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Author Topic: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants  (Read 7833 times)

Offline ebonymusclefreak16

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Do you prefer the female bodybuilder as thier NPC style before implants or once they become pros and get implants in the IFBB
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Offline M7

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2016, 12:47:22 am »
I definitely prefer no implants or "pre implants." Bodybuilding is about muscle and I don't like how implants cover up so much of the pectoral muscles. I understand why fbbs get them, but I generally don't care for them.

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2016, 10:37:50 pm »
Me too I like no implants...When I see Monique Jones, it makes her upper body so no proportionate... Makes her look to top heavy...Same with Audry Peden from her last show, her new implants makes it to where you can not see her muscles.  And if your up in age and want to get real big it sags when your in contest shape...Now Monique Hayes implants look realistic and does not cover up muscles
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Offline fitgirlfanguy

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2016, 03:56:48 pm »
If the implants are sized within reason, like Emery Miller, then yes, they can certainly complement and complete a physique.  Over the top ones like Monique Jones or Aleesha  Young end up distracting the viewer from what they're really trying to look at - their muscle. 

That being said, a woman like Colette Guimond or Bev Francis with epic pec muscle development would be doing themselves (...or maybe us) an even greater disservice by not displaying their phenomenal muscles free of other unnecessary embellishment. 

Offline papadoc1981

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2016, 01:54:38 am »
Will always prefer no implants.  And sure there are some FBBs who don't over do it and have a good boobjob.  Nikki Fuller's 1st surgery is probably the gold standard.  But, always go without, is what I always say.  Feel the same way for women of all shapes and sizes.

Christine Envall is an example of a woman who I found to be WAY hotter prior to her boobjob.  And she didn't go overboard or anything.  She has a size that is within reason.

It's a matter of attraction.  I love women who are independent & confident.  Those are 2 qualities I can imagine plenty of FBBs posses.  How could they not?  To just live a life with that kind of muscularity where you know you are gonna be criticized and at times even ridiculed because of how they look almost every single day.  Whether your out walking a dog or going to buy groceries you will more than likely encounter some prick incapable of minding their own business.  For me, it would see developing a thick skin is a requirement.

But I digress.  I just wonder who/what is the boobjob for?

1. The husband - you married the wrong man.
2. The fbb herself - if she has an issue feeling unattractive it makes one wonder why she even allowed herself to get super muscular in the first place.
3. The contest judges - this I can at least understand even though it's all kinds of fucked up.  And I feel pity for any fbb who goes under the knife solely for this reason.
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Offline Bernie1212

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2017, 12:32:54 am »
Will always prefer no implants.  And sure there are some FBBs who don't over do it and have a good boobjob.  Nikki Fuller's 1st surgery is probably the gold standard.  But, always go without, is what I always say.  Feel the same way for women of all shapes and sizes.

Christine Envall is an example of a woman who I found to be WAY hotter prior to her boobjob.  And she didn't go overboard or anything.  She has a size that is within reason.

It's a matter of attraction.  I love women who are independent & confident.  Those are 2 qualities I can imagine plenty of FBBs posses.  How could they not?  To just live a life with that kind of muscularity where you know you are gonna be criticized and at times even ridiculed because of how they look almost every single day.  Whether your out walking a dog or going to buy groceries you will more than likely encounter some prick incapable of minding their own business.  For me, it would see developing a thick skin is a requirement.

But I digress.  I just wonder who/what is the boobjob for?

1. The husband - you married the wrong man.
2. The fbb herself - if she has an issue feeling unattractive it makes one wonder why she even allowed herself to get super muscular in the first place.
3. The contest judges - this I can at least understand even though it's all kinds of fucked up.  And I feel pity for any fbb who goes under the knife solely for this reason.

I agree with many if not all of your points here.  It needs to be her decision.  I am a firm believer in never doing anything to simply please someone else.  Getting implants should never be done to please another person. 

Your point number three is a tough one.  I have heard women say they got implants for that reason.  My thought though, if you are that commited to being a successful bodybuilder on stage, if that acceptance means that much to you, then you are in a round about way doing it for yourself. 

As far as preference for me, I can admire both looks.  Though I am not a real big fan of the obnoxiously huge implants, at least make them a realistic size. 

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2024, 08:08:44 am »
Do you prefer a muscle woman to still have prominent breasts or not?  Personally I’m not sure if I have a specific preference

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2024, 08:44:37 am »
the bigger the better for me - i'm all about size - huge arms, legs & tits

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i dream of a huge fbb holding my head and smothering in massive cleavage whilst jackin me off with her immense strength

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2024, 09:52:16 am »
Zero tits

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2024, 12:25:11 pm »
I prefer that they don't. I'm a pec guy all the way.

Offline vtrab

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2024, 02:26:25 pm »
Whilst I am most certainly a boob guy, I prefer no implants, though I am not sure if I would recognise them all of the time.  Anyway, it is not up to me and no sane woman would ever ask for my take.

Online Prophaniti

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Re: Do you prefer female bodybuilders with implants or pre implants
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2024, 05:53:10 pm »
No implants, or at the very least not ridiculous implants.

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