  • #31 by OldSchmoe67 on 07 Nov 2017
  • Who cares? This guy has, what, 10-15 yrs. left? If he's enjoying the rest of his life as much, or more, than other seniors (or anyone, really,) while helping to support some of the rarest and most desirable women on earth, it's a good thing, of course. Would it be so controversial if the women were just a houseful of skinny playmates?
    • OldSchmoe67
  • #32 by 87fg on 08 Nov 2017
  • Money make the world go round. Let me tell you about a guy in Inst@gram: He is 75+ years old and poses often in front of his luxury home and big sport cars. He has tons of ifbb pros and other muscular woman following him. Under the posts he has comments like "hey hun, how about a gift for Christmas? Here is my Amazon wish list" or "darling, can you help my family here is my gofundme  :heart: " and he is like "ohh yes of course". Many of those woman ask him for "dates" in the comments.

    2 days ago he posted a picture of his naked flabby ass, i was smiling but than i checked the comments, a well known pro fbb wrote "yummy yummy  :clap: " A bikini model with 800000 followers wrote: "hmmm wanna get my hands on those glorious glutes" Other girl "turn around please"

    Do they take advantage that this guy spends a lot of his money on muscular girls, or are they interested in the person? You choose.

    That's woman's nature use until there is nothing left. they do not care about the person they just care about what they can gain. I think all the good women have either been killed off or are hiding. The only ones we have now are just ones looking for the richest man or the one with the most status. That explains why many elements of society are just distorted. People have a bizarre idea about what is love. People cannot hold stable relationships or marriages anymore.
    • 87fg
  • #33 by OldSchmoe67 on 08 Nov 2017
  • "I think all the good women have either been killed off or are hiding."

    No reasonable person is ever going to believe someone reached this conclusion by thinking.

    • OldSchmoe67
  • #34 by Jaybee on 08 Nov 2017

  • That's woman's nature use until there is nothing left. they do not care about the person they just care about what they can gain. I think all the good women have either been killed off or are hiding. The only ones we have now are just ones looking for the richest man or the one with the most status. That explains why many elements of society are just distorted. People have a bizarre idea about what is love. People cannot hold stable relationships or marriages anymore.

    I know how you feel but good women DO exist - they're not hiding, they are just keeping quiet.  Sadly in the West - and spreading outwards fast - 3rd Feminism has front stage, and it simply isn't vogue any more to "Be a great girlfriend/wife".  Our education systems have been largely infiltrated by harder-core feminists , so a lot of young women grow up thinking their mothers were held back from voting/careers, and reach womanhood looking at TODAY'S men, especially older ones, as either the oppressors or cash-cows.  Our media - news, and social - too have been largely taken over too.  They twist female empowerment into something we men give, but in reality it is something women WORK towards, with every day at the office, ever rep lifted, every lesson taken.

    There still exist plenty of women, of all ages, who don't buy into the hype, who have good relations with their fathers, brothers etc.  Hard working conscientious women.  Chances are you are mixing with the wrong crowds to find them.  Practice sniffing out the entitlement princesses, the ones who snort with disgust when asked about their jobs (if any), who ask you in depth about your own within the first 2 minutes of a convo.  Learn to sort the wheat from the chaff, your life will be much happier.

  • #35 by 87fg on 11 Nov 2017
  • "I think all the good women have either been killed off or are hiding."

    No reasonable person is ever going to believe someone reached this conclusion by thinking.

    If you just look around there are women that will not even talk to you unless you have some form of status. Being a "nice guy" does not get you anywhere. This explains why women will tolerate abusive men so long as they have money or power. They can get status automatically without effort or diligence. The nice or clam women are either too shy or lack the confidence to pursue the men they like. There really is no point in being nervous or scared about approaching someone. Rejection is just a part or life and some people that is all they experience. The whole situation is so frustrating. Why can't women approach men if we are living in such a "liberated age" ? The answer is simple it takes less effort. If women were placed in the same situation as men, they would be complaining even more than they do on a regular basis. I honestly see why some just choose to live their life alone. 
    • 87fg
  • #36 by Polite Society on 14 Nov 2017
  • Money make the world go round. Let me tell you about a guy in Inst@gram: He is 75+ years old and poses often in front of his luxury home and big sport cars. He has tons of ifbb pros and other muscular woman following him. Under the posts he has comments like "hey hun, how about a gift for Christmas? Here is my Amazon wish list" or "darling, can you help my family here is my gofundme  :heart: " and he is like "ohh yes of course". Many of those woman ask him for "dates" in the comments.

    2 days ago he posted a picture of his naked flabby ass, i was smiling but than i checked the comments, a well known pro fbb wrote "yummy yummy  :clap: " A bikini model with 800000 followers wrote: "hmmm wanna get my hands on those glorious glutes" Other girl "turn around please"

    Do they take advantage that this guy spends a lot of his money on muscular girls, or are they interested in the person? You choose.

        Each to their own.  I hope he gets to include strings being attached to anything he gives them financially and that he's getting plenty.  Fair play to him.
  • #37 by knufflschmoe on 20 Nov 2017
  • As it is in life some  People are honest,and worth to be Trusted others are not ......

    Thats a fact also what  concerns Contact with strong  Women in Session and elsewhere

    So it s always a Risk and an adventure to Deal with unknown People,Isnt, it !?