  • #16 by assassinua on 25 Jan 2024
  •  Chapter 7

    So, the outcome of our competition left me on the losing side, and the defeat felt somewhat lopsided. In hindsight, I speculated that I could have strategized better, and chosen different events, but dwelling on the past wasn't going to change anything. Accepting the results, I moved on.
    The morning after my defeat, my wife decided to sign up for the local gym. It wasn't just any gym; it was one of those upscale fitness centers boasting an array of group classes and a plethora of incredibly fit individuals. Initially, I contemplated joining her at the gym, expense be damned. However, two significant factors held me back. First, a bet is a bet, and breaking the terms felt like a disservice to the integrity of our competition. Second, the idea of working out together seemed more daunting than delightful, especially considering the mental image of us tackling a leg day workout together. While it might be a spectacle for onlookers, the prospect filled me with dread.

    Determined not to lose another competition and anticipating that my wife might challenge me again in the future, I identified my biggest weakness from our previous events: stamina. If I could overcome the challenge of stopping during a basketball game or running out of breath during cycling, victory could be within reach.

    The following morning, I embarked on a running journey. It started off as a feeble attempt; I couldn't even run a measly 3 km without stopping. However, fueled by dedication and the absence of financial burden, I committed to running whenever my wife hit the gym, provided I wasn't completely exhausted. Elen's gym schedule became my running schedule, and within a month, I witnessed significant progress. While not an elite runner, I managed to conquer nearly 10 kilometers, elevating both my energy levels and self-esteem.

    On the flip side, my wife encountered her own set of challenges. Despite achieving her goal of joining the gym, she found herself lost amidst the myriad of exercise options. Squatting was straightforward — pick something or someone and squat. However, the gym presented an overwhelming array of choices, and Elen, eager to explore everything, faced the risk of injuries and pulled muscles. Undeterred, she persevered, even attending the gym for stretching and alternative exercises on days when her muscles rebelled. Her affinity for group sessions stemmed from a desire to measure herself against others, defying the conventional gym wisdom that advocates minding one's own business. Elen was definitely an exception.

    Two months unfolded in a repetitive routine: my steady progress in running juxtaposed with Elen's grievances about the gym. Amidst this, a surprising revelation occurred when I noticed my emerging four-pack while standing in the bathroom, toothbrush in hand. I am not a very athletic person and have never been, so it's the first time I had something I was proud of so I called Elen to check it out.

    "Elen, check this out." - When she entered the bathroom I tried to even flex my abs so it would be more prominent.

    "Look nice, it seems your running around is paying off." - With that, she came closer and traced my abs with her arm. She took her time and my member reacted in the only way it could.

    "Yes, consistency is the key. I even lost a few kilos of fat with my cardio." - As a retrospective, I think it's the only reason I have visible abs as I actually don't train it.

    "I can see it, and you should be proud of yourself. But let's look at the complete package." - She stepped back a few steps and looked at me from top to bottom. I was still in my boxers and my erection was fully visible, but that was not what worried me. I have abs, but I am still very skinny and Elen has been practically living in the gym for the past two months and I was not sure how I compare to regular Joe from the gym and what her reaction would be. - "You are so cute and ready, I just love it."

    Elen's reaction was not what I had anticipated. Instead of the expected banter or casual acknowledgment, her response was a candid, "Cute." The word hung in the air, a peculiar descriptor for a man, and I was momentarily taken aback. It wasn't the kind of compliment one typically seeks from their spouse, especially when it comes to matters of physical prowess. In a different context, such a remark might have been appropriate, perhaps in a scenario involving a playful Halloween costume. But in the context of our private session, it struck a chord of unexpected vulnerability. I felt a twinge of discomfort, a sentiment a man might not readily admit to harboring.

    Before I could voice my thoughts or protest, Elen's enthusiasm swept over me. She embraced the revelation with an unexpected fervor, expressing genuine affection and admiration. I didn't even have time to ask her anything: one second she called me cute and another we were already kissing and halfway to our bed. Usually, both of us like to be on top and we take turns during the process. So it was not a surprise that we started with Elen on top. What was different was that she didn't even take her bra off and the force she was moving with. I knew her legs were strong but it's one thing knowing it and another being practically squashed by them. At one moment I wanted to take the initiative and tried to push Elen a bit, but it was like moving a wall, I could probably try harder, if I wanted my efforts to be noticed by my gym wife, and I actually didn't want that. I was not ready to show my wife that I couldn't move her around when I tried, and it was a possibility it seems.
  • #17 by vasorg on 26 Jan 2024
  • thanks for the new chapter. I'm looking forward to the continuation
  • #18 by phil123 on 27 Jan 2024
  • Hope there will be a chapter soon where she shows him her new strenght.
  • #19 by assassinua on 30 Mar 2024
  • Chapter 8

    My display last night seemed to have a clear influence on Elen, and not just in one way. She had never been that aggressive in bed, nor had she initiated the engagement before. But I couldn't deny that I enjoyed it. In fact, I'd go as far as to say it was an improvement.

    I was a bit surprised that my wife hadn't already started doing countless crunches herself, given her usual tendency to try to outdo me whenever she saw me excelling in something. At least, she does so if it's within her capabilities. Perhaps she's simply focusing on her gym classes and doesn't want to take on too much at once. To further assert my dominance in this area, I decided to do abs workouts at home when she wouldn't see me. Admittedly, it wasn't very regular, as it was frankly boring and hard. I attempted to follow beginner abs workouts from YouTube but often failed midway through. Nevertheless, I hoped that I would improve over time.

    There was another noticeable shift in our lives—mainly in our food consumption habits. Initially, I didn't pay much attention, but I gradually noticed that I was eating less while Elen seemed to be eating everything in sight. I couldn't fathom how she managed to consume so much food. I began to worry that perhaps she was experiencing some kind of breakdown due to struggles at the gym, leading her to overeat. However, I didn't dare bring it up for fear of upsetting her, so I kept my concerns to myself.

    Another month passed with the same routine, and I finally managed to complete an entire abs workout in one go. It may not have been anything to boast about, but I considered it an accomplishment, especially considering that I was still keeping up with my running routine. I was beginning to look quite fit, with minimal excess fat and nicely defined stomach muscles. Meanwhile, Elen continued to eat voraciously. I decided to share my achievement with her, hoping it might inspire her to set her own fitness goals.

    I skipped my daily routine so that I would be fresh when my wife returned from the gym. As I waited, I realized that lately, her sessions had been lasting longer than usual, perhaps because she had found friends to chat with afterward or simply because she was indulging in a snack. Probably the latter. Anyway, when she finally arrived, I was happy to demonstrate my abs routine to her. I was worried I might fail, but to my relief, I successfully completed it without skipping any exercises.

    "What was that about?" Elen asked.

    "I just wanted to show you the routine, and maybe we can do it together," I kind of hoped that she would be impressed and compliment about it. But still, the initial plan was to get her motivated.

    "Oh, sounds like fun. We can do it now," she suggested.

    "No, no, it's not that easy. I just did it, and I doubt I can do it again. It's quite challenging," I explained. No way I will be able to do it again, I gave everything I had to just finish this one.

    "It didn't look that hard, you also cheated a bit," she teased.

    "Trust me, it is hard. And I didn't cheat," Frankly speaking I probably did cheat few times, but it's because this routine was hard.

    "Let me try it. I've just finished my routine at the gym but should have recovered enough to do it," she insisted.

    "What did you do in the gym today?" She probably did some yoga or legs, which gives her the ability to do a core routine.

    "Just the usual, full-body workout and abs routine afterward," she replied.

    "When did you add an abs routine to your sessions? I thought you hated doing them," So she did actually train her core after my display, in that case, probably, it's probably better if she will try it now while being tired.

    "A long time ago. Did you really think I would just ignore you showing off? I thought you knew me better than that," she retorted.

    Yes, stupid of me. Of course, she would. Thus after the last comment for some reason, I wasn't entirely convinced that Elen should attempt the exercises. I had a feeling she wouldn't agree to it if she wasn't confident in herself. And true to my suspicions, she effortlessly completed the workout that I had struggled with, without even breaking a sweat.
    It seemed like a good idea to come up with some new exercises every month to keep things interesting. But as Elen effortlessly tackled the routine, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her sudden interest in fitness than met the eye. Perhaps it was time to delve deeper into the changes I'd been noticing in her lately.
  • #20 by phil123 on 14 Apr 2024
  • Hope for more and the moment she shows him how much stronger she already is.
  • #21 by wowser1016 on 01 May 2024
  • Just tumbled to this story and I really like it! Elen is gonna blow his mind. Great work with this story. Can't wait for more. K+!
  • #22 by Jabba on 04 May 2024
  • Love this story.
  • #23 by ravanin on 04 May 2024
  • 'i like how shu just casually destroyed him
  • #24 by marfam on 12 May 2024
  • Any chance you continue the story?
    It is a good one.
  • #25 by assassinua on 29 May 2024
  • Chapter 9

    The next time my wife went to the gym, she told me she would share her abs routine to show me how mine was easy. She emphasized the importance of performing exercises properly without squirming and made various other comments about the technique. I nodded with a straight face, trying to appear as if I understood, like one professional talking to another. Truthfully, I was just pretending. In my mind, it didn't matter how you did crunches; the goal was to complete them without staying on the ground. At least, that’s what I thought.

    Proactively, I skipped both my running and abs routine that day. Somehow, I suspected I would need all my strength to keep up with her workout. I doubted it would be enough, but I wanted to show a good effort. When my wife returned from the gym at her usual time, she seemed to have completely forgotten her earlier comment. Despite my uncertainty, I was eager to prove myself, so I reminded her. Apparently, some of her gym buddies (I hadn't known she had made friends there already) wanted to share an abs workout session, and she was a bit tired. Seeing an opportunity to back off, I made a sly comment:

    "I totally understand that it's hard to admit defeat." In retrospect, I should have just kept quiet, but I seem to like pushing buttons. She wanted to respond with something clever but couldn't find the words. Instead, she simply prepared a mat for me. It didn’t take her more than a minute to cast a workout video to our TV. I started to worry when I saw the video’s length—twenty minutes. It wasn’t an eternity, but it was much longer than my usual routine.

    The workout’s intensity hit me right away; it wasn’t a slow-paced session with simple exercises. There were challenging variations that had my core burning after just thirty seconds. I tried my best to keep up, even cheating despite my wife's comments about proper form. It didn’t help. After four minutes of misery, I collapsed, unable to get up, needing several minutes to catch my breath. It was an inhuman experience.

    "Okay, you’ve had your fun. There’s no way a normal human can do these exercises." I suspected her core was stronger than mine, but I couldn’t believe she could complete this set. The difference was enormous.

    "Are you calling me not normal? Yes, this is a bit challenging, and I struggled with this set when I started. Not to the level you did, but after a few times, it served as a starter for my abs routine." Of course, she had to be smart about it and show off.

    "If it’s just a starter, why don’t you prove it to me and do it now? It shouldn’t be hard for you, even if you’re tired." Knowing my wife, I was already sure she could do it, but seeing is believing.

    Elen is not one to back off from a challenge, especially one she knows she can win. For the next twenty minutes, I had the pleasure of observing my wife perform the abs routine that had defeated me. Not only did she complete every exercise, but she also did them correctly, without unnecessary movement, using only her core muscles. It was clear her core was much stronger than mine, and for some reason, I felt the need to prove myself. The last round presented an opportunity: single leg raises. I decided to play dirty. The only way she wouldn’t finish the video was if I didn’t let her. The idea that popped into my mind was to sit on the leg that was on the ground.

    "And I thought you could easily do this routine. Looks like you’re stuck." Very mature behavior from me, but who cares?

    "You’re cheating a bit, don’t you think?"

    "We didn’t say anything against helping each other, so everything is fair." By helping, I meant helping her fail, of course.

    "And do you think you can stop me?" Here comes the cockiness in her voice that I fell in love with.

    "I already did, didn’t I?" As soon as I spoke those words, Elen started to squirm beneath me, trying to free her leg. Despite her strong legs, I was quite comfortably sitting on one and holding it in place. My problems started when she realized her attempts weren’t bringing the desired result and switched tactics. She was still lying flat, but now she tried to push me away with her other leg. I decided to face this challenge head-on, which was a complete mistake as I felt myself slipping down, pushed by her pure strength. Not wanting to lose my advantage, I pivoted to the side and climbed back. For the next few minutes, I did everything in my power to pivot her legs to the side or simply avoid being pushed away. It couldn’t go on like this forever, so I decided to lean closer to her leg and hug it, giving no space for Elen to push me off. I was like a python encircling her leg with my upper body and spreading my legs to keep my balance. There was no way she could push me away now, and I felt quite confident in our friendly confrontation. My satisfied expression probably provoked Elen to try something else. She finally gave up on pushing me and decided to try a different approach.

    I didn’t feel myself struggling to maintain my position, but what I felt was much worse. I felt compressed between her legs. She didn’t connect her legs to perform a proper scissor lock, but her legs were strong enough to apply enough pressure for me to realize I couldn’t maintain my hold. Since there was no point in using my whole body to hold her leg, I tried to move her other leg with my arms, only to find that either her leg was too strong or my arms were too weak—probably both. I had to reposition myself to use my body to pin her leg to the ground, and down we went with me holding her leg down. It was too easy, which meant it was something Elen had anticipated. I realized my mistake almost immediately when she connected her legs and applied pressure to my abs. Despite doing core exercises for a few months, it was clear that my beautiful wife could apply too much pressure for me to handle. The tables turned in our friendly tussle. Instead of holding her from doing the exercise, I was battling for survival, trying to wiggle out from her hold. After long minutes of trying everything, hoping something would work, my struggles were rewarded when Elen decided to change her hold or just got bored or for any other reason, which I didn’t care about. She relaxed her hold for a bit. Quick as lightning, at least in my head, I squeezed out from her hold and took a few steps away from her. I was still catching my breath when she quickly performed the remaining leg raises from her exercise.

    "Looks like you didn’t fully stop me. Next time, we should bet something." There was too much cockiness in her voice. I would probably be the same after winning, so I had to endure it with dignity.

    "It wouldn’t have been so easy for you if we had bet on something." I still tried my hardest, but she didn’t need to know that.

    "That’s great to hear, as I have something in mind that I want you to agree to. But that’s for next time."

    With that, she left to take a shower, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I wasn’t sure what to make of the whole situation. I clearly lost a tussle against her legs, and I wasn’t even sure she tried hard. She probably did due to her competitive nature, but who knows? The lesson for the future: whenever we engage in any physical confrontation, stay away from those pythons.
  • #26 by phil123 on 30 May 2024
  • Now the fun begins. Happy to read what changes after the bet.
  • #27 by lzzk2333 on 07 Jul 2024
  • will the story continue? it is more than good
  • #28 by assassinua on 18 Jul 2024
  • Chapter 10

    After the last event, nothing seemed to change. I expected my wife to brag and challenge me to some silly contest. She hinted at wanting something, but nothing came of it. We just returned to our routine. From my perspective, it was a bit of a win. Despite having the upper hand and an element of surprise, I lost to Elen's legs. The key takeaway was to steer clear of them, and I should be fine.

    Things continued peacefully for about a week. One evening, I was deeply engrossed in a console game, relaxing on the sofa in our living room while my wife was putting the kids to sleep. I didn't notice when Elen laid down next to me and rested her legs on my thighs. I assumed she'd read a book or something and continued playing. But when my hands with the controller kept getting pushed up, I realized it wasn't a coincidence. After this happened ten or more times, it was clear I couldn't continue without addressing it. And there she was, smiling at me.

    I had mixed feelings. She was provoking me, expecting a response, and as the man of the house, I felt I should do something. But I also needed to avoid her legs at any cost. So, I took a half measure: I continued playing while leaning on her legs to push them down with my weight. I had leverage on my side, but pure strength is better. Elen barely lifted her legs before I pushed them back, but after a few reps, it was clear that to keep them down, I'd have to use my arms. My plan was to move her legs off me or under me quickly. However, when I grabbed her legs, I felt her big, hard calf muscles. Despite my regular running, Elen's calves were much bigger and defined.
    During my hesitation, Elen moved closer, nullifying my leverage. It was becoming a contest of my hands versus her legs, which I wanted to avoid. I needed to think of a way to escape without losing face. Without realizing it, I was still feeling her calves. Elen waited for me to act, but I just kissed her muscle and stood up, leaving her dumbfounded. She didn't expect that from me, and neither did I.

    In the following days, we didn't mention the incident. However, there was a shift in our personal life. I realized I enjoyed her muscles and wasn't shy about it, while Elen became more comfortable showing off her toned, muscular legs. After a week, she became more physical. She didn't attack or wrestle me, but she wasn't afraid to show her strength.

    One day, while browsing my phone, I felt my knees pressed together. Elen had placed her chair near me and pressed my legs with hers. I hoped she'd get bored, but she increased the pressure until it hurt slightly, signaling me to act. I tried to pry my legs apart with all my strength, even using my arms, but they didn't move. In the end, I had to ask her to relax her hold so I could break free.
    Another time, I was heading to the bathroom when I was suddenly lifted and carried away. Before I could react, Elen ran to the bathroom, leaving me in the corridor, trying to comprehend what just happened. It was a little worrying that she could sneak up on me and carry me, but I could probably do the same to her, so it was fine. These small events continued, with Elen lifting me being her favorite, and I enjoyed it too, so I never told her to stop.

    The best part was our improved sex life. It was good before, but with her muscles and confidence, it was much better. I wasn't shy about exploring her body, and she wasn't shy about showing it. One night, we were in bed, kissing passionately, my hands all over her abs and legs, but I couldn't pry her legs apart. Seeing my attempts made her giggle.

    "Looks like you can't force yourself in even if you try," she said, cockiness in her voice.

    "I can if I try harder," I replied, probably not thinking with my brain.

    "Let's see you try. We can set an alarm for 15 minutes. You don't have to finish, just entering counts as a win for you. Your time starts now." She started the clock.

    I began working immediately, focusing on removing the lock she made with her ankles. After a few minutes with no progress, I felt some give. It was a glimmer of hope, so I put everything into it. I managed to move her ankles apart and squeeze in, but when I was almost there, she increased the pressure on my ribs. It became unbearable, and I slipped away, catching my breath as the alarm rang, proclaiming her victory.

    "I knew you didn't stand a chance against my legs," she said, flexing her defined quads and calves.

    "It's just much harder to force yourself in than defend," I said, unable to accept defeat gracefully.

    "If you're so sure, why don't we bet something to ensure you try your hardest?"

    "Bet on what? You don't have the right tool for that," I said, unsure of her plan.

    "Yes, we don't, so maybe we can buy one. But for today, I'll make you come in under 10 minutes even if you try to stop me. If I win, I get a personal coach at the gym because I still don't know what I'm doing there."

    "Okay, with conditions: no squeezing with your legs and no handjob."

    "Afraid of my legs, good to know. And no handjob, I want to enjoy this too." She started the clock.

    I hoped for a rest, but Elen was already forcing me on my back. I wanted to roll over, but she succeeded in sitting on top of me, her legs stopping all my attempts. Our struggle moved to hands, and although I was stronger, she had leverage and stamina. I was too tired after the previous struggle, and soon she pinned me down. I hoped to squirm and struggle until time ran out, but the more I struggled, the more she moved my legs into position. I accepted my fate, and Elen gently rubbed me until I was fully aroused. She mounted me, and we both reached orgasm before the alarm rang.

    Elen kissed me on the nose and said she loved me, leaving me on the bed with my thoughts.
  • #29 by phil123 on 21 Jul 2024
  • and now more growing with her personal coach starts.