  • #211 by lurker1000 on 25 Jan 2024
  • Can anyone speak to her level of masculinity? I personally don't enjoy sessioners who are too masculine (no judgement toward those who do!).

    For example her skin looks really nice and smooth in her videos on Insta, but when I see her on herbiceps it's a different story, so I'm assuming she's using filters.

     If anyone has sessioned with Lora O was she more or less masculine than her?
  • #212 by VegasAce on 25 Jan 2024
  • Can anyone speak to her level of masculinity? I personally don't enjoy sessioners who are too masculine (no judgement toward those who do!).

    For example her skin looks really nice and smooth in her videos on Insta, but when I see her on herbiceps it's a different story, so I'm assuming she's using filters.

     If anyone has sessioned with Lora O was she more or less masculine than her?

    I mean, what you see is pretty much what you get. I wouldn't consider her to be particularly "feminine" just based on pictures alone.
  • #213 by VegasAce on 25 Jan 2024
  • Can anyone speak to her level of masculinity? I personally don't enjoy sessioners who are too masculine (no judgement toward those who do!).

    For example her skin looks really nice and smooth in her videos on Insta, but when I see her on herbiceps it's a different story, so I'm assuming she's using filters.

     If anyone has sessioned with Lora O was she more or less masculine than her?

    I mean, what you see is pretty much what you get. I wouldn't consider her to be particularly "feminine" just based on pictures alone.

    To add to that (since I don't think I can edit,) it sounds just like a person who wants to see Metallica live but doesn't like bands that play their music too loud.
  • #214 by e_honda on 26 Jan 2024
  • She's a roughly 200 lb FBB. She's been on heavy amounts of PEDs for at least a decade and a half. Anyone like that is certainly going to have a certain level of masculinity to her. Let's be real.

    But whatever. She's awesome and there aren't exactly a lot of legit FBBs of her level (or any level, really) offering in person sessions.....not to mention that she travels.
  • #215 by FBBMW on 28 Jan 2024
  • Can anyone speak to her level of masculinity? I personally don't enjoy sessioners who are too masculine (no judgement toward those who do!).

     If anyone has sessioned with Lora O was she more or less masculine than her?
    I have not sessioned with Lisa, but have with Lora O.     Lora is not masculine. 
    You might be confusing muscles for masculine.   Sure they are more masculine than Tailor Swift, but if you like a FBB,
    a little bit of masculine is part of the turn on.     For many of us, there are not enough Lisas or Loras.  There are plenty
    of figure/bikini types sessioning if you prefer that look.     
    Lisa doesn't session vey much, so if you have a chance don't wait.    Lora has loads of good reviews in Saradas and is popular.   
  • #216 by e_honda on 28 Jan 2024
  • Lisa doesn't session vey much, so if you have a chance don't wait.    Lora has loads of good reviews in Saradas and is popular.

    Lisa has sessioned plenty. Not as much as Lora O, but she's done a lot in her day. She's just done less session tours since the pandemic, but she was in the US last year and will probably make a couple US trips this year.

    But you're right, if you want to see her you shouldn't wait. There aren't a lot of women in the world walking around who look like her and there's even a smaller fraction of them who are willing to do in person sessions. Plus there's no telling how long any given person will stay on the scene.
  • #217 by Bulklover on 29 Jan 2024
  • Can anyone speak to her level of masculinity? I personally don't enjoy sessioners who are too masculine (no judgement toward those who do!).

     If anyone has sessioned with Lora O was she more or less masculine than her?
    I have not sessioned with Lisa, but have with Lora O.     Lora is not masculine. 
    You might be confusing muscles for masculine.   Sure they are more masculine than Tailor Swift, but if you like a FBB,
    a little bit of masculine is part of the turn on.     For many of us, there are not enough Lisas or Loras.  There are plenty
    of figure/bikini types sessioning if you prefer that look.     

    FBBMW,  you nailed it.   ;)
  • #218 by Muscluva on 05 Feb 2024
  • It depends on what you view as masculine. The fact test she's probably bigger than you may make some see her as masculine, however I think she's still a good looking woman despite getting older likes us all and PEDs longterm. If you like size and a full on session with an interesting, intelligent sexy woman you won't regret seeing her, I certainly have never regretted any of the several sessions I've had with Lisa. If however huge size puts you off, we'll you'd better look elsewhere.
  • #219 by outmuscled on 07 Feb 2024
  • You can analyse the issue of are these women masculine or not to death when you're just looking at images and videos, especiallly as the photo shoots show them all hard and pumped up.
    But when you meet them and look them in the eye, they're just women and that's the first and most overriding thing you notice about them.
    Sure some of them are very strong women, who can lift you, squeeze you and pin you, but you're not internally debating their level of masculinity while it's happening, unlike when you look at their photos.

    As for the bodybuilders whom you think are super feminine with their lovely hair and make up and insta****-filtered skin, you know, the ones you contrast favourably with the "manly" ones ...
    Well I'm afraid they're nowhere near as feminine as you think, and you ought to see them coming out of the gym in their sweats with no makeup.
    If you had a cartoon image of Barbie with biceps, their beefiness will probably strike you as unexpectedly masculine in person.

    The fact is, feminine is a loaded term implying a certain look and gender role and (lack of) physical capability.
    No big ffb really fits that mould, but that doesn't make them manly either, and you're never going to mistake them for a man in person.
    That said, there is a bit of gender swapping going on when you have a private encounter with a more muscular woman who can put her strong arms around you and pick you up, but that's part of the thrill.
  • #220 by Weird0 on 10 Feb 2024
  • She’s going to tour NYC in may and I want to book her but I don’t know what to expect. I mean, I’m not into worship, fighting, BDSM and things like that.   The email that she send me about her sessions was this: “I offer naked erotic muscle worship session. We can touch, play, and have mutual happy ending fun”. Does it mean I can at least have BJ, HJ, DATY, DATO and/or FIV? Sorry if I’m explicit or if I broke some rule.
  • #221 by FBBMW on 11 Feb 2024
  • She’s going to tour NYC in may and I want to book her but I don’t know what to expect. I mean, I’m not into worship, fighting, BDSM and things like that.   The email that she send me about her sessions was this: “I offer naked erotic muscle worship session. We can touch, play, and have mutual happy ending fun”. Does it mean I can at least have BJ, HJ, DATY, DATO and/or FIV? Sorry if I’m explicit or if I broke some rule.

    It's OK if you are only into talking, being close, posing.   She told you more sexy ideas than most will.   
    Sounds like at least a HJ.   I have not met her.   
  • #222 by knufflschmoe on 12 Feb 2024
  • as in my experiences ,
     getting very horny (seems not only show )
    at least a HJ.....if more possible I could bet  (sorry,didnt reach that point..... :'()
  • #223 by faclon4 on 03 Apr 2024
  • I would love to hear a review from anyone who has had a session with Lisa.  Is she really as huge and impressive in person as she is in her photos?  How strong is she?  How much does she charge?  Does she have any limits on what she will do during a session?  I know she posts some very erotic videos of her supposedly picking up a random guy while on a session tour but are these just "fantasy" videos or is she really like that during sessions? 
  • #224 by Iron Wolf on 03 Apr 2024
  • I would love to hear a review from anyone who has had a session with Lisa.  Is she really as huge and impressive in person as she is in her photos?  How strong is she?  How much does she charge?  Does she have any limits on what she will do during a session?  I know she posts some very erotic videos of her supposedly picking up a random guy while on a session tour but are these just "fantasy" videos or is she really like that during sessions? 

    I have followed Lisa for a very long time but have not yet been able to spend time with her in person.  I would love to hear thoughts/reviews of people who have been able to spend time with her.
    she`s huge ,giving feeling of being really involved in the session,seems to get really engaged (and horny) so really sesnsual
    ,price is quite high ,(but is worth ,if you can spend some money (E /$ 500.-/per hour...)
    You won't be disappointed with Lisa. Yes she's well above average price wise, but she doesn't pack her day with follow on sessions so there's no time pressure to 10 minutes. She is a very intelligent well read person who will happily engage with you about whatever you either to talk about and she's very sensual, if you come away disappointed you had very unrealistic expectations. Oh yes, and she's huge, be aware that if she's on a tour she will diet down for it yo some degree  so if you want to see her at her most massive it may be best to go to her.

    I don't think she's changed much since the last time you asked. My suggestion to you is to stop asking for reviews every few months and go for it.
  • #225 by VegasAce on 03 Apr 2024
  • I would love to hear a review from anyone who has had a session with Lisa.  Is she really as huge and impressive in person as she is in her photos?  How strong is she?  How much does she charge?  Does she have any limits on what she will do during a session?  I know she posts some very erotic videos of her supposedly picking up a random guy while on a session tour but are these just "fantasy" videos or is she really like that during sessions? 

    I have followed Lisa for a very long time but have not yet been able to spend time with her in person.  I would love to hear thoughts/reviews of people who have been able to spend time with her.
    she`s huge ,giving feeling of being really involved in the session,seems to get really engaged (and horny) so really sesnsual
    ,price is quite high ,(but is worth ,if you can spend some money (E /$ 500.-/per hour...)
    You won't be disappointed with Lisa. Yes she's well above average price wise, but she doesn't pack her day with follow on sessions so there's no time pressure to 10 minutes. She is a very intelligent well read person who will happily engage with you about whatever you either to talk about and she's very sensual, if you come away disappointed you had very unrealistic expectations. Oh yes, and she's huge, be aware that if she's on a tour she will diet down for it yo some degree  so if you want to see her at her most massive it may be best to go to her.

    I don't think she's changed much since the last time you asked. My suggestion to you is to stop asking for reviews every few months and go for it.

    Seriously. I find that in almost every case, dudes who are constantly asking for reviews NEVER actually follow through on going on a session.

    There's only so much you can know. Stop hesitating and GO.