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Author Topic: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen  (Read 15537 times)

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2023, 02:17:22 am »
Scene 59

   Behind the scene of unbridled sapphic lust, Professor Sedienta squirmed in her chains, grinding her hips together and whimpering with desire. But finally, after much struggling, the ravishing professor was able to free one of her hands, slipping it out from the sweat-slick shackle. Reaching out, Professor Sedienta felt the ritual altar at her side, and frantically began grasping at the objects that lay upon it. “Please Gloriosa, Maria, you must hold on!” she begged. “Only for a few more seconds.”
   First Professor Sedienta's grasping hand found a ritual knife of obsidian, still razor sharp despite its incredible age. “Professor!” Miguel whispered, praying that his voice was just loud enough to reach the buxom blonde's ears, but not so loud as to alert the hulking giantess who stood mere feet away. “That knife may be able to cut the bindings on our wrists! It's worth a try at least.”
   “No this will never do,” she said, and roughly tossed the knife away.
   Next the professor felt her fingers run across a key, old and crusted with patina, precisely like the shackles that held both her and Miguel captive. “A key!” Miguel whispered excitedly. “That key must unlock these chains. Hurry and free us, and we might yet rescue Gloriosa and Maria!”
   “No no no,” she said with a disappointed huff, she knocked the key clattering from the altar.
   Finally, Professor Sedienta's eyes lit with excitement as she wrapped her hand around a cylinder of polished opal about as long and thick as her forearm. “At last!” she gushed as she slid the opal between her engorged labia and into her welcoming vagina.
   Again and again the beautiful educator thrust the polished shaft of sparkling red gemstone into her sex, twisting it and twirling it as she moaned with desire at the sight of the wanton carnality that played out before her.

Scene 60

   Adoringly, Gloriosa and Maria rubbed their faces against Atlacoya's breasts as they ran their fingers up and down the rocky ridges of her serratus muscles and ribs, and struggled to stretch their hands around the muscular slabs of her lats. “Yes, surrender yourselves to me,”Atlacoya cackled.
   “Maria,” Gloriosa pleaded to her daughter, even as her lips edged toward Atlacoya's nipples, “look away. Do not gaze upon her tetas!”
   “I... I can't look away,” Maria panted, her entire body trembling with desire. “They are so big... so beautiful... so powerful.”
   Atlacoya's laughter echoed through the stone chamber as the two luchadoras collapsed onto her, and began to kiss her areolae and suck on her nipples. “What skilled tongues you have my little slaves,” she crowed as her nipples hardened to the size of D cell batteries between the lips of the buxom musclebound wrestlers. “Why it has been centuries since my chichis have received such adulation. I think they are finally ready to receive your final offering.”
   With a quick swipe of her black-tipped fingers Atlacoya ripped the bikini bottoms from Gloriosa and Maria, leaving them naked except for their boots and masks. Then, with practiced ease she grabbed each of them above the knee and turned them upside down, lifting them into the air and pressing them close to her so that her engorged teats entered their lust-enflamed vulvas. Gloriosa and Maria moaned with helpless pleasure as the vampire queen's steely-hard nipples massaged their clitori. “Now, you impudent mortals,” the impossibly muscular giantess said, her voice dripping with venom, “Your sexual energies will be mine, finally fulfilling my revenge against the woman who banished me 700 years ago. And drinking of your strength I shall grow even more powerful, and there will be force on earth to oppose me!”
   Hanging upside down, their naked bodies dripping with sweat as they dangled with their heads before Atlacoya's pubis, Gloriosa and Maria's eyes met, blurry with both lust and fear. “Do not cry, Maria,” Gloriosa said. “A true luchadora must be brave, even unto the bitter end.”
   “It is not for myself that I cry,” Maria said, “but for my beloved Miguel. My last thoughts will be only of my love for him, even if all I can see before me is the papaya of this foul demoness.”
   Turning her head to the side, Gloriosa also gazed upon the perfect fringe of Atlacoya's labia, when all of a sudden her eyes beamed with a last desperate gleam of hope. “Yes Maria, thats it!” she cried. “Remember the words of the Aztec scroll. Atlacoya was defeated when my brave ancestor ate her papaya―the very source of her demonic power.”
   Maria struggled to think clearly as orgasmic waves of pleasure rolled over her young body. “Wait...” she said. “Do you mean..?”
   “Yes!” Gloriosa exclaimed, looking her adopted daughter in the eyes with great sincerity. “Chica Vigorosa, will you once again do me the honor of joining me in battle against the forces of evil, and help me tag team this papaya?”
   Setting her jaw, Maria nodded, and summoning all of her will, began to pull herself close to Atlacoya's groin. Her adoptive mother followed suit, and soon their lips met as they pressed their faces against the vampire queen's vulva and  began to work their tongues up and down her demonic labia, massaging her devilish clitoris with their tongues.
   Instantly, Atlacoya's eyes widened in fear. “No! Stop!” she cried. “I command you, cease your licking and sucking this instant!”
   But Gloriosa and Chica Vigorosa would not hear her, and they licked the contours of her vulva with all of their might. Atlacoya trembled and released her grip on the two women, the athletic lucahdoras quickly squeezed her enormous breasts between muscular legs to avoid from falling to the ground, and wrapped their arms around her titanic thighs to steady themselves as they continued to heroically perform cunnilingus on the Aztec demoness.
   Trembling, Atlacoya fell backward, her enormously muscular body knocking basalt pillars to the ground and shaking the temple to its very foundation as she began to writhe with pleasure. “No!” Atlacoya cried as her body bucked violently with the force of her supernatural orgasm.
   “Yes!” Professor Sedienta cried as crumbling rocks fell all around her. “That's it Gloriosa! Keep going Maria! I'm almost... almost...”
   Then suddenly an explosion of light erupted from deep within Atlacoya's vagina, throwing Gloriosa and Maria from her body. And they watched before their very eyes as Atlacoya's muscle-engorged body began to shrink, her gigantic breasts deflating by a cup size with each passing second as her temple crumbled around her.
   “Maria!” Miguel cried as stones fell like dominos all around him. “Help me!”
   In a flash, Maria darted across the chamber, and tore the chains binding Miguel as if they were made of tissue paper as she planted a passionate kiss upon his lips. “Oh my dearest!” she gushed. “Even as my body thrilled with the sexual pleasures of the demon Atlacoya, my heart thought only of you. I was horrified that we would die before we could embrace one last time!”
   “We still may!” Miguel cried. “This whole place is falling down around us!”
   With a nod, Maria scooped Miguel up in her powerful arms like a child and turned to run toward the exit. “Gloriosa, we must flee!” she called to her adoptive mother. “Grab Professor Sedienta and let's be on our way!”
   But before Gloriosa could take a single step toward the masturbating blonde beauty, an avalanche of stones fell form the ceiling, blocking her way. “Curse you, Atlacoya!” she yelled. “Even in death your treachery knows no bounds!”
   But with no time for mourning, she joined her adopted daughter in a mad rush to the tomb's exit.

Scene 61

   Outside the Aztec tomb the earth shook, and Captain Ramirez nearly fell to the ground. “Hey Capitan,” Jimenez cried as he helped the venerable detective to his feet. “What do you think that was?”
   “Either something very good or something very bad,” Captain Ramirez said as he steadied himself against his car.
   Seconds later, a cheer went up from the assembled policemen as Figura Gloriosa and Chica Vigorosa emerged from the mouth of the cave, with Miguel safely cradled in his lover's musclebound arms, mere moments before rocks began to pile around the cave entrance. “Tell me Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said eagerly as he approached the great luchadora, careful not to ogle her bare body. “Is it true? Has Atlacoya been defeated?”
   “She has,” Gloriosa said, and once again the air was filled with cheering.
   Maria gingerly set Miguel on the ground and lovingly combed his hair with her fingers. “Oh Miguel,” she cooed. “This horrible episode has made me realize how much we truly need each other. Let us be married so that we are never apart again!”
   “Married?” Miguel gulped. “Isn't this quite sudden?”
   “Oh but Miguel,” Maria purred, pulling him close so that her large perky breasts mashed against his chest. “The sooner we are married, the sooner we can have our honeymoon!”
   “I was afraid you would say that,” the young man whined as his comrades laughed heartily.
   “What did I tell you Miguel?” Officer Jimenez said. “A young woman's affections can be more perilous than a whole army of mummies.”
   “Very true, Jimenez,” Captain Ramirez laughed. “But tell me, where is Professor Sedienta?”
   Gloriosa bowed her head solemnly. “I'm afraid to say that we were unable to rescue her,” she said. “But I am sure that her last thoughts were of our great nation, and-”
   But just then, a few small rocks tumbled from the opening of the cave, and Professor Sedienta scrambled out, her already-brief clothing in tatters and her glasses askew, the opal phallus still lodged between her legs. She coughed and shook dust from her hair as a mighty cheer went up to celebrate. Gloriosa ran to her side and embraced her, and the opal cylinder dropped to the ground with a thud. “Professora, you are alive!” she beamed. “I have never been so happy to see you!”
   “It was quite miraculous,” the buxom blonde said as she fixed her glasses and straightened her hair. “As the temple fell all around me, a large boulder dislodged me from the pillar upon which I hung, and rolled toward the entrance of the cave, clearing me a path through the rubble.”
   Captain Ramirez ran to the celebrated researchers side, hugging her gingerly about the shoulder to avoid touching her naked torso. “Tell me Professora,” he said eagerly, “how do you feel?”
   “I... I...” Professor Sedienta said, her voice tinged with confusion. “I'm not horny.”
   “That is the most unbelievable part of this whole story,” Maria quipped.
   A murmur of shock and disbelief went through the assembled crowd as the curvaceous professor recounted her story. “I was pleasuring myself vigorously with the opal verga as I watched Gloriosa and Maria embroiled in passionate lovemaking with the demon Atlacoya, worshipping her muscles and lavishing her with kisses. Why the air was so thick with the scent of papaya that I could hardly breathe. I tell you it was the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life, and when I finally reached climax it was as though decades of pent up lust were released. Oh what a fool I've been these long years! So much research left to gather dust while I busied myself with sexual dalliances. My botany! My robotics! I have so much research to do!”
   “What an incredible story, Professora,” Captain Ramirez said, even as the assembled policemen grumbled in disappointment at the loss of the gorgeous educator's legendary libido.
   “It's good to hear that you have renewed your professional vigor,” Gloriosa said as Maria joined her at Professor Sedienta's side. “Because tomorrow Maria and I have our annual gynecological appointment, and we would be most eager for your attention.”
   Instantly, Professor Sedienta's eyes clouded over with lust, and her lips began to pucker. “A mother-daughter vaginal exam?” she asked excitedly as she locked arms with the beautiful luchadoras. “I suppose my research can wait one more day!”
   And with that the valiant men and women assembled in the valley let forth a mighty laugh, their spirits lightened not only by Professor Sedienta's innuendo, but also by the knowledge that the forces of evil had once again been defeated, and the world would live to see another day.


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Offline nickolai

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #61 on: March 28, 2023, 01:44:36 pm »
So sad to see this has come to an end ...  :'(

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