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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: NinjaStar on October 30, 2007, 10:47:33 pm

Title: +Notable Author: [NinjaStar] Stories~collected
Post by: NinjaStar on October 30, 2007, 10:47:33 pm

Stories in this collection:

My Fantasy

Target: Frank Moresmo

The Club

Pump Up The Jam

Girl's Night Out

The Golden Idol #WIP

Don't Talk About It

Pumping Vengeance

My Fantasy
by NinjaStar

I'm kind of embarassed about this, but I've never talked about this at length with anyone, but I think that if there was anywhere to do it, if would be here, right? I like really muscular women. I always have, pretty much as far as I could remember. Many a night have I fantasized about a big, beefy amazon holding me like I was nothing to her.

She would be tall, taller than me. Tanned, smooth skin would be stretched taut over her huge body, as if it was overfilled with muscle. Her neck would thick, thicker than my thigh, her head a tiny dot atop her huge body. Huge, swollen traps would swallow her neck, nearly touching the lobes of her ears. They would resemble overinflated footballs. Her shoulders would look like perfectly rounded pumpkins, carved with striation. She could fit my entire body within the entire span of her torso. Her arms would be thick with muscle, popping, and jumping with the slightest movements. She would use her massive arms to hold me, or to crush me, if I was bad (one would favor the latter.) Her strong hands would be able to deliver pleasure or insurmountable pain, whatever her whim.

She could have breasts, but I tend to favor huge pecs. Massive slabs of muscle would jut forward, resembling breasts but not. She could use her muscle-tits for a myriad of twisted things, pleasuring me, or punishing me. I would love to bury my face in-between them, feeling her strength bearing down on me, threatening to crush my skull. Her body would have little bodyfat on it. I like lean musclewomen, rather than off-season, though sometimes that looks good too. Her stomach would be tight and flat, but rippling with powerful abs. I would kiss them or lick them, reveling in her power.

Her slim waist and hips would give way to thighs just EXPLODING with strength. I like strong, muscular legs, like those of Sharon Marvel or Marja Lehtonen. My goddess would have the biggest, most powerful legs ever. She would scissor me, and roll me through her quads like putty. Tremendous pressures would clamp down on me, but I would love every minute of it. Her calves would be huge and diamond shaped. The sharp angles on them could cut glass.

I would massage her after a workout, licking the sweat from her body, obeying her whim. She would reward me by posing for me, and letting me feel on her, seeing up close how big she is. I would never tire of body.

Sex would be amazing. She'd be so tight. Her vaginal muscles would be able to squeeze my member to within one inch of destruction without any effort. I'd love to see a gigantic muscular woman riding me like some hulked out cowgirl. Her thighs would clamp down on my waist, threatening to crush me with her power. Afterwards, we'd cuddle. The range of her compassion and cruelty would be vast, going from loving and compassionate, to vehemence depending on her mood. She wouldn't necessarily be violent, only if I displeased her.

I really let myself go, there. I didn't mean to type so much, but I let loose. That's in a nutshell what I would want. Kinda boring, I know, but whatever.

Thanks for listening.
Title: Re: My fantasy
Post by: NinjaStar on October 31, 2007, 06:01:34 pm
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You know, your fantasy sounds a lot like some of the muscular women you'd find in the PC "game" Second Life. It's free to play (unless you get a premium account); you might want to give it a shot.

I might just do that, sounds interesting. I know Tigersan made a model or two for Second Life on his devArt account, but I thought it was just a custom job. I suppose it still was, but I didn't know there were options to actually MAKE a muscular woman like my dream girl. Cool.

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Oh no, Tigersan has a store on SL where people can actually buy that muscular body (and bigger ones) for themselves. More than a few girls on there have it.
Title: Target: Frank Moresmo [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on July 21, 2013, 08:59:53 pm
Target: Frank Moresmo
by NinjaStar

Part 1

The sun was beginning to set on the picturesque little lake, the vivid colours of the sky and the reflections off of the placid water looking like something one would see off of a post-card titled "Wish you were here." Frank Moresmo sighed contentedly as he finished off his martini, the languid burn of the alcohol washing down his throat, allowing him to relax for once. There was no one out here who knew who he was, and furthermore no one knew where he was.

Life was exceedingly more difficult than he imagined after getting the boot out the service. That little fuckup in Afghanistan wasn't meant to be public, but goddamn those Wikileaks assholes and their transparency kick. One man in his unit jumped the gun and shot an innocent civilian. Happens all the time in a warzone. Easy to cover up, right? Just massacre the whole village and blame it on the insurgents. The Pentagon buys it, the war gets to continue, and Frank gets to make a living trafficking opium on the side no questions asked.

He sucked his teeth in annoyance remembering the whole trial.

It was a sham to begin with. The top brass was in on it, of course. Budget cuts in military spending hits hard. Raw opium sells for top dollar, especially if the buyers think most of the crop was burned by the DEA to curtail the terrorists' money-making schemes. Frank was never worried about being indicted over that, but someone ratted him out. The evidence was stacked against him. He would have been in the brig for a long, long time. Fortunately for him, there was a mistrial, due to evidence being illegally obtained. Unfortunately, there was no way the US. Army would allow Frank to keep serving his country and not lose significant face, something the good ol' U.S. of A was in short supply of these days. He was dishonorably discharged and his pension was taken away.

Someone blew the whistle on him. He knew it.

His connections in the Triads, the Russian Mafiya, and other organizations turned up cold when he called in several favors. Nobody had a clue as to who was the rat, but Frank knew it was someone in his unit. Maybe someone grew a conscience. More like someone wasn't happy with their share. Disloyal fuckers, Frank thought bitterly. I'm gonna find em' and burn 'em. Which brought him back to the present.

He was here to enjoy himself, get a little fishing done, fuck his girlfriend senseless, and drink himself into a state of inebriation that would surpass Boris Yeltsin. After all, who deserved it more than he?


The sun was setting behind the lake, which meant that it was time to go to work. And unseen figure stirred as her silent alarm triggered. A small t-bar prodded the inside of her wrist from the black metal band she wore for just such a purpose. Suddenly the world came into focus as she roused from a deep, restful slumber. Years of training allowed her to sleep just about anywhere on command. She had moved into position on a small, unpopulated island situated between her target's location and Bob's Boat Rental and Bait Emporium, where she rented a small rowboat earlier that afternoon. She paid for a two day rental, so no one would think twice about a missing boat. The lake was rife with activity, so there was no cause for alarm if any of her target's hired help monitored the shop's activity. 

She found twilight the best time to work, as daytime was too easy to be seen, and nighttime made hired thugs more vigilant if they were trained properly. And the goons that protected her target seemed like pros.

She had observed them with a compact, but powerful monocular earlier that day. She counted around seven men, none of which matched the description of her target, all nondescriptly dressed, but obviously armed, if the bulges in their armpits were any indications. Light armaments like handguns, or PDWs were to be expected. She went over her intel once more, before gearing up.

Her target was Frank Moresmo, CEO of Parliament Inc., a PMC with contracts in the Middle East, Asia, Russia, and South America. A former 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta Major who commanded a unit of snake-eaters responsible for numerous incursions behind enemy lines all throughout the Middle East, Frank was a master of hand-to-hand combat, small arms, and wilderness survival. He cut his teeth in the first Gulf War, enlisting fresh from high school, later seeing action in Kosovo, Haiti, Peru, and then back to Iraq and Afghanistan. 42 years old, unmarried, but in a relationship his head of security, a former mixed martial artist named Cassandra Mithras, herself disgraced after intentionally injuring several opponents, killing one of them, and testing positive for steroids. She was fiercely loyal to him and stuck to him like glue.

In addition to her, he kept a small but unnumbered retinue of mercs from his company on retainer, as well as a cook. The cabin Frank was staying in was a two-story deal with large picture windows, a massive deck overlooking the lake, and a balcony above that. A pier was situated a short distance from the back the cabin. The forest surrounded the cabin from all sides but the lakefront, but other than that, there was no cover around the building or the grounds.

She tucked the dossier away, and began preparing for her next move.


"Frank..." Her dulcet tones stirred him from his reverie, inspiring him to turn around from the lake. His lover, Cassandra stood in the doorway of the balcony, wearing a silk robe, sexy lingerie, and fuck-me heels in addition to a concupiscent grin. She was very tall to begin with, 6' barefoot, but her heels made her tower over him, a concept that made his cock hard instantly. The slinky robe was open, revealing her muscular body, tanned skin, and silky, black bra and g-string that barely contained her. She had short blonde hair and a gorgeous face that reminded him of Brigitte Nielsen back in her heyday in the '80s.

She slunk over to him, heels clacking on the hard wood of the balcony, where she threw her powerful arms around his neck, and kissed him with a sexual passion than nearly made him ejaculate all over his expensive slacks. Frank reciprocated, and slipped his rough, killer's hands over her statuesque body, feeling the steely muscles beneath her soft skin. The kiss ended with a loud pop of satisfied suction from both parties.

"You've been ignoring me all day, Frankie..." She purred. "You're gonna tell me you're more interested in having another cocktail, rather than having me any which way you want?"

"Fuck the booze," Frank grinned, tossing the crystal cocktail glass over his shoulder without a care. He grabbed her sinewy ass with gusto, making her cry out with excitement. Cassandra loved when Frank was forceful. "I gotta get me some of this." They kissed once more, more violently than last time before retiring into the master bedroom.


The wetsuit fit her like a glove. Her supple body slid into it like an eel through a coral reef. She was to travel light for this op. The client specifically requested that the kill was clean and looked like an accident. She had brought her SIG P232, but opted to leave it with her stash on the island, instead taking a Gerber Mark II dagger. She didn't even need that, really. She was a master of the unarmed killing arts, but a solid knife was an invaluable, multi-use tool in addition to a killing weapon. But she intended to be merciful and only kill her target. She had a rep to protect, and didn't need the hassle of leaving a lot of evidence behind. She also packed three syringes filled with sedative that was fast-acting and would render a target unconscious for up to 20 minutes. She planned to infiltrate via the lake to the northeast, using the forest for cover. From there, she'd watch the patrols and make her next move.

She slipped the mask over her head. It was outfitted with a rebreather and an image intensifier. With this she could swim under the surface and remain undetected during her approach. She tested the rebreather, taking a few breaths of metallic air before slipping into the water unseen and unheard.

The goggles helped her see beneath the dark waves as she sinuously knifed through the water, powerful, trained muscles working in concert. In moments she drifted up to the surface near the shore. No sentries. She emerged from the water soundlessly, and crawled onto the beach. She was within sight of the pier, but she couldn't see any guards from here. It was unlikely they would patrol too far away from the grounds, but it only took one to turn his head and see a darkly clad, lithe figure making her way into the woods.

She allowed the water to slough off of her suit and brushed sand off that clung to her. Like a panthress, she stalked the forest floor on all fours, attuning her senses towards the sounds of human movement, pausing every so often to get a better read. Her body sweat and her built muscles protested under the strain of such deliberate movement, but it wouldn't do to go crashing around like a drunk elephant. Birds were calling their goodnights to one another, and the nearby waves crashed and broke, hopefully masking her stealthy movements.

The house was within a dozen meters or so. She took off her mask and tucked it into a pouch on her hip, bringing her monocular to a keen eye, and observing for movement. Through the gray-green image, a pair of guards walked listlessly along the side of the house, obviously bored with their assignment. They talked about some matter or another, probably sports. She didn't care really. She then crept closer, hunkered down and observed some more.


Frank never ceased to be amazed at Cass's body. He sat on the edge of the bed with her standing before him, flexing her muscles. The robe had come off early, but she still wore her too-small lingerie and heels. She was built like an Olympia-class bodybuilder, just the way Frank liked 'em. She juiced, obviously, but she hadn't shown much in the way of side effects. No blemishes, body hair, no man face or voice. The only things that gave her juicing away aside from her huge muscles was her sexual aggression and her big clit, side effects that Frank could certainly live with.

He ran his fingers over her barrel-like thighs, her head-sized, diamond-cut calves, and her round, curvy ass. She shivered with unbridled sexual lust as he did so. Cassandra loved muscle worship. Nothing was sexier than a man who liked muscular women to her. And Frank was a god amongst men. She had her fill of simpering schmoes. Real men knew what they liked and took it without asking or apologizing. He made his own way, and she greatly admired him for that.

That and he knew how and where to touch her just right.

Her rippling belly called his scarred lips to attend to them, eliciting a quiet moan from her mouth. She clutched his stubbly head as he kissed and licked her abs with the attention a master would provide. She could easily kill him in this vulnerable position. Press his face into her belly to suffocate him, snap his neck like kindling, or crush his skull and it would be all over. There was no way that she would ever do that, as she loved him dearly as much as he loved her. Frank found her strength fascinating and sexually stimulating, which in turn made her horny.

He made his way down north up to her bulging chest. She was not flat chested by any stretch of the imagination, but her chest was solid muscle rather than breast tissue. Cassandra was at one time insecure about that fact, but Frank thought her pecs were too sexy to cover up with ugly globs of plastic. Her raw muscular chest didn't detract from her sexy femininity in his eyes, and that boosted her confidence immeasurably.

As he orally explored her chest, he deftly undid her bra to get to her erect, throbbing nipples. He took the hard fleshy protuberances into his mouth and suckled vigorously. Cassandra bit her lip, and urged him onwards with her cries of unmitigated pleasure. He gave each side of her armored chest full service, driving her wild with his practiced ministrations.

She had had enough. Worship was fine, but getting fucked by a sex god was better. She threw him back onto the bed suddenly, tossing all 180 LBS of him like a ragdoll. Instead of terror, anger, or even surprise on his brutally handsome, scarred face, there was an excited grin instead. In his pants was an epic tentpole, an object she wanted more than life itself at the moment. She stipped her thong and heels off, and crawled on top of him like a lioness about to devour a downed antelope.


The guards passed. Time to move.

She crept forth, slowly edging low to the ground. Most people looked for threats at eye level. Of course one would eventually detect a darkly clad moving object if staring in that direction, but if she stuck to shadows and broke their line of sight, she could sneak right under their noses with no one the wiser.

She flattened up against the wall of the cabin, taking stock of the environs. Along this side of the dwelling, there was only a narrow path that was poorly lit. The sun had disappeared behind the treeline in the horizon, leaving only a peachy, rosy afterglow in the western sky. To the north was forest. This side of the cabin had smaller windows than the large picture windows facing the beach. A rain gutter led up the wall to the roof.

She raised up a few inches from her low crouch to peer into the windows. Her goggles told her that the room on the other side was a dining room. A long table and several chairs were inside. It was dark and uninhabited. The windows, however, wouldn't budge. Locked. She'd have to look for another point of entry.

The rain gutter caught her attention again. It looked sturdy enough. She experimentally reached over and grabbed it. In her gloved hand, the gutter didn't rattle or creak. A sharp tug revealed it's sturdy nature. Good enough for her.

She began climbing upwards as quietly as she could manage. She braced her feet against the wall, and shimmied up hand over hand. Reaching the roof of the cabin, she nimbly hauled herself up and over. From a predatory crouch, she surveyed the front yard area. There was a separate two-story garage to match the house, and three SUVs parked in the driveway. It looked large enough to house a few people. Indeed, lights were on upstairs. A long gravel path led to the road out. The guards that patrolled earlier stood in front of the house smoking and generally neglecting their duties. So far she counted ten different men on patrol, including these two. There may have been more inside, but judging from the amount of vehicles out front, there couldn't be too many more.

Slinking to the edge of the roof westward, she spied the balcony hanging over the deck. Tempting, but too likely to be spotted. Four men stood out back, as eager in their duties as the mooks out front.

Six in the yard, she noted. If all went well, these men wouldn't know she was ever here until morning. All that remained was to get inside.

She wasn't going to do much from up here. Scanning along the wall below, something caught her attention to the south. An open window. Creeping along surefootedly, she made no noise along the sturdy cabin roof. She watched the men below before making a move. They all had their backs to the house, figuring anything interesting would happen from the lake. This worked for her. She edged to the side, and lowered herself down. From this position, she swung her legs back and forth, until she had enough momentum to pitch forth and inside.

Landing like a feather, she unsheathed her knife in one fluid motion, crouched and ready to strike. The window opened into a hallway, empty of sentries. There were two doors along the wall, neither unlocked. She slowly pulled down the handle of one of the doors, and pushed the door in enough to see inside. One room was a storage closet, so she moved on to the other. The other was an armory. It was full of military grade hardware. Rifles, handguns, shotguns, grenades, you name it. She didn't anticipate needing any of this gear, but making a mental note couldn't hurt.

She padded on the thick carpet over to the edge of the wall. The hallway was L-shaped. Directly on the other side was a staircase leading downwards. She judged it opened into the dining area. At the far end of the hallway, she heard... noises. Tucking her dagger back, she slipped over to investigate. There were two more doors to choose from. One was open and led to a bathroom. The other, however...

Looking into the keyhole, she saw a large, muscular blonde woman riding a man in flagrante delicto.

* * * * * * *

Part 2


Cass was fucking Frank like she was never going to see him again. He could barely hold on for the ride. Her strength and aggression made it like trying to screw a hurricane. He idly wondered if he was going to survive this time, much like last time, and the time before that.

Nevertheless, he was having a ball.

Her hips rolled violently, causing her abs to ripple with every repetition. His hands clutched her hips for dear life because it felt like she was going to grind his pelvis into paste. Cassandra's bellows of sexual frenzy were no doubt reverberating throughout the house. He ordered his men to patrol outside until 0900, even though the time was nearly there. Even if they did hear, no one would dare to interrupt or eavesdrop. So Frank enjoyed himself. He couldn't help but feel giddy like a youngster who found his first porno mag.

Cass lowered herself down to him, and thrust her tongue down his throat. After a sweaty make-out session, she clamped her massive thighs around Frank's waist, and twisted him so she was on her back. It was his turn to lead, apparently.

When in Rome, fuck like a barbarian, Frank thought, and took up the task given to him like a good little soldier.


Just when the action seemed to get more violent, the lovers changed positions. This allowed her to finally make visual contact with her target, Frank Moresmo. The IED scars on his ribs, and the tattoos on his shoulder and upper arm gave him away.

Looks like he's going to be in there for a while, she snarked inwardly. There was no way she could continue from here. Not unless he has a heart attack. Which, given the pace and force they were going at it, he just might. She decided to head downstairs to take stock of the rest of the house.

Sure enough, the stairs led to the dining room. A grandfather clock ticked on the far wall, but the rest of the room was devoid of anything interesting. The sound of a sink suddenly running made her tense up. The open doorway went to the combined kitchen/living room area. And attractive young woman in a white chef's smock was running the sink. The cook.

A noncombatant. There was no reason to engage her, but she couldn't' afford to be spotted in any case. She reached into a pouch for a sedative needle. She edged forward like a cat ready to pounce on a bird. The cook's back was to her, but there was a window over the sink. The overhead light illuminated the kitchen well enough that anyone outside could look in, and there would be a reflection cast on the window in case the cook looked up.

The cook hummed as she washed the pots and pans that had been used for tonight's dinner. She almost didn't feel the needle stick into her neck until it was too late. The drowsiness kicked in quickly, followed by paralysis, then unconsciousness, all within a minute's time. She held onto the cook, closing and hand over the cook's mouth to muffle screams and pinned her down to minimize thrashing. When it was all said and done, she picked up the cook's limp form, and hauled her up to the storage room upstairs. There was a roll of duct tape on a shelf nearby. She bound and gagged the cook for good measure, and locked the door. Whoever had the key would unlock it if they needed to get in there, but hopefully it would at least by her some time.

She made her way back over to the love nest to see what her next move would be.


"Al-most-there!" Frank announced, thrusting his dick into Cassandra's tight, muscular womanhood. She had already climaxed, but Frank was still a ways to go yet. In exactly five more thrusts, he exploded all over her, collapsing onto her beefy, heaving chest. She was sweaty, just like he was. Her mammoth arms curled around him in a bear hug of epic proportions. He could feel his ribs and spine buckling.

"MMM! That was a-mazing!" Cass moaned. The earth really did move, it seemed. She let him go, and allowed him to rest next to her. The two kissed more, but tenderly this time. He pulled away from her, and stood up, groaning as he straightened his spine.

"Goddamn..." He complained. "I'm gettin' old."

"Where are you going?" Cass inquired. She didn't want to be alone, that much was obvious.

"I gotta take a leak, babe," Frank explained. But he went back to her for one last kiss. "I'll be back, in two shakes." He grinned at that last bit. It took Cassandra a moment to understand the meaning, but the filthy pun dawned on her.

"Ew, you dirty old man!" She reached for a pillow, and wailed on him with it playfully. "Go then."


Frank was coming this way. She made a snap decision. This was her chance to strike. It was not ideal, what with a witness so close, but there may not be another chance at this. Moving back to the bathroom, she climbed into the tub, and hid behind the shower curtain. There was a large mirror spanning the wall above the counter. Her dark suit contrasted with the white tiling of the wall, but the curtain obscured her enough that a layman wouldn't notice her.

But Frank Moresmo was not a layman. There was a good chance he'd detect her. She would have to strike before that.


"Cute ass, baby!" Cassandra called as Frank left, prompting him to close the door in response. He heard the pillow slam against the door in retaliation. He smirked. Life was good. Frank then crossed the hall to drain his bruised and battered lizard. Those martinis went through him hours ago, but there was no way he was going to take a piss in the middle of fucking a goddess like Cassandra.

His whole body ached from the ordeal, and would likely for some time afterwards. He was getting old, as loathe as he was to admit it. He stepped into the restroom and over to the toilet, where he stood for a moment, trying to coax his junk to switch the streams and allow him to get rid of some of this pressure.


Frank was peeing with his back to her. He let out a satisfied groan. The stream sounded like a waterfall hitting the bowl water. Wrinkling her nose in distaste, she pulled the curtain back slowly, hoping his deluge would mask the sound.

Gotta make it look like an accident. But how? Frank was taking a leak in the dark. Maybe he slipped on the bathroom rug, and hit his head on the counter. Or maybe broke his neck on the tub. Plausible, but tough to pull off. By all accounts, Frank was a deadly master of CQC. She was confident in her own strength, but it wouldn't be easy taking on a man as well trained and tested as the former Major.

No time like the present. She thought, then leapt.


Frank rolled his stiff neck as he pissed. For a second there, he thought he heard a noise.

Whatever, He thought. There was no one here but him. He finished relieving himself when all of a sudden someone kicked the back of one of his knees, and grabbed him from behind.

"What the--?!" Frank uttered in disbelief. He was cut off by a vice-grip like blood choke.

SHIT! His mind raced for milliseconds before he felt himself lose consciousness. He fought to stay awake, and planted his foot against the wall. Black spots were taking over his vision, blotting out the darkness of the bathroom. Frank kicked off the wall, and slammed his obviously surprised would-be assassin into the wall. This loosened the grip a bit, but not broke it. Frank lashed out with an elbow, finding purchase with a torso of some kind. He then grabbed the arm around his throat, and leaned forward, using the inertia to assist his shoulder throw. The figure flew forward, but miraculously landed on its feet.

"Son of a bitch!" Frank growled as the lithe figure pounced once more, striking with blows aimed at his vitals. Whoever this person was, they were good. But, Frank was no slouch. He blocked or parried all the incoming attacks, but as soon as he did so, another was on it's way. Frank lashed out with his own offense, but was caught at the wrist.

The assassin executed an armdrag takedown, and planted him on his back on the bathroom floor. Frank scrambled quickly to his feet to engage the enemy, but found no one. He whipped his head around in time to feel a sharp blow to his his kidney. He seized up. Pain flooded his body, and he could barely feel his opponent grabbing his head, and bending his neck back over their shoulder. His vertebrae crunched like wet celery. Frank's last sight was of a world upside down.


She held him with his neck bent back for a minute. Neck snaps were rarely instantly fatal. The trick was to restrict the airflow. Most people died of a broken neck because they couldn't breathe. She checked to make sure his heart stopped. Next she organized the prestidigitation of arranging the 'accident.' She positioned him so that it looked like the rug tripped him up, and he landed neck first on the lip of the tub. Plausible. If and when the authorities showed up, they wouldn't care that this scumbag was dead and wouldn't follow up on whether or not he really slipped.

Now to get out of dodge.

She made her way out into the hallway and was about to vacate the premises when the bedroom door burst open.


Cassandra idled languidly on the bed, waiting for her stallion to return. He was gone a long time.

Old man probably has prostate trouble, Cass thought with a smirk. She was definitely going to use that to tease him. Moments passed, and she sucked her teeth in annoyance.

"Dammit, Frank." Maybe he changed his mind, and sat down for a deuce. Or maybe he was doing this on purpose. It was like him to keep her waiting just to be a dick. Oh yeah. She was gonna pound him good for that. If he was waiting for her to come after him, he had another thing coming. She positioned herself on the bed in a coquettish cheesecake-esque pose.

This outta shine him on, Cassandra grinned to herself. Come and get it you bastard.

"Son of a bitch!" She heard Frank cry. Cass quirked an eyebrow. He probably forgot to turn the light on again. But that wasn't annoyed Frank. That was pissed off Frank. Something wasn't right. On a whim, Cassandra opened the drawer of the night stand and took out a pistol. It was an FN FNP45. Frank had carried it with him in Iraq. She thumbed off the safety, and checked for brass like Frank taught her. She then moved over to the door and listened. It sounded like a struggle. She gripped the pistol tightly, and waited. She didn't want to accidentally shoot Frank, but if he was in danger she had to act.

The sound of a sickening crunch pricked her ears. Then, silence.

She counted to ten, then shouldered the door. The darkened hallway gave way to the light of the bedroom. Cass sweeped the hall with her pistol, not seeing any targets. She dashed over to the lightswitch, and kicked it on.


The hallway flooded with light just as she slipped downstairs into the cover of darkness. Heavy, thudding footsteps above her told that Cassandra Mithras was going to find Frank's body in seconds. She needed to be gone by then. She dashed as quietly as she could over to the window and jimmied it open.

"FRANK!" Came Cassandra's anguished cry.

Like a shadow, she slipped outside, and closed the window behind her. She meant to head for the woods and to safety. As she did so, breaking glass caught her ear.


"DIE!" Cassandra roared in anguished rage. She heard the window open and close downstairs. She pistol punched the bathroom window in time to see a shadow down below. She leveled the sights of the pistol like Frank taught her and squeezed off all fifteens shots of .45ACP ammo, screaming as she did so. Tears stung her eyes and red clouded her vision. She had no idea if she hit her target or not.

Her pistol empty, she threw it in frustration and dashed to the armory. The door nearly exploded into splinters from the force of her kick. Inside she took Frank's prized Ares Shrike 5.56mm LMG. She took it and flew downstairs, and outside. All twelve men had come running at the sound of gunfire, weapons drawn. The sight of a naked Cassandra wielding a machine gun was quite the spectacle. Still, as professional soldiers, they knew something was up. They followed her into the woods.

"Shine your lights into the woods!" She ordered. They did so without question, turning on their tac-lights mounted onto their PDWs, shotguns, and handguns. Cassandra caught sight of a dark figure dashing into the woods.

"THERE!" She bellowed, shouldering her weapon. Her men saw, and opened fire along with her.


Halogen light bathed her, before a lead-jacketed hornet's nest began to swarm. This was not going according to plan. It should have been simple. She was stupid thinking she could take Frank on without resistance. Her ribs were still tender from his elbow. Now she was sucking in ragged, painful breaths as she looked to escape the hail of gunfire. Thinking quickly, she remembered that there was a rock formation with caves to the east of the cabin. Not perfect, but it would at least afford more concealment than the forest. She needed seconds to think and regroup.

Serpentining, she looked to avoid sudden lead poisoning. Bullets whizzed by her head and impacted into trees and shredding undergrowth. The forest floor gave way to a trail. It would be tactical suicide to follow it. But it was tactical suicide to stop when she had several men and one very, large scorned woman following guns blazing. In a roundabout way, she found the rocky outcropping. Indeed, there was a large cave entrance. Intel said that this was natural cave formation that was modified by the parks department into a tourist attraction. Several branches of the cave were closed off out of safety concerns, but there were lots of places to hide, if only for a few seconds.

It would do. She booked as fast as her muscular legs could carry her.


"He's headed for Lamplight Caves!" A merc supplied. Cassandra grinned. Lamplight Caves were once connected to a gypsum mine that was tapped out over fifty years ago. Several shafts were sealed off, and all paths lead to only two locations. It was now part of a larger tourist attraction that combined the caves, a small 19th logging camp replica, and an old abandoned saw mill. Only one way out, if she had one entrance guarded. They stopped short of the cave entrance at her order.

"Half of you, stay here. Guard this with your lives. We will not let him get away. Blaine, Mac, you will stay at the entrance. Dillon, Poncho, Hawkins and Billy will flush him out towards the other entrance. The rest of you will follow me!" The mercs nodded, and set about carrying out their orders. The camp was a short distance away. The caves made it seem farther than it was because the shafts wound around so much. There was no way this guy was going to get there ahead of her and her crew.

They reached the camp in record time. The forest thinned out considerably up here. It was made up of log huts that lumberjacks of the era used to bed down in, stacks of logs, and other amenities and logging paraphernalia with helpful plaques with informational writing detailing the day to day life of a jack, silviculture in general, and a slightly preachy tone about protecting the environment.

"Hudson, you and Hicks will take the other entrance. Wierzbowski, Ferro, Vasquez and Drake, on me." She instructed her men to set up shop using the camp as cover.

Come on out you fucker, the door's open... Cassandra thought, darkly.
Title: Re: Target: Frank Moresmo part 1 [NinjaStar]
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on July 22, 2013, 06:10:37 am
Wow. That is impressive! I like the dynamic of the story-telling and the way the characters interact. You're spot on!
Thank you very much!
Title: Re: Target: Frank Moresmo part 1 [NinjaStar]
Post by: Elmanouche on July 22, 2013, 09:28:43 am
Yup, very nice.
The flow reminds me of a "spy" novel I liked (forgot the author). Alternative between different point of views.
definitely k+ there !
Title: The Club [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on October 01, 2013, 11:08:40 pm
The Club
by NinjaStar

There I sat, staring at dust motes swirling in the waning sunlight waiting for my girlfriend. I was always waiting for her, for some reason. Waiting for her to try on new clothes, waiting for her to get off the phone, waiting for her to climax so I could bust a nut. Waiting, waiting, waiting.
"It'll be worth the wait," She winked at me. That was nearly an hour ago. Several hours ago, our mutual *ahem* 'friend', Suzy had called wanting to know if we'd like to go out tonight to hit a hot new club that just opened up. I'm not really a club kind of guy. Valentina, my girlfriend, loved the idea and agreed for both of us. I tried to object, but she just batted those baby blues at me, and I melted like butter. She reassured me that it would be right up my alley.

"Oh, yeah, drunken hipster assholes snorting rails in the bathroom, shitty dubstep music, and overpriced drinks. Sounds like my kinda joint," I snarked.

"According to Suzy, it's nothing like that at all. You'll like it. I guarantee it." Something about Val's tone intrigued me. She wasn't just buttering me up to get me to agree. There was honesty in her words. Valentina was a terrible liar anyway. I saw through her easily when she was fibbing. Her tells manifested so blatantly, to the uninitiated it would be rather hilarious.

Long story short, I had gotten ready in about twenty minutes. I wore a nice tailored suit without a tie and matching smart shoes. Easy, right? Valentina, apparently was giving herself a full spa treatment. She really didn't need much makeup. I didn't know what's taking so long.

The upstairs bedroom door opened and closed, bringing me out of my catatonia. I heard heavy footfalls on the carpeting signalling that Valentina had finally completed her task of getting ready and was making her way down stairs. True enough, the clack of stiletto heels came down the hardwood stairs. I rose to meet her in the kitchen. My jaw dropped when I finally laid eyes on her.

Worth the wait? Hell yes.

Her massive body was crammed into a skin-tight, shimmering gold party dress made with strippers in mind. There was more skin than dress, really. It was translucent for the most part, save for strategically opaque areas to preserve 'modesty.' The skirt ended just a few inches past the crotch displaying her tree-trunk thighs, and bowling ball calves for all to see. Her gigantic pecs filled out the slivers of breast cups, stretching them taut and her nipples were like bullets. Muscle seemed to be devouring the garment.

A concupiscent grin overtook Valentina's beautiful freckled features when she saw my stunned silence.

"Told ya," She teased. Val clacked over to me. On her feet were matching hooker heels that boosted her height by six more inches. We were on equal footing height-wise barefoot. Now she towered over me. My dick was painfully hard. She crushed me up against the kitchen island, curling her mighty arms around my neck. Val's guns were thicker around than my thigh. Last time they were measured, they were 26" in diameter. Leaning down, the red-haired amazon kissed me passionately, cooing lustfully as she did so. As we kissed, I couldn't keep my hands off of her. I groped the inside of her dress, her ass, her lats, her arms, everything. She giggled sensually as I did so, shuddering with pleasure as I made my way down her bullish neck and meaty traps, down to her swelling chest. As I made love to her beefy pecs, the fiery roar of an Italian sportscar alerted us to Suzy's coming.

Sure enough, the front door exploded inwards and our mutual fuck buddy caught us in the act.

"Jesus, can't you kids keep your hands off of each other for more than two goddamn seconds?!" She energetically joked. Suzy wore a teeny dress similar to what Val wore with even less covering, black in color, matching her short, asymmetrical haircut. Bug-like sunglasses covered her dark eyes. She was less muscular than Valentina by a hair, but was a few inches taller. Her heels jetted her up to over six and a half feet tall.

"Damn, girl, you're looking good," Valentina purred sexily.

"Don't I know it," Suzy replied, taking off her glasses and striding over to the huge redhead, pulling her into a deep kiss of her own. Val moaned lasciviously, melting in Suzy's bulging embrace. She was teasing me. It didn't have the intended effect on me like she wanted. I could only sit back and enjoy the two amazons tongue kissing and feeling each other's tumefied muscles. They stole playfully teasing glances at me while they frenched. After an eternity, they let go with a loud pop of suction and coos of exaggerated lust.

Suzy then turned to me, scooped me up effortlessly, and sat me on the counter to balance out the height difference.

"Don't think I forgot about you, sweetie," She purred, giving me the same treatment. Suzy always kissed far more aggressively than Valentina. Her tongue was a warrior that effortlessly slew yours, and carried the lifeless corpse back to her mouth. Valentina enjoyed the experience and took things slow. Just as I thought she was going to suffocate me, she released her oral punishment with a pop.

"Now that's out of the way, shall we?" Suzy asked us.

"Hell yeah. Let's go," Val grabbed me as we followed Suzy out to her hot black sports car, and we went.


Suzy drove like a goddamned maniac. Her Italian beast thrummed mightily as she weaved in and out of late day traffic without a care. Valentina didn't seem to mind, as she was too busy getting her groove on in the front seat to the radio. My heart was about to explode from stress at any moment. I noticed as we were flying through town, the areas we drove in got worse and worse. The buildings were dirty and abandoned, looking like the ruins of a war-torn city.

"Um, Suzy, where the hell are we going?" I ventured.

"It's a secret," She replied coyly.

Rolling my eyes, I figured it was pointless to ask. Later, Suzy pulled into a parking garage. It was devoid of cars and life, much like the streets of this particular neighborhood. Suzy's car rolled down the levels until I was sure we were underground. She stopped and we got out, but not before Val protested the premature end to some song she was enjoying.

I was incredulous that Suzy would just leave her car unattended in such a place.

She lowered her shades to look at me over the top of them. "Trust me," Suzy stated. Without more discussion, she walked along side me with Valentina bringing up the other side. My girlfriend kissed me on the cheek as they both curled their mighty arms around me, acting as my incredibly muscular arm candy. My hands found their way to both of their round, taut asses and gave them a squeeze.

"That's the spirit," Suzy giggled. She led us down a ramp where a blazing purple neon sign that read in big, bold faced letters "THEMYSCIRA" followed by the Venus Symbol. On the cross below the circle, a pair of muscular arms flexed a double bicep. I was in awe as we walked through a doorway that led us down a corridor packed with people. There was a long line to get in it seemed.

That didn't stop Suzy or Valentina, as we imperiously strutted past the gaggle of people, mostly men, who watched with a mixture of awe, lust, jealousy towards me, and some rage that we weren't waiting in line. There were two female bouncers, each bulging with muscle beneath tight black t-shirts and leather pants. They stood imposingly with thew-packed arms crossed over equally dense chests at the velvet rope. They smiled in familiarity at Suzy as we approached, and one of them unhooked the rope to let us by.

"Heya, Suzy," One of them called.

"Looking big, Trish, Sonya" Suzy replied, nodding to the quiet one. Trish rolled her eyes good naturedly.

"Says one of the biggest, baddest, bitches on the block. And what's this? An even bigger, badder bitch? I might have to stop lifting entirely!" Trish gestured at Valentina.

"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful," Valentina piped up, curling her free arm into a mind blowing flex before kissing her mountainous peak. Trish laughed.

"Enough, enough. You're both making me feel inadequate. Go ahead in. I'll call Annie to let her know you're here finally," Trish and her partner let us by before she reached for a cell phone and began dialing.

"Thanks, girl. See you at the gym tomorrow?" Suzy asked, getting into the elevator with us.

"Of course. Have fun." Trish flexed a huge bicep, and waved us off as the door closed. The elevator took us even further into the depths of the Earth. It had just dawned on me that it was likely there were more muscle packed women awaiting inside. My mouth was dry, and I was starting to overcome the scarousal I felt looking at the bouncers outside. I knew that other women besides Val and Suzy had muscles, but I had never seen other women come close to their level before. It was tantalizing and frightening at the same time.

As the bass from the club's music started to reverberate through the elevator car, I wonder just what the hell I allowed myself to get talked into.

Be kind. More to come later.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: iome60 on October 02, 2013, 08:01:12 am
oh, what an enticing start!
very well written and promising: thank for sharing, and keep up the good work!!
there's karma for you...
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 02, 2013, 10:05:21 am
I'm liking what I'm seeing so far (well, other than the girls each towering over the guy, that's not my cup of tea, but I'll bite my tongue on that if there's girls of all shapes and sizes inside the club, if it's all Amazons, well, then I'll just keep my mouth shut when the next chapter comes out.) But other than that, I have to say, I'm intrigued. k+! and you will be getting another k+! the next time I'm on just for the avatar you have!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: solitariodude on October 02, 2013, 09:31:40 pm
K for a great twist to the clubbing scene ;D :hellno:
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 04, 2013, 08:44:09 pm
A/N: Sorry I took so long getting back. Thanks to everyone who reviewed what there is so far.

Jeremy, you are a man of wealth and taste, so thank you especially for noticing my Dusty avatar. I usually don't go for the super tall types either. I'd imagine Valentina's around 5'9" barefoot and Suzy's around 6'2" or so, so they're not as tall as seems to be insanely popular (anything over 7' is rather too much for me, and even that is stretching it.) but still rather tall. I admit the six inch heel thing is a bit extravagant, but let's pretend it's part of the dress code for the club.

But enough prattling out of me. Let's do this.


The door opened up with a cheerful "DING!" that was nearly drowned out by the throbbing bass of the club music rattling my bones. It was a slow, sensual beat that was nearly indistinct due to the acoustics. The huge room that we stepped into was a lobby modeled on Greco-Roman architecture designed to resemble a temple of sorts. Amid the columns and marble (which if real cost a small fortune in and of itself) were statuary, friezes, and paintings all sharing one motif: muscular women.

The artwork depicted battles, love, feats of strength, and muscle worship, just to name a few topics. In the center of the room were a pair of gilded statues seeming representing the duality of the perfect Amazon. One statue depicted a beautifully and powerfully muscled woman clad in nothing but a plumed Corinthian styled helmet and sandals, standing one foot over a defeated enemy, bearing a spear and a large round shield. Long, flowing hair cascaded from her helm. She seemed to beckon any and all challengers to face her.

The other statue was of presumably the same Amazon, only in a gentler pose. Her spear and shield discarded, she wore her helm high on her head while lovingly embracing a much smaller, more slender man. Her face showed joyful bliss in holding her lover close.

The sumptuousness of the room I stood in staggered me. The fact that such a place could even exist was still unreal.

"Oh! Welcome, welcome!" A husky feminine voice interrupted my reverie. I turned to see another muscular woman heading our way. She was middle aged, but still very gorgeous with wild, curly hair that bounced with every step. Her tight black three-quarter sleeved blouse was bursting at the seems to contain her herculean physique, which dwarfed many hardcore bodies I'd seen that were half her age. The plunging neckline displayed thick slabs of pectoral muscle that most male bodybuilders would kill to have. Similarly, her tight black work pants hugged her barrel-like thighs and even though they loosened as they went past the knee, her cantaloupe-sized calves were not easily hidden. She was smaller than either of my two escorts, but out-muscled me twice-over, easily. Open-toed heels completed the ensemble.

The mystery woman threw her arms around Suzy, kissing her on the cheek in a motherly fashion, then giving Valentina and I the same.

"I'm so glad you could come out!" the Amazonian cougar said giddily.

"It's good to see you, Annie," Suzy said, then introduced us to her friend. "This is Annie, the founder and proprietress of Themyscira. She's a legend, and one of my idols."

"Oh, stop," Annie said, blushing. "That was a long time ago."

"You still look great," Suzy said, making Annie smile. She bounced her pecs, displaying a mind-boggling degree of muscle control. I had to concur with Suzy. If Annie looked this good now, what did she look like at Valentina or Suzy's age? I imagined her swelling before my eyes, youth returning, muscles bursting fabric until she rivaled either girl in size. It was glorious.

"I guess I still got something left," Annie said coyly. She turned to my girlfriend. "It's great to finally meet you, Valentina," Annie said, smiling genially. She then turned to me, raising a playful eyebrow.. "And you. I've heard lots of stories about you."

"All of them flattering, I hope," I said archly.

Annie winked knowingly. "If I was your age you'd bet I'd test you to see if you could put your money where your mouth is."

"There's nothing wrong with you now. I like older women," I retorted.

Annie laughed. "Yeah, right, and have Valentina break me in half before she pounded you into paste. I don't think so. That's entrapment."

"I don't mind," Valentina joined in, wearing a sexy grin. "As long as I get to play too." Annie laughed uproariously.

"Kids these days!" She said while trying to catch her breath. "I swear I was mostly straight when I got up this morning!" Annie eyed Valentina up and down. "Suzy wasn't exaggerating, you're fucking huge!" Annie exclaimed, unable to resist the charms of Valentina's titanic thews. Valentina seemed a little shy at first, but then gamely flexed her muscles for the muscle matron. Val's chest swelled as she slowly flexed, taxing the scant garments covering her mighty chest to the brink.

"Oh my god!" Annie squealed like a schoolgirl, and rested her head against Valentina's muscular bosom, causing my girlfriend to giggle. A dopey, blissful grin broke her gorgeous, older features. "I just love big pecs!" Val bounced her pecs to Annie's delight, making them perform various tricks.

"Hey, what am I, chopped liver?" Suzy complained, cupping her long nailed-fingers in front of her, forcing her equally impressive pecs to thrust forward. Annie couldn't deny the lure of such a huge bounty of muscle and went to her younger friend, cupping Suzy's pecs, kissing the exposed flesh and nuzzling her. Annie, though massive compared to me, looked like a child compared to Suzy. The dark-haired seductress flexed her mountainous bicep in victory.

"Looks like I've gotten you beat, freckles. Neener-neener-nee-ner! Ha!"

"Hey!" Valentina barked, giving Suzy an exaggerated stink-eye, pouting her sexy lips in mock-indignation. Suzy stuck her tongue out in response. Valentina took a defiant step forward, which Suzy matched, staring her fire-tressed lover down, sending Annie over to me. I caught the Olympian-physiqued cougar, and threw my arms around her protectively.

"What a lucky boy you are, getting all that to yourself," Annie whispered to me.

"Well, luck's only part of it," I grinned.

"Oh, I bet," Annie winked playfully.

"Posedown?" Valentina challenged, squinting her blue-eyes dangerously.

"Any time, any place, Carrot Top!" Suzy snarled, hitting a mind-blowing crab pose, while sneering in a superior fashion. Suzy's dress held on for dear life as she muscles detonated beneath her tanned skin. Valentina yawned.

"You call that a Most-Muscular, you scrawny little bitch?" Val matched Suzy's pose with one of her own, flexing even more muscle than Suzy. The level of muscularity displayed by these two titanesses outmatched and entire Mr. Olympia lineup.

"Everyone knows I've got a better back!" The black-clad vamp declared, turning and doing a rear lat spread. The fabric of her dress popped as it tried to contain her. Valentina rolled her eyes.

"Hardly." She matched Suzy's lat spread with one of her own. The beefiness of her lats was legendary. There was no gap between them and her arms. The two turned to face each other once more, staring daggers into the other.

"If this dress wasn't so damn expensive and hard to get on, I'd tear it off and really let loose!" Suzy vowed darkly.

"Better get pumped first!" Valentina teased. "You'd need all the help you could get!"

"Girls, girls!" Annie cut in, waving away the vapors while blushing like crazy. "You're both huge.... Though if I were in my prime I'd wipe the floor with the both of you!" She said, flexing her huge guns. The fabric of her shirt groaned in protest to contain the sudden swelling of her might. Suzy and Valentina looked at each other, then at Annie's amazing arms before calling for a temporary détente. I could tell that there was a silent vow between them to continue this later. Annie turned to me and smiled conspiratorially.

"See, they know who's boss around here," She said playfully. I couldn't tear my eyes off her arm. The round swelling of bulging muscle beneath the sleeve stretched the fabric tight enough to see skin beneath. Seeing this, she grinned mischieviously, and pumped her arm a few times for emphasis.

"Do you mind if I..." I intoned, mesmerised. Annie offered her muscles to me, which I reached out and caressed lovingly. She flexed both arms, then her lats, before finishing with her amazing pecs. Even through the thin fabric of her shirt, I could feel her power thrumming throughout her body. Annie's body was a dynamo of heat. I would've given my soul for a more thorough examination, but I might not live that long if I ignored either of the two hulking women I came in with for too long. I noticed Annie's nipples were like bullets when I was done, suggesting that she enjoyed my worship as much as I did.

She then roused as if suddenly remembering something. "That reminds me, here," Annie reached into her pocket and removed a golden bracelet and handed it to me.

"Ooh, and I didn't even have to take my pants off," I said, examining the jewelry before putting in on. Annie smirked and playfully cuffed my shoulder.

"Smartass. Be careful, or I might have to make you own up to all this innuendo someday. It's a VIP bracelet. Anybody who's anybody wears them at this club. It confers full access to anywhere in the club, and half off on all drinks. Anybody challenges you, you just flash the gold and say 'Annie says I'm okay.' Usually you have to be a favored customer or a donor to receive one," Annie then eyed Valentina. "But I think this is a special case."

Valentina stared blankly at Annie for a beat before realizing something. "Oh, yeah, that thing that Suzy talked to me about."

"Exactly. But I think we should talk about this in my office, in private," Annie replied. "Suzy and I have a bit of business to attend to now, anyway." She made shooing motions towards Valentina and I. "Go, enjoy yourself. Make full use of the facilities. I'll send for you when I need you, Valentina."

Valentina hugged Annie, swallowing the older woman in her mighty expanse. "Thanks, and nice to finally meet you, Annie!"

"Yeah, same here," I supplied, getting pulled into a crushing bear-hug for my trouble. The feeling of Annie's mighty muscles bearing down on my frail body and the smell of her perfume made me even stiffer.

"Same here, sweetie," Annie returned the hug, then gave us the kiss off, and led Suzy away. Valentina smiled with excitement and grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me towards the dance floor.

A/N: Yeah, I realize that they've just sort of been standing around for a while. I also kinda went David Mamet a little bit. Too much talk, not enough muscle. I'll get to the club proper in the next installment.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 05, 2013, 12:21:33 am
I loved it! Man, you have some great talent for describing muscles in a very hot fashion, I loved that Annie is a more mature, lusty woman, who still has the muscle to go toe to toe against the much younger, taller Valentina and Suzy. I would definitely be in his situation, if I was there, surrounded by lovely, hugely muscled Amazons, I would probably get whiplash because I'd be jerking my head left, right, and center a dozen times to feast on all the Amazonian muscle might presented before me.  I personally can't wait to see what kind of muscle women we see when they reach the club proper. Oh and your signature, good taste again, I'm a big fan of Botchamania, haha. k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Online1138 on October 05, 2013, 01:01:55 am
Awesome writing AND awesome morphs? You're a regular polymath, and I'm completely jealous. Keep up the excellent work!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: solitariodude on October 05, 2013, 02:36:07 am
Thanks for keeping this one going, and that last post of mine should have been "HELL YES!"
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 06, 2013, 12:47:25 am
A/N: Again, thanks for the encouragement. It really does mean a lot.


Trying to fight a 350+ lbs, incredibly muscular redhead who wants to dance is an exercise in futility, much like trying to eat one million crabcakes in under and hour, or trying to beat up the ocean. The best you can do is go along for the ride and hope you don't make too big an ass of yourself. Valentina led me from the lobby into a long, twisting hallway that abandoned the Greco-Roman architecture previously scene for black with neon purple highlighting, matching the sign seen out front. Silhouettes of muscular women appeared on opaque glass panes that lit the hall with purple-white light.

The connected dance floor was colored in a similar scheme. I was knocked for a loop when I finally laid eyes on it. Amazons, as far as the eye could see, were engaged in various activities. Some danced, others watched. There was several arm-wrestling contests going on, as were posedowns like the one I witnessed earlier. Some were merely athletic, others muscle-packed she-beasts rivaling Valentina in size, and all points in-between. They came in many flavors, but one constant was the state of fashionable undress these women were in. The skimpiest, most tantalizing dresses ever conceived were being worn tonight. I idly wondered if Valentina felt overdressed after seeing what some of these women were wearing. There were men too, but people with XY chromosomes were in the minority. These lucky few that made it in this far into the club all were busy having attracted the attentions of these lusty goddesses.

Valentina knifed through the throngs of people with me in tow. She turned heads as she went, as she was easily one of the larger club-goers in attendance. Many women looked on in envy at her physique, others with appraisal. The bigger women in attendance seemed the least happy, as a newcomer with such size made claiming to be the Alpha that much harder. Every male who noticed her did so out of the corner of their eye so not to inflame jealousy in their current quarry.

She found a spot on the dance floor that met her qualifications, and pulled me into her, crushing me against her mighty body. When in Rome, I told myself, and danced with her, though I use that term loosely on myself. Valentina, however, was a very good, very sexy dancer despite her bulk.

It was hard not to be self-conscious with seemingly all eyes on you, or at least, your girlfriend. A ring of onlookers gathered around, watching Valentina shake her ass and dance on her awkward boy-toy suggestively while he tried to keep up. She, of course, was loving it. Attention turned her on, and she was getting the lioness' share as she moved her brawny body in ways seemingly impossible for one of her mass.

A great many of the onlookers had become fans of hers. They cheered her on, shouting out encouragements over the throbbing, sensual music. This continued on for many songs. Or maybe one long song. It was hard to tell with the soundtrack they were playing. The final song ended, and Valentina grabbed me suddenly, cradled me in her huge arms, and planted one hell of a kiss on me.

"Mrphf!" I let out in surprise. She kissed me passionately, suddenly forgetting about her audience. All her attention was on me, and it was glorious. When all was said in done, she put me down, and led me over to an empty table to rest a bit. Val encouraged me to sit on her muscled lap, and there really wasn't any choice in the matter after she grabbed me and placed me there.

The sensuous redhead curled her beefy arms around me, and began nuzzling my neck and nibbling at my ear.

"I kinda wish we were home right now..." Val purred into my ear.

"Was my dancing that bad?" I joked, prompting her to laugh.

"No, it's just..." She trailed off, running a hand up my thigh until she found her prize. Valentina's hand rested on my throbbing erection subtly, and began to massage it gently. "I think you're gonna get lucky tonight, babe..."

"I'm lucky every night," I teased, through the haze of pleasure I felt of her ministrations. I could count on one hand the last time a night passed without some sort of sexual activity going on in our house, not that I'm complaining of course. It's not easy to say no to a woman (or women) that want to have their way with you when they could benchpress a Buick. It's also hard to say no when your cock is as hard as mine gets in the presence of such a woman.

"You're gonna get even luckier, then," Val cooed, squeezing a little harder.

"There you are," Suzy's voice came from out of nowhere. We looked in her direction to see her shaking her head with amusement. "Like I said, can't keep your hands off each other for two seconds. What are you two doing?"

"It's not what we're doing, as much as what we want to do," Valentina sexily alluded. Suzy rolled her eyes.

"You two need to keep your hormones in check. I swear, every time I turn my back, you're fucking like dogs in heat," Suzy razzed.

"I can't believe you're complaining!" Valentina cried incredulously. "You're as big of a slut as I am!"

Suzy shrugged her massive shoulders and said, "You got me there. Besides, it's my turn now. Annie wants to make you an offer you can't refuse."

"Oh! Right. Forgot about that." Val let me up and stood, smoothing her teeny little dress out. "I'll be back," She said, pulling me in for a sexually charged kiss, then gave the same for Suzy. We watched her go, admiring her huge rippling back, the way her dress hugged her round, sexy ass, and the way those heels made her hamstrings and calves bulge with every step. My reverie was shattered by Suzy violently jerking me back out to the dance floor.

"C'mon, Skinny..."


Suzy manhandled me in her aggressive way for a good long time, tossing me like a ragdoll under the pretense of dancing. She reveled in the vast disparity between our strength more so than Valentina did. Val liked to tease me sometimes, but at the end of the day was a sweet, gentle girl with muscles like a super-charged thoroughbred mare. She preferred being worshiped and massaged by choice. Suzy, on the other hand, was a borderline sociopath. Okay, maybe not. She wasn't as bad as some of the stories I heard. She didn't really like to hurt people, but let's just say you feel it for days after Suzy gets done with you. She loved to wrestle and make it known she was stronger than everyone. Suzy was a aggressive, dominant woman who lived life to the fullest, and didn't give a damn what you had to say on the matter.

But she was tired of dancing. I was helpless as she picked me up, and pinned me to the wall with her thick chest. Suzy grabbed my wrists and held them away from her body. One of her favorite ways to tease was denying you the right to feel her muscles on your terms. She thoroughly enjoyed being worshiped as much as the next Amazon, but she loved to drive you crazy until you were a slobbering, addlepated muscle-fiend jonesing for a taste. Suzy's sensual lips met mine as she kissed me in her aggressive, passionate, unbridled way.

A couple of women passing by snickered at my 'predicament' and offered Suzy plaudits for being in charge. In response, she took my hand, and placed it on her round, muscular ass. Out of reflex, I squeezed, but the tissue was very dense and hard to move.

She tired of me eventually, and let me down.

"Go get me a drink, Skinny," Suzy ordered. I rolled my eyes.

"Are you asking, or are you telling?" I said, being difficult. Suzy put her hands on her hips, causing her lats to inflate. She was staring hard at me. It was a ruse though. Suzy was abrasive when you first met her, but she was hardly the ball-busting type.

"I'm wondering why I'm not holding a drink right now, and why you're not letting me use you as a foot stool, worm," She declared in her domme voice, nose high in the air.

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" I challenged, quirking an eyebrow.

"I'll put you into my patented Suzy-lock, and you'll be begging for mercy." This was punctuated be her curling her arm, causing her bicep to swell powerfully. "Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Suzymania runs wild on you?"

"Yeah, those twenty-four inch pythons could do some damage," I said, knowing it would shine Suzy on.

"Twenty-four?! Bitch, please!" Suzy flexed both cannons. "Try twenty-six." Suzy then proceeded to kiss her Everest-like peaks.

"That's all? Valentina's at twenty-nine." Suzy scoffed as I smugly reminded her of Valentina's spatial superiority. "You might as well threaten a kid with candy. But because I'm such a nice guy, I'll do this for you," I capitulated, turning to fulfill my mistress' wish. Suzy slapped me on the ass as I went. I would definately have a bruise there later on. As I made my way to the bar, I took the long route. There was much to see, and Suzy wouldn't be going anywhere. Besides, it was fun to piss her off.

I cut an interesting figure as I went sightseeing. My hair was ruffled, my collar was uneven, and I had lipstick all over my face. One guy gave me a fist bump as I passed him. He was the arm candy for a hulking blonde in a miniature green strapless dress. The sheer tightness of it was what kept it on. Her huge breasts and bulging abs were clearly defined by the thin fabric. A man after my own heart, I noted. More than a few women eyed me with predatory interest, but they had seen the two be-she-moth's I was associated with, and kept their distance. Just as well. Once you've been atop Muscle Mountain, Muscle Hill isn't so impressive, so to speak.

There were blondes, brunettes, redheads, women of all races. If I were single, I think my head would explode. This club was paradise.

There was an armwrestling match going on as I passed. More than a few guys stood nursing sore arms as they watched their friend try with all his might to budge the huge arm of an amused black haired giantess in a maroon barely-there dress. She made a show of yawning and told him he could use both hands in he wanted. I stopped and watched with interest as the guy threw his whole weight against her, and couldn't move her arm. Her full lips parted in a gleeful smile as she slammed her arm down, completely trouncing his hard work.

"Oops!" She said. "I only have sex with men who can beat me at armwrestling. Better luck next time, love," The black haired woman spoke with a crisp English accent. Her mighty arms ballooned into a godly flex of tremendous might. She was certainly in Suzy and Valentina's weightclass. She turned her blue eyes on me, eyeing me up and down. "What about you? Fancy a go?" She propositioned, polishing her tremendous arm enticingly.

"Sorry, but I'll have to decline. I'm merely an admirer. Besides I don't think my girlfriends would approve," I replied apologetically. I rather wanted to feel her strength, but I knew better. Valentina might have been amused by it, but Suzy likely would've taken offense to someone she didn't know trying to 'muscle' in on her property. Besides, I didn't want my arms broken.

The bulging Englishwoman smiled with a wink and said, "Smart. You'll go far in this life, I should think." She turned to the crowd and challenged another taker to step forward. I had seen plenty, and there was still more going on elsewhere, so I left as soon as another man tried to pull Excalibur out of the stone.

A muscular female bouncer with a man slung over her beefy shoulder passed by me. He wasn't moving. Either he had a heartattack, or had tried to get too fresh with the wrong Amazon earning a punch in the face for his trouble. Either way, better him than me. As I neared a group of women surrounding a pushup contest in progress between two Amazons. Both had sweat glistening on their skin, and looked exhausted, but neither wanted to give the other the satisfaction of winning. Their fans shouted encouraging slogans to keep them going. I wondered what precipitated this contest, but no answers were forthcoming. Besides, I was used to two competitive women getting into arguments and always trying to outdo the other over every little thing.

I moved on once the bar was in sight. A huge woman was serving the drinks. She had auburn hair, and wore a tortured white shirt. The buttons desperately wanted to remain fastened, but a few had called it quits and popped off, displaying generous helpings of pectoral cleavage. Her sleeves had split already, and there were several fissures that displayed her back when she turned around. I got the sense that the shirt was way too small on purpose. She noticed me, and smiled sweetly.

"What can I get for you, handsome?" She purred, leaning forward on the bar. The bartender noticed my eyes roaming about her vast dimensions, and subtly flexed her bulges. Whether she did so out of the joy of being admired, or for a larger tip I can't say. Still, she had put a lot of work into her body, and I was going to enjoy her form.

"I'll take a white Russian, and a sex on the beach, if you please," I said. She grinned lasciviously.

"I think we could find somewhere a little less messy, tiger," the bartender purred. She winked at me and prepared the ingredients.

"I'm sure we could, gorgeous. Unfortunately, I'm with someone, and I don't think she's too keen to share." The bartender pouted as she mixed the drinks.

"Mmm, too bad. I don't think I've seen you around here, before. First time at Themyscira?" She asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I didn't think such a place could even exist outside my most fevered dreams," I said.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it? A place for Amazons and Amazon lovers. It's pretty exclusive, but I like it that way. Less creeps, more real men." She slid me the white Russian, and proceeded to mix Suzy's sex on the beach.

"I noticed the line outside. Is it always that long?" I asked.

"Yeah. The owner made it so the only way to get in easily without being an Amazon is to be sponsored by an Amazon. I noticed that bracelet you're wearing. Must've done something pretty amazing to earn that," She alluded, licking her sensuous lips.

"I guess Annie likes me," I replied. Dropping the owner's name piqued her interest. She eyed me as she slid over Suzy's drink.

"I guess so. That'll be $16." I paid, dropping a $20 tip in addition, earning a sexy smile from the goddess of mixed drinks. I thanked her and left with a wink. As I made my way back, I saw Suzy looking for me. She finally noticed me, and scowled.

"Where the hell've you been?" She pressed impatiently. "Do you need someone to hold your hand?"

"I got a little sidetracked, alright? Can you blame me? Lots to see here," I handed her the cocktail. She grabbed me by the belt and pulled me back to the table.

"The only thing you're gonna see is my thighs clamping around your little pinhead when I crush your skull like a damn Dixie cup," Suzy snapped.

"Promises, promises," I retorted, sipping my drink. Mmm. Mixed to perfection. Suzy and I sat, admiring the view and drinking. She made a note of all the women she felt were inferior, which was to say was nearly all of them. She made comments about which parts were lacking, or how much bigger she was than they were. Suzy was really a piece of work. When I pointed out a massive blonde that was coming our way, Suzy scoffed.

"Oh, please. I'm twice the woman she is." I didn't know about that. The herculean blonde made eye contact with me, and diverted her course slightly over to our table.

"Would you like to dance?" She asked. Her voice was smoky and inviting as were her blue eyes. The revealing cut of her silver dress was more elegant than most of the other women at the club, Suzy included. She must've felt more confident in her looks than most to not show off so much, even if she was still daringly dressed. Her ivory skin was stretched taut over great rippling slabs of she-beef. Before I could answer, Suzy stepped in.

"No he wouldn't." The tone in her voice sounded like pure acid. This wasn't good. Suzy was territorial, and a fellow Alpha female had encroached her territory.

"I believe your friend could speak for himself," The blonde quipped. She turned her attention to me, ignoring Suzy. That was a surefire way to piss her off, and it worked. The dark seductress stood, towering over the newcomer in her heels. The blonde irritatedly looked at Suzy, but the look on her face suggested she wasn't impressed.

"Maybe you didn't hear me," Suzy growled.

"Maybe I don't care," The blonde retorted, stepping forward, closer to her challenger. There was too much estrogen floating in the air. I tried diplomacy, because if I didn't things were going to get messy real quick. Already heads were turning towards the staredown.

"Hey, hey, there isn't a need--" I began.

"Stay out of this!" Both Amazons yelled, in stereo. I helplessly sat back, wondering if there was a bomb shelter in the house.


A/N: That was a long one. I couldn't find an out so had to keep on writing. Looks like there might be a cat fight in the future. Enjoy, and stay tuned.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 06, 2013, 01:18:59 am
I really enjoyed reading this chapter, Ninjastar, I mean first of all, I loved all of the description you put into it, you went around the room, looking at all of the strong, tall, muscular girls and you didn't really rush it, you allowed us to picture what it would look like if we were there. (God I wish a place like this existed!) I liked that you also furthered the character development of the main characters, now we know that Suzy is definitely more of an aggressive Alpha female, while Valentina is a girl that is fun and gentle, I loved what you did with having various competitions going on both between girls and girls, and girls and boys, personally I would've loved to see the arm-wrestler challenge two guys at once with the same terms on the line, and then proceed to beat them both at once, them using 4 arms against her much bigger, stronger single arm. I also liked the inclusion of the blonde girl at the end, a new Alpha female moves in, will she prove to be stronger and tougher than Suzy? Will Suzy grow to respect her and maybe share in with the fun, expanding the group of sexy muscle girls in his life by 1? Whatever way it goes, man, I will definitely be looking forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 07, 2013, 10:32:26 pm
A/N: Thanks for taking an interest, everybody. I'm glad my story has been well-received by the community. I might have to write more stories in the future.

An extra big shout-out to Jeremy. Considering you're practically a legend in the community who's been writing for years, a compliment from you is a real honor. I can remember reading your stuff on DTV's Library when I was a kid ten years ago. I knew the armwrestler would pique some interest, but I guess I didn't expand on her enough. Oh well, I have a new gauge for what people like now, and that's always cool.

Let's get back to the story.


The air was electric between the two Amazons locked in a staredown. I felt like I was at the Pontiac Silverdome at WresleMania III watching a female Andre the Giant and a female Hulk Hogan about to beat the hell out of each other. A teeming crowd of people had gathered around us, murmuring in anticipation. A challenge of this caliber seemed to be a rare event at Themyscira. Neither woman moved, save for twitching in their enormous muscles, anticipating the need to strike suddenly. I didn't want a fight on my account. God knows what would happen. I might've even been drawn into the mix. But what could I do? When two hulking Amazons, each with shoulders almost as wide, if not wider, than you could stretch your arms out tell you to stay out of things, you damn well better listen.

I had never seen Suzy like this before. She never picked fights, usually, perhaps taking it on faith that she was the biggest, baddest bitch in the room. Valentina didn't throw her weight around like Suzy did so often. But nobody but her was ever able to stand up to Suzy before. Was she afraid? She certainly had a reason to be.

This new rival was something Suzy certainly wasn't used to. She wasn't a loud, boisterous person. It was like she preferred to let her appearance and demeanor speak volumes, rather than rub everyone's faces in her superiority. Valentina was Suzy's only clear competitor, and Suzy felt that she had nothing to fear from the redheaded Valkyrie. Though she played it off like it was no big deal, Valentina's thicker muscularity always was a hard bone to gnaw for the dark seductress. They were comparable in strength, but Val's muscles seemed to swell exponentially, whereas Suzy's grew steadily.

She told me once, in a rare moment of forthrightness without her usual braggadocio, that she was jealous of Valentina. She promised great amounts of pain inflicted on me if I ever revealed that to my girlfriend. Though we shared a somewhat vitriolic casually sexual relationship and I enjoyed screwing with her as much as I enjoyed screwing her, Suzy's lack of bluster in that one moment was really jarring and a touch sweet, so I kept my promise. Valentina would've given Suzy a hug if she had known that, but I would've been pounded into a mere stain on the carpet first.

This new girl really was something, though. She was about Valentina's dimensions in both height and muscularity, even sharing the same milky complexion, though Valentina's was very freckly, and this woman was not. Her hair was a natural platinum blonde, and her eyes were an icy, almost white, light blue color which gave her a penetrating stare. She had a Nordic face, long with a robust bone structure, but she didn't have an accent. Her head sat atop a mighty bullish neck with massive traps, round, deeply striated pumpkin delts and thick, fibrous arms stuffed with more muscle in either one than I had in my whole body. Her torso was an upside-down triangle; huge upper body, little waist. Thick slabs of meat comprised her chest, with a deep trough between each pec that I was sure I could slide my fingers into. Beefy lats forced her arms to jut out to the side slightly when at rest. I couldn't help but salivate at the thought of her at full flex, flaring those wings out. Her belly, while flat, rippled visibly beneath her shimmering strapless silver dress. Her legs were like tree-trunks. Substantial, barrel-like thighs connected to almost painfully thin joints before exploding outwards again into huge, bowling ball, diamond calves. All this mighty female beef was standing upon silver stripper heels that matched her dress.

"So," She spoke finally. Her cool voice betraying no emotion beyond supreme confidence. "How shall we do this?" Her icy eyes narrowed ever so slightly. Suzy scowled.

"They don't allow fighting in here, more's the pity," The dark seductress' tone suggested she'd really enjoy smacking the blonde around. The blonde smirked.

"A show of strength then," She stepped over to a table, motioning for Suzy to do the same. She sat and placed her right arm down, wiggling her deceptively graceful fingers. Suzy barked out a harsh laugh.

"You think you can step to me? Alright." Suzy took her place across from the blonde, who had never taken her glacial eyes off of her. Suzy's long nailed fingers curled around the blonde's hand. The two stared for a moment longer.

"Say when," The blonde spoke darkly. Suzy merely nodded in her assent. Muscles exploded. The two titanesses remained motionless, save for the twitching of truly huge muscles. They both grasped the other edge of the table for support as they armwrestled. Their biceps swelled, veins surfaced, and their faces turned red from strain. Each was matched for strength, with absolutely no ground being lost or gained. They poor table, however was warping where they held on from the sheer output of strength. The crowd gathered began to cheer for either woman. From what I could tell, it was an even split. My lot was thrown in with Suzy, of course, but I kept silent.

Suzy's normally beautiful face was a mask of wrathful exertion. Veins and tendons stood out on her meaty neck as she threw everything into this contest. Her sensual lips curled into a snarl, as an animalistic growl escaped her throat. If I weren't terrified at the level of force these two were exerting, I would've been completely turned on. My eyes turned to the blonde.

Her face was reddened, and it was clear she was struggling against Suzy's considerable strength, but her serenity was unnerving. It was like this wasn't bothering her. Her focus was laser-like, though Suzy was berserking like crazy. I couldn't put my finger on it. It bothered me somehow.

"Ffffuuuckkkkkk....!" Suzy bellowed, marshaling up some extra power from within. Amazingly, the blonde's unbelievably muscled arm moved a fraction of an inch. Spittle foamed around Suzy's mouth as she pushed even deeper. I thought she was about to explode, or tear her arm off from the level of force she was expending. The blonde's cool cracked ever so slightly. Her brows twitched almost imperceptibly. Suzy might have had her on the ropes, but I was worried that Suzy was punching herself out.

The blond's arm started to dip, earning a ragged, insane grin from Suzy. I watched with held breath. It was like watching the Hail Mary play of a game about to break a tie in double overtime. Just when I was about to declare Suzy the winner, I watched the blonde. She was frowning, but otherwise not too bothered but Suzy's sudden explosion of momentum. Any feeling of victory evaporated when it dawned on me.

The blonde had hidden reserves.

She wasn't struggling to beat Suzy. She was struggling to merely hold her. The blonde was taking a page out of Ali's playbook. She was letting Suzy tire herself out until it was time to rally back, and steamroll over her. I wanted to tell Suzy and warn her, but I wasn't sure interrupting would've been the smartest idea. Suzy's concentration would break, and she might lose. I could only mentally scream at Suzy about the blonde's strategy, and just hope her Spider-Sense was tingling.

The blonde's knuckles were just about to tap the tabletop. The audience chattered in excitement and anticipation. Drinking it up, Suzy's body seemed to swell larger as cockiness took over.

"Yeah... Look at that..." She spat. "You ain't shit!"

The blonde merely smirked. Suzy's confidence shattered like a rock through a plate glass window as she felt a sudden jolt of power. The blonde's arm lifted away from the table as if rocket-powered. Gasps and cheers erupted from the crowd. It was all Suzy could do to regain her composure to head the blonde off at the pass to regain control. Her opponent's ascent was stymied, but only just so. They were nearly back at the neutral position with Suzy maintaining the merest of advantages.

But it wasn't like before.

The blonde had vast wells of strength to draw from yet. Suzy burnt her's up in an all powerful first attack. If she had just a little bit more, she might've muscled her opponent down before she was able to rally. It was a valiant effort, but Suzy's resolve was flagging. Slowly, but inexorably, the blonde was beating Suzy's arm down.

"No!" Suzy hissed. A groan like the sound of a dying beast escaped Suzy's lips as she gave it what she had left. It wasn't enough. The blonde had Suzy in the same position she had been in mere second's before. 

"It was a worthy effort. You're truly strong," The blonde growled predaciously. Her eyes were like a wolf's that was about to devour a bleeding caribou. She had defeated Suzy's pride, and was delaying her opponent's defeat merely to twist the knife. "But know this, as I take what was yours. I am, and will always be, stronger than you." Suzy's black eyes widened. She would've fought to the end, but she had realized that there never was a chance.

Like a gunshot from an assassin, Suzy's knuckles slammed on the table. The sound was deafening. Even the previously vocal crowd was silent for a beat before erupting raucously. The blonde smirked imperiously, looking down her nose at the defeated warrior. She drilled Suzy's hand into the table, and pinned it there just to emphasize her point. Her ghostly blue eyes settled on me. I couldn't help but shiver as she regarded me as her prize. Suzy was motionless. It was like she had died on the spot. When the blonde had written her off and stood, Suzy remained in her position, staring at where the blonde had been.

Ignoring the accolades showered on her by her fans in the audience, the blonde stood, gazing into my eyes. With a seductive saunter, she made her way over to me, eyes never leaving mine. I was frozen by her icy gaze, her sexily terrifying little smirk. The blonde stopped before me. She smelled of sweat and perfume. I couldn't see around her bulk, but I wanted to go to Suzy to see if she was okay. I tried to look around her, but the blonde's fingers clamped around my jaw, and forced my face to look at hers. The look of smug impassiveness was gone, replaced by a frown.

"She is nothing," The blonde spoke commandingly. Her face then softened slightly. She adopted a more flirtatious demeanor, and her grip on my jaw was replaced by a loving caress. "Besides," She purred, her voice suddenly velvety. "I'm more woman than she'll ever be." To emphasize that, she flexed her massive biceps in my face.

I wanted nothing more than to get away from her. To see Suzy so defeated made my heart break. All that bravado was for naught. Steeling my resolve, I tried to get around the blonde, to go to Suzy. I felt a hand clamp around my shoulder. The fingers dug painfully into my flesh. My world spun around until I was face to face with the blonde once more. She was angry. Effortlessly, she lifted me up inches from the ground with one swelling arm until I was face to face with her.

"Maybe you don't get it, boy," She growled. "You're mine now." I was terrified. Though I had been around Amazons for years now and had a healthy respect for them, I was never afraid. Sweet natured Valentina would never think of harming me, and while I bickered with Suzy, and she certainly played rough, she wouldn't hurt me seriously on purpose. But this woman was making it clear that she wouldn't think twice about keeping me in line.

Where was Valentina? I thought desperately. I tried to twist around from the blonde's vice grip to seek aid from Suzy, but to no avail. She was still slumped in defeat, only now, tears had begun to streak her makeup. She didn't sob. Suzy still had some pride left, but the sting of defeat had injected a potent venom into the dark seductress. She could only replay her downfall endlessly in her mind. I was about to resign myself to slavery when a familiar voice came from the crowd.

"I've got something to say about that." It was Valentina! My heart swelled in joy as my fiery-hair girlfriend's mighty bulk pushed people to the side gently in order to challenge the blonde's hegemony. With her hands stuck defiantly on her hips, her lats swelled, taxing the gold dress's expansion capabilities. Her deep, richly blue eyes were like lasers. Her beautifully structured jaw was set as her luscious, kissable lips formed a grim line. I had never seen her so angry in my life. It was a bone-chilling cold fury she displayed, not a hot passionate rage like Suzy had engaged in. She had never looked more beautiful to me before as she did now.

"Put. My. Boyfriend. Down," My fierce Amazonian girlfriend spoke icily, voice clear but not raised. Those now fierce blue eyes narrowing to slits.


A/N: I tried to go for a little less talking, more descriptive action in this one. I imagined that the guy was introspectively commentating on what he saw out of fear, like someone watching a loved one boxing in the ring. They want to show support, but are too terrified of something happening to to person they care about they can't do anything but watch.

Poor Suzy, though. I initially toyed with the idea of Suzy and the blonde (whom I can't settle on a name for, for some reason) being evenly matched and laughing about the whole thing, but the coin toss called for the blonde to be a more dominant Alpha female. This was because them being friends didn't really have an ending that I could see on the horizon, and I have a pretty good idea as to how I want to end this.

Besides, I've focused on Suzy enough. It's Valentina's turn to flex some muscle.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 08, 2013, 05:00:12 am
Really liked this chapter, I am a fan of armwrestling matches in stories, I think it's a great test of one to one strength, pulling against one another until finally one is vanquished and defeated definitively. It's a shame that the blonde turned out to be more dominant and forceful than Suzy, I was actually cheering for her despite Suzy being the more main character, just because of how bitchy and dominant Suzy had been towards the guy. But now after her victory and her shows of arrogance and roughness towards the guy (Who I don't think I've seen a name for either, but maybe I missed it somewhere.) Now I'm on Valentina's side, it will be interesting to see how the Blond will react to a new challenger, and how Valentina and the blonde will decide who the winner is?

By the way, I appreciate your comments about my stories, I am glad that you liked reading them, I'm sorry I haven't been writing much lately, but I have other priorities right now, and have less time to write than I had 5 years ago. But I'm glad that I left a mark out there and maybe inspired a new writer or two to try their hand at writing fem muscle stories. k+! 
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: jabber7 on October 09, 2013, 10:21:11 pm
Wow great story. Love the dominant animalistic references.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 10, 2013, 12:40:07 am
A/N: Thanks for reading, everybody. These are rather fun to write. The reason why I chose to make the blonde viscous is because there were women fawning over the guy (whom I purposefully didn't name, sort of like the Continental Op) as it is, and I felt that I needed a solid antagonist to shake things up a bit. I thought of a name for her though, and she'll be a bit more fleshed out in this chapter.

I had to split this chapter up due to the character limit.

The blonde didn't let go of me, unaffected by Valentina's ultimatum. She instead held me closer, as if embracing me as a lover would. This made my real girlfriend bristle, provoking an amused chortle from the titanic blonde holding on to me.

"'Boyfriend?'" She parroted mockingly. "If you're his girlfriend, then who did I defeat?" She gestured towards Suzy who had miraculously recovered in time to timidly survey the situation. She seemed drugged, as if the life had been drained out of her. Valentina merely quirked an eyebrow at the revelation, but remained focused on the blonde. "Letting others fight your battles for you? It seems you should have picked better."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Valentina inquired pointedly. She looked over at Suzy, who never met Valentina's eyes. The blonde grinned in satisfaction at Suzy's lack of confidence.

"It doesn't matter. The point is, I won your little boy toy fair and square in a lady's agreement. I have no interest in engaging in any further test of strength, as I've already proven myself more than a match for your friend over there, as all in attendance can attest," She made a sweeping gesture towards the crowd gathered. "And now, I think I'll go home with my prize. I'm tired and am in dire need of a massage. I think your former lover here will prove up to the challenge."

"The hell I will!" I growled, trying to free myself from the blonde's mighty grasp. She merely laughed at my pitiful strength compared to hers.

"He has some spirit in him. I like that. It'll make him all the more fun to break," The blonde said. Valentina took a step forward.

"You're not going anywhere with him. I don't care what you think happened, but he's mine and that's all there is to it!" The redhead's hackles were raised. Her muscles flexed involuntarily beneath her creamy skin. The blonde raised an eyebrow.

"Care to tell me how you plan on stopping me?" She curled an eye-popping bicep in an attempt to intimidate my girlfriend.

It didn't work. "Bitch, you think that little bicep is going to scare me?" Valentina asked incredulously, as she flexed her own panoply of sinew. Her mountainous biceps glistened in the neon and florescent lights. She pumped them a few times so all in attendance could get the full effect. It was truly hard to say who had the bigger arms. Valentina took off her heels, kicking them over to the side. Next, she unzipped the back of her shimmering golden dress and freed her mighty body from the flimsy little garment. Even though the dress she had worn left little to the imagination, the full effect of her muscularity was astounding. Valentina was a mountain of muscle. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her. I could feel my cock swelling with blood once more at the sight of her challenging the blonde to an impromptu posedown Standing nearly naked, save for a tiny black g-string, Valentina placed her fists into her obliques and spread her mighty shoulders, flaring her insanely thick lats out to full capacity.

The blonde eyed Valentina up and down in appraisal. The beefy redhead's challenge couldn't be ignored.

"Cute," She purred, setting me aside. She too stripped her scant garments off, revealing an equally powerfully well-thewed body clad in nothing but a lacy pink thong. The mighty Valkyrie clenched her fists, curling her arms a few times, getting the blood flowing while making her beefy pecs dance. Then, she curled her arms back behind her head, and crunched her stomach. The thick blocks of muscle that comprised of her abs thickened and bulged forth becoming totally bulletproof.

Valentina's nose twitched discriminatorily, as if unimpressed. She then turned to the side, curling her arm while grasping it with her other hand, forcing her chest to swell outwards. Those pecs that I've spent many a night nestled up against inflated like baking bread. They were nothing but solid muscle. The blonde also turned to the side, but she instead flexed her triceps. Thick tissue shaped like a horseshoe bulged outwards as she clasped her brawny arm against her body. Valentina smirked and mirrored the pose. Her triceps were as doughty if not more so than the blonde's. The blonde sneered in annoyance as Valentina copied her. She turned her back to Valentina and hit a three-quarters bicep pose, displaying her rippling back and hamstrings in addition to her round ass and huge biceps.

When she turned around to gauge Valentina's reaction, she received a face full of Valentina's most-muscular pose. Every muscle on Valentina's body exploded in one hell of a flex. The blonde responded in kind, flexing with all her might. Neither Amazon budged. After an eternity, they released their poses, relaxing their sweaty, pumped up muscles.

"That didn't accomplish much," The blonde said.

"I agree," Valentina replied. "But I won." She pointed at me, staring enraptured at her ruddy, blood engorged muscles. My girlfriend strode confidently over to me before curling her massive arms around my comparatively puny body and planted a passionate kiss on me. I responded in kind, my hands running all over her meaty body, feeling her power. Just when I thought I would suffocate, she released me with a loud satisfied pop. For a brief moment, she stood holding meher royal blue eyes staring lovingly into mine. A small smile formed on her tasty lips.

Our moment was ruined by the blonde pulling us apart, snatching me away kicking and screaming from my fire-tressed lover.

"I don't think so," The blonde snarled. "He's mine. Flexing your little muscles didn't prove anything!"

"Why don't you let him decide? He's already chosen, anyway. You're a non-factor!" Valentina retorted.

"Because he'll learn to love me once he's been properly trained. All I have to do is flex up some muscle to rock his world. He's been eying me up all night!" The blonde sneered.

"Alright, break it up!" A familiar husky but feminine voice called out. Annie, the owner of this establishment, appeared with a small cadre of massively muscled female bouncers.

"Annie?" The blonde asked incredulously, blinking in disbelief.

"That's right, Agnetha. Now let go of that man." Annie's voice was hard, and no nonsense. Agnetha, the blonde, considered it. "I mean it, right now," Annie pressed, folding her brawny arms over her thickly muscled chest. Reluctantly, the blonde let me go.

"Valentina, Agnetha, somebody tell me what this is all about? I've been receiving conflicting reports over some sort of disturbance. I come out here, and you two are naked and bickering like children," Annie pressed.

"That's because this bitch doesn't know how to keep her hands off of other people's men!" Valentina wasn't so quick to let go of her anger at the other Amazon. Agnetha took offense to that, and got in Valentina's face.

"Well, this bitch apparently lets everyone else touch her 'man,' but took offense when I did," Agnetha snarled.

"That's because you started declaring yourself this and that and started manhandling him even though it was clear he didn't want you touching him!" Valentina retorted, face mere inches from the other woman's.

"Alright, alright, break it up!" Annie interjected herself physically between the two women. Showing surprising strength for a woman of her age, and even though she was smaller than the younger women by a small margin, Annie was able to hold the two at bay. "I don't care who did what, or why. We have ways of doing things here, and ways of not doing things here. If you want to fight, we're taking it to the mats!" Annie declared.

"Sounds good to me," Agnetha stated, never taking her eyes off of Valentina.

"Hell, yeah. I'm gonna show this bitch some manners," My girlfriend agreed solemnly.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 10, 2013, 12:40:42 am
Annie decreed that the dance floor was to be converted into a wrestling ring. She ordered the floor cleared so her people could set up mats, and an hour for each contestant to get prepared. Valentina, Suzy and I were sequestered in Annie's private suites, where as Valentina's opponent was put elsewhere. The suites made up of three separate rooms, a living room, a weight room, and a bedroom. Suzy had gone into the bedroom almost as soon as we arrived. I stopped Annie before she left to oversee things out on the dance floor.

"This Agnetha chick, you know her?" I asked. Annie nodded.

"I knew her ever since she was a little girl. Her mother and I competed against one another many times in the past," She replied.

"Really? So her mother was a top-level bodybuilder too?" I inquired.

"Yeah. Anja Björnsdóttir. Really, really big woman. Great physique, but didn't take to losing really well. Or winning for that matter. Now you see where Agnetha gets it from."

"This Anja beat you before? I'm surprised," I said. Annie smiled at that.

"Only once, really early on in my career. After that, I beat her almost every single time. Not for a lack of trying on her part. She was really good. I was better, though," Annie grinned playfully. "I have no idea if Agnetha has come to collect, or not."

"She seemed surprised to see you," I observed.

"So was I to see her. I never imagined in a million years that I would see her again, or that she would take after her mother. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Anja was always full of shit, always going on about how she was a goddess in mortal skin, how everybody should worship her, this that, the other. It was rather silly in hindsight," Annie commented.

"Agnetha didn't seem that bad at first, but I guess the thrill of battle caught up with her," I said.

"I guess. Speaking of battle, I have to go make sure everything is ready. See you in an hour, sweetie," Annie winked and turned to leave. Val was in the weight room, getting ready to pump up her muscles. She stretched out first, but stopped when she saw me.

"Do you know what's wrong with Suzy?" She asked, concerned.

"Just some wounded pride. I was going to try to talk to her while you get ready. I figure you need to focus more than you need me ogling you," I replied. Valentina smiled sexily, crushing me against her thickly muscled physique.

"That's why I love you," She purred, kissing me sweetly. "Although I wouldn't mind you watching..."

"Believe me, there's nothing sexier in the world than watching you and Suzy pump up, but she's in need of an ear to lend I think." Valentina kissed me again, only this time with more tongue. 

"You're a good man. Good luck, babe," She cooed.

"Don't get too pumped before I get back. You know that's my favorite part," I said, turning to leave. I closed the weight room door, and strode across the living room to the bedroom There was no sounds coming from the bedroom as I listened with my ear against the door. I tried the handle, but it was locked.

"Suzy?" I called. There was no answer. "C'mon, let me in. I want to talk to you." Silence. "Alright, fine. I'll leave you alone for now. But I want to talk to you later." As I turned to leave, I heard the lock undo. Tentatively, I tried the door, to find the handle gave. Opening the door, I entered Annie's bedroom. It had a very post modern decor, with soft mood lighting and a general undercurrent of eroticism. Above the bed was an artsy black and white nude photo of a very muscular woman. Her contours stood out in the sharply contrasted lighting in the photo. Her back was to the camera, posing in a way that emphasized her muscularity and femininity. Upon closer inspection, It seemed to be Annie herself. But Suzy had captured my attention. She sat on the bed, barefoot, knees up to her chest. She still hadn't washed the makeup runoff from her cheeks, and knowing her, it was some sort of badge of shame to her. This was confirmed when she wouldn't look at me. A delicate touch would be needed. I went over to Suzy, sitting next to her and placing my arm around her mighty but stooped shoulders. We sat in silence for a while. Suzy rested her head against my shoulder shortly thereafter.
"It's going to be alright, Suzy," I murmured softly. "So you lost. Big deal." I could feel her tense up, but she said nothing. "Why is it so important to you anyway?"

After a beat, Suzy replied in a quiet voice, "Because just once I wanted to be the strongest. To be the best. I failed. That big blonde bitch was right. I'm nothing." I waited for her to elaborate, but she didn't.

"Bullshit, Suzy, you're not 'nothing.'" Suzy removed her head from my shoulder to look at me, pulling away. Her eyes were hard, but full of sadness rather than anger.

"You saw that! That mockery she made of me! She strung me right along, playing me like a goddamn five-cent kazoo! I never stood a chance!" She spat. "I'm a loser!"

"Is that all? You lost once, and that's it? It's over, Johnny? There's always going to be a bigger, badder bitch out there, Suze. Part of life." Suzy responded to tough love, in my experience.

"Yeah, and that was me," Suzy said, bitterly. But then she deflated. "Or so I thought."

"Right, but you can't just lose once and give up. You'll never win if you take that mentality," I supplied.

"You just don't get it," Suzy growled, standing up. Barefoot, she still towered over me. I looked up at her, unwaveringly.

"Then explain it to me, like a child." I had hoped a little self-deprecation would prod Suzy into opening up a bit, but her frown deepened. It looked as if she wanted to say something, but was searching for the words. She turned around, rubbing her temples.

"I..." She began facing me. "I wanted to impress you." The words came out fast, but they resonated loudly in my ears. Her face reddened and she looked to the side while chewing her luscious lip.

"Impress me? You already do. I mean, you're really damn strong and--" As I spoke, she cut me off.

"No, not like that. I meant, if I could beat this chick and defend your honor... you might..." She trailed off.

"Think highly of you?" I supplied. I smiled reassuringly, standing up to meet her face to face as best I could. "Suzy, this may come as a shock to you given how much we bicker, but I love you. You don't need to do anything but be you for me to love you." Suzy looked down at her feet, but her lips betrayed a smile.

"...And I love you too," She almost whispered. I cupped a hand to my ear, as if I didn't hear her.

"What was that? I didn't get it the first time." She cuffed me gently on the shoulder, grinning more.

"Don't push your luck, Skinny," She said, calling me by my pet name.

"See, that's better. That's the Suzy I know and love, not Sad Suzy. I don't like Sad Suzy." She nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, me neither. I don't know what I was thinking. But you know how jealous I get," Suzy admitted. "I know that's an excuse, and I know that even though you were propositioned like crazy tonight, you turned them all down." I was my turn to get embarrassed.

"Oh, you saw, huh?" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Suzy folded her mighty arms across her equally powerful chest and smirked.

"Of course I did, you Casanova wannabe. You were practically hitting on every woman you came across tonight, leaving me all by my lonesome, like the ungentlemanly ass you are," She ribbed me.

"What do you expect? Here I am, in Muscle Paradise, surrounded by beautiful, brawny babes, and you want me to not enjoy myself?" I shot back. Suzy curled her brawny arms around me, crushing me to her amazing body.

"I suppose not, but I'm always right here, sweetie..." She purred, kissing me. Suzy was a little gentler than usual, but still very aggressive. It was good to see her usual vigor returned. I savored her kiss, putting my hands all over her body. She responded by moaning pleasurably into my mouth as my hands slipped up her dress, taking great handfuls of Amazonian ass. She and I separated after a long while, basking in the afterglow.

"Feeling better, then?" I asked coyly.

"Mmm. Much. Thanks to you. I knew there was a reason Vally keeps you around," Suzy teased. She reached down at my throbbing erection, giving it a flirtatious squeeze. "I mean besides this little thing..."

"That 'little' thing has made you sing like a canary in the past," I returned. Suzy giggled her assent.

"How could I forget, Skinny..." She cooed, nibbling enticingly on my lip. "Vally certainly doesn't complain."

"Speaking of, she's gonna need our support. You in?" Suzy looked at me strangely.

"Of course, Skinny. Duh," She lightly rapped on my skull. "Hello, anybody home? Think, McFLy, Think."

"Then let's go see how she's coming along," I said, slapping her on the ass.

"Let me wash my face, and I'll be right there." I smiled at that. No doubt about it. She was her old self again.
Valentina was benching when we walked into the weight room in tandem. She was putting up, easily, five-hundred. That chest was full to bursting, as was the rest of her. Her reddened skin was beaded and dripping with lovely sweat. She was still nearly naked, clad in her little g-string. She slowly pumped the overloaded bar for a few more reps before setting it back with a loud clang. That was just a warmup set. I knew she was capable of putting up far more weight than that, but there was no sense in maxing out when there was ass to kick later.

"Damn, girl..." Suzy purred upon seeing her lover all pumped and sweaty. Val looked up and smiled brightly.

"Good to see you back, babe," She cooed, throwing her massive arms around Suzy's huge frame. They frenched lovingly, forgetting that I was even here for a few brief moments. There was nothing I could do besides enjoy the sight of two massive muscular goddesses enjoying one another. Moments later, Valentina's beefy arm shot out without warning and pulled me into the love storm. She gave me what she and Suzy gave each other. Life was good.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" Came Annie's voice from out of nowhere. She had an arch smile on her gorgeous older woman's features. She had changed clothes. Instead of her sexy business casual, she was dressed in a sexy referee's outfit. A black and white striped lycra half tank-top tightly clung to her bulging torso, exposing her rippling belly. Black volleyball spankies covered her lower half, revealing her amazingly muscled legs.

"If you wanted to join in, we wouldn't mind..." Valentina purred, eying Annie up and down like the rest of us were. The matronly Amazon blushed, laughing.

"Now, now. I'm supposed to be impartial, remember? You shouldn't go about seducing the refs..." She teased.

"Dammit!" Suzy playfully cursed.

"Can't blame me for trying, eh?" Valentina grinned sheepishly. "Show time?"

"Just about," Annie said. "I just came back to wish you luck."

"I just might need it," Val said, turning grim. Annie came over, throwing her beefy arms around Valentina's massive body in a hug, which was returned.

"I'm sure you'll do fine. You can do it, I'm sure of it," Annie said encouragingly.

"I thought you were supposed to be impartial?" I joshed.

"Yeah, Annie. Some might think you're on the take..." Suzy nudged. Annie simply shrugged as if she had no idea what we were talking about.

"I am not. But let's say, and you didn't hear this from me, or about me, but if Agnetha Björnsdóttir were to be put in her place, well..." Annie said coyly.

"Gotcha," Valentina winked.

"Good. Now I need to get to the ring first so I don't appear to be on anyone's side, and I'm not. Totally impartial." Annie left with a wink. I couldn't tear my eyes from her amazing ass as she went.

"Ready?" Suzy asked her lover.

"Oh, yeah. Time to kick some ass," Valentina grinned evilly.
A/N: I was going to have the match in here too, but  that would be too long, so I'll just leave ya hanging until then.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 10, 2013, 05:41:46 am
Really nice addition here, I enjoyed seeing the face off between Val and the newly christened Agnetha (real original name, I like it, almost sounds like a Greek or Norse Goddess) Lots of estrogen going on there, the two girls almost getting violent, it will be awesome to see the wrestling match, as it seems like the girls are evenly matched, though I would say my sympathy and support is behind Val. Not that I want her to dominate and wipe the mat with Agnetha, who would enjoy that, but after a marathon match where both women sweat buckets, with both girls muscles glistening and rippling, well, Val could show that she has superior stamina and puts Agnetha down for the count. And if the celebration would include Annie or one or two more of the muscle girls from the club, all the better! Keep up the great work! k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on October 23, 2013, 12:59:10 pm
A/N: Back from an accidental hiatus.

Musclemania was going to go down in a big way here at Themyscira. The crowd was electric and eagerly awaiting the two challengers to get it on. During the intermission, the staff reorganized the main dance hall into a miniature stadium. Tables and chairs were moved to accommodate the massive influx of spectators that the club suddenly got. The doors opened when it was announced that there was going to be some unexpected entertainment, and the throngs of schmoes outside were allowed in (after paying a modest cover, of course).

The main dance floor was converted into a ring of sorts. A circular platform was placed on the floor itself. It resembled a Sumo ring more than the squared circle type that I was expecting. Other than that, the changes were modest.

Suzy and I stood in Valentina's 'corner.' My job was to apply oil to Valentina's body, a job I eagerly did I might add, while Suzy massaged Val's mighty traps and shoulders. Across the way, Agnetha was having the same done to her by a pair of guys she hand picked from the audience. She was looking swollen with power. Obviously Agnetha had followed Valentina's lead and pumped up before the match. Her sycophants slobbered all over her, but she paid them no mind. Her icy blue eyes were fixed on the red-haired interloper, who in turn fixed her royal blue stare upon the blonde upstart. If looks could kill, both women would have exploded into a cloud of human purée.

Annie had people to check the ring, making sure it was stable to accommodate nearly 600 LBS of she-beef that was about to be thrown around. After making sure to her satisfaction, she was handed a microphone by one of her workers, a small, but muscular little woman with short, spiky hair. Annie tapped the microphone's head a few time to ensure it was going to work. The dull roar of the crowd was ramping up as they saw Annie approach the ring in her sexy ref outfit. It was about to get real.

"How's everyone doing tonight?" Annie opened, warming the crowd up. A single, explosive cheer was voiced by hundreds of people erupted, splitting my eardrums. "Alright!" She cried, being the consummate host of the festivities.

"As you may or may not be aware, we here at Themyscira have a special treat for all you Amazon lovers out there tonight. You, the lucky sons-of-bitches that you are, get to witness a once in a lifetime event. These two sexy, beefy, impossibly strong Amazons are going to wrestle, tonight, just for you!" Annie paused to let the crowd marinate. "In this corner," Gesturing at Valentina, Annie spoke. "Weighing in at a mind blowing three-hundred, twenty-seven pounds of raw, sensuous she-muscle, from Grand Rapid, Michigan by way of St. Petersburg, Russia, Valentina Rudakova!" Val stepped forward, flexing her swollen, glistening muscles for the crowd, a sexy, flirtatious smile spread across her beautiful features. They cheered long and loud for the fire-haired goddess. Agnetha was not impressed, glaring her rival.

"And her challenger, tipping the scales at three-hundred, thirty-four pounds of beautiful brawn, from Sarasota, Florida, Agnetha Björnsdóttir!" The mighty blonde wasted no time on the crowd, despite the immense pop of cheers for her. She stepped forward, never letting her gaze drop from Valentina, before hitting a staggering most muscular pose. Every muscle on her sinew-packed physique exploded in size in a bid for intimidation. It was like she was a balloon hooked up to a pneumatic airhose. She swelled immensely, and didn't seem to ever stop. If Valentina was impressed or even scared, she didn't show it.

Both competitors stepped forward at Annie's request. Suzy and I left the ring to take our seats to watch.

"Jesus," Suzy muttered. I barely heard her from only a few inches away, due to the insanity of the crowd. "That big, blonde bitch really hates Vally."

"She's scared," I replied assuredly. "She's overplaying her hand in a last bid attempt to intimidate Valentina. It's not working, or if it is, Val's a great goddamned actress."

"Why do you say that?" Suzy asked, eying up the glistening contours of Valentina's thickly muscled back and the round, feminine curves of her ass. At the base of her neck, under her red hair was an Asian tattoo that read like '安.'

"Why else would she doing her best to scare Val? She doesn't know that she can win," I replied. Agnetha had toyed with Suzy because she knew she was stronger. Valentina wasn't going to go down easily, that much Agnetha knew, and it terrified her. She wasn't the type that was interested in sharing power, nor was she used to not being the strongest woman in the room. Suzy nodded in agreement, and we fell silent as Annie spoke again.

"This is going to be a one-fall, no time-limit match. No holds are barred, but striking is not allowed. You two are going to wrestle clean and fair, is that understood?" Both Amazons nodded. "If I see you cheating, you're disqualified. You are to stay in the ring at all times. If you are thrown out, you lose. If you leave the ring for whatever reason other than that, you will have till a count of ten to get back in. If you fail to make the count, you lose. To win, you must pin your opponent for a count of three. Both shoulders must be on the mat for a count to begin. You can also make your opponent submit, or throw her out of the ring as mentioned already. Is there any questions?"

Neither Amazon answered. Both stood, staring the other down.

"Alright, then. By the power vested in me, let's get this thing started!" Annie declared. She tossed the microphone to one of her employees and signaled for the bell to ring. After the bell, both women stood where they were, not moving an inch. The crowd was roughly split down the middle as far as who the crowd favorites were. The two muscular powerhouses stood for a moment longer, before words were exchanged. I couldn't understand what was said, but apparently Agnetha didn't care for it. She shoved Valentina as hard as she could.

The mighty redhead stumbled, but otherwise didn't move much. She then launched herself at Agnetha, looking to tackle the blonde. Like a massive red-haired missle, Valentina leapt an incredible distance for one of her size. Her immense shoulder found purchase in Agnetha's rippling midsection, taking the Valkyrie to the ground. The crowd went crazy as Agnetha let out a surprised yelp before being thrown to the canvas by Valentina's immense bulk.

The two Amazons struggled with one another on the mat. Agnetha was able to recover quick enough to prevent Val from pinning her, managing to throw her opponent on her back. But Valentina wasn't about to be pinned so easily either. She shifted, throwing herself into the waiting Agnetha's grasp. Hands locked and muscles bulged as the titanesses clashed. Strength for strength, it appeared equal. No ground was lost or gained as the combatants attempted to outmuscle the other, fruitlessly. Neither could get any leverage, or bulldoze over the other. It wasn't like before, with the armwrestling. Agnetha wasn't holding back. She threw herself headlong into the competiton, banking on her considerable strength to be enough.

What she didn't count on was Valentina's vast, deep well of might. It took all of Agnetha's power to keep the mighty redhead on the ropes, to prevent her from going on the offensive. Not only was Valentina was super strong, but incredibly quick as well. This was an extremely dangerous combination. Both warriors got to their feet, still clenched together. Just when it seemed like Val might have a slight advantage, Agnetha bullied her back several steps. Valentina's tremendously muscled legs bunched up as her feet gained purchase, digging in to prevent any further push from the blonde berserker. Agnetha bent Valentina backwards, a wicked smile spreading across her coldly beautiful features. My girlfriend struggled mightily, but this surge of power from the blonde was a tough force to beat.

Agnetha's smile disappeared when Valentina rallied, preventing any further momentum from her foe. Val's muscles swelled as she forced herself upright, skin reddening from the exertion. The two stood, eye to eye, hands held high above, locked together. Muscles were quivering, veins were popping, sweat was mixing with the baby oil. With a mighty yawp, Val released her grip on Agnetha, lunging forward suddenly to curl her divinely thewed arms around the blonde's amazingly muscled body in a crushing bearhug. Agnetha couldn't believe Valentina's speed, and as Val clamped down on her ribs, it was a safe bet that Agnetha had a new found respect for the redhead's strength as well.

The fiery-tressed Amazon lifted her enemy off the ground in a dazzling show of strength. Her arms bore down on the blonde's torso like two hypertrophic anacondas. Agnetha tried to pry herself free, but it was impossible. Valentina was much to strong to be dissuaded so easily. But, Agnetha wasn't about to give up the victory so easily.

Her own beefy arm wrapped around Valentina's throat, applying a DDT-style chokehold. The blonde pulled up with all her might, tightening her hold on Valentina's bullish neck. With a sudden burst of strength, Valentina fought that, throwing Agnetha to the mat with a belly-to-belly suplex. Suddenly on her back, the blonde had a mere second to react before Valentina scrambled to pin her down.

Annie was there in an instant, counting out a one, then a two. As the crowd reached a fevered pitch, Annie's hand was about to slam the mat for a third time when Agnetha rallied. She used her strength to toss Valentina off of her to the side. Her titanic thighs curled around Valentina's ribs in a devastating scissor-hold. It was time for the redheaded giantess to get a taste of her own medicine.

Agnetha bit her lip as she squeezed harder, leg muscles bunching up as they attempted to cut Valentina in half. A lesser woman would have been crushed in such a hold. While it certainly looked painful, Valentina didn't cry out. Her hands grasped desperately at her opponent's meaty gams, trying to force them apart to extricate herself from the vice grip of death.

It was no easy task. Agnetha had the advantage in leverage. With her legs locked, Valentina couldn't find purchase to get her arms in and loosen the blonde's hold. Time was running out. If she didn't act quickly, Val might pass out or break a rib. If she could just turn around, she'd have the leverage needed to work Agnetha's legs apart. Red faced, Valentina had almost gotten to her feet, but Agnetha's scissors still held. Thinking quickly, Valentina fell backwards, slamming her weight into Agnetha's body. It took a few tries, but it apparently worked. With a roar of triumph, Valentina tore Agnetha's legs from her body, and rolled away to safety.

Scrambling to one another's feet, Valentina and Agnetha turned to face each other once more. Neither was quick to attack, knowing what the other was capable of and having a healthy respect for her rival's strength.

The Amazons circled each other like mighty lionesses stalking prey. A lunge was made here or there, but they kept their distance. Sweat poured off their bodies, rivulets coursing down the thick slabs of muscle that made up their bodies. Their hair was plastered to their foreheads. Great chests heaved like powerful bellows. It was an amazing sight to see these two enormously muscled goddesses doing battle. Each was a close match to the other one. I wanted Valentina to win, for sure, but I wondered how she was going to pull that off.

The battle fury took them, and they charged. The sound of over six hundred combined pounds of muscle colliding was like a heavy thud that reverberated throughout the auditorium. Trying to grasp huge, sweaty muscles was not an easy task, especially when one was as tired as Valentina and Agnetha were. Various holds were attempted, but none were applied successfully. Despite the weariness that overtook the both of them, neither was willing to back down.

Valentina and Agnetha held their muscle-packed physiques close, looking for any weakness to take advantage off. When none looked forthcoming, Valentina decided to create one. She grabbed onto Agnetha's thong, and gave it as sharp tug. The blonde yelped as the skimpy garment went high up before it tore off like mere tissue paper. Not that she was wearing much before, but now the Valkyrie was naked much to the delight of the crowd. She spun away from Valentina, blushing ferociously. The redhead smirked, holding the torn undergarment in her hand. Val tossed it back to Agnetha, who swatted her useless underwear away, glaring at Valentina for disrobing her. Valentina looked around, taking in the crowd's reaction, before shrugging, and joining her opponent in nudity. Valentina tore off her own teeny little g-string, revealing what little remained to the imagination to the crowd.

All in attendance were going berserk. Suzy and I looked at each other incredulously, then back at Valentina. I couldn't believe what I just saw. Valentina seductively rubbed her hands all over her body, curling her arms up over her head, swiveling her hips sexily. Agnetha bristled at this taunt, launching herself at Valentina. The massive redhead went down, bowled over by the raging blonde. A tussle occurred, and many muscular limbs flailed around as the powerhouses attempted to jockey for a better position.

The struggle culminated with Valentina on her back. The mighty blonde fought Valentina's arms as the huge redhead desperately tried to prevent both shoulders from being pressed to the mat. Huge sweaty muscles swelled and glistened in the harsh light from both competitors. Valentina brought her tree-trunk legs up, and clamped them around Agnetha's waist. Sinews detonated as Val applied pressure almost immediately. The blonde ceased struggling to pin the fire-haired hulk and howled in pain, trying to prise herself from the vice grip now applied by her opponent.

Having been on the receiving end of one of Valentina's leg locks, I knew how impossible it was it simply extricate yourself from one. Val never applied even a fraction of force that she was now exerting on her rival. She never tried to really hurt me, but I had to tap out every single time. Agnetha should count herself lucky that Val didn't manage to trap her arms as well, or else there would be no hope in sight. Of course, the blonde was exponentially stronger than I was, so maybe she just might. But given the buckets of sweat pouring out of their bodies and the heaving of mighty chests gasping for air, I had to wonder how much these Amazons had left.

The Valkyrie appeared to marshal her considerable power, trying to wedge her hands in between Valentina's ginormous quads. It was time to see if those mighty shoulders of hers were for show. Her face turned beet red, and her body slowly began to swell as muscle struggled against muscle. Val gritted her teeth and redoubled her efforts on the hold. I was simply amazed at the sight before me. Agnetha had managed to at least prevent Valentina from crushing her hips. I had no idea if she would be able to yank those gargantuan gams apart enough to escape, but she was holding.

The blonde seemed ready to explode. Spittle foamed around her lips with sheer effort as she managed to slowly, painfully split Val's vice grip apart and pull herself free. Agnetha was too proud of her small victory that she didn't see Valentina's mule kick to her chest coming. The blonde went sailing backwards, landing dangerously close to the lip of the ring. She hit the mat with a dull *THUD*, and collapsed like a ragdoll.

Neither Amazon moved, save for thick, swollen pecs rising and falling with each hard-won gasp of sweet air. Seeing neither competitor rising, Annie began to count.

"1," Zero movement. The crowd cheered and shouted for their favorite to rise and keep fighting. "2," Still nothing. "3," I tightened my jaw in anticipation. Suzy shouted to Val to get up. The beaten red faced, crimson-tressed Amazon turned her head languidly to regard us. I nodded my assent of Suzy's cheerleading. Valentina's lips curled into a tired little grin and began to stir.

"4," Val propped herself up, taking a moment to rest. The crowd's cheering swelled. Buffeted by this, my girlfriend got to her knees. Unfortunately, so did Agnetha. "5," From across the battlefield, both Amazons locked eyes. Agnetha's golden hair was darkened and plastered to her skull with sweat, as was Valentina's coppery hair. Sweat ran in rivulets from their ballooned, sculpted physiques. However, I noticed a change between the two. There wasn't much animosity anymore. Instead, there was a grudging respect. Both titanesses proved to be more than a match for each other. Neither was willing to back down. This would be to the end.

"6," With great effort, the combatants rose to their feet unsteadily to the cheering adulation of the crowd. Annie ceased counting and signaled them to get back at it. Valentina stretched, rolling her neck to work the kinks out. Then she flew into a staggering most muscular pose with a beastly snarl, showing she wasn't done yet. The crowd went nuts. Agnetha grinned, flexing her own awesome body in a show of strength.

Valentina and Agnetha locked horns once more, great bodies clashing in a detonation of strength and sweat. Both had some to give yet. However, it was the blonde that had an ace up her non-existent sleeve. She scooped a very surprised Valentina up, lifting the massive redhead high into the air. Agnetha pumped her arms a few times, showing her massive strength. However, such showboating allowed Val to twist her body around to force Agnetha to release her. Val landed on her feet behind the beefy blonde. Agnetha wheeled in surprise, only to see Valentina's huge body coming at her. Val jumped, her massively strong legs defying gravity, catching Agnetha in a big cross-body splash.

Agnetha was slammed into the mat. Valentina capitalized by scrambling atop her opponent, clamping her legs around her arms, pinning Agnetha's shoulders to the canvas. Annie was there in a heartbeat.

"1," She counted, slapping her palm onto the mat. The crowd and I held on with baited breath. Agnetha struggled mightily, but Valentina appeared to have the advantage. "2! 3!!"

The crowd exploded.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 23, 2013, 11:09:45 pm
What an epic showdown, I loved that it took place in a sort of professional wrestling type contest, I think if there's one thing that I love more than muscular and strong women, it's wrestling, so you got my attention doubly over this chapter. Good to see Valentina win, and hopefully that will improve the attitude of Agnetha a little, it would be cool to see her come over to the side of good, and maybe apologize to Suzy, Val and their guy, perhaps ask if it were possible to get into a little muscle gal 3 way, and then Annie comes in and makes it a foursome. All that near naked writhing, rippling muscle together, and then you have a guy who loves nothing more than to worship female muscle, and you have those 4 together, I would love to substitute for him in the next chapter if that's what it's about. k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: sunfirexca on November 02, 2013, 06:52:23 pm
Great story NinjaStar, thanks.
Do you still do those amazing morphs?  I think they were moved to the "privileged" section if you know what I mean.  They were available at a photoshare site but I don't remember which one.  Can I get a link?  Thanks again.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on November 23, 2013, 10:24:51 pm
AN: Sorry I've sort of left this hanging. I kind of ran out of ideas for a while.
Annie signaled the bell to ring It began singing high and loud over the huge ovation. Victorious Valentina sat atop the vanquished Agnetha superiorly. She curled her dynamite biceps into an explosive flex. Val kissed her mountainous peak, looking down at her beaten foe. Annie bade Valentina to rise, raising her muscled arm high into the air for the crowd to cheer for. She tiredly, but appreciatively basked in the adoration, curling her other arm into a flex. Agnetha had also risen to her feet, hands on her hips. Valentina turned to her, meeting her face to face.

The two Amazons stood there for a minute, exchanging words. Unlike before, there was no animosity. It was merely just talk. I couldn't make out what was said. Valentina held out a hand to Agnetha as a show of sportsmanship. The blonde looked down at the gesture for a minute, then back up at Valentina's face. She batted the hand out of the way. Everyone was taken aback by the sudden dismissal of respect. However, what happened next, nobody could see coming.

The titanic blonde lunged at the stunned redhead, curling her arms around Valentina's tremendous body in a lustful embrace. Her lips met Val's in a kiss of unbridled passion. The crowd went mad at the sudden sexiness on display before them. Suzy and I looked at each other in surprise. Valentina was stunned also, unable to fathom what was happening. Agnetha didn't care, her tongue searching libidinously for something in Valentina's mouth. Before too long, however, Valentina melted in Agnetha's sensual embrace. She kissed back with the same passion, her hands rubbing all over Agnetha's sexy, sweaty body. The blonde pulled Valentina down to the mat that once served as a battlefield, curling her beefy legs around the redheaded goddess's waist. Neither had a care in the world, as they began setting aside differences, and indulged in full-blown Amazonian lust for one another.

I could only look on in a confluence of arousal, jealousy, and confusion.
It had taken the proverbial village to split them apart some time later. The club had closed for the night, and everybody had left for the evening. Time seemed to have gotten away from us. It was now the wee hours of the morning. Six hours seemed like close to a month. Suzy gave me the keys to her car as we headed out long after the crowds had gone.

Agnetha and Valentina couldn't get enough of each other, and it took the proverbial village to split the lusty Amazons apart, but not before they exchanged information and set a date to work out together in the near future. The Valkyrie buried the hatchet with Suzy in the process, who remained dubious at first, but accepted Agnetha's apology. The deal was sealed with a passionate lip-lock that Suzy seemed a little too into for someone who had mere hours ago declared war on the blonde. The massive blonde turned her attention towards me, and offered me her mea culpa. I had a feeling that I would be seeing her again sometime soon, so I told her it was all water under the bridge.

Agnetha responded by scooping me up and crushing her soft lips against mine. Her tongue found its way into my mouth as if it were looking for its keys or something. Just when I thought that she was about to choke the life out of me, she released me and said her goodbyes to everyone, for now.

Annie gave us all her motherly love in parting, and revealed to me that she had offered Suzy and Valentina a job here at Themyscira, which my girlfriend had accepted. Annie was thinking about starting a floor show, showcasing exceptional physiques, godlike strength, and undeniable sexiness, qualities that both Valentina and Suzy had in spades. In addition, I was welcome as a favored member at any time. It would take some time to work out the kinks and hire some more talent, but it was definitely going to happen.

It was all very surreal, and I still can't believe what I had witnessed this night.

Val had squeezed on her dress once more and we headed out to Suzy's black Italian beast, waiting where we left it. Piling in and turning on the engine, the fiery metal steed roared to life and we were on our way home. What a wild night...
I pulled Suzy's car into our driveway unscathed. Traffic was non-existant at this time of day, so getting home was no bother. I had to admit, such a car had some appeal. I was more sensible in my taste in automobiles. Function came before looks for me. The beefy engine allowed for some exhilarating speeds, which while I didn't completely disregard traffic laws like Suzy had no problem, I gave it a little more gas than I was used to.

Suzy was going to stay the night, like she had many times before. To be honest, I didn't mind. There really isn't anything like snuggling between two Amazons in the world. I remember the first threesome I ever had with them. I had laid awake, eyes still wide, replaying the experience in my head over and over again, as the huge women slumbered on either side of me. Satisfying one woman is a challenge to the uninitiated, but throwing such an aggressive beast like Suzy into the mix changed the game completely.

"Mmm," Valentina purred, stretching luxuriously once we were upstairs in the master bedroom. "I need a shower, in the worst way." While I liked her sweaty after a workout, she was a little ripe.

"Want some company?" Suzy asked, grinning sexily. Valentina kissed her, and both Amazons moaned lustfully into each others mouths.

"Sounds good..." The redhead purred. Either muscle goddess stripped what little garments she wore until they were naked before me. They settled predatory gazes upon me, like starving lionesses would to a dying antelope.

"What do you say, Skinny?" Suzy purred, pulling me into the maelstrom of muscle. Valentina grabbed me from behind, locking my arms back. Suzy began undoing my shirt and pants, running her mighty hands all over my much weaker body.

"Always room for one more..." Valentina breathed lustfully, nibbling on my neck and ear. She knew how to drive me wild.

"Well, if you insist..." I replied, reveling in the treatment I was receiving.
The adjoining bathroom attached to the master bedroom housed an entirely custom shower secretly built for such a purpose as this. A huge shower was a necessity when you have a girlfriend as large as Valentina, but the one the house came with was entirely too small even for the purpose it was built for. It cost a small fortune (and the water bill was murder) but it was a wise investment. On its own, the shower could house up to four regular sized people with a little wiggle room for each. Now, remove a person, and and multiply the muscle mass on two of them until I tell you to stop. It was built for Valentina and myself. Adding Suzy, as we often did, complicated matters a tad.

The shower head was custom built to spray in a large cone downwards, and was configurable to a multitude of settings. Along the back wall, there were misting sprays that enveloped the area in a warm haze of water, of which was also configurable. Many, many times a simple shower together degenerated into an impassioned sexual free-for-all, and this time promised to be no different, until Valentina instituted a temporary cessation of lusty carnal activities. She wanted us to save it for later where we'd have a little more free-range of motion. Suzy and I were disappointed, but it made sense. Even this massive shower was only barely containing both Amazons and myself.

I was the soap-boy. It was my job to lather up steely muscles with a flowery body wash that doubled as a skin-moisturizer. Valentina moaned pleasurably as I worked my eager hands over her expanse. No matter how many time I explored her body, I was always amazed at her physique, a worship that was even more astonished after witnessing her heroics earlier this evening. Every swelling of impenetrable tissue, every ripple, every inch of her luxurious, smooth, creamy skin was a treat.

Suzy's turn came long after I had my fun on my original girlfriend. Her body was no less amazing. In heels, she was a giantess. Barefoot, she still towered over me by half a head, intimidatingly so. Valentina had an inch on me, but Suzy was over six feet. The Dark Seductress played up the queenly persona she loved to adopt. Valentina loved to be worshiped as much as the next goddess, but Suzy reveled in it. To be honest, it was so amazingly hot how her black eyes cast a superior gaze down at me, her slave, as I ministrated her tanned, swollen muscles. Valentina got in on the act too, coming up behind me to admire her lover's beautiful physique.

It wasn't over after all the soap had been rinsed. It was my turn. Worshipping two amazingly powerful goddesses was one thing, but having said goddesses turn the tables on you was something else entirely. Hands strong enough to rip me to pieces, crush bones into powder, kill me like I was nothing ran over my comparatively scrawny physique with care and love. I was in heaven, to put it simply.

I was in even more heaven when I was pressed between their bodies in what I called a muscle sandwich. Suzy held me in place, with my arms out and away from any Amazon flesh as a form of sexual torture. I was a muscle addict, and even though I had a massive hit of this drug, I was jonesing for another fix. Valentina seductively walked into me, curling her arms around Suzy's body. I was a thin piece of cheese between two USDA Top-Choice, Grade-AAA+ slabs of she-beef.

The pressure mounted as I was squeezed slowly. Val and Suzy simultaneously pressed inwards. Within mere seconds, my ribs were on the verge of snapping. If I were Giles Corey, I would have screamed out "More weight!" but I was not. Neither woman was interested in hurting me, at any rate. Besides, I still had to perform later. The squeezing became a simple embrace between three lovers.
The shower ended, and we toweled off, adjourning into the master bedroom proper. I was picked up and hurled into another ring of sorts, similar to what was witnessed earlier in the club. Our bed was another custom-designed item. It was especially reinforced after lessons learned from experience. Valentina completely destroyed our first bed in the throes of passion, snapping the headboard, and unintentionally destroying the frame and mattress with the simple act of riding me cowgirl. Amazingly, I was mostly unscathed save for some bruising and a lot of soreness later. In fact, Valentina and I had gone through at least four or five beds until Suzy came along. Then Suzy and Val obliterated our last, supposedly super durable bed fooling around one afternoon. I wasn't witness to this, but I saw the aftermath. The wreckage looked like a bomb had gone off inside the bed itself.

This bed had lasted thus far, though the structural integrity had definately put through its paces. This bed was massive to accomodate all three of us, and everything was titanium reinforced and the mattress was some sort of shape-memory material that conformed to your body and promoted better posture or something. All I know was it was ridiculously expensive, like the shower. I could see grip marks on the head board where Val liked to grab onto when she rode on top. I'm sure if they applied themselves, either Amazon could tear the thing to pieces with their bare hands, but so far, so good.

But right now, I was in trouble.

As I regained my bearings, I could see they I was being flanked by two very big, very strong, very horny women. To my right, Valentina stalked towards me, on all fours like a Siberian tigress. Her royal blue eyes locked onto me as she licked her chops in anticipation of devouring me whole. Even if I wanted to run, I couldn't. A massive panthress joined the hunt to my left, her dark eyes promising heaven and hell. I was frozen. I definately wanted this, but I couldn't help but feel a genuine sense of fear as well. Suzy snapped her teeth at me as she and Val circled me.

"Mmm. What should we do with him?" Valentina purred seductively, raising up to her knees, hands on hips. Suzy teasingly curled her huge arms around Valentina's mighty body, lustful eyes shining like black diamonds, eye-fucking me mercilessly.

"What to do, what to do..." The Dark Seductress pondered, gently kissing Valentina's pumpkin-like shoulder. Valentina sensually flexed her massive arm slowly, purposefully. The epic peak of her bicep inflated dynamically, reaching a bombastic peak that one could yodel off of. Suzy lustfully brushed her sexy lips all over Val's muscle, eyes still full of sexual promises. "Can he even handle us?" Suzy inquired in-between oral worship.

"Good point. He's so small and weak, we really should be careful," Valentina murmured, thoroughly enjoying Suzy's love. She tossed a playful look my way as Suzy cupped Val's bulging pecs.

"Maybe he should watch first," Suzy suggested, coming around to face her fire-haired lover. Both Amazons ensured that I was watching as they curled their muscle-engorged arms around their titanic bodies in a lustful embrace. Their hands rubbed purposefully over each others' frames.

"Mmm, I like that..." Valentina grinned sexily, taking a sort of sick delight in my torment.

"Besides, he has to earn the right," Suzy added, "Mere mortals like him don't deserve to even look in our direction unless we deem him worthy," She taunted. And with that, she and Valentina frenched lubriciously before my eyes. It wasn't a new experience, but it was just as hot as the first time I ever witnessed it. As their tongues lapped one another, the Amazonian goddesses stole tantalizing glances my way every so often. They wanted me to watch in envy as they enjoyed each other. The insinuation was clear; they didn't need me. 

Suzy was in charge. She crushed Valentina's bulky body to hers, grinding their faces together. Valentina melted in her embrace, letting out a long, satisfied moan of lust into Suzy's mouth. The taller, raven haired goddess ran her fingers through Valentina's fiery tresses as she reached down with her other hand and took a handful of her lover's round, muscled ass. Valentina squealed in delight, and Suzy opened an eye to gauge my reaction.

A loud pop of suction heralded the separation of their sensual lips. Valentina hungrily took to Suzy's burgeoning chest, mapping every inch of her prodigious pecs. Suzy let out an exaggerated sigh of pleasure, looking at me as if to say 'That's right. I stole your girlfriend, and all you can do is watch, little man.' Val's long, practiced tongue took Suzy's erect, bullet like nipples into her mouth one after the other.

"Mmm..." Suzy lowed, eyes rolling back into her head. She bit her lip as Valentina made her way back up for another round of mouth-to-mouth. This time around, they didn't care if I was watching or not. Any and all exaggerated lust was replaced by a real passion that unmistakable. They pawed at each other, devouring tongues, crushing heavily muscled bodies together. Valentina fussed, as if she couldn't get enough of Suzy's aggressive kissing. I certainly knew the feeling.

In response, Suzy bowled Val onto her impossibly wide back, causing the sexy red head to sound out her surprised pleasure. Valentina's tree trunk-like thighs eagerly curled around her lover's waist who began to grind her hips into Valentina's. They separated lips momentarily to look into each others' eyes as they pretended to fuck.

"So hot..." Val whispered impassionedly. Suzy growled in response and intensified dry humping. Valentina arched her massive back with a silent cry of lust, thrusting her giant pecs high into the air. Suzy attacked them with her mouth, taking great heaping bites of sinew. The red-head nipples were rock hard, and ripe for suckling upon. Valentina's beautiful face screwed up with desire as her lover made out with her balloon-like chest muscles.

Unable to take it any more, Valentina growled and Suzy was thrown onto her back by a sex-berserk Valentina using her powerful legs. With bulging thighs still curled around Suzy, Val rode her fuck-buddy cowgirl, her favorite position. The red-head cried out in sheer lust as she worked her bulging clit onto Suzy. She seized handfuls of her her flame-coloured hair and deeply ground her hips back and forth.

"Ooh..." Suzy moaned, sucking in great mouthfuls of air as she grabbed onto Valentina's hips in motion. She gamely thust her imaginary dick into Valentina's tight, muscled, rapidly moistening pussy. Suzy's long tongue sensually licked her lips as she laid back and enjoyed being Valentina's sex toy.

I could take watching no more. Spitting into my hands, I cranked my painfully erect cock furiously at the sight before me. Any sane man would've done the same in my situation. I desperately wanted to get involved, but coming between two lustful Amazons in the throes of passion was as dangerous as interrupting frenzying sharks.

Valentina leaned back, inviting Suzy to begin scissoring. The Dark Seductress didn't hesitate to begin rubbing her massive clit against Valentina's. Both Amazons adopted a perfect syncopation to attend their mutual sexual needs. It worked, as soon Valentina and Suzy were flushed red, and ready to burst. Val chewed her lip, softly moaning in a fevered pitch of pleasure. Suzy breathed sharply, gorgeous face looked ready to begin crying in orgasmic bliss.I was torn between wanting to cum all over them, or to hold off and wait for what was next.

Their orgasms, when they came, were long and loud. Valentina and Suzy were screamers. Together, they formed a chorus of joy, crying out to me in ultimate sexual gratification. Valentina did her best to try and muffle her climax, but Suzy didn't give a damn, singing her song loudly and proudly. After a concupiscent eternity, both Amazons lay in repose, chests heaving mightily, groins slathered in ambrosial juices.

"That..." Valentina breathed.

"Was...amazing..." Suzy finished for her lover. They came together once more, this time a sloppy, sex-drunk kiss. After a while, they parted, remembering that I was in the room with them. They watched me stroking my dick with some amusement.

"Aw, poor baby," Suzy pouted in sympathy.

"Feeling left out?" Valentina giggled sweetly. Both of them slithered over to me, playfully slapping my hands off of my member. Valentina gently squeezed my rod while kissing me with the same loving she gave Suzy.

"Looks like he needs some help with that monster of his," Suzy dianosed, taking stock of my manhood. "Don't worry, babe, we'll take it from here..."
AN: Final Chapter will be posted soon. Stay tuned.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 24, 2013, 04:52:52 am
Great stuff again! I loved how Agnetha gave into her lustful feelings for Val and started making out with her hot and heavy, always great to see some hot muscle girl lesbian making out. And of course the scene with Val and Suzy making hot muscle sex with one another was even hotter! Man, what a lucky guy to be able to look at that and then being able to get involved in it. I would love to be in that situation, too bad there aren't real clubs like Themiscryra or real girls like Val and Suzy out there. (I mean if there are, they're nowhere close to where I live.) k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: solitariodude on November 24, 2013, 02:26:48 pm
Ah, to be the filling of a muscle sandwich... :D
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on November 28, 2013, 03:47:08 pm
Suzy and Valentina's warm, titanic bodies cozied up to me.  The weight of their bodies pinned me to the mattress, even though I had absolutely no desire to be anywhere other than where I was. The power that emanated forth even at rest was incredibly arousing. It was subtle, well, as subtle as the stripes on a tiger, given just how huge these girls were. But, even with my eyes closed as Valentina pressed her heavenly lips against mine, tasting me with a fervent passion, I could feel their strength like the rumbling of the very Earth itself. Valentina dropped me from her kiss to give Suzy a turn, who gamely tried to devour me from the inside out.

They smelled of sex and flowers, and tasted even better. Suzy aggressively straddled me, her warm, wet nudeness pressing against me. Of course, she displaced her weight around me to allow me to breathe. Three-hundred plus pounds of muscle could easily powder my ribcage. There was enough weight bearing down on me to let me know who was in charge. Suzy cupped my face and assaulted my tongue with hers. The Dark Seductress was hungry and wanted to feed. Curiously, she allowed my arms to be free this time. My hands ran up her gigantic thighs, stoking her fire to burn white hot.

Suzy let me breathe finally, calling me back to reality with the notion that I need oxygen. My tongue was numb from the thrashing it had received at the mercy of hers. Suzy was an animal in bed. Every time I made love with her, I idly wondered if I would survive that time. Her needs are great, and I'm merely flesh and bone. Sooner or later, the law of averages will come calling and I'll literally be putty in her hands. Suzy planted her arms on either side of my head, directly centering her pecs overhead. They looked like great, sinewy storm clouds laden with precipitation. Her nipples thick bullets of flesh just begging to be suckled upon. My hands roamed upwards to find the great swelling of her ass of steel and squeezed.

"Ooh," Suzy gasped pleasurably, slowly grinding her hips on my weak little body. I felt upward, traveling up her waist, resting my hands on those beefy slabs of muscles she called her lats. Suzy sat up some, and spread her shoulders for me. Her lats blew up in my hands like an air hose was jabbed into them. The wouldn't stop growing, and soon there was too much muscle to hold on to, with even more to spare. From the perspective I was in with Suzy straddling me like she was, only half of her darkly beautiful face was visible over the expanse of her mighty pectorals. Her sparkling black eyes twinkled in amused superiority.

At the same time, Valentina slithered downwards to let her lover have her fun. Suzy's bulk disallowed me to see what Val was planning. I felt her hot, moist breath on my skin, and her massively strong but deceptively delicate fingers gently, coquettishly, blaze a trail down south. My brain locked up from sensory overload once I felt her soft lips press ever so teasingly against the tip of my dick. Between Valentina's teasing and Suzy's domination, I was unable to process the level of pleasure I was experiencing.

A long, sinuous tongue grazed the underside of my dick slowly, in one smooth motion. Then her lips closed around the shaft at various points, massaging the tumescent tissue with love and care. Sheer bliss is the only thing I could say that could have adequately stated what I felt at that moment. But even so, it got better.

Suzy pressed her pecs into my face at the same time that I felt Valentina's lips take my dick into her mouth. The huge slabs of beef shrouded my world in darkness, but I felt Val take every inch of me down her throat. She softly moaned agreeably as she made her way back up with as much love and care as she showed going down. Valentina didn't rush things. My red-haired muscle goddess savored my cock as if she thoroughly enjoyed pleasing me orally.

Suzy came back for more loving, her tongue brusquely forcing its way into my mouth in long, powerful strokes. Being double-teamed was a no win scenario if you try to fight it. The only thing to do is to lay back and enjoy it. I stopped thinking and just felt. My concentration shattered with Valentina suddenly sucked deeply, from stem to tip.  The sensation caused me to wince and gasp for air, much like being plunged into a frozen lake. She repeated her action to the same effect. Suzy released me from her oral hold to coyly press her soft lips against my neck. She suckled against my neck as I liked.

I was going to cum, there was just no way around it.

I began breathing hard, pawing at Suzy's huge back looking for something to hold onto for support as I exploded. Valentina began to undulate her tongue under my cock with unbelievable control and precision. She knew I was nearly finished and she wanted me to go out in style. I imagined myself flying higher and higher into orgasmic heaven until I plummeted back down to Earth unceremoniously. The pleasure stopped.

Valentina released me from her ministrations, and Suzy got off of me. She rejoined her lover near my manhood, lips mere electrons away from it, the both of them grinning mischievously.

"What the hell?" I demanded, looking at them like they both were crazy. The Amazons only giggled. Suzy's tongue tickled the soft spot beneath the head, but stopped before any good came out of it. Next, Valentina's lips seemed to go everywhere else but my cock. Tears of frustration streaked down my cheeks. I wasn't weepy. Instead, a passionate storm of rage swirled inside me. I hated being teased, but I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to bust a nut so badly, but that carnal, beastly urge went unsatisfied, and so abruptly too. Imagine climbing up a diving board into a pool on a sweltering summer day and diving off if it, but before you hit the water and envelop yourself in cool, supremely satisfying water, someone uses the Force and holds you above the water, unable to even touch it.

I could feel myself start to cool down for real though. My cock couldn't maintain that level of erectness for as long as it had with no end result. But before I was let off the hook, Suzy and Valentina dropped the act and attacked as a team. Their tongues bathed my cock like a mother cat to a kitten. This was a new experience for me, and a wonderful one at that. In seconds, I was hard again, taking the double team like a hurricane of lust threatening to blow me away. The Amazons kissed each other around my cock, with the bulging head of it as the meeting point. As they shared me, a strong feeling of pleasure swelled in me once more, and I exploded in a glorious display of white, gooey fireworks. The muscle goddesses lapped up my seed as it just poured out.

Moments later, I opened my eyes as the aftershocks had ended to see two female monoliths of strength and sex looming over me. I instantly recognized that hungry look in their eyes. I was too weak to stop them from whatever they planned to do to me.

"I hope you weren't planning on sleeping, babe. We're not finished with you," Valentina cooed. Suzy curled her arms around her lover, resting her chin on Valentina's basketball sized shoulder.

"Mmm," Suzy moaned, pawing at Valentina's strength engorged body. "He came so soon. I'm a little disappointed in him."

"Maybe," Valentina purred. "But can you blame him? I mean, all this muscle all to himself," She said teasingly. "I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did."

"But still, he shouldn't get away with cumming so prematurely before he could satisfy us..." Suzy put forth.

"You're right," Val agreed, turning a devilish smirk on me. "He needs to be punished."

Both Amazons came along either side of me, pinning me to the mattress, as if I still had the strength to fight. The heat from their bodies and their sexual scent were enticing. Valentina idly traced a finger on my chest.

"What should we do with him?" She asked Suzy.

"I say we give him a good squeezing," Suzy purred, moving her face mere inches from mine. Valentina followed suit, nibbling on my ear.

"I like that idea," She purred. "I like that alot..."

"You want to go first, or should I?" Suzy could barely contain her excitement at the idea of pulverizing me.

"Be my guest," Valentina grinned. "I want to watch."

Before I could get worried, she kissed me on the cheek for luck, giving Suzy carte blanche to leap atop me and clamp her thighs down on my waist. Her massive pecs came screaming in, blasting my face like a freight train. Massive arms squeezed around my skull. Suzy's muscles swelled as she flexed around my head, nearly popping it like a grape. I could see and hear nothing, but I could certainly feel slabs of steely muscles testing the structural integrity of my brain case.

In a sudden surge of power, Suzy flipped onto her back, straightening her legs out, putting me in full squeeze while my face was still buried in her bulging chest. Her beefy legs released their vice-like hold on me for a moment in order for Suzy to slide them up further onto my ribs. She pursed her sexy lips as she tightened her squeeze on me. My ribs buckled. Suzy withheld from squeezing hard enough to cause any fractures, but she pushed me up to that line.

Locking her ankles, she force my head into her rippling abs. "Mmm!" She bellowed mightily. "I love crushing weaklings like you, Skinny..."

Releasing me from her scissors, Suzy bulled towards me, curling her lavishly and powerfully muscled arms around me in a bearhug. The Dark Seductress threw her head back in ecstasy and gasped.

"Ooh...!" Suzy growled lustfully. "Fight me!" She commanded. There wasn't anything I could do from where I was. The pressure from her arms mounted as she squeezed harder. "Fight me!" She insisted, even more forcefully, jostling me for emphasis.

I swung my arms up to try an pry myself from my predicament, but it was no use. She was far too strong. Suzy laughed as I tried, sex and power drunk. The bearhug relented in time from her to come around my back to pull off a full nelson. Once more, Suzy dropped down on her back, curling her heavily muscled wheels around my waist as she put me in her "torture rack." My spine stretched as she pulled me in different directions. Any more force and I would have been torn in half like wet tissue paper. Just as I thought that I was about to die rather messily, the stretching abated. Suzy still held on to me, but she wasn't pulling anymore.

"You want some of this?" She asked Valentina, who had been watching in fascination up until that point.

"Yeah..." I could hear the predatory delight in Val's voice. "Toss him here."

Suzy did just that. I literally was airborne for a brief moment before Valentina caught me like a fastball. She cradled me in her muscled arms like I was nothing.

"Oh," Valentina pouted in sympathy. "Was mean ol' Suzy being too rough with you, sweetie?" She laid me down gently before smothering me with muscle. "Let me make it all better..."

Valentina's idea of squeezing was much gentler than Suzy's. She didn't like using her strength to hurt me, but there was still nearly three-hundred and fifty pounds of she-muscle bearing down on my willowy body. She held me tightly, ensuring that I felt her might without needing to twist me into a pretzel. I couldn't stop myself from worshiping her muscles as she offered them to me. Valentina flexed in delight, reveling in my ministrations as a living goddess.

Val got to her knees, pulling me up with her. Her thickly muscle-packed arms curled into their full-blown size of 29" along with a wordless invitation to touch and caress her powerful body. I coiled my arms around her mastodonic physique, kissing her bullish neck and blown-up traps, eliciting a sigh of delight from the fire-haired muscle goddess. I gave her powerful pecs the same treatment, and in response, she caused them to thicken and swell outwards in a mighty flex. I licked the vast expanse of her chest, the deep, striated crevice between those heaping slabs of she-beef, and her hardened, aroused nipples. Valentina gasped and sexily chewed her lip as she received my adoration.

She spread her shoulders, flaring out her lats for my enjoyment. The scope of the flex completely dwarfed me. Her lats were mighty hunks of beef containing more muscle than my entire body combined. My hands eagerly cupped them, squeezing the steely flesh beneath her creamy, ivory skin. I made my may down further on my Whistle-Stop Tour of Valentina's Body to her trim waist and rippling abs. Each muscle in her nominally flat stomach looked ready to burst, fighting each other for dominance. When Val crunched them, they tightened into an impenetrable bullet-proof shield of muscle. As I worshiped her muscled belly, she gently pushed my head further and further down.

Valentina flattened me on my back, and straddled my chest. Her thick, juicy clit was fully erect and her pussy was moist with arousal. Valentina breathed heavily in titillation as she ground her sex into my chest. There was no reason for her to do that, I thought, when I'm ready, willing and able to provide my services to her. I slid down further between her legs, taking her bulging clit into my mouth.

Valentina cried out in excited surprise at my sudden oral attack. She let out a long, drawn-out moan of pleasure as my tongue slipped in and out of her sweet pussy. She tasted amazing and the heady aroma inflamed my passions. From this angle, I couldn't see her face, only the chiseled landscape of her abs and the swollen might of her pecs. Giant thighs blocked my peripherals and served as a reminder that at any given moment, my head could be pulped effortlessly betwixt them.

Valentina reached down to run her fingers through my hair as I suckled on her womanhood. Her royal blue eyes peered out from beyond her pecs ever so slightly, sparkling with lust. The fiery-haired Amazon thrust her big clit into my mouth, pushing in and pulling out, all the while vocally expressing her enjoyment in fucking my mouth. Suzy's face appeared over Valentina's thigh to watch with interest. She kissed the massive redhead's bulging quads and pitched in to please her with me. Valentina readily accepted Suzy's worship and I continued to munch on her femininity, lapping up all the ambrosial juices flowing from her pussy. The big redhead let out a muffled squeal into Suzy's mouth as the Dark Seductress frenched her, urging her to lay onto her back. I slipped out from under Valentina to avoid being crushed by the combined weight of two mighty goddesses, all the while maintaining my oral fixation on Valentina's flower.

Suzy straddled her lover as I dined. The huge redhead's skin was flushing red with heat as her orgasm was in the mail. She squeaked and fussed as her pleasure was boiling to a head. Val's legs closed around my head when she came. Her song was long and beautiful, accompanied by a torrent of girl-cum, and full body thrashing. I mopped up what was left of Valentina's ambrosia before getting to my knees behind Suzy.

Her muscled ass was like that of a thoroughbred mare, tight and sinewy. Her skin was bronzed and smooth. As she made out with Valentina, I took my once-more erect dick, and pushed it into Suzy's tight pussy. She yelped in shock as she felt me enter her unbidden. Suzy looked over her massive shoulder with a wide-eyed stare I did her doggy style when I didn't hear any objections. In fact the only thing she said was an inarticulate string of vocalizations.

I was desensitized from my last orgasm, so there would be no mistakes this time. My skin slapped against hers with a series of dull thuds muffled by Suzy's energetic agreement of what I was doing to her. I was intent on paying her back for pulling me like I was salt-water taffy. Suzy liked it rough, and she was going to get what she asked for.

I pulled out and bade her to lay down on her back. Suzy did so, and I thrust her face to face. Valentina rolled over on her side watching with amusement as I piledrove Suzy with gusto. The Dark Seductress moaned luxuriously and arched her massive back reaching out to Valentina who slithered over to kiss her. The Amazons frenched sex-drunkenly as I fucked Suzy. The huge redhead released Suzy from her liplock to come back behind me. I was unsure what she was planning when she curled her arms around my waist. I felt Val press her body up against me, and used her strength to aid in my thrusting. Suzy cried out in bliss, wrapping her mighty legs around the both of us. Valentina's soft lips tickled my neck and her immensely strong hands pawed at my slight frame as we made like a piston into Suzy's pussy.

The Dark Seductress twisted around, taking me to the mattress, and rode me like a hulking cowgirl. Her hands pinned my shoulders down, and she fucked me mercilessly. Suzy's mighty hips pounded downwards on me rapidly. She was getting sex-berserk, growling and gnashing her teeth with Amazonian passion. I wasn't her lover, instead I was a toy. Suzy leaned forward, and pressed her lips against mine, kissing me like a sex-starved maniac while she fucked me. Raw lust nearly tore me to pieces. Suzy tore away from me, and chomped down on my neck like a vampiress. She was insatiable.

Valentina laid down next to me, propping her head against her hand, stroking her muscular body while watching our every move. In short order, Suzy climaxed, drawing me up to her body and squeezing me till she was satisfied. She breathed heavily, licking her lips.

She moaned, kissing me long, and passionately. Suzy got off of me, but before I could get a reprieve, Valentina impaled herself on my cock. She had been unable to keep away, even though she had just her turn a while ago. Placing her hands on the headboard for stability, Valentina fucked me just as hard as Suzy did. Again, I was a toy. She climaxed soon, the Suzy jumped back on. Then Valentina once more. It went on and on like this until the break of dawn when all three of us had collapsed out of sheer exhaustion.
I had awoken sometime later alone. It was late morning, or early afternoon. It was hard to take stock of my surroundings as me entire body was singing in agony from the night before. I idly wondered where the girls were, but then deduced that they were at the gym. Since I hadn't been mauled by an early morning quickie, they must've taken pity on me and let me rest.

A note taped to the headboard of the bed confirmed as much. They were going to meet Agnetha at the gym and would be gone until later this afternoon. It was signed with lipstick prints from both Amazons. I got up and showered, washing off hours of sweat and sex off of my battered body. It had been an amazing day yesterday, and I couldn't wrap my mind around how unbelievable my life was. I was sore, but supremely satisfied with everything that had happened. The pain I felt was nothing compared to the feeling of a huge Amazon making love to you, to say nothing about having two Amazons smothering you with love.

After the shower, I dressed and went downstairs gingerly, wincing with every step. I eased into the plush easy chair propped in front of the TV and turned it on. I must've dozed off some time after that, unable to shake the lethargy from last night. I sensed a presence looming over me. Tenderly opening an eye, I saw not just Valentina, but Suzy and their new friend Agnetha standing over me. All three were supremely pumped up, nearly bursting out of their workout attire, and supremely horny. My eyes darted from each of their faces, feeling a growing sense of dread as I noticed the hunger in their eyes.

"Oh, no," I squeaked pitifully, earning a predatory grin from all three Amazons. I was pulled from the chair and hauled off upstairs over the massive shoulder of Agnetha as Valentina and Suzy laughed in amusement.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 30, 2013, 06:49:36 pm
I loved these last two chapters, you did a great job with the sexual description of his trysts with Suzy and Val, really wish Agnetha could've come in earlier, I would love to see make some hot lesbian love with Suzy and Val, and if anyone else is reading, am I the only one hoping that the girls invite Annie into things as well? k+!
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: NinjaStar on December 01, 2013, 10:29:42 pm
Glad you enjoyed it, guys. That's all for this story, but I will return to these characters later if I can drum up enough enthusiasm to write another story. I lol'ed when you said if anyone else is reading, Jeremy because I think only you and two other people were the only people who actually gave the story a chance. Oh, well, live and learn I guess.
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: solitariodude on December 02, 2013, 01:50:39 am
Please don't be discouraged to write more. You gotta realize that a lot of people read this but don't take the time to comment. I've read a lot of great stories here and try to comment on those that appeal to me and hate to see really talented writers get turned off due to lack of feedback. Same goes for artists as well. Thanks again for sharing your time and talents with the rest of us :rock:
Title: Re: The Club.
Post by: Poddy on December 08, 2013, 01:20:59 pm
I FINALLY set aside some time to read this story, and I'm very glad I did!

A really great read from start to finish, each character had a genuinely unique personality, they were all wonderfully described and the voice was really easy to follow and properly relatable. I'd love to read anything else you feel is worth writing!

Congratulations on finishing your story too, that's something I feel a very very small minority of writers can say - and I can't include myself on that list either.

P.S Looking at the reviews and your comments, it gets a little difficult to continue when you start to feel like nobody seems to be reading your work - or at least there's no way of gauging how many people or how often. Just try and remember why you're writing in the first place - write for your own pleasure, and if others enjoy it, then that's fantastic. Just don't go into it chasing internet fame and imaginary forum points - trust me, you'll find the whole experience much more enjoyable. Oh, and never forget the silent 95% of people who read, enjoyed and just never commented. Try posting your work on DeviantArt and you'll get a very clear indication of your read:comment ratio!

I look forward to reading whatever you have to offer next :)
Title: Pump Up The Jam [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on December 13, 2013, 07:03:27 pm
Pump Up The Jam
by NinjaStar

I awoke gradually from a blissful sleep to the heavenly feeling of soft lips on my neck. I had been dreaming, but it was fuzzy. All I could recall was being safe and warm.  I'm sure my girlfriend was involved somehow. She usually was.

"G'morning, sleepy-head," I heard Valentina's soft voice waft into my ears. Her nude warmth was inviting and sensual. The feeling of her steely muscles and her soft skin against mine was maddening and exhilarating. Her bulging arm was curled around me protecting me from the chilly air.

"Mmm, g'morning," I replied, still dopey from the deep sleep I was in. Valentina nuzzled me, giving me a good squeezing with her mighty arm.

I turned to face Valentina. Her fiery bed-ridden hair was wild, but didn't detract from her beauty. In fact, combined with her freckles, it only enhanced her cuteness. Val's royal blue eyes twinkled with love and her radiant smile was infectious. She was model gorgeous, which greatly conflicted with the rippling slabs of muscle filling out beneath her creamy skin. What's more, she was all mine.

Valentina leaned in ever so gently, and kissed me as only a genuine lover would. I happily reciprocated, even though her kiss was tinged with morning breath. A simple kiss quickly became a passionate make-out session as Valentina's dextrous tongue slipped into my mouth. She tenderly twisted me fully onto my back, and pressed her Amazonian bulk partially on top of me.

Valentina was heavy with muscle mass, but she took care not to fully place her weight on me, instead displacing it around my body. But she knew I liked the feeling of her powerful body against mine, allowing my muscle lust to be sated as well. Even though we had made passionate, back-breaking love last night, she wanted more. There are worse things than being the love-slave of a almost perpetually horny Amazon. Last night was a rare occasion where we were alone and able to be really intimate together. I'm not complaining about the unusual circumstance in which I found myself, you understand. It was nice to not have to please another woman for once. Though Valentina had definitely put me through the ringer last night, I was hungry for her just as she was for me.

My hands had begun exploring her physique, eliciting a pleasured cooing from the redheaded goddess atop me. Valentina's back was teeming with muscle. It was not uncharted territory that I was entering. I had diligently studied the topography of her musculature many time before. But no matter how many times I did so, it always was just as pleasurable to worship her mighty thews, if not moreso than before.

My hands traced down her body, to the small of her back, then to that round, powerfully muscled ass of hers. I gave her a good squeeze, as best as my hands could do against her impenetrable sinews. Val squeaked in surprise, breaking oral contact. A lustful grin split her gorgeous lips.

"Naughty..." She purred wantonly. Val nibbled on my lip, swinging her huge leg over me, straddling my puny form. As she raised up into a sitting position, the covers slid off her naked form, revealing her monumental build in all it's heavenly glory.

Valentina's beautiful face sat atop a bullishly corded neck supported by inflated traps. Her powerful shoulders were broad, and rounded with deeply striated muscle. Her chest was absent of breast-tissue, instead swelling forth with thick slabs of raw-muscle. The pink nipples on her chest were stiffened with arousal, becoming thick bullets of flesh begging to be suckled. Either substantially muscled arm was packed with more sinew than I had in my entire body. Val's guns, last measured months ago at twenty-eight inches cold, easily were now thirty, if not past that. Her biceps were peaks that Olympus Mons would be jealous of even unflexed, and her triceps were strength-bloated horseshoes. Even her forearms were huge with power, easily being thicker around than my thighs. But, curiously enough, her hands were deceptively dainty despite being fully capable of ripping my flesh off my bones, or crushing my skeleton with little effort. Hell, she could easily tear a car apart barehanded with no sweat.

Those same ladylike, but ungodly strong hands rested on my weak chest, rubbing my pathetic excuse for pectoral muscles in a sensual massage. Valentina cooed softly as she felt my puny body. I had put on about twenty pounds of muscle over the last few months, much to her delight. I tagged along with her and our mutual 'friend' Suzy from time to time, but ever since meeting Agnetha Björnsdottir a few months back, I began hitting the gym with the same intensity as the three Amazons did, though I could never hope to ever match them in a million years. I was about one-sixty now at 5'9" tall. Valentina was 5'10" but a burgeoning 350lbs+ and getting bigger all the time.

Valentina was supportive, liking the fitter, stronger me. Suzy protested, as she liked to do, saying she preferred me to be 'Skinny' (her pet name for me), but that didn't stop her from ravishing me in bed. The only difference now was that I was more durable and had even more stamina than before. Ever since bringing the blonde Valkyrie into the fold of our sexual adventures, I needed to get in shape simply to survive. I was in pretty good shape, or so I thought, being able to handle two Amazons at once, but adding Agnetha nearly killed me.

I reached up placing my hands on Val's thrumming chest. There was simply too much muscle tissue to hold onto, but I was greedy. She chewed her lip sensually, and began to flex. Her already huge pecs swelled, nearly doubling in size and hardness, and they didn't seem to stop. Valentina's nipples dug into the palms of my hands. I tried to squeeze her chest, but there simply was no give. Her ivory skin was smooth and soft as velvet, but the tissue beneath was bullet-proof. She removed my hands, holding on to them to prevent me from feeling her body. Next, she made her pecs dance for me, causing the giant swellings of sinew to jump. She flexed them both at once, then one at a time, then alternating and at different speeds. Her pecs popped quickly, and rolled slowly at her command. Valentina began humming the "Can-Can" making her pecs nimbly hop to the music, all while a devilishly sexual smile overtook her features. The level of control she had over her muscles was amazing.

Valentina placed my eagerly shaking hands on her lats and spread her shoulders. Like air was being shunted into them, her muscle wings inflated. They just wouldn't stop swelling in my hands. When at last I was certain her lats would burst, they stopped blowing up. My eyes and hands next rested on her muscled belly. Valentina's abs were thick and sharply defined beneath her skin. She ground her hips into me, mushing her nude wetness into my body, causing her abs to ripple beneath my hands. Drawing her huge arms up, back over her head, the massive fire-tressed goddess crunch her stomach, forcing her abs to tighten into a solid slab of muscle. There was a deep indentation between each of her eight, perfectly tennis-ball sized ab muscles. Once I stuck a finger into the one of the dents as she crunched down. The tip of my finger was nearly obliterated. The serratus and obliques of her core were also thickly muscled due to her punishing core workouts, but her waist was trim compared to the mighty breadth of her shoulders.

Though I could not see them, I felt Valentina's tremendous legs clamping around my waist and my hands traipsed down her obliques and hips before resting on her mighty legs. Her thighs positively swelled with muscle tissue, being girthier than my chest. Her massive quads, adductors, and hamstrings exuded Amazonian goddess-like power, as did her bulging, sharply cut calves. Valentina loved her legs the most out of her phenomenally muscled physique, though I felt she short-changed herself in that regard. Her whole body was divine. She hit every body part equally hard in the gym, but her legs seemed to respond to her exercise a little more attentively than the rest of her muscles.

My cock couldn't have been harder.  Val felt it swelling beneath her, pressing up against her nude wetness. She sensually swiveled her hips, rubbing her bulging clit and wet lips on my body. Val pinned me down, and teased me with a simulation of the cowgirl position. A wickedly erotic smirk taunted me as she held my wrists above my head and ever so slowly, excruciatingly so, ground her pussy into me. The heat from her sex was driving me insane. I just wanted to ram my manhood inside her and fuck her into oblivion. Valentina sucked in air sharply, getting off on using me as a sex toy.

"Ooh..." She gasped, lips mere inches from mine. "You want this body, baby? You want me to fuck you like only I can?"

I was mad with desire, like a rabid animal. She was taking a page from Suzy's playbook in denying me the right to touch her, kiss her, or do anything else being pinned beneath her physique as I was. Valentina was a good tease. All I could think about that moment was making love to her.

"Mmmm..." The gigantic redhead hummed, kissing me at last. "I want you," She uttered, voice dripping with desire. Her kung-fu grip loosened allowing me laissez-faire on her bulging mounds of sinew..

Valentina released me, lifting up to her knees. The redhaired Amazon then impaled herself ever so slowly on my cock, shuddering in delight. Not to brag, but I was big in at least one area. Valentina's muscled womanhood was a snug fit, even if she was well lubricated with arousal as she was right now. Her pillar-like arms planted on either side of my head and Val sensually ground her hips, tight lips going up and down the length of my cock. I rested my hands on her hips for support, reciprocating her passionate lust with a maddened sexual frenzy of my own. Valentina's beauteous face hovered above my own, framed with her short, fiery hair. Those royal-blue eyes, half-veiled in pleasure, regarded me with lustful love as a joyous, erotic smile signaled her bliss. Soft moans of utter aphrodisia escaped her sensual lips, further inflaming my passion for her.

She leaned down, hungrilly kissing me even as she continued riding my cock. Valentina moaned deeply as she kissed me, grabbing handfuls of my hair. Her tongue breached my mouth, beating mine up with broad, powerful strokes. She enjoyed herself when she kissed me, never rushing things or pushing too hard. Just when I thought I would suffocate, she released me with a loud, ardent pop of suction. Val wasted no time even as I recovered, using her sexy lips and teeth to kiss and nibble all over my neck and ears. I loved it when she did that as my neck was sensitive. A powerful shiver went down my spine letting her know she was doing the right thing. We kissed once, twice, three more times, each time more passionately than the last, before Valentina initiated a position change. She twisted her massive physique, all while holding me with her thighs onto her back.

She looked even more gorgeous from this position. In a dazzling display of athleticism, she split her gigantically muscled legs apart, grabbing her ankles, all while encouraging me to take charge with a sex-starved look in her eye. I placed my hands on her hips for support, and thrust my manhood into her tight womanhood with an even rhythm, piercing her from stem to tip each time. A powerful bellow of lust escaped the mighty goddess before me.

"Ohhhh!" Valentina cried out in lustful zeal, arching her muscular back. Her eyes rolled into her skull. A frenzy took over me. The sight of her bulging muscles, her beauteous features screwed up in orgasmic bliss, and her mellifluous sex song unleashed the beast in me. I fucked her harder and deeper, nearly slavering at the jaw as I did so. Val responded by screaming out her rabid approval.

"You're so big..." She whispered fervidly, almost unable to find her voice. A fevered succession of loudening yelps precipitated a mighty cry of "So BIG!"

Her legs clamped down once more, assisting my thrusting. My rocket powered cock tunneled into her with speed and intensity. The dull thud of my body slamming into hers was nearly drowned out by the Amazonian love ballad Valentina sang. If I were in a normal state of mind, I might've wondered if I could keep up such a pace. But I was sex-berserk. A powerful lust took over me, and I couldn't help myself.

"Fuck me!" Valentina implored. "Fuck me! Yes! YES!" Val grabbed great handfuls of sheet, pillow, anything she could get her hands on while arching her back, announcing to the world that she was having the time of her life without a care who heard it. I often wondered what our neighbors thought. Valentina and Suzy were screamers. Agnetha was vocal to an extend, but not nearly as loud as those two were. When all three were together, they formed a chorus that shamed any porn played at high volume.

Valentina pulled me town to her lips, tasting me again, fussing in orgiastic glee while I drilled her. Thickly muscled arms seized my torso in a lust-fueled bearhug. A simple squeeze would implode my chest. Valentina simply held on to me, ensuring that I would stay close for her grand finale. I left her mouth to sample her beefy neck and traps, leaving her to cry out at her leisure.

"I'm... I'm gonna...!" She began. "Yes...yes, yes, YES!" Valentina bit down on her lip to avoid blowing my eardrum with her enthusiastic peal of orgasmic thunder.

"I'm gonna cum!" Valentina whispered urgently. "I'm so close, don't stop baby! Don't stop!"

That made two of us. I could feel myself ascending Climax Mountain and was prepared to take a swan dive into oblivion. Valentina's orgasm hit like a tidal wave. She went cross-eyed and screamed silently, tightening her arms and legs around my body in a full-body explosion of swelling muscles. Tears streaked down her flushed cheeks as she suffered in magnificent pleasure. I came during her orgasm, but mine was not nearly as glorious as hers, even if it was still mindblowing. Even after I blew my load, Valentina still continued to wordlessly tell me "job well done," from the aftershocks of such a thunderous climax reverberated through her giant body. I was squeezed into an inch of my life by the lustful Amazon.

I collapsed in exhaustion against her mighty, sweaty body, her massive chest heaving like a great bellows under my head. Valentina giggled sweetly, lovingly stroking my hair while embracing me.

"Still alive, sweetie?" She teased.

"Still kicking..." I answered weakly. Val's hands scooped under my armpits, and pulled me up to her blushing, sex-drunk face.

“Let me make it better..." Val showed her appreciation by pulling me into another round of making out. My body was still singing from the aftershocks of her climax. I thought for sure she was going to break my spine. Val would never hurt me, even on accident, but still. I am only flesh and blood. Valentina is stronger than Hercules and hornier than Aphrodite. This was a potentially fatal combination. 

"That was amazing," Val commended me earnestly. She was glowing with the peaceful bliss of such a mighty climax.

Our love was interrupted by "Rumpshaker" by Wrecx-n-Effect coming from Val's phone. Suzy was calling. snorted in amusement and reached over to the nightstand to remove her phone from the charger. I snuggled up next to her, kissing her corded neck. Val approved with a soft moan before answering the call.

"Hey, girl," Valentina purred. I made sure that Suzy could hear my lips against Val's soft skin.

"What's goin' on over there?" I could hear Suzy's voice on the line. "Were you two having sex?" Valentina and I suppressed our laughter. Suzy was always giving us shit about how often we had sex, even though Suzy eagerly joined in whenever we saw her, which was nearly every day. "I totally called it," The Dark Seductress spoke to someone else wherever she was.

"Mmm," Val uttered as I moved down to her balloon-like pecs. She ran her fingers through my hair and breathed in enjoyment. "Maybe I was just thinkin' about you..."

"Who wouldn't? I'm hot," Suzy boasted. I could agree with her on that point. "But I know you two. Any time alone is spent making saints cry."

"You're more than welcome to join in anytime, babe," Val replied libidinously.

"I might just take you up on that..." Suzy began, before she became incoherent from distance. I worked my way down Val's belly until I made contact with her femininity. Val's mighty clit was thick and bulging with arousal, but still sensitive to the touch. I very gently stimulated her as she tried to talk on the phone. She pressed my face into her womanhood, showing her tacit approval. The sweet taste of her pussy was delicious. I lapped up her juices, elliciting a suppressed scream from Valentina. She covered her face with a pillow, and pressed a thumb against the mouth piece.

"What's that?" Valentina's voice quivvered, pretending that nothing out of the ordinary was happening but failing miserably. "Nothing! NO! Of course we're not! We're not doing anything!" She whimpered. My tongue went inside her, and swirled around. Val's mouth was squeezed shut, and it looked like she was about to burst. Suzy's reply was garbled but amused.

"His hands aren't even on me! I swear!" Val shrieked accidentally when I massaged her clit with my lips. "He's right here! See if I'm lying!" She tossed her phone down to me, letting out a long, pleasured moan into a pillow.

"What's up?" I spoke up, in between lashing Valentina's clit with my tongue.

"You two are fucking amazing," Suzy laughed.

"I think you mean amazing at fucking," I retorted.

 "That too. What are you doing to her?"

"Nothing," I tried to sound nonchalant, giving Valentina's womanhood a tongue bath.

"Bullshit. I can hear her trying not to scream and you've got a mouthful of something. You horndogs better get it out of your system quickly, because it's almost gym time."

"I haven't forgotten," I replied, "Besides we've still got four more hours yet."

"You don't have the stamina, Skinny. Save something for the iron. Tell Vally that she needs more than just earth-shattering orgasms for sustenance. She needs some breakfast in her, not just dick. Muscle fuel, y'know?" Suzy said, dripping with sarcasm.

"You're just jealous because you're not here," I shot back before attacking Valentina's pussy once more. Val squealed into her pillow and I held the phone out for Suzy to hear.

"Oh, please," Suzy replied, full of mock bluster. "I could get any man I want."

"Any man?" I parroted.

"Any man," Suzy affirmed.

"And which man," I paused to suckle deeply on Val's clit for emphasis. "Rocks your world like I do?"

"Oooh!! You rock my world, baby!" Valentina howled as if I was talking to her. Her massive chest heaved up and down, sucking in great lungfuls of air. Suzy laughed uproariously.

"Okay, you got me there. You're pretty good, for a skinny little runt."

"Wrong, I'm amazing. Three out of three Amazons agree. If you don't believe me, here's a real live testimonial," I said, tossing the phone up by Valentina, allowing Suzy to hear the full extent of Val's enthusiastic enjoyment of my ministrations to her sex. She pawed absently at where her phone landed, trying to maintain her composure in the face her Second Coming. She fumbled with it once she found it, trying to find the talking part.

"Uh huh, yeah, we'll be there for sure, gotta go, bye!" Val rambled, singing in bliss, before signing off. Both hands held my head down into her womanhood, encouraging me to give her all my attention now that all distractions were gone. "Keep going..." She purred, letting out a deep moan of enthusiasm.

I could only do as my goddess willed.
More soon.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 13, 2013, 09:36:26 pm
Damn that was hot! First of all, let me say that I loved your muscle description here, I think that's something that may have been lacking in your last series, with all the other action going on, but you really spent a lot of time making us visualize Valentina's incredible body, to my (and I'm sure everyone who read this) very happy approval. The sex scenes were really well described, I love how you wrote how horny these two are, and why wouldn't they be? Valentina is female perfection and he is one of the only guys in the World who can keep up with her, sexually. While that was hot, I'd love to see their workout, to see how strong the girls are, and how hard they work out for the visual pleasure of their guy. Keep up the great work! k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 16, 2013, 07:41:39 pm
The Amazon Gym was the new name of the Full Body Explosion Gym after it had changed management. FBE was once a hotspot for bodybuilders during the height of the sport's popularity, but had fallen by the wayside in recent years. Annie, the owner/proprietess of Themyscira bought the gym lock-stock-and-barrel and renovated it to the point there it wasn't clear that the Amazon Gym was even the same building. The rumor going around was Annie secured the deed after challenging the former owner to a wrestling match and she ended up breaking three of his ribs. No matter how many times I asked her, she mischievously neither confirmed or denied such scuttlebutt.

Amazon shared the same Hellenistic sense of decor as Themyscira, only a little less ostentatious. It was a big building filled with many detailed artworks of muscular females engaging in various states of exercise or in repose, showing off the goods. Ostensibly, the name of the establishment might suggest that men weren't allowed in, but that wasn't the case. Annie allowed anyone with the desire to exercise to be granted membership, and even grandfathered in members of Full Body Explosion who stuck around after the transition. I was given a hugely discounted membership on account of my unusually good standing with a certain Amazonian matron and her three favorite adopted daughters, in that it was free. It was good the be the King.

Valentina, Suzy, and Agnetha all worked the club, and as such were able to workout for free also as did many of the other employees at Themyscira. In fact, it was in their contract. The golden bracelet that marked me as a VIP at the club granted me the same preferential treatment here at Amazon.

Valentina curled an arm around my waist as we entered the big glass doorway of the gym and I did the same. She wore a pink half-tank top that was at the end of it's service life, becoming skin-tight and frayed in certain places. I remembered when she first bought that shirt and it was somewhat loose on her. Tears and fissures began widening across her huge back. The shirt ended above her stomach, fully exposing her rippling abs. Black booty shorts with white block letters inscribing BEAST MODE along the waist band hugged her curves exquisitely. The ensemble was rounded out by white running shoes with matching pink highlights. Val liked shorts due to just how huge her legs were. The problem with being so massive is finding clothes that actually fit, and the inevitability that what fits today will simply not fit months from now. The numbers of casualties of articles of clothing Valentina's gigantic physique obliterated was literally in the hundreds. Spandex and Lycra has the dual purpose of being able to stretch to accommodate huge muscles well, and being tight enough to show off said muscles even when covering the up. Another option, and Valentina's favorite, was that less is more. It was often easier to wear as little as possible and it turned heads.

And we certainly turned heads; the massive, gorgeous redhead and her shrimpy, dorky looking boy toy.

Quite a few gym patrons were acquaintances from the club, exchanging pleasantries with us as we passed. The other portion of gym goers weren't known to either of us. They couldn't help but go goggle-eyed at the sight of the massive red-haired Amazon showing them the real meaning of 'jacked.' Although there were many women who could easily qualify as 'huge' pumping iron, she was easily the largest, most muscular woman in the Gym at the moment, and likely the largest most muscular person they've ever seen in their lives. A small smile curled Val's lips at all the eyes on her.

"Should I give 'em a show?" Val purred, clearly turned on again. Her nipples daggered through the thin fabric of her shirt and a light blush colored her freckled cheeks.

"I think you should wait for the others. That'll really blow their minds." I referred to Suzy and Agnetha, who were supposed to meet us. As if on cue, The Dark Seductress swaggered into the gym. Suzy was tall, topping out at 6'3", and possessed an immensely muscled physique crammed in beneath gorgeously tanned skin. She was very beautiful, with a well structured face, high cheekbones, pouty lips, and black eyes that sparkled in the light. Her raven colored hair was cut short, with the sides and back shorn close to her scalp and the top tapered to the right side of her face, coming to a point just below her right eye.

Suzy had packed on a considerable amount of size in the last few months, no doubt thanks to Agnetha's influence. The mass disparity between the Amazons wasn't great to begin with, but Suzy always appeared a little slimmer than either Val or Agnetha due to her long limbs. It was a point of silent contention for Suzy, and she was bound and determined to close the size gap. Of the three of them, she was the closest to reaching the vaunted four-hundred pound mark now at a hulking three-seventy eight.

Massive slabs of muscle worked in concert as she walked with a erotic sway of raw confidence. Her gorgeously sun-kissed skin was unfettered by much in the way of clothing. Like usual, Suzy dressed in black. Over her bulky, striated pecs a black bikini top held on for dear life. It looked one deep breath away from popping off. Aside from that, she wore leather weight gloves, an even skimpier pair of booty shorts than Valentina, knee socks that somehow were able to be pulled up over her bulging, head-sized calves and wrestling boots. She smiled when she saw us, making a bee-line over.

When she reached us, looming over us by a head, I could get a good look at how huge she really was. Every inch of her was swollen with sinew. Suzy's neck was like a tree trunk connected to mighty traps bloated with strength. Bowling ball like deltoids thrust out to the side hooked to truly gargantuan pecs that twitched and flexed with the simplest of movements, and arms laden with titanic muscles capable of crushing a man with the merest squeeze. I should know, as I was on the receiving end of many a vice-like hold from the Dark Seductress. Her lats flared out as she rested her hands on her hips, spreading into an eagle's wingspan beneath her arms. Suzy's belly was flat but rippling with power. Each ab looked like it was fighting for dominance with the other seven. A sparkling belly ring was swallowed in the midst of the perfectly symmetrical cobblestone street of her belly.

Suzy smiled with seductive invitation when she noticed me checking her out, her ebon eyes boring lustfully into my soul. "Take a picture, Skinny. It'll last longer," She purred, turning around so I could get the full effect.

Her back was as broad as a table. Valentina and Agnetha had huge backs but Suzy's overshadowed both of theirs. The shape of Suzy's torso was an upside down isosceles triangle from her rear lat spread. Her waist looked tiny compared the sheer breadth of her shoulders. However, when she curled her mighty arms into a back double bicep pose, the formerly smooth back became angry and rippled like a stormy sea of muscle tissue. The peaks of her biceps exploded upwards, buffeted from the sides by meaty forearms and bulging deltoids, nearly touching her hands. My eyes trailed down her back to rest on her amazing ass. It was round and perfect, taut with muscle, like that of a thoroughbred mare. Her shorts revealed great heaping eyefuls of her butt, and just barely missed being qualified as a thong. Suzy looked over her beefy shoulder to gauge my reaction. Seeing my dumbfounded amazement at her physique, she grinned, and turned to flex her triceps. The fat, horseshoe-shaped muscles thickened to the point of bursting as she locked her arms behind her. Suzy's triceps were the biggest and meatiest out of the three. Suzy smoothly transitioned into a killer side chest pose, sorely taxing her little bikini top's expansion capacity.

The Dark Seductress turned to face me once more, this time flexing her powerful legs.

"Keep your eyes on the thighs," She murmured, causing her mighty quads and calves to inflate. It could be argued that Valentina's legs were beefier by a very slim margin, but it would require a very close, thorough, and intimate examination. I had spent many a night between Suzy's long, hugely muscled legs in various states of distress and contentment. I knew how impossible it was to pry them apart when she was dead set on squeezing you. Her thighs swallowed my head with contemptuous ease and her diamond-cut calves crushed my neck.

There was no bones about it. Suzy was massive.

The Dark Seductress sauntered over to me, as I was still enamored with her cursory little posing session. I almost didn't realize that I was staring directly at her huge chest until she began flexing them fore me. Snapped out of my reverie, I scanned my eyes upward into hers way up in the clouds as she gently lifted my head with one finger. The next thing I knew, Suzy's face crushed up against mine in a mighty kiss of unrestrained passion. Kissing Suzy was like trying to kiss a hurricane. She was a force of nature. Whatever she wanted, she got. Of course, she wasn't evil. She had no intention of hurting me or taking advantage of me beyond what I was comfortable with. But she was fierce, and a nice counterpoint to Valentina's sweet, easy going nature.

Suzy released me, causing me to gasp desperately for air. With tenderness she stroked my cheek, grinning lovingly at me.

"Y'know, you were right this morning," Suzy murmured warmly.

"About what?" I asked.

"I really do wish I was there with you both. It was so hot hearing you make Vally sing like that..." An erotic blush colored her cheeks. She chewed her sexy lip. "It made me so incredibly horny..." 

"I could make you sing, later on," I suggested, prompting a steamy sigh of pent up lust from the Dark Seductress.

"Ooh, I'd like that..." She purred, nibbling on my lip.

"Um, hell-o?" Valentina interrupted us, huge arms spread out to suggest 'What the hell?' Suzy laughed and turned to meet her red-haired lover.

"How could I forget you..." She said, scooping the huge musclegirl into her equally massive arms. Valentina yelped in pleasant surprise being picked up by the taller, dark-haired Amazon, unused to being manhandled by many people. The sight of such strength was impossibly hot. It was hard to believe that I wasn't dreaming sometimes. Valentina and Suzy frenched deeply to make up for any hard feelings of neglect which were easily forgotten by Valentina the second she uttered a lustful moan into Suzy's mouth.

"I see you've started without me," A third voice coolly breezed in from out of nowhere. Agnetha appeared as a vision in white. Smiling satisfactorily at Valentina's and Suzy's deer-in-the-headlights look, she turned to give me a wink. "Don't stop on my account. I was just getting into it."
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 16, 2013, 07:42:20 pm
Agnetha's long, white-blonde hair was twisted into a long braid that reached down to her mid-back. Her skin was a peachy ivory stretched over powerful thews that rivaled Valentina's in size. She was about Val's height, with ice blue/white eyes that looked like round shards of ice. Agnetha was a Nordic beauty with a long face, a robust facial structure and a long nose. Over her heavily muscled torso was a skin-tight white lycra muscle shirt that clearly showed the sculpted definition of her physique like a second skin. On her legs were a pair of white yoga pants that stretched mightily to contain her thighs, glutes and calves as the surged forth with unlimited power. At several points, her outfit stretched so much that skin was visible through the fabric.

Agnetha caught me looking, and curled a muscle-engorged arm for me to salivate over. I knew she was packing some serious guns, but goddamn... A huge bicep peak erupted forth to challenge my perceptions of what muscle really was. The Valkyrie cast a coldly seductive glance my way as she pumped her arm slowly, teasing me with her muscles. She twisted to get her other arm into the action. Her panoply of sinew of her front double bicep was simply jaw-dropping in its splendor. Wordlessly, she invited me to reach out and touch her, which I did with worshipful awe. Despite her outwardly cold beauty, Agnetha's smooth, soft skin was warm and luscious. Her arms seemed to swell bigger the more she flexed them for me. Next, she clasped her hands in front of her, and flexed everything. My hands felt her bulky shoulders, her full, tremendous pecs, and her huge traps. Agnetha's slight, understated smile was a slight flicker of warmth that melted an otherwise stone-cold face.

Without warning, the Valkyrie effortless scooped me up, cradling my puny little form in her expansively muscular arms, pressing her soft lips to mine. She never once struggled, or shifted to accommodate my weight. I was nothing to her immense strength. Agnetha was a tender kisser, savoring it without any extravagance. She preferred for me to show my affection for her, rather than taking charge. She thoroughly enjoyed honest worship. And was hard not to worship a goddess like Agnetha.

Hell, it was impossible not to worship any of the three goddesses standing before me.

After a long, sensual kiss, Agnetha's lips popped away from mine, but she still held onto me. Casting a mischieviously raised eyebrow at her friendly rivals, she grinned.

"You see, that's how it's done," Agnetha said, setting me down gently. "Now, let's get this show on the road. I want to get pumped."

"Hell yeah," Suzy enthusiastically agreed. "Let's show these skinny little bitches what muscle really is."

"I can hardly wait," Valentina salivated. She curled her arms around me, pressing her tremendous muscles into my body. "Wanna watch us blow up?"

I could hardly think of a dumber question.
The Amazonian trio decided on working legs first. Valentina in particular was excited because she definately had the strongest legs out of all three of them. One had to take the merest of glances upon Val's truly enormous thighs and calves to see that. Suzy and Agnetha were certainly no slouches in that regard, but Val's muscles were just a little fuller and thicker.

The red-haired Amazon nimbly slid from a standing position into perfect splits. Her mighty legs spread apart letting her engorged thews stretch and warm up for the punishment they were about to endure. Val grabbed her feet one after the other before leaning forward, her muscled body parallel to the floor. Knowing that I was watching, she planted her hands firmly on the ground, and lifted herself off the ground while her legs remained apart. The amount of athleticism Valentina was capable of despite her huge bulk was truly astounding. From there, she swung her body up until it was totally vertical to the ground in a stable, effortless handstand.

Valentina was bigger and stronger than the Hulk and as agile as a gymnast. I was rock hard.

Deciding that was enough, she sinuously got back to her feet, sauntering over to the leg press with an enticing smile directed at me on her beautiful face. She plated up, stacking weight after weight on the machine until she had one-thousand pounds locked on and ready to pump. To anyone else, this would be a truly astounding amount of weight to push. It was just a warm up for Val. Undoing the locks, she allowed the weight to drop, her knees resting on her huge pecs. With a sexy look in her royal blue eyes, the weight was effortlessly shoved away from Valentina's body. Without effort, Val repped twenty times at one-thousand before deciding to go heavier.

"Plate me, baby," She purred, locking the machine, but staying inside. I obeyed, tacking on an extra five-hundred for a total of fifteen-hundred. This was nothing to Val, and she completed this set as easily as the last, a full twenty reps.

"More," she bade me. I snapped on another five-hundred. Loading plates was an exercise in itself. Valentina shook her head and gestured for more. "I wanna do it for real."

Astounded, I added another five-hundred. The machine was loaded at three-thousand pounds. Valentina nodded her satisfaction, and unlocked the track, letting the weight curl her swelling legs. With a minor grunt of effort, Val began repping like no tomorrow. Her form was perfect, and her movements were seemingly unencumbered by any weight. Val repped another twenty at a slightly slower pace than the last two sets. She locked the track once more and asked for more weight.

I didn't know how much more the machine could take, but I managed to at another five hundred pounds to the machine. With a primal grin, Val let the weight drop, before kicking out another twenty reps of thirty-five hundred pounds. She was leg pressing a car. This time, she was feeling the weight more sharply. Each rep was slower and more laborious, but nevertheless handled with superhuman strength. A small groan escaped her lips towards the end, but the huge weight didn't hamper Valentina any.

The redhaired goddess, locked the machine a final time, and got out. Valentina hiked up her little shorts an extra inch to allow me to see how her quads were swelling with blood. They were indeed bigger, with veins feeding strength into the balooning tissue. I knew that Val was far from finished.

Suzy called out to me to come over to the squat machine, freeing Val to pump up some more with some leg curls. An overloaded bar rested on Suzy's beefy shoulders, totalling about twenty-five hundred pounds. That was double what the strongest man in the world was capable of.

"Spot me, Skinny," Suzy commanded.

"Yes, ma'am," I replied, getting behind the bronzed, dark haired goddess. I curled an arm around her waist and guided her as she dipped down slowly. Suzy's round, muscled ass ground into my crotch, which I was sure was purposeful in intent. She could certainly feel my hard cock poking into her everytime she repped. Suzy banged out fifteen reps total before adding another three-hundred, for a total of twenty-eight hundred pounds.

"Are you sure you can handle all that?" I asked, knowing it would annoy her.

"Are you kidding me or what?" Suzy growled. "Watch and learn, little man."

And with that, Suzy squatted all that weight with a modicum of effort. One of the things about watching her work out was how orgasmic every rep was for her. Suzy acted like each time she dipped up an down, she was getting off. It didn't matter what exercise it was, she lived for the pump. The feeling of getting bigger and stronger was hot to her, and that manifested on her face and in her powerful grunts of effort which sounded curiously erotic. With a savage growl, Suzy finished her last set, and locked the bar.

"Mmm," she moaned, feeling her burning thighs. "Look at that, Skinny." I leaned in for a closer look. Suzy's quads were inflating with blood. Though slightly slimmer than Valentina's by a few electrons, her thighs were still bigger around than my chest.

"Don't you just want to be squeezed by these legs, Skinny?" Suzy flexed them for emphasis. "I just might do that for you." I kissed the inside of her legs, the bulging adductors that swelled just beneath her sweet spot, eliciting a surprised and pleased gasp of ecstasy from the Dark Seductress.

"You shouldn't tease me like that, you naughty little boy," She purred, pressing my face into her groin with her hand. "Or I might just have to teach you a lesson..." I resisted the urge to begin eating her out here, but the call of her womanhood was very powerful. Save it for later, I told myself. After a few more minutes of worship, I was dismissed to go see what Agnetha was up to.

Calf raises, it turned out. She was in the middle of a set of one-thousand pounds. She looked slightly bored, but brightened up when she saw me.

"Legs bore me," Agnetha said. "I vastly prefer other excercises."

"It doesn't look like that to me. Your legs are huge," I complemented her. Indeed, through the tight white fabric of her stretched yoga pants, her muscles bulged with power. Her butt was round and firm like a bubble of sinew. Her thighs showed definition even through the material, already swollen from the pump of other exercises she had performed in the interim. With every rep, Agnetha's calves flexed mightily, stretching the cuffs of her pants.

"You're too kind," She purred genially, eyefucking me as she worked out. "That doesn't mean that I don't have to like working my legs." She noticed my enraptured fixation on her swelling calves as they were worked. "Touch them," Agnetha breathed. I did as she said, touching the steely tissue as it swelled in my hands. Her calves were nearly the size of my head. The sharp cuts of the sinew were incredibly defined. The split between them seemed deep enough to accomodate the tip of my finger.

Agnetha ended her set, and stepped off the machine. With a sexy grin, she pulled her pants down around her ankles, revealing a pink g-string beneath covering her womanhood. Her thighs were even mightier in the flesh, as very her calves and glutes. Agnetha let out a soft moan in agreement with my hands running up and down her legs, flexing them in my hands.

"Hogging all the attention, I see," I head Suzy's voice from behind. I turned to see her and Val approaching, finished with legs.

"I let my work speak for itself," Agnetha responded smugly. "But I'd say Valentina wins once again."

Indeed, at full pump, Val's wheels looked ready to explode.

"Bam!" She said for emphasis as she flexed them. Truly huge quads, calves and glutes swelled to attention with her flex. "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful."
More to come
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 16, 2013, 10:27:43 pm
:0 I'm nearly open mouthed, dumbfounded because of the awesome description you used here! You hit it out of the park here bro, Suzy, Agnetha, and especially Valentina just blew me away here with your description of their muscles, their size, their definition, and even more, their sex appeal to the guy who is lucky enough to see them up close and personal. k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 19, 2013, 11:42:23 pm
Agnetha and Suzy looked at Val's huge legs with a mixture of jealousy, awe, and arousal. Her tree-trunk thighs and bowling-ball sized calves were like balloons made of steely flesh wrapped in velvety skin. The redhead flexed her legs with aplomb, making the muscles harden and ripple beneath her skin. Her legs were alive with power and seemed to have a mind of their own. Even the subtlest of movements caused great twitches beneath Valentina's skin.

"That's just not fair," Suzy gaped in astonishment.

"Seeing is believing, but I don't believe it either," Agnetha commented.

Both of Val's rivals knelt beside to touch her meaty gams eliciting a shiver of excitement from the fiery-haired Amazon. Running their strong hands over the contours of Valentina's legs, they could feel the might coursing through the sinews bulging underneath her creamy skin. She flexed them in her friends' hands, filling them with almost more muscle then either of them could handle. Out of reflex, Suzy pressed her sensual lips against Val's thigh, curling her mighty arms around her tremendously muscled leg in unabashed worship of her lover's muscularity. Agnetha embraced Val's other leg in a similarly libidinous fashion.

Both worshipful Amazons rose to meet their muscled idol face to face, lustfully attending to the great slabs of sinew else where in her physique on their way up. Valentina gasped in carnal approval as they did so, blushing a rosy hue. They met her lips with a heated passion one after the other, then both at once. Such unchecked female muscle lust before me served as a powerful reminder of how lucky I was to witness such an event.

I had managed to squeeze in a few sets with various weight machines in after that as the Amazons moved on with their workout. My own progress was laughable next to theirs, and I wasn't able to move a fraction of the weight they could. Nevertheless, I was never made fun of or laughed at although they were well within their rights to do so. Val, Suzy, and Agnetha all offered nothing but encouragement as I tried to strengthen myself. Every set I completed seemed like a Herculean Labor, but I truly felt pathetic moving little baby weights next to the poundages that the Amazons threw around. Watching Suzy deadlift the equivalent of a pickup truck made the paltry three-hundred pounds I was deadlifting look like I was just playing around. Agnetha pulled down the entire rack of plates with a lat pulldown, while I was only able to do just a few. Such raw power and my utter inability to ever hope to match it. Even so, I was cheered on by these mighty women to achieve even greater things than I thought possible for myself.

Valentina curled dumbbells that nearly matched my body weight. The heaviest I could do fifties and that was with some difficulty, but each dumbbell Val moved weighed one-fifty, and her massive guns were hardly getting pumped from that paltry load. She smiled at me as she did so, getting turned on by my rapt amazement of her strength. Her nipples were hard and poking through the sweaty pink half-shirt that I swear was tighter than it was a few hours ago. This set was just to get the blood flowing. Twenty reps with each arm was contemptuously easy for the red-haired goddess, so she moved on to even heavier weights. 

She plated up a barbell, loading on three-hundred pounds of resistance. That was over twice my bodyweight when including the forty-pound bar. With a mighty heave, Val seized the bar and began curling. This set was a little more difficult, but still hardly worth stressing over. The massive muscles of her arm bulged with each rep, dancing beneath her glistening skin. Thick, fat veins surfaced, beads of sweat dewed and rolled off her reddened skin, great muscles surging with goddess-like strength. She completed her routine with machine-like focus and precision, never cheating and always ensuring her muscles were worked fully and evenly.

Valentina set the bar down and flexed her biceps for me. Her peaks were bloated from the pump and shiny with sweat. With a slight wince, she repeatedly curled her arm, her loaded gun swelling in response each time. Wordlessly, she invited me to touch them. Her skin was hot and wet with perspiration, but the muscle beneath was like steel. Power hummed through her arms with frightening tangibility. She could easily tear me limb from limb if she was inclined. I knew she would never do that, but the thought was there. Val held her arm out straight and began to slowly flex it. Her bicep inflated mightily and refused to stop. At about half a flex, her arm was already twice the size mine was, but at full blown gun show, her beefy bicep was thicker than my thigh.

Val tired of fooling around and piled on even more weight. The barbell sagged at the ends with the addition of two-hundred more pounds. With a cry of "Beast mode!" she curled five hundred pounds with a savage snarl of strength-fueling rage. Her beautiful, sweaty face took on a rictus of Amazonian fury with each rep. Valentina became a berserker, furiously curling weight, swelling larger with might right before my eyes. Those guns became cannons. Muscles looking ready to burst, Val finished her last set with a fierce growl of dominance, settling her feral royal-blue gaze on me. I was simultaneously turned-on and frightened. Val let the mighty bar drop to the floor with a loud thud of iron on concrete and stalked towards me.

The huge, sweaty Amazon scooped me up into her arms and frenched me with a powerful animalistic carnality. The scent of her sweat, the feeling of her blown-up muscles, and the hunger with which she kissed me caused me to blow a load in my pants. It couldn't be helped. It was far too much for me to handle, and I came ingloriously. I didn't know if Valentina knew that, and wasn't inclined to tell her. I just enjoyed her savage tongue forcing its way into my mouth and her lustful hum of passion as she devoured me. Val allowed me a breath, but remained holding me, lips mere microns from mine. My weight was nothing to her, even after blasting her biceps with a gratuitous amount of iron.

"I think you're gonna get lucky later..." Val breathed into my ear, nibbling my neck like I enjoy.

"I'm lucky already," I cooed absently, reveling in the loving my Amazonian girlfriend was dishing out.

"Mmm," She purred, massaging my neck with her lips. "Even luckier then... I'm so hot for you right now..."

"I think you've got some competition in that department, babe," I replied playfully. Valentina giggled.

"They can watch... Or join in..." She said with a sexy grin. "Watching them pump up gets me hot too..."

As much as I didn't want to leave her muscular embrace, Valentina set me down and helped me with a few more exercises before doing the same, but with far greater amounts of weight. Shortly after that, Agnetha called me over to assist her with some weighted pullups. A dipping belt with an extra two-hundred pounds worth of plates dangling between her huge legs was lashed around her waist.

"What's up?" I asked in response to her call.

"It's too light. Hop on," Agnetha purred, referring to the belt.

"Hop on?" I parroted, unsure if I heard right.

"Yeah, grab on to me," She replied in slight annoyance, as if I was purposefully wasting time. With a powerful grip, she seized my shirt and pulled me into her mighty body. I didn't think twice about latching on to her enormous, sweaty physique. Her muscles were ready to come through her too-tight shirt. Agnetha's nipples were hard bullets of flesh jutting forth from her swollen pecs. Strands of white-blonde hair were darkened with sweat and plastered to her forehead.

"Comfy?" Agnetha asked, grinning a little.

I nodded meekly, and Agnetha leapt into the air, grabbing the bar above her head. I could feel the jolt of power in her body as she deftly jumped despite the extra weight anchoring her to the ground. The bulging strength of her muscles swelled as she pulled herself up.

"Hmm...Still too light," Agnetha assessed, furrowed her brow. "But you might make this a bit more fun, sweetie..." She purred, bringing her lips to mine as she worked out. I lost count of the reps she did, and frankly I didn't care. The sensation of this mighty Valkyrie hoisting her heavily muscled physique up into the air with me attached as if it were nothing was amazing. Her soft lips and desirous tongue made me forget about everything else going on around us. Her pumped, sweaty muscles and body heat drove me wild. I was hard again in record time.

Agnetha released her grip on the bar, and dropped down to the floor. Her mighty arms twined around my body, swallowing me in her powerful, thrumming muscles. She moaned into my mouth sweetly as she tasted me. It dawned on me the irony of the whole situation. A few months ago, Agnetha was someone that I considered an enemy. Even after the incident at Themyscira, I had a hard time shaking the sense of fear I felt around her.

To be fair, my first impressions of her weren't favorable. Unlike Val who was a total sweetheart despite her size and strength, and Suzy who hid a sugary side beneath a surly exterior, Agnetha was a completely rogue element. She threatening to make me her slave soured my perceptions of her somewhat.

But I learned that she was quite a sensual and kind-hearted lover over time. Agnetha made no attempt to excuse past actions, preferring instead to let her actions in the present make up for any lapses in judgement in the past. Everything was forgiven and I genuinely enjoyed her company. She exuded a quiet confidence, rarely feeling the need to be loud or boisterous.

Agnetha gently set me down and undid the dip belt. Valentina came over to see what we were doing.

"That was cute," She said with a smile. Agnetha blushed a little but allowed a small, understated smile to reveal her feelings.

"That's because he's cute," Agnetha replied. Valentina nodded in agreement.

"Yes he is," Val stated, curling her massive arms around me. She was hot and sweaty from working out, but I didn't mind because so was I. The bulging redhead planted a soft, sweet kiss on me and led Agnetha and I to find Suzy. She and Valentina had finished their workout for the day, but Suzy was plating up a enormous barbell.

Plate after plate was slapped onto the ends. The bar itself was bending from the strain of being so overloaded. Valentina, Agnetha and I looked at each other, eyebrows raised before looking back at Suzy, who noticed us gawking.

"What?" She asked, unable to hide her excitement over being stared at. "You keep staring, and the clothes are coming off." That was a distinct possibility anyway. Suzy was swollen with muscle by this point.

"That's a lot of weight," Valentina observed. Indeed. Suzy was going to bench in excess of fifteen-hundred pounds. Valentina maxed at thirteen, and Agnetha at thirteen-twenty five. 

"Of course it is. I'm really strong. Duh," Suzy replied. She came over and rapped on Val's head with her knuckles. "Anybody home? Think, McFly, think."

"Okay, little Miss Smartass. You need spotting?" Val asked, getting into position as Suzy sat on the bench.

"Who're you calling 'little'?" The Dark Seductress retorted, stretching her neck, back and arms in preparation for pumping some serious iron. "Alright," She said with unshakable determination. "Let's do this."

"Fire when ready, Gridley," Valentina said as Suzy laid down, gripping the bar. She wiggled around a bit before lifting the thing off the hooks. Valentina helped ease the bar down to Suzy's chest but backed off when her lover insisted that 'she's got this.' With a mighty hiss, Suzy heaved the weight off her massive chest and high into the air. Every rep was preceeded by a yawp of rage.

Suzy was an animal. She grinned fiercely as she pumped the huge weight with considerable effort.

"This is nothing!" She growled, voice thick with strain. "I could do this in my sleep!"

"Beast mode!" Valentina cheered. Suzy let out a harsh bark of amusement.

"Fuck yeah, beast mode!" She repeated. "I'm a sexy beast! Grrah!"

Suzy racked the bar with a contemptuous heave of momentum before sitting up and hitting one hell of a crab pose directed at Agnetha and I. Her tanned muscles detonated, glistening with a sheen of sweat. Drips of perspiration rolled down her body, collecting in rivulets between her hard lines of power, and plastering her black hair to her scalp. She cupped her gloved hands jutting her overstuffed chest out, testing the capacity of her rapidly shrinking bikini top with massive chest muscles. Her pecs had inflated considerably. Suzy made them dance and bulge all the while eyefucking me and licking her chops like a starving predator.

"Well done," Agnetha applauded her former enemy. It was ironic to see the former enemies shouting encouragements to one another throughout the day, but it was heartening. Agnetha and Suzy were fast friends now.

"Thanks. I can still do more," Suzy replied, telling Val to put more weight on.

"Are you serious?" Valentina gaped, unable to believe Suzy could bench even more.

"Are you deaf, freckles? Gimme more!" Suzy snapped. "I'm in the zone, over here!"

"O-kay," Val capitulated, snapping on a hundred more pounds.

The Dark Seductress pushed the bar up enough to free it from the hooks and lowered it to her mighty chest once more. This time, she slowly pumped the bar, but repped at a steady pace. Suzy snarled in contempt every time.

"This fuckin' thing is too light!" She complained, voice raw and straining. "I'm gettin' fuckin' pissed with how light this fuckin' thing is!"

Indeed, to the casual viewer, Suzy easily banged out rep after rep. The huge weight shot up into the air and went back down to her chest with apparent ease. Suzy was red-faced, and foaming at the mouth with Amazonian fury. Veins looked ready to pop beneath her ruddy skin and sweat poured from her massive physique by the gallon. Her ballooning muscles gleamed under the lights of the gym.

A crowd of gawkers had amassed throughout the ordeal, comprised of those who knew Suzy and wanted to see her in action, those that lusted after such an amazing display of raw Amazonian strength and muscle, or those who've never seen or heard someone engage in as much swearing and screaming as Suzy did in their lives, and any and all combinations thereof.

I was certainly impressed. Knowing someone was strong, and seeing just how fucking strong they are happen to not be coincidental. I knew Suzy was strong. She was able to completely dominate me with less than one percent of effort. But, ultimately she handled me with kid gloves. I break easily, and Suzy is well aware of that fact. Watching her, throughout the day shatter my perceptions of strength was an incredible experience. I felt raw animal lust, genuine shock and awe, a swelling of pride, and cold, abject fear rolled in to one emotion.

"C'mon!" Valentina encouraged her tall, dark, and sexy lover. Biting her lip, Suzy forced the sixteen-hundred pound barbell down to her chest once more. The bar sat there for a beat. Suzy was tired. I couldn't blame her, after watching her kick her own ass all day in the gym, earning her self-awarded title of "Biggest, Baddest Bitch" for all who doubted her power to see.

"Five more reps, girl. Give it all you got," Agnetha cheered from the sidelines.

"F-fffive...Morrreee!" Suzy heaved, lifting her burden high into the air. Her chest pumped up and down with deep, ragged breaths. One down, four to go. The bar floated aloft for a few seconds before the massive dark-haired Amazon willed it back down to her chest.

"Hrraaagh!" She screamed, blasting the bar up once more. Many onlookers cheered out encouragements and nearly all in attendance murmured in astonishment at Suzy's impossible strength. Tears of exertion mixed with the sheen of sweat wetting Suzy's skin. Once more, she managed to pull the bar back into a resting position. There it sat, laying across Suzy's mighty chest. She heaved great, pained breaths in an attempt to work up the fury to complete her set. If she gave up now, there would be no shame. Suzy had already shattered not only her personal best at the bench press, but the bench press record for the gym, if not the world.

But it was Suzy. She wouldn't give up. She was a fighter, to the very end.

I thought she would tear herself apart trying to hoist the titanic weight up once more, but she did it. It was all she could do to stop from dropping the barbell across her chest, but with strength pulled from an unknown source, Suzy managed to force jaws from all around to drop in unison. It was possible that Suzy was the strongest human being on Earth.

"Ffffuuuucccckkkk!" Suzy howled, pulling the bar down for the final rep, the Rep Heard 'Round the World. Gritting her teeth, she breathed heavily. With all the effort in the world, she tried to lift up once more, but nothing happened. Her arms wiggled with fatigue. Even with a mighty struggle, she simply lacked the energy. There were less than fumes in Suzy's tank. Suzy managed to keep the bar an inch or so off her chest, but that was it.

"C'mon!" Val shouted in an attempt to boost Suzy enough to finish. "You're so close, don't give up now!"

"One more!" Agnetha yelled. "One more rep! You can do it!"

"You've got it, Suzy!" I added. Others in attendance offered similar backing. Like Popeye and his Spinach, Suzy seemed to gain strength from our cheers.

"Yes..." Suzy roared, hefting the bar up a few more inches. "...I..." Suzy's muscles detonated in size from the surge of invigoration coursing through her. "...DO!!" The bar thrust upwards in a tidal wave of Amazonian strength. Suzy's war cry was long and loud, proclaiming herself the victor and strongest among us. Valentina lunged forward and assisted Suzy in racking the weight before she let it fall on her chest. The Dark Seductress slumped in sheer exhaustion on the bench, rubbery arms falling to the floor. Huge breaths caused her pecs to jolt up and down from her open mouthed swallows of precious air.

Unbalanced laughter began bubbling up from Suzy's throat. Her weariness had made her justifiably loopy, but her sheer elation at shattering a personal best was a wonderful drug, and Suzy was high as a kite on endorphins. Speedballing on ecstasy forced her to alternate between slightly crazy and sinister guffaws to tears of mad joy. She had done the impossible. The day was hers.
More to come
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 20, 2013, 01:15:51 am
Wow! That was an awesome read again! First of all, I love how far Suzy has come strength wise, back a couple of weeks or months before, I think it could be concluded that she was the weakest of the girls, but now, she's bench pressing 300 pounds more than Val's max for reps! I also like how far the relationship between Agnetha, Suzy and Val has come compared to when they first met. I also love that this chapter was basically all about the girls competing for the guy's attention and affection by showing him their immense strength and muscle, which again, makes our unnamed protagonist the luckiest man in all of existence! Really, this storyline has been one of my favorite to read since you started and this chapter only enhanced that feeling for me. Keep up the great work! k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 26, 2013, 10:26:01 pm
Hey, sorry for the delay. But I'm on a fucking roll with this extra long chapter. Thanks to all who took the time to review. It's a pleasure to write for you guys. Poddy, when are you gonna grace us with another chapter of Natalie and the Pump Suit?

With a hiss of effort, Suzy sat up, looking at once haggard and radiant. Her uniquely styled black hair was plastered with sweat to her equally perspiry forehead. Wincing from the soreness of her supremely pumped body, Suzy clasped her gloved hands in front of herself and flexed. She was a blow up doll. Every inch of her was swollen with incredibly massive sinew threatening to burst from her slick, shiny, and reddened skin. A network of veins bulged beneath her dermis, feeding blood into her mighty thews.

At the sight of her triumphantly curling her huge, glistening cannons into a display of dominance, the gathered audience cheered. Buoyed by this celebration of her Amazonian qualities, Suzy burst up to her feet to face the adoring fans, and hit one hell of a most muscular pose, snarling with a sexy fierceness. She loved to be admired and unabashedly basked in the adulation. Despite the soreness of her muscles, Suzy posed for her fans, their maddened, slavering worship driving her to show off her glorious physique. A sea of light washed over Suzy when the crowd took out their cameras and took pictures. Suzy invited Valentina and Agnetha to pose with her, the heat was really turned up.

The Amazons eagerly flexed their bodies for the crowd, their enthusiastic cheers spurring them on to pose despite the sore throbbing in their powerful thews. Caught up in the fury of showing off, their swelling muscles literally began bursting from their clothes. It began with one of Suzy's socks popping open around her calves mid-flex. Suzy's calves were both the size of a human head, bloated with strength and blood. The black fabric had been stretched to the limit around over thirty inches of solid, tanned muscle to the point where individual threads had already popped. Like a banana, the sock peeled away from her massive calf-muscles, displaying the swelling of tissue in it's sharply defined glory. Determined not to be outdone, her other calf exploded her other sock with focus and dedication.

Agnetha's white muscle-shirt was painted on her marble-sculpted torso showing off her lavishly muscled physique like a second skin. Sweat caused the fabric to cling to her skin, becoming translucent in some areas displaying the blood-engorged peachy skin beneath. When she hit a rear lat-spread, a loud rip was heard, and great heaping portions of her thickly muscled back was displayed to the crowd. Agnetha wasn't exactly happy with this turn of events. She liked that shirt and had just bought it not too long ago, she explained. Nevertheless, the Valkyrie pressed on, showing off the hard work of her hulking body with aplomb.

Valentina's pink half-tank top was a grizzled old veteran that had seen many workouts. The integrity of the fabric was thread-bare, with many small fissures and fraying becoming evident not too long ago. It had once been a bright, colorful, and somewhat loose addition to her gym attire, but in recent times became faded and beaten up as her body grew into it. It had been skin tight a few months ago, but now was struggling to hold onto dear life. A few rips had already popped open across her back before, but over the course of her punishing workout, a powerful squall of muscle was coming through. Despite all expectations, even though the rips on her back got bigger while she flexed. It was the neckline that gave way. Flexing her enormous chest, the surge of muscle tissue pressed against the fabric a little too vigorously, and ended up displaying great amounts of pec cleavage to the delight of many in the audience. Rolling with it, Val hulked out of her shirt grabbing onto it, and pulling the sweat-soaked cotton corpse off her gigantic body with contemptuous ease like it were scraps of tissue paper.

The crowd just ate it up. Three hulking goddesses of strength stood before them demanding their worship and they gave it freely.
I showered alone in the men's locker room some time after the impromptu floor show ended. The Amazons were sweaty and tired, and even though they loved the attention, they collectively agreed that a shower was the ticket. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to accompany them into the women's locker room. As I washed, I could only imagine what was going on in there....

Hulking, pumped, veiny muscles glistening in the steamy mist and dripping with water. Strong, practiced hands running over the bulging landscape of their bodies, feeling every swell of sinew, taking in the thrumming power within their bodies...

I sighed, feeling like a drug addict who was jonesing for a hit. I knew that I was going to get incredibly high later, but I wanted that right now. The shower ended, and I went to my locker where I had the foresight to stash some spare clothes. I dried off with a towel that I also kept in my locker, put on some deodorant and dressed in dry clothes. My sweaty, stinky clothes would have to be taken home at some point, but I was feeling a wave of procrastination come over me.

As I closed my locker, I felt a presence to the left of me. A man stood there. To my immense relief, he was wearing clothes but his sudden appearance and bizarre look on his face freaked me out and I jumped involuntarily.

"...Are you being helped?" I asked after he stared at me for a beat, quirking a brow in his general direction.

"You're that guy that is doing those three musclegirls, aren't you?" He asked, voice hushed with reverent awe.

"Yeah, I guess I am ...doing them. What of it?" I replied, looking perturbed at his question. A look of desperation came over his face and he took a supplicant step towards me, causing me to back up a step.

"How did you do it?" He implored.

"What do you mean 'how'?" I asked, thoroughly confused. "I just got lucky, I guess. The redhead, Valentina, is my girlfriend-girlfriend. The other two are just kinda part of the deal."

That wasn't the answer he was looking for. "Yeah, but how did you get in with what's-'er-name?"

"Valentina, you mean. I dunno. I just talked to her one day, and boom. Girlfriend," I replied simply. In truth, it really was like that.
When I met Valentina a few years ago, when she was much slimmer than she is now. She was still built like Ms. Olympia, and was easily the most muscular woman I had ever seen in my life. Little did I know I would watch her blow the fuck up. Shortly after we began dating, she was 'only' one-eighty, with seventeen inch biceps, a far cry from the mass monster she became. On the day we met, there was an art fair downtown. The streets were lined with stalls of vendors selling grossly overpriced, heavily greasy fried food, arts, crafts, trinkets, knick-knacks, and other crap, and there were great throngs of people milling about, looking divest themselves of their money to take home some kitschy wind-chimes made out of old cans of Stroh's, or little glass figurines of animals or something equally worthless.

I had come to the art fair as a way to clear my head. I had gone through a bad break-up with my old girlfriend, a woman that I had strong feelings for. She had reacted badly when I revealed to her that I had a fetish for muscular women. Up to that point, things were great. I had managed to convince her to go to the gym and pump iron. She was fit and sexy with tight, rippling abs, strong, smoothly muscled legs, and an amazing, round ass and I was happier than a clam that I had a hot, strong, sexy woman as a girlfriend. One day, her natural feminine curiosity got the better of her and she hacked into my normally locked and encrypted computer to find gigs and gigs of photos, videos, stories and other paraphernalia devoted to muscular women. 

She confronted me when I got home that evening, and went berserk. I was angry that she went snooping in my stuff, but I didn't understand why she was so upset. She had transformed from a good-looking, but soft and slightly doughy woman into an amazing-looking leggy, athletic, powerfully muscled Amazon and she loved it. Her confidence level had boosted enormously after she saw the eminent results of working out and getting fit. She loved that I was incredibly turned on by her body and her abilities, but she was accusing me of all sorts of vile crap. She lambasted my fetish as 'sick,' that I had tricked and used her, and so on and so forth.

She didn't want to hear any explanation I had to give, despite asking me to explain myself. When her rage was spent, she left me, wishing me the worst. I was utterly stunned, and hopelessly depressed. I had plans to marry that woman, but now it was all over. I never saw her again.

Just as well. If I was with her, I never would have met Valentina, having no real cause to go to the art fair that day. I hated crowds, so the art fair was the last place I would be caught dead. Maybe I was hoping to pick a fight, because I remember being in an absolutely foul mood. Maybe I was hoping to get lost. Who could say? Cutting through the park in the center of town, something caught my eye.

An incredibly beautiful young woman with long, vibrantly red hair was getting drawn by a caricaturist. Her eyes were large, expressive, full of light and joy, and were the deepest shade of blue that I had ever seen. Her face was cut like a model's, with a gorgeous, symmetrical bone structure, high cheekbones, and a strong, but ultimately feminine jaw. She was a pale beauty, the kind that never tans well, but her face and shoulders were dotted prominently with freckles. Her lovely, sensual lips were curled into a small little smile of amused anticipation as she waited for the artist to finish with her portrait.

But despite her great beauty, what knocked me for a loop was how muscular she was.

She was flexing her arms in a double-bicep pose while seated on a stool the artist had for his muse to rest upon. Her arms were powerfully muscled with large bicep peaks, meaty triceps, and forearms like Popeye wished he had. Crammed into a billowy, but attractively cut sundress the color of the sun and flip-flops, her mighty body had a thickly corded neck, prominent traps, broad, powerful shoulders of round, striated sinew, a deeply, solidly muscled chest, and flaring, widely spread lats that resembled wings. Her legs were hidden from view, but I could tell from the contours of the thin fabric of her dress as it rested in her lap that powerful muscles rippled beneath. Every so often, she pumped her arms to ease the cramping in holding her pose for so long. As I said, she was the most muscular woman I had ever seen in my life. I had no idea that she would get even bigger than that in the coming years.

A crowd had gathered to stare at the Amazon, brazenly flaunting her strength and sexiness for all to see. She seemed to revel in the gawking, the whispering, the slack-jaws. And my jaw was certainly slack at the sight of this goddess descended from the heavens to taunt me. Though I was one of many, her royal blue gaze met mine alone out of the crowd. Her smile deepened, flashing large, perfect teeth and prominent dimples in her freckled cheeks. I was utter enamored at the sight of this woman, but I must've smiled back because she blushed demurely. The artist patiently reminded her not to move several times, but every so often, her blue eyes came back to mine, and she seductively flexed her muscles for me.

When all was said and done, the caricaturist revealed his work. Her drew her in a style typical of people in his trade, with a big head and little body, but no amount of goofy proportions could distort the beauty of her smile, or the lusciousness of her muscles. She was amused by his work, and gladly paid him for the portrait. Flirtatiously, the redhead sauntered away, setting me alight with those royal blue flames she called eyes. A small, but interested smile curled her gorgeous lips.

As she walked away with a seductive, hip rolling gait, she looked over her meaty shoulder at me, silently inviting me to follow. Steeling myself, I chased after the Amazon, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 26, 2013, 10:27:10 pm
Coming back to reality, I realized I had locked into flash back mode. I wasn't at the art fair circa the summer of 2008 any more, but in the men's locker room at The Amazon Gym of present day. The guy was staring at me expectantly, as if a great fount of wisdom was about to come pouring out of my mouth. I blinked at him, and he stared unblinkingly at me.

"That's it," I said at last.

"No, no there's gotta be more to it than that!" He practically shouted.

"Alright, calm down, chief. There's really nothing more to it than that. I met her, I talked to her, I got her number, then I took her out. She liked me enough to continue dating me, and voila," I replied. The guy's shoulders slumped.

"It's just not fair," he groaned.

"What's your boggle, citizen? What are you having trouble with?" I really didn't see what was so hard about meeting women. I never really had a problem with that, not to brag. Just talk to them, listen to what they have to say with genuine interest, and tell them they look amazing.

"I don't know. Every time I look at a woman with big muscles I turn into a slobbering wreck. Words come out jumbled, and I can't think straight," The guy complained. "I must look like a total loser in front of them, and I lose my nerve."

"Ah, a Nervous Nellie," I replied sagely. "Remember, confidence is a man's most attractive feature. If you don't have that, then you'll get nowhere, fast."

"Easy for you to say," he grumbled crossly. "You hit the jackpot. Falling ass-backwards into hot Amazon pussy like that."

"And how do you think I got my foot in the door?" I retorted. "I can't promise you that you'll get to have a foursome or even a threesome, but it's not impossible to met a hot muscle mama. You got one in mind?"

"...Yeah," he answered, shyly.

"Is she here, right now?" I pressed.

"I think so. She was when I came into the locker room." I took the guy by the shoulder, and bade him to show me. He told me his name, Jeff, when I asked him, and he pointed out a tall, heavily thewed brunette working her meaty triceps. I recognized her from Themyscira. Her name was Amanda and she was a bartender. She was taller than Valentina by a few inches with long chestnut colored hair, hazel eyes, and full, luscious lips. Her muscles were very big, prominently displaying her power beneath her gorgeous, creamy skin. She wasn't as muscular as any of the Amazons I consorted with, but she was getting there.

I knew she was single, because Amanda had unabashedly flirted with me my very first night at the club. I distinctly remember how she was coming out of her shirt, the merest movement causing a tsunami of muscle tissue to rip the tortured fabric of her shirt. I respectfully declined her not so veiled invitation to her bed, given my current relationship. Valentina honestly didn't mind when she found out later, because she found Amanda just as attractive as I did. Amanda, however, wasn't into girls or too keen on sharing, and, ironically, declined our shared invitation to join in. There was no bad blood between us. She and Val became fast friends, and I enjoyed a playful, flirtatiously bantering friendship with her as well.

"Oh, yeah. That's Amanda," I said, as he pointed her out.

"Oh, god, you fucked her too?!" Jeff nearly shouted, becoming despondent.

"Be quiet, dude. No. I didn't have sex with her. I know her" I finished that sentence lamely, shiftily darting my eyes about. Themyscira was a poorly kept secret, but a secret nevertheless. I didn't know if Jeff even knew of its existence, and I wasn't about to be the one to tell him. "She's a really cool girl. Real easy to talk to. And she's sin-gle," I said, ending in a sing-songy voice, hoping it would cheer Jeff up.

"Are you sure?" Jeff asked desperately.

"Positive. Go get her, champ." Jeff fussed and stressed, wringing his hands for a bit before growing a pair and walking over. I grabbed the neck of his shirt before he got too far.

"What?" Jeff inquired, suddenly more nervous.

"First rule of asking an Amazon out; never get between them and iron, food, or sleep," I recited, speaking from experience. I purposefully left out sex, knowing how horny Amanda got. I hoped that Jeff would learn that one for himself. But yes, it was a good idea to keep a safe distance from a muscle goddess while she was in the middle of pulling down twice your body weight while pumping her triceps.

"You said 'go get her,'" Jeff complained in annoyance.

"I did," I admitted apologetically, "But let her finish her set first."

Amanda pulled down an incredible amount of weight, making those slabs of beef she called triceps swell with power. After nearly two-dozen reps, she carefully released the bar, letting the enormous rack of plates rest before removing and resetting the lock for the next person. Amanda groaned and winced, stretching her sore, supremely pumped muscles.

"Now?" Jeff implored.

"Yes, go, now!" I whispered, sharply, pushing him off in her direction. Amanda was facing us, but not looking in our direction. She toweled off the sweat from her monumental frame, allowing me time to go into Solid Snake mode. I hit the gym floor, and stealth crawled past machines as Jeff strode over to the huge brunette. I probably looked incredibly stupid doing do, but that wasn't important. I didn't want Amanda to see me, and wreck Jeff's flow, if he managed to drum any up. I wanted to hear the interaction between them, and maybe make like Cyrano de Bergerac if needed.

I pressed up against a machine in a crouch positioned behind the titanic woman. She had noted his advance, and was eying him with amused curiosity. Jeff's face was red with embarrassment, and he very nearly stumbled before standing before Amanda. She towered commandingly over him by at least a head, standing at least twice as broad at the shoulder. She wore a gray sports bra and matching booty shorts. Her mighty muscles were swollen, shiny with sweat and veiny.

"Um..." He eloquently began, making me literally facepalm.

"Um..." Amanda teasingly repeated. I removed my hand to look at them. She was at least amused enough to indulge him. This was good.

"I... uh..." Jeff looked at me, prompting Amanda to look over her massive shoulder. I managed to duck behind the machine in time for her to miss me, popping back around when she turned back around. I motioned for Jeff to continue.

"I c-couldn't help but notice... uh..." Jeff stammered.

"Yes...?" Amanda prompted him. Jeff looked like he was about to pop.

"Oh, the hell with it!" he shouted suddenly, causing both Amanda and I to jump. "I think you're very beautiful and just wanted to say it!"

"Um... well, thanks," Amanda replied, utterly confused by the strange, awkward little guy.

"ASK HER OUT!" I mouthed silently. Jeff nodded slightly, and cleared his throat.

"That's not all I wanted to say," Jeff rambled.
"Oh?" Amanda replied, interest piqued once more.

"I was wondering, if it's not being too forward, and if it's not too much trouble, which isn't to say that a beautiful woman like you would have trouble, you understand..." Jeff struggled and floundered. He was blowing it, big time. I moved to give him some more advice, but to his and my own surprise, Amanda gently reached out and placed her deceptively dainty hands on his shoulders reassuringly.

"Calm down, tiger. One thing at a time," Her voice was soothing, and her touch was invigorating. She obviously wanted to give Jeff a chance, no matter how bad he was crapping it up. To my dismay, but I suppose I couldn't really blame him, I noticed his erection bulge through his shorts. I cursed silently, and quickly averted my eyes, wishing I had some bleach handy, or a melon baller. Jeff, however, calmed down immensely.

"Right..." He breathed, full of serenity. "Would you go out with me sometime?"

"That's kind of a tall order, tiger. I don't even know your name," Amanda replied, prompting him. It was clear that she was walking him through this. Maybe she was interested in him, or maybe she took pity on the bumbling doofus. Either way, he was in luck. I hope he really appreciated her efforts at saving his sorry ass.

"Oh! Uh... J-Jeff. Jeff! My name is Jeff!" He sputtered.

"Hmm, Jeff, huh," Amanda parroted, as if sampling his name like a protein shake. She curled her huge guns into a flex. Tremendous peaks sprung upwards. The muscles of her back rippled immensely beneath her shiny, sweaty skin. "You like my muscles, Jeffy?" She purred seductively.

"Yes. Dear god, yes," Jeff answered. Amanda giggled sweetly.

"That's good, because I only go out with guys who like girls with muscles," Amanda spoke intimately. She amorously stepped forward, inviting him to touch her meaty body. Tentatively, Jeff reached out, as if he sensed trouble. When his hands made contact with her hot, sweaty but smooth and scrumptious skin, he could gain perspective on just how big and hard her muscles really were. Amanda was clearly everything Jeff looked for in a woman and then some. She sighed luxuriously as his hands timidly, then eagerly explored the mammoth muscles of her arms.

"Mmm," Amanda purred. "How about my back, Jeffy?" She then turned, and spread her lats. I quickly ducked back behind the machine so she wouldn't see me. It was doubtful she would have noticed me at all. Amanda loved being worshiped, as any Amazon does. Being worshiped by a willing, earnest lover of female muscle was one of the things that Amanda had spoken wistfully at length about. No doubt she had found that in Jeff. It was a win-win.

"Oh my god..." Jeff whispered in utter amazement, examining her heavily muscled back and lats thoroughly.

"Amanda will suffice," She purred teasingly, curling an arm around Jeff's head. He fervently kissed her mountainous bicep, curling his scrawny little arms around her rippling, thickly muscled belly. She closed her eyes and reveled in his veneration of her body, moaning softly when he daringly cupped her breasts and kissed her mighty neck. Amanda turned around, twining her elaborately muscled arms around his neck and pressing her body against his.

"You're cute. You wanna help me do some squats?" Amanda cooed enticingly. Jeff's head bounced up and down like a bobble-head in an earthquake. Amanda giggled and said, "Good, I can't wait to show you just how pumped I can get." And with that, she wrapped an arm around his comparatively slight shoulders while placing one of his hands on her curvaceous ass, leading him away. I stood up from my hiding place and watched them go, feeling all warm and fuzzy. Jeff stole a chance to turn and give me an enthusiastic thumbs-up while grinning ear to ear. I waved at him in acknowledgement and wished him the best of luck.

A heavy arm came down around my shoulders in a similar fashion. Agnetha appeared from out of nowhere, standing besides me, watching the new couple go. Her white-blonde hair was damp and fell loosely around her massive shoulders, coming down in a waterfall of white-gold to the small of her muscled back. She wore a white camisole than was filled to capacity around her massive body and ended mid-belly, and daringly skimpy jean shorts that hugged her exquisite curves while showing off her pillar-like legs in all their glory.

"What was that all about?" Agnetha asked. She smelled like crocus; the intoxicating aroma of her perfume teased my senses and caused my passions to be inflamed. I instictively curled an arm around her slender waist and savored the heat of her body, the steel of her muscles and the softness of her skin.

"Oh, just playing matchmaker," I responded.

"Isn't that Amanda from the club?" She asked. "Who's that she's with?"
"Oh, just some guy," I shrugged vaguely. "I just met him."

Another arm came down around my shoulders from the other side. I turned to see Valentina standing to my right, looking just as gorgeous, if not more so than the day we met. Her fiercely red hair was also shaggy and muted with dampness, being slightly darker than usual from the showers. She wore her favorite shirt, a black baby-t shirt emblazoned with big white block letters that said BIG, STRONG, n' SEXY, and pink mesh shorts that hugged her feminine curves wonderfully with the words "South Beach" stenciled on her magnificent, muscled ass. On her shirt, there was a stylized drawing of a female bodybuilder posed like a cheesecake model, seductively curling weights etched underneath the letters. It was cut to show off the belly and the arms. I had bought her that shirt for our anniversary last year along with some other clothing for her from a website that catered to big girls like Valentina. Even though she was bigger than she was when I bought it, it was made out of a stretchy material that was specifically designed to allow for muscle growth. There would be a time when she was just too big for it, but until then, she would wear it with pride. I also remember her being so appreciative that she nearly killed me later that evening fucking my brains out.

My reverie in the locker room and the radiant smile plastered on her lips seized me. I pulled her into a passionate lip-lock out of the blue to her pleasured surprise. Her lips met mine with a passionate hunger that could not be denied. She returned mine passions with an equal zeal, while I savored her sweet taste. Softly moaning, Valentina crushed me to her massive body and redoubled her efforts in kissing me. I reached up and ran my fingers through her messy red hair with one hand, and teased the small of her back with the other. Val's tongue buffeted mine, searching around my mouth as if it had lost something. When she released me an eternity later, Valentina held me close, lips mere electrons from mine.

"What was that for?" She breathed excitedly, chest heaving up and down.

"I was just reminded of how lucky I really was. I love you, Valentina."

Val smiled sweetly, rosy blush taking her freckled cheeks. Tears of joy welled in her deeply blue eyes.

"And I love you, sweetie," She whispered intimately. Our lips met once more, this time even more passionately then the last.

"Oh, Jesus," Suzy's voice popped up, shattering Valentina and mine's romance. Her short, asymmetrical hair was spiked with some sort of glittery gel. Naturally, she dressed in solid black. A black wide-necked shirt stretched around her massive torso with the words SEX INSTRUCTOR emblazoned boldly across her chest. It was a truly huge shirt in order to billow out like that, and not be like a second skin. The neckline hung diagonally across, revealing one massively muscled shoulder entirely. The hem of the shirt ended just under her ribs to show off her rippling, bejeweled belly. Black leggings hugged her lower body, which seemed strangely conservative for Suzy, until you noticed the multitude of slits that revealed heaping slabs of heavily muscled skin lining the outside of the leggings, and the same wrestling boots from earlier. Hints of her g-string rose above the low waistband of her leggings.

"I told ya, she's like a bloodhound. She'd find the skinny little runt, and shove her tongue down his throat," Suzy quipped.

"I don't know. I thought it was sweet. They were having a moment, and you ruined it, you evil bitch," Agnetha commented, smirking wickedly at our embarrassment. "However sweet, it's rude to leave us out, don't you think?"

"Very rude. I'm incredibly offended," Suzy replied, grinning the whole time.

Valentina, letting go of her embarrassment, smiled and played along. She seized me, and hid me behind her tremendous bulk. I 'timorously' peered over Valentina's muscle-engorged shoulder at the slowly advancing Amazons.

"In order to get to him, you'll have to go through me!" The mighty redhead announced, puffing up her massive chest, nose high in the air.

"Oh really?" Suzy replied.

"I assure you, that was our intention to begin with!" Agnetha pounced, locking horns with her former nemesis. Valentina seized the hulking blonde in a powerful bearhug and lifted her off the ground. Agnetha struggled but couldn't seem to break Val's hold on her.

"Put her down, freckles!" Suzy growled in 'anger.' "Give me the boy, and we'll forgive you for being selfish!"

"Never!" The fire-haired heroine announced, tossing a surprised Agnetha into Suzy's waiting arms. The Dark Seductress cradled the Valkyrie like a husband would a wife as he carried her across the threshold. Agnetha overcame her shock and realized that it wasn't so bad in Suzy's mighty arms.

"Ooh, my savior!" She purred, pulling Suzy into a lustful kiss. Suzy hummed pleasurably and returned Agnetha's affections.

"Mmm," Suzy moaned, peeling her lips away from Agnetha's. "Never mind," She said to Valentina, earning a chuckle from the both of us before kissing a giggling Agnetha once more. Agnetha threw her arms around Suzy's massive neck and they deep-throated each other.

"My heroine..." I purred, sidling up next to Valentina's mighty body. Val effortlessly scooped me up into her beefy arms, much like Suzy had Agnetha. "Did I ever tell you how strong and sexy you are?"

"Mmm, all the time, baby," Valentina breathed sensually. "But I still like to hear it..."

And with that, she pulled me into one more intimate, carnal, tongue filled kiss before we left the Gym for the day.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on December 26, 2013, 10:27:28 pm
As a group we decided to adjourn to Suzy's loft as it was nearest to the Gym. I had been to Suzy's place before, but it still amazed me how decadent and self-indulgent her place was. Suzy lived at the top of a high-rise apartment building downtown in a huge loft that must be ridiculously expensive. Suzy no doubt paid for it with the exorbitance fees she charged for sessions. I think I remember her telling me that it cost a schmoe upwards of $10,000 to have an hour or two with her. She only had a few clients, but they were loyal, addicted, and obscenely rich. As such, she didn't have to work a real job and could live the good life. This supplemented by the money she earned at the club paid for this place in spades.

Her apartment was one huge open room separated by levels, with the exception of her lavish bathroom. Massive picture windows let natural light in supplemented by skylights and track lighting to illuminate the place. A truly massive LED screen TV hung on one wall, and a sumptuous matching set of leather couches and chairs sat in the living room. There was a mahogany dining table with matching chairs in the dining area. A stripper pole was positioned underneath the uppermost level where Suzy's bedroom was. Next to the pole was a huge sound system and a series of comfortable plush leather chairs. She had a lot of art dedicated to herself given as gifts by her boy-toys. A huge painting hung on one wall of herself wearing a skimpy leather bikini and knee-high stiletto boots using a slavering old man as a footstool, presumably one of her clients.

A larger-than-life sized marble statue of a nude Suzy as a massive armed Venus de Milo greeted visitors walking into her apartment. It was about eight feet tall, and quite realistic all things considered.

Several smaller bits of art that celebrated the muscular female form dotted the rest of the apartment, but what caught my eye was an octaptych of large, black and white photos of a tastefully nude Suzy and myself on the uppermost level, hanging above Suzy's bed. The photos were taken by Annie, and a copy of the work was hanging at Themyscira. I had also posed with Valentina, Agnetha, Annie herself, and a few other Amazons for the session. Val and I had a similar octaptych adorning the wall above our bed, as did Agnetha. Suzy posed as a fiercely dominant Amazon (surprise surprise) and I was her subservient slave. The only article of clothing I wore was a studded dog-collar attached to a chain.

The pictures told the story of a mighty Amazon taking her lover despite his protestations. She loomed over me menacingly in the first pic, and I was posed on my back at her feet, shielding my face from possible harm. In the second, she shouted at me, crushing my chest beneath her foot. In the third, Suzy picked me up by the collar and threatened me with her bicep. The fourth picture showed me between her leg scissors, with an exaggerated look of despaired pain on my face while Suzy grinned evilly. I mused on that last one. Suzy was really squeezing me in that one even though Annie told us to just pretend. What a psychopath. The fifth picture was from behind, Suzy flexing her biceps while straddling me, a look of awed fear on my face. I was a decent actor, I thought. The sixth picture showed Suzy and I engaged in 'coitus' (in reality my thing was taped to my leg), with her on top, head thrown back in ecstasy while she crushed my body beneath her, and my face buried between her huge pecs. In the seventh, was the Amazon's climax. Suzy's arms were curled around my chest, squeezing the life out of me. I looked scared, because she really did try to break my ribs, or so I thought. Suzy maintained that she wasn't really squeezing all that hard and that I was just a wuss, but I know what I felt. In the eighth and the last photo, was Suzy straddling my lifeless body, flexing her biceps and kissing one of them in triumph over crushing another lover.

The photo sessions were meant to depict all aspects of Amazonian women. Suzy naturally jumped at the chance to beat me up and chose to be a dominatrix. Valentina and I posed for a softer, sweeter session in which the Amazon lovingly engaged in a worshipful sex act with her man culminating in me resting my head on her pecs, clinging to her much more muscular frame for protection while she looks down lovingly at me, arm curled around my frame holding me close to her body. Agnetha chose to do a series of comparison pics, showing her outmuscling me in several poses, showing the dichotomy between our two physiques and celebrating clear female superiority. The final pic in that set was me clinging to Agnetha's hugely muscled leg, looking up in awe at her mighty physique, while she looks down at me with a smug smirk of superiority.

Annie and I were gladiators engaged in mortal combat on her set with her killing me and striking a pose similar to the Amazon warrior statue in the lobby of the club, standing on my slain corpse, challenging the viewer to fight. In the other sets, I was manhandled, wrestled, lifted and carried, saved, crushed, pushed, pulled, and so on and so forth by many other Amazons from the club. The pictures all hung in the long hallway joining the lobby and the dance floor, making me a minor celebrity at Themyscira.

"Home sweet home," Suzy said, tossing her keys on the kitchenette counter. "Shoes," She said, pointing at our feet, letting us know to take them off. I guess she didn't want to scuff up the hardwood floor.

"I'll never get over this place," Valentina said, taking it all in.

"Not even Joseph Stalin had this much art with his face on it," Agnetha quipped, examining a bust of Suzy sitting in an alcove by the door.

"Hardy-fucking-har," Suzy groused. "I can't help it if one of my, er, benefactors thinks showering me with commissioned one of a kind pieces of expensive artwork will win me over." She adopted a regal expression and sniffed, "He just happens to have good taste."

"Ooh, modest," Agnetha continued. "And how much money has he spent on you total?"

"This year, or all together?" Suzy asked for clarification.

Agnetha laughed and spread her hands in conciliation. "Never mind. I don't want to know."

"Should I feel inadequate?" I inquired towards Suzy. The dark Seductress smiled, sauntering over to me. She threw her massive arms around my body.

"Don't worry, Skinny. He's got money. That's about it," She purred, pulling me into her sexually aggressive kiss. "You're much, MUCH, better than he is." Her hands traced down my chest until she cupped my manhood gently. "And if it's any consolation, you're much, much bigger than he is too."

"Well, at least I've got somethings on Uncle Moneybags," I replied. My concentration was interrupted by a sudden blast of music from Suzy's sound system. The speakers were crystal clear, with a full rich sound.

"How about a little mood music?" Valentina announced, turning the stereo on, and music started playing before she fumbled with the dial. She couldn't seem to find an appropriate station, accidentally settling on a polka channel that was ripping off a raucous rendition of "Clarinet Polka."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Suzy complained.

"Mmm, I don't know. I could get down with this!" Valentina grinned playfully, sexily shaking her gorgeous ass to the music.

"You would," Suzy quipped.

"You're just jealous because you can't dance," Val retorted, waggishly sticking her tongue out and gyrating like a sexed up stripper to the dissonant folk music. Suzy stuck up her middle finger at Valentina in response. The redhead yanked me from Suzy's grasp. "Dance with me," She purred, grinding her beefy body on me. I was a terrible dancer, but Valentina moved with grace and sensuality belying her tremendous size. She noted me watching her, and worked her way closer to me to give me a better view, her royal blue eyes half-veiled in pleasure and her sensual lips curled into a sexy smile, as she worked it.

"Sorry, I'm not listening to this," Agnetha said, quickly changing the channel. However, there was nothing but dead air, or garbled static on the next few stations. Suzy and Valentina groaned at the noise.

"The polka was better," Suzy quipped.

"Speaking of polka," Valentina joined in, giggling at the feeling of my massive erection sprouting up in my pants. She reached down and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Yeah, yeah," Agnetha replied, waving off our sarcasm. "I can't seem to find the--ah! Here we go!" She turned over to the station she wanted. Sensual, throbbing club music filled the room, prompting an excited and girlish squeal from Valentina who resumed her sexually charged dancing, but for real this time.

"I love this station!" She announced, pushing me into one of the plush leather chairs positioned near Suzy's stripper pole. She ran her fingers through her flame-colored hair and letting her hips do the talking.

"Ah, W-SEX 69.1, the All Strip-Club Station," I snarked, unable to take my eyes off the rippling muscles of Valentina's belly as she danced in my face.

"Shush, sweetie. You know you like this..." She murmured, her rippling abs dancing with every lustful movement of her sexy hips. I reached out to touch her, but she stopped my hands, and straddled me, giving me a lap dance. "No touching the dancers, sweetie," Val giggled, forcing my hands behind my back.

Suzy, despite Valentina's earlier jab about being terrible, was also a very sexy dancer. She lacked some of Valentina's grace, but made it up in sheer sexuality. She slid on over, letting the rhythm take her, bringing her titanic body close to Valentina. Curling her arm around Val's slender waist, Suzy ground on Val from behind.

"Ooh!" The redhead giggled, accepting Suzy's hugeness against her own body. As one, they gyrated to the beat, letting the sensual rhythm take over. Valentina carefully peeled off her shirt then her shorts, leaving her in only a tiny little g-string. She sexily tossed her clothes over to me. I caught them and took a deep whiff of her flowery scent. Val's nearly nude body rippled mightily with sinew. Every movement, no matter how small, caused waves of flexing muscle to swell and twitch beneath her milky, freckled skin. Val danced on her taller, dark haired lover with an eroticism that would make anyone a believer in muscular women. Suzy grabbed great handfuls of Valentina's nude body, eliciting moans of excited arousal from both Amazons.

Agnetha sat next to me, watching the scene with prurient interest, the same as me.

"Here she goes..." She purred, gasping in lust, stroking her soft, silky white-gold hair.

"She's amazing," I concurred.

With that, Valentina spun away from Suzy, taking a hold of the stripper pole. The pole itself was highly reinforced titanium and very securely anchored to the ground and ceiling. It had to be, because Valentina's weight didn't budge it, and her tremendous strength didn't cause any warping. She swung her mighty body around the pole with the nimble grace of a woman a fraction of her size. With her huge upper body strength, Valentina spun around the pole taking her feet off the ground, legs split completely apart. Valentina slid to the ground, still doing the splits, arms reaching seductively behind her head. She ground her womanhood on the hardwood floor, all the while fucking me with her eyes. From beneath the thin black fabric of her moistening g-string, Valentina's huge clit sprung forth with authority. She was just as aroused as her captivated audience by her performance.

With surprising agility, she got back to her feet from a sinuous handstand into a cartwheel, and slowly sauntered over to Agnetha. The blonde eagerly leaned back into her chair, accepting the lusty redhead onto her lap. Valentina ground up and down on Agnetha's imaginary cock, sending ripples of pleasure reverberating through both of their immense bodies. Agnetha placed her hands on Valentina's hips, assisting her in their pretend sex act. They lustfully stared into each other's eyes as they fucked, lips hovering microns apart.

Valentina flexed her muscles and Agnetha eager worshiped them. Her lips kissed the behemoth domes of Valentina's biceps, the mighty slabs of her pecs, the thickness of her neck and traps, and the bowling-ball swelling of her shoulders. Valentina hopped out of Agnetha's lap, slowly spinning around while working her hips to the beat. With her back to Agnetha, Valentina began twerking sexily, popping that booty, bending over completely straight legged. Agnetha's hands rested on Valentina's round, muscled ass as she shook it like a rap video vixen. Agnetha tried to peal off Val's little thong, but the dancing redhead playfully slapped her hands away and danced back over to me.

Val danced in front of me, strictly for my pleasure. She placed my hands on her ass, and buried my face into her rippling abs. Unlike Agnetha, she didn't prevent me from grabbing onto her skimpy underwear. Instead, she danced her way out of her thong as I pulled it down around her ankles. Now completely nude, Val pressed me back into my seat. She ground her nude wetness against my hard cock in a simulation of sex, throwing her head back in a gasp of ecstasy. The weight of her body, the heat of her skin and breath, the scent of her perfume, and the stimulation of my manhood was too much. I was feeling a powerful orgasm welling up inside me while she dry humped my cock.

"Fuck me, baby..." Val purred into my ear, nibbling on my neck. I cried out from sheer orgasmic bliss, wrapping my arms around her huge, undulating body. She never relented, mercilessly fucking me through my clothes. I was so close.

"I want you," Valentina whispered ardently. "I want your big cock inside me. Fuck me, baby, fuck me!"

"I'm gonna cum..." I whispered back, unable to help myself.

"Mmm..." Val purred, lips against my ear. "Cum for me..."

"Goddess!" I rasped, tears streaming down my cheeks, nibbling on her bulging shoulder. "I'm...! I-"

"Shhh..." Val cooed erotically. "Cum for me..."

I could only do as she commanded. My cobra spit its venom the second her sensual lips caressed my neck. I squeezed Valentina's huge frame, my whole body locking into a fierce climax. I was lost in orgasmic heaven, and Valentina was my guardian angel. I came so powerfully, I fainted. The last conscious memory I had was of Valentina's beauteous face and the words "Cum for me," whispered on those sensual lips.
More to come
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 27, 2013, 02:11:42 am
Another awesome chapter! Great stuff, I sort of look at myself as being sort of like Jeff, I would never have the confidence to approach an Amazon like Amanda, without encouragement, so good to see him (the main male character) play matchmaker. Amanda seems like a great girl and Jeff is a very lucky guy. Not as lucky as the main guy, but very lucky anyway. k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Poddy on December 30, 2013, 04:54:49 am
As much as I love your descriptions of muscle and scorching sexual encounters, it's the great dialogue that actually really makes this story for me. You've clearly got a real talent for it and it definitely adds to the story. Excellent stuff mate K+
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on January 28, 2014, 01:17:18 am
Fucking writer's block.
"Uh oh, I think you broke him."

"Wow. That was a helluva thing. Is he alright?"

"I don't know. That's never happened before."

"I guess you're too much for him, Vally."

"Not really helping, Suzy."

"What? It's not my fault he passed out..."
Her fiery red hair blazed in the bright sunlight. Her intoxicating perfume teased my nose. It was a familiar, flowery scent that seemed to be suited for her, and her alone. I couldn't identify it. It was a heavenly, flowery scent than reminded me of a warm, sunny day atop a rolling green hilltop in a pasture laden with wildflowers somewhere perfectly idyllic, far from civilization. We chose to get away from it all, just her and me. Out in the country, we chose a spot we know we can be alone, just the two of us.

Laying with the red-haired Amazon in the grass, we consummate our love beneath a perfect blue sky. When I closed my eyes, I could clearly see the vibrant, fiery color of her hair in the sunlight, her nude, muscular body laying beneath me, her skin glowing in the lazy afternoon sun. Her muscles fill my hands well past their gripping capacity. Her soft moans of pleasure encouraging me to explore her great expanse with my hands and mouth. We couple, not for the first time, and certainly not the last. Our parts slide together perfectly as if they were lock and key. The look on her face is one of beautiful, desirous agony as I penetrate her. Her eyes are deep pools of azure filled with love and a fierce lust for me that only inspires me onwards into wonderful oblivion.

I feel every explosive contour of her body, the sweet taste of her lips and skin, the radiant warmth of her closeness, hear her voice singing in orgiastic glee and whispering sweet devotions of love into my ear. I see her face glowing with passionate love for me. I see her eyes half-veiled in pleasure, the gentle smile spreading across her sensual lips telling me volumes of how she feels about me without needing to hear a word. We make love for hours, our passions bolstering our stamina. She climaxes, exploding in a song meant only for me to hear; a devotional Amazonian love ballad. The beauty of her song moves me, causing me to join her in orgasmic bliss.

Suffering wonderfully from the residual aftershocks of her climax, the redheaded goddess pulls me in to taste her lips. She whispers to me "I love you..." and kisses me.


I stirred. What the hell happened? My eyes opened to stare at a high, vaulted ceiling. The octaptych of me and Suzy loomed above, though upside down. I was adrift in a sea of purple silk. Suzy's bed was massive. It was a custom job similar to what Valentina and I had back home. It was made with strong alloys and the frame was rated to withstand a bomb blast. The mattress was also a custom job. It was equivalent to Caesar-sized, but extremely resilient, but very, very luxurious and comfortable. The bed was dressed with expensive silk sheets of a deep royal purple color with gold trim.

I blinked and got my bearings. I realized that I was naked, but curiously, I was alone. I was somewhat disappointed with that. Suzy's apartment was quiet and darker than I remembered it being last. The sky outside was a warm peachy color with the pinks and reds of a beautiful sunset hallmarking the end of the day. That struck me. I must've only been out for a few hours at the most, but it felt like a month.

I wasn't groggy or discombobulated. In fact, I felt pretty good. I'd feel even better with an Amazon or three to snuggle with, but I needed to figure out where said muscular lovelies buggered off too. I threw the huge sail-sized silk sheets off my body and walked over to the railing that counted as a wall for Suzy's bedroom. Nothing down there. Valentina must've dressed. Her clothes weren't all strewn about like they were.

"Y'ello?" I called. "Echo!" Nothing but my voice greeted me back. "If you don't want me to raid your fridge, say something!" Still nothing. "Bitchin'."

I descended the spiral staircase down to the main floor. The stairs ended in Suzy's kitchenette, which was laden with a plethora of shiny, stainless steel gadgetry. All her appliances were very high-tech and looked largely unused. For some reason I didn't see Suzy as much of a homemaker. This corner of her apartment was rather dark, especially since the sun fell behind the cityscape outside. I kicked on the light and was blasted with an explosion of harsh white light.

"Jesus!" I said to no one in particular, blinking away purple spots. There was no reason to have a million watt bulb. For some reason, Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock and Roll" seemed apropos to whistle as I raided Suzy's fridge. Inside were scads of bodybuilder food, jugs of water, prepared meals, but nothing really caught my eye. No snackage to be had. Her freezer yielded little either.

Inside her pantry sat jugs and jars and packages of bulking powders, creatines, pills, capsules, but nothing-- oh, wait, what's that? On the bottom shelf, a clear plastic jug of, yuck, wheat pretzels.

"What, they were out of rug shavings at the store?" I snarked. "Fucking wheat pretzels, Suzy? Seriously? How healthy do you need to be? I'm gonna need one of those jugs of water, just to replenish my lifeforce." Grumbling, I took the jug of instant drymouth and snagged one of Suzy's water jugs and dug in, swearing a blue streak. I could feel my body instantly desiccating as I tried to muscle down a few pretzel braids. In one hand I had pretzels, and in the other a jug of water to ease the desert-like conditions in my mouth caused by the damned pretzels.

"Wheat pretzels," I groused, mouth full of pretzel, spitting pretzel shavings everywhere. "Pretzels suck to begin with. But, wheat pretzels? Oh, wow, what a rebel you are, cheating on your diet like that." In our house, we stocked up on lots of muscle food for Valentina but we had a small but adequate selection of junk food "just in case." Valentina didn't indulge often, but she liked her sweets in moderation as much as the next girl. But apparently Suzy's idea of indulgence included these fucking wheat pretzels.

"That's alls I cans stands and I can't stands no more!" I declared to the empty apartment, sealing the pretzels back up and tossing them back whence they came. I chugged water like I had just ran a marathon in the Sahara. I may as well have eaten handfuls of sawdust.

I noticed that my phone was sitting on the kitchen counter. I went over to it and thumbed the pattern to unlock the screen. The wallpaper was an ill-fitting picture of Valentina and I snuggling together. I never quite got the hang of formatting pictures to the right size. I noticed that I had new texts.

"skinny- going out w/the girlz 4 a bit make urself @ home. ground rules: 1. leave my rug alone it rly ties da room 2gether (geddit 'ground rules' i crak meself up LOL). 2. food dun leave the dining area on pain of death. capeesh?? c u in a bit n remember, my hosptiality has a price. i WILL collect. XOXO suze. BTW in case ur 1dering i got ur clothes ha ha so dun get n.e. funny ideas about getting dressed. i like u so much better when ur nekkid n.e.ways." I rolled my eyes at Suzy's horrible texting skills.

"Wish u were here baby. u lookd so cute sleeping didnt wanna disturb u. XOXOXO (1 more than suzy hehe) Valentina." Though Val's texting skills were as bad as Suzy's, her sentiments made me smile. What a sweetie. She attached a picture of herself kissing my sleeping face on the cheek.

"Look at the size of the cumstain on your pants! Looks like lake gitchagoonie." Agnetha attached a photo of herself holding up my pants with a surprised look on her face. I was slumped, pantsless in the chair I passed out in behind her. Indeed, there was a huge stain on the crotch. "Ive just been informed that it's actually lake gitcheegumi, not gitchagoonie. Lake gitchagoonie bullies the other lakes, i guess. Geddit? Anyway, see you soon. Lots of love, Ags XOXOXOXOXOXOXO (beat that freckles!)."

I texted back: "Suzy, where the fuck do you get off having no snacks? Your pantry is a travesty. And dont say 'wheat pretzels' because I'll throw hot coffee in your face." "Vally baby, dreamt about you. Hurry back to me, make it real. Oh and bring some food becuz Suzy doesnt believe in happiness apparently. Luv ya, girl" "Ags I don't think i've ever blown so big a load. My balls are like raisins. Yeesh."

I settled into to Suzy's plush couch after setting down a blanket to sit on and turned on her massive television. The picture was scary clear and the sound was booming. I surfed all 900+ channels. Suzy had lots of movie channels. Ooh! Flash Gordon! I'm in.

"Flash! Ah AH! Savior of the Universe!" I sang along with Freddie Mercury, thoroughly enjoying myself. Flash Gordon was one of my absolute favorites. I caught it about halfway in but nevertheless had a great time watching it for probably the millionth time, hamming it up with Brian Blessed. I owned it on DVD, but anytime it was on TV I would watch it. Same with any of the Back to the Futures, Blade Runner, Tombstone, or The Princess Bride.

After Flash Gordon ended, I surfed for more. There wasn't much on this time of day. All the late night shows wouldn't be on for a few hours yet, and I didn't have a clear direction I wanted to go. Suzy had a different service provider than Valentina and I did. The channels were wonky and out of order compared to what I was used to. All that water I drank decided it had enough hydrating my innards and decided it was time to vamoose. I got up to take a leak and when I returned, I heard keys rattling in the locks.

Naked me greeted the huge women, bringing delight to their faces. They had bags and bags of clothes from the mall. I swear that when girls go out places, it's either to get manicures, conduct witchcraft, or go clothes shopping.

"Well, ladies, it appears you have me at a disadvantage," I said, doing nothing to hide the fact that I was in the altogether.

"Now, that's what I like to see," Agnetha purred, eying me up and down. She gently slapped me on the ass while she passed by. Valentina came up behind her with a sexy grin holding up a bag of Sonic and a large soda. Be still my clogging heart. That's why I loved Valentina.

"Ta-da!" Val chirped. I came up to her, throwing my arms around her waist and kissing her passionately. She moaned softly, especially when my hands went up her shirt and into her shorts.

"You're a life saver," I cooed after we parted lips, referencing the greasy fast food in her hands.

"Only the best for you," Val said, lovingly nuzzling me.

"Don't I get any lovin', Skinny?" Suzy interrupted, lewdly checking me out.

"Absolutely not on account of your shoddy selection of comestibles. I'm going to write a letter to Amnesty International. This is intolerable. I had to endure, under protest mind you, a handful of those awful wheat pretzels just to stop my body from consuming itself," I griped.

"Oh, fuck you very much, little man. Just because I don't put shit into my body, don't get all pissy with me. And I better not find any fuckin' crumbs anywhere, Skinny! I warned you about that! That greasy shit Val bought you doesn't leave the dining area!" Suzy growled. She immediately set out to find evidence of illicit snacking in prohibited areas. Val and I went over to the dining table so I could eat some real food. She sat down and bade me to sit on her heavily muscled lap. How could I resist? She was warm and wonderful.

"C'mere," she purred, pulling my naked body down. She curled her massive arms around me and gave me a gentle squeeze. Her lips grazed my ear and neck wonderfully. "Tell me all about that dream you had..."
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on January 28, 2014, 01:23:48 am
I proceeded to relay the contents of my dream in-between scarfing down a SuperSonic Bacon Double Cheeseburger, Tots, and a Dr. Pepper. My arteries just shook their heads in resignation and looked at each other helplessly, but goddamn was that food good. Valentina enjoyed my dream as much as I did when I got down to telling her about it.

"So, what did you lot do?" I asked, curious what took so long.

"Oh, this and that. Picked up some more supps. Suzy wanted to show us this store in the mall that makes clothes for bigger people. Ordering online kinda sucks because you have to wait so long. It was pretty cool. I was surprised at how sexy some of those clothes were. I thought it would be all frumpy and gross looking, but they make stuff for bodybuilders too. Lots of stretchy stuff," Valentina paused before purring in my ear. "Picked up some lingerie..."

"Ooh, really? Anything sexy?" I asked.

"Of course, silly. I know you'll like it..." She reached down and cupped my hardening erection. "Mmm, you wanna see?"

"Does the Pope shit in the woods?" I murmured, reveling in the feeling of her strong hand on my pole. Valentina giggled and scooped me up in her massive arms. Cradling me in the crook of just one muscle-engorged arm. With her free hand, she snagged a big bag with some logo on it. Effortlessly she carried me upstairs with just one arm. Val sat me on the bed and started to strip. Unable to resist, I helped her disrobe.

"Naughty boy..." She breathed. "I just think this was a ploy to get me naked."

"Guilty as charged," I replied, spearing my tongue into her mouth. Val let out a long, satisfied moan and curled her mammoth arms around my neck. I took great heaping handfuls of her muscled body. "You make me hot, baby."

"That makes me hot," Val whispered intimately.

"How many times have we done it today?" I asked.

"Mmm, not nearly enough..." She replied, scooping me up into a cradle and kiss. Val laid me down on Suzy's bed and made out with me. Her skin was soft and warm, her muscles hard and unyielding. It was like my dream. Val's lips fervently engaged mine, her tongue exploring my mouth, her strong hands feeling my body. I savored every second of this closeness because I knew it wouldn't last. The popping and snapping of our hungry kisses as well as our muffled moans of pleasure rang out clear as day in Suzy's apartment.

"Don't you wanna see my lingerie?" Valentina asked after a long while, during our much needed break for air.

"Of course, but I really did miss you," I replied, playing with her fiery hair. She smiled sweetly.

"And I missed you. But, like I told you before, I'm worth the wait," Val said, booping me on the nose before getting up to pick up her bag. She headed into Suzy's massive walk-in closet that I was sure to be full of nothing but black clothing and leather. Val's outstanding ass wiggled with exaggerated seductiveness as she walked. The door closed just enough that I couldn't see what she was doing in there, but I could hear movement. Suzy trundled upstairs followed by Agnetha.

"The hell you doin' up here, Skinny?" Suzy asked.

"Waiting for you to come find me. Where have you been all my life?" I retorted. Suzy and Agnetha sauntered over. The blonde cuddled up alongside me, while Suzy stood before me, hands on hips, her trademark regal expression glowering from on high.

"Lowly dog. Bow your head," Suzy commanded. I did so, mockingly staring at the carpet between her feet.

"Oh, hey, pretzel crumbs. Must've missed those," I said.

"What?!" Suzy yelped frantically looking around for non-existent crumbs. Agnetha and I suppressed our laughter watching Suzy freak out over nothing. It wasn't long before she caught on.

"Fucker," The Dark Seductress grumbled, playfully slapping my shoulder, by which I mean slapping it harder than she probably meant to. She pushed me onto my back and straddled me. "Guess I'm gonna have to make good on my promise."

"And what was that?" I asked, enjoying the view from where I lay. Suzy peeled off her shirt, revealing her herculean physique. Beneath smooth tanned skin, her massive sinews flexed and rippled. Running her strong hands over her body, Suzy breathed satisfactorily. She loved how muscular and strong she was even more than I did. Of course, my obvious interest excited her as well. The hulking brunette leaned forward, resting her hands on either side of my head. Suzy's arms were like twin pillars comprised of thick slabs of muscle. Her mammoth pecs loomed overhead like stormclouds.

"My hospitality has a price, Skinny. Remember?" Suzy purred darkly. Her black eyes were full of evil deeds yet to be committed. Suzy leaned yet further in, her face mere centimeters from mine. "I'm still thinking about this morning," She whispered passionately. "Will you make me sing like you did Vally?" Her soft, plush lips massaged mine.

"I wish I could've been there," Agnetha joined in, sidling up alongside. "I want some of what you gave her too."

Before I could answer, the closet door burst open, revealing Valentina in all her sexy glory. Her titanic physique was crammed into a very sexy, sheer babydoll that was plastered to her body as opposed to hanging loose. Her muscular definition was plainly visible beneath the translucent fabric. Beneath that, she wore a matching but teeny little g-string and fuzzy heeled slippers. The hem of the nighty ended just above her gargantuan thighs. All in all, it was a very simple, yet incredibly sexy outfit. All three of us couldn't tear our eyes off of her, causing Valentina to blush. Her nipples hardened and jut through the cups of her nighty.

"Damn, girl," Agnetha sputtered.

"You like it?" Valentina asked reveling in the attention. "It barely fits. It seemed a little bigger when I tried it on earlier."

"It's wonderful," I said, enraptured.

"I didn't see any lingerie at the store," Suzy said. "I would've gotten some too if I did."

"This was the only one they had. It's not gonna last, though. I only got it because it still sort of fits. Besides, I think you have enough lingerie, Suzy," Val replied, gesturing to Suzy's closet.

"Nonsense. I can never have enough sexy clothes. Of course, I look amazing naked, but still," Suzy sniffed. Valentina rolled her eyes and sauntered over, looking at me. She loved how my eyes roamed the vast expanse of her body. Her pecs stretched the meager cups of her nighty, massively overfilling them with muscle tissue. The straps dug into her traps and looked prone to snap at any given moment. The sheer fabric hugged the circumference of her body like a second skin. I loved in particular how it wrapped around her hips, accentuating her femininity.

Suzy got off me to allow Valentina to loom above me like a goddess demanding worship. Val saw my throbbing erection and smiled at the sight. She knew the effect she had on me and reveled in it. With a seductive grace, she slowly curled her guns into a double biceps. Mountainous thews thickened in her arms, springing into enormous peaks. Val pumped her arms a few times to get the full effect. The hem of her nighty hiked up higher as she flexed. Her big juicy clit protruded through the thing fabric of her g-string beneath.

Val reached for me and pulled me to my feet with no effort. Her heels added an extra two or three inches to her height, making her even taller than me than she was normally. I came up to her chin. The warmth from her body radiated outwards as did her perfume. Instinctively, I curled my arms around her trim waist, feeling the electrifying power of her body from within. Valentina spread her shoulders, making herself even wider than me. Her lats swelled outwards, testing the stretching capabilities of her nighty to the limit. I cupped her lats mid flex, trying to hold on to the growing muscle as if to contain them. There was no stopping her power. The muscle tissue blasted free from my grip in earnest.

Once more, she flexed her biceps, only this time in my face. My eyes grew wide as her biceps swelled. They were positively massive. I wondered if they grew at all since I last measured them at 30". My lips met the soft, warm skin enveloping the hard granite of her muscle. Val let out a soft cooing of approval at my muscle worship. She stroked my hair with her other hand, while she pumped her bicep a few time for emphasis. Then she switched to her other arm. I gave those muscles the same devotional worship as they deserved. I noticed her pecs heaving within a few inches of my face with every great breath. Valentina's legendary chest was stuffed with muscle. Her pecs were thick, feathered slabs of she-beef. The canyon between them was half a finger deep. I reached out and touched her chest. The broad plateaus of sinew filled my hands well past capacity with more to go. She flexed her pecs in my hands, causing them to swell and harden. There was no give to her chest normally, but fully flexed, her pecs could stop a bullet. Her skin was so soft and tender, yet the tissue beneath was densely woven steely muscle fibers. I had to taste her.

My lips met Val's rippling pecs as if magnetized to them. A gasp of enjoyment escaped her lips at my worship. The muscles in her chest were luscious and bounteous, swollen like ripe fruit ready to be eaten. Of course any attempt to bite her muscles would only result in broken teeth. Raw power coursed through her sinews. I could taste it. Val's breathing quickened with arousal. Her pecs heaved with every elated breath, rising and falling powerfully. Her nipples were bullets of flesh digging into the cups of her nighty just begging to be released and suckled upon.

I attacked her nipples through the cups bringing out a soft, breathy moan of pleasure from Valentina. I struggled to slip the straps of her nighty over her massive shoulders.  It took some doing, but I managed to get them over with assistance on her part. I suckled on her hard, exposed nipples. She shuddered in delight as I did so kissing me on the forehead. My arms curled around her torso, barely able to do so due to the sheer width. Val turned around, allowing me free access to her back. The mighty, rippling plain of her back expanded in all directions before me. Her pumpkin like shoulders were vastly wider than mine and considerably packed with more muscle than I knew what to do with. Val's back rippled with muscle at rest, but when she flexed her biceps from behind, her back tightened and coiled up angrily as if all her muscles fought for space beneath her freckled ivory skin. I traced the topography of her back like a cartographer. I intimately knew every hill and canyon, but they were growing on me all the time. I felt the need to get reacquainted.

I pressed my body up against hers, curling my arms around her trim, fatless waist. My cock rubbed up against her amazing ass, fitting snugly between the cleft between her cheeks.

"Ooh..." Val purred, flexing her glutes around my cock. "You like that, sweetie?" The level of control she had over her muscles was simply astounding. It was this same control that allowed her to limit her strength so I wouldn't be pulverized by her in throes of passion. I'm sure if squeezed hard enough, her cheeks could crush my cock. It was a wonderful sensation to have my manhood massaged this way, but I didn't want to cum so soon like last time. That was an embarrassing situation and  was determined not to repeat it.

I pulled away and crouched down to get a closer look. Valentina had a butt like a thoroughbred mare. Each cheek was a round bubble of steel that proudly displayed her sexual femininity. There was no give to the sinew of her hard glutes. No amount of squeezing revealed any yield. My hands seized her butt, stretching my fingers in an attempt to contain the mass of ass, but her booty was simply too big and too strong. Her cheeks danced in a dazzling display of muscular control. I leaned in and pressed my lips to her round, sexy ass and heartily kissed her glutes.

"What are you doing back there?" Val giggled, turning around to face me. Her sparkling royal blue eyes peering over the grand swelling of her explosively muscled chest. From this angle, she looked truly huge. Val's mammoth quads seemed ready to burst. They hung over her tiny knees while her calves swelled outwards, while terminating into thin ankles. I cupped her bowling ball calves in either hand, fingering the sharp cuts, tracing the deep groove between her gastrocnemius muscles. Despite the creamy skin covering them, her calves were literally diamonds. I squeezed fruitlessly her muscles, but could not budge them. In response, she rose up on her toes, making her calves bunch up and become even harder in my hands. Her calves were around 30" the last time I measured them. That made them bigger around than my head.

However impressive her calves were, her mighty thighs stole the show. 42" of solid meat rippled and quivered with raw strength, making her thighs bigger around than my chest and larger than her trim waist. I curled my arms around the great barrel of her beefy thigh, feeling the power bubbling within. I pressed my worshipful lips against the bulging adductor on the inside of her leg. Valentina shivered pleasurably from the stimulation of her sensitive inner thigh. I was so close to her womanhood and she knew it. But, the massive thickness of her quads and hamstrings called to me. I worshiped each leg in equal measure, tracing the deep grooves of her rippling, bulging sinews. You could feel the individual fibers of her muscles beneath her skin. She likely had more mass in just one quad than I had in most of my body.

Her clit was stiff and thrusting through her g-string. I rose up and buried my face in her womanhood. Val cried out in surprise at my sudden sneak attack, but quickly let out a soft moan of pleasure. I drank in her familiar scent, reveling in the powerful warmth of her sex. Her thick clit was so suckable even through her skimpy underwear. I took it in my mouth, adding to the spreading moisture of her g-string. Her sensitive protuberance fit wonderfully in my mouth causing Valentina to whimper lustfully, wordlessly begging me to continue pleasing her orally. I would be only happy to comply, but first, let's take this pesky underwear off, shall we? I took her g-string in my teeth and gave it a tug. The elastic stretched and snapped back audibly. Val sucked in air and pressed my face against her pussy.

"You naughty boy..." She breathed, voice addled with extreme arousal. "You drive me crazy..."

I pulled at her g-string with my teeth once more, only this time intent on it coming off. Slowly, sensually, I rocked her underwear down, pulling it past her thighs, over her calves down to her ankles. Her juicy, hairless sex was mine for the taking. My mouth latched on, hungrily tonguing the sweet milk of arousal dribbling from her womanhood. Valentina bellowed out in sheer carnal pleasure. Her clit was very sensitive and I worked my tongue and lips expertly all over her sex, tasting the tight lips, the muscled walls of her pussy, everything. Valentina's sweet sex tasted like ambrosia. I couldn't get enough.Val's strong fingers worked my hair as she held me in place. As if I wanted to be anywhere else in the world. She tasted so good and I loved making her sing. And sing she did.

Suzy and Agnetha had enough with merely watching and joined in. In her heels, Valentina was about as tall as Suzy was barefoot, maybe a little shorter while towering over Agnetha slightly. The crushed their mammoth bodies against Valentina, pressing muscle against muscle. I lapped her womanhood with a powerful zeal while their worshiped her body. Valentina was in heaven, swaying on her feet. The Amazons helped Valentina to the bed where they laid her down. I continued eating her out while Suzy and Agnetha took turns frenching the blushing, nearly orgasming redhead. Her hot, sweet milk slathered my mouth signaling her ascent.

"Keep going..." Valentina implored, breathing sharply. "I'm so close! Make me cum..."

Her soft moans became loud cries of pleasure. Val was going to climax and she didn't care who knew it. The wonderful agony of sexual pleasure surged through her Brobdingnagian body. Like a hurricane, her climax hit with gusto. She screamed out, arching her back, trying desperately not to clamp her legs around my head. Gallons of hot girl-spunk blasted out of her womanhood which I gladly lapped up. Her orgasm lasted nearly twenty seconds. Twenty seconds of heavenly bliss. I pat myself on the back on another job well done.

I clambered up her body, meeting her face to face. She looked even more beautiful in the afterglow. Her freckled cheeks were pink with blush and a smile of pure satisfaction curled her tasty lips. Valentina regarded me with half-lidded eyes, drunk on sex. She pulled me towards her and sloppily kissed me, tasting herself on my lips. She moaned quietly, battering my tongue with her own in broad, powerful strokes.

"Mmm..." She uttered, drugged by the aftershocks of such a tumultuous orgasm. "You're so good..."

"Yeah, maybe you'd be willing to let us have some of that goodness," Agnetha said, pulling me off the giant redhead.

"Share the wealth, freckles," Suzy added.

"I'm spent. Play nice," Valentina murmured.

"Oh, we will..." Suzy replied, eyes full of dark promises. She and Agnetha looked at me like I was a bleeding antelope and they were massive lionesses cornering me for a kill. Agnetha took off her shirt, carefully trying not to tear it off her massive body. Her long white-gold hair fell about her massive shoulders in shining rivulets.

"What do you want to do with him?" Agnetha asked Suzy, lovingly stroking my cheek. Her icy blue eyes hungry for my body.

"I've got a pretty good idea. You?" Suzy replied, pawing at my puny body with her meathooks.

"Yep," Agnetha purred, licking her chops.

Whatever they were planning, I was in for a helluva time.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on January 28, 2014, 08:20:22 am
Another great new chapter Ninjastar! Really enjoyed reading the guy continue to amaze and impress with his sexual knowledge and abilities, it's apparent why these three keep him around, he's may not ever be as big and strong as them, but his sexual talents look to be legendary! Keep up the great work, I can't wait to read more! k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: solitariodude on January 29, 2014, 02:48:36 am
I think the junk food (fancy that his taste is the same as mine) must give him stamina :D
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on February 11, 2014, 10:07:30 pm
Thanks to those who stuck with me and those who just gave a passing glance. It's nice to know that at least someone's reading this crap.

"Hmm, the skinny little morsel hung in the widow's web," Agnetha leered, a concupiscent grin curling her sensual lips.

"Oh, he's hung alright," Suzy added, referring to my throbbing erection.

"That wasn't what I was talking about, but yes, I can see that," Agnetha replied. She leaned in, face mere inches away from my dick. Her long tongue raked the underside of it the entire length, from stem to tip, kneading the soft little sensitive spot beneath the helmet. I shuddered in ecstasy from the sensation.

"Mmm, let me get down on that..." Suzy cooed, joining the blonde. Suzy's sinuous tongue curled around the shaft like a boa constrictor. She and Agnetha worked in collusion giving my member a tongue bath. Every inch of me was licked clean by the horny Amazons. They worked the balls in addition to my cock. I was in heaven. Suzy's lips pursed around the head, slowly, tortuously bringing inch after inch into her mouth and down her throat. She let out a soft moan as the tip speared the back of her throat. Amazingly, she completely lacked a gag reflex. Just as slowly she pulled away before taking it all again. Suzy sucked me with love and devotion, softly moaning in pleasure with each repetition. Her tongue undulated underneath my cock with an truly stunning degree of control. I was brought to the brink of explosion when Suzy pulled away, allowing a string of saliva to tether her lips to my cock. Her black eyes burned with sexual passion for me and her lips curled into a hungry smile.

"What the fuck?" I demanded, half-demented from being pulled back from the edge of oblivion. Agnetha and Suzy exchanged a knowing grin and began stripping, revealing their incredibly muscular bodies.

Suzy clucked her tongue. "How rude."

"I know, right?" The blonde agreed, stalking along side me on all fours before nestling up against my body. Suzy followed suit on the opposite side.

"I invite you into my home, I feed you," Suzy began, counting on her fingers.

"I call bullshit on that one," I interrupted.

"Shut up, Skinny," Suzy replied without missing a beat. "I do your laundry, I suck your tasty little cock, and you have the balls," Suzy cupped my gonads for emphasis, ever so slightly squeezing them, "to demand more? I told you, Skinny, you owe me. And I will get mine."

"And so will I," Agnetha added. "Besides, haven't you ever heard of ladies first, you asshole?"

"You ain't gonna cum till we let you," Suzy said with finality. "You're ours to play with."

"But," Agnetha cooed softly, sidling in closer, "We'll be gentle..."

"Maybe," Suzy threw in, her voice a throaty purr. She drew little patterns in my chest with her finger. "If you earn it..."

"What do I have to do?" I asked. A loaded question. Suzy smiled.

"Ooh... These big ol' muscles of mine get so damn sore throwing all that weight around," she groaned with an exaggerated stretch. The massive muscles in her arm bunched up as she balled up a fist and curled her bicep into a flex. Suzy's ebon eyes fucked me as her long tongue sensually tasted the tanned swelling of tissue springing up under her skin. "Mmm... Wanna taste?" Suzy shoved her muscle into my face, eagerly bading me to sample her might. Her creamy skin tasted wonderful. I lapped at it with my tongue like her bicep was a mound of hot, steely ice cream.

"What about mine?" Agnetha asked, curling her slightly bigger bicep in my face. Two different flavors of woman were at my disposal. I couldn't get enough. Agnetha climbed atop me in a nearly sexual position. That white-gold hair of hers fell about her brawny, rounded shoulders like spun sunlight. She looked like a Valkyrie ready to take me back to Valhalla with her. She rested her hands on my chest, causing her pillar-like arms to thicken with flexed cords of iron. Agnetha didn't resist when my hands felt the soft peachy flesh encasing her rippling, coiled muscles.

The soft peachy skin stretched around her mammoth proportions was warm and heavenly to the touch. My hands came to rest on the meaty thighs loosely clamped around my waist. The hard muscle beneath was buzzing with latent strength. I worked my way up her hips to Agnetha's belly. Though flat, her stomach rippled with eight powerful abs that jut forth beneath her skin. Her obliques similarly bunched and swelled with obvious strength during the slightest of her movements, but her waist was trim, especially compared to the titanic breadth of her shoulders. My fingers rattled against the hard cobblestone street of her belly, pressing against the steely tissue trying to find a soft spot. It was futile, there was nothing soft about her body other than her smooth, clear skin. Her abs got even harder when she crunched them for me. Agnetha's belly became utterly bulletproof with her flex. Every muscle swelled and tightened against one another, forming natural armor.

Upwards my hands roamed, feeling her swelling lats as she spread her shoulders in anticipation. The look of sexual excitement colored her beautiful face. Her eyes burned like whitish-blue flames. Agnetha loved being worshiped. All three of them did, but she really got off on it more than the others. Her breathing quickened the more of her generous surface area I explored. Agnetha's lats were fat with sinew, giving her an impressive wingspan that only Suzy could beat. I cupped and squeezed her muscles, getting an even better scope of just how thick and powerful she was. Her pecs were next. Her light-pink nipples were stiff with arousal, cutting into my hands as I cupped her beefy chest. The gargantuan domes of muscle of her chest called to me. My hands couldn't begin to hold that much muscle all at once. It would require a very thorough manual examination in order to map every last inch of meat jutting forward from her chest. Like her sisters-in-arms, Agnetha was breastless. There wasn't any sign on her chest that she even had breasts as a youth. Instead, it was pure muscle. None of them cared about boobs. They all loved how mighty their pecs were and took every opportunity to show them off.

I tried squeezing Agnetha's pecs but only succeeded in nearly straining my hands. She flexed them, making them swell and harden. The feathered striations deepened, veins popped to the surface, and her nipples were harder than ever. Agnetha's pumpkin-like delts were rounded balls of muscle wider apart than mine by nearly twice as much. Her traps were beefy football shaped swellings of steely thews connected to a massive bull-neck. But what really stole the show were her arms.

Agnetha had the thickest arms out of the girls by a small margin. Valentina's biceps were last clocked at 30", Suzy packed 32" guns, but Agnetha had 33 1/2" mountains of bicep meat and she was proud of it. Valentina's legs were the biggest, Suzy had the widest, thickest back, but Agnetha had the biggest guns. It was a bit of a sticking point for Suzy who had really made every effort to blow up, which she really did, but Agnetha's arms were unparalleled. She held them in front of herself, balling up her fists and flexing her wrists. The tremendous muscles in her forearms and her biceps and triceps sprung to life. The sinews of her arms thickened and swelled. Agnetha's forearms were thicker than my calves to say nothing of her enormous biceps. She curled them for me, one after the other, then both at once, leaning forward to allow me to feel. Her peaks formed tight balls of muscle split by fat veins coursing with power. It took two hands to hold onto her biceps, but when she slowly flexed, the surge of muscle tissue blew my grip apart.

The blonde goddess atop me held her arms out to the side, tightening the muscles on them by clenching her fists. Unflexed, her arms were more muscular than my legs. As she pulled her hands up into a double bicep flex, there was simply no comparison. Her gigantic muscles swelled into mountains of steely flesh and kept growing and growing until she couldn't curl her arm any further. Her thumbs rubbed the peaks of her biceps to give me perspective on just how thick her guns really were.

"What do you think?" Agnetha murmured, grinning sexually. She loved how I enamored I was with her panoply of might she displayed. Locking her gaze on mine, Agnetha leaned forward, sex on her breath. However, she was interrupted by huge arms locking around her midsection. White-gold hair whipped around as the blonde looked at who dared.

Suzy appeared from behind Agnetha's mass and grinned. She curled her massive arms around the blonde. "Yoink!" She exclaimed, wrenching Agnetha off my lap with intimidating strength before tossing her aside like a furious rag-doll. The Dark Seductress took her place on my lap. "My turn."

"Bitch!" Agnetha shouted, whipping her white-gold hair around out of her face.

"Now then, where were we?" Suzy asked, pressing her mammoth physique against mine. It was hard to breathe against her mass bearing down on me, even moreso when her lips crushed against mine. She let out a passionate moan, thrashing my tongue with hers. Unlike she usually did, Suzy allowed me to paw at her body, taking heaping handfuls of hot, tanned muscles. In fact, as I grabbed her body, this seemed to spur on her passions even greater. My hands slipped down the svelte small of her back, going into the tight black leggings that hugged her curves wonderfully. I pulled the waistband of her leggings down, revealing her mighty backside. Suzy's ass was like two perfect domes of steel inserted under smooth tanned skin. My hands couldn't dent either cheek no matter how hard I tried.

"Mmm," Suzy hummed, sinking her teeth into my neck like a sexy vampiress. "You're naughty... I like it..." Suzy rolled off me momentarily to strip nude. Standing at her full height, she towered over my prone form like a female colossus. "Let me flex up some real muscle for you, Skinny. Would you like that?"

"Does a tiger have spots?" I replied, very interested in seeing what Suzy was capable of.

"Good answer..." She breathed, making her muscles bunch up beneath her sun-kissed skin. Suzy was positively huge. The sheer breadth of her shoulders and back could blot out the sun. Her arms were thick and meaty, though obviously a little slimmer than Agnetha's, while her legs weren't quite as massive as Valentina's. Her darkly beautiful face sat atop a massive bull-like neck and huge, bulging traps. Suzy's shoulders were like planetoids and her arms swelled with incredible mass of muscle. Her pecs stole the show; great slabs of steely beef that flexed and twitched involuntarily with the smallest of movements. Her lats ballooned outwards, seemingly forcing her arms to crook slightly when at rest, and filling the gap between her torso and arms when fully flexed. Suzy's belly swelled with a full eight-back of tennis-ball sized abs but was otherwise flat. Her obliques and serratus were full and powerful without being over powering, keeping her waist trim. The great barrels of her thighs and the massive cannonballs of her calves were connected with cartoonishly thin joints.

"Are you ready?" Suzy growled sexily. I could only nod, drymouthed at the scope of her physique. She curled her arms into a dynamite double bicep flex that completely made any man intimidated by such raw female power. Aside from her sheer size, her aggressive expression and feral growls of strength would make most men wet themselves in terror. Even though she wouldn't hurt me, I still had a healthy respect for her power. One would be a fool not to. With a side chest pose, Suzy's arm bulged mightily while her chest thickened considerably. She didn't object to me standing up to touch her, and in fact, invited me to do so with sexually charged black eyes. With a sexy scowl, she pumped her arm back and forth, causing the tight skin to shine on the massive ball of her bicep. Suzy then twisted her arm around, forcing her meaty triceps to bulge outwards. The giant horseshoe shaped mass of sinew exploded beneath her skin, the deep cuts of striation evident amidst the sinew.

Suzy turned her back to me, then spread her enormous wings. Her back was jaw-droppingly, shockingly massive. I cupped her lats, traced my fingers all over the dense topography of her back and tried to reconcile the fact that this was about as big as big got. She curled her arms into a bicep pose, forcing her back to ripple angrily. Muscle fought against muscle for dominance crammed as they were together. It was like she had no more room on her back for any more muscle. I knew that wouldn't stop her even if that were really the case. She wouldn't be satisfied until she were so muscular, she could hardly move.

Suzy crushing her face against mine in a tsunami of sexual lust. She didn't care about how I felt on the matter, spearing her long, sinuous tongue into my mouth and down my throat. Suzy was so engrossed in kissing me, she didn't care about me freely touching her hot, tanned muscles. Usually she restrained me as a form of playful torture. Great slabs of sinew filled my grip well beyond capacity. Her power was alive in my hands, thrumming dangerously through every inch of her body. There was a lot of surface area to cover across her huge back. I had intimately studied the topography of her back many times, but it was gradually getting bigger and more detailed by the day. The breadth of her massive shoulders completely dwarfed me to the point where Suzy could have easily smothered my body with her sheer bulk.

My hands went down her back, feeling the swelling of her lats, down to her slender waist. Suzy's ass was like that of a thoroughbred mare. Two great mounds of swelling of pure muscle tissue filled either hand with a lot more to go. There was simply no give to her glutes, but not for a want of trying. I squeezed and squeezed, but only succeeded in making her giggle. I spanked her, eliciting a muffled squeak from her into my mouth. She pulled away, regarding me with her black eyes. I had never done that before to her. I had no idea how she would react.

A sex-drunk grin spread across her amazing lips. "Do that again," She commanded. I did so, slightly harder this time. Suzy closed her eyes in pleasure and gasped. "You naughty boy..." Suzy growled lustfully, tearing me to pieces in her mind. Here black eyes blazed with a sexual fury that let me know exactly what she wanted to do to me.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: NinjaStar on February 11, 2014, 10:07:42 pm
"Take a powder, psycho," Agnetha announced, pulling the much larger, stronger Amazon off of me. The Valkyrie replaced the colorfully swearing Dark Seductress on my lap.

"I was just getting into it!" Suzy complained, but nevertheless taking Agnetha's place at my side.

"Tough titty," Agnetha replied. "Besides, you've had your fun. Now I will." Her velvety lips caressed mine as her light blonde hair cascaded around our heads in rivulets of white-gold giving us some privacy. Despite her intimidating looks, Agnetha kissed like a schoolgirl. Her cheeks always blushed a rosy shade whenever she was in lovemaking mode. Her lips tasted like strawberries. Agnetha's snowy white skin was soft and warm in my hands, but her imperviously muscled body was like steel. Great slabs of powerful muscle stretched her skin to the bursting point. She cooed pleasurably at the feeling of my hands on her beefy body.

Ours lips adhered to one another as we separated. Agnetha's hot breath came out in great erotic gasps. "Now I'm really horny..." She purred.

"That makes three of us," Valentina commented from the sidelines. Watching her lovers have their way with me turned her on immensely. Her eyes crackled with erotic energy. She wanted to fuck my brains out, but she had some competition in that regard.

"Are you as hot for me as I am for you?" Agnetha purred, nibbling my lip.

"I'd be even hotter if you flexed up some more muscle for me," I responded. Agnetha's icy blue eyes lit up and she grinned erotically.

"I can do that..." She said, rearing up into a sitting position on my lap. Whipping her head back, her white-gold hair arced out into a huge wave until it was behind her. With a powerful sexuality, Agnetha curled her mammoth biceps into tremendous peaks. Her muscles swelled slowly as she flexed, bunching up into huge piles of sinew. Agnetha's eyes never ceased boring into mine during her flex. She wanted me. It was erotically painted on her face. Her arms stopped curling when it became apparent that her muscles were simply too big to continue. From her position atop me, she looked like a goddess of strength and love. Agnetha's arms were packed with muscle tissue. Her forearms made Popeye jealous, her biceps dwarfed Mount Everest, her triceps contained more muscle tissue in just one than I had in one arm. Agnetha's double bicep pose was an exclamation of female muscle power and sexuality.

"Damn, girl..." Valentina purred, voice heavy with lust.

"Big fuckin' guns..." Suzy agreed, enraptured with Agnetha's physique.

"Damn straight," Agnetha spoke, bringing her cannons to her lips one at a time. She sensually kissed the tip of her peaks, revelling in her might. She curled her arms for emphasis a few times, and each time it seemed like her muscles swelled a little larger. Next, Agnetha pressed her fists into her hips and spread her beefy shoulders. Her lats ballooned outwards. The gap between her arms and her lats filled rapidly. She truly had wings.

Agnetha then reached behind her head and crunched her belly with a hiss. Her meaty abs tightened into a solid mosaic of muscle. Her eight-pack could stop an anti-tank rocket. Valentina could take watching no longer. She went over to the mighty blonde and threw her arms around Agnetha's trim waist in supplication. Val nuzzled Agnetha's rippling belly, kissing the wall of muscle, running her tongue all over Agnetha's abs. The blonde cooed favorably and bade Valentina to rise.

"You're so big and sexy," Valentina breathed, her voice dripping with lust.

"So are you," Agnetha purred back. They pulled each other into a deep kiss, frenching erotically. They rubbed their strong hands over each other's mammoth physiques, feeling the hard lines, the powerful swelling, the deep wells of might lying dormant in the other Amazon's body. Agnetha and Valentina crushed themselves against one another with a deep lust that only an Amazon could have for another Amazon.

Suzy used the distraction to sidle up next to me. Her tanned, muscle packed arms squeezed me gently when she felt me stir against her massive frame. I must've looked like a large ragdoll in her grasp. Her soft lips ever so sensually caressed my neck, earning a shudder of enjoyment out of me.

"Mmm," The Dark Seductress hummed erotically as her lips worked their magic. "I'm so hot for you, Skinny..." She purred, nibbling my ear and pawing gently at my puny body. I reveled in her ministrations. Suzy could be incredibly intimate when she wanted be.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I slurred, loving the attention she showed me.

"Ever since this morning, I've been thinking about you," Suzy told me. "You looked so cute when Vally made you cum."

"Oh, oh yeah..." I said, flushing with embarrassment. "Sorry about that. That never usually happens."

Suzy's lips met my cheek. "Mmm, don't apologize, Skinny. It was cute, I said," Suzy turned slightly so she faced me. Her ebony eyes were sparkling and full of lust. Those full, sexy lips turned in a concupiscent smirk as her face drew in closer to mine. The heat of her breath, the passion in her eyes, the closeness of her lips made me suddenly hungry for her.

"I only wish I could do what she did to you..." Suzy purred intimately before crushing her face against mine. There was little I could do against her tidal wave of passion. It was senseless to fight it. All one could do was let it take you. Her tongue speared into my mouth, thrashing mine like like an abusive spouse. I curled my arms around her thick, bullish neck and went along with it. I played with the shorn stubble on the back and sides of Suzy's scalp while she kissed me. Her haircut was like her; it stood out, making a statement.

The mighty Amazon let out a soft, desirous moan at my reciprocation of her affection. She drew my beaten tongue into her mouth, suckling upon it with a sensual passion few women could ever hope to match, present company excluded of course. The sensation of Suzy holding me in her mighty arms, crushing me against the massive, beefy muscles that surged throughout her body, having her way with me was nothing short of exhilarating.

She released me from her oral fixation, simply holding me close for a beat.

"This morning, on the phone, you really got me going..." Suzy's voice was a sexual whisper.

"Oh yeah?" I uttered back.

"I couldn't stop touching myself, thinking about you..." Suzy breathed. "I've been wanting you to fuck me all day. It's time to make good on it, Skinny. I want you so fucking bad right now..." To emphasize her point, Suzy lustfully nibbled on my lip. I didn't doubt her ardor.

"I thought you could get any man you wanted?" I said, teasing her further.

"I can. Right now, I want you," Suzy shot back, in between kissing me all over. "It's your own fault, after all."

"How so?" I asked, my skin singing from the attention Suzy was giving me.

"You said that you're amazing at fucking, Skinny. You don't know how right you are," Suzy replied, burying me face into hers for a huge, passionate kiss that nearly suffocated me. Suzy greatly savored my taste, breathing passionately as she did so. There were worse things in the universe than being the victim of one of Suzy's oral assaults. Agnetha and Valentina were too distracted with each other to know or care about Suzy's desires. She pried me out from underneath the hulking blonde without incident. She leaned back against the headboard of her huge bed, cradling me in her ungodly strong arms.

Thoughts returned to me of the events in the gym, watching Suzy create an impossible world record of sheer Amazonian strength. That strength freely coursed through her mighty body now as she held me intimately, frenching me with a lusty passion. I couldn't help myself. I threw myself at Suzy with an insane desire of my own. My cock was throbbing for her right now. I squirmed out of her arms and positioned myself between her legs. Suzy looked at me wide eyed. I had never attempted to take charge whenever we made love. This time, I was going to lead.

She looked utterly bewildered at this sudden outburst of aggression in me. I settled in between her mammoth legs thrusting my member into her tight, muscular womanhood. Suzy gasped at the feeling of my cock stretching the tight walls of her sex. I began going in and out, the ambrosial juices of her womanhood easing my entrance. Suzy's black eyes watched mine and her mouth hung open, gasping in erotic shock. She was unused to being on the bottom. More often then not, she tackled me, held me down and had her way with me. This was new to her, and she was eager to see how it would play out.

Turns out, it agreed with her. Her gasps turned into moans of pleasure. Her eyes closed, and she arched her back. Her muscled pussy was tight. Even with her sex juices flowing, she was a snug fit. I pulled out nearly to the tip with every thrust, hammering her like a piston. Her body laid out before me spurred me on. She was huge. Her massive, tanned muscles bulged like steel balloons filled to capacity. Her huge, broad shoulders, massively thick arms, round and gigantic pecs, rippling belly, enormous legs curled around my waist, all of it was beautiful to me.

"Fuck me!" She implored in an impassioned whisper. I increased my tempo, shortening the length of my stabs. Suzy's breathing quickened, her huge chest rising and falling with every breath. Suzy let out a low, libidinous moan. Her eyes were ablaze with a black fire of lust. She curled her massive arms around my neck and bade me wordlessly to fuck her brains out.

Valentina and Agnetha had apparently been roused from their muscle lust for one another to see what we were doing. Suzy laughed sex-drunkenly and flipped them both the bird.

"I call dibs, bitches!" She cried, having the time of her life by me pounding her. "Fuck me, Skinny! Fuck me!" The redhead and blonde sidled up next to Suzy on either side of her to watch the show. She loved the looks of envy on their faces, grinning madly. She arched her back, letting out an exaggerated moan of bliss. Val and Agnetha could only look at each other drolly watching Suzy ham it up. Nevertheless, she enjoyed what I was giving her.

Valentina and Agnetha grabbed Suzy's legs and held them apart. I fucked her with a reckless passion. The beautiful song she sung only inflamed me further. It wasn't long before Suzy began her countdown to blastoff. Her cheeks darkened and she writhed around, lost in pleasurable torture.

"Skinny!" She cried, voice a mere squeak. I refused to let up. When she came, she nearly exploded. Her vagina flooded me with hot milk, and she covered her mouth to prevent blowing out our eardrums with her Amazonian love song. She came for nearly thirty seconds, tears of joy running down her cheeks. Suzy collapsed, her great chest heaving. "That... was amazing..."

"Mmm, hot..." Valentina cooed, moving in for the kill. Suzy kissed her sloppily and sex-drunkenly.

I pulled out of her juicy womanhood covered in her ambrosia. No sooner had my tip cleared the tight lips of Suzy's pussy, I was tackled from our of nowhere by an amorous Agnetha.

"My turn..." She purred. The blonde goddess pinned my shoulders down onto the mattress and impaled herself on me. She shuddered at the sensation of all of my manhood piercing the tightness of her sheath. "Nice and big..." Agnetha fucked me mercilessly. All of her sexual frustration vented onto my cock. A lusty Amazon pulled few punches when she was horny. Agnetha rode me like a massive cowgirl, her tremendously muscled physique flexing and twitching with every movement. She breathed sharply, grinding my cock into pulp.

Things got even more complicated when Valentina crawled over to us. She hungrily licked her chops as her royal blue eyes looked over us in flagrante delicto. She swung a massive leg over my head and lowered her tasty pussy into position over my face. Everything went dark and her scent drove me wild. Her luscious clit was fully erect and just begging to be suckled. Soon, Valentina added her voice to Agnetha's as the began singing together. I was a sex toy for these two massive women.

Val's pussy tasted so good. Her milk was sweet and warm. Even from this unusual angle, I enjoyed her taste, making sure to collect every drop of sweet nectar beading on her flower. Agnetha bounced up and down on my cock impassionedly. Even muffled by Valentina's meaty thighs, I could hear their cries of joy.

"Switch?" I heard Agnetha squeak out.

"Sure!" Came Valentina's lust-filled reply. They played Chinese fire drill, with Valentina settling on my cock, and Agnetha getting some of what Valentina was having. Val rode me like an expert bull rider. Agnetha's hot pussy tasted different, but was no less delectable that Valentina's. It wasn't long before either of them came. Agnetha sang her song loudly and proudly first. Her pussy's juice flowed like wine. She took great care not to completely smother me.

"Oh my god!" She cried, orgasming hard.

Valentina followed her, resting her hands on my chest, she pumped up and down, faster and faster, sobbing tears of joy. Her orgasm was long and loud, just like her girlfriends' were. She screamed out her emphatic enjoyment with a crescendo of yelps culminating in a silent, paralyzed scream to the heavens. Val collapsed mightily, sweaty and heaving breaths. She and Agnetha cuddled me, blushing in the afterglow of hot sex.

"Oh, baby..." Val cooed, smothering me in sex-drunk kisses.

"That was phenomenal..." Agnetha agreed, nibbling and kissing my neck, knowing full well it would drive me wild.

"Still alive?" Suzy giggled, joining the party.

"Barely," I uttered. Being put through the gauntlet was nerve wracking. While it was heartening to know what I could do, I still had to worry about a sudden loss of control on either of Valentina's or Agnetha's part. They were masters at controlling their strength, but they got stronger every day. It was a very real possibility, no matter how remote, that I could be hurt.

"Looks like your monster is still alive as well," She replied referring to my still hard cock. Valentina and Agnetha looked at me then at my mighty erection.

"We've still got work to do," Valentina purred with a grin.

"Let's finish the job I started earlier," Suzy agreed. She, Valentina, and Agnetha slithered down to reconnoiter with Suzy at my manhood. It was shining in the light from the cocktail of juices slathering it. As one, all three Amazons attacked my member with their tongues. They licked it clean, savoring the taste of themselves and of their girlfriends. The feeling of three practiced, immensely dextrous tongues bathing my cock was surreal. Suzy handled the length from underneath, knowing just where to press her tongue to cause me to go cross-eyed. Agnetha and Valentina made love to the bulging head, kissing each other around my dick.

I laid back blissfully, unable to focus on anything other than the three pairs of heavenly lips massaging my manhood. They attended to me with love and devotion, eager to show me how much they appreciated my talents with their own skills. Suzy's snake-like tongue raked the underside of my manhood the entire length, from stem to tip. Valentina impaled herself on me, deeply sucking on her way up. Agnetha plunged downwards and undulated her tongue against the sensitive underside. Each Amazon took turns licking my lollipop, one after the other, deeply, sensually until I could take no more. With an ignominious hiss, I came in a great torrent of hot, white goo. I knew that was one of many. The night was young, these women were insatiable, and I wasn't dead yet. My suspicions were confirmed when Valentina's familiar weight straddled me once more and her strong hands clutched my shoulders. Her eyes were ablaze with blue fire and her sexy lips twisted into a mischeivious smirk. Flanked by her equally sex-mad girlfriends I knew that I had duties yet to perform. But you know something? I didn't mind in the slightest.

It was good to be the king.

                                                                                                                                  The End.
Well, it's over, finally. Halle-fucking-lujah. I sort of rushed this because I wanted to be done. I kind of want to do something else, something more character driven later on, but it's hard with so many characters to write for at once and it's hard to do more than shallow narrative with fetishistic content. I don't think I'll be doing ensemble stories like this for a while. I will return to these characters again, but not like this. Thanks to Jeremy, solitariodude, m4rkym4rk, and Poddy for sticking with me and bothering to respond to what I write. Catch you on the flip-side, dude-meisters.
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on February 13, 2014, 01:42:03 am
Well all I can say is thank you so much for sharing your great work with us, Ninjastar, your writing is just so great, your muscle description is top notch, as is your sexual description. This storyline may be over, but I really am looking forward to whatever else you can come up with in this genre. k+!
Title: Re: Pump Up The Jam
Post by: Poddy on February 13, 2014, 03:16:37 pm
It's one thing to start a story, it's certainly another to see it through to the end, and for the record, you did an awesome job with it!

The story perfectly dances on the edge of being so completely over-the-top that it throws you head-long into the wonderful fantasy and all the sexually charged energy that's comes with it - it was great to read.

As I've said before, I look forward to reading anything else you deem worth writing. Thanks once again.
Title: Author: [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on March 13, 2014, 03:10:57 pm
 ^-^ Reserved for Mod use...
Title: +Notable Author: [NinjaStar] Stories~collected
Post by: NinjaStar on August 07, 2014, 09:28:05 pm
Girl's Night Out
by NinjaStar

It had been a very good day.

Valentina breathed deep the wonderful late summer air with a contented sigh. Her body sang from the wonderful workout that ended mere moments ago. She felt huge and sexy strolling out of the gym as passersby gawked in utter disbelief at the beautiful red-haired woman with a physique capable of out-muscling the Incredible Hulk.

Valentina was model beautiful, with a well-structured face, bright blue eyes and sensuous lips that seemed ever curled into a smile. Her short red hair was darkened with slight dampness from the shower, but when dry it shone a vibrant coppery red. Freckles dotted her face, her massive chest, broad shoulders, and beefy arms. Valentina's heavily muscled torso was bursting through an old muscle shirt that had seen better days. The faded fabric was fraying at the seems, and was utterly skin-tight. A deep breath would shred the material around her muscular bulk. Her bulging, veiny arms were free to display the lavish slabs of muscle swelling with blood beneath her freckled, creamy skin. The hem of the shirt ended mid-belly, showing off her rippling stomach. He favorite necklace, a thin gold rope with a barbell pendant, circled her bullish neck, twinkling in the light. Hot pink booty shorts hugged her curves wonderfully and left her mighty legs to ripple and flex with every step she took. Her thighs were like oil drums, and her calves were bowling balls.

In a word, she was utterly massive.

All eyes were on her, as she liked it. Her muscles seemed to swell larger in response to the goggle-eyed stares of the patrons leaving and entering the gym. Muscular women were a common occurrence at the Amazon gym, but women of Valentina's size and caliber were hardly commonplace. It was all she could do to resist tearing off her clothes and begin flexing. There would be plenty of time for that later, she thought to herself.

Valentina's smile brightened thinking about the hot sex she was going to have later. The pump had already put her in the mood, but the reception she had received from the slack-jawed gawkers tossed fuel to that fire. Her boyfriend was in for it now.

She hopped into her SUV and fired up the engine.


“Hi, sweetie!” Valentina greeted her boyfriend brightly. He was sitting in the living room, slumped exhaustively in his favorite chair. Valentina idly noted that was the chair she absolutely hated. It didn't tie the room together and stuck out like a sore thumb. She had tried to get him to agree to toss the ugly thing out, but he steadfastly refused, citing sentimental reasons.

“Hey,” Andy returned with pronounced weakness. Valentina stopped briefly when she noticed how awful Andy looked. It was like something had drained the life out of him. Andy was usually robust and vigorous, but right now he looked like death warmed over, warmed over.

“Is everything alright, sweetie? You don't look so good,” she murmured with concern, setting her gym bag down. The muscular redhead strode over to her boyfriend of many years and firmly pressed her soft, sensual lips to his forehead, noting his fever. “You're burning up.”

“I don't feel so good,” he reported groggily, wishing he could smell her perfume. Her closeness was invigorating. The strength of her body caused the air to vibrate around her. Valentina pursed her lips with sympathy, and softly kissed his cheek. A warm shiver went down his spine and he felt slightly better.

“Aww, poor baby,” Valentina cooed, gently tousling his hair. “Did you take anything?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah, that's just it. We, uh, don't have very much in the way of medicine here. I would've gone to the store, but you, y'know, took the car,” he denoted.

“You could've texted me and I would've gone to the store, sweetie,” Valentina replied.

“Ah, I didn't want to be a bother,” Andy muttered self-consciously. So very stubborn, Valentina thought with amusement. Andy dug his heels for any reason under the sun. He hated asking for help almost as much as he hated having favors done for him. When asked about it, usually with exasperation on her part, Andy always had some roundabout answer amounting to disliking to appear in need.

“Nonsense!” Valentina cried. “I'd be happy to!” She scooped him up into her arms without any effort. “But, right now, you need rest. Let's get you out of this stinky old chair that I hate so very, very, much.”

“It was my very first piece of furniture!” Andy protested, as he often did.

“It doesn't match the color scheme of the room at all, sweetie,” Valentina explained patiently, having had this particular argument dozens of times before. One of these days she was just going to throw it out. Literally. Just pick the horrid thing up and chuck it over the horizon. But for now, his well-being was Valentina's chief concern.

 Andy fussed and blustered to the best of his ability for a moment, but relented blissfully after feeling the indomitable strength coursing through her body. Her muscles were so hard and thrumming with power, especially with all the blood rushing through her veins from the hardcore pump she still exhibited. He rested his head against her massive pecs, listening to the great rush of air with every breath of her mighty lungs, and the steady, but boisterous thump of her strong heart.  Andy weighed nearly one-hundred and fifty pounds, but Valentina handled him like she was totally unburdened. One-eighty hadn't been a challenge to her in a long time. She could curl double that with one arm.

Andy melted against her body. She was so strong, so sexy, so perfect. He wished desperately that he wasn't sick. Valentina was an Amazon goddess meant to be worshiped from head to toe, every luscious inch of her. Her muscles were fully swollen with blood and power. He nuzzled her mighty neck, softly pressing his lips against her creamy white skin. Valentina smiled. He looked so cute and small in her arms. The way he looked up at her made her feel truly well loved and appreciated. Up the stairs she went, one massive leg flexing with every step after the other.

The redheaded Amazon tucked her weakened lover into bed and threw the covers over him. Andy was disappointed when she set him down. Valentina's body was so warm and inviting, and the bed was so cold and empty without her. She went to the closet and rummaged around for the humidifier stored in there. Andy couldn't resist staring at the way her calves balled up as she stood on her tip-toes, or they way she bent over totally straight-legged. Her hamstrings resembled mighty steel cables. When she turned around with the device in-hand, Valentina smirked at the look on his face. He shrugged in an admission of guilt, but he wasn't sorry. She couldn't really blame him, she supposed. It made her feel sexy whenever she caught him looking, even in this weakened state Andy was in.

Val plugged the humidifier in and turned it on high. The device hummed softly, adding a pleasant layer of white-noise into the room. Valentina leaned down and kissed Andy's fevered forehead.

“I'll go get you some more juice, then I'll head to the store. I need to pick up a few things anyway. Be back in two shakes. Get some rest, sweetie,” she murmured in a soothing voice.

“I love you,” Andy replied. Valentina smiled broadly.

“I love you too. Sleep,” she said, kissing him lovingly, then tucking him in.

Andy watched her go. He wished that she could stay with him, but he'd rather die than get her sick. Come to think of it, she never got sick. Valentina had an excellent immune system. In all their years together, Andy had been sick a handful of times, but Valentina never.

Regardless, he couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. He pulled the covers up and nestled into bed thinking of her. Andy wasn't entirely sure that he deserved this pampering she was so eager to give him. He knew he had a bad habit of fussing over being coddled that he couldn't explain. He just didn't like being treated specially, even though Valentina loved to dote on her boyfriend. He mentally noted to repay her back at a later date, though she would brush that idea off with a 'don't worry about it.' His honor demanded it.

He thought of her in bed next to him, arms curled around his body, holding him, making him feel safe, and willed himself to sleep. His throbbing mind conjured images of Valentina laying on that familiar grassy hill with him in idyllic paradise and sleep came easily.


The next day, Valentina had decided to make him some soup. The medicine she had bought him put him to sleep for most of yesterday. The humidifier opened up his nose and allowed him to breathe once more, making it easier to stay asleep. Valentina didn't have the heart to wake him by crawling in bed with him. She wasn't worried about getting sick. She just didn't want the lecture, knowing full well he'd make a fuss about getting her sick, so Valentina opted instead to sleep downstairs in the guest bedroom. Coincidentally, that was where her mother's recipe box was stored.

It was a wooden box, fashioned in the old country by her mother's mother's mother, or someone down the line. The recipes inside were written in old Cyrillic handwriting, and it was tough at first for Valentina to follow. She hadn't read Russian in years, especially longhand written in ancient faded pencil.

She grew up speaking Russian, but she had been living in the United States so long, her English was perfect and unaccented. In fact, she never even thought in Russian any longer.

Valentina hummed an old song as she was putting the finishing touches on her recipe for chicken noodle soup. With her boyfriend coming down with a case of the flu and she had jumped at the chance to play nurse. Usually, he was the one who did the cooking even though Valentina knew her way around the kitchen quite well herself. He didn't mind it if she helped out, but he always got weird when she forced him to sit down and let her cook. It was a skill her mother had passed down to her, as her mother had, so on and so forth and one she was quite proud of. He is asleep anyway, so he really doesn't have a choice, she thought with a smile.

The soup was simple and healthy, and pretty damn good if she said so herself. Valentina ladled the steaming soup into a bowl, placed it on a serving tray and proceeded to carry it upstairs to their bedroom, where Andy had been sleeping. The room was dark, the curtains over the large picture windows were drawn and she could hear him breathing through his stuffy nose. She quietly made her way over and sat on the bed next to him, holding the tray in one hand to turn on the dimmest setting of the bedside lamp. Her weight on the mattress and the fairly loud click of the on switch caused him to stir.

"Hey, sweetie, sorry to disturb you," Valentina cooed sweetly. He smiled sleepily in return.

"Ah, no harm no foul. You aren't an ax murderer, after all," Andy replied in a croaky voice.

"An 'ax murderer?'" Valentina asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement as she set the tray in front of him, replete with steaming bowl of soup, napkins and a spoon.

"You know me. I'm a fountain of optimism. And snot apparently," Andy grinned, reaching for a handful of tissues to rub his nose before looking over the steeping bowl of what appeared to be soup in front of him. Despite his stuffy nose, he managed to smell the mouth watering aroma wafting from the bowl. "What's this?"

"Speaking of fowl, chicken noodle soup, as my babulya made it," Valentina explained, tucking a napkin in his shirt collar.

"I'm sorry, what?" Andy asked, brow furrowing bemusedly. Valentina laughed softly.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Babulya is Russian for grandma," Valentina clarified.

"Of course, slipped my mind," he replied.

“Uh huh,” Valentina replied unconvinced. She had taught him a few phrases in Russian over the years, but he quickly forgot much of what she taught him. Besides, he was mostly interested in swear words anyway. She gathered a spoonful of soup, blew on it, and gently attempted to feed him. "Here comes the airplane..." she sang.

"C'mon! I'm sick, not three years old!" he laughed, deftly avoiding her spoon. "I'm not paralyzed, Val. I can feed myself, thank you very much. Been doing it for over twenty-five years. I won't get much on my shirt either, I swear."

"Shush, sweetie. Eat up," Valentina said, firmly but lovingly. She placed the spoon to his lips and allowed him to taste it. His sore throat made it slightly painful to swallow, but he was quick to be stunned by how it tasted.

"Well, damn I say. My compliments to the chef," Andy said approvingly, genuinely surprised at how good it was.

"See, told you I can cook," Valentina replied smugly, spooning another swallow of soup for him. “All these years together and it surprises you that I can be a good housewife.”

“It just isn’t done,” Andy stubbornly declared, taking another spoonful. “I cook. I called dibs.”

Valentina shook her head in amusement. "I just don't understand that."

"I guess you aren't meant to get it. I don't even get it. I just like cooking for you," he tried to explain in between spoonfuls. "It's one of the few things I'm good at."

"That's not true. You're good at lots of stuff," Valentina replied helpfully, feeding him more soup.

"Like what?" he asked, swallowing.

"Well, let's see. You're good at making me laugh. That's a big one. You're not completely bad at dancing."

"Jury's still out on that one," Andy snarked.

"Oh, come on. At least you try to keep up with me. That's more than can be said for most guys. You don't have two left feet. More like one-and-a-half," Valentina said. He laughed, suppressing a cough due to the tickling of his throat. "Have you seen Jeff dance?" Valentina asked, referring to the boyfriend of on of her friends from Themyscira.

"Of course. He looks like he's having one big full body dry heave set to music," Andy said. Valentina had to laugh at that. It was true. She felt sorry for Amanda after seeing Jeff have a few too many toddies and step out onto the dance floor. He was a good guy, but there was much left to be desired about his dancing. "But, we're not talking about Jimmy Legs Jeff. We're talking about me."

"Ah, your favorite subject," Valentina teased, "how could I forget? Well, you're a damn good masseur. Damn good. And it goes without saying that you're an amazing lover," Valentina continued with an intimate little purr, leaning in to kiss his warm forehead.

"Okay, okay, so let me get this straight. Between telling bad jokes, making an ass of myself on the dance floor, giving you massages, and making sweet, sweet love to you until you're utterly insensate, I don't have any other good qualities? Wow," Andy quipped. Valentina rolled her eyes, but grinned.

"Oh, nonsense. I just listed a few because we don't have all day to discuss how great you are, despite how much you want me to apparently, you raving egomaniac,” she said, gently poking him in the chest for emphasis. “And besides, I like cooking for you. However, because I can twist you into a bloody little pretzel, you better let me from now on," Valentina threatened him mockingly. 

"Oh, wow. I can't believe this. Threats?" Andy sputtered with exaggerated incredulity. "You'd bully a sick man?"

"Well, you did think I was an ax-murderer earlier. I suppose we could recreate Misery what with you being so helpless, and all" Valentina smirked evilly. “I'm your biggest fan!”

"Alright, stop that. You know I hate that movie,” Andy shivered. True enough. Steven King was just a creep.

“I guess I wouldn't need a sledgehammer to break your ankles with these big ol' muscles of mine,” Valentina continued, bunching her fists, causing the muscles of her arms to thicken. She smirked when Andy's eyes roamed the vast topography of her arms, studying the thick musculature therein.

“Oh, geez. Listen to you. Here I am, needing just a little emotional encouragement and you go ahead and play the muscle card," he said sarcastically. "That's not fair."

"Well, get used to it, little man,” Valentina said, flexing her enormous bicep for emphasis. A mountain of muscle erupted and strained the sleeve of her shirt with a groan of complaining fabric. A few threads gave up the ghost and popped. “Things are gonna be different around here." She fed him more soup, which he accepted with an exaggeratedly pouty look on his face. Valentina began laughing. What a card, she thought to herself. Even when he wasn't feeling well, he still liked to make her laugh. Their moment was interrupted by the ringing of Valentina’s phone.

"All I wanna do is a-zooma-zoom-zoom-zoom and a boom-boom.
Just shake your rump!

That was Suzy. Valentina couldn't help but smile at her choice of ringtone to herald her best friend, workout partner, and sometimes lover calling. It fit her well; provocative, sexy, fun.

"I wonder what she wants," Valentina said aloud. Today was a rest day for both of them, a day to let the muscles they loved to punish replenish, heal, and grow. A call or a visit from Suzy was a common occurrence, and certainly not an unwelcome one.

"I can take it from here, if you want to go see what recent debauchery Psycho Suzy is just dying to tell you about," her boyfriend replied, taking the spoon from her. Valentina smiled. That did sound like something Suzy would've ringed for. She rose and kissed his forehead. His fever didn't seem to be as hot as it was before. Maybe the soup was working...

"Priyatnogo appetita, lyubimaya," Valentina spoke softly in her native tongue.

"Um, Gesundheit?" Andy replied, unsure of what was just said, making her laugh. She left him to collect the phone from the charger in the kitchen.

"Check baby check baby one two three four
Check baby check baby one two three
Check baby check baby one two
Check baby check baby one

Shake it, shake it, shake it now SHAKE IT
She can spend every birthday butt NAKED..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming. Keep your shirt on, woman," Valentina said. Knowing Suzy, she was indeed likely naked. Of course it was easy to fathom it being hard to remain clothed when one got as massive as Suzy was. Valentina could certainly sympathize. Sometimes it was just easier to be a nudist. Valentina thumbed the talk button on the screen. "'Sup, girl?"

"Hey, sex-a-licious," Came Suzy's purring voice on the other end. Valentina giggled at the strange moniker. Suzy liked to nickname people. Andy was called Skinny, Runt, and/or Twerp, their mutual friend (and partner) Agnetha was often called a variety of nicknames like Ags, Blondie, Barbie, or whatever struck Suzy's fancy. Valentina was often called Freckles when she wasn't being called Vally. Or Carrot Top, even thought Valentina hated that nickname. It was what made Suzy, Suzy.

"Mmm mmm mmm, thinking about me, are you?" Valentina intimated sexily. She and Suzy were more than best friends. The two Amazons shared a bond that ran deeper than best friends or lovers. Valentina truly loved Andy, but what she and Suzy shared was utterly special.

"Of course, Vally. I'm always thinkin' about you..." Suzy replied, her voice a smoky bedroom purr. Valentina grinned and chewed her lip reminiscing about Suzy's massive, bronzed muscles coming together against hers, the taste of her sweet lips, both sets of them, the sound of her breathing and her love song as Valentina made her cum and vice-versa.

"Same here," Valentina replied. Indeed, her groin moistened at the thought of Suzy's pumped, sweaty muscles heaving up and down after an earth-shattering orgasm, her beautiful face wracked with the beautiful agony of pleasure, suffering the aftershocks.

"Damn straight you were. I'm hot," Suzy replied. Her bravado was another thing that made Suzy who she was. Valentina often couldn't tell when Suzy was being facetious or if she really was full of herself, even after nearly ten years of knowing one another. "But how's Skinny doing?"

"My, is that concern creeping in your sexy voice, there, Suzy?" Valentina teased. Almost as if on cue, 'Skinny' had come downstairs with the empty bowl and tray, ready to put in the dishwasher. Valentina suppressed her giggle and hit the speaker phone, making Suzy's bluster public knowledge.

"Of course it is! What do you take me for, some cold-hearted bitch, or something? Can't I show a little compassion, even if he is a skinny little runt?" Suzy complained. "You know I... care for the little twerp."

"Aww, that's sweet of you to say, Suzy," Andy cut in waggishly. "I, uh, yeah, you too."

"Goddammit, Val," Suzy griped, causing Valentina to laugh. Suzy wasn't too good at displaying affection. Valentina thought it was cute the way Suzy turned beet red whenever someone showed her love in a meaningful way. It pained her greatly to admit that she felt love for anyone other than a select group of people. She preferred to leave it best unsaid.

"What? That was cute," Valentina giggled. "You almost admitted you love him to his face. Well, maybe not. But you know what I mean."

"I never said anything of the sort!" Suzy continued.

"Bullshit, I was standing right here!" Valentina shot back.

"Witness," her boyfriend chimed in.

"Oh, shut up, Skinny. Lies," Suzy stubbornly dug in.

"Suzy, it was only a few seconds ago," Valentina pressed on.

"Nope. Lies. Lies and conspiracy. You two are working in cahoots like you always do when you're not fucking like rabbits. Maybe this bug of yours is a good thing, Skinny. Val never has any energy at the Gym anymore. You wear her out. Maybe now she'll get some real work done."

"Oh, as if. I’ve got stamina to spare, Miss No-Cardio-At-All. I'm getting stronger every day too, Suzy. I'm catching up to you, sweetheart. I'll beat you to four-hundred, mark my words," Valentina interjected, referring to the magic weight the three Amazons aspired to. Suzy was the closest at three-seventy five, but Valentina and Agnetha were gaining muscle, steadily creeping past the three-fifty mark.

"I happen to get plenty of cardio," Suzy replied primly.

“Oh? Care to elaborate? You hate running,” Valentina prodded.

“You're right. I don't run. Period. I shouldn't think I need to tell you what sort of cardio I get, because you’re usually present, toots. But, hey, whatever helps you sleep at night. You know I'm the Biggest, Baddest Bitch there is. Maybe I'll come over later and bring some ginger ale, Skinny. Maybe I’ll squeeze that bug right out of ya," Suzy said.

"Aw, whatever, Psycho. I'm going back to bed," Andy replied, turning to leave.

"Rest up, Skinny!" Suzy called. "I want you in top form by the end of the week."

"I'm totally gonna sneeze in your face when I see you," he shouted, ascending the stairs back up to their room. Suzy let out a soft chuckle. Despite their banter, they clearly cared for each other. Valentina turned the speakerphone off to resume the conversation in private.

"So, what's on your mind, Suze?" Valentina asked, cutting to the chase.

"Mmm. That sexy little body of yours, y'know, the usual. But anyway, I heard something interesting on the grapevine the other day. Something I think you'll enjoy."

"Oh? Do tell," Valentina said, interest piqued.

"You know McGrundy's, outside of town?" Suzy asked.

"Not intimately, no," Valentina replied.

"It's on Harvey, out by the mall. Anyway, there's going to be some event tonight. Don't know the details, but I wanted to go check it out. Interested?" Suzy propositioned.

"What sort of event are we talking about here?" Valentina asked, interest piqued.

"Sounds like some kind of strength competition. Like I said, I don't know the details, but I thought we'd go down and wreck up the place." Indeed, that did sound interesting. Valentina loved to display her strength and muscles. She was a definite exhibitionist. Showing a crowd of slack-jawed onlookers just how strong she really was made her head swim wonderfully.

"Sure," Valentina replied, but she immediately thought of her sick boyfriend. "But, maybe not. You-know-who's still a little punky. Maybe I should stay in and take care of him."

"Oh, c'mon, Val,” Suzy groaned in exasperation. “Your concern for Skinny is endearing and all, but he's not a fucking toddler. He’s made of tougher stuff than that. I'm sure he'll be fine for one miserable night by himself. If he gets lonely he can just jerk off.”

“Suzy!” Valentina rebuked, admonishing her best friend's crudeness.

“You know it's true! When's the last time we've had a girl's night out, just the two of us?" Suzy asked. It had been a while, Valentina had to admit.

"You didn't ask Agnetha?" Valentina was surprised Suzy chose to pass over their good friend. There had been some lingering bad blood between the two, carry over from the intense rivalry that started their relationship one year ago. By and large, Suzy and Agnetha were good friends now, but some tension reared it's ugly head from time to time, mostly when it came to either Amazon's natural competitiveness. Valentina frequently tried to keep the rivalry friendly, but things got heated from time to time.

"Of course I did,” Suzy sighed in exasperation, as if annoyed at Valentina's implied insistence, “but she's rather conveniently leaving town tonight to go down south for a week. It's her mom's birthday or something. The show doesn't start till after she'll be gone anyway, so that's a wash. I really don't want to go by myself. Where's the fun in that?"

"I'd really like to go, but..." Valentina started.

"Oh, you don't need to wait on me hand and foot, Val," her boyfriend's voice came from the top of the stairs. Andy was looking down over the railing at her. She gave him a weird look, as if perplexed that he was spying. "What? I know you’re talking about me as if still in swaddling diapers. I certainly appreciate it, but go on, go. I'll be okay."

"Are you sure, sweetie?" Valentina asked, craning her head up at him.

"Izzat Skinny? Put me on speaker," Suzy demanded. Valentina did so. "Skinny, convince her to go out with me tonight. You sound like a million bucks. You don't need to be babied like Vally’s been doing. Tell her."

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm actually agreeing with that lunatic. I feel so dirty. But yes. I'll be fine. Go out, have a few drinks and some laughs. Just try to stay off the evening news," he replied. Suzy and Valentina laughed.

"No promises, Skinny, but we'll see," Suzy replied. "So, how's about it, Vally?"

"Twist my arm, why don't ya? Okay, fine. I'll go," Valentina acceded with mock annoyance. It heartened her to see her boyfriend encouraged her to go out and have some fun. He wasn't a clingy, jealous guy for the most part, but she didn't spend much time away from him. It would be weird and a little disappointing that he wouldn't be there. She loved to show off her strength and muscles to him especially, but an evening out with Suzy would prove to be exciting and fun. Just like old times.

"Well, alright then!" Suzy whooped in excited relief. “That's my girl! I'll swing by later. Toodles."

"Alright, see ya then," Valentina replied.

"Bye, Skinny."

"Ah, just hang up already, dammit!"

"You bastard!"


A/N: Trying to go for more of a 'slow-burn' approach here, flesh out the characters and their relationships here. Let me know if I was successful or not. Regardless, more to come, so stay tuned.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 08, 2014, 09:51:19 pm
Hey, great to see you back writing again, Valentina's storyline has been one of my favorite things to come on here and read, so muscular, so strong, so horny, she's beyond awesome! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 15, 2014, 10:04:55 pm
A/N: Wow, a thousand views and a handful of karma. Way to show your appreciation, you stingy-ass douchebags. Shout outs to the main man Jeremy and m4rkym4rk for the kind words. I can always count on ya'll for the ego-boost. Now for something completely different; we're going to see Suzy at work. I don't know much about femdom and I don't really enjoy it too much, so bear with me here.


“Now then where were we?” Suzy asked as she hung up the phone. With a grin she turned back to the task at hand. She sighed contentedly and reclined back against her headboard, slowly flexing the powerful muscles of her thighs. One of her clients wriggled helplessly between her legs, trying to extricate himself from her vice-like grip.

“Mmm,” she stretched luxuriously, as if completely oblivious to his plight. “I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball.”

Her client struggled and fussed trying to pry her legs apart. It was a fool's errand. The mammoth tree-trunks of her legs closed around his body, locking his puny form in place with contemptuous ease. She idly checked her manicure and let him wriggle for a moment longer before turning up the pressure. Her client groaned as his ribs buckled between her legs. Suzy sucked her teeth in annoyance.

"Are you even trying?" she scoffed.

"Yes, Mistress Suzy!" her client strained.

"I don't think you are. I think you're trying to screw with me."

"No, Mistress Suzy," he replied.

"I think you are. You know I hate being screwed with.”

“Yes, mistress Suzy.”

“Yes, what? Yes you are screwing with me or yes you're trying?” Suzy hissed with a tightening of her legs.

“Mistress Suzy, I am trying!” her client whispered pitifully.

“Trying? Ha! Trying my patience, more like. A real man would be able to get out of there," Suzy commented. That was a lie. No man could resist her strength. "Are you a real man?"

"No, Mistress Suzy."

"Then why am I wasting my time with you, scum?" Suzy said, throwing him onto his back with her legs. She clambered atop him, crushing him with her weight. Her cold black eyes loomed over her enormous pecs, deeming him unworthy of her attention. "I believe I asked you a question."

"I- I don't know!" her client simpered.

"You don't know, what?" she growled ominously

"I don't know, Mistress Suzy!"

"You might not know me, but you know what I can do to you, don't you, scumbag?" Suzy said darkly.

"Yes, Mistress Suzy," her client repeated.

"You like being crushed, being my personal chew toy?"

"Yes, Mistress Suzy."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Suzy asked with disgust. "A real man wouldn't stand for that."

"I'm not a real man, Mistress Suzy!" her client declared.

"That much is obvious, scumbag. What are you then?" Suzy asked.

"I'm a worm, a weakling, a wimp!" he cried ardently.

"At least you know your place, scumbag. And bonus points for alliteration by the way."

"Um, what?" her client's brow furrowed in confusion.

"Are you thinking? What did I tell you about that, scumbag?!" Suzy growled, closing one immensely strong hand around his throat.

"Ack! That... I... urg... shouldn't...hurk... think!" he weakly croaked. She wasn't really choking him. Suzy merely clamped her hand around his neck enough to restrict movement and to make it a little harder to breathe. It wouldn't do to cause any serious damage to her client.

"That's right, and why is that?" Suzy pressed, squeezing his neck tighter briefly for emphasis.

"B-b-because... you'll... kick... m-m-my a-ass!" he answered.

“Because I'll kick your ass,” Suzy repeated, releasing her grip. "Very good, scumbag. You're not as dumb as you look. You're still dumb, so don't be going and getting any ideas that I might be starting to respect you or anything. Because that just ain't gonna happen. You are beneath my contempt. The very idea of you being worth anything is an insult to the worthless. In fact, I think I might kick your ass anyway just for fun. You'd like that, wouldn't you scumbag?"

"Oh, very much so, Mistress Suzy," her client replied.

"Of course you would," Suzy said, getting off of him.

But before he could react, Suzy's legs swallowed his head between her thighs. All was darkness and hard muscle bearing down on his skull. He let out a muffled cry, though whether of joy, terror, or pain, Suzy couldn't tell. It would be so easy to pop his skull like a grape, but then she'd be out $10k. Suzy certainly enjoyed crushing her client. But, she didn't care much for weak, simpering men staining her expensive sheets with any sort of bodily fluids. Silk was hard to clean. Of course, her lifestyle made that nearly impossible to avoid.

“How many pounds of force would it take to splatter your brains all over my thighs, scumbag?” Suzy teased. “Do you think my thighs could exert that? Let's find out!”

She slowly flexed her thighs, shrouding her client's head in muscle. She knew the threshold to fracture a skull and stopped just short of it. Her client let out a series of muffled yelps, trying to break the hold, but it was no use.

“What was that?” Suzy asked. “I didn't hear you clearly. You want me to let you go? I'm sorry. You'll have to phrase that request better. Inarticulate screaming will get you nowhere.”

There was just no fighting her. Before he blacked out, she opened her legs a tad, and he collapsed onto the mattress. She allowed him a few moments to recover before she would pounce on him again. He stirred and she tackled him into a bear hug. Her hard muscles enlarged with a slow, crushing flex, buckling his ribs and bending his spine. His arms were pinned to his sides and there was nothing he could do.

“I can do this all day, scumbag. Unfortunately, you can't. Sooner or later one or many of your bones will collapse into a fine powder. Once that happens you'll be useless to me. Moreso than you already are.” Suzy tightened her grip. He cried out, or tried to, but couldn't get the air into his lungs. “You know, this isn't even fun for me. There's no point in kicking your ass. You're no challenge. It isn't even amusing. It's pathetic, really. I can do anything I want to you and you'll never be able to stop me. You know what a real man would do?”

Her client sputtered something. A plea of mercy? A wild guess? Who could say. The key to total domination wasn't just beating him up, it was to set the rules in opposition. Ask him a question, and then punish him for answering. Of course, she would punish him if he stayed silent anyway. He was damned if he did, damned if he didn't. But her client wouldn't end the session. This was what he paid for, after all.

“I'm sorry,” Suzy growled, tightening her arms even further. “You'll have to speak up.” His ribs buckled almost to the breaking point, but she stopped short just in time, loosening her grip subtly enough to allow a response.

“I-I-I d-don't-t kn-knuh-know, M-mistressss Suzy!” Her client squeaked.

“Well, what do you know, for crissakes?" Suzy griped in annoyance. "Everything is 'I don't know, Mistress Suzy,' with you. For fuck's sake, scumbag, I ask you a simple question and you're too stupid to have an intelligent response.”

“I-I'm sorry, Mistress Suzy!”

“You sure are. You're a sorry piece of shit, alright. You are beneath my notice. How I even agreed to do this with you is beyond me. Now, I believe I asked you a question, scumbag. And I will have an answer, even if it literally kills you.” To punctuate her point, she squeezed harder momentarily. Her client yelped pitifully, but she quickly retracted her squeeze.

“A r-real man would be able to get out of this hold, Mistress Suzy,” her client responded. She laughed in his face before letting him go. He dropped onto his back onto the mattress limply. Suzy clambered atop of him and sat on his chest. She displaced her weight around him, to not cause his ribs to collapse, but still sat on him enough to deny him respite.

“God, you're such a fucking idiot! Does the word 'rhetorical' have any meaning to you? A real man can't beat me. It was a trick question. A real man would please me in the first place so that I wouldn't have to destroy him. But you, forget about it. There's no way you could ever satisfy me. Not with this little nub you call a dick.” Suzy reached behind herself to grab his erection. In reality, he had a decent size. Skinny's was bigger, but her client packed about a good seven inches. She squeezed his cock, giving it a little tug. “Pathetic,” she spat.

Suzy began to massage his cock with her fingers, making her client breath in pleasure. “Yeah,” Suzy purred. “You like that, don't you? You like it when I squeeze your little dink, huh? You probably have never had a woman touch it before, have you? You've probably never even been kissed. A worm like you could never satisfy a woman, let alone a goddess like me. I'm harsh, but I can be merciful, like this... You're so pathetic, I almost pity you. Almost.”

“Mistress Suzy...” her client breathed. He was loving his cock massage.

“Did I tell you to talk?” Suzy barked, squeezing his cock tightly. He yelped. “Shut up or I'll rip it off at the stem, do the gene pool a huge fucking favor. Got anything more to say?” Her client shook his head meekly, and so, Suzy continued. “Good boy.”

Her client fussed and moaned, looking ready to cum. Just as she was sure he was about to make a mess, she let go of his crank. Her client opened his eyes to stare at her. She smiled wickedly at him.

“It just occurred to me, that you haven't done anything to really earn this treatment, scumbag. I mean, here I am, touching your gross little do-hickey, and for what? Your pleasure? HA! Your pleasure means nothing to me.”

“Mistress Suzy, I-”

“You what? Were you just about to tell me what to do?” Suzy growled darkly.

“N-no, Mistress Suzy! Not at all, Mistress Suzy!”

“You little shit! How dare you!” Suzy raged, getting off of him to scoop him up and settle him over her knee. “I tried to be nice for a change and this is how you thank me?! You ingrate!” Suzy spanked him. “You asshole!” Spank. “You piece of shit!” Once more, with feeling. “I'm going to tan your hide, scumbag!” She spanked him raw. Flesh on flesh rang out in her apartment as she spanked him. His ass was as red as a baboon's when she was done. To his credit, her client didn't beg or plead for mercy. She didn't employ spanking much, preferring not to hit her clients out of regard for safety if nothing else, but he had asked for it during their correspondence. Suzy's hands were like frying pans, lots of surface area with which to administer this odd punishment. It wasn't her cup of tea, but it was what he paid for.

“Get off me!” Suzy commanded, pushing him from her lap. Her client tumbled to the floor, but quickly recovered and prostrated himself before her.

“Mistress Suzy! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to presume-” he began.

“Shut your fucking mouth, worm, or I'll get my strapon and fill it for you!” Suzy shouted. “Actually, no. You'd like that too much. Gross little creep. Forget about it. I won't deign to give you the pleasure of sucking my big rubber cock. Instead, I think there's something that could redeem yourself.”

“Oh, anything, Mistress Suzy! I'll do anything!” her client declared.

“But of course you would. So here's what let's do, scumbag. We're going to wrestle. I'm going to hurt you. I'm going to crush you in ways they don't even have names for yet. Your pain will be so profound you'll walk funny for a year afterward. If, and that's a huge fucking if, you can manage to pin me, I'll suck your tiny little cock. If you manage to make it without passing out, crying, submitting, or dying, I'll even let you eat my pussy. You were going to do that anyway, but I figured I might make it a bit more pleasurable for you without my legs crushing your skull. Sounds good?”

“Oh, very much so, Mistress Su-”

“Alright, shut up. You talk too Goddamned much, you know that?” Suzy snapped, sliding off the bed and onto her knees on the floor. “Fire when ready, Gridley.”

Her client looked unsure. It was only natural, she supposed. It wasn't like he stood a chance, and he knew that. No matter the outcome, this was going to be a win-win for the little schmuck.

“Well?!” Suzy barked. “Any fucking time you're ready, sweetheart!”

Her client jumped at her command and attempted a takedown. His weedy little arms snagged around her solid core and tried to jostle her this way and that. Her client let out groans and grunts of effort, but it just wasn't going to happen. Suzy made a show of yawning.

“Oh, have we begun?” she said, mockingly. “C'mon, scumbag, make me feel it at least.”

“I'm... hurk... trying... hurrgh... Mistress Suzy!” her client strained, as if trying to uproot a California redwood barehanded.

“No, no, no, weakling. That's not trying,” Suzy groaned in exasperation. She proceeded to pick him up effortlessly, and gorilla press slammed him back down to the carpet. “That was trying.” In reality, it wasn't. If she wanted to, she could toss him across the street, possibly even further if there weren't buildings in the way. But again, she wasn't trying to really hurt him; he didn't really need to know that, she thought to herself.

“Are you quitting?” Suzy purred, looming over her client, hands on hips.

“N-no, Mistress Suzy,” he replied, weakly.

“Then get up and quit pussy-footing around. You needn't be so gentle with me, worm. I'm not a delicate little flower,” she ordered.

He got to his knees and attempted to attack her again, failing just as miserably the second time. He latched on to her, struggling to secure purchase around her mighty bulk, scrambling around like a squirrel on a tree to find some sort of weak point he could exploit. Suzy let him attempt several holds. His attempt at a full nelson was pitiful; her muscles were simply too big for his little weedy arms to latch onto. He tried to pry her arms free into an armbar, but she could support his whole weight with just one arm. He then tried to get behind her, tightening his little noodle arms around her body. She merely inhaled to pop his grip open.

“Alley-oop!” Suzy announced, snapmaring him over her shoulder, snagging him into a headlock. Muscle swelled around his noggin, mushing his face together. Just to taunt him, she held his head in the crook of one flexed arm, not even bothering to brace her wrist with her other.

“Mmm. Feel that muscle. Go on. Feel it,” she commanded softly. Despite his predicament, her client obiedently did as told, feeling the steely tissue that ensconced his face. “Feel how hard that is?”

“Yrrs, Mrrstrrss Srrzy,” her client intoned, lockjawed.

“Did you honestly think you ever had a chance?” she asked,

“Nrr, Mrrstrrss Srrzy,” her client answered.

“Then you're not as big of a fool as I thought,” Suzy replied, releasing the hold. Her client dropped onto his back, and breathed sweet oxygen, holding his sore jaw. She straddled him, looking down at him from over her massive pecs.

“Well, scumbag, you've failed to impress me,” she said exasperatedly. “Surprise, surprise. You had your shot and you blew it. Looks like I'm going to have to hurt you now.”

Fear widened his eyes as she scooped him up in her enormous arms and applied a massive bear hug. His ribs buckled to the point of nearly breaking and his eyes almost popped out of his skull. Any harder and Suzy would collapse his chest cavity, but she wanted to make him feel it. She released him to let him breathe for a beat before twisting him around and putting on a full nelson. Having immobilized him fully, Suzy then curled her beefy legs around his waist and pulled in opposite directions. She called this move the Torture Rack. It was her signature move, one that required mucho strength and serious muscle control to pull off effectively. Suzy had both in spades.

She stretched him slowly, inch by inch, making it as torturous as possible without hurting him seriously. She knew the pain thresholds of her client and the breaking point of bones intimately. Suzy did her very best to avoid serious debilitating injuries in her clients and had a stellar track record to back up her claims. Lesser session providers weren't fit to polish her riding crop, as far as she was concerned. Talentless amateurs, the lot of them. She could pull and stretch a man like taffy and send him home with a dopey grin on his face and no serious injuries. She stretched his spine out a bit while trying not to do any real damage. If she wanted, she could've paralyzed him for life.  If she tugged any harder, he easily would pull apart like fresh baked bread. She held him for a moment, allowing him to soak in the realization that she was barely trying before letting him go.

He slumped against her body, resting between her legs wrecked and wasted. His weak little muscles quivered from the sheer trauma of being pulled, tugged, crushed, and beaten. He breathed heavily, trying to get as much air as he could before she decided to hurt him more. But, Suzy felt that he had enough. She wasn't much of a sadist. Her client had gotten the point.

“Had enough?” She murmured playfully.

“Yes, Mistress Suzy. I can't take anymore. I'm too weak to handle a goddess such as you,” he breathlessly replied.

“Oh, come now. Flattery will get you everywhere, weakling.” She pulled herself out from under him, laying him on his back before scooping him up into her mighty arms. Her client enjoyed the lull in the beating, feeling her power in a non-violent way. She laid him on the bed and straddled his chest.     

"You see, I can be gentle as well. All I require is simple submission, weakling. Do you submit?" Suzy asked.

"Yes, Mistress Suzy," her client replied in a small voice. She smiled warmly, sidling up alongside him this time.

“Hmm,” Suzy purred, grinning knowingly to herself. Her client looked up at her in curiosity, but he dared not speak unless bidden. After a moment of silence, she spoke. “Well, scumbag. Although you didn't manage to put up any sort of resistance to me, you survived. I suppose some congratulations are in order. You aren't completely pathetic, I suppose. How do you feel, weakling?" she murmured.

"I hurt, Mistress Suzy. All over," he simpered.

"Aww, poor baby. Lucky for you, I've got the medicine," Suzy replied. "On your stomach," she said, rolling him over. He complied without brooking any argument. Suzy proceeded to massage his body, loosening up his tightened, battered muscles (if they could be called that). He was scrawny, the complete opposite of herself. Her client became as putty in her hands. Her mighty fingers worked his soft body effortlessly. When she had finished, Suzy flipped him onto his back once more and straddled his chest.

"How was that, weakling?" Suzy asked.

“Thank you, Mistress Su-” her client replied, before she silenced him by pressing a lethally manicured finger up to his lips before breaching them, and forcing him to suck on her finger, which her client did of his own volition. Suzy grinned sexily.

"Shush, weakling. Because I was nice to you, for a change, I think it's time for you to be nice to me. You see, I'm very horny right now. Weak, pathetic males do that for me. So I think it's time for you to pay in full all the services I've rendered to you thus far, weakling. You know what that means?"

"Yes, Mistr-" Suzy silenced him once more.

“But, as we agreed,” she continued, somewhat peevishly at him, “since you didn't pin me, I will not be pleasuring you. You, however, have to live up to your end of the bargain.” Before he could react, she scrambled up to his face, and buried it between her legs. Her erect clit pierced his lips, begging to be sucked on.

“Because I'm a merciful Goddess,” Suzy continued, “if you manage to please me, maybe we'll work something out later. But we'll cross that bridge if we even come to it. Now, get to work, weakling.”

Unable to reply with a mouthful of her sex, her client could only capitulate. He braced himself by curling his arms around her thighs, and began massaging the strong lips of her womanhood with his mouth. Suzy hissed wonderfully, grabbing onto the headboard of her bed for support, placing her fingers into the grooves she had worried into the strong titanium over time.

Although physically unimpressive, her client knew his way around a woman's body. He licked her juicy clit clean, massaging the hard knob of flesh with his lips. Suzy let out a deep bellow of pleasure, grinding her hips into his face. He almost drowned in her pussy, but gamely kept on licking. She grinned carnally, eyes rolling into the back of her skull, before seizing his head in her hands, and mashing it in further. He exclaimed something, but it was muffled against her groin.

"Mmm!" Suzy groaned, working her fingers through his hair. "I LOVE it when little boys know their place!"

Her client soldiered on pleasing her orally, thrusting his tongue in and around her tight pussy, drinking deeply of her sweet juices. Suzy's lips quivered, her breathing quickened. She was coming like a violent storm. She ground her stimulated clit into his mouth even harder, practically crushing his face with her crotch. She let out ever quickening yelps of pleasure, mashing his face into her sex while still remembering to let him breathe. Suzy let out a mighty howl of pleasure before climaxing.

It was long and loud, an Amazonian war cry. Fuck what her neighbors thought. She was cumming and proud to let everyone know it. Twenty seconds of bliss numbed her body wonderfully. She looked down over her pecs at her client, who had miraculously survived her sexual onslaught. Suzy giggled at his pop-eyed, unfocused and unblinking stare. She climbed off of him and sidled up next to her client, wearing a broad grin. Her sex juices covered his mouth. She idly traced patterns into his weak chest with her finger, completely dropping the dominatrix angle. “Was it good for you?" she purred rhetorically. He client laughed breathlessly.

“Worth every penny," he weakly replied in earnest.

Suzy hummed as she leaned in and kissed him, tasting herself in the process. Slipping her tongue down his throat, she frenched him passionately, taking him utterly by surprise. The session had ended, but this was a little something special for him. She dropped him from her kiss, and made a trail downwards with her lips, taking her to his turgid erection. Her client hissed when her long, sinuous tongue had wrapped around his cock. She licked his cock clean from stem to stern before plunging it down her throat without gagging. Skinny's cock was a few inches longer than her client's was, so this was a cakewalk compared to taking that monster down her throat. Still, he was a pretty big boy. She sucked him slowly, letting him savor each passing before upping the tempo. She pounded him like a jackhammer, bringing him to the brink of climax before dropping him from her mouth entirely. Her client let out a wail of frustrated complaint, but said nothing.

Suzy raked the underside of his cock with the tongue, pressing the little soft point beneath the head with the tip of her tongue just to drive him mad. She teased him, flicking him here and there, but never doing more than grazing the sensitive spots. Just as he was cooling off, Suzy pounced, impaling herself on his manhood, sucking deeply all the way up. A few more strokes and he exploded in her mouth ingloriously. Suzy swallowed and reared up to survey the damage. Her client stared unfocusingly at the ceiling, chest heaving all the while. Suzy took her place besides him once more, propping herself up on one elbow. She curled a massive leg over his body, and intimately cuddled with her client while he caught his breath.

"That... was utterly amazing..." he whispered in awe.

"So, I'll see you next week then?" she asked,

"Of course!" her client exclaimed. "You're the best!"

Suzy grinned. Send them home happy, she thought to herself in congratulations.


A/N: More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 16, 2014, 12:23:08 am
I've never been much into domination/sessions so I really can't tell you how one goes, if this is accurate or not, but I'll just say that Suzy is so big and strong that most likely she'll be able to do all this and more, really, really easily. Probably to a much bigger guy than she had here. I would never pay to be humiliated in this way, that's not my style, but if he suffers through all that to feel her muscular body, I would say it's almost worth it, especially when it comes to someone of Suzy's caliber. So yeah, while I'm not into that, I think you did a great job without experience to really show what goes on in a session, I'm sure they may even get worse than this, but the thing is clear, Suzy is great no matter what she does. k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 18, 2014, 07:52:55 pm
A/N: Thanks Jeremy. I still feel a bit goofy about that chapter, but hey. Variety is the spice of life as they say. While Suzy was pounding her client, let's see what Valentina is up to.

The warm water enveloped her like the a lover's embrace.

Valentina enjoyed a good shower. She ran her fingers through her wet hair and smiled up at the deluge. Rivulets of water ran over her contures and crevices, making her gleam in the misty light. She had some time yet before Suzy was supposed to come over. Andy was sleeping again and the house was quiet. Valentina took the time to indulge herself without distraction.

Their shower in the adjoined master bathroom was a super-deluxe custom job with all sorts of bells and whistles, built big enough to encourage some room to move for a woman of her size. She and her boyfriend had often spent many long hours making love in there, in addition to the floor, the bed, the hallway, the stairs, the kitchen, any available surface area, really.  It felt so empty with just her in it, but it left more room to flex. 

She couldn't resist running her hands over her slick muscles, feeling every vein, every striation, pushing and kneading the hard sinew. Valentina knew she was sexy. She loved flexing and feeling her muscles, self-worshiping her strength and hardness. The jets of water in the wall buffeted and battered her, loosening her muscles up, relaxing her completely.

Valentina was excited. Tonight was going to be a lot of fun. She could only imagine what Suzy had planned. It had been a while indeed since the two of them had a true girl's night out. Valentina could remember years ago 'destroying the town' as Suzy would call it. She and Valentina would go out and stir up trouble wherever trouble was waiting to be stirred. Nobody ever got hurt, but Valentina didn't mind bruising a few male egos along the way. Suzy, on the other hand, seemed to always be spoiling for a fight.

Was that going to happen this time? Valentina wondered. Making a scene was Suzy's forte. Even when she wasn't being particularly loud and obnoxious, two massively muscled women had a tendency to turn heads without much provocation. The thought of eyes on her make Valentina tingle wonderfully. How should she dress? Sexy? Of course. Had to show of the goods, that was a given. Slutty? Eh, better see what Suzy's wearing first. It wouldn't do to be underdressed, or overdressed, as the case may very well be.

She grabbed her favorite cinnamon scented body wash and applied a lavish dollop to her strong hands. She spread the lovely scented body wash all over her vast expanse, taking the scenic route along her many curves to work up a fine lather. It was a bit of a hassle to reach behind her and lather up her back without the usual help, but she managed with some effort and the appropriate tools to do so. After a long and indulgent rinse cycle, she took her favorite shampoo and conditioner and did the same to her hair. The shampoo helped brighten her naturally red tresses and really bring out its color. With that done, she rinsed once more and turned off the water.

Valentina stood naked before the mirror. The wall above the sink was dedicated to a long, tall mirror that allowed her to see herself in wonderful clarity once she wiped the fog away. Valentina's red hair was darkened with moisture and combed back out of her beautiful, freckled face. The short little bob she wore ended just before her huge traps. She kept her hair short primarily to show off her physique, but also to keep the hair out of her eyes during a workout.  She smiled at herself, liking what she saw in the mirror.

Her massive muscles glistened with moisture as she stood, appraising her body like she had millions of times before. It was a habit she was loath to break. Whenever she saw her reflection, she always had to perform a quick appraisal no matter where she was. She wasn’t so vain that she had to strip and flex every single time. Usually a quick glance was sufficient. Valentina utterly loved the way she looked. She loved the bulging power surging through her raised veins, the pumped hardness of her muscles, the creamy smoothness of her light, freckled skin. She considered herself sexy, hell, she knew she was sexy.

This body of hers was that of a goddess made flesh. She couldn't resist running strong, deceptively dainty and manicured fingers over the vast expanse of her body with reverence. Every inch of her was harder than steel. The power of her muscles was tangible. Her fingers sensed the mighty vibrations of sheer power radiating from within. She felt like she could move mountains. Feeling the hard, dangerous lines coiled beneath her smooth, soft skin, tracing the snake-like veins fueling power to her muscles, Valentina let out a soft gasp of erotic self-love. Her doppelganger in the mirror eye-fucked Valentina, desiring to pull the sexy flame-tressed goddess into her world and began worshiping her immediately.

Out of habit, she curled her arms into a jawdropping double bicep pose. The peaks of her biceps swelled into massive mountains of muscle almost touching her balled up fists. She couldn't help but grin broadly as she pumped them a few times, flexing harder with each repetition. Valentina had no idea how big they were, but they were last measured at thirty-one inches when pumped. That was a long time ago. She had no doubt grown since. Valentina turned to allow herself to see her flexed arm from behind. Eat your heart out, Mr. Olympia, she thought with a sexy smirk. There wasn't a man alive with more muscle mass than her, and that completely turned her on.

Valentina visualized herself onstage with a male bodybuilder, totally dwarfing his impressive but ultimately puny physique. No matter how hard he flexed, the defeated male couldn't match her size. Looking around mischievously, she made sure no one was watching when she kissed the peaks of her biceps. No doubt her boyfriend would find that sexy, but she felt silly doing that for herself. Still, those beefy mountains of chiseled granite springing up under her skin at full flex certainly had their appeal.

Valentina knew the effect she had on her boyfriend and men (some women too) in general and she reveled in it. Just being out in public caused a ruckus. People stopped, stared, murmured to themselves, pointed, shouted, completely being unable to believe their eyes. Being stared at made her horny, and Andy often reaped the benefits. She loved getting pumped and huge and hard, muscles bursting from her clothes, walking with her arm around Andy's shoulders, his hands worshipfully curled around her waist traipsing all over town putting her body on display for the world to see. After all, what was the point of getting so big if one didn't enjoy the attention? Let them look, Valentina thought.

Andy had the luck of being able to do more than look. He was a lucky guy, there was no shame in admitting that to herself. For as much as Valentina loved him, she could have any guy she wanted, but she chose him. Of course, she knew that she had lucked out as well. Not many guys could keep up with her. Many have tried and failed. There were a lot of douchebags out there that thought they could tame her. They were wrong, she thought to herself with a fierce grin. Valentina was a huge, sexy Amazon warrior. She was immensely strong, dominant and fierce, but ultimately loving and protective. She conquered, like all Amazons were born to do, but she was a benevolent queen, given to rewarding her subjects for their loving worship of her rather than punishing them on a whim. She didn't need a man to do anything for her except love her unconditionally, which Andy did and more, all without pretense.

Lots of men wanted her for her body, even if they wouldn't admit to being turned on by muscular women, but few men could truly handle the power of an Amazon without getting hurt. Pain could be emotional, rather than physical. Valentina hated bullies and never was one to throw her weight around, but she had no qualms about putting a jerk in his place. Valentina loved being bigger and stronger that nearly everyone. She loved the dichotomy of being a sexy, feminine woman, and a deadly, powerful Amazon. She loved how Andy was just as turned on by her as she was for him.

“Mmm...” she purred, stretching luxuriously. Valentina wished fervently that Andy wasn't sick and zonked out on flu medicine. She loved getting worshiped more than being stared at. Andy's strong hands caressing the soft, creamy skin of her body, feeling the indomitable power of her muscles, the look of aroused wonderment plastered on his cute face, the electricity of his kiss on her skin, the throbbing hardness of his huge, meaty cock erect and bursting for her... She shivered wonderfully at the thought with a lewd giggle. Her face was hot with blush. She was supremely horny right now. But there was more flexing to do. So much of her body to explore, so little time...

She wheeled her arms around, turning sideways while holding her arms straight behind her. The meaty slabs of muscle of her triceps swelled with strength, jutting over her elbow joint by several inches. Valentina growled sexily and clawed the striations of her triceps giggling with amusement at how silly it was to do that. She then transitioned seamlessly into a side chest, cocking her arm, making her bicep and pecs swell with strain. Dat chest... she thought to herself, drooling over the roundness and thickness of them. Valentina's nipples were hard with arousal. Her pecs were huge and the envy of men everywhere. Massive slabs of feathered, striated beef teemed beneath her skin, swelling like fresh baked bread with her flex. 

"Mmm," she cooed at the sight of her beefy shoulders spreading and her lats flaring out. Iron gives you wings, she thought, loving the width of her body fully flexed in a lat spread. Valentina felt like a muscle angel. Her breathing quickened when she curled her arms over her head and crunched her belly down. The mighty muscles of her core region rippled when at rest, but they became a slab of bulletproof sinew at full flex. Her abs, obliques, and serratus came alive with power, hardening and bulging under her skin. Valentina's waist was trim, but the strength of her core could not be denied.

Valentina turned to face herself head on once more, going back to her pecs. They were just so big and juicy, she wished she could just take a bite. They were big enough that she could certainly kiss the tops of them, which she did, savoring the taste of her own velvety skin.

"God, just look at this chest..." she breathed in awe, voice maddened with arousal, unable to tear her eyes off her pecs. "Who needs tits when you've got pecs like these?"

Indeed, there was no breast tissue to be found anywhere on her chest. It was all solid muscle. She remembered in her early teens before she started lifting weights, how her breasts started to develop. They barely had time to fully grow by the time her pectorals began their ascension to enormity. Her fingers pressured the great expanse of her pecs, searching for softness. Despite her thorough search, she could find nothing that would give way. Only her skin was delectable and soft. Valentina cupped her muscular breast, rubbing the massive swellings of muscle tissue there. The slightest movement made them twitch and jump. Her boyfriend loved her pecs almost as much as she did, frequently kissing, licking, rubbing, squeezing, nuzzling and sleeping against her gigantic chest muscles. Valentina delighted in making them dance. With no effort, her pecs nimbly jumped at her command. She flexed them in tandem, one at a time, alternating, in time with a little song she hummed. The flexing made them pumped. The more pumped they got, the more eager she was to make them flex. Her pecs swelled with blood, looking ready to explode by the time she was done. She hissed as she touched her sensitive nipples, wishing there were a pair of lips ready to suckle on them. Valentina wanted to grab somebody and bury their face in her chest, forcing them to worship the glory of her pecs.

On a whim, Valentina picked up a comb and placed it in the deep trough between her large slabs of pec meat. The comb locked in place with only a modest flex. Then she turned up the heat. Her pecs swelled and the comb was pressed between two massive hunks of she-beef, gradually being crushed. With a snarl and a bit of effort, the comb snapped between her pecs, bits of plastic came raining out of her cleavage.

Valentina laughed. "Unbreakable my ass," She muttered. "Only I am unbreakable..." Valentina ran her hands all over her body once more, unable to turn her eyes away. Overcome with self-love, she licked her massive bicep, massaging the swelling of sinew with her soft, heavenly lips. She felt so damn sexy. There was still more of her body to explore though...

Standing on her tiptoes a few steps back, her truly enormous thighs came into view. Tree trunks were the only thing that came to mind. Though she loved all of her body, her legs were her favorite parts, but only just so. They responded so well to her workouts, she had to hold back in order to prevent her legs from growing too much. Her calves in particular were huge, and she knew how difficult it was to have calves like hers. She ran her strong fingers over the separations in her quads, fingering the deep troughs and powerful swellings of those muscles. Her thighs were bigger around than her waist, and bigger around than some men's chests. Her hamstrings and adductors were also massive and strong, much like steel cables. She flexed her legs in her hands, cooing at the power and hardness of her muscles. Valentina's calves were upside-down heart shaped hunks of meat cut like diamonds. They nearly matched her biceps in circumference, and were bigger around than most men's thighs. She bent down to cup her calves, caressing the deep trench between her gastrocnemius muscles. Huge 'n hard, just like the rest of me, she thought.

Looking up at the mirror, she took stock of her bulging glutes. She was quite proud of her butt. It was comprised of two round, thick, meaty bubbles of steel. Her ass looked amazing in just about anything she wore and she was always happy to show off her booty. Millions of squats, lunges, and bridges went into the forging of this butt, and the results showed.

"Get a load of this ass..." She purred, turning in the mirror to make it visible. Her hands rubbed the smooth, hard cheeks before smacking down with a loud clap. "Mmm!" She moaned. "Sexy!"

She turned towards the mirror head on. "I am sexy..." Her libido was raging like a wildfire. Her blue eyes were alive with lustful energy. The power she exuded, the confidence in herself made her horny very easily. Valentina badly desired sex. Hot, passionate, steamy, screaming sex. Yeah, that would hit the spot right now. She went over to the doorway and observed her sleeping lover. The sight of him snug as a bug made her think twice about going into their room and jumping on top of him. He looked so cute all bundled up. He would slumber on, she decided, but did nothing to curtail her fantasies.

Valentina would throw off the covers, startling the bejesus out of Andy before mounting him, pinning his shoulders to the mattress. She would let him know in loving, but no uncertain terms that he was going to service her sexually again and again until she was utterly spent. Andy would comply immediately, turned on by her sexual aggressiveness. She would deny him the pleasure of feeling her muscles, pressing his wrists to the mattress far and above his head, away from her body. She would tease him into a fierce sexual frenzy by grinding her groin onto his, rubbing her muscled body all over his, burying his face into her pecs, making him kiss and suckle and worship them. Then she would release his wrists, allowing him to reverently feel her might. He would kiss and caress her all over, driving her wild, prompting her to seize his face and jam her tongue down his throat with a deep, passionate kiss. Valentina would tear his clothes off like tissue paper and proceed to fuck his brains out for hours.

She sighed wistfully. That would be NICE right now, she thought to herself. But, she had better not. Even if his spirit would be willing, she didn't relish the motion of mating making him nauseous with vigorous motion and making him puke all over her. His tummy was still a little fuzzy. Andy had kept down her soup, but she didn't want to risk it. Even so, Valentina was totally horny. She needed release. Suzy was still hours away from showing up. Her nipples bolted outwards from her pecs, her clit engorged with blood. Sexual nectar flowed from her pussy, just begging to be lapped up.

But still, there are alternatives... Her sexy smirk turned devilish. Valentina turned back into the bathroom to the linen closet within. Rummaging around on one of the upper shelves, she uncovered a big, plain white box. She licked her lips in anticipation as she opened it to reveal a perfect silicone rubber replica of her boyfriend's cock. On whim one year, they ordered a casting mold from Create-a-Mate. Of course, she didn't have much use for the fake cock, as she preferred the real one. But it was always good to be prepared. I should've been a Girl Scout, Valentina thought. She closed the bathroom door. This was about to get loud and rather messy.

Valentina pulled her dildo out of the box and rolled it in her hands. All eleven inches of him was perfectly captured in the replica. Every vein, the texture of the head, everything. She rubbed the thick, lengthy rubber toy all over her body with a lusty moan, pretending she was pleasuring him with her huge muscles. Valentina stepped back into the shower, settling on the bench with her toy. She pretended that he was standing before her, Andy’s cock throbbing with arousal for her body.

"You're so big..." She purred to the imaginary phantom of her boyfriend, holding the toy at mouth level. She took all of him down her throat, sucking his cock slowly, sensually, letting him feel the lusty love she had for him in every stroke. She could hear Andy moan her name, feel his hands running through her red hair. She cupped his cute ass, assisting herself in sucking him off. She deepthroated his cock before slowly pulling out, allowing a string of saliva to tether to his manhood.

"I want you..." she growled, staring into his eyes. Valentina breathed hot breath onto his raging stiffie and he complied with her wishes with furious aggression. He pressed his athletic but comparatively slight physique against hers, spreading her enormous legs apart to reveal her scrumptious womanhood. Rubbing the tip of his dick down the hard contours of her sculpted torso, he teased the lips of her tight, muscular pussy. Beads of sexual milk collected on the leaves of her flower in anticipation of his penetration.

"Fuck me..." She commanded in a whisper. Slowly, he speared into her, stretching the mighty walls of her womanhood. Valentina's mouth locked open in a sharp gasp of shockingly good pleasure. His size battled the tightness of her sex, stunning her with erotic elation. She moaned deeply, throwing her head back. The tight, muscled walls of her sex stretched to accommodate him, his manhood gliding inside her easily like a sword returning to its scabbard. In and out he went, the juices her arousal generated easing the entry of his manhood. She leaned back, one hand thrusting him inside herself the other attending the erect clit bulging outwards over her labia. Valentina did her absolute best to muffle her cries of pleasure. She was trying to be thoughtful, but it was hard to keep the beast of her sex drive contained once it was let loose. How she wanted to sing her pleasure to the gods! Valentina felt like she might burst if she kept silent for too long.

It felt so FUCKING good. She rarely had to pleasure herself. Her boyfriend knew her combination by heart, as did Suzy and Agnetha to the point that she felt woefully out of practice. Masturbation wasn't something she had to do these days, what with better alternatives so readily accessible. She bit her lip to prevent a particularly thunderous peal of orgasmic pleasure from leaving the bathroom. Faster and more intense she pleasured herself, all the while imagining he was fucking her like he would never see her again. He was doing it all for her pleasure. Her thighs, fingers, and the rubber cock were slathered in her milk, the familiar heady aroma filling the shower. Her massive chest heaved up and down as she felt that familiar tingle spread from her loins. Tears flowed from her cheeks. Her lips quivered. She was going to cum. It was going to hit like a tsunami.

"Oh, god! Yes..." She breathed, urging her soul mate and lover's disembodied spirit to drive her to the point of no return. "Make me cum! Fuck me!" He thrust his hard cock inside her in a rapid pace, his groin covered in her warm sex milk. Her breathing quickened, and her face flushed. "Fuck me, baby. I’m cumming... fuck me!!" She whispered urgently, hearing the slapping of his flesh against hers. His frenzied grunts quickened as his lust for her mounted. "Yes... Ooh... I’m so close... Yes, yes, Yes! YES! I’m gonna--! Gonna--!" The moment came like a bolt of divine lightning. Valentina seized up, her massive muscles locking in place as she went cross eyed, screaming silently. She imagined his manhood blasted her insides with hot cum in a simultaneous climax. She heard him breath her name with lustful reverence. A tidal wave of hot milk surged over her hands and thighs, a testament to her powerful orgasm. She slumped against the shower wall, spent and near dead, breathing heavily, feeling the heady effects of endorphins rushing through her brain. She had hoped that she wasn't too loud, but goddamn, what a rush!

A broad grin of pure sexual satisfaction accompanied the rising and falling of her mighty chest as Valentina experienced the aftershocks of her orgasm. She gingerly pulled the rubber dildo out of her sensitive pussy, wincing at the sensation, examining the glistening sheen of her milk dripping from it. Valentina took the toy into her mouth, tasting herself, imagining her sweet milk was his own cum. Yummy. She licked her fingers clean as well, and proceeded to hose off the mess she made. She washed the dildo and secreted it back into the box and into the linen closet once more.

Feeling the muzzy feeling of wonderful sexual inebriation, Valentina padded into the darkened bedroom where her boyfriend dozed off. The cough medicine he had taken knocked him out. Perfect. He didn't suspect a thing. Valentina felt a loving smile spread across her lips. She imagined that he laid underneath her, chest heaving and sweaty from the wonderful climax she had given him. He was totally at her mercy. She leaned in, planting a soft, loving kiss on his unsuspecting lips.

"You were wonderful, sweetie..." she whispered intimately, stroking his messy hair. He mumbled something back in his sleep. The erection he sported under his sheets told her volumes. She smiled and went to start getting ready.

A/N: More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 19, 2014, 12:16:48 am
An incredibly hot read, love seeing muscle girls pleasuring themselves, seeing their muscles flex while they feel their own body, it seems that while Valentina may have been out of practice pleasuring herself because of the fact that she had Andy, Suzy and Agnetha to take care of that for her, she certainly was able to give herself a lot of pleasure with seeming ease. You did a really good job of it, dude. Definitely got me boned reading it and I don't mind saying it! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: legacy on August 20, 2014, 11:59:18 pm
Great work keep it up.  I really like Valentina, but I'm partial to  the nurturing aspect over the femdom.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 22, 2014, 02:36:18 am
A/N: Well, I'm glad I can be of service Jeremy. Val knows her own combination a bit better than I described. But don't most girls?

Thanks for taking the time to respond, legacy. I too like nurturing, protective, loving Amazons as well. There's a shortage of fiction detailing this, partially inspiring me to write my stories. I threw the femdom in to show the differences in personalities between our two heroines, though Suzy is a subversion of the typical Amazon; she hides a sweet interior beneath the dominant badass facade, as you'll see later. For now, Suzy runs amok in an extra long chapter.


“Thought he'd never leave,” Suzy muttered to herself, closing the door, thankful her client had finally taken the hint and gotten the fuck out. She didn't mind the after sex rubdown and shower together, but since they had nothing much in common other than his love of muscle and her love of money, things got awkward quick. It was tough to go from point A to point B in a relationship built entirely around getting paid to more to less pretend to humiliate and torture a guy. There really isn't much to talk about after that.

Suzy arrayed her make up in an organized mess on her vanity and set to work applying a light coat. She didn't need much. Suzy was naturally beautiful in a dark way. Strong, but feminine features. High cheekbones. Full, succulent lips. Black, almond shaped eyes. Tanned complexion. Her raven colored hair was short and cut asymmetrically, tapering down and framing the right side of her face, somewhat covering her right eye to add a bit of sexy mystery to her. She played up the sexy, vampy type well in her opinion. Valentina had a cheerful, cuddly sexiness to her; the type of hot girl one could approach easily and had lots of love to give. Agnetha had the whole ice princess thing going for her; a cold beauty who melted to reveal a tender lover inside. Suzy liked to project herself as a bad girl, the type momma warned guys about. Lots of leather, lots of attitude. Dark, possibly a little evil. If wimpy little boys (and sometimes girls) weren't a little bit afraid of her when she crushed them to her mighty body and claimed them as hers, she wasn't doing her job.

Suzy threw open the closet door in her bedroom and walked in. What to wear? She was running out of time to dilly dally, but the decision of the right outfit was going to take some time. Part of her wished that she hadn't sent her client home so she could have a second opinion, but he had started to overstay his welcome. Suzy could only take so much schmoey behavior before she was ready to start swinging knuckles.

Most of Suzy's clothing was black. She had adopted it as her signature color because it was both sexy and intimidating. Bright, cheerful colors don't necessarily strike fear into the hearts of men. It was also functional. Since everything was mostly the same color, everything more or less matched. Silly Valentina with her kaleidoscope wardrobe spent hours fretting over what to wear, what matched with what, etc. etc. Suzy merely had to decide on style and how much skin to show.

The answer to that last question was always a lot. Less is more was Suzy's mantra when it came to dressing. It wasn't easy clothing her vast dimensions, so why bother, really? Not to mention, clothing had a tendency to shrink rather quickly and tear at the most inconvenient times.

“Lessee, here..” Suzy murmured to herself, tapping her chin in indecision. A dress was right out. Sure it was sexy, sure it would turn heads, but it wasn't very functional. Casual wasn't really in the running either. “Ooh! I know!” she exclaimed, remembering a hot little outfit she purchased recently. She gathered the items and carried them over to her bed.

First, she pulled a black silk g-string over her lady parts, then squeezed into a pair of skintight lambskin leather pants. Very carefully she pulled the leather on, loving how it conformed to the bulging muscles of her legs. Don't rip, don't rip, don't rip... she thought. These pants were custom made and very expensive. It would be a shame burst them open with too much force. Suzy looked up and checked herself out in the full length mirror in the door of her walk-in closet.

Her reflection showed her standing half naked, hands on hips in reverse. Her leather pants showed every muscle in her thighs in detail. The light made them gleam over her definition. Her quads swelled with a flex, testing the expansion capabilities of her pants. The shiny leather creaked and groaned in protest but held. Suzy smiled. These pants were hot. From the side, she ran her hand over the curvature of her ass, admiring the bulge of her glutes hamstrings, and calves. Very sexy she thought.

Next, she grabbed a matching halter also made out of lambskin. The supple leather top was open backed and midriff-baring with a front zip and an adjustable neckstrap. Getting it on was the easy part. Zipping it up was the challenge. Suzy had no breasts to get in the way, but the sheer size of her pecs filled the tailored cups beyond capacity. Drawing in breath, Suzy put the zipper together and carefully pulled the tab up about halfway. It was a tight squeeze. She slowly let the air out of her lungs before breathing deep. The garment swelled to accommodate her bulk under protest, but held. She spread her shoulders, but it still held. She flexed her pecs, causing great ripples of muscle tissue under the supple leather, but the halter didn't weaken.

With a nod of satisfaction, Suzy pulled on her knee-high, stiletto heeled leather boots. Suzy stood a full 6'4” barefoot, but the prospect of getting even taller was too good to pass up. These boots jetted her up to about 6'8”. She loved looming over all the peons just as much as she did outmuscling them many times over. But, considering how hard it was finding a woman's size 15 with an adjustable backstrap to fit around her calves, these too had to be custom made. For accessories, Suzy put on a pair of studded bracelets, a matching choker, and fingerless lambskin brawling gloves. Reaching for her blackout hater blocker shades and putting them on, Suzy grinned at her reflection. She looked like a total sexy badass.

“Mmm,” Suzy cooed happily. “Wait'll they get a load of me...”


“howz skiny doin” Suzy texted to Valentina as she headed out the door.

Her phone buzzed. “Better. Hes been sleepin allday but his fevers gon down” was Valentina's reply. “u cumin over r wat”

"on my way gonna stop n pik up a few things 1st" Suzy sent back.

"OK c u soon ;) <3" said Valentina.

Suzy's heels clacked with authority down the hall all the way down to the elevator. Suzy lived on the twentieth floor of a posh downtown high-rise. Her apartment took up one half of the living space up there, with some reclusive millionaire not-living in the other half most of the year. They shared a patio balcony that was divided by a waist-high concrete wall where Suzy and the girls often sunbathed nude away from prying eyes. He walked in on them once, eyes popping out of his skull with shock, but never showed his face again after that. Neither Suzy, nor Valentina or Agnetha were offended at his intrusion, but they were off-put by his reaction. He stared for a beat, before swallowing and dashing back inside his apartment. He never said a word, and Suzy never saw or heard him next door after that incident. The building super said that her neighbor still technically rented the place, even if he never showed his face there after Suzy inquired about maybe acquiring the other half for some extra space. Weird guy. A shame, because he was kind of cute too.

Suzy put it out of her mind as she stepped into the fancy elevator. She pushed the ground floor button and rode down until the car came to a stop on the 17th floor. A mother and her son stepped on. The woman did a double take when she saw Suzy. Suzy suppressed a grin at her reaction. The young boy looked up at Suzy with utter amazement. She saw her reflection in the polished brass and smiled thinking of how he must've seen her. The woman pressed into the far corner of the elevator with her son, after offering an awkward greeting to Suzy. Suzy nodded back and pulled her shades down to wink and smile at the boy. He was a bit timorous, but who wouldn't be at that age towards a hulking female bodybuilder clad in all leather?

A moment of silence passed before the boy spoke up. “Are you a girl?”

“Jeffery!” The mom hissed, though whether she was concerned about Suzy being offended or the fact that her son was speaking to the giant freak in the elevator was Suzy's guess. “I'm sorry,” the mother offered timidly. Suzy smiled and waved it off.

“Think nothing of it,” Suzy replied. “Yes, little boy. I am a girl.”

“Wow!” the boy gasped in wonderment. “Girls can get all muscley too?”

“Not all of them. Just the really cool ones,” Suzy replied with good humor.

“Are you a supervillain?” Jeffery asked next. Suzy laughed.

“No, but I suppose I'm dressed like one. I'm more like an anti-hero.”

“A what?” Jeffery asked, confused. Suzy knelt down, meeting the child at his level. She tilted her shades down to look him in the eye.

“You know Wolverine from the X-Men?” Suzy asked.

“Uh huh, he's my favorite!” Jeffery exclaimed.

“Mine too,” she replied. “I'm like him. I'm on the side of good, but sometimes I take the fight to the bad guys instead of letting them attack first.”

“Cool! You must be really strong. Are you really strong?” Jeffery asked. Suzy smiled and flexed her enormous bicep for the little boy.

“What do you think kid?” Suzy grinned.

“May I touch your muscle, Muscle Lady?” Jeffery asked in a small voice. Uh oh, Suzy thought with a grin. We've got a budding sthenolagnist here.

“Of course, cutie,” Suzy murmured softly. Timidly, little Jeffery reached out at touched her muscle. She pumped it a few times for him, letting it swell in his tiny hand. The little boy had reached a turning point in his short life. Judging by the look on his face and the way he felt her power, he had become hooked.

“You're really pretty, Muscle Lady,” Jeffery said shyly, turning red in the face. Suzy smiled and leaned in to kiss softly him in the cheek, sealing the deal forever.

“Thanks, cutie,” Suzy giggled gently. The awestruck little boy sighed rapturously, placing a hand reverently upon the cheek he hereby swore to never wash again.

Jeffery's mother snatched his hand and pulled him from the elevator the second the doors opened, clearly not thrilled about her son becoming a female muscle addict at such a young age.

“Bye, Muscle Lady!” Jeffery called back earnestly, trying to wave past his distressed mother.

“Bye, bye, cutie!” Suzy shouted, waving back. “See you in a few years,” she added quietly. What a bizarre occurrence. There were plenty of men that liked muscular women even if they didn't admit it. Suzy knew the effect she had on a man. She could entrance one with a sultry look, a subtle flex, or an erotic lick of her lips if she was feeling saucy. She projected such a dominate female sexuality that men melted in her presence. But Suzy had never witnessed one formulating the fetish that would dominate his life forever as a child, much less been the lynch pin that fetish was formed around. It was flattering. She wondered if she would ever see little Jeffery again once he grew up and became a man. Maybe she might even be the one to make a man out of him. Who knows? The prospect made her smile.

Old Mr. Warren the doorman witnessed the whole exchange with bemusement. Suzy liked him. He was in his 80s, but still as spry as a man a quarter of his age. He was an old-fashioned gentleman, polite to everyone he met. When Suzy had first moved in, he had been utterly gobsmacked at the size of her muscles, but he had been nothing but genial to her nevertheless. Though Suzy delighted in teasing men sexually, she refrained from doing so with Mr. Warren. She saw him as a father figure, wishing her own dad had been so warm and friendly.

“And what was that just now, Ms. Suzy?” he chuckled.

“Oh, you know, get 'em while their young,” Suzy replied back with a smile.

“I see. And what about Mrs. Arthur? She didn't seem pleased about what you said to little Jeffery,” Mr. Warren chided goodnaturedly.

“Well, Mrs. Arthur clearly needs to let her son choose for himself. It was gonna happen one day anyway, Mr. Warren. No time like the present, as they say, right?” Suzy shot back.

“I suppose. But what is this outfit you're wearing?” Mr. Warren continued. “I swear, if my Mabel saw the way youngin's dress nowadays she'd near die of shame.”

“Little Jeffery seemed to think I was going to fight crime. I may end up doing just that. I'm gonna go out with Valentina and raise some hell. Should be a blast,” Suzy said conversationally.

Mr. Warren could only smile and shake his head helplessly. “And break a few hearts along the way.”

“Hearts, heads, I dunno. Gonna play it by ear,” Suzy replied.

“Well, be careful, Ms. Suzy. There's a lot of ruffians out there with something to prove. I guarantee you're going to attract more than a few suitors between the two of you, and young men these days don't have much use for tact or social grace,” Mr Warren said.

“Thanks for your concern Mr. Warren, but Val and I can handle ourselves,” Suzy said sweetly, leaning down and hugged him warmly before kissing him on his cheek.

“Now, now. Easy Ms. Suzy. One of these days you're gonna give this old man a heart attack. Go on, be off with you. You've got a full night ahead of you to be wasting your time jawjacking with an old timer like me,” Mr. Warren said warmly, shooing her away.

“Alright, alright, I know when I'm not wanted. I'm leaving,” Suzy replied, mockingly put-off by his dismissal.

“Bah, get you gone, ya whippersnapper,” Mr. Warren waved her off.

Suzy left her building and crossed the parking lot to find her garage. Her black beast slumbered inside. She punched in the code to open the door, and hit the alarm off button on her key fob. The sleek, glossy paint job sparkled in the late afternoon light. Suzy loved her car. It was an extension of herself; dark, intimidating, powerful, and very, very fast. It was barely street-legal and burned through gasoline like a motherfucker, but tearing through the city at her own pace, Suzy felt true freedom. She got in and pushed the starter button. The beefy engine roared to life with a vigorous snarl. Suzy turned on her satellite radio, feeling in the mood for some metal. Pantera was playing. Suzy nodded in satisfaction and got underway.

City driving was a pain in the ass, especially at this hour. Her black beast yearned for the open road, shuddering in anticipation with barely contained power, but first, she had a detour to make. Suzy pulled into a small little grocery store parking lot, the engine growling ferociously. Several people stopped to look at the expensive Italian sports car with the glossy paint job and the tinted windows pull into the little mom 'n pop dive, wondering who could own such a vehicle. Suzy felt a libidinous grin spreading across her lips in anticipation. These fine people were in for a show. Suzy killed the engine and checked herself in the mirror first. She know she looked good, but it never hurt to give herself a once over. Grinning predaciously, she opened the door and stepped out into the world.

To the average observer, a giantess with a weird haircut left the confines of her car. She just kept growing and growing. The giantess towered over nearly every man in sight and outmuscled them thrice over. Muscle upon muscle swelled under her tanned skin, beneath her impossibly tight and revealing leather clothes. It was unlike anything anyone had seen before. The giantess was positively enormous, but the way she moved was like that of a great jungle cat. Deadly, sexy grace belied her great size, eliminating the possibility that this giantess, this Amazon, was anything but a sexually dominant Alpha female. Blackout oversized sunglasses hid the giantess's eyes from view, giving her an air of superiority over the mere mortals she walked amongst. Suzy suppressed her grin and reveled in the attention she got as she clacked along the pavement of the parking lot.

She was in no particular hurry, but she walked at a brisk, powerful pace that suggested she was in no mood to put up with anyone's bullshit. Suzy couldn't help but put in a little extra sway in her hips as she walked. She presented a sexy, dominant, intimidating aura that popped eyes out of skulls, dropped jaws, and in one instance, caused a man to wet himself as she casually walked by him. 

The store was never retrofitted past the 1970s, but it had a well-stocked selection of groceries. It remained in business because of fair, competitive pricing and a loyal elderly consumer base. Suzy liked it because it reminded her of home. Her stiletto heels struck the linoleum floor authoritatively with every step. Heads turned, people muttered in shocked disbelief, and everyone scampered to get out of her way. She headed over to the small, but well-tended floral section sequestered in the corner of the store. Suzy liked the cool, moist air and the scent of the beautiful displays attractively arranged for people to buy. A bit of indecision gave Suzy pause. Price wasn't an object, but she didn't want to get something tacky or ugly. It must've been a sight to see such a massive, intimidating Amazon stop in front of the flower display.

Suzy heard hushed voices a short distance away. Tones of hushed awe, confusion, or disbelief weren't uncommon, but this sounded like someone angrily whispering orders, and someone else frantically pleading to not have to fulfill them. Suzy hid her amusement when a skinny little teenager wearing a baggy company polo shirt and apron shuffled over to her. He only came up to her chest, and damn near jumped out of his skin when she turned her head to regard him. She impassively stared at him behind her dark shades, looking down at the small little boy quivering before her. Suzy tried not to grin, but it was a struggle. He was cute, in an awkward, spindly sort of way. Some Noxzema and a few years of maturity under his belt, and he might even be handsome.

"U-uh...W-welc-c-c-ome t-t-t-t-to uh... W-Well, any-w-ways... C-Can I h-help-p you f-f-find anyth-th-thing?" He sputtered, quivering like a chihuahua, trying not to stare at her but being unable to tear his eyes off her physique. He's hooked for life, Suzy thought wryly. That would be two in a row today. Sensing a spot of fun, Suzy softened her demeanor and smiled sexily at the pimply teen.

"Why, yes. You can," she said in a sultry voice. Suzy subtly unzipped the front of her halter slightly before turning to face him. She rested her hands on her hips, not so subtly forcing her chest to bulge outwards. His face came right into her gigantic pecs, and the partially undone zipper revealed even more muscular cleavage than before. She coyly flexed her chest, making the great slabs to muscle tissue ripple and twitch. The clerk went goggle eyed and swallowed nervously at the sight of her swelling chest. Suzy allowed him a few seconds of staring at her chest before gently craning his head upwards with the tip of her lethally manicured finger to meet her black eyes looking over the top of her sunglasses. She gave him a demure, inviting smile.

"W-well... what, uh... what sort... o-of f-f-flower were you uh..." The clerk mumbled. He was utterly enraptured with her beauty, but was utterly terrified of her at the same time. Perfect.

"Something that says 'get well soon,' but also, 'sorry about the crushed pelvis,'" Suzy replied, voice dripping with innuendo. She turned back to the flower display while thoughtfully placing a hand to her chin while not so subtly flexing her bicep in his face. The clerk swallowed again.

"C-crushed-d p-p-pelv-- Um, w-well... Th-this b-b-b-bouquet here is made for 'g-get w-w-well s-s-s-soon' type g-gifts...." He said, gesturing to a small little arrangement of lilies, carnations, and freesias.

"Hmm, no, no. Not... sexy enough. I really like this guy. He's a real sweetheart, just... fragile, if you know what I mean," Suzy replied with a girly giggle and a conspiratorial wink. The clerk paled. Clearly that little tidbit shattered whatever fantasies he had played out in his head and injected a little bit of fear.

"F-fragile...? M-may I a-ask... w-w-what h-happened?" He squeaked. Suzy did her best to look distressed, dramatically and wistfully placing her hand on her forehead.

"Oh, the poor dear. We were making love after my post workout massage, as we normally do. Mmm... He was good with his hands. A good lover, too. My muscles get so sore lifting so much weight," Suzy groaned erotically, flexing her bicep for emphasis. She planted her lips on the tip of her peak to complete the effect. "I get so... excited when making love, especially when he was looking so small and cute beneath me and I lost control. We were in the throes of passion and he sort of, well, broke. The doctors say he might never walk again," Suzy lied. The clerk fidgeted nervously doing his best to hide his erection, but at the same time was sweating bullets of cold fear. "It's a shame,” Suzy pouted. “He's like the fifth boyfriend I've injured that way. Why do they have to break so easily?"

"I-I-I... uh, I don't, uh, know..." He stammered.

“I just can't help myself!” Suzy declared in 'distress'. “I like small, skinny little men. They're so weak and helpless, and I'm so strong and buff! It makes me so horny!” Suzy growled sexually, flexing her guns in a display of raw female strength and aggression. Pimple Face's eyes opened wide in lust and terror at the sight of her enormous biceps. “I like to pick them up and just fuck their little brains out after making them worship my big, sexy muscles. Just crush their little bodies up against mine and let them feel just how fucking strong and horny I am. I can tell when a little man loves women with big sexy muscles like mine. It makes me hot...” Suzy uttered lustfully, boring her black gaze into his. Junior quivered with excitement and terror. It was time to turn up the heat.

She looked him up and down in sudden exaggerated interest. An interested grin slowly spread across her lips. She had no real desire for this kid, but the temptation to screw with him was too good to pass up.

“Mmm, what about you?” Suzy purred smokily, advancing with a sultry step.

“M-ma'am?” the clerk squeaked.

Suzy giggled lustfully. “You like my muscles, sexy?” The clerk's eyes widened in realization. Suzy affected a coy little giggle and sauntered even closer to the poor boy. Her hips rolled in an exaggerated fashion, making the tight leather pants she wore creak. The clerk swallowed and tried to back up. She pursued him all the way back up against the wall. Suzy pressed her hands up on either side of his head, close against the clerk, grazing her body up against his just enough to give him a taste of how muscular and powerful she was.

“Mmm, I bet you do,” she continued, voice dripping with promises of hot sex. “I bet you like big, sexy, muscular Amazons.” She stroked his cheek, before placing a large hand on his chest, teasingly tracing patterns with a finger. “I bet you want to get muscle-fucked by a woman don't you? Yep. I can tell. You want me. It's okay, sweetie. Don't be shy. You want me to tear your clothes off and fuck you right here and now. You want to feel how huge and hard my muscles are as I fuck you into oblivion.” Poor boy was shaking like a leaf. Suzy leaned in, making sure her hot breath mingled with his rapid, terrified breaths.

“Mmm,” she whispered intimately. “You're so scared... It's cute. I like it when boys are scared of me. It turns me on so much.” Her lips grazed his, not quite kissing him, but just enough to make his eyes roll back into his head.

“Touch me...” Suzy commanded in a sexual whisper. “Feel my muscles, little man. Go ahead. I won't bite you... unless you want me too,” she said with a giggle. The clerk was too scared to move voluntarily, so Suzy took his hands and placed them on her ass. “Ooh! Daring. I like that...” she cooed.

“M-m-ma'a-a-am...” the clerk stammered, quivering like an epileptic.

“Oh, call me Suzy, baby....” she breathed, pressing her lips up against his with full tongue action.

“Mmrpmpf!” the clerk exclaimed, unable to pull away.

She moaned with exaggerated lust, sucking face with the pimply little twerp. This may have been his first kiss in his entire life. Suzy made it a good one. Her victim stood stock still, frozen in utter shock while she crushed her face against his, running her fingers through his unkempt hair, battering his tongue around with her own. She pulled away with his tongue still in her mouth, suckling deeply upon it.

“Mmm...” Suzy moaned. “You're a good kisser, baby.” That was a lie. She had kissed better dead people. The clerk's eyes had rolled back into his head, and he appeared to have gone into a short little coma. He had apparently jizzed himself. The clerk had come back to reality and realized that he had made a mess in his cheap work pants.

“What's wrong, baby?” Suzy asked, amused at his accident. The clerk blushed ferociously.

“I-I-I-I-I-” her sputtered, unable to formulate a thought.

“You came in your pants didn't you?” Suzy asked flatly. He nodded meekly. She scoffed in disgust, pushing away from the wall.

“I-I-I'm s-s-s-sorry, I-” he stuttered.

“Save it, twerp. I can't be with a man that comes that quick. One little kiss and kablooie. That's pathetic,” Suzy snarked. “You even had a girlfriend before?”

“N-no...” he murmured, looking down in shame.

“No wonder. I doubt you could ever satisfy a woman, much less a goddess like me,” Suzy continued. “You disgust me. Get out of my sight, twerp.”

He sputtered out a stock line to the tune of "thank you come again," and quickly excused himself. Suzy laughed to herself. She could smell a schmoe from a mile away. That kid was going to remember this encounter for years to come, long after she would forget he even existed. She resumed shopping feeling pleased with herself. Suzy didn't feel too bad for the kid. Sure, he had been humiliated, but nobody was around to see. She had a bit of fun at a schmoe's expense, and he got some spank material and a "you guys aren't going to believe this shit" story to tell his schmoe friends on the Internet, if he had any. In short while, she was going to spend some quality time with her bestest friend in the whole wide world. Today was going to be a good day.

A vase full of gorgeous roses arranged in an eye-catching burst of color seemed like the ticket. Suzy snatched it up, along with a small little teddy bear and a series of festive balloons. Suzy had hoped Skinny would get a kick out of them. Vally didn’t give her enough credit. She could be loving and affectionate, when she wanted to be, that is. Skinny knew that too.

Suzy took the long route over to the soda section to pick up a 2-liter bottle of ginger ale, as promised. People stopped shopping to regard the dangerous looking female bodybuilder walking with purpose amongst them and hurried to stand aside as she passed. The dichotomy of her foreboding looks and the sweetness of gifts held in the crook of her enormously muscled arm was not lost on the general population. She forwent picking up a card because she already had one made up that would tickle Skinny's risibles. Suzy made her way over to check out, passing the frozen ice cream section. She couldn't help but check out her reflection as she strut past. Suzy especially liked the way she looked in sexy leather and heels. There were lines of customers waiting to check out and only a few lanes open. Suzy didn't mind the wait, especially when all eyes were on her. A wife started arguing with her husband when she caught him staring at Suzy causing him to sputter a weak apology, which made her smile. Suzy knew the effect she had on men, even men who thought women with muscles were 'gross.'

The man behind her whispered "Oh my god," to himself in reverence of her massive back and curvaceous ass crammed into tight black leather. She smirked and spread her shoulders just a little. Her back widened considerably, no doubt dwarfing the little man twice over. The leather halter swore and struggled to hold around her body. Next, she 'accidentally' dropped the small little teddy bear amongst her bundle of goods.

"Oops," She said in a coquettish voice. Suzy bent over at the waist, perfectly straight legged, giving the man a view of her long, heavily muscled legs and thick glutes through her skin-tight leather pants. Her butt 'unintentionally' brushed against the man, raking his erect manhood. She turned once she straightened up, looking over her bulging shoulder to look at the man who couldn't believe what just happened. "Clumsy me," Suzy purred, grinning devilishly. The look on his face and the stain on his jeans were utterly priceless. The line moved and Suzy paid for everything to the goggle eyed cashier who couldn't believe what she saw. Aside from wordlessly staring at her, no one else caused any further incident. Suzy hopped into her black beast and sped off, grinning triumphantly all the while.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 22, 2014, 02:36:48 am
Suzy's beast heartily roared down the country roads at high speeds. This was what it was made for. Valentina and Skinny lived off the beaten path way out in the middle of nowhere. They shared a castle of a house in a secluded little heavily wooded subdivision outside of town. The late afternoon traffic gave way to open roads enabling Suzy to spread her wings and fly. She loved driving fast. She wasn't stupid, though. When in town or in areas where she knew people were out and about she obeyed traffic laws to the T. But out here, with no one around, Suzy put the pedal to the medal. Skinny would bawl her out and grip the seat if he were in the car. He drove like an old woman, always so cautious. She enjoyed screwing with him, almost as much as she liked screwing with that pimply little wimp back at the store.

Their house was a tall, multileveled building with a large yard and was surrounded with trees. Suzy was a little jealous every time she saw it, even though she visited almost every day. She lived in a posh apartment in the city proper. This little slice of heaven out in the middle of nowhere made her regret taking up the three-year lease. She parked her car in the driveway and turned off the engine. Fumbling and swearing for a pen in her glove box, Suzy signed her specially made card with curiously dainty style of handwriting before pressing her lips against the signature, leaving an outline of her lip gloss that was full of imaginative suggestions. She gathered all her stuff and made her way into the house. The front door was unlocked, and Suzy never knocked.

Suzy removed her shades, tucking them into the neckline of her halter and looked around. The house was quiet. No signs of life existed on the first floor. Skinny and Valentina's house was open and spacious. The combined kitchen and dining room was the first room of the house which was connected to a huge living room in the back. Small little half walls separated the two large rooms. Large windows looked out into the wooded area out back and brought in natural light. The floor of the kitchen was a lovely varnished hardwood which Suzy was unwilling to scuff up with her heels. Barefoot, she padded upstairs down the familiar hallway into the master bedroom.

The sound and light canceling curtains were drawn. It was darkened, and sound of Skinny snoring and a humidifier humming softly were the only noises within. The light was on in the bathroom, which she guessed Valentina was inside getting ready. He looked cute with his messy bedhead and the way he was all bundled up. A smile smile formed in her lips. Suzy set her flowers, ginger ale, bear, balloons, and card down on the nightstand next to the bed before gently touching his forehead. He had a slight fever, but Vally had said it was not as warm as before, which was good. She leaned down and kissed him gently. Skinny stirred and muttered something in his sleep.

She softly opened the bathroom door to greet her best friend, workout partner and lover, Valentina. She was nearly nude save for a skimpy black g-string, applying a shiny pink gloss on those tasty lips of hers. Suzy let her eyes roam Vally's amazing body, from her dainty little feet, up her enormous legs and round, curvaceous ass, broad, rippling back, thickly muscled arms, soft, silky red hair and her gorgeous model-perfect face. Valentina turned a seductive blue glance her way. Those large white teeth and sensual lips curled into a sexy smile that made Suzy's powerful heart skip a beat. Watching the nearly naked red haired muscle goddess applying makeup made Suzy hot. Valentina was naturally beautiful. She didn't need makeup, but when she applied a light coat, it only made her even more gorgeous.

"Hey, Suzy!" Valentina greeted brightly, allowing her fiercely blue eyes to roam Suzy's enormous leather-clad body. "Ooh! Looking sexy!"

"Damn straight, but look at you. It's like my birthday, or somethin'," Suzy growled ravenously, striding over to the giggling redhead. Valentina's eyes lit up and she playfully tried to fight her, but Suzy powerfully scooped Valentina up and set her on the counter to mitigate the height difference between them.

“Oh, be gentle...” Valentina squeaked timorously.

“No,” Suzy growled, planting a deep, passionate kiss on her long time friend and lover while seizing handfuls of muscle and hair. Valentina tasted sweet and smelled amazing, only driving Suzy wild with sexual hunger. Valentina kissed her back with as much enthusiasm, curling her beefy arms and killer legs around Suzy's body. Suzy grabbed handfuls of Valentina's soft coppery hair in one powerful hand, and felt her soft skin and steely muscles with the other. Valentina reciprocated, squeezing Suzy's corded neck tightly. The Amazons moaned softly into each others mouths, savoring the intimacy that only true sisters in arms could ever understand.

Suzy let her lips slowly peel away from Valentina's before nibbling on her mightily thewed neck and traps. The sexy redhead gasped and giggled lewdly with sexual excitement.

"Mmm," Valentina purred, reveling in the attention, "you're really horny, aren't you?"

"Like you wouldn't fucking believe," Suzy replied, sinking her teeth into Valentina's steely muscles. She bit down, making the redhead wince.

"Ow! Bitch,” she complained, furrowing her brow slightly in annoyance. Suzy only bared her fangs in a lustful grin and moved in to kiss Valentina again, but the redhead refused, moving away from Suzy's lips.

"No," she uttered. Suzy wasn't going to take that for an answer. She simply crushed her lover up against the mirror, scattering Valentina's makeup and creams and such all over the place in a loud clatter. When Suzy's lips closed over Valentina's, the redhead let out a muffled squeak of protest, fussing as Suzy's tongue thrashed hers all around her mouth. She made half-hearted attempts to resist, which only fueled Suzy's mad desire for her lover. Val loved to play hard to get, hoping to frustrate Suzy into simply taking her. It was an exhilarating experience that Valentina didn't get to have often; to be taken by force. She loved her boyfriend without a doubt, but there were things that even he simply couldn't do for her. That's where Amazons like Suzy or Agnetha came in.

Suzy was incredibly dominant and aggressive. Valentina loved being manhandled by her, loved being picked up like she weighed nothing, loved feeling Suzy's indomitable strength and the huge, thick, hard muscles flexing with beastly power. And for Suzy's part, she had a lover that wasn't weedy and fragile. Her little joke towards the clerk at the grocery store was born out a very real concern to her. If she weren't careful like she was, someone would get hurt, possibly even killed. It got frustrating being unable to exert much of her vast amounts of goddess-like strength without something, or someone, breaking. Valentina and Agnetha weren't little porcelain dolls. They were Amazons just like her. Their Herculean physiques could withstand her lustful sexual frenzy, their steely muscles acting like armor against the great forces she could exert.

They kissed for so long and so passionately, their lips and tongues had gone numb and their lungs burned with a need for air. Their swollen lips tore apart, but only just so, allowing the lovers to take in sharp, sexually excited gasps of air. Their hot, fervid breaths mingled. Valentina's fiercely blue eyes met Suzy's deeply black orbs, crackling the scant space between them with lustful electricity. Valentina's hot breath mingled with Suzy's own.

"Your makeup's all smeared," Valentina breathed, voice laden with arousal. Her massive chest rose and fell with short, excited breaths. Her cheeks were flushed a deep rosy color.

"Yours too..." Suzy replied. "Now I just want to stay in," she purred, drinking in Valentina's abundant sex appeal. She looked so good, smelled so good, felt so good, and tasted amazing. Suzy could feel her sex moistening as her nipples and clit stiffened with immense arousal. It was all she could do to keep the beast caged and not tear off her expensive leather clothing to ravish the sexy redhead right there on the counter.

"Oho!" Valentina laughed archly. "What about that strength show you were so excited about earlier?"

"Fuck 'em," Suzy replied earnestly. "I want you so goddamned badly right now..."

They kissed deeply, savoring the taste of the other woman's essence. Valentina seized the back of Suzy's partially shorn head, rubbing the close stubble and massaging her scalp. Suzy drew Valentina's tongue into her mouth and suckled upon it, making her red haired lover moan exuberantly. Slowly, their heads swimming with sex-drunkeness, they snapped apart.

"Don't you want to go out tonight?" Valentina asked again, clearly indicating her preference.

"Don't you want me?" Suzy pressed, almost hurt by Valentina’s suggestion. Valentina responded by nibbling on Suzy's lip.

"Of course I do. But like you said, we rarely ever get to go out anymore, just the two of us. I was really looking forward to it," Valentina said with a sexy little pout.

"Mmm," Suzy purred, quickly kissing her lover once more. "You drive a hard bargain, Freckles. I guess I can wait until later to rock your world." Suzy’s fingers grazed the rippling mass of Valentina’s body southward, slipping into her moist thong and teasing her womanhood.

"Looking forward to that too," Valentina moaned, concupiscently chewing of her lip. Suzy drew her fingers free and suckled on them, tasting of her lover’s sex. She shared that taste with Valentina with another sloppy kiss. Valentina soughed longingly into Suzy's mouth. Their lips popped upon splitting. "Now let me up so I can redo my makeup, you sexy beast," Valentina bade.

Suzy did so, and Valentina plopped back down to her feet to appraise the damage done. Suzy's lip gloss mingled with her own, smearing it all over the place. She giggled when she saw the sexual carnage painting both of their faces. They both worked on cleaning themselves up and reapplying. It only took a few minutes. Suzy felt like she was in high school again, applying makeup with her best friend in the girls' bathroom. Neither woman needed much makeup, or any at all really. What little they applied only enhanced their feminine beauty, standing at odds with their Herculean physiques.

"Mmm," Valentina uttered with a ravishing grin, satisfied with what she saw, both on herself and her lover.

"Better than mortal man deserves," Suzy agreed with a smirk. A cough from the other room, followed by the shifting of weight on the mattress heralded Skinny's awakening. Both Amazons left the bathroom to check on the sick man. He was sitting up, hair wild and bed-ridden, sleepily rubbing his eyes. He looked up and simultaneously yawned and chuckled.

"The hell's goin' on in there?" Skinny asked with amusement, regarding Valentina and Suzy with a twinkle in his eyes. "Why are you naked, Val? Did I miss something fun?"

"Oh, sorry, did we wake you, sweetie?" Valentina asked while smiling sweetly, going over to him.

"Ah, been sleeping all day anyway," he replied, responding to Valentina's strong, warm hug with a satisfied smile. He looked at Suzy's outfit and quirked a brow. "Looking for John Connor, or Neo?"

"Hardy-har, Skinny," Suzy replied, taking her place next to him on the bed. Valentina flanked him on the other side, curling a heavily muscled arm around his shoulder. The deluxe bed creaked under the added weight of so much Amazon.

"How many cows had to die to make those clothes? For that matter, how the hell did you even that outfit on?" he continued, laughing when she playfully cuffed him on the arm.

"Many, and very carefully, smart-ass.  And quit playin'. You know you like it," Suzy responded, seductively posing in her leather, making it creak audibly with her movement. He reached out and touched her massive thigh through the taut, supple, and warm leather.

"Mmm, yeah. You do look really sexy like that," he admitted, looking at her from head to toe.

"Fucking right, I do," Suzy purred, gently stroking his cheek with affection.

"How do you feel, sweetie?" Valentina asked, scooping him up and gently placing him on her elaborately muscle lap. She pressed her lips against his forehead. He still had a fever, but it wasn't as pronounced.

"Not great, but better," Skinny answered.

"Ha, told ya," Valentina cooed softly, triumphantly kissing him on the cheek.

"If you say so," he responded, unsure of what she was even talking about.

"My babulya's lapsha. It always makes you feel better, no matter what," Valentina said with a wink.

"It was really good," he conceded.

"I have absolutely no idea what's going on, but it's all very sweet," Suzy drolly interjected.

"Speaking of sweet," Valentina grinned, reaching over for some of Suzy's gifts. "What are these?"

"Oh, y'know, just kinda obligated to buy them for the lil' guy," Suzy blustered, cheeks becoming rosy.

"Oh, you shouldn’t have," Skinny said with exaggerated pleasantness, before deadpanning, “I mean it. You really shouldn’t have.”

“D’oh ho ho ho," Suzy chuckled sarcastically, grabbing her muscled belly, before lightly punching him on the shoulder. “Asshole.”

Valentina teasingly took stock of every thing, placing them in her boyfriend's lap. "Ooh, flowers, balloons, a cute little bear," wiggling the bear for emphasis, "and a card!" She took the card to read it. "'Wish you were here’?" Valentina recited quizzically, brows furrowed in bemusement.

"What?" Skinny asked, perplexed. Valentina showed him the cover. It was a picture of Suzy's thighs clamped around a bowling ball. She managed to crack the ball with her squeeze. An arrow accompanied the words, pointing to the cracking ball. "Oh. Cute," he replied, making a face.

"Suzy!" Valentina admonished.

"Oh, would you just open it already!" Suzy snapped, crossing her massive arms in front of her equally huge chest in a huff. Valentina did so, reading the handwritten note for an excruciatingly long time. Suzy buried her face in her hands, feeling embarrassed. She had hoped that Skinny would have read it when she wasn't around. She wasn't ashamed of what she wrote, but it was meant to be private. A genuinely sweet smile spread across Valentina's beautiful face.

"Aww," Valentina said, clutching the card to her thickly muscled chest before handing it to her boyfriend. He read the card.

"Ahem. Dear, Skinny,” he began in a loud, Shakespearean tone, gesturing to an unseen audience.

“Alright, cut the shit,” Suzy griped, eliciting an impish smile from him.

“Alright, have it your way. Killjoy. Ah-hah-hem. Let’s take it from the top.

Dear, Skinny,

I'm not very good at saying what I mean. I come across as a jerk sometimes
(understatement of the year)--" Suzy interrupted his recitation with snarky, assy commentary with a slap to the shoulder packed with a little more force than before.

"This happens to be rather important to me, dammit!" Suzy snapped. Skinny hissed and rubbed his shoulder.

"Ow! Okay, okay... Sheesh. You’re acting like I called your mother a hamster or something. --I'm not very good at saying what I mean. I come across as a jerk sometimes but that's because I can't form the words I have in my head very well, and I get tongue tied. I love you. That's my biggest secret. No hearts, no pretty drawings. No poems or cryptic messages...I Love You. I told you once never to tell anyone that I said it to you, but here's proof. I wish it were easier to say in person, but there it is. I make this sound so unromantic, but I really do hold a large place for you in my heart. Vally or Ags might be able to express their feelings in meaningful ways, but I can't. We bicker and I pick on you a lot, but I would never, ever, let anything happen to you. Hopefully my meaning is coming across as well as I think it is. If not, well, here's a kiss for you. (*smooch*)

Get well soon,

Love, Suzy."

Valentina sniffled with a teary smile. She squeezed Skinny like a teddy bear. Suzy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, no," she said in annoyance. Valentina was so mushy. It was bad enough she read the card while Suzy was present, but that little exchange would reduce her to a big buff ball of sentimental feelings.

"I can't help it," Valentina sniffed. "That was so cute and beautiful."

"Yeah, well don't get too worked up over it. We need to get going soon," Suzy replied, eager to change the subject.

"Of course, of course," Valentina agreed, sighing, and waving a hand by her face to dry her tears. "How's my makeup?"

“Lookin’ a little Alice Cooper-ish,” Skinny reported helpfully. Valentina gave him an annoyed look.

“What? You got me Workin’ Up A Sweat with all that Muscle of Love, Woman Machine. That’s Only My Heart Talkin’.”

"Hey, Stoopid. Shut up," Suzy sniped, tousling his hair.

“Alright, that tears it, No More Mr. Nice Guy,” Skinny announced, launching himself from Valentina’s lap at the waiting leather-clad Amazon.

"You teach him a lesson, Suze. I'm gonna go do damage control," Valentina said, getting up to do so, leaving Suzy and Skinny alone, wrestling.

“I Am the Future!" Skinny shouted, bellowing a war cry. Suzy laughed contemptuously and easily pressed him to the mattress.

“Oops,” she purred, grinning at his futile attempts to extricate himself. “The Black Widow has got you. Under My Wheels.”

“Ugh, you’re Poison.”

“Watch what you say, or I’ll Step On You with these Leather Boots.”

“You’re not wearing boots,” Skinny commented.

“I know that, dummy. I WAS wearing leather boots when I came over. But I took them off to save your precious wooden floors. I wouldn’t be a very good house guest if I went ahead like you do, getting fucking pretzel crumbs in places I didn’t know were physically possible for crumbs to collect, now would I?”

“You just HAD to bring that up, didn’t you?” Skinny began in annoyance.

“Oh, bullshit. I laid down the law clearly, Skinny. No food beyond the dining area. I'm still finding crumbs months after the fact!”

“Yeah, uh-huh,” he said smiling easily and handsomely. Suzy realized how close to each other they were. A moment of silence passed. Then two moments. Suzy began feeling that familiar tingle looking into his eyes and feeling his warmth. Her face was getting hotter as she realized they were locked in a wondrously sexual position.

“Thanks for the card,” Skinny said quietly with earnest. Suzy blushed deeply and looked away. He just had to say it...

The so-called "Biggest, Baddest, Bitch Around" felt like a little school girl who was caught giving her secret crush a valentine. She was mortified that her card was read by either of her lovers, but there was nothing to be done about it. All that was left was to wallow in embarrassment. Skinny gently cupped her face to turn it towards him. Suzy's black eyes searched his and found nothing but warm affection. He smiled and pulled her into a sweet, loving kiss. Suzy said "to hell with it," and curled her mighty arms around him in an equally loving embrace.

"I love you too, Suzy," he said after the kiss.

"I meant every word," Suzy replied in a small, intimate whisper.

"I know."

A second kiss, much longer and more passionate than the first, joined them together as one. Suzy hungrily tasted Skinny and allowed him to curl his arms around her mighty bulk as best he could. Skinny was a dynamite kisser in Suzy’s estimation. He was different from Valentina in that he liked very much to lead and met her head-on rather than make her chase. The battle was always one sided, but Skinny liked to be conquered as much as Suzy liked to do the conquering. He was a worthy prize indeed.

Suzy’s battered lips were already wounded from their duel with Valentina and sang with a wonderful ache after she released him from her passions. Her skinny little lover sucked in air as he usually did whenever they made out. Skinny turned his head and suppressed a cough, reminding Suzy that he was under the weather.

“How are you feeling?” Suzy asked.

“What are you, my mother?” Skinny snarked. The game was back on. Suzy was grateful for the unspoken message between the two. He could easily rib her for hours about her gifts but tactfully chose not to. He understood fully what they meant to her, and eased her tension.

“Oh, god forbid I act concerned for your well being, you incorrigible ass,” Suzy griped. She sat up, straddling him, with her hands on her hips. The leather halter top groaned in exasperation as it stretched to accommodate her sheer width. A dopey grin settled on his features as he let his eyes roam the expanse of her body.

“That's right, little man,” Suzy crowed with a superior smirk. “Drink it in.”

“Hmm, I am thirsty, actually,” Skinny murmured, running his hands over the warm leather covering her thighs up to the ripping muscles of her belly.

“Then it's a good job that I came prepared,” Suzy said, getting up to produce a bottle of ginger ale amongst the care package she brought with her. “As promised.”

"Ooh, Vernor's. Good choice," Skinny commented, seizing the bottle.

"Do you want some?" Suzy asked.

"No need to--" he began, trying to stand up. Suzy gently held him down.

"Nonsense. Sit your cute little buns down, Skinny. I'll be glad to," she said, snatching the bottle from him and went downstairs to get a glass and some ice.

She returned to see Valentina digging through her closet for something to wear. Skinny sat on the bed where she left him and stared, fixated on Valentina's powerful curves. He was shaken from his reverie when Suzy sat next to him once more, also staring at Valentina's magnificent body. He accepted the cold glass.

"Thanks," he said, inspecting the drink with a quirked eyebrow. "You spit in this?"

"Maybe, maybe not. Guess you'll find out, Skinny..." she replied, coyly.

"Oh, well. Ain't like I haven't tasted your spit before," Skinny added, taking a sip. Suzy effortlessly scooped him up and placed in in her lap. She curled her arms around his little body and kissed him on the cheek. He leaned back and kissed her on the cheek in return. She squeezed him gently and affectionately.

"Oh, you two," Valentina sighed with exasperation, not hearing or seeing the secret exchange. The redhead finally decided on some clothes, pulling out a black baby-t and jean print leggings. She pulled her leggings on carefully, desperately trying not to tear the fabric. They perfectly conformed to the hard, massive contours of her enormously muscled legs and her curvaceous butt. Hints of her black g-string poked over the waistband around her hips.

"Mmm," Skinny grunted at the sight before him and took a sip of his ginger ale, simultaneously drinking his girlfriend's sex appeal.

"I hear ya," Suzy muttered in his ear, feeling the same arousal. His cock swelled in his shorts, pitching a mammoth tent. Suzy instinctively reached down and curled her strong fingers around his manhood. He left out a soft moan when she started to massage his hard-on.

"Hmm? Did you say something?" Valentina not-so-innocently asked, looking over her gigantic shoulder. She grinned in amusement when she saw her boyfriend in Suzy's muscled lap getting his cock rubbed by her strong hands. She pulled on her shirt with equal care. Valentina didn't bother with a bra most of the time because she didn't need one. The fabric of shirt was made out of a special stretchy cotton blend that would extend its service life around Valentina's massive proportions. She, Agnetha, and Suzy all bought clothes from the same online retailer who sold apparel with massively muscled women in mind. Suzy was mildly surprised that there were sites like that, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The shirt said I'd Flex, But I Like This Shirt! in big block letters. Stylized muscled arms curled into a double bicep pose on either side of the lettering. The shirt acted like a second skin, stretching mightily around Valentina's torso. The hem ended mid-belly, showing off a hint of her sexy abs. Her massive shoulders blew out of the puny little sleeves, revealing her huge guns in all their glory.

Valentina reached for a pair of flat heeled, black leather knee-high boots and pulled them on. These boots were from the same site Suzy got her boots from, only not as sexy, in Suzy's opinion. The supple leather stretched around her explosive calves and were adjustable via a strap in back. Suzy could see that the strap was fastened on the very last hole for the buckle to go through. Those boots wouldn't last too much longer. Valentina finished dressing with a thin gold chain festooned with a gold barbell pendant, her favorite piece of jewelry. Suzy remembered how excited Valentina was when she received the necklace for her birthday a few years ago. She eagerly showed it to everyone at the gym and gushed about how much she loved Skinny for it. He really made nice with that one, Suzy thought.

"Well," Valentina said, turning around with a ravishing smile. "Shall we go?"


More to come
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 22, 2014, 04:02:10 am
Another great chapter to this Muscleology! Suzy playing with that clerk at the store was very fun, she can be sexy and seductive as anyone on the planet, and I'm sure if I was in his position, I could see myself ejaculating prematurely as well. I also liked how she showed a more tender side by writing that letter, showing that her real feelings for Skinny is that she loves him, she plays with him because she just happens to be smitten with him, I guess, some girls show their emotions better than others. Anyway, great addition, and I can't wait to read more! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 22, 2014, 09:27:50 pm
A/N: Suzy was meant to be subversion of your typical ball-busting Amazon. I envisioned that she didn't have a great home life, having ran away at a young age which is why she acts so arrogant and superior in public. In private she's really sweet and desires to be loved more than anything but has a hard time expressing it because she never really learned how. Her relationship with Andy and Valentina is her rock.

Andy saw them off, heading downstairs with them as the left. Valentina stood with her arms around him, pressing him close to her body. She gazed into his eyes and lovingly tried to flatten his messy hair but it kept springing up. Andy curled his surprisingly strong arms around her slender waist and embraced her. His head rested on her meaty chest, loving the warmth resonating through her into his body. Her heart beat its powerful rhythm under layers and layers of immense muscle. She stood a few inches taller than him barefoot, but her boots added an extra inch or so in addition to what seemed like several miles wider at the shoulder. She pulled him into a passionate, loving kiss, running her fingers through his hair and crushing him to her body. Andy responded in kind, matching her affection with his own. She wanted to make this last, glad that he was feeling better, but she had been looking forward to tonight's activities as well. With reluctance, Valentina pulled away, allowing his taste to linger wonderfully.

“I'm gonna miss you, sweetie,” Valentina murmured. Andy smiled his handsome smile and rolled his eyes playfully.

“Val, it's only gonna be for a few hours. You're not going into outer space,” he said reassuringly.

“I know that, but it's just... gonna be weird without you there,” she replied. Andy leaned up to kiss her once more.

“I want you to go out and have some fun,” Andy said. “I'll be fine. Your ba-babushka's old grandma magic is working. I'll try not to set the house on fire while you're gone. But no promises.”

“Ahem,” Suzy uttered, causing them to both look a her. She made a show of glancing at one of her wrist cuffs like a watch.

“Can't you see we're trying to share a moment here?” Andy griped peevishly.

“I think someone's jealous,” Valentina murmured seductively into his ear before nuzzling him, casting a teasing glance at Suzy.

“Oh, please,” Suzy complained. “All this lovey-dovey stuff is gonna make me puke.”

“Oh, really?” Andy said, grinning playfully. “What was all that fluff you were talkin' while Val was outta the room?”

“Fluff?” Valentina joined in, “I missed Suzy fluff?”

“That was just to get you off your guard while I pummeled you senseless, twerp,” Suzy blustered. “You actually took me seriously? Hah!”

“There was no pummeling, Snooze, just an awkward attempt at you trying to be romantic,” Andy replied.

“Damn, and I missed that?” Valentina giggled.

“He's lying because he's embarrassed that I beat him so easily, that's all,” Suzy continued.

“'Oh Skinny, I love you with all my heart, if I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together, blah blah blah,'” Andy said, adopting a girly lilt to his voice. Valentina laughed. She knew something was going on between those two while she was in the bathroom redoing her makeup.

“You're right on your way to a smacked bottom, Skinny,” Suzy growled.

“That supposed to be a threat?” Andy asked, quirking an eyebrow. Suzy advanced, prompting Andy to yelp and scramble behind Valentina's brawn as a shield. She spread her mighty shoulders to further protect him from harm. Suzy tried to round the redhead's defenses, but Valentina blocked her every turn. Eventually Suzy gave up with a frustrated growl.

“You're lucky we need to get going, little man,” Suzy vowed darkly. “You will rue the day!”

“You don't even know what that means!” Andy taunted from behind Valentina's bulk.

“No, but it sounded cool,” Suzy replied with a smirk, turning to put her boots back on. Valentina put her hands on her hips heroically, having successfully turning away the giantess.

“Mmm,” Andy purred, wrapping his arms around Valentina's herculean body. He kissed her brawny shoulder and neck before squeezing her. “My heroine,” Andy whispered seductively into her ear before nibbling on her lobe. Valentina flexed her bicep for him, wordlessly begging Andy to press his lips upon the peak, which he did with gusto.

“So hard,” he whispered, squeezing her steely sinews with both hands, unable to make a dent.

“Who? Me or you?” Valentina purred teasingly. His answer was his erection rubbing against her butt and thighs, making her partially regret her decision to go out tonight. She reached back and gave his manhood a gentle little squeeze.

“I can't help myself, baby. You're so big, strong and sexy...” Andy whispered into her ear. Valentina sighed wonderfully feeling his hands on her body, worshiping and caressing her iron muscles.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Suzy cried, pointing and wagging her finger admonishingly. “Enough of that! Stop trying to seduce Valentina! We need to go!” Valentina sucked her teeth in annoyance, but Suzy was right. They couldn't hang out around the house all day.

“I ain't tryin' to do anything. It's just happening,” Andy retorted.

“Am I gonna have to separate you two? I swear, you kids can't stop with the busy hands and the kissing and the sweet little nothings into each other's ear,” Suzy complained.

“Alright, MOM,” Valentina said rolling her eyes. She turned around to kiss her boyfriend one last time, letting it linger, before caressing his cheek affectionately. “Bye, sweetie.”

“'Bye,” Andy purred. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Valentina replied, smiling lovingly.

“Okay, okay, we get it,” Suzy interjected, prompting Valentina to turn and stick her tongue out at her. “C'mere and give me a kiss, Skinny.”

“Why should I?” Andy asked skeptically, crossing his arms. Suzy crossed the distance between them in four long strides, boots clacking loudly on the hardwood floor. She towered over Andy by a full foot in her heels.

“Because,” Suzy replied, before picking him up under his arms and bringing him face to face, “I'm going to say please.” She then kissed him passionately, crushing his little body against her brawn. Her massive arms coiled around his slender body in a loving embrace. Suzy pulled away at last, holding his lower lip in her teeth and tugging gently.

“That's how you give a kiss, Freckles,” Suzy boasted, smirking at Valentina. She released Andy making him fall the distance back down to the floor. Valentina merely pursed her lips, unimpressed.

“I can do that too,” she remarked.

“No time. Let's go already,” Suzy said, turning to leave with Valentina in tow.

“Now, Suzy, I want you to bring Valentina back by 8:30 and no later,” Andy called after them.

“Hah!” Suzy snorted.

“Alright, 10:00. Fine, 12:30. Okay, okay, before daybreak. Happy?”

“No promises, Skinny. We'll be back when we'll be back.”

“Yeah, yeah. Am-scray, you two. I need to call for hookers and pizza. You're cramping my style,” Andy said, waving them off. He closed the door behind them.

Valentina and Suzy headed towards the gleaming ebony beast parked in the driveway. Suzy's car probably cost more than the house Valentina shared with her boyfriend. The sun was starting to set behind the tree line, painting the sky a beautiful mixture or reds, oranges, pinks, and yellows. Valentina momentarily got lost in the beauty of it all, but was called back to reality by Suzy's car horn.

“Yo, earth to Vally! Get your gorgeous little ass in gear!” Suzy said. Valentina turned peevishly to regard her best friend. The glossy ebony paint job of Suzy's car sparkled with the waning daylight. Valentina questioned the wisdom of wearing sunglasses when it was getting dark, but it was Suzy she was talking about. She piled in the passenger seat and finally, Suzy fired up the engine and they were on their way.

The drive to McGrundy's was a fun one. It called back to the adventures she and Suzy shared years ago, looking for trouble. Suzy had the radio set on metal, which Valentina didn't particularly care for. She loved music that was danceable. Her boyfriend liked heavy metal and classic rock, which she found utterly appalling to listen to. To her, music was supposed to be fun, not all angry and loud. Valentina took over the satellite radio as she usually did, turning on her favorite dance station. Suzy was into whatever seemed to be loudest or aggressive, but she shared Valentina's love of the dance as well. It was hard to dance while sitting in a car, but Valentina did her best. Suzy laughed at Valentina's impromptu, but rather sexy routine, especially when she was directing it at her.

Valentina and Suzy had a great time singing and getting their groove on like old times. They still spent time together almost every day, but rarely just the two of them these days. She was excited to go out with Suzy again after too long. Valentina settled her gaze on her long time best friend and lover in control of her fiery Italian beast. She took stock of Suzy's awesome musculature, the tightness of her supple leather outfit, the sensual fullness of her glossy lips, the warm tan of her soft skin, the sensual voice that came from her throat while she sang. Valentina felt a familiar yearning setting her sights on Suzy. Her best friend noticed Valentina's staring and looked at her back over the tops of her shades. A confused, but interested smile formed on her face.

"What?" she asked, alternatively looking at Valentina and the road.

"Just admiring," Valentina replied with an interested smile of her own.

"Of course you are. I'm looking good," Suzy replied in a purring voice. Valentina couldn't disagree with her, but Suzy's exaggerated conceit made her smile and shake her head.

"Such modesty," Valentina quipped.

"Modesty? Who's got time for that?" Suzy replied.

“What do you mean?” Valentina asked for clarification.

"I mean, modesty isn't for us, Vally. That's something mere mortals gotta worry about. Goddesses like you and me exist to be worshiped.” Valentina rolled her eyes. “Just think about it. Look at us. We're hot.

“I can't say as I disagree, Suze, but I don't go around demanding it from everyone,” Valentina said.

“Why not?” Suzy asked, looking at Valentina from over her shades.

“I just think that love--” Valentina began.

“Love?? Love, you think I'm talkin' about love?!” Suzy guffawed.

“What's wrong with that?” Valentina pressed, getting somewhat defensive. “I happen to value love quite a bit.”

“Of course you do, and that's why I love you, but that's not what I'm after here,” Suzy supplicated. “Val, everywhere we go, guys cream themselves thinking about what it would be like to get muscle-fucked by a sexy, dominant Amazon goddess, and some women too. You must notice it. All those eyes fixed on us, as they should be. Even people who never saw an Amazon in their life before sprout wood. And we deserve it. We can take whomever we want, whenever we want. The rules that exist for them simply don't apply to us. Leave modesty to the little people who lack the conviction to stand up and take what's theirs by sheer force of will."

"Or regular force," Valentina added, knowing where Suzy was going next.

"If necessary," Suzy conceded.

"That's not me. I believe in live and let live," said Valentina. “And love.”

“There's a time and place for love,” Suzy commented.

“Of course. All the time,” Valentina said.

"Oho, and what about if Skinny was in danger? What then?" Suzy asked with an arch glance over her shades.

"That's different," Valentina replied.

"No, it's not," Suzy stated. "He's your man. Your love. Somebody tries to hurt him, you step up and pound them into hamburger meat for taking what's yours. It's the same."

"With great power comes great responsibility, as they say. First of all, that's unlikely to ever happen. Secondly, he's my boyfriend, not my plaything. He's mine in the same sense that I'm his. We own each other's hearts without owning each other. If anything were to happen to him... I don't know what I'd do. But that's the same with anyone that I hold dear. I don't like hurting people. I try to be careful with my strength at all times."

“Even if someone you love is in danger?”

Valentina sighed. “I suppose that circumstance would dictate the pace, wouldn't it?”

“Well, would you?”

“Would I what?” Valentina questioned, not understanding Suzy's line of thought.

“Beat someone up if they hurt someone you cared about.”

“I never gave it much thought, to be honest. Just because somebody's a real jerk isn't a reason to put them in the hospital,” Valentina replied.

“I'm not talking about 'being a jerk.' Let's say some guy had a problem with Skinny and attacked him for no reason. Skinny gets hurt really bad--” Suzy said before Valentina interrupted.

“I would pray to God that would never happen,” said with finality, her blue eyes were hard. Suzy stopped. She didn't want to cross that line with Valentina. The prospect of Andy being hurt, even hypothetically, clearly bothered her.

“Sorry, I--” Suzy began.

“No, don't worry about it,” Valentina said shaking her head.

“No, it's clearly a sore subject, and I'm sorry for making you think about Andy getting hurt.” Valentina looked at her contrite best friend and lover. She called him Andy, not 'Skinny.' “I don't believe in God, but I would never want anything to happen to him either. I just got carried away.”
“To answer your question, I would kill anyone that ever hurt Andy,” Valentina said, voice surprisingly cold and resolute. Suzy was surprised at her answer. For all her talk of love, Valentina commiting violence on anyone would be hard to imagine, but the way she said it, Suzy believed that Valentina would make good on her promise in a heartbeat. “It would mean all that carefulness that I've learned over the years would be for nothing, but I would most certainly make sure whoever that motherfucker would be, he would pay. He would feel every bit of my pain twice over. But I don't like to think about that. Like I said I learned to be careful. I've trained myself to perfection for a reason; so nobody gets hurt.” 

"Doesn't that get frustrating? Being so careful, so delicate with everything, all the time? Wouldn't you like to see what you could do to someone if only just once?" Suzy asked.

"No! I would never even consider that!" Valentina cried, looking at Suzy askance. "Have you?"

"No," Suzy replied sharply, "It's not like I'm harboring murder fantasies or anything, so you can stop looking at me like that. It's just... I'm so damn strong. Every time I have someone under me, I wonder what would happen if I stopped being so careful. Y'know? Like if I slip up or something. I gotta treat everyone but you and Ags with kid gloves. One false move and they're strawberry jam, y'know? It's always there, in the back of my mind."

“Sort of like the world is made out of cardboard?” Valentina offered, voice full of understanding.

“Exactly, and everybody is made of bubbles. If you touch them too hard, they pop.”

“But I thought you had total control, like I do,” Valentina supplied, referring to the muscle control exercises they engaged in.

“I do, but the fear is there. I can't shake it.”

“I understand what you mean,” Valentina murmured, sympathetically. She was silent for a beat. “I used to have nightmares.”

“About what?” Suzy inquired, listening intently.

“About slipping up. Like, it would be me and Andy making love, and all of a sudden, he starts screaming. I look down, and I'm covered in blood and I can see his mangled body underneath me. I try to help him, but every time I touch him something else breaks. It was horrible...” Valentina shivered, dispelling the thought from her mind. “But, I haven't had those dreams in a long time, thank God.”

“What do you think that dream means?” Suzy asked.

“I don't know. Fear, I suppose, like you say. Fear of hurting those I care about. I know dreams come from somewhere, but I can't cite a specific example as to why those dreams came to me. They just did. It it was horrible. God, I can still remember feeling so sick when I woke up. The thought of mangling him like that... And it was so easy. That's the worst of it. His flesh was so easy to tear. His bones were like rotten twigs.”

“Is that why you got so weird just now?” Suzy asked. “The nightmares?”

“Yes,” Valentina answered quietly. “I hated myself for having them. I vowed that I would never let anything happen to him, either from me or someone else from that day on.”

"Did you ever tell him about it?” Suzy asked.

“Not at first. But as it became persistent, Andy sat me down and forced me to tell him,” Valentina replied. She closed her eyes and rested her head against the seat with a rueful smile. “I woke up crying one morning. He wanted to hold me, but I screamed at him to get away. I was so scared I'd do something stupid and hurt him. I was sweating like a criminal, and I remember my heart racing a mile a minute. But, he wasn't having any of it. He kept coming for me, despite my best efforts to keep him away. Finally, I ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I threw up and collapsed on the floor, sobbing. Andy kicked down the door and demanded that we talked about it.”

“Damn,” Suzy interjected, grinning at the thought of Skinny trying to kick the door down. She envisioned it taking a few tries and entertained herself to the thought of Skinny hopping up and down, holding his foot and swearing imaginatively. It sounded like something he'd do.

“Yeah,” Valentina reminisced, smiling. “I screamed at him to keep away, but again, he wasn't having any of it. But, I was too weak and dizzy to do anything about it, and I let him sit next to me and cried myself out into his chest. He held me for the longest time, not saying anything, but waiting patiently for me to get myself together. God, I was a mess. Tears streaking down my face, snot coming out of my nose. Ugh. Not a pretty picture. Heh, you should've seen his shirt.

“I told him about the dream, and he listened intently even though he went all ashen when I told him what I did to him. I didn't spare any details. It was like verbal diarrhea; it just kept coming out. I must've sounded like a babbling idiot. Nevertheless, he immediately wanted to work it out with me. I knew right then and there that Andy was the one for me. He never once ran away like most guys would, and if he did, I wouldn't have blamed him. I don't know how long we sat on that bathroom floor just talking. I had my head against his chest, just listening to his heartbeat. He started telling jokes to lighten the mood. They were pretty bad, but I loved him for it. So you see, that's the power of love. That's what love can do for you. It can only rescue you from the darkness within. I was saved by it. I know that I can save others with it too.”

A moment of pregnant silence fell between them. In this, Valentina and Suzy both understood each other perfectly. There was an empathy that only two Amazon sisters-in-arms could ever share. Suzy brooded. It didn't escape Valentina's notice. She knew her too well. Maybe it had to do with Suzy's trouble with expressing herself, like she wanted to say something, but didn't know how to phrase it. Maybe she was jealous of Valentina's relationship with Andy. That couldn't be it, Valentina thought. She's as much a part of our lives as we are to her's.

"Sorry to bring such an unpleasant topic up," Suzy said at last, awkwardly trying to end the uncomfortable silence. Maybe it'll come up later, Valentina thought.

"No, don't worry about it," Valentina replied with a smile. "We got through it. It's done. It's not something I dwell on, but I always remember to center myself. It's not something I'm afraid of any more."

"Afraid?" Suzy asked, finding it hard to believe Valentina being afraid of anything.

“Yeah. When he and I first dated, I was afraid to be intimate for fear of something happening. I had never gotten too close to anyone. Most of the guys that I had before Andy were only interested in one thing. It wasn't a problem then because I didn't really care about any of them. But with Andy it was different. He tried to understand me, work with the limitations of being with someone who was that much stronger than he was. It was hurting our relationship because he put his trust in me fully, but I couldn't trust myself enough to let go and just live.”

 Suzy went quiet. “I'm jealous.”

“Jealous?” Valentina asked, furrowing her brow.

“Yeah. Having someone to confide in like that. I guess I could talk to some of my boy toys, but I know they wouldn't listen. They don't care about my problems. They just want me to use them as my own personal footstools.”

“You can always confide in me, Suzy,” Valentina offered with a warm smile. Suzy couldn't help but return a warm smile of her own.

“Of course. But you know me. It's not an easy thing to admit to someone. You're the only exception.”

“I know, and thanks," Valentina said with a smile.

"Was there any trouble between you and Skinny after the whole dream thing?" Suzy asked.

"I didn't want Andy to know that I had doubts about us. I had never had a long term relationship with a guy before. I was scared of commitment. I dabbled here and there with a few guys in my teens, a few girls too, but all of them either were looking for Ms. Right Now, or got too scared and ran. Andy and I both realized that our relationship was incredibly difficult to maintain as it was. We would both have to put in work if we were to ever manage. I would work to control my strength, and he would be patient and understanding. Because of all that, we grew together in more ways that just physically," Valentina explained.

"It must've been hard for you," Suzy mused.

"What?" Valentina asked, unsure where Suzy was going with this.

"Having to remain celibate while learning how to control yourself," Suzy replied with a wicked grin. "You two can't ever stop fucking."

"Oh, jeez! It wasn't that hard," Valentina gasped, playfully smacking Suzy's shoulder before adopting a prim expression. "Besides, what we do in the sanctity of our own bedroom is our business."

"And the business of the entire subdivision. Not to mention, you've done it on every conceivable surface in your house. If I took a black light to any room it would glow like it was radioactive."

"You're awful!" Valentina shouted, mouth agape with astonishment. "I can't help it if I'm as attracted to him as he is to me. I'm a woman. He's a man. He finds me attractive, as do I him. We have sex. Big whoop."

"Lots of sex," Suzy added helpfully.

"Okay, fine, lots of sex. Great heaping piles of sex. Scads and scads of hot, steamy, sweaty, back-arching, screaming sex. Happy?"

"Not as happy as you are, apparently," Suzy sniped with a smirk.

"What are you even talking about? You're as big of a slut as I am!" Valentina complained.

"Nope. I'm an even bigger one," Suzy replied, flexing her arm for emphasis. Indeed, Suzy's muscles were larger than Valentina's, but only slightly.

"Oh, ha, ha," Valentina replied dryly. "That's not what I meant."

"Oh, I know what you meant, and I don't have a problem with that," Suzy clarified. "I don't care who I go to bed with," Suzy answered, “as long as they can handle all o' this woman and give me what I want, ya dig?”

"Then what's the problem?" Valentina asked in exasperation.

"Oh, no problem at all, Vally-baby," Suzy grinned. "Just bustin' your chops."

"My chops are unbustable," Valentina retorted.

"I'll be the judge of that," Suzy muttered to herself. "We're here."

Suzy steered her monster into the parking lot of what could only be described as a hole in the wall dive bar in the middle of nowhere next to the recently built mall. Valentina was rather disappointed at what she saw. McGrundy's was a squat little building without ornamentation or any sort of attractive architecture. A large white banner proclaiming "MR. TOUGH GUY SHOW OF STRENGTH TONITE" hung above the entrance announcing tonight's festivities. Motorcycles and trucks populated the parking lot giving Valentina a good idea as to what the average clientele were like. Suzy parked far and away from the building, not wanting any "shit-kicking rednecks to scratch up her baby." Indeed, Suzy's European sports car was vastly different than the big rigs, choppers, hogs, or pickups parked throughout the lot.

"You've ever been here before?" Valentina asked, referring to the bar as they walked towards it.

"Eh, a few times," Suzy replied, heels clacking loudly on the blacktop, tight leather pants creaking around her dynamite curves. "It's a little more impressive inside."

"What were you doing here? I can't see you coming here," Valentina replied.

"They had some arm wrestling contests here back then. I haven't been here in years though, so I have no idea if they still do," Suzy continued.

"Ooh, did you win?" Valentina teased.

"Please," Suzy shot Valentina an arch glance over her massive shoulder, eliminating all doubt. "Anyway, looks like lots of people turned out to see the show. Looks good."

Valentina agreed. There wasn't much point in being the biggest and strongest around unless you had witnesses, after all. They entered the bar to the sounds of a lively establishment.  That said, Valentina's initial estimation wasn't favorable. McGrundy's certainly wasn't her cup of tea. It was certainly a hick joint. The dull roar of dozens and dozens of people mingling was punctuated by the clinking of bottles and glasses. Above all the din, a jukebox played a twangy but almost indecipherable country song. Valentina greatly preferred the scene at Themyscira to this place. McGrundy's seemed to lack a certain class. The bar was darkened for the most part, save for series of stage lights illuminated a large hardwood floored section in the back. Various weight machines were set up in anticipation of some serious iron to be pumped alongside several arm-wrestling tables, which served to corroborate Suzy's story. Seeing the weights bolstered Valentina's mood. If nothing else, the competition ought to be exciting.

Suzy said something and gestured off into the distance. The buzz of the crowd made in virtually impossible to make out what she had said. "What?" Valentina practically shouted, cupping her ear for emphasis. Suzy rolled her eyes in annoyance and leaned in close to speak.

"I said, looks like we're not too late. There's the registration table. Let's go sign in."

"Lead on, Suze," Valentina capitulated, motioning for Suzy to mosey on.

At once, the bar seemed to notice the two humungously muscled Amazons imperiously strutting around like they owned the place. The proverbial pin dropped. People looked up from their beers to gawk or to elbow their friends. A few "Holy shits!" or "Oh my gods!" could be heard as Suzy and Valentina walked through the crowds. Valentina couldn't help but grin in excitement at the attention. Though she couldn't see her face, Valentina knew Suzy was loving the attention as much as she was. The massive leather-clad vixen added a little sashay to her step, making the skin-tight leather pants crinkle and groan against her explosive curves. Valentina followed suit, flirtatiously glancing at several men as she sauntered by.

The registration table had a big banner hanging above it labeling it as such. A couple people stood in line, waiting for the woman at the desk to get their information down. Several of the men in the line are indeed rather big, as far as Valentina could tell. None of them really had what it took to go muscle-to-muscle with either Suzy or herself, however. Suzy turned and shot a knowing look towards Valentina in regards to the man in front of her. She positively dwarfed him. Indeed, there didn't seem to be a man that even came close to being an equal to either Amazon. Several men were going to go home empty-handed, Valentina thought to herself.

The man standing in front of Suzy idly turned to look around in boredom, waiting for the line to move. He casually came face to chest with the enormous Dark Seductress. Suzy's gigantic pecs swelled as she flexed them, straining the expansion capacity of her leather halter top. His expression went from blank to timorous as he realized that the person standing immediately behind him was considerable more massive that he was, and then became positively horrified when he realized that person was a woman.

Valentina suppressed a giggle as Suzy made her pecs dance in an intimidating rhythm to the music playing in the background. The poor man couldn't tear his eyes off of Suzy's chest until she placed a single manicured finger under his chin and raised his face skyward to meet her imposingly shaded gaze.

"Eyes up here, little man," Suzy purred. "Don't you know it's rude to stare?"

The man gulped, but didn't say anything. His worried eyes widened upon noticing Valentina smiling cheerfully at him.

"Hi," Valentina chirped, waving amiably at him. The woman at the desk saved the man by calling out next. He tore himself away from the Amazons to hastily give his information to the woman, and then practically ran away, head down, never looking up. Suzy and Valentina gave each other a girly bro-fist and stepped up to the desk when called. The woman at the desk had her head down and was scribbling something into a notebook as they walked up.

"Are you here to sign up?" she asked in and automatic drone, clearly bored with her job.

"What do you think?" Suzy retorted, crossing her meaty arms in front of her bulging chest. The woman looked up at the sound of another woman's voice, and did a double take at the sight of Suzy. Her eyes popped wide and her jaw hung slack. This was the reaction that Suzy and Valentina loved out of the 'little people,' as they liked to call normal folks. Valentina stepped around Suzy's bulk and placed her hands on her hips, slightly flexing as she did so. The woman's eyes darted furtively from Suzy to Valentina and back again. Something inside her commanded the woman to regain her composure and clear her throat.

"Right," she said, collecting the sign-in sheet. "Um, names?"

Suzy grinned predaciously. "Psycho Suzy. This is Vicious Valentina." The woman nodded and jotted down their names without comment or complaint.

"Um, what?" Valentina piped up, incredulous. "'Vicious' Valentina? I'm sorry, are we signing up for a roller derby?"

"Just go with it. Lot of people use pseudonyms at these kinds of shows," Suzy replied.

"Why can't I come up with my own name?" Valentina complained.

"Because you stink at it. Vapid Valentina doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of men, does it?”

"...I wouldn't call myself that!" Valentina sputtered crossly.

"Why not? I think it suits you," Suzy quipped with a smirk. Valentina slapped her on her pumpkin-like shoulder.

"Bitch!" she growled in annoyance.

"Alright ladies, all set. All we need now is your $25 entrance fee and you'll be good to go," said the woman.

"Twenty-five dollars?!" Suzy griped. It struck Valentina as funny that someone so well off as Suzy was rather reluctant to part with her money, especially for something that she had been so gung-ho about. Valentina had reached into her purse to pull out some money, but Suzy produced a fifty from somewhere on her person, though Valentina noted that her leather clothes didn't have pockets... "Here," she said, handing the woman the money. "Goddamn vampires."

"Alright, thank you," the woman said without comment, taking the money and placing it into a lockbox. She produced two red bracelets and handed them to the Amazons. "Take these. These'll mark you as contestants in the competition. The show doesn't start until half-an-hour. They'll announce it when it's showtime, but in the mean time, enjoy yourselves."

"Um, excuse me, but could you please tell me what the competition is all about?" Valentina asked. "This is my first time out here."

The woman blinked. "Oh, certainly. What would you like to know?"

"Like, how is it set up?"

"Well, each contestant is recorded in this ledger. Once it's time to start, the emcee will select an event, and randomly draw names to start. That contestant will do whatever the event requires until the time is up. Whatever his, or her in this case, personal best is, becomes the benchmark by which the other contestants compete against. If no one can beat his or her record, the original contestant moves on to the next round. If someone challenges his or her record, they have a chance to go again if he or she chooses, but if he or she fails, they get eliminated. This goes on until there are ten contestants left."

"What happens then?" Suzy asked.

"Then we move on to the arm-wrestling contest. Contestants are paired up and wrestle against each other best out of three until there is an undisputed winner," the woman said.

"Cool," Suzy said.

"What's the prize for winning, if you don't mind me asking?" Valentina pressed.

"Of course not," said the woman with a small smile. "Ten thousand, cash. There's also a trophy, a plaque with your name engraved on it over there on the Wall of Champions, and a free T-shirt. Though, I don't know if they make them in your sizes, ladies."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Suzy replied.

"What about second place?" Valentina continued.

"A set of shot glasses, and a discount card valid until the end of next year that'll get you 10% off all drinks here at McGrundy's," the woman said cheerfully. That prize stinks, Valentina thought to herself.

"So basically, don't lose," Suzy summed up.

"Yeah, basically," said the woman. She looked between the two of them and smiled. "Give 'em hell, ladies."

"You can count on it," Suzy replied with a flex. The woman's eyes swelled in shock at the magnitude of Suzy's arms.

"Oh yeah," Valentina joined in, showing off the goods. Her arms were massive too, along with the rest of her. The woman at the desk was utterly agape. These women before her were massive, more so any any of the other men who had previously signed up. If she were a betting woman, she would have to cancel her previous bet and throw her lot in with these two Amazons standing before her. As they left the table to kill some time, Suzy took Valentina aside.

"Let's go size up the competition, Freckles."

"Sounds like a plan," Valentina agreed, allowing Suzy to lead her backstage.
More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: M7 on August 24, 2014, 09:36:31 am
Some great writing NinjaStar.  K+  I like Suzy's personality. Definately an interesting read.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 24, 2014, 10:06:18 am
I liked this story a lot, I really am looking forward to seeing Suzy and Valentina dominate the rest of this competition, I'm sure setting them up 1 and 2, facing off against each other in the finals and we will see who is the one who wins, although in my opinion the real winners are the people reading the story. :P k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 26, 2014, 03:03:41 am
A/N: Thanks for giving this story a shot, M7. Glad you like it so far. Suzy's certainly fun to write, even though I would prefer to be with Valentina overall.

You figured it out, Jeremy, even before the contest started. Am I that transparent? Well, hopefully I can live up to your expectations in the coming chapters. For now, here's a somewhat short one.


Suzy and Valentina made their way to a small backstage area where several contestants gathered to warm up for the contest. Many of the men entered looked exactly alike; big, burly, and bald. A couple guys had some serious muscle packed onto their frames, but none of them could ever hope to compare to either Amazon. A bouncer of sorts began to challenge them entering the backstage area, but Suzy flashed her bracelet without deigning to look at him or slow down. Valentina was a little more courteous in displaying her bracelet, flashing an apologetic smile to the awestruck man, but didn't stop either.

The men gathered uniformally stopped what they were doing upon laying eyes on Suzy and Valentina. One man dropped a dumbbell that he was doing shoulder raises with onto his foot. He hopped and cried out in pain, stumbling into a rack of weights and taking the whole thing down with him to the floor. Suzy stood before the crowd of strongmen, hands held defiantly on her hips. She lowered her shades to peer over the top of them, pointedly scanning each competitor with cool disdain. She already knew that few men if any could hope to challenge her or Valentina. This was a totally unnecessary psych out purely for the sake of Suzy's own sick pleasure. Already whispers had reach these men that two immensely muscular women were spotted signing up to compete, but that was written off as someone playing mind games. The reality, it seemed to Suzy, was far more terrifying to these men.

"I just want you guys to know that I'll be the one winning this thing," Suzy announced in a stentorian voice. "I'm just looking to see who's coming in third."

"Wait, what?" Valentina asked from the side. "You're gonna win?"

"Of course," Suzy replied simply.

"I don't think so," Valentina said with a droll chuckle. "I'm gonna win."

"Oh, like hell you are, Carrot Top!" Suzy cried. "I'm way stronger than you. Way, way stronger."

"Bullshit, Suzy. It's time for a reality check," Valentina retorted with a slight puffing up of her massive chest, somewhat incensed at being written off so quickly. Suzy turned her head to look down at Valentina over her shades.

"Well, don't write checks your sexy little ass can't cash," Suzy shot back, emphasizing the size difference between the two.

"'Little?!'" Valentina blurted incredulously. Suzy knew from the look in Valentina's eye that she was buying time to come up with something clever to say. Val never was any good at trash talk. She was certainly competitive, but Valentina didn't rub her strengths in everyone's faces, though she certainly had the right to do so. Suzy, on the other hand, reveled in competition, and eagerly played mind games to unnerve the opposition. Don't play with fire, Freckles, she thought. You're gonna get burned. Suzy continued with a shark-like grin.

"That's what I said, pipsqueak. Take that all the way to the bank."

"Well... I'm..." Valentina started, beautiful face screwing up in thought as she prepared her next rejoinder. Skinny is so much better at this than she is, Suzy thought with a wry smile.

"Yes?" Suzy prodded, smugly folding her enormously muscled arms.

"I'm gonna take you to the bank," Valentina replied lamely. Suzy winced at how lousy a comeback that was. But it appeared that the tasty redhead wasn't finished. A flash of inspiration brightened her beautiful features and she grinned. "To the blood bank!"

"Okay, that was pretty good," Suzy admitted with a grumble.

"Thanks. I heard that somewhere," Valentina replied. 

"See? A little trash talk never hurt anyone. All the greats do it to separate the weak from the strong." She turned to face the gaggle of onlookers. "Looks like we know who's the strongest around here," she said in a loud voice. "C'mon guys. What's the matter? Afraid of widdle ol' me? Don't want to get beaten by a couple of delicate little girls?"

"That's up for debate!" came a voice from the crowd. No one in the crowd could agree on how to react to that. Some went "ooh", others sucked in breath, a few laughed, and more than a couple apparently were quite smitten by the leather clad vixen and her red-haired companion and too enraptured to do anything other than gawk. Suzy removed her sunglasses and took a few loud steps forwards, her stiletto heels clicking on the cement floor, enormous muscles flexing under taut, supple leather.

"Who said that?" she demanded, looking over the multitude of faces. No answers were forthcoming. Though pissed, she tried to remain genial, even smiling at the men. "No, really. Step forward. I won't bite."

The crowd parted like the Red Sea. A bulky man with a receding bleached blond hairline was exposed. Blondie, as Suzy dubbed him, was a squat little manlet in his forties trying like hell to stop aging. His muscles, though maybe impressive a decade ago, were scarred from tears and obviously injected with oil in some parts. He valued sheer size over aesthetics. Suzy thought he was incredibly ugly. He looked slightly worried that his anonymity was compromised, but quickly rallied some bravado.

"Uh, yeah! That was me!" he said in triumph, darting his eyes back and forth with nervousness.

"What's up for debate, sweetie?" Suzy asked, voice deceptively jovial.

"Oh come on! You expect us to believe ya'll are girls? Heh! Buncha roided up freaks's whatcha are!" he said, gaining confidence with every word. "Yeah! I mean, you prolly took so much juice, ya'll grew a pair'a balls'r summin'!"

"Oh, really?" Suzy struggled to maintain her composure, despite the friendly tone of her voice. Very few people ever had the courage to insult Suzy face-to-face. It simply had never been done before. Most people were smart enough to read the signs Suzy displayed. If her sheer size didn't deter anybody, her manner of dress and/or her kick-ass Alpha female demeanor did. She imagined Valentina was similarly offended. Suzy looked at her for a split second. Val's beautiful face was tight, but more or less emotionless. She folded her big, thick arms over her bulging chest, straining the integrity of her shirt. Valentina's blue eyes burned with a fire that betrayed her seemingly placid state.

Suzy allowed a small smile at the absurdity of it all. This guy had balls. Or maybe, he was just hopelessly stupid. Either way, she had to admire the courage of this idiot, but it still pissed Suzy off to no end. She did note that any support the other men showed this guy was vague at best. Nobody else wanted to poke the leather-clad Amazon with a stick. She was going to have to punish him. The thought was delightful.

"Yeah! Really!" said Blondie. Suzy sauntered over to him, boots echoing off the concrete floor. Her hips rolled in an exaggerated manner. As she got closer, her appeared to get even more nervous. Suzy put on her friendliest smile and stood chest to face with him.

"You don't think I'm a girl, huh?" Suzy cooed, gently caressing his ugly face. Blondie did his best to look defiant, but she noted the small little nub poking against his baggy swish pants that obviously were designed to hide his lack of development of his legs. She flexed her arm in front of his face, making his piggish eyes widen at the sheer scope of her musculature. "Go on. Feel." Blondie didn't respond immediately, being unable to take his eyes off her bulging mountain of a bicep. "Hey!" Suzy snapped, lightly rapping her free knuckles in his skull. "Anybody home? Think McFly, think!"

“I said feel,” Suzy ordered. Blondie tentatively reached up and touched her muscles. Suzy pumped her arm a few times, slowly, for emphasis. He wrapped his calloused stubby little fingers around her relaxed muscles, and reacted with a mixture of fear and awe when she began to slowly curl her arm. Suzy's muscles swelled to the point where his fingers violently popped open, and he lost his grip well before she reached full flex.

"Feel how soft my skin is?" Suzy murmured. Blondie uttered something inarticulately in agreement. "Now the other arm." She turned to flex her other bicep for this rapidly converting non-believer. "Still don't think I'm a girl?" Suzy giggled sweetly. She seized Blondie's hands and placed them on her rippling belly, guiding them down south. Blondie's eyes bulged when he realized what she was doing. His hands felt the heat and power emanating from her decidedly female groin through the tight leather.

"What do you feel?" Suzy asked sweetly.

"I uh..." Blondie stammered.

"Am I a female?" Suzy continued, awaiting an answer.

"Y-yes!" Blondie blurted. Suzy smiled as he began nodding stupidly, and repeating himself to the crowd. Then, without warning, she clamped her thighs together, pinning his hands between them. Her enormously meaty thighs pressed with incredible pressure, causing his hand bones to buckle. Blondie cried out in terror, then pain as his hands slowly crushed between her adductors.

"Then why would you say such awful things about me?" Suzy pressed, voice never losing it's sweetness. “Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?”

"OW! Lemme go you fuckin' bitch!" Blondie blubbered, spittling all over Suzy's chest. She tsked in annoyance, and seized his shirt to use as a rag.

"No, no, no, boy. You really shouldn't have made me angry. Haven't you ever heard the saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?' Well, they were talking about me,” Suzy said, voice losing it's sweetness, becoming a wrathful growl. She seized his head and buried it in between her pecs, muffling his curses and screams of pain. Suzy doubled the squeeze of her legs. Blondie panicked and started to pull and tug his hands away from her vice, but to no avail.

"Suzy, come on, that's enough," Valentina chimed in, voice serious. "Let him go."

"Oh, alright. Fine," Suzy replied peevishly, letting Blondie retrieve his tortured digits. Suzy was positive that she hadn't broken anything, but she was far from done with this ape. Before he could react, she shot her own hand out and seized him by the throat. Her fingers clamped down on his thick neck, letting him know that in no uncertain terms that it would be child’s play to easily crush his spine. Blondie choked and sputtered, grasping at her muscular forearm for relief. Suzy grinned, and with a slight ripple of muscle, she lifted the choking man off his feet, high into the air. Blondie struggled mightily, but Suzy's strength was indomitable.

"Dammit, Suzy," Valentina groaned in annoyance.

"I just wanna make this clear," Suzy said, as much to anyone listening as she was to Blondie or Valentina. "I don't tolerate bullshit from anyone, least of all misogynist pricks like this guy here," she wiggled Blondie around for emphasis, causing her muscles to twitch beneath her skin as she did so. "So if any of you gets it through your thick fucking skulls to start with the jokes, now would be a pretty good fucking time so I know who you are, then I can kick your sorry fucking asses too!" Suzy shot a deathly glare out to the crowd, challenging anyone to try to say something. "No one? Well, I must say, you're either a polite bunch, or a bunch of fucking sissies." She lowered Blondie down to her face, but still a few inches off the ground. His face was red going on purple and he looked ready to pass out. He didn't deserve to breath, as far as she was concerned. Suzy made sure her grip was tight enough to keep him on a really short leash.

"Now then," Suzy continued, directing her attention on Blondie. "Are you sorry?" He sputtered a response that Suzy didn't understand as particularly repentant. “I can't hear you, worm,” she hissed.

“Plsss... cnt... brth...” Blondie choked out, spittle erupting from his lips.

"So? What's that to me?" Suzy asked coldly.

"Plsss..." Blondie whispered plaintively.

“And why should I care?” Suzy growled, holding him aloft once more with contemptuous ease, squeezing his neck. Blondie's eyes bulged. Would anyone really miss him if she crushed his neck? she wondered.

“Erm... srry... plsssss...” Blondie rasped, looking nearly unconscious. His grip on her forearm loosened, and he started to go limp. She paused as if in thought, but in reality, she wanted to prolong his torture.

“Suzy, come on! You'll kill him!” Valentina shouted.

“Yeah, I know,” she responded with a smirk.

“Suzy!” Valentina pressed, taking a step forward. Suzy sneered. Leave it to her to have compassion for scum.

"Fine," she responded rancorously, suddenly releasing her solid steel grip. Blondie fell on his ass leadenly, clutching at his throat while coughing violently and gasping sweet oxygen. Suzy stepped over his worthless carcass towards the crowd. They backed up against the wall as she approached. Their cowardice amused her. Not a real man in the bunch, Suzy thought to herself. She scanned the men as if she were an death camp officer overseeing prisoners ready to be slaughtered, slowly pacing down the line in silence. The men all seemed terrified of her. Suzy towered over most of them, only a few were big enough to meet her eye to eye, and none were muscular enough to pose much of a threat at all.

"Now, you see little boys, this is real power," Suzy said at last, flexing her enormous biceps for all to see. "Raw female power. What you saw here was but a taste of what you'll see later tonight. You might think me a monster, but I assure you, I only give people what's coming to them. Cheesedick made a bad choice crossing me. Be smart and the only thing that I'll break tonight will be your pride. Act up at your own peril."

In response to the apparent flaring up of tensions, a short little man in a suit hurried over to potentially defuse the situation. Suzy noted that he seemed unwilling to provoke anybody, and would rather sit on the sidelines but was more or less forced to step in given how he was in charge. He only came up to her chest and was laughably small in comparison. With him were two burly pugnacious types who acted as bouncers. Suzy couldn't rightfully tell if these men thought they stood a chance against either Valentina or herself, or if they put up a brave front. The little guy's bodyguards flanked him and did their best to scowl menacingly.

"Um, is there a problem here, ladies?" The little man asked.

"I don't know," Suzy responded with an edge in her voice. "Is there?"

"That's what I came to find out. I was told that you were threatening some of the contestants and then started to threaten each other."

"That's absurd!" Valentina cried. "We didn't threaten anyone."

"That's right," Suzy added.

"It was all her. I was just standing here," Valentina explained quickly. Suzy's jaw dropped and she shot a look at her friend and lover, who merely shrugged innocently.

"You saucy bitch!" Suzy exclaimed.

"Ladies," the little guy interjected. "Ladies, there's no need--"

"No, hang on a second," Suzy said, dismissively waving off the little man before turning to Valentina. "What was all that talk about taking me to the blood bank? That wasn't a threat?"

"It was the only bank related pun I could think of! You know I'm no good at the tough-girl talk!" Valentina complained. "Besides, you were the one who started scaring all these guys, declaring yourself this and that, picking that guy up by his throat... Need I go on?"

"That's bullshit and you know it! I just told them I was going to win before this putz--" Suzy thumbed at the blond guy who was being helped to his feet by some of his friends, "--decided to get cute with me. It's the truth! What am I gonna say? 'Oh, hey, looks like there's some stiff competition here, good luck everybody!' What, you want them to nurture some delusions of fucking grandeur that they can beat us? I'm just being honest with them! If they know they're gonna lose, then they should just face the guns," Suzy curled her arms into a bicep flex for emphasis, "with a little fucking dignity! Not shoot off at the mouth or run crying to Napoleon here," Suzy said, gesturing to the little man. "No offense."

"Um, none taken?" he replied uncertainly, smoothing out his lapels. "But good sportsmanship is a cornerstone of healthy competition. I don't think picking fights or trying to intimidate the other contestants is the way to go."

"You're not gonna kick us out, are you?" Valentina asked.

"I don't think that's necessary," said the man. "Provided of course that no further incidents make it necessary." He pointedly looked at Suzy.

"That's bullshit, Ned!" Blondie shouted, voice raw from the choke hold Suzy had him in. "This bitch put'er hands on me!" Suzy growled, and balled her gloved hands up into fists. The man in the suit, or 'Ned,' if Blondie was to be believed, headed her off at the pass.

"And from what I understand, Mr. Steiner, you started it. And to be technical, you put your hands on her first." Suzy couldn't help but grin at that. Ned was alright in her book. The little man seemed to dislike Steiner, but couldn't outwardly display it. There had to be some history there between the two.

"Yeah... Well..." Steiner sputtered, feverishly trying to form a coherent thought in his caveman brain.

"Well nothing. There's to be no more altercations here, am I clear?" Ned said, looking out at everyone, but making sure to include Suzy in his lecture. "Save it for the contest. Use your strength constructively."

"Fine by me," Suzy agreed dismissively. She saw that Steiner was glaring at her. She winked and blew a kiss at him. Steiner's eyes bulged in outrage and he promptly charged over to take a swing. Suzy grinned savagely, anticipating the big dumb lug, but before she could even touch him, the little man's guards intercepted the berserk Steiner and held him back. The little man in the suit shot a look at Suzy, prompting her to shrug helplessly and gesture at the rabid blond man. The little man wasn't sure of Suzy's innocence, but had no proof otherwise.

"Get him out of here. Mr. Steiner, I'm sorry, but you're out of the contest."

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP! NO SHUT UP NED!!" Steiner exploded in a thrashing display of rage. Suzy didn't understand most of the words coming out of Steiner's mouth as he was being escorted out of the building by security. "I'm doing him an egg! Yer not me and you Paris! I'm sanding into yer dumb redneck ass! I'm hungry!" She looked at Valentina, who's perplexed expression matched her own. Ned only looked on in helpless disappointment.

"Where do you get these guys, Ned?" Suzy asked.

"Mr. Steiner is a regular here. Unfortunately, he's got a rather, erm, how shall I put this, explosive temper as you can see. This isn't the first time he had to be escorted out of the building."

"Has he competed before in these shows?" Valentina asked.

"Yes, and he's even won a few times. But, he's a rather sore loser. Just as well." Another man hurried over to where Ned was talking with Suzy and Valentina to whisper in his ear. "Oh, yes, of course. Ahem, if I may have everyone's attention, the contest will start in ten minutes. Ten minutes. Finish your preparations, and good luck. Ladies, if you'll excuse me, I have to make sure everything's ready. Good luck to you as well, though I don't think you'll need it," Ned said with a curt smile before taking his leave.

"Ten minutes," Valentina repeated. "You think we have time to pump up?"

"Nah. We'll take these guys cold. Nobody here stands a chance against us," said Suzy with supreme confidence.


The contest had finally begun. The staff had announced it was showtime and had all the contestants file out of the backstage area and onto the floor. Valentina was acutely aware of all the looks she and Suzy were receiving, and they weren't happy ones. Of course, few people were willing to hold their glares for long in case they made eye contact with either Amazon. Valentina supposed it ultimately didn't matter what any of the other competitors thought, but she didn't like how Suzy handled the situation, lumping her in with her own psychosis. It was more appealing to Valentina to let her muscles to the talking, but Suzy had to pick a fight and get into a goddamned pissing contest with the local Alpha male. Of course, the local Alpha male was a real jerk, so it was hard for her to have much sympathy for him, but Suzy didn't have to nearly kill him like that. Valentina regarded her friend and lover as she walked behind her. Her massive back completely blocked her view of what was in front.

Her size was her biggest asset. Suzy wasn't much for technique or subtlety, something Valentina had the edge in. Suzy was a bull in a china shop, snorting and charging at any waving cape she saw. She was a berserker. Dangerous, most definitely, but predictable and prone to letting her temper get the better of her. Valentina had to formulate strategies as she went if she ever hoped to stand a chance against the massive Suzy. But, she was going into the contest blind. Valentina had no idea what was in store and would have to improvise.

She felt a twinge of annoyance at Suzy's arrogance in writing off her own abilities as being inferior. How dare she? Suzy knew what Valentina was capable of. She was no slouch. Of course, Valentina was supremely confident in her own strength, to the point she knew she had a mostly fair chance at beating Suzy at her own game or at least go down swinging. She also knew she was legitimately stronger than all the men here. None of the weights the men pumped up with were particularly impressive, though they did their best to intimidate the Amazons. It didn't work. Naturally, Suzy was the only one Valentina had to keep an eye out for. At least that part was easy. The leather-clad vixen was a beast in the gym, endlessly pushing the envelope as far as strength went, with Agnetha and Valentina running to catch up. She was indeed stronger than Valentina, a fact that niggled at her own confidence a tad, but Suzy was not omnipotent, despite what she would have everyone believe. It would certainly be close, that was damn certain. Should she feel worried? Valentina wondered. No, don't let her get in your head, Valentina thought to herself. She's probably partially bluffing to throw you off. Don't let her unnerve you. Still, Suzy's raw strength was nothing to sneeze at. She could bench nearly a short ton. No time to think about that now. Focus!

They filed out to the floor, with a staff member guiding them to a particular spot to stand. Valentina noted how the male contestants gave them a wide berth, not wanting to get too close to either of them. She felt the eyes of the audience settling on her too. The lights of the stage made it difficult to make out the great sea of darkness beyond the first few rows. Valentina wished Andy was here. His support would be invaluable right about now. He'd have her back. She couldn't count on Suzy. She was the enemy, at least for now.

"Let's call a truce," Suzy whispered, breaking Valentina's concentration.

"A 'truce'?" Valentina shot her a quizzical, untrusting look.

"Yeah. I know none of these guys has what it takes to outdo us, but we certainly could beat each other. We both know the first two spots are ours--"

"There can be only one," Valentina interjected. "And that's gonna be me."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night, Freckles," Suzy replied with exasperation. "As I was saying, I say we work together to eliminate these goons first, then we see who's Queen in the lightning round. Sounds good to you?"

"How do I know I can actually trust you?" Valentina narrowed her blue eyes at Suzy in scrutiny. Suzy could be trusted to be competitive to a fault when it came to winning. Friends counted for nothing. She would do anything to gain an upper hand if she knew her raw strength alone couldn't get the job done. Her strategy would be shallow at best. It would probably amount to bringing Valentina in her confidence and then stabbing her in the back at the critical moment. For all her bluster, Suzy didn't seem entirely certain she could beat Valentina one on one. That heartened Valentina greatly. A chink in the armor? Valentina thought, appraising her friend. Maybe. Of course, Suzy's doubt seemed vague at best, like she was simply hedging her bets. Either way, Valentina had to be vigilant.

"Bitch, please. If I wanted to crush you utterly, I'd do so as soon as your name got called," Suzy smarmily replied, looking down her nose at Valentina. "Where's the fun in that? I'd much rather save you for later and savor my certain victory as it inevitably comes."

"Keep thinking that if it gives you comfort. Alright, Suzy. We'll work together. For now."

"Alright then," Suzy said, finalizing the deal with an offer of a girly bro-fist. Valentina looked at Suzy, then her fist. Reluctantly, she accepted.

"But when these guys are out of the picture, that ass is mine," said Valentina with grim finality in her voice. Her blue eyes locked onto Suzy's black eyes. Her friend and lover would no doubt be looking for any weakness. Valentina was bound and determined to show none. Come what may, she still was an Amazon warrior. She would fight to the bitter end with all of her prodigious might. Valentina balled her fists, causing the muscles of her arms to swell with her might. She flexed her pecs, quads and calves, and abs before rolling her bullish neck. She felt better afterwards, more confident. She reveled in her own power. These muscles of hers weren't for show, after all. It didn't matter if Suzy was bigger and stronger. Valentina was a fighter just the same. She would show no mercy. I am strong. I am fierce. I am an Amazon, Valentina intoned inwardly.

Suzy's black gaze twitched subtly under the unrelenting blue stare of Valentina's eyes. What did that mean? Fear? Uncertainty? As quickly as it flashed, it was gone, leaving Suzy looking supremely confident once more.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Vally," Suzy said, grinning with anticipation. "Now, get into character."


IT HAS BEGUN. More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 26, 2014, 06:30:54 am
Hehe, as a wrestling fan, I definitely know who you were making fun of there, that Mr. Steiner guy, he's going to have to holla to his freaks to come pick him up at the police station. While I think Suzy was mostly at fault there, for being overbearingly arrogant, I know she's confident in her muscles and strength and that's just great, but maybe tone it down a little, I mean that kind of talking will make a lot of enemies real quick. Not that I'm worried for her, outside of a sneak attack with a lead pipe or some guy with a gun, she would definitely take care of herself no matter if it's 1 on 1, 2 on 1, or 5 on 1. Looking forward to seeing more incredible feats and tests of strength from the two awesome Amazons. k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: crimson_E_86 on August 26, 2014, 05:56:53 pm
Don't forget the other Easter egg, Jeremy. I think the "I'm gonna take you to the bank, the blood bank" phrase is from Steven Seagal in Hard to Kill.

K+ to Ninjastar
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on August 27, 2014, 12:39:05 am
A/N: Jeremy gets a cookie. I was watching Maffew's Steinermania on Youtube while I was writing that chapter and thought that the Big Bad Booty Daddy would make for an interesting character to beat up on. He ain't quite finished yet, so stay tuned for more later on. I lol'ed at the 'holla to his freaks to come pick him up at the police station.' As for Suzy, well, let's just say her mouth is going to get her into trouble one of these days. It's good for her that she has the muscle to back up her words.

crimson_e_86 also gets a cookie. I needed some good bad action movie tough guy quotes and Hard to Kill was just what I needed. Glad you're liking it so far. Now without further a-do, let's get this show on the road.


The contest started in earnest, with some radio DJ presiding over the events. Suzy already hated the man as soon as his stupid gums started flapping. He announced the rules, the prize, and then attempted to be funny several times but only annoyed her further. Valentina stood to her side, brimming with confidence. Suzy felt a giddiness inside herself and wished that it were just Valentina and herself here. She rejected the challenge of any of these other losers because they were no challenge. No man alive was even capable of outlifting or outmuscling Suzy or Valentina. They really should just go home, she thought in annoyed contempt.

But Valentina seemed unusually focused. She wasn't paying attention to the DJ or the crowd, or even the rest of the contestants. She seemed to enter this Zen state of controlled breathing and subtle muscle flexing. Her arms and legs swelled and bunched under her clothes, her pecs bounced under the thin fabric of her shirt in a rhythm known only to Valentina. Suzy wondered what was going on in her mind. Did she get to Valentina? Was she worried? It didn't seem like it, and that bothered Suzy a bit. Suzy wasn't scared, but she wasn't utterly confident that she could flatten Valentina without effort.

But, honestly, the challenge excited her. She felt a tingle of exhilaration. It had been too long since a good battle. Her Amazon warrior spirit salivated at the prospect of clashing with an equal. No. A near equal. Suzy was the best. She was the biggest, she was the strongest. Valentina would go down. And afterward, Suzy smiled to herself, Valentina will be conquered in another way...

Suzy's attention snapped from her own thoughts to the rest of the competition. These guys had to be crushed first before she could get the battle she yearned for. They cast furtive glances her and Valentina's way every so often, but when they say Suzy looking at them, the turned their heads. Her psych out had been a success. These men knew who the ones to beat were. But, too bad for them they don't stand a chance, Suzy thought wickedly. She scanned the crowd. Who was she going to humiliate first?

All of the competitors names were tossed into a bingo cage. Some bimbo in a skimpy dress had the honor of cranking the handle and drawing out names. The first name was called out of a bingo cage for the first event. "Mad Mike" was the first competitor, some fuzzy little manlet with a big upper body and little teeny legs. Suzy scoffed at the sight of him. He certainly though he was the shit. Somehow, he had mustered the bravado to cast a glare her way. Her lip curled in disdain, and she shook her head reproachfully. The first event announced was curls. He was supposed to as many reps as he could in thirty seconds with one-hundred and fifty pounds.

"That's it?" Suzy balked loudly. The event seemed to pause momentarily, her outburst making everybody look at her. "One-fifty was a hardly challenge when I was still in high-school, fer crissake!"

Some people in the crowd heard her and tittered. Even Valentina smiled a bit, sharing Suzy's sentiments. Mad Mike looked at Suzy and glowered. He seized the bar and proceeded to bang out twenty reps with some effort, all the while glaring at Suzy. She stared right back at him totally unimpressed by his paltry show of strength, folding her massive arms over her enormous chest, never dropping her gaze. Suzy was amused by Mad Mike's bravado. It would make crushing him all the sweeter. The timekeeper signaled for Mad Mike to stop.

"Lessee you do better, bitch!" He growled, flexing for emphasis. He was sweaty and panting already. His little muscles didn't scare Suzy, especially with his little stick legs.

"Oh, please. I so challenge this clown," Suzy called, not letting the emcee get a chance to ask if anyone could beat Mad Mike's score. She walked over to where the barbell was resting and moved to picked it up.

The DJ hurried over with his microphone. “I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, miss,” he said, sticking the mic in her face. She snatched it from him and addressed the crowd.

“Psycho Suzy, motherfuckers, remember the name. I'm the uncrowned champion of this event,” she said, casting a look at Valentina, who coolly regarded her right back. “You may as well give me the gold right now.” She tossed the mic back to the DJ who tried to catch it, but fumbled. He picked it up and tried to pretend like he hadn't missed a beat.

"Alright, everyone, big round of applause for Psycho Suzy!" The DJ said. The bewildered crowd didn't know what to make of Suzy. Sporadic applause and hushed murmuring permeated the bar. The bright stage lights made more than the first few rows of faces obscure. "The amount to beat is twenty, Psycho, ya think you can handle that?"

"Bitch, please," Suzy retorted, curling her arms into a bicep flex. Enormous peaks of muscle swelled in her arms, causing more than a few people in the audience's jaws to drop.

“M-my god!” The DJ exclaimed. “How big...?”

“Thirty-four inches of cold-rolled steel, little man. With these muscles, I will crush all opposition. Go ahead and give 'em a squeeze and tell me how solid they are.” The DJ did so. His weak little hands cupped her huge peaks. He tried giving them a squeeze, but they were too hard to make a dent.

“Believe me when I say, ladies and gentlemen, these muscles aren't for show!” he reported. Suzy bent down and snatched the paltry little barbell from the floor.

"Ready, steady, go!" And with that, Suzy rapidly banged out twenty reps in half the time it took Mad Mike. Her enormous muscles worked beneath her tanned skin, but there was hardly a pump starting. Reps one through twenty were done in perfect form. She held the bar at the rest position, looking at Mad Mike with a wicked grin on her face.

"Oh, I don't know if I can do any more. This bar is awfully heavy!" Suzy mocked. Mad Mike's stare wavered. Suzy hammed it up, acting like her arms were trembling with strain, slowly lifting the bar. "Uh, oh! Uh, oh! Ah, psyche!" She laughed, tossing the weight up with ease. Just to drive the point home, she used the remaining time left to curl all one-hundred and fifty pounds with just one arm, first her left, then her right.

"Time!" The timekeeper announced. Suzy had managed to do more than double the amount of reps Mad Mike had and with considerably less effort. Suzy dropped the barbell with a loud thud, and stood with her hands on her hips, smirking at Mike. He didn't know what to do. If he challenged her again, he might stay in the contest a little longer, but if he did, she was sure to humiliate him further. If he walked away now, he might spare himself some embarrassment, but he'd be the first man down in a contest of thirty. Suzy amused herself watching the conflict on etched on his face.

“Well, that was certainly an amazing show of strength, ladies and gentlemen!” the DJ announced, coming around to interview the contestants. “Mad Mike, how does it feel to have an impressive score beaten with such ease?”

Mike glared at the DJ. “How the fuck do you think it feels?!”

“Easy, easy, I meant no disrespect,” the DJ said, spreading his hands in supplication. Mike seethed, but seemed more than content to grumble angrily to himself rather than get violent. “Ahem,” the DJ uttered, backing away from the volatile man to stick his mic back into Suzy's face. “Psycho, to curl one-hundred and fifty pounds with such ease! You must be really strong!”

“No. It was all special effects. I'm really as weak as a kitten. These muscles are really just balloons,” Suzy snarked. A few people from the crowd laughed a little. The previously unsure crowd was starting to warm up to Suzy.

“Um...” the DJ began.

“Listen, little man. You want strength? I'll show ya strength. Gimme something to lift. Let's do double,” she said, turning to the stage hands who started plating up another barbell. They slapped on three-hundred pounds of weight to an Olympic style bar. It took two of them to cart the bar over to where Suzy stood. They scurried out of the way to let her do her thing.

She picked up the heavy bar, holding it at rest for a beat to let it sink in to all who watched how strong she was. Most men couldn't curl as heavy as Mad Mike, let alone Suzy. The idea of three-hundred pound curls was just nuts! There was no way in hell she could curl three-hundred, no matter how strong she was! It was time to shut some mouths, Suzy decided, and started lifting. Gasps and cries of amazement reached her up on stage. Suzy smirked, looking down at her arms, watching them work. The funny thing was, this wasn't even Suzy's max. It was a nice weight. With enough reps, she would get her swell on.

Her biceps bulged and rippled with each rep, seemingly growing with each tireless rep she pumped. Fat veins rushed blood to her mastodonic muscle mass. She pursed her lips with effort and continued curling. Arms bigger than most men's thighs curled weight that most men out in the audience couldn't even bench-press. After twenty reps, Suzy's arms started to burn. Indeed, her guns had swelled with blood, making them even more impressive than before. After thirty reps, she decided that was enough, and set the bar down with a heavy thud, and exclamation mark of true strength. With a sexy grin of superiority, she flexed once more for the crowd, displaying her enormous pumped biceps. By now, the shock had subsided. The crowd cheered. They were eating out of the palm of her hand.

"Mike. I'm sorry, I forgot you were even there. You may go now," Suzy dismissed her defeated opponent with a shooing motion. Mad Mike was shaken from his stupor and was quietly escorted off the stage by the staff. She couldn't resist flexing her guns for the crowd some more, turning around to show them from behind, and also to intimidate the competitors yet to be vanquished. eliciting whistles and catcalls from some of the men in the audience. Picture flashes sparkled here and there, bathing her in wonderful light. She reveled in the crowd's worship. The DJ shook his head to clear the cobwebs and stuck his mic in Suzy's face.

“Amazing. Simply amazing! Wow!” he exclaimed.

“Oh that's nothin', little man. Wait'll you see me REALLY cut loose! Then you're gonna see some serious shit!” Suzy purred into the microphone before heading back over to where she and Valentina were told to stand to allow the contest to continue. Suzy was glowing. She saw that Valentina wasn't particularly impressed. The big red-haired Amazon had her arms crossed, and her sensual lips were pursed in annoyance.

"Subtle," Valentina commented drily. "You beat one rather weak man and you're acting like you've got this all sewn up already."

"I do. Besides, the crowd loves me," Suzy beamed, turning to the crowd once more to see her adoring fans who had yet to completely calm down.

"Twice the pride, double the fall," Valentina shot.

Suzy tsked. “Jealousy is unbecoming of you, Vally. One down, twenty-seven more to go."


Valentina was somewhat amazed at the crowd's reaction towards Suzy's tomfoolery. It appeared that they were infatuated with the big woman's dazzling show of strength. It gave Suzy more confidence, and that was the last thing Valentina needed right now. Suzy's arrogance is going to be the death of her one of these days, Valentina thought. The DJ was struggling to maintain order and to let the show continue, but the crowd wanted more Amazon strength and muscle.

The next event was squats, custom tailored for Valentina. She watched with interest as a name was drawn from the bingo cage. A large powerlifter was called to compete. He eschewed the fancy nicknames, going by his real name Magnus Magnusson. He was a big guy, Valentina had to admit, with a body that brimmed with strength beneath a layer of fat. Typical Nordic powerlifter type. The event was for him to squat five-hundred pounds at first, but he demanded the limit be raised by another two-hundred, much to the delight of the audience. It made no difference to Valentina. She knew she could beat whatever he posted with seven-hundred. It had been years since she blasted past that threshold. She could squat a full three-thousand for several reps for her max. Seven-hundred was child's play.
Magnus tied on his weight-belt and placed the bar under his broad shoulders. With a hiss, he squat down very slowly, getting red in the face. The bar wiggled and bounced with the weight. He managed to do three whole reps, sinking down low to the ground. Valentina was somewhat impressed. Not a whole lot of men could squat so much for that many reps, but Valentina was prepared to humiliate him. Magnus had his share of fans, as evidenced by the enthusiastic cheers from the audience. He straightened, and managed to re-rack the bar, before taking a moment to breathe. He smiled goofily and waved to the crowd.

"That's impressive!" the DJ said. “Magnus Magnusson, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Magnusson, seven-hundred pounds is a huge amount of weight. Do you think anyone can do better?"

“Absolutely not,” Magnus said in a halting Scandinavian accent. “Magnus Magnusson is Iceland's strongest man. I am working on passing the world's record on squats. Sooner rather than later, Magnus Magnusson with be the world's strongest man!”

“Hmm, big words from a big man. Is there anyone else that even could squat so much?” the DJ asked, seeming knowing what the crowd had been waiting patiently for.

"I can!" Valentina announced cheerfully, raising her hand and stepping forward. The crowd seemed to get riled up once more. They were going to see some more extreme strength. Magnus wasn't happy with that, swearing in Icelandic.

“You must be Vicious Valentina,” the DJ asked, holding the mic up to her.

“I am,” Valentina answered with a ravishing but demure smile. She did her best to be confident without arrogant like Suzy was.

“Seven-hundred pounds is a tall order. Are you sure about this, Vicious?” the DJ asked.

“I'm confident I can handle it. Magnus Magnusson is a strong man, without a doubt. I'm impressed with his squats, but I can do better.” Magnus eyed her suspiciously. She smiled at him in a way that she hoped was complimentary rather than taunting.

"Very well. Let us see what you can do, little girl," Magnus scoffed, standing aside to allow Valentina room to assume the position. Valentina couldn't help but be amused by the 'little girl' crack. She outmuscled Magnus by a considerable margin, and all of that was raw sinew. He was taller than she was, but her measurements were far bigger. Valentina accepted the bar onto her shoulders, and wiggled around a little to settle in.

"Wait. Are you not going to need a weight belt, little girl? Here take mine," Magnus said, unbuckling his belt to offer it to her.

"That's sweet of you, Magnus. But I won't need it. Watch," and with that, she squatted for five clean reps without a sweat. She could do way more, but she figured five was plenty. There was no use in taunting Magnus any further. He was a bit of a sexist, but he wasn't a total jerk. She effortlessly stood and re-racked the bar, taking in the reverence of the crowd. She smiled and flexed her legs from beneath her leggings. Her quads swelled with each flex, stretching her leggings. The definition of her quads showed through the thin fabric perfectly.

"What do you think, Magnus?" she asked, smiling at the massive powerlifter. He appraised her for a beat, before nodding.

"Hmm. Well done, little girl. Well done. But Magnus Magnusson is not finished yet. I challenge!" he announced to the judges. They allowed Magnus another shot to defend his chances to advance. He asked for more weight to be piled onto the bar, raising the stakes to nine-hundred and eighty pounds. The crowd was thoroughly impressed. Squatting nearly one-thousand was no small feat. Valentina stood to the side to allow Magnus room. He put on his belt once more, and assumed the position. He huffed and puffed before focusing on lifting the bar. With a strained grunt of effort, Magnus took the bar onto his shoulders and laboriously stepped forward to squat. He managed to do one rep with enormous effort.

The crowd went berserk. Magnus smiled goofily and waved once more to his growing number of fans. Valentina applauded along with them, easily impressed with the powerlifter. He was strong. Of that there was no doubt. Too bad she had to shame him.

"Hah! I dare you to do better, little girl!" Magnus laughed, gesturing for Valentina to challenge.

"Okay. Can I get an additional twenty put on the bar? Let's make it a thousand!" Valentina called. Magnus balked, as did the staff. They capitulated, warily watching Valentina's next move to see if she was bluffing.

"I doubt you can lift one thousand unassisted, little girl. I insist I spot you," Magnus said. She noted how Magnus didn't completely doubt her chances.

"Alright, Magnus," Valentina agreed. She shouldered the dangerously sagging bar and stepped forward. Magnus was behind her and curled his thick arms around her trim but powerful waist. "Don't get any ideas, Maggy," Valentina purred jokingly.

"I would not dream of it, little girl," he replied with equal humor. "Now squat!" Valentina easily pumped out five more reps at one-thousand, much to the delight of the crowd. With each rep, she could feel more and more of Magnus's impressive erection against her butt. She didn't fault him. It was accidental on his part. Magnus made no untoward moves other than simply spotting her reps.

Valentina re-racked the bar and allowed Magnus to raise her hand in victory. He apparently didn't notice or care that his wood was pitching a tent in his shorts. The crowd went nuts for Valentina's amazing strength and for Magnus's conciliatory nature. If she weren't already in a relationship, Valentina would've considered going home with Magnus at the end of the night. He wasn't such a bad guy, after all.

"Truly astounding! You wanted to see strength, ladies and gentlemen, you've got it! Two truly amazing feats of human achievement here right in front of your very eyes! Well, whadiya say, Magnus Magnusson? Do you wanna challenge Ms. Valentina once more?" The DJ asked, thrusting his microphone in Magnus's face.

"No. I know when I am beaten. Little Girl Valentina is truly strong. I am very impressed. She is most strong," Magnus said enthusiastically, smiling at her. He was smitten. It was kind of sweet, Valentina thought to herself, but Magnus was simply too late.

"Do you have anything to add, Vicious?" The emcee queried, placing the microphone in her face.

"Only that I'm far from finished. Would you like to see more?” Valentina teasingly asked the crowd as much as the DJ.

“M-more? You can squat more?” the DJ sputtered in disbelief. “I believe that one-thousand pounds unassisted is already impressive enough to be a world record, and you're telling me that you're even stronger than that?!”

“Of course, silly!” Valentina giggled with a wink. “How did you think I got so big?”

“Well what did you have in mind, Vicious?” the DJ asked timidly. Valentina thought for a moment, then she smiled.

Turning to Magnus, she asked “How much do you weigh?”

Magnus frowned in confusion. “About one-hundred and sixty-three kilos.” He did some mathematics in his head before clarifying, “About three-hundred and sixty pounds. Why?”

“Would you like to assist me once more, Magnus?” Valentina asked sweetly.

“What did you have in mind, Little Girl Valentina?” he asked.

“Just stand right there,” Valentina instructed. She went behind the confused Icelandic giant and crouched down. She then stuck her head between his legs and proceeded to lift him up onto her shoulders. The crowd went insane.

Heilagur skítur!” Magnus exclaimed. “What are you doing?!”

“Relax, Magnus. You said you'd help me, didn't you?” Valentina replied casually, as if totally unfettered by the Icelandic giant on her broad muscular shoulders.

“I did not have this in mind, little girl!” Magnus complained.

“I said, relax. This'll be easy to do. I'll put you down in a sec, sweetie,” Valentina said. She walked over to where the barbell rested on it's rack and backed into it once more. “Magnus, would you kindly lift your butt a bit?” she asked.

“No! You're not gonna--!” the DJ exclaimed.

“Little Girl, are you sure of this?” Magnus cried nervously. He squeezed her with his powerful legs.

“Just hang on. They want strength, I'll show the strength,” Valentina stated confidently.

“My god, ladies and gentlemen! We're going to witness Vicious Valentina squatting thirteen-hundred and sixty pounds! Good god!” the DJ exclaimed to the crowd.

Magnus sat up a bit at her bidding, allowing Valentina to scootch under the bar and hoist it off the rack. With the barbell sitting across her shoulders, and the bulky Icelandic on top of that, Valentina began to squat. Magnus cried out as she dipped down, holding on for dear life with his legs, gripping the bar for support to prevent from pitching forward. Even with the added weight, Valentina still found it effortless to squat. Magnus was being a good boy, not moving as much as possible, for his own safety if nothing else. Maybe he had a thing about heights. Regardless, he was just making it easier for her to show off. Her legs were blowing up. She could feel the fibers of her quads swelling with blood, expanding under her skin. Valentina's leggings strained to contain them.

The crowd was going nuts. This show of enormous strength was almost too much. They were cheering for her as much as they did for Suzy. Valentina loved the adulation. It was making her horny. Showing off made her tingle in her pants, her clit getting hard, and her pussy getting moist. Magnus's hard-on dug into her skull like he was pressing a magnum to her head. It wasn't helping matters. If Andy were here, she'd shrug Magnus off her shoulders and take her boyfriend into the back and fuck his brains out in a heart beat, but he wasn't. She'd have to press on.

Valentina squat twenty more times, dazzling the audience with her leg strength. On her last rep, she knelt down low so Magnus could get off. He hopped off, relieved that his piggy back ride was finally over. Magnus practically kissed the ground and vowed never to defy the laws of gravity again. Valentina stood with the bar resting comfortably on her massive shoulders before going over to the rack, and setting the bar back down.

The DJ was utterly flabbergasted. This superhuman display of strength left him speechless to the point where he tried to talk, but couldn't. Valentina stood next to him, sweating and breathing slightly more rapidly than normal. This hulk of a woman was at once utterly arousing and terrifying at the same time. A shaken Magnus Magnusson stood by as well.

At last the DJ found his voice. “...Wow!” he exclaimed.

“You liked it?” Valentina teased, giggling sweetly.

“I can't believe it. Still! I'm at a total loss for words,” the DJ said. “Thirteen-hundred and sixty pounds. Just like that!”

“Just like that,” Valentina replied.

“I-it was so... easy for you!” the DJ exclaimed.

“Well, it was, but I was trying to be careful as possible. I didn't want Magnus to fall, so I took it a bit slower than I could,” Valentina explained.

“Magnus, anything to add?” the DJ prodded.

“Only that Little Girl Valentina is very, very strong. I am humbled. Truly,” Magnus stated.

“Come now, Magnus,” Valentina said. “You're strong too. It's just that I'm stronger,” she teased with a playful wink.

“Indeed,” the DJ said. “I've noticed the development of you legs is truly astounding. You must be able to push much more weight than that.”

“Oh, I can, but I don't think there's enough weight here for me to truly cut loose,” Valentina alluded.

“Just out of curiosity, how much can you leg press?” the DJ asked.

“I don't know, but that's because I don't leg press very often. It's a cheater's exercise. If you want legs like mine, you squat,” Valentina answered.

“Well, what's your max squat?” the DJ asked. You've already set and broken a world record tonight, and then broken that world record once more.”

“I can squat well over ton,” Valentina answered casually, checking her nails as if it wasn't a big deal.

“A-a t-t-ton...?!” the DJ wheezed in disbelief.

“Well, more like a ton and a half. But who's counting?” Valentina clarified with a giggle. The DJ's eyes bulged out of his head.

“That's incredible. I wouldn't believe it if it were coming from anyone else, but after what I've seen you do, I know you can do it,” he said.

“Thanks,” Valentina said with a warm smile.

“Anything else to add, Vicious, before we move on?” the DJ asked.

“Yes. Magnus Magnusson was a very strong competitor, and I'm sorry to see him go, but that's the breaks. I intend to win, and if you think this was something, well, then, keep your eyes on the thighs!" Feeling saucy, Valentina pulled down her leggings to allow the crowd to see her enormously muscled legs in all their glory. She flexed her quads, causing the thick fibers of muscle to bunch up and swell beneath her ivory skin. The crowd ate it up.

"Her thighs alone are thicker than Yggdrasil! Guð minn!" Magnus exclaimed with bulging eyes. She invited him to touch, which he did with reverence. Magnus went down on his knees. His huge, rough hands rubbed the milky skin of her enormous quads, feeling the thick bunches of muscles swelling within. She flexed them, one after the other, causing her muscles to grow before the hollering crowd's very eyes. Her clit poked against the thin fabric of her g-string. She chewed her lip in arousal. She felt hot. Showing off her physique to a crowd of worshipful fans combined with Magnus' strong hands caressing her legs really lit her fire. Valentina turned around to give the crowd a view of her hamstrings and glutes. Her mighty calves were covered up by her boots still.

“Fjandinn...” Magnus whispered in awe. Valentina's butt was round and sexy, but it was clear that it was all muscle, just like the rest of her. Her hamstrings were thick cables of steel that bulged powerfully under her creamy skin. She flexed them, making her hamstrings twitch and bunch up magnificently in Magnus's hands. But that was enough for now. There would be time later to flex more muscle for the slavering masses.

Valentina hiked up her leggings and said her goodbyes to Magnus Magnusson. She stood up on her toes to kiss him on the cheek for being such a good sport. Magnus grinned goofily and once more raised Valentina's massive arm in victory. The giant Icelander waved to his fans before taking his leave from the stage to join the crowd of onlookers. Valentina took her spot next to Suzy once more. Suzy laughed.

"Jesus, why didn't you just fuck him right then and there?" Suzy teased.

"Because I love my boyfriend," Valentina retorted matter-of-factly. "Magnus is alright, but too little, too late."

“But you still let him put his hands all over you,” Suzy said.

“Let him touch. He was a good boy. He didn't do anything pervy, so what's the problem?”

"Did you see the size of his cock?" Suzy continued.

"I felt the size of his cock," Valentina riposted. "It's not like I did it on purpose, though. Magnus recognized a sexy woman when he saw one."

"And what would Skinny say?" Suzy said with a grin.

"If you tell him, you're dead, Suzy," Valentina warned.

Suzy chuckled. "Only saving it for ammunition when I need it, Freckles."


More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on August 27, 2014, 03:56:18 am
Once again, another awesome chapter, like I said, I was looking forward to this chapter to see these two amazons show how strong they were, to see them humiliate the opposite sex, and you damn sure didn't disappoint, Ninjastar! Wowzers! Both Suzy and Valentina put on awesome shows of their strength and sexiness, it was just a great read throughout, can't wait for more! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on September 01, 2014, 07:21:11 pm
A/N: Back from the dead. Thanks for sticking with me Jeremy. At least you're interested enough to respond. Here's an extra long chapter to make up for my time away. Let's turn up the heat a tad.

The next few events were boring, since Suzy and Valentina were told to wait until the next round to challenge to make it fair for the other contestants. It sucked, but what could they do? Suzy sensed the instantaneous relief washing over the competitors. Just a few displays of strength and these guys were quaking in their boots when it came to possibly competing against either Valentina or herself. She watched the men do all sorts of lifts, none of which impressed her. Suzy knew she could do more reps with more weight no matter the exercise. The crowd seemed bored too. They cheered appropriately whenever a competitor posted a respectable record, or whenever someone challenged and did even better. But it was clear they wanted to see some serious muscle like Suzy or Valentina had.

The entry round came and went. They were down to twenty competitors out of thirty-one, not counting themselves. The next event was the bench-press, which made Suzy lick her lips in anticipation. It was hers and she knew it. Suzy's pecs swelled with an anticipatory flex, nimbly jumping inside her leather halter.

"Aannnnnddd, for the next competitor... Psychoooo Suuuuzyyyy!" The DJ howled, making the crowd go bananas. Suzy had been surprised, having been shaken from her reverie. She had to wonder if her name had been the one truly drawn from the bingo cage, or if the judges had sensed the crowd's boredom and ordered the DJ to call her name. It was ultimately irrelevant, Suzy supposed. The crowd wanted her. They had been waiting for Suzy to compete again and she wasn't going to disappoint. She strut forward, blasting the crowd with a most muscular pose and a sexy growl. Her muscles erupted beneath her skin to display her enormous physical prowess. A see of lights from cameras and phones erupted from the crowd, capturing her flex for posterity. The DJ tottled over to her.

"Okay, Psycho, here's your chance to shine. We have an idea how strong you are, but we're gonna give you the opportunity to tell us how much you would like to bench!"

"Well, little man, how much weight ya got?" Suzy replied into the microphone.

"Haha! That's a loaded question! What would you say to four-hundred pounds?"

"No good. Too light," Suzy replied with a shake of her head. The DJ balked.

"T-too... Alright... Uh, five-hundred?" the DJ stammered. Suzy shook her head again, and gestured upwards with her thumb for more. "S-six?"

"Look, little man, just plate me up until I tell you to stop," Suzy said. The stage hands moved to grab some standard forty-fives until Suzy shook her head. “No, no. Not the standard ones. Use those big green fuckers there,” she said, pointing to the thick powerlifting plates that had not been used yet in the competition. The stage hands looked at each other in disbelief. Each of those plates were designed for powerlifting and weighed one-hundred ten pounds each! They struggled to load the bar, snapping on five plates to a side for a grand total of eleven-hundred pounds, not counting the bar. A respectable weight, but not much of a challenge to the Amazon who's max bench was over half-again that.

"Eh, that'll do, I guess," Suzy shrugged.

"Now, are you sure about this, Ms. Suzy?" the DJ asked. Suzy shot him a look.

"Bitch, please," she scoffed.

“B-but.. that's a world record!” the DJ sputtered. She ignored him and made here way over to the bench press and settled in.

“And how man records have already been broken today?” Suzy replied.

“Fair enough, I suppose,” the DJ said. "Would you like a spot?"

"And who's gonna spot me?” Suzy asked pointedly at the DJ, “You? Ha! Just watch and learn, little man. You ain't seen a record yet" she growled.

With a heave of effort, she took the bar off the rack and held it aloft to a chorus of gasps from all in attendance. They didn't know what Suzy was really capable of. This was just a taste of her power. The crowd was mostly silent, save for anticipatory mumbling and a few cries of support from Suzy's freaks out there.

"Hrng," Suzy uttered, rocking the bar down her thickly muscled chest. She let the bar touch her pecs before pressing it upwards again. Suzy never locked her arms, keeping the motion fluid and constant. She quickly banged out the reps with only minor effort. With each rep, the crowd grew more restive. Once she passed ten, they chanted for more, and once she breached twenty, they couldn't believe their eyes. She scowled, allowing Amazonian rage to fuel the strength necessary for five more reps. With a growl off effort, she racked the bar and sat up. Her pecs swelled against the tight leather of her halter, causing the zipper to strain. She pulled the zipper down lower to allow her chest meat to breath a little easier, and cupped her hands in front of her for a flex. Suzy grinned sexily as the crowd told her how they felt about her in no uncertain terms.

"Wow... Wow!" the DJ exclaimed, unable to formulate a thought beyond that.

"Beat that, I dare you," Suzy growled to the other contestants, intimidatingly flexing her huge sinews. Tellingly, no one stepped forward. Plenty of competitors settled impotent glares her way, but no one in attendance could come close to repping that much at that weight.

"That was amazing!" the DJ said. "I think we've just witnessed another kind of record, or something!"

"Oh, that's nowhere near my max," Suzy declared with a breathless laugh.

"You what?!" exclaimed the DJ "You can do more?!"

"Uh huh. Wanna see?" Suzy asked. The crowd answered for him. "You guys wanna see me do more?" Suzy snatched the mic from the stupefied man's hands and addressed the crowd. The chorus of cheers was their answer. "Well, alright then. What I gonna need from you bunch are two volunteers of equal weight." She scanned the crowd for suitable candidates. It was not an easy task, as many men crowded the front of the stage. She spotted two handsome young men about the same age, height, and weight and told them to come over. They could not get there fast enough. Suzy loomed intimidatingly over them. Neither man went higher than her chest, and she was easily three-times as muscular as either of them.

"Hmm, okay then,” Suzy uttered, appraising her volunteers. They were incredibly eager to help out it seemed, almost unable to believe their luck at being called. “How much you weigh, Pipsqueak?" Suzy asked one of them.

"About one-eighty," Pipsqueak declared.

"And you, Shrimp?"

"The same," said the other.

"Okay then, take off your clothes," Suzy commanded. Both men looked at each other. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

Hastily, they stripped, bumbling over their own shoe laces trying to get undressed. Shrimp was about to take off his boxers, whereas Pipsqueak had the propriety to keep his on.

"Hey, hey. Keep those on. Don't whip your lil' monster out, Shrimp. This ain't that kinda show," Suzy chided. “I doubt anyone could see it anyway.” Shrimp capitulated and embarrassingly hiked his underwear up to the ribald laughter of the crowd. "Alright then. What I want from you wimps is to climb aboard the Suzy Express. Get on the bar on either end and hold on tight."

Suzy tossed the mic back to the DJ, who fumbled to catch it and failed, and took her place back on the bench. Both men hopped onto the bar, adding an additional three-hundred and sixty pounds for a grand total of fourteen-sixty, fourteen-seventy five if you counted the bar. Both men squeezed their puny little legs together and held on to the plates as tightly as they could. They almost didn't know what to expect, unable to fathom just how deep the well of Suzy's might ran.

"Rrragh!" Suzy growled, lifting the bar off the rack with a jerk. Her volunteers yelped in surprise as their grips proved to be not as tight as they thought. The plates they sat upon rattled in protest. Suzy's muscles swelled beneath her tanned skin, bursting with power. Her veins surfaced, pumping blood into her sinews to allow them to press the massive weight up and down. This is a greater challenge, Suzy thought to herself. She had already won her place in the finals since no one dared to step forward to challenge. This was just a demonstration of how fucking strong Suzy really was. Suzy had maxed out at over sixteen-hundred, but this weight would do.

She felt so wonderfully powerful. Suzy was half tempted to rack the bar and claim these two men for her own right here on this stage. The crowd loved it almost as much as she did. They watched in stunned silence mixed with rabid cheers for her incredible muscle power. It was as it should be, with the peons worshiping a goddess like her.

"This weight ain't nothin'!" Suzy yawped, grinning savagely through the strain. "I can do this all fucking day!"

"She's so strong..." Pipsqueak muttered to himself, clearly in love. He watched her with interest, utterly lovestruck by her strength. Shrimp, though silent, couldn't tear his eyes off her massive chest. The swelling muscles therein grew rounder, thicker, fuller, with every rep. Suzy snarled and thrust the bar up and down, up and down, never stopping, never tiring. Both men launched into their own fantasies about Suzy. They wanted to worship her sweaty muscles, feeling the hardness and power of her body close up. She just might do that for them, she decided...

"So, whadiya think, boys?" Suzy growled, heaving the bar high into the air once more. “Am I fucking strong or what?”

"You're amazing, Suzy!" Pipsqueak shouted.

"What was that? Did you call me by my name and not my title?" She growled darkly, casting a stern glare at Pipsqueak.

"Uh, um... Mistress Suzy?" Pipsqueak offered meekly.

"Rgh, close enough. What about you, Shrimp? You're not saying anything. You're not impressed?" Suzy asked, casting her dark gaze on him.

"No, no Mistress Suzy. I'm very impressed... I'm just...y'know, scared!" he cried.

"Good..." She purred harshly, resetting the bar with a thud, jolting either man fiercely. "I like when little boys know their place." 

Suzy sat up and flexed once more. The audience frothed at the mouth with excitement. They just witnessed one of the strongest human beings on earth bang out twenty five reps of over half a short ton. Her muscles were swollen accordingly, jagged veins coursing beneath her sweaty tanned skin. Both men still sat on the bar until Suzy commanded them to attend her like obedient slaves. They learned quick, Suzy thought to herself. Suzy stood up to her full height, looming over the men like a goddess.

"Feel me," she cooed, offering her bulging biceps to either men. With solemn reverence, her boy toys rubbed and caressed the smooth skin encasing her enormous biceps. Shrimp took in upon himself to kiss the peak of her mountainous arm unbidden. Normally, such an act would be deserving of a punishment. Kissing an Amazon's bicep without permission was equal to squeezing a normal woman's boobs. He took a risk, but his lips graced her muscles with tender love and took care not to slobber all over her. Shrimp kissed her arm all over, spreading from her biceps to her triceps and forearms. She decided to allow the breach of etiquette pass. He was clearly in love with her. Suzy couldn't fault the little man, and his worship felt good. She cooed pleasurably and ordered her slaves to touch her pecs. They eagerly reached up and took a hold of her enormously muscled chest, delighting in the warm, sweaty mounds of muscle. Suzy flexed her pecs in their hands, rapidly filling their fingers with more muscle than they could ever hope for.

"Oh, Mistress Suzy..." Pipsqueak breathed. She could feel his throbbing erection through the leather of her pants and his boxers.  She picked him up and buried his face in her chest. As her muscles swelled bigger and bigger around his face, he was lost in ecstasy. Pipsqueak's lips met her pecs with the same ministrations that Shrimp had shown her arms. Suzy seized his hair, and jerked his head backwards. Pipsqueak's eyes went wide with the horrible realization that he might've offended her. Suzy stared at him for a minute, her gaze hard and unwavering. Pipsqueak's life flashed before his eyes. Suzy tried not to laugh at his terror, but it was a struggle. Instead, Suzy crushed her face against his, and laid a passionate kiss against his lips, moaning deeply and lustfully into his mouth. Her tongue battered its way in, conquering and slaughtering his tongue. She held him tightly against her enormously powerful body, denying him the ability to move away even if he had wanted to. He wasn't prepared for the onslaught the lustful Amazon placed on him and couldn't react. It was like a dream. This woman, no, this goddess kissing him passionately seemed so unreal.

Tiring of his timidness, Suzy unceremoniously dropped Pipsqueak on his ass and yanked Shrimp off his feet. An eager smile spread across his face as she held him like a child. He was more prepared when she engaged him in the same lip-lock, ramming her tongue down his throat. Shrimp cupped her face and really got into it. Though her kiss was as fast and aggressive as the one she gave to Pipsqueak, Shrimp gamely kissed back, curling his arms around her bullish next and fighting back with his tongue. Shrimp was a good kisser. Not the best she ever experienced, but good. She enjoyed herself, allowing Shrimp to think he was taking the lead. Of course, he did nothing without her permission. As a reward for his skill, Suzy drew his tongue into her mouth and suckled. Shrimp let out a soft moan, wordlessly devoting himself to her completely. His erection looked ready to burst. It would be a shame to let such a thing go to waste, Suzy thought, but she had a contest to win.

Suzy dumped Shrimp without warning and flexed her guns once more for the crowd, displaying her dominant Amazonian femininity. Her slaves looked up at her from the floor, awestruck by her sexual dominance and physical presence. She smiled in utter superiority down at them, ordering her slaves to hug her legs as she flexed they bound themselves to her, feeling her might through her warm leather. After a brief posing session, Shrimp and Pipsqueak were allowed to grab their clothes but were told to vamoose in short order. Suzy once more sidled up to Valentina, who could only laugh at her friend and lover's antics.

"You're unbelievable..." Valentina said.

“Whatever do you mean, Vally?” Suzy replied smugly, knowing fully well what her red-haired friend and lover meant.

“Those poor boys won't be able to live normal lives now. They're hooked,” Valentina said.

“Can you blame them?” Suzy grinned. “They've never been with a woman like me before, but they always really hoped. It's my duty, nay, sacred charge, to take their muscle virginity and bring them into the light.”

Valentina rolled her eyes, but smiled. “Well whatever you decided to do, remember, one more round, and it's go-time, sister.”

“I haven't forgotten, Freckles. I hope you have your A-game on, because I'm feeling in a conquering mood.”
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on September 01, 2014, 07:21:38 pm

A few more men were eliminated, and a few more advanced to the finals. Valentina waited in anticipatory glee for an event that she found interesting. She let the pushup contest pass. While it would have been fun showing off, it wasn't enough of a challenge for her. Her daily morning regimen (aside from an early morning quickie or two with her boyfriend) involved calisthenics and body weight exercises to get the blood going.  Valentina could display some truly dazzling athleticism belying her great size. Her morning workout routine typically tasked her with doing upwards of five-hundred push ups, broken up into different hand positions, aside from as many crunches, body weight squats, pull-ups, lunges, and other exercises. There would be no real challenge to beat these men.

They were tasked with doing one-hundred uninterrupted push-ups, an easy task. Three men were competing against each other, each looking to advance to the next round. One man eliminated himself when he collapsed at around seventy or so, and the two others fiercely bit through the burning to come out on top. The winner ended up doing about one-hundred and fifty or so, while the loser couldn't continue past one-hundred.

The next event sparked Valentina's interest. Steel bending. Several bars of different lengths and thicknesses were arrayed on a table for competitors to attempt to bend. Valentina wanted compete in this event. It was a wonderful display of legitimate strength, perfect for someone like her.

The bingo cage was rolled, the dwindling number of names inside fluttering around like butterflies seeking release. Valentina's blue eyes watched the cage revolve over and over again, willing her name to be on the top of the pile to be called. Her muscles swelled in anticipation, involuntarily flexing as if to demonstrate their own desire to exert themselves of their own accord. At last the cage came to a halt. The model reached inside and pulled out a name. Please, please, please, please... Valentina thought.

The DJ grinned. “Vicioooooooouuuuuusssss Vaaallllleeennntiiiinnnaaaa!”

The crowd went berserk. Valentina herself beamed in elation at being called. This was going to be fun. She eagerly skipped over to the staging area to take her place in the event, where she flexed her biceps to the crowd. Cameras flashed and her fans showered her with adulation. She waved and blew kisses to them, showing them an equal amount of love back. The DJ came over with his microphone in hand.

“Well, here we are again, Vish,” he said. “Ready to show these people what you're made of?”

“Hell yes!” Valentina grinned. “This is gonna be good.”

“We already know how strong you are. You and Psycho Suzy seem to be the stars of Mr. Tough Guy 2014, taking the contest by storm. If you remain unchallenged, you'll go on to the finals. Are you nervous?”

Valentina shot him an amused look. “Do I look nervous?”

“Of course not,” the DJ replied. “You're the very model of confidence, I must say. Have you ever bent steel before?”

“Not on purpose,” Valentina replied.

“What do you mean?” the DJ asked.

“Well, I mean it used to be tough to adjust to being so strong in normal everyday life. They don't build things with people like me in mind, you know,” Valentina replied. The DJ laughed.

“I can only imagine. What are some of the things you've broken accidentally?” he interviewed her.

“Well,” Valentina replied, counting off on her fingers, “I've pulled doors off the jambs before. I've crushed a TV remote and a computer mouse. I've broken numerous types of dishware. Oh, and I've gone through at least five different beds with my boyfriend.”

“Beds?” the DJ asked in confusion. “How did those break?”

Valentina grinned coyly. “I think I'll let you use your imagination on that one,” she said with a wink. The DJ frowned in confusion before picking up on the subtext. His eyes went wide and he tugged at his shirt collar.

“Ahem,” he uttered, unable to stop smiling. “Well, hopefully nobody was seriously injured.”

“Oh, no. I'm quite careful,” Valentina said with a sexy grin.

“Well, on that note,” the DJ said in embarrassment, “let's begin, shall we?”

“Do let's,” Valentina replied. She put on the gloves that were provided by the staff and seized her first bar. It was approximately seven inches long, and maybe 3/16ths of an inch thick and round. It had a nice heft to it. She tapped the bar against the stage to let the crowd know how solid it was. It rang out with a heavy metallic thud. Valentina rolled her neck and shoulders before grabbing the bar on either ends and flexing her fingers. With a moderate amount of effort, the steel bar curved under her unrelenting power. It bent into a perfect 'U' shape. The crowd cheered at how easy it seemed for her to bend. Valentina held the defeated bar aloft, showing them her handiwork.

“Good lord!” the DJ exclaimed.

“Here,” she said, hanging the bar around his neck. “A souvenir.”

“Wow, thanks. I could use a new necktie,” the DJ said, appraising his new necklace with awe. “Bending steel bars like they were nothing. I must say, today has been quite an experience for me, and I'm sure quite a few people out in the audience as well. To witness such super-human might it really quite amazing up close.”

“You call dat supa-human?” A husky voice came from the remaining competition. Valentina turned to see a bull of a man come forward. He was tall and broad shouldered with some of the largest hands Valentina had ever seen in her life. She had him beat in sheer muscle bulk, but he looked quite strong. “I can do dat, no problems.”

“I'm sorry, I didn't get your name?” the DJ asked, sticking the mic towards the man.

“Leo Hartwig,” the man said. “I been a professional strongman fer twenny years. I lifted, bent, straightened, crushed lotsa stuff ova da years. I'm not dat impressed, sweetheart,” Leo said, looking at Valentina with disdain.

“Is that a challenge?” she asked simply.

“O' course it is!” Leo replied indignantly. “Whaddiya think, I'm up here to tell ya my life story, er sumpin?”

“Alright, if you think you can do better, go right ahead, Leo,” Valentina said, standing aside and gesturing to the bars.

“Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Looks like we've got a challenge on our hands. Big round of applause for Leo Hartwig!” The crowd applauded with scattered politeness. Several people booed and hollered at Leo to get off the stage.

“Shaddap!” Leo shouted back, seizing a bar about the same length as the one Valentina had bent, but even thicker. He stretched his arms and neck before grasping either end and flexing. He went red faced and veins bulged in his forehead and neck, but the bar began to bend. With a spittle of exertion, Leo managed to force the piece of steel into a 'V' shape. He held it aloft for the crowd to see. More than a few people were impressed, Valentina included.

“Well done, Leo,” she commented, applauding politely.

“Yeah, it was. Child's play, girly. I dou'chu could do bettah,” Leo said.

“We'll see,” Valentina replied. She looked over the table and chose another bar slightly shorter than the one before, but with a hexagonal shape to it. It looked about 3/8” thick. Again, she tapped the bar to the floorboards to let the audience know how solid it was. This bar was even heavier than the last one. Valentina cleared her throat and her mind, focusing on the bar in it's entirety. The audience became a blur. The DJ, the staff, and Leo all muddied out of existence for her. She entered a Zen state where all her muscles worked in concert. Her fingers flexed around the bar, squeezing it with tremendous grip force, locking it in place. Her chest swelled, her arms thickened. A frown of exertion clouded her beautiful face. With a slight grunt, Valentina began bearing down on the bar with all her considerable strength. It began to bend, but it resisted her at every turn. C'mon... she thought, speaking to the hunk of metal. Bend.

More strength, more muscle. Giving it her all. Her frown turned into a rictus of rage. The bar bent ever more slightly. She reared her head back, looking down at the bar with wrathful blue eyes from on high. Valentina's bull neck swelled even thicker with muscle. The thin gold chain around it stretched around it, struggling to hold on. Her traps ballooned. She bit her lip, wincing at the feeling of trying to force steel to bend. With a feral war cry, Valentina forced her arms together, causing the bar to creak and bend in defeat. The crowd came back to her consciousness like a big wave crashing onto the beach, startling her momentarily before she remembered where she was and what she was doing. They cheered explosively, having witnessed Valentina's tremendous strength conquer a mighty steel bar nobody in the audience could ever dream of bending. She couldn't stop the smile from peeling her sensual lips back. The reaction was intoxicating.

“My god!” the DJ exclaimed excitedly. “Vicious Valentina is stronger than Superman!”

Valentina laughed breathlessly. “I don't know about all that.”

“Come now, don't be modest! That was utterly amazing. Who here could bend such a thick bar of steel with such ease?” the DJ continued.

“'Ease?'” Valentina chuckled incredulously. “That was far from easy, sweetie.”

“Bah, it'd be easy fo' me,” Leo grunted. “I ain't done yet. Gimme anuddah bah.” Leo snatched another, thicker bar from the table and began to work himself up to a fury in preparation to bend. “C'mon, fucka!” the growled and began working on bending the bar. His face grew red and he began to sweat profusely. Valentina didn't think he had what it took to bend the bar initially, but surely enough, it twitched in his grip and began to flex. Her eyes widened slightly as Leo proved her wrong and with tremendous effort turned the straight steel into an V. He nearly collapsed from the strain, but rallied and held the bar aloft for the crowd to see.

The crowd was beginning to be impressed by the strongman. This was what they came to see, a Clash of the Titans of sorts. Until then, these muscular woman had dominated the events they competed in utterly. This man was proving to be a real threat to the Amazons' hegemony.

Valentina clapped along with everyone else with some disconcertion. That last bar was tough. How much tougher would the next one be?

“Good gravy,” the DJ said quietly. He too was shocked at Leo Hartwig's immense strength.

“Yeah, hah?” Leo crowed, tossing the bar at Valentina. She caught it and tested the bend. It was solid. “I dare ya ta beat dat!”

“What do you say, Vish?” the DJ asked hopefully. “Can you top Leo's last bend?”

Valentina had some doubts, but she dispelled such thoughts, steeling her resolve. “Of course I can!” she announced. The DJ smiled slightly. He wasn't supposed to show favorites, but he liked Valentina. He couldn't quite figure out why. She was beautiful, but her huge muscles were intimidating. She, by rights, should have been a ball-busting bitch like her friend Suzy was, but Valentina was a sweet girl trapped in a monster's body.

“Alright then, Vicious Valentina is in the game still,” he announced to the crowd, prompting a wave of cheers. Valentina closed her eyes and basked in the adulation. She imagined their love for her fed her muscles like a super steroid. Piqued, she stepped forward and threw her arms into one hell of a most muscular pose. Valentina felt sexy. She felt strong. She could do this. She snarled fiercely as her muscles exploded from under her clothes. The crowd ate it up. A pop of fabric from behind told her that the skin-tight shirt had just torn from the force of her flex.

“Dammit,” she muttered to herself. “I liked this shirt.”

Rolling her neck, she turned to the table and seized and even thicker bar than before. It was slightly shorter still and had a square shape. This was going to be tough. It would be tough, but the crowd was with her. Until now, she had ignored Suzy, but a quick glance over at her friend and lover revealed a look of encouragement on her beautiful face. She knew Valentina could do this, even if Valentina herself had doubts. Suzy's love bolstered her even more than the few hundred people calling her name. Valentina kissed the air surreptitiously towards Suzy, prompting her to lick her lips concupiscently. Valentina grinned and flourished the bar with a twirl.

She handed the bar to the DJ so she could stretch. He made a show of trying to bend it, causing the audience to laugh. Feeling loose and limber with all the kinks worked out, Valentina took the hunk of metal back from the DJ, and began.

This was quite the hurdle. She was feeling so good about herself that she thought the bar would simply bend on its own. Not the case in the slightest. It was rigid despite the megatons of force she was putting on it to bend.

Come on! She thought, once more entering a Zen state. The bar is nothing. You are strong. You are the strongest there is. Steel is weak. Muscle is strong. You have the muscle to do this. Everyone believes in you. Suzy believes in you. Andy does too even if he isn't here. You must also. Believe in yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe. Believe.

“Believe,” Valentina intoned. Her face reddened. Her body swelled with nearly uncontainable power. Muscle bunched up in great heaps beneath her sweating, reddened skin, forcing her clothes to stretch even more than they had before.

“I believe,” Valentina growled softly, forcing more strength to bubble up from within. The bar wiggled but did not bend. She was getting mad. This bar mocked her! It had the audacity to resist her!

Do you not know who I am? She thought at the bar, admonishing its insolence. I am an Amazon! I conquer! I slay! Steel is meant to serve me, not the other way around! You are made to be worked to my will! You were made! You can be unmade! I will unmake you!

With a feral growl, deep and terrifying, Valentina poured it on the bar. Her Amazonian rage bubbled to the surface, replacing the sweet, loving red-haired girl with a fierce, bloodthirsty Virago. Her blue eyes went wide and manic, her large white teeth bared in anger, her face a mask of frenzy. She was not Valentina anymore. She was mighty Athena, Artemis, Hera, Aphrodite, all the pantheon, rolled into one. Her strength was fueled by her rage. She imagined this bar as an enemy.


On a battlefield in her subconcious, Valentina stood naked, muscular body awash in the blood of her enemies. Every obstacle in her way had been conquered. Every enemy laid low beneath her might. She stood triumphant atop a hill of bodies, every one of them cleaved into pieces by her axe. Her weapon was massive double-edged Amazonian labrys that was longer than a man, with an axe head broaded than a man's chest caked in gore and dripping in blood as well. Her red hair was loose and unfettered, blowing in the smoky wind of the battlefiend. Amazonian runes were painted on her physique, accentuating her curves and muscularity. Across the field of bodies, a single enemy remained. The Amazon's volcanic blue eyes narrowed, her vision as sharp as a hawk's. It was a man, but dark and monochrome. Featureless. It was like he was made of metal.

Valentina's muscles flexed as her avatar hoisted her labrys into the air with a fierce war cry that would have cowed any man into submission and charged. The metal man didn't move. She grew wrathful with every pounding step. She set upon him, leaping high into the air, throwing herself into a mammoth swing of her labrys that would've hewed a man made of flesh in twain like butter. The blade struck the metal man's head with a furious clatter, but he didn't budge or react. Her axe flashed and clanged against him again and again, but to no avail. She poured all her strength into her arms while she swung. The air parted with authority as the blade of her labrys whipped from all angles, seeking purchase, eager to bite flesh. An ordinary warrior would've exploded from the force of her swing, but the metal man turned away her axe every time. Her rage boiled from within, granting her more and more strength. She grew. Her muscles enlarged with every swing. Her bones lengthened and thickened. She was becoming a giantess. She was becoming a goddess.

Her axe clashed on the metal man again and again, chips of steel flying this way and that, both from her labrys and the metal man. Valentina chopped harder and harder. Pieces shaved off of him, but he didn't fall. Her axe blades shattered beneath the forces of her hits. She battered him with what was left of the haft until that too broke.

Growling like the rumble of thunder in the distance, the Amazonian goddess seized the metal man and tried to pick him up. It was as if he was rooted into the ground. With boulder-shattering effort, she pulled on the metal man again and again, trying to hold him aloft. She became fury itself. Slowly, felt the ground beneath the metal man give way. She pulled more. More. MORE! He struggled without moving, testing the endless limits of her strength without once physically moving. The Amazonian goddess held the metal man and lifted him into the sky to bring him to eye level. He was chipped and battle scarred, but otherwise as rigid as ever. She hated him. Hated him with a fury unrelenting. Any enemy that engaged her in battle was worthy of some measure of respect. As she slain them, she did so quickly and efficiently so not to cause needless suffering on their part. This metal man deserved to die painfully. She had the muscle to make it happen.

The Amazonian goddess seized him with both of her enormous hands and poured on all of her strength, all of her fury. He was bending. Flesh, divine flesh at that, would triumph over steel this day. Her weapon had not worked because she though to use metal against metal. Her bare hands would win the day, she realized now. More strength, more muscle, much more than she ever thought she possessed, worked the metal man into submission.

“BEND!” the Amazonian Goddess commanded. “BEND, DAMN YOU! YIELD TO ME!”

With a mighty yawp, she brought herself to the limit. The man didn't bend. He snapped.


Coming back to reality, Valentina realized that she was holding two thick pieces of steel in either hand. She blinked, disoriented from her reverie. The battlefield was gone. She was not a goddess, but as close to one as a mortal could achieve. Her blue eyes regained their focus. The red haze had lifted. Her rage had dissipated. She realized the crowd was silent.

Valentina looked at the pieces in her hands. The steel had resisted her to the point of snapping rather than bending. She felt breeze. She looked down to see that her clothes had ripped and frayed in several places. Creamy white skin glowed in the hot lights shining upon the stage. Her muscles had forced their way through the fabric of her shirt and leggings just by flexing! Her body felt pumped, like she had just completed an intensive ass-kicking workout. What was left of her shirt was wet. She has sweat buckets with the exertion of working on the bar.

The crowd was silent still, even after she had collected her thoughts. What had happened? Was she screaming at the bar as she tried to bend it? Did she really say 'yield to me'? Valentina's face flushed and even deeper shade of red out of morbid embarrassment. She looked over to where the DJ stood, still as a statue, white-knuckling his microphone. He still wore the first bar she bent as a boa. Valentina swallowed nervously and let out a self-conscious chuckle.

“Guess I don't know my own strength!” she said.

The crowd finally blinked collectively. As one, they erupted into a chorus of cheers, going berserk at her raw power. They witnessed a real live hulking out. Valentina literally became too big for her britches. She looked down once more to assess the damage. Her shirt now had a cleavage bearing window, showing slabs of pectoral muscle. Her delts had burst the sleeves. She felt that heaps of her back were exposed, as her shirt had simply exploded. Her leggings had rips along the sides of her quads, though she didn't have any real clue as to how that happened. Had she simply flexed so hard that they popped? Her boots were still intact, thank god and-- her necklace! Valentina reached up and felt for the thin gold chain and the barbell pendant. It was her favorite thing in the world. Andy had given it to her for their second anniversary. She cherished it immensely. Valentina always thought of him whenever she wore it. It became a talisman of sorts, a symbol of her love. Thankfully, her necklace held. The pendant stuck to her sweaty, reddened skin. Valentina breathed a sigh of relief.

“That...” the DJ sputtered, calling her attention back to the show. “That was unbelievable!”

“Thank you,” Valentina murmured, blushing deeply.

“I mean it! Utterly incredible! Your muscles! They just blew up! I thought you were going to pop!”

“So did I!” Valentina replied. “That was one helluva sturdy piece of metal.”

“I still can't believe it. That bar would've given the Incredible Hulk pause and you snapped it in two like it was dry kindling!” the DJ continued.

“Oh, believe you me. I nearly tore myself apart trying to get that piece of metal to bend,” Valentina said, picking at her ripped shirt. “See?”

“I could do dat!” Leo piped up peevishly at being ignored, shaken from his Blue Screen of Death. Valentina looked at him in annoyance. There was no way he could hope to top that last bend.

“Oh, right, I forgot. Leo has another go,” the DJ remarked turning to the strongman. “Sorry Leo. Ahem. Now, this last bar is for the marbles. Leo, you do this, you go to the finals. How does that feel?”

“Easy peasy! I ain't gonna let a girl, let alone a freak like 'er beat me!” he announced, grabbing a bar of equal thickness as last time from the table.
“Well, you heard it here, folks. Leo's gonna try to top Vicious Valentina's impressive last bend. Let's see if he can do it,” the DJ announced.

“'Lessee if 'e can do it!' HAH! Leo Hartwig knows 'e can! Watch dis! HURRNGH!” Leo grunted, trying to bend the thick square bar. He cursed, sputtered, spat, and screamed, but the bar didn't bend. Valentina smiled. Leo lacked the focus. He couldn't imagine himself bending the bar, and so, he couldn't. He went red like a tomato. Veins bulging in his temples, Leo tried with one last push to make it happen. Instead, his shoulders and chest rippled. He began screaming in pain and dropped the bar. His arms hung limp at his sides. Leo had dislocated both of his shoulders and torn both of his pecs trying to top Valentina. Leo's hubris placed her in the winner's circle.

The DJ called for the medical team on standby, and they escorted the strongman off the stage to give him the appropriate medical attention. Valentina flexed her sore arms in victory, wincing slightly, but letting the crowd's love heal her. She kissed her biceps, eliciting a maddened response from the crowd even further.

“Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen. The second round is over. With one last elimination, we have the final ten ascending to the final round to do battle one on one with each other,” the DJ announced. “Tell me, Vish, do you think you could bend that bar?” He pointed at the bar Leo failed to bend.

“Oh, no,” Valentina denied. “No way. That last one kicked my ass. I need to conserve my energy for the final round. Besides, I didn't bring any spare clothes.”

“I'm sure the many gentlemen in the crowd wouldn't mind,” the DJ said with a grin. Those gentlemen agreed with several catcalls and wolf whistles.

“Well, they're going to have to keep dreaming,” Valentina replied, admonishing the crowd good-naturedly. “I'm in a relationship.”

“Well, that's a pity,” the DJ said. “One last round of applause for Vicious Valentina!” the crowd erupted. “We're going to take a quick break, let our athletes breath for a moment before we move on and see who's really Mr., or should I say, Ms., Tough Guy-er, Girl 2014!”

Dismissed, Valentina made her way backstage once more, following the rest of the competitors and the staff. They were all offered water and towels to refresh themselves. Valentina gulped water greedily. It was so good. Suzy came over with a big grin on her face. Her friend and lover slow clapped at her performance.

“My, my. That was something, Vally. I'm impressed,” she said, clapping the red-haired Amazon on her bulging naked shoulder.

“One more such victory and I'll be undone,” Valentina replied, slumping against the wall.

“Tell me about it. I think you're going to be too tuckered out to face me at full capacity during the arm-wrestling contest,” Suzy grinned. “Looks like I'll be coming out on top. As I suspected.”

Valentina's eyes shot open and fixed on Suzy's black pools. “Don't put all your eggs on one basket, Suzy. I'm still alive. And that means I'll go down fighting. You may beat me, I may beat you. But it sure as hell isn't going to be easy.”

“I didn't say it was, sex-a-licious,” Suzy purred, curling her massive arms around Valentina's slim waist. Valentina looked at Suzy suspiciously. “What?” Suzy asked intimately. “You don't think I'm impressed?”

“I don't know what to think. What are you up to?” Valentina questioned her.

“Mmm, about six-four, three-seventy five,” Suzy purred with a sexy grin, leaning in closer to Valentina's lips.

“No,” Valentina said, pulling back.

“Yes,” Suzy whispered, slamming Valentina's body against the wall. Her mouth closed around Valentina's with a deep, passionate kiss. Valentina squeaked in protest and wiggled beneath Suzy's bulk, but it was useless. She had to conserve her strength. She was going to need it. Suzy was trying to distract her with the kiss. She was really trying to gauge how much Valentina had left in her tank which wasn't much and make her burn it up trying to fight. She wasn't going to give Suzy the satisfaction. She stopped resisting and kissed back. Suzy moaned pleasurably into Valentina's mouth, dropping her ulterior motives.

Suzy's sweet lips and tongue had a revitalizing effect on Valentina. Their tongues fenced, dueling mightily for dominance in each other's mouths. Needing air, the Amazons pulled apart, peeling their lips from one another. Suzy kissed and licked Valentina's neck, making her sigh wonderfully.

“But I'm all sweaty,” Valentina whispered in protest.

“Mmm,” Suzy purred, working her lips up Valentina's neck to her ear. “I know.”
Valentina decided to stop caring, and let Suzy do whatever she wanted. They had thirty minutes to get reacquainted with each other. That was enough time.
More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on September 01, 2014, 09:37:48 pm
Hot! HOT!!! HOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!! That was just an incredible read,  I mean both Suzy and Valentina put on shows that just boggled the mind and inflamed my senses! Suzy's seductive show of superior strength was stupendous! (say that quick 5 times, I dare you!) Valentina's display of bar destroying power was incredible! Is there nothing these two Amazon warriors cannot do? I hope not, I really look forward to more, especially the extended make-out/sex session that's sure to be in the next chapter between Suzy and Val! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: M7 on September 03, 2014, 10:23:46 am
I normally don't read stories about women with 30" biceps, etc., but I like the way you built up the main characters, their personality's and the interaction between them. It's an entertaining read.  K+
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on September 05, 2014, 09:36:04 pm
A/N: Glad I could be of service again, Jeremy. One way to put Valentina in the mood, Solarian, is to show her how hot you think she is. She's almost a nympho, but not quite. M7, thanks for giving me a shot. I get how unbelievable huge girls might ruin things for some people, but I want them to be literally larger than life. I try to keep their strength contained to within the realm of pseudo-reality. I figure, Valentina's about twice or three times as strong as the world's strongest man, and Suzy's a little stronger than that. I don't like it when strength is too unbelievable, such as being able to bench a Mack truck effortlessly. The girls are able to push themselves to achieve some truly astounding feats of strength, but they pay for it afterwards. They're still human, after all


Andy eased his SUV into the parking lot of McGrundy's. It was packed. He found it hard to believe such a turnout for an event at such a dive bar in the middle of nowhere, but the proof was self-evident. He had been home, flipping the channels on the TV when this very bar had been the focal point of all the local news networks. Apparently two local women were setting and breaking nearly all the world's strength records in one night. Andy knew immediately whom the news was speaking about.

He felt a bit guilty about intruding on a 'girls night out', but he wasn't planning on interfering on the festivities. He just wanted to watch the chaos unfold firsthand. A familiar black sports car was parked away from the building at an angle to discourage anyone from parking next to it and scratching up the paint job. The vanity plate “BIGSUZE” immediately gave the owner of such a vehicle away. Andy turned into the next space available and got out. He just hoped that it wasn't too late.

He had no doubt missed some of the show, but hopefully could catch the finale. The news program had been coy as to what exactly had gone on inside. Andy could only imagine. Two hulking Amazons putting several severely strong men to shame without any effort on their part. He only hoped Val and Suzy didn't mind his presence. He wasn't planning on hanging off of them, and in fact, decided it might be better overall if he didn't make his presence known right away, if at all. He was feeling worlds better than he had that morning. All that TLC from Valentina had brought him to at least 85%. He made a mental note to pay her back at a later date. She would be fussy and tell him that it was her pleasure to cater to her man, that he needn't trouble himself with her. Andy simply wasn't going to have any of that.  Valentina was more than just a girlfriend. She was his goddess. He worshiped the very ground she walked on. Anything he could do for her, he would. No questions asked, no hesitation.

But for now, he was keen to witness her enormous strength put to good use. He almost salivated at the thought.


Valentina stopped caring about the rivalry between her and Suzy. It was silly. Suzy's sweet lips and strong hands made her forget the world entirely. Her friend and lover crushed her sweaty, pumped body against hers, pinning her helplessly against the wall. Suzy's hot lust for Valentina made her completely weak in the knees. Suzy warm, smooth, tanned skin was delicious. Valentina enjoyed herself licking the sweat off her thick bull-neck and heaving, swollen pecs. The bigger woman shuddered orgiastically feeling Valentina's soft lips grace her sensitive skin. The hulking redhead lit her fire with such a rabid display of Amazonian strength in that bar bending competition. Suzy too forgot their rivalry, calling a ceasefire with another passionate kiss.

Valentina moaned erotically into Suzy's mouth. The big woman's lips parted to allow their tongues to interact and massage each other. Suzy pinned Valentina's wrists above her head, denying her the right to explore Suzy's muscle-packed body. She had no desire to fight Suzy at this point, both to conserve what little energy she had left, and to let the dominate Amazon have her way. Suzy's aggressiveness, her animal lust, inflamed Valentina's desire. She wanted to fuck in a bad way, regretting their limited amount of time to engage in this little apology between erstwhile amigas.

Suzy crushed her red-haired friend and lover against her and kissed her deeply. Valentina tasted so sweet and delicious, driving Suzy crazy. Her soft little moans and hard body were icing on the sexy cake. Valentina was swollen with power, a tremendous pump engorged her enormous muscles to the point of bursting. She was begging to be worshiped. She released Valentina's wrists to free up her own hands. The prospect of exploring Valentina's curves was too tantalizing to pass up. Witnessing the redhead come out of her clothes moistened Suzy's groin. Valentina's muscles swelled with power. Her thin little shirt couldn't contain her, bursting like a balloon with a simple flexing of her amazing muscles.

Those muscles, Suzy thought. Everything on Valentina was simply massive. Her sweaty skin flushed rosy, the powerful thews beneath looked like balloons. Valentina was hard. Suzy's strong hands slipped beneath Valentina's ripped shirt to feel her rippling belly. Valentina's abs were dense with absolutely no give. Her skin was hot to the touch, but very smooth and soft. Suzy bade her to slip the ruined shirt up and over her head, leaving Valentina bare chested. The lusty redhead winced at the motion, her body still singing from the last event. The sight of Valentina half-naked made Suzy's clit hard.

Suzy's dark eyes lit up at the sheer magnitude of Valentina's pecs and shoulders. The muscles that flexed and bulged beneath Valentina's reddened freckled flesh flowed with blood, looking ready to jump out of her skin. Suzy had never witnessed Valentina blow up so much from a pump before. Her delts were like bowling balls and her pecs were solid domes of muscle that jut forward with authority. Her arms were thick tree trunks knotted with dense, heavy muscle at rest, springing up into enormous mountain ranges of strength at full flex. Suzy couldn't keep her hands off of her friend and lover, cupping her chest with large hands, squeezing the hard muscles contained within. Valentina flexed her pecs, making them swell and thicken considerably. A twinge of pain crossed her beautiful features as she did so, her muscles still tender.

“This body...” Suzy breathed in excited lust. She leaned in, and set her lips upon Valentina's mighty pecs with aplomb. Valentina cooed in delight, reveling in Suzy's worship.


Andy approached the bar from across the lot. Several people congregated outside, smoking cigarettes and talking. The night air was cool and pleasant, probably a relief from all the claustrophobia inside the bar proper. He walked up to a group of people and engaged them.

“Excuse me,” he began. “I hate to disturb you, but is the contest over?”

“Hell no,” one man answered after blowing a plume of blue smoke out of his mouth. “In fact, it's just about to begin for real.”

“What do you mean?” Andy asked.

“I mean, there's these muscle chicks in there moppin' the floor with all the guys what signed up! Ain't never seen anything like that before in my life!”

“There was a fight??” Andy demanded in alarm. The man chuckled.

“Naw, nothin' like that. I heard tell there was a bit of a donnybrook in the back before the show started, but nothin' too serious,” the man said, taking a drag off his cigarette.

“Was anyone hurt?” Andy asked, starting to get worried. It had to be Suzy. Only she was dumb enough to pick fights with strangers. She just had to be the toughest one in the room. It wouldn't be like Valentina to act a fool.

“From what I heard, and this is only second hand, no. Some guy and the big'un dressed like a dominatrix scrapped a bit, but he was kicked out for some reason.”

“Suzy,” Andy said knowingly. He was relieved that it wasn't Valentina starting things, but not surprised and even a little disappointed that Suzy was throwing her weight around like usual.

“Yeah, that's 'er name,” the smoker nodded in acknowledgment before looking at Andy strangely. “You know 'er?”

“You can say that. We have a history together,” Andy said. 

“Hmm,” the man grunted. “Well, can't rightly say whether I'm jealous or glad I'm not you.”

“Yeah, I get that a lot. You mentioned some guy that Suzy fought was kicked out. Who was he?” Andy asked.

“Guy's name was Steiner. Real big mean motherfucker. He won the contest in '12, and the year before that. Tore his chest last year and got disqualified, but not before he sent some other dude to the hospital squaring off with him in the parking lot. He's got a real attitude problem, if you ask me. Just don't tell 'im I said that.”

“Why? Is he still around here?” Andy asked.

“Hell if I know,” the man shrugged. “But if I were you, I'd warn that Suzy chick to watch 'er back. No tellin' whether or not Steiner'll take being humiliated like she did to 'im sittin' down.”

“Great. Thanks for the info,” Andy said and walked inside the bar. Wonderful, he thought. He didn't doubt the fact that Suzy could hold her own in a fight, but he still felt the need to warn her first. He felt double the need because Valentina was involved. His girlfriend was an Amazon, capable of protecting herself from anybody dumb enough to try and tangle with her, but she was still his girlfriend. Call it stubborn male pride, but he still felt the need to try and protect her, regardless of whether she needed it or not. 


Valentina hissed, flexing her tired arms for Suzy. Her muscles felt like a low fire burned within. The pain was minor, but enough to make her wince with even subtle movement. The look on Suzy's gorgeous face and the feeling of her large, strong hands rubbing her massive peaks was utterly worth it. Suzy gasped reverently, murmuring in awe at the scope of Valentina's body. Had she tapped into some hidden reserve of power, able to overcome any challenge with overwhelming strength? Valentina had her doubts, partially worrying that she had burnt up her reserves bending that last bar. Suzy's massage felt simply amazing.

Valentina moaned softly while Suzy worked her solid muscles with her fingers. She dug deeply, rubbing the sore tissue in her shoulders and chest with tenderness. Valentina raised up on her toes, pulling Suzy into a heartfelt kiss once more. Suzy let out a muffled giggle that transformed into a deep, lustful moan. Their tongues sloppily battered each other, raw lust burning in their loins. Suzy was the first to peel away her lips, kissing a trail south, down Valentina's muscular neck, into her bulging chest. Valentina let out a lustful giggle, feeling Suzy suckle upon her erect nipple before leaning back up against the wall, eyes rolling back into her head out of sheer pleasure. Her best friend and lover nibbled gently on her nipple while tracing around the sensitive areola with her tongue. Valentina kissed Suzy's forehead and ran her fingers through her short, black hair. Suzy's soft lips met Valentina's massive pecs, eager retreading such familiar ground with as much enthusiasm as the first time she worshiped Valentina's chest many years ago. Giant slabs of pectoral meat swelled in Suzy's mouth and hands, bursting with power and tasting of her sweat.

The Amazons allowed their sexual lust for each other take over, disregarding the world around them entirely. Suzy's lips made their way back up Valentina's neck to her chin and up against her lips once more for a lustful kiss, while her hands made their way down south over her rippling belly and down to her hot groin. Through Valentina's clothes, Suzy could feel the power and sexual heat of her friend and lover's womanhood. Valentina's clit formed a hard nub against the thin fabric, prompting Suzy to begin teasing it.

Valentina hissed, sucking in air sharply at the sensation. Her clit was big and sensitive, easily stimulating her into the throes of orgasmic passion. Valentina's bright blue eyes were half-lidded in pleasure while Suzy rubbed her clit vigorously. Her beautiful face wincing in lovely agony, Valentina let out a soft, but long and low moan. Suzy smiled lecherously, slipping her hands into Valentina's leggings. Valentina's pussy was even hotter naked than it was through the fabric of her clothes. Her lips were wet and inviting, basted in her sweet sexual nectar. Her clit was like a thick bullet of flesh, hard and engorged with blood, contrasting with the velvety softness of her labia.

Valentina muffled a crying out into Suzy's massive shoulder, unable to resist her friend and lover's strong, practiced fingers masturbating her pussy without comment. She felt helpless in Suzy's hands. Suzy purred in Valentina's ear, kissing her mighty neck and traps softly, teasing the skin with her lips. Valentina bit her lip, trying to prevent more noises from escaping, but it was a struggle. It felt sooooo gooood...

“I know you wanna cum for me, babe...” Suzy purred, nibbling on Valentina's ear.

“I do...” Valentina breathed back. “Oh god I do...”

Suzy shut her up with another deep tongue kiss, allowing Valentina to scream as loud as she wanted to in her mouth. She squeaked loudly when Suzy's fingers went inside her. Valentina's pussy was tight and muscular like the rest of her. The steely walls of her vagina resisted Suzy's fingers at every turn. Suzy wondered how Skinny's cock ever fit inside... 


The place was dark and packed with people. There were lots of big, burly guys nursing their own wounded egos at the bar, downing beers and regaling people with stories of how they came 'this close' to winning. Taking a quick look around, he didn't see any exceptionally muscular women, either with red hair or clad in leather. Andy frowned and moved through the crowd.

“Hey!” he heard a voice and felt a hand on his shoulder. Andy turned around and saw what looked to be a bouncer challenging him. He was a big guy with a shaved head and lots of tattoos on his meaty arms.

“Yeah?” Andy replied.

“We're full up. All the seats have been taken,” the bouncer said. “You can stand in the back and watch, or buy something at the bar.”

“I'm not looking to steal any seats. I'm looking for Suzy and Valentina,” Andy stated.

The bounder laughed. “Yeah, you and every other guy in the bar, pal. You ain't getting back there.”

“Back where?”

“Backstage. The competitors are resting up for the arm-wrestling contest. But like I said, you ain't getting back there,” the bouncer said.

“I'm Valentina's boyfriend. I want to see her,” Andy replied.

“Uh huh. For all I know, you're some stalker looking to creep on them muscle girls,” the bouncer dismissed, crossing his arms in defiance.

“Hang on,” Andy said, reaching for his phone, fingering the touch screen for proof. He searched through his photo album for a non-nude picture of him and Valentina together, settling on a selfie taken with Valentina draping her thickly muscled arms around him and kissing him on the cheek. He turned the phone around to show the bouncer “See?”

“Uh huh. Looks 'shopped,” the bouncer replied, unimpressed with the picture.

“Photosh- How the fuck am I going to Photoshop a picture taken on my phone?!” Andy balked in outrage at this man's stubborn stupidity.

“'Dunno. But it looks fake. The lighting looks all wrong. You probably put your face on some other guy's head or something,” the bouncer said.

“Here's another, if you don't believe me,” Andy said thumbing through the gallery for another, this time another selfie taken at the beach. Andy sat on Valentina muscled lap while she embraced him in a hug, resting her chin on his shoulder and smiling beautifully for the camera. The bouncer squinted at the picture, but in the end, shook his head in disbelief.

“Fake,” he said simply.

“'Fake?!' How is that fake?” Andy practically shouted.

“It looks fake,” the bouncer shrugged. “In any case, I don't believe a wimp like you is doing a big muscle girl like her. She would need a real man to satisfy her. You're not getting backstage. Now, we gonna have a problem, or are you gonna calm down? If not I'll throw you outta here.”

“Fine, whatever,” Andy grumbled. There was no getting past this guy, apparently. He headed over to the bar and ordered a beer. A couple of guys next to him were staff members of the event taking a break before they were needed on stage again in a while. One of them had left his pass card laying on the bar while he was animatedly talking to one of his friends about something. Priding himself as a master thief, Andy swiped the card surreptitiously and moved to blend in with the crowd. The real trick was getting backstage...


“Oh, fuck!” Valentina shouted into Suzy's bulk. She was so close... Her cheeks burned like a horny schoolgirl's. Suzy was wasting no time teasing her. She was going to make her cum in record time, and Valentina loved her for it. She reared back to look Suzy in the eye. Her friend and lover leaned in, just out of kissing distance, allowing the heat of their breaths to mingle. She massaged her womanhood with skill, bringing her to the brink of sexual oblivion in short order. Suzy grinned devilishly, sticking her fingers deep inside Valentina's pussy with an audible 'shlick'. Valentina felt paralyzed with pleasure. Her toes curled within her boots. Her strong fingers pawed at Suzy's massive, rippling back. The warm milk poured out over Suzy's fingers in a deluge. Valentina squeezed her eyes shut and covered her mouth to prevent from screaming from a particularly powerful wave of pleasure.

“Kiss me...” Valentina ordered with an impassioned breath. Suzy did so, crushing her battered lips against Valentina's once more with feeling. Both Amazons moaned heatedly. Suzy's long tongue jammed its way down Valentina's throat, lapping at everything inside. Valentina's own tongue met hers and they began their elaborate mating dance. Valentina squeaked again, grabbing Suzy in a crushing bear-hug to prevent her from pulling away again. Suzy drew Valentina's tongue into her own mouth and suckled deeply upon it. Valentina began breathing heavier and heavier. She was ready to cum, oh so ready.

“Mmm,” Suzy uttered, remarking on the sweetness of Valentina's saliva as she kissed her again and again. Valentina felt her face burn bright red for her friend and lover. She pulled away from Suzy's lips with a loud pop and whimpered lustfully. Tears flushed from her blue eyes. These were tears of joy, not sadness, though Valentina supposed she would be sad once this was all over. She never wanted this moment to end.

“That's it,” Suzy cooed softly. “Cum for me.”

Valentina moaned loudly, throwing her head back and preparing to sing her Amazonian love song to the gods. She didn't care who heard her. Suzy stroked Valentina's pussy vigorously, seizing total control of her friend and lover's sex.

“I'm gonna... I'm gonna...!” Valentina cried impassionedly.

“Mmm,” Suzy purred. “Cum for me...”

Valentina felt like a lightning bolt from heaven struck her. She squeezed Suzy tightly, using nearly all of her strength in the squeeze. Suzy's bulging muscles acted as armor against Valentina's squeeze, preventing the thrashing redhead from doing any real damage, though Valentina's considerable strength still was fully capable of tossing her around. Valentina shut her eyes tightly, but her mouth hung open, frozen in a silent scream. Her orgasm paralyzed her, preventing her from doing or saying anything other than loud moans of pleasurable agony. She came for twenty seconds, arching her back involuntarily before collapsing against the wall in defeat.

Valentina's massive chest heaved up and down as she breathed in exhaustion. Suzy softly massaged Valentina's sensitive pussy some more before withdrawing her juicy fingers. Valentina's milk covered her fingers, making them glisten in the light. Valentina smiled dopily, head swimming from the powerful orgasm she experienced. Suzy moaned, drawing her fingers into her mouth, tasting Valentina's sweet milk. Valentina tasted so good. Her pussy juice was like ambrosia.

“I wanna taste,” Valentina cooed, pulling Suzy into a deep, sloppy kiss. She tasted of herself in Suzy's mouth, kissing her with reckless abandon. Suzy reached down the back of Valentina's leggings and squeezed her muscular butt with her large hands. Valentina moaned in approval and urged her friend and lover onwards. But it stopped. Valentina's eyes opened when Suzy's hands left her body and her lips popped away from her own.

“Oh, I get it,” Valentina said, smiling sexily. “It's your turn.”

“No, actually, it's been fun and all, but I've got a contest to win,” Suzy replied with a smirk.

“What are you talking about?” Valentina asked in confusion. Suzy merely laughed.

“In case you forgot, we're still competing,” Suzy clarified smugly.

“Is that what this is all about? Winning?” Valentina griped. She just didn't get Suzy sometimes.

“In this case, yes,” Suzy replied honestly.

“You're fucking insane!” Valentina shouted suddenly in exasperation, picking up her shirt before stretching the defeated garment over her mammoth physique. Suzy was somewhat stunned at the outburst.

“I'm insane?” Suzy blurted. “You're the one who signed her own death warrant wasting all your energy in that last round. That was impressive, don't you doubt me, but you're weak as a kitten now.” At Suzy's words, something came over Valentina, like a storm cloud rolling over her features. She looked like a totally different person all of a sudden, sort of like onstage.

“I'll show you 'weak,' bitch!” Valentina growled in a challenge, advancing towards Suzy with a dark look in her eye.

“Val?” Suzy sputtered, unable to fathom what had come over her best friend all of a sudden. Valentina seemed to recognize what she was doing and looked a little less angry. She frowned and turned to leave, pushing past Suzy's bulk with one mighty shoulder.

“Where are you going?” Suzy asked, watching Valentina depart.

“I need a fucking drink,” was her reply. Suzy could only watch dumbfounded as her red-haired friend and lover left.


Andy had procured a trucker hat from the coat check and left his hoodie behind. It wasn't much of a disguise, but with his new pass, as long as he made it past the bouncer, he had a chance of making it backstage. Nobody knew him, so it wasn't like he was going to be recognized. Of course, since nobody knew him, he clearly didn't work here.

He felt scummy putting on some hick's old hat, but swallowed down the feeling and adopted a posture befitting a yokel who might work here. Keeping he head down, he made it past the bouncer when he flashed the pass card. The bouncer didn't look to closely and waved him on through without much of a thought. A couple of guys were congregating on stage, preparing to move some of the equipment off. Andy joined them and seamlessly slipped into the crowd unnoticed. He helped load some of the stuff onto a dolly cart and moved it back stage.

Coming down the hallway at a rather quick pace was Valentina. She looked utterly massive, like she had grown since he had last seen her. Her clothes were ripped up, forced to burst from her enormous muscles. What had happened to make her come undone like that? She didn't look happy. Keeping the brim of his hat low, Andy allowed his unaware girlfriend to brush past him and head back out onto the stage.

Part of him wanted to go out to her, but the other part wanted to leave her alone. Valentina rarely got that angry in the first place. How would she react to see her boyfriend interloping on her night out with her girlfriend. Andy hated to admit it, but he was a little scared of her at that moment. She looked so massive and strong, but so dangerous and brooding. Valentina never gave him cause to be afraid of her before. What was going on?

The backstage area was a large concrete gym of sorts. All the weight equipment had been moved out on stage for the competition, and was in the process of being moved back to make room for the armwrestling tables. A handful of guys looked pensive and worried, as if they were anticipating the worst in the next event. He spotted Suzy with her back to him holding a length of steel bar in her hands, inspecting it for some reason. Was she looking to club somebody with it, Tonya Harding style? Was she the reason for Valentina's dark mood? He didn't know, but he aimed to find out.

Heading over toward the leather-clad Amazon, Andy deposited his dolly of weights and approached the giantess. She noticed movement from the side, but didn't react. He was just another peon to her.

“So, where do you want these?” he asked, acting like he was a stagehand.

“Do I look like I give a f--” Suzy replied, until she recognized his voice, doing a double take in his direction. “Skinny?”

“None other,” he said.

“What are you doing here?” Suzy asked incredulously.

“Wondering what you did to Valentina to make her so mad,” he said, looking at her expectantly. Suzy frowned and looked away, guiltily.

“I don't really know. I was talking smack like we've been doing all night to each other. Then all of a sudden, Vally looked like she wanted to hit me. It was really fucking bizarre,” Suzy mused.

“What did you say?” Andy pressed, perhaps a bit defensively. Suzy didn't sound like she was withholding any information, but she wouldn't look at him.

“Nothing I haven't been saying all night. We've been competing. At first it was us vs. them, y'know, thin the herd a bit, and then it would be us going up against each other in the final round, see who's queen shit around here,” Suzy explained. “We've been going back and forth all night, all in good fun, then all of a sudden, it's like a switch flipped in her pretty little red head. She became Bizarro Val.”

“What did you say?” Andy repeated, peevishly.

“Nothing! I swear!” Suzy cried.

“Suzy,” Andy demanded in an even tone. “I'm not going to ask again.”

“I called her weak, that's it!” Suzy declared. “It wasn't like I called her a two-dollar truck-stop slut, or anything! We've been boastin' about our strength all night, calling each other this and that. Nothin', no reaction out of the ordinary out of her, but all of a sudden, she's acting all pissy.”

Andy chewed it over. While no Amazon likes being called weak, Valentina would know that Suzy was joking. It was Suzy, for crissake. Why did she freak? There must be something Suzy wasn't admitting. She squeezed the metal bar in her hands, wringing it nervously. She still wouldn't really look at him. Suzy's jaw flexed under his stare. She cast a furtive glance his way.

“What?” she demanded.

“That can't be all,” Andy said.

“It is, I swear. I didn't say anything else. I just said she looked as weak as a kitten, especially after that last round.”

“What happened last round?” Andy questioned.

“It was a steel bending competition. She went up against some guy bending bars like these,” Suzy replied, handing Andy the thick bar in her hands. “You should've seen it. The first bar was no problem for her to do. She practically made a fuckin' pretzel out of it, but then some clown challenged her, and they had to outdo each other. He bent a thicker bar, then she did an even thicker one than that. Her last bar was one like that bar you're holdin'.”

“Fuckin' A,” Andy commented, examining the metal in his hands. It was a square bar, easily over and inch thick, and maybe six inches long. He knew Valentina was strong, but bending heavy steel like this? Holy shit!

“Fuckin' right, Skinny. Vally got all serious and went into that trance she goes into when she's lifting super-heavy. I swear, she started growin', man! Her muscles bulked up, rippin' her clothes all to hell. I ain't never seen her burst out of her clothes like that before! Oh, sure, a sleeve here and there, but most of her shirt? Nope.”

“I saw the damage,” Andy commented. “She's got a massive pump going.”

“You ain't lyin, Skinny,” Suzy agreed. “Anyway, like I was sayin' she's tryin' to bend that fucker, but it wouldn't go. So she starts shouting at it, lookin' super pissed. Her face got all red, she's scowlin' like a fuckin' animal, and then all of a sudden, ker-snap! The bar just tore in two.”

“Christ,” Andy reacted, stunned.

“Yeah. It was hot and scary at the same fuckin' time, Skinny,” Suzy replied. “It was like somethin' took over her. Like she became someone else.”

“Did she stay that way?” Andy asked.

“No, that's the weird thing. After the bar popped, she reverted back into her sweet ol' self again,” Suzy said. “She was all smilin' and jokin' with the DJ guy like she's been doin' all night. It wasn't until just now that change came over her again.”

“Spooky,” Andy said, unsure of what do make of Suzy's tale. “I'm gonna go talk to her.”

Andy handed the bar back to Suzy, turning to leave. “Wait, Skinny,” Suzy said, gently holding his shoulder.

“What is it?” he asked, looking up at Suzy.

“It's... uh...” Suzy began, fidgeting nervously. “Could, could you, uh...”

“...yeah?” Andy prodded the big woman.

“I don't... uh... really know how to, uh...” Suzy dragged out. Andy rolled his eyes.

“Spit it out, already,” he griped. Suzy glared at him crossly.

“Alright, fuckhead. Tell Vally that I'm...s-sorry,” Suzy practically whispered. She looked like a massively muscled little girl at that moment. He felt a pang of guilt snapping at Suzy like that. She wasn't good at apologizing either. He understood why she might not want to go do so in person right at this moment, because there was simply no telling how Valentina was going to react. Hell, there was no telling how she was going to react to him showing up out of the blue. He hated to think that Valentina would ever lash out at him. She simply wouldn't do that. But she wouldn't lash out at Suzy either. They had their share of arguments, but Valentina was the one who always tried to keep it civil, no matter how much of a royal jackass Suzy acted like at times.

“Alright, sure,” Andy said quietly. Suzy offered him a small, but genuine smile.

“Thanks, Skinny,” she murmured affectionately, leaning down to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek. He smiled back at her and turned to go find Valentina.
More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on September 06, 2014, 04:22:45 am
It's sort of weird, that before the contest started, Val and Suzy talked about how they contained their dark sides, how they try not to use their strength to hurt people, and it looks like somehow, Suzy is bringing Val's dark side to the surface, or something about the competition is. Also, it was cool seeing what Andy was up to while Val and Suzy are at the strength competition. But of course, gotta say, the session with Suzy and Val, making out and then going into trying to make each other cum as fiercely as possible, that was hot as hell, man! Great chapter, Ninjastar, I'll definitely be looking forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: phil123 on September 09, 2014, 04:43:09 am
another great edition! What will happen to Andy?
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on September 23, 2014, 11:17:40 pm
A/N: Egads. Sorry I was so late banging this one out, gents. Ran into a bit of a creative wall, so to speak, but I think I'm on track once more.

Good eye, Jeremy. I was hoping that someone would actually read that part, rather than just skimming through it to get to the sexy bits. Looks like my hopes came true. They say everybody's got some sort of psychosis. Even the most noble among us have dark sides. Solarian, you may be right, you may be wrong. All I can say is stay with me and find out. Welcome to the party, jnewton957. Thanks for giving this story a go and sorry for being so late with this chapter. All questions will be answered in due time, I hope. Unless I forget. In which case feel free to tell me what a lousy writer I am.

Suzy held the steel bar in both of her strong hands, contemplating just how in the hell Valentina had managed to bend it. It was solid to the point of ridiculousness. The thick, square bar had proven resilient to her half-hearted attempts and getting it to bend. Suzy hesitated applying all of her might to it for fear of putting undue strain on her body before the final round. Valentina had looked completely wiped out after bending her bar, and after feeling what the redhead had gone up against, Suzy sympathized entirely. It was amazing that her erstwhile friend and lover had managed to summon up enough strength to even make the thing bend even a little.

She tried to tell herself that it was far from impossible to bend the steel, but something niggled at the back of Suzy's mind. The steel bar was more resilient than she originally thought. Was she lying to herself? Was it really impossible for her to bend.

“Fuck it,” Suzy muttered to herself. “Only one way to find out.”

Grasping either end tightly, Suzy applied more muscle power onto the bar, trying to get it to respond to her might, but the bar held. I'm stronger than this, Suzy thought to herself, getting mad at the piece of metal's unwillingness to even buckle a little. Suzy gave up momentarily to re-evaluate the situation. Checking the bar again and again, Suzy could see no weaknesses in the metal. There were no chips or cracks. The bar was a smooth, solid piece of steel, identical to the one Valentina had snapped.

How in the blue hell did she manage that little number? Suzy wondered. How did she even make the bar flex? It was impossible, as far as Suzy was concerned. She obviously had a faulty bar, one with some flaw or imperfection that Valentina had snapped in half because it wasn't solid like the one Suzy had held. That must be it.
Her own pride had forced Suzy to attempt another go at bending the bar, but that time too was unsuccessful. Then again, and again. She was getting tired. Her hands hurt from the metal digging in as she squeezed down on it. Not even a little budge. This rod was impossible.

But how did she do it?? Suzy's mind raced. She didn't want to accuse Valentina of trickery. She couldn't have arranged for anything untoward. The judges could've fed her a shitty bar in order to ramp up anticipation for the main event. Would they stoop that low? Suzy and Valentina had stolen the show. Their performances outpaced any of the other competitors by miles. They put more asses in seats than the promoters had arranged for, in addition to media coverage, if Skinny was to be believed. Anything for a few extra dollars, Suzy frowned darkly.

That was it. They set her up to look foolish. Make Valentina look to be the stronger. They knew Suzy was the one who was going to win. They handpicked the redhead for the last competition, fed her weakened bars to make it look easier for her, just to psyche Suzy out. That was the only logical conclusion. There was no denying Valentina's strength, but Suzy couldn't believe that she had snapped that bar on her own. Not when her own attempts had made no progress. There was no fucking way Valentina was stronger than Suzy. No fucking way. Those bastards would regret trying to make Suzy look stupid.

Fucking clever, Suzy thought in dark admiration. But not clever enough, not by half. They want Valentina to be the golden goose? Suzy was going to pluck her feathers and serve her on a silver platter just to watch them squirm. Valentina was going down.


Valentina made her way out into the bar area from the stage. Her lip curled at the thick crowds, wishing they weren't here. They would only blacken her mood. She wanted to be alone more than anything. Suzy. She didn't know what was coming. She didn't know what she had awoken. It was almost go-time, and Suzy's big fat mouth was about to be shut now and forever. Weak? How dare she call Valentina weak?! If anything, Valentina was holding back! Always so careful, never wanting to hurt someone, even only a little. Part of her, a small part, admittedly, wished someone would try to push her buttons. They would regret angering her even further.

The giant redhead knifed through he crowds. People stared. That was okay. Let them stare. I'm built this way for a reason, she thought. To be admired,  maybe even feared. What's so wrong with that? If people are afraid of you, they won't try to mess with you. I've been doing it all wrong all along. Always so nice, so easy-going. Everyone perceives you as weak when you're too nice. Maybe it's time for that to change.

She sat at the bar, not speaking to anyone. She had made it abundantly clear that she wasn't in the mood to be approached by her fans, glaring at a few that tried to approach. Having seen how strong she was, nobody wanted to push their luck making her even more upset. Valentina normally didn't like being so mean to people, especially people who only wanted to meet her face-to-face and express how much they liked her, but right now, she just couldn't deal. She wanted to punch someone. Especially Suzy. At least Suzy could take it. Everyone else would fall to pieces if she tried. She demanded a vodka with cranberry, musing on the stereotype of a Russian drinking vodka with a dollop of dark humor. What was she doing? Drowning her sorrows? What sorrows? The tang of the cranberry made the burn of the alcohol seem less offensive. Valentina didn't even like vodka, or drinking much at all, but she figured 'when in Rome.'

After a few sips, and some time to think, Valentina felt more tired than angry, like all that piss and vinegar had just suddenly poofed out of existence. What had happened back there? she thought to herself with an introspective frown. Why had she gotten so mad all of a sudden? It wasn't like her at all, and that hurt more than anything. Suzy's face stuck in Valentina's mind. She had a look of pained shock at Valentina's unbelievable behavior. Suzy was just playing around, as was her wont, but for some reason, it just set Valentina off. Something about her nearly incessant teasing all night, although in good fun, made Valentina feel angry. Something about being called weak caused a fire be ignited in her belly.

But it shouldn't, she thought to herself. I know Suzy. She's a trash-talker. I engage in it myself from time to time, even if I'm not very good at it. Suzy is the grand-master of the art of the shit-talk.

Valentina palmed her face and leaned her elbow on the bar. She felt so strange. Her body throbbed from the strain of the last competition, but when in Suzy's capable hands, she felt much better. Now, alone, she felt worse than before. Should she quit the contest? It obviously was the root of her problems. She never should've agreed to go out. Andy needed her, and here she was, gallivanting around like an idiot.

Whose fault is it? Valentina wondered. Mine, or Suzy's? I can't blame Suzy. She just wanted to hang out and have some fun. It sounded like a good idea at the time, but if this is what happens, then maybe we shouldn't have gone out at all. She took it too far though. This was supposed to be friendly, but she ended up making this about who's the best, like always. God, she's so fucking frustrating to be around sometimes. Still, maybe I shouldn't have come at her like that. She was just being herself. But it still pisses me off.

“Is this seat taken?” a male voice came from her side, derailing her thought train. Valentina groaned inwardly and turned to tell off whoever sat next to her unbidden. Her eyes bulged when she saw that it was Andy. She blinked repeatedly, as if he would vanish as quickly as he seemed to appear out of nowhere. Andy's presence was real. He smiled tentatively at her, as if he wasn't sure how she would react to seeing him.

“Hi,” he said softly. She couldn't make her mouth work at first, sputtering out fragments of words amounting to “What are you doing here?” She instantly regretted the phrasing, making it seem like she wasn't happy to see him. He lost his smile and became concerned.

“Is everything alright, Val?” Andy asked with quiet concern. He seemed rather timid, as if he were walking on eggshells around her. She instantly knew why. He had talked to Suzy. He thinking something was wrong with her and he was trying to get to root of the problem, to be the mediator between to two friends. Suzy probably didn't have anything to do with it other than asking that Andy report back what was said to her. Maybe Valentina should tell him to tell Suzy to go fu-- No. She didn't know why Andy had come, but he was here now, and that was a good thing. He was hers. She was glad to see him, truthfully.

“Of course. Nothing's wrong, sweetie,” Valentina replied, forcing a smile even though she didn't feel like smiling. Andy, of course, noticed right away. He hadn't made any moves towards her yet. No hugs, no kisses. Nothing. Was something wrong? No doubt Suzy had made up some bullshit story about how Valentina was down and depressed or something. Anything to shift the blame away from herself, Valentina noted with some derision. Still, she wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Valentina was truly glad he was here, even if her surprise deadened her reactions. She wanted to hug him, hold him, let him see that she was still his girlfriend. But there was something holding him back. Was it fear? Of her? Valentina didn't know. Instead, the two sat there in awkward silence.

“Do you mind that I'm here?” Andy asked at last, scanning her face for hidden tells. “I don't want to intrude or anything.”

“You're not,” Valentina said with somewhat forced warmth. “Are you feeling alright?” Valentina quickly changed the subject, leaning in to press her lips against his forehead. He was a little warm, but not feverish than he was earlier. Maybe another day or two he's be fully recovered and he would appreciate her big impressive win for later..

“Are you?” he asked, looking her in the eye. His unwavering gaze made her squirm. The question stung like a slap to the cheek. Valentina looked down at her barely touched drink, watching the ice swirl around in the red liquid. What could she say? 'Yes?' That would be a lie and he would know it. Andy was a borderline empath when it came to her lies. She didn't lie often because she was so bad at it. Should she say 'no?' What did that even mean? Valentina herself didn't know.

“I'm fine,” Valentina ventured, uncertainly. She didn't look at him for a reaction because she knew he wouldn't buy it.

“What's going on between you two?” Andy pressed. She frowned but didn't answer immediately. He waited patiently for her to speak, but she didn't. “Val, c'mon. Speak to me.”

“I'm telling you, nothing is wrong. Just a bit of a disagreement is all,” she continued, taking a long swig of her drink, involuntarily grimacing at the undercurrent of the alcohol beneath the cranberry flavor.

“You know I don't buy that,” Andy stated quietly.

“I don't care if you don't buy it. It's the truth,” Valentina snapped. “Tell Suzy to stop being such a wimp and stop being afraid of losing.”

“Is that what this is about? It sounded to me like you two were on the verge of coming to blows back there,” Andy commented, tactfully omitting the patently obvious in that it was only Valentina looking to start swinging.

“Maybe we shoulda,” Valentina scowled. “Woulda served her right.”

“You don't really believe that, do you, Val?” Andy asked, keeping his voice even, but pleading with his eyes.

“What do you care?” she asked, voice taking an acidic tone.

“I care that my girlfriend and my not quite girlfriend are fighting, as would any guy in my situation, I would think,” Andy said, somewhat peevishly. “If it concerns the both of you, it concerns me as well.”

“But there's nothing to be concerned about!” Valentina almost shouted, turning to face him. She glared at him. Andy did his best to remain resolute, but he was starting to get nervous. She could see that, and she hated herself for it. She tried to back down, but he engaged her.

“Clearly there is,” Andy replied in a quiet voice. He looked pleadingly at her, his eyes forcing her to look away. She was frustrated, but she didn't know at whom. Suzy? Andy? Herself?
“What do you know?” Valentina muttered, more to herself than to Andy.

“I know that I love you. That may not mean much to you anymore, but I do,” Andy replied in a pained whisper.

Valentina turned to face him, eyes wide in shock. Tears rolled down his cheeks. “How can you say that?!” she gasped.

“I don't know what happened to you, but I can't bear to see it. You're breaking my heart,” Andy countered.

“What?” Valentina gasped, shocked at the suggestion. She wanted to hold him but her turned away.

“I want to help you, but you're acting like I'm a burden to you. Maybe I am. But I can't stand seeing you this way. Why won't you talk to me?” Andy demanded pleadingly.

“I--” Valentina didn't know what to say. Instead, she turned away and focused back on her drink. She didn't know why she thought that would end the conversation. Andy was still there, looking at her, silently pleading with her to act, to say anything, but she didn't. Andy began crying silently. Spiderweb cracks appeared on the glass she held, her fingers involuntarily squeezing down. He was right, this wasn't like her. She felt so sick. This was like a bad dream, only it was real.

“I'm just trying to make things better, to help repair the rift between you two, but it looks like I've just made things worse. I'll... I'll just go before I screw things up even worse.”

“No, don't--” Valentina started, unsure of what she could say. Instead she placed a hand on Andy's shoulder and bade him to turn towards her. He looked so sad. It made her feel like a knife had just plunged into her heart seeing him this way. “Oh, sweetie,” Valentina murmured contritely, pulling him into a much needed hug. Much needed for the both of them. He felt so vulnerable in her arms, like a little rabbit. His shoulders racked with silent sobs. She held him, letting him cry into her chest.

“I'm sorry!” Andy pleaded, choking on his own tears. “I didn't mean to make things worse!”

“No, you didn't sweetie, honest,” Valentina whispered soothingly. “It's my fault. I'm the one acting like a bitch. You're right. I'm not like this. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have gotten so mad earlier, and I shouldn't take it out on you. You're my sweet little man. Everything you do makes me happy, even when I don't deserve it. Like now. I don't deserve you. I really don't. You're always there for me. I love you, sweetie, with all my heart.”

Andy squeezed her tightly, prompting her to kiss him on the top of his head. His body was so warm yet so frail against hers. She loved holding him, almost like she was protecting him. One of the things and Amazon should do is protect those they love, even if it's from themselves apparently. The idea that Valentina ever could make him so sad made her tear up.

“I'm the one who's sorry, sweetie,” Valentina whispered painfully into his ear. “Please believe me. I would rather die than see you hurt.”

Andy looked up at her with teary eyes. Valentina saw the infinite love and concern in his eyes amidst the pain that she caused and wanted to die. She wanted to hug him forever, but she felt so helpless. But it was Andy who sprang first. He leaned upwards and kissed her on the lips, a wordless acceptance of her apology. Valentina let the kiss linger, reveling in the warmth of his kiss and the taste of his lips.

“I'm so sorry!” Valentina sobbed, plaintively begging forgiveness. She had vowed to never make those she loved feel threatened by her. She had failed, miserably.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” Andy murmured softly.

“Yes I do! I didn't mean to scare you, I swear! Please don't be afraid of me! Please!” Valentina whispered pleadingly.

“I'm not, Val. I love you,” Andy said, reassuringly. “I swear. I love you with all my heart. Believe that. I would rather die than live without you.”

“I love you so much,” Valentina sobbed. “I love Suzy. I never should've threatened her. I'm so stupid!”

“No, Val. You're not stupid,” Andy said.

“No, I am! I don't deserve either of you!” Valentina cried.

“Don't say that. We love you too, the both of us. Suzy wants to apologize for what she said,” Andy said, gently stroking her soft red hair. How she wished she could stay like this forever. Andy's surprise presence was a gift from God. She squeezed him passionately, but gently, loving how invigorating he felt. Andy held her and let her cry. He didn't care about anything else at that moment, only her.

“I don't know if I deserve her apology,” Valentina lamented, her sobs quietly subsiding.

“Enough with this 'deserve' nonsense, Val. You deserve everything and more. You're wonderful. I know that. Suzy knows that. She wants to tell you so face to face,” Andy said. Valentina looked up at him. His eyes sparkled with sincerity. He looked so handsome, and she was sure she looked so ugly.

“I love you,” Valentina swore solemnly. She felt the urge to cry again, but from joyous love, rather than self-hatred.

“And I love you,” Andy replied. As one, they kissed, meeting their lips together as a unit. Valentina savored his taste and his practiced tongue dancing with hers. She cuddled his slight form, scooping him up into her lap. He so light. Her enormous muscles had no problem embracing his slim, athletic body. Andy felt warm and lovable, making her feel like the luckiest girl in the world. She wished that everyone else in the bar would just disappear, leaving just Andy and herself, beholden to no one else but each other. Well, maybe not everyone. She slowly peeled her lips away from his, pressing her forehead against his for a beat, looking into his loving eyes. She felt good just holding him. It became clear to her what to do next.

The pity party was over, Valentina decided. It was time to set things right.


Suzy pushed her bulk up for the hundredth time, pumping her arms up, getting them nice and strong for the final showdown. She'd show them all. She'd show Valentina. Suzy was it. Suzy was the strongest. Suzy was the winner. Suzy always won. Anybody who thought differently was in for a rude awakening. 

She wanted to crush someone. Suzy wished that somebody would start something with her. Anyone. It didn't matter who. Just one wrong word, one sudden move, and blammo! She'd re-arrange their face with extreme prejudice.

Skinny. Where the fuck was Skinny? He was supposed to be getting Valentina to come back and apologize. Naturally, those two didn't see the urgency in coming back to her anytime soon. They were probably in the bathroom or something, fucking like always, never stopping to think about her or how she felt. Valentina didn't care. She loved to flaunt Skinny around in front of her, taunting her with all the gifts and nice things he does for Valentina. So what? Suzy growled, rolling onto her back to bang out some crunches. Suzy could get any man or woman that she wanted. Hell, she had two men lined up that she could take home tonight and have some fun with! She didn't need Valentina or Skinny. To hell with them.

So typical, Suzy thought. They were probably laughing at her. Valentina telling Skinny all about the trick she pulled with the bar, trying to fool Suzy into second-guessing herself to get inside her head. She had rethought her position. Valentina had to be in on it. She was chummy with the DJ and that Magnus guy. No doubt she had slipped them a note or something to get them to go along with things. Anything to make Suzy look dumb. That was Valentina's plan because she knew in a straight fight, she couldn't handle Suzy's awesome power. Nobody could. It was a blessing and a curse to be so strong.

Suzy felt amazing. Her muscles swelled with might, bursting at the seams to contain her unstoppable strength. Her leathers were tighter than before. One false move and she'd be showing even more skin than she already was. She felt the song of battle in her ears once more. Valentina would go home a loser, and Suzy would conquer her, leaving her broken and humbled, trembling before the overwhelming force of her muscles.

Suzy hopped up to her feet, feeling a crackling of energy infusing her body. A large mirror covered one of the walls, presumably so these cheese-dick males could admire their puny muscles. Well, Suzy wasn't going to let such a thing go to waste. She flexed her enormous pipes, loving the mountainous swell of her peaks. She had peaks on peaks. Her forearms and triceps swelled with muscle as well. Massive lats spread like the wings of the Devil himself. Giant pecs forced her halter to grow taut against her torso, threatening to burst with one deep breath. Suzy was a giantess, able to crush even the strongest man with contemptuous ease, let alone a puny weakling like Valentina. Speaking of the red-haired devil herself, Valentina appeared from the back hallway, looking around for Suzy. She saw her posing in the mirror and headed over to her. Suzy pretended to pay Valentina no mind, instead, concentrating on the massive most muscular pose she hit in the mirror.

“So, this is what you've been doing?” Valentina commented incredulously.

“You took your sweet-ass time, Carrot-top. Skinny said he would be right back, but apparently you two decided to play kissy-face instead. What else was I supposed to do?” Suzy snapped back, pulling into a side-chest pose directed at her. Valentina didn't quite know what to say, making Suzy smile savagely.

“Oh, I don't know, sit in the corner quietly, waiting?” Valentina shot back after a beat.

“I wait for nobody,” Suzy said, flexing her triceps for her. “They wait for me.”

“O-kay. So Andy and I talked and--”

“So?” Suzy replied, cutting her off. Valentina blinked in surprise. She looked at Suzy like she was crazy.

“Whaddiya mean, 'so'?” she asked with narrowed eyes. “You wanted to apologize, according to him.”

“What for?” Suzy snorted, stopping her posing routine to squarely face Valentina with dark eyes. “I didn't do anything wrong.”

Valentina sighed, as much out of exasperation than anything else. “Maybe not, but I think things are going a little too far. We're getting too serious about this little game.”

“'Game?'” Suzy blurted out. “This isn't a fucking game to me, Val. I would've thought that you'd finally realized that.”

“What are you talking about?” Valentina eyed Suzy in confused shock.

“This is a rare opportunity for us, Freckles, don't you see? You and I can finally cut loose and test our strength as it was meant to be tested. These little boys are just distractions meant to slow down the inevitable. The test of one Amazon against another. It doesn't matter who goes home with the trophy. In fact, fuck the trophy. The only thing that matters is that you and I will do battle, and only one of us will be standing when it's all said and done. And that's gonna be me.”

Valentina stared at Suzy some more, as if she was unable to process her words. That suited Suzy just fine. Without another word, she walked past Valentina, and out to the stage.


Valentina didn't know what had just happened. It was as if the rug had just been pulled out from under her the second she let her guard down. Valentina had gone backstage contrite and willing to apologize for her bad behavior, only to find out that Suzy had gone loco. Andy said that Suzy was sorry for acting so demeaning earlier, but it was as if she had been lying.

She simply couldn't believe Suzy was so goddamned petty and, quite frankly, stupid. Valentina hated this. She hated this place, all the people in it, and this fucking competiton. Did she hate Suzy, despite coming to the conclusion that nothing was Suzy's fault? If so, Valentina took it back. It WAS Suzy's fault. It was all Suzy. Suzy Suzy Suzy! She felt even angrier than before, but for different reasons.

“Okay, bitch,” Valentina muttered to herself now that Suzy was out of earshot. “You wanna see who's strongest? I'll happily oblige.”


Andy saw Suzy coming his way down the hall. She smirked at him and clacked her heels over. She looked smug and full of herself. Well, more than usual. His mind raced as to why. He wondered where Valentina was if she was not with Suzy.

“Well, well, Skinny. There you are,” Suzy purred, stroking his cheek with affection.

“What are talking about? What just happened back there?” Andy demanded in concern.

“Nothing much. I just declared war is all,” Suzy replied with a nonchalant shrug.

“You what?! I thought you were all sorry for acting like... like... You!” Andy sputtered in angry disbelief. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. He felt like a fool, like he had been played. Andy believed that he was playing the mediator, he was mending fences. But instead, he had just make a bigger mess.

“Hmph,” Suzy grinned. “Who else am I gonna act like, Skinny?”

“I don't know, a sane rational human being for once?” Andy griped in frustration. “Goddamnit, Suzy,” he growled, brushing past the leather-clad Amazon to head backstage once more. Valentina stretched, trying to work some of her soreness out of her muscles before the contest started back up. Andy wrung his hands out of worry. Valentina didn't look happy, whatever had just happened. She looked up at him while stretching her shoulders out.

“I'm sorry I--” Andy began, desperate to stave off her wrath. Valentina simply shook her head.

“Don't be. It's not your fault,” she said quietly. She was quite pissed off, but Andy wasn't entirely sure at whom. “Suzy's gone nuts. She's letting this contest get to her. You didn't have anything to do with it.”

“I still feel like I made things worse,” Andy stated, hanging his head. Valentina finished stretching and came over to him. She gently seized his face with one hand and craned it upwards to look at her. She smiled reassuringly, her beautiful blue eyes sparkling with tender love, her soft, sensual lips curled into a little smile.

“You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie. I mean it,” Valentina cooed. Her closeness was intoxicating to him. Her body radiated warmth and strength in equal measure. She was only a few inches taller than he was, but she looked like an absolute giantess to him at that moment. The disparity between the breadth of their shoulders, the thickness of their arms and legs, the depth of their chests were also noticeable with Valentina coming out of her clothes like she was. Valentina was the very model of confidence to him right then, as if nothing in the world could bother her. The air crackled with love between them, and Valentina sealed the deal by planting a loving kiss on him, making him weak in the knees.

After a long while, Valentina peeled her lips away from Andy's. She rested her forehead against his for a beat.

“What are you going to do?” Andy asked, curious and concerned at the same time. Valentina only smiled sardonically.

“Suzy wants a battle, she's got one.”

“Please be careful,” Andy pleaded. Valentina laughed before kissing him once more.

“Don't you worry. This has been a long time coming. I think it's time Suzy got put in her place. I'm the girl to do it. She doesn't really know what she's started. I almost pity her, by God.” Valentina smiled. “Everything leading up to this point was child's play. I'm going to give her the battle she's yearned for. I'm coming for her. I'm going to give her a war she won't believe.”

Andy didn't say anything. He had misgivings about the whole affair. This wasn't a simple night out anymore. This was a potential turning point in all their lives. Part of him wished that he had never persuaded Valentina to go out, to stay in and take care of him like she had initially suggested. He hadn't needed her to, but neither she or Suzy would've been dragged into this insanity that had claimed them both. He felt awful. Valentina sensed that he wasn't happy. She pulled him into a squeezing hug and kissed him on the cheek.

“Don't worry, babe. Nothing's going to change. Once this is over, things will be like normal. Trust me. Suzy just needs some sense knocked into her,” Valentina said, letting him go to take her place out on stage with the rest of the competitors. It was show time.

“If you say so,” Andy replied, unsure of the whole thing.

“I know so,” Valentina said with a wink, leaving him alone backstage with his thoughts.


Yeah, yeah, a lot of talking, not much action. I'm just trying to get my feet wet again. More to come.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on September 24, 2014, 02:52:39 am
I'm glad that Andy made Valentina see that her new negative, aggressive attitude was just not her, I think it may have had something to do with putting her mind in the right place to do the strength feats she did, she stepped over a line that she never stepped over as far as being so focused and it pretty much brought out her more aggressive side. But the unconditional love that Andy has for her brought her out of her trance. But Suzy, I almost feel like she did what she did because she knew that Val would go back to her regular, non-aggressive self, and she wanted Val to have a reason to well... not hate her, but not like her so much that she wouldn't be 100% competitive. Very much liked where this chapter went and I'm really looking forward to see what happens in the finals. k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on October 07, 2014, 10:22:19 pm
A/N: I like the way you think, Jeremy. You're incredibly insightful.

You're absolutely right, Solarian. I'm actually kind of embarrassed by that in retrospect. If I had my druthers I'd re-write that part, but what can ya do. Let's just say that Andy wasn't himself at the moment either. He's not normally so emotional.

But for now, here's an extra long chapter signalling the beginning of the end.


The moment of truth was upon them. Valentina and Suzy had both advanced into the finals, along with eight other guys. After a strong showing in their respective routines, all standing had earned the right to  be considered the best of the best. Valentina and Suzy stood apart on either ends of the assembled would-be champions staring holes in each other. Valentina didn't blink and neither did Suzy. No words were exchanged when the competitors were called to gather on stage. No words were needed. This was it. This was the culmination of the events of the night. Just a while longer, just a few more defeated men, and it was the battle Suzy had been wanting all night.

Valentina didn't feel anything like she should. Part of her wanted to be worried, another part of her angry and wrathful, and yet another part sad, but instead a peaceful calm had transcended all of her negative thoughts and emotions. Her Zen-like state bothered Suzy. For all her glowering, for all her so-called intimidation tactics, Valentina didn't react like Suzy had wanted. All these men were scared of her, knowing full well what she was capable of, but Valentina wasn't. She felt a supreme confidence in herself, and that pissed Suzy off. Valentina allowed herself a small smile at that thought.

The DJ from earlier had taken the mic once more and announced the final contest. Everyone on stage was to armwrestle to see who would come out on top. The crowed buzzed with anticipation. These two Amazons had won them over with their amazing physical power, but they had never competed muscle against muscle with any men yet. This contest was what they had been waiting for all night. The DJ didn't have to do much to get them to show their excitement. The eight other men on stage were worried. This was the final round, meant to be the deciding factor as to who the winner would be. Everything they had fought for, every thing they had spent countless hours training for might be for naught if they couldn't topple these titanic women who had appeared from out of nowhere and ruined everything in one fell swoop.

The one on the right was an absolute psychopath clad in leather. She towered over all the men on stage by several inches in her heels. Even if she was barefoot, she'd still be incredibly tall. Her huge bulk granted her an unending supply of strength that had barely been exhibited tonight, leaving all in attendance to wonder just how strong she truly was. The one on the left, the redhead, had been so big and muscular, she had burst out of her clothing. None of the other men in attendance ever came close to being able to do that just by flexing. She was so strong, not even a solid steel bar had proven effective at stopping her endless, inexorable advance to the championship. Out of the two, nobody in attendance could decide who the lesser of the two were. The redhead had shown her hand. Her enormous muscles were intimidating just to look at, but her terrible strength had collectively drained the blood from all eight men's face at the thought of facing her in the final round. The crazy, scary leather wearing one single-handedly demolished what many considered to be the strongest man that ever competed in this show. Steiner was a former champion, and a psychopath in his own right, and she had tossed him around like a ragdoll. Imagine what she could, or would do, to them in the armwrestling round? She seemed like the type that delighted in snapping bones or crushing hands just for fun.

Suzy frowned, narrowing her eyes at Valentina's smile. What was she up to? It was already running through Suzy's mind how Valentina might try and trick Suzy into losing the second she would realize she lacked the muscle to pin her hand to the table. What devilry was Valentina dreaming of now? Her dark gaze scanned the eight other obstacles in her path to the winner's circle. They were all pathetic. No man here was remotely a challenge. Suzy had watched the other men, and deemed them quite strong in their own right, but nothing they could do impressed her to the point of respecting them. As far as Suzy was concerned the other eight were petty annoyances, nothing more. She would crush them mercilessly in order to clear a path to the one she really wanted; the grinning redhead. Was Skinny watching? It didn't really matter. Either way, it was going to end badly for Valentina. The thought brought a smile of her own to Suzy's lips.

It was time. The competitors were told to draw lots to see who would go first. The first bouts were a bunch of big bald guys who both struggled mightily against one another paring down the field to only five men. Suzy was called up next against a large brute named Stucco. Stucco had done well in a deadlifting contest. Naturally, Suzy didn't find him all that strong. He didn't stand a chance. When the whistle was blown, he threw everything he had against Suzy, but couldn't budge her huge arm. Suzy regarded him with an unwaveringly cool stare, smiling slightly at his attempts to slam her knuckles down. Stucco was red in the face and spittle formed at the corners of his mouth as he savagely jerked at Suzy's arm to no avail.

"Oh, I'm sorry, have we begun?" Suzy murmured coolly, checking her nails on her free hand.

"Ffffuckin’..." Stucco groaned.

"You can uses two hands if you like," Suzy said, further taunting the behemoth.

"Hrruuuggh!" cried Stucco. He threw his entire weight into one last push, but it didn't do anything. Suzy yawned.

"This was fun and all, but I've got a contest to win," she announced. With a slight jerk, Suzy practically launched Stucco out of his seat. His knuckles rapped the table top with a thunderous boom. Stucco forfeited the next round giving Suzy the win.

That wasn't unexpected of Suzy, Valentina mused. She had been called up next to take on a man called "Big" John Simpson. Valentina's deceptively dainty fingers curled around John's big meathook. When the whistle blew, Valentina forced John's arm down with ease despite his titanic efforts. She quickly defeated him twice to send him packing. There wasn't any sense in delaying the inevitable. Valentina wanted to get the others out of the way first to get to Suzy.

The next two, and last two, challengers put up about as much resistance as the others to both Valentina and Suzy. Suzy toyed with her opponent, pretending to lose some ground, only to muscle him down to almost defeat. She held him there, then back again before boredom set in. She nearly snapped his wrist with a savage surge of strength. Valentina efficiently beat her next opponent with the same onslaught of might as she did the others. He understood he stood no chance upon locking fingers with her, but he had made it this far, so he may as well have gone out with a bang. Valentina congratulated him upon winning, and sent him home with a smile.

Finally, the two Amazons reigned supreme.

The crowd had watched the proceedings with anticipatory glee. The room was nearly split between Suzy and Valentina, though the other competitors had been thoroughly cheered as well. But the final match was the one everyone wanted to see.

Valentina and Suzy stood face to face at last, staring each other down. Suzy's black eyes were cold like the depths of space, where as Valentina's were like shards of blue ice. Neither backed down and inch, nor even blinked. It felt strange to Valentina to be facing such a good friend as an enemy. A pang of regret nibbled at her insides. She hoped that this wasn't the death of their friendship. Suzy was taking this way too seriously for her own good. She had a tendency to not take losing well to boot. There was simply no getting around the fact that there were going to be some hurt feelings tonight.

"And here we are, ladies," the DJ announced, looking to interview them both before they engaged in combat. "The clear crowd favorites, standing head to head--"

"Head to chin," Suzy corrected with a wicked grin.

"Hey!" said Valentina in annoyance. Her fiery blue eyes met Suzy's black gaze evenly. The taunting smile never left Suzy's beautiful face, but her eyes continued to bore into Valentina's unrelentingly.

"Um, right. Anyway, it's clear you two are rivals, am I correct?" he asked. Valentina and Suzy both answered yes. "Interesting. You two were friends at one time?"

That question caught Valentina off guard. Suzy herself seemed at a loss to answer. For the first time in a while, it seemed like they both realized what was happening. This little rivalry was making things needlessly hard for their friendship to continue. Taking a steeling breath, Valentina answered the patiently waiting DJ.

"No," Valentina said. The tone of her voice and the decisiveness of the word caused Suzy to stare at Valentina. Valentina stared right back. "No. We are friends. We're just on opposite ends of the battlefield." Suzy looked relieved, making Valentina smirk.

The big woman had an addendum. "Yeah, just because Freckles here is harboring delusions of grandeur here is no reason we can't still be friends. She just can't get it through her pretty little head that I'm clearly her superior. Well, ding, ding, bitch. School's in session. Prepare to learn a harsh lesson," Suzy said, earning a wild pop from the crowd in the form of "oohs" and laughter from her supporters, but scorn and boos from Valentina's.

Valentina laughed harshly. "Big Bad Suzy has always had trouble with shooting off at the mouth. She never knows when to shut up. Well, I say it's time to put her money where her mouth is. I'm here to collect. With interest."

"Big talk coming from a little shrimp," Suzy retorted. "You know what I'm all about, Vally. You don't want any of this, trust me. As a friend, I'm urging you, give up now, because I'm not gonna just beat you. Oh, no, sweetcheeks. I'm gonna beat you bad like the red-headed step-child that you are." Suzy reached over and brushed some of Valentina's coppery hair for emphasis.

"Speaking of shrimp, I hope you're hungry. Because I'm gonna love making you eat those words, Suzy," Valentina parried and thrust. Suzy reacted like she had been slapped. She didn't expect such a volley of return fire from her friend and lover. 

"Yowza, ladies and germs. You heard it here first, this competition is far from over. Strong words from strong ladies. Let's see who's got the walk and who's got the talk," the DJ interjected, looking to intercede before it came to blows. "Ladies, take your positions."

Valentina and Suzy sat across from each other at the arm-wrestling table. Suzy took off her fingerless gloves, never taking her black eyes off Valentina's. Suzy's fingers clamped roughly around Valentina's hand, while she gave Suzy's the same treatment. Suzy's hands were clammy with sweat. The meaty muscles of Suzy's forearm rippled beneath her skin as she flexed her fingers. Valentina reciprocated with a surge of her own massive sinews.  Before the whistle, both Amazons appraised her friend and lover with critical eye.

"This will be easy," Suzy murmured so only Valentina could hear.

"I know. You don't stand a chance," Valentina replied with a wink. Suzy scowled.

The whistle sounded, signaling the Amazons to start. At first, it appeared like neither of them had heard it as they didn't move. It wasn't until the enormous muscles of their arms began to swell and their faces turned beet red with effort did the crowd know they were wrestling. Suzy's gorgeous lips peeled back into a rictus grin as she poured more strength into toppling Valentina's arm. However, the redhead offered stiff resistance. The crowd called out their support for either of them and both of them at the same time. This was the first and only competition either Amazon faced all evening.

The sheer output of energy being focused on her opponent's arm could've powered a small city for a week. Suzy was strong, there was no doubt about it. Her sore and beaten muscles screamed in renewed agony, but her grit and resolve prevented Valentina from giving up so easily. She was in for a helluva fight, but Valentina had what it took to keep Suzy at bay. Every inch Suzy gained was contested and won back, but Valentina noted that she didn't make as much headway as Suzy did. In fact, Valentina never got Suzy's arm past the neutral position. That alone was distressing. Suzy's gigantic muscles were larger than Valentina's were by a smidge, her arm was longer, and her hand was bigger. Valentina knew she was going to have to rely on technique. It took nearly all her strength the prevent Suzy from utterly crushing her.

"C'mon!' Suzy growled through clenched teeth. She was getting mad. Valentina wasn't supposed to hold on this long. She underestimated her best friend and lover. This bitch was far stronger than she imagined. The fatigue that plagued her after the last round barely fazed Valentina. Suzy felt the berserker rage welling up from inside. Suzy worked hard to get bigger and stronger than everyone and it paid off in dividends. Endless hours in the gym. Training relentlessly. Forgoing the simple pleasures in life for the sake of the pump. In the end, it all bore fruit. She blew the fuck up, edging past Valentina in the size and strength race where she kept a comfortable lead. She remembered being thinner and a little weaker than Valentina years ago and how it always stuck in her craw. Now that she had attained her self awarded title of "Biggest, Baddest Bitch" after a huge struggle, she expected everyone to submit to her superiority. She was the alpha female, the leader of the pack. There was no way she was going to lose again, not after humiliating herself at Themyscira a year ago. This was not going to happen to her, Suzy vowed. She was born to win, born to rule.

If Valentina could just... roll... Suzy's... hand.... "Rrgh!" she grunted, pouring more of her strength into applying a top-roll. The purpose of the top-roll was to get the highest possible grip on her opponent's hand. Suzy was being difficult about that, though. She didn't want to cooperate. It was costing Valentina precious strength and energy to try and wiggle into position against the tidal wave of Suzy's strength. It was slow going, and she had lost a little ground in the process. Suzy redoubled her efforts into kicking Valentina while she was down. The big woman smelled blood and moved in for the kill.

"Shhhhhhhit!" Valentina cursed, trying to fight Suzy's onslaught of a push. Suzy began laughing from deep within her throat. She couldn't stop it. Strain and weariness made her loopy. Suzy imagined she sounded like the Predator before he blew up the jungle but she didn't care. Valentina's arm looked ready to burst from the sheer mass of her muscles fully flexed and straining.

"Oh, yeah!" Suzy growled ferally. "You're no daisy, Val! You're no daisy at all!"

Almost. There. BLAMMO! Suzy thought, forcing Valentina's knuckles down onto the table top. The tasty redhead slumped in defeat, pounding the table with her free hand.

"Dammit!" she cried. Suzy and Valentina let go of one another to nurse the sore muscles of their arms and shoulders. Suzy flexed for the crowd in triumph, laughing like the maniac that she is.

"Alright, big round of applause for Psycho Suzy, ladies and gents. One point for her! Vicious Valentina needs to win this next round to take it into sudden death unless Psycho can muscle her down one. Last. Time!" the DJ said, amping up the audience's excitement. "Let me hear it!"

"One more time!" Suzy cried, working the crowd. The ones who supported her chanted "one more time," while Valentina's supporters shouted "shut the fuck up!"

The Amazons alternated hands, after giving their worn muscles a much needed rest. Valentina had an ace up her sleeve. She had another technique, but she needed to be quick about it. If Suzy had enough time to rally, she could muscle herself up and take her out.

"I must break you," Suzy rasped in an impression of Ivan Drago.

"Do samogo kontsa!" Valentina riposted in her native Russian.

The whistle blew once more, signaling the next round. Valentina wasted no time, applying a hook to Suzy's hand. She angled the big woman's hand back twisting her own wrist back towards her. Suzy was caught by surprise and rapidly lost a fair amount of ground in short order. Like a beast that refused to die, Suzy's arm locked it's position half-way between neutral and defeat. The muscles of her arm ballooned with strain, causing veins to swell with blood trying to feed her thirsty sinews.

"God... daaammmit!" Suzy cursed, throwing her immense might into rallying backwards, but Valentina had her in a disadvantageous position. She ratcheted her arm up an inch or two, but Valentina held her down. One little lapse of judgment is gonna cost me this round, Suzy raged in her head. Fuck me!

Valentina heaved against Suzy's arm with immense force, battering her opponent down, inch by painful inch. Her knuckles almost hit the table top.

"C'mon!" Valentina screamed. She willed her muscles to swell with strength and pin Suzy down. She thought her shoulder was going to pop out of socket, or her bones were going to break, or her joints were going to tear long before that could ever happen.

"No!" Suzy cried, feeling the cold of the table near the back of her hand. One last push and Valentina would have her. Her arm worked up, exploding with muscle mass. Her beautiful face was a mask of fury. Suzy began berserking like crazy fighting back from her tenuous position. Spittle foamed her lips, her eyes looked feral, and her skin was tomato red. The tendons and cords of her neck stood out in sharp relief as she attempted to muscle her way up and over.

Valentina fought hard, blasting Suzy's attempts to rally with everything she had. The big bitch wasn't going down easy. The hook had worked in her favor, but now it was moot. She very nearly had Suzy down, but close only counted in horseshoes and hand grenades. She needed to maintain her leverage and hope to hell that Suzy ran out of gas before then. It was a bad strategy, but it was all she had.

Suzy didn't ever regain much ground. She cursed frequently and loudly. She knew she was stronger than this! Why couldn't she extricate herself from this mess? Fuckin' Freckles! Suzy screamed internally. She was losing. Her knuckles grazed the table top.

"Checkmate, bitch!" Valentina grunted, thrusting Suzy's arm back into a loud *whump* as her knuckles slammed against the table. Valentina curled her arms into a flex, wincing at the pain of her muscles. She had a mighty pump going, but she was tired as hell. Sweat trickled down her forehead and her red hair was moist around her hairline. Suzy was in no better shape. She too was blown up and sweaty. Suzy angrily beat the table, causing the material to warp even further than it already had. This wasn't going to be the victory she had expected. Goddamned Valentina wasn't a pushover. Both Amazons sat there, slumped and tired. One more round to go, for all the marbles.

They resumed the position, re-using the arms from the first round. No words were exchanged, no pleasantries. This was it. Though their muscles were sore, they both attacked with furious anger when the whistle sounded. It was a see-saw battle. The rubbery feeling in their arms made it difficult to maintain control for long. Neither Suzy or Valentina had no clear advantage in this round. The fire of battle burned brightly in their eyes, but their flesh was giving out.

"Urrrgghhh!" Suzy bellowed, looking to push forth past the line of battle.

"Hhrraahh!" Valentina called back, meeting Suzy and pulling her back to start.

"So, what's it to be, Vally? Huh? We two immortals locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day and trumpets sound?" Suzy uttered, voice ragged with fatigue.

"Or, you could just surrender!" Valentina quipped in reply.

"Ain't gonna happen!" Suzy declared.

"Didn't think so," Valentina agreed.

The poor table that had served as their battleground, however, had other ideas. The sheer amount of force being exerted on it it had already begun warping and deforming. It's existence utterly failed without much warning or fanfare. The table top collapsed, sending two very surprised Amazons down with it in a jumble of heavily muscled limbs. Nobody knew what had happened or what to say. The judges had no precedence to go by. This sort of thing had never happened before.

The battered and sweaty Amazons laid heaving on the floor amongst the wreckage as the judges surveyed the scene. Neither Valentina or Suzy released their hold on the others hand, both looking expectantly at the decision making process with great interest.

The DJ went over to the judges table to confer with them about a ruling. Several minutes went by with no clear resolution. Neither Suzy nor Valentina moved, waiting for a decision to be made. An argument broke out between the panel as to whether or not there was anything that could be done. The DJ nodded in agreement to something before heading back center stage to announce the ruling.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please bear with us. Since there was no clear winner, we can't make a decision as to who won. Since neither competitor managed to pin the other, we will have to declare this a draw--” The crowd booed at the ruling.

Suzy bolted up to her feet, seeing red. “That's horseshit! Bring out another table! NOW!”

“Easy, easy!” The DJ supplicated. “This turn of events has forced the judges into a decision. In order to spare the establishment any more damages and to avoid any injury either to the contestants or spectators, we'll either have to come up with another form on contest, or one of you will have to forfeit. I'm sorry, but that's the decision.”

Valentina rose to her feet as well. She kicked off her boots and took off her shirt and leggings. The crowd went nuts at her stripping, seeing her beautiful body in all it's sweatly, glistening, pumped glory. The DJ's eyes widened at this shocking event, unable to avert his eyes from the powerful curves of Valentina's muscular body.

“What are you doing?” Suzy inquired, curiosity piqued.

“They said we'd have to come up with a contest, right?” Valentina replied, stretching her sore muscles with a wince.

“Uh-huh, what of it?” Suzy pressed.

“We're going to wrestle,” Valentina stated simply, wordlessly challenging Suzy with her eyes. Suzy caught on with a wicked grin of her own and nodded her assent. She knelt down to undo her boots before peeling them off, and then carefully stripping off her leather. Suzy's tanned skin shone in the light of the stage and the flash bulbs of cameras going off like crazy. Both Amazons stood mostly naked on stage save for their skimpy little thongs.

The DJ was unable to believe what he saw, staring at either Amazon in shock and amazement. These hulking women had no shame about their bodies, eagerly showing off the hard work they put into their astounding muscles for the hungry crowd. They were sweaty and tired, and curiously erotic. Standing as he did, Suzy's back could blot out the sun. She was barefoot, cutting some of her height down, but even then she commandingly towered over him by several inches. Her body was a wonderful machine. The rippling muscles of her back seemed to expand forever, the sheer breadth of her massive shoulders seemed longer than he could spread his arms out to the sides. Suzy's arms in comparison to his were simply enormous. Her biceps at rest were bigger around than his thigh to say nothing of her thick triceps and massive forearms. Her beefy lats flared out even at rest, terminating downwards into an almost painfully thin waist. Suzy's butt was simply exquisite. Each cheek was a round bubble of steel, hard yet curvy and feminine. She had an ass like a Thoroughbred mare on horse steroids. Suzy's lethally long legs stretched on forever and a day, packing more massive in one leg than the DJ had in his entire body.

Across the way, Valentina was just as huge. She was incredibly beautiful, but no less freakishly muscular, with a thick bull-neck, mammoth shoulders, hulking pecs, mighty arms knotted with muscle, a rippling belly and a trim waist, and two of the most muscular legs that he had ever seen. Valentina's legs weren't as long as Suzy's were but they were even more massive, if that could be believed. The DJ wondered what it would be like to touch Valentina's body. She looked to be carved from living marble. Every muscle on her body flexed in concert with even the slightest movement. Her enormous pecs bounced and twitched in anticipation of the coming battle. The DJ was mesmerized by the sight of the two Amazons and didn't respond immediately to the judges calling him back to the table to give a ruling. It took the throwing of several objects directly at him to get the DJ to come back to reality.

Suzy watched Valentina flex her pecs rhythmically as she often did when she was psyching herself up. Valentina looked amazing even if she was tired and sweaty. The glistening sheen of sweat made her glow attractively in the light, highlighting the swelling sinew beneath her reddened, freckled skin. Her chest heaved up and down in an attempt to stoke the fire already blazing in her belly. Valentina's raw, Amazonian sexuality made Suzy hot, even as she was about to physically destroy her in a wrestling match, pending the judges approval of course. An animal lust charged Suzy's energy reserves, eliminating any fatigue she felt prior to that. She felt good. Everything up to this was just kid's stuff. This battle was the real deal. Suzy couldn't stop grinning. She looked down at her own body, witnessing her own flexing muscles. They yearned to be tested, begging to use the deep well of strength that heretofore had been untapped.

“If I may have everyone's attention,” the DJ announced, breaking Suzy's concentration. “The judges have ruled that Vicious Valentina and Psycho Suzy are to engage in a tie-breaker for the title of Mr--, erm, MS. Tough Guy 2014!” The crowd roared in approval. “It has been decided that the winner of this event will be the end-all be-all winner, and there is to be no further challenges. Whoever loses, loses. The stage will be cleared to allow the maximum amount of room for the competitors to really cut loose and flex some serious muscle! If anybody leaves the stage, they will be disqualified. The winner is the one to pin her opponent down to the floor for a count of three. Is that understood?” the DJ asked, looking at either competitor for confirmation. Suzy and Valentina nodded. “Excellent. Allow us a moment to clear the stage of wreckage, ladies and gentlemen. The final round will start shortly.”

“Who's going to officiate?” Valentina asked the DJ candidly. He frowned, apparently having not thought of that.

“That's a good question. Who would you like to ref? Is there somebody in mind you'd like?” the DJ asked.

Valentina looked at Suzy and nodded. “Yes there is.”

“I have the same person in mind as well,” Suzy added, meeting Valentina's gaze evenly.

“Excellent, who?” he inquired.

Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on October 07, 2014, 10:23:03 pm
Andy sat alone backstage, not wanting to watch the festivities. He didn't need to. This would not end well. There was too much estrogen floating around in the air and he couldn't stand to see Valentina and Suzy tear each other apart like they were surely doing right now. The crowd was screaming for blood, echoing and reverberating all the way back where he sat.

Why was he even here? He wondered. He shouldn't come out in the first place. He just made things worse. A strange bloodlust had taken over Valentina. Suzy was naturally a berserker, but to see Valentina desire such a contest made his heart sick. She was ordinarily so sweet and gentle, his perfect woman; strong, but loving. Whatever was possessing Valentina, he wanted no part of it.

Something had just happened.

A massive pop had taken over the crowd. It wasn't the unbridled cheers like before, but rather an outcry of confusion and outrage, almost like they couldn't fathom what they had just witnessed. It piqued Andy's interest enough to pick him up from the floor and carry him stealthily down the hallway. From behind the curtain, he saw Suzy and Valentina laying on the floor amidst a pile of wreckage that had once been the table they armwrestled on. What the hell happened? Did it just give way? Did they destroy it? Who won? Valentina and Suzy looked a little shell-shocked, like they had become disoriented by the table's declaration of “well, I'm out.” He couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Their own desire to win outdid them both. Maybe this would be a lesson to them both.

After a few moments of watching the panel of what Andy supposed were the judges arguing amongst themselves, the DJ announced that there was no winner. Andy nodded to himself in satisfaction. That was it then. It was time to go home. But then, Suzy jumped to her feet and began throwing a tantrum. Scream all you like, Suzy. It won't matter. You didn't win. Get over it, Andy thought smugly. Valentina rose to her feet as well, but calmly. That's my girl, Andy glowed. It's no big de-- What the hell is she doing?! Valentina began taking her clothes off. Suzy also wondered as much, then, after only small consideration, she too got nearly naked. Andy could only sigh in exasperation. They weren't going to settle their differences civilly. They were going to carry on like a couple of nutjobs. The crowd loved it though. Why wouldn't they? They were two sexy goddesses of strength and muscle. Andy didn't like the way the DJ leered at Valentina though. He had half a mind to stomp out there and settle his hash.

Crew members hustled out to the stage to remove the wreckage of the table, move the speakers and judges tables out of the way and gathered the discarded clothing the Amazons peeled from their bodies. The DJ stopped to confer with Suzy and Valentina while this was going on. Andy didn't know what they were talking about, but eventually the DJ turned around and headed his way. Andy was nonplussed  at being made so easily, but stopped skulking around and straightened up to engage the DJ.

“Are you Andy?” he asked.

“Who wants to know?” Andy replied suspiciously, narrowing his eyes shiftily.

“Uh, those two want you to referee for them during the final event. I guess they think you're good at that sort of thing. Of course, if you don't want to, I'll be happy to--”

“Uh-uh, Skippy. You've had your fun, but now take a hike. You can watch from a distance. I'll do it,” Andy replied, brushing past the bewildered DJ and strode up to the two Amazons. Valentina beamed at his approach.

“Hi, sweetie!” she greeted him happily.

“Well, well, well, look who decided to join us,” Suzy razzed. “What's the matter, Skinny, feeling a little lonely back there?”

No,” Andy retorted sharply. “I'm only wondering what the hell you two are getting yourselves into. Can't you go five minutes without getting naked in public, for crissake?”

“You can't wrestle in clothes, silly,” Valentina replied with an amused giggle, playfully mussing his hair. “At any rate those old rags'll be going into the garbage when we get home anyway.”

“I'm not willing to get my leathers all fucked up either,” Suzy added. “You know how expensive custom leather clothes are for a woman my size? Besides, if you think I'm going to let Freckles here one-up me by showing off the goods, you've got another thing coming, buddy-boy.”

“So why do you want me to referee?” Andy cut to the chase.

“We're gonna find out who's the winner once and for all, but we need someone fair and impartial to preside over things and make sure things are evenly called. That's where you come in,” Valentina explained.

“Though I'm not entirely sure Skinny's exactly 'fair and impartial.' Seems to me like he'd be more likely to take your side,” Suzy said to Valentina.

“He won't,” Valentina reassured, turning to Andy and smiling. “He wants us to stop fighting. What better ref is there than someone who cares about the both of us?”

Suzy eyed him for a beat. “Izzat true, Skinny?”

“Of course! This whole thing is stupid and I'd rather it not happen at all. But if it means that we can put this thing behind us quicker by being referee so's you can get this poison outta your systems, than I'll do it, goddammit!” Andy griped.

Suzy nodded her satisfaction with a little smile. “Alright, you've got it, Skinny.”

“See?” Valentina smirked. “Told ya, so.”

The DJ came back, handing Andy a whistle and the microphone. “You're running the show now,” he said somewhat sourly. Andy took the items and shooed him off. He tapped the mic, ensuring it was on before slipping the whistle over his neck. Valentina grinned fiercely at Suzy, who mirrored her sentiments exactly. Either Amazon dropped down into a rather predatory stance, getting ready to pounce on each other within a moment's notice.

“Ahem,” Andy began. “Is this thing on? Check-one, check-two. Sibilance. Sibilance. Okay. Let's get this shit over with. I want a clean bout. No punching, kicking, name-calling, hair pulling, wedgies, well any more than you already have, or Vulcan neck-pinching. Is that clear?” Valentina nodded, as did Suzy. “Alright, then, by the power vested in me of the state of Michigan, I now pronounce you mortal enemies. You may now beat eight tons of crap out of each other. Begin!” he announced with a tweet of his whistle.

Like two freight trains, Valentina and Suzy collided with one another. The sheer force of such powerful bodies impacting with one another caused the air around them to explosively blast outward. Mighty arms locked around equally mighty bodies, massive legs sought purchase on the hardwood floors beneath. The sweaty muscles of Valentina rubbed against the sweaty muscles of Suzy in an effort for one of them to gain ground around the other. For a moment, it seemed evenly matched. Then, out of nowhere, Suzy seized Valentina and scooped her up into a bear hug. She had five inches of height on the redhead. Her massively muscled arms constricted around Valentina's midsection, squeezing down, looking to prevent Valentina from drawing in air.

Valentina howled in outrage and immediately looked to extricate herself from the deadly hug. The force Suzy put on Valentina was sufficient to begin breaking the ribs of a normal person, but the steely muscles of Valentina's torso shielded her from such devastating strength somewhat. That wasn't to say that it didn't hurt. She tried to slip her hands into the millimeters of space between Suzy's arms and her body. It was nearly impossible to find purchase, especially after Suzy flexed more muscle, tightening the squeeze. Seeing no other recourse, Valentina drove her forehead into Suzy's, momentarily stunning the hulking beast of a woman. Another headbutt made the both of them see stars, but caused Suzy to loosen Valentina enough for her to slip out and away.

“My fucking face!” Suzy cursed, staggering backwards, clutching her forehead. Valentina bit down the throbbing pain in her own head and charged.

“C'mon, Skinny! You gonna allow that?” Suzy griped, distracted, not seeing Valentina dead-set on spearing Suzy in her rippling abs.

“He never said anything about headbutts!” Valentina cried, sailing shoulder-first into Suzy's muscled belly.

“Oof!” Suzy cried, sailing backwards after being hit by a 350+lbs cruise missile. Valentina took her down to the floor, straddling her, looking for an easy pin. By now, Suzy had regained her faculties and was supremely pissed. She violently fought Valentina attempts to pin her, spitting and cursing in rage. With a growl of fury, she threw Valentina off of her and scrambled to her feet to deal out some punishment.

Valentina, however, was quicker than she looked. She was already to her feet before Suzy, and intercepted the massive dark-haired Amazon's bull rush. She sidestepped Suzy's charge, leaping onto her back. Valentina's muscled arms locked around Suzy's thick neck, looking to put a sleeper hold on her adversary. Valentina's massive legs encircled Suzy's waist for support. She really threw all her weight into the choke, looking to crush down on Suzy's bullish neck. The strategy didn't really work, and Suzy thrashed around looking to toss Valentina off with her wild bucking. Seeing no other options, but not looking to allow Valentina to choke her out, Suzy leapt backwards, driving Valentina down onto the stage with force.

Valentina thudded onto the hard floor with Suzy's bulk dropping down on top of her. The jarring impact forced her arms and legs loose, letting Suzy up to attempt a pin. Thinking quickly, Valentina thrust her heavily muscled legs out, mule kicking Suzy square in the chest. Suzy felt like she had been hit with a six-pounder, sailing backwards, landing on her ass with a heavy thud. The wind had momentarily been knocked out of her by the sheer force of Valentina's kick. A lesser person might have serious internal injuries, if not a massive hole in their chest cavity. Suzy knew there was going to be a bruise in the morning.

Valentina kipped up to her feet with a dazzling display of agility for a woman her size. It was difficult to stand with the ringing still going in her ears, and the pain of her back, but she still was able to maintain some semblance of balance. Suzy looked up to see Valentina wanting more. She growled and launched herself at Valentina from a crouching position. The sudden shock of seeing the three-hundred and seventy-five pound giantess hurling herself at Valentina was shocking to say the least. The two Amazons went down to the ground in a jumble of limbs. They rolled this way and that, either one looking to pin the other, but prevent being pinned herself. Strength against strength, muscle against muscle, neither Amazon could completely squash the other.

Suzy rolled Valentina onto her back, almost pinning her massive shoulders to the floor. Valentina fought valiantly, battling Suzy with tremendous strength of her own. Suzy grinned viciously, muscling her friend and lover down with a blast of strength. She almost had it! Almost and-- Suddenly, she felt Valentina's legs curl around her ribs.

“Oh, shit,” Suzy cursed. She had forgotten about those! Her adversary's enormous legs squeezed down, flexing massively down on Suzy's torso. The air rushed from her lungs feeling the power of Valentina's huge wheels. Suzy stopped trying to battle Valentina down to the floor and focused solely on trying to stay alive. There wasn't anything in the world that could stop Valentina's legs. Suzy knew she was in serious trouble. She had courted disaster by simply giving Valentina the leverage to bring her gams into play.

Valentina threw her head back and squeezed. Suzy threw her hands down to try and ease the ever growing pressure on her ribs. Valentina locked her ankles back around Suzy's body, twisting her hips to throw Suzy to the side. Like a hydraulic press, her legs clamped down. Suzy began seeing black spots in her vision. She needed to breathe soon. Trying to pull Valentina's legs apart was a fools errand. She would need to have been at 100% in order to pull that off. Her tired muscles screamed in agony at her attempt to force them apart. Her concentration was wandering, leaving her to want to pass out. Suzy shook the notion away, mustering up the resolve to fight. Valentina wanted to play dirty, Suzy could too. She reached up and seized Valentina's nipples in her fingers and gave them a sharp tug. The redhead cried out in surprised pain and let go. Suzy rolled away out of reach of those deadly legs taking a brief moment to breathe and collect her thoughts.

Valentina clutched her nipples, wincing in pain, cursing Suzy for her tactics. “Gah! What the fuck, Suzy?”

“Oh, what, headbutting me twice and kicking me in the chest is okay, but that's not?” Suzy griped.

“Seriously, though. What the fuck?!” Valentina groaned.

“I don't want to see any more of that!” Andy said. “One more dirty move, and I'm gonna end this match. Shit is getting out of hand.”

“Oh, wow, we finally get some goddamned officiatin' around here. Were ya takin' a fuckin' nap earlier, Skinny?” Suzy griped.

“It doesn't matter, Suzy. I don't care who did what. If I see another out of either of you, that's it. Get me?” Andy stated.

“That's some fucking shit! She got three!” Suzy roared, leaping to her feet to bear down on Andy.

“Get out of his face!” Valentina cried, coming to her man's rescue. She tackled Suzy, or rather tried to, but this time Suzy was able to catch Valentina and pull her into a guillotine chokehold. The redhead growled and picked Suzy up over her head before suplexing her down to the floor. By now, Valentina was seeing red. She leapt into the air, trying to frog splash Suzy and get the pin, but she telegraphed to move too much and Suzy moved. Valentina kissed floorboards painfully. Suzy rolled onto Valentina's back and put her into a camel clutch. Her huge hands locked under Valentina's chin, pulling her head up, bending her spine agonizingly. Instead of crying out in pain, Valentina spat and snarled in fury. She tried to get out of the hold, but it was one of Suzy's signatures. She used it many a time on her boy toys during her sessions. She know how to apply it with experience and practice. But, none of her clients ever had the raw muscle power that Valentina possessed. She got to her feet, lifting Suzy up onto her brawny shoulders, looking to slam her down the same way she had don to Valentina earlier. But Suzy was canny. She let go, leaping off of Valentina's shoulders before hooking her bulky arms up and under Valentina's locking her into a full nelson. Using her height advantage, Suzy lifted up and practically crucified Valentina on the spot.

Valentina growled and tried to get out of it, but Suzy was too strong, had too much leverage, and there was nothing Valentina could do about it. She flexed her body this way and that, trying to throw Suzy over her shoulders, but, just dangling there, it was nearly impossible. So, she began swinging her feet. Back and forth, trying to build momentum, enough to pendulum her way out of the hold. Suzy held fast, but Valentina was strong enough to worry at the iron grip she held her with. With a savage jerk of her entire body, Valentina managed to wrench herself free of Suzy's hold. Suzy immediately went on the attack, but she grabbed thin air. Valentina evaded, ducked, dodged, and dipped away from Suzy's every attempted at a grapple. She made good use of her superior agility and speed. Suzy couldn't make her feet and hands work together in concert fast enough to catch Valentina, which was just as well.

It was impossible to formulate much of a strategy when Valentina had to constantly shore up her position against the raging giantess. Suzy showed no signs of tiring or slowing. Though tired, Valentina was far from spent. Lacking any other options, Valentina went on the offensive. With a feral war cry, Valentina charged and locked horns with Suzy. Suzy was momentarily caught off guard from Valentina sudden strike, but she gamely clasped her hands around Valentina's. Enormous muscles came to life and swelled beneath the sweaty skins of the Amazons. Veins surfaced and looked ready to burst at a moments notice. It was all or nothing. Two titanesses giving it their all in the hopes that one would make a fatal error and expose a weakness the other could exploit.

Suzy seemed to have the advantage during a contest of sheer attrition. Her size, height, weight and leverage worked in her favor. Valentina had to stay at least five steps ahead of the monstrous woman she battled. It did no good, for Suzy was capable of quick bursts of speed. Valentina locked horns with, and lost another war of attrition with Suzy. The bigger woman muscled Valentina into a headlock of epic proportions. Valentina groaned as Suzy's irresistible headlock crushed her jaws shut. She pried at Suzy's vice-like arms as they continued to grind away on her head with relentless pressure. Moaning and squirming, she tried to wriggle free of the hulking woman's neck-breaking grip, but as with the headlock, Suzy's powerful arms held dominion.

There was little room to worry her fingers in to attempt to break free. Suzy simply squeezed down tighter whenever Valentina tried. Light faded. It was tough to breathe. It was tough to stand. The redhead sunk to one knee, only partially cognizant of her surroundings. Her boyfriend turned ref crouched down nearby to see if Valentina was still conscious. The muscle surrounding her head muffled his words. He sounded like Charlie Brown's parents to her.

“Do you give up?” Valentina made out amidst a swimming head. It sounded nice, but there wasn't any room for Valentina's jaw to work against Suzy's massive arms. Besides, the look her gave her let Valentina know where his sympathies lied. Valentina would've smiled if she could. Instead, she worked herself up into a fury, ignoring the crushing pressure of Suzy's hold to drum up enough strength to lock her muscular arms around Suzy's waist. Fighting looming unconsciousness, Valentina tightened her own grip on Suzy's belly. She couldn't muster up enough strength to out-squeeze the hulking Amazon, but if she could simply get enough leverage to get back up to her feet...

Valentina tried to stand. Her muscular legs were like jello. She didn't even register how she did it, but the embattled redhead lifted Suzy up, arms still locked around her waist, and suplexed her once more onto the stage with an enormous boom. Suzy's massive shoulders hit the stage, jarring her enough to loosen her grip on Valentina. Her skull bounced off the floor as well, causing a burst of stars in her eyes and the roar of thunder in her head.

Both Amazons laid there, unmoving save for the great, greedy gasps of air Valentina sucked into her deprived lungs and for Suzy rubbing her throbbing head. Andy looked back and forth helplessly. Neither one looked willing or able to get up. It had been a hellacious battle, but there was no clear end in sight. With no other recourse, Andy began to count. If he could get to ten, the contest was over and everybody could go home. Neither woman would be happy with him, but at this point he didn't care anymore. It was too painful to watch this foolish battle.

“One,” he said, waiting a beat before continuing, “Two.” Again, another beat, “Three.”

Valentina seemed to realize what was going on first. She stirred at “Four.” But the effects of near unconsciousness were like a drug.

“Five,” Andy continued. “Six.” Just stay down, please! he begged inwardly. “Seven.”

Suzy too began to rise at “Eight.” At “Nine,” both Amazons were finding their feet. They were standing before he could get to ten, much to his chagrin. Suzy shook her head, clearing the cobwebs before scowling at Valentina. The redhead worked her sore jaw before glaring right back. It was as if the contest had begun anew. Both Amazons were fired up and ready for more.

And it's still not over. Hang tight. I'll put the finishing touches on this soon.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 08, 2014, 09:35:58 am
I had a lot of fun reading this chapter, like Solarian I picked out the Pirates of the Caribbean reference, and that made me smile, since I am a really big fan that entire movie series. Loved that they each took a fall in the arm-wrestling match so they were even there and then you had the last match end in a draw because of the table, obviously there are guys who like Valentina more than Suzy and vice versa, so that's a good way to spare each of the girls fans' feelings. The wrestling match was also very nicely done, both girls showed tremendous power, toughness, and heart, and it appears as if the bout, as physical and demanding as it was, is not over yet! Very nice, I'm a fan of Valentina over Suzy, I like my girls to be loving and not-so aggressive, but Suzy has her great qualities too. Looking forward to seeing how the match turns out. k+!

Oh and thank you very much for the complement at the very start of the newest chapter. :)
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: M7 on October 09, 2014, 02:34:13 pm
I finally had a little time to catch up on this read. Wow NinjaStar, you're quite the wordsmith!

"Her clit was like a thick bullet of flesh, hard and engorged with blood, contrasting with the velvety softness of her labia."

Just one of many I could quote. Great stuff!
As I said before, I like the interaction between the main characters, their personalities and why they think the way they do (minus the crying, lol!, no big deal, you already said you would've changed that in retrospect).

Basically what I'm saying is that I like how you give the story some reality to go along with the fantasy. Nice job.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on October 14, 2014, 11:31:20 pm
A/N: You have a sharp eye, Solarian. Yes, I am a shameless thief. Yes, I agree: muscle makes everything better.

Jeremy, I compliment you easily, because I've been a fan of your stories for a long time. To have a living legend such as yourself speak highly of my work is truly inspiring. I'm glad you're liking it. You and I see eye to eye on a lot of things. I'm putting it out there that while I love Suzy, I would rather be with Valentina myself as well.

M7, thanks a lot for your kind words as well. I love your morphs, and I could only wish that I could do what you do. I think you and I see eye to eye on a lot of things as well. I too think there's no such thing as 'too big.' I'm glad you're enjoying my writing.

Without further ado, let's see who the winner is.

An epic stare-down ensued.

Suzy glowed internally. This was what she had been waiting for all along. This was the battle her Amazonian blood had been boiling for. A true contest of strength and muscle. Valentina had risen to the occasion splendidly. All the taunting, all the ribbing culminated in a truly bloodthirsty warrior that burned holes in Suzy from across the battle-lines. It was all Suzy could do to prevent from squealing like a school-girl. Her pussy was soaking wet. Valentina's ferocity, her pumped, sweaty muscles, her zest for the fight made Suzy incredibly hot. She no longer cared about winning. Whoever won truly deserved to be called Goddess.

Suzy felt good. Her muscles quivered at the sensation of truly cutting loose. Always so careful, always so gentle. Not so during this fight. Part of her hated being pitted against one she loved so dearly, but in the end, Suzy didn't respect anyone nearly as much as she did Valentina. Only Val had the muscle and heart to battle Suzy to a stand-still, to make her feel it, to truly test her, to force her to dip deeply into the vast well of strength her body possessed. Suzy felt ALIVE. Fuck it, she thought, grinning fiercely.

Suzy flexed her muscles in a display of Amazonian battle-lust. A war-cry escaped her lips, showing all in attendance her zeal for battle. Valentina smirked in amusement.

“You call that a flex?” she said, throwing her body into a most muscular pose, growling dominantly. The crowd loved it. Suzy's pussy tingled, her nipples and clit standing on end. She wanted Valentina so badly. She wanted to crush the redheaded Amazon's amazing body up against hers and make love endlessly until she was spent. Such a sexy display of ferocity, Suzy thought. Her red hair was darkened with sweat and plastered to her skull. Her fair, freckled skin was reddened and gleaming in the harsh light. Every muscle on Valentina's amazing body was blown up to the point of exploding. She was a blow-up toy come to life. Suzy couldn't wait to touch her muscles again.

Suzy matched Valentina's flex of one of her own, clenching hard to make her own muscles bunch up as much as possible. Suzy's face was a dominant sneer to mask her horniness. Valentina's blue eyes briefly roamed Suzy's body, but only just so. It pleased Suzy to know that Vally was as hot for her as she was for Valentina. She did well to hide it, but there was no denying the lustful energy that crackled between them.

But there was time for lust later. It was time again to fight.

Suzy charged, surprising Valentina with her burst of speed. Valentina had Suzy on agility and grace, that much couldn't be denyed. But Suzy could be fast if she wanted to be. She didn't have a background in dance and gymnastics like Valentina had. Her advantage was raw muscle. Suzy locked fingers with Valentina, buffeting her back, forcing her to constantly struggle to retain her footing. Suzy laughed maniacally inside. This was great! Nobody else in the world could take a bull-rush and live to tell the tale. Valentina's muscles flexed fighting Suzy's strength, stoking the flames burning in Suzy's loins. She greatly desired to put her tongue up against Valentina's sweaty pecs and never stop licking. They were so juicy and kissable...

Uh-oh, Suzy thought, feeling the tide turn. Valentina summoned up enough physical power to force Suzy on the defensive. Suzy's superior leverage prevented Valentina from gaining too much ground, but she escaped handily from the hole Suzy had dug for her.

Valentina was strong. Valentina was mighty. Valentina was a worthy opponent. Despite the fatigue that claimed her, the sexy red-haired goddess refused to curl up and die. She was exhausted, as was Suzy, but her Amazonian spirit prevented her from dying easily. She would fight until it was simply impossible to continue. Suzy would not have it any other way.

Suzy's own muscles swelled in response. This pump was simply amazing. It was vastly different from the pump gained by lifting cold iron. That pump was impersonal, almost generic. It was satisfying, but only just so. This pump, this exhilaration, fueled Suzy. Her stamina renewed, her tired muscles ignoring the sluggishness and soreness of over-exertion. She felt incredibly strong. Valentina could take it. She wasn't a weedy, fragile little thing unable to take even a moderately forceful touch without succumbing to Suzy's unreal power. Suzy could feel Valentina's might through her hands, hands capable of breaking steel.

Skinny kept a watchful eye on the two, observing the struggle with a frustrated circumspection. He was sweating as much as either Suzy or Valentina was, and he wasn't even working that hard! Suzy couldn't rightly say what was causing Skinny to sweat so much. Was the sight of two gorgeously massive Amazons battling it out too much for him? Was he nervous about the outcome? Suzy couldn't say. It ultimately wasn't important. He would learn to live with the end result one way or another. It was sweet of him to be so concerned about the state of Suzy and Valentina's friendship. He doesn't need to worry his pretty little head about it, Suzy thought to herself. Things will be more-or-less like they were once all is said and done. Valentina didn't hold grudges, and Suzy herself was having a blast no matter what. Whatever hurt feeling were had would be mended before the night was out, Suzy mused.

But right now, Skinny was hardly worth paying attention to. Valentina made some headway in her attempts to out-muscle Suzy. Not much, but enough for Suzy to curse herself for letting her mind wander. Thinking quickly, Suzy tossed Valentina's hands out to the side, leaving her wide open. Before the redhead could react, Suzy scrambled around her bulky body, wrapped her arms around Valentina's waist, and threw her up into a German Suplex. Valentina let out a surprised cry as Suzy jerked her violently up and over her head and onto her shoulders. Valentina landed with a hard thud, her body nearly folding in half from the force of the impact. Suzy arched her back, holding Valentina into a pinning position. Andy scrambled into place to count out the pin.

“One, two...” he shouted, but Valentina kicked out before his hand could slap the stage a third time. She    managed to lift her shoulders, but Suzy held her fast. Valentina jerked and twisted, trying anything to break Suzy's hold. Both Amazons scrambled to their feet, still latched onto one another. Suzy felt tempted to throw Valentina into another suplex, payback for dropping Suzy on her head earlier, but Valentina had other plans. Her legs coiled around one of Suzy's, forcing her knee to bend and making the bigger woman lose her balance. Suzy let go of Valentina out of reflex to break her fall, the redhead using the break to force an ankle-lock on Suzy.

Suzy bit down the sudden immense pain of Valentina twisting her ankle. She was a speedy little thing, both mentally and physically. Just as soon as Suzy thought she had Valentina in a corner, she managed to slip out as if she was covered in grease. Suzy's immense leg muscles fought the power of Valentina's entire body. She let out a suppressed groan of agony, but refused to give Valentina the pleasure of seeing her tap. Andy repeatedly asked Suzy if she gave up, every single time she steadfastly refused, eventually telling him to get the fuck out of her face. Steeling her resolve, she planted her large foot in Valentina's face and pushed with all of her might. Her long legs won out, her sweaty skin proving tough to hold onto. Valentina's grip popped open, freeing Suzy from the torment. She shoulder rolled forward to grant herself some room away from Valentina to recover.

Naturally, Valentina was on her feet much faster than Suzy was and already charging like a bull before Suzy could react. Valentina's cross body block caught Suzy entirely by surprise, and with only one and half legs to stand on, down she went with another heavy thud on the hard floor. Valentina immediately went for the pin. Andy was there.

“One, two...” he counted again, once more coming up short as Suzy pressed Valentina up and away from her body. Once more the redhead rallied much quicker than Suzy could, who was still reeling from the sudden onslaught of aggression from Valentina. Suzy and Valentina rolled around on the ground, clutching this, grappling that, any attempt to secure purchase on any body part. Heavy, sweaty muscles ground together, the heat of their bodies burning one another. Valentina's hard nipples dug into Suzy's skin, as Suzy's did to Valentina's. Each batted the other's arms away, preventing easy pickings, but neither could gain much of a grip on the other. It wasn't until Suzy faked Valentina out with a feint, forcing her to over extend herself and topple over. Suzy capitalized and clamped down with her legs.

“Uh oh!” Suzy crowed, reveling in the feeling of Valentina's mighty body flexing against her moist, throbbing groin. “Looks like you ain't the only one with legs, bitch!”

Suzy giggled loopily. She was tired, and the delicious irony of catching the leggy redhead in her own body scissors was almost too much. The heat and rippling muscle of Valentina's torso squirming against her womanhood made Suzy bellow in unrestrained lust. It felt wonderful, almost as wonderful as crushing Valentina in-between her legs. Suzy SQUEEZED as hard as she could, as hard as her rubbery feeling legs could allow, anyway. A normal human being would have been bisected by such a squeeze, but Valentina merely cried out in agony, her steely muscles acting like armor against Suzy's overbearing strength. It was almost too much for Valentina to bear when Suzy gave her both barrels of her anaconda quads coming brutally into play. It was a truly incredible sight as Suzy's mammoth thighs swelled and hardened around Valentina's ribcage. Suzy locked her ankles, really throwing herself into the squeeze. Then, fully extending her legs, she gritted her teeth and sent jolt after jolt of body scissor shockwaves through Valentina.

Of course, it hardly mattered at this stage. Suzy smelled blood. It seemed as though the mighty redhead had become a helpless pile of quivering jello between Suzy massive unrelenting legs. Valentina fought, but her venerable strength flagged. She summoned the rest of her fading power and pushed down hard on those punishing thighs, but it wasn't an easy task. She couldn't fight dirty anymore to escape. She was in Suzy's wheelhouse. The Black Widow had caught a tasty morsel and was going to devour her without a second thought.

“Ain't no shame in tappin',” Suzy grinned, throwing her head back and biting her lip in effort pouring it on Valentina's body. The redhead screamed out an invective, but didn't really answer her.

“Val, do you give up?” Andy chimed in, crouching close to the action. Valentina violently shook her head negatively. Suzy squeezed more in response. Victory was at hand. At this point, Valentina was delaying the inevitable out of sheer stubbornness. In truth, Suzy didn't mind. Flexing this much muscle was simply too exhilarating to want it to end so abruptly. The crowd was split, Suzy noticed. Valentina's fans were begging her to stay alive, to somehow power out of the hold and give Suzy a thrashing. Suzy's fans were crying for her to squash the red-haired Amazon like a bug. The entire audience was on their feet. This might be it, after-all, the exclamation point capping off one hell of a show. The mighty Valentina being cowed by a superior opponent at last.

But Valentina wasn't giving up so easily.

She spit and gnashed her teeth, fighting with everything she had to pry apart Suzy's heavily muscled legs. Suzy's muscles were simply too strong to pry apart, but Valentina's legs were stronger. Her beautiful face a mask of agonized fury, Valentina found her feet even with Suzy's body scissors cutting her in half. She stood up, slowly, painfully, begging her ribs not to collapse. She locked her arms underneath Suzy's legs and began spinning. Slowly at first, but each revolution picked up speed until Suzy was lifted off of the ground by centrifugal force. Around and around they went, Suzy floating nearly horizontally with every spin until suddenly, momentum pried her away from Valentina's body, forcing her legs to loosen. Suzy sailed a good distance before she realized that she was flying towards a ring out.

This wasn't an end for a warrior, to be disqualified. Suzy refused to lose in such a fashion. She had the presence of mind to twist mid-air and scrabble for a hand hold, anything to prevent her from leaving the stage. Having little choice and running out of time, Suzy buried her fist into the wooden floorboards with a heavy punch, splintering the stage, but creating a painful handhold for her to grasp onto before she flew too far. Suzy landed, her sweat making it easier to slide on the smooth surface of the stage before jerking to a sudden stop. She winced at the sharp wooden barbs digging at her hand, but was thankful she didn't careen off into oblivion. She hung half-on half-on the stage, holding her legs horizontal to prevent touching the ground below.

Valentina stalked her, approaching like a lioness coming upon a wounded gazelle. Suzy was in a predicament. She crawled further onto the stage in an attempt to shore up her position. She tore her fist from the wood and seized Valentina's ankles with both hands. She pulled with all her might, yanking the proverbial rug out from under the redhead. Valentina yelped, her huge muscular body falling to earth for what seemed like minutes, limbs splaying in every which way. When finally she finally thudded down at Suzy's feet, Suzy moved in for the pin. 

As was quickly evidenced, Suzy's extra weight proved to be an advantage in such a situation. Suzy clambered atop Valentina, trying to hold her down enough to prevent her from thrashing out once more.  Valentina proved to be quite tenacious, tough to muscle down both of her shoulders to the wood. Andy went prone nearby, ready to start slapping his hands on the stage to count the pin that was coming. Only, it never happened. 

Getting frustrated, Suzy abandoned the idea of a quick pin and quickly muscled Valentina over onto her stomach. Suzy drove her knee into Valentina's back, holding her there with her body weight. Valentina groaned, her face being mashed down into the hard wooden floor with the pressure of Suzy's large hand bearing down on her skull. Suzy the whipped the redhead's right arm into a hammerlock while she bore down on the back of Valentina's neck with her full weight. This was surely it, Suzy thought, licking her lips. It was almost over. There was no way Valentina would get out of this one. There was just no way.

“I feel good. Just like old times,” Suzy purred. “What's it feel like to be a dying woman? You're a dead woman, Val!”

Valentina cried out if frustrated agony. The hold hurt. Suzy's taunting made it worse. A bubble of rage boiled in her gut. It quickly spread throughout her body, making her over-taxed muscles work despite the permeating soreness that fatigued her greatly.

“Bullll...Shiiiitttt!” Valentina howled. Just when it appeared that she might be on the verge of a submission, Suzy suddenly felt herself lift up as if on a hydraulic press. Valentina was raising herself off the floor with her left arm alone! 

It was slow going, and ever fiber of her being begged her not to do it, but Valentina bit down and put ever ounce of muscle into this maneuver. It was similar to performing a one-armed pushup with and extra three-hundred and seventy-eight pounds bearing down on her back. Suzy was in shock, as was the rest of the audience. Valentina was immensely strong, stronger than many could even fathom. Even Suzy had a hard time believing what was happening. She must've let go in shock, because the next thing Suzy knew, Valentina freed herself from the hammerlock. She rolled and lashed out at Suzy with both her enormous legs.

“Payback's a bitch and her name is Valentina!” the redhead snarled, snagging Suzy's mighty neck with her calves. Squeezing her legs together, Valentina worked her powerful core to pull Suzy off balance, using her legs like two massive chop-sticks. The hulking giantess tumbled to one knee, unable to resist the pull of Valentina's legs. She crushed down, trying to choke Suzy out. Suzy gasped and pawed at Valentina's mighty legs, looking to get a grip. Valentina granted her a fake reprieve, loosening her legs to allow Suzy a moment's breath. But before Suzy could capitalize on this seemingly rookie mistake in judgment Valentina made, her predicament worsened when the redhead captured her head in a figure-four head-scissors, bringing her mammoth quads into play. In a matter of seconds, Suzy's face reddened as the pressure of the figure-four squashed her features into a contorted grimace. A deathly silence fell over the once boisterous Amazon as she began to fade. But to her credit, she somehow held out and with an unforeseen burst of energy, attempted to break free of the hold.

Trying to pull Valentina's legs apart when they were dead set on being together was an exercise in impossibility. It was like trying to resist the gravitational pull of the Sun. Especially when Suzy was as fatigued as she was. Even at 100% strength, it was doubtful that she could have easily worked her legs loose. Suzy's world was muscle. The roar of the crowd was mostly silenced between Valentina's legs. The most Suzy heard was the throbbing of her veins in her own head. Huge swelling tissue forced her eyes shut, blackening everything. Would this be it? she wondered. Smothered to death between Valentina's legs? Suzy could think of worse ways to go, but it pissed her off to no end that Valentina was able to hide this ace up her sleeve. Suzy had to applaud Valentina's quick thinking. She must've known that Suzy wouldn't be able to pull out of a hold this late in the game, letting her beat on Valentina a while until Suzy was too tired to fight, and then smother her between her thighs.

The crush of the head-scissors made Suzy's eyelids feel heavy and the dark warrior tried in vain to rise to her knees. Her head was light and swimming as Valentina gritted her teeth and exerted maximum power with the reserves she had left. For a brief instant, Suzy pushed herself off the mat with both arms before she felt her right arm being wrenched out from under her. Down she plunged into the darkness of Valentina's swollen, bulging thighs that blotted out the light.

Valentina held Suzy's head between her legs until she stopped fighting. Suzy slumped down, seemingly defeated. It might be a ploy on Suzy's part, trying to get Valentina to let go. Did Suzy really have it in her to keep going at this point? Valentina herself felt supremely tired. Her burning muscles were like rubber, sweat poured off her skin in buckets. Her red hair was darkened and matted to her skull with sweat, and her thong was soaking in it. Breaths came in ragged, greedy gulps. Suzy had a deep well of power, but even that must be getting close to tapping out. It was impossible for Valentina to conceive of holding on this long, yet here she was, seemingly on top.

Since Suzy didn't tap, and since her shoulders weren't on the mat, Andy sidled up alongside her to check her status before giving Valentina the win. He asked her repeatedly in she was ready to give up, and when Suzy didn't answer, he grabbed her wrist and let it drop. Once more, after she didn't respond. A third time. Andy held her heavy arm aloft, building the tension, giving Suzy fair warning that if her wrist hit the floor this last time, she was out. The crowd was on their feet. Suzy's rabid fans screamed at her, begged her not to pass out, not to end it like this. Valentina's fans were celebrating her inexorable victory. They showered the red-haired titaness with love and adulation for her incredible prowess, fortitude, and resolve. Suzy's arm dropped. The building held their collective breath as it fell

But before Valentina's fans exploded in true celebration, Suzy's arm stopped mid-air.

Suzy reawakened just in time. Maybe Valentina let her legs open just a bit too much, or maybe her Amazonian warrior spirit kicked her in the ass hard enough to warn her of her impending demise, she didn't know. What she did know, was that she wasn't going to lose this contest. She had come so far, too far, to lose now. Suzy could barely hear them, but her fans went wild. Valentina's fans collectively groaned in dismay. Suzy shook her fist, working herself up into a berserker fury. Pounding the floorboards, Suzy worked her way up to her knees, then to her feet. Valentina still latched on, hanging off of Suzy's neck a three-hundred and fifty pound necklace.

Suzy flipped Valentina up into a sitting position, and then powered her down to the hard floor with a seismic jackknife. The redhead slammed down hard, bones rattling from the impact, yet she held fast. Suzy hoisted Valentina up once more, slamming her even harder with an atomic power-bomb. Valentina's whole body shook with the blast from the stage, yet, miraculously, her legs still held on. Suzy attempted to muscle Valentina up one more time, hoping that his was the one to do it, but Valentina had other plans. As soon as Suzy picked Valentina up into one more jackknife, Valentina prempted Suzy's slam by throwing herself backwards. With legs still clamped around Suzy's neck, Valentina counted Suzy's powerbomb into one helluva frankensteiner. Suzy sailed through the air, being picked up off of her feet before being driven onto her back with authority.

Valentina legs stayed locked around Suzy's head with her nose pressed tightly into her crotch. It was over for her. All she had to do was seal the deal. Valentina could go for a pin, but Suzy might have enough left to try and get out of it. It was better to go for a submission. The redhead then dropped on dark-haired giantess' chest and pinned her in a schoolboy press. It was painfully obvious that Suzy had not yet recovered from being knocked out by the headscissors in the previous fall. Her powerbombs were a last-ditch attempted at breaking Valenina's hold, but in futility as she had taken a gamble and burnt up her energy. Valentina's reversal had rung her bell to the point of leaving her helpless.

"Well, it's been fun, Suzy" declared Valentina said. “But looks like you lose.” She then moved for the grapevine, planting her hands on either side of Suzy's head, she removed her legs from the hold in a dazzling display of athleticism, moving them down south. Valentina then hugged Suzy's groggy head into her chest, she then seized Suzy's arms and pinned them far above her head. Valentina splayed Suzy's legs painfully apart in a brutal grapevine. Suzy seemed to come alive out of her dazed stupor then as the pain of the hold set her alight. Valentina listened with satisfaction while her luckless victim moaned in helpless agony.

“That's it. Scream all you want,” Valentina growled, holding the violently bucking Suzy fast. Valentina muffled Suzy by burying her massive sweaty pecs in Suzy's face, all the while, she bounced violently up and down on Suzy's chest, crushing her pecs and leaving her breathless.

"Uh oh," Valentina taunted.  "Seems like you're out of gas, Suzy. Whereas I've got stamina to spare. My muscles are like steel. Yours are like jelly. You're helpless against me, like all those boy toys of yours are helpless against you. You may as well give up now and spare yourself some pain." Suzy tried to fight some more, but her thrashing got weaker and weaker. “No? Still harboring delusions of grandeur? Okay then. Suit yourself.”

Suzy's arms flailed madly above her head as Valentina quickly pressed in and wrapped her head up and a mini bear-hug into her own thickly muscled chest. Valentina felt supreme. The battle had turned in her favor. She had outlasted and outfought the vicious Psycho Suzy, the self-proclaimed 'Biggest, Baddest Bitch' that ever lived. This must have been humiliating as it was painful for the gigantic woman beneath her. All she needed to do was tap or say 'I give,' and it would all be over. But, Suzy was Suzy. She wouldn't do so. She still thought she had a chance, no matter how unlikely it was.

“There's no shame in giving up, as you said, Suzy. There's no sense in being a damned fool about it. Three simple words: I give up. That's all you have to say." Muted swearing came from Suzy's muffled lips, the great warrior defiant to the last. “Well, I tried being reasonable,” Valentina shrugged, spreading Suzy's legs apart even further. This time around, muffled screams of agony could be heard beneath the popping of Suzy's knee-joints as Valentina savagely separated her legs with the grapevine. "How's that grab ya down there, Suze? You know how strong my legs are. You know how much stronger my legs are than yours. There's no way you can fight it. Quit being so damned stubborn."

Valentina turned to the crowd and smiled. Her supporters were going nuts at her giving Suzy a taste of her own medicine, while Suzy's fans didn't know how to react. On one hand, they couldn't believe that a powerhouse like her could be cowed. On the other, they were heartened that her lack of a submission meant that she might be alive and the match could go on. More than a few had their doubts and pleaded for Suzy to just give up. Valentina's massive legs totally dominated Suzy's and kept them painfully spread while she smothered Suzy's face into her chest. She'd turned the tables dramatically and now she was enjoying the looks of disbelief and disappointment on their collective faces. Earlier they were taunting Valentina, assured of Suzy's hegemony earlier. Now they were coming around to see her as the stronger.

"I don't understand it, Suzy. You were so full of yourself before, backstage. Who's weak as a kitten? Huh? Who's going to win this thing?" With each question, Valentina repeatedly arched and slammed her pelvis into Suzy's solar-plexus in an attempt at pushing her further towards a submission. “I want to hear it. Three little words, and all this will end. You and I can go home with Andy and have a big ol' sloppy orgy together, of course, after you service me orally again and again and again until I tell you to stop. I think I'm entitled to a little deference, don't you?” Suzy teetered precariously on the edge of consciousness at the combination of Valentina's grapevine, smother and pelvic pummeling took its toll.

“Would that be so bad?” Valentina purred lustfully. “I know I would enjoy it. You sure are good with that tongue of yours. Mmm! I can feel it already. Hot!

Suzy made one last attempt at wiggling free before collapsing. She screamed as much in frustration as she did pain into Valentina's chest before pounding the stage with her free hand. She frantically tapped out, desperate to get out of the devastating grapevine and eager to end the horrible realization that she lost.

“Do you give up, or are you having a spaz attack?” Valentina asked, pulling her chest away from Suzy's face for an answer.

“I give! I give!” Suzy cried, plaintively submitting the match.

“I don't believe you,” Valentina said with a smirk. “I don't think the crowd can hear you.”

“I GIVE! I FUCKING GIVE! LET ME GO!” Suzy screamed. Andy crouched nearby and blew his whistle signalling the end of the match.

“I didn't hear a 'please,' Suzy!” Valentina continued.


“Pretty please?” Valentina grinned.

“Alright, Val, you've proved your point. Now, let her up,” her boyfriend instructed.

“Okay, fine,” Valentina sucked her teeth in annoyance, untangling herself from Suzy. She stood up to bask in the glorious glow of the flashbulbs going off in a solid sea of light, forever immortalizing her as the champion. Andy raised her hand in victory. She looked at him, feeling a burning lust rushing through her loins. She scooped him up into her arms, effortlessly carrying his weight despite the fatigue that wracked her body. His face was plastered with awe and admiration, even further moistening her groin. She held him, drinking in his worshipful eyes before hungrily crushing his face against hers in a kiss between a goddess and her chosen mortal. Andy threw himself into the kiss as much as she did, meeting her equally with his own powerful lust. They kissed for a good long while, letting the world melt away for several minutes. It felt good the be the queen, Valentina decided with a satisfied smile.

She set him down and flexed her tired biceps for the crowd in triumph. It was a painful thing flexing overworked muscles. Valentina was looking forward to getting on helluva massage later, right after a good, long Hollywood shower. She imagined Suzy would feel the same way. Looking down at her defeated foe and best friend and felt a twang of pity. Suzy didn't take losing well. She was likely to sulk for quite a while. Suzy buried her face in her hands in disbelief and embarrassment. She felt like she had failed in more ways than losing a simple contest. Valentina leaned down, tapping Suzy on the forearm to get her attention. Suzy peeked timorously out from under her hands, not wanting to see Valentina's celebration dance at her expense. Instead, she found a helping hand.

Unsure, Suzy stared at it for a while. She swallowed and gently reached out to take it. Valentina snatched Suzy up to her feet and stared up into her eyes. The two friends and lovers stared each other down again, this time awkwardly, rather than heatedly. Would it be the same again? The battle was over. Valentina had won, Suzy had lost. It wasn't a total curbstomping, Suzy thought to herself, but a loss was a loss, even if she had put up a helluva fight. What could she have done differently? Was there even a chance that she could've ever beaten Valentina after all they had been through tonight? Would it have even been possible to beat Valentina in a wrestling match while they were both at their best? Suzy didn't know, and that bothered her--

Valentina pulled Suzy into a deep kiss, derailing her train of thought. Several seconds went by before Suzy could react to Valentina's searching tongue in her mouth. Ah, fuck it, Suzy thought, kissing her back passionately. Nothing changed between them. Valentina still loved Suzy, Suzy still loved Valentina. That was all that mattered at the moment. Maybe one day there would be a rematch, but right now, Suzy just wanted to re-establish the foundations of their relationship that had been strained by the nights events. The crowd went nuts. Two Amazon goddesses frenching on stage right before their very eyes right immediately after beating the hell out of each other for their own amusement was almost too much.
Could tonight get any better?
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on October 14, 2014, 11:31:37 pm
Backstage, Suzy and Valentina greedily swallowed pitchers of ice water. They were powerfully thirsty, and the cold water was like ambrosia. They had been provided towels to wipe the sweat from their bodies, but there weren't an facilities to properly wash in, much to their dismay. The award ceremony took place almost immediately after the Amazons peeled their lips away from each other. Of course, Suzy didn't want Skinny to feel out of the loop, so she scooped him up and gave him a deep snogging too. Valentina had her picture taken several times, holding her big fancy check, her trophy and much too small free t-shirt. Her plaque wouldn’t be done until later on in the week. She had insisted that Suzy join in and have her picture taken as well, which served to sooth her bruised ego a bit. A bit. Suzy had swallowed the need to complain about the nature of the win Valentina had over her. It had been a fair fight. Suzy had lost. That much stuck in her craw a bit, but she'd get over it. She heartily applauded Valentina as she was given the accolades given to her.

“You're sure you're not mad?” Valentina came up to her sometime later when they were alone. Suzy rolled her eyes. Not this again...

“No. Absolutely not. I'm happy for you. Honestly. You are strong. Really strong. I-- I guess I just don't have what it takes to beat you, is all,” Suzy murmured to herself.

“Oh, come now,” Valentina protested, lifting Suzy's chin up to look her in the eyes. “I only beat you by this much,” Valentina said, holding her fingers apart by a centimeter. If I wasn't able to hold on to you after that last powerbomb, I don't know what would've happened.”

“About that,” Suzy winced. “Sorry for slamming you so hard.” Valentina shrugged.

“Sorry for choking you to death with my thighs,” Valentina replied.

“Your thighs are killer. Your legs are amazing,” Suzy replied, unable to tear her eyes away from Valentina. She looked so beautiful, even as tired and as ragged as she was right now.

You are amazing,” Valentina murmured back bashfully.

“No, you...” Suzy purred. Blushing, Valentina and Suzy kissed once more, mashing their faces together tightly, pawing at sweaty, battered bodies. Valentina and Suzy moaned passionately into each other's mouths, running their hands all over the place, unable to settle on one muscle group. The continued until they heard voices coming down the hall. Reluctantly, they pulled apart, vowing silently to continue later on.

Suzy squeezed back into her leathers as carefully as she could over her enormous bulk, an arduous task, while Valentina slipped her tattered clothes back over her bulging muscles. She no longer cared about ripping them any further. Andy and the proprietor Ned came to the back room talking. Apparently, there was talk about having more events at McGrundy's like the one this night. Revenues went through the roof and the amount of media coverage had brought the little dive bar into the spotlight. There was talk about gutting the place and renovating it into a bigger, classier establishment.
“I'm telling you, this is going to be huge,” Ned said.

“Well, it's up to them, isn't it?” Andy replied. Valentina came up to him and wrapped her arms around her man lovingly.

“Mmm,” she purred, kissing his cheek. “What's going to be huge, sweetie?” Her hands ran down his slender but athletic body until they found the thick bulge in his pants. “Besides this I mean...”

“Ned here has a business proposal for you both,” Andy breathed, reveling in her strong hands slipping in under his shirt and into his pants. Ned cleared his throat and tried to ignore the sexual overtones from Valentina.

“Yes, well. Tonight was a rollicking success, no small thanks to you ladies,” he said.

“No shit,” Suzy grinned, coming over to where Andy and Valentina stood, wanting a piece of the action. She loved how uncomfortable Ned became.

“We've more than quadrupled the amount of money we made from last year's event. How would you like it if you came back next year? We could up the stakes and make even more money,” he proposed.

“No good,” Valentina purred, kissing and nibbling Andy's neck while massaging the hard erection in his pants.

“We're sort of 'under contract' elsewhere,” Suzy cooed, taking Andy's earlobe into her mouth and suckling gently. She helped Valentina with Skinny's massive tool. The little man sighed pleasurably at the love shown to him. Ned merely swallowed and adjusted his tie.

“Under contract?” he asked for clarification.

“Yeah, at a little place downtown called 'Themyscira,'” Suzy continued. Themyscira was an open secret by now. Anybody who was anybody had heard of the Amazonian nightclub down town.

“Owned and operated by one Annie Garibaldi,” Valentina supplied, name-dropping their friend, mentor and surrogate mother Annie's name. Annie was well known in the real-estate business. She was a multi-millionaire and more or less owned much of the city unofficially. It was rumored that she had the mayor and the governor in her back pocket (it was further rumored that the governor was even in a friends-with-benefits style relationship with Annie, but she remained tight lipped about the veracity of such rumors). She was well known for simply buying out the competition, rather than competing fair and square. Aside from Themyscira, Annie owned virtually every other nightclub in town. Themyscira was merely a labor of love for her. A little dive bar like McGrundy's would hardly dip into Annie's vast coffers to purchase. It might clear six-figures, maybe. And that was with some serious renovating.

“A-Annie Garibaldi?” Ned repeated nervously.

“The one and the same,” Suzy smirked.

“She wouldn't like it if two of her daughters jumped ship to work for a small-time operation like this place,” Valentina explained. The term 'daughter' was figurative. Annie looked out for her girls like a vicious mother bear. She loved Suzy and Valentina like her own daughters, and Andy like a favorite son-in-law.

“D-daughters?” Ned choked. “I-I'm sorry. I had no idea you worked for Ms. Garibaldi.”

“I don't know how you could've missed that,” Suzy teased with a smirk, flexing her bulging muscles. 

“But don't worry about it,” Valentina said amiably. “Annie is always looking for places to expand to, and competent people to work for her. You said this place was making bank, right? Well, if you're willing to talk turkey, Annie might be willing to work something out. She's looking to make Themyscira even bigger than it is, maybe even open it to the public. Maybe McGrundy's is just what she needs for a soft launch. Tell you what, Ned. I'll tell her that you're looking for talent, and Annie might be willing to work with you. What do you say?”

“You'd do that?” Ned gasped hopefully.

“Sure. You've been good to us. This competition was rather fun, if I don't say so myself. It's clear the people want to see more female muscle, so why not give it to them?”

“W-well then. Excellent! I'll look forward to her call then. Thanks a bunch for what you ladies did for me tonight. You're always welcome here. Everything is on the house for you from now on. Your money is no good here,” Ned gushed before excusing himself, excitedly murmuring to himself about the possibilities.


They had decided to take advantage of Ned's generosity and hang out for a little while to unwind and have a few drinks. Fans came by looking for autographs and pictures by the droves which Valentina and Suzy were willing to indulge in to a point before getting tired of it. The bouncers of the club forced several people to quit crowding the Amazons and let them rest. Valentina scooped up Andy and sat him on her lap. His warm little body felt so good to snuggle with.

Suzy’s boy toys from earlier came back with their drinks. She called them Shrimp and Pipsqueak even though they told Valentina their names were Jim and Aaron, respectively. They didn’t seem to mind being called their colorful sobriquets though. Shrimp presented Suzy with her second Sex on the Beach, while Pipsqueak brought Valentina a regular cranberry juice, having learned her lesson from earlier. Suzy yanked the orange slice from the lip and plopped it in to the cocktail.

“Is they anything else we can do for you, Mistress Suzy, Mistress-- I mean, Valentina?” said Pipsqueak. She had insisted that she be called Valentina, nothing more. Valentina didn’t hold with the whole dominatrix thing.

“Yeah, a massage would be lovely,” Suzy purred, wincing as she flexed her mighty neck. Shrimp didn’t have to be told twice, working his fingers into Suzy’s massively corded neck and traps. She let out a low, satisfied moan in response. “Ohhh yeah... Remind me to keep you around, Shrimp...”

“Mistr- I mean, Valentina? Would you like one as well?” Pipsqueak asked hopefully. She didn’t really care for his obeisance, but a massage was a massage.

“I can handle that, Aaron, thanks,” Andy bolted out of Valentina's lap to work her massive traps and shoulders. “Why don't you do your Mistress. Your buddy's gonna have his hands full over there anyhow.”

“Um, okay,” Pipsqueak capitulated, joining Shrimp in working Suzy's steel muscles loose.

“Hmm,” Valentina smirked languidly, thoroughly enjoying the massage and Andy's eagerness to show Suzy's boys up. “Jealous?”

“Of him? No. Boy's got no skill at all. This is a man's sized job right here,” Andy explained.

“Mmm... My strong little man...” Valentina purred, practically going limp from Andy's massage. Valentina moaned softly as Andy set to work. His strong hands were practiced and supple from years of strengthening. He eagerly worked her strong muscles into a soft putty, making her eyes roll back into her head.

Her drink was refreshing, her man was treating her to one helluva massage, and she let herself relax completely.

It was good to be the queen.

It's still not over, folks. There's one more obstacle our heroines must overcome before the night's over. Sit tight.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on October 15, 2014, 02:25:56 am
Wow! What a great match! I mean it was back and forth throughout, both girls looked extremely strong and tough and went well beyond what any male professional wrestler possibly could! Great feats of strength throughout, both girls using their overwhelming power to try and take the other out to be proclaimed the strongest athlete overall. Val seemed to get into that vicious state of mind she had a couple chapters ago, and maybe that's what carried her over, but in the end, she transformed herself back to the sweet, sensual red haired goddess that we all know and love. The after scene was very interesting as well, seeing Ned say that Annie was looking to expand Themiscyra, that's something I would like to see, I really enjoyed the scenes in there. The obstacle, well, I am hoping that it is big, muscular and strong as hell! k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: M7 on October 15, 2014, 10:26:41 am
Another great installment NinjaStar. Keep up the great work and of course, karma. I have a feeling my favorite part of this story is yet to come.

And thank you very much for the huge compliment. That means a lot. I feel the same way, I've been writing a few short stories over the last several years, but when I read your work it reminds me that I'm no author! Not even close. It simply pales in comparison. Actually, there is no comparison.

It's too bad we don't live close to each other. You could show me how to write and I could show you how I make my morphs. lol

btw, you're right, we do see eye to eye on a lot of things. I sent you a PM.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: GreatJustice on October 15, 2014, 03:43:55 pm
I don't think I've posted on here yet to compliment you on what was an absolutely lovely story; can't wait for the next installment!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Japagreipe on October 16, 2014, 10:31:33 pm
Wow. That was some intense wrestling. I'm really looking forward to what you come up with next. K+
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on November 04, 2014, 07:24:17 pm
A/N: I'm back, and almost finished. Sorry about the long delay. Wow, lots of responses to that last chapter. Jeremy, M7, always nice to hear from you. Glad you both liked it. Solarian, thanks, but we're not totally out of the woods yet. Give me just a little more time, and we'll be getting there. GreatJustice, you honor me. I like your writing style. Thanks for PMing me the link to your version of The Rendezvous. I liked it a lot. Japagreipe, welcome to the party. Hopefully I can live up to your standards with this next bit.

Now, for this next bit, I'm not a foot guy, but I got the inspiration from a friend of mine who is. Bear with me here. Forgive me if it's a bit off-putting. I have no idea what I'm talking about.


Suzy sighed luxuriously as Shrimp rubbed her feet. As much as she loved her boots, standing in them for hours was simply murder, but that was the price paid for looking good. Shrimp worked through the pain of seriously cramping hands like a soldier. His hands were all locked up from trying to penetrate the steel muscles of her neck, yet he carried on, brows furrowed in extreme concentration like he was trying to disarm a bomb while performing neurosurgery. Pipsqueak, on the other hand, was currently being put to task as a footstool, penance for accidentally spilling her fourth Sex on the Beach. Poor boy got too excited and bumped the table a bit too hard, causing her drink to go all over the place, aside from being a rather lousy masseur. Thankfully, none of it got on her leathers, or else there would really be hell to pay. As heavily as Suzy leaned on him, he didn't seem to mind. She idly sipped her fifth Sex and cast an eye towards Skinny and Valentina.

He straddled her lap, working her pecs with his magic hands. Valentina had torn her shirt more, giving her a plunging neckline and miles of pec cleavage. Skinny took those great mounds of muscle into his strong, practiced hands and really got in there with the massage. Valentina was blushing with extreme arousal. Suzy grinned at the sight of Valentina struggling to contain her libido and sit on her hands, letting her man do his work. She was torn between the wonderful massage working her sore, tired muscles into a mellow goo, or tearing Skinny's clothes off and fucking him right here in front of everyone. Her conflict was delicious to Suzy. She'd take her victories where she could get them.

Shrimp gently kissed her toes, calling Suzy's attention back to her own massage. His lips softly graced her feet ever so sweetly, causing Suzy to watch him in amusement. He noticed her reaction, and blushed.

“I-I'm sorry, Mistress Suzy. I should've asked permission,” he genuflected, but she waved him off.

“So, you're a foot guy, eh, Shrimp?” she asked with a small grin.

“Not especially, Mistress. It's just... I think your feet are beautiful,” he replied with a shrug. Shrimp wasn't much of a talker, and that suited Suzy just fine. He did as he was asked without complaint or being told twice, and let his actions speak for himself. She liked him the best out of her two slaves.

“Me too, Mistress Suzy!” Pipsqueak on the other hand...

“Quiet!” she commanded, cuffing him with one of her feet. “Furniture doesn't talk.” Turning back to Shrimp, she asked, “What is it about my feet that's so beautiful to you?” It was a bizarre think to be complimented on, to be sure. If Suzy was self-conscious about anything, well, as self-conscious as Suzy ever got anyway, it was her feet. They were big. Skinny liked to make fun of her feet, calling them clodhoppers, and calling her Frankenstein Foot, Finger Toes, Boat Shoes Suzy, and anything else that struck his fancy. She took delight in reminding him of just how much of his ass she could literally kick with one of her feet, so she didn't mind it as much as she would coming from anyone else. But still, being told her feet were 'beautiful' was a strange, unusual phenomenon.

“I... I can't really explain it, Mistress Suzy,” said Shrimp. “I just like them.”

“Your goddess demands worship, mortal,” Suzy teased, pinching his nose slightly with her dextrous toes. “You'd better come up with a reason.”

Shrimp thought for a moment before speaking, contemplating her feet in all their beauty, apparently. “If I had to choose a reason, Mistress, I'd say it's how smooth and soft they are. So much of you is hard, and dense with muscle, yet your feet are seemingly so delicate.”

Delicate??” Suzy guffawed. “That's a new one on me, Shrimp.”

“Maybe I misspoke, my Mistress. I can't really explain it better. I'm sorry,” Shrimp apologized. Suzy shrugged.

“Don't worry about it, Shrimp. It's just that no-one has ever said such things about my feet before. I'm touched, really.”

“They're beautiful. That's all I can say,” Shrimp replied, forgoing proper address. Suzy decided to let it pass. She liked Shrimp. He was charming in a thoughtful way. Pipsqueak was quick to notice the breach of protocol as well.

“He didn't properly address you, Mistress!” he complained.

“Am I suddenly schizophrenic? Is my footstool talking to me?” Suzy growled, mashing her free foot onto Pipsqueak's (or was that Footstool, now?) head, holding against the floor. “Are you a magical footstool? Do you have some wisdom to impart to me? Are going to tell me to shoot the President next, Magical Footstool?”

“N-no, Mistress Suzy,” Pipsqueak simpered.

“No what?” Suzy pressed down a little harder.

“No to a-all of th-that, Mistress Suzy!” he cried.

“So there is absolutely no reason for an inanimate object to be talking unless I'm crazy, correct?” she stated more than asked.

“No, Mistress Suzy! None at all!” Pipsqueak declared.

“Are you calling me crazy?” Suzy continued.

“N-not at all, Mistress Suzy! I would n-never even d-dream of--”

“So if there is no good reason for a footstool to be talking, and I'm not crazy, THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING, FOOTSTOOL?!” Suzy shouted, mashing his face down into the floor hard. Pipsqueak didn't answer. No answer was the correct response, in this case. If she felt crueler, Suzy would've baited him some more, demanding an answer, but he took the hint. He wasn't as stupid as he looked. She would have him well trained soon enough.

“Is everything alright over there?” Skinny interjected, turning around from his work to watch the events unfold.

“I think she's having an argument with the furniture,” Valentina's commented with a giggle.

“Everything's finally in order over here, ladies and gents. No need to be concerned,” Suzy reported with a wink. “Well, almost. My drink has finally run dry.” On cue, Pipsqueak bolted up from his position as a footstool once she lifted her legs up to let him out and waited patiently to take her order. “Oh, Pipsqueak. I forgot you were even here. Be a peach and get me another, yeah?” she ordered, handing him her glass. “You know how I like it by now.”

Pipsqueak bowed, backing away before bolting off to the bar to fulfill his mistress' will. She settled her feet back into Shrimp's lap.

“Now then, Favored Slave, where were we?” Suzy asked, gesturing for him to continue his massage.

“I'm honored, my Mistress,” Shrimp replied, inclining his head with respect.

“Mmm,” Suzy purred, closing her eyes and leaning back in her chair. “I think I'll keep you, Favored Slave. At least you know how to show your love for your mistress properly. Pipsqueak is a fuckup and a half.”

“As you say, my Mistress,” Shrimp replied quietly, continuing his massage without a further word.

“Is he your friend, Shrimp?” Suzy asked.

“Not really, my Mistress. I don't really know him.” Suzy grunted absently at his answer. It didn't really matter one way or the other. She had made her choice.

“...Mistress Suzy?” Shrimp broke his silence moments later, prompting Suzy to open one eye to regard him.

“Hmm?” she murmured.

“At the risk of angering you... May I kiss your feet again, my Mistress?” he timidly asked.

“Why would that anger me, Shrimp?” she questioned him.

“I didn't want to just go ahead and do it, my Mistress. But I would really like to kiss your beautiful feet more, if it pleases you.”

Suzy looked at him for a moment before smiling and nodding her assent. “Thank you, my Mistress!” he said appreciatively, setting his lips to her feet once more. To Suzy's surprise, it felt really good. She had made her slaves kiss her boots before, but she never made them kiss her bare feet, probably because it was a weird thing to kiss. And, she still wasn't making anybody. Shrimp was doing it all on his own. He wasn't overeager or sloppy, making sure to show proper decorum by keeping the tongue inside his mouth. His lips were worshipful without being creepy. It was one thing to force a slave to worship you, it was something else entirely to be worshiped freely. It was simply wonderful.

Pipsqueak bumblefucked his way back with Suzy's next Sex on the Beach not a moment too soon. She readily accepted the drink, and Pipsqueak moved to take his place back as her footstool but Suzy stopped him.

“That won't be necessary, Pipsqueak,” Suzy said. “Your services will no longer be required this evening.”

“W-What?” he sputtered. “I m-mean, why Mistress?”

“Because I don't really like you,” Suzy answered simply, without apology. He looked as if he had been slapped. Pipsqueak tried to formulate something to say before looking to Shrimp for backup, who simply shrugged as if to say “Don't know what to tell you, dude.”

“But-” Pipsqueak began, but Suzy shushed him.

“G'wan, git,” she shooed him, motioning for him to leave.

“But-” he tried once more, but Suzy turned on him with a death glare, trapping his voice in his throat.

“Are you deaf, or just stupid?” she asked crossly. “Get lost, punk.”

Pipsqueak lingered for a moment longer before beating a hasty retreat as fast as his scrawny little legs could carry him. Shrimp kept on kissing her feet without comment, showing attention to all ten of her toes, the balls of her feet, her insoles, and her heels with equal loving worship. It felt good, and she let him continue for a long while after that before pulling her feet away. Shrimp looked shocked at first, as if he had done something to anger her, but then looked disappointed that he wasn't going to get to worship her feet some more.

“C'mere and sit in my lap, Shrimp,” Suzy beckoned. Shrimp promptly did as commanded, setting his negligible weight on her muscled thighs. “What's the matter, Shrimp?” she teased, “Only like me for my feet?”

“Not at all, my Mistress. I was certainly enjoying myself, but your wish is my command,” he said. Suzy smiled and pulled him into a deep tongue kiss. She “Mmm'ed” deeply, loving the feeling of crushing a small little man against her mighty body. Whatever disappointment Shrimp had quickly left, and he eagerly kissed her back.


Valentina's lap was nice and warm, her powerful arms draped around his shoulders, locking Andy in place. He didn't mind in the least. Happiness was a warm Amazon, after all. It simply felt good to be back to normal now. Valentina was nothing but her ordinary sweet self, as evinced by the soft kisses she leveled on his forehead as he kissed her beautiful chest. She softly squeezed him, cuddling Andy like a teddy bear. It felt wonderful. He looked up at her beautiful face, and she rewarded him with one of her illuminating, albeit tired, smiles and sparkling sky-colored eyes. She leaned in and rested her forehead against his. The lovers held this position, basking in the loving warmth the two shared for each other.

My heroine, Andy thought with a greedy smile. My goddess. Valentina never ceased to amaze him. He was in love with the strongest woman in the world. She was capable of anything. She could probably rule if she had the desire to do so, yet, she was content to let the world be and lead a simple, though interesting life with a man like him. A man, he mused. I feel like a baby in her arms, yet she treats me with nothing but love and respect. To have such power and choose not to use it is truly remarkable. I doubt I could restrain myself so if I were in her position. Despite the adrenaline-withdrawal torpor Valentina found herself in, her body still thrummed alive with power. Even fatigued as she was, Valentina possessed far more strength than Andy could ever achieve, yet she held him so gently, so lovingly.

I could die right here in her arms and be happy, he thought contentedly. There was no place else in the world but right there in her arms that Andy felt so safe and loved. He had idly noted the jealous looks he received from a few guys who not-so-subtly watched the lone table he and Valentina sat at with ill-disguised jealousy. Lots of men had fallen in love with her. Andy didn't know which charmed them the most; her strength, her muscles, her beauty, her physical prowess, her heart, or her sweet personality. Either way, they all wanted her, but they couldn't have her.

Valentina is mine, all mine, Andy glowed internally, breaking into a big grin. Well, mine and Suzy's I suppose. But I call dibs.

“What?” Valentina murmured, catching his smile with confused but amused one of her own.

“Just stopping to think how unbelievable you are, babe,” Andy replied. Valentina blushed. “No, I mean it. You're amazing. You're a Goddess. I'm so lucky. I really don't deserve you.”

“'Deserve?'” Valentina repeated, raising an eyebrow. “What's all this deserve talk? Of course you do.”

“I meant comparatively speaking,” Andy clarified. “I'm less than an ant compared to you. You could have anybody you wanted to in this bar-” Valentina wrinkled her nose in distaste at the notion of taking home a redneck, making Andy laugh, “Okay, fine, in the world yet you chose me. If that's not luck, I don't know what is.”

“You don't think I'm lucky?” Valentina asked. “Not every girl gets to come home to such a great guy like you every day. You think I chose you, as if I was fighting guys off with a stick when we met? You were one of the few actually man enough to come talk to me and the only ever to treat me with respect. That day, I couldn't believe my luck, and I still don't, even so many years on. So don't talk to me about 'luck' and 'deserve', sweetie. I'm the lucky one.”

“Yeah, you sure are,” Andy grinned wickedly, prompting Valentina to gently slap his chest in playful annoyance. “Ow! Hey!”

“You're a cheeky little bastard, that's for sure,” she scolded waggishly.

“By that I take it you mean I have a great ass,” Andy supplied helpfully, with an irresistible quirk of his eyebrow.

Valentina could only shrug and nod in agreement before breaking into a sly smile. “You certainly do have a tasty little body, that's for sure.”

“'Tasty?'” Andy parroted, unsure of Valentina's choice of words.

“Delicious,” she continued, teasing his lips with her long, dextrous tongue.

“So, if I told you to 'eat me,' you wouldn't take it as an insult?” Andy grinned.

“I might just take you at your word, little man,” Valentina replied, snapping her large, perfect teeth at him. “Though, I don't think you'd make much of a meal. You're awfully stringy. I'd have to fatten you up.”

“With what, more of your cooking?” Andy snarked.

“Or, I could just fold you up into an accordion if you keep it up. Either way,” she said primly before easily pressing his knees up to his chest.
“Alright, alright! Point taken,” he said.

“Mmm,” Valentina purred, rubbing the sizable lump in his pants. “Not yet, but I'm looking forward to taking your point later.”

“And what makes you think that I'll just give it up so easily?” Andy teased, breathing quickened by her manual attention on his member.

“You will,” Valentina replied sure of herself. “All's I gotta do is flex up a little muscle, and you'll be giving me your point all night long.” She punctuated her answer by scooping him up effortlessly and planting a kiss full of erotic promises on his lips with gusto. Valentina tasted so sweet and was so warm and loving Andy felt like melting. He was putty in her hands, quite literally. If she wanted to, she could mold him into any shape she desired. The only thing she desired at that moment was him. Running her strong fingers through his hair, Valentina moaned softly, venting her sexual frustration in this one kiss. Andy could hardly wait to get her home and kiss her beautiful body all over, before making hot, passionate love to her until daybreak.

Valentina popped away, giving them both time to breathe.

“Uh-oh,” Valentina commented to Andy teasingly.

“What?” he replied, not following her.

“You know what's going to happen later, right?” Valentina continued, nibbling on his crushed lower lip.

“What?” Andy asked again.

“You're gonna get soooo lucky, babe. I'm not even joking,” Valentina purred lewdly.

“I'm already lucky,” Andy stated.

“Uh-uh, not what I'm talking about. You have know idea what I'm going to do to you, little man...” Valentina intimated sexily, curling her powerful arms around his torso and squeezing him gently.

“What are you going to do to me...?” Andy asked with playful caution. Valentina's sexually charged grin filled him with fire.

“First, I'm gonna tear your clothes off inch by inch, drive you crazy. Then, I'm gonna kiss you all over...”

“And over again?” Andy supplied with a sexy grin.

“Till the night closes in,” Valentina affirmed. “Then, I'm going to smother you with muscle, letting you know just how powerful I am, and how totally helpless you are against me.”

“You're not going to hurt me, are you?” Andy played along, knowing full well the answer to that, but indulging in a little sexy talk nevertheless.

“Hmm, I don't know. You're so small and weak, and I'm so big and strong, I don't know how I couldn't. You're so delicate, sweetie. I might just fuck you to pieces,” she replied offhandedly.

“Then what?” Andy pressed, on fire for Valentina and her sexy promises. She picked him up and reversed their positions so she was straddling his lap in the chair. Her heavy weight was displaced off to the sides somewhat, but Andy still felt her bulk bearing down on him. The heat from her pussy was felt even through the fabric of their clothing.

“Mmm,” Valentina smiled lasciviously. “Then, I'm going to hold you down and slowly, ever so slowly, lower myself on top of your huge dick. I want you to stretch me out, babe. Tear my tight pussy up with that monster cock of yours.” Valentina began grinding her hips on his, simulating sex with him with fiery passion. Soft moans escaped her lips as her clear blue eyes bored into his.

“I love it when you're on top,” Andy murmured, running his hands down her muscled back down her spine, before settling on her round butt.

“I know you do. I can do anything I want to you from that position. Your life is in my hands. I'm going to ride you like the stud bull that you are. I want you to fill me up. Fill my belly with your hot cum. Put your hands all over my body. Taste my hot, sweaty muscles as we make love. Take me. Make me yours...”

The kissed once more, sloppily mashing their lips together. Andy's hands found their way inside her clothes, taking great, greedy handfuls of her pumped, muscular body. Andy's hard cock nearly tore its way through his jeans and into her leggings. Her clit rubbed down onto his groin, driving her mad with desire. His lips left hers and worked their way down to her thick bull neck, tasting her meaty pumped traps and the tops of her bulging pecs.

“You wanna get outta here?” Valentina whispered erotically into his ear, before taking his earlobe into her mouth and suckling and nibbling upon it. “I know do!”

“And do what?” Andy teased. She bit down gently in frustration.

“You know what, little man!” Valentina growled fiercely before jamming her tongue down his throat once more, prompting a surprised “Mmrphf!” from him. Valentina crushed herself up against him, sucking the air out of his lungs with her kiss.

“Ooh! Val's starting to get all sex nuts over there,” Suzy giggled conspiratorially to Shrimp upon closer inspection of the goings on of her companions.

“I know! Help!” Andy pleaded jokingly, futilely reaching out for Suzy who merely shrugged at his 'plight.'

“You know you like it, Skinny!” Suzy grinned. “Mmm,” Suzy purred, leaning in to watch with interest.  “I love the way you manhandle him, Vally.”

“Why not?” Valentina replied, in between kissing his neck and face all over. “I think I deserve it. I'm his conquerer, he's my prize. Besides, he likes to be conquered.”

“Yes, but not as much as breathing!” Andy gasped, taking in mouthfuls of sweet oxygen after being mashed up against Valentina's steely pecs.

“Mmm!” Valentina hummed, kissing him passionately once more. “You'll be doing plenty of that after I'm done with you, little man! You'll be all tired and sore and gasping for air once I've had my fill. I assure you!”

“You're dead meat, Skinny,” Suzy laughed, knowing that was their cue to pack things in.

“I'm already halfway there, I'm afraid,” Andy replied wearily as Valentina hauled him over her shoulder and began gathering her things.

“Oh, I don't think Vally's done with you yet. Not for a damn sight. 'Specially not after I join in,” Suzy declared. “Clear your schedule, little man. You ain't gonna be in any condition to do anything tomorrow.” Suzy placed Shrimp on his feet before putting her boots back onto her feet. Shrimp wordlessly jumped to lace them up for her, and Suzy allowed him to. He worked diligently, and Suzy appraised his hand-eye coordination. Satisfied that her boots were well laced, she rewarded Shrimp with another small kiss and a sweet smile. She then stood up to her full height of 6'8” in her heels, looming over her new boy-toy by a little over half a foot.

“What about me, my Mistress?” Shrimp complained.

Suzy smiled at him and kissed him sweetly. “Don't worry, little one. You're still my Favored Slave. It's just that I've already got the rest of my evening all planned out already.” Shrimp looked dejected, but Suzy giggled and scooped him up into a squeezing hug. “We'll get together REAL soon, don't you fret none.”

“Will you let me kiss your feet again, my Mistress?” Shrimp asked.

“All that and more, sweetling. I promise you. I'll take your virginity soon enough,” Suzy said with a sexy wink before setting him back down onto the floor.

“But... I-I'm not a virgin, my Mistress,” Shrimp said. Suzy laughed.

“Oh, yes you are, little man. Listen, baby, unless you've made it with an Amazon, you're still a virgin. We're a whole different game from those little girls you might've fumble-fucked around with in the past. When you make it with an Amazon, there's a chance you might not even survive.”

“I'm willing to take that risk, my Mistress!” Shrimp pledged. Suzy smiled affectionately, mussing his hair.

“That's the spirit, sweetling. Here's my digits,” she said, letting him copy her cell number down into his own phone, adding him to her long list of contacts in return. “I'll be calling on you, real soon, Shrimp. I hope you're up to the task.”

“I'll wait forever for you, my goddess,” Shrimp declared, prompting Suzy to scoop him up into her arms once more, cradling his slight form easily into her muscular arms.

“It won't be that long, sweetling. Now gimme one last kiss and make it count,” Suzy ordered. Shrimp did as commanded, engaging    her lips with his own in a deep, passionate kiss. Suzy moaned passionately into his mouth, making her boy toy melt into a puddle of goo in her strong arms. When she settled him down back onto the floor, he had a dopey, dreamy grin on his face, obviously fantasizing about getting even further with the leather-clad vixen.

“See ya, around, Shrimp,” Suzy purred, winking once more before heading out with her companions. Shrimp watched her go, appreciating the extra sashay she put into her step for his benefit.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on November 04, 2014, 07:26:15 pm
“Are you sure you're in any condition to drive, Suzy?” Andy asked from over Valentina's shoulder.

“Who's not 'in condition?'” Suzy practically shouted in indignation. “I'm in condition! Lookit my abs!” She lifted her halter a bit and crunched her stomach. The muscles therein hardened to the point of becoming bullet-proof. “'If anything, yer the one that's gettin' a lil' soft round the midsection, Skinny.” Suzy poked a lethally manicured finger into Andy's flat belly, probing for softness before hooking the waistband on his jeans with her strong fingers. “But that's okay. I like my men shrimpy and weak,” she said before leaning down and giving Andy a tongue lashing while Valentina carried him like a horny cavegirl over her shoulder.

Something about Suzy looming over him made Andy hard. Valentina was taller than him by about three inches, standing to a height of 5'11” barefoot, and Suzy a further five inches above that at 6'4”. In her heels, she was a little under a full foot taller than him in addition to being several times more muscular. But her majesty was no less apparent even from the inglorious position he found himself in hoisted over Valentina's brawny shoulder.

“That's not what I meant, psycho,” Andy groaned in annoyance. “I meant, how are you still ambulatory after, what, six cocktails?”

“I'm just that good, Skinny,” Suzy answered vaguely.

“Hold on, there, cowgirl,” Valentina stopped suddenly, turning around. “I think Andy's got a point. I don't think it's such a good idea for you to drive.”

“Whaddiya mean? I'm fine,” Suzy insisted.

“Even so, better safe than sorry,” Valentina pressed.

“Well I ain't gonna give my keys to these shit-kickin' rednecks!” Suzy protested, gesturing expansively to the peanut gallery. “I ain't gonna let my baby get stolen or all fucked up!”

“I'll take your car,” Andy volunteered. Suzy looked at him with an unimpressed expression on her face.

“Excellent, you'll ride with me, Suzy,” Valentina agreed.

“That's not much better, Skinny,” Suzy stated. “I 'preciate you lookin' out fer me an' all, but I'm tellin' ya I'm fine.”

“Suzy,” Valentina said sternly. Suzy sighed in annoyance and rolled her eyes.

 “'Kay, fine here's m'keys.” Suzy produced the keys to her fancy black sports car from out of nowhere. Andy wondered where, considering that her outfit had no visible pockets. “Take good care o' her, Skinny.”

“She won't get a scratch,” Andy assured.

“I've got yer word for it, not a scratch, right?” Suzy asked.

“Can we get going, you psycho?” Andy said exasperatedly, shooing Suzy onwards. “It's a car, not the Millennium Falcon. It'll be okay. Besides, I'm a far safer driver than you anyway.”

“Yeah, I guess that's true. Ya' drive like my grandmother, anyway. C'mon Skinny. Get those buns a-movin',” Suzy commanded, giving him a light slap on his ass for emphasis.

Before they left, Suzy ducked into the little girl's room for a minute, forcing Andy and Valentina to wait. Valentina put him down, and pressed him up against the wall for another intimate make-out session with his amorous girlfriend. Valentina hungrily kissed him, stoking the fire that burned in her loins. She crushed herself up against him and curled a massive leg around his waist, running her fingers through his hair. Andy didn't have any choice, not that he really minded, but Valentina overpowered him at every turn. She enjoyed it when he fought back, outmuscling him without any effort at all. He frowned at the sight of a big giant of a man come up to them.
He must be that Magnus character he had heard about being outdone by Valentina in the squat competition he had missed early on in the contest. Valentina noticed his lack of effort, and followed his gaze over to where Magnus sheepishly waited for them to finish. She blushed before smoothing down Andy's wild hair and fixed him up a bit to make him look a bit less ravished and pawed over, before adopting a prim and dignified posture of her own.

“Little Girl Valentina, your strength astounds me still. It was a pleasure to meet you,” the big lug slurred, having found himself well into his cups, taken by the jovial mood in the bar after the big match.

“Thank you, Magnus. It was a pleasure to meet you as well,” Valentina returned genially.

“If I am not being too forward, I would like to see you again. Maybe we should date, no?” Magnus said, trying to turn on the charm.

“Well...that's, uh, y'know, sweet of you, and all Magnus, but, I've already got a boyfriend,” Valentina revealed, yanking Andy close as he approached and throwing her arm around his shoulder. “This is him. Andy, Magnus, Magnus, Andy.”

“Him?!” Magnus balked. “But, but... he is so puny!”

“Hey, I'm plenty big where it counts, pal,” Andy retorted defensively.

“Oh, now, stop,” Valentina chided. “I'm sure Magnus didn't mean anything by it.”

“Uh, yes, please forgive me, little one,” Magnus nodded, “I meant no offense. I was soundly defeated in a contest of strength, and I am the Strongest Man in Iceland! To think a little man like yourself could conquer a Valkyrie such as Little Girl Valentina is truly astonishing.”

“I don't think 'conquer' is the right word,” Valentina playfully chimed in, nuzzling Andy affectionately.

“Yeah, the operative word is more like 'survive,'” Andy added. “You're gonna be the death of me one of these days.”

“Mmm, but what a way to go,” Valentina purred, ticking his earlobe with her tongue.

“I must not keep you. It seems you have quite a night ahead of you yet, little one, eh?” Magnus winked conspiratorially, nudging him roughly in the ribs with his meaty elbow. “It was nice meeting you.”

“Yeah, likewise,” Andy said, grasping Magnus's huge outstretched hand and shaking.

“Hang on, I had and idea just now,” Valentina announced. She reached in her purse and withdrew her phone. Thumbing through her contacts list, she highlighted Agnetha's number. “Here,” she said, giving Magnus Agnetha's number. “This is a friend of mine. She's right up your alley, Magnus. Why don't you give her a call sometime later on in the week? I'm sure she'd love to meet you.”

“Hmm, perhaps I shall. If she's halfway as beautiful and strong as you, Little Girl, I think we shall get on famously. It has been a pleasure, and thank you for, how do you say, 'hooking me up.”

They said their goodbyes to Magnus, and not a moment too soon, Suzy came staggering out of the bathroom and all three were out the door.

The parking lot was cool and quiet compared to the stifling heat and noise of the bar. The creatures of the night made their music, and Suzy’s heels clacked loudly but somewhat unevenly on the pavement outside. Valentina had her hands full with her novelty check, big ol’ trophy and useless t-shirt, despite Andy attempting to be a gentleman and take some of it off her hands. Suzy laughed as she looked at her package of shot glasses and stupid, but now worthless discount card that she held in her hands.

“That was fun,” Valentina said, beaming. She looked beautiful in the lamplight of the parking lot.

“Hmm, yeah, I guess it was,” Suzy admitted earnestly, smiling easily.

“Are you sure you’re not mad?” Valentina pressed, stopping to look at Suzy for a moment. Suzy sighed in exasperation.

“Would you quit already? No, I’m not. I mean, yeah, I’m disappointed in myself, but I’m not mad at you. If there’s anyone I’d rather lose to it’s you.”

Valentina smiled and set down her stuff before coming up to Suzy and curling her massive arms around her body. Suzy blushed and accepted Valentina’s warm embrace.

“You know I love you, Suzy,” Valentina purred, standing on her toes to kiss her best friend and lover of many years. Suzy’s lips met Valentina’s for the first time in a long while. Any and all rancor between the two brought on by the spirit of competition was gone, replaced by genuine love and a healthy dosage of pure sexual lust.

“Mmm,” Suzy hummed, crushing Valentina up against her body. Their tongues met and became as one.

Andy watched the whole scene with a glowing heart and a growing erection. It was quite hot watching two enormously muscled women making out with such passion, but it was even more special to see their love in full bloom. Andy didn't feel left out because they shared something together that existed long before he and Valentina even first dated. Sure, it was hard at first dealing with the one-sided competition from Suzy, but he learned to deal with it. Valentina wasn't greedy, and she didn't favor one over the other. Suzy had her strengths and Andy had his, and Valentina always made it a point to make sure they both knew how special the both of them were to her. He just simply smiled and waited his turn.

Surely enough, the two stole glances his way mid-kiss. They teased him, exaggeratedly moaning into each other's mouths, Valentina trying not to laugh. Suzy dipped the redhead, making her squeal with excitement and coo with pleasure. They stuck their tongues out and swordfought, all while making sure he was looking.

“Mmm...” Suzy purred, peeling her lips away from Valentina's, arms wrapped around her tremendous bulk. Her hands rested on Valentina's curvy butt and squeezed. “You taste yummy.”

“You taste... like booze. I think I'm a bit drunk just from kissing you,” Valentina giggled.

“I might be a bit buzzed, but I'm also sex-drunk. I want that body...” Suzy nibbled Valentina's lips, sticking her hands down her torn leggings, taking heaping handfuls of her ass. “I have half a mind to rip it all off ya and just take ya here in the parkin' lot,” Suzy growled fiercely, pressing Valentina up against their SUV before crushing her face deeply against Valentina's in a ferally passionate kiss once more. Valentina squeaked helplessly, but kissed back with as much vigor and passion as Suzy did. The Dark Seductress's hands roamed all around the inside of Valentina's leggings, coming to rest against and inside her crotch.

Valentina sighed in arousal, tilting her head back and giving Suzy free access to her thickly muscled neck. Suzy kissed, licked and nibbled on her bull-neck while manually stimulating her lover's hot, dripping sex. Valentina's milk poured generously over Suzy's fingers from her steaming womanhood. Valentina looked and her boyfriend just watching the show with ill-disguised lust and gestured him to come over with a sexy smile and seductive finger. Having no other recourse and getting tired of being left out, Andy complied.

Valentina snatched him closer once he was in distance and pulled him into a hot, sloppy tongue kiss of her own. She moaned, enjoying his taste a little better than Suzy's, but thoroughly enjoying what Suzy was doing in her pants. Her strong hand ran slowly down his chest, over his belly, and finally resting on the ICBM that was ready to launch in his pants.

Valetnina broke away and smiled sexily. “Mmm, feel this thing.”

Suzy pulled her fingers out of Valentina's leggings and suckled her fingers. “Don't mind if I do,” she replied. Indeed, Andy's erection was large and in charge. The two Amazons smothered him in muscle, both putting their hands all over his body and down his pants, teasing him with promises of hot, steamy sex, but never quite fulfilling his lust, leaving him on the brink of aroused madness. But before things could progress any further, a familiar voice from out of nowhere.

“I fuckin’ knew it,” Suzy and Valentina snapped their heads to look at the interloper. Steiner and several of the men from the contest congregated around them, looking for a fight. He had a veritable army of men with him, some from inside, others that neither Amazon recognized. Hired muscle, perhaps. Either way, Steiner was looking to get even. Things were about to go south quick. Valentina instinctively put herself between Andy and Steiner's crew, as did Suzy. The lovely little buzz cleared up quick, lending her razor sharp focus should she need to spring into action. Me and my big mouth, Suzy thought to herself.

“Oh, shit,” Andy cursed. “I forgot to tell you. I had heard this guy was looking to get even. I meant to tell you earlier.”

“It's a little late for that, Skinny,” Suzy muttered sardonically.

“Don't worry about it. We'll handle these guys,” Valentina whispered reassuringly. “Nothing's going to happen to you.”

“I'm not worried about me,” Andy replied.

“You don't think we can take these guys?” Suzy smirked. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Skinny. What the hell are you doing, Blondie?” Suzy growled.

“You got a lotta fuckin’ nerve treatin’ me like you did, she-man,” said Steiner. “Nobody, but nobody fucks me over but me!”

“This really isn’t necessary,” Valentina began, looking to avoid a confrontation.

“Oh, I think it is. Y’see, he-bitch, I don’t like losin’. I especially don’t like it when bitches think they can spend time outta the kitchen and in the gym. So that’s why I gathered some of the boys to teach you wanna-be man-women what’s what. You wanna be men? Then we're gonna beat ya like men!”

“So... Lemme get this right. You mean to say, you spent several hours outside, waiting for us to leave so you can jump us?” Suzy asked incredulously. “Man, you are one pathetic loser.”

“I ain’t no fuckin’ loser! I’ma break it down fer you bitches! Y'know, they say all men are created equal, but ya look at me and ya look at dat lil' toothpick ya'll gots hidin back there behind ya, and ya can see that statement is not true! See, normally if ya go one-on-one with another guy, ya got a 50-50 chance of winnin'. But I'm a genetic freak, and I'm not normal, so ya got a 25 percent at best at beatin' me! And then ya add this red'ead here to the mix? Yer chances of winnin' drasticy go down. See inna three-way, ya got a 33 1/3 chance of winnin'. But I, I got a 66 2/3 chance of winning, cause this red'ead KNOWS he/she can't beat me, and he/she's not even gonna try! So, bitch, ya take yer 33 1/3 chance, minus my 25 percent chance, and ya got an 8 1/3 chance of winnin' at all! But then you take my 75 perchance chance at winnin', if we was to go one-on-one, and to add 66 2/3 percents, I got a 141 2/3 chance of winnin at beatin' you! See; the numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you no matter which way ya slice it!” Steiner shouted, out of breath and redfaced. He crossed his oil-bloated arms over his torn up chest as if he just blew everyone’s minds. Nobody present knew what Steiner had just said exactly.

“...then why did you need all the goons?” Suzy questioned, scratching her head.

“Cholesterol,” Steiner replied. Everybody looked at each other in utter confusion. Blondie made absolutely no sense at all. Even he was hard-pressed to make sense of what he just said once he had a moment to think about it, but had to maintain a certain tough-guy decorum.

“Um, I think you mean 'collateral,'” one of Steiner's goons piped up in and attempt to be helpful.

Steiner wheeled on his crony. “SHADDAP!”

“She do gotta point. I mean, why is we here if ya'll can handle dees hoes by yo'self?” Another goon chimed in.

“SHADDAP! Yer here coz I'm payin' ya! If I wantcha ta get my bags 'er shine my shoes, yer gonna fuckin' do it!” Steiner raged.

From over his girlfriend's shoulder, Andy surveyed the situation. None of the assembled goons wanted to be the first ones to make an attack in case it failed, especially when their leader was a stark raving lunatic. A vast majority of them had been under the assumption that it would be a team effort, but a great many of the goons who agreed to help out would most likely end up bailing before the night’s end. The remaining group would number less than half of it’s original size of the group. In truth, it seemed they had expected numbers to create some fear in these massive women. Neither Suzy nor Valentina seemed particularly afraid. Surreptitiously, Andy ducked back to his and Valentina's SUV and rummaged around in the back behind the seats. He grinned at the Louisville Slugger hidden beneath the gym bags.

“Well?! Whaddiya waitin' fer? Christmas? Go get ‘em boys!” Steiner ordered. Nobody moved. Steiner's cronies looked at each other to see who, if anyone, was going to throw the first punch. Nobody wanted to be that guy. All of them had seen just how strong these huge women were first hand, many of them suffering defeat from them directly. They had all walked away with their pride wounded, but their flesh and bones intact. Who knew what these Amazons were really capable of?

One thing was certain; no one wanted to find out.

“Goddammit! You buncha gas-pumpin', tobacco-chewin', inbred, white trash pieces o’ redneck trash!” Steiner shouted, “Do I gotta do everything my fuckin' self?!”

“Looks like your boys got cold feet, Steiny-baby,” Suzy taunted.

“SHADDAP!” Steiner shouted, equally pissed at her and his cowardly minions.

“No, I'll tell you what, I'll let one o' your boys take a swing at me, an' if he manages to make it a good one, then the rest will get the courage,” Suzy explained, taking exaggeratedly ungainly steps forward. She didn't really feel any adverse effects of the alcohol she imbibed in inside the bar, but she needed an edge. She had never squared off with so many guys in a fight before.

“That bitch is drunk, Scott,” one of Steiner's goons said. “I saw her inside doing shots. In fact, she's so drunk, she can't hit nothin'.” He confidently advanced with a menacing look in his eye. “In fact, she's probably seeing double.”

“Hmm. I've got two fists. One for the each of ya,” Suzy grinned, cracking her knuckles before raising them into a boxing stance.

“Alright, that's enough. This has gone on too far already. We don't want to hurt you guys, but if you keep it up, we'll have no choice,” Valentina announced calmly.

“It's over when I say it's over, bitch! Get 'er, Petey!” Steiner ordered.

The man stopped when a sudden blur of movement halted his advance.

“GOONGALA!” Suzy looked on in surprise to see the a bat wielding Skinny step in with blinding speed and making like Babe Ruth with it across the goon's face. He flew backwards with the crack of wood on bone, skidding along the pavement of the parking lot. Teeth and blood blew out of his mouth, and he slumped into unconsciousness.

“Skinny?” Suzy blinked in utter shock.

“Dammit, Andy!” Valentina shouted, moving up to interject herself between him and the now angry army of goons looking for blood to repay blood.

“What can I say? He deserved it. Man, I really don’t like guys that threaten women,” He said, wiping off the blood staining the bat.

“Hah, so much for staying off the evening news,” Suzy commented, snapping out of it. “But, what about all these clowns?” The assembled goons looked unified at last, and ready to step in and avenge their fallen comrade.

“You take half, and I take half?” Valentina suggested wearily, working the kinks out of her neck up limber up, before taking a fighting stance.

“Try to keep up,” Suzy grinned darkly, raising her fists.

“You stay out of this,” Valentina looked over her shoulder at Andy. Her expression looked none too pleased at his intercession. “We'll handle it.”

“There's no way I'm letting you two take on these guys alone. Besides, I've got an edge, even if it's blunt!” he smirked, flourishing his bat. Valentina had no time to argue, as a few brave, if misguided souls decided to press the attack.

Suzy's large fists met a large man's stomach, sinking in several inches, forcing the air to rush from his lungs. A powerful uppercut sent him sailing in a spray of blood, spit, and teeth. Though powerful, Suzy didn't attack with all her might. These were just love taps. A punch at full strength would easily seriously injure or even kill these goons, and although Suzy enjoyed a good fight, she didn't want to actually murder anyone.

Nevertheless, she was having a ball.

The leather clad vixen laughed with dark glee as she engaged another target, inviting him to swing. Her opponent threw a desperate punch into her exposed ripping belly, hitting what appeared to be solid concrete. Bones in his hand buckled, a finger dislocated. He had little time to bemoan that fact when she rallied and demolished his face with a straight. His nose spread across his features, staining his cheeks with a Rorschach pattern of blood. Several men tried to get away, but Suzy blocked their escape.

Lashing out like cornered animals, the men desperately tried to penetrate Suzy's natural armor. The blows connected, and Suzy knew she was going to have a bruise in several places in the morning, but none of them really hurt. With a mocking laugh, Suzy spun a back-handed knuckle into a man's ear, forcing him to engage in some impromptu acrobatics through the night air. She deflected another man's attack with a meaty forearm before double-axehandleing him to the ground. A third man attempted the leap onto her back. His arms curled around her thick neck in an attempt to choke her out. Suzy resisted his pathetic attempt at a blood choke, and judo-flipped him over onto the concrete. Before he could react, she hoisted him up, and tossed him like a terrified, screaming javelin through the windshield of a truck. He crumpled into a heap in the driver's seat, covered in glass and bleeding from several cuts.

Suzy took stock of the situation, and realized with disappointment that the amount of playmates had been drastically reduced. She casually checked in with how Vally and Skinny were handling their share of the goons.

“Batter up!” Andy shouted, taunting his attackers with a wide swing to keep them at bay. Andy wielded his bat like a master swordsman. He looked like easy prey to the assembled goons because he was considerably smaller and weaker looking than they were, but he was incredibly agile, and a solid ash bat more than evened up the score. He felt like a samurai facing down a group of oni, each probing for a weakness, but getting cracked with his bat for their trouble. He ducked under an attempt at a blindside attack and slammed his bat into the goon's ribs before taking out the back of one on his knees. A broad horizontal sweep made two of the goons hop back out of range. A third took a jab to the balls before receiving a reversed “Louisville Slugger” imprint on his face.

“C'mon guys!” Andy taunted. “You do realize all I got is this wooden bat, right? I thought you were tough!” The more they came on, the more he cracked them one with this bat. One unlucky goon leaned in a bit too far and got pasted alongside the jaw.

“Steeerike! Yer outta there!” he said. They tried to swarm him, but took wood to the face, body and groin before any hits landed. The goons were far too proud to let such a small little guy out fight them and didn't know when to quit. Andy beat them to a pulp with his bat, but maintained a strictly defensive position. He didn't pursue anybody, letting them come to him. Any attack was mowed down like wheat before it could even land. Before he knew it, Andy was out of opponents, the last of them lay moaning and clutching broken bones on the pavement before him. He didn't move from his spot to honor Valentina's wishes. Besides, his girlfriend, and his girlfriend's girlfriend were handling themselves just fine without him.

“And that's the ball-game,” Andy announced proudly, turning to watch Valentina kick some ass.

Valentina took a different tack than either Suzy or her boyfriend. She had no desire to hurt someone, but when a goon tried to punch her in the face, she bobbed and weaved with surprising agility for one her size. With a ballerina's grace she dodged, allowing her foe to unbalance himself. He lunged with a solid punch striking a parked car's rolled up window. The glass shattered, taking with it several bones in his hand. He howled, gripping his injured mitt for emphasis. Valentina lunged, seizing him around the ribs with her enormously muscled arms. Her grip tightened, squeezing the air out of him, catching him as he howled in pain. Unable to breathe, he lost consciousness in short order, allowing her the latitude to hoist his limp form and use it as an impromptu missile against another foe wanting to try his luck. The pair tumbled to the pavement in a jumble of limbs.

Two more men swarmed her, in an attempt to overwhelm the massive redhead. With contemptuous ease, she fought off their attacks, and slammed their skulls together with a vicious crack. Valentina took care not to force the goons together too hard, but they would wake up with a helluva migraine, and that was okay with her.

One more man attempted a bum rush, screaming in nervous fury. His wild hook whiffed over Valentina's head. She brought up her knee and drove it into his gut, prompting him to vomit quite horrifically from the sheer force. Wrinkling her nose in distaste, she carefully checked to make sure none of it got on her, before letting his carcass slough off of her raised knee onto the pavement.

“Ugh, grody,” she muttered, fixing her hair before casually stepping over the broken bodies of the fallen to address the rest of the assembled brute squad. Suzy joined at her side, grinning madly. They were all disquiet, looking to each other for support, but the prevailing wisdom leaned towards the better part of valor. More than half of the assembled crew fled on the spot, but weren’t pursued.

That left five guys nervously contemplating whether or not they stood a chance. Steiner wasn't one of them. In the confusion, he seemed to have slipped away.

“You know what’s going to happen, don’t you?” Valentina asked the goons, looking to avoid further violence. “There’s no shame in running from a hopeless situation.”

“Y’mean you’ll let us go?” one of the goons asked, voice high and wavering from nerves.

“Of course,” Valentina said with a genial smile. “But, if you decide to attack...” she continued, the good humor draining completely from her face and voice, letting the men know where they stood, “we’re gonna fuck you guys up. For serious.”  Her blue eyes were as ice. Thick knots of muscle swelled intimidatingly beneath her freckled skin. The taller, bigger woman just cracked her bloody knuckles, smiling wickedly as bloodlust overtook her.

“Oh no, by all means, continue,” Suzy purred darkly. “I insist.” The tight leather of her clothes seemed ready to burst off of her elaborately muscled physique.

Most of these men had witnessed just how strong these women were and how devastating they could be when provoked. They looked at the Amazons who stood in anticipation of sudden violence, and down at the prostrate, unconscious, and bloody men who never stood a chance against the mighty females in the first place. It looked like a train wreck had occurred, rather than a fight. Neither woman was fazed in the slightest, and they must've taken out at least a couple dozen strong men between them in the span of several seconds! Even the shrimp with the bat was able to take down anything that was thrown at him.

“Man, sheeyit, I ain’t even wit’ dees mo’fuckas,” another goon declared, turning and leaving.

“Yeah, fuck this.”

“You said it.”


“Yo, man.”

And with that, the fight was over. The remaining men left, some helping those who were regaining consciousness to their feet, others wanting nothing more to do with the rag-tag group of goons they were formerly associated with. Andy nodded in satisfaction, slinging the bat over his shoulder. He turned to see Valentina angrily storming over to him. His blood ran cold at the look in her eye. She seized the bat from his hands and contemptuously snapped it into kindling before tossing in over the horizon.

“And just what the hell were you thinking?!” she demanded.

“What?” he croaked. She shoved him gently, but caused him to stagger back nevertheless.

“Don't 'what' me! I told you to stay out of this!”

“Hey, Val--” Suzy attempted to interject on Andy's behalf, but Valentina wasn't having it.

“No, don't,” she commanded, before turning her withering glare at Andy.

“I wasn't going to let you take on all those guys on your own,” Andy replied in a small voice. Valentina stared at him, before exhaling through her nose sternly. Some of the anger disappated, but she spoke firmly.

“I understand what you thought you were doing, but when I tell you to stay out, I mean it,” she said with angry patience. Andy averted his eyes and looked hurt. Valentina regretted her words, but didn't know how else to express herself properly. She softened her tone even further, and took him by the shoulders. “Look, I know you wanted to help. But, we didn't need it.”

“I'm sorry,” Andy murmured, feeling two feet small. “But I just couldn't sit idly by.”

“C'mon, Val, lay off him,” Suzy said, coming to Skinny's side. “He did alright. Besides, he's no shrinkin' violet. Skinny helped take care o' those guys no problem. I didn't know the lil' runt had it in 'im!”

“Not helping, Suzy,” Valentina warned.

“Come off it, Freckles. You're honestly all pissy about havin' a boyfriend who'd risk 'imself to protect you? C'mon!” Suzy snorted.

“That's not the point!” Valentina shouted. “I specifically told him to stay back. He didn't listen. If something had happened...”

“Yeah, but it didn't. Skinny handled himself well. I know you like to baby him, but he's a tougher sons-a-bitch than you give 'im credit for. He didn't back down, even when the odds were stacked against him.”

“I don't care. And I don't baby him. I just know that he rushes forward without thinking sometimes.”

“Oh, so now he's stupid? Izzat what you're saying?” Suzy argued defensively.

“That's not what I said! Not what I said at all!” Valentina shouted.

“Don't you bitches ever shaddap?” Steiner called out, causing both Suzy and Valentina to snap their heads in his direction. In the confusion, he had snuck up on Andy and had him in a chokehold. Andy struggled mightily, but Steiner was able to overpower him easily. “There, that's more like it! Ha, ain't so tough wit'out yer bat, now are ya!”

“Steiner...” Suzy growled.

“Let him go,” Valentina hissed through gritted teeth. Suzy immediately knew Steiner's lifespan could be counted in mere moments. She also knew better than to get directly involved. Valentina was in pre-launch mode now. The redhead was enraged to the breaking point. She didn't show it, but Suzy knew Valentina enough to know the signs of fury. She was unblinkingly glaring at Steiner with pinpoint eyes, working out plans of action in her head to wrest Andy from Steiner's grasp and beat him to death with his own arms after she wrenched them from their sockets.

“You probably should listen to her, Steiny. Val ain't playin' anymore,” Suzy warned.

“Shaddap!” Steiner shouted.

“I mean it. She'll kill you,” Suzy continued. “You think what she did to your goons was bad, puttin' your hands on Skinny was the dumbest mistake you ever made in your life. I mean, aside from bleachin' yer hair.”

“I SAID SHADDAP BITCH!” Steiner roared. “Now then, now that I got yer attention--”

“Last warning. Let. Him. Go. NOW!” Valentina yelled loudly. Steiner blinked at the blind rage etched on her beautiful face. She had gone feral. He tried to formulate a plan, but the red head began advancing towards him. Steiner seized a tighter grip on his hostage and tried backing up.

“Back the fuck up, bitch! I-I swear I'm gonna...!” he blubbered.

“No,” Valentina said, deceptively calm. She quickened her pace.

“L-last warning,” Steiner whimpered.


“Keep back!”

“NO!” Valentina shouted, breaking into a dead run towards Steiner. His heart stopped, watching the massive redhead gunning for him. Andy used the weakening of Steiner's grip against him, slamming the back of his head into Steiner's nose twice, stunning him, before wrenching clear of his arms. He then lashed out with his foot as he fell, connecting with Steiner's groin, doubling him over in pain just as Valentina leapt and sailed through the air, catching him by the skull and driving Steiner down into the pavement. Andy rolled away from the impact and Suzy quickly snatched Andy up, pulling him free of the beating his enraged girlfriend was about to lay on the stupid asshole.

She straddled him and began hammering his face into hamburger. She didn't pull back anything this time. Steiner's face broke under the onslaught. She felt nothing. Nothing mattered to her other than retribution. Steiner had to pay. She didn't stop punching until a hand suddenly grabbed her wrist. Valentina looked back over her shoulder to witness Andy plaintively begging her to stop.

“Val, please! No more!”

The rage disappated like a red veil being lifted from over her eyes. She became aware of herself once more. She looked at her bloody hand and then at the mess of Steiner's face below. Miraculously, he was still alive. Both orbital bones were fractured, his nose was pounded flat, his jaw broken into little pieces, and most of his teeth were gone. A bloody bubble swelled and popped from the ruined mess of his nose signifying breathing. A few more hits, and his skull would've been a chunky kind of meat salsa. He would need some serious reconstructive surgery, and may never eat solid food again, but he was alive, likely to be hospitalized for months.

“Val, please...” Andy whispered. He squeezed her wrist tightly, as if he could hold her back. Valentina sighed, centering herself. Without a word, she rose to her feet and turned to look at her boyfriend. He looked so scared it made her heart hurt.

“I'm sorry,” Valentina begged, pulling him into a tight hug, holding him and refusing to let him go.

“It's alright,” he said reassuringly. Valentina knew it wasn't but she didn't want to argue. She simply wanted to hold him. He was safe, that was all that mattered.

“I wish you didn't have to see that,” Valentina whispered painfully.

“I'm sorry for getting caught. You're right. I shouldn't get involved,” Andy replied.

“Don't be sorry. You're a good man. You only did what you thought was right. I can't ask anything more than that, and I shouldn't be mad that you're willing to defend my honor. I love you,” Valentina breathed, smiling tearfully. Andy gently shed tears of his own, also smiling at his amazing girlfriend.

“I love you too, my heroine,” he purred, standing up on his toes to kiss her passionately. Valentina scooped him up into her arms and made out with him even as people poured out of the bar to survey the aftermath of the carnage that had just unfolded.

“What the hell is going on out here?” A few voices called out. A crowd of onlookers spilled out of the bar to witness the scene. Several big, strong men lay on the ground, groaning and writhing in pain. Two Amazons and a small man stood triumphant. It didn't take long to put two and two together. Suzy took it upon herself to explain what happened to the people, and they believed her. After all, many of them know Steiner's reputation and weren't unhappy to see him taken down a peg. Still, destruction of this magnitude would be hard to ignore, and quite a few of the attackers would need serious medical treatment. The police would likely get involved.

Almost immediately, a cover story was hatched. Several people agreed to witness a brutal gangland beating between the goons and a group of bikers that had come out this way before. That kind of thing had happened with enough relative frequency that would likely fly with the police. Suzy and Valentina had left before the attacks would happen.

The three piled into their vehicles and made good their escape after thanking everyone, getting the hell out of Dodge before things got hairier than they already were.


Andy followed Valentina and Suzy in the SUV inside Suzy's magnificent car. He had the opportunity to drive it a few times and certainly understood the appeal. He found it somewhat hard to believe that such a large woman could even squeeze into the confines of such a vehicle, yet here it was. The engine purred mightily yet seemed to show frustration, as if yearning to tear ass down the country road. Valentina kept a brisk, yet safe pace ahead of him. It wouldn't do to attract undue attention, especially not after tonight's festivities.

That said, there weren't any cops to be seen. It still wasn't much of a relaxing drive though. His mind raced at what just happened.

Valentina nearly killed the loudmouthed Steiner. If he hadn't stepped in, what would've happened? Would she have kept punching until she was smashing wet chunks into the pavement? Would she have let up on her own? He didn't know, and that had scared him a bit. She cooled down immediately after he begged her to lay off, even looking a little sad. She had let go of her earlier anger at him completely, despite bringing her worst fear to life by getting into trouble. Would Valentina have ever hit him? Not like what she did to Steiner, obviously, but would she ever strike him and send him to the floor in anger? Before tonight, Andy wouldn't have ever conceived of it. Oh, sure, they had had their arguments in the past, mostly because they were in disagreement over something stupid. Valentina was usually so easy going that she rarely got opinionated about anything. Andy himself was far more pig-headed, but not so much that he wasn't amenable to wisdom. Usually whatever tiff had erupted between them was resolved almost instantly.

He hated to think that he should ever walk on eggshells around her, but after tonight's events, he wasn't so sure. She without a doubt loved him just as much as she always had. But she had never gotten into his face before. And that worried him. No doubt they would talk about it later, but for now, Andy concentrated on the road.
Just a bit more to go. I promise it'll be over soon.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on November 04, 2014, 07:57:48 pm
Another great chapter, really liked what I saw out of it, I'm not much of a foot fetishist either, but I have used it in the past because it's one of the biggest things you can do to make someone look completely subdued and submissive, to really emphasize someone's domination over some else. The second part of the chapter, with the girls taking on Steiner's goons and then Val beating the absolute crap out of Steiner himself, showing more rage, like there's a light switch that is flipped and it isn't flipped back off until Andy is able to bring her out of it. Good to see also that Andy isn't a complete wimp, of course he is still nowhere near as strong as Val or Suzy, but working out with them and of course having vigorous sexual relationships with both of them must have toughened him up greatly.  k+!
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:01:21 pm
The ride home was uncomfortably silent. Suzy cast sideways glances at her best friend and lover who white-knuckled the steering wheel all while keeping her lips pressed tightly together in deep thought. Suzy couldn't help but stare at the remains of Steiner's face on Valentina's knuckles. She didn't bother wiping the gore clean before getting into the vehicle and taking off. Suzy didn't know whether Valentina left Steiner's blood on her hand on purpose, or if she was so intent on bugging out that she didn't remember to do so. Something clearly bothered her, yet she didn't speak. Suzy didn't either.

She didn't know what she saw back there in the parking lot. Valentina straddling the loudmouth and damn near caving his skull in with her fists. Suzy noted how mechanically Valentina hit Steiner. She was white-hot with rage, yet she never swore or spat. She just raised her fist, punched, drew it back and repeated. Valentina didn't seem to be aware of what she had done until after the fact. As much as Suzy loved a good fight, straight up trying to murder someone was out of the question. It was especially jarring to see that kind of thing out of Valentina.

“I really wish that hadn't have happened,” Valentina murmured out of the blue, as if she knew what Suzy was thinking.

“What?” Suzy asked, feigning as if she didn't hear.

“Back there,” Valentina replied.

“Oh,” Suzy said. She knew full well what was racing through Valentina's mind. The sweet-natured redhead abhorred violence of any kind. The thought of committing it herself must've been inconceivable. A moment of pregnant silence fell between them. Valentina wanted Suzy to talk, but Suzy didn't know any words that could possibly help at the moment.

“I just...” Valentina whispered before tearing up. “I nearly killed him.”

“Hey,” Suzy said soothingly, turning her full attention towards Valentina. “You were doing what you thought was right.”

“Right?!” Valentina snapped, gaping at Suzy in pure disbelief. “It's right to put someone in the hospital for the rest of his natural life? It's right to nearly kill someone?!”

“First of all, ya didn't kill anyone so don't go beatin' yerself up over somethin' ya didn't even fuckin' do. Secondly... yeah. Steiner had it coming,” Suzy stated. Valentina stared at her with wide, tearful eyes. She tried to protest, but Suzy interrupted her to explain. “I know it sounds callous, but think on it. Steiner picked that fight. Steiner was a bully. Everyone at the bar would tell ya the same. It was like the Fates themselves decreed it to happen. If not you, than someone else woulda fer sure. Hell, me even. It was bound ta happen sooner 'r later, Val. Trust me on that one.”

“No, you're wrong,” Valentina shook her head, frowning.

“About what?” Suzy asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Steiner didn't pick that fight,” Valentina answered, before turning to glare at Suzy. “You did.”

Me?” Suzy balked. “He jumped us, 'member?”

“After you attacked him backstage,” Valentina pressed, totally unforgiving. “If it weren't for you, none of this would've happened.”

“How could I have known--” Suzy began, but Valentina cut her off.

“How could you have known?! Well, let's see. Maybe if you didn't treat people the way you do, then things like this simply wouldn't happen. There's a start.” Suzy looked at Valentina in silent confusion, who was only getting started. “I mean, for Christ's sake, Suzy, every where we go, you start slapping everyone around and treat them like shit. It's only a matter of time before someone fights back.”

Suzy didn't say anything, deciding to let Valentina vent her rage. There was truth to her words anyhow, and part of Suzy knew she deserved it. Every action had a consequence. Until now, Suzy lived without much thought as to what that meant. Everything was in the here and now. Suzy lived for the moment because the next one was not guaranteed. She hadn't expected Steiner to gather his cronies and wait for them to leave the bar. In any event, she didn't fear Steiner, because Suzy didn't fear anybody. There wasn't a man alive that intimidated Suzy.

“You're right,” Suzy said at last. “I shot off at the mouth once too many times, and it came to bite me in the ass. I can only say I'm sorry, and I mean that. I have no excuse,” Suzy said earnestly. Her apology seemed to defuse Valentina somewhat, but the redhead still had her misgivings.

“You put Andy in danger tonight all because of your stupid bullshit. That I simply cannot forgive,” Valentina declared angrily.

“That's unfair an' you know it!,” Suzy, interjected, taking offense to the very idea of ever seeing Andy hurt. “I didn't intend for that to ever happen. I mean that. Ya hafta believe me on that one.”

“It doesn't matter, Suzy. It happened. It was your fault,” Valentina dug in stubbornly.

“Your acting like I set him up to get hurt. I can't believe this,” Suzy shook her head.

“Believe what?” Valentina growled, narrowing her eyes.

“That yer even still on that trip. Andy is not a Goddamned child. He's a grown-ass man capable of making his own decisions,” Suzy explained in exasperation.

“I never said he was, Suzy,” Valentina protested.

“Yet ya act like he's this weedy lil' simpleton lemming who'd be dead without ya there every waking hour o' the day protectin' him from evil. Christ almighty, Val. Didja not see him out there? He knocked out like five or six guys all by his lonesome. He doesn't need you to baby him all the time,” Suzy assured.

“He could've--” Valentina started.

“Coulda, woulda, shoulda,” Suzy cut her off. “He didn't, wouldn't, an' couldn't o' gotten hurt out there, Val. Not Skinny. He's a tough S.O.B. He's gotta be after surviving you, me, AND Ags in bed. We're better than any workout he could ever do. An' even if somehow Skinny got into a scrape he couldn't handle, he's got two Amazons watchin' his back, so he's covered.”

“Steiner snuck up on him--” Valentina began to protest, but Suzy once more talked over her increasingly half-hearted protestations.

“Which Skinny escaped from without a damn scratch.”

“But he still could've been--”

“Enough with the fuckin' 'what ifs,' Val!” Suzy groaned. “Yer basin' all this off of scenarios that didn't happen. Fact is, whatever coulda happened didn't. Believe that with yer own eyes if you don't believe me,” Suzy said, gesturing to the headlights following them at a safe distance. “He knew what he was gettin' into the whole time, Val. Nobody, not you, not I, not even Steiner put a gun to his head and made him do anything Skinny didn't wanna do. Skinny opted to fight alongside us as opposed to run an' hide, or just stand there like a slack-jawed idiot. He made his choice, and I love him for it. An' I know you do too.”

Valentina said nothing, instead looking longingly into the rear view mirror at the headlights of Suzy's car closely tailing them. A small smile spread across her lips. Suzy smirked. Leave to to Skinny to be responsible for brightening Valentina's mood.

“Yeah,” Valentina whispered in agreement. “You're right. I do.”

“See? Told ya. In fact, watchin' Skinny out there bein' a lil' macho he-man made me a lil' wet if we're bein' completely honest here.”

“Suzy...” Valentina grumbled in annoyance, yet she couldn't help herself from widening her smile.

“What? It was pretty hot. I ain't even gonna lie. I'm so used to guys being such pansies around me that seein' a man amongst boys made me really fucking horny. Well, hornier, anyway.” Valentina smiled a little bit more, but tried to hide it under a mask of anger.

“What about you, Freckles? How did it make you feel to see yer man out there fightin' alongside us?” Suzy grinned naughtily.

“I wasn't happy,” Valentina answered. Suzy sucked her teeth in irritation.

“Oh come on, Val. Not even a little arousal?” she pressed, leaning in closer, fishing for a reaction. “Not even one stiff nipple? A lil' moistening o' yer panties? Nothing??” Valentina flashed a wicked grin, deciding to throw caution to the wind and get over her mixed feelings.

“Maybe a little,” she allowed.

“I knew it,” Suzy crowed. “What didja feel?”

“I dunno. It was kinda hot, I guess. But I was more worried that he was gonna get hurt by those guys. I know I shouldn't, and I know Andy can handle his own, but I couldn't help it,” Valentina said.

“It's an Amazon thing,” Suzy offered sympathetically.

“Yeah. I want to protect my man, not throw him into the mix where he could hurt himself trying to protect me. It's ironic, I guess.”

“How so?” Suzy questioned.

“If he had done what I told him to do, he probably would've gotten hurt because he wouldn't have been able to defend himself. Because he didn't listen to me, he helped us fight those guys and didn't even get a scratch. He wasn't remotely afraid,” she commented. “Until I started yelling at him...”

She looked sad again. Suzy laid a comforting hand on Valentina's thigh. “You were a bundle o' nerves, Val. You were just worried about him's all.”

“Even so, he was scared of me. He's been scared of me twice in one night. I hate myself for that. I hate that I could ever make him feel that way about me. I don't like it when people are afraid of me. I'm not a monster,” Valentina murmured.

“O' course yer not,” Suzy replied softly. “You are easily one of the sexiest, most beautiful women I've ever laid eyes on, Vally. Anyone who says differently is a Goddamned fool. Ask Skinny and he'll tell ya the same.”

Valentina smiled slightly and blushed beautifully and demurely. “Thank you, Suzy.”

“I mean it. You're hot, Val. You know how many men were checkin' you out tonight? The whole damn bar. You were the approachable one. I was the scary psycho bitch that everyone was afraid of. But that's okay. I don't mind playing that role.”

“I still can't get over the fact that I seriously hurt someone. Jerk or not, nobody deserves what I did to Steiner,” Valentina frowned thoughtfully. Suzy couldn't pretend to know what was racing through her mind.

The two lapsed into a thoughtful silence once more.

Valentina couldn't stop feeling guilty about beating Steiner to within and inch of his life. It had been so easy. He tried to fight back, but her very first punch knocked the fight right out of him. The second ruined his nose. The third, fourth, fifth, sixth... She thanked God that she was stopped before she crushed his skull. Steiner's face was chum by the time she had finished. His blood caked her fist still. She could feel it drying and congealing against her skin. She wanted to wipe it off, but there was nothing to wipe it off with. She didn't want to stain the car with blood, or her even her ruined clothes. A shower. That's what she needed.

She looked back at Andy in Suzy car bringing up the rear. He had stopped her from crossing the big moral line. What did he think of her? Was he scared? Disgusted? Saddened? Valentina didn't know. She didn't get much time to talk to him. The new friends they had made at McGrundy's were quick to set them on their way to avoid the police. Andy spoke a few comforting words to her, but he had been stiff and tense while she held him. The very idea that he was frightened of her made her sick. Valentina regretted yelling at him for getting involved in the fight, but what else could she do? He was her beloved, she his protector. What good was an Amazon if she couldn't protect those she loved? Andy not only endangered himself on her behalf, he scoffed at the notion of being protected.

He was an able fighter to be sure. Brave, too. But it just felt wrong to allow him to put his life on the line. She wasn't afraid of her own safety. She didn't like fighting, but that didn't necessarily mean she didn't know how. She was an Amazon. She would never shy away from a fight she couldn't avoid, especially when someone she loved was in danger.

But it was time to pull the SUV into the driveway of her beautiful, secluded home and bite the bullet.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:01:32 pm
Andy pulled in alongside Valentina and killed the powerful engine of Suzy's black beast. The throaty roar abruptly silenced once the he pushed the ignition button. He could definitely understand the appeal one of these vehicles could have, but he wasn't much of a car guy. No doubt she was high-maintenence, much like her owner.

"Home sweet fuckin' home," Suzy said as he stepped outside her car and handed the key fob back to her. Suzy stretched luxuriously, making the expanse of her brawny body billow outwards. The leather clothing lashed to her body creaked ominously. Suzy caught him staring and offered a sexy smile. She leaned down from on high and placed a tender kiss on his forehead before draping a heavily muscled arm over his shoulder and escorting him around the cars. Valentina didn't wait for either of them, already unlocking the front door and stepping inside the house.

Andy frowned, but nevertheless followed her inside with Suzy in tow. She was at the kitchen sink, furiously scrubbing her hands. She applied lots of soap and scoured them clean, as if she were trying to peel the very skin off. Valentina sheepishly noted that he was staring at her, but didn't slow her attempts to get clean.

“What's wrong?” he asked in a comforting voice. She demurred her eyes.

“Nothing. Just got some gunk on them,” Valentina replied nonchalantly. As always, her lies didn't hold much water. Andy remembered how bloody her knuckles were after Steiner's pummeling. They had been in such a haste to leave, she didn't clean them off. From the way she was acting, she obviously was horrified at the mess on her hands, but didn't want that stuff on the inside of the car, or her clothes. Andy decided to press the issue further, but instead, he wordlessly came up to her and began to help her wash up.

Valentina looked at her boyfriend and slowly allowed him to clean off her bloody hands. His own surprisingly strong hands were gentle and loving, taking care not too be too rough on her swollen, bruised knuckles, but being thorough enough to remove any of the crimson residue from sight. As he cleaned her hands, his eyes met hers. The air between them crackled with love and understanding.

“I'm sorry about earlier,” Valentina whispered intimately. Andy shook his head.

“Don't be.”

“No. I am. I shouldn't have yelled at you. You didn't deserve it. You were only looking out for--”

“Shhh,” Andy silenced her by gently pressing a wet finger up against her lips. His very touch was electrifying. He knew the effect he had on her and gently traced the outline of her sensual lips. “It's water under the bridge, my love,” he purred. His deep voice resonated in her ears, working in conjunction with his hands, now working their way down her muscled neck to settle on her bulging chest, to turn her on. Her forgotten lust came back with a vengeance. Andy's warmth and closeness, mixed with his cologne, handsome face, and solid, but slender body pressed up against her own made Valentina wet.

In a sexual rage, the redheaded Amazon scooped her little man up and set him on the kitchen island to mitigate the height difference between the two. He responded to her show of strength with widened, lustful eyes, and hot, intense breaths. His massive erection stabbed her in the belly, only turning the flames up higher in her loins. Valentina crushed him against her with a deep, probing kiss. Andy moaned sensually at her aggression, responding with an equal zeal of his own, running his strong hands through her coppery hair and down her massive, rippling back. Valentina huffed and proceeded to try and devour him from the insides out. They kissed for a long, long time before coming apart to breathe. Even so, their lips hovered mere electrons apart. Their hot, ragged breaths mingled. Valentina suckled and nibbled on his crushed, punished lips, making him wince in wonderful agony and desire her even more.

“So, you're not mad?” Andy whispered hopefully.

“No,” Valentina replied. “I was just scared of losing you.”

“You'll never lose me, Val,” Andy declared intimately, pulling his Amazon warrior queen into another, even more sexual kiss. Valentina moaned into his mouth, loving what his tongue was doing to hers. She went weak in the knees, shivering wonderfully while his hands roamed down her muscled back. Andy pulled away from her sweet lips to move down her thick, bull-neck and brawny traps.

She turned and regarded the watching Suzy with half-veiled, pleasured eyes. “Feeling left out?” she cooed. Suzy looked around as if Valentina had addressed someone else before quizzically pointing to herself for confirmation.

“Who, me?” Suzy teased.

“Yes, you, dummy. C'mere,” Valentina ordered her to step forward with a sensual finger, something that Suzy was only too happy to acquiesce to. Valentina's long-time lover and sister-in-arms came over, heels clacked loudly onto the hardwood floor. With a burning lust, Valentina reached up and pulled Suzy down to her lips for a deep tongue kiss. The unrelenting sexuality of the redhead made Suzy melt. She wanted to fuck in a bad way and she suspected that Valentina felt the same way.

Valentina turned to face Suzy with Andy still attached to her like a moray eel, and crushed him up against Suzy in a Muscle Sandwich. The Amazons, in their lust, took care not to hurt the fragile little man as they frenched passionately, but he slumped against their bodies from acute female muscle overload. Between the proverbial rock and a hard place, so to speak. The kissed long and deep, but loosened the embrace ever so slightly after a while to allow Andy to breath. He was still effectively pinned against their bodies, but a goofy grin plastered his face.

“Still alive down there, sweetie?” Valentina teased with a sexy little grin of his own.

“That was a helluva thing,” he murmured, dazed at receiving so much muscle at once.

“Mmm, I could get used to this,” Valentina said to Suzy, lovingly kissing her trapped boyfriend's forehead.

“I know what you mean,” Suzy replied, leaning down to nuzzle him affectionately.

“He's so small and weak--” Valentina began.

“--and we're so big and strong--” Suzy supplied, fully playing along.

“We can do whatever we want with him, and there's absolutely nothing, not one thing, that he can do about it.”

"Of course," Suzy replied. “There's just somethin' 'bout scrawny, weak lil' boys that REALLY gets my fire going... How 'bout you?” She asked Valentina, while putting a hand down Andy's pants to curl her fingers around his massive boner.

“Oh, yeah,” Valentina heartily agreed. “I love weak little boys too. I especially love it when they worship my muscles. Do you want to worship our big, hard, PUMPED muscles, sweetie?” she rhetorically asked her ensconced boyfriend who was already nodding before she finished her sentence. “Good answer, baby. I'd hate to think of what we'd have to do to you if you said 'no.' Come with me,” she purred seductively, sauntering past her lovers and heading towards the stairs.

Suzy locked her arms around him, preventing him from moving, or escaping, as if he even wanted to, and carried him under her arm like a favorite stuffed animal. Valentina headed upstairs first, tantalizingly taking each step up slowly, giving her lovers a show of her legs and butt. Her blown out leggings hugged her curves to perfection, showing off every contour as she stepped. Suzy followed at a deliberate pace, taking in the sights as much as Andy was. Valentina's legs alone were the most amazing wheels in the world, but her butt was something else entirely. She was thick and curvy enough to drive any red-blooded man insane with lust, but her explosive muscularity truly stole the show. Heading into the bedroom, Valentina turned on the lights just enough to create a warm, intimate setting. Suzy headed over to the bed and sat down with Andy nestled snugly on her warm, leather-clad lap. She left his arms free to do as he willed, but he was otherwise immobile.

Valentina seductively stepped forward and stood before the two with a ravishing smile on her beautiful face. She playfully teased his hair with her strong fingers before cupping his face to look up into her eyes. She leaned forward and planted a soft, almost intangible kiss on his lips before drawing his lower lip into her mouth and suckling and nibbling. She seemed to delight in his worship of Valentina, almost as if she were vicariously worshiping alongside him.

“Mmm,” Suzy purred into his ear. “Look at her.” He didn't have to be told twice. Valentina was so gloriously strong and muscular. Andy couldn't contain his almost-virginal excitement at exploring her beautifully sculpted body once more.  Valentina loved the boyish wonder on his face while he bore witness to just how big and strong she was for the millionth time.

His hands gripped the widened neckline of her torn, useless shirt and tugged. The weakened fabric came away with ease, revealing Valentina's body. He had seen her naked a million times, and yet, each time, she never ceased to amaze him with her physique. She was living marble, carved like a Greek statue by the gods themselves, though her skin was soft and hot to the touch. The bulging muscle beneath was as hard and unyielding as ever. She shrugged off the tatters of her shirt, letting it fall to the floor of the bedroom without a care. Andy's hands caressed her muscles with loving worship and practice. Hands strengthened by lengthy, sensual massages rubbed the ripples of her belly and obliques, tracing the rounded hills and deep troughs of her abs. She exhaled as she crunched down, tightening her belly to the point of ridiculousness. If he were inclined, he could take a sledgehammer to her stomach and have to go buy a new one immediately after it broke.

But he was content to merely worship her heavily muscled belly manually.

He worked his way up her stomach to her chest. Valentina's pecs rippled and striated with the slightest movement, to say nothing of the explosion of muscle when she flexed her chest for real. Valentina's pecs were enormous. They were simply too massive to cup with both hands. Her nipples bolted out like daggers, begging to be attended to. He couldn't resist the lure of her pecs any longer, and began exploring their expanse with his mouth. His lips covered areas that his hands alone could not, eliciting a soft moan of pleasure from his red-haired girlfriend.

“Worship me...” Valentina breathed, kissing his forehead, a goddess in love with her favored mortal lover. Her fellow goddess Suzy leaned in around Andy's head and met her lips with a sloppy lusty kiss.  Andy's reverence for her body made her hot being measure, and Suzy's erotic charms drove her insane. Her groin moistened with sexual lust for the little man kissing her pecs with tender love and care and he hot giantess frenching her deeply. She hissed when he took her pointed nipples into his mouth and began gently teasing her areolae with his tongue. He pressured the nipple itself with his teeth, biting down with enough force to draw a gasp from his girlfriend, but not enough to make her want to slap him. A man's got to know his limitations, after all. He sucked deeply on her nipple, eagerly flicking his tongue around, battering it senseless before moving on to the other nipple and doing the same.

Valentina threw her head back and giggled amorously. “Mmm...” she lowed, burying his face into her pecs, forcing a more up-close and personal kind of worship, not that Andy minded in the slightest. She happily flexed her pecs, forcing them to bulge and dance for his pleasure. His tongue raked the deep trough between them, gauging the fantastic depth between, before orally counting every muscle fiber in her chest.

Valentina sighed pleasurably when his worship moved to her broad shoulders. She spread them, allowing her wings to unfurl. Valentina's lats were so thick and beefy, Andy's hands struggled to contain their swelling. His fingers popped open but she kept on flexing.

“Bam,” she snarled, standing at full width before him, inviting him to feel her with her burning blue eyes. Unable to resist such an allure, Andy happily complied. Valentina's mighty shoulders were so broad and enormous, he felt like a small child compared to her, the domes of her deltoids were like ripe pumpkins. Her lats were so full and thick, and her waist so seemingly tiny. She cut an incredibly figure standing before him as she did. Valentina watched him worship her body with bated breath. He was so close to her that he drove her wild with sexual desire. With an erotic growl, she curled her arms into a detonation of a bicep flex.

“Such power...” Suzy moaned into his ear, saying what he was thinking. “Can you handle all that, little man?”

“I can damn well try,” Andy declared with steadfast determination. He reached out and cupped the enormity of Valentina's peaks. Her biceps were over 30” cold, though he had no idea how big they were in reality. It had been some time since she was measured. Rest assured though, she was big. He loving rubbed her bulging, massive peaks, cupping them while she flexed, feeling them swell and become harder than steel. He watched her flex her arms slowly, repeatedly, making them swell with the pump. He was totally enraptured by her beauty and her abundant power.

“Would you...” he began timidly, unsure if it was right for him to interrupt the show.

“Hmm?” she cooed sweetly, her clear blue eyes searching his.

“Would you... kiss your biceps?” Andy requested.

Valentina smiled sexily, capitulating to her man's desires. With profound eroticism, she drew her mountainous biceps up to her juicy, delectable lips and planted a dick exploding kiss upon the very peak of her powerful guns. Her soft, exaggeratedly orgasmic moans sent his libido into overdrive. If Suzy weren't holding him on her lap, he would've leapt at Valentina and began tearing the rest of her clothes off in a sexual frenzy. There was something about an Amazon so unrepentantly in love with her own power that made him go berserk. Valentina wheeled around, flexing her arms from the back, showing off the powerful muscles therein before kissing her other bicep with just as much lewdness as before.

“Oh my god...” Andy whispered, maddened with lust.

“Hey, Vally, I think he likes it,” Suzy teased. The sexy redhead turned around to regard her crazed boyfriend. She giggled softly.

“Oh, I'll bet,” she purred before settling down on the bed next to him. She draped her heavily muscled leg across his lap while leaning her pumped bicep into his face. “Go on, baby. Give 'em a taste,” she commanded erotically into his ear. Andy didn't need to be told twice. His lips graciously pressed against her mass of muscle, paying it great lip service. Valentina cooed in pleasure, loving his fervent worship of her strength. Nothing in the world make her feel sexier. “I love it when you kiss my muscles, sweetie,” she breathed, teasing his ear with her tongue. “I love to make you hard by flexing. It turns me on soooo much...” She settled into his lap once more, sloppily kissing him while crushing his slender form between her and Suzy. His big cock was full to bursting. It was so tempting to simply tear off his clothes and fuck him right there, but she had a mind to tease him further. With a lustful giggle, she hopped off his lap mid-kiss, leaving him wondering what the hell just happened. He looked at her wildly, making her turned on even more.Valentina rested a booted foot on his crotch, teasing his swollen groin with he toe of her sexy, knee-high boots. She bade her boyfriend to undo the straps around her massive calves and slender ankles before having him hold onto her boots while she sinuously withdrew her dainty, almost comparatively tiny foot free. Valentina's feet were much like her hands; dainty and feminine and devoid of any unpleasant roughness. Her toenails were pedicured into perfection, and painted a hot pink color. She teased at his lips with her pretty, painted toes, trailing downwards over his torso and down to his crotch, where she kicked her boot free and massaged her toes onto his prominent erection. Valentina repeated the same with her other foot until she was standing barefoot in front of him and Suzy with only her destroyed leggings on. She grabbed Andy's hands and placed them on her slender waist.

"Here," she said, guiding Andy's hands down to the waistband of her leggings. Slipping his thumbs into the tight waistband, Valentina began to undulate, and dance to a rhythm known only to her, letting him pull downwards and slowly rock her leggings over her beautiful, girly hips, explosive thighs, tiny knees, and mammoth calves. Valentina shifted from one foot to the other to allow Andy to pull her skin-tight pants off. Her ankles were slender until his hands traveled up the Achilles and soleus where the circumference greatly exploded outwards.

Valentina stepped up onto the bed, giving her seated boyfriend a more intimate view of her massive legs. Those mighty calves of hers hardened considerably in Andy's hands as Valentina stood up on her toes. The muscles balled up into solid masses of granite. There was hardly any give to them while at rest, but the tissue became as steel while flexed. The sharp cuts that defined the gastrocnemius muscles made them seem deadly to the touch. Suzy could only attempt to swallow her jealousy comparing Valentina's calves to her own as she watched Andy explore her legs with joyous bliss etched on his handsome face. Suzy felt her own legs were certainly awesome, but they lacked the blossoming size and definition that Valentina seemed to effortlessly possess.

Valentina's knees were swallowed between her huge calves and hulking thighs. The tiny little joint seemed cartoonishly small in comparison to the tree-trunk girth and sheer mass of Valentina's quads. Neither Andy nor Suzy could never get enough of Valentina's legs. Suzy's thighs were bulky and massive, but Valentina's put hers to shame. Each thigh burst with muscle like ripe fruit. Her quads in particular seemed to jump out of her skin even while not flexing. Andy's fingers ran reverently over the grand hills and canyons of Valentina's mighty thighs, while Suzy suffered from the acute bite of jealously tempered with her own extreme muscle-lust.

"It's just not fair," she murmured into his ear.

“What isn't?” Andy replied absently, taking it upon himself to kiss the inside of Valentina's thighs. The redhead gasped excitedly the closer he got to her hot, wet groin.

“These legs of hers,” Suzy replied. “They just won't stop growin'.”

“Don't hate me because I'm beautiful,” Valentina purred with a wink. However, try as she might, Suzy couldn't bring herself to hate Valentina for having better legs than she ever could. The beefy redhead was as huge as she was sexy. Suzy couldn't get enough.

“I could never...” Andy murmured dreamily, intimately massaging her inner thighs with his lips. Valentina sighed rapturously the closer he got to her sweet spot.

“She wasn't talkin' to you, dummy,” Suzy said reproachfully, gently squeezing Andy for emphasis. He wasn't listening. Instead, his face was buried into Valentina's steaming groin. Her familiar musk was an aphrodisiac to him. His lips massaged her labia through the wet fabric of her teeny-tiny little thong, his tongue teasing her big, juicy, erect clit as it jabbed into the fabric. It felt tremendous, but Valentina didn't want to cum just yet. She wanted to savor this evening. Instead of letting Andy orally please her, she nimbly hopped down off of the bed and exchanged places with Suzy. She readily accepted her disappointed, but still aroused boyfriend onto her muscled lap, and eagerly anticipated Suzy's impending nudity.

The leather-clad giantess turned to the satellite radio player sitting on the dresser adjacent to the bed, bending over at the waist completely straight-legged. The tight leather of her pants creaked, hugging her voluptuous curves and making the material shine around them. She played with the dial a bit until she found an erotic enough beat to shake her enormous bulk to.

Suzy was a very sexy dancer for as big as she was. She moved with a grace that seemed impossible for a woman her size, much less wearing such pointed heels, to even be able to display in the slightest. She let the music take her and swayed her feminine hips in an erotically stirring manner. She ran her fingers through her short, black hair and settled a heart-stoppingly erotic look their way.

“Oh my god...” Valentina breathed lustfully. Suzy squatted down to the floor, splitting her long massively muscled legs apart, curling her arms behind her head. She sent her long, sinuous tongue out of her sensual mouth and blissfully kissed and licked her bulging muscles, all while sending the occasional lewd glance Valentina or Andy's way. She moaned and hyperventilated with powerful self-love, threatening to cum all by herself.

Instead, she locked her dark eyes on her prey, her captive audience, and once more stood at her full height. She rose slowly, inch by inch, wiggling her hips to the sensual beat before slowly stalking towards her lovers. Suzy's hips rolled with exaggerated sensuality before she stopped before them, letting her lovers drink the sheer magnitude and splendor of her body in. From his seated position, Andy only came up to her rippling belly, but that was fine with him. He leaned forward and began kissing the cobblestone-like abs that formed a perfectly symmetrical eight-pack under her smooth, tanned skin. Suzy shuddered in delight at the feeling of his lips engaging her sensitive flesh.

She slithered her way down, rubbing her massive, leather-clad pecs in his face until she came eyeball to eyeball with the little man in Valentina's lap. She said nothing, but promised him many erotic pleasures with her endlessly black eyes. Her large, strong hands reached out and pawed at his little body until she  found the throbbing tee-pee in his pants. She chewed her lip seductively while maintaining eye contact with her prey. She playfully squeezed his massive dick with her long, strong fingers just enough to make him want to burst, but stopping just short. Andy glared at her wildly, but Suzy only smirked, and wagged a finger at him naughtily, before slithering her huge body back up towards Valentina. The aroused Amazon seized the zipper of Suzy's halter with her teeth and tugged downwards, opening up her top to expose mounds of pectoral cleavage inch by erotic inch until her enormous chest was open for all to see.

Suzy shrugged out of her leather top, letting the article fall to the floor behind her. Her pecs were so massive the merest twitch caused them to explode with size and striation. Valentina thought that her own chest was impressive, but Suzy's pecs were legendary. Her skin was a light golden-brown from the frequent tanning she did, but she had no tan-lines on her chest. Her nipples were dark and jutting forward with arousal in Andy's and Valentina's face. Valentina was jealous of Suzy's complexion to allow her to tan so well. Valentina's fair skin only burned in she didn't apply sunscreen, leaving her pale year-round.

Suzy cupped her large, strong hands in front of her and flexed her pecs. She allowed Andy to reach out and feel them, taking her chest muscles into his hands and massaging them. She knew why Valentina was in heaven at the bar while she was being worked into a nice, malleable putty in his strong, capable hands. Andy, for his part, was simply amazed at how thick and full Suzy's chest was. Each flex seemed to make her pecs larger and larger. Her hard nipples dug into his palms like diamonds.

Before he could get too into it, Suzy slapped his hands away and turned her back to them. She flexed her guns, making her gigantic back ripple and coil up like an angry sea. Her biceps nearly touched her fists without Suzy needing to reach out and feel for them. She pumped her arms several times, each flex getting harder and harder than the last. Suzy's arms were out of reach, prompting her to lean in and flex her bicep in Andy's face. He latched onto her arm at the resting position and held on for dear life while she slowly, excruciatingly curled her arm into a flex. Her huge muscles were too much to handle and Andy accidentally let go before her bicep was even at the half-way mark. Suzy smirked triumphantly at his pathetic defeat and kissed the peak of her bicep in victory.

She pivoted towards her audience slightly, straightening her arm out behind her bulk and flexing her triceps. Thick slabs of muscle bulged out from the back of her arms, jutting out several inches. The fat horseshoe shape of her triceps hardened beyond belief. Andy's hands were unable to force the steely muscles to budge in the slightest.Suzy then turned her back to her worshipers and spread her lats to a mind blowing degree. Her back was so thick and broad it could be used as a table for a sumptuous banquet. Suzy's lat spread put Valentina's own impressive take on the pose to complete shame. She killed the pose and danced around a little while she undid her tight leather pants. Slowly, she pushed them down over her hips, down her mighty legs, before stepping out of the discarded garment. Suzy whipped around, hands held behind her head, rolling her hips seductively, all while devouring Andy with her eyes. Gyrating her hips sensuously to the music, Suzy climbed into Andy's lap, and by extension Valentina's, and began giving them a lap dance. Suzy rested her strong hands on Valentina's massive shoulders and ground her hips into Andy's hard erection. She crushed him against her undulating physique and Valentina's, sandwiching him between hot Amazon muscle.

“You don't know how badly I want this dick, Skinny,” Suzy purred, raking her long tongue alongside his face. She kissed him deeply and passionately, all the while bouncing up and down on his throbbing manhood. Andy ran his eager hands down Suzy's mighty back, following the curvature of her spine all the way down to her round, thick, hard glutes and squeezed as best he could. Suzy pulled away from her kiss and grinned lustfully.

“You naughty boy,” she growled playfully, biting his lip and tugging. “Am I gonna hafta punish you?”

“Do your worst,” Andy challenged her, prompting her to bury his face in her immense chest. She smothered him completely with her muscles, pinching down on his waist with her legs. Her eyes met Valentina's, who smiled and nodded. Smelling blood, the Amazons took him down to the mattress together. He was a piece of salt-water taffy to them, ripe to pull and tug this way and that. Suzy curled her arms around his ribs and squeezed down, while Valentina's legs scissored his waist. They squeezed him to within an inch of breaking, knowing full well his pain thresholds and the breaking point of his bones, stopping just within those limits to spare him from serious injury. Try as he might, he couldn't hope to resist their power, so he simply let them have their way with him. The Amazons changed positions, this time Suzy scissoring his head between her thighs, and Valentina bear-hugging his ribs.

Valentina and Suzy ended their holds on his body before propping him up on his knees between them. Then then threw her arms around each other's torso and began squeezing Andy between the both of their bodies. They stopped short of crushing him to death of course, but the pressure bearing down on his body was incredible. The Muscle Sandwich bordered on the painful, but neither Amazon had any interest in hurting him. They squeezed him enough to prompt him to tap, which he did, as frantically as the limited space between their muscles allowed.

The pressure relented, and the Amazons allowed him to collapse back down onto the mattress to recuperate. He drew in ragged, greedy breaths until he noticed Valentina sidling up to his right and Suzy up to his left. Valentina rested a strong hand on his chest and curled her mighty leg over his waist before smiling sweetly and kissing his cheek.

“We weren't too rough on you, were we, sweetie?” she cooed softly into his ear.

“Maybe a little,” Andy replied, exaggerating his weakness. Suzy nuzzled his face, nibbling and kissing his neck as he liked.

She pouted in sympathy before saying, “Aww, poor baby.”

“We have to remember to be careful, Suzy. He's pretty fragile, you know,” Valentina giggled.

“I can be gentle, when I want to be, that is,” Suzy murmured to him, her sexy voice resonating directly into his ear. “But I LOVE weak, skinny little boys. They make me sooooo hot...” Suzy moaned sexually before pulling him into a crushing kiss.

“I hear ya there, Suzy,” Valentina leaned in, massaging his neck and cheek with her soft lips. “He's just so puny and cute. I could eat him up!” Suzy released her lip lock on Andy to give Valentina a go, who kissed him with such erotic passion, he thought he was going to cum in his pants. He was so close; any more from these incredible women and he would for sure. Valentina must've known that. When her hands began rubbing their way down south, he knew he was in trouble. They found their way down inside his pants and began stimulating his hard cock as she made out with him. Unable to take anymore, Andy came ingloriously. Valentina continued to rub his dick and kiss him long after he spilled his last seed. When she finally pulled away from him, his face burned with embarrassment. But instead of judging him, Valentina merely flashed her illuminating smile and kissed his cheek.

“Uh, oh,” Suzy teased, noting the dark stains in his pants with a giggle. “Looks like somebody had an accident. Whaddiya wanna do with him now, Vally?”

“I think he's a dirty boy. He needs a good scrubbing,” Valentina decreed.

"Mmm," Suzy replied, taking a sniff check of herself before wincing, "That sounds good."

They adjourned into the attached master bathroom, pulling Andy along with them. When he began taking off his clothes, Valentina stopped him.

"No, let me," she purred.

Andy shrugged and let her slowly unwrap his toned, athletic body like a Christmas gift. His shirt was pulled over his head, revealing his lean, athletic torso. Suzy came up from behind and sighed rapturously, eagerly running her strong fingers over the lines of his body the same as Valentina did. As much guff as Suzy liked to give him about being scrawny, he was actually pretty well built. His body was honed from intense exercise the same as theirs, but to a much lesser degree. He wasn't a bodybuilder, but rather an endurance athlete. He trained for stamina, not strength. Suzy's big hands took great, heaping handfuls of his body for her own. She pawed mercilessly at him, wanting to sink her teeth into his sexy little body and tear him to pieces. Skinny was just her type. She just wanted to throw his little body to the floor and fuck him for hours.

Valentina found Andy beautiful. Her boyfriend had an aesthetically pleasing body, cut and chiseled to perfection, rather than bulky and huge, like a Greek statue come to life. A male Galatea. She didn't particularly care for big muscles on men. She liked the feeling of how warm and soft his hairless skin was. He shaved his chest at her urging, knowing she liked that better than the caveman look. He wasn't a hairy guy to begin with, so maintaining his body hair wasn't much of a chore. Whatever made her happy, Andy had no problem doing.

Suzy continued to fawn over his body, kissing his neck while whispering sweet little eroticisms into his ear, while Valentina worked at his belt and stripped the rest of his clothes off him. The Amazons pulled him into the shower and kicked on the water. The water was warm, but the tender embrace of the Amazons was hot. They delighted running their impossibly strong hands all over his body to undo the minor damage they did in the bedroom. Every time he tried to reciprocate, they slapped his hands away gently, chiding him that what they were doing was for him alone. They massaged his muscles with tender love and care, taking turns at making him into a puddle of goo before Valentina grabbed his favorite body wash and began soaping up his body with it. Suzy joined in, and Andy was covered in a masculine scented lather. The smell seemed to drive his girls crazy as they scooped him up into their arms to passionately make out with him before passing him back and forth to one another.

Suzy plowed him into the cold shower wall, violently jamming her tongue down his throat and lashing it around. She moaned ferociously and ground her face into his until it hurt. Andy returned her violent passion, much to her delight, clawing at her massive back and squeezing her hard muscles as best he could. Suzy hissed in erotic agony when she pulled away, prompting him to chomp down on her lip, drawing a bright red pinprick of blood. The huge Amazon growled ferociously and gave him a look that he had trouble figuring out. Did she want to fuck him or kill him? He still couldn't tell when she came crashing into him again, kissing him with even more violence than before. Her coppery blood tainted the kiss to a degree, but he couldn't deny the erotic appeal of her aggression.

She literally threw him without warning as soon as she pulled away from his kiss with an impassioned roar over to her accomplice. Valentina deftly caught him before he went careening into the tile and grout, even though his body was slick with soap.

“Mmm,” she purred concupiscently, her soft lips massaging his neck. “Gotcha.” Effortlessly cradling his body in her arms. “Was mean ol' Suzy being too rough with you? Let me make it all better.” She delighted in rinsing him off, manually rubbing his soapy body down to remove the lather. Her strong hands made him feel like he was made of Play-Doh. If she ever had the inclination, she could tear him apart with her bare hands. The power coursing through her fingers was terrifying and exhilarating at once. “There, all clean, sweetie,” Valentina purred sexily, pulling him into her body to hold him under the warm deluge. “You smell so good...” she intoned erotically, lovingly nuzzling his face and neck before kissing him deeply. She held him like an Amazon soldier coming home on VJ day, cradling him protectively but holding him completely under her power. He lost himself in the kiss, running his fingers through her wet red hair and battling her tongue with his own. His erection returned in full force, swelling rapidly and throbbing, aching with the desire to enter her tight, muscled womanhood. Valentina giggled, feeling it jab into her belly. All eleven inches of him stiff and begging to be attended to.

“I want you,” Andy whispered intimately once they ended their long, erotic kiss. His eyes pleaded for her to just take him right then and there. His Amazon, his protector, his goddess. He could die right now in her arms and be happy. Valentina merely smiled.

“First things first, sweetie,” she purred, setting him back on his feet. He realized with muted disappointment that she wasn't done cleaning him yet. She took his bottles of shampoo and conditioner and tossed Suzy a bottle before she squirted a healthy dollop into her strong hands. “You wanna help we with this, Suzy? He's got quite the head of hair here.”

“My pleasure,” Suzy replied and loomed over him from behind. There was something about two pairs of infinitely strong hands rubbing his scalp so gently that made him go weak in the knees. Hands that could bend steel and crush concrete massaging his eggshell-like skull. He rested easily against Suzy's hugeness, breathing languidly from pleasure. “You like it when we wash you, Skinny?” Suzy purred rhetorically. Her sonorous but feminine voice rumbling deep in her massive chest, vibrating his body with ever syllable.
“Yes...” he hissed sibilantly.

“We like getting you clean,” Valentina joined in.

“Yeah. It's like holding your life in our hands,” Suzy explained. “Just think how strong we are, Skinny, and think of how gentle we're being. If we wanted to, we could hurt you so badly and you'd be helpless to stop us.”

“But we don't want you to be hurt,” Valentina clarified. “We love you.”

“Uh huh,” agreed Suzy. “You're the luckiest little boy in the world, Skinny. All this muscle, all this hot Amazon, all to yourself. It's amazing that you're not an even bigger jerk than you could be.”

“Suzy!” Valentina chided with some amusement.

“What? He knows I'm right. Skinny's a jerk, but he's our jerk, ain't that right, Skinny?” Suzy smirked playfully, curling her massive arms around his torso and squeezing him affectionately. “You know I love you, right twerp?” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek.

“I suppose, though you have a funny way of expressing it,” Andy replied sourly.

“Okay, now that that's all cleared up, and now you're all squeaky clean, why don't you take a powder and rest up?” Suzy suggested, pushing him away from her towards the bench over by the wall, while locking Valentina with a lustful glare. “Val and I are gonna have a little duet right now. No boys allowed.”

A deep lust welled up inside the dark-haired Amazon, inspiring her to stalk her red haired prey, hopingshe'd try to run so Suzy could give chase. Seeing the massive woman bearing down on her, Valentina let out a cry of excitement and dashed around inside the spacious shower. She pressed her enormous body against the thick glass wall, a lustful smile giving her sheer enjoyment out of the chase away. Suzy grinned and pinned Valentina up against the wall.

"Now you're mine!" she growled impassionedly.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:02:20 pm
"Oh, be gentle!" Valentina begged playfully. She hoped Suzy would be anything but. Valentina's heart raced wonderfully from such power coursing through her lover's hands as they pinned her wrists down away from her body, denying Valentina the right to touch Suzy's supreme muscles. Suzy rubbed her bulging, rippling torso against Valentina's own mighty body, teasing her stiff nipples against Valentina's rippling abs. The redhead was fucking yoked. Every inch of her body was a declaration of Amazonian might. Suzy crushed herself against Valentina, growling with poorly contained lust and power. She teased Valentina's waiting lips, feeling her hot, baited breath on her face as her lips parted, waiting for the kiss that didn't come. Valentina ached for Suzy at that moment, fussing and whining softly, trying to achieve release and kiss her only to be denied. Suzy's own lust swelled, her sexual frustration building to a fevered pitch. Valentina was too big, too strong, too sexy to tease in such a way. Suzy had to have her.

The levee broke. Suzy pulled Valentina into a deep, highly sexual kiss. The lusty redhead moaned loudly into Suzy's mouth. The bigger woman scooped her up like she was nothing and held her aloft while their frenched deeply. Suzy sucked on Valentina's tongue, huffing lustfully and aggressively. Valentina ground her hot, wet sex against Suzy's impenetrable, rippling belly.

Suzy's might met her own match radiating from Valentina's body. Her power was truly phenomenal, as she learned the hard way earlier that evening. It had been a humbling experience, one Suzy was likely never to forget. But it was also a deeply arousing one. She longed to feel such power coming from someone else, and Valentina rose to the occasion quite adeptly. It was true what she had said. There was no one on earth that Suzy would rather lose to that Valentina.

And right now, Valentina completely opened herself up to Suzy sexually. A Goddess worshiping a Goddess. Suzy's hands felt the breadth of her wide, brawny shoulders, the swelling enormity of her chest, the thickness of her arms, the sharply tapering slope down to her slim waist, the rippling symmetry of her belly, the gentle curvature of the small of her back, the Brobdingnagian span of her upper back and the roiling terrain of the muscles therein. Suzy savored the hard, pronounced lines of power chiseled into her Adamantine physique, the supple softness of her milky white, freckled skin, and indeed, Valentina too reveled in the adoration.

Valentina's freckled cheeks burned hot like a school-girl with a crush. The warmth from Suzy's proximity and the feeling of her eminently strong hands rubbing, squeezing, caressing, teasing her body aroused her greatly. Valentina felt her nipples harden into bullets and her clit engorged with blood. She demurely looked at Suzy, seeing the blissful expression on her darkly beautiful face, lusting for the sweetness of her sensual lips-- both sets of them.

Valentina raised up on her toes, meeting Suzy with a kiss of sheer passion. The bigger woman was pleasantly surprised by the move, inarticulately expressing herself with a deep moan into Valentina's mouth. Valentina curled her arms around Suzy's thick neck, pressing her tongue into her waiting mouth. Suzy's tongue joined Valentina's an an elaborate mating dance, basting each other in a confluence of their saliva. This wasn't just a kiss, as a drunken frat girl might do on a dare, or an attention whore might do on the Internet, this was an expression of love that two sisters-in-arms shared. A powerful lust than an Amazon has for one of her own kind. Suzy tasted like sugar, a curious counterpoint to her supreme bad-ass persona. Her sexual aggression make Valentina weak in the knees.

Indeed, when Suzy slammed Valentina up against the shower wall and started to paw at her naked body, Valentina let out a joyful squeal. Suzy huffed in lust, trying her best to devour Valentina from within. Valentina pulled away slowly, allowing the suction to tickle her tongue before their mouths popped apart. Her huge chest rose and fell with deep breaths, both from sheer oxygen deprivation and from sexual desire. Suzy moved in for more, but Valentina pulled back.

"Uh-uh," she teased. "You're not done..."

Suzy frowned, uncomprehending. Of course she wasn't done! She wouldn't be done until Valentina was a sweaty heaving mess beneath her, suffering from the beautiful agony of multiple orgasms. Valentina sighed and rolled her eyes, guiding her lover's hands further south. Sensing what she meant, Suzy crouched down to better pat homage to the legs that crushed the life out of her earlier. She couldn't honestly hope to stack up to Valentina in the wheels department. Her thighs were so massively developed and tremendously muscled it seemed impossible that legs like these could ever exist. Suzy eagerly ran her lips and fingers over the hilly terrain on Valentina's legs, tasting and touching the thick heads of her enormous quadriceps. Valentina rested a massive leg on Suzy's shoulder, allowing her better access to the meaty adductors on the inside of her thighs and the steely cables of her hamstrings around the back. Even further down were Valentina's enormous diamond-shaped calves. She eagerly flexed them for Suzy, causing them to bulge almost obscenely in Suzy's hands. As big as Suzy's calves were, they simply didn't stack up well against these massive hunks of muscle right now in her hands. Suzy reverently kissed every square inch of Valentina's calves, fully and readily acknowledging the superiority of Valentina's legs over hers. No muscle went without worship.

She slid up Valentina's tremendous body, meeting her eagerly waiting lips once more. A deep moan of raw lust emanated from both of their throats in a duet of Amazonian sexuality. Valentina melted against Suzy's steel-muscled body. Her lover's enormity fanned the heat building within herself. Suzy exuded power, and power was the ultimate aphrodisiac. She tore her tortured lips away from Suzy's, turning the tables on her by slamming her up against the opposite wall. Suzy stared at her with unrestrained desire tempered with surprise that Valentina would be so aggressive. Valentina beheld the visual feast that was Suzy's musculature, not sure where to start first. Starting from the top down, Valentina crushed herself against the hulking giantess and worked her way down her thickly corded, bullish neck. Suzy gasped, finally receiving the worship she so desperately deserved. Valentina's velvety lips massaged the iron muscle of Suzy's neck, inviting a rush of sexual exhilaration.

Suzy curled her enormous biceps in an exclamatory flex. Her mighty peaks made Valentina's throat go dry. The sinews within still swollen from the pump of battle, Suzy appeared like a warrior goddess. Hot pussy juice oozed from Valentina's lips, mingling with the warm water coursing down her thighs and her breathing quickened. Her vulva throbbed with mad desire. Suzy was fucking gorgeous. With a fierce snarl, Suzy spread her shoulders to flex her lats. The lat spread was a pose custom tailored for Suzy. The breadth of her shoulders was utterly shocking, despite Valentina seeing how wide Suzy was a million times. Her lats were thick slabs of meat larger and more dominant than Valentina's seemingly paltry, inconsequential lats. She could never hope to replicate Suzy's sheer width in a million years.

Muscles sprang up everywhere on Suzy beneath her tanned skin. Suzy was very broad shouldered, dwarfing any man at least twice over in width. She was as beautiful as a model, with black eyes and sensual lips. A model with a neck like a bull, traps like a powerlifter, shoulders like boulders, arms thicker with enormous muscle than either of a man's legs, a chest swollen with enormous pectoral muscles, lats like a pair of wings, a belly like a cobblestone street, and legs like tree-trunks. Overall, Suzy had a rather top-heavy physique compared to the other Amazons in their little circle. Her hips and legs were a little slimmer than either Valentina's, but her sheer torso mass overshadowed hers completely.

Suzy's pecs resembled massive domes of sheer female beef. Absolutely no breast tissue existed upon her chest. It was all layer upon layer of steely muscle tissue. The large slabs of chest meat flexed and twitched involuntarily with every minute movement. The space between her pecs was a thin, but deep canyon. Her thick nipples looked ready to launch into orbit, stiffened with passionate arousal. Valentina crushed her body up against the lustful Amazonian giantess, hungrily tasting of her muscled breast. Suzy breathed heavily, wordlessly urging her lover to continue. Valentina's lips charted every square inch of Suzy's enormous pecs. The tissue was unyielding, but the tanned skin was smooth and soft. Valentina licked the dew from Suzy's chest, taking great mouthfuls of muscle at a time. She could spend a lifetime worshiping Suzy's chest and still never be satisfied. With a passionate flex, the thickness of Suzy's chest seemed to triple, the impenetrable slabs of muscle hardening into diamond. Valentina was there, sloppily kissing Suzy's pecs, soft moans of lustful envy escaping from her throat.

Pulling away, Valentina looked up at Suzy with her big baby blues full of wonder and awe and said, “Let me wash you.”

“If you like,” Suzy shrugged playfully, readily playing the role of the vain narcissist. Valentina tsked and playfully slapped Suzy's huge shoulder, turning to grab her bottle of flowery body wash. Suzy liked the smell of it once Valentina opened the bottle and held it up to meet Suzy' approval. She had multiple different bottles, all a variety of scents. This body wash was sensual and feminine. Valentina squirted a lavish dollop into her strong hands and began working the soap into a ladder prior to slathering Suzy's body with it.

Suzy looked over at Skinny sitting lonely on the bench in the corner, watching the proceedings with a mix of longing and excitement. His boner was at full mast, yet he refrained from touching it. Valentina followed Suzy's gaze and saw that her man felt a little left out. The Amazons were having so much fun with each other that they had forgotten all about him.

“Hey, sweetie, why don't you c'mere and help me with this,” Valentina suggested. “I don't think I can do this all by myself.”

“An extra set of hands would be welcome, Skinny,” Suzy purred, beckoning him over with a finger. Andy looked around before pointing to himself incredulously like he couldn't believe his luck. “Yes, you, jackass,” Suzy griped, annoyed at his stalling.

“And I was beginning to think that I was never gonna get to play,” Andy complained, taking a handful of body wash for himself to spread across Suzy's mass.

“Well, Vally and I were having such a blast that we all but forgot about you, Skinny,” Suzy replied teasingly.

“Oh, nonsense,” Valentina dismissed. “We weren't gonna leave you high and dry.”

Andy shrugged as if it didn't matter and began helping Valentina wash the massive Amazon. Suzy stood tall with her arms outstretched, allowing her slaves to attend her physique unfettered. Andy thought of Suzy as an Amazonian warrior queen being bathed the eve of a great battle. The hard lines of her body were covered with suds and groping hands massaging and kneading the steely tissue with reverence for her might. Suzy couldn't resist flexing, for her own pleasure if nothing else. She felt so powerful being worshiped. Valentina went around back while Skinny worked the front. She looked down at him, his strong hands traipsing all over, working lower and lower down her body. He was like her favored slave,  Valentina her squire. It was as it should be. The duo worked in tandem to soap her up, covering her completely, then rinsing her off with as much reverence.

“You wanna wash my hair, Skinny?” Suzy cooed softly, rubbing his cheek with affection.

“Sure,” he said, taking on of Valentina's shampoo bottles and applying some to his hands. Suzy knelt down to allow him to work it into her short hair. Skinny's hands massaged her scalp in a sensual way, making her groan in pleasure. She loved the way his fingers went through her hair, the way he rubbed the shaved portions of her scalp. It felt so very good. She couldn't resist leaning forward and kissing his flat belly. Skinny had a sexy little body on him. She liked to tease him, but he was very well-built despite her playful pet name for him. Skinny was well-muscled like a runner or a swimmer, someone who was build for stamina, not strength. He was compact and tight, not bulky and massive like herself. She took it upon herself to show him a little worship herself. Suzy's strong hands felt him all over, cupping his cute little ass, rubbing his lean legs and trim waist. His erection seemed to swell at her warmth and proximity. It took all her will power to stop herself from taking his manhood into her mouth and start sucking. His cock was so big and beautiful, the perfect size really. She snuck in a soft peck on the very tip, prompting Skinny to gasp in arousal and look down at her. Suzy responded with a sexy grin and a wink.

She stood up to her full height once more to loom over him, making it a point to rub her muscles up against his comparatively slender body and began washing the shampoo from her hair. Suzy's height was incredibly arousing to him. His dick brushed the inside of her thighs, nearly making it to the sweet-spot that it yearned to enter just as much as that same spot beckoned it to come inside.

“Mmm,” Suzy purred, pressing him against her body tightly. She loved the feeling of having Skinny against her. “You wanna double-team Vally with me?”

“Does the Pope shit in the woods?” Skinny responded. They both cast their gaze Valentina's way and grinned wolfishly. Valentina couldn't resist giggling sexily while Suzy snatched her by the wrist and pulled her closer.

“What's your pleasure?” Suzy whispered lustfully into her ear from behind, locking her massive arm around Valentina's waist.

“Cinnamon...” Valentina breathed softly, prompting her boyfriend to pick her favored body wash and begin lathering her up after handing the bottle to Suzy to do the same. Andy worked her front side, Suzy took the back. He started low, moving up from her feet up her legs, while Suzy started at her neck and shoulders.

“I wanna live with a cinnamon girl,” Andy crooned like Pete Steele, “I could be happy the rest of my life her...”

Valentina sighed pleasurably at the feeling of four strong hands caressing her body and the warmth and closeness of her lovers pressing in from all sides. Andy's tight athletic physique rubbed up against her front whereas the massive bulk of Suzy's body ensconced her from behind. Valentina couldn't stop blushing. She let out a sharp gasp when Andy's tongue teased at her throbbing clit. There was a semi-enforced 'no sex' rule in the shower that Valentina had instituted on the grounds that energy should be conserved for the bedroom. It was only loosely followed in the strictest sense. The ripple of pleasure shaking through her body made her regret floating such a measure in the first place. It was just a tease, enough to make her crazy. Andy was good at that. He whipped her up into maddened sexual frenzy, endlessly baiting her to pounce upon him and have her way with him just as he liked it. Part of her always wanted to maintain her composure just to screw with him, but it never worked out that way.

Instead, she just basked in the worship of her magnificent body by her lovers. Suzy took it upon herself to wash Valentina's vibrantly red hair, working her strong fingers through her scalp with love and care.

“Your hair is so beautiful, Val,” Suzy murmured intimately.

“Mmm, thanks Suzy,” Valentina cooed back, pressing her curves against Suzy's body further. Suzy took her time, making sure that no follicle went untouched. She rinsed Valentina with the same gentle but thorough touch. 

Fully clean and rinsed off, the trio ended their intimate group shower, dried off, and prepared to get dirty once more. Valentina picked Andy up over her shoulder and carried him into the bedroom with Suzy in tow. She launched him through the air onto the bed and climbed on after him. Andy bounced several times, trying to reorient himself from the impromptu flying lesson he had just received. When he righted himself at last, he was cornered like a bleeding deer by two she-wolves looking to devour him.

“I've been waiting for this for quite some time,” Valentina purred, baring her fangs, looking to sink her teeth into his weak flesh. She raped him with her blue eyes mercilessly.

“You're in for it now, little man,” Suzy breathed in agreement. Her dark eyes bore promises of a night of back-arching, screaming sex.

They surrounded him, pinning him down to the sheets effortlessly. Voraciously, they pored over his body with their eyes, visually dissecting him into choice cuts for their own pleasure. Valentina sidled up along side him and slithered her body against his. She ran her strong hand all over him, massaging and kneading his soft, weak flesh. His freshly clean skin was smooth and lush in her fingers. She loved touching him. He was sexy to her.

When she climbed atop him, Suzy had no objections. She enjoyed watching. Valentina's hot pussy was soaking wet with arousal, steaming against his pelvis. Her hands rubbed and caressed his body sensually, massaging this, teasing that. Her weight bore down on his body enough to allow him to feel her dominance, but not enough to hurt him. Valentina learned long ago how to control her body to allow him the maximum amount of pleasure from her strong muscles without the crippling injuries or excruciating pain that could come so easily. Andy was fragile compared to her. Besides, she loved being sensual and gentle. It aroused him so passionately his cock throbbed and sat incredibly erect, rubbing against Valentina's round, curvy butt. He was so hard it almost hurt.

The feeling of his massive dick turned up the heat in her loins to eleven. She badly wanted it inside her, having been craving it for hours now. But, she wanted him at his wildest, most sex-crazed. She flexed her glutes, making them ripple and dance against his staff, massaging and rolling it between her cheeks. A hard flex of her butt would obliterate his manhood, and that simply would not do, so Valentina flexed softly. The level of muscle control she displayed was simply astounding. She had complete obeisance of every muscle group in her gorgeous physique and was not afraid to use it. Valentina allowed Andy to grab onto her but while she flexed it, allowing him to feel her control more clearly. She alternated her glute dance, each cheek, one after the other, and then both at once. Andy's eyes blissfully rolled back into his skull and he let out a long, soft moan.

It wouldn't do for him to cum just yet, though Valentina had him well within her power. She considered it complimentary that she was so sexually exciting for him, but he was no use to her spent and drained so early. Instead, she forcefully grabbed his wrists and slammed them high above his head, pinning them to the mattress. Andy's eyes opened wide at her sudden aggressiveness. Valentina's enormous legs clamped his waist and she pressed her elaborately muscled body against his. Her huge, bulging pecs thrust into his face, smothering him with muscle. As gentle as Valentina was, she also enjoyed to play rough. His strength was paltry against hers. He couldn't fight her. His weak little struggles excited her as did his muffled cries for help. She didn't want to hurt him, and painstakingly strove not to, but rendering him helpless was hardly painful.

“Mmm...” Valentina moaned lewdly. “Feel my power, little boy. I know you like being dominated by a strong, sexy Amazon like me. I feel your cock getting even bigger and harder. You wanna fuck me? You wanna put that big, juicy cock inside me? I know you do. First, you're gonna worship my muscles. I'm so much stronger than you it's not even funny, sweetie. But you like that, don't you? Mmm, that makes me so hot, sweetie. I love cute little boys that like big, sexy Amazons like me...”

Andy began kissing and massaging her pecs with his gorgeous lips, prompting her to gasp lustfully. She held him fast, disallowing him to move his hands or squirm out from under her, even if he wanted to. His lips were skilled against her sensitive chest, making her toes curl. She slithered up further, making him worship her belly. He kissed all eight of her bulging abs and licked the deep trenches in-between them. Andy teased at her belly button, and charted her obliques and serratus with his mouth also. His mouth moved as far south as it could go, coming oh-so-close, yet oh-so-far from her yearning pussy. She was dripping juices onto his belly from arousal. She wanted to push him down and bury his face into her womanhood, but she was loving his worship too much.

Instead, Valentina cuddled up alongside him, seizing his arms and forcing them behind his head, and flexing her massive bicep in his face. Andy obligingly and masterfully worshiped her mountainous peak, kissing, licking, massaging, kneading the steely flesh as it flexed and relaxed over and over in his face. He worshiped her shoulders, triceps and forearms with equal lust, prompting Valentina to slide over to his other side to make him worship her other arm.

Still not satisfied, she switched positions with him, lying on her back, and him on top. Still holding his hands, she nimbly slid a dainty foot along his body, purposefully missing his tumescent member, and wordlessly bade him to worship her beautiful legs. He started with her feet, humbly kissing them, before working his way up her ankles to her massive calves, kissing and licking every cut, every ridge, every fiber of muscle in them. To tease him further, she closed her calves around his neck and gently squeezed, momentarily, but easily cutting off his air. She released him before he could choke however, having her enamored love slave continue his journey up her legs to her positively huge thighs.

Valentina's breathing quickened the closer he got to her sweet spot. She kept her legs closed to prevent him from attacking her pussy like he and she both wanted him to, forcing him to kiss her hamstrings instead. She rubbed her legs against his face, displaying her muscularity in high definition, as well as her flexibility. Andy reverently made love to her quads, kissing the many hills and valleys of her thigh muscles all over, never missing an inch. He did one leg, than the other. It was clear, however, that he was running out of space to worship, and her pussy was right there, begging him to plunge right in.

Valentina's thighs closed around his head, not squeezing him, but holding him tightly. She rolled his face between her legs, letting him know how big they were, and how small his head seemed. Andy could feel the muscle flexing around him, but not crushing down on his head like they could do so easily. Valentina was a gentle mistress. Releasing his wrists, but holding him between her legs, Valentina tossed him back onto the mattress.

She then turned her back to him, spreading her lats. Andy took the hint and expertly worshiped her massive back muscles. He started at her neck, moving her fragrant red hair out of the way, and kissing her thick, meaty bull-neck and bulging traps before moving down. Every mountain of muscle that sprang up in her back was worshiped in fine detail. Her enormous lats were covered as well. To her surprise, amusement, and arousal, Andy kissed her ass literally. Her bulging glutes were thoroughly worshiped.

Valentina was finally satisfied. She felt strong, dominant, and sexy. Andy pressed his body against hers, curling his slender arms around her massive bulk, and accidentally, or maybe on purpose, prodding her with his enormous cock.

“Your a goddess, Val...” Andy breathed in her ear. She certainly felt like one in his reverent embrace. She turned around to face him, and pressed him down to the bed again, this time smothering him in kisses. She sloppily pressed her lips against his, and thrashed her tongue around in his mouth, moaning sexually.

“My sexy little man...” Valentina murmured warmly. She rubbed her gushing pussy against his body as she kissed him, smearing his belly with warm, sticky juice. Valentina rubbed her fingers through his thick hair and pressed her mouth deeply against his. Andy's hands were all over her body, taking advantage of his freedom to rub, squeeze and caress her muscles as he saw fit.

Valentina pulled away from him, a string of saliva connecting their crushed, punished lips. She then kissed his neck all over, then his chest. Andy hissed when she nipped and suckled at his nipples. Valentina teased him for a while going nipple to nipple before moving south.

“Uh oh, looks like I left a bit of a mess,” Valentina giggled upon seeing her pussy juice glistening all over his flat belly. “Lemme get it,” she purred, lashing out with her long, wet tongue, lapping up her own milk erotically. His skin was creamy and good, and her milk was sweet and delicious as well. “You're so yummy...” Valentina whispered intimately, licking her way back up to his lips for another round of passionate kissing. Her kiss was spiked with the taste of her milk, making her even more delicious than before.

“Mmm...” Valentina moaned, kissing him passionately before popping away loudly. “I wanna fuck you to pieces, little man...” She grabbed onto his shoulders, and ground her hips on his pelvis in a facsimile of sexual intercourse. Her azure eyes burned with powerful lust, her juicy lips curling into an aggressive, sex-crazed sneer. “I want to fuck you so badly, baby,” Valentina whined lustfully. “I want that big cock in me, I wanna feel it stretch my tight little pussy to the breaking point. I want you to fill me up.”

With that, Valentina lifted herself up enough to allow his cock to position itself under her at the right angle, and spear itself inside her. The thick, glistening, pre-cum dribbling head of his cock peeled back her tight lips, and snugly invaded her tight, muscled sheath. Valentina gasped sharply at the staggering size of his dick, and how it felt like she was liable to split in half. His big, meaty dick felt so fucking good inside her though! He was warm and throbbing and alive. Valentina was content to sit there for a moment, drinking him in. He looked so tiny and cute underneath her, his handsome face grinning dopily at the sensation of her wet tightness swallowing his cock. She posted her hands on his chest and began riding his dick like a cowgirl.

In and out it went, like a huge piston, filling her, shaping her. He was so big... It seemed impossible that such a cute little guy like him could be hung like a fucking stallion, but here he was. Andy, for his part, was an active participant, not a sex toy. Despite her enormous strength advantage over him, he chose to work his dick into her as she pulled away, taking all eleven inches of him per thrust. Valentina cried out in sheer lust, moaning passionately as she fucked her man.

“Take me...” Valentina commanded breathlessly. “Fill me up... Fuck me, sweetie! Fuck me!”

Andy thrust harder and harder, his big dick pounding in to her deeper and deeper. Her sexual milk eased his entry against her muscular tightness. Valentina stopped riding him, instead rolling onto her back with him still in her and letting him do all the work. Valentina moaned deep and long, feeling all of him press deeper and deeper still inside her. She looked up at Suzy who licked her lips in sexual lust and anticipation, stroking her erect nipple as she waited her turn. Valentina smiled blissfully and began singing her Amazonian love song. Her moans spurred Andy on, letting him know he was on the right track.

The sights, sounds, and smells of the couple having sex made Suzy hot. She could sit idly by and watch no longer. She leaned downwards, hovering her face above Valentina's and kissed her upside down.

“Mmm...” the Amazons purred in simpatico, fencing each other with their tongues. Valentina squeaked and fussed in her mouth, prompting Suzy to pull away and begin kissing her muscles instead. Valentina   ran her fingers through her hair and arched her back in pleasurable agony.

“Andy!” she cried out. “Ohhhhh!! I'm gonna cum! Don't stop, baby! Please don't stop! I'm so close! So fucking close!! Ohh! OHHHHH!!!”Suzy kissed a trail down Valentina's exquisite sweaty body, and then up Skinny's tasty little body. She met him at his yummy little lips and kissed him deeply as he fucked Valentina's brains out. He huffed in exertion as he kissed her, never missing a stroke of his monster cock inside Valentina's tight little womanhood. His cute little ass tightened and released with each pump, making Suzy cup it and squeeze. Suzy tugged at his lip and made her way behind him. She grabbed the both of them, and pulled Valentina closer to the edge of the bed with Skinny sandwiched between them.

“What are you doing?!” Valentina demanded in a crazed voice, angered at the interruption. Suzy merely smiled, and held Skinny in her arms off the ground. His dick was still inside Valentina.

“I wanna help,” Suzy purred, nibbling at Skinny's ear. Still holding him, Suzy aided his thrusting with her own pelvis. “Watching you make Vally cum is so fucking hot, Skinny. Let me fuck her withyou...Let your cock be mine...”

Suzy's added power made Andy's penis seem like a jackhammer. He went into her harder and deeper than he was normally capable of. Valentina quickly got over her rage, and began screaming bloody murder again, spasming uncontrollably, shrieking her pleasure to the gods above.

“Ffffuck!!” Valentina bellowed. Her moans came out sharper and higher, each one rising in pitch the closer she got to heaven.

“Mmm,” Suzy moaned, kissing Skinny's neck. “She's so fucking hot, isn't she?”

“Yeah! Yeah!! YES!! YES!!” Andy cried out through gritted teeth, coming close to cumming on his own. Valentina moaned breathlessly in front of him, Suzy's massive form pressed up close behind him... It was simply too much. “I'm gonna fucking cum...” Andy whispered hoarsely.

“You better not, Skinny,” Suzy purred jokingly. “I don't want to be known as a quick draw.”

“I... I can't... I can't help it!! It feels too good!!” Andy shouted.

“Baby! Cum with me!!” Valentina demanded madly.

“I... I don't kn-know...h-how m-much long-ger...” Andy sputtered, willing every fiber in his being to not explode all over Valentina's insides. It was a battle. Between Valentina's amazing pussy and Suzy's hot, muscled body, Andy was in the orgasm speedlane. It was an inevitability.

“You have to! Hold out! I'm almost there!!” Valentina pleaded. Andy chuffed, his body sweating and glistening in Suzy's massive arms. She squeezed him tightly, pumping her hips in and out in time with his.

“Andy... Andy...!!” Valentina called out. “I'm gonna cum! Oh, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!! I'M CUMMIIIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!! OHHHHHHHHH!!!”

Valentina's back arched violently as she screamed. Her orgasm was long and loud and tremendous. Every phenomenal muscle in her body flexed as one, making her look even more massive, intimidating, and beautiful at once. Her head swam with the pleasure of the orgasm, the intensity paralyzing her completely. Her pussy flooded Andy's groin with hot milk and her legs squeezed him tightly against Suzy's body. She collapsed in a heap twenty seconds later, massive, sweaty chest heaving up and down with each powerful, ragged breath.

Suzy pulled Skinny's dick out of Valentina's pussy and stroked it powerfully for a few pumps before it spit its venom every where. Skinny flexed against her mighty body, toes curling from the force of his cumming. Thick ropes of semen jetted from his cock onto Valentina's belly. Skinny went limp, breathing hard from the exertion. Suzy giggled and scooped him up into her arms. He looked so cute, all tired and wasted. Suzy set him down besides Valentina, and proceeded to clean his belly, groin and manhood of his and Valentina's cum. Suzy's tongue lapped and massaged the juices from his skin, running all over her softening cock and balls. Skinny hissed from the sensitivity, but nevertheless enjoyed Suzy's tongue bath. Next, she moved over to Valentina, and did the same for her, licking Skinny's cum from her belly, and her hot milk from her pussy and thighs. They were both delicious and sweet to Suzy.
“That... was so fucking hot...” Valentina breathed.

“Oh my god...” Andy huffed in agreement.

“Suzy...” Valentina whispered, prompting the massive Amazon to slither up Valentina's shiny body. She kissed Valentina deeply, sharing with her the taste of herself and Skinny. Valentina moaned softly, curling a leg around Suzy's waist intimately. Her pussy still throbbed from the pounding she had taken. Suzy's long tongue basted the inside of Valentina's mouth and mated with her own tongue.

“Suzy...” Valentina whispered again once they came up for air.

“Hmm?” she replied coyly.

“Thank you!” Valentina ardently cried.

“Happy to be of service,” she said with a wink. Suzy cast a glance over to Skinny, who stared at the ceiling in disbelief. “You still alive over there, Skinny?”

“Sorta,” he replied weakly.

“Well, get your act together the both of you. It's time for my repayment,” Suzy said, nimbly crawling into bed with them and leaned up against the heavy wooden footboard of the bed, enticingly splitting her legs in an open invitation. Her musky scent called him. Seeing Andy taking her bait, she smiled widely. Valentina decided to wait on the sidelines. It was Suzy's turn to have a bit of fun.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:03:33 pm
“Come here, Skinny,” she said taking him into her massive arms. She stood up onto her knees and throwing him back onto the mattress. Andy's thick, hard cock swelled skyward up like a missile and Suzy eagerly pounced atop him, her massive, heavily muscled legs crushing down on him. She leaned in and wrapped her hand around his manhood, gently stroking it up and down and tightening her grip ever so gingerly as she did so. Andy could feel her vice-like grip and see her arm tensing, pumping, her biceps seemingly growing with veins crawling over them. She could easily seriously hurt him if she were to simply squeeze down, but Suzy knew how to be gentle. His delight was clear to see. Suzy slowly, methodically massaged his manhood, making it swell in her strong hand. Andy's dick was diamond hard. Beads of pre-cum dewed at the very tip of his monster, prompting her to lick the head with her long, sinuous tongue. Andy bit his lip and hissed, willing himself not to explode all over her face. It took every ounce of willpower not to cum again. Suzy was too sexy, too good at arousing men to withstand her sexual onslaught.

She smiled, drawing her tongue out and raking the entire underside of his cock, making sure to press the little soft spot beneath the head. Watching Andy's tortured expression made it all the sweeter. Her tongue left his cock and went elsewhere, letting him cool down some before she went any further. She liked agonizing him. His face blushed a rosy color and he looked like he was going to explode any moment. He fussed and fidgeted as her lips met his balls and began kissing them gently. Suzy made her way up, kissing  and pawing at his tasty little body along the way. Suzy found him incredibly sexy. She loved small men. They were so fragile and delicate compared to her. Skinny was irresistible, driving her into a lusty, sexual frenzy. He was like bait, and she was a great white shark. Her teeth nipped at his soft flesh, tugging gently at his skin, Suzy's manicured nails clawed at his skin, leaving him gasping at the sensation. She left red nail marks as a sign of her passing before her juicy lips undid the damage with sensual kissing. She pressed her lips up to his many boo-boos, and make the mild hurt go away. Suzy slithered her massive body up against his, smothering his meeker form with her hugeness.

His face went into her enormous chest and all light and sound was blacked out of existence. Suzy's sheer mass engulfed him, encompassing his entire head with her pecs. Just when he thought he was going to suffocate, Suzy let up. He gasped deeply, taking in a greedy breath. As he exhaled, Suzy smothered him again, making him cry out and thrash around desperately. An erotic giggle escaped Suzy's lips, feeling the much smaller, weaker man try to fight her strength. She easily pinned his arms away from her and spread his legs with her own in a grapevine. Andy's muffled cry for air made Suzy relent, but just enough to let him breathe. His weakness was such a major turn on. Feeling his little body under her was simply electrifying.

“You're so weak, Skinny,” Suzy purred throatily. “You make me so fucking horny.” She squeezed his wrists and pulled his legs apart even further. Andy cried out. Suzy wasn't trying to hurt him, but just barely trying. “Mmmm!” Suzy bellowed in arousal. “I could squish you so easily, Skinny. I could tear you limb from limb. It would be so easy for me. But I like you. I won't do any of that. But I am gonna give you a good squeezing, little man. It arouses me, feeling your weak little body against mine, knowing that I dominate you completely. There's nothing you can do against me. You're under my control. Are you ready?”

“No,” he replied meekly, prompting Suzy to begin laughing lewdly.

“Mewl for me, baby,” Suzy growled passionately, kissing him like a savage. She huffed, ramming her tongue down his throat, rape-kissing him while she crushed down on his body with her own. Her face mashed against his until it hurt. She drew his tongue into her mouth and suckled deeply upon in, keen on tearing it off at the stem. Suzy moaned erotically, loving his soft, helpless cries. Suzy pulled away, tugging at his tongue with her teeth gently. “Skinny...” she breathed. “You just taste so fucking good... I wanna eat you... In fact, I think I will!” Suzy bit down on his lip and tugged. She nipped his cheek and worked her way down to his neck where she fed like a vampire on him. Her sharp fangs pressured his skin without drawing blood, but the effect was the same.

“It's time,” Suzy purred into he ear, teasing it with her tongue. Andy could only brace himself for the coming beating he was about to take. Suzy sat up, straddling his hips. Without warning, she pulled him up into a sitting position and smothered his head into her pecs once more. Her muscles swelled against him, leaving Andy no respite against her strength. She squeezed him until his skull was about to pop, then relented. Suzy let Andy fall back to the mattress before getting off of him. She then curled her enormous legs around his ribs and scissored him half to death. The unrelenting pressure of her thighs hit him like a hurricane, sucking the air from his lungs. Suzy's quads became as gigantic diamonds, swelling and tightening to the point of being impossible to extricate himself from her anaconda grip. Suzy felt Skinny's ribs begin to buckle and let go. As much as she liked seeing him struggle against her strength, she didn't want to really hurt him.

But that didn't stop her from scissoring his head.

As soon as Suzy's thighs opened, Andy slumped, simply content to be able to breath. But that respite didn't last long, as her legs closed around his head and squeezed together. Andy screamed into her pussy. Suzy loved the feeling of his muffled cries vibrating against her erogenous zone. She moaned deeply, throwing her head back with a sensuous stretch. She grabbed his wrists and pulled. With his head being crushed and his arms almost torn from their sockets, Andy whimpered in agony. Suzy let him feel it for a moment before relenting once more. Andy slouched leadenly, face still buried in her juicy, aroused sex when her legs opened up. Suzy let out a sex-drunk laugh and scooped the dazed little man up into her arms for a rear naked choke. She didn't apply even a quarter of the force necessary to choke him out. It wouldn't do for Andy to black out. She simply want to cut off his air enough to make him feel it. As Suzy mashed his throat with her meaty forearm, he looked at Valentina laying there, stroking her muscular body in arousal watching her boyfriend get tortured by her lover. She smiled and shrugged at him sympathetically, but did nothing to stop Suzy from choking him, even as gently as she was. Suzy released the hold, then grabbed him into a bear hug before he could begin to recover. Suzy squeezed him as much as she could without endangering him, which wasn't much. His ribs still sang in agony from her scissors.

Suzy bore down on him with a mere fraction of her total might, but Skinny still thrashed and gasped desperately like a fish out of water. Feeling as if he had been through enough, Suzy let go of him and set him down on the mattress once more, softly and gingerly before sidling her massive body up alongside of him. She draped a huge leg around his waist, and rested a hand on his reddened, scarred chest softly. Andy breathed deeply, happy that it was all over finally. He looked up at her plaintively, begging her not to hurt him anymore with his eyes. 

“Oh, Skinny,” Suzy pouted sympathetically. She leaned down and kissed his lips sweetly. “You know I don't want to hurt you really. That was just a bit of fun.”

“Fun for you,” he replied. Suzy smiled and reached down to tug at the throbbing erection he sported, raising an eyebrow challengingly. “Okay, fun for me too, in some bizarre way.”

Suzy giggled and made out with him some more, taking pleasure in his taste and proficiency at the art of kissing. “I knew you liked it, Skinny.”

“What's not to like?” Andy made out, in between her kisses. “Big, hot, sweaty female muscle grinding me into dust. I'm in.”

“Not yet you're not,” Suzy purred, straddling him once more. She raised herself up and lined up her juicy pussy up with his turgid dick. The engorged head slid easily between her tight lips. Suzy sighed sharply at his entry. Her natural lubrication was working overtime in a heightened state of arousal. Suzy gingerly lowered herself, allowing her weight to try and force Skinny's not-so-skinny member into her.
“Now you are...” she whimpered. Her lip quivered, her eyes half-veiled in pleasure, Suzy pawed gently at his chest. Skinny's size was simply staggering. She would never be used to his massive dick ripping her tight, muscular pussy apart. She allowed most of her weight to bear down on him for an instant, pushing his body into the mattress before the thick, hard cock widened her labia enough to slip in. Suzy and Andy both gasped in tandem, making Suzy pushed down again, taking an inch of his massive cock inside her and then another. He could feel her internal muscles gripping him, enveloping him, closing around his cock. Suzy paused and breathed heavily.

Her massive upper body exploded in a flex, her massive slabs of pectoral muscle blasting outwards in tidal wave of sinew as she put her hands behind her head. Her marmoreal abs bulged and flexed with each roll of her hips. Suzy closed her eyes and smiled, her biceps peaking in a display of lustful power as she proceeded to grind down on top of him. She moaned softly, lowering her arms and placing her strong hands lightly on his chest, her biceps thickening and pecs swelling with the motion.

She picked up the pace and passion of every roll of her hips. Andy felt like cookie dough under her mass, but the sight of the massive Amazon riding him and the feeling of her solid weight on his body was exhilarating. He rested his hands on her working hips, and thrust his cock into her. They both moaned with every powerful spearing he gave Suzy and every lustful hump she gave him as she raised herself higher and higher before slamming back down harder and harder. She shuddered, her abs tensing and every one of them bulging. Suzy's strong vaginal muscles pressured his dick, but she did her best to prevent herself from squeezing him too hard. He was safe inside of her, which was where be belonged. His perfect cock fit so snugly inside her pussy. It simply felt wonderful.

She began writhing around, fully grinding her pelvis into him. Suzy's moans came faster and faster, each on deeper and more impassioned. She started to ride him like the stud-bull that he was, up and down, ever faster and harder. He could take it. He was tough. Suzy looked down at him from on high. Andy's eyes were locked onto hers, his face screwed up in delightful agony. She leaned forward, posting her hands on either side of his head. Her black eyes holding his in a lustful gaze. Suzy breathed impassionedly, moaning louder and louder at the hot fucking she was receiving from the sexy little man underneath her. With every thrust she was eagerly took all eleven inches on him, her big, juicy, hard clitoris rubbing against his skin. Suzy fucking Skinny harder and harder, taking him to the very limit of climax. His pleasure was hers.

Valentina watched from the sidelines, watching her lovers have so much fun without her. She could take no more. Crawling like a lioness over to a fresh kill by her pride mate, she got in close to witness the fucking already in progress. Suzy grinned fiercely. Her dominance was hot to Valentina. Andy's supine from, bucking wildly from Suzy's mass bouncing up and down on his big, delicious cock was enough to make her super wet. She leaned in and kissed her vulnerable boyfriend, taking great pleasure in his ability to please two women at once. A bolt of inspiration hit him. She curled her enormous leg over his head and with both of them straddling his much smaller, nearly completely female muscle engulfed, form, a full threesome began.

The pair of Amazons faced one another, Valentina sitting over his face, taking care not to smother him, while Suzy rode his slippery, hard cock with reckless abandon. Andy was fully game, and started pleasing his girlfriend orally, his arousal filled tongue probing all over Valentina's steaming hot pussy. Suzy leaned forward towards Valentina and the two Amazons kissed one another passionately, their probing tongues eagerly exploring each other's mouths fully. Valentina moaned deeply into Suzy's lusty mouth, Andy's long, practiced tongue lavishing wetly all over her juicy pussy, readily exploring her lips, her thick, bulging clit, the tasty inner wall of her pussy, everything. The Amazon's bodies gyrated in tandem, their hips pumping up and down on opposite ends of the small, sexy little man posted between their legs. Their tongues mated with one another, sucking deeply, passionately, lovingly. Suzy and Valentina's enormously muscular physiques flexed and hardened in each other's hands. The were still mindful and were very careful about how vigorously they enjoyed Andy's body, as they were so much bigger and stronger than he was. Even the slightest sudden passionate movement from their engulfing physiques could cause him serious injury.

Suzy pulled away from the kiss to cry out. Her breathing came quick, and her cries came loud. She threw her arms up in triumph, flexing her guns in staggeringly massive double biceps pose, her lats fanning out and every muscle exploding in size. Every abdominal muscle all the way down to her pussy hardened and pushed out as she tensed. Suzy's orgasm was intense to the point of being paralyzing. Her worm milk of arousal bathed Skinny's waist and the inside of her thighs. The tremors of her climax rattled his body greatly. Not to be outdone, Valentina followed suit not long after. Her pussy was already hot and ready to go when she joined in. Andy's tongue was was making her even hotter with arousal. Her cheeks burned with pleasure. She chewed her bottom lip and stifled a loud scream. The tip of his tongue circled her clitoris and then between her tights lips to draw his tongue inside. She yelled out in pleasured satisfaction, making him open his mouth and press his tongue hard against her fat, juicy clitoris. Her abs rippled and bulged with movement as she arched her back in a silent scream. Her nails dug into his skin, and she willed herself not to crush his skull during her second amazing orgasm of the night. His mouth filled with sweet, warm milk. He took it all in every wave as it came gushing out of her hot pussy with every aftershock of climax.

Satisfied, the Amazons climbed off of their durable little man and cuddled with him, cooing warmly into his ear and nuzzling him affectionately.

“You're amazing, sweetie,” Valentina murmured languidly into his ear. She sloppily kissed his milk drenched lips, tasting herself in the process. She moaned erotically into his mouth and took her time, fully savoring his taste.

Suzy took over when Valentina had her fill, kissing him with as much passion as she did. Suzy lovingly lapped her tongue around in his mouth, tasting Valentina's familiar tang in the process. When she was done, Valentina came back for seconds, and so did Suzy after her. They took turns making out with their little man until they settled in to cuddle him after their lips and tongues had gone numb from overuse.

“Looks like we're not done, Suze,” she said, pointing to his burgeoning erection still at attention.

“Well, that won't do, Skinny. That won't do at all,” Suzy declared. “C'mon Val. Let's finish him off.”

“Thought you'd never ask,” Valentina replied. His Amazon lovers massaged his body with their lips down south, kissing a trail over his battered and abused frame until they reached his manhood. It still glistened from Suzy's ride, prompting the two to lap up Suzy's juice from his body, saving his dick for last. Suzy's tongue curled around his staff almost prehensilely. Valentina's soft lips wrapped around the spongy head of his cock and suckled. Suzy moved out of the way to allow Valentina to take as much of him as she could down her throat. His dick spreared the back of her throat, making her squeal amorously. She took her time going back up, sucking deep and hard.

Suzy had a go, rolling her tongue underneath his cock during her descent, while Valentina kissed his balls tenderly. Suzy moaned softly, enjoying the size of him going down her throat. She undulated her tongue, giving him a deep massage as she slowly went up and down his dick. Andy could feel it. He was about to cum. Suzy knew it too, sucking extra hard to push him close to the edge, but dropping him from her mouth before he exploded her throat with a bombardment of cum. Andy breathed ferociously, maddened from being denied a climax that he felt he richly deserved.

This time, Suzy and Valentina attacked him together, but purposefully missing his cock. They took their attentions all over his pubic area, his inner thighs, his balls, but leaving his cock alone until he cooled off enough. Suzy winked at Valentina, letting her know enough was enough and to follow her lead. As one, the Amazon's took their lips and began to kiss the base of his penis. With slow, deliberate speed, they ascended up the length of it, never missing a square inch of space. Higher and higher they went, bringing their man back in the brink of oblivion. Their lips graced the sensitive head of his manhood just enough to send him into overdrive. Andy burst, his cobra spitting its venom out in thick, ropy globules. His mouth opened in a silent scream, and his flat belly flexed, rippling with a surprising amount of muscle. He didn't yield as much as last time, but his orgasm was just as intense, if not moreso.

Suzy and Valentina's faces took the brunt of his load, glazing their lips with sweet icing. His cum was warm on their faces and delectable to the taste. For his pleasure, they came together and took turns cleaning each other off with their tongues. Suzy and Valentina frenched passionately, lustfully moaning into each other's mouths. They split apart, still embracing each other's muscled bodies while casting a teasing look Andy's way.

His sweaty chest pumped up and down, and he lay limply against the mattress. With a grin of satisfaction, Valentina and Suzy crawled back over to their defeated man and cuddled against him, ensconsing him in hot, sweaty muscle.

“Mmm,” Valentina moaned softly, kissing him. “How was that, sweetie?”

“Incredible...” he breathed, totally enraptured by their sexuality. Suzy leaned in and kissed him too.

“You came a lot that time, Skinny,” she giggled.

“I couldn't help it,” he replied with a breathless laugh.

“Mmm,” Suzy cooed, nuzzling him affectionately. “I'll bet.”

“I don't know about you both, but I'm spent,” Valentina declared with a yawn. Andy and Suzy both agreed heartily. Suzy scooped his limp form up into her powerful arms, allowing Valentina to throw back the rumpled covers. Suzy set Andy down onto the mattress and sidled up alongside him once more. She curled her arms around his body snugly, and entwined a leg around his. Valentina entered the  conflagration of limbs not a second later, and threw the covers over everybody.

She settled her head onto Andy's chest and curled her arms around his waist securely, listening to his gentle heartbeat and the soft rush of his every breath. It was soothing to her. The warmth, the closeness of her lovers, the wonderful heady rush of endorphins swimming through her system. Her punished body was thankful for the well-earned rest that it was finally going to get after a long, long night full of adventure. Her eyelids fell heavy and she quickly slumbered.

For Andy's part, he felt safe. In Suzy and Valentina's arms, he was warm and loved. Despite the beating he took at Suzy's mercy, despite the manhandling that came so easily to them, Andy knew the two most beautiful women in the world would always be there for him and protect him. Valentina's soft, flowery red head resting against his chest, and Suzy's soft lips caressing his neck, sleep came easily to him.

Suzy loved cuddling with Andy. His little body was surprisingly comfortable to snuggle with. His warm little form was like a teddy bear to her. Sleeping with someone she cared about was her most favorite thing in the world. There was nothing more beautiful than sharing intimacy with loved ones. She picked on him, she played The Game with him, but at the end of the day, she loved Andy dearly and would do anything for him. Valentina sleeping a short distance away filled Suzy's heart with warm love too. She didn't sleep right away, instead preferring to watch the both of them for a time. Skinny looked so cute nestled in-between them. Valentina sleeping on his gently rising and falling chest even moreso.

They talked about how lucky they were, almost to the point of arguing over who was more lucky, when  in truth, they were both wrong. Suzy was the lucky one to be able to share such a life with the both of them. This night, seemingly months long, strained and tested their relationship to the breaking point, yet it bounced back even stronger than before. Suzy was envious of them. She would never tell either of them that, of course. It was her own private little secret. With a soft, gentle, almost imperceptible kiss on Skinny's cheek, and another on Valentina's head, Suzy whispered them good night and joined them in the land of nod with a smile on her lips.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:03:46 pm

The next morning, Valentina awoke languidly. She felt dead. Her body was leaden and she wanted to get more sleep. Across the way, she saw Suzy equally dead to the world, slumbering heavily like a sedated bear. She snored softly, clutching a pillow as if she were trying to make it submit. Similarly, Valentina realized that Andy had gotten a lot softer since last night. She too was snuggling a pillow. Her boyfriend was absent from the battleground that was their bed.

Groaning with effort, Valentina sat up, quite the herculean task given the events of last night. Looks like today would be a rest day for her. She hated missing a day at the gym, but there was simply no way she would be able to get anything done. She had burned up her strength reserves for today. With a great  amount of effort, she rose unsteadily to go into the bathroom first before washing her face and throwing on a pair of skimpy panties and her favorite silk robe before heading downstairs.

From the hallway leading out of the master bedroom, she could hear the kitchen was alive with the sounds and smells of cooking. She made her way to the bannister to see Andy almost literally spinning plates to cook breakfast. He was in his underwear moving from skillet to skillet to make breakfast for two hungry Amazons and himself. A warm loving smile came across her features watching him zip about like a man possessed. She wasn't about to interrupt him, knowing how weird he got about cooking. He could certainly wield a spatula like nobody's business. In more ways than one. She decided to wake up Suzy.

It took several minutes to pry Suzy from dreamland. When she wanted to sleep, she slept. A bombing raid couldn't rouse her from her slumber.

“C'mon, get up,” Valentina said, undaunted by Suzy's stubbornness. Suzy grunted irritably and swatted at her blindly, furrowing her brow. When Valentina wouldn't leave, she took a pillow and buried her head beneath it. Valentina threw to covers off of Suzy's naked form, making her muffle out a swear or two at the sudden lack of warmth, but otherwise not moving. “Seriously, get up!” Valentina complained, playing the bongos on Suzy's curvy naked butt. Still nothing.

 “Alright, that's the way you wanna play it,” Valentina shrugged, climbing up to the foot of the bed. She pointed up at the ceiling with both hands before dropping a big elbow on Suzy's back. Valentina's elbow drove into a particularly tender area of sore muscle, prompting Suzy to cry out. It didn't feel too good on Valentina either. Her body sang in agony from the jolt of dropping atop such a solid mass.

“AHH! What the fuck are you doin'?!” Suzy croaked, voice ragged and froggy from sleep.

“I wanted you to get up. You're up,” Valentina explained simply.

“Yes, but why?” Suzy asked sardonically. “Suzy needs at least another twenty-four,” she complained before dropping back down to the pillow.

“Because it's almost time for breakfast,” Valentina replied. At that, Suzy made an attempt to sit up making Valentina giggle.

“Well shit, why didn't ya say so?” Suzy said. The merest mention of food and Suzy was suddenly full of vitality, or at least as much as she could show after last night. She groaned in agony from sitting up too quickly. Indeed, she was bruised in a few places in addition to being sore all over.

“Jesus, I gotta quit drinkin',” she lamented, painfully standing up and hobbling into the bathroom. Suzy looked to be about sixty-four years old in how she walked. A few minutes later, she was a little more with it, but still paying for exerting herself to the absolute limit. Valentina opened her closet door for Suzy, allowing her to rummage around. Suzy had a few sets of spare clothes stashed away in Valentina's closet for when she stayed over, settling on an absolutely huge Misfits logo t-shirt that could've doubled as a horse blanket and a skimpy pair of black shorts. Suzy stretched and yawned, groaning and freezing painfully at the sensation of the motion with her destroyed muscles.

In unison, the Amazons zombie walked down the hallway before realizing that taking the stairs was a hell of a challenge in and of itself. One step at a time, they limped their way down. Valentina made it first, leaning against the wall for a moment while Suzy paused halfway.

Andy paused momentarily to laugh at the two. They moved like baby giraffes struggling to learn how to walk, but if the giraffes had been dosed with ketamine first.

“Good morning, sweetie!” Valentina greeted him brightly, limping her way over to see what he was doing.

“Good morn-- ap-bap-bap!” he started to greet her back before warning her off, wielding his spatula like a rapier. Valentina giggled in amusement. She had called it right. “Go. Sit,” he directed her over to the dining table. She batted his weapon away easily and pulled him into a loving embrace and kiss before doing as he commanded. Suzy Frankenstein walked over to the fruit bowl and yoinked an apple before he could smack her hand with his spatula.

“Ha!” Suzy taunted, crunching into the Honeycrisp loudly.

“On thin ice, Suzy! You're on notice,” he scolded playfully.

“Yeah, yeah, Skinny.”

“Ladies, I hope you're hungry,” Andy said.

“Fucking starved,” Suzy replied.

“Famished,” Valentina said in agreement.

“I had hoped that you would've taken it upon yourselves to sleep in a little while longer, but after hearing that ruckus upstairs, I knew that my time was short,”

“You were gonna serve us breakfast in bed?” Suzy asked before smacking Valentina on the shoulder. “Y'see? Good things come to those who wait, but NO, you just had drop the big elbow on me like I was Tito fucking Santana.”

“Ohhhh yeeaaah!” Valentina rasped.

“Cute,” Suzy retorted, making a face.

“But I actually kinda feel bad now,” Valentina said, turning to Andy. “Sorry for ruining your surprise, sweetie.”

“You should be, because I'm going to have to throw all this food out and start over from scratch. You've killed my entire flow! I just can't work in these conditions!” he joked, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“No, no, let's not be hasty here,” Suzy said, stomach rumbling at the prospect of having to wait even longer to eat. “I'm sure we can reach an agreement here.”

“Hmm,” Andy said thoughtfully, rubbing his chin. “Okay. On one condition.”

“Name it,” Suzy said.

“Since we're talking wrestling, do your Iron Sheik.”

Suzy shrugged and gingerly stood up. She slapped her chest with a pronounced frown. “Exactly Gene Mean, intelligent Jew, intelligent Omericahn wrrrestling fan! I am Irrrron Sheik numberrr von. Irrrran numberrr von, Rrrussia numberrrr von, U.S.A, hack-ptooei! Camerrra man, zoom it!” She then twirled her invisible moustache, flexed her neck and traps before turning around and hitting a double bicep pose, which, despite her billowy t-shirt, her enormous muscles swelled up visibly beneath. Andy and Valentina both clapped, prompting Suzy to turn around and bow gracefully, though stiffly might be a more accurate word.

“How was that?” she asked.

“Well done, Suzy, well done indeed,” Andy congratulated. “Exactly!”

“Exactly, Gene Mean!” Suzy called back. “Now hurry up, over there, Skinny. I'm starving!”

“It smells delicious, sweetie,” Valentina chimed in.

“Well, it oughtta. Been slavin' over a hot stove for hours to make you lot breakfast,” Andy said.

“And we certainly appreciate it,” Valentina replied with a wink.

“Okey-doke, think that'll about do it,” Andy announced, killing the stove. “First course, muscle bowls,” he said, placing a large bowl of egg whites, oatmeal, cooked banana, walnuts, raspberries, cinnamon, and honey in front of them along with spoons, napkins and tall glasses of orange juice.

“'Muscle bowls?'” Suzy inquired, looking into the concoction put before her. It wasn't unpleasant by any means, but she had never heard of such a thing before.

“You'll love it,” Valentina reassured her after taking a large spoonful of it. “It's certified muscle food. You'll feel your muscles feeding afterward. I guarantee it.”

Suzy shrugged a 'why not' and tucked in. It was good, nice and sweet without being too sugary. By the time the main meal was served, she had eaten the whole thing. Andy set down a large plate laden with food down in front of her. Three large, fluffy blueberry pancakes lightly dusted with powdered sugar and cinnamon, fried potato wedges, sausage links, bacon, cheesy southwestern style scrambled eggs and toast laid out in an array before her and Valentina. He refilled their orange juice and finally sat down to tuck into his cheesy meat-lover's omelet, toast and hash browns.

“You didn't have to do this, Skinny,” Suzy said, patting his knee from under the table. “But thanks.”

Andy shrugged. “It's what I do.”

“So modest,” Valentina grinned, carving up her pancakes, rubbing his leg with her foot from under the table. “But these pancakes are awesome.”

“Of course they are. Do you know anyone that can make pancakes as fluffy and delicious as this guy right here? No. No, you cannot,” Andy said, chest swelling with pride. And cholesterol, apparently, Suzy thought with a smirk, watching him down a large bite of his omelet. He was going to have a coronary one of these days with all the junk he eats. Those she supposed she couldn't complain. Her food wasn't exactly heart-healthy itself. But it was delicious, and she was ravenously hungry.

“I bow to your pancake making skill, o maestro of the batter,” Valentina retorted sarcastically. “But one of these days, I will get up super early and make breakfast for you, whether you like it or not.”

“Then I will get up even earlier and have breakfast already done. By the time you realize it, you will already have a tray all set up and steaming in front of your face, ready to eat. I will be standing in the doorway, twirling my moustache that I would have grown for just such an event and start laughing like the evil genius that I am,” Andy proclaimed.

“Aha, my love, but I would have already swapped myself in bed with a crude dummy made of straw and red yarn for hair, snuck downstairs without your notice, and have breakfast steeping on the dinner table when you realize your folly and come downstairs to investigate the delicious aroma wafting therein,” Valentina trumped, smirking smugly. Andy narrowed his eyes, prompting Valentina to do the same.

“Then I'm never sleeping again,” Andy stated. “You've got to sleep sometime, Val, and when you do... Breakfast! Mark my words!”

“Oh, it'll be breakfast alright... But for you!” Valentina vowed.

“Okay, I gotta step in here,” Suzy said, swallowing a bite of toast. “What's the deal with you in the kitchen, Skinny?”

“Good question,” Valentina said. “I've been trying to figure that one out for five years. No, wait, six! Sorry. I keep forgetting that we've already passed our latest Anniversary. Oops!”

“See, you can't even remember when our Anniversary is. I cook, end of story,” Andy said.

“No, that isn't 'end of story,' Skinny,” Suzy pressed. “There's something behind that. You don't like Val's cooking? She's pretty damn good in the kitchen.”

Valentina nodded as if that statement was self-evident and gestured towards her best friend and lover. “Yes, thank you, Suzy.”

“I never said she wasn't,” Andy retorted. “I just like to cook. Apparently that's a mortal crime. You should be impressed that a guy knows his way around the kitchen and cleans up after himself and knows how to make house, but nooooo. I'm subject to an indictment.”

“But, sweetie, you don't have a problem with me doing any of those other things. Whenever I set one foot into your little domain over there, you freak out and start throwing a tantrum,” Valentina said.

“So clearly the problem is Valentina's cooking,” Suzy chimed in.

“No, no, NO,” Andy griped exasperatedly. “First of all, I don't throw a 'tantrum.' It's called a 'hissy-fit.' Get it right. And secondly, Miss Nosey McAllupinmybiz, It has nothing to do with her. It has nothing to do with you, babe. I swear.”

“Then what?” Suzy pressed.

“Yeah, what?” Valentina joined in. Andy started to get redfaced. He was being backed into a corner here. Under the both of their unrelenting, but amused stares he was starting to buckle. It might as well be time to explain himself.

“You wanna know why?” Andy relented.

“Yeah,” Suzy nodded,

“Uh huh,” Valentina agreed.

“Fine,” Andy sighed wearily. “I'll tell you. I like to cook because I feel that if I don't have a distinct skill, then I'm useless.”

“You said that yesterday,” Valentina recalled. “Remember? I already told you, you're good at lots of stuff.”

“Any of that stuff is easily replaceable,” Andy shook his head dismissively. “I just feel like I could be supplanted by someone better, that's all.”

“Like who?” Valentina asked softly, diverting her full attention towards him.

Andy shrugged. “I dunno. Anyone better. Someone smarter. More handsome.”

“Why do you feel this way?” Suzy asked solemnly. She too diverted her attention towards him. He looked sad, almost like his real self was showing; a man of self-doubt, someone who didn't sound like the Skinny she loved.

“Because I do. That's the way my last relationship ended,” Andy shrugged again as if it didn't matter.

“You've never talked about that with me before,” Valentina stated, suddenly realizing Andy's reticence to discuss his past.

“You're right. I want to forget it,” Andy murmured as if lost in thought. Suzy and Valentina waited patiently for him to speak. “I loved her. With all my heart. I don't give myself easily towards people. When I do, I'm opening my heart to people I feel are trustworthy. I never had a relationship before her. She broke me. My ex. She was the one, I thought. I was gonna marry her. On the night I was set to propose, she merely laughed in my face and left me. For a year, I waited for her to come back. She never did. I wanted to die. I felt like she tore out my heart and showed it to be before she kicked it into the wastebasket.”  Suzy and Valentina looked at each other, reeling at the revelation. Andy seemed like he had no problem meeting women.

“Is that true?” Valentina asked.

“Yes,” he whispered before looking into her blue eyes solemnly. “You're my second girlfriend. Ever.”

“Why didn't you tell me this before?” Valentina asked, taking his hand into hers and squeezing gently.

“It never came up,” he shrugged. “You thankfully never broached the subject, and I was content to let to pass unnoticed. I didn't even want to think about it again. Why would I? I met this amazing woman who loved me so unconditionally, I was convinced it was an elaborate prank. I was simply happy to let it go. It was over. I was with you. I had no reason to ever think of her again.”

“But why do you think you're replaceable, Skinny?” Suzy cut in.

Andy shrugged. “That's just the way I feel. You two are so out of my league it's not even funny. Why do I deserve you? Either of you? I think about it a lot, and I can't come up with an answer. If you do ever decide to get rid of me, all you need to do is snap your fingers and boys'll come running. Didn't you see them all at the bar? You two had them all hooked. They were looking at me like I was some little parasite leeching off of you. Even your little boy toy, Suzy.”

“Oh, sweetie,” Valentina pouted, scooping him out of his seat and placing him on her lap. She cuddled him lovingly and turned his head to look up at her. “How long have you been feeling this way?”

He looked even smaller than usual sitting in her lap. “...Ever since we started dating,” he admitted shyly.

Valentina squeezed him tighter, hugging him as if it were going to make all his bad feelings go away. was knocked for a loop. This was all news to her. She thought he was perfectly happy in their relationship. He had no idea he was suffering from such a paranoid delusion of his usefulness to her. He was beyond simply useful. He wasn't some toy to be enjoyed temporarily and thrown away as soon as he was no more fun to play with. She had no idea where this idea had even come from.

“Oh, sweetie,” Valentina repeated, voice breaking. “I love you so much, you know? So much. You're a great guy. You're not some fun little fling, okay? I want to be with you. I had no idea you were so unhappy.”

“No, no, no. That's not it,” Andy said resolutely, turning to look her in the eye. “I'm not unhappy. Don't ever believe that. I'm very happy. Only an idiot wouldn't be. As I said, I'm so very, very ridiculously lucky, Val. You're a godsend, an angel. It's just... how could I ever hope to make a goddess like you truly happy like you deserve? What do I have to offer someone like you, or you Suzy?”

“Just you,” Suzy said, bringing her chair over and setting down next to them. “That's all we need, Skinny. Remember my card? Remember my little monologue? Remember how I said I meant it with blush on my cheeks? Yeah, that wasn't any bullshit, little man. I ain't much of an actor. I love you. Val loves you. But it sounds like you don't love you.”

Andy sat silently for a beat. “I certainly didn't,” he admitted. “Not for a long time.”

“Why not?” Suzy pressed, taking his hands into hers.

“I've never been in a relationship where I was valued before now. I had a hard time believing it sometimes. Still do, I guess. I would get so into my own head that I think I'm not worth anything. I know you love me, Val. I know you love me too, Suzy, but I feel like I'm not deserving sometimes. But when I wake up in the morning, and I have two gorgeous women cuddling with me after every wild adventure we share, I sit back and I realize that, yes, this is real, and yes it's happening to me. Why me, I'd wonder? What did I do, or what qualities do I have that make me worthy of your love? I still don't know the answer, but I'll tell you this; I certainly don't want it to end. The day I met you,” he looked up at Valentina and smiled. “It was the happiest day of my life.”

“Mine too,” Valentina murmured warmly, sniffling back tears. He leaned up and softly, but lovingly kissed her in return.

“What am I, chopped liver?” Suzy interjected, trying to add some levity to the suddenly weird turn that had taken place.

“One of the happiest days of my life,” Valentina clarified with an apologetic wince.

“Better,” Suzy winked.

“Second happiest,” Andy offered with a wry, playful shrug.

“Eh, I'll take it,” Suzy replied with a grin. “I can't possibly hope to compete here. I know you two are meant to be together. I know the signs when I see it. But one thing for certain, Skinny. You shouldn't beat yourself up over nothin'. You know how special to us you are.”

“I try not to. But I guess I never answered your first question totally. If I had to pick one solid, concrete reason why I like to cook for you... It's just my small meaningless way of saying thanks for loving me,” Andy said shyly but honestly. 

“Skinny...” Suzy murmured emotionally. She started to get a little misty eyed at the sentiment. She and Valentina wrapped their arms around the sweet little man and shared a long, warm group hug.

“The only thanks we need is that you love us back,” Valentina cooed into his ear, kissing him on the cheek. “It isn't meaningless, either. We appreciate all the things you do, no matter how small. You do so much for us that we couldn't possibly hope to replace you even if we wanted to.”

“Of course, Skinny,” Suzy added. “Out of all the guys I've ever been with, you're the only one that means so much to me. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't around.” Suzy mussed his hair affectionately.

“I love you both with all my heart,” Andy replied softly before switching gears into a less emotionally vulnerable state. His armor was back on. “Now, if sharing and caring time is over, your food is getting cold.” He tapped out of the hug, prompting Suzy to 'hmph,' and take her chair back around to the other side of the table. Valentina set him down onto his feet once more, holding his hand still, letting her eyes linger warmly in his. They returned to their breakfasts in earnest as if nothing had ever happened.

“So what was your ex's name?” Suzy asked after a while, taking a bite of bacon.

“It doesn't matter, Suzy. She's dead to me,” Andy dismissed.

“Suzy, let it go, huh?” Valentina gently chided.

“I'm just saying I'd like to meet this mystery woman someday,” Suzy said, cracking her knuckles. “I'd like to ask her a few questions of my own.”

“Hopefully you never will,” Andy replied earnestly. “But if you do... give her a black eye for me,” he said with a playful grin.

“And me,” Valentina agreed. “Any bitch dumb enough to throw away a perfectly good man deserves to get some sense knocked into her the hard way.”

“The things I do for love,” Suzy shrugged. “Alright, you've twisted my arm. I'll do it.”

“Atta girl,” Andy said. “She wouldn't know what hit her.”

As breakfast continued, Suzy let her eyes linger on Skinny. He was such a sweet, sensitive, loving man. He was always there for them, would do anything. He would break his back to make either Vally or herself happy, and has on several occasions, all without asking for anything in return. Who in their right mind would ever try to break his heart?

She looked at Valentina next, the way her blue eyes looked at him, the small little smile forming on her soft, sweet lips as they talked. She was deeply in love with him, as was Suzy. Oh yes, she and Miss Mystery had a date in the future. Suzy didn't know where, she didn't know when, she didn't even know how to be honest, but it was an inevitability. She filed it away for now and simply focused on the here and now with her lovers, enjoying a wonderful breakfast and even better company.

But one indefatigable truth stuck in her mind, unwilling, unable to be ignored. Nobody hurts the ones she loves and gets away with it.

Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: NinjaStar on December 02, 2014, 04:06:45 pm
A/N: WHEW! Done! Finally. It's been a long, strange trip, but we're finally here. Over 100,000 words and 185 pages later, we've finally reached the conclusion. As for the ending, can you say foreshadowing? Dun DUN DUNNNN. Stay tuned in the future as I may have something else is the mix. Thanks to everybody who bothered to comment, and thanks for the 8000+ page views those of you who lurk in the dark recesses of the forum. Until next time.
Title: Re: Girl's Night Out
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 04, 2014, 04:32:37 pm
Wow, I'm away for a couple days and come back to this! Damn, what a sexy read, I mean Suzy and Val having a marathon three way with Andy, him worshiping their bodies as they deserve, launching orgasm after orgasm after orgasm?! I would gladly give up a year's wages to be put in his position for even one night! And this new mystery girl? Andy's former girlfriend who kicked him to the curb, could it be possible that Andy's love of muscular women started with her? Looking forward to finding out! k+!
Title: The Golden Idol [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on December 09, 2014, 09:05:32 pm
I thought I'd try my hand at an FMG story. Let me know if I'm successful or not.


The Golden Idol
by NinjaStar

It was Brian's birthday and Alyssa was wracking her brain trying to figure out what to get him. What do you get the man who has everything? Brian made it clear to her that he didn't want any gifts, or even a real celebration. He was turning twenty-five tomorrow, ordinarily a milestone of a birthday for most people living long enough to reach a quarter of a century, but for Brian it signaled the seemingly rapid descent into middle-age. He maintained that everything up to twenty-one was a blast, but after that, it was all over.

That being said, Alyssa was hoping to cheer him up. But how? She didn't want to get him anything that he would hate, but that was the problem; Brian seemed to hate everything. He hated the clothes she or anyone else picked out for him, he hated any watches, necklaces, bracelets, or any jewelry of any kind. He already had every movie ever made on BluRay, and had an extensive collection of music, most of which illegally downloaded for free. That left not a whole lot of wiggle room for Alyssa to formulate a birthday surprise that would tickle her somewhat dour boyfriend's fancy.

Brian wasn't a morose stick in the mud. He knew how to have fun, but only if he felt like it. He was a reserved man, rarely stating his mind unless asked, and even then, only if you asked enough times to annoy him into answering just so you'd shut up. He had interests, but Alyssa felt like she only scratched the surface as to what they were. He kept to himself a lot. His computer was always locked and encrypted when he wasn't using it and was always careful not to let anyone know too much about him. Even after nearly seven years together, it struck her a bit weird that he seemed to know a lot about her, but she felt like she barely knew him at times. She admittedly knew more about him than anyone else, but even she was kept in the dark about some things. She knew he loved her, but he was very cryptic and strange. He was always there for her, ready with a loving embrace, a gentle kiss, and a soothing word or two whenever she needed it. He was never far away, ready to drop what he was doing at a moment's notice to be by her side if she needed him to be.

They had met in high-school. She was a sporty jock-girl one grade below him, and he was a weirdo that lots of people seemed to know about. Alyssa was a pretty, popular girl who was good at lots of different sports, but only okay academically. Brian was famous for getting into a heated argument with one of his teachers for the sole purpose of making her forget to assign homework for the weekend, amongst other hilarious acts of faculty manipulation. They had met at a party thrown by one of their mutual friends, the head of the cheerleading squad named Brittany Taylor.

Brittany was the stereotypical cheerleader type; a busty, leggy blonde that had many boys around school wrapped around her finger. Unlike the stereotype, Brittany was friendly and generous to lots of people and was very active in trying to bolster school spirit, even off the football field. It struck Alyssa strange that Brian would've been friends with Brittany, as she tended to irk him with her bubbly, somewhat shrill personality. He had scored an invite to her party on account of him tutoring Brittany in Language Arts. Alyssa on the other hand had known Brittany for years and considered her one of her best friends.

Brian seemed so odd and out-of-place at the party, one of the things that struck her immediately about him. He was a small, wiry young man with glasses, messy hair, and a slightly unkempt appearance. He wasn't necessarily bad-looking per se; he just had no interest in how he looked. Alyssa on the other hand was nearly six feet tall by the time she was sixteen, and quite toned and fit due to years of working our and playing sports. She was described as quite beautiful by lots of different people her whole life, with rich chestnut brown hair that was usually tied into a ponytail, vibrant hazel colored eyes, full lips, and a model gorgeous face. Despite her beauty, her height and her pronounced musculature off-put a lot of guys, leaving Alyssa rather lonely throughout most of her school career. Brian immediately struck up a conversation with her, and asked her if she would like to dance. She was caught off guard by his surprisingly confident personality. He was about four inches shorter than she was, and not very athletic. He never once seemed to be intimidated by her. She accepted his offer despite herself. They spent most of the rest of the party out on the terrace away from the other party goers talking and getting to know one another, before sneaking into the laundry room to make out.

It was a magical night for Alyssa, and one that she would remember for years to come. After that, she gave him her number fully expecting him to never call her again like so many other boys did, but he again surprised her when he called a few days later. He apologized for the wait, telling her that he had listened to his older brother's advice never to call a girl immediately after getting her number. He didn't fully understand that rule himself, and asked her out on a date. Alyssa accepted, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Seven years later, she found herself in some weird little nick-nack shop downtown. Alyssa was at her wit's end. She had to find him something, and it might as well be in here. She walked around the small little shop, eyeing the shelves for something that Brian might get a kick out of. This was turning out to be another bust. There was nothing but a bunch of miscellaneous crap that had no value to anyone here.

She was about to leave when something at last caught her eye.

Over on one of the shelves on the back wall was a golden statuette. Alyssa didn't know if it was really gold or not, but knowing this place it likely wasn't. The statuette was of a nude woman with bulging muscles and large, full breasts with protruding nipples suggesting arousal. Her hair was long and cascaded down to her waist, and her face was quite detailed and beautiful. It looked like a bodybuilding trophy. The whole statue was intricately carved and quite detailed. Every muscle was beautifully rendered and quite lifelike. Small little details like veins protruded through the Amazon's skin in certain spots. Simply put, the craftsmanship was exquisite. It didn't really matter if it probably wasn't genuine gold. The figure alone was beautiful regardless of the material it was shaped out of.

Picking it up, Alyssa could see it was heavy, much heavier than she had expected. Maybe it was really gold. Nah, probably lead spray painted gold was a safer bet. Upon closer inspection, Alyssa could see no seams or weld-marks. This piece was crafted from a single piece of metal. She felt the statue's physique. This woman was hard and powerful, but sexy and feminine. She wondered if Brian would like it. He had always told her that he found her athletic body attractive.

Deciding to buy it, Alyssa flipped it over this way and that to discern a price, but couldn't find anything. There was so shelf tag either. Frowning in frustration, Alyssa looked the statue over to see if she could figure out what it was worth. No art collector in his right might would part from such a beautiful piece of work, irrespective of whether it was made out of gold or not. And-- Did the statue's face change?

Alyssa couldn't be certain, but the woman's face looked different somehow. Her hair seemed shorter too, only going midway down her back, much like Alyssa's when it was loose. There was no way a statue could morph like that... could it? She stared hard at the statue, willing it to move it's face around again, but nothing happened. And, if she didn't know better, it seemed lighter than before. Hmm. Strange.

Regardless, Alyssa was going to buy it. She took the statue over to the counter and rang the bell. A few moments later, a small little man came from the back room and greeted her.

“Good afternoon,” he said.

“Hello. I'm looking to purchase this, could you tell me how much it is?” Alyssa replied. The man took a look at it through his bifocals.

“Oh, this piece? Interesting. Very interesting indeed,” he said as if lost in thought. He turned it this way and that, looking it over like she had.

“What's so interesting about it?” Alyssa asked, trying to figure out if the man was appraising it as an appreciator of art, or of muscular women.

“This my dear, is a very special statue. Are you familiar with the Amazons from the days of Ancient Greece?”

“Only a little,” Alyssa replied, fully interested now. Was this an antique? If so, this statue would be worth far beyond what she was willing to pay for it.

“Well, it's said that statues like these originated from the Amazon nation of Themyscira. Married couples would keep replicas of some great statue of one of their great heroes in their house by the bed. On the eve of a campaign, an Amazon and her husband would make love one last time in case she was killed in front of the statue. They believed that it granted them the strength of the hero, whose name has been lost to time unfortunately. These statues are very rare indeed...” the man said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Alyssa was wide-eyed and staring in disbelief. That couldn't be true, could it? If so, then this statue was probably worth millions! What was it doing in this little dinky-ass shop then?

“Is that true?” she asked in awe of the man's tale.

He suppressed a smile, but failed. He burst out laughing making Alyssa feel quite foolish. “Ha ha! No! I made that up, sorry. It's just a little story I cooked up for someone who wanted to buy the damn thing. It's been sitting back there collecting dust for quite some time. I think it's a bodybuilding trophy of some kind. Somebody dumped it off a long time ago along with some of the other crap you see around here. I don't know what it's doing here, to be frank, but hey! I'll sell it to you if you're interested, though I never once thought I'd sell the thing.”

Alyssa's face burned red with embarrassment. What a dick, she thought. “How much do you want for it?” she asked evenly.

“Hell, I dunno. Fifty bucks?” he offered.

“Fif-- You just said you never thought you'd sell it! I'll give you thirty,” Alyssa haggled.




“Thirty-seven, and that's my final offer,” Alyssa said, somewhat peevishly. The man took one last look at the statue and capitulated.

“Alright, deal. But you're getting this thing for a song,” he said grudgingly. “That might be real gold plating on this thing!” Alyssa counted out three tens, a five and two ones and paid the man for the statue.

Claiming it once again in triumph of her superior bartering skills, Alyssa grinned and looked at the statue. She felt strangely good, but she didn't know why exactly. Was it because she found Brian a birthday gift at long last after nearly a day looking? Was it because she talked the shopkeep down a whole thirteen bucks off of the asking price? Was it because she was holding a possibly gold plated statue that she might sell for some quick cash if Brian didn't like it? She didn't know, but Alyssa didn't hesitate to head home now that her prize was claimed.

Alyssa didn't know why, but her clothes felt tight. Her shirt collar seemed to want to choke her, and her jeans felt really stiff all of a sudden. Paying it no mind, she set the statue onto the roof of her car and unlocked the door. She grabbed the statue once more and tried to get in, but she smacked her head on the doorframe.

“Ow, dammit!” Alyssa swore. She was a tall woman, but usually she avoided such embarrassments. The whole car seemed a little cramped now compared to what she was used to. It seemed like her head brushed the ceiling more and her legs seemed longer somehow. What was going on? What a strange day this has been. Rubbing her goose egg in annoyance, Alyssa fired up the engine and headed home.

She made her way back to the apartment complex where she and Brian lived. It was a nice, stately set of buildings with spacious, homey apartments for people who wanted the experience of living in a house without all the yardwork. It was reasonably priced, and had a fully stocked gym that Alyssa make good use out of. She pulled her car into the garage and carefully exited the car with the statue in hand once more.

The strange feeling returned. She couldn't place a finger on it, but the once she held the statue in hand and ran her fingers over the defined musculature of the golden Amazon, she felt good. Was she... attracted to the statue? That seemed silly to her and she quickly dismissed such a notion. Still... the woman was very beautiful, and Alyssa found herself unable to take her eyes off of her beautiful face and luscious curves. She had never considered herself anything but straight, but there was something about a muscular woman that Alyssa couldn't quite describe. Sexy, maybe? She didn't know.

Shaking her head, she set the statue down on the hood of her car and looked for a box to fit it in. They still had a few of their move-in boxes lying around and there was one roughly a foot long that was perfect. The golden statuette fit wonderfully inside. Alyssa packed in some newspaper to prevent it from rattling around or getting damaged should she drop it. She moved to close the flaps, but couldn't.

She simply could not take her eyes off the statue. She had memorized every hard line, every powerful curve, every explosively female section of the statue. Her breathing quickened. Her skin flushed red. Her nipples hardened. No! Stop it! She commanded herself. With enormous willpower, Alyssa closed the box and shut the garage door. Key in hand, she walked the long distance to her building and unlocked the door. She routinely checked the mail. It was a good indication of whether or not Brian was home or not. It was after 11:00. The mail had come, and Brian had not retrieved it yet. He wasn't home. Excellent, she thought to herself. She would have time to wrap the box and secret it somewhere before Brian came home.

She took the mail from the mailbox and gave it all a quick once over. Junk, for the most part. One was a reminder that the car insurance was due next month. Nothing critically important. She shut the mailbox and headed up the stairs to the third floor. The steps seemed narrower and shorter than usual. She found it easier to take them two at a time with her long, powerful legs. Once she reached the second floor, the door to one of her downstairs neighbors opened. It was Mrs. Magruder, an old widow who lived alone with many cats. She was a sweet old lady, but a bit of a busybody. However, she knew the comings and goings of everyone in the building, and if you ever needed the latest gossip, she was the one to talk to.

“Hello, Mrs. Magruder,” Alyssa greeted her, stopping for a moment to chat.

“Oh, hello dear,” Mrs. Magruder said warmly. Huh, Alyssa thought to herself. She seems smaller than usual. She was always a small, petite old lady to begin with, but had she shrunk in the last day or two? Alyssa wondered.

Mrs. Magruder's face fell and she gave Alyssa a once over. Alyssa balked at her bizarre expression and her sudden change in demeanor. “Have you gotten... bigger, dear, or is it my imagination?”

“Well, I do work out, you know?” Alyssa replied, flexing her arm. Mrs. Magruder's eyes bulged at the sight of Alyssa flexing for some reason. It wasn't a secret that she hit the gym four days a week. She was more muscular than the average woman, in addition to being taller, but no moreso than any typical athletic woman. Mrs. Magruder knew that, even if she was super-old fashioned about certain things. She simply didn't hold with the idea that women should be fit and strong.

“Of course, dear,” Mrs. Magruder agreed thoughtfully. She looked like she was calculating something in her head, but Alyssa had no clue as to what. “And how's Brian doing?” she asked, changing the subject suddenly.

“Oh, you know him. He's turning twenty-five tomorrow, but he's acting like he's dying of old age already-- er, no offense,” Alyssa said, quickly remembering who she was talking to.

“Oh, don't worry about it, dear. None taken,” Mrs. Magruder said sweetly, though here eyes seemed to lack the usual twinkle that made her so endearing. She was looking at Alyssa like she had never seen her before. It was making her uncomfortable.

“Well, I uh, have to go. It was nice talking to you, Mrs. Magruder,” Alyssa said after a beat of uncomfortable silence between the two.

“Of course dear. It was nice talking to you as well,” she replied. Alyssa quickly turned and all but fled up the last flight of stairs.

“That was weird,” she commented to herself, sticking the key into the keyholes of Apartment 314, the place she and Brian lived. What about her made Mrs. Magruder act so strangely? She wasn't dressed slutty, at least she didn't think so. She hadn't gotten any tattoos that she knew of. Mrs. Magruder had never once commented negatively about the fact that she had muscles before, so why did she react the way she did when she flexed her arm? Alyssa set the mail and the box down on the table and kicked off her shoes. Her feet were killing her. She had pretty big feet for a woman, one of the pitfalls of being so tall, so it was hard to find shoes that fit. She had picked up these trainers out of dumb luck. They were just her size. She hated to think that she was outgrowing them. She was 23 for crissake! She shouldn't be still growing.

But her clothes did feel tight. All over. Her babydoll t-shirt in particular seemed to cling to her like a second skin. Everything fit fine this morning. Dismissing the thought, she headed into the spare bedroom and opened the closet to look for the wrapping paper, bows and tape needed for wrapping Brian's gift. To her dismay, there was no birthday paper. She could've sworn there was at least part of a roll in here!   

“Fuck!” Alyssa swore, pounding her fist against the wall. To her shock, her hand sunk a few inches into the drywall. “What the...” she muttered, pulling her hand out. What had just happened? Was the drywall weak in that section, or was she that strong? She knew she was strong, but this was ridiculous! Then again, she never really applied her strength in such a manner. Luckily, the hole was in an unobtrusive place where no one was likely to see it. She would hire someone to come over and fix it before they ever moved out. The building association would be none the wiser.

Alyssa didn't really feel like going back out, and giving Brian a plain box just seemed shitty. They had plenty of Christmas wrapping left over. She picked up a roll that had nothing especially Christmas-y about it, save for the snowmen and pine trees. It would have to do. Brian might get a kick out it. She headed into the kitchenette and rummaged around for scissors until she found some. She unfurled a section, cut it, folded it up over the box and taped it shut. Alyssa prided herself on her perfect folds. She was a gift-wrapping queen. All Brian needed to do was to pop on the corners open, and the box ought to slide right out. No muss, no fuss. She hid the box in the spare bedroom, and got rid of the evidence of possible gift-wrapping anywhere in the vicinity. All that was left to do was wait for Brian to come home and surprise him. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she pulled out his gift. He would probably be annoyed that she got him something despite telling her that he didn't want anything, but he would be grateful and appreciative that she had thought of him enough to get him a gift. It was that moment when he smiled and blushed cutely that she was waiting for. He was a sweet little guy.

Now whether or not he would even like the gift she had gotten him was another matter entirely. He might. Brian liked her toned, strong body, and when they watched a female crossfit competition on television, she noticed how he was sporting an erection watching such muscular women lifting such heavy weights. He did his best to hide it, and Alyssa never broached the subject, but it stuck in her mind. Brian obviously had a thing about strong, buff girls even if he would never admit to it. Alyssa was confident that Brian would like the golden Amazon statue.

She took off her clothes and tossed them into the laundry hamper, preparing to take a shower. Alyssa felt sweaty and stinky after being out all morning despite having taking a shower before she had even set out. Two showers in one day wouldn't kill her. Besides, she had time to kill.

Stepping into the bathroom, she flicked on the light. She gasped at what she saw in the mirror. Staring back at her through the reflection of the large mirror was her, only... different somehow. Alyssa stared hard at herself. Were her muscles... bigger? Her abs in particular looked more defined and chiseled than before. There was no way. Simply no way. This was impossible. Running her fingers over her tanned skin, she could feel the hardness of her muscles beneath the soft skin. She poked at her stomach. It was hard and flat relaxed, but when she flexed, her abs sprung to life as if they were alive. Eight tight little balls of muscle swelled and thickened beneath her skin as she flexed, becoming bulletproof. Alyssa rapped her knuckles against her belly only to hear the dull thud of her fist on solid steel meat. She fingered the deep troughs between her abs. This was unreal!

Her shoulders seemed stronger and broader as well. Alyssa always had broad shoulders, but now they seemed to be thicker and wider than ever. She had always taken care not to develop them too much, for fear of looking mannish. Her deltoids seemed meatier and rounder than before. She still wasn't quite She-Hulk, but there was no denying it; her muscles were definitely bigger.

A quick double bicep flex confirmed it. Small, but noticeable peaks sprung up with a flex. Alyssa had been content with simply toned arms. Now, they bulged with muscle. Her forearms popped when she clenched her fists, and her biceps were pretty much impossible not to notice. No wonder Mrs. Magruder's eyes had fallen out of her head earlier! Alyssa's eyes were doing the same! She felt her own bicep experimentally. It was hard and solid, like the rest of her muscles. She had never measured her arms before, but they looked to be at least a few inches bigger around. The same went for her triceps, which upon flexing, became just as thick and meaty as the rest of her arm.

Her chest was another matter. While there was some definite growth there, it seemed softer and spongier than the rest of her body. Alyssa had been rather flatchested all her life. Lifting weights so heavily had pretty much sealed that coffin for her. She had resigned herself to being flat as a board as a teenager, and instead had worked to cultivate her other body parts instead, such as her long, shapely legs, or her round, curvy ass. But how her chest seemed to be blossoming with... boobs? She was still an A-cup, but there was some definite breast tissue on her chest when before there was none. It didn't make any sense. If her muscles were bigger, why would her breasts be growing as well? She was trying not to freak out.

“My god,” Alyssa gasped. She didn't want this. She didn't want to be Arnolda Schwarzeneggar. She liked having muscles, but she liked being a girl more. It looks like she had been hitting the gym too hard. She might have to step it back to three days a week instead. Maybe two. Everyone is going to think she's on steroids or something. Oh shit! Mrs. Magruder! She was going to tell everyone that! That's why she was looking at her so strangely! That's what she was trying to figure out! Damnit! Alyssa clutched her head in frustration, causing her muscles to ripple and flex involuntarily beneath her skin. Why was this happening? What could be the cause of this? What would everyone think? What would Brian think?

Maybe... Maybe she should just take a shower, and see if she could calm herself. Get away from the mirror. Maybe you're just imagining things. You're definitely pushing yourself too hard in the gym, girl, she though to herself. Slow it down. Yeah, that was it. She'd simply stop going so often. Gaining a semblance of calm, Alyssa stepped into the shower and turned on the water.


More to come.
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: sicktick on December 10, 2014, 04:55:46 am
awesome start, excited to see where it goes!
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: chilipalmer99 on December 10, 2014, 06:38:12 am
Great set-up. Already like the two main characters, looking forward to their ineractions.

Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 11, 2014, 01:04:16 pm
As a fan of your Suzy and Val stories, I am looking forward to seeing how far this goes, maybe it can go even farther than those girls in terms of muscle size and strength, I hope to find out eventually, but what you've given us so far is pretty nice in and of itself, keep up the good work! k+!
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: M7 on December 11, 2014, 06:44:12 pm
Great start Ninja. K+++ Look forward to reading more.
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: Poddy on December 13, 2014, 06:17:19 pm
Great opening! Looking forward to more Mr. Star
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: NinjaStar on December 15, 2014, 08:34:21 pm
A/N: Wow, that was quite a response! I guess I was successful. Thanks to everybody who responded.

The shower was not relaxing in the least.

Alyssa had discovered that she had gotten even taller since that morning. The water sprayed in her face, as opposed to the top of her head as usual. The last thing she ever wanted was to get even taller. It was a hurdle being a six-foot tall woman, especially one dating a shorter man. It seemed to her like she had only just started feeling comfortable in her own skin, and now this happened.

How tall was she now? 6'2”? 6'3”? This was just ridiculous! How could she just suddenly get taller for no real reason? Why was she growing boobs? Why were her muscles getting bigger? It was maddening. Alyssa wanted to scream. Her head swam in thought. She was trying her best to get a handle on the moment and figure out when her life seemed to spiral so horribly out of control.

Why me?! she raged internally. This is such bullshit! I've always been the freak. Everyone else can slip on through life without everyone stopping to stare, but not me. Oh, no! 'Hey everyone! Let's look at the awkward tall girl! Look how she's getting even taller! Her boyfriend looks like a total midget next to her!' It's like life is out to get me. This is so unfair!

Tentatively, she reached out and picked up a bottle of her body wash. Her hands seemed huge compared to the bottle. It was like the world was shrinking around her. Alyssa tried to squirt just a little bit out of the bottle, but ended up with a large pile of body wash in her hands instead. Alyssa blinked. That shouldn't have happened. Was she getting freakishly strong as well? Figures. She sucked her teeth in annoyance and set out applying the flowery-smelling soap to her body.

She was hard all over, not like the typical woman who was soft and pliable. The increased density in her muscle mass was even more noticeable by the touch. Her skin was still smooth and clear, but the sinews beneath seemed to come to life with the slightest movement. It was almost sickening to her how muscular she was getting. Would this continue? Would she keep getting bigger and bigger until there was nothing recognizably feminine about her? The thought made her shiver.

Alyssa didn't mind being stronger than average, especially when she had a boyfriend who not only didn't mind that his girlfriend was stronger than he was, but actually was quite into it. But what would happen when Brian realized that Alyssa was becoming a monster? He might find her attractive now, but if she kept on growing, what would he say then? Would he freak out and leave? What would she do then? It was hard enough finding a man that had the right qualities that she looked for put together so perfectly in that delightfully weird little man that she had lived with for the last seven years. Brian was a one-off.

They would cross that bridge when they came to it, Alyssa supposed. She could do nothing until she actually witnessed his reaction, whatever it may be. She washed and rinsed her hair, and then turned off the water. She stepped out of the shower and reached for a towel, which seemed so tiny to her now, and began drying off. Alyssa couldn't stand to look at herself in the mirror. The sight of her engorged muscles rippling and flexed with every movement would cause her to feel even worse about herself now than she already did.

With that done, she wrapped herself up as much as she could with her towel, and opened the bathroom door. Clouds and tendrils of steam snaked out into the hallway, proceeding the arrival of the monster, Alyssa mused darkly. She was about to step out across the carpet to go into the bedroom, when movement from the left caught her eye. Alyssa let out a shriek and ducked back into the bathroom.

Brian stood there, blinking, nonplussed at his girlfriend's reaction. He hadn't meant to scare her, but even so, her reaction seemed a little over the top. He adjusted his glasses and tentatively stepped forward to see if she was alright. It had been a long day at work, and he was happy to be home, but it looked like something was wrong. Had she known it was him? Alyssa usually had no trouble parading around the place naked before, and he certainly didn't mind when she did. Brian usually came home around this time every day, so it wasn't like she wasn't expecting him. He was concerned by her reaction. This wasn't like her, even if he had surprised her.

Alyssa held the door shut, squeezing her eyes closed tightly. Brian was home, and while that usually was a good thing, she just couldn't deal with it now, especially after that embarrassment just now. Alyssa felt so foolish reacting as she had. What did Brian think? That she had gone insane? Was he laughing at her? She honestly hadn't been expecting him. That, combined with her anxiety sent her into panic mode. Alyssa simply wasn't ready to confront him. Would he notice the changes that took over her body? What was she thinking! Of course he would! One does not simply ignore changes of this magnitude.

Alyssa didn't come out of the bathroom. Brian patiently waited outside for a long while for her to calm down and compose herself. He was about to speak when the door opened a tad, and he saw her beautiful face peer apologetically round the corner.

“Hey,” he said soothingly.

“Hey,” Alyssa said back, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. It didn't work. Brian looked concerned, and that made her feel horrible. Her anxiety flared up even worse now. She was going to have to reveal herself, as much as she didn't want to.

“Is everything... okay in there?” he asked patiently.

“Y-yeah. Sorry about flipping out like that,” Alyssa smiled wanly. “You scared me is all.”

“I have a tendency to do that,” Brian agreed self-deprecatingly. “I guess I should've made some more noise to let you know I was here.”

“No, it isn't your fault, hon,” Alyssa replied dismissively. “I was a million miles away. I would probably have screamed at my own shadow.”

“But instead my ugly mug did you in,” said Brian sardonically. He stopped to look at her for a beat. “So, are we gonna talk through the door, or are you gonna come out?”

Alyssa winced. It was pretty foolish of her to try and hide like this. “Sorry,” she apologized, and opened the door. She was wrapped up in a towel, leaving her cut, toned arms and long, shapely legs exposed. Her hair was darkened with wetness and combed back. She had a look of disquiet about her, but she was nevertheless very beautiful. Brian couldn't help himself from eying her up and down. Alyssa was tall and strongly built, and Brain loved that combination in a woman. He couldn't prevent his erection from hardening as he craned his head up to look her in the eye.

Alyssa was acutely aware of Brian checking her out. Normally, she would welcome such attention, but now it only made her feel more anxious. He was sure to notice how big she had gotten, and that would hasten along the looming discussion as to why, and she had no answer forthcoming.

Brian came up to her, noticing her hesitancy at his approach. “Something's wrong,” he said.

Alyssa stared at him. “W-what do you mean?”

“I mean, you're acting strange. Something's wrong. Tell me,” he demanded softly.

Alyssa didn't know how to react. Brian apparently didn't notice how much taller she loomed over him, or how thicker and more developed her muscles were. Instead, he only noticed her withdrawn behavior. She didn't know whether she wanted to kiss him or slap him.

“I--” she sputtered, at a loss for how to answer. What could she say? 'I'm growing right before your very eyes and you don't notice that?' Or 'doesn't it seem strange that I'm bigger than I was when you left for work this morning?' “Um... I guess... I'm just tired.”

Brian didn't buy it. “It's more than that, babe. Go on. Tell me.” He curled his arms around her waist, looking up into her eyes. He looked so small to her. His grayish-blue eyes sparkled with love and understanding from behind his Weezer glasses.

“It's nothing. I swear,” she murmured, leaning down a bit more than usual to kiss his forehead reassuringly. Brian stood up on his tip-toes to meet her lips for a real kiss, reveling in the height difference between them. She found it strange that it didn't occur to him that she was inches taller than before, but quickly forgot such concerns. Brian's kiss dispelled her anxiety to the point where she had completely forgotten why she was even worried. She scooped him up easily into her arms and cradled him as they kissed. He was so light, much lighter than she remembered. Brian liked it when she picked him up, even if Alyssa had her own misgivings about such things. It wasn't normal for a girl to be able to pick up her boyfriend, and even less so for her boyfriend to enjoy it so much. Brian didn't weigh much, tipping the scales at about one-thirty five soaking wet, so it was never an issue of her being strong enough. She just felt weird about doing it.

But for some reason, right now, Alyssa had no such feelings. Standing tall in the hallway, clad in nothing but a damp towel, she easily held her skinny little man in her bulging arms and it felt... right. Whatever bad feelings Alyssa had towards herself, whatever anxiety she had over Brian's reactions, were gone. She felt strong. She felt sexy. She felt desired. Brian easily slipped his tongue into her mouth, turning a loving kiss into a lewd make-out session. Holding him as she did, Alyssa never tired. Instead, his weight seemed to get less and less burdensome as time wore on. She could hold him all day and all night and never get tired.

She felt like she could crush him so easily, if she were so inclined.

An unseen force carried them both into the bedroom. The door exploded inwards as Alyssa kicked it open. The strength of her muscular legs cracked the doorframe and made the knob smash a hole into the drywall. She carried her man over to the large king-sized bed they shared and dropped him onto the mattress. Brian bounced when he landed, stunned at Alyssa's sudden aggression. She ripped off the towel from her body to reveal her glorious physique to him at last.

She was ripped. More so than usual. Brian couldn't quite understand it, but Alyssa seemed... different, somehow. He had little time to appreciate the change as she climbed into his lap and kissed him again, this time with furious passion. Her tongue jammed down his throat, her strong fingers running through his hair, Alyssa attacked him like she never had before. They had made love many times before in the past, but Alyssa had never taken the lead in such a manner before. Brian didn't quite know how to feel about it.

On one hand, he was deeply aroused, but on the other, he was concerned that he might not survive.

Alyssa pulled away, chomping down on his lip enough to make him wince, but not enough to break the skin. She tugged at his lip with her teeth and then pushed him down with authority to the mattress. Her hands pushed down on his chest, forcing him supine with alarming strength. Alyssa rocked her hips back and forth in a mockery of sex, whipping her wet hair back and forth and moaning erotically. Brian's cock was fully erect and rubbing against the heat of her womanhood. She was getting off on using his body as a sex toy, without him needing to do anything.

And it felt so good! Alyssa sighed blissfully, grinding her hips into his small little body beneath her. She had always been leery of being on top, but now she didn't care. Brian's boner told her all she needed to know about whether or not he was enjoying this as well. In fact, she hardly even cared whether or not he was. Alyssa was horny, and one way or another, she was going to get hers.

Brian's shock was paralyzing. He couldn't do anything. Alyssa's hot moans, her rippling muscles flexing with every thrust of her hips, the way her strong hands pawed at his chest... It was unreal! It was like she was a whole new person. The Alyssa he knew was loving, but rather passive and afraid to take charge. This new Alyssa promised to fuck his brains out without even asking whether or not he was even up to the challenge.

She undid his tie and tore open his work shirt. Brian's scrawny chest excited her in ways she didn't even imagine before. He looked so weak and helpless against her. It would be so easy to crush his ribs if she pushed down hard enough. She didn't want to hurt him, but for some reason, imagining all the things she could do to him with her strength made her hot. Of course, seeing Brian in agony was the last thing she ever wanted, so she kept it purely imaginative. She had never entertained the idea before. Where did it come from? As if to apologize for harboring such evil thoughts, Alyssa leaned in and lovingly frenched him, moaning deeply into his mouth. He was her weak little man, and she loved him for it.

Brian couldn't fight her even if he wanted to. He had no idea that she was so strong! Or so heavy. She leaned on him, crushing down with surprising weight. It wasn't enough to really hurt him, but the idea was there. Her tongue filled his mouth, battering his like an abusive wife to her pitiful husband. The point was driven home; she was in charge, and he was simply along for the ride. Brian couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear in the back of his mind. She was coming perilously close to raping him. If he wasn't consensual, she probably would just take him anyway. That bothered him more than a little.

Alyssa sensed his discomfort. He simply wasn't used to such an onslaught from her end. To assuage his unease, Alyssa's lips softly graced his chest, working her way down to his belly. She tugged at his belt with her teeth, loosening it and pulling it away without hands. Off came his pants, and then his boxers. Brian may have been short and skinny, but he had a good sized cock. He was by no means hung like a porn star, but he was bigger than average, and that worked just fine for Alyssa. She took him into her mouth and sucked hard.

Brian gasped and winced painfully at Alyssa's oral vacuum. She eased up a little bit, making it feel more pleasant. She rarely ever gave him head to the point where he wondered if Alyssa even knew how. But now, it was like she had been waiting for the right moment to unleash those skills. He couldn't believe how good it felt inside her mouth. His toes curled and he went limp all over except for his penis which was at the hardest it had ever been in his life.

Sucking Brian's cock wasn't as unpleasant as she once thought. It was nothing personal against him, but she once thought the idea of putting a man's penis, the very thing he used to urinate with and the same thing that had entered her vagina on numerous occasions didn't seem very sanitary to her at all. It was hard, save for the slightly spongy head, and filled her mouth nicely. Brian's heavy breathing and fevered moans told her what this was doing to him. On a whim, she picked him up in her arms while still sucking his cock.

Brian yelped in surprise at being whipped up into the air so suddenly only heightened the feeling of helplessness in her arms. Alyssa seemed bound and determined to suck every last drop of cum out of his cock, and he was in no position to tell her otherwise. Not even if he wanted to. In truth, this was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced. She was so damn strong! She was so tall! She was perfect.

Brian came without warning in Alyssa's mouth, and she found herself swallowing it all. His load was massive and filled her mouth with spunk. Alyssa gorged herself on his semen, finding it strangely delicious. She took it to the last drop, and playfully tugged at his flagging penis with her lips, making him fuss uncomfortably in her arms. Satisfied that he was spent, Alyssa powerbombed him back onto the bed and tackled him aggressively before he could recover.

Brian found himself on the receiving end of a deep, passionate kiss that stole the breath from his lungs. She crushed his face and body up against hers and held her liplock for a long time. Brian thought for sure he would asphyxiate, until at the last moment, she tore away from him and pulled him atop her as she changed positions with him. She pushed his head down south, over budding chest, down to her rippling abs, and finally into her hot, musky groin. Alyssa's scent drove him wild. The heat from her sex was like a blast furnace. Without being told twice, Brian dove in.

Alyssa moaned loudly, grinning triumphantly at the same time. Brian had finally found his legs and attacked with some aggression of his own. He certainly knew how to please her. His practiced tongue lapped and flicked at every inch of her pussy, drinking deeply of her juices and her aroma. Her muscular thighs pressured the sided of his face gently as if to deliver the unspoken message 'please me or else'.  Alyssa's clit disappeared into Brian's mouth and he suckled on it deeply, making her lose track of her thoughts, and prompting her to simply lie back and enjoy the ride. She orgasmed in short order, moaning softly and arching her back in wonderful agony.

Alyssa finally collapsed a short time later and allowed Brian up for air. He kissed a trail up her body until he met her lips once more. Alyssa cuddled him gently and kissed him in congratulations, not caring that she tasted her own sex in his mouth. His weight felt so negligible atop her body, but his mouth felt so good atop hers.

When they finally pulled away, Alyssa looked up at her cute little boyfriend and smiled.

“What brought all that on?” he asked, still catching his breath.

“I don't know...” Alyssa replied honestly. “But I liked it. Didn't you?”

“Of course,” he said without hesitation. “But it's so unlike you. I don't think you've ever been so aggressive in bed before.”

“Did I hurt you?” Alyssa asked suddenly in concern. Brian grinned and shook his head.

“No. Not at all.”

“Still, sorry if I was a little rough with you, sweetie,” Alyssa said. “I'll be a little more careful in the future.”

“To be honest...” Brian purred intimately. “I kinda liked it...”

Alyssa looked at him. “You liked it?”

“Yeah,” he blushed sheepishly. Alyssa thought he looked so cute when he blushed. His cheeks turned rosy and his eyes twinkled. “There's something about a strong, sexually aggressive woman that's just... I dunno. Hot.”

“You weren't scared?” Alyssa wondered, remembering how timourous he looked when she had him underneath.

“A little,” he replied. “But somehow, I knew you wouldn't hurt me and I got over it.” He laid his head down on her chest and listened to her heart beat and the rush of the wind inside her lungs. His thin arms cuddled her strong body tightly. “I feel safe with you, 'Lys. I can't really explain it otherwise.”

The simple declaration he made caused Alyssa's heart to flutter. His acknowledgment of her physical superiority and his willingness to seek her protection was strangely romantic like a bouquet of flowers or a diamond ring. Brian didn't have an ounce of macho bullshit in his skinny little body, and Alyssa loved him for it. Her sweet little man...

They cuddled for a while longer until Alyssa thought to spring one more surprise on him.

“Did you want your present early, sweetie?” she purred, stroking his soft hair lazily.

“You mean that incredible blowjob wasn't it?” Brian murmured sleepily. Her warm body and soft skin made it hard for him to keep his eyes open. She was so comfortable.

Alyssa giggled. “No, sweetie. Though I'm glad you liked it. I found something that I think you'll like.”

“A life sized Dalek replica?” Brian inquired.

“No, though I suppose that would've been pretty high on your list, wouldn't it?”

“You didn't have to get me anything, babe,” Brian said, looking up at her lovingly. Alyssa smiled. The cute little smile on his lips was the look she had waited for.

“Of course I did, hon. You're my sweet little guy. Besides, I really think you'll like it. Now let me up and I'll go find it.” Brian reluctantly let her go and Alyssa dashed off into the spare bedroom and threw open the closet. The perfectly wrapped gift was sitting atop the high shelf where she left it, out of view in case he went snooping. There were some incredible benefits to being taller than your boyfriend for sure. As soon as Alyssa's hand touched the box she felt an incredible rush of energy flood in through her. She yelped and pulled back, as if she had just touched a hot stove.

She furrowed her brow, and slowly reached back towards it. Again, scintillating power radiated from the box into her fingertips. The rush. It. It was... orgasmic! She went cross-eyed and bit her lip to prevent from crying out. It was insane! Like every good thing she had ever experienced in her life rolled into one! Her first kiss, her first orgasm, her first bite of tiramisu couldn't compare to the storm churning inside her. She didn't want it to end! Tears streaked down her cheeks at the joy of it all. With tremendous willpower, she snatched the box down from the shelf and staggered drunkenly into the hall. She leaned against the wall, catching her breath. Her chest rose and fell with deep, ragged breaths. She felt like she was holding the power of a nuclear explosion in the small little box in her hands. It wanted to enter her, forcefully if necessary, but it somehow bided it's time. The power was only giving her a taste of what's to come.

She rounded the corner and entered the bedroom once more to see her boyfriend sitting up, waiting for her. He noticed her maddened disheveled state, and wanted to comment, but didn't know what he could say. She plopped down onto the bed next to him, and scooped him up onto her lap. The power seemed to grow in proximity to Brian, almost like it threatened to burst the box open.

“Happy Birthday, sweetie,” she squeaked into his ear, kissing and licking the side of his neck as she set the surprisingly heavy box in his lap. She was barely staving off another orgasm, trembling before the might that Brian now held in his hands. He barely reacted at all to it's power, but he could tell that something wasn't quite right.

“O-open it...” Alyssa commanded with a whisper.

Brian swallowed and capitulated. Alyssa's perfect wrapping job made it easy to pop the tape off of the corner and slide the box free from the paper. With unsteady hands, he opened the flaps and stared inside. Newspaper covered whatever was inside. Brian wasn't sure he wanted to look, but Alyssa prodded him onwards. She was acting so strangely. He reached in timidly and removed the newspaper to reveal...

A golden statuette.

Brian almost laughed. He expected something else entirely. He didn't know what, because Alyssa's trembling and her barely disguised arousal made him second guess every idea that popped into his head. He pulled it out of its cardboard sarcophagus and held it in his hands. God it was heavy! It looked like a bodybuilding trophy, but one of simply exquisite craftsmanship. It felt warm to the touch, almost like it was alive.

It was a statue of a woman with enormous muscles standing taut and ready to explode as if she couldn't contain her own power. Her sumptuous bust jut forth like ripe melons with nipples stiffened with arousal. Her hips were womanly and curvaceous, despite packing enough raw muscle mass to shame even the biggest male bodybuilder in the world. She was beautiful, looking so much like... No. Looking EXACTLY like Alyssa! The resemblance was simply uncanny. The same facial features and everything. 

He turned to look at Alyssa and then back at the statue. Did she have this made? Was this a custom job? It had to be expensive as hell if it was. How could she afford this?

“Do you like it, Brian?” Alyssa purred amorously in his ear, nibbling at his earlobe as she spoke.

“It's beautiful...” he made out. “It must've set you back a couple thousand to have this made.”

“I didn't have it made, sweetie,” Alyssa cooed. “I found it.”

“Found it? Where?” Brian was taken aback by the news and the off-hand manner in which she told him.

“Some junk store downtown. I took one look at it and I thought it was perfect for you,” Alyssa explained. “I know how much you like strong, muscular women, so I put two-and-two together.”

“I do like big, buff girls, especially when they look like you,” Brian admitted.

“What do you mean?” Alyssa questioned.

“Look at it, Alyssa,” Brian turned around in her lap and held up the statuette for her to see. “Don't you see the resemblance? The statue looks just like you. Same hair, same eyes, same nose, same lips, same face. You mean to tell me that you didn't have this made?”

“N-no...” Alyssa uttered, shocked that he would draw such a parallel. The woman of gold in his hands was beautiful beyond mortal reckoning. Alyssa knew she was pretty, but there was no way she would be able to hold a candle to the Amazon's gorgeousness.

“It's simply too big of a coincidence,” Brian sputtered, totally gobsmacked.

“I don't know what to tell you, Brian,” Alyssa droned subconsciously. The golden woman's golden eyes were alive! They stared into her soul as if it sought to communicate with her. 

My strength is yours... a sweet, dulcet voice echoed in her head. Alyssa gasped. A revelation opened her eyes for the first time.

The statue...! Of course.

It was so clear to her now.


More to come
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: cwmoss on December 16, 2014, 06:25:45 am
That is just so friggin' sweet. May I strongly encourage you to continue?
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on December 17, 2014, 01:56:45 am
Really enjoyed this chapter, Alyssa appears to be both incredibly strong, muscular, and passionate, a feature that I really liked to read in your stories with Val and Suzy, so good to see that kind of thing continued right here and now, hope to see more of Alyssa's continued growth, both muscular wise, and strength wise, but also how it affects her relationship with her beloved Brian. Good start, bro! k+!
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: M7 on December 20, 2014, 03:09:45 am
Very hot!! Ninja, have you ever thought about writing a novel to publish? You're a great writer, or should I say author. I can't imagine you couldn't make at least a little money writing stuff like this. Great job and of course karma.
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: NinjaStar on January 27, 2015, 09:14:08 pm
Back from the dead. Thanks everybody who offered encouragements. Sorry about the long delay, but I've been unable to find a suitable direction to go in until I received some inspirational feedback that helped me figure out what I wanted to do. This chapter is a little shorter than the others, but hey, at least I got off my dead ass and started writing again.

The Idol was calling to her. Alyssa didn't understand it. It spoke at her in an arcane language. Not more than a few words at a time. They had no real meaning to her, but the message seemed to be clear; this thing was more than a pretty statuette.

The man at the shop seemed to be telling the truth in some fashion. It was certainly magical in nature, was was certainly responsible for granting her power beyond that which she had already possessed. It sensed the connection between her and Brian, and increased its energy as he held it up to her. A powerful bolt of ecstasy assaulted her womanhood, pleasuring her greatly. What else did this thing have in store for her, she wondered? What did it have in store for Brian?

Brian blinked in confusion watching Alyssa seem to hover on the verge of orgasm, as if some force was stimulating her. She squirmed underneath him, rubbing her thighs together and breathing in sharp gasps of pure ecstasy. Her behavior didn't make any sense to him. She hadn't ever been this sex-starved and aggressive before. What was the cause of it?

Alyssa knew however, and she knew she hungered for more.

The idol compelled her to obey. Wordless commands entered her mind, giving her arcane instructions to unlock the power within. Alyssa didn't know what power the idol was talking about, but after already being granted a taste of it, she knew she wanted more. And it seemed Brian was the key to unlocking it, unwitting as he was.

Brian... he heard a voice say. Brian looked around, then at Alyssa. Her eyes had rolled back into her head, and she breathed in arousal.


Brian... the voice called again, insistent on securing his attention. The voice seemed to be coming from the idol in his hands! Turn me, it commanded. Look me in the eye...

Brian did so despite himself. He rolled the golden idol over a quarter turn to the left to look at it's beautiful, uncanny facsimile of Alyssa's face. The statuette's eyes seemed to glow with mystical power. He felt a power unlike any other he had ever experience flood into his mind. He wanted to shut his eyes and stop it, but he couldn't. He was powerless beneath the might of the golden woman.

Mate... the voice commanded.

“W-what?” Brian sputtered, failing to comprehend the command.

Mate...! the voice repeated, more insistently this time.

“Mate with me...” Alyssa breathed in his ear, picking up on the idol's meaning. She wrapped her arms around his body tightly. She touched him all over, her very fingertips electrifying his skin where it roamed. Her voice, her warmth, her scent, her touch, all of it was a heady elixir that dispelled his concern with what was going on. Alyssa's lips graced his neck concordantly with her strong, but gentle hands caressing his flesh.

Brian stopped caring, and let go of the idol. It thudded heavily on the floor. Despite the severance of contact, the powerful might of the entity within still commanded the couple, inflaming their passions for one another higher than any aphrodisiac ever could. He turned around, straddling Alyssa's lap and engaged her in a deeply passionate kiss.

Alyssa moaned softly, finally feeling the sexual gratification she had longed for. Despite orally pleasing one another not five minutes ago, Brian and Alyssa came together with desire, sloppily dueling with tongues and rubbing and caressing each other. Alyssa's hard body stood as an exclamation point of her strength. Brian had always loved how powerful she was. Her star athlete's body had steadily transformed over the years into that of a true Amazon. Brian loved her height, loved how he had to lean upwards to kiss her, loved how her long, smoothly muscled legs could coil around him like a boa constrictor and leave him helpless. He loved how everyone would stare whenever the two went out, wondering how a little shrimpy guy like him could ever land such a gorgeous girlfriend like her.

Alyssa, for her part, was always self-conscious. Being so tall and muscular left her, ironically, with very low self esteem. Boys were afraid of her all throughout her childhood and teenage years for being so tall and strong, and girls excluded her from their social groups and talked badly about her behind her back. She was so alone. And then she met Brian.

He was an outcast like her, but for different reasons. He rejected society's notions and formed his own, unique opinions on life and everybody hated it. Brian didn't give a fuck what anyone thought and rejected them all before they could reject him. He walked with his head held high, despite every indication to the opposite that he shouldn't.

He was physically unimpressive, wore glasses, didn't like to shave or bother with his appearance much.  He was fiercely intelligent, and although didn't speak much, wore his heart on his sleeve when asked, regardless if his answer would be popular. When he had approached her and treated her with respect, Alyssa had instantly fallen in love with him, even if she didn't know it yet. She had regarded him with suspicion at first, as no boy her age ever expressed interest in her before, but his honesty had won her over. She danced with him that night at the party seven years ago despite every fiber of her being pleading with her not to do it and it was wonderful.

Not long after that, they had sex for the first time for the both of them. It was an awkward, blushing affair, absolutely terrifying at first, but after they got comfortable, it was the best feeling in the world. It felt right. Alyssa didn't have a better word to describe it.

And that's how it felt now, with her small, cute little boyfriend sitting on her lap, facing her, kissing her like he was never going to see her again. Right. Divine. Perfect. Amazing. Despite Brian's perceived physical shortcomings, Alyssa found him incredibly attractive. It was an upset of the traditional power scale, with her being the larger and stronger of the two. Brian's exuberance and zest for her physical prowess made her feel special, sexy even. His lithe form, his shortness, never mattered much to her on the surface, but deep down, she liked it. She liked being stronger than him as much as he liked how much stronger she was than him. It was a dirty thought, Alyssa always chided herself. Girls aren't supposed to be stronger than boys. It was the natural order of things. You shouldn't enjoy being able to bench press fifty pounds more than your boyfriend's own body weight. You shouldn't like having arms that are bigger than his are.

But, for reasons Alyssa couldn't explain, all of those flashes of self doubt washed away with Brian's lips upon hers at that moment.

Alyssa liked how small and weak he was. He had no real muscles to speak of beyond what was necessary to move. She liked how light he felt in her lap. She liked the feeling of his erection growing against her belly... and growing. And growing. And growing! Jesus!

She pulled away from his kiss, prompting Brian to lean forward to continue.

“Brian,” Alyssa called out, trying to snag his attention. His lips met hers once more with a huff of furious passion. His tongue entered her mouth and whipped around violently. Alyssa squeal was muffled, but she managed to wrench him away with her superior strength and hold him at length so she could get a better look between his legs. Brian fussed and attempted to reattach himself to her mouth, tears of frustration rolling down his reddened face.

“Alyssa...” Brian implored. “Kiss me... please!”

“Hold on,” Alyssa said patiently, shaking him somewhat violently when he wouldn't listen. “Hold on, I said! Brian, look!” Brian shook whatever frenzy had overcome him at that moment. Alyssa called his now sober attention down to his erect penis, standing at full mast, easily twice the size it was before! His manhood rested against her belly, the tip nearly touching the bottom of his sternum. Brian had packed a respectable six, maybe even six-and-a-half inches before. Now, his cock was easily twelve, maybe even thirteen, or even fourteen inches long! And thick, too! It looked like a battering ram from the Middle Ages. Thick, fat veins criss-crossed his penis all over, pumping blood into his monstrosity of a cock. Alyssa could only stare wide eyed in disbelief at the burgeoning manhood throbbing against her belly. She had never seen a penis so large before.

Brian shook the strange lust from his head to regard Alyssa's point of interest. Looking down at his own manhood, Brian's eyes went wide. Holy fucking shit!

“My god!” he exclaimed, unable to formulate more of a thought. It throbbed, desiring to be touched. Brian tentatively curled his fingers around his enormous manhood, breathing a sigh of relief at the sensation. The shaft was nearly wrist thick and very hard. The head however... Brian hissed and curled his toes the second his fingers ever so gently brushed the head of his dick. It took all of his willpower to prevent spraying his cum all over Alyssa's chest and face. It was the size of a small orange and so sensitive...

“Brian...” Alyssa breathed harder and harder watching him experiment with his penis. Her own clitoris hardened with arousal, though it's own magnificence paled in comparison with his manhood. “Brian, I don't know if I can take this cock, but I want to,” she growled. “I want to!”

Without warning, Alyssa picked him up and slammed him onto the bed. Brian bounced and had no time to recover Alyssa wrapped her plump, kissable lips around the head of his penis and sucked. Brian cried out at the sensation. It felt agonizing and so good at the same time.

“Fuck!” Brian whispered, unable to find the breath to speak fully.

“Ooh, did that feel good?” Alyssa teased.

“I don't know...” Brian intoned, unable to think much. He was trying not to cum, trying desperately not to cum, but Alyssa pushed him further. Her tongue lashed out and raked the underside of his penis from stem to tip, slowly, agonizingly. Brian screamed out, not caring how loudly he did so. Alyssa liked the effect she had on him. She had always wondered why it wasn't manly for men to be loud during sex. Women liked to know they were doing well, just like guys did. It looked like Brian was no longer able to restrain himself. Alyssa smiled wickedly.

Perfect, she thought.

“Mmm, how was that, sweetie?” she purred. Brian's chest heaved up and down, and he covered his face with his hands. His toes were curling, grabbing the sheets on the bed and not letting go. She kissed his penis, massaging the very tip with her lips. “I said, how was that?”

“Good! Good! Fucking good!” Brian capitulated as if being tortured, which, she admitted, he was. It was fun seeing him in such sexual agony. He wanted to explode and cover her with semen, but didn't. He was trying not to cum with every fiber of his being, and she was trying to make him cum. It was his own fault, really.

“I wanna see if I could fit this thing down my throat. Do you think I can?” Alyssa teased further. It was doubtful she could even get halfway, but she was damned if she didn't want to try.

“Alyssa...” Brian pleaded. She ignored him, she pressed her small breasts up against his shaft and wrapped her arms around hit, the head of his manhood jutting towards her mouth like an ice-cream cone. Precum dribbled out in a slow trickle like water from a broken faucet. Alyssa lapped it up, and then stuck his cock into her mouth as best she could. It was simply too big. Unless she could unhinge her jaw, it just wasn't going to go down her throat, she realized to her disappointment. At least the head of his cock could fit.

Alyssa sucked on it, pressing her tongue on the sensitive underside and massaged it with her lips. Brian whimpered and shuddered, turning red with the strain of maintaining his composure. Alyssa found it delicious, as was his cock. She hungered for it. It was a bizarre inexplicable hankering, but she couldn't deny her lust for his huge penis. Alyssa dropped him from her mouth and kissed a trail on the underside of his manhood down to his balls. Brian's balls were heavy with seed, she found taking them into her hands. His testicles didn't grow much, at least not as dramatically as his penis did, but they looked and felt full of cum. Alyssa found herself determined to drain every last drop of it, either orally, or the old fashioned way. The idol had commanded her, and she was meant to obey.

His cock fell like a chopped tree onto her face, landing with a heavy, dull thud of meat on skull. It was surprisingly heavy and solid. She kissed and massaged his balls, making him squirm before ascending the grand tower of his cock to the head again. Alyssa took the large spongy helmet into her mouth once more and sucked while stroking the shaft with both hands. She added her own aroused moans to the heavy breathing and fussing Brian uttered while she fellated and jerked him off.

“Alyssa...” Brian whispered, grasping at the sheets. Sounds of heavy suction and saliva grew louder as Alyssa's tempo increased. Faster and faster she orally and manually pleased her sexy little man, taking him to the brink of oblivion.

Brian breathed heavier and faster, nearly hyperventilating. His voice was locked into his throat, but his mouth opened wide all the same. Brian screamed silently while tears of agonized bliss streamed down his crimson cheeks. Brian's body flexed and spasmed uncontrollably. He arched his back and exploded into Alyssa's mouth.

Exploded is the perfect word, because a tsunami of cum forced it's way into her mouth and down her throat. Brian came and came and came, thick ropes of pearly white semen buffeting the back of her throat until her mouth was full. Curiously, Alyssa didn't gag. She simply swallowed and took it all. Brian had so much cum to give. It tasted amazing, like a drug and a food at the same time. Alyssa was addicted to it. Finally, the last of it shot into her mouth and she took her last swallow of his delicious seed. Alyssa breathed hard, taking greedy gulps of air. Brian came so much, she found it hard to take a breath inbetween massive swallows of his cum. Her belly felt full and the sweet taste lingered on her lips. She licked her lips, taking the last bit of his load.

Brian's mighty cock deflated at last, going limp at last against his thigh. Even soft it was bigger than most men's erections. She crawled on all fours up his smaller body, settling her nude wetness on his belly. Brian sobbed into his hands uncontrollably, filling Alyssa with concern.

“Baby, are you okay?” she demanded, laying next to him. She didn't think that she had hurt him. The very idea that she could made her sick. “Sweetie?”

Brian took his hands away from his face and wiped his tears away. He smiled at her, despite the redness  and swollen eyes.

“I'm okay,” Brian made out between sobs.

“Are you sure?” Alyssa pressed, wanting to be absolutely certain.

“Yes,” Brian affirmed confidently, despite his pitiful little sniffle.

“Why are you crying?” Alyssa cooed softly, stroking his burning cheek.

“I can't help it,” Brian replied, laughing self-consciously.

“Did I hurt you?” Alyssa asked him, wiping a few near tears away.

“No! No! Not at all,” Brian said enthusiastically, finally calming down. “It was just so good! It was the single most intense orgasm I've ever had! I didn't have any real choice but crying. I'm sorry for that by the way.”

Alyssa instantly felt relief. She kissed him softly. “Don't be. You just had me worried, is all.”

Brian laughed. “I guess I have a tendency to do that a lot.”

Alyssa smiled, running her fingers through his hair affectionately. “Yes, you do.”

She looked at him, his handsome face, his thick shock of hair, his blue-grey eyes, his easy smile... Alyssa found the powerful lust had returned, this time, with a vengeance. Brian, despite having just ejaculated enough semen to impregnate several women, found himself aching for more. Alyssa loomed over him like a goddess. Her eyes blazed with an amorous fire for him, her plump, juicy lips so ripe for kissing.

He reached out and touched her budding muscles. Alyssa's tanned skin was smooth and warm with life. The hard muscle beneath resisted his best efforts to squeeze down. She was like living steel. Brian had long fantasized about being with a muscular woman, and after being with one, he couldn't be happier. He liked her natural body better than a female bodybuilder's because she had retained her feminine beauty without using drugs. She was model gorgeous with beautiful skin and a musical voice. Still, it was a tantalizing prospect at imagining her getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger... getting so big and muscular that no man in the world could hope to compare to her. But that was just fantasy, that couldn't happen for real, could it?

Brian ultimately didn't care. Alyssa was sexy enough with her figure model's body. Or was that physique? She seemed thicker all around to him now that he was up close and personal with her. Her progress was astounding. If eighteen year old Brian could see what Alyssa looked like seven years on, he would have married her on the spot. Her abs were chiseled and thick. Her legs were shapely and strong. Her arms... Alyssa smiled and flexed her bicep for him, urging him to touch it.

The good sized mound of muscle sprung up... and seemed to be growing.


Finally the growth begins in earnest. Just be a little bit more patient with me.
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: Ardanian on January 28, 2015, 06:32:19 pm
First   :what: Second   :wow: Third,  :woohoo:  Ninja that was amazing.  So well written, intense, epic.  Lost for words.  Keep this going my friend you are truly awesome.  I'd love to give some feedback or constructive ideas but I got nothing.  I honestly can't think of anything to add other than I can't wait for Alyssa to Grow.
Title: Don't Talk About It [NinjaStar]
Post by: NinjaStar on February 23, 2015, 05:53:01 pm
Don't Talk About It
BY NinjaStar

My phone buzzed one evening. Strange. It was almost 9:30. I reached over and picked it up. I saw that it was Suzy, my girlfriend Valentina's best friend, and my, well, friend friend. What the hell could she want, I wondered idly. Likely something debauched.

I thumbed the password on the lockscreen and then the toolbar to access my messages.

“r u doing anything 2nite skinny” was Suzy's badly typed question, though I used that term loosely for any sentence lacking a quotation mark.

“Im sorry are you asking or telling me?” I fired back, smirking. My phone buzzed once more.

“can the shit jackass u no wat I mean” Suzy snapped back.

“No, I don't suppose I am”

“can u get away or r u n vally n flagrante delicto”

“Not yet anyway. You know you are welcome to join in Suzy. You don't need permission”

“no no not wat I mean lissen ima park down da blok n about halfnhour cum meet me dere”


“just do it!!!” Suzy snapped via text. “n dun let vally no”

dun let vally no I read the last line over. What for? Damn, the psycho had me curious. I was already tempted to bust Suzy's big surprise, whatever it is, by telling Valentina just to piss her off, but I had to admit, this was highly unusual for the big lug. She wasn't much of a thinker, and her attempt at subterfuge was intriguing to say the least. I guess I was in. The next challenge was to try and get by Valentina.

Speaking of the devil, the gorgeous redhead herself came fluttering down the stairs with footfalls lighter than her bulk suggested. She was massive. My girlfriend was a hardcore bodybuilder.  She was wearing a lounging outfit consisting of a torn up wifebeater that had been hastily converted into a bra and a teeny-tiny little g-string that strained against her womanhood. Every inch of her was bulging with rock hard sinew. The only soft part I could think of was her heavenly lips, which pulled back into a ravishing smile when she saw me on the couch. It broke my heart to tell her that I wasn't going to be able to snuggle tonight. I didn't like lying in general, but lying to her might just be an actual sin. Val padded over to me from across the kitchen into the conjoined living room.

I stood up. “Uh, I'm going to have to take a raincheck on the snuggling tonight, babe,” I said unenthusiastically. Valentina instantly looked crestfallen. Her sky blue eyes lost a little of that light.

“What do you mean?” she asked, almost heartbroken. Fuck, she wasn't making this easy for me. Twist the knife a little more, Valentina.

“Y'know Dan, right?” I began, instantly thinking of a lie that was plausible. My friend Dan Doyle's recent domestic dispute with the mother of his son came to mind.

“That guy you know from that band?” she asked, referring to the band Dan played rhythm guitar for, Before the Fire. They were a metalcore band that played the local circuit. They recently did an interview with the local paper, which was hilarious for me to read. They painted themselves as great friends, which wasn't true. If anything, they were on the verge of breaking up constantly.

“Yeah, yeah. Remember how I told you about all that trouble he was having with his ex, y'know, the psycho bitch?” While it was true that my friend Dan had a domestic dispute with his baby's momma, that issue had long since been resolved. I was banking on Valentina not knowing that. She didn't keep tabs on all of my friends, and she and Dan weren't close.

“I thought you told me that was all done with?” Valentina replied. Dammit. Evasive maneuvers!

“Uh, yeah, yeah. We all thought so, but y'know how it is, more baby-mama drama. He needs my help, and since he's my friend, I'm not going to leave him twisting in the wind.”

Valentina smiled sadly and strode over to me before closing her arms around my neck. She kissed me, almost like she was never going to see me again. Maybe she was just trying to convince me to stay. It was working, if that were the case. She was so sweet tasting, and the heat from her body, the smell of her perfume, the softness of her skin and the hardness of her muscles was working against me. Val's tongue split my lips and began wrestling with my tongue. Before I could savor it too much, she split from me, cupping my face.

“That's what I love you,” she purred, “you're a good man.” I winced. Way to twist that damned knife, babe.

“Um, well, y'know...” I muttered aimlessly.

“Go. I'll be fine,” Valentina said, somewhat sadly. She tried to smile her way through it, but she was disappointed. Still, she wasn't probing too deeply. Her trust in me made me feel a little sick.

“I won't be gone long, I don't think,” I said, trying to be reassuring. She laughed softly.

“Don't worry about it, you're helping a friend. I wouldn't think to come between that.” She kissed me with much of the same passion as before. I melted. Once more, she closed the connection before I could get too into it. “Just don't forget me,” she murmured teasingly.

“I wouldn't dream of it, babe,” I replied.

“I know,” Valentina said with a grin and a pat on the cheek. She reclined on the couch and began flipping through the channels.

“I'm gonna go change. Dan said he'll be here in twenty minutes or so to pick me up.”

“Okay,” Val replied, giving me another smile. My heart bled like a stuck pig at the sight of it. She was so beautiful, so radiant. I didn't deserve her, I thought. Not after this. Whatever Suzy had planned, she owed me, big time, I decided.

I ran upstairs and put on some clothes, just a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt. I wasn't going to the opera. I washed my face real quick, but couldn't look at myself in the mirror. I would've saw the face of a liar looking back at me. I didn't know what I had agreed to be part and parcel to, but I sure as hell hated myself for it. Valentina was so trusting...

Wait, hold the damn phone! Why was I acting like I was going to cheat on her? I wasn't, as far as I knew. Suzy wouldn't allow me to hurt Valentina, because she's turn me into paste even if I wanted to! It couldn't be anything too bad, right? Maybe we were going to plan a surprise for Valentina?

My phone buzzed.

“in posishun were da fuk r u skinny” Suzy texted.

“Coming. Keep your damn shirt on woman. You better have a damn good reason for taking me away on such short notice”

“ya ya git ur bunz down here and dun tell vally im here”

“Don't worry. I have a cover story”

“k hurry up”

And with that, I pocketed my phone and wallet, and headed downstairs. I looked at Valentina, reclining on the couch in boredom. I could be there, snuggling up against her, but instead I was going to aid Suzy in robbing a bank or something else as nefarious. I made my way over to Valentina, catching her attention.

“I'm off, then,” I said, trying to will myself to leave despite the vision of beauty laying before me.

“Well, have fun--”  She started, but I interrupted her with one last kiss of raw passion. Valentina squeaked in surprise, but then moaned softly and allowed me to baste her tongue with my own. I popped away with a loud snap of suction regretfully. Valentina licked her lips, savoring the lingering taste. I had turned her on. I saw the familiar lustful deviousness take over her beautiful features.

“I love you,” I said in an intimate whisper, meaning every word.

“Mmm,” Valentina hummed, running her strong hand through my hair. “I love you, sweetie.” This was not going to be easy. We stayed like that for a long beat, looking into each others eyes, drinking in our essences. I composed myself reluctantly and stood up.

“I'll be back,” I intoned in a mediocre impression of The Terminator, hoping to joke my way out. She giggled sweetly. The sound was like music. How I didn't want to leave...
“'Kay. I'll miss you,” she purred, eying me up and down, a sexy smile spreading across her features told me all I need to know about what she was thinking. Fucking Suzy owed me big time. I turned to leave, looking back at the goddess reclining on the couch. She watched me go with desire burning in her eyes.  I regretfully blew her a kiss and walked out into the cool night air.

The sun was beginning to set, and the forest surrounding my house was alive with the sounds of bugs and frogs looking to fuck. A few birds called their mates to come back to the nest as well. Even the fucking animals were getting some tonight, but I wasn't. I hated Suzy for that. I walked down the driveway out into the street and began jogging down the block. Around the bend, Suzy's black car sat parked like a sleek black predator. It was smart of her to wait a ways down the street. The telltale roar of the engine would've given her away instantly. I jogged up to the car and Suzy opened the door for me.

The huge woman at the wheel, the nefarious Suzy, was wearing a big tracksuit, in black of course, and wrestling boots. I found odd that she decided to dress down for the occasion. Usually, she was all about leather and showing as much skin as possible, but I guess not tonight. Suzy spent a fortune on clothes. She had to. Finding something that fit her bulk off the rack was impossible. Pretty much everything she owned had to be custom tailored in order to even remotely fit.

As soon as I got in, she attacked. She yanked me over to her, looking to kiss me but I resisted the best I could.

“No,” I protested, leaning away. I couldn't hope to fight her strength, but I tried my damnedest. She looked at me like I was insane, which was rich, coming from her.

“The hell's the matter with you, Skinny?” Suzy griped.

“You don't get any until you fess the fuck up. What is this about? Why do I need to come? Why am I sitting here talking to you and not getting my brains fucked out by that incredibly hot redhead that I'm so ridiculously lucky to call my girlfriend?”

“Because I need your help, Skinny, that's why,” Suzy began.

“And why should I?”

“Because I didn't want to ask Ags or Vally because I know what they'd say.”

“Which is?”

“'No.' They wouldn't approve of what I'm about to do and they'd try to get me to not go through with it,” Suzy replied.

“I'm not even sure I approve, and I don't even know what the flying fuck you're even fucking talking about! THE POINT! GET! THE FUCK! TO IT!” I shouted. Suzy looked at me bug eyed. She wasn't used to me being so angry. In fact, I wasn't used to being so angry. I had a good life. I had no reason to get so mad, but Suzy was seriously pissing me off with all this vagueness. The big woman looked like a child being scolded by her parent.

“Alright, alright already. Jesus. Check your blood pressure, Skinny. I'm gonna fight tonight, and I need you in my corner.”

“What?” I asked, blinking in shock.

“You heard me.”

“You're fighting?”


“Fighting who?”

“Dunno. We'll find out when we get there,” Suzy shrugged.

“Where's 'there'?” I asked.

“In the Arena district,” Suzy said, firing up her car. “I'll explain on the way.”

I buckled up, and though I'm not a believer, I muttered a prayer that we'd arrive in one piece. Suzy was a goddamned maniac when it came to driving. She drove her own speed, and this Italian beast she was piloting went really fucking fast.

“So, explain,” I demanded once we were underway.

Suzy sighed. “There's an underground fighting ring held every week near the Arena. I got wind of it and wanted to check it out.”

“Oh, great. Now I'm an accessory to murder,” I moaned, palming my face.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence, Skinny,” Suzy grinned wickedly, “but you aren't going to be an accessory to anything. You're my arm candy.”

“Why the fuck do you need me again?” I asked, idly wondering what my chances of survival were if I bailed out of the car while Suzy was doing one-hundred down the freeway.

“You don't want to see me kick some ass?” Suzy asked, incredulously arching an eyebrow.

“Not particularly,” I answered unenthusiastically.

“Well, that's a fine kettle of fish,” Suzy huffed. “I'd SO have your back if you decided to participate in an illegal underground fighting competition.”

“Oh, my god, are you seriously trying to guilt me into this? Seriously?! This is what the big secret is? This is what all the tip-toeing and lying to Valentina was for? For fuck's sake Suzy...” I groaned.

“Are you going to make me beg? Fine. Please, Skinny. Please. I need you,” Suzy said pleadingly. I looked at her like she was insane. Her face looked sincere and her eyes searched mine. She wasn't joking. She really wanted me to support her. I wasn't happy about it, but my heart softened a little. Suzy knew she was going to be alone at the tournament, and she couldn't rely on Valentina or Agnetha, or even Annie to have her back. They wouldn't condone it and would probably alert the authorities to shut the whole thing down.

“Grr,” I growled in annoyance. The things I do for love. “Okay, fine.”

“Yay!” Suzy squealed happily, which was totally out of character for her. “Thanks, Skinny! I mean it!”

“However, you owe me big time,” I said, interrupting her small victory.

“Sure, anything. You don't know how much this means to me,” she said, gently squeezing my leg.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked, fully curious. What was her stake in this, I wondered? What could she possible want with an underground fighting circuit?

“Well, if I do well in this, I'll get $100,000, cash,” Suzy replied.

“Is that all? I thought you had money?” I asked, shocked at the idea that Suzy was fighting for money. She was rich, I thought. All those sugar-daddies paying top dollar to be used as a footstool and all, not to mention the cash she made at the club.

“Yeah, well, money is money, innit? I'll split it with you,” Suzy said hastily. There was more to it than that. Something was bothering her.

“Bullshit Suzy. That's not it. There's something else to this,” I pressed.

“No joke. Fifty thou is yours.”

“No, not that. Something's up. Something personal.”

“Nope. Just thinking that an extra fifty grand would be pretty fucking sweet. Y'know most people would be happy to get an extra five stacks, but I guess not you, eh?” Suzy said, trying to deflect. I knew her too well to buy her bullshit. She was being evasive for a reason. I had to find out what.

“Oh, sure, and what would Valentina say if I came home with an extra fifty large? Wouldn't that render all this secrecy moot?” I asked.

“You do it on the down-low, dummy. Funnel it into the bank slowly. Buy her something nice with it. She'll love you for it.”

“But that still doesn't answer my question: why?”

“I got my reasons, Skinny. Leave it at that,” Suzy said with finality. Her hands clutched the steering wheel, causing the leather to creak ominously. Sure enough, someone was looking to get hurt. Suzy was looking for retribution. Maybe an ex boyfriend? I'd find out sure enough.

“Alright, fine. Keep your secrets then. I don't care,” I said, surreptitiously ending the conversation. Suzy clenched her teeth, making the muscles of her jaw flex beneath her skin. She wanted to tell me, but was trying not to. I knew her well. I did my best to look annoyed and sullen. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Suzy glance my way furtively.

“Listen...” she began after a long silence, trying to find the words.

“Oh, I'm sorry, did you say something?” I peevishly replied. Suzy glared at me, but said nothing.

“I want to tell you, and I will. Just... not now,” Suzy murmured.

“Why the fuck not? Seems like it would be useful to know why you're dragging me along to this,” I said.

“Because it's fucking personal, that's why!” Suzy shouted. I looked at her. She looked perturbed indeed. Maybe I was right, ex-boyfriend or someone like that she was looking to pound on. I didn't want to ask her outright. That would make her clam up. Still, her admission thus far had been rather shocking.

“Personal how?” I asked, trying to prod her in the right direction.

Personal,” she repeated, voice like iron. “I'm going to leave it at that. You'll find out, but for now, just know that I'm not in this for the money. Hell, you can have all one-hundred grand for all I give a fuck. This is for me.”

“Then why do you need me?” I asked, not annoyed, but just trying to piece this together. How did I fit into all this? What was she planning?

“I wasn't lying when I said I needed you, Skinny. I do. I need you for support,” Suzy replied, still not telling me everything. She was almost pleading. “But for right now, I need to you to trust me. This will make sense to you later.”

I sighed, trying to take all this in. Suzy was my friend, for better or for worse. She clearly needed me, even if she didn't want to say why. What kind of friend would I be if I said no? For all her faults, for how she annoyed me, I still loved Suzy. I chuckled at the coincidence. That was what I said, more or less, to Valentina earlier; helping out a friend. I guess I wasn't totally lying to her after all. I still felt ill at ease about just what exactly I was getting into, but at least it wasn't something too horrible. At least, as far as I knew.

“Alright, fine,” I said, causing Suzy to brighten up considerably.

“Thanks, Skinny. I mean it,” Suzy said honestly.

“We'll play it your way for now. But I don't like being left out of the loop. As soon as you're ready to tell me, I want to know.”

“You will. I promise. I'm not doing this to hurt you. I would never. I... I love you, Skinny. I mean it,” Suzy said quietly, but earnestly. She had a real problem saying those three words. She never told me much about her past, but I'm guessing she never heard them much before Val and I came into the picture.

“And I love you. You know that,” I said. Suzy smiled.

“Yeah, I know,” she whispered, nodding slightly. I reached out and touched her hand. She opened her large mitt and swallowed mine up with her fingers. Suzy preferred unspoken displays of affection to the big grandiose declarations of love that everyone else used. She really did have meat hooks for hands. I guess they were still feminine, but they were like bunches of bananas, not at all like the deceptively dainty hands Valentina had. If she was planning on punching some poor bastard with these hands, they better have some damn good insurance. Life insurance. She gave my hands a gentle squeeze. Hers were quite soft still, despite their size. Her nails were painted black, and less lethally manicured than usual. I guess she didn't want to break any nails while she broke some heads.

We drove the rest of the way in silence, holding hands. Whatever was to come, I had given my pledge to allegiance to the Mountain That Drives sitting next to me. I only hoped that wasn't a mistake.
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on February 23, 2015, 06:12:20 pm
Oooo, this sounds like a very interesting start, I can't wait to see Suzy in action and what this will eventually lead to! k+!
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: Japagreipe on February 25, 2015, 01:02:55 am
Intriguing. Really got me curious about how huge these girls really were? Looking forward to more. K+
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: nyfiken on February 28, 2015, 08:10:43 am

looking forward for more:)
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: NinjaStar on March 05, 2015, 11:25:30 pm
A/N: Thanks everybody. Sorry for the slow update.


The Arena district of town was technically also the University district. It was often called the Arena district because nearly all of the attention anyone in town who came down this way was centered on just that; the Arena. The city where we all lived, well, Valentina and I lived near the city, whereas Suzy lived downtown, wasn't large enough to host a real big league team, but we did have a college football team; the manly pads and steroids kind, not the femmy hot pants and kneesocks kind. I didn't pay much attention to sports at all, but I supposed the team we had was pretty good or at least had a rabid enough fanbase. None of it interested me in the least, but the entire city seemed to shut down whenever they played a game at the Ashland Dome.

But that wasn't why we were here.

Suzy parked her car in a lot across the street of the Dome. Seemed like a conspicuous location to me, but hell, what do I know? I don't own a $250,000 sports car. I guess it would be even more conspicuous to park directly at the Arena, but still. To her credit, she did lock the doors and click the alarm on, so I suppose that's something. At least we'll have fair warning that some crackhead busted the window out looking for change and fled the area. The mental picture of Suzy chasing a vandal whilst swearing colorfully and shaking her fist made me smile at least.

As I got out, I looked around. Night had settled, and the traffic around the Dome was pretty slow. The season hadn't begun yet Suzy emerged from the car a beat or two after I did, looming over the room of her Italian beast and me by several inches pulling a bag out of the back seat. She looked immense as usual. As I said earlier, Suzy's motto was 'less is more' when it came to dressing. To see her so covered up was partially amusing and somewhat shocking. No matter what, Suzy was always eager, no, desperate to show off the goods. Something about asserting her dominance, or some such alpha territorial pissing behavior. I don't know. I'm no psychologist.

That said, her track suit looked like it was ready to burst. Suzy's shoulders were impossibly broad, so much so, she could blot out the sun if she stood in front of you. The swishy fabric could do nothing to hide the mighty contours of her arms and legs. Her chest jut out in front, her pecs like tremendous boulders and about as hard. At 6'4”, Suzy towered over most men, utterly dwarfing me by most of a foot. She was fond of wearing heels, routinely four to six inch stilettos, to further augment her height. But I guess hooker heels might not be smart to fight in. Suzy's hair was cut short and asymmetrically, with her bangs tapering to a point down the right side of her jaw. The back and sides of her scalp was shaved to a fine dark stubble. She sometimes opted to carve designs into her hair, but usually kept it at a millimeter long at the most. Some people don't like weird haircuts like that, but I do. It makes her standout, makes her unique, not like a hugely muscled giantess like Suzy blends easily into the background or like she'd want to. She craved attention, like most Amazons. Her look was very carefully doctored to be attention grabbing.

She slung a bag over her her shoulder and looked to me. “Ready?” she asked.

“Are you?” I replied in concern. This was put up or shut up time. If she was bound and determined to find the answers to what ever questions boggled her mind, bitching out now would do her no good.

Suzy nodded resolutely. “Yes,” she said, no uncertainty, no reluctance. Just pure confidence. I gave her a smile, which she returned. Even dressed like it was laundry day, Suzy was utterly gorgeous. She had a model beautiful face, with a strong bone structure, smoky almond shaped eyes that glittered like black diamonds, plush, gorgeous lips ripe for kissing, and a sexy tan. Add all that together with outrageous muscle mass and strength and her supreme confidence, and I'll show you one hell of a woman.

Suzy led me on, insisting that I wrap an arm around her slender waist while she draped an arm across my shoulders. It felt like a log had been dropped on my neck, but the inviting warmth of her body made  the sudden shock of so much muscle foist upon me melt away. We crossed the street and walked in silence across the Ashland Dome's parking lot up to a rear entrance meant for Arena staff. A man was smoking a cigarette near the employee entrances. He had noticed us from a distance and was watching us approach, kicking off of the wall he was leaning on and squaring his shoulders at our approach. He was trying to be as nonchalant as possible, but I could tell that he was keeping his guard up. You never know when a cop might drop by looking to bust up tonight's operation, I thought. My nerves were rising, and Suzy could feel it. Her gentle squeeze reassured me somewhat, but I didn't like the look of this guy one bit.

“That's the doorman,” Suzy leaned down to whisper as we neared the man and his bad habit. I could smell him from here. “Let me handle him. Follow my lead.”

“Gotcha. What's our angle?” I whispered.

“I'm here to fight, dummy,” Suzy shot back, looking at me askance.

I clucked my tongue in annoyance and said, “No shit? You don't say? Hell, I thought we were here to play dominoes.”

“Hardy-fucking-har, Skinny.”

“I meant what am I supposed to say, genius? I'm not here to fight.”

“That much is evident, Skinny," Suzy stated smugly. "You can barely handle the weight of my arm on your shoulder much less bust someone's grape.”

“I'm not hearing any suggestions,” I said in a sing-song voice.

“I'm thinking! I'm thinking!” Suzy snapped.

“Ooh, don't strain yourself. Don't want to get tired before your big-- OUCH! Motherffff--” I yelped mid-snark as Suzy drove her big Frankenstein foot onto mine. She wore a women's size fifteen shoe. Clodhoppers like that could so some serious damage. And speaking of hopping, that's what I did. I grabbed my throbbing foot and bounced around, spewing expletives like a lawn sprinkler. Suzy elbowed me in the ribs to get me to stop acting a fool. I was about to call her several colorful names when I realized ol' Marlboro Man was looking at us. I tried and failed to regain my composure. My foot hurt like a son of a bitch.

“So, what the fuck you folks want?” he asked in a voice like sandpaper, eying Suzy up and down more than me. “Nice night for a walk, 'r sumpin'?” He threw his spent butt onto the ground and stomped it out before reaching for another. He flicked open a Zippo and lit up to take a long drag. Blue smoke belched from his tobacco-smelling mouth, forming a wreathe around his head. He looked like every Hollywood shady-criminal-type character actor rolled into one.

“Ding dong! Avon Calling!” I said. “Would you be interested in our line of perfumes, toilet waters, powder and rouge compacts, and/or lipsticks? It looks like you could stand a good exfoliation treatment or seven.” Marlboro Man rolled the burning dogend in his mouth, but otherwise made no expression.

“Skinny!” Suzy whispered harshly, cuffing my shoulder. It felt like she scraped a lump of tissue off my bones with the force of the blow. I took the hint and shut up, but great googly-moogly that stung! It felt like a bear had just mauled my shoulder. She let out a nervous chuckle and addressed Marlboro Man once more. “What my very, very stupid colleague meant to say was, we're here for the, uh, entertainment this evening.”

Marlboro Man grunted. “'Zat so? You got da buy-in, dere, She-Hulk?”

“'Course,” Suzy replied, unslinging her bag from behind her back to open it up. Marlboro Man not so subtly moved his hand into the lump in his pocket that was undoubtedly a .38 snub-nose or some other compact pocket pistol. I tensed up, fearing he was going to pull it and start shooting. Had I known he was packing, I might've reconsidered calling him ugly. Suzy calmly pulled out a bundle of dollars, equal to what I estimated was a few grand at least, and went over to place it in Marlboro Man's hand. It was hilarious to see how much bigger Suzy was than him. He barely came to her chin, and she could've swallowed him whole.

Marlboro Man looked at the roll in his hand, then up at Suzy's utterly calm face.

“It's all there,” Suzy said, voice low. “Count it. But if you try to skin that piece on me or my man over there, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the trigger 'til it goes click. Comprende?”

Marlboro Man grinned a yellow, nicotine stained smile.

“'Ey, we're all friends here,” he drawled. He took his hand from his pocket and unbound the roll to flip through it with his thumb. He nodded in satisfaction. “Good to go. But whadabout him?” He gestured at me.

Suzy smiled amiably. “As I said, he's my man. He's with me. Moral support. That kinda thing.”

Smokey was not impressed. He eyed me one last time before sucking his teeth and saying “Maybe so, but ain't nobody gettin' in here without payin' da fee.”

“What fee?” Suzy asked, narrowing her eyes.

“Hunnerd dollars at da gate,” Marlboro Man grunted. “What, you think we's lettin' jus' anyones in here? He might be a goddamned flatfoot fer all I know.”

“Skinny's no cop, I can assure you that,” Suzy said reassuringly. “Does he look like a cop?”

“I don't know. I certainly like to think I've got a definite Martin Riggs-esque quality to me,” I said, launching into a bad Mel Gibson impression. “Tell me what you think. Ahem. 'Well, what do you wanna hear, man? Do you wanna hear that sometimes I think about eatin' a bullet? Huh? Well, I do! I even got a special bullet for the occasion with a hollow point. Make sure it blows the back of my goddamned head out and do the job right! Every single day I wake up and I think of a reason not to do it! Every single day! You know why I don't do it? This is gonna make you laugh! You know why I don't do it? The job! Doin' the job! Now that's the reason!'”

Suzy groaned and facepalmed. “Not really helping, here, Skinny.”

“'You think I'm crazy? You call me crazy, you think I'm crazy? You wanna see crazy?'” I continued, to my own amusement if nothing else.

“No, I'm calling you stupid, now can it!” Suzy snapped. "I swear, I can't take you anywhere..." I did so, realizing that I had gone a bit off the deep end. Give me an inch, and I'll take a mile...

“He really IS crazy...” Marlboro Man muttered, causing his cigarette to bobble with his words. “Eh, fuck it. Go 'head on in, the both of youse. We got a packed house t'night anyways. Whatzanother hunnerd give 'r take?”

“Thanks,” Suzy said, before grabbing a hold of my collar and dragging me along. “C'mere!” she barked, hauling my carcass along with no effort. The muscle beneath her track top swelled with her might. She waited until we were inside before setting me down and cuffing me on the shoulder once more, hissing in an angry whisper, “And what was that fuckery just now?”

“What fuckery?” I asked, rubbing my sore shoulder, indignant at the supposition that I was capable of fuckery at all. Come to think of it, just what is fuckery, anyway?

That fuckery!” she griped, pointing out to where we just were. “Out there! Virginia Slim could've shot you, y'know!”

“Bah, he wouldn't have. It would be bad for business having a dead body out there, and he doesn't look like the type that enjoys heavy lifting. Besides, you would've pounded him into hamburger the second he tried anything, right?”

Suzy stared at me hard. “I was half tempted to pound YOU into hamburger for that one man show bullshit, Skinny.”

“Why are you complaining? I saved you one hundred extra dollars.”

“Oh, so you're a cheap date. Wonderful,” Suzy snarked.

“Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch. This is the thanks I get. May I remind you that you asked me to come here, not the other way around. I don't even want to be here, but you cried me that sob story and basically got me to accompany you based on false pretenses and emotional blackmail. Not only that, but I was forced to lie to my wonderful girlfriend who wouldn't stoop to such a level to get me to do her a favor...”

“Alright, alright. Enough with the indictment,” Suzy wearily conceded with an exasperated sigh. “I'm sorry I got all huffy, but, if you haven't noticed, this is rather important to me. I... appreciate the fact that you, out of the milk of human kindness, agreed to be in my corner for this thing that I have to do---”

“Of which you're being annoyingly coy,” I added helpfully. She sighed and clutched her forehead in annoyance. A vein bulged in her temple. I did so enjoy annoying Suzy. It was part of what we called 'The Great Game.' She and I bickered and argued like and old married couple. It was great fun.

“Yes, well, as I said, I'll tell you more later,” Suzy said through gritted teeth, “But for now... Listen, just don't be...” she trailed off, gesturing vaguely at me while she tried to think of what to say, “you until I give you the high-sign, alright? We're dealing with some real hardcore motherfuckers here and I don't really feel like pulling your cute little ass outta the fire just because you wanna be the goddamned center of attention all the time. Smokey might've been amused at your antics, but he didn't seem too smart. You try any of that shit in here, you might get killed, and I don't feel like explaining that to Vally. Get me?”

“You wouldn't be upset that I died? You just don't want to be the bearer of bad news?” I gasped, mockingly aghast at her selfishness.

“Oh for--” Suzy groaned and I suppressed a grin. Annoying her alone was almost worth leaving the house. “Of course I would, Skinny. After my berserker rage subsided and I got done killing everyone in here pretty damn messily and literally bringing the house down like Samson, I'd be inconsolable for about ten minutes or so, then I'd realize life goes on and probably go get a sandwich, or something.”

“Well, as long as I had that ten minutes...” I sniffed primly.

“Ha ha,” Suzy mocked. “Now get into character. It's very nearly crunch time.”

She squeezed my hand, giving me a whole new definition to the phrase crunch time. Given how beastly strong Suzy was, that was very apropos. It was rather painfully obvious that she was more nervous than she was letting on. Her nervousness made me a little less nervous for some damned reason. Maybe it was my natural male instinct to protect any female I sense was in peril, maybe it was because I was just crazy. I couldn't really say. She shoved me along the corridor until we were in the backstage area of the arena, the deep crevices that ninety percent of everybody who ever came here never got to see. The place was devoid of life, but we could hear the dull roar of the crowd coming from somewhere down the line. It wasn't a packed arena's worth of noise. In fact, the noise didn't seem to be coming from the arena floor at all. We made our way down the backstage path until we came across a gaggle of people waiting to be admitted into Murderbrawl, or whatever this event was to be called.

Suzy stopped and surveyed the scene, almost as if she was looking for someone. She grunted in annoyance when that appeared to be a bust. I followed her gaze, trying to pick out someone in the crowd. Lots of interesting looking characters, but I didn't know who I was looking for. The giantess took off abruptly, me struggling to keep up in tow, letting her cut her way through the crowd and staying in her wake. People's eyes popped from their sockets at the size of her. A pretty standard reaction that we were all used to, all things considered. There was no mistaking this Amazon's intention. She wasn't here to work the concession stand. She was here to fight. Someone was going to get hurt.

“I'm here to fight,” Suzy told a man in a suit who appeared to be connected to the organizing of the whole thing. Was he Mafia? He looked like he was an extra in The Godfather.

“No shit?” he said, looking her up and down. “You paid the buy-in, Brunhilde?”

“Does the Pope shit in the woods?” Suzy grinned. “Five G's. Upfront, as asked for. Gave it to Captain Carcinogen out there.”

“Five G's?” I whistled incredulously. "Just for this?"

“Shut the fuck up, Skinny,” Suzy murmured out of the corner of her mouth, nudging me to be quiet.

“Okay, you're in, beefcake” he said. “Name?”

“What do you need my name for?” she asked warily.

“For the leaderboards. Need to know what to call you and people need to know who to place their bets on.”

“Oh,” Suzy replied, looking at the chalkboard functioning as the booker's ledger. There were lots of tough-guy sounding names up there like 'Crusher', 'Bonesaw,' and 'Bob Johnson.' Oh, wait... 'Bob Johnson?' Dude's using his real name? I thought. Kind of lame, considering. Of course my own name doesn't exactly strike fear into the hearts of men, but still. One would think the guy could at least try to think of a better tough guy name than that.

“Psycho Suzy,” the big woman declared. I stared at her, blinking for a few beats.

“'Psycho Suzy?'” I whispered incredulously.

“You got a problem, Skinny?” she whispered back over her massive shoulder.

“Yeah, I mean, that's a pretty crappy tough guy--er, girl name, Suzy.”

“Nonsense. It's short and to the point.”

“P.U.,” I said, holding my nose.

“Oh, and you can do better, I suppose?” she snapped.

“Yeah. How about 'Suzy Haymaker'? Or 'Suzannthrax'? 'Suzanne B. Agony'?” I suggested.

“What is this, a fuckin' roller derby?” Suzy griped sourly. That would be pretty hot, I must say. If Suzy were competing in an Amazon roller derby, that would be leagues better than whatever these shenanigans were going to be. I made a mental note to talk to Annie about this idea later. She was always looking for new ideas to promote. Trouble is, I don't think Suzy could skate, and finding rollerblades freakishly huge enough for her Gigantor feet to fit into would be a hassle, not to mention strong enough to haul her big ass around without collapsing. Valentina sure as hell could skate, though... I filed this idea away for another day and continued my dickishness with gusto.

"Ooh! Ooh! How about 'Suzanne for a Bruisin'?' 'Suze-Suze-Sudio' Eh? A little '80s nostalgia there?”

“Shut the fuck up, Skinny,” Suzy groaned, shaking her head helplessly at the man in the suit. He looked at me, then her, and then his watch in annoyance.

“No, no, wait! I got it! Sue Jitsu! Waaaaa! Hi-yah!” I cried, striking pseudo-martial arts poses. I was having too much fun at this.

“Ugh! No! That's even crappier than your other names! I hate being called 'Sue'! Never call me Sue!” Well, how do you like that! I can't believe I never thought to call her that before. It was so simple, yet so beautiful, I mused. I found a new way to annoy Suzy. I filed the information away for a rainy day when I needed to tickle Suzy's risables. Sue. Ha! I'm going to totally call her that from now on.

“Well, what's it to be, Bench-press?” the man in the suit inquired impatiently.

“It doesn't have to be Suzy related,” I suggested further, interrupting Suzy before she began. “Is Benito Muscle-lini taken? How about Goldie Brawn-- Mmmrphf!” Suzy shut me up by putting me in a headlock. The bulging muscles of her arm tightened around my skull. It felt like she was trying to guillotine me. Me and my big mouth.

“Psycho Suzy will do just fine,” she said to the suit wearing man sweetly, punctuated with a smile.
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on March 06, 2015, 03:22:59 am
A funny little interlude, I'm glad Skinny is bringing a little humor to the situation with all the wacky names he's trying to come up for Suzy. But yeah, looking forward to seeing what this is all about, can Suzy kick ass on all the guys here? k+!
Title: Re: Don't Talk About It
Post by: M7 on March 07, 2015, 04:40:16 pm
Finally had a little time to read this.

 "But if you try to skin that piece on me or my man over there, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the trigger 'til it goes click. Comprende?”

Great stuff as usual Ninja! K+++
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: cwmoss on May 20, 2015, 07:26:13 pm
This is a fantastic story NinjaStar. I hope that you can find a way to continue!
Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: gwhh on May 20, 2015, 09:52:27 pm
Love your story idea and love writing style.  Very easy to follow.

Some suggestion for your story:

Don't let her get to tall, keep her under 7 feet for sure.
Turn the male into a muscle bound freak also!

Title: Re: The Golden Idol
Post by: phil123 on October 17, 2015, 05:33:55 am

"Finally the growth begins" ....   Love it.  Looking forward to more.
Title: +Notable Author: [NinjaStar] Pumping Vengeance
Post by: NinjaStar on March 04, 2016, 07:23:15 pm
(A/N: I know that I've got some unfinished stuff that's been sitting for almost or at least a year here, but I want to start fresh. I want to do an honest to god FMG story, and that's what this'll be I promise. But here' s some exposition just to get it out of the way. Before anything else, I want to give a huge shout out to Poddy for the inspiration, the guidance, and the support. Certain elements of this story will be based off of his ideas, and I want to give full credit to him. You'll see what I mean in later chapters, but for now: )

Pumping Vengeance
By NinjaStar

Amber sat in her car, paralyzed by trepidation and the fear of discovery. She sat parked outside her boyfriend Matt's townhouse now for over twenty minutes agonizing about what she'd find. An unfamiliar car had been parked outside, and if her guess was right, had been there for some time now. Beads of early morning dew had collected all over the powder blue paint job and the windows. Someone had stayed the night.

Matt had gone dark. No text, nor phone call over the last week had reached him. No status updates on either Bookface, or InstaPix. What had happened to him? Nobody had seen hide nor hair of Matt, and she was worried. Amber prided herself on giving people space if need be, but to become totally incommunicado so out of the blue like that was unnerving enough to rouse her curiousity, which led here here, sitting in her car wringing her hands.

Amber didn't recognize the car, a Prius, by the looks of it. It could be one of Matt's friends from the gym, she supposed, but a niggling feeling at the back of her mind dispelled that notion. She just couldn't place it, but that car didn't belong to any man. Amber was sure of it.

Could Matt be seeing another woman? Would he? The had been dating for six months now, seeming to be a perfect couple. A chance encounter at the gym had ignited the spark between them, and a beautiful relationship had blossomed.

Amber was a fitness junkie. She liked lifting weights and being stronger and more muscular than the average girl. Being raised with brothers in a neighborhood full of boys did that to you. She had always played sports and favored 'boy' things like professional wrestling and action movies over anything deemed 'girly'. She wasn't and had never been ashamed to be a girl, but she hated the idea of being considered the 'weaker sex' just because of her gender. Anything boys could do, she could do and better. Unfortunately, such an attitude was not conducive to a strong love life. Boys were intimidated by her and would shy away when she came calling.

It wasn't because she was ugly, she knew that for a fact. Looking at herself in the rear view mirror, Amber gave her pretty features a once over. Short black hair was arrayed in a cute pixie cut with her bangs sweeping over to one side above her eye. Intensely blue eyes stared back at her that sparkled with life, but currently tinged with worry and self-doubt. She was twenty-one, but looked like she could be younger, with a vernally beautiful face replete with an attractively strong bone structure; chiseled cheekbones, a square, but feminine jawline, and her favorite feature of all, full, pouty, juicy, totally kissable lips. She was a beauty and she knew it. She was the girl that guys wanted and other girls hated by virtue of being in the same room with her.

Despite that, meeting Matt seemed like a bolt out of the blue. Dates were few and far between for her at that time in her life. Few men were willing to be with a girl who could embarrass them in the gym by lifting heavier with stricter form. Matt was different. He was an amateur bodybuilder, so that alone was a no-brainer. He was handsome, he was smart, he was funny, he was perfect. He wasn't intimidated at all by Amber and seemed to enjoy Amber's lean, athletic body and above average strength. But recently, further back than the last week, something had changed. Matt started getting more and more distant. He'd spend long stretches of time god knew where, and would only offer vague statements as explanations. Amber refused to pry, believing that he simply had personal issues to work out and resolved herself to give him space.

But even her patience had its limits.

This last week was the worst. His long periods of absence gelled into one and he seemed to drop off of the face of the earth. Nobody had been forthcoming with any information and she had gone bonkers with worry by the third day. What if he was hurt? What if he had been killed? What if... What if he had been with another woman?

Impossible! Unthinkable! Unlikely. Possibly. Maybe. Things are certainly shaping up to be that way...

Amber frowned, swallowing dryly and looking at the powder blue Prius parked in front of Matt's place.  Matt and Amber had mutually agreed to live separately. She certainly enjoyed his company, but it was nice to have a place of her own to relax and veg out sometimes. Sitting here now, she came to realize what Matt had meant by floating that idea out there.

I'm jumping to conclusions, Amber thought with a violent shake of the head. He's clearly just has company over, that's all. It doesn't mean it's another woman. Does it? Amber sighed in exasperation. It wasn't going to get any easier and she was never going to get answers sitting here wallowing in impotent vexation.

“Fuck it,” she steeled herself, opening the door and stretching up to her full height of 5'6”. Looking both ways, she simultaneously tried to jog across the street and look casual and unassuming as she approached the mystery car. The license plate read PRINCUS.

Prin-cus?” Amber mouthed in bewilderment. What the hell did that mean? Prink-us. Prin-cus. Prin-cuss. Prince-us. Prinsuss. Princess! Amber rocked back on her heels. Fucking Princess. Some stupid bitch thought she was cute enough to rate as 'Princess' Anything. Amber hated girls like that with their love of Starbucks and their stupid yappy minature dogs. Always with the heavily filtered angled selfies on InstaPix. Always with the duck lips. Always showing off their ass or their tits and wondering why guys were such animals. Girls who could have anything she wanted just by batting her fake-ass looking eyelashes at horny, thirsty guys and teasing their baser instincts with promises of sex.

Girls that took other girls' men right out from under them.

Amber felt anger boiling from within. As much as she wanted to disbelief the evidence, as much as she kept wanting to make excuses she knew Occam's Razor was in full effect here; the simplest explanations were always the best. Setting her jaw, she marched up to Matt's door and knocked. She squeezed her eyes shut in embarrassment at how softly she knocked. Doubtful anyone heard it. She knocked again, with more authority this time. Tuning her ears she heard muffled voices and shuffling. Everything was too indistinct to make out.

“Who is it?” came Matt's cautious baritone from behind the door.

“It's Amber,” she replied.

“A-Amber? Oh uh...” Matt turned away from the door and whispered something harshly that she couldn't make out.

“Yeah, y'know, Amber, as in your girlfriend whom you've disappeared on and worried half to death? That Amber,” she said caustically.

“Just gimme a sec would ya?” Matt complained, voice troubled as if attempting to do something that required dexterity, like putting on clothes in a hurry.

“I've already given you a week, Matt. C'mon, open up. I wanna talk,” Amber demanded, becoming annoyed at the delay.

The deadbolt thudded and the chain rattled before the door opened. Matt stood on the other side, surreptitiously blocking the doorway with his bulk. Amber let her eye wander just a bit. He still looked good. Tall, handsome, muscular, the perfect man. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and had on only a pair of unbuttoned jeans that had been thrown on in a hurry after spending quite sometime heaped on the ground. He looked frazzled, both as if he had just woken up, and that he was on edge.

“Hey,” he rumbled, trying to look non-chalant.

“Hey,” Amber repeated in a slightly mocking tone. “So, care to explain?”

“E-Explain what, babe?” Matt replied, obviously playing dumb.

Amber rolled her eyes. “Oh, I dunno. Maybe the week long absence would be a good place to start. Or maybe the car parked out in front? Or maybe who you have in there with you?”

“What? What car?” Matt sputtered. Amber glared at him.

“Seriously? The powder-blue Bitchmobile? The one belonging to Prink-us, or Prink-me, or whatever that cock-juggling Thunder-Cunt wants to call herself,” Amber said, shouting the insult into the townhouse.

“What are you talkin' about babe? There's no one else here! I-I don't know whose car that is!” Matt said.

“Oh really? Then why aren't you letting me inside?” Amber pressed him.

“Be-because it's a mess in here, an--”

“Oh spare the bullshit, Matt! Your place is always a sty!” Amber snapped, losing patience. “Lemme in!”

She ducked under his arm propped up in the jamb all casually, and darted into his home. An undercurrent of fuck-funk and bodyspray hit her in the nose. True to form, his place was a mess. Clothes were scattered everywhere, some Matt's, others belonging to a woman.

“B-Babe, wait!” Matt called after her, but she ignored him, storming deeper into this den of iniquity, looking for any sign of a person trying to hide. She heard the bathroom door shut. Matt bolted in front of her to stall her advance. “Babe I can explain!”

“I tried giving you a chance, Matt!” Amber declared. “Who is she?”

“Nobody!” Matt continued to lie.

“Goddammit! Don't lie to me! Who is she?!” Amber stomped upto him and screamed, tears of rage and pain stinging her eyes.

“Okay,” Matt relented, breathing nervously and running his meaty fingers through his buzz cut. “Okay. Yes, there is someone here, and yes, I've... slept with her.”

Though Amber knew the truth from the get go, it was more damaging to hear the truth from him. She felt like she had been punched in the stomach.

“Who?” she whispered, the fight bleeding out of her like the blood draining from her face.

“A-a f-friend,” said Matt vaguely.

“Goddammit Matt...” Amber croaked, biting back her tears.

“Okay! Okay. More than a friend,” Matt admitted weaselly. “We-- We've been seeing each other for a while now.”

“How long?” Amber rasped slowly unsure of whether she truly wanted to know.

“A few months now. I don't know how long exactly.”

“Behind my back?” Amber asked rhetorically. Her disbelief was overtaking her common sense at this point. Her mind raced. Her palms sweat. Her throat was dry. She staggered away and collapsed onto his couch, the couch that undoubtedly was swimming in bodily fluids. She ordinarily would have rather set fire to it before sitting on it, but her knees wouldn't lock. She felt sick.

Matt sighed and looked away. “Yes.”

“Why?” Amber sobbed, unable to hold herself back any longer. Matt moved to comfort her but she batted his hands away. “No! NO! Don't touch me! You don't get to touch me ever again, you pig!”

“Amber, listen--” Matt began.

“No! Why, Matt? Why? Aren't I enough for you? Don't you love me?” Amber bawled.

“Yes, of course I do, but--” Matt sighed in frustration. “It's-- It's complicated, okay?”

Complicated?” Amber parroted in between sobs. Matt sat next to her on the couch. She shrunk away, but he took hold of her and locked her in place.

“Yes, complicated. I know I fucked up, Amber. I'm man enough to admit that. I hurt you, and I'm deeply, truly sorry. I didn't want to make you upset--”

“Upset? Upset?! You think I'm fucking upset, you fucking pig?!” Amber shrieked in rage.

“I deserve that,” Matt said.

“No, you deserve worse than that, you asshole!” Amber choked out, wracked by another bout of sobs.

“You're right, I do,” Matt admitted.

A pall of silence fell over them, aside from Amber's sobbing and sniffling that she tried in vain to withhold. Matt sat silently and gracelessly next to her, a big, heavy lump of awkwardness. She could feel his body heat and it disgusted her whereas at one time it was nice and comforting. He just felt dirty to her now. Despoiled. She wanted to vomit. Both at him being so gross and awful and at herself for being so stupid. Of course. Of course this would happen. Why wouldn't it? What man would ever want her for who she is?

“Why, Matt?” she asked again once her tears subsided for the moment and her hackles lowered. Matt's mouth became a thin, grim line.


“Don't say 'I don't know' or 'I'm sorry' anymore! We're past that. Okay? Would you just tell me the goddamned motherfucking truth? Don't you owe me that at least?” Amber growled, getting angry again.

“Okay. Alright. Fine,” Matt yielded. He sighed and said, “If you really wanna know it's that... Well. You're too... big.”

Amber stared at him through rosy, tear-swollen eyes. “Too big?” she repeated in disbelief. Matt swallowed and fidgeted under her scrutiny.

“Y-Yeah...” he murmured, as if he knew how stupid his reasoning sounded. Before Amber could form the words, Matt interjected once more. “Look, I know it's shitty, but... It just... I don't know how to explain it. I just don't think girls should have muscles like that.”

Amber was dumbstruck. She was 'too big?' How could that be possible? She hardly broached fitness levels of muscle let alone physique! Sure she was more ripped and beefier than the average woman her age, but too big?!

“You're fucking insane,” Amber muttered in disbelief. “Y-You think that I'm-I'm-I'm-I'm too big?! Too big?! And that makes it okay to sleep around on me? To disappear for a fucking week and leave me  worried and concerned for your dumb ass, that you might be dead in a ditch somewhere for all I know?” Amber stood up, burning with indignant rage. “I'm too muscular for you? Is that it?”

"I'm sorry..." Matt said, unable to say anything else.

"You didn't have a problem with it before when we first dated!" Amber cried, totally gobsmacked that such a thing could erupt from his mouth.

“Well, I mean, it was kinda cute then. I haven't know any girls who could hang with me in the gym, but... I dunno. Lately it's like, gross kinda. I wanna reach out and touch someone soft, not all hard and muscly. I know it sounds dumb...” Matt admitted.

“Oh ho! It's not dumb, Matty boy!” Amber crowed mockingly. “Ha ha! In fact, it's perfect! Because now I know what kind of man you are! A little man. One who's intimidated by a girl.” Amber dropped all pretense of humor and glared at him. She knew she must've looked a mess having been whiplashed through a gauntlet of emotions, but she didn't care. Matt looked guilty, and he was, but she wasn't finished with him yet. She leaned in close, hands on her knees and met him in the eye. Matt couldn't meet her gaze. He knew he was wrong, but that wasn't enough.

“Tch,” Amber sucked her teeth disdainfully. Amber stood erect once more, looking down at her now ex-boyfriend with a cocktail of feelings swimming around in her brain and her heart. Anger, pain, loss, bemusement, desire, and despair all jostled around and vied for supremacy. She stormed over to the closed bathroom door. She pounded on it with angry fists. “Hey, Prink-us! You still in there?”

“Y-Yes?” she heard the small voice squeak from behind the door.

“I've got good news!” Amber announced jovially. “You wanna know what?”

“W-what?” the girl timidly inquired. Amber glared at Matt from across the way, still sitting on the couch in embarrassed defeat

“You want Matt so badly? Guess what! You can have him! And when he invariably gets tired of you, then you can play hot potato with the next girl! Have fun!” Amber declared, never taking her eyes off of Matt. She didn't wait for the girl's response. She walked past Matt, still staring him down. He wouldn't look at her. “Well, I guess this is it Matt. It's been fun,” she said.

“Amber, wait,” Matt said, getting up and coming over to her. She wheeled around, her eyes wide and expectant, as if she were eagerly awaiting his latest excuse, or attempt at comfort.

“What's there to wait about? You made your intentions clear for the first time in our relationship. Thanks for that. A little too late, but hey, what can ya do?” Amber shrugged mockingly.

“I don't want it to end like this,” Matt said contritely.

“Well, it is. And it could've been handled a fucking lot better, but it is what it is. To think that I loved you and agonized how I didn't deserve you. Now I see it's the other way around. So I wanna thank you in a way. You didn't deserve me. You never did. I'm gonna be the best you ever had, Matt. And you'll never get to have me again.”

And with that, she turned on her heels to leave. Reaching out to open the door, she turned one last time to look at him.

“Oh. One more thing. If you think I'm 'too big' now, just you wait, honey. I'm gonna blow your mind.”

She left his townhouse for the last time in her life, head held high, dreams clearly in sight. If Matt thought she was too big now, he had another thing coming.

Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on March 05, 2016, 01:42:47 am
Excellent first chapter, I have always enjoyed your writing, Valentina and Suzy are still very hot to me in terms of huge, strong muscle girls who despite their awesome frames, could be real people, they have real emotions, real problems, and it seems like you have a good foundation for Amber to become like them, hugely muscular, but not too Goddess like, imperfect, and I am guessing that she will meet the right guy along the way and the fun they have together will probably be thrown in her ex-boyfriends face. "You could've had this body wrapped around you every night, instead you decided to go for some little fluffy 'princess', does she really fulfill your sexual desires, well I don't give a crap because me and my new beau are screwing like rabbits every night." Anyway, looking forward to more. k+! 
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: JerusalemTulip on March 05, 2016, 04:34:17 am
Great first chapter NinjaStar, on one hand it would be great to read anything about your existing characters, but it would also be really hot to read about the experience of one of these girls making themselves into what they could be also.  You couldn't have picked a better writer to try and pattern a story on.  Poddy is top notch. 

It didn't make anyone's list on the "what I like to read about" topics, but one of the things that really help to separate your writing from a lot that I've read on here is how you choose all the right details for making experiences seem real.  The part where she knocks once softly and then again properly to be heard, is the kind of thing that gets elicited from direct questioning on a deposition; it isn't a touch that most writers would think to include when telling a story.  I also appreciate the bits of wry observation from Amber about girls and Occam's razor.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: iome60 on March 05, 2016, 12:19:49 pm
it is a truly nice surprise to read you again, NinjaStar, and it feels really good too: so, THANK YOU for sharing your work again.
I have devoured this fine first chapter, and I will patiently wait for the next!

k+  - but I could never applaud you enough
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: M7 on March 05, 2016, 01:18:21 pm
Very nice!  :clap: That was an entertaining read. Great job as usual Ninja. Glad to see you writing again and I'm really liking this new story. Looking forward to reading more and of course K+++
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Poddy on March 06, 2016, 07:33:40 am
You are certainly welcome NinjaStar!

I am sincerely flattered that you took the time to contribute to the PumpLabs universe. I can't wait to see how this turns out!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: fbbsmmh on March 07, 2016, 12:13:53 pm
Nice Job NS. K+ :clap:
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: NinjaStar on March 08, 2016, 10:51:38 pm
A/N: Wow, that was quite a response. Thanks everybody for showing the love. Jeremy, Jerusalem, thanks for the thoughtful responses. I would definately like to return to my main girls one day, but I can't really think of any situations to put them in as yet. Hey, if anyone is a fan of Valentina and Suzy and want to see more of them, please don't hesitate to give me any suggestions.

Certain elements of this story belong to Poddy. I'm merely borrowing them for a while.


Amber hopped off the steps to Matt's place, ignoring his various bromides. “We could work this out!” “This doesn't have to be like this!” It all fell on deaf ears. There was no turning back. She jumped into her car and sped away before the triumph she felt ebbed. Could it really be called a triumph? She hadn't buckled. She hadn't fallen to her knees and begged forgiveness like other girls. Forgiveness for what exactly? It was ingrained into the female condition to believe one was at fault for any misfortunes suffered in life, that it was easier to accept fault and move on than demand satisfaction when slighted.

That said, it was the hardest thing in her life to walk out that door and not spare one look back.

One more such 'victory' like that, and she'd be undone. A part of her had just died, and there was no real way to deal with that. What an awful week. Everything just turned to shit without warning. Fucking Matt. Fucking Prink-us. Fuck 'em all. She drove aimlessly, fingers gripping the steering wheel so tightly, she thought she was about to break her fingers. Her teeth pressed together, jaw muscles flexing and popping. There was no thought, just the pressing need to get as far away as possible.

Unable to take the silence, and unwilling to let any thoughts creep into her mind, Amber poked at the radio console of her car, linking up to Slacker. She needed something offbeat and dissociative so she chose Primus. De Anza Jig from Tales From the Punchbowl started up. Nice and silly. The banjo and Les Claypool's odd hillbilly warbling helped remove her from reality. For a while anyway.

She couldn't help but think of better times as Les went on, happily waxing nostalgic about people he used to know. Better times with Matt.

“Fuck,” she whispered painfully. The last six months were great, or so she had conditioned herself to believe. She felt loved, wanted. She wasn't just a girl who wanted to be 'one of the boys' like so many others before had labled her. She was who she was and she was loved for it, if only for a time. Tears came again.

Amber couldn't believe the words when Matt spoke them, and still couldn't mere moments later. Such disbelief would resonate for some time. 'Too big.' She was 'too big'. Too big for what? Love? How is that possible? Unable to process this and having no desire to shed more tears, she screamed in frustration, trying to ram the emotion down. Other girls cried. Amber toughed it out. Whenever the boys she apparently wanted to be one of would pick on her as a little girl, she wouldn't cry. She'd make them cry. A cutting remark, indefatigable skill, or good old fashioned fisticuffs would turn the tables right quick

But this time, nothing she could do would work.

Unable to take it, she jerked the wheel, turning abruptly into the parking lot of a strip mall housing a dollar store, a comic book shop, a gold for cash place, and a Subway. Thankfully, the parking lot was empty. She parked her car and killed the engine midway through the first bass lick of Golden Boy from The Brown Album. She dropped her head onto the steering wheel and let it out. No one would see, and if they did no one would care. Such was the way of things. Everyone has problems. Deal with it on your own.

Amber had never hurt like this before. This wasn't like her cat dying as a child, or being unable to try out for Pee-Wee football because she was a girl, this was real pain. Pain brought on by the proverbial rug being swept out from under her. Her whole world, everything she thought was true and good these last six months weren't even real. It wasn't even possible to crush this down or convert it into another emotion like she might if she stubbed her toe in the dark, or accidentally turned the wrong knob in the shower. This was emotion beyond control and she hated it. She hated a lot of things. She hated Matt. She hated Prink-us. She hated being alone.

And that's what she was.

Would it have been better if Matt had broken up with her to her face, or even something lame like a text, or if this were twenty years ago, a phone call? Hell, a 'Dear Jane,' letter would be acceptable. Infuriating, but at least it meant that Matt would've considered her feelings a bit more than, “Oh, hey, we're still dating? Oops.” A flowery, meandering supplication, an “it's not you, it's me,” would be preferable to simply being forgotten like an old stuffed animal. That's what hurt the most; Matt's surprise at seeing her come to his doorstep. He was having so much fun with his little fucktoy that last week's model seemed so inadequate to him it slipped his mind.

Matt was her longest relationship. She had dated other boys in the past, but none had lasted more than a few months at a time. One boy could've, if he hadn't moved away one summer. The others seemed to get weird when she showed them up at anything athletic. Naturally she gravitated towards those types. It seemed like a realistic fit; an athletic girl with an athletic guy. She could never seem to grasp the idea that maybe it wasn't such a good idea. Boys had such fragile egos. To be weaker, or slower than, or not as skilled as a girl was one of the most frightening things to them.

Her pride prevented herself from lowering her own standards for herself for anyone. If they couldn't handle her, that was their problem. But it was so tempting. Just reign it in, be more of a girly girl, she'd hear in her head sometimes. Amber would not bend, so it was well past time that she finally broke.

She slumped back into the seat. The tears had subsided. It felt like the last of it had come out. Maybe it was good, like leeching. Getting all that poison out of one's system. She couldn't recall the last time she had truly cried. It felt like years of buried, neglected sadness forming a tsunami within her and laying waste to all of her carefully constructed emotional defenses in one stroke. Amber felt tired. There was little left within her to do anything, but she couldn't just sit here.

Sniffling, she wiped her face, steeling her emotions once more, and looked into the mirror. Red, swollen, and puffy, she looked back at herself. What had she said back at... his place? You ain't seen nothin' yet? What did that mean? Was it merely idle talk spoken out of anger? Was she still reeling from the blow? Amber said a lot of things when she got upset. Most of them she came to regret sometime down the road for various reasons. But for some reason, the vow she made didn't seem like one of those things.

She had vowed to blow his mind.

How? Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was Amber's body. She had been lifting weights since her  middle school days in order to play better at all the sports she was involved in. It took her almost half her life up to this point to make her the woman she was today. It was just automatic. Three days a week, go to the gym. Eat right. Burn excess calories. But now, that seemed so... inadequate.

Somehow, and Amber didn't know how, she was capable of more. And she wanted more

A smile broke on her beautiful, tear swollen face. More. More muscle, more strength. With a rebel yell. More, more, more. It made sense to her now, and she kicked herself for ever letting it evade her thoughts. Up to this point, she had lived her life by her own rules, ignoring the call of what was expected of her and living how she wanted. Why should that change? Because one man said so? Fuck him. Fuck 'em all if they couldn't handle it. Was she so blinded by her supposed love of one man that she couldn't see how she might abandon her principles to appease him?

She was right, back there. Amber really should thank him. She may be alone now, but at least she was free. The way she saw it now, from a fresh perspective and with a clear head, she had some work to do.

She had, after all a promise to keep.

Looking towards the Dollar Store, she wondered if they had any posterboard.

Hours later, after some fruitless shopping, Amber sat at home in her modest once again bachelorette apartment trying to figure out what to make of the posterboard and office supplies she had run all over town to find. At the edges of her mind, she envisaged a chart, but a chart of what? Every good journey began with a plan in mind, but in her fury to put it all together, she almost forgot what she was about to embark on...

She wanted to redouble her efforts in the gym, obviously. But what was this chart meant to represent? Growth? Was she wanting to log her gains in some sort of roadmap? She didn't know what she had intended to do, but that sounded pretty cool.

Suddenly finding inspiration, Amber hopped up, and promptly stumbled, forgetting that she had been sitting crosslegged for some time now.

“Ow. Shit,” she hissed, shaking some feeling back into her legs. She hurried into her bathroom, patently ignoring the organized chaos of her sink to look into the mirror. She stripped off her clothes down to her underwear. Amber appraised her body like an overly critical art snob passing judgment on a sculpture. That's what she was, she supposed, a sculpture. Only one that barely resembled the finished  product, or so she really hoped.

Amber stood like a physique girl waiting to be told by the judges to hit a pose, shoulders spread, arms crooked and fingers splayed outwards. Ordinarily, Amber would like what she saw. Her body was toned and devoid of any unsightly fat. Her curves were hard and forged by many hours in the gym. But now, it just seemed so... inadequate. She looked flat, underdeveloped. The muscle tone that was deemed mere hours ago to be 'too big' simply wasn't big enough.

Her pretty face and head sat atop a stack-of-dimes neck, attached to slim shoulders and thin, weedy arms. Her chest was flat and devoid of anything vaguely three-dimensional, and her belly was missing the eight-pack she yearned for. Her waist and hips were fine, no excess fat there, but her legs just weren't going to cut it. She needed quads and calves that just bulged with muscle, not just merely considered to be shapely.

Amber quarter-turned to the right and witnessed more of the same. Her waist was nice and trim from any angle, and she wanted to keep it that way. Her butt was round and firm, the envy of white girls everywhere, but it just didn't... 'pop.' Nothing about her body 'popped'. It might be a good foundation, but there was so much to do and Amber felt like there was absolutely no time to do it in. Abandoning the pose, she stepped onto the scale, looking at her current weight. 118 pounds. Sickly. Anorexic, practically.

She ran back out into her living room to retrieve her phone. She raced back into the bathroom and thumbed off the security screen to reach her camera app. The mirror in her bathroom was simply not big enough to allow her to take a full-body shot like she wanted.

“Tch,” she sucked her teeth in annoyance. Note to self, she thought as she raised her camera to the perfect angle to snap a selfie. If this is gonna work, I'm gonna need a bigger mirror.

The camera shutter clicked. She pulled the phone closer to her face to analyze the shot. That one didn't work. She snapped again. This time here eyes were closed. Goddamn it. Once more. Hmm. It would have to do.

She left the bathroom with an objective. Amber headed over to her computer and fired it up. After a short period waiting, which seemed like an eternity, she was greeted by a picture of Matt and herself at the beach as her homescreen. Almost recoiling in horror, Amber mashed the buttons of her keyboard to send it away and tapped in her password. She had a lot of work to do, yet more obstacles seemed to present themselves in her way. Her desktop picture wasn't much better. Amber had laid her head on Matt's chest and taken a selfie with him at some point in the distant past. If she knew what was churning through his venal mind then, she never would've done so. She didn't want to look at it. Right-clicking, she flew through the commands to change the picture used as her homescreen and desktop pictures to something less vomit-inducing.

There was a folder in her pictures containing hundreds upon hundreds of pictures of them together. What was she thinking? Amber shuddered. Was she so in need of companionship and so disbelieving that something would go so horribly wrong that she needed hourly affirmation that she had a boyfriend? How disgusting! She had never felt more embarrassed about anything else she had ever done in her life. With little provocation, she deleted them and sent them through her anti-virus program's shredding function, consigning them to nothingness.

Next, she opened Firefox and went to her social media accounts. Bookface, Twinkler, and InstaPix all contained much of the same. Lovey-dovey, mushy-gushy, douchechilling bullshit that she got rid of not a moment too soon. There was nothing on any of her accounts worth saving. She closed them all without any remorse. The 'friends' she had on them were mostly people she knew through Matt. There was no reason to talk to any of them now, to read any of their inane statuses, or see any of their stupid pictures.

But she wasn't totally done with them. She reopened InstaPix and signed up again. Flying through most of the registration, she balked at the username. She had simply used her real name before, but that would make her too easy to find, if someone wanted to look her up. No, this needed to be done without any interference. This was a new life, she a phoenix born from the ashes--

That was it!

A phoenix! She was a phoenix! It only made sense. She had killed her old life, and was starting over again. In addition, Beth Phoenix was one of her all time favorite wrestlers, so it would have a double meaning. Amber felt especially clever. With a swell of pride, she punched in 'XxMusclePhoenixxX' as her username for InstaPix. This would prove useful yet. She began setting up her page.


The Muscle Phoenix Aspirant Female Bodybuilder, Muscle Freak, Born Again. Ain't nothin' gonna break-a my stride.

0 posts 0 followers 0 following'

If she played her cards right, that last line would change.

She had previously used it to follow several of her idols in the fitness industry, to look to them for inspiration, to say “One day that'll be me.” One day, the same would done by someone else about her.  But now, through her reopened eyes, they seemed so... inadequate. So limited. These women she worshiped  didn't have the extreme quality she was looking for now. Instead, she began following bodybuilders. All the fitness and physique competitors of yesterday forgotten. She did search after search, looking for the biggest, beefiest women she could find and followed them all.

Amber plugged her phone into the computer via one of it's USB ports and uploaded her latest selfie. It seemed embarrassing to post it now, but it further galvanized her to keep moving forward. Laugh now if you must, she thought, But this is only the beginning.

“This photo needs a caption,” she muttered to herself. Straightening her back, squaring her shoulders, she committed her fingers to the keyboard

'XxMusclePhoenixxX The first step on the road to greatness is the hardest. I don't care what I have to do, I'm gonna get HUGE!💪💪💪 #BeginAgain #GetBig #RealWomenHaveMuscles'

That was it. She had sent her declaration to the world. It was only a matter of time before someone else would read it. The selfie was the first of many charting her personal renaissance. They'd see. They'd all see.

The Muscle Phoenix would soar to new heights.

Somewhere across the world, in a server farm hidden away from prying eyes, a search algorithm scoured the internet for potential test subjects as it had millions of times that day, billions of times that week, and so on. It did what it was created to do; look for profiles meeting certain requirements on all the major social media sites. Various factors had to be satisfied, as the algorithm was programmed to look for key factors. Out of the millions and millions of social networking profiles they were all filtered, parsed, ran through a battery of 'if-else' subroutines that narrowed the search down to one. One hit. North America.

An electronic red flag was thrown, alerting the computing staff monitoring the program to one potential test subject, the one they were looking for. People scrambled. Calls were made, information was exchanged and verified, and the order came down from the top; watch, do not engage. The CEO had a hand in every cookie jar they made. She made the company what it was through careful screening and selection of test subjects. Only the best possible candidates would be selected, no exceptions. She knew this was only the beginning of the first step, and one that was not yet reliable. Such false positives were made before. The sorting algorithm was effective, but not perfect. Not every hit could be relied upon without further investigation. The CEO was patient. They would wait, she decreed, after the information labored its way to her desk and she reviewed it in full. Still so many gaps and grey areas to work out. Her various teams working in the area would research and and see what this potential client had to offer.

PumpLabs International was always looking for new test subjects, but the problem was finding the right ones. Ones that would be open to new possibilities, ones that could be trusted to perform, ones that would agree to just about anything they were asked. And most importantly, ones that would keep their mouths shut. The labs were always working overtime to push the envelope as far as human development was concerned, some of the fruits of their labors were too powerful to be released just yet. The need for refinement and retooling was ever present. Rolling out the first iteration of the PumpSuit was successful. Nearly every prototype sent out had done it's job to a T. But, like any good project, there was continuous room for improvement. The PumpSuit Mk.II has just gone live, and PumpLabs International was looking for it's inaugural test subject.

The CEO would remain cautiously optimistic. This girl they had found. Nothing was known about her, but the company had the best e-findsmen in the world, working day and night to uncover the truth as necessary. They would not go off half-cocked. She had not devoted her life to perfection only to fail now. Too much was riding on the experiment to allow it to fail. They would continue as always, waiting in the wings to see what would come of this girl they had found. Still, the CEO smiled. After months of fruitless searching, they had finally found one who might bring the project to new heights.

She may yet be the answer they were looking for...
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on March 08, 2016, 11:10:15 pm
Okay, I like that she has the desire to get bigger, a goal in mind and she looks like she's willing to do anything to get there. That is always a fun way to start. I don't know how big I see her getting, but I guess that's why we're here, to watch her develop as the story develops, I'm looking forward to it. And good call on Beth Phoenix, she was definitely one of my favorite female wrestlers of all time too. k+!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: JerusalemTulip on March 09, 2016, 04:27:03 am
This is not only enjoyable to read, but I think it serves as a good example of how to write with emotion.  Not many people try to do it, and I suspect most (like me) aren't that happy with their own results. 

Amber is presented with tremendous conflict (rejection/deception/betrayal/need for validation/need to move on etc.), and probably plenty more later if my suspicions about PumpLabs prove true.  This conflict has turned her character alive.  In processing her breakup and new resolution, she is forced to be honest, inward looking, even ruthless.  This means NinjaStar was doing the same.  He had to see the world from her perspective, think the way she thinks (which may be different from the way he thinks), feel what she feels.  Unless a writer does this first, there is no chance that any of his/her readers can do the same.  The whole process indeed helps set up the conflicts.

Very well done.  Hope you can stay motivated to keep at this. 
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: M7 on March 10, 2016, 11:16:15 am
"cock-juggling Thunder-Cunt" lol!!  :D

Anyway, nice continuation. I like how the story is unfolding. Great work as usual Ninja.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: iome60 on March 10, 2016, 05:21:06 pm
I am beginning to like this tale very much... very nice, and deeply thought second chapter!
the main character is so accurately developed, and so soon in the plot. I really, really enjoy your writing!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Online1138 on March 11, 2016, 02:25:22 am
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"cock-juggling Thunder-Cunt" lol!!  :D

Anyway, nice continuation. I like how the story is unfolding. Great work as usual Ninja.
The line is cribbed from 'Blade Trinity'. It IS a good line, though.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: M7 on March 12, 2016, 01:47:00 pm
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
"cock-juggling Thunder-Cunt" lol!!  :D

Anyway, nice continuation. I like how the story is unfolding. Great work as usual Ninja.
The line is cribbed from 'Blade Trinity'. It IS a good line, though.

Ah, I see. K+  I didn't see that movie.

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This is not only enjoyable to read, but I think it serves as a good example of how to write with emotion.  Not many people try to do it, and I suspect most (like me) aren't that happy with their own results. 

Amber is presented with tremendous conflict (rejection/deception/betrayal/need for validation/need to move on etc.), and probably plenty more later if my suspicions about PumpLabs prove true.  This conflict has turned her character alive.  In processing her breakup and new resolution, she is forced to be honest, inward looking, even ruthless.  This means NinjaStar was doing the same.  He had to see the world from her perspective, think the way she thinks (which may be different from the way he thinks), feel what she feels.  Unless a writer does this first, there is no chance that any of his/her readers can do the same.  The whole process indeed helps set up the conflicts.

Very well done.  Hope you can stay motivated to keep at this. 

Agreed with JerusalemTulip. K+  Also very well put sir.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: NinjaStar on April 15, 2016, 08:57:36 pm
A/N: Thanks for the response and sorry for the long delay since last time. Yes, I am a shameless thief with movie lines. I promise that I'll get the ball rolling a in a bit, but for now, here's more boring exposition.

Nearly a year later.

Amber reflection stared back at her through the full-length mirror she bought and set up in her bedroom. She stood in a black sports bra and thong, eyeing her body for the millionth time, taking note of her changing physique. She couldn’t help but beam as she angled her phone to take a new selfie for her InstaPix followers. Using the front camera so she eyeball the shot with her screen, she snapped a pic of her burgeoning pectoral cleavage as she pulled the front of her tank-top down some. Her chest was really filling out, she thought with a spreading smile. When she started, she was merely flat-chested, with only a hint of muscle. She still had a way to go yet before she could truly declare her small slabs of chest muscle as true pecs, but she found it useful to keep a positive mental image.

The past nine or ten months had been beneficial for her. She felt good, liberated. She had found her true calling. The iron had given her a new lease on life, and her ever-growing legion of InstaPix followers had given her the affirmation she needed to keep going. Her fairly tidy and spartan apartment had turned into an archive of sorts. She created a massive pin board loaded with sticky notes, magazine clippings, and printed pictures of massively muscled women that she hoped to emulate as motivation. Her television and PlayStation 4 had gone untouched for months. Most of her free time was spent on the computer doing research or camming. There just wasn't enough time in the day for anything else. Even her off-days were spent obsessing over the future and her goals.

Her social media campaign had paid off. Her InstaPix was up to five-hundred followers now under her own steam. Almost all the comments she received were horny guys who thought she was God's gift to women. No doubt most of her male followers started liking her pics after she started doing webcam sessions for some extra money. She was a bit hesitant at first to cam, fearing some creeps would start stalking her, or propositioning her nonstop. So far, nobody was untoward to her as of yet, and, truth be told, she enjoyed the fact that there were lots of guys who liked a girl with muscle. It made her feel sexy, powerful, to flex her budding sinews, and if she could turn a buck or two doing it, so be it. Her camming had supplemented her income somewhat, at least enough to allow her to spend a little bit more on supplements. A few followers on InstaPix were from fellow girls who saw her as a kindred spirit and motivational icon. It surprised her to know that there were other women out there who looked to her for motivation. Either way, it was heartening to log on and see another few followers joined, or more positive comments on her latest pictures.

Five-hundred fans in the world, she reflected to herself for the millionth time. And that was just by word of mouth alone. She barely advertised herself elsewhere. They ate up ever pic she could send them. The love and acceptance they showed her was worth putting herself out there as she was. She was feeling more comfortable in her own skin now more than ever.

She looked over her latest shot, and deemed it worthy of sharing.

“Someone better call 911 because im bouta kill my chest,” she typed in a flurry and uploaded it via her phone’s IP app. Five-hundred and twenty seven followers now, she noted. She seemed to swell larger with pride reading some of the flattering comments in some of her previous posts. They ran the gamut of being called beautiful, sexy, marriage proposals, ‘u go grrl’ and others. They were all very nice to read and gave her the inspiration to keep going.

Today was chest, shoulders, and back day, and Amber had been looking forward to it. Her chest was her favorite muscle to work, though only marginally. She loved working it all, loved watching herself grow and get stronger. She loved that she was having to start thinking about buying new clothing soon. She crossed the hallway into her bathroom and stepped lightly onto her bathroom scale as she had obsessively for quite some time now. One-twenty five and some change. She had gained seven pound of lean muscle mass in less than a year. Though she was falling short of her self-imposed and patently absurd objective of ten in a year, seven pounds clean was amazing for a girl who was well into her lifting career. All the articles she read about such things frequently told her that women can’t gain mass, or tried to reassure women that they wouldn’t bulk up if they decided to start lifting heavy. She wasn’t interested in girl magazines anyway. Amber wasn’t trying to merely be toned. She wanted mass, and it didn’t seem like anyone at Muscle & Fitness, or Muscular Development wanted women to gain any. She was proving them wrong just by being, and that made her smile even wider. She remembered to give thanks to her parents for her amazing genetic potential.

She hopped off the scale, squeezed into some spandex shorts and athletic shoes, collected her gym bag, placed her phone on her arm band, took her jug of water out of the fridge and went to her home away from home.


Planet Wellness was the last place she ever thought she would set foot in to begin her journey for mass. Yet, as she stood outside the establishment, here she was. The purple lowercase font of the sign loomed overhead as a constant reminder.

This last year was totally crazy for her. It was like Amber had become a whole different person. She had changed gyms; it would be unseemly to hang around The Nitro Muscle and Fitness Gym, especially if he who shall not be named was going to still be there. Not to mention, she wanted to save a bit of money, and the monthly fees were expensive.

Instead, Amber quit her share of the membership and joined, against her better judgment at the time, Planet Wellness, the McDonald's of the gym world. It was a bolt out of the blue. A location had opened up mere blocks from her apartment. A flyer had been stuck to the windshield of her car one morning advertising the fact. Her building had a small, cramped weight room in the basement that she had resigned herself to using after canceling her share of the membership at Nitro, but she was not looking forward to using it. It was small, it was dank, the weights were old and rusty, and not to mention all the creeps living in her building didn’t make the prospect any sweeter.

Despite their hostility towards bodybuilders, Planet Wellness wasn’t as bad as she thought. Amber went five days a week later in the mornings if she could help it, avoiding the rush of wannabes and time-wasters of the afternoons and evenings. Planet Wellness was not the ideal place to go if you wanted to pack on some serious muscle, Amber could admit, but it was inexpensive, and the hop, skip and jump away from her apartment allowed her to walk or jog there was appealing. Still, she missed the energy of Nitro. Planet Wellness was like a study hall or a library compared to Nitro.

There was no noise, no personality. It was a chain of gyms made to trick fat middle-aged people into thinking they could lose the weight they gained after overeating on the holidays. Amber was pretty much the only girl there who used the weights, and she was sure that she was the strongest person, male of female, at the gym whenever she went. Nitro had loud, garish metal or gangsta rap thumping in the background while macho assholes swore and screamed as they threw some weight around. Planet Wellness played terrible Top 40s pop nonsense that was perfectly audible over the dull roar of the treadmills and inane conversation of people who came to talk instead of work out. Nitro smelled of sweat and spilled protein shakes, whereas Planet Wellness smelled of cheap, commercial air freshener. Still, it was inexpensive. The money Amber saved by not going to Nitro went into her quest.

She headed inside to stake her claim over by the free weights. She was in luck, there wasn’t anyone in this morning.

“Aw, yiss,” she said with soft triumph and a fist pump. She set her bag and water down , logged in to Slacker, found an appropriate music channel to listen to, settling on a custom station featuring a mix of hardcore punk and 80s thrash and 90s groove metal before she began a warm up set of push-ups to get the blood flowing. Suicidal Tendencies Send Me Your Money from Lights... Camera… Revolution! was the first track. She couldn’t help but get excited as she pushed herself up and lowered herself down. She loved chest day. She loved all exercises really. The prospect of the pump, with all the blood swirling around in her muscles after each set, the heady rush of endorphins, the delicious soreness she felt the next day, all of it made her excited. The set of twenty push-ups went by quickly, with Amber easily and cleanly lifting herself up without slowing or tiring with perfect form.

Sufficiently warmed up, she headed over to the free weights, looking over them like a kid in a toy store. Her blue eyes raked the dumbbells, from the measly two pounders all the way to the massive one-twenties that she dreamed of using one day. Amber loved to lift heavy, which was good for muscle growth. But it’s not good to jump right into heavy lifting first thing in the workout. She settled on twenties to start with and began her first super-set of dumbbell presses, followed immediately by dumbbell flies.

She found a workout plan that suggested twelve reps for three sets, but Amber knew the kind of muscle fibers that yield the greatest power are also those that grow the most. The only way to stimulate growth is working within the power zone which is three to six reps per set. Heavier weights made bigger muscles, so she scaled the reps down to half, but with heavier weights with each set. Banging them out, Amber rested for a minute and moved on to the next set.

As Amber settled onto her last set, she saw someone out of the corner of her eye necessitating a yelp of surprise and a double take. Amber nearly dropped her weights she was prepared to lift. It was a girl, about her age with her hair pulled into a ponytail and clad in yoga attire. She dashed forward to help Amber with an apologetic grimace on her face. Attractive, tan, not very tall, but with slight muscle tone ridged beneath her golden-brown skin. She seemed to be patiently waiting for Amber to notice her before she actually did. Amber’s heart raced. She had been so focused on the pump and her music prevented her from hearing what went on around her.

She set the barbells on the ground and took a minute to catch her breath. Amber looked up at the girl with annoyed confusion plastered on her face. She took the earbuds out and addressed her.

“Something on your mind?” Amber asked sharply.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, or interrupt your set,” the girl said contritely. “It’s just that I wanted to ask you, is your name Amber Woods?”

Amber settled her attention, becoming more intrigued than annoyed, but still remained a little peeved that her workout was going to be delayed for the foreseeable future.

“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Amber asked, studying the girl’s pretty face and cross-referencing it against the database of faces she had collected over the years. Only, she was terrible with names. This girl didn’t look familiar at all.

“...Not-not o-officially. No,” the girl replied shiftily, looking off to the side for a beat. “We did, uh, have a bit of a run in several months ago. A-at Matt’s place...”

“Matt…?” Amber echoed in confusion. Her eyes bulged when she finally caught on to the girl’s meaning. “Prink-us!” Amber cried, drawing a wounded flinch from the girl. “You’re Prink-us!”

“Um, St-Stephanie,” she corrected meekly. “But, yes, that was me.”

“So, you’re that asshole’s side-piece,” Amber stated, making Stephanie blink in surprise. “What the hell do you want?” Amber demanded angrilly. Why the hell would this bitch go out of her way to bother her? Just to rub it in? Did she know how badly Amber had longed to haul off and deck this bitch in the mouth? Here she was, at last, in the fucking flesh, served on a silver platter. She was playing Russian Roulette with a magazine-fed pistol.

“Well...” Stephanie began quickly, perhaps sensing her time was short. “I sorta, y’know, noticed you a while back and thought that you looked familiar somehow. It dawned on me that you were Amber, Matt’s ex and I tried to drum up the courage to talk to you and, y’know, apologize for what happened. I didn’t know Matt was seeing anyone and if I had, I never would’ve messed around with him in the first place. I’m like, really, really sorry that happened and wish I could go back and warn myself about him,” she blurted. “I know you probably hate me, and that I’m willing to accept, but I just want to tell you that I didn’t mean to hurt you or be a home wrecker and that I’m really sorry. Truly. Like One-hundred percent.”

Amber sat and digested that for a beat. The anger inside just sort of… fizzled. It was a lot to take in. A forcible reminder of stings past. While she had kept her goal of showing up that big oaf at some point in the future, she had been too busy getting over that and just living to bother holding the grudge too closely. Things had been great until now. Everything on the up. She still hated the fucker, and thought she hated Prink-us-- Stephanie, yet here she was owning up to her indiscretions and making amends. She seemed genuine. Why else would she go to the trouble of approaching Amber with telling her who she was? She could’ve gone through life without ever speaking to her and Amber would never have been the wiser.

“Could you ever forgive me?” Stephanie pressed, clasping her hands hopefully in front of her in a conciliatory manner.

Amber was at a loss for words. She opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. She tried again, but still nothing. Finally, she said, “Why-why are you telling me this? How did you find me?”

“I just happened across you and recognized your face from Matt’s Bookface account from a while back. He still has several pictures of the two of you together last I checked, and like I said, I thought you looked familiar so I put two and two together.”

“You two are still…?” Amber trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Stephanie’s eyes bulged in horror.

“Oh! No, no-no! No,” she added, unable to answer fast enough. “Absolutely not. No. I left him the same day you did, matter of fact. When you came over, I hid in the bathroom because I was afraid something would happen. I’m a coward, I know. While you and he were screaming at each other, I logged on to his Bookface since he left his phone on the charger in there and didn’t bother locking it to do a bit of corroborating research. Lo and behold, I saw you on his profile and had everything I needed. After you left, I left him, like maybe a minute or two later. No joke.”

“You really didn’t know?” Amber asked warily.

“Not at all. We didn’t start getting closer until right around that time anyway. It just started out as a once and a while thing. I wasn’t really looking to commit, having come off of a bad breakup. It was just meant to be a meaningless thing, but I started to fall for him, against my better judgment. Huh. Hindsight’s always twenty-twenty, isn’t it?”

“Preaching to the choir, sister,” Amber muttered.

“Yeah, I guess I would be. I confronted him after you left and asked him if he ever planned on telling me he already had a girlfriend, and he was all weasily, and ‘Babe this’ and ‘Babe that’ and ‘I was gonna get around to it,’” Stephanie said, dropping her voice an octave to make herself sound like a big dumb asshole. Amber snorted in amusement. She had him almost exact. Stephanie shuddered and stuck her tongue out. “Ugh! It was just so disgusting, what happened. I had had enough, and told him to go fuck himself after that.”

“Ha,” Amber uttered, cracking a smile despite herself. She could relate.

“So, to answer your question, why am I telling you this?” Stephanie paused, frowning in thought before continuing. “To clear my conscience. Rebalance my karma. Own up to my mistakes. That sort of thing. So, what do you say? You forgive me?”

Amber took a deep, cleansing breath. The tightness in her chest had gone. She no longer felt any real enmity towards this chick. She shrugged. “Sure, what the hell.”

Stephanie beamed. She was rather pretty. Amber hated to admit it, but she could see why Matt might go  for a chick like her. She was cute. “Great!” she jubilantly squealed, causing Amber to wince slightly. Perhaps a bit cacophonous, she thought. Nobody’s perfect. Stephanie leaned in to throw her arms around Amber in a tight hug.

“Haha,” Amber uttered, unenthusiastically returning the hug. “Okay, that’s enough, now.”

Stephanie giggled with joy. “That’s such a relief! I though you were wanting to kick my ass or something!”

Thought had crossed my mind, Amber snarked internally. “Nah,” she said diplomatically. “I’m not one to hold grudges.”

“I knew you were cool!” Stephanie said.

“Uh huh. Well, it was… interesting, meeting you and clearing the air, Steph, but I kinda wanna finish my workout if you don’t mind. I can feel my pump leaving,” Amber said, feeling like she was in Fallout and having completed a quest and exhausted any and all possible conversation options with Stephanie, didn’t see any real reason to keep interacting with her.

“Oh! Of course! But, one last thing,” she replied. Amber groaned internally.

“Yes?” she inquired with as much sweetness as she could muster.

“I heard what you said.”

“...About?” Amber engaged her, raising a prompting eyebrow.

“Y’know,” Stephanie said, leaning forward and shielding her mouth conspitatorily. “Getting bigger.”

“Why are you whispering?”Amber inquired.

“I don’t know,” Stephanie replied blanking, apparently just realizing what she was doing. She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. Lookit, I wanna help.”

Amber guffawed. “You?!” she choked out, trying her best not to laugh. “No offense sweetie, but I don’t think you could teach me anything I don’t already know about bulking up.”

“No, not me,” Stephanie replied in annoyance.

“You said you wanna help,” Amber countered.

“I know that, but what I meant was, I wanna hook you up with some people who can,” Stephanie replied. She crouched down next to her gym bag that she had set on the floor while waiting for Amber earlier.

“’People’?” Amber repeated skeptically.

“Yeah, people...” Stephanie replied absently, rifling through her bag. “No, that’s not it. Oh, c’mon! I knew I put it in here!” she complained, unable to find what she was looking for. Amber glanced down at her wrist, making believe that there was a watch there. “Aha!” Stephanie crowed in triumph. She pulled out a small, white business card and handed it to Amber.

She took it and glanced over it. ‘PumpLabs International,’ it read. ‘Total Human Optimization.’ There was a phone number beneath the words.

“What’s this?” Amber inquired, casting a look at Stephanie to gauge her reaction.

“They can help you. Give them a call. Trust me,” she replied with a smile and wink. Amber felt disinclined to trust her.

“...That’s not a lot to go on, Steph,” Amber said drily.

“Give ‘em a call when you get a chance if you wanna know more,” was all she said, pulling out her phone. “Damn. I gotta run. Listen, it was nice talking to you for a bit and burying the old hatchet.”

“...Yeah. Likewise,” Amber replied somewhat disingenuously, politely gesturing with the card Stephanie handed her as she waved and left. Amber glanced at the card once more. ‘Total Human Optimization,’ she read. What the hell did that even mean? It probably was a crock of shit, anyway. She slid the card into her arm band between her phone and the pouch, and continued on with her workout.


Stephanie waited until she was a good distance away out of view, watching Amber begin a set of shoulder raises with the dumbbells. She was progressing nicely. Taking her phone and selecting the single number pre-entered in the contacts list, Stephanie set out to complete her mission. The line rang exactly once before a voice came through on the other end.

“It’s done. Phase one complete,” she said.

“Good,” the voice replied. The line went dead. Stephanie wasted no time disassembling the phone, and removing the SIM card to be destroyed.

All that was left to do was wait on Amber’s next move.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: JerusalemTulip on April 16, 2016, 02:05:06 pm
I can probably count on one hand the number of stories on here that would have a girl gain seven pounds over the course of her first year and acknowledge that it actually represents great progress.  I like the realism and I like the way it sets up temptation for Amber.  She naturally has no reason to trust the organization on that business card, and they need to be able to offer something beyond this realism in order to tempt her.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: iome60 on April 16, 2016, 04:03:22 pm
very well written, ninjastar: it's captivating!
now I am wondering what are Amber's plans other than getting bigger (and hopefully a lot stronger): what is she doing other than working out?
will she meet a man right for her? or will she reconnect with Matt?

ah, I just finished reading, but my hunger is unyelding...
thanks for your great work!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: M7 on April 17, 2016, 12:22:29 am
I'm liking the "boring exposition." Agreed with Jerusalem about the realism.  Great writing as usual Ninja. K+++  Lookin forward to seeing how Matt will have to deal with Amber in the future.  >:D
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Jeremy Lightning on April 17, 2016, 01:45:45 am
Great writing, I liked what I read here a great deal, I'm thinking that maybe Stephanie was a plant, that she had seduced her boyfriend just for being the reason that Amber would want to get even more muscular, her appearance here, especially the covert phone call and the destruction of the phone points to a possibly larger role in the universe. I am looking forward to more! k+!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: jdm022 on April 18, 2016, 08:11:40 pm

Great job NinjaStar,

I love the character development.  I Look forward to the upcoming chapters!!!

Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: urbanspaceman83 on April 21, 2016, 11:57:07 pm
I'm intrigued and am also seeing great potential in this story, NinjaStar! I'm wondering if Stephanie is only pretending that she was ever involved with Matt. Maybe the organization got that information about Matt through other methods (hacking into Matt's phone, interrogation). K+!
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: NinjaStar on November 02, 2016, 02:23:28 am
I AM A GREAT NECROMANCER, RISE MY CREATION, ONCE AGAIN JOIN THE LIVING... KLAATU. BARADA. NECKTIE, er, NICKEL, fuck, something like that, you get the gist. Thanks for taking an interest, guys. I really appreciate the responses, and like the questions being asked. Some of you may be on to something. I hope this will be well received and I promise to start the muscle soon. This little bit should be the last of the fluff.


Amber found herself unable to concentrate.

The last set of her workout went badly. Her usual rhythm was thrown out of whack by Stephanie’s intrusion. Is that what it was? An intrusion? All the girl wanted to do was apologize for her hand in what had happened. Amber couldn’t help but respect that, perhaps respect that enough to cross her name, which she had just learned oddly enough, from her mental hit-list. Only one name topped that list now, one that Amber didn’t want to think about just yet, anyway. He’d get his. One day. But that was a ways off yet.

Amber didn’t know what the issue she was having was. She was trying to complete some shoulder raises, yet she was having trouble focusing. As much as she wanted to blame Prink-us-- Stephanie for killing her flow it was as much something else as it was the little meet-and-greet that just occurred moments ago. She tried to bust out her sets while looking in the mirror to make sure her form was good, but her eye kept drifting to the white card stuffed in her armband.

‘PumpLabs International,’ was a company that Amber was not familiar with. ‘Total Human Optimization,’ sounded like typical supplement company bullshit. They’d tell you anything if you bought their products. It was nebulous enough to mean anything. Stephanie said they could help not that they would.

They’re probably nothing major, Amber thought, somewhat sourly. They probably peddle some  stupid ‘all-natural, holistic’ horseshit that doesn’t even work. Worst case scenario, it’s a scam, in which case I’ll tell ‘em to put and egg in their shoe and beat it, best case I’ll get a new shaker or a weight belt, or a fucking t-shirt out of the deal. Whoopie. They sure could help, Steph. Thanks for the hookup.

And what would she tell them, if asked? ‘How did you find us?’ ‘Yeah, some random encounter with a  chick I don’t really know, who’s probably going to get a commission from me name dropping her in this conversation, handed me this card and told me you could help me put on some serious muscle mass--*click* Hello?’

Amber winced as she raised the dumbbell once more, trying to focus more on the burning muscle than the pessimism that soured her thought process, but it just wasn’t happening.

“Fuck it,” Amber cursed, deciding enough was enough. Amber just wasn’t in the right frame of mind. She had put time in, and she felt a pump permeating her chest and shoulders, but it wasn’t outstanding like it usually was. She went over to the rack and set her choice of dumbbells back in the empty slots. She irritably unwrapped her sweaty armband with a horrendous tearing of Velcro that seemed to erupt out of the relative quiet of the gym floor. The card stuck to her sweaty arm. It seemed to be made of sturdy stuff instead of simple stiff paper.

She peeled it away and looked at it for the millionth time. PumpLabs International, she read again. Seems like the kind of corporation that was ‘international’ would be more well known if it were truly what it was represented to be. She was about to mull it over some more, when she heard a voice from behind.

“Excuse me,” called out a mellow male voice. And whipped her head around to see a rather handsome man she had never seen before standing there. He wasn’t super tall, maybe only a few inches taller than her own 5’6”, but he was very good looking and in tremendous shape.  He looked to be the kind of guy that worked out intensely, but wasn’t trying to be as big as possible. His tight shirt filled out in all the right places, as Amber’s blue eyes indulged themselves for a moment.

“Um… yes?” she replied, mentally kicking herself for checking him out so obviously. If he noticed, or seemed put off, he didn’t show it. Her cheeks burned. She was hoping her hot, sweaty skin mitigated the blush that so aggressively attacked her face.

“Would you mind if I squeezed in here?” he asked, pointing to the rack of dumbbells she had just finished with.

Amber struggled to think of what to say. “Of course!” she blurted out nervously, trying in vain to bite down the last syllable of an unnecessary shriek brought on by nerves. “I-I mean, not at all!” she hastily added with a nervous smile. “I’m just finishing up, matter of fact.” She moved to wipe off the bench from her sweat and hastily picked up her things to allow him room. “All yours,” she said, inviting him to do what he was waiting for.

“Oh, cool, thanks,” the man said, moving into the dumbbell area and selected the two she had just got done using. “You were using these, weren’t you?”

“Huh?” Amber stared blankly.

“These twenties,” he replied, jiggling the weights for emphasis, voice tinged with admiration. “I think it’s cool when girls go heavy. Not something you see every day.”

“Oh... well… I, uh, thanks,” she muttered inarticulately, feeling her face go nuclear. She hitched up her bag and nearly empty water jug. “I, uh, have to get going,” she sheepishly made a vague gesture to the side to indicate she was off. He looked at her strangely, face betraying what exactly? Disappointment? Embarrassment? Amber didn’t know, but whatever he was feeling, it was nothing compared to how she felt at this moment. Not knowing what else to say, she offered him an awkward smile, and turned to leave. Mere steps later, he called out to her.

“Hey, wait!” he said, coming behind her. Amber turned to look at him. “Before you go, name’s Shane.” He extended his hand.

“Oh, A-Amber,” she replied, chewing her lip nervously.

“Amber,” Shane repeated. “Pretty name.”

Damn you, Amber thought, her face so hot it felt ready to start melting like she just opened the Ark of the Covenant. Just when she thought she was out, he kept making her blush. “Th-thank you,” she said instead. “Shane, huh? W-well thats, uh...” Amber made a face, wracking her brain to think of something complimentary to say about it.

“...Something a lit nerd would name his child,” Shane answered for her with a handsome little smile.

“Huh?” Amber said, puzzled. Shane looked at her strangely.

“What, you never read Shane by Jack Schaeffer in school? Y’know ‘Shane, come back!’”

“No,” Amber said, shaking her head slightly.

“Never saw the 1953 movie with Alan Ladd, Jean Arthur, and a young Jack Palance either, huh?”

“N-no, can’t say that I have,” Amber admitted sheepishly. Great, she thought. Now he was going to think she was dumb and uncultured.

“Oh, well,” Shane shrugged. “I couldn’t avoid reading it since my dad was my 7th grade English and Literature teacher.”

“Eee, that must’ve been rough,” she commented.

“It wasn’t so bad. Got me into college, I guess.”

“I guess my parents were really into Jurassic Park or something,” Amber interjected. Shane blinked.

“Really?” he said, chewing over what she just said. Amber herself was unsure whether or not that what she had just blurted out was even relevant. She redoubled her blushing, inwardly kicking herself for being so awkward around guys. “Oh!” Shane cried, slapping his forehead. “I getcha. 'Cause of the mosquitoes in the amber, right?” He let out a little chuckle that Amber wasn’t entirely sure was or wasn’t for her benefit. Hearing it made her feel good though, rescuing her non-sequitur from the ‘dud’ pile.

“Right,” Amber bluffed.

“Good one,” Shane said, patting her on the shoulder. “Ooh, solid,” he commented favorably. Amber could’ve died at that moment. She squeezed her thighs together and chewed her lip nervously. “Well, I shouldn’t keep you,” Shane said, giving her a warm, inviting smile. “It was nice meeting you, Amber.”

“Y-yes, likewise,” she replied.

“See you around?” Shane asked, gesturing vaguely at the gym.

“Yes, I’ll be here,” Amber said a little too quickly and eagerly.

“Cool,” Shane said, not selling her nervousness, giving her a wink and going back to the dumbbells.

Amber stood there, watching him go, seeing him pick up the twenties she forgot to rerack for him and proceed to curl. She watched his biceps fill his shirt’s sleeves with both envy and a little bit of lust. Her eyes trailed all over his body as he stood curling. Okay, a lot of lust. She really didn’t know who this guy was, but he was hot. It wasn’t long before she realized that he knew she was goggling at him. The smirk on his face was well hidden, but he allowed enough interest to show while pretending to pay it no mind.

Her face became as the sun.

She turned and left.


The shower was pleasant and much needed. She regretted not showering at the gym, but she didn’t think she could face Shane again after making a total blushing schoolgirl out of herself on the chance that he met her again between leaving the women’s locker room and the door. Instead, she elected to walk the short distance back home, stinky and sweaty but at least with some dignity intact. Part of her dreaded going tomorrow in case he was there again, but enough of her looked forward to it.

It had been a long time since she had been with a man. It might be nice to hook up, let off some steam. But, she reminded herself, none of her relationships ever turned out. Matt had approached her almost the exact same way, only much more blunt and less playfully. Matt was a cave man who pretty much hit her on the head with his club and dragged her off to his cave. Amber, as stupid and callow as she was then, was flattered by his compliments and quite taken with his bulging muscles. Shane was interested in her, no doubt, but he was at least respectful of her personal space. Except when he touched her shoulder. She could swear his fingertips lingered there even an hour after the fact. He seemed quite taken with what he felt there. Did he like a girl with muscles?

Amber shook her head violently, trying to dispel these thoughts. She didn’t need this now.

Instead, her thoughts went to the card. Amber set it down on her dining table when she came home. It sat amongst the cluster of junk mail, bills, and back issues of bodybuilding magazines Amber had accumulated over the last year. She scooped it up and unplugged her phone as it charged in the kitchenette.

“PumpLabs,” Amber whispered, punching the name into Google. Amber frowned as she scrolled through the listing. Engineering companies, water drainage solutions, and air-separation diagrams came forth, but no international bodybuilding supplement company’s page was among the hits. Either they just started, or this was a bunch of bullshit.

“Pfft. Figures,” Amber spat. It was a bunch of nothi-- Wait.

An InstaPix page. Amber thumbed the link. ‘Natalie Marsh,’ it read. ‘Natalie Marsh - - 19 - 5’6” - Taken by PumpLabs  - Life begins when your comfort zone ends!’

The page was home to hundreds and hundreds of pics of a very beautiful blonde girl with the body of a champion bodybuilder.

Nineteen?!” Amber blurted as she scrolled by pics ranging from sweaty gym selfies, to coquettish cheesecake shots, to the borderline pornographic. Her soft features, blue eyes, pink, perfect lips and clear, youthful beauty seemed at odds with the gigantic she-hulk body this girl possessed. She had more muscle than an entire Ms. Olympia lineup combined! How the hell was this even possible! She must’ve been juicing like a racehorse, yet, she didn’t seem at all 'roided out save for her unreal proportions. Her face was girlish, her skin was devoid of hair and pimples, and her thick blonde bob was full and lush. This girl was a genetic marvel that made Amber look like total shit and her gains look like she was just retaining water.

God, her biceps were so big and veiny! Were they over eighteen inches?! Look at that split! Her pecs bulging, feathered and full, filling out her shirt and plunging down her neckline. Her shoulders were so wide and capped, ready to crack any doorframe unlucky enough to receive her. Her abs chisled and fatless with an incredibly trimmed waist, looking capable of withstanding a Tomahawk cruise missile. Her legs and glutes popped with fresh, ripened muscle beyond that of any female bodybuilder Amber had seen, and even many male bodybuilder couldn’t stack up. This Natalie seemed to have an aversion towards pants, or she was simply unable to wear them due to how massive her thighs and calves were. The sickening, toxic burn of jealousy raged inside Amber. Her she sat, a mere two years older than this amazing specimen of a girl, and she was hardly worthy of calling herself a figure, let alone physique model. She was busting her ass in the gym and seeing slight results if she saw any at all, and this Natalie Marsh seemed to be gaining by the day!

Amber finally hit the last entry in her timeline, the girl Natalie looking far, far skinnier than the most recent pic. A mere ninety-eight pound waif... three months ago?!

“How the fuck...” Amber gaped, checking the date posted on the pictures. She thumbed vigorously upward towards the most recent entry. Indeed. Three months. That’s how long it took Natalie to explode into big ball of muscle. Three goddamned, motherfucking months! Amber was at a loss for words. 

“Did PumpLabs do this??” Amber asked aloud. Could they?? It hardly seemed real. Amber opened a new tab and re-entered ‘PumpLabs’ into the search bar. Nothing. Zip, zilch, nada. She couldn’t find anything about them still that was remotely relevant. The closest find was Natalie’s IP page. Advertisements for this ghost of a company splashed all over the place, none more prominently than the weird blue outfit she wore in several pictures... What the fuck was that? It looked like something a cyclist would wear. It was a long sleeved leotard looking thing. It clung to her contours, gradually filling out with more and more muscle as Natalie's timeline advanced. Despite the outfit, her muscles were clearly defined against the filmy blue garment.

She looked at the card she was holding. She read it once more, eyes lingering on the number. She thumbed the phone button to enter the number she hesitatingly punched in, mouth drying, heart racing. She hit call. The line rang. Once. Twice. Three times. Amber chewed her lip, ready to abort the call.

A voice came through on the other side. It sounded… German maybe? The voiced sounded like it was offering instructions that Amber figured could be about wienerschnitzel or invading Poland. Then, presumably, came the same in French, Italian, Spanish, then finally English.

“...To proceed in English, press five,” the automated woman commanded. Amber did so. “Thank you. Your call is important to us. Unfortunately, due to unusually high call volume, we have to place you on hold. We thank you for your patience, and promise that a representative will be with you shortly.” Flowery lobby music started playing. Amber waited for some time, ears perked and primed for any change in sound from the vaguely non-litigable Chuck Mangione-esque music that numbed her soul. She wanted a to go down to the Mega-Lo-Mart for a tap and die and some WD-40, or a rope to make a noose to hang herself with. A click, then a vaguely accented woman’s voice came through the other end.

“Thank you for calling PumpLabs International, my name is Cynthia, how may I help step out of your comfort zone today?”

Amber blinked, then cleared her throat and stood up straight as if that would make her sound less lost and more authoritative. “Um, yes, my name is Amber, Amber Woods, and I received a business card with this number on it from a girl who told me that you could, uh… help me.”

“Well, helping people is certainly something we do here at PumpLabs. What did you need help with, Amber?” Cynthia pressed. “Are you currently involved in any sport, or pursuant to any interests in bodybuilding, cross-fit, power-lifting, that sort of thing?”

“Um, yes. B-bodybuilding, I guess.”

“I see. And what do you hope to do in bodybuilding, Ms. Woods?” Amber frowned. Do? Get bigger of course! Wasn't that what PumpLabs was all about?

“W-well, I… Wanna, y’know, put on some more s-size and stuff like that. I haven’t put in any thought towards, like, competing or anything like that.”

“I see,” Cynthia replied neutrally, which made Amber nervous. “May I ask how you heard from us?”

“I-I’m sorry?” Amber asked, suddenly worried that she was about to be hung up on.

“You mentioned a girl who gave you a business card, might you be able to tell me her name?”

“Uh, St-Stephanie something, I think? I’m afraid I don’t really know more than that. I don’t know her or her last name. We’re only, like… acquaintances I guess. I've only spoken to her like once.”

Cynthia was quiet for a beat. “That’s fine. We may be able to do something with you.”

“You can???” Amber squeaked, completely baffled that Cynthia was even still on the line, let alone positively responding to her at all. “I mean, you can?” Amber repeated, trying to sound a little more hopeful.

“Yes. We specialize in taking struggling athletes such as yourself under our wing and molding them into championship material. If you were given our number then you must be possessing potential yet untapped. We can certainly help you, but we cannot simply give you help for free. There is a cost.” Amber keyed in the use of the word 'struggling.' It galled her, but as much as she hated to admit it, Cynthia was right, Amber was struggling. Amber could only wonder what the cost Cynthia was talking about.

Of course, Amber thought ruefully but did not say. No free lunch, and all. “Okay...” she replied vaguely, hoping to lead Cynthia on for more information. What could the cost possibly be? Amber knew that there would be a hitch, so it didn't come as a surprise. Naturally, Stephanie neglected to tell her everything on purpose, but Amber was cagey enough to know that something was up.

“Well, we cannot proceed as we are because we do not have any information on you as of yet, and thus cannot enroll you in our bodybuilding assistance program, but what I can do is schedule a meeting between you and one of our reps, whom I believe is currently in your area as we speak.”

“R-really?” Amber questioned. She hadn’t seen anything PumpLabs related in town. Hell, hours ago, she wasn’t even aware something like this existed.

“Yes. This is quite fortuitous,” Cynthia replied. “We have only recently begun operations in the U.S.”

“Um, okay,” Amber replied, unsure of what to say. She supposed that made sense. Perhaps that was why she never heard of Pumplabs before today. “Wait, how did you know I was in the U.S.?”

“Great. May I schedule a meeting with you and our rep?” Cynthia asked, ignoring her last question.

“Um, I suppose, but how did you know I was--” Amber tried to ask again but was cut off once more. If they didn't know anything about her, how did they know where she was calling from?

“Great, thank you. I will book something within a few days for you.”

They work fast, Amber thought. Almost too fast for comfort. “Um, cool? But you still didn’t--”

“Our representative will contact you soon. They will conduct and interview with you to determine what if anything can be done, and write a letter of recommendation whether or not you qualify for our program. They will contact you shortly. Thank you for calling PumpLabs and have a great day!”

“Wait!” Amber shouted. “How will the reach me? I didn’t give you my number or address! Nononononodon’thangup!!! Aaahh! Fuck!” Amber gestured impotently. She blew a disgusted sigh and redialed the number anticipating more flugelhorn music. Instead, three tones sounded.

“We’re sorry, the number you are trying to reach is no longer in service. Please check the number and try your call again.”

“What?” Amber blurted, shocked. She tried again.

“We’re sorry. The number you are trying to reach--” Amber checked the card intently, then her phone, trying to see where she screwed up and punched it in again.

Do-do-DO “We’re sorry--”

“What the fuck?” Amber cursed. Did PumpLabs pick up stakes and fold within the last five seconds? Amber tried again. The same tone, the same automated message. She ended the call and stared at the card so hard, lasers ought to have shot out of her eyes and burnt the fucking thing.

Amber’s brain hurt. She seemed to lose all sense of direction. Did she dream the whole thing? They didn’t exist on the internet, and apparently don’t have a phone number. Who did she talk to then? The call log noted a conversation lasting several minutes before the multiple redials she attempted. This was insane. Was she insane? Did she even talk to anybody? She set the card down and her phone and took a minute to collect her thoughts.

Years ago, she had learned a word that she always struggled to find a situation for. Kafkaesque. She never thought in a million years that she would ever experience anything that could be described as it in her life.

It must’ve happened. Natalie Marsh’s InstaPix account burned fresh in her mind. The skinny little waif who gained a whole other person’s muscle mass in three short months. Her account page was still open in her browser. Amber perused it again.

No doubt about it, Natalie flexed, primped, smiled, posed, and flirted with the camera several hundred times, each day gaining more and more muscle mass. Sometimes, multiple pictures were taken in the same day, and Amber could swear Natalie gained tangible amounts of muscle in-between shots. All the while, PumpLabs was prominently displayed in one way or another. Amber scanned Natalie’s time-line again, and again, hoping to gain some insight as to what Natalie was taking to get so big. Her cellphone had a good camera on it. The shots were quality.  Amber couldn’t discern any of the telltale signs like puncture marks, or any sort of chemical enhancement could be seen. She was a Frankenstein of youthful, girlish beauty and unbelievable muscularity. Natalie Marsh was a living, breathing Photoshop job, and Amber hated her for it.

Whatever PumpLabs peddled, must’ve been good stuff. And probably highly illegal. All Amber knew, is that she wanted in on it. By hook or by crook, she’d find a way.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: JerusalemTulip on November 02, 2016, 04:30:05 am
When necromancy updates one of your stories its all good.  I'm glad that you took this back up. 

I don't have any questions or theories about anything yet, just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.  I appreciate the amount of detail you go into for every part, it makes the interaction feel very authentic. 
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: El_Roy_1999 on November 02, 2016, 08:06:24 am
That was awesome!
I especially liked the flirty banter. That really brings the characters to life.
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: LordDaroth on November 09, 2016, 12:47:35 pm
Feel like shits about to go down :)
Title: Re: Pumping Vengeance
Post by: Poddy on November 11, 2016, 06:46:20 am
It lives!!!

I'm over the moon you were able to nudge this forward some more. I'm absolutely loving it so far, Amber rewinding through Natalie's profile was utterly palpitating. You captured Amber's lustful incredulity better than I've ever read. Thank you again for contributing to the PumpLabs universe, I'm eternally grateful, Mr. Star.
