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Author Topic: Spidergirl's "Big" Transition  (Read 2836 times)

Offline kasper16085

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Spidergirl's "Big" Transition
« on: July 08, 2024, 12:14:12 pm »
Here is another story as a preview to the writing I have started on my new Patreon page.  Please feel free to come support me and read stories like this one that are being uploaded every month.  Hope you enjoy :)

It was a warm summer evening, the air thick with humidity. Spidergirl, clad in her familiar red-and-blue spandex costume, sat on the edge of a rooftop, her long legs dangling over the edge. She had always been athletic, but lately she'd been feeling... restless. She wanted more. She wanted to feel stronger, faster, more powerful. So she had started taking steroids.


At first, she'd been skeptical. She'd heard the rumors, the warnings. But she'd taken the risk anyway, and now she was addicted. The feeling of strength coursing through her veins was intoxicating, and she couldn't get enough. And then there was her costume. She loved the way it hugged her body, the way it showed off her muscles. She especially loved the way it pulled tight across her newly enlarged breasts and across her pussy.


She flexed her bicep, watching the bulge beneath her skin, feeling the power beneath her fingertips. It was intoxicating. She wanted more. More muscle, more steroids. She couldn't get enough. As she sat there on the edge of the rooftop, she could feel her heart racing, her blood pumping through her veins. She was alive, more alive than she'd ever been.


Her pecs, enlarged by the steroids, felt heavy in her tight spandex costume, nipples hardening beneath the stretchy material. Her hips and thighs were as wide as they'd ever been, muscles taut and defined. And below that, her pussy... God, her pussy ached. The spandex of her costume rubbed against it constantly, teasing and taunting. She could feel herself getting wet just thinking about it.


She stood up, stretching her arms overhead, feeling the fabric of her suit strain against her muscles. She walked over to the edge of the roof, gazing out at the city below. The sky was beginning to darken, the lights of the city flickering on one by one. She could feel the power coursing through her veins, the strength in her legs, the tightness in her core. She was invincible.


Spidergirl closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. The air was heavy with the scent of her own sweat and the chemicals from the steroids. It was intoxicating. She reached down, adjusting the hem of her suit, feeling the spandex hug her hips and ass, the rough material of her underwear rubbing against her swollen clit. She was so turned on, so desperate for release.


She thought back to when she'd first started taking the steroids. At first, it had been just a few here and there, just to see what all the fuss was about. But soon enough, she was hooked. The way they made her feel, so strong and powerful, invincible. And then there was her costume. The way it clung to her body, showing off every muscle, every curve. It was like a second skin, and she loved it.


Spidergirl reached down, adjusting the spandex of her costume again, feeling the tightness against her pussy. She could feel herself growing wetter by the second, her need for release becoming more and more urgent. She wanted to feel the spandex rub against her clit, wanted to feel the friction as she moved, wanted to feel the power that surged through her veins.


The air around her seemed to hum with energy, the lights of the city below casting a warm, inviting glow. She could feel the muscles in her arms and legs tense, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. Her breasts were heavy and full against her spandex costume.


Her fingers danced along the smooth fabric of her suit, tracing the outline of her hips, the curve of her ass. The feeling of power coursing through her veins was overwhelming, intoxicating. She wanted more, needed more. With a growl that was equal parts frustration and desire, she leapt from the roof, soaring through the air toward the darkness below.


Her muscles tensed, ready to absorb the impact as she landed on the rooftop of a nearby building. She could feel the adrenaline surging through her veins, making her heart race and her breath come faster. The night air was cool against her skin, the warmth of the city a welcome contrast. Her breasts were heavy in the confines of her suit, nipples hard and aching. She flexed her arms, feeling the power in her biceps, the strength in her thighs.


Spidergirl looked around, surveying the area. There was a bank a few blocks away. Tonight, she was going to have some fun.


She crouched down low, feeling the spandex of her suit hug her hips and ass as she prepared to sprint. Her muscles tensed, ready to explode with power. With a growl, she launched herself forward, her long, powerful legs eating up the distance between her and the bank.


The wind rushed past her face as she moved at speeds that would make even the fastest car jealous. She leapt from rooftop to rooftop, weaving through the cityscape with a grace that belied her strength. Her breasts bounced with each movement, the spandex of her suit stretched tight against her flesh.


Spidergirl landed on the ledge of the bank's roof, her muscles burning with the effort of maintaining her momentum. She crouched low, her legs bent at the knees, her arms cocked back, ready to spring. The alarm system's wail filled the air, a cacophony of sound that only served to heighten her senses. With a grunt, she launched herself forward, her body propelling her through the air toward the bank's front doors.


The impact of her landing shook the building, sending a shower of glass and debris raining down around her. She rolled smoothly to her feet, her muscles flexing and relaxing as she took in her surroundings. The bank was in chaos, employees and customers alike scrambling for cover. Spidergirl smiled, feeling a thrill course through her veins. This was what she lived for.


With a fluid motion, she leapt over a row of desks, her spider-sense tingling as she avoided a desperate swipe from a security guard. He crashed into a wall, dazed but still determined. She ignored him, focusing on her target. The vault.


Spidergirl landed lightly on the vault's control panel, her fingers dancing over the keys with a speed that defied the laws of physics. In seconds, the vault door swung open with a hiss, revealing a treasure trove of cash and jewels. Her eyes widened in greed, and she reached in, stuffing handfuls of loot into her suit's many pockets. It was a good haul, and she knew she could sell it all on the black market.


But first, she had to deal with the remaining guards. She leapt from the vault, landing silently behind one of the security guards. With a sharp yank, she twisted his arms behind his back, immobilizing him. He struggled weakly, but it was no use against her superhuman strength.


Next, she turned her attention to the customers. They were cowering in fear, some of them hiding under desks or behind counters. Spidergirl approached one of the women, a look of pity in her eyes. She crouched down, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder.


"It's okay," she whispered, her voice soft and reassuring. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm just here for the money. Now, why don't you and your friends head for the exit?" The woman nodded, her eyes wide with disbelief, but she didn't resist as Spidergirl ushered her and the others toward the exit.


Outside, the chaos of the city was beginning to die down, the sounds of sirens fading into the distance. Spidergirl crouched down beside the woman, who was still shaking from fear. "Listen," she said, her voice low, "I know this was scary, but I had to do it. I need the money, okay?" The woman nodded, her eyes filling with tears.


Spidergirl sighed, feeling a pang of guilt. "Look," she continued, "I'm not a bad person. I just...I just need the money, okay? But I'm not going to hurt you. Just go home, and forget about tonight. Okay?" The woman nodded again, her shoulders beginning to shake as she wiped away tears. Spidergirl placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze before standing up and turning to leave.


She surveyed the area, making sure no one was following them, before leaping to the top of a nearby building. From there, she could easily swing across the city, disappearing into the night. As she swung through the air, she thought about the woman and the others she'd left behind. She wished there was another way, but she knew there wasn't. She was Spidergirl, and she had a reputation to maintain.


Spidergirl landed on the roof of a dilapidated warehouse, her usual hideout. She carefully made her way through the darkness, her spider-sense alerting her to any potential danger. The warehouse was filled with all sorts of stolen goods: expensive jewelry, high-tech gadgets, and even a few stolen paintings. She dumped her loot from the bank on the floor and began to sort through it, making sure everything was accounted for.


As she worked, she couldn't help but feel a sense of exhaustion creep over her. It had been a long night, and she'd been on the move for hours. She leaned against a crate, closing her eyes for just a moment, and took out another syringe of steroids.


Spidergirl hesitated, the needle poised above her arm. She'd been using steroids more and more lately, ever since she'd started this whole superhero-to-supervillain transition. It was a slippery slope, she knew, but it was the only way she could keep up with the demands of her new life. She took a deep breath and injected the steroids into her arm, wincing as the cool liquid coursed through her veins.


The steroids kicked in almost immediately, giving her a rush of energy and strength. She stood up straighter, her eyes burning with determination. Tonight's heist had gone surprisingly well, and she'd made a tidy sum. But with great wealth came great responsibility, or so she'd heard someone say once. She had to be careful not to draw too much attention to herself, or else her double life would come crashing down around her.


Spidergirl spent the rest of the night going through her stash, organizing and hiding her loot. By the time dawn broke, she'd hidden her ill-gotten gains in several different secret locations around the city. Only she knew where they were, and she planned to keep it that way.


With her work done, she changed back into her civilian clothes and made her way home. Her apartment was small and modest, nothing like the lavish lairs of some of the other supervillains she'd heard about. She lived alone, with only her pet tarantula, Cindy, for company. She fixed herself a quick breakfast of cold cereal and coffee, and then crawled back into bed, exhausted from the night's events.

Forum Saradas

Spidergirl's "Big" Transition
« on: July 08, 2024, 12:14:12 pm »

Offline Sven_arf

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Re: Spidergirl's "Big" Transition
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2024, 10:17:46 am »
Great story🫡 hope she grows out of her suit

Offline Docta1

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Re: Spidergirl's "Big" Transition
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2024, 12:52:52 pm »

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