  • #1 by fitgirlfanguy on 23 Apr 2021
  • Is there a way (short of perhaps deleting my own post in the thread) of no longer having a particular post thread I've replied to show up in the list of "Show new replies to your posts" if the thread topic? 

    If a topic has changed directions and is no longer relevant or I'm no longer interested but it's still active among other users, I'd be interested in a way to prevent it from continuing to show up in on this page for me.
    Guidance is appreciated.  Thanks! 
  • #2 by Old Surehand on 23 Apr 2021
  • Instead of posting something like this to the forum, you should go to the post you want deleted or modified and do this:

    There are only a few members of this forum that can fix this. No moderator would or should go through your posting history to guess what post you want deleted. We're here to help, but you have to help us help you.
  • #3 by fitgirlfanguy on 26 Apr 2021
  • Instead of posting something like this to the forum, you should go to the post you want deleted or modified and do this:

    There are only a few members of this forum that can fix this. No moderator would or should go through your posting history to guess what post you want deleted. We're here to help, but you have to help us help you.

    I'm not sure we're talking about the same.  There's nothing wrong with the post thread other than I'm no longer interested in following the conversation.  I wouldn't say it warrants reporting the entire thread to a moderator in an attempt to remove a thread that others are still actively engaged in and finding value in.  The question isn't really about any one thread in particular, so there wouldn't be any expectation on my end to have a moderator comb through my posts to guess which one I might be referring to.
  • #4 by Old Surehand on 26 Apr 2021
  • When you click on Report to the Moderator it refers to a post, not a thread. The report to moderator prompt is at the bottom right hand corner of every POST. Click Report To Moderator at the bottom right hand corner of the post you're referring to, type what you want done in the message box and submit. Someone will then fix it for you. This topic is now closed.