Russian Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure, Wellness, Bikini & Fit Model competitors / Re: Viktoriya Pelekhotsa
« Last post by yuvitall on Today at 02:34:30 am »3
Female Bodybuilding Contest Videos / Re: Elaine Bell
« Last post by Marc1999! on Today at 02:26:21 am »
Russian Female Bodybuilding, Physique, Fitness, Figure, Wellness, Bikini & Fit Model competitors / Re: Angelina Sobyanina
« Last post by yuvitall on Today at 02:25:33 am »5
RM Memorable Female Muscle & Hall of Legends Videos / Re: RM V113 - Donna Bramble - '8 Pack' Abs
« Last post by Marc1999! on Today at 02:23:32 am »
RM Memorable Female Muscle & Hall of Legends Videos / Re: RM 218 - Brenda Raganot
« Last post by Marc1999! on Today at 02:23:08 am »
Female Bodybuilding Contest Videos / Re: Elaine Bell
« Last post by DaveYun775 on Today at 02:14:44 am »
WPW Memorable Female Muscle & Hall of Legends Videos / Re: WPW 308 (Includes RM 131) - Zuzana Korinkova
« Last post by DaveYun775 on Today at 02:08:12 am »
List of fantasies / Specialities discussion / Emasculation Session
« Last post by chris.p.bacon on Today at 01:56:28 am »My favourite type of session is one that involves a lot of emasculation - does anyone else particularly enjoy this? A typical session would start off with muscle worship and then naturally evolve into comparing muscles, measuring both our arms, armwrestling etc. I am not exactly huge (5’8 150) so it’s a lot of fun - at my height/weight the vastmajority of SGs are at least as big as me and often alot bigger!
In my experiences with 5 SGs each one has been really into it (or at least appeared to be!)
I think women into fitness/working out tend to enjoy seeing that they are bigger/stronger than a guy even if they may not realise it! Most recently one girl told me that it was really rewarding for her sizing up next to me as it validated her work in the gym the past year! For context our arms measured the same size but she was way leaner and just overall more aesthetic (bicep peak, veins etc) - I think seeing her arm compared to mine (a fairly average male) made her realise just how much she had grown!
In my experiences with 5 SGs each one has been really into it (or at least appeared to be!)
I think women into fitness/working out tend to enjoy seeing that they are bigger/stronger than a guy even if they may not realise it! Most recently one girl told me that it was really rewarding for her sizing up next to me as it validated her work in the gym the past year! For context our arms measured the same size but she was way leaner and just overall more aesthetic (bicep peak, veins etc) - I think seeing her arm compared to mine (a fairly average male) made her realise just how much she had grown!