a two-way mirror. She sucked away feebly on her carton and continued vacantly staring.

Natalie cocked an eyebrow before an incredulous smile spread across her face - her body was glowing with too much energy and fulfilment to get angry. Natalie raised an arm and waved, wiggling her fingers at the end of her hand spiritedly.

The girl jolted in shock and immediately turned away, scampering out of sight before her carton hit the floor. Natalie spluttered with laughter, shaking her head before confidently kicking herself forward and towards home.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on December 29, 2013, 06:08:10 pm
Lodi dodi, big K+ to Poddy. Alright, now that's what I'm talking about. I gotta tell you, I'm jealous of how seamless you write. Good stuff, keep it up.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on December 30, 2013, 02:34:28 am
 :bravo: Best chapter yet :thanks: and K for continuing with a great story!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on January 26, 2014, 03:02:01 am
Big thanks for NinjaStar and Solitariodude for their support once again. I'm interested to know what you guys think about this (mammoth) chapter, and any constructive feedback is more than welcome - I want to make this story as much as I can.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one.

Chapter 6 - Part 1

Three months later, the awkward relationship continued.

Natalie’s curiosity had over-stayed its welcome. She’d wanted to approach (or confront, she struggled to decide on the more appropriate word) since the beginning of the month, only the skinny girl had become as scarce as her gawking subtlety.

Becoming more muscular by the day had been life-changing but isolating. The ogling meatheads had swollen in numbers and had forced Natalie to change her schedule. Their jibes were easily ignored, although on the worse days she felt claustrophobic amongst the bustling swarm of bloated, sneering bodies. Their macho bewilderment stank, and she didn’t receive much in the way of support. Not that she needed it - she now bench-pressed and bicep-curled more than the slender minority who weren’t on steroids.

She could only share the candid truth behind her growth with the elusive PumpLabs ‘performance evaluators’ who covertly interviewed her behind the store every few weeks. Her transformation was hard enough to hide within her increasingly tight wardrobe, and was proving equally difficult emotionally.

Months of bottled-up silence were slowly beginning to boil over, but Natalie had an inkling about who she might be able to turn to.
The raven-haired girl seemed the perfect rare flower. Natalie certainly wasn’t scared of her, yet somehow extremely timid nature made her as unusual as she was unthreatening. Nevertheless, that morning when Natalie decided to hit the gym much earlier than usual, creep into the weights area and right up to the fragile little girl resting on an inclined bench, she wasn’t sure what to really expect.

The girl’s cheeks burst out in bright pink as she pressed a pair of light dumbbells quaking over her shoulders. She drew them back down for another rep and her nostrils flared wide. Her effort certainly couldn’t be questioned when a stifled huff burst from her plump red lips, and a bead of a sweat trickled down her sleek nose.

Her laborious set masked Natalie’s quiet footsteps so well, that she never noticed the beautiful spandex-clad muscle girl gliding up behind her.

Natalie had never seen her ‘admirer’ so closely before. She stood over the end of the bench, looking down at the panting, upside-down face beneath her. She was young, and pretty - much prettier than she expected. Deep green eyes lay beneath flickering eyelids, her nostrils flared again with a huff of breath and her ripe red lips warped under the exertion.

Natalie’s eyes traced over her soft, smooth features and spotless pale skin. Her flushed cheeks, while not chubby, still show no trace of her cheekbones. Her long hair sat dishevelled over her shoulders – thick and black as tar. Nonetheless, it shimmered healthily under the dawning sunlight pouring through the windows.

Most overwhelmingly however, she was as thin as a rake. Her trembling arms pushed skywards for another rep, barely a sinew rose from them as the small dumbbells passed her shoulders and locked over her head.  Her pasty, scrawny legs poked out of her baggy blue shorts, her skinny shins planted into the floor by a pair of bony knees.

After a long hiss, she dropped her weights to the floor and let her arms hang limply at her sides. Natalie gave her a few moments to catch her breath, and then she cleared her throat.

“Hey, need a spot for the next set?” Natalie asked spiritedly.

The girl practically leapt from her skin. She bolted upright and looked into the mirror in front of her, then to her side. Her smartphone clattered to the floor next to her petite sneakers. Her mouth fell open as she immediately recognised the muscular blonde standing next to her.

“Rachel!?” she blurted.
“Close…it’s Natalie.” She replied with a giggle.
“Oh!…Oh no, I’m sorry. I meant my name’s Rachel. It’s Rachel.” She flapped, before regained her balance on the workout bench. She clamped her hands nervously underneath her thin thighs.

“Well, it’s nice to finally meet you, Rachel.” Natalie said raising a knowing eyebrow and flashing her bright smile.

“Yeah, you too. Sorry, I didn’t know you were here.” She glanced nervously around the empty weights area. “I’m surprised I couldn’t see you coming…” She trailed off, looking Natalie’s body up and down.

Three intensive months in the suit had sculpted Natalie’s body into a near-perfect image of muscular performance. She was encroaching on the size of a large female physique competitor now. Lean muscle was packed tightly into every inch of her elegant frame. Her chest had developed into two meaty slabs of armour; they rolled down from above her breasts and had been slowly swallowing their soft tissue in exchange for rock-hard plates of strength.

Her shoulders had easily seen the most growth. Rounded orbs sat proudly atop vein-strewn biceps. Sculpted and defined, her thick delts assertively widened her frame, and striations were keen to undulate through the spandex at the slightest hint of tension. The definition in her upper arms was clear to see as her shoulder muscles swept down towards her biceps and triceps. A wriggle of her fingers sent the dense sinews in her forearms dancing underneath her smooth skin.

Rachel’s eyes crawled all over her body, fascinated and curious to inspect every detail of her physique.

Natalie’s tight waist was framed by deep clefts where the suit hugged at its tightest. Natalie cut such a powerful figure; her muscles were wrapped around her so snugly she looked bulletproof. As she giggled modestly from the compliment, Rachel spied her washboard abs rippling inside the suit.
Rachel struggled to keep her jaw closed when she reached her legs.

Natalie’s blooming confidence now meant they were proudly exposed. Tiny hot-pink workout shorts stretched only centimetres longer than the suit - only the wetness, orgasms and her throbbing clit during the suit’s post-workout effects stopped her from wearing nothing over her crotch.
That said, her ripened ass still yanked the tight shorts daringly tight in between her legs, a fatless gap ever-present between her rippling thighs. Each of her glutes had ripened into its own prominent bubble; together they formed an enticingly juicy backside.

Her legs boasted size and definition. Swollen when unused, they sprung to life and surged with chiselled might whenever Natalie tensed them. Rippling quads burst beneath her skin when she flexed, a fully defined teardrop hugging the inside of each kneecap as she did. Her calves were sleek upside-down hearts that ballooned with density with every kick from her heel.

The Pumpsuit though, was the icing on the cake. By now Natalie looked shrink-wrapped inside. Any trace of fat had melted in the wake of her expanding size. The blue spandex hugged her so tightly every detail of her jacked-up muscles rippled through its skin.

The asymmetrical white stripe ran from her thick neck, over a tight pectoral, and a piercing nipple. It stepped down over one, two, three cut and pronounced nubs of abdominals before finishing above her muscular thigh.

Her workouts had become even more sensual recently – she felt the suit tighten around her muscular body with every rep. The skin-tight resistance against her swelling muscles was addictive – it had carried her through climactic reps when music and adrenaline could not. The tighter the suit, the more naked she felt inside it and the more turned-on she became as her bulging muscles became harder and harder to conceal.
‘But she’s still so pretty’ Rachel thought, her gaze returning to her face. Burning aches of disbelief and envy sparked inside her scrawny chest.

Atop this jacked-up, stunningly developed physique was still the face of a gorgeous young girl approaching glowing peak of her beauty. Natalie’s athletic features softened the moment her wide smile stretched across her gorgeous face. Her sweet, pink lips were framed by cute crescents. Strong cheekbones drew elegant creases along her jawline and tightened her skin into her dimpled chin. Her neck was long but powerful, widening seamlessly into her dense prominent traps.

Natalie’s crystal-blue eyes beckoned her attention so strongly with their striking depth she barely realised that she hadn’t spoken for at least half a minute.

“So anyway…do you need a spot?” Natalie chirped after the pause “I’d be happy to help out a fellow gymrat!” She kicked herself internally, the little girl didn’t need any more over-enthusiastic jibes, sarcastic or not. ‘Jesus, Nat, just try to be supportive’ her conscious snapped irritably.

Rachel rose from the bench. Her eyes met half-way up Natalie’s packed chest. One of her pecs twitched, almost in acknowledgement. Rachel sighed nervously at the sight.

“I was just finished, actually. So, sorry, I can’t today. Maybe another time, sorry” She fumbled, scratching the back of her head and pulling up the non-existent sleeves of her t-shirt. “I just need to put these back and them I’m done.” She nodded at the dumbbells at her feet.

“Ok, well the least I can do is help you with that.” Natalie bent down eagerly and picked them up. She playfully curled the light dumbbells before returning them to the rack; she felt nothing despite her bicep loyally flexing large. 

Rachel savoured another tantalising glimpse of her muscles close up and quietly sipped another awed breath.

“Oh, you dropped this too.” Natalie handed Rachel back her phone. She unconsciously glanced at the screen, and her arm suddenly retracted moments before Rachel could pluck it from her.

“Is this…is that me?” her eyes worked over the familiar selfie. Her brow scrunched in confusion.

It was a recent one, she remembered it clearly. Natalie wore a thong and a tiny t-shirt seductively hoisted up to reveal her chiselled abs. She was seductively biting a finger and her choppy blonde bob hair was swept over one eye, messy and post-sex – she was fresh out of the suit.

“Oh, is it? Sorry! I guess it just popped up on my Insta**** feed a moment ago...One of those motivation pages…or something” She lied. Natalie spied the week-old timestamp and a little red heart already filled in the corner.

“Well I guess it’s always nice to meet a fan. Thank you, Rachel” she said, returning the phone. “If you’re not in a hurry, you could spot me if you’d like.” She wriggled her delicate fingers into her workout gloves, sending her knotted forearm rippling.

“God, I’d love to watch…help you.” She swallowed. “But I’m not sure how much helped I’d be as a spotter! With that thing on it’s like you’ve already got one.” Rachel scoffed, her self-deprecation tinged with a pinch of bitterness.

“What do you mean?”

“Oh I see, I thought you were totally, y’know, open about it.”

“‘Open’ about what exactly?” concern crept into her quietening voice.

“Come on, She-Hulk” Rachel chuckled awkwardly. She glanced around for spying ears and her voice sank to a whisper, “I think I know what that thing does to you. Its effects aren’t exactly subtle” she said as she nodded at Natalie’s rock hard chest beneath her tight blue skin.

“I still don’t know what you’re talking about…” Caught off guard by Rachel’s sudden turn of confidence, Natalie retreated to a rehearsed defensive tone, her eyes sharpened into icy daggers.

Rachel quickly receded into discomfort “Oh! I didn’t mean…not like that…it’s just - you’ve changed so much since when you started...” She gasped and more stifled words began to tumble from her intimidated lips “You’ve gotten so…so…” she said breathlessly. She looked miniscule compared to Natalie’s muscular body. Natalie brushed a few short blonde hairs away from her cheek, blushing and glancing at her fluorescent sneakers.

“So big?” she stretched her legs wide apart and planted her hands confidently on her hips, her smile shining across her beautiful face once more. Rachel swallowed as she saw Natalie’s muscular physique in more detail than ever before. Her cold eyes melted a little as her ego was massaged.
“Yeah” she sighed.

“Well, it’s been quite a journey, sure. I’ve been keeping my diet and my workouts on point though, and I think all my hard work is starting to pay off. The supplements from my sponsor are really helping too, I guess.”

At once an incredulous smirk twitched across Rachel’s plump lips, feeding on her Natalie’s denial. “Is that what you call them then: ‘supplements’?” her bitter tone resurfaced.

Natalie gulped, her innocent façade threatening to fracture. “Is it that obvious?” she conceded in a whisper.

“Yeah. It kind of is” Rachel scoffed as she saw the nooks in Natalie’s abs fill and the drain with her panicked breaths. “You’ve heard about ‘PumpLabs’ before, right?” Her voice cracked into sneering, nasal judgement. “You’d think anyone in their right mind would at least Google them after you noticed the ‘side effects’.”

‘This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. How has this little rake got me on the ropes like this? She knows all this because she “likes” me on Insta****? Has she known what’s been happening the whole time? God, does everyone know?!’

Natalie swallowed hard. She wanted to reset to her practiced routine of denial, but her conscience couldn’t deny what she was saying. Months of fighting against the accusations - she was almost willing to surrender – if only she didn’t seem so strange or so snarky about it. Rachel filled in the pause, gladly,

“Well, however you did it, I just have to know…How does it feel?” Rachel whispered intimately.

“How does what feel? This?” she asked, looking at her muscles; knowing she was inviting the girl head-long into another poorly-kept secret.
“What happens, you know…afterwards. How does it feel?” Rachel’s eyes grew lustfully bright. “I’d be addicted to pumping iron too if I had that thing looking after me - when it is so easy to get so big and buff. You get to play with the suit while the rest of us slave away like schmucks, earning our bodies.”

“Is that a joke?!” Natalie burst out of the futile whispers. “You don’t think I’ve earned this body? You think I do a couple of push-ups and some crunches and I wake up like this?” Tears stung her eyes, “If you want to see how I built this, if you want to know my ‘secret’, you can stay here and damn-well watch me!”

“Oh you can share you secret with me, Natalie. I won’t tell anybody, I promise.”  Still she refused relinquish her vindictive insistence; she seemingly revelled in Natalie’s discomfort. A smirking lick of her lips was enough to bury Natalie’s brow into irredeemable concern.

“That’s it! I knew this was a mistake.” Natalie growled, her hands clenching into fists. “I thought you, my very own weird little toothpick stalker would be the last person to start looking down their nose at me!” Natalie turned on her heels and marched away.

“I’m sorry! Please!” Rachel blurted after her, shameless desperation flooding her once more. Her smirk had vanished from her lips. The pumping dance music and trudging treadmills took a few seconds to bleed back into the room. 

Suddenly, through the opening changing room doors burst an ominous chorus of male voices. Spotty flesh paraded towards them and gruff, obnoxious laughter contaminated the air. The meatheads were right on schedule.

“Oh great. This is just fucking great. Stalkers to left of me, douchebags to the right, here I am…” Natalie groaned to herself.

“Don’t worry, I have an idea.” Rachel shuffled over next to her. Natalie ignored her and turned her shoulder as she wandered over to the water fountain to take a sip before the area was overrun. “You said you wanted me to watch and find out, right? Well you’re gonna need some help with all these ‘roid-junkies walking around.” Rachel called after her, before she shuffled into a corner behind the squad rack.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on January 26, 2014, 03:07:12 am
Chapter 6 - Part 2

Natalie pretended not to listen, the frustration only burned hotter inside her. She wanted to tear into her back routine harder than ever, to show that little pipsqueak that no matter what edge the suit gave her, she had busted her ass to be what she’d become. She would have gladly given her a personal demonstration if it wasn’t for the arrogant stallions now meandering around her sacred weights zone.

Behind her however, Rachel began tidying her hair behind her shoulders. She deftly knotted her t-shirt at the front, pulling it tight under her breasts and exposing her midriff. She hoisted her baggy shorts up to underneath her bellybutton, now it nuzzled tightly into her crotch as a pair of racy short-shorts. She pulled her bunched gym socks all the way up her thin smooth legs, stopping just under the knee. Her timid character had suddenly been shed on to the floor like soon-to-be littered dumbbells at her feet.

Natalie filled her water bottle, turned while taking a sip and spluttered it down her chin.

Rachel had transformed in front of her eyes. With a pout of her rich lips and a wink from her big green eyes, she kicked her hips and strutted fearlessly over the approaching meatheads.

‘What the hell is she doing?’ Natalie thought as Rachel’s body looked smaller and smaller against the looming forefront of muscular jocks.
One of the younger guys marched to the pull-up bars. Natalie closed on it just a few metres behind him. He got there first; she cursed and looked for another warm-up exercise in the suddenly over-crowded weights area.

“Um...excuse me.” a sickly sweet voice cut through the air. “You look like you’ve been here before.” Rachel chirped with an air-headed giggle, the meathead released the overhead bars in a heartbeat. “I’m just starting out here, and I was wondering if you could help me figure out this machine? I imagine it shouldn’t be a problem for a big boy like you, should it?” she smouldered, fingering at the waistline of her tight shorts. He hopelessly followed her, smiling confidently and abandoning the bars. Natalie was lost for words.

With a light-footed spring she grabbed the vacated handles above her head without wasting another moment. Her back burst into life, complex muscles bulged to attention under the sudden strain. Un-flexed, Natalie’s back was a convoluted sheet of power that jostled for space. When tensed, each one boasted its purpose as it bloomed into its full size. Her legs kicked out behind her, her hamstrings flexed beneath her hot pants, and her backside tensed together and rose like baked bread. She deftly lifted herself up pointed her chin above the pull-up bar. She held herself there and shuffled to find some comfort in her grip.

Natalie lowered herself assuredly, and quickly pulled herself up again with ease. Finding rhythm, she pumped confidently and blood began to fill her upper-body.

Rachel cooed at the sight as her new spotter stroked her hips firmly and guided her up and down. She strained but couldn’t peel her gaze off of Natalie’s thrusting body.

Natalie pumped out three satisfying sets. By the time she dropped back to the ground, Rachel was already one step ahead of her. This time a different cocky man chased on her heels, lured away from the only remaining bench. Natalie shot another perplexed glance, and watched Rachel rolling her thin hips towards the weights rack – the heavyweight gladly in tow.

And so continued the expert performance. Swiftly acknowledging Natalie’s routine and enticing the men with her fragile innocence and pretty face, Rachel knew they couldn’t resist offering a helping hand. She led them around the equipment like a magnet. Her fragile-looking body just begged to be supported by the overbearing strongmen.

Natalie shook the infiltrating guilt out of her conscience and darted to the liberated bench. She lithely stretched herself along it while Rachel manoeuvred herself deliberately beside her and ogled the spandex stretching over her ripe glutes – feigning interest as a muscular boy demonstratively curled his biceps for her.

Natalie hoisted her heavy dumbbell up to her side with disciplined breaths. The muscles rolled in undulation as she pulled her shoulder back and began to pump her lats. Her dangling hair rocked against her snarling lips. Natalie switched sides and began pulling out another confident twelve reps. Shoulder striations rippled across her deltoids and when the dumbbell kissed the floor her lats surfaced into a long, thick sheet of muscle.

Even if Natalie was newly grateful for her shockingly effective assistance, the embers of Rachel’s spiteful words still glowered deep inside her chest. Natalie rolled and even heavier dumbbell over to her bench and pounded her laterals once again. Rachel watched as keenly as she could – with Natalie’s face obscured, all she saw was a blonde mess of hair pumping its muscular body into exhaustion with intimidating intensity.

Rachel fondled at the knot in her t-shirt, hoisting it higher and openly inspecting her pert breasts, casting sly glances to the boys as she did for their invariable approval. She was sexualised youth, tender and seductively submissive.

She cooed at their strength, sighed at their bodies and masterfully contrived her own stifled attempts to touch their muscles, all the while slavering over the blonde girl mercilessly pumping out reps, unopposed, untouched and uninterrupted.

Rachel knew her every next move. She picked up and dropped men, and if she couldn’t drop them, they followed. Soon she had a small entourage offering their tips, bodies and much more, all for a testosterone-spiced taste of the teenage girl who seemed just as horny as they were.
Natalie began reassuring her with acknowledging, if not slightly concerned glances. Rachel winked back each time, refusing to break character, and the Natalie’s hatred shrank as her body expanded.

Natalie strode confidently over to the vacant lateral cable machine, offering Rachel as grateful as smile in the mirror as she could manage through her panting. Natalie took a firm grip of the overhead bar and brought it down to her chin with remarkable control. Her back widened to almost double the width of her hips and a powerful V-shape tapered down towards her glutes.

Natalie never looked wider than when she pumped her laterals. Her body was pinched by her fatless waist, and defined muscles swelled in her upper back. Natalie’s lats flared hungrily out at her sides by the end of the first set. During the rest she checked on Rachel, she was spying on her in the nearby mirror, a man helping to raise her arms to her sides with tiny dumbbells in each hand. 
Natalie increased the weight by another dozen kilos; her energy spiked as her potent adrenaline pump began in earnest. She grunted through another set, her body glowing with satisfying tension. She trembled through another, drawing her meaty shoulders back and feeling her muscles flex to the peak of size before the aching release sent the weight stack crashing back down. Natalie basked in the pulsing of her bulging back muscles. As she rose to her feet and wiped her glistening skin, she looked for Rachel again, eager for approval. 

She had already moved on, this time with surrounded by easily the largest men in the gym. She was lowering her nimble body down into seductive deadlifts for them. She finished her final rep and dropped the bar with a sigh. She brushed her thick hair back over her shoulders and cocked out her hip with an expectant smile.

Grunts of approval came from all side of her, especially the biggest one from behind. He roared deep from his heavy, distended gut and slapped his huge hand across her ass.

Anger slipped slowly into guilt. Natalie hurried over the abandoned barbells for her final workout.

Natalie kept her gaze squared firmly on the cluster of air-heads surrounding Rachel as she lifted. A furious snarl burst across her lips. The bent-over rows made veins strike down her arms like lightening. The thirsty veins in her neck thickened and her face grew redder as she recruited more muscles to maintain her perfect form. As she did, her entire upper-body surged with size from the thick sinews in her forearms to her striated shoulders.

By the end of her third set, an unnerving gaggle had formed around Rachel; even the mirror was blocked from the front.
Guilt collapsed into incensed alarm.

Natalie grabbed an even heavier barbell - 20 kilos beyond her personal best - and charged into her final frantic set. She felt the muscles rubbing together at the peak of each rep as they fought for space. Natalie’s button nose crinkled and her mouth let slip guttural grunts. The suit squeezed tighter and tighter around her body, the tension gripping her body made her legs tremble.

She paused to catch her breath. She heard an unconvincing giggle from inside the mob, and Natalie shunted through the final three reps. Her forearms pulsed with veins, thick sheets of muscle surged all over her back. She felt the Pumppatches trying to keep their teeth sunk in her teeming muscles as they bulged harder than ever.

With a bursting sigh, she dropped the barbell to her feet. She hoisted her shoulders back and flexed as hard as she could. She had pumped her back wider than she’d ever seen it; she tested her new width by perching her hands on her hips and flaring out her lats. She flexed gleefully against the spandex’s resistance, she sighed with satisfaction. Natalie was almost giddy at her size, the supremely intense work out left her over-awed at her bulging body.

Natalie looked over to the mob. She heard counting; “7…8…9!” they chanted. Natalie’s tolerance was the demolished when she heard a weary squeal burst from inside the huddle, and then her blood ran cold when it was followed by yet another. “That’s it!”, “No, no, like this!”, “C’mere Rach, let me show you my technique” came the raspy, deep-voiced hollers of support.

 “Ok…I’m coming for you, Rachel.” Natalie growled as she marched forward with her inflated body. Guilty rage pulsed through her as hard as the adrenaline and chemicals in her veins.

Nostrils flared, Natalie stormed towards the unruly gaggle of puffy-looking flesh and barged her way through the layers of spotty, oily bodies.
She cursed again at what she saw inside.  Rachel helplessly continued performing deadlifts with a puny barbell. Her face etched in fear.

A firm hand was clamped onto one of her ass cheeks, Natalie spied another thrusting his crotch inches away from her bent-over backside. Rachel’s frightened eyes widened when she laid them on her approaching saviour. Her façade lay in tatters, torn apart by the crowd of thuggish muscle.
Rachel dropped the bar to disappointed moans. Thanks to Natalie’s size few of them noticed there was more than one teenage girl among their ranks.

Rachel reached out a weakened, desperate arm.  Their hands clasped together, Natalie pulled but to no avail. The bulkiest ogre of them all still had his swollen fingers hooked inside her waistline.

“Oh look, it’s our favourite token fucking muff-diver.” He snorted to a chorus of snickering.

“How do you like it? You fucking steroid-monkey?” Natalie reached and crushed his backside in a vice-like grip, her forearms still throbbing with thick veins. He groaned loudly, letting his fingers slip.

Natalie deftly swung Rachel around and out of the ring. Natalie’s breathing grew panicked. Every inch of her vision was suddenly crowded by the claustrophobic mass.

“Oi, don’t touch my mate like that!” a smaller one boomed. Natalie recognised him as the same one whom Rachel had coaxed away first and smirked.
“Wait your turn, skinny.” Natalie barked.

He raised his hand in an open palm and swung. Natalie swiftly drove her palms into his chest. He stumbled backwards, bursting a hole in the group of meatheads and tripping over a barbell. Natalie marched after him, stopping the rolling bar under her heel.

“Hmm…I think this is a little too light for me. I feel like maxing out.” Before the young man could scramble to his feet, Natalie rolled him over and grabbed him.

The group looked on in bewildered awe as they saw Natalie’s muscular back explode into life once more. The deep ravine in her lower back opened into a miniature chasm, and the thick cords of muscle rolled upwards parallel to her spine.

With a grunt, she yanked the young man off of the floor in a fierce deadlift. With one hand clamped around his neck and another at his tracksuit’s waist, the man yelped as he rose. Natalie’s knotted muscles bulged and the man hung by her quaking thighs.

She gulped a breath and with a fierce jolt, swung him up to her shoulders. The meaty spheres rippled with tension and her already pumped-up back surged with even more thickness as she reached the peak of her sensational pump. 

She steadied her feet, bent her knees and then with an almost feral roar, powerlifted his squirming body over her head. She paused for a few seconds, feeling her body stretch from head to toe. The suit and hot-pants burrowed deeply into her crotch, her abs spread all the way up her stomach and her glutes clenched together into meaty buns of power.

She threw him down onto the sit-up mats. He bounced on the padding with a groan and curled up, clutching his hip. 

The mob was silent.

Natalie’s body heaved in time with her girlish breaths. Her writhing muscles juddered all the way down her neck, jacked with adrenaline. Natalie glanced in the mirror, her heart-stamped even harder at the sight of her own buffed-up reflection. She’d never looked so pumped. The suit squeezed against every inch of her so tightly, she sighed vigorously as she pulled her elbows back. The suit stretched thin against her chest, stroking her nipples with its sweaty interior.

Slowly, she turned around to face the group. They were frozen. Natalie smiled. “Sorry boys, but we were on a schedule.” She panted between exhausted breaths, sweeping her sweaty hair from her eyes.

Rachel’s heart fluttered when she felt Natalie’s sweaty palm wrapping around her pencil-thin forearm and pulling her onto her feet.
“Fuckin’ lesbians.” a feeble voice muttered from the back of the group. The words were water on feathers as the girls paraded back to the changing rooms with their arms draped over each other’s shoulders.

Phew! There it is. The next chapter is well underway, so it shouldn't be too far away. I want to finish about two or three chapters in the next moth or so, so keep your eyes peeled!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on January 26, 2014, 05:15:39 am
Geez, just when I figured it couldn't get any better... :woohoo:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on January 26, 2014, 07:15:28 pm
Damn, Pods. Making me feel inadequate over here. Guess I'm gonna have to get off my lazy ass and get to writing as well. Well done, son. Well done. K+
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 04, 2014, 03:36:27 pm
Chapter 7


With each delicate whimper that crept from Natalie’s lips, the suit demanded another few millimetres from her every muscle. Her surging muscles began filling her whole physique as they flexed to their fullest size.

Her elbows hoisted back, the suit wrestled control over her exhausted body. Rhythmically pumping, her back bunched into bustling mass of strength as the suit massaged her aching, depleted muscles – preparing them for their hard-earned reward.

Natalie fought for a few futile seconds against the suit’s penetrating power. The pleasure swelled inside her body and the suit squeezed more quivers of pleasure from her.

Her jaw crept open wider and wider as she was seduced by rising sensation. The crevice in her back deepened with every stifled grunt, her lats pushed outwards, meaty muscles either side of her spine climbed up to the very back of her neck.

She had pumped herself harder, jacked herself larger than ever before.  After a workout spiked with adrenaline, guilt and anger, her super-charged body had feasted on the potent cocktail of intoxicating energy.

Striations danced inside the suit’s stretching fibres. Her forearms pulsed with a network of vascularity, her pumping veins threaded up into her biceps and plugging themselves in her shoulders. Her flexing legs were locked at attention, rigid and thick.

Eventually, her entire body had bulged to its full magnitude. Locked in a whole-body flex, Natalie sipped breaths and readied herself for the impending tidal wave of pleasure and power. Seconds marched by as her muscles were held, tender and throbbing, at the peak of their size.

At last, suit released its commanding grip. Torrents of energy flooded her muscles, and they feasted hungrily on the exhilarating power.

Natalie moaned fiercely, her knees immediately gave way and she collapsed forward on to the frightened, awe-struck girl in the corner.

Rachel staggered under the weight, hooking her arms around her, using her entire body to keep Natalie as upright as she could. With another jolt of pleasure, Natalie slipped downwards against Rachel’s shaking body, leaving Natalie’s pecs throbbing against Rachel’s cheeks. The shuddering slabs of muscle stroked firmly against her flushed face as they flexed under the suit’s sensual gropes.

In a moment, both the girls’ mouths were agape in overwhelming sensation.

‘She is so hard’, Rachel thought. She’d never felt anything like it. Her blue skin was soft and smooth, but her undulating build was as hard as rock.

Her hands felt tiny on Natalie’s writhing body. Her muscles heaved under Rachel’s palms with a sexual, organic rhythm – Natalie’s muscles swallowed the power in gulps, then squeeze by squeeze, grunt by grunt and bulge by bulge her body swelled bigger and harder.

Hot, heavy breaths poured into her ear. Rachel gasped when her fingers were suddenly stretched wider apart by her expanding back, fresh muscles blossoming under her fingertips.

Natalie’s body gorged on the suit’s power with uninhibited appetite. Her upper-back thickened even harder, bigger than her previously unparalleled pump just a minute ago. Natalie’s arms shuddered; her glossy nails sank into her palms as her back coursed with power.

Dense, beefy blocks surged beneath her neck with harmonious swelling. Defined muscles rippled to attention between her shoulders, asserting themselves amongst the expanding musculature in her back.

The crevice between her back deepened still.  Then, with another hot squeeze, the valley’s edges drew closer together as her elbows thrust backwards another inch and Natalie sighed desirously in Rachel’s ear.

With cute wrinkles beside her fluttering eyelids, sweat-soaked hair covering one eye and dimples framing her snarling pink lips - etched on her beautiful face was the imagine of unashamed, surrendering pleasure.

Rachel couldn’t stop her hands from exploring Natalie’s swelling body. With her hands around her back, her entranced eyes were wide, yet she saw only with her quivering fingertips as she mapped Natalie’s growing physique. 

Her hands roamed over undulating knots of power, through fatless clefts and across thick, hard plains of muscle all over her pulsing back.

Rachel cautiously slid her fingertips in-between the thick, solid vines entrenched along Natalie’s spine. Flanked by firm sheets of muscle, Rachel ran her finger up and down in between the gap in astonishment - it was at least an inch deep, swallowing more than her fingernail.

Natalie bucked again with another huff of breath. Rachel’s hands, which were almost touching fingertips, began slowly stretching apart.

Natalie’s pulsing lats pushed her elbows away from her sides as the thick sheets in her back groaned outwards. Creaking wider than ever, her trembling upper-body expanded by inches as two flanking sheets of muscle flared away from her tiny waist.

Natalie’s involuntary pose coaxed the muscles as wide as they desired still until they had smothered her back with dense, powerful width.

Rachel’s skinny arms were tiring fast. Keeping one palm in the middle of her back, she quickly pressed the other against her stomach to support her from the front.

Irresistibly, Rachel’s hand began trickling down Natalie’s washboard abdominals. She felt each block of muscle individually, her fingers slowly foraged through the gaps between each one, carefully sliding down to the middle where her abs were most pronounced. She gently prodded each fatless knot, but Natalie’s muscles didn’t give a millimetre.

On Natalie’s back, Rachel’s other adventurous hand crept further down, reaching the firm, plump mounds of Natalie’s buttocks. The tight suit was thinly spread over her glutes, Rachel fingers fanned out to feel every inch of the ripe muscles underneath. Breathlessly, Rachel conjured the subtlest squeeze she could, and her fingernails whitened against the solid muscle as Natalie’s ass tensed rhythmically.

As he felt Natalie’s heart pounding against her cheeks, Rachel was awash with emotion: lust, awe, fear, envy - she was enraptured by Natalie’s body and the power teeming inside her muscles. The familiarity of a human body enhanced with something so overwhelmingly powerful it was almost alien made her heart tremor.

She was also entranced by the gorgeous face perched atop the hulking frame. Natalie was still so feminine; she’d never seen anything like it. From her buffed, manicured nails to the small girlish feet underneath her striking physique, she was truly just a sexy teenage girl wrapped lavishly in bulging muscles –a girl transforming beyond recognition.

Envy exploded inside her – Rachel had told herself that it couldn’t really be done, that girls like Natalie were different from her – that girls like her weren’t real. They only existed in pictures and short videos tucked away in the dark recesses of the internet. To see a living, breathing, flexing statue of power, flawlessly enveloped by a beautiful 19 year old girl – only a year older than her – it brought the dream alive in a potent mixture of jealousy and desire.

In that moment, Rachel knew she wanted nothing more than to explore it further – not only on Natalie’s body, but her own. Her curiosity whisked her imagination to having her own jacked-up body – the image of control over such power was suddenly irresistible. Natalie had looked so big, so hard, so confident and so strong and fearless, that to see the suit effortlessly force into orgasmic submission left her breathlessly fantasizing over its tantalizing power.

Natalie’s pink workout shorts were discarded on the floor; she’d had just enough to time to peel them off before the suit’s hands began to grope her. The crotch nuzzled deeply into her moist pussy, hoisted up high, slipping tighter into her thanks to the sweaty lubricant.

Before Rachel could stop herself, her front hand had already wandered down to her crotch. She groped her fingers into the hot gap between her thighs, feeling her quivering lips and little trembling clit against the wet spandex.

Natalie’s lustful thrusting slid her pussy along Rachel’s delicate, poised fingers. The panting in her ear became faster, heavier; Rachel could smell her sweet musk on the nape of her glistening neck.

Natalie now moaned orgasmically in time with her pounding muscles. Her crotch spasmed harder still, briskly now. The moans became notably louder, the suit squeezed her harder, and Rachel’s fingers got wetter with every sensual stroke. The pleasure boosted her body into a passionate frenzy; her back pumped harder and harder, her body overwhelmed but her muscles still greedy - caught in an orgasmic vicious circle of Rachel’s fingers and the suit’s smothering power.

Natalie’s elbows thrust back in the final orgasmic crescendo.  Rippling striations burst all over Natalie’s back in a final flourish. Her muscles rolled from bottom to top in a crashing wave of power and pleasure. She jerked up-right and was lifted off of Rachel’s bony shoulder as her entire back flexed harmoniously one last time.

Rachel felt the climactic punch of breath against her face as she came passionately hard.

Her upper-body almost doubled the size of her waist as her lats flared outwards. The inflated muscles injected into her upper back pushed her shoulders further apart by another half an inch.

At last, Natalie’s muscles relaxed; her breathing still shallow. She stood by herself, swaying slightly, and her conscience still swimming in the irresistible pleasure. Her muscles spasmed excitably as they snapped up the remaining sparks of power, licking the suit clean from the inside. Her beautiful face glowed in a delicate blissful peace, truly satisfied.

Natalie took a few moments to catch her breath, she fought to keep her flickering eyes open, and eventually the brilliant blue pools refilled as Natalie blinked herself back into the tiny stall.

“Humm…wow.” She sighed heavily.

Rachel’s arms snapped back to her sides, then shifted awkwardly to her pockets, then her hips and then limp at her sides.

“Were you…like...” Natalie panted gently, glancing down at her pumping body and the wet patch around her tingling crotch.

“Oh God no…no! I was – I was just, trying to stop you…keep you from falling down, that’s all. I swear.” She gulped audibly as embarrassment flooded her face and she hid her moist fingers behind her.

Natalie burst into giggles, dizzy in the afterglow. Rachel glanced at her abs rippling once more as she did. Natalie’s youthful smile glowed beneath her flushed cheeks. She caught her breath after a moment and licked her lips. She turned to the mirror.

“God. I look freakin’ jacked.” She gasped, admiring herself in the mirror.  The tips of her shoulders were now wider than the mirror itself as she flexed her lats. Her waist had never looked tighter and despite her thick obliques, Natalie had never looked wider.  “I need to thank you, really.”

“I wouldn’t - I mean, don’t mention it. I couldn’t let those meatheads make your day even worse than I already made it...And I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t show up when you did.”

“Well, I still need to thank you for something else too.” She purred, spinning round and looking over her shoulder at her pumped up back. “For finally helping me decide to step up to bodybuilding this summer.”

“Whoa, seriously?” Rachel gulped, her mind giddily imagining the thought of Natalie pumping herself even bigger.

“If I get to do this to the rest of my body for the next few months, or even the next few years, you bet! This just feels way too good.” Natalie spread her lats again and over the creaking of the stretching spandex, she heard a quiet sigh coming from the corner.

“So, I get the impression that you like what you see?” Natalie turned and said knowingly, cocking an eyebrow.

Rachel smiled and exhaled with admission. She looked anxiously at the ground and fluttered her fingers again. “Yeah…sorry”

“Sorry? What for?”

“For what I said to you before - I shouldn’t have judged you.” She shuffled. “That wasn’t what I really thought about you. I know you work harder than anyone to get this” she gestured at Natalie’s physique. “You really deserve it. That workout was insane; I thought you were going to burst a blood vessel!”

“Go on…” Natalie baited, tipsy in the post-suit glaze, but still not quite contented with Rachel’s acerbic attitude not an hour ago.

“I guess you can chalk it up to jealousy. I just – I’ve never felt anything like you and your body before. It was - well…it is unbelievable. You’ve got the body I’ve always dreamed of. I just never knew what one would look like – what one would feel like in real life…”

Natalie stepped forward and threw her muscular arms around Rachel’s body. She pulled Rachel in close and grinned when she felt a pair of shallow breasts disappearing into her rock hard chest. She pressed her petite body against her own - their chests, thighs and crotches aligned.

She gave Rachel a playful squeeze. Natalie felt the excited breath rush out of her lungs. Her heart absolutely pounding against her pecs and Rachel’s plump lips fall submissively apart as she was enveloped by Natalie’s physique. 

“And what does it feel like in real life, Rachel?” Natalie whispered. Their lips hung centimetres apart, her big beautiful eyes inviting her into their deep, warm blue pools.

Rachel gulped again, loudly. “It feels…it’s…amazing” she gushed. “Your body, your muscles - they’re so big and hard. You’re so strong, you must feel invincible. I can only imagine what it feels like to be as – as pumped, as ripped, as buff as you. Whatever this thing - this suit does to you…your tight abs, thick pecs, bulging shoulders, beefy arms, juicy legs and your perfect ass - you just look so good. You’re incredible!”

Rachel recovered a deep flustered breath. Redness swept across her cute face, embarrassed how she’d poured her heart out so readily.

“Well as far as I’m concerned, I still owe you one. And you know what?” Natalie teased, licking her lips. “I think I have a spare one of these things lying around…”

[b*]At least 1500 words of straight muscle growth. I spoil you lot sometimes!

Thanks go out again to Solitariodude and NinjaStar!

Also as a thankful side-note, this story has passed 4,000 views! That’s so much more than I imagined at the start of this little side project. Thank you all for your support, even you silent lurkers out there![/b]
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on February 04, 2014, 06:39:09 pm
Hot stuff, there Poddy. Really liking being so spoiled over here. It ain't easy writing a story, but you make it seem that way. A well deserved K+ to you, sir.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 05, 2014, 03:07:41 am
Cheers NinjaStar, glad you've been enjoying it and it feels great to be supported by one of the best writers in this section.

The strange thing is that most of the story is actually already finished in scribbled, chaotic notes, so I've got most of the juicy stuff already written down. When I start to finally stitch it all together though, that's when things start to get a little more difficult, and that's definitely where the time goes too!

I want to get the chapter 8 out the door before the end of Feb. If that doesn't happen, then unfortunately that means you guy will have to wait until some time in May before I can get back to writing again. So any motivational kicks up the arse will be appreciated!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Online1138 on February 05, 2014, 05:58:33 am
Allow me to throw some encouragement your way - you've been knocking it out of the park with this story so far, and the latest chapter is definitely the best one yet!  :rock:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on February 05, 2014, 02:36:42 pm
 :woohoo: consider me spoiled! And, while I really admire and appreciate the time and energy you put into writing, I don't think I'd boot you in the arse for more (even though I certainly look forward to continuation). I think it's better to see the next chapter as a fine piece of finished work rather than something hastily thrown together just to satisfy us fans. Besides which it's better to go back and re-read the story in its entirety when any new material comes up further down the line. Thanks again for this! :clap:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 05, 2014, 07:12:16 pm
I really like your story and I would be very happy if you were to continue it.
There I said it.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 08, 2014, 09:34:06 am
Thanks for the support guys - the story is slowly starting to take shape, although I do keep catching myself scribbling down notes for new ideas every other minute.

Good news, at the rate I'm going I should have Chapter 8 boxed up and ready to be shipped in a couple of weeks - it's looking like a two-parter at the moment.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 23, 2014, 12:37:09 pm
Chapter 8 Part 1 (I)

Natalie made sure everything was perfect.
The lights were dimmed low and a strategic smattering of candles smothered all corners of her bedroom in a dancing orange hue. One pumpsuit lay ceremonially on the bed, its creases smoothed out. Natalie had already wrapped herself inside her own - ready for the initiation.
A variety of dumbbells were in neat rows against the wall, two exercise mats were rolled out parallel, sweat towels were folded alongside the tubs of PumpLabs supplements and cleaned shakers. She’d pushed her bed against the wall to widen the floor space and set a spare mirror opposite the wardrobe mirror to allow for a full view of her front and back.

Taking one concluding inspection, she glanced down at her naked legs.

She pointed her manicured toes into the carpet and watched her leg swell as the flattering candlelight slavered over its muscular ripeness. Long, smooth and smothered with thick muscle, her quads rippled harmoniously into three powerful hunks as she flexed. The meaty trunk tapered wider and wider until it disappeared beneath the hem of her hoodie. So tightly woven together, the lowlight drew deep creases between each muscle, intensifying their incredible definition. 

Veins ascended her quads like mountain ridges in the sweeping glow. Slowly titling her leg, she watched her calves tighten into thick medallions of muscle, framed by long sleek chords that stretched from her ankle to her knee. 

Everything looked set - Natalie was satisfied as she examined her body and her bedroom, and then she heard the doorbell.

Immediately her heart fluttered with nerves, insecure jitters nibbled at her confidence. What had seemed intimate and calming before, now suddenly looked like an absurd mix between a porn movie and a middle-school séance. She zipped her snug hoodie up resignedly and trotted downstairs - it would have to do.

Through the frosted glass, she began welcoming the skinny silhouette before she even opened the door.
She almost choked when she laid eyes on Rachel bathing in the golden evening sun.

The plain, featureless girl from the gym was almost nowhere to be found.

“Rachel! Wow, you look…you look, wow.” Natalie spluttered.

Her raven-hair was glamorously feathered and rich with an angled fringe sweeping across her forehead, the shimmering rest, full of volume, was draped endlessly over each shoulder. Her plump lips popped bright red, her eyes were smoky and deep, and her cheeks were blushed into a sexy tinted pink. Her smouldering eyes burned bright green, before they crinkled cutely at the sides as she flashed a self-conscious smile.
“Thanks.” Rachel she said, sweeping her fringe away from her glimmering eyes.
Natalie gathered her composure quickly. “So that’s the sexy chick all those meatheads were after. No wonder they all wanted a piece!” Rachel blushed and toyed anxiously with the buttons on her jacket. “Anyway, come in. Let’s head up my room.” She finished with a curious glance out into the street.
Rachel slipped off her tiny pumps and obediently followed Natalie’s eager footsteps upstairs, watching her juicy glutes rolling with each step.

“The shop’s all closed up – my mum’s out at some conference in the city, she’s staying there for a few days. So, we have all night to ourselves.” Natalie called over her shoulder with a mischievous excitement crackling in her voice. Rachel meanwhile, wiped her clammy palms on her slim jeans and tried to quell her nervous breaths as her heart pounded in her chest.

“But listen.” Natalie turned as Rachel joined her on the landing. “About yesterday - I should have been completely honest with you. It’s just been so tough not being able to talk about this with anybody else - when you gave me the chance I should have taken it, not tried to feed you the same lies I have to tell everyone else. The PumpLabs guys, they told me not to tell anyone. But what you did for me, that ridiculous stunt you pulled at the gym – I don’t know anyone who would do that for me. So if you don’t deserve to know, nobody does.” she gushed, before taking a breath. “I just want to say, thank you, for being there for me.”

A small wave of satisfaction washed over her, and Rachel scoured her brain for a way to accept her apology without sounding over-eager. “You’re welcome. I guess that means there is one plus-side to having a ‘weird little toothpick stalker’” she uttered at last.

Natalie chuckled guiltily and cleared her throat, trying to sweep the twinge of remorse aside. “So I’m not going to keep anything from you anymore. Tonight you’re going to see everything.” Natalie said invitingly.

Natalie opened the door and eagerly skipped into the flooding orange light. Rachel treaded nervously through the doorframe to see Natalie already facing her in the middle of the room.

Natalie slowly unzipped her hoodie, sighing as her chest burst free from within the tight confines of her top.

Rachel felt a warm rush of blood in her cheeks as she watched Natalie unsheathe her magnificent upper-body. Her chest spilled out from above the descending zip. The gap between her pecs stretched like a small chasm, and her abs were even more tightly-packed as the light swept over her chiselled six-pack - the candlelight licking her sculpted muscles. 

She seductively peeled the hoodie down her straightened arm, smouldering as her powerful tricep bulged keenly beneath her shoulder. The striations in her shoulders looked like corrugated iron; Rachel cooed at the thirsty veins snaking from her muscly forearms and along her long, thick biceps. She followed suit with the other arm and turned her back as she tossed the empty garment onto the bed.

She lifted her arms up in line with her shoulders and flexed her back. Rachel watched the familiar muscles swell like cobblestones and her glutes tighten together into their gorgeous, rounded bubbles. Rachel spied the sinewy detail in her shoulders, and the sharp peaks at the tip of each bicep. Her muscles were faultlessly symmetrical; her physique was chiselled perfection.

She swivelled swiftly on her toes and clamped her palms together. Her meaty pecs clenched hungrily, the crevice between each rock-hard armour plate deepened further, descending into bottomless darkness in the candlelight. Her biceps bulged inwards, their peaks made wider still by the veins strapped over the top of each powerful ball.

Next, she drew her arms behind her head. With a jerk, she punched the air out of her six-pack and squeezed her abs into submission, her midriff rippling with heavenly definition. Her obliques rippled beside her slender waistline, flanking the delicious knots climbing her stomach – the suit sucked into her navel. The spandex was wrapped so perfectly around her muscles; the seal was air-tight. In the rewarding light, she looked carved from stone.

She planted her arms on her hips and thrust her chest forward, grunting as her lats creaked outwards. Natalie’s lips twisted as her upper-body widened by inches. Her elbows juddered under the tension as the muscles spread across her back. She rose onto her tip-toes and felt her legs bulging obediently, her quads splitting into their juicy hunks of power. Her transformed body was getting large by physique competitor standards now, but her incredible conditioning was the most striking; she looked ready to take to the stage that very moment. She sighed, releasing her tight muscles from her demanding demonstration.

“Welcome to your initiation!” She announced with grandeur, finally locking her body in a double-bicep pose. Shredded, sturdy baseballs punched out of her arms and she shot her dazzling blue eyes into Rachel’s enraptured green gaze.

“Whoa…You look amazing.” Rachel sighed breathlessly. Natalie brushed her hair from her eyes, a tinge of self-consciousness sweeping through her. “I like your room.”

“Thanks. You’re not joining a cult, I promise” Natalie saw Rachel’s anxious fingers twitching and cleared her throat, “Anyway, this is one is yours for tonight.” She scooped up the suit and handed it carefully to Rachel. Rachel was surprised at its weightlessness; she curiously stretched it a few times, absorbing the details as she ran the soft, smooth fabric through her fingers. She peeked inside and saw the patches, and returned her gaze to Natalie hesitantly.

“Make sure those patches are all against your muscles when you put it on, they’re pretty important.” Natalie said with a demonstrative flex of her pecs.

Rachel nodded nervously, looking again at the patches.

“Hey, you know if you want to stop at any point, just say the word, ok?” Natalie stepped closer and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Do you still want to do this?”

“Yeah. Yes. No, I definitely want to do this.” She replied quietly, looking at Natalie’s body rather than her eyes. “I’m just a little, y’know.”

“I’ll be here every step of the way. You just have to trust me- and this.” She said calmly, rubbing a layer of the suit between her fingers. “I’ll give you two a moment.” Natalie smiled with a wink and slid out of the door.

Rachel’s heart stamped inside her chest, she finally released her tight grip from suit, and she had only gripped it so hard because she didn’t want Natalie to see her hands trembling.

Wracked by her fraying nerves, what should have been untameable excitement from bringing one of her wildest, most fetishist dreams to life instead made her quake with unbridled anxiety.

Either way, she was grateful for the privacy. She inspected the suit further. It was so light, and small. It felt positively harmless in her grasp. She spied the patches inside the suit, poised along arms, stomach, pecs and everywhere else.

She pictured the tiny suit spreading thinly over Natalie’s body – her mind wandering lustfully to the way Natalie’s muscles filled the tiny garment to bursting point with her powerful body.

She sank her teeth into her thick lip, stripped down naked and threaded her bony body inside. The suit didn’t put up much fight; its elasticity was used to more of a challenge from Natalie’s muscular physique.

Nevertheless it gladly contorted to her figure, and with some fondling from her fingers, she jostled the patches into place over where she knew her undeveloped muscles were supposed to be. Her nipples hardened and probed the cold suit at the tips of her shallow breasts.

“Ok, I’m ready, I think!” she called through the door. Natalie re-entered instantly.
She padded over to Rachel, the pair of them in matching blue skin. Natalie inspected Rachel intently.
“Ok…ok” Natalie swallowed, her mind rummaging from something positive to say about her scrawny figure.

Rachel almost looked malnourished wrapped inside. Unlike the tight, creaseless spandex over Natalie’s powerful muscles, Rachel’s suit was almost loose in places, especially around her shoulders and backside. Rachel folded her arms, feeling even tinier and exposed.

Standing face to face and looking each other up and down, the contrast between their bodies was striking. Natalie felt self-consciously buff as she stood half a dozen inches taller than the nervous girl in front of her.

Natalie’s thick pectorals stretched the suit’s neckline almost down to her collarbone, while Rachel nervously fiddled with the spandex that climbed all the way up to underneath her chin. Natalie spied Rachel’s ribcage through the suit, her breaths uneven and anxious - a stark comparison to Natalie’s immovable, chiselled six-pack. Her angled, bony shoulders opposite Natalie’s wide, rounded deltoids. Her thin, flat legs quivered next to Natalie’ meaty trunks, and Natalie’s arms hung with thick biceps as Rachel’s were like folded pencils.

As Rachel stood in her unchallenged spandex, memories of her very first pumpsuit days rushed back. Natalie smiled proudly - the chance to guide another girl, not unlike herself, through the same transformation as her filled her heart with an empowering mix of responsibility and excitement.

Natalie cleared her throat.

“Well, the first step is called ‘calibration’. You feel the patches? Each one is loaded with PumpLab’s special formula. They’ll take a minute or two to attach every time you put on the suit, and then start applying the serum into your muscles.”

“How will I know when it’s working?” Rachel asked innocently. Natalie chuckled.

“Trust me, you’ll know” Her eyes glowed knowingly. “The suits we’re wearing came just yesterday, and the juice is always sweeter when it’s fresh, if you know what I mean.”

Rachel suddenly felt a sensual squeeze in her backside. Warm and deep, it slowly began to grope her body passionately. Her heart began pumping, and she stifled a moan as the suit wrapped its hands around her unfamiliar body. The oozing sensation foraged through her tender body, squeezing her tighter as the patches began sinking their teeth into her soft flesh. Her eyes flickered shut, she whimpered, feeling the hot, tight embrace of the suit around her upper body.  She snatched heavy, loud breaths through her nostrils, trying to withstand the effervescent pleasure blooming inside her.

Her tiny fists clenched, her juicy lips pouted together into a thick red bouquet, she held her breath for a few struggling seconds as the pleasure reached its peak, crackling into every corner of her body and her thin muscles embraced the potent formula – at last her mouth burst open with a long, heavy sigh.
Natalie watched her body trembled as her hands fanned open and her fingers fluttered with delight.

“How’d you feel?” Natalie asked, casually rolling a pair of dumbbells towards the mats with her foot.
“Good. Really good.”  She cooed, her eyes glowing bright from the embers of power and pleasure.

“Told you…” Natalie purred.

“So what’s next?” Rachel asked, her breathing returning to normal.”

“Next, we put some meat on those bones!” she replied spiritedly. “First – chest!”

Natalie threw herself onto the soft carpet and eagerly began effortlessly pumping out push-ups. She hissed with controlled breaths up until a contented 25. Immediately afterwards, she rolled onto her back and grabbed the two dumbbells readily placed beside her. She hoisted them confidently above her chest and pushed out 20 chest presses, before rotating her wrists and finishing with a disciplined 15 flyes, an exerted sigh finally leaking from her in the last rep. 

She slowly lowered the weights, her chest tingling with satisfying tension. Rachel had sat on the edge of the bed twisting her anxious fingers in her soft hair as she’d watched Natalie burn through her chest exercise and then rise to her feet.

“Ok, drop and give me 20!” Natalie barked authoritatively, barely out of breath and her powerful hands planted on her hips.

Jarred by Natalie’s suddenly aggressive tone, Rachel lowered herself sheepishly to the floor, placing her knees on the exercise mat and falling forward with her palms on the floor.

“What are you doing?!” Natalie scoffed heatedly. Rachel looked between her arms and saw Natalie’s bare feet padding over to her. “Like this” she grunted as she lifted Rachel’s knees off of the floor and held her virtually parallel to the floor. “Now give me as many as you can, c’mon!” Natalie confidently balanced her with ease; Rachel felt virtually weightless in her arms.

Rachel’s trembling thin arms steadily buckled at the elbows, her hair stroked the floor as her nose descended to within an inch of the ground. She hissed loudly and pushed herself up; Natalie felt her fragile body juddering in her hands.

“That’s it! Come on, more!” she barked. Rachel responded more vigorously this time, dropping deeper and faster. “Good! Keep going!” Rachel’s nose brushed the mat and her upper body quaked under the strain, but again she tenaciously rose for 7 more laborious reps as Natalie’s shouts of encouragement drowned out the pounding in her ears.

Rachel dropped herself down, and hung briefly, her nose threatening to crash straight into the ground and end her set at a measly 7 reps. She grunted loudly, her ears caught a few more of Natalie’s muffled motivation, and she exhaled loudly as her quivering forearms strained to straighten themselves. She hung in limbo for a few seconds further, her pulse pounding in her temples, not wanting to let Natalie down, desperately wanting to be worthy of her support, and of the suit’s powers.

Just then, she felt a hand sliding up and underneath her breasts. Natalie hoisted Rachel’s body away from the floor and all the way up to her feet, planting her back down with a grunt.

“Alright, that’a girl!” Natalie said reassuringly. Rachel immediately assumed she was being sarcastic, but there wasn’t a flicker of mockery in Natalie’s big blue eyes. “So now we’ve got a couple of minutes until it starts.”

“Until the…you know what?” Rachel asked through shallow gasps. “Is anything even going to happen to me after…that?” she gestured towards the carpet, embarrassed about her performance.

“Oh yeah” Natalie grinned. “Remember, it’s all relative. It’s not just about how many reps you can do – it’s the comparative load on the muscle that counts too, and how many muscle fibres you tear – anything that we do in here gets amplified 20 times. So seeing as your muscles will be under more stress than mine, you’ll probably be the one getting the best results tonight.”

Rachel’s breathing refused to slow, her chest had stopped burning, but it had been replaced by a gripping anxious energy. Natalie took her soft hands in hers and guided them both onto the bed, facing each other. Natalie brushed Rachel’s dishevelled fringe out of her eyes.

“Don’t be scared. Remember, I’m right here.” Rachel nodded, wiping the sweat from her palms onto the sheets. “Hey, at least you didn’t have to find this out in front of a gym-full of people!” Natalie chuckled, a nervous twitch flickered over Rachel’s plump lips.

“Did it hurt? Like, the first time you did it?” Rachel whispered. Natalie simply shook her head and smiled.

“Rachel, honey, they don’t even have words for how good this feels.” She purred, her eyes glowing their icy-blue as the candle light danced on her beautiful face.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 23, 2014, 12:38:09 pm
Chapter 8 - Part 1 (II)

Her suit awoke. Seemingly reluctant at first, expecting more strain before it granted its reward - the burning was a gentler, oozing sensation, different from the explosive avalanches of pleasure she enjoyed after her full workouts.

As such, Natalie resumed confident control of wits as her pecs tensed towards their peaks and her breathing quickened. She stared assertively into Rachel’s wide green eyes and rested her hands ritually in her lap as she felt her twitching, meaty pectorals pumping harder and harder into their fullest size. Her chest bloomed out beneath her chin, swelling with volume by an inch or two up to the peak of its power; the suit composing her muscles for their treatment.

Natalie drew a deep breath as the suit squeezed her chest adoringly and a few layers of fresh muscle rippled their way into her body. Rachel gasped when she saw Natalie’s thick pecs creeping a few millimetres further towards her. Natalie felt her lower pectorals reaching round into her armpits, the stretching muscle occupying even more room on her packed chest. Natalie sighed sexually while the suit held her in its seductive grip for a few seconds longer, before finally releasing her.

“Hummm…..” Natalie moaned, satisfied and even more turned on at her own self-control. After some gentler exercise, she could enjoy the sensation without surrendering completely and exhausting herself in the process. Fresh energy tingled through her. “Hah…hmm…Ok, now - your turn.”

Rachel immediately felt the energy bubbling up inside her. A pleasing squeeze within her upper-body groped deeply into her chest and her arms rose slightly off of her lap in front of her.

Natalie shuffled forward, putting her warm hands around Rachel’s and pushing them together into her lap. Rachel’s chest tightened all at once and her head began tentatively tilting backwards. With another desirous grope from the suit, her eyes slammed shut and her pretty face illuminated with a euphoric grin.

Uncharted pleasure whirled inside her as her body gladly surrendered to the new sensation. Natalie spied Rachel’s bony shoulders poking out at the side while she kept her jolting hands clamped together. Once more she saw her ribcage pumping through her meatless chest, her nipples as erect as bullets. Rachel’s chin plunged down into her neck as the suit began to caress her more passionately.

A tidal wave of pleasure crashed through her throbbing chest, tightening even further as the suit began feeding her virginal muscles.

Several modest layers of thin muscle trickled into her chest. Gingerly, her shallow breasts twitched ever so slightly. With a final surge of power, her fledgling muscles tightened again and were boosted with a few extra pectorals layers, before it finally released her trembling body.
Rachel flopped instantly on to her back, pleasure glowing inside her. Natalie sat still, speechless and enthralled by Rachel’s reaction. She had always been keen to see the suit work its magic on someone else and it hadn’t disappointed. She recognised the suit’s masterfully erotic technique – from the teasing slow-build to the orgasmic climax.

Rachel giggled and her hand was quick to cover her mouth. Natalie grabbed the other and pulled her upright. A beaming little girl sat before her. Smiling confidently with a newly flirtatious crescent on one side of her mouth, Rachel’s pearly teeth sank seductively into her flushed lips. Her smoky eyes still closed, she still revelled openly in the pleasure and Natalie wasn’t going to interrupt. A girl who was too afraid to even speak to her a few days ago now sat quivering, vulnerably in front of her, and all Natalie could do was smile and watch.

“Oh my god…that was….that was…” she panted incredulously.

Eventually, Rachel’s eyes slowly flickered open and quickly reunited with Natalie’s proud smile.  Natalie nodded knowingly at her chest. Rachel’s eyes widened and her lungs almost burst with air.

“Wow…I can feel it. I can feel…” she trailed off, enraptured.

Without a doubt, the start of two rather shallow pectorals rested on her bony chest. Not that it would’ve have been difficult to spot any new muscles on Rachel’s petite frame, but it was progress nonetheless. The suit had stretched a little thinner to account for her modest growth; her bullet nipples were giving the suit spandex a harder time.

Rachel felt a newfound stiffness in her upper chest, tension where it had never existed before. She shuffled her shoulders around for a few seconds, foraging for control of the tingling tightness. With a sudden twitch of her breasts, a wondrous smile spread across Rachel’s bright lips. Rachel burst into giggles again as she continued to pluck her breasts with her new pectorals, helplessly addicted to the new sensation.
“Well seeing as you’re busy…” Natalie observed.

She crawled off of the bed and began another set of push-ups. She sank slowly into each rep, wanting to strain her thick chest muscles as much as she could. She pecked the carpet with her nose each rep, she pushed firmly against the floor and her muscles keenly responded.

15 controlled reps quickly passed, when a lump of weight jumped suddenly onto her back. Natalie smiled as she felt soft, long hair sweeping over her neck and warm breath giggling in to her ear.

“C’mon. I thought this suit was supposed to make you strong!” she goaded, unfurling herself along Natalie’s back and running her fingers over the smooth, knotted muscles in her back.

Natalie didn’t need another invitation. She sank boastfully into each rep with the same controlled power as before. She welcomed the extra tension in her pecs as she rose up, calling on her triceps for added support. Rachel was by no means heavy, but another 15 reps later, her muscles singed under the extra weight.

Natalie heard Rachel counting playfully in her ear as she pumped up to 30 with perfect form.

“Not bad” came the approving whisper in her ear. Rachel slid lithely off and Natalie rolled over to grab the weights.

“Wait!” Rachel barked. She kicked the readied dumbbells away and rolled a heavier set into Natalie’s open palms. “Ok - go.” Natalie had to laugh – here was the girl who couldn’t even do 10 push-ups, and now she was bossing her around. If she still didn’t look so harmless inside her unflattering spandex, Natalie may have even been riled.

Natalie gladly accepted the challenge, finding her balance with first rep and then pumping her chest in earnest. She hissed up to 20 presses, feeling her pecs nuzzling each other at the peak of each rep. She then grunted her way to 15 flyes, tightness stretching deep into her armpits as dropped the weights with a satisfied moan.

Rachel nodded in approval, her scrawny arms crossed and her bony hips cocked to one side. Natalie sprung to her feet, placing herself inches from Rachel’s mischievous grin.

“Your turn!” Rachel felt Natalie’s panting breath on her blushed cheeks. She smiled wider and nodded down at her own body.

“Hold me.”

Natalie obliged, and Rachel began her steady, quivering push-ups once again. She attacked them this time, falling and shoving herself vigorously upwards. She managed 10 with ease, trembled through 11, 12 and even 13 before she needed any extra motivation from Natalie.

She grunted loudly as she surfaced again from her 14th rep, her whole upper-body shook in Natalie’s arms. Rachel hissed downwards, her face a contorted image of exertion. Rachel reminded herself of the new muscles in her chest, she squeezed her thin pecs together as hard as she could with a snarl, and slowly she began to rise upwards. Natalie’s muffled cheerleading flooded into her ears and she rose inch by inch until finally, her elbows locked her arms straight and Natalie’s muscular arms pulled her to her feet.

“Whew! Look at you!” Natalie squealed, once more brushing Rachel’s thick hair out of her smoky eyes.

“That felt great!” Rachel panted as she grabbed Natalie’s hands and drew both of them back onto the bed.

“See? You’re getting stronger already. And just wait for the next one.” Natalie incited, sending a ripple of muscle up her chest. Rachel licked her lips and shuffled herself closer as Natalie’s breathing became laboured and her chest pumped harder and tighter.

“Can I?” she reached out a pair of tentative fingers towards Natalie’s swelling pecs. Natalie summoned the self-control to nod gently, briefly resisting the suit’s zealous squeezes.
Rachel’s fingers spread keenly over Natalie’s pumping pectorals. They blossomed with size, encasing her chest as they expanded and crashed together into thick hard slabs. Her pecs pumped hungrily thanks to the increased strain. Rachel gulped with desire as the rock-hard pectorals rippled under her fingers. Fully flexed, the muscles were utterly immovable. She drifted her hands over towards her armpits and discovered the meaty, sculpted curves that marked the chiselled edges of her pecs. Every inch of muscle was as solid as steel. She drew a hand back to the crevice between her pectorals, and sensually slid a finger in between.

Natalie battled to maintain her composure as she licked her lips and fresh muscle surged into her.

With a guttural moan, Natalie pecs bulged, clamping Rachel’s thin finger between their muscular slabs. Rachel couldn’t pull herself away – her enraptured jaw fell agape. Veins in Natalie’s neck pulsed rhythmically, her thirsty muscles drinking gulp after gulp of the pumpsuit’s potent venom.

Seconds marched past with Rachel’s finger caught in the muscular vice. Natalie’s throbbing pecs squeezed her finger tighter and tighter, widening and carving the ridge of her muscles even deeper, before with a bursting sigh, she relaxed.

Catching her breath and savouring the last drop of absorbing pleasure in her pussy; Natalie’s eyes openly lazily, already tipsy from the suit’s sweet nectar. Rachel had unwittingly moved within an inch of Natalie while she had been groping her pecs. Seconds later, Natalie felt a gust of shocked breath against her nose as Rachel’s suit awoke once again.

Her small breasts twitched giddily under the suit. Rachel moaned deeper, longer, and louder as her nipples rubbed sensually against its interior. With a grunt, her arms bolted forwards and her thin pectorals flexed tightly.

“Hmmph…oh, here we go…hmmm” she moaned as muscle began filling her chest. Her jaw fell open, as the redoubled power surged through her. The exhilarated smile spread back over her pretty face, her chin was soon pointed to the ceiling as she gasped in synchrony with the suit’s hot squeezes.
She felt a gentle ripple across her chest; her fledgling muscles gleefully embracing the acquainted power. The tension grew tighter still, with another sharp, commanding grope; her novice pectorals surged. Her slender pecs spread wider, creeping towards her neck and her armpits. The new fibers padded her physique with another few muscly millimetres. The pleasure was even more potent this time, she rushed closer and closer to climax with the suits confident, skilful strokes.

She thrust her crotch along the bed sheets, rhythmically in time with the orgasmic waves crashing inside her.  Natalie admired how keenly she embraced it, remembering how nervously resistant she was to it her first time. Her boobs twitched with her vigorous thrusts. Then, in a final flourish, Rachel’s developing pectorals hoisted her breasts higher than ever and Rachel sighed desirously.

Rachel’s chest relaxed. “Mmmm….God, that time was even better” She purred, her plumped lips glistening under a stroke of her tongue. She gleefully twitched her breasts again. She twisted to her side and the candles’ flattering light illuminated a slender crack that had appeared between her pecs.

“Look, look!” she squealed, looking up expectantly at Natalie, keeping her shallow muscles flexed. Natalie shuffled forward, her smile beaming in the warm light. She stretched out a hand and gave Rachel’s chest a prod.

Sure enough, there was a layer of muscle underneath the suit that hadn’t existed before. Indeed, the neckline of her suit had even crept down a centimetre to accommodate. The faint outline of her upper pectorals ran parallel to her collarbone, undoubtedly fuller and thicker. Consumed by her empowering new ability, Rachel couldn’t resist a few more exploratory twitches. Putting her hands together, she grinned; revelling in the tension as she played with her pecs.

“Well, would you look at those babies!” Natalie said encouragingly. Rachel blushed, all of a sudden embarrassed.

“I’ve got so much energy. I’ve never felt so strong before. I feel so good!” she chirped, restlessly kneading the bed sheets with her excited hands. “What’s next?” she asked excitedly.

“Well…” Natalie replied. “Which would you prefer?” Natalie looked seductively through one piercing blue eye, her fringe hanging wantonly over the other. Enticingly, she hoisted her lean arms up and stretched the suit with her biceps. Definition creaking through her skin-tight blue and lean, tight lumps rose up. Natalie glanced in admiration at them both. Rachel sighed yearningly through her nose. “These?”

She pulled her arms behind her head and squeezed her abs hard. They bit in to the spandex as her six-pack rippled into view. Her defined washboard looked absolutely ripped in the candlelight. The warm orange light flowed through each crevice in her abs, making them look even tighter and more defined. “Or these?”
Eagerly, Rachel lifted up her thin, frail arms, mimicking Natalie and nodding certainly. She let out a nervous laugh at the sight of her featureless arms compared to Natalie’s. She grinned, her cheeks crinkling dimpling beside her pink lips, and clambered off the bed towards the dumbbells.

So this’ll be it for a couple of months I’m afraid. Hopefully it will tide you over into the summer. Thanks go out to Solitariodude, Ninjastar, Online1138 and ELRoy1999 for your support! I'll be back before you know it!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on February 23, 2014, 03:59:37 pm
Thanks again and looking forward to more :clap:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 23, 2014, 07:02:45 pm
Thank you very much. Enjoy the time off!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on February 23, 2014, 08:40:34 pm
How could you do that to us, Poddy? I don't know if I can hang on for more for that long.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 27, 2014, 03:30:25 am
I'll be back before you know it! Thanks for your support though guys, I know the break will help me recharge and also give me plenty of fresh ideas to share with you upon my return.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on May 20, 2014, 11:22:06 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 8 Part 2 (I)

Hope it was worth the wait! Thanks go out to Ninjastar, ElRoy1999 and Solitariodude!

 “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is real - this can’t be happening!” Rachel uttered giddily to herself with a few more irresistible flexes of her new pecs.

“Believe it, sister.” Natalie said, handing her a light pair of dumbbells. “And it only gets better.” Rachel’s skinny forearms sank under the weight as she caught each one in her shaking palms. “Ok, together now.”

Natalie picked up some weights of her own, 18 kilograms. Nimbly, she twisted herself sideways, toying with the candlelight and watching its flattering glow slaver over her sculpted arms. Natalie held her beefy, 14 inch bicep at its peak and looked down with a satisfied grin. Rachel admired the thick knot of muscles at her elbow that any sailor would be proud of, but tried to take her mind off of pleasure still tingling in her pussy.

Natalie shot her gaze deep into Rachel’s eyes and bit her lip, before releasing her flex and feeling the spandex sigh with relief. Slowly and confidently, the powerful muscles encasing her arm thickened as she began to curl. Her rounded biceps ripened, swelling as blood rushed into her arms.

Rachel blushed - piqued from her first real taste of the suit’s power, her appetite for muscle was stronger than ever. She grunted as she lifted, ignoring the almost laughable difference between herself and Natalie’s dumbbells.

With quivering form and desperate tendons rupturing out of her forearm with each rep, she pumped concertedly to 10. Despite the added strain, her arms stayed as flat as before, her non-existent muscles already at full capacity.

“That’s the stuff.” Natalie said encouragingly, maintaining her own perfect form. “Now, go slowly for the last 5 reps.” She directed, lowering her deliciously muscular arm at a snail’s pace. Her arms responded gleefully to the challenge, pressing into her sides at the peak of each rep.
Rachel’s pretty snarl quickly cracked into a full grimace and she began tilting from side to side with each lift.

“Come on, get it girl!” Natalie barked. Her commanding voice sliced through the room’s nurturing atmosphere once again. She shuffled closer to her, their bare toes touching, face to face. Natalie lowered her weights and then quickly twisted her wrists.

In a hammer curl position, she hooked her weights beneath Rachel’s dumbbells with a gentle ‘clink’. Staring into her eyes dominantly and with a grunt from her nostrils, she slowly lifted both her and Rachel’s weights upwards, even slower than before.

Natalie guided them both through 3 more reps. They rose in unison for the 4th rep, only this time Natalie paused half-way, then nodded expectantly.

Rachel gritted her teeth and plunged her chin into her chest. Trembling, the weights rose until at last the weight passed the fulcrum of her elbow and tipped towards her shoulder. Thinking of the suit, and openly ogling Natalie’s incredible, tensed biceps, she pumped her other bicep with more vigour and completed the rep with a loud grunt.

Natalie lowered her weights to her waist again; asking for another rep. Rachel’s memory of the suit’s unforgettable power flooded her, and with her eyes squeezed shut and her heart burning for that rush, that sensation, that awesome pleasure, Rachel chased after it. She wanted more of it; she wanted it stronger, more potent that the last time, she wanted to feel the suit stretch against her slippery skin and feel her tiny, fragile body slowly enveloped by fresh, hard muscle. 

With a burst of energy she jerked the weight up to her shoulder, a bead of sweat trickling down her nose. She followed rapidly with the second, her featureless arms burning from her wrist to her armpit.

An impressed eyebrow climbed Natalie’s forehead, and finally she released Rachel from the exercise. Panting, Rachel dropped the dumbbells to the floor and slumped on to the bed, arms still shaking.

In moments, both girls’ suits were awake. Rachel drew up her arms in line with her shoulders, her fists suddenly clenched under the swelling tightness in her tiny biceps. Her charcoal eyelids flickered shut as she felt the suit grip firmly around her scrawny arms. Her chest throbbed and her kissably plump lips fell open under her laboured breaths. With a burst of rippling tension, she stifled a moan and flexed her arms harder until her little fists touched her shoulders.

The tension was indeed more intense this time - concentrated on such smaller, un-nurtured muscles. Rachel whimpered through the tingling, tightening pleasure – willing the suit to give her all it could to her tiny muscles. Slowly, her biceps bulged thicker, tighter, harder, stronger, a pair of small bumps appeared quickly under her sleeves. The tightness burst and trickled through her, Natalie noticed her breasts flexing once again in time with her crotch thrusting along the bedsheets. Rachel muttered more quiet encouragement under her orgasmic breaths. She grunted as more tight and tough muscle fibres pulsed into her arms. She felt her forearms pumping wider, thickening before the elbow and thrumming with a final burst of pleasure.

Natalie let her biceps tighten and her elbows squeeze into her sides as her muscles replied to their dose of the fresh formula.  Swelling and separating, her arms bulged proudly to their now lightweight bodybuilder size.

Cute dimples returned eagerly to the sides of her satisfied grin, her arms pumped pleasurably and her cheeks flushed as she spied a prominent, greedy vein in her bicep pumping thicker and fuller. It wound up her arm, heartbeat by heartbeat, before splitting in to a short fork and burying itself into her rounded shoulder. Natalie closed her eyes and savoured the pleasure of her biceps pumping against her ribs. Rachel spotted the adorable crescents beside her lips creep higher up her gorgeous face and envy and wonderment burned inside her.

After Rachel blinked herself back to reality, she twisted her head back and forth between her brand-new, albeit minuscule biceps, and seemed crestfallen.

“Hmmph...” she sighed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought they’d get bigger than this” Rachel huffed, “Can you even see any difference?” Frustration crackled in her voice.

“A little – maybe you’re just not trying hard enough!” Natalie goaded as she saw Rachel impatiently march back to the weights – heavier ones. Quickly she began curling, again with a renewed energy and focus. She pumped past her previous best even with the extra weight. Natalie noticed a slightly increased width in her arms and joined her, matching her vigorous rhythm, although not her undisciplined form.

“Keep your back straight – let your arm extend all the way down before you bring it back up – that’s better.” Natalie coached; her soft voice unperturbed by the 18 kilos she casually curled in her own arms. “Now if you really want biceps – do it like this.”

Natalie lowered both dumbbells to the front of her beefy thighs and then drew them up together. Rachel copied her keenly, the effortful snarl returning to her face as she quivered through 5 more double-curls.

Satisfied, Natalie drew Rachel – breathless and sweat-glazed - back onto the bed. Natalie had time to sweep the silky, thick hair from Rachel’s eyes by the time their suits began to repair their bodies.

The veins in Natalie’s biceps bulged even thicker this time, snaking along muscles like a python in the sweeping candlelight. Her baseball bicep squeezed and its beautiful shape was sculpted even more perfectly, the muscles being packed harder and tighter together like a snowball. Natalie panted delicately as the sensual power pulsed pleasurably through her pumped-up muscles.

Rachel though, could hardly contain her lengthening moans as her suit began to master its own creation, pumping thick new layers of muscle into her young biceps. Hoisted up beside her head again, she felt the spandex stretching tighter and tighter around her arm.  Embracing every one of the suit’s squeezes, she sunk her teeth into her lip and clenched her fists. She felt her new muscles absorb the pump-patch’s familiar venom and a fleshy, creaking growth swell in her biceps. Locked in the pose for a few endless seconds, two noticeable lumps had bulged into her shuddering arms by the time she recovered from her clit-pumping orgasm.

“Hnnngh...That’s more like it.” Rachel sighed sensually to herself. “One more set!”

“Ah-ah-ah, hang on a second. You need to save yourself.” Natalie dismissed.

“What for?”

“For tomorrow...”

“’Tomorrow’?” she enquired, cautious anticipation glittered in her eyes.

“I booked a body-pump class for us in the morning. You know, circuit training – arms, legs, back, chest, abs, the works!” Natalie flashed an expectant smile. Rachel paused for merely a second before effervescent excitement exploded from insider her. She flung her arms around Natalie, pressing her tiny body against Natalie’s meaty pecs.

“That’ll be perfect, I can’t wait!” she squealed. “A real workout, some real growth, a real test of what this thing can do to me.” She gushed, looking down hungrily at her own rakish body. Natalie cleared her throat, a little taken aback by her enthusiasm.

“But! We still need to get you warmed up, I can’t hold your hand while we’re in the class.”

“Time for these?” Rachel purred as she leaned over and stroked Natalie’s washboard abs. Her small hands trickled down her tight, rock-hard six-pack, wonder and desire glowing from her pretty young face. 

“How’s your technique?” Natalie said, tensing and pushing her perfect muscles harder into Rachel’s eager fingers.

Rachel smoky eyes twisted into an almost feline shape when she heard the challenge. Rachel slunk off of the bed, unfurled a yoga mat and began some enthusiastic sit-ups. Natalie observed from the edge of the bed.

A few dozen crunches later, her face changed from expectant to genuinely impressed. Rachel’s added energy and strength was clear to see already, the suit had already kneaded her delicate body into something stronger and more capable, more befitting her enthusiasm and desire to grow.
Rachel crunched up to 35 before Natalie challenged her once again.

“Hold it!” she barked. “Legs up in the air – straight up – vertically – keep them straight!” Rachel followed her obediently. “Now lower them slowly, slower! Little more – stop!” Rachel’s legs stuck out at 45 degrees, trembling. “Hold it there!” Natalie began an agonising countdown from 10. Rachel’s face contorted as her burning abs shot fire through every fibre in her body and her sweaty hair clung to her cheeks.

But she didn’t falter, Natalie reached zero, and at last her heels crashed to the floor. She burst into heavy panting, arching her back off of the floor and stretching her searing stomach.

“Ok, my turn on the mat.”

“Just a minute” Rachel waved an exhausted arm. “Let me catch my breath.”

“You know what’ll happen if you take too long...” Natalie said, not cautioning, but rather suggestively reminding her. Rachel rolled her head over, and despite the dishevelled hair still in her face – Natalie saw her flash a mischievous smile.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on May 20, 2014, 11:27:50 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 8 Part 2 (II)

Like the string being hoisted on a puppet, Rachel’s upper body suddenly rose from the floor. Rachel grunted with shock, then with pleasure as she felt the suit’s fingers marching up her stomach, abdominal by abdominal. She locked her fingers behind her head as her torso jerked with each sharp, pleasing grope of her novice abs. Each tingling second her stomach was squeezed tighter, and soon her legs were in the air again, her lower abs lifting them like a drawbridge. Two by two, her abs suddenly began to bulge out from her flat stomach.

“Hngh...umph...hnngh...mmmph!” Rachel growled with her jolting upper-body, a second’s pause between each. She crashed back to the mat, again arching her back towards the ceiling – Natalie spied her ribs pressing against her spandex as she gulped down deep breaths.

Something caught her eye. Natalie squinted through the murky orange candlelight and blinked as she saw not six, but eight nubs of muscles embedded in her heaving midriff. Again she nodded, impressed at her body’s eager reaction to the Pumpsuit.

“Wow” she breathed. “Told you you’d be getting more action than me tonight!”

“You weren’t kidding. That was the best one yet!” she panted, her moist pussy was absolutely pulsing now – each pump-driven climax had been better than the last.

She explored her stomach, keeping her eyes on the ceiling. Natalie saw her eyes stretch the widest she’d ever seen them when she prodded at the eight small knots protruding out of her stomach. Gasping, she leaned up and gazed down her new eight-pack, the highest six abs bulging ever so slightly under the tension. Her ever-visible ribcage was a testament to her non-existent body fat, so her abs shone through her stomach at the first sign of growth.

Rachel exploded into giggles. She flicked her little feet into the air and fluttered - first in wonderment, then at the addictive new pleasure of the tickling tightness in her abs. She spent a few more moments watching the tiny nubs on her stomach tighten together as she did. “They’ll look better after tomorrow, won’t they?” Rachel whispered giddily, already knowing the answer.

Natalie nodded slowly, enjoying the revelry she wished she could enjoy when she was first discovering the suit’s full power. “I just feel so good, tingly all over.” Rachel swooned.

“I think it likes you.” Natalie giggled. “I’m so proud of you, Rach - if I had your attitude when I had just started, I’d be the twice the size I am now! You’ve grown so much faster than I thought anyone could.” 

“Thanks” she blushed, “But, I’m still pretty pathetic compared to you...”

Natalie huffed incredulously, and pulled her onto the bed. She gently took hold of Rachel’s hands and planted them onto her own chest. Their shimmering lips centimetres apart, sharing each other’s heavy breaths.

Natalie’s body swelled with a confident flex, her spandex stretched thin by her rock-hard pecs. Rachel gasped as her palms rose by inches atop of Natalie’s thick muscles. Slowly, Natalie sent teasing ripples through each pectoral, playfully switching between the two.

“You think I built these in a day?” she purred. She pulled Rachel’s hand lower, feeling her fingers trickle over her abs. Natalie tensed her stomach and her six-pack punched outwards. “Or these?”

Rachel’s investigative fingers probed and pressed their way over the hard ridges on her stomach. Natalie released Rachel’s soft hands and pulled her arms up. She flexed her lean biceps; immediately distracted, Rachel’s hands sprung onto the defined balls of muscle bulging from her arms.

Her Pumpsuit contorted to her muscles like a second skin, not a fibre of detail was hidden from her incredible physique. Rachel studied Natalie’s body like an anatomy chart, not an inch of her body was wasted, not a single area was not occupied by a muscle or a meaty tendons. Natalie was certainly encroaching on lightweight bodybuilder territory – her muscles looked thick and powerful, and they were - her muscle fibres were solid to the core. Her proportions were immaculate, despite the suit only responding to the muscles that were used; her feminine outline still matched the innocent, youthful face on top of her thickening neck.

Rachel’s face was the picture of enraptured youth. Her soft cheeks glowed with desire, her deep green eyes stretched wider and wider while Natalie’s musculature coursed through her tingling, sensitive fingers and into the crackling sinews of her throbbing body – the suit’s tightening grip around her pussy only enhancing her desire.

“Don’t forget your favourite…” Natalie whispered knowingly, pulling Rachel’s hands around her waist and spreading them over her ripe, rounded ass.

Rachel panted with delight. She greedily stretched her hands open and groped Natalie’s firm buttocks. Her heart fluttered when she realised they popped out inches away from the base of her spine, so full and firm.

Natalie pinched the suit around her undulating hips and pulled. Smoothly, the spandex slid upwards and nuzzled deeply into her crotch. Rachel felt the smooth fabric receding under her fingers, slowly revealing the soft skin over Natalie’s glutes.

With a sharp breath, Natalie hoisted the suit up higher still. The spandex around her backside stretched tighter into her crack, her entire, ripened cheeks now exposed. The suit tugged into virtually a g-string.

Rachel virtually climbed onto Natalie’s body so she could peer over her shoulder and look down at revealed ass. She cooed loudly into Natalie’s ear as she laid her eyes on the round, smooth, tight buns of muscle under her fingertips.

“Oh my god…you’re so perfect.” Rachel whispered breathlessly. She pulled back and faced Natalie, their noses separated by nothing. Natalie’s husky eyes shone brightly, her sleek features glowed with warmth as a smile crept across her plump pink lips. Cute crescents flanked either side of her grin, brightening her athletic features. Rachel’s deep green eyes threatened to overflow with wonder. Her soft, young face looked into Natalie’s with such longing, such longing for her and what she had become. “What do I have to do to be like you?” she asked, yearningly.

“You just need to let me take care of you. That’s all. You just have to trust me. You already have everything you need. Can you do that?”
“And you’ll make me just like you?”

“No way!” Natalie scoffed. Rachel gasped; the words sent shockwaves through her deep, desperate eyes.

“What?” she whimpered.

“I won’t make you like me - I’ll make you better” she purred. “Make you stronger, bigger, harder...Both of us, together – what do you think about that?” Natalie flexed her chest with each teasing word.

For Rachel, the words fell like passionate kisses over her entire body.

Rachel couldn’t stop herself; she lunged forward and gorged herself on Natalie’s lips. Natalie’s sturdy upper-body barely moved an inch as her abdominals locked in recoil. Rachel held her keen grip on Natalie’s tense ass. Natalie was surprised at the ease with which Rachel pried open her thin lips and massaged her tongue with such strong, sensual rhythm.

“Oh my god, yes….please….let’s get big.” Rachel gasped, tearing herself from Natalie’s mouth as long as she could bear. “Let’s get totally...buff…jacked...ripped…perfect!” Her tongue danced enthusiastically inside Natalie’s mouth. She ran her hands through Rachel’s thick hair and wrapped her fingers firmly around the back of her head.

Face to face and crotch to crotch. Rachel pushed herself against Natalie’s rock hard body, sigh sexually as she felt her bullet-nipples rub against Natalie’s concrete pecs. Without breaking their embrace, Natalie opened the top drawer of her bedside table and foraged around inside. Her hands ran over a familiar, plastic, long, hard object and she grinned as Rachel’s tongue still twisted eagerly inside her mouth.

Suddenly, after what only felt like the blink of an eye – both girls hungry for more – Rachel peeled her lips away.

“Wait! I almost forgot - isn’t it your turn – am I supposed to trust a half-arsed coach who won't finish her own initiation!?” she teased, nodding towards the yoga mat beside the bed. Seductively, she swung her shimmering raven hair over her shoulder and slowly ran a finger through the deep trenches of Natalie’s abs.
Natalie licked her lips, savouring Rachel’s taste in her mouth, and obliged. In moments her six-pack was bulging through the thin spandex even harder as she crunched and twisted through every exercise she knew, twenty at a time, without rest. Her skin dripped like the sweltering candles.
It wasn’t until her sixtieth rep that she started to grimace. Blood was sent pumping into her chiselled abs and her fatless obliques rippled along her sides as striated and pronounced as Rachel’s ribs. Her flexed arms were clasped behind her head as she heaved her muscular upper-body up and down under Rachel’s lustful gaze.

Unfurled on the bed, she toyed vigorously with her moist crotch as she scanned over Natalie’s tight stomach as pronounced nubs of abdominal bit into the suit’s airtight skin, clenched and bulged, hard as steel. Rachel sighed heavily, ignoring subtlety. The suit’s incredible power – a seemingly unlimited source of her own potential, lay grunting, pumping and sweating in front of her own eyes - Natalie’s perfectly pumped-up physique made her heart burst with desire.

Both girls had lost count by the time Natalie’s bulging abs cried enough. Her suit was dark blue almost all over, sweat glistened all over Natalie’s flushed face.

“Half-arsed, huh?” Natalie panted, her abs climbing and melting which each breath.

“Come.” Rachel whispered. Natalie joined her immediately and fell submissively on to her back, looking up at the sleek girl who now had all the confidence of a 7 foot Amazon queen.

“Sit still.” She commanded - not that Natalie was moving anywhere soon. Rachel nimbly straddled Natalie’s sculpted, writhing hips, just in time for her suit to wake. From behind her back, Rachel revealed the toy from Natalie’s drawer and feigned a gasp of surprise. A desirous grin to rival even Rachel’s burst across Natalie’s gorgeous, sweat-soaked face. She knew exactly what was coming next.

“My way of saying ‘thank you’.” She purred, deftly flicking the vibrator’s switch and sliding it against Natalie’s pounding clit.

Natalie’s lungs burst at the first touch of her pussy. She moaned deeply, clutching handfuls of bedsheet. Her heart stamped with anticipation - she could already feel the suit starting to lap at her tender abs.

“Here it comes...oh my it comes!” she cried, suddenly overwhelmed with unbearable ecstasy.
Her six-pack punched proudly out of her midriff. Her upper-body crunched forward, her abs bulging even bigger as she flexed. Another surge of pleasure made her soaking crotch jolt powerfully. Rachel didn’t relent; stroking her more vigorously to compliment the suit’s deeper, more intimate squeezes.
Natalie’s back arched, offering Rachel a perfect view of her swelling abs, stretching her abdomen and showcasing each abdominals incredible new size.

Her abs tightened again, her suit stretched even thinner, sucking the spandex into her navel as her surging six-pack squeezed out the air. Two thin veins pumped into her lower abs, Rachel watched them flank her bellybutton and before they dove into the deepening crevice between her muscles.
Orgasmic rapture ached inside every inch of Natalie’s body. The keen strokes from Rachel and the suit groping her abs, pumping them harder, fuller, more pronounced - the two were virtually fighting for control of her, racing to bring her to mind-blowing climax first. The pleasure was unexampled, unrivalled. Natalie couldn’t care less who won.

Her obliques rippled rhythmically down either side of her abdominals, Rachel observed her chiselled abs tighten and relax and timed her strokes in synchrony and heard Natalie’s submissive moans suddenly turn to hungry howls of delight.

Rachel rode atop her bucking, writhing hips like a seasoned cowgirl - keeping her balance while assertively rubbing the buzzing toy around Natalie’s soaking pussy. Natalie’s body rocked with giddy spasms, her toes and hands flayed, clutching and clawing from her hair, to the pillows, her own abs and the dampened bed sheets. Natalie’s body climbed closer and closer to incredible climax.

With a final, passionate, hungry bite, the suit squeezed a few more drops from each PumpPatch into her muscles and her abs flexed well beyond their previous peak. Natalie’s eyes burst open at the sensation, the air from her lungs was shunted out of her chest by her bulging, and tightening abs. Natalie arched her back again.

“Oh my god, don’t stop! Don’t stop! Yes...hah...YES....HMPH...YESSSS!!!” Natalie screamed out into the warm orange room and the aging flame on the nightstand disappeared like it was on a birthday cake.

Phew, there it all is. Hope you guys enjoyed it, it's certainly one of my favourite chapters so far, what do you lot reckon?  ;)
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Metal Sphere on May 21, 2014, 01:27:33 am
First of all... Goddamn.

Second of all, K+.

I first saw this story over on ©, and I certainly missed following the adventures of Rachel and Natalie. Keep up the DAMN good work, man.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: solitariodude on May 21, 2014, 03:34:10 am
 “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is real - this can’t be happening!”
'Bout sums it up for me :) K#100 on the latest installment :clap: :thanks: and looking forward to more!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on May 22, 2014, 12:06:06 am
Certainly worth the wait. Good to see you haven't forgotten about us completely. A well deserved K+, sir.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sevenpeight on May 22, 2014, 10:07:58 pm
 :what:well, I don't have Natalie's abs, but that last instalment had me screaming “Oh my god, don’t stop! Don’t stop! Yes...hah...YES....HMPH...YESSSS!!!”


K+ of course
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: lj55068 on May 30, 2014, 11:20:21 pm
Awesome story. Cant wait for more.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on June 07, 2014, 03:35:17 am
Chapter 9
(A/n) Glad you all enjoyed the last chapter! And thank you for the warm reception after being away! Hope you enjoy this rather bitesize one. Thanks go out to MetalSphere, Solitariodude, Ninjastar, Sevenpeight and LJ55068!

Rachel's tiny red t-shirt already looked tighter around her slender frame. She was practically skipping to the gym. Her perky breasts swayed higher and prouder than before, and her belt clung tightly to the hot pants around her tiny, 26 inch waist. Determination burned in her eyes. Natalie meanwhile, tailed behind, trying not to tense her aching abs.

“You know how a sauna works, right?” Rachel asked slowing her pace and adjusting her thick-rimmed glasses.

“You climb naked into a wooden box, get sweaty and avoid eye contract with a bunch of strangers, yeah I’m familiar.”

“No – I mean why they work, why they’re good for you?”

Natalie was indifferent, but shrugged out of courtesy.

“The pores in your skin - they open up when they are subjected to a lot of heat and moisture. When your pores are open, your body can sweat out all of the toxins, dirt and other stuff that’s gotten in to your skin. In pretty ancient times a slave would even scrape the sweat and dirt off of your back with a sickle. But yeah, now you just go in and try and stay longer than the guy who was already there before you - until you’re done.  Then you dive into cold water afterwards to close your pores again.”

Natalie took a long swig of her coffee and nodded, again not to be rude.

“See where I’m going with this?” Rachel said, peering provocatively over her specs.
“Is this a long-winded way of saying you want to go in the sauna after our workout?”

“No, I want to go before.” Rachel leaned towards Natalie as she said so. “If we open our pores, we’ll let all the bad stuff out...” Natalie swallowed another mouthful of coffee, hoping for a hint somewhere in bitter cup of blackness. “But that means we can also let more of the ‘good stuff’ in...” Rachel trailed off knowingly, nodding towards Natalie's gym bag.

Natalie's eyes widened as the logic flashed on like a lightbulb. "Our pores - the suits - the patches, right!"  Natalie nodded, and her heart pounded excitedly.

“If it works, we’ll get even bigger even faster!” Rachel fluttered, clasping her hands together and virtually swooning at the idea.

“You’re a clever little toothpick aren’t you?” Natalie jibed, nudging her with her muscular arm. “I think I’ll trust anything you say after last night. I mean, my abs, they’re still so sore." she chuckled, then immediately grimaced at the burning in her six-pack.

"You're welcome" Rachel purred as the gym doors opened before them. Natalie smiled as they headed to the changing rooms to undress. "I'm full of good ideas, you'll see."

They both dashed into their usual stall, giddy with anticipation. Natalie unwrapped her tracksuit from around her burly back and peeled off her tight t-shirt  - sighing as she revealed her beautiful physique. Rachel swallowed as she realised she hadn't seen any of Natalie's latest developments in only her golden, naked skin.

Natalie unveiled a tightly-woven wall of thick, perfect musculature. Striations, veins and detail Rachel had never even imagined. She gawped at the dense sheets and sculpted chunks of muscle between her shoulders, as well as the incredible depth of the crevice at the base of her spine. The separation in her rounded shoulders, even the striations in even her bulging triceps - her upper body was so packed with muscle, Rachel couldn't peel her eyes off of her.

She traced the sculpture of her hips. The curved shelves that swept down to her tight waist were so defined, they looked almost inhuman.
Natalie meanwhile, was busy pulling her blue one-piece swimsuit over her legs. She hadn't worn it since she had been using the pumpsuit but hoped (ambitiously) it would stretch just as much. Noting the silence behind her, she turned around and giggled as she saw Rachel staring at her muscles, entranced.

Natalie's upper abs now punched out almost in line with her pecs, wider and thicker than ever. Her jacked-up six-pack tapered down to the sculpted hips where her tiny swimsuit hung. Natalie gave Rachel a seductive wink before she peeled the costume over her gorgeous abs and pecs.

After some firm tugging, Natalie squeezed the rest of her body inside. Looking in the mirror, she blushed. She was completely bulging out of the skimpy outfit. Her muscles poured out of the swimsuit that used to fit her so comfortably, so modestly. Her nipples were barely covered, and her hulking back spilled over the both sides of the struggling little garment.

Natalie purred admiringly, watching her abs bite into the stretched fabric. She flexed her pecs curiously and felt the suit tighten around her body. She flexed her pectorals again, daring the suit closer to her nipples. She flexed even harder, and gasped as strained straps stretching over her traps snapped instantly. She covered her breasts instinctively, expecting the suit to fall to her ankles, but it didn't move a millimetre. Tentatively, she removed her arm from across her chest and approved of the new - strapless - one-piece costume clinging to her bodybuilder physique.

In her red bikini, Rachel was still slim but no longer fragile. Her new eight-pack was thinly painted over her pasty stomach. She crossed her sinewy arms impatiently while Natalie ogled her own reflection until Rachel cleared her throat. Muttering an apology, Natalie took Rachel's hand and guided her to the saunas.

Scrambling up the sauna benches, Rachel quickly began splashing generous ladels of water over the hot coals in the corner. Furious, tropical heat flooded the tiny cabin in moments. Minutes later, both girls were starting to glisten in the sweltering heat. Natalie's body was shimmering, her blonde hair dark, damp and spread across her cheeks. Another minute passed before their breathing became laboured, Rachel playfully wiped the sweat off of Natalie's gleaming muscles, her veins now glowing bright green in the suffocating heat.

10 minutes passed. "How much longer? Isn't this enough?" Natalie pleaded through shallow breaths.

"2 more minutes." Rachel sighed, her head between her knees.

"No way. I'm done." Natalie clambered down and stumbled out of the room.

Panting, Rachel looked down at her body. She was virtually reflective with sweat now. Through sweat-stung eyes she saw Natalie's muscular silhouette through the misty glass door - she swallowed a gulp of the heavy air and willed herself to withstand another suffocating minute in the heat. 60 eternal seconds marched past before finally, she conceded and joined Natalie outside.

"Ok, we need to suit up right now." Rachel coughed. Together they staggered back to their changing room stall.
Natalie slid her slippery body inside the suit. The spandex clung tightly to her glistening muscles, and already she felt the prickles of each PumpPatch as they passed over her sensitive skin.

The suits quickly darkened around their soaking bodies. The wet fabric slithered over and into every curve and crevice of their physiques and felt tighter than ever. Natalie looked carved from stone in the dark blue, her thick muscles heaving with her deep breaths. Even Rachel's fledgling muscles looked more pronounced as she wiped another bead of sweat from her nose.

"Ok, here goes." Rachel murmured, adjusting the greasy spandex around her neck.

Natalie already couldn't have replied if she wanted to. She sipped sharp breaths through her teeth as she felt the patches bite into her soft, vulnerable skin. Her pulse thumped in her ears. Thick veins began throbbing in her neck.

Her shoulders burst into thick, rounded orbs.  She clenched her fists as the serum flooded into every single fibre of her biceps and pumped them up to their 15-inch peak.  The warm venom plunged deep into the very core of her body and then burst outwards, inflating her from the inside out. In seconds her muscles rippled to their full size, pumping up fuller and fuller until she was locked, trembling and rigid by the overwhelming energy coursing through her physique.

Rachel gleefully soaked up the venom, inviting it deeper and deeper into her vulnerable muscles. Her nipples turned to bullets and she whimpered submissively as her biceps flexed to the size they were the night before - a tiny vein appearing on her saturated muscles. Her tightening pecs hoisted her delicate boobs up her chest with a grunt. She felt the addictive tension sweeping over her stomach, her tiny abs burned white hot as they flexed as hard as they could. She quaked as her slender body was drenched with power. As the serum rushed down into her very fingers and toes, her lips slowly twisted into a maniacal grin.

As their quivering bodies tried to absorb the last drops of unhampered power, an incredible avalanche of adrenaline exploded inside them. Igniting the most intense pre-workout they had ever felt, their eyes popped wide open, and neither of the girls could wait to start pumping iron.

Basking in the intense pump, Natalie embraced her body's sensual aching. Her pecs sat tight and tense, each beautifully separated slab rippling just inches under her chin. She felt her throbbing lats creaking at their proudest width, and her fully ripened glutes press into each other as she rose to her tip-toes and flexed the tension out of her pumping quads.

“Wow. That was – that was...” Natalie panted, inspecting the fervent veins pulsing across her shoulders and down her thighs "What if that’s just the start?” her eyes shimmered with anticipation and desire.

"I've never felt this...this pumped!" Rachel growled.

"Are you ready?"

"So ready" she replied, wiping some saliva from the corner of her mouth.

My next post should be the start of a new project I've been working on for a little white. I think you'll like it, so keep your eyes peeled!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: lj55068 on June 07, 2014, 10:49:49 am
Another great chapter. Can't wait to see this new project of yours.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on June 07, 2014, 05:30:34 pm
Yes, yes, most certainly, yes. I approve heartily, sir. Well done. K+

p.s. How does the suit keep producing serum? Does it need 'reloading'? Did I miss something?
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on June 07, 2014, 09:16:54 pm
This is an awesome story which I really enjoy. Please go on!
I like the characterization, the style, the pace and the description. It's a complete package!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sevenpeight on June 08, 2014, 12:54:30 am
Fantastic... *wipes saliva from corner of mouth*

Keep it up (so I can too)  :rock:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on June 09, 2014, 04:00:04 am
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Yes, yes, most certainly, yes. I approve heartily, sir. Well done. K+

p.s. How does the suit keep producing serum? Does it need 'reloading'? Did I miss something?

There is a little mention of it in Chapter 8 Part 1, but you're right I haven't explored it total detail just yet.

The idea is that patches have enough serum in them to last a month, then Natalie gets new suits delivered to her and she sends the old ones back.

I was actually planning to talk about all this in more detail in the coming chapters, so we're on the same page!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on November 25, 2014, 02:42:43 pm
(A/n) Guess who's back?

[Part I]

"My hands - they won't stop shaking." Rachel whispered with nervous anticipation as she pulled her t-shirt over her venom-soaked body.

"Mine neither." Natalie replied. She curled her fingers into small fists and saw the dense sinews in her forearm jostle for space. Natalie’s pumpsuit clung to her tighter than she’d ever felt, its amorous grip and venomous teeth so deeply embedded in her muscles she felt almost naked as they entered the well-attended studio. Despite her baggy tank-top, her chest felt as though it stuck a metre out in front of her. Her restless muscles were pumped-up so tightly, that each and every irresistible flex felt like it would send them bursting out of her suit.  "But it's a good thing - don't lose your pump. Keep your intensity high and your weights heavy." Natalie began piling stacks of 20 kilogram plates beside her gym mat and barbell. Rachel followed her lead.

The door swung open and the sprightly instructor bounded to the front of the studio.

"Morning guys and gals - good to see some new faces in our advanced BodyPump class." He smiled, with a nod to Natalie. "One of them certainly looks like she'll be able to keep up!" Natalie blushed and self-consciously tugged at the tiny pink shorts stretched over her thighs.

Rachel huffed quietly - tensing the fledgling muscles in her arms to remind herself of her newly enhanced strength. She glanced at the tomb of wall-to-wall mirrors, and a pang of anxiety sucked the air out of her stomach. In every direction she saw her slender outline beside Natalie's thick physique. Her slouched shoulders beside Natalie's rigid posture - her backside flat compared to Natalie's ripe, rounded ass. She felt miniature, fragile, and certainly not belonging in a room so full of seasoned and impressive physiques.

Already stamping from the heady dose of the pump patch's venom - her anxious heart pounded even more fiercely.

She gritted her teeth beneath her grudging lips and she dragged two extra weight plates to her mat.

"Let's get started!" the instructor barked with a clap of his chalk-dusted hands. Rachel nodded sternly as music starting pumping into the room.
Natalie's biceps thumped with adrenaline the moment she curled her barbell up to her chest. She lowered the weight slowly, stretching her thick arms before confidently hoisting the weights up again. All of her muscles brimmed with energy. Her biceps pressed hungrily against her ribs as she squeezed out each rep.

A ripple of assurance washed over Rachel as she realised she was keeping good time with the whole class. She matched them curl for curl - unparalleled adrenaline crackled through her veins. She savoured the sensation of her new muscles swelling with blood and tightening her sleeves as the reps marched on.

"Shrugs - let's warm up our shoulders!" the instructor shouted. Natalie's lips were sent twisting as the bustling muscles in her back tightened together into a thick wall. Her broad shoulders seemed to lower for eternity, stretching the thick traps flanking her neck.

Rachel felt like the muscles were going to rip her ears off as she began shrug the barbell in time with the others. However, she quickly felt the muscles in her neck shoulders warming, and in half a dozen reps she had found her rhythm.

"Shoulders presses in 3 - 2 - 1!"

The whole class hauled their barbell up to their chins and deftly pushed them towards the ceiling. Natalie didn't miss a beat. Rachel awkwardly managed to lift her trembling barbell above her head a few seconds behind the others.

"Ok, Rach?" Natalie whispered as she effortlessly began pumping her meaty shoulders.

"F - fine!" Rachel panted back, shakily completing another rep.

The instructor barked. Rachel was quietly pleading for a rest already  - at least a pause in the assault on her tender, day-old muscles. A piercing heat singed the slender sinews in her shoulders, she was relieved when the focus was shifted to her back.

"Now some rows!" the instructor ordered.

Rachel rocked to find balance in her heels, catching up the others by bringing the bar to the bottom of her narrow chest. Natalie's bar kissed the tips of her meaty pecs with perfect discipline. Her burly back pulled the spandex affectionately over her nipples, within a few reps they were erect as bullets.
"Ok warm-up over - let's get serious now!" the instructor called sternly. The class veterans responded immediately, adding more weights to their barbells. "Alright: one up - three down!" He curled his barbell up to his chest, then began lowering it at an agonising pace.

Hurriedly copying their classmates, the girls began their heavier curls. Rachel felt a deep burning in her biceps. She exhaled assertively and attacked her first set. She tried to resist glances at Natalie's double-sized barbell, or the immaculate form with which she curled it. She furrowed her brow and pushed through the white heat.

Her pumpsuit's introductory dose was already beginning to wane. Yet she refused to cave. With each rep, she found another serum-soaked sinew and commanded its full strength. Despite every rep her body told her would be her last, her mind coaxed another rep from her searing muscles.
In the desperately brief pauses between sets, she re-kindled the burning desire to grow bigger, and stronger. Every time, her muscles would suddenly hum with a re-doubled swell of energy, and she attacked the next exercise.

After 45 minutes of relentlessly pumping, crunching, curling and squatting their backs, abs, arms and legs, the composure from Natalie's face was long gone. She grunted and snarled through the last reps. The suit slippery with sweat, beads were dripping from the tips of her hair.

Her muscles were torn and soft from the intense exercise. Her pumped up pecs were capped with pointed nipples, her sculpted six-pack rippled with her heavy breaths and her blood-filled quads were swollen and quivering.

Compared to Rachel however, she looked ready to host the 9 o'clock news. As the music faded from the speakers, the studio echoed with an incongruous clattering of weight plates and exhausted sighs. Rachel followed her weights as she slumped on the floor - utterly spent.
Natalie returned both their weights, cueing a grateful nod from the instructor. "C'mon Rach - we've got to go and change." She gestured excitedly towards the studio door.

"Just gimme a - gimme a second." Rachel gasped in reply. Her dishevelled hair was strewn over her face and sticking to the corners of her mouth.

"Get up, we don't have much time!" Natalie whispered impatiently. Rachel weakly out-stretched a clammy palm, Natalie rolled her eyes.

Natalie gripped her greasy hand and then scooped her panting, broken body off of the floor - her biceps still trembling from the workout - and carried her towards the studio doors.

"Not bad, girls. Not bad at all!" The instructor chuckled, himself breathless as they left the door swinging behind them. "Tell her she did great!" He grinned at Natalie and gave a thumbs up.

Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on November 25, 2014, 02:45:06 pm
As Natalie locked the door on their usual stall, she could already feel her muscles tightening as the suit's potent little teeth began sinking into her.
"Ok we're safe - I'm going to put you down." Natalie hurriedly pulled off Rachel's tracksuit pants and t-shirt before she unfurled her body along the bench, before she too stripped down to only her suit.

"Who knows if we'll be able to control ourselves when the suit star --- ugh!" Natalie recoiled with an orgasmic judder. Immediately, she felt a balloon of power ferociously swelling inside her heaving chest. Incredible energy crackled through her veins - every one of her muscles began jacking-up to its peak.

The sensation was deeper, fiercer. Natalie felt the warm venom - bountiful and unimpeded -trickling deep into her vulnerable muscles. Natalie's trembling hands balled into little fists, her forearms pumped tighter and tighter.

"Ohmygod here it it co -- hnngghhh."  Natalie's whole body began to pulse with ecstasy.

Juiced-up muscles ascended her arms, bulging thicker and thicker with every heartbeat. Natalie purred passionately as she watched her forearms pumping bigger and wider. Thirsty veins slithered along her swelling biceps. Her biceps flexed themselves as tightly as they could, swelling to their 15-inch peak. With a long, vigorous squeeze, their thick heads slowly began to separate into immaculately sculpted balls of muscle.

Her throbbing triceps straightened her arms again. Her sinewy horse-shoes eagerly creaked another inch outwards. Natalie sunk her teeth into her lower lip - never had the spandex sleeves felt so tight around her bulging arms.

Moments later, Rachel's arched her back off of the bench as the broken and exposed fibres of her delicate muscles were positively drenched by the suits enhancing venom.

"Oh god! It's so stro - strong! Ahnggh!" Between her guttural moans, Rachel heard a fleshy creaking, followed by the greasy suit sliding along her slippery skin. With a heightened sensuality, she felt her thumping heartbeat ripple through every muscle in her body.

Through her flickering eyelids, Rachel ogled Natalie's gorgeous body inflating before her. Rachel licked her lips desirously as Natalie's python arms sensually thickened.  “Ok. Come on, come on. Give it to me." her inner voice commanded.

At once, she felt the venom's warmth trickling down into the deepest sinews of her muscles, then with an orgasmic burst of pleasure, her biceps groaned outwards. They both bulged to golf ball size, then relaxed, and then bulged once more, fuller and harder. "Yes! Yes!"

Natalie struggled to stifle her carnal moans as her shoulders ripened. Pumpkin-sized striations  rippled across her shuddering delts. The incredible power bounced from her trembling hands to the widest sinews of her shoulders. Every vigorous thump widened Natalie's upper-body as her burly muscles were pumped up to bodybuilder size.

Seconds later, Rachel's shoulders began quivering. The serum seeped keenly into the very core of her bony joints. With an excited gasp, her jagged shoulders inflated. Striations rippled through them - the awkward joints were slowly encased in a tight ball of muscle."Oh god. More, more!" Her mind begged. A trio of veins stretched across her burning shoulders. Rachel's mind wandered to Natalie's deliciously ripe muscles. Obediently, the suit groped her aching shoulders once again. A lustful grin stretched across her lips as her tender new delts bulged wider by another inch.
Saturated with venom, Natalie's legs groaned with size. She squeezed her knees together, helpless to the orgasmic mayhem ricocheting inside her.  Three striated strips thickened her quads all the way up to her soaking crotch. She gasped incredulously as she felt her hulking thighs squeeze against one another. After an endless rally of sensual ripples, her thigh gap was squeezed out of existence by her bulging quads before her swelling calves hoisted her to her toes.

With a sudden tug from behind, Natalie's delicious glutes pumped another centimetre fuller. The slippery suit nuzzled adoringly into her sensitive pussy. "Ugh...fuck!" Natalie burst. Her surging muscles thumping giddily as they bulged.

Awe-struck by Natalie's beautifully brawny legs - her hulking quads, her voluminous calves and their incredible definition, Rachel whimpered desirously: "I want it! I want it!" On cue, her trembling legs locked straight.

Redoubled power cascaded down her thighs and into her tiny flayed toes. Her slender thighs inflated with lean, powerful muscles. Her wiry quads trembled towards their new size. Veins pumped furiously along her inner thighs. Tight and defined strips of muscles rippled down her legs. Rachel moaned with desire as she felt her glutes ripened beneath her quivering hips. Her swelling calves sent her toes pointing to the wall at her feet.

The suit was relentless. Natalie gasped desperately. Never had so many of her muscles been pumped-up so intensely, or so passionately.

With an adoring whole-body squeeze, one climactic wave of jacked-up muscle rolled up her legs and arms. Natalie's heart pounded uncontrollably as she realised their inevitable collision. Panting with anticipation, her whole body trembled with euphoric power.

The waves collided deep in the centre of her chest. Natalie's lips snarled and her eyes slammed shut as she was overcome by paralysing power. Her chest thrust outwards. Her pecs swelled and pressed adoringly into one another. She felt them pulsing thicker, centimetre by centimetre. The thinning spandex slid more snugly between her pussy lips with each shudder of unrivalled pleasure.

She felt the deep crevice in her back tense and then ripple from the base of her spine to between her shoulder blades. Her lats flared proudly, before they too grew bigger. Insatiable tension gripped her densely knotted back.

Her six-pack surged outwards, her washboard abs punched into a baking tray of muscle.

Rachel eyes-widened glared into Natalie's body ascended to bodybuilder levels, she visualised them bulging out of her own tiny torso. She closed her eyes. "Yes! I can take it! I can take it!"

With a twist of her lip, she fought against the suit's masterful gropes, and managed to summon the slightest twitch of her thin pectoral muscles. Suddenly, her chest tightened, and with a tidal wave of power, bulged outwards. She moaned helplessly from the burst of esctasy. Her pecs stretched greedily across her chest, and with another orgasmic explosion, quivered with new-found thickness by another inch at least.

Pumping muscles wrapped greedily around her slender body tighter, harder, fuller - her twisted lips fell submissively agape. Completely overwhelmed, Rachel moaned submissively, interrupted by orgasmic ripples crashing through her muscles. Her pin-sharp nipples felt like they would pierce through the spandex stretched air-tight by her swelling physique.

Seconds later, Rachel felt the venom seeping deeper into her midriff. Not just into the thin slices of muscle throbbing on her stomach, but deeper into the foundations - the wall of her abdominals. Rachel gulped a shallow breath. Then snapped upright and trembled, as in harmony all 8 of her abs punched out of her narrow stomach - larger, tighter and more defined.

Minutes passed before the awesome pleasure inside their muscles subsided.

Natalie breathed a deep, satisfied sigh, and felt the weight of her new muscles settle over her frame. As they finally relaxed, a sensual warmth washed over her gorgeous physique. She felt wide, powerful, thick. She toyed wonderously with her swollen muscles in  the mirror, sending long ripples up her pecs. Tensing them and watching them rise like baking bread. The aching tension when she drew back her shoulders was addictive.

The letters of the PumpLabs logo warped over her striated pecs, and the line running up the right side of her torso now zig-zagged over her impossibly chiseled abs.

Natalie rose to her tip-toes with fists on her hips. Her lats stretched to their full width, her quads bulged to full attention, her pumpkin shoulders rose higher than ever, almost in line with her chin. Her sleeves slid up her burly forearms and the spandex nuzzled between her broad, sculpted thighs as she flexed. 
Peeking, punch-drunk, down at her heaving chest, Natalie grinned with delight at the striated ripples flowing over her thick, meaty pectorals. Natalie had reached a new level of muscularity. She had pumped herself into bodybuilder territory.

She hardly recognised herself. Her beautiful, model-like features and blushed cheeks sat atop a vascular physique packed with defined yet deliciously dense, rippling, rock-hard muscle.  Finally she ripped her gaze away from herself and turned to Rachel.

"Oh wow!" she whispered, looking Rachel's quivering body up and down. "Rach? Rachel, can you hear me?"

Rachel was busy swimming in the unexampled pleasure. The last crackles of power ricocheted around her body. Her muscles lapped up every last drop of venom with lustful spasms. Her pecs even quivered another few millimetres thicker. Her abs tightened again with an orgasmic aftershock. Rachel's entire physique spasmed and quivered for a few minutes more. She savoured the sensation that she would never stop growing.

Soon though, Natalie's worried voice rang in her ears as her heartbeat melted away. Rachel wiped the matted hair from her eyes and mouth and her shimmering eyes opened.

"It's over hun." Natalie whispered, wrapping her fingers around Rachel's thickened forearm.

"Whoa. So many muscles." Rachel uttered dizzily as she blinked Natalie's incredible new body into focus.

"Wait 'til you see yourself." Natalie beamed, helping Rachel to her feet.

Natalie swept her burly frame aside. Rachel's heart could have burst with delight at what she saw in the mirror.

“God, look at me! Look at me!” Rachel squealed incredulously.

She pirouetted in the mirror, ogling her newly muscled body. One workout, and she was teetering on the edge of fitness model already. Her shoulders were rounded and capped, her chest wider and thicker. Her butt was fuller, firmer. Her legs looked strong, shapely, and defined.
She ran her hands all over her muscles,  prodding her new abs, trying to dent her new delts. Where there had been pasty, soft flesh were now hard, strong muscle. She cooed with fascination at every new bump and vein.

“I think I said something similar." Natalie folded her arms and nodded approvingly.
A shrill ring-tone split through the air. Natalie cursed under her breath and scrambled through her gym bag for her furiously beeping phone.
"Uh-oh! That's my mum, I'm late for work! I've gotta run Rach!" Natalie pulled her baggy tracksuit over herself and stuffed her towel into her bag. "See you at mine tomorrow!" she unlocked the stall door.

"Wait - what about the suit?"

Natalie stammered, glancing back and forth between Rachel's suit-clad body and the nearby clock.

"Oh! Erm, give it to - no - just - just keep it! I'll get it back from you tomorrow." She darted out of the room. "Hello! Yes - I'm coming now! I didn't forget I just got held up!" she gushed, leaving Rachel breathless and alone in the changing room stall.

As the sweat cooled around glowing body, Rachel rubbed the edges of the soaking spandex pensively between her fingertips. She traced her curious fingers over her new 8-pack, and down to her crotch.  Suddenly, her eyes widened and her heart thumped in her chest, as another idea flashed through her mind.

I've been excited to write this chapter since the very inception of this series. I hope it was worth the wait!
I won't put a time frame on the second chapter of The Masked Goddess - though it is still occasionally being tweaked and plot is being laced together scribble by scribble. I'm still pretty excited to see that whole story come together, but I'm still not sure when that'll be.

Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on November 25, 2014, 03:32:42 pm
Doth mine eyes deceive?! Poddy has returned! Hallelujah! Nicely done. See you haven't lost your touch, sir.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sevenpeight on November 28, 2014, 01:56:05 pm
Must. Know. What. Happens. Next! Gah!!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: king22222000 on May 01, 2015, 09:48:06 pm
Natalie and the PumpSuit
•   by Poddy90, Oct 1, 2013, 8:47:14 AM
•   Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Introductions & Chapters
Natalie was so giddy her signature on the delivery man’s clipboard was nothing short of an indecipherable scribble. With one hand already around the heavily taped and fairly large cardboard box, and the other shakily handing back the pen, the man was gone and she was rummaging for the kitchen scissors before the front door had swung shut. The box was surprisingly heavy, she thought, as her forearm gently trembled under the weight.

She soon had it sliced open, but inside, the contents were sparing. There were three blue, yellow and white plastic tubs of varying size, some plastic wrapped garments that resembled lycra tops, and some text-filled sheets of stapled A4 titled ‘Congratulations!’ on top. Natalie scrunched her button nose and cocked an eyebrow. A ‘sponsorship deal’ had had a lot more grandeur in her imagination.

Speaking of which she thought, she grabbed her phone from the table, deftly selected the camera, raised an outstretched arm, straightened her golden, choppy bob haircut and poised her thumb.

Social media had been the biggest cog in the machine so far. As well as the first spark in her decision to try and be one those women whose bodies she’d enviously ogled for so long. She’d been following every one of her idols across every online platform she could think of for the past 10 months. She knew it was up to her to keep the wheels turning herself - to live the seemingly limitless life of a fitness athlete every single day. By now her shyness in front of a self-facing camera had eased, but she could never shake that feeling of contrition with each snap. It had been a source of inspiration and frustration since she decided to become a figure competitor on her 19th birthday.

She naturally snapped some quick ‘selfies’ - making sure the opened box was in full view and more importantly, she knew, her crystal blue eyes, curved pink lips and just a glimpse of her pert, plump breasts. Her thumbs flew all over the screen: 'Box o’ goodies fresh from my first ever sponsors @Pumplabs! New supps and workout gear, thank you so much! Im coming for you chest n bis! Xx.’ She posted and checked her Insta**** profile; she was up to 345 followers now. It made her smile; it was three more than yesterday, and it was progress, however small.

Natalie was also happy because she had the house all to herself. Her older sister took the morning shifts at the family store on Mondays, giving her time to get a solid meal and hit the gym. Her mom never seemed to stop working since dad left either. Everyone pulled their weight, and the family was close – when they were together. Dinner was now an inconvenience rather than a family occasion. It didn’t bother Natalie, it meant she could control her own meals and make sure she was packing in enough protein as well as keep an eye on her carbs in every meal to keep her muscles lean, her body fat low and her weight steady.

Progress all-round had been slow but steady. At just 98lbs 10 months ago, she was up a solid 109lbs now. Squats, curls, presses and countless reps had rounded her shoulders, tightened her stomach, filled her arms, ripened her backside and toned her legs. She was burdened by barely an ounce of fat. She cut a sleek and feminine figure.

Of course there was room for improvement, she told herself, but competing and stepping on stage couldn’t be more than 6 months away, by her estimates.

She was happy with herself, on good days. On bad days, the seconds turned to minutes staring the mirror – scrutinising. Each muscle, each little bump and each flat spot. Her posterity kept her going, as did the lingering image of forever being the skinny little girl in the family – whether she admitted it or not, it was a fear of weakness that drove her. Stepping on stage, slim, lean, and with a body the model of feminine efficacy would change that, she told herself. Her older sister Marie, was always the son her father never had. Worse still, when he was hoping for another ‘son’, he got Natalie - cute, slim, pretty, blonde Natalie.

Taking the box to her bedroom, she eagerly unloaded the rest of the box. Three tubs of powders in ascending size as well as two plastic-wrapped undergarments. “Thermals maybe? Cool, that’s kinda helpful I guess.” she thought aloud. The more she could wear at the gym to please her new benefactors, the better.

She ripped open the bag and unfurled the garment. It unrolled in her arms. It was long, it was longer than a shirt, it was closer to a long sleeved one-piece, only it stopped just under the crotch, the lower half covering only a few inches of upper thigh.

It was a pleasing sky-blue, with an asymmetrical white stripe streaking from the right shoulder down to the thigh. A ‘PL’ logo was embossed within the stripe, just above the right breast. Natalie liked it. It looked positively tiny without a body inside it - it was sexy, stretchy and skin-tight.

As much as she embraced her shameless selfies, she knew which kind of pictures were the most popular, and exactly why. She chalked it up to not so necessary evil. Necessary? Unfortunately. Evil? Certainly not.

A brief glimpse inside the suit caught Natalie’s attention. The stitching inside had some strange patterns. Patches of a few inches in width and height lay spaced out – they resembled bandages in various shapes. Looking more closely, she spied two long, thick strips on each thigh, another two blocks occupying each glute, likewise the upper pectorals. Six small pads lined the abdominals, and thin strips stretched along the bicep and triceps too. The back featured the most elaborate display however, thick strips along the traps, two more on the rhomboids and two more stretching down the lateral muscles.

Padding, maybe? She thought something to fill me out? God, they don’t think I’m too skinny do they?! Do they want me to become a physique model? What’s next? Am I gonna get anavar in the mail tomorrow?!They didn’t mention anything like this…

She wrestled her runaway thoughts under control and instead turned her attention to the tubs lying on her bed.

They were neatly marked one to three, with a yellow warning tape design pattern around the rim of the lid. A deft twist and tub #1 was open: Pre-Pump. She foraged for the invariably buried scoop and flicked the golden dust off her fingertips. She sucked one dusted finger for a few seconds – flavourless.

Natalie mixed and gulped down the shake with ease. The powder was still lumpy. I guess they can iron that out she thought but some strawberry flavouring would’ve been nice! She wiped her mouth and set the dirty shaker on her nightstand. Her mind was already on that one-piece.

She stripped down to nothing, tossing her dressing gown, bra and panties onto the bed. God, it really is small she thought, before giving another curious glance to the smattering of patches stitched inside.  Caressing the weightless fabric, she threaded her smooth legs through each hole and gently pulled it up.

The suit wrapped around her like a second skin. It contorted to her curves and gripped her tight waist as she pulled it over her midriff and then gently over her plump, pale breasts. The fabric was cold; her hardened nipples crept up and pressed into the fabric. Next she slid her arms through the sleeves, it was a perfect fit, barely a wrinkle in sight. Though it was tight around the crotch, she was in the suit’s firm grip.

She spun in the mirror, admiring her newly compressed figure. Her waistline already looked tighter, and standing with her legs apart revealed such an inviting gap between her thighs she simply had to stare. ‘PumpLabs’ was written in large white letters across her backside, she giggled as she tickled one of her hardened nipples and reached for her phone for some timely self-promotion.

Suddenly, deep, soothing warmth enveloped her. It was as though the suit had come alive. She felt the warmth trickling from the same places as the patches sewn inside. It felt like a dozen pairs of soft, glowing hands stroking her all over. There was a hard pinch on both her thighs, immediately followed by a rush of massaging warmth. Next came her glutes, they both received a strong but caring squeeze from both of the patches, followed by another hot wave.  Her flat stomach received six individual pinches, before another two just above her breasts sunk into her shallow pectorals. Her sinews of her biceps, triceps and back were all treated together in the final crescendo, and the arresting, deep sensation that followed squeezed a heavy, sensual sigh from Natalie’s pursed lips.

“Oh…God” She whispered as she blinked herself back into the room. It was a rush, an unexpected, inexplicable, unforgettable rush. Gentle yet overwhelming, and over far too quickly Natalie thought -her pulse gently pumping in her neck.

The suit felt tighter, yet in the mirror her body cut the same slim, lean, curved outline as before. It wasn’t just over her skin; it felt like it was her skin, weightless and warm. From neck to her upper thighs, her pulsing body welcomed the PumpSuit’s empowering embrace.

Natalie stood wide eyed in the mirror, breathless and embarrassed that she was blushing in an empty house. She dropped her phone and reached for the crumpled pages of A4 that she had tossed aside earlier.

***Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter (in the gym) should be up some time in the coming days!

Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on January 13, 2016, 12:47:41 pm
Chapter 11

"Natalie Marsh - 💪❤️💋💪 - 19 - 5"6 - Taken by PumpLabs ;) - Life begins when your comfort zone ends!"

Natalie's Insta**** page. With the flick of a thumb, one could see a patchwork timeline of a beautiful blonde girl packing on muscle, now teetering on female bodybuilder territory. 19,000 followers and growing.

'#TBT' - Back to Natalie's figure days. Her slender, endless legs stretched out of some hot pants. Her smile beamed brightly, yet her body seemed flat - uneventful - her soft and smooth arms looked like a Barbie doll's. Her lack of upper body mass made her hips look larger, despite never daring to try a dead-lift for fearing of widening them. Tiny knots of muscle on her shoulders did little to stretch her matching workout bra. Her high heels brought her glutes into their signature bubble butt.

Swipe to the next image. Natalie was post-pump and her freshly ripened muscles poured out of her skin-tight bodysuit. Her golden crop was a post-workout mess, covering one eye, her skin flushed and glistening with sweat. Veins stretched down her striated thighs, her pumpkin delts shimmered as she flexed. Side-on, her tight waist was accentuated by her jacked-up bicep. The gym-lighting highlighted every sinew of her thickly muscled physique. "PUMP'd!" she had written underneath.

Natalie had kept her portfolio varied. An earlier post featured her softly-lit, hips and legs. The shadows of her ridged abs flowed across her obliques in the flattering morning light. Her pink panties sat snugly between her brawny thighs. The edges hooked over her narrow hips in a tall V.

Another photo had her in an old hoodie that clung to her burly frame. Rolling across her brawny shoulders and high traps. A thick and sinewy forearm bulged from the rolled up sleeve. Natalie was pulling one side of the hoodie open - revealing a dense pectoral adorned with the PumpLabs 'PL' logo, with the white asymmetrical stripe zig-zagging down over her six-pack. "Transform", read the caption.

Compared to the future competitors she was going to face in a less than a month, Natalie already buried them in size, shape, symmetry and conditioning.

"OMG - you are the sex." "Marry me." "Life goals." "You are my inspiration." "MY god you are absolutely STUNNING" "What I wouldn't give to have your body!" The comments went on. Natalie had long since stopped replying to individual messages, overwhelmed by the sheer volume.

Rachel felt a firm grip on the overhead handle as she scrolled through Natalie's profile. With her bag hooked over her forearm, Rachel couldn't resist reaching down and feigning itches on the solid bump in her bicep. It was small but rock hard, and her chest fluttered with delight.

The bus driver made impatient stabs at the accelerator as he slalomed through the light afternoon traffic. Rachel's core tightened and she squeezed her hand around the handle. The crowd around her swayed like an anemone in a tidal wave, but Rachel stayed pin-straight. Her posture was locked and she watched with satisfaction as the other passengers virtually tumbled around her.

Rachel hopped off without so much as a strand of hair out of place. She hurriedly walked a block, keeping her gym bag - with Pumpsuit inside - clutched to her side. Her legs carried her more swiftly than before. She strode with long, firm steps and her stride felt reassuringly balanced before she rounded the corner and skipped up the steps of the YWCA.


Meanwhile, Natalie jangled the shop's front door bell like the Salvation Army as she clattered her way through the shop door.

"Nice of you to show up!" her mother spat. She heaved her plump body off of the bow-legged stool. She checked her watch and huffed. "I can't run this place by myself, y'know."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." Natalie slung her big duffel bag off of her shoulder. "I got held up."

"At the gym again, were you?" she inquired softly, making Natalie immediately suspicious.


"Going well, is it?"

Natalie shrugged her swollen shoulders, trying to be nonchalant. She hadn't told her mother anything about the suit. Natalie's father had always been more invested in Natalie's fitness, but since the divorce Natalie had always been unconvinced of her mother's new-found interest in her workouts. Natalie especially didn't want her interfering now.

"Yeah, it's going good, I guess. I was thinking about entering that regional bodybuilding show next month, actually. But we'll see." she said disjointedly.

"Oh yeah? Fancy your chances?"

Natalie shrugged again. "Yeah, I think I should have a decent chance." 

"Well with this thing, I suppose you won't need any luck!" Her mother slapped a thick clutch of A4 papers on the counter. Natalie's stomach dropped to her heels. Natalie's cheeks tingled with guilty rage.

"Where did you get that?! Why were you in my room?" Natalie spat.

"My shop - my roof. I pay the bills around here so I can go where I bloody well like."

"But that has nothing to do with you! Since when have you even cared about me working out?"

Her mother huffed with a sneer. "Since I read this from your apparent sponsors."

Natalie huffed dismissively. "Do you even know what you're doing to yourself?" her mother continued. She waved the thick clutch of papers around and slapped it onto the desk. She peeled over a few pages and foraged through the wall of text with her finger. Natalie's heart beat faster. She knew she hadn't read the whole document from cover to cover. She always meant to but got distracted by her meals, Insta****, updating her profile - taking selfies or even getting off to her own reflection. "I mean listen to this -" her mother uttered incredulously.

"Upon wearing the Pumpsuit - the wearer will be earnestly infused with the following prototypical substances via our revolutionary anabolic transdermal patches - or PumpPatches', now capable of 100% absorption.

"Myofibril sensitivity booster - a revolutionary serum designed to re-calibrate the limits of protein chains, causing muscle repair and overcompensation to begin earlier, and much more aggressively." she fired an exasperated glance over the rims of her thin glasses.

"Hyper-Venom - the ultimate post-workout formula. Working in conjunction with the sensitivity booster, bypass your natural limitations and experience virtually unhindered muscle growth. Our top-secret Hyper-Venom serum is tested to 100% potency. Hyper-Venom only targets damaged muscle fibres, allowing you to fine-tune your muscles to perfection."

Natalie tried to interject, but her mother continued frantically, reeling off the information faster and faster. 

"Nitrogen boosters - administered for up to one hour post-workout, introduces a crucial catabolism blocker - meaning you keep 100% of the pure muscle gains you make. This new formula also boosts recovery and ensures a level of protein production unattainable in a natural state.

"Welcome to the bleeding edge of muscle engineering. Savour this potent trifecta of muscle-building substances. Cast your natural limits and explore your full muscular potential, courtesy of PumpLabs!" she slammed the flayed papers onto the counter and shook her head.

"I mean - you seriously just wrapped yourself up in that thing without even reading through any of this? Did you not stop and think for even a second?! You're on a cocktail of steroids!"

There was a deafening pause. Mother sucked down a deep breath and glared at her daughter. Natalie's mind buzzed with the details - the three stages - the suits incredible effects. She gently squeezed her pecs and biceps and imagined the torrents of chemicals rushing through her bloodstream. Her muscles crackled with energy at even the slightest flex. She felt her sleeves tighten, and a flicker of arousal twinkled in her crotch. She knew she'd put herself in danger - she kind of knew the risks could have been life-changing, but, as she felt the spandex straining under her pecs and bulging biceps, it all felt worth it.

If anything, the chemicals made her trust the suit even more. She'd already come so far, and enjoyed such success. Only now she simply knew why it worked so well.

"Mum, I'm an athlete. This is what I need to compete with the very best. Everyone I'm going to be up against is using the same thing, I guarantee it."

"Is that right? So they're also perfectly comfortable with stuff like this, are they?" she snatched the papers once again, Natalie sighed with frustration as her mother cleared her throat. 

"Disclaimer: Pumpsuits may cause stunted growth, infertility, in addition to menstrual changes, severe acne, water retention or bloating, liver disorders, sexual disorders and unhealthy cholesterol levels, tachyphylaxis, baldness and unusual clitoris growth!" she snorted. "Do you want me to go on?!" she threatened while revealing another full page of potential side-effects.

Natalie's head pounded. The energy throbbing in her muscles subsided, as a knot of disgust twisted in her stomach.

She breathed out - instantly, she scrutinised her voice - she scoured for the even the slightly change of tone other than her peppy, girlish voice. She scratched her scalp for reassurance that her hair was full and voluminous. She was gripped with self-consciousness. She placed a hand on her hip to feel her tiny, sexy waist to remind herself of her feminine figure.

"I mean Jesus, Natalie. What must be happening to you underneath all those muscles!?"

Natalie's mind wandered back to the chemicals - the Hyper-venom, the boosters, coursing through her. Her glutes flexed almost involuntarily. She felt their thick orbs squeezed adoringly into one another. The tension pulled on her hamstrings, she felt the comforting strength of the meaty cords pulling the back of leg straight. In a moment, her resolve re-doubled.

"Yeah but they have to say that stuff, to cover themselves in court."

"We're not talking about a peanut allergy here, Natalie."

"But look at me, mum! Do I look like a man to you? I don't have any acne, I'm not covered in hair. I look just like I always have - you've barely even noticed! I even put the suit on and take in the heavy deliveries in a quarter of the time I used to, and you certainly don't complain then!" Natalie's mother couldn't argue with that. Her gorgeous daughter still had her model looks and her skin still glowed in ripe youth.

"But for how much longer, Nat? How long have you been using it for? A month?"

"Three..." Natalie mumbled.

Her mother stepped forward and unzipped Natalie's tight hoodie. Natalie's brawny torso sighed outwards, a cobble-stone wall of abs beneath two thick slabs of pectoral greeted her mother's gaze. "Oh god, Nat!"

"What?! Mum listen, I have never felt this great. I've never looked this good. I feel fantastic, like, all the time. That stuff - those drugs - what this suit does to my body. I can't even describe it."

"Oh well, why didn't you say so? In fact, why aren't I back in Camden taking ecstasy every night for 25p a pill?" her mother spat sarcastically. Natalie's back muscles tightened angrily, pushing her rippling chest out further.

"But this isn't hurting me! Look, I don't drink, I don't smoke. It's just my muscles. I'm focused, I'm driven. This is my dream. I'm going to win the contest next month -  I can make some real money. We can sell this place and - "

"And what happens when they take it away from you? Then what?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you don't think it's going to last forever do you? You're a guinea pig."

Natalie spluttered in disbelief. "Excuse me?"

"You think they're just giving these things away out of the kindness of their hearts? They're going to see what all those drugs do to you, then, when it either turns you into little miss Ms. Schwarzenegger, or bald, or worse, they'll say thanks for the info and be on their way. They don't care about you."

"But why? They are my sponsor, I'm spreading their name all over the web. Thousands of people are watching me every day, why would they just ditch me? I'm doing everything they want me to do."

"Of course you are, my love. Because you're young, and hungry - and so beautiful, inside and out. And you've always worked so hard." her mother eyes welled up. "You've always been strong - a fighter." she slumped back on to her stool.

"I've always been scared someone would try and take advantage of that big heart of yours. Your generosity, your compassion, the world preys on people like you. And I always raised you to look out for the people who want to manipulate and control you spirit, or your body." She dabbed her eyes and hung her head. "But I always thought you'd see them coming a mile away, my sweet angel, Nat. I tried to raise you to know that but...but I don't know. I'm sorry." She peered up with quivering eyes. "Just, please tell me I'm not going to lose you."

Natalie's clenched her fists and her chest flexed tightly. Suddenly, her pecs didn't feel like the taut, thick chunks of muscle they were a moment ago. She felt bloated, watery. As her mother let out a stifled sob, Natalie felt stick-thin. She walked over and crouched at her mother's side. She looked up at the empty shop, at the dusty shelves and the faded lottery decals on the front windows.

"Just, please - don't take any more of it." her mum whimpered.

"Ok." Natalie whispered. "Tomorrow I'm going to call them" she swallowed, "And I'll ask them to take it back." She wiped a tear from her mum's eye.


Rachel leant back in her chair. With a smile she admired her handiwork. She placed her thread and needle back into its plastic container. A creased and faded bodybuilders anatomy chart lay draped off the corner of the table.

She fondled the silky spandex between her fingers. Her heart fluttered. She'd never spent time alone with a pumpsuit. Rachel knew every detail of its intoxicating power, yet it looked so tiny and gentle. The thought of the innocent, skimpy garment biting into her and filling her with muscle from the inside out lit a tingling in her crotch.
Rachel tensed her back and felt her fledgling lateral muscles bite into the cushion behind her. Her muscles ached from their earlier growth. But already her mind wandered back to the gushing warmth and bursting pleasure of the post-pump, where she couldn't even feel the ground beneath her feet. Her cheeks flushed. She desperately wanted to wrap herself inside and surrender totally to it's power. To be absorbed by it wholly - to be embraced, infused and then inflated by it.

Before she knew it, she was peeling off her t-shirt and panties. She moved her body-length mirror against the far wall, then she grabbed the pumpsuit. Rachel pulled the cold spandex snugly between her thighs and felt it stretch lovingly around her glutes.

She peered inside at her modifications. All over the chest, a newly arranged spread of pump-patches looked back at her. The patches were layered down the pectorals and capped over the shoulders. The sleeves were now bare - the pump-patches instead strategically covered the back with long strips down the laterals, then there was a mesh of patches across the upper back.

She drew a carnal breath and keenly laced herself fully inside. The spandex nestled against her pussy was quickly warm and moist. Her mind ran through a thousand eternal seconds of pure ecstasy, of the pump-patches saturating her with uncontrollable power. Rachel's heart stamped like a piston. She glanced back at the anatomy chart, at the perfectly ripened and ripped muscles covering the crafted bodybuilder. Her mind's eye envisaged her muscles weaving themselves tighter and tighter over her entire physique. Her pecs thickening with every heartbeat. Her bony rib-cage being swallowed by dense abdominals. Her pointy shoulders inflating into sculpted orbs. Her juddering thighs groaning outwards, hungrily swelling wider than her waist. Her toes disappearing under her expanding quads. Slender, fragile Rachel being consumed by thick, hard, pulsing muscles. She throbbed all over - so willing to submit to it - to concede control and allow the suit to juice her up in any way it saw fit.

She waited and waited, her feet planted and apart. Her eyes were closed, sensually foraging for the first tantalising squeeze of power. The seconds marched by. The clock teased her with every uneventful tick. 5 agonising minutes went by.


Thank you very much to all who have read and will read this work.

I know this chapter's a bit of a downer, but I've always liked using one character to point out the gaping logical whole in another, and Natalie's mother fits that role rather nicely. I hope you enjoy!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on January 13, 2016, 07:44:30 pm
I'm impressed. That was awesome. There's a lot of emotion in this, which is far from common in the genre. I really enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to the next part!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on January 13, 2016, 08:23:14 pm
See, this is the kind of story I'm talking about. Like El_Roy said, taut with emotion and CHARACTERS. Great job and welcome back. Hopefully we won't have to wait another year for the next chapter. It's been dull without you.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: JerusalemTulip on January 13, 2016, 11:38:31 pm
I hadn't seen this before.  I've gone back to the beginning and read through enough to know that this is probably the best story I've read here.  Slow growth is always hot, but this is in a class of its own.  I've sampled various formats of for-pay content and this blows it all away.  I'll happily second previous comments about loving the emotion and how real everything seems in the story. 
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on January 14, 2016, 12:21:31 am
Thank you very much for the warm reception (re-reception?). I'm glad you guys enjoyed this chapter so much, and it certainly spurs me to get cracking on the next one!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on March 05, 2016, 01:53:33 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 12

Natalie's mother scoured the minuscule print through her thick lenses. Her brow was a scrunched tangle of ridges, and her bloodshot eyes darted feverishly. Occasionally she would grumble and mutter under her breath, before tenaciously flipping to the next page of the Pumpsuit guide book. 

Natalie meanwhile, tentatively swept her thumb across a google results page for 'PumpLabs'. After scanning through several dozen engineering companies, water drainage solutions, air-separation diagrams, pdf files and even one scarcely played phone game - one neglected Russian workout twiitter account was the only thing close. As she tapped on the fifth page of irrelevant results, she sighed and tossed her phone onto the kitchen table.

"Well - turns out PumpLabs actually just make pumps, mainly for labs. Who knew?" Natalie mumbled.

"Keep looking." her mother snapped, licking her thumb and peeling over another page. "There has to be a way to contact them. A website, an email, a phone number - something!" 

Natalie didn't want to admit it - she had been humiliated enough for one hour - but the lack of any contact details anywhere, was now gnawing deep inside her stomach. Everything had been going so well, she thought. As far as she was concerned, there was nothing to report. The deliveries were always on time - and importantly never arrived when her mother was on shift. She hadn't even seen the PumpLabs specialists for a blood test in months. A letter inside one of her deliveries simply asked her not to wash them, just simply give them to the delivery person. She remember dashing up to her room and peeling on her new suits as soon as her shift was over then heading straight to the gym to experience the venom at it's freshest. All she had to do was eat, sleep, pump and grow. Natalie brooded, her stomach twisted in on itself. Ignorance had been bliss.

Natalie's mother paused and thought for a moment. Then, she grabbed Natalie's phone from the table. "No numbers? No texts either? Nothing?" she incredulously swiped downwards.

"Mum! Don't just take my phone without asking me!"

"Well you've hardly been a beacon of honesty recently, have you? How else am I supposed to learn anything around here?" she huffed. A group of distrustful lines folded along her forehead once again. "Who's this Rachel?"

Natalie's heart almost burst. 'Shit!' she screamed in her head. 'Rachel! Shit! The other suit!'. Her stomach twisted even tighter. As the silence grew louder, she quickly formulated an answer.

"She's just a friend." she tried to add nonchalantly. Her mother squinted skeptically.

"Does she have one of these as well?"

"One of what?" Natalie's cheeks burned hotter.

"What do you think?" her mother peered suspiciously over her glasses.


On the floor of of a YWCA dorm, one drop of sweat was joined by another. The stain dipped towards and away from Rachel's trembling nose as she shoved out another push-up.

"45-46-47-come on-come on!" she begged through strained grunts. Her elbows trembled precariously as she sank into another rep. She felt the muscle fibres crackling in pain as her fledgling muscles stretched thinly across her chest, before she tensed them and commanded them to push her back up.

Her palms were imprinted with the rough carpet. She paused with her arms straightened and sipped a handful of sharp breaths. She sunk again towards the growing puddle under her nose. As her chest drew parallel with her elbows, her strained pecs finally gave way and she collapsed into the floor.

She laid there gulping breaths. It had been her sixth set of push-ups in the last 15 minutes. Behind her closed eyes, she yearned for that first irresistible grope from the host of newly-arranged patches smothering her chest; the first adoring squeeze before it would vigorously juice her up with its heavenly venom. Rachel knew that by now she'd done more than enough muscle damage to activate her suit, but as she glared at the bottomless darkness in her eyelids, merely the blood pumping insider her tight pecs wasn't enough to satisfy her. 

The sweat lining her neck and between her thighs stayed warm inside the spandex. Rachel tensed her searing chest as hard as she could, goading them into the fantastic growth she craved. Her nose rose an inch off the floor as her newly formed pecs pushed her torso away from the floor.

She rolled onto her back and pointed her arms towards the ceiling. As she felt her aching pecs crumple together, she willed them to swell with venom and judder larger into swollen hunks that hung off of her chest and spilled out of her bras and tiny sports singlets. She begged her triceps to stretch down to her elbow and compete with the size of her shoulders. She wanted thick, swollen biceps to hang by her sides, capped with ripe, pumpkin delts that would pinch her narrow hips even tighter. Nothing.

At last, with a frustrated growl she picked herself off the floor.

"Oh god. What's Nat going to say?!" she whimpered to herself. "One night with the suit and I manage to break it! Why isn't it working?" She paced towards the mirror. In spite of her new figure model physique, she saw the same fragile little girl staring back at her. The teardrop muscles beside her knees looked flat and soft. Her shoulders felt comically small and unbalanced. Her back felt narrow and hunched. She flexed her lats and envisaged them flaring out beyond her armpits, but instead they stretched into view only just in line with her ears.

Her mind wandered to Natalie after their last workout. Rachel couldn't recall Natalie ever posing, instead she seemed to wait for the suit to dictate her body's growth. Natalie's muscles flexed around her tightly, then creaked outwards in temperate shudders. She recalled Natalie keeping her trembling fists by her sides as her pecs grew into gorgeously wide hunks of muscle. As Rachel recalled it, Natalie's muscles grew almost reluctantly.

And here she was flexing and pumping and begging, for nothing at all.

She cursed, loudly. She pivoted and kicked the closest thing beside her. Her gym bag flew across the room and cracked into the wall.

As the open bag slumped to the floor, she heard a familiar plastic rattling over her shoulder. Slowly, her shaker rolled out and gently nudged the back of her heel. Rachel took her thick-rimmed glasses from her nightstand. She gasped.

A tiny puddle of brown, grainy mixture lay at the bottom of the shaker. She crashed to her knees, grabbed the shaker and frantically unscrewed the lid. As she peered inside at the little splash of faux-chocolatey formula, she giggled euphorically. "The pre-workout!" She felt her abs bunch up as she squealed as loud as she dared. She bounced up on her toes, and with a trembling hand she raised the shaker to her lips and lapped up the few remaining millilitres, then held out her tongue and patted the last precious drops onto her tongue.

She grimaced at the taste. Nothing was quite as pungent as protein shake left to fester for half a day or so, let alone one laced with such potent chemicals. Rachel wiped her gums with her thick tongue, absorbing every possible drop. It crackled on her tongue, the sickly taste gave her goosebumps and sent a shiver up her spine.

She returned to the mirror. "Please - please..." she prayed in a whisper. Less than a dozen seconds went by, before she felt a gentle, yet unmistakable nibble on her chest. Rachel held her breath.

Like the pats of rain before a downpour - one by one, she felt the little teeth sink into her flesh, hesitantly at first, before slowing gathering familiar - soon to be unstoppable - momentum. Rachel burst with delirious relief.

The sensation was immediately arresting. Quickly the first full patch had pressed itself into her left pectoral, and the muscle began gleefully gorging on its venom-soaked bite.

A fizzling ignited in her belly. Excitedly, she rolled up her patch-less sleeves and exposed her forearms as she ogled her glistening reflection. 

She watched the lustful smile spread across her lips. Admiring the veins that began throbbing in her neck and sweaty abs that appeared and disappeared with each desirous breath. The fizzling confidently shifted gears, roaring into a deep, smooth fire that enveloped her torso. Rachel moaned and felt the greasy spandex slide sensually over her whole body as it shifted tighter around her humming muscles.

She adjusted her slipping glasses and ogled the veins sliding towards her wrists. She indulged in the control she had over herself while her muscles swelled up - squeezing against her bones and stretching the air-tight suit tighter around her skin. The sleeves crept further up her arms, and the leggings nuzzled deeper into her crotch. "Oh fuck yes." she purred, as the awesome pleasure swept greedily down her thighs and into her baseball shoulders, then she squealed with surprise.

Her upper-body locked upright. Her stamping pulse filled her ears. The suit seemed to reach deep into her chest, as though it curled its fingers around her spine and gripped. It pushed the air out of her lungs. Rachel clenched her tiny fists and panted desperately as her fledgling pectorals flexed hungrily in unison, surging away from her dripping chin.

Previously, the suit squeezed her with a endearing hug. Now however, the new suit felt like it wanted to crack her ribs. The concentrated doses pulsed through Rachel's torso completely unbridled. her hair flicked to and fro as her muscles jerked with hefty jolts of energy.

All at once, her muscles bulged to their maximum size. Before, the suit had sensually coaxed her muscles into growth. But this new calibration forcefully ripened them at its command. From the relentless thumping inside her torso, she couldn't even begin to sense a limit to the suit's enhanced power. "Ughnnn...fuck!" Rachel burst.

She heaved breaths - sucking down deep lung-fulls that stretched the suit tightly over her chest, and the sweaty spandex lovingly lapped at her clit. Her legs quaked as the fantastic pleasure began to volley inside her. She breathed deliberately deep - feeling her chest swell up and the slippery spandex slide along her clit once again. She reached behind her back and pinched the suit at the base of her spine.

Instantly, her 8-pack rippled boldly into view. Rachel moaned triumphantly at the suit clinging to her muscles like a second skin. Her whole midriff looked packed with pulsing muscle. As she pulled the spandex back, her waist seemed to narrow even further. Likewise, her flexed deltoid now popped and bristled with sinews. Her carnal breaths deepened as her heaving chest continued to rub the soaking spandex against her pussy, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm.

Indescribable swells rolled through her. Quickly her submissive moans turned gruff and low; her shoulder blades wrenched back. Rachel heard her vertebrae cracking, and a newly reinvigorated power surged inside her. Her breaths became shorter and shorter, seconds later, her muscles rippled all over again, and her aching pussy turned every breath into a euphoric wail.

Like ocean waves, her fledgling pecs crashed into one another and thickened as they pressed adoringly into one another. The crack between her pecs deepened as Rachel came magnificently. Sweat dripped and ran between the jagged crack in the center of her chest. Her triceps juddered outwards, extending their U-shape curve beneath her shoulders. Rachel felt the spandex stretching around her arms and chest, and savoured the orgasmic mayhem. Her chin bucked back and she collapsed onto her bed - waves of impossible climactic pleasure shaking her body every other second.

Her little feet fluttered and she swam in the incredible pleasure. Her crotch jerked and spasmed endlessly, Rachel bit her thumb and relished the warm numbness washing around her body.

Some minutes later, she blinked herself back into the room and sat up. She staggered weightlessly over to the mirror.

"Oh my fuck - I knew it." she panted to herself, seeping her sweat-soaked hair out of her eyes.

Her waist looked tighter, her shoulders, triceps and chest had filled up with a shapely thickness. She saw the curves of her newly-muscled pecs arc over to her armpits. Her chest felt like it stuck out a metre in front of her. Rachel squeezed her pecs and watched them jerk her pointed nipples up and down. Likewise, noticeable bumps on the outside of her arms, and a sideways 'C' pressed against the spandex teased her boosted triceps. She flexed, cooed and basked in the most terrific pump she had ever felt.

With her long, raven hair and geeky glasses, Rachel was suddenly struck by the intoxicating image of an enchanting fantasy. A girl, petite and gentle, transformed by muscle. With the same features that made it undeniable that the very same elegant, tender woman had been wrapped from neck-to-calf inside a gorgeously juiced-up physique. She saw it with irreproachable clarity - a woman who fearlessly explored the furthest edges of her own musculature. A woman whose muscle growth transformation challenged the preconception that a nerdy little girl simply couldn't wield such muscles. That her muscles simply couldn't have grown from her own body. To make others ask: how could such muscle, such strength, have been concealed within someone so frail? And in asking - make them question the kind of power that might be buried within themselves.

She scanned over the surface of her desk, then looked over to a thick notepad lying on her bed and smiled. She threw herself onto the damp bed sheets and began to flick through the pages, glancing over notes, sketches, highlights, questions and numbers - an entire personal catalogue of everything she knew about the suit so far. She opened a page titled: "Post-Workout" and snatched a nearby pen. 'Clitoral stimulation and orgasm. Most likely oxytocin induces MORE growth. Most definitely requires more research.'

At last, she thought, the suit is getting closer to it's incredible potential.

"Oh my god, and that was just a drop of pre-workout and some push-ups!" she giggled drunkenly to herself, kicking her legs giddily behind her. She turned a few more pages to one titled 'Pumpsuit Mk.2'. "Oh fuck" she burst in wonderment, "this is going to be so good."

(a/n) Thank you again to all my readers! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed writing it. If I saw correctly, NinjaStars "Pumping Vengeance" is a collaboration story based upon the same universe. So if you want more pumpsuit goodness, make sure to check his story out as well. /plug.

Much more to come in future :)
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: JerusalemTulip on March 05, 2016, 03:46:11 pm
I definitely enjoyed reading this.  Very realistic dialogue.  It is interesting to read a story that actually has family dynamics and conflict going on in it, rather than about characters who hatched from an egg (like all of mine so far).  Most importantly, the workout descriptions are second to none.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on March 05, 2016, 04:52:36 pm
That was really cool and well-written. I'm looking forward to the next part and I will take a look at NinjaStar's stuff.
Thank you very much for this!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on July 12, 2016, 05:20:30 am
Chapter 13

(A/n) Get yourself a cuppa before this one. It's a bit of a mammoth. Enjoy!

The stairs creaked irritably under Natalie's footsteps. She stomped down on each one and slammed her bedroom door shut, leaving her mother to mutter in the kitchen. Natalie's slippery grip held her phone tightly. She thumped her head against the door a few times, cursing herself. She drew a long sigh and felt the taut, silky pumpsuit slide over her skin.

She anxiously pondered how she would feel once the suit was gone. She couldn't honestly remember how it felt to be without it. Without the assurance that each shop delivery would be just as light as the last. To carelessly brush her chunky delts through narrow door-frames and never feel a thing, or to leap up staircases without stressing her heart by a single beat. That assurance which had pulled her shoulders back, widened her gait, planted her feet, opened her palms, and - when combined with her unforgettable physique - made her catch the eye of even the most withdrawn passerby.

But how long would it take for her back to hunch forwards, her 6-pack to fade beneath her shirts, her arms to deflate into flat, uneventful limbs or for her thighs to stop bulging and stroking against her leggings? She hastily pulled off her hoodie and looked at her suit-wrapped self in the mirror.

She thought of the extraordinary chemicals feeding her muscles that very moment. She flexed her hunky pecs and curls her biceps tightly. She flexed them until she felt her heartbeat a little faster, sending the venom skipping through her blood, out of a panicky fear that the chemicals themselves would dissipate without some reassurance.

The flurry of thoughts cluttered her mind, and slowly began to weave around her skull like an impassable mesh of tree branches. She felt her mind gulping its last breaths before expecting to become completely submerged in indecision. Desperately she reached for her smartphone - pleading for sedation.

She clicked on her latest picture - an irresistible bathroom selfie of her chunky backside and tightly woven hamstrings. She glanced down at the comments. More followers, more likes, more 'xx's and declarations of love and admiration, more everything she needed to read. The muddle of thoughts in her head began to drain with a pleasing warmth as she swiped through a host of gushing, envious comments. 

Her thumb paused. A mob of indecipherable usernames made up of letters and symbols had left some more comments on all of her latest pictures.

"U looked better before", "You were so hot why did u do this to yourself" "Much roids, wow", "U look like a man", the messages went on and on.

Her stomach twisted as she remembered the ghastly side-effects her mother had explained to her. She looked down at the pronounced veins running down her thighs. She spied the faint blonde hairs rising to attention over her forearms, and gingerly pulled her sleeves down.

"Not buff enough - here's a Pumpsuit. Too buff? - Ew, stop it! What was else was supposed to happen to me?" she yelled silently inside of herself. She read and re-read the messages, hoping she'd missed a word, a hidden compliment, some cryptic sarcasm. Finally, she distinctly heard them her mother's voice. She threw her phone on to the bed.

In months gone by, those growing voices were water on feathers. The polemic messages were few among swathes of adoration for Natalie's evolving physique. Yet tonight, the vitriol struck like arrows. The weight of the impossible negativity, it grew heavier and heavier, until the tears that boiled up in her eyes spilled down her cheeks.

She paced up and down in front of the mirror, moving in and out of sight, each time her brawny reflection seemed less and less familiar. "I didn't ask for this! I didn't need this! Nobody warned me. My body wasn't ready - no one would be ready for this - how could anyone resist this thing? How did I get chosen - why me?!"

At last, she stopped pacing. A sudden realisation, a memory, spread across her face. "If it ever gets too much - I'll stop. That's what I always said." she repeated to herself, again and again with an increasingly frenetic rage. "That's what I said right at the beginning! I didn't ask for this!"

She tore the pumpsuit off, clutching and tearing at it like she was covered in cobwebs. Through sniffs and little grunts, she pressed it into a little ball and hurled it against the wall and watched it land in a timid heap. Standing in only her panties, another tear landed on her chest and trickled towards the abdominal maze on her stomach.

Door locked. Virtually naked. Enraged mother downstairs. Desperate for an escape. It was a deja vu so strong she could almost see her second-self in the room. What did she used to do when she stormed to her room? She wiped away her tears and looked around her room.

Two dozen Polaroid collages hung above her headboard, with a pretty little Natalie at the centre of each one. Bleach blonde and beaming, with a host of hands - male and female - wrapped around her waist. Skimpy outfits and neon body-paint plastered over her legs and hips. Glow-stick necklaces and bracelets hanging off of her on sugary beaches and nightclub floors. The girls - her girls, the nights, immortalised in photos, hangovers, and Sunday afternoon patchwork recollections - every single one covered with a thin layer of dust.

Of course! She went out! Of course she did! She kicked herself for her dull memory.

"So what if I've changed in size? I'm still here. It's still me." She yanked open her wardrobe peered inside at the racks of her long untouched outfits. "No, it's a better me. New me. Bigger Nat - better Nat. Wait 'til they get a load of me at the Cat House!" she growled. She rifled through the hanging clothes, sweeping through an array of thin and sultry garments. Natalie quickly settled on a mini, lilac cocktail dress.

She grinned as the fond memories from the skimpy outfit came back to her. The scrunched fabric was familiar beneath her fingertips, she turned to her night stand and recalled precisely hair style, the shoes, and the make-up that complimented it perfectly. The next 30 minutes of her evening just fell perfectly in to place.

Eagerly, she threaded her legs through the stunted garment and pulled. She grunted lightly and giggled to herself as it reached her knees and snagged against quads that bugled outwards from above her kneecaps. She wriggled awkwardly, trying to stuff herself inside, but her swollen muscles wouldn't give an inch. With a undeterred huff, she kicked it off across the room.

She snatched a bandage dress - a bodycon. Stretchy, figure-hugging. This one reluctantly conformed. It slid tightly over her legs and the scarlet red was taut over her stomach. She liked how it caressed her backside; the snug fit was familiar. It took her back to sweet scented clubs and creaking slowly into the town cab with her friends in tow, giggling and quickly steaming up the windows. She straightened her arms and prepared for the sleeves. She plunged one arm inside and watched the sleeves inflate with thick, rolling lumps until and her fingers eventually emerge out of the end. Spying the vein in her bicep pressed through the thin rayon, she pushed her other arm through with a grunt. Impressively sleek, yet thick and sturdy sleeves stretched out in front of her. Natalie grinned, feeling sexy and yet powerful.

But when she tried to stand up, her shoulders were wrenched forwards. She pivoted in the mirror and saw her knotted back pouring out of the open-back. She wrenched her elbows back and it nearly suffocated her. She spied her abs punching outwards against the fabric in 6 defined blocks. Her lats hung down below her shoulders, resisting their new covering. She spotted the square holes tearing open in the desperate red fabric, not to mention the hem openly revealing her crotch. With a furious sigh, she pulled her arms free and peeled it off of herself.

She held a pair of denim hot pants over herself. The pants were laughably wide across her hips. Her chiseled hips had become so tightly tapered, there were at least 5 inches too big. Even with all the muscles packed into her waist, she'd need braces to keep them up. She scoffed and discarded it without another thought.

A high neck, open shoulder cyan number dangled enticingly. With a covered back, Natalie snatched it. As she slid the airy dress over front without resistance, she tugged it down and watched her pumpkin delts burst out of their shoulder openings. Natalie grinned as she watched the striations dancing in her muscles; she didn't even hear the dress ripping as she'd yanked it. Sequins and diamonds showered all over the carpet, even the mirror. Her thighs quivered freely, suddenly she hissed and looked at her feet. Natalie picked the plastic diamonds out of her soft souls and finally realised the erratic pattern she'd created over herself. She growled, frustrated, and added it to the pile of rejects on the bed.

Were tracksuits and spandex really the only thing she could fit in to now? She pictured herself trotting up the marble steps into the nightclub in her baggy grey tracksuit and glossy stilettos. She virtually threw herself inside her wardrobe, foraging frantically.

A low v-neck was barely a item of clothing, she remembered taping her nipples in case of any mishaps. She remember the stares she'd gotten from this one, and how impossible the thing was to find once it had been flung on a stranger's bedroom floor. For the first time, it's shapelessness could actually work in her favour, she thought. In dark British green, she hooked the waistline over sculpted hips. It had a reassuring grip around her waist. She threaded the rest of herself inside and looked up. She purred at her reflection. She blossomed out of the top half -  a muscular crevice ran down her front and her top abdominals lapped at the nadir of the open front. Her burgeoning torso pulled the inner edges tantalisingly close to her nipples. The previously wavy hem was shapely fit around her brawny legs. The burly crease burrowing down to the top of her ass was fully exposed. Natalie cooed at the way her own ass popped, forming a brawny shelf that ripened outwards far beyond her ankles.

"Oh, yes." she pivoted. "This is the one."

Instinctively, she reached for her phone for a photo. But she stopped after a single step, as though something repelled her from it. Her out-stretched arm froze. "Like they deserve to see this." she grumbled to herself, going back to the mirror to ogle her reflection some more. Just then, Natalie's ears pricked up.

A light tapping, she was convinced, on her bedroom window. Instinctively looked around for more sequins embedded in the ceiling raining down from above. Nothing happened for another minute.

She jumped when a tiny stone clacked against her bedroom window. Her heart twinged nervously as she tip-toed up and looked down into the courtyard behind the shop. She blinked forcefully, and in a moment a distinctively petite figure emerged in the courtyard.

"Rachel?" she whispered into the darkness. She sighed with relief as she saw the back-alley light shimmering off of raven black hair, and Rachel trotted hastily closer and into full view. "Jesus. You've been a ghost!" Natalie squeezed her shoulders through the window frame. "Why didn't you reply to any of my messages - haven't you checked your phone? Do you have the suit?"

"I could ask you the same thing! I messaged you! I came here as fast as I could." Rachel replied, sucking down breaths. She wiped a shiny film of sweat from her forehead. "Nat, I gotta show you something. Let me up!"

Natalie shook her head madly. She placed one finger over her lips and jabbed at the downstairs window with her free hand. "My mum's inside!" Natalie whispered as loud as she dared. "And do you know what she's doing in there? She's trying to call PumpLabs!"

"What the hell - are you serious? Aren't you going to stop her?"

"Listen, Rach. Things have changed. She - we were talking and - and -" she sighed with frustration. "Just stay there! I'm coming down." 

Natalie placed her ear on her bedroom door and heard her mother's chair groan with relief. She carefully tracked her plodding footsteps through to the bathroom. She held her hand over the doorknob as she waited for the bathroom door to click shut. The second it did, Natalie slipped out of her room, down the stairs and out the backdoor.

When she arrived in the courtyard, there wasn't a trace of Rachel except for some light grunting coming from the cellar. Natalie dashed down the concrete steps and found Rachel heaving another crate of beer onto a small stack she had quickly assembled. She smiled proudly at the stack as it matched her own height. And looked genuinely pleased to see Natalie as she brushed the coarse dust off of her arms and tingling palms.

"Rach - what are you doing?!" Natalie hissed.

"I'm here to give you a demonstration." she replied chirpily.

"A demonstration on how to make my mother lose her shit?!"

"What on earth are you wearing?" Rachel giggled, looking at the dress clinging on to Natalie's body. 

"I was about to go out, actually." Natalie snapped back, flicking her hair back behind her ear. "I do more than just work out all day, y'know?" Natalie muttered unconvincingly.

"Hah. Yeah - so do I." Rachel scoffed. She pulled open her hoodie. Natalie was already preparing her feigned disinterest, until her mouth fell open as Rachel revealed her Pumpsuit clad body. "What do you reck - hrrk!"

Rachel's chin sank into the top of her chest. She licked her lips and looked Natalie in the eyes as her smoky emeralds began to gloss over. The harsh cellar lights swept over her skittishly flexing quads. Natalie witnessed the taut sinews pulsing in Rachel's legs before they locked straight. Natalie lunged forwards and hooked an arm around her waist, she'd recognised the lustful whimpering and the laboured snatched breaths. She swept Rachel's shivering hair behind her ear and with a confused curse word, hooked a finger inside Rachel's shorts and spied her pulsing hips wrapped in unmistakable blue spandex.

"Oh my god, are you kidding me?" Natalie hissed, glancing up at the open cellar door and slapping her hand over Rachel's mouth. She felt Rachel's desperate breaths on her palm. Fresh muscles burst across her thighs. Ripening with complexity and detail; the quads above her quaking knees thickened. The teardrop above her knees pumped outwards, becoming more defined. A sinewy cable stretched up the inside of her leg towards her bucking crotch. Calves like beating hearts thumped organically out of the backs of her legs.

Natalie felt Rachel's heart stamping against her as she writhed submissively. The suit was a whole-body experience as always. She snatched breaths when she could between short rounds of her venom-fueled muscles inflating. She was so firm, Natalie thought. The soft little geek was hardening in her very hands. Rachel's tightly rounded biceps bumped against her, and Natalie felt her fledgling obliques rippling beneath her fingertips like piano hammers. Rachel hands curled into fists as her arms flexed, her muscles weaving tighter around her limbs. As Rachel jerked and moaned in her grip, Natalie couldn't help but envy the unforgettable pleasure crashing inside her.

Rachel burst out in an endless gasp, stifled, like the shock of cold water. She sucked down shuddering breaths as the swells of pleasure dissipated. Her eyes were dozy and her shiny lips hung open - Natalie knew she had succumbed to the suits adoring strokes.

Natalie looked along Rachel's body to her pointed toes. Her legs were thick but still taut and firm, much like her own. The veins in her biceps were accentuated by the blinding wall-light. Her mind buzzed with questions - had she gone to the gym? Did she have her own pre-workout? How had she gotten the suit to work? 

Rachel spluttered in a drunken giggle. Natalie tightened her clasp over her mouth and felt the hot saliva tickle her hand. She heard the rusty hinges on her mother's bedroom window squeak open. Natalie cursed again and clutched Rachel's quaking body tighter still. Rachel felt Natalie's biceps press into her tingling hamstrings. After an eternal half-minute, the window closed and Natalie unsympathetically dropped Rachel back onto her feet.

"Ta-da!" Rachel landed on her tip-toes and flexed her legs. "Oh man, look at them!" she beamed, twisting her legs to and fro. They had pumped up into sinewy trunks - Nat had seen physique competitors with smaller legs. Rachel ogled them lovingly, cooing at the way her muscles shifted snugly against each other under her skin. She purred, lazily. She didn't seem like her usually jittery self. Blinking drowsily, looking up at Natalie with an unashamedly huge grin. 

"Rach!" Natalie spat in a whisper, as she marched to the cellar door and closed it quietly. "What the hell is going on?"

With a giddy gasp, Rachel pointed a shaky finger in the air, as though she'd remembered something. "Now don't freak out" she giggled. "But I've made some changes." And before Natalie could stop her, she peeled the shorts from her freshly ripened legs as well as her red t-shirt. "What do you reckon?" she twirled.

Natalie's face dropped. The muscles in her back tightened into a furious bunch. "Some changes?!" Natalie spat in a fierce whisper. Rachel recoiled as Natalie's eyes practically bulged out of their sockets. She grabbed Rachel's shoulders and spun her around, frantically running her fingers over the rearranged patches over her body. The suit now had shortened sleeves which exposed her biceps and slightly longer leg sleeves. Natalie felt a newly assembled criss-cross of patches across her back and on her rear delts. Likewise, two new patches were wrapped around her upper thighs. Rachel yelped as Natalie effortlessly man-handled her, before wheeling her around to meet her incredulous face. "What the hell have you done?!"

"Well, I - I moved some of the patches to more effective positions - around only the largest muscle groups, like legs and back and chest - if we grow them then we grow all over. So that means we spend less time working out, and more time enjoying, y'know, the results." Rachel gushed, relieved her voice didn't crack under Natalie's suffocating glare. She cleared her throat, seemingly goaded on by Natalie's lack of retort so far. "And it worked!" she squealed proudly. "This is just from running here and lifting a few boxes! Don't you want to see what it can do?" she begged.

"Oh Jesus, no. Oh, no no no!" Natalie erupted. She pinched the suit in her fingers and began stretching it hysterically.

"Don't - ouch! Nat, stop you're hurting me!"

Natalie growled, releasing her grip. "What the fuck, Rachel?! You think that's what we need - more of those drugs inside of us?"

"What? No. It's the same amount of - "

"What the hell are PumpLabs going to say when they see this?" Rachel recoiled, sobered slightly. "Well it doesn't matter, anyway. It'll have to be a parting gift." Natalie shook her head. "It's over - I'm done."

"You're what?" Rachel spluttered. 

"I'm giving the suit back. Mum and I - we talked earlier and she - we. It's not safe for me. I - we called them. They're coming tomorrow and we're giving back the suits."

"But what about the contest? It's in less than a month and you're going to kill it!" She clasped Natalie's biceps with her petite hands. She squeezed them imploringly and watched her fingernails whiten.

"I know..." Natalie conceded quietly. "But I've done enough to myself to go on without it."

"But you've come so far - you've worked so hard." Rachel licked her lips as she affectionately stroked the perfect mounds of muscle in Natalie's arms. "Why not use it up until the contest and then see how you feel about it?"

"No, that's too late." Natalie pulled her arms away.

"Too late for what?"

"Do you even know what's in these things?" Natalie jabbed her finger at the Pumplabs logo covering Rachel's maturing pecs. 

"Well, yeah, I mean it's more than just 'protein', am I right?" Rachel quipped tipsily.

"We've been playing with our health, our bodies, maybe even our lives, Rachel!"

"Don't be over-dramatic." Rachel smirked.

"But have you read the details? Nitrogen boosters? - 'Hyper-Venom'?!"

"Well, yeah, of course I did. That night. My initiation. You were fast asleep. Why, what did you think was inside these things?" Natalie stalled and shrugged. Rachel scoffed and put her hands on her hips. "Are you seriously telling me you've been using these things this whole time and had no idea that you were getting juiced?"

"Well, I mean yeah. I knew..." She wrapped her meaty arms around herself and felt her biceps press against her chest as they obediently flexed into fantastically sculpted peaks. "But this - this just felt so - I dunno, different..."

"Like, 'fucking incredible' different?" Rachel suggested with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah..." she sighed longingly, looking down at the tiny dress that stretched over her thick torso. She felt a delightful air bubble swell in her chest. She stepped to Rachel and ran the back of her hand over her suit-clad body, feeling busy pattern of pump-patches in Rachel's suit - their fangs nestled in her flesh. She imagined the heavenly venom pumping through her body, and sighed lustfully. Suddenly, her mother's sob echoed in the back of her mind, and she blinked herself back into the cold cellar. "But I mean - if they knew what these suits were capable of, why aren't they selling them to everybody?" Natalie asked, searching for her mother's conviction. "Something has to be wrong with these things. What are they hiding from us? What don't they know yet?"

"Isn't it our job to find out? I know not to look a gift-horse in the mouth." Rachel replied zealously, flexing her newly chiseled biceps with a grin. 

"You can't be serious."

"Nat - this has to be the cutting-edge of muscle technology. While everyone else slaves away for tiny gains, we get pumped up with a month of muscle every day, sometimes more! You know how many people would kill to have what we have? This is such an incredible gift!"

"A gift? Hair loss, acne, clit growth - you call those gifts?"

Rachel scoffed as she checked over Natalie's flawless features. "Well that certainly didn't seem to bother you this afternoon, did it? When you gladly jacked yourself up bigger than you've ever been - which you seemed to enjoy." Rachel jibed, poking Natalie's concrete abs. Natalie felt the gentle pain from her prods fade over her rock-hard 6-pack. She enjoyed the tingling. She felt so thick and impenetrable. Her mind wandered back to the morning's gym session and reveled in the way her suit had ferociously thickened her physique. It gave her more than she could handle, she remembered, even when she said stop - it was so pitiless. Her breathing quickened. Rachel heard the sensual hissing through her nostrils, and spied the rage melting from her distracted eyes. Natalie fondled Rachel's suit between her trembling fingertips, stroking Rachel's shoulders, squeezing her hardened muscles.

In the silence, Natalie gripped the slippery spandex tighter. Her biceps swelled as she sternly tugged Rachel towards her. "Oh, so now you want it back?" Rachel muttered clumsily. Natalie's lips froze an inch from her. She sipped a hesitant breath. Rachel gulped.

"I - I don't know, alright?!" Natalie burst, her big eyes quivering. She let the spandex slap back onto Rachel's skin. "Nothing's like I expect it to be." she turned away and began pacing. "Everything in my life so far - my family, my mum, now the suits - it's always turned out too good to be true." The taut muscles slackened across her cobbled back as she whimpered and slumped onto a nearby stack of beer crates. "I don't - I don't want to be a steroid-junkie, some twisted experiment. I'm scared I'll - " she drew another long breath. "I - I can't remember my life without it. I feel nervous when I'm not inside it. I can't stop thinking about the rush. I get off on it. I'm a fucking junkie - just like my dad was." Rachel shuffled uncomfortably. "Look at me!" she sniffed. "And there's a whole wardrobe of ripped up dresses up on my bed. I'm too big for all of them." she whimpered. "What sort of girl am I now?"

Rachel paused and looked over Natalie's strained outfit. The bulky sculpture of her muscles spilled out of every part of her dress. Her memory glanced back to Natalie's social media accounts - long before they had met. She recalled flashes of slender party girls and sickly-sweet nightclubs. Everyone so skinny and so proudly pretty. It was a far cry from Natalie, slumped on some beer crates - a super-charged She-hulk of emotions. Sitting down hoisted the hem up her thighs and revealed her skimpy pink panties. Natalie's flexed bicep was probably larger than the tiny clutch purse she used to flaunt. Rachel wasn't sure how long a pair of heels would survive under her weight either. Veins and sinews rippled and trembled across her formerly fashionable limbs. It was a sobering punch - the fuzzy, venom-blurred corners of her vision completely subsided. At last, Rachel cleared her throat.

Rachel crouched next to her. "But isn't that what you needed, to change?" she began. "That's all you've been doing the whole time I've known you - and look at you now, Natalie. You're the biggest, buffest, hottest girl I've ever laid eyes on. Can you honestly tell me it's a bad thing?" Rachel said, running her fingers over Natalie's big shoulders. She went on in a sultry whisper. "Tell me you don't love that power - that strength - when you're in that locker room, and you feel those little teeth grip you - and you feel the warm venom dripping in to your begging muscles. Then, when your own body grips you tight - that muscular embrace. All those muscles pushing against each other, jostling for space under your skin. "Mmm god, it's like an earthquake..." she licked her lips. "Tell me you don't love feeling everything inside you thickening - feeling those muscle squeezing and rubbing and bulging under your skin. And that fire, that sweet, roaring pleasure between your thighs."

Rachel heard Natalie sigh. Rachel ran a hand over Natalie's shoulder. The striations tightened beneath her fingertips. "Tell me you don't love feeling the spandex stretch. Don't you love being taken by it?" she teased. Natalie's breaths became shallow and she bit her bottom lip. "That exact moment you stop fighting it. You give it just an inch and it swallows you whole. How you can't fight it - it just takes you and pumps you up from the inside out - harder, thicker, stronger..." Rachel panted as she saw Natalie's skin flush."Then when you finally open your eyes and look in the mirror. It looks just as good as it feels - and you're bigger than you thought you could ever be - and it feels so wrong, but it's so right." Rachel felt Natalie's muscles tighten.

"But aren't you worried?" Natalie whispered through her wet lips.

"Worried about what? Worried that we'll be too different? Worried that we don't fit in? Who do we have to please? What worries me is looking just like everybody else. What worries me is that we might never see how incredible our bodies could become if we don't push them." Rachel ran her hand across her chiseled 6-pack. "God, look at you, Nat. I don't have words for how stunning you are. You're better than anyone thought you could be. You're right: you're not a girl anymore. You're a goddess. You've built a body that the rest of the world can only dream of. Don't you want to see - feel how much better it gets? And you don't have to do it alone - with my head and that big heart of yours..."

Natalie's piercing blue eyes shone open. Rachel stopped, concerned.

"My heart..." Natalie whispered softly.

"Her heart!" a shrill voice ripped through the night air. The cellar door squawked on its rusted hinges. Natalie's mother stamped in to the room. "So this is where you've been shooting her up is it? Under my fucking nose - you perverted little rat!" She waved her stubby fingers across Rachel's nose. "Take advantage of my daughter, will you?! Tell her she's special - what you want her to think! She is NOT your little experiment!"

"Mum! You don't understand! She's - " Natalie rose up as Rachel leapt back against the wall.

"No wonder we can't get through to that bloody steroid company!" her mother barraged. "Did the pair of you concoct that little story to try to lead me off? When all along it's been this scrawny little dealer bitch?!"

"Wow, you really are the master of timing, aren't you?" Rachel grumbled sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" Natalie's mother replied indignantly.

"I bet you didn't mind her getting this jacked when the deliveries kept coming in quicker, did you?" Rachel spat. "Or when she wasn't out with her friends in the evenings so she could pull extra shifts." Rachel watched the incensed creases ripple across the woman's forehead. "My own mother was no fucking angel, but Jesus Christ you make her look like one."

"Rach - stop!" Natalie pleaded. "Mum, I can explain. She was here to give the suit back - weren't you Rachel?" she gestured desperately. Rachel scoffed in her face and slapped her thighs in exasperation.

"You're seriously going to let your own mother make you live the rest of your life in regret - all because you couldn't tell her the truth?"

"And what truth is that?" Natalie's mother cut in.

She turned to Natalie's mother. "That this is the best thing to ever happen in her whole fucking life. And you can't stand it."

"How dare you!" Natalie's mother recoiled. "I'm calling the police." she declared, reeling.

"Rachel she's not joking. Give me the suit and go!" Natalie begged.

"Go and take it off of her!" Natalie's mother ordered, rummaging for her phone. 

"That's it - set your lackey on it!" Rachel spat sarcastically. "Jesus, Nat. Stand up to her!"

"Shut up Rach! You can't do this - you don't understand!" 

"I know enough." Rachel stated. "She hasn't poured the sweat you have - lifted the pounds you have - felt the looks on the street or read the comments about your body. She has no idea about your new life. All she knows is that it's becoming too different from her own. You think she wants you to enter that contest? To win? To succeed enough that you can walk away from this shit-hole? So much success that she has to stay here for the rest of her life? She's the one scared of change. Not you, Nat."

"Rachel you are going way too far. Are you trying to completely fuck up my life? You're gonna get me locked in my bedroom for the next year at this rate! Pumplabs will never trust me again! You can't come in here and do this to me!" Natalie could barely finish her sentence. 

"How are you so fucking selfish!? I did this for both of us! I've been studying this thing night and day - I showed you all my tricks, all my tips, everything I thought of, every single advantage to get you just that little bit more ripped, and you still only give a shit about yourself! Who do you think tested this one, huh?! I've put myself through it all too - the workouts, the drugs, the sex! You think you're the only one going through this? The muscles are on me too! The drugs are in me too, Nat!" Rachel beat her furiously flexed pecs with her fist. Natalie spied the veins throbbing in her neck and a swollen bead of sweat hung on her temple. Rachel panted through her hoarse throat, while her voice echoed off the concrete walls for what felt like a minute.

"I didn't ask for your help, Rachel. I didn't tell you to help me - just like I didn't ask for this suit - any of this!" Natalie growled. She planted her feet and flexed her legs, she felt the muscles bulge up the backs of her legs all the way up to her glutes. Rachel spied her quads uniting into terrifying trunks.

"What is wrong with you people!? Don't you know a good thing when it falls in your fucking lap!?" Rachel exclaimed, exasperated.

"The sex?" Natalie's mother gasped, struggling to take it all in. "Oh, you are never seeing this manipulative little slut ever again!" her mother barked, taking a pointed finger off of her phone and stabbing it at Rachel.

"Oh you're so gonna see me in two weeks - both of you!" Rachel replied defiantly. "On stage. July 31st. Heavy-weight class." She aimed her glare directly at Natalie, and watched her forearms throb as her fists clenched. Meanwhile, her mother connected to the police and began giving them her address. "Can't wait for your precious followers to see me on stage standing next to you."

"Get out." Natalie murmured. Her frame shook, her body tensed and the effect was dramatic. Her dress visibly tightened around her body. Her upper body swelled outwards, widening with thick, twitching sinews.

"Aren't you gonna come take the suit like a good girl?" Rachel teased, a intoxicating cocktail of adrenaline and rage bubbling inside her.

"Why should I bother?" Natalie smirked, her muscles relaxed slightly. "PumpLabs will get you. You know it. They're bigger than the both of us. As soon as they find out - the second you step on that stage they'll strip that thing from you faster than you can blink."

"They might." Rachel conceded. "Or it might become a parting gift - as you put it." She drew a breath and curled her toes, expecting Natalie to throw all 160lbs of herself at her. Instead, Natalie stood frozen in rage and despair - Rachel knew she'd said enough to watch the pitiless truth seal her in place.

"Out." Natalie growled, more menacingly than Rachel had ever heard. "You know what I could do to you..." Her shoulders squeezed into juddering hunks of muscle, she watched her physically swell with rage, her upper body bulged even larger before her very eyes. She heard Natalie's mother jabbering about a trespasser and drug-dealer in her house. Natalie calmly walked up to her mother and snatched the phone from her. She hung up. "She's is leaving." she said flatly. Her mother had never heard such ominous malice in her daughter. Natalie's eyes were as cold as the night air.

"For now..." Rachel muttered as kept her eyes held on Natalie, who quaked on the spot. She stepped tentatively on to the cellar stairs, before breaking out into a sprint and disappearing into the night in nothing but the Pumpsuit and trainers.

Natalie's mother stomped up into the doorway. "I don't want to ever see your face here again, you understand me?! Go find yourself a new plaything!" Natalie's mother screeched out into the darkness.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 12, 2016, 09:57:21 am
Awesome! This was extremely well-written and fascinating to read. I wish I had done this!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on July 12, 2016, 11:25:59 am
As far as a cuppa goes I did a spit-take when I realized that you laid a new chapter on us. That's a kick in the ass for me to get my ass in gear and my shit together.

The realism and the well-done dialog and narrative are a breath of fresh air in this shit-hole with all the crappy 'stories' that have been posted here in recent months. I'm glad to see an author actually putting in an effort for once around here again. I'm glad to see something longer and more well-thought out than a measly three paragraphs of 'good' bits.

I enjoyed this chapter very much, especially having fun imagining Natalie squeezing her deliciousness into a variety of sexy outfits and destroying them all with her her body alone. She wants to quit, but I don't think Pumplabs will let her. They've invested too much in her so far. One does not simply turn one's back on such a large organization.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on July 13, 2016, 02:53:13 am
'Preciate the positive feedback!

This scene went through about a billion different re-writes and scenarios. Ultimately I always wanted this story to boil down to jealousy and rivalry, I just wasn't sure how to make it happen.

I'd be curious to know who's side people are on at this moment - or who you think made the strongest case during the dispute - Rachel or Natalie? I'd like to keep a healthy balance, but I've lost sight of the big picture and it's quite lop-sided I'd love to know so I can fix it for the future chapters.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on July 13, 2016, 12:03:12 pm
Unequivocally, Natalie. I feel more for her and want good things for her. Whatever Rachel's motives are, they seem selfish and it's hard for her to come across as sympathetic, especially when she so easily casts Natalie off as she did. Whatever friendship or love/lust she felt was probably just a means to an end, using Natalie to get her hands on a Pumpsuit. She seems sociopathic, able to fill a number of roles and personas to suit her needs in order to get what she wants. Natalie on the other hand didn't fully know what she was getting into and bought into the euphoria of the pump and became an addict. She realizes she screwed up and is trying to make the best of a bad situation, which seems to get worse by the minute for her especially with her mother involved.

Obviously muscle growth is the prime concern here, so one mustn't skimp on it, but the characterization is just too damn good and so rare to have an author who actually puts forth effort here on Saradas that I want that to continue. Whatever you have planned, I'm sure it'll be outstanding. And don't forget, I'm here to spitball with should the need arise. God knows I bent your ear enough these last few months.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 13, 2016, 01:01:50 pm
Honestly, I don't side with either. Why should I? The conflict drives the story, so I enjoy the ride as it goes along. They both have reasons for what they do, that's good enough for me.
I want to know the continuation, of course.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: malanchort on July 15, 2016, 04:16:11 am
I absolutely side with Rachel. I'll take intelligence and drive over weepy melodrama any day. Rachel knows exactly what she wants, and knows how to get it. She's even managed to modify the suit, I'm hoping she was right in thinking it will be an improvement over the original design. I also believe Rachel absolutely won their argument in the last chapter, especially after forcing Natalie to admit she knew the chemicals in the suit weren't natural from the get go.

As much as I prefer Rachel by miles over Natalie (to the point I tend to skim through the Natalie only bits to get to the good Rachel stuff), I'm loving this new conflict between two very different characters and wouldn't change Natalie in any way. Light vs dark, innocence vs intelligence, unwitting vs intention. I've always enjoyed the darker, power mad characters but I seem to be in the minority there as the vast majority of the well written stories end very poorly for those characters.

Anyway, that's my $.02. Excellent story and thank you very much for sharing it with us!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on July 15, 2016, 06:00:28 am
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I absolutely side with Rachel. Rachel knows exactly what she wants, and knows how to get it. She's even managed to modify the suit

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Honestly, I don't side with either. They both have reasons for what they do, that's good enough for me.
I want to know the continuation, of course.

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Unequivocally, Natalie. Whatever Rachel's motives are, they seem selfish and it's hard for her to come across as sympathetic, especially when she so easily casts Natalie off as she did.

As a writer I have to tell you, these responses are incredible rewarding. I've spent a lot of time working on Natalie and Rachel's character, asking myself 'how would they react in this situation?' - why?", and I really wanted this last chapter to illuminate their differing convictions about the suit, pumplabs, using steroids, their perception by the general public, what they believe they deserve.

To see that work pay off and receive 3 completely different opinions after this scene is honestly the best response I could have gotten. Writing growth actually comes rather easily, but none of the muscles matter if you're not interested in who it's happening to, and that's what takes up 90% of my time when it comes to writing this. I'm so glad it's appreciated.

Sorry for the gushing, thanks again for being awesome readers and genuinely investing your time into my stories. I'm more motivated than ever. :) 
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: JerusalemTulip on July 29, 2016, 06:43:27 pm
Thanks for the new chapter.  You continue to deliver compelling characterization.  They might not have much in common with me, maybe I don't even like them, but I care about what happens to them next in the story.  Even in ninety-five percent of contemporary/classic literature that I've paid to read, I wouldn't care whether the characters in them lived or died.  And like others have mentioned, I really appreciate the conflict between the characters, so many stories lack it and end up feeling flat.  Honestly, most dialogues between characters in a bookstore book sound like slight variations of author talking to author and you never seem to fall into that trap.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on August 25, 2016, 08:50:12 am
(A/n) Thanks JerusalemTulip, sorry I didn't get around to replying. Another giant chapter here, but another important one. So you all read good, ya hear?

Chapter 14

"You - you are going straight to your room!" Natalie's mother stammered at the muscles pouring from her daughter's dress.

"I was handling it!" Natalie yanked open the backdoor. "Then you burst in yelling and tried calling the police - you completely fucked that up!" Her head pounded suddenly. She rubbed her temple and felt a lumpy vein under her finger. She cursed herself for trying to bluff Rachel, and where were PumpLabs now when she needed them?

Her body coiled up anxiously, as though she stood before a barbell loaded with weights she hadn't dared to lift before. The tightness climbed up her limbs, stiffening her steps as she paced around the kitchen gathering her thoughts and her things from the table.

"The police'll call back you know. That's what they do when you hang up on them." Her mother slammed the door shut. Natalie winced as the crash echoed in her ears. "I'm going to tell them there was a drug-dealer trespassing on my property."

"No! No - we can't - " Natalie struggled to find the words. She felt like she was burning up.

"Why on Earth not?"

"Just - just don't call the police here, please." Her limbs started to feel numb. Only flexing brought any sensation back into her body. She wanted to flex and flex until her dress ripped off of her body and fell to the floor. Instead, her mother's words blared like a klaxon.

"Then what the hell have you gotten into, Nat? Look, your secret's out - this little 'PumpLabs' story you've both cooked up is completely ludicrous! You need to start telling me the truth." She gently put her hands on Natalie's shoulders. "Natalie, love, I don't know what she's got you hooked on, but I can get you some help. I know people who can help you beat this." Natalie wriggled free and slipped her feet into her high-heels.

"I'm going out. I need some head-space." Natalie declared, though when she spoke she could barely hear herself. She felt her pulse stamping inside her throat, like an apple lodged inside her neck. "And I'm still telling you the truth!"

Her mother sighed furiously. "What are you hiding from me? Your stash? Where is it - in your room?" Every word from her mother was like an extra nail in her head. Natalie was content to leave her rummaging through her room in vain, looking for little vials of clear sci-fi goo. She still had no idea. Natalie had never felt her patience dissolving so rapidly. A cold sweat began to glisten on her forehead.

Her body coiled tighter. And as it did, her mind became more crowded with anger. She just wanted it to stop. Her resolve gave way.

"Go ahead. Have a look. You won't find a needle. I know you've got an eye for them..." Natalie snapped, shouting over the invisible roaring in her head.

Her mum slapped her hard across the cheek.

"That is not my daughter talking." her mother hissed. "Listen to yourself, Natalie." The hit blinded her momentarily. Natalie felt an indescribable rage swelling inside her. "And to think, I was going to sit here and go through the whole bloody phone book just to try and help you!" she grabbed the the fat book from the table and shook it in her face.

Natalie glared at her mother with white hot eyes. Her mother's fury wilted as she watched every muscle in her daughter's body contract. Rachel - the suit - PumpLabs, now her mother. They all shrank into an enticingly crushable little figurines she wanted to stomp under her 4-inch heels.

As though a pair of glasses had been knocked off her face, Natalie blinked repeatedly, but her eyes couldn't seem to focus. With every second her mother dissolved into an amorphous blob, flailing and shouting, but Natalie couldn't hear a word she was saying. Natalie's palms were drenched. Her nostrils flared as they desperately tried to handle her heavy breaths.
The blurry anger bubbled up in her eyes. Her muscles jerked and twitched all over her, like she was watching from within herself, a passenger. She snatched the phone book from her mother's hands.

She gripped the thick phone book and watched her knuckles glow white. The pages creaked. She wanted to tense her arms until they burst, such an uncontrollable tide of energy crackled inside her. She crumbled to the desire to jerk violently with all her strength, to exhaust herself and satiate her pounding body. Before she finished sucking down another incensed breath, her elbows pressed into her sides, her thumbs pushed inwards, and she punched a shallow V into the top of the phone book.

She growled as the top of the book split open. Her delts ballooned. Natalie's pecs pressed together and rose. Her fuzzy skin bulged and rolled, her muscles vigorously thumping under her dress. Her thick chest dented, forming an inverted V, with ridges of dense striations fanning across both pecs with each tug. Buoyed by the ripping paper in her hands, she pulled, and her shoulders creaked bigger. The power raging inside her body was tangible, visibly pulsing within her body. Her obliques rippled under the elastic around her waist as she tugged. The book split open another inch. Natalie's forearms thickened with plump sinews, two meaty strips arced over her elbows before plunging into a taut knots beneath her triceps.

Her muscles jerked, contorting the shape of her physique with each flex. Her strength seemed bottomless. The way her muscles pounced electrically around her limbs, rising and supporting her. Natalie growled as she felt the power that her muscles commanded - the power that she had absorbed into herself.

Natalie's mother watched speechless as her daughter's muscles bristled with size, enveloping the slim daughter she had always seen until tonight. Her muscles strained and sculpted new shapes she'd never seen in a human before, let alone a teenage girl. Natalie had pumped herself so far beyond 'fit'. The sight made her head light.

The suit, the steroids, whatever it was, her mother thought. What had they done to her? She'd pushed so far beyond her natural limits. Had she really wanted all of it - had she let it happen to herself? How had she not been afraid? As ripe veins grew up Natalie's arms like ivy, her mother watched dense, animated muscles wrap around her, as though they were slowly consuming her.

With a deep grunt, Natalie finally sheared phone book completely in two. She held her arms out triumphantly, clutching a half in each hand. Thick biceps stretched along her open arms, wired with jagged veins. Her dense shoulders rose up almost to her ears.

Her mother staggered into the corner, clutching herself, terrified at the feral power with which she had torn through the blocky pages.

Natalie stammered, looking down at her trembling mother. She dropped the two chunks of the directory with a gasp. Natalie didn't even notice the teardrops that had leaked from her eyes until they dripped from her chin. Nor could she feel the thick vein forking in her forehead. The tension fizzled through her shoulders and across her chest.

On the table, her mother's phone rang at last. The police call-back. Her mother was frozen stiff.   

"I - I - have to - I'm going - " Natalie snatched her clutch bag from the table. Her ears still rang and her legs felt like jelly. She wondered if it was blood she could taste in her mouth, or if she was about to throw up, or both. She kept her eyes on the ground and walked towards where she knew the front door was.

Trance-like, a cab rolled past within a minute of her setting foot on to the lit streets. Natalie didn't remember what she said to the taxi driver.

A minute into the ride, Natalie's pounding body began to calm and slowly her eyesight re-focused. She re-entered herself, noticing that her tanned skin was glossy with sweat.

She felt like she'd just woken up drunk. There was a blissful weightlessness and a surprising ease to everything.

Her sensitive cheek felt like a hungover mystery waiting to be solved. Her fingers felt sore and hot. Natalie tried desperately to rewind the last 30 minutes and stitch the blurry half-memories back together. Had they even happened?

Short moments eventually rolled back into focus. She checked her inbox to see if her direct replies to PumpLab's texts had worked. They had all failed. "How the hell are they so hard to find?" she muttered. A second later, she wished she hadn't sent them at all. The thought of them agreeing to take back the suits twisted her stomach. There had to be a way out of it. There had to be a way to keep the suits and everyone else happy. She just had to tell them about Rachel, how she was manipulated by her, prove the suits are real to her mother, then let her get on with winning the contest and someday getting out of that little corner shop.

She felt her pulse still thumping. Her shoulders ached as she gripped her phone in her hands. She couldn't seem to relax her delts, they clenched high and tight as her mind swam, distracted.

The saturating street lights rolled across her thighs, falling into the complex valleys in her quads and making ridges out of her crackling veins. She suddenly remembered the hurtful messages from earlier. She flicked on the roof light and began taking selfies.The green outfit clung around her waist. Tapered and tight in the center, wide from the front but incredibly taut and narrow from the side, only making her upper body spill more sumptuously from the top. The busy muscles in her legs were proudly exposed, with only a few inches of hem keeping her panties covered, even less when she sat down. As her thick thighs spread across the seats, she placed her knees together, wary of the cab driver's curious glances in the mirror.

"Freak in the gym. Beauty in the streets." she tacked. She scrolled angrily through her profile to find the trolls again, as if she was marching up to them in person. She looked for their usernames, to respond directly.

Her eyes darted around the screen, hunting for the offending trolls. A good minute passed by but the comments were nowhere to be found.

On the same pictures, the ones flaunting her most muscular poses, there was nothing but hearts and high fives. Natalie's brow scrunched. She scoured through every picture, seeking out the insults. Another minute yielded nothing. Eventually, she looked out at the growing lights as the taxi entered the town centre, and wondered if they had been reported by somebody else. At least something had gone right for a change, she thought.

She posted the picture as she paid the taxi driver and clambered out.

The night air swept over her as the cab pulled away. Goosebumps bristled over her skin. She looked down at herself, through the steep crevice between her pecs and over her cobbled six-pack. She rubbed the soft hairs on her arms and felt incredibly exposed. The wind threaded through her open front, cooling the sweat on the underside of her pecs and back. There was more of her on display than even in the gym. As the taxi disappeared from view, the night felt even more lonely than she'd expected. She instinctively reached for the pockets her tracksuit bottoms. Her hands slipped down her thighs.

She immediately missed the silky skin of the suit. She wished she could wrap it around her in its reassuring grip, that impenetrable armour, warm and safe. Half of her wanted to go home already. The other half couldn't bare the idea of spending another second with her mother. She needed to be somewhere else - so here she was: somewhere else.

She heard music thumping in the distance and saw the back of the queue up ahead at the corner. She looked up and saw the bright neon sign sticking out of the wall, 'The Cat House'.

'Christ, what the hell am I doing here?' she thought. It seemed muscle memory had brought her back. She couldn't remember what she'd said to the taxi. Her headache still lingered, but her vision was seemingly back to normal.

Then it clicked. The girls. The girls would understand. They always did. They were always there together on weekends picking up the pieces and bitching about returning to real life. If anyone would get it - this madness, this insanity with the suit, Rachel, her mother, PumpLabs - it had to be them. It was a Friday night, 9:30. The nights always started at the Cat House.

They knew how to make her forget - the right drink, the right high. How long had it been, 6 months? she thought to herself. Sure, she'd have to apologise for being a ghost on their group chats, constantly turning down holidays and nights out since the Pumpsuits arrived. But she was still around, she consoled herself. Besides they were surely following her on social media. What a story - what a comeback this would be!

A jittery energy raced through her, as if she was going to meet an old friend. When she looked up at the growing line, her heart panged nervously.

She took a breath and began walking towards the queue. She felt her footsteps echo like gunshots into the street, convinced that someone would hear, turn around and gasp. She joined the back of the queue as quietly as she could. Nobody noticed her. She checked her phone.

More than 1,000 likes had already flooded in. The queue shuffled forward. A new group joined the line behind her, their tipsy chatter soon fell into hushed whispers. Natalie resisted the urge to move her shoulders and send thick ripples through the landscape of her bare back.

The bouncer and her locked eyes for a long second. Natalie remembered the squat, barrel-chested man from nights passed. He seemed to remember her elegant features too, but he visibly couldn't digest the bodybuilder muscles filling out her feminine frame. Usually he ID'ed her, but this time he fumbled the dividing rope loose and looked at his shoes as Natalie swept past.

Natalie felt the thumps of bass in her feet, she sank deeper into the carpet than she recalled. Striding towards the muffled 'oomphs' beyond the cloakroom, her heart fluttered as she remembered the glances from the crowd inevitably waiting behind the doors. The flirting, the envy, the instant-hate. It was all coming back to her. She began rolling her hips with each step. Held her clutch bag nonchalantly by her side. She drew another breath. No turning back now. "Ok, here we go." she uttered to herself.

Like a gust of wind, she shoved the heavy wooden doors open with surprising ease.

The tidal wave of sound crashed into her, while the burst of outdoor light grabbed everyone's attention. Groups of well-groomed clubbers turned to face the banging of heavy doors, many thinking that someone was being thrown out. Natalie body cut an incredible silhouette. Her X-shaped physique with rolling, sultry hips strode confidently inwards. She parted the crowds as she strutted inwards, further towards the bar.

Natalie kept her eyes down. She spied mouths agape, cupped hands around ears, and people's lips flapping but with their chins plunged into their necks. She felt like the whole club was looking at her. 'Keep walking - just get to the bar - just get to the bar' she told herself. She did a double-take at a shimmer of raven-black hair that flashed under the club lights. It wasn't.

Natalie looked at the wall of backs lined along the bar. Not that long ago, Natalie would lithely thread her slender figure through the most unlikely gap. She remembered brushing her breasts against arms and backs to slice some attention, to shift a man's balance just enough to pry open half a foot and in she would squeeze, right to the front of the marble counter. Sometimes the bloke would even buy her drink for the pleasure.

Tonight though, she felt like a tank in a multistory car park. Looking at the backs, men and women, she was wider than everyone else in front of her. She caught one gap and took a few steps forward but two tight-shirted dudes slid their elbows outwards, sliding closer to the ears of the girls at their sides. Another opening appeared and Natalie lunged forward with her arm outstretched and slid one arm onto the cold counter.

A girl next to her spotted the thick muscles packed inside the newly presented limb at her side. Natalie watched her eyes trace along it desirously, until she reached her dress and arrived at Natalie's face, she gasped and twirled back to her friends. Natalie rolled her eyes.

"I love a lad with a sense of humour." she heard a giggle and felt a finger between the crevice running down her back.

Natalie turned slowly. A short woman seductively sipping on a neon-cocktail stood, her legs cocked in anticipation. The smile dropped from her candied lips.

"Me too." Natalie replied flatly.

"Holy shit, Natalie?" she scanned Natalie's beautiful face, her eyes incredulously darting from her hunky shoulders and pinched waist to her brawny thighs blossoming.

"Oh god! Claire!" Natalie burst with surprise.

"Oh my god!" her old friend swooned. She threw her arms around Natalie's shoulders, although her wrists were the only things that could turn towards each other behind Natalie's back. Natalie felt her perky breasts smooshing against her broad chest. Her pecs were still wider than Claire's squashed tits.

"You look - you look - holy shit!" she gushed. Claire ogled her body blatantly. She grabbed Natalie's big arms and squeezed them sensually. Natalie chuckled in surprise. Claire suddenly blinked and let go.

"Sorry!" she burst into giggles. Claire grabbed a stick of gum from her purse and added it to the dense ball already in her mouth. "I'm totally rolling right now." a dumb grin spread across her face.


"Yeah. MDMA." She dipped a finger inside her drink and drew it across her forehead. "You've been away too long, Nat!" she jibed.

"Come on, not that long." She watched awkwardly as Claire jigged from side to side, immediately distracted by the thumping beat in the club. "What's the occasion?"

"Dunno. Nothing really. Not tonight. I mean tomorrow could be, but no-one's really got any plans. Probably just back here y'know?" Claire smacked noisily. "But fucking hell Natalie look at you! It's like you're not even you! Well, you're still you, y'know, but like, it's not you, y'know? Do you feel like you? Can I feel? No, sorry, that's weird. But I still want to." 

"Um...well, I"

She grabbed Natalie's bicep and squeezed. Natalie flexed reactively. Her baseball-sized muscles spread Claire's fingers apart effortlessly, Claire swore and then burst into laughter. "Oh my god that's insane. You are so jacked, Nat! You must be so fucking strong. I bet you could out-bench all of the guys in here. Do you even lift bros?" she spluttered at her own joke. Her high smile spread so wide across her face her gums glistened under the lights. "That's so crazy - you're like bigger than all of the guys in here! You think anyone's gonna hit on you like they used to?" she looked around the club, as if looking for a suitable candidate. "Anyway, you'd be an expensive date! Aren't you eating like 4 cows a day?" Claire cackled at herself, again revealing the pink gum ball in her cheek.

Natalie giggled uncomfortably, trying to interject. Claire was machine-gunning through sentences, and when she stopped talking her cheeks kept rising into a wild grin.

"So this is where you've been all this time, pumping iron?" she continued. "Actually yeah, once we heard about your new lifestyle we didn't think you'd want to be interrupted. We didn't want to mess up your training or anything." 

"Speaking of, where are the rest of the girls? Who else is out?" Natalie interrupted at last, catching a group of girls gawping and pointing at her in the long mirror behind the bar. 

"Just me and Molly tonight." Claire said. Natalie was about to ask before she realised the nickname and faked another laugh. 

"But it's Friday night!" Natalie forced.

"I dunno, once you left all the girls kind of broke up. I'm the only one here carrying on the legacy. Like I'm not blaming you or anything. But you did totally disappear. It would have nice of you to stay in touch but I understand you were busy and that's cool, really. They'd love it if they saw you here now."

Claire had never been so tactless before. Before she was characteristically coy and deliberate, now she was jabbering and drinking more than Natalie had ever seen. "Ashley's pregnant." she added.

"With David?"

"Kevin." Ashley replied nonchalantly. ""Kira's an air stewardess now. Megan got a modelling contract in the States, the bitch." she laughed again, slapping Natalie on the arm and taking a long drink. "Jen, too." she added. "Remember, her dad said he'd get her lipo if she was still overweight by her 20th birthday?" Claire laughed into her drink again.

"It's fine though - it's totally fine y'know. I'm still having a laugh. It's all good - it's all good 'yknow?" She bobbed up and down for a few more seconds, raising her drink and lowering her head, getting lost in the music. Suddenly, she looked at Natalie as though she had just seen her for the first time again. "It's so cool you're back! Do you want some Molly? I've got some more in my purse. You'll love it, babe, trust me." 

Natalie shook her head. "No thanks. Just vodka tonight. My mum needs me to open up tomorrow, I swear she does it on purpose." Natalie tried her best to chide her family like she used to. Instead, Natalie's stomach twisted as she thought of her mother stuffing her belongings into a bag and placing them beside the front door.

"You're still in that pokey little corner shop?! I'm amazed you can even afford the taxi here!" Claire could have seen Natalie's abs biting the inside of her dress if she wasn't distracted by the lights reflecting off the marble counter. "Let me go tell the girls you're here." she tickled Natalie's forearm weirdly.

"The girls? Didn't you say they were gone?"

"The new girls, silly! Go get yourself a drink." Claire trotted away before Natalie could reply. 

'Jesus, this is what I've been missing?' Natalie though to herself. She thought about Megan and Jen. The three of them had all planned to go into modelling together. That's how Natalie got started in the gym in the first place, before she realised she enjoyed the weights and having strong round shoulders and a bubble butt. She never thought she'd actually envy their pencil-thin, P-shaped bodies, that she'd feel jealous of their rewards for their bulimic, binging-starving carousel.

Her mind wandered back to the vision of her mother rummaging through her room, throwing her pumpsuit away. Her heart began stamping. She should have taken it with her. Natalie looked towards the exit. She began contemplating a taxi home, putting the suit on and never taking it off again. She remembered locking her door behind her, the relief was enough consolation to make her turn around an order a drink. Maybe Claire's new girls were alright.

There was nudge at her shoulder.

"Hey." a deep voice said.

Natalie ignored it. She swirled the acrid vodka shot under her nose. She didn't want to entertain anyone else in this neon sweatbox.

"Hey, Natalie?" She looked but didn't turn her neck. There were enough of her skeletons walking around to start a ghost house. Suddenly a hand rested gently on her shoulder. "Natalie, right? Natalie Marsh, from Rogue Fitness gym? It's me." A handsome man tilted his head and raised his eyebrows expectantly as Natalie turned to face him. "Kyle, the instructor from the bodypump class." Natalie sighed with relief and grinned. "I thought I saw you come in." he said, smiling warmly.

"Oh right. Hi - yeah, hi. Sorry, I was just leaving actually." He was brawny, as big as her at least. It caught Natalie almost by surprise. His arms generously filled his sleeves, and his chest was wide and gently strained the buttons running down his front. The blonde tuft on his head was stylish but not over-groomed.

"Oh, alright. Well I just wanted to wish you good luck in the contest in a few weeks." he explained. "I know prep is tough." he look at the shot in Natalie fingers. He sounded disappointed, disapproving even, but caring. Natalie put the vodka back down on the counter. "Sorry - I didn't mean - "

"No, no, you're right. I shouldn't." she imagined Rachel standing next to her on stage. The PumpLabs reps ogling her stolen body. "Thank you." her mind seemed clearer, then she kicked herself for being here in the first place. She knew Rachel certainly wasn't in a nightclub.

"I won't tell if you won't." Kyle soothed. Natalie smiled gratefully. Finally a sense of clarity, focus, liberated her mind.

Natalie glanced around for Claire. She spotted her jabbering to a group of young girls in the distance, pointing at her. When weighing up her options, Natalie quickly decided she wanted to be occupied. "How did you know I was competing?" she asked, leaning closer to Kyle.

"Well your name is always top of the monthly gym-attendance list. I follow the local contest news too, so when I saw your name on the entry-list I couldn't say I was too surprised. I was actually pretty excited." Kyle turned and leaned over the bar.

Natalie smiled. "Excited?" she propped herself next to him. "You think I have a shot?"

Kyle took a swig of his drink and nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. Barring anything, drastic" he nodded towards the abandoned vodka shot. He then raised his finger at the barman. In a few seconds a clear drink on the rocks slid towards Natalie. She glanced curiously at Kyle. He smiled and lifted his glass. Natalie hovered hers under her nose. It was odourless. Natalie rolled her eyes. Water. They clinked glasses and drank.

"So you're entering too?" Natalie noted his impressive tricep as he placed his hand in his back pocket and crossed his legs.

"That's right. Down to middle-weight this year."

"Down?" Natalie asked, crossing her own legs.

"Yeah. Without a sponsor it was getting hard to stay on top of it all. Plus I couldn't afford a new wardrobe three times a year." he chuckled. Natalie sighed knowingly and nodded, looking down at her own physique stuffed inside her cocktail dress. For the first time since she entered, she didn't feel quite so ridiculous.

"To those we lost." Natalie toasted. She kept her eyes on Kyle as he drank. He was perhaps the only man in the bar who could match her physique. He was few inches taller. He could have only been a couple of years older than her, she surmised. His body was dense all over. His back was thick and his lats visibly pressed outwards, forming ripples across the back of his shirt. His thick neck looked slightly at odds with his gentle features and the childishly fashionable blonde tuft on his head. She caught herself imagining him on stage, bronzed and under the lights.

"You're going for heavyweight, right?" Kyle looked her body up and down. She was surely bigger than when she had worked out in his class just a few days ago. Her legs were so defined, and the way her quads and hamstrings hung off of her legs, like they had nowhere left to go but outwards. The dress was so taut around her backside too, he could easily see each melon-sized glute straining against the silky fabric.

Natalie gave sultry shrug, entertaining his assumptions. Finally she started to enjoy how she spilled out of her dress, how he admired rather than feared her developed musculature. "I dunno." she wondered aloud. "I've been toying it."

"Well if you're middleweight then I don't know what that makes me, physique - fitness?!" he grimaced comically in exaggerated disgust.

Natalie giggled, it was old joke but she liked it. She liked him. She twisted her glass to her lips so her bicep flexed to it's split peak. "I'm still deciding on where to put the last few kilos." she purred. Kyle licked his lips, conceding the conversation to her and drawing a quiet, carnal breath. The crevice running between her pecs was surely as deep and as sculpted as his. He spied the highest ridges of her top abdominals in the valley of her dress. They were dense blocks, pushing outwards rather than melting in and out of existence with her breaths. Her shoulders boasted striations he couldn't match. His were rounded cannonballs, while hers offered the same thickness only with incredible detail. The striations rustled as she stirred her drink with her finger. Behind her meaty torso he spied some commotion.

"Your friends are leaving." Kyle commented. Through the crowd, Natalie spotted Claire being bundled out of the door by a group of girls she didn't recognise. Claire made one last glance at Natalie as she was shepherded out. They locked eyes. Claire shrugged helplessly, cackled loudly, and then disappeared through the double doors. Natalie shook her head.

"That's ok." Natalie shrugged. She smirked as she noticed the clearing that had formed around them. "I wouldn't really call them friends anyway."

"It is lonely sometimes." Kyle peered pensively into the bottom of his glass. "That's why I workout with those meatheads at the gym most of the time, for the company. They're not all bad. But sometimes it feels like months go by without any else giving a shit that you're up punishing your body every day before they even have breakfast. I get a lot of stick from my mates."

Natalie listened and nodded. She'd never had someone confide in her like that before. Everyone else saw the highlight reel, Rachel included. She never even stuck around for more than week before she left, with the goddamn suit, her mind wandered. Natalie pulled herself back to the conversation as the silence marched past.

"All they see is the results." Natalie said. Kyle looked up at her and his eyes smiled with appreciation. They held each other's gaze for an extra second. A glass smashed somewhere, Kyle chuckled.   

"It's my mate's stag-do tonight, so I wouldn't miss it." he looked over his shoulder at a group of burly lads jumping around the dance floor. "But if he knew I was drinking water..." he shook his head. "I was thinking of ducking out early too, blaming it on the job." Natalie slid towards him, their brawny arms pressed against each other.

"I quite fancied dancing." Natalie whispered cooly in his ear. Kyle looked pleasantly surprised. "You've gotta let yourself have some fun." she held out her delicate hand. Kyle gently wrapped it in his big paw and they trotted to the dance floor.

Natalie carved a wide corridor in the crowd with Kyle in tow, the pair of them blind to the incredulous and jealous looks from the passing clubbers. She dragged him straight to the centre of the floor.

Natalie tossed her head to and fro to the stamping music. Kyle was entranced by her energy, and quickly followed suit. Despite her brawny physique, Natalie's body twisted with intoxicating elegance. She had total control over her body. Kyle spied her shapely biceps rising as she ran her fingers through her hair. Her muscles shifted lithely from one pose to the next. Her dress clinging on for dear life. The ways her body stretched and expanded, her muscles flexed delicately, almost in time with the music.

Kyle was entranced. The beautiful face atop such a dynamic, gorgeously sculpted body blew him away. Her energy was bottomless. Several songs later she threw herself around with the same vigour, frequently firing flirtatious glances at Kyle with her dazzling blue eyes. This was the release Natalie needed. She actually allowed herself to enjoy her physique, her muscles. All the months of pumping and getting jacked-up by the suit, she discovered a newfound sensual connection with her body. Her muscles squeezed and rolled perfectly at her command. They gripped and supported her exactly as she wished. As beads of sweat dripped down her peach fuzz skin, she could single out every sinew thrumming inside her.

Kyle moved closer and closer, but whenever his crotch drew within an inch of her, Natalie would thrust her hips so hard and precisely that she'd shove his heavy frame back by a metre. She was teasing him. He played along gladly, beginning his approach towards her again. The club lights began strobing, disguising his movements, at last, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed his crotch up against her backside.

Natalie smiled with a sultry glance over her shoulder. She reciprocated, rubbing her thick glutes up and down, feeling his growing bulge sliding between her buttocks. His hand was big around her waist, and he squeezed her with a gentle but firm embrace. Natalie liked his strength, she felt smaller, tender in his hands.

Her back was now shiny with sweat. She sank down to her knees and slid her irresistible glutes up and over the hard lump in his crotch. Natalie's cobbled back flickered before his eyes. Her muscles bustled against his chest with little thumps that were strong but loving. In the pounding lights, Kyle stroked Natalie's midriff. She locked them tight in formation as she let him explore her. He ran his fingers over each individual ab. Each one was a thick distinguishable block. Natalie felt him bulging even harder in his pants. 

She grabbed his hand and she dragged him off before the next chorus. The hole they left in the dance floor quickly sealed over with a few laughs and shaking heads.

They burst out the front door giggling. The long club queue stared as they hurried towards an empty cab. The back-end sank down a few inches they bundled inside.

Their tongues were in each others' mouths before the door closed. Kyle nibbled her lips while groping Natalie's brawny legs. Natalie likewise confidently moved her hand higher and closer towards his crotch. "My legs could use a massage" she thought aloud, flexing them beneath his big hands. "They got a real workout." she wiped the film of sweat off of her forehead. She only just realised how stuffy the club had been.

"You haven't done any work yet." Kyle growled in her ear. The taxi pulled up to Kyle's front door.

Kyle listened to Natalie's heavy breaths as he planted his hands over her pumpkin shoulders. Goddamn he'd never felt a body so hard before.

Sinking into the couch lifted the hem of her dress. Natalie held his gaze, letting her panties slide into view. Kyle spied the deep Y-shape climbing steeply towards her hips, and the front disappearing between her muscular thighs. He quickly recognised the delicate little bump in the front of her thong. He slid his middle finger down along the silk fabric, tracing her clit under his fingertip.

Natalie quivered against his body. Her incredible musculature twitched vulnerably, and then her iron-muscle casing relaxed, softening all over with a little whimper. It was the first softness he'd seen or felt in her entire frame. The hard, veiny exterior melted away. Her hips rolled and rose and the way she nibbled the end of her fingers with her thick, tinted lips. And as her smoky eyes closed with long lines running towards her ears, Natalie became irresistibly feminine. Kyle was straining against his underwear.

As her defence lowered, his confidence grew. He flitted his fingers to and fro across her warming clit. Her breathing quickened, her head rolling back and around. With his hand around her lower back, he ran his finger between the deep valley in her back and felt it relax. Then with a stifled gasp, it tightened back into long, hard cords.

Kyle's gently pushed his fingers inside her. "Mmmm - yess" Natalie sighed. His fingers were quickly coated in her wetness. He twisted his fingers upwards and began stroking. Natalie purred with approval. Kyle quickened his pace, watching the pleasure swell up and burst through Natalie's submissive gasps. He was aroused by the control he had over such a powerful girl. Watching her writhe and pant and lose control of her powerful body under his gentle strokes made her somehow exotic and misunderstood, as though he were drawing out the girl underneath the muscles. It was sexier than any brittle, predictable party girl he'd ever taken home. He was getting harder than he could remember.

He growled and sank lower. He kinked his thumb at 90 degrees and gently nuzzled his broad knuckle against her clit. The volume went up another notch, Natalie's back arched.

She felt a roaring fire running down thighs. It trickled, hot and warm and familiar. With every stroke her breath shallowed, teasing her closer and closer. Her mind crackled, 'Nngg - god. What is he doing down there?' She raised her head to look. She'd never been touched like this before.

The awesome sensation grew warmer, then gradually tightened. Slowly and meaningfully it coiled around her thighs. Suddenly, her legs flexed, her eyes popped open and something snatched her breath from her lungs. Her heart felt like it doubled in size.

It was such a incredible rush, not that she doubted Kyle's skill, but the ballooning pleasure could only be one thing. Natalie gasped loudly, completely helpless to the dual sensations.

With a long moan, her legs flexed out straight. Trembling, spasming and flexing in place. She tried to open her eyelids, swimming against the awesome tides of sexual pleasure.

The delicate the venom slithered around her legs and towards up upper thighs. "Oh god - oh god - oh fuck" she panted desperately. She knew it was too late to resist, was she imagining it? The unmistakable grip and squeeze in her legs, like the fangs of a snake sinking into the deepest muscle fibres of her body, before they would jerk and explode outwards with re-doubled size and strength. That was something inimitable. Her mind raced frantically, 'Oh god - Am I pumping-up? Kyle is going to see me - oh god don't stop - maybe - he won't notice? What if I can - '

She was interrupted by a supernova burst of pleasure, when at last, it finally plunged deep into the tissue around her crotch. A guttural moan burst from Natalie's lips. She clenched the cushions in her fists. Her body jolted as the residual venom invited itself into the mayhem.

Unaware and goaded on by her pants and moans, Kyle maintained his forcible rhythm with honed precision. With a vigorous squeeze, the gorgeously woven assembly of her legs rippled into full view. Her smooth, golden legs expanded in all directions, her dense quads and hamstrings contracted into their impenetrable formation above her tiny-looking kneecaps. Kyle felt her previously soft, brawny physique re-hardening under his strokes.

Her quads spasmed to their full ripeness. Then sinew by sinew they pulsed outwards. The torque of the sensual growth twisted her deeper into the leather cushions. The hyper-venom plucked each muscle fibre like piano-strings. Two thick chunks of muscle bulged either side of her kneecaps. In upside down hearts, they trembled higher than her kneecaps. Her quads ripened forcefully, climbing and merging with the huge slabs and then expanding outwards. Kyle soon noticed his pussy-deep fingers being squeezed tighter and tighter between her thighs. He resisted, fingering harder.

Her glutes pumped outwards by another inch. Natalie wailed with ecstasy. The tight hem of her dress slipped away to completely reveal her sweating, pulsing glutes. Her thong was swallowed by the two jerking hunks of muscle pressing against one another. The leather creaked under the increasing size of the brawny shelf bursting out of her lower back.

Sweat dripped from both their noses. Natalie's veiny inner thighs matched the throbbing network in Kyle's forearm. With another blinding spasm, Natalie's calves squeezed outwards against the plastic coils from her heels. Beating against the material wrapping her shin, thump by thump it began to unwind around her swelling legs.

Her hamstrings pulled her heels back towards her. Her hamstrings creaked thicker in the backs of her thighs, pushing downwards into the slippery sofa. Kyle ignored the unbreakable vice of Natalie's thighs and the cramping in his arm. He'd never had such a reaction before, and he wasn't going to stop now. Natalie's legs were so pumped. Every muscle in her lower body stood at attention. Still, the sensation thumped at the limits of her body. Demanding more from her.

Her muscles, the venom, her clit. All of them met in a blinding crescendo. Natalie didn't care about the venom, she didn't care about hulking-out in front of Kyle. She wanted to rip her dress off and let the pleasure cascade through her. A final tidal wave of power surged from nowhere.

The incessant pounding of Kyle's fingers finally loosening a thread inside her, and she quickly unraveled. Natalie squealed, orgasm wracked her entire body. Through the indescribable pleasure, her legs crept outwards another few millimetres. Helpless to the sensations shattering inside her, she blacked out, could barely breath.

Kyle withdrew his fingers, shaking the growing pain out of his hand. He inspected it carefully with a grimace. His attention quickly returned back to Natalie. She was still twisting and writhing on the sweat-soaked leather, grabbing handfuls of her own hair. She moaned and whimpered as though he was inside her. Natalie ran a hand down her quaking thighs. Her muscles rippled and flexed under her touch, as if she commanded and controlled her entire physique. 

Kyle squinted in the dim light. He could have sworn her legs weren't that big at the club. Her upper thighs especially, easily twice the width of her calves. Her quads swept from her legs with size and condition. Each thick strip of muscle jostling to bulge out the furthest. Her swollen muscles rubbed and nuzzled against each other as Natalie continued to squirm with pleasure. The final bursts of pleasure ricocheted through her. Volleying off her sensitive muscles, quivering and huge. Just as one started to relax, it contracted with the another awesome squeeze. Kyle stood over by her splayed quivering feet, confounded.

At last, when Natalie blinked herself back into the room, Kyle was standing, his hands on his hips and an awe-filled expression on his face.

It took a few seconds for the situation to break through her whirlwind orgasmic giddiness. At last, Natalie gasped and closed her legs, her cheeks burning bright red.

That last scene might be my favourite so far. Thanks for the continued support.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on August 25, 2016, 12:19:54 pm
I'm wishing that I hadn't quit smoking because I think I need a cigarette after that hot fingerbang-growth scene. Is there anything better than orgasm-fueled muscle growth? I submit that there is not. She's going to have some 'splainin' to do after she collects her thoughts, but if I were Kyle I probably wouldn't be able to contain myself seeing a hot muscle girl like Natalie get BIGGER from a single fingerpop. I had lots of fun imagining that sexy dress getting smaller and smaller and smaller with each breath, pant, and moan, imagining the space between her thighs getting tighter and tighter and even the muscles inside growing thicker and stronger with each push. Hot stuff. 

But how is she going to deal with her poor mother? After her little roid-rage Power Team impression it might be a little hard to show her face around home and the shop again. Interesting to see how that develops. Great job, Sir Poddington. You make me feel inadequate.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: JerusalemTulip on August 25, 2016, 02:22:35 pm
This keeps getting better and better.  Every line is throbbing with tension, and you switched between three different points of view very smoothly.  The way that emotion and sensation are blended so well with anatomy make this story so much hotter than most.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: GreatJustice on August 25, 2016, 05:28:29 pm
Amazing; glad to see this still going!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: jcboyd on August 25, 2016, 05:54:11 pm
I was late to the game on really picking up and e njoying the drug-fueled growth in the story from Sir Poddy, but damn am I glad I finally did.  Well done.  Would be nice if Natalie's voice dropped a bit coming out of this orgasmic rush and some other secondary effects form the venom, etc., but if not, hell, I'm not complianing after that last scene!

 :clap: :bravo: :rock:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on August 26, 2016, 06:25:16 am
Thank you for all the kind comments! I was hesitant to put out another chapter ladened with story and emotion again, but fortunately the strength and FMG scenes kind of wrote themselves and covered a few key points about the pumpsuit that I'd been wanting to show.

I'm travelling a lot during the remaining months of this year, so as per usual, no ETA on a new chapter. I hope that last scene makes up for it! :)
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on August 26, 2016, 08:27:56 am
I'm all for it and want to thank you for your writing!
It's awesome.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: mattrius on October 17, 2016, 03:06:45 am
Can't wait for the next one!  This is one of my favorites!    :thanks:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on November 27, 2016, 09:33:15 am
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 15

"Hah - hah - holy shit." Natalie panted desperately. "What did you - how did you do that?" Natalie slid up right on the sweat-slicked leather. Kyle stammered, still clutching his hand. For a few moments they both ogled the ripe quads trembling giddily under her glossy skin.

"I've gotta go - I've gotta go." Natalie padded over to her high heels by the door. "Oh Christ, this is out of control! What's going on?!" Natalie gushed, looking frantically around the room. "Where's my purse?"

"Natalie, wait." Kyle scrambled after her. He wedged himself between her and the doorway. "There'll be no cabs about and it's freezing outside."

"Kyle, let me out." Natalie sniveled.

"But, Natalie - that was - that was incredible."

Natalie scoured his face for any trace of sarcasm, but his husky eyes were as wide and as doughy as her after her post-workout enhancements. "Please. You can leave whenever you want, but just don't leave like this. Let's talk about it." They paused, chest-to-heaving-chest, swapping each other's heavy breaths, a million silent questions volleying between them. She took a breath as hot pleasure still ebbed inside her thighs. She felt the cold air through the letterbox pricking her skin.

He softly wrapped a warm paw around Natalie's forearm. "Tea?" Kyle asked.


With a steaming mug in her hand and her dress looking splayed with relief on the bed, Kyle emerged with holding a large baggy t-shirt. "Here, this used to fit me. Probably more comfy for you now." A XL fell over Natalie like a parachute, but the gaping neck teased glimpses of her feathered upper pecs and the insides of her pumpkin shoulders. The rest pooled loosely on the sheets around her.

She took a tentative sip as Kyle joined her on the bed. He'd swapped into a figure-hugging singlet. Nose in her mug, Natalie peeked at the sloping contours of his narrow hips, and the oaken posture in his tapered back. His wide pecs drew her eye to the supplement company logo stamped in the centre of his chest.

"Jaeger's was my first ever pre-workout." Natalie commented. "I felt so hardcore, I even hid it from mum." she scoffed.

"Oh it's my favourite. I actually take some before I run the bodypump classes at the gym, it's the only way I can stay ahead of some of the hardcore regulars." He took a gulp from his own cup. "I'm glad I took it when you came along." he smiled.

"Hah, I was putting a brave face on it." for a second she wanted to comment on Rachel's disheveled appearance after the 45 minutes were over, but she quickly dismissed the idea of bringing her into the conversation. She rummaged for a substitute answer. "You should have seen me after we got out of the studio." she gushed. She ducked back into her tea cup the second she heard herself, knowing she had careered back into the elephant in the room. Kyle cleared his throat, Natalie saw Kyle's imagination whirring.

"So after my class, did you - did that - I mean, has that happened to you before?"

Natalie nodded sheepishly, feeling her biceps stress the shirt seams as she lifted her mug for another sip.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I just didn't like seeing you scared." Natalie felt a sweet warm glow in her tummy and her body relaxed slightly. 

"Well, earlier." Natalie nodded at the shiny leather cushions. "That has never happened before. But, my body." she swallowed, nervously. "My muscles." she pushed the words out. "That's been happening for a while."

"You mean filling out like that?" Natalie nodded gingerly. "So what are you - I mean, have you been using, y'know?"

"Well, yeah, sort of."

"Sort of?"

"I mean not normal steroids." Kyle's brow bunched. Natalie turned to face him and cleared her throat. "I should have - I should have told you about me. I don't know if you've seen me at the gym or whatever, but I've changed like, a lot recently."

"I know..." Kyle conceded with an embarrassed smile. She glanced up at Kyle, he ducked back into his tea cup. Natalie scored his ultra-cool composure cracking. She asked for her phone and he handed it over. She thumbed open her Insta**** account and scrolled down. "Can you believe this was me?" she turned the screen to Kyle. In the shock of harsh light he squinted, then raised an eyebrow, then the other, impressed. "3 months ago." Kyle's lips lowered like a draw-bridge. His eyes darted back and forth between the cardio bunny on the screen and the bulging blonde on his bed, whose ripe muscles stretched the logo adorned across her chest.

"Bloody hell, when you see it like that." His heart pounded so hard he worried Natalie would see it through his skin. He tried to keep it cool. Here he was going backwards, down a weight class to stay competitive, while this girl was blowing up, almost uncontrollably. At least his memory hadn't been playing a fetishistic joke on him. He'd never seen such a transformation in his life. The sheer volume she'd packed on to a her muscles. How they stretched her into an X-shaped silhouette, her bold posture, it was something from a comic book or a cartoon. Her muscles were large yet still so perfectly proportioned, and so exquisitely interwoven, a living model of perfect biological engineering. Yet, in the skinny girl on the phone screen, he still spotted the tell-tale signs of the same girl. The piercing blue eyes, her glistening lips, her luscious bob of blonde hair, that traffic-stopping smile - all those intensely gorgeous features remained on top of a young body swallowed by layers and layers of thick, fleshy muscle.

"Wow." he whispered at last as he poured through her profile, ogling her mandatory poses, and a few times zooming in on the most precise details of her musculature. "Your taper. Your conditioning. Your proportions." she heard him swoon blatantly. A part of her liked watching him jam-up with confusion. She knew her explanation would baffle him even more, and she chose her next words selectively. The idea of getting loaded up with potent muscle-growing chemicals wasn't quite as spell-binding as the fantastical growth-show on her Insta**** account.

"A supplement company, PumpLabs, picked me to be one of their sponsors about 3 months ago. And they sent me these bodysuits - they call them Pumpsuits." Natalie took a breath. It all sounded so ridiculous out loud. "And it has these patches inside, with a kind of steroid formula they call 'Hyper-venom'. So I put it on, work out, and a few minutes after I've finished - well" she blushed, looking down. "You saw what happens. But, like, way more intensely." She heard Kyle take an audible gulp.

"Wait, so that was less than normal?" he asked with his mouth still half-full.

"Oh yeah." Natalie sighed with more than hint of yearning. She roamed through memories of the commanding bear-hugs under her own skin. That orgasmic embrace of her bursting muscles elbowing each other aside to pump up to their maximum size.

Kyle shuffled closer, he could see Natalie's cheeks flushing even in the soft bedroom lighting. Natalie wanted to fill the silence, nervous that he was silently building up to the biggest, most humiliating belly-laugh she'd ever heard. She hastily foraged for the words to somehow describe, even remotely, the awesome sensation the suit provided. Kyle waited patiently.

"Well, first, it gets me ready. All the muscles I've just worked fill out, it's like an instant whole-body pump. By now I can see my veins pumping through the suit. Then my heart starts pounding like crazy, like it knows what's coming next." Natalie visualised the changing room stall - the full-body mirror on the wall, the slatted bench and her throbbing body wrapped in blue. "I can feel it - the venom - trickling into me, drip by drip. It's slow, it feels thick, warm. I can even follow it inside me, pumping in to the tips of my fingers and toes. And in about a minute my body is filled with the pump and this venom - I'm just locked there, shaking, waiting for it.

"And then it just bursts inside me all at once. And when it starts..." Natalie licked her lips. "I can't stop it. I'm totally out of control. My muscles flex all by themselves. I can't choose which one comes next, or how big it gets. I just feel them stretching. I feel it all over me. I feel the spandex slipping across my skin, and my sleeves sliding up my arms when my chest and back start growing. I feel my muscles pushing against each other. They grow in these waves, these pulses of power. It's like something's pressing out against my skin from inside me. I can't speak, I can't see, I can't even think. I can barely stay on my feet. I'm just bulging. It feels like it lasts an hour, but I know it's only about 2 minutes. It totally rocks me. I just have to stand there and take it."

She glanced cautiously over at Kyle. He kept his eyes on an empty patch of the mattress, listening intently with pensive nods.

"So yeah, my gains have been crazy." she continued. She inspected the winding veins in her brawny arms. "The new muscles pour out so quickly I can feel the extra weight. It usually gives me about half a kilo of muscle per workout - and they aren't just for show. I'm hard, and tight, and strong. My clothes always tighter too. It takes me the rest of the day to get used to my new size. I mean, I wanted to be a figure model." Natalie scoffed. Kyle's exhaled. That explained her masterfully sculpted lines. How she flowered so magnificently from her tiny waist, up along flaring lats and to her cannonball shoulders. He caught himself staring.

"Doesn't it hurt? I would have stopped if I - "

Natalie shook her head and smiled. "It definitely doesn't hurt." she brushed her hair away from her face. Natalie remembered watching her thighs ripen further beyond the width of her waist. Feeling the warm skin of her inner thighs press together. For a few lustful seconds, the awe of her new musculature smothered any fears as to how they had grown so big, as it always did. Natalie sighed longingly.

"It feels good - really good. It's such a full-on experience, and it just keeps coming. And I'm so scared, and every single millimetre of muscle is terrifying, but, it's good I wouldn't stop it if I could. To be honest, I kind of like the fact that I can't stop it. I like giving in to it - letting it just pound me like it does - jacking me up. I'm so helpless. My body can't resist it. My muscles are so greedy, they don't care about me, they only stop when they're done." She took another sip, remembering the first time she lost sight of her toes as her pecs groaned outwards.

"I can't wait to finish my workouts and to feel myself grow. It's like a fetish I didn't know I had. You feel like there's a balloon inflating inside you and a pin-prick will make you pop - or like the biggest, hardest, longest full-body pump you've ever had in your life. Then, once I'm jacked up as big as I'm can get, I usually - " she blushed. "I come. Like, hard."

"It feels - " She flexed her pecs and watched the logo across her chest stretch and ripple. "I mean - it's really fucking good."

Kyle took another quiet swig from his mug and nodded calmly.

"I know that's a lot to take in all at once. But, god, that feels so good to get off my chest." Natalie couldn't stop the relieved grin spreading across her quivering lips. "You know how hard it is to admit to being a girl who loves juicing herself up the eyeballs and having huge muscles? I mean, God, I want to live in that thing forever." Natalie spilled. Her chest heaved, her fingernails were white around her cup. "But..."


"But - what the fuck, right?" Natalie sighed, looking herself up and down. "What's the catch? How is it this good? I've put on 80 pounds of muscles in 3 and a half months, and I just grew even more after a little dance and some foreplay. Is this my body facing the music? How on earth does this story end?" she wanted to go on, but noticed the retort already pooling in Kyle's face. He took another sip from his cup. Natalie bit her tongue in anticipation. 
"If that is true - all of it, I mean." he started, with the confident realism of a trainer. "Drink every last drop." He tipped empty tea cup towards her with a knowing smirk. Natalie rolled her eyes. "Look at you, Nat. Look what you've done with it." he cooed. "You fill that shirt out better than I ever did."

"Anyone with a pumpsuit could." Natalie mumbled.

"You need to give yourself some more credit, Nat." Kyle pressed. "I've seen people do a lot less with more. Even with the drugs, it's nothing without the effort. I bet a lot of people wouldn't have pushed as hard as you have. You kept pumping." 

Natalie's eyes lowered to her lap. "I'm just in it for the rush."

"Yeah? Me too."

Natalie shot him a skeptical glance. "You don't remember it before you got your suit? The shock and awe of the tiniest new detail in the mirror. The thrill of adding a new supplement to your shaker and practically sprinting up the weights to test yourself. Those eye-popping pumps where you feel like you're arms are going to explode. That moment you peel off your shirt and you're all fuzzy around the eye balls and you see the most awesomely ripped, jacked-up version of yourself? You mean that rush? That rush doesn't change, not matter what you're on. Wouldn't you have been in the gym these last three months, with or without the suit?"

Natalie conceded with a nod.

"How often do you use your suit?"

"Just on my workout days." Natalie answered.

Kyle looked surprised. "That's...disciplined. Can you imagine if one of those chumps who live in the weights area had one?" he smirked. "Every day would be chest and bi's. They'd look like a half-empty tube of toothpaste." Natalie snorted. "Did you ever try working out more than once in a day?"

Natalie shook her head. "Not properly." Her mind wandered to Rachel and their evening in her bedroom. "I have a very strict workout programme - a really good 5-day split I found online."

Kyle snorted in disbelief. How on earth did this girl so obliviously stumble into this madness? Could she really not see the corrupting, consuming potential she had in her hands? He wanted to ask her why she hadn't been ripping through her entire week's programme every day, piling on muscle like she so obviously could have. He wasn't sure whether to be impressed or dismayed. Had he over or underestimated her? "Well" he cleared his throat. "That routine of yours might well have saved your career. Insta**** can do wonders for a person's complexion, but I can't see any of the usual side-effects - and I've seen more of you than most."

Natalie brushed the back of her hand over her bare thighs. He was right. The peach-fuzz on her tummy had always been there. Her skin was silky smooth, not the pocketed, rough chicken-skin she's seen on so many other female bodybuilders. "Which means the steroids doses you're on are mild, and your genetics are unreal. Or, what looks more likely, is that whatever's in that pumpsuit, is some thoroughly good shit, and your remarkable devotion to discipline has gotten you this far without burning out."

Natalie nodded and her chest swelled a little. She looked proud of herself. "But all this, for free?" Natalie leaned towards him, his lucid rationing was working, though it only made her other questions seem more urgent without his answers.

"You mean if they're using you? If this all turns out to be some freaky experiment? Then you might as well make yourself the best damn subject they've ever had. Or better yet," he sat further upright against the headboard. "Why not make yourself so good they can't give you up? Make yourself your own best bargaining chip."

That was encouraging, and she needed all the leverage she could get. She could tell them about Rachel's changes, Natalie thought. The patches, the sauna, and apparently now the sex. All the tips and tricks that had helped her pack on even more muscles than they expected her to, they'd surely be impressed. The chance of salvation buoyed her immediately. She shuffled closer to Kyle for more.

"They got you into this mess, they can damn well get you out of it." his tone was assertive, almost paternal. "Sponsors are fairweather friends, asshole businesses dressed up as your team-mates - take it from me. But at least, when it's gone, let yourself say you drank every single drop of venom. That you packed on every single millimetre of muscle it had to offer. If I were you I would lick that suit clean." Kyle heard a gentle sigh slip from Natalie's lips.

The idea jacking up for yet another month excited her instantly. She could do it all the way up the contest, she thought. Be in perfect condition. She exhaled with excitement and envisaged her next two weeks at the gym. Focusing on mass for the first few days, heavy weights - low reps, packing on the mass and pounds for heavyweight class. Then, in the days running up, she would chisel out the details, high-intensity, total shred, veins on abs, striation city.

Kyle watched her eyes darting side to side as Natalie chewed her lips quietly.

Natalie's mind turned to the contest. A perfectly muscled version of herself, bronzed and glistening. Flexing and flaunting every detail of her muscles while she drew perfect lines with her 17, maybe 18-inch biceps raised beside her head. How alien her 180lbs muscle-bod would look stuffed under the skin of such a young, pretty chick. A sparkling slingshot bikini hooked around the incredible contours of her hips and struggling to contain her chunky diamond glutes. And best of all; out-muscling Rachel's short, blocky frame, her muscles swollen and distended. Catching Rachel glancing enviously - worriedly as they posed down side-by-side, only to skulk off stage, into second place and the furious clutches of PumpLabs.

Natalie's brow scrunched, and her shoulders sank timidly. Kyle awaited her next doubt.

"What do I say when I do compete? It's all happened so fast. The moment I walk on stage, people will start asking questions, they'll learn about the suit. Won't they think I didn't you know, earn it, like those girls did?" Kyle sighed with a chortle.

"You know they've got their own backers too, don't you? Sheila Lynch, the national heavyweight champ, spends fifteen grand on her steroid competition cycle. You think that's how you're supposed to 'earn it'? Like I said, the drugs mean nothing without the work. You've worked, you've sculpted, you've chiseled, you've perfected your body. PumpLabs wouldn't give this to just anybody, Natalie. But you have to show them. Show them that you know how great you can get. Show them that they've made the right choice in you."

Natalie nodded energetically. They had her chosen for a reason. No matter what Rachel said earlier. Of course they picked her. She was perfect for it. What other girl on the planet could pump themselves into this perfection? She pictured PumpLabs trusting her with all their latest products. PumpLabs waiting on her word, her seal of approval on all things perfect. Their PumpLabs reps waiting giddily behind their clipboards as they gawked at her turning their weird science into physical perfection. Being the benchmark against which all other bodies would be compared. It all started falling into place. Instead of fearing PumpLabs, she couldn't wait to see them again. What a god send, this man. Where had he been all her life?

She beamed at Kyle and rubbed his forearm. "Thank you." her eyes quivered with delirious excitement.

"I do have one question though." Natalie's mug was slippery in her hands. Kyle looked suddenly serious again. She fretted that he'd found a flaw in this perfect plan. Stone-faced, he leaned close to her and whispered, "How the hell have you been getting yourself off in my gym for the last 3 months without someone reporting you?"

Natalie's face burned beet red, but soon his eyes were smiling again. "By doing it very quietly." she giggled guiltily. "Your bodypump class really did a number on me." Natalie slowly ran a finger around the rim of her teacup and peeked up at him through her fringe.

"Well, if I'd have known I think I'd have pushed you a little bit harder." he purred.

Natalie was already warm simply from describing the suit. A moment later her t-shirt was a pile on the floor and she was coiling herself around Kyle's body. His brawny chest pressed against and she sighed at their smooth, hard pecs rubbing each other. He reached one arm around her lithe waist and pulled her against his body.

Natalie adored his strong, loving squeeze. With Kyle's hot breaths warming her body, she felt like she sliding back into her pumpsuit. Kyle sucked hungrily on Natalie's neck. Natalie's mind flashed to her suit's venom-soaked teeth biting in to her body. She moaned passionately and closed her eyes.

He then clamped his mouth around her nipple. Natalie gasped with delight, sending a rolling flex along her pecs. Her muscles lifted his head a few centimetres, Kyle growled approvingly, hanging on with his teeth. He was already pulling off her panties with his spare hand. Kyle planted strong, wet kisses on every one of her abdominals until he'd slid between her thighs. Seconds later his thick tongue was gently lapping at her clit and Natalie swooned at the hot breaths in her crotch. Natalie placed her hands behind her head and let the pleasure roll over her. Her heart was already stamping over the idea of another growth spurt. She clutched the blonde tuft on his head and closed her thighs, gently, around his head.

Kyle looked up over her clenching abs and thick pecs. He was struck but the surreal sight of Natalie's beautiful face gasping and whimpering at the top of her bodybuilder physique. He didn't know where to look on her awesome torso. Her muscles contracted and relaxed at his tongue's command, and he saw how they controlled and contorted Natalie's impossibly perfect physique. Natalie nibbled her thumb, and he watched her bicep twist and bulge into a tight, peaked ball of muscle. All of her trembling muscles flexed and stretched so effortlessly from under her glossy skin. As she placed her hand behind her head, Kyle spied her lats spreading outwards and her cater-like armpit deepening under her shoulder. Natalie's panting quickened as Kyle teased her with feather-light strokes, waiting. The second her gasps seemed to even out, Kyle buried his face deeper between her thighs and sucked on her clit.

Natalie shrieked with delight. Her moans became muffled as her thick thighs pressed over his ears. She bucked with an orgasmic jolt. It was like a punch in the nose, but Kyle didn't stop. Natalie's body trembled around his hands. He felt his fingertips fall into little valleys and dips of her musculature as the thick sinews in her quads flexed giddily.

My god he was good. The way he commanded the next wave of orgasmic sparks inside her, just as she got comfortable. It reminded her of the suit, the way it ignored her, savaged her. Natalie wanted him inside of her. She needed that hot, filling sensation to plunge into her like the venom did. She crunched forward towards the furiously lapping man between her legs, hooked her arms under his shoulders and hauled him towards her.

Kyle had never felt anything like it. It was almost effortless how Natalie pulled him up and shoved her tongue deep into his throat. "I want you inside me" she begged, licking his soaked chin. She looked down at his chiseled abdomen, and pictured that strong, tight core fucking her hard. She ran her fingers down his wide chest. Kyle put his hands on his hips and Natalie watched his torso stretch as wide as her own. She purred with delight at his burly features. Perhaps it was the only thing missing with Rachel. "Take me. Pin me down and fuck me." she whispered hungrily into his ear. Kyle slipped his underwear over his wide thighs. Natalie grinned. Her hand looked so tiny around his cock as she guided it towards her pussy.

Kyle growled as he slid inside her. He pulled back and thrusted into her hard. Her body barely budged. His strongest thrust would send any ordinary girl through the headboard, as evidenced by the crack in it. Natalie kept her passionate gaze locked in his, watching him look over her incredible body. She ogled his just as much. His wide back and rounded shoulders made her feel small. Natalie tried to sit up, but Kyle grabbed her wrists and slammed them back down onto the mattress. Natalie froze for a second, then quickly melted with desire. She shoved against his grip. Kyle saw her abs clench into their impenetrable formation and her pecs ripple. Kyle grunted in reply, pushing her down and pounding her faster, harder. A carnal smile stretched across Natalie's face.

The mattress was getting damp quickly. The bed complained as their muscle-bound bodies thumped down on its wooden frame. While Natalie adored the hard thumps in her cunt, her mind wandered to the suit, the venom, and if it was going to kick in again. Her concern were elbowed aside by the awesome sensation rising from her clit. Kyle's cock began stroking against her cervix over and over.

Kyle's abs were burning. Natalie's body softened in his grip with every orgasmic pulse. Kyle eased off. Natalie moaned and let her arms fall to her sides. Growling, Kyle clinched them again, stretching his body out long, and letting all his weight fall against her. He grabbed her arms and pinned them to her sides in a enveloping bear-hug. Natalie squealed as she felt trapped, helpless in the familiar clinch. Again her mind wandered to the suit, how it locked her down and refused to let go. She slipped further towards incredible climax. As Kyle's thick cock pumped relentlessly inside her, she could virtually start the countdown in her head, but still there was no twinge of venom, no electric twitches in her legs or chest.

"Nggg - come on. Where is it?" she begged. She felt no embarrassment, no shame this time. She wanted to grow for him. She wanted to bulge helplessly for him. "Come on - come get me." she moaned. Locked by Kyle's powerful arms, she tried clenching her abs to tempt any residual venom into action. Then her triceps. She wriggled and flexed her thighs and slipped across Kyle's sweaty chest, but he kept her pinned down with his burly arms. He didn't listen. He kept pounding. Just like the suit. That was the last thread. The shockwave of pleasure swelled up and burst inside her.

"Oh shit - oh shit - oh - yes - yes - yes!" Natalie gasped helplessly. Kyle felt her body and jolt and writhe in his arms. Her mouth was wide open, silently squealing. Kyle imagined the incredible pleasure she'd described roaring in her muscles, and it was all at his command. As Natalie quaked with a lust-soaked moan, he was convinced he was literally pumping her up with his own cock. He was giving her that impossible feeling of instant muscle growth. The idea snatched his breath away, and he fired his hot load with a shuddering growl.

At last, he released his clinch. Natalie felt him deflating, both inside and on top of her. He lifted himself up and blinked Natalie's sweat-glazed pecs into focus.

Natalie immediately looked past him and checked over her body. She foraged mentally for tell-tale signs of growth. No tension, no involuntary flexing. Just a weightless feeling in her chest and a warm glow between her legs and numb fingers. She tentatively straightened her legs, her quads blossomed happily around her thighs. Likewise, she squeezed her biceps hard, but didn't feel the addictive ache of freshly ripened muscle.

Kyle rolled off of her and on the damp sheets. "So did you - did you?" he panted.

"I don't - I don't think so..." she panted back.   

"Oh..." Kyle panted, he almost sounded disappointed.

Natalie ran her hands over her numb body. She hadn't felt this sleepy after an orgasm for a while. Usually the venom cranked her back up to 100%. Perhaps there was none left in her system, she thought. As soon as she had done surmising, she passed out into a deep sleep.


One by one fingers of light reached through the window blinds. As Kyle blinked groggily, he saw Natalie's superheroine silhouette dressing in front of the window.

She'd squeezed herself back into her dress. Her newly thickened legs pulled the fabric tighter across her midriff, printing her baking tray abs even more defiantly out of her torso. Kyle savoured the sight before she pulled his big t-shirt over herself.

"Mind if I take this? I've gotta go." she whispered and crawled back to his side.


"Thank you. For the advice. I'm glad I stayed."

"You're welcome." he smiled, sincerely and sat up. He eventually became more alert. 

"And for treating me like, y'know, a girl. It was nice to feel normal for a bit, in spite of everything."

"You are anything but, Natalie." he lifted her chin and gave her a long, meaningful kiss. "Will I see you at the gym later today?"

Natalie nodded girlishly, her hands clasped together in front of her. Her thick delts rose in line with her traps. Her beaming smile shone through and Kyle crumbled into an awkward chuckle.

"I can't wait to see what you look like by the end of the day." he winked. Natalie blushed. A taxi arrived outside and honked as they kissed hungrily again. With a final peck, Natalie clambered off the bed and Kyle followed her to the front door. Natalie waved quickly as she trotted on to the pavement. Kyle watched the rear suspension dip as she climbed inside, and watched it pull away and swerve around the corner.

Kyle headed back inside. He picked up the pillows from the floor and gazed at the huge, somehow still sculpted imprint of Natalie's body in the mattress. Her sweet perfume and sweat still lingered on the pillows. He dodged away from the scene and reached into his Rogue Fitness jacket pocket. He pulled out his smartphone and placed it on the table.

He reached in again and pulled out a small, featureless Nokia. He sighed, and paced up and down the room twice with the phone in his hand, his thumb feigning over the keypad.

At last, he pressed the first number, then his fingers hammered is rapid succession. He grimaced, and shook his head, before placing the phone to his ear.

"It's me. She stayed with me last night. No suit. She's heading home now, alone."


"She's still on task. In fact now I think she's even more keen. But she was having a lot of second thoughts. A lot. I gave her all the lines and it helped, but she's on edge." he chewed on his lip as he paced. 

"Copy." came the unmoved reply.

"For fuck sake" he snapped, thrusting the phone away from his mouth. He drew a long breath and pressed the phone back against his face. "You lot owe me for this one. Seriously. You need to start taking better care of this girl. She has no idea what she's in to. I mean, I know that's how you pick them, but..." He'd had all night to help her. He wanted to shout and scream at her to leave town, to disappear into the night and escape. But he knew what had stopped him. The phone stayed silent in his ear. "Just, be gentle. That's all. Sorry."

"Copy. Report here. Today." the phone clicked silent.

The thick plottens....

I know I said there probably wouldn't be a new chapter until 2017, but here you are, you lucky dawgs. Hope you all don't mind another Natalie chapter. Let me know what you think. Rachel will have her turn, I promise. Thanks for the continued support and kind comments!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: NinjaStar on November 27, 2016, 02:23:40 pm
Now that's how you write a fucking story Mr. Poddingsworth. Show the rest of these clowns what time it is.

That poor girl just can't catch a break, can she? All the good men are either gay, married, or deep cover agents for a super-secret, shadowy consortium bent on cornering the super-steroid market with their cabal of unwitting guinea pigs.

Sucks that we're going to have to wait again, but it's definitely worth it. You're a pinpoint of light shining in the darkness of this section of the forum.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sicktick on November 28, 2016, 06:52:41 am
I'm not sure it could be said much more eloquently than NinjaStar, but man am I glad for another chapter
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: JerusalemTulip on November 28, 2016, 09:46:12 pm
Thank you for continuing this.

Your approach to telling this story is one that is always welcome to see.  How can a story compete with images and videos?  Write it like this one and focus on including what is absent from an image.  The bedroom action is done superbly.  You're pushing buttons for all five senses, and leaving all sort of neat details like the impression left over in the mattress of Natalie.  Natalie's internal perspective when read carefully reminds us of how very young and trusting she still is. The dialogue sounds authentic, like two people really talking under these circumstances.  I've lost count of stories that I would have otherwise thought were five stars, but then a growing woman would spout off a page worth of muscle speechifying that doesn't really pass the read out loud test.  We have the best of both worlds with this story: substance and style.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sgsg69 on November 28, 2016, 11:17:19 pm
Really can't tell you how well written this story is, and can't wait for more! The path you are following is amazing, these last two chapters are worthy of a Sports Center Top 10! Thank you
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: phil123 on November 29, 2016, 05:29:36 am
What a great story and so much room for more.

Please continue
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 29, 2016, 03:26:25 pm
That was amazing! I really love the way this story grows organically (unlike the protagonists).
Please continue!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: spar1988 on December 01, 2016, 08:44:10 am
that was a awesome chapter. can not wait for more. this story is intense and well done take all the time you need to move on with it.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on December 02, 2016, 02:05:34 am
Thank you all for the kind words :)

I really do slave over dialogue, and Natalie's self-described growth parts went through a million changes, but I'm really happy with how they turned out.

The story is also picking up some pace now, which means a few new characters are also on the horizon!

As usual, I can't give any ETAs on a new chapter, but I'm always grateful that when I come back so many of you turn out to comment and support this story.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on March 02, 2017, 09:44:44 am
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 16 - Part 1


Earlier that night...

Rachel couldn't hear herself cursing and yelling as she ran. Rachel's breaths puffed out into the night and back past the string of tears on her cheek. As she stamped on the pavement at full speed, her mind was still in the cellar with Natalie and her mother.

"Yeah?" she spat. "Well maybe PumpLabs chose wrong! Maybe they should've picked me? Maybe they should have picked someone who really knows what this thing can do! - I guess they never told you about me, did they?" she panted through her list of put-downs.

All the things she could have said. She delivered every unassailable come-back over and over, each riposte that would have left them stammering. All so she could brand that white-hot revelation into them: that the suit was better with her. She perfected her fantasy again and again - through the park, the side-alleys and the empty streets until she spotted the YWCA ahead.

She stopped at the corner of the building and looked over her shoulder, half-expecting Natalie, still in her figure-hugging dress, to be sprinting down the street after her. The coast was clear. Rachel finally wiped her cheeks and gathered her breaths. She only then noticed her bare legs.

Her pale skin fizzled with goosebumps. She'd scampered away without thinking to pick up her shorts, or even her hoodie. She wrapped arms across her chest to cover her nipples poking through the skin-tight pumpsuit. She felt a glimmer of relief as she looked up and down the empty roads, not that she would have noticed anyone else in her furious daze.

Rachel crossed the street and approached the front door when a muffled giggle took her attention. Rachel back-pedaled and peered through a harshly-lit window into the common area. Her stomach knotted. They weren't usually up this late. So much for her plan to anonymously glide back to her room.

Rachel shook tenderly, though at first she couldn't tell if it was from the cold, her nerves, or something else tingling in her thighs.

Suddenly, a wonderful aching gripped her legs. She gasped and readied herself against the wall as the sensation quickly smothered her thighs. A delicious grope squeezed her quads and a carnal sigh burst from her lips. Rachel slapped her palm over her shaking lips. Her lean quads flexed to full attention. Her jaw clenched as the power thumped harder and harder. She waited for them - wanted them - to creak outwards. She closed her eyes. Already Rachel couldn't care about the anyone inside or outside.

Her knees started to quake and her crotch began to jerk. Rachel grunted and flexed, impatiently goading her body towards the orgasmic eruption she now craved. But as she whimpered with her muscles twitching and trembling in their wiry formation, the sensation started to weaken. Rachel squeezed the muscles in her legs as hard as she could, but after a few more seconds, the aching warmth petered out into nothing.

Rachel cursed at the anti-climax. She snorted furiously and glared at her unripened legs. Her defined leg muscles remained at attention and obediently woven together. They had filled up with a delicious pump and veins had slithered up her thighs to feed them, but the surge of growth hadn't come. Her muscles were wrapped tight, chiseled and taut, but still couldn't re-draw the outline with the long, bulging curves of a bodybuilder. Likewise her calves were still tight-looking medallions, but were no bigger. "Out of juice already?" she muttered. "More pre-workout..." she impatiently started towards the entrance and opened through the door with an inconspicuous 'thunk'.

The room fell silent. Rachel walked past the lobby and into full view of a waiting audience of girls. Rachel kept her eyes straight ahead and on the corridor towards her room. The few metres between her and the safety of her dorm felt like a desert plain.

"Alright, Einstein?" a voice asked. Rachel's palms were already slippery. She glanced up at the frizzy-hair girl in the middle of the gaggle of slouching girls, all with beers or bottles in their hands.

"Hey Stephanie." Rachel muttered back, refusing to break stride.

"What the fuck is she wearing?" she heard an unsubtle whisper.

"I quite like it." Stephanie remarked. Rachel couldn't stop herself giving a curious glance at Stephanie's smirking face. "Actually...." The cushions creaked as Stephanie leaned forward. "You're quite fit, Einstein." Rachel could feel her leering eyes running over her scantily clad body. "Is that a six-pack? And look at that arse." She cooed with a sip of her beer. Then she sighed, and reclined, "Shame you're straight."

"Thanks..." Rachel squeaked almost silently. The pack of girls sucked down a collective breath. One covered her mouth and trembled behind her hand, looking like she was about to split at the seams with laughter.

"She's so weird." "Does she think she's from the future?" "I heard that's what they give the freaks at the asylum - so you can catch them if they escape." "Oh shit, should we call the police?!" they finally erupted.

Rachel squeezed her bubbling eyes as she slammed her door on the cackles behind her. 

She wished the suit could listen. That her muscles could suck on the patches at her will, and gulp down an uncontrollable dose that would pump her from calf to neck. So she could show them, with a choking clinch, the chemicals ripen her physique up to herculean size. Just to see their faces as her narrow figure expanded in every direction. As thick, rippling layers of muscles pushed against the stretchy pumpsuit. To show them the indescribable power lurking just under her skin - power only she could handle - power they would never lay a finger on. Then she could throw them through the windows one by one.

She flexed her newly formed muscles and felt the sleeves around her thighs and arms tighten. She ran her hands over her taut thighs and plucked at the spandex ripples near her crotch. She savoured the gentle hum of raw energy still running through her. It felt like the only thing keeping her upright after the day's events. At first she couldn't escape it's constricting air-tight clinch. But now it's grip seemed firm and caring. She'd changed so much in just the last 24 hours. And now she'd somehow been left alone with it - again. Only this time she certainly had no intentions of giving it back - to anyone who came for it. Merely the idea of taking it off and letting it's empowering embrace slip away made her anxious.

The twisting agony of the evening faded as she bathed in the stillness of her room. She looked down at her shallow abs printed against the spandex and stepped in front of the mirror, remembering Stephanie's remarks.

She gasped at the figure model muscles bristling under her milky skin. She drew back her elbow and watched her shoulders ball up into tight, rounded spheres. Then she ogled the thin sheets of muscles splayed across her chest like an open book. Her newly flared lats and back made her waist look slimmer, already carving an enviable hour glass in her waist. Her legs were tight and sinewy, she toyed with the new shapes each angle drew along her thighs - chunky from the side, but shredded and tightly-woven head-on. She spied long cables of hamstrings down the backs of her thighs. She locked her quads and flexed her arms in a contest pose. Rachel watched little tennis ball biceps leap upwards and grinned at the deepening crater forming in her armpits. A notable horseshoe pushed out of her arm as she straightened it, accompanied by a long finger of tricep running down to her elbow. She relished the ache of her muscles with every squeeze. She'd never felt such control over each body part before. She marveled at the little jerks against her bones as she clenched her muscles as hard and fast as she could. It only made her imagine the animal strength in a fully-loaded, bodybuilder physique.

She felt giddier and giddier with each pose. She'd seen muscles in magazines, videos, on Natalie. But muscles on her, that was the most awe-inducing thing she'd ever seen. It was exhilarating seeing her own features on top of a body that had never held - and was probably never meant to hold - such muscle. Her body had had months and months of muscle furiously pumped into it in just the last 48 hours. She pictured her muscles grinning with delight, delirious and willingly helpless to the glorious venom. Such an all-conquering, over-powering, careless chemical made her heart flutter with fear and ecstasy. And she was alone with it, finally. Her wildest fantasy was tantalisingly infused with her body. Just her, and her science. Her anxiety finally dulled.

Rachel's phone pinged on her bed. It was Natalie's latest Insta**** snap. Rachel tapped it open with her thumb.

It looked like she was in the back seat of a car, although the silky green dress clinging to her body was unmistakable.

"Freak in the gym - beauty in the streets."

Rachel snorted and rolled her eyes. Was this really the same girl? The same girl who, just an hour ago, was crying - terrified of the drugs that had given her the sensational physique she was now flaunting to the world? She'd crawled back inside her gilded cage. Rachel looked through the fawning comments. It was a bad joke on the rest of the world, Rachel thought. How could someone with such a ludicrous advantage be an inspiration to anyone? The whole manicured profile looked so ridiculous. A beacon of conceited vanity.

"Of all the girls..." Rachel huffed, "PumpLabs chose her? Self-obsessed, irrational, gullible, naive - was that the point of it all?" Rachel pinched her lip pensively.

Envy gnawed her stomach. What she could have done with seemingly endless supply of venom and fresh suits every month. And what about the girls who really wanted to transform? The girls who needed to escape - their failing bodies, their abusers, their lives. Rachel looked around the cracked walls of her room. Another burst of catty laughter echoed from down the hallway. Rachel sighed. Weren't there a million more deserving people out there?

Rachel stewed, but she found herself unable to tear her eyes away from the picture on her phone.

Natalie barely fit inside the screen. Her dress straps looked like dental floss over her traps as they curved from behind her neck to her sumptuously swollen shoulders. Rachel's mind caved to imagining the true limits of her hunky delts as they slipped out of frame. The shadowy ceiling-light filled the deep crevice between her feathered pecs, whilst thickening the veins that forked across her shapely biceps. Rachel's eyes ran down her waist as it sloped into an impossibly narrow kink that disappeared from view. Her twisted torso made her brick-sized abs punch out against the straining fabric.

Rachel caught her hand sliding around her crotch. She ignored the rawness of her bottom lip while her eyes wandered Natalie's body. 

Each deliciously ripe-looking muscle seemed desperate to be seen. Her skin must have felt so taut - the way every sinew pressed outwards, but the subtle gloss running over body boasted her untameable youth. Her glistening pink lips hung just apart in an endless sigh, while her sultry eyes glinted diamond blue. Along with her girly blonde bob, Natalie still looked so delicate and feminine. 'Didn't she already have everything?' Rachel simmered. 

Rachel sighed at the thought of how much venom Natalie's muscles must have already consumed. How she must have grown and re-grown so far beyond her modest expectations. She pictured Natalie gasping as her pumpsuit slowly, sensually defied what she thought possible of her own body - her hungry young body lapping it all up - her entranced muscles pouring out of every sleeve. All the shock and awe she'd already gotten to enjoy as she gladly let PumpLabs pump her bigger.

A balloon started inflating in her chest. Rachel yearned for that orgasmic ache to flood her muscles. She wanted that irresistible power to choke her and squeeze her bones. To feel her arms and legs filling, refusing to stop, and hear nothing but her own thumping heartbeat and the pumpsuit creaking around her expanding body.

A re-kindled fire crackled inside her belly. She took one more look at the picture in her hand. Natalie was the target, - no, the minimum target, Rachel grinned. "Just 2 weeks." she whispered. "2 weeks to beat that."

If PumpLabs were really treating Natalie as a guinea pig, wouldn't they be happy to double their results?

If juicing yourself full of chemicals with eye-watering potency was the name of the game, then who better than someone with nothing to lose? No profile, no selfies, no mess; she'd been off the grid as long as she could remember.

"And why would they care about Natalie when I blow her away on stage?" Rachel muttered aloud.

She locked her bedroom door. She tossed her phone onto her bed and looked over at her desk. She looked over the array of equipment already assembled. A pair of microscopes, a pile of beakers, probes, pipettes and petri dishes, with her laptop planted in the middle. She grinned gleefully. She resolved not to leave the room until she'd unlocked the secret to the indescribable venom and juiced herself up to a hundred kilos of stuffed, hulking female muscle.

She marched up to her laptop and clicked open a new window. "Henfield Amateur Female Bodybuilding." she typed. The search revealed nothing. Rachel frowned. "Alright, Henfield Professional Female Bodybuilding." Again, the results came up empty. She started trawling through the information on screen. But the UKBFF weren't holding any competitions for months, nor were NABBA. Her eyes stung as she impatiently scanned every line of text in the first two pages of results. Confounded, Rachel slumped back in her chair, nibbling at her thumb. What contest was Natalie bragging about? She conceded with an unperturbed huff and turned her attention the experiments beside her.

A thin sensor sat inside test tube filled with cloudy yellow liquid, with a wire running back into her laptop. Closer to the window at the end of the desk sat a large microscope and a small square of fabric sitting in a petri dish.

Rachel swapped windows. 23%. "It's been running all night..." she huffed, before taking off her glasses to peer closer at the mini-sample pump-patch under the lens. Her laptop poured out heat as it whirred at full speed. Rachel felt the sticky hot plastic on her wrists as she switched to another window. A pixelated, crude-looking image floated in the centre of the screen. After 30 seconds, another pixel clicked into place, causing the screen to refresh at an agonising crawl. Rachel squinted at the tangle of tiny squares. It was skittish and spiky, though currently still too amorphous for her to decipher. It was hardly surprising, she thought. She imagined the unruly chemical crackling inside her muscles. It seemed rather fitting.

Her phone beeped - it had finally been an hour since her last growth spurt. Rachel quickly peeled off the pumpsuit and dashed into the bathroom.

She grabbed an empty beaker from her desk and duly filled it up. She poured the contents into a small filtration tank beside her desk.

After she washed her hands, she took off her glasses and peered back at the tiny pump-patch under the microscope. Through the view finder, Rachel spied a single, electric-looking purple strain wriggled through the liquid. The strain kicked and bucked with a feverish energy, refusing to stay still.

Rachel rubbed her chin and turned to a plastic container under her bed. She walked over and lowered herself to the floor. From inside the dusty box, she pulled out a dossier and blew the years of neglect off. It was thick. Stuffed with papers, but lighter thanks to her new body. Rachel unhooked the elastic and walked her fingers along the tops of the documents.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on March 02, 2017, 09:46:19 am

She brushed over the certificates, the awards, the unconditional offers, and the scholarships. Then past her bachelors' degree, then her masters. They were dog-eared and hastily stuffed into a folder she'd been trying to forget. As she plucked one paper out, another hooked on it's crooked edge and fell to the floor. Rachel looked down, then with a sigh, picked it up.

"Dear Miss Turner,

This letter is to update you on the final resolution of the disciplinary matter brought against you by the Henfield University Bio-Medical Faculty." Rachel skipped ahead.

"Upon this reconsideration, the campus has decided to uphold your permanent expulsion from Henfield university and all of it's subsequent departments and facilities. Our findings regarding your severe violation of Henfield's ethical human and animal testing regulations remain unchanged." 

"We wish you all the best in the rest of your academic career."


Dr. Keith Manning
Principal of Henfield University."

Rachel nails glowed white. She angrily stuffed it back in the dossier. She returned to the page she'd been looking for and returned to her desk. She raised the paper alongside the knotted tangle of dots on her monitor. She drew her head back and squinted.

The picture on screen wasn't much beyond a spaghetti-string of venom. Nonetheless, at 24% it was already thicker looking than the image in Rachel's hand. As the screen refreshed and another microscopic layer was added to the evolving, rotating fibre in front of her, Rachel's eyes darted back and forth between the two images, scouring for a pattern. With an unconvinced sigh, Rachel looked at the clock. "I can do this." she muttered to herself, running his fingers through her long hair. "More time..." she mumbled.

It was past 11 now, and Rachel couldn't remember the last time she ate. Hunger immediately grumbled in her stomach. It seemed hardly fair to her newly grown physique. She grabbed a tub of mass gainer from the top of her fridge and mixed up a high calorie shake.

26% and a thousand calories later, Rachel turned her attention back to her filter. The two-tiered contraption was dark and lager-coloured on top, but clear on the bottom. Rachel checked her clock for when she'd added her last bathroom beaker. She was satisfied, and clicked the device off before pulling it into the centre of the room.

She unlatched the top and cringed as she reached in and untwisted the filter element. Inside the filter, a viscous, translucent goo had pooled on top of the filters. Rachel eye's lit up. She pinched one of the blobs with a pipette and delicately stepped over to the pump-patch. She added the trembling teardrop and quickly looked into the microscope.

The magnified see-through blob slid into the purple strand. It jerked and kinked suddenly. Then it began to writhe uncontrollably. An instant later, it burst like lightning in different directions. It spawned splitting purple branches that grew in desperate pulses. Rachel didn't know where to look. In seconds, the entire dish had been consumed. Rachel gasped with delight.

The patch blossomed into a hive of activity. It squirmed with weaves of dark twigs, thickening and over-lapping as their uncontrollable growth continued. They looked feverish as they rubbed and jostled for space.

"Oh my - wow." Rachel cooed as she watched the chemicals mutate deliriously. Her heart began to flutter again. She couldn't take her eyes away from the tiny supernova. "So it needs the pre-workout to activate - stimulate the chemicals being fed into me by the pump-patches.."

Her laptop's fan began to wail desperately. The loading bar ticked to 27%. Heat spewed from it's vents as it tried to process the surge of new data. Then it blinked to black. The laptops fan sighed, dead.

Rachel exhaled in awe. "Just one tiny extract - filtered extract." she squealed quietly to herself. "There must have been a fraction in the pre-workout shake. How diluted was it?" She looked at the little puddle of goo beside her. At least a tablespoon of it glinted in the harsh fluorescent lamps beaming down on her desk. Once again she felt that aching balloon swelling in her chest and her eyes widened.

She envisioned the spasm, the panic ripping through her body. Her muscles being swallowed by a pounding, relentless surge of growth - ready or not. The pressure building inside her torso - the tightness of her skin as the feral steroids bulged her bigger, fuller. She lusted to let it gorge and spread through her physique.

She wanted to feel its perverted tug as it burst inside her shoulders - ripening them into thick pumpkins until their striations rippled beside her ears. She wanted to plant her little fists in her hips and let it stretch her back wider than the mirror on her wall. She wanted to watch her quads push outwards, terrified as they were force-fed, inflating past the width of her waist as the venom pushed the deepest, shyest sinews into view.

She wiped the sweat from her top lip as she grabbed the suit and a syringe.

"Test one. Ready for calibration." Rachel took one last look at herself on her recording phone. With a determined nod she carefully propped the phone against her imploded laptop. She'd tied her hair up in a bun, for maximum visibility. She wanted to see it from every angle. She looked over her shoulder at her bare backside and narrow V-shaped back on the screen. But she was already beginning to dislike the supple-looking figure she cut on video. Then she plucked her suit from the bed and sucked down an ragged breath. The idea that the girl on screen was about to transform filled her with impatient anxiety.

Her hands trembled as she pulled the suit over her sinewy thighs and felt it nuzzle into her crotch. Then her tall stack of abs disappeared under the stretchy spandex.

Rachel hissed as she felt the prickles of the pump patches against her skin like a cold mirror. She glanced at the camera and licked her lips as she pushed her shoulders through the shortened sleeves. The pinching spandex made the veins in her biceps swell. Her nipples immediately pressed through the suit. The pumpsuit quickly warmed around her. It's firm and supportive embrace returned around her thighs and her chest. She relished the way it clung to her curves. She was ready to be primed.

Looking at the loaded syringe - it's power looked so innocuous, almost invisible, yet what they could do to her was beyond description. The hope that as soon as a drop of the pre-workout would brush against just a single patch, there would be no stopping it. It was so dangerous, so insane, so reckless that she could supercharge her body like this. For a rational mind like hers, the feral power it held was intoxicating. She couldn't wait to inject herself - to endure those orgasmic transformations. The next level of muscularity sat in her clammy palm. She couldn't wait another second.

The slid the needle into her backside.

"Ok, here we go." she whispered. Her heart was stamping like a piston. There was no doubt the chemicals were already squirting through her veins at speed. 

She gasped with delight as she felt the first curious prick of a pump-patch in her backside. Then, like spots of rain before a downpour, her toes gripped the carpet as the suit began plucking at her body all over. Before her next breath, the pinches became long, hard gropes. Her posture straightened as the individual muscles in her back creaked with tension. Rachel purred. She clenched her fists and admired the vascularity of her throbbing forearm. "Oh god - muscles starting to feel tight - I can feel the - "

Rachel's ears popped. A violent thump shook her spine. Her eyes bulged in choking bursts of energy, as all her muscles clamped violently at once. "Hnnnnnggggggrrrrr!" she choked through her thumping neck. Her muscles began pounding with a tireless, sensual rhythm.

The orgasmic pulses were vicious. Her muscles filled with a skin-stretching pump. Her abs bit into the filmy spandex around her bellybutton. Branch-like veins trickled down her thumping biceps. Her clenching back muscles yanked her shoulders and made her breaths short and desperate. Both her biceps coiled to their tennis ball maximum. Rachel sank her teeth into her lip at the sensation of being so forcefully pumped up.

Rachel let out a ragged whimper as veins reached her shoulders and her delts ripened to their full width. She closed her eyes and listened to the desperate spandex creaking around her pounding body. Her torso shuddered while her lats slowly stretched down her lower back. Rachel's chin dove into her neck with a whimper as her chest tightened. A bead of sweat ran down the narrow crevice between her flexed pecs. Her nipples trembled on her twitching breasts.

Her narrow hips jerked as the chemicals burst inside her legs. Her glutes squeezed together and her thighs swelled to blood-thumping attention in their chiseled weave. Rachel gurgled as the spandex slid higher up her quaking thighs.

She'd been filled out to post-gym pump size in moments. Her spasming muscles continued to clench and flex every single sinew around each patch, careless of the fiery pain burning inside her physique. Rachel sucked air forcefully through her teeth as she tried to recover from the incredible pleasure pulsing inside her - begging for the vicious pumping to subside.

"Holy shit!" she gasped at last.

The entire burst was an overwhelming thump of power injection. Every sinew of every muscle in her body bristled at its latest maximum.

Her whole body ached with a glorious exquisite tightness.

With her heartbeat slowing, she finally dared to move her arms. Rachel swooned. Her biceps felt so tight with blood she thought they would burst. Veins humming egg-shell green ran down her arms and legs. The humming tightness in her pecs and quads was too good to resist a flex.

"Mmmm yes. This - this is how you guinea pig." she stammered at the camera. She already couldn't wait to play the video back, and it was only going to get better.   

Rachel looked at herself on the screen. She reminded herself of the subtle morphs she'd seen on models and fitness athletes. Her arms and thighs were full and thick; the striations and detail had been smothered by skin-splitting thumps of blood, but her waist remained slender and curved. With her hair tied back, her pumped-up body looked even bigger. Veins struck up around her neck, and one slithered down her forehead. She couldn't care less.

As the clock ticked closer to midnight, Rachel scooped and pulled hardbacks out from under her bed. She swiped hard, chunky textbooks with erudite titles, until a large pile had gathered next to several empty backpacks. On her knees, she started stuffing them inside, as many she could until sharp corners jutted out and the zips would barely close. She loaded up a larger duffel bag with the widest, heaviest books. Her fingers stung as she tugged at the zip to close it.

She stood up with a satisfied sigh and looked down at her makeshift weights. Two dense backpacks served as dumbbells, while the duffel bag was an improvised barbell. With the modifications she'd made to the suit clearly working - compound movements would stimulate more muscles groups and more of the patches at once, she thought. No muscle was safe in her giddy little body as she rubbed her hands together and snatched the backpacks.

Hooking her thumbs through the small top straps, she planted her feet shoulder-width apart and heaved her wrists up onto her shoulders. The weight surprised her, and a little snort of surprise hissed through her nose. She swayed, but kept her stance. She pressed upwards towards the ceiling. The bags knocked against her elbows and she grimaced at the jabs.

Slowly, she lowered them. Her shoulders hummed pleasantly. Rachel enjoyed the resistance - notable but not overwhelming, yet. Rachel lifted the bags up again, as slowly as she could, feeling her shoulders tense and the spandex tighten around her neck. She pressed her way to a dozen. Her muscles burned keenly. She admired the tall mounds in her shoulders as they curved towards her neck. Tapping the stop-watch on her phone, she shuffled restlessly as it ticked down from 30 seconds. She started another set.

The pre-workout spike crackled inside her with bottomless energy. Redoubled power kept pulsing inside her, even as her elbows quaked at the bottom of each rep, her muscles glowed with addictive strength. Her delts throbbed hungrily after the second set. Rachel drew her shoulder back and watched it swell into a little cannonball. It had started to stretch away from her joint, filling out and accommodating it's new size. Her whole body felt like a coiled spring, ready to burst outwards with electric force. The energy pushed her through her third set of shoulder presses. Now her shoulders really felt full and hot and tight.

30 seconds of flexing later, Rachel grabbed the duffel bag. The warm-up was over.

Wrapping the long straps around her wrists, she grunted as she lifted the large bag off the ground. She staggered slightly - at least four years of schoolbooks hung in her grasp. She sucked down a breath. With a forceful jerk, she hauled the bag up onto her chest. She drew her feet inline and bent her knees. She sucked another breath, and pushed the bag above her head. Her elbows shuddered as they tried to lock - Rachel didn't let them.

Trembling, she lowered the bulging bag back to her chest. Rachel grunted and pushed up again. Her shoulders shook and her knees rattled under the 2nd, 3rd, then 4th rep. Trembling in silent strain, she pushed for a 5th. Her spine wobbled like a skyscraper in a earthquake. She unleashed a short bark as her arms finally straightened, and she shakily lowered the bag to the floor.

Her heart stamped. Her arms felt numb and weightless. "Fuck yeah" she growled. A sumptuous pump oozed into her shoulders. The flexing was irresistible. Only the chirping stopwatch pulled her eyes away from her reflection once again.

The story lives, and part 2 isn't too far away either! It's 2013 all over again! Hope y'all enjoy
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sgsg69 on March 03, 2017, 12:35:45 am
  What an unbelieveable addition to your story, who is going to win, science or hard work? Can't wait for more, BRAVO
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: phil123 on March 03, 2017, 05:04:34 am
Great chapter.
Can+ t wait to read more
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: king22222000 on March 06, 2017, 01:07:33 am
Your a awesome writer.  :rock:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: malanchort on March 06, 2017, 01:30:21 pm
Excellent work!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on April 01, 2017, 02:51:23 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 16 Pt.2


"Okay - squats." Rachel declared. With some frantic rearranging, the bulky duffel bag was bursting at the zips with other 4 or 5 anvil-like volumes. She yanked on the strap as hard as she could. The drooping thing barely rose from the floor. She cursed, nervously checking her stopwatch. With a snap of her fingers, she threw herself to the floor. She slid under the strap and gently lowered herself on top of the duffel bag.

She winced at the unfriendly prods in her spine. She pulled the strap tight between her breasts. With a kick, she rolled onto her side, although duffel bag still anchored her to the floor.

Rachel bucked towards the ceiling. She pulled up one knee towards her chest. The bag reluctantly peeled from the floor as Rachel's legs shook. She could feel her thighs clenching and warming. With a snort she jerked up and planted her other foot on the ground. She leant forward and straightened her back. She felt the bag settling between the shallow dents in her back muscles. The strap dug into her chest, although the adrenaline, spandex and her thumping heart dulled its painful gouge. As her stopwatch beeped impatiently, she lowered herself into a squat.

At once she thought the bag wanted to crush her into the carpet. As she lowered her backside past her knees, she wondered if her legs would ever straighten again. With her pulse thumping in her ears, she concentrated on bursting upwards with each set, but with the duffel barbell across her back, her little jumps were painfully slow. Rachel's cheeks puffed and swelled. At last, when her legs eventually straight and quaking, half of her didn't want to go back down again, but waiting would only make it harder. She sank down into another rep. Her glutes plunged an inch from the floor even as she tried to shove off with her heels. A rooster-tail of spit burst from her lips as she breathed and somehow, against even her own expectations, started trembling upwards.

The suit still seemed supportive. It felt tight around her midriff as her belly filled with deep breaths. The draining groan of the weight didn't seem to last long after she'd completed each rep. Rachel felt her legs glowing with sweet fire as she completed her fifth and final rep. Keeping herself strapped to the bag, she staggered towards the bed and face-planted into the soft covers. The duffel bag pressed down on her. She foraged for her phone with her free hand and started the countdown, and savoured the pleasant humming in her muscles until it beeped. Her legs felt thick and full. The spandex sat snugly between her thighs, and her glutes were warm with a moreish pump.

Rachel shoved herself back onto her feet and began again. She felt her quads flexing all the way up to her hips. At the nadir of each rep she could feel her glutes stretching apart, then clenching into a bulletproof ball as her legs locked. She'd never felt such a sensual connection in her muscles before. She could feel each muscle clench, push and stretch in sequence. By her fourth set, the sensation was completely hypnotic. Rep by rep she waited for her quads and glutes to bite and clench around her bones, then her hamstrings stretch and burn as she lowered herself again. Rachel lost herself in the aching pleasure of it all. She lost count after the 5th rep. She lowered her shaking backside until it brushed the carpet. Rachel grunted and hissed as her weight tilted backwards, then past the point of control.

The bag crashed down onto the floor with a thump. Rachel lay gasping on top. Her legs were burning and thumping and spread across the floor. The addictive tension oozed into legs instantly. Rachel peered down and saw her thighs looking thick and plump and broken. She grinned as she unhooked herself. The stopwatch beeped shortly afterwards.

With a spurring growl, Rachel grabbed one end of the duffel bag and pulled it across her chest. She wheezed as it pressed down on her torso, the corners jabbed her ribs disapprovingly. Rachel placed her palms on the bottom of the bag, and with a blast of air, pressed it towards the ceiling with her arms.

Her pecs clenched together sharply. She felt their thin sheets clenching together with a hot squeeze, like shallow surf rolling into each other. She stayed wary of her elbows tapping the floor beside her ears. Keeping tension in her chest, she snorted up to a fifth rep. She daren't take her eyes off the stalactite corners of the books an inch for her face, but they were enough to threaten her into a 6th rep.

She swung it sideways and let it slump on the carpet. Soon the addictive pump was in her chest. She straightened her arms down her torso and savoured how her shallow pecs jerked and rippled at her command. Her phone beeped.

Rachel reached for the backpacks. They felt featherweight compared to the chunky duffel bag. She pumped her way up to 15 chest presses. She a hungry sigh burst from her lips as her pecs pressed against each other at the top of each rep. She spied her erect nipples on top of two gently rounded islands of muscle pushing out from her chest. She savoured the aching tightness as hooked under towards her armpits.

After another few sets of 15, Rachel let the bags flop either side of her head. She'd never felt such a hard pump thumping in her chest. Her pecs were sweetly numb and bloated, when she tried to flex them they stuttered brokenly before eventually clenching into thin plates of taut muscle.

A manic grin stretched across Rachel's lips. The workout was done.

She could finally ignore her phone. All she had to do was wait. Her heart stamped wildly. Mentally she foraged every sinew for that first little tug of power. If the calibration was anything to go by, she could barely imagine how intense the growth spurt was going to be. She begged the first domino to fall, for the first tweak of growth to spread into an earthquake that would ravage her entire body. She wiped the sweat from her eyes and staggered to her feet. She saw herself emerging on her phone screen. She grabbed her glasses and slid them up her slippery nose. She shuffled into centre frame, wrapped in splotches of darkened blue. Rachel's pumped up curves filled the suit nicely. While the sinews were lost in her swollen, broken muscles, she looked thicker and fuller than she'd ever seen herself. She'd certainly seen smaller off-season figure athletes.

Her whole body trembled with anticipation. Rachel could barely close her mouth.

The spandex already slipped comfortably around her crotch, soaked with sweat. Her limbs hummed with sweet pump. She planted her feet shoulder-width apart, adopting a Wonder Woman pose and waited for the seconds to crawl by, panting with giddy excitement.

At last, she felt a sharp jerk in her backside. One of her glutes jerked skittishly. Rachel looked over her shoulder as her ass clenched tight. Rachel spun around to show the camera. An erratic pulse started thumping inside her thighs and ass, gently tugging the slippery spandex between her thighs against her crotch. Rachel purred with ecstasy - it was starting.

A carnal ache stretched down the backs of her legs. Rachel's clapped her hands on her thighs and felt them hardening beneath her fingertips. Her skin began stretching into a taut, pale gloss. In moments the pleasure enveloped her legs like a stocking. Rachel licked her lips and cooed at the rising gropes between thighs. She recognised the first drops before the downpour.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Ugh - now?!" she snorted raggedly. She figured the thumps of the book-filled bags and her stamping footsteps had angered her neighbours. It wasn't the first time her bedroom tinkerings has disturbed the other girls, but by now there surely weren't exactly any bridges left to burn. "Alright, sorry, I'm all finished now." she panted at the door, gulping hard as she resisted another long squeeze.

There was a pause. Another volley of angry bangs hammered the door without a reply. Knuckles had turned into fists.

"Can we do this in the morning? I said I'm sorry!" she pleaded. Rachel swallowed, glancing at the clock on the wall.

"Open up, Rachel!" a female voice shouted over the pounding.

"Stephanie? L - Look. This is really bad time, okay?" Rachel begged. "I'm kind of - unfff - in the middle of something!"

The door handle wobbled with every pound. Rachel watched, paralysed as she watched the door frame jerk on its hinges. She'd learned to lock her door the hard way, but she'd never seen Stephanie act like this.

"Just open the fucking door!" she barked shrilly. It wasn't the usual cocksure composure Rachel had come to know and despise.

"Ju - just - give me a second!" Rachel stammered. Rachel struggled to control her breaths. The suit wouldn't wait. Her humming quads clenched like concrete setting around her limbs. Hot pleasure climbed into her lower abs. Rachel choked on a carnal whimper.

"Oh god. This can't be happening..." she whispered to herself.

Resisting the keen gropes inside her muscles, she staggered towards her experiments. She stuffed the documents back into their binder. As her eyes lost focus under the persuasive power throbbing inside her torso, her only half-lucid idea was the gap behind the fridge. She slid the folder behind it and heard it slap onto the grubby tiles. Then she grabbed her laptop and slid it under the bed.

"Hnnggh my god - oh...god!" Rachel suddenly choked. Roaring pleasure climbed into her chest. She sucked down a long, yearning breath. She could feel her muscles slowly coiling in her torso. Her mind flashed to the potent hyper-venom. For a precious second she basked in how the creeping waves of chemicals lapped at the shores of her vulnerable muscles. Rachel cooed as the sensation filled her shaking body. God, how she wanted to draw her shoulders back and let it fill her with incredible power. Her humming clit begged her to do it.

A shower of splinters burst across the carpet.

"Holy shit Stephanie, what are you doing!?" Rachel yelled.

Rachel squealed as she saw a huge, heavy-booted foot stamping in a hole in the door.

"Ste - Stephanie?" Rachel squeaked through the blinding pleasure. She couldn't move, could barely think as the suit kneaded her whole body with hungry hands. 

"Get the fuck off me -” Stephanie's voice was cut off by an ear-splitting slap. Rachel heard her yelp and something heavy slump to the floor. Rachel whimpered in panic. She glanced at her window, and instantly shook her head. Not only was the fall directly above the spiked fence bordering the street, she couldn't face the idea of leaving her experiments behind as she fled. There was only one option.

Panting desperately, she elbowed aside the ecstasy and snatched her long duffel bag with both hands. She pushed with her knees and heaved it up to her chest. She sucked down a breath and pushed the brick-thick books above her head. Already worn - her shoulders burned desperately. Rachel lowered the bag, slowly down her chest again, grimacing and feeling fresh beads of sweat pour down her forehead. She lowered the bag to her feet, feeling her back tense and her hamstring tighten in the backs of her legs. She delicately tapped the bag onto the floor before straightening her back once again. The flaming sensation still lapped at her crotch and thumped under her skin.

Rachel heaved the bag to her chest once again. Punishing every muscle fibre in her arms, she lifted the bag at an agonising pace and didn't allow her elbows to lock before she lowered it, trembling back towards her chest. Her shoulders sang with white fire, her elbows quaked under the weight of the chunky books inside. She focused on the stretch in her hamstrings as the bag approached her toes, and clenched her tight glutes as the bag drooped over her toes. At last, the throbbing pleasure began to recede.

There was a clang of metal. Something hard dragged menacingly against the wood.

With silent precision, a crowbar appeared through the shredded opening and hooked towards the door handle. Rachel yelped as she watched a sinewy hand twist and forage until the crowbar was hooked over the lock. The seconds marched past as she stood frozen; clutching the heavy duffel bag, ready to counter-attack. Already the incredible power started swelling inside her again. The hungry suit grabbed her thighs and abs with an adoring squeeze, forcing another yearning sigh from Rachel's lips. With a defiant grunt, Rachel stared at the door and began furiously pumping out front squats with her arms hooked under the bag. She hissed and growled and whimpered through as many reps as she could do, until at last, the crowbar jerked and tore the lock from the door.

A tall, sinewy man crunched inside over the splinters. With a petrified yelp, Rachel hurled her duffel bag as hard as she could.

"Ooophh!" the man groaned as it slammed into his chest. He stumbled backwards, winded, before another man shouldered inside. Rachel frantically swept the sweat out of her eyes. Two sinewy men stood before her, both with sun-scorched, leathery looking skin, the older one with the gaunt cheeks of an addict. His grimace etched deep creases across his cheeks and beside his eyes. Wood chips covered his right boot. His tattoo sleeves were swirling columns of snakes and demonic creatures winding out of sight under his denim vest.

The other man was younger, but stockier and more thuggish. He was comparatively uncomposed next to his partner, especially as he reeled from the books dull corners in his ribs. He snarled and shoved the bag straight back. Rachel ducked as it flew over her head.  It crashed into her lab equipment. Her glasses slipped off her sweaty nose as she heard her apparatus cracking and shattering. Rachel tried to stifle a squeal as her room became a blur.

"What the fuck do you want?!" she squealed blindly. She prayed that this was somehow a mistake. An ordinary burglary - that they wanted money or her phone. She would give them anything - anything except that.

The lithe older man stepped forward and crossed his wiry arms. Rachel only just made out the curves of his ropy shoulders. "You've got something we've been asked to retrieve." he smirked. "Something that doesn't belong to you. And as you can probably tell..." he stroked his crowbar and gestured toward the wreckage behind him. "I'm not the most patient man when it comes to these sorts of things."

"What are you talking about?" Rachel feigned.

"Give us that fucking suit or we'll peel it off with your skin!" The younger goon seethed impatiently.

Rachel gulped.

"Alright! Jesus Christ! Alright - okay - okay relax! You can have it - you can have it!" Rachel begged with open palms. "Just let me, I mean - I'm not wearing anything - y'know." She started shuffling timidly towards the bathroom. The front man exhaled impatiently through his nose. He kept his black eyes fixed on Rachel as she stepped gingerly into the bathroom. The younger one gave him an unsure glance. Barely a second passed before he was silently ordered after her. The young man grinned devilishly as he lumbered towards the bathroom. 

'Fwanggg!' Rachel watched the towel rail bend around his flat forehead. He staggered backwards clutching his nose. Rachel felt her chest and triceps clenching, she thought she'd used whatever strength she had left - but the adrenaline pulsing inside her pushed her out of the doorway, with her make-shift weapon clutched in her slippery palms.

"Fffffuck!" the younger goon snorted with one hand clamped over his eyes. The crowbar-wielding crook chuckled mockingly, looking at Rachel's quaking knees and terrified eyes.

"You've picked a very bad time - unffff - trust me." Rachel growled. The venom crackled inside her again. Every breath was shallower than the last. Her muscles began coiling like springs. Sweet addictive pleasure swelled inside her chest, if anything it was even stronger, and her tender pussy begged for its return. God, how she wanted to let it in - to let her muscles erupt with power. Her limbs felt so hollow and sore. She was so fragile and broken and such easy prey for the pitiless venom. All it would take would be just a few seconds, to relax her screaming muscles, let them sigh into painless, weightless bliss, then let the orgasmic pleasure pour into her. She snorted passionately as it lapped at her crotch and began squeezing her tender biceps. Her eyes flickered wildly, she was losing it.

"I don't want to hurt anyonnnnggh!" Rachel choked desperately, jerking the rail back and forth between the two intruders as she tried to keep her eyes open. 

"Oh don't worry us, love. We'll be fine!" The younger robber lunged towards her with crooked fingers.

Rachel's eyes popped wide open with a resuscitating burst of fear. She cried out as she wrestled her throbbing body into action, but had barely begun to swing before the goon speared her to the floor. Rachel managed to keep one hand on the railing. She swung and glanced the side of his head. Rachel held the warped railing across his chest and pushed. Her pecs clamped together in a lava hot flex. She shoved as hard as her spent body could, sitting up slightly and feeling her abs bite.

From the burly blob on top of her, Rachel heard a smug chuckle. Rachel pushed, only to feel the bar bend around the man's chest. She looked at the man calmly waiting, his shoulders back and inviting her to continue in vain.

The bar had bent into a wide V-shape. While the goon arrogantly smirked, Rachel slipped the warped bar around his lower back. With a fierce tug she jerked him forwards. Before he could yelp his nose cracked off the corner of the above Rachel's head. She was shocked at how viciously her back and biceps pulled.

Blood between his fingers and onto Rachel's scalp as the reeling goon clutched his nose.

Rachel shoved the young man off of her and slipped out with her sweat-soaked body. Rachel stood up right with clenched fists. Her heart stamped in her ears. Her ears popped over and over again. Through her muffled, pounding head, she heard the older man speak. The awesome thumping inside her body rose again.

"Jesus wept, boy..." the senior thug remarked calmly as he watched on. “She’s just a girl!"

Just then, his accomplice leapt on to Rachel's back. His weight forced her quaking knees towards the floor. Rachel howled as her quads burned white hot. She summoned every fibre in her body to fight back, to avoid crumpling into the ground. Beads of spit flung from her lips as she resisted the lumbering goon's weight. She stamped her weight into the flats on her feet and shoved. "Keep still!" he growled as his flaring nostrils blared in her ears.

Rachel hissed defiantly. But, at last, one knee buckled and crashed into the floor.

"Finally" he spat. "Keep her there. The boss said look for evidence." he strode past them towards the desk. "Hmmm, this stuff looks expensive..." he nudged and prodded the surviving equipment with his crowbar.

He peered into her phone's camera lens and smiled. With a deft jab he cracked it in two. Rachel heard even more metal, plastic and glass snapping and crunching as he hammered her apparatus into fractured pieces.

Rachel's spun madly. While the siren of venom still coiled around her exhausted and shattered body. Through popping ears, she barely heard the older man's cackles while he smashed away. A vicious jolt of power crackled through her. She stifled a carnal moan. Her legs felt heavier and heavier. Every second she expected to crumble into blinding, paralysing orgasm, and every second her body stayed still felt like a minute.

She peaked through one eye.

She saw the crowbar goon crouching down beside the filter. "Hrrkkk - no!" she gurgled. The goon turned around with a raised eyebrow.

"Ooo, found something have I?" he teased, grabbing the filter with both hands. Rachel's pulse stamped. Her vision dissolved into nothing. All her hard work - years of it - all this time spent getting back close - and finally she was right on top of it. And now a tattooed chimp was about to snatch it away right in front of her. Her breaths and grunt grew more feral. She foamed at the corners of her mouth as she channeled her rage into her thighs and jerked upwards.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on April 01, 2017, 02:52:46 pm

Rachel's numb quads juddered as she rose from the floor. She shoved herself backwards against her younger captor, who cursed in confusion. Suddenly she was on two feet, barely balancing on her heels. The soles of her feet burned on the carpet as she twisted and flung herself backwards towards the window.

She felt the man's clumsy fingers slipping off the spandex as he fell. He cried out, but Rachel couldn't hear the thump as he landed over the deafening pounding in her head.

"Well..." he tisked and shrugged, ”Now I have to kill you." He lunged.

Rachel felt the whoosh of the crowbar rush past her nose as she dodged back towards the window frame. He stalked confidently closer. He dragged the crooked end along the carpet and smirked. The chilly night wind blew against her back.

She could feel the suit clawing more impatiently at her broken muscles. They'd never been starved like this before. Like ice cracking, the baseline sensation grew more irresistible, more unforgettable, while her inner resolve grew weaker with every eye-watering grope of pleasure. Rachel stood frozen, desperately trying to rest and keep her eyes open. She felt her muscles balling up. In a few more seconds there would be no stopping it. Was she even going to find out what her suit could do?  She couldn't hold it much longer. The goon grinned. His sinewy shoulders clenched as he threw his arm. "Oh God!" she yelped desperately. Terror pulled her back to consciousness.

"Ack!" he stopped suddenly. He looked down and saw his crowbar hooked through the straps of Rachel's backpack. He could barely lift the stuffed bag with his wrist. Rachel snatched the chance. She grabbed his wrist, yanked it, and followed it with a sharp knee to the groin.

Rachel clasped both hands around his crowbar and jerked it free as he bent double. Rachel speared into him. They both grimaced as his heel slipped on the chunky duffel bag behind him and he toppled onto his back.

She pointed her knees in his stomach and felt the air squeeze out of him as they landed. She slid the crowbar through his denim vest behind his shoulders. In a second he was clawing at her with outstretched arms. He grunted with confusion as his hands couldn't reach the girl sitting on top of him.

He roared indignantly. He rocked to his side and Rachel lithely slipped off. She skipped over and behind him, then hooked her arms around his neck in a chokehold. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist, hooking her toes under her calves, and squeezed as hard as she could.

"That all you got?" he snarled as her mushy biceps barely dented his windpipe. He kicked his legs, but Rachel kept her grip locked. Seconds later, she huffed with incredulous delight she felt the indescribable pleasure shooting up her spine. She had him.

"I told you this was a bad time - hoah! - ummfphh!" Rachel let it in.

Instantly, the blinding ecstasy detonated inside her. Hard, choking and unstoppable. Her breaths suddenly became syncopated and short, desperately snatched between the orgasmic judders rippling through her. Her muscles had never feasted like this, or waited so long. Rachel snorted helplessly as every sinew in her body punched outwards.

The overwhelming pleasure clenched her jaw and made tears pool in her eyes. A feral grin stretched across her lips.

Rachel's crotch jerked savagely as she came harder than she ever had in her life.

"Yyyeesssss!" she hissed in the goon's ear.

The man felt the hot, soaking spandex sliding against his back and hot breaths wetting his neck. He'd never felt a heart beating so hard.  Rachel quivered and trembled, her ragged breaths poured into his ear. He cursed and squirmed helplessly in her grasp.

Then, on the quaking forearms wrapped under his chin, he watched a thick vein slither along Rachel's forearm. He watched, wide-eyed as it raced towards her elbow, splitting and splitting again. Rachel suddenly choked on a breath. She went silent. He heard the crackle of her cheeks grimacing, followed by a wet, organic creaking. A shiver ran down his spine.

A thick fillet of muscle thumped out of Rachel's forearm. Her fists clenched into little balls. He heard the greasy spandex rustling over her skin. Then her mushy limbs started to press harder against his body. "Oh my gu - hrrrkkk!" she grunted through choked breaths.

He felt the clinch around his neck tighten with a shocking surge of strength. Rachel's breaths finally burst back with carnal delight - syncopated and short, desperately snatched between the spasms of power rippling through her. But her moans were getting hungrier and higher-pitched. 'Was she enjoying this?' the man thought.

As her desperate moans vibrated through him, the goon suddenly felt her bicep pushing harder against his cheek. He snorted in disbelief as the swelling ball of muscle began filling his peripheral vision. Her skin was pulled taut with a flawless pale sheen, as a hard apple of bicep thumped against his jaw. Rachel growled carnally as she felt the newly sculpted peak of her bicep pressing hard against his cheekbones.

"What the fu - !" he choked. He kicked even harder, and rocked side to side, frantically trying to free himself.

But by then her shuddering delts were pounding against his ear. Rachel gasped helplessly as her delts punching outwards with wet crackle. They balled up with marble hardness in impatient thumps. Then, with an aching bloom of pleasure, they ripened outwards with seashell striations. 

The goon felt the erratic drumming in her inflating muscles, and gulped in shock as they expanded to match the rounded sheen of his own shaven scalp.

"Hnnnghhh - god!" Rachel burst. The pleasure was electric and unending. Orgasm after orgasm pounded her body. She couldn't hear herself, or the carnal moans she was pouring into the robber's ears. Her pussy ached as it rubbed against the sopping spandex. She'd never had so little control as her body crackled with choking, twisting spasms. She had no idea when it was going to end - how long it could keep pumping her with such ferocity. 

Rachel's muscles clenched forcefully and squeezed another whimper from her lips. Her captor's body started to dent under her empowered grip.

The man gulped as he heard another strained gurgle from her locked jaw.

"Hmmmm - hmmmmm!!" Widening sheets of muscle stretched across her back. Rachel's shoulders started stretching further apart. Her lats ploughed down her sides, pulling wide sheets from beside her shoulder blades. Her greasy choke-hold shifted as her torso was pumped into a flaring V-shape in long, aggressive stretches. Her upper body thumped until it was wider than her captive's. His desperate wriggling now was barely enough to budge her.

Moaning, she arched her back off the ground. The goon yelped quietly as his spine was bent backwards like cheap cutlery. In a hard volley of thumps, Rachel's upper back stamped against the ground. She savoured the pleasure of her broadening back muscles trying to squeeze each other. At last, her lower back flattened back down to the floor, and both of them sucked down another desperate breath.

"I'm gonna fuckin' - Let me - !" He roared with confused rage, but he was interrupted by a punishing buck from her crotch. Rachel's searing midriff began to ache wildly. She whined with rising volume, feeling her abdominal wall pushing outwards. Her skin felt tight as her abs pressed against the goon's back. Rachel panted helplessly as her core widened with decisive jerks. In moments her torso matched the man's body for width. Rachel's whine rose to a submissive groan, then suddenly an incredulous squeal.

"Ohmygodddd!" her hot breaths blasted across his cheek. Four hard thumps rolled up his spine. Rachel's narrow trail of abs punched into a cobbled path, pushing outwards with every orgasmic jerk of her hips. With another quaking burst of power, her 8-pack juddered into a jagged staircase of muscle. The straining spandex settled between her freshly ripened abs.

Bead after bead of sweat splashed onto the back of his neck. He swore in disbelief, was he dreaming? He could only imagine what was happening behind him. His body was shaken by another carnal judder. He couldn't fathom what was happening inside the body of the terrified girl wrapped around him, and it wasn't stopping.

She held her breath - so did he - and then listening to the greasy spandex creaking. "Ughhh - shit!" she cried. Her glutes thumped against the floor as they ripened and flexed into rock-hard walnuts of muscle. The impatient growth, tugged the spandex harder against her aching pussy. Another hit in indescribably pleasure exploded in her crotch.

"Huh - hoah - hnggghhhh!" She felt her pecs clenching feverishly together, spreading a thickening layer of muscle across her chest. The hungry tweaks and jerks of her muscle moved both their bodies as her pecs expanded. The spandex was getting tighter around her neck and Rachel gasped deliriously as her muscles poured forward. His shoulders were wrenched backwards. With a quivering shove, and he felt two hard slabs expanding between his shoulder blades, slowly pushing the air out of his lungs. They pumped hard against his spine, before they rolled higher towards his neck.

It felt better than she'd ever imagined. Her whole body was pulsing core of energy and ecstasy. Her modifications were working better than she could have dreamed. Her muscles ached, wanting to be squeezed and flexed.

Rachel growled and pressed her swelling muscles down on her captive. She wanted to twist the man in her grasp, who had wanted to take the suit, destroy her work or do god knows what else. She could barely feel her bicep flattening the goon's windpipe like a plastic straw.

Suddenly, her toes splayed as her quads squeezed viciously. Her shimmering quads began to spasm with fierce jolts. Then, with another exhausted gasp, the suit slid greasily up her thighs. Pulsing veins burst towards her crotch. Her hamstrings began stamping against his hips. He heard her dry mouth crackling as her quads ripened in time with the helpless snorts hissing through her nose.

Both her legs expanded in hungry jerks. He watched the sinews melt away as layer after layer of thick, plump muscle was packed into her thighs. They pressed again his ribcage like a vice as they grew larger than any of his own squirming limbs. He quickly lost sight of his boots as Rachel's quads expanded relentlessly with brawny thickness. With every thick new strip of muscle that pressed out against her skin, Rachel's whimpers grew higher. Her bulging quads began to curve at the sides. A medallion of muscle stretched out beside her knees. Her crotch bucked even harder. Her humming body adored every tweak and flex of its new muscles. As Rachel's calves pumped wider and harder from behind her shins, the venom relentlessly groped her into another indescribable orgasm.

The sensation shook her entire body. Rachel groaned endlessly as all of newly jacked up muscles jerked and tweaked and flexed under her sweat-glossed skin. With a wet creak and a submissive moan - they all crept larger by another few millimetres, until they sat, thick and full and quivering, at physique model size. The robber's vision faded as he felt both their bodies enveloped by brawny, thick, rock-hard weaves of muscle.

At last, as the lapping against her clit began to slow, and flickers of consciousness returned to her. In the glorious, blissful, weightless bliss, she heard the man spluttering and gasping in her arms. Rachel drunkenly looked at the little fist at the end of a thick, vein-streaked forearm. She barely recognised it as her own, until she tensed it and felt rope-thick muscle clench around her bones, and the blood pumping in her arms. Pleasure still tingled in her temples and pumped warmly around her body.

She lazily unhooked her arm from around the man's neck, giddily flexing it into a chunky, tennis-ball sized bicep. The goon sucked down air with desperate relief, before coughed feverishly on his side. Rachel placed her hands in the centre of his back and shoved up off her chest. She'd never felt the spandex so tight in the backs of her arms, or her thick chest muscles press so proudly outwards.

The robber tumbled upright, over his toes, and crashed face-first into the wall. His head cracked the plasterboard. He hacked through his crushed throat and crawled out the door. Her whole body hummed with energy. Her new muscles tweaked and jerked nervously, as if recoiling in shock. Her upgrades had been merciless, they had needed to be, she thought. As though the suit had punished her for making it wait for so long. With some final gentle orgasmic ripples, her body finally settled at its new size.

The suit had never felt so tight. Soaked through with her sweat, saliva and god knows whatever else, it sucked tightly around her body. It felt taut around her neck - and the gentle pressure against her chest and each of her limbs made the swelling of her entire body feel even more incredible. Her freshly jacked body pulled the fabric tighter, taut ripples scrunched into view around her biceps and across her chest, and the way the filmy suit plunged down between her brawny thighs made her heart and her pussy flutter. The tightness made the aching tension across her whole body even more sensual. She wanted to flex and flex until it the spandex split, and the more she did, the tighter the pumpsuit squeezed her, and the cycle started again.

At last, Rachel staggered to her feet and grabbed her spare pair of glasses. Then she stepped in front of the mirror.

"Oh my god..." she exhaled.

She filled the suit with thick new curves. Chunky but separable fillets of muscle were packed all over her. Her arms hung swollen and dense, while her 8-pack pressed outwards against the soaking spandex. Her core was still tapered, but her waist was fuller and thicker. Her shoulders had rounded into full, smooth-looking softballs, accented by little protrusions in her rear delts. Lats now hung visibly beneath her shoulders. Rachel turned to admire the smooth sheets of muscle that now stretched her torso almost as wide as the mirror. Her forearms had widened with knotted, twisting sinews. She flexed her bicep and watched a smooth mound spring up under her skin. It matched her shoulders' shape, and was only an inch or two short of their size too. As her lats flared outwards in her posing flex, Rachel felt her little breasts jerk upwards with a clench of her newly developed pecs. She straightened her arms and watched two slim pillows of muscle stretch the spandex. They spread evenly towards her neck, carving a visible straight edge along her collar bone. The crevice between them was longer and deeper than ever. Brawny new strips of muscles jostled to be seen in her upper thighs, modest fibres were suddenly empowered, emboldened and creaked nervously into view. The midpoint of her thighs lightly brushed each other; Rachel squeezed her ass and saw the edges of her glutes lifting as they coiled behind her back.

She looked down at her body in disbelief. She'd been pumped up to off-season physique model in the most merciless jacking of her life. She could still feel every brush of spandex against her crotch as it tingled. There was an incredibly sensual connection to every fibre of her muscles. She felt her thighs bunch and her newly pumped glutes roll as she shifted her weight from foot to foot. Her biceps was intoxicatingly tight, with thick veins running across both. She couldn't stop pulling her elbows back and feeling the spandex tighten and ripple across her new pecs. Each part of her body now had a hunky chunk muscle she could command.

"- the fuck?" a voice came through the door. Rachel quickly turned to see Stephanie in the doorway, a glowing pink mark on her cheek.

Rachel turned slowly to face her. She spotted her eyes darting madly all over her body. Her jaw fell limp and her eyebrows twisted. Rachel finally looked around the room. The warped towel rail, the crowbar, the open window, the splinter-coated carpet, the blood stain on the floor, the pool of sweat on the carpet, and all her shattered lab equipment. The fuzzy, post-growth haze began to wear off.

"What the hell was that?" Stephanie asked. More girls timidly shuffled up behind her shoulders, gawping at her and wreckage in her bedroom.

"I've gotta go." Rachel muttered at last. She marched into the kitchen and heaved the fridge outwards in one tug. She wedged her pumped up body behind and pinched the corner of the dusty dossier. Books thudded and splayed on the floor as she up-ended her duffel bag. She slid the dossier inside along with her laptop. Then she grabbed her samples from the bathroom and checked their lids one by one with an earnest twist. She grabbed her dirty shaker, a handful of panties and t-shirts. All the while she muttered breathlessly to herself, "Gotta go - gotta go..."

She sifted through the remains on her desk. There was little to be salvaged, only the trimmed pump-patch sample sitting inside its cracked petri dish.

She bent down and twisted open the water filter. She scooped the translucent goo into a small container. Her heart fluttered at what it had done to her. She couldn't wait to try it again - somewhere safer next time.

The girls watched from the doorway as Rachel darted around. She had transformed - was the even the same girl? What had she done to herself? Their imaginations raced through every permutation of the last few hours. She wasn't that big when she arrived, was she? They didn't make a sound as Rachel pulled a new hoodie over her torso. Her shoulders bloomed into the sleeves, the zip was taut and her nipples still poked through the thick cloth. Rachel heard a soft gasp as she bent over. The view must have been good, she thought. Then she threaded her legs through some dark navy sweatpants. Full dressed, to the girls watching in the doorway, Rachel had almost returned to the painfully timid geek they knew. The same pale young face poked out from the top of her tight-fitting outfit, albeit with a few new twig-thick veins thumping in her neck.

Within a minute, the bag was zipped and she slung it on to her back. Rachel marched to the door.

Stephanie's eyes wandered over Rachel's newly capped shoulders and brawny frame. Rachel's buff torso puffed up to twice the size of Stephanie as she sucked down a breath. "Who were they?" Rachel demanded.

"I don't - they just barged in and grabbed me and told me to knock on your door... I didn't - I...”

"Thanks for the help" Rachel hissed. Stephanie nearly lost her balance as Rachel barged through the gawping crowd. They watched her wide back march away through the front door, and disappear, once again, into the night.
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: malanchort on April 02, 2017, 05:16:02 am
Amazing! Excellent work! Thanks for the new chapter!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: astro1 on April 03, 2017, 11:54:53 pm
Another fantastic chapter!  Well done!   :letsparty:
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on April 05, 2017, 05:07:13 am
'Preciate the feedback! Thank you for taking the time to read this beast of a chapter :)
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sgsg69 on April 07, 2017, 08:47:30 pm
Totally fantastic chapter, a supercharged pump suit! Can't wait to see how you handle the continued growth of your characters. Great work!!
Title: Re: Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: king22222000 on May 04, 2017, 01:45:46 am

Everyone should Karma Poddy.  This is a great story.  I can not believe he is a lurker.  Karma the guy.  Thanks for the story.  How about Natalie mother getting in on the growth.  Great work.  We all need to support great contributors.

Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 01, 2018, 01:27:09 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 17

"The best damn subject you can be..." Kyle's words echoed in Natalie's mind. Nibbling her thumbnail in the backseat of the taxi, Natalie tapped in and out of her inbox with withering hope for a message. Still not a single peep from PumpLabs, despite everything. At least her Insta**** post from last night had gone down a treat. Forty thousand followers now sat atop her profile thanks to a notable surge of new followers in the last few days – clearly, she was gaining some momentum. An idea popped into her head.

Natalie had a stock pile of different selfies - from sweaty and jacked, casual and soft, to racy and flirtatious - by now the backlog was extensive, and ever-growing.

Thumbing pensively through her collection, she came across an older shot. One of her pumpsuits, fresh out of the box and spread smoothly on her bed. When it first arrived, she'd been tempted to reveal the suit as the key behind her incredible transformation. But she knew first-hand that rattling pang of envy and arousal when she saw another bodybuilder somehow get even bigger, and she'd started to relish the same control she had over her followers - imagining two hundred thousand cheeks flushing at the sight of her body looking even more muscular.

Kyle's advice also convinced her that her fellow athletes were all doing the same. Distorting their complete workout routines, cycles and supplements; 'playing the game'. All this ensured her post-workout videos of herself getting jacked up by the suit would stay for her eyes only.

But none of that solved the problem of Rachel. She scrolled to more recent photos. Among the crowded grid was a snap of Natalie and Rachel as they were walking towards the gym a few days ago. The shot was tilted, with Natalie in the foreground and her bright eyes dazzling. Natalie swiped through the collection of a least a dozen shots - her thumb twitched frantically, then froze on the perfect one. Rachel's jet-black hair blown back over her shoulders, her face and awkward grin in full view. Natalie opened Insta**** and her thumbs began tapping.

"STOLEN - My favourite workout bodysuit! Last seen with this girl, RACHEL TURNER. I don't like to air my dirty laundry on social media, but I simply can't let this one slide. I lent her this very precious garment out of good faith, and she STOLE it last night. If you see this girl or this suit, please DM me ASAP or report it to the authorities! Willing to offer a reward. Envy does strange things to people. Please be kind and love each other xxx"

"If that doesn't get their attention..." her thumb hovered over the 'Share' button. But she hesitated.

"Show them they've made the right choice..." she muttered to herself, as her mind wandered back to Kyle's advice. Is this what the 'right choice' would do? Was it her taking control or was it admitting that she was incapable?

If the suits were so precious to PumpLabs, Natalie thought, then why hadn't anyone been in touch? Or was that maybe all part of it?

Natalie stuffed her phone in her clutch bag and leant back in her seat. As she listened to the leather creak under her brawny weight, she chewed on her bottom lip, watching the passing houses become more and more familiar.

This wasn't even the most glaring obstacle at present, which dawned on Natalie the moment the taxi wheeled around the corner and on to her street. "Oh actually - " she leant closer to the driver. "You can stop here. It's a nightmare to turn around." Natalie's powerful quads squeezed her bones as the cabbie stamped on the brakes and she dug her feet into the floor. Her bulging hamstrings lifted her higher in her seat for a moment, her toes hurt in her shoes, and the cab screeched to a stop.

Natalie lifted herself out onto the kerb and heard the suspension sighing with relief. The shutters were still down on the shop front, meaning her mother was probably still in bed. Still, Natalie opted for the alternative route and trotted towards a narrow, moss-smothered side alley.

Her taut green cocktail dress flashed under Kyle's big shirt. Her steps were narrow and short. Her newly pumped quads ached pleasantly. She was already eager to step in front of her bedroom mirror to ogle her thighs for any new gains. She spotted her incongruous outfit in the reflection of a passing window - a baggy gym t-shirt billowing over her revealing dress, her high-heels and her clutch bag - and she smirked. As far as walks of shame went, this one was definitely in the top 10.

But as much as she'd loved her night with Kyle - something still felt unfinished. Like a balloon had filled up in her chest, and sat there, aching to burst. She even felt a little disappointed that she hadn't grown a little more when they had sex. Without the growth, it seemed like foreplay. Nothing came close to the euphoria of the pumpsuit's thumping, full-body orgasm. The craving already glowed in her cheeks. She hadn't even noticed her shaking fingertips.

She checked the time on her phone - 6:35am. Still time, she thought. Enough to slip into her suit and get a little pump - just to pop that balloon inside her - to clear her head and help her feel normal again. Then she could figure out everything - her mum, Rachel, the suit, PumpLabs. Just 10 minutes, she told herself, 10 minutes.

Rounding the corner and approaching the back door to her house. She deftly uncoiled her stilettos from around her diamond calves and padded quietly towards the back door. She paused. The downstairs light was on. The curtains offered a slender column of light. As Natalie crept up to the glass, she could hear muffled music beating, while the window, as well as all the in the living room, were completely fogged up.

Just then, she saw the unmistakable silhouette of her mother. Natalie ducked down and cursed. 'This is not what I need right now.' her mind sulked. 'Did she stay up all night? Can't I just get 10 minutes alone?'.

She turned her gaze to her bedroom window on the second floor. The window frame jutted out several inches, while underneath, in a wandering trail towards the ground, several more bricks poked out just enough to offer a foothold, albeit slick with moss and lichen. The old Natalie had considered trying to scamper her way up after late nights, but always bottled it. 'But this time...' she thought.

Natalie licked her lips and pulled back her elbows, her dress stretched tighter against her chest, the figure-hugging pressure made her crotch tingle. Instantly, Natalie yearned to feel her blood pumping in her powerful physique.

Natalie flexed her lats and felt them spread like wind in a sail. She hid her heels behind the bin by the door and swung her clutch bag around her neck. She shuffled her toes on to the lowest brick. Her dense calf balled up. She was quietly thrilled at testing her massively enhanced strength. She gripped a pair of bricks above her head and took a breath. With a controlled, smooth pull, she lifted her chin above her white fingertips. Natalie grinned in delight. Her meaty lats hummed pleasingly. It had never been so easy.

She sprang up with elastic energy. She peeked down at the ground and exhaled in awe. The next brick was a few feet away. Her pointed toe towards trembled towards it. As she inched closer, her dress pinched tighter around her muscular thighs. She grimaced and stepped back to safety. With one hand, she reached under her shirt and pulled up the hem of her dress. The smooth silky fabric stroked over her quads, straining over her ripe glutes. With a final tug, it slipped free to reveal her bowling ball ass cheeks. Natalie sighed with relief, then hopped deftly closer to her bedroom window.

At last, she hooked her hands over her window sill and pulled herself up with a slow deliberate squeeze, relishing how her lats flared from her sides, all the way to her hips. She hoisted herself up and over and into her room with one thing on her mind - her pumpsuit.

She froze the second her toes touched the carpet. In a sagging pile in the centre of the room, sat a clutch of stuffed binbags. The room seemed huge. Her wardrobe doors hung open, almost flaunting its completely emptiness. She swore as silently as she could. Her hands shook even more fiercely. Her eyes started to sting with tears and her heart pounded in her ears.

She plucked open the knot of the closest bag. All her clothes, twisted and tangled, stared back at her. Natalie whimpered through her locked jaw and reached inside. She snatched and rummaged, desperate to find the pumpsuit. 'Please, take everything else. Just leave the suit.' she begged. Guilt gnawed at her insides for leaving it behind.

She recalled tossing it and letting it fall in a heap by her bed, but that had been cleared out as well. Tossing panties, socks and bras over her shoulders, she grew desperate. Her eyes darted all over. 'Where is it?'

Suddenly, there was a sharp 'clap' from downstairs. Natalie froze. Another clap. The sound of workout music bled into her ears, accompanied by rhythmic steps rumbling through the walls. 'What was she doing down there?' Whatever it was, Natalie thought, it might give her more time to find her pumpsuit. Natalie tore pack into the laundry pile, her eyes and breaths quivering.

She thirsted for the silky spandex between her quaking fingers - even the smell of it - the sweet scent of dried sweat and lycra and her own juices. 'Where the hell is it?!' she screamed silently.

Another clap. Natalie huffed at the noise and closed her eyes to think. Just then, she heard a peppy, American voice. "Let's step it up, ladieeees." it whined. Her eyes popped open. Her heart pulsed harder, her cheeks burned hot and her knees felt weak. "No..." she mouthed. "No way."

As silently and slowly as she could, Natalie opened her bedroom door. Natalie hoisted her dress over her backside and crouched down at the top of the stairs, peeking through the banisters and down into the living room. Her face dropped. Her lips fell agape, as she saw her mother clapping with a determined pant, fully clad in blue spandex.

She lunged awkwardly across the rug, switching from one flabby leg to the other. Keeping her hands planted on her hips, her torso wobbled side to side as though she would topple over with every rep.

Natalie looked on in disgust at the pumpsuit holding in her rolls. The asymmetric stripe, which normally zig-zagged over her own feathered pecs and chiseled abs, was now bent in a long, lumpy crescent across her mother's stomach. The spandex was soaked dark blue across her sagging stomach, around her neck, armpits and breasts as she started performing enthusiastic jumping-jacks in time with the synth-pop on the screen.

On the kitchen table sat an empty shaker, muddied and uncleaned. Next to that, the Pumpsuit instruction manual was splayed open.
Natalie covered her mouth to stop her hissing breaths from giving her away. "No fucking way" she seethed.

She felt her clutch bag settle on the shelf of her meaty backside. Natalie reached for it and stealthily, as quietly as she could manage, pulled out her phone and started filming.

Her mother turned around and shuffled her legs far apart. She bent down slowly and touched the floor. Natalie winced as she saw her mother's flushed face appear between her legs looking back at the TV. The stretched-out blue looked like the ocean on a globe over her buttocks. Natalie thought she had been pushing it to its limits. Apparently, it could handle more than she imagined.

Then she rolled on to her back in an ungainly motion as the video trainer called for the next exercise. Her mother's lumpy thighs cycled at the ceiling, with her hands clutching the carpet for balance. "Dig deeeeep." the TV warbled. Her mother panted heavily, as a countdown started.

"3...2.... 1....Alright!" Her mother's feet crashed to the floor. "You go girl! You've smashed another wicked workout! You're one step closer to your dream 14-day bikini body!" Natalie cringed.

Her mother hauled herself up to her feet. Natalie ducked down lower, trying to make her brawny body as small as possible. With the TV now silent, Natalie could hear her mother's ragged, heavy breathing. She practically moaned with every breath. She almost seemed dizzy, as she rocked energetically side to side, rubbing her palms together. She didn't seem to notice the sweat-matted, frayed-ends of her dark blonde hair in her eyes. Then she planted her hands on her hips and muttered to herself, sucking down long breaths.

Natalie's heart beat harder. She could hardly stop her video camera trembling. She knew what was supposed happen next. Had she really done it?

"So... what did you say happens next?" an unsure, young male voice broke the quiet. Natalie's eyes darted all over to see where it came from. It was out of sight, from the sofa in the corner of the room. Natalie cursed silently. 'Who the hell was that?'

"So, then she claims..." her mother panted. "This 'pumpsuit' - this skimpy thing..." She propped her glasses on her nose and cleared her throat. "Will 'bypass my natural limitations' and make me 'experience virtually unhindered muscle growth. With top-secret Hyper-Venom serum tested to 100% potency'.". She announced sarcastically.

"You might want to pour yourself some more tea." she slapped the notebook down on the table next to a teapot, a dirty shaker and few empty bottles of wine. "She thinks everyone else was born yester - ufff!" Natalie's heart was drumming on the floorboards. It took all her energy to keep the phone from falling from her shaking grip.

"Oh my - unnghh!" she moaned, deeper. Her knees began to quake. Natalie saw her stomach pumping up and down. Her hands clutched at the slippery spandex as her breaths blew her hair off her lips.

Natalie could hardly watch, she closed one eye, holding the camera as steady as she could. Her mother's pants grew louder.

"It’s - it's -" She hissed loudly through her nose as her jaw locked. Her pants rose higher and faster.

"Misses Marsh!" a community support officer rushed to her side. He was pale and young, his knees shaking just as much as Natalie's mother's. Whenever he reached out a nervous hand, Natalie's mother's body kinked away from it like a magnet. His uniform hung off his skinny body and his legs were awkwardly apart. Natalie supposed it was scant consolation at the very least that he wasn't a real police officer.

The flesh on her mother’s under arms swung as her body trembled fiercely. Her back creaked upright. Her shoulders shrugged upwards and her heaving chest thrust outwards.

In a long, silent shudder, like a corset tightening around her waist, the rolls hanging over her hips began to dissolve. Her waistline pinched tighter and narrower, drawing her fingers closer and closer together in rhythmic squeezes.

"Hnnnggghh!" her mother gurgled. Squeeze by squeeze, her body was being re-sculpted. Natalie couldn't help but imagine the pure liquid orgasm that was squirting through her mother's veins. Her back arched and her chin pointed to the ceiling. Natalie saw the rolls in her tummy squirming under her breaths. But with every breath, the swollen little tummy shrank smaller and smaller. Natalie blinked incredulously as her torso was squeezed into a shapely hourglass. As though the blue spandex was compressing her body in its grip - the suit hugging her tighter as it did.

She whimpered softly as her ass was squeezed into shape with smooth, rounded curves. With skittish twitches, her backside clenched into a taut little peach. Her knees trembled as she slapped her palms over her thighs with a moan.

In more sensual beats, the gap between her thighs widened. Her mother blew out an orgasmic sigh as fat melted under her sweat-glossed skin, leaving sleek, toned lines down her quads. Seconds later, the little wings of fat dissolved from her mother's arms as they turned into taut, slender limbs.

She looked good, Natalie's mind blurted. Her voluptuous chest was accentuated by smooth stomach and the tight curves of her new waist. Likewise, her toned arms and legs took years off her age. She looked altogether like a different person. For a moment Natalie even spied a trace of herself in her mother's figure. She'd never imagined her mother's head on top of a body like that. There was even intrusive glimmer of pride among the mix of disbelief and outrage swirling in her stomach.

At last, her mother opened her eyes and let out an exhausted, delirious sigh.

Her hands swept through the deep valleys of her waist. She lifted her breasts and looked down at her flat stomach. Awe, delight and disbelief fought for room on her face. Natalie's lips hung open as she watched her mother pivot in circles, running her hands all over her newly-sculpted bikini body.

"M - m - misses Marsh?" the young officers' voice trembled. Her mother staggered on the spot, catching her breath and frantically wiping the sweat dripping from her face. "I think I - I think we should -- we need to get you down to the station for more questioning. This is uh...this is..."

Natalie's mother shoved him aside and staggered out of sight. Natalie heard the bathroom door slam. The young officer was left standing in the middle of the room - dumbfounded and gawping back and forth between the workout video on the screen and the bathroom door.

Natalie struggled to keep her panic quiet. As her mother left her sight, she pictured her final pumpsuit going with it - never to return. Her mind clamoured for ideas. The craving for the tight, hot, filling sensation in her muscles was unbearable. The balloon in her chest swelled even bigger, tighter. She had to do something.

After a few moments, the officer cautiously approached the table and began to leaf through the splayed pumpsuit guide book. 

"Wait 'til you see it go to work on me, officer." an achingly feminine voice drifted into the room. He spun on the spot to see one long, thickly-woven leg stretched into view, then another. He swallowed as each one relaxed and bulged in and out of muscular perfection under glossy skin. As Natalie lowered herself onto each step, she pointed her toes and let her calves ball up to their baseball size. Her juicy backside pulled the dress tight around her meaty hamstrings, before it sloped back to her tight waist, completing her deliciously muscular lower body.

The officer's eyes popped open as Natalie revealed her hunky torso. Her kite-like back spread out wider and wider - he thought her lats would never stop spreading until her cannon-ball shoulders appeared. His eyes followed the ridge of her traps up to the sleek jawline of the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes upon.

Natalie reached the foot of the stairs. With a graceful finger at the end of meaty, wide forearm, Natalie flicked aside her fringe and rested her smoky eyes at the young officer's face.

Natalie watched him melt. "You must be - you're Natalie, aren't you?" Natalie cocked a perfect eyebrow.

"In the flesh." she grinned, striding closer.

"So that thing - that err..." his eyes ran all over her, but he gestured a limp wrist between the book on the table and the bathroom door.

"Pumpsuit." Natalie enunciated.

"So that really - it actually - have you -?"

"Oh yes." Natalie purred. She rolled her hips, knowing that her bowling ball glutes would peek into view with each step.

"And this is - this why your mum called?" he wrangled some composure.

"I mean, things may have gotten a little bit heated last night." Natalie shrugged her big shoulders. "But you can see why we're so enamoured with it, can't you?"

"But how does - I mean it's got to be - "

Natalie sucked a long, deep breath. She felt her torso fill out, her dress squeeze around her midriff, and her pecs creep outwards under her chin. She watched his eyes climb all over her. It reminded her of the club. The incredulous eyes that couldn't look away. She liked it.

"You're probably right." Natalie looked down at her puffed up x-frame. "And yes, it does feel amazing." she exhaled and clenched her abs. She felt them biting the strained fabric. Natalie watched the man's eyes follow the cobbled path of her 6-pack.

"Is your mother - is she all right?"

"Oh, she's more than alright, trust me. You on the other hand..." she placed one hand on his chest and guided him back the chair. She felt his heart pounding against her palm. "You don't look so good. Here. Sit down."

"So why did she call last night? Who's Rachel?" his bony frame sank into the sofa.

"Rachel." Natalie's superheroine silhouette swallowed him. Her velvety voice grew colder. "She's the one you want. She's the one who scared my mother. She's the one who stole my other suit." Natalie leant down, placing her hands around the armrests. Her tensed pecs rippled like an open book. Veins like wires ran down her meaty arms. "Rachel Turner."

"Rachel Turner." he repeated with a ragged breath. "Another suit?" he gulped.

Natalie nodded sternly. "My other one." Natalie tilted her head thoughtfully. "You know, if you could find the other one - I might even let you try it on." she looked over his skinny legs and angled shoulders. "I think you'd look good after a little pump." she licked her lips. Natalie watched his eyes widen and his brow twitch with fear.

"Or we could come to some other arrangement." she purred and turned. Gently, she lowered her weight onto him. She heard him exhale as she settled her hunky backside into his lap. Natalie began rocking her hips softly.

"I - I could report her to the police as a known criminal, and the suit as stolen property." the officer panted.

"No!" Natalie blurted, less than coolly. "I need something a bit more discrete. I don't want everyone looking for it. I only want you..." she pumped her glutes rhythmically. "As you can probably tell..." she straightened her back and spread her lats. "It's kind of my little secret." she whispered. "And I'd really, really like to keep it that way." She heard his tongue crackle across his dry lips as her upper body poured outwards.

"But - but your mother was about to hand it over. She said it's dangerous."

"My mum says a lot of things..." Natalie raised her fists towards the ceiling, knowing he'd watch her orb-like delts pinch her huge bicep against her thick, tapered forearms. "She says I'm a freak - I'm ugly." she looked back at him. "You don't think I'm an ugly freak, do you?"

Her achingly feminine voice, her glistening, plump, pink lips, her bold musk, those eyes. Her sweet scent drifting from her tall, smooth nape. The man shook his head slowly. Natalie felt a tentative nudge against her backside. "Thank you" she mouthed.

"We know your mother. She ha - has a record." he whispered. "She's - she's on her third strike. If I report -- wasting police time -- we can cha - we can charge her. Get her out of your hair."

Natalie paused. Her mind snatched the idea and pored over it. No more mum - no one to stop her - just her and Kyle and PumpLabs and the pumpsuits - finally alone. She glanced over to at the empty wine bottles and the stained, yellowy glass of the coffee table. She swallowed.

"No..." she replied, softly. "Rachel. I just need Rachel."

Natalie felt the hem of her dress straining over her ass. She felt the silky fabric nestling between her abs, stretched tightly across her front. She kinked her lower back with a girly little gasp, it slipped up, revealing her juicy backside and the tall, deep Y of her thong.

His breaths were nervous and shallow. His crotch nudged her again. "Maybe..." he swallowed. "I could just report this as a false alarm..." he mumbled. Natalie gently squeezed her glutes to thank him.

"Mmmm...I like that." she purred.

Natalie felt the underside of his cock slide deeper between her glutes. Natalie opened a smoky eye over her dense rounded shoulder, and clenched. The officer let out a stifled squeak. Natalie placed her hands on his knees. She spied his toes wriggling inside in the tips of his boots. She flexed her glutes again. Another tremor rattled through him. Natalie felt the log between her juicy, round buttcheeks thicken.

Grinding against his lap, she teased him with every inch of her perfect, superheroine proportions. She rolled her narrow hips and nestled her ass harder against his warm crotch. Subtle striations rippled through her glutes as she flexed. He watched Natalie's head turn and look over her body. He was entranced by her perfect, model-like profile on top of her wide back, framed by capped delts. Her triceps bulged from the backs of her arms as she twisted her wrists. Her skin was so smooth and taut over the fullness of her muscles.

She pulled her elbows back by her sides. Her back folded together, inches of it disappearing as her shoulder blades squeezed closer together. Rear delts, with almost triangular points reached out towards his dinner-plate eyes.

"God, you should see me in that thing." she sighed. The fabric around the officer's crotch creaked loudly. "It's the best thing in world."

"And - and Rachel?"

Natalie stopped. The officer gulped.

"What about her?" Natalie hissed.

"She has the other one - so - has she been - is she like you?"

"I suppose she is..." Natalie looked over her muscular thighs. She gripped his knees tight. "Except..." Natalie pulsed her glutes as hard as she could. The officer's legs quivered like an electric shock. "I'm stronger."


"I'm bigger..." she arched her back and grabbed a handful of her hair.


"I'm better!" She looked him dead in the eye and let out an orgasmic, ragged whimper.


Natalie grinned as she felt the trembling pumps and the warmth spreading in his crotch between her meaty glutes. His knees shook in her palms. Natalie looked down at her thick python arms, which were almost width of his thighs. She relaxed and let him slip free.

She lifted herself off his spent body. She straightened her back, the damp patch from his hot breaths began to cool. Flashing a smile over her shoulder, she daintily pulled her skirt back down her ripe backside. "Just so there's no misunderstanding..." she leaned in inch away from his quivering eyes. "Don't tell anyone about our little secret. Don't listen to my mother." she stretched out one perfectly manicured finger and ran it under his chin. "And don't come back until you have my pumpsuit."   

After a few beats, the young man nodded his head, still in his trance. Natalie smiled. "Thank you, officer Franklin."

Natalie turned around. Her knees almost buckled at the sight of her mother.

"What the -!?" her mother spluttered breathlessly. Natalie's sultry face froze like ice, she shot a dagger-like look at her mother.

Her mother's mouth hung open, warped in disbelief. Her daughter strutted coolly towards her, with menacing bolts in both her blue eyes. Natalie reached out and closed her hand around her mother's forearm. With a steady, calm pull, she guided her towards the stairs. In silence, her mother groggily staggered up the stairs behind her daughter's bowling ball glutes.

Natalie spared one final, smoldering glance at the officer slumped in the chair. With a sultry wink, she raised a finger to her thick pink lips and pursed them. As though she shattered the curse pinning him down, the young officer scrambled up from the chair, scooped his hat from the kitchen table and marched sternly towards the door with his eyes on the floor.

Natalie bent down and picked the up the still-recording phone and pressed save. She couldn't stop the grin spreading across her face as she dragged her mother into her bedroom. "Be the best subject you can be..." she muttered under breath. 

It lives! I know a lot of readers have criticised Natalie for being a bit of a push-over, but no longer! I think this is an important chapter for her character, and for the story as a whole. Let me know what you think.

Hope you enjoy this one. I think I put this chapter off for so long because it's so hard to incorporate plot into these stories, and to strike the balance between plot and porn, ("plorn"). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this Plornography.
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: sgsg69 on February 01, 2018, 03:56:45 pm
So worth the wait! An amazing chapter, Natalie is going to take control of her life and blow that suit apart!! This chapter is out of sight! Thank you for your craft and skill. KARMA, KARMA, KARMA to you!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: Poddy on February 05, 2018, 01:32:05 pm
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So worth the wait! An amazing chapter, Natalie is going to take control of her life and blow that suit apart!! This chapter is out of sight! Thank you for your craft and skill. KARMA, KARMA, KARMA to you!

Thanks! Glad you liked the turn of events! And you're right, this definitely opens up a lot more exciting opportunities for the story as a whole :)
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit (FMG)
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on February 05, 2018, 06:10:41 pm
Aw yisss. Karma for Plorno. (It sounds like a place in Poland.)

I enjoy this a lot. Thank you for sharing it.
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on July 04, 2018, 08:00:30 am
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 18

"Wh - what did you do - what did you say to him?" Natalie's mother's voice shook as she shuffled further back into her daughter's room. The sound of a closing car door came from the street. "Where's he going?"

"Take it off." Natalie closed the door. She heard a loud rustle of plastic as her mother's heel trod on the bag of her clothes. "I can't believe you." she growled. Her mother ran out of room to retreat. "You knew exactly what it did. You even read every single detail - and you still..." she looked her mother up and down. Her hands shuffled awkwardly all over her pumpsuit-clad body.

Her midriff pumped, taut and flat with a tiny triangle of a thigh-gap showing between her shaking, crooked knees. The stripe down the front arced widely over her heaving breasts, lesser so over her hips. Her mother spotted her daughter's scouring eyes and covered her hard nipples.

"Nat. Listen. I didn't want - I had to..."

"Take. It. Off."

"I can't." she braced herself.

"Oh..." Natalie's eyebrow kinked. "I get it..."

Her mother's eyes narrowed.

"You like it, don't you?" Natalie flexed her biceps across her front. Veins fattened over her peaks as they bulged to a hairs breadth from her nipples.


"If you wanted to get jacked up like me." Natalie dropped her arms to her sides, the sinews and veins melted back under her glossy skin.  She stretched out one leg, then reached behind her back with her hand and pulled her dress. The edges of her blocky abs pressed forwards. Natalie flexed her quad and watched her kneecap disappear behind the meaty formation bursting across her thigh. "Why didn't you just ask for a taste?" Natalie peered up from under her fringe with a menacing smirk.

"Stop it. Don't be ridiculous. This thing is insane."

"That's what I said my first time..." Natalie shrugged, glancing over her own dense muscularity. "You certainly looked like you were enjoying it." Natalie tilted her head slightly and feigned confusion. "Funny how you waited so long to say anything. Waiting to see how big I would get - to see that if it was safe for you too? Then kick me out and keep it for yourself. Very clever. Why did you wait so long, you could have been as big as me by now."

"I didn't wait!" Her mother barked.

Natalie scowled. "What?" she broke her flex and stood with her fists clenched. 

"I did. And they always blew me off. That was the first time anyone came around - wasn't even a real copper - a community support officer - and you - I can't even look at you."

The thought slid off like water on feathers - the throbbing, all-consuming desire pulsing in Natalie's mind was interesting in only one thing - the pumpsuit. Her mother's word slipped into a growing pile of things to be considered later - after she had wrapped that pumpsuit back around her body and destroy herself in the gym.

"And what if a real policeman had shown up? You'd have let them cart me off to the station? I thought you were trying to look out for me - I can't believe you are trying to ruin the best thing that's ever happened in my life. You let Rachel get away with one, but I am not losing another. Take. It. Off!"

Natalie felt a raging, trembling torque twisting inside her. Every second she wasn't in the suit - her suit - her body brimmed with a fragile, explosive rage. It seared through her muscles, which wanted to clench and flex away the shaking aching fury rumbling in her every fibre. She didn't even notice the bead of spit in the corner of her mouth.

"I can't - the manual says you have to wait an hour - "

"Give it to me!" Natalie shoved her on to the bed. By the time her mother could yelp Natalie was already clutching at her body with hooked thumbs.
She snatched the fabric around her neckline. She tugged it off her shoulders and down her torso. Natalie kept her pinned down easily with one arm and peeled it down her thighs and off her kicking feet. Shocked by her daughter's strength, her mother felt like a helpless child as she was stripped naked in seconds.

Natalie growled with impatience as the pumpsuit stretched over her mother's heel, with a frustrated tug it snapped off and it slapped against her chest. A yearning sigh poured out of her. Her tongue was instantly thick and wet, threatening to roll out of her mouth.

Natalie's heart swelled. She pressed the pumpsuit against her. She skipped away from the bed and frantically pulled off her dress. She kicked off her panties and bolted out of the room. Her mother heard her footsteps cantering down the stairs. Then pantry doors creaking open and banging shut. A moment later, the footsteps returned to the steps, slower, calmer this time. The bedroom door creaked open.

Natalie emerged from behind the door, the pumpsuit clinging in an airtight seal around her brawny physique, above which, Natalie face was gooey with delight. She was casually shaking a pre-workout mix with one hand. Natalie's mother watched the striations rustling in her beefy delts, before she popped the lid with her thumb and gulped down the chocolatey drink.

Natalie frosty blue eyes settled on her mother, cowering beneath Natalie's bed sheets. Natalie sighed victoriously, swallowed and wiped her lips.

Her mind trembled with joy. She adored the full body squeeze of the spandex on her skin. The compression at her armpits made her chest feel twice as wide. The sultry shortness of the suits revealing leggings made her legs look even more bulging and thick. The tightness running down her sides felt like warm, sensual hands reaching round and holding her hips from behind.

Already she felt the filling, aching tension rolling through her limbs. She spotted veins streaking down her quads like rain on a car window. The edges of her muscles began to ripple and feather. It was one slow, full-body flex rolled through her body. Natalie started strutting towards the bed. Her mother's eyes widened.

"Here's my proposal." Her crotch began to hum as she felt the rising energy tingling behind her eyes. "I keep the suit. I stay here until the contest. I win 1st place." Her mother nodded nervously. Her eyes danced all over her daughter's body as Natalie calmly stepped closer again.

Natalie's lip twisted as she felt a hot, deep twinge in her neck. The warmth spread down her traps and into her shoulders. She quivered all over and bit her lip. Her muscles began to ripple and feather. Natalie's delts balled up, each pumpkin ridge pushed outwards. Her fists clenched as the burly joints of her elbows creaked wider. Natalie's abs clenched and bit around the spandex as her body filled with a gripping pump.

Natalie sighed sensually as her skin felt tighter and her suit squeezed her harder. Her mother pressed herself against the wall, unable to tear her gaze away. She wondered if Natalie was about to burst into giggles before a passionate squeeze would stifle it inside her throat.

New details, striations and veins rippled into view with every step. Her biceps rose with pipe-like fullness. Her calves rolled up the backs of her legs. The crevice between her pecs suddenly deepened as sea-shell striations burst across her chest. Natalie's composure slipped as she let out a sensual whimper. The bun-sized abs stacked in her midriff nudged outwards. Her buttocks quivered and clenched, flaring wider than her hips. Natalie swooned loudly.

It felt so good. Every squeeze made her yearning stronger. The tight, aching knot her chest quivered even harder.

Her eyelids fluttered. She breathed loudly through her nostrils. The throbbing pleasure was so exquisite. She ran her hands down her front, letting her fingers trickle down her abs. Her dimples were etched deep into her cheeks. She caressed herself shamelessly - letting her mother's eyes roam over her. She clenched her muscles as hard as she could, rising on to her tip-toes. The spandex stretched. The sleeves slid up her arms and legs. She felt so huge. She let out a giddy giggle. 'Finally - finally' she had to stop herself cooing. Natalie vowed to never take the suit off ever again.

Her mother, meanwhile, could barely imagine her before she had packed so much muscle on to her young body. There was so much of her. From the smooth, thick fillets of muscle bulging out of her thighs, to the veins running up her flaring lats. She'd never seen anything like it. Pinching, sculpted obliques framed her narrow hips, filled in with sturdy, taut athletic lower abs. Every inch of her body oozed with power. Her mother's lips hung open while her eyes darted all over her body, trying to take it all in, until, at last, her daughter's beefy X-frame silhouette blocked the whole room from view - fully pumped up at her bodybuilder prime.

"Then I take my winnings and put a deposit on a place of my own, while you... " Natalie ran a finger over the fat vein feeding her bicep. "You get to play dumb - say this was all my idea, just as long as no one ever sees this." Her mother's eyebrows jolted up her forehead as Natalie showed the video of her home workout.

"Alright! Alright!" her mother's voice muffled through the covers. Natalie stopped the video and silently tapped a button to begin uploading the video to her storage cloud. She stood erect and flashed her grin. "But you better win."

"If I lose..." Natalie purred back. "By even a single point - I'm letting everyone know it was you who stopped me reaching my potential."

"I'm going to the gym. Take one of my old outfits." Natalie strutted towards the door. "After you've put them all back."


Kyle dipped the clutch and let his car roll down the concrete slope and into an empty parking space straight ahead. He noticed the ache in his forearm as he tugged the handbrake. His mind wandered to his night with Natalie, as it had done many times on his drive. As his mind hummed with the incredible memories, something uneasy gnawed in his stomach as he peered through his windscreen and up at the inauspicious three-story office building before him.

He was early, he thought. The few other cars in the car park were a match for his in only in age and chipped paintwork. Kyle held his old phone and made a phone call. A single ring later, the flimsy garage door before him squeaked upwards. Kyle looked around - he could never tell where the cameras were and entered.

The concrete turned to smooth, shiny tarmac as he snaked beneath the building. His shoulders burned slightly as he laboured the wheel around hairpin after hairpin - Natalie had certainly put up a fight last night. At last, he rounded another corner. Kyle huffed and shook his head. Ferrari - Mercedes - Mercedes - Beemer - Porsche. Gleaming and spotless. Kyle smirked as he found a space beside a monstrous crimson Hummer and parked his aging Fiat alongside.

Cameras followed him to the elevator. The doors opened for him and his stomach lifted as it descended. Kyle turned his head away from the doors. A searing pole of light burst through. It was only until he was several steps inside the immaculate, silver-tiled foyer that his eyes could find focus.
Kyle's soft footsteps echoed off the gleaming tiles in the spacious room. The glare of the fluorescent lights and lack of windows made him unsure of how deeply he'd gone into the labyrinth of the PumpLabs facility.

"Don't sit down. She's ready for you." the secretary pointed. Kyle headed towards the tall double-doors in the far wall. He sipped a breath and pushed through. His eyes swept the corners of the room. It was empty, save for a thin glass desk and some modern, uncomfortable-looking furniture. Kyle awkwardly slid himself into the egg-shaped chair in front of the desk. He heard a muffled clack of heels from the doors behind him and wiped his palms down his thighs. He stood up as a slender female figure slipped between the doors.

"Kyle." Her demure voice volleyed around the room. "So good to see you." Like a wisp of smoke from a blown-out candle, her hourglass curves rolled side to side inside her tight black dress. Her porcelain skin matched the lights and tiles in their pale flawlessness. An inverted triangle opening across her bust teased her large implants, squeezed gently together by her dress, their soft-looking fullness was hard to ignore. Despite her towering heels, not a strain of her short crimson bob had moved out of place by the time she breezed up to Kyle.

"Doctor" Kyle smiled nervously.

"Please, sit." she brushed his shoulder with her spidery fingers. Kyle sat back down as he watched her slim figure drift towards her desk. The kinked her legs and placed herself daintily on her wide black leather chair. With a foot of space either side of her backside, she propped her elbows on the desk. Her slender arms drew perfect right-angles - equally thin from her wrists to her shoulders. Yet, wrapped in her revealing, fearless outfit and leaning forward with her hazel eyes planted on his, she both completed and dominated the room. "Imagine my consternation when I saw your name come up for an emergency meeting."

"I'm as surprised as you are, to be completely honest." Kyle laboured to find a comfortable position in the chair. The CEO's smiling eyes made him think she enjoyed watching him squirm.

"'Surprising' is certainly one adjective I could use to describe your latest work." her eyes turned cold. Kyle was glad his long sleeves covered the goosebumps that ran over him. Without taking her gaze off him, she plucked a small black remote from her desk. The wall filled with jumbled pixels. After a second, they settled to reveal a headshot of Natalie.

"Marsh, Natalie." Reams of statistics, graphs and charts rolled down beside Natalie's bright smile. Age: 19. Height: 5"6. Weight: 54kg. The CEO leant back in her chair.

"19..." the CEO repeated. "Just that number..." she pinched at her crimson lips. "I think we spoil you sometimes, Kyle." she zoomed in on her model-like features. The messy blonde strands of her luscious bob hung over her cheekbones in signature style. With a flick of her thumb, the image swiped to an early Insta**** picture. Natalie was in skimpy workout shorts and sports bra. Both her hands clutched her phone just below her breasts, pushing her angular shoulders in line with her hips. Her taut, slender body gleamed with sweat. Despite her flirtatious pose, her sloping waist and narrow upper back made her posture seem timid and forced. In fact, the only thing that stirred Kyle was the fact that he knew what she - and the pumpsuit - had done to her forgettable gym-bunny body. The image melted away and was replaced with another.

'Cycle 1' blinked to the screen. A new image loaded. Weight: 72.4kg. Natalie reappeared in the same mirror. Now however, her torso had tightened into a straight, tapered V. Notable knots of biceps popped out of each arm. She twisted her hips sideways, flaunting her curvy new glutes. Her ripened backside pulled her pumpsuit tighter across her midriff, teasing her fledging 6-pack. The pair of them basked in the image for a moment.

The CEO's eyes turned to the binder on her desk. She pinched on the corner and opened to the first page. "As I understand it, she's a long-time member of your gym, correct?"

"That's right."

"How closely have you been working together?"

"To be honest, less than I had expected - she's turned down my offers for coaching so far and she attended one of my body-pump classes only yesterday. As far as self-drive goes, she's pretty remarkable - she claims she hasn't missed a day of her split." Kyle heard another click.

'Cycle 2 - Weight: 84kg.' With the gym lighting beaming from above, Natalie's soaking pumpsuit hugged and accentuated every knotted curve of her increasingly muscular physique. Each of her abs pressed out with extra boldness. Her onion-like delts drew shadows half-way down her biceps, more of which were hidden behind her beefed-up forearms holding her phone. Her pecs spread across her chest like a meaty love heart. Rising traps and even wider lats tested the pumpsuit further.

"Apparently so." The CEO seemed unmoved. She turned back to her binder. "Then, last night apparently you ran into one another?"

"We did." Kyle swallowed.

"And this morning, in your report, my transcript says..." her eyes followed the lines steadily. "She was worried about her motivation."

"Yes." the CEO's silence invited him to continue. "I mean, she's still very much into the suit and its abilities - it's just, like a lot of these girls - they don't believe in free lunches, y'know?"

'Cycle 3'. Natalie ascended to bodybuilder size. Her muscles boasted 3D density and volume, packed thick and tight around her body. Her lats flared twice the width of her feline waist, pinched even tighter by her meaty thighs. Ripples of spandex between her bullet nipples teased the new width and thickness of her pecs, while her sleeves strained harder around her arms as she flexed - Kyle spotted her sleeves slipping higher up her forearms. Complex knots of muscle flexed from the sides of her hip. All the while her pretty face made her muscles burst with even more unblushing size. 'Weight: 91kg.'

"That doesn't seem to have been an issue so far." The CEO chuckled softly to herself and leant back in her tall chair. "God bless social media. It used to be so much more difficult to plant the seed; abusive relationships, addicts, born-again Christians. Nowadays, Insta**** does half the work for us - every girl is just a few thumb-strokes from an utterly consuming affliction of inferiority." she sighed. Her expression soon refroze as she turned to Kyle.

"So how did you respond to her doubts?"

"I gave her the lines. The suit is nothing without the hard work - other pros are all using gear in one way or another - PumpLabs chose her for a reason - "

"Very convincing." the CEO sucked her teeth. 

The fresh jolt of fear kick-started his brain. "Well, after that I told her to be the best subject she could be. That if she was really an experiment, then her only chance was to go all-in. Make herself so good that we can't ignore her. Lick it clean, I told her." Kyle gushed. "She liked that. She'll be in the gym today, I know it - she wants 1st place - she's hungry, there's something really driving her."

"Lick it clean." the CEO's eyes wandered the high ceiling for a moment. Slowly, she nodded and grinned. Kyle breathed a quiet sigh of relief. "You and your silver tongue." Kyle nodded thankfully, placing his hands together to stop them shaking.

"Even so, if I may speak frankly, I think she's lonely. She's been trying to reach out to someone - I don't know how much support she's been getting from anyone. Her friends at her favourite club disappeared the moment they saw her, and she was about to fall off the rails. If I hadn't got there as fast as I had..." he shrugged. "I got her back on track, but she needs some support - I think you need to reach out to her before it's too late."


Kyle's face contorted. "But your jeopardising everything - why don't you just tell her you need her, or that she's doing a good job - you have all the power - "

"Precisely." the CEO pressed a finger into the glass. "But, she wants to keep it a secret as much as you do. Look at her profile." her Insta**** account filled the wall and began scrolled down. "Not a single video of her transformation - she likes having a little secret. Her special pumpsuits are everything. If she's so keen to keep it - her only option is to please us."

Kyle's gut twisted, recalling the similar advice he gave Natalie the night before.

"This illusion of power is precious - we can't waste it." the CEO clicked another button. A draft Insta**** post appeared. 'Stolen - my favourite workout suit!' The CEO grinned with her thin red lips. "Looks like she didn't want us - or anything else - to find out."

"Find out what?" Kyle re-read the message. "Stolen - what happened?"

Kyle winced as the remote clattered on to the glass desk. The CEO stood upright.

"What happened?" she growled. "You spend an entire evening with her - she apparently spills her guts to you, you give me a psychiatric evaluation and then ask me 'What happened?!'" her knuckles glowed as white as her skin. She snatched the remote and jabbed it at the wall. "Here's what happened."

The CEO tapped another button. Black and white CCTV footage rolled of a dimly-lit yard behind a house. Kyle spotted Natalie immediately, already in her revealing dress. He squinted, as he did, the jet-black hair of Rachel shimmered as she bolted away and out of sight. The third figure, who he could only assume was Natalie's mother, flapped and yelled at the edge of the frame.

Kyle clasped his palm to his face and cursed with disbelief. "Rachel?"

Nostrils' flaring, the CEO jabbed her remote at the wall. Rachel's image expanded. "During your heart-to-heart, did you happen to touch on that Rachel ran off with one of Marsh's suits?!"

"I - I saw them working out together, but I didn't know Natalie was sharing the suits with her - she was covered up. I swear, doctor, she didn't mention anything about Rachel last night."

"Did you?"

"Well, no I - " the CEO let out a loud, rattling hiss. Kyle looked up. Her eyes were squeezed shut. Her nose was wrinkled. Her fists rattled by her sides. Kyle gulped. With a rising crack, the remote crunched in her fist. Aqua-blue veins shot up her arms. Her large breasts heaved in the window of her dress.

"Here's another thing that may have slipped through the cracks." she threw the shattered remote at him. Kyle winced as the shards of plastic showered him and the remote thudded against his chest. A long list of call logs rolled down the wall. Kyle's eyes scanned them for a moment, then he squeezed them shut. '999 - 999 - 999 - 101' the same numbers repeated for hours.

"Do I really need to remind you of the gravity of your situation?"

"You're gonna take my gym - I know." Kyle sighed with exasperation. The CEO scoffed loudly.

"Her suits are worth a thousand of your gyms!" she hammered some keys on computer. "If you - if Marsh, were anyone else..." The image on the wall changed again. "Let me show you the reason - the only reason - you are not stripping the floorboards of your gym - or better yet - why Natalie isn't strapped to a gurney as my own little muscle mannequin." the CEO shot him a predatory glance with her legs locked straight and her body bent over the keyboard. 

"Like this one." she nodded sternly at the screen. "Sera. She didn't even last a single cycle before we stripped her, though I can't fault her entrepreneurial spirit." A young, dark-skinned girl shuffled nervously into frame towards a titled gurney. A hand gestured towards it and she gingerly stepped onto a small platform and lay flat, her arms straight and her knuckles wriggling nervously. "She cut her suits up into pieces and started selling hits on each patch to the other members of her gym." the CEO spat. "Unlike you, her guardian managed to call it in before she could give anyone else a taste. But she hasn't turned out to be completely useless." Kyle heart stamped. Why hadn't Natalie said anything about Rachel? His stomach turned like a cement mixer and his cheeks burned hot as he watched the gurney tilt back slightly.

Sera's athletic body was clad in a paper-white pumpsuit. It was completely plain, with no trademark asymmetric stripe, instead there was a clear stitching down the centre of her torso and over her crotch. Her tall, caramel neck pumped nervously. Kyle spotted some wires running from her back down to the floor and out of shot. A lab-coated man entered the frame and attached them down her back, to her arms and legs - the girl didn't put up any resistance. Her chest panted faster with every plug. There was a voice on the video. "When was the last time you ingested any PumpLabs chemicals, supplements or otherwise?" Kyle's mind raced at what he was meant to be witnessing.

"Not since you - since I lost them." her trembling voice she burst impatiently. Her panting and sweat-glossed skin sounded like she'd come from a heavy workout. The spandex hugged her athletic figure along her tall and sultry waist and curved over her strong-looking shoulders. Slight divots beside her kneecap hinted at toned, powerful legs. A plain of tight spandex ran from her neck to her perky breasts. Her face was restless - her tongue flashed across her lips every other second, nor could she take her eyes off her pumpsuit-clad body. Her nipples on her implants were already bullets. She kneaded her fists and splayed her toes. From her anxious breaths and flaring nostrils, Kyle couldn't tell if she was excited or terrified.

"Starting stimulation" the voice stated. Sera whimpered with something between fear and delight. Kyle looked over at the CEO. Her eyes gazed hungrily at the video as she plucked at her lips. 

"Wha---hnggggh." Sera's plump lips stretched into a grimace. Her frizzy brown hair started to tremble.

Her back straightened. Her hips bucked. Her carnal grunts sucked the suit tighter against the contours of her torso. The CEO smirked as the whine of muscle stimulators rose. 

The spandex-clad figure began to squirm and shudder. Her tall neck seemed to stretch. With a sudden jolt, Sera's eyes stretched wider.

Like she was being shoved into up-right gurney by an incredible, invisible force, Sera's arms locked out straight, her wrists twisted and rolled wildly. Her straining whimpers grew faster and more desperate. Her head trembled as the skin on her midriff melted between the shallow rivulets of her thin abs with every breath. Her shoulders coiled into off-angle diamonds. Her lats creaked into view from beneath her shoulders. Her physique was shuddering closer a figure model in just a few hungry grunts. The living mannequin clenched her firsts and moaned with something between startled, submissive whimper and an orgasmic growl for more.

Her feet fluttered and arched like a ballerina. Taut, slender cords of muscle expanded rapidly in her legs. They wove tightly into perfectly muscled casing, then bulged thicker. The pumpsuit nuzzled snugly between the ridges of her expanding quads. Kyle's eyes roamed to her crotch. The little nub of her clit pressed into view, tiny and shaking.

Sera sucked down a long, lusty breath. Her tight backside slipped side-to-side on her sweat. She ran her shaking hands down her thighs and locked her legs. Sera cursed through a pant, her eyes ran over the left half of her body.

"Hnnghmmmorree." Sera gurgled.

"Extending stimulation."

Kyle licked his lips. He couldn't stop his cheeks flushing or his fingers trembling.

A second later, Sera's increasingly muscular body spasmed as she started another series of long, rising grunts. Ripples of spandex gathered around her armpits. Her left nipple twitched, then with a sniveling moan, jerked upwards. Kyle blinked at last, then squinted and leant back in his chair. He titled his head with his jaw open.

While her right-side muscles began to quiver nervously, her left side shuddered wildly. Her right pec began lapping at her collarbone in sensual waves. Sera's jaw clenched, her chin bolted up and she gurgled as a thick, meaty cushion of pec burst across the other side of her torso - spreading quickly and ripening with squarish corners. Her breast rose higher on the inflating slab of muscle. The crack between her pecs formed a fleshy step - easily an inch higher. Half of her body was exploding with bodybuilder size.

Her left wrist rolled and twisted manically. Finger-thick veins tunneled down her arm. Suddenly, her left forearm burst into a bouquet of muscle. Sera snorted with lusty disbelief as her meaty, over-hanging tricep shunted against the gurney behind her, then her shoulder pumped wider than the bed itself. Her left delt rolled outwards with meaty, sloping curves - a volleyball compared to her softly rippling right shoulder. Her muscles stuttered in feverish pulses, pulsing bigger and faster than she could breathe, her super-charged half seemed desperate to pour off the gurney and ascend to twice the size of her 'ordinary' side.

Sera panted and gulped in a slight reprieve. She lifted her hand and looked down at her writhing abs. Her face snarled again. She crunched forward slightly and let out an orgasmic gasp. Her 6-pack bit around the spandex in harmony. A second later, the left column of her abs stamped outwards. One by one they thumped into wide blocks. Her right side melted with deepening trenches between each block - her left side poured over each other like they were being pressed out from inside, until her upper abdominal had stamped outwards in line with her chest, sculpting a descending staircase down her midriff. Her hips bucked frantically as her stomach was packed with size. Sera let out a feral, straining growl.

She looked deep the throes of an eye-watering superset. She was half physique model, half heavyweight bodybuilder. Every gulp was stifled by another shudder of thickening muscle. Exhausted and begging for it to end, yet between each burst of growth she seemed to summon a desire for more in her wide eyes that almost turned her feral grimace into a grin.

Her knees twisted together. Her legs straightened. Her right leg tightened into a perfectly woven pillar of muscle, then creaked thicker in harmony. Sera clutched the edges of the gurney and squealed as her left quad juddered with density. Meaty hunks of muscle poured down her thighs, then clenched together and bulged towards the ceiling, curving at the sides and spreading across the gurney.  The meaty strips jostled for space as they rose, pulsing wider and skittish jerks. Kyle saw her writhing backside clenching and ripening. Sera's eyelids fluttered. From beneath and beside her shaking crotch, her left glute pumped wider, titling her slightly to the side. Sera steadied herself with her arm and looked down at the hyper-charged half of her body. Her tongue practically rolled from her mouth as she moaned. Her hamstring bulged as wide as her quads. She straightened her right leg and pointed her toes. A mighty heart-shaped calf bloomed above her ankle. Cords of muscle stretched all way up her knee, thickening her vein-struck shins on both sides.

Sera reached up and grabbed a handful of her frizzy, sweat-matted hair. A surprising jerk of power twisted her hips further to her side. Kyle saw her smaller right-side abs disappear behind bulging cobble stones of her super-pumped 3-pack. Her obliques flexed as thick as fingers, as though a hand caressing her waist. Kyle could fit two fists in her armpits as even more jolts of size continued to stretch her lats wider. Clutching her hair and gasping with pleasure, Sera's lemon-sized bicep rose as high and thick as her shoulder. A tear trickled from her eye into the crater around her neck carved by her bulging trap.

Sera was practically drooling. Her entire left side pulsed with heavyweight bodybuilder size. Kyle's throat crackled dry at the sight of her. She was a match for Natalie with her pinched, feminine waist, but completely eclipsed her with the sheer thickness and density of her muscularity. Kyle could easily see where her natural chest stopped, and the thick, rippling cushion of her massive new pectoral began. The way her muscles had bulged out impatiently was unlike anything he had seen - so thick and inflated and powerless against the torrents of chemicals pumping through them. Striations rustled, and veins throbbed like an anatomy chart under her paper-white pumpsuit. Her muscles thumped and re-thumped to their enormous max.

A cold sweat trickled down Kyle's forehead. 'What was in that suit?' his mind raced. 'How did they do that to her?' Sera quivered a few more moments, gasping desperately, her eyes glazed and wet and wide, coming shamelessly in the mighty aftershocks. Her left side was almost double the size of her right by the time the whine of the simulators died down.

"That's - how did you?" Kyle's brain twisted. "How is she even conscious?"

The CEO turned away from the video. Her hazel eyes smoldered with delight. 

"Sera kindly agreed to take part in one of our 'accelerated programmes'. The blood samples we recovered from her brief stint in her suits showed a remarkable tolerance to the pumpsuits venom; considerably higher than any subject we've ever had. As such, we found use for her to test our latest iterations of Hyper-Venom. If I remember rightly, she had just finished one of your notorious 'BodyPump' classes before that transformation."

"But she's still - I mean - " Kyle looked back at the video. Sera's smooth chocolaty skin was flawless and glowing. The cute little nub of her clit had been almost swallowed between her trembling muscular thighs, and her face still beamed with feminine youth as she flexed and pumped her beefy left half and ran her hands across her muscular body in a shell-shocked daze. "Aren't there any side-effects? You gave her so much gear."

The CEO clacked on her keyboard again. "Reason this project is more important than you number 2." Kyle sighed incredulously as the screen changed once more.

'Subject: Hwang, Angela. Age: 22. Weight: 96kg.'

The wall filled with the image of a young girl. Kyle blinked the beaming image into focus as it flooded the room. "Later today, Miss Marsh is going to make a new friend on Insta****."

A young Asian girl with a tight, long ponytail stood centre frame in a mirror. Her heart-shaped face beamed with glowing, youthful Oriental features. A figure-hugging, buttoned-up white blouse was crowned by a silky black bow between her suspenders hoisting up her denim shorts. Chunky black glasses completed her geek-sheek outfit.

Kyle didn't recognise the girl on screen. He tilted his heard curiously to the CEO. She clicked another button on her remote. The image began to move.

The frame shifted as the girl took a step back and the hem of hot-pants rose into view. Kyle's eyes widened. Beautifully muscular quads burst under her honey-brown skin. Meaty woven hunks with forking veins bulged with long, curved edges. She locked them straight. They poured forward over her knees and beyond the width of her tiny waist.

"Or enemy." the CEO shrugged.

She pivoted to her side. Her hamstrings hung with bodybuilder density. Facing the mirror again. With one hand, she seductively pulled the bow, then popped open the top button of her blouse. Candy pink spandex encased her bolt neck. Kyle gulped. She continued down. Each button seemed relieved to be undone, as she revealed her brawny, sculpted torso. The rippled crevice between her pecs plunged endlessly as she undressed, until at last the feathered ridges were replaced by deeply cut abs.

Kyle's pinched a film of sweat from his lip. She jerked her blouse free from her shorts and clenched her blocky 6-pack. The girl's face seemed as enthralled and aroused as a thumbnail of spandex disappeared between each abdominal.

She slowly hooked one thumb under her suspender. Only then Kyle noticed how the other dug into her traps. She slipped them off and her hot-pants sighed away from her tapered hips. She rolled back her shoulders. Her massive onion delts rose up in line with her lips. With her eyes fixed on her incredible reflection, she peeled down the blouse sleeves down her arm. She slid back the skin-tight cotton over her rounded shoulder. Again, they were easily a match for Natalie's. But next to her cute features, her muscles seemed even more imposing and breathtaking, juiced up far beyond anything she could have hoped for naturally.

The sleeve strained slightly over horse-shoe triceps, then slipped off down her tapered forearms. The second sleeve put up even less fuss. She looked up at her reflection. Despite her thickness, she too was remarkably chiseled. Even through the skin-tight spandex, each muscle was separate sumptuously proportioned. Her loose hot-pants made her upper body burst even more fantastically outwards.

With a girly giggle, she rocked her hips. The denim dropped only an inch before it was stopped by her meaty glutes. Sliding the denim down her brawny thighs, she revealed her full pink pumpsuit clinging around her bodybuilder physique. She stood upright and snapped into a double-biceps pose. All space between her shoulder and forearm punched upwards. Her lats flared outwards from her obliques to her armpits. Her hair stretched back tight on her head made her body seem even more incredible huge. Kyle leant back with his hands in his hair. Her shape, her size. Natalie's body in his memory suddenly appeared tiny. The video ended.

"She's how Sera stills looks like Sera." the CEO read Kyle's mind. "Many of subjects have suffered far more with far less venom in their systems. But Angela, she seems impervious to its potency. We've even upped her dosages and she's still cute as a button." she saw Kyle's brow still pinched with utter disbelief and rolled her eyes.

"Let me spell it out for you. Sera owes her femininity to Angela - Angela owes her venom tolerance to Sera. But they both owe their sheer size to..." she gestured dramatically with an open palm.

"Natalie." Kyle exhaled at last.

"Very good." she feigned a golf clap. "So, do I have to tell you how long I've been searching for this perfect combination? Or do I need to share with you what happens if I remove one of these girls from this perfect equation?"

Kyle shook his head. "In spite of her selfishness - recklessness - shortsightedness and overall disrespect for our sponsorship, Miss Marsh finds herself in the extremely fortunate position of potential. Her samples are so pure. The extractions from her old suits seems to have returned a strain which is quite literally irresistible." the CEO licked her lips. "She is the final piece of my perfect muscle formula." she triumphantly tapped her keyboard.

Sera, Angela and Natalie all appeared. The CEO crossed her arms and basked in the image. "Tolerance - Femininity - Purity". She turned to Kyle. "My 3 Pumpsuit poster girls. As you can imagine, I've already had a lot of interest from some very powerful clients." her eyes glinted. The screen disappeared. "I - we - you cannot afford any weak links."

"Keep Natalie using the suit." she strode towards him. "I'd love it if she could provide samples willingly - but if that's not an option, I will not hesitate to milk you both myself."

Kyle started nodding frantically. The air turned cold as she towered over him. Her chin barely in sight over her massive bust. "I - I can do that. I promise - I'll make sure she never takes it off."

"Good." she purred, her crimson lips thinned. "Since you're clearly unable to multi-task, I've got others hunting Rachel - hopefully there is still time to recover Miss Marsh's samples." Kyle rose to his feet, nodding still. The CEO placed one spidery finger on his chest. "If you ever come back to me without answers again. I'll be telling all my clients, and my subjects, that it was you who halved their supply."

Chapter 18! Probably the most muscular chapter of the saga so far! This, like so many other 'plorn' chapters, went through a billion different edits - but has given me dozens of exciting ideas and scenes for future chapters.

The FMG has a fairly obvious ceiling (depending on the author's tastes), and a smidge beyond heavyweight bodybuilder is mine. So there was only so long I could spend focusing on Natalie and Rachel getting bigger and bigger. I was labouring to find a way to expand the scope but still keep the tension, and I'm pretty happy with this answer. I hope you guys like Sera, Angela and the CEO as much as I do. There's plenty to come from them.

Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: sw1ngy on July 04, 2018, 05:04:36 pm
Great direction with the company!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: sgsg69 on July 05, 2018, 03:18:53 pm
OMG, waited so long to get to this plot point! Well done......can't wait to see how you use Angela and Sera to motivate Natalie to get as big as possible..........will Natalie get a next generation suit! You are a master craftsman, this is an amazing story, please keep going!

Karma x 100 to you!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on July 08, 2018, 07:04:14 pm
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Great direction with the company!
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
OMG, waited so long to get to this plot point! Well done......can't wait to see how you use Angela and Sera to motivate Natalie to get as big as possible..........will Natalie get a next generation suit! You are a master craftsman, this is an amazing story, please keep going!

Karma x 100 to you!

Thank you for the positive feedback, and you for taking the time to read the chapters. Chapter 19 isn't far away either :)
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 09, 2018, 12:21:18 pm
Your story is amazing. I enjoy it a lot since you really manage to bring this obsession and total loss of control and inhibitions to light.

I love it!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on July 09, 2018, 12:31:25 pm
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Your story is amazing. I enjoy it a lot since you really manage to bring this obsession and total loss of control and inhibitions to light.

I love it!

Thanks for the kind words. Get ready for another dose :)
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on July 09, 2018, 12:32:16 pm
(a/n) 2 chapters in 5 days?! What is this, 2013?

Rachel leaned closer to the door of the lecture hall. She squinted as she listened to the voice inside. She cursed and tore away. She surprised herself as the speed her legs carried her. She was still getting used to the increased power of her physique after the nights events. Swinging her arms made her hoodie ride up her chest and feel tight. Rachel tugged it down and saw the gentle mounds of her new pecs pressed outwards. Her heart fluttered each time. A restless energy had been pulsing inside her since last night - at once terrified by her brush with the intruders yet exhilarated by the discovery of her body's tolerance and acceptance of such a savage growth-spurt.

She arrived at the next door. She glanced at the sign beside it. "Advanced Myology". She leaned closer again. She heard the wind blowing through the gap in the door frame and a young voice. She grimaced, and started to stand up right when a deeper, more authoritative voice interrupted.

Rachel's eyes widened. A second later, she shoved open the door and entered.

The bang of the door from her clumsy strength, as well as in a bright red hoodie put paid to Rachel's ambitions of a stealthy entrance. Several dozen faced craned over their shoulders to look up at her. Rachel lowered her head beneath her hood and quickly slipped into the nearest seat. At the lectern, the lecturer stood indignantly with his leg crossed and one hand on his hip.

"Glad you could join us." his youthful voice lacked much bite. Rachel raised a hand to apologise and pretended to rifle through her backpack for a pen or a book. The other hands soon turned back to the front of the class. Rachel gently nudged around a clutch of small jars, taking care not to harm any of her precious research that she had fought tooth and nail to keep. The clinking of the glass cut through the silent room again. Rachel winced as she saw the lecturer looking up at her again.

"Well - seeing as you've missed all but the final 5 minutes of the class. I suppose it could still serve you to hear some of the questions that will appear in the coming end of semester examinations - if anything but to show you the value of the information you've seemed to omit from your education here."

Rachel sank in her chair. Some reunion this was turning out to be. The lecturer theatrically whipped over a page of the chunky book in his stand. "Tell me - What effect will high levels of calcium have on the position of tropomyosin and muscle contraction?"

"The tropomyosin will be moved out of the way and muscle contraction will occur." Rachel answered. There was a ripple of murmurs throughout the room.

"Alright." he turned a page. "How does the sarcoplasmic reticulum interact with the nervous system?" the classes heads all spun towards Rachel, who crossed her arms and smirked.

"By releasing calcium ions upon detecting an action potential." Rachel replied flatly. She saw the lecturer's tongue run over his teeth. The whispering rippled louder. Rachel spotted a few students taking notes.

"Which area of the sarcomere contains both actin and myosin filaments?" he clasped his hands around his lectern.

"Obviously the A-band" she sighed and drummed her fingers on her arms. A collective huff of excitement sounded all at once. The lecturer's lips rolled under his teeth. The giggles and commotion filled the room.

Rachel shuffled in her chair and tugged up her zip as high as it could go. She was still wearing her pumpsuit under her sweatpants and hoodie. She wasn't meant to be getting this much attention. She wasn't meant to be here at all. She turned her wrists downwards, so her biceps wouldn't bulge through her tight sleeves and resisted the constant urge to twitch and clench her new pecs and make her nipples punch through her hoodie. A room full of students wasn't even half as terrifying as the goons she'd faced the night before, but she knew was far from out of the woods. The more invisible she was, the better - a task made somewhat more difficult by her shapely new body straining her old clothes.

But deep down, a part of her was relishing the rush of being wrapped in a muscle growth suit in plain sight - with no one aware of what her skimpy spandex undergarment was capable of - except maybe one person.

The young teacher closed his large book with a loud, unamused thud. The students quieted down and adjusted his glasses. "Well, I shall look forward to seeing your results from next week's mid-terms, Miss....?"

"Turner, Rachel Turner."

Rachel saw the corners of his mouth plunge with disbelief. He cleared his throat and awkwardly shifted his tie. He picked up a pencil and scribble a quick note erratically, then cleared his throat again and wrangled some composure. "Good luck to you all. You are dismissed." he nodded, snatched his book and dashed off through the side door before half the class had even closed their laptops. Rachel grinned.

She leaned across to the girl beside her. "Excuse me." the girl turned, clutching her book to her chest, her eyes seemed awe-struck and intimidated after Rachel's duel with the teacher. "Do you know where Doctor Murphy's office is?"

"Room 4A - the biology building."

They both stood up. Rachel straightened her back and hooked on her backpack. She glanced at the timid slender girl again. Face-to-face, Rachel stifled a huff of delight as she realised she was almost twice the width of her. The straps of her bulky backpack pulled her shoulders back and accentuated her sweeping pecs. Rachel heard the top link of her zip pop open. Her cheeks blushed, and her crotch warmed instantly. She basked in the tightness of her pumpsuit, her clothes and the wide eyes of the perplexed girl in front of her. At last, she tore herself away from the moment. "Thanks." Rachel left. 


Natalie twirled in the bathroom with her phone facing her. She watched the shadows ripple over the feathered edges of her pumped pecs, searching for the perfect flattering angle to showcase their size and sumptuous shape. This was made more challenging by the fact her hands would hardly stop shaking. She was back in her pumpsuits sensual embrace, primed and pumped from the pre-workout. The thought that any physical exertion could trigger her suit and bring on that incredible rush of growth left her practically drooling into the camera lens.

Natalie adored how her chest, even at arm's length, almost filled the screen from edge to edge. With her phone in both hands, her python arms covered her nipples and made her wide lats seem to pour out endlessly. The ripples of spandex streaking up from her armpits made her upper body look even more stuffed, and without her whole body in frame, anyone would think that her delts curved and bulged on and on for inches more. Her gorgeous young face between all that hunky muscle made the image even more incredible as she snapped selfie after selfie.

She was choosing one to send to Kyle - as her whole body hummed with energy, she already yearned for the double-team of venom and his fingers. After scrolling through the few dozen shots, she decided on the perfect one. Her pecs looked feathered and deep, and her eyes dazzled in the early morning light.

"Change of plan." she tapped. "I'll be at the gym in 20. Show me who does it better - you or the suit ;) x" she grinned as she sent it. Her mind roamed back to Kyle's thick fingers between her thighs. The balloon of yearning inflated inside her chest again. For a split second she sized up the floor. 'Could I do push-ups in here?' she wondered.

Her phone vibrated and snapped her away. "@MusclePanda started following you on Insta****." Natalie instinctively tapped the notification.

Her pink lips fell apart. Her eyes widened as they darted frantically through the Insta**** feed an inch from her nose.

Angela Hwang - 120k followers - UK - PumpLabs Junkie. '🏋🏼‍♀️' '💉' '💦' Natalie's heart quivered nervously. "PumpLabs!" she muttered to herself. A second later, her eyes stretched even wider.

Natalie's phone screen cascaded with pictures of a cute girl, around her own age, proudly flexing her breath-taking bodybuilder physique, wrapped neck to thigh in candy pink spandex. "Oh my god." Natalie breaths trembled. Natalie zoomed in on her latest full-body shot. Below the girl's beaming grin, running down her sweeping, feathered pecs and over her cobbled abs to the tops of her bursting thighs, was a white vertical stripe. 'PL' was stamped on the left side of her pinched hips, made to look even tighter by rotated hips in her 'relaxed' bodybuilder pose. '#pumplabs #PUMPED #pumpsuit #12daysout #fbb' footed the image.

"She's jacked..." was all Natalie could manage as her mind twisted and pored over her girly dimples and youthful, glowing cheeks. She was just as buff as herself, but still so pretty, like herself. Natalie's mind looped in the same sequence with every new image, as Angela found new ways to flaunt her increasingly muscular physique, while Natalie desperately looked for ways to prove it all a hoax, to expose her as a fraud somehow. Her whole feed was interspersed with intense post-workout selfies, protein-packed dishes, workout videos and the occasional coquettish, casual poses that strained her geek-chic wardrobe of high-necked button-ups with mini-skirts or hot pants.

Natalie returned to the top of her profile. Her Insta**** Stories sat in a row along the top, neatly organised and labelled. "Cycle 1 - Cycle 2 - Cycle 3" Natalie whispered incredulously. Her heart began thumping wildly in her chest. Natalie tapped Cycle 1.

Sweat-soaked and shaking, Angela stepped back from the camera. She seemed to be inside a changing room stall at a gym Natalie deduced from the thumping club music in the background. Angela smiled as she panted, running her hands over the bright pink pumpsuit hugging her slender curves. She had a track and field body, already with strong looking legs and thick calves. Her waist sloped upwards in a tall, corset shape that was God-given, while her shoulders were chiseled and pronounced but with flat tops. She turned around on the spot, showing the spandex hugging her tight, smooth backside.

"Ok" she sat down on the bench. "I can't keep this thing a secret any longer." her girly voice whispered nervously. "This PumpLabs one-piece bodysuit - or 'Pumpsuit' is insane." she gulped as she hurried. "I don't know if it's the supplements, or the suit - maybe both but, today was back and biceps and I need you all to watch this."

She turned her back and swept her long ponytail over her shoulder. She shuffled restlessly on the spot, shaking her hands and licking her lips. "Ok - ok - ok" she began panting more and more heavily.

Hands on her hips, the back of her head shuddered lower and her shoulder blades creaked wider apart, pulling her lats wider like a sheet. She let out an orgasmic, incredulous whimper - quivering violently on the spot as her lats stretched down her sides. A second later her body pulled her up completely rigid - locking her in place - Natalie saw her chiseled back muscles rising evenly off her body. Below her neck, two medallions of muscle started to emerge. The notches by her shoulder blades deepened. The crevice running up her spine widened slightly above her shaking glutes. She struggled to keep her composure - shooting occasional glances at the door through her fluttering eyelids. She folded her shoulders back with her elbows digging in her sides and her glowing fists shaking. The meager bump of her biceps began to tremble upwards, spreading and filling more space between her shoulder and elbows, before peeking into a little ping-pong ball of tight muscle. Finally, she burst with a lusty sigh and her arms fell limp at her sides.

She cocked her hip and put one hand on her hips. Her new lat stretched out, bulging more boldly from further down her side and across to the tops of her biceps.

'Cycle 2' Natalie's tapped with her shaking thumb. A boomerang - under a school desk - a checkered skirt did little to conceal her powerful new thighs. In a swift motion, her fingers flicked up the skirt and revealed her spandex-clad thighs, before covering them again. "When you have class at 9 but you gotta get pumped at 10." the caption read.

Just a few hours later, Angela was poised under the shoulder pads of a calf raise machine. She sported some tall, white boots that sat halfway up her shins. As she rose to her tip-toes, the entire stack of weight lifted, and her might calf muscles poured over the rim of her boots. She lifted with immaculate form - her vein-struck calves balling up and rolling up to almost behind her kneecaps. Natalie swiped to the next before she finished 3 reps, her back hunched forwards and her nose practically touching the screen. She saw Angela lift stack after stack of weight in all the leg machines in her gym before she finally found her post-workout clip.

With a wink to the camera behind her, Angela slid slowly on her heels into the splits. Her blocky glutes pressed into each other, forming a brawny shelf that burst from her lower back. "8 years of gymnastics" she huffed as she rolled her hips forward and placed her forearms on the floor. The sweaty spandex clung to every curve. Her breathing started to accelerate. Her ass cheeks clenched together. Natalie spied the lips of her pussy press out as her pumpsuit was stretched tighter.   

Angela groaned sexually into the floor as her legs bulged outwards. Rolling from her boots, along her thighs and pulsing into her glutes, the cords of her hamstrings thickened, and her quads rose higher. She arched back upwards, and she pulled herself forwards. Her hips bucked and ground against the floor as the growth spurt pounded her. Natalie saw her fingers reached up and clutch the top of her head. The lower outer edges of her glutes stretched outwards, forging the beginnings of veteran bodybuilder tie-ins. A few moments, later, Angela spluttered into drunken, girly giggles, lying flat and splayed with her cheek on the ground.

Natalie cursed in disbelief and hammered the back button to find Cycle 3. Her bottom teeth sawed at her lips as the next video loaded. '5 days ago,'.

Angela appeared in the wall-length mirror of her bedroom, barefoot and clad in her pumpsuit. Angled, early morning light from her window flattered her sculpted physique, which now boasted bodybuilder size, enhancing the deepness of her wide, plunging pecs, the trenches between her knotted abs and chiseled obliques. With her arm bent, her forearm bunched up to twice the width of her phone. Natalie realised her short stature only enhanced her muscle's sumptuous thickness.

"So - I've been telling you guys how the PumpLabs pre-workout supplement is incredible. I thought of a way to give you guys a really good demonstration of how it takes you and keeps you at your max for your whole workout."

"So, I just woke up. No breakfast. A little bit flat - feeling depleted." she looked down at her softly curved silhouette. "But watch what happens to me when I take this." she shook her shaker daintily then gulped it down through her slender neck, her pinky outstretched.

Twig-thick veins quickly started thumping up her forearms. A long, straining moan leaked from her locked jaw. As her grimace stretched, and her delts thumped outwards with pumpkin striations - her voice rose gleefully in synchrony. Her fists shook by her hips. In harmony her shoulders creaked and rolled outwards. Ridged, arcing curves pushed away from her head, surpassing her peaked biceps, confirming her ascension to bodybuilder athlete. She strained her suit with her deeply packed, rippling physique - spandex ripples stretched up every joint, her chest and crotch - her face locked in a grimace, her eyes glazed and crazed quivering at the lens, clearly lost in the ecstasy. Her chest thrust outward, extending the wide cushions of pectoral clenching and feathering across her chest. Her nipples were like bullets through her suit. The weaves of her meaty quads, fed with fat lightning veins, quivered fuller and more pronounced. Her whole body creaked with width and definition as she was injected with an eye-watering pump. From her cute face came the hungriest, shameless orgasmic growl.

"Hnnnngghhh this shit on an empty stomach." she huffed, falling back into her signature high-pitched giggles. "I don't know if they put something new in the last stuff they sent me but - whew." she swept her ponytail over her shoulder. "But it just blows me up." she pulled her elbows to her sides and flexed her upper body. "Maybe they want me to start fighting crime or something." Her entire torso burst from her sloping waist. Through the spandex Natalie saw veins in her shoulders and abs. Every muscle bugled and nuzzled into the next with incredibly curvy density and shape. Her muscles were so massive yet proportioned, like their true power had finally been unlocked. She approached the camera. Her complexion was as bright and clear and flawless as a supermodel. Her cheeks blushed with youth and sultry contours. "See you at the gym." she winked, flashed a peace sign, and ended the video.

Natalie felt a bead of sweat trickle down her forehead.

"" Natalie spat. Her mouth was agape as she began to digest what she'd just seen. Her chest began to throb. So many times she had yearned to show everyone the effects of the suit. How could this girl be so open about it - so shameless? This wasn't what athletes did - what would people say if she flaunted her blatant roid-abuse? Her temples pounded, and her palms were slick with sweat, yet her crotch still hummed yearningly, perhaps even more so. '200 thousand people watching. What must it feel like to be so fearless' her mind suddenly swooned. 

The sweat creeping down her scalp turned cold. She nibbled on her thumb.

"Is that what they've been wanting me to do?" Natalie gingerly tapped 'Follow Back', before peeling herself away from Angela's profile and back to her own. She scrolled through her own feed. Natalie had spent conscious effort on what could and couldn't be seen by her fans, deliberately omitting the 'whys' or 'how’s', adding to an allure that aroused and surprised even herself as she scrolled through her own feed. Suddenly, it all seemed so tame by comparison. There were few workout videos - certainly none of her post-workout episodes. The carefully curated mystery of her profile felt aloof and insincere.

Their bodies were an even match for each other - but the fact that Angela had more than double the number of followers riddled Natalie with doubt and envy. Evidently, in plain numbers, she was not the best PumpLabs athlete on the market. She sized up the floor again and considered launching into a home workout, then filming the results just like Angela would. She nibbled at her thumb, wondering if it was worth wasting the post-exercise pump for such tiny gains. Besides, who knew if she'd grow again with her usual intensity after her full-on gym workout with Kyle?

With a snap of her fingers, she resolved herself, she opened her camera again and texted Kyle again. "Charge your phone, cameraman x." Natalie left the bathroom, snatched her gym bag and left via the back door, not turning back to see her mother's face peeking down through her bedroom window.


Kyle's eyes burned from his lack of sleep. He had just left the PumpLabs head office when his phone dinged with Natalie's messages. He felt an unease trickling through his veins as he read Natalie's texts and saw the picture she had sent him. The memories of Sera pouring off the gurney - her naval sinking between her abs - and Angela's brawny chest pushing out as far as her pointed chin. Then he pictured the CEO, spinning lazily in her chair, pulling the strings and watching the girls juice themselves bigger and bigger for her approval. Her plan was already working, although his despair did little to dampen the aching in his crotch as he ogled Natalie's selfie for a few more moments before he started his car.

He spotted Natalie's unmistakable figure walking towards the doors as he pulled into the gym. She stopped when she saw him and gave him an excited wave. Kyle parked and approached her. Natalie's heart fluttered at the sight of him - his ruffled hair and stubble reminded her of the night they'd had last night, and how he'd come rushing to her at the drop of a hat. As her she bit her lip, Kyle wondered how she still looked so fresh and rested.

"Hey." she purred, locking her hands across her front and cocking her leg. Her brawny shoulders tested her large hoodie as she pushed them forwards. She saw Kyle's eyes followed their wide curves. "So, it's leg day." she pivoted girlishly on her toe. "And I want you to film it." she stepped close to his ear. Her flowery musk filled his senses. "All of it." she whispered. Kyle gulped as he felt her cool lips press against his cheek. He kept his composure - calming himself by recalling the CEO's sinister husky voice ringing in his ear not an hour ago.

His took his phone from his pocket and smiled. "Fully-charged."

Inside, at the crack of dawn, the gym was meat-head free save for a few twice-a-day cardio bunnies and early-bird pensioners. Natalie immediately looked over to the leg equipment, all of which was perfectly unoccupied. In fact, all the free weights and machines were unused. The drone of the treadmills and stair masters provided a welcoming and calm background din. Natalie grinned at Kyle and pointed to the free weights area. She dropped her gym bag in the corner by the squat rack.

"Aren't you gonna - ?" Kyle gestured to the changing rooms. Natalie giggled and shook her head. She stood up right and nodded to his phone. He obediently pulled it out and started filming.

Kyle's lips parted as Natalie unsheathed her pumpsuit clad physique. She pulled off her hoodie and seductively revealed her tall, tapered, sculpted waist. Kyle wished he could bathe in the moment forever. Her 6-pack abs so separate and sealed in skin-tight spandex, her tracksuit bottoms too loose for her 28-inch waist, forced to hang on her rounded backside, teasing the upper curves of her gorgeous glutes.

She kept pulling, sliding the garment along the flared edges of her tapered lats. Her armpits were wide, deep craters, while her hard nipples sat at the bottom outer corners of her pectorals as they Natalie prolonged her sultry, feline stretch.

Natalie's blonde bob popped back into view as she dropped the hoodie to her feet with a grin. She was so classically proportioned. Her physique could have matched many of the legends of 90's female heavyweight bodybuilding, with her glossy, elegant, tightly-woven muscles cutting an achingly feminine silhouette.

Kyle seen far too many 21st century athletes jack themselves up into blocky, over-stuffed beasts, but Natalie, it seemed, was a classic breed, and with a swelling sense of awe and arousal, he intended to keep her that way. 'Was it the suit? Was it her?' For a split second he was willing to forgive PumpLabs for their devious antics. Natalie shot him a sultry look. "I've never worked out in just my suit before." She bit her lip, hooked her thumbs into her sweatpants waistline, rocked her hips and slipped off her bottoms.

He watched the elastic stretch and slide around her glutes and upper thighs. Thick teardrops of muscle bulged proudly from the V-line of her tight, fatless crotch. He traced the curving, powerful quads down her glossy thighs, watching them pour out from the skimpy spandex leggings and pool into swollen teardrops bulging by her kneecaps. Natalie straightened her legs as she kicked her sweatpants from around her ankles. Her brawny quads leapt into formation and keenly bulged out as far as her shoelaces.

"Okay." She rubbed her hands together and hopped giddily on the spot. "What are you gonna do to me?" She grinned with endless, perverted smile. As Natalie ogled her own body, he couldn't tell if she was talking to him or her Pumpsuit. Kyle licked his lips.

"Let's get you warmed up." Kyle licked his lips.

30 kilo dumbbells shook above her toes. Natalie's hamstrings had always been tight. They felt like they were about to snap as she struggled to keep her legs locked straight at the bottom of the rep. "Squeeeeze." Natalie grimaced at the white-hot fire in her muscles. "Up!" Kyle barked. "Come on, the other competitors have hamstrings thick enough to hold up Humber Bridge." Kyle crouched behind her, the camera planted on the quivering cords of her hamstrings. 

Natalie was glad he was counting. She was ready to lose herself in her pumpsuit-clad reflection and let it start jacking her up already. It flattered every sinew of her beefy, tightly sculpted muscles. She couldn't believe she been denying herself such a view in the massive mirrors of the weights area. There was so much more detail in her shifting muscles under the skin-tight spandex more than she ever imagined. Her eyes could barely register all the flashes of jacked-up sinew and veins with each rep. She cooed at the taut, rippling muscles flashing across her skin. It was going to be hard to cover up after this.

"That's 12." Kyle said. Natalie dropped the dumbbells and felt the rush of blood instantly flood down the backs of her legs. The sensation reached deep into her backside and throbbed all through her crotch. She stood erect and cocked her hips for the camera.

Kyle followed her as she staggered to the leg extender. She slid back into the seat with a smear of sweat. She swung her aching legs up one by one around the pad. The seat disappeared between her brawny thighs as they spread over the shiny leather. The sight gave Natalie an extra nudge of motivation to start the next set. A deep creak of leather followed every rep. Kyle stood in front of her with his phone steady.

With a controlled motion, Natalie straightened her legs. Her quads rose like baked bread, rising all the way up to her crotch, swallowing an inch or more of spandex at the hinge of her hips and etching a deep Y-shape into her crotch. Natalie focused on the contraction at the top of each rep. By the 3rd set, a few beads of sweat dropped onto the diamond of quad muscle bulging down the centre of her thighs. "Come on - keep going!" Kyle barked, seeing Natalie pause for breath. Her abs pumped in and out of view, veins struck up her neck. She let out a long, rattling hiss and straightened her legs once more. Natalie closed her eyes and imagined Angela's explosive thighs ripening on the changing room floor. She knew the orgasmic payload that was coming her way if she just kept pumping - she lusted for it. She let out a guttural growl and kicked out 5, 6, 7 more reps, until her thighs were quivering and numb.

Kyle huffed with approval before helping her stand up. Natalie's legs quivered like jelly. Kyle slipped his fingers into one of the ridges in her back to keep his grip. She gently rested her head on his shoulder as she gasped desperately. Kyle's pulled her tighter against him, his heart swelled a little. "Ready for squats?" he swept her sweat-soaked hair from her eyes. Natalie seemed dazed for a second, then slowly, her eyes closed, nodded.

Kyle loaded up the squat rack as quickly as he could - wary for how Natalie, and her pumpsuit, were likely eager for her grueling workout to end. He remembered seeing Natalie squatting a shade under his own 1-rep max for 10 reps. He heaved 35 kilograms on each side of the bar. Natalie shuffled under obediently. Her showmanship had petered out, replaced by a blinkered intensity where she glared at her own reflection and savoured the throbbing ache in her thighs.

Angela flashed through her mind every time Natalie blinked. Her girly whimpers echoed in her head. By the 4th rep - she had become completely entranced until Kyle called "10" before she'd even realised. Kyle tapped her shoulder to stop and re-rack the squat bar, but Natalie filled her belly with another breath and sank down. Her hair jerked as she shoved back up. Slowly, with unwavering form, Natalie rose and locked her legs. She exhaled loudly, a bead of spit hit the mirror. Her glutes clenched hard - swallowing an inch of spandex and sending ripples across her rock-hard ass.

Kyle saw her teeth and her abs clench. She went down for one more rep. Kyle lowered himself with her. He felt the heat pouring off her body - the pumpsuit creak as it stretched. Her glutes coiled up, bulging wider than her hips. With a determined snarl, knees shaking, Natalie started to rise again. Her meaty trap and back muscles were bunched up under the bar, made to look even more massive by her glowing little fists.

Natalie felt her quads clenching from her knees up to her crotch. Her muscles burned hot in the deepest fibres of her glutes. With her pulse stamping in her temples she locked her legs and clenched her legs as hard as she could - trapping the tension and burn to punish her muscles for a few moments more. An exhausted, shaking groan poured out of her mouth. She leant back and let the drooping bar clatter into the notches.

She staggered forward and collapsed on to a nearby workout bench. She straightened her shuddering, pumped up quads and gulped down breath after breath. Kyle hesitated whether to keep filming, he'd never seen her so intense. A moment later, Natalie peeked up from under her fringe and stared into the lens. She straightened her back, rolled back her shoulders and let her triceps bulge out of her arms. She rubbed her knees together, letting her sweaty legs slide over each other. Veins struck from her crotch down her kneecaps. Natalie tiled and flaunted their puffed-up size to Kyle. Their definition had softened with their destruction. She kinked her lower back and drew her heels back a little - Kyle swept down side-on and ogled the way her hamstrings and quads bulged wider than her fatless, feline waist. Even her arms slightly eclipsed the width of her sultry hips.

Natalie was ready for it to end - for the aching balloon in her chest to burst in an orgasmic crescendo of sweat, tears and hyper-venom. She could hardly think. She'd never pushed herself so hard. Kyle stopped recording for a moment, then leant down to her ear.

"I'm not gonna let you come without me, Nat." he growled smoothly. "And you still gotta do your calves." Natalie could have pounced on him there on the free-weight floor. She felt his arm wrap around her waist and pull her back to her feet. The slippery body slid against his as he guided her over to the calf machine. Natalie moaned with a mix of exhaustion and affection as she watched Kyle plug the bar into the bottom hole - the full stack of weight. Her ears popped over and over, muffling her hearing and allowing her mind to swim in the exquisite pump and replay fuzzy images of Angela's body inflating over and over.

"Up." Kyle slapped her backside. Natalie settled her shoulders under the pads. "20 - let's go." Natalie rose to her toes.

Natalie squeezed her own muscles as hard as she could at the top of each rep. She tried hard to keep the tension in every movement and her calves alight after just a few reps. Kyle squatted down for a close up, watching the veins fatten as Natalie's calves clenched and flexed in and out of their meaty medallion shape. Natalie tunneled out completely - she didn't hear Kyle call twenty and kept pumping. She pictured Angela's swollen calves bursting out of her boots. Natalie's temples throbbed, one rep it was Angela, the next, it was Rachel's head atop Angela's muscular body. A straining grunt huffed from the corners of her grimace. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair. Her heels sank off the edge - cursing through her locked jaw she clenched her toes and tried to summon another rep. Her calves sang with white heat, but nothing happened. A moment later, Kyle lifted the shoulder pads up and wrapped his arm around her again.

Natalie virtually fainted against him. Her knees quivered like the ground was shaking beneath her feet. Kyle steadied himself against her weight.

Natalie could hear nothing but her blood stamping in her veins. The pressure, the squeeze was already building to level that only meant one thing. She swooned over the tightening bearhug of her muscles filling and gradually clenching all at once. It rolled up her thighs and torso, pushing a squeak from her lips. "Where - where can we?" she huffed and looked up at him with hungry, glazed eyes. Kyle saw her composure beginning to crumble.

"My office." he said. Natalie snatched his wrist before he could finish. A second wind seemed to arrest her.

Kyle thought his arm was about to pop out of its socket as Natalie pulled him towards his office. He kicked the door shut and locked it while Natalie closed the blinds, the pair of them panting shamelessly. A broken exercise bench - stuck up at 45 degrees lay in the corner. "Oh perfect." Natalie purred. She grabbed the underside with one arm and yanked it in front of and facing the wall-length mirror. Then she snatched Kyle's hips and planted him onto it. She straddled him and swept the hair from her eyes. Kyle had never seen her eyes so hungry. "Don't stop filming." she kissed him hungrily, pulling away every other second to gasp for breath. "I want to admire your handiwork." She looked over Kyle's shoulder and into the full-length mirror on the wall before her. Kyle held is arm out straight with the camera looking down on Natalie's body writhing on top of his own - covering all his torso except his head. His member soon curved up towards his bellybutton.

Natalie began to grind her heavy, wet hips against his crotch. Natalie already felt the familiar, accelerating pangs starting to quiver in her heart. She sighed passionately, knowing that once she let her pumpsuit start, there was no stopping. It had been so long. Her muscles craved a re-feed as much as she did. She yearned to see her them jacked up to a newly enhanced maximum, sculpted and boosted with even more size and definition, to shock and entrance herself next time she looked in the mirror - a new level of perfection she couldn't picture until she saw it, and then couldn't imagine herself without.

Kyle was gooey with anticipation. He clasped his hands around her rolling hips. He let out a ragged sigh as his fingers could nearly connect across her lower back. Natalie was like a lioness with her sultry waist and powerful body. She rubbed herself hard against Kyle's chest. Kyle kissed her long, smooth nape. Her pumped up traps felt even bigger between his lips. Natalie gasped suddenly. Her crotch bucked hard and pressed his thick rod against her shuddering pussy through the spandex.

It was starting, finally. Kyle heard her start to choke and gag with delight. They both felt the ripples of tension pulsing through her body, skittish and arrhythmic. The rocking of her hips lost all rhythm as she started to shake harder all over. The bench wobbled from side to side. Natalie's sensual little grunts shook with rising lust.

She begged the sensation to intensify. To reach the blinding levels she craved, that she had been denied with Kyle and by her mother. She didn't just want the bubble in her chest popped; she wanted her whole body shattered, detonated, obliterated, to get stuffed with shameless, thick, pumped up, rippling, bursting muscle. Kyle watched her husky eyes begin to glaze over. Her pants became more desperate. At last, she could feel the suit starting to knead her muscles harder, hungrier. She took one final glance at Kyle with quivering, wet eyes, before it consumed her. 

Natalie blasted a hot moan against Kyle's neck, struggling to keep her eyes open as her ass creaked outwards into its fullest heart shape, swallowing half an inch of the pumpsuit between her cheeks and tugging it tighter against her pussy. In the phone screen, Kyle watched the suit begin to wrinkle over her trembling glutes.

Their upper corners creaked outwards, wider than her kinked lower back. As more spandex sank deeper between her cheeks, their blocky outer ridges slowly curved and dented inwards around halfway down. Kyle captured her upper glutes rolling outwards and upwards, while the lower corners began to stretch nervously down towards her hamstrings. The beginnings of beefy, angled tie-ins began to emerge, as though being tugged downwards like a taut bedsheet.

The sensual aching in her glutes was insatiable, no matter how hard Natalie clenched. She felt tension rising in her newly-sculpted buttocks.

The sensation reached deep into her crotch and hips. It was like Kyle's fingers pressing inside her, the venom seemed to spread all through her, into muscles she couldn't normally control or flex by herself. Coupled with Kyle's thick cock sliding up and down her clit, she was quickly a quivering, drooling, gasping mess in Kyle's lap - her core spasming with orgasmic clenches. With each one she was convinced she was about to come, but somehow the pleasure kept rising.

Her calves clenched and seemed to roll up the backs of her legs, seemingly trying to edge closer to the sweet source of hyper-venom coursing through her veins. In a few long, toe-twisting quivers, they creaked fuller. Natalie hissed in Kyle's ear as her muscular medallions pumped with even steeper ridges above her ankles and far beyond the width of her kneecaps. 

Suddenly, one of her legs kicked back. Natalie yelped, feeling her heel jab her backside. Her other leg trembled trying to keep her balance as hot, trickling pleasure ran down the backs of her legs. Peeking in the phone screen, Kyle spied a pair of thick, taut cables of muscle creak into view through her glossy skin in her standing leg.

With another paralysing squeeze, her other hamstring clenched and dug her heels harder into her backside. Natalie flopped forwards but managed to reach under and grab the back of the bench. With her legs locked and spasming, all her weight pressed down on her crotch. Orgasmic bolts shot through her. She blasted hot breaths and saliva into his nape as her muscular chest slid up Kyle's torso.

With her feet off the floor and her knees trembling by his ribs, Kyle felt a vice-like pressure of Natalie's thighs against his sides. She thrust faster against his crotch, her orgasmic gasps pouring against him, her incredible body slippery and gleaming with sweat. The intense arousal throbbing in his crotch was enough to keep his mouth shut and keep filming. He moved the shaking camera to look side-on.

Natalie cursed breathlessly as she felt her calves and hamstrings bulge together and their orgasmic pulses thumping against each other. The pressure started building uncontrollably. The sensation plunged down towards the backs of her knees. Slowly, her inflating hamstrings forced her heels out of her backside - a rounded, bicep-like mound of muscle shoved her feet lower. Natalie's lip twisted, pressing her gasping mouth into Kyle's moist neck. 

Natalie's hadn't felt the emergence of a new muscle in weeks. Her moans we're hungrier, deeper, more straining than ever before. Each groan strained longer and longer until her voice was a barely audible gurgle. Then she sucked down another breath and it started again. To Kyle it looked like she was growing her muscles by her own sheer will. The suit 'going to town on her', as Natalie had put it last night, seemed like a massive understatement.

Natalie's mind pulsed with blinding ecstasy. Between the suit and Kyle, the incredible squeezes made her tongue fatten and her jaw tremble. As the throbbing in her expanding hamstrings subsided, she pushed herself back upright and looked at Kyle, convinced that he really had slid his fingers inside her soaking pussy. But he was pinned with his arm clamped around the bench, open-mouthed at her squirming, growing physique.

Natalie let out a ragged whimper as she straightened her legs again. Kyle sighed with relief at the release from her powerful thighs, and Natalie at the easing on her tender clit. They locked eyes, both as breathless, awe-struck and glazed with lust as each other. Natalie bit her lip. The joint sensation was everything she'd hoped it'd be - she'd never had her muscles pumped up so hard, and it wasn't even over.

Every time she rocked her pussy on Kyle's thick member, her vision blurred as shocks of immense pleasure jolted through her. The throbbing pleasure through her whole lower body made it feel like he was deep inside her. She adored how her muscular hips smothered his superhero waist. The erratic bucking of her hips surprised and aroused her with her incredible strength in her glutes. Kyle saw her eyes slam shut and her jaw stretch into a grimace. A rising pleasure in her quads quickly overwhelmed her. Both her thighs locked out straight.

The sculpted diamonds in the middle of her quads bulged up and thickened like a snake swallowing prey. It bulged and spilled out from between the two main teardrop pillars of her quads, carving a new meaty peak down the centre of her thighs. 

"Yes - yes - yes - yesss"

The teardrops by her thighs swelled up with pronounced new size. Her kneecaps were the cork in the bottle for her expanding quads that had nowhere to go but outwards. They shuddered into brawny, veiny brackets, her expanding muscles pressing and jostling against each other to find room for their enhanced new size. Spandex ripples deepened and spread as more of Natalie's hips disappeared behind her expanding thighs.

At last, Natalie felt the edge approaching. The impending, unstoppable wave about to crash inside her. Her hips jolted wildly. The aching balloon in her chest swelled to indescribable new heights. She quaked with loud, carnal moans. Her pussy ached against the sopping spandex. She had the muscles, she had Kyle, she had the video - Natalie was finally ready to let it burst.

Kyle saw the air shunt out of her midriff. Her 6-pack crunched together in their bulletproof stack. The choking bubble of lust finally burst inside her chest. Warm, oozing pleasure poured through her. She orgasmed with her legs locked straight, her feet pointed, and toes clenched inside her sneakers. With her whole-body trembling, the bench rocking, her glutes jerking up and down and her quads clenched in their perfect musculature, Natalie snorted and cursed into Kyle's chest.

Watching Natalie burst with orgasmic moans was too much for Kyle. Her hot pussy vibrated on his aching cock, and a second later he fired his load. Warm cum spread quickly over his crotch and over to his hips. They both growled hungrily as they came. Natalie's cheek sank with Kyle's softly deflating chest.

It was everything she wanted it - needed it to be. Her brain melted into blissful silence. For a minute or more, nothing else mattered. Everything was perfect again, before reality would come rushing back like a freight train.

I don't know what's come over me! This is probably the quickest subsequent chapters of this story I've ever managed to put together!

Truth be told, this chapter has been 90% for aaaages, but with the Plorn out of the way, we can just jump right into the regular FMG-goodness instead. Internet points for you if you can get through this chapter in one sitting. Angela in particular has been making my mind run wild. If Pumpsuits ever became a reality, judging by the current state of Insta**** and some Fitspo models, I'm sure there would be plenty of girls ready to flaunt it's full effects. Until then, you'll just have to keep re-reading this story.


Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: sgsg69 on July 09, 2018, 07:35:26 pm
OMG, Karma x 1000..............and we haven't even started with the back, chest, arms, abs, shoulders, this is endless.....holy mother of god!!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on January 10, 2020, 05:34:44 pm
Natalie and the Pumpsuit - Chapter 20

I know this one has been quite a long time in the making. Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy this (monster) plornographic chapter.

Also, I did see a thread asking what happened to my DA account. You can find as 'Dickarus'.

Enjoy. Let me know what you guys think!

Rachel ducked down and peered under the dividing walls of the women’s bathroom stalls. Assured she was alone; she quickly entered the cubicle furthest from the door and locked it behind her.

She closed the toilet seat lid and shrugged her heavy duffel bag off her shoulder. She unzipped one particularly stuffed compartment, and with a delicate grip, pulled out a thin, rounded plastic container with a small smudge of transparent gel inside. With a gentle twist, she unlocked it and set it carefully on the tank. Next, she grabbed a small syringe, pulled off the cap and placed the hair-thin needle in the see-through blob.

Her pumping heart made it difficult to steady her aim. Rachel needed her pitch to be as convincing as possible. And unfortunately, all that had survived of her experiments after the pair of goons had ransacked her room at the YWCA was a fraction of her first sample of reverse-engineered hypervenom. It would have to do. She just had to time everything right, she told herself.

She held her breath as she concentrated on loading the syringe. Finally, the needle was full, and the petri dish was empty. Rachel double-checked over her shoulder. The door was definitely locked.

She hooked a thumb over the hem of her sweatpants and pulled them down. Her pilled sweatpants were closer to yoga pants thanks to her intense growth spurt last night. Obvious bulges stressed the fabric above her knees and the string around the waist had been reduced into two short little tassels by the mass of her curvy new glutes. As she looked over the full curves of her muscular ass and she hovered the needle over her ripe backside, she felt spoilt for choice.

With a quiver of anticipation, Rachel bit her lip and pressed the needle in. She gently squeezed the plunger with her thumb. A knot of orgasmic anxiety tightened in her chest. Goosebumps bristled across her milky skin. Even if it was just a tiny dosage, if it still had a fraction of the potency she had experienced last night, she was in for an eye-watering ride.
The needle looked empty, but Rachel held the plunger down a few seconds more, making sure she had injected every single drop. Finally, she removed the needle and pulled up her sweatpants. Her right glute already ached softly.

She took her foot off the toilet seat and let out a trembling sigh. She prayed it was enough to work. Without some undeniable proof, she had risked returning to the university, and the last sample of her hypervenom, for nothing.

A strong, deep, warm squeeze in her glute reassured her. Her chin tilted upwards. In seconds, her glutes were beginning to thump with an aching pump; shuddering and clenching feverishly. Rachel’s eyelids fluttered as she quickly caved to the rising pleasure.
Her veins seemed to widen, as she could suddenly feel hard squirts of power pulsing down her thighs. She felt her quads tighten as they were flooded with venom-fuelled blood, then creak larger. Rachel slapped her slippery palms on the stall walls to steady herself. Her pulse began to blur her vision with every beat. Then it stamped in her temples and ears. The inside of her sweatpants brushed against her taut skin and the spandex nuzzled deeper into her crotch.

The sensation spread slower than the night before, but the depth and force of the rush was just as arresting. Rachel’s hips bucked. With every inch of her quivering body that was swallowed by the exquisite pump, her jaw rocked wider open. Stunted, submissive gasps echoed off the stall walls around her.

Then there was a squeak of door hinges.

Rachel’s eyes popped open. She heard the sounds of the busy corridor flood the room for a moment, then quiet again as the bathroom door swung shut, and two pairs of footsteps trotted in.

Rachel sucked down a breath and held it. A long, arresting shudder of pleasure rolled up her spine. Rachel clenched her jaw and gagged silently as her lats and back creaked up to full size. Then the incredible power started pounding in her midriff. She felt her core clenching. Her muscle armour thickening deep inside her. She bit her lip as one by one, each ab was stuffed with the all-consuming, unstoppable pump.

"So, who was that girl who showed up at the end?"

"I dunno. I’ve never seen her before. She fuckin’ schooled Dr. Thompson though.”

Rachel recognised the second girl's voice. She'd asked her for Miles' office number before she left the lecture hall just a few minutes ago.

A zip link on Rachel’s hoodie popped open. Her pecs creaked to their full tautness, reaching across to her armpits and thickening beside her shoulders. Now the gripping squeezes kneaded her entire torso and pushed carnal breaths from her diaphragm. It took all her strength not to let herself burst with gasping, orgasmic moans. Rachel covered her mouth with her upper arm.

"She was kinda jacked, though right? Did you see her?"

Those words alone made Rachel's crotch ache even harder. She released a muffled gasp into her sleeve. She felt the hard lump of her bicep between her lips. And suddenly it flexed and creaked larger in her mouth. Rachel let out another muffled whimper, both in desperation and delight as her lips were stretched wider.

"Maybe she's on the cheerleading squad." One girl said over the pop of a lipstick cap.
"Right, how many girls on the cheerleading squad know shit about 'Advanced Myology'?"
"I don't know shit about Advanced Myology." They both giggled. "I wonder if Dr. Thompson will give me a pass if I sit in the front row and give him the eyes again." She wondered only half-jokingly.

By now, Rachel’s whole body was fully consumed by a muscle-thumping pump. She felt tears pool in the corners of her eyes when she closed them and tried to resist the orgasm begging to burst inside her. The pumpsuit was so tight around her body. Every muscle was full and firm. Chemically primed at her most muscular size; the weight, the sheer density of new physique still startled her. The cubicle walls felt so close. She had put on so much muscle so quickly last night. The feeling of it clenching under her taut skin was absurdly arousing. Just a single finger on her clit would make her explode with a buckling orgasm.

"Yeah maybe that works for you" One girl sighed. "He asked me to come see him in his office. Probably to apologise for how lousy my last paper was.”

Those words burst Rachel’s bubble. Her eyes reopened and she cursed mentally. She needed Doctor Thompson all to herself - no interruptions. Her entire plan depended on it.

Her desperate arousal quickly withered, and her mind started whirring for a solution.

She was taking enough risks as it was being back on campus, and her attempts at keeping a low profile had gone awry the second she’d walked into the lecture halls. There wouldn't be many more strikes, she figured. But, this – this she had to fix. Now.

She unclenched her mouth from around her bicep. Little white arcs glowed in her palms as she unfurled her fingers.

“Ugh, and he's so weird – and he’s only, like, two years older than us." The girl sneered.
"Actually, he's not so bad once you get to know him." Rachel called out between stifled gasps. She heard the surprised sips of their breaths. Rachel wiped the corners of her lips with the back of her hand. Zipped her duffel bag closed, flushed the toilet for effect, and opened the stall door.

As the door swung open, Rachel’s eyes fell onto her fully pumped up reflection in the mirror. She hadn’t had time to savour her new physique thanks to her hasty escape from the YWCA last night. Her wet lips parted and let out a soft, yearning sigh.

The links in her hoodie zip looked desperate to split open. Her freshly pumped pecs bulged with shield-like shape and size; pressing her hard nipples through the thick hoodie, while the strap of her bag between her chest made them look even deeper and more separated. Rachel drank in her reflection for a few more seconds.

Finally, she stepped out of the cubicle and casually strode between the two girls and began washing her hands.

She slowly rolled up her sleeves. She heard one girl gasp quietly. Rachel kneaded her hands over each other deliberately. She silently swooned at the vein-struck fillets of muscle in her forearms as they bunched and rippled with every roll of her wrist, knowing that the girls on either side were just as entranced. Truthfully, Rachel could hardly feel the water on her fingers. Intoxicating, heady pulses still squirted through her whole body and slightly blurred the edges of her vision. The two girls pretended to busy themselves with their makeup.
"Did he ask to see you today too?" Rachel strutted over to the towel dispenser. She turned nonchalantly towards the girls and looked at them in the mirror. She locked eyes with the mousy girl she spoke to earlier. Rachel’s sultry eyes smouldered with a coolness that spoke to the shameless pride she had in her venom-pumped physique.

The girl shook her head vigorously. "Tomorrow!" she blurted. "It was tomorrow actually, I forgot." She hurriedly tightened her bottle of lip gloss and stuffed it back into her purse.
“Oh, that’s good.” Rachel sighed loudly. “I *hate* it when he double-books his hours.” Rachel tugged a paper towel from the dispenser. Her heart swelled at the tautness of her bicep and her clothes. She kept her eyes on the girl as she wiped her hands slowly, deliberately clenching her bicep and chest and making them bulge through her figure-hugging clothes.
The smaller girl’s friend reached out her hand and guided them towards the door. Their eyes stayed on the floor as they shuffled past Rachel and left without another word.

“Ok, bye!” Rachel chirped.

Rachel watched the door swing on its hinges behind them. That was *too* close, she huffed internally. She was slightly annoyed about missing out on her pre-workout orgasm. But at least she was alone again, she thought. She strutted back in front of the mirror. Her frustration melted away almost immediately.

She basked in the way her capped shoulders kissed the edges of the mirror, as well as the wrinkles that gathered at her armpits when she bent her arms. She toyed with her pumped pecs, clenching them and making the zip leap. The potent cocktail in her veins settled into pleasurable hum that simmered beneath her skin. She felt coiled up like a spring. Her thumping heart still made her breaths quiver and watching both girls melt in her presence was just as intoxicating.

She pulled her hood over her jet-black bun. With it sealed over her scalp, it made her head look even smaller, and consequently, her body even more muscular. Rachel peeked out at herself and swooned. And upstairs, she thought, in room 4A, was the possibility of *more*.
Rachel straightened the duffel bag into the centre of her back and pushed through the door. It was time for the next stage of preparations for her upcoming presentation.

Moments later, Rachel was bounding up the biology department stairs. Even with her fully loaded duffel bag strapped to her back, she sprang upwards 3 steps at a time, revelling in the strength of her thighs as she dodged past weary students.

In the past, her legs would be burning white hot and begging for rest by the second floor. But now, as she lunged upwards deeply, her pumped thighs seemed to yearn for more. She reached the top floor, wheeled around and promptly lunged back down again. She felt the strong cables of her hamstrings reach up the backs of her legs and to her glutes. She lunged deep until her kneecap was almost touching each step. By the time she reached the ground floor again, her skin was sumptuously taut.

She ignored the bemused looks from passing students. She had pulled her hoodie down as far as she could, although that felt slightly futile given she was probably the only person on campus lunging up and down the biology department stairs this early in the morning.
Her heartbeat pulsed in her neck. Her legs hummed with an elastic energy. The pneumatic control in her thighs was moreish. With a determined huff, she straightened her heaving duffel bag over her shoulder and climbed the stairs in long strides once again. One more round was probably going to be enough, she figured.

By the third floor, her balance finally started to wobble. Her back bent backwards slightly under the weight of the bag. Once or twice she had to pause and shuffle her foot to regain her balance. The humming sensation in her thighs became hotter, then finally became fully-fledged ache, just as she reached floor 4A. As she climbed the final step and straightened her legs, her quads quivered, and the burning ache melted away, leaving just a delicious pump of her blood-gorged muscles bulging at full size. Rachel knew she didn’t have long. She set off down the corridor.

Her eyes hastily scanned the sign on every door. A grin flickered at the edges of her lips as at last, she came upon the name she wanted.

"Dr. Miles Thompson." Rachel's eyes gleamed. The door was wide open. She slowed slightly, listening for any sound coming from inside, but heard no voices, only the rustling of papers, then what sounded like a briefcase clacking shut. She accelerated and swept through the open doorway.

"Bofffff!" A hard thump met her chest. A flurry of paperwork burst into the air. Rachel was rocked back on to her heels but quickly steadied herself. The same could not be said for the doctor.

Miles Thompson's spectacles slid across the floor and barely escaped being crushed under his narrow backside. Rachel grinned enthusiastically, strode into the room and swung the door shut behind her.

"Well hey, Smiles!"

Miles didn't need his glasses to know who was standing over him. He squinted and his palms slapped the floor about him as he searched frantically for his glasses. Rachel bent down with her legs straight. Miles saw her long black hair lower towards the ground, and his glasses in a delicate, small hand.

"Don't call me that." He snatched them and pushed them hurriedly up his nose. He scrambled to his feet. "Jesus, Rachel, you cannot be here! If campus security sees you, you'll be - "

"Yes, yes yes - nice to see you too." Rachel cut in. "Let's skip the pleasantries. I don’t have much time." She watched him retreat to behind his desk, leaving his splayed briefcase on the floor.

Miles snatched the phone from the receiver and held it to his ear. He looked at Rachel. His frail chest rose and fell with panicked breaths. But she stood calmly, then shrugged the strap of her duffel bag off her shoulder and carefully lowered it to the floor.

Miles paused. He wondered if his memory was failing him. Was that *really* Rachel? She looked different - a lot different. She’d gained weight, he thought. While her sunken cheeks had filled in, her jawline seemed more defined, which also accentuated the way her hoodie hugged the contours of her remarkably firm-looking upper body. She certainly filled the sleeves of her figure-hugging hoodie, and as she rolled her shoulders back, Miles couldn't help but notice the smooth, wrinkle-less mounds on her chest.

Rachel savoured watching him calculate her new physique.

"What on earth are you doing here?" he finally barked, with his paused with his finger over the keypad.

"I need your help."

"With what?"

Rachel crouched down and unzipped one compartment of her duffel bag. With two hands, she heaved out a thick folder stuffed with documents. She stood up and slapped the tome of papers onto his desk. The clutch of papers was scrawled with detailed diagrams of complex chemical bonds and arrays of hexagons all connected with interweaving lines.

Miles' throat clenched as he instantly recognised the unusually interlaced symbols, the dozens of scribbled question marks and the dog-eared corners of the pages. The university emblem even headed several of the pages. He huffed incredulously.

"Rachel, did you not learn anything before?" he shook his head. Rachel silenced him with an outstretched index finger. She reached into another compartment of her bag. Miles heard the clinking of glass. His brow scrunched as Rachel carefully revealed at least a dozen red-capped jars filled with a light-yellow liquid.

His concern turned to disgust. "Is that what I think it is?" he gestured wearily. He spotted a packet of syringes wedged among the jars. "What *the hell* have you been up to?"
Rachel grinned. He couldn’t have asked a better question. "Lemme show you.” Miles swallowed.

Rachel reached up and daintily plucked the zip between her thumb and index finger. Miles spotted another tennis ball bump rise in her sleeve. Her noticeably rounded shoulders pulled ripples in the fabric at her elbows.

A sudden ache in his crotch told him that he knew exactly what he was about to see. He stared in anticipation; his finger frozen above the pad. Miles' mind swirled. His heart was beating so hard he worried it was making his tie shake. Rachel noticed the phone quivering in his grasp.

She sighed softly as she peeled open the top to reveal her pumpsuit-clad body. Her hoodie parted with a deep blue. Miles' eyes plunged with the zip; stretching wider with every inch. She saw them trace down the narrow split between her pectorals. Then over two, four, six of the hard bumps bulging from her midriff. Her eyes glowed more confidently as she watched his defiant facade crumble, knowing how the skin-tight spandex flattered every bump and bulge of her new physique. Her crotch hummed and her cheeks warmed.

She slowly peeled the hoodie off of one smooth, capped shoulder, then the other. Next, she unsheathed her thick arms, before dropping her hoodie on the floor with a quiet, satisfied sigh.

Miles' face said it all. Rachel. Mousy, tender, bookish, lab rat Rachel with *muscles*. Fledgling physique model muscles, he guessed. He bit back an incredulous huff. Miles realised that she was wider than him across the shoulders. Then she breathed in deeply and her torso creaked fuller still. She observed his body language; watching his eyes dart nervously all over her body.

“So, you’ve been working out? That’s what you wanted to show me?” Miles finally countered. He already seemed disarmed by the full view of Rachel’s new upper body.

Almost as he said it, Rachel felt familiar rising, warming, tightening squeezes oozing down her thighs. “Mm-hmmm.” she licked her lips. She pinched the hems of her sweatpants and rolled them down to her kneecaps. “Real hard.”

She let Miles’ eyes completely fail to resist ogling her full, firm quads.

Three long, slightly separated fillets of muscle reached down both her milky thighs. Their outer edges drew an impressive straight edge from her hips to her kneecaps, while her inner thighs bulged slightly towards each other. The gropes of venom clutched at her harder.
Her quads clenched erratically, teasing feathered edges into the small teardrop bulges beside her knees. As they flexed giddily and creaked outwards to their full size, Miles’ eyes did the same.

Rachel licked her lips; she hadn't even revealed her favourite part yet. “72 steps. 3 times. That’s –"

“216.” Miles interrupted. Trying desperately to maintain his undignified façade.

“…lunges.” Rachel sighed sensually. She felt the deepening squeezes chipping away at her composure as it lapped at her crotch.

The rhythm of her erratic flexes quickened. Miles saw Rachel’s midriff pumping softly, and her eyelids starting to flicker. Rachel felt the threads of her composure snapping one by one. Each one sent an orgasmic quiver through her humming quads and crotch.

Her back, then her whole torso began to tremble. A gasp later, her posture creaked upright. Her toes clenched in her shoes. Here it came.

Suddenly, her eyes stretched. Her knees locked. Her back straightened and her quads flexed hard. Rachel kept her quivering eyes on Miles as her thighs creaked larger in a choking squeeze. She felt her knees bending backwards slightly as her muscles expanded. She rose onto her tiptoes and Miles saw her calves roll up the backs of her shaking legs, which then trembled slightly fuller into thick medallions. Her skin seemed to melt between the creases of her woven quads. The heart shaped muscles above her knee became more pronounced.
Rachel groaned submissively as her glutes clenched and jerked her hips. With every involuntary thrust, she let a carnal gasp pour from her kinked lips. She had been denied it before; she wasn’t going to let it happen again. Especially if this was going to be the last time she ever felt the pumpsuit’s incredible hands on her body.

She drew her thumb to her mouth and bit it flirtatiously as her muscles stretched, the hem of her sweatpants quivered like a guitar string. Her quads expanded a little further and the string tassels were tugged shorter. Then the wide arcs of her glutes juddered from behind her hips and pulsed upwards towards her lower back. Miles saw her bubble butt ripen into view on either side of her quaking hips.

Rachel cursed through a shaking whimper. Miles nervously looked at the door. He prayed the thick doors were stopping her orgasmic moans from spilling into the corridor.

“Mmmmm, yes!” Rachel sank her tooth into her lip, then clutched one of her pecs with one hand and grabbed her lower back with the other. Her eyes slammed shut. Her abs bit around the spandex. She grunted helplessly - like little bubbles of pleasure were popping inside her all over. Her thighs clenched tightly, bursting with surprising new detail, with veins that seemed to thicken with every grunt. Miles blinked his burning eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Rachel’s long hair was still twitching; her head lowered. Her fingertips were white as she gripped herself and soaked in the orgasmic heaven. Her thick-rimmed glasses threatened to slip off her nose. She sucked down shaking breaths with her eyes still closed.

Miles looked on silently. His gaze was fixed on her muscular thighs. They’d grown only a little in size, he observed, but they had definitely woven tighter together. The formations of muscle had become more conditioned and detailed. With the sweatpants covering her knees, her quads burst out explosively. Fully pumped, her refined musculature made her an even more convincing physique model athlete.

His cheeks burned hot. ‘Rachel, fucking, Turner.’ His mind huffed.

He glanced at the notes she’d put on the desk. Had she really done it? His mind throbbed as hard as his crotch.

Her mousy face. Her obediently straight hair. Her hair and slender neck all befitted the bookish, fragile Rachel he knew. Yet her body now bristled with *forcefully* inflated bulges and curves that completely defied her meek disposition. Something inside her had *pushed and pumped* her bigger than her genetics would ever have allowed, until she stood as the quivering, muscular embodiment of her wildest, vainest, selfish, most perverse desires.

If anyone would, Miles shook his head, it was her.

And if anyone would shamelessly orgasm while they did it – it was Rachel.

Had she subjected herself to the same arresting, sensual spurts for every time? And what was she wearing? His mind probed further. Or maybe she had come here to gloat - to brag and then leave. To show him that she was not only a superior scientist, but simply a superior specimen in every way. His lips rolled under his teeth. A familiarly intense cocktail of envy and arousal swirled in his stomach.

Rachel’s hoarse breaths slowly turned to deep, delighted sighs, then almost into an intoxicated giggle. She opened her eyes, swept her long hair over her shoulder and blew out a long sigh.

"Ngghh - that's just a taste, Smiles.” she ran her hands down her thighs and ogled herself for a moment. The phone slid in his wet palm. Rachel could see the tendons in his jaw pulsing; the sign of his inner cogs turning. “You shoulda seen me last night." she grinned.

She felt practically naked, gasping before him in the straining skin-tight pumpsuit. Her throbbing, shaking pussy still making her hum all over. She stepped up to the desk.

"Three days." she whispered.

Miles' eyebrows rose higher up his forehead.

"Three days - four workouts.” she drew her arms up and flexed her biceps. Impressive bumps bulged outwards, as wide as her neck. She felt the spandex squeeze deliciously around her arms, then saw his Adam's apple shift in his throat. She rolled back her shoulders and drew out her lats, knowing that the flaring triangle of her torso would tease the potent steroids pulsing through her. Flexing with her hands on her hips and her thumbs pointing towards her bellybutton, her sleeves slid up her forearms as her delts balled up into tightly capped cue balls. She sucked down a deep breath through her nose. Her torso inflated. All the while she kept her sultry eyes fixed on him. “Five if you include my little improv session on the way up here."

She could read him like a book. His eyelids flickered as he tried to process everything – the new her. Her new power.

She was right. Miles had never seen such predatory, primal confidence glowering inside her before. "We always said it was possible. And it looks like we were right." She stepped forward and placed her hands on the desk. “But I need more.”

She watched his eyes dart towards the bulges in the backs of her arms. “Finally - finally I have everything. Everything I need to crack the code, to finish my - our work." Miles watched her pecs tense into rippled slabs as she begged. "Don’t tell me you don’t still think about it – about us.”

“No – we can’t.” Miles stammered. “It’s too risky. My career.”

“10 days.” Rachel pleaded softly. “Give me 10 days.” gesturing with open palms, Miles watched the thick knots of her biceps bulge outwards. He swallowed. He could barely keep eye contact. Rachel began to slowly strut around the desk.

"Look what I've done in just 3, with the shoddy equipment in my YWCA room." Miles huffed incredulously. Fuck, she was good, he thought. "Imagine what we could do with all the lab tech here?"

She stopped an inch from him. Miles’ senses filled with her familiar scent. God, it really was her. This really was happening. The whole episode had already been so insanely arousing. All the fantasies he had tried to banish to the back of his mind were standing right in front of him - and she wanted more. “10 days of just you and me. Just like old times.” Rachel looked up at him with begging, hungry eyes. “Think of what you could do to me.” she whispered in his ear.

Rachel saw the goose bumps climbing his neck. What if they really did have the opportunity to actually make it happen? Miles wondered. To make their ultimate desires a reality. The perfect muscle-growth formula. Rachel bit her lip as she waited for his reply.

Miles put the phone down.


Natalie sniffed and huffed through the fading crackles of pleasure jolting through her pumped-up legs. Kyle too felt the final erratic throbs of hypervenom pulsing through the bulging pillars of her quads, as her exhausted body stayed coiled around his for a few moments longer.

At last, she lifted her head and blinked the feral glaze out of her eyes. Natalie's pulse began to fade from her ears. A blissful lightness and clarity oozed through her.

She looked around the room. She barely remembered coming in, but she was quickly relieved that the blinds were closed and prayed the door had been locked and the walls were thick. Kyle's finger brushed a sweat-matted frond of hair from her eyes. It was only then she noticed Kyle and their wide torsos heaving against each other. The moment she laid eyes on the drunken grin on his face, an equally enamoured smile spread across her own.

"Holy shit." she looked over her shoulder. Never had so much of her backside been visible in her peripheral vision before. "What did you do to me?" she clenched them. The sensual ache blossomed through her hunky glutes as they creaked with exquisite fullness. Her jaw crept open as she admired herself.

"What you asked me to." Kyle admired the bowling ball glutes spilling into view on either side of her hips.

Natalie stood up with a tender grunt and wiped her lips. Kyle stayed on the inclined bench. Her tiny-looking kneecaps were in-line with his eyes. Natalie locked her legs.

Massive, interwoven fillets of muscle punched towards him. Her thigh gap slammed shut. The highest ridges of her quads bulged in line with her pecs. Her calves had filled out laterally; hanging like ripe fruit from the backs of her smooth legs. Their new density enraptured Natalie. The shocking thump against her bones as she jerked her mighty quads into sculpted, braided formation. She felt like she could leap through the ceiling with Kyle on her back. Over and over she watched her trembling kneecaps disappear behind the brawny teardrops above them.

"Goddamn.” She ran her hand over one thigh. Even fully stretched, her little finger and thumb weren’t wide enough to cover the sweeping mass of her quads anymore. “Where's my phone?"

Natalie darted to the corner and snatched it from her gym bag.

Natalie skipped back to the bench, cocked her hips and positioned her bowling ball glutes just beside Kyle's ear. "Stay there. Look shocked." she ordered, lowering the camera to Kyle's head height.

Kyle didn't have to pretend. The farthest curves of her glutes were now almost gravity-defying. Kyle's eyes widened as Natalie's glutes creaked towards his ear. They balled up and rivalled the size of Kyle's head. On the phone screen Kyle noticed the deep crease that now ran between her quads and her hanging hamstrings. Natalie clicked photo after photo, flexing and re-angling her pose with her toes pointed and her narrow lower back kinked. She finally dropped the pose. Then she leant down.


Natalie ran her fingers through her thick bob and ruffled it into her playful, teasing, 'just shagged' trademark look, flexed her mighty quads, and lit up her beaming, supermodel smile. Her thumb hammered the photo button as Kyle summoned the strength to keep his jaw off the floor.

"Now do a boomerang." Kyle could hardly blink before Natalie's phone was in his hand and she had adopted a new pose. She stood in front of him and circled her fingers around the 'PL' logo stamped on her hips. She relaxed her quads. Kyle watched their detailing melt away. Then placed her feet together and locked her legs, hard.

Her quads exploded towards the camera. Thick veins shot like lightning down her sweat-glossed legs. The slippery spandex bunched under her yawning thighs. The ripples across her crotch were so taut Natalie thought she could pluck a note on them.

Her knees tilted gently apart as her inner thighs thumped against one another. She placed her other hand around her waist, stretching her fingers towards her bellybutton to accentuate the explosive density of her thighs.

Her hands had never looked tinier. Natalie swooned softly with incredulous delight at the skin-stretching sensation pumping in both her legs.

She repeated the trick a few times, making sure Kyle captured the perfect one. By the tenth time, her inner thighs were warm from the friction and her veins were gorged.

Natalie dropped the pose, and then after snatching the phone from Kyle's hands, the grin from her face dropped too. Instantly, her brow was furrowed in concentration as she scrolled, scanned and deleted many of Kyle’s photo attempts. Her smile only flickered back when she came upon one that satisfied her.

Natalie licked her lips. Most of the photos were already gone, but the ones that were good, were *good*. Next, she needed to supplement the image with the perfect caption. Her eyes roamed around the room for a moment; the description formulating in her mind. Eventually, they circled around to Kyle, who was now tending to his soaked crotch. She smiled. "Find someone who gets you as #pumped as your suit does." she muttered with tapping thumbs. “Grateful to have people in my life who can push me to become the best version of myself." she winked at Kyle.

Natalie's finger hovered over 'post'. She paused. Her heart quivered anxiously in her chest. It was going to be the first time she had ever mentioned that the suit was anything more than a skimpy advertisement. But clearly PumpLabs didn't mind Angela divulging such information, Natalie reasoned. The number of her Insta**** followers certainly backed that up as well. And if that was the case, Natalie now feared appearing ungrateful more than revealing that she had been loading herself up with potent mysterious steroids. Maybe Rachel had been right the previous night, she wondered. Kyle watched her pluck at her lips in silence for a few moments.

The time for hiding it was over, she decided. She finally tapped 'post' and let out a quiet sigh. All she could do now was hope her own fans appreciated her ‘edge’ as much as Angela's did.

She pictured Angela's phone vibrating in her pocket, and her eyes popping wide just as hers had the same morning. The same pang of jealousy rippling through her chest.
The image did a little to assuage her anxiety.

"So, er, do you wanna see what I got?" Kyle offered his phone to her. Natalie's face lit up, and she plucked it from his hand.

"Oh, hell yes." she began furiously scrolling with her nose an inch from the screen.

She clicked on the most recent video.  She held her breath and started watching her post-workout growth video.

The video was amateur at best; a shaky, blurry glance at the ceiling, a flash of her blue body, blonde bob, her skin, then the floor. Only her sensual gasps came through with any clarity. Her brow crinkled. Frustration quickly boiled up in her chest.

"What the fuck, Kyle." she spat. "I can't use this shit." she began to pace around the room with the phone clutched in her hands and her own orgasmic gasps blaring from the speaker. Kyle's heart thumped in his throat. He'd already attracted the ire of one powerful woman that morning, now it looked like he was going 2 for 2. 'It wasn’t that bad, surely?' he thought.

A moment later, an especially carnal groan poured from the phone. Natalie stopped in her tracks. Her thumb dragged the time bar back again. The quivering groan played again.
"Hoh - wow." Natalie huffed. Finally, Kyle had managed to steady himself and film clearly.
Natalie watched her glutes pump on top of Kyle with her hungry, orgasmic gasps rising in time. With every thrust, Natalie watched the little blue teardrop of her pussy sink deeper between her shuddering glutes. Finally, with a back-bending orgasm, she ground her hips hard against Kyle as she came, her glutes ripened to their fullest heart-shape, and it was swallowed completely.

Her eyes gleamed in the reflection of the screen. Natalie's cheeks burned. The video continued.

Natalie watched her heels draw up with her toes pointed towards the ceiling. Her hamstrings bulged like biceps; creaking with peaks that reached up almost in line with her trembling glutes. Another straining groan followed. Her numb pussy ached as she watched. She could see how her growing muscles squeezed the helpless moans out of her. It was the most erotic thing she had ever laid eyes on. Finally, she collapsed on top of Kyle. The video ended.
"Oh my god.” she looked over at Kyle in delight. “I fucking love you." She bent down and pecked him on the cheek. "Eat your heart out, Muscle Panda." Natalie sent the video to herself, then searched for the others from her workout.

"Who?" Kyle asked. Natalie didn’t seem to hear. Her thumbs were busy swiping and tapping all over two phones screens simultaneously. Her phone dinged repeatedly with every newly received video clip.

Kyle grimaced and rolled his tongue anxiously over his teeth; relieved that Natalie was too preoccupied to have heard him. The penny dropped the moment he’d asked. He remembered seeing Angela's Insta**** handle on the enormous PumpLabs screen that very morning.
He shook his head in disbelief. It was almost impressive how quickly PumpLabs tactics were working on Natalie. She was clearly trying hard to impress, out-angle and out-flex, in every possible way, this other girl. To the point where it seemed that out-muscling this ‘MusclePanda’ had superseded finding her other suit as her top priority.

Natalie suddenly tossed his phone back to him. "So, what are we doing tomorrow?" she chirped. Now she was positively brimming with enthusiasm. She rubbed her hands together as she strutted over to him.

"You mean this afternoon?" Kyle replied and summoned a smile.

Natalie's brow scrunched for a moment. Then just as quickly, her icy glare melted, and suddenly she was gooey with anticipation. Her tooth sank into her lip.

"Back 'n' bis, or chest and tris?" Kyle offered. Natalie slowly coiled herself around him and ran her fingers through his messy hair; the spandex creaked around her packed physique as she did.

"Lick it clean." her sweet breath poured into his ear.

"Lick it clean." Kyle could barely reply, before Natalie slid her tongue deep into his mouth. With the toes of their sneakers touching, Kyle felt her thighs rubbing against his; so stuffed they were with amazing heavyweight size. Kyle locked his fingers on the sweeping shelf of her backside. He exhaled incredulously as he had to stretch his arm completely straight to reach the middle of her hunky new glutes. Natalie pressed her hips harder into his and let him explore.

His cock started to ache. The quote repeated in his head. He remembered the CEO tilting back in her chair, just as delighted as Natalie seemed to be with that new mantra.

The vision of her wicked grin stopped his mind swirling with sexual desire; enough for him to remember what his priorities had to be.

Natalie sighed yearningly as he pulled away. "3 o'clock?" Kyle asked.

Natalie blinked the carnal glaze from her eyes. They darted around the floor for a moment. "Deal." she quickly gathered herself. "I've got some *errands* to run, and then I'll go home and slip into my other suit." she licked her lips. God how she wished that was true. After the insane orgasmic rush Kyle had squeezed out of her, 3 o'clock felt like a lifetime away. If she had another suit, she would already be in it, and pumping her upper body up and letting it erupt with the same sumptuous size and conditioning as her lower body. Shit, what about Rachel? The police officer that was in her house? Her mum using the suit?! Kyle halted her runaway train of thought.

"Oh, and is your friend supposed to be coming in today?" he asked with as much nonchalance as he could manage.

"No." Natalie drew close again; her slippery nose brushing against his and her hand sliding around the back of his neck, making her bicep swell to its baseball size. Kyle saw it bulge into his peripheral vision. "I want you all to myself." Natalie purred with smouldering eyes. She playfully bucked at his crotch with her hips. A twisting flutter rippled through both of their hearts.

She reluctantly pulled herself away. "But if you do see her." her face hardened. "Tell her to call me. ‘Kay?"

"Sure thing."

Natalie tapped his nose, then wheeled around and headed towards the door. She gave a final, sultry glance over her shoulder, deliberately rocking her hips for him. "See you soon." she blew him a kiss and strutted through the doorway.

Finally, out of sight and with a wall between them, Kyle and Natalie placed their hands on their hips. Their cheeks puffed as they both blew out long, anxious sighs.
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: sw1ngy on January 10, 2020, 07:25:51 pm
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: astro1 on January 11, 2020, 04:37:39 am
Best story ever!  So happy to see another chapter.   :bravo:
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: sgsg69 on January 13, 2020, 03:00:06 pm
Thanks for the chapter, so great to read this series gain...can't wait for more, thank you! K++
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Poddy on January 13, 2020, 11:19:18 pm
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Thanks for the chapter, so great to read this series gain...can't wait for more, thank you! K++
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Best story ever!  So happy to see another chapter.   :bravo:
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Welcome back!

Thank you for the kind words, and thank you for sticking around during the huge gaps between chapters!
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Wookey on April 07, 2020, 10:28:51 pm
How is next chapter coming along?
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: JoeBozo on January 21, 2022, 08:02:46 am
I hope that we can see this story continued
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: kasper16085 on January 07, 2023, 03:54:17 pm
Man, this is one of the best stories ever written...I hope we can see a return. 
Title: Re: Author: [poddy] Natalie and the PumpSuit | #FMG
Post by: Frydon82 on January 08, 2023, 05:01:50 pm
The stories have recently been posted on One of the best stories ever. I hope it continues.