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Author Topic: FORUM RULES | ALL Users MUST READ!  (Read 40317 times)

Offline Sar-Net

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« on: January 19, 2015, 05:23:04 am »

To maintain a civil and friendly environment, and to allow every member to enjoy and have a pleasant experience, these forum rules have been established.

It is important that you read through these rules thoroughly.

Failure to follow these rules can get you permanently banned from the forum.

Always read "Pinned Posts"(Often referred to as sticky posts or threads.) And "Announcements" located at the top of forum sections before proceeding further in the individual section.
On Saradas these posts are easy to locate by looking for the little blue thumbtack. (See image below.)

These are general rules and apply to all sections of the forum.

Some sections have specific guidelines and information regarding that particular section in addition to the general forum rules.  These may include special rules about certain types of posts, please make sure you read and understand the forum and specific section rules before making any posts.

Failure to follow these rules can result in your being banned from the forum.

1.) Do Not Use Profane language. Keep in mind that this website and it's forum is visited by people from all walks of life, all ages, all ethnic backgrounds, and people from other parts of the world.  Many of which do not appreciate vulgar language. Besides, a foul mouth does not make you look very impressive.  Many people think of off color jokes and comments about bodily excretions as profanity, so please keep those kinds of comments off the forum.   Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see any inappropriate language to help keep Saradas free from Profanity.

2.) Spam of any kind will not be tolerated - Some types of spam are...
Advertising - Overtly displaying links to commercial sites or products.
Solicitation - Covertly trying to direct a user to become a customer of another user or their organization.
Spamming - Posting unsolicited links, usually in bulk, to direct users to other sites usually for commercial purposes.
Link planting - sneaking links into a profile signature to build incoming links to your own site.
Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts to help keep Saradas free from SPAM.

3.) Repeated harassment of other users on the forum will NOT be tolerated.  If anyone is harassing you in anyway please contact a moderator (Old Surehand, timmon, Aretxa.) or in extreme cases the Administrator (   

4.) Don't be upset if your post is moved to a more appropriate section.  Do not create posts complaining of your post being moved.  Moving posts to more appropriate sections is part of what keeps Saradas running smoothly.   Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see any post that seems to be in the wrong section to help keep Saradas organized with everything in its proper place.

5.) Multiple Postings - Cross-Postings - It is simply not acceptable to post your Content (Image, Video, etc.), Comment, or Question more than once (In the same or separate posts.), or to post it in more than one section.  Choose the section that your Content (Image, Video, etc.), Comment, or Question post best fits in, and place it there and only there.  If after posting, you feel it should be in another section, use the 'Report' button at the lower right hand side of the post and we'll move it. We also reserve the right to move posts to other sections and delete duplicates.  Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts to help keep Saradas free from Multiple Postings - Cross-Postings.

6.) Bumping of threads back to the top to elicit a response is disallowed.  Bumping AKA adding a comment to your own thread to bump it back to the top of the list  (AKA Bring Up My Post.)  Where this occurs the thread will be deleted. Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts to help keep Saradas free from Bumped threads.

7.) Bumping of old threads to request a re-post, especially by non-contributing members is not acceptable and will result in the request being deleted.  Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see dead links, missing images, etc. so the mods can move the post to the "Reupload Requests" section and notify the original poster.

8.) Don't ever flame Moderators(Old Surehand, timmon, RobMash, Bobt, E15R91F,  WHATTHE, Sar-Net.) or the Administrator (  Regardless of your point of argument, Moderators/Administrators have the final say and you will find yourself soon to be banned for blatant disregard of forum staff.  If you have a difference of opinion, please PM the staff member.  If you still cannot get resolution on an issue, PM the Administrator (

9.) If you encounter a member who repeatedly behaves inappropriately towards other posters, particular FBB's or the FBB scene in general, please inform Moderators (Old Surehand, timmon, Aretxa.) or in extreme cases the Administrator (   This offensive member will have his IP blocked and will permanently banned.

10.) Revealing the real name of a Sessionette, including webcam performer, is not allowed in this forum. Whoever reveals the real name of a Sessionette or webcam performer will be banned.  Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts to help keep Saradas free of improper Sessionette information.

11.) Saradas is neither an adult website nor a escort location service.  All posts regarding sexual services, links to escorts, links to escort services, links to adult websites, links to phone sex sites are not allowed. 

When providing a review of Female bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini, etc. Session's and Sessionettes you may provide general information on services provided as long as you do not go into details of specific sexual acts if provided.  Reviews of Sessionettes that provide services of a sexual nature should only be made in the VIP Sessions section.

While there is a section of Forum Saradas on female adult film stars this topic is only for those female adult film stars that fit into the main topic of the forum AKA Female bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini, etc.

Remember all on topic "Adult Content" should be posted only in Adult sections.

Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts to help keep Saradas free of improper adult links, improper adult services information, and adult information in non-adult sections of the forum.

12.) Hotlinking (Directly linking to a image, video, or other type of file.) from another web site is not allowed.  When you do this it uses up the bandwidth of the original website and costs that site money.  Often web masters will notice the improper use of their website.  They may do one of several things.   They may just take down the original linked image, video, or other type of file.  They may replace the original linked image, video, or other type of file with something offensive.  They may block the IP of the site you put the link on, Etc.   Another problem is people hotlink image, video, or other type of files from areas of websites that require some kind of login, membership, etc. so these links would not work anyway.   When you find something you want to share on the forum no matter where you find it, other forums, websites, etc.   Please download the image, video, or other type of file to your computer.  Then upload it to an image, file host, etc.  And then post the link you just created here.  That way your not stealing bandwidth, etc. from another site.   Your also not going to cause someones share to be removed should your share be removed for some reason.   Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you notice any link that doesn't seem to belong to help keep Saradas free of any improper links.

13.) Do not clutter up the forum by posting one word replies, smiley's, Nice post, WOW!, etc., etc., etc.  Use the karma system to thank users for significant posts.  The mods will Deleting one word, smiley's, etc. trash replies to threads around the forum.  Due to changes on the forum we have been instructed to start deleting one word replies to threads around the forum.  There is one exception and that is the hidden post which requires a post for you to see the hidden content.

14.) The karma system was installed to allow members to show their approval of a post without cramming a thread full of one word replies. Please use it wisely. (The Karma link. (AKA Applaud!)) is located on the left side of posts under the posters nick.  See image below for location.)  Please use the Applaud link to thank members for substantial posts rather than cluttering up the forum.

Comments are always welcomed and it would certainly be nice to see something constructive posted, but this flood of people who are jacking up their post counts by saying "thanks" or "wonderful" 300 times has begun to have a deleterious effect on the site, and server bandwidth.

I have taken the time to post this notice so that people will not send me a flood of PM's asking why their post counts have suddenly dropped...of course that would mean they would have to read a stickied topic and judging from the PM's I get about 7 of you do.

15.) Saradas is dedicated to Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini, etc.  In general it would be best if rather than any personal comments about a specific woman (Often comments on a specific person can be hurtful even if not intended that way.), you could talk of issues directly like bad boob jobs (Quack Doctors who should be in a jail cell.) and appearance problems caused by things like over dieting, drugs, etc.

16.) There is a specific section to request info on who is depicted in an image, video, etc.  please do not clutter up threads with who is this who is that... use the  " Who is she? Who are they?" section for name requests or use a PM (Personal Message) to the original poster.  Please remember not every image will be identifiable.  You can generally find a forum or BB (Bulletin Board) link on the image host, or you can copy the link for the image from the original post, when you are creating a new post asking for an ID on whom is in an Image.

17.) Most of Saradas is in the English language but there are special areas for other languages.  Please use these non English areas for any comments in other languages.

Please remember for many users English is not their first language.  So please don't make comments on Grammar and Spelling as this is not the forum for that kind of discussion.

18.) Off topic posts should be made in the "General Chat" for general off topic discussions.   Please use it for any topics not related to Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini, etc.    Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see any posts in the wrong section to help keep Saradas organized.

19.) It is required when starting a new topic containing only a link to personal web site or sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. etc. etc. to include an image of the woman whom the link is in reference to.  This needs to be done so people will know whom you are talking about.  This rule also applies when responding to  "Where are they now", "What ever happened to." requests.  A current image of whom you are talking about needs to be included.

20.) It is required that a sample image, thumbnail image or both be made for video posts.  With all the duplicate posts and reposting that occurs, not having a preview simply does not work.  "Sorry No Preview.",  "No Preview but worth the download.", and other "Catchphrases" are not going to get it.  Your post may be deleted without warning.  Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see any video posts without a visible preview in order to help keep Saradas free of improperly done posts.

For help on preview images and other info on posting read the Guide to The Post Box and General Guide on Posting. for info on the proper way to post things.

21.) Embedded Flash video/Flash video links to sites like You Tube, Daily Motion and other flash links: can only be posted in Flash Video Section only.  From now on, only members with 10 or more karma can post links to Tube sites. These flash posts will only remain for a short while before being deleted by the MOD's and Admin so get them quick if you want them.  If you are posting a video clip do not upload it to a flash video site for posting instead use the information contained in the Guide to The Post Box and General Guide on Posting. for info on the proper way to post things.  Forum Members Please use the "Report to moderator" link located in the lower right corner of posts if you see any flash video links in any section other than the "Flash Video Section" in order to help keep Saradas free of improperly links cluttering up the forum.

There maybe an occasion where there is a special circumstance and the Moderators or Admin may allow a post that overall would not belong on the forum but has special relevance to the main subjects of the site AKA Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Bikini, etc.

Remember Failure to follow these rules can result in your being banned from the forum.

Offline Sar-Net

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Re: FORUM RULES - ALL USERS MUST READ THIS: - Updated Jan 24 - 2015
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 08:13:20 am »

Forum users Please read the rules and follow them.

Not knowing the rules will not save you from being banned should you violate them.

There are really very few rules for a forum the size of Saradas and its not that hard to read and follow them.

The rules are there to make everyone's experience using the forum a good one.

Offline Sar-Net

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« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2017, 05:53:12 am »

There has been an update to rule 21.

(Flash video links can now only be posted by members with 10 or higher Karma.)


Offline Sar-Net

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« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2017, 10:23:57 am »


Updated May 24, 2017

There has been a minor update to rule 5 to clarify that it applies to ALL types of posts.

Offline Sar-Net

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Re: FORUM RULES - ALL USERS MUST READ THIS: - Updated July 08 - 2017
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2017, 03:52:02 am »


Updated July 08, 2017

There has been a minor wording update to rules 1, 5

Offline Saradas.Org

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Re: FORUM RULES - ALL USERS MUST READ THIS: - Updated January 31 - 2024
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2024, 07:57:18 pm »


Updated Janury 31, 2024

There has been a minor wording update to rules 3, 9

I Saradas 


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« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2024, 09:29:27 pm »
If you post something and go back and see it's gone, it may be in forum violation. That's why we ask members to read Rules, Sticky posts and acclimate themselves with the section they're posting in. Moderators have the right to move, merge or delete any post in order to maintain forum standards. All rules and guidelines - FAQ | News & Announcements

I Saradas 


Forum Saradas  |  Female BodyBuilding & Fitness & Figure - Members Area  |  All rules and guidelines - FAQ | News & Announcements  |  FORUM RULES | ALL Users MUST READ!

Forum Saradas does not host any files on its own servers.
It only points to various links on the Internet that already exist.
It is recommended to buy Original Video, CD, DVD's and pictures only.
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