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Author Topic: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen  (Read 15537 times)

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #30 on: February 05, 2023, 09:02:04 pm »
Scene 33

   The crowd churned with a mixture of anger and outrage as, in the ring, the four burly men in singlets continued their violent assault on Gloriosa, when suddenly a flash of gold streaked down the aisle toward the ring. “Look there,” called a woman in an evening gown. “It's the young luchadora from the newspaper!”
   “Chica Vigorosa?” asked her tuxedo-clad husband. “Yes, it must be!”
   And indeed it was. The fresh-faced luchadora's muscles pumped like well-tuned pistons as she sprinted toward the ring, her nearly-bare J cup breasts bouncing freely beneath their golden pasties and her brown pigtails trailing behind her. The crowd gasped as Chica Vigorosa dove toward the metal stairs that led to the wrestling ring, then with an incredible display of gymnastic prowess, planted her hands on the middle step and launched herself upwards into the air, landing on the ringpost with her deeply dimpled, muscular buttocks fully visible in her golden thong as they pressed tightly together to anchor her balance.
   In a flash she leapt from the ring post, flying across the entirety of the ring, wrapping her musclebound leg around the neck of one Gorilla Brother impersonator in a flying leg lariat and flinging him against the other as her chiseled mid-section torqued, rippling with muscular tension from the deeply-gouged apollo's belt on her pelvis to the steely plates of her abs to the shredded ribbons of her serratus muscles. The crowd cheered with amazement and relief as the two men fell to the mat, and Chica Vigorosa kipped effortlessly to her feet and hit an archer pose from one side, and then the other, showing off biceps that looked to be no less than 40 centimeters around.
   Carlos and Cristobal balked at the sight of the scantily-clad, gold-masked muscle girl who stood before them, and that second of distraction was all that Gloriosa needed. Sensing that their attack had slackened, the hulking amazon broke free of their grasp and reached back, wrapping one arm around each man's head as to trap their necks between her bulging biceps and rocky forearms, and and flipped them forward onto the mat where they landed atop their doubles.
   “Once again you have appeared to even the odds, my young friend,” Gloriosa said, wiping a trickle of blood from the corner of her mouth. And just in time as well, for I fear that this is no ordinary match in which we find ourselves.”
   Chica Vigorosa nodded as she swirled her arms like a martial artist, and raised her fists in a fighting stance. “Very well,” she said. “Then we'll fight our way out.”
   “No, we must not,” Gloriosa said, placing a hand on Chica Vigorosa's muscle-capped shoulder. “For you see, professional wrestling is the most pure and noble of all athletic endeavors, and no true luchadora would debase its rules, even in the most dire of circumstances. I tell you that even death would be preferable.”
   “Yes, I see,” the young brunette said as the four brutish men pulled themselves to their feet. “Well then, let's wrestle as if our lives depend upon it.”
   “That's the spirit,” Gloriosa said. “You take the pair in white and I shall take the pair in black.”
   And so, as the four burly men rose to their feet, Figura Gloriosa moved to the left, drawing the men in black toward her, and Chica Vigorosa moved right, drawing the men in white. The crowd were on their feet now, eager for the match to begin anew, and at ringside the commentators had to scream into their microphones to be heard over the din.
   Cristobal Gorilla moved cautiously as he sized up Chica Vigorosa, wary of the athletic prowess that she had already shown, but his doppelganger had no such compunctions and rushed at the young woman with his hands outstretched as if to strangle her. But Chica Vigorosa was too quick for him, dropping to the mat and catching his legs in a drop toe-hold that sent him tumbling forward into the ropes where he became hopelessly entangled.
   Immediately, Cristobal pounced while the busty young luchadora was still on the mat, stomping at her with his big clunky boot, but time and time again she tumbled out of his way with the skill of an olympic gymnast. Cristobal's flailing attacks quickly tired out his large flabby body, but the Chica Vigorosa's muscle-hewn physique showed no signs of fatigue, and in a display of wrestling prowess far beyond her years, she rolled into a handstand and clamped her calves around his neck. Then, with every muscle in her fantastically developed body rippling with tension, she twisted and curled her body and threw the big headfirst into the nearest turnbuckle with a powerful headscissors takedown, landing perfectly on her feet just in time to see the sinister double begin to disentangle himself from the ropes. The crowd hooted wildly, overjoyed to see the heroic young woman overcome her unscrupulous opponents with such power and agility.
   Across the ring, Figura Gloriosa cracked her neck and rolled her mighty shoulders as the crowd began to cheer her name. Invigorated by the roar of the crowd, Gloriosa's breath deepened and slowed, and her hulking muscles began to swell with power as she clenched her fists and tensed her powerful legs. “You have made a grave mistake, rudos,” she said to her opponents as she pulled herself up to her full towering height and thrust out her legendary chest. “For you have made me angry. I will try to restrain my strength, but I may kill you anyway, and for that I apologize in advance.”
   The two men charged at her at once, swinging their bulky arms downward at her, but Gloriosa effortlessly swatted their fists away as if they were flies. Undeterred, the two men lashed out with mirror-image front kicks to Gloriosa's midsection, but their boots bounced helplessly off of the stony blocks of her shredded abdominal muscles. Immediately they swung their arms again, chopping at Gloriosa's chest, but her fully contracted pectoral muscles were as thick as bricks and as hard as steel, and their blows had no effect but to elicit a slight wobble from her enormous breasts.
   Again they swung their arms, but this time Gloriosa snatched their arms from the air and spun around, flinging them forward with such velocity that they had no choice but to run into the ropes and bounce back toward the center of the ring, where they found Gloriosa waiting for them. With awe-inspiring ease she grabbed both men by the neck, one in each hand, and raised them into the air until her arms were fully extended, then slammed them to the mat with thunderous force that echoed throughout the arena. Gloriosa glared down at her hirsute opponents as she cracked her knuckles, and noted with surprise that even though Carlos Gorilla writhed on the mat in pain, his doppelganger was already rising to his feet again.
   On the other side of the ring, Chica Vigorosa studied the man she had trapped in the ropes.  “It is a poor wrestler that cannot even maneuver the ropes,” she quipped. “Here, let me assist you.”
   And with that Chica Vigorosa dove over ropes as if fleeing the ring, but at the last minute grabbed the top rope and swung her entire body around, launching both of her legs in between the top  and middle ropes, striking her opponent squarely in the center of the chest with enough force to knock him free. Her followthrough carried her through the ropes and back into the ring, where she landed with catlike grace as the imposter Gorilla Brother stumbled backward, fragments of green crystal falling from his bare chest, as if by magic.
   And then, to the amazement of the crowd, the began to change before their eyes, transforming from a perfect double of Cristobal Gorilla into a mummified corpse clad in Aztec garb and finally into a pile of ashes atop of which rested a shattered amulet. “Gloriosa!” the young woman called. “It is the Aztec zombies once again! Do you hear me? The second pair of Gorilla Brothers are the same sort of fiends that we faced at the boutique!”
   Gloriosa's eyes narrowed as she nodded in acknowledgement. “I suppose I should not be surprised by this turn of events,” she said to the imitation Gorilla Brother that advanced on her once again. “Very well. Let's end this charade here and now.”
   The burly man charged at Gloriosa, but she rushed forward to meet him with a burst of explosive speed from her powerful legs, and grabbed him by the legs and by the neck, hoisting him up into the air as if he were weightless, and slamming him down upon her knee in a gutbuster that shattered the invisible amulet around his neck, quickly dissolving him into ash.
   The two buxom musclebound luchadoras met once again in the middle of the ring and shook hands as Carlos Gorilla wheezed and crawled toward the ropes, and only a meter away Cristobal Gorilla struggled to pull himself to his feet with the aid of the turnbuckle. “You are bleeding,” Gloriosa said to Chica Vigorosa. “Are you injured?”
   The young woman reached up and felt a trickle of blood running from a small split in her mask on the side of her face beside her left eye, a souvenir of the chaos in the ring. “It is only a scratch,” she said. “But I think I should tend to it soon. There is no telling what germs these villains carry.”
   “Yes, that is wise,” Gloriosa said. “I only hope that next time we meet it under more congenial circumstances. Now if you will excuse me, I have a little more work left to attend to.”
   With a smile, Chica Vigorosa bowed, and sprang from the ring like a jaguar, sprinting back down the tunnel from which she emerged to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.
   As referee Julio Mendoza stirred on the mat, Gloriosa approached the Gorilla Brothers, who were dazed and exhausted from the beating administered by the two buxom scantily clad amazons. Grabbing them by the elbows as if they were children, Gloriosa shoved them into the corner with their backs to the turnbuckles. “So a two-on-one fight was not enough of an advantage for you, eh?” she growled as she loomed over them. “You have aligned yourselves with the forces of darkness as well?”
   “I swear we did not!” Carlos cried. “Have mercy on us Gloriosa!”
   “Please Gloriosa!” Cristobal pleaded. “We knew nothing of those men!”
   “Cowards!” Gloriosa spat. “Perhaps my Tetas De Furia will show you the error of your ways.”
   The Gorilla Brothers wept in fear and fought to hide behind one another as Gloriosa placed her hands behind her head and began to flex and relax her massive pectoral muscles in a complex rhythm, making her titanic MM cup bosom bounce more and more vigorously with every twitch. The crowd roared with excitement as Gloriosa began gyrating her hips and her gigantic breasts leapt forward and struck the Gorilla Brothers with enough force to make their knees wobble. Again and again Gloriosa slammed her colossal breasts into the Gorilla brothers, knocking them up and down and side to side with such force that the entire ring shook beneath her feet.
   In fact, it was the shaking of the ring that finally awakened referee Julio Mendoza from his unconscious stupor just as Gloriosa ceased her bosomy onslaught. The Gorilla brothers, now bruised and broken from being struck dozens of times by the legendarily powerful breasts of Figura Gloriosa, collapsed to the ring, Carlos laying flat on his back and Cristobal on top of him. With a smirk of satisfaction, Gloriosa placed a single foot atop her fallen opponents, and once again flexed her mountainous biceps in triumph as the crowd whistled with joy and tossed their hats in the air. Quickly the aged referee's instincts kicked in, and he dropped to the mat and counted to the 3, making Gloriosa's hard-fought victory official as the peals of the ringside bell echoed throughout the arena.

Offline nickolai

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #31 on: February 06, 2023, 08:01:19 pm »
Love the Tetas De Furia.  I am sure they struck the brothers with 3x the force of any other man's fists.

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2023, 07:30:44 pm »
Thanks! This one is lots of fun to write, but it's probably a little difficult to read because it's so wordy.

Offline grbaclig

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2023, 07:35:12 pm »
Scene 34

   Throughout Arena Mexico, the crowd cheered the victorious luchadora Figura Gloriosa as she paraded around the ring, flaunting her ridiculously overdeveloped body over her fallen foes. Men yelled, women wept with joy and strangers hugged, all of them relieved that the treacherous actions of the Gorilla Brothers had been for naught.
   All of them except for Atlacoya, who sulked and glowered as she pushed her way through the crowd and out into the concourse of the arena, stopping for just a second to glare in Gloriosa's direction. “I can see now that if I want something done correctly, I must do it myself,” she growled as she turned to leave, disappearing in a cloud of mist as she turned the corner.

Scene 35
   On the other side of Mexico City, away from the hustle and bustle of Arena Mexico, Professor Sedienta's house sat in peaceful silence amongst the buildings of the  Instituto Politécnico Nacional. But in her upstairs bedroom, the ravishing professor tossed uneasily.
   Bathed in the light of the full moon that shown through the glass door that led to her private balcony, she lay in a lavish bed of white satin sheets and feathered pillows, wearing a flimsy nighty of white lace that lay open, revealing her lithe naked body which was beaded with sweat, as she squirmed as if wracked with nightmares. Finally, her body relaxed, her breathing steadied, and she began to drift into a restful sleep. But she was still for only a few seconds when a breeze ruffled her blonde locks and lacy neglige, and she awoke at once. “Such s chill,” she said. “I could have sworn that I closed the balcony door.”
   Wearily, Professor Sedienta tied her nighty and sat up in bed and turned to the window. But her weariness was washed away in a tidal wave of fear as she saw, standing in the open doorway, the vampire queen Atlacoya, who stood with her hips cocked and her arms raised overhead and resting against the doorframe, wearing only a golden headdress, jewels, shining black stiletto heels and a black silk cloak that hung open to expose the creamy flesh of her finely toned musculature and her impressively perky E cup breasts.
   Professor Sedienta gasped in horror as she hunched against the padded headboard of her ornately appointed bed, and pulled her sheets up to her neck as if to hide. Atlacoya laughed, and her eyes sparkled like emeralds in the dark as she licked her ruby red lips, and stepped forward, letting her cloak fall onto the floor as she slinked her way toward Professor Sedienta's bed. “What ever is the matter, my dear Professora,” she chuckled. “I thought you said that I could visit you whenever I pleased. Are you not happy to see me?”
   “Go away monster!” Professor Sedienta cried. “Begone from my bedchamber!”
   Atlacoya frowned playfully as she began to twist her nipples. “But only earlier you seemed so eager for a rendezvous, when you invited me to visit. Do you no longer find me attractive?”
   “No!” the busty professor said, clamping her eyelids closed. “I will not be seduced by a demon, no matter how splendidly full her bosom, kissably pouty her lips, or perfectly sculpted her physique!”
   Atlacoya's nipples were as big and as hard as marbles as she stood by the side of the Professor Sedienta's bed, and placed one foot on the mattress, opening her hips to display her hairless vulva. “But Professora, you said nothing of my exquisite papaya,” the bewitching vampiress purred as she stroked her labia, spreading them open ever so slightly. “For centuries men fought and died for the honor of feeling its luxurious caress. Does it not entice you?”
   Professor Sedienta's will wavered, and she opened her eyes, first just crack but then wide with amazement as she gawked at the perfect pink ruffles of Atlacoya's lady flower. The raven-haired beauty stoked herself again, beaming with pride as she observed the alluring professor shudder with desire and emit a gentle moan. “No, I swear I do not,” Professor Sedienta said, but her blushing cheeks and quivering lips betrayed her surging lustfulness.
   “Oh really?” Atlacoya laughed, flinging the covers from the bed and exposing the professor's nearly-naked flesh to the night air. “But look here, your own exquisite papaya is gleaming with moisture, as if it yearns for my touch.”
   Professor Sedienta closed her eyes again, and clenched her fists, but already her hips were grinding with desire. “No, you are mistaken,” she gulped. “I'm not the least bit horny, I promise you.”
   Atlacoya licked her lips again as she crawled up onto the bed, mere centimeters away from the shapely educator. “I beg to differ, Professora,” she said, “It is plain to see that your nipples are as hard as diamonds. And I do so adore diamonds.”
   Then, with a mirthless chuckle, Atlacoya began to work her tongue around the areola of the beautiful blonde's left breast, sucking and kissing with skillful grace as she worked the tumescent nipple into her mouth. Professor Sedienta gasped and bucked her hips, her body coursing with desire and helpless at the vampire queen's masterful ministrations as the black-haired temptress moved to the right breast. “Oh my word,” Professor Sedienta panted. “My tetas have never known such rapture.”
   “Of course not,” Atlacoya scoffed as she raised her head from the professor's bosom and began to trace her black-tipped fingers down the blonde woman's soft peachy curves. “I have spent millennia mastering the sensual arts. I can show you pleasures unknown to mortal flesh.”
   “Oh yes,” Professor Sedienta begged, her body tingling from head to toe as the vampiress traced circles around the most sensitive spots on her skin. “I cannot bear it anymore! Ravish me! Bathe my body in the forbidden pleasures of your unholy sexuality!”
   “What a splendid idea,” Atlacoya laughed as she began to kiss her way down Professor Sedienta's belly toward the her quivering vulva. “I think I shall do just that.”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #34 on: February 12, 2023, 08:07:56 pm »
Scene 36

   Downstairs in the front room of Professor Sedienta's house, two policemen lazily played cards as they watched the door. One of them perked up just a bit as he heard a nearly-inaudible whimper emanate from the upstairs hallway. “Hey, did you hear that?” he asked his comrade.
   “I didn't hear anything,” the other patrolman said. “Now quit stalling, are you in or not.”
   The first policeman nodded and dropped two coins onto the table, but he kept his head cocked in the direction of Professor Sedienta's bedroom.

Scene 37

   In her bed, Professor Sedienta moaned, clenching her sheets and dripping with sweat as Atlacoya lifted her head from her victim's vulva, and licked her lips. “You taste divine, my dear Professora,” she said. “I cannot remember when last I supped upon such a delicious nectar. Would you care for a taste?”
   Professor Sedienta was too wracked with pleasure to answer the inquiry, as Atlacoya began to drag the tip of her tongue up the blonde woman's torso starting at her engorged labia and proceeding toward her trembling lips. The black-haired demoness moved slowly, savoring the taste of her victims sweat as she crawled over Professor Sedienta on all fours like a predatory animal, until finally she was straddling the curvaceous educator's waspish waist and caressing her angelic face with bejeweled black-tipped fingers. Pausing for just a second, Atlacoya planted a passionate kiss on the professor's lips, their tongues wrestling in their mouths for what seemed like minutes on end.
   Finally Atlacoya withdrew, rising up onto her knees, her fingers still drawing shapes on the helpless academic's trembling body. “You monster!” Professor Sedienta bleated. “What manner of cunnilingus is this that makes my body quake and erupt like a volcano of lust?”
   “Do you know nothing of vampires?” Atlacoya scoffed. “I have drained you of your sexual energy. It is my favorite way to feed. Even now I can feel your sexual essence coursing through my veins and invigorating my body.”
   Atlacoya moaned with pleasure as she leaned backward and arched her back. Then, as Professor Sedienta watched in amazement, the six abdominal muscles on Atlacoya's tight stomach hardened into perfectly symmetrical bricks as the cuts that defined them deepened, while the oblique and serratus muscles that frame her stomach grew more pronounced with every breath that she took. Atlacoya's deltoids grew in size as well, with each head becoming visibly defined from the others as the swelled with muscle and until they had transformed from the stately slope a dancer's shoulders to the muscle-capped orbs of weightlifter.
   Professor Sedienta squirmed with awe and lust as she felt the pale woman's legs and buttocks growing bigger and harder around her waist, until it felt as though she were being squeezed by their bulging mass, and it was with a mix of lust and academic curiosity that she began to run her fingers along the slabs of Atlacoya's quadriceps, which now resembled a bodybuilder's more than a dancer's.
   Then Professor Sedienta gasped in amazement as Atlacoya curled her fists upward toward her newly-muscled shoulders, and her toned lemon-sized biceps pulsed with mass, rising into sharp peaks the size of baseballs as her triceps swelled beneath them and her forearms rippled as they expanded to nearly twice their previous size.
   Her eyes sparkling with predatory malice, Atlacoya then leaned forward as her shapely prisoner eyes widened at the sight of the vampiress' chest. Beneath her creamy skin her flat toned pectorals deepened and widened into plates of muscle that crimped with striations where they cleaved at the sternum, while simultaneously her ample E cup breasts inflated, growing wider and rounder until they would easily fill an FF cup brassiere.
   Professor Sedienta whimpered with lust as she squeezed Atlacoya's meaty latissimus dorsi muscles, and ran her fingers over the upper shelf of her pectorals. “You horrible fiend,” the beautiful blonde cried. “You horrible, sexy, tantalizing fiend! There is no doubt that you are the murderer whom the police seek, the one who drains the very life from her victims!”
   “They were merely hors d'oeuvres,” Atlacoya cackled as she began to drag her nipples across the professor's own. “What I really desire is a partner overflowing with sexual energy in. A partner like you, Professora. Why, most women would have been completely drained by such a caressing from my skillful tongue, but still you have desire in abundance, like a banquet of lusty delicacies upon which I have only begun to feed.”
   “I beg you cease,” Professor Sedienta panted as she squeezed the muscular globes of Atlacoya's deeply dimpled buttocks. “I can bear no more of your uncanny tongue.”
   “Very well,” Atlacoya said. “I have more than one pair of lips with which to drink of you.”
   With a wry smile Atlacoya entwined her legs with those of Professor Sedienta and began to wiggle her hips with a driving rhythm, the deeply etched muscles in her abdomen stretching and contracting rhythmically as she gyrated. Thrust after thrust after thrust, Atlacoya continued to grind her vulva into Professor Sedienta's until their clitori became engorged and began to rub against one another. Melting with orgasmic pleasure, Professor Sedienta's head fell back and a loud moan escaped her mouth.

Scene 38

   On the first floor of Professor Sedienta's house, two police officers sat in her front room, concentrating on their game of cards. At least until a load moan echoed through the house. “There it is again,” the first one said. “Are you going to tell me that you didn't hear that?
   “Okay let's go,” said the second, drawing his gun as they rose from the table.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2023, 02:25:17 am »
Scene 39

   Professor Sedienta lay on her bed, spread eagle and dripping with sweat, her breath uneven and shaky. Nearby, Atlacoya flashed an arrogant smile as she studied herself in a full length mirror, her body swelling with muscle in every direction as the passionate professor's sexual energy flowed through her. She straightened her arm to flex her triceps, smiling they grew so large that they jostled with her rear deltoid head, rhomboid, and latissimus dorsi.
   She cackled with delight as she put her arms behind her head and flexed her core, rocking her hips from delighting as her six pack became an eight pack as the muscles in her abdomen grew and tightened all along her narrow midsection.
   Then she thrust out her left leg and puckered with satisfaction as she saw her calf swell into two sharply angled bricks of muscle, while the slabs of meat on her upper legs stretched her skin so tightly that it creased around their edges as they expanded in all directions.
   Finally she raised her arms in double biceps pose, flashing a venomous smile as her biceps throbbed with power, swelling to the size of grapefruits as they twitched and popped on her arm. Holding her pose she splayed her fingers and took a deep breath, as her pectorals pushed out from her chest one centimeter and then two, growing in width and depth until they looked like slabs of stone beneath her her creamy white skin. Exhaling through puckered lips, Atlacoya watched as her breasts swelled to GG cups and then to H, with areolae as big as saucers and nipples the size sewing thimbles.
   “I cannot thank you enough for this little rendezvous, Professora,” Atlacoya chuckled as she walked slowly toward the bedside, taking care to make the rounded globes of her buttocks bunch into blocks of muscle as she turned away from the exhausted blonde educator. “Same time next week?”
   “What more evil could you wreak, you infernal succubus?” she gasped. “I lay before you ruined by one devastating orgasm after another. My clitoris cries out for mercy!”
   “Mercy? But this was mere foreplay to Atlacoya,” the vampiress cackled. “Besides you are a very generous lover and have so much more to give. But for now rest, and recover your strength.”

   Then with a crash the bedroom door burst open, and the policemen charged with guarding Professor Sedienta's house sprang into the room, guns drawn mere centimeters away from Atlacoya. “Freeze!” the first policeman yelled. “Tell me who you are and what you are doing here!”
   Atlacoya rolled her hips and shoulders, her entire body rippling with muscle in the moonlight, and laughed. “I am your queen,” she crowed, “and the queen of all who dwell in this valley, and soon in the entire world itself!.”
   “Dios mio!” cried the second. “Look at the size of her!”
   “She is a monster!” Professor Sedienta cried. “A wicked, sensual, irresistible monster. Shoot her now I beg you!”
   Atlacoya stood up tall, now fully 2 meters high as she looked down at the two policemen with her green eyes flashing in the night, and tilted her chin upward as if challenging the men to attack her.
   The patrolmen's guns were shaking in their hands as they watched the pale musclebound woman spread her back wide, her lats flaring from her trim waist like the hood of a cobra. “Stop right there, don't move!” the first one called.
   “Yes, stop or I'll shoot!” the other said.
   With a contemptuous snort, Atlacoya reached out and plucked the pistols from their hands with a speed that belied her muscular bulk. With a sneer she squeezed her fingers closed, the metal of the guns squealing as they bent into useless lumps of steel. “I'll call for backup,” the first policeman cried as he ran for the stairs. “Fight her off as long as you can!”
   The second man gulped in fear as he reached for his truncheon, but Atlacoya turned her back on him contemptuously and strolled toward the open balcony door, swishing her muscle-swollen hips as she went. “Don't mind me, little man,” she said. “I was just leaving. But have no fear. I shall return.”
   And then, stepping out onto the balcony, Atlacoya's body disappeared into tendrils of mist and blew away in the night.

Scene 40

   Dressed in her bright red robe, Gloriosa exited the dressing room in the bowels of the arena to find Captain Ramirez and Miguel waiting for her, joined also by Officer Jimenez who now sported a black eye. “You were magnificent as always, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said. “Truly our nation is blessed to have among its number the greatest wrestler in the world, one who could overcome such a dangerous challenge.”
   “Dangerous indeed, Capitan,” Gloriosa said gravely. “For the men who rushed into the ring were not Gorilla Brothers after all, but the same sort of monsters who robbed the boutique earlier this week. I do not think it was a coincidence that they attacked me here tonight. If the mysterious Chica Vigorosa had not appeared once again, it could have been the end for me.”
   “Mysterious?” Jimenez asked. “Are you saying that you do not know her?”
   “I have never seen her before in my life,” Gloriosa said.
   “Hold on Jimenez,” Captain Ramirez said. “What happened to your eye? Was there a disturbance in the crowd?”
   “In a manner of speaking,” Officer Jimenez replied sheepishly. “My wife accused me of ogling Chica Vigorosa's bosoms and clobbered me with her handbag.”
   The other 3 laughed heartily as Jimenez hung his head in shame. “It would be hard indeed not to ogle such an impressively built young woman in such a scanty costume,” Captain Ramirez joked, turning to the young officer in training. “I imagine that is especially true for a virile young man like you, eh Miguel.”
   “Truthfully,” Miguel said. “The only girl's body that I was concerned with was that of Maria.”
   At those words Gloriosa's eyes popped wide open, burning with anger, and she grabbed Miguel around the neck and lifted him into the air, his feet dangling off the ground as his face began to turn red. “How dare you say such a thing about my adopted daughter, you cur!” she growled, raising her other hand into a fist, her massive bicep curling into a boulder of feminine muscle that tore through the silk of her robe like a whale bursting out of the sea, trembling with power as she drew back her hand.
   “Gloriosa, please!” Captain Ramirez pleaded. “He's just a boy, please show mercy!”
   Officer Jimenez began to pull on Gloriosa's arm in an attempt to free Miguel, but only wound up dangling from it like a child from a tree limb as the colossal luchadora supported his added weight without the slightest sign of exertion.
   “Please... Gloriosa...” Miguel squeaked. “I mean only that... Maria fled her seat... I was... thinking only of her safety... I swear it.”
   “So you let my daughter run off into that rabid crowd, when you knew for a fact that there were assassins about that wish only ill to me and mine?” Gloriosa snarled. “You coward! You wastrel!”
   Just then Maria appeared around the corner in her dowdy purse and handbag, and threw herself upon her adoptive mother. “Gloriosa no!” she yelled. “Let him go! Miguel tried to run after me, but I hid in the ladies washroom and he was too much of a gentleman to pursue me there. I swear it!”
   With a grumble, Gloriosa released Miguel and he fell to the ground, gasping for air. Maria ran to him immediately. “You should know better than to flee from the protection of the police in such a dangerous situation,” the colossal woman scolded her daughter. “Such fear is unbecoming of a daughter of mine. I daresay that you could learn a thing or two from Chica Vigorosa, the valiant girl who fought bravely beside me this evening.”
   “Hmph,” Maria said defiantly. “Perhaps I am braver than you think.”
   Gloriosa leaned down to continue scolding her adopted daughter, but stopped for a moment. “Maria, you look different,” she said. “You have changed your hairstyle only since we arrived?”
   It was true, for Maria's hair, which was normally held behind her ears by a simple headband now fell stylishly over her left eye. “Oh...” Maria said nervously. “When I fled to the bathroom, I began to play with a new hairstyle, to... uh... to take my mind off of the horrible violence in the ring.”
   Captain Ramirez laughed and put a hand on Maria's shoulder. “A young woman through and through,” he chuckled. “I think it looks lovely, Maria. If only I could distract myself so easily from the dangers looming over us.”
   “I, too, am worried,” Gloriosa said. “For I must fly to America tomorrow to defend my title, leaving Maria at home, alone and unprotected.”
   “I can take care of myself,” Maria snapped. “I am the junior national champion in judo and karate, not that you could be bothered to notice.”
   “How about this Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said, quickly stepping between the two quarreling women. “I will assign a few policemen to your house to guard Maria while you are away.
   Maria's face brightened suddenly. “Yes that would make me feel much safer,” she said with a mischievous grin. “And please be sure that Miguel is one of them, so that my hospitality can make amends for the injury that Gloriosa doubtless caused to him.”
   “Absolutely not!” Gloriosa growled. “I forbid it. I will not allow that vagabond near my chaste and innocent daughter.”
   “Come now, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said. “Surely you owe Miguel that much after nearly choking the life from him. And Jimenez and Rodriquez will be dutiful chaperones, I assure you.”
   Officer Jimenez snapped to attention. “Gloriosa, I swear on my life that no harm will come to your daughter or to her virtue while I am on duty.”
   “Very well,” Gloriosa grumbled, glaring at Miguel. “But if you lay one hand on my pure and virtuous daughter, I shall give you such a thrashing that even the Gorilla Brothers will pity you.”
   Miguel gulped and trembled, as beside him Maria squirmed with excitement and licked her lips. But before any of them could speak a uniformed officer rushed toward them. “Capitan!” he cried. “We just got a call from the patrol at Professor Sedienta's house. There has been at attack!”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2023, 10:28:42 am »
"like a whale bursting out of the sea" what a perfect line!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2023, 10:33:09 am »
And I'm totally loving this story so far. There's always something exciting and important happening in every scene. And the world you're building here is just a blast. Gloriosa's overprotectiveness of her adoptive daughter's chastity is also an interesting addition, considering how scandalous Glories herself is, it really makes her an interesting character. I can't wait to see where you take their relationship! Masterful work as always!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #38 on: February 18, 2023, 03:36:31 am »
And I'm totally loving this story so far. There's always something exciting and important happening in every scene. And the world you're building here is just a blast. Gloriosa's overprotectiveness of her adoptive daughter's chastity is also an interesting addition, considering how scandalous Glories herself is, it really makes her an interesting character. I can't wait to see where you take their relationship! Masterful work as always!

Thanks! I'm happy you like the world. It's pretty silly, but lucha movies usually are, and I think that's what makes the story fun to write.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #39 on: February 18, 2023, 03:40:45 am »
Scene 41

   Gloriosa, Maria, and Captain Ramirez stood over Professor Sedienta's bed as the ravishing blonde educator trembled beneath her bedsheets. “It was horrible,” the professor sobbed. “Again and again I came, each orgasm more powerfully sensual than the one before.”
   “That doesn't sound so horrible to me,” Maria pouted, crossing her arms.
   “Why put on this jealous demeanor,” Gloriosa scolded. “Can you not see that Professor Sedienta is within an inch of her life.”
   “She looks fine to me,” Maria frowned.
   Ignoring her daughter, Gloriosa leaned over the professor's bed, her enormous bust hanging mere inches away from the gorgeous blonde. “Professora,” she said seriously. “Is there anything that I can do to bring you comfort. A cup of tea perhaps?”
   Professor Sedienta licked her lips as she ran a finger down the ridge between Gloriosa's pectoral muscles and into the deep gulf of her cleavage, tugging at the red bandeau top that strained to contain the great luchadora's tremendous breasts. “Yes Gloriosa, before it is too late,” she pleaded. “Please allow me to take your nipples into my mouth. According to my research, sucking upon breasts may restore vitality to those who have been drained by vampires, if the breasts in question are sufficiently powerful.”
   “My chichis are the most powerful in the world,” Gloriosa boasted, standing bolt upright and tearing her top away before climbing on top of the reclining blonde beauty. “Here Professor, please avail yourself of them, if you think if will help.”
   Professor Sedienta moaned as she maneuvered both of Gloriosa's big, thick nipples into her mouth at once, then began audibly sucking them as she grabbed Gloriosa's buttocks and squeezed them tightly. Captain Ramirez and Miguel looked awkwardly to the ground, trying not to look up at the sapphic tableau unfolding before them. Maria meanwhile, crossed her arms across her chest and pouted. “Her breasts aren't that great,” she huffed.
   Moments later, Professor Sedienta laid back down in her bed, humming in satisfaction. “Oh thank you, Gloriosa,” she cooed. “I may yet recover, thanks to your legendary chichachotas.”
   “I am glad to hear it Gloriosa said as she stood up and retrieved her bikini top. “And hopefully with your aid we can get to the bottom of this mysterious attack.”
   “It's no mystery who attacked me,” Professor Sedienta said. “I tell you it was that woman Atlacoya who confronted you at the Policeman's Ball. And there can be no doubt that she is none other than the vampire queen of the same name in the Aztec legend.”
   “That is quite an outlandish theory, Professora,” Captain Ramirez said.
   “It is no theory, for I have seen proof with my own eyes,” the great educator said. “With my very eyes I saw her fine figure growing in stature and in muscularity, her delectable breasts growing bigger and rounder with every breath she took. She was nearly as big as Gloriosa, I swear it, as the patrolmen.”
   “Nearly as big as myself?” Gloriosa said skeptically. “There is no one alive who could compare even remotely with my perfectly developed body. You must be mistaken.”
   “Perhaps not,” Miguel said as he rushed to Captain Ramirez's side, his hands full. “Look here, two pistols, mangled and bent just as the Professora described.”
   “A mere parlor trick,” Gloriosa said, taking the pistols from Miguel with her dexterous hands. “Why I was bending steel before I was old enough for my quinceanera. This proves nothing.”
   Then with startling ease, Gloriosa crushed the two mangled pistols together into a lump of metal as if she were working with dough instead of hardened steel.
   “But looks at this,” Miguel said, holding up an embroidered cloak of black silk. “This is one of the pieces stolen from the boutique robberies earlier this week. There's no mistaking it.”
   “By God you're right,” Captain Ramirez said, snatching the cloak away from the young officer. “Professora, if what you say is true, then no one in this city is safe. I'll order every available man to search the caves to the west. We'll bring in the Army, even.”
   “Except for Miguel, of course,” Maria said eagerly. “For he must stay by my side... to protect me, of course... while mother is away defending her championship.”
   “Yes, there's no debating that now,” Captain Ramirez said, his brow furrowing in frustration. “And I'll double the guard at Professor Sedienta's house as well.”
   “Policemen are of no use, I'm telling you,” Professor Sedienta barked. “I need crucifixes and holy water.”
   Captain Ramirez exchanged a worried glance with Gloriosa. “I'll send for a priest,” he said.
   “Make it a young one,” Professor Sedienta said. “Big and strapping with strong hands and soft lips. In fact, now that I think of it, send two priests. And tell them to stretch beforehand.”
   The crowd gathered in the room laughed, relieved to see that the lascivious academic had recovered her spirits, but as they left the bedroom, their somber mood returned as the light of the full moon shown through the open balcony door.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2023, 05:18:44 am »
Scene 42

   The next day was a dreary, rainy affair, much to Maria's dismay. In her large and elegantly appointed bedroom, she gazed sadly out over the swimming pool, where she had hoped to lounge in her bathing suit to seduce Miguel. As she put her bathing suit back in the wardrobe, her disappointment deepened as she discovered that the yellow peasant dress that she had purchased to showcase her ample bosom had been disposed of. But her spirits perked up nonetheless when she heard the doorbell ring. Flinging her door open, she ran from her room and toward the stairs.

Scene 43

   In the foyer of Gloriosa's sprawling mansion stood Captain Ramirez, Miguel, and two other policemen. “Good morning, gentlemen,” she sang, floating down the stairs toward them. “Can I get you some coffee.”
   “That would be lovely,” Officer Jimenez said, looking around to survey the various doors and windows of the enormous house. “Tell me, has Gloriosa left for her flight?”
   “You only just missed her,” Maria said disappearing to the kitchen and returning with a silver tray of coffee cups. “But please, make yourselves at home.”
   The policemen sat down, all three of them on the couch, and Maria perched on the armrest nearest Miguel and placed a hand on his shoulder. Miguel flinched from her touch as though wounded. “Are you absolutely certain that Gloriosa is gone?” he asked nervously, jumping to his feet.
   “Oh she is halfway to the airport by now,” Maria giggled. You have nothing to fear from her. She only makes those threats because she is overprotective. She would never harm a policeman.”
   “My aching neck begs to differ,” Miguel said, laughing nervously.
   Maria ignored him, turning instead to the other men. “I have been thinking about the best place for you men to station yourselves,” she said. “I think that you should stay here near the front door, while you should stay in the kitchen near the servant's entrance, and Miguel will stay in my bedroom.”
   “I'm afraid that won't do, senorita,” Officer Jimenez said. “Your mother left very clear instructions with Captain Ramirez. “Rodriguez and I are to stand guard outside your bedroom, while Miguel stands guard in the kitchen.”
   “I should have known,” Maria said. “Very well. At any rate, lunch is nearly ready.”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2023, 02:19:02 am »
Scene 44

   Later that night, the sun was setting, and Maria had retired to her room under the watchful eyes of officers Jimenez and Rodriguez, while on the first floor of the mansion Miguel paced dutifully from room to room, eyes and ears fully alert to capture even the slightest disturbance. Now in the front room near the base of the spiral staircase, he paused for just a moment to pour himself a cup of coffee. But no sooner had he filled his cup, but it dropped to floor as he leapt to attention at the piercing sound of a young woman's scream from upstairs. “That sounds like Maria,” he said aloud.
   Ignoring the shattered porcelain at his feet, and slipping only a little in the spilt coffee, the dashing young man bounded up the stairs, only to hear another scream. “Jimenez, Rodriguez, what's going on?” he asked as he reached the top of the stairs.
   But there came only silence in return, and it was plain to see why, for in the dim light of the upstairs hallway, the bodies of his comrades could be seen collapsed on the floor outside of the door to Maria's room, which was ominously ajar. Miguel drew his gun and advanced slowly toward the door. “Help me!” Maria's voice cried from within. “Help me Miguel!”
   Gathering his courage, Miguel burst through the door to find the room bathed in the soft light of a dozen candles, but without a single human being in sight. Then suddenly the door slammed closed behind him, and before he could react he was struck sharply on his wrist, and his gun clattered to the floor. Miguel spun around, reaching for nightstick to defend himself against his assailant, but once again he was outmatched and found himself lifted off of his feet and slammed back first into the wall behind him. He winced in pain as he felt powerful hands lock his wrists in a vice-like grip and pin his arms to the wall, and finding himself quite helpless his blood began to run cold with shock.
   But as his eyes opened and adjusted to the soft light of the room, he had an even greater shock in store for him, as he was face to face with a pair of sparkling brown eyes lined with lustrous lashes, a dainty aquiline nose, and pair of full pouty lips spread wide in an expectant smile. “M-maria?” he asked. “Is that youuumf-”
   Miguel's words were cut short as the radiant young maiden brought her face to his and planted a deep and passionate kiss upon him, forcing her tongue into his mouth, and mashing their lips together until he was breathless. He gasped for air as she finally withdrew, releasing his wrists and fixing the locks of silky brown hair that tumbled over the left side of her face. “Of course it is me, silly,” Maria giggled. “Who else would be in my bedroom?”
   “I heard your scream, and I thouuumf-”
   Again Miguel's voice was stifled by the intrusion of Maria's tongue in his mouth, and he heard her mewing with delight as she wrapped her arms around his body and pulled him close to her, digging her fingernails into her back. “That was just a ruse,” she giggled, releasing Miguel and taking his hands in hers as she looked him up and down, licking her lips. “Oh, but you looked so gallant rushing to my rescue. My hero!”
   Maria walked backward toward her lavishly appointed queen-sized bed, pulling a reluctant Miguel behind her as he looked about the room in confusion. “But what happened to Jimenez and Rodriguez?” he asked. “They were out cold.”
   “Don't worry about them,” Maria assured him. “I knocked them out before they could see me. No one will know of our little rendezvous.”
   “Ah yes,” Miguel nervously chuckled, his wrist and shoulders still hurting from having been himself subdued by Maria mere moments ago. “You are quite the young athlete, I remember now.”
   “What's wrong?” she asked, batting her eyes. “Why the other night you said that you find strong women to be very attractive. And I am a very strong woman.”
   As if to prove her point, Maria spun around on her heels and tossed Miguel onto her bed as if he were a ragdoll. “Oh my, oh my,” he said nervously, pulling himself up onto his elbows amidst the downy softness of the bed. “You know Maria, I just remembered that I have to leave. Quite urgently.”
   “Why would you want to leave?” Maria asked, her lips bent downward in an exaggerated pout. “Don't you desire my company? Why the other night you said I was the most beautiful girl in Mexico City. You were teasing me after all, weren't you?”
   “Not at all,” Miguel said, quickly standing up from the bed. “Why I daresay that you're the most beautiful young woman in all of Mexico, the entire world even, but you see-”
   “And you are a handsome young man, Miguel,” Maria said, flying to him and undoing the top button on his shirt. “And you know what beautiful young women and handsome young men do in a bedroom, don't you?”
   Maria popped another button, and then a third, her eyes sparkling with eager mischief. Miguel was shaking now, his psyche torn between his attraction for the stunning brunette, the nervousness brought on by her aggressive flirtation, and his fear of her powerful and overprotective mother. “Please Maria,” he gulped as she untucked his shirt and unbuttoned his pants. “I don't know what's gotten into you, but I beg you to restrain yourself.”
   “I'm tired of being restrained!” Maria cried, grabbing Miguel around the waist and tossing him back onto her bed. “I feel like a caged tiger, yearning to break free. I'm tired of being shackled by my station, by my mother, and by these horrible frumpy clothes!”
   With a yell, Maria tore the drab gown from her body, ripping it to shreds as if were made of tissue paper. She stood before Miguel now completely naked, perky breasts the size of cantaloupes thrust proudly forward, heaving with every impassioned breath that she drew. But it was not the size of her breasts that made Miguel's eyes pop open with amazement, but rather the size of her muscles.
   “Dios mio,” the handsome you man blurted out as his eyes drifted up and down her bare body. “Maria you have such big... everything!”
   And it was true, for despite her relatively youth, Maria's physique displayed a level of muscularity that would shame most men twice her age. From her delicate jawline to her dainty feet, she bulged with thick, sharply defined muscles that accentuated each curve of her feminine form, a fact that appeared to please Maria to no end. “How sweet of you to say,” she tittered, cocking one muscle-wrapped leg to the side and raising her arms overhead in a myth pose that made her already well-defined muscles harden into shredded distinctness. “Tell me Miguel, which are your favorite muscles on a woman's body? The biceps seem like an obvious choice, no?”
   Maria then dropped her arms into a double biceps pose, her arms swelling to over 40 centimeters in circumference as her biceps contracted into perfect spheres of muscle. Miguel was too overcome by awe and desire to speak. “Oh my,” he gulped. “Oh my. Oh my.”
   “No?” Maria asked with a giggle. “Perhaps you are a leg man, then.”
   Lowering her arms, Maria turned to the side and arched her back so that her round peach-shaped buttocks thrust outward like globes, then slowly leaned forward, causing muscles to contract into sharp definition beneath her flawless honey-brown skin, from the curvaceous slabs of her quads to the bulging pillars of her hamstrings to the calves that jutted out like diamonds above her thin feminine ankles. “Oh my,” Miguel gulped again as his penis began to swell with lust. “Oh my. Oh my.”
   “But of course,” Maria laughed. “Nothing excites a man quite like a woman's chest.”
   Turning to face Miguel, her brown eyes fixed upon him like a tigress stalking her prey, Maria clasped her hands in front of her navel and squeezed her pectoral muscles, making them erupt into striated domes, then letting them relax into thick slabs. Again and again she flexed her sculpted pectorals, squishing her J cup breasts together between her arms as she contracted the flex, and letting them bounce free when she relaxed.
   “Oh my,” Miguel drawled as his eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed onto the bed.
   Maria was upon him instantly. “Miguel!” she cried. “Speak to me. Are you alright?”
   “I think so,” he said groggily. “Just a rush of blood from my head, I think.”
   “Oh dear,” she said, straddling his midsection and working on the buttons of his shirt. “This is quite serious. We must get you out of these restrictive clothes at once.”
   Before Miguel could speak, Maria had flipped him over on the bed with the practiced ease of a judoka, and removed his shirt completely. With the side of his face planted in the bed, Miguel's eyes fell on a framed photo of Maria and her adoptive mother, with Gloriosa flexing a bicep the size of a soccer ball with a young Maria hanging from her arm. Then he found himself being flung around again, this time facing another photo, this one featuring Maria posing on a vespa as her hulking mother easily held it aloft with a single hand. Miguels blood ran cold with fear as recalled Gloriosa's incomparable power, as well as her threats against his safety should he interfere with her daughter's virtue.
   Maria yanked Miguel's pants from his legs and ripped his boxer shorts to shreds, flipping him once again onto his back and straddling his midsection, licking her lips as she ran her hands up and down his chest. He opened his mouth to object, but she was upon him instantly, cramming her tongue down his throat in another violent kiss. He was nearly out of breath as she withdrew, wrapping her fingers around his shoulders and, in her aroused state, squeezing so hard that he feared she would break his collarbones. “Miguel,” she said softly. “I have never been with a man before. You must promise to be gentle with me.”
   “Gentle?” he whimpered. “You are as strong as a bull, I couldn't hurt you if I tried!”
   “How sweet of you to say,” she tittered. “But I daresay that I am stronger than any mere bull.”
   As Maria's thighs tightened like a vice around his waist, squeezing so tightly that he felt his organs may pop like balloons, Miguel was struck by the thought that her love may prove more dangerous to him than Gloriosa's anger, and in that moment his fear and pain extinguished his lust. “Maria,” he stammered. “Although you are surely the most desirable woman that I have ever laid eyes upon, my desk is piled high with important casework waiting for me at the police station.”
   Maria rose up, her face once again affecting an exaggerated pout. “But Miguel,” she implored, “surely you have heard that once a young woman is aroused, she must be given release of her passions, lest she become stricken with ovarios azules and fall ill. It is a very serious ailment Miguel.”
   “I have never heard of such an illness” Miguel said skeptically. “Well nevertheless... perhaps I can take you to a clinic on my way to the station.”
   Once again, Maria's powerful hands clenched Miguel's shoulders as she leaned forward, dangling her incredible breasts above his face. “But Miguel, why would you do such a thing?” she asked, slumping forward and enveloping his head in her voluminous bosom. “Your desk is so cold, flat and hard. And my tetas are so warm, round and soft. Do you really want to leave, Miguel?”
   In the embrace of Maria's perfumed bosom, Miguel grew instantly hard, and he lost all will to resist the ravenous young brunette. “No,” he said weakly, his voice muffled by Maria's fleshy orbs.
   “Oh Miguel, I have waited so long for this moment!” Maria cried gleefully as she sat up, wiggling her thick tight buttocks on the young policeman's stomach. “There are so many things that I want to do to you, and so many things that I want you to do to me.”
   “I want to do whatever you say,” Miguel whimpered, hypnotized with lust as the busty muscle girl began to dismount him with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
   “What a romantic thing to say,” Maria beamed as she went to swing her leg over the young man to dismount him. But she found herself obstructed by a long hard object, as if someone had planted a flagpole in the middle of her bed. “Miguel, did you bring your truncheon into the bed?” she asked. “How kinky.”
   “My truncheon?” Miguel asked. “Of course not. You threw it away with my pants.”
   Maria frowned as she hopped off of Miguel and lay beside him. “Then what is this thing that-”
   Looking down, Maria was struck speechless as her eyes fell on Miguel's swollen penis, 30 centimeters long and as thick as a soda can. Her brown eyes widened with wonder and she began to lick her lips as she leaned closer to his erection. “What a magnificent verga!” she gushed. “Now I see where all that blood went when it rushed from your head. We are going to have such fun together!”
   Planting her hands on Miguel's ribcage and splaying her legs, Maria raised her body up off the bed, her incredible muscles tightening as she balanced on her hands atop his chest. Miguel winced in pain, the weight of Maria's muscle-laden body focused on his chest making him fee like his ribs would crack at any moment. Then, slowly, Maria began to pivot her body downward, and lowered her eager vagina down onto Miguel's tumescent penis.
   Her eyes closed and she bit her lip as she slid down the handsome young policeman's turgid member, squeaking with a mixture of pleasure and pain as she struggled to accommodate him. Finally, she had engulfed his massive erection, her body beading with sweat and cheeks flushed as she rested the muscular globes of her buttocks on his pelvis. “Miguel?” she asked him gently as she traced her fingers delicately up and down his torso. “You will be gentle with me, won't you?”
   Miguel stared up in awe at the busty musclebound beauty that perched atop him, her big brown eyes sparkling and her shining brunette locks falling to one side. “I should ask you the same thing,” he gulped.
   Maria began to gyrate upon his pelvis with the rhythmic finesse of a dancer, bending his rock-hard penis to and fro as she twirled it around inside of her vagina. Miguel's eyes popped open and he grabbed the bedsheets for support as bolts of pleasure ran through his loins. Fully in control, the athletic young woman atop him placed her hands behind her head, her biceps balling into rocky spheres and her lats swelling like meaty wings as her shredded abdomen flexed and contracted with the swirling of her pelvis, her huge breasts bouncing vigorously.
   Miguel's ejaculation was imminent when Maria clamped her thighs around waist, nearly breaking his pelvis, and her vagina seemed to tighten around his member. Suddenly her gyrations became more and more forceful, violently jerking his midsection back and forth and up and down, and bending his hardened cock drastically in one direction and then another. The pain was so great that Miguel couldn't climax, and he realized with horror that Maria might ruin him forever. Quickly he realized that his only escape would be to relax his erection and shrink from the grip of her vagina. But the sight of Maria's bounteous body above with so intoxicating that he was powerless to subdue the lust throbbing in his loins.
   He shut his eyes and began to imagine the most mundane things he could think of. He imagined doing maths homework in school, completing paperwork at his job or anything that he thought would distract him from the sexual gymnastics that Maria was performing atop him. “Oh no,” he moaned.
   “Miguel, what is wrong?” Maria asked without the slightest disruption of her gyrations. “Are you all right? Why are your eyes closed?”
   “I can't look,” he moaned. “You are too pretty... too sexy... too muscular... the most beautiful woman in the world. I... I can't...”
   “Oh Miguel, you are so romantic!” Maria gushed. “I... I... W-what is the feeling coming over me? It feels... so good... I think I am going to... to...”
   Cries of pleasure began to emit from Maria's mouth as she began to tremble and her eyes rolled back in her head.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #42 on: February 23, 2023, 01:48:33 am »
Scene 45

   Outside Maria's room, Officers Jimenez and Rodriguez began to stir. Jimenez awakened first, wincing as he rubbed the back of his heavily bruised neck. His ears pricked up as he heard a young woman's cries echoing faintly through door behind him. “Rodriguez, wake up!” he hissed. “It's Maria, she's in danger!”
   With great effort the two men pulled themselves to their feet. Jimenez tried the doorknob, but found it to be locked. Immediately he rammed the door with his shoulder, trying to break it open, but the sturdy old door didn't give a centimeter. “Hold on Maria!” Rodriguez shouted. “We're coming.”
   Rodriguez slammed himself against the door next, but also to no effect. “Let's try it together, on the count of 3,” Jimenez said. “1... 2... 3!”

Scene 46

   The door burst open, and the two police officers fell into Maria's room, but pulled themselves quickly to their feet, their guns drawn. But to their surprise, they saw Maria sitting calmly in a chair beside her bed, dressed in a drab and baggy gown, reading a book in the candlelight. Even more perplexingly, Miguel lay on the bed, spread eagle in his policeman's uniform looking exhausted and defeated, his eyes bleary and his skin drenched in sweat.
   “What's going on here?” Jimenez asked, using the barrel of his revolver to tilt the brim of his cap up. “I swear that I heard you screaming, Maria.”
   Instantly, Maria scowled. “You most assuredly did!” she snapped. “I was attacked by a group of Aztec zombies, and poor Miguel had to fight them off all by himself while you two lollygagged out there! Surely I would have died if not for his heroic fortitude.”
   “Hey Miguel,” Rodriguez said, “are you all right? You look like you ran a marathon then got hit by a train!”
   “I can't feel my legs,” Miguel whimpered.
   “Poor boy,” Jimenez said glumly. “Wait a moment Miguel... your pants are on backward. And your shoes are on the wrong feet.”
   Maria sprung from her chair and wagged her finger at the policemen. “Lucky that his head is not backwards as well, no thanks to the two of you! Why even now you gad about in here as those fiends that attacked me make their escape across the lawn!”
   Jimenez and Rodriguez glanced toward the open balcony door, then nodded to one another. “Don't worry, we'll track them down,” Jimenez said, pulling himself up to his full height and placing his hand over his heart. “You stay here and look after Miguel.”
   As the two older policemen ran from her room, Maria hurried to the door. “Oh I most assuredly will,” she giggled as she closed the door.
   “Maria?” Miguel squeaked.
   Ignoring his pleas, Maria walked to the massive oak wardrobe that stood against her wall, and plucked it off the ground as easily as if it were a pillow and set it down in front of her bedroom door. She then turned around, her lascivious eyes falling on the helpless young man on her bed. “That should prevent any further misguided attempts to rescue me,” she said.
   “I think it is me who needs rescuing,” Miguel said, closing his eyes and swallowing hard.
   But when he opened his eyes, Maria was on the bed again, completely naked and crawling toward him like a powerful, ravenous beast. “Oh Miguel,” she cooed. “Finally we are alone again. Tell me again what you said earlier, about how I was pretty and sexy and muscular. Did you really mean those things?”
   “Where would I find the energy to lie to you?” Miguel asked. “Maria, I swear that you are the most beautiful  woman that I have ever laid eyes upon. Your face is perfect, your breasts are perfect, your muscles are perfect. It's all so overwhelming.”
   “Hmm,” Maria purred in satisfaction. “Just to be clear, Miguel, do you think I am sexier than Gloriosa?”
   “Oh yes,” Miguel said. “Sexier even than Chica Vigorosa.”
   “Oh my,” Maria said with a coy smile. “Chica Vigorosa is very sexy indeed. Are you quite sure that I am sexier than she is?”
   “Absolutely,” Miguel said. “When I first saw her, during the robbery in the fashion district, I thought that she was the most gorgeous girl that I had ever seen. But you surpass her in every way.”
   Maria wrapped her arms around Miguel and kissed him gently on the cheek. Then gently on the lips, and then passionately upon the lips, her tongue wrestling his own into submission as she began to remove his shirt once again.
   A shiver ran through Miguel's body once again, the memory of Maria's calamitously powerful lovemaking still fresh in his mind―and in his bruises. “Maria, I beg you-” he began.
   “You don't need to beg me for sex, Miguel,” she said, cutting him off. “I want it. I need it.”
   In mere seconds, Maria had him undressed again, and was covering his body with kisses. “Saints preserve me,” he wept as he crossed himself.   
   “Miguel,” Maria asked, pouting as she ran her hands along his crotch. “Why is your verga soft? I thought you said that I was the sexiest woman in the world.”
   “I just had an orgasm,” he said. “I need time to recover. Did you not have an orgasm as well?”
   “Oh yes, I most assuredly did,” Maria laughed. “And I want another one. And another. And another. And I cannot bear to wait any longer, Miguel. You must get hard immediately!”
   “I can't,” Miguel implored. “I am no longer aroused.”
   “Well then I shall have to arouse you,” Maria said as she rose up, standing upon the mattress. “You know Miguel, just a moment ago you said that I was the most beautiful woman you had ever laid eyes upon. You said that my face, breasts, and muscles were perfect. And you hurt my feelings.”
   “I am so sorry,” Maria Miguel pleaded, half from politeness and half from fear. “Whatever did I do to make you unhappy.”
   “Well,” Maria giggled as she turned away from Miguel and thrust her buttocks outward. “You said nothing about my tepalcuanas. They are quite sexy too, don't you think?”
   Maria put her hand on her head and began to sway her hips like a belly dancer, her thick dimpled glutes bulging into smooth round globes and contracting into striated blocks as her hamstrings bulged like she watermelons beneath her skin, and her calves contracted into upside-down hearts of smooth beveled muscle. “They are... amazing,” Miguel exhaled.
   Maria dropped into side splits, slamming her big round buttocks down on Miguel's stomach and knocking the wind out of him. “Touch me, Miguel,” she purred as he gasped for air. “I long to feel your hands on my skin. Let us arouse each other.”
   Obediently, Miguel began to rub his hands along Maria's glutes and thighs, mesmerized by the feel of the chiseled rock-hard muscle beneath her soft brown skin. Giggling, Maria began to wiggle her hips as she squirmed from the electricity of his touch, making her incredible backside bounce and flex. 
   But still, Miguel remained flaccid, his tender penis feeling more pain than pleasure from the weak pulses of blood that his exhausted heart pumped into his depleted groin. Marias gazed downward at his slackened member and frowned as she wiggled it around in her hands. “Miguel, why isn't your verga hard?” she asked dejectedly. “I thought you said I was sexy. Or is it perhaps don't you want to give me pleasure?”
   “You are the sexiest woman in the world, I swear it,” Miguel pleaded. “And I want nothing more than to give you pleasure. But you have exhausted me. It will take time for me to regain my vigor.”
   “How long will that take?” Maria pouted as she began to play with Miguel's flaccid unit.
   “I-I don't know,” Miguel stammered. “15 or 20 minutes, maybe?”
   “20 minutes!?” Maria groaned. “But I want you inside me right now, Miguel! But very well then, maybe there is something else you can do to give me pleasure while I wait...”
   Slowly, Maria began to slide the muscular globes of her buttocks up Miguel's chest and over his chin, planting her knees on either side of his head and rotating her pelvis so that the moist tenderness of her vulva rested upon his mouth and nose. “Your thighs are so big and so hard,” he mused, his hands caressing the young woman's colossal quadriceps. “It feels as though you could crack my skull like an egg.”
   “Oh yes, I absolutely could, Miguel,” Maria giggled. “So if you what is good for you, you will prove your love by licking my papaya. Lick me as if your very life depends upon it.”
   Miguel felt the steely-hard thighs of his musclebound admirer tighten around his head, the playful nature of the action doing nothing to lessen the danger of the power behind it. Taking a deep breath, Miguel began to slowly lick up and down the ruffles of Maria's labia, parting them gently as he near the clitoral hood so that the tip of his tongue could play gently on the pink pearl of her clitoris. Maria's eyes popped open and her jaw hung loose as she leaned backward twisting her big, thick nipples forcefully as she moaned and moaned with pleasure.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #43 on: February 23, 2023, 02:13:01 am »
loving this so far. Continue the great writting.

Offline nickolai

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #44 on: February 23, 2023, 10:33:55 pm »
Love banter like,  “Gentle?” he whimpered. “You are as strong as a bull, I couldn't hurt you if I tried!” “How sweet of you to say,” she tittered. “But I daresay that I am stronger than any mere bull.”

Love how the younger woman "woman handles" him, tosses him around like a rag doll, without even realizing it.

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