  • #1 by weakshm1 on 07 Apr 2024
  • Hello folks, I have this fantasy of being front lifted and finished between a muscle girl's breasts. With her grabbing my ass and thrusting me up and down her breasts till I finish. Have any of you had such an experience in a session before? If yes can you share your experience.
  • #2 by sprstrn on 08 Apr 2024
  • Are you talking about breasts or pecs? Plastic tits don't arouse me much.
    But your fantasy sounds crazy when it comes to thick hard pecs. Being squeezed and jerked off by Colette bouncing her massive pecs around my cock would be heaven!
  • #3 by outmuscled on 08 Apr 2024
  • I've come from being picked up in a bearhug and squeezed against a muscle belly and it wasn't even a session. She was a big burly rugby player I'd met that in a bar.
    She was squeezing my ass like I was her bitch and began jiggling me a bit more energetically when she realised how aroused I was but she wasn't too impressed when I actually spurted on her.

    I made up for it by going straight down on her and she said I was a bit of a pussy but I seemed playful, so she stayed the night. I think despite being such a big woman, she wasn't used to being able to dominate a guy like that, and she seemed intrigued by the novelty of being able to call the shots.
    She carried me to the bed at one stage and I'd have loved to wrestle her but I was young and too shy to ask, and she thought I was weird enough already.

    I've been quite aroused in that hold many other times, but I don't think many woman could lift you high enough to press your cock against their chest, or rather they could lift you, but they wouldn't have the leverage to really squash you against their torso at that height ... unless they pressed you against the wall maybe.
  • #4 by chemdude01 on 08 Apr 2024
  • I've had one girl squeeze and rub me in that way but not while lifting me. Still was nice. I've had other actually lift me, against the wall, with one hand under my but and choke me with the other hand while bounce me up and down in between her ample natural breast. That was something else. Take sa lot of power and she could do it for too long. In neither case did I 'spurt.'
  • #5 by liftcarryfan1 on 18 May 2024
  • What is your height and weight. That plays a HUGE factor
  • #6 by liftcarryfan1 on 21 May 2024
  • Also depending on the woman this lift is very much possible
  • #7 by weakshm1 on 22 May 2024
  • What is your height and weight. That plays a HUGE factor
    6ft 168lbs. Did you experience this before?
  • #8 by DCReviews on 31 May 2024
  • Well I’ve never had somebody try to finish me with their muscular chest I definitely have had lift releases, some even that I didn’t ask for. Lol.

    Besides the obvious position of putting your member in between a woman’s breasts which I have done with many women trying this with strong women presents opportunities.

    Arekah in a couple of sessions picked me up a tightly against her chest and bounce me up and down.
    In one session she reversed pick me up where my member was facing away from her and my butt was basically almost on her shoulder and she pulled my shorts down slightly and started handling my member as a tease. 
    In another session she picked me up against the wall in a lift that I requested with my legs over her shoulders and my back pinned against the wall and told me how she could do whatever she wanted with me and eventually walked me over while still on her shoulders to a chair that was in the room and stuck her leg out while holding me up and put it on the chair and then with upper body alone put me on her one leg and started to play with my member again. She’s an amazing Amazon.

  • #9 by crazycrazy on 31 May 2024
  • DC, your Arekah story brought back so many exhilarating and terrifying memories. Arekah was so physically powerful, she lifted me (165 pounds) with her hands by the neck, and asked "What's to stop me from putting you against the wall and having my way with you?"

    "Nothing." Was all I could manage to say.

    Once, she dropped me on my back on the floor, then picked me up using just her upper body strength. She didn't angle her shoulder under me and hoist me up, she just picked me up like a bale of hay. I was dead weight, so twice as hard to lift. She dropped me on her shoulder. "Ooof!" I said, the wind was knocked out of me. Then she hopped up so I went up and came down on her shoulder. There was no wind left in me to be exhaled. My arms and legs dangled. She handled me like a bag of seed. It was a display of strength that beyond my experiences before or since.

    Honestly, any time a question on this board is asked "Who was the best at...?" the answer is always Arekah.


    Arekah was the best.