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Author Topic: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen  (Read 14541 times)

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #45 on: February 25, 2023, 09:01:06 pm »
Love banter like,  “Gentle?” he whimpered. “You are as strong as a bull, I couldn't hurt you if I tried!” “How sweet of you to say,” she tittered. “But I daresay that I am stronger than any mere bull.”

Love how the younger woman "woman handles" him, tosses him around like a rag doll, without even realizing it.

loving this so far. Continue the great writting.


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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #46 on: February 25, 2023, 09:02:56 pm »
Scene 47

   Before long, the sun rose over Figura Gloriosa's stately home, and beautiful morning chased away the rain of the pervious day. The three policemen sat at small table in the kitchen, digesting their breakfasts as Maria brought them coffee. “It's a complete mystery,” Jimenez said. “Rodriguez and I searched everywhere and found to sign of the Aztec zombies that attacked you. We even swept the neighborhood, but it's as though they vanished without a trace.”
   “It's a mystery, that's for sure,” Maria said, suppressing a giggle as she eyed Miguel. “I am very lucky that such a brave and vigorous young man was available to tend to me.”
   “You did good to survive the perils that you faced in that bedroom last night, Miguel,” Jimenez said, nodding solemnly. “It's a miracle that you weren't seriously injured,or even killed.”
   “You don't know the half of it,” Miguel sighed, wincing from the pain that wracked his body.
   “We'll get you back to the station for a medical exam,” Rodriguez said. “But there's no doubt you'll be on desk duty for the rest of the week.”
   The three men rose to leave, and Maria took Miguel by the hand. “Thank you again for last night, Miguel,” she cooed, her eyes hazy with a schoolgirl crush. “I hope to see you again soon.”
   The two older men laughed an Rodriguez slapped Miguel's shoulder, eliciting a wince of pain from the young policeman. “Careful, Miguel,” Jimenez joked. “A young woman's affections can be more perilous than a whole army of mummies.”
   “You don't know the half of it,” Miguel sighed.

Scene 48

   Later that day, Miguel sat behind a desk with half his body wrapped in bandages, alphabetizing files in the high-priority holding cell block of the precinct house. It was a big windowless room on the far side of the police station, and with its single cell empty of prisoners, Miguel was able to focus on the tedious work before him to distract his mind from the pain that Maria had inflicted upon him with her powerful and relentless lovemaking.
   Miguel's rest was disturbed when the doors suddenly flung open, and a quarter of policemen bustled in, struggling to restrain a suspect. To Miguel's shock and horror, the suspect was one of the mummified Aztec Temple Guardians who had been robbing luxury boutiques and jewelers throughout the city, and who had twice made an attempt on the life of Figura Gloriosa. “Get the cell door, Miguel!” Officer Jimenez called.
   Miguel scrambled to his feet, but moved with purpose, and was able to open the heavy steel-barred door to the holding cell just in time for the other officers to toss the mummified fiend inside.
Slamming the door closed, Officer Jimenez removed his hat and wiped his brow. “What a stroke of luck,” he said. “There was another daytime robbery, but this time we captured on the fiends.”
   “Hey Miguel,” Officer Rodriguez said, pointing to the undead warrior who had already risen to his feet, and was shaking the bars of the cell. “Is this one of the gang that attacked you last night?”
   Miguel looked at the hulking zombie, who was now pacing in his cell. Wary of lying to his comrades, Miguel squirmed a bit. “Who can tell one mummy from another?” he asked.
   “Fair enough,” Jimenez said as he and the other officers began to file out of the holding block. “Just keep an eye on him until we figure out what to do him. And don't worry, those bars are three centimeters of solid steel. It would take a bulldozer to get through that cell door.”
   “Of course,” Miguel nodded eagerly. “I'll be on the lookout for anything suspicious.”
   The door swung shut, and Miguel was alone with his silent prisoner, who know sat motionless in one of the steel benches along the cell wall. The young man looked at the monster, focusing on the green jewel that hung on his ornate amulet. “So those green jewels are where you monsters get your power, eh?” he asked. “I wonder where the jewels get their power, though.”
   The sound of a ringing phone ended Miguel's pondering, and when he picked it up, he heard Officer Jimenez voice on the other end of the line. “Miguel, there's one more thing I forgot to mention,” he said. “Maria asked to stop by the precinct house and bring you a homemade lunch, to show her gratitude for your saving her life. It's against policy, but given the circumstances, we agreed to let her visit you. And if I know women, she's got something more in mind that just lunch, eh Miguel!”
   “Oh dear,” Miguel gulped, his aching body shuddering in fear. “You know, I don't think-”
   “Who are we to stand in the way of young love?” Jimenez laugh. “And don't worry, we'll switch off the closed-circuit cameras so you two can have some privacy.”
   “B-but what if I need help?” Miguel asked nervously.
   “You're something else, Miguel,” Jimenez laughed as he hung up the phone. “You fight off a whole platoon of mummies, but you're scared to talk to a pretty girl.”
   Miguel replaced receiver, and nervously checked the video monitor that showed the hallway leading to the high-priority holding cell block. Sure enough, there was Maria, striding breezily down the hall in one of her drab formless dresses, the elegant s-curl hanging over her face her only decoration. Miguel looked about the room frantically. He thought of escape, but there was only one door into the windowless room. He thought of hiding, but other than the holding cell, the desk and the filing cabinets, the room was bare. Maria was nearing the door, when he glanced nervously at the keys on his belt, and then to the bulky undead monster that sit in the holding cell. “I think I might be safer in there with you,” he chuckled nervously.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #47 on: February 28, 2023, 03:01:27 am »
Scene 49

   Maria was giddy with anticipation as she closed the door to the high-priority holding cell block behind her. “Oh Miguel,” she sang, setting the basket down on the desk. “I have some treats for you. And more importantly, you have a treat for me. A big, thick, hard treat!”
   Not seeing Miguel anywhere, she began to look around the room. “Miguel, wherever have you gotten off to?” she asked. “The policeman at the desk told me that you were-”
   It was then that Maria spied the object of her affections, curled up in the corner of the bench in the holding cell, with one of the Aztec zombies sitting idly at the other end, still as if it were dead.
   “Oh. Hello Maria,” he said nervously.
   “Miguel, how did you come to be locked in that cell?” she demanded. “And with one of those rotting villains no less?”
   Miguel shrugged. “It's quite a long story,” he said. “But as you can see I'm quite stuck here, and although I would dearly love to see you, I cannot.”
   “Hmph,” Maria said with a frown. “This will not do at all.”
   Then, striding up the cell door, Maria grabbed a steel bar in each hand, squeezed her slender feminine fingers tight, and began to pull. The beautiful brunette set her jaw, and soon the thick metal bars began to bend. Miguel's eyes popped open in awe as the powerful young woman continued to pull the metal bars further and further apart, the squealing sound of the deforming steal echoing through the cement room. Soon, Maria had forced the two bars so wide that she could easily walk into the cell. “Dios mio,” Miguel gulped.
   Maria ran through the bars and lifted Miguel into the air, squeezing him close. “Oh Miguel,” she gushed, dropping him roughly back onto the bench. “Nothing will ever keep me from you, I swear it.”
   Miguel glanced nervously at his cellmate, who was staring at the newly-created gap in the steel bars with cold dead eyes. “It's nice to see you too Maria,” Miguel said, “but what will we do abouuumf-”
   In the brief moment that Miguel had looked away, Maria had flung herself upon him and jammed her tongue into his mouth. When finally she relented, the young man's jaw was aching, and he was starting to grow aroused despite himself.  “I have a surprise for you, Miguel,” Maria giggled. “I know you fancy muscular girls, so I came right over from the gym so I could be fully pumped for you.”
   On the other side of the cell, the mummified Temple Guardian had risen to his feet and had begun shuffling toward the mangled cell door. “That's great, Maria,” Miguel said, “but maybe-”
   Miguel's words died in his throat as Maria stripped off her dress in a flash and stood completely naked before him, her sculpted body fully pumped just as she had promised, with every muscle bulging with mass and every cut deep and sharp, her brown skin glistening with sweat in the light of the holding cell. “Tell me, Miguel, what do you think of my muscles?” Maria asked. “Don't they look incredible?”
   Before Miguel could answer, she adopted a side chest pose, and Miguel could only gawk in silence as muscles erupted on her body from head to toe. Her calves were cut like diamonds, her quadriceps bulged like slabs of marble, her bicep bulged like a rock beneath her skin, and her pectorals sprang from her chest like mesas of striated muscle from which hung her tremendous breasts, which were so large that they rested on her thickly cabled forearms.
   Miguel's eyes bugged out of his head as he ogled Maria's bountiful bulges, and once again he began to feel lightheaded as the blood rushed from his brain to his massive member. “Oh my,” he gulped as he slumped down against the wall, his head aswim. “Oh my. Oh my.”
   Maria swooped down upon him instantly, stroking his forehead. “Miguel, you have fainted again,” she said. “Are you quite alright?”
   “I didn't faint,” he said. “Its just that the sight of you gets me so aroused that I lose control of my faculties, and feel lightheaded.”
   “You certainly know how to flatter a girl,” Maria giggled as she straddled the young man and began to unbuckle his pants. “But flattery will only get you so far, Miguel. I need more. Much more.”
   As soon as Miguel's pants were removed, his girthy penis sprang forth fully erect, and Maria's eyes sparkled with delight. “Please Maria,” Miguel pleaded. “Can we not wait until later this week. The doctor told me to avoid strenuous activities.”
   “But I need verga now,” Maria pouted. “Why are you being so coy? Didn't you just say that you were aroused by the very sight of me?”
   “Of course I am,” Miguel objected, “but-”
   “And if the mere sight of my muscles arouses you,” Maria purred. “Surely you would like to feel them as well... to run your hands over them and to kiss them?”
   Then, her lips puckering seductively, Maria slowly curled her arms into a double biceps pose, the long lean slabs of her biceps contracting into rocky peaks the size of mangos that throbbed with power. “Oh dear,” Miguel gulped as he stared at the young woman's bulging arms, captivated by the movement of her shredded muscles. “Oh dear. Oh dear.”
   “Touch them, Miguel,” Maria purred. “Kiss them. I long to feel your lips upon my flesh.”
   Obediently, Miguel leaned forward and grabbed ahold of Maria's Olympian arms, awed by the delicate softness of her skin and the unyielding hardness of the muscles beneath it, as the swelling mass of her young biceps stretched his hands wide. Then as Maria squealed with delight, he gently kissed her left bicep and then the right.
   “Now tell me Miguel,” Maria asked sternly, looming over him as she stood up, the upward view of the schoolgirl's sculpted buxom body emphasizing her physical superiority over the young policeman. “Do you want to make me wait, or make me cum?”
   “I want to do whatever you say,” he droned, mesmerized by her overdeveloped musculature.
   “As well you should,” Maria purred as she whipped Miguel's pants off with a quick tug.
   Licking her lips, Maria lowered herself down onto Miguel's erection, squealing with delight as she savored its heroic length and girth. She began to roll her hips gently, her hands resting lightly on Miguel's chest, and he moaned with pleasure. “Oh this feels so good, Maria” he said. “For a second I was worried that you were going to go crazy like you did last night and-”
   But before Miguel could finish his sentence, Maria began to slide vigorously up and down on his swollen cock, pounding her powerful buttocks into his pelvis over and over, smashing his hips and legs against the stone floor of the cell, her vice like grip squeezing his shoulders so forcefully it seemed she would pop his arms from his sockets. Once again he could neither ejaculate or relax, and his nerves lit up with pleasure and pain to such an intense degree that he could not even squeak a plea for mercy from the lustful musclegirl. Over and over she slammed her pelvis against his, until he was sure it was crushed to powder, but still she continued, squealing with delight as his monumental penis thrilled nerve endings throughout her womanhood, from the outer labia to the depths of her birth canal.
   Minutes had passed, and Maria was beginning to quiver as an orgasm built inside of her, when a sudden loud crash startled her out of her reverie, and both she and Miguel jerked their heads around to see that they were now alone in the cell. “The prisoner has escaped!” Miguel cried as the sounds of shouting policemen drew nearer. “We must sound the alarm!”
   “For goodness sake,” Maria pouted. “What does a girl have to do to get some privacy?”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2023, 02:47:24 am »
Scene 50

   Captain Ramirez burst into the high-priority holding cells with his gun drawn, joined by Officer Jimenez. Quickly they made their way to the holding cell, where they found Maria seated calmly on the bench against the wall, clad as always in her drab formless dress, checking her hair and makeup in a compact mirror. On the floor next to her, Miguel was splayed out with his bandages askew. “Miguel!” Captain Ramirez called, rushing to help the young man to his feet. “Are you all right?”
   “You arrived just in time,” Miguel groaned. “Or else I might have been killed.”
   “Oh it was horrible!” Maria added, springing to her feet, suddenly affecting an air of distress. “That horrible monster escaped from his cell. I surely would have been killed if Miguel had not rushed to my rescue and driven the fiend away.”
   Officer Jimenez let out a low whistle as he examined the mangled bars of the cell. “Will you look at that!” he exclaimed. “To think of the brute force needed to bend these steel bars...”
   “Indeed,” Captain Ramirez nodded solemnly as he dusted off Miguel's uniform. “I wouldn't think any creature on earth possessed such incredible strength, except for Gloriosa of course.”
   “What about Chica Vigorosa?” Maria asked. “Do you reckon that she could bend those bars?”
   “I don't think so,” Captain Ramirez said. “Chica Vigorosa is a remarkable athlete and quite powerfully built, but she's still a mere girl after all.”
   “Well I think Chica Vigorosa may be stronger than you give her credit for,” Maria huffed.
   Officer Jimenez clapped Miguel on the back, eliciting a wince from the young man. “Another brush with death for our heroic young cadet,” the older policeman said. “It must be terrifying to be at the mercy of a creature so monstrously powerful as to bend steel like tinfoil.”
   “You don't know the half of it,” Miguel sighed.
   “I only wish that monster hadn't gotten away,” Captain Ramirez said morosely. “He was our only hope of solving this mystery. Curse my luck!”
   “Don't be so quick to curse you luck Capitan, it may be turning,” Officer Rodriguez said, entering the room. “We have men following that Aztec mummy, and he may lead us to their hideout.”
   “Say, that's not a bad idea,” the old detective exclaimed, springing into action. “Rodriguez, tell the men to keep their distance and report back as soon as they learn something. Jimenez, fetch Professor Sedienta and tell her to bring every book that she has on Aztec legends. Miguel, you and Maria come with me to the airport--Gloriosa should be returning soon, and I fear that we shall once again need to prevail upon her for assistance against the forces of evil.”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2023, 01:54:48 am »
Scene 51

   “My men say the monster went into a cave here, a few kilometers to the west of town,” Captain Ramirez said, pointing to a map of the Valley of Mexico spread out on the table in Gloriosa's study as he tapped his foot on the polished marble floor.
   Miguel sat on a nearby couch, trying to keep his weight off his bruises and contusions, while Maria sat next to him, feigning interest in the discussion as she eyed the young cadet like a hungry cat watching a bird in a cage, clutching her purse with fingers that twitched with anticipation.
   In the center of the room stood Figura Gloriosa, resplendent in a form fitting skirt and ruffly low-cut blouse, with Professor Sedienta clinging to her like plastic wrap. “Then there's no doubt about it,” the professor said. “This cave must be the long lost temple of the vampire queen Atlacoya, the source of the evil that has the city in its grasp. Oh Gloriosa, what will we do?”
   As the beautiful educator stroked Gloriosa's sprawling back and nuzzled her head against Gloriosa's breast, the legendary luchadora pursed her lips in thought. “We have no choice but to take the fight to the villains in their lair,” she said in short order. “How many men can you spare, Capitan?”
   “Not enough, I fear,” the old police captain sighed. “My mean say that they saw over a dozen of these mummified Aztec warriors guarding the cave. And of course there's no telling how many are inside, not to mention what other dangers that Atlacoya has in store for us.”
   “It will have to be enough,” Gloriosa said. “This evil must be expunged, once and for all.”
   “Hold on,” Maria said suddenly. “It's nearly sundown. This vampire queen will be at her most powerful at nighttime. Isn't that what you said, Professora?”
   “Yes, quite certainly,” Professor Sedienta replied. “Vampires are nocturnal hunters, stalking their prey at night and resting during the day.”
   Miguel chimed in as well. “If we wait until tomorrow morning we'll have more men available,” he said. “Since the President is leaving for Geneva and we won't need a security detail at the palace.”
   “That's good thinking Miguel,” Captain Ramirez said. “Why, tomorrow morning we could have twenty men rested and ready to attack.”
   “Then it's decided,” Gloriosa said. “We will rise at dawn and meet at the police station, then stamp out this foul evil once and for all.”
   As the group collected themselves to leave, Maria turned to her adoptive mother. “Gloriosa, may I borrow the car?” she asked. “There's an event at the arena that I would dearly like to attend.”
   Gloriosa's eyes narrowed in suspicion. “The only event at the arena tonight is an open tryout for luchadores and luchadoras. Why would you attend such an event?”
   “Oh... I... uh...” Maria said nervously. “I was merely hoping to watch some boys from school. They are eager to become wrestlers and I thought they could use support for such a trying ordeal.”
   Gloriosa nodded. “It is true that making one's way as a wrestler is a trying ordeal,” she said seriously. “And also that the support of the fans is a great buoy to a wrestler's spirit. Okay, I will permit this. Only you must promise me that you will not wander off alone with all of these mummies about.”
   “I promise,” Maria said gaily, as she turned to leave.
   But as she headed toward the door, Maria collided with Miguel, who was rising slowly from the couch on his tender legs. Maria's purse fell to the floor, and out spilled a golden mask and a pair of golden boots. “Oh what lovely boots,” Professor Sedienta remarked.
   “Those boots look familiar,” Captain Ramirez said, scratching his chin. “And that mask as well. Why they're a spitting image of the boots and mask worn by Chica Vigorosa.”
   “Oh... oh...” Maria stammered as she hastily shoved the gold lame articles back into her purse and hurried to leave. “These are... um... props for a school play.”
   Once again the great wrestling champion's eyes narrowed in suspicion as she grabbed her daughter by the wrist. “Not so fast,” Gloriosa said, brushing Maria's s-curl away from her face, exposing a cut beside her adopted daughter's left eye. “And where did you get this cut? It looks like it was made by a wrestling boot.”
   “Oh... I... uh...” Maria said nervously.
   But before the young woman could respond, her adoptive mother's eyes opened wide with realization. “Wait a moment,” Gloriosa said, her brow furrowing with anger.
   Suddenly, Gloriosa grabbed Maria by the collar of her prudish gray dress, and with a great yank, tore the dress to shreds, leaving her adoptive daughter standing unclothed in the middle of the room. The others gasped in amazement, not only at the extremity of Gloriosa's action, but at the state of Maria's body, which was bulging with well-honed muscle and naked except for a gold thong and two golden pasties adorning her perky J cup breasts.
   “How can this be?” Gloriosa exclaimed. “Maria are you truly Chica Vigorosa?”
   A defiant smirk graced Maria's face as she put her hands on her hips, thrust out her bountiful bosom and tensed her bulging muscles. “Yes, I admit it,” she said proudly. “I am Chica Vigorosa!”
   “It seems impossible,” Captain Ramirez said. “But it does explain some things.”
   “It explains a great deal!” Miguel cried.
   “Oh my word,” Professor Sedienta exclaimed as she ran to the muscular young brunette and put her hands on her shoulders. “Maria, I've been so occupied with my research to notice that over the years you have blossomed into a magnificent young woman. I have been treating you like a child instead of allowing our relationship to... deepen. Can you ever forgive me for being so inconsiderate?”
   “I am pleased to accept your apology, Professora,” Maria said, smiling with satisfaction as the buxom academic ogled her chiseled physique.
   “This is unacceptable!” Gloriosa bellowed. “You have disobeyed my orders not only by flaunting your body in public, but also by becoming a luchadora. I tell you that the tribulations of a luchadora are too much for a schoolgirl.”
   “A fine thing for you to say,” Maria snapped, turning up her chin. “You had already wrestled a dozen matches when you were my age.”
   “When I was your age, I was no mere schoolgirl,” Gloriosa retorted. “I was in training for 50 hours each week, and my arms measured 39 centimeters around.”
   “Well I train for 52 hours each week,” Maria crowed. “And my arms are 40 centimeters around.”
   “A likely story,” Gloriosa said dismissively.
   “Measure them if you'd like, then,” Maria huffed as she raised her arms into a double biceps pose that made Captain Ramirez mouth drop open in amazement, and made Miguel quake with fear.
   In a flash, Professor Sedienta removed a measuring tape from her labcoat and licked her lips as she began working the tape around the bumpy circumference of Maria's muscle-swollen arm. “Yes it's every bit of 40 centimeters around,” she exclaimed. “In fact, Maria, I am sure that if you pumped your arms some more they may grow even bigger.”
   “A fine idea,” Maria agreed as she straightened her arms and curled them upward again and again, each flex pumping more and more blood into her prodigious arms, until her biceps trembled with power, rising like chiseled rocks beneath her tight brown skin.
   “Oh my word,” Professor Sedienta gushed, grinding her thighs together in excitement. “A full 41 centimeters! What a gorgeous specimen of feminine muscularity!”
   “Bah,” Gloriosa scoffed. “Any schoolgirl can add muscle mass, but one needs a physique as hard as steel to withstand the savage collisions of a wrestling match.”
   “Hmph,” Maria snorted, “I have honed every muscle in my body to perfection. I'm certain that my physique is harder than mere steel. Come test me if you don't believe it!”
   With a confident toss of her hair, Maria folded her arms behind her head and tensed her core, causing her 8 chiseled abs to harden into blocks of muscle while her serratus rippled to life, looking like piano keys beneath her skin. “Oh what spectacular abdominal muscles,” Professor Sedienta purred as she dropped to her knees and began to run her fingers over the lines of Maria's deeply carved midsection. “Why they feel so hard that I wouldn't be surprised if they could deflect bullets! Sadly without my Mohs testing kit there is no way to be sure―unless, Maria, you would be so kind as to allow me to use my lips and tongue to perform a measurement instead.”
   “By all means, Professora,” Maria said, beaming with pride as she relished the adoration of the beauteous blonde. “Far be it from me to stand in the way of scientific inquiry.”
   Moaning gently, Professor Sedienta began to peck at Maria's sleek and shredded abdominals as she ran her hands up and down the curves of Maria's obliques. Captain Ramirez and Miguel watched with eyes wide, hats held over their groins to conceal their growing erections, but Gloriosa's eyes were narrowed in suspicion. “Hold on,” she said, “I can't quite put my finger on it, but somehow it seems that there is more going on here than just scientific measurement.”
   “Nonsense,” Maria quipped, reciting Gloriosa's previous words back at her. “Professor Sedienta is the model of professional decorum. You're just jealous of the scientific admiration in which he holds my physique.”
   “Oh yes, I am practically dripping with scientific admiration,” the professor sighed. “Maria, I feel certain that your muscles are indeed harder than steel, easily as hard as topaz, or perhaps even chromium.”
   Gloriosa scoffed, unimpressed. “It is not enough to withstand damage,” she lectured, “A true luchadora's body must be a lethal weapon, from head to toe. Take me, for example. Even my luxuriously soft tetas are capable of felling the mightiest of foes with a single blow, as you have seen.”
   “And my Tornado de Tetas attack is capable of no less,” Maria boasted, “as you have seen.”
   “Oh this is a very serious matter, requiring careful attention,” Professor Sedienta said, taking a pocket calculator from her labcoat as she rose to her feet. “Maria, would you mind if I felt your breasts―purely for scientific purposes, of course.”
   “It's would be my honor to have such an esteemed scientific mind examine my chichis,” Maria said rebelliously, thrusting out her perky melon-sized breasts as she looked at her mother with an expression of smug satisfaction. “Please help yourself.”
   Professor Sedienta gently began to massage Maria's right breast with one hand while she clicked at the calculator with the other, her eyes twinkling as she watched the firm young flesh jiggle and bounce, then moved on to the left breast. “Yes, the calculations are very clear,” she said at last. “Maria's tetas have a jiggle factor of 80,085, the optimal value for combat―the same as your own, Gloriosa.”
   “Enough of this!” Gloriosa shouted, stomping her foot and causing the entire room to shake. “No matter what, I am still your mother, and you will obey me. And I forbid you to leave this house!”
   “I will be a luchadora whether you like it or not!” Maria shouted in return. “I am going to the tryouts, and there is nothing that you can do to stop me.”
   With that, Maria grabbed her purse and stomped toward the door. “Oh, you think not, eh?” Gloriosa said coldly, and in a flash she reached out and grabbed her adopted daughter by the elbow.   
   “Unhand me!” Maria demanded, torquing her body and twisting her arm, breaking free of Gloriosa's mighty grasp.
   But Gloriosa was in no mood to be ignored, and immediately lunged at Maria, who responded in turn with the lightning reflexes of a world-class athlete, locking up with her adoptive mother as their muscle-hewn bodies rippled with power. “Ladies please,” Captain Ramirez begged. “There is no need for such a violent display, after all-”
   “No, Capitan,” Professor Sedienta objected. “This conflict must not be left to fester. They must settle it now, even if they must spend all night with their sculpted bodies entwined, glistening with sweat, straining and moaning... Oh, it's all too much to bear.”
   Soon, Gloriosa's immense size and power began to weigh on her adopted daughter, and Maria began to falter. But she was quick to adjust, and dropped to her back, tossing Gloriosa over her head with a judo throw, and sending the buxom giantess crashing into an antique table and chairs, which broke into splinters upon impact. Maria kipped up and turned around just in time to see Gloriosa rise to her feet. “So you really want to be a luchadora, eh?” the hulking amazon growled, kicking off her shoes and tearing off her skirt and blouse to reveal her wrestling costume consisting of a low-slung bikini bottom and a bandeau top. “Well let's have your tryout right here!”
   “Do your worst!” Maria said, stepping out of her shoes and raising her fists in a martial arts stance. “I am not afraid of you!”
   Gloriosa rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck, her massive muscles swelling with power as she tensed her body for combat. “If you are not afraid of Figura Gloriosa, then you are even more foolish than at first I thought,” the great champion said as she stalked toward the smaller younger woman. “Now have at you!”
   Once again the two women locked up. Gloriosa was quick to act this time, using her great mass to pull Maria off balance, then snatch her left wrist and apply an arm wringer. Maria winced with pain as her adoptive mother twisted her arm forward, wrenching the young woman's muscle-wrapped shoulder. The three onlookers was uneasily as Gloriosa twisted Maria's arm violently forward, worried that the might wrestler might grievously injure her own daughter, but this was just the opportunity that Maria was waiting for. Instead of falling to the floor, Maria leaned into the twisting action and flipped forward, landing on her feet. In a flash, she snatched Gloriosa's outstretched arm and bent forward, tossing the colossal amazon over her shoulder with a perfectly executed seoi-nage.
   Captain Ramirez pulled Miguel aside just as Gloriosa's body came crashing down on the couch upon which he was just sitting, smashing it into a hundred pieces. Maria grimaced and rubbed her shoulder as Gloriosa rose from the wreckage of the furniture, brushing fragments of cloth and wood from her hulking body. “It's good to see that the money I spent on your judo lessons wasn't wasted,” Gloriosa chuckled. “But perhaps you should try to damage me, instead of the furniture.”
   “A fine idea!” Maria's shouted, her face flashing with anger as she shot forward and launched a front kick at Gloriosa's muscle-studded stomach.
   But Gloriosa's well-honed instincts served her well, and she quickly took a step backward, avoiding the brunt of the kick and catching Maria's foot with practiced ease, holding the young woman's curvaceous muscular leg at full extension. Almost immediately, Maria leapt into the air, her body rippling with muscle as she spun in the air and swung her free foot at Gloriosa's head. Again, Gloriosa's reflexes saved her as she ducked under the kick just in time, but had to release Maria's foot in order to do so, allowing the graceful young woman to land easily on her feet.
   Once again Maria lunged forward, driving her good shoulder into Gloriosa's stomach and wrapping her arms around Gloriosa's enormously girthy legs to attempt a double-leg takedown. But she had underestimated the strength her adoptive mother's titanically muscled body, and not only was Gloriosa able to absorb the force of the shoot without leaving her feet, she was able to grab Maria by the waist and jerk her up into the air, flipping her upward so that her legs rested on Gloriosa's shoulders. Then Gloriosa flung Maria violently downward, powerbombing her onto an antique coffee table, which exploded into shards of wood and glass as her body crashed through it and slammed against the marble floor.
   Captain Ramirez and Miguel gasped at the brutality of the move, and Professor Sedienta looked away in horror, but Gloriosa was unperturbed, turning her back on her fallen daughter and walking away. “Well little girl, how do you fancy the life of a luchadora now? Are you ready to abandon this ludicrous dream of yours?”
   Gritting her teeth, Maria pulled herself up off the ground. “Never!” she cried, wiping a trickle of blood from her mouth. “As long as there is an ounce of life in my body I will persevere!”
   Then, with a shout, Maria charged forward and leapt into the air feet first, and Gloriosa turned just in time to see her daughter's ankles lock around her neck. Muscles swelled with effort throughout Maria's body, from bulging calves to her swooping lats as she twisted her body in midair to execute a powerful hurricanrana, her midsection so punishingly lean that every sinew rippled as she flung Gloriosa to the ground, her body crashing through a display case containing priceless historical artifacts.
   The towering luchadora rolled back onto her feet quickly, but Maria was already upon her, lashing her adoptive mother with one powerful chop after another, channeling both her years of martial arts training and her years of pent-up frustration as she swung again and again at the bulging domes of Gloriosa's pectoral muscles. Rocked by the force of her daughter's expertly executed strikes, Gloriosa staggered backward. “That's for not letting me buy that gold dress for the ball!” Maria cried, enumerating her grievances one after another as she continued to chop at Gloriosa's chest. “And that's for not letting me wear that cute pink bikini to the beach this summer! And that's for not letting me go to the dance last year! And that's for not buying me a pony for Christmas when I was 9 even though you are the richest woman in all of Mexico!”
   Finally Gloriosa backed into the great oak desk, the last piece of furniture left in the study, and leaned against it to regain her footing. As Maria's next chop whistled toward her, Gloriosa flung her arm up just in time to intercept the blow and to grab Maria by her prominent trapezius muscle, while with her other hand she reached between Maria's legs and lifted her easily into the air in a military press, her latissimus dorsi muscles swelling out like wings and her triceps bulging out like American footballs. “Enough!” she bellowed as she held her squirming daughter aloft, mere inches from the ceiling.
   Then, with terrifying force, Gloriosa slammed her adopted daughter down onto the heavy oak desk, which broke in half as Maria's muscle-hardened body crashed into it. Captain Ramirez and Miguel cried out in shock, and Miguel drew his gun. “We can't let Gloriosa keep this up,” he said. “I'll shoot her if I have to.”
   “And risk making her angry?” Captain Ramirez demanded. “No, Miguel, there's nothing we can do for Maria now but pray.”
   It was Professora Sedienta who took action, running to Gloriosa and draping herself against the hulking luchadora's colossal arm. “No more, Gloriosa, I beg you!” the professor cried. “Can't you see that it's your own daughter that you are brutalizing?”
   “In this moment, she is nothing more to me than my opponent, and I will do whatever it takes to defeat her,” Gloriosa said coldly, shrugging the buxom blonde away as she turned her attention back to Maria. “So, my rebellious daughter, are you at last ready to surrender?”
   Maria breathed heavily through gritted teeth as she pulled herself to her knees using the remnants of the desk, her muscle-knotted back trembling with strain and her striated deltoids tense with effort. “No!” she bleated. “I will never submit! Not to you, nor to anyone else!”
   “We shall see about that,” Gloriosa snapped. “I have submitted stronger than you.”
   Gloriosa grabbed her daughter's legs roughy, and stepped over them as to apply a figure four leg lock and break the girl's spirits once and for all. But Maria's years of jiu jitsu training served her well, as she squirmed nimbly out of the hold and wrapped her thighs around Gloriosa's left leg and wrapping her hands around Gloriosa's ankle. Maria's quadriceps popped with definition, her heart-shaped calves pulsing straining against her brown skin as she squeezed with all her might, and managed to slam Gloriosa onto the floor. Their legs intertwined, Maria moved quickly to interlock her legs with those of her adoptive mother in a scissor position, so that one of Gloriosa's legs was at her front while the other was behind her back.
   Then, as the jaws of the three spectators dropped open, Maria clenched her bulbous buttocks tightly, putting incredible pressure on Gloriosa's pelvis. Gloriosa clenched her fists as her olympian body began to tremble. “You disgracious urchin,” Gloriosa groaned. “How could you use an illegal submission of such deadly power against your own adoptive mother?”
   “In this moment you are nothing more to me than my opponent,” Maria said defiantly. “And I will do whatever it takes to defeat you!”
   “Very well then,” Gloriosa panted, “You will find that I am well trained in submissions myself!”
   With a might yell, Gloriosa rolled onto he side, reversing the scissor lock, as her own stupendous buttocks tensed into bulging blocks of muscle, and Maria began to whimper and squirm under the pressure of the hold. Back and forth the two musclebound luchadoras tossed, until they were drenched in sweat with their prodigious bosoms heaving with each pained breath, and just when looked as if either of them could submit at any moment, a thunderous bang rang out, and the two combatants were jarred out of their competitive furor.
   Across the room stood Miguel, a sheepish look on his face as smoke wafted from his gun barrel and from a hole in his shoe. “Please forgive me,” he stammered, “in all the excitement, it just went off.”
   Captain Ramirez seized the moment and stepped forward, his hat still covering the crotch of his pants. “Ladies please!” he pled. “Gloriosa, you must save your strength for tomorrow's battle, for there is more at stake than just your pride. And Maria, have you not already proven your worth, having fared better against Gloriosa than any of the wrestling champions that she has dispatched in the ring? Professor Sedienta, surely you have something to add.”
   But the professor was dumbstruck, still frozen in place with her jaw agape and her eyes wide as she gawked at the leg-locked sweat-soaked luchadoras panting on the floor. She blinked once, then twice, and then fainted dead away as Miguel and Captain Ramirez hurried to catch her.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #50 on: March 06, 2023, 01:28:57 am »
“I'll shoot her if I have to.”    “And risk making her angry?” Captain Ramirez demanded.

Love that line.  The only effect bullets would have on her is to maker her angry.  Love it!!

Offline Dona Fell Friz

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #51 on: March 06, 2023, 08:39:05 pm »
A charming oddity. I look forward to each new installment with delight. !Viva Mexico!

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #52 on: March 08, 2023, 02:27:37 am »
Scene 52

   “Be sure to stick to the main roads, Miguel,” Captain Ramirez said as he helped Professor Sedienta into the car. “I've radioed ahead to let the men guarding the Professor's house know you will be arriving.”
   “I'll be careful, Capitan,” Miguel said as he started the car.
   “You're quite sure that you're alright, Professora?” Gloriosa asked, leaning down, her huge breasts nearly spilling completely from her bandeau top. “Is there anything that I can do for you?”
   “I can think of oh so many things,” Professor Sedienta begged. “I would love nothing more than to explore every centimeter of your amazing body.”
   “Now now, it is surely too late for scientific research,” Gloriosa said.
   “Quite right,” Captain Ramirez added. “Better get going, Miguel.”
   With a nod, Miguel put the car into gear and drove away into the night.
   “I hope you get a good night's sleep, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said. “For I have the feeling that tomorrow will be a taxing ordeal filled with many great dangers.”
   “Let's hope for the best, Capitan,” Gloriosa said gravely, “but prepare for the worst.”

Scene 53

   “Boy the traffic sure is bad tonight,” Miguel said as gripped the wheel tightly, his eyes focused, attempting to ignore his passenger.
   Mere inches away on the bench-style seat of the police car, Professor Sedienta had reached into her labcoat and begun fondling herself. “Can you imagine it, Miguel?” she asked. “Two such amazing specimens of the female anatomy living in one house, perhaps working their powerful perfectly developed physiques in the same gymnasium, perhaps showering together, perhaps washing one another's bodies, perhaps even giving in to their deepest carnal pleasures. Oh it's almost too much to bear.”
   Miguel gulped. “M-maybe there is some road construction up ahead,” he said nervously as the cars ahead of him slowed to a crawl. “Yes, that must be what it is. Boy what terrible traffic.”
   Moaning, Professor Sedienta put her back to the door and unbuttoned her lab coat to reveal that she wore beneath not a stitch of clothing other than her black stockings. She undulated on the seat, her curvaceous hips pumping, her tight stomach stretching, and her heavy breasts lolling from side to side. “It is such a long, long way to my home,” she cooed, “whatever shall we do to pass the time?”
   “I know,” Miguel suggested, tittering anxiously “let's listen to the radio.”
   Reaching down without letting his eyes stray to the lascivious professor's naked body, he switched on the radio. Instantly, Professor Sedienta stretched out her right leg and flicked it off with the heel of her shoe. She then stretched her left leg up onto the back of the car seat, her legs now spread wide as her hand began to dance around her womanhood. “I was thinking of something more... physical,” she purred.
   “Uh, maybe we can play a game?” Miguel suggested as traffic ground to a halt.
   “A lovely idea,” the lusty educator giggled. “I shall try to guess the length of your  verga, when fully erect. If I am correct, I get to do whatever I want with it.”
   “That's not exactly the type of game-” Miguel began to object, before he was interrupted
   “31.5 centimeters,” Professor Sedienta said flatly, as if stating a scientific fact.
   Miguel was stunned that the professor had so quickly guessed the exact length of his manhood, but tried to remain calm. “You made that guess quite quickly,” he gulped.
   “Over the course of my studies on male anatomy I have learned to calculate the size of a man's verga by examining the dimensions of his nose, lips, and thumbs,” she cackled lasciviously. “And judging by the space between your eyes and nose, your verga must be quite girthy, as well.”
   “You know, in truth I've never measured it,” Miguel laughed nervously as he hammered on the car horn. “So I guess we'll never know for sure. Let's try something different now-”
   “I have a measuring tape right here,” the professor said lasciviously as she crept up to him and put a hand between his legs as her breasts pushed against his arm and her lips hovered around his ear. “All that is needed now is to bring you to a point of full excitation. A trifling matter, of course.”
   With amazing dexterity, Professor Sedienta undid Miguels flies with a few quick motions of her fingers and was soon massaging Miguel's penis with an elaborate series of movements that immediately brought his member to full attention. “You know I think I know a shortcut,” he said in desperation, jerking the car off the main road and onto a darkened side street.
   The sudden swerve of the automobile tossed Professor Sedienta fully into Miguel's lap, her thighs wrapped around his, her labia mere centimeters away from his turgid manhood. “Oh my, what a bold move,” she purred as she embraced him, “I was beginning to worry that you didn't fancy me.”
   “Oh please, Professora,” he begged. “I am promised to Maria, and I cannot betray her! She would crush my body into a lifeless pulp with her great strength! Even more so than she is already doing!”
   Professor Sedienta frowned as she withdrew from Miguel and slumped back into the car seat, and Miguel breathed a deep sigh of relief. But then an eager smile crept across the winsome blonde's face. “Tell me everything Miguel,” she said as her hand crept to her pubis. “Describe to me in painstaking detail every centimeter of her anatomy, every tryst that you shared, every drop of fluids passed between you. I must hear it all--for scientific purposes, of course.”
   “I don't think that I should,” he said.
   The curvy academic leaned forward to reply, when suddenly mummified arms burst through the windows behind, grabbing her around the arms. Before Miguel could react he met a similar fate, and they both were pulled from the car.
   Then, as the drivers stuck in the traffic jam watched in horror, a band of Atlacoya's temple guardians disappeared into the alleys of Mexico City with Miguel and Professor Sedienta slung over their shoulders, making their way west.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #53 on: March 08, 2023, 02:28:46 am »
“I'll shoot her if I have to.”    “And risk making her angry?” Captain Ramirez demanded.

Love that line.  The only effect bullets would have on her is to maker her angry.  Love it!!

A charming oddity. I look forward to each new installment with delight. !Viva Mexico!

Thanks. I am happy you enjoy it!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #54 on: March 11, 2023, 10:19:14 pm »
Scene 54

   The sun was only rising the next morning, and Figura Gloriosa shared a silent meal with her adopted daughter Maria. The awkwardness of their breakfast was interrupted suddenly when an urgent ringing came at the door. Gloriosa rose to her feet and was shocked to see a visibly worried Captain Ramirez waiting, hat in hands. “I fear that you bring unfortunate tidings, Capitan,” Gloriosa said grimly.
   “Most unfortunate indeed,” Gloriosa he said. As Maria rose to join them. “For you see, Professor Sedienta never made it home last night. Both she and Miguel were stolen from their car not five miles from here.”
   Maria covered her mouth in shock, and Gloriosa clenched her fist in anger. “Then there is no time to lose,” the towering wrestling champion said. “Captain Ramirez, take your men and meet me at the cave on your map. With luck they are still alive.”
   “I'm coming too,” Maria said. “Just let me get me costume.”
   “Absolutely not,” Gloriosa said. “I forbid it. It's far too dangerous. I'll not lose my only daughter to these reanimated fiends.”
   “I'll not stand by while the man I love is in danger!” Maria shouted, stamping her foot.
   “Then I advise you to start walking,” Gloriosa said. “For neither I nor Captain Ramirez will drive you. Now Captain, make haste.”
   Captain Ramirez shot Maria an apologetic glance and then ran to his squadcar, with Gloriosa right behind him heading toward her Alfa Romeo. Maria slammed the door behind them and slumped against it, her arms crossed as she frowned.

Scene 55

   Atlacoya's temple sparkled with stolen luxuries, but the stone pillars to which Miguel and Professor Sedienta found themselves bound were cold and bare. Their arms stretched overhead with their wrists bound in cuffs while their legs hung free, they nervously watched their captor preening in a full length mirror, although her reflection was quite invisible to her captors.
   Naked except for her papaya-emblazoned headdress, glittering jeweled rings and a golden necklace set with a diamond the size of a silver dollar, Atlacoya admired her muscle-engorged body. She puckered with delight as she admired the shredded blocks of her abdominal muscles as she rolled her hips and twisted her waist. She slapped her round muscle-packed buttocks, which were as big as futbols. She kissed her biceps, which were as big as honeydew melons. Finally she hefted her LL sized breasts and laughed. “How I adore the abundance of my body,” she crowed. “Soon I will be so powerful that not even the accursed sunlight will hinder me, and every army in the world will have the privilege of gazing upon my incomparable beauty as one by one I crush them beneath my heel.”
   “Wicked monster!” Professor Sedienta cried. “You're not half the woman that Gloriosa is!”
   With a laugh, Atlacoya walked slowly toward the pillars where her captives were chained, just a few meters apart from one another. “Perhaps not,” the ravishing raven-haired vampiress laughed. “But with the help of your endless sexual energy, I will become so much more than she could ever be.”
   “You won't get away with this, fiend!” Miguel cried, shaking uselessly at his chains.
   Atlacoya smirked as she walked to him and ran a black-tipped finger down his chest. “If only I could say the same for you, my well-endowed young constable. But it appears that you have been quite depleted of sexual vigor already. But perhaps I shall enjoy you as a midnight snack.”
   “Gloat now, foul demon,” Professor Sedienta spat, her body bare except for her stockings and glasses, and her labcoat which hung open and in tatters, “any moment Gloriosa shall arrive to rescue us, and with a dozen policemen.”
   Atlacoya licked her lips as she sauntered back to the professor and began to run her hands along the peachy flesh of her hips and thighs. “Let them come,” the vampire queen scoffed. “But first, you shall come.”
   “I won't!” Professor Sedienta protested as Atlacoya's skillful tongue began to tickle her labia.
   But almost immediately Professor Sedienta's mouth hung open and she began to moan, as the temple rang with Atlacoya's laughter.

Scene 56

   Police squad cars squealed to a halt in the clearing outside Atlacoya's subterranean lair, and as the officers filed out, guns drawn, Figura Gloriosa's red Alfa Romeo slid to halt nearby, kicking up clouds of dust. Springing from her car just in time to see temple guardians armed with clubs and knives begin pouring from the cave that led to the vampire queen's temple. “Remember men, aim for the jewels on their chests!” Captain Ramirez shouted. “It's the only way to put them down permanently!”
   As gunfire erupted around her, Gloriosa strode purposefully toward the cave opening, swatting temple guardians away like flies, with  cuahhololli clubs and obsidian daggers shattering against her steely musculature as she stalked toward her goal. “You men deal with these lesser monsters,” Gloriosa said. “Leave their mistress to me.”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #55 on: March 15, 2023, 01:27:40 am »
Scene 57

   One after another, Gloriosa dispatched mummified temple guardians as she made her way through the torchlit tunnels of Atlacoya's lair. This one she defeated by shattering the jewel hanging from his neck with a mighty chop, and the next she defeated by slamming him chest-down onto a rocky outcropping that broke his amulet into glittering green shards.
   Finally, Gloriosa could see a chamber opening up before her, her goal close at hand. It was a grand edifice, Gloriosa thought to herself, nearly as large as a futbol pitch with a ceiling as high as a cathedral, furnished with elaborate braziers and opulent sculptures of Aztec origin, and its walls covered in intricate bas relief carvings. At one end of the chamber was an ornate throne sitting atop many stone steps, surrounded by a gallery filled with kneeling cushions. And on the other end of the chamber was a great sacrificial altar, darkened with centuries of spilt blood and ringed by 4-meter high pillars that were clearly hewn for the purpose of restraining sacrificial victims. Miguel hung from one such pillar, his eyes wide and his pants straining to contain his massive erection as he watched Atlacoya gleefully licking Professor Sedienta into one climax after another.
   “You demon,” the professor gasped, her legs resting on Atlacoya's bulging trapezius muscles as the muscular vampiress held her aloft by the buttocks, her pale white fingers squeezing the soft peach globes of the curvaceous educator's rump. “What sort of monster would lick a woman's papaya so savagely without fondling her breasts even a little?”
   As Gloriosa approached the altar, she stopped for just a second, startled by the black-haired woman's muscularity, which had increased greatly since their confrontation at the Policeman's Ball, to the point where she was nearly as large as Gloriosa herself. Steeling her reserve, the great luchadora announced her arrival with a stomp that shook the entire chamber and caused flames to flicker in the braziers and hanging tapestries to sway on the walls. “Unhand that woman, foul demon,” Gloriosa demanded. “For it is now time for you to face the light of justice.”
   Atlacoya laughed as she lifted Professor Sedienta's sweat-soaked body from her broad shoulders, and lay it gently against the pillar from which it was suspended. “Well well well, the mighty Figura Gloriosa,” Atlacoya sneered, her tone turning quickly venomous. “Welcome to my temple. I hope you like it, for you shall spend all of eternity here after I crush you like the bug that you are!”
   “You have grown greatly in stature since last we met, vampire,” Gloriosa stated, rolling her shoulders. “But not nearly so large as to crush Figura Gloriosa.”
   “Oh but I am not done growing yet,” Atlacoya laughed as she began to tremble. “Behold!”
   Then, as Gloriosa's eyes widened in amazement and horror, Atlacoya began to grow taller, centimeter by centimeter, and every muscle in her body began to swell and throb as if she were being inflated with sinew. “What foul magic is this?” Gloriosa gasped.
   Atlacoya cackled with glee as her shoulders swelled until they were as big as basketballs, the cuts between the deltoid heads inches deep as they knotted into her triceps, which bulged out from her arm like horseshoes of muscle so freakishly large that they crimped her creamy white skin along their edges, as her biceps expanded so large that they resembled howitzer shells while relaxed at her sides.
   Not that her arms could hang at her sides for long. Atlacoya's back billowed out with muscle until she was a meter wide, and then kept growing until her rhomboids, trapezius, and teres muscles were so large that they bulged from her back like peaks in a mountain range, and her lats were so bloated with muscle that they rubbed against her shoulders and triceps, forcing her arms outward at a severe angle.
   Arching her newly-engorged back, Atlacoya laughed as the cuts in her already-shredded midsection deepened and multiplied as her abs bulged into 8 perfectly symmetrical blocks, and her serratus sprang outward into thick chiseled ribbons of muscle as sharply defined as the keys of a piano. Even her feminine waistline bulged with muscle, with her apollo's belt, sartorius, tensor fasciae and gluteus medius popping with definition and framing her succulent pink labia, which quivered with delight as her body continued to swell with muscular power.
   Her buttocks erupted into globes of muscle so large and round that either one of them could fill a normal chair, bulging dramatically outward with dimples deep enough to fit an apple into. Her quadriceps began to jostle one another as they inflated, every cable of muscle perfectly visible as her gigantic thighs expanded to the thickness of car tires. Above her feet, which now appeared quite tiny by comparison, her calves sprang out into bulging blocks of muscle so large and sharply cut that they would have looked like cinder blocks if not for their perfect upside-down heart shape.
   Finally, Atlacoya's pectorals swelled out from her chest by another 2 centimeters, then 4, then 8, then 16, growing in height and width as well until they were as big as suitcases and nearly touched her chin. Then, as Gloriosa stared in horror, the vampire queen's breasts began to expand, ballooning to the size of beach balls with nipples as large as shot glasses.
   Now standing nearly 3 meters high, her body bulging with brutally shredded muscles that were so big and so thick that it looked impossible for her to move for their bulk, Atlacoya looked down at Figura Gloriosa and laughed. “What's wrong little woman?” she jeered. “You look absolutely aghast. Have you never gazed upon the body of a goddess before? Here, let me give you a better look.”
   Wiggling her hips Atlacoya extended her arms, then bent her elbows, fanned her fingers, and  slowly curled her arms into a double biceps pose of horrifying proportions. Her biceps curled up her arms into boulders of muscle the size of volleyballs, growing bigger every second as they contracted into mountainous peaks that rose as high as her ears, so large that her massive forearms could barely  bend a single degree inward, her triceps bulging below as large as watermelons. Flashing a wicked smile, Atlacoya cocked her arms slightly forward, making her massive latissimus dorsi muscles spread out like wings of bulky flesh that reached halfway to her elbows.
   “Foul demon!” Professor Sedienta cried. “You won't get away with this you monstrous sexy fiend, no matter how tantalizingly muscular your accursed body has become!”
   “On the contrary, my darling Professora,” Atlacoya chuckled. “My victory is all but assured. For with the help of your delicious libido my strength will soon be uncontainable. Every person alive will bow to my magnificence, starting with your beloved Figura Gloriosa.”
   “Never!” Gloriosa cried, stomping with indignation as she balled her fists in righteous anger. “I will never surrender to a monster such as you, not as long as I have a breath left in my lungs!”
   With a shout Gloriosa charged forward, barreling headlong toward the gargantuan vampiress, at the last minute lowering her shoulder and driving it into Atlacoya's left leg for a single-leg takedown. Atlacoya merely laughed as Gloriosa's body collided uselessly against the massive bulk of her muscle-girded thigh, falling to the ground with her shoulder throbbing with pain. But Gloriosa was not easily deterred, and was quickly back on her feet, wrapping her mighty arms around the beauteous behemoth's colossal thigh and clenching her hands together for leverage. Gloriosa strained with all her might to pull her opponent off balance, but Atlacoya planted her foot and the slabs of muscle in her colossal quadriceps swelled so large that Gloriosa's fingers were pried instantly apart by their throbbing bulk. Then, with a flick of her leg, Atlacoya sent the great luchadora flying across the chamber where she crashed into an engraved basalt pillar as thick as an oil drum, the force of her impact bringing it crashing to the ground on top of her.
   “Whatever was that?” Atlacoya laughed as she once again pumped her immense biceps, watching in delight as they contracted into impossibly shredded mountains of muscle. “It felt as though a tiny, insignificant bug landed upon my leg.”
   Gritting her teeth, Gloriosa lifted the stone pillar off her body and rose to her feet. Then, hefting the massive column into her arms like a battering ram, she charged toward the preening giantess with her powerful legs propelling her at a speed no Olympic sprinter could hope to match, and drove the pillar squarely into Atlacoya's stomach. Atlacoya did not so much as blink as the stone pillar cracked into a pile of useless debris upon collision with her musclebound abdomen, preoccupied as she was with kissing her own gargantuan biceps. Gloriosa's momentum carried her forward as well, and she collided off of the pale-skinned juggernaut's adamantine stomach like a pebble bouncing off a mountain, and fell into the pile of rubble below.
   “What poor sportsmanship to attack an opponent unawares,” Atlacoya said mockingly. “Why you did not even give me a chance to prepare by flexing my abdominal muscles, like so.”
   With another sinister cackle, Atlacoya placed her hands beneath her colossal breasts, raised lifted them upward to provide an unobstructed view of her muscle-packed midsection. As she flexed her core, her entire torso erupted into an array of muscles so fantastically chiseled that it resembled a cobblestone street, with every single bit of flesh knotted with muscular development, from her ribcage all the way down to her pubis.    
   Gloriosa struggled to her feet and scrambled backward, cowed by the gigantic muscles of the beautiful vampiress. “Impossible!” she exclaimed. “No creature on earth can possess such a powerful physique.”
   “How lovely of you to acknowledge my superiority,” Atlacoya crowed as she let her gigantic breasts bounce free, her ruby-red lips pulled back in a vicious smile. “I suppose it's no surprise that an puny little bug like you is awed by the majesty of my body. Why even I myself am amazed at the divine development of my beauteous muscles. But enough of this foreplay, let us embrace.”
   “Step lively, Gloriosa,” Professor Sedienta called. “She must surely be ponderous with all that sexy mouthwatering muscle packed onto her body. If you outmaneuver her you may yet prevail.”
   Gloriosa nodded, and primed herself for movement, but before she could even set her feet, Atlacoya streaked forward with blurring speed, and snatched Gloriosa around the waist in a vicious bear hug. “Impossible!” Gloriosa exclaimed. “No creature on earth can possess such explosive speed.”
   “Imagine thinking that I, Atlacoya queen of the vampires, was possessed of even a single imperfection,” Atlacoya said haughtily. “Perhaps you need a closer look at my majesty.”
   Slowly Atlacoya began to squeeze her arms together, pulling Gloriosa tighter and tighter into her. Gloriosa tried to use her free arms to resist the vampiress' crushing force, and having nothing before her except for a gigantic pair of milky-white breasts, pressed her arms against their pillowy soft beach-ball-sized enormity in an attempt to avoid being swallowed into the cavernous gulf of their cleavage. “Oh, a breast massage,” cackled Atlacoya. “What a delightful idea. My chest has been feeling very tight. See here?”
   Atlacoya raised her arms, lifting Gloriosa up until her eyes were even with the black-haired giantess' collarbones. Then she flexed her mammoth pectoral muscles, which erupted outward from her her chest with each individual muscle rolling and pulsating as if there were pythons moving beneath her creamy skin, swelling so massively that they obscured her delicate feminine chin and swallowing her opulent diamond necklace. Then, with a faint cracking sound, the great diamond exploded into shards of sparkling dust, pulverized by the titanic pectorals of the gorgeous vampiress.
   “Oh dear,” Atlacoya pouted playfully. “I adore diamonds, but they are so soft and fragile, no match at all for the unstoppable power of my incomparable muscles. Tell me, puny little bug, do you think that your skull will fare any better than that unfortunate diamond?”
   Then, Atlacoya began to force Gloriosa into her bosom, the legendary luchadora's body failing under the immense pressure of the vampire queen's clench, her head now fully subsumed in the sea of cleavage between Atlacoya's colossal breasts. With a wicked laugh, Atlacoya released her bear hug and held Gloriosa aloft, the great wrestler's head trapped between her titanic mammaries as she squeezed them tightly together with her enormous pectorals. “To think only a few days ago, you stood before me, declaring yourself the most powerful and desirable woman on earth, proudly flaunting tetas bigger than my head,” the gigantic vampiress cackled. How much bigger now are mine? Why they are so large that I cannot see your head at all!”
   “Monster!” Professor Sedienta cried at Atlacoya. “Let her go. Spare Gloriosa and squeeze me between your chichachotas instead, I beg you!”
   As Gloriosa struggled to free herself from Atlacoya's bosomy embrace, pressing with all her might against Atlacoya's impregnable midsection, beautiful giantess laughed. “Fear not Professora,” she purred. “Our bodies shall entwine again soon enough. But first I must fulfill my vow to avenge myself upon the bloodline of the woman who vanquished 700 years ago”
   Miguel and Professor Sedienta gasped in horror as Atlacoya opened her mouth wide, a pair of pearl-white fangs emerging. “It's too horrible,” Miguel cried. “I cannot watch.”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #56 on: March 15, 2023, 07:14:45 pm »
Fantastic! Will Atlacoya drain the mighty Gloriosa making her weak and helpless, making her great legs quiver and buckle as she sinks to her proud knees? Or will she continue to dominate her with her superior strength and pound into Gloriosa's own "indestructible" abdominals like they are made of putty?

Offline nickolai

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #57 on: March 15, 2023, 11:48:57 pm »
Love the muscle, Love the incredible strength and love the dialogue.  Cannot wait for the next installment!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2023, 10:01:41 pm »
Scene 58

   Just then a piercing whistle echoed through the stone temple, and all eyes turned toward the sacrificial altar, upon which stood Chica Vigorosa, her muscular young body thoroughly pumped and primed for battle, and beading with sweat.   
   “How delightful,” Atlacoya purred, “I shall save you for dessert.”
   Chica Vigorosa acted quickly, bounding to a nearby pillar and leaping up to plant her feet upon it, then launching herself toward the towering vampiress. She landed squarely upon the jutting shelf of Atlacoya's pectorals, and quickly snatched the golden papaya-adorned headdress from off the nest of shining black hair, leaping to the safety just as Atlacoya's hands clapped together with such force that the wind generated by the clapping made the surrounding braziers sputter.
   Anger shot across Atlacoya's face as she whirled around to face the gold-clad interloper, relaxing her pectorals. And allowing Gloriosa to drop to the ground. Gloriosa was dazed and gasping for air, but she recovered her heroic vigor quickly, as she watched the imposing juggernaut loomed over her daughter. “Presumptuous girl!” Atlacoya spat. “You have stolen my most prized piece of jewelry!”
   “That's right!' Chica Vigorosa declared. “And just as the legend said, I shall banish you from this earth by destroying your sacred papaya.”
   “With a triumphant smile, Chica Vigorosa tossed the golden headdress into a nearby brazier, where it began to blacken almost instantly. But to the young luchadora's dismay, the acton seemed to have no effect on the vampire queen, save to make her even angrier. “Impudent wretch!” Atlacoya snarled. “That headdress was a gift from the Aztec King Ahuitzol to show his subservience to me, and it accentuated my cheekbones perfectly!”
   “But... but...” Chica Vigorosa  stammered as she backed away from the imposing mountain of supernatural muscle. “I thought...”
   “No Maria,” Professor Sedienta implored. “The legend said that Atlacoya was banished by having her sacred papaya eaten!”
   “How am I to eat such a thing?” Maria objected. “Why even if I-”
   But Maria's objection was cut short by a vicious downward chop from Atlacoya, her massive arms streaking through the air at blinding speed and slamming the young luchadora to the ground violently. With an angry shout, Gloriosa launched herself shoulders-first into the back of Atlacoya's knees in an attempt to topple her, but even those smallest muscles on the vampire queen's body were impervious to harm, and the legendary wrestler slumped uselessly to the ground..
   Chica Vigorosa pulled herself off the ground, grimacing in pain, and Gloriosa ran to her side. “Maria,” she said. “If we survive this dire situation. I shall punish you severely for disobeying me.”
   “If we survive, I shall be happy to be punished,” the girl in gold replied.
   “Oh how touching, a deathbed reconciliation between a mother and daughter,” Atlacoya laughed as she put her hands on her hips and flared her massive lats, which were so broad as to fill the entire space under her arms. “Well certainly I shall do my part to ensure the death bed,” she said, smiling in satisfaction as she looked down at her impossibly shredded musculature.
   “Listen Maria,” Gloriosa said. “If we are to overcome this monster, we must strike at her with all our might. Hold nothing back!”
   Gloriosa placed her hands behind her head and began to flex and relax her pectorals while gyrating her hips, her MM breasts shaking as she unleashed her Tetas De Furia attack, while a few feet away Maria pointed her arms overhead and bent one leg against the other, spinning rapidly in a circle as she unleashed her Tornado De Tetas attack. Again and again the luchadoras struck Atlacoya with their powerful breasts, peppering her thighs, pelvis, abdomen, and arms with hundreds of strikes until they were exhausted, gasping for air. But the raven-haired giantess was unmoved, still admiring the development of her massively muscled body as she held her lat spread. “An erotic massage? What a wonderful gesture, despite you tiny little tetas.” Atlacoya scoffed. “Allow me to return the favor by showing you the power that can only come from the chichachotas of a goddess!”
   Atlacoya rose to her tiptoes and arched her back, then snapped forward with incredible speed slamming her beach ball-sized breasts downward, striking Gloriosa with the left and Chica Vigorsa with the right, knocking the two luchadoras violently to the ground with such force that the entire temple shook from the impact.
   “Maria!” Miguel cried as he shook at his chains. “Atlacoya, if you've hurt her I swear that I'll...”
   “You'll do what, exactly?” Atlacoya cackled, as she hit a side chest pose, her gigantic breasts spilling over her forearms as pectorals erupted into domes of muscle so large that they nearly eclipsed her face. “Can you not see that my muscular perfection is unassailable? You can do nothing aside from worship me and beg for mercy, just as your precious little girlfriend will soon be doing.”
   “Never!” Maria grunted as she struggled to her knees. “I'll never worship you!”
   “Oh but you will,” Atlacoya said as she ceased her posing, “and your impudent mother as well. After all I am the most powerful and desirable woman on earth, a goddess in the flesh, and no mortal loins can resist the allure of my sensual pleasures.”
   Then, puckering her ruby-red lips as her emerald-green eyes sparkled, Atlacoya swiveled her hips open began to run her hands up and down her midsection, gyrating slowly as her fingers traced the cuts of her abs, apollo's belt and inner thighs, her perfect pink labia glistening with moisture. “Look away Gloriosa!” Professor Sedienta called. “Look away Maria! Don't look at her panocha, no matter how beautiful and succulent it appears!“
   But the buxom professor's warning was too late, for the luchadoras were already gazing up at Atlacoya as they began crawling toward her on hands and knees. Gloriosa's lips were trembling as she approached the jutting diamond-shaped heads of the hulking vampiress' left calf, mesmerized by the sharp beveled cuts on its underside as it bulged out, impossibly large, above her slim feminine ankles. At the same time, Maria's breath shuddered as she pressed her lips against Atlacoya's right calf, which was nearly as big as her head, and began to run her hands up and down its perimeter, tracing her fingers along its edges where it pulled so tightly against the vampiress' creamy skin that it seemed ready burst through at any moment. And as the two luchadoras planted kiss after kiss on her chiseled calves, Atlacoya laughed. “I'm sorry my dear Professora, but they have no choice in the matter,” she cackled with glee as she began to twist her big pink nipples, gazing down at the two prostrate heroines. “They want nothing more than to shower my magnificent body with adoring kisses.”
   The vampire queen's words appeared true, as Maria rose to her knees and rubbed her hands lovingly up and down the bulging pillars of Atlacoya's hamstrings as she gazed up in awe at the enormous peach-shaped derriere that loomed above her.
   Gloriosa had risen to her knees as well, her hands gripping the thick columns of muscle on Atlacoya's colossal thigh, her entire body trembling as she summoned every ounce of her heroic willpower to resist the throbbing desire in her loins that compelled her toward the raven-haired giantess. “Maria, you must resist!” the great luchadora begged her daughter. “Do not be overcome by your lust!”
   “It's no use!” Maria cried as she began to rub her hands around the muscular globes of Atlacoya's glutes in a circular motion. “Her tepalcuanas... so big... so thick... so sexy...”
   “They are glorious, are they not?” Atlacoya bragged. “It's no wonder that you want so desperately to rub your tetas against them.”
   “No!” Maria cried as she ran her fingers along the crease where Atlacoya's titanic buttocks jutted out over her hamstrings. “I... I... I will not!”
   “Oh but you will,” the monstrously muscular vampiress cackled. “I can feel the nerves in your nipples crying out for stimulation. If you do not trust your own body, perhaps this will convince you.”
   Slowly Atlacoya began to flex her buttocks, one at a time, first the right and then the left, making each one contract into a striated block the size of a milk crate and then letting it relax into a perfectly rounded globe. After a few such repetitions, Atlacoya began twitch her glutes mightily, making her expansive behind bounce vigorously beneath Maria's hands. Maria moaned with desire, her nipples growing so hard so quickly that her gold pasties popped from her skin and fell to the ground, leaving her bare-chested as she drew ever closer to the vampire queen's tremendous buttocks. Mewling with lust, Maria began to rub her amazingly perky J cup breasts against Atlacoya's buttocks, steadying herself by wrapping her arms around the hulking giantess' curvaceous waist and gripping the deeply-cut blocks of Atlacoya's abdominal muscles.
   Gloriosa groaned as she fought to keep from grinding her sex on the monstrously swollen slabs of Atlacoya's quadricep muscles, but it was as if her clitoris had a mind of its own, pulling the rest of her body forward as it throbbed with desire, until finally Gloriosa found herself rutting against the vampire queen's mighty leg like a bitch in heat. “You horrible monster,” Gloriosa groaned. “I swear that I will overcome your unholy seduction and make you pay for what you are doing to my daughter!”
   “Oh really?” Atlacoya laughed. “I think not. I think you would much rather worship my incomparable, irresistible muscles. See how powerful they are?”
   Placing a finger beneath Gloriosa's chin, Atlacoya tilted the great luchadora's head upward just as she began to flex the bicep of her other arm. Gloriosa's mouth hung open as the massive slab of muscle curled into a mountainous peak the size of a volleyball, rippling with definition and thronged by the swollen bulges of her forearms, shoulder and triceps. Gloriosa's fingers trembled as she reached upward to caress the enormous boulder of female muscle, her breath shaking as she watched it twitch beneath the creamy-white paper-thin skin from which it seemed ready to burst at any moment. As the lust churned within her like a kettle boiling over, Gloriosa's nipples swelled and hardened with such fantastic force that they tore through her bandeau top, shredding it like tissue paper as it fell to the ground.
   The walls of the ancient temple echoed with Atlacoya's laughter as she stood, reveling in her sexual domination of the two beautiful, buxom, muscular luchadoras who clung to her colossally muscular physique, caressing her with every part of their bodies. She smiled with wicked arrogance as Gloriosa and Maria both found themselves before the gigantic vampiress, staring up in awe at her humongous breasts. “Yes, my little worshipers,” she cackled as she ran her hands down backs of the supplicant wrestlers. “Gaze upon the majesty of my divine chichis, so big and sumptuous that no mortal tetas could possibly compare. Do they not make you ache with desire? Do you not long to fondle them and lick them until your tongues ache with soreness?”
   “Never!” Gloriosa shouted, even as her lips quivered.
   “I won't!” Maria cried. “I'll never suck on your damnable tetas!”
   “Oh but you will!” Atlacoya cackled. “I can feel your clitori throbbing with desire, even as your tongues deny it. But soon even those lying tongues of yours will worship my magnificence.”
   And surely, Gloriosa and Maria began to squeeze the firm soft flesh of Atlacoya's beach ball-sized breasts with trembling hands as their lips began to pucker with lust.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #59 on: March 20, 2023, 07:58:28 pm »
"The legend said that Atlacoya was banished by having her sacred papaya eaten!"

I think we can guess what that really means ...

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