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Author Topic: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen  (Read 14537 times)

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2023, 02:26:42 am »
Scene 13

   The following morning found Figura Gloriosa hard at work in her gym once again, reclined on a bench as she rhythmically pressed a 1,000 kilo barbell into the air over and over. It was a weight that would crush the strongest men on earth, but it was merely another working set for the legendary luchadora who grimaced beneath her mask as she racked the barbell.
   Sitting up, she turned to a nearby mirror, clasped her hands in front of her navel and began to flex her pectorals, which erupted into waves of muscle as she squeezed them over and over again, admiring the striated slabs of bulging feminine power that lay atop her chest, as big and thick as Mexico City phone books. “Those conniving Gorilla Brothers will be in for a shock if they throw chops at this chest of mine,” she said proudly, punctuating her exhibition with rapid twitches of her pectorals to make her colossal MM breasts bounce and jiggle within her lycra singlet. “And heaven help them if they find themselves at the mercy of my unstoppable tetas.”

Scene 14

   After her shower, Gloriosa went upstairs to her kitchen clad once again in her luxurious but revealing bathrobe, and found Maria at the kitchen table with the morning newspaper and a steaming cup of coffee. “Gloriosa?” she said with a start. “I did not expect you to finish your workout so early.”
   “I thought that 3 hours would suffice today. After the excitement of yesterday's battle, it is wise to relax.” But Gloriosa's contented smile turned to a scowl when she looked at the table. “Maria are you drinking coffee?” she asked sharply. “You know that you are too young for such things.”
   “No of course not,” Maria said nervously. “I was... uh... merely making a cup for you.”
   “Oh why thank you,” Gloriosa responded. “How considerate. But hold on, why did you make this coffee now if you expected me to continue with my normal 6 hour workout?
   “Oh... I... uh...” Maria stammered as she glanced about nervously. “Did you see this morning's paper. You are on the front page yet again. Is that twenty times this year already?”
   “Twenty-one,” Gloriosa said, smiling with pride as she took the paper in her hands. “But who is keeping count, eh? And what a perfectly timed picture of me and my mysterious new ally. Why it couldn't have turned out any better if we had posed for it.”
   Gloriosa's words rang true, as the photo on the front page of the photo captured the two luchadoras in the midst of their battle, Gloriosa with her massive arms raised overhead to deliver a punishing double hammerfist blow as her titanic bosom jutted proudly forward, every shredded muscle in her body rippling with tension. Beside her, Chica Vigorosa floated in the air, the feminine curves of her muscular legs on display as she spread them wide in a flying kick, with only the merest scrap of gold lame concealing her sex as her pastie-clad J cup breasts bounced free above her shredded abdomen. “The newspaper says that Chica Vigorosa is quite the athlete,” Maria said. “Although of course I saw nothing of her myself, having hidden myself in the boutique during the fracas.”
   “It's true,” Gloriosa nodded. “Despite her obvious youth her body is impressively powerful, like a coiled spring of well-honed muscle. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if one day she proves to be a formidable challenger in the ring. Although of course I will crush her as I crush all my opponents.”
   For just a moment, Maria's face flushed with anger at her mother's boast, but she quickly regained her composure. “Her costume is quite distinctive as well,” Maria said. “You don't think it is too revealing?”
   “Hmm,” Gloriosa said as she scrutinized the photograph. “No, I think not. Her costume is indeed quite revealing, but a luchadora must be an eye-catching performer as well as an athlete. And besides, every luchadora knows that the more clothes one wears, the more fabric that one's opponent can grab ahold of to execute throws and holds. Furthermore, a well-muscled luchadora may find that intimidation may give her an advantage over a smaller and weaker opponent if she is confident in her physique.”
   “Well it appears that Chica Vigorosa is indeed confident in her physique,” Maria said.
   “As well she should be,” Gloriosa agreed. “Her finely sculpted body is evidence of her training and pedigree as a wrestler, and it is as important to her performance as it is to her athleticism. I tell you Maria, a woman should always present herself perfectly for the occasion, no matter what that occasion is. And that reminds me, I picked up your dress for the policeman's ball this evening.”
   Maria bristled with excitement as her adoptive mother produced a garment bag from the French boutique where they had gone shopping the day before, but her heart sank when Gloriosa presented her with a drab gray dress that even a nun would find dowdy, with its long hemline, long sleeves and high collar. “Thanks, I guess,” Maria said glumly.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2023, 02:27:43 am »
Thanks for the kind words everybody!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2023, 06:00:36 pm »
This is great! There are so few female muscle stories involving wrestlers and even fewer involving luchadoras (in fact, this might be the only one?). I don't know why because wrestling introduced so many of us to the wonder of muscle women.

I always wanted to see a femuscle version of an El Santo movie.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2023, 01:46:18 am »
Scene 15

   There was an unusual chill in the air as Figura Gloriosa and her adopted daughter Maria approached the governor's mansion for the policeman's ball on Friday evening. Captain Ramirez met them in the foyer and kissed their hands. “Ladies, thank you again for accepting my invitation, and let me say that you both look lovely as always,” he said, his debonair suit and coiffed gray hair seeming a bit out of place on a man who had spent his life in dogged pursuit of police work. “Please give your coats to the gentleman in the tuxedo and I shall escort you into the ball.”
   Even in the foyer, the famous wrestler drew a crowd of admirers and photographers who stared in admiration as Gloriosa removed her luxurious mink to reveal a form-fitting red satin gown vented to the waist with a strapless bustier top, her bountiful physique bulging in every direction. Maria's overcoat was a drab affair, as was the gray dress beneath it, but much to Gloriosa's chagrin Maria had accessorized with a simple belt around her waistline that pulled the formless dress close to her hourglass figure, accentuating her ample bosom, broad hips and capacious buttocks.
   “Who is this stunning young beauty that accompanies you tonight Gloriosa?” asked a reporter.
   “She must be a fashion model,” another reporter offered.
   “She's a foreign movie star,” said yet another, “I am certain of it, only her name escapes me.”
   “No no no,” Gloriosa said. “This is my adopted daughter Maria, she is only a schoolgirl. Now if you will forgive us we have a ball to attend.”
   “Maria, give us a smile,” said a photographer as he raised his camera, and of course the young woman was happy to oblige.
   “From now on I will have to examine your attire more carefully before I let you leave the house,” Gloriosa grumbled as Captain Ramirez led them both out of the foyer and into the ball.
   Maria smirked triumphantly, having correctly predicted that Gloriosa's pride would prevent her from showing any sign of displeasure in front of her adoring public.

Scene 16

   The ball was a grand affair and after some mingling Gloriosa and Maria once again found themselves beside Captain Ramirez, this time in a stately parlor at the rear of the mansion, away from the crowd of local dignitaries and socialites. The 3 of them were making easy small talk when a handsome young policeman, no more than 20, with broad shoulders and a stately jaw ran to Captain Ramirez's side. “Capitan,” the young man said. “I have news from precinct 11.”
   “Now now Miguel,” Captain Ramirez said. “I invited you to this ball so that you could take your mind off policework for once, and here you are prattling on about precincts when there are two beautiful women to whom you have not even bothered to introduce yourself.”
   The young policeman flushed with embarrassment and removed his hat. “Oh forgive me,” he said. “Buenas noches, ladies.”
   “Ladies this is Miguel, our youngest officer, fresh from the academy,” said the captain. “Miguel, This of course Figura Gloriosa, who needs no introduction, and this lovely young woman here is Gloriosa's daughter Maria.”
   “Of course I recognize Gloriosa,” Miguel said nervously. “It is an honor to meet you. And I know Maria as well.”
   Maria was caught off guard. “You do?” she asked. “I must apologize, but I cannot say that I remember having met you.”
   “Well we didn't meet, exactly,” Miguel said, nervously fingering the brim of his hat. “I was two years ahead of Maria in school, and although we didn't have any classes together, everyone knew her as the most beautiful girl in Mexico City.”
   “You are teasing me,” Maria said demurely, clasping her hands nervously.
   “Not at all,” Miguel said. “I tell you, Capitan, all the boys in school would fight for seats near Maria. Some would even play sick just so they could steal a glance at her as they walked to the nurse's office.”
   “Please, you are embarrassing me,” Maria said with a coy lilt in her voice, turning away and covering her face with her pocketbook as she began to blush.
   “Yes Miguel, contain yourself,” Captain Ramirez laughed. “If you go any further you will be in danger of embarrassing yourself, as well.”
   “That is the least of the dangers that he will face if he goes any further,” Gloriosa said coldly as she stepped closely to Miguel to emphasize her formidable stature, glaring down at him as she did.
   Miguel went white from shock as he wilted under the angry gaze of the buxom juggernaut. “My apologies of course. I'll leave you all alone and get back to the murder scene.”
   “Another murder?” Captain Ramirez asked, exasperated.
   “What do you mean another murder?” Gloriosa asked. “Is something wrong?”
   “I'm afraid so, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez sighed. “Three murders in as many nights. Two young men and one young woman. All of them in the western outskirts of the city.”
   “How awful!” Maria exclaimed.
   “Awful indeed,” Captain Ramirez said. “And what's more all three of them were found drained completely of their blood. What kind of fiend would do such a thing?”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2023, 01:25:21 am »
Scene 17

   Outside the governor's mansion, a policeman lazily patrolled the side yard, cursing his luck that he was chosen to provide security while his comrades inside shared drinks with celebrities and dignitaries. “Why so gloomy?” a woman's purred from behind him.
   Instinctively the policeman wheeled around, gun drawn, only to come face to face with the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Her jet black hair, emerald green eyes, and creamy white skin all shone in the moonlight as she smiled and walked toward him. The policeman's mood brightened instantly, and he stood up straight as the raven-haired woman slinked across the lawn, wearing an elaborate gold headdress adorned with a papaya, and clad in a black dress that was little more than a bejeweled corset with a one strip of silk hanging from its front and another hanging from its back to provide a modicum of coverage. She was long and lean like a ballerina, but with impressively perky DD cup breasts and a thick round rump, and all  showcased admirably by her scandalous dress, and she smiled with ruby red lips as she offered her hand, clad in a black lace fingerless glove and adorned with jeweled rings, to the policeman. “Buenas noches, senora,” the policeman said, kissing her hand, and feeling his loins tingle at the electric sexuality of her touch. “I assume that you are here for the policeman's ball. Do you need me to show you back inside?”
   “No,” she said pouting. “I'm afraid that I never received an invitation, and it is not my custom to go where I am uninvited.”
   “A grievous error, no doubt,” the policeman said puffing himself up. “I promise you that I shall find the responsible party and ensure that they are punished, even if it is Captain Ramirez himself. In the meantime, is there anything that I can do assist you, Miss...”
   “Call me Atlacoya,” the dark-haired vixen purred as she traced her hand down the policeman's chest, and began playfully toying with his belt buckle. “And I would be eternally grateful if you could procure for me an invitation to this lovely ball.  I do so adore balls.”
   “Regrettably I cannot,” the policeman stammered. “All this departmental red tape, you see.”
   “How sad,” she said, pouting once again as she casually bared one of her breasts with one hand, while with the other she deftly undid the policeman's belt and fly with a few quick movements. “Well, perhaps there is something else that you can do to keep me entertained.”

Scene 18

   Officer Jimenez cursed his luck as he walked the perimeter of the ballroom at the Governor's Mansion, while all around him his fellow officers mingled with the most beautiful and celebrate people of Mexico City. He ducked into an inconspicuous vestibule where intended to have a cigarette, carefully swiping a cocktail from the silvered tray of a waiter who hurried past him. Jimenez smiled mischievously as he poured the drink into his mouth, only to spit it out immediately as a man's scream sounded from the window beside him.
   As the party swirled on, the guests to distracted by the din of the ball to notice the scream, Officer Jimenez drew his gun and opened the door to the veranda. “Who is there?” he called out. “What's going on? Do you need help?”
   There was only an unsettling silence, contrasted against the noisy merriment of the ball. But then, as if out of thin air, a woman appeared before Officer Jimenez. She was achingly beautiful, with jet black hair, ruby red lips and emerald green eyes, and wore a scandalously revealing black dress that showed nearly all of her creamy white skin, including a pair of legs and buttocks so sculpted as to be the envy of any dancer, and breasts that must have been at least an E cup by Officer Jimenez's estimation. “Senora,” Jimenez said. “What are you doing out there? Did you not hear that screaming? Why it sounded as if a man was having his very soul pulled from his body.”
   She then collapsed against the Jimenez, smashing her ample bosom against his chest and showing a well-defined bicep as she lay her forearm against her forehead in exaggerated weariness. “It was all so horrible,” she said. “That poor policeman. I ran as fast as I could, but in my panic I dropped my invitation.”
   “Fear not,” Officer Jimenez said, adopting his most heroic tone. “It would be my please to welcome you back into the ball. Can you walk?”
   “I can feel my strength returning, now that I am in your powerful arms,” she said, twirling gracefully out of Jimenez's arms and into the vestibule. “How ever can I thank you for saving me?”
   “Think nothing of it, madame,” he said, pulling himself up to his full height. “Now please wait here while I go investigate.
   Doffing his cap, Officer Jimenez went through the door onto the veranda and disappeared into the darkness. Immediately, Atlacoya closed the door behind him and locked it, smirking as she turned to enter the ballroom.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2023, 10:02:55 pm »
Another great chapter.  Cannot wait for more.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2023, 02:21:14 am »
Scene 19

   In the ballroom at the Governor's mansion, Professor Sedienta was thronged by a trio of handsome young policemen. Wearing a blue satin dress with a keyhole cut in the bodice that forced the globes of her creamy breasts daringly outward. Her dress was so tight that it was plain that she was not wearing underwear, and it was also plain from the way that her nipples poked out like marbles that she was greatly interested in her suitors. “All of a sudden I find this wonderful party a trifle dull,” she giggled. “But I could think of so many interesting things to do with 3 strapping young men such as yourselves. Would you fine gentlemen care to join me in a more private setting?”
   “I have the key to the guest bedroom,” one said.
   “I have the key to the master bedroom,” said another.
   The young policemen began to squabble over the best place for their rendezvous when all of a sudden Professor Sedienta pushed them aside. “Some other time perhaps,” she said as she began to make her way toward a woman who had just entered the ballroom from a vestibule near the veranda.
   Professor Sedienta licked her lips as she eyed the ravishing dark-haired beauty, who had the broad shoulders and toned limbs of an athlete, but with the bountiful curves of a showgirl, all clad in a black corset dress that left little to the imagination. She stood, hands on hips with an imperious confidence as she surveyed the guests with the intensity of a predator stalking its prey, her bejeweled fingers and golden headdress sparkling opulently in the light of the chandeliers..
   “I beg your pardon, senora,” Professor Sedienta said as she drew near. “I hope you won't think me too forward if I say that you look absolutely ravishing in that dress. Is it a Gucci?”
   “Perhaps,” the curvaceous woman in black said as she looked the alluring academic up and down, her emerald green eyes lingering on the professor's cleavage. “I have so many dresses that I lose track of them. And might I say that you yourself look good enough to eat.”
   “I do so love to be eaten,“ the shapely educator said with a playful laugh, “But I forget myself. I'm Professor Enid Sedienta of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, here as a guest of Captain Ramirez.”
   “You may call me Atlacoya,” the black-haired woman said, turning her chin upward haughtily.
   “Oh!” Professor Sedienta exclaimed. “I ran across that name just recently in an old Aztec legend. You see, Atlacoya was the name of a terrible demon that once ruled over the entire Valley of Mexico.”
   “She was not a terrible demon!” Atlacoya said forcefully, her eyes burning with anger as she took Professor Sedienta by the arm roughly. “She was a goddess! A noble queen of immense power and transcendent beauty, and the rightful ruler of this valley and all who reside within it!”
   Squealing with delight at the forcefulness of the action, Professor Sedienta melted against Atlacoya's body, her nipples hardened to the size of sewing thimbles beneath the blue satin of her dress. “Such a powerful passion for history!” the professor squealed gleefully. “You must be an academic as well. Tell me, do you teach in Mexico City?”
   Atlacoya quickly regained her composure and released the buxom blonde. “No, in fact I have been away from Tenochtitlan for quite some time,” she said, gently fixing Professor Sedienta's hair. “I hope that you will forgive for been so rough with you. It has been ages since I have been on a social call, and I'm afraid that my manners deserted me.”
   “Think nothing of it,” Professor Sedienta said, gently taking the hand with which Atlacoya stroked her golden locks. “Although I find it hard to believe that such a beautiful woman as you is bereft of social appointments.”
   “I have been gone so long that all my old acquaintances have long since left town,” Atlacoya said, curling her hand in the professor's. “And it is not my custom to go where I am uninvited.”
   “Oh how unfortunate! Well please know that you are welcome to visit me any time you desire,” Professor Sedienta said with unconvincing bashfulness. “I live in that big blue house by the clocktower, you can see it quite well from this window.”
   Professor Sedienta took Atlacoya by the arm and led her to the window, motioning toward her house. “Hmm,” Atlacoya purred, “perhaps I will visit you tonight. Later, after the townspeople have retired for the night, their prying eyes arrested with sleep. We can grab a quick bite.”
   “Oh that would be divine,” Professor Sedienta giggled as she stroked Atlacoya's chiseled arm, running her fingers along valleys where her deltoids cleaved into her bicep and tricep. “I hope you don't find me too bold, but I must say that you have quite a remarkable physique. Tell me, are you a wrestler or perhaps-”
   But then Professor Sedienta stopped cold as she glanced into the mirror over Atlacoya's shoulder, hoping to spy a glimpse of the ravishing raven-haired woman's sculpted derriere, but instead saw only her own reflection, as if the other woman were not there at all.
   “Professora, are you quite all right?” Atlacoya asked. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.”
   “Oh no,” Professor Sedienta said, pulling away from the statuesque beauty, her heart racing with fear. “It's nothing. Only I... um... I have had too much to drink and I'm afraid that I must retire to the powder room for a moment.”
   “You poor thing,” Atlacoya said. “Please let me escort you. You look as though you may faint dead away at any moment.”
   “I would not dream of imposing on you in such a manner when there are so many servants and policemen about,” Professor Sedienta said hurriedly. “But please, stay right here and I will be back.”
   Atlacoya squinted skeptically at the professor as she hurried away, her high heels clacking on the floor and her round buttocks wiggling beneath the tight satin dress. Then, with a smirk, she strolled slowly across the ballroom, drawing stares from men and women alike as she began to mingle.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2023, 11:19:29 pm »
Getting fun!

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2023, 03:59:57 am »
Scene 20

   Gloriosa, Maria, Captain Ramirez, and Miguel had made their way to the billiard room on the third floor of the mansion, and their conversation had turned to wrestling. “Your match against the Gorilla brothers will surely be a great challenge, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said. “Have you ever faced two men at once before?”
   “Only once,” Gloriosa said. “At a match in Barcelona, many years ago I fought a match against the despicable Victor Plancha. In the struggle, the referee became incapacitated, and Victor's brother Hector seized the opportunity to enter the ring and attack me from behind.”
   “A wrestler taking advantage of a fallen referee to cheat?” Captain Ramirez exclaimed. “And in plain view of the crowd? Why, never in my life have I heard of such a shameful act. Disgraceful!”
   “Indeed,” Gloriosa nodded. “And the fans were rightfully furious at such an unprecedented act of treachery. And lucky for me that they were, for just when things looked darkest, it was their cheering that lifted my spirits, and I was able get my second wind, grabbing one Plancha brother in each of my mighty arms and suplexing them both at once, just in time for a new referee to enter the ring and count the pinfall.”
   To punctuate her story, Gloriosa raised her arms in a double biceps pose, her mountainous biceps swelling to nearly 80 centimeters of shredded muscular power, streaked with veins and peaking above her impressively domed shoulders, her hulking triceps showing incredible definition below. Around the room, people stopped to marvel at Gloriosa's incomparable physique,
   “Amazing,” Miguel said as he gawked up at the great luchadora's bulging arms.
   “Oh please, mother,” Maria pouted as she crossed her arms. “Must you always regale us with these old war stories.”
   Quickly, Miguel turned his attention to Maria. “Hold on,” he said, grabbing the cue ball from a nearby billiard table. “I just learned a magic trick. Watch this Maria!”
   Miguel made a few elaborate hand gestures, and then to the astonishment of the others, the cue ball disappeared. “Where did it go?” Captain Ramirez asked in amazement.
   “It must be around here somewhere,” Miguel laughed. “Wait, I think I see it. Hold still Maria.”
   Then, with a flourish, he reached beneath Maria's shining brown hair and behind her head, and when he withdrew his hand it grasped the cue ball. “Oh Miguel you are such a flirt,” Maria blushed.
   “It still smells of your perfume,” Miguel said playfully, wagging the ball under his nose.
   Captain Ramirez laughed and clapped, but Gloriosa was far from amused, with her eyes narrowed in anger. “I know a similar trick, my ribald young friend,” Gloriosa growled as she snatched two billiard balls in one hand, cradling them between her long slender fingers. “Observe carefully these two balls that I hold in my hand.”
   Then, without the slightest show of effort, Gloriosa squeezed her hand into a fist, and the two ivory balls were instantly crushed into shards and pebbles by her incredible grip strength. Miguel gulped and stepped away from Maria, his skin turning pale and beading with sweat, having clearly understood the grievous implications of the buxom juggernaut's demonstration.
   “I-I forget myself,” Miguel stammered. “How presumptuous of me, indeed. Please forgive my forwardness, ladies.”
   “Oh mother, why must you be so overprotective,” Maria pouted. “I can take care of myself.”
   Gloriosa opened her mouth to respond, but was thronged by admirers. “Gloriosa,” a man called. “Will you sign an autograph for my children?”
   “Gloriosa, what tactics will you use to combat the Gorilla brothers?” another asked.
   Gloriosa turned to her adoring fans, and Maria turned to Miguel. “I feel so cooped up in here with all of these stuffy old men and women,” she said. “Let's go to the balcony.”
   “I'm not sure that your mother would approve,” Miguel said nervously, eyeing Gloriosa's sprawling muscle-studded back.
   “Oh she'll be busy with her fans for hours,” Maria said. “She won't even notice that I've gone.”
   Then Maria took Miguel by the hand and glided across the room, pulling the reluctant young policeman behind her as if he were a child.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2023, 09:59:13 pm »
Scene 21

   In the ballroom, Atlacoya sat on the arm of an ornate couch. She sat with one leg crossed over the other, so that the definition of her finely toned muscles was visible to the crowd of admirers that had gathered around her, her pelvis and buttocks only barely concealed by black silk strips, and her back arched so that her tremendous breasts thrust outward, nearly spilling completely from her corset. “Senora Atlacoya,” asked a stately man in a tuxedo, offering his hand, “will you do me the honor of joining me in a waltz.”
   “No,” Atlacoya said coldly, turning up her nose. “I don't feel like dancing. Bring me a drink. Only the most expensive will do.”
   “Of course, Senora, it would be my pleasure” the man said, bowing crisply before departing.
   “Such splendid jewels,” said an older woman, admiring Atlacoya's collection of rings. “They must be worth millions!”
   “They had better be,” Atlacoya scoffed. “Or else my servants will suffer greatly.”
   “Miss Atlacoya,” a young woman said. “I must say that I'm quite jealous of your physique.”
   “Are you talking about my muscles or my breasts?” Atlacoya sneered as she flexed her broad smooth pectorals, which contracted into thick well-defined plates, making her bountiful globes of tit flesh jiggle vigorously as she did. “No matter. Either way you are right to be jealous. There is no woman on earth as powerful or desirable as I, and you would do well to remember that.”
   “Such brazen confidence,” a strapping young solider with a waxed mustache wearing a dress uniform commented. “She must be a wrestler.”
   The other guests nodded, for what woman other than a luchadora could be so heroically built and scantily clad without even an ounce of modesty. But then, suddenly, a great commotion could be heard through the door nearby as Figura Gloriosa entered the great hall. Instantly a crowd began to form around the world-famous wrestling champion.
   While dignitaries and celebrities fawned over Gloriosa's unprecedented athletic success and incomparable body, Atlacoya's eyes focused on her shimmering red mask, as visions of her defeat 700 years prior filled her mind with rage. “That mask!” she snarled. “I would recognize it anywhere! There is no doubt that this is the descendent of the foul woman who consigned me to 7 centuries in darkness!”
   Rising to her feet, Atlacoya forced her way through the crowd, throwing the elegantly dressed guests aside as if they were rag dolls, until finally she stood face to face with Gloriosa. The mustachioed soldier stepped forward and turned to Gloriosa. “Please allow me to introduce Senora Atlacoya, a long-exiled aristocrat who-”
   Swiftly and viciously Atlacoya slapped the soldier, the force of her strike knocking him to the ground as the crowd gasped. “I am a queen, you fool,” she hissed before turning her gaze upward to Gloriosa. “You there, what is your name?”
   “Surely you jest,” Gloriosa laughed. “The entire world knows the name of Figura Gloriosa, the unbeatable wrestling champion. After all, I am the most powerful and desirable woman in the world.”
   To punctuate her boast, Gloriosa cocked her hips like a pinup model to accentuate her hourglass figure, then raised her arms in a double biceps pose with her fingers splayed to show off the glimmering red nail polish that matched her mask. As she flexed, Gloriosa's lats spread wide like the hood of a cobra, and her strapless bustier was unable to contain the swell of her muscular back, slipping downward and allowing her titanic MM breasts to spill outward like basketball-sized globes of flesh. The fabric inched down further and further, until it was barely containing her bosom, hung up on her nipples which could be seen beneath the red satin of her dress poking out like lugnuts.
   The crowd was now abuzz with excitement over Gloriosa's display. “My word!” exclaimed the Governor. “Such a bosom! Surely there is no other woman on earth who can compare.”
   “Her muscles get bigger every time I see her,” said a woman in a beehive hairdo and a ruffled gown. “It's no wonder that her strength is celebrated as well as her beauty.”
   Gloriosa smiled, glorying in the adulation of the crowd as flashbulbs popped all around her and men and women alike swooned at her magnificent body. All except for Atlacoya, that is, whose fists were clenched in anger and whose lips twisted in a jealous scowl. Just then, the stately man in the tuxedo returned with Atlacoya's drink, and elaborate concoction of exotic liqueurs in a crystal goblet which he offered absent-mindedly to her, with his eyes drawn to the hulking luchadora's nearly-bare torso. “I see that you have met Figura Gloriosa,” he said to the seething vampiress. “Isn't she amazing? A goddess in the flesh!”
   With a shout, Atlacoya smacked the drink from his hands, and as the glass shattered on the ground, she grabbed him by the lapels of his tuxedo and tossed him aside like child, his body crashing onto a nearby couch. The crowd fell silent as the raven-haired woman stepped forward and pointed a bejeweled finger at Gloriosa. “You fancy yourself a goddess, do you?” she growled. “Well this squawking rabble might believe you, but I know better! To me you are nothing but a bug! Mark my words, Figura Gloriosa, we shall cross paths again, but next time it will not be in a ballroom but on the field of battle, and I will crush you like the bug you are!”
   As Atlacoya stomped off in the direction of the exit, her round dimpled buttocks completely bared as the silk of her gown fluttered in the air, the guests murmured amongst themselves. “Such an audacious challenge,” the soldier with the mustache said, stroking his bruised face. “And such a powerful strike, as well. Now there can be no doubt that she is a wrestler.”
   “Is it true, Gloriosa?” asked a fat man with a monocle. “Is Atlacoya a rival of yours?”
   “I have never heard of her before in my life,” Gloriosa said. “And surely I would not forget a name such as that.”
   “But with such a strong body, such a spectacular costume and such a fiery personality she must surely be a wrestler,” remarked an old woman with thick glasses. “Don't you think?”
   Gloriosa stroked her chin, deep in thought. “You may be right,” she said. “But how could such an impressively built luchadora have heretofore evaded my notice?”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #25 on: January 22, 2023, 09:15:04 pm »
Scene 22

   On the small balcony outside the billiard room, Maria leaned forward to smell the dahlias that lined the railing. Miguel stood a respectful distance away, looking out over the twinkling lights of Mexico City. “It is a beautiful evening,” Miguel said.
   “I did not invite you outside to talk about the weather, Miguel,” Maria said with a smile.
   “Oh, um, what would you like to talk about?” Miguel asked nervously, watching the door as if Gloriosa might burst through any minute and make good on the threat that she enacted with the billiard balls only moments ago.
   “Tell me about yourself,” Maria said, stepping closer. “Being a policeman must be an exciting and dangerous job.”
   “Oh it is,” Miguel said, backing up just a little. “Why just the other day I had to rush to a robbery at a luxury boutique, which was under attack by 6 gruesome robbers, more monsters than men.”
   Once again Maria stepped closer to the handsome young policeman. “Oh how exciting and dangerous,” she said. “Tell me more.”
   “Well there isn't much more to tell,” he said, shrugging with humility. “By the time I arrived Figura Gloriosa and Chica Vigorosa were dispatching the robbers with their wrestling skills.”
   “Oh,” Maria said, taking Miguel by the hands and guiding him to sit down on a bench beside her. “Surely it was exciting to see those two crimefighting luchadoras in action.”
   “Indeed it was,” Miguel agreed, perking up. “I was less than a meter from Chica Vigorosa. She was quite a sight to behold, so powerful and confident in her luchadora costume. You know, she appears to be quite young for a luchadora. Why, I'd be shocked if she were much older than you.”
   “Really?” Maria asked. “Are you certain?”
   “I saw her up close,” Miguel nodded. “And her face was as fresh and delicate as that of any schoolgirl. I tried not to stare, but I must confess that I was quite smitten by her.”
   “You were?” Maria asked with a nervous smile.
   “Very much so,” Miguel laughed. “And with such an incredible figure, who could blame me? Whichever school she attends, I'm sure every boy in her class is madly in love with her.”
   Maria blushed, and turned demurely away from Miguel, but quickly regained her composure. “You know, Miguel,” she said. “Some of the boys at school say that Chica Vigorosa is far too muscular, and they find her unattractive.”
   “I certainly disagree,” Miguel said. “I find strong and athletic women to by very attractive, indeed. The way that her muscles accentuated her curvaceous body was intoxicating. Why, I should be so lucky to have such a physical specimen for a girlfriend.”
   “Intoxicating you say?” Maria giggled. “I wonder Miguel, if you had such a girlfriend, wouldn't you find it difficult to spend time with her? She would be forever occupied with training and wrestling.”
   “Not at all,” Miguel said. “I would be happy to assist her in the gymnasium and cheer for her at matches. And afterward it would be my greatest pleasure to bathe and massage her magnificent body, anointing it in oils and lotions to ensure that it remained as healthy and beautiful as ever.”
   “Oh that would be divine” Maria sighed dreamily, but quickly collected herself. “I mean... that is what I assume that she would think. But tell me Miguel, would you not be afraid to have a girlfriend so strong and powerful? Aren't you afraid that she might hurt you accidentally, in a lovers' quarrel perhaps?”
   “I tell you Maria,” Miguel said. “If I had such a girl as my own, I would give her no reason to quarrel. I would wait on her hand and foot, and shower her with romantic gestures every day for the rest of my life. Not a moment would pass where I would not profess my love and gratitude to her.”
   “Oh Miguel,” Maria gushed, blushing deeply. “Miguel, I have something that I must tell you!”
   “Oh?” Miguel asked. “What is that?”
   Maria rose to her feet, tittering with nervous energy. “Miguel,” she said. “I am-”
   Just then klaxons sounded all over the property, and panicked screaming could be heard inside. “The fire alarm!” Miguel exclaimed. “Come with me, Maria, the staircase is just inside the door. I'll make sure you get outside to safety.”
   Taking Maria by the hand, the handsome young policeman burst through the door and into the mansion.

Scene 23

   In the billiard room, Miguel made a beeline for the stairs with Maria in tow, but stopped when he saw a comrade trying to maintain order. “Hey, where is the fire?” he asked. “Is it safe to use the staircase or will we have to climb down from the balcony?”
   “There is no fire,” the other policeman said. “It was Professor Sedienta. She was hysterically shaking Bishop Morales, claiming that there was a demon in the mansion and that we were all in danger. Captain Ramirez tried to calm her, but she would not listen to reason, and instead triggered the fire alarm.”
   “That is quite unusual, even for her,” Maria mused. “Where is she now?”
   “She ran downstairs,” the policeman said.
   Miguel and Maria nodded to each other and ran for the staircase

Scene 24

   By the time Miguel and Maria made it downstairs, the shrieking of the alarm ceased, and the guests were calm again. “A false alarm,” Miguel said, shaking his head. “All this panic for nothing.”
   “Well not for nothing,” Maria said, squeezing Miguel's hand. “I quite enjoyed seeing you in action. You were quite heroic and gallant, you know.”
   Miguel blushed and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “It's all part of the job, I suppose he said. “Hey look, there is Professor Sedienta now, with your mother and Captain Ramirez.”
   On a couch in the ballroom, Gloriosa sat, cradling Professor Sedienta in her arms to calm her, as Captain Ramirez and Bishop Morales looked on in concern. “I tell you, she was a vampiress,” the beautiful professor pleaded as she pulled herself closer to Gloriosa and rested her head in the great wrestler's cavernous cleavage. “She cast no reflection in the mirror.”
   “I saw this woman as well,” Captain Ramirez said. “She was quite well put together if I say so myself. I find it hard to believe that she was able to present such a striking appearance without the aid of a mirror.”
   “It is well know that vampires can see their own reflections,” Professor Sedienta said. “For they possess demonic powers that allow them to see without light.”
   “Vampires! Demonic powers!,” Bishop Morales scoffed. “In the 20th century? Such superstitious nonsense should be well beneath a woman of your station, Professora.”
   “Don't you think I know that!” Professor Sedienta snapped. “But I tell you it's true!”
   “Perhaps we should not be so dismissive,” Maria said as she and Miguel approached. “I've never seen her in such a state. There must be a reason for her distress.”
   Instantly Gloriosa saw Maria's hand intertwined with Miguel's, and rose immediately to her feet, and Professor Sedienta yelped as she fell to the floor. “Hold my daughter's hand will you?” Gloriosa bellowed as she stomped forward, her colossal breasts wobbling heavily in her revealing dress. “You have some nerve to engage in such an immodest display in such austere company!”
   Miguel instantly pulled his hand away from Maria and stepped aside, his eyes wide with terror as the hulking woman loomed over him. Quickly Maria stepped between them. “We thought there was a fire and Miguel was leading me to safety,” she snapped. “Or would you rather that I burn to death for the sake of my chastity?”
   “Ladies please,” Captain Ramirez said, helping Professor Sedienta to her feet. “There has already been too much strife for one night. Maria, you know that your adoptive mother thinks only of your wellbeing. And Gloriosa, surely you should save your energy for your match with the Gorilla Brothers tomorrow.”
   “Indeed Gloriosa,” Professor Sedienta agreed as she straightened her glasses. “You must surely save your strength, for I suspect that the woman Atlacoya who visited us tonight is none other than the demon Atlacoya that was described in the ancient scroll that we studied last night. And if I'm correct, the fate of the world may once again rest on your mighty shoulders.”
   “If it comes to that, I will be ready,” Gloriosa said, nodding.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2023, 11:20:09 pm »
Scene 25

   Saturday evening arrived quickly, and the sun was setting as Figura Gloriosa and her adopted daughter Maria arrived at Arena Mexico, Gloriosa in a shining red robe beneath which she wore her costume, and Maria in a plain beige dress and matching handbag. They entered the performers' doorway, and were not surprised to see Captain Ramirez directing a squad of policemen. “Expecting trouble tonight, Capitan?” Gloriosa asked as the policemen fanned out to take their positions.
   “After the chaos of this past week, I would rather be safe than sorry,” the old detective said, wiping his brow. “Four daylight jewel robberies, five murders, an attack at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional and now a panic at the Policeman's Ball... The Chief is up in arms to say the least.”
   “That reminds me,” Maria asked. “How is Professor Sedienta?”
   “She spent last night and most of today at the hospital under sedation for hysteria,” Captain Ramirez said, shaking his head. “But she seems to have recovered. I have two men watching her house as she recuperates, as much for my sense of wellbeing as hers.”
   “That is wise,” Gloriosa agreed. “And it sets my mind at east to know that she is safe.”
   “I'm glad to hear that, Gloriosa,” Captain Ramirez said. “For you will face quite a challenge tonight. The Gorilla Brothers arrived just moments ago, and I must say that they are quite formidable men, nearly as large as you in fact.”
   “Nearly as large perhaps, but not nearly as strong,” Gloriosa boasted. “I am more than a match for either of them, but you are correct that facing them at the same time will be a considerable task. However I have consulted with the finest wrestling minds on earth to devise an appropriate strategy, and I have trained tirelessly to ensure that I am able to implement it.”
   “Well then, I won't interfere with your preparation further,” Captain Ramirez said. “Maria, would do me the honor of allowing me to walk you to our seats?”
   “But of course,” the young woman said, taking his arm as they walked toward the promenade.

Scene 26
   Several kilometers to the west of Arena Mexico, Atlacoya seethed with anger, her naked body tense with sculpted muscles as she stomped angrily around in her cavernous lair, whose elaborate stone carvings and golden ornamentation were now spotlessly clean and festooned with fine fabrics, thanks to the tireless efforts of her zombified servants. Dozens of bulky tomb guardians watched her in attentive silence as she raved at her chief handmaiden. “I tell you, she was as big as a bear and as lean a jaguar. And her tetas were bigger than my head!” the beautiful vampiress growled. “How could a mortal woman possess such a superlative body? Answer me!”
   The mummified woman only stared back in dull silence, her desiccated lips unmoving. With a shout, Atlacoya struck her and sent her head flying across the room as the other undead servants stood still, unmoved by the violent spectacle. As the headless handmaiden shuffled across the stone floors to retrieve her skull, Atlacoya examined herself in a large, elaborately framed mirror, running her hands along her toned stomach and hefting her E cup breasts. “Mark my words, faithful servants. Very soon I shall humble this arrogant wrestler and destroy her, finally gaining my revenge on the one who exiled me all those years ago.”
   With a flourish Atlacoya spun around to a pair of handmaidens that waited by her wardrobe. “Bring me my sexiest shoes, a dozen of my finest jewels  and a cloak that will allow me to mingle unnoticed with the pathetic wretches of Tenochtitlan,” she barked.  Nightfall is near, and I must hunt. But first I shall avail myself of a little entertainment. A wrestling match, perhaps?”
   As the sun set behind the mountains west of Mexico City, Atlacoya's laughter could be heard echoing from the mouth of the cave that concealed her temple, a chilling enough sound to make all the nearby birds take flight into the darkening sky.

Scene 27

   The arena was nearly full by the time that Captain Ramirez and Maria arrived at their seats, which were on the first level in a cordoned-off section reserved for celebrities, government officials, and the families of wrestlers. Maria sat on the end nearest the aisle, with an empty seat between her and the veteran policeman. They had just gotten settled in when, much to Maria's surprise, Miguel hurried up the steps, still dressed in his policeman's uniform. “I just finished at at the station, Capitan,” he announced. “And it looks like I have arrived in the nick of time.”
   “Miguel,” Maria said with a start. “What are you doing here?”
   “I should have told you Maria,” Captain Ramirez said. “With Professor Sedienta unable to make it, I raffled off her seat to the officers in my precinct. Miguel here was the lucky winner.”
   “It was a stroke of luck to be sure,” Miguel said. “And how much more lucky to find myself seated next to such a gorgeous young woman.”
   “Oh Miguel, you do go on,” Maria said, blushing.
   Then the lights dimmed and the crowd began to settle as the announcer entered the ring to introduce the preliminary matches, and Captain Ramirez sighed contentedly, slumping down in his seat, finally able to relax for the first time in weeks. But unknown to the captain, on the other side of the arena, a beautiful dark-haired woman wearing a gold headdress and draped covered in a black cloak had just taken her seat on the front row along with two bulky companions in tench coats and hats, and was eagerly awaiting the main event.

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2023, 06:17:41 pm »
So great to see more of this ...

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2023, 01:57:22 am »
Scene 28

   After a three exciting preliminary matches, the crowd in Arena Mexico were whipped into a frenzy, and as the announcer stepped into the ring. Firs the announcer introduced the referee Julio Mendoza, a man with over 40 years of experience as a referee, who could thusly be trusted to officiate such a perilous match. Next the Gorilla Brothers were introduced to a chorus of boos. They were two big burly identical twins as hairy as their namesakes, Carlos clad in a black singlet and Cristobal in a white one.
   Then the announcer cleared his throat. “And now ladies and gentlemen,” he called, “please welcome to the ring, fighting out of Mexico City with a record of 133 wins and zero losses, the World's Champion Figura Gloriosa!”
   The crowd rose to their feet and cheered as Gloriosa emerged from the tunnel at the base of the arena, wearing her world-famous red costume consisting of boots, a low-slung bikini bottom and a bandeau bikini top, accentuated by the shining gold band of the World Wrestling Championship title belt. She strode confidently toward the ring with a look of steely resolve on her masked face as fans crowded the barricades to get near her, and flowers rained down upon her. In the ring, the Gorilla Brothers exchanged a worried glance as they watched the amazonian luchadora stalk toward them her massive muscles fully pumped, thoroughly shredded and glistening with sweat beneath the lights.
   Gloriosa's aura of power and confidence filled the arena as she climbed the stairs to the ring, stepped effortlessly over the ropes and raised her hands for the adoring fans as two ring girls removed the  World Wrestling Championship title belt and spirited it out of the ring for safekeeping, gazing reverently up at the incomparable luchadora as they did. And with a ring of the bell the contest was underway.
   The Gorilla Brothers moved to opposite sides of the ring, Carlos to the left and Cristobal to the right, clearly intending to flank Gloriosa, who rolled her massive shoulders and carefully stepped forward, her knees bending just a little and her back arching just slightly as she readied her awe-inspiring body for action. Suddenly the Gorilla Brothers rushed forward, attempting to trap her in a double bear-hug between their beefy hairy bodies. But Gloriosa was ready and somersaulted out of the way with nimbleness that was all the more impressive for her massively muscled frame. Gloriosa's roll took her not only forward, but also to the side, and when she sprang to her feet she was behind Carlos, with Cristobal safely on the other side of the ring. Before Carlos Gorilla could react, Gloriosa grabbed him around the waist and threw him backward in a German suplex that was so forceful that the entire ring shook visibly from the impact.
   As the crowd cheered the powerful takedown, Cristobal Gorilla rushed forward readying his arms for a clothesline. It looked for sure that the burly man had gotten the drop of Gloriosa, but at the last second she ducked low, placed her hands around his waist and rose up, flinging him over her head in a backdrop with such power that he seemed to fly at least 3 meters into the air. The crowd roared as Gloriosa stood still for just a moment and held the pose, her arms raised overhead, her legs pressed together and her back arched like a gymnast who had stuck her landing.
   Then as Carlos struggled to his feet, she pounced on him like a jaguar, trapping him in a headlock between her bulging softball-sized bicep and her chiseled rock-hard ribs, his head barely visible beneath her gigantic breast. Carlos struggled to free himself, trying to push Gloriosa away or pry her arms loose, but the mighty luchadora only gritted her teeth and bared down harder, her upper body contracting into an array of bulging striated muscles of such incredible size and definition that the crowd could not help but cheer at the perfection of her tanned and sculpted physique. Carlos' knees were wobbling as Cristobal rose to his feet again, and immediately charged at Gloriosa, but as soon as he took a single step, she sprang into action, running to meet him with the helpless Carlos in tow.
   In a display of spectacular athletic prowess that wrestling scholars would recall with amazement for years to come, Gloriosa leapt into the air struck Cristobal in the chest with a devastating drop kick while simultaneously stretching Carlos out in order to drive him face-first into the mat with a facebuster. The crowd roared with joy as Gloriosa rose to her feet and flexed her muscles for her adoring fans, raising her fists overhead in a myth pose, her lats swelling so big and round as to resemble a shield of sculpted muscular flesh, her eight abdominal muscles as perfectly cut as bricks and her thighs wrapped with cables of muscle so swollen with mass that the cuts between them looked like valleys in a mountain range.

Scene 29

   “Truly amazing!” Captain Ramirez said, clapping furiously. “I feel foolish for ever having doubted such a superhuman woman.”
   Maria crossed her arms over her ample bosom and frowned, her jealousy written clearly on her face. “Hmph,” she pouted. “The way she parades around as if she's the only woman on the planet with big breasts and big muscles. It might do her well if she were the one being humbled for a change.”
   “I wouldn't expect to see that happen anytime soon,” Miguel said. “Why even if there were four Gorilla brothers I do not believe that they could overcome her!”

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Re: Figura Gloriosa vs. The Vampire Queen
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2023, 02:35:32 am »
Scene 30

   On the front row of seats, as all around her men and women cheered, Atlacoya bristled. “The arrogance of this wrestler knows no bounds,” she growled as she turned to her companions. “Nor does the clumsy incompetence of her opponents. I think that perhaps it is time to even the odds.”
   Atlacoya's green eyes flashed with unholy light as she traced sigils in the air with her fingers, and beneath their trenchcoats and hats her two temple guardians began to transmogrify, slowly becoming more human in appearance until they were the spitting image of the Gorilla Brothers, right down to their black and white singlets. “Go now, my slaves!” she ordered. “Destroy that presumptuous woman in full view of her sycophantic followers. Do not stop until she is dead!”
   Silently, the temple guardians left their seats and forced their way past the barricades, shedding their coats and hats as they rushed toward the ring.

Scene 31

   In the ring, the Gorilla Brothers, bruised and winded pulled themselves to their feet, huddling close and conferring with their facial expressions a mixture of disbelief and frustration as the buxom juggernaut Figura Gloriosa began to circle the ring, sizing up her next opportunity.
   Then to the amazement of the wrestlers and spectators alike, a second pair of Gorilla Brothers climbed into the ring, mirror images of the originals, and made a beeline toward Gloriosa. “What trickery is this?” Gloriosa asked aloud. “I must face four Gorilla Brothers now?”
   Quickly the venerable referee Julio Mendoza stepped in front of the second pair Gorilla Brothers, demanding an explanation. However the new entrants remained silent, and as the referee continued to interrogate the black-clad of the pair, the one in white slipped behind the old man and struck him with a chop to the neck, sending him down to the canvas immediately.
   The crowd gasped in disbelief, and even Gloriosa herself seemed shocked by such a base act of disrespect for the tenets of wrestling. But the great luchadora collected herself quickly, rushing forward and, placing a hand on the chest of each intruder, shoved them roughly backward with so much force that they stumbled on the mat and fell over. Immediately she dropped to one knee and placed a hand gently on the aged referee's arm. “Senor Mendoza?” she asked. “Are you alright? Can you hear me?”
   She did not have long to wait for a response, however, as the doppelganger Gorilla Brothers were on their feet and moving toward her again, and she looked up just in time to receive a swift kick in the face. Gloriosa fell backward, stunned as much by the illegal and unsportsmanlike nature of the attack as by the kick itself, and the crowd booed and roared with anger. Undeterred, both of the imposter Gorilla Brothers began kicking and stomping at the fallen champion, who did her best to cover herself and block their kicks as she worked her way toward the ropes and back onto her feet. Gloriosa winced in pain as the two silent attackers rained punches and kicks at her, but her rock-hard muscularity allowed her to withstand their blows, and with a mighty forearm strike to the chest she knocked one to the canvas, and then the next.
   The crowd cheered with joy at Gloriosa's comeback as she looked down at the fallen interlopers, who had already begun to stir and rise to their feet once more. On the other side of the ring, Carlos and Cristobal Gorilla shrugged in confusion, but then nodded at one another and, deciding to press the unscrupulous advantage that they had been given, charged at Gloriosa and caught her off guard. Before Gloriosa could react, Carlos grabbed her left arm and Cristobal her right, each of them struggling to restrain only one of her musclebound arms as their sinister doubles rose from the mat.

Scene 32

   In the stands, the crowd was outraged, none more so than Miguel. “Captain, you have to do something,” he pleaded to his superior. “Have the men clear the ring! Those Gorilla Brothers have violated every rule of wrestling, and it's clear that they intend to kill Gloriosa!”
   “I wish I could, Miguel,” the Captain said angrily, as the four men rained vicious and illegal strikes down on the hopelessly outnumbered luchadora, “but only a representative of the International Wrestling Commission can stop a match once it has begun. I have no jurisdiction between the ropes.”
   Maria watched nervously, wringing her hands, but soon she could stand no more and sprang to her feet. “I have to go,” she said and bolted for the stairs.
   “Maria, be careful,” Miguel said, grabbing her hand. “The people are on the brink of rioting, it's not safe for a helpless young woman like yourself.”
   Without a word, Maria defiantly yanked her hand free and ran like a gazelle down the stairs and disappeared into the tunnel leading to the concourse. “Poor girl,” Captain Ramirez said. “No doubt she cannot bear to watch such brutality. I can barely stomach it myself.”
   “I'll look after her, Capitan,” Miguel said, running for the stairs, but by the time he reached the concourse, Maria had vanished completely from sight.

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