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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: warriorhari on September 12, 2013, 06:56:31 pm

Title: +Notable Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: warriorhari on September 12, 2013, 06:56:31 pm

Stories in this collection:

The Wrath of the Goddess

The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse #WIP?

My Karate Kid Sister

The Legs of the Rickshaw Woman

Bobby & Jackie Stories

     BOBP #1: Wrestling My Little Sister
     The Merit Badge
     Jackie #1: Training Teacher
     Putting My Kid Sister Back in Her Place
     Jackie's Revenge
     Best Friend's Sister
     Bobby's Birthday Surprise

The Amazon Barmaid

Return of the Amazon Barmaid

Fighting My Mother

The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If this offends
you or if you are under the legal age of consent in your country do not read
on. Any other likeness to anyone dead or alive or fictional is purely

Thanks to Asura Mahisha (Musclasura) for the Hindu mythology.

(c) JIM P 2012

The Wrath of the Goddess
By Jimp

Namur suffers the terrible vengeance of the Goddess Anahita

"This appears to be a previously unknown part of the tale of Durga versus
Mahishasura from the Temple of Anahita"

Decoded by Lord Gerald Symthe-Jones 1876. Embellished by Jimp

It came to pass that Mahishasura sat upon his conqueror's throne, elevated
high above the floor of his mighty temple. He sat upon a huge seat fashioned
from layers of skulls and bones from thousands of slain humans which made the
plain of cowering slaves sorely afraid as they lay prostrate before him. The
face of the demon lord was a garish green, the upper part framed in black
while red covered the lower from ear to ear. He was not as they and he wanted
them to know it. A black strip ran across his wide glaring eyes while the
thick luxuriant red moustache of which he was so proud sat above his wide red
mouth and was upturned at his cheeks. White bony knobs on the tip of his broad
nose and upon his forehead worn proudly proclaimed his evil. Resplendent in
golden ornaments, the demon king was unashamedly naked, proudly displaying his
massive physique. The humans trembled at the very sight. It seemed to them
that his very muscles themselves had muscles. He puffed up his mighty chest as
broad as 5 or 6 humans and covered with thick curled black hair. Between legs
as thick as the oldest oak, the grey-haired human Queen sucked upon his
tremendous lingam, her jaw straining to contain its mighty girth. Her subjects
averted their eyes but he pointed a finger at the council of 13. "Make sure
they watch her subjugation or you will be next and it will not be from the
front" he decreed and the ministers rushed to obey. "Where is your saviour
now?" Mahishasura spoke in a loud voice that rumbled from distant mountains
like thunder. "I am your God now".

Man had been created to relieve the Gods from the tedium of the work of
agriculture, irrigation and building. Now the demons used them for warfare.
The Queen almost drowned upon his seed but Mahishasura was unconcerned. He
summoned forth Namar and commanded him to capture the Goddess Durga and bring
her to him.

After the slaying of Chikrashur [ECHO#02], Namar intended to overwhelm the
Goddess with the multitude of his army. Driving his sky chariot powered by the
energy of the suns themselves, his team of demons drove a legion of humans
before them with whips and chains. Cresting the foothills of the mountain, a
line of women appeared before them cloaked and hooded in black. These were not
of a human line but the supervisors, a female race to whom the gods had
delegated oversight of their workforce. Taller, stronger and faster than
humans, but without their reproductive weaknesses they were naturally skilled
in combat. A band of red across their eyes signified danger. The humans
faltered but the demons drove them on. Speaking with a single voice that
humans were ingrained into their very being to obey, the robed women spoke
turned around and left the field of battle, unable to disobey no matter how
hard the demons flayed them. With great anger, Namar hurled a whirlwind of
biting sand at the women. At a blink, red lenses appeared over their eyes as
they stood firm. Cursing, Namar took to his sky chariot and shot a volley of
arrows towards the Vindhya Mountain. As a result, the whole mountain was
covered by innumerable arrows. Yet none touched the supervisors for they were
blessed with the protection of the Goddess.

Anahita, who some call Maa Durga amongst other names, stepped forth dressed in
an imperial red saree with gold trim that clung to a full shapely figure in
such manner that instilled longing among all who viewed her with every
movement she made. She was stunningly beautiful with light tanned skin with a
small delicate looking face, a slim elegant nose and a small sensual mouth
that any man longed to kiss. Her long hair flowed loose like a dark river down
her back. Under long sleek arching eyebrows were brown almond shaped eyes with
thick eyelashes that captivated all who gazed upon her and stirred the linga.
She stood over two heads taller than the tallest man with such simple elegant
beauty that when she smiled, the demons could not but smile back but the
Goddess was not in the mood for courtship. This defiant act had made her
wrought with fury. With ten sets of weapons in as many hands, she carved a
bloody path through their midst. Her face remained calm and gentle as she
became a whirlwind of death. All around her, the sun flashed off whirling
steel and spilt blood. Some were slain by the sword, others by her mace or war
hammer and many by her arrows. Even her lion-mount Simha killed many demons.

The demons were completely surprised by the ferociousness of the attack.
Filled with the lust of the battle, Anahita shred her saree and adopted her
two armed form to reveal a battle halter of black leather that covered her
large perfect breasts and a fringed leather girdle. Beautiful and delicate was
her face but her body was powerful in stature yet with the charm of a woman.
Smooth firm hairless skin covered a strong sturdy yet shapely body that
radiated both immense strength and sexual allure. A woman's face but a
warrior's arms thick and strident with muscle with veins as thick as creepers.
Broad shoulders narrowed to a small waist set with a sturdy midriff. Legs were
wide and bulging with such raw power that many moaned with dismay and longing
in equal measure. The Goddess raised her arms to the sky then brought them
down level with her wide shoulders. Many trembled as a terrifying mass arose
upon her arms and hardened into high steep peaks like the mountains
themselves. Yet others felt feelings of submissive desire, their trouser
swords rising firm.

"Seize her for she is just a woman" Namar cried and hurled his spear at her
intending to maim but not kill her. As the spear soared across the
battlefield, the Goddess placed her hands behind her head and the demons
gasped as large steps of stone came forth from her flat stomach. The spear
bounced harmlessly off the rocky path on her belly. "Is that the best you can
do Namar? Come strike me me again. Your puny blows are no match for my body"
she mocked. Angered, Namar threw a large iron spike at Anahita and watched in
awe as she caught it between her massive bare thighs. The demons felt ill at
ease as her legs swelled thicker than a tree trunk, glistening with an inner
strength, before the iron spike snapped atwain. "Come Namur. Come lay yourself
between my legs, if you dare" she teased but the thought filled Namar with
dread. Surely such mighty legs would break him, even though she was only a
woman. Yet so smooth skinned and alluring were they, radiating such immense
power, that a sail as erect as a ship's mast had arisen at the front of his

Filled with mirth, the Goddess flexed her mighty arms and brought them in
front presenting a terrifying vision. So massive was she, with every muscle
swollen with sheer power and every tendon standing out like creepers on a
stone pillar on her smooth hairless brown skin. Even her large breasts were
swollen and rippling in anger; a frightening torn and ribbed deep canyon of
untouchable pleasure taunting all who watched. Yet upon this massive powerful
body was a face so pretty and full of allure. "Come play with me, boys. If you
dare" her words were as rich as pouring honey. Such was the raw feminine power
that many a demon's wand rose in salute and some threw themselves upon the
ground to worship her magnificence. Many turned and fled but the vengeful
Goddess showed them no mercy. Tearing boulders from the ground, she hurled
them high into the air where they travelled across the battlefield to fall
upon the fleeing demons and crush them. Others she slew with her bare fists
driven by powerful arms that smote a demon's head clean from his neck or
punched clean through his skull. Some tried to strike her but broke their
fists upon her rocky stomach while she laughed in amusement before slaying
them. Through the bloodshed and carnage Anahita laughed with glee as she
exercised her wondrous body. "Come, play with me Namar" she called with
seduction whilst wrapping a mighty arm around the neck of his commander. Namar
was captivated by her dark sensuous eyes atop her sleek nose and her parted
tender lips, so full of promise, so full of temptation. The muscle in her arm
swelled like a flesh covered boulder until it was larger than the commander's
head and the air was rent with the terrible sound of cracking skull. Giving
flight to Namar's feet, he fled to his sky-chariot and took to the air. "Oh
don't run away, little one" she laughed.

Radiant and supreme was Anahita, her long dark hair hanging loosely framing a
face full of smouldering passion, as she drew back her mighty bow and shot an
arrow into the sky craft causing it to falter. Her glorious body shone like
polished sculpted oak as she tore off a mighty tree branch then hurled it
overhead like a spear. It struck the chariot a grievous blow and it fell to
the ground carving out a great ravine.

End Of Part 1
Title: Re: Wrath of the Goddess - bY JimP
Post by: warriorhari on September 12, 2013, 06:57:06 pm
Part 2

Namar was alarmed by the sound of tearing metal and watched in awe as the
Goddess gripped the chariot with her bare hands then strained with every fibre
of her being. Her arms swelled like the mightiest oak covered with rippling
creepers then to his horror the metal began to buckle and tear. "Come play
with me, little demon. Do not hide" she teased with a lilting melodic voice.
He gasped at the thickness of the swollen muscle on the back of her arms as
she ripped away another shield. He felt weak yet aroused as her biceps bulged
with peaks as tall as his head as she ripped through the armour. Anahita saw
him, her sultry brown eyes locking his gaze and burrowing into his being. "I
see you, little demon. Come out and face me like a man" her small full lips
moved so sinuously that Namar was mesmerised as she ripped his chariot apart
with her bare hands as easy as tearing leaves. BLAM! He cried in alarm as a
sudden booming sound rocked the chariot. The tall woman was punching great
holes in the armour with her fists. "Come out, come out, wherever you are" she
trilled. So mighty was her power that Namar was greatly afraid yet this very
aspect made her highly alluring and he desired her. BLAM! Her mighty fist
broke through and exposed him. She stood tall over him, her firm tanned body
gleaming in the sun with her face smiling like a predator that had found its
prey. "Come into my embrace, little one" she sang flexing a fearsome bicep at
her side.

But like a slimy snake, Namar slipped her grasp and fled to his battle
elephant whereupon he unleashed his devastating weapon, Shakti. The sacred
force shone across the land with radiant power brighter than the sun. All
living creatures not under the Goddess's protection withered and died before
its brilliance. The very trees were rent from the ground and the land itself
was poisoned and laid barren. He also attacked her mount-Simha by releasing
many arrows towards it, but Anahita protected it and the barrels bounced off
her hard body without harm. Inflamed by this wicked act, she rode towards him,
her face full of fury. "You will pay for this foul deed, Namar" she roared
"You will feel the full power of my wrath". Their mighty mounts colliding, the
battle elephant held the Simha with its trunk but the Goddess's mount somehow
released itself from the trap and attacked Namar. The demon lord fell from his
steed and the Goddess was upon him.

Namar raised his sword to smite Anahita but she caught his wrist. It was as if
his hand was set in stone, he could not move it. Namar felt so weak, too
helpless to withstand the power unleashed by this woman's massive rippling
arms. His lingam throbbed as he felt the unbridled force of her arms as she
toyed with him, moving his arm wherever she wished, her terrifyingly rocky
arms swelling with menace. She pulled him close and entranced him with her
delightful face that set his desire aflame. Namar wondered how such a
beauteous woman could have such a massive muscular body. She was many times
stronger and bigger than any man he knew except maybe Asura Mahisha himself.
Yet he felt overwhelming submission and desire. "Oh, marvellous Goddess.
Please let me worship you with my body and my heart's desire" he pleaded.

"Worship this, little demon" Anahita replied and holding his sword hand aloft,
slowly drew back her right arm and clenched her fist. "Please no. Mercy!" he
cried at the sight of the huge growing mass swelling on her arm. It grew large
and rugged, peaking like a small mountain until it seemed larger than his
head. BLAM! Her fist slammed like a mighty hammer, plunging through his chest
armour and deep into his stomach. "Borrarrgh!" he wailed aloud as his organs
were flattened forcing a great wind from his mouth. The Goddess released him
and he fell at her feet groaning and unable to catch his spilt breath.

Thus the Goddess leapt upon the fallen demon lord sitting high astride his
chest. He felt her warm bare thighs close around his head and was afraid as
they gripped with the strength of a python. "Look at the blight you have
visited upon this land. Nothing will be able to grow here for millennia" she
told him. The divine one raised her arms and flexed mighty peaks of wrath.
"Tremble at my magnificence, little demon. How can all your armour protect you
when I have these" she taunted. So large grew the peaks that they blocked out
the sun casting a shadow of dread upon him. So great did her chest expand that
her breasts broke free from her battle bra causing Namar to spill his seed at
the sight of such glory. "So soon?" she teased then raised her fists.

BLAM! the long haired vision of loveliness hammered her fist into the face of
the demon trapped beneath her legs. BLAM BLAM her fists swung with slow
measured power as a smith beating out iron. The mighty punches reverberated
throughout the mountains. Namar had never before felt such power and felt his
face breaking. The thunderous blows ceased. "Still alive, little one?" the
wondrous Goddess asked. "Then feel the weapons the Gods have bestowed upon
woman". Anahita stretched out her legs and focussed her might. Namar screamed
as her thighs grew so large that he could barely hold onto them as each
swelled into three large rocky hills with deep crevices between. He screamed
as the very bone of his skull bent under terrible pressure. The demon screamed
so loud that they heard his pain in the mountains beyond. "Oh yes!" the
Goddess threw back her head with her eyes closed and face full of blissful
countenance. "Oh this is the only thing a demon is good for" she sighed with
pleasure. The demon lord whimpered under the relentless grinding pressure of
her iron hard thighs. Even the sight of her magnificent bare breasts could not
pacify him. "Oh do be quiet, little one" the Goddess laughed as her thighs
swelled so large they enveloped his head and a deathly silence fell upon the

Namur was not dead. He awoke with a grievous pain in his skull and hearing a
wheezing noise before realising it was his own breathe passing through a
ruined throat. The demon lord felt something close to worship for this
superior female as she stood before him, completely naked unashamedly
displaying her magnificent strong physique. Lifting his face by his hair, she
spoke to him like the worthless defeated beast that he was. "Well, little one.
You will not die so quickly. What shall I do with you now? How shall I punish
you for your sins?" she asked. Before he could answer, Anahita bent down and
picked him from the ground as easily as if he were a small child. Seizing him
painfully by the neck and between his legs, she lifted his heavy body to her
shoulders then up above her head with a display of dramatic strength as it he
weighed no more than an empty jug. Her naked muscles gleamed in the sunlight,
the vast strength overwhelmed him and his trouser sword stiffened once more.
"You salute me again, little one" she chuckled.

For five miles or more the mighty Goddess ran, carrying Namar aloft, across
the steep rugged mountain side. Her arms and legs never tired. Namar looked
down helplessly from his vantage point at her naked body watching her perfect
breasts bounce and her thighs flex and wane like thick sinuous pythons of
destruction. Such was the magnificence of the powerful muscles in motion,
gleaming in the sun, that his lingam grew quickly until he spilled his seed.
"Again? Little one. Why you certainly are honouring my superiority with your
life force" she chuckled without shortage of breath.

It was in this manner of humiliation that the divine Goddess of power,
Anahita, carried the demon lord, Namar, to a great cavern in the mountain
side. Whereupon she threw his back across her shoulders and placing a hand
upon his chin and between his legs, pulled down with tremendous force that
bent his back around her broad shoulders. Namar screamed as she stretched his
back. "Sing for me, little demon" she laughed. "Shall I pull you asunder as
though drawn apart by two stallions, little one?". As the demon screamed, the
Goddess applied her touch to his trouser sword. She is both gentle and mild
yet frightful and terrible. So wondrous was her skill that it quickly
stiffened then she shortly brought forth a small fountain before his back
broke. "Pleasure and pain, little one. That is a woman's gift to bestow upon a
man" she told the weeping demon.

Demons are harder to kill than humans yet the Goddess had smote hundreds with
her bare hands. Demon lords are harder still to kill, yet even Namar knew that
this beautiful but deadly woman was toying with him, making him suffer for his
sins. Anahita lowered Namar to his feet, towering over him and holding him up
with a mighty arm. Eyes of seduction ringed by thick lashes gazed down along a
sleek nose, her luscious lips partly open in a superior pose that drove the
demon to distraction. She uttered a single word that sent shivers down his
spine and stoked his desire. "Beg" she uttered. Grasping his forearms she
forced him to his knees with overwhelming force. Too strong to resist, Namar
watched with helpless resignation as her thick powerful arms swelled to
massive size as their vastly superior strength made him feel insignificant.
"Please mighty Goddess. Spare me so I might worship in your presence forever"
he pleaded for verily did he speak the truth.

"Men. Such weak willed creatures. Always thinking with their Linga" Anahita
laughed. Pulling the vanquished demon up, the tall beauty lifted him with a
single arm and pressed his back against the cave roof. Namar looked down in
fear as she held him aloft and drew back a mighty fist. "Mercy" he whimpered.
The Goddess smiled. "Of course. I will show you the same mercy you showed to
the creatures of the forest when you unleashed the sacred force" she told him.
BLAM! with arms as thick and rugged as the mountains themselves, the divine
beauty drove her fist with such mighty force into the demon's belly that his
body was driven into the very stone itself. BLAM! the mighty blows shook the
mountains. "You are the lowest of the low, hiding behind your machines. I will
not dance with you, you will feel the full force of my fury". BLAM! demon's
bones are as hard as stone, yet they were no match for the Goddess's vengeful
blows. BLAM! A fissure in the rock opened up under the woman's earthshaking
punches and her fists folded the demon deep into it whereupon his broken body
was embedded in the stone so that only his head remained hanging from the
roof. She took his face in her hands and stared into his eyes, her eyes seemed
to burn into his very being. She was so beautiful. He could no longer feel his
lingam but was certain that it would be stiff. "One day many centuries from
now, someone may find your bones buried deep in the rock. What will they make
of you, little demon?" she said.

Thick columns of rippling muscle reached up towards him and pulled his head
into her vast bare chest. She wrapped her fearsome arms around his head so
that her biceps pressed on other side. Namar tried to scream as the massive
peaks swelled and grew irresistably large, yet his chest was broke. CRACK!
SNAP! Even as he died, the raw power of this magnificent woman makes his
lingam unload one last time. SNAP! CRACK! The Goddess flexed and pressed her
mighty arms together until the iron hard peaks of her biceps came met with not
even the smallest of living matter between.


Editor's note: readers may remember the strange case of Professor Parminda
Sharma in 1976. Professor Sharma was looking for archaeological remains in the
very region in which this bizarre ancient text is set. Several miles from an
unusually straight ravine known locally as devil's gorge, the good Professor
discovered the highly compressed fossilised remains of a previously unknown
species embedded deep within the roof of a cavern. The specimen appeared to
have suffered a great deal of trauma and the head was missing, but the
remainder indicated a biped similar in shape but much larger than early
humanoids but with unusual reptilian characteristics not least a tail. Before
Professor Sharma could summon help to remove the find, the Indian Army closed
the site and confiscated his photographs and notes. The official verdict was
that he had exposed a pocket of noxious gas which had a hallucinogenic effect
and that he had dreamt the whole thing. Which only goes to show the value of
conducting a full toxic analysis of any site before excavation. Local rumours
of excavations by DARPA over many years in the vicinity are discounted

K+ if U like Thanks
Title: Author: [Jimp] The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse
Post by: bobthebob on November 18, 2014, 09:17:46 pm
The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse
By Jimp
(c)Jim P 2014
Victorian detective gets an introduction to female martial arts and dominance

Part 3: The Mistress of the Workhouse

10th May 1897

I wasn't sure what to tell the chief. Admission of my attendance at an illegal
fist-fight would finish my career. In addition, I could not stop thinking
sinful thoughts about Mrs. Watson-Smythe all weekend. The severe-looking tall
shapely college Governess filled my memories. My strange arousal relived how
she had so utterly defeated her male opponent. In particular the moments of
amazing flexibility and athleticism when she kicked with her legs while
wearing a long skirt with great height and power replayed over and over in my
mind with high arousal. Remembering the devastation wrought by her powerful
knee caused me to spill my seed many times. I was truly ill and besotted in a
manner most evil towards a married woman much older than myself. So much so
that I considered informing my superior that I had been mistaken about the
woman and that she was not under suspicion. However, my conscious would not
let me tell a lie and I simply did not mention her name.

Fortunately he did not seem too interested in the details as if he were trying
to forget the embarrassing incidents that began this case. I informed him that
I had uncovered information that led me to believe that the elderly female
assailant who caused so much distress to our fellow Police officers by
throwing them around like toys, in fact worked at the workhouse at
Whitechapel. The chief interrupted me at that point. "Which workhouse? There
are several in and around that area. Whitechapel Union have several buildings,
the newish workhouse is in South Grove and that is adjacent to the swanky City
of London workhouse in Bow Road. The old one in Charles Street is now the
infirmary". I had to admit that I did not know and would include this in my
preparatory work.

He told me that it was imperative to observe the woman and identify any female
associates to which she might be passing on this obscene fighting knowledge. I
had not given this much thought and on the spur of the moment told him that I
intended to enter the premises disguised as an inmate to assess her guilt and
her associates. His brow creased with concern "Have you ever been inside a
workhouse?" I admitted I had not. "I have on several occasions in pursuit of a
felon. Do not take this task lightly. Even as a visitor it was hellish enough,
but to purposely become resident" He paused to let that sink in before he
continued. He looked me up and down. "That is if they admit you for you are
far too decent and healthy. They have very strict rules on who gets in, you
know" he paused for thought. "And once inside, how would you gain your release
once your reconnaissance has been completed? No, you need to go away and think
this through. Speak with Stinky Johnston, he is always working with the down
and outs to get information".

11th May 1897

I spent the day with the City of London Union looking through their staff
records. Very wealthy, they made it plain that they did not welcome my
presence. It was only back in March that the Guardians were exposed in a
scandal over the lavish refreshments served at their board meetings and
subsided by the rate payer that more resembled upper-class four-course
banquets in earshot of the inmates. I think they suspected I was further
investigating them. The records showed that they had built a palatial building
costing over o55,000 to construct featuring central heating, a huge
dining-hall, marble pillars and boasting a chapel with stained glass windows
and an organ. Yet despite this they only had room for those deemed sick and
helpless. Those with fair health would be refused admittance. A review of the
staff records threw up nothing of note. So I departed empty-handed and to the
visible relief of the Guardians.

11th May 1897

A visit to the Whitechapel Poor Law Union was more fruitful. They had erected
a new workhouse in 1872 the one in Charles Street now the infirmary. Viewing
the list of the administrative staff immediately threw up an anomaly. Most
said facilities were overseen by a Master responsible for reporting to the
board of Guardians and for the supervision of the male inmates. The Matron
sometimes known as the Mistress was his deputy and responsible for the welfare
of the female inmates and the domestic arrangements. The Master held the post
for life, unless he resigned or became incapable of discharging his duties.
The latter would include the case where Master and Matron were a married
couple and she passed away, resigned or was dismissed. Beneath these two were
a range of other staff members such as chaplain, schoolteacher, medical
officer, nurse, porter, labour master, cook, fireman and so on. I was
therefore perplexed to see at the top of the list beneath the Master and
Matron another role called Mistress to which the board seemed too embarrassed
to explain to my satisfaction. Looking at her details gave me a shock for she
was 75 years of age, an age when she should have been put into retirement long
ago. Her name was listed as Mrs. Regina Wendover-Thompson (widow). I felt
certain that this was my suspect.

18th May 1897

After a week being prepared by Stinky Johnston, I felt I was ready for the
next part of my investigation. Surviving on only bread and water and
exercising, I lost weight and looked more malnourished as would befit my
story. Not bathing was bad enough but Johnston had smeared me with filth and
dressed me in old torn thread-bare clothes. He had also tried to educate me in
how to speak like a down and out, insisting that I do so all week even when at
home and off-duty so that I got into the habit of speaking like that.

19 May 1897

In my disguise I met with the Relieving Officer for an interview to establish
my circumstances. My story being that I had been out of work for so long that
I was destitute. He did not seem too impressed.

24th May 1987

The Chief has arranged for the board of Guardians to authorise my application
at their weekly meeting.

25th May 1897

I made my way on foot to Mile End Road and South Grove. It is an intimidating
grey institutional building with an entrance block facing onto South Grove.
Through the entrance archway there are two receiving wards to each side, one
for each sex. Beyond was the main courtyard in front of a three-storey
administration block. Entering, I underwent the first of many degrading
experiences. First the medical officer examined me to check on my health and
to ensure I had no infectious illness. There was then a very extensive
laborious process during which the Master ensured with great meticulous
precision that all the necessary paperwork had been completed. Following that
I was stripped and bathed in a tin bath. I was then issued with a workhouse
uniform while my own clothes were taken away to be washed and fumigated. These
were put in storage along with my possessions which to my alarm included a
notepad that I had intended to use as a temporary diary. Therefore please
forgive me as these writings are from my memory after the event as best as I
can recall them.

The Master led me to cold dismal room with white-washed walls and a grey
concrete floor. There was a single window with frosted pane and vertical metal
bars. There was no furnishing of any kind. Just a plain rectangular room with
a door at opposing ends. "Wait here to receive further instruction" he told me
then left by the door which we had entered. I heard the turn of a key in the
lock and realised for the first time how alone and completely cut-off from the
outside world I was and began to have misgivings about the wisdom of my
choice. For many long minutes I was left alone in that room before I heard the
approach of someone behind the opposite door then the sound of a key in the

The door opened and in strode with an air of stuffy arrogance and
self-assessed superiority, a formidable looking elderly woman of at least 6
foot in height. My first impression was of a fiercely strict old battleaxe of
sour disposition and a face to match. The resemblance to Mrs. Watson-Smythe
was unmistakable with the same long thin oval face, sleek nose small
thin-lipped mouth except that this woman's features were more craggy and
stony-faced. As with Victoria, her cold air of authority was enhanced by her
small hawk-like grey eyes staring out from over the top of a pair of
spectacles. She wore an unusual white blouse of soft silken appearance.
Instead of being buttoned up vertically in the front, it had a diagonal flap
starting upon her right hip and going across the front of her body to her left
shoulder. It seemed to be of a wrap-around fashion that reminded me of
pictures I had seen of oriental women. It was plain, simple with no
ornamentation, coming fully and tightly to the neck pinned together by a large
broach of peculiar design. It seemed to feature a pagan Goddess with many legs
and arms each carrying a weapon while she danced in a ring of fire. The blouse
shimmered with silken sheen and clung tightly to a breath-taking wide
out-thrust low-hanging slope of full-busted womanhood of magnificent
proportion. It created an unnerving tightening in my groin and although I knew
I was staring at that sensational cliff of feminity I had difficulty averting
my gaze. Overall her figure was quite plump yet tightly corseted to give it a
pleasing hour-glass figure. A long black leather skirt fell in a pleated
manner down to the top of black laced ankle boots, yet seemed divided as if
for riding. Silvery grey hair was pulled back behind her ears into a tight

Her voice when she spoke was harsh and strident. "I am the Mistress. Honour
and obey. That is how you will treat me" She did not allow me time to respond.
"You are not allowed to smoke inside or outside near to the building and you
may not indulge in a cup of tea other than at half-past six o'clock morning
and night. At which time you will also receive a small hunch of bread with
butter scraped over the surface along with a mug of that corrupting brew which
is so dear to your heart and liver. As one of the younger men, you will never
go out nor receive a visitor" My heart sank for how I was I to communicate
with The Yard to gain my release once my task was done. "You will take a
little gruel morning and night, and meat twice a week that is all the
sustenance you require along with hard work and plenty of discipline which I
will administer". "But you are a woman!" I exclaimed in shock forgetting to
feign my subservience "Only the Master and his male staff should administer
the male inmates". I fell silent as the old dragon glared at me with such
ferocity that it chilled my blood. "You will not speak unless I ask you a
question or give you leave. My name is Regina but you will only address me as
'Mistress'. I spent many decades in India and the Far East where I developed
the skills required to instil a firm hand among lazy vagabonds such as
yourself who seek to scrounge off society. I was Matron here for many years
until my husband who was Master, passed away. I insisted I stay on which the
board agreed with once the new Master and Matron proved incapable of
maintaining the high levels of discipline that I had created here in one of
the worse areas of humanity".

As she studied me with her steely gaze, I felt belittled as if a school boy in
front of the headmistress. She had such a calm arrogance and air of supreme
confidence in her authority that I found her fierce old appearance to be
strangely stimulating. "You are thinking how a lady in her Seventies can
possibly control a strong young man such as yourself" she spoke with a haughty
air of assumption that rankled me. All of a sudden she stepped towards me,
seized my right wrist with her left hand and pulled it against her ample
bosom. Pressing forward with her chest, my hand sank between two very large
soft mounds until it was deeply lodged in the deep crease formed by her
strange blouse in-between. A rapid tingling spread over my groin at this
intimate physical contact with a woman, no matter what her years. Any erotic
thoughts were quickly dispelled as she used the base of her chest to bend back
my hand sharply at the wrist. "Argh Argh!" I yelped at the sharp pain shooting
through my wrist and up my forearm. The old woman then clamped her other hand
upon the back of my elbow and twisted it hard towards my left. "Argh!" I cried
in pain as I was forced to bend my knees and lean to my left as she twisted my
arm. "Argh argh argh!" I yelped shocked at how helpless I was as she pressed
her hand upon the back of my elbow forcing me to bend my knees before her.
"Down on your knees, boy. I could break your wrist and elbow in an instant. Do
as I say" she spoke in such a cold commanding stern voice that I felt my
manhood stiffen. I had no choice, I could feel the bones in my elbow stress to
surely what must be near breaking point. As I knelt the old woman crouched
forcing my face towards the floor. Bowing my arm backwards unnaturally, I felt
the tears of pain and humiliation well up in my eyes as she forced my face
down onto the concrete floor. Whereupon she suddenly moved backwards forcing
me to lie flat out upon my stomach before her with my face pressed upon the
hard cold floor.

"Submit to my authority or I will break you this instant" the stern old woman
demanded. Although I had seen Victoria display her incredible pugilistic
skills a few weeks earlier, I had never really expected to be physically
overpowered so easily by her elderly mother. "I submit I submit!" I cried as
she twisted around to kneel by my side while cruelly bending my arm behind my
back. That my hand was still pressed against her voluminous bosom was a
constant reminder of the sex of the person who had subdued me so quickly. That
I knew that my hand was bent back using a strangely erotic form of wrist-lock
was little comfort. "Please! Please no more" I begged as the fierce old lady
maintained the cruel hold upon my arm. That she ignored me deliberately I had
no doubt. "Let there be no doubt in your mind that I am truly Mistress in this
workhouse and disobedience will only result in severe discipline. I told you
the correct form of address. Use it or suffer a broken arm". Shocked to
experience for the first time in my life physical domination at the hands of a
woman, I was embarrassed to find my manhood stiffening against the floor.
Strangely I was only to willing to comply with such strong feelings that I had
never experienced before. "Please Mistress. Please, I submit to your
authority" my voice sounded weak and pathetic.

She did not release me but bent my arm back over her knee until I was
screaming in agony. "Argh please please Mistress mercy" I begged, my arm
feeling as if it would break at any moment. "Who is your Mistress?" her voice
was so strident and strong that my manhood lurched. "Arghh aragh you are, you
are" I cried as a sharp twist of my wrist made me fear that it would snap my
hand right off. "Now crawl around me upon your belly like the worthless worm
that you are" her voice was strident and commanding, full of authority. The
very next instant she twisted my hand right around and pressed her knee into
the back of my elbow bending my arm back the wrong way. "Argh argh!" I cried
as lances of white-hot pain radiated from my elbow joint while I imagined the
bones grinding. "Move or I'll break it right off" with no choice I began to
crawl around her upon my belly. For the most part the grey-haired lady just
knelt there, immobile as her cruel arms forced me in an agonising circle about
her. Occasionally she would shift her stance with the minimum of effort to
force me to complete a circuit of her long black skirt and pristinely polished
black leather ankle boots.

Never had I been so physically humiliated and unable to do anything about the
matter. That an old woman had such dominance over me was unthinkable yet very
exciting. As I crawled around her in a circle facing her at all times she
stressed my arm and wrist continually. "Never forget this. If I say jump, you
will jump. If I say scrub the toilets you will do so without question. In here
I control your body and your mind. Do not even think of disobeying or
resisting me for I am too powerful for you and can hurt you severely or even
fatally. Do you understand?" "Yes yes oh Mistress" I plead. Never had I been
so hopelessly overpowered and certainly never by a woman. The old woman
lowered my tortured wrist to the floor then pressed upon the back of my elbow
forcing me flat upon the ground. The side of my face was forcibly pressed
against the cold hard concrete. "Get used to your position in life within
these walls for you are the lowest of the low and I am your Goddess, your
Mistress while you remain under this roof, it is I who you will worship and
obey in all things". Her voice was strong and fierce that my manhood throbbed
against the cold hard floor as she kept me in that position for many minutes.
She was indeed a fearsome old woman with knowledge of the physical submission
of men. Whereas I had become aroused watching Victoria's sound thrashing of
another man, I was now experiencing first hand the power of a fighting woman
and it greatly aroused me several orders of magnitude more. So much so that
when at long last she deigned to release me, I got to my feet with no where to
conceal my shame. The Mistress stared firmly with sour expression at me. "As
the aunties say in India, a hard man is good to find" she remarked without
even the barest hint of amusement. For my part it was not until later that I
understood her comment.

As I stood before the stern-faced grey-haired woman, doubt entered my mind. I
understood about wrist locks and arm locks and knew that was what she had
applied to me so effectively. Although it was unheard of for a woman to be
trained in such knowledge. Had this just been some wrestling trick the old
woman had learnt, as unusual as it might be for the middle classes. I felt a
strange excitement temped to test her to see if this was that Juey-Jutsu of
which the Chief's army friend spoke. "You will wait here for the Master to
show you to your cell" with that she turned to go. As she did I reached out to
place my hand upon her broad shoulder. "Wait please" was all I managed to say
before the old woman leant away from me causing me to stretch further forward.
Suddenly there was movement in the long black skirt then the sole of her boot
smashed just below my left kneecap. BAM! "Ouch!" I yelped as my leg buckled
almost giving way at the knee. The strict authoritative woman seized my wrist
with one hand and bent back my hand with the other then gave it a sharp twist
forcing the palm away from me. "Arggh Arghhh!" I yelped in agony, my feet and
legs writhing in an uncontrollable dance of discomfort as this simple motion
had forced my elbow up into the air with the forearm sloping down while my
hand was bent back double beneath towards me. "Arghh Arghh" I cried as sharp
pains lanced through the bones of my arm.

"How dare you lay hands upon me!" she growled. She kept me helpless in that
position with every bone, tendon, nerve and joint in my arm screaming in pain.
"Argh argh! I'm sorry I'm sorry" I yelped in agony, my feet performing a dance
of pain while my manhood throbbed stiffly. That she was old enough to be my
grandmother or looked like a very strict school-teacher was no comfort. Her
massive bust-line thrust forwards towards me like double-pointed
heavily-leaden pillows reminding me that this cultured grey-hair person
immobilising my arm so painfully was unquestionable a woman. "Will you men
never learn" she grumbled to herself while punishing me in that gruelling
hold. My man-shaft was getting ever harder the longer she dominated me like
this. "Argh! Please Mistress. I'm sorry" I pleaded desperate for my arm to be
released and the bone grinding, joint stressing torture to end. "It's much too
late for that boy" she growled coldly like a school-teacher disciplining a
misbehaving child.

Suddenly she turned her side to me while still holding my hand bent. "Hai!"
she gave a loud unladylike shout which made me jump as she sharply drove back
the point of her elbow into my sternum. WHOP! "Nuuurghh!" I groaned in low
slow manner trying to overcome the pressure I felt in the centre of my
ribcage, shocked that the old woman had hit me. Re-seizing my hand with both
of hers she turned her back to me while swinging down my painful captive arm
in a forward arc. "Argh!" the sudden stress upon my bent-double arm made me
cry out in terrible pain as it was flipped forwards and downwards. To my shock
and horror the cartwheel motion of my arm caused the rest of my body to
follow. In a terrible flash of time my feet left the floor as my body jerked
into the air with my backside rising towards the ceiling at the same time as
my head descended towards the floor. The room rolled around me in dizzying
fashion as I rotated rapidly around my arm going completely head over heels by
the old woman's side. In that brief split-second I realised that I was falling
no longer in control of my own body. The floor rushed towards me too fast to
scream. At the last moment my body had rotated presenting my back to the
floor. BLAM! "Urrrppph!" the impact of the hard concrete floor upon my back
knocked some of the wind from me. As I lay there fighting for breath, I
realised that the old woman still had hold of my hand which was now mercifully
unbent and straight. She had thrown me! I had been thrown by a woman! I had
been thrown by an elderly woman! I could barely believe it. The stories were
true! A cultured middle-class woman really was capable of throwing a fully
grown man.

She looked down at me with a powerful air of institutional authority, her
immense bosom and dominant power teasing my man-shaft with wanton desire.
"Once again you did not use the proper address. For that you will be
punished". She cruelly bent back my wrist once more and leveraged my elbow
giving me no choice but to rise or risk a broken arm. Once again the feeling
of utter helplessness as this stern-faced old woman controlled me however she
wished was overwhelming. Yet as my face became level with the strange
wrap-around silken blouse tightly stretched over her wide full, low-hanging
breasts, the sense of her femininity suffused me making my manhood as stiff as
an iron rod and throbbing uncontrollably in her presence. No sooner was I
fully standing than she turned her back to me and pulled my arm over her
shoulder then leant forward. My body was pulled forward until I felt her wide
backside press against my groin which made it soar with exceptional desire. In
that moment I understood why Jack had completely disgraced himself when her
daughter had done the same. I nearly lost my own control as my feet left the
ground and my groin travelled quickly up her posterior as the woman lifted me
upon her back. Within a heartbeat I felt my groin leave the contact with the
woman below as my body flew forwards at terrifying speed hurtling head first
towards the floor as my legs spun overhead. KABLAM! "Orrrragh!" The floor took
my breath away painfully as my back slammed into it once more. I looked up
along the length of my arm which was held captive to the large overhanging
sheen of a white silk cliff above me and her stern face looking down at me
with an air of total superiority that made the pressure in my testicles soar
to painful levels. Her small thin mouth moved and said just one word "Beg".
"Orrrrr orrrr nnnngghh nnghhh" I lost complete control groaning and moaning as
the most intense experience overtook me and I totally shamed myself at the
feet of the dominant old woman. A tight smile of satisfaction crept upon her
lips "That will do nicely".
Title: Re: The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse [Jimp]
Post by: bobthebob on November 18, 2014, 09:24:42 pm
The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse
By Jimp
(c)Jim P 2014
Victorian detective gets an introduction to female martial arts and dominance

Alone with my shame, the Master eventually came to collect me. If he noticed
the damp patch slowly drying on the front of my trousers, he thankfully did
not comment. Upon each side of a three-storey administration block there was a
like-wise high dormitory block, women to the north and men to the south.
However these were for the aged and infirm. As a healthy young man, I was led
to a smaller three-story building along the southern boundary. Next to this
was the engineering workshop and bakery. I was informed that a similar
dormitory for healthy women was located on the northern boundary, not that I
would ever see it for the sexes were strictly segregated such that a man would
never see wife nor daughter except from across the room at meal times. Inside,
the accommodation comprised of a large number of small dormitories of around
15 feet by 10 feet each into which 8 inmates slept in four double beds of
crude iron construction with a communal chamberpot. Upon either side of the
dormitories was a long corridor along which the night warden would patrol with
no doors to protect our privacy. Following an meagre crude meal and prayers we
were shown early to bed. I could not get to sleep for it was a strange
depressing place, a strange bed with a strange bedfellow. Also I could not get
the image of Mistress Regina throwing me around like a rag-doll out of my
mind. Rather than the frightening image that the Chief had portrayed, I found
the experience with the old woman highly exhilarating and erotic. I dreamt
that the old grey-haired disciplinarian tossed me around the room over and
over with just the painful flick of a captive wrist as casually and
effortlessly as throwing away a scrunged up ball of paper. Sometimes she would
pull my over her shoulder and lean forwards then I would remember the
lingering contact of my erect trouser-sword against her ample backside before
she sent me hurtling over her shoulder to my doom. So arousing were these
dreams that several times I had to wake myself in case I messed myself in bed.

My sinful dreams were interrupted by the sound of someone entering the dorm.
At first I thought it was the night warden come to check up on us. Then I
heard strange moans as if of pleasure coming from one of my cell-mates. Was
the night-warden conducting some kind of deviant behaviour upon his charges.
If he tried it with me he would find a fist in the mouth and hang the
consequences. I sensed a figure in the dark approach my side of the bed. With
alarm I felt the thin blanket lifted from my waist and a hand stole to my
genitals. No sooner than I had clenched my fist to strike the molester when
fingers jabbed into the crook of my arm. To my horror a cold paralysis crept
up my arm preventing me from defending myself. As the hand wrapped itself
around my shaft I felt a breath upon my ear. "I am your Mistress. Your body is
mine to control" a female voice whispered softly in my ear. It was the old
lady. I am sorry to say that my manhood was stiff from the thoughts of what
she had done to me earlier and in her warm hands it stiffened further. "This
will not do at all" she whispered then her hand began to slide up and down my
shaft. "We're not married" I gasped but she just shushed soothingly in my ear.
"Shhhh! Dear one. You see how I can give reward as well as discipline" she
whispered. I gasped as a warm wet tongue gently touched my ear lobe like a
fleeting kiss only moments later for a light lick elsewhere around my ear.
These fleeting sensations further ignited my rising lust into her ever moving
caressing hands. "Orrr so good!" I moaned softly unable to resist succumbing
to the arousing sensations as her tongue began to tantalise the side of my
face and neck with brief licks that excited the nerves. My shaft grew rapidly
in her hand while I strained with anticipation of the next touch of her
wondrous tongue. She exhibited such skill that many a lady of the night would
be envious. In the light I may have flinched at the kiss from the old lady but
in the dark she was a tantalising erotic succubus. Her tongue lightly and
briefed touched my lips to begin tracing the outline of my mouth while her
hand got frantically faster. As uncontrolled passion flared inside of me while
my love rod became as tight and hard as I had ever felt it, I could no longer
bear it and put out my own tongue to seek hers. The moment our tongues engaged
pressing against each other the feelings inside of me became too great. I
began to buck my hips uncontrollably and split my seed in hand. "Nnnnnar
nnnnar nnnnar" "Go to sleep now and work hard tomorrow" she whispered then
kissed me gently upon the forehead.

As I lay breathing heavily I could hear her walk around the other dorms with
the occasional moans of other men. When she finally leaves the thought that
she performed such a sinful act on so many men had made my rod hard once more
that I wished that she would return and do it all over again.

26th May 1897

The following day as would the days thereafter began with the bell sounding
for rising at 6 o'clock. An half-hour later we assembled in the communal
dining hall where the Master performed a roll-call of the men and likewise the
Matron for the women. The bell was then rang indicating that we all had to eat
our meal in silence. From 7 o'clock until 12 and from 1 to 6pm was allotted
for work, in my case this was breaking stone that could be sold for
road-mending. It was during this time that I recognised one of the other
inmates who seemed to spend most of his time speaking furtively with his
nearby colleagues between swings of the hammer. "Do you know him, James?"
asked Fred, an amiable young man from my dorm who had the misfortune of being
apprenticed to a tradesman who unexpectedly passed away leaving the lad
destitute. "Yes, his name is Jack a boxer and trouble-maker. I would avoid him
if you could" I replied. The man still bore the physical marks and bruises
from his encounter with the Mistress's daughter. His broken right arm was held
in a sling but his left was strong enough to swing the hammer single-handed.
"I heard he was in a fight with a girl who did that to him" said Fred. "That
was no girl but a middle-aged college governess. Twice" "You was there?" he
asked in awe. I nodded. "Yes but I don't think he would take too kindly of
being reminded of the fact".

The reason for Jack's furtive conversations became apparent when we assembled
in the dining hall for our meal. The meal had not yet been served when Jack
stood up in front of the Master with a good dozen of the roughest vilest men
that you could imagine. He pointed an accusing finger at the Mistress. "It
ain't natural that a woman lords it up over the men and takes advantage of
them at night. The bitch stays out of the men's area from now on" he snarled.
Judging by what she had done to me when I had first arrived I could only guess
what had happened to a macho thug like Jack and that was why he had assembled
a gang so he did not have to face her alone. The Master huffed in indignation.
"Sir. How dare you insult a lady like...Arghh!". Jack's left fist struck the
Master's jaw like a hammer and down he went with one blow.

"Anyone guilty of being abusive to the Master or Mistress shall be punished
with the utmost severity" The Mistress's commanding voice cut through the
confusion of excited voices. She pointed to the floor in front of him "Get
down on your belly now and beg for forgiveness before I put you there myself".
I saw Jack flush with embarrassment before he barked to the others "Get her.
We'll rape her before throwing her out with the rubbish". Sneering arrogantly
Jack and his dozen bullies spread out to surround Mistress Regina who just
stood there looking calm and with a bemused expression. "Is that all you have
got, Jack? You should have gathered a lot more thugs" she teased. "We've got
to help" I urged the other inmates "We can't let them attack a lone woman" but
none of them moved they were either too frightened to get involved with these
big thuggish brutes or looked forward to a bit of entertainment. "Leave her
alone!" I shouted but as I stepped forwards, Fred caught my arm. "Don't Jack.
Don't get involved, it's not worth it". I shook off his hand and went to the
Mistress's aid, although I was nervous of facing such large brutes and did not
know what I was going to do.

Mistress Regina however was unperturbed and seemed to know exactly what to do.
As the men began to move towards her, she reached down to her long black
divided skirt and pulled aside one panel to pin under her wide black belt. The
sight of a cultured woman uncovering her right leg like a wild passionate
native woman of foreign climates was shocking. Clad only with thick black
stockings it arose from slim ankles held aloft by high-heeled ankle boots
curving sensuously with a long sweep to thick sturdy calves from there I felt
ashamed as my eyes followed along a thick strong looking thigh to the top of
her leg and her suspenders. I had to admit the scandalous sight made me stop
to admire her shapely thick legs as it did some of the thugs. "Hai!" a sudden
sharp shout from her lips made me and the men jump. The huge bundle of her
bosom heaved mightily in a most disturbing manner as her uncovered right leg
scythed through the air in a flash. The top of her boot connected with the
side of the nearest thug's neck with a loud solid blow. THUMP! The man's face
snapped to one side, his eyes and teeth clenched and his arms going stiff
before he collapsed to the floor. Swivelling quickly upon her left heel, her
massive endowment lagging behind the rest of her body through it's sheer mass,
she faced the next man who was shocked to inactivity by the unexpected
athleticism of this elderly woman. "HAI!" she shouted again as her knee lifted
and her lower leg snapped upwards like a can-can dancer while the ampleness in
her strange tight white blouse heaved barely restrained by her brassiere. BAM!
The sole of her boot crushed into the man's jaw with incredible speed and
force snapping his head right back over his shoulders so fast that he must
have been knocked out even before he toppled over backwards to the floor.

The next man lunged at her his hand held high to bring down a cosh upon her
head. Showing no fear and looking coldly stern, the elderly cultured lady
raised her left arm to ward off the blow. Seizing his wrist, she knelt quickly
upon one knee, her long black skirt fanning out as her left leg stretched out
as she pulled him forwards making him stumble over her shin. "Woah!" the tough
yelped as with a flick of the wrist from a kneeling position she whipped him
head over heels spinning through the air like a Catherine wheel with
extraordinary speed and power into the hard concrete floor. BERLAM! His back
hit the floor, reared up in pain then screamed as the cold-faced woman bent
back his arm in a most unnatural manner. CRACK! "Arrrghhhhh!". Her stunning
fighting skill was mesmerising to watch but Jack's toughs closed in on her
from all sides. A man tried to seize her but with a twist of arms it was he
who was seized by the wrist. Turning swiftly and with the barest flick of the
wrist, his body was launched into the air flipping right over with his legs
above his head at tremendous speed. His tumbling form reached a great height
as the stern grey-haired woman sent him hurtling across the room with barely a
touch as though he weighed nothing. The next man tried to lay hands on her had
his arm seized and bent double. Then swiftly turning her back on him she
pulled his arm down sharply causing his groin to ride over her broad hip as
his body flipped forwards with feet rising and head descending with a
devastating speed. BLAM! he hit the floor hard.

Man after man tried to catch her or throw a punch at her wrinkled old face but
none laid a hand upon for each was sent flying through the air as if by magic.
With no apparent effort the old woman would swiftly seize a man's wrist, turn
and toss him away with a deft flick of the wrist as if in some sort of deadly
dance. A step to the side, a twist of an arm and flick of the wrist would
launch a man with incredible speed into the air, his body twisting in mid-air
around one arm before crashing upon his back onto the floor with great power
that reverberated through the hall. Like a non-stop fighting machine she would
turn her back on a man and fall to both knees. Flipping him completely over
her head with one hand his body falling forwards with legs flailing in the
air, he would crash heavy upon his back on the floor in front of her. The
sight of the stern old woman in the strange white blouse stretched tight over
her massive bust moving gracefully in a long black skirt of which one side was
pinned up showing off her shapely strong stockinged legs while she sent men
flying away from her through the air at great speed with the merest touch was
exhilarating to watch. BLAM BLAM BLAM! man after man fell heavily upon the
cold concrete floor as the Mistress threw them forwards from her side,
backwards over her head and sent tumbling over her broad hip. One managed to
grab both of her hands and pull her arms forward towards him while she lent
back resisting him. Suddenly she crossed her arms over forcing his to do the
same then twisted sharply around with her right leg stretched out before his
feet while crouching down low. He tripped then whipped head over heels at
startling speed, the base of his neck slamming into the hard concrete. BERLAM!
Like a whirling dervish, the grey haired woman spun around to face the next

As brave and formidable as she looked, surely she could not cope with such
numbers. I needed to help. Picking up a chair, I rushed towards forwards,
raised it above my head and brought it down upon the cranium of the closest
thug to me. BAM! The chair broke around his head and as I had hoped he began
to slump towards the floor. However to my dismay his knees had only bent
partway when he slowly straightened stretching to his full height, he was like
a tall wide wall blocking out what little light entered this hall in the first
place. Slowly he turned around and cast his evil eyes upon me with such menace
that I now knew why the others had not risen to the Mistress's aid when I had
tried to rouse them. He was a big bear of a man with a large bulky frame, a
large brutish face and massive fists which he slowly raised with an evil grin.

Looking beyond the sneering large brute, I saw two more converge at the same
time upon Mistress Regina, one with a sharpened dining knife in hand. With
stony calmness and great speed she brought the side of her hand down upon the
crook of his elbow and the knife clattered to the floor. Without pause, her
hands struck out with the speed of snakes seizing the wrist of the man upon
either side then suddenly spun her arms forward quickly as if cracking a whip.
In stunned amazement I saw two big bulky men perform rapid somersaults in the
air with an elderly cultured woman standing nonchalantly between them before
crashing onto their backs in the blink of an eye. Distracted I barely saw the
thug's massive fist hurtling towards my face. I instinctively jumped back but
his knuckles bruised my cheek. As I jumped further away from the hulking
brute, beyond him Mistress Regina had twisted both men's wrists forcing them
to kneel upon either side while writhing in agony while she crouched between
them. Then both her arms whipped around vertically in opposite directions,
sending each man spinning like a cartwheel in opposite directions, one
tumbling forwards while the other went backwards. In amazement I had seen her
bowl the two men over a second time in a matter of seconds. They went crashing
like human bowling balls into the legs of their colleagues knocking them down
like nine-pins.

The thug came at me again swinging his fists. I tried to duck and skip out of
the way but I found myself backing into the women's dining tables. Hands
grabbed me from behind and flung me towards the brute. BLAM! His fist collided
with the side of my face like a mallet whipping my face way in a blaze of
stars. In a daze I stumbled back amongst the women who grabbed me and once
more threw me like fodder to the laughing hulk.

"Yah!" a sharp shout distracted us both. Looking across at the Mistress, her
divided skirt draped from the top of her right leg as it kicked out with
blinding speed towards the face of another tough. KABLAM! The sole of her boot
hammered the centre of his face with such powerful force that a thick spray of
blood flew in all directions. The man literally flipped heels over head and
crashed heavily to the floor and lay unmoving. The power in her strong looking
legs stimulated me greatly but I had more urgent things to worry about. I knew
a few arm-locks of my own and as the big brute returned his malevolent
attention to me I darted around the back of him twisting his arm as I went. He
was strong and I struggled to force his hand up his back.

Across the room to my alarm I saw that some thug had tripped the Mistress onto
her back and was standing by her feet. Showing no concern she quickly placed
one foot upon his left knee and hooked the other around the back of the same
ankle. Suddenly he went down like a falling tree as she pushed with one leg
and pulled with the other, taking his leg out from under him. The Mistress
quickly leapt upon him, seized his right wrist and pulled his arm back
straight over her unmentionable area while draping her left leg over his neck
and her right, bent, by his side. Other men were converging towards her and
was almost upon her. In a quick brutal move, she raised her hips while pulling
back upon the man's arm. CRACK! He screamed as his arm broke. The chilling
sound giving Regina the distraction to leap quickly to her feet.

The brute was difficult to restrain so I reached up with my other to wrap my
arm around his neck but he leant forward and I found myself riding him like a
jockey. "Time's up, you old bitch!" Jack shouted as he closed in upon the old
woman while his cronies boxed in her on all sides. The sour-faced old
grey-haired woman just glared straight-faced at Jack then acted in the blink
of an eyelid. Her arm shot forwards in a blur BLAM!. Her fist struck his jaw
like thunder sending his head shooting back over his shoulders with his eyes
agog and his mouth gaping as he staggered back under the old ladies powerful
punch. The thug I was riding twisted and turned then shook me off. He spun
around his fist flying out and catching me right in the middle of my face.
BLAM! His fist struck again upon my jaw BLAM! My legs turned to jelly and I
collapsed to the floor. I looked up trying to shake off the daze expecting him
to finish me off when to my surprise a rough-looking female inmate stepped
forwards and swung her foot right between his legs. WHUMP! Oooooooorghh!" he
wailed, his shoulders slumping and his face melting in sheer misery. But the
woman showed no mercy and swung her leg again catching him the same way.

CRACK! across the room the fists of the Mistress pounded Jack's face which
flew back with blood streaming from his nose. With a twitch of my manhood I
realised that her punches were even more powerful than her daughters. Jack had
realised this too but was too brain shocked to do anything about it. Catching
the side of Jack's punch-drunk face with her right hand, the fingers of her
left opened and seized the side of his neck close to the jawline. Her fingers
dug in and the former local area boxing champion went all stiff and trembled.
The next second the Mistress had trapped his hands against her voluminous
chest while pressing his head backwards with the steely grip about his neck.
As soon as he was leaning backwards, she kicked away his leg with a sweep of
her leg. A sharp twist of his arm and his whole body whipped head over heels
in a fast circle as he went tumbling backwards to the floor.

By now the brute that I had tried to subdue was being brutally beaten by a
whole gang of women who were pulling his hair and being held while they took
turns kicking his unmentionables. The rough one that started it all looked at
me and winked. "You're much prettier than him, Love" she laughed "He's the
bastard who knocked up my daughter. Theirs too. Been wanting to get our hands
on him for a long time".

"HAI!" the side of Mistress Regina's hand struck like an axe upon the base of
the neck of a man who had gone to Jack's aid. His body jerked and twitched in
a strange way as if paralysed. The top-heavy grey-haired lady in the strange
white blouse and long divided skirt faced him seized his right wrist then
pulled his arm in a straight line across the back of her neck facing outward.
Stressing his arm about her neck, her right fist punched him clean on the
nose. BLAM! with her left hand immobilising his right arm behind her head her
right arm reached around his belly and seized his left. Her right foot swept
away his leg and he went tumbling backwards to the floor. Swiftly moving
behind the downed man while still holding his wrist in a lock she pulled his
arm back across her knee while pressing the edge of her other hand across the
side of his neck. SNAP! "Arrnnnnn!" he was rendered unconscious even as his
arm bent back at an unnatural angle.

The Mistress turned to a nearby wooden dining table of study construction.
Whereupon she fixed it with a stern steely gaze and raised her right hand in a
strange open hand manner with her fingers aligned one upon the other like a
knife. "HAI YAH!" she shouted making me jump with the loud sound. BERLAM! Her
hand fell upon the table as if it were an axe and cut straight through slicing
it clean in two whereupon it collapsed in the middle. The entire hall went
silent in stunned amazement. My manhood went absolutely rigid at this
astonishing feat of power and looking around the room I saw that I was not the
only one. Even Jack's trousers was sporting a rigid tent. Mistress Regina
fixed the eye of each and every one of Jack's remaining men. "Who is next?"
she asked in a cold strict tone. They all looked at her in fright and the
front of the trousers of several lurched up and down as did mine. "Upon the
floor now, upon your stomachs. All of you or you will face my wrath" She
commanded. As a man they all obeyed cowering with fear. She walked towards
Jack who was prone upon his back with the tent in his trousers erect and
twitching. "P..Please" he began to plead. She didn't say a word but glared
down upon him. Then her right boot moved and pressed down that obscene
erection and began to massage it. Jack began moaning and groaning "Orrr
Mistress, Mistress". In very little time his stiffness deflated and a dark wet
path spread in an embarrassing manner. "Urrrr urrrr Ohhhhhhh" he gave a loud
groan of sexual fulfilment that had some of his colleagues openly rubbing
their privates.

"On your feet" she instructed Jack in no certain terms. The satin sheen of her
blouse inflamed my senses as it clung tightly to her magnificent bust. "Please
Mistress no" Jack begged then screamed as the fierce craggy faced grey-haired
woman crouched behind him and twisted his left arm forcing him to roll onto
his belly then pulled his arm straight behind him then pressed down upon his
elbow. "Arghh arghh!" he yelped writhing upon his belly. "You will do as I
tell you or I will break your arm just as my daughter broke the other one". My
man-shaft throbbed at her chilling words for I was sure that she would carry
out her ruthless threat. Jack must have known it too for he got to his knees,
his face red with his eyes and mouth clenched in great pain. The big-busted
old woman stepped to his side keeping his arm bent upwards as she pressed upon
the back of his elbow. Upon his knees with a broken arm in a sling and the
other painfully stressed the stern-faced woman forced him to shuffle around
the floor describing a circle around her. "Look at how the mighty have fallen"
she crowed directing everyone's attention to his humiliation. Seeing the big
brute grovel around her reminded me vividly of how she had done much the same
to put me in my place upon my arrival. The grey-hair of the powerful looking
figure in the forward-thrusting white blouse and long black skirt contrasted
with the much younger strongly built man being forced to shuffle around her
with pain etched upon his face. "Argh argh!" he yelped every now and then when
he failed to keep up with the pace she dictated causing his arm to bend back
alarmingly. "Would any of you like to take his place?" the stark question was
directed at Jack's accomplices, the ones remaining conscious that is. None
took up the challenge but by the furious rubbing of some upon their crotch, I
was sure that some wished it in their dreams.

Mistress Regina slowly raised the level of Jack's arm forcing him to get to
his feet although still severely stooped with bowed head by her side. With
great smugness and superior attitude she paraded the captive man in all his
humiliation around the room. "The penalty for attempted revolution is severe
and will be administered by myself". "Argh! Argh!" Jack was trying and failing
not to cry out yet he was under her complete control for fear of breaking his
remaining arm. "Following that. All participants will be duly banished from
this establishment". Even I knew that such a decision could only be made by
the Master yet one look at his face told me that he was in terrified awe of
this formidable old battleaxe. With a twist of his wrist invoking loud yelps
from Jack she forced him to stand fully, writhing in her brutal wrist and arm
lock. "Stand up and take your punishment like a man" the grey-haired buxom
woman demanded. Several of his comrades were now openly masturbating at the
sight of this magnificent dominant old woman. Keeping his wrist bent and arm
straight, the Mistress faced him then stepped back. "This is going to hurt you
more than it hurts me" she told him with a hint of a wry smile.

What followed was so amazing and full of female power that I completely messed
my pants yet again, as several other men judging by their expressions and
those of Jack's revolutionaries with their members in their hands. "HAI YAH!"
the old woman's shout made me jump and in the blink of an eye her stockinged
right leg shot into the air with such power, speed and amazing flexibility
that the top of her thigh bounced off her huge bust. KERBLAM! Jack's face was
powered back in a spray of blood and his big muscular body flew head over
heels backwards before slamming face first into the hard floor. A silence fell
upon the room before it erupted in the groans of the foul men shaming
themselves upon the floor. Others shamed themselves in other ways, urinating
down their trouser legs and by the smell via other orifices.
Title: Re: The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse [Jimp]
Post by: bobthebob on November 18, 2014, 09:28:36 pm
The Case of the Jujitsuffragette: The Mistress of the Workhouse
By Jimp
(c)Jim P 2014
Victorian detective gets an introduction to female martial arts and dominance

Part 4: Worshipping The Mistress

27th May 1897

After the medical officer checked the healing of my bruises and cuts, I was
summoned to the Mistress's office. As I approached the door, I heard a
repetitive metallic clanging upon the other side but could not make out it's
origin. I knocked on the door and heard a firm "enter" from the other side, so
opened it and entered. To my complete shock, the Mistress was scantily clad in
only a large black satin bra of sturdy reinforced construction to retain her
enormous endowment with a shocking V neck that showed her deep plunging
cleavage along with a matching pair of shorts. For such an outwardly decent
cultured old lady, she was displaying a shocking amount of skin for her
shoulders, arms, belly and legs were entirely bare. "Close the door" she
ordered and gratefully I turned around to do so allowing me to avert my eyes
as I felt my temperature rise. I kept them respectfully averted as I turned

"Do you find me repulsive?" her stern voice asked. "No Mistress" I replied.
"Then look at me when I am talking to you" she commanded. I raised my eyes.
All the time I had been in that room I had been aware of that metallic clank I
had heard earlier and now saw the reason and was shocked to speechlessness.
For in her hands was a long iron barbell, affixed to each end were several
large metal plates of such weight that that pole bent noticeably away from the
centre. Once again this amazing formidable grey-haired stern-faced woman had
utter demolished my preconceptions of womanhood as she curled this massive
iron barbell as easily as a strongman. Fascinated despite her indecent apparel
which both greatly disturbed and aroused me, I was taken aback by her
incredible well-developed physique. Properly clothed, I had thought her body
was the ideal example of the female form, plump, buxom and with plenty of
curves. Unclothed I immediately saw that in fact she was stockily built with
thick arms and legs. However these were not plump and soft but looked very
hard and taut with not a soft spot except her breasts. It looked as if every
part of her body was well-defined and shone with good health.

"Fighting is an punishable offence" she told me as her thick shaped strong
arms lifted that weight up and down. I was fascinated by how thick slopes led
down from part-way either side of her neck at a good 30 degrees towards the
ends of her shoulders to meet a prominent horizontal corded line. I gaped at
how well-defined her shoulder caps were. They were like hard armour plated
cups full of shape cleanly separated from the rest of her upper arm with
diagonal striated cuts that gave a sense of power. The weights on the end of
that bar looked truly massive for such an elderly lady and I very much doubted
that I would be able to lift it at all. Yet she managed to curl that barbell
level with her chest. I gasped as her arms strained and a thick solid bulge
swelled along the front of her upper arm intimating power that I never knew a
woman could possess. I knew instinctively though could not believe it that the
thick swellings were unmistakably biceps of a substantial size. I also noticed
a rugged prominent vein running down the front edge of each biceps which
somehow made them look even more formidable. The Mistress extruded great
physical strength to back up her ferocious fighting skills.

She continued to address me while exercising showing a little exertion in her
voice "However I realise that you foolishly thought you were trying to come
valiantly to my aid". As she worked to repeatedly raise and lower the bar, I
noted that the back of her forearms were etched with thick cords and tendons
of such startling clarity. This was thickest around the elbow giving it a
powerful sail-like appearance that stunned me. I had seen strong women perform
in vaudeville but they were tall big sturdily built women of substantial size
and girth of Rubenesque proportions. The Mistress however appeared a more
ordinary shapely women albeit rather tall yet of exceptional firmness and
definition of muscle which was infinitely more appealing. Her small grey eyes
fixed me in their gaze through her spectacles as she exercised, never
deviating from me making me feel most uncomfortable. "I am willing to make
allowances if you are willing to serve me" she stated. I confessed to her that
I was willing to serve her in any way I saw to which a strange smile appeared
on her thin lips. "I accept your offer of servitude although I don't think you
quite understand my intent". She said no more but continued with her
extraordinary weight-lifting exercise while watching me closely. "A healthy
body promotes a healthy mind don't you think?" she asked. "Indeed" I replied
thinking out aloud with my loins that were becoming very excited at her
healthy body.

I studied that body as she continued to haul that huge weight up and down.
Rather than feeling repulsed over a woman displaying musculature to rival most
men, I found it strongly sensual. Without her corset she no longer had that
pinched waist look and her trunk was quite wide. Her stomach was very flat and
taut. Strange hard irregular square masses writhed beneath the surface rising
and falling as she breathed. They were fascinating to watch. As they rose
prominently to the surface I counted six slabs arranged vertically three each
side of a groove running up from her belly button. Daring to look at her legs,
I saw that these were quite thick around the upper thigh yet very solid
looking with strong looking lines and great shape that my eyes kept following.

Finally she put down the weights and slowly moved towards me. It was hard not
to look at her semi-naked body. "How old are you James?" "25" I replied. "Are
you married?" "No" "Have you had carnal knowledge of a woman?" "No of course
not, I am not married" I protested in shock at the suggestion. "Such a fine
upstanding young man. In more ways than one" she chuckled. I gasped as her
hand enclosed around the stiff bulge in my trousers. "Stay where you are!" she
commanded loudly as I instinctively tried to move out of her embarrassing
grasp. "Move without my permission and I will slam you all around this room
until you can no longer stand unaided". I stood my ground and the old woman
adopted a softer tone as she gently traced the outline of the prominent
stiffness in the front of my trousers. "You may think I am a harsh cold
hearted old dragon but I need to be this way to maintain discipline" her light
touch was stimulating and my eyes kept falling back to her impressive cleavage
which didn't help either. "But I am still a woman with woman's needs. I've
have been so lonely since my husband passed away these many long years". She
continued to stroke my trousers making it harder. "I do my duty for the men
who need it at night but that does not fulfil my needs. I need companionship
of a man who is not afraid of my healthy body and disciplinary skills. A man
like you".

I was shocked by her suggestion but before I could voice my objection the
Mistress clad only in a large sturdy bra and shorts raised her arms out to
either side level with her broad shoulders. Her forearms swung up vertical
with her fists clenched then in towards her head. I gaped in amazement feeling
my groin tighten and stiffen as her forearms thickened at the base while her
upper arms bulged both upwards and below. Her large breasts also tightened and
came together rising in a highly erotic manner in the V of her bra. I gasped
at how large and solid her biceps became getting more prominent and craggier
by the second. They looked so powerful and fearful yet with those large
hemispheres of bust rising up and pressing against each other she was
undeniably a woman. "Orrrrr!" I groaned as my man-rod beat furiously inside my
trousers. "You pledged to serve me, so serve me. Feel my muscles James, feel
my strength, my power. Go on feel them".

I did not hesitate for I was longing to touch those big feminine mounds of
muscle upon her arms yet had been to afraid of her reaction if I had. With my
heart beating fast and sweat forming on my brow I reached out a hand to the
top of her right biceps. "So hard! So big! So beautiful" I gasped astonished
by the feel of the muscles beneath my hand smoothly curved yet as hard as
iron. I could not even press my fingers into them. "That's it James. Feel the
big powerful arms of your Mistress". With my throbbing shaft painfully tight
against my trousers I felt her biceps with both hands becoming ever more
aroused by the sensational feel of hard steely muscle beneath soft female
skin. "Kiss them, James. Kiss them and worship me. Worship my biceps" I may
have thought that a strange request previously but now I did not hesitate and
put my lips to her amazing muscles while stroking and feeling them with my
hands. "Amazing, amazing!" I kept mumbling between kisses.

"Take my hands, James" I did as she instructed, stretching my arms out on
either side and bending my forearms to match hers. Arm to arm, I suddenly felt
such power as I had never known flowing through her arms opposing me.
Instantly I realised that not only was she a more formidable fighter than I
was but that she also was much stronger than me. "Try to push my hands back,
come on James, are you even trying?" she taunted as an overwhelming power
forced my hands steadily backwards. The front of my trousers resembled a tent
with a painfully stiff tentpole pressing tightly against the inside of my
pants and throbbing uncontrollably. With a tight smug smile of superiority,
Mistress Regina angled her fists towards the floor and I am forced to bend at
the knees. To my disgrace I find my face sinking close to her large swelling
bosom which rises like two half-moons out of her bra to meet me. To my horror
my face plunges right into that voluminous cleavage. "Mmmmm mmmmm" To my
surprise I hear true laughter from the strict old woman. "I bet you are
enjoying that" she chuckles. "Mmm mmm mmmmah!" I gasp breathing fresh air as
my face falls out of her large cups and continues to sink as her strong hard
bulging arms press my hands lower until my face is level with her firm belly.
There she kept me, crouched down before her with my face right in front of her
taut stomach watching in fascination as those irregular blocks of hardness
rise and fall as she breathes.

"Kiss my abdominals, worship my rock-hard stomach" she ordered. I didn't what
they were but guessed they were these appealing blocks of hardness like jigsaw
puzzle pieces with grooves in between. I bowed my head to the task, enjoying
the feel of her taut skin against my eager lips. I had never realised the
effects of vigorous exercise upon a lady's body and now fully applauded it for
that firm belly with its hard shapes moving gently in and out was the most
sensual thing that I had ever seen. That this woman was old enough to be my
grandmother made it all the more amazing as I was sure that she had a far
superior and sexually appealing body than most women even those in their early
twenties. "Ohhhhh Mistress, so beautiful" I groaned with pure desire. "That
will do nicely indeed" she chuckled as she released my hands. As she did, I
fell forwards and stopped myself upon her sturdy body. Looking down I saw the
swell of hard looking muscle upon her thighs and calves. Crouching lower to
take a closer look, I placed my hand upon the outside of her left thigh and
confirmed that it indeed felt like an iron plate. "Wow so hard!" I gasped. I
began to move my face between her legs which were apart in a stance but before
I could proceed she placed a firm hand upon my shoulder. "Believe me, you do
not want to get your head stuck in there. I could pop your skull like a
balloon. Now stand up and worship my back" she commanded. My tent-pole lurched
back and forth like it was caught in a gale at her words. Could she really do
that? Could a woman break my skull between her legs? I felt her thighs once
more, they were certainly very thick, very hard and I imagined I could feel
immense power lying just beneath the surface of her silky smooth skin.

"I said get up" she sounded impatient so I rose to my full height. As I did
the Mistress turned around and I found myself sharply drawing in my breath
when she unclasped and removed her bra. I could see the backs of her large
breasts to my immense excitement. She placed her hands upon her hips and I saw
that from the rear she did indeed have a natural hour-glass figure. In
particular her back flared out on either side as it rose from her waist like
an inverted triangle to her very prominent shoulder blades that were covered
with large masses deeply etched in strange shapes. From the rear, I could more
clearly see the dense slopes from her neck to the tops of her shoulders
themselves resembling large plates of the halves of some triangle. As I
watched she raised her arms once more and flexed her biceps. To my
astonishment her entire back became a writhing mass of large solid muscle the
likes of which I had never seen. From the rear her arms appeared even more
formidable with powerful forearms and large biceps that were peaked like a
mountain top. I placed my hands upon those peaks. "Ohhhh Mistress so big, so
strong!" I gasped in wonder. I moved my hands onto her back and felt the hard
muscular slabs in such abundance. I am so inflamed by her amazing physique
that I find myself kissing and feeling her wondrous naked back with a wild
passion. Mistress Regina was both muscular and beautiful in her own way,
disproving the long-held fallacy of the ruling classes that strength in woman
brings ugliness.

Losing all sense of decorum, I reached around her front to feel her hard
stomach while I kissed her back. Inevitably they slipped upwards to cup her
huge bare breasts that overflowed my grasping hands. That sensation was too
great for me and I began to thrust my groin against her backside while
caressing her breasts. "Ohhh Mistress, Mistress. I love you, I need you, I
yearn for you" I completely lost my dignity and was moaning stupid endearments
while thrusting myself like a mating dog. "Control yourself, boy" Mistress
Regina growled then turned around in my arms. I tried to regain my composure
but the sight of her naked breasts was too much for me and I tried to pull her
close to kiss her mouth. As quick as a snake, she grabbed my left arm, pulled
it out straight at my side while bending back the hand at the wrist. "Ouch
ouch!" I yelped as the very fit grey-haired woman turned her side to me.
Bringing my arm down swiftly in a forward motion, my body was jerked into the
air, my feet leaving the floor as I was tossed away head over heels. BERLAM my
back hit the floor hard "Ouch!". Shockingly in my highly aroused state, that
demonstration of superior fighting skill just stoked my out of control lust
even more. I immediately got to my feet and rushed towards her. "Oh Mistress!"
I groaned deep with desire. The Mistress just stood her ground and when I came
within an arm's length she grabbed my elbows then to my surprise fell over
backwards pulling me down with her. I found her foot in my groin as I fell
towards her. As soon as her back hit the floor I found my groin lifted high by
her leg which sent me hurtling tumbling head over heels at dizzying speed a
great distance across the room from her. BERLAM! My back hit the floor
knocking the wind out of me "Orrpphh!".

I lay there panting until the semi-naked form of the Mistress appeared,
standing over me like an ancient female warrior of old, a true Amazon. "Try
that again without my permission and I will slam you all over this room until
you are unable to stand. Do I make myself clear?" she was so stern and
dominant that my arousal pulsed strongly in my pants. "Yes Mistress. Sorry
Mistress" I replied humbled. "Now get to your feet and stand before me" she
demanded. I did as I was told trying to reign in my animal passion not to try
to seize her and kiss her. To my surprise she wrapped those thick strong arms
around me and pulled me tight against her soft voluminous breasts. "Urghh!" I
grunted as she slipped her grip to cradle my backside and with a surge of
strength, lifted my feet off the floor then threw me over one shoulder.
Proceeding to carry me across the room, I bounced around upon her shoulder
looking down at her amazingly sculpted back and her firm looking backside
covered with her shorts. Further below her calves were like rocky spear-like
slabs bulging in the most erotic fashion as she walked. Finally she lowered my
feet back to the floor and looking around I saw that there was a strange
wooden table with a cross bar handle a third of the way along and what looked
like stirrups.

"Remove your trousers and undergarments this instant" she demanded. Shocked by
this unseemly request I hesitated. Rather than scold me or bend back my hand
at the wrist, the grey-haired sour-faced woman hunched herself over clenching
her fists while bringing her arms around in front of her in a diamond shape.
Every muscle in her body seemed to swell up into massive relief. Even the top
part of her cleavage was striated and hard as her pendulous breasts hung down
before her. She looked massive, muscular and frightening like some powerful
wild beast. Once again this amazing old lady had shown me something that I had
never seen before in my life and I felt both afraid and highly aroused.
Without hesitation I complied with her request. "Lay down on there" she
ordered pointing with her finger towards the strange table. Intrigued, I did
as she commanded. Sliding beneath the cross-bar handle, I lay upon my back on
the table.

"This is how you will serve me, everyday at this time" with that she placed
her left foot in the left hand stirrup then swung her leg over like mounting a
horse. To my great shock I saw that she had removed her shorts and was now
completely nude. Straddling over my groin, her ladyparts were directly over my
erect manhood. "Please we're not married" I gasped although in truth part of
me wanted to experience the sinful sensations greatly. Her strong right hand
clutched me with a grip of steel between the neck and shoulders while her left
fitted my erection inside of her. My head swam in a warm fuzziness as her
steely fingers dug into the nerves in my neck that made my eyes go out of
focus and my head spin. "You pledged to serve me and serve me you shall" she
growled then thankfully released her fearsome grip to take hold of the handle
bar with both hands to begin riding me as if riding a horse. "Oh yes, oh yes.
It is so good to feel a fit young buck inside of me" she moaned in a sensual
manner while her nether regions slid up and down my erect shaft. Her riding of
my manhood was sending me in a place of incredible sensory pleasure. "Come
now" she scolded in a light-hearted manner while I continued to slip back and
forth inside her. "At my time of life, you are hardly going to get me with
child. So we can enjoy the act of union for the heightened pleasure alone."
Enjoy it I did as she rode me with rising passion. In no time I was moaning
and groaning like an imbecile, reaching up to try to constraint those massive
breasts as they bounced around unrestrained while the slick slimy constant
motion of her lady-hole around my manhood sent me into untold throes of wanton
desire and ecstasy. "Ohhh ohhhh fuck me James fuck me!" her strange animal
moaning and uncharacteristic coarse language tipped me over the edge. I lost
what scant self-control I had and began unloading what felt like a geyser of
seed into her wonderful passage. "Nrraaghhh nnaarhhh nnnnargh Ohhhhhhh!" I
moaned like crazy as it went on and on gradually subsiding. At the same time
Mistress Regina howled loudly like a woman possessed and thrusting up and down
upon me until she too subsided, passion sated. Whereupon she lay beside me and
we embraced and cuddled until we regained our strength then without further
a-due she dismissed me.

1st June 1897

All I can think of night and day is Mistress Regina for I am besotted by this
handsome looking grey-haired lady of astounding physique. Every day in the
late afternoon I attend to her in her personal quarters as she exercises then
takes me upon her strange wooden riding table. Not that I always enter her for
she forces me to do unnatural things. The first time she did this I was
horrified as she faced me then lowered her lady parts right onto my nose and
mouth then demanded that I use my tongue and mouth to pleasure her. All
objections were smothered off as she began to rub herself with increasing
vigour over my face. As shameful as it was to be completely subdued by a
lady's unmentionables while she used my face for pleasure, I also became
greatly aroused and learnt quickly how to use my tongue to elicit loud moans
of appreciation as I lay beneath with my face buried in her sex. "Orrr orrrr
yess yess!" she shouted bucking her hips with increasing passion while
covering my face with a slimly secretion. "You see it is not only the male of
the species that can have an orgasm without intercourse" she instructed as she
sat back upon my chest, satisfaction achieved.

4th June 1897

I knew something was wrong when I entered Mistress Regina's quarters. Instead
of the scandalously scanty attire she used for exercise, she wore that strange
white satin wrap-around top with the long black divided skirt which was her
normal business attire. Instead of the welcoming smile I had become to know in
the privacy of her room, her small mouth was tight and the glare from her
small grey eyes through her spectacles was cold and fierce. "Come here James.
Stand before" her voice had no traces of warmth. "Is anything the
matter...woah!" barely had I spoken when the fearsome old lady seized my hand,
turned fully around while slipping her other arm around my waist. Leaning she
pulled me forward only to come up against her leg which quickly kicked back,
lifting my right leg high behind me causing me to trip. I felt my groin ride
over her broad hip as I pivoted over it, once again reminded that a woman was
throwing me against my wishes. BLAM! "Ouch!" I cried as my back slammed
against the cold hard concrete floor. Stunned I looked up into the face of a
fierce looking stern authoritative woman glaring down at me at her feet. "I
did not give you leave to speak" she told me harshly. I knew better than to
argue. "Sorry Mistress" I mumbled trying to sound humble. "Now get to your
feet and do not speak unless I ask you a question" Wondering about this turn
in my private relationship with her, I did as she asked.

For several seconds she just glared at me before speaking. "You had a visitor
wishing to see you today" That surprised me. "As you know the younger men are
not permitted to receive visitors. So he was turned away" She stepped forwards
and ran a finger along the top of my shirt. "Do you know who he was, boy?" she
looked right into my eyes and it sent shivers down my spine. "No, Maam" I
answered. "He says his name was a Mister Steven Johnston" I felt a bottomless
pit open up in the base of my stomach. Why was Stinky Johnson visiting me?,
did he have news from the Chief? Were they concerned that I had been unable to
communicate my progress with them? She studied my eyes looking for a reaction.
"I see that you recognise the name. What relation is he to you?" Oh damnation!
I had to think quick "An uncle, Maam. No doubt concerned with my welfare" I
replied. Suddenly she seized my right wrist and with a non-nonchalant flick of
the wrist sent my body whipping over to the side in an incredibly fast circle
with just one arm, landing heavily on the top of my back. BLAM! "Ouch!" I lay
stunned and short of breath on floor bewildered as to why she had attacked me
and more than a little afraid of her almost magical fighting skills.

"I am reliably informed that Mister Johnson is some sort of undercover
Policeman and he bears no resemblance to yourself. I do not like liars, James.
Liars must be punished" "Please let me exaaargh!" I squealed as she bent back
my wrist and arm upon itself as she knelt by my side forcing me to kneel next
to her. "Argh!" the room spun around me at nauseating speed as I was whipped
from my knees with a sudden jerk of my seized arm, flipped right over in a
blinding forward roll. BLAM! "Argh!" no sooner had my back crashed against the
floor than she bent my wrist and arm once more and with a blinding blur of
motion whipped my body back in the opposite direction. BERLAM! "Argh! Woah!"
in horror she flipped me again this time sending me across the front of her
body from right to left. BERLAM! "Argh!" this time she bent back my arm and
forced me to my knees with my back to her.

"Urkkk! I croaked as the Mistress's right arm came over my right shoulder from
behind and folded her brawny forearm tight across the front of my throat.
"Urkkk!" I felt her other hand press upon the back of my head pressing my
throat tight against her forearm. "Urkkk!" she jerked back my head in
stranglehold of such intensity that I felt the blood drain from my face. "You
see the futility of lying to me, James" she chuckled cruelly as she pressed my
windpipe against her hard muscular forearm. "Urhhhk!" my face heated up
rapidly and turn red as she choked off my breath. Quickly I raised my hands to
loosen her arm but I found that she had locked off her right arm beneath the
left. With rising alarm I felt certain that she intended to choke me to death,
I tugged and pulled at her arms but the hold around my throat was deadly tight
with no give whatsoever. Her strong muscular forearm was so tight around my
throat that it was truly embedded within it collapsing my windpipe flat. To my
horror I began to choke and cough and moan uncontrollably locked up in this
dominant old woman's strong arms. I started to panic through the loss of air,
I slapped against the thick solid arms swelling and tight around my neck. She
chuckled close to my ear. "Oh I do enjoy your pathetic attempts to get free,
wasting all your energy speeding your journey to the inevitable". I could even
feel her large biceps digging into the side of my neck speeding up my doom.
That this was a woman and an elderly at that one taking my life in such a
physically strong way made my manhood rise to full mast.

"I could take your life like this, James. What good will your lies do you
then?" Her voice was close to my ear as to my horror she increased the
pressure even more while she stood up behind me. Standing above me she leant
heavily upon the back of my neck pressing my neck unbelievably tight.
"Victorian men are so arrogant and conceited in their presumed superiority but
it is women who are the truly the stronger sex" she lectured as my eyes
swooned and lost focus. "Grkkk!" I wanted to beg for her to allow me air but I
could not speak. "Look at the state of you. All that blood stuck in your head
with nowhere to go, making you look so funny with your face so red and ugly. I
enjoy increasing the pressure until the arrogant lying male becomes totally
out of breathe and power and faints". Her arms tightened even tighter than I
thought imaginable, so much so that it felt like she would pop my head right
off my neck. Urrr urrrr help me urrr my head began to swoon and a strangle
muffled buzzing sounded in my ears. I felt insanely weak unable to keep my
eyelids open. My hands dropped from her strong arms to my side as my head
began to spin uuurrrrr the blackness was taking me urrrrr.

"Muh!" I came around with a start, relieved to discover that I was not dead.
"That was called a sleeper choke hold. A simple but effective technique by
which a woman can render a man unconscious". The Mistress's voice made me sit
up and look up where I found her standing over me with her large endowment
thrusting like a shelf above me. She glared down with an impatient look. "You
were only out for a few moments but if you do not tell me the truth of the
matter to my satisfaction, the next time will be for much longer during which
you may suffer side-effects of brain-damage or worst". I told her everything,
leaving no detail unsaid. Yes I was scared of what this fierce old
disciplinarian could do to me with her ferocious unarmed combat skills but I
no longer wanted to maintain the deceit. I was in love with her and wanted to
serve her, she was my Mistress and I worshipped her and wanted to be with her
forever. I told her so adding whatever words I thought could convince her of
my sincerity. Her emotionless expression made it impossible to gauge whether
she believed me. Again I told her that I truly loved her, that no other came
close to compare for she excited me so much in ways that I had never
previously realised. I wanted to be with her as a loving companion if not
partner. If she would no longer throw around policemen, other than myself in
the privacy of her room of course, I was certainly that I could persuade the
Chief that the case was closed and there would be no further investigation of
herself of daughter. This I would do willingly for I am deeply in love with
this stern disciplinarian who more resembled a grandmother to me than a wife.
Yes, I know it sounded like emotional twaddle but it was God's honest truth. I
finished my oratory and she simple stared at me through her spectacles with
her hawk like eyes.

Without saying a word, Mistress Regina went over to the strange riding table
and laid herself down upon it then opened her legs wide. "Come here and prove
your love" Her skirt divides to reveal her thick stockings. Once again the old
lady shocks me when I see that she is not wearing knickers. But I cannot bring
myself to avert my eyes. Instead the sight of the mighty grey-haired woman in
such a wanton position makes my shaft stiffen for the powerful muscular body
beneath her clothing and the pleasures that had given me. I remove my trousers
and pants as my manhood rises to the occasion. Approaching the end of the
table where her feet were, I gasped "Oh Mistress, I love you". I knelt on the
end of the table and leant over to kiss her before I entered her. Thick strong
soft-stockinged thighs crept up my body as I kissed her. "Oh I love you
Mistress" I enjoyed the feel of her thick thighs encircling my waist like sexy
serpents. It was so scandalously exciting I kissed her lips more. Then they
became muscular and began to squeeze hard. "No Mistress Noooarghhh!" I gasped
as she spread out her arms on the table and pressed down as she raised her
hips while squeezing with indescribable power that cut in deep on both sides
of my body pulling me tighter than I ever imagined possible arghhh!. She just
lay on her back and watches me with those cold grey eyes as I suffered. In
desperation I tried to push her legs apart. My hands encountered large
muscular shapes like steel-clad airships lining her upper legs bulging with
frightening power. They had entrapped me, constricting my sides like a vice,
pinching my waist like a steel corset getting tighter and tighter. My body
shakes as the powerful legs squeeze so hard that they force the very air from
my body. I groan and gasp as a hot burning flares in my waist as it constricts
so painfully. "Arghh please no Mistress!" I cry out as even more pressure is
exerted by her legs. Sheering pain slices through my guts and rises into my
chest. I had never experienced such a raw muscular power chewing at my sides
writhing like a sea monster with wave after wave of agonising muscular
flexing. Oh God she is going to crush me to death. "I did warn you that you
did not want to get between my legs" she chuckled cruelly.

Argh! I am shocked by how thick and rugged her thighs have become beneath my
hands. They feel as solid as iron columns arghhh trying to me in two. My puny
body is insignificant between their powerful musculature. With such awesome
bulging power in her thighs that I feel weak, I find myself rising as her legs
bodily lift me above her. With my hands upon her enormously hard swollen slabs
of thighs I strain desperate for breath, for life yet her all-enveloping
strength holds me fast. The humiliation of being physically out-muscled by an
elderly lady fuels my arousal harder and harder. I am gasping for breath yet
so turned on that I stretch down and passionately kiss her mouth, telling her
with what little breath I have left how much I love her and need her and want
to worship her. Arghh I never could have imagined such incredible power from a
woman's legs, yet it is an undeniably feminine power and my man-rod is
absolutely rigid.

"That will do nicely, James" she tells me as her hand grasps my shaft gently
and lowering my knees back to the bed, she eases off the terrible crushing
power for a moment. "Ohhhhh!" I moan as she plunges me inside her. Easing off
the dreadful pressure just enough so I could barely breathe, I found myself so
worked up in desire that I began thrusting my pelvis back and forth as
constrained as I was in demented lust. "Ohh ohhhh yes do it James do it to me"
she moaned. Her strong legs locked around my waist controlled the rhythm of my
thrusting as if I were no longer in control of my own body. "Ohhh James if you
break my heart I swear I will break your body between my thighs Ohhhhh" she
moaned and groaned aloud with increasing rapidity making me more and more
aroused. Such overwhelming female power was highly erotic that I was eager to
pleasure the old woman. Soon our rutting got faster and more vigorous. "Ohh
ohhh ohhh ohhh ohh James fuck me oohhhhh" her demented grunts and obscene
cries got louder as they got faster and faster while her panting increased. I
was giving her a really good rogering thrusting my hips back and forth as fast
and hard as I could given my waist was clamped between her big strong thighs
that were dictating the pace. "Arghhh!" I groan loudly as a sudden wave of
insane pressure squeezes my waist tightly for a moment. "Ohhhhhh James it's
cumming ohhhhhh!" the crush stops and her thighs pump my waist with insane
speed causing my engorged manhood to slide back and forth in her channel at a
frantic rate. "Faster faster you bastard fuck me faster" her obscenities shock
me yet I feel the pressure in my swollen rod and sack build to bursting point
and have the need to thrust all the faster for release. Sudden the world
erupts in sheer pain as her muscular thighs clamp down with exceptional force
that I cannot even scream in agony for she is squeezing so insanely hard she
has stolen my breath while she screams and rocks dementedly like a mad person.
"Ohhh ohhhh arrr ohhhh ohhhh arrrrg" Despite all the madness and cutting pain,
my manhood unloads it's built-up payload in strong bursts right inside my
Mistress's womanly parts. Nnnnghh nnnnghhh nnghhh nnghhhh I can only voice the
grateful lustful relief in my mind. Thankfully the dreadful pressure eases as
the Mistress's lust abates and she releases me.

I collapsed exhausted and hurting greatly around the middle to the old woman's
side. She takes me in her strong arms and holds me close. "Loving me is a
dangerous occupation" she says gently while stroking my cheek. "I cannot hold
you to servitude if you do not want to risk it". "Please Mistress, please. I
would willingly face being crushed helpless between your thighs if that means
I could be with you, loving you for evermore" I told her in earnest. She
chuckled softly "You are indeed a treasure to lighten my world. For too long I
have been without love" and she kissed me gently. "Now rest for I believe you
have re-awoken my sexual appetite and that was just the starter" she chuckled
and kissed me again while cuddling me.


There you have it, Mister Priest. How ironic that your mother's maiden name
was the same as that of the companion of my Great-Grandmother. I wonder
whether you two gentlemen are related? You certainly share a common interest
in strong fighting women. Do keep in touch.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs. Georgina Armstrong
Title: My Karate Kid Sister
Post by: Female Bodybuilding on July 23, 2017, 08:56:40 am
My Karate Kid Sister
By Jimp [from a suggestion by MK]
(c)Jim P 2015
Submitted by jimp on November 10, 2015 - 5:35pm

Teen bodybuilder feels the painful skills of his little sister

“James! Mum and Dad said they will be late home so you'll have to take me to Karate” Jessica exclaimed as she bounced into the garage where I was pumping iron in my shorts while listening to Cradle of Filth in my gym that Dad built at the end of the garage. I'm there with my best friends Glen and Tim. “Urrrruph!” I belch loudly. Pumping iron always makes me burp. The others respond with hilarious laughter while Jessica crinkles her nose in disgust. “God! James you are just gross. To think that I'm related to you” "Jim" I growled. I hate being called James and she knew it. Jessica is my sister and frankly she gets on my nerves as we have absolutely nothing in common. For a start the age difference is too great, my parents having her several years after me. Always remaining the baby of the family she was the centre of my parent's attention. Probably that's why I got into bodybuilding at such a young age as an excuse to stay out as long as I could to avoid the sickly fawning of my parents over the little squirt. Although I am now 21 and at a local sporting college I still have that image of her.

Not that I could truly hate her for Jessica was a cute pretty looking kid and has remained so as she has grown. Small, slim and flat-chested she has a little heart-shaped face framed by shoulder-length blonde hair worn tied up behind her head. With big blue eyes, a short thick nose, high cheekbones and a wide mouth full of perfectly white teeth she remained in my parent's eyes the perfect sweet and innocent little girl. To me she has turned into an arrogant little snobby madame with an over-inflated superiority complex. All her FBook photos were of her dressed up in elegant ball-gowns with her good looking snob friends at events as if she were an upper-class debutante. In reality she was the daughter of a working-class family living in a semi-detached house down a main road who went to a normal comprehensive school.

“James! Are you listening?” she said with a pout that others found so cute while tapping her left foot in annoyance. “Yeah, Karate class. I heard” “What a joke” I mumbled to Glen and Tim who smiled having heard my opinion on the subject many times. My parents started taking her to Karate when Jessica was very young so their sweet little poppet could learn to defend herself from all the paedophiles that had supposedly appeared in our town like a plague of zombies. At first it made me feel uneasy that little 5 year old brats were being turned into a pint-sized army of rampaging killers with an undeveloped sense of right and wrong and a self-centric view of the world. It was totally irresponsible that people were making money training such terribly young kids in a military fighting art that would turn them into monsters capable of beating up their teachers or older brothers if they got told off for doing something naughty. Luckily the classes didn't seem to change her in the slightest and I relaxed thinking that it wouldn't last because she was a real girlie girl who preferred playing with dolls to doing something athletic. I just focused on bodybuilding and getting frigging massive. To be honest I never paid any more interest dismissing it as pure baloney for kids.

Now Jessica was a teenager, still cute and an arrogant little shrimp. I heard Glen mumble something about “a nice bit of posh totty” and shot him a warning glance. Her insufferable imperious snooty attitude got on my nerves. She had my parents wrapped around her little finger so that they brought their little poppet all the top designer gear. This she wore with her stubby little nose stuck in the air and giving people an arrogant look out of the corners of her eyes without turning her head. “Phoar Karate babe totty I'd like to put a smile on that stuck-up face” I heard Tim reply and shot him a warning too. Wearing her gi with her feet bare, I had to admit that it stirred up strange feelings. The way that simple white cotton wrap-around jacket and trousers moulded itself snugly to her small slender body, with her cute face could be kind of appealing to other guys.

“W..when did you become a black belt” I gasped in astonishment at the black strip tied around her around her tiny waist. She pulled a 'dumb-o' face. “Uh duh! like ages ago knuckle-head” she stated sarcastically. “I'm third Dan now” she said pointing to the three gold stripes on the belt. “Shows how much interest you take in your sister's hobby” she added with mock exasperation. I didn't really know what third Dan meant. To me she was just my little sister, yet the sight of her in that uniform with a black belt made me slightly nervous of my own sister which was ridiculous. “My hands are registered lethal weapons so you better do as I say” she stated with a cocky overconfidence that made me feel momentarily intimated. The thought that my cute little sister was a certified fighting machine was laughable and her superior attitude was really getting my hackles up. Probably due to the vast age difference, there was hardly any sibling love between us. Apart from the occasional exchange of heated words, we didn't really fight, we just didn't really get on especially as I really hated her unjustified stuck-up snobby attitude. “Tough, you'll have to walk. If you're as tough as you think you are you shouldn't have to worry about paedophiles. Just stay out of the cars of strange men” I snapped. “But Mum said...” she began to protest. “Mum's not here now so scram I've gotta prep for a contest” I said forcefully.

“You're just a stupid juicer, James” I spun around angrily. Her pretty little face was all moody and sulky. “You know it's wrong to use steroids. That's cheating” “Shut up Jessica” I hissed. “Maybe I should tell Mister Russell” she said in a childish sing-song taunt. Russell was the head at the college. "Shut up Jessica before I shut you up myself” “Yeah you and whose army?” she sneered. “You remember what happened to Bobby Priest when he tried to pick a fight with his younger sister?” [BOBP#1] she asked. How could any boy forget that humiliating spectacle of the attractive blonde gymnast totally destroying her older brother? He let down all manhood in letting himself get thrashed by a mere girl and a younger one at that! “He's a wimp, besides she's a gymnast” I reminded her. “Yeah and I'm a Karate 3rd Dan. I could seriously hurt you even kill you” She stated confidently. I suppressed the unease at being threatened by a cute little girl a fraction of my size wearing a gi with a black belt. “Baloney! You better start walking or you'll be late” I growled.

Swish! Swish! The sound of cotton moving swiftly against cotton as Jessica's arms adopted a fighting stance with one fist stretched in front and the other by her chest. “I'm warning you James I can really hurt you. So you better tow the line!”. The sight of such a cute girl trying to look tough was laughable, and so I did. With a look of barely suppressed anger she stomped over to a stack of bricks that Dad had put in the corner, left over from some garden project. “Imagine this is your body” she stated in an arrogant tone crouching with her legs wide over a stack 4 bricks high standing on the garage floor. The sweet little blonde in the gi then straightened her right hand open-palmed like a knife and held it poised edgewise over the bricks and concentrated. “Don't be silly Jessica, you'll break your hand” I said with concern. “HAI!” she suddenly shouted so uncharacteristically loud that it made me jump and shockingly my groin lurched too. WHUMP! The edge of her hand was a blur as it fell like an axe slicing cleanly through the top brick and driving a big crack like a bow-wave all the way through the 3 bricks below. Jeez! I gulped as my mouth dried up, numb with astonishment.

Standing up quickly with a hard-looking face full of concentration, she span around fast, her right leg rising high at the knee then snapping straight. “HAI!” again her sharp shout made me jump and once again my groin lurched too. A white streak flashed higher than her head towards a wooden cabinet, an old unit that Dad was going to throw away. BLAM! A loud sound of splintering as her dainty foot smashed solid oak to matchwood in the blink of an eye. “Jeez! What a kick-ass little babe!” Glen exclaimed. I was completely stunned by what I had just witnessed that I didn't even think to give him a warning stare. The demonstration of her unexpected power combined with her flexibility as her leg soared high like a midget can-can dancer had my groin twitching in a manner that was disturbing and to be honest embarrassing. “Now get in that car and drive me to class before I do that to your face” the fresh-faced blonde said with a hard sneer then turned her back on me to walk towards the car. She said it with such arrogance and in front of my mates too that it made me see red.

“I don't take orders from you!” I shouted as I caught up with her and slapped my hand on her shoulder to make her stop. Like a viper her right hand snatched mine and in an instant sharply bent back my fingers then pulled my arm away. “Argh argh!” I yelped in shock. “God you're a dumb oik, James” Jessica sneered. “Hai!” I jumped at her shout then a split-second later her elbow was hurtling towards my face. BLAM! “Ouch!” I yelped as her elbow smashed me straight in the mouth mashing my lips against my teeth. I was completely shocked that she had actually hit me! “Argh! Argh!” I yelped again as she bent back my hand at the wrist then forced my arm out past my back. “All those steroids must have turned your brain to mush” she taunted as shards of pain shot up my arm from my wrist. I've got to tell you that I'm over 6 foot tall and solid muscle yet was utterly devastated to find a slim girl barely 5 foot tall twisting my thick muscular arm around as if she were bending a straw. “Argh! Argh!” I was shocked that a big strong guy like me was unable to get out my little sister's hold. Yet every attempt to do was countered by more painful stressing of my arm that I feared would break it. “Oh Jeez man! Stop playing with her Jim. She's only a girl!” Glen laughed and Tim joined in.

“Arrrgh argghh!” I couldn't stop yelping as forcing me to stoop she deliberately let me suffer in one hold before moving on to another with a look of sheer domination on her pretty face. “Hai!” her hand swept across her body. WHOP! The edge of her palm chopped the join of my neck and shoulder sending electric bolts of pain coursing through my nervous system causing my body to lock up stiff with my hands shaking. That such a little girl could paralyse me like that made me realise my old fears of an unrestrained army of Karate trained brats was coming true. Laughing Jessica bent back my arm and pressed against the back of my elbow. “Argh arghh!” I cried out as it felt as if she would break my arm. I was horrified to find myself completely helpless at the hands of the little brat. “Look how easy I can control you James” Jessica boasted as she bent back my hand hard painfully forcing me to the ground. She did it slowly so that I was forced to look up at the white clad slim legs, past the slender boyish torso to her young-looking face smirking with arrogance. Oddly enough the sensation of being overwhelmingly dominated by a feminine looking girl was exciting and to my utter horror I felt my dick grow uncontrollably stiff and prayed that no-one noticed. “Look how helpless you are, you big lump” she boasted as she whipped my arm behind me then crouched forcing me face first to the floor. “Oh dear is the big muscular jock being owned by his little sister” Jessica taunted as she forced me flat out on my belly while she knelt behind my head immobilising my arm. THROB! THROB! Oh God No! I was horrified by the beating of my member against the floor, shockingly turned on by being owned by a mere girl. I felt my sister's hot breath on my ear raising tingles. “Don't be a stupid juiced-up moron, James” she said “admit that I've beaten you then we will get in the car and you will drive me to class”.

“That's enough love, you've had your fun now let Jim go” I was relieved although embarrassed when Glen stepped forward with Tim at his side to intervene. They were both big muscular guys, although not as big as me, yet my sweet elven faced little sister wasn't intimated in the slightest as they loomed over her. “Oh how tiresome” She said in a bored voice “more juicers who need to be shown whose boss”. Lying on my belly I felt her lean forwards putting weight on my arm. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her turn sideways and draw back her right leg. “Ha! Ha!” her chilling yell broke the silence. A white blur pulsed upwards at an angle right into Glen's nuts. Two quick-fire kicks one after the other in the beat of a heart. WHUMP! WHUMP! “Arghhhnnnn!” he wailed as her sole stomped his balls. His face turned red and screwed up as he threw back his head howling in agony before creasing over. I felt a shift in the weight pressing down upon my trapped wrist. “YAI!” As quick as lightning her right leg streaked out once more. WHUMP! The sole of her foot hammered the middle of his chest making him grunt as his body jerked. “Yah!” WHAP! Without stopping the same foot kicked up and slammed straight into his face. “Arghh!” he yelled as his body whipped up straight with his hands flying to his face.

The pain subsided as my arm was released. I rolled onto my back just in time to see Jessica slide on her back across the floor towards the feet of a startled Tim. Moving swiftly she folded her knees up over her belly. “HAI!” in an eye-blink both legs shot up together and the soles of her dainty bare feet hammered his groin. WHUMP! “Nnnarghh!” he wailed. To his horror my sister's legs straightened lifting his body completely off the ground. Openly crying in agony, his feet were lifted clean from the floor by her feet in his balls. A big muscular guy leg-pressed by a slim little girl. Tim toppled off backwards as her legs began to angle away from vertical down towards the ground. I was stunned, in barely a couple of minutes my cute little sister had physically humiliated three big muscular guys, two of who were now groaning loudly with their faces creased in agony, cupping their groins. “How does it feel to be kicked in the balls by feet that can smash bricks, boys?” Jessica chuckled in amusement.

No, no way, I'm not going to stand for it. She's just a kid, I'm a teen bodybuilding champion. Rubbing my aching arm angrily, I looked up the slender white columns standing before me leading up to the slim torso of the little brat with one fist balled looking down at me smugly. “Don't even think about it, James” Jessica warned as I pulled myself up from the floor, thankful that my embarrassment had subsided. “Everyone knows that when guys fight a girl, the girl always wins”. That was so condescending I felt myself turn red with rage. “You're going to get it Jessica” I growled “No more of your tricks or kicking guys in the nuts will save you”. I puffed up my body to try and look really big and muscle-packed. Instead of looking intimidated Jessica gave a coy smile then picked up an empty glass wine bottle off the floor waiting to be taken for recycling. It was one of those thick green Champagne bottles. Puzzled I watched as my little sister sat on a stool and placed the bottle between her bare feet. “Can you do this, boys?” she said straightening her legs with the bottle clamped between her soles. For a few moments there was puzzled silence as the little blonde concentrated on the thick-walled bottle with a scowl of concentration and gritting her teeth. I had no idea what she was playing at and watched in amusement as a slight tremor began in her foot until suddendly. CRACK! the bottle just shattered into loads of pieces. Without a whimper Jessica just stood up with no concern for the shards of glass she trod in. “The soles of my feet are thick with layers of corn” she explained “So I wouldn't feel a thing if I kicked in your faces”. I glared at her. “Don't mess with me, James. Karate girls don't hold back” she warned trying to intimidate me. Jessica raised her hands open-palmed like she intended to deliver a Karate chop. “These hands could knock you out cold in an instant” she warned. I had to admit that she looked pretty intimidating with her cocky confident manner.

I hate it when people try to threaten me, it really gets my back up and makes me see red. “Don't talk all high and mighty like that to me, you little squirt. I'm your big brother and in this house you will do as I tell you”. I flexed hitting a double biceps then a most-muscular to intimidate her but Jessica remained stony-faced. “Is that meant to impress me? You are just an overinflated pumpkin man all juiced up” she laughed. “You really are so far beneath me in the social pecking order” She said with a smug grin so wide I couldn't resist wiping it off her face. “Why you arrogant little brat!” I had barely raised my hand to give her a good slap to knock some sense into her when...

“Hai!” Jessica yelled stopping me in my tracks and making me jump. WHUMP! WHUMP! two shockingly hard punches drummed my muscled abs in the blink of an eye. Her small fists just a blur delivering a left-right strike. “Nnnurr!” I grunted, caught off-guard. Her cute face actually openly laughed right in my face with her small fists raised in front of her. Instinctively I tensed my abs before she struck again like a viper. “Hai!” WHUMP! WHUMP! Her small fists moved so fast I barely saw them. “Nnnur!” I grunted shocked by how hard and lightning fast the little squirt could punch. I had enough and whipped out my hand to push her away but she ducked nimbly beneath it. “Hai!” WHUMP! WHUMP! “Nnnar!” Her rapid double-punches were weakening my abs. “Jessica stop..”“Hai!” WHUMP! WHUMP! “Nnnnurr!” I grunted as her fists slammed against my belly.

I was seriously pissed and lashed out slapping Jessica a back-hander right across the face. CRACK! Jessica's face whipped around from one side to the other with a big red weal on one cheek. I was instantly ashamed and horrified at what I had done. “Jessica. I'm sorry but you were being a right bitch”. Her small face whipped back to glare at me with real ferocity, her golden blonde hair falling loosely over her left eye in a wild manner. “HAI!” she yelled loudly making me jump. I was dumbfounded as the little brat leapt right off the floor rising to an astonishing height with both legs folded beneath with her hands raised open-palmed. In a fraction of a second her hips rotated her legs towards me and one flashed out like a white torpedo of doom. WHOMP! “Nnnnaargh!” I groaned as foot struck my chest like a thunderbolt. The girl in white had barely landed when she spun around, moving so swiftly that I barely had time to glimpse the sole of her foot as a lightning-fast kick headed my way. “EeeeeeYah!” THRAK!!! the sole of her foot struck the side of my head like a club. The impact was so powerful that bright light exploded across my vision as my senses scrambled. I was shocked how powerful she could kick for such a little thing. “This is so easy” she chuckled evilly not giving me a chance to recover. “Yah!” a blur of white then WHOMP! Her small bare foot pounded hard against my stomach. In horror I felt the terrible power behind her kick as my mighty abs bent inwards giving gave way to her tiny foot. I was shocked for my abs could take a barrage of punches from real big guys. “Mmmmm!” I clenched my teeth in a determined effort not to show weakness in front of my sister. My cheeks ballooned as I nearly spilt my breath.

The little brat was ruthless. “Yah!” She moved so fast that I never saw it coming until her corn-hardened sole blasted my mouth. BLAM! such power nearly broke my jaw and I tasted blood on my lips. “Hai!” A lightning-fast round-house reached high and clubbed around my head scrambling my senses. “Hai!” WHUMP! “Orrraagh!” a spinning back kick stomped my wonderful abs to pulp. “Hai!” BLAM! In an heartbeat another powerful kick clubbed my head knocking me into a daze. She was too quick for me with her lightning fast kicks, too unpredictable to where she would strike to dodge. “Hai Yah!” she screamed with increasing frenzy as kick after kick pounded my face cutting my eyes, bloodying and bruising my face leaving painful stinging weals. My kid sister was a deadly fighting machine blasting powerful kicks with blinding speed. There seemed to be nothing I could do to stop her. Such a cute pretty little girl now terrified me. “Christ! She's turning your face to pulp!” Glen exclaimed with horror in his voice.

“HAI!”. BLAM! BLAM! Her tiny fists struck like a thunderbolt right and left hands hammering my jaw with such force that I felt it click while rocking my head hard. Jeez! She could really punch! “Bitch!” I spat and aimed a fist at her gut. To my surprise she blocked it, trapping my wrist beneath her armpit forcing me to stoop down to her level. “HAI!” BLAM! Her fist was like a rocket and crashed hard on my jaw, rocking my face and leaving it aching. “HAI!” WHUMP! “Narghh!” her small fist slammed into my gut like an express train. It was so powerful it collapsed my hard abs winding me and lifting my feet clean off the ground. Her small face was ablaze with cold fury that chilled me. “Hai!” a blur of white as her elbow shot up to meet my jaw. WHOCK! my head was thrown back with a gnashing of teeth and stars in my vision. “Hai!” a white flash and her fist hammered my left cheek. BLAM! I felt my cheeks rippling under the impact as my face whipped around so fast that it scrambled my brain and I lost balance. Going down to one knee I was horrified to find myself kneeling before the white cotton trouser clad legs of my own kid sister. I was shocked to find that she was a far better fighter than I was even though she was half my size, several years younger and a girl. “Jessica no!” I yelped as she leaned over me with cold fury in her eyes. Her fists clenched and tense for action. “Hai!” helpless I watched that small fist speed towards my face like a bullet. BLAM! It blasted my right eye sending me sprawling across the cold garage with my eye watering and stinging, in disbelief that my sweet little sister was actually hurting me.

“Jeez man! She's going crazy!” “Stop her, Jim” Glen and Tim urged. “Yes stop me James” she chuckled “EEEEYAH!” she screamed spinning around theatrically as her foot shot towards me in a blur. WHOCK! Her foot hammered my throat “Kkkkk!kkk!” in alarm and a cold feeling of dread I broke into a coughing fit, clutching my throat fearing she had crushed it. “My body is a lethal weapon primed to fire on instinct. You don't stand a chance” she sneered looking immaculately pristine like a cute Barbie doll. “Now bleed big brother. HAI!” Her right leg was a white blur. KRUNCH! The corn-hardened sole of a small foot slammed into my face like an express train smashing my nose and mashing my lips against my teeth snapping my face around in a spray of blood. “You will never forget this beating, James” Jessica grinned like the Cheshire cat while I clutched my face in shock. “Yah!” smiling sweetly my little sister suddenly spun around to present her back to me as her right leg rocketed skywards in a very athletic and supple high back-kick. KERWOCK! The sole of her small foot struck the underside of my jaw like a hammer sending my face whipping towards the ceiling with a loud crick in my neck and a pain in my jaw. My head moved so fast that my vision blurred and I lost all equilibrium, stumbling helplessly. “Here, take another. HAI!” I was so dazed I didn't even see it coming. THWACK! I felt her hard heel pulverise my cheek with a force like a sledgehammer. “Arghh!” I cried as my head rocked violently again and to my horror I felt my knees tremble, Threatening to give way at any moment.

“Stop it Jessica! You're killing him!” Glen sounded panicky. He was older than me by a couple of years and a right bastard when he was in a bad mood. Tim was by his side. In disbelief I watched Jessica move like lightning darting in-between the guys looking like a midget dwarfed by the 6-foot something muscle men. Grabbing Tim's wrist she whipped his hand behind his back in a hammerlock. “Hai!” at virtually the same time her right elbow hurtled towards Glen's face. BLAM! Her elbow back-blasted his cheek with a loud impact. “Yai!” then struck again under his jaw snapping his head right back. “Yah!” spinning towards Tim her left knee rose sharply towards his gut. WHOMP! “Nnnaarrr!” he groaned his face dissolving into agony, his deep-cut six pack giving way to my sisters knee as it plunged like a cannonball into his gut. Even as he began to crease over his ruined gut the kiddie Terminator didn't pause. “Hai!” Her hands grabbed the top of his head pulling it smartly down as her knee once more rocketed up to meet it. BLAM! The top of her thigh close to the knee met his face straight on. “Arghh!” he cried as his head flew back trailing blood as his body straightened.

Without pause my monster sister faced Glen. “Kai!” a blur of white as her foot sped straight into his groin. WHUMP! It was a very solid kick sounding like a cricket ball had just been swung between his legs. “Oaaarrrragh!” he wailed folding forwards his face ugly and red in agony. Oh God she can't be this good! The little gi-clad black-belt was merciless as she spun around and smashed the heel of her foot against his jaw in a lightning fast back kick. “HAI!” she yelled WHAP! The impact slammed his mouth shut with an audible clash of teeth as his face whipped up as his body straightened. “YAH!” she screamed leaning away from Glen, her black belt swinging like the ropes to the bell of doom as her right leg shot upwards like a missile towards his face. BERLAM! In the blink of an eye his head whipped right around bloodied and battered as his body slammed at high speed to the floor.

Like a non-stop tiny Ninja, Jessica spun side on to Tim. “Yah!” a white lightning bolt drove the side of her foot right into his balls. BLAM! “Arghhh!” he wailed as the power of her kick forcibly lifted his feet momentarily off the floor. Barely had he landed with his face screwed in agony when the white-clad form of my little sister leapt into air, rapidly soaring above Tim's head as he creased forwards. “HAI YAH!” she yelled as she brought the edge of her right hand, held open like a blade, solidly down upon the join of his neck with his shoulders. WHOCK! “Arghh!” his face looked up startled and his whole body froze momentarily like he'd been tasered before his knees buckled and he creased right over his head bowed level with her waist. “Hai!” her deadly right hand slashed down again. WHAP! The edge of her hand chopped solidly on the back of his neck and Tim fell to his knees looking up at her with stunned disbelief. WHOMP! To my startled horror my dick had gone absolutely rigid inside my pants with this amazing display of martial arts. It was like watching something out of an action movie, I could barely believe that this was my little sister. Jessica smiled broadly. “Wow! Unexpected isn't it? I know” she said in a voice dripping with sarcasm. “Now to finish you. EEEYAH!” I jumped at the loud shout and flinched as the squirt's leg shot up like a rocket. For a moment she held the front splits while standing up which made my dick lurch strongly in my pants as it did for any woman I saw doing the splits. It was an unwelcome reaction but then the girl's leg dropped like an executioner's axe. “Ha!” she yelled as she hammered her heel hard on the back of Tim's neck. WHOCK! Tim crashed heavily to the floor.

Holy crap! My little sister had just demolished us again in a matter of seconds. I couldn't believe she was that good, it wasn't possible. My whole perception of her suddenly changed from a snooty cute little girl to an unstoppable invincible Karate Goddess. This new image of her was a terrifying prospect yet there was something exciting almost erotic about my cute little sister possessing this powerful deadly fighting skill. With my face burning in humiliation and shame I actually felt myself trembling as my own sister stood over me in her gi with the black belt ominously tied around her tiny waist. Jessica held her hands open-palmed in a fighting stance and part of me just wanted to experience those hands slashing down upon my neck repeatedly chopping me until I was senseless. The strange kinky thought was so strong that my dick gave a big lurch scaring me that Jessica would notice I had a hard-on. “Well, James. I think you know now who is in charge in this house” She chuckled with a wide smile. “I can't wait to get to the Dojo to tell everyone how I kicked your arse and that of your two juicer friends. What a laugh!” she chuckled "You're such losers". “No!” I gasped realising with horror that there were probably people who knew me there. “Oh yes, my big brother the big loser” her small impish face laughed. No it couldn't happen! I wasn't going to let it happen! I had to do something to re-assert my authority. She infuriated me because she was so calm and confident in her abilities not intimated by me in the least.

She extended her bare foot towards my face. I could see the thick layer of corn on the sole. “You're my bitch now big brother so pucker up and kiss it” She demanded. “Or I'll put you in A&E then tell mum and dad that I did it to defend myself when you and your juiced-up friends tried to rape me” “They'll never believe that!” I gasped in shock. “Want to bet?” she said with an arrogant smirk. “Kiss it” she demanded pressing her foot against my lips. “Never!” I growled. Grabbing hold of her foot, I twisted it and pulled her leg from under her sending to the floor. I went to leap on top of her to grab her but she became a wild cat. Laying on her back, facing me, both of her legs shot forwards together. “Hai!” “WHUMP!” “Arghhh” I cried in agony as both of her hard bare feet rammed into my balls together. As quick as a flash she seized my left wrist. “Hai!” a flash of white and her strong bare heel slammed upwards from below into my jaw. THWOCK! “Argh!” I felt my jaw slide painfully under her shockingly powerful kick. “Hai!” BLAM! Her foot struck my chin in less than a heartbeat. The sheer power of her kick snapped my head back so fast that I was scared she would break my neck. The little squirt was nearly knocking my block off!. What the hell am I doing? She's a Karate Goddess, I don't stand a chance!. But I couldn't back down, I was the big brother, I couldn't lose to my kid sister! I threw a punch but she nimbly hopped into a low crouch out of reach. “Yah!” her leg snapped out, the sole of her foot smashed like a thunderbolt into my mouth. WHAM! I felt the shockwave of pain ripple out from my mouth and across my cheeks. “YeeHai!” from that low crouch her right leg arced high in a stinging roundhouse kick to my face. BLAM! “Arghh” my face whipped back in aching pain. “Hai!” BERLAM! Her hard sole kept blasting my face making it sore and bruised all over. “Yah!” her sole pummelled my jaw into my face causing blood to spurt from my mouth. Oh crap! I felt like doggy-do-doos. She just kept pummelling my face to pulp taking me apart piece by piece like some form of execution. The worst of it was that a big muscular guy like me could do nothing to stop the arrogant little squirt. She was too fast and her kicks too powerful.

With my head lolling in defeat and my senses scrambled I watched dumbly as the little squirt jumped to her feet in front of me. SWISH! her open-palmed hands swept into a fighting stance with such precision and confidence that I felt my heart miss a beat. “You better quit now James because I'm starting to really enjoy kicking your big dumb muscle-bound hide” Jessica exclaimed with an irritating smug grin on her small face. For the first time in my life I was actually feeling fear of my cute little sister and I didn't like it. “OK OK please no more” to my great shame I was begging to my little kid sister not to hurt me and she stood over me in her gi like some Karate Goddess. “Please, please...don't hurt me” I felt so ashamed pleading like that to my own sister. A wide smirk appeared on Jessica's pretty little face “I love it when guys beg for mercy”. Her fighting superiority and power was tangible and to my shame it made my dick hard. They should ban teaching kids Karate. “I'll get the car and take you to your class” I gasped in defeat. “Oh it's far too late for that. Besides it feels so good to have a human kicking bag!” She exclaimed arrogantly.

Glancing past her shoulder as she faced me I saw Glen put his finger to his lips as he and Ted crept up stealthily behind her. It was like she had eyes in the back of her head because suddenly “EEYah!” Jessica screamed as she sprang high into the air spinning with her right leg flying out as she rotated in the air. BLAM! Her heel slammed into Glen's face with such force that he spun away spraying blood. “Feel my heel of steel, boys” she smirked as she landed and immediately spun quickly on her left foot. “KEEEEEAHHH!” KERBLAM! Tim's face flew back with blood pouring from his mouth as her heel hammered his jaw in an elegantly executed back-kick in the blink of an eye. The cute little blonde in white became a deadly tornado blasting kick after kick at lightning speed straight into my friends' faces. I watched in horror as Jessica's dainty foot lashed out in a steady rhythm, landing one unanswered blow after another mashing their features beyond recognition. My little sister seemed powerful and unstoppable. I threw myself towards her thinking that three muscular guys acting at once could stop her. “KIIIAAAA!” Jessica screamed spinning around in a whirlwind of white destruction. KABLAM! Her hard-soled foot smashes into my cheek. “YAH!” a vicious kick to my jaw almost snaps my neck. My legs turned to jelly as a powerful back kick nearly breaks my jaw. Me and my mates were being absolutely slaughtered by a cute little teenage girl. “Hai! Hai! Yah!” The little kid was a monster, totally battering my face and body without mercy. “My toy boys!” she mocked just before slamming another brutal kick into each of our faces. Spinning to face me, her right flew up vertically in an eyeblink. “Kai!” she screams. Horrified I find there is nothing I can do, my body doesn't respond any more and my legs are trembling. “Yah!” a thunderous kick to my temple sends me crashing back to the floor in stunned humiliation.

“You juicers should not have picked a fight with me” Jessica's voice shook me from my daze “Now you must suffer the consequences”. “HAI!” my blonde sister's eyes never left mine as she continued to pile more brutally fast kicks to the faces of my mates. “Hai!” she stared at me even as her dainty foot pulverised the faces of my friends. “Meet my foot, losers. Hai!” WHUMP! She quipped before slamming her steel-hard sole into Glen's mouth then powered a back-kick into that of Tim's. All the while she kept staring at me with a smirk on her face “To smash your big mouths. HAI!” BLAM! Their faces were badly bruised and battered and I realised that she was taunting me. 'Come and stop me if you can' was her silent challenge and to my horror I found myself shaking and too afraid to face my own little sister.

I was horrified to find myself acting like Bobby Priest. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't as though I fancied my sister or had erotic thoughts about her. For some reason the thought of how such a small seemingly-innocent and physical nondescript girl taking apart three big muscular guys with her Karate skills had given me with a raging boner. My sister looked stern and single minded as her powerful kicks turned their face into jelly. Oh God! She's killing my friends! “HaiYah!” she leapt into the air in a spectacular flying drop kick. BLAM! Blood spurted from beneath her sole as it hammered Glen's face. The sight of all that gore as my sister's feet left my friend's face battered beyond recognition shook me from my shame.

“No, stop it!” I cried in alarm at their barely recognisable faces and slamming my side and elbow against her side. My much bigger bulk sent her small light frame stumbling back. “Ouch! You pig!” she cried in pain. She might be a black belt but she's not invincible I thought for a brief moment. With an angry determined look my little sister threw herself at me. Slamming her small body against me, she hooked her left arm around my right shoulder. “Hai!” The palm of her small hand slammed like a freight train against my jaw pushing my face with shocking force right back over my shoulders and kept going. In horror I felt my dick was really hard as she sent me to the floor.

“Come on then. One at a time or all three at once. It doesn't matter to me" Jessica challenged with a manic look of eagerness in her eyes. A small girl standing over the ruined bodies of three big muscle guys. “Jim, please make her stop” Glen begged lying close with Tim at his side. Both were in a very bad state and visibly trembling. “If you want me to stop, stand up and ask me” Jessica said sweetly. “NOW!” she suddenly shouted and to my surprise all three of us were up on our feet before realised it. “Attack me. All three of you now” the little horror demanded. “Please Jessica, no more, we've had enough“ I said. “I see” she replied in a chilling tone “I guess that means practice is over” I felt relief wash over me.

Jessica smiled sweetly as her hands went to her black belt and began to untie it. I couldn't help watching in fascination as the front of her white gi jacket fell open. Beneath she exposed her rather boyish figure with a simple bra over her small breasts. My mouth dropped at the sight of her stomach which very taut and deeply etched with incredibly defined abs! ULP! My kid sister's body was firm and tight. I never even suspected she had any muscle. “What're you looking at James?” “They're beautiful” I gush before realising what I was saying. The disturbing knowing smile on her face made me feel ashamed. I know it sounded kinky but the sight of a very well-developed six pack on my little sister's stomach was one of the sexiest things I'd ever seen. Yes, we have women bodybuilders working out at the gym but they were just female jocks. This was very different. Such amazing muscular development on a petite very feminine looking girl who didn't do bodybuilding was somehow all the more feminine and potent in it's sheer sexiness. “Are you going to do a Bobby Priest, James?” she chuckled “!” I lied enjoying every bump and groove of her hard-packed belly then flushing red with embarrassment that I was enjoying the sight of my sister's body in a way that I shouldn't.

Suddenly the white gi jacket slips to the floor revealing her very slim yet taut looking upper body. “Do you fancy me, James?” “, don't be disgusting, you're my sister” I gasped. Jessica raised her arms out to the sides and bent her forearms vertical with the fists towards her head. I stare dumbfounded at the small hard peaks emerging from her slim arms and the strong sail shape of her forearms. “Lots of hard work after school. No steroids involved” She teased as I stare at what are definitely small hard biceps standing proud on her slim arms. She flexes them a few times to pump them and her small biceps now seem to have much more a solid peak. “Oh God! Amazing” I gasp at the sight of such solid looking biceps on my little sister. She breaks into a knowing smile “Enjoying yourself, James? Want to have a good feel of your sister's body?” Part of me wanted to answer yes and rush over to feel her abs and biceps. The same part that was rising in forbidden lust inside my trousers. “, don't be so disgusting”. Something disturbing made me want to experience more of her power but I was too scared to confront her.

Suddenly she faced Glen whose eyes were bulging out staring at her with lust written all over his battered face. “Grrrrrrr” she growled flexing a most muscular that made her small breasts swell up inside the neck of her bra and emphasised good shoulder development. The stiff tent at the front of his trousers twitched like crazy. While next to him, Tim was practically drooling. I didn't like the way they were lusting over my sister. “You want this body, boys? Then come and get it” she taunted hitting another double biceps while flexing her abs. THUMP! THUMP THUMP! My mates had raging erections thumping against the front of their trousers yet the fear mixed with the lust in their badly battered and bloodied faces was clearly too raw a recent memory. “Don't flaunt yourself to boys, Jessica” I found the courage to speak up. “They're just a bunch of juicer losers” she replied.

“Hai!” all of a sudden her right leg shot up vertically slamming her foot against Glen's neck and pinning him to the wall behind. He was so much taller than her that she had her leg up incredibly high. “You want some hot posh totty Glen?” she slid her body until it was doing the standing splits right against his body. Trembling with fear Glen clutched at the small foot pressing across his throat. “Orrrrrr!” he moaned as my sister's crotch pressed against his bulge. “Jessica leave him alone” I said totally shocked at such outrageous behaviour from my obviously not-so-innocent sister but now too nervous about actually intervening. “Make me, James” she taunted and then began bouncing her flexible body against the bulge in his trousers like a whiplike twig bending in the wind. WHUMPA WHUMPA WHUMPA My mouth was dry, unable to say a word of protest as my sisters lithe fit body rhythmically thumped her crotch against his madly twitching bulge while pinning him against the wall in a standing splits. “Argg arghh arghh Amazing orrrr!” He moaned in a voice full of delirious pleasure which oddly raised a pang of jealously which I quickly suppressed. The sexual tension was palpable in the confined space of the garage and I couldn't help my dick stiffening in sympathy. It didn't take long before the inevitable happened. “Orrrrr orrrrr orrrrrrr!” Glen moaned loudly in ecstasy thrusting his groin towards my sister's crotch as a damp patch spread rapidly across the front of his shorts.

Any expression of revulsion of my part stalled in my throat as Jessica lowered her foot to the floor, standing before Glen with a wide wicked smirk that expressed her arrogant superiority. “EEHA!” she screamed going up onto one toe spinning around and powering her foot straight into Glen's throat. WHOCK! “Kkkkkk!” Glen's face went red and his eyes widened in horror. Even as he fell to the floor clutching his throat the little brat span right around and powered her deadly sole straight against Tim's chin. “Hai!” WHOCK! I saw his eyes go wide then the lights went out just before he went flying to the floor landing in a senseless mess. WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP! I couldn't stop my stiff erection moving on its own knowing that my little sister had just knocked out a big muscular guy many times her size. Looking over to Glen I saw that he too was lying crumpled on the floor and the wild lurching of my dick just got stronger.

“Yes, they are out cold. As you soon will be” Jessica's voice drew my attention “What's that moving inside your trousers James?” she suddenly asked in alarm. Oh crap! “N...nothing" “You've got a blooming hard-on for me, you filthy pervert!” she screamed. "No, please no more” I begged getting to my feet while not taking my eyes off her in case she kicked me again. Oh crap! I was absolutely terrified of my own little sister, my body visibly shaking in terror. “Do you want to whip it out and masturbate to my glorious magnificence?” she sneered nastily. “” I pleaded with a weak whiny voice. “You're a sick pervert like Bobby Priest with incestuous thoughts about his sister aren't you?” she accused “!” “You need to be punished for such thoughts” “No, no more please. Please don't hurt me no more” to my shame I was openly weeping in terror before my own kid sister. “Oh man up! You big juicer” she said with scorn.

What happened next occurred so quickly within a handful of hearbeats. “Hai!” I jumped as the tiny girl before me with her fists raised for action brought her white cotton clad knee up sharply level with her waist with the calves folded back. Her expression was chilling as her lower leg snapped forward faster than the eye could follow. WHUMP! “Arghh!” I cried as the top the foot slammed across the front of my groin like a baseball bat and just as hard. In a split-second, her foot had flashed back beneath Jessica's raised knee. “Hah!” A white blur pulsed as her lower leg snapped out again at a higher height. WHUMP! “Oarghh!” I groaned as the top of her top pummelled the centre of my chest like an iron bar, driving in my sternum causing my cheeks to expand as I tried not to spill my breath. Again her foot snapped back to beneath her raised knee. The look of total superiority on her little face made my dick throb hard. “Yah!” this time the white streak soared high filling me with terror. BLAM! It felt like someone had swung a mallet against my jaw. Terrible shards of pain seared through my jaw and I knew she had broken it even as my head was whipped right back by the terrible power of my sister's brutal uncompromising kick. Too late I remembered her warning about never holding back. Despite her lack of height, Jessica's slim leg continued to drive her foot well above my head even as it was snapped back at mind-numbing speed.

“Who'se my bitch now big brother?” The little brat in just her white gi trousers and small white bra showing off her surprisingly toned body taunted as I tried to clear my head. The way her abs moved as she spoke was mesmerizing, okay, sexy there I've said it. “Arrrr!” I tried to answer but clutched my jaw in agony as pain lanced through it as soon as I tried to move my mouth. “You are brother dear” she answered for me with a wide arrogant smirk. With that she raised her arms horizontally then bent her forearms causing her small but defined biceps to flex. “Look at the body that kicked your sorry juicer arse” she crowed “and I never had to touch steroids”. I don't know what came over me but for a crazy moment I just wanted to feel that amazing small body and her defined muscles. Trembling and in tears I leant forward and reached for my sister's abs. Jessica snatched my hand away with an angry look. “What the hell do you think you are doing?” she shouted in rage “you're a sicko, James”.

I wanted to apologize but my jaw was bust. To my horror my dick was twitching up and down and with wide glaring eyes she noticed. “Take this you incestuous perv. HAI YAH!” she screamed. The merest twitch of her leg, a streak of white then her knee collided hard with my nuts. WHUMP! “Mmnnnnnnrrr!” I wailed through my busted jaw. She might be a fraction of my size but her knee felt like a cannonball powering it's way into my groin with eye-watering force that pushed back the whole of that part of my torso.

I began to slump forwards with my hands moving to my damaged groin, my face now level with hers. “From now on you don't touch me without my permission and if I catch you looking at me like you want to screw me then I will put you 6 feet under” The menace in her voice sounded like she meant it. Her small hands slapped down upon my broad muscular shoulders. “HAI!” she screamed. I wanted to scream as her white cotton covered knee shot to waist height then her leg snapped straight. In the blink of an eye her leg unfolded in a white streak heading right between my legs. BERLAM! The top of her foot pummelled my already aching balls from below in a vicious upward strike so powerful that it drove me to the tips of my toes while screaming internally.

“What a loser” Jessica mocked as I crumpled up around my ruined groin. “All that pumping iron and juicing up to make yourself grossly muscular and you still can't stop yourself from getting beaten up by a girl several years your junior. What a joke” she mocked. “HAI YEEE!” she screamed making me jump. Pivoting on one heel, my little sister leant away from me while driving her right leg with tremendous speed towards my groin. WHUMP! “Mmmmmaaarrrghh!” I wailed through my broken jaw as what felt like a sledgehammer had been swung at my groin. Dear God the pain! My mouth dropped open and my eyes water at the excruciating agony in my balls. Even as I began crumple further forwards around my ruined groin, my terrifying sister used her hands to slam me bodily back against the garage wall. “Oooh! Has your little sister broken your balls?” Jessica mocked in a lilting tone as she put both hands over her crotch mocking me before laughing at my distress. “Let me give you something to take your mind of it. Aren't I a thoughtful sister?”

“EEEYAI!” she screamed spinning her back to me while her knee rose in front with the foot swinging around towards me. With her back towards me I watched in astonishment as her foot rose up behind at great speed as she leant forwards away from me. BLAM! Her sole, the sole thick with layers of corn that could smash thick antique units to splinters, thundered into my ruined jaw. CRACK! Screaming inside in agony I felt it dislocate. Jessica's leg continued to rise up behind as she leant further forwards driving my face back so fast that I felt something snap in my neck as I looked up at the ceiling amongst blinding flashes of light.

“YAH!” she screamed loudly making me jump while still dazed from her kick. My eyes flashed open expecting to see her small foot hurtling towards me and surprised to find that it wasn't. Jessica stood before me with her fists raised laughing at me. “Oh what a loser! Scared of his own younger sister. YAH!”. This time she leant quickly to the side while her knee flashed up higher than her slim waist with her calve bent back. Like a whip her leg arced around in front of her body while her shin snapped out straight. WHUMP! Her shin slammed across my chest just beneath the rib-cage like a she had swung a baseball bat. “Barrrrrrrrphhh!” the air rushed up out my lungs and exploded out through my mouth.

Crippled with severe wind and feeling like I'd been put through a blender I could take no more and put up my hands to show defeat and plead for mercy. Jessica just laughed cruelly. “No chance loser. You're going down the hard way” she smirked. “Lights out big brother” she snarled her face a perfect picture of arrogant superiority. “EEYAH!” she screamed in my face making me jump so bad that I actually creamed my pants. Once again no kick pulverised my body. “Loser!” Jessica laughed hysterically at my nervous reaction. Without warning she raised her hands and threw herself forwards with her right hand reaching for the floor. As her palm hit the floor she flipped right over into a front walk-over with her legs spreading wide. Supported on one arm with her left leg stretched horizontally before her, her right leg whipped back. BLAM! Her right clubbed my temple like a club. Shards of light exploded in my vision and my head rang like a bell. I felt a complete loss of control of my limbs and knew I was falling towards the floor before everything went dark.
I woke up lying in a bed of some sort. My eyes were so badly swollen all I could see was blurry light through two narrow slits. “James! Thank god you're awake” it was my mother's voice full of concern. I tried to ask where I was but couldn't “Ur Ur ur ur!” “Don't speak Son. They've had to wire your jaw because it all smashed up” Dad's voice “Glen and Tim are in an even worst state than you. Don't worry The Police will take your statement when you can talk then they can catch the guys who did this” “I told you, Dad. It was a little girl who beat them up” Jessica's sweet voice piped up “Don't be so silly love” My Mum. “But..” “Let's leave James now to get some rest”.

I thought they had gone when I felt a hot breath on my ear. “Get better big brother. I've some moves I'm aching to try out on you and your juicer friends” Oh God no! Inexplicable I began to shake and tears of fear welled up in my eyes. “From now on you are my bitch otherwise Mum and Dad are going to hear about how you lust after me" she added a wicked chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. To my shame my dick began to rise.“Bye bye, my bitch” Jessica chuckled as she walked away leaving me quaking in fear.
Title: Author: [jimp] The Legs of the Rickshaw Woman
Post by: Female Bodybuilding on July 24, 2017, 10:56:34 am
Submitted by jimp on October 9, 2011 - 8:06am

#Mature oriental woman shows men the power of her legs and Kung Fu
## Jim encounters a former workmate, Ling, and is astonished by how her legs have developed from cycling a water borne rickshaw. After persuading her to show him how strong they are, she takes him to an underground cathedral to corporate greed. Confronted by a gang of thugs, Ling is forced to use her Kung Fu skills with deadly force.


The Legs of the Rickshaw Woman
By Jimp

part 1

Mature oriental woman shows men the power of her legs and Kung Fu

The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If this offends you or if you are under the legal age of consent in your country do not read on. Although based on real people, names have been changed to protect the innocent. Any other likeness to anyone dead or alive or fictional is purely coincidental.
(c) JIM P 2011

Many recessions ago, I used to be an architect working in IT product development. There were a few women on the team and one who I worked with quite closely for several years called Ling. She was a mature oriental, I'm not certain from which country she originated, but she had a cheerful cheeky disposition that made her easy to get along with and we became good pals. She was short, standing 5'2" with a pleasant face, perhaps plain in Western eyes, long with chubby cheeks and a good firm complexion that gave her a youthful appearance. Her eyes were almond shaped and brown with a short stubby nose and a small mouth. Only her short jet-black hair strongly peppered with grey betrayed her age.

Our relationship was purely friendship, we were colleagues that worked well together and could have a good laugh at the same time. Besides we were both married with kids. There was however one aspect about Ling that often caught my attention and that was her short but shapely legs. As was the fashion at the time, Ling wore thick grey jogging leggings that emphasized the shape of her legs but revealed nothing. Like many Orientals, her calves were large and meaty in complete disproportion to her size. They stretched her leggings as they flared out from her knees to a big meaty mass as wide as her thighs then swept dramatically into slim ankles. From the side these looked like huge semi-pear drops and I often wondered what they looked like bare. Then one day I got my wish when she came to work wearing trousers cropped just below the knee. I couldn't stop staring. Relaxed, her short calves were a beautiful sight. The natural tan colouring of her skin made her large, rounded and shapely calves an irresistible draw for my eyes. However, when she walked each solidified into a solid mass of hard diamond shaped muscle with a sexy cleft between them that almost had me drooling. These were calves that would make male bodybuilders green with envy. I was intrigued, how did she get calves like that? Did she work out? No, she claimed that the only vigorous exercise that she did was dancing. She also mentioned that she did a bit of Kung Fu when she was younger but when I pressed her on this, she dismissed it saying that it was a long time ago and that she hadn't been very good. She probably wondered why I paid her so much attention that day. I can tell you that I had a permanent boner all day long.

After we both got made redundant I lost touch with Ling for many years. About a year ago, I needed a woman of foreign extraction who I could trust to pose as a cleaner in order to check out an auction house in London [JIMP#26]. Thanks to the wonders of social networking, we had arranged to meet at a supermarket. As soon as I approached the entrance, I spotted her looking in the opposite direction. She was wearing low heels with those big oriental calves covered in sexy sheer black nylon that made those muscled slabs shine so erotically that I actually spent several minutes watching her from behind like a pervert. I was captivated by the view of the sexy calves that I hadn't seen for so long, marvelling at the dramatic difference in size compared with her slim ankles and adoring the sheen of sheer black nylon as it stretched over the large muscles. Finally she turned around and spotted me, breaking the trance. Over a light snack and coffee, she agreed to do the job for me. Unfortunately I was now wracked with guilt because I sent her into that place the very night it got blown up. I had not heard from her since but held a glimmer of hope that she had escaped in the secret tunnel I suspected lay beneath the building.

Now as I waded down the flooded quayside of an underground canal [JIMP#35], a familiar looking oriental woman in her early 50's stepped in my path and placed a hand on her hip. "You wanna ride mister or wot?" she asked in clipped English. I felt a big stupid beaming smile form on my face and was about to rush forward to give her a big hug when she fixed me with a stern stare and gave a subtle shake of her head signalling that it wasn't safe to show that we knew each other. I was used to seeing her in more formal clothes than she wore now. A pale yellow sleeveless top covered her boyish upper body; although there was nothing boyish about her full medium sized breasts that had seen several children raised to adulthood. Her bare arms were thick and quite firm looking. She also wore denim shorts that looked like they had been cut from a pair of old jeans.

"Why are you talking like that? You speak better English than I do" I whispered. She put a finger to her lips. "OK girl but you better be fast. If I miss my meeting I'll have you flogged" I said imperiously acting like a City slicker. "I go very fast. Fastest rickshaw on water. Very strong legs. Very strong legs indeed" she answered in character. My eyes automatically went to her short thick legs and I was staggered by what I saw. One leg was facing forward and I could see a huge mass of calve meat flaring out from behind her shins. The other foot was slightly turned showing the dramatic size difference between her slender ankles and the huge depth of her beefy calves. They looked absolutely gigantic, much larger than I remembered.

I think she noticed my gaze because she smiled then turned her side to me placing one foot upon the stone lip that edged the quayside so that I could see the inside of her leg. Bending her foot onto her toes, the thick mass at the back of her lower leg solidified into a large deep flat slab. The bottom of the muscle formed a sharply pointed V with a deep edge as it rose like a cliff from the slimmer plains above her ankle. I was positive that they never used to be this big or this muscled. For a woman her height, they were outrageous. "You like? Very strong legs, peddle very fast" she said, clearly amused that I was gawping at her legs with growing lust. I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the massive calve muscle. "Oh I like very much. They're magnificent" I gasped in genuine appreciation, my groin stirring at the sight. Beneath the sharp cliff of the main calve head I could make out another muscle, the soleus, forming a ledge. I also noticed how thick her upper leg was. She always had short thick thighs but now I could see how strong they looked as they stood in a thick slab above her knee and the back of her leg displayed a nice thick swell of hamstring.

"You gonna gawp at my legs all day or get onboard mister?" her voice broke my trance and flushing with embarrassment I turned to look at the contraption on the water. The only way I could describe it was a floating rickshaw attached behind a bicycle that was fitted with paddles. It looked ancient and well rusted. The once black ironwork was heavily coated with red rust and the black leather upholstered passenger seat was torn and well worn as was the black folding canopy above it. "It plenty old and safe mister" Ling said by my side. "Ain't lost passenger since Christmas" she joked. I could hardly believe that a highly skilled and experienced IT developer was now literally a pedal pusher. With trepidation I boarded the craft and climbed slowly into the rickshaw seat, not liking the way the thing wobbled on the water with my every move. "Big pansy" I heard Ling mutter behind me.

After unmooring the craft, Ling climbed onto the saddle with her short legs either side of the frame. Her toes barely reached the deck, causing both calves to flex. "Wow" I gasped admiring the clear definition of each huge muscle and the size of the solid sharp edged diamond shaped calves. "I'm sorry?" she turned her head towards me. "Uh nothing. I was just uh admiring your incredible calves" I told her. "Please don't. They're so big and ugly, I've always hated them but now they've blown up like balloons. I wish I could get them reduced" she whispered back at me. "Please don't. I think they're sensational. Really, I mean it. They're incredibly sexy" I replied. "Well in that case you just sit there and watch what a year of peddling this ancient rust bucket has done to my legs" she said and turned to face forward.

Placing a foot upon the highest pedal, the large calve flattened and became more defined. As she applied pressure the muscles under her skin rippled and bulged as they exerted a mighty force to get the contraption into motion. As the pedals rotated, she brought up her other foot and I could see the brute muscular power she was using to gain momentum. The sight of the big muscular calve heads flexing and waning in constant motion set my groin aching. As we gained speed, a spray of droplets rained upon her legs, causing her constantly pumping muscles to glisten and shine. Her calves were really getting pumped up as she steered the craft through the other traffic on the canal. I could clearly see the separate three headed calf muscles bulging with raw power as they pushed the peddles around and around driving the craft forward. The natural tan of her skin combined with the muscle tone made her legs shine so sexily. Her hamstrings were also thick and bulging at the back of her legs as she pumped away. With my view from the back, I also got occasional glimpses of the sides of her huge thighs swelling into rock hard slabs ridged with a sexy forward pointing V shape ridge as they powered the peddles. I was getting really turned on by the close-up view.

How could such a petite woman have such huge bulging muscle on her short legs? I was rock hard down below in no time watching the constant demonstration of female leg strength. Driving us at a good cruising speed, the muscles in her legs were in constant motion. Her big calves were now so pumped that they had striations making them look incredibly powerful. By the time we had came to a halt by the mouth of a tunnel so she could light her lantern, I was also pumped up into a huge boner that I had to try to cover as she looked over her shoulder at me. "Is something wrong Jim? You look strange" she whispered. "Ur no it's fine" I gasped with embarrassment. "It's not safe to speak here. I know somewhere a short way up ahead" she whispered. She looked at me querulously then gasped. "You've got an erection! You're not really turned on my legs are you?" she whispered in astonishment. I shifted uncomfortably in the seat trying to cover my excitement. "Er yes. your legs are so sexy, they really turn me on" I replied bashfully. "I can see that. I always knew that you were a leg man, but this is weird" she chuckled then turned back and continued to cycle. This was getting embarrassing. How do you tell a former workmate that you've know for years that you have a thing for powerful muscular women and that her muscular legs are driving you wild with desire as she pumps them up on the water rickshaw better than any device in a gym.

We entered the tunnel and headed into the gloom. Soon it was too dark to see anything apart from the lanterns of other craft giving me time for my boner to go down. After several minutes, Ling swung the craft from the main tunnel into a small passage that finally emerged in a large cavern lit by large mirrored lanterns. However, instead of entering the main part of the cavern, Ling squeezed the craft down a narrow channel and into a small hidden alcove behind a large outcrop of rock.

Mooring the craft, she told me "This is my place, We're safe here". Looking around I saw some bedding and other signs of habitation. I stepped ashore and gave Ling a big hug, which I think surprised her. "I'm so glad to see you. I was afraid that I might have got you killed" I admitted. "I'm glad to see you too, Jim. I was very surprised when the Maasai approached me. How did you get down here? The entrances are guarded" she replied. "They are looking for you, you know" she said with concern. "That's why they cut off my distinctive locks and gave me waterproofs and a change of clothes" I said, indicating the suit I was wearing. I didn't ask the tribe where it came from.

We sat on the bedding and Ling produced from a small rucksack various items of food which we consumed while I told her of the trail that led me to her. With her legs bent at the knee as she leant back against the wall, I could see the inside of one calve and again I was amazed at the thickness of the edge of the big slab and the difference in width compared with her ankle. Ling noticed. "You really do fancy my calves. What's wrong with you?" she exclaimed slapping me playfully on the shoulder. She crossed her legs, the huge meaty slab of muscle now emphasised by a furrow running lengthwise down the top near her shin and the thick slab of secondary below the calve. "Oh Ling. I'm sorry but your calves are so well developed they are driving me wild" I admitted. "Please can I feel them?" I asked. "I didn't know you were this weird. Yes I guess so" she replied hesitantly.

I reached out to the calve sitting on the top of her crossed legs. The size of it was outrageous. I ran my palm around the large arrow shaped slab facing me. "It's so big and hard" I gasped. "So lovely and smooth. It's beautiful Ling. Look at how deep and sharp the edge is" I cried in wonder. "You're weird. I think they're far too big" she said as she rotated the calve slightly. "Oh Ling, they are amazing" I gasped as I felt the thick soleus muscle that now swelled beneath her calf. "Peddling that damn rust bucket for miles up and down the canal has done that" she muttered. "Your lower legs are really so well developed. I love it. Wow every muscle is so defined. Perfect diamonds and everything" I told her turning her leg and running my palm over her muscles with increasing excitement. "I didn't think guys liked that sort of thing" she told me. "Of course they do. I'd bet you'd look stunning in high heels. Men wouldn't be able to take their eyes off them. If you walked down a street, men would be bumping into lampposts not looking where they were going with big boners in their trousers" I said. That raised a chuckle. "Like this you mean" she laughed playfully flicking the lump in my crotch, which made me blush.

"I know a woman about your height with these flared rounded calves like balls of steel jutting out from the back of her leg. They are so strong that she can crush things between them like melons. I've even seen her knock several men out cold between them and break bones [JIMP#21]" I told her. "Oh Jim! You talk such shit sometimes" she laughed and slapped me on the shoulder. "No its true, Ling and yours are much bigger and look much stronger" I said. "Yeah. You're weird" she chuckled.

"Well if you're going to touch up my legs, you might as well make yourself useful and massage them. They get so tight after peddling that rust bucket all day" she told me. I'm sorry but that was like a red rag to a bull. Gently taking her ankle in one hand, I raised her leg and began to rub the tanned meaty calve with my other palm. "When a man tells a woman that she has great legs, he is referring to the muscle that gives them their shape" I tell Ling greatly enjoying the feel of the hard muscle under her smooth soft skin. "And you have very shapely legs" I tell her feeling her calves. "But they're too big and muscular" she protested. "No, They are very shapely and a woman in high heels showing well muscled calves will always turn men's heads. Yours will stop traffic" I said then leant forward and kissed the large muscle in my hands. "Jim!" Ling gasped with a giggle.

By pulling gently on her ankle, I stretched out the leg and ran my other hand to the back of her leg. "Oh Ling your hamstrings are amazing. So thick and shapely. You really have incredibly sexy legs" I told her with mounting passion. The big muscle swelled underneath her upper leg and I could feel its strength under my palm as I massaged it. "Wow that really turns you on doesn't it. I wish I'd known that all those years ago. I quite fancied you, Jim, but you were never interested in me like that" Ling told me as I hungrily fondled her hams then kissed them passionately.

Ling slapped her big meaty thigh. "What about these little piggies then, Jim. You should see how big these get after a day's cycling" she told me. With that she stretched both legs and flexed her thighs. My cock went so hard it felt like it would burst out of my trousers. "Ohhhh my god, they're beautiful" I moaned lustfully. A thick beefy slab of solid thigh ran down the outer edge of each of her short upper legs. As she rotated it slowly for my benefit, I saw that her thighs actually had a thick ridge of muscle along the upper edge that sloped to a point by the side of her knee where it met a lower corded tendon. A big teardrop shaped muscle bulged on the inside just above her knee.

I just lost it completely. With my hands frantically feeling her incredible thighs, I got to my knees in front of her. "Oh Ling, they are so sexy. So powerful" I moaned crazed with lust. Taking a thigh in each hand, I moved her legs apart and pushed my body sideways between them until I pressed against her crotch. Kissing the short woman passionately on the lips, my erection throbbed hard. "Oh Ling, please crush me in your strong legs. Please, Ling, please let me feel how strong they are. Crush me. Crush me helpless. Make me do whatever you want. Crush me and make me your slave" I begged between kisses, closing her thighs around me. "Orrrrrr!" I gasped aloud as a thick wall of tanned beef tightened around my middle with an overwhelming pressure that flattened my diaphragm instantly. I was totally stunned by the unbelievable raw power in her short legs that had me helpless in less than a second. The pressure disappeared immediately. "Oh Jim, I'm sorry, have I hurt you" Ling asked with concern. "No it's fine, huh huh I never expected them to be so strong. Please squeeze me again, gently" I panted closing the short legs around me again. "I don't know about this Jim, I might hurt you" she protested. "It's okay. Please I really want to feel your strong legs around me. Please, if it is hurting, I'll tap your legs like this" I demonstrated. "And you really like this? Wow, you're really weird" she told me.

"Argggggg" before I had a chance to reply the thick canyon walls of flesh encircled me and clamped tight. I gasped at the tremendous power being exerted by her short stubby thighs so much so that I wanted to tap immediately but ashamed that would make me look stupid after I just asked her to squeeze me. I clung onto her legs struggling to cope as my gut felt like it was being crushed to mush. "Arghh" I gasped at the brutal grip of her untrained legs. I really felt like tapping but was too afraid of looking like a woose. I tried to hang on, gritting my teeth, with my hands on her thighs, startled to feel how big and rock solid they have become. The thick ridge of muscle along the upper edge of her chunky thigh is like a steel cable covered in flesh. "Arghh" tap tap I gasp and tap frantically as she crosses her calves behind me and sends the pressure soaring. I really couldn't take any more; her short legs were far too strong. To my surprise, I find myself flung to my side trapped fast in her muscular legs compressing me like a boa constrictor. Tap tap. "Oh come on, Jim. I've hardly started, I can squeeze a lot harder than that" Ling tells me. "Urrrrh" I gasp, my eyes screwed tight trying to hold on, barely able to draw breath with my mid-riff crushed tight. It really feels like she is cutting me in two with her legs. Tap tap.

I gasp as I feel a hand on my erection. "Wow this really gets you going, doesn't it?" she says. "God it's been so long since I've had some of this" she adds. "Uppppph" I gasp in precious air as the tremendous squeeze eases. Ling laughs at me as I lay panting between her legs. "Wow did my little piggies really do that? You were completely helpless between them and SO hard" she said. "Oh that felt so good. That was really making me feel horny. I was completely in control". "Argghhh!" I cried as the short bulky thighs snapped into a thick solid mass around my waist. I slapped her thighs and tried to rock my body in vain as the short but thick bulging muscle swelled under my hands crushing the air out of me. Ling just laughed manically. "Oh I really love this. I feel so powerful. Just look at you so utterly helpless between my little piggies" she laughed. "Orrr!" I cried out again wasting precious oxygen as her legs clamped down even harder. Her legs were brutally strong and had crushed every atom of air from me. The tight wall of flesh around my middle was unyielding and prevented me drawing breath. I slapped frantically on her thighs, my hands stinging against the muscled bulk.

The brutal pressure eased off slightly allowing me to snatch gasps of air. I felt Ling's hand steal to my trousers and unzip them. "Wow. You're still very hard. You are really getting turned on by my little piggies although you were turning a funny colour just then" she says. "You've heard the story about the little piggies. Well these little piggies say argh". "Argghgh!" I cried as intense pressure snapped on once more. "Beg. Beg to make love to me over and over again in penance for trapping me down here for a year" she tells me as I struggle to survive in the thick warm slabs of beef she called her legs. "Oooh that feels so good, Jim. I feel so dominant. I can make you do whatever I want. And I want it" she tells me as my head swims and my insides feel like they are crushed to pulp. "You said that woman could break men's bones with her calves. Well I'm sure these little piggies can break your body" she laughs.

My head was swimming and my vision was getting blurry. "Jim!" Ling shouted. I looked in the direction of her face and made out that she was holding something. In my oxygen deprived state it took me a while to recognise what it was; The decoder [JIMP#19]. "This is what you risked my life to find. Was it worth it? Jim? Jim?" her voice receded into the background as I spun out down a deep dark hole.

Title: Re: The Legs of the Rickshaw Woman
Post by: Female Bodybuilding on July 24, 2017, 10:57:36 am
The Legs of the Rickshaw Woman part 2

Submitted by jimp on October 9, 2011 - 8:09am

It was sometime later that we set off once more on the antique water borne rickshaw cycle. Ling had thoroughly enjoyed the experience of using her 'little piggies' to make me do whatever she wanted, and she hadn't been gentle about it. Absolutely shagged out, we had lain back and discussed how to escape London Below, but Ling told me that most exits were policed by armed guards and those that weren't were securely locked. I had suggested looking at some of the less used further flung parts of the system but Ling was keen to show me something first.

We moored at a large wharf and walked to an area beneath the old financial heart of the City. We joined the flow of City types as they waded through busy pedestrian tunnels, all heading in the same direction. After several minutes pressed up against the top earners of humanity, I discovered the destination for all the slickers. I would have stood open mouthed in awe if it were not for the flow of the crowd pushing me forward. It was possibly the largest enclosed space that I had ever seen. The area was so huge that I couldn't make out where the floor of the vast cavern ended. It seemed to be a huge trading floor. The walls had been smoothed and covered with a gleaming yellow metal rising as high as a ten story building all around in a gigantic circle. "Solid gold" Ling muttered beside me. Above the walls, the roof curved in a vast unsupported convex. "Templeforth cathedral they call it. A temple to corporate greed and ruthless ambition" she added "This is where the real money is made". At the very peak I could make out what looked like a tiny glass office from which descended a glass shaft running vertically down the centre of the open space like a thin strand of a spiders web. "Ground level" Ling whispered. "Templeforth's personal lift. Everyone else has to wade through a foot of water while he keeps his posh upper class feet dry" she added.

As we moved forward with the crowd, I saw that the lift shaft ended on a large raised platform elaborately decorated with precious metals and jewels but none more so that an elevated throne on which the man himself sat. A single flight of stairs rose from floor level heavily guarded by black uniformed men in riot gear. "Banking police" Ling muttered. "Bastards, all of them" she added. A line of business suited men and women waited at the bottom of the stairs for their turn to kneel before the big shot. "Anyone who wants to do business with him has to wade through the water and bow down before him" she told me. Huge screens behind the man projected a meaningless garble of stock prices. "They are buying up all the precious metals and mineral resources they can lay their greedy hands on. Leaving everyone else with shares that aren't worth the paper it's printed on" she whispered.

I saw a smart suited man whisper in Templeforth's ear. "Sir Anthony Jones" Ling told me. So that was the man who had ordered attacks me while I had been at St.Agatha's. Suddenly the man, one of the world's super rich elite, rose from his throne. His audience ended, the man who had been grovelling on his knees was ushered away. I suppressed a gasp, I was certain that it was the Prime Minister. "Friends, fellow bankers and senior financers of Britain" Templeforth's voice boomed out from hidden speakers. "I welcome you all as we approach our goal of consolidating the world's wealth through another recession. However we have an intruder amongst us". I resisted the temptation to glance around nervously although I felt myself blush. "Don't be shy now Mr.Priest. You wanted to meet me well come up and bow down before me". There was an uncomfortable silence as the crowd waited for me to make my presence known. I knew that would be a mistake and I couldn't let the decoder, now sitting at the bottom of Ling's rucksack, fall into his hands. I felt Ling's hand give mine a reassuring squeeze. "Come now, Mr.Priest. You may have been clever enough to get in here but there is no way you are getting out alive. Even if by some miracle you did, where would you run? The Government? The Governments don't rule the world, Gildeman Sacks does and I own them!". The cathedral to greed erupted in cheers that took a long time to die down. "Are you a gambling man Mr.Priest? We're all gamblers here". That caused an outburst of laughter. "We gamble with your pensions and endowment mortgages and life savings. You win, we win. You lose, we win. No matter what we always win. We are the top 1% who will shortly own 99% of the world's wealth and we don't give a damn about the likes of you". More cheers. "Do you think the Sisterhood will help you? I don't think so. They're just puppets to those who pull the strings behind the scenes. Once we learn the mistresses' secrets we will cut their strings and take control. The world will be ours to control and ours alone". "Uh uh uh uh" some of the city types began grunting in unison while others cheered.

I had seen enough. We backtracked through the crowds and located the passageway that led back to the canal. I had just turned the corner, when I walked straight into a bunch of thugs. "Oi! Watch where you're going mush!". "I'm sorry". "What's your sort doing down here anyway? Going to give the Chinky a quick fuck?". They were a mixed bunch of big ugly brutes with faces showing the evidence of too many brawls. "Give us yer wallet""Look at him bag o'bones. Shaking like a leaf""He'll be more than shaking by the time we've finished with him". "Leave him alone" I head Ling's voice as half a dozen thugs surrounded me. They were reivers, an underclass of low-live scum who existed by stealing and preying on others. "Shut your mouth Chinky or I'll shut it for you""She your girlfriend mate? A bit past it ain't she? I can get you a young girl. A very young girl if you like".

"Leave him alone" Ling shouted trying to push her way through the thugs towards me. I saw a tall thickset man grab the petite woman from behind and pull her away. "Little slave slut has the hots for a slicker" he laughed as he pulled her against him and started fondling her ample breasts. "Nice tits, Come on love, let us all have a look" he laughed as she struggled in his arms. I wanted to go to her aid but was pushed back by the other thugs crowding around me. "She's just a slave. We can get you plenty of better looking ones than her""Here, where's his pass?""Er? You ain't the one they're looking for, are you?".

The Ling I knew was quiet and calm to the point of almost being placid, but she looked absolutely furious now. "Yah!" she yelled. A short chunky bare leg blasted upwards. The top of her thigh struck her chest and her knee hit her shoulder driving a large meaty calve past the side of her head. The man was enjoying the feel of the woman's soft tits when suddenly a blurred streak shot high over her shoulder. BAM! Something clubbed his face so hard with such a solid thud that it felt like he'd been hit with a baseball bat. "Arghh!" he cried as his head reeled under the furious blow. "Yah!" her elbow shot back like a freight train plunging a chubby elbow deep into his gut. "Orrrrrrrrrgghhhh!" he wailed in agony and let go of the woman and begin to crease up.

The unexpected flexibility of my former workmate and ordinary mother of two grown children set my groin twitching. Ling spun around and leant away from the man then raised a leg high bent at the knee, the movement stretching her shorts tight across an ample but shapely backside. "Yah!" a short stubby leg rocketed straight into the man's jaw. Driven by her large powerful thighs, her shoe struck like a hammer against an anvil. The kick was so powerful that he barely felt his jaw shatter before his head whipped back so fast that he lost consciousness long before his body slammed backwards on the flooded floor.

As one, the other thugs turned away from me drawn irresistibly to outbreak of a fight. With eyes blazing and lips curled from their snarling grins, five big burly men approached the petite mature oriental. "You're dead meat bitch" one snarled.

Outnumbered, Ling realised there was no time for niceties. Stepping towards the closest, she turned and blasted a kick to the middle of his chest. "Yah!". A large muscled calve backed by big thighs hammered her shoe home against his sternum like a metalworkers punch driven by a hammer. "Orrr!" there was a cracking sound then his body flew backwards so fast that his feet left the ground before crashing into the men behind him.

A big ugly brute closed in on her with three others at his side. "We get her together, they can only fight one on one" he growled then rushed forwards. "Yah!" Ling's chunky leg kicked high, the fabric of her shorts taut over her shapely rear as she drove her foot towards his face. The grinning man had anticipated this and raised his arms to block the blow. "Arghh!" he cried at the brutal jarring impact as though a bat had clubbed his forearms. His arms seemed paralysed by the powerful kick, held shaking in front of him. She could have finished him off then but didn't get the chance as two others tried to grab her. "Hah!" Ling yelled as to my utter astonishment, she leapt high into the air like a cyclone, a tanned beefy leg scything around clubbing one man around the head so hard that it drove him hard against the other causing both to fall.

Another man rushed forward and grabbed Ling from the side. "Got you!" he cried. "Yah!" she shrieked swinging her fist between his legs. A look of anguish appeared on his face and his hands jerked away from her as if she were electric. "Yah!" her elbow forward in an arc, slamming the point into his Adam's apple. "Kkkkkkkkqqqq" the man croaked and clutched his throat. The petite woman grabbed the man by his shoulders. "Yah!" her podgy knee slammed hard between his legs, his face a mask of raw pain as he crumpled before her. "Yah!" she stomped on the side of his knee. CRACK! "Arggh!" he went down to his knees, one leg looking awkwardly bent. "Yah!" Ling jumped into the air and came down driving the point of her elbow into his back as he bent forward. THUD! The man dropped and flattened face first into a foot of water.

The front of my trousers were stiff with excitement. Within seconds this ordinary little woman had dropped 6 big burly brutes, mainly using her short but powerful legs. What made it more exciting was that she wasn't even a trained warrior like Isina [JIMP#35] but an ordinary woman who had done a bit of Kung Fu when she was younger and she even claimed that she wasn't very good at it.

"Let's go" I yelled to her but it was too late. Swarming down the corridor from both sides, more reivers appeared attracted to the scene of violence like bears to honey. "Oh no" I moaned. This looked helpless, there too many to fight and I'm no fighter.

"Eeeyaahh!" with a mighty yell, my little friend ran towards the approaching tide then leapt high in the air. Her short legs scissored apart, her shorts tight around her crotch as she kicked a foot skywards right into the leading man's face. BAM! The man fell back in an explosion of blood as Ling deftly landed on her feet then leapt into the air again. "Yah!" her body twisted in the air and a thick stubby leg swung around and smashed the next man around the top of his head. THUD! The guy staggered and fell as her powerful thighs blasted her shin against his head clubbing him into unconsciousness.

Another man tried to hit her with what looked like an oar but missed as she turned her shoulder to him. "Yah!" her hand flashed back in a chop to the groin. "Yah!" she turned back to face him and powered a chubby knee into his balls. The man, face in agony, started to bend forward. "Yah!" an elbow to his back hastened his way to the floor just as another man moved in to take his place. "Yah!" a solid sounding punch to his face by a small fist left him with a bloody nose and his head reeling. "Yar!" Ling yelled and hammered a downward stomp against his thigh. CRACK! "Arghhh!" the thick powerful muscles in her thighs and meaty calf quivered as they drove her foot so hard against the man's leg that the break was audible before his screams filled the air. "Yah!" she didn't give him time to fall, her knee blasted between his legs mashing his balls. The guy collapsed to the floor, puked in the water then passed out.

I quickly picked up the oar and used it to take passing shots at any thugs that got too near. Ling was like a petite deadly whirlwind as she moved among the much bigger brutes, kicking and punching all who got in her way. This was no Kung-Fu movie; this was a normal woman fighting savagely for her survival and mine. I couldn't see how we could last out, we nearly didn't.

John was a big heavyset man who liked a brawl; in fact he enjoyed punching strangers as they walked by just for the sheer hell of it. The rush he got when he smashed his fist hard in the middle of someone's face was almost orgasmic especially when he felt the bone collapse under his sledgehammer punch. He didn't give a toss if they never got back up again. That was what a Reiver was all about, doing whatever you wanted and getting away with it, just like the financial masters who ran this place. No silly little slant-eyed slut was going to make a monkey out of him and he looked forward to pummelling her skull to pulp. The little bitch didn't even have the decency to look afraid as she faced him with her fists raised in a fighting stance. "You wanna brawl slut? You got it" he yelled. "Don't you watch the movies? The woman always wins" she taunted. "Not this time" he snarled and moved forwards, his big fist hurtling towards her face with bone crushing ferocity. He was too close, he couldn't miss - but he did. In the blink of an eye, the woman swiftly ducked beneath his thick swinging arm. One hand grabbed top of his arm around the shoulder, the other grabbed his wrist. Flinging herself backwards, the woman pivoted on one leg leaning her torso back until she was level with his waist looking up at him. At the same time, a stubby tanned leg swung upwards. BAM! Her foot blasted over the top of his shoulder and clubbed him on the top of the side of his head. Ouch! Pain lanced his head as his vision blurred; John was shocked by how hard the little woman could kick. "Yah!" he felt the weight lift from his arm and regained enough vision to see the flexible bitch kicking high into the air to one side then swinging a stocky leg back in a blurred arc towards his head. BAM! In fear of another blow to the head, John raised his forearm to protect himself. Ouch! His arm whipped against the side of his face under the shocking power of her kick. She might be little but she could kick like a mule, his forearm stung badly.

"Hah!" the tiny bitch kicked again, he got the fleeting impression of thick shapely bare legs flying apart with a great view of the open crotch of her shorts. BAM! Her shin clubbed him around the side of his face, the toe of her shoe hammering his temple. It was like being hit with a hammer, a blinding pain seared through his skull and he staggered trying to retain his equilibrium. "Yah!" BAM! A big pumped calve muscle drove the toe of her shoe into his neck on the other side, punching the artery that supplied the brain. He went down like a ton of bricks, a foot of cold water barely cushioning his fall.

The man had barely hit the water before Ling's arm was grabbed from the side. Without missing a beat the woman in the shorts turned and blasted a roundhouse kick to his head. BAM! Powerfully pumped thighs drove her foot so hard against his cheek that it shattered, whipping his face around, his mouth bleeding and spitting teeth. "Yah!" she jumped in the air, a leg shooting upwards in a vertical splits that blasted the man's head back savagely with a horrible click. As the man hit the floor with his head lolling unnaturally, another man rushed the woman from behind.

She sensed him at the last moment, and spun while swinging a leg into the air, but it was too late. The man caught the lower leg with both hands before it had even got chest high, shocked by the power that momentarily lifted his whole body into the air. Holding on to the big meaty calve, he stepped back pulling it sharply causing her to fall onto her backside into the water. "This will stop you kicking like a mule" he sneered. He crouched intending to press against the knee with one hand while holding her ankle but he quickly found that he needed both hands to keep hold of the big strong calve as it jerked around as she tried to free it. Damn, her legs were strong! The big calve slid out of his grip. BAM! BAM! BAM! The freed leg pumped again and again pounding her foot into his face smashing his nose and buckling his teeth. The battering stopped when another man managed to pin Ling by kneeling on her shoulders from behind and had her head below the water strangling her neck with both hands.

I wanted to help Ling but had my work cut out keeping the others away battering them with the oar and avoiding them when they tried to grab it. BAM! BAM! Ling's shins blasted the man in the face but he kept on grinning and wringing her neck while occasional bubbles of air breaking the surface worried me that she couldn't last long. Wow! I almost lost concentration as Ling's short but very shapely thick bare legs rose vertically in the air, dripping wet then parted to form a wide V that got wider. Cor! Once again her unexpected flexibility got me hard as a rock and even some of the other thugs stopped and stared at the leggy sight. The vast expanse of smooth inner thighs, tanned and glistening in the artificial light, with sexy bulges radiating from her crotch as they stretched her shorts so tight that I expected them to split at any moment. BAM! Suddenly her thighs slammed shut, like a Venus flytrap around its prey, her meaty calves wobbling as they came to rest either side of the man's neck. The man's face showed shock as the big meaty calves clubbed him either side of his neck. I saw his eyes tune out instantly but Ling's big calves continued to hold tight and swelled up turning rocky hard, his head looking tiny between Ling's huge shiny calves. The big calve meat turned into large prominent slabs of shiny sharp edged muscle that bit deep into his neck. I could see her large hamstrings swell as the back of her legs bulged and became striated as she focussed enormous pressure through her legs. The sight of the sheer power exerted by those legs had me sporting an uncomfortable arching hard-on in my trousers. Within seconds, the man's eyeballs rolled up inside his eyelids and he began to drool as his arms flopped senselessly by his side.

As I lustfully gawped at her legs, a couple of the thugs got past me and rushed towards Ling, just as a rapid explosion of bubbles broke the surface of the shallow water closely followed by her head, gulping in air. Sitting with the man's sleeping head locked fast between her bulging calves, Ling suddenly slammed her legs sideways to the floor. With a gristly crack, the man's body flopped over like a rag doll into the path of the oncoming men.

John had recovered from his brief blackout and now towards the woman as she tried to get up. Looming over her, standing astride her waist he started kicking her in the side. "I can kick too, bitch" he gloated, enjoying her squeals of pain. Suddenly her hands grabbed his ankles then she lay back down in the water. "Effing bitch" he cried trying to shake off her grip. He saw the woman fold both knees against her chest with her feet pointing towards his groin. "No!" he cried realising her intent. BAM! The woman's feet blasted into his exposed crotch. "Oooooeeeee!" it felt like an atomic bomb had gone off between his legs pounding his nuts so hard that felt like they were being driven back inside his body. With the terrible throbbing pain in his groin, he was shocked to feel the power of the woman's short legs press him clean off the ground while she clung onto his ankles. "Arrrrrrgg!" he wailed in anguish as the woman's legs bulging with power kept him aloft with his weight concentrated on his ruined balls.

The feet mashing his nuts disappeared but the terrible body searing pain didn't go away as he crashed to the ground and struggled to stay upright. The pain was so intense and soul destroying that he felt like curling up and dying. He knew lesser men would have done that but not him. Immobilised by shooting pains in his groin, John watched as the petite mature oriental rose from the flooded tunnel floor. She was soaked, her short black hair hung limply and water dripped from her face. Her sleeveless yellow top and tight shorts clung to her body like a second skin, and what a body! The top was so wet, it was virtually translucent and showed off a sensational chest that he didn't realise that she had. A wide prominent shelf of very full heavy looking breasts filled his vision and called to his aching loins. Such an ample stack on her petite frame looked absolutely huge. Even though the outline of her bra was visible that too was soaked and he couldn't tear his gaze from her large dark aureoles and nipples. The material also clung to a stomach that looked taut and hard etched with lines that hinted at a toned abdomen. Despite the crippling pain in his nuts, he was painfully growing an erection, his abused balls screaming their protest.

"Are you looking at my tits? Well you won't like this, you bastard" she told him. "Yah!" her scream reverberated around the tunnel and paralysed the big man with fear. He watched in horror as the little woman leapt into the air with her legs folded before her. BAM! "Urrrrphh!" two broad knees drove into his upper chest with fearsome power and speed. He felt his sternum driven into his body, his ribcage bending and ribs snapping as the air was brutally hammered from his lungs. Suddenly he felt a wet shoe on his thigh then the woman's big wet bouncing bosom rose before his eyes. "Yiiii!" A wide knee rushed towards his face like a cannonball. BAM! Bone crushing pain blasted through the middle of his face. Sharp bright jagged lines shattered his vision, a painful thumping filled his head and warm wet blood filled his mouth as his head was whipped backwards. He felt himself falling backwards but never felt the splash of the cold water of the flooded corridor.

The sight of the petite woman in very wet clothes, skin glistening with her big boobs bouncing in a very erotic manner as she fought the big man had mesmerised everyone, myself included. I never realised Ling had such sensational big breasts before and certainly never expected to see them like this, she might as well have been topless for all the covering that wet top gave her. There was an audible gasp as she climbed up the big man and hammered a knee right into his face. The sound of the man hitting the water, out cold, broke the Reivers from the spell. They pushed past me and rushed together towards Ling.

I was stunned, as my former petite workmate became a deadly leggy whirlwind with her body dripping wet and with plastered bouncing breasts inflicted great violence on the gang of big ugly brutes. "Yah!" a thick shiny leg shot up and kicked a man at short range on his shoulder blade. "Arghh" the man cried as something broke. "Yah!" without stopping, Ling spun on one heel, leant to one side, raised a short glistening leg and stomped another man right in the middle of his stomach. "Borrrpppph!" sounding like a balloon deflating, her powerful thigh muscles looked oiled as they bulged as they flattened his diaphragm and hurled his body backwards with incredible force across the tunnel to smash into the tiled wall and slide to the floor. "Yai!" a man tried to punch her from the side and found the sole of her foot lodged forcibly in his throat. "Kkkkkk!" he croaked staggering back clutching his neck then fell to the ground, his body flailing and arching in desperation to breathe.

My heart missed a beat as a man came up behind Ling as she was trying to dispatch another man with a flurry of kicks that he kept avoiding and grabbed an arm trying to restrain her. "Come on, get her" he shouted to one his mates. "Yai!" big breasts lurched like some wild animal tucked up inside her top as a chunky shiny wet leg shot vertically in the air, her wet shorts clinging tightly to her crotch as she performed an amazing axe kick that blasted a foot into the man behind. Like a deadly fighting machine, as the man fell back clutching his face with blood oozing between his fingers, Ling was already moving towards his colleague. I saw the surprised expression on the man's face as the small woman bent to lean her head against his side then snapped a kick backwards, her lower leg arcing over to blast a heel against the top of his face. Her leg dropped to the floor as she righted herself and grabbed another man by his hand and lent back. "Yai!" a short glistening leg kicked out sideways ploughing a foot high against the top of chest close to his neck. The man grimaced in pain and staggered clutching his chest as though he was having a heart attack.

Ling adopted a fighting stance, looking fierce, her big bust plastered with thin wet fabric, nipples erect, thrust out like a challenge. "Come on then. Whose next for some thousand year Chinese whoop ass?" she challenged, looking around. It was then that I realised that there were very few Reivers standing and those that were, were nursing their injuries. An ordinary petite woman had beaten a whole gang of big burly thugs in a matter of minutes. My cock was rigid as I approached her cautiously. I stopped when she turned in my direction with her hands still raised as if to chop me on the side of the neck and punch my lights out. Her visible ample chest heaving up and down as she breathed, her hard stomach showing signs of a definite six pack. God, that caused my erection to throb. "I think we should go in case any of them slipped away for reinforcements or to call the guards" I told her but her eyes were bright and pupils wide with adrenaline fuelled excitement. "They started this fight, Jim. I'm going to finish it. You've no idea the horror these bastards inflict on the slaves down here" she told me in an angry voice.

One of them stood between us and the direction of escape. As we approached, he took a swing at Ling. "Hah!"" her forearm blocked the punch. "Hah!" the side of her hand chopped the arm on the inside of the elbow, the arm falling limply as he grimaced in pain. "Hah!" both hands chopped him on either side of his neck. His head jerked back with his mouth open in shock. BAM! His face creased in anguish as she grabbed his shoulders and propelled her knee between his legs with a solid thud. As his legs sagged, I watched in amazement as Ling stepped onto his thigh then swung herself around his back so that she was sitting on his shoulders. Any discomfort the man showed at having the weight of a petite oriental woman on his shoulders vanished as she folded a calve across his throat neck. "Urkkk!" he cried in a strangulated gasp as she started squeezing. Her calve is so big and meaty that it forces the man's head back to make way. "Kkkkkk!" her big solid calve muscle is no match for his throat as it crushed his windpipe shut with ease. I saw her short but thick thighs, shiny with wetness, bulging and swelling with raw feminine power as the man's eyes bulged wide and he made horrid croaking noises. I had felt the power of those legs and knew that he didn't have a chance. He grabbed at her foot and leg vainly trying to pull the big fleshy crossbar away but it was too strong and his body was rapidly depleting of oxygen. His eyes fluttered and started to roll up under his lids as his body began to fall. Ling nimbly leapt off and landed on her feet just as the man's back hits the water then she was upon him. She just flopped down on him with her legs apart landing with her crotch right upon his face. My dick was throbbing again as I watched Ling sit upon a man's face pinning his arms with her knees, holding his head under the water and her hands upon her hip. Her big full breasts weighed down the front of her damp top and I couldn't help noticing that her nipples were fully erect. "Oh this feels real good. Cor you got another stiffy, Jim! You want me to sit on your face like this?" Ling teased with a smile. "Oh yes please" I gasped without thinking. "But on dry land" I added. The man's legs stopped thrashing as the small stream of air bubbles stopped rising between Ling's thighs. I couldn't help it, I rushed forwards and kissed Ling passionately while fondling her breasts. "Jim!" she exclaimed brushing me away. "I'm, I'm sorry" I stuttered as I stood back shamefaced and let her rise from her human seat. "How are we going to get out of here?" I asked. "I'll ask" she replied.

With a look of determination on her face she approached the nearest thug still standing. She must have looked so fierce and calmly confident that the big brute started backing away from the much smaller woman until he found himself backed against the wall. BAM BAM BAM BAM Ling grabbed him by the shoulders and hammered her knee over and over again into his gut, her knee plunging deep into his middle. BAM BAM BAM the man's face was a mask of sheer agony at the repeated onslaught of the petite woman's big knee. BAM BAM BAM finally her knee came to rest buried so deep inside his body that it must have felt as if it pressed against his backbone. She kept it raised like that watching him as his head bobbed back and forth, mouth open but unable to breathe. "What's the easiest route to the surface ? I know you bastards sometimes go up there to snatch children. Answer me" she snapped as the movements of his head got slower and slower, his eyes glazing over. "Damn. Too far gone" she muttered then removed her knee. The man just fell face first into a foot of water and lay there not moving.

There was a scrabbling noise as Ling turned. One of the thugs on the ground tried to scramble away but Ling stamped right on his balls. "Arghhh!" he cried, his torso shooting up out of the water into a sitting position. Grabbing his arm, Ling sat by his side. "You saw what I did to your friend. You saw how I destroyed all of your mates. Do you fancy your chances with me one on one?". "No please no more" he begged "You're too much to handle". "Then tell me what I need to know" she said. Before he had a chance to reply Ling wrapped her chubby thighs around his body and with a twist slammed him down on his back. One leg lay across the top of his back, enough to keep his face above water. The other leg lay across the top of his chest with the back of her knee pressing down on his throat and the side of her large calve pressing against his jaw. His arm was pulled across her crotch and over one hip where she pressed down while squeezing with her legs. "Huurgghhh!" he cried as Ling's beefy legs swelled up around his chest and the crook of her knee crushed down upon his neck. "Kkkk Please!" he cried, his voice strained as the smooth silky thighs grew into solid slabs of rock, shiny with running droplets of water. "Oh God please kkkkkkk" he pleaded as Ling's legs punished him. "Tell me how to get out of here without being seen by the Guards" she asked forcibly. "Noookkkkkk" he shrieked as her thighs ballooned up into thick solid shiny muscle and she pulled back so hard on his arm that I thought it would snap. "Kkkk Not possible. Kkkk" he wept openly. "Pleasekkkkk please I don't know" he cried pitifully. "Noo......" he wailed as with a look of angry determination Ling leant back bending his arm back with a gruesome snap and focussed down on the frightening power in her legs. The short shiny legs swelled with irresistible power, every muscle of her quads bulging hard and clearly defined. I had felt their awesome power and the thought that I had been between them made my dick throb. "Arghhhk" he wailed. "You're killing me" he croaked. The sheer bulk of her tanned thighs, shiny wet and looking rock solid, exerting such unimaginable raw power had me so hard that I had to force my hand away and suppress the urge to wank off. The brutal scissoring eased leaving the man broken and sobbing but still stuck fast, his head looking tiny compared with the mass of muscle across his chest and throat. "Tell me how to get out" Ling asked, her voice stony hard. "Old sector" he sobbed "some of the older entrances are lightly guarded and can be bribed. Argh". Ling's thigh briefly swelled again then relaxed as she looked at him, her eyes cold with fury. "Baker Street" he gasped. "No......" Ling flung herself back into the water and squeezed hard. I gasped in amazement as she bodily lifted the man out of the water writhing in agony between her thick muscular thighs as she bore down with every ounce of strength she had. Each muscle in her short thick legs stood out prominently as she bore down with everything she had. The human body is not built to take that amount of pressure and Ling's legs had been built up recently by a year of peddling a rusting heap. The big solid slabs of bulging muscle were quivering so hard when there was a chilling cracking sound as his chest and throat gave way and her legs seem to come together with a lurch. The man just flopped between her brutal legs for several moments before Ling dropped him into the water.

She stood up shaking and I quickly went over and took her in my arms intending to cuddle her but my lust taking control. I kissed her passionately. "Oh Ling. You were amazing. The way you destroyed all those big guys with your Kung Fu and your legs. Oh my god, your incredible legs". I kissed her hard getting carried away in my passion until I felt a hand on my erection. "Not now Jim. We've got to go" she told me pushing me firmly away then led the way down the tunnel. As we walked she looked at me, tilting her head to one side with a strangle smile. "You really are very weird, Jim. You never used to be this horny for me but now I think I understand why. I feel so horny myself after beating up all those men, I just wanted to crush that last man forever and ever with my legs just to see how strong they really were" she said then a dark look came over her. "That was bad wasn't it. I would be thrown in jail if I did that above ground" she looked so sad I just had to give her a cuddle. "Forget it. They are just nasty people who pick on ordinary people" I said. A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. "Now I know what gets you going, I'm going to enjoy playing with this tonight" she chuckled before slapping my boner playful. "Now put it away. We've got to disappear from here as fast as we can"
The dark bank set up Hitler, through his friend the banker Hjalmar Schacht. The plan was for England and France to join forces, with Hitler bearing the brunt, to eliminate communist Russia. It is said that Hitler came to power directly on orders of the Bank of England. Instead, Stalin negotiated an agreement with Hitler and Germany attacked Poland, with whom England had a protection treaty. In the end the financiers, mainly based in the USA, got to finance the rebuilding of Germany as compensation for losing absolute control of Europe.
"The role of the Masons in the Banking Community" Dr.C. Porter-Bowl
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:10:51 am
Bobby & Jackie Stories

The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If you are
offended by this or if you are under the legal age of consent in your
country do not read on.

BOBP #1: Wrestling My Little Sister
By Jimp
(c)JIM P 1995

This story takes place following the events in JIMP#6 where 16 year old
Bobby Priest, whilst trying to help his private detective father Jim,
encountered Lady Helen Windthorpe, the Dominant Horsewoman.

Saturday had come again which meant escape from school and time to muck
about with my mates. It was an unusually warm autumn's day, probably the
last before the cold bite of winter makes its presence felt. Mum had
been a bit overprotective recently following my run-in with the legs and
feet of Lady Helen [JIMP#6]. She made it clear that she didn't want me
straying to far from the house. Well sod that, I'm 18 not a kid like my
16 year old sister.
Mum and Dad had gone out shopping at Milton Keynes, mum wanting to
finish off Christmas shopping before the prices got hiked up. I was told
to stay in the house and look after Jackie. However I reckoned she would
be alright on her own. My mates 'Superrod' Johnson and Chris Moye had
come over to the house and we were about to go out and lark about.
"Right I'll just tell Jackie we're off and then we can go" I told them
walking into the garden where my kid sister was practising her
gymnastics. Jackie had been doing gymnastics for many years now and she
was by far the best in the local team, competing in regional and
national competitions.
She was about 5'1" with long golden hair currently tied back with a red
ribbon into a ponytail, blue eyes, a small slender nose and a small
mouth that smiled a lot. She was very pretty, even I had to admit that.
Superrod said "Hang about Bobby, there's no rush, we don't need to go
just yet". I turned around to face him and saw he was watching my sister
"She'll be a right babe when she grows up. Ooh what a bod!".
She stood with her back to us, preparing for some exercise. Her body was
tight and athletic. Broad shoulders tapered slightly to her waist and
out to her curving hips. The leotard she wore was cut disgustingly high
(I thought) and did nothing to hide her round tight buttocks, glutes
hardened by years of competitive level gymnastics. "Cor what an arse. I
wouldn't mind getting up there" Superrod muttered. "That's my kid sister
you're talking about!" I said. I looked back to see her bending over and
touching her toes showing virtually all her buttocks atop her slender
legs the backs of which were quite muscled. I had to admit the sight was
sexy and felt aroused, reddening in embarrassment that my own kid sister
could have this effect on me.
She straightened up and raised herself onto her toes. Her well toned
calves exploded in solid diamonds of muscle. She lowered herself and
turned sideways on to us and started limbering up her arms which rippled
and swelled with muscles I didn't know she had. I was shocked to see
that the skin-tight Lycra was almost translucent showing clearly the
outlines of small swellings of her young but maturing breasts with her
nipples jutting out. It also showed her well-developed abdominal muscles
like an iron grid etched across the tight fabric of her leotard.
Raising her right leg she stretched it out in front of her at 90 degrees
to her body keeping it straight all the time. "Great legs. I'd bet she'd
look good in a mini skirt and high heels" Chris muttered. I had to
agree, with her leg stretched out like that I noticed how shapely they
were - sensuous curves along her calves, and the front and back of her
thigh. Her outer thigh bulged that for a moment reminded me of Lady
Helen and her leggy embrace.
Without touching it to the ground, she swung her leg right back, caught
it with her hand and pulled it right up behind her back in a amazing
display of suppleness. As she did this, I noticed the leg biceps at the
back of her leg bulge large and strong. I felt my dick stiffen and
brought myself out of my trance. What was I doing? ogling my kid
sister!. I turned to the others "Come on let's go". They were
transfixed, bulges very evident in their trousers!. "Come on let's go" I
I looked at Jackie's face and she smiled at me mischievously. "ooorrh
look at that" Chris moaned as she lowered herself slowly to the ground
doing the splits. The skintight fabric of her leotard moulded itself
into her slit. I couldn't take my eyes of her crotch as she got lower
and lower. With her back straight, her legs got wider and wider apart in
an astonishing display of  suppleness, balance, and control. "orrhhhh"
we moaned.
Smiling sweetly she spoke in her soft childlike voice "Oh hi boys I
didn't see you standing there. I see you liked that, you'll love this".
She placed her hands on the floor and raised her body until it was held
aloft by her straight arms. She swung her legs forward, spread wide
apart, presenting her crotch fully for us. "orrrh my god" I moaned, my
erection becoming uncomfortable as it strained against my trousers.
Trying to look like little miss innocent she lowered herself to the
ground and told us "glad you liked that. What about this?". She turned
her back to us and laid down. Slowly she raised her body and her long
shapely well toned legs together in perfect unison until they pointed to
the sky, supported only by the back of her neck and her arms. She spread
her legs wide and slowly started to lower them until they were at right
angles to her body, once again giving us full view of her barely covered
crotch. She lowered her legs further, still spread wide until her feet
almost touched the ground. Her legs forming an inverted V in front of
her, her crotch openly on display not to mention her lovely tight
"oooohhh gooddd" Chris moaned loudly, a wet patch spreading on the front
of his trousers. He rushed into the house to clean himself up, face red
with embarrassment. Superrod's massive bulge after which he got his
nickname was twitching in his trousers like a small tent. "Ohh God,
Bobby, if only she was older" he too went into the house to relieve
"Don't you want to go to the bathroom too?" Jackie asked, all sweetness
and light. I faced her. She was standing again. "I'm disgusted at the
way you flaunt your body like that?" I told her. "Like what Bobby?. I
don't know what you mean?" she replied innocently.
"You know what I mean" I retorted. "Do mean this?" she said as she stood
astride, raised herself on tiptoes and went into a semi-crouch. Each leg
turned outwards from each other, her calves and inner thighs bulging
drawing my attention to her wide open crotch fully presented to me
through that near translucent leotard. It was more than I could bear
"nnnngh nnngh nnnnghh" I shot my wad into my trousers in three massive
spurts. Red-faced I entered the house to clean up, my not-so innocent
little sister laughing behind me. **** I emerged from the bathroom.
Superrod and Chris were waiting. "Are we going or what?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, I've just got to tell Jackie then we're off" I replied as we went
back downstairs. "Man, you're sister needs a good seeing to" Superrod
said. Shocked I told him "Leave off!, she's my kid sister. She's not
even a proper teenager yet". "Some kid sister" he replied as we entered
the living room.
Jackie was sitting at the dining table sipping a can of drink. I walked
over to her and told her "We're just going out for a while, okay?". "No
it's not okay. Mum said we were to stay in the house" she replied
tartly. "Well tough, I'm off out" I snapped. "And I'll tell mum" she
said. "You do and you're in dead trouble" I said getting angry, shaking
my fist at her. "Ooooh I'm really scared. I'd make mincemeat out of you
just like that upper class woman did to you" she sneered. "Sssh shut up
about that. You don't tell mum and dad that I've gone, right?" I told
her. "Oh boys, want to know who really beat up Bobby?" she shouted.
"Shut up kid!" I hissed angrily. "I'm not frightened of you. Let's arm
wrestle for it" she said out aloud.
"You what!" I said surprised. "You heard. Let's arm wrestle. If you win,
you can go out and I won't say a word. If I win, then I can choose a
forfeit for you. Agreed?" she said smiling sweetly. I was stunned, I
didn't know what to say - my own little sister seriously suggesting we
arm wrestle!. Superrod said "come on Bobby get it over with and lets get
out of here". I looked at the tight bunched muscles in her arms from all
that weight training she did, but what the hell, I'll have no problem
beating a 16 year old girl "Yeah okay" I said confidently.
We cleared a place on the table. Due to its width we had to face each
other diagonally across one corner. We brought our right arms together,
elbows touching, wrists vertical and locked fists. Her hand was a bit
smaller than mine and her arm was a bit shorter, so she had to put her
left hand under her elbow so she could reach high enough. I was
surprised at how firm her grip was. I looked at my sister's oh so pretty
face, for a moment getting lost in her lovely blue eyes. Superrod was
right, she was turning into a real babe. She gave a little pout and then
smiled sweetly "Ready to be beaten big brother?" she asked. "You don't
stand a chance" I replied.
We each drew a deep breath and began: This is going to be easy I thought
to myself as I started to push against Jackie's arm. However her arm was
going nowhere. I could see the tendons in her wrist stand out as she
withstood me as I tried to budge her. "You can start anytime you like"
she said smiling as I strained against her. That pissed my off and I
pushed with all my might. Still her arm did not move. Then it did move,
but not in the direction I wanted!. Slowly she started to push my arm
down. Straining hard, I tried to resist. I noticed how strong her
forearm looked, slim at the wrists and wide at the base with veins
popping out under the strain. Thick-ridged bulges of muscle stretched
the thin fabric of her leotard in a rather disturbing manner. "Going
down" she said grinning at me.
I began to grunt and my arm trembled under the exertion. For a moment I
managed to halt my arms' downward progress at about 30 degrees from
vertical. I tried to back her arm back, but it felt as if I was pushing
against a iron bar. Straining with exertion she slowly began to push my
struggling arm closer and closer to the table. No this wasn't possible!,
I couldn't let this happen!, I couldn't let my 16 year old sister beat
me in front of my friends. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stop
the inevitable. With a final surge of power, she slammed the back of my
hand into the table top.
"Bobby! what the fuck!" exclaimed Chris. "Jeez man!" Superrod uttered.
"Oh dear Bobby, little sister is stronger than big brother" Jackie
jeered "now you have to pay the forfeit". "Get stuffed, Jackie. You got
lucky. Caught me by surprise that's all." I retorted, "You've just got
strong forearms from the weight training you do for your gymnastics. You
need them to hang from bars and stuff that's all. You wouldn't stand a
chance in a real fight". "A gymnast could wipe out an untrained boy like
you anytime" she replied "in fact .. I choose the forfeit and I choose
.. we'll wrestle."
"Forget it shrimp" I replied laughing "Let's go boys". I got up from the
table and started to walk across the room to the door. "I'll tell the
whole school how I beat you in arm wrestling" my sister said aloud.
Hell! she would as well. Spinning to face her I told her "you shut up
right or I'll do you". "Come on then big brother, let's see who is the
strongest. Let's wrestle!" she shouted "We'll do it in the garden on the
grass. No submissions - that's for wimps. Two knockouts decides the
winner ". If my mates weren't here, I'd just ignore her, but she was
making me look a wimp "okay you're on. Let's do it". "Okay, but I'm
going to change into my bikini, I don't want to get this leotard dirty,
I need it for competitions" she told me heading for the stairs "I think
you should wear your bathing pants as well to make it fair".
"Ok, she's gone, let's go" I said to the others. "What and miss the
babette in her bikini. No way!" exclaimed Superrod. *** I changed into a
pair of red bathing shorts and went down into the garden. "Very snazzy
Bob" said Chris. "wow get a load of that" Superrod uttered.
I turned around to see my younger sister limbering up in a small white
bikini. Her body was childish yet athletic, sleek-sinewed, supple, and
perfectly conditioned from years of competitive gymnastics. The slopes
of her neck tapered out to wide shoulders capped with round hard muscle.
Her arms were slender but showed signs of vascularity especially down
the front of her arm and forearms. Her triceps also seemed quite
pronounced. She had a broad back that tapered to her waist and out to
her hips. Slabs of abdominal muscles were clearly visible in her firm
flat stomach. Her outer thighs were quite thick and strong looking,
unnerving me as I remembered how Lady Helen's strong muscular legs
crushed me helpless [JIMP#6]. Nevertheless she was my kid sister and I
was sure I could beat her.
"Right let's go" she said and crouched with her arms ready to grapple. I
rushed at her intending to push her to the ground. Our bodies collided
but she held her ground - it was like running into a brick wall. We were
locked together again, arms straining as we fought for supremacy. I was
astounded at how strong she fought. Back and forth we strained until
Jackie tripped and we tumbled to the ground.
Jackie landed on her back and I nearly fell on top of her, landing on my
hands and knees. Quickly I grabbed her hands and tried to push her them
to the ground. She pushed back hard and I couldn't budge them. I looked
at her arms and was astounded to see her biceps bulging out of her slim
arm like two small mountains. My arms trembled as I tried with all my
might to pin her hands to the grass but her arms were unyielding. "It's
no use big brother, I've already shown that my arms are stronger than
yours" she said in a strained voice as she resisted me.
She began to buck her body making it difficult for me to maintain my
grip. Freeing her hands and reached up to wrap her arms around my neck,
pulling my head down to her body. I was totally unprepared for the cords
of steel-like muscle that bulged from her arms strangling me. I put my
right hand out to her stomach to steady myself and felt in wonder the
hard edged ridges of her abdominals. I tried to slap her stomach but it
was like slapping a brick wall. I tried to pull her arms away and was
shocked to find that everywhere I grabbed was silky-smooth flesh
rippling with tautly flexed sinews. "I'm going to tear your neck right
off your neck with my arms" she taunted as she tensed her arms so
tightly that she cut off the air from my throat. I was desperate to
breathe. "What's wrong big brother? Little sister's arms too strong
for you?" she taunted. My head began to swim and my vision blurred as
she choked me. My movements got weaker and I felt faint. I was desperate
to find someway of releasing her hold. My right hand felt something
jutting out from her bikini top - her nipple. Hating myself for what I
was going to do, I grabbed her small breast, squeezed and twisted as
hard as I could. "arggh. You bastard!" Jackie swore as she released her
arms to pry my hand from her boob.
Gasping for air I rolled off her and tried to crawl away to put some
distance between us. I heard her "I'll make you pay for that. This was
going to be friendly but now I'm going to crush and humiliate you so
badly that you'll wish you'd never been born". Then she was upon me.
Grabbing the back of my head she slammed it face-first into the grass.
Kneeling astride my back, she grabbed my right arm and yanked it high up
my back. "I'm going to pull your arm right out of its socket" she
"Arrghh!" I cried as my arm was pulled beyond comfort. "Higher higher"
she yelled as she continued to pull it up. My arm was in so much pain
that I really feared that she would really dislocate it if she
continued. I tried to roll to my right to ease the pain, but she shoved
her knee in the pit of my back and wrapped her other arm around my neck.
She pulled my neck back whilst she pushed into my back with her knee at
the same time she tortured my arm. I heard her laugh "This is fun big
brother. We should do it more often. I'm really getting a buzz out of
thrashing you. Shall I break your neck or your back or your arm?". I was
choking under her arm, my shoulder, arm and back were in agony.
I tried to swing my left hand, curled into a fist behind me as hard as I
could. A lucky blow caught her in the kidneys stunning her long enough
to free my neck and arm. Using both arms on the ground, I pushed myself
up to my hands and knees, dislodging the unwelcome passenger on my back.
She landed on her backside. I got behind her and wrapped my arms around
her neck. "Now I'll show what I do to naughty little bitches who are too
sure of themselves" I taunted as she struggled to pull herself out of
the head lock. She raised her body bent backwards in a bridge, supported
by her legs bent at the knees. I held her neck tight and squeezed as
hard as I could "Not so tough now are you little squirt" I said. Bending
forward at the waist, she pulled me to her back. "There's no escape
little sister" I teased. With an almighty push with her legs, she
straightened her body sending me toppling to the ground with my sister
falling on top of me. She got up in a crouch, turned and did the splits
on top of my astonished face. With her supple legs wide apart she
pressed her crotch into my face smothering me. "I bet you wish you were
in his position" she said aloud to Superrod. "Orhhh yes please" he
replied. For a moment, I found it quite erotic. I reached up with my
hands, marvelling over the contrast of her strong muscled yet sexy legs.
"He's getting a hard-on" I heard Chris say "Oh! that's yer sister
Bobby!". Chris and Superrod laughed, I flushed with embarrassment and
tried in vain to move her legs. "There's no escape big brother" she said
as pressed her crotch down really hard and started to grind it into my
face. Air came in snatches as she moved around on my face. "This feels
good" she remarked. I tried arching my body using my arms and legs, but
my head was pinned by her body weight. "Keep still" she ordered, but I
twisted and struggled so much that I finally managed to make it
difficult to keep me pressed.
She jumped back onto my stomach. I raised my hands to push her off, but
she grabbed them, leant forward and tried to push them towards the
ground. With trembling arms, I pushed back stopping their descent. She
raised herself up and added her body weight to the downward pressure,
slowly my hands were pushed into the lawn. Laying her body on top of me,
she locked her legs inside of mine. Due to her shorter height, this
meant she had to move back a bit to lock her shins inside my calves.
This allowed me to push back her hands, but soon I had other things to
worry about as I found my legs being pulled wide apart. "You're going to
do the splits big brother" she teased as I tried without success to
resist. It was useless, her young gymnast's legs effortlessly pulled me
apart in a grapevine press. The pain between my legs was severe. "No,
no, please you're really hurting" I begged. "Oh dear, little girl make
big boy cry with her strong legs" she taunted. She pushed even harder,
her strong supple legs an irresistible force. "Arggh please you're going
to pull them out of their sockets" I cried as ligaments stretched to
breaking point. "Flipping heck look at the way her thighs are bulging" I
heard Chris utter in disbelieve. I didn't need to look, I felt as if I
was going to be torn apart up the middle "arghh, please Jackie please, I
give I give".
The pressure stopped and she released the hold. I sat up to massage my
aching crotch. "Remember I said no submissions" I heard Jackie say.
Before I could protect myself, her legs snaked out from the side to
capture my neck. My neck was sandwiched under the back of her left thigh
and the top of her right leg. She grabbed my left arm and pulled my head
back to the ground. From my position I could see the back of her thigh
and her small tight backside inches from my face. My throat was held
tight between her calve and the back of her leg - and then she
squeezed!. "arrkkk" my neck was savagely choked by her strong legs. Her
leg biceps bulged irresistibly into my throat. My vision blurred and my
head swam, it felt as if she was going to tear my head off.
She eased off the pressure and began brutally twisting my arm. She
twisting it around, then held the elbow with one hand while she pulled
my hand back with her other hand. She bent it back hard. "No please
you're going to break it" I begged "argh please Jackie arkkkk" she
tightened the scissor hold preventing me from talking. "I tell you when
you can speak. I control your body now" she said, the frightening thing
was that it was true - my little sister had me helpless. I tried to grab
her shins with my free hand but her legs were locked tight. She played
with my arm, bending it to breaking point, then releasing the pressure
and then bending it back again. "arkk arkkk" I tried to beg her to stop
but her legs were too tight around my throat.
Once more I felt the fearsome leg biceps bulge instantly cutting off my
air. She raised her body off the ground and squeezed my neck with a
fearsome surge of power. I could feel the blood pound in my head and I
could nothing but blurs. I tried to scream as I felt my throat on the
verge of collapse and my head being torn off as her leg biceps bulged
like a grapefruit with irresistible power. I didn't stand a chance,
within seconds I felt myself slipping away. *** The next thing I
remember was a cold splash of water against my face. I opened my eyes to
see Chris and Superrod looking down at me. "Christ man, your little
sister really put you away" Chris said "We thought you weren't never
going to come around". Superrod helped me to my feet. "She does weight
training for her gymnastics" I tried to explain. "Never mind Bobby, Tell
her she's won and let's go" Superrod told me. "No way!" I said "That
little bitch needs to be taught a lesson!", I was furious, "No 16 year
old girl makes a fool out of me!".
Jackie was tumbling and leaping about on the lawn when she saw me. "Oh
big brother is back from his little sleepy-weepy". "Shut up talking like
that. I'm going to make sorry you ever started this" I replied angrily.
"You're sure you're man enough to take me?" she taunted as she raised
her right arm and slowly flexed it. Her slender arm thickened and a rock
solid bicep grew bulged out of her arm like a small mountain. "Think you
can handle these?" she taunted. She raised her other arm and flexed a
double biceps pose. I looked the amazing curves in her arms - slim
wrists tapering dramatically to thick forearms, the deep arc of her
triceps and the thick bulging biceps standing proud. Okay so I may not
be the sporty type, but my 16 year old sister had bigger muscles than I
She put her arms behind her head and flexed her abdominals - slabs of
muscle stood out in bold relief from her stomach like a washboard. I was
even more unnerved when she put out her right leg and flexed. "I'm going
to crush you helpless between my legs" she said as her quads bulged
ominously. She turned to the side and raised her left leg backwards.
"Remember this?" she said as her large leg biceps bulged with the
frightening power that had put me away so easily. "I'll have you begging
for mercy" she said "but I won't show you any".
I couldn't back down now in front of my mates, but those muscles
frightened me. I decided that I had to pin her and beat her quickly.
Without warning, I rushed at her and caught her off balance. I fell to
the ground on top of her and tried to get her into a body scissors of my
own. However she struggled hard. We tussled on the grass straining
against each other. I managed to get her in a headlock with my arms.
"Say goodnight little sister" I taunted as I squeezed with all my might.
Jackie lifted her legs into the air and showing great flexibility she
brought them right up behind her head, bending herself double and slid
her calves around my head. With her strong legs she started to pull my
head forward then slid my head further between her thighs. With a sudden
twist she slammed my head into the ground with her legs, my body falling
head over heels to land on my back.
Jackie grabbed my legs and bent them towards my head using her body
weight to press them down. "argh no no please Jackie" I cried in pain as
she pushed my legs well past my limits of flexibility until my toes were
touching the ground above my head. "Let's limber you up a bit big
brother" she taunted as she lay her body weight on the backs of my legs
and started bouncing up and down. "No no god please no" I begged, but
the little torturer was enjoying it too much to stop. She leant forward
pressing my legs back until she was able to bring her face close to
mine. "Kissy kissy" she said and pouted her lips. I saw my chance and I
took it. I grabbed her hair in big clumps either side of her head and
pulled hard.
"ow ow you cheat let go" she yelled as I tugged hard. As she moved back
to try and get out of my reach, I was able to bend my legs back to
normal, pushing her away. I tried to get to my feet, but Jackie rushed
me from behind and pulled my feet from under me. I fell on my chest.
Jackie grabbed my ankles, pushed them against the back of my thighs, and
then sat on them. "No please Jackie get off" I begged. Jackie responded
by grabbing my hair, pulling my head back and then seizing my neck in
her hands. Then she started bouncing up and down "Giddy-up horsey" she
yelled. "Argh no no please stop" I pleaded fearing she was going to
break something. She pulled my neck back so hard that it my spine as it
was bent back. "Please no no" I pleaded with tears in my eyes. "Oh you
boring cry baby" she teased "Not putting up much of a fight are you?".
Jackie got off me and moved by the side of my head. In fright I tried to
get up in order to get away from her, but she was quicker. Her strong
legs flashed out to envelop my head and squeeze tight. Grabbing my hair,
she slid my head higher between her thighs then pulled it around to push
it face first into her crotch. Despite myself, being pressed so close to
her budding sex aroused me. "Oh look, big brother has a big hard-on for
his little sister" she said aloud.
Raising her body up with her hands, she straightened her body and legs.
I felt awesome power flow through her legs crushing my poor head. I
never expected such awesome strength from such a little girl. I felt her
silky thighs bulge with rock hard muscle as she squeezed tighter and
tighter. My vision blurred and my face hurt as my cheeks and jaw were
crushed in a humiliating show of teenage female strength. My head
swam as she brought me to the point of passing out. "Oh no you don't"
she said as she relaxed her hold long enough for me to recover before
crushing down again with fearsome pressure. "Please Jackie please have
mercy" I cried, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was in such pain I
didn't care who heard me, I just wanted the torment to end. "No mercy
for you big brother mine" I heard her reply. However, she released my
tortured head. I lay down on the grass and wept as an awful headache
pounded through my skull.
"Get up cry baby" she ordered. "Leave me alone" I begged as I got to my
hands and knees. I started to crawl away from her but she was having
none of it. She jumped upon my back getting me in a head lock and pulled
me to the ground, clamping her thighs around my waist. She pressed her
body right into me, holding my neck tight in her strong arms and
bringing her face close to mine. "You know I really enjoyed making you
boys cream yourselves earlier." she whispered in my ear "I loved the way
you moaned Bobby. I want to hear it again". She began to lick my ear
then my face and the side of my neck . Despite myself I felt myself get
aroused. I tried to pull away but I was held fast. A powerful squeeze
constricted my stomach and back "argghh". She held me painfully like
that for about a minute, with me uselessly pawing her thighs feeling her
living columns of steel crushing me so thoroughly. Her legs relaxed
slightly and she continued to work my face and neck with her tongue.
"Look he's got a stiffy" said Chris "fancy getting a hard-on for your
sister yeegh". She twisted my head to look at her and kissed me firmly
on the mouth, probing her tongue inside. I was helpless to resist and I
felt myself get harder and harder. She moved down to my nipples and
swirled her tongue around them. "Oohh no Jackie you musn't" I pleaded as
she drove me insane with lust. More and more she licked. "Do you want
me?" she asked. "oooh Jackie ooh god yes please". "I don't think the
boys quite heard that" she said and then licked my face some more. "Yes
yes I want you" I blurted aloud before realising with embarrassment what
I had just done. I had just said out loud to my mates that I wanted to
make love to my own sister and she's so much underage!. I felt sick with
Then she released my body from her leggy prison. Still holding my neck
with her arms, she turned herself around and then replace the hold on my
head with her legs. She lay front down on top of me, then slid her legs
away from me until I was only held by her strong calves. I grabbed her
calves and tried to pull them off my neck. I strained, sweat dripping
off me and I thought I was starting to move them. She grabbed my legs
and then sat back. I looked up to see her small tight arse descend onto
my face!. Pulling on my legs she tried to bend me double, while I was
struggling not to be suffocated by her shapely buttocks. "mmmph" my
objections were smothered by her backside. Then she opened my legs and
started pushing them out to each side forcing me to do the splits.
"Mmmmm!" I tried to scream in agony but I got for my efforts was a mouth
full of arse. Suddenly she clenched her glutes - it felt like iron balls
were crushing my face between them. She relaxed and I panted for breath,
then again her glutes tensed squashing my face. She held tight for what
seemed an eternity and I started to blackout. She relaxed, dropped my
legs, raised her backside and turned around to slap my face hard "Oh no
you don't. I've not finished with you yet" she said.
She leant over and started licking my ears and face again. Before I
could react, she sat down in my lap. "Ohh what a nice bulge you have for
your sister" she said. She started to gyrate and move around. "No please
Jackie you musn't" I pleaded as her movements had an unnerving
stimulating effect on my nether regions. "Why it's its getting bigger
brother dear" she said. "Please don't do this Jackie" I begged, but she
started rubbing her arse hard along my shaft under my shorts. "oohhh
oohhh Jackie please noo" I moaned as lust overrode my reservations.
She slid back onto my stomach and I felt her hand slide inside shorts.
"No Jackie please no" I begged. I tried to sit up tugging at her to try
to stop her. She stretched out on top of me and wrapped her legs around
my head in a vice-like grip. There was nothing I could do, I was
powerless to stop my sister as she took my cock out from my shorts. The
feel of it in her hands felt good.  "Isn't it ugly" I heard her say as
she started stroking it. A sudden warm wetness engulfed my cock. "NO!" I
cried as I realised that she had taken it into her mouth. I groaned
softly as she engulfed my shaft feeling her warm, wet, softness envelop
it. "This isn't right" I told her but one half of my brain was enjoying
it and wanted more. She removed it from her mouth and started circling
it with her tongue. She worked her way from tip to base to tip again - I
had never felt myself get so stiff. "Mary Slater tells me that this is
the way to enslave a boy" she told me between licks.
She kissed the tip and slipped her mouth down as far as the base of the
helmet. "oohhh Jackie no you mustn't oooohh" I groaned as she sucked
away. Slowly she moved her head back and forth along my shaft - in and
out, in and out. I was in rapture, I had never felt anything like this
before. She settled into a slow, steady rhythm "ooooh Jackie ooooh
you're so good" I moaned. My breathing became more rapid and so did my
sister's movements. Involuntarily I moved my hips back and forth felt
ready to come. She was now sucking it with vigour. "Cream him Jackie" I
heard Chris tell her. I remembered we were being watched but she had me
helpless to do with as she pleased.
"Oh god, oh god" I panted as I felt it coming. Suddenly she clamped her
fingers around the base of my cock, preventing ejaculation. "Beg brother
dear" she teased. She started giving little licks, each one driving me
wild for release. "please please" I begged wanting release. She took it
whole into her mouth again and I felt as if I was going to explode.
"Please Jackie please" I begged. Finally, she released her hold and my
cock exploded like a volcano. "nnnngh nnngh nngh" I moaned loudly as
each spasm shot from my body. "Ice Cream, get it, I'se Cream" Chris
joked. I suddenly realised that my sister had given me a blow job in
front of my mates. My face went red with embarrassment.
Jackie released me from her leggy prison and turned around to sit on my
chest. "I'm getting bored with this big brother" she told me "You're
such a wimp, you're not giving me a good enough fight. I'm going to
finish you now". She lifted my head and clamped my neck between her
thighs. She locked her ankles, raised and straightened her body and
squeezed. "arrghh" I yelled as she crushed me helpless. I put my hands
on her legs and felt the power surging through her lovely thighs. She
swiftly twisted her legs from side to side, my neck forced to follow. My
head was swimming and I couldn't see clearly. For the second time that
day my little sister put me away with her strong muscular legs. *** That
evening around the dining time was when I knew that Jackie was going to
prolong the mental torture. As I looked at her sitting opposite me, she
opened her mouth forming an O and licked her tongue in a circular
motion. The effect upon my cock was instant, it stiffened in remembrance
of the pleasures of that tongue and mouth. Every opportunity she had,
she would repeat her little trick and the effect was always the same.
The turmoil this caused in me was immense, the embarrassment and shame
of knowing that my own little sister could make me ache badly for her.
But the worse was yet to come. *** The following days at school were
hell. Jackie and her friends kept looking at me, whispering and
giggling. Superrod and Chris weren't much help either "Want some I'se
Cream Bobby, heh heh" they taunted "Want a bodyguard to save you from
your little sister, heh heh".
The final straw came one break time when I was walking on the lawn with
Superrod and Chris. We came across Jackie and her mates. She had on her
white school blouse, blue tie, short grey pleated skirt, white socks and
black shoes. "Oh Bobby" she called. I looked, she formed an O with her
mouth and licked her lips with her tongue in a circular motion. My cock
immediately stiffened. "Look see, I have him well conditioned" Jackie
told her friends "He's aching for it". "Shut up Jackie" I told her. She
walked right up to me "What are you going to do about it?. You're not
strong enough to fight me. I wiped you out once, I can do it again". I
saw red, I lunged at her and we fell to the ground struggling for
Jackie got behind me and wrapped one arm around my throat. Her bicep
bulged underneath her blouse cutting into my throat choking me. She
grabbed my right arm and bent it hard behind my back. Pulling my body
back tight against hers, she stretched her legs around my waist and
hooked them just under my knees. Her strong legs started to widen
forcing my not so pliable legs painfully apart. "arrhhh no Jackie no
you're tearing me apart" I cried, tears in my eyes from the incredible
pain as her flexible strong legs stretched mine beyond their limits. "I
haven't even started, cry baby" she teased as she leant forward, pushing
my chest towards to the ground. "No please" I was crying now with the
severe pain shooting through my ligaments in my crotch. "I'm going to
tear you legs right out of your sockets" Jackie taunted. "arrggh" I
cried at the tremendous pain. I started lashing out with my left arm
swinging it behind me. A lucky blow caught her in the kidneys,
disrupting her efforts for long enough for me to act. I forced my torso
back hard, pushing Jackie to the ground beneath. She lost her grip on me
and I freed myself.
I turned around and seeing my sister with her back to the ground decided
it was payback time. I grabbed hold of her calves, lifted them up and
forced them to the ground high over her head. I used my body weight to
lean on them to press them home. Unfortunately, she was so supple that
she didn't seem to be in any pain. In fact, pinning her like this with
my crotch pressing against hers was disturbingly sexy. By now a crowd
had started to form. "Ohh Bobby what a nice hard-on you've got for your
little sister" she said aloud. Guffaws and laughs came from the crowd
and I flushed with embarrassment. Slowly she began to raise her legs
away from the ground. I tried leaning harder pressing my full weight
down onto the backs of her legs. I could see the strain on her face, but
still her legs were moving lifting me up aswell.
Her legs got to about 30 degrees from vertical, when she raised her body
using her arms and slid her legs around my head and locked her ankles.
My natural reaction was to grab her legs with my hands to try to prise
them apart. She twisted her body and swung her legs towards the ground.
Trapped between her legs my head had no alternative but to follow, my
body somersaulted head over heels as she threw me heavily to the ground
to land on my back. The wrench on my neck was painful that I thought for
a moment that she had broken it.
I looked up straining under the power of her legs to see the crowd had
got bigger, it looked like the whole school had come to see a 16 year
old girl beat up her 18 year old brother!.
 "Big brother isn't frightened of a little 16 year old is he?" she
teased and I frantically grabbed at the legs that were crushing my
skull. She squeezed down with an awesome burst of pressure and held
tight. My head swam in blackness and patches of red and yellow and I
thought I was going to pass out. "Go on kill him" I heard someone in the
crowd yell.
She released her hold and turned me on my back then sat on my chest. She
looked down at me, opened her mouth and ran her tongue around it. I
couldn't stop the reflex action that caused. "Bloody hell, he's got a
stiffy!""Look everyone he's got a stiffy for his sister!""Pervert!""Go
on kill the pervert Jackie!". My face went red with embarrassment.
Jackie leant forward, wrapped her arms around my head and rolled to one
side pulling me with her. She wrapped her muscular legs around my waist,
leant back and flexed. My back and stomach felt as if they were being
crushed between steel cables. "Little sister's legs make big brother
cry" she taunted as tears rolled down my cheek at the immense agony
around my middle. I grabbed at her legs only to feel her thighs bulging
with power a young girl like this shouldn't be allowed to have. I felt
the scissors tighten even more and felt my face go red. I tried to twist
and turn hoping to break the hold, but she raised herself on her hands,
straightened her body and legs and powered down even harder. I couldn't
breathe! she was crushing my middle so much that I couldn't breathe. I
began to panic, what can I do?. A bridge that should do it!.
Desperately I arched up, twisting and turning, digging my feet into the
ground as I tried to break my sister's vice-like hold. Jackie pulled me
tight against her body and wrapped her arms around my neck. I felt the
bulge of her bicep through her blouse cut into my throat. I was gasping
for breath as she strangled me with her arms and locked within crushing
grasp of her powerful thighs. My head swam and welcomed the
inevidentable as relief from the pain and the humiliation of being wiped
out by one's own little sister in front of the whole school.
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:12:05 am
The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If this offends
you or if you are under the legal age of consent in your country do not read
on. Although based on real people, names have been changed to protect the
innocent. Any other likeness to anyone dead or alive is purely coincidental.

The Merit Badge
By Jimp
(c) JIM P 2012
Girl Guides demonstrate the power of their merit badges to a smug bully


A few years ago


It was early evening and the sun was low in the sky. As I climbed the steps
that led from the platform to the station building, I couldn't help looking at
Jackie's calves as they bunched and flexed in front of me. It just wasn't
right, a young girl having muscles like that. The sheer size and power of my
younger sister's calves was a constant reminder of how she had completely
humiliated me in front of the whole school [BOBP#1]. Yet at the same time
there was something animalistic and sensual about them that caused disturbing
thoughts. I tried to look away but nearly stumbled on the steep concrete
steps. "Careful, Bobby. You don't want to fall and break your neck" she said
sweetly. "I'm fine" I muttered and continued the climb to the top. We were on
our way back from school. I had been to a music evening in the sixth form
college where we listened to pieces of rock music then discussed them while
Jackie had been at gymnastics club.

"Bobby, isn't that Kevin Sharpe?" she whispered as we reached the station
entrance. I looked at the grubby tramp sitting on the path against the wall
then had to make a double take as I slowly realised that it wasn't a tramp at
all. It was Kevin and I hardly recognised him. He definitely looked the worst
for wear. With several days' growth on his unshaven face, dirty jeans and
shabby lumberjack's shirt, I had barely recognised him. His dull eyes
certainly showed no signs that he recognised me even though we had shared the
same desk in tutor group for the last 6 or 7 years at The Manor. However, I
didn't like the way he leered at Jackie's body. At 6 feet tall, the former
junior bodybuilding champion still retained a muscular well-built figure
although he had retired from competition. That was around the same time as his
impromptu rematch with Ling, the little oriental girl who had previously
humiliated him publicly in a kickboxing contest although she was 5 years
younger [BOBP#2]. After another deeply embarrassing defeat at her feet in
front of the school, he gave up the sport and concentrated on basketball and
athletics at which he excelled. He had left the sixth form college a few
months ago and I hadn't seen him since. I walked past with Jackie not saying a


Kevin watched Jackie's shapely legs as she walked past but he couldn't be
arsed to get up and chase away Bobby. It wasn't fair. At The Manor, he was a
sporting superstar that all the girls loved and all the boys admired. But he
had soon discovered that none of his athletic successes had meant jack shit
when it came to getting a job. And the discrimination! 95% of all new jobs
went to migrants (true). He almost punched the woman interviewer who told him
to his face not to bother applying because he was English (also true). So it
was he found himself 'tired and emotional' outside the station once more.
Maybe he'll do Jackie after all, but when he pulled himself to his feet, she
was too far down the road.

Now that he was up, he might as well find a girl to pull. Not that it wouldn't
be easy. With his good looks and super stud physique, all the girls were crazy
for him. Well, they used to be. They didn't seem to be too keen on him
recently for some reason.

Suddenly up ahead he spots a group of three teenaged girls walking away down
the street. Each is dressed in a blue blouse and skirt with white knee length
socks. A bright yellow neck scarf and badges sewn down the sleeves was a
giveaway, Girl Guides. The one in the middle was anything but small, a
statuesque brunette with her hair worn in pigtails on other either side of her
head. From this distance he reckoned that she must have been at least 6 foot
tall with a perfect hourglass figure. Her back sloped dramatically inwards on
either side from broad shoulders to a narrow waist where she wore a black
leather belt. It then sloped back out to her hips and full but great looking
backside. The blue skirt is way too short for her tall build and looks like a
tiny micro skirt from the old "Star Trek". That made her long bare legs the
longest he'd ever seen. Unlike most tall girls, she was not rake thin. Her
body was in perfect proportion to her height with her legs actually quite
thick but because of their length they looked sensational.

Kevin began to follow. They weren't walking very fast as they were too busy
chatting and pausing to look in the occasional shop window. The girl on the
left of the tall one with the stunning legs and figure, was a short dumpy fat
girl and on the right a skinny blonde. But it was the tall well proportioned
one in the itsy bitsy skirt who had all of his attention. As she turned to
chat with Fatty, he saw her face. A narrow oval shape, it was uncluttered,
tanned and pretty. She had "come to bed" eyes, sultry and dark brown
surrounded by thick lashes. A slender nose with sleek nostrils led to a medium
sized mouth with plump red lips. It was a face that he recognised. It was Mary
Slater who had caught every boy's attention when she first arrived at The
Manor as an 11 year old. Towering above her peers; she had a full
well-proportioned body and looked more like an 18 year old with a young girl's
face. It was only the thought of her age at the time that had put Kevin off
trying to pull her.

Just watching her in that very short dress had him growing a boner. How old
would she be now? His brain was too fuzzed to work it out. Must be at least 16
that meant she was legal, not that it made a difference, the way he felt right
now. As the trio turned into the small local park, he caught sight of the
slopes of a very full bust stretching the front of Mary's blouse making her
bright yellow neck scarf and toggle lay at an angle. Wow! She's sprouted a
great stack and if they looked big on her tall large frame then they must be
huge. He couldn't wait to get his hands on those whoppers.

He caught up with them. "Mary. Hi babe! Where you're going, love?" he asked in
his pulling voice. "To Guides, not that it's any of your business" she replied
testily. Instead of being all gooey-eyed over him as he expected, she acted
like she wasn't interested in this sexy hunk of manhood. "Come on, darling.
Guides are for little girls. Let's go and make out somewhere" he said.
"Actually you can be a Guide up to the age of 14 and then you can be a senior
up to 25" she replied. Kevin felt something was not quite right then realised
with a shock that he was looking up at her. He was 6 foot yet she was looking
down at him; she must be a good 6 or 7 inches taller than he was. "Guides is
more interesting than smelly boys" the fat one said causing the others to
giggle. "Shut your face, fatty or I'll shut it for you" Kevin snarled. "Yeah?
I'd like to see you try" to his surprise Fatty became confrontational instead
of being scared. "It's alright Marcie, we're going" Mary actually put her arm
across the top of Fatty's chest as if to restrain her. Kevin blocked her way
as she tried to move off. She was tall! He had to reach up to put his arms
across the front of her shoulders. "Look darling. Stop playing games. I fancy
you, you fancy me, so lets do it" he said but instead of blushing and looking
flattered, she looked irritated.

"Look mister, do you see this?" she asked heatedly pointing to one of many
merit badges on her sleeve. Kevin looked where she was pointing but couldn't
make it out. It seemed like a crude impression of a fist. "That's self defence
grade 4 so watch it mate" she told him. Bullshit! Girl Guides only learn
cookery and sewing and looking after little kittens not physical stuff like
that. "You're so Eighteenth century" the skinny blonde said. She had a thin
face with glasses that made her look gawkish. "Shut it, gawky. I wasn't
speaking to you" Kevin snapped. "Don't you speak to Mel like that" Mary
snapped. "Let's go or we'll be late" she added and walked around him.

Kevin was stunned. His machismo had never failed as badly as that before.
Girls usually were all doe-eyed and blushing and desperate to go out with him.
When he used to take his shirt off during matches, girls used to drool over
his magnificent torso. Kevin ran up behind the tall well-built girl and
wrapped his arms around her middle then pulled her close. Her shapely backside
felt electric against his erection. "You're coming with me". Without warning
Mary slammed her head back. BAM! The top of her head butted his face. "Ouch!"
he cried at the pain of his flattened nose and bruised mouth. Kevin felt her
backside thrust into his groin as the Girl Guide lent down and grabbed his
foot. "Woah!" he cried as his leg was pulled forwards and swung into the air
making him fall backwards. THUD he found himself flat on his back with his leg
held between her sexy long legs. The fresh-faced brunette turned around and
raised her foot. Her skirt was so short that from his position on the ground,
Kevin had full view of her white knickers tightly moulded to her crotch. "No!"
he screamed as the shoe stomped down towards his groin. It stopped less than
an inch from his balls. "Never mess with a Girl Guide" Mary told him as the
other girls laughed at him. "Ooh Mary you made him scream like a little girl"
Gawky sneered. "You should have mashed his balls all over the grass" Fatty
added nastily.

Kevin felt a flush of anger at being brushed off so painfully. The fact that
Mary wore a Girl Guides uniform and he was being laughed at by her friends
made it worse. As he sat up, his anger drained at the close up view of her
legs. They were quite thick but very long which kept them in proportion with
her height. Incredibly long sexy legs leading all the way up to white knickers
under that tiny skirt. Oh yes, he was going to have her whether she liked it
or not.

Rising, he made a grab for her waist. A large knee shot up like a rocket,
pounding him hard in the chest. WHUMP! "Orrrgh!" it felt like he'd been hit in
the chest with a mallet. The shock to the system was enough to paralyse him,
head bowed as he stooped before the tall uniformed girl. "Hai!" THUD! Kevin's
head snapped back with his mouth wide in a silent cry as something, the edge
of her hand he realised, chopped against the back of his neck. Sent sprawling
back to the grass, more girlish laughter rang in his ears at his humiliation.

A black shoe appeared before his eyes. Above this, a brilliant white sock was
moulded to the contours of a very long shapely calve. His gaze travelled up
along an incredibly long thick thigh and the sexy view up her tiny blue skirt.
The girl with the perfect hourglass figure stood over him with one hand raised
open palmed and the other by her side in a fist. That wasn't right. A Girl
Guide shouldn't be in a fight stance looking so powerful and self-assured. The
sight made his dick lurch with desire. "Obviously you didn't learn your lesson
when Ling beat the stuffing out of you" Mary told him looking down at him with
dark sultry eyes that ignited his passion.

"Don't mess with me, Mary. You may know a few defence tricks but I was a
champion kick boxer" he told her getting to his feet but feeling unnerved as
the leggy Guide maintained her fight stance. "Until you were thrashed by an 8
year girl" she laughed. Kevin saw red and rushed her. BLAM! A long leg swung
up in a blur kicking his nads painfully against his body. "Oooooo!" he wailed.
WHUMP! Instantly her knee blasted up and hammered his stomach with a solid
thump. "Mmmmmph!" he gasped as his well-developed abs absorbed the brunt of
the blow. Even so he was left gasping and shocked at the power of the blow.

"Well I am impressed. Most boys just crumple in a wheezing mess when I do that
to them" she said as he struggled to gain control of his breathing. Taking
that as a complement, Kevin removed his shirt to reveal his sculpted torso and
ran his hands over his six-pack. "That's because I'm a real man, darling" he
told her. "Let's see you drool babe. How'd you like to come to my place and
rub some baby oil all over these beauts?" he asked. "Come on feel them. You
know you want to" he told her reaching out for her hand. Surprisingly Mary
brushed his hand away angrily. "Look come on" he said reaching out again. This
time she took his hand then suddenly lent away from him. A foot blasted out of
nowhere. "Hai!" WHAMP! "Orrrrrrrrr!" he wailed in agony, folding in two as the
air was cruelly stomped out of him, his proud six-pack flattened beneath her
large foot.

"Ooh jelly belly" Fatty laughed as he doubled over gasping for breath. "Go on
Mary, finish muscle boy off" her loud voice grates on Kevin's nerves as his
head spins and threatens to go black. "Smash his face in. Rip off his balls"
she says enthusiastically. "That's enough Marcie" Mary's voice is sweetness
warmed with a slightly huskiness. "Orrr oorr" Kevin pants as his lungs start
working properly and heart rate slowed. Panting more slowly with his hands on
his knees, Kevin looks up at Mary. She was semi-crouched which caused her
short skirt to stretch tight across the top of her thick thighs exposing her
knickers. Her hands were raised open palmed in a fight stance as she fixed him
with a steely stare. The sight made Kevin force down a gulp. She looked so
confident and strong; it really looked like she knew what she was doing. The
Girl Guide uniform added a militaristic touch that somehow turned him on.
"Once again, you've bitten off more than you can handle. Give it up now before
you really get hurt" she told him sternly. Kevin couldn't stop staring at her
exposed crotch and her magnificent long legs. God she is really hot and has
such hot legs. He really wanted her.

He brought himself to his full height and took a deep breath, thrusting out
his chest to intimidate her with his magnificence. She didn't look impressed.
As quick as a cobra, Kevin dropped into a crouch and span, scything her off
her feet. No sooner as Mary was on her back than Kevin was upon her forcing
his way between her legs. "Now you're going to feel what a real man is like
inside you and I don't care if you're little friends watch" he told her
reaching for the buttons of her blouse above her impressive chest. Instead of
crying and panicking, Mary stayed calm. Pulling down on his wrists, she
pressed them against the front of her shoulders. At the same time she bent her
knees against his sides. Kevin saw her lovely thighs move closer towards his
arms as she dug her feet in against his hips. With a surge of astonishing
strength, he felt her legs uncoil pushing him firmly away from her.

Mary got up quickly and Kevin did likewise expecting to have to give chase. He
was therefore shocked to find the leggy girl in the tiny skirt rush forwards
and grab his sleeves. Pressing her sexy body against him, Kevin felt a firm
leg slide against the inside of his thigh and wrap itself behind his knee. The
next second his foot was swept away and he fell backwards to the ground.

This was starting to piss him off. Kevin wasn't the sort that could deal with
the concept of a girl who could fight back and especially not one dressed as a
Girl Guide, no matter how large she might be. "You'd better get used to lying
on the ground. You'll be doing a lot of it if you mess with a Girl Guide".
Kevin looked up in the direction of Mary's voice. God, she was tall and those
thick tanned legs just seemed to go on forever. It almost gave him a crick in
the neck just looking up at her as she towered over him. The blue sleeve of
her blouse was covered with different badges. She pointed at them. "Throwing
boys, grade 3. Kicking boys, grade 3. Breaking, grade 2. Punching, grade 2.
Scissoring, grade 3. Ball..". "Bollocks. You're making all that up" he snapped
rolling onto his hands and knees to push himself up. Now with his face up
close to the pair of white socks, he realised just how long and thick they
really were. He found himself staring at the way the socks swelled at the back
clinging to the shapely contours of her big meaty calves as they swept
elegantly upwards. Their smooth lines were broken by thick rugged slabs of
calve muscle that stretched the white socks tight. Kevin was familiar with the
athletic girls who hung around the basketball team but he felt a moment of
unease as he glanced at her thighs. Right up close to his eyes, the long, wide
expanse of bare suntanned flesh had strong slabs of thick muscle just visible
beneath the surface running down the outside of her thighs. They were so sleek
and beautiful yet strong looking that Kevin just stayed there on his knees
gawping at her legs, unable to tear himself away. "Go on, Mary. Show him what
you did to that scout master last week" Fatty said. "Yeah, I bet he's still in
the hospital with a fractured skull" Gawky added.

To his surprise, Mary reached down and grabbed the front of his shirt then
hauled him effortlessly to his feet. Spinning him around so his back was
towards her, Kevin was surprised to find long thick blue arms wrap themselves
around his middle. "Urrr" he grunted as they squeezed tight and lifted him off
his feet. "Urrr!" he was shocked to find himself in a reverse bear hug, the
girl's big arms squeezing incredibly tightly as his feet dangled uselessly in
the air. "Don't you like my cuddle? Do I take your breath away" Mary's voice
was soft and sensual as it whispered close to his ear. "Ooorr!" he groaned as
she raised him higher so that his head fell back over her broad shoulder. He
could feel her large soft breasts cushion the small of his back. Feeling his
face turning red through lack of air, Kevin frantically grabbed at the girl's
arms as they crushed his gut. He was shocked by how large and firm her
forearms felt, unable to budge them to buy himself enough room to breathe.

"Orrrrrr!" suddenly he could breathe again as Kevin found his back being flung
across Mary's wide shoulders. The Girl Guide grabbed his left arm and leg as
she balanced him with no apparent discomfort across her wide back. "Why,
you're as light as feather" he heard Mary tell him as he looked up at the sky.
He knew that wasn't true. His body was all heavy muscle yet the girl carried
him with ease as she began to walk around the park as if she only had a coat
draped around her shoulders. He could hear the laughter of the other girls as
the big Girl Guide in the very short skirt carried him around with the
occasional dizzying twirl. "Mummy what's that Girl Guide doing?" in horror he
heard a young boy's squeaky voice. "Oh, eh, she's just playing. Come on
Timothy" a woman's voice. This was completely humiliating. There was nothing
that he could do to stop her as he bounced around on her strong shoulders as
she paraded him around the park. Yet strangely he also found himself excited
by the girl's strength and was content to ride her shoulders with a stiffening
dick. But wait! What if someone he knew saw him? It would be so embarrassing
to be seen being carried around like a toy by a Girl Guide. "Put me down. Put
me down right now or you'll get it" he demanded trying to sound intimidating.
But it's hard to sound tough when you're lying across the shoulders of a tall
girl in a very short blue Guides uniform.

"Cor you're so strong, Mary" Gawky says in open admiration. "Go on, break his
back. Snap it in two" Fatty encourages earning Kevin's hatred. "Don't you
dare. No!" Kevin cries out as he feels Mary release his arm and grab his jaw.
Kevin gritted his teeth as the girl in the short skirt pulled down on his jaw
and leg. He refused to cry out, he was tough, and he could take it. Her
shoulder caps dug into his shoulder blade and left buttock as she bent him
backwards around the tops of her shoulders. "Arghh!" he cried out as his spine
was forced painfully into an upside down U shape. "Arghh!" he couldn't help
it, it felt like his vertebrae were crushing against each other and about to
pop out. "Aw diddums. He's crying" Fatty sneered.

The awful bone grinding pressure ceased as the big Guide swung him around to
the front of her body then dropped him on the grass. Suddenly his arms were
grabbed from behind. Thick forearms locked against his biceps and pulled them
back tight as a chubby pair of hands pressed against his shoulder blades. "Get
out of that, big boy" he heard Fatty laugh close to his ear. "Get off me,
fatso" he cried as he bucked and bent his torso to try to throw her off.
"Argh!" he cried as his body was forced to bend forwards as she pressed down
upon the centre of his back while locking his arms uselessly behind him like a
pair of chicken wings. "Shall I snap them, Mel?" she chuckled nastily. "That's
enough Marcie" he heard Mary's voice then his arms were free.

Kevin spun around to confront his attacker. Before him stood a short and very
dumpy fat girl, barely 5'1" if that. The blue Guides uniform seemed to
emphasise her tubbiness and rotund belly. Her bare legs are short, thick and
stumpy. "I'm going to rip your fat arms off and beat you around the head with
the bloody end" he roared. To his surprise, Fatty didn't look the slightest
bit afraid. Instead she raised her podgy fists like a boxer. "Come on then,
big mouth. Let me shut it for you" she yelled. Her face was round with big
chubby cheeks and sprinkled with freckles but currently turning bright red
with anger. Her small dark eyes glared at him from behind her glasses. She
started to sway back and forth like a boxer as if ready to smash in his face
with her fists. Kevin was unnerved by her arrogance. She certainly looked like
she really was going to fight him. Well let her. It will be fun to pound away
at her fat little belly and piggy face. Her stubby nose and small mouth
reminds him of a piglet, and he wants to smash his fist right into it. "You're
on. Little piggy" Kevin snarled and raised his fists then stepped towards her.
Mary blocked his path. "Don't. Marcie is a grade 5 and she will really hurt
you badly" she told him. "How can a little fatty like her hurt anyone?" he

"I said leave her alone" Mary told him but Kevin smelt blood and wanted to
take out his frustration on the fat girl. He tried to push Mary aside but
instead she took hold of his right sleeve with one hand and the front of his
shirt with the other. Kevin couldn't help noticing the way her short skirt and
long bare legs moved as the tall girl turned around. Her sexy long legs bent
slightly at the knees and he felt her lower back press against his stomach as
she pulled his right arm across her chest. At the same time, he felt her other
arm slide around his back to the middle of his side. In an instant, he knows
what is coming but is powerless to stop it. He senses the tall beauty
straighten her legs while bending forward, pivoting his body around her
shapely hips. In a moment of helpless, he is air bound as she controls his
body throwing him over her hip, sending him tumbling head over heels. WHAM!
His back slams into the grass while the tall Guide holds onto his arm. "If you
want somebody to fight, pick on someone your own size" she warns him. As he
lay on the ground, Kevin begins to realise for the first time that the sexy
big structured girl might be telling the truth about those stupid merit

"Come on Mary, let me have a go. I 'm going to tear him into pieces" Fatty was
really worked up and was being barely restrained by the tall girl. Kevin got
to his feet, fuming. He wanted to take out his anger on someone, but he still
fancied his chances with the lovely Mary and Fatty seemed too aggressive.
Kevin went for the weakest link.

The thin gawky girl, Mel, seemed surprised as Kevin stomped towards her. She
was about 5'6" with a rake thin body, her blue skirt coming down to just above
her bony knees. Her face was slim and narrow with her blonde hair worn so
severely short and swept high off her forehead that her ears seemed to stick
out. Small narrow grey-blue eyes peered out at him from behind a pair of large
framed spectacles that added to the gawkish appearance. This sat on a thick
but sleek looking nose leading to a small thin-lipped mouth. Instead of
showing fear, the girl pointed to one of the many badges lining her sleeve.
"Guess what this?" she asked him in a calm voice. Caught off-guard by the
question, Kevin stopped and looked. On a skinny blue arm so narrow that she
could only have one badge abreast, her long slender figure pointed to what
looked like a foot kicking a ball. "You play soccer?" Kevin asked, creasing
his brow in confusion.

BAM BAM BAM BAM a long skinny leg blasted out again and again so rapidly that
he could hardly see it, blasting her foot with precision between his legs. BAM
BAM BAM BAM the white sock is a blur as it repeatedly hammers her foot so fast
into his balls that Kevin is unable to protect himself. Kevin's body is
jerking spasmodically under the brutal rapid-fire barrage. BAM BAM BAM BAM
soundlessly with his mouth gaping wide open and his eyes creased tight he
tries to sink to the ground but the girl's kicks prevent him. Semi-crouched,
he bobs up and down like a ghastly jack-in-the-box with each soul-destroying
kick as it thuds into him. BAM BAM BAM BAM he can take no more and collapses
sideways and curls into a tight ball. Rocking back and forth on the ground
with his face red in an expression of wide mouthed pain, tears roll down his
cheek while girlish laughter burns his ear.

"Oh Mel. Well done. You've just kicked the crap out of a kickboxing champion"
he hears Mary congratulate the skinny girl in the blue uniform as he sobbed
quietly. "No wonder he lost to an 8 year old girl. He's complete bull" Fatty
adds. He can't say anything because of the brutal ache in his groin. His brain
registers shock that such long skinny legs could deliver such shockingly fast
devastating kicks. "Orrrrgh!" he moaned finding his voice at last while his
balls throbbed. The nausea subdued as his breathing slowed close normal.

He heard footsteps and looked up to see brown shoes and white socks. The feet
stood askance and the blue skirt rode up skinny legs as the Guide lent
forward. "You alright mister kickboxing champion? You want another go?" Mel
asked. He couldn't answer. The pain between is his legs is raw and throbbing
but he is determined not to let mere girl guides see his weakness. "As we say
in the Guides. Be prepared - to give a good kicking" that caused a riot of
girlish laughter that burnt Kevin's ears. "That was a low down dirty move" he
gasped trying to keep his voice level and not show his pain. "Not very
lady-like" he spat and hauled himself to his feet. "Kicking below the belt is
illegal in kickboxing. Come on Gawky let me show you some real kickboxing" he
challenges the skinny blonde who begins to back away.

Mary gets between them. She was such a big presence that Kevin couldn't ignore
her. "How dare you threaten poor little Mel. You pick on someone your own
size" she scolded. "Let me at him, Mary. I wanna rip him apart" Fatty said
with an enthusiasm that reminded Kevin of a small pit bull terrier. "No,
Marcie. I'm the one that he is after, so I must be the one to teach him a
lesson". This coming from the big built sexy Mary surprised him. "Come on
Mary. I don't want to fight you, I just want to Fer..em. Let me put my love
into you babe" he said, almost saying the F word and not realising that the
AC/DC song title didn't help. "Look he's frightened. Scared to fight a Girl
Guide" Fatty was really obnoxious. "Look I don't want to fight you. You might
know some self defence tricks but you wouldn't stand a chance against
kickboxing" he said trying not to ruin his chances with her.

Mary didn't say a word. With a look of distain, she turned her back on him and
started to walk away with the other girls following. The sight of those
oh-so-long thick bare legs moving away from him with her tiny blue skirt in
motion called to Kevin's groin. "Mary, wait" he shouted as he ran after her.
"Don't go darling" he said as he reached out and took her hand. The tall girl
stopped and turned her head to glare at him. "Look Mary, .." he started but
then watched as she raised a knee high level with her chest. Her tiny skirt
rose to expose acres of luscious tanned thigh and show off her brilliant white
panties. Before his brain could register what she was doing, she turned
towards him and uncoiled her leg. BLAM! A large foot blasted into his face
with such force that it snapped his head back and knocked him to the grass.
"Don't call me darling" Mary growled as his head spun and his face ached while
girlish laughter filled his ears. Ouch, he felt his nose but luckily it didn't
seem broken. "See how easy a Girl Guide can beat up a kickboxing champion,
girls" Mary's voice rang out loud and clear.

"Lesbo bitch" Kevin grunted getting to his feet. That was the only
explanation. Girls usually fell over themselves to go out with a hunk like him
so she must be a lesbian. "What did you call me?" the statuesque girl growled,
her eyes blazing so fiercely that Kevin had to force himself not to step back.
"You must be a lesbo if you don't want a bit of this" he snapped back refusing
to back down. The tall Guide raised her hand to the side of her brow,
open-palmed in a three-fingered salute. "Dib dib dib CHOP!" the side of her
hand slashed down onto the side of his neck. "CHOP!" it slashed down onto the
opposite side. "CHOP!" a claw hand drove into his throat, long strong fingers
clutching his windpipe. Kevin was in a daze, surprised by the girl's attack.
"Go on, rip out his throat" Fatty encouraged. Kevin felt his eyes go wide and
his face turn red as the guide's strong fingers throttled him of precious
life-giving air. "Look at me" Mary ordered as Kevin's head bobbed limply. She
pulled him by the throat so that they were almost nose-to-nose. "For you
information I am not gay. I don't fancy you. I think you are a slow-witted
muscle bound Neanderthal and look like a tramp. Understand?" she emphasised
this with a shake of his throat. Kevin couldn't answer; his head was swimming
in her deadly clasp.

She released him and he clutched his throat as he greedily gulped down air. He
became aware of a blue skirt and a great pair of legs standing close. "Now
apologise for acting like a jerk" Mary's voice demanded. "Fer...huh..huh.. ck
you" he gasped. Now he was angry. He saw red. No normal girl would turn him
down. There must be something wrong with her if she wasn't a lesbo. Trying to
choke him was the last straw. Without warning he threw himself into a showy
roundhouse kick, spinning around lifting his foot high so that it arced around
towards the girl's head. Mary's leg blasted out in a sidekick like a lightning
bolt beneath his raised leg. BLAM! "Orrrggh!" he wailed as her large foot
hammered hard ploughing through his six-pack and into his gut.

The short skirt rucked up as a long expanse of bare leg rocketed skywards.
BLAM! Kevin's jaw was hammered so viscously that his teeth snapped together in
a painful crunch as his head whipped back so hard that his vision blurred. His
fighting instincts kicked in, literally. Although dazed from the jaw bruising
kick, he kicked out in the direction he last saw her to stop her attack. To
his horror he kicked air. Too late he realised that she was already by his
side, her tiny skirt rising, a flash of white sock arcing towards his middle.
WHAM! "Arghhh!" her lanky shin blasted across his stomach. Kevin had
instinctively tensed his abs but still it felt like he'd been hit with a
crowbar, the power of the blow causing him to crease forwards. He'd been in
fights, kickboxing fights and tried to steel himself to ignore the pain. A
flash of white panty was all the warning he had as her leg snapped back arcing
towards his bent head. BAM! Ouch! Kevin's arms shot up to block the kick,
which felt like getting hit with a baseball bat across the forearms.

Mary had moved to stand in front of him. With his arms still stinging from
that block, Kevin raised his knee to blast a kick to her head and knock her
down. But before he'd even unleashed his kick, Mary's knee rose quickly then
snapped forward. BLAM! The sole of her shoe hammered him right in his mouth,
cutting the inside of his lips on his teeth and punching his head back like
he'd been hit with a mallet. Kevin staggered back as everything became black
and red jagged lines, the taste of blood on his tongue and his front teeth
feeling buckled.

"Ready to apologise now or shall tell everyone how you were beat up by a girl
guide?" Mary's words were like a red rag to a bull. She was looking cocky,
walking towards him looking oh so confident that she could kick his arse.
Kevin pretended he was still dazed and couldn't understand, letting her come
closer. Suddenly he struck, his arms snapped out and his hands seized her
throat. He enjoyed the look of surprise on her face as her eyes went wide.
"No. You apologise then give me a big sexy kiss and then I'll decide what to
do with you" he snarled as her pretty tanned face darkened. BLAM! Large palms
slammed either side of his temples causing his hands to instinctively fly
apart from her neck. The large hands moved to the back of head and pulled it
down sharply. "No!" he screamed as he saw her large knee rise to meet his
face. BLAM! He felt his nose break against her hard knee. "Ueeeugh!" the other
girls cried in unison.

Clutching his bleeding nose in disbelief, Kevin was too stunned to do anything
as the well-structured girl grabbed an arm and pulled it over her shoulder as
she turned her back on him. Her ample well-shaped buttocks felt electric as
they pushed against his groin. As she leant forward and loaded him onto her
back, he realised that the tall young girl was about to throw him again and
that there was nothing he could do about it. His cock stiffened as his groin
rode over her backside. A feeling of complete helplessness welled up inside as
the girl skilfully manipulated his body upside down so that the ground
appeared before his eyes before it disappeared in a flash as he tumbled head
over heels. WHAM! His back slammed into the ground knocking the wind out of

His legs nearly turned to jelly as Mary immediately hauled him to his feet. He
thought she looked so incredibly hot in that tiny skirt with those amazing
legs as she grabbed the front of his shirt but he seemed to be paralysed by
some strange kind of fear and lusting. A knee rose in front of his body and a
lovely long well shaped lower leg swung forwards placing her toe into the pit
of his stomach. The leggy Girl Guide fell backwards pulling him down with her.
As her back hit the ground Kevin's dick lurched with the sense of her power as
his body momentarily balanced on her bent leg before it straightened, his
forward momentum sending him flying head over heels over her body. WHAM! Again
his back slammed into the ground. Kevin now knew for certain that Mary was
highly skilled in self-defence and was whipping his arse. Somehow the thought
of being completely helpless as this sexy Girl Guide threw he around was
strongly appealing yet terrified him the same.

The fear of his machismo destroyed by a Guide had him up on his feet and
turning to flee. Gawky got in his way and raised her hand in a three-fingered
salute. "Be prepared" she said. BERLAM! Kevin felt like his head had been hit
by a thunderbolt. He didn't even see Mel's awesome front kick that blasted his
head before the top of her skinny thigh bounced off her chest. His brain spun
into darkness as he felt his feet leave the ground and begin to fall
backwards. "To kick your arse" was the last thing he heard, out cold before
he'd even hit the ground.


"Ouch" the light was painful against his eyes as he opened them. For a moment
he didn't know where he was. "Ouch" his jaw hurt and felt swollen. His mouth
also felt swollen and his gums hurt. "Ouch" his nose felt broken and there was
dried blood. It felt like he'd been run over by a truck.

"About time too. You've been out for ages. You're such a loser. My little
sister is a Brownie and I bet she could kick your arse with one hand tied
behind her back" Kevin turned his head to see a short fat Girl Guide. The
painful memory came flooding back. He'd been humiliated by a Girl Guide! Oh
the shame. "She'll be along in minute so you better start running" Fatty added
as he groaned and rolled over to his front to push himself to his hands and
knees. "Mary was really annoyed that Mel kicked your lights out. Lucky escape
for you though. Last week she scissored and broke some boy scout's ribs when
we attacked their clubhouse and showed them whose merit badge is stronger. Pah
boy scouts are just wimps and mummy's boys too. Boo hoo mummy, a Girl Guide
kicked me in the face. Boo hoo she broke my ribs" Fatty talked incessantly and
it was annoying him. "You talk a lot of shit fatty" Kevin spat out a wad of
blood as he pulled himself to his feet.

"It's true. Anyway my boyfriend could take you. He's in the Navy" Marcie
continued. Kevin couldn't believe that "Rot. Why would a sailor want to go out
with an ugly fat little schoolgirl" he asked. "22. "You're jealous cos you
couldn't get it off with Mary" she said. Kevin couldn't be bothered to argue
and went to leave but Marcie blocked his way. "Butt out of it piggy before you
get hurt" he spat. "Ooh I'm really scared mister jelly belly, got beat up by
Mary and got your lights kicked out by skinny Mel. Come and make me then" she
taunted, her face bright red.

Kevin finds Marcie really obnoxious and after the day he's had, he just wants
to punch in her little bright red piggy face. His big fist swings at her head
but the short fat Guide throws up an arm across his forearm, her other arm
instantly striking like a cobra. WHUMP! "Kkkkkkkkk!" her knuckles hammer his
throat. Kevin clutched his neck as he coughed and spluttered. He had presence
of mind to move quickly back to avoid a follow-up attack accompanied by
sneering laughter from the ugly gnome of a girl. "I can punch through solid
steel, muscle boy" she sneered.

He was still having problems swallowing when the gnome stepped towards him
with a menacing smile on her lips. "I love beating up big boys like you" she
sneered. It felt like he had an obstruction in his throat but he was
determined not to let Marcie get another punch in. Anger flared up that this
fat little brat had got the better of him. Kevin threw himself into a spinning
kick and felt with pleasure, his foot club the top of the chubby Guide's head
sending her sprawling to the grass. "Not so tough now are you fatty?" he
sneered. He took a big step forward, bringing his leg through in a viscous
kick towards her face. His foot came to a shuddering halt. On her short chubby
knees, the fat Guide had caught it with her hands crossed. Suddenly with a
twist of her hands, he was sent spinning sideways to the ground.

Marcie tried to throw herself on top of Kevin, but the former kick boxer
reacted instantly. THUD "Oooohhhh!" Marcie squealed as Kevin's foot hammered
her right in her chest causing her to stumble backwards with a pained
expression on her bright red face. "It's not as though you've much up there,
little piggy" Kevin taunted. The look of hurt on her face stoked his
bloodlust. He was up on his feet blasting a kick right into her podgy stomach.
THUD "Oooooooohhh!" she wailed as the breath left her small rounded mouth
looking like the air escaping from a pale red balloon. Kevin spun, kicking
high. BAM his foot clocked her around the side of her head, knocking her
through 360 degrees. He continued to spin and smashed her in the head with a
spinning back kick sending her stumbling.

Kevin grabbed the dazed girl from behind and began to wring her neck with one
hand while stopping her from wriggling with his other arm around her tubby
belly. "I'm going to enjoy smashing your podgy ugly piggy face into a bloody
mess" he snarled as the short girl in blue struggled. BLAM! "Ouch!" he cried
as the heel of a shoe stamped down hard onto his toes. BLAM! "Ouch!" he cried
as the short stubby leg kicked back hammering his knee with her heel.
Instinctively he released the girl and bent forward to caress his injured
knee. Short dumpy hands grabbed the back of his head and Kevin watched in
horror as a short plump thigh rose towards his face. "No!" he screamed. BLAM!
The top of her thigh smashed against the front of his face, squashing his nose
painfully flat with a crunch that restarted his nose bleed. Her hard knee also
hammered his chin with a solid clonk that sent his head snapping backwards as
he staggered away.

"I'm going to kill yah, you effing bastard!" the short dumpy Girl Guide
screamed at him. Her round chubby face was bright red with rage. Kevin was
really pissed off. He whipped around intending to blast her right in the
middle of her piggy face. His long muscled leg sailed right over her head,
scant inches from where she had been. The podgy Guide had ducked and instantly
sprang up. Kevin caught a glimpse of white knickers as something flashed
towards his face in the blink of an eye. BLAM! Something hammered his already
bruised jaw. His head whipped back in a dizzying blur of motion. He had opened
his eyes, his brain unable to comprehend what he was seeing. A fat Girl Guide
was hanging in the air in front of him with one leg bent beneath her and the
other rocketing towards him. "Hai!" BERLAM! Her sole blasted in the middle of
his face like a small explosion of pain.

He staggered clutching his bleeding face. "You wanted a fight mister muscle
man then let's see you fight". Kevin watched in a stunned amazement as the
short overweight girl blasted a chubby leg skywards with surprising agility.
BLAM! His jaw was struck so hard that he heard it break under the shocking
power of the fat girl's kick. Pain lancing through his jaw, Kevin for the
first time felt fear of this ferocious little terrier of a girl. He punched
out in fear but the girl nonchalantly swept his arm aside with a raised arm as
though swatting a fly. "Hai!" she screamed, making him jump. WHAP! The side of
her chubby hand slashed into the side of his neck. It was like an electric
shock to the system that sent his senses reeling. With girlish laughter
ringing in his ears, he felt the terrifying little creature grab his sleeves
and felt her turn. Dear God no he thought as he felt the girl's wide bottom
press into his groin as she bent forwards. He felt himself ride over her skirt
covered backside as his senses tried to cope with rapid disorientation. As
short feeling of weightlessness and falling then WHAM the ground slammed into
his back.

Oh my God, the fat girl had thrown me! No sooner had Kevin had thought this
than the girl with amazing speed was on the ground pulling his arm between her
bare fleshy thighs. A chubby leg draped itself over his neck and another over
his waist. "Argggh!" he cried as his elbow was bent back over her crotch. His
body's natural reaction to raise his head was cut off cruelly as the crook of
her leg pressed down onto his neck, choking him. "It's no good muscle head.
You've been thrashed by a Girl Guide again" she shouted as he writhed in
agony, unable to find a position to ease the terrible strain on his arm or the
chocking of her leg across his throat. "This is the only thing you're going to
put between a girl's legs today mister" she laughed. The sudden realisation
where his arm was hit him with revulsion. He could now feel the warm
clamminess at the top of the insides of her thighs, but there was nothing he
could do about it, she had him trapped proper. The dumpy ogre cried in triumph
as she lifted her ample backside as started twisting his trapped arm from one
side to the other. "Argh no please" he cried, although it hurt his jaw. It
felt like his arm was going to snap off at any moment but the girl continued
to writhe about, laughing, as she inflicted torment letting him suffer.

At long last he felt his tortured arm released. "Ooofff!" the chubby terror in
blue threw herself on top of his chest. The next second, he felt her short
stubby legs slide between his magnificent muscled beasts. Arghh no it's not
possible the thoughts screamed in his mind as her short legs ripped his wide
apart. Marcie's face came close, too close as her legs pressed his legs wide
apart. Oh my God, her legs were much stronger than he ever imagined. Kevin had
always thought that his legs were like a stallions but now he felt
unbelievable weak and helpless as a short fat girl pinned them apart. A wide
gaping maw covered his lips and kissed passionately, all wet and slobbery. He
tried to resist but his legs were being torn apart and her considerable mass
was pinning his chest. The fat girl was kissing him and he was powerless to
stop her. The tactile sensations of her slobbering kisses though disgusting
had a mortifying effect upon his body. "Wait until I tell Mary who it was that
you really fancied" she chuckled. "Now you know why a sailor would want to
date me. He can't get enough of me" she giggled as she released his legs and
rolled off his chest.

Kevin sat up, wiping his mouth in disgust. "Yuck. I wouldn't want to do you if
you were the last girl on Earth" he spat. A spike of fear shot through him as
the tiny terror rushed towards him. He tried to get to his feet but it was too
late. With a speed that defied her size, Marcie was behind him as quick as a
flash. Before he realised what was happening a thick fleshy arm had wrapped
itself around his neck. By the time he raised his hand, she had pulled his
neck tight into the crook of her arm and secured it behind his head. With
rising panic he tried to prise his fingers between her forearm and his neck.
His fingers sunk into the pudginess of her arm but he felt her press her other
forearm against the back of his head as the other dug hard into his throat.
She had him in such a tight noose that he was unable to prise it away. He felt
her hot breath in his ear. "Do you like that muscle boy?" she whispered in his
ear. "I just love knocking boys out in sleeper holds" she breathed. In horror
he found her pressing down on the side of his neck with one forearm while
being strangled in the crook of the other. "Kkkk!" he was choking and he could
feel the blood being cut off from his brain. "I put out the scout leader just
like this last week" her breathy voice purred in his ear as he frantically
pulled at her forearm. YANK! A sudden twist of her arms jerked him to one
side. YANK! Another twist jerked him back. His head began to spin and he no
longer had the strength to keep his hands up. Letting them fall to the ground,
his head felt too heavy and began to sag in her deadly embrace. In horror he
realised he was completely helpless, utterly subdued by a fat Girl Guide and
there was nothing he could do about it. The fat girl was putting him away, she
had completely dominated him and he was succumbing to her power.

YANK! A savage twist of his neck made the light slightly brighter. YANK! He
was slumped between legs as she knelt on the grass as she maintained her hold
of superiority over his limp sagging head. He felt her hot wet tongue lick
slowly around his ear. "Oh yes, muscle boy. I could keep you like this for
hours" her hot breath purred. "Keeping you on the edge like this. Completely
under my control. Just a slight squeeze of my arms could put you away for
good". A Girl Guide, a short fat Guide, was dominating him. At that moment he
felt helpless and weak, unable to resist her all consuming power. "You are
mine now, muscle boy. Mine to do whatever I want" she purred. "Ohhhhh" he
moaned. The girl repulsed him yet her extended control over him seemed to make
his body extra sensitive to every breath upon his ear and the feel of the fine
hairs upon her deadly arms upon his neck. The effect was electric and he knew
that he didn't stand a chance. With shame, he felt his body betray him, no
matter what he tried to think of to stop it. "Bad boy!" she murmured against
his ear.

With that she pulled him to lie back on the grass, his waist enveloped by her
thick fleshy thighs. He felt her lock one foot under her other knee forming a
figure four body scissors from behind. Orr! She squeezed and Kevin gasped, his
head lolling in the tight noose of her arms. Orrr! Her legs were much stronger
than they looked. The calve positioned across his gut dug in hard slowly
crushing his six-pack then driving the air from his diaphragm. Orrr! So tight,
so tight. Her legs were so strong. Her arms were too strong. His head spun
wildly, his thoughts scattered to the winds, unable to hold a coherent thought
for more than a second. Kevin knew that he didn't have a chance either way.
She was either going to crush him out with her short but strong legs or put
him away with her sleeper hold. He'd been outclassed and wiped out by a Girl
Guide. No, three Girl Guides. What's the use? Kevin relaxed and succumbed to
the inevitable, waiting for the end to come. But it didn't come straight away;
the little terror controlled her deadly life-zapping hold with a skill that
was frightening. She kept him barely conscious until the inevitable happened.
"Orrrrrrrr!" he moaned as his body completely disgraced him. "Now you know why
my boyfriend can't get enough of me" faint warm words on a distant wind. For
some reason he could only visualise that merit badge as he finally slipped
away into the void.
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:14:31 am
The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If you are
offended by this or if you are under the legal age of consent in your
country do not read on.

JACKIE#1: Training Teacher
By Jimp
(c)JIM P 1995

 Until she had wiped out her older brother in front of the whole school
[BOBP#1], everyone at school who knew her thought that Jackie Priest was
a quiet pretty 16 year old who excelled at gymnastics. Now boys looked
at her in fear remembering what her strong body had done to Bobby. Girls
thought she was some kind of abnormally strong freak and a sicko for
creaming her brother. All that is except for Mary Slater and Ling Chan.
Mary was also 16 and Jackie's best friend. Her slender 6'0" frame with
the hourglass figure, long brown hair, sultry looks, long legs and
rapidly maturing breasts drew admiring glances from males of all ages at
school. Even 20 year olds tried to chat her up. She came from a
rigidly Catholic family who wouldn't approve of their teenage
daughter going on dates. However, she had "enslaved" a few of the best
looking senior boys in the quiet corners at the back of the school
Ling was a year younger than Jackie and Mary. A petite 4'8" 15 year old
oriental with short black hair. She was the one who taught Mary who in
turn had taught Jackie how to "enslave" boys.
Jackie had found that she enjoyed dominating her older brother and it
awakened feelings she never knew she could have. There was a new
Romanian gym instructor who had offered tuition for the more advanced
gymnasts in her gym club. Jackie qualified and was thrilled to find
herself growing stronger under the intensive weight training regime. She
spent more and more time in the gym after school working out or doing
her gymnastics training.
Although Ling was also in her gymnastics club, she didn't qualify for
the special tuition nor did she seem interested when Jackie invited her
to weight train with her. "Girls don't need muscles to train boys" she told
her for the nth time as the three girls walked around the back of the
school building one lunch time. "Quite right, one only needs dangerous
curves like mine" Mary said running her hands over her lanky body
emphasising her remarkable figure. "Oh but it feels so good to crush a
boy helpless between your thighs" Jackie replied. Ling stopped and
lifted up her right leg high. "My legs pretty strong not visible muscle
like yours but pretty strong" she said as she turned it from side to
side. Jackie could see the firmness of the thighs and a hint of
muscularity developed from years of martial arts. Ling lowered her leg,
turned her back towards Jackie and raised herself upon tip-toe. Her
calves exploded into large diamonds of muscle barely contained by her
short white socks "not bad for little Chinese girl eh?" she said.
Just then Justin Smith walked around the corner. All the girls fancied
him, he was handsome and well-built, but he was 18 and didn't look twice
at 16 year olds. Except for Mary that was. He gave an admiring glance at
Mary who stuck out her chest to make it look larger than normal. "Hi
there" he said giving her a wink. "What did you call me?" Ling suddenly
said. "Nothing" he replied surprised. "Called me a little slantie-eyed
yellow git did you?" she continued. "No, no of course not" he said.
Suddenly Ling's petite frame exploded in a fury of action. Her pleated
skirt flew up as she jumped up, her legs smashing her foot into the
middle of his face. She whirled around, skirt flying high, burying her
foot into the depths of his gut. He didn't have time to fold over
because Ling's leg rose in a blur kicking him in the throat. Another
lightning fast kick slammed into the side of his head, rattling his
brain and he started to fall to the left. Another kick rocketed the left
side of his head sending him to the right to meet the ground. Ling
jumped onto his chest delivering a series of open handed chops to his
neck. His yells of pain were smothered when she slid forward covering
his face with her crotch. "You see big white boy scared of little
Chinese girl" Ling taunted "be quiet or I suffocate you".
Justin's cries stopped and Ling slid back onto his chest. "Will you obey
me?" Ling demanded. "Get off me or I'll report you" he said. Ling's
hands were a blur as she hit sensitive pressure points inflicting pain
all over his upper body. "Please please stop" he begged, tears in his
eyes. Ling turned around and sat on his chest, undoing his trousers she
proceeded to give Jackie and Mary instruction in more advanced
techniques for enslaving a boy with her tongue. Jackie and Mary were
amazed, Ling seemed to keep him hard for ages, working him with the
minimum of effort yet denying him release although he begged and pleaded
for it. Finally the bell signalling the end of the lunch break sounded.
Ling got off Justin and released her grip. "Nghhh Nghhh Nrghhh" he shot
his pent-up load, his body jerking on the ground. Fully spent, he lay
back on the ground for a few moments. "Get to your feet slave or I kick
face to back of head" Ling demanded standing over him with her hands on
her hips. The boy scrabbled to his feet, pulling his trousers up. "Look
at your mistress slave" Ling demanded. The boy looked at her, quivering
in fear. The petite oriental opened her mouth slightly and ran the tip
of her tongue around her lips. Justin's manhood sprang immediately to
attention. "Oh what a big boy!" Mary exclaimed. "You are mine now" she
told him then nailed him with a lightning fast kick to the groin. Ling
turned and headed with Jackie and Mary to the nearest entrance to get to
their next classes leaving Justin rolling around on the ground in agony.
Jackie dreaded the next lesson. Geography with Mr. Jefferson. It
wasn't that she wasn't any good at it, but for some strange reason
Jefferson, or "Hitler" as the kids called him behind his back, kept on
picking on her. She couldn't understand it, she tried hard but he always
singled her out for a verbal lashing calling her a "dumb blonde" and he
would go ballistic whenever he handed her homework back "what do you
call this?, how dare you insult my intelligence!. Don't look like that
at me you stupid dumb blonde. This is crap, what is it Priest?. Come on
I haven't got all day. What is this Priest?. Crap! why don't you answer
me?, are you thick or something - C R A P  crap!". He would then fling
her homework book down marked "E" with big red letters. She would nearly
be in tears but she refused to give the bastard the satisfaction. She
couldn't understand it, her work was as good as anyone else's but she
always got an "E".
Mike Jefferson watched passively as the 2nd form
entered the classroom and took their seats. He noticed Jackie Priest
enter and observed as the 5'1" pretty blonde walked to her desk.
Something about her stirred his attention, maybe it was her tight
athletic body, broad shoulders tapered slightly to her waist and out to
her curving hips. Or maybe it was those long shapely legs barely hidden
by the short grey pleated skirt she wore. Every step caused her calves
to bulge into solid diamonds of muscle stretching her short white socks,
something Jefferson found disturbingly sexy.
As she sits down he looks at her pretty face. She reminds him of the
beautiful women he has met in his forty five year life, all stuck-up
bitches every last one of them. They stick their noses up at him as if
to say "I'm so beautiful, I don't associate with ordinary looking people
like you". He knows he shouldn't really take it out on the girl but he
Suddenly he sees her eating crisps. "Priest!" he yells as he descends
upon her "You insubordinate upstart bitch!". He grabs her by the collar
and hauls her to her feet knocking over her chair and moving the desk in
the process. "You do not eat in class!" he shouts at her as he shakes
her about. The crisp lodges awkwardly in her throat causing Jackie to
choke, but he doesn't seem to notice her turning pale. She starts
coughing and drops the bag on the floor spilling its contents. "Bloody
stupid bitch!, pick that up" he demands releasing her collar.
Jackie is p'd off now, suddenly she remembers the effect she had on her
brother and his mates. Instead of bending at the knees, she stands
slightly astride with her back fully towards him and bends at the waist.
Her short pleated skirt rises up high at the back revealing her buttocks
barely covered by skimpy white knickers. "Bend at the knees girl"
Jefferson mutters admiring the back of her well toned legs. He stares at
the large muscled calves jutting out of her short school socks, the
large well toned muscles of her hamstrings and her tight round glutes
displayed in front of him as she bends. He had never imagined that the
back of a woman's legs could be so sexy and that backside, oh my word,
so round and tight, incredibly erotic. He feels himself getting stiffer.
"Er sir you've got a big one! hee hee hee". This brings him out of his
trance to the sniggers circulating the classroom.
Red-faced he tells her "Priest put that bag in the bin!. You're be sure
to get a report sent home to your parents for such intolerable
behaviour". No she can't allow that, Mum and Dad would go spare. Why
should she be punished because of this stupid jerk. "No way sir I spent
the last of my pocket money on this" she says in defiance, facing him
with her hands on her hips.
Jefferson tries to take the bag from her but she grabs his hands. He is
surprised by how strong her grip is "must be all that hanging on
asymmetric bars or something" he thinks. She pushes against his hands,
he tries to resist but his forearms are forced backwards and down.
Jefferson tries to push back but is shocked to find that he can't. His
wrists and forearms ache from the pressure the girl is exerting, he
pushes back as hard as he can but he can't stop her. "What's wrong sir?.
Not strong enough to handle a 16 year old girl" she says. Actually she
will be 17 in a couple of weeks, but 16 sounded more humiliating. Sweat
dotted on his brow, every fibre of his arms straining he finds himself
forced to bend his knees to relieve the pain in his forearms. "How can
she be this strong?" he wonders "its not right". He looks into her
pretty face which is sweetly smiling. "On your knees slave!" she says
"bow to the superiority of a 16 year old girl". She pushes his arms
right back forcing him the final few inches to his knees.
She lets go of his hands and stands with her hands on her hips smiling
as she looks down upon him. The rest of the class are tittering. "You're
in deep trouble now Priest" Jefferson tells her as he starts to get to
his feet. Jackie was worried now, she had started this but didn't know
how to stop it. She had to stop him making trouble for her, but how?.
She was surprised that she was able to force a grown man to his knees.
She had beaten her older brother easily with her gymnast trained body
but could she take on a grown man?. She had no choice, she couldn't let
this creep ruin her life.
Jefferson was complete unprepared as he watched in amazement as the
young girl hurled herself into his body, pushing him to the ground. She
landed on top of him and started grappling with him. He was completely
unprepared for her strong upper body strength. The sleeves of her blouse
stretched taut over bulges in her arms that exerted an irresistible
power forcing his wrists to the floor above his head. He tried to resist
but was astonished to find that her arms were too strong for him. He
started to lurch and buck his body, her much lighter body unable to pin
his chest. Suddenly an awesome force pulled his legs out in opposite
directions, stopping his movements. He tried to press his legs together
again but with no effect. He couldn't believe that her legs could be as
strong as this, but he could feel their awesome irresistible power
forcing him spread-eagled. "You're a big strong man, surely you're not
going to let a 16 year old girl rip your legs right out of their
sockets" he heard her say. She continued to stretch him wide, he was
shocked to find that there was nothing he could do to stop her, her legs
were too strong. As she stretched him, her body pressed hard against
his. He felt her crotch and chest press against his body but he was in
too much pain for this to be exciting. Her pretty face came
provocatively close to his. He looked into her blue eyes as her legs
slowly tore him apart.
"Oh my god! look at the size of her thighs!""Her legs! they're like a
stallion's""Jeez look at them bulge!". Jefferson didn't need to look, he
could the power of her legs tearing him apart. The pain in his legs was
excruciating as he was stretched beyond his limit. He tried to push
inwards but he was no match for her legs. "I'm much more supple than
you. Let's do the splits" she said. "Argghh no no please stop it stop
it" he cried in agony as he legs were forced wider apart. The sinews in
his legs screamed in agony as they were stretched beyond his limits of
flexibility. "Please please no more" he begged. "Go on Jackie rip his
legs out" he heard someone call out. "No please" he cried in horror that
she might actually comply.
Suddenly she let go of his wrists and wrapped her arms tightly around
his neck. Was that a bicep growing into his throat, that's not possible
she's only 16!. He started to choke as the rock hard muscle dug deeper
and deeper into his neck. Somehow she found even more power in her legs
and continued to press his legs further apart. "Arggh! please you're
tearing me in two!" he cried, tears coming to eyes due to the riveting
pain in between his legs. "Let's limber you up a bit sir" Jackie said.
He tried to protest but her muscles choked off his voice. He was in no
doubt now that she had biceps, staggeringly big ones too by the way they
felt under his hand as he searched in vain for a chink with which he
could release himself. Strange strangling noises came from Jefferson as
she concentrate on the headlock, his face beginning to drain of colour.
Then she returned her attention to her legs laughing at how easy she
could stretch him. He could hardly breath, oh my god surely she can't be
this strong!, he could feel her choking off his air. The pain in his
legs became too much, he could feel the tendons tearing, red hot stabs
of pain shot lanced through his crotch. He wanted to scream but all that
came out was a horrible croak. He felt light headed and dizzy. Suddenly
she released him.
Jefferson lay still for a while gasping for air. Then he sat up and
massaged his aching legs, his face burning red as the class laughed at
him. He couldn't believe how a pre-teen girl had done this to him. Well
he was not going to stand for it. "Priest you're on report" he said, he
meant his voice to be commanding with authority but what came out was
shaky and feeble.
"Bad choice" he heard her say. Before he could move she had grabbed his
right arm and yanked it up high behind his back. Placing her right foot
in between his shoulder blades, she began to press down at the same time
as she pulled on his arm. "Shall I rip it off?" she asked the class.
"Yes" came back the unanimous yell. "No no please no" the grown man
cried as pain shot through his shoulder and across his back. "Pick on me
and I'll pick on you. It's as simple as that sir" she told him twisting
his arm for added pain. "ok ok you win just let me go" he pleaded.
Jackie stretched his arm to the max, twisting it as she did so, at the
same time she pushed hard, her quads bulging with power. "Noooo!" he
cried as his tendons burned with ripping pain.
Finally she released his arm and stood back. Jefferson got to his knees
nursing his tortured arm. The kids were laughing at him, jeering at him.
"What a wimp""Mr.Softy""Softy Jefferson". Something snapped inside of
him, he suddenly sprung at her. "You f'king bitch I'll pound you pretty
little face into mush" he yelled as her grabbed at her. Jackie tried to
get a good hold on his flailing arms, but he was all over the place.
With her arms on his chest, she pushed hard. There was a sound of fabric
tearing as Jefferson stumbled back. Jackie looked down at her blouse,
most of the buttons had been pulled off and there were big tears across
the shoulders.
Jefferson recoiled in fear at the look of anger in her eyes and the
strange fierceness in her face. She angrily took off the blouse and
flung it in Jefferson's face. "Look what you've done you stupid man!"
she yelled "that was brand new!. You're going to pay for that!".
Jefferson gaped at her upper body, stunned at its muscularity. Her neck
tapered down into her shoulders, the ends of which were capped with
large round muscle. Her body tapered down from broad shoulders to quite
a slender waist and out again to her hips. Her arms were vascular, veins
prominent stretched over biceps and triceps that bulged as she clenched
her fists in anger. Her bra covered breasts were small but her chest had
a cleavage of stirated muscle. Her abdominals were amazing, a washboard
of muscle, each slab separated from the next by deep cuts. Not only was
this young girl muscular but the definition put many amateur male
bodybuilders to shame.
He trembled as she tensed her arms in front of her, cords of muscle
rippling and bulging like some wild animal trying to get free. He didn't
want to be here, he couldn't stand the thought of those awful muscles
crushing and tormenting him. He lunged at her driving a punch into the
young girl's stomach. There was a loud slap as his knuckles met the rock
hard landscape of her abdomen. Jackie grunted but was not hurt.
Jefferson's hand stung from the impact, he looked up to see her smiling
at him. The class gasped loudly as their teacher drove another punch
into their classmate's gut. Again she grunted, a little louder than last
time, but the man had obviously hurt his hand against her sculpted
stomach. "Having problems are we sir?" she smiled sweetly. She was
shocked that a grown man had tried to punch a young girl, anger blazed
in her mind as she said "here let me show you". Jackie stepped forward
and drilled a punch deep into the man's gut. The air exploded from the
teacher's cheeks and he seemed to curl up around her fist, his face a
mask of agony.
Jackie moved in, turned her back towards him and put a headlock on him
and pulled him tight. Jefferson's jaw hurt as the young girl's strong
arms locked tighter. He grasped uselessly at her arms and felt her
rippling triceps and bulging biceps crushing his head. He reached under
her legs with one hand and grabbed her by the crotch and lifted her. He
had to admit the feel of her crotch in his hand felt good.
"You filthy pig!" Jackie yelled in outrage. Holding his head with one
arm, she began pummelling his face with the fist of the other. Wham Wham
Wham. Jefferson had to let go, her punches were devastating. He could
the blood pouring from his nose and mouth. Her punches had scrambled his
brain and in a daze he saw her triceps bulge as she tensed her right
arm, then her elbow rocketed back fast smashing into his gut. Badly
winded and bloodied, the man sank to his knees.
Jefferson caught his breath back. Suddenly he was aware that she had
straddled his head facing away from his body and clasped her powerful
thighs around his head. He tried to pull his head out but she squeezed
tight making escape impossible. "I'll teach you for attacking a poor
innocent defenceless schoolgirl" he just about her say over the pounding
of the blood in his ears. He reached down and tried tugging at her
ankles, but it was like trying budge steel posts. He saw spots before
his eyes and his vision blurred. Moving his hands up to her sock covered
calves, he felt how large and muscular they were. He was ashamed, how
could such a pretty young girl exert such terrifying pressure with her
legs. He moved his hand to her thighs hoping to find someway of easing
the awesome crush threatening to split his skull. He felt soft warm skin
drawn taut over the rock hard muscle. Astonishment turned to fear as he
ran his hands over her huge quadriceps, each muscle group clearly
defined and bulging awesomely. He was sure he could hear his skull creak
about to give way under the awful pressure. His hands encountered her
bulging outer thighs. Then he felt them expand enormously as a terrible
surge of power sent his head spinning in sheer agony. Scream, scream all
he could do was could scream till he was hoarse as the mighty legs of
the 16 year old took him to the brink of blackness then she let him go.
Jefferson fell to the floor on his back, openly weeping, the worse
headache of his life pounding through his skull. A weight on his chest
brings him back to reality. The blonde girl has sat on his chest with
her back towards his face. She takes hold of his legs and begins to pull
them and back. "I saw this on telly once" she tells him. As his legs are
pulled back hard, his diaphragm is cramped so bad that he can hardly
breathe. "Please Jackie no" he gasps as he watches her shapely backside
in front of his face as she slides closer and closer towards his face as
she pulls his legs back further and further. "Kiss my arse" he hears her
say before she lowers herself to sit on his face. He can't breathe at
all now, her backside is smothering his nose and mouth and his diaphragm
is cramped. Panic sets in as he fails to find any air, he feels himself
slipping towards unconsciousness. Just at the last moment she releases
him and rolls to one side smiling as he gasps for breath.
"Poor sir, beaten by a little girl" Jackie teased "Here let me give you
a cuddle". He looked up in alarm as the girl wrapped her muscular arms
around his neck. He lifted his body trying to get away. Bad mistake,
this allowed her to snake her legs around him, her muscular thighs
swallowing his waist. He felt her large calves clasp him tightly across
his lower back, locking him in position. The vice-like grip of her
strong legs dug into his waist as she slowly exerted the pressure.
"Nooooo!" Jefferson cried as he tried to twist and turn but his body was
held firm between her powerful thighs and her biceps pressed against his
throat. He knew it was no use, the only thing he could do was to lie
there, struggling for breath, imprisoned by this young girl. She built
up the pressure slowly savouring every moment knowing that the hated
teacher could not withstand her. "Arrhhh" he was forced to use what
little breath he had to cry out as he felt his innards crushed between
her bulging thighs. "Not so tough now are we sir?" she taunted "picking
on little girls". Stretching her body, dispite the awkward angle, Jackie
powered down a final surge of energy through her legs. She could feel
the hated teacher try to buck and arch as her thighs constricted his
abdomen to the point she felt something was going to give.
She released him and watched as he lay face down panting for breath and
sobbing. "Big boys don't cry" she taunted. The class laughed aloud.
"Leave me alone" he cried. The pre-teen man destroyer replied by jumping
onto his back. "No no please" he cried in alarm but it was too late.
Jackie sitting facing his legs, grabbed his legs and pulled them right.
"No please" the teacher cried like a baby as the young gymnast bent his
body backwards. Her arms rippled as she threatened to turn him into a
human pretzel. Within seconds he was blubbering as Jackie poured on
maximum pressure. "Please please you're going to break my back" he
Stilling holding his legs, Jackie got off his back and started dragging
him on his stomach around the room. Jefferson, tears streaking down his
cheeks turned red with shame as the class jeered and laughed as he was
dragged past them. She dragged him to the front of the class by his
desk. Twisting his legs, she forces him onto his back. "Get on that
desk" she orders. "Please Jackie leave me alone" he whimpers.
Hitching her skirt up and with her legs astride, she moves into a semi-
crouch opening her legs wide and raising herself onto her toes.
Jefferson gawps at the large diamonds of calve muscle, the thick bulging
hamstrings and the muscular curves along the top of her legs. His eyes
follow the thick cords of her inner thighs to where they meet at her
crotch. He finds the sight incredibly erotic as well as frightening.
Maintaining the pose she stretches out her arms to either side of her
body and starts to bend them at the elbow up towards her head. From her
slender arms, large firm biceps grow slowly until they peak like two
small mountains on her arms, her triceps growing in the opposing
direction. She flexes and relaxes several times pumping her arms up.
Each time, her biceps seem to get bigger and harder. Finally she holds
the double biceps pose, still flexing her calves and inner thighs and
tensing her washboard abs. From his position on the floor she looks like
a female colossus bulging with power packed muscle. "Get onto the desk
or I'll cuddle you again" she says. The thought of those bulging arms
and legs wrapped around his body again terrifies him and he quickly
scrabbles onto the desk. "Please Jackie don't hurt me" he pleads, crying
with fear.
Smiling she climbs on top of him and plants her backside on his face to
the amusement of the class. "Fart in his face Jackie!" someone shouts.
"Pee on him" "Crap on him" says another. There are loud gasps as they
see her undo his trousers and dish out his manhood.
Jackie is uncertain about this. Maybe she's taken this too far, but she
can't back out now. Physically dominating him wouldn't be enough, he
would recover and then report her or make other sorts of difficulties
for her. No, she had to make sure that he never bothered her again, she
had to enslave him!.
Sliding off to the floor over his head, she grabbed his arms and pulled
him until his head and upper body dangled over the edge of the table.
She then clasped his head firmly between her legs and bent over.
Jefferson was shocked when she exposed him to the class, then he was
scared as she shoved his head between her legs. The expected crushing
squeeze didn't happen, she simply held him firmly. He felt the bulging
hamstrings marvelling at how sexy they felt. Then she bent over and he
saw her lovely tight arse above him. They really were very sexy, he
reached up to touch them and felt them turn into rock hard balls as she
flexed her glutes for him. She flexed them several times seeing the
stimulating effect it was having on him. "er sir's got a stiffy" someone
"No!" Jefferson cried as a warm wetness engulfed his rod. "Jackie no you
musn't!" he cried and was rewarded with a powerful burst of pressure
around his head from her legs. "Oh my god""gross""Jeezus" cries of
astonishment came from the class. He had girlfriends in the past who had
given him blowjobs, but they were nothing like this. Somehow the young
girl was skilled in applying the minimal contact to gain the maximum
result. Her tongue flicked, licked and tickled everywhere. His cries for
her to stop soon gave way of moans of pleasure as her mouth and tongue
drove away all thoughts of the illegality of the situation. Massaging
the sides of his member, she took him all the way into her throat. "Oh
Jackie oh Jackie oh Jackie" he moaned lustfully. He tried to buck his
hips in rhyme with her motion but a skull shattering crush from her legs
forced him to stop. Sensing he was about to cum, she gripped the base of
his rod and pressed her fingers tight against the urethra, preventing
him from cumming. The pressure built up against her fingers, but she
hang on tight as she worked on him some more. "Please Jackie please let
me cum" he moaned loudly drawing giggles and guffaws from the class. He
had never felt so big before. She worked him tirelessly, denying him the
release he wanted so badly. "Please I have to cum so bad" he pleaded
"I've got to". She shut him up with another squeeze of her strong legs
and continued working him. He felt so hard that he thought the skin
would rip. The pressure in his sacs was so painful and his balls hurt
bad. Several of the boys were jerking themselves off in full view of
everyone and some of the girls were shifting about uncomfortably in
their seats mesmerised by the remarkable events happening before their
pre- teenage eyes. Jackie sucked and stroked him for another quarter of
an hour while he was in absolute agony from the denial of release. Then
she released his head from her leggy prison and stood at arm's length.
She released him. "nghgh nghgh nhhghg arrr arr arrrRRRRR". His body
bucked and rocked as though someone had passed a thousand volts through
his body. His cream shot high into the air in huge spurts. "Oh my
god""gross!""Jeez that one nearly hit the ceiling".
Spent he hangs back limply over the table's edge panting for breath,
absolutely drained of energy. He feels himself dragged back onto the
table and looks up to see the 16 year old domantrix kneeling astride his
chest flexing her biceps. "You're mine now sir" she tells him and opens
her mouth into an "O" and runs her tongue around it. The effect is
instant, he is shocked to find himself stiffening. He wants her so much.
He leans his head forward into her crotch and starts nuzzling her
Shocked, at first Jackie doesn't know what to do. Then as his tongue
probes underneath her knickers, shock turns to anger and disgust. "Don't
do that" she yells. He feels her hold his head and stretch her legs out
either side. He thinks she is getting more comfortable so she can enjoy
his worship of her. Then an awesome crush envelops his head, blurring
his vision instantly. He can hear the pounding of his own heartbeat in
his ears as the ferocious grip tightens further. Every sinew of her body
tightens as she crushes down on the man who just tried to inviolate her.
She sees his eyes glaze over then close and he goes limp between her
legs. Breathing heavily opens her legs to let the limp unconscious form
of her teacher flop back onto the desk.
Getting off him she reaches for his jacket, takes out his wallet and
removes some notes. "That's for the blouse he owes me" she says
challenging her classmates with a glare. No-one says anything, no-one
dare. Most were stunned at this young amazon standing before them with
more muscle than most of the boys in the room will ever have in their
lives. Others were trembling at the thought of who would be next?. ***
Jefferson was forced to go back to work. He had already taken three days
off, anymore would need a doctor's certificate and he couldn't bear the
thought of admitting that he had been beaten and sexually assaulted by a
16 year old girl. The next two days were hell, kids would snigger as he
passed, and he found himself darting around a corner when he saw Jackie
Priest approaching.
Things seemed better following the weekend break, but then the afternoon
came around. It was class 12c! he was sweating with fear, he wanted to
go home, but the way his head was glaring at him reminded him that he
could never reveal the truth without incriminating himself.
He entered the room and waited too ashamed to look up as the class filed
in. Then he was aware of Jackie in her school uniform approaching his
desk. He rose from his chair and nervously backed against the blackboard
(except it was green!). She walks around to the front of the desk and
places her hands on it. Slowly she lifted herself off the ground,
keeping her body and legs straight. Leaning forward on her straight arms
she brings her torso horizontal to the desk. Then she swings her legs
forward either side of her legs. Her arms block her crotch but the sight
of her wide open legs stirs him. Maintaining her body weight on her arms
she swings her legs back and raises her body fully upright supported
only by her arms. "My god no wonder she has strong arms" he thinks as
she holds the position as steady as a rock. Her pleated skirt falls
down, the sight of her rock hard glutes exciting him further. Swinging
back down again she slowly threads her legs in between her arms and
brings them up held straight in front of her face. She holds the
position allowing him to admire her sexy shapely legs, the bulging
hamstrings and her glutes. Finally she opens her legs in opposite
directions forming an inverted "V".
The sight of her legs splayed open with her crotch fully presented is
too erotic for him. He steps forwards towards the girl, badly aching for
her and wanting to sink himself into that lovely crotch. "Oh Jackie oh
god you're wonderful" he moans as he runs his hands over her socks
feeling the large muscled calves beneath them. He strokes her hamstrings
trembling at their obvious strength. With trembling hands he traced her
inner thigh muscles to her crotch.
"Oh god Jackie I want you" he moans as he strokes her crotch ,
generating titters and guffaws from the classroom. Suddenly she raised
herself higher and encloses his head within her lethal thighs. "No
Jackie please" he begs quaking in fear as he feels trapped by her
incredibly defined legs. He looked at her face, she opened her mouth
slightly running the tip of her tongue around it. "Nghgh nnggg nggg" he
creamed himself. Spent, he looks into her blue eyes and sees fire. "I
thought you would have learnt your lesson last week" she tells him in a
stern voice "obviously I must teach you again not to touch me without my
permission". He panics as he feels her thighs bulge with raw,
unadulterated power. The pressure is terrible and blinds his sight
immediately in a blurred haze. He grasps uselessly at her legs feeling
her awesome quadriceps and hamstrings. He cries pitifully sobbing in
fear as he knows her muscular strength far exceeds his. Skull splitting
pressure clamps down hard. He wails in terror fearing that she will
crush his skull like an eggshell. Once again the 16 year old girl
crushes the fully grown man into oblivion.
Jackie Priest never got a bad mark in Geography ever again. -
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:15:20 am
Putting My Kid Sister Back in Her Place
By Jimp
(c) JIM P 2012
Bobby gets Judo Boy to teach Jackie a lesson but it all goes horribly wrong


"Come on Bobby! Haven't you learnt the concept of OTHER people" my brat sister
shouted from the other side of the bathroom door. I spat the foaming white
toothpaste from my mouth and yelled back with the minty taste still in my
mouth "You'll just have to learn to be patient". The sun was shining through
the frosted window pane causing me to squint as I had just woken up and found
it a bit too strong for my eyes at that time in the morning. Standing at the
basin in my pyjama bottoms, I took a swig of water and rinsed the taste of the
toothpaste out my mouth. I wasn't going to rush for her benefit, the little
brat. Sliding back the mirrored panel, I took my razor and shaving foam from
the wooden cabinet that was affixed to the wall then went back to the sink to
shave. There was a knocking on the door. "Bobby! There is only one toilet in
this house and you are hogging it" Jackie's girlish voice grated on my nerves.
Putting my shaving stuff back in the cabinet, I took out my aftershave and
opened it to splash some of the stuff onto my face. More knocks. "Hurry up,
you retard before I wet myself!" We were typical brother and sister. I didn't
exactly hate her but then we didn't exactly have much love for each other
either. We weren't like those goody two-shoes 'I love you. You're my best
friend and I'll always stand by you' siblings that was shoved in your face on
TV. No, reality was somewhat different especially if you had a brat like
Jackie for a sister. Returning the aftershave, I took out my comb and began to
pull it through my black curly hair. Knock, knock. "Bob-by" it was a snarl.
Good, let her wait. As usual, combing had no effect whatsoever. As soon as I
had flattened one part of my hair, it would spring right back up again.
Finding no other excuse to spruce myself up, I put back my comb and closed the
cabinet then finally opened the door.

Jackie was standing in the door way, blocking my way with her hands on her
hips and a look of irritation. "About time too; what do you do in there that
takes so long?" she asked with a snotty attitude. Jackie wore a red sleeveless
halter that barely came down below her budding breasts and a matching pair of
skimpy shorts. Frankly, it made me uncomfortable seeing so much of my sister's
body especially as she wasn't a little kid anymore but a developing teenager.
I was two years her senior and stood 5'8" to her 5'1" or thereabouts but I
felt physically intimated. You see, Jackie is a competitive gymnast whereas
I'm not into sports at all. While she wasn't very tall, her body was quite
broad and very athletic. Years of top level competition had developed her body
and standing face to face with her made me feel like a weedy stick insect
compared to her well developed body.

I tried to push past her but her short sturdy body bulldozed me up against the
door frame. Jackie pressed her chest against me, pinning me against the wood,
and looked up into my face with her deep blue eyes that reminded me of how
pretty she was becoming. "What's wrong, Bobby?" her petite mouth with luscious
lips moved as she spoke in a soft breathy voice that sent goose pimples up my
spine. "Were you in there doing naughty things while thinking about me?" it
was almost a seductive whisper that made me very uneasy. "Don't talk like
that. Get out of my way, brat" I told her and tried to squeeze past but she
pressed her body firm against me so I couldn't move. Even though she is a lot
shorter than me, her body seemed to have a lot of mass. I looked down at broad
shoulders with well defined shoulder caps like rounded hubcaps on each side.
Her torso then tapered away in a wide based inverted V shape down to her waist
and then sloped back out to disturbingly curved hips. That body pressing
against me, made me feel very uncomfortable and I was acutely aware of her
small developing bust pressing against my bare chest with only a bit of skimpy
material between them. I was certain that she wasn't wearing a bra and that
made things worse no matter how hard I tried not to think about it.

With long golden hair flowing around a small heart shaped face with a cute
slender nose and a small mouth, I had to admit that Jackie was becoming a very
attractive young woman even though she still acted like a little brat. "You be
careful what you say to me Bobby" she warned in a soft voice that had an edge
to it. The pressure lifted from my body as she stepped back to the middle of
the doorway, still blocking my way with her hands on her hips as if
challenging me. I looked at her long slim neck and the sharply defined traps
like thick triangles that sloped down to wide shoulders capped with prominent
hard ends. The clavicle which ran along the top of her chest broken by the
hollow at the base of her throat was much more defined than I'd seen on other
girls. My eyes were drawn to her bare arms which were relaxed and slender but
the blue vein that ran down the front of each arm and a vein covered forearm
made me uneasy. They reminded me that my sister worked out a lot with heavy
weights to keep in top competition shape.

The red halter was obscenely short but I couldn't help looking at the vast
expanse of her firm toned stomach. Irregular, vaguely square slabs like a bar
of white chocolate ran up the centre of her belly, moving slowly in and out as
she breathed. The sight was mesmerising. It was like watching a living carpet
of hard well defined slabs that sank irregularly into her stomach to become a
shallow grid work then rise back up again. Around her abs, her obliques ran
off at a tangent almost looking like ribs, running diagonally up to her sides.
Most disturbing of all, a pair of deep lines in a wide V shape across the
bottom of her abdomen sloped inwards towards her crotch disappearing beneath
her briefs. Yes, I know she is my younger sister, but I was at that age where
girls were becoming interesting and Jackie's fit toned body was confusing my
developing hormones. The sight of a moving, gently flexing, sculpted stomach
on my little sister was disturbing, kind of sexy yet scary at the same time.
My breathing deepened and I felt myself get warm.

"What's the matter Bobby? You look kind of flustered" she'd caught me staring
at her abs. "N..nothing" I stammered, my cheeks burning and feeling a bit of a
pervert for gawping at my sister. "You, you shouldn't walk around the house
dressed like that. You're not a little girl anymore" I stammered out. Jackie
chuckled then said "Why? I'm not ashamed of my body. Anyway it's not those you
should be worried about. It's these". SLAP! SLAP! The sound of her hand
slapping her hard thighs made me look down and then I wished I hadn't.
Jackie's legs were very thick for her height but they weren't fat, they were
solid muscle. A thick slab adorned her outer thighs, highly toned and very
solid looking as it wrapped all the way to the front of her leg where it met
another long narrow muscle. Adjacent to this on the inner side of upper leg
was a pear drop shaped muscle. Even with her legs relaxed there was no doubt
that my younger sibling had big quads and that made me feel very weak at the
knees, remembering their sheer awesome power that led to my humiliation

I quickly looked away, raising my eyes but then noticing her right forearm
swelling thickly near the inside of her elbow with a thick cord running along
to her slim wrists. I held my breath as she rotated her arm upwards, her fist
clenched as her forearm slowly bent towards vertical. My heart pounded in my
ears as the top of her arm thickened and swelled into a gentle bump. But the
bump continued to grow steadily on her slim arms, getting larger and more
pronounced until a thick dense bulging bicep stood menacingly like a small
mountain covered with thin skin. Underneath her arm, triceps swelled forming a
distinct curve. Her forearm had also expanded at the base becoming really wide
with thick writhing cords and veins running along it. Oh my God, I really felt
so weak. My little sister had bigger muscles than I did, much bigger and much
stronger. The sheer raw power seemed to emanate from her flexed arm,
absolutely terrifying on a girl so young but I just couldn't stop myself
gawping with a growing tension in my groin. Why do gymnasts need such big
muscles? It wasn't right that a girl so young should have muscles like that;
it wasn't fair; it shouldn't be allowed. I was totally paralysed, unable to
look away. Jackie smiled sweetly and stared into my eyes. Her small mouth
opened and the words came out softly "Anytime Bobby". She paused to let the
dreadful words sink in. "Anytime you want me to kick your arse again" the
words were quiet, soft but their meaning was full of menace. My brat sister
was threatening me and her well built muscular body reinforced the message
that she was full capable of backing her words with action. "In front of your
friends; in front of everyone. Just let me know and I will be more than happy
to oblige" she said.

That dreadful arm with the towering bicep lowered. "Cheer up, Bobby" she said
chirpily and I flinched as she reached towards my face and pinched my cheek.
"Kluck kluck!" she made clucking noises then pushed pass me into the bathroom
and closed the door. My heart was racing and I was breathing quickly as if I
had been holding my breath. Feeling ashamed, I went quickly to my room and
shut the door, grateful that I was wearing loose pyjama bottoms to cover the
embarrassing stiff bulge and trying to shake the vision of those abs and
biceps out of my mind.

Jackie always used to be a bit of a pain as all kid sisters are to their older
brothers. There was the usual sort of sibling rivalry, but nothing out of the
ordinary. That is, until that fateful, er, incident. On the face of it,
nothing appeared to have changed between us there was a sort of unspoken
tension and unease whenever I got glimpses of bare toned body. Thankfully she
didn't go around bragging about it, although whenever I saw her with her mates
they would all look at me and talk in giggles. Of course the nasty kids kept
taunting me about how my little sister wiped me out good and proper not once
but twice, the last being in front of everyone. There were also weird rumours
about Jackie beating up a teacher which I couldn't believe [JACKIE#1]. I mean,
she's not that bad and no-one had called my parents into the headmaster's
office but I kept seeing kids in her class give her strange looks and step out
of her way. The truth was those incidents had shaken me. Her gymnastics had
made her stronger than me and she had used that with wrestling moves she saw
on the TV. She needed to be put back in her place and I had an idea how.

There's this much older boy called Glenn, who does Judo in the evenings at the
sports hall. He's like 21 or something and everyone just calls him 'Judo Boy'
cos that was he does. He's alright but to be honest he can be a bit of a
bastard and loves putting other boys into painful judo holds and making them

So it was that on a warm summers' evening, I found myself nervously walking
around to the back of the sports block. This was a large concrete block of a
building tucked away in the corner of the school grounds. This backed onto a
row of houses, separated by a metal fence with triple spiked vertical rails
that resembled spikes partly covered by some tall overgrown shrubs. That meant
it was secluded and not overlooked. Spread upon the wide strip of grass
between the block and the fence was several large gym mats upon which Judo Boy
was limbering up. He was wearing a short white gi jacket tied with a black
belt and a small pair of white shorts that showed off his big pale hairy legs,
which to be honest, wasn't pleasant but I daren't say anything. Judo Boy is
over 6 foot tall and very heavily built, but you wouldn't say overweight
unless you wanted your legs tied around your neck.

"So where is she then?" he growled. "She'll be along in a minute after she's
finished her Gymnastics club. I told her to meet me here" I replied. His face
was chubby with small eyes, a stubby nose and a wide mouth. Short curly sandy
coloured hair framed his head. He wasn't known for his patience and I just
hoped Jackie would hurry up before he decided to practice on me. The minutes
dragged on and Judo Boy was flinging himself around the mat when Jackie walked
around the corner of the building.

My sister wore a crisply ironed short sleeved white blouse buttoned up to her
neck and around which she wore a dark blue silk tie that featured wide
diagonal blue and black stripes. A short pleated grey skirt swirled around the
top of her bare thighs as she strode towards us. On her feet were calve length
white socks and sensible black leather shoes. Her long golden hair was worn
loose and gleamed in the sunlight. "What are doing here, Bobby? You need to
walk me home" she said. She was carrying her kit bag in her hands before and
impulsively I swung my hands up, knocking it out sending it to the ground with
a satisfying thump. "Childish Bobby, really childish" she snarled then bent
over to retrieve it up. As she leant forwards, the short pleated skirt rose up
around her backside giving a glimpse of skimpy white knickers barely covering
tight rounded buttocks. "Corr! Your sister's got a great arse" Judo Boy
moaned. I don't know if she never heard him but she seemed to spend a lot
longer than necessary bent over showing off her small compact backside.

"Go home, Jackie. You're old enough to go home on your own. I'm staying here.
Judo Boy is going to show me a few things" I told her. That made her stand up
straight. She whirled around to face me, looking up at me with wide blue eyes
trying to look cute. "Oh Bobby darling, you are not going to learn Judo" her
voice was beguiling like cream pouring over sugar. She ran her finger up and
down the front of my shirt as she spoke. "Judo won't save you from me kicking
your arse again" she said sweetly. "What did she say?" Judo Boy asked. "Er,
nothing. Ignore her. She's just a silly gymnast" I replied. "Gymnastics is not
silly. It's better than silly Judo any day" she snapped back. Hook, line and
sinker. "Judo can kick a gymnast's arse any day" Judo Boy laughed. "You're
just a bunch of pansies prancing around in leotards" he added derisively.
"Yeah, well you aren't teaching Bobby Judo. Come along Bobby" she ordered in a
raised voice. She raised herself up on tip toes so that her came close to
mine. "I said now, Bobby" she hissed with menace. "I'm staying here" I told
her firmly shaking her off. She tried to take hold of my arm but Judo Boy
stepped in.

What happened next was glorious. Judo Boy grabbed Jackie's arm and pulled it
over his shoulder as he turned towards the mat and immediately bent forward.
My sister went flying over his shoulder, head over heels with her pleated
skirt billowing around her waist and her bare legs flailing uselessly. SLAM!
her back hit the mat and bounced. THUD! The large bulky lad dropped down,
draped his big legs across her chest and pulled her arm between them. "Arhk!"
she shrieked as he bent her arm back against his groin. "This is an arm bar,
darling. I bet they don't teach you this in gymnastics" he told her. She was
shrieking and slapping her free hand against the mat with her legs kicking
around. Oh this was really making my day. Maintaining the armbar, he got to
his knees forcing her to do the same. This was good, my brat sister was forced
to kneel before this lad, powerless to stop him. "Arkk!" another a squeal as
she was forced to stand up and bend over perpendicular to her legs. "Bend over
bitch or I'll break your arm" he ordered. I smiled as her face was red with
frustration as she had no choice but to comply.

With his free hand Judo Boy pulled back the hem of her skirt and draped the
pleats over her waist exposing her backside and the rather skimpy knickers she
wore. Did mum know about that? I'm sure that she would have a fit if she knew.
I started to feel a bit uneasy when Judo Boy placed his large hand on her
backside and began to move it around to have a good feel. "No, no, stop it"
she protested "Ouch!" she squealed as he applied more pressure to her arm.
"Wow Bobby, your sister's got a great arse. I bet you like looking at it all
day" he said. "No, no! Ouch!" Jackie tried to kick backwards at his shin but
he anticipated this and skipped his foot out of the way. Laughing he raised
her arm higher forcing her to bend further forwards until she was almost
doubled over. "Try that again, love, and I'll break your bloody arm" he
snarled then began to spank her arse. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Loud resounding
smacks echoed through the air eliciting howls of pain from my sister. She
might have a hard muscular backside but Judo Boy's hand was big and strong
dealing out blows that made me winces. I was laughing so hard, the tears
rolled down my cheek.

Her buttocks were red raw when he finally stopped and she was sobbing her
little heart out. The big bulky lad loomed over her as he twisted her arm to
force her to stand straight. Immediately he kick the back of her legs,
sweeping her feet away from under her and deposited her on her back on the
mat. SLAM! Oh how I laughed as the judo expert put my brat sister into hold
after hold, each one employing a painful armlock or armbar that had her
squealing like a little pig. She was so utterly helpless and squealing. Her
face was no longer pretty but red and bunched up with tears running down her
cheeks. Oh yes, he was really putting her in place. It was a shame there
weren't anyone else around to watch it. Every now and then, he forced her to
her feet then slammed her around before putting her into another hold. It was
wonderful to watch. Then it all started to go wrong.

Judo Boy had got my sister to sit in front of him with her back against his
chest. She looked so small against his big bulky frame, with her blonde hair
splayed out over his chest. The arms of his off-white gi jacket locked tightly
around her small slim neck. My sister was pushing against the mat with her
feet trying to buck her body off the ground while frantically clawing at his
arms. She looked worried, maybe scared, with her face turning red. "This is a
sleeper hold, love. I can knock you out whenever I want then do whatever I
want with you and there would be nothing that you could do about it" he told
her. I didn't like that he was looking at her with a hungry look, he was
practically drooling. Maintain the choke with one arm, he reached down and
pulled up her skirt with the other. Jackie seemed dazed, her legs slowing
down. Her hands slapped feebly at his as it moved to the front of her white
knickers. I felt sick as he began rubbing his hand up and down her camel's
foot. "This makes them cum really hard, Bobby. Your sister is a real hottie, a
real hottie" he told me, his mouth hanging open and practically panting. I
didn't like this at all, but what could I do? "Er, Glenn. You shouldn't be
doing that. Please. Stop" I begged.

"Shut up, Priest or you'll be sucking my cock" he snarled. Thankfully he
stopped his filthy perving and let her head drop to the grass. She almost
looked out of it, lying on the mat with her eyes wandering. At that moment,
she seemed so weak and vulnerable that I felt a strong urge to protect her.
She was family after all. I couldn't let this bully abuse her. "Please Judo
Boy. She's learnt her lesson. I need to take her home now or our parents will
get worried" I told him. He just leered at her as he answered me without even
looking in my direction. "You can go but she's staying here until I've
finished with her". That's when he looked up at me and I saw a cruel heartless
thug. "Let's just consider it your payment for services rendered, or are you
going to stop me?" he glared with a horrible grin challenging me. What could I
do? He would tie me into a pretzel.

Still glaring at me, the Judo bully sat astride my sister's face pinning her
shoulders with his hairy knees. That's when he did something which made me
feel physically sick to the pit of my stomach. The big bully lowered his big
fat arse onto my sister's sweet little face and pressed the big bulge at the
front of his shorts against her mouth. "You wanna sweetie little girl?
Something to suck on? Then suck on this" he chuckled nastily. "Mmmm mmmm" I
heard Jackie's muffled protests but there was nothing that she could do, she
was pinned. I was her only saviour but I was too petrified to move. Oh dear
God, no! He leant forward; reaching for her knickers again then slipped his
hand beneath the white fabric. "Mmmm mmmm!" Jackie's muffled shrieks of
distress scared me. "Like that don't you little girl?" he sneered. It was no
use, I had to do something "Get off my sister, Glenn, er Judo..". He cut me
off with a shout and an evil glare "Shut up Priest or I'll stick it up your
arse". "I bet you'd like it as well, wouldn't you Priest?" he chuckled nastily
as the fat bastard sat on my sister's pretty girlish face with the bulging
package in his shorts shoved in her mouth. "Yeah I've never done a brother and
sister before" He laughed but he didn't laugh for long.

As soon as the bare legs and white socks came together with her knees bent and
feet flat on the mat, I knew Jackie was up to something. Her toned thighs went
taut and tendons tensed as she seemed to try to push her backside into the
mat. Suddenly a rippling wave of power surged along her thighs then her legs
sprang into the air pulling up her backside. With amazing flexibility, her
back lifted from the mat in a rolling motion as she folded herself in two.
Like a released mousetrap driven by the power of her thighs, her legs hurtled
on a collision course for Judo Boy's head. "Watch out!" I cried, but it was
too late. Her thick smooth thighs slid around the sides of his head and
slipped a leggy noose to his neck. The whites of her knickers showed as the
pleats of her skirt fell away as her tight rounded peach of a backside rose
towards the sky. Brilliant white socks covering shapely muscled calves came
together as her feet crossed and locked behind his head. That all happened in
an instant. I gasped as her big shiny thighs and hamstrings expanded like
balloons, swelling up around his trapped head to envelop it in dense wall of
female muscle. Not the sort of party balloons you buy in the shops that burst
easy, but big industrial strength balloons covered with smooth hairless skin
and bulging with a raw power and looking as solid as steel.

"Nnnnn!" Judo Boy cried through clenched teeth, his eyes wide with shock as he
experienced the power of my sister's legs for the first time. Those big
muscular thighs seemed to ripple with raw power as my sister tensed them to
try and crush his neck. "Nnnnn!" it was a louder groan, almost a scream that
he tried to hold in. Deeply cut lines appeared at the back of her legs as her
hamstrings swelled into long sturdy smooth topped hills of skin covered iron,
compressing the sides of his jaw and cheeks. "Nnnnn!" the groans sounded more
desperate, his eyes showing shock as his hands encountered thick solid living
wall of teenaged muscle crushing tightly around his neck. "You wanted to get
between my legs, now you've got it you bastard!" my sister hissed angrily.
"Feel the power of a gymnast's legs and weep, you horrid boy!" she cried.
"Nnnnn!" his face screwed tight as he tried to hold in the pain and reach
behind his head for her knees. Clenching his eyes, he tried to wrench Jackie's
legs apart, but it was like his neck was trapped in quick drying concrete. He
tugged and tugged but her legs were locked as solid as stone and wouldn't
budge a centimetre.

"Nnnnn!" he slapped at her legs in desperation, loud stinging slaps of flesh
against stone covered skin. "Nnnnneeee!" his groan broke into a scream as
Jackie's buttocks clenched and her legs visibly tightened. They looked so
solid and powerful, a raw elemental force coming together which his fat neck
couldn't oppose. His face was wedged so close to my sister's backside that her
skimpy white knickers and clenching buttocks must have been the only thing he
could see. "Arghh!" he cried out as he tugged again at her knees, his face
bright red as it was crushed between bulging thick legs that looked more
powerful than an industrial press. "Nnaorgh!" he could barely move his mouth
now with the terrible pressure compressing his jaw. The big hulking young man
in a Judo jacket was being completely dominated by a mere teenaged schoolgirl
as she lay with her face beneath him with her body folded over like a U pin,
reverse scissoring him with her strong gymnast's legs.

KERSLAM! Suddenly Jackie's leggy twin towers of pain slammed to the mat
carrying Judo Boy's trapped head with them. His big heavy body snapped over
her like a fat whip pivoting around his neck and landed heavily on his back
then rolled to his side. His weight pulled Jackie over onto her side too, yet
her thickly swelling thighs clung onto to his neck like a limpet. His eyes
flew open wide and then went weird like he'd lost control of them. I was
genuinely surprised that she hadn't snapped his neck with that move. The large
bulky Judo expert now lay upon his side on the mat with his neck resting on my
sister's inner thigh while the inside of her other thigh pressed down like a
guillotine clamping his face so he could only look at her backside.

"You horrid boy!" Jackie shouted. "You horrid, horrid boy!" she was still
mighty pissed. "Urkkk Urkkk!" she accented each 'horrid' by clenching her
buttocks into shiny steely hard rounded balls that took my breath away. Wow
they were incredibly sexy, I know I wasn't meant to say that but, wow, I loved
the way her buttocks flexed from a lovely small peach shape into a tight
compressed rock hard ball twitching her knickers sharply inwards as she
clenched. Those glutes flexed again but this time her buns remained steely
hard. "Argh!" he cried, his face looked strained and really red like someone
was strangling him. "Arrrrgh!" a slower cry of pain escaped his lips as Jackie
began to straighten out her legs. The leg which was on top of his neck
actually moved a good inch or two downwards, crushing his neck like a trapped
coke can. Her outer thigh looked absolutely fearsome, flexed rock hard, the
muscle standing out in perfect definition like an anatomy chart, smooth skin
glistening with muscle tone. "Arghh!" he cried again, his eyes clenched and
his face turning a darker red. Jackie effortlessly maintained the relentless
brutal pressure, really making him suffer.

Judo Boy's eyes began to flutter and just as I thought he was going to pass
out, her glutes relaxed as she eased off the pressure. Pressing her hands
against the mat, she pushed off and rolled forcing Judo Boy onto his back with
her lying on his ample chest. My sister slid back a bit and I saw his jaw
disappear between the base of her buttocks while his throat slid right to the
apex of her legs. "How dare you touch me there? You filthy pig" she was still
angry. "Nnghhh!" he cried out as the back of her skirt twitched and folded in
the middle as she flexed her stony glutes once more. She also raised her feet
onto her toes and stretched her legs out straight. "Mnnnn!" he grunted through
clenched teeth, his face screwed tight. But he wasn't going to go quietly.
Judo Boy reached back behind his head and got his hands on her calves. His
hand encountered rocky slabs jutting from the white socks; thick, dense solid
slabs that bulged and stretched her socks like she had large rocks down there.
"Mmnagh!" his hands shook but they were as immobile as the rocky landscape
they resembled.

I felt very uncomfortable as I watched my little sister crush the stuffing out
of a much bigger and older guy. OK the guy was a creep who had gone too far in
trying to put the brat in her place but he was a Judo expert for God's sake!
He shouldn't be getting destroyed by a pretty teenaged schoolgirl. She wasn't
even one of those ugly mannish CHAVs, yet her gymnast's strong toned legs
looked so powerful and unbeatable as they chewed out his neck. Judo Boy still
wasn't going to give up to a little girl and held onto her buttocks then tried
pumping his body up and down using his legs but Jackie just rode his big bulky
chest like a bucking bronco. SLAP! "Ouch!" Jackie squealed as a big palm
slapped her hard on her compact shapely backside. "You bastard" she snarled.
Gritting her teeth with a savage look of determination, Jackie powered down
hard flexing her arse that the tight buttocks pressed against each other like
continental shelves in the centre of her backside. "Arghh!" he screamed
loudly. Her thighs and hams were so massively swollen that they seemed to
swallow up his entire head. I was sure that she would break his neck or crack
his skull. Yet the sheer power being exerted by such curvaceous and feminine
legs had my dick stiffening in my pants. Yes I know she is my sister but at
that moment she had the most beautiful and most powerful legs in the world. I
just couldn't help running my eyes along those shapely powerful curves in
admiration. "Argkk!" Judo Boy shrieked painfully, his mouth squashed open and
unable to move. His lower face was grossly distorted with his cheeks pushed up
into painful red ridges and his jaw compacted into the narrow wedge between
the bottom of her tightly clenched buttocks that it looked like it would break
at any moment. With her mighty hams and thighs bulging like swollen grapefruit
how could anyone cope with legs like that?

Judo Boy's hands slid from her steely buttocks and closed his eyes. The bottom
of his face was pinched so hard by Jackie's powerfully bulging legs that his
cheeks down to his jaw formed a very sharp V and his mouth was squeezed into a
wide open tall narrow opening in his face. Suddenly the shape of his face
became more normal and uncompressed as Jackie eased off the pressure. She slid
a calve underneath the back of his head and locked him into a tight reverse
figure 4 headscissors and began shaking his trapped head like a rag doll.
Frighteningly Judo Boy didn't make a sound or show any expression. He just lay
there with his eyes closed and a slightly serene expression on his face. My
cock felt like it was frozen solid, it was absolutely rigid as I realised that
my younger sister had just knocked him right out. A pretty little blonde in a
schoolgirl uniform had just knocked out a Judo expert with her legs. The
concept was giving me the boner of the century. "Er, Jackie. I, er, think
you've knocked him out" I told my sister. She just glared at me for a moment
then with a look of resignation, opened her legs. His head fell limply out of
her deadly leggy prison onto the mat and didn't move. I quickly tried to cover
up my boner but if she noticed she didn't remark on it. "Well so much for
Judo. You're next, Bobby" she told me getting to her feet.

"Wh..what? What did I do?" I protested as she stomped towards me with a look
of anger that rooted me to the spot in fear. After what she had just done to
Judo Boy, I was absolutely terrified of what she might do to me. "Please
Jackie. I was trying to get him off you" I whined, my fear showing in my
voice. I was older and taller than her yet that scary strongly built body made
me feel small and weak. She roughly grabbed the front of my shirt scrunching
it up with one hand and wagged her finger at me with the other. "You set that
pig onto me, Bobby. Because you're too much a wimp to fight me yourself" she
hissed. ", Jackie. P..please I didn't I swear" I protested. "Don't lie to
me Bobby". BLAM! A blurred rocket blasted into my jaw so hard that it whipped
my head around fast. Ouch, that blooming hurt! My aching jaw! She just hit me!
She actually hit me with a fist! I was so shocked; she had never done that
before. My senses stopping whirling and I saw an angry looking brat with her
fist raised. Part in anger for her physically violating me and partly because
she had a strong punch that I didn't want to feel again, I lashed out. I had
never punched anyone before let alone a girl and felt shame as my fist grazed
her cheek when she didn't move her head quickly enough. "Bastard!" she swore
then swung at me. BLAM! A small hard fist hammered my cheek with such force
that I actually staggered back under the blow exercising my jaw to make sure
she hadn't broken it. I never expected my little sister to able to punch so
hard with her tiny fists. BLAM! I hardly saw her swing her arm before
something smashed my jaw like someone yielding a cricket bat. My head spun and
my jaw ached with pain. The next thing I felt was my back slamming onto the

"Borpph!" Jackie's whole weight dropped down on top of me on the point of one
knee driving deep into my gut. Instinctively my body tried to fold forwards.
The brat grabbed my hair and used it to hold my face up as a target while
raising her fist again. No, Jackie please, I wanted to beg but my diaphragm
had been smashed flat and I couldn't work my mouth. BLAM! her fist was a
mini-sledgehammer threatening to break my face. BLAM! If she didn't punch my
lights out first. Orrrrgh I just wanted to curl up and for my lungs to start
working again but the little brat wouldn't let me. BLAM! My little sister was
beating the crap out of me and I was too winded to stop her. Tears of
frustration, pain and humiliation welled in my eyes. "Come on, fight me, you
little cry baby" her face might look sweet and innocent but her words and body
were tough.

The little bitch let my battered head fall to the ground then leapt onto my
chest. "Come on big brother. Stop your little sister kicking your arse again"
she sneered. She raised her fists ready to mash my face and I immediately
grabbed them to stop her. Twisting her hands out of my grasp I became tangled
up in a trial of strength as she tried to press my arms to the floor. It was
useless, as soon as I pushed one arm off to the side, she pushed it back with
suspicious ease while laughing. It was like wrestling with an octopus, my arms
were going every which way yet slowly they were being pushed down towards the
ground. I was puffing and panting, my breath coming back to me as well as
sweating like a pig with the exertion. "Oh yes, Bobby. Play with me" she
chuckled as we fought then it occurred to me that she was just playing with
me. That suspicion was confirmed when suddenly her left arm below her short
sleeved blouse stiffened like a steel girder and knotted with muscle. SLAM!
The back of my right hand hit the grass in an instant, pinned by such strength
that I couldn't move it at all, no how hard I tried. "So weak, Bobby. You
should eat more fibre" She chuckled at my humiliation. No, No, No! I struggled
and struggled trying to move my hand but it felt like it had been pegged to
the grass. "Now stop your little sister pinning your other hand, Bobby dear"
she purred and I saw her right begin to stiffen. Tears welled in my eyes as my
frustration grew as my left hand was pressed inevitability towards the grass
despite trying to focus all my strength into my arm to try and stop it. I felt
the grass against the back of my hand as she pressed it all the way down and I
felt the shame that my little sister had once again demonstrated that she was
stronger than me.

Jackie slid forward, pinning my shoulders and sliding her soft warm inner
thighs either side of my cheeks. I was terrified that she was going to crush
my head as she had Judo Boy. "Please Jackie, I'm sorry" I gasped looking up at
my younger sister's face which seemed way up there above me. "Coo-ee, Mister
Judo Boy. Come and save Bobby from his little sister giving him a beating" the
bitch sang out. "No reply. I think he's out for good, darling brother" she
said. Sitting as high on my chest as she was, I was disgusted that I could see
right up her skirt to her white knickers at her crotch. I couldn't stop
looking, before I realised it, I was staring at her camel's toe with a
shameful fascination. Disgusted with myself, I forced myself to look up at her
face high above me, but that patch of white niggled away at the side of my
vision. It was like how a rough tooth or broken filling worries your tongue,
it keeps returning to it. "Are you looking at my knickers, you dirty boy?" I
looked up shamefaced at being caught. Her face looked down at me with an air
of smug superiority as long golden hair cascaded around her shoulders. It was
bad enough, being beaten by my sister but what me feel worse was the white
blouse, tie, short grey pleated skirt and bare thighs pinning me to the ground
which reminded me that she was just a schoolgirl.

I heard a quiet groan. "Don't think he will save you, Bobby" Jackie told me. I
breathed a sigh of relief as she rose from my chest and disappeared from my
vision. At last, it was all over. "Now what was that about Gymnastics being
silly?" I heard Jackie ask and turned my head to see Judo Boy lying on his
back on the mat, groaning quietly. Jackie stood at the edge of the mat several
feet away from him. Orr my cheek and jaw still ached from her punches. Slowly
I forced myself to my feet. "Come on Jackie, let it go. Let's go home" I was
tired and had enough for one day. If I apologised enough to her on the way
home, offered to do her chores for a fortnight and let her use my games
console, I was sure that she would let the matter drop, but Jackie was having
none of it. "Not until I show you what gymnasts can really do, Boys" she
empathized the last word making it sound like an insult.

Turning her back on the young man, she leant forward and swung her arms back.
From my position at the side, I couldn't help noticing the well developed
swell of her thighs and hams with mounting power. Then suddenly she quite
literally sprang into action, hurling herself backwards; her quads still
quivering with energy as they propelled her to an amazing height. Over she
went, her body looking sleek as it described a perfect arc high above the mat.
FLAP! She came down almost vertically in a handstand facing the floored Judo
Boy who watched in complete bafflement. In the blink of an eye, her arms bent
at the elbows to absorb the shock of the landing before snapping straight as
they pushed her off again. I held my breath as she arced high once more
looking down at the mat. BERLAM! There was a loud meaty kind of hollow thump
as Jackie belly flopped from a great height across Judo Boy's stomach.
"Borph!" he wailed with a sudden explosion of breath. His head and legs shot
up as if hit by a 1000 volts.

Jackie, however, appeared unaffected and scrambled quickly to her feet
giggling like a silly schoolgirl. "Oh poor jelly belly!" she giggled in a soft
childlike voice. I remembered those deep cut abs from the morning and guessed
that they had something to do with it. Walking quickly to the other end of the
mat she stood still with her arms and legs straight with her back to the mat
once more. Raising her arms, she raised herself onto tiptoe causing a large
rugged slab to jut out from each white sock, stretching them so much that a
hard edged cleft was clearly visible in each calve. Her arms swung down as she
bent her knees and then she was off again, her powerful quads quivering in
full definition as they drove her into a whole series of rapid backflips. FLAP
FLAP FLAP she rocketed down the mat like a speeding express train flipping
hands over heels. FLAP! she came down on her feet about four feet away from
Judo Boy with her back to him. The socks stretched to contain her massive
swelling calves as she propelled herself backwards high above the mat. Her
skirt flared around her waist as her hands hit the mat about a foot away.
FLAP! her strong arms sprung her into the air facing down. BERLAM! Another
belly flop, another loud hollow thump. "Aruuuuugh!" a strained groan escaped
Judo Boy's downturned mouth, his face a downcast mask of misery.

With Judo Boy groaning on the mat, my sister jumped upon him and got into a
sitting position on his chest. Her pleats spread out like a large fan around
her waist. Smooth bare thighs stretched out to pin his shoulders under her
calves. I found myself admiring the amount of sturdy creamy skinned leg on
display before I got a grip. "Yeah! Gymnastics rocks!" my sister exclaimed
jubilantly and flexed her arms in victory. Judo Boy's eyes went wide with
shock as big solid biceps grew on this schoolgirl's arms. "Judo is pants!" she
cried in triumph and flexed again. From slim relaxed arms, they expanded
dramatically with big soaring rounded top biceps and thick triceps. The
difference in size between relaxed and flexed was really quite astounding. Her
forearms were also formidable looking, long triangular shapes that sloped to a
tiny wrist were her small hands clenched into fists. The sight filled me with
unease. My little sister was proudly showing off massive muscle that no
teenage girl should have. Loathed as I was to admit but they were much bigger
than my own. Yet at the same time there was something primal and erotic about
a fit strong bodied gymnast in a school uniform flexing in victory over a
pinned Judo expert. "Gymnastics kicks Judo's arse" she crowed. He gawped at
her arms in disbelief with a tent growing at the front of his shorts.

"Come on mister Judo Boy. You wanted to play rough, well you've got it" Jackie
told him in a soft girlish voice. She flung herself upon the guy's chest and
seized his head, wrapping an arm around the back and pulling it tight against
her side with her other hand. Her smooth slim arms thickened and became rugged
as her biceps swelled, the blue vein running along it becoming very
pronounced. "Arngh!" the big guy in the Judo jacket grunted struggling in the
schoolgirl's tight looking headlock. He managed to get his forearm across the
front of her slender neck and tried to press against it while trying to get
some purchase on the ground with his legs. Jackie gritted her teeth in
annoyance and after several attempts shook his arm off, while not letting up
the pressure on his head. Below her short white sleeves, her arms looked
scarily strong for a young girl. Dense peaked muscle dug deep into the older
guy's neck, rippling and swelling with rugged bicep veins and thick corded
forearms. The shoulders of her short sleeved blouse contained large rounded
rocks that strained as she tried to crush his neck with her young arms.

Judo boy started bucking his body, causing the lighter girl to bounce up and
down, almost getting dislodged. Gritting her teeth in concentration, Jackie
clung on to his head and spread her legs upon the mat to form a more stable
base then pushed with her feet so that she could press her weight down on his
upper chest. Unfortunately having her legs open wide for stability while
wearing a short skirt meant exposing white panties stretched over her crotch
which kept attracting my eyes like a black hole. My sister pushed her body
back hard, straining to restrain the bulky lad as he slid around the mat
beneath her. This caused her white blouse to stretch tight across her midriff
and I could actually make out the clearly delineated series of bumps of her

He was bigger and heavier than my sister and was bucking and sliding around
the mat dragging her along for the ride. "Orrrgh!" he groaned with his eyes
screwed tight and face turning red as the little blonde clung on to his neck
overwhelming him with her powerfully built upper body. "Orghh!" he cried again
and no wonder, the short sleeve of her white blouse was taut around a large
rounded shoulder cap below which her young bare bicep bulged densely with raw
power against the side of his head. The mass of her triceps had also flared
into a thick horseshoe which made her young arms look so powerful that they
would surely bust his skull like an eggshell at any moment. "Noooo!" he cried
and began to rock back and forth more violently while slapping in vain against
her stony hard vascular arms.

Jackie lost her grip and both quickly got to their knees, facing the other.
Their chests came together, a large chest with a protruding belly covered in a
gi pressing against a smaller female chest wearing a white blouse and tie.
Their arms grappled as each tried to get a headlock around the other. Despite
the bulk of the older lad, Jackie's strongly shaped upper body with the broad
shoulders and tapering V shape, resisted his efforts to snare her while her
thick rippling arms held him at bay. It was a complete impasse, Judo Boy
unable to budge the arms of the smaller younger girl and I found the tension
had made me very stiff indeed down below.

Suddenly Judo Boy made a double handed grab for Jackie's arm but my sister was
quicker. Moving like lightning she caught his wrist then threw her whole body
backwards flinging her thick strong legs into the air. Hanging off his arm
which was now pulled straight, her big meaty hamstrings slammed into his upper
chest and stomach as her weight pulled him down to the mat. The teenaged brat
immediately pulled his arm between her legs holding the back of hand against
the small joined pyramids that stuck up from the otherwise flat lines of her
blouse in a disturbing fashion. She's getting boobs was the thought that
flashed across my mind before I could stop it. Her sturdy athletic legs, bare
down to her socks and shoes, pressed down across his throat and belly. I was
shocked to realise that she had him in a cross body armbar "Yeah!" she shouted
with glee "This was that move you did on me with my arm, wasn't it?" she
asked, not waiting for a response. "And then you raised your arse like this"
she said. The bottom of her pleated skirt rose a short way from the mat
allowing light to shine through. "Argh! No! No! You'll break my arm. You don't
know what you're doing" he screamed with his face twisted in agony as his arm
was bent back over her raised crotch. "Why don't you stop me and show me
then?" she sneered. "Oh no, you can't because a little schoolgirl is kicking
your fat arse" she chuckled. "Argh! Arghh! No! Please!" he shrieked as my
sister kept lowering and raising her firm rear torturing his arm. Her fresh
face looked excited and her eyes were eager as she tried out this new move.

Suddenly she raised the leg from across his throat which caused his head to
lurch towards her. As quick as a flash, the leg closed again trapping his
chest as well as his locked arm in a thick leggy corridor of steel that
scissored across the top of his chest and back. "Noooo!" he wailed as the big
thick leg close to his face swelled up with devastating power. Oh God, she was
punishing him with the very moves he had used against her. She was such a fast
learner, it was scary. "Oh, Bobby. This is so cool" she chuckled with glee.
SLAM! Holding his arm straight she twisted her hips, slamming Judo Boy's body
into the mat. "Oh I can't wait to try it out on you" she chuckled which made
me feel distinctly unwell. "Urrrhh! Arhkk!" Judo Boy cried out as the quads
crushing his chest swelled as large as melons and looking as hard and shiny as
marble. "Argh! Oh my God, No! Please stop" he shrieked, his face creased up
and red with pain. Cruelly, my brat sister just laughed at him. She was really
letting him have it, torturing his arm by bending it over her crotch and using
her thick strong gymnast's legs to twist his chest this way and that while
crushing relentlessly.

"Argh! No, please stop, please" it was shocking to hear a guy who I thought
was big and tough crying in pain and begging for mercy to a pretty teenage
girl. Jackie ignored his pleas; she could be a right vicious bitch when she
wanted. Her quads stood out in bold relief, an undeniable symbol of fearsome
power, gleaming in the sun. "No, no, oh God no!" he wailed as Jackie's swollen
legs flexed steely hard beneath her short pleated skirt. I was shocked to see
tears welling in the tough guy's eyes. "Please God no more Arghhh!" he wailed
pathetically as she gave him a brutal burst of devastating leggy girl power
that had her quads quivering and looking shredded while his face turned purple
as it twisted up in agony and his mouth hung open in a silent scream. The
image of such utter conquest had my dick stiffening uncontrollably in my pants
as I watched. After several long moments, my sister finally relaxed her legs
and lowered her backside to the mat. She released him then got up looking down
in contempt at the big young man sobbing quietly on the mat.

"I told you. Judo is crap. Gymnastics rocks" she crowed then turned to stare
at me. "Doesn't it, Bobby?" she asked. She looked so innocent standing there
in her white blouse, tie, pleated skirt and socks yet there was an edge to her
voice that made me fear the consequences if I disagreed. "Er, y..yes" I

A sly smile spread over her lips and her eyes sparkled mischievously. "I know.
Why I don't give you two boys a little demonstration. Come on watch me" she
said. Judo Boy was still flat out on the mat sobbing. She raised her leg bent
at the knee and the sock covered lower part swung forward to kick his side.
"Watch me or else" she commanded causing him to look up as she moved to the
centre of the mat. "Can you do this, Judo wimp?" she teased. My dick lurched
as she dropped to the mat sliding her legs apart fore and aft into a perfect
front splits. Ohhhh! I've seen her do that many times and it got me every
time. There is something about a girl doing the splits that goes straight to
the groin. "Boys always seem to like that. Probably because they can't do them
without doing themselves a mischief" she addressed Judo Boy with a cheeky
smile. He had stopped crying and was watching her intensely. She folded the
leg trailing behind her at the knee and grabbed her foot with her hand and did
some stretching exercises. This also had the effect of making her biceps
bounce up and down as she stretched her lower leg. She reversed her splits and
did the same with her other leg.

Stretching finished, my flexible sister swung both legs around so that she sat
with them straight in front. With her palms on either side she began to press
down, her arms going taut as they straightened supporting her weight as she
raised herself while remaining in a seated position. "Jeese, look at those
huge lats and those triceps" Judo Boy gasped as Jackie sat several inches off
the ground with both legs straight out in front perfectly steady without
shaking. Her shoulders seemed vast as her thick dense lats sloped dramatically
downwards in a bulging curve from neck to shoulder caps. Arched over like
that, as her arms took the strain, they were absolutely enormous. Her shoulder
caps were huge like bowling balls, pushing up the short sleeves of her blouse
so that I could see the massive hard curves as they merged into stunningly
massive triceps resembling huge pincers pointing down towards her elbow.
Keeping her body perfectly steady, her arms were like carved marble pillars.

Steadily supported by her arms, Jackie's toned athletic legs moved apart
forming a wide forward facing V parallel to the mat. The short pleated skirt
fell back to show off my sister's big legs in all their shapely glory. Each
reminded me of a Hercules air transport, big, sleek and powerful. Thick slabs
of sculpted thigh muscle stood proud sweeping boldly down the outside of her
leg coming to a rounded point close to her knee. The hamstrings swelled deep
and strong looking adding a sexy curve to the backs of her legs. I had to
admit that my sister had the best legs of any girl I knew. "Jeese, how old did
you say she was?" Judo Boy asked me although his eyes were firmly glued on my
sister's fit athletic body. Actually I hadn't told him as I had been too
embarrassed to tell him the age of the young girl who had beaten me so
convincingly. Her fit body and muscular development had given her eye catching
curves and a tight arse that was miles better than much older girls who
thought themselves really hot.

"Phroar!" Judo Body moaned with lust. I moved around to his viewpoint. He was
getting it full on; her wide open legs; her pleated skirt riding up at the
waist to expose her knickers stretched tight outlining her mound. My heart was
racing, my breathing quickened and my face felt warm. It was so blatant yet
gymnasts did this sort of thing all the time. "I bet you can't do this, boys"
she said then cheekily stuck out her tongue at us. In a smooth motion, the
leggy V rose towards her head and stopped at about 45 degrees. Her upper body
strength was amazing as her rippling arms continued to hold her in a raised
seated position. "Huhh huhh huhh" Judo Boy was panting at the sight of my
sister's wide open legs. Her abs pressed like a wide ribbed column against her
blouse which made tight by her swelling upper body. My own breathing was
becoming heavier and faster, my heart racing with anticipation. I knew what
was coming next, I had seen Jackie and others do it before. It was probably
the sexiest move in women's gymnastics and Jackie was an expert.

Not showing the strain on her face, the strong legged V swung to vertical then
swept back even further demonstrating my sister's extreme flexibility. This
move also caused Jackie's crotch to thrust forward, as if presenting her
genitals to us. It was so powerfully erotic, little girls should be banned
from doing it but the effect was always the same. "Orrrrr!" Judo Boy moaned
loud and I felt the same. She might be my sister but she was also a very fit
girl with very shapely legs thrusting her crotch at us. I couldn't help it,
I'm just a boy and that pose was just too much for any red-blooded male.
Female gymnasts who do this move know full well the effect that it has, I've
overheard them call it the instant boner and they were dead right. My dick was
so stiff that it pressed uncomfortably against the inside of my trousers.
"Nnnnnnoorrr!" Judo Boy looked delirious, his eyes wide and his mouth open
gawping at my sister in a manner that made me feel awkward.

Jackie lowered the stiff legged V back to horizontal position before lowering
herself back to the mat. "Like that boys? Then you'll love this" she said with
a cheeky smile. Keeping her legs wide, she placed her hands palms down between
her legs then pressed herself up once more into a raised sitting position with
her legs in a front facing V. "OMG!" Judo Boy gasped as my sister suddenly
lifted one hand from the mat and stretched it out before her. "OMG, she's
doing that one handed" he gasped. I had never seen her do this before and was
equally amazed. My little sister was supporting herself in a raised seated
position with her legs stretched out in a V with just one hand, without a
wobble. I saw the look of concentration on her youthful fresh face as she
maintained her balance for several seconds before returning her hand to the

Pressing down on both arms, Jackie raised her torso and lent forwards over her
arms while her legs came together and folded enabling them to swing under her
body then stretch out behind. Leaning further forward while raising her legs
behind her, she pivoted her whole body on her arms until it was parallel to
the mat. With a sudden mighty surge, her whole body swung into a handstand.
Her head pointing towards the mat while her straight legs pointed skywards.
"!" Judo Boy gasped. Jackie's pleats fell back around her waist
and I marvelled at how thick and well muscled her legs were with incredibly
defined quads for a girl her age. With amazing stability, Jackie raised one
arm and I heard Judo Boy gasp again at the one armed handstand. Returning her
hand to the mat, her legs slowly moved apart. "Orrhhhh God!" Judo Boy moaned.
Orrhhh indeed her smooth athletic legs were so sinuous and sensual as they
moved, it was hard to remember that this was my little sister and she
shouldn't be giving me a raging hard-on. Yet you try telling your dick that
when a girl is in front of you doing the splits while in a handstand,
spreading her big shapely legs wide. The strong effect her body was having on
me was deeply unsettling, yet I couldn't tear my gaze away.

Her legs stretched out on either side horizontally like handlebars with her
upturned body as the steering column. BERDOING! This was an instant boner move
I hadn't seen before and it was an effort not to rub the front of my trousers
and mess my pants. Pincher like cords of muscle ran along the inside of her
bare thighs directing my gaze to her crotch.

"Nnnn nnnn" Judo Boy lost it completely. With the tent at the front of his
shorts twitching wildly, he rushed towards Jackie and to my horror started
running his palms over the tops of her sweeping hamstrings while sticking his
face right in her crotch! "Mmmm mmmm mmmm" the sick bastard was moving his
face doing something that made my sister squeal. Oddly I felt a strong pang of
jealousy. Suddenly Jackie sprang the mantrap and snapped her legs together
around his head. Her quads began to swell and harden as she scissored his face
right into her panties. "Mmmm mmm" he protested, frantically pulling at her
big solid thighs causing her to wobble. "Mmmm mmm!" his muffled cries sounded
more frantic as the muscular mass either side of his head compressed his head
like a car crusher. He was clutching at her thick powerful legs desperately
trying to relieve the pressure, rocking back and forth with his head locked in
female iron. I was overawed by how powerful my little sister's legs were and
how easily she used them to dominate a much older man. It made me feel so weak
realising how much stronger my younger sister was than me and a far better
fighter too. "Mmmm mmm!" Judo Boy's muffled screeches got louder, his
desperate attempts to escape were causing Jackie's handstand to sway
uncontrollably. I saw his legs straighten and push overbalancing my sister.
Down they went together, breaking her scissors.

He recovered first and quickly grabbed the nearest arm and bent it right back
in a cruel armlock that had her crying in pain. He was really pissed and he
forced her to her feet. SLAM! He threw her over his hip holding her arm then
forced her up again. SLAM! He threw her in a cartwheel that lifted her high
off the ground before hurtling to the mat. BLAM! "I'll fix you, cockteaser" he
snarled as he forced her to her feet again only to shoulder throw her. I was
pleased that he had turned the tables and was finally putting my sister in her
place, but the throbbing bulge at the front of his shorts made me worry about
what he would do afterwards.

Jackie lay dazed on her back, her skirt up around her stomach showing off her
belly button and her knickers. "God your sister is a right hottie" Judo Boy
said crouching to one knee by her side. I was disturbed to see that he was
staring hungrily at her camel toe. "You were right about her attitude. She
needs to be put in her place then she'll make me a hot girlfriend" he added,
lifted her weakly struggling body and draping her back across his knee.
"G..girlfriend" I stammered in surprise. A sleazy smile spread across his face
as he took her nearest arm, wrapped it up with his arm and trapped her wrist
beneath his armpit. Jackie gave a grunt of pain as he tensed his arm stressing
her elbow. "Yeah, my hot new girlfriend" he grinned. "But she's only a
teenager, you''re.." I stalled at his baleful glare. "I'm what,
Priest?" he snapped. When I didn't answer he returned his attention to my
sister, placing his elbow on her lower abdomen just below the belly button and
began pressing. "Mmmm!" Jackie moaned softly through a clenched mouth. "Nice
and taut" he murmured then raised his elbow and drove it down. BAM! "Orrrr!" a
wail of hurt escaped her lips. BAM! His elbow hammered again and dug in hard.
"Orrr! Bobby, please!" she cried with actual tears running down her cheek and
her face reddening. The big bully continued to press down with a sadistic look
on his chubby face. Jackie was squealing in agony. "Do you give in?" he asked
twisting his elbow cruelly like working a screw into her lower abdomen.
"Orrrgh yes yes!" she shrieked. Laughing, he flung her face forward onto the
mat then stood over her by her feet with his hands on his hips, preening like
a peacock. "Then suck my dick" he told her. "Glenn!..I er mean Judo Boy.." I
gasped in shock. "Do you want to suck it, Bobby? No? Then shut the feck up" he
snarled as his face snapped towards me, his eyes glaring maliciously.

Out of the corner of my eye, there was a blur of motion as Jackie's leg swept
around in an arc and scythed Judo boy's legs from under him. Her face was red
from crying and her mouth was clenched with angry as she leapt towards him. To
my surprise her body went tumbling head over heels with her skirt billowing as
he stomach threw. She landed on her back and before she knew it, he was upon
her, twisting her arm to force onto her belly. "Judo beats Gymnastics any day"
he smirked as he pulled her pleated skirt back to reveal her compact peach.
"Wot an arse" he moaned and ran his hand over her buttocks then followed the
crease between them to her mound. "No, no, please. Bobby!" Jackie cried as he
began rubbing. Something triggered deep inside me and I surprised myself by
leaping forward to stop him. "Get off my sister!" I cried tugging at his thick
arms and pulling his hand away.

Suddenly a big angry red faced bully is in my face, grabbing my shirt, hauling
me to my feet and bulldozing me backwards to the edge of the mat. "Piss off
home Priest. I'm going to screw her arse off without an audience" he snarled.
SLAM! The world span as he slammed me to the mat. "Arghh!" I scream as he
takes my arm and twists it. "Scram or I'll break your arm" he snarled.
"Arghh!" the bones in my arm felt like they were about to break already.
Through bleary my teary eyes, I saw a familiar short squat figure running up
behind him. Suddenly she tumbled forward into a hand spring then vaulted high
into the air, her supple body arching backwards and twisting as it soars.

Judo Boy looked shocked as thick creamy smooth skinned legs fell down over his
head from behind like a noose and a white sock covered calf clamped shut
across his throat while another folded back to lock it in place. "Orrph!" he
grunted in surprise as Jackie slammed into his back, pulled back his left arm
and locked it in the crook of her arm. Wow! I had never seen that before. My
little sister clung upside down on his back like a backpack holding on to his
arm with her skirt billowing downwards exposing her panties while her strong
legs crushed his head in a tight figure 4 scissors. "Urkk!" his eyes bulged as
her hamstrings swelled compacted the sides of his face between strong solid
mounds that looked stronger than mere cheekbone. Pulling his arm straight,
Jackie threw herself backwards and the tall bully toppled like a falling tree.

For a second, I feared that he would fall on top of her but her body just back
flipped underneath while he got flipped over savagely, his legs describing a
wide arc as he was flung through the air with her legs still tightly clamped
around his head. BERLAM! He landed heavily on his back. "Ohh!" he groaned. On
her belly, Jackie looked up and smiled at me. "That was the Frankensteiner,
Bobby. I saw it on telly the other night. Wasn't it just cool?" her face shone
with a kind of feral excitement that sent shivers down my spine. Oh God! I
couldn't believe that she had just done that. My younger sister displayed
wrestling skills that were well beyond me and she'd picked this stuff up from
the TV! That was too scary to think about yet my dick was still stiff with

Judo Boy looked stunned; I was surprised that she hadn't broken his neck with
that move. "Nobody picks on my big brother except me" Jackie told him sternly.
Her voice made him jump and he looked up, his body tensed to fight off the
next attack but he was too late. "Orrrphh!" his breath left him as the blonde
gymnast's sturdy body flopped upon his chest and stomach facing his feet. In
an instant, her big thick strong legs clamped around his head and straightened
with her white socks locked at the ankles in a classic reverse headscissors.
The big dense muscles of her thighs and hamstrings ballooned chewing up his
jaw and cheeks as they engulfed his head. "Urgh! Dear God!" he wailed, his
voice showing his pain as his hands tugged uselessly at the massive railroad
sleepers pushing inwards on either side of his face. "Gymnasts have very
strong legs, don't they Bobby?" she looked at me with a knowing smile,
reminding me of my humiliating experience with those legs.

"Urghhh!" he groaned loudly as his face turned bright red and he tugged in
desperation at big toned legs that looked immovable as steel. "Even grown men
can't handle a gymnast's legs, as I found out recently" she told me
conversationally ignoring the frantic young man whose squashed up face looked
like it was being put through the mangle. No! Those rumours couldn't be true!
Surely she hadn't beaten up a teacher! It seemed incredulous, yet the sight of
my sister in a schoolgirl uniform with tightly clenching buttocks and shiny
toned bulging legs crushing a young man in a Judo jacket to a whimpering wreck
made it seem possible. How can any men handle legs as strong as those? The
thought was strangely exciting. "Urghhh!" he had given up trying to pull her
legs apart and his hands now just loosely held onto the backs of her taut
curvy swelling legs as they squeezed relentlessly. Jackie raised herself upon
her arms and pushed up onto her toes stretching out her young strong body like
a panther. "Arghh Oh Sweet Jesus!" Judo Boy screamed as her hams bulged so
much that they almost swallowed his head. I winced remembering the shockingly
brutal power of her legs, yet here she was using them to destroy an older lad
who was a martial arts expert. It was humiliating to realise that I would
never stand a chance against my younger sister.

Jackie's buttocks were clenched tight like marble cannon balls, the glutes
striated and rugged in the centre. Her legs were bulging with such massive
muscle and gleaming with muscle tone that they looked invincible and sensual.
"Arghh Please no!" he was now screaming like she is going to crack his skull
and they way they looked; I had no doubt that she could. The top of his head
was barely visible between the massive swelling slabs of sheer muscularity.
"Argh!" Oh my God, she's really going to kill him with those legs. "Er,
Jackie?" I spoke up. "What?" she snapped. "I er think you should stop before
you break his skull and kill him" I tell her nervously. The screams had
stopped and his hands had flopped to the mat yet still her frighteningly
strong legs crushed tight. "Jackie!" I said urgently. "Oh you woose!
Interrupting me while I was enjoying myself" she snapped back. She took a look
over her shoulder then sighed "Oh very well". Her big legs seemed to deflate
as she relaxed and when she opened them, Judo Boy's head fell limply to the
ground. It was a horrible brownish red colour with his eyes closed and a
relaxed expression on his face as though he was asleep.

"You've killed him. You've cracked his skull!" I said in alarm. "Oh don't be a
woose all of your life, Bobby" she snapped and gave his face a hard slap. His
face just snapped to the side but showed no reaction. "Oh bottom!" Jackie
murmured then put her ear to his chest. "Is he alive?" I asked anxiously after
she'd been listening for a few seconds. "Yes of course he is, moron. As if a
girl could kill a man with her legs" she sound exasperated but her legs were
strong and the way they had been bulging with such awesome muscular power, I
had no doubt that she could have put him away for good. "I just knocked him
out! Isn't that so cool?" she was thrilled over what she had done. "Thank God,
come on, we'd better go before someone comes" I told her in relief. Jackie sat
up and brushed herself down, putting her skirt straight. Her face looked up at
me and once more it was the fresh faced youthful face of my kid sister.
"Bobby, Did you really think I killed him?" she asked kindly. "With those legs
of yours, definitely. Think of the trouble you would have gotten into if I
hadn't stopped. Now come on and lets go" I replied. Jackie placed a hand upon
my arm and looked into my eyes with those enchanting blue eyes. "But You would
be the one they would lock away, Bobby. No-one would believe an unarmed
schoolgirl could kill a man with a black belt" she coyly. Shit, the horror hit
me; She was absolutely right. My mouth felt dry and I just wanted to get away
from here before anyone found us and accused me of beating up Judo Boy. There
was no way that he'd admit that he'd been beaten up a little girl. "Come on
will you before he wakes up" I hissed. "Why? I'm not frightened of him" she
said then got up into a crouch partway to standing up but stopped looking at
something. "Wow Bobby! He's still got a hard-on. Did I do that?" she sounded
chuffed then looked at me. "So have you, you naughty big brother" she said
with a wicked smile and I nearly died with embarrassment.

Shamefaced, I watched as Jackie crouched and each hand grabbed one of Glenn's
ankles. "What are you doing?" I hissed in alarm. "I just have to do something.
Watch and learn, brother dear" she replied with a mischievous grin. Tucking an
ankle under each arm, she stood up and dragged him onto his shoulders. She
then stepped one leg around the front of his torso then did the same with the
other, flopping down as she did so into a seated position on the mat. Judo
Boy's body was slumped upside down with his back against her stomach and his
legs flopping over her shoulders as she looked out from between his legs. Her
calves folded, with one locking the other tight around his neck. Then to my
complete disgust she slid a hand up inside his shorts and whipped out his
erect dick! "Jackie!" I hissed with revulsion but she just giggled. I didn't
want to look at another man's dick, but a morbid fascination made me do so. My
brat sister had gripped his ugly shaft firmly inside a closed fist which began
pumping up and down while holding the base with her other hand. "Look it's
getting bigger, Bobby" she exclaimed in a fascinated girlish voice. I didn't
want to look, but I could help myself. "Urrr!" there was a soft groin from her
legs as she gave him a hand job with a steady rhythm. "Jackie!" I was
disgusted but couldn't quite bring myself to look away. I also felt a pang of
jealously and for a moment wished that I was in his place before pushing that
sick thought away. Her pretty face looked at me while she pumped away making
his erection stiffer by the second. She gave me an innocent yet cheeky smile.
"What's wrong Bobby? Do you want me to see to that as well?" she cooed. In
horror I realised that she was staring at the big bulge in my trousers which
was steadily getting sympathetically stiffer. She giggled as I felt my cheeks
burn. "Oh it's alright Bobby it's only natural" she giggled. "Urrr!" Judo Boy
was coming around as Jackie's hand got fast. His dick was really stiff and
swollen. It was revolting yet strangely exciting to watch. "Urr what the
Urkkk!" his muffled words were choked off as Jackie tightened the figure 4
around his neck with her big meaty calf swelling solidly against his throat.
"Nearly there mister Judo wimp. This makes them cum real hard" she taunted. He
just moaned whether through pleasure or pain I couldn't tell. "Did you really
think you were man enough to handle a gymnast in that department?" she
chuckled saucily. "Nnnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn" Oh my God! It just came out
in big white spurts one after another as my sister continued to pump his rod,
milking him dry. "Nnnnnarr" a long final groan and the torrent diminished to a
small trickle then stopped. "There you are. I beat you again" she chirruped
and pushed his legs forwards allowing him to flop to the mat on his belly.

"Urggg!" Judo Boy groaned and raised his head then clamped his evil looking
eyes on me. "I'll get you for this, Priest" he groaned and placed his arms to
push himself up. Ohshitohshitohshit I was panicking as he began to rise like a
big lurking monster rising from the sea bed to beat me up. Suddenly he stopped
at the sight of a pair of thick strong bare girl's legs by his side. I could
see the bravado drain from his face as he visibly froze at the sight of those
skull crackers so close to his eyes. That cost him. I told you that Jackie was
a fast learner when it came to wrestling moves for suddenly she seized his
nearside hand and pulled his arm straight out behind him and secured it with
the crook of her arm while pushing down on his head with her other hand. "Argh
get off you freaky bitch!" Judo Boy cried as she forced him to crouch in front
of her while he tried unsuccessfully to wriggle out beneath her. A look of
anger spread on her face. Raising her hand from the back of his head, she
clenched a fist and hammered it against the top of his shoulder while she held
the arm straight. "Yeeoouch!" he shrieked, the force of the blow visibly
driving his shoulder forward towards the mat. "What did you say?" my sister
hissed through gritted teeth. The big Judo expert was down on one knee with
his face a mask of humiliation while a pretty little blonde schoolgirl
dominated him with an armbar. Were those tears of frustration I could see in
his eyes or he scared of my kid sister? I found the sight very exciting.

"Ouch! Please no, I'm sorry" he yelped as she pressed down with her forearm at
the top of the arm while pulling up with the other hand. "Now answer my
original question" she told him in a calm relaxed voice clearly enjoying his
discomfort. Oh my God! my sister looked so completely dominant, it was really
turning me on. "You will leave Bobby alone. Understood?" she asked slowly and
deliberately making Judo Boy writhe in agony. "Arghh. Yes, yes, please let go
before you break it" he pleaded. But the brat was enjoying making him suffer.
"Just look at you, big tough Judo man humiliated by a little schoolgirl.
Pathetic" she sneered then stressed the armlock again making his feet dance in
pain. He looked ready to burst into tears, I totally shocked. "I'm going to
make you understand what will happen to you if you mess with me or my brother
again, you big wimp" she told him sternly. His face was red and miserable and
shockingly he was blinking tears. God, Jackie was utterly dominating him, in
complete control and it was making me so unbelievably stiff. "You wanted to
get between my legs, so that's where you are going to go" she told him. She
extended her leg in front of his downturned face and flexed. He actually
squeaked in alarm as the muscles on her upper leg bellowed up into an awesome
display of well defined, clearly separated quadriceps just like a medical
textbook. How could any man survive between them? "No, please not the legs,
not the legs please" he was actually whimpering with fear and crying. Jackie
laughed nastily. "Oh very well" she sighed theatrically.

Without warning Jackie kicked her mighty leg forward and forcibly knocked his
feet away. He flopped onto his belly and Jackie leapt onto his back.
Encircling her arms under his armpits, she secured her forearms across the
back of his neck by interlacing her fingers. Cranking her hands forwards, the
teenaged brat applied pressure on Judo Boy's neck driving his face into the
mat. "Argh argh" he squirmed beneath her but she spread out her legs bent at
the knees on either side for stability, her pleated skirt rising as her strong
toned thighs tensed. Her mouth moved close to his ear and I heard her tell him
"This is a full nelson. Get out that sunshine". Suddenly her tongue flashed
out and licked slowly up the side of his ear. "Urrr!" he moaned softly but she
didn't give him time to savour it.

The full nelson became a headlock. Jackie's long blonde tresses tumbled down
the side of her pretty youthful face as she sat in the small of his back, her
grey pleated skirt fanning out as her strong toned bare thighs knelt astride
his bulky body. Leaning over his head, she locked his throat in the crook of
her arm. "Urkk!" he croaked as the sleeve of her white blouse creased and
swelled over her shoulder cap while the horseshoe mass of her triceps bulged
densely. "Urkk!" his eyes creased, his mouth became a tight grimace and his
face turned red as my sister pulled his head up. "Urkk! My back!" Judo Boy
yelped as his gi jacket rose from the mat arching backwards assisted by Jackie
twisting his right arm behind his back while pulling his neck back with her
other arm. "Arghh please" he cried as his spine arched back. "SNAP!" the brat
shouted, making him visibly flinch, and then laughed, she was enjoying

Slamming his head and chest back to the mat, the teen gymnast, looking so
young in her school uniform, seized his arms then pulled them back so that
they were straight with his shoulders. "Argh no more" Judo Boy cried. "Oh yes,
loads more" Jackie chuckled as she spread out her legs on either side and
hooked each arm over the top of her thighs. She completely had him now! His
arms were completely immobilised leaving her hands free to reach forward and
cup his chin with her interlaced fingers. "This is the camel clutch. You're
going to love this" she told him then added "well I am". "Arhgh!" he cried as
she pulled back on his chin raising his head from the floor. The way she
looked down at him with such a smug air of superiority drove me wild. "Oh
Jackie!" I moaned. She looked up at me. "What was that, Bobby?" she asked.
"N-nothing" I mumbled feeling like a perverted idiot. "Let's see how flexible
Judo boys are" she said with a look of amusement. Squatting on the small of
his back, she began to pull his head right back forcing his chest to roll back
from the floor. "N-nnar-nah" he groaned as she continued to pull until he was
rolled back all the way to his belly button. "Arghk!" he groaned loudly in
agony. "Ah, you can do better than that" she said in a condescending voice.

Jackie leant right back with her arms straight but slowly they began to fold,
her slim vascular arms swelling and rippling with strength as they forced his
head even further back. She went on to her toes, her white socks slipping down
to her ankles to give a side view of her large shapely calves as she pulled
his chin back so hard I thought she might break his neck. "Nnnno nnnno
please!" he wailed in despair. My sister looked totally calm and collected as
bent his torso completely from the floor as if she were rolling back carpet.
The Judo expert was in absolute tears. "My back, please my back" he wailed.
"Aw diddums. Is the big Judo bully getting his arse whipped by a little
schoolgirl?" Jackie jeered looking completely comfortable with no sign of
exertion. A look of calculated cruelty spread on her face then her biceps
popped into existence, large and bulging as she suddenly pulled with all her
might. At the same time, her thighs swelled as they pushed upwards.
"Yaaaiiii!" it was a terrible spine chilling scream that seemed to go on
forever as my brat sister bent back his spine into a definite U shape before
letting go and letting him flop to the mat. "Oh God, oh God" he was weeping
pathetically on the mat, clutching at his back, clearly in agony. I looked
around panicking; surely someone had heard that terrible scream? But no-one
else was in sight.

"Jesus Jackie, you've broken his back" I was stunned. "Oh stop being a woose,
Bobby" Jackie said. "Please, let's go" I pleaded with her. She just laughed in
my face. "No, Bobby. There is one last thing I want to do to him. I want to
try out something he did to me" she told me. Before I could argue, she had
leapt on Judo Boy's back eliciting a cry of pain and rolling him over as she
slipped a meaty thigh around his waist then rolling him back to do the same
with the other leg. " promised" he wept as the white socks
covering her calves crossed and locked at the ankles. "You were too scared to
face my legs well look what I can do with my arms" she sneered as she caught
his neck in the crook of her arm with a strong vascular triangular forearm
bearing down across his throat while a bicep swelled against the side of his
neck. She locked this off with her other arm which pressed down upon his
forehead. My little sister had Judo boy in a sleeper hold! Oh my God, that
made me so hard. I was frightened of this new deadly skill she was
demonstrating yet somehow it was making my cock throb so hard I wanted to whip
it out and wank one off. Judo Boy didn't make a sound but his hands were
tugging desperately at her arms. With grim determination, Jackie yanked his
head right back, her arms looking deadly strong and powerfully tight. His
hands fell away from her arm. "You showed me this hold, Judo wimp. What are?"
she asked firmly. "Urkkk.'re killing me" he groaned, his face
turning a dark red. "Urkkk. Please..I can't breathe..I won't do it again...I
promise..urkkk" he groaned with increasing difficultly.

"Jackie, please you don't know what you're doing. You're could kill him or
give him brain damage or something" I told her, still awed that she was
pulling off this deadly hold.

A strange cunning smile appeared on her lips. The kind of smile that I knew
meant that she was up to mischief at my expense. "Kiss me Bobby" she said.
"What?" I was stunned. "Show me how sorry you are Bobby for setting this yob
onto me or I'll break his neck ". "U...kkk.." her strong solid arms seemed to
move towards each other into an incredible tight grip. Judo boy really didn't
look good, he looked well out of it, his head was lolling in her incredibly
tight looking arms. "Please you're killing him" I begged. "Phhhhhshhh!" the
air escaped Judo Boy's mouth like a deflating balloon as Jackie bore down with
the figure 4 scissors, pulling in his middle as easy as squashing a paper bag.
His big overweight stomach was scrunched up in her tight scissor hold. "You
better kiss me quick Bobby or I'll crush his belly flat as a pancake and
you'll get the blame" she said. It was gross but I had no choice, I lent
forwards and gave her a little peck on the forehead. "Bobby! What the hell was
that?" She shouted and yanked his trapped head about. It wobbled horribly and
a nasty froth bubbled around his mouth, his eyes looked glazed. "Please
Jackie, you're strangling him too hard" I pleaded. "Then kiss me properly
showing how sorry you are" she demanded then her eyes narrowed "Or do you want
me to do this to you? I must practice this, he went under far too quickly" she
said softly. "Yes I could practice on you to see how long I could make you
suffer before you passed out" she chuckled as my face blanched. I really had
no choice, no matter how gross it was. However the sight of my sister in her
schoolgirl uniform putting out a big judo expert also filled me with a strange
desire. For suddenly, I just took her face in my hands and kissed her
passionately on the lips. With horror I felt her tongue slip into my mouth,
the sensations driving me crazy and setting my dick throbbing until the sense
of wrongness and shame took control.

I broke off the kiss and looked away in shame. "Oh God, what have I done?" I
kept repeating to myself. "That was very nice Bobby. Now get it out and wank
off in front of me" she commanded. I looked back in profound shock. Judo Boy's
face was a horrible colour, tears streamed from his eyes which were rolling
and his tongue lolled from his open mouth with drool running down it. She
snapped the figure 4 around his middle tight like an over tightened belt. His
eyes closed, then went into sickening spasms before a serene expression
floated across his face. He was well out of it, my little sister had just
knocked him out. That really was too much on top of everything else; my dick
had been in a state of hard erection ever since her instant hardon move and my
balls felt full to bursting. With tears of shame running down my cheeks, I
hurriedly unzipped my trousers and tried to whip out my dick. However it was
so hard that I had to unbelt my trousers to get it out in a blind panic before
I creamed myself. Then it was in my hand and I was pumping away with my hand
like crazy, but not for long. "Nnnnn nnnnn nnnnnnnn" it shot out in strong
hard bursts. My ejections were so strong that Jackie shrieked and moved out of
range quickly letting her prey slump limply to the mat.

I had come so hard that it hurt my balls. Completely drained and exhausted it
suddenly dawned on me what I had just done. But before I could say a word, the
little blonde monster cartwheeled to her feet. "Before we go home. I need to
explain it to you, Bobby. Explain why setting that creep onto me is bad for
your health" she said, her big muscular quads quivered as she began to stride
towards me with a look of fierce determination. I was out of those gates
before I knew it. If the sports master had seen me, he would have me on the
track squad instantly. I never knew that I could run so fast. In horror I
realised that I was running down the street with my limp dick flapping around
outside my trousers. I had to stop for a second to tuck it back in and do it
up without catching myself while nervously glancing back in case a short squat
figure appeared in the disance. There was no sign of her but I was taking no
chances, I ran back home as far as I could before I nearly collapsed with a
stitch in my side and was forced to walk the rest of the way.

Jackie didn't a word when she arrived home a good twenty minutes behind me.
She just gave me a chilling look then ignored me for the rest of the evening.
I was a nervous wreck not knowing what she was planning, but I knew it was
only a question of time before she took her revenge upon me.
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:16:11 am
Jackie's Revenge
By Jimp
(c) JIM P 2012
Jackie punishes her older brother while her friends take care of his friends

Having finished with my morning clean and brush up, I opened the bathroom door
to find my blocked by a sight that sent chills down my spine. Jackie blocked
my way with her hands behind her back and a hard look on her face. She didn't
say a word but just stood there glaring at me as she had been doing for the
last few days.

She wore a very short red sleeveless halter that showed off her toned sculpted
midriff and her slender yet rippling arms. Her shoulders were pushed back and
her chest expanded to make herself look bigger. Unfortunately it also
stretched her top so that it clung tightly to her small developing breasts and
jutting nipples. That make me very uncomfortably aware that she wasn't wearing
a bra and I tried not to stare. After all she is my little sister and I was a
growing young man with developing hormones. So tensed was her upper body that
it made my little sister look ripped and muscular. The sight of thick corded
muscle in her shoulders and arms made me nervous. Her normally slim neck had
all but disappeared into her thick traps with two thick cords running down her
throat to the hollow at the base of her throat. Either side her traps were
thick triangles sloping across wide shoulders to striated shoulder caps. Even
the top of her chest had little ridges running across. It just wasn't fair
that a girl so young had so much more muscle than me. In any other girl I
might have found it quite sexy but in my younger sister it was disturbing and
made me feel weird.

Where had she learnt that pose? It made her upper body look really wide and
ripped. Beneath the halter, her stomach was a deeply cut wall of living muscle
that moved slowly in and out as she breathed. She didn't say a word but just
blocked my way and glared at me as if challenging me to try and move her out
of the way. I didn't want to touch that body. It made me feel nervous and, to
be honest, inadequate. Two years younger than me, Jackie is a competitive
gymnast always working out whereas I'm not athletic at all. Although she was
only 5'1", 7 inches shorter than me, her body was broad and packed with well
developed mass. She seemed like a ferocious pit bull terrier blocking my way.
Jackie was not slim or a size zero like other girls her age aspired to but
short and built like a brick outhouse.

I tried to put on some bluster. "Out of my way you little brat, I haven't got
all day" I said trying to push past her. It was like walking into a brick
wall; my body pressed against her but she didn't move. BAM! Suddenly her hand
was on my chest slamming my back up against the door frame. She looked up into
my eyes and just said two words but they were enough "Make me". She spoke in a
soft breathy voice that sent goose pimples up my spine. One hand held me in
place; that's all it took. I could feel the strength of her arm flowing
through her hand as she pinned me against the door frame. I tried not to look
at the prominent blue bicep vein and the taut latent muscle.

Long golden hair framed a small heart shaped face with a cute slender nose and
a small mouth. Her deep blue eyes bore into me making me uncomfortable. There
was no doubt that Jackie was quite pretty. In fact it felt odd walking with
her down the street on the way to and from school and noticing grown men
driving past in their cars, turn their heads to stare at her. Strangely that
made me feel protective because she was my younger sister yet at the same time
jealous because women never looked at me like that.

The short blonde block of vaguely girl shaped mass glared at me as she held me
in place. "Please Jackie, I keep telling you. I had nothing to do with Judo
Boy attacking you" I hated the way my voice sounded whiney and pleading. The
memories of how my little sister had completely destroyed a much older young
man who was a black belt in Judo [JACKIE#3] still gave me nightmares. Those
dreams had another embarrassing side effect that shamed me as I recalled the
unstoppable power of a girl in school uniform totally dominating the much
larger Judo expert. I hoped and prayed to God that Mum hadn't noticed the
stains on the sheets. "Don't lie to me Bobby, I know that you are lying" she
told me sternly.

I could look her in the eye, so I lowered my gaze to her wide square midriff.
She flexed her abs on purpose. "You can't do that, can you, Bobby jelly belly"
she teased. Wow her abs were amazing, six thick irregular shaped slabs deeply
etched with oblique's running off at a tangent up her sides and a pair of deep
lines in a wide V at the bottom of her abdomen drawing the eye towards her
skimpy black shorts. I quickly averted my gaze. "Please I'm sorry, Jackie" oh
God I was wimping out to my little sister, but she seemed so tough. "You will
be sorry alright Bobby" she said with menace. She then tensed her arms in
front with the elbows bent so her fists were pointing inwards. Her arms became
a mass of writhing vein like creepers. "Are you scared Bobby?" she asked
sweetly. Yes I was scared, her chest was striated, as were her big shoulder
caps. Her biceps were beginning to swell thickening her upper arms and her abs
were a dense pack of ribbed muscle as she did a 'most muscular' pose. Faced
with so much well defined female muscle, my dick had an unwelcome reaction.

Thankfully Jackie stopped. "You will do all of my chores" she stated. "Do them
yourself" I said in nervous defiance. She didn't answer instead she raised
both arms. Her fists clenched as her forearms bent upwards. A low brawny slab
thickened and swelled along the top of each upper arm, growing steadily
becoming larger and more pronounced. These soon became unmistakably large
rugged biceps with veins running over them making them look even more
intimidating. I looked down at my sister frozen with fear at the sight of such
big thick dense biceps counterpointed by large triceps swelling on the
underside and rippling forearms that stood like a triangular shaped mast. Oh
God, she could give some fitness competitors a run for their money! "Come on
then Bobby" she said with a smile. She still looked like a young girl but the
biceps she held up were more powerful than most boys her age. Hell, they were
stronger than most boys, period. She smiled; it was a smile that made me feel
nervous. "Anytime you want, Bobby" she said. Oh God, I felt ill and so weak at
the sight of such big biceps on a little girl's arm. I looked down away from
that sight which was a mistake. Jackie's legs were very thick especially for
her height, very thick because they were solid muscle. Even relaxed it was
obvious that my kid sister had powerful legs with large quads, hamstrings and
calves. They were even more terrifying than her arms and the principal reason
that she destroyed Judo Boy.

Thankfully she lowered those menacing biceps but what she did next was much
worse. She pressed her chest against me and looked up into my eyes. "Remember
this Bobby?" she whispered. Her small mouth pouted with her lips forming an O
shape. The tip of her tongue poked through the middle and began to slowly
circle her mouth over and over again. That aroused the shameful memory of how
my own kid sister had 'enslaved' me after kicking my arse at wrestling, twice
[BOBP#1]. However, I am mesmerised by the sight and can't look away. I feel
the sweat on my brow as my body reacts naturally to the memory; my dick
stiffening rapidly. Oh God no, she can't still be having this effect on me,
it's wrong. But my mouth is dry and I can't seem to force the words out. "Soon
Bobby, soon" she whispered then pulls my cheek. "Cluck cluck" then she turned
and entered the bathroom closing the door behind her. I ran back to my room
with a raging boner that won't go down for the next half an hour.


The tension was palpable but I tried to avoid the little brat for the rest of
the day. That evening my parents had gone out and I was sitting on the carpet
in front of the sofa watching telly. Jackie came into the room wearing a short
black halter with a fringe of white lace at the bottom; she also wore tiny
black shorts and white ankle socks. I pointedly ignored her and continued to
watch the programme. "The bins need putting out" she said. "That's your job,
squirt" I replied. I continued to ignore her as she climbed on to the sofa
behind me assuming that she is going to lounge across it like usual and watch
TV. I'm determined not going to look at her; that is just what she wants.
She's only wearing that outfit so she can intimate me with her fit toned body
but I'm not going to give her the satisfaction. Suddenly small hands grab my
chin and pull the back of my head against her crotch. On either side thick
meaty bare legs stretch out in a wide V shape with little white socks at the
far end and they are closing in. Starting to panic, I tried to pull away but
the brat held me by the roots of my hair as her thick gymnasts' legs closed
like a pair of scissors around my neck.

Really panicking now, my neck and the lower half of the sides of my face were
swallowed up by the warm thick pillars of steel reinforced flesh. Somewhere
out in front of me in the distance I saw the little white socks come together
as she crossed her feet. Ohhhargh! I was determined not to cry out like a
woose but her legs felt absolutely huge as they clamped down upon my neck and
head so hard that my eyes immediately went out of focus. Ohhhargh God! They're
so strong, squeezing so tight and expanding so big that it felt like my head
was being prised off my neck. It felt like I was being swallowed alive by some
monster, some monster that was my kid sister. "Garr!" a groan of misery
escaped my clenched teeth. Grabbing the lower limbs that stretched out tight
against each other in front of my face like railway tracks, I tried to prise
them apart. "Garrgh!" they wouldn't budge but the little bitch lifted and
folded her big meaty thighs almost pulling my head off and stretching my neck
as she brought it closer to her seated body. Then she snapped them back out
straight again in a dizzying painful blast of power. "Argh!" I cried out as a
powerful wave of pain lanced through my head and nearly knocked me out.

"Grrr!" I felt my face heat up and heard the pounding of blood in my ears as I
struggled in vain to free myself from my sister's big bad legs. My hands
clutched at the thighs trying to bust my neck and skull with python like
power. "Argh!" I cried as wave after wave of terrible relentless pressure
tried to squash me to pulp. "Arghh!" I groaned in misery as I felt the expanse
of lovely smooth warm skin bulging massively over what felt like huge rocks
but knew with dismay were enormous rock hard muscle. It was no use; the feel
of such powerful legs made me give up hope. My little sister's legs were too
insanely strong. I admitted defeat, there was nothing that I could do except
suffer in agony as she completely dominated me with her fearsome gymnast's
legs. Shamefully the feeling of submission caused my dick to stiffen ramrod

"Nnnnnugh!" I clenched my eyes and gritted my teeth as the thick muscular
thighs swelled up the sides of my face, chewing me up like some terrible
sinuous creature. "Nnnnngh!" I could feel my face burn as the young girls'
legs pressed against my cheeks so painfully that I feared they would shatter
at any moment and crack my jaw apart in the process. "Garrhh!" I was
determined not to cry but the pain was intense. "Arghhh!" the pain was brutal;
it felt like she was going to crack my skull like an eggshell. The massive
bare legs swell so large under my palms that I can barely comprehend their
sheer size. As I grabbed in desperation I swear I could feel every muscle in
her quads bulging and standing out like a mountain ridge. "Arghhh!" Oh God the
pain. My eyes are screwed tight with watery tears pooling beneath the lids as
the stabbing pain lances through my head. Jesus! I can no longer cry out; my
lower face is compressed so tightly that I can't move my jaw. Arghh! My ears!
The slabs of teenage female muscle are pressing my ears painfully into my
skull. Arghh! It's just too much. My body seems to have given up. I don't have
the energy to hold onto her insanely swelling thighs and my hands flop to the
floor. Slowly a grey fugg envelops my mind easing the terrible pain and tuning
out my frantic loud heartbeat pounding in my ears as I begin to float away.


I dreamt that I was crossing a railway track when I stumbled and fell. My head
lay against a steel rail and I could hear a train coming but I couldn't move.
With horror I realised that I was lying between the points and the other rail
was swinging across to trap my head. I tried to raise my head but I couldn't,
my head was trapped between two rails and I was being crushed alive. Suddenly
I awoke in a fevered sweat only to find that it was almost true. I couldn't
move my head as it was wedged at the neck by warm thick flesh coloured columns
that stretch into the distance before me. Large slabs of thick hard calve
muscle lay in the near distance and beyond this little white socks are
crossed. Oh God No! With mounting dread I realise where I am.

Automatically I raised my hands to the legs around my head and that triggered
the squeezing. "No!" I groaned as it began all over again. My head was levered
up as I sensed Jackie press herself up using her arms on the sofa behind me,
stretching out her big legs and raising them onto her toes. "Nooo!" her
hamstrings felt like huge encroaching walls as they swelled and crept up the
sides of my head like quick drying concrete. I felt like a mouse being
swallowed by a snake. "No please!" I felt a wimp for begging to my younger
sister but her large toned legs were clamping hard with an awful irresistible
pressure that bit into my neck and compressed my cheeks and jaw.

In front of me I see her shiny hard calves burst into dense slabs of steel
with beautifully defined thick hard edged diamonds at the lower edge. Close up
they look sensational but Arghh I'm really in no state to appreciate them.
"Arghh!" Oh God no, I slap in vain on her bulging hamstrings which from my
position seem absolutely huge. SLAP SLAP my palm stings as it beats against
hard muscle. "Ouch Ouch Ouch!" the strong legged brat bent back her thighs
slightly then snapped them back out straight over and over. Each move battered
my tightly squashed head in a wave of muscular legged power as her huge hams
pounded against my head. "Smack my legs again and I'll rip off your head!" I
heard Jackie's voice over the hammering of hard swelling muscle against my
burning ears.

"Nnnnnnnnargh!" an anguished wail escaped my tightly compressed mouth as the
gymnast brat finally snapped her legs straight and began to squeeze down with
even stronger pressure. Oh God I don't want to die like this, "Boy killed by
kid sister's legs" I can see the headlines now. I'd die a laughing stock.

"Nnnaarrgh!" I cry as the bulging swelling mass around me presses my ears into
the side of my head and compresses my cheeks and jaw so hard that they ache
badly and make my teeth hurt. My blood pounds loudly in my ears as she tries
to push them deep inside my head. Orrrrrr! The pressure is terrible, my cheeks
and jaw are pressed so hard that my mouth is forced into a painful pout. I
clench my eyes against the pain, tears welling up under the lids and flowing
down my cheek. Arghh! I want to shriek but my teeth are locked together. Arghh
arghhh this nightmare goes on forever as my brat sister punches wave after
wave of skull breaking muscular assault that chews up my neck and the sides of
my face. Orrrhhhh I can feel her inner thighs like thick steel cables slicing
deep into my neck. My heartbeat throbs at the sides of my neck and I start to
feel faint. Oh God she's going to cut my neck in two orrrrrrr.....


"Arrhgh!" I groaned as I came around. My neck hurt like buggery and my face
felt broken, my cheeks and jaw sore with a throbbing ache in my teeth. "The
bins need putting out, Bobby" I jumped in fright at the voice. Ouch ouch I
quickly turned around and wish I hadn't, each movement sent blinding waves of
pain through my head. My brat sister was lounging on the sofa behind, her
chunky midriff right in front of my face with its moving writhing washboard. I
instantly cower then scrambled to my feet in fright, rushing out to obey.
Every step lanced pure agony in my badly aching head.

For the next few days I sheepishly did all of Jackie's chores at her command.
I was terrified that if I disobeyed that she'd put me between those short
power-packed legs again. My stiff jaw and aching cheeks were a constant
embarrassing reminder of how once more had totally wiped me out. She took
every opportunity to remind me of my humiliation. After school and at weekends
she would wear sleeveless tops to intimidate me with the sight of her well
developed arms. "Clean the rabbit hutch" she would demand; a subtle clasping
of her hands against her chest causing her biceps to thicken was all it took
to have me scampering to obey.

It was so humiliating being frightened of my own kid sister. I was becoming a
bag of nerves every time she was near but the sight of those toned arms or
thick legs had me obeying her every whim. "Go to the shops and get my
gymnastics magazine" she would order. Any thought of dissent was quashed by
Jackie stretching out a short thick leg then making the quads thicken
reminding me of their terrible power. But as the days went by and the physical
pain receded and the nightmares eased, I became more ashamed of my weakness.
This couldn't go on; I couldn't let my little sister bully me. But every time
I tried to stand up to her, refusing to do her chores she would smile and give
me a subtle reminder such as pretending to adjust her hair which would cause
her slim arms to thicken with hard dense cords of muscle. Or she would press
her arm by her side folding the forearm across her belly and tense causing her
triceps to flare into a horseshoe shaped mound on the back of her arm while
her biceps bulged like a small hill at her side. That would be enough to quell
any argument and cause me to shake like a leaf.

I felt sick to the pit of my stomach that I was being bullied by the young
brat. I couldn't tell my parents, they wouldn't understand how a grown boy
could be bullied by a pretty sweet looking little girl like Jackie. It wasn't
even as though she was one of those ugly butch looking girls with short hair
and grossly overweight. As time went on I felt more and more like a real
woose. I even stopped having friends over in case my little sister started
bullying me and embarrassing me in front of them.

"Clean my room" she ordered one day. "No" I mumbled. Jackie just smiled and
rolled up her sleeves then flexed both arms. Gulp, I gawped as her biceps grew
from thick cords along the tops of her arms. Slowly becoming thicker hard
looking small hills that became more defined as the peaks grew taller and
rockier until they looked undeniably big and powerful. The sight of such big
peaked biceps on my sweetly smiling sister made me go weak at the knees. With
my head down in embarrassment I went off to obey hoping that she hadn't
noticed the big boner in my trousers. Not that I could help it. Ever since my
leggy encounter with Lady Helen Windthorpe [JIMP#6] I found myself turned on
by muscular women and women with devastating combat skills. That my younger
sister had a powerfully built body, insane strength and was terribly good at
wrestling just made matters worse. I felt a real sick puppy for getting turned
on by my sister's body.

Things couldn't go on this way and in retrospect I think Jackie knew this. I
only wish I'd recognised the warning signs.


A few days later, I was walking home from school with Jackie. It was quite
warm and so neither of us wore a blazer. My sister was wearing a white short
sleeved blouse which showed off her lean looking arms and which was buttoned
smartly all the way to the neck. The school tie hung around her neck, dark
blue with wide diagonal blue and black stripes, with the knot neat and tidy
sitting between the collar and covering the top button. From her broad hips
hung a short grey pleated skirt under which she had bare legs that ended with
knee length white socks and black low heeled shoes. I just looked like a slob
as usual with the top couple of buttons of my shirt undone, the shirt tails
hanging out of my trousers on one side and my tie in my pocket. My mates Chris
Moye and Superrod Johnson were also with us and similar dressed. We had just
reached the entrance to the park when Jackie insisted that we went across the
playground and through the playing fields. "Why?" I asked suspiciously. "It's
longer that way" but she had already turned to go through the big iron gates
in the old Victorian walls with my mates following at her heels. With
discomfort I noticed that they were eagerly eyeing up my sister's backside and
the back of her thick solid looking legs. That skirt really was too short; I'd
wish she'd wear something decent.

"Oh look there's Ling and Mary. You like Mary don't you Bobby?" Jackie said
chirpily. Nearly all the boys liked Mary. She had the body of an extremely
tall full bodied young woman but the youthful features of the young teenager
that she was. She was well over 6 feet tall with a breathtaking hourglass
figure and gorgeous dusky looks which hinted at Mediterranean ancestry. Her
face was narrow and oval in shape, uncluttered with sultry dark brown eyes
surrounded by thick lashes. Her nose was slender with sleek nostrils above a
medium sized mouth with plump red lips. Mary's perfect buxom figure was in
proportion with her extraordinary height which meant that instead of tall and
skinny like a beanpole, her body was actually rather large and thick. However,
you didn't really notice this unless you were close up because everything was
in perfect proportion. Amongst other things, this meant that her legs were
sensationally long and shapely, and her bust large and thrusting.

Chris and Superrod jostled each other as they hurried through the gate to get
a glimpse of the stunning long haired brunette. With growing excitement I saw
that not only was Mary wearing a very short pleated skirt which seemed to be
all the rage with the girls at school, driving us boys to distraction with the
amount of leg on show, but she was also wearing sheer black stockings and
suspenders. Wow! My groin stirred with excitement. Long legged beautiful Mary
was wearing stocking and suspenders, oh God what a sexy sight. At the best of
times she had me tongue tied but showing off those sensational long legs in
stockings would strike me dumb. However as I got closer I realised that they
were just sheer black nylon tights that had been printed subtly with the image
of dark stocking tops and suspenders belts running over a lighter patch that
created the illusion. Not that this lessened the impact, her legs were show
stopping and the amount on show was drool inducing.

Mary sat on an old fashioned roundabout which had a high wide wooden circular
bench all the way around it with raised iron handrails running radially for
the kids to cling onto as it spun. "Watcha Mary" I said self-consciously,
feeling pleased with myself for managing to anything comprehensible out of my
mouth. But a stone plunged into my heart when she totally ignored me as
Superrod butted in and started to chat her up.

You know what's it like when your best mate is able to chat up any girl that
he sees? Even a complete stranger walking down the street and yet you're all
tongue tied and don't know what to say or where to begin. And you know how all
the good looking girls smile at him yet they don't pay you a blind bit of
attention. Well it's like that with Superrod and it's not as though he's even
good looking but a spotty oik with bad skin complexion. Mary was looking up
demurely and smiled as Superrod's irritating smooch lines continued. Shit, how
can girls fall for such annoying crap like that? A leg that seemed to go on
for miles bent at the knee as she brought her foot up to the running board
that skirted the roundabout. The stocking and suspenders effect was
mesmerising and her legs amazing but I was crestfallen that Superrod was
hogging all of her attention.

There was a tap on my shoulder. "Watcha Bobby" a girlish voice with a strong
Chinese accent said. I turned around to see Ling Chan. Three years younger
than me, she is tiny and petite, barely 5 foot if that; she looks more like
4'6". Ling is actually quite cute with a small rounded face, a cute button
nose, high cheeks and a luscious wide full lipped mouth. Enchanting lovely
slender almond shaped eyes with dark brown irises and thick lashes stared out
below slender eyebrows. Her normally black hair was dyed auburn and flowed
from high upon her forehead; over her ears curling around her cheeks and fell
below her shoulders.

Ling was also in school uniform with an exceptionally short grey pleated skirt
which showed off her bare legs which although short were actually very
pleasant to look at. As Ling turned to say hello to Chris, my eyes were drawn
to the back of her legs and caught a glimpse of the tip of white knickers.
Jeese the skirts on these girls just got shorter and shorter. Some girls like
Mary could carry it off and I had to admit Ling had good legs too. She looked
back over her shoulder with wide excited eyes and a cheery smile. For a second
my face began to flush thinking that she had caught me looking at her legs and
small compact backside. "Hi, Jackie; Everything OK?" she asked chirpily. "Yes
fine" my sister replied from my side. Ling turned her attention back to Chris,
who seemed enchanted by the little Chinese girl.

"Come on Bobby, I want to show you something" Jackie told me sliding her arm
around mine and leading me away. I didn't really want to go with her but I
didn't want her to show me up in front of Mary or my mates. "See you later,
Bobby" Ling chirped. "Look at this Bobby" my sister said looking up at the
tall scaffolding that had been erected around the high clock tower. "Yeah,
they're restoring the old brickwork and roofing" I replied without enthusiasm.
I looked longingly back at Mary deep in conversation with Supperod and Ling
chatting animatedly with Chris. A sudden clang drew my attention and I was
shocked to see that Jackie had jumped up and caught hold of a long metal pole
that was part of the scaffolding about 7 feet off the ground. "Jackie, what
are you doing?" I exclaimed with concern as she began to pull herself up to
the bar with her lean firm arms. The workmen had only put up the metal
framework and hadn't yet laid any wooden walkways between the metal poles or
ladders. My brat sister looked down at me as she lifted her body towards the
bar. "Don't be such a woose, Bobby. Anyway you'll be there to catch me if I
fall" she said with a smile.

Her slender arms became taut and thickened as Jackie hauled herself up until
her stomach was level with the cross-beam. My heart leapt into my mouth as the
pole bounced up and down as super-brat began to swing her legs back and forth
in straight legged unison. I could see right up her skirt to her white
knickers but I couldn't look away in case she got into difficulty. Building up
momentum with her pleated skirt billowing around the top of her thighs, all of
a sudden her short but thick body spun completely around the bar on extended
arms then let go as she reached the top. CLANG! Jeese I hadn't realised that I
had been holding my breath until Jackie landed on top of the metal pole,
standing with her legs spread wide to keep her balance. But the silly little
brat didn't stop there, as if doing an asymmetric bar exercise, my lithe
little sister swung fluidly from one horizontal pole to another working her
way higher up the scaffolding towards the top. The metal beams bounced
alarmingly as she swung beneath them but even worse was the way they seemed to
jump when she landed heavily on them. "Jackie. Please come down. It's not a
climbing frame. It's dangerous" I shouted. "Wimp" I heard softly flutter down
from high.

"Look at me, Bobby" she cried in her girly voice upon reaching a very small
square of scaffolding the very top. It didn't look very safe up there but to
my horror the nimble brat flipped herself upside down into a handstand.
"Jackie, No!" I cried. Her arms looked taut and hard as they supported her
rock steady as she held her body in a slightly curved C shape with her legs
held together. Her pleated skirt had fallen down around her waist and I could
the lines of her thick strong legs and muscular calves contrasted against the
sky. "This is so cool, Bobby. I can see our house" she shouted down. "Please
come down, Jackie" I pleaded knowing that if she fell that I would get the
blame. Her supple body bent further backwards with her legs bending right over
her head arching towards the metal pole forming a tight inverted U shape at
least a good 40 foot or more up some rickety scaffolding. Her feet made
contact with the narrow bar then she casually flipped upright and straight
into another backbend. "Jesus, Jackie No!" I cried as she bent right back
until her hands met the bar to form a very solid looking bridge. I held my
breath as she flipped herself to her feet as if this were an ordinary beam

To my relief my sister began to swing down, every move done with grace and
precision like the top notch gymnast she was. A peal of girlish laughter made
me look longingly at Mary sharing a joke with Superrod. A stab of jealousy hit
me then so did something else. BLAM! Something slammed into the front of my
body while I was looking over my shoulder. As I stumbled back I was more
concerned with not falling over and looking a prat in front of Mary to notice
something clasp my upper arm and trouser belt. Suddenly instead of falling on
backside I was swinging above the ground. "Come on Bobby, come up here and
take a look" I looked up with dawning dread along my sister's lean taut arms
to my sister's upside down face. God no! I was dangling at the end of her arms
while she swung upside down. What was holding her up? Looking beyond her face,
I found the answer. The blood drained from my face as I saw that she was
dangling backwards from a horizontal scaffolding pole by just the crook of her
knees with her calves bent over the top. Her arms were taut like steel cables
as they strained to hold my weight up.

"Put me down Jackie" I hissed trying not to draw attention of the others. "You
want me to drop you? There's all builder rubbish and horrible muddy puddles
beneath you. Do you want Mary to see you all muddy and stinky" she said. "You
can't hold me up for much longer" I added although the sight of her
impressively built upper body suggested otherwise. Up top, Jackie is built
like an inverted pyramid, not only sloping from broad shoulders to her wide
waist but also from the side view sloping from a deep sturdy chest to her firm
stomach. "Is that a challenge Bobby? Watch this" she said. A sudden lurch on
the bar above made the blood drain from my face as Jackie lifted one leg from
the bar. "Jackie no!" I cried. She was supporting our combined bodyweight with
just one leg. She just sneered with her face set in concentration then thrust
the leg backwards. It sailed way over the bar and I heard a metallic clang as
it made contact with a parallel pole about a foot away. This was a set of
parallel poles about a foot apart that would later support a wooden gangway.
She repeated this with the other leg and I realised that she must have hooked
her feet under the far pole. Suddenly we began moving higher. Through the gap
between the pole I could make out that she was bending her legs and using the
power of her strong legs to pull the backs of her legs over to rest on the

Lifting our combined bodyweight, and I'm no light chicken, the sides of
Jackie's thick meaty thighs ballooned into huge bulging bellows of steely hard
muscle. The memory of those stocky powerhouses around my head made me look
away but smoothly but slowly they hauled us higher. Her grip around my upper
arm felt firm but I worried my belt would give way under the strain. Jackie's
backside rolled over the top of the bar and the upward motion stopped. My
sister's arms began to thicken and swell as she tried to pull me the rest of
the way, her face set in concentration. "You need to lose some weight, Bobby
jelly belly" she grunted through clenched teeth. The biceps in her arms
swelled into small dense hills, the veins running over them becoming more
prominent as they strained to lift me. "Jackie please, let me down" I begged
as I saw her arms trembling under the strain. Her biceps continued to grow
until they seemed as big as grapefruits and were writhing with swollen
prominent veins. I gulped at the fearsome sight on my younger sister's arms
never having seen them so big and ripped. As they strained to pull me up, they
seemed as if somebody had taken a bicycle pump to them and hyper inflated
them. So potently powerful and solid, they resembled big rugged mountain
peaks. The swell of her triceps beneath added to the hugeness of her arms as
well the rippling forearms thick and sloping from elbow to thickly corded
wrist that strained with the effort of holding onto me. They throbbed with
such extreme power while the immense strain showed on my sister's young face
which was turning red under the effort. The contrast between her young pretty
face and the awesome muscle on her arms had my dick absolutely rock hard and
there was nothing I could do to cover my embarrassment. I only hoped that she
was too focussed on the task at hand to notice. "Argh!" Jackie cried "You're
too heavy. Get your leg on the bar. Quick before I drop you" her voice was
strained through clenched teeth. OhShitOhShit She was going to drop me and
from this height it was going to hurt. Trying to remain calm I stretched my
right leg out and after a couple of attempts managed to hook my calf over the
bar. That must have made it easier for Jackie as she then manhandled me the
rest of the way up until I was lying precariously on my back across the
parallel metal bars.

"Jesus Jackie. Don't do something as stupid like that again" I gasped as I lay
still trying to get my racing heart and breathing back to normal. The long
metal poles began to bounce up and down alarmingly. "For God's sake keep
still, Jackie. Stop moving about" I hissed. "Maybe Chris and Superrod can find
a ladder to get us down" I told her. Suddenly my sister's body straddles over
me like a wolf pouncing on its prey, supporting herself on her hands on the
pole either side of my head and her feet on the far pole. She is just a few
inches above me with her face looking down at me, making me feel
claustrophobic. "What's that in your pocket, Bobby? Are you pleased to see
me?" she chirped loudly. "ShutupShutup" I snapped before the others heard, my
face turning red. Oh crap, she had noticed! "Do I turn you on? Do you fancy
your own sister?" she teased. "Shut up, you brat. Of course I don't" I
snapped, feeling bad that her muscular body kept having this effect on me. She
brought her face closer so all I could see where her baby blue eyes. "You're
going to climb all the way up to the top with me or I'm telling Mary that you
fancy me" she said softly with sharp edged menace. "Feck off! I'm staying here
'til they find a ladder" I protested, there was no way that I was going to go
anywhere on this death trap.

"Are you disobeying a direct order, Bobby?" Jackie's voice got sterner. "Feck
off you little loony, I am not climbing anywhere with you" I snapped. With a
disturbing smile, Jackie's face moved away then the arms either side of my
head tensed. Suddenly big blocky calves in little white socks swung overhead
barely an inch above my face until I was looking up at big meaty hamstrings
terrifyingly close to my face. Oh God! My sister was performing a seated hand
raise on a precarious bit of scaffolding while I lay underneath with my face
at the business end. To my relief, the powerful looking hamstrings parted but
then I realised that my vision was filled with her exposed crotch and the
white knickers stretched tightly over it with thick sinuous inner thighs
channelling my gaze. Oh God! It was an 'instant hard-on' move as the girls at
Jackie's gymnastics club called it; A seated hand raise with the legs swung in
front of the body open in a wide almost vertical V; and I was getting it from
extreme close-up. My dick's powerful reaction was only natural; after all I'm
only a boy with rampaging teenage hormones being confronted right in the face
with one of the sexiest moves in female gymnastics. The knowledge that it was
my younger sister performing the move and getting this reaction was deeply
disturbing. "Turned on by female gymnasts are you, Bobby? All boys are; Apart
from the gay ones" my sister's voice said. "Now feel what a gymnasts legs can
really do". Those words had me cringing with fear. The crotch obscuring my
view was coming towards my face and her big strong legs were closing in like a
face hugger. "Please Jackie, not the legs, not the legs, please" I wimped like
a terrified little kid. While my head might have healed from the last
scissoring she had given me, the mental scars hadn't.

"Oh very well" I heard her sighed then suddenly to my astonishment her whole
body dived over my face and disappeared over the edge. WTF? For a moment I had
thought that she'd flung herself off the scaffolding. Suddenly hands grabbed
my feet from below and pulled them through the gap between the parallel poles.
I felt them trapped them under firm arms. "No!" I had barely yelped my protest
when white sock covered calves with black shoes on the end shot up from
beneath my upper arms like a monster rising from the deep. In the blink of an
eye, they closed over my chest then crossed beneath my chin. "Arnnn!" strong
thick thighs squeezed against the sides of my chest while her crossed calves
pushed my head back over the metal pole. At the same time, a strong force
began pulling down on my feet. "Argh!" with horror I realised that she was
beginning to stretch her legs, pushing my upper back over the edge of the pole
while her calves pressed down. I being bent backwards over a metal scaffolding
pole, God knows how many feet above the ground. "Argh! Help!" I cried.

**Superrod's view**

I was trying to pull Mary but it was hard work. Although she kept smiling and
laughing at my jokes, the tall leggy lovely seem distracted and wouldn't
commit to any date I put forward. It was almost as if she wasn't interested
which was impossible. Suddenly I heard Bobby's cry for help and was shocked to
see him bent backwards like a U pin over a bit of scaffolding while a girl in
a schoolgirl uniform was dangling lengthwise from his body beneath the bar. It
was that gymnast babe sister of his, but bloody hell it looked like she was
trying to break his back. Somehow her short stocky body and strong bare legs
gave an immense impression of power. Sighing I got up off the roundabout to go
to his assistance when big Mary got in my way. To my surprise she had her
fists raised as if she wanted a fight. "Don't much about Love" I chuckled and
tried to move past her but she sidestepped to block me with her fists still
up. That's when I realised that because everything was in perfect proportion
to her amazing height, that her fists were disturbingly large. "Don't" was all
she said, staring at me sternly with her lovely dusky face.

"I've got to help him, Love. She'll break his neck like that" I told her and
tried to step around her. BLAM! Big knuckles crushed against my cheeks sending
my face twisting to the side with a stinging bruised feeling. I was stunned.
"Don't call me love. I'm not your love" the tall quiet beauty told me sternly
as I felt my bruised aching cheek. "Arkkk! Help!" Bobby cried. Oh my God! His
babe of a sister looked like she was going to break him in two.

I tried to step around the suddenly belligerent young giantess but the girl
with the hot hour glass figure and long flowing brown hair put a big hand on
my chest and stopped me. "Please Mary, she's really going to hurt him" I told
her. "Stay out it" Mary's warm sensual voice warned. Her lovely face looked
stern as it peered at me over her fists. "Look babe don't mess abo.." BLAM!
BLAM! Big fists smashed into my face like mallets driving in a stake. My head
was jerking around like a spring loaded puppet as the big knuckles clobbered
one cheek then the other blasting my face one then the other leaving stinging
bruising wheals. BERLAM! A sledgehammer hit me right in the side of my cheek
so forcefully that it whipped my face around to the other side of my body,
scrambling my brains. Mary's big fists were delivering devastating strong
punches that were causing a lot of damage and had me punch-drunk in a matter
of moments. This couldn't be happening! BLAM! "Borrph!" I creased in agony as
a big sledgehammer, or that's what it felt like, drove deep into my gut
driving out all my breath. "Don't call me babe" she snapped. Orrrr! I couldn't
believe it, a gorgeous hot bodied ba..girl was beating the crap out of me.

"And I don't like creeps like you keep trying to chat me up" she told me
raising her fists once more as I struggled to breathe. Orrr my gut hurt badly,
I couldn't breathe and my face felt like it had just been put under a steam
hammer. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. Everyone assumed that Mary was
a nice quiet girl, she certainly didn't seem the type to get into a fight let
alone punch the stuffing out of you, yet that was exactly what she was doing.
She looked full of confidence as she loomed over me, her large bust in front
of my eyes. BLAM! Large knuckles bit my right eye and left it watering and
stinging so much that I could barely keep it open. "Don't stare at my tits,
you rude boy" she lectured. Everything was moving around swaying back and
forth, I couldn't understand what was happening.

"Look at you. You can barely stand" the cramp in my stomach was so bad I could
barely raise my face to look up at her. BERLAM! A jackhammer smashed into my
jaw and the world lurched as the ground came up to meet me. "Uh...Uhhh!" I
groaned. My lungs were spasmodic and my jaw ached with the taste of blood in
my mouth. A long calve appeared at the side of my vision. A long calve that
ran up to an incredibly long thigh wearing sheer nylon tights fashioned to
look like stockings. Her other foot was raised resting on the bench of the
roundabout. "Ughhh!" I groaned as another stomach spasm took me. Looking up
from the ground, her legs seemed to go on forever and I could see right up her
very short pleated skirt to the white knickers covering her love nest. Orrr!
It would have been a sexy sight if I hadn't hurt so much. Above her hips her
body pinched to her waist then angled out to a nicely developing bust. "Get
ready to do some grovelling, slave" her voice was firm and commanding. From my
position on the ground she looked like a real giantess, a giantess babe.
"Urrnn!" I groaned shocked at the way things had turned out.

**Chris's view**

I was chatting and laughing with Ling. She really was so cute and enchanting
to talk to. I was surprised that I'd never really noticed her before. Just
then I heard Bobby cry out. Looking around I was stunned to see Jackie
dangling from beneath his body bending him back like an archer pulling a bow
over a bit of scaffolding. I had only taken a step when I bumped into Ling who
just stepped in front of me and blocked my way. "Where you going Chris?" she
said. I loved the way her luscious lips moved when she spoke, they were so
kissable. "Just going to break up those two idiots" I told her. I went to move
but stopped in surprise as the adorable doll-like little Chinese girl lifted
up the hem on either side of her skirt, fanning the pleats out. "Dont'cha
wanna play with these, Chris?" she said. I glanced down at her bare legs. Wow!
Although they were short they were very lean and good looking. Wow! I was torn
between saving my friend or looking at this adorable girl's legs. The better
part of valour won out. "I'll be back in a second, I promise" I told her. BAM!
In a split second Ling's right shoe snapped around in an arc low to the
ground. "Ouch!" I cried as the top of her shoe smashed my shin.

Angry at being kicked I looked up to berate her when to my amazement she stood
there calmly with her small fists raised. "That's too bad, Chris. Now I have
to give you a good beating" she told me. The sight of such a little cute
Chinese girl with her fists up was so odd it made me smile. "What you laughing
at Chris? You think this big joke" she snapped angrily. "Do you forget that
I'm a kickboxing champion?" she added getting really worked up. Oh shit,
actually I had forgotten. "Ling, I'm sorry I..". BLAM! A blur rocketed towards
my mouth and hammered it shut before I could say another word. Ouch that
really hurt! Her small fist packed a solid strong punch that I never expected
from such a tiny girl.

BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Cheek, mouth and chin were blasted as the little Chinese
girl became a leggy tornado of pain. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Face, side of my head
and chest hammered one after the other by her legs. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! Thigh,
gut and temple rocked with devastating rapidity. I'd become a punch bag too
dazed and hammered too fast to do anything. The cute little girl span around
quickly, the pleats of her skirt rising as a lovely leg arced back. BLAM!
Clubbed around the back of my head like a baseball bat my eyes blurred out of
focus then back in time to see the little girl leap onto a bench. Something
whipped up in a blur. BLAM! My jaw exploded in pain and my head snapped back.

The next second white knickers were level with my face as she did the side
splits in the air. KERBLAM! Both legs slammed into the sides of my head like
mallets. I stumbled back in a daze as the little girl whipped forwards high
into the air in a somersault. KERBLAM! Both feet hammered hard against my
chest. "Orrrghh!" I groaned as the stuffing was knocked out me. Ling landed on
her feet and raised her fists. "Chinese girls are small but tough, Chris.
Remember that" she told me. "Orrgh Please stop" I gasped feeling groggy and my
body battered. Ling lifted her arm and flexed it. Low lying taut cords of
muscle appeared. "Jackie's not the only one with muscle" she said proudly.
"These beat white boys pretty bad" she added.

"Please Ling no more" I begged but she didn't listen. BLAM! A blur of white
sock and tanned thigh and her foot was buried deep in my gut hammering out my
breath. BLAM another blur blasted the side of my head with a glimpse of white
knickers tightly moulded to her crotch. She span quickly. BLAM a flesh
coloured streak clubbed me around the head. BLAM! The sole of a foot blasted
right in the middle of my face in a near vertical kick by the little Chinese
schoolgirl. I felt my nose squash and tasted blood in my mouth. Then she was
there right soaring high in the air right in front with both knees swinging
up. BLAM! A knee comes up hard high in the chest. "Orrgh!" I groaned feeling
subdued by a torrent of lightning fast relentless blows. BLAM! A blur whipped
around the side of my head. BLAM! A foot bashed the side of my chest.

I felt Ling grab my shoulders and pull them forwards. BLAM! A small hard knee
ploughed into my flattened gut. "....!" I had barely begun to slump forward.
BLAM! Her foot exploded right in my face and I was on my way down. But she was
so fast she blasted another kick into my face. BLAM! I never remembered
hitting the ground.


Argh! My back was in so much blooming agony that I barely remembered how
Jackie lowered me to the ground. Just a vague recollection of bulging biceps
on a sweetly smiling childish face framed with long blonde hair as she hung
from a horizontal scaffolding bar and a vague memory of my palms running over
thick solid sculpted quads clamped tight around my chest. Then being dropped
and ending up face first on the grass with my back and spine ablaze with
agony. THUMP! Super-brat gracefully dismounted close by. "That will teach you
that when I tell you to do something Bobby you will do as I say and not argue"
Bitch! I thought but was too afraid to voice it.

She stepped to my side and I tried to scrabble to my hands and knees in order
to get up but a shoe shoved against my side and pushed me over onto my back.
"I see your friends weren't there to help you, Bobby jelly belly" Jackie said
looking down at me then put a foot on my stomach in victory. "Orrr get off,
brat" I groaned as I pushed her foot away. I tried not to look up at her thick
strong legs and short skirt. However she was right, where were those bastards
when I needed them? I squirmed as Jackie placed a shoe on the side of my mouth
and rubbed it roughly from side to side. "Cootchie coo" she cooed. "Oh there
they are" she chirped then pushed my face to the left. Looking across the
playground I was shocked to see Chris at the feet of the tiny Chinese
schoolgirl looking dazed and battered. A sour taste filled my mouth as I
realised that Ling had unleashed her kickboxing on him. I recalled how the
little girl twice destroyed Kevin, a much older boy and school bully [BOBP#2].
"Poor Bobby no-mates. No-one to save him from his little sister" the bitch
sister from hell taunted.

Where was Superrod? I knew exactly where the bastard was, getting his end away
with the lovely Mary I thought angrily. "Looking for the other one are you
Bobby? He's over there by the roundabout smooching with Mary" my pretty blonde
bitch sister taunted. That's when I saw tall Mary standing by the roundabout
with all her magnificent in and out bits; and legs that seem to go on forever.
From this distance her tights looked like real stockings and suspenders and
that made me forget my aching back. One foot was raised on the roundabout
showing those hot legs off to the max but where was Superrod? That's when I
saw something grovelling at her feet. With dawning horror I realised it was
Superrod! His face was bruised and he was sporting a bloody mouth. I felt a
yawning in the pit of my stomach. Who had beaten the crap out of him? Surely
lovely sweet Mary hadn't done that? "Mary's taking her self-defence merit
badge at Guides" Jackie chirped. What crap was she on about now? The confident
smug look of superiority on Mary's face suggested that the lovely innocent
looking big girl had actually done the deed. This was all Jackie's fault; she
and Ling were a bad influence on her. Mary saw me looking and put her fingers
to her lips then blew me a kiss. Crap this had been a set up so Jackie could
humiliate me again. Except this time my friends were also getting beat up
badly. That made me angry, an anger that seethed and my blood boiled.

I tried to get up but Jackie placed a hand on my head. "No, Bobby it's better
if you stay there or you might get hurt" she said with condescension. I
angrily brushed her hand away and stood up. "You evil little squirt; you set
me up. You've hurt my friends" The words came out in a heated rush. The anger
boiled into an insane need to punish the little bitch. I acted without
thinking and slammed myself against her, trying to capture her in my arms
while pressing against her body in a mad desire to push her backwards across
the field. I had no idea why because I was so angry. The little squirt barely
came up to my chest but to my amazement I found that I could barely get my
arms comfortably around her upper body. The little monster's torso was so wide
and deep. I felt her own arms slip around my middle to hold on as I pushed
against her body but it was like trying to move a lamppost. She was one solid
mass and despite a few initial steps backwards she soon spread her feet and
stood her ground. "Huh huh" I grunted with the effort, trying to push her with
everything I had but she wasn't going anywhere. She smiled sweetly "You can't
push me around, big brother".

Suddenly my feet were sliding backwards over the grass as my sister began to
push back. No, no! I tried digging in my feet and pushing back but the little
blonde schoolgirl just ploughed forwards like a bulldozer. Holding on to her
short stocky body trying in vain to stop her, I sensed her short thick thighs
bulging with sheer power as they drove her ever forwards. I was shocked as the
little blonde bulldozer just kept on going, her thick hard swelling thighs
powering me backwards relentlessly. My bulky little sister just seemed
unstoppable and I sensed her power and tried not to let it turn me on. God no,
aware that Mary and Ling were watching I tried my hardest to resist but the
little bulldozer just kept going.

Finally we came to a sudden halt and to my relief Jackie released me from her
embrace. "Watch this big brother" Jackie said softly. My little sister grabbed
my hand and turned around while pulling my body against her broad hard back.
No, she can't be I thought, as she leveraged my arm over a wide shoulder and I
felt her gymnast's solid arse thrust against my groin but the very next
instant she began to lean forward. Oh my God! I was being thrown over a
schoolgirl's shoulder. The thought had my cock stiffening in an instant as I
tumbled head over heels. KERSLAM! "Ohhhh!" I groaned as my back slammed
against the ground, jarring it again.

I looked up in disbelief and a sense of awe mixed with fear as my little
sister bent over and smiled in my face. There was an uncomfortable tightness
in my groin which I tried to ignore and hoped it would it go away. "I picked
that up from my fight with Judo Boy. I thought I'd try it out on you" she told
me. Oh crap! Jackie placed a shoe lightly on my throat. "Maybe I'll get Judo
Boy to teach me Judo and Ling to teach me kickboxing then I can practice on
you" she said. Oh crap I couldn't face that! Using both hands I shift her foot
away. "I'm your older brother and I forbid you to learn Judo or kickboxing" I
told her. She just laughed which pissed me off.

Getting into a crouch by her legs, I stretched my upper leg behind the backs
of her knees then pushed her over backwards. Leaping to her side I found
myself entangled with a little schoolgirl rolling around the ground trying to
pin her to the ground. Grappling with my little sister, while her squat short
body pressed right against me, was extremely exhilarating. Yes, she had beaten
me before [BOBP#1] but I was determined not to let that happen again. As we
rolled back and forth struggling to control the little brat, the feel of her
broad hard body beneath her white blouse was exciting. I felt her thick bare
legs beneath her billowing pleated skirt rub against me reminding me to avoid
their powerhouse grip. Her legs were deadly strong and I'd do anything to
avoid getting trapped between them. My chest was pressed against her budding
soft bosom as I struggled to control her firm arms. She might be my sister,
but this was the sensation of male and female bodies straining against each
other for supremacy and I wanted to win.

Suddenly my feisty blocky sister managed to roll on top on me and a nylon
blouse pressed my face into something soft like a small pillow. "Mmmmow!" with
acute embarrassment I found my face stuffed into her chest and turned it to
the side so I could breathe. I tried to push her off but she dug her elbows
right into the inside joints of my arms pinning my arms to the grass. Ouch the
pressure of her elbows hurt and made my arms tingle and go numb. I didn't want
anyone to see me with my sister lying on top pressing her chest against the
side of my face. With my feet firmly on the ground I raised my knees and began
bucking my body unseating the little brat in the process.

I quickly rolled the other way onto my front to try and push myself up, but
the little brat leapt onto my back and slammed her palms against the tops of
my arms. "Ouch!" my arms collapsed and her small slim hands snaked beneath my
arms from behind, seized my right arm then began twisting in opposite
directions giving me a Chinese burn. "Ouch bitch!" I cursed pulling one of her
hands away with my left hand before she could do it again. Twisting from side
to side I managed to shake her off but she came back at me from the side
barging into me like a bulldozer tipping me over onto my back. She came in
from my right leaning right over me despite my best efforts to push her back.
God! The little toad was tenacious. BLAM! "Oooooo!" A high pitched squeal left
my lips as she slammed the crook of her right arm right between my legs. SLAP!
Ouch! Her hand slapped my left buttock then snapped tight like a crocodile
clip. "You've got a fat arse Bobby" the bitch sister from hell chuckled. I
never expected anyone to grab hold of my arse and was so taken aback that it
let the kid hook her other arm around the back of my shoulders and clamp a
tight grip on the top of my triceps on the opposite side.

"This is a cradle hold, Bobby, and it's just perfect for little babies like
you" Jackie gloated as she laid her chest across my right side with one arm
hooked beneath my shoulders and the other hooked around the top of one leg.
The hold was strangely intimate especially with one arm pressing right against
my balls. "Woah!" I cried in alarm as she lifted my arse off the ground nearly
leaving my legs dangling as she raised my rear end skywards. "Woah stop it!" I
cried as Jackie raised my arse so high that only the toes of my shoes touched
the ground as my body sloped steeply towards my head. Jackie had a determined
looked in her eyes which I didn't like as she lent right over my elevated
chest and slid the crook of her arm right against the side of my neck.

I began hitting her with my left arm. "Let go, let go" BLAM! The bitch
temporarily let go of my arse and rammed her hooked arm against my balls.
"Oooo!" I squealed as she reached beneath my backside and caught my left hand
then pulled it beneath my butt cheek. "Arghh!" the cradle tightened, mashing
my balls at one end while her bare arm swelled hard against my neck at the
other. I felt my sister's hot breath on the side of my neck as she lent closer
causing the hairs to rise. "We're going to have such fun, Bobby. Well I am at
least" her voice was soft, almost alluring. Think of something else, think how
uncomfortable this is. With an arm pressing against my nadgers this was not
the time to get a stiffy!

The reason for getting so close became horribly apparent as her right hand
detached itself from my buttock and the crook of her arm slid up the back of
my thigh (I'm at a stupid angle remember?) to the inside of my knee. A strain
of pressure and my knee moved over my waist while my calve draped over her
arm. At the same time, an increase in pressure around my neck curled my face
forwards. "Urrrr!" the unnatural position was constricting my chest and
diaphragm as Jackie pull my head and knee closer until her hands touched
whereupon she interlocked the fingers. "Trussed up like a turkey for
Christmas, Bobby" she teased. Her arms seemed to swell against the side of my
neck and under my leg as she tightened the hold. "Don't bother struggling
Bobby. Your puny slob body can't resist my muscles" she told me looking down
at me from only a couple of inches away. It was like being cradled like a baby
by a sadistic sister. "Orrrr!" I groaned as my sister pulled my knee right
back until the top of my thigh touched my belly. The tendons at the back of my
leg were straining but I was determined not to let her see my discomfit.
"Grrrr gerr gerrr!" the top of my thigh pressed against my belly making it
harder to breathe. "Urrgh!" I groaned as her biceps seemed to swell against my
neck as my face got closer to my knee. It was horribly uncomfortable now; my
neck was being strained forward while my own thigh was preventing from fully
inflating my diaphragm and leg tendons felt like tearing. No I wouldn't cry
out and give her the satisfaction.

The brat's face was really close now. "This is cozy. Isn't it big brother?"
with that her tongue flashed out in a long drooling lick up the side of my
face creating a shower of tingles and tactile sensation that stirred me down
below. "That's it Jackie, give him a boner. Let him know that you own him body
and soul" Ling voice's said. I moved my eyes in the direction of her voice and
was shocked to see the little Chinese schoolgirl standing over a floored
Chris. She was slowly rubbing the front of his trousers with her shoe and a
definite bulge was forming there.

"Urrr!" the top of my thigh pressed hard against my gut as Jackie squeezed my
neck and leg until they were barely a foot apart with my calve pointing
skywards like a flagpole. "Arghhh!" the gymnast brat was pulling my knee so
hard that I was arching backwards with my toe barely on the ground. "Urrrk!"
her thick triangular forearm crushed against the outside of my neck while a
firm swelling bicep crushed on the other side.

Suddenly I felt a big meaty calve hook around my foot and swept it away. My
arse crashed to the ground. Too late I realised that the back of my thigh was
resting on top of one of her legs. Like a mousetrap her leg hooked over the
top trapping my upper leg between her thick legs. "Argh!" I was now being bent
forwards in two while Jackie crushed my thigh with her big gymnast's legs. She
had me locked up like a pretzel and I was powerless to stop her. "Arghh!" my
leg was caught in a terrible compression as thick muscular legs crushed my
leg. "Aww isn't this nice cuddling the little baby brother?" Jackie mocked in
a silly voice, her face now only six inches away. I wanted to ignore it but
the pressure was too great, her legs were crushing my thigh like a car crusher
while her arms forced my neck and knee to what seemed like mere inches apart.
"Arghh! Please huh huh Jackie you're huh breaking my leg!" I gasped as the
terrible position made it almost impossible to breathe let alone speak. I
couldn't believe it, I was pleading to my little sister again. The pretty
little gymnast had beaten me again; it was too humiliating to think about.
"Tell me that I'm a better wrestler than you" Jackie said softly from close to
the side of my face. A sudden increase in pressure all around had me
whimpering in pain. My knee seemed right in front of my face, my neck felt
like it was being crushed alive and her powerful thighs were going to break my
thighbone at any second. "Arghh! Huh huh O huhK. You're a better huh wrestler
huh. Please huunnh stop" I whimpered feeling faint and dizzy from the lack of
air. Oh crap I was wimping out to my kid sister again but I wanted the cramped
up sensation to stop and I wanted to breathe.

I sighed with relief as she slackened her arms allowing my leg to drop back to
the ground and my neck to come out of the compressor. "I really love wrestling
you, Bobby" Jackie told me as I panted rapidly. Her arm slid out from between
my legs giving the tormented ligaments some relief. "It makes me feel strong
and so" she paused for thought, "So Corrrrrr!" she said that with such lust
that I was shocked. I was too busy with my eyes shut, breathing heavily and
letting my heartbeat slow down to be able to reply. Jackie leant over from the
right and rested her cheek against my chest and draped her other arm over my
stomach. I thought it was a sign of affection. "I just love being able to my
older brother in any hold I wish and there's nothing you can do about" she

With alarm I realised that she was trying to slide her arm beneath the back of
my neck again. No! I wouldn't her do this. I flung out my right arm and caught
her on the side of her head. Trying again I was dismayed when her little hand
clasped around my wrist in mid-flight and dragged it beneath her left arm and
then locked it with her forearm pressing against my elbow. With my right arm
locked up she continued to slide her arm around the back of my neck then slip
her forearm under left tricep until the fingers clasped those of the arm
draped over my stomach. "Mnnnnn!" her right arm dug into the left side of my
belly while her left pulled on my neck as she applied another form of side
pinning cradle hold. "Is there, Bobby?" she asked. "Argphhh!" I tried to tense
my stomach muscles, what little, I had but the tension in her arms overpowered
them. "What was that Bobby jelly belly?" she chirruped brightly. "Orrrrgh!" I
groaned. She might only be little and look like a sweet little teenager but
her arms were squeezing the air from me. "Orrr!" I groaned as her right arm
thickened and swelled, pressing hard on the left side of my diaphragm. "Look
how weak you are Bobby. I can put you away with just one arm if I want. It's
so funny" she chirped. I looked up into her pretty young unblemished face as
she leant across me. She was so confident about her capabilities to dominate
me that I felt an unhealthy twinge down below. "Arhhh Jackie no more" I
gasped. "Can't b..breathe". "Poor jelly belly. Admit that I'm too strong for
you and I'll consider it" she taunted while smiling sweetly. "You..huh.huh.
you are too strong for me. Arghhh!" I gasped. "What's the magic word jelly
belly?" the blonde brat asked cheerfully. "P..please" I gasped as her upper
arm seemed to bury itself deep in my middle preventing me from drawing air.


I wasn't going to let Mary treat me like this but as I got to my feet I became
uncomfortably aware of how tall she was as she towered over me. "Look babe,
you can't go around...Woah!" before I could stop her, her big hands grabbed
mine and quickly yanked them way above my head forcing me onto my toes. I
couldn't even begin to stop her as she snapped back my hands at the wrist then
began to press down. "Argh!" An overwhelming force had me quickly down on one
knee looking up in pain at the towering sexy schoolgirl. "Argh!" I cried as
she bent back my hands towards my head overcoming any resistance on my part.
"Argh!" I was shocked by her strength as my arms were whipped wide in an
instant pulling my face closer to her impressive forward thrusting bust.

To my amazement the tall girl clutched my throat with a big hand and hauled me
to my feet. "Kk...uhgh!" I croaked trying to gulp past the constriction in my
throat. In panic I grabbed her wrist and tried pulling but her long fingers
just clamped tightly choking off my airways completely. "Imagine my surprise
when I discovered that my body size meant that I was a lot stronger than most
boys" Mary's softly spoken words drifted to my ears over the strange floating
feeling as the blood was cut off from my brain. She was forcing me backwards
but I didn't know or care why. Mary was strangling me with one hand! "I
realised that men weren't the stronger sex and that I could do whatever I
wanted with a boy who annoyed me" something blocky and wooden feeling pressed
against the sides of my legs as she forced me further backwards but her tight
choke meant that I could only look at her lovely face as she wrung the life
out of me. Her face came right up close. "Don't call me babe" she whispered
seductively then kissed me long and full on the lips. Despite chocking to
death, my dick began to get stiff as Mary's luscious lips took mine.

She broke off the kiss and looked at me strangely. "Of course two girls can do
more imaginative things to a boy than one" she said with a smile that reminded
me of a she-wolf. With that she suddenly released my throat from her strong
fingers and I began coughing. BLAM! "Ooooiiiiieee!" I squealed as a wooden
plank slammed upwards into my nads. Groaning in agony I collapsed to the
ground with my eyes creased clutching my balls. I realised that I had been
standing astride the end of a see-saw that had been lowered towards the
ground. "Didn't break anything important did we Superwoose?" a Chinese
accented voice called out from behind and both girls broke into loud mocking


I rolled out onto the grass breathing fast and deep. "You're so weak, Bobby.
However could you expect Mary to see anything in you" she taunted. That hurt,
the little brat watched too much wrestling on TV and was athletic from her
gymnastics but I was still a couple years older than her and a boy. "Come on
Bobby tell Mary and Ling what a big wimp you are. Nice and loud so your
friends can hear" the little brat demanded. She was bullying me and I didn't
like it, it got my gall rising. "Come on. I'm waiting". Oh crap, I couldn't
let my younger sister beat me in front of my friends again, especially not in
front of Mary. A feeling of insane rage exploded inside me and I flung myself
at Jackie. Our bodies collided and I managed to roll her over onto her side.
"I'm going to teach you a lesson, you brat" I cried as I struggled to get on
top of the writhing brat. I got my right arm around the back of her head to
give her a headlock of my own but shockingly found that I couldn't move my
left to complete the lock. Jackie was holding onto it and preventing me moving
it, no matter how I tried.

Rearing up to my knees, I tried to use my greater height and weight to
overpower her but Jackie just pressed back against me, holding me off as she
also got to her knees. Brother and sister faced each other, chest to chest,
arms struggling as each pushed against the other. Pressing hard against what
seemed a totally immovable mass, I managed to get to one foot to try and gain
a height advantage but she pressed back almost pushing me over as she did the
same. Once again, the impression of wrestling a little bulldozer came to mind.
I just couldn't budge her in fact my arms were tiring whereas she seemed able
to go on forever. Suddenly one of Jackie's thick legs lashed out and kicked my
foot away dumping me on my arse. Instantly she was by my side, lying sideways
across my chest trying to push my arms to the ground with shockingly strong
force. I struggled with all my might to control her arms but then suddenly she
pushed herself up onto one leg, her upper body raised over me like a bridge.
WHUMP! Jackie dropped back down driving the point of her elbow into my gut
with the weight of her upper body behind it. "Warooorr!" I groaned as the air
was cruelly driven from my diaphragm.

Taking advantage of my winded condition, Jackie threw herself across my chest
pinning me easily with her short packed mass. The sight of a blonde girl on
top in her school uniform was an embarrassing reminder of her age. The cramps
in my stomach made it easy for the little brat to secure a headlock. "Urgh!"
my throat was wedged under her right arm which folded under my neck and
secured itself by interlocking the fingers with her other hand. "Urkkk!" the
arm became a tight noose around my neck. I clutched at her bare arm not
wanting to believe how firm and hard it was. "Urkk!" I tried to hit her with
my right hand, satisfied by feeling it come in contact with the side of her
head. But Jackie managed to trap my wrist beneath her left arm while still
clutching her other hand. Then she punished me, yanking her upper arm in waves
of battering tightness against the side of my neck, the crook of her arm tight
and her upper arm swelling with power. "Urkk!" my head spun as her hard arm
pressed into my neck. "Kkkkkk!" too tight. "Kkkkkk!" triangular forearms
pulled on the back of my neck pulling me even tighter in her choking embrace.
In desperation I tugged at her arm but it was as solid as a marble.

"Poor Bobby. Completely humiliated by a little schoolgirl" taunted my bitch
sister. In despair, I began to buck my body to try to shake her off but she
just clambered astride my belly and pressed the side of her face against mine.
"Urkkk!" Her grip was steely tight. I could feel my face turn red as she
continued to choke me. "Grkkk!" it felt like her arms were going to crush my
throat. Jesus so tight! Again I clutched at her arm but just couldn't shift
it. My heartbeat was throbbing loudly in my ears and I could only breathe in
painful gulps that I had to work hard at forcing past the tight constriction
around my neck. Oh God no! I could feel a rock hard bicep swell and push its
way into the side of my throat. I knew that I couldn't last out much longer
and was thankful that it couldn't get any worse.


Fecking hell! Nobody mashes my nads especially not a good looking bird. As I
pulled myself together trying to ignore the throbbing ache, I saw that Mary
had her back turned to me chatting casually with Ling as though nothing out of
the ordinary had happened. I got to my knees with the back of her legs barely
an inch from my face. Looking sexy with the sheen of her nylons I suddenly
realised how large her calves were. Although from a distance her legs were
long and shapely keeping in perfect proportion with her height, right up close
it was obvious that they were thick and very firm looking. From relatively
thick ankles the line of her calves swept up in long graceful curves ending
with in long sleek slabs of diamond tipped muscle. That made me very uneasy.

That unease grew as I slowly stood up letting my gaze run up the back of her
ever so long legs and the fake stocking tops, spotting the long thick shape of
strong hamstrings. "Look love" I began as I put my hand on her shoulder. She
whipped around incredibly fast. BLAM! "Oooooooo!" I shrieked in a drawn out
high pitch squeal of agony as her large knee blasted between my legs smashing
my already bruised balls. BLAM! An oversized fist shot up and crunched with
blinding pain into my nose. I was shocked to feel blood flow freely. BAM! My
head jerked as hands chopped into the sides of my neck feeling like they were
trying to slice it off. My body spasmed with my nerve ends tingling and I
found myself falling to the ground unable to believe that this tall schoolgirl
beauty could be so dangerous.

"Orrr!" I felt dazed as something grabbed the top of my hair and pulled my
head up. Magnificent long columns of sexy black nylon passed either side of my
head as it travelled upwards on and one until I felt the folds of her ultra
short pleated skirt against the back of my neck and the softness of her
briefs. The thick long legs closed in and I found myself trapped in a standing
headscissors. "Arggh!" it was like the walls were closing in around my neck. I
never expected such hot legs to be so strong. "Creeps like you have been
hitting on me since I was 11 just because I was a lot taller and bigger than
the girls my age and looked more like 16" Mary's softly spoken voice came from
somewhere high above. "Arghh!" my hands clasped her legs feeling the silky
smoothness of her nylons and shocked by how thick and firm her legs felt
beneath. "I soon found out that I could punch harder than a boy expected and
my legs could be used to defend myself if he pressed his advances on me" she

"Argh!" I screwed up my eyes as the sexy big legs seemed to cut into the side
of my neck and flatten my ears. I remembered thinking Bobby was a wimp when he
was being scissored helpless by his kid sister but I never realised how strong
a girl's legs could be. "A girl doesn't need to be a gymnast to have strong
legs" she said as if reading my mind. "Oooghh!" I groaned as the devastating
pressure went on forever until suddenly the long sexy legs opened and I fell
face first gasping to the ground. I groaned barely able to comprehend what
just happened. Big long legs stepped in front of me but I was too wrecked to
do anything. "Yeah! I've beaten up a boy, Ling" she proclaimed loudly to my
embarrassment. "Well done. You'll soon be a good arse kicker as Jackie and me"
came Ling's terrifying reply.


Ouch! My jaw ached where Ling had kicked me. I lay on the ground feeling
ashamed that a small young girl had kicked my arse in mere seconds. Movement
at the corner of my vision drew my attention. Across the playing field I saw
Bobby flat on his back with Jackie lying on top. A pretty youthful looking
girl with flowing long blonde hair, she was looking down at her older brother
with a smug look of superiority. The short sleeved white blouse showed off
lean firm looking arms. One was bent at the elbow with a thick strong forearm
across Bobby's cheek with the hand clamped over his nose and mouth. Bobby was
trying to fight back, managing to hit his younger sister with his right hand
until she caught it by the wrist. As I watched, she pressed his brother's hand
to the ground with a slight tautness in her arm overcoming any resistance on
his part.

The sheer power of the situation didn't escape me as the pretty girl two years
my junior completely overwhelmed her older brother. She looked a very strong
little girl as she pinned Bobby's hand beneath her knee. The short pleated
grey skirt had ridden up to the top of her thick short bare legs as they
straddled her brother's body. Her well toned thighs looked powerful as did the
large calves she was kneeling on covered with short white socks.

"Mmmffff!" I heard Bobby's muffled cries as she slid an arm beneath the back
of his neck then clamped her hand onto her right bicep to lock it in place. I
was astonished by how thick and strong her right forearm looked as it hugged
the side of his face keeping her hand tightly in place smothering him. They
reminded me of the sort of forearm professional women tennis players had yet
she was just a young teenager! Bobby tried to wriggle his face free of her
suffocating hand but the forearm swelled and rippled with writhing vascularity
as it held her hand firmly in place. "Oh yes, struggle Bobby. I like it when
you try to fight back then I can beat you some more" she taunted. Jackie
looked so strong and dominant as she overpowered her older brother that I felt
my groin tighten. She had subjugated him with ease, like she had the last
time, proving that that hadn't been a fluke. I knew Bobby wasn't the most
physical of guys but I seriously doubted most boys could stand up to the
strong gymnast as she asserted her authority with strong firm arms and a solid
upper body. Until she had kicked his arse in their back garden, I had realised
that girls could beat boys in a fight. Well, I mean the normal ones, not the
ugly butch CHAVs or ones who were skilled in martial arts like Ling. "Well
that's stopped your whining Bobby" she said giving him a verbal beat-down as
well as a physical one making it seem very more exciting.

For his part Bobby wasn't giving in quietly. He kicked his legs and bucked his
body but his blocky little sister rode him like a bucking bronco never
weakening her suffocating grip. Her thick socked covered calves snaked inside
his lower legs and with a surge of muscular power ripped poor Bobby's legs
wide open in an instant into a very strong looking grapevine. Beneath the
pleats of her short skirt, her hamstrings bulged like very solid dense
curvaceous hills along the back of her short legs. They were toned and shiny
looking very fit and very strong. "Mmmm!" Bobby squealed into her hand as her
thighs swelled and expanded with sheer unadulterated power that my cock was
rigid in an instant. While I knew gymnasts trained hard and had athletic
bodies, I never expected that amount of muscle on such a young girl. Relaxed,
Jackie's legs were thick and sturdy looking but as they effortlessly pressed
Bobby's legs wide apart, they looked like those of a stallion and seemed more
than capable of ripping his legs right off or at least snap them in two.
"Mmmm!" her large calves became thick rugged diamond shaped slabs stretching
her white socks as she rendered her older brother utterly helpless.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Bobby protested loudly as Jackie's powerful grapevine pulled her
body tight against his pressing her crotch hard against his stomach. The back
of her short pleated skirt rode up exposing white knickers stretched tightly
over very tight, very hard looking buttocks like bowling balls. Phroar! Her
backside looked so sensational that I just wanted to walk across and run my
hands over them except that I was too scared that she would turn on me and rip
my legs off. "Mmmmm! Mmmm" he protested as she thrust with her pelvis
punishing her brother hard.

Looking calm and in control, Jackie pressed Bobby's neck into the crook of her
left arm while still clamping his nose and mouth with her right. "So helpless
Bobby" she told him looking down into his eyes. "Mmmmm!" Bobby's cry of
protest was muffled. I saw the hard tautness of her right arm and the thick
cords in her forearm; strong powerful forearms that clamped her hand depriving
him of air. No it can't be! But there was no mistake as her left arm swelled
into small hard biceps that dug into Bobby's neck. The hold looked extremely
tight and painful while she looked extremely powerful. Bobby was sweating
profusely while his face turned red.

Her domination of him was so complete that all he could do was limply wave his
arms. I could imagine the feel of such tight intimate contact with a sturdily
built young girl in a school uniform and knew that if it were me that I would
have a raging boner as she took control. I was getting pretty stiff just
watching it! "Is that all you've got Bobby? That's almost nothing" she taunted
him. From the subtle play of the muscles in her arms and the power emanating
from her legs, I knew that she was toying with him. The young girl could have
put him away long before now yet she kept taking him to the brink then pulling
him back. The thought of how dominant she was made me even stiffer and I even
began to envy him, wishing that I was in his place. "Mmmm!" a loud suppressed
cry soon dispelled that wish as a powerful wide forearm pressed down hard
pushing his neck harder against her bulging bicep.

Bobby's arm went limp and in alarm I got to my feet but before I could a take
towards him, Ling stepped in my way. "You should have stayed on the ground,
Chris" the petite Chinese girl said. "It would have been less painful that
way" she added. "Please Ling. Jackie is going to kill him or give him brain
damage or something" I pleaded, too terrified of the cute Oriental kick boxer
to try and barge past. Ling turned slightly to watch Jackie then looked back
at me over her shoulder. With her long auburn dyed hair flowing over her
shoulders, her cute little nose and small pouting thick lipped mouth she was
absolutely gorgeous. However her calculating dark eyed stare made me nervous.
"Do you fancy Jackie?" she asked. I never expected that and didn't know how to
answer, I'd never really thought of it before. She was just my mate's kid
sister who I'd grew up with; his little brat sister that often made a nuisance
of herself and ratted us to Bobby's parents. My eyes fell from that gaze and I
found myself staring at the back of Ling's very short pleated skirt and the
backs of her great looking legs. "Do you fancy me?" she asked more softly
which made me look up in a flush of embarrassment.

I flinched nervously as the small Chinese girl turned to face me then reached
out with her hands. They landed softly palms down at the top of my chest on
either side. Her smile made me nervous as she asked "Do I take your breath
away, Chris?" I was too flummoxed to answer. Her hands moved up to cup my face
as she pressed her body against me, looking up at me with those dark wells of
enchantment that were her eyes. The exotic looking young schoolgirl studied
me, angling her head slightly from one side to another with a bemused look on
her eyes. "Do I make you speechless, Chris?" she asked softly. Lord, I wanted
to kiss her but she scared me and I had good reason.

WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP a barrage of small hammers pounded my gut in a blindingly
fast non-stop pumping motion of her short arms. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP Arghh each
punch in itself wasn't particularly strong but the cumulative effect made my
insides tense and shrink. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP small hard fists slugged my
collapsing middle as if I was a punch bag. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP each punch
landing immediately after the one leaving me no time to catch my breath. WHAP
WHAP WHAP I tried to tense my stomach muscles but it was too little too late.
WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP urrrrgh her steady stream of fast punches seemed to be
getting harder. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP my face getting redder, my diaphragm
flatter. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP I was paralysed unable to move as the cute
Oriental flattened my innards. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP my body was creasing around
my middle under the terrible non-stop barrage. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP face
raised; mouth gasping; unable to breathe. WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP Feel ill,
head spinning, heart pounding in my ears. The terrible onslaught finished and
I collapsed to the ground as though the force of her punches had been the only
thing holding me up. I curled up into a tight ball, rocking back and forth
trying to force my body straight so I could breathe, my mouth open vainly
trying to draw air. A shoe stepped onto my head and I gazed up along white
socks, short but lovely bare legs to an itsy bitsy pleated skirt with white
knickers visible from this angle. Arghhh the cramps took me and I was unable
to look anymore. "Yes, Chris, I know I make you speechless" she said.


I lay on the ground feeling like a truck had just run over me. Nearby I could
hear the sound of rapid thumping but was too wrecked to look. The sound of
approaching footsteps over the grass alerted me to Jackie's return and in a
panic I tried to stand but found that my legs weren't working properly after
that grapevine. I had only got to my knees when Jackie pressed something into
my hands. It was a piece of steel tubing about two feet long and an inch
diameter with the walls about 4mm thick. "I found this over there" she said
nodding towards the scaffolding. "Go on, try to bend it Bobby" she challenged.
"Can't, Too thick" I grumbled, not really interested. "Oh gone on, please try.
It will impress Mary" she said. I tried but soon gave up, making no impact on
the straightness of the bar. With a tut, Jackie took the piece from my hands.

Standing over me in her white short-sleeved school blouse and tie, she looked
like a sweetly smiling young girl as she gripped the tubing at each end
holding it about a foot in front of her chest. Her arms tensed, the forearms
tapering from her slim wrists to very thick near her elbow while her upper
arms swelled as she strained against the bar. There was no way she would be
able to do this, yet I had to admit that her stocky inverted triangular shaped
upper body looked very strong. Still smiling, her forearms thickened with
dense slabs of mass and tendons with thick veins like a network of creepers.
Her biceps thickened into hard hills with prominent veins running up them.
Then it happened, the metal pipe was definitely beginning to bend. Slowly at
first but then gathering momentum giving way as my sister's arms bulged and
swelled. With a rising stiffness in my pants, I watched as the tube in my
little sister's hands was slowly bent into a horseshoe shape. I was
gobsmacked, never realising that her arms were that strong. Yes, I knew she
had biceps which she intimidated me with outside the bathroom but I had never
thought how powerful they actually were. The thought made me feel weird, both
scared of what she could do to me with those arms and strangely excited at the
time with the feminine power she possessed. Strong yet feminine women with
muscle turned me on and I'm afraid my sister was hitting the spot.

Jackie held the bent pipe in front of her chest with the ends pointing towards
the ground in an inverted U shape. This accentuated the pronounced powerful
shape of her upper body as she tried to close the ends of the pipe together
with her elbows sticking out to the sides. Her uncluttered youthful small face
was set in concentration upon broad square shoulders that sloped like an
inverted triangle to her wide waist then sloped back out to her hips. Her
forearms and bulging biceps looked terrifyingly powerful now as she unleashed
strength that I could barely comprehend to force the ends of the metal pipe
together. My cock was thumping against the inside of my trousers. I felt so
sick having a raging hard-on for my little sister but the sheer muscular power
she was demonstrating was a real turn-on for me and had me absolutely solid
and there was nothing I could do about it.

Mission accomplished, the misshapen metal pipe was discarded and her eyes
turned to me with a glint of mischief. I was on my feet frightened at what she
would do next with those strong arms. With a shocking speed, Jackie was upon
me whipping my right arm behind my back in a hammerlock. "Argh!" my left arm
was then locked up in the crook of her arm which she wrapped over my bicep and
then pinned against my body pointing straight towards the ground. Because she
was shorter, I was forced to lean back bending slightly at the knees. "Wow
Bobby that's a stiff one" Ling's voice rang out. OhcrapOhcrapOhcrap she
noticed. I felt Jackie's warm breath on my neck as she peered over my
shoulder. "Yes Bobby. What is that big bulge in your trousers?" she asked
innocently. No! I leant forwards struggling trying to slip my arms free but
Jackie just laughed at my helplessness. "You really do fancy me don't you
Bobby dear?" she asked. "No! Don't be stupid" I protested but I heard the
shame in my voice. Jackie slipped her right arm around my right bicep
mirroring my other arm. She had now hooked both of my arms. "This is a double
chicken wing, Bobby" she informed me. "You are such a puny older brother. Any
girl in my gymnastics class is stronger than you even the under 12s" she
taunted as I struggled in vain to get my arms free. "I'm not using any effort
to hold you, big brother, and yet you can't do anything about it" she sneered.

I felt her take a step back forcing me to lean back further at a steeper
angle. Then her hot breath was on my ear followed by the sensation of a wet
tongue licking around my ear and the side of my neck. The sensation was
driving me wild and I couldn't help my body's reaction. My embarrassing
hard-on just got a lot harder. My shoulder plates were constricted as she
forced both arms closer behind my back then suddenly I realised with shame
that she was now only using one arm to restrain me. "No!" I shrieked in alarm
as her right hand slipped down to the front of my trousers and took a good
feel of my package. "Wow Bobby. Did I do that?" she gasped then giggled
girlishly. "No Jackie please!" I begged as she began to undo my trousers.
"That's it Jackie. Let him know that you own him completely" Ling's voice
said. Oh crap, she was exposing and humiliating me in public! "Jackie, please
no!" I cried with tears of shame running down my cheeks as she unbuckled my
belt and let my trousers slide down around my knees. "I own you Bobby. I own
you completely" her mouth whispered in my ear then her tongue was slurping all
over it then running up and down my neck. The tactile sensations tingled all
over and had my dick throbbing. You think I'm a pervert getting turned on by
my own sister? Well you try having a girl lick away at your neck and ear and
tell me that it doesn't stimulate you no matter who she is. "Please Jackie.
Don't do this. Not in public, please!" I cried in frustration. "Wow! Bobby
those underpants look painfully tight!" Ling giggled.

Showing no mercy like a typical girl, superbrat kicked the backs of my knees
forcing me to the grass then crouched down behind me. A thick smooth skinned
bare leg hooked around from behind and caught the heel of a shoe into the top
on my pants then began to push them down. "Jackie, no, please don't do this" I
begged but the cruel bitch sister from hell didn't listen as she continued to
pull down my pants while the double chicken wing immobilised my arms. "Please
Jackie; I'll do anything you ask. Just stop" I cried. This was the worse
humiliation of my life and I would give anything for it to end. My pants were
stretched right down by her shoe and I could feel a sock covered large hard
calve muscle rub against my erection. The thought of such muscular calves
rubbing my dick only made it worse. The tongue was back, writhing and sliming
me, driving me to distraction. "Please stop" I begged in tears. "I own you
Bobby, all of you. Physically, mentally and SEXUALLY" this last word was
whispered loud in my ear. I was being sexually humiliated by my own sister and
I felt sick to the pit of my stomach. The worst of it was that I couldn't stop
her stimulating me.

On my knees, I was helpless as her hand reached around and closed around my
erection. "Urghh! It feels disgusting" she exclaimed. Weeping I felt my dick
respond to her warm soft touch and grow even harder. Jackie and Ling's giggles
burned my ears but thankfully I couldn't hear Mary laughing and prayed to God
that she wasn't watching this shameful humiliation.


Groaning on my hands and knees in front of a great pair of never-ending legs,
I was shocked when Mary leant over and hauled me to my feet by the front of my
shirt. "Get on there" she ordered sternly indicating the roundabout. I
hesitated but then even more shockingly a big hand seized my throat. "Kkk!
Kkkk!" I croaked as she throttled me while forcing me against the big wooden
skirt around the bottom of the old-style roundabout. "Kkkk!" not only was her
hand large, easily enveloping my neck, but the long fingers were very strong.
It felt like she had just reached in and grabbed my windpipe and was now
throttling it directly. "Get on it" the dusky cool young beauty ordered in a
stern heartless voice. "Kkk....!" her strong fingers shut off my windpipe and
with my head spinning I had no choice but to clamber backwards onto the
nearest cake portion, as some of the parents called it after the wedge shape
game piece each portion resembled.

With relief she released my throat and clambered onto the same piece of cake
lying on her side next to me piercing me with her brown 'come to bed' eyes. A
stunning length of nylon clad thigh swung towards me, bending at the knee and
rubbed a long full calve against my groin. The stocking and suspender effect
was really very sexy and my groin stiffened. "Do you want to feel my legs?"
she purred seductively. "Phroar! Yes please" I responded without thinking.
That big sexy shapely calve was rubbing me hard and I couldn't resist reaching
out and running my palm along her lanky firm thighs still unable to believe
how thick and long they were. To my disappointment the calve moved away but
then my eyes went wide with astonishment as Mary stretched one amazing long
limb towards the sky and the other stretching towards me on the wooden cake
seat. Her short skirt had pulled right back and the sight of her crotch
covered by white knickers had my todger rising. She seductively ran her hands
along the inside of her thighs. Oh God, she really wanted it! "Lay in here.
Taste a bit of paradise" she purred in such a sexy voice that I was there in
an instant.

Laying between her sexy legs, the one that had been pointing skywards
descended and gently lay across my stomach. I ran my hands over the vast
amount of thigh looking so sexy in the faux-stocking nylons. "Oh Mary, you
have great legs" I moaned as I turned my head to face her and tried to lean
forwards to kiss her. WHUMP! "Orrrgh!" her large fist slammed right in the
middle of my chest, her hard knuckles biting deep. "Sssshhhh!" instantly her
large sexy legs turned to steely hard columns crushing the air from my
diaphragm. Oh Lord! I swear that my hand that had been resting on her thigh
moved outwards as her thighs swelled with hard solid muscle just beneath the
surface of her sexy smooth legs. "Urrrgnnn!" I groaned as her big legs crushed
with a fiercely strong force. Although she wasn't athletic like Bobby's
sister, I was shocked that her sexy long legs were inflicting serious damage
on my middle. They were squeezing so hard that it was hard to expand my chest
to breathe. Under my palm, her leg felt like a nylon clad pillar, sexy but
unyielding. Her long arms wrapped around my head and pulled it close to her
lovely face. "Now let's see why they call you Superrod" Mary purred in a
sensuous voice then her long warm wet tongue started flicking all around my
neck and face while her legs crushed the stuffing out of me.

The tall big schoolgirl squeezed me tirelessly while I tugged and pulled at
her arms and legs until I was left panting with shortness of breath and
exhaustion. All the while she tantalised my face and neck not only with her
tongue but also peppering it with kisses from her luscious mouth. "Please,
I...can't..take..any..more" I panted reluctant to admit defeat to this beauty.
She kissed me full on the lips, the type of long drawn out kiss that I always
fantasised doing with her except with her legs relentlessly crushing my gut
the kiss was suffocating me. "Mmmm!" although the sensations were extremely
pleasant and my erection pressed painfully against the inside of my trousers,
I becoming very light headed and felt drained. The beautiful young schoolgirl
was zapping all of my energy. "Arghhh!" I groaned as she at long last broke
off this kiss leaving my head spinning. A hand felt the front of my trousers.
"So that's why they call you Superrod. Well you better keep that thing away
from me or you'll become Broken Rod" her voice purred.

For a brief moment the pressure around my middle eased as Mary twisted her
legs so that the crook of the upper leg was positioned in the middle of my
belly. It was like a nylon clad leggy pyramid with the knee at the top, a long
calve on one side and a long thigh on the other. "Mmmmgh!" I groaned as her
legs tightened, the upper leg flattening a deep groove in my belly. "Superrod"
she chuckled. "Superwimp more like". Again she began to tease with her tongue
and mouth on my face and neck while her legs tried to scissor me in two.
"Arghh!" I tried to push away the leg guillotining my middle but it was like a
steel bar buried tight in my gut. "Superwimp meet the wimpkiller" she
whispered in my ear then kissed and licked me, driving me wild with sensual
torture while my strength was being drained. Her kisses became suffocating but
the probing tongue was too much. "Nnnn nnnnnn" I messed myself. "Urghh! Dirty
boy". "Arghhhh!" I cried as she poured a fresh wave of additional power by
raising herself up on her hands and pouring the strength through her legs.
"Argghh!" I couldn't believe that a young girl who looked like a beauty queen
could squeeze so hard with her legs. My head started spinning, the world
turning grey.


I was on my hands and knees as my younger sister crouched behind me with one
hand on my dick. Her right hand was stroking my dick while her left arm
clamped across the top of my left arm and chest securing itself on my right
shoulder to prevent me from escaping. "You've only brought this on yourself"
Jackie told me earnestly. "Please Jackie no, this is sick this is wrong" my
pleas fell on deaf ears. I tried to crawl away but her left arm restrained me,
the forearm rugged and strong just below my face. "Oh look how hard you're
getting 'big' brother" she teased. Her hand was really pumping, my dick
responding the only way it knew how. It felt absolute huge and pumped up.
"Please you are my sister. This is wrong" I begged again. "Oh Bobby. You see
all the nice things I can do for you if you're good" she told me.

In desperation I kicked back and managed to get her thigh. "Ow! You bastard!"
she snarled. The unexpected kick made her left arm lose hold of me but she
caught my ankle before I could get away. She pulled back my ankle so roughly
that I probably would have fallen on my face if she hadn't whipped her left
arm under my belly to support me. I felt the top of my thigh pulled over
something firm and I glanced back to see that she had her right leg bent at
the knee out at 90 degrees to the line of my body with my right leg hooked
over it. She wrapped her right arm around it to keep me in place while her
left hand snuck to my dick and resumed the humiliating hand job. Oh crap I
could feel the pressure building up, I was going to squirt soon and there was
nothing that I could to prevent it. "That's it Bobby cum for little sister"
the words were disgusting from my little sister's mouth but at the rate she
was masturbating me it would come true at any second. No, no, no. I tried to
kick my right leg free but Jackie held it firmly in place on top of her thigh.
"Ooh! You're leaking. Bobby!" she exclaimed in wonder and my face burnt with

At that critical moment a wild desperate idea came to me. Pushing for all my
worth on my arms, I kicked up with my left leg. THUD! There was a satisfying
contact with something firm and body-like. "Ooooo!" Jackie squealed as I fell
on my face as she let go off my leg in the moment of anguish. I tried to
scramble away and had barely got to my feet when a blocky feline slab of anger
collided with me. "You pig!" BLAM a small fist smashed into my face with such
shocking force that I felt my jaw yank to one side and the next moment hit the
ground. Absolutely terrified, I tried to get away on hands and knees but the
raging inferno in the white blouse and pleated skirt leapt upon my back.
"Pig!" BLAM! Her hard fist hammered the back of my neck driving me to my
belly. My sister fell across my back, hooked her arms around mine and pulled
them behind my back and forced me to roll onto my back.

A furious looking Jackie leapt astride my stomach and slammed my arms to the
ground either of my head. No mucking about just SLAM! And my arms were pinned
by a shocking overwhelming wave of girl strength. The little angry girl jumped
forward pinning my arms with her knees then drew back her fist. "No Jackie,
P...". BLAM! Her fist blasted my mouth rattling my teeth and making my jaw
ache. "You blooming pig!" she was really pissed. "Jack..kuuugh!" She shut me
up by her small hand seizing the front of my throat, her strong small fingers
gripping as hard as pincers. She drew back her fist again. BLAM! The brute
force of her small fist terrified me as it fell with crushing force, leaving
my head whirling seeing stars and my jaw and teeth badly aching.

She rose into a crouch leaning over me and drew back her fist. BLAM!
"Borrrrph!" a small hard fist drilled with frightening power hollowing my
stomach right through to the backbone or that's what it felt like. ".....
....!" I was brutally winded in an instant. Any thought of creasing up
vanished as my terrifying little sister leapt back astride my chest and
pounded me senseless with her small fists. BLAM! My right cheek nearly broke
under that impact. BLAM! Her fists were like steam hammer blasts so powerful
that I was terrified she would genuinely break my face. Urrr I felt so weird,
completely out of it and out of air. "You don't kick girls between the legs
Bobby" she scolded angrily. "Now apologise" she demanded. I opened my mouth
but nothing came up. My lungs weren't working after that dreadful gut punch.
She raised her first. I shook my head frantically, tears of fear in my eyes.
My face burned red as I tried to snatch the air to say the words. The effort
was making my head spin, making me feel faint.

My sister's fury backed by her strength scared me witless. One second I was on
my back having my face pounded by her sledgehammer punches, the next she
physically hauled me over to my hands and knees with her arms wrapped around
my middle as she pressed herself against my back. Nnnnggh with her arms tight
across my belly Jackie pushed from behind with her powerful legs driving us to
our feet.

Orrrr that powerful upper body of hers wasn't just for show, her strong arms
pressed tight into my ruined gut. "Nnnnnargh!" I flung my head back over her
shoulder as she squeezed so tight with her arms that it managed to squeeze
some more air from my lungs. Why do her arms have to so strong? It wasn't
fair. Naarrg In horror I felt my feet leave the ground as my little sister
lent back. The utterly humiliating image of a small schoolgirl lifting me in
front of my friends and the girls flashed in my mind but there was nothing I
could do to stop her, I was too terrified to try to kick back between her legs
again. Jackie began to swing me around while holding my middle tight, my legs
flailing from one side to the other like a pendulum. Orrrr her strength was
utterly overwhelming as she twisted me around with ease. No! She lifted me
higher, flung me quickly from one side to the other and shook me around so
hard that my arms and legs were going this way and that.

The sound of girlish giggling made me look across to Ling, totally unprepared
for what I saw. The little Chinese schoolgirl was sitting with her backside on
Chris's face! Facing his feet with her legs wide apart bent at the knees, her
very short pleated skirt was unable to cover her white knickers moulded tight
across her open crotch. Urggh as Jackie whipped me from one side to the other,
I watched Ling in fascination finding the scene quite sexy. Chris had his
trousers and pants down around his ankles and Ling was resting one foot by his
balls. Something was being pressed and rolled against the side of her sole by
the sole of her other. Urghh I realised what it was and I felt jealous that
the lovely Chinese girl was giving him a foot job whereas I was being swung
around like a toy. The sight of her white knickers at her crotch and her
lovely bare legs was turning me on as she worked Chris hard with her feet.
"Mmmm!" there were muffled moans from Chris beneath her small arse but I don't
think he was complaining. She rolled his dick like a sausage between her feet
while he moaned with pleasure. She saw me looking and smiled. "Oh Bobby, You
are so silly. If you give in to the inevitable it will be much more
pleasurable for you. Instead you get pain" Ling told me while her foot rubbed
Chris stiff. She must have been good because he was getting very hard very

With relief my feet touched the grass and my middle expanded in a deep breath
as Jackie's arms left it but it was short lived. "Oh Bobby are you feeling
tired? Let little sister help you" Jackie's sarcastic childish voice said from
behind. Before I could stop her, a shoulder barged against my backside as an
arm was flung between my legs. I was pulled backwards across my sister's broad
shoulders as she lifted me into the air. "Nooooo!" I gasped as I found myself
in a backbreaker, lying along the top of Jackie's wide shoulders looking up at
the sky. I could feel my exposed balls resting on a bare arm shoved between my
legs and clutching my right leg. At the other end, her hand was clasped over
my jaw. "Orr!" I groaned as she pulled down on my body at both ends moulding
my back around her shoulders as if wrapping a scarf around her neck. "Argh
no!" I cried through gritted teeth as she tormented my back once more.

Whatever chance I had in our original fight, I now knew I had none. "Argh!" I
cried out as I bounced on her shoulders as she began to stride around the
playing fields while breaking my back. "No more please" I wept. "Arghh!" my
spine protested at the treatment my little sister was dishing out. I could
just imagine how it looked, a fully grown teenaged body draped over the
shoulders of a short young blonde girl in her school uniform with his feet
hanging down to her knees while wept in agony. The image was so powerful that
I was getting aroused despite the pain. I pondered Ling's words. If it would
stop her beating me up maybe I should let her? That's what any hetro boy
wasn't it? A girl getting him off; even it was his sister.

"Come on Bobby, sing for me" Jackie laughed. "Arghh!" I screamed as she tensed
her arms pulling them inwards causing my back to arch even more. "Argh please
no!" I was in absolute tears with the strain upon my spine and back muscles.
Oh God she was too strong, too powerful. Arghh too much domination by a little
girl. She bent my head right over her shoulder "Nnn nn nnn nnnooo!" I cried.
My spine felt on the verge of breaking. I was destroyed, overwhelmed by a
little schoolgirl. Her superiority flowed through her arms subduing me and
making me suffer. "Urrrnngh!" such powerful dominance that my cock rose to
salute her. "Please!" I wept knowing that I looked like a grown boy bent
backwards over the shoulders of a little schoolgirl with his trousers and
pants around his knees and his dick pointing to the sky. Such utter
humiliation I would never live down. "Ohhhh!" I groaned as her strong arms
bent my head right back that the back was pressing against her bust while she
bent me into a tight inverted U.

"Bobby got bloody big erection, Jackie. He likes the rough stuff" Ling's voice
chirped. "Yeah he likes my muscles. They always get him hard" Jackie's reply
shocked me as she swung me around. What I saw stunned me and turned me on all
the same. Chris was flat on his back with his mouth wide as if trying to eat
Ling's panties, plastered as they were to her snatch. Ling smiled and told me
"Yes Bobby. Your mate knows how to pay his respects to the stronger sex". Ling
closed her eyes and gave a quiet moan "Oh Chris, you like Chinese".

Not that the pleasure giving was one way. Ling had her shoe on top of his
erection pressing it against his lower abdomen, rolling it back and forth like
modelling clay. "Mmmm!" Chris moaned his appreciation from beneath. She looked
into my eyes with a cheery face. "Watch this Bobby. This is what you could get
if you submit to Jackie" she said then trapped his dick between the soles of
her shoes forming a wide diamond shape with her legs. Wow that was a sexy
sight, I had to admit that Ling had great legs and a great uh hum. "Mmmmm
mmmm!" he moaned but not in pain as his balls seemed to swell up. Jeese the
sight of the cute oriental sexually dominating Chris like this was really hot.
She began to roll it between her shoes, he was definitely getting stiffer and
so was I. "I'll teach Jackie this afterwards so she can do it to you when you
submit to her authority" she said. "Mmmmmm!" Chris's moans of pleasure in
response to Ling's foot job made me envious. Maybe I should just surrender and
let her bring me off? Enjoy some pleasure instead of all this pain.

My observations were cut short as Jackie thankfully released me from the
backbreaker and swung me over one of her shoulders like a bag of rubbish.
Again I could just imagine how this looked; a big boy dangling over the
shoulder of a little schoolgirl with his legs dangling down her front and his
head flopping awkwardly behind her. "Woah!" I cried in surprise as Jackie
suddenly swung me down into her arms. She was carrying me like a young child
with one arm tucked behind my knees and the other beneath my back. "Ahh poor
Bobby. All worn out. Shall I carry you home like this?" she teased. "No
Jackie, please I give in" I cried. My back hurt like buggery but I didn't want
her to carry me home with my dick sticking out. It was no use, I gave up all
hope. My little sister had me well and truly beat. Jackie was right; her
muscles did turn me on. I loved strong muscular women who could destroy a man
in a fight and I was living under the same roof as one, albeit my sister.
"Please Jackie, I surrender. You win" I begged as she rocked me back and forth
like a baby in her arms.

"Arggh!" a grunt of pain from nearby drew my attention to the roundabout.
Superrod was lying between Mary's legs, how does he do it? the lucky bastard!
Except that he didn't seemed to be enjoying it, his face was all red and his
eyes clenched in pain. Oh come on, her legs couldn't be hurting him. It wasn't
as though she had muscular gymnast legs like Jackie. But his head was twisting
from side to side and his hands clutching at the long legs wrapped around his
middle. "Arghh!" another groan left his mouth, his face creased in torment
with his mouth wide as Mary's sexy long legs pressed down on his middle. Jeese
she really seemed to be hurting him.

As I watched Mary raised herself upon her arms and stretched out her long sexy
mock-stocking clad limbs. Superrod went epileptic! His arms and legs were
thrashing around; he arched his back with his head thrown back, red in the
face with a wide open mouth. I was stunned, Mary was really pouring it on and
hurting him plus she was smiling clearly enjoying it. For all his bucking and
thrashing, Mary's long legs held tight and his motions gradually got weaker
and weaker. Her legs seemed to make a big dent in his middle; surely legs so
lovely couldn't be that strong? Superrod arched his back once more with his
mouth wide open in a silent scream then collapsed and became motionless. Oh
Jeese, she'd just put him away with her legs. The very thought added to the
stiffness of my cock.

"Poor Superrod. Gone bye-byes" Jackie taunted in a silly childish voice then
spun me away and carried me effortlessly on her little legs towards Ling. My
sister didn't tire or buckle under my weight, her powerful looking upper body
and strong legs carried me with ease. I felt so helpless as she walked across
the playground as if I weighed nothing.

"Mmm! Mmm!" Chris's muffled moans were loud and spaced apart. I could see that
he had no chance against the skilful feet of this little Chinese girl. "Ohh
yes Chris. Keep moaning like that. I like it" Ling sighed. "Mmmm!" Ling's
magic feet in her flat heeled shoes kept rubbing and I saw glistening as his
dick started leaking. It occurred to me that Ling was just as dominant in
sexual humiliation as Jackie was at the physical stuff. The way Chris began
thrusting his backside back and forth as she worked him signalled he was about
to lose it big time. Then he exploded. Fountains of spunk spurt in the air.
"Mmm! Mmm!" his moans were loud causing sighs of pleasure from Ling. "Ohhhh!"
Ling sighed loudly rolling his erupting dick quickly between her shoes making
him spurt uncontrollably again and again, each time getting weaker until it
dried up completely and his dick seemed to shrivel and disappear between her
shoes. As Ling got off his face and kneeled over behind him on one knee, I
felt a pang of jealousy; I wished I had been in his place getting a great foot
job like that.

"You cum good Chris. Now I put you to sleep" the small Chinese girl told him.
What the? Chris was astonished as I was and sat up. Before he had a chance to
turn around and confront her, Ling's right arm snapped around his neck from
behind and clamped the forearm tight securing it with her hand clasping her
other forearm which began pressing the back of his head. Her mouth came right
up against his ear but I heard what she told him. "You go out, right out,
Chris. No chance against sleeper". My cock ached in anticipation of this
dominant choke hold. "Watch this Bobby, she's really good" Jackie whispered.
I'd seen Jackie use it against Judo Boy from whom she'd picked it up
[JACKIE#3] but the little Oriental didn't have muscular arms how was she going
to do this? Ling's slim arms might not have much muscle but they seemed deadly
tight around his neck. Her forearm was buried deep beneath his chin pressing
against his throat forcing his jaw to clench in a grimace and his face to turn
red. Chris clutched at the choking forearm but it was lodged tight. Ling
laughed at his futile effort "Won't be long now, Chris. You go sleep".

"Urkk!" Chris groaned through clenched teeth then his legs slipped out from
under him. She was doing it; a little Chinese schoolgirl was knocking out an
older lad with shocking ease and a look of cool superiority. Chris's face
showed he was in a lot of pain but there was nothing he could about it. I
suppressed a girly scream as his eyes rolled into his head just leaving the
whites of his eyes showing. Suddenly his hands flopped from where they had
been tugging at her forearm and his face became relaxed. Ling held the sleeper
hold for a few more seconds before allowing his body to flop limply to the
ground. "I told you she good" whispered Jackie in admiration. My cock was
rigid and throbbing at the sight of such domination by such a young harmless
seeming girl.

There was no time to stop and gawp. Jackie turned and walked towards the
roundabout with my heavy body still face down across her shoulders. As we
reached it, she spun me around quickly in an airplane spin. "Woah! Please no!"
I cried becoming very dizzy but my little sister just laughed then took a big
high step onto the roundabout seat. BAM she slammed me onto my back onto the
wooden seat. "Orrr!" I groaned as Jackie flopped down astride my waist with
her backside pressing down my erection. "You're not so tough now are you Bobby
without your friends?" she taunted. "Please Jackie, you win, I give up". With
a hard tight grin Jackie raised her fist. BLAM! "Orrrrrrr!" I groaned as her
fist drove deep into my gut like a high diver through water. Oooorr I'm
groaning doubling up on the roundabout, the brutal blow deflating my erection.
"That was a bit harsh" I heard Mary's soft voice. I wanted to crease up in
agony but the blonde schoolgirl leapt forward into a high pin astride my
chest. "You had your chance earlier, Bobby. Now it's time to suffer the
consequences" her voice was stern and scared me.

She raised her fist to punch me out. "This is going to hurt you more than it
hurts me Bobby dear" she told me and I tensed in fear of the forthcoming pain.
"Oh don't waste him Jackie. Lets's use him" Ling intervened. "What? How?"
Jackie seemed perplexed. I was just glad she wasn't punching my lights out.
"Every played Russian roulette?" Ling asked. "Er like guns are illegal" my
sister replied. "No silly we use his piss-tool, geddit, piss-tool" Ling said
but the other girls didn't laugh. "Each of us gets a turn. We swing the
roundabout like the chamber of a gun. Whoever he stops in front of has to suck
for a minute. We spin again to choose the next person, then past it to the
third. We keep going like that. The one who makes him shoot wins" Ling
explained. Actually that didn't sound so bad from where I was laying. "What's
the prize?" Mary says. "The winner gets to use him however she chooses" Ling
explained. "But he's mine!" Jackie protests. "I did all the hard work. I want
to finish him off hard to teach him a lesson". Crap that didn't sound so good.
I hoped Mary would win, or maybe Ling. "Oh come on Jackie play the game. After
all Mary and I took out his friends" Ling pointed out. Astride my chest,
Jackie grabbed my collar with both hands and pulled my head up. "You better
stay put Bobby, if you know what's good for you" she threatened.

Jackie got off the roundabout and the three girls positioned themselves
equidistant around the perimeter. They began to push the thing around, slowly
at first but gradually getting faster until it was spinning so fast that I had
to close my eyes to stop feeling giddy. Finally they stopped pushing and
allowed it to slow down under its own momentum. It took a while and I opened
my eyes to see each girl's face watching eagerly as I whizzed past. Mary
please let it be Mary. The roundabout slows down and spins around to Mary.
Yes! But to my disappointment it keeps on moving finally stopping close to
Ling. I felt trepidation. She might be cute but she is a champion kickboxer
and I remembered how she destroyed Kevin Sharpe and put away Chris. I hated to
think how she might 'use' me if she won. Ling leant over and without
hesitation took my dick into her mouth. Orrrrr in no time she had reawaken my
ardour. Orrr she is good, really good. Ling may look like all sweet and
innocent but boy does she know a thing or two about getting boys rock hard. I
remembered the stuff Jackie said about enslaving boys and knew that she got it
from Ling. "Ohh!" I moaned aloud as the small girl had me absolutely aching
and raring to go. "Ohhh!" I'm throbbing beginning to thrust my pelvis in time
with her sucks when Mary's voice rings out. "Time's up. Spin the wheel".
SLURP! "Orrrrr!" I moaned aloud feeling disappointment as Ling's mouth leaves
my erect manhood with one last long slurp. A few more seconds and I would have
spilled my load. Ling was so incredibly good that I started fantasying about
her as the roundabout picked up speed again.

They push the roundabout fast again and let it slow down. As it passed Mary
all thoughts of Ling went out of my mind. Let it be Mary, please let it be
Mary. It slows down and comes to a halt near the girl of my dreams. Yes!
Result! However the tall gorgeous brunette takes one look at my dick and
wrinkles her nose. To my surprise she takes one long leggy step onto the
roundabout, turns her back to me then bends right over. Stretching her sexy
long left leg to one side, Mary thrusts her backside back and shifts sexily
from one hip to another. Cor! She is so hot, the close up view looking along
her long sexy nylon fake-stockings up beneath her short pleated skirt to her
skimpy white knickers as her sexy backside thrusts like a pole dancer has me
really aching for her. "That's cheating, Mary. Get down and do it properly"
Ling's voice interrupts the sexy show. "I'm not putting that thing in my
mouth" Mary protests. "Then you forfeit. Get down now. You've lost 20 seconds
already" Ling tells her. Her sexy arse disappears from above as she steps
down. Looking reluctant, she leans over with nose still wrinkled in disgust
and opens her mouth wide. "Orrrr!" I moan as it plunges around my rod. Oh it
feels good at first as she slurps around but soon I have to admit with
disappointment that she doesn't really seem to know what she's doing and my
dick actually starts flagging. I really want her to bring me off but by the
time Ling tells her that her time is up I'm actually glad she stops and
longing wistfully for Ling's skilful talents to make me cum.

However there is one more person before it gets back to Ling. The roundabout
slowly turned and the strong bodied form of my sister appeared. Her white
blouse clinging to her broad strong shoulders and tapering lats there was even
a hint of her six pack through the thin material. Turned on and wanting
release, her powerful body reinvigorated my flagpole after Mary's
disappointing effort. My sister was only a schoolgirl yet her slim arms were
well muscled and toned, she looked quite powerful she stood at the end of the
cake segment. I've got a thing for muscular women, looking at women
bodybuilders on the web who seemed so inaccessible. Yet my very own sister had
a body that would make many of them envious and was all too willing to show it
off to me, mainly to humiliate me. My morals slipped, I just wanted release.
Jackie smiled and opens her mouth into an O and... "Stop that, Jackie. That's
cheating as well" Ling protested.

Do I have to give you all the gory details? Do I really have to tell you how
my brat sister put her head down and plunged my dick into her warm wet mouth
without hesitation? Do I really have to tell you that I just laid back and
enjoyed the sensations of the slurping of her tongue and the vacuum of her
mouth? And do I have to tell you just how good it felt as her lips slid around
my shaft driving me insane with lust? Do I really have to admit that she was
giving me the best blow job I had ever experienced? And that she was even
better than Ling?

As she leaned over with her hands placed sides of my hips, I admired the
impressive muscularity of her arms. Although slim they didn't run in straight
lines but had bumps around her shoulder caps, triceps and wide flaring
forearms. A big thick prominent vein ran down the front of each arm over her
biceps and following the outside curve of her forearm to her wrist. The
reminder of her terrible strength just made me so much harder. All the images
of Jackie overpowering me time after time with her incredible strength came
back to me, the crush of her powerful legs putting me away, her strong arms
trying to break my back or squeezing my in headlocks. I remembered her
incredible abs and flexing her biceps outside the bathroom. It was all too
much, my little sister was a little muscle goddess and she drove me crazy with
desire. The feeling is so intense that I just can't hold back any more and
begin to thrust my hips in rhythm with her sucks, moaning loudly. "Oh God!
Jackie Jackie" I moaned in wild abandon. I wanted the feeling to go on forever
but just couldn't hold on to it anymore and blasted a huge wad right into my
sister's mouth. Jackie leapt coughing and spluttering as I continued to buck
my hips shooting load after load into the air. I just seemed to go on for
ages, each blast slowly getting weaker and weaker. I must have completely
emptied my balls before I fell back, panting, totally exhausted and shagged
out. "Wow Jackie, you really own him good. That was really impressive" Ling
said. The three girls burst into giggles. My face reddened in shame and I
quickly covered up my disgrace with my hands then pulled up my pants and
trousers. "Oh Bobby, we've all seen it now. There's no point in trying to hide
it" Mary told me. "Yeah you come very good, Bobby. You should be proud" Ling

Suddenly Jackie was in my face and she wasn't looking friendly. "Get up Bobby"
Jackie ordered. Her lean strong arms reached towards me. "Please no. You've
had your fun. Leave me alone" I cried terrified of those vascular arms. "Oh
come on, Jackie. You've hurt him enough today" Mary told her. "Pleasure and
pain, Mary. He's had the pleasure now he gets the pain" my sister replied. "I
told you to get up, you big cry-baby" Her hands grabbed me and her biceps
swelled ominously. She hauled me effortlessly to my feet, her arms thick and
swelling. "Mary's right, Jackie. Look at him, you've broken him. You own him.
Enough's enough" Ling said. Ling was right; I was a nervous whimpering wreck.
"Please Jackie, no, I'm sorry" I cried. "Fine. If two don't want to help, I'll
do it myself" my little muscle sister told them then locked up my arms in a
full nelson and marched me quickly towards the scaffolding. I was in such a
bad state I that barely remember Mary and Ling helping Jackie to lift my body

So it was that I found myself with my back resting precariously over a
horizontal metal pole with my head hanging back over the edge watching in
terror as Jackie bridged over me facing my feet with her crotch poised above
my face. "Please not the legs, please" I whimpered in terror. I saw her strong
arms strain and swell with bulges of muscle as they took the strain as she
lifted her feet off the bar. Then her legs were rising gracefully into the air
and pointing perfectly straight out behind her. The sight of her thick slabs
of thigh muscle reduced me to a quivering wreck. The short thick muscular legs
opened into a wide V held rock steady above me. "Please please no" I burst
into tears as those big menacing legs lowered themselves on either side of my
head and sprang shut like a mousetrap. Supporting her upper body on her arms,
Jackie stretched her legs back and really let me have it.

"Arghhh!" such a terrible force crushed and pounded around my head that I
cannot describe it to you or the horrible agony that made my very skull feel
like it was imploding. God knows how many feet up in the air on some rickety
scaffolding, a little schoolgirl held herself steady on her strong arms
stretching her legs out backwards keeping my head raised as I lay hanging over
the metal pole while they tried to crush my skull to pulp. My mind tried to
block out the horrendous pain. All I remember was head splitting power and
screaming myself hoarse. Jeese my head felt like it was splitting. She could
have put me away at any time but she cruelly prolonged my suffering. I was a
whimpering mess bawling my eyes out.


I come round in hospital, my parents looking anxiously, "Are you OK? What
possessed you to play on that scaffolding in the first place? You could have
fractured more than your skull when you fell". "Poor Bobby" Jackie was
watching from the foot of the bed wearing a sleeveless pink top that showed
off her lean taut arms. She smiled; a slight tensing of her arms was enough to
make me keep quiet about the truth. They stayed fussing like parents do with
Jackie remaining at the foot of the bed. Finally they said their goodbyes and
began to walk off the ward. Jackie came forward by my side. She leant over and
opened her mouth into an O and slowly ran her tongue around it. I can't stop
looking and my body responds with the memory it invoked. Finally she stops and
places her hand on top of the sheets, feeling my erection beneath and smiles.
"You're mine, Bobby. Remember that. You're my bitch" she said then lent
forward to give me a kiss. A long and lingering unsisterly kiss on the lips.
"Cluck Cluck" she pinched my cheeks and left me wondering how I was going to
clean up the sticky mess without any of the nurses noticing.
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:17:18 am
Thanks to Matthew Koenig for the style suggestion

Best Friend's Sister
By Jimp
(c)Jim P 2014
Bobby discovers his best friend's sister is a real knockout.

Chris Moye is my best friend who lives in the house on the corner of our road.
We've been mates most of our lives. It was Saturday and Chris asked me to come
over at 11 because his parents would have gone out for the day so we can play
our CDs loud. I rang the door-bell and waited. Odd, there was no answer so I
tried again then tried knocking on the door in case the bell was broken.
Finally a hazy figure appeared on the other side of the frosted pane in the
door. Immediately I knew it was Amy, Chris's sister a year and a half older
than us. I always had this image of her as an annoying little tomboy with
short black hair always hanging on the periphery of our games being annoying.
She was always complaining about the heavy metal we listened to since she
liked crappy boy bands. Amy was always the sporty type whereas we weren't. She
was member of the school netball and rounders team and in the majorettes - you
know short ankle socks and baton twirling on Sundays and cheering on the
basketball team, not that the jock creeps deserved the attention. She'd been
in the background almost all my life but I hadn't really seen her since she
left school to work as an event organiser.

When she opened the door my heart jumped into my mouth for facing me was a
strikingly beautiful girl nearly out of her teens with fine chiselled
features. A small face stared back at me with startling slender grey eyes
framed by thick mascara that took my breath away. Her nose was sleek and
elegant with high cheekbones with a hint of makeup and a slim mouth with pert
lips. Framing this was her hair which was long and black cascading down to the
back of her shoulders. She had quite a dark sultry sensuous look, almost
Eastern European in nature. The only thing I didn't like were her eyebrows
which were quite thick and pencilled in in a sort of Audrey Heburn style which
seemed too unnatural to me. When had the annoying tom-boy become such a
hottie? "What do you want Bobby? I'm really busy right now" she wasn't very
welcoming. "I came to see Chris. We were going to hang out today". She wore a
white blouse with a very tight black skirt which ended above her knees. To my
surprise the skirt had a long slit on one side that went almost to the top of
her thigh giving me a tantalising glimpse of her leg. I tried not to let her
know I was looking. A sly look flit across her face. "He's out" "But he texted
me this morning to say it's alright to come over" Again a brief look almost of
amusement "You better come in. He's upstairs in his room but he's out" I
didn't know what game she was playing but she moved aside to let me in then
shut the door.

Amy was 5 foot 4 with a nice sized figure. As she turned I noticed the tan
nylons she wore had seams running up the back. Was she wearing stockings? My
heart pounded with excitement somewhat ashamed to be getting the hots for my
best mates' sister. As she turned away from the door, the slit in her skirt
opened up wide to reveal quite thick firm looking thighs. That sexy view
vanished as she pushed past me and led the way up the stairs to head back to
her room. In her flat stockinged feet, her calves were short and thick and
bulged with nicely toned muscle. Just a nice firm slab with a small cleft
between them not massive monsters like my little sister has [BOBP#1]. Watching
the seam running up the back of her nylons was so mesmerising that I almost
followed her into her room before I stopped myself.

Turning right and heading into Chris' room I was surprised to to find it
empty. "Amy. He's not here" I called out. "Look down the side of the bed" I
thought she was joking but when I looked between the bed and the wall, there
he was sprawled out on the floor not moving. His face was relaxed with his
eyes closed as if he was asleep but it was an uncomfortable position if he
was. "Chris, Chris" I nudged him with my foot but he wasn't moving. "Quick
Amy, phone for an ambulance I think he might have had a heart attack or
something". Amy walked calmly into the room with a smirk on her face. "No,
silly, I just knocked him out that's all". "What?" I cried, I couldn't believe
my ears. "You deaf as well as stupid? I knocked him out. It's what sisters do
to their annoying brothers. I'm sure Jackie does it to you. I mean gymnasts
are pretty strong, I bet she beats you up all the time" I hoped I didn't
blush. "But you're not a gymnast" I pointed out trying to change the subject.
"I want to be a lifestyle dominatrix when I'm older" she stunned me again. "I
found those bookmarks in his browser that you two look at. I love the look of
all that slinky leather PVC and men just giving you all their money".

Showing no concern for Chris, Amy sat down on the end of the bed looking
scrumptious. Her skirt rode up, opening up the slit showing her deep thighs
and strong looking hamstrings, and ULP! stocking tops. "S..shouldn't we bring
him round?" "No, leave him. Come and sit next to me Bobby. I know you want to"
her sultry sharply defined face was so appealing and her voice so seductive
whilst showing so much leg that I felt my dick stiffen. The prone form of my
best mate worried me. "Maybe he fell and hit his head" I crouched by his side
at the side of the bed and began shoving him "Chris, Chris".

A pair of feminine hands grabbed the top of my arms from behind. A
surprisingly strong yank pulled me backwards towards the bed while a lovely
pair of nylon-clad legs slide past on either side of my waist. I came to a
halt high up between her thighs with her knees just in front of me and her
shins stretching away to her stockinged feet. Before I could do anything,
those shins crossed in front of me locking her ankles with her thick calves
pressing against my groin in a very stimulating manner. "Urghhh!" I gasped as
the insides of her thighs clamped against the sides of my stomach like pincers
concentrating an excruciating force upon my lower back and kidneys. I tried to
reach forward to pull her feet apart but she wrapped her arms around my upper
arms then pulled them back. She lay down flat upon the bed pulling me on top
of her immobilising my arms and scissoring my waist. "I told you to leave him
Bobby and get on the bed" her sweet voice sounded very stern. "You will do
what I say. I am your mistress. Go on, say it" she sounded quite fierce but
there was no way I was going to give in to Chris's older sister. I'd known her
for too long and I still thought of her as a little brat. "Urgh urgh!" I tried
rocking my body from side to side to break free from her legs, as lovely as
they were. "Arghh!" she kept them clamped tight. Struggling hard I managed to
get my feet onto the bed and pushed myself up into a back-bridge. "Urghh!" a
surge of strength from her nylon-clad legs brought me back down.

"Oh my dear Bobby" she chuckled with her sweet breath upon my ear "Now I'm
really going to have to make you suffer". Up until then her legs had just
about been bearable but now she bent her right calve across my belly and
locked the foot beneath the back of her left knee. "Urghhh!" I groaned as her
legs tightened like a steel band around my waist, pulling her calve tight
against my stomach. "Orrragh!" her leggy clamp got tighter, her calve pressing
down so hard that it formed a hollow in my gut squeezing everything inside
making it difficult to full draw breath. Girlish chuckling from behind me made
my ears burn. "Oh Bobby, what a wimp letting yourself get beaten up so easily
by a girl. Now call me your mistress or I'll hurt you bad" Urghh! I didn't
want to look so weak in front of such a lovely girl but the strength of her
figure 4 body scissors from behind was really making me struggle for breath.
"Say it, you little fungus!" she ordered in a firm tone. "Orrraghh!" those
luscious thighs tightened really hard around my waist, squeezing so much that
my sides hurt and my kidneys ached. That thick calve cut across my belly like
a steel bar crushing the bottom of my diaphragm. "Urrghhh!" I groaned, I had
no choice she was making it really hard to breathe. "Urghh! Amy urghhh my
mistress" I gasped in humiliation to Chris' lovely older sister. "Urghhh
please let me urrghh go uurrr mistress" "But you don't believe that I knocked
out your little playmate do you?" "Urgh!" her strong crushing legs were slowly
zapping my strength away. That figure 4 was so incredibly tight like it was
going to squeeze my waist narrower and narrower until it snapped. "Urrrgh I do
I do!" I gasped. "Really?" she said with a chuckle "How? With my legs like
this?". Oh no, she was enjoying this, dragging it out, prolonging the agony
and my humiliation. "Urghhh yes yes!" I gasped, if she kept this up I knew
that I would eventually pass out through lack of air. "Wrong, silly boy" she
chuckled. I felt her breath close to my ear, so feminine, so alluring "Let me
show you how".

Releasing my left arm, her left hand which felt so soft and smooth clamped
itself around my chin and pulled my head right back. "Urrrkk!" her right arm
swung around in front of my throat then closed in and clamped tight. In horror
I found my throat wedged tight in the crook of her arm. I felt her other hand
clamp around the back of my head pushing me deeper into the crook of her arm.
"This is called a sleeper hold, Bobby. Guess what it does?" her sensuous voice
whispered in my ear. Oh God! I knew full well what this hold did, I'd seen my
brat sister use it on Judo Boy [JACKIE#03]. Amy isn't as bulky and muscular as
Jackie so I thought I'd be able to prise her arms away from my neck. I'd
thought wrong, her arms were locked tight and would not budge. In fact they
felt very strong and solid beneath her white nylon blouse. "Feel the blood
being cut off from your small brain, Bobby" Amy whispered seductively in my
ear then twisted me to my right side. "Urrnnnn!" my face had got uncomfortably
warm and my breathing had became ragged and laboured. No! I couldn't let
myself get knocked out by Chris's gorgeous older sister. I reached down for
the calve buried across the middle of my stomach but found it as immovable as
a bar. It was clamped deep across my gut preventing me from drawing breath.
"Oh yes Bobby, put up a fight. Make it more exciting for me" she chuckled
rolling me over to my left then back again to show me that she was in complete

I gasped as a wet tongue darted out and began slobbering around my ear, the
erogenous sensations uncontrollably making my dick grow rapidly rigid. "Oh
Bobby, you dirty little sod" Amy giggled as she noticed the bulge in my
trousers then continued giggling between more arousing licks. "Urr uurr"
desperately I tried to shake her off but she was clamped to me like a limpet
and we just rolled from one side to the other around the bed. No! I couldn't
lose to another girl. But as I tried pushing at her thighs, the feel of her
silky smooth stockings over her firm thighs just emphasised how feminine she
was; a constant reminder that I was being overwhelmed by a girl, and a
gorgeous one at that. She kept giggling at my inability to free myself. "Oh
Bobby, you metal-heads are really pathetic aren't you" she chuckled with glee
then resumed licking hungrily at my ear which just drove me wild as my energy
drained. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and my arms felt so heavy that I
had to let them drop. Every fibre in my body screamed out for oxygen. I opened
my mouth wide but her calve was pressed so tight into me that I couldn't draw
in the air. My chest heaved desperate for air while her upper arm dug into the
side of my neck while my throat was chocked in the crook of her arm. It was
the stocking tops that did it. With my failing strength my right hand found
its way to the thick band of nylon around her upper thigh and the smooth bare
skin above it. Combined with the constant arousal of her tongue on my ear the
feel of the sexy lingerie, I just lost it big time. "Urrrrrrrrr!" I tried to
stifle the groan but she heard and laughed uproariously. My whole body relaxed
post-orgasm and as I became aware of the sticky embarrasing mess I'd made in
my pants that's when my weakened body succumbed to Amy's sleeper hold.
Urghhhhh! My eyelids flickered becoming so heavy that I couldn't keep them
open. Everything then happened at once, a warm smothering wave of black and
red washed over me while I suddenly felt incredibly weak and nauseous. My
heart was pounding very fast and loud. I thought I heard Amy moan but then
"aaarrrrghhhh!" I moaned as I vanished into the dark comforting warmth, unable
to stop myself being put away by a sexy sultry girl.


"Muh!" I awoke with a start and sat up to find myself on a bed in a strange
room. It took several seconds for the fug to clear and remember where I was.
"Ready for round 2, Bobby?" said a soft female voice by my side. I leapt off
the bed in an instant, an automatic reaction from finding myself on the bed
with my best friend's sister. "Oh am I that repulsive?" She said with a
teasing lilt. I was stunned to see that above the waist Amy was only wearing a
small white bra. Not that she was particularly big in that department but I
never expected to find myself in a bedroom with a hot looking girl in a bra!
"Enjoying the view, Bobby? You never used to take that much interest in me
before" she teased. That was true, she was always the annoying brat before. I
had never noticed her become more feminine and hot looking. What was on show
of her upper body was very firm looking complete with a lightly-defined six
pack that immediately caught my eye. On her I thought it looked very sexy
indeed. Everything else was sharply delineated - her shoulder caps, her
clavicle and small but nice traps sloping from her neck to the clean lines of
her shoulders. Her arms too seemed quite toned with a hint of brawn.

Amy had become a very hot sultry looking girl with a hot fit bod and it made
me feel awkward to find that it was turning me on because she was my best
friend's sister. As she slid to the edge of the bed, her skirt pulled back and
the slit opened wide revealing her deep but firm thighs clad in tan coloured
stockings with a darker band around the tops, and black suspenders running
over creamy firm upper thighs. It was such a sexy sight that I just couldn't
stop myself looking. "Typical man" she sighed then slid off the bed onto her
feet, looking so predatory that I backed up. That's when I found Chris flat on
his back out cold by the wall behind me. I wondered how he got there because
he was in a different place than when I'd seen him last and guessed that was
his sister's handiwork. "Yes, he's gone to sleep again" she chuckled. "Poor
Bobby. So weak and vulnerable". Even though I was younger than her, I was
taller and bulkier. It was difficult to believe that a girl so hot, petite and
slim could have done that. She still had that predatory alluring smile. "Maybe
if you two had been majorettes instead of head-banging, things would have been
different" "Majorettes are for girls and sissies" the words were out of my
mouth before my brain applied the brakes.

Suddenly in a very masculine movement, Amy raised both arms out to her sides
then bent her fists towards her head and flexed. Wow! A sleek solid sensuously
shaped mound grew upwards on each arm while her forearms thickened into strong
looking elongated pyramids. Oh my word she had biceps, small but solid biceps
and swelling in the opposite direction was the pronounced curve of her
triceps. "Majorettes makes girls fit and strong" she said. The sight of a
sultry dark haired girl flexing her strong fit biceps in a bra that also
showed off her firm flat stomach with it's lightly etched six pack had my dick
hardening rapidly in no time without me feeling guilty about it. "What's that
in your trousers, Bobby?" she said in a sensual voice with a knowing smile
that just made it lurch and stiffen into a full blown trouser lifting hard-on.
There was something about a girl with muscles that was so strongly feminine
and really turned me on. Her biceps weren't as big and intimidating like my
sister's but somehow more feminine and sexy, a sign of a fit sexy girl. "I bet
they're bigger than yours" she teased and I think she was right for they was
quite pronounced and solid looking hills of muscle and certainly more defined.

My dick was now uncomfortably stiff like it had been frozen. "Oh Amy! You're
so hot!" I moaned then went to take a step towards her. "Watch it Bobby, I am
a black belt in majorettes and cheer-leading" she warned with a cheeky grin. I
just wanted to take that slim body in my arms, press my aching dick against
those abs, run my hands over her solid biceps while kissing that exquisite
finely defined face. I should have heeded her warning, I should have
remembered that this was a fit athletic girl who exercised a lot and had
already knocked me out with her strong arms and legs. I should have known that
a sexy girl like her wouldn't be interested in a loser like me. "Majorettes
are fit and limber, watch Bobby" Amy leant right back with her left hand upon
her hip and her right bent by her side as if holding an imaginary baton. Her
knee snapped up in an eye-blink level with the bottom of her chest and stayed
there. Her firm stomach had become taut and ribbed with sexy hard slabs of
abdominals. "Wow!" I gasped in throbbing appreciation of the fit limber sexy
girl showing off in front of me. With the knee raised high, her skirt had
opened fully giving a real cock-throbbing sight of her whole leg sheathed in
tan nylon up to the stocking tops with the suspenders travelling on over her
bare skin. Her raised thigh looked quite deep from top to bottom. I had barely
taken this in when she went straight into a backwards walk-over. "Wow!" her
flexibility was a turn-on and really made my trousers twitch.

Smiling Amy stepped close up to me then suddenly leant back. BLAM! "Blaghhhh!"
Out of nowhere her knee shot up and plunged right into my gut at a devastating
steep upwards angle that ploughed right up under the bottom of my ribcage.
"Orrrrragh!" The unexpected power of that knee sent me right up onto the balls
of my feet as it cruelly crushed into my lungs like an express-train blasting
the air from my lungs and explosively out through my mouth. Uncontrollably my
torso folded forwards around my damaged middle. "I did warn you, Bobby.
Majorettes know how to destroy a boy's guts and love to demonstrate it at
every opportunity". No! I screamed mentally unable to voice my terror as her
knee twitched. BLAM! "Urrrrr......!" her knee drove up like a cannon-ball
exploding violently in my gut hammering what little air remained out through
my gaping mouth. I swear both feet lifted clean from the floor as my body
lifted crumpling over as my gut rode her fast moving knee as it soared right
up to what surely felt like the height of her chest. My face screwed up tight
in agony. I felt my face burn red while my mouth gaped open with air escaping
in a hiss. Her knee withdrew beneath me and my feet dropped back towards the

BLAM! "........!" my mouth went wide in a silent scream as her knee punched
hard into my ruined gut. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! her knee pistoned repeatedly up and
down constantly hammering my gut, keeping me winded, not allowing my diaphragm
to recover. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! She executed each powerful blow like a Majorette
on parade leaning right back and lifting her knee high with my crumpled body
on the end as though it were nothing more than a crumpled bag. BLAM! BLAM!
BLAM! I screamed in silent agony as the terrible blows repeatedly thundered
into my destroyed stomach. Agonising crippling hammer blows piling the hurt on
top of the hurt shutting down my breathing, making me feel weak and ill. BLAM!
BLAM! BLAM! Each blow thud painfully through my winded gut, jerking my body
limply into the air with my mouth gaping open unable to get my lungs working
while my face burnt red. BAM! BAM! BAM! My mind was a helpless whirl as my
creased body lurched up and down painfully into the air. My eyes too tired to
keep open and a terrible buzzing filled my ears. My chest heaved in vain, my
lungs frantically tried to draw in air which never came under the continual
battering of her ferocious knee. I felt so weak and drained and desperate for
breath that it felt like I was going to die. VLAM! BLAM! BAM! My body was limp
as it jerked into the air on Amy's devastating nylon-clad knee which kept me
oxygen-deprived, hammering me towards the warm black hole of lost

*** Amy's view ***

I got home shortly after mum and dad had left and headed upstairs to the mess
Chris called a room. "What are you doing here, Amy. You're meant to be at
work" "Oh were you about to do something naughty? Look at those dirty porno
web sites again?" I teased. The little creep blushed red. "Not that it's any
of your business but I'm doing the evening networking dinner tonight. I got
fed up of all the old fat business-men gawping at me like I was a piece of
meat". I'm the dolly-bird who stands in front with the mike when the audience
ask questions to the speakers. I shifted my left thigh slightly so that the
slit in the tight skirt opened showing the full length of my long athletic
strong leg. The little fungus' eyes went straight for them then quickly looked
away. "They're always staring at my legs". Now that I'd mentioned it, the
little weirdo was again looking at the exposed length of leg clearly feeling
uncomfortable and fighting with himself to look away again.

Trying not to laugh, I sat down next to him on the edge of the bed. Of course
the skirt rucked up and the slit opened wide to expose the full thickness and
length of my thigh right up to my stocking tops. My parents didn't know I wore
stockings, they would have had a fit. Poor old Chris couldn't take his eyes
off just like those old business creeps. The front of his trousers began to
stiffen. My God! I was turning on my brother! What a sicko! What a laugh! His
face went bright red when I placed my hand on his lap and felt his dick lurch.
I pretended not to notice. "I much rather spend the day with my kid brother" I
said in a soft seductive voice and failed to stifle a giggle as his dick
lurched once more. "Get off, what're you doing?" he brushed off my hand then
tried to stand up. As quick as a flash I grabbed his arms and pulled him back
down to the bed.

I quickly scrambled on top of him pressing his puny arms above his head,
laughing in his face as he failed to stop me pressing his hands into the
mattress. Just to rub it in, I let him raise his hands off the bed before
slamming them back in no uncertain terms. "You're not going anywhere shrimp" I
sneered as I forced his hands down by his sides and pinned each one beneath a
knee. CRACK! I gave him a mighty open palmed slap that whipped his face hard
to the left. "Are you looking up my skirt you little pervert?" "No!" CRACK! I
backhanded his face the other way. Sitting astride him caused my tight skirt
ride all the way to my hips. Pinned between my thighs there was no where else
for him to look except along the full length of my nylons pass my stocking
tops and suspenders to the satin white knickers at my crotch. PUFF PUFF "Get
off" he was puffing like a stream train and trying to raise his back end using
his legs. I just laughed holding onto his wrists as I rode him like a bucking
bronco. "That's it. You go on and wear yourself out. I'll just sit here and
wait" I chuckled as he puffed and panted and writhed in vain. Of course he
didn't listen and finally his movements got slower and weaker until he had no
energy in his legs to lift his arse off the mattress. "Finished now, have we?"
I taunted. The little snot didn't reply.

I loved the way his eyes went wide in fright as I slid forwards until I was
sitting high upon his chest. My thick stocking clad thighs slid either side of
his face and framed it like a living picture. I clenched my right fist and
slammed it hard down behind me, straight into his gut. WHUMP! I love that
sound! "Borrphh!" and that. His face all screwed up with his lips pouting like
a goldfish. "Well that's knocked the wind out of your sails" I chuckled as he
gasped for breath. "That's right you sorry little runt. I'm stronger than you
and don't you forget it". "Ouphff! Get orffff!" he gasped, his face a picture
of wounded pride. "Mum and dad are always going on about how the two of us
should get along" I said conversationally while I sat on his chest watching
his helpless face between my legs. "The first step in getting along is to know
each other. Well you're going to get to know me, real well" with that I slid
right forwards. "No...mmmm!" I shut him up as I slid over his mouth until his
nose was pressing right up against the front of my briefs.

"Oh you lucky boy!" I told him as he tried to thrash his body and kick his
legs in vain. "The old business type creeps at the conference would pay good
money to be in your position right now" "Mmmmm! Mmmm!" Orrr the vibrations of
his muffled cries of indignation felt good against my pussy. "And you're
getting it for free. Aren't I a considerate older sister?" "Mmmm Mmmm!" Orrrr
yes! "I've bet you've never had a girl sit on your face before have you?". I
raised myself off his face and he began panting heavily. "I'll bet you're
really enjoying that aren't you?" "Off huh huh get off" "What's that? You want
some more? Why certainly. That's what sisters are for" "Mmmm!". I planted
myself back down on his face squashing his nose beneath me and enjoyed the
sensation and feeling of empowerment.

"Mmmm! Mmmm!" "Orrrr Chris!" I moaned. I waved a finger in front of his eyes
and they followed it as it pointed towards my crotch. "I know you don't know
much about girls so I'll keep it simple for you. Beneath there is my pussy,
you know, my girl parts. Every time you yell like that against it, it
stimulates it and if you keep on, well how can I put it mildly? I'm going to
cum all over your face". His eyes went wide with horror. "Of course that would
be a lovely way to pay back your big sister for sitting on your face. So you
just go right ahead and do it". He tried to be quiet after that while his face
turned red as I smothered him with my crotch. "Mmm mm" he was too quiet apart
from the odd contented moan. Remembering what I saw earlier, I reached back
behind me. "Mmmm mmm!" Chris protested in a very stimulating manner as my palm
landed on the front of his trousers and my fingers closed around a very stiff
bulge indeed. "My God Chris! You've got a bloody great big hard-on!" I
exclaimed in mock-horror. "You dirty little sod. Fancying your own sister. I
know Mum and Dad want us to get along but that's bloody incest!" "Mmm mmm!" he
protested twisting and turning his lower half so much that I lost balanced and
slipped off his face. Puff Puff Chris rolled onto his side facing away from
me, panting real fast and heavy, gulping down air like there was no tomorrow.

Weakened after I'd sat on his face, he didn't put up much of a fight as I
pulled his runt body between my thick stockinged thighs. Quickly I wrapped my
legs around his waist to prevent him escaping. "Orrraghh!" he groaned as I
clamped my thighs around his sides and locked my ankles in front of him. I
flexed my thighs loving how they felt as the muscles turned steely hard
beneath my soft smooth skin and elegant fashionable stockings. "Urggghgh
urghhh urghh!" he grunted as I flexed and relaxed my thighs several times in a
row. "Orrrrragh!" he couldn't struggle no more now that my strong athletic
thighs were squeezing into his sides. "You're not going anywhere, kid. Now
keep still or I'll scissor you in two with my legs". I reached forwards and
wrapped my right arm around his neck. Locking it off by clasping my left
biceps I slapped my left hand on top of his head and pressed down. "Oh no, big
brother. We're all alone in the house and I'm going to have fun and there's
nothing that you can do to stop me" I flexed my arms to tighten the sleeper
hold and held it firm. "Urrkkkk urrkkk!" he croaked and began struggling again
so I flexed my legs harder. "Orrrrragh!" that soon brought him back under
control. "This is called a sleeper hold. Guess what it does?" I flexed my
biceps and enjoyed how the wimp clutched in vain with his hands. "Urk! Urk!"
he was making funny croaking sounds as the front of his throat pressed tight
inside the crook of my arm choking off his air. I pulled my arm tighter around
his neck to pinch off the arteries at the side of the neck to stop the blood
flow to his brain.

"No use fighting it you're going under" I chuckled as his face began to go red
and the actions of his hands became weaker. Although I'd read that this could
knock someone out within just a few seconds, this was my first time and to my
complete surprise I felt him go limp very quickly. I had seen vids of girls
doing this to their boyfriends on the web and thought it looked so hot. But I
really did think the little pratt would last longer than this. I shook his
head in my arms in case he was faking but he really was out cold. An intense
heat flared in my pussy and I began to sweat. Oh my God I nearly came right
then and there!. "Come on you little shit, wake up so I can knock you out
again and have an orgasm". I slapped his face but he didn't stir.

Suddenly the doorbell went. Maybe they will go away. Then it rang again
followed by knocking on the door. I remembered Chris said Bobby was coming
around. With a smile on my face I went down to answer the door, well it would
be rude not to. I tried to get rid of him but then he started eyeing me up
like he'd never seen me before. Oh well maybe he'll last out longer than Chris
and let me experience that pleasure. I teased him with a leg show as I closed
the door and tried not to laugh at his predictable reaction. Then I walked up
the stairs in front of him knowing that the little pervert was looking at the
back of my legs. Oh men are so predictable. His face when he saw Chris laying
there on the floor out cold. It was clear that he didn't believe that I
knocked Chris out and that really peed me off. It felt so good teaching him
the error of his ways between my thighs. Oh it really made me feel hot and
horny. I felt that surge of heat in my pussy while my heart pounded as when he
went out in my arms. OMG! I really came good and hard. Oh wow! I wanted to
experience more of this.

I wanted to slip out of my work clothes so not to ruin them but had only just
started to unbutton my blouse when Chris began to come around. While he lay
groaning and shaking his head I quickly took off my blouse and threw it in the
wash basket in the bathroom. "My God! What have you done to Bobby" Chris
exclaimed as I re-entered his room. He saw that I was in my bra and quickly
averted his eyes from my breasts. "I did the same to him what I did to you and
what I'm going to do to you all day long until Mum and Dad get back" I raised
my right arm level with my shoulders, clenched my fist and slowly bent my
forearm towards my head. Chris's eyes widened at the sight of the fair-sized
solid mound popping out from my upper arm. "Is that fear, brother-dear, or
jealousy?" I taunted "Look at it Chris, all-natural built through healthy
exercise". He gawped at it like I was an alien or something. "I bet it's
bigger than your scrawny lazy arm". I raised and flexed my left arm as well
and swore I saw a twitch in his trousers. What was that all about? "These are
what put you and Bobby away". I let the words sink into his thick head while
he openly stared at my solid biceps. "And they are going to do it again and
again until I get bored or you both get brain-damage" "You can't do that!"
Chris protested. Were the front of his trousers looking stiffer?

I swung my right biceps down to my side which I turned to present to my
kid-brother and flexed it again in a side-biceps pose. "This is what it looks
like when it's wrapped around your scrawny neck. Look at that bulge. Remember
how that muscle felt when it bulged into your neck and knocked you out?" there
was that twitch again. Was he one of those weird boys that got turned on by
muscles on girls? Out of curiosity I flexed another double-biceps pose and
nearly laughed when the front of his trousers twitched again. I was turning
the sick little brat on with my muscles! What a laugh.

"Come here so they can knock you out again" I made a grab for his arm but he
batted away my hand. "No way! You leave me alone! Bobby too!" he yelled in
defiance "Clear off! Go horse-riding or whatever!". You can see what kind of
relationship we have as brother and sister. Showing more bottle than I gave
him credit for the little snot threw out his fist which caught me by surprise
and hit me right on my stomach. WHUMP! "Nnnnnar!" the punch winded me a little
and I glared angrily at him. "Amy I...I'm sorry" he spluttered. "Bastard" I
spat then shot out my arm to return the punch. My fist sank right into his gut
with a lovely feeling. WHUMP! "Orraghh!" he wailed as his mouth turned down.
CRUMP! "...orghh..kkah!" I powered the other fist right in the same spot.
"That's what you get for hitting girls, you little weasel". WHUMP!
"....nnn..." my right fist piled on the hurt, Chris's face was turning red
again and his torso was crumpling over, unable to keep himself straight and
with his hands over his belly. "Serves you right for listening to that
mind-rot and not exercising, you soft-belly" I taunted and readied my right
fist for another gut-buster. If I kept him breathless and winded for long
enough, could I eventually knock him out?. His hands were over his stomach,
protecting it but that didn't worry me. PFISH! PFISH! my fists slammed into
the back of his hands hard enough to send them smacking into his own belly
eliciting more grunts. PAT PAF! my next punches caught him on the arm and back
as the little creep turned away from me. "You turn around and take it like a
man, Christopher Moyle" I cried but the teen-aged dirt-bag began staggering
away to get away from my lady fists.

Fired up, I leapt into the air. The slit in my skirt fell open as I raised my
stocking-clad legs before me angling them towards his fleeing body then
snapped them forward slamming both feet right in the middle of his back.
KABLAM! "Ow!" BLAM! "Ow!" Chris went sprawling very quickly across the bedroom
and slammed face first into the wall. I kicked out, stomping the back of his
knee. BAM! "Ow! he went straight down to his knees facing the wall. I kicked
out again raising my knee to stomp my foot against the top of his shoulder
blade, slamming his face against the wall. BAM! "Ouch!". I kept my foot there
pressing him in place. "Look in the wardrobe mirror, squirt" I grabbed the top
of his hair and turned his face forcing him to look. "Watch as your big sister
beats you up". In the reflection his eyes were lingering on my leg which was
raised and bent at the knee keeping him in place. The slit in the skirt had
fallen wide open revealing the whole length of my stockings-clad legs,
stocking tops, suspenders and all. "Are you looking at my legs? Have you the
hots for your own sister? You wierdo" "! Let me go Amy" he protested.

With my foot pressing his chest against the bedroom wall, I reached forward
with my left hand and pulled his head right back by the hair. I bent his head
back far enough so I could slip my right forearm across his throat. It took
some effort, but I am quite flexible from Majorettes practice, and managed to
grab hold of my right wrist with my left hand. "Urgkk! Ukk ukk" he croaked and
made all sorts of choking noises as I used my left arm to pull the right tight
around his throat. "Arghh arghhkkk urkkk!" he was making a right racket with
his head bent back at such an extreme angle that the tendons in his neck stood
right out and his face turned bright red in seconds. Oh God! I felt so
powerful, totally in control of the little brat. With his head bent back like
that and my foot pressing against his shoulder there was nothing that the
little squirt could do about it. "God you're so pathetic Christopher. Letting
yourself get beat up by a girl". I poured on the strength through my thigh
pressing his chest so hard against the wall that it must have constricted his

My heartbeat began to increase and I felt my skin warming up as I pulled back
upon his neck forcing his face to look up at the ceiling. "Gkkk gkkkk!" His
eyes were wide and staring and a foam of spittle was forming on his mouth.
Orrrrr! I felt a hot flush flare up in my genitals and I began to perspire and
breath heavily. "Ohhh ohhh" I had the uncontrollable urge to clench my muscles
but the only thing I had to hold onto was my brother's neck. "kk!" a kind of
hollow clocking noise and Chris's eyes began fluttering and rolling up.
"Orrrrr!" my muscles all went tense then Chris went all limp in my arms as I
lost control of my body. "Rooooooooorrrrraghhhhh!" such an intense orgasm hit
me that I was screaming it out, rocking back and forth with my unconscious
brother in my arms. The worry went through my mind that I might accidentally
kill him but there was nothing I could do as my body tensed as I rode out this
amazing powerful climax. "Orr Orr Orrr!" finally I had to let the brat fall to
the floor as I went weak at knees and had to stumble for the bed and lay down
panting and moaning to myself until I heard Bobby come to.

I kinda like Bobby, if only he weren't such a metal-head and was more
athletic. I loved his reaction when he saw me on the bed next to him. It was
clear he fancied me by the way he was eyeing me up yet felt embarrassed that I
was the girl he'd taken for granted as Chris' sister. When I flexed my biceps
at him I was pleased to see that he was definitely aroused - another weirdo
who was into muscles on girls, I kinda liked the idea. As I powered my knee
into his gut I was amazed by how high I could lift his body. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!
My God this was really turning me on. I loved the feeling of dominance as I
powered my knee deeper and deeper into his slob belly with such strength that
his body was flying into the air. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! The more I did it, the
more the heat flared between my legs. "Urrr! Urr! Urr!" I groaned each time I
slammed my knee up into his wimp body not just with the increasing effort of
maintaining the pace of this punishing workout but also with the rapidly
growing sexual excitement that had me perspiring and feeling so yummy inside.
"Urrr! Urrr! Urr!" I kept powering my knee as high as I could get it, although
it was tiring. The sight of Bobby's face red and grotesque in agony with his
mouth wide open and his eyes screwed up tight as his body rode limply upon my
knee made my juices run free. "Arrraarrrr! Arrrraaarr! Arraarrrrr!" I moaned
loudly cumming hard as Bobby's body just flopped senselessly bouncing loosely
on the end of my tiring knee. "Ooooorr Aarrrr ohhhhhhhh!" the orgasm just went
on and on, my limbs tensing making it impossible to keep hammering Bobby. I
put all my effort in one last gut-busting blow. "Woooorrrragrrrr!" I poured
the energy of the orgasm into it lifting his limp body clean into the air
before it came crashing down onto the carpet as I puffed and panted while
moaning through the rest of my incredible yummy orgasm. "Oh yes, oh yes!" I
panted having to hold onto the bed to stay upright.

As I began to climb back off that sexual peak, panting while my breathing and
heart-rate slowed back down to normal, I knew that I had to get out of the
rest of my work clothes before the boys came around so that I didn't ruin
them. Going back to my room wearily in my post-orgasmic state, I stripped off
and pull out the small yellow halter and pleated skirt that I use for
cheer-leading. I was enjoying being a dominant bitch and wasn't ready to stop
right now.


A urgent shaking wakes me. "Come on Bobby, wake up" Chris urges in a whisper
"We can take her together. She's just a girl. She won't have a chance against
two boys". My experiences with my kid sister have knocked my confidence in
that department. "I'm not so sure Chris. Let's just get the hell out of here
and go down town" I tell my best mate as he helps me to get to my feet. A loud
squeak of the tread by the door puts pay to that plan. "What are you two
losers whispering about?". We both turn to the doorway to find Amy standing
there looking really hot in a skimpy yellow cheerleader's outfit consisting of
a short sleeveless halter which shows off her lean toned arms and washboard
stomach. This is matched by a very short pleated skirt that shows off her
thick shapely looking legs. A wicked smile crosses her lips.

"Can you metal-heads do this?" she challenged then suddenly lifted her right
knee high out to the side. Her cute pleated skirt fans out then falls back as
her shin folds upwards. Her right leg extends until it is straight continuing
to move until her foot is well over her head. ULP! I can only stare with
mounting lust as Amy does a side standing splits in front of me. Her taut
stomach is bumpy and hard like a sculpted statue. My eyes run down the shapely
curves of her vertical inverted leg from the graceful hollow by her slender
ankles sweeping beautifully over her thick calves and the hard muscular slab
bulging there then into the hollow at the back of her knee then out again over
quite pronounced hamstrings and down to the tendons pointing to her crotch.
Similar to the deliberate cock-teasing moves of a female gymnast, the sight of
the white knickers stretched tight over her crotch and the display of
incredible flexibility drives a rapid stiffness in my groin. A sharp elbow in
the ribs breaks my studies of the fit limber hard-bodied beauty. "Come on
Bobby, lets take her now" Chris urged then rushed at his sister. His charge
against her one-legged stance knocked her over easily to the floor.

"Get off me" she growled. Surprisingly Chris is having real difficulty pinning
his sister to the floor so I got down, all too happy to help. As we grappled
with the writhing she-cat on the carpet, I enjoyed the feel of such close
bodily contact with a sultry dark-haired girl. Between the two of us, we
finally managed to subdue the hot bodied cheerleader. I was holding tight onto
Amy's lovely middle enjoying the warmth of her soft firm bare skin, sneaking
in the odd feel of her washboard abs. The side of her face was close to my
lips and I studied the perfect sharp lines of her made-up features highly
tempted to kiss her but somehow just managing to resist the urge.

Chris grabbed the top of her hair and stood up over her. "Now it's payback
bitch" he sneered and raised his palm to slap her around the face. "Chris no"
I wasn't too keen on him hitting the lovely Amy but suddenly she snapped her
left knee right back towards her shoulder. "Chris watch out" BERLAM! Her
strong athletic leg straightened in the blink of an eye, hammering the sole of
her bare foot right into his mouth with the brief play of strong thighs in her
leg. "Arghhh!" he yelled and went flying back clutching his mouth. I suddenly
found myself grappling with a wild wriggling sultry looking she-devil who was
wearing a sexy cheerleader's outfit. "Let go Bobby" she snarled as I held onto
her body tight while trying to restrain her bucking writhing athletic body.
"Get off!" she snarled through gritted teeth as I managed to fling my right
leg over her waist with the rest of me following to straddle her waist. Any
hope that I could pin and subdue her soon dispelled as she fought back
constantly, writhing and bucking trying to unseat me. She was moving beneath
me so much that I was forced to lie flat on top of her to stop myself getting
throw off.

To my horror I found myself being physically overwhelmed by a very angry
snarling writhing athletic scantily clad sultry wildcat. Dear God no! her
triceps swelled massively into dense powerful looking muscular horseshoe
shapes. I felt further intimidated by the clearly visible biceps vein running
down the front of her arm. I struggled to resist those big rippling triceps as
they pulled my arms apart with an irresistible urge pressing me tighter
against that hot fit body that I would have loved to love. Then her forearms
bent at the elbow and I felt utter weakness as my hands were slowly but surely
pulled against my will inwards towards my head. Pressed so intimately against
such a firm sexy female body while nose to nose with her exquisitely feminine
face made me feel shame and humiliation that I wasn't man enough to handle her
and boy did I want to handle her! "Not nearly good enough Bobby boy" she
deepened my humiliation with a tight smile as her biceps swelled into
fair-sized hard looking mounds. A powerful surge began to press my arms back
raising them off the bed while Amy's forearms thickened at the base becoming
more triangular and at the same time stronger around the wrists. Lying on top
of her like this, I now had no doubt that her arms were bigger and stronger
than mine. Whilst my sense of shame grew at being so puny at being out-muscled
by a girl I'd known for so long and now quite fancied, I felt my dick grow
irresistibly harder for the same reason.

"Hold her Bobby, I'm coming" Chris called but his sister had already pressed
me right back into a sitting position across her waist. "You're no match for
me, Bobby dearest" she teased in sultry tones that sounded like pouring honey.
I just wanted to kiss her so bad. Suddenly my hands were free as she quickly
drew back her arms close on either side. BLAM! Both fists shot forwards
blasting me high on either side of my chest. "Arghh!" with incredible speed,
the cheerleader's legs shot forwards either side of my head. Thick strong
looking high walls of feminine entrapment enclosed my head. "Hmmmm!" I found
my face pulled forwards by the hair until my nose and mouth were buried right
into the softness of her white knickers. Before I could react, her meaty hard
calves folded behind my head keeping me firmly in place. PHOAR! this was such
a sexy place to be, breathing in her womanly scent while feeling her firm sexy
thighs surrounding my head with my hands. "Mooooorrr!" this was a heavenly
place to be and my dick was absolutely throbbing. "Mmmmm!" her thick legs
suddenly turned steely hard crushing the sides of my skull in a formidable
grip while throwing it about from one side to the other. I guessed that Chris
was attacking her but couldn't see because I had to keep screwing up my eyes
against the leggy clamp squeezing down upon my head with crushing power.
Neither could I hear anything other than my own heartbeat pounding in my ears
as her thick thighs pressed against them blocking out all other sound.

"Mmmm! Mmm!" while not the most powerful head scissors I've been in, the
cheerleader's thick legs had become more than strong enough to be very
uncomfortable and painful as she flung me around while fighting off Chris.
Urrrghh Urghhh! I sensed someone behind me trying to lift Amy's thick legs and
prise them apart. In doing so, I managed to wriggle and struggle to get my
knees under me. "Mmmmm!" Amy's back-end reared up keeping my face firmly
scissored against her crotch with her ankles locked tight against Chris's
efforts. Oh God it was such a sexy sensation my dick was lurching inside my
pants on its own accord. For a second the head-crushing pressure eased then
resumed. I heard a muffled cry from behind. Managing to look in the wardrobe
mirror out the corner of my eye, I saw that Amy had caught Chris' neck between
her crossed shins. Oh no! I couldn't believe it, this hot girl was now
scissoring both of us at the same time between her sexy legs, me between her
strong thick thighs and Chris between her shins. Orrrraghh! Chris' weight fell
upon my back as his sister seized his wrist and pulled his arm between her
legs. Orrraghh! She was levering his arm against the side of the top of my
skull and it blooming well hurt. "Mmmoar mmroar!" held fast against her crotch
it was getting hot and stuffy and difficult to breathe. I clasped Amy's lovely
thighs and tugged with all my might but they were rock steady.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw in the mirror that Chris' face was bright
red as her crossed shins cut into the sides of his neck. In horror I realised
that she was going to knock him out again and leave me alone to face her so
she could do the same to me! Frantically I tried pushing myself up with my
knees but with Chris' weight upon my back as she applied an arm-bar over my
head gave me no room to manoeuvre. Feeling bad about hitting a girl I began
slapping as hard as I could against her thighs. "Mmmmoaarr!" I yelled into her
knickers as the pressure soared around my skull as she really poured it on.
Suddenly her crotch was rubbing furiously up and down over my nose. "Orrrr
orrrr orrrrr ohhhhhh!" even with her thighs clamped over my ears I could hear
Amy's cries of passion while things got wet and slimy all over my nose.

The lovely but strong legs loosen and I collapse sideways out of the
face-scissoring hold, panting for breath. "Oh wow Bobby! You made me cum so
hard I squirted in your face" Amy's voice was husky with exertion. That was an
embarrassing thing to hear with her brother close by. "Wanna do it again?" she
asked in a saucy tone. I wanted to say yes but not with her brother in the
room watching. The six slabs in her stomach rose and fell in a tantalising
sexy dance. One second her belly was taut, smooth and flat the next six hard
rocky slabs arose to the surface in the most sinuous manner that held me
riveted. She examined her thighs where I slapped her then froze me with a
fierce look "But if you've left a bruise, slapping my legs like that you're
dead!" Her eyes narrowed and a tight smile appeared like a predator as she
moved into a crouch ready to pounce. Feeling nervous of getting to grips with
this strong but sexy girl in her cute cheerleader's uniform I tried to
scramble back but found myself backed up against the bed. "Nowhere to hide,
Bobby. I'm coming to get you". But before she could attack, Chris had crept up
behind her and seized her by wrapping his arms beneath her pits and tried to
drag her backwards away from me. "You leave Bobby alone, you bullying bitch".

Calmly Amy bent her knees with her feet firmly planted on the floor and leant
right back showing great flexibility with her back straight and steady.
Reaching up she slide her hands either side of Chris' neck then laced them
behind. Hanging from his neck Amy's right leg was a blur as it kicked up until
it touched her chest, the top of her foot clubbing Chris right on the top of
his head like a hammer BLAM! "Ouch!" he yelped and dropped her. No sooner had
Amy's back hit the floor than she bounced up onto her feet and immediately
began doing this high-kicking routine. Dancing and bouncing around with her
arms raised in the air held wide apart in a V shape she effortlessly knocked
out tremendous high-kick after high-kick. One after the other each leg rose
and fell in perfect precision, straight and so high the top of her thighs
bounced from her chest. Wow it was a sexy display of limber female fitness
that aroused me. "Can you do this boys?" she taunted with no sign of exertion
in her voice or her well-sculpted abdomen. Fascinated and mesmerised by the
hot looking high kicking cheerleader, I slowly got to my feet. I found myself
unable to take my eyes off her short pleated skirt which flicked up with each
kick giving a tantalising glimpse of white knickers. Still bouncing and
kicking she moved towards me.

So engrossed was I in staring at the tight white fabric moulded to her mount
that I failed to realise the danger until her right leg shot right up close in
front of me in an almighty high-kick. KABLAM! the balls of her bare foot
hammers under my jaw, driving my teeth together in a gnashing clash and
snapping my face back hard in a eye-blurring quickness. "Oh yeah!" she
laughed. BERLAM! A brief glimpse of a youthful smiling face behind an inverted
shapely ankle and thick calve then her foot struck again whipping my face
towards the ceiling in a blinding daze. "Go team go!" KERBLAM! her strong
shapely leg shot up so fast I barely saw it, her bare sole smashing into my
jaw with surprising force snapping my face back so hard I heard a crick in my
neck as my vision blurred. "Wooooo yeah!" BLAM! I was too dazed to see that
one coming and it sent me staggering back with my head reeling. "Wooo
cheerleaders kick" BERLAM! "arse" The room spun as my head snapped back. I was
being kicked helpless by a sexy sultry cheerleader and the thought had my
balls tight and dick rock hard. KERBLAM! The cumulative effect of her
metronomic kicks was destroying me. KABLAM! My head jerked back and forth as
if on a loose spring. BLAM! My jaw was clobbered so much it nearly dislocated
as she tried to kick my head off. BLAM! My eyes were in a blind whirl while my
ears were left ringing. BLAM! My head whipped back so hard I had to hold onto
the bed post to stop myself falling over. She was really going to kick my head
off. Her kicks coming one after another so fast that I didn't have a chance to
protect myself. KERBLAM! That one left me punch-drunk, wobbling on my feet
with my knees going all rubbery. The sheer power and rhythmic rapidity of her
kicks was frightening and my dick was in full salute raising the front of my
trousers up like a tent. I was nearly finished kicked helpless by a cute girl
and getting turned on by it.

The next kick didn't come and I heard the sounds of scuffling. As my eyes
regained focus I saw Chris had grabbed his sister from behind and was
struggling to pull her away from me. Suddenly Amy snapped sharply forwards at
the waist bending herself right over in two like a U-pin, her chest touched
her upper thigh while her left leg shot backwards into the air. KABLAM!
whipping vertical in an instant, the sole of her foot blasted Chris' jaw from
below with such wicked force that his feet left the ground as his head jerked
savagely backwards. Amy's foot continued unimpeded until it was pointing
straight up towards the ceiling like a flagpole with her body bent double and
her bumpy sculpted abs appearing then disappearing the only evidence of any
exertion. Such incredible feminine flexibility had me staring slack-jawed in
open lust and a twitching tent in my trousers. BLAM! Amy bounced lightly on
her feet. BLAM! high-kicking the crap out of her brother. BLAM! Her shapely
strong legs ruthlessly kicks his chin over and BLAM! over again with sexy
flexibility and terrible leggy power. BLAM! Each kick was smashing Chris' head
skywards making it loll uncontrollable. BLAM! His eyes looked zonked out while
his legs were all over the place looking on the verge of collapse. BERLAM! I
try to go to help him, but my head is woozy and I can't get my legs to behave.
"Go team go!" BLAM! She kicks as if it were part of her cheer-leading routine
BLAM! and his face just happens to be in the way. BERLAM! His mouth is a
bloody mess where his crashing teeth must have caught his lip. BLAM! His knees
nearly buckle beneath him. I've got to go help him.

Summoning all of my strength I throw myself across the room at her back while
admiring her hour glass figure. Right at the last second she spun around and
snapped up her knee like a majorette. WHUMP! "Nurrrrr!" It was like a
hammer-blow right in the middle of my chest, winding me and stopping me dead
in my tracks. Paralysed in shock I could only watch in horror as her knee shot
up again like a cannon ball as I creased forwards. WHAM! "Nuuuuuuphh!" the top
of her thigh crashed along the line of my breastbone as her knee pounded my
sternum. "Urrghhh!" a long slow groan of agony left my lips spilling precious
breath. "You just can't get enough of me can you Bobby?" hunching over as I
was, I forced myself to look up at her bare legs standing in front of me.
Nervously I realised how strong and athletic they were. I wish I hadn't looked
as I was helpless to do anything as she suddenly bounced and her right leg
flew up like a rocket. KERBLAM! the top of her foot rammed into my face like a
cricket bat. A blow so powerful that it whipped my head skywards so hard that
my body snapped upright then kept going as my head flew back. My feet was
stumbling rapidly backwards uncontrollably trying not to fall over. "Go Bobby
Go!" through bleary eyes I saw her bounce towards me. Her strong thigh muscles
twitched and a muscular calve soared into the air like a launching missile.
BERLAM! The front bottom of her sole hit my jaw like a mallet, slamming my
chin, snapping my head back in a eye-blurring daze. In horror I found my legs
turning to water beneath me. BLAM! Another leggy kick and my legs failed
completely dumping me on the carpet, my head spinning.

Lying helpless on my back, all I could do was watch the sight of Amy's thick
muscular slabs of calve as she turned towards across to Chris who looked
terrified. "No!" he cried picking up his desk lamp and brandishing it like a
weapon. "Oh Chris" she sighed theatrically "Don't be such a loser. You can't
fight me". Chris look more confident waving the lamp at his sister as if that
would ward her off. All of a sudden Amy swivelled on her left heel turning
side-on with her short pleated skirt lifting as her strong right leg shot out
like a bullet, rising fast towards his face. BERLAM! the sole of her bare foot
blasted him square on the chin and in horror I saw him go flying back,
dropping the lamp in the process. Amy bounced forward, the muscles in her
strong athletic thighs tensing to deliver another devastating high kick to his
face powered by her lean muscular legs. Chris quickly turned his back on her
to avoid another kick in the face. In amazement I watched as her thick right
leg shot skywards until it was vertical. The big slab of calve muscle had an
arrow shaped end pointing upwards as her foot soared over Chris' head. It was
a sexy sight and that moment I would have willingly called her my mistress and
worshipped her all night long. Then to my horror that high-raised foot fell
like the blade on the end of an axe. THWUNK! "Ow!" It clubbed Chris hard on
the top of his head with quite some downward force. His shoulders and arms
twitched upwards in shock then he fell to his knees close to my side.

*** Amy's view ***

I loved the Bobby's expression when he saw me in my cute little cheer-leader's
outfit. His eyes went wide, his pupils dilated and his jaw went slack while
his chest rose and fell a lot deeper. Not that I was surprised as most boys
and men have that reaction. His eyes roamed hungrily all over my body
especially the exposed bare bits. You know, my toned arms, firm sculpted abs
and strong legs. Then when I did the standing splits, I could have burst out
loud laughed at the predictable reaction! The stiff bulge at the front of his
trousers formed ever so quickly. Even my kid brother was eyeing me up in a
peculiar way, the little sicko. I was even more surprised when the little
weirdo led the attack and got me down on the ground. I enjoyed it even more
when I kicked the brat in the mouth leaving me to pit my strength against
Bobby. The look on his face was priceless when I began to overpower him with
my girl muscles! I was stronger than him! I loved the feeling of power as I
made a show of flexing my triceps as I pulled his arms apart forcing his body
right up against mine to intimidate him. The feel of something pressing
against my crotch confused me until I realised it was his blooming erection!
My God that made me horny. So he got turned on by being out-muscled by a girl
did he? I deliberately flexed my biceps as I used my strong abs to pull myself
up into a sitting position while my firm biceps swelled and bulged. Two
wonderful hard swelling mounds of power against which a boy who didn't
exercise like Bobby had no chance.

I usually hang around with jocks who were only too keen to get their hands on
me but once I flexed my big mounds of female muscle, they lost interest. Yet
here was a boy who had a blooming boner over my muscles, even my annoying
brother was visible turned on by them, as sick as that seemed. Maybe these
types of boy weren't so weird after all? It felt so good physically dominating
him like this, I wished I could dominate him like this all day, except my
creepo brother spoilt it by dragging me off him.

Scissoring Bobby's face against my crotch while I dealt with my brother was an
accident and a delightful sexy revelation at that. Orrrrrr! every time he
moaned or protested into my crotch, the vibrations stimulated my clit and
drove me mad with the need to cum. Somehow I managed to hold it together to
get my silly brother trapped between my calves. What a laugh! I was scissoring
two boys at once. I lay back and poured on the strength in my legs flexing my
thighs and stretching them out focussing the power through to my crossed
calves that were scissoring my brother's puny neck. Wow! I bet I could knock
him right out like this! Chris moaned, his face turning red and his pathetic
eyes pleading which made me pour on the pressure even more until it appeared
that his eyes would pop out of their sockets. In the meantime, Bobby was
moaning loudly into my crotch, the vibrations stoking my clit until I could
feel the orgasm building uncontrollably. Instinctively I began to buck my hips
back and forth rubbing myself over his nose and mouth. The front of his jeans
soared stretching the fabric painfully tight. I can't tell you how wet that
made my crotch, once again surprising me with how

turned on he was by my superior feminity. I rode his face with wild abandon,
becoming increasingly sexually excited. My strong thighs clamped down hard
around his face to keep him in position. There was no way that he could break
free until I'd had my orgasm. ?Orrrr orrr!? as I gave into the primal
sensations, I pressed downward harder and harder, plunging his features
through my hungry crotch which just got wetter and wetter. Even though he
started slapping my thighs hard, I just couldn't stop myself pumping my legs
and rubbing his face against my sopping mound, unable to slow down until his
features were thoroughly smeared with my juices. A fine sheen of perspiration
formed on my brow as I gasped short moans in time with the jerking of my hips.
Then I was moaning in a long cry of unrestrained passion. My back arched and
my eyes closed tight while my lips peeled back from my teeth as I came hard
and long all over Bobby's face. I'd never came so hard before, such a powerful
orgasm so strong that I actually squirted in his face.

After that I just wanted to play with Bobby some more but my stupid brat
brother wanted to fight. I was only too happy to show them what a high-kicking
girl can do. Their expressions glued to my legs and crotch as I began
high-kicking was typical. I can do this for ages, it keeps my abs nice and
trim. KABLAM! believe you me, cheerleaders and majorettes know a thing or two
about high-kicking boys and men into helplessness. Maybe your kid sister is a
majorette or cheerleader? Go and ask her and then be amazed as she high-kicks
the crap out of you. There'd be nothing you can do about it and you'd be too
ashamed to go crying to mummy, boo-hoo my kid sister kicked the stuffings out
of me then knocked my lights out boo hoo ? what a laugh. It's so laughably
easy. The pure joy of your foot smashing into their faces overcame the drag of
the build-up of lactose or tired muscles. It's a good work-out too. As I was
bare-footed I was careful to strike with the hard balls of my sole and not the
toes. I wished I'd worn my sexy white boots to do some real damage. Orrr orrr
the feeling of power as I kicked the crap out of two boys was really getting
me hot and bothered between the legs again. This female dominatrix lark is
doing wonders for my sex drive, I really think I will take it up. BLAM! BLAM!
Orrrrrr I just knew that if I kept this up that I would have another massive
orgasm. But instead of staying up until I knocked them out, the creepy little
morons fell down all too quickly to the floor before I could cum again. Boy
did that make me feel pissed.

With two boys on their backs next to each other, what else is a girl to do? I
got down crouching above them and sandwiched Bobby's neck between the back of
my thigh against his throat and my thick calve around the back of his neck.
"Grkkkkk!" he let out a strangulated cry as I did the same to Chris. I felt my
thigh muscles flex as I pulled my legs closer together until they were
touching heads. "Grrrk kkkk!" "What happened there boys? Two boys dominated by
one girl" I chuckled while they both choked under my strong hamstrings. They
both clutched at my thighs as if that would somehow help them. I bent their
fingers back hard until they were yelping and writhing in agony beneath me.
"Uh uh. No bruising the merchandise, boys" I told them sternly. I felt so
powerful, so strong and totally in control that I just had to flex both of
biceps. "Look boys, look at the power of the dominatrix who just put you in
your place" I told them while they looked on in awe or was it fear?, or maybe
lust? Who cared, I was on a high and wasn't ready to let this finish any-time
soon. Releasing Bobby I seized his arm and twisted it behind his back then
forced him his knees. ?That's right Bobby I'm in control here.Now turn around
before I break your arm? I loved being this mean and being able to back it up
physically. He yelped loudly as I twisted his arm sharply to the right

forcing him to turn right around so that his back was to me. That allowed me
to lock Chris' neck up tight using both of my legs in a double figure 4. I
squeezed hard with my thighs and his face went red along with a load of
coughing, spluttering and croaking noises. "That's it brother-dearest, enjoy
the power of your sisters legs" yes I'm a bitch and like it. As I always say,
if you've got the power, flaunt it.

With Chris under the control of my thick athletic legs, that left my arms free
to deal with Bobby. I snaked my right arm across his throat from the left and
closed my forearm around his neck. Sort of tucking him under my arm the
reverse way around if you know what I mean. If you don't, come and see me at
one of your events and I'll only be too happy to demonstrate on you.
"Urrrrrragh!" he groaned as I began to bend his head right back so that his
face was by my side, upside down looking out from my back. GRKKKK! He croaked.
With my right arm tight around his neck I used my left to lever his arm back
across my chest. His body reared up in a very impressive back-bridge that had
him groaning in agony. That wasn't all! "Bobby! That's a very impressive tent
you have there in your trousers reaching towards the ceiling". I pulled his
arm back across my chest harder making him rear up on his feet and his
erection trusting into the air as bridged right back. The sight was actually
turning me on. "This is called a dragon sleeper reverse headlock choke hold,
Bobby" I told him as I released his arm so that I could grab my right wrist
and pull my biceps tighter into his throat. "Kkkkkkk kkkk" came the throttling
noises. "I'm glad you like it because it is turning me on too". I had looked
this hold up on the web.

I love this domination lark. "Beg your mistress for mercy" I instructed.
"Leave him alkkkkkrgh" I shut Chris up by flexing my muscular thighs,
tightening the scissors around his neck. "Kkkkk kkkk" Chris croaked. "Urghkkk
please urkkk mercy urkkk mistress" Bobby begged. "God Bobby that thing's
twitching about like a ferret down your trousers. God it's making me so hot" I
told him. "Let's hear it from you Chris" I demanded. "Kkkk let gokkkkkk" he
protested. I flexed my thighs so hard that they looked like sleek slabs of
steel plate along the outer edge. My juices ran as he cried out in pain. "Do
it Chris or I'll break your friend like a pretzel". I tensed my arms and Bobby
began to trash his arms and legs. "You better hurry up Chris or your friend
will be a brain-damaged moron". Bobby's body continued to thrash. The sight of
that bulging twitching erection in his trousers was making me want to cum real
soon. I couldn't resisted unzipping his flies and pulling out his dong then
slide my hand up and down it real quick. "Oh Bobby how can you hold that in
for so long, it's going to blow soon". "Urrrrr urrrrr ohhhhhhhh!" he moaned
then blasted an eruption of sperm out of his dick, it just went everywhere as
I continued to jerk my hand up and down. Maybe my right arm tensed around his
throat in my excitement. "Urkkkk!" at that moment Bobby's body went slack and
flopped down as he passed out. My breathing quickened and I heated up as every
muscle in my body tensed and I came hard. "Ukkk ok okkkkkkk Mistress, mercy
kkkk" Chris cried out but I was cumming and couldn't stop. My thighs clamped
really hard of their own accord, the muscles burning with sheer power as I
rode out my orgasm. By the time I finished Chris was out too - put out by my
sexy legs, while Bobby was lying in a weird curled back state, still out cold.

I was so hot and perspiring that I went back to my room to take off my halter.
I caught sight of myself in the mirror and admired my fit toned body. I've
worked hard to get this fabulous body with my sleek sculpted abs, well-defined
shoulders and strong arms and legs. I flexed both biceps and admired how sleek
and feminine they looked yet at the same time so powerful. They looked great
especially with my abs flexed but the bra distracted from the full glorious
view. I'm not ashamed of my fit strong body, so I removed the bra. I was just
about to return topless to the boys when a wicked afterthought hit me and I
slipped off my panties too feeling deliciously naughty. As the boys came
around I stood before them proudly displaying my body, naked apart from the
pleated skirt, pumping my biceps and abs to try and make them look bigger and
more rugged. I haven't got particular big breasts but I proudly showed off
what I've got, tensing my biceps and abs like a muscle girl. Bobby was gaping
openly, the front of his trousers re-awakening. Chris didn't know where to put
his eyes but even he looked aroused taking furtive glances. "Get up boys and
worship your mistress" I put on a firm but seductive voice. Bobby got to his
feet quickly but Chris was more hesitant. I fixed him with a hard stare while
half-turning my body towards him so that he could see the back of my arm. I
flexed knowing that the view from the back of my arm would make the biceps
peak more dramatically. As my biceps peaked to what I thought was an
impressive height so too did the bulge in Bobby's pants rise through the open
flies in his trousers. "What a magnificent peak, er Mistress" Bobby gasped in
awe. Chris too got to his feet with his eyes not leaving my biceps and a
definite bulge in his trousers.

Like the Queen surveying her minions, I walked slowly between them as they
stared at my topless body. "Chris was too slow getting to his feet. So you
must both be punished". Before that could sink into their thick brains, I
acted. My thighs and calves maybe a bit on the thick side but it was all
muscle. Tensing my thighs I bent my knees then powered down through my thighs
and down into my calves until they felt like a tightly coiled spring ready to
explode. With a powerful release of that energy that made my calves bunch and
quiver, I sprang high into the air between them as high as their astonished
faces. Snapping straight my strong legs on either side in a wide V shape.
Their surprise at seeing I wasn't wearing knickers was short-lived as the
soles of my feet hammered into their pathetic faces at the same time. BERLAM!
both boys went crashing to the floor like felled trees while I landed
gracefully on my quivering thighs.

Without pause I crouched behind my brother and got his neck tight into the
crook of my arm with my brawny forearm across his throat. "Grkkkkk!" he
croaked as I pulled it tight as I pressed my left forearm upon the back of his
wimpy neck pushing his throat tighter against my forearm. "Grkkk Grkkkkkk!" I
loved that sound, it was the sound of female dominance. "Grkkk!" his hands
clasped in vain at my strong arms but they were rock solid. "Garrrrkk!" he
protested loudly as I yanked him around to my side as I crouched over Bobby.
To his surprise I just plonked myself down upon his chest then slid forward to
pin his shoulders beneath my knees. I tensed my arms as hard as I could proud
of how sinewy and strong they looked. It didn't take long before Chris' head
drooped so that is friend could see his demise. "Stop it, you're killing him"
Bobby cried looking up from between my thighs at his helpless choking
playmate. Chris' head was already lolling and drooling and a hot flush swept
across me as I realised that he would be out in no time.

With a wicked grin I slid forward onto Bobby's unbelieving face. My pussy
settled firmly over his lower face, with his mouth vanishing beneath me and
his nose pressing against my hairy pussy. I sighed with pleasure and ground my
hips down firmly. "This feels so good Bobby that I might sit on your face for
the rest of the day" I sighed in contentment. I couldn't stop myself making
small pelvic movements, rubbing myself on his captive face. "I'm not releasing
him until you give me an orgasm" I told him. His eyes peering over my crotch
went wide with shock. "And it better be a blooming big one or I won't stop
until Chris is a dribbling vegetable" I'm so mean sometimes it makes me horny.
"Are you listening, Bobby? I want you to sexually serve me with you mouth or
Chris is a goner" Bobby wasn't playing ball so I viscously shook Chris' head
from side to side. "Arghhhh!" he cried weakly. "Better hurry up Bobby, he's
going fast, his eyes are all weird and spaced out, and he's starting to drool"
I told him. One look at Bobby's groin and the rampant tent in his briefs
confirmed that he was highly aroused, there was no question about it. I
pressed my crotch down upon his face so that his mouth was rubbed into my my
wet, hairy, hungry pussy.

I couldn't hold out any longer and began sliding back and forth, rubbing
myself over Bobby's nose and mouth. "Orrrrr!" I moaned as his nose slid into
my slit then out again. "Orrrr! That's right!" I gasped as I felt his tongue
trying to lick me as I slid by. "Orrrrr!" I could no longer control myself and
rode his face working myself so deep that his nose kept vanishing up my slit.
"Ohhhhhh!" I moaned as my useless brother went limp in my arms. I dropped him
so I could seize the back of Bobby's head and pull his whole face against my
pussy. "Ohhhh come on use your mouth, use your tongue, get in there really
good" I moaned sliding back and forth with fury, sliming his features as my
juices ran free. "Ohhhhhh!" I felt it building up inside me like a pressure
cooker. I rolled onto my side, wrapping my legs tight around Bobby's head,
this time keeping them pointing straight. I crossed my ankles and really let
him have it. "Orrr! Orrr! Faster lick it faster slave make me cum ohhhhh yes"
I no longer cared how hard I was pulling his face into my pussy or how deep
and fast I was thrusting my crotch all over his face. Neither did I care how
tightly I was squeezing his neck with my thigh muscles feeling as hard as
steel plates. There was only one thing that mattered now and I wasn't going to
be deprived.

"Oh yes! That's it! That's it! Oh yes!" I cried as all at once the floodgates
opened and the steady flow of my juices became a gushing torrent. I slid back
and forth all over his face, moaning uncontrollably in such ecstasy as I
drenched his face. Then an almighty climax hit me. I screamed out my orgasm as
every muscle in my body clenched hard. I came so hard I squirt in his face
once more. "Wow Bobby that was really good" I panted in exhaustion "You should
come around more often and do it again some time" there was no reply.
Stretching the kinks out of my legs I opened them and Bobby fell out limply
out cold. The front of his trousers sported a big damp patch. "Wow I guess you
must have enjoyed that huh?" I asked the unconscious form not expecting an
answer. I looked across at my brother still sprawled on the floor his lights
well and truly out. Two boys lay unmoving on the bedroom floor. Not bad for a
morning's domination. There really was something in this dominatrix lark. I
got up and went to the bathroom to have a shower, hoping the boys would be
awake by the time I'd finished so I could can have some more fun during the
afternoon after they've made me something to eat but when I returned to the
room they had scarpered.
Title: Re: Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: Nefarious on August 30, 2017, 06:18:12 am
Bobby's Birthday Surprise
By Jimp [from suggestions by MK]
(c)Jim P 2016
Bobby is outmuscled by his younger gymnast sister & foolish enough to box her

With a yawn I pull back the bedroom curtains, squinting as the strong June sun
came streaming in through the windows. I like summer in England, I look
forward to it, it's my favourite day of the year. My name is Bobby Priest and
today is my birthday. Mum and dad had driven out to the fens for a long walk
and wouldn't be back until late. I was going to get the boys over to play some
loud metal and down some beer. Girly chatter and squeals from the garden told
me that Jackie had other plans.

Peeking from the bedroom window I saw that the garden was full of girls. Due
to the warm weather, they were wearing tiny skin-tight sleeveless halters and
small shorts or briefs. As a growing lad, I was of course interested in girls.
However I preferred them my age not kids a couple of years younger or less.
Only these weren't ordinary girls, I pondered as a couple threw themselves
into a perfect rock steady handstand. They were from my sister's gymnastics
club, all of them serious athletes with a steely determination to compete and
win at the highest levels. Dedicated with the tunnel vision focus of a
professional these girls worked their bodies hard from an early age in order
to achieve perfection and therein lay my problem. You see I had discovered
that I had a fetish for women with fit muscular bodies. I love the look of a
feminine looking woman who can flex rock hard muscle. Why was that a problem?
Well out in that garden were a dozen or so of the counties' best female
gymnasts, scantily clad super-fit teenaged girls with bodies that would make
many female bodybuilders green with envy performing exercises of extreme
flexibility and stamina that would give boys like me a raging hard boner in
next to no time.

It was embarrassing enough that younger girls could give me the raging horn
but these were fresh-faced wide-eyed girls with bodies that no young girl
should possess. Worse of all it was my little sister, Jackie, who had awoken
these feelings when I wrestled her [BOBP#1] and she totally humiliated me in
front of my mates and then in front of the whole school. That's when I
discovered how overwhelmingly strong a female gymnast is and, to my shame, how
turned on I was by the experience.

A creak of the floorboard outside my open bedroom door and I whirl around to
find my sister standing there with a wide smile upon her face. ?Spying on the
girls, Bobby?? she spoke in a soft voice. Two years younger than me, Jackie
only stood 5'1" to my 5'9? but was built like a small tank. As she stepped
into my room without asking I felt intimidated by her short stocky athletic
build. ?I..I wasn't? I cursed myself for sounding nervous. Her smile got
wider. Jackie looks so sweet when she smiles at you that you find yourself
smiling back. Long golden hair swept back behind her left ear while tumbling
softly caressing the right side of her face. I tried to remain calm as she
approached with a calculating smile. Jackie reached out and ran a finger along
my chest leaving a tingling trail as her small blue eyes locked onto mine from
atop a small slender nose. ?You sure you weren't about to jerk one off? she
said softly. ?Don't talk like that!? I snapped shocked by such language from
my little sister, feeling my face blush at her accusation. Jackie stepped into
my personal space and I instinctively stepped back to find myself against the
bedroom wall.

You are probably wondering why I am so nervous of my younger sister who is a
pretty little thing. She might be short but she has that classic gymnast
build. You know, the one with the huge broad shoulders with the large
trapezius muscle sloping from her neck and the massive rounded shoulder caps
with thick heavyset arms. This heavyset upper body tapered in a definitely
feminine manner to her waist before curving back out to her hips. Her body was
the female equivalent of a heavily armoured truck developed through many years
of competitive gymnastics. It was all the more intimidating due to a tight
Lycra halter and a skimpy pair of briefs which showed off big solid arms with
a thick vein running down them; a deeply chiselled six-pack abdomen; and big
heavy strong looking legs. I on the other hand am not the sporty type which
made me feel strange confronted by my short hulking younger sister.

?What the?? I gasped as Jackie aggressively thrust her crotch forward so that
it was pressing hard against my groin. It was strange to be pinned up against
a wall by a girl's crotch, oddly intimidating and aggressively sexually
dominant. It was something a girl shouldn't do, certainly not a sister to her
brother. I'm just a guy and embarrassingly my body began to react in a manner
that it shouldn't. Her right hand cupped my chin forcing me to look at her,
with a solid swell in the middle of her upper arm. ?Don't pretend you don't
like me touching you there? she teased ?You are coming outside into the
garden, Bobby. I've got a present for you?. ?No, stop that!? I gasped as her
crotch began rubbing against me and I stiffened further. ?Or you can stay here
and I will make you cum in your pants. You know you can't stop me? she
chuckled. My dick actually hardened with those words and part of me wanted to
say ?yes please?. Most boys would in my position but then she wasn't their
sister. She might look all sweet and innocent but I knew that the brat would
have no hesitation in embarrassing me like that. ?OK I'll go down to the
garden? I replied hoping to get this over with quickly so I could call the
lads over. She actually looked disappointed ?Never mind. Maybe later? she
sighed. ?Orrrr!? I moaned out loud as she pressed her crotch hard against me
and gave one large thrust upwards riding my stiffness like a monorail track. I
sweated profusely as I nearly came prematurely. ?Cluck cluck? she clucked with
a cheeky smile as she tugged my right cheek with her hand while withdrawing
her private parts.

Feeling terrible that I responded to her like that I followed her downstairs.
Looking at Jackie from behind, she had the kind of exaggerated hour-glass
figure that on female bodybuilding websites would leave me drooling. Her heavy
broad shoulders with the big sloping traps tapered dramatically to a slim
waist before curving over her hips. As she walked, her wide back rippled with
large irregular muscular shapes like a rocky contour map. Lowering my gaze her
tight rounded buttocks were clad in a skimpy pair of briefs cut disturbingly
high on the hips. Oh God! Female gymnasts have the sexiest arses imaginable
especially when clad in clinging Lycra. The rigid dirigible forming inside my
trousers made me feel ill about how my sister's densely-built body could turn
me on.

?Wotcha Bobby? ?Hiya birthday boy? a chorus of girly welcomes greet me as I
step outside. A dozen or more teenaged girls crowd around me surrounding me
with a sea of short girls who are on average two years younger than me but
their strong power-packed bodies prevented me of thinking of them as annoying
little brats. ?Who's your favourite Bobby?? ?Anything you fancy?? Everywhere I
look are thick strong bodies with broad shoulders, veined arms and chiselled
six-packs. These girls are showing a phenomenal amount of muscle which makes
me feel inadequate as a boy yet turned me on like crazy. There were quite a
few good lookers too that I fancied if only they had been a couple of years
older. Most had wide exaggerated hour-glass figures and some were pleasingly
buxom. I often went to Jackie's gymnastics competitions to see the girls
prancing around in sexy Lycra leotards clinging to their fit sturdy bodies
like a second skin and cut high upon the hips. That was sexy enough and kept
me up all night replaying every sensuous curve and athletic move in detail,
but seeing them so close that I could have reached out and touched them while
they exposed vast amounts of skin was a whole magnitude more arousing. I
didn't know where to put my eyes and couldn't stop staring openly at the
amazing bodies all around me.

?I need to put more lotion on before I burn? Jackie remarked. That was another
thing, the girls had applied sun tan lotion to protect themselves from
burning. The sun reflecting off their glistening oiled bodies emphasised the
remarkable muscularity of these young determined athletes. I had to admit
their bodies were fit and sensational, chiselled with hard defined muscle like
pint-sized statues of near-naked amazon warriors from times long gone with
perfect musculature. I was in muscle-topia. All around me were smiling girls
with very broad shoulders for their short height, capped with hard prominent
rounded balls, faintly striated and with deep indentations leading to their
upper arms. I was more familiar with these girls competing clad in skin-tight
Lycra leotards but today they wore sleeveless halters that barely covered
their breasts and left their arms bare. There was so much firm, hard shapely
bare flesh around me that I felt inadequate and uncontrollably hard beyond the
point where I could hide it. These girls had arms which were shockingly
defined. Brawny and sinewed, the front of each biceps was adorned by an
unnervingly prominent vein running down them. The back of their upper arms
were solid and thick with well developed triceps. Forearms were phenomenally
shaped like those of a tennis pro, tapering from very slim wrists to become
very thick at the elbow with hard broad slabs criss-crossed by a network of
vine line creepers.

As the girls came up to wish me a happy birthday I couldn't help marvelling at
their amazing taut toned stomachs. ?What's wrong Bobby?? It was Treena, a girl
that Jackie tried to set me up on a date with. I refused finding her
plain-looking and the spectacles she normally wore and braces put me off. But
now as she stood before me in halter and briefs with her hands on her hips my
dick lurched hard at the sight of a phenomenal well-defined washboard stomach.
As with the girls around her, even without flexing, a deeply chiselled
grid-work of tight rock hard interlocking slabs cut up her firm belly. Orrrr!
I couldn't stop my trouser-tent twitching in pure lust. Her arms and legs
looked sensationally developed too and I regretted telling Jackie that I
wasn't interested because right now I had a dreadful urge to whip it out and
run it up and down that deep vertical groove in the middle of her dense taut
abs until I blasted boy-cream all over them. ?Wotcha looking at Bobby? she
giggled causing those amazing abs to ripple like a belly dancer. Beneath her
abs, a tantalising V shape vanished into her briefs. Devil?s Horns Jackie had
called them and I could now see why as I struggled with the temptation to pull
down her briefs to reveal the rest of it. My eyes fell to her legs. Relatively
long and slender for her height, they weren't as thick as my sister's. However
they had the sleek sensational curves imparted by developed calve muscles,
hamstrings and thighs. Oh my word! I never realised this gawky plain girl had
such a sensational body. As she turns around to greet Jackie, I am staring at
a rippling back shaped like an inverted triangle. The back of her triceps are
highly defined resembling bulging scissors on the backs of her slim arms. I
was gob-smacked by the sleek level of muscular definition on this petite girl.
?Hi Jackie. I was just wishing Bobby happy birthday? she said looking back
over her shoulder at me. ?Yes Treena. I can see he liked that? my brat sister
replied pointedly looking at the front of my trousers.

Jackie stepped forwards with a big wide smile that instinctively made me smile
back as she stretched out her right hand. ?Happy birthday big brother? she
said so cheerfully that I automatically put my hand in hers. Her fingers
enfolded the back of my hand as our thumbs interlocked. I was surprised by how
firm her handshake was then was wincing in agony as the pressure kept climbing
mashing my fingers together. My younger sister kept smiling while her small
hand crushed mine until the bones were grinding. ?Argh OK that's enough? I
gasped and tried to prise her hand away. To my horror Jackie simply swapped
hands uncrossing our arms grabbing my left hand with her right and vice-versa
then began to push back both of my hands. I was shocked to find myself in a
finger-lock trial of strength with my little sister in front of a whole group
of girls. No way! I wasn't going to let the blonde dwarf get the better of me
this time. Gritting my teeth I pushed back with all my might to force down her
arms so that I could then twist them and cause the brat some pain to teach her
a lesson. I was shocked to find that her arms were like iron pistons,
completely solid and unmoveable despite putting all my strength into it. To
make matters worse my own arms were being forced down by a steady force. The
only sign that she was putting in any effort was the ominous swelling in her
upper arms like someone had taken a bicycle pump to them. The biceps veins had
also became more prominent and quite intimidating. ?I'm really strong aren't I
Bobby? Stronger than you? she teased while her face shone sweetly with no
signs of exertion. Jeez! I was really struggling. No she can't be doing this
to me! She's not much more than a kid, she can't be stronger than me. How
could I let her beat me? Oh Jeez look at her arms! They had become so solid
and bulging I felt weak just looking at them. To my embarrassment my dick was
getting harder at the sight of those gently swelling muscles and I had no
hands free to hide it. Jeez stop it Bobby! Get a grip. The prominent veins
running over her swelling biceps taunt me as her arms force me down. Her grip
is so strong crushing my hands that I'm whimpering as I begin to sink down
before her.

My face was level with hers when Jackie suddenly pulled my arms wide with
shocking force like they were wishbones, pulling my chest tight against her
bust. I was staggered to find myself partially crouching before her with my
arms pulled wide with her breasts pressing through her halter against my
chest. Being stretched across a girl's bust was a new experience for me which
I naturally found exciting even though this was my sister. Jackie's blue eyes
stared continually into mine, never averting, always smiling. It was not the
gaze of an adoring younger sister it was an exultant challenge of her physical
dominance. Holding my hands she bent her arms upwards at the elbow. Ulp! Her
arms grew thicker, expanding twice as thick in the middle then continuing to
bulge rapidly even more. At first they became the size of small softly rounded
balls of hardness rapidly growing taller and more rugged becoming formidable
peaks of feminine power. Jeez! I was gob-smacked by their sheer size. I had
seen her flex before but that was some time ago. Now I nearly choked. Oh Jeez
how could they be so big? My dick stiffened uncontrollable confronted so
intimately close to such sheer power. They were so thick and massive. They
were fecking huge. Oh feck! How was a boy expected to handle that? It wasn't
fair! Jackie's biceps were short in length but had swelled to rocky dense
peaks of an unexpectedly massive height for a girl of such youthful
appearance. Oh God! She's too strong! My arms were shaking as I poured
everything I had into them yet still her arms would not budge a single
millimetre. It was like trying to push over a lamppost. ?Come on Bobby, you're
not even trying? she teased still looking cool and calm. The corners of her
lips rose ?I'm a gymnast Bobby. My body is at the peak of physical perfection?
she gave me a knowing wink of amusement as I began to weaken in trying to
oppose her arms. Standing there with her arms raised and biceps bulging as if
made of steel she continued to pull me tight against her. ?I have much harder
muscles than you, larger too, and they get a lot of practice. You don't stand
a chance brother dearest. I'm more than you can possibly handle so you might
as well beg to worship my big muscles? Her grinning angel face moved closer as
she lowered her voice to a whisper ?I know that's what you really like for
your birthday?

So close to those unreal biceps that look massive on her small body and
totally overwhelmed by their sheer power, my dick is beating wildly inside my
trousers. I couldn't help it. Jackie was a scaled down version of the female
bodybuilders and fitness women that I, er, used on websites. She was a
pint-sized muscle goddess oozing sheer muscular power and youthful femininity.
How could I resist? I didn't have a chance but to become aroused. ?Feck Bobby!
Are you about to cream yourself already!? my sister of course noticed. The
laughter of the girls burned my ears but I let it wash over me, too
preoccupied with trying not to sink straight to my knees within the first few
seconds. Her caustic words also caused some deflation in the nether regions
narrowly avoiding a spillage.

Jackie smiled with amusement as my face turned red as I put every ounce of
strength into my arms to try to push back her little arms. Her tense bulging
corded muscles resisted all of my efforts. How could she be this strong? I was
older than her and nearly a man. ?Down you go Bobby? she said with excitement
in her eyes. With that I felt an overwhelming force surge through her daunting
forearms through to her hands. I spread out my legs wide behind me trying to
stop my downward slide. The all-devouring strength of this little gymnast was
sexier by several orders of magnitude than looking at pictures of female
bodybuilders on the Internet. Face to face with my sister, feeling her breasts
against my chest with the sheer power of her bulging biceps right in front of
me was too tactile for my senses to handle. It was like a wet dream come true
experiencing first hand the power of a petite gymnast with a top-heavy
hour-glass figure covered from head to toe in ripped toned muscle.

With a smug grin Jackie angled her fists towards the ground and I found myself
struggling not to go down on my knees. Not only could I see her bulging biceps
looking full of fearsome power I could also feel their overwhelming strength
focussed through her brawny forearms to her hands. Staring at me with a smug
grin as I was stretched across her chest while her muscles looked harder and
more rugged than before, I now had a hard-on of epic proportions that felt so
tight in its skin painfully pressing against the inside of my trousers as it
tried to lift itself horizontal. ?Admit it Bobby I'm much too much for you to
handle? she teased as her stupendously huge biceps framed her youthful face.
?Orrr Jackie!? a groan escaped my lips. Aroused beyond belief by the awesome
muscular power of my sister the primal urges of my body overruled my brain and
in a moment of madness I struggled to try and move my head forward to kiss her
mouth but her muscles were too strong to resist. Part of me just wanted to
give in to her to let her totally dominate me. She pouted her lips as if
puckering up for a kiss. ?Do you want to kiss me, Bobby?? she teased. Her
muscular body was driving me wild. ?Do you want to feck this body until you've
pumped yourself dry, brother dear?? Despite the laughter of her friends
burning my ears I was like an animal in heat frantically trying to push myself
closer but held off by her mighty peaked biceps. Oh God they were so fricking
huge they were driving me insane with lust.

The sheer muscular power was overwhelming and I realised in horror that my
smiling younger sister had been toying with me, humiliating me in front of her
friends. I felt shame and weakness as she powered me deliberately slowly to my
knees so that I could bathe in her muscular superiority. A fresh faced kid was
outmuscling me with ease and there was nothing that I could do about it while
stretched across her chest watching her unbelievably peaked biceps and thick
corded forearms drive me down. The muscular power dominating me was somehow
very feminine in nature, no, very girly and it gave me a harder cock than I
could ever have imagined. Dear God, their so huge! the amazed thought repeated
itself as I was forced down the last few inches. Even though she was my kid
sister, at that moment she was the most muscular female that I had ever met
and the front of my trousers was thrashing around wildly like I had a ferret
down there.

Unable to resist my sister's terrible strength my face slid down the front of
her halter over the valley between her small rounded orbs. Reaching the
mid-riff below my face began to bump over a rough surface and I realise that
my nose is travelling in the deep vertical groove between her rock hard
abdominal muscles. My humiliating descent suddenly stops there. With nowhere
else to look, I take in the breath-taking close-up of her amazing abs.
?Beautiful? I gasp in appreciation of the deeply defined irregular blocks of
muscle arranged in two columns of three above her belly button. There were
deeply cut lines shooting off in all directions. I knew that the sharp looking
lines tapering down from her ribs to her abs were her obliques. They were
phenomenally sexy, there was nothing flat about them. ?Well. What are you
waiting for?? Jackie stared down at me with a smirk. Oh God! I was so turned
on that I began kissing those protruding hard slabs with a rising passion. I
heard the amused gasps from the other girls. ?OMG! You weren't lying Jackie he
really is a pervert? ?Feck! You mean there are guys out there who get turned
on by muscles on girls?? Treena gasped. Completely lost to the muscle lust I
worshipped the amazing grid-work laid out before my face. ?Oh Feck! I want
one, badly!? ?Jackie? Will you share him?? ?Feck yeah, Jackie. I want a boy
who gets hard over my muscles? Kissing every raised slab, getting my tongue
into every groove my dick was so hard my balls full to bursting. Oh God I
wanted to do more than just kiss her abs.

?That's enough of that Bobby. I think you are enjoying yourself a little too
much? My sister's voice cut through my lust-fuelled craze bringing me back to
senses. Oh God! What I have just done? There was no further time to think as
power surged through her hands forcing me all the way down. My face slid off
those incredibly sexy abs and over her lower belly coming to an abrupt end as
my face hit the waistband of her briefs then continued down to the triangular
bit at the apex of her legs. There I came to a halt with my nose and mouth
nuzzling a definite mound with a vertical groove. It took a few seconds for
the dreadful truth to sink in. OMG I'm nuzzling my sister's camel-toe! ?Cor, I
bet you'd like to get in there Bobby? my super-strong brat sister chuckled as
she held me in that embarrassing position. The laughter of the watching girls
made my face burn with shame while I struggled in vain to get my face away but
her arms were too strong and could only lift my head up for a few moments.
Jackie's voice took on a tone that made me nervous ?Well since it's your
birthday. Why not?? Her hands released mine only to grab the back of my head
and hold it in place as her crotch moved right over my lower face until my
eyes peeked up over the front of her briefs. My nose seemed to be wedged into
a tight slot that I didn't want to think about.

My hands flew to the sides of Jackie's thighs in alarm. My sister may be short
but her legs are short solid and thick. Her thighs seemed bigger than my head.
With rising panic everywhere I felt was very firm. ?Oh Bobby? she sighed
theatrically ?I haven't begun squeezing yet. I'm just holding you in place?
she chuckled. I began to sweat. Already it felt like my head was locked in a
steel clamp, everywhere I felt was very hard under her silky smooth skin. One
twitch of her quads and I was screaming into her crotch. My hands upon the
outside of her thighs lurched wide apart as her quads expanded to an enormous
size. ?Mmmaarrghhh!? it felt like my skull was going completely out of shape
between my sister's legs. They were too strong, much too strong than any girl
had a right to be. ?I call this the face clamp? my sister boasted over the
throbbing of my heart in my ears. ?Mmmmaarghh!? my hands clung to the
rock-solid unreal shapes bulging in her legs ?I hope you like it. I don't
think the senior boys soccer team appreciated it last week when we
demonstrated it to them? She chuckled ?We had the whole lot of those big macho
jocks crying like babies between our thighs!?. I had heard rumours flying
around the school that the team had got into a fight with a bunch of bigger
guys and had come off worse. ?What a laugh! What a bunch of wimps. Are you a
wimp, Bobby? I think you are. Answer me Bobby? ?Mmmmnnaar!? I screamed as her
huge thighs grew even bigger and harder under my hands unleashing mind
boggling power of truly terrifying proportions. Oh God she was too strong! her
legs too powerful!

Facing upwards with my face clamped against her crotch by her powerful thighs
in such an erotic position feeling her sheer feminine muscular power nearly
made me come there and then until I remember who this muscular Amazon was.
Jackie's thighs had reduced me to a sobbing mess, completely overpowered by
her strong teenaged thighs. Her quads bulged to an enormous size beneath my
hands while I was crushed helpless with such raw irresistible power.
?Mmmmaarghh!? I couldn't help screaming into her crotch as splitting pain
lanced through my head. ?Oh Bobby!? my sister groaned ?This is amazing.
Ohhhh!? her groaning made me very uncomfortable. Her massive thighs twitched
again sending walls of female steel crashing around my skull. ?Mmmmmarr!? it
felt like my head was going to explode. ?Fecking hell. This makes me feel so
powerful and so, so PHROARRR!? I realised with shock that my screams into her
crotch were turning her on. Oh Christ! I was turning on my own sister. ?Feel
my legs Bobby feel them bulge as they crush you helpless? Feeling sick with
shame I was determined not to scream but couldn't help it as her quads
ballooned like steel Zeppelins. ?Mmmmmmarrr!? ?Orrrr feck Bobby!? Jackie began
making little thrusting motions rubbing herself back and forth over my face.
Oh God! This couldn't be happening. My little sister was raping my face.
?Mmmm! Mmm!? my cries of protest and pain were muffled by her crotch over my
mouth. ?Mmmmm!? I was getting incredibly aroused at being overpowered and used
by my own sister. ?Mmmm!? I suppressed the urge to lick constantly reminding
myself how sick that would be.

To my horror Jackie seized my hands and placed them on her breasts then forced
them to rub them in a rather embarrassing manner. She was just too strong,
there was nothing I could do to stop her. ?Mmmfmfmmmfmmf!? I protested as she
rubbed my face with more vigour. ?Mmmm what's that Bobby? I can't hear you so
what the feck. Ohhhhhh Gooodddd!? she moaned loudly. ?Mmmmm! Mmmm!? I was
screaming my lungs out into her crotch as I felt the bones in my skull creak
and bend. I can barely hold on to consciousness. Too strong, much too strong.
A massive load blasted from my dick like a volcano. ?OMG! You were right,
Jackie! You made your brother cum in his pants!? the cutting laughter of a
load of girls made me remember that I had an audience watching this shameful
humiliation. The dreadful pain continued to lance through my head, my teeth
chattered and my cheeks ached felt like they would shatter at any second. My
vision blurred right out forcing me to close my eyes.

?Urrrr!? I opened my eyes to find myself clinging onto one of Jackie's short
but thick bare legs which was bent slightly at the knee. ?Jackie! He's holding
onto your briefs. That's all that's keeping him up? Treena observed. ?Well
that's my birthday present to you, dear brother? I heard Jackie's voice come
from somewhere up above me and realised with a dreadful sense of shame and
weakness that she must have knocked me out with her powerful legs. Just as
dreadful was what she was doing to me when she did it. I looked up, with a
splitting headache, to see my bitch of a sister smiling sweetly at me while
flexing her big biceps in victory. ?Oh Jackie! So are you so cruel to your
brother? remarked Treena ?especially on his birthday?.

"Why yes, you are right? Jackie exclaimed. Her six-pack abs rippled gently for
a few moments until a cunning look came over her face. ?I think we should all
give him a birthday kiss? she suggested and before I could object I found
myself rising up the front of her firm body which seemed to glow with vitality
and strength while I felt weak and pathetic. ?Oarghh!? I groaned as her thick
arms dug into my back like steel bars as she pulled me tight against her chest
in a bear-hug. ?Oarrghhh!? the breath in my lungs was slowly squeezed out so I
could barely breathe as my sweetly smiling sister gave me a full-on long
lingering kiss on the lips. It wasn't the sort of birthday kiss that you would
want from your sister either. It was a full-on mouth assault with her tongue
darting inside and wrestling mine. After that brutal face clamp I could offer
little resistance but Jackie crushed that out immediately with her strong
arms. My hands fluttered weakly behind her back before settling on the rock
hard orbs of her buttocks. Oh Jeez she had such a sexy tight arse that I
couldn't help enjoy the feel as she kissed me while crushing me helpless in
her arms.

?Pssshhoorragg!? as my sister eased her steel-like grip I was given no time to
catch my breath as she passed me to another short stocky girl who immediately
drew me into her strong arms and began crushing the stuffing out of me while
pressing her lips against mine. I felt so weak and helpless as I was passed
like a parcel between the short stocky gymnast girls, girls smaller and
younger than myself. The worst of it was that I couldn't even fight back, they
were much too strong for me to handle. Each girl seemed determined to outdo
the others by squeezing me like a cuddly toy tight in their arms while giving
me a deep lingering kiss that got me achingly hard. It would have been very
enjoyable if they hadn't been holding me so tight. ?Arghh! No more please
argghh!? ?What's that Bobby? Yes of course you can have a birthday kiss from
each of the girls. You lucky boy? my evil sister's bratty voice chuckled as I
was passed along to the next monstrously muscled little girl. ?Arrgh!? can't
breath, too strong. Plain Treena was last and shocked me as her slim but
rippling arms felt like steel cables being pulled through my body while she
tried to lick my tonsils clean, if I had any that is. By the time she had
finished with me I was barely conscious and had an erection the size of the
Eiffel tower for all to see.

Gasping to catch my breath with my heart beating frantically I just want to go
off and hide. As soon as I step towards the house a couple of girls step in
front of me with tough looks and raise their arms to flex hard intimidating
biceps. I turn only to find more in my way. They also raise their arms and
flex with looks on their faces as if challenging me. So much muscle on such
little girls. The sight makes me feel weak and stiff at the same time. Every
way I turn there are girls flexing their biceps at me. With a feeling like a
lead weight plummeting into my stomach I realise that they have me completely
boxed in. A sea of girls completely surround me flexing their rippling arms
giving me both barrels while laughing at my reaction and my throbbing trouser
tent. Jeez! So much muscle and not one lacked in the biceps department or was
without a washboard stomach. Jeez! it shouldn't be allowed. All of them had
bigger muscles than I had, even the much younger ones looked hard and defined.
?Happy birthday Bobby!? the girls with the ripping abs continued to flex at
me. ORRRR! So much muscle on young fit girls in skimpy clothing kept me aching
hard. Of all of them my younger sister had the biggest biceps and the most
muscular body. She smiled at me ?Want to feel my muscles Bobby? Want to feel
what the muscles of a real woman feel like? Go on Birthday boy, fill your
boots?. Oh God! My dick was thumping like crazy and she laughed as I turned
away from her red-faced.

?Feel mine Bobby? ?Feel mine? girls crowded in on me offering me their biceps.
It was like all my birthdays had come at once, a muscle lover's dream come
true but with my sister behind it I didn't trust it. ?Feel them Bobby. Feel my
biceps It's your birthday? Treena pushed herself right against me. The feel of
her firm body against me was too much. I couldn't resist and put my shaking
hands on the raised arms of the short plain-looking girl with braces. My God!
Her biceps felt like rocks beneath her skin rising from her slim arms, they
weren't very big but they were incredibly hard. ?Amazing!? I gasped running my
hands over her hard muscles. THROB THROB! My dick was beating hard. I could
stand it no longer and pressed myself against her while feeling her slim
muscled arms. ?So hard ? I moaned as I felt Treena's solid peaks. With my dick
beating a tattoo in my pants, I leant forward and began kissing her ?Bobby!?
she squealed turning her head away to side then pulling away from my grip
leaving me standing there shame-faced and with a real throbber in my trousers.

Trapped in a circle of short thick bodied young gymnasts giving me tough
stares I doubt that I could break out and feel over-awed and intimated by
their top-heavy muscular builds to even try. ?See, I told you my loser brother
likes saradas? Jackie exclaimed. My ears were burning as my face
flushed not knowing where to look as the little muscle girls surrounded me.
?He likes them muscular. Let's give him most muscular? the brat added.

As one the girls hunched forwards bringing their hands together while flexing
their front-facing muscles to the max in a most-muscular or crab pose. I leapt
back stunned as nearly every muscle in their short stocky bodies bulged and
rippled. Oh God! There were so many of them. The massed sight was incredibly
intimating as they transformed from young girls into mass muscle monsters.
?Orrrrr!? the sight of so many flexing their pecs, biceps, abs and quads at
the same time was simply too much to handle. I wanted desperately to touch
them, to worship their rippling bulging muscles but was terrified to move. Too
much, much too much. ?Nnnnnarrrr nnnnnarrr nnnnaarrr!? I came again in big
heavy forceful blasts that drenched the front of my trousers in honour of the
amazing bodies of these muscular teens. ?OMG! We made him cum again without
even touching him!? Jackie shrieked with laughter. ?Wow! You really do like
saradass? Treena gasped.

A dozen or more young teenaged girls laughed openly at me. Self-pity turned to
burning fury at my brat sister. The little bitch had ruined my birthday by
humiliating me with her freaky strong gymnast body just so that she could look
good in front of her freaky little friends. I marched right up to her and
pressed myself up against her as I glared down at the little squirt. ?I ought
to give you a beating you'll never forget for that, you little bitch? I
snarled angrily. Jackie just glared back ?Just you try it? she emphasised
every word by poking me in the chest with her finger. ?Don't do it, Bobby.
Just walk away? Treena urged. The blood is pounding in my ears, my blood
pressure is up, I'm angry how she publicly humiliated me again. Maybe Treena
is right. Trying to reign in my fury I turn to head for the back door. ?It's
my party and I'll cry if I want to..? Jackie begins to sing.

I blew my top. Spinning around to confront her I spot two pairs of boxing
gloves lying on the grass in front of me. Without thinking about how they got
there I pick them up and throw a pair to Jackie. ?Put them on? I snarled. ?My
pleasure? she smirked. My heart was racing as the adrenaline pumped as my kid
sister slipped on the gloves. This felt right. This was my chance to put the
little brat back in her place. ?Don't do it Bobby? Treena urged. ?You should
listen to your girlfriend? Jackie sneered pounding her gloves together several
times giving me a tough glare. WHAP WHAP The very action emphasised her big
shoulder caps, triceps and fearsome forearms making them ripple with dense
hardness. It was intimidating but I was psyching myself up to enjoy some

We faced each other face to face, no love lost between siblings. The tautness
of her petite body with the sun tan lotion made it glisten in the sun
highlighting the rocky bumps of her abs and the definition of her arms. It was
an arousing sight. ?Do you want to make love to me?? she taunts pointing at my
boner then flexed her biceps ?Or my muscles?? ?Shut up? I growled but couldn't
stop my eyes wandering over that stunning muscular figure with the
well-defined slabs of her abs and the swells of her developing bust. ?You're a
muscle pervert, Bobby. I'm a girl with muscles? she tensed her arms to
emphasise the point ?The sooner you acknowledge that and get down on your
knees to beg to worship me, the less painful life will be for you. Get used to
it? she smirked. How could she suggest such an outrageous thing? I'm her

?Here. Let me help you? Jackie said with a smile then put both hands behind
her head. A muscular wave rippled over her wide stomach and solidified
hard-flexed deep-cut with each muscle standing proud on her belly like paving
stones chiselled into her belly. Jeez! It was amazing. ?Go on punch me in the
stomach? she smirked. ?Go on, I won't make this offer again and judging by the
softness of your arms you need all the help you can get?. Infuriated and with
such an irresistible target I let rip punching her in the gut over and over.
WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP! The sounds of my gloves slamming against her belly
was loud but it didn't even faze the brat. It was like trying to punch a brick
wall. Furious I punched harder but my punches didn't even rock her body a
single inch. Was it these gloves? Maybe they absorbed too much of the blow,
that must be it. The brat just stood there taking it openly laughing until I
burn up my anger.

?What the feck was that Bobby?? my sister laughed in a condescending manner.
?Then it must be my turn? She lowered her arms with the right one moving into
a flex. My mouth went dry at the sight of that huge peak of mass muscle on my
little sister's arm. Oh Jeez! Perhaps I should apologize now? With a wide
smile she made a show of looking at her biceps then looked back at me. ?Cluck
cluck? Paralysed with fear I could only watch with rising dread as my sister's
fist rocketed towards me. WHOMP! ?Berllllaugghhh!? her gloved hand slams into
my gut like a cannon ball. The bottom fell out of my world in a single moment.
It felt like my feet left the ground as my torso moulded itself around her
glove and my mouth fell open wide gasping in agony. It felt like she had sunk
her glove nearly to my backbone and the agony was indescribable. I began
coughing violently with something catching in my chest as I failed to get my
breath. I knew that Jackie had strong arms from all that swinging from bars
and stuff but I'd never imagined that she'd actually punch me and certainly
not as hard as that. ?Nnrrr!? I groaned as the debilitating stomach cramps
racked my body in violent spasms that kept creasing me over and sent me to my
knees at the feet of my smiling sister. I couldn't believe it! She had totally
humiliated me with a single punch that had left me paralysed by severe cramps
in my diaphragm.

Not wanting to seem so weak and feeble in front of her friends, I tried to
force myself to my feet only to stumble and fail the first couple of times. I
glanced up at Jackie's face and saw her smirk of superiority. Without taking
her cold blue eyes off me she raised her right arm and flexed then patted the
huge solid peak as if I needed reminding of the instruments of my destruction.
She could have finished me right there and then while I was unable to defend
myself but of course that is not her style. She would rather prolong my
humiliation in front of her friends.

Doubled over in cramped agony a pair of short but very thick sturdy legs
walked into my vision. I remembered in a cold sweat the sheer power of those
dense unyielding thighs when they were crushing my face into her crotch and
didn't want to relive the experience. Even standing relaxed the solid dense
slabs of her thighs were clearly defined as they curved sensually along the
outer edge of her upper leg with visible outlines of the large tear-drop
shaped inner thighs and the big inverted triangular shaped muscle top centre.
She wasn't even a bodybuilder but a teenaged gymnast! ?Orrrr!? I groaned as I
tried to straighten up to face the teen muscle machine but couldn't.

?One punch Bobby!? She exclaimed with glee ?One single punch to your flabby
gut? she chuckled. ?Are you really that much of a wimp??. She mocked. ?And how
many times did you punch my belly?? She paused as if thinking ?Oh at least a
dozen times or more? Her left hand came into view and cupped my chin to raise
my face. My sister raised her right arm right in front of my face then bent it
in a hard flex. Oh Jeez! it was so big curvaceous and strong. Right up close,
her biceps weren't the only thing to rise. ?So I get 11 punches to your gut,
right?? she asked in a sneer. Oh God! I barely survived the first punch how
could I survive another gut-punch like that let alone 11 ? ?Orrraghh!? I
groaned again as the dreadful cramps continued. With a cheery smile the little
muscle brat pumped her arm a few times before holding it flexed in front of my
face. Oh Jeez! My heart felt heavy. They seemed even bigger and harder than
before. ?Oh don't look so sad Bobby? she said in mock sympathy. ?As it's your
birthday, I'll make it 3 more times. Aren't I kind? Three more taps to your
manly stomach from my little hand, that's all? she tried to sound sweet.
Terror gripped my soul as she pumped up that unreal muscle again. ?Ready or
not. Here it comes? she sang as she lowered her arm, still flexed.

Terrified of being punched again I freaked. ?Garrrgh!? I yelled as I threw a
wild punch. WHAP! my glove connected with my sister's face. ?Ouch! You pig. I
was going to go easy on you but now..? "Jackie I'm sorry" "You will be". My
mouth went dry under my sister's withering stare as her hand caressed her
cheek where my gloves had left a red weal. In an angry movement she thrust her
arm down by her side. Jeez look at the size of those triceps! The short
hulking girl stepped forward like some short-arse female Terminator out to get
me. The way her body glistened in the sun all pumped up and ready for action
made me weak at the knees. ?I'll teach you to hit girls? she snarled as she
drew back her gloved fist by her side. Her biceps swelled with the vein
running over the peak sending waves of sweat running down my face in cold
fear. I'd never seen my younger sister look so tough and determined to beat me
up with her fists. I suddenly felt very sick. More out of sheer terror than
bravado I hurled another desperate punch towards her head. My heart skipped a
beat as my glove went sailing right over the top of her head as she nimbly

My sister rose up like a small stocky monster from the black lagoon with a
malicious grin that seemed to say ?gotcha loser?. A thick heavy arm swung
rippling with fearful power moving much faster than it had a right to be.
WHUMP! ?Nnnnorrrr!? her glove plunged deep into my belly flattening everything
inside with a tsunami of pain rushing outwards from the deep impact crater. My
upper body folded like a deck chair. A taut muscled midriff stood in front of
my stooped eyes and I knew I was in trouble. The strong arms of a teen girl
rippled and a leather wrecking ball slammed into my face. THWAP! My mouth
distorted as my lower jaw lurched one way as my whole face whipped around in a
dizzying blur. I was so shocked that she actually hit my face and that it hurt
that I didn't think to protect myself. CRACK! A ball of leather smashed into
my right eye. In horror I felt the skin around my eyes throb and tighten and
realise that my little sister has probably given me a black eye.

Now I'm really livid, forgetting about the fact that I'm facing my younger
sister I just wade in to return the pain. ?That's it Bobby, fight back? she
taunts as I come at her trying to ignore the thick swelling in her arms as she
holds her gloves raised. I'm taller than her and sure I can hit her with my
longer reach. I close in so that I can't miss and hurl my arm towards her head
except she throws up her right arm. BAM! Our forearms collide in mid-air and
I'm stunned to find my punch stopped as if it had hit a lamppost. Her arm was
that solid. PFAF! PFAF! PFAF! My head snaps back and forth rapidly like a sick
puppet as she blasts three quick jabs to my nose.

?Effing bitch!? I curse, really pissed now. I go berserk swinging my gloves at
the little brat but she keeps ducking and diving, moving all of the time
avoiding my punches or blocking them with her iron-hard forearms. With that
short stocky body and heavy looking limbs I had thought that Jackie would be
slow moving and easy to hit so I was surprised how fast and nimble she was
darting in, knocking my gloves out of the way before blasting my chest with a
quick right-left-right jab combination that left me gasping. I kept trying to
hit her but she was so quick I couldn't land a single punch.

?Oh Bobby, you can't fight for toffee? she laughed as my fist sailed right
over her head yet again. ?Here this is how it's done? she chirped and suddenly
stepped close with her gloves swinging. WHOCK! A ball of leather blocked my
vision as her right glove landed solidly on my left eye. ?Jeez! You're wicked
Jackie!? I heard the astonished gasps from the watching girls. BOCK! The next
second her left glove hammers my jaw and I find myself staggering backwards
with my knees feeling very wobbly. BLAM BLAM! left right Jackie's punches kept
coming one after another scrambling my senses so much that I couldn't even
defend myself or punch back. ?You will beg to kiss my muscles everyday? WHACK!
Her glove smashed into my mouth splitting my lip. ?You will obey? WHACK! ?You
have no say in the matter? WHACK! ?I am your muscle mistress? WHACK! Her fists
were a constant barrage stinging and bruising my face. My face was constantly
twisting around from one side to the other as her gloved fists slam
alternately into each cheek with shocking strength like she had steel plates
inside her gloves. My senses were in a whirl as my head danced to the
hammering rhythm of her fists.

?Oh Bobby, this is great! We should do this more often? She squealed with
girlish excitement. I could only watch with my chest tight from my little
sister's mind-boggling punches. I could hardly breathe while the hard slabs in
Jackie's stomach rose and fell gently showing no signs of exertion at all
other than a light sheen of perspiration that made her skin glow.

My face was sore and swollen. In desperation I tried to raise my arms to
protect it from further pain. Her powerful punches just laid into my forearms
with increasing strength. Her short thick arms kept pumping away as her big
biceps drove the continual assault battering and bruising my defences. The
sharp stinging punches that kept jerking my raised arms was so fast and strong
that I was scared to lower them to punch back. All the while, her taut ribbed
abdomen and thick strong thighs glistened with perspiration making my sister's
body a thing of forbidden desire. Jackie's relentless energy punching against
my arms had made them too weak and sore to provide an effective guard. With a
chilling triumphant look her right glove slammed aside my arms and ploughed
right into the middle of my face. WHOCK! ?Arghhh!?. My kid sister was like
something possessed. With an evil glint in her eye she just wouldn't stop
WHOCK! WHOCK! WHOCK! My head jerked up and down like it was one of those
wagging dogs you get on the back shelves in cars while her face was glowing
with excitement showing that she was loving this. ?Oh God he looks so weird!?
someone remarked then I realised in horror that my head was lolling about on
my shoulders with my arms flapping around uncoordinated while my arms were
swinging around loosely providing me no protection at all.

I was nearly out on my feet and desperately tried to pull myself together. I
was badly hurt but I was determined to stand my ground. The taste of blood was
strong as it now flowed freely from my nose and covered my lips. BLAM! her
punches were strong, merciless making my face hurt all over. My vision was
also narrowing as my eyes began to swell. Then I heard laughter. Jackie was
laughing with glee as she hammered her gloves over and over into my face.
WHOCK! the leather hammered my face again. My sister looks so dominant and er,
stimulated, as if she was getting turned on beating me to a pulp. Actually I
had to admit she looked quite sexy in aggressive feral female manner.

Trying to get away from the face pummelling I turn my back to the little brat
BLAM! ?Argh!? a leather cannon-ball slams right into my kidneys. BLAM! BLAM!
BLAM! The bitch kept slamming her gloved fist right in the kidneys. I was in
too much pain to cry out any more. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! My whole middle is
burning in pain as she moves in close as she works around to my front while
drilling her gloves hard all around my waist WHAP! WHAP!.

?Argh! stop, please stop!? I gasp. ?I don't think so, Bobby. I'm enjoying
this? she chuckled. She was merciless. An upper cut painfully mashed my teeth
together whipping my head to the sky so fast I nearly lost my balance and
fell. WHAP! Quick jabs to my gut make me wince. WHOMP! ?Orraghh!? short but
strong jabs weaken my already poor stomach. ?Kiss leather Bobby? she laughs as
the glove sped from below on an unstoppable upwards trajectory toward my chin.
I knew this was going to hurt. CRACK! Her glove hit my jaw so hard my teeth
mashed in a painful jolt as my head whipped back scrambling my brain so much
that I had to take a step back. To my horror my legs just turned to jelly
unable to support my weight giving way beneath sending me tumbling to the

Crushed by the humiliating laughter of a dozen or so teenaged female gymnasts
I watched the thick thighs on my sister's short legs as they flex into strong
shapes as they move to stand before me. ?Get up Bobby? I looked up as Jackie
towered over me with her muscular legs astride me and found myself staring
straight into the camel's toe at the apex of her tight briefs. I quickly moved
on to her deeply ridged stomach before she noticed. I loved the way her abs
seemed to submerge into her belly then re-emerge solid and defined in a
sensual rippling motion as she breathed. ?No more, please, you win? I gasped.
My face felt like it had been put through the mincer and I just wanted to
crawl into my bed and pray that today had just been a bad dream. ?Treena told
you not to fight me didn't she? And now you must suffer the consequences you
little pussy? She sneered. I didn't like the way she was talking to me but
what can a boy do when his younger sister is a short squat mass muscle monster
with much bigger and harder muscles than you?

The crippling cramps in my gut made me double over as I tried to stand.
Suddenly Jackie stuck a big thigh in front of my face and flexed. Oh good God!
Her quads were so massive. Each of the three main groups of quad muscles was
swelling like rocks right before my face. There were even striations cut
across them. Oh Jeez the sight of them made me feel so weak, I was shaking
like a leaf. ?If you don't want to get stuck in there I suggest you get up and
fight me like a man? I looked up at my brat sister to find her also flexing
both biceps while staring down at me with a smirk. She looked so powerful my
dick was rigid once more. ?That's it, keep it hard for me Bobby? she chuckled.

With resignation I forced myself to my weary feet staring at her helplessly
through my closing eyes. ?Let him go Jackie. The poor boy has had enough?
Treena's voice pleaded. ?Ready to admit that I am your muscle mistress then
beg to kiss my muscles? Jackie sneered. The open laughs of the watching girls
burned my ears. No, anything but that! That was too disgraceful for words. I
lunged at her hoping to catch her off-guard but she contemptuously brushes my
attempted punch as if swatting a fly. Her body twists as she swings a
devastating punch at my face. WHOCK! My eyes blur and I can only see bright
flashes of light while a loud buzzing fills my ears. Dazed, I leave myself
wide open for the wicked little muscle brat to start slamming brutal punches
to my mid-section. WHOMP! WHOMP! WHOMP! Her fists are persistent beating my
chest and belly like a drum. ?Orraghh Naarghhh Gaarr!? gasping and groaning in
sheer agony I try to twist and move away from her.

WHUMP! WHUMP! WHUMP! big powerful biceps keeping her fists punching like an
unstoppable machine as the bitch resumed battering my face. WHOCK! A
particular brutal blow sent me crashing to the ground once more. My body felt
like hell, battered and bruised,hurting all over and I hated to think what she
had done to my face, probably swollen and unrecognisable by now. ?I will keep
punching you until you fall down? she sneered ?Then I will pick you up and do
it all over again even if it means I have to hold you up by your hair to keep
punching you? the muscular little gnome taunted. ?Is that what you want Bobby?
Or do you want to kiss these?? smiling widely With that she flexed both her
guns. ?Orrrrrr Jackie!? I groaned.

Part of me wanted to surrender to this young muscle girl and beg to worship
her amazing muscles. The rest rebelled at the thought of doing anything so
sick. The horrors of the aftermath of when she publicly out-wrestled me in
front of the whole school came back, painful memories of shame and humiliation
that took months to put behind me. I couldn't go through that again, knowing
that these teen gymnasts could gossip for England. The story of my shame would
be all over the school by first thing Monday morning.

?You either braver than I thought or an idiot? Jackie remarked as I tried to
push myself from the ground. My legs were trembling badly and my arms wouldn't
respond. ?By the state of you, I know which I'd go for?. ?Leave it Bobby. It's
not worth it? Treena's whiny voice annoyed me. ?Just tell her what she wants
to hear and it will all be over. No-one else will ever know? No, just the
whole school and probably half the street by now. What happened next was
shockingly fast. With an eagerness that was chilling, Jackie couldn't even
wait until I managed to get to my feet. Grabbing me by the front of my shirt
she physically hauled me up before burying her glove deep in my gut with
impatient haste. WHUMP! ?Oraghhhh!? Creasing forwards grimacing in agony I
knew I had left my jaw unprotected. As my sister stepped in real close, I knew
what she intended but was too paralysed by the stomach cramps to stop her. No!
I screamed mentally as I saw her biceps bunch moments before powering her
glove from close to her waist on an upwards trajectory to my jaw rushing
towards me like an unstoppable express train. BWOCK! Everything spun wildly
and I vaguely remember staggering backwards, tottering on legs that felt like
rubber before falling into darkness.


I awoke to find myself in a hospital bed with my mum and dad fussing around.
My face and upper chest were all bandaged up and my jaw was wired. ?How
reckless of you boxing with your little sister. What were you thinking of?? My
mum lectured ?Well that's the last time that is going to happen. Understand me
young man?? I saw Jackie behind them smiling at me. So she had told them the
truth instead of saying I was beaten up by a gang of bigger boys or something.
My father's expression as he glanced back and forth between Jackie and myself
clearly indicated that he couldn't work out how his sweet little girl had
hospitalised his son.

After they had said they good nights, Jackie hung around for a few moments.
Without saying a word she leant close then flexed her right biceps in front of
my face. I didn't need telling, I raised my hand to feel her steely hard
muscles as I forced my lips into a pout and began kissing my sister's mighty
boy-destroying muscles until she was satisfied. ?Cluck Cluck? with that she
pinched my cheeks, gave me a kiss upon the forehead and went, leaving me
hoping that the nurses hadn't seen me or noticed the big bulge that had sprung
up in the middle of the bed.

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so many thx nefarious, I've never read this chapter of Bobby and Jackie, and it is great!!!  K+
Title: +Notable Author: [JIMP] Stories~collected
Post by: hatour on April 17, 2018, 02:25:26 am
JIMP #8:
The Amazon Barmaid
By Jimp
(c)JIM P 1995

The following story contains descriptions of sex and violence. If you are offended by this or if you are under the legal age of consent in your country do not read on.

 "Would you care to comment on the allegations, Councillor Cole ?" Frank McIntosh, editor of the local paper asked. "No comment" Reginald Cole replied rushing up the grand staircase to the entrance of county hall. I followed Frank. Cole entered the building and our way was blocked by a large brute of a man. He was over 6', a large muscular build and a scarred face "No entrance for the public" he grunted. "This is a public building. The public have the right to attend council meetings" I said. "Wanna try it ?" he replied raising his fists. We decided against this and walked back down the stairs.

Walking back to Frank's car we met Councillor Jack Smith. He was an opposition councillor who had previously paid me to undig dirty dealing in Cole's ruling party. We told him about not being allowed in to a council meeting. "Sorry chaps, but it's that bastard Cole. The sooner he's voted out the better, but he always seems to stay in power". I explained to him how I had some new leads that might expose Cole. "I'll pay any necessary expenses. It's about time that bugger was nailed. He's too clever by half in covering his tracks. Nail him good, Jim, expose him to the public so he can't hide behind his friends in high places". We said our goodbyes and he went off to the meeting.

 "Are you a member of the Ireland Conservative Club ?" I asked Frank. "Of course, I am a member of most clubs in this area where the influential and newsworthy go. Why do you ask?” he replied. "Oh its just something Bobby found the other day. It might be nothing but anyway I fancy a drink". "Nothing to do with the fact that Cole's a regular ?" Frank asked. "I honestly didn't know that Frank. Let's go then. Maybe some of the regulars can shed some light on his activities".

We drove out to Ireland, a small village a few miles from Bristledown Manor. Frank signed me in as a guest under the snobbish glare of the doorman and then we headed for the bar. The bar was a in long room. At the far end was a stage used for whatever functions they had there. In the middle was a large dance floor, surrounded by tables and leather backed seating. About a dozen people or so were currently seated drinking and chatting. The bar itself was long and well furnished.

The barmaid came over to us on the other side of the bar. She was a mature stern looking woman, probably in her early fifties. She had short white curly hair, a severe face with a double chin. Her eyes were gray and bright, and her nose was thickish. I guessed her height to be around 5' 8" with a squat powerful looking build that intrigued me. Her neck was thick and tapered out to a very broad set of shoulders covered by the loose black jacket she wore. It could have been padded but I was certain they were the real thing. Her upper torso tapered dramatically from her wide shoulders to a medium sized waist and out again in a wide hourglass figure. A low cut white blouse revealed that she was quite well endowed. "Can I help you gentlemen" she asked. "Two pints of Whetherreds please" I replied. She fetched the glasses and pulled our pints. I gave her the money and she walked to the back of the bar to the cash register. This gave me a chance to look at the back of her legs. She wore a knee length black skirt and very high heeled black shoes. Sheathed in very fine meshed black fishnets were the largest most awesome looking calves I have ever seen. They must have been at least 19" of sheer muscle flaring out in dramatic contrast to her slender ankles. I am amazed at how such a straight laced woman could develop such huge muscular calves. They seem bigger than my former landlady when I was at university (JIMP#1). I wish I could see if her thighs were as well developed as her calves. I must admit that I find something terribly erotic about women with muscular calves, sometimes causing my downfall (JIMP#1 & #2). It really turns me on to watch their calves bulge and bunch up as they walk.

I heard Frank say something but I was too distracted. She turned and approach us again with my change then went off to serve another customer. "I'm sorry Frank, I didn't quite catch that" I said. "What's this all about Jim?" he repeated. "What do you know about Lady Helen Windthorpe?" I asked. "Not much. She came back from India after parents died about 10 years ago. Keeps herself pretty much to herself, but there's been rumors that's she into S&M and some strange Asian religion".

"Any relationship with Cole?" I asked. "Not that I know of. He hardly seems her type. She's very stuck up with a superiority complex. Doesn't like us lower classes much" he told me. "I have a copy of a dossier she has on Cole." I told him "Copies of newspaper articles, council minutes, that sort of thing". "He's up to all sorts but he never gets caught" Frank replied. "Cole diverted the town by-pass by several miles so it wouldn't cross land owned by John Davison" I said. "The millionaire local arms dealer. Yes I know. Very secretive man. Friends in high places and all that". "He also got the council to agree a million pound renovation grant to the owner of rundown riverside houses. The landlord - John Davison. He got the council to award a grant to a boy who failed all his exams to send him to Cambridge, when there were more deserving cases. The boy was Davison's son. He also got the council to agree a million pound grant to a poor farmer who happened to be the same boy when he got kicked out of university."

Frank introduced me to some of the regulars and we asked about Cole. The general consensus was that he was a crook and a scoundrel. "ah! used to own a small second hand car business you know. Suddenly he's got four large garages selling new cars. Tax payers money I wouldn't be surprised. That bastard took our village pond away from us. Claimed it as part of his own land. Turns out council never re-applied for it to be registered as public property. Convenient for him wouldn't you say". The opinions were along the same lines. Plenty of suspected misuses of power but no hard evidence.

While Frank talked some more people, I decided to chat to the barmaid "Do you know Councillor Cole?". "He comes in here often, love" she replies. "I don't think much of him though". "Have you ever seen him with John Davison?". "Not really. Davison's very secretive. Hardly ever leaves his property". Despite her fierce appearance, she was actually quite amiable. I ordered another pint. She pulled the pint allowing me to admire her ample chest and the deep cleavage on show. I then noticed the necklace dangling around her neck. It was an ebony figure of a large breasted Asian goddess with many arms and legs - exactly the same as what Lady Helen wore!. "Do you know Lady Helen Windthorpe?" I asked. "That stuck up cow!. No, never comes in here. Not posh enough for the likes of her". "That's an interesting necklace you are wearing. May I see it?" I asked. For a moment she seemed flustered then she changed the subject. "What's your name love?. I haven't seen you in here before". "Jim, Jim Priest, and your name ?". "Cynthia Parrish" she replies, "I'm only helping out here while the usual barmaid recovers from having a baby".

"Cynthia .... I ..ur.. I noticed that you've got splendid calves. Do you do some kind of sport" I nervously asked. "I like to keep fit that's all. They're a bit too big for most men's liking" she replies. "Not for me. I think they are very sexy". "Why thank you" she replies. "I was thinking of staying quite late. Is there anywhere I can get a room for the night?" I asked. "Not around here, love. But.. er. since you seem like an admirer of amazons, I'll let you stay in one of the spare rooms upstairs next to mine if you like" she gave a knowing wink. I was caught totally off guard. Maybe she is horny and fancies me, I think to myself. She may look like a bit of an old dragon but the thought of getting my hands on her large breasts and those calves aroused me. "Yes please..ur.. I mean if you don't mind?" I said hoping not to sound too eager. "Not at all love, not at all"
 Bob Allingsworth pulled his car up outside the club, switched off the engine and waited for his prey. He was looking forward to this. "Just frighten him off. He's been asking too many questions and I don't like it" Cole told him. Bob intended to do more than just frighten him off. He gave a wicked chuckle as he remembered sinking his large fists deep into his last victim's face and the sound of his skull cracking. He didn't build his body up to be bigger than anyone else not to be able to use his muscles for real. Lifting weights was all very well, but he preferred smashing people to a bloody lifeless mess with his muscles.

He waits and waits but there's still no sign of him. He gets out of the car and approaches the club. "He's going to spend the night with Cynthia" Jack the doorman tells him. "He must be desperate". They both laugh. "Come back around midnight. I'll let you in before I shut up".
 I helped Cynthia tidy up the bar and then followed upstairs, her huge calves bulging awesomely as she climbed the steps. She removed her jacket before showing me where everything was. As I followed her I could hardly believe the powerful shape of her back - broad shoulders tapering dramatically to her waist and out again to her hips. She showed me to my room to settle in "I'll be back later love to see if there's anything you want" she told me before leaving. Oh boy, what have I got myself into, as I thought about the prospect of seeing if her body was really as powerfully built as I suspected.
 Bob followed Jack up the stairs. Jack unlocked the door with the skeleton key. Slowly he opened the door and seeing no-one around, entered. "You take the room on the left, and I'll do the right".

Bob entered the room to find Jim preparing for bed. "Who are you?" he asked. "I've come to show you what you get for sticking your nose in where its not wanted" Bob replied. He grabbed Jim by the arm and pulled him towards him. His fist lashed out into his. Jim fell back heavily against the wall. The man with the scar bends down and pulls Jim up by the collar and smashes his fist into his stomach.

Meanwhile Jack entered the other room. He stopped in amazement at what he saw. The old dragon of a barmaid is wearing a strapless black leather corset and fishnet tights with very high heels. She is facing away from him at an angle lifting a large dumbbell. Instead of being large and flabby as he always thought she was, her body is powerful looking. He stares in disbelief at the incredible contrast between her wide powerful shoulders, her waist and her hips, like an over emphasized hourglass. Her back is like a contour map, covered with muscle. Her high heels show off her large muscled calves and he can tell the shapely bulge at the back of her large legs is muscle. Her arms are thick, but not with fat, but with solid muscle, large biceps bulging as she pumps the weight. She puts down the weight, turns and notices him "oh! Jack you gave me a did you get in here?". Just then there is the sound of thumping and bumping from the next room. "What's going on in there?" she starts to walk towards him to get to the door. He sees a lamp on a dresser by the door, grabs it and raises it to smash down upon her head.

Despite her mass, her leg flashes out in a blur of motion and delivers a devastating kick to his stomach which is so powerful that it lifts him clean off the floor, sending him flying backwards to half bury him in the wall.

Badly winded and stuck in the plasterboard wall he watches her approach. She raises her arms and flexes a double biceps pose. He is horrified to see her thick arms solidify into two massively peaked biceps towering above her arms. At the same time, her breasts are raised up by her chest muscles, two large hemispheres of womanly flesh rising above the top of her corset. For some reason he finds the contrast arousing. but he hasn't got time to dwell upon it. Reaching forward she pulls him from the wall by his arms and forces him to stand in front of her. He feels his arms being slowly forced downwards, forcing him to his knees.

He looks up in terror as she wraps her huge thighs around his head. He feels her flex and his skull feels like it would crack any moment. He puts his hands on her thighs, astounded at their sheer size. As she squeezes, he feels the muscles spring to life crushing him helpless. He screams at the sheer pain coursing through his skull. His head is throbbing in agony and he can't open his eyes enough to see clearly. Flexing her huge thighs once more she crushes him into unconsciousness.

Bob smashed the chair that Jim Priest had been using for protection. "Now I've got you, you bastard" He didn't expect Priest to put up this much resistance, and so was caught by surprise when the bedside clock radio smashed against his temple. He grabs hold of his victim and brings his arm back to smash him. "Pick on someone your own size" a female voice says behind him. He turns to see the barmaid standing in the doorway, hands on her hips and legs astride. Damn that Jack, surely he could handle a mere woman. As she walks towards him, he realizes that she has a powerful looking build. He is no stranger to bodybuilding. He works out regularly himself. She looks more like a powerlifter than a bodybuilder he thinks. Thick muscle bulk, little definition. Recognizing the danger he lets go of Jim and turns to face the woman "You better leave before you get hurt, you old battle-axe" he sneers.

He rushes at her and crashes into her body. She stands firm like an immovable rock. Their bodies press hard against one another, their hands locked in a trail of strength. Bob is astounded at how strong she is, she doesn't budge an inch. He takes a glance at her arms and is shocked to see massive peaked biceps bulging under the strain. He tries with all his might to force her arms back, but he can't budge her. Slowly he feels his arms being forced back no matter how hard he tries to resist. He tries to sweep her foot away with his leg, but she anticipates the move and locks his lower leg with her calf and trips him.

He looks up to see her standing over him, legs astride arms on her hips. "Tell me what you are doing here and you won't get hurt" she says. That pisses him off, that's his line!. He looks at the feet in front of him, high heels emphasizing slim ankles flaring out to calves so large and muscular that most male bodybuilders would kill for. He starts to get to his feet "Great calves. You sure you're not a man?" he sneers.

When his head is level with her middle he suddenly drives himself forward into her stomach only for his head to hit a solid wall of muscle and a grunt from her as she absorbed the impact. She pulls him up, spins him around and locks his head and neck against her body beneath her arm. He is shocked to feel her massive arms expand against his neck, crushing him in a brutal side headlock. He feels his throat constricted cutting off the air from his head. He can see stars & can hear the blood pounding in his ears as her massive biceps crushes into his skull. He grabs at her arms, feeling her large forearms and huge biceps, but he cannot budge them. He is starting to feel faint and his head hurts as her mighty arm crushes relentlessly into his skull. "I shall crush your skull like an eggshell" he hears her despite the blood pounding in his ears. Blindly he kicks out to his side and catches her on the shin. She is caught by surprise, giving him the break he needs to escape 

Swiftly he wraps his arms around her neck "Now feel a real headlock you old bag". He squeezes tight determined to wring her to death. She tries to twist her body to break the hold, but he moves with her to prevent her. "This will be the last time you mess with a real man, bitch" he sneers "It's no use struggling. There's no escape for you" he laughs. Suddenly she lurches forward throwing him temporarily off balance. At that moment she bends her body forward, pulling Bob onto her back. But Bob won't release his headlock. She heads towards the open door and swings his side into the door edge. Once, twice, three times he is slammed hard before he releases his grip and slides off her back to nurse his bruised side.

Determined not to be beaten by a woman, he moves cautiously towards and makes another grab for her head. However she moves inside his reach and wraps her huge arms around his mid-section in a bear hug, crushing him against her body as though he was a rag doll. He feels himself being lifted and his feet leave the ground. She slowly increase the pressure with her powerful arms, crushing his body against her large breasts. He squirms helplessly with absolutely no chance of escaping her deadly embrace. He puts his hands on her arms but all he can feel were her biceps swelling like grapefruits from her thick arms. The power of her arms was frightening, he fears that his ribs and back will break at any moment. His back pops and cracks as she squeezes him in her Amazonian arms with such force that he can no longer inhale. He yelps as she gives a strong jerk against his diaphragm, squeezing the remaining air out of him. She increases the pressure further, he can hear his insides popping. Smiling at his discomfort she said "Not such the brave boy now are we?. Look how easily I can control you".  Then with seemingly little effort, she jolts his body with a burst of pressure, pressing him tighter and tighter against her massive chest. He feels himself starting to go limp in her mighty arms. From somewhere at the back of his mind he draws upon the last reserves of energy he has and out of sheer desperation, draws his arms back, and brings his palms hard against her ears. "agh you bastard" he heard her. He repeated the blow twice more before she finally drops him, clutching her head in pain.

He lies on the floor breathing heavily to recompose himself. He recovers enough to pull himself a safe distance away from the woman so he can fully recover. After a few minutes he gets to his feet and sees her staring at him. "You better give up now boy, I'm much stronger than you and a far better fighter" she taunts.

He sees red and moves forward to take a swing at her face. She ducks, coming up to grab his arm with one hand. Her other hand is placed on the his shoulder of the arm she is holding and pushes down on it whilst twisting his arm with the other hand. Involuntarily he bends forward and she drives a fishnet clad knee hard into the pit of his stomach. The air rushes out of him as the side of her hand chops down upon the back of his neck. Then she forces him upright and swings his arm over her shoulder whilst she bends forward pushing her backside into his crotch. Bob sails through the air, his flight describing an arc as she holds on to his arms, to land heavily on his back.

Still holding his arm she lowers herself to his right hand side at right angles to his shoulder. She pulls his arm between her legs, bending her right leg at the knee pressing against his body while she bent his arm over it for leverage. Her left leg lies across him, his neck in the crook of her leg. She pulls his arm and he feels his chest being raised up forcing his neck tighter against her leg. She tightens the hold until he is choking. He tries to use his free hand to lift her calve but she tightens the hold further making resistance useless. "Why are you here?" she asks. He doesn't answer and she tightens the hold choking him. "uurgh to silence...Priest urkk". Just when he thinks he is about to pass out, she releases the hold and still holding his arm, forces him to sit. She twists his arm behind his back forcing him to his feet.

He kicks back and catches her shin allowing him to break her hold. He turns and slams his fist into her face. She staggers back under the impact. He follows her and punches her again in the face. She blocks the next punch and moves inside his reach to grab his collar in both hands. Raising her leg bent at the knee, she plants her foot in his stomach, leans back pulling him towards the ground on top of her. As she hits the ground, her legs straightens sending him flying head over heels over her to land heavily some feet away.

Bob knows how to fall. He comes to feet quickly and moves in to hit her again. She catches his arm, turns to put her side against his body and throws him over her hip to the ground. He dodges just in time as her high heel narrowly misses his throat.

He rolls and tries to get up but Cynthia catches his arm, pulls him back and wraps her mighty arms once more around his neck. Bob groaned under the awesome pressure as her biceps tried to expand into his throat. He drove his elbow back as hard as he could into her stomach. This caused her to loosen the hold enough for him to bend over, pick up one of her legs and pull her off her feet. Bob fell down on top of her driving his elbow into her middle. She sat up in response and he slugged her face. He then climbs on top of her and tries to spread her out in a grapevine press.

To his horror, he finds that he cannot force her hands to the ground. In fact, as she recovers from the blow she begins to bend his arms upwards. He can see her awesome peaked biceps straining hard. Neither can he force her legs apart with his, they are immovable. Suddenly she releases his hands and rolls him over getting on top of him. "Now I show you what a real grapevine press feels like, you wimp" she said. She forces his arms towards the ground. He pushes back as hard as he can, slowly but inevitably her biceps force his hands to the ground and pin him down. Her legs pull his legs wider and wider apart. He has always prided himself on his powerful legs which he works out just as hard as his upper body, but they are no match for her legs. "Argg no please you're tearing my legs apart" he cries. "Cry baby, not man enough to handle a mere woman" she taunts as she pins him spread eagled on the ground, her thighs bulging enormously with power. He screams aloud with the pain in his crotch, he is certain she will pull his legs out of their sockets at any moment.

She releases him and stands up. Bob sees Priest approach and whisper something in her ear. She raises her arms and hits a double-biceps pose, large peaks of solid looking muscle rising from her arms. Her large breasts also rise with the pose. Priest feels her arms and kiss her passionately, the bulge in his trousers apparent. "Ugghh fancy getting the hots for an old trout with muscles. urgh you pervert" he sneers in disgust as he gets to his feet.

The two combatants collide once more in the middle of the room. Bob tries to catch Cynthia in a bear hold but she wraps her arms around his neck and threatens to pull it off. Then she slams her fist into his face causing him to drop her. They clash again, their bodies straining against each other. Their arms lock onto each others' shoulders in a battle of strength. He can't believe that she is holding him off. In desperation, he drives his knee into her crotch. As she nurses her pain, he gets behind her and slides his arms under her armpits forcing her arms out of dangers way and brings his hands around to the back of her neck. He locks his fingers and  presses down on her neck at the same time as pulling her shoulder back with his arms. 

She takes a deep breath and spreads her lats. Amazed, he feels his hands being forced apart as her girth increases before him. Her broad back turns into a mass of rippling muscle as his hands are forced away from her neck. He tries to pull his arms through, but she traps them beneath her armpits. She takes hold of his hands and pulls him tight against her back.

She back him into a wall and then sweeps his legs away from under him still holding his hands. She lets him fall so that his face is behind her backside. Bob watched in horror as her ample backside moves back squashing his face deep into it. He was glad she was wearing that corset. For a moment he thinks she is trying to suffocate him. Then he feels her clench her buttocks. Her glutes turn into rock solid balls crushing his face with amazing irresistible pressure. He screams with the pain but his cries are muffled by her arse. She relaxes and then flexes her mighty glutes again and again, battering his face relentlessly.

She releases his face and arms, turns and asks "Had enough mister softy or do you want more ?". "Piss off bitch" he spits, no woman is going to make a fool out of him. "Just wait till I get to my feet then I'll teach you a lesson". "Oh I can't wait" she sneers. In anger he pulls her ankles away from under her and she falls to the floor. Bob leaps to get on top on her, but she brings her knees up in front of her so her feet are in his chest. She grabs his hands and straightens her legs. Shocked he watches helplessly as she lifts his body high off the ground with her legs. She hold him there, legs firm and solid. "Who sent you?" she asks. "Piss off bitch" he replies. She bends her legs at the knees lowering his body down towards her chest, then suddenly she straightens her legs and lets go of his hands. He goes flying back at high speed into the wall behind "orfff. You bitch, you're dead meat". He jumps on top of her, intending to pummel her into the ground. She brings her legs up and wraps them around his waist, her ankles locked. He laughs "You can't hurt anyone like that darling, you...argg..". Waves of pain shoot through his sides as she clamps down hard. Instinct brings his hands to her legs to feel her large thighs bulging awesomely with power. This can't be happening he thinks, you need very strong legs to scissor someone from the front like this. He shouts out as she tenses her legs further. She was lying with her back on the ground scissoring him from the front while he was kneeling above her. She tries to straighten her legs more to increase the pressure. He can't believe the power of her legs. Drawing in his concentration, ignoring the pain, Bob collects his senses and then lashed out smashing his fist towards the direction of her head. The blow catches her chin and she releases him.

He rolls over on the floor to put some distance between them before catching his breath and debating how he was going to beat this Amazon. That's what she was, a bloody Amazon, no ordinary woman could make him work hard in a fight like that, let alone a man.

He watches in disgust as Priest gets to his knees and runs his hands up either side of her thighs and across their width marveling at their girth and powerful shape. He starts kissing her thighs "Oh god you really turn me on". Bob starts to laugh but stops when she tenses her powerful thighs and sees their awesome size. Priest starts to get to his feet kissing the flat stomach of her corset and over her large boobs. As he works his way up to her arms, she flexes a mighty, massive bicep which he kisses passionately. He takes her in his arms and kisses her passionately on the lips.

Bob gets up and moves towards the embracing couple. He pushes Priest roughly to one side and punches her in the stomach. His fist slaps hard against her firm stomach getting a grunt out of her. He punches at her face but blocks it and drives her fist in return towards his stomach. Bob tensed his abdominals to absorb the blow, but her fist smashes them to jelly.

He sees her bend down, wrap her right arm around his neck and grab hold of his crotch with her other. Straight backed she partially rises lifting him until he is lying horizontal across her knees. She re-adjusts her grip, places one foot in front of the other and lifts him like a powerlifter high into the air above her head. Bob looked down in horror. Her thick mighty arms held him aloft steady as a rock. He gazed in dread at her thick sinuous forearms, the rippling bulk of her extended biceps and thick knots of muscle of her shoulders. From his elevated position he can right down the front of her corset at her ample chest but that gives him no pleasure. He can see she has her thick strong legs wide apart. Then she lowers him down across her broad shoulders and slowly raises him again. "I like a good workout" she states as she repeatedly lowers and lifts him. He watches with fright as her pumped up biceps become even more rugged and powerful looking.

She lowers him to her brawny shoulders once more and turns him so he is facing backwards. He looks down and gasps at her formidable triceps forming a diamond-shape. He can see her ample but strong buttocks, tight and round, and her huge calve muscles. "Who sent you ?" she asks. "Go screw yourself" he replies. W .. H... A.... M....!. She had swung her upper body round, smashing his face into the wall. He can feel blood gushing from his nose and mouth. "Who sent you ?" she repeats. She swings her torso again, smashing his face once more hard against the wall, blood splattering everywhere.

Suddenly she brings his body down fast in front of her. Bob feels as if he is falling fast but suddenly she stops him. He feels one of her knees press into his back. "I could have broken your back now tell me" she demands. "No- one" he mutters. "Liar" she states and drops him the rest of the way onto the ground. Grabbing him by the neck, she picks him up and slams him face first into the wall.

She catches him on the rebound, wraps her arms around his waist, lifting him up on to her hip so he was horizontal. She walks to the wall and dove forward, pulverizing his face once more.

Bob tries to loosen her hold around his middle and manages to bend back one finger. "arrrg" she drops him to the floor. He looks up to see her standing over him. beckoning with one finger to get up. She raises one arm and flexes. He gulps as an awesome bulge of muscle grows from her arm. She repeatedly tenses and relaxes her arm, pumping it up, it seems to grow bigger and bigger each time. She bends down to pick him up again and he kicks out at her stomach. There is a solid thud as the toe of his shoe encounters solid muscle under her corset.

Bob gets to his feet and drives a punch at her middle. It connects with her solid stomach, and she grunts again. Before he can pull his arm back she catches it. "I'll fix you" she utters through gritted teeth. Stepping behind him, she bent his arm back. Bob tries to go with the motion, but he finds that he can't. With her other hand on his shoulder, she twists his arm up high behind his back forcing him to the ground. There is a loud cracking noise and Bob screams as intense pain shoots up his arm.

 "Who sent you?". "nnn-n fuck you" he stutters. She shoves his head between her thighs so he is looking behind her. She then bends and wraps her arms around his waist and lifts him until he is upside down with his head trapped painfully between her awesome thighs. "Who sent you?" she demands. Bob feels her mighty arms crushing his waist at the same time as her powerful thighs crush his skull. He doesn't know which pain is worse. He can't help from screaming in agony. "Tell me" she demands tightening her holds further. "o- k...o-k" he utters, barely able to get the words out because of the dual constriction. "Who?" she demands tensing her legs and arms together. Bob feels like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed at both ends. "Cole .. Cole sent me". She releases him and he collapses to the ground, panting heavily.

She gets to her knees and tries to grab him. Despite his broken arm, Bob tries to lever his upper body and good arm against her. He strains with all his might, but her upper body strength is too much and she forces him to the ground. She wraps her arms around his head and her thighs around his waist, then squeezes tight. Her arms are crushing his head and her thighs are crushing his middle. Frantically he grabs her legs, only to feel them bulge to unreal size as she applies another burst of power. He screams aloud, it feels as her legs are cutting him in two, whilst at the same time trying to twist his head off his neck. He feels her tense her body, then an awesome surge of power flows through her arms and legs. "He didn't stand a chance" she utters as Bob's body goes limp.
 The Police had left with our assailants. I persuaded Detective Michael Jenkins that we will come to the station in the morning for questioning and if he could keep the presence of the two quiet for now.

I went back to my room and removed my night-gown and once more prepared for bed. The door opened, standing in the door was Cynthia, stark naked except for her high heeled shoes. Slowly she raised her arms and flexed her massive biceps, her breasts rising at the same time. My cock instantly went stiff at the sight. I approached her and ran my hands over her biceps "oh god you really turn me". Suddenly she lifted me up and carried me over her shoulder to her bedroom and lowered me to the floor.

I looked up to this Amazon standing astride me, hands on her hips. Tentatively I reached a hand towards her ankle and caressed her shin up from the slim ankle that tapered out to huge heart-shaped calves. "Oh, Cynthia, your calves drive me wild" I told her. I was getting really turned on now and wanted to worship this amazing woman. She walked over and laid on the bed. "Worship me, little man" she demanded. I quickly removed my pajamas and lay down at her feet working my upwards with my kisses and caresses. She couldn't wait she leant forwards and pulled me up towards her spreading her legs wide apart. She took my stiff cock in one hand and thrust it into her. She then wrapped her legs around my waist. I started to thrust uncontrollable with wild abandon but she clamped down with powerful vagina muscles. In amazement I felt her strong internal muscles caress my manhood running up and down it like a tight mouth giving me a blow job. I felt as though I was about to come, but she stopped me by applying one set of muscles and then got me going again with another. "Only a true Amazon can perform the ultimate domination of men - sexual domination" she tells me. It felt as though she was keeping me going for ages until she finally climaxed. As she did so, she tensed her legs, crushing my chest tight in her mighty thighs. The pressure was unbearable and I started to pass out with her wild screams of pleasure sounding distant in my ears.

I came around, my chest sore. "I haven't finished with you yet" I heard her say. She grabs my head between her immense thighs, face up. She sat up and flexed her enormous upper body, knowing the sight would arouse me. She pulls me forward with her legs forcing me to get to my knees. She slides me into her and again blows my mind with her amazing sexual muscles. She keeps me on the brink for what seemed an eternity before she climaxes, straightening out her legs crushing me out once more.

I come to find her lying next to me. She began flexing her enormous arms, clenching her fists and started squeezing her arms upwards. Her biceps swelled dramatically and I run my hands over it getting aroused once more. This time she gets on top on me and rides me over and over until I am absolutely exhausted. I can only lay there as I feel extremely ill - my heart is pounding rapidly in my ears and I feel out of breath and I can hardly move a muscle. "Remember Jim, a real Amazon is lethal in more ways than one. I could kill you sexually and no-one would be suspicious" she whispers in my ear as I drift into sleep, absolutely exhausted.
Title: +Notable Author: [JIMP] Return of the Amazon Barmaid
Post by: hatour on April 22, 2018, 03:25:03 pm
Return of the Amazon Barmaid

It was the council's party bash at the Ireland Conservative Club. I liked it here; the view was good too in more ways than one. The plump old turkey behind the bar, Cynthia, had a huge pair of knockers which she always showed off to stunning effect with tight tops that just seemed to cling to an incredible huge double package that hung down real low. Her tops were stretched so tight over her incredible cantilevered torso that her big nipples jutted out making it hard to concentrate on my pint whenever I visited. I may only be a young man in comparison with the big sturdily built old bird but the way they just thrust a good distance from the rest of her body and so wide too drove me to distraction. It was getting so bad that I found that I just had to visit more and more just to stare at them.

Sometimes, like today, she would wear a low cut blouse instead of a low cut clingy top. Not that it was any less breathtaking. She would wear the blouse unbuttoned really low and open so wide that confronted by an enormous expanse of swelling female bosom and incredibly long dark cleavage made between two large rounded fleshy orbs meant that I could barely concentrate on the menu to place my order. If only she were thirty years younger, slimmer and prettier, I'd do her all night long. If only I had the courage to speak confidently to the top heavy old woman.

Not that she was good looking; she was very craggy and stern looking with an almost mannish face plastered with heavy makeup, able to chill an unruly man with just a glance or the whip of her tongue. Her eyes were a chilling grey above which heavy eyebrows sat and around which she wore thick blue eye-shadow and mascara. A thick nose sat above a small full lipped mouth covered with thick red lipstick. Her broad flat cheeks were also rouged. The super-buxom barmaid was definitely mutton dressed as lamb. She was also old, probably in her fifties. Short white curly hair sat in a puffed up fashion from the 50's with a double curl at the front and swept curling back over her ears in which she wore large pearl stud earrings. Her severe face with a double chin was a constant reminder of her age. I wouldn't normally dream of going out with an older woman, certainly not one so plain and old enough to be my grandmother. But that huge wide thrusting stack constantly invaded my thoughts. For she had the biggest pair of breasts that I'd even seen in real life and a visit to the Conservative club always ended in a wet dream for several nights afterwards.

It was ridiculous that a young upwardly mobile man like me should have the hots for an old turkey like her. There were plenty of nubile young women around in the council offices, many of whom caught my eye. Yet every time I went to the club with to 'network' with the senior officers, the sight of Cynthia's huge chest and deep cleavage would strike me dumb and my dick rigid. The old dragon was around 5'8" tall, an inch shorter than me with a squat plump build that seemed somewhat sturdy. Her neck was thick and tapered out to a very broad set of shoulders. The upper torso tapered dramatically from wide shoulders to a medium sized waist and out again in a wide hourglass figure. Viewed from the side, the way her bust sloped dramatically out into a very large overhang was truly breathtaking and totally cock hardening.

There was one other thing that I noticed about the white haired sturdy barmaid. Whenever she had her back turned to me at the bar I saw the largest most powerful looking calves that I have ever seen on a woman. From slim ankles poised above her high heeled shoes, flared out these wide thick packed solid slabs of muscle, usually clad in sheer black nylon or as today in a fine sheer fishnet worn beneath a grey knee length skirt, I had to admit that I found them strangely sexy. How such a stern old turkey could develop such muscular calves I didn't know? Maybe it was from carrying all that bodyweight around on high heels, for she was certainly no lightweight. It was hardly that she was a bodybuilder or something athletic or she wouldn't be so plump?

"Hallo Jimmy, the usual?" Cynthia asked in a deep husky voice that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I just nodded dumbly. The craggy faced barmaid wore a very tight purple blouse open very wide and unbuttoned incredibly low. As she pulled my pint unsmiling I couldn't stop staring dumbly at the vast expanse of bust flesh on show with a steady tightening in my groin. Those enormous mounds bounced and wobbled as they turned towards me as she put down my pint. I tried to look up at her face but it was difficult, her bust was like a black hole for my eyesight. "Are you ready to order your food, dear?" She asked. "Anything you fancy?" she added. Oh God yes I thought unable to stop my eyes flickering back to the gravity well down the front of her blouse. I began sweating as I forced my eyes on the menu and selected something under the withering stare of the big busted white haired barmaid. "I'll bring it over when it's ready, dear" she told me writing down my order. With one last quick glimpse at her incredibly wide low hanging rack that tightened my nuts, I went over to the table to join the others hoping I wasn't showing too much of a hard on.

I sat down with the others and joined in the conversation while supping my beer. A considerable time later, I saw the mega-buxom old bird weaving her way towards us with trays of food for our table while her bust wobbled and moved with a sensual motion all of its own. She stopped directly opposite me and leant over to place the plates on the table. I just couldn't stop gawping at the enormous amount of bust dangling right before my eyes, barely two feet away. Oh my God, she's huge! If only I could get me a girlfriend with a pair like those. A veritable wide wall of bosom dangled and wobbled alarmingly before my face as she dealt out the plates. A deep inviting cleavage moving before my nose that took all of my self control not to stick my face into. "Is that everything? Shall I get you more drink?" I looked up at the enormous shelf of a bust that blocked out the light and made me feel claustrophobic as they put me into the shade. They were so wide that she could probably bring back pints for everyone at the table balanced on those. Somebody must have said yes, I don't remember I was too busy gawping at that huge rack with a very stiff sensation in my pants and knew that I wouldn't be able to get up from the table for at least the next half an hour.

The evening went on and I downed several pints and ate the foot. The old dragon returned several times with more drink and her front wobbling and bouncing around like she had a couple of footballs down there. "Phroar, I would if I were blind drunk and wore a blindfold" someone next to me remarked as Cynthia returned to the bar. Her tight blouse struggled to constrain its contents as she moved but was beaten by the laws of momentum and mass. And she had an awful lot of mass up there. The food and drink continued to go down and the huge thrusting breasts returned several times, wobbling and heaving as she refilled our supplies. "Careful lad, She'd suffocate you under those if she fell on you and snap you up for breakfast" one old wag said jokingly noticing my appreciative gaze.

The merriment finally came to an end and I decided to make a move towards the bar door. Oops! I felt a bit woozy although I hadn't drank that much. Barely had I got to the door when a huge bust that appeared to be trying to escape from a tight purple blouse was blocking my way. "Night Cynthia" I told them trying to take in their sheer size. I want to take you upstairs and bonk your tits all night long was what I thought. "Are you driving, dear?" the enormous wide deep rack busting out of the blouse asked. "Yep love" I replied unable to raise my eyes. "Do you have a designated driver?" they were huge and soft looking. "Don't need a dezi-thingy" the way they hung so wide and so low. "God it's so deep and dark in there" I thought or I thought I did.

"I'm sorry Jimmy but I can't let you drive home in that state" the white haired plump old woman said but I wasn't looking at her face. "You can stay in one of the guest rooms. I insist" the huge full rounded bust wobbled in front of my face. "Oh yes please" I moaned, with my dick humping those tits I thought. "Ouch!" I yelped as the old turkey suddenly gripped my thumb in a vice of steel and placing her other hand on my elbow, bent my arm under hers. "Argh argh" before I could comprehend what was happening she had forced me through the side door that led to the guest rooms. I was completely shell shocked. I had no choice but to go with her because it felt as though she would break my thumb if I didn't go with her.

We came to a flight of stairs. The blocky white haired woman stopped and turned to face me twisting my hand back with my thumb. "Argh" I cried as the painful hold forced me to lean back in pain while she wagged a finger at me. "I've had plenty of experience handling drunks much bigger than you" she scolded. "Now are you going to go up those stairs on your own or do I have to get rough?" she scolded, her fierce eyes made me wither. "Argh!" a sudden twist of my thumb had me crouching down before her, hopping in pain while the fierce craggy faced old woman glared down at me. Those luscious full breasts and inviting cleavage were just above the level of my face. Corrr I didn't want to be a wimp in front of those. "Argh alright, alright" I whimpered.

Releasing my hand she began to climb the stairs then stopped and turned to look back at me that big bust over-spilling the banister. "Well are you coming?" she asked. Phroar with a pair like that she could get me cumming anytime. I began to follow, imagining what I could do with her boobs when something else caught my attention; the huge pair of calves flexing and waning level with my eyes. As the stocky old barmaid climbed, her big wide calves went from large rounded flesh to rock hard slabs of feminine muscle. The way the muscle moved under her skin was mesmerising. They were so shiny and well defined when they flexed and sheathed in sheer black nylon fine gauge fishnets made them all the more sensual. The staircases in these old buildings seemed to go on forever or that what it seemed like as I followed those big calves up the stairs. Wow what calves! They were so wide and large when they flexed with a deep cleft between the muscle heads with such a deep cliff-like edge.

Let me tell you straight, some of you might not like me saying this but I don't hold with that PC bullshit. I'm not gay and if that offends you, tough, that's just the way it is. I've seen pictures on the web of women bodybuilders and find it a real turn off. They just look like men in bikinis. I don't understand how some of you get turned on by it, it's just gross, all those bulging muscles writhing in veins and stuff, yuk!. However as I gazed as the old woman's large powerful calves with the big thick plates of clefted muscle, I was getting a hard-on. They were big and muscular like a bodybuilder maybe more so but somehow the rocky smoothness without all those horrible veins and cuts was undoubtedly feminine.

As we reached the top of the stairs I numbly followed those stunning calves down the corridor. I couldn't take my eyes off those big blocky calves as they led me down the corridor towards a door at the end. How did the old turkey get such awesomely huge calves? I just wanted to get down on my knees and have a feel. Their hardness seemed such a contrast with her awesome soft chest.

The amazing calves stopped and I looked up to find myself in a room no different than a small room in an old fashioned hotel. I the fearsome looking woman in side profile and my gaze fixed upon that huge bust thrusting out like zeppelins so far out in front of the rest of her body stretching her blouse tight over her exaggerated figure. My cock was absolutely rigid with the sight. As that huge wide rack turned to face me, I lost all self-control. Maybe it was the excess of alcohol but I heard myself say "Oh Cynthia, those boobs. I want you so bad". I had never felt such overwhealming lust before; I just wanted her no matter what. Those huge forward thrusters drove me over the edge. "Oh God, I want you so bad" I moaned as I ran into her and in my lust filled craze pushed over backwards onto the bed.

I grabbed her blouse, fumbling with the buttons in my desperation to get at those huge mammories. The old woman's hands tried to stop me and then I found leg brought up onto the bed between us with the knee pointing upwards and her shin wedged against me as if to prise me off. Suddenly the foot snapped upwards as the leg straightened. CRACK! The heel of her shoe caught me right under the chin. My head snapped back in a blaze of painful jagged lights and I staggered off the bed. I saw the bob of short curly white hair in an old fashioned hairstyle as the old dragon came up with a look like thunder. There was a dreadful blur as her fist swung towards my jaw. BAM! "Yaa-gh" I cried it felt like I'd been hit with a battering ram.

BAM! BLAM! BLAM! Her fists were large and blazed furiously battering my face into bruised and bleeding pulp. There was nothing I could do, her punches were dreadfully strong beating me into a stupor as she beat my face. I could only remember her huge breasts wobbling and whipping around from one side to the other in her tight blouse as she swung her fists like mallets against my poor face.

Finally the dreadful barrage of punches stopped and I looked up to see her face looking furious. She was pissed and with good reason, but before I could apologise she drove her big fist deep into my gut like an express train. WHUMP "Orrwoorgh!" I groaned as the air was forced painfully from my body. "Next time you think about forcing yourself upon a lady" The stocky old barmaid with the short old fashioned hairstyle snarled then sent her fist hammering so hard against my mouth that left my teeth aching and the taste blood in my mouth. "Think again" I caught an appreciative glimpse of the side profile of her heaving chest before her fist reconnected with my cheek so hard that I thought it would break. BLAM! My head was in a whirl and my eyes lost all focus. I staggered back and my legs almost gave way. "Sleep it off pal!" she snarled then her fist struck like the hammer of the Gods. BLAM! And everything went dark.


Ouch! I came around to find myself with a sore jaw and bruised face. Dear God, it felt like a truck had run over my face. Ouch! As I felt my aching face to check nothing had been broken I had flashing memories of an angry mature barmaid with her huge breasts bouncing around as she swung her fists. Oh no, it all began to come back to me. I'd tried to force myself upon Cynthia in my drunken stupor. Ouch! My face ached bad in places. Somehow the buxom old barmaid had punched my lights out. She was certainly not daintily built that was for sure. Oh Crap! She's probably called the Police. Oh the shame, it will be all over the local papers that I tried to force myself on the old big breasted turkey. I certainly had some serious grovelling to do. Putting on an electric kettle which was in the room and emptying the sachets of instant coffee, I downed several cups but felt little better.

A few minutes later my head still hadn't cleared when there was a knock on the door. When I opened it I was confronted by a familiar huge bust-line straining a purple blouse and tried to ignore the instant stiffening in my pants. "Feeling better are we Jimmy?" Cynthia asked with a husky snappish tone as she entered the room without invitation. Her craggy face was very stern. "A bit. I er I'm so sorry about earlier" I sheepishly said but she didn't look convinced. "Please. I really do apologise. I'd never normally act like that. I must have had a bit more to drink than I'd thought. I would never have tried to force myself on a woman in a million years" I said desperate to make her believe me.

She glared at me for a few cold tinged seconds before finally speaking. "Apology accepted" she said, her hard face barely cracking a smile. "I don't usually get men throwing themselves at me unless they're drunk" she added. "You're quite breathtaking" the words were out of my mouth before I knew it. I thought I saw the corners of her mouth twitch but then she turned her back on me and walked over to the dressing table against the far wall which had a telephone on top. "Wow great calves" I muttered looking at the big hard slabs on view beneath the grey knee length skirt, sheathed in sexy fine meshed fishnets. To my embarrassment she looked over her shoulder and caught me looking but then sat down in the chair by the phone and caught me gawping again, this time at her vast bust. "You're still drunk, Jimmy" she accused. "I've had several cups of coffee" I replied. "It takes more than a few cups of coffee to make you sober" she said. "Maybe this will help" she said rummaging in the cupboard beneath the unit. I went over to see what she was doing. Standing by her side, the view down the front of her blouse was like standing at the top of a ski slope looking down at awesome double slopes and my lust stiffened fast.

"Oh Cynthia, you are such a sexy woman" I moaned unable to control my growing desire. The white haired barmaid ignored my outburst and stood up with a thick telephone directory in her hands. "There was another young man who found me desirable but not for the reason you do" she told me. Her glacial expression and my aching face made me try and get a grip on myself. "His name was Jim Priest. Do you remember him?" she asked. "No, never heard of him" I replied. "He broke the Councillor Cole story" she added. "Before my time" I replied.

"Maybe this will sober you up" the busty woman said. Grasping the thick phone book lengthwise with a hand on either edge she began to twist and tug in opposite directions. At first I couldn't understand what she was trying to do. Repositioning the thick book from one side of her large bust to the other and then bending it over the top of her thigh, she twisted and tugged at it with her large hands. Suddenly a tear developed at the top. Her large bust wobbled alarming as she continued to work the book, slowing ripping the thick phone book in two. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was well on its way to destruction when the harsh faced woman began posing with it, turning her back to me looking over her shoulder holding up the book as she forced the wide tear about half way down. "This is no trick, Jimmy" she told me as she turned to face me, theatrically crouching on one knee with the book held vertically as she continued to rip it asunder. "I'd like to see you try this" she added. Suddenly her hands flew apart quickly each holding half a phone book. "Yes!" she cried in exultation with a wide smile lighting up her face as she held the pieces up then threw them away. I felt a stirring at the implied strength she had just demonstrated although I didn't understand why. No, it couldn't be. It must just be a trick, she couldn't be that strong.

Her mind-blowing bust was thrust out proudly in a way which was like a shot of adrenaline to my dick which I could no longer ignore. "Orrrr Cynthia" I moaned in desire. "Still need sobering up I think" Cynthia said in her husky voice. "Pass me that pole behind you" she said. I looked around and saw a long metal pole lying on the floor, the type used to hang curtains. I lifted it, finding it quite heavy and passed it to her. To my surprise she took out a cloth from the drawer and wrapped it around the middle of the pole then placed it in her mouth while gripping either end of the pole with her hands. What the F? The solidly built big busted woman began to strain as her hands tried to pull down the ends while trying to clamp the middle steady with her teeth. Was she trying to bend that? This was ridiculous; she didn't a hope of bending that. Yet her blouse stretched strangely tight around her forearms which seemed to become very thick and solid. Large hard looking swells also appeared upon the top of her upper arms as shockingly the ends of the pole began to bend slightly towards the floor.

With the strain showing on her face, her large hands pulled down the ends of the pole while the middle remained clamped between her teeth. She tugged and strained and I saw thick corded lines in her wrist as they tried to oppose the solidity of the pole. Gaining steady momentum the pole began to bend until it became an inverted V shape. The stocky buxom barmaid now moved her hands around to press inwards. As she did I noticed how her blouse stretched tight over very thick almost triangular looking forearms giving an impression of great strength. There was a tightening in my groin while I watched as the white haired woman press both ends of the pole together. She then knelt upon one knee and began to bend it straight once more and then back the other way around the point of her knee. Her grey skirt had ridden up to reveal very thick looking legs clad in a fine meshed sheer fishnet as her thick arms melded the pole. SNAP! The thick pole broke cleanly in half. I was speechless. I'd never expected to see anything like this and realised that the busty barmaid wasn't a plump old bird after all but a lot stronger than I had thought. That metal pole was thick strong metal, I had handled it, I couldn't see how she could have faked it. She must have bent it for real. Strangely, the realisation caused a familiar stiffness to spread through my manhood in response to the implied power.

Cynthia picked up a thick corded curtain rope that had been laying where the pole had been and gave one end to me then wrapped the other once around her wrist. "Come on, one-on-one tug o' war; old barmaid to strapping young lad. Try to pull me towards you" the craggy faced woman told me. "You can use both hands" she added. With a bizarre growing excitement in my groin, I took the rope in both hands and faced the old woman. I was starting to realise that this sturdily built old woman was more than just a gigantic pair of boobs. Tentatively at first, I began to pull with both hands on the rope. Unnervingly calm and perhaps a bit too smug for my liking, Cynthia resisted me easily using just one hand. I tried pulling harder but she just stood there, rock steady. "Come on, put your back into it" she scolded. My face burned with the embarrassment that I couldn't even budge an old white haired woman in a one-on-one tug o'war contest using both hands against her one. I threw everything into it leaning back upon the rope, tugging hard but the old dragon just stood there motionless holding the other end of the rope with one bent hand as if she wasn't even trying. Suddenly she joined the game and with a single tug of her hand I felt a mighty surge of strength so irresistible that I was pulled so quickly across the room towards her that I nearly stumbled and fell.

I watched in stunned silence as the mature barmaid went and sat on the bed then faced me. Was that a slight smile of amusement? I tried not to gawp at her huge wide low slung chest as I approached her. "Oh, Cynthia, you're so strong" I gasped. OK it was dumb but I didn't know what else to say. "I've never experienced anything like that before" I said, still dumb with shock that the white haired woman had so solidly kicked my arse in a tug o'war. I felt a strange sense bordering upon adoration for her, what was going on? "Oh you're amazing. So strong, so incredibly strong, So, phroar, sexy" I heard myself spout total nonsense. That brief spurt of overwhelming strength which I had felt left me with a strange yearning for her. Sitting down on the bed next to her, my eyes were irresistibly drawn to her amazingly exaggerated wide thrusting bosom. "So incredibly buxom" I added as I tentatively reached out a hand to get a feel.

Before I got a chance, Cynthia rolled up her sleeves then turned the back of her arm towards me and bent her fist back towards her face. I felt my jaw go slack as a huge smooth swell appeared upon the top of her arm and grew steadily until it resembled a large steep hill. I gawped at it in disbelief then watched as it lowered and disappeared into her thick arm. The old barmaid turned to face me then raised her other arm so that I saw it from the front as she flexed it. Again a big smooth solid looking mass rose upon her arm. I could hardly believe it; the old dragon was flexing a huge looking muscle. "Feel it" she ordered. I didn't hesitate. Reaching forward, I placed my hand upon the top of that smooth peak and was stunned by how hard it was. It really was muscle! I felt it in earnest now absolutely gobsmacked that the old woman had such large biceps. "It's so big, so massive" I gasp dumbly. I can't stop feeling it, totally stunned by its sheer size and density. "It's so hard" I gasp unable to squeeze it with my fingers.

"Does that turn you on?" the busty old woman said. "Oh yes!" I gasped. It was true and I never had expected it. It wasn't defined and ripped in the way I disliked about female bodybuilders, but smooth and powerfully shaped in a way that said that this was all woman. What is more, I was getting really turned on by it. She wasn't even that good looking, quite stern and scary in fact but her surprising strength and massive smooth biceps had me harder than I'd felt for any pretty girl my age. She leant slightly towards me bringing that huge smoothly peaked mass closer to my face. "Kiss it" she demanded and to my surprise I didn't hesitate. I grabbed that big solid muscle and brought my mouth to it, kissing it over and over actually worshipping it with my mouth for this was like nothing I'd ever seen or felt before. The powerful looking muscle was smooth and extremely feminine and really turned me on with an intensity I have never experienced before.

"Enough!" Cynthia chuckled then sat back and flexed both arms at the same time. "Oh Cynthia!" I moaned as two almighty smooth peaks of power rose upon her arms then solidified into tall dense biceps. It wasn't the only thing to rise, my dick was absolutely rock hard. I felt terribly intimated by the awesome power these implied yet incredibly turned on all the same. At the same time her massive breasts swelled up in the V of her blouse; Beautiful twin fleshy hemispheres of erotic perfection rising like a double sunrise. "Oh Cynthia!" I moaned. The sight of her huge breasts rising up like expanding dough balls in addition to her huge biceps had my dick beating like a drum. I wanted them so very bad yet my aching jaw and the size of her muscles reminded me what she did to me the last time I got carried away.

Chuckling throatily, the big built white haired woman pressed her arms against her sides pushing up her huge wobbly mounds making them look even bigger. "You wouldn't know what to do with a pair this big dear" she chuckled. "Orrrr please let me try" I moaned with throbbing desire. The feelings of pure lust were too much and I made to go for her breasts but suddenly found a massive peaked bicep in front of my face. "You wouldn't know what to do with these either" the craggy faced barmaid said as I gawped at the huge smooth rounded peak. It looked as big as my face! To my surprise she punched her bicep several times with her other fist, SMACK SMACK SMACK. She seemed to be hitting it really hard creating a loud solid, slightly meaty, knocking sound.

"You try" she said. I didn't like the idea of hitting a woman but that huge dense mountain on her arm looked really solid and I was intrigued. I balled my fist and drove it into the side of her bicep, stunned by how hard it was as my knuckles came to a complete halt against solid dense beef. "Come on punch it harder. Show some backbone, boy" she growled. Shamed by her goading I really hammered my fist into that awesome mound of female muscle, so hard that my knuckles were red and aching. Yet they had left no impression on that mighty mass and the old woman looked on unimpressed by my puny effort.

"They're not just for show either, let me show you" she said. Before I realised what she was doing a thick brawny arm came at me and wrapped itself around my neck. With an irresistible surge of strength I found myself flipped me over so that my face was pulled close to her body. For an exciting moment the side of my face pressed up against that massive chest. While I struggled to get to grips with the big arm around my neck, out the corner of my eye all I could see was the awesome bra-busting landscape of her mammories. "Urghhh!" I didn't have time to appreciate the view as a thick forearm clamped across the side of my neck, locking my head securely in the crook of her arm. The side of my face was pulled tight against her soft wobbly continental sized bust which did little to relieve the crushing pressure of her arm.

"Urkk!" the buxom old dragon was so shockingly strong. Those big powerful looking biceps had been a real surprise but to feel their dreadful strength crushing my neck was something else entirely. My hand clasped in vain at her forearm astonished by how thick and hard it was. "I could snap your scrawny neck like a twig" Cynthia told me as I tugged with no effect at a forearm as thick as a log wedged across the side of my neck. "Arghh!" It felt like she was going to pop my head right off my neck. Reaching around behind her broad back, I managed to find her other arm and started tapping on her beefy solid bicep. "What is that? You want more?" she chuckled. "Urgh!" A sudden lurch snapped my head towards the ground with large wobbling breasts smacking against the side of my head, shocking me with their weight.

Urgh! Another savage twist and I'm on my knees locked by her side desperately clutching at a forearm locked tight like a wheelclamp around the side of my neck. It was so thick and hard that my fingers couldn't even press into it. "Resistance is futile. There's no escape from one of my headlocks" her voice told me as the blood pounded in my ears. I could feel tears of humiliation and pain well up in my eyes. The blocky old woman was just too strong. "Orrrgh!" the fearsome old dragon pulled the side of my head tight against her chest, her large soft breasts moulding themselves over the side of my face, flowing like jelly.

It was no use, I was too weak to make a difference and I was surprised to find that my dick was still achingly stiff. "As you can see, Jimmy; I'm more than capable of handling a drunken man" Cynthia's voice told me above the pounding of blood in my ears and the fug that had descended on my brain. Too strong! My eyes began to get heavy and I could feel my face redden. "Kkk!" I croaked as she grabbed her wrist and pulled her thick forearm so tight that it was like a crowbar being pulled into my throat. "Kkkkk!" My head was absolutely spinning and my hands became too heavy to clutch at her big arms, falling limply by my side. I felt so utterly helpless in the old woman's big arms. Even the huge pillows of her bust failed to soften the dreadful power of her arms locked up around my neck.

Just as I thought that this was the end and I would pass out, the terrible head wrenching pressure stopped. The room spun as I was whirled around to face a huge dense bicep up close and personal. "Kiss it and I might show you some mercy" the fearsome stern faced old woman said. I obeyed without hesitation. Not wholly out of fear. Now that I was out of her terrible headlock, I had become very turned on by what I had experienced and how easily she had totally subdued me. I kissed and worshiped that massive smooth rounded mountain of female muscle and really meant it.

"Enough" she stated and I instantly obeyed. Sitting back I watched as she brought both of her arms around in front of her huge chest and tensed them. "Oh Cynthia, you are awesome" I gasped as I placed a hand on each upper arm and felt how large and dense each was. A loud meaty knocking noise interrupted me as she punched her forearm. "You want to try?" she asked. I was overawed and felt the thick slope of her right forearm while shaking my head. "You felt what that baby could do" she told me. She rotated her flexed arm so I could see the back of it. The base of her forearm looked huge and the swell of her bicep massive. "It's time for you to get up close and personal with my biceps" she said.

That big powerful looking arm moved to capture my head and in panic I tried to stop it but only found myself pawing at thick hard flesh. Unable to stop my face being pushed up against a huge bicep; Powerless to stop an old woman positioning her massive bicep against my jaw and her forearm clamping around the other side of my neck as she locked it tight, I was helpless as Cynthia locked me into position. I was squealing immediately as a massive bicep swelled up against my jaw. Slapping futilely against her thick stony forearm, the huge mass continued to grow painfully compacting my jaw. It was so big and powerful that my teeth were locked together unable to beg her to stop. Urghh! I slapped desperately upon her thick arm but she ignored me. "It doesn't work like that in real life Jimmy" the old harridan chuckled close to my ear.

"Look at you, as weak as a kitten" she laughed as she flung me down sideways onto the bed with my jaw still crushed tight in her strong arms. While my head nodded numbly in her frighteningly beefy arms I felt the old woman's thick legs encircle my waist. I didn't think anything of it until suddenly a shockingly powerful force crushed my middle like they were trying to squeeze toothpaste from a tube. My hands flew to her legs, shocked to encounter what felt like massive stone pillars clad in stockings. The big bicep continued to threaten to break my jaw while another awesome force held me firm around my middle. Even without looking, I knew that one twitch of her legs would break me in two just as her huge bicep could bust my jaw apart. The old woman had completely immobilised me apart from my dick which twitched hard in appreciation.

"I'm very good at getting the truth out of men" her voice told me as I struggled to survive in her muscular clamp. Just when I thought I was going to pass out, she released me once more. Puffing and panting she turned me to face her on the bed. She knelt before me and raised both arms flexing in victory. With her large rounded biceps bulging in triumph and her huge breasts swelling up, she looked like some kind of Amazon Goddess and I was surprised to find my cock was still hard for her. I was unbelievably turned on by her but too terrified to touch her.

She brought both arms round in front of her and with her hands together tensed her arms. I was just dumbfounded as they expanded, completely overwhelmed by the sheer massiveness of her arms. There was no mistaking these as plump fat arms with the definite curve of large latent biceps and the thick mass of her triceps and the strongly corded forearms. As I've already said, she wasn't defined or cut up like a bodybuilder but it was unmistakably huge densely packed smooth feminine muscle. "Is there anything that you want to tell me?" she said. "I love you" I blurted. "Is that fear talking or just lust?" She chuckled, placing her hands upon her hips. Boy did she look so massive, so powerful, her body so unbelievably sexy.

"No, I meant tell me a secret about those naughty councillors. Maybe getting a bit of revenge?" she said. I looked at her dumbly. There was no doubt about it now, how could I have missed it before? Or maybe they'd gotten pumped up from trying to twist my head off but the old woman's arms were frighteningly massive. "No, you're right. It's much more fun if I just interrogate it out of you" she said.

The words of protest hadn't even left my lips when the white haired barmaid leapt forward and pulled the back of my head beneath her armpit. "Urgh!" Her forearm came up like a stone wall across my throat. "Ngghh!" I groaned in despair as once more her strong arms choked my airways and I felt my face turn red. Oh no! Once more the awesome old turkey was outwrestling me with the greatest of ease. OK I wasn't the most physical of guys but I simply didn't have a chance against her. She grabbed my right hand and yanked it behind my back while my face turned red by her hip. "Ouch!" I yelped as sturdy old woman pressed my hand up between my shoulder blades and forced me face first onto the bedspread then knelt across my back. Moving astride my back I yelped once more as Cynthia pulled back both of my arms then rested them on her shoulders by her neck as she leant forward stressing them. "Argh! Please stop" I yelped.

"You really can't fight can you Jimmy?" Cynthia taunted as she laced her arms beneath mine and pressed down upon my neck. I was completely helpless, trussed up like a turkey with my arms hanging useless behind me as she forced me to kneel upon the bed. BLAM! The next thing I knew, she had briefly stood up behind me and used her body weight to slam my face into the bedspread. I now felt her heavy weight lying along my back applying a full nelson leaving my arms useless. "Oh Jimmy, for all of your good looking youthful charms and manly strength you are nothing but a push over" Cynthia taunted. I tried to buck my hips to get her off me but the woman was too blocky, her weight too much to shift. Her torso covered mine and her arms held me completely prisoner. "You're not even making me break into a sweat" she said in a scathing tone. I knew that I had to escape so began to struggle in earnest. But the more I struggled the harder she pressed the nelson until my shoulders ached and my neck felt like it would snap. There was nothing that I could do. I was helpless and the sensation was causing my dick to enlarge and since this was pressed into the bedcover, it rubbed it even harder.

I was powerless to stop her as the strong woman rolled me to the side and her thick fishnet covered legs caught my waist like a python. "Ohhhh!" I was trapped well and hard. My neck was held with the nelson and my middle crushed with her scissors. I felt so terribly weak, unable to match the old turkey's strength. In a single movement she released one arm and plunged my face right into her armpit. My other arm was twisted around behind my back and pushed savagely upwards."Mmmm!" I was afraid to cry out and get a load of armpit hair in my mouth but the busty old barmaid held me like that letting me stew in her complete dominance. "Such a disappointment and I so hoping a young stud like you would put up more of a fight" I heard her say as she crushed my neck with a large swelling bicep while continuing to mash my face in her armpit while twisting my neck backwards and twisting my left arm back as she bent me over painfully backwards.

Oh God! She was much too strong and powerful for me. With one arm still trapped behind my back, I watched in horror as a big wide forearm came around from behind and clamped itself across my throat. "Really Jimmy, letting an old woman like myself put you to sleep" her words were chilling. I struggled but it was useless as she promptly had me down upon the bed in front of her powering down hard on the choke hold. Argh too tight! I tugged desperately with both hands on her wide forearm as my head span but it was useless. Having experienced what her mighty forearm and bulging biceps could do, I knew that they would have little trouble choking me out but what could I do against such a formidable old woman as she drove my throat into the crook of her arm and locked it clamping her other mighty forearm along the side of my face. Jeese! She had me in a sleeper hold and her mighty arms were incredibly tight. In desperation I managed to reach up and grab her hair and started tugging eliciting some yelps from her but in response she just bore down with her scissor hold until it felt my waist would break. It was no use, she was just too strong. My hands fell away in defeat and I succumbed to her awesome power with a huge boner in my pants.


"Urnnn!" I groan as I come around and open my eyes. As my eyes regain focus, what I see completely blows my mind. Standing up with her back to me in front of the bed where I lay is a stocky female figure with short white hair wearing a black leather corset. It is the amazing shape of her back which takes my breath away. I could barely believe how exceptionally powerful it looked, with extremely broad shoulders and wide tapering laterals. The corset leaves her wide shoulder blades bare and I am amazed that they are covered with large slab-like masses like some crazy topological map. Her lats slope in dramatically on either side to a thick waist but this is relative because the effect is like an extreme hourglass shape, so wide is she across the top of her shoulders. From her waist, her body curves out again to her hips and ... ulp, I have to swallow hard as I see an ample but naked backside. Even that looks strong with round hard looking buttocks. "That's it, take a good long look, Jimmy" Cynthia had been watching me all the time in the dressing table mirror in front of which she stood.

Although I now knew that she was watching me, the sight was so amazing that I just couldn't stop myself looking. My eyes travelled down along the backs of her legs, as thick as tree trunks yet undeniably shapely and feminine accentuated with the swell of large hamstrings which looked both strong yet sensuous. Beneath this are the large awesome calves which I had admired earlier on the stairs shown off to great effect with high heels. Her thick sturdy looking legs are sheathed in fine mesh fishnet stockings which add a very erotic gleam. Around the top of each leg is a black matt band of stocking top to which black suspenders attach to the bottom of her corset. My eyes return to her incredible back. Even from the rear I can see her large bust clearly sticking out on either side at her front.

"You were going to tell me a secret" Cynthia said as began to turn around. "And you better make it a good one" she added as I stared in amazement and growing lust at a strapless black corset that struggled to contain her full ample figure and bust. I tried not to look below the waist, for all she wore were stockings - nothing else! "Maybe you need a little persuading to loosen your lips" she said standing over me. Once more those big arms were raised and flexed. The sight of those huge smooth mountainous muscles reminded me of how easily she had put me away and I didn't want to experience them around my neck again. Scrambling to my knees upon the bed I cowered before the white haired barmaid. "Wait please" I begged.

"Well I'm waiting" the stern faced mature woman said impatiently. I looked up at her broad face; she could only be described as handsome at best. Her short white hair indicated her age as did the slightly sagging chin. In her ears pearl stud earrings gave her some class as did the pearl necklace around her thick bullish neck. "You know the austerity cuts to front line services?" I told her watching how her thick neck disappeared into her very broad shoulders. "Yes of course. All because of those bastard bankers" she snapped back. "And the cuts to council staff?" I ask. Around her neck dangled a delicate silver chain, the pendant of some Hindu Goddess dangling above her long cleavage. "Yes, yes, get on with it" she snapped, breathing deeply. The top buttons at the front of her corset had been undone giving that awesome view of the top of her breasts which I had seen when she'd had her blouse on. "What? Is this too much of a distraction for your small mind?" she snapped then suddenly her hands undid the remaining buttons while watching me with such a stern expression that I didn't realise that I was holding my breath until the last one came undone.

Ph-roar! I had never felt my dick go so hard so quickly before. The front of her corset flopped wide open and I gawped in disbelief at the huge rounded pendulous breasts on display in the opening. "They're so perfect" I moaned. "Jimmy!" she snapped breaking my rapt attention. To my surprise she balled up a large fist then punched her stomach hard. SMACK SMACK! It sounded like tenderising beef. Her thick wide stomach wasn't flabby as I originally thought it to be on the mature barmaid. Although it was wide and thick, it was however very firm looking with an etched grid-work of shallow cut abdominal muscles. There was no mistaking what they were and I couldn't help reaching out and running my hand over them, feeling the sculpted slabs and etched grooves beneath my fingers. It was mesmerising. How could a mere barmaid have such a strong sexy body?

"The secret, Jimmy?" Cynthia urged. "The council have over a Billion pounds in reserves" I mumbled as I enjoyed the sensual tactile feel of the old woman's amazing wash board abs. It was no use; I just couldn't resist it any longer. Leaning close, I began to kiss each stomach muscle in turn. "They claim" kiss kiss "that it's in case of" kiss kiss "disasters" kiss kiss. By now I was off the bed, crouching before her with my arms around her thick waist kissing her abs. "but the top nobs" kiss kiss "think of it as their own personal piggy bank" kiss kiss.

"Enough to finance an assassination here and a kidnapping there?" Cynthia asked firmly pushing my face down along her abs making my nose bump over each solid slab. OMG! She pushed my face all the way down to an unshaven pussy. I tried to recoil at the sight but her strong hands kept my face firmly in place. "Get used to it Jimmy. Because you will be worshipping me there before the night is out" she said. I wasn't keen on the idea of licking the old trout's twat because that is what her face looked like even though she had such an amazing body.

Fortunately she continued to push my face further down and the sight filled me with dread. The barmaid's legs were as thick as tree trunks yet filled out with gently swooping curves looking exceptionally sexy in stockings. Yet I knew just by looking at their size and firmness that they were incredibly powerful. As if to confirm that, Cynthia flexed a thigh and a group of three large smooth rocky shapes swelled into being. Not vascular and well defined like a bodybuilder but smooth, rounded yet undeniably huge muscles that exuded a powerful sensuality. By now I wasn't surprised when she brought her fist down and punched her thigh to show how rock solid it was. "You wouldn't last a minute in there at full power" she told me with unshakable confidence. "I could crack your skull as easily as breaking an eggshell" she added. I remembered how devastatingly powerful those legs had felt around my middle while she worked me over with her arms and realised with shock that they had just been holding me steady without putting any real effort into it. The sheer power that emanated from those legs really turned me on yet I knew that I wouldn't stand a chance between them. Strangely, the thought was incredibly stimulating.

"Answer the question Jimmy or you will feel how badly they can bust you up" the white haired barmaid said firmly. I had to rack my brain to remember the question while automatically reaching to feel her big thighs to confirm that they really were just as hard as I expected. Yet her smooth warm skin and the silky feel of her stockings was all woman. "Jimmy?" Cynthia asked with impatience. Ah yes something about using the reserves for kidnapping, what a weird question. "No, they dip into the money to do up their big mansions and take expensive holidays. All at the taxpayer's expense of course" I told her while enjoying the feel of her big hard legs. I cupped both hands around her knee and was stunned that I couldn't move it upwards to contain the girth of the massive thighs above or downwards past the thick calves below. I was really getting turned on by this power-packed buxom old woman.

"Is that all?" Cynthia sounded disappointed. I had an overwhelming urge to please her, this was crazy, I was getting the real hots for the old turkey. "The top blokes there get paid more than twice as much as the Prime Minister" I told her while in awe that I could not even press an indentation in her thick thighs. I tried the same with her calves but they were like big rock shelves. Without asking I made a fist and punched one with a solid knocking sound that stung my knuckles. They were so solid that I don't think she even noticed. I put my palm below the calf muscle stunned to find it higher than the level of my hand. "It's so thick" I gasped. Such feminine power, I just had to put my lips against the soft nylon covering the large hard slab of calve and kiss it. This was the first time that I had ever done anything like this, yet I kissed that big hard calve with a passion unlike anything I had felt before. At the same time my hands were feeling her other calve, they were like two plates of rock with a sexy cleft between. I now realised the attraction of muscle on a woman and Cynthia had them in spades. "That's right, Jimmy. Show me the proper respect" her voice came from above like Royalty or a muscular Amazon Goddess.

Suddenly those big calves closed around my neck. I was trapped fast, looking down at the floor, the bottom of those big flaring calves blurred beneath me too close to focus upon. "Argh!" I cried out as she went onto her toes sending my vision blurring as those powerful calves crushed into both sides of my neck. "Argh!" It felt like boulders were being pushed into my neck. I clung onto the sides of the calves with my hands. They were so big that it felt like holding onto wing mirrors either side of my head, they became so huge that they barely fit in my hand. The pain was intense, blinding crushing white blazing pain. "You wouldn't be telling me porkies would you?" I heard the busty old barmaid ask. "Argh No, no please I swear" I was crying in agony as she began bouncing up and down with her feet causing a series of up and down neck wrenching pain. It was like my head was stuck between two metal train doors that were going to close regardless. Rock hard slabs of female calf muscle bit hard into my neck as if to slice off my head. The savage crush made my head spin to the point of consciousness. Just as I could take no more, the brutal neck slicing pressure stopped and I fell to the feet of the shockingly powerful and almost naked old woman. Panting to regain my breath and hoping my head would stop spinning, I realised that once again the amazing old dragon had beaten me easily. She was just too powerful; I was well out of my depth.

"That's it young man. Cower before my legs because I think it's time for you to feel their power again" the voice from high above told me. As the words sunk I looked up at her from my hands and knees. "Please no more" I wailed in terror as thick stocking clad legs stepped forwards. I reared back absolutely terrified of getting crushed between such huge powerful looking legs, no matter that their look turned me on. But it was too late; her lower legs sprang together like a mantrap catching my neck between her ankles. I found myself looking up at huge slabs of powerfully bulging calve muscle while tugging in vain at her relatively slim ankles. Although they were the slimmest part of her legs, under my hands they felt like they had become thickly corded, channelling the terrifying power of her legs through them against my trapped neck. "Urkk!" my head was whirling in an instant. "Tell me about the kidnappings" her voice came over the heartbeat loud in my ears. " Ing" I croaked the words out as hard cords around her ankles bit deep into the sides of my neck cutting off the flow of blood. My legs were flailing around, my hands slapping at the big hard calves above me to no avail. The craggy faced woman kept me suffering, prolonging the torture, rendering me so utterly helpless between the slimmest parts of her legs. She kept me on the brink of passing out for what seemed an eternity before she finally let me collapse to the floor.

I felt shattered; my head was still spinning while my mind could barely comprehend the power in her legs when I heard her voice. "Face me" she commanded and I instantly scrabbled onto my hands and knees, too scared to disobey. Gazing up at her powerful body and huge bust, she flexed her mighty biceps once more in victory. Once more my dick grew incredibly stiff at the sight of this incredible old woman whose glare could peel paint. She might not be much to look at facially but her powerfully built body with the big smooth rounded muscles gave me what felt like a permanent boner. Yet my dick seemed to rise even more at the sight of those unreal large thick smooth peaked biceps. I felt so submissive; I didn't have a chance against that amazing body; she was much too strong for me to handle by far.

"I suppose you are telling me the truth" she admitted then her hands moving to the front of her corset. "I am.." I began to say then fell speechless as she completely removed and discarded the garment. Her extremely large perfectly rounded heavies stuck out like a wide shelf above me on full display. I didn't think I could get any harder but I did as my lust soared for the powerfully built excitingly buxom old buzzard standing over me. Two exceptionally large unbelievably sexy things with large brown areolas and erect nipples stared at me like eyes. I got to my feet without hesitation unable to take my eyes off them and with my dick throbbing so hard I thought I would burst at any second. But Cynthia didn't look welcoming, placing her hands on her hips with a stern scowl. "Come and get them if you dare" she said in a challenging tone. Orrrr! The way they just sat there like two flesh coloured beach balls on her chest. I was achingly hard, I had never wanted a woman as much as I wanted this old trout right now but her thick arms reminded me just how overwhelmingly strong she was. There was a slight smile maybe a brief tautness to her lips as I tried to get control of my emotions. "You're learning" she said quietly then slowly she raised her arms above her head and began to slowly wobble her chest back and forth. "Orrghh!" I moaned aloud inflamed beyond belief. It was like some kind of erotic middle-Eastern belly dance but using her breasts - a booby-dance. "I can drive a man wild with desire like this, you don't stand a chance" she teased as her huge breasts bounced from side to side in a strange wobbling jerking motion. I'd never seen anything so sexy. The way her big heavy ball-like orbs moved with such a sensual motion was so erotically charged that I just lost all control. Crazed with desire I rushed forwards to get my hands on those amazing boobs and that incredible body. Yes, I know that was a big mistake but I was too pumped up with lust to think about that.

I yelped in surprise as I suddenly found myself being thrust into the air then draped over one of the barmaid's broad shoulders like an empty bag of sacking. "No!" I cried out in protest as she unzipped my trousers and pulled out my boner while I rocked precariously over her shoulder. "You better keep this hard boy" I heard her say. I yelped again as she slung me in the air lengthwise across her very broad shoulders. I could sense the sheer power as she supported me with ease and a straight back. "Wah!" I cried in alarm as she suddenly twisted her torso and the nearby wall came rushing towards my face at great speed. I sighed with relief when instead of smashing my face against the wall; it stopped barely an inch away. But the sturdily built old crone hadn't finished toying with me yet. "Argh!" I cried out in sheer agony as she pulled down on my neck and legs to mould my back around her shoulders like a pretzel. I was weeping in agony instantly but thankfully she stopped but then I was crying out again as in another amazing demonstration of strength she pressed me face first towards the ceiling using just one hand in the small of my back. I was surprised that my boner wasn't touching ceiling.

The beefy old barmaid continued to manhandle me like a toy, swinging my body down and around, pulling my chest into her amazing bust but those beautiful soft boobs couldn't cushion a breathtaking bearhug - literally. Helpless in her thick voluptuous arms, the white haired woman spun around causing my legs to fly out uselessly. Despite my chest being squeezed right up against those voluminous boobs, her powerful arms were crushing the life out of me. "Arghh no no!" I yelped with what little breath I had left. "Please, you're killing!" I yelped as I was sure I could feel my ribs bending. "Argh!" I cried hardly able to breathe in the face of such incredible strength enveloping my chest. I had never felt anything like it and certainly never expected this from a plump old barmaid. With my head thrown back and mouth open wide gasping in vain for air, my hands beat feebly upon her arms and back. It was like beating against a stone wall. Yet the immense power enveloping me kept my dick absolutely rigid. My chest was pressed so tightly between her big boobs which squeezed out on either side that it couldn't expand anymore. Urghh urghhh unable to draw breath my head jerked back and forth in the last fits of staying conscious.

"Feel the power of a woman, Jimmy" I heard her say as my body twitched horribly as I thrashed around for the merest scrap of air and finding none. "The power to put away a man anyhow she chooses" Pshhoouu! I gasped in air as she relaxed the terrible crush but still held me up. "Or be merciful if she wishes" she said as I hungrily drank the air. I felt so defeated and subjugated, utterly helpless and unable to resist as I hung in the old woman's embrace. She carried me like that around the room, all the while staring at me with a bemused expression. She was demonstrating her superiority over me and I knew it and I was surprised to find that it was keeping me turned on. BAM! She forced me half way up a wall then began kissing me long and deep on the mouth. Held tight in her mighty arms allowing me no resistance and I found that the old woman forcing herself upon me was getting me highly aroused.

I cried out as I suddenly found myself spinning in the air. The blood rushed to my head as I myself turned upside down as if I weighed next to nothing. "Please no" I cried as my face approached huge thick powerful looking thighs. My head swung between those terrifying thighs and they closed in to grip my head firmly. "Don't you want me to do this then?" I heard Cynthia ask with a teasing lilt to her voice. That's when I felt my achingly hard dick slip between two large soft fleshy pillows. Despite the blood flowing to my head, I knew exactly where my dick was and it took all of my self-control not to blow it right then and there. Up and down it slid in that deep cleavage, the old dragon of a barmaid controlling my bodies' movements with her strong arms. Up and down through warm soft weighty female breast. My mind could easily visualise the her massive breasts as my manhood plunged back and forth through them. The incredible sensations around my dick was much too much and in no time I began thrusting my hips trying to drive the rhythm faster as I bonked the biggest tits I'd ever met in my life. On the body of the strongest woman I'd ever met in my life, with my head trapped between thighs that could crack it without thinking while held upside down in her powerful embrace. That's what did it. "Urr urrr nnghha!" I moaned loudly as I shot what felt like a never-ending stream between her huge breasts.


"Woah!" I yelped as the buxom barmaid literally threw me onto the bed, so hard that my body bounced several times before settling down. "Clean up your mess" Cynthia's voice demanded in a no-nonsense tone. I got to my knees and looked at those big orbs of breast then baulked. The stern old woman leant towards me with her massive bare breasts dangling towards my face while she bent her arm to flex a massively peaked bicep. The sight of it made me feel so very weak and submissive. "I won't tell you again" she said. I was in total awe of her muscles yet couldn't bring myself to do what she wanted. "I'll...I'll just get a cloth" I said backing away and getting off the bed.

"You're not messing up my towels. Use your tongue, boy. You've always wanted to get your face in there" the hard face woman said. I tried to back away from the woman who was completely naked apart from her fine mesh fishnet stockings. Although the thought of plunging my face between those huge whoppers was indeed incredibly tempting, the thought of licking my own cum was disgusting. "Please no" I pleaded as the female wall of muscle moved towards me. Even to my ears it sounded weak before that magnificent body. "Is that your final word on the matter?" the harsh looking yet powerfully built Amazon asked.

She might look like an old trout but corrr that naked strong body really turned me on. With those thick strong arms which I knew could crush me helpless in their embrace against her huge soft breasts which would not cushion me against their fearsome power; or flex huge smooth rounded peaks of biceps that looked taller than my head. Mighty biceps that could drive fists that could lay out a man stone cold in seconds. My jaw still ached from that initial encounter and I had a feeling that she had been going easy on me. "Please Cynthia. You really turn me on. I really want to worship your amazing body" I begged. "I'll do anything but that" I pleaded.

For a few moments the white-haired barmaid stared at me with a hard expression. When she moved, she did so with such phenomenal speed that I wouldn't have thought possible from such a heavily built old woman. The stocky woman leant slightly away from me then a thick leg rose and scythed sideways in an arcing blur of motion. BLAM! Her heel hammered the side of my jaw, crunching it sideways, scrambling my senses and sending me hurtling uncontrollably across the room. Jeese! That was powerful. BLAM! I was so dazed that I didn't even see it until the crushing explosion on the side of my face, snapping my head around so fast I heard my neck click. BLAM! I found a big nylon-clad knee blasting into my gut like a jackhammer. I liked to think I was fit and had a hard stomach but it just turned to jelly. "Wargh!" I wailed as my breath left my body in a rush as the knee ploughed deep into my middle. I crumpled around her big knee feeling like my world was collapsing.

The close up view of her large bare breasts was no comfort as my stomach cramped up painfully. Devastatingly winded, I watched helplessly as the big stocky woman turned her back on me and pulled my arm over her broad shoulder. Her wide backside was thrust into my groin as she bent forward, lifting my body onto her back as my feet left the floor. For a moment it felt really good with my dick pressed against her ample backside and sliding up along the crease between her big buttocks. Then it was followed by a moment of complete helplessness as the old dragon flipped me head over heels. The universe rotated around me. BLAM! I landed on my back at the feet of the terrifying old barmaid.

She'd thrown me! She'd actually thrown me! Kicked me and thrown me! Not only was she incredibly strong, the old bag also knew martial arts! That came as a dreadful shock which re-awoke my dick as I realised that I really didn't have a chance against this awesome old woman.

"Argh!" I yelped as my arm was suddenly twisted. She had held onto my arm when she threw me and now holding it upright, she bent it back to force me to my knees. "Argh argh!" it felt as if the bones were grinding together and would break at any moment. "Up you get, Jimmy" Cynthia said then forced me to stand. "I could snap your arm like a twig" she stated as matter of fact while she let me suffer in her arm-lock.  My arm was released and the room spun then I found myself confronted with huge flexed biceps close-up to my face. So huge they looked that I felt hopelessly intimated. I also felt turned on and such a strong urge to worship them that I began to hungrily kiss those mighty peaks. "Oh Cynthia!" I moaned between kisses and while running my hands over her amazing ridged stomach. "Oh Cynthia!" I moaned again as I moved my hands to the massive bust, the veritable massive sexy orbs the sight of which could keep me with a permanent erection.

"Hai Hai!" the unexpected quick yells made me jump a fraction of a second before the side of her hand slashed one side of my neck then the other. Suddenly I was falling towards the floor with Cynthia pulling me down on top of her, her stocking-clad leg coming up to meet my lower abdomen. Barely a second later, her back hit the carpet and both legs straightened into my stomach. I had a brief glimpse of looking down upon the naked old muscle woman as her powerful legs threw me high into the air. Spinning helplessly head over heels, my back hit the bed hard and my body bounced several times. Dazed by the speed and power of the throw I could only watch as she climbed onto the bed and sat astride my waist.

She put her thick arms upon her waist looking very stern and strict. "Clean it now or I go to work on you again" she said. Her large hands seized mine and pulled them up towards her head, so strong that I was simply unable to stop her. "So feeble" she teased as she flexed her biceps while holding my hands. With a condescending smile, she pressed my arms back down to the bedcovers in a steady inevitable motion which I simply couldn't resist; she was far too strong. The back of my hands slammed into the bed above my head. Two thick pillars of frighteningly strong female arms pinned my hands with no chance of escape and a massive pairs of breasts dangling barely an inch above my face. A massive fleshy heaving wall that got closer as she leant her body along mine then enveloped my face, swallowing it whole.

"Mmmm!" I moaned with pleasure into her warm stuffy mammories. She was wasn't pressing hard so this wasn't a bad place to be and took joy of knowing where my face was stuffed. That was until I felt her lower legs hook around mine and a terrifying surge of power ripped my legs wide apart. It was a force so overwhelming that I was scared that my legs wearing going to be pulled from their sockets. "You simply can't get out from under there can you?" her voice said but I couldn't reply as my mouth was gagged by large mounds of soft flesh. "Oh Jimmy. There's an uncomfortable lump pressing against my crotch" She teased. "Mmm!" spread-eagled beneath a naked muscle woman feeling her awesome strength had my erection up and pressing against her body. I had no choice so reluctantly stuck my tongue into the base of that deep dark cleavage and began licking while the awesome power of her muscular legs kept my legs well beyond the limits of my flexibility. My ligaments were screaming in torment as I cleaned her cleavage.

It was like being ripped apart by a brick wall. She was so powerful I simply didn't have a chance so licked for all I was worth although I couldn't tell if I was licking sweat or semen. The immense strain upon my legs brooked no argument. Her mighty legs were an irresistible power that kept mine spread wide apart with ease while I cleaned her voluminous chest. Suddenly the strong woman released my hands, wrapped her arms around the back of my head then pulled my face tight against her chest. "Mmmm mmm!" It was really stuffy and not much air to breathe. Now free, my hands found her bare buttocks and in awe I felt how rock hard they were, like boulders, as they powered her awesome legs as they kept my legs painfully wide apart. I keep feeling those vast hard boulders of buttocks; they felt amazing and so incredibly sexy. My dick went harder and I felt it brush her pussy hair and it got harder still, spurring me on in my effort to clean that mighty chest. While those powerful legs constantly reminded me of how weak I was compared with this old lady as they maintained the terrible searing pain in my ligaments and joints.

It was with some relief that I felt the fearsome pressure removed from my legs but at first found them too aching and stiff to move. I looked up numbly and with total resignation as the mighty white-haired naked woman sat astride my waist. Once more the sight of her wrinkled face and white hair reminded me how old she was, yet with a thick smoothly muscled body and large chest both of which kept my dick stiff with desire. I winced as a thick arm snaked around the back of my neck. "Shh shhh it's OK" she said comfortingly then pulled my face closer to hers. "Make love to me, boy or I'll break your back" the white-haired woman said then planted a big long kiss on my lips. She needn't have threatened me for I was absolutely aching for her. But before any thoughts of carnal knowledge had passed my mind, she had pressed me back down to the bed and I found myself staring up at her broad backside as it hovered above my face while she faced my feet. The upside down view of her slickly gleaming mass of pubic hair was kind of scary. "That is where your face is going in a moment, boy. Get used to it" Cynthia told me as she held my wrists in an iron grip. This wasn't how I wanted to have sex but just as I opened my mouth to protest, a mouthful of bristling hair and a slick crack silenced me.

The old woman was certainly no lightweight and her immense weight pressed down upon my cheeks as my nose and mouth were forced between her buttocks. I felt Cynthia lean forward to remove my shoes and socks while I groaned under the pressure of her weight upon my face. Stifled under her ample backside; my heart pounded in my chest as I felt her long fingers encircle my stiff cock which was sticking out of my flies like a flagpole. "You like me dominating you don't you Jimmy?" I heard her ask. Pressed like a specimen in a flower-collectors book with my nose jammed between her large yet tight buttocks I was helpless as the muscular old woman leant forward and pulled down my trousers and pants. "I let you cum between my tits which you've been unable to tear your eyes away from ever since you've seen them" I heard her say. "Now it's your turn to repay the complement". Cynthia rotated her arse further forwards and I felt her pussy against my lips. Slowly she began to thrust her big hips back and forth rubbing herself against my nose and lips while her hand flicked and stroked my aching cock. The tempo of her movements increased and her breathing got heavier with little moans of pleasure. Despite my submissive position, I found myself incredibly excited and began to work my mouth on her pussy. The effect was amazing.

"Ohhh ohhhh Jimmy yes!" she moaned loudly. She became very noisy, not caring who heard her lovemaking and began bouncing rhythmically on my face driving the back of my head deep into the mattress, the springs creaking loudly. "Ohhhhh!" she howled as she pounded me into the mattress with increasing speed. The sexually charged atmosphere was so strong that all I wanted to do was to give this muscular sexy old white-hair a massive orgasm. I probed her slit and she cried loudly and more frenzied. "Ohhh!" she moaned then leant further forwards uncovering my eyes to gaze upon a large muscular but undeniably feminine backside as she laid herself along the length of my body. Orrrrr! To my surprise the old woman stuck my dick into her mouth and began sucking. Ohhhh! She was really good, amazingly good inspiring me to lick her even harder in my desire to satisfy her. I never stood a chance with the old woman in the physical strength department and I now found that I didn't have a chance with her in the bedroom department either for she rapidly brought me quickly to the verge of explosion then broke off bucking like crazy on my face screaming loudly as the orgasm hit her. Her loud sounds of pleasure made me shoot my load in such a powerful surge that it felt like I'd completely drained myself in one go.

Totally shagged out, I lay back exhausted and watched as Cynthia rose from my face, turned around then sat facing me on my chest. This was the second time that I'd been completely shagged out by this amazing white-haired woman who was probably old enough to be my grandmother. The incredible thing was that she was much better than any girl my age that I had experienced. "Not bad for starters, young man" Cynthia said then flexed a huge bicep. "Look at it, Jimmy. Worship it, Jimmy. Worship it with your body. Take me again and again" she said looking down at me as she sat astride my chest. I couldn't believe my ears and gawped at the mammoth mound of dense bicep that pulsed on her arm. Cynthia slowly rotated her wrist making the huge muscle pop and relax. It looked like a flesh covered cannon ball and I felt twinges in my groin although my dick was still limp. She slid from my chest towards me face. "As you are going to find out, Jimmy" she said in a soft voice. "A woman like me has a very large sexual appetite indeed".

Her thick thighs slid either side of my head, the fishnets rasping as they brushed my ears as she positioned her bare crotch lightly on my chin. "That was just starters, Jimmy. Now you are going to give me the main course" she demanded. "I, I need a moment to..Mmmmm!" my protest was cut off as her pussy slid over my mouth and moved right up against my nose. Maybe she'd thought I'd refuse or maybe she really was exceptionally horny but more likely she just wanted to remind me who was boss. Those solid husky thighs closed tight either side of my head, like the walls of a collapsing canyon, squeezing my ears and cheeks.

Pinned helplessly beneath the woman's crotch, my eyes peeking over the top looked up and watched as once more she flexed those massive double biceps of awe. "Well get on with it or do you want to see what happens if I pound your face with these?" she told me. Those big smooth shaped muscles complemented her enormous over hanging chest that bounced and swayed in the most erotic manner as I began to service her once again. " Now this is how a public servant should care for the elderly in the community" she said in a husky voice thick with emotion as she made small movements back and forth on my lips. It was musky, yucky, warm and sticky but I worked hard to try to arouse the big woman once more. She even took my hands and guided them over her rocky abdomen and to cup her big buxom rack, although they were truly more than a handful and impossible to contain them as they bounced around.

The bedsprings squeaked alarmingly as the naked old muscle woman vigorously rode my face. "Oh yes, Jimmy. Dip into my honey pot. Come on, work for it" she moaned. She flexed her powerful biceps then brought them close to my trapped face. "How about these for encouragement, little boy" she growled in a voice that made me fear that she would use them to rip off my head. The sight of that awesome power renewed my enthusiasm and I licked the big buxom strong woman with a growing passion, wanting to worship the powerful old dragon with everything I had. Just when I thought I was failing her, getting nowhere and due for another beating she began to moan, quietly at first then increasing in volume. That was it, my dick began to get stiff again as her moans caused me to lick at that pussy like a rabid dog. Suddenly she threw back her head and began to wail like a bansee.

The strong old barmaid rode my face moaning loudly, flexing her biceps and making me breathe and bathe in the full sensations of her orgasm. The sounds of her passion were getting me stiff which she noticed as she slid back onto my chest. She slid back over my waist and formed an O shape with her long fingers and put it over my rod like a ring. "Now for dessert" the white haired woman said then began to pump my dick with her strong hand. "Oh Cynthia!" I moaned. She had me absolutely aching in no time. Suddenly my dick was plunging deep inside her hot sticky love nest. My natural instincts made me want to thrust my hips and bang her hard but something kept me clamped inside. Instead of riding me, she leant forward and slipped her big muscular arms around the back of my chest. To my utter astonishment she slid off the end of the bed, with me still inside her while supporting my back. She walked forwards until my feet were barely on the bed.

Suddenly I felt a sensation I had never experienced before, like some muscular mass writhing and squeezing around my dick. "Ohhhh!" I moaned loudly in ecstasy. "Not bad for a woman of 69 eh?" she asked. "Oh wow!" I gapsed in amazement for the experience was unbelievable. "Older women have stronger love muscles, Jimmy" she says as the mass writhed and swirled around my rapidly growing dick. "Especially those that work them out every day" she added. Suddenly her powerful pussy muscles begin to pump my dick and I nearly explode inside her in an instant until it clamps down so hard that I wince. Her love muscles feel like they could crush my dick. "Not so fast, Jimmy" she says. The warm slick mass holding my dick firm pulsed gently keeping my hard but preventing me from cumming and bringing me back from the edge. "A woman who keeps her love muscles strong has totally mastery over her men" she stated. "Ohh Cynthia!" I moaned. "Oh! I'd do anything for you" I moaned in blissful delirium as what felt like multiple muscles writhed and squished all around my dick in a circular motion whilst pumping gently. "Anything?" the buxom old barmaid asked. "Ohh yes" I moaned as the muscular pumping writhing mass got stronger. I nearly came again until they clamped down again to prevent me.

"Will you visit me regularly to report on all the council's dirty little secrets?" "Yes yes" I moaned as the sensations started up again. I'd do anything to have sex like this even if the woman did look like a fearsome old trout. "And they haven't kidnapped anyone?""No, No. Oh please I love you". Her strong arms held my torso while her awesome love muscles pumped me with a steadily growing rhythm. It felt as if I had the biggest hardest erection that I'd ever had and still she was pumping me harder. "Do you want to be my toy boy? Telling me everything that goes on?" "Oh yes please" I begged. She laughed then the pumping began to get a lot stronger and a lot faster. I was going crazy, delirious with lust and the need to cum. "Ohhh!" this was mind blowing, what this old woman was doing was incredible. She was a human sex machine. "Oh! You're so good. You're the best" I moaned. "Hold on a bit longer, Jimmy. Don't you cum just yet. When I get you in that G spot all hell is going to break loose" she warned. Her incredible love muscles were going like crazy now and she was starting to moan in pleasure again. Her hips were thrusting back and forth with my dick still stuck inside her as her pussy pumped me like some demented milking machine. I didn't know how I was able to hold on for so long.

In any other girl I would have blasted my load long before now but the amazing control the old woman had just kept me going. But I was getting physically exhausted and drained and didn't think I could keep going much longer without my heart giving out. There was no doubt that this powerful old woman could ride a man to death like this. "Narrgh!" she screamed loudly and let go of my back causing me to flop backwards towards the floor while she tensed her thick mighty arms in front of her. All around my dick, her strong pussy muscles pulsed randomly and out of sync as she lost control. "Nargh!" she yelled again, her wide stomach becoming taut with her abs deeper and more defined than I had seen them before. "Narghh!" I was hanging impaled inside a naked old muscle woman as she went through a massive orgasm. With her eyes closed and head thrown back, she raised her arms out from her sides and bent her fists towards her head while her mouth was in a tight grimace. All the time her love muscles were writhing around my dick in an absolutely mind-blowing sensation. This time her huge biceps seemed larger, rockier and more defined than I had seen them before. Even the mighty old muscle woman couldn't contain it any longer. "Orraghh!" she screamed so loud, every muscle in her awesome body tensed as her powerful love muscles went into spasms around my dick. "Orggahh oraghh!" she moaned like crazy and I could hold it no more. I exploded inside her at the same time she squirted in what felt like a massive fountain inside her that gushed out from between her legs and down my shaft while my torso flopped towards the floor suspended only by my feet upon the bed and my dick embedded inside her. But she even lost control of that in her long drawn out orgasm. "Orrr orrrr!" she was still going as I slipped out from her and fell to the carpet.

I lay absolutely exhausted as the old woman finished the last of her moans of pleasure. All went quiet for a while until she picked me up gently and put me on the bed then lay beside me. "Cynthia" I whispered. "Ssssh!" she said placing a finger on my lips. "Save your energy. Rest a while then maybe we can have afters" she said with a wicked smile. Oh my God, I couldn't believe it, she wanted more! At this rate she was going to kill me with absolutely mind-blowing sex, but what sex! I was too exhausted to respond and had no idea how she was going to arouse me again but I couldn't wait to find out and only wished my dick wasn't so limp or my balls didn't feel so shrivelled and drained. I felt a hot breath on my ear. "I'll make you something in a minute that will perk you up" the naked old woman beside me whispered. "Lover boy" she added.


They came for me at dawn. Big burly guys in black uniforms, crew cuts, big boots and American accents who liked to let the butts of their guns do the talking. Bundled into the back of a military van, I found myself sitting on one of two opposing long benches surround by mainly Asian looking men who also had been picked up. Talk was violently discouraged as one poor guy found out as the soldiers showed him what they thought of his being a British citizen by beating him until he passed out. We were finally marched out at a military air base although I only had a quick glimpse which earned me a rifle butt in my face. We were shoved into a cell so small that we had to stand.


Angel entered Jim's office with the keys given to her by Glynnis. Her attention was immediately caught by a large whiteboard which contained a mass of scribbles and yellow sticky notes in Priest's attempt to map out all the connections in the case. After a quick look through a fairly clean desk and rummaging through his filing cabinet, her attention kept returning to the whiteboard. At the top in the centre was a big oval with 'Bristlingdown manor' written inside. Several lines flowed from this, some clearly older than others. His handwriting was terrible, worst than a doctor, and there was veritable spaghetti of lines linking up various points on the board. She made out 'break-ins, nothing taken? Incidents over 100 years' the unusual aspects of the case which made Sir Humphrey Smthye-Jones hire the newbie private detective in the first place. She picked up a marker-pen and used it to follow the next line, 'several domestics caught' next to 'what were they after?' in red and against this 'Bristlingdown hoard' a later addition. She moved the marker down to an old looking line flowing away towards another oval with 'Lady Helen Windthorpe' inside. Written across the line was 'False trail?' in red. Yes, but Jim hadn't realised that at the time. Lady Helen was sent by The Sisterhood to divert his attention in case he uncovered the hoard. Angel tried to move the pen along the next flow but found strong resistance. Frowning, she tried again but the pen still resisted.

Spotted Jim's desktop computer, she sat in front of it and powered it up. Unfazed when it prompted for a BIOS password, the blonde entered the password that triggered the trapdoor that took her straight into the Operating System. For once she thanked the US military for ensuring that every modern computer produced in the West included a trapdoor which only they thought they knew about. Most computers from the East also included the same but no comment was made on this aspect of hacked IPR. Locating a copy of Visio, she began a new document in E sheet landscape mode and the brainstorming stencil. Looking across at the whiteboard, she copied down neatly the lines that she had so far covered.

Lady Helen had bungled the task by having an illegal slave from the very people she was meant to implicate and thus got caught up in the investigation. Helen was too class ridden to be sympathetic but she was one of The Sisterhood. Angel moved on, trying to capture only the salient points from the board. The trail Helen left Jim pointed to the Ireland conservative, another member of The Sisterhood, Cynthia and a group of local councillors taking bribes from millionaire arms deal John Davidson. She knew what local politicians were like and asked Cynthia to check whether they were trying to get back at Jim for exposing their corruption.
Title: +Notable Author: [Jimp] Fighting My Mother
Post by: lostlastexile on May 16, 2018, 05:14:46 pm
Does anyone have a story that revolves around a 'Muscle Mom' theme? I actually assumed there would be lots of them already on here...

Maybe this will interest you:

Fighting My Mother
By Jimp
(c)Jim P 2013

Man can't cope with his mum's muscular body and challenges her

As I opened the old metal garden gate with green paint peeling back to reveal
the old rust beneath and began to trod down the concrete path towards the
familiar yellow front door, I pondered on my fate that had led me back here to
the home of my youth. Let me introduce myself, my name is Samuel Charles
although everyone calls me Sam, everyone except my mother that is. I am 35
years of age and of Caribbean descent although I was born in England and the
youngest of 4 brothers with no sisters. I came to the door of the 1950's style
red-brick mid-terrace 3 bedroom house. Pausing to take a deep breath, I rang
the door bell and waited.

Through the small frosted pane of glass in the door appeared a figure that I
knew only too well. The door opened and there stood my mother, her
wide-cheeked face breaking into a smile of joy. "Samuel, my Samuel, oh come
in, come in. Oh it's so good to have you back. Oh my darling boy" she flung
her thick arms around me in a joyous hug and a welcoming motherly kiss.
Caroline Charles, my mum stood 5 foot 8 inches against my 6 foot. Her hair was
black with noticeably a touch more grey than I had last seen her and was
styled behind her ears down to her shoulders with a sparse fringe at the top.
Mum has a long slender face with broad high cheekbones, a narrow jaw and a
large beakish nose. Her eyes are slender, outlined with black eyeliner and a
hint of mascara with slim arched eyebrows and hard piercing brown eyes. A
generous thick lipped mouth red with lipstick smiled clearly pleased to see

"Where's your stuff?" she asked. "It's in the car; I'll bring it in, in a
moment. I just wanted to check it was still okay with you. I don't want to put
you to any trouble" I said. "No trouble, my dear. This is as much your house
as it is mine" she replied. You see, this wasn't what I had wanted at all but
I really had no choice. My marriage had failed for reasons that I don't want
to get into and, well, I had nowhere else to go but back to the family home.
Don't get me wrong, I love my mother, I really do. It's just that when I lived
here before with her, I found her to be overbearing and over possessive. I
couldn't do jack shit without her looking over my shoulder and wanting to know
my whereabouts and everything I did. That's not what a young man needs from
his mother, it felt so stifling. It wasn't so bad when my 3 older brothers
were at home but once they moved out, I found her attention more than a bit

Dad passed away when we were young teenagers. It was a great shock to us all.
He was really the master of the house and we all felt lost without him. If it
wasn't for the gospel church, I think Mum would have fallen apart but they
helped her stay strong and hold the family together. The nurses that work
under her as matron at the hospital also showed her support which helped. But
there was one other reason why I was reluctant to move back in with her, a
reason of such shame and embarrassment that I am reluctant to mention it. As
she helped me unload my stuff from the car I glanced at her body. She had on a
baggy white blouse and ankle length skirt which made her appear extremely
overweight and bulky but I knew better.

First off, that blouse failed to conceal her massive breasts which bounced
around inside in a very disturbing manner. A man doesn't want reminding that
his mother has a truly huge stack that once you begin to notice you can't tear
your eyes away from. If she is wearing something low cut that shows off that
deep dark lengthy cleavage, well a red-blooded man wouldn't stand a chance of
not getting aroused, son or not. You think that sounds pervy getting turned on
by your mother's massive bust? Well when you get down to it, I'm just a man
and as a man, I get attracted to a big pair of hooters just like anyone else.

Believe me I've had many an unhealthy dream as a growing teenager about mum's
huge bouncing rack. Little wonder that she was the first woman to awaken my
sexual desires. Before you call me a sick pervert, let me tell you that any
growing boy faced with a mother with a rack like that would latch onto her as
their first object of carnal desire without truly understanding what was going
on with their developing hormonal adolescent bodies. OK she was no Rachel
Welch or Kitten Natividad, not slim with an eye-catching figure but very plump
and to be frank, rather overweight. However many a time when I had friends
around I would catch them gawping at my mum's impressive chest with open
longing that made me feel strangely jealous. As I matured through my teens, I
eventually grew out of it and learnt to block them out of my mind and avert my
eyes whenever she got a little too busty. But they weren't the source of my
current discomfort. Demurely clothed as she was now, this gave no hint of the
real reason. It's rather embarrassing actually but let me try to explain.

Imagine your mum was a bodybuilder and you had a thing for muscular women? How
would that make you feel as a hormonally developing teenager? Come to that,
how would that make you feel as a grown man?

I can remember how it all started. One day I went into the corner shop on the
way home from school to buy some sweets. There on the shelves at eye-level was
a bodybuilding magazine with a picture of Lenda Murray on the cover. She had
just won Miss Olympia and was posing on the cover in a skimpy bikini spreading
her lats and flexing her huge quads. I just gawped at that picture for I had
never seen anything like it before. First off, I had never realised that women
could be proper bodybuilders, I mean with big muscles and stuff. Yes, I had
seen pictures of fitness women but they were little more than hot fit looking
beauty contestants. To see such a beautiful black woman with a fit sexy
sensational muscular body on the cover blew my mind. This was no fitness woman
but a real female bodybuilder who didn't look like a man in a bikini but a
very beautiful woman with an incredibly sexy unquestionably female body. My
dick stiffened uncontrollably as I took down the magazine with shaking hands.
Holding it like the Holy Grail, I opened it and fanned through until I came to
a report on the show. Here I ogled at more pictures of the stunning Lenda and
other no less magnificent specimens of muscular womanhood in skimpy swimwear.

I was just standing there holding the magazine and gawping at it with a raging
hard-on while the Indian shopkeeper kept giving me suspicious looks. "Not for
browsing. You buy or go" he told me, embarrassing me in front of a shop full
of kids. It was no use; I just had to buy it although my hands were shaking as
I carried it to the counter trying to cover up the bulge in the front of my
trousers. My face felt burning red as I passed it to Mister Patel who probably
was wondering why a scrawny kid like me would buy a bodybuilding magazine. He
probably thought that I was gay and got off looking at pictures of the massive
he-men that were predominately featured inside. I doubt if he would have
understood the attraction of a beautiful scantily clad woman flexing her
massive developed muscular body.

With the magazine hidden under my jacket as if hiding porn, I hurried home and
went straight to my room and found a hiding place for it where I hoped mum
wouldn't find it because she really would never understand. To her it would be
as bad as porn. Believe me, from then on, my mother's large breasts were the
last thing on my mind. A new preoccupation filled my hormonal mind taking me
to peaks of self-fulfilment the likes of which I had never experienced before.
Lenda and women like her had opened my eyes to the sensual appeal of shapely
attractive but unquestionably muscular women. These were no lightweights
neither, yes I saw the appeal of the fitness women with their hot slim bodies
and looks that could pass for catwalk models but for me it was the real
heavyweights who got me really going. Especially the ones who balanced looking
like a stunningly attractive woman with an eye-popping massive powerhouse of a
body. Lenda had me hooked and hooked bad.

These impossibly sculpted Amazonian women were my new Goddesses and I dreamt
of the chance to meet one and somehow find one as my girlfriend and true
sole-mate. Except that they were mostly American and seemed so unobtainable.
With a sinking feeling, I realised that I would never meet a woman like that.
I thought wrong, I shall never forget the day when everything changed, not
necessarily for the better. It was a Friday and they let us out from class
early. As I entered the front door and into the hall, I could hear this loud
metallic clanging noise coming from the back room. That was strange. I knew
that my brothers wouldn't be home from work yet, so curious and a bit afraid
in case it was an intruder, I went to investigate. Opening the door quietly, I
peeped through the crack near the door frame and what I saw was the last thing
that I'd ever expected to see. To my great surprise I found my dear oversized
mother lifting and curling some of my dad's old weights. Dad used to be a
professional boxing champion and used these to keep in shape.

At that moment, mother looked around and spotted the open door. "Who'se that
there?" she demanded loudly. She has such a commanding authoritive voice that
I found myself sheepishly stepping through the door. "It's only me mummy. They
let us out early" I told her. I didn't know where to put my eyes. She wore an
old grey T-shirt and a pair of white shorts. The sweat marks and her
glistening perspiring body indicated that she'd been working out quite hard.
"I thought I'd use some of your father's old things to work off this unsightly
fat, I'm far too overweight, I get out of breath just going up the stairs. It
was true, mum was very big built and not in a good way. "Ole Jeremiah down the
Gospel showed me some exercises. He used to spar with your father, you know"
she told me. I told her that I thought it was a good idea. "Just let me have a
shower and get changed and I'll get you some tea" she said. "I'm proud of you,
mum" I told her "those pounds will soon peel off" and I meant it too. I was
really proud that she was going to do something positive to lose some weight.

What I didn't expect were the dreams, wet dreams of my mother pumping iron
building a strong powerful muscular body that returned night after night. I
felt such a sick pervert cumming off over her each night and tried dreaming
about real women bodybuilders, fortunately this worked and my unhealthy
attraction for my mum disappeared. Mum was just an ordinary mother of West
Indian origin and extremely large built trying to lose some weight whereas the
women in my magazines such as Lenda were much younger, beautiful, slimmer and
much more shapely in comparison, not to mention scantily clad. After a while I
thought nothing more of my mum exercising to lose weight and things went back
to normal, or so I thought.

Mum married Ole Jeremiah; he was a nice enough old white haired chap but he
wasn't my dad. With his encouragement she continued to work out in the back
room with my dad's old weights. Even though I only ever saw her in normal
clothes, after a few months the results started to become noticeable. Her
stomach no longer protruded and seemed a lot flatter which meant that she was
excited about having to go out and buy new tops. Although she was still a very
well built mature woman who would never be a size 10, it was apparent that her
arms although still thick were much firmer and didn't wobble around as were
her legs which even had a bit of shape. Even her large bust looked a lot
firmer and drew admiring glances from the men at church. I felt very proud of
her and thought she looked good, but not in a pervy sense; at least not at

It was around the time when I began 6th form college. I returned home and I
accidentally walked into the back room while mother was working out. Instead
of demurely exercising with light dumbbells, to my surprise she was really
giving it what for, furiously pumping away with big heavy weights. She had her
back to me and all I could do was watch and stare at the transformed figure in
front of me. That's when I noticed how firm her sides now were forming a firm
trunk that actually tapered from broad shoulders to her thick waist. There was
definitely solid looking movement in her very thick firm arms where her
triceps were and her forearms looked wide and very strong. As she curled the
big heavy dumbbells, I could clearly make out a definite bulge and hardness to
her biceps and triceps. Her large meaty calves were no longer big and soft but
had big slabs of firm muscle with a distinct though undefined edge. Mothers
have eyes in the back of their heads and she looked over her shoulder and
caught me staring.

She turned to face me and with shock I saw just how big, strong and shapely
her massive thighs were. There were also stringy light bicep veins running
along her thick firm looking arms making them looked rugged and strong. No
longer was my mother overweight and cuddly for she had developed a very thick
firm hard looking body. Suddenly I felt an uncontrollable stiffening in my
groin for although she was nothing like the women in my bodybuilding
magazines, I actually felt intimidated by her thick firm body and her thick
hard strong arms. She was like a muscle woman of my dreams come to life,
except that it was my very own mother.

"Look, Samuel" mother said proudly then slowly bent her right arm at the elbow
with the fist clenched. Her thick upper arm swelled upwards becoming a very
large soft looking mass but as her fist approached the side of her arm it
solidified into a large smooth sided mound. My God! My jaw nearly fell to the
floor and my dick lurched in my pants. My mum has biceps and flipping huge
ones too! "Not bad, eh Samuel?" she chuckled with glee as she relaxed and
flexed it several times in a row as if I hadn't noticed the first time. I was
struck dumb and could only gawp as a massive mound of muscle soared from her
thick arm time after time. "Wow!" I gasped; she seemed to like my response and
smiled warmly with motherly affection. OK it wasn't as defined and peaked like
the women in my magazines but it was undeniably a bicep and really big, so big
that it could give some of those bodybuilders pause for thought.

"I thought you were just losing weight" I gasped in amazement for I never
expected her to turn all that mass into muscle. "Ole Jeremiah said it was
better to firm it up instead of letting it all turn to loose wrinkly skin" she
replied. My dick felt like it had become permanently stiff and would never go
down. I had to get out there before she noticed and scolded me. "That's
amazing mum, it really is. I'm really proud of you" I told her then and began
to turn to go. "Go on feel it, Samuel. Feel how firm your old mother is now
instead of soft and flabby" She said. I turned back and was astonished to find
that she had flexed both arms at the same time. With my secret thing for
muscle women, I simply couldn't pass up an opportunity like that even if it
was my own mother.

I placed my hands upon her thick rounded biceps and found that they were as
solid as they looked. "They're so big mummy! So hard" I gasped in awe. They
felt so good that I kept running my palms over the high rounded top and the
dense sides. The underside of her arms also swelled with a thick curve where
her triceps were. "You got that right son. All that horrible wobbly fat turned
to nice firm skin and that's how I like it" she told me as I kept feeling the
massive rounded biceps unable to take my hands away stunned by how large and
solid they were. "I've never felt so fit and strong before in my whole life"
she told me proudly. My cock was so hard it was actually beating against the
inside my pants. Mother lowered her arms and I reluctantly slid both hands
down her right forearm staggered by how rugged and powerful it felt.

I had the hardest erection of my entire life and knew that I should leave
before she noticed, but I couldn't just walk out on her. She was so pleased
with what she had accomplished that I had to praise her and tell her how great
she looked. "Why thank you dear, that makes it all worthwhile" she told me. I
turned to go but again she called me back. "Samuel" I turned back to find that
she had lifted the front of her top to show me her stomach. No longer flabby
and protruding, it was becoming quite flat. Yes, there were a few stretch
marks but it was a marked improvement and was looking quite firm. "You'll soon
be wearing a bikini at the beach, mum" I said flattering her. "Oh, Samuel, you
say the nicest things" she chuckled. "You're the only one of my sons who has
taken an interest" she added lowering the top.

To my surprise she moved one of her huge thick legs forward. "Feel this,
Samuel" she said. Suddenly that massive soft looking leg solidified into such
massive rounded muscle that I actually creamed my pants hard right there in
front of her. Luckily she hadn't noticed but I couldn't back out now and
disappoint her. As I crouched down to feel her hard massive though undefined
thighs astonished by how powerful they felt, I was grateful for wearing dark
trousers but when the damp started to seep through I quickly made some apology
and quickly left. Hurrying to the bathroom to clean up, I couldn't stop
replaying what I had just seen over and over in my mind. No sooner had I
cleaned up the mess than I found that was absolutely rigid again.

I was so ashamed and disgusted at what I had done yet night after night I had
wet dream after wet dream about it. Also I found myself thinking of her while
wanking myself off over my female bodybuilder pictures to such an extent that
I couldn't cum until I had thought about her flexing and posing in front of
me. I was such a sick pervert, I desperately wanted to stop but I just
couldn't stop thinking about it. She was hardly Lenda but she was the only
woman I had met who had big muscles. In my sick mind my mother became an
Amazon Goddess to me. Even though I swore never to watch her exercising ever
again in the hope that my illness would go away, I was so fixated that I kept
'accidentally' walking in on her while she worked out. Of course when I did,
mother would get me to feel more of her massive developing muscles which she
was only to pleased to proudly offer me without realising the effect that it
had on me.

Unwittingly she was feeding my sick dark perversion. Those massive hard
rounded biceps and legs had me achingly hard every time and I learnt not to
spill my load until I rushed to the bathroom afterwards and wanked like fury.
Each time I felt so bad and sick about myself that the thought of my own
mother's strong body had caused the strongest orgasms that I had ever
experienced that I promised to stop watching her exercise. Yet I was breaking
that promise after only a day or two. My mother's developing muscles were like
a drug and I was an addict, an orgasm addict. Even when I did force myself to
stay away from the back room when she exercised, I would dream about her. I
tried dreaming of Lenda and the others but it would always end up with my
mother upstaging them all. Night after night I wanked myself silly and
afterwards I would feel so disgraced, disgusted and ashamed to have such
perverted erotic feelings for my own mother. Not that I wanted to have sex
with her or anything like that, it was just those muscles or the latent
possibility of what those muscles could become just turned me on like crazy
with uncontrollable feelings that made me want to cum off over her.

One night I wanked myself so hard there was blood. That scared me witless and
I knew that I had to do something to break myself out of the habit. The very
next day I was determined to find something that would keep me away from the
house while she worked out and take my mind off it. So it was that I joined my
dad's old boxing club. "That place made your father a real gentleman. Do your
dad proud, son" mum told me. "Well I can't let you have bigger muscles than
me, can I?" I said jokingly and we both laughed. Away from the temptation of
perving on my mother exercising and with a new interest to get absorbed in, my
unhealthy interest faded. An embarrassing incident of childhood to be
forgotten or so I thought.

Sadly Ole Jeremiah passed away which broke Mum's heart all over again. She
blamed herself saying it was God's punishment. And though I only found out
later on, his passing spurred her on to work through her grief by pumping iron
ever harder, something which was soon to have an even greater effect on myself
and my brothers.

Someone at the gospel group introduced mum to some women's group, the
Sisterhood or something. She wouldn't say anything about them and acted very
secretive. That would have been fine but she began to spout disturbing
feminist statements. "Men are so weak. Just look at my husbands. They just
couldn't keep up. Just goes to show how God made women to be the stronger sex"
she would say. My brothers and I ignored this as a passing phase, something
she had to get through as part of her grief. But then she started to go on
about how we didn't pay her enough respect which was nonsense as we were very
dutiful sons. How much more respectful did she expect us to get? Unfortunately
we were soon to find out.


It got to the stage that one day my eldest brother Joshua put his foot down
and told her that this family needed a man to run it and it fell to him as the
eldest man in the house to take on that responsibility. I thought he was being
a bit of a big head and of course this didn't go down well at all with mum.
The two of them got into an awful argument with neither side prepared to back
down. It got so bad that I had to leave and go to the boxing club just to get
away from it until it had all calmed down.

All seemed quiet when I returned home later that night. Relieved that it had
all blown over, I entered the living room only to get a dreadful shock. For I
found my mother sitting on the sofa with her skirt pulled right back and
Joshua on the floor before her with his face shoved right between her massive
legs. His head was all but swallowed up by mum's thick thighs and looked tiny
in comparison. To my shock I saw that her hands were upon the back of his head
pressing his face firmly into her crotch. I was doubly-shocked when I realised
that she wasn't wearing any knickers. Nathaniel and Joseph were sitting in the
chairs next to the sofa looking shell-shocked as they watched with horrified
eyes. So was I for I'd never seen anything like it before in my life. What
strange and cruel punishment was this? My mother looked so strong and dominant
as she sat there with my brother at her feet with his face stuffed into her
fanny with her thick thighs almost completely enveloping his head. As she
momentarily closed her eyes in a blissful expression I realised what Joshua
must be doing down there and felt sick. It was scary yet very erotic too and I
felt it in my groin.

"Still want to be man of the house, boy? Well the man of the house has loads
of duties to see to including seeing to my needs as a woman" she scolded
angrily. I had never heard her talk like that; sex was a taboo subject at the
Gospel. "What? What's going on?" I asked in confusion, unable to comprehend
what had happened here and how Joshua had got into that position. I mean my
eldest brother was certainly no pushover. Why was he letting her do this to
him? It was so degrading yet his hands rested weakly on top of her big wide
thighs displaying no signs of resistance. That's when she looked up and saw
me. "So you decided to show you face at last" she wasn't in a good mood and
sounded angry. Her face was stern and she placed her hands upon her hips in
the universal gesture of female displeasure of men. No longer supported by her
hands, Joshua's face stayed in its embarrassing place squashed tight between
her gigantic thighs with his eyes screwed up tight and his face red.

"Come in Sam, take a chair it will be your turn soon to pay your respects to
your mother" she told me. I was shocked and disgusted. "What the? What's going
on? This isn't natural. It's perverse" I protested. "I said SIT!" she
commanded loudly. As she did, her thighs momentarily clenched and hardened
with her anger causing Joshua to squeak from between her huge legs. "Do you
want me to come and get you?" she said heatedly. "I put your big brother down
here, I sure as hell can do the same to you" she said then opened her legs as
if to get to her feet to come and get me. To my horror Joshua fell from her
legs flopping onto the carpet with his eyes shut and a serene expression, out
cold. She pointedly looked down at him then back at me. "Joshua thought that
he would be master of the house, well he has learnt that there are no masters
here only a mistress. Now SIT before I make you" she commanded.

I was stunned and could only gawp in dazed disbelief, barely registering
Nathaniel putting a gentle arm around and guiding me to the seat next to his.
"It's okay, I'll explain later" he said. He never did, none of them did. From
that day to this none of them ever explained what had happened while I was out
although in the dreams that followed my imagination could make some pretty
wild guesses. Mother looked so powerful and commanding sitting there with
Joshua out cold by her feet. "You are my sons and I love you but I must teach
you to understand who is boss in this house. From now on, you will show me
respect" she told us sternly.

Nathaniel then Daniel took their turns as Joshua had done putting their faces
against her crotch. Her massive firm weight-trained thighs swallowed them up
and squeezed their faces so hard that they squealed and cried out until they
did the things that made mother sigh with contentment. "Arrrh this is the way
a grown boy should pay respect to his mother" she sighed. I was still unable
to believe what I was seeing. Each came out looking dazed, humiliated and
broken as they returned to their chairs unable to look me in the eye.

Then it was my turn. "Come here Samuel" she told me sternly looking strict.
"I'm sorry that I have to do this, but you are not little children that I can
put over my knee. You need to respect my authority" she said then opened her
big strong legs. And boy they were strong. Although they bulked up to that
size due to being greatly overweight, they were probably quite strong to begin
with due to having to carry all that weight around. Now her weight training
had begun to firm them up and sculpt them with dense shapely curves of thick
muscle. Nervously I knelt before her wide open legs. It looked like a high
walled canyon and I didn't want to enter. Those massive legs looked too strong
and fearful. I looked up into her eyes. "Please no" I begged with tears
welling. "I'm sorry Samuel but I can make no exceptions" she told me then
reached forward to grab the back of my head and pulled me in. With alarm my
nose and mouth was pressed against her slick hairy patch and her scent
assailed my nostrils.

The walls of her huge leggy canyon closed in and a terrifying strong pressure
enveloped my head. I was completely helpless, stuck fast with my lips pushed
up against her female bits. "Lick it boy. Make mummy happy" I heard her
muffled voice although my ears were mashed against the sides of my head by the
tall firm sides of her inner thighs. I couldn't do it and she got angry.
"Mmmmm!" I screamed in pain her massive thighs bore down upon the sides of my
head like the jaws of a vice. Oh Lord! It was like my head was being swallowed
alive by a muscular writhing boa constrictor. "Mmmmm!" I screamed again, I
couldn't help it. The pressure crushing down around my skull was terrible. In
my haste to forget my earlier obsession with mum's developing strong body, it
never occurred to me how devastatingly powerful her big legs could be.

"Mmmmm!" I screamed again, it felt like my whole head was splitting in two.
"Do it boy or I will break your skull like an eggshell" the warning was stark,
cold and heartless coming from the woman who had given birth to me and
nurtured me. I had no choice, with tears running down my face both from the
terrible blinding pain and from shame; I stuck out my tongue and forced down
the bile as I began to lick. Having done nothing like this before I didn't
really knowing what I was doing but it must have been right because I could
hear her sighs of contentment. It was very sexual and the knowledge that I was
satisfying a woman made me very hard.

Peeking up at my mother's hefty body, broad flat belly and large hanging
breasts while totally helpless between her powerful huge thighs re-awoke
feelings that I had hoped were long forgotten. "Oh good boy, good boy" I heard
my mum moan in a blissful voice. I was powerless to prevent a massive boner
solidifying in my trousers that surely everybody could see. One part of me
just wanted to remain crushed between her big strong legs while licking away
to make her cum. After what seemed forever, I heard an sexually charged moan
then the massive high canyon walls of her legs fell away from my head. I
flopped back onto the carpet with an absolute blazing headache, my cheeks and
jaw stiff and aching and still with a stiff boner.

I crawled back to my chair, unable to make eye contact with my brothers.
Mother just stared at us as I sat quietly, scarily able to believe that this
wasn't a dream. She continued to glare at us as if we were naughty schoolboys
who had just been disciplined. We all shifted uncomfortably under her
withering stare. Finally she broke the silence. "Let that be a lesson to you"
she said. "In this house, I am in charge and what I say goes. If you all think
you're big grown men then I will treat you as such as and ensure that you pay
your respects like grown men" she looked at each of us in turn. "You might
think that perverted and cruel but it's better than fathers who think that
it's their right to be the first to take their daughters or force young
teenagers into arranged marriages" she added. "Now get to your rooms and take
him with you" she indicated to Joshua who was groaning and clutching his head
on the floor. "Unless you want to stay behind and pay some more respect to me
Samuel?" she queried, glancing at the stiffness in my trousers which made me
very uncomfortable. We all got out of there in a hurry.

That was my first sexual experience with a woman and the fact that it was with
my mother scarred deep. It made me think of her in a completely different
light, more sexual as did the recurring wet dreams. Although she professed
regret for that activity, that wasn't the end of it. It seemed to me that she
found it addictive and couldn't stop herself asserting her dominance.
Thankfully that was the only time that we collectively 'paid our respects' to
our mother together. However from time to time whenever she felt one of us was
disrespecting her she would force him to correct that perceived slight.

Once when I forget to tell her what time I would be home, so my dinner got
cold, she grabbed my head in her thick arms and physically manhandled me down
to the floor. I was so surprised at her strength for she completely
overwhelmed me and before I knew it she was sitting high upon my chest with
her heavy weight pressing down my lungs with my face stuffed between her
enormous strong legs. Watching from my humiliating position with my nose and
mouth pressed against her love patch, my mother picked up a pair of medium
sized dumbbells and began to curl them for a good 15 minutes or more. Putting
down the weights she then made me reach up and feel her biceps and forearms as
she flexed them as I lay beneath her with only my eyes visible. "Feel them
boy. Imagine if I tanned your hide with these?" she instructed.

I hadn't seen them for some time and in from my submissive position they
looked huge and felt so large, dense and immensely powerful that I began
'paying respect' without being asked. So turned on was I feeling those solid
biceps and thick forearms while she dominated me by sitting on my face that I
worked myself into a frenzy and lost all self-control. Loud moans of
appreciation accompanied by small thrusts of her hips which increased in tempo
turned me into a wild sex beast until she began thrusting hard driving my face
deep into her sex as she came and I shot a real heavy load right into my

Pinned beneath my mother there was nothing that I could do until she finally
slid back onto my chest where I could do nothing except look up at her in
shame and embarrassment. "It's alright Samuel" she said in a soothing tone.
"It's only natural. A healthy male response to a fit strong woman" she told
me. But I knew that it wasn't natural to do it with your own mother. "You're
the only one of my sons who takes any interest in my weight training. I
appreciate that Samuel, I really do" She said as she released me. I
immediately rushed upstairs to the bathroom my face red with shame to clean up
the appalling sticky mess. I felt confused, hurt that my mother had used me as
sex a object and ashamed at my reaction. It was sinful and yet felt so good at
the same time. Surely she knew that, being such a devout member of the Gospel
church and all?

The wet dreams replayed variations of the scene over and over including actual
intercourse that left the bedclothes absolutely drenched. Of course that would
leave me feeling absolutely dreadful that my mother had once again become the
object of my sexual desires in my dreams at least. I felt like a really sick
pervert. While I loved my mother dearly, my fetish for women bodybuilders made
me more susceptible for getting tuned on by my mother's strong developing
body. On the one hand I was genuinely pleased that she had worked so hard to
lose that fat but by turning it into bulky muscle instead of actually losing
weight had moved her firmly into the central area of my fetish. That was very
uncomfortable to handle, how would you handle seeing your mother every day
knowing that beneath those everyday clothes she had a large strong muscular
body when you got turned on by muscular women? Her kinky method of discipline
really didn't help as it also turned me on and forced me to lose my

By the time it came to choosing universities, I had made up my mind only to
look at those outside London which meant I would have to live on campus or
digs close by. I hoped the distance would put me out of temptation's way and
in time cure myself of this unhealthy obsession. Of course mum wanted me to go
to a London uni so that I could continue to live at home but I told her that
none of those did the course I wanted. It wasn't true and it hurt to tell the
lie but it would have hurt her more if I told her the truth. One evening she
came to my room, sat next to me on the bed and asked me straight whether my
decision was down to her behaviour. I said no, but she saw through that. Even
sitting next to her on my bed made me uncomfortable for I could now clearly
see the shape of her powerful shoulders, thick strong arms and formidable
forearms through the top she was wearing. It was a terrible strain not to
reach out and touch them. "Samuel, maybe I was wrong to do those things" she
admitted. "To make you pay your respect like that. It made me feel so good, so
strong, so in control but I know that it was wrong. I promise that I won't
force you boys to ever do that again" she told me. "I'm so sorry, please
forgive me. Please don't leave me" she began to cry and I had to cuddle and
comfort her. That made her feel like my old nurturing mother again but I knew
that even if she kept her word that I couldn't stop my feelings for her
physique which would only get worse if she kept working out the way she did.

So it was that I broke my mother's heart and enrolled at Southampton
University. Being away from home, the disquieting dreams faded. During my time
away, I continued with the boxing and mum married for the third time. I only
got to know Moses during recess at the end of each semester and he seemed a
decent enough bloke. However the atmosphere didn't improve between Joshua and
mum. One day I came home to find that Joshua had got engaged and, with what my
mum called in haste, had moved out to set up home with her.

By the time I graduated and returned home to take up a job, Nathaniel and
Joseph had followed suit. They wouldn't fully admit it but it was clear that
the main reason was that mum had broke her promise and became addicted in
forcing them to 'pay respect'. Not only did that leave me the only son still
living at home with mother but unfortunately the only male as poor old Moses
also passed away. She didn't do that to me, maybe because she was still
grieving and viewed his passing as a sign from God at his displeasure for her
perverted ways but I soon found her attention smothering, wanting to know
where I was and what I was doing. No wonder that when I met a girl I liked at
work with her own maisonette, I too moved out. Mum never understood the
whirlwind romance and why we married so quickly. That was almost 15 years ago.
My marriage failed, "marry in haste, repent at leisure" mum scolded when I
told her. Part of it was indeed that instead of spending time getting to
really know one another but also she discovered my magazines and browser
bookmarks to all these female muscle sites. She just couldn't understand my
obsession and called me a sick pervert.

Mum's fourth husband passed away a few years ago and at the wake I remember
her jokingly telling us around the table that it was because she was far too
energetic in bed for an old man to handle and that their hearts gave out. My
wife certainly didn't find that amusing, or the story mum told us about
catching some spotty faced white creep with glasses sneaking around at her
hospital. She told us all the details of how she sat on his face for the whole
shift while crushing him with her massive thighs to make him pay respect
[JIMP#10]. My brothers shifted around looking uncomfortable at that while our
wives looked confused but it left me with a hard-on which I had to hide
beneath the table. I thought it would never go down. That was then, this was
now and I now was returning home to mother once more as a failure.


"Don't you worry, son. You're home where you belong now. It's just you and me,
we'll have such fun together in this old house" mother said sensing my mood
and trying to cheer me up. "What do you need a wife for anyway? Mummy can give
you everything you want and then some" she added with a cheery wink. Thanking
her again for letting me stay, I headed to my room to unpack.

I was only there a few minutes putting stuff away when I heard a familiar
clanging of iron coming from the back room downstairs. Surely she's still not
working out with dad's old weights? She's been doing that for years now, she
must be fricking huge! Although I tried to resist it, my curiosity got the
better of me and I crept downstairs to take a look. Pausing for just a moment
to think about whether I should or not, my curiosity won out and I opened the
door. My jaw nearly hit the floor with what I see. I am stunned to find mum in
a very short sleeveless halter that barely covers her huge breasts and
shockingly skimpy briefs for someone her age. These were clothes that I'd
never expected to see my mother wearing for she used to be so demure and
decent in her dressware.

With her large bulky build there was so much ebony flesh on display that I
didn't know where to put my eyes. She has her back to me curling an old rusty
looking barbell. For a moment I thought that I had walked in on a much younger
woman working out but who else could that large figure belong to and the short
slightly greying hair? Yet her skin was so smooth, firm and youthful looking,
shining with healthy muscle tone and a fine sheen of perspiration on her
chocolate brown skin. Her shoulders were very broad and powerful looking with
large slabs of thick dense muscle down the centre of her back and also forming
the steep slopes of her traps from her neck to her shoulders. The huge girth
of her lats created a dramatic hour-glass figure as they sloped steeply into a
narrower waist, although in reality her waist was still quite a lot wider than
most women, before sloping out to her wide hips and more than ample backside.
I had to force down a gulp for her large backside was no longer huge and
flabby but now resembled two marble cannon balls. As she bent forward to put
down the weight, those rock hard looking buttocks thrust towards me. Orrrr I
couldn't help a strong twinge in my groin for they were the sexiest hardest
buttocks that I'd even seen on a woman. Yes they were overly ample but they
were so round hard and shiny that the sight caused a familiar unwanted
stiffness that spread quickly across my groin. The back of her tiny shorts was
indecently scanty, barely a strip of material that became wedged up the crack
between her buttocks showing them off in full, my cock was getting hard at the
sight and I tried to put down thoughts of sticking it right up there and
shagging her.

Looking away from that sight of temptation I saw the defined thick wedges of
muscle on her inner thighs and the large strong shapely hills of well defined
hamstrings running up the back of her legs. All the old memories began to stir
up, the lusting after muscular women and the uncomfortable feelings that my
mother inflamed whenever I saw her exercise, and now she was more muscular and
defined than before. You probably think I'm being too prudish and should stay
and enjoy the view but I knew that the right thing to do would be to leave and
go to my room then maybe go down the boxing club to punch this from my mind.

The moment to leave vanished as my mother looked over her shoulder and saw me
standing there staring at her large hard peach. I quickly looked up at her
face but could feel my face flush with embarrassment at getting caught. "Oh
Samuel, it's you. I didn't hear you come in. Just let me finish my workout and
I'll get make us a nice supper" she told me, her voice warm with affection.
However I was stunned speechless and could only nod dumbly. I should have
thanked her again then gone back to my room but now I could only watch with
fascination at that scantily clad backside and tiny halter as my mum walked
over to the corner. That's when I realised that there was a lot of stuff in
here that I'd never seen before.

Mum stood below a metal bar that had been fastened a good 2 feet above her
height. There used to be an old fireplace in the room and although the
fireplace had long gone, now used as a storage space for her weights and
stuff, the tall wide brick-front flue was still there. This created a sort of
nook in the corner of the room to which someone had fixed a metal support and
to the opposing face of the inside of the exterior wall. "Matthew put this up
for me" she told me, that was her last husband but I wasn't really paying
attention for I was more interested in mum's big calves. They were still very
wide, very thick with a nice rounded shape to them but although she was
wearing plimsolls her calves were highly toned and the muscle heads big and
strong even when relaxed. As she stood upon her toes to reach for the bar,
massive solid shapes moved beneath the skin. These bunched up into huge slabs
of hard muscle with thick edges and each with a thick sharp downward diamond
and a cleft between the large muscle heads. "Wow!" I couldn't help gasping
aloud at the sight.

These vanished from view as she took hold off the bar and folded her calves
back to keep her feet well above the floor then began knocking off a series of
pull-ups which gave me something else to gawp at. Dense muscular shapes moved
in continual motion upon her extraordinary inverted triangular shaped back and
massive shoulders as she repeatedly pulled herself up until her chin touched
the bar. The colour and muscle tone of her ebony skin enhanced the definition
making each large slab of muscle stand out in bold relief. Although the darker
inner side of me had hoped for it, there was no doubt that she was much more
defined and muscular than before. Whereas the last time I had seen her body,
many years ago, she had huge softly rounded firm muscles now they were hard,
toned, sharply defined and cut up. Before she had looked like a large woman
with a very strong body, now she looked like a real heavyweight bodybuilder
but not so vascular. There was no doubt that there was little fat upon my
mother's body because she had turned it all to solid muscle.

Finishing her reps she dropped down to the floor and turned to face me. She
looked awesomely powerful even without having to flex and apart from her hair
and face you could mistake that body for a woman 20 years younger. She smiled
at me then raised her right arm and flexed. My jaw dropped while my dick rose
instantly as an absolutely massive dense peak grew upon her arm. It was truly
huge and solid with a powerful shape. "I've still got it haven't I, son?" she
asked with a proud smile while I looked on absolutely gobsmacked at the sheer
size of it. It looked immensely powerful as did the rest of her upper body.
There was clear definition around her neck, clavicle, traps and her huge
shoulders which made her even more imposing, even though she was shorter than
me. A thick bicep vein adorned each arm adding to the fierceness.

"Nothing to say, Samuel? Not impressed? Maybe this will impress you" she told
me then suddenly flexed both arms together. Good God! My dick lurched at the
sight. "Oh mummy, they're so huge!" I gasped in awe. Huge wasn't the word, she
was absolutely massive all over, far larger than when I'd last saw her body.
Each muscle group was large and highly developed with clear definition. I was
no mere weakling myself; I had bulked up and put on some serious muscle for
boxing. By comparison, I could intimate the average bloke just by standing
next to them with their eyes nervously trying to ignore my muscular build. Yet
my own mother had exactly the same effect on me, for I knew that she was even
bigger than I was several times over. I knew that she was huge to begin with
but I had expected most of that bulk to disappear as she worked it off, yet
now she seemed to be the same size but full of solid muscle. Her sheer wall of
muscularity made me feel intimidated and yet that turned me on at the same

"Oh wow, you're amazing, mum" I gasped. I couldn't believe it, a very muscular
woman was actually flexing just for me and this was no dream. It was scarcely
believable that this amazing body belonged to my very own mother. Her forearms
were truly formidable being relatively narrow around the wrists then leading
into a thick arrow shaped wedge of hard muscle on the inside of her forearm
which widened significantly towards the inside of her elbow. This was all
overlaid with thick tendons and writhing veins, which I wasn't normally keen
on but just made those forearms look terrifying.

Mother was rather wide around the waist with her stomach like two brick built
columns running vertically up the centre. She saw my gaze and flexed her abs.
Six irregular rough stone blocks rose clear cut and defined from the middle of
her belly. "Orrrrr! Amazing!" I groaned then realised that I had said that out
loud and she had heard. "Why, thank you dear" she said with a wide smile then
spread her amazingly wide lats which just made her look flipping huge. It was
like my old wet dreams come true and the impact it had on my body was just the
same. Don't ask me to make comparisons with a bodybuilder that you might know,
maybe Carmella Cureton but with wider thighs and bigger breasts.

Mum's legs! I simply couldn't avoid her legs, they were just mind-bogglingly
massive. Although they used to be big anyway, now they were thick solid
pillars of pure muscle that gleamed with the ebony sheen of her skin. Even
relaxed I could tell that they were huge and highly defined. Even so, when she
put her hands behind her head, stuck out one leg and flexed it, I almost came
in my trousers. It was a sensual overload of sheer massive female muscular
power, so erotic that my breathing became laboured and my temperature rose as
I struggled with my self-control not to rush her and shag myself off on her
legs like a dog in heat. "Oh mummy, incredible legs, wow oh wow!" I gasped
like an idiot as her enormous wide quads thickened and expanded to even
greater size ballooning into mind boggling powerful dense shapes of gleaming
ebony muscle. Each of the muscles that made up the quads were clearly defined
and extremely large and when she turned her leg slightly to the side I could
see a thick cord of muscle running from the side of the knee to the top of her
hip as well as the staggering depth at the top of her leg.

"Orrrghhh!" I groaned, unable to stop the feelings of lust. I had always loved
muscular women, especially heavyweight female bodybuilders and this is what my
own mother had become. How could you expect me to react any differently? I
can't turn off my feelings for what really turns me on just because it's my
mother even if I wanted to. My dick was painfully stiff uncomfortably
constrained by my pants and trousers, feeling fit to burst.

Even more distracting was her enormous chest, the top of which was heavily
cushioned with thick pectorals which supported her massive rounded breasts
firmly against each other forming a long deep dark cleavage. To my
embarrassment she saw me looking and smiled. "Watch this boy" she chuckled.
Lowering her arms and clutching her hands at waist height, her thick triceps
rippled and swelled menacing as her arms pushed up her breasts into
breathtaking mounds sitting high upon her chest. Just as I was wondering how
her skimpy top could contain them, her massive boobs suddenly starting moving
in a sort of twitching motion of her pecs which made the big orbs push up
together like two flesh covered footballs repeatedly colliding against each
other then bouncing away. I was mesmerised and forgot about looking away, it
was such a strange and highly erotic sight, like a belly dancer but using her
breasts - a booby dancer. Then to my amazement they began twitching up and
down independently. Those strong pecs made those massive boobs dance in such
an erotic way that my cock was absolutely hammering against the inside of my
pants ready to explode. I kept reminding myself that this was my mother but
the sight of those large dancing boobs was too sexy, creating such primal
inescapable feelings within me.

Mother turned sideways on to me and flexed a massive side biceps while her
huge orbs continued to twitch and bounce up and down independently. So much
big peaked rugged muscle, such huge bouncing boobs, I was so turned on that I
actually wanted her so badly, I wanted to fuck my own mother right here and
now, I could barely control myself. She turned me on like no other woman had,
a massive muscular big busted woman right in front of me for the taking. Yet
something stopped me, this was my mother and I knew that it was wrong. She
raised and nurtured me and now invited me into her home to help me out. But
the yearning wouldn't stop until the inevidentable happened. "Ohhhhh mummy so
sexy! Orrrrghhh" a long drawn out groan left my lips as I dumped a massive
load into my pants. The sexy boob dance suddenly stopped. In the awkward
silence that followed, I wished the ground would open up beneath me and just
swallow me.

I managed to find my voice. "I...I'm sorry mother. It was just so, er" I
didn't know what to say. How do you apologise to your mother that you've just
had a huge orgasm right in front of her because of her sexy muscular body?
"No, I'm the one who should be apologising. Putting temptation in front of a
young man" she said softly. "It's my fault for doing that. It used to keep
Matthew up all night long, believe you me" she chuckled lost in memory. Too
much information, I thought to myself. "Well I guess that's one way of paying
your respects to me" she laughed, trying to lighten the mood but I wasn't
laughing. "Now be off with you and clean up so I can have a shower and make
you supper and we will say no more about it" she said brightly. "Not unless
you want to shower with me" she said looking serious then burst out laughing
when she saw my expression. I left the room feeling absolutely terrible and

True to her word, she didn't mention my shame during supper and kept trying to
make conversation on this, that and the other, trying to take my mind of it.
Of course, that night the dreams started up again, stronger than ever before
as was my mother and she featured alone, no matter how hard I tried to
fantasise about Lenda or the others. In my dreams she was always naked, a
large nude body of sculpted toned ebony that kept me erect. Large but firm
breasts would dance erotically upon her gleaming massively muscled body
enticing me with forbidden delights. When I went forth to take her, a
powerfully muscled physique would overwhelm me with ease forcing me down to my
knees. Dream-mum would open her big legs exposing a large erect clit and I
would just get in there and pay my full respects to her mighty all conquering
body. Against a body like that I had no chance, not even Lenda could get a
look in now and I would end up creaming hard several times a night drenching
the bedclothes with my shame.

Afterwards I would be disgusted and ashamed of my sick feelings. This was
ridiculous I was a grown man now split up from his wife, who should be trying
to get back together and make amends not having wet dreams about his mother
like a hormonal teenager. Yet this was much worse than before. Mother's body
was now significantly more developed than all those years before. Then she had
been a seriously overweight woman who had worked hard to firm up but now she
had gone way beyond that. She now had the body of the woman of my dreams that
I always wanted when I was younger. I had always dreamed of living with a
female bodybuilder and now I was, even though she was mother. Although my
estranged wife was slimmer and much better looking, how could she possibly
compete with that? My mother, more than 20 years her senior, had a much fitter
body, she had the body of an Amazon Goddess against which no mere woman could
hold little attraction.

At first I tried my old trick of trying to avoid her exercising by going to
the boxing club but as soon as I got home and saw her in her normal clothes I
kept fantasizing about what was underneath. Then one day at the breakfast
table mother said a strange thing to me "You know son, sometimes the only way
to get past something that makes you uncomfortable is to face it full on". I
didn't understand what she was on about but as the day went on and the more I
thought about it, the more I realised she was right. So when I got home after
work and putting away my stuff, I marched straight to that the back room
opened the door and strode right in. Her head turned as I entered and her
mouth broke into a wide smile pleased to see Me. "Samuel. You've come to keep
me company. What a good boy" she said, even though I was 35 years old, I guess
all mothers still view their sons like that.

Once again she wore a skimpy halter and shorts and I tried not to gawp at so
much bare flesh on my mother. She stood side-on to me holding a piece of rope
in each hand both attached to a single metal chain which operated a pulley
system that lifted a stack of heavy weights. With her thick arms bent, I could
already see the swell of her big biceps, the thickness of her triceps and the
vascular ruggedness of her forearms. As she pulled down on the ropes and
straightened her arms, her triceps rippled and swelled into a massive bulging
chunk of horseshoe shaped muscle and her forearms thickened with rugged cords.
"Wow!" I gasped unable to control myself. "Thank you dear. You keep right on
giving me encouragement" mum remarked as she let the rope rise again so that
she could repeat the exercise. No longer worried about the rising bulge at the
front of my trousers, I urged her on as she knocked off a series of reps while
I watched hypnotised by the play of big muscles in her huge shoulder caps,
massive triceps, thick biceps and formidable forearms.

Next she picked up a pair of big old-fashioned dumbbells and began exercising
her arms with those. The sight of her biceps gliding and pumping beneath her
firm toned skin made my body temperature rise and my pulse rate increase. I'm
no slouch myself now having bulked up and put on muscle as part of my boxing
training regime. Maybe at one stage I thought that it would cure my addiction
to women bodybuilders but I soon realised that it didn't. Whereas I had built
for strength and speed, mum was sheer mass muscle. As she lay back on the gym
bench one of her departed husbands had brought her and repeatedly pressed the
heavy iron dumbbells as if there was no tomorrow I stood by her feet where I
could see how truly massive and developed those biceps truly were.

"Why do you work out so hard, mum?" I asked. "Because you like them big don't
you boy?" she replied as she pumped iron like an automaton. I was speechless,
how did she know about my obsession? Had she gone through my stuff when I was
younger and found my secret hoard? Smiling at me she got up, knelt on one knee
and began repping by letting that heavy weight hang down with her arm extended
then hauling it up. "I see by the way you are watching my arms that I am
right, aren't I?" she remarked as she continued to work out. "Yes, mum.
They're truly amazing" I admitted. Next was a series of arm curls with a big
long heavy old iron barbell by which time I thought that her biceps could not
physically pump up any more and her bicep veins stood out thick like cables.
That an ordinary gospel singing housewife with greying hair could build a body
like that was mind-blowing especially as she avoided faddy gyms, as she called
them, like the plague.

My mother raised that bar to her chin then held the heavy weight while looking
over it at me, her deep brown eyes burrowing into mine. "Then watch mummy pump
them big for you boy" she said it with such a sultry tone that an
uncontrollable stiffness spread rapidly along my dick. A small tent rose in my
trousers too fast for me to try to cover. "Leave it boy" my mother told me
then gave me a saucy wink and a smile. Trying not to show embarrassment, I
watched as she stood up and began some resistance work, pulling on two
overhead pulley chains at once. Those awesome biceps seemed to become even
more pumped up and sharply defined, as did the erection in my trousers.

"Mum, you should compete competitively. You'd knock them dead" I groaned, the
lust showing in my voice. "That's just showing off and showing off is a sin,
Samuel" she replied earnestly as she pumped away. "Anyway I ain't going on no
faddy diets and pop pills like an addict. I like my food wholesome and
natural" she added. "Besides I'm far too old to go prancing around on stage in
front of people in a bikini" she said as she almost absent-minded continued to
work the resistance machine. "Phroar" I groaned then quickly realised that I
had done that out aloud. "You don't mind me seeing you in a skimpy top and
shorts" I said quickly hoping that she hadn't noticed. "Yes, but you're my son
not a crowd of strangers" she replied. As she continued to rep, I looked
around the room at the collection of equipment she had amassed. A lot of this
stuff I didn't recognise and guessed that her last couple of husbands had
brought it for her. Perhaps they had also been into muscle women and
encouraged her?

"Ohhh mum, you would look great in a bikini" I admitted for it was the truth.
I decided it was time to take the plunge. "Mum, you are my ideal vision of
perfect womanhood" I told her earnestly. "Why thank you dear, you say the
nicest things" she told me showing no surprise. Now for the big one, I tried
to compose myself and not let the nervousness show in my voice. "Mum, please
can I feel your biceps now that you've pumped them?" I asked. Raising both
arms she smiled and said "Feel them Samuel, fill your boots. Go on, feel their
power". Slowly she bent both arms at the elbow bringing her rugged tapering
forearms pass vertical slightly towards her head. "Oh mummy!" I sighed with
yearning as the huge thick biceps grew so big that her already massive arms
must have doubled in size, then further increased as they solidified into
massive peaks that seemed bigger than my face. I can't tell you how hard my
cock was as I placed my hands on those smooth mountains of ebony female
muscle. Believe me it felt harder than I ever thought possible as I marvelled
at just how hard those peaks were.

"I can't even get both hands around it" I exclaimed in astonishment as I tried
to surround her right bicep with one hand above and one below but failed to
contain it. This was like a dream come true, my breathing became laboured, my
skin felt sweaty and my face felt hot while my dick felt like it had
permanently turned to stone. I just couldn't stop feeling my mother's massive
biceps before I forced myself to slide my palms up to the big rounded smooth
balls that were her shoulder caps. "Wow!" I gasped again then ran my hands
over the huge thick traps running from her very broad shoulders like two sides
of a pyramid towards her head into which her neck disappeared.

At that moment I knew that I just wanted to be totally overpowered by my
mother's impressive upper body. "Please mum, please show me how strong you
are. Please wrestle me, playfully, let me feel your strong muscles work
against me" I was practically begging, hoping to get to grips with her amazing
body, intimate and close. "No son, don't be silly" she reprimanded. "I don't
do that sort of thing" she added making it sound like it was something shady
and sinful. I persisted a few times more before I could tell that I was
annoying her. "Arm-wrestle then, just give me a little arm-wrestle" I begged.
I thought she was going to refuse that as well but she was quiet for a while
then to my surprise she agreed. "OK, let's do it. We'll kneel facing each
across the bench" she said.

Let me tell you that with my weight training, I am no longer a lightweight. As
I told you before, next to me I make most ordinary men look weak and inferior,
in fact I often like to stand next to guys who think they're really it and
watch them feel intimated. However facing my mother with our arms against each
other with our elbows on the bench and hands locked, she had exactly the same
effect on me. Her massive peaked arm made mine look weedy and puny, like a
matchstick against a tree trunk. We gripped hands and she looked into my eyes
with a killer instinct. "Let's arm-wrestle, son" she growled "then I can get
on with getting us some supper.

SLAM! It was all over in an instant, the back of my hand slammed hard into the
leather padding of the bench top in the blink of an eye by an awesome
overpowering force. She made to get up but I quickly said "best out of 3?" The
result was a foregone conclusion. BLAM! BLAM! She made no pretence to let me
think I was winning or let me think that I had a chance. She just got on with
the job and whammed my arm down each time in less than a second leaving me
feeling so inferior and weak. "3 out of 3 that makes me the winner" she said
proudly. "Mum, please will you hold my arm again as if we were arm wrestling
but this time just let me try to bring yours down?" I asked. Showing no
concern about that, she agreed. Squaring off once more with our arms together
I tried to exert my arm against hers to no avail, her arm was rock solid and I
couldn't budge it. Even trying with both hands I couldn't even budge it. "Oh
mummy you're so strong" I moaned my dick going crazy in my pants then SLAM! A
brief bulge of her biceps and my hand was driven into the bench even though I
had been holding onto with both of mine!

"Who's the boss?" she growled acting tough lifting and flexing her arm in
victory. The sight of that immensely thick almost triangular forearm and
enormous peaked bicep after she had just beaten me again was too much.
"Nnnnnnaghh nnnnaghhh! I groaned trying and failing to hide the reaction as I
creamed myself hard. "Ahh the sweet sound of victory" she said "Go and freshen
up before I come up there and have my shower then I'll get us something to
eat" she added.

For the first time, I didn't feel guilty or like a pervert. All of my life I
had dreamt of finding a muscle woman of my own and was bitterly disappointed
never to have met one. Now, I realised, that I was living under the same roof
as one. My mother had built her body to an extreme version of what I had
always dreamt of. I had now accepted that at 35, I was never going to meet the
girl of my dreams but my mum was right here and openly comfortable with me
watching her, feeling her muscles, even messing myself right in front of her.
If she was OK with it, why shouldn't I be? Why should I get so hung about it?
I'd never have an opportunity elsewhere of touching and feeling such a
powerfully built woman.

So it was I watched her work out whenever I could, even helping her by doing
some spotting and giving her encouragement. Of course, she let me feel and
openly admire her huge muscles and we'd even arm-wrestle even though it was no
match, she wiped me out every time in less than a second. Mother was so
powerful and I wanted more. I knew I wanted to get to grip with that body,
hold it in my hands feel her muscles bulging and rippling as they worked
against me. That was why I wanted to wrestle with her. I told her that one day
while running my hand over her bumpy deep cut abs while resisting the urge to
whip my dick out and wank off by rubbing it up and down her abs. She was still
resistant when I suggested a playful wrestle.

"Come on mum, it will be fun. What's the point of building a body like this if
you are not going to use?" I said. "To honour God" she replied. I didn't give
up and kept pestering her about it. One day I was confronted with this
enormous angry wall of toned ebony mass. One hand slipped between my legs and
the other grabbed the front of my shirt. Biceps bulged with peaks like
baseballs in her arms as she pressed me clean over her head with me lying
horizontally looking down. "That enough to show you that this body isn't just
for show?" she asked proudly. My cock went rigid under her hand, she couldn't
fail to have felt it. "Y..yes mum" I gasped as I looked down the front Of her
wide full breasts and deep cleavage from what seemed so high above her,
helpless to do otherwise.


The very next day mother was working her hamstrings by putting her foot in the
rope handle of the resistance machine and using her leg to pull down the chain
which raised the weights. "Wow!" I gasped crouching down to place my hands on
them as she worked out. I just love the way her hamstrings swelled up into a
large shapely hill that stretched down the back of her upper leg. "Wow mum!
You really do have very sexy legs" I groaned in appreciation as I ran my hands
over those large well defined bulges of leg bicep, impressed that I could even
see the splits in the muscle head. "So very shapely, so very strong" I added
in awe. She seemed to like that and stopping her exercise, turned around and
sat down on the bench and placed a foot on my shoulder so that I could feel
the large mass of calve hanging behind the shin. "Such beautiful legs" I
moaned. "You flatterer Samuel" she said but sounded pleased.

I ran my hands down to her huge thighs. My cock went instantly stiff as she
flexed them and they turned to huge sheets of solid power under my hands.
"Wow!" I gasped in awe. Even though they still looked massive but firm when
relaxed, when she flexed her legs, they expanded at least twice in size, maybe
more, into a dense wide mass of very well defined quadriceps. The thick slab
of muscle adorning her outer thighs ballooned up and stood proud. It was an
extremely powerful looking chunk of ebony coated muscle that looked like it
could easily crush a man in two. My dick lurched as I imagined myself trapped
between those huge legs feeling the power of her thighs crushing inwards.
Opposite this from the knee going about half way up was a large teardrop
shaped muscle and in between upon the centre of the upper part of her leg sat
a third arrow shaped wedge of muscle pointing towards her knee.

Underlying these stunning shapely swells of muscle on the inside of her thighs
was another less defined shelf of muscle. I was in muscle worshipper's heaven
running my hands gleefully over my mother's powerful legs enjoying the feel
getting more and more turned on by their hardness under such soft skin and the
latent power they represented. Leaning forwards I brought my head right up
close to those mighty leg muscles. "Oh mummy, please crush me between your
legs" I begged, incredibly turned on and excited by the thought. "Certainly
not, I might hurt you!" she exclaimed clearly shocked at the suggestion.

I couldn't help myself and actually placed my lips against her legs and began
kissing those big quads, surprised that she did nothing to stop me. "Please
mummy, I want to experience the power of your legs" I begged between kisses.
"Please, squeeze me helpless, mummy, please" I begged, feeling like a small
child in the presence of a much larger parent. At first I thought that she was
going to refuse and scold me. When she brought her other leg against the side
of my head, my pulse quickened and my heart sang as her high walled muscular
canyon of flesh closed in around my head, swallowing it whole. The beautiful
smooth hairless ebony skin was warm and silky but what lay beneath was
terrifying as it turned to crushing steel. I instantly regretted my decision
as the pressure soared and just went through the roof. The sides of my face
were being pushed together, stressing my skull to surely what must be breaking
point. It was like being caught inside a compactor. "Nnnnn!" I groaned as her
quads swelled under my hands to enormous mind-blowing proportions with dense
rocky shapes appearing as she squeezed down.

The pressure was intense, skull-splitting. Forced to clench my eyes and grit
my teeth, I was shocked by the sheer raw power bulging and flexing around my
head. Although I had experienced their strength many years ago they were now
several orders of magnitude stronger and much more than any man could possibly
handle. My erection was going crazy, lurching this way and that while
throbbing inside my pants while my whole head was in terrible pain. "Narghhh!"
a cry of pain was forced out between clenched teeth as my cheeks and jaw felt
like they would shatter and explode at any second. "What's wrong boy? Chew off
more than you can handle?" I heard mum's voice scoffing over the loud pounding
in my ears which themselves were being driven inside my skull.

Suddenly the terrible pressure eased as her legs opened and with relief my
head fell onto the cushioned seat of the exercise bench. Opening my eyes, I
found myself looking straight down those big huge thighs open in a wide V
leading my eyes right to her crotch. My dick felt like it had been frozen in
dry-ice, it was so stiff. I panted trying to calm myself down still unable to
comprehend the sheer power of my mother's big legs. "Is that what you really
wanted, Samuel? I could have crushed you like a bug" she told me. "I love you
son and I don't want to accidentally hurt you. So never do anything like that
again. Understood?" she asked. I was disappointed at those words but I
couldn't give this up, as painful as her demonstration of her massive crushing
power was it just made me want to playfully wrestle her even more.

"Please mum, that was amazing but I want a proper friendly wrestle.." I didn't
get to finish talking. Not smiling, my mother leant forward and seized my
wrist and pulled my arm straight then closed those mammoth legs around it and
the sides of my neck. She leant back and began to squeeze while pressuring my
elbow against her crotch. I was stunned, recognising this armbar triangle hold
as a Ju-Jitsu move. Who had taught her this? Was it that Sisterhood she had
once mentioned joining? Never expecting my mother to know anything about
wrestling, my cock throbbed like there was no tomorrow. "Arghh!" I groaned as
I tried to hold on while her big legs crushed my neck so tight that I felt the
blood cut off from my brain and my face turn red. "It's no use struggling,
son. I've had many years of making men pay respect" she told me. That's when
she really bore down and let me have. My vision immediately blurred out of
focus, my head span wildly with patches of black threatening to overwhelm me
and my neck felt like it would snap at any moment. "Arghh!" I groaned through
clenched teeth as I fought waves of nausea. Her legs opened again just as I
felt myself begin to slip away into unconsciousness.

Shattered by the experience and feeling drained I began to slide off the bench
to the floor until only my head remained when suddenly mum sat up and pinned
it beneath the back of her hefty leg. A thick meaty calve hooked over my jaw
holding me in place. The big hard calve muscle bulged against my cheek holding
it in a crush that quickly became painful. I grabbed her ankle to try and move
it but she just flexed her calve more making it swell and harden further
tightening its grip on my cheek. "You've been pestering me to wrestle but just
look at you. You wouldn't have a chance" she told me. "Now stop your pestering
before I knock you right out" she told me. The very thought had my dong
beating like a drum in my trousers, I realised that I wanted that very much,
to feel her power totally overwhelm me. "Oh please mum, squeeze me until you
knock me out" I gasped as her big hard calve crushed the side of my face.

Suddenly my head was pulled backwards right into the depths of her tall brown
walled corridor of power which clamped tight around my neck and swelled up
nearly enveloping my head. "Nnnnnargh!" I groaned as her big thighs chomped
down upon my neck, jaw and cheeks. The pain was immense and frantically I
tried to tug at her big beefy calves which were crossed below my face but they
were locked solid. "You're not getting out of there boy" She told me then my
head was moving backwards once more as she folded her legs at the knees with
me still trapped firmly inside. Suddenly mum snapped her legs back out
straight again. "Owwwww!" I screamed as her inner thighs smashed against the
sides of my head like a tiny boat getting pulverised between two giant columns
of rock in a storm, clashing together sending brain-nurdling shocks of pain
lancing through my skull. "Arghh!" I couldn't stop myself crying out loud as
she repeated this several more times in a row. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! It felt like
I was jammed inside some kind of wrecking device, her big bulging quads
slamming against the sides of my head and far too powerful to even think about
escape. BLAM BLAM by the time she released me, I fell to my hands and knees on
the floor in a complete and utter daze not knowing where I was or which day of
the week it was. I had been completed blasted by mum's big legs.

"You alright boy? You still awake?" A gentle shove of a foot to my side
reminded me where I was. I was the fit strong 35 year old man who had almost
been knocked right out by his mother's fearsomely large legs. The very thought
made my loins stir. Mum knelt down in front of me, looking cool and unruffled;
she hadn't even broken a sweat. "Never pick a fight with me, son. I'll always
win" she told me with such confidence and a look of superiority that my dick,
deflated after that skull battering, stiffened once more. It just made me want
to wrestle her even more. I wanted to get my hands on that amazing body and
feel her muscles in motion working against me.

In a moment of madness I flung myself at my mother intending to knock her onto
her back and wrestle with her on the floor but to my surprise it was like
throwing myself at a rock for she remained solidly upright on her knees.
"Samuel!" She rebuked as I struggled to get my arms around her. "Stop that at
once!" she scolded. My hands encountered the large dense muscular landscape of
her back and I was staggered to find my hands moving further apart as mum
spread her huge lats so wide that it made it impossible to keep hold of her.
This is what I wanted and my dick beat hard as I struggled chest to
well-endowed chest with my mother trying to oppose her awesome arms. It was
like trying to wrestle a brick wall, she wasn't going anywhere.

A flip of the wrists by an irresistible force and I was sinking before her,
withering in agony while my mother's ample heavy chest heaved with
displeasure. "Arghh arghh!" I yelped as her triceps bulged fearsomely as a
frightening strong force threatened to snap my hands off like breaking twigs
from a branch. "I told you to stop, Samuel. How dare you disobey me" mum
looked real angry now and I was afraid that I'd gone too far. Suddenly she
released my arms but before I realised what was happening a big brawny arm
wrapped itself around my neck, enveloping it completely in a brutal headlock
that threatened to shatter my jaw as she manhandled me to the floor. I had no
choice but to lay upon my front whilst mum's heavy weight fell across my back
pinning me beneath her.

I felt her hot breath on my ear as she leant close. "When I tell you to do
something, you will do it" she scolded. Her hands came around from behind and
cupped my chin then pulled it right back as her mighty thighs powered her to
her feet. My head rose up backwards between mammoth sculpted twin columns of
ebony before stopping whereupon they snapped tight around my neck. With no
place to look except the floor, my hands clasped the huge girth of her thighs
on either side of my face. They were so massively wide that my head felt tiny
in comparison. It made me feel so puny and weak. Then the carpet fell back as
mum rose onto her toes and the whole exploded into sharp mind shattering pain.
Dear Lord! Through bleary eyes, I saw those tear-shaped muscles above the
inside of her knee swell up into bold relief as the walls of her legs rose up
and swallowed me. A truly ferocious pressure assaulted me. "Argh!" I tried not
to cry out but was unable. My whole world span as my eyes went right out of
focus. Her insanely muscular thighs swelled so large that they crept up the
sides of my sides swallowing my face while trying to prise my skull from my
neck. "Aggh please no!" I was forced to cry out but mum was intent on
punishing me.

I really couldn't take much more of this. Although I'd done a bit of wrestling
at uni and had been scissored by some real big jocks, I'd never been brought
anywhere near to crying out in pain or passing out. None of them came anywhere
close to the truly awful power that my own mother was now bringing to bear on
my neck and head. "Argh please stop" I cried out, ashamed that a fit strong 35
year old boxing champion boxer was submitting to his own mother. Of course my
cock was absolutely aching although my head was spinning, my ears were
pounding and I felt faint. My hands slipped from her massive steel-hard
all-conquering thighs as I no longer had the energy to hold them up.
Completely dominated by my mothers' awesome muscular body, my rigid dick
throbbed in salute as the blackness closed in. Just then the pressure lifted
and a hand pushed my face sending me falling to the carpet upon my back.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Samuel" my mother's voice was stern and full of
rebuke. It was all I could do but lie there completely blitzed out while my
head spun and my eyes tried to regain focus with an absolutely splitting
headache. "Now forget that silly nonsense about trying to wrestle me, Samuel"
my mum's voice lectured. "I may be your mother and much older than you but I
hope you now see that you wouldn't stand a chance. I'd be afraid of breaking
you" she added. Why a red mist of rage took me, I never knew. Maybe I imagined
some implied slur that I wasn't a real man or maybe I wasn't good enough for
her. Whatever the reason I snapped back "I can take it". "I could take you in
a proper wrestling match" I said although at the back of my mind I knew that
she was far too strong. "Oh dear" came my mother's concerned voice. "That
really was the wrong answer" with that her arse and legs appeared my vision as
she lowered herself down.

"Orrrgh!" I groaned as her heavy weigh bore down upon the top of my chest. She
sat facing my feet leaving me peering up at her extraordinarily wide rocky
back. Right in front of were her very ample yet firm rounded buttocks. "Wow
mum, you've got a great arse" I gasped in appreciation before I realised the
danger but it was too late. Her thick legs slid back around my neck and the
lower part of my head raising it up giving me a close-up view of that large
but firm backside. She held me firm but it was comfortable. "You like my arse?
Well watch mummy's arse, son" she said. "Narrgh!" I groaned as those large
rounded buttocks slammed each against other like two oversized chocolate
coloured cannon balls and turned steely hard with a hard striated ridge of
powerfully defined glutes. "Arghh!" I barely had time to appreciate them
because I was crying in intense pain as massive surge of raw power surged
through the surrounding legs. Crushing and squeezing with an intensity that
I'd never felt before. It was much worse than before and I couldn't help the
tears as I cried out again in agony "Arghh!" Her hamstrings ballooned into
long dense mounds of shapely steel that threatened to break my cheeks while
her huge thighs exerted an insane pressure upon me that had my brain in a
whirl spinning madly as I clenched my eyes in agony. I was slipping away
quickly towards the blackness until it ended as quickly as it had begun.

I was too beat and dazed to resist as my mother turned around then rolled me
towards her with her strong arms. She wrapped her enormous legs around my
waist then allowed me to return to my back. "I'm sorry son but you have to
learn your lesson" my mother's voice was stern and strong. "Please no, you
win" I gasped, totally exhausted but she was having none of it. "Narghh!" I
cried out agonised as her huge thighs ballooned around my middle. Trapped
between her thick legs, my body seemed insignificant and so it proved.
"Pfffshhhh!" my gut and diaphragm were squeezed flat in an instant forcibly
expelling my breath through my mouth.

No! I wanted to cry as she leant forward and a thick beefy arm wrapped itself
tightly around my neck then began to squeeze. The combination of her mighty
legs crushing my middle and her biceps bulging around my neck was too much but
I had no breath left to beg her to stop. "Get out that if you're so tough" she
taunted. "You can't can you? I don't even need my legs to put you out. Look"
with that I found my waist was free allowing me to inhale air as she pulled me
up while she knelt behind me. Her big bulging biceps swelled into the side of
my neck while her rugged rippling forearm clamped across my throat. Oh no!
Mother's got me in a sleeper hold! It's not possible, where'd she learnt this
stuff? I'd always thought of her as docile and gentle with a harmless
obsession for pumping iron. I grasped futilely at the wide rugged wedge shaped
forearm across my throat but it was as rigid as a steel clamp. Her bicep
continued to swell against the side of my neck; I could feel the big peak
digging right in cutting the blood supply from my brain. I couldn't believe,
my own mother had me in a sleeper hold and her arms were much too powerful to
break out of. "You had no chance again me little boy" those were the last
words I heard as I slipped into the warm welcome blackness of unconsciousness.
My own mother was knocking me out in her mighty arms. I was vaguely aware of
dumping a huge wad of warm cum which spread across the inside of my trousers
as I slipped under.


Mum apologised the next day. "I'm sorry, Samuel. I went too far. Please
forgive me" she said. "Mum, I just wanted to playfully wrestle with you. Not
for you to crush my lights out" I replied angrily. Although I wanted to be
dominated by her body, I still felt stung by her implication that I wasn't a
real man. Sorry to say but I began to act like a right bastard. A bit later
she tried to apologise again "I'm sorry son but I don't know my own strength,
that's why I don't want to wrestle you because I'm really worried that I might
accidentally hurt you". I gave a huff of annoyance. "Besides" she began
looking embarrassed and speaking in confidential tones. "Once I get a man in a
position where I'm in control I'm afraid that I get er a bit carried away by
the feeling of power and dominance" she admitted. "It really makes me feel er
rather excited" she actually blushed. That reminded me of all that kinky
paying respect business when I was younger and realised that perhaps my mother
struggled with the same sexually based feelings as I had but from the opposite
female dominant viewpoint.

However in the mood that I was in, everything became a slight on my
masculinity and I kept feeling offended. "Oh what, I'm too weak and fragile to
have fun playfully wrestling my own mother is that it?" I shouted at her.
"Please Samuel; don't raise your voice at me. That is not what I meant" she
answered. I glared at her trying to avoid the hypnotic rise and fall of her
large rounded breasts under a rather tight blouse. "I'm the regional amateur
boxing champion, mother. I've knocked out much bigger and stronger guys than
myself. Believe me, I can handle it mum" I shouted and stormed off.

For some irrational reason I acted like a real pig for the next few days.
Maybe it was because I had set my heart on getting to grips with my mother's
body which was the perfect image of the body of the woman of my dreams or
maybe I was just having a mid-life crisis. Who knows? It just got to the stage
where my mother had enough. She confronted me, cutting an imposing figure in a
top stretched tight by her incredibly wide tapering torso. "You've raised your
voice to me for last time boy" she said angrily after another heated exchange.
"You're not so old that I can't box your ears you know" she said. "I'd like to
see you try. I'm a championship boxer mum, you try and I'll knock your block
off" I replied heatedly. Foolishly I picked up a leaflet from the pile on the
table that I was about to deliver locally and handed it to her. "If you think
you're so tough let me see you take me on at the open night at the end of the
month" I told her heatedly, not really expecting her to accept."You're on, my
lad and I will beat you in front of everyone then make you pay respect begging
for my forgiveness in front of everyone" she told me.

That shocked me back to my senses. "Mum, don't talk so stupid. You've got lots
of strength, I give you that but boxing isn't just about strength, it's about
skill, stamina, speed and tactics" I began. "Are you backing down now, son?
Too scared of your ole mum humiliating you in public; I thought you more of a
man than that" she said. That cut deep and hurt. "You're on" I snapped and
stormed out. But as the heat cooled off, I had second thoughts. I was
confident that I could beat her fair and square after all I'm an undefeated
champion. No, I was more concerned about how I could actually hit my own
mother, let alone doing so inside a boxing ring. I was also worried about
making my mum look a fool in front of everyone. My plan was to force myself to
be focussed and blank my mind from any distraction so I just did the job, did
it quickly with the minimum of fuss so as not to keep mum's embarrassment in
the spotlight for too long.

Yes the old woman was powerfully strong and no doubt could throw a devastating
punch but I would let her, I was quick on my feet and outbox her with skill
and put her down on the mat quickly so as not to cause her further
embarrassment. I tried to talk her out of it but once mum sets her mind on
something she becomes dead set on doing it. "Look mum, I don't want to hit you
in the ring" I said, trying to sound more conciliatory. "Don't worry about me,
son, I'll be knocking your block off with these" she told me, slapping her big
solid biceps. "Unless you've come you've come to your senses and are backing
down" she said with such a scornful tone that I bit back a nasty retort. "I'm
only worried about you, I don't want you getting hurt" I told her. "Don't you
worry about me son, your father taught me a few things that a lady should know
in order to take care of herself" she told me. "You should worry about
yourself boy, pride comes before a fall and believe you me when these fists
hit your face you'll be going one hell of a big fall" she chuckled nastily.
"It's not too late for you to back out. You'd be mad to fight me with this
strong body that The Lord has given me" she said proudly and flexed her big
peaked biceps which made me feel weak at the knees just looking at them
thinking about what they could do if wielded in anger. "Only a fool or
weakling would pick a fight with me. I didn't raise you to be either" She told
me but it sounded so condescending that it got my back up.

The next few weeks I put in more time practicing down the club. There was no
way I was going to take chances with this. I needed to be quick and agile, not
let her get a chance to land one on me driven by those awesome arms, and take
her down quickly before too much damage was done.


There was an unspoken rule that we wouldn't discuss the fight anymore. So the
evening of the open night rolled around and we made our way separately to the
club. We were on after all the silly young gansta boys and CHAVs with a grudge
to settle. Usually I helped out supervising them to make sure that they
followed the rules so no-one got badly hurt but not tonight.

I entered the ring dressed in my black shorts, boots and gloves under a black
dressing robe feeling confident and trying ignore the hefty robed figure in
the other corner. The M.C. introduced us "Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Next
up is a match with a difference. In the red corner; the reigning undefeated
regional champion; Samuel Charles". The crowd broke into healthy applause as I
turned around and slid out of my robe so that they could see my fit healthy
strong toned body. I was quite well respected in local boxing circles having
bring a lot of glory and respect to the club and expected to have the crowd on
my side. The M.C. continued "In the blue corner, the challenger, a matron in
the local hospital and his dear old mother Mrs. Caroline Charles". A chilly
stony silence settled on the crowd as his words sunk in. Then the murmuring
started grumbles of discontent. I knew what they were thinking, why is Sam
fighting his poor old mother? What a rotten bastard. Pointing out that she was
also a matron would also work against me. Now most of them would be rooting
for her, the poor weak old hospital worker being beaten up by her big bad
nasty son.

Mother waited for the grumbles and boos to quieten down while still wearing
her long red silk dressing robe. Covering her wide frame this made her look
heavy and overweight adding to the crowd's misperception and detest of me for
picking on my grossly overweight old mother. As her hands move to the front of
her robe, I realised that I was holding my breath and that my heart was racing
in anticipation. Berating myself I tried to regain focus but when she let the
robe slip to the floor, I was gobsmacked by what I saw and could only stare
openly. My mother is only wearing a very skimpy pair of silk shorts that more
resembled a thong, and nothing else apart from her boots and gloves. With a
body as large as hers, she might as well be naked for they covered very
little. The referee and crowd are equally stunned perhaps more so as they see
my mother's large muscular body for the first time. Any hopes that this might
turn them is squashed when the gasps of shock is broken by wolf-whistles and
murmurs of awed appreciation. An almost naked woman with a huge pair of tits
is always guaranteed to get the men on her side and the few women in the crowd
were probably on her side whatever.

"What do you think you're doing? You can't wear that" I hissed as we came
together to meet the referee in the centre of the ring. "It's obscene, you're
practically naked" I added. Actually my eyes kept slipping to her very large
breasts for I'd never seen them naked before and to be honest they were
sensational, firm and rounded lifted high by her cushioned pecs with large
dark brown aureoles and erect nipples. "Is it illegal for a boxer to go
bare-chested, sir?" mum politely asked the ref. "No, maam" he answered trying
hard but failing to look her in the eye instead of her chest. "You can't
parade around flaunting yourself like that" I hissed, feeling the stirrings of
lust in my own body and trying to ignore it. The ref looked bemused at this
family exchange. Mum just smiled at him; even he didn't know where to look
with his eyes fluttering all over her huge powerfully built body but always
returning and lingering on her large breasts.

"My son's never complained before about seeing my body when he's watched me
working out, and he does like to pay very close attention indeed" she told him
with a knowing wink. I felt a blush of embarrassment and annoyance at the
implication, although it was close to the mark. "You don't mind do you sir?"
she asked in an appealing tone and fluttering her eyelids at him. Mum was no
looker in the face department but confronted with that large practically nude
body and her big rounded firm boobs, the man didn't stand a chance and I saw
the lurch in the front of his trousers. "No maam" the ref replied only too

"Come on mum, you don't have to do this" I begged, to be honest her big bold
shoulder caps sitting at the ends of her very broad shoulders and thick
rippling arms were making me slightly nervous. "Why?" she asked. "I don't want
to hurt you, mum" I said. "I love you son, really I do, but you've been acting
like a complete a-hole and now it's time to teach you some respect" with that
she raised both of her thick arms and flexed. I heard the collective gasp of
the audience as her massive power peaked biceps soared into the air followed
by a very audible mixed reaction. Most of the men in the crowd clearly
disapproved; maybe they felt threatened because her biceps were far larger
than theirs. There were also a few appreciative comments with the isolated
"Pppproarrr!" of open lust from a minority.

"Feel that son. Feel the might that's going to put you down" she boasted
trying to make me feel intimidated. Those awesome double biceps were very
impressive indeed and, yes, very intimidating and I felt my dick solidify in
my boxing shorts attracting laughs and derision from the crowd. "Ignore them
boy. These are all for you. Don't you just want to run your hands all over
them while you worship my body and pay respect to me" she practically purred
in a voice heavy with suggestion and lips pouting. I'd never heard my mother
speak so sensually and my boner lurched to throbbing full mast, drawing yet
more name-calling and laughs. Flexing also made her oversized bare breasts
rise up like two ebony balloons under the power of her striated pecs. She may
have been my mother but she had developed a very sexy body and the sight of it
virtually naked caused a natural reaction. The very noticeable tent in my
boxing shorts began to twitch like I had a mouse in there.

More comments from the crowd came about this sicko with the hots for his mum.
The ref didn't help "Are you fighting or just gawping at her tits?" he asked
me brusquely. "Magnificent though they are, I might add" he added in a sleazy
tone to my mum while taking a good gawp himself. "We're fighting" we both
replied at once. "Good" he said then gave the usual spiel about having a good
clean fight, no kicking or gouging etc and keeping the high standard of
sportsmanship in keeping with the traditional of this long running club. All
the while, mum and I eyed each other up trying to look tough and unconcerned.

The truth was as I faced her, seeing her practically in the nude for the first
time, such bare expanse of massive bulging muscularity was very intimidating.
Her lack of attire showed all of it off leaving nothing to the imagination and
to be honest it really turned me on as much as it intimated me. I tried some
mental exercises to block out that distraction but as if that wasn't enough to
contend with, her giant wobbly bare breasts hanging over the top of her
well-ribbed stomach was just as distracting. Hardly intimidating but the
natural impact upon my libido was equally distracting. I went through the
mental exercises again, trying to remain cool and block out any distraction.
In fact, I now began to suspect that this was exactly the reason behind my
mother's sudden loss of inhibition.

As the ref finished his speech and the bell rang, we squared off facing each
other. I felt a bit nervous, not just because of her hulking build but also
because my opponent was my own mother and I really had to overcome my natural
reluctance to hit her. Gloves were raised at the ready and I noticed with
approval that mum held her guard in a good position for both defence and
attack. Dad may have taught her a few basic things but that would have been so
long ago that it gave me no cause for concern, I was positive that my
experienced boxing skills would allow me to finish this quickly.

We circled each other watching each other warily. I wasn't going to
underestimate her because those big powerful biceps really unnerved me. I just
knew that they could do a lot of damage if they really let rip and landed one
on me but I wasn't going to let that happen. My speed and agility combined
with my precision punches would take her down fast. I continued to circle her,
dancing on my toes, watching for any signs of weakness or an opening for
attack. "Are you going to box or make love to me, son?" mum suddenly said
loudly to the crowd's delight. With horror I realised that my shorts was still
sporting a throbbing tent. I tried to ignore her jibe and block the bulge from
my mind knowing that she was deliberately embarrassing me, provoking me to
make a rash move but I was more experienced than that.

I decided to shake her up a bit with a few quick jabs to test her defences.
PHISH PHISH a couple of jabs slammed into her big red gloves and I was
impressed that her guard held firm, her fearsomely wide tapering forearms as
solid as a rock. That firmly toned strong body and large swaying breasts were
a real distraction but I couldn't dare take my eyes off her in case she made a
move. As I expected she wasn't light on her feet. PHISH PHISH I continued to
jab at her guard. Her glove struck out but I'd long gone, dancing away nimbly.
She was more of a bumbling elephant in the ring, her heavy muscular bulk a
distinct disadvantage.That reassured my confidence in putting her down

PHISH PHISH, PHISH PHISH I increased the speed and strength of my jabs towards
her head. Good, my mum had made a classic schoolboy error. By aiming my
punches progressively higher I was drawing her gloves higher to protect her
face leaving her middle exposed. But what a middle! I watched as her abs rose
like stone paving slabs out of the firm toned surrounding flesh as she
breathed in then disappeared as she breathed out. PHISH PHISH more jabs
towards the head to keep her distracted, inhale, exhale. BERLAM! putting real
strength behind it, I drove a real haymaker into her exposed gut that would
drop her like a stone. "Ngghh!" to my shock mum barely grunted while I had to
hold in a cry of pain as my fist shuddered to a terrible grinding halt. It was
like hitting a brick wall even with her stomach relaxed. That punch would have
dropped most men but she barely looked fazed.

BLAM! That moment's pause was fatal for her glove struck fast hammering me
right on my jaw, whipping my head back hard with shocking strength. I stumbled
back a couple of steps in surprise with the force of the blow. Big breasts
bounced and swayed distracting me as the bulky topless form of my mother
stepped towards me and a thick rippling arm drove forwards. BLAM! A glove
sledge-hammered into my ribcage with terrible strength, compressing my chest
and almost cracking a rib. "Orrrgh!" I groaned in agony, paying for letting
myself get distracted as the bruising pain spread all over my chest in a burst
of flame.

Big naked breasts swayed again, impossible to ignore as a thick massively clad
arm swung forwards. BALAM! "Boorrrrph!" I groaned in agony as mum's glove
slammed into my abs with such raw strength that my flat hard stomach caved
inwards with my own six-pack barely able to cushion the blow. Her biceps
swelled ominously adorned by a thick bicep vein and I knew what was coming but
was powerless to stop it. I began to turn away to protect my gut. BLAM!
"Arghh!" I cried out as she nailed my exposed side with a savage intensity
that sent crushing burning waves of pain throughout my side and bruising my
insides. Instinctively I tried to protect my side using my elbow but mum got
there first as she snapped in another punch BLAM! Another wave of sharp
bruising pain caused me to cry out again and crease up on that side, opening
me up to another punch into my gut. WHAM! "Orgh!" although it wasn't as strong
as the previous one, I felt the soreness in my abs as it cushioned the blow; I
knew that it was no match for her big beefy formidable arms. Strangely that
made my still-stiff dick lurch. Blanking that worrying thought, in desperation
I hurled a wild punch at her face which she easily blocked. Quickly I hurled
another at her head and to my surprise and moving faster than I would have
given her credit for, my mother, ducked beneath my arm. Solid dense bulging
muscles drove her gloved fist hard into the top of my gut. BERLAM "Urghhh!" I
groaned, it was a powerful punch and my abs almost collapsed as they struggled
to cope as my stomach curved inwards.

Biting back the pain and trying to ignore the shortness of breath, I threw
another punch at her head but to my surprise the big-titted muscle woman that
was my mother side-stepped it and with a determined grin pounded my sore side
once again. I bit back a gasp of pain but the very next second, in a shocking
combo, mum knocked her left glove around the top of my head then immediately
pounded the right hard against the top of my gut again just under the sternum.
BLAM! "Orrrgh!" I groaned failing to stop some of my breath being forcibly
ejected from my mouth. Before my body instinctively began to tilt forwards,
mum blasted that mighty right fist once more. BERLAM! It struck driven hard
with terrible force right in the middle of my gut. She certainly wasn't
pulling any punches with her son. I was shocked by how brutal she was and how
her sheer force was overcoming my skill. Yet oddly her very domination of me
with her fists was incredibly exciting and keeping my erection hard and my
balls tight.

BLAM! "Orrgh!" I groaned again as another fist plunged into my stomach. Mum
was pumping her fists like a non-stop fighting machine and it was like getting
hit in the stomach by a steam hammer. My abs had become really sore from the
heavy bombardment and the frequency of the blows was depleting my breath. A
worrying eager excitement shone in my mother's eyes. She looked so confident
and unbelievably powerful, an indomitable powerhouse whose near-naked body was
alive and glowing with big heavy muscle pumped and toned ready to inflict
serious damage upon me. For the first time in my life I actually felt fear and
trepidation of my mother yet I also felt a strong conflicting yearning for her

My mother jabbed again and I managed to raise my guard to protect my gut.
PHISH PHISH her gloves struck with shocking force getting stronger and
stronger as my bare-chested mother tried to batter down my defences. To my
horror she was succeeding, her punches rocking my hands and knocking them out
of position with unstoppable force. BLAM! "Offffph!" I groaned loudly as she
punched aside one of my gloves and drove a fist through the opening, a thick
rippling bulging muscular arm of ebony like a strangely sculpted column of
black marble blasted through my arms. Stepping into the opening she had
created, she punched upwards, her bulging biceps powering an unstoppable blow
to the base of my gut. BERLAM "Orrrrgh!" I wailed as her fist slammed brutally
into my torso like a cruel jackhammer, making my whole body lurch under the
impact. Flattening my abs and pounding them to jelly; her fist drilled right
into my middle flattening my diaphragm cruelly stealing my breath.

Appallingly winded, I struggled to move my hands to protect further punishment
but my semi-nude powerhouse of a mother simply battered them aside as though
swatting flies, and blasted another piledriver so deep into my gut that I
swore it hit my backbone with agonising force. KERCRUMP! "....." I was too
badly crippled by the shock to my system and unable to draw breath to even cry
out. A long wail of agony blared in my mind. My own mother was beating the
crap out of me and I was powerless to stop her. She was so strong and
awesomely built that I wanted to drop to my knees and worship her right here
and now in the middle of the ring in front of everyone. My dick was so hard, I
thought it would burst.

Creasing in sheer agony, I saw my mother's biceps twitch once more and send a
big red glove swinging towards my middle once more. Panicking some survival
instinct kicked my right arm forward in an upper cut that sliced right between
her arms and caught her right on the chin. THUD! I saw the hurt and anger in
her eyes and knew I was in trouble. She stood there glaring daggers at me as I
struggled in agony to re-start my breathing and get over these awful cramps.
While I was racked in winded agony my mother stood proud and strong, breathing
normally, a splendid virtually naked behemoth of a beautifully developed
muscle woman. When she finally spoke, the words were terrible and made my
heart sink for I knew that I was in deep doggy-doo-doo. "If that's the way you
want it, Son" she growled softly. "That's the way you're going to get it" she
said. I wanted to apologise but just couldn't find my breath to speak.

In silent horror I watched as she swung her right fist with such force that it
made her buoyant breasts lurch violently. It was a sensual breath-taking sight
but there was no time to admire them. I tried to raise my hands, but oxygen
deprivation stripped my arms of energy. A blur of red sliced through my open
defences and pounded the side of my jaw. BLAM! The force of the impact was
devastating. With my face spinning away at such violent speed with the taste
of blood upon my lips, I lost equilibrium and fell. Instead of hitting the
mat, I felt the harsh sting as ropes hit my back and my gloves flailed getting
tangled as I broke my fall. It came as a surprise because I hadn't realised
that my mother had backed me up so far across the ring. But the very thing
that had stopped my fall became a liability leaving me exposed hanging like
jellyfish caught in a net. Desperately trying to free my gloves I watched as a
beautiful powerfully shaped ebony body approached. Massive formidable ripped
muscles were pumped up poised for my destruction. Her bare toned ebony skin
gleamed with nipples fully erect with excitement. This sensational vision had
the front of my shorts twitching like crazy; that this was my mother didn't
matter for her practically nude body was that of a muscle Goddess. A
terrifying smile crept upon her lips sending shivers down my spine. The
terrible stomach cramps were easing slightly but I was still short of breath
as I hung on the ropes waiting for the inevitable.

The watching faces in the crowd waiting hungrily for my defeat at the fists of
my own mother spurred me to not go quietly. I desperately thrashed my gloves
trying to untangle my hands and managed to raise my guard barely in time as
mum launched a slow but steady barrage of punches at my head. PHISH PHISH
PHISH I tried to keep my head down behind my guard and get my arse off these
ropes but mom just kept reaching over my gloves to batter me around the top of
my head. BAM BAM BAM BAM. I heard the crowd cheer sensing my humiliating
defeat. This was ridiculous; I haven't been in this sorry position for many
years since I was a newbie, yet my mother who had never boxed in her life had
me up against the ropes and slamming real hard head knockers over my guard.
BAM BAM BAM BAM, the punishment continued. Keeping my face protected I tried
to move away sideways to stop her pinning me against the ropes but she kept
raining punches around the top of my head. BAM BAM BAM Driven by big powerful
peaked biceps with prominent bicep veins and wide tapered forearms displaying
a riot of vascularity, the cumulative effect of the punches was rocking my
brain making it hard to think straight and making me dazed. Spotting an
approaching corner, I sidestep quickly and put some distance between us
allowing me to move away from the ropes. PHISH PHISH her gloves now hit mine
as I got to the limits of her range.

With the more vocal members of the crowd encouraging my mum to punch my lights
out, I decided to take a gamble and stopped shielding my head so I could
return some punches of my own. BAM BAM PHISH PHISH we stood there toe to toe
like old fashioned pugilists exchanging blows. A few of mine got through but
most hit her gloves, as solid and immobile as a lamppost. BLAM she punched
straight between the centre of my gloves, drilling her way through by sheer
force. BLAM! I tasted leather and my mouth distorted as she punched straight
into it mashing into my gum-shield. Some of the edge had been taken off its
force by my guard but it still stung hard. I tried to punch back but found
myself blocking a series of real powerful heavy blows that shook my gloves
with terrifying strength. My mother's bulky near-naked body loomed with menace
even though I was taller than her. Her heavy rounded shoulder caps and big
bulging biceps in constant motion slugging away while her formidable wide
brawny forearms were steady as a rock as they drove her gloved fists against
my guard. All the while the sexy sight of her large heaving breasts was a
tempting distraction too fatal to take.

BLAM! A glove flew over my defences and hammered my temple, the shock
scrambling my brains and leaving me dazed and vulnerable. BLAM! another
slammed right into my left eye, leaving it watering and stinging. I tried to
back up and clear my head but mum kept pace. I raised my gloves to protect my
face but found her left glove stopping my right getting into position leaving
a wide open space for her to swing a savage right hook BLAM! My jaw lurched
painfully, almost dislocating. BLAM! A jab to my nose flattened it painfully.
I tried to throw a punch in return but mum just knocked it out of the way and
clubbed the side of my head BAM! Followed by a jab to my left eye BLAM! That
really stung and I danced back out of the way only narrowly avoiding a jab to
my jaw as I pulled my face back just in time.

Mum kept coming forward with a hard glint in her eye like a black female
Terminator, almost-nude and formidably armed but not with any semi-automatics,
she had her powerful muscles and dangerous fists. Once more, I felt intimated
by her staggering physique and a strange excitement that she was dominating me
so forcefully that kept my dick stiff. She stepped close and I went to punch
shocked to find my arm blocked as a thick bulging arm swung over it. BLAM! My
jaw clicked and my teeth gnashed against the gum-shield as my face was whipped
to the side so hard that a glob of spit and blood flew from my mouth right
across the ring to the wild cheers from the crowd. The force of the blow sent
me slamming back into the ropes. BLAM! CRACK! As I bounced back mum swung
again so hard that it broke my nose. I fell back against the ropes in a world
of free-flowing blood and pain in the middle of my face. The crowd cheered at
the sight of blood and as the big built topless muscle woman moved in for the
kill. I knew I had to get back up out of the ropes to preserve my dignity, I
couldn't let my untrained elderly mother thrash me in my own sport. BLAM! A
red blur slammed into my left eye, the force of the blow hammering me deep
against the ropes. This was bad, you try getting off the ropes when your
opponent is hammering you with punches.

With one eye blurred and stinging, I saw mother's bulging hefty body and felt
real fear mixed with an odd elation. BLAM! No mercy. The next punch is so
powerful that I saw stars and my legs buckled. I slide part way down the
ropes. BLAM! "Orghhh!" I gasped as her fist hammered right into my gut badly
weakened by her previous attack against it. BLAM! Sensing weakness my mother
again plunges her glove deep into my stomach. "Orrrphhh!" the air explodes
from my lips. Stuck in the ropes I am helpless and can't protect myself. Mum
stepped so close that I can feel her big bare boobs bouncing against my chest
as she drives her fist in again. BLAM! "pffffff!" I have no breath to spare.
My abs can no longer protect me and her punch drills deep into my gut. BLAM!
"...!" breathless I am unable to stop her punches devastating my middle,
leaving my stomach covered with red-raw wheals BLAM! BLAM! Unable to untangle
my arms from the ropes mum punched me again and again in the stomach like
swinging a lump-hammer. I am totally destroyed, tangled up in the ropes unable
to defend myself and no longer able to draw breath. Finally she shoved her big
knee between my legs and pressed that sensational body against me; my cock
went rigid against her knee with the feel of her bare skin against mine. BLAM!
She gut-punched me so hard that I bounced back deep into the ropes and rebound
right into an unrestrained head-blaster. KABLAM! Darkness threatened to close
in and take me. Ding Ding! I was literally saved by the bell.

Breathless, winded and close to passing out I somehow peeled myself off the
ropes in stunned disbelief and staggered in disgrace to my corner. "Your
mother's a tough old bird isn't she?" said Stan, my second as he cleaned me
up. My stomach burned and was red raw from my mother's devastatingly powerful
gut punches, my head throbbed where she'd battered my around the top of my
head, my jaw was sore, my nose broken and of more concern, my left eye. Was
stinging and puffed up, reducing my vision. I was in a real bad state and knew
it. "Ouch!" I gasped as Stan dabbed my eye with some antiseptic. "Shit mate, I
ain't never seen you busted up like this ever and this is after only one
round" he exclaimed. "Your old mum must sure pack one hellava punch" he almost
sounded amused by that. "Great body on her though. Never seen such big muscles
on a woman before, at least one that don't look like a man. Kinda sexy once
you get over the initial shock. Great tits too and I just love that big arse"
he went on. "That's my mum you're talking about, huh huh" I gasped trying to
keep my breathing steady as the cramps lessened. "The one's that huh huh
punched the shit out of me" I gasped. He got the message and finished off
patching me up as best he could in silence allowing me to catch my breath and

I glanced across the ring to the opposite corner where my mother sat looking
as fresh as a daisy, watching me with unreadable eyes and a firm mouth. Her
face was virtually unmarked as I had hardly made contact with her, while mine
felt like it had gone through a mincer. That powerfully built body taunted me
from the opposite corner of the ring, virtually nothing hidden from view.
Every sensationally formed muscle was visible in the raw, her arms pumped from
devastating my body, along with those huge bare breasts. My groin stiffened at
the glorious sight. All I had ever wanted to do was to touch and feel that
body in my arms to feel the power of her big muscles as we wrestled gently
almost like lovers. Instead I realised that I was feeling her muscular power
in another, more painful way, by her beating the stuffing out of me. My dick
lurched as I thought about those big rugged shiny toned biceps pounding her
fists into me tenderising my puny body. One part of me desired her to beat the
crap out of me until I passed out until the watching faces of the crowd
brought me to my senses.

Ding Ding! "Seconds out, Round two" the ref called. My thoughts and staring at
my mother's scantily clad body while she stared back at me had re-awoke my
erection but as my she got to her feet and strode across to the middle of the
ring, I was no longer able to block that amazing body from my mind. Even as we
squared off once more, I couldn't help my eyes wandering with rising feeling
of lust over her sensationally muscled physique. "Back down now, Samuel. I'll
be none the less proud of you" she told me but I couldn't, I'd gone too far to
throw in the towel in front of all these people. I told her so. She looked at
me sadly. I had trouble stopping my eyes from slipping to the magnificent bare
orbs sitting on her chest. "In that case, Mummy is going to have to go hard on
you, Son" She told me. "Put you down quickly so I don't have to prolong the
agony of hurting my own flesh and blood". She added the way she said this to
me, quietly so she couldn't be overheard seemed almost seductive and the image
that created in my mind had my dick absolutely rock hard and aching.

As my mother raised her gloves to begin round two, I had to force myself to
concentrate or risk getting my block knocked off in the first second. PHISH
PHISH once again it began with some probing jabs except this time it was my
mother sounding me out like a hungry predator. Realising I was being too
defensive and too nervous of my opponent, I forced myself to return some of my
own PHISH PHISH. I had to put that sensational body out of my mind but it was
hard and so was my dick. I tried to dance around her but mum just turned,
following me and blasted ever harder jabs towards my face. PHISH PHISH, the
sound of leather on leather was the only audible noise as the crowd watched in
silent anticipation. My mother's jabs got stronger, the muscles in her thickly
adorned arm rippling as they drove her punches so hard that she was actually
knocking my guard back so that the back of the gloves were hitting my face.
PHISH PHISH I tried to counter but her guard was rock solid by comparison.

Her abs as hard as steel rose and fell softly in a fascinating manner,
completely open and unprotected. I'd ruled those out as a target remembering
the agony of punching that brick-like frontage knowing that I wouldn't be able
to mash those like she so easily mashed mine. My belly was still very red and
very sore. PHISH PHISH I could barely get a punch in because I was forced to
protect my face from her increasingly strong blows. I saw an opening and threw
a punch at her chin but she blocked it PHISH. BAM! Her thick arm came around
the outside of my arm and clubbed my temple. Ouch! It was like getting hit
around the head with a cushioned industrial mallet.

Ignoring the ringing in my ears and the ache in my head, I threw another punch
and was shocked when her glove knocked it back bare inches from my chest
leaving myself open for mum to slam her other fist right through the middle. I
tried to jerk my head back but it was too late. BLAM! A red gloved jackhammer
slammed straight into my already ruined nose, restarting the nose bleed as it
caused terrible pain. BLAM! Her glove struck again like a thunderbolt into the
side of my cheek and jaw, rocking my face around in a spray of spit and blood,
addling my senses, slowing my reactions. The heaving of huge heavy breasts and
the thunderbolt struck the opposite cheek. BLAM! The gum-shield smashed
against the inside of my mouth drawing and expelling blood as my face was
flung in the opposite direction.

Totally blinded by the daze, I reached out and grabbed my mum's thick body
wrapping my arms around hers in a clinch to stop her punching while holding on
for support while my head cleared. Although legal, it was considered by many
to be terribly unprofessional. It felt great to be clinging onto my mum's
amazing physique although this wasn't the warm cuddly mum of my youth but a
rock hard body oozing with overwhelming power that wanted to knock me out.
Part of me just wanted to hold her like this all night long. However the ref
was angry and rightly so. "Come on, break it up. This is not a bloody dance"
he said spat barely holding his anger.

My arms suddenly flew apart at speed as mum stretched her powerful arms wide
shaking me off like a blanket. "Fight like a true sportsman, son. Don't
disappoint me" she lectured sternly. Suddenly I saw red leather hurtling like
a rocket towards my face and I skipped back while throwing my head back just
in the nick of time. In more fear than anger my fist shot down the inside of
her outstretched arm and I felt the glove connect hard on her jaw. She threw
back a clumsy punch which I ducked under then came up with a jaw crusher. BAM!
It struck with bone rattling intensity and she staggered backwards dazed with
the blow. I stepped forward to finish this quickly. BLAM! She threw up her
block too slowly and my glove blasted her cheek. My big busted semi-nude
muscle mother might be strong but she was no boxer and was paying for it now.
BLAM! An uppercut sent her to the mat with a resounding crash.

"1 er 2 er 3 er" the ref counted as she lay dazed with her big breasts heaving
up and down while trying to force herself back up but her body wasn't
responding. "4 er 5 er" she really was a tough old bird and her wonderfully
sculpted body looked so appealing as it lay sprawled upon the mat that I had
to look away to stop my twitching erection bursting right out of my shorts and
leaping upon her to screw her right there on the mat. A groan made me look
back, concentrating on her face seeing the effort she made as she forced
herself to sit up then kneel. "6 er 7 er 8er". I felt disappointment as she
forced herself unsteadily to her feet in the nick of time because that meant I
would have to hurt her again to put her back down. The ref stopped counted and
I got ready to move in for the kill. One more punch ought to do it. I stepped
forward and blasted an upper cut towards her jaw.

As my fist sped towards her jaw, to my astonishment my mother ducked swiftly
beneath my arm then crouched with one leg extended behind her. Her glove swung
up like a rocket driven by her guided muscle. BERLAM! I felt the brutal crack
of her glove upon my jaw, the strength of her upper cut snapping my teeth
together against the gum-shield that I almost bit through it with a loud clack
and whipping my head so fast that I almost blacked out and stumbled in a daze
backwards across the mat. As my eyes regained focus I thought I saw her there
and jabbed with my right but my fist hit thin air. I wasn't so lucky. BLAM! A
red glove came out of my blurred left side and blasted my right eye. The
leather stung my right eye making it water and sting and I felt a cut open
above. With my swollen left eye I was temporarily almost blind and tried to
dance back out of harm's way.

THUMP a glove jabbed my chest. "Nnngh!" I groaned. WAP! Another drilled my
back. Suddenly a thick beefy arm hooked itself around the back of my neck and
pulled my head down into a headlock against the side of my mother's beautiful
shiny toned bare body. The side of my face was squashed right up against my
mother's large right boob. Mmmm the softness of the large football sized
breast, bare, firm with glorious large aureole and jutting nipple felt so good
and I wished I could stay there and enjoy it. BLAM! A large red glove pounding
my trapped head broke that illusion. The softness of that large breast against
my face was a constant reminder that I was being beaten up by a woman and once
more my dick went hard as another glove slammed into my face. BLAM! I was
helpless to stop my mum beating me up with my head trapped fast beneath her
mighty thick arm with enormous swelling triceps, bulging biceps digging into
the side of my head and plank-like forearm across my throar. "Okay break it
up, break it up" the ref stepped in but was too nervous of touching this
stunning semi-nude muscle woman. "Please Maam you're not allowed to hold him
and punch him like that" he told her in pleading tone.

My mother didn't say a word she just bulldogged me with ease down to the mat
and kneeled sideways across my throat facing my body. "Kkkk!" I croaked and
watched in horror as she pulled back her fist for a downward strike. BLAM!
"Orrrrph!" it plunged right down into the middle of my gut. Before the ref
could object, mum turned around and sat right down on my crotch and flexed
both biceps. My cock went wild, there was no way that she couldn't feel it
throbbing as it pressed against her barely covered crotch. It was so erect
that it felt as if it was practically pushing its way inside her. I had the
urgent need to start thrusting my hips. "Time to finish this, boy" she told
me. I looked up at her unable to get past those huge bouncing breasts as that
terrible red blur streaked down towards me. BLAM! A terrible roundhouse
crashed into the side of my face just as the bell rang. "Botheration" my big
busted topless muscle mother sighed and got off me with clear reluctance. She
put her hands on her hips framing huge perfect breasts proclaiming her
womanhood. She looked down into my eyes and said "I'm not done with you yet,
boy. You wait and see". Then with an irritated shake of her boobs and hips she
turned and went to her corner while I peeled myself off the mat in disgrace
and with a huge throbbing tent in my boxing shorts close to discharge for all
to see. I saw the ref go across to explain the finer points of boxing and
berate her for her behaviour.

I sat and watched her awesome body while Stan fussed "You've a nasty cut above
the right eye and it's going to swell too. You're going have to call it off".
"It's fine. Just stick a plaster on it" I replied but knew that he was right,
if it swelled up like the left I'd be virtually blind. I stared across to the
opposite corner to the vast amounts of bare ebony skin on my mother. Her head
sat upon her powerful sloping thick traps returning my gaze coolly. That body
taunted my dick and just wouldn't let it go down what with the sheer size and
power of the muscles I had fantasized over for so long. In addition, those
huge breasts that left no-one in any doubt those big guns belonged to a real
woman. The big deeply carved slabs in her stomach rose and fell gently showing
no signs of the exhaustion I felt. "I'll finish her off in the next round. I
almost had her then" I told Stan who looked unconvinced. I had difficulty
trying to convince myself too.


DING DING as the ref called the 3rd round; I watched my mother's big rounded
boobs bounce as she rose and the insane creepers covering her wide tapered
forearm and thick biceps tense ready to pound me. Of course my dick was still
absolutely rigid, did you really have to ask? Having been erect for most of
the fight, by now I just wanted to fuck her like crazy not fight her. Without
hesitation mum moved in and immediately socked a punch at my jaw which I
blocked PHISH BLAM! "Orrghhh!" I groaned in agony as she punched below my
gloves hammering a strong punch into my horribly sore gut. She was learning
fast. "Always see things through to the end once you've started them, son" she
told me as I creased over in pain. I found myself staring at her stomach which
looked like slabs etched deep into shiny ebony marble. Winded again, I had
left myself wide open, my head an inviting target. I knew what was coming but
oddly I looked forward to it, surrendering to a strange sensual pleasure as my
mother swung a thick arm rippling with unbridled power and making her big bare
boobs bounce alarmingly. BLAM! Her glove connected in a ferocious upper cut
which was much stronger and more painful than I had expected. My teeth snapped
down on the gum-shield and my head flew back so fast spraying spit and blood
that I keeled right over backwards like a falling tree and slammed hard into
the mat.

The crowd went crazy to see this mature afro-Caribbean lady in her
mid-sixties, virtually naked and displaying an awesome physique put down her
boxing champion son on the mat. Ref seemed too eager to start the count as I
struggled to even lift my head from the mat, it just wouldn't stop spinning
and it felt as if it were wrapped in cotton wool. My arms and legs wouldn't
respond the way I wanted them to and in alarm I heard the count rise. I
focussed my resolve and put all my energy into getting up but still couldn't
manage it. "6 er 7 er" Crap! I just couldn't get my limbs working in
co-ordination. I looked up and through swollen eyes made out my mum's hulking
statuesque figure towering over me like a female colossus. I just knew that if
she had flexed her massive biceps over me in victory that I would have creamed
myself then and there. From my position on the mat looking up at her, mother
simply looked magnificent like a powerful mighty Goddess and my still-stiff
dick throbbed wanting to spill its load for her. From my viewpoint, she was a
truly sensational sight. The realisation hit me that I wanted to experience
more of that body's power and succumb to her as she punished me with
relentless intent. My dick throbbed with delight as I found the incentive to
get my body co-operating and forced myself back to my feet. The disappointment
from the crowd was palpable.

"Maybe you should have stayed down, son" mum told me "It would have been
quicker and less painful that way". "I can take it" I said defiantly as I
stood uneasy on my feet with my head still spinning and eyes barely able to
focus. My erection was now so big that the head popped out of the bottom of my
shorts to the amusement of the crowd. "That's my son" mother said proudly,
although I hoped she was referring to my courage to see this through and not
my embarrassing protuberance.

She was my mother, the woman who gave birth to me and nurtured me throughout
my developing years but right now she wasn't gentle and she wasn't kind
although it once again began softly. BAM! She jabbed me on the chin and I
tried to raise my gloves to protect my face PFIF! She batted them away then
jabbed me on the cheek. I tried to fight back, box properly to make her work
for it but she was far too strong, I fancied her body like crazy and I was
tiring fast. My bruised eyes were now swelling up to a level where I would
have stopped the fight if I'd have been referee. Her constant jabs were
weakening me. Mum's muscular body looked fresh and strong whereas I felt
completely battered, bruised and beaten up. Her short hulking frame was
unstoppable as her fists pummelled my body with increasing strength and speed.
WUMPH! "Urrghh!" her gloved fist moved like a speeding express train right
into my sore gut taking my breath away. BLAP! Her fists pumped away like an
emotionless machine pummelling my face with a strong roundhouse that almost
sent me to my knees with a bloody mouth. WHUMP! Her toned biceps twitched
again sending her glove burrowing deep into my ruined gut once more and
completely rocking my body under the sheer force. BLAM! Without mercy an
almighty blast landed right on the chin as I began to crumple.

Devastated and paralysed by the awful cramps in my diaphragm there was nothing
that I could but stand helpless watching my very own dear mother tearing me to
pieces with her fists. Driven by her big thick biceps pumping with sheer
feminine power, they crushed my chin so hard I really thought she had broken
it. Right, left, right, left BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM Mum pummelled my chin and jaw
without mercy, hammering it over and over in quick succession. My head snapped
back and forth like it was on a spring, a punch-ball for my mother's mighty
punches. I just knew that she was holding back and that she could put me down
whenever she wanted. BLAM! A crushing blow to the side of my face almost broke
my cheek. BLAM! A back-hander smashed my face around in a spray of blood. She
was toying with me now and my cock was absolutely throbbing as I realised that
there was nothing that I could do to stop her, nor did I want to. The
punishing blows got worse. With an ecstatic look in her eyes, like a predator
smelling blood, mum mashed my face from close range. Her powerful mind-numbing
punches left me punch-drunk with a ringing in my ears and my eyes swollen up
so much that I could only now peer out through small slits like squinting. I
was too groggy to even keep up my guard to protect myself. BLAM BLAM BLAM my
mother punched my head this way and that with it bouncing around alarmingly at
nauseating speed.

My numbed brain managed to get a message through to my arms and I tried to
raise my gloves to protect my face but she just hammered them aside as if they
were nothing then delivered a fearsome crushing blow right to the side of my
jaw driven by her powerful pumped up biceps. An explosion of pain and blinding
lights sent me spinning to my knees, clinging to her waist to support myself.
As I clung to her thick waist with my face against her hard sculpted stomach I
knew that if I let go I would probably never get back up again. Those big hard
slabs of abs were covered by a fine sheen of perspiration making them shiny
and unbelievably sexy that I just wanted to rub my dick against them. Her body
felt sensational in my hands and I wanted to tell her that I loved her and
wanted to fuck her but my mouth was all swollen. "Looks like you are all
spent, son" my mother's voice told me. I tried to move my sluggish head
towards the direction of her voice and just made out the large blur of her
figure as she looked down at me. "Come on get up or lie down and be counted
out" the ref urged, clearly annoyed. "Stand up, Samuel. Stand up and face
defeat like a man" mum urged in a soothing tone. She was right, I had been
completely destroyed by my own mother and my cock was absolutely fit to burst
acknowledging her dominance over me, as painful as it had been. Summoning the
last failing dregs of strength, I got up groggily to my feet and faced the
glistening ebony powerhouse that was my mum. I was wobbling and swaying as I
readied myself for what I knew was going to hurt. Squinting through my swollen
eyes I saw mum pull back her mighty right arm. Oh God, let this be quick I
prayed silently. I saw every muscle twitch and swell in that fearsome thick
arm. Every sinew, every corded muscle burned itself into my failing vision as
that awesome dense bicep wound up the power that would send that gloved fist
hurtling towards my face. A terrible red blur streaked in an uppercut then
struck like the hammer of the gods KABLAM! Such awful pain, such a powerful
blow that my mouth-guard went flying across the ring and so did I. I
remembered my whole body lift from the floor and go hurtling backwards as the
lights dimmed while my semen flew everywhere as I ejaculated.


I came around to find myself battered, bruised and hurting, feeling like I'd
just been run over by a truck. Trying to open my eyes, I found that I couldn't
open them more than tiny slits that gave me a blurred vision. "Just lie there
son, mommy's going to clean you up" my mother's voice was warm and soothing. I
tried to ask where I was but found to my horror that my jaw was locked and I
could barely part my swollen bruised mouth enough to lick my lips. "No, don't
try to talk, son. The paramedic said you've got a fractured jaw" she said. I
tried to turn my head towards her voice but Ouch! It hurt too much to move my
head. "I'm here son. Don't try to move. You're badly bruised and busted up. He
wanted to take you to A&E but I told him that I will look after you and take
you to the hospital tomorrow" a large blurred figure in brown moved into my
sight. Even with impaired vision I recognised that imposing bulky powerful
shape. "After all there is still something I said that I would make you do.
You do remember don't you?" she asked. I didn't, I didn't know where I was or
how I got into this state. Had there been a car accident?

"I didn't enjoy doing that to you son" she told me "But you were acting like a
right jerk and needed to be brought down a peg or two. You are my son and I
love you but it is still my responsibility to keep you on the straight and
narrow path". As she reached forwards towards to wipe my brow, huge rounded
boobs came into view, unfettered and bare. That's when I realised that she
wasn't wearing a brown dress at all but that she was completely naked. I was
astonished, but as she reached up and dabbed at my brow, I flinched for some
reason. "Hold still, Samuel, I gave you a real nasty cut and need to clean it
up until it heals over" she told me thinking that I reacted to the sting of
the disinfectant. It wasn't, I had a brief memory of my mother's fist encased
in a red boxing glove speeding towards my right eye with those huge bare
breasts bouncing before all I could see was red leather moments before the
pain. With dawning realisation I knew that my mother had done this, that she
had beaten me up but I couldn't remember why. Had we been mucking about with
boxing gloves? The stiffness, bruises, aches and pains all over my torso was
testament to the brutality of the beating she had given me which suggested
something more serious than just playing. My dick began to stiffend at the
thought and by the ache in my balls I knew that it wouldn't have been for the
first time that evening.

Although my vision was impaired I could still make out the movement of those
sensational big boobs as they wobbled freely right in front of me as she saw
to the cut. They caused unnatural feelings of lust yet if those had been on
show like they were now as in my brief flashback, I knew that I would have had
a very stiff dick indeed. As she stood up and put down the antiseptic I caught
a blurred sight of her awesome naked body. That triggered another brief memory
of that formidable muscular body slamming her fists into me driven by her
thick bulging biceps and brawny forearms inflicting pain, inflicting terrible
damage, clad only in a pair of thong shorts so skimpy on her massive muscle
laden body that she might as well have been naked. My dick grew stiffer at the
half-remembered memory.

The blurred figure that was my mother moved to my belly and began gently
rubbing some cream on it. Sssshsss I winced at the burning pain as she touched
it. "Oooh that looks very sore, Samuel. All bright red and angry looking like
a boiled lobster. I'm really sorry about that, son" she said. Another memory
came back of her fearsome semi-nude body hulking over me as her gloved fists
pounded my gut again and again with such brutal power while I struggled to
breathe. Another memory came of my mother's mighty arm rippling and swelling
as it delivered an almighty uppercut that blasted me clean off my feet and
sent me crashing to the mat in terrible humiliating defeat. It suddenly all
came back to me in a flood. Image after image of my mother's almost-naked
powerful intimidating body pounding fist after fist into my body pummelling me
helpless. My cock got harder and harder as I relived my total destruction at
the hands of my own mother. How could I have been so stupid to think that I
had a chance against that fearsome body? Flashing images of my mother with her
big rounded breasts bouncing around bare and unfettered those ultimate symbols
of Womanhood. Breasts so large and now so firm with her developed pectorals
that every red-blood male in the crowd must have had a serious boner what with
her state of undress. I know I did and I certainly had one now. She was the
perfect big boob dream, my first crush and sexual obsession that I had tried
to suppress for all these years yet now confronted with the bare-chested
reality re-awoke those feelings stronger than ever.

The images of my defeat kept replaying in my mind, every small detail of
mother's body in sharp focus and every toned muscle, every prominent sinew
pumped and flexed to drive her gloves like sledgehammers of pure destruction
wrecking my body and sending me crashing into the mat out cold in humiliating
defeat. I could imagine her looking down at me with her fists ready demanding
that I get up so that she could punish me some more but I was long gone. My
dick soared to such stiffness so powerful was the image that I wanted to cum.
Suddenly I gasped in horror as a warm hand closed around the shaft of my dick.
For it was only then that I realised that I was lying on the sofa in mum's
living room with absolutely no clothes on! "Thinking about your old mother
punching seven bells out of you, are you Samuel?" her voice was soft and low,
strangely seductive. "Remembering how I demonstrated my superiority over you,
how you couldn't handle me in the ring?" she purred softly. My dick stiffened
more at her words but then more so when she began to gently slide her hand up
and down my shaft. Oh my God! What was she doing? My hand moved towards hers
to remove it but when it got there and touched the back of her strong hand I
just left it there piggybacking a ride as she stroked it harder still. "Or are
you thinking about my body, Samuel?" she asked softly "I know that my muscles
turn you on, no don't be ashamed". I did but I felt so stiff and aching all
over, so thoroughly beaten up by my mother that I had no energy and was
content to just lie there and let mum give me a gentle hand-job, it might have
been wrong but it felt so good.

Through my blurred narrow vision I saw mum raise her left arm and flex a big
peaked bicep of course the sight of the sheer size of power of it caused my
dick to throb in her enclosed hand. "Ah yes, son, don't deny it" she said "I
built these muscles just for you, son". Maybe I showed surprise on my face.
"What? Do you really think that when I started weight training to lose weight
and that ugly fat that I had in mind to become a bodybuilder?" she asked. My
poor eyes ran over her bulky hard firm upper body in open appreciation. "No
Samuel, I found those magazines in your room. I wanted to have a firm stomach
like those women, toned with a sexy six pack" I was stunned by what I was
hearing. "I wanted a toned hard body like those women. I wanted men to look at
me like you looked at those pictures" she continued her amazing admission. "I
wanted to be strong and healthy and toned like them. Then as I began to tone
up, I saw how you looked at me hungrily excited by my firm body running off to
masturbate" she said to my embarrassment "No, don't deny it. I was the one who
had to clean you bedclothes and linen". "I didn't say anything because I
thought it was just a natural thing you were growing through but it made me
think more and more about those pictures and the more I looked at them, the
more I liked what I saw. Why shouldn't women develop their muscles? After all
the good Lord gave us them and we should use them and women are strong, that's
what The Sisterhood taught me and the way you looked at my body which such
yearning when I exercised made me feel so good which drove me on to build
myself even bigger and become more defined. I wanted to make you proud, son.
To be like one of those women bodybuilders that you liked in your magazines"
she told me while slowly pumping my dick harder than it had ever felt before.

"I was pleased when my new physique caught me new husbands but upset when they
couldn't keep up and passed away" she sighed "But now you're back and it's
just you and me now". "And oh! Your reaction when you saw the body I'd built
for you. You couldn't keep your hands off me, could you?" she asked "And my!
The state of those sheets. I must drive you absolutely wild with desire,
Samuel. You wanted me, lusted after me, had carnal thoughts". I tried to open
my mouth to speak to deny it but couldn't, my jaw was buggered. Mum stopped
stroking my dick then to my amazement straddled my waist and pressed her bare
crotch against my erection. It was all I could do not to spill my load then
and there. "Every son should love his mother" she told me then raised and
flexed both biceps. THUMP THUMP THUMP my erection was actually beating against
mother's bare crotch. She chuckled "My, my. Didn't that wife of yours give you
any? She's such a skinny thing I could never see what you saw in her. She's
not got a six pack like THIS". With that her abs solidified in her stomach in
a deep cut grid-work of large toned ebony slabs of solid muscle. The memory
came back of almost breaking my fist against that formidable brick work which
just made my dick beat all the harder against her crotch. "And her arms are so
skinny. Not like these big guns" she said then flexed them again and my dick
beat a faster rhythm. "My, my. So much love for your mother" she chuckled
saucily but to my disappointment she rose from my beating dick.

She moved forwards to kneel astride my chest and put her hands on her hips
looking sternly down at me. "But you were very disrespectful to me Samuel" she
told me, sternly "You left me no choice but to humiliate you publicly which it
hurt me to do, it really did but you left me no choice". "I beat you fair and
square. Your boxing skills no match for my big muscles" with that she flexed
her huge mountainous bicep again and slapped it with her other hand "These
beauties certainly put you in your place, Son". "My, how they tenderised your
belly, boy" she laughed at the memory although I didn't find that funny, it
still stung red raw. Mum's face became more serious "but there was something
else that I said I would force you to do. I was going to make you do it in
public but then I thought that it would be too cruel and shameful especially
after I'd knocked your lights out. You do remember don't you?" She said.
"Maybe this will jog your memory" with that she moved forward and sat her
crotch right on my mouth. "Well boy?" she asked. I remembered alright and with
that powerfully developed body sitting on my face, my dick was throbbing like
crazy. I responded in the only way I was able in my wrecked condition. Opening
my lips as wide as I could, I stuck out my tongue and wiggled it around. To my
surprise she rose, looked down at me and said "That's right Son, I licked you
now it's your turn to lick me but not like that. Get up and get down to your
knees to worship me".

I was so stiff and sore that mum had to lend me her strong arms to help me get
off the sofa then down to my knees on the carpet before her. She opened her
extraordinarily wide legs and pressed my face into her hairy pussy. "Now pay
me respect boy and do it good" she demanded. I looked up through puffed up
eyes at this naked ebony sculpted edifice soaring above me. This is no longer
my mother but a super muscular Amazon right out from my dreams. As if I needed
more encouragement she flexed both biceps and her abs. Filled with a sense of
overwhelming intimation and inferiority before such a mighty body yet greatly
turned on by the same I stuck out my tongue and worshipped her with all my
might, losing myself completely to my lust. With mounting excitement I grabbed
hold of her big firm buttocks and felt them turn to striated steel in my hands
as she flexed them that just turned me on all the more and I really dug in
there determined to make this big muscle woman moan loudly with pleasure. "Oh
that's nice, son" she moaned, driving me on. I began feeling her thick strong
thighs which she duly flexed for me. "Orrrrr!" she moaned louder and louder
which really turned me on and made me worship her all the more. I had tried
this with my wife but she stopped me telling me that it was perverted but my
mother enjoyed it. I wanted to make her cum so hard and so loud that all the
neigbours would wonder what new fancy man my mother had found. I looked up
over her ribbed stomach and huge dangling boobs as she threw back her head and
moaned while rubbing her slick wet clit furiously back and forth all over my
nose and mouth. Boy did she cum! she came so hard all over my face that she
slimed it good and proper. She left me with such a raging erection that I
somehow managed to push her down onto the sofa and spread her legs before
driving my rod deep inside her then pumped away like crazy. I just couldn't
stop myself, I was so worked up that I drilled into my mother's hot sweaty
love box like a man possessed. "Oh yes Samuel, that's right. Give mummy what
she really needs" she moaned in ecstasy. Any inhibitions I may have had fled
as I pumped away at that powerfully built body, the sensations overwhealming
me with pure lust. I just wanted her so much that I just kept on going,
hammering her like a non-stop sex machine until I saw mum flex her huge peaked
right bicep. I just shot an absolutely enormous load inside her which
triggered another noisy orgasm from my mother. As we collapsed into each
other's arms, the guilt came back at what we had just done.

"It's alright Samuel" mum said stroking my face gently. "If Adam and Eve only
had sons, who were the mothers of their grandchildren?" she pondered. She
always had a wonderful way of looking at things. "The Bible does not say 'Thou
Shalt not have carnal knowledge of your mother' as one of the 10 commandments"
she added. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and how much I loved her
for building this amazing body for me and letting me worship it but my jaw was
still locked. She absent-mindedly began stroking my limp dick. "I'm too old to
date and find a new husband, Samuel" she said "Stay with me son, make mummy a
happy old woman". Oh yes, that would be heavenly living with a real muscle
woman. I was surprised to find my dick begin to stiffen so soon after cumming
and mum took that as my saying yes. I won't bore you with what happened next
but all I will say is that I soon discovered what a highly sexed woman my
mother was and how her powerful body just got me hard time after time. Her
stamina was unbelievable and by the time I was so completely spent that I
couldn't get it up again, I knew that she could have gone on for a lot longer.
I remembered what she had said about wearing out her previous husbands and no
realised that she hadn't been joking, they couldn't have had a chance. We
cuddled up in the same bed that night; I kissed her gently and fell into a
deep contended sleep knowing that things would never be the same again. Our
relationship had changed, to my mind for the better; no longer just mother and
son, but lovers and I surprised myself that I had no problems with that at
Title: Re: +Notable Author: [Jimp] Stories~collected
Post by: prisonpreak on February 21, 2021, 11:58:54 am
did anyone can continue JIMP stories for paid