  • #1 by autechre on 20 Nov 2020
  • The full WPW 95 as requested.

    Athena by WPW - 93 Minutes
    There are three separate sessions included on this video, two from 1988 and one from 1986. The 1988 sessions feature Athena in contest shape at 5'3" 116 pounds, then off-season at 130 pounds- she was only 21 years of age at the time and was considered to be one of the best and most muscular woman of that age back then. She was in very good shape both times, featuring very impressive biceps and other upper body shots, and her thighs and calves were right up there also- lots of shapes, size and hardness throughout. She hits the shots in many swimsuits and dress outfits and is interviewed. For the 1986 session she was still 19 and again, considered maybe the best developed teenager around that time. We had a short photo/session with her at that time, featuring about 10 minutes of posing and 10 minutes of gymwork, which was originally on WPW video 57. To this day Athena is to be considered one of the very few women so developed as such a young age. In addition to the great physique and facial beauty, she loved posing and you will see that come across during her posing footage.

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  • #2 by Female Bodybuilding on 20 Nov 2020
  • WPW 95 - Athena (1 1/2 hours)

    Another of the classic older WPW tapes, this one features Athena (Annis), one of the most beautiful women ever to grace the WPW camera. They taped her in 1985, and twice in 1988. For some reason, the 1988 footage appears first, starting with the off-season version. Though obviously not ripped, Athena was pretty hard here (not nearly as off-season as on video 191), with particularly good size and shape in her arms and legs. Her back looked like it needed some more work, though, and the choice of outfits doesn't allow any ab posing. She's an excellent poser, very comfortable in front of the camera. She poses in front of a red backdrop in several outfits (blue leotard and dresses), and indoors without the backdrop in some more dresses (skirt / gray blouse, and the standard WPW gray, long sleeved dress).
    The off-season footage is good, but the contest shape portion of the tape is even better. They shot Athena at the 1988 Jr. USA's, and she was in incredible shape. She was an easy winner of the lightweight class, and probably would have won the overall, but unfortunately, she was disqualified for hitting an illegal moon pose. It's hard to believe that she was really a lightweight - she looks much bigger, particularly in the arms and legs. Her back, which looked unimpressive in the off-season shoot, is much better here - some of the back shots are among the highlights of this part of the tape, in part because of her excellent biceps. She still could have used some more lat width, however. With a contest tan, she looks even more attractive than in off-season shape, if that's possible. She poses in white shorts / halter, black mini / white tank top, a red dress (the best segment on the tape - you simply can not take your eyes off of her in this outfit), a leotard, and a bikini - about half an hour of truly classic posing.

    The 1985 footage comes last, and starts with a short pump-oriented lifting segment. This is followed by about fifteen minutes of posing outdoors in a bikini and a dress. This is worth a look, but it certainly pales in comparison to her 1988 footage. However, considering that Athena was still in her teens at the time, this is pretty amazing stuff - you don't have to look very hard to see the potential that was there. Her arms were already good enough for the national level.

    This tape is a must for anyone into the older (late 80's) material. Actually, it still stands up quite well today. They just don't make them like this any more.
  • #3 by Saradas.Org on 28 May 2021
  • #4 by Gamer001 on 09 Jul 2022
  • She is really so hot and strong 🤤
  • #5 by sadaras99 on 03 Jul 2023
  •  :thanks: