

The best biceps for the lovers of female bodybuilding

I live in Finland and I was born here in Tampere 1968. I try to combine
things that I like and I can do and I will do all my best to achieve my goals and to think positively
no matter what the situation is, like if there will be storm I will go through it.
I do personal training and all other future projects will connect to this field off sport, so I hope to
make them all in real, even those will take time. I am already happy to have visibility here on the
web at ftwebcam.com and through my web site I hope to reach all off my fans!!
Through this sport I found one passion I have had years, so I love to create and I turned it to fashion and during diets I started to make clothes, when found it relaxing. Some off those outfits you may
have seen on photos and here on my site I will show you more.
I have always been interested outdoor activities and younger I did a lot off all kinds off ball games and running, riding a bicycle was and still is a big part of my activities.
I love nature, so no difficulties to go out for a walk, even it is rainy or cold winter season.
I was 15 years of age, when I first joined to one sport club and I became track field athlete (sprinter), because my teacher at school advised me to do so, when I run so fast. I guess I should thank her for this, because those times I found my true interest off weightlifting, which we did as part off training. I took also some tennis lessons at one tennis course and get also advised to join to tennis club. Who knows what would have happen? I guess I would have been too short for this too as I was for sprinter.
Right from the beginning I had the feeling that this is my thing and took workout seriously, so there was appoint, when I said to my friends at gym that after two years I will compete and it really happened so!!! I noticed that my weight went quite fast and get reminded of some extra weight I ha get, so I needed to do something. A bit pressure outside made me do this and timing just matched what I said about competing.
The first competition I took part was our National Championship at 1990 and I was a 2nd lightweight category and I was so happy to take part to World Championship in Mexico City 1990 right after that first competition and became 7th at same categories. I saw there that long and hard work ahead.
A lot has happened since those days, so here are some highlights off my competitive career that has been at The European 2000 in Torremolinos, Spain, where I was 2nd at middle weight categories and get my first silver medal, which gave me the opportunity to become a pro and make one dream come true!!!
So the best off all has been these year’s from 2001 and the most rewarding year and the real dream came true was 2004, when I qualified to Ms.Olympia and all experiences I had before and after that will beat all I have had so far and I never forget those great feelings I felt, so no wonder why I get tears of joy to my eyes, when I was 3rd in lightweight and among top 3 . There is a special place in my heart to this achievement and I am grateful off it.
One of the greatest moments there was to see and meet Lenda Murray , who had been one of my inspiration since I first saw photos of women bodybuilders like her, Cory Everson, Anja Langer and Juliette Bergman, so get remind me off those early years before I started and wondered how all would be and feel and it is so amazing how long the road has been from those days, but it has been worth off the hard work and sacrifice. I want to express my gratitude to my family and friends and fans all over the world, who have gave me courage, motivation and support to be at my best.
Contest history :
National level: Pohjanmaa Grand Prix 1990,1st lightweight(-52kg)
National Championship 1990,2nd lightweight
National Championship 1991,1st middleweight (-57kg)
International level: World Championship 1990 Mexico City, 7th lightweight
European Championship1991 Graz, Austria, 7th lightweight
World Championship 1991 Sevilla , Spain, 14th middleweight
World Championship 1994 Borlänge, Sweden, 4th middleweight
World Championship 1999 Sydney, Australia, 4th middleweight
European Championship 2000 Torremolinos, Spain , 2nd middleweight
Professional level: Jan Tana 2001 Virginia, USA, 3rd lightweight
Women’s Extravaganza 2001, NJ, USA, 2nd middleweight
Jan Tana 2002 Virginia, USA, 3rd lightweight
Night off the Champion 2003, NY, USA, 3rd lightweight
Night off the Champion 2004, NY, USA, 2nd lightweight
Ms.Olympia 2004 Las Vegas, USA, 3rd lightweight
Others photos coming soon