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Female Muscle Art - Female Muscle Fiction => Muscular Women Fiction => Topic started by: janbanan on December 28, 2022, 07:45:37 pm

Title: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on December 28, 2022, 07:45:37 pm

Everyone is talking about chatGPT, so I thought I would give it a try. I started writing a story of my own for many years ago, but I only got half way through before I got tired of it and gave up.
I just wanted to see what this AI could do, so I used my old story and asked chatGPT for some help to move on with it. It proved to be a very helpful tool. It's funny when you think about it, a super advanced AI project, worth probably millions, and I use it to mess around making stories like this. Well well.. I don't think I'm the only one ;)

Anyhow, I thought I could share the beginning with you, to see if it may be interesting for anyone to read.

I call it:

The traditional old-fashioned family man


Once upon a time, in a small town in the countryside, there lived a family of three. Jake was the father, a strong and stubborn man who worked hard and provided for the family. His wife Mary was a kind and loving woman who always put her family first. They had a daughter, a girl who was just starting to discover life’s obstacles as a teenager.

Jake had always been proud of his strength. As a teenager, he was the biggest and strongest guy in school, able to lift more than anyone else around. He spent hours in the gym, training tirelessly to build his muscles and increase his strength. But as he got older, with long days at work, lifting weights came in last and eventually he quit training altogether. Despite this, he still believed that he was just as strong as he had been in his prime.

It was a typical Wednesday evening in the small town of Millville. Mary, a stay-at-home mom, was busy preparing dinner for her family of three while. As Mary hummed to herself in the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and resentment towards Jake. Despite being married for over 20 years, Jake was stubborn and old-fashioned in his views on gender roles. He believed that a woman's place was at home, taking care of the household and the children, while men were the breadwinners and decision-makers.

Mary had always struggled with this dynamic in their relationship, feeling that she was being held back and not given the opportunity to fully utilize her potential. She had always been a strong, independent woman, and Jake's constant belittling and lack of respect for her abilities only served to hold her back further.

As she finished up the last touches on dinner, Mary heard the sound of the garage door opening and Jake's car pulling in. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for yet another confrontation with her husband. Jake was coming home from work. He had been working long hours lately, and Mary had barely seen him. She tried to ignore the nagging feeling of discontent that had been growing inside her recently.

Jake walked into the kitchen, his face grim and tired. "Hey, how was your day?" Mary asked, trying to sound cheerful.

Jake sighed and shrugged. "Same old, same old. How was yours?"

Mary hesitated, wondering if she should bring up the fact that she had been feeling neglected and undervalued lately. But she knew it would only lead to an argument. So instead, she just forced a smile and said, "It was fine, just taking care of things around here like always."

Jake nodded, not really paying attention. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and headed towards the living room, where he collapsed onto the couch and turned on the TV.

Mary watched him go, feeling a mix of frustration and sadness. She loved Jake, but she couldn't shake the feeling that he took her for granted. She wished he would show her more appreciation and respect, and not just expect her to be the dutiful wife and mother. She knew she deserved more than that.

Mary sat at the kitchen table, staring blankly at the wall in front of her. She had been struggling with her thoughts for some time now, trying to figure out how to handle Jake. It seemed like everything he did was for himself, and he had no respect for her. It wasn't like when they first met, when he had been charming and attentive. Now, it was as if she didn't even matter to him.

She was torn between resignation and despair. She had tried talking to him about it, but he always brushed her off or made excuses. She had even tried to make more of an effort to be the kind of wife he wanted, but nothing seemed to make a difference.

She was starting to feel like she was trapped in a cycle of unhappiness and resentment, and she didn't know how to break free.

As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, Jake called out to her from the living room. "Mary, can you bring me another beer?"

Mary sighed, but got up and did as she was asked. As she handed him the beer, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of anger and resentment. She knew she deserved more than this, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could go on living like this.

She went back to the kitchen and grabbed the phone. She wanted to talk with someone, so she called up Jake’s older sister.
Sarah listened patiently as Mary poured out her heart to her over the phone. She had always suspected that Jake was not the easiest person to live with, but she had never realized just how much he belittled and disrespected Mary.

"I'm sorry, Mary," Sarah said, her voice filled with concern. "I had no idea things were so bad between you and Jake. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Mary sighed. "I don't know. I guess I was just trying to make it work. I love him, and I don't want to give up on our marriage. But I can't keep living like this, feeling like I'm not good enough for him."

Sarah nodded sympathetically. "I understand. But you deserve to be treated with respect and love, Mary. You can't let Jake continue to make you feel like this. Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"I have," Mary replied, her voice shaking. "But he always just brushes me off or makes excuses. I don't know what to do."

Sarah took a deep breath before speaking. "I think you need to stand up for yourself, Mary. You deserve better than this. Maybe it's time to consider seeking help, whether it's couples therapy or just finding a support group. You don't have to go through this alone."

Mary was silent for a moment before responding. "I'll think about it," she said finally. "I just don't know if I'm ready to take that step yet."

Sarah reassured her that she was there for her and that she would support her no matter what decision she made. The two women talked for a while longer before hanging up, and Mary felt a sense of relief and support that she had not felt in a long time.

One day, Mary is home alone, as is usually the case on weekdays. Linda is at school and Jake is at work. Suddenly a light bulb goes black in the kitchen, and Mary decides to fix it herself. Jake always takes care of these kinds of tasks, but Mary wants to prove that she can do it on her own.
She heads to the garage to find a replacement bulb. After searching the entire garage, she finally finds the bulbs on a shelf that is too high for her to reach. She climbs up onto Jake's old bench, the one he used to train bench press when he was younger, and reaches for the bulb. She sits down on the bench for a while, taking a break and casually scrolling through Insta**** on her phone, she comes across a short clip of a young girl bench pressing. Mary watches the clip several times, impressed by the girl's strength and muscle definition. “How can a young girl like her lift so much weight?” She starts to feel something stir inside her, a desire to be strong and capable like the girl in the video. She looks down at the bench beneath her and realizes that something has awoken within her. She looks around the garage and sees all of the old weights and equipment that Jake used to train with. She remembers how proud he was of his strength and how he always talked about how important it was to be strong when they first met.
Suddenly, an idea pops into her head. She could start training too. She could become strong like the girl in the video. She could prove to Jake that she is just as strong as he is. She grabs the light bulb and hurries back inside, her mind racing with thoughts of joining a gym and starting a training routine.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: R41N on December 28, 2022, 10:00:43 pm
I do not support the use of AI in creative fields, nor any other fields where the AI has been trained using content of other creators without their consent.

At least you disclosed that you used AI...
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: Jabba on December 29, 2022, 09:03:26 am
Looking forward to more
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on January 01, 2023, 06:01:24 pm
Chapter one

Early the next day, after her husband had left for work and Linda for school, Mary cleaned the breakfast table and did the dishes. She hurried out to the garage and started exploring Jake's old training gear. She picked up the weights and tested their weight in her hands, then tried to do a few push-ups and squats to see how it felt. She realized that she was actually quite weak, but she also felt a surge of determination to change that. She picked up the barbell and attempted to lift it off the ground, but it was too heavy for her. Undeterred, she set her mind to training and started with lighter weights, gradually increasing the amount she could lift as she gained more control. Mary also started researching different workouts and training routines online, trying to find something that would work for her. She pushed herself harder and harder each day, gradually increasing the weights and intensity of her workouts.
As the months went by, Mary's body underwent a transformation. She became more toned and defined, and the sense of accomplishment and pride she felt was indescribable. Every day when Jake left for work, Mary would sneak into the garage and train in secret, determined to become the strongest version of herself and prove to Jake that she was more than capable of standing up for herself.

Sarah sat at her kitchen table, staring at the phone in her hand. She had been rehearsing this conversation for weeks, and now it was finally time to make the call. She took a deep breath and dialed Jake's number, waiting anxiously as it rang.
"Hello?" Jake's voice came through the speaker, and Sarah's heart skipped a beat. "Hey Jake, it's Sarah. Can you come over? I need to talk to you about something."
"Sure thing, Sis. What's up?" Sarah hesitated, not wanting to give anything away. "I'd rather talk about it in person. Can you come over after work?"
"Okay, I'll see you in a bit."
Sarah hung up the phone and stood up, pacing nervously around her kitchen. She knew this conversation wasn't going to be easy, but she was determined to make Jake see the error of his ways. She had always been the quiet, sensitive one in the family, while Jake was the loud, boisterous one. He had always treated her like a little kid, picking her up and tossing her around playfully. But Sarah was no longer a child, and she was tired of being treated like one.
She heard a knock on the door, and her heart raced. She took a deep breath and opened it, greeted by Jake's grinning face.
"Hey Sis, what's going on?" he asked, stepping inside. Jake greeted Sarah with a rough hug, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around before setting her back down. Sarah rolled her eyes, used to her brother's boisterous ways.
"Can we get serious for a minute, Jake? I really need to talk to you about something important."
Jake raised an eyebrow, finally noticing the serious tone in his sister's voice. "Okay, what's up?" he asked, following her into her living room, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had to be careful with her words, but she also knew she couldn't hold back.
"Jake, I need to talk to you about the way you treat Mary," she began, trying to steady her voice.
Jake's smile faded, and he looked at her warily. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice guarded.
"You know exactly what I mean. You always talk down to her, like she's not capable of doing things for herself. You don't respect her the way you should, and it's not right. She's your wife, Jake, not your servant."
Jake's eyes narrowed and Sarah could see the defensiveness rising in him. "I don't talk down to Mary," he protested. "I just want to protect her, make sure she doesn't get hurt or overwhelmed."
Sarah rolled her eyes. "That's not how Mary sees it, Jake. She's a grown woman, and she's more than capable of taking care of herself. "I know you don't want to hear it, but you have to listen to me. You're treating Mary like she's not an equal, and it's not right. You have to start respecting her, or you're going to lose her."
Jake looked at his sister, his eyes flashing with anger. She knew she had struck a nerve, and she knew that he needed time to process everything she had said. He became silent, turned around and walked out.
Sarah stood in her living room, her heart heavy as she watched Jake storm out of her house. She had hoped that she could get through to him, but it seemed like he was unwilling to listen. She sighed and sank down onto the couch, feeling defeated. "I don't know what to do," she muttered to herself. "I don't want to see Mary treated like this, but I don't know how to make Jake see things from her perspective." She sat on the couch for a few minutes, lost in thought. Finally, she stood up, determination in her eyes. She knew what she had to do. She couldn't let Jake continue to treat Mary this way. She would have to find a way to make him see the error of his ways, even if it meant getting a little uncomfortable.

The next day Sarah knocked on the door and Mary opened it with a smile. "Hey Sarah, come on in," she said, stepping aside to let her sister-in-law enter.
Sarah walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. "So, how are you doing?" she asked, looking at Mary with concern.
"I'm doing okay," Mary replied, sitting down next to her. "I've been keeping busy with the garden and the household stuff, you know."
Sarah nodded. "And how about joining therapy? Have you been able to find time for that?"
Mary hesitated, not sure if she wanted to share her secret with Sarah. But something about her kind and understanding demeanor made Mary feel safe.
She took a deep breath and said, "I have actually, kind of. I've been lifting weights, sneaking into the garage when Jake is at work and doing some workouts."
Sarah's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's great, Mary. I'm so proud of you."
Mary felt a sense of relief wash over her. It was nice to have someone who supported and believed in her. "Thanks, Sarah. It's been tough, but I've been feeling so much better about myself. I want to prove to Jake that I'm more than just a stay-at-home mom."
Sarah nodded. "I completely understand. And you know what? You don't need to prove anything to Jake. You're strong and capable in your own right, and you don't need his validation."
Mary felt a wave of gratitude towards Sarah. It was nice to have someone who understood and supported her. "Thanks, Sarah. It means a lot to have you on my side."
Sarah smiled and patted Mary's hand. "Always, Mary. I'm here for you, no matter what."
Sarah and Mary continued their conversation as they walked towards the kitchen. Mary told Sarah about her journey to become stronger, and how she had been training in secret in the garage. She talked about the determination and discipline it had taken, and how it had given her a new sense of confidence and self-worth.
Sarah listened attentively, a look of admiration and pride on her face. She had always known that Mary was a strong woman, but she had no idea just how much strength and determination she possessed. She told Mary how proud she was of her, and how much she admired her for taking control of her own life and not letting Jake's outdated views hold her back.
The two women continued to talk and laugh as they sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and sharing stories about their lives. Sarah told Mary about her own struggles and challenges, and how she had always tried to be a voice for women who felt oppressed and marginalized in her surroundings.
As they spoke, Mary felt a sense of camaraderie and sisterhood that she had never felt before. She realized that she was not alone in her struggles, and that there were other strong, supportive women out there who could help her on her journey.
As the afternoon passed, Mary and Sarah continued to talk and laugh, bonding over their shared experiences and struggles. It was a moment of true connection and understanding, and Mary knew that she had a true friend and ally in Sarah. They talked about Mary's progress and her future goals, and Sarah offered her support and encouragement every step of the way.

Sarah couldn’t help but bring up the subject of Mary's recent transformation. "So, I have to know, what have you been doing to become so strong? Can I see your arms?" she asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement.
"Sure," Mary said. She pulled her sweater over her head and flexed her biceps in front of Sarah.
"Wow, look at those muscles!" Sarah exclaimed. "I can't believe how much you've transformed. You're looking amazing, Mary."
"Thanks, Sarah. It's been a lot of hard work, but it's been worth it. I feel so much stronger and more confident now," Mary replied, feeling a sense of pride wash over her.
Sarah nodded, impressed by Mary's dedication and determination. "I'm so proud of you, Mary. You've really taken control of your life and made a change. It's inspiring."
"Thanks, Sarah. It means a lot to me that you support me. I couldn't have done it without you," Mary said, giving her sister-in-law a hug.
Sarah hugged her back, grinning widely. "I'm always here for you, Mary. You know that. Now, show me the garage and let me see your training routine. I want to see everything!"
Mary nods, happy to oblige. "Of course, let's go check out the garage."
The two women got up from the table and made their way to the garage. As they entered, Sarah's eyes roamed over the various weights and exercise equipment scattered around the room. Mary took her through her routine, explaining the different exercises she did and how she gradually increased the weights over time.
Sarah watched in awe as Mary demonstrated her strength, lifting heavy weights with ease and performing advanced exercises with precision.
"Wow, I can't believe how strong you've become," Sarah said, shaking her head in amazement. "I've always been impressed by your determination and discipline, but this is on another level."
Mary smiled, feeling proud of herself. She had worked hard to get to where she was, and it was gratifying to see the results of her efforts. "Thanks, Sarah. It's been a long journey, but it's been worth it. I feel so much more confident and capable now."
Sarah nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. "I think I might have to start training too," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I want to be as strong as you are."

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: jhunter on January 02, 2023, 11:25:25 pm
Interesting, first time I read an ai story. It lacks many thing though. Good luck on trying original work.
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on January 03, 2023, 03:27:59 pm
Well, it isn't like I told the AI to make a story about female muscle growth and a traditional old-fashioned family man, and this is what came out.
If you think the story sucks I'm still the one to blame. I'm the conductor of this play so that must mean that I'm a shitty writer.
You say like it is written by an AI, well I use chatGPT when I write this story, mostly to check it for grammar. English isn't my first language so I need a little help there. I suspect that I maybe using words and phrases wrong due to that sometimes. Like when you use google translate the grammar doesn't adds up. But I think chatGPT  is doing a great job in that area. If it is bad English it is due to my lack of knowledge.
ChatGPT also gives me suggestions on how I may proceed with the story based on the information I have given it. I enter an idea and chatGPT can come up with some scenarios how to proceed. Sometimes it takes hours before I get where I want.
I am writing this story with the help of chatGPT. In the end credits under "Thanks to" I am going to include this AI with huge bold font.
You could compare this with a singer who can't sing. He or she or how they now define, use auto-tune  to make their voice bearable to listen to.

After all. This is just a fun project from my side.

Stay tuned..
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on January 08, 2023, 02:05:11 pm
Chapter two

One night, they all sat at the kitchen table eating supper together. Linda stared at her mother with a curious expression. "Mom, have you been doing something different lately?" she asked. Mary smiled and shook her head. "No, not really. Just the same old routine," she replied, trying to play it cool. But Linda wasn't convinced. "I don't know, there's just something different about you. You seem...buffer or something," she said, eyeing her mother's arms and legs. Jake chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Come on, Linda. Your mom is just the same as she always was. She hasn't been lifting weights or anything," he said dismissively. They continued with their evening meal in silence, but Linda kept eyeing her mother suspiciously.

Afterwards, Jake left the table and went into the living room to lie down on the sofa. The girls sat quietly until they heard him turn on the TV. Mary couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at Linda's observation. She had indeed been secretly lifting weights in the garage, determined to get in shape and become stronger. And it seemed that her hard work was paying off, even if Jake couldn't see it.

"Well, I have been doing some workouts in the garage," Mary whispered to Linda, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "I just wanted to feel better about myself, you know? But we keep this a secret from dad for a little while." Linda grinned and nodded. "I totally get it. And it's working, Mom. You look great," she said, giving her a hug.

Later that week, Linda came home early from school to find her mother lifting weights in the garage. Mary was covered in sweat and focused on her form, moving smoothly and efficiently as she lifted the barbell.
"Whoa, Mom, you are really strong?" Linda said, surprised by the sight.

Mary smiled and set the barbell down. "I've been working on getting in shape for some time now," she explained. "I figured if I was going to be strong enough to keep up with your dad, I had to start somewhere."

Linda's eyes widened with excitement. "Can I try?" she asked eagerly.
Mary nodded and helped Linda get set up with the barbell. Together, they worked through a series of exercises, with Mary showing Linda proper form and encouraging her as she struggled to lift the heavy weights.

As they trained, Linda couldn't help but feel inspired by her mother's strength. She saw a side of Mary that she never knew existed, and it only fueled her own desire to become stronger.

By the end of the session, Linda was exhausted but exhilarated. She had never felt so alive, and she knew that this was only the beginning of her journey towards strength and power.

Linda and Mary continued to train together in the garage every day after school and on the weekends. They were careful to always clean up before Jake came home from work, and they made sure to shower and change before he saw them. Jake remained oblivious to their workouts. He was too busy with his own life and never paid much attention to what the women in his household were doing anyway.

As the months passed, Linda and Mary's bodies underwent a transformation. They became stronger and more toned, their muscles growing and bulging in all the right places. They were careful to keep their progress hidden from Jake, but they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at their achievements. They were becoming stronger than they ever thought possible, and it was all thanks to their hard work and determination.

Despite the secrecy, Linda and Mary continued to push themselves harder and harder every day. They were driven by a desire to be the strongest women they could be, and nothing was going to stand in their way. They were unstoppable, and they knew that one day they would be ready to reveal their true strength to Jake.

They had made incredible progress, but they had managed to keep it a secret from Jake, who still saw them as weak and fragile. They made sure to only train when he was at work or away from the house, and they always wore loose clothing to hide their newly developed muscles. They pretended to be weak and helpless, never lifting anything heavy in front of Jake and always letting him do the heavy lifting around the house. They even avoided talking about their training, pretending that they were just going for leisurely walks or doing light stretching exercises. Despite living in the same house, Mary and Linda were able to keep their training a secret. In the bedroom at night, Mary made sure to wear baggy pajamas, she kept her pajama sleeves long and her pants loose, making sure that no hint of her muscles could be seen. As they lay in bed, Mary tried to keep her muscles relaxed and avoid any sudden movements that might give her away. Jake never suspected a thing, and he continued to see them as weak and delicate, never realizing the incredible strength that was hiding just beneath the surface.

One day, Linda decided that it was time to reveal their secret to Jake. She was confident that Mary had become much stronger than Jake and it was time to show him just how strong she really was.
Mary was a little hesitant at first, but she eventually agreed to go along with Linda's plan. They left some training gear and weights in the garage for Jake to find, carefully selecting only light weights so that he didn't suspect how strong they really were.

Later that day when Jake came home from work, he found the training gear. He was amused and a little condescending. Jake called Mary and Linda out to the garage and asked them to explain themselves. Instead of revealing the truth, Mary told Jake that she had wanted to give weightlifting a try, but had found it too heavy. She asked him, her big, strong man, to show them a training routine.

Jake, thinking that this was just too hilarious, his wife and daughter lifting weights, started to show them some exercises. Linda and Mary played along, giving him compliments and encouragement. They even teased him into showing off how much he could lift.

Linda and Mary stood in the garage, watching as Jake confidently loaded up the barbell with weights. He grinned at them, clearly pleased with himself, and began to bench press. Linda and Mary cheered him on, pretending to be impressed by his strength.

"Wow, dad, you're so strong!" Linda exclaimed, clapping her hands.

Jake finished his set and sat up, beaming with pride. "See? I told you I'm still in good shape," he said, puffing out his chest.

He then proceeded with some squats. After a few reps Linda asked him if he could show them how much he could squat. Jake loaded up the bar. As Jake strained to lift the maximum weight he could handle in the squat, the girls cheered and clapped for him, encouraging him on. "Come on, Dad! You got this!" Linda yelled, clapping her hands. Mary stood by with a proud smile, secretly impressed by the amount of weight her husband was able to lift. He hadn’t lost all his strength despite these last years without training. He was stronger than Mary had predicted.

As Jake finished his last rep, the girls were quick to jump in and help him rack the weight. "Wow, Dad, you're so strong!" Linda said, giving him a high five. "We could never lift that much!"

Next, Jake moved on to bicep curls, determined to impress his daughters with his muscular arms. The girls cheered and clapped as he performed his reps, grinning with fake enthusiasm. "You're such a stud, Dad!" Linda exclaimed, giving him a hug.

Finally, Jake flexed his muscles and showed off his toned upper body, posing for the girls. They oohed and aahed in amazement, laughing and clapping. "Oh my gosh, Dad, you're so ripped!" Linda said, pretending to swoon.

Jake beamed with pride, pleased with the girls' reactions.
Jake was thrilled with his strength and wanted to do some more bench press. He was too ego-centric and thrilled with his power to notice that Mary and Linda were just playing with him. He loaded up the bar with more weight than he could possibly handle and began to strain. Mary, concerned for his safety, walked behind the bench to spot him. Jake was confused by her act, but proceeded with the lift. He strained for a while before ultimately failing, and the bar fell down to his chest. He couldn't get the barbell off of him and he was getting all red in the face. He couldn’t get it up and was about to be choked by the barbell. Mary quickly grabbed the bar and easily racked it back up with a curl, but it seemed a little too easy.

"Did she just... How did she... What!?" Jake couldn't believe what just happened. The girls were silent as they watched Jake try to understand what was going on. He silently walked away, leaving them and everything behind, took a shower, and went to bed. The girls let him be, knowing that he needed time to work things through. They hoped that he would eventually come around.

The next day, Jake was still in silence and seemed to be in denial. He sat at the kitchen table staring blankly into space, trying to come to terms with the fact that his wife seemed to be very strong, a lot stronger than him. "That’s impossible," he thought for himself. "How could she lift all that weight?"

Mary and Linda gave him some more time, but they couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for not revealing their secret earlier. They had been training in secret for years, determined to become stronger and prove to themselves and to Jake.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on January 15, 2023, 04:16:33 pm
Chapter three

As they sat down to eat dinner one day, Jake cleared his throat and looked at his wife and daughter with a serious expression. "I've been thinking a lot about what happened in the garage a few weeks ago," he began. "And I think I've figured it out."

Mary and Linda exchanged a glance, unsure of what he was talking about. "What do you mean, Jake?" Mary asked cautiously.

"Well, I think I went in to some sort of survival mode when I was trying to push the weight back up," Jake explained. "You know, when people are in danger, they can become super strong and do things they never thought they could manage to do. That's what happened to me. I pushed most of that weight by myself, and you just helped ease some of it off."

Mary and Linda looked at each other, unsure of how to respond. They had hoped that Jake would come to terms with their strength, but it seemed he was still stuck in his old-fashioned beliefs about women.

"Jake, we understand that it's hard for you to accept," Mary began carefully. "But the truth is, we have been training in secret for a couple of years now. And we have both become much stronger than you could ever imagine. I'm actually stronger than you now. That's why I was able to curl the weight that you couldn't push. It's not some sort of survival instinct or adrenaline rush. It's just the result of hard work and dedication."

Jake looked taken aback. "What are you talking about? That's impossible. Women aren't strong enough to do something like that," he said, his disbelief evident in his voice.

Jake sat in stunned silence, struggling to process the new information. Linda reached out and took his hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Dad, it's okay. You don't have to be ashamed of not being the strongest one anymore. It's important to support and motivate each other, not compete against each other. Let's start training together as a family and get stronger together."

Jake's anger rose at Linda's words, and he still couldn't bring himself to accept the truth. "What has gotten in to your little heads? What has made you think that you have become stronger than me?" he said, shaking his head. "Don’t you hear how ridiculous it sounds? I know I haven’t trained much these last couple of years, but I’m still a man and we are stronger by nature."

Mary sighed and placed a hand on Jake's shoulder. "It's not about how much you train, Jake. It's about genetics and how your body responds to training. My body just happens to respond better to weight lifting than yours does."

Jake's face turned red with anger as he swept the plates and food off the table with a loud crash. Linda jumped up, trying to calm him down, but it was no use.

"If you're so strong, then prove it!" he shouted at Mary, his voice filled with rage. "Arm wrestle me right now, and let's see who's really the strongest." Mary sighed and stood up from the table, trying to placate Jake. "Come on, Jake. This isn't necessary. Let's just talk about this calmly," she said, holding out her hand in a conciliatory gesture. But Jake was beyond reasoning.

He slammed his hand on the table, ready for the arm wrestling match to begin. Linda watched in horror as her parents locked hands. He could feel Mary's eyes on him, staring intently as she waited for him to make the first move. He took a deep breath and clasped her hand firmly, trying to ignore the feeling of vulnerability that washed over him.

As they began to grapple, Jake could feel Mary's strength surging through her arm. He grunted and strained with all his might, trying to push her hand down to the table, but it was no use. She held firm, her gaze never wavering as she stared him down.

Sweat beaded on Jake's forehead as he struggled against her, his muscles burning with the effort. He could feel his ego slipping away, replaced by a growing sense of panic and despair. He couldn't believe it, how could this be happening? How could his own wife, the woman he had always seen as weaker and inferior, be besting him in an arm wrestling match?

As the match continued, Jake's desperation grew. He could feel Mary's strength matching and even surpassing his own, and he knew that he was on the verge of defeat. He made one last desperate effort, but it was not enough. Mary easily overpowered him, and Jake collapsed onto the table, his hand defeated. Mary smiled triumphantly, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. "I told you, Jake," she said softly. "I've been training for years now, and I've become stronger than you could ever imagine."

Jake's mind was spinning as he tried to process this impossible scenario that was playing out. He had always seen Mary as a weak, helpless woman. He hung his head in shame. Linda reached across the table and gave her father's hand a comforting squeeze. "It's okay, Dad. We still love you, and we're still here for you."

But Jake was too angry and frustrated to listen. He got up from his seat and stormed out of the kitchen, heading towards the garage. Mary and Linda exchanged a worried look, unsure of what he was planning to do.

As they followed him into the garage, they found Jake pacing back and forth, fuming with anger. "This isn't possible," he muttered to himself. "There's no way she could be stronger than me."

Mary approached him cautiously, trying to calm him down. "Jake, I know it's hard to accept, but I have been training hard and I have gotten stronger. It's not about being better or worse than you, it's just about feeling good about ourselves and taking care of our bodies."

But Jake was having none of it. In a fit of rage, he picked Mary up and squeezed her tightly in a bear hug, using all of his strength to try and overpower her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, trying to use all of his weight and strength to squeeze the air out of her lungs, desperate to prove to himself and to Mary that he still was stronger than her. Mary, however, remained calm and unfazed. She stood strong, not allowing Jake to budge her even an inch. She looked him in the eyes, her expression stern and determined.

As Jake held onto her, his arms shaking with effort, Mary began to speak. "Jake, you need to accept that I am stronger than you," she said firmly. "You can't keep trying to prove yourself by using brute force. It's not going to work."

Jake's face contorted with anger and frustration. His frustration boiled over, and he tightened his grip on Mary's body, gritting his teeth as he growled in anger, determined to prove her wrong. But despite his best efforts, he was unable to affect Mary. Eventually, his arms gave in and he collapsed to the ground, panting and sweating. Mary looked down at him with a mixture of pity and disappointment. "You need to let go of your ego, Jake," she said softly. "It isn’t about who’s stronger or weaker. It’s about being able to work together and support each other."

Mary stood up and walked over to the bench press. She racked up the barbell with the weight that Jake couldn’t manage to lift the last time. She got in position under the bar and began pressing it up, her arms strained with the effort.

Jake watched in disbelief as Mary pumped out rep after rep, her muscles flexing and bulging with the strain. He felt his world tilt as he struggled to comprehend what was happening.

As Mary finished her final rep and racked the barbell, Jake was speechless. He sank down onto his knees on the floor, his head in his hands as he tried to process what he had just had witnessed.

She grinned at him, explaining that she just needed a warm up before she started. She loaded up the bar with more plates, twice the weight that Jake had failed to push. Jake couldn't take it anymore. "This is ridiculous!" he exclaimed. "There's no way you're that strong. You must be cheating somehow!"

Without hesitation, she started pumping out another series of repetitions. Jake could hardly believe what he was seeing as she easily lifted the heavy weights, her muscles strained and bulged with each lift.

After the bench press demonstration, Jake was stunned silent, trying to process what he had just seen. Mary turned to him and gave him a challenging look. "I know you're still in denial, Jake, but I promise you, I've been working hard and getting stronger every day," she said. Jake scoffed and shook his head.

Without another word, Mary headed over to the squat rack and loaded up the barbell with twice the weight Jake used when he showed off in front of them earlier. "Come on, Mary. You got to be joking," he said with panic in his voice. Mary smiled and then easily lifted the bar off the rack on her shoulders and began to squat down and up, smoothly and effortlessly. "Are you beginning to understand who's the strongest of us two now?" Mary said with a grin as she completed her 20th rep. Jake was flabbergasted as he watched his wife in shock when she racked the barbell and turned to him with a triumphant look on her face.

After the squat demonstration, Mary unloaded some of the weight. She grasped the barbell firmly in her hands and lowered it to her waist, then began to curl it up towards her shoulders, her muscles strained with the effort. Jake could hardly believe what he was seeing as Mary pumped out rep after rep, her biceps bulged with each lift. Jake's eyes widened in shock as he realized she was curling almost twice as much as Jake had ever curled in his life, even in his younger days when he was in his best condition.

When she finally reached her last rep, she held the barbell at the top for a moment, flexing her biceps for Jake's benefit. Jake's jaw dropped as he saw the size and definition of Mary's biceps, a far cry from the weak and fragile arms he had always seen her having before. The veins in her arms stood out as she squeezed her biceps, showing off the results of her hard work and dedication. Mary then racked up the barbell with a confident smile on her face.

As Mary stood in front of Jake, she flexed her biceps and gave him a confident smile. She took a deep breath and prepared to strike the iconic double bicep pose. With a determined look in her eyes, she curled her arms up towards her shoulders, squeezing her biceps as hard as she could.
Jake was speechless. His wife's arms were bulging with muscle, her biceps rippling and straining against her skin. He had never seen anything like it before, and he was completely dumbfounded.

"Well, what do you think?" Mary asked, still flexing her biceps. "Impressive, right?"

Jake nodded, still in shock. His mind reeled as he grappled with the unexpected turn of events. "I... I don't know what to say, this is impossible," he stammered.

She turned to Linda and asked her to fetch the measuring tape. "Come on, honey, let's see how much I've grown" Mary said with a wink.

Linda eagerly grabbed the measuring tape and brought it over to her mother, who still held out her arms in a double bicep pose. Jake watched stunned in silence.

As Linda unwrapped the measuring tape, Mary pumped her biceps, causing them to bulge impressively. She continued to pump her biceps and Jake watched in amazement as they seemed to grow even larger before his eyes. He Jake stared in disbelief, his mind racing, it was as if Mary's muscles were expanding by the second, growing more and more impressive with each flex. Linda wrapped the tape around Mary's arm, her fingers struggling to find the right measurement as Mary's muscle seemed to expand even more under the tape. Jake watched in amazement as the numbers on the tape continued to rise, finally settling at a size that he had never seen on a woman before. Mary flexed her bicep once more for good measure, a satisfied smile on her face as she watched Jake's shocked expression.

"Wow, Mom, you've gained another half inch since last week!" Linda exclaims, clearly impressed.

"Come on, Jake, it's your turn," Mary urged, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Jake shook his head, trying to back out of this. "No way, this is ridiculous" he said, gesturing to Mary's bulging biceps. "I don’t know what you have done, but this can’t be real. No woman can become this big."

Linda giggled and grabbed his arm, determined to get her father to participate. "Come on, Dad, don't be a wuss. We want to see how you measure up to Mom."

Jake grumbled, but eventually gave in to his wife and daughter. He flexed his own arms, trying to make them look bigger than they were. Linda wrapped the tape measure around his arm and Jake watched in frustration as the numbers on the tape settled at a size that was significantly smaller than Mary's.

When she read the measurement, she couldn’t help but giggle at the difference in size compared to Mary'. "Wow, Dad, you're two inch smaller than Mom!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement.

Jake looked sheepish as Mary chuckled and patted him on the back. "Don't worry, honey, I still love you even if you don't have guns like mine," she teased, flexing her biceps.

Linda chuckled and gave Jake a sympathetic pat on the arm. "Yeah Dad, you can still work on building up those muscles. Maybe one day you'll be able to match Mom's impressive guns."

As Mary positioned herself for the front lat spread pose, Jake watched in shock as her muscles bulged and her chest expanded impressively. Mary held the pose while Linda wrapped the tape around her chest. Jake tried to understand what was playing out in front of him. He felt like everything was a strange nightmare.

"Okay, Jake, it's your turn," Linda said, holding out the measuring tape.

Jake hesitated, not wanting to be measured but Linda was insistent, and eventually Jake caved and allowed himself to be measured again. As Linda wrapped the tape around his chest, Jake couldn't help but feel defeated. Mary's chest was significantly larger than his own, and he knew he wasn't small by any means. He felt a twinge of jealousy and insecurity start to bubble up inside him, but he tried to push it down. Mary's muscles had surpassed his own, and he knew he had a long way to go to catch up.

As Mary flexed her abs, Linda wrapped the measuring tape around her waist and carefully noted the measurement. Jake watched in amazement as his wife's waist became smaller and more defined with each passing moment. "I can't believe it," he muttered to himself. "She's not just stronger than me, she's in better shape too." Linda smiled at her father and gave him an encouraging pat on the back. "Don't worry, Dad," she said. "You can still train with us. We'll help you get in shape too." Jake nodded, still in shock, as Mary and Linda continued to measure the rest of her body.

Linda moved on to measuring Mary's hips, and Jake watched as the numbers continued to climb. Jake's mind was in a state of shock, trying to understand the impossible. When Linda announced the number, Mary nodded in satisfaction. "See, Jake? I'm not just all muscle. I've got some curves too." Jake nodded dumbly, still in shock from seeing Mary's incredible size.

As Linda wrapped the measuring tape around Jake's waist, she could see the hint of a pouch starting to form. Despite his workouts in the old days, it seemed that Jake's midsection wasn't as it used to be. She tried to hide her disappointment as she read the measurement, "Well, for once you are bigger than Mary, but not in a good way I’m afraid." Jake sighed as he looked down at his stomach, feeling depressed about the extra weight he had been carrying for a while. "I guess I need to step up my game," he muttered to himself, determined to get back in shape. Linda smiled and gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Don't worry, Dad. We'll work on it together. You've got this."

Jake watched as Linda crouched down in front of Mary, unfurling the measuring tape. She wrapped it around Mary's quads, making sure to get an accurate measurement. Mary flexed her muscles, her quads bulging impressively. As Linda read off the measurement, Jake could hardly believe what he was hearing.

"Wow, Mom, your quads are also bigger than before!" Linda said, grinning up at Mary.

Jake sighed as Linda wrapped the measuring tape around his own quads. He knew he wasn't in as good of shape as Mary, but he had hoped that he might at least measure up in this category. However, as Linda read off the measurement, it was clear that Mary's quads were also significantly larger than his.

Linda asked Mary to stand with her legs shoulder-width apart. Mary obliged, and Linda wrapped the tape around the thickest part of Mary's calves. As she read the measurement, Jake just watched completely resigned. They were enormous and he could see the definition and muscularity in her lower legs.

Jake reluctantly stepped forward and positioned himself in front of Linda. He tried to flex his calves, but they seemed puny and weak in comparison to Mary's. Linda wrapped the tape around Jake's calves and read the measurement. It was clear that Mary's calves were significantly larger and more defined than Jake's.

Jake couldn't help but feel embarrassed as he stood there, his calves barely measuring up to Mary's. Every muscle group she had was more developed and well-built than his, even when he was younger and trained regularly Mary would have beaten him. Mary, who was once physically weaker than him, was now stronger and more muscular in every way. He watched her up and down, still wondering what was real and what was not. He had always been the strongest one in the family, but it seemed like Mary had overtaken him in every muscle group. His wife, the woman he'd known for years as gentle and loving, was now stronger than he could have ever imagined. He couldn't deny the evidence any longer and hung his head, feeling defeated.

Suddenly, Mary struck a most muscular pose in front of Jake. He felt disoriented as his mind struggled to reconcile the image of the woman he had always known with the powerful and confident figure before him. His senses felt off-kilter, as if he were looking at the world through a distorted lens. He felt both exhilarated and scared by the changes in Mary, the sense of not knowing what to expect a dizzying feeling that was both thrilling and overwhelming. It was as if his whole understanding of the world had been thrown into question, and he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

Her whole body appeared to be growing in a pulsating kind of way, as if her muscles were expanding and contracting on their own. Her biceps were like boulders, her chest was massive, and her abs were chiseled to perfection. But it was her traps that really caught Jake's attention. They were monstrous, bulging out of her neck and shoulders like mountains. Jake couldn't even begin to fathom how much weight she must have been lifting to achieve such an impressive physique. He could feel the power radiating from her body, and he couldn't help but feel small and scared. He had always thought of Mary as gentle and loving, but now he saw her in a whole new light - as a monstrous powerhouse of strength and muscle. He had never seen anything like it before, and it took him a moment to process what he was seeing. He could see the veins in her arms and legs, standing out against her skin, a testament to the hard work and dedication that had gone into her training. He realized that his wife was not just strong, but also in better shape than he was. He felt a pang of jealousy and embarrassment as he looked down at his own body, feeling like he couldn't measure up to her. He couldn't deny the evidence in front of him, and he knew that he needed to step up his game and work on getting in shape.

Mary held the pose and stared directly at Jake, making sure that he fully understood the magnitude of her strength. She could see the shock and panic in his eyes, and she knew that he was struggling to come to terms with the fact that she was so much stronger than him.

Mary gave out a loud "Boo!" Jake flinched and screamed. Mary couldn't help but laugh, knowing that she had finally gotten through to him.

Mary lowered her arms and broke the pose, a smug smile on her face as she watched Jake's reaction. She grinned and let out a triumphant laugh. "I think that's all the proof you need, honey. I'm stronger than you, and I'm not afraid to show it off."

Jake looked at his wife, still in disbelief. He knew now that there was no denying it, Mary had become much stronger than he ever could have imagined, stronger than him.

His wife, the woman he had known for years as gentle and loving, was now stronger than he could have ever imagined. He couldn't deny the evidence any longer.

"I can't believe it," he said, falling down on his knees shaking his head in resignation. "How could you be this strong?"

Mary smiled and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I've been working hard in the garage, Jake. And I'm not finished yet. I'm going to keep getting stronger and stronger, whether you believe it or not. I’ve been talking a lot with your sister, and she made me believe in myself again."

Jake looked up at her, tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Mary. I didn't realize how much I underestimated you. I promise to support you and to never underestimate you again."

Tears streamed down his face as he realized the full extent of Mary's strength. The thought was overwhelming and he couldn't contain his emotions any longer. He sobbed uncontrollably, feeling small and helpless as Mary stood towering over him, her muscles rippling with power. Linda stood by, a sympathetic look on her face as she watched her father come to terms with the fact that Mary was the stronger one in their relationship. Mary knelt down beside him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close as she tried to comfort him.

"It's okay, Jake," she said softly. "I still love you no matter what." Jake looked up at her, his eyes red and swollen from crying. "I don’t understand. How can you be so strong?" he asked, his voice laced with desperation. Mary smiled down at him and stroked his hair. "I've always been strong in some way, Jake. I just never showed it to you before. But it doesn't change how I feel about you. You're still the love of my life." Jake sniffled and nodded, feeling a sense of acceptance wash over him as he finally came to terms with Mary's strength.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: slowride10 on January 15, 2023, 08:08:50 pm
hope more to come relly liken where it might go..
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on January 22, 2023, 06:17:17 pm
Chapter four

As Jake walked through the door after another day’s work at the construction site, he was greeted by the smell of freshly cooked lasagna wafting through the air. His stomach grumbled with hunger as he made his way to the kitchen, eager to dig in.

But as he walked into the room, he was surprised to find that there was only one place set at the table. "Where's my dinner?" he asked, a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice.

Mary looked up from her plate and gave him a stern look. "I don’t know, you tell me" she said, taking a bite of her lasagna.

Jake's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What are you talking about?" he asked. "I work all day, I deserve to come home to a hot meal."

Mary crossed her arms and gave him a no-nonsense look. "Well, if you want to eat, you're going to have to make your own food from now on. It's time for you to start helping out around the house."

Jake's face turned red with anger. "This is ridiculous," he protested. "I work hard all day to provide to this family" Jake argued. "I deserve to come home to a nice, hot meal prepared by my wife. Do you mean I have to do all the cooking too?"

"If you want to eat, you know what to do" she said firmly.

Jake's mind struggled to grasp the reality of the situation. He couldn't fathom that he was having this conversation. "This has gone too far, just because you have lifted some weights and become a little stronger you can’t do exactly what you want. There are rules in this house that you need to follow" he said, so upset that Mary started to think he would have a heart-attack.

"Is that so?" she asked, her voice dripping with condescension. Mary slowly rose from the table, took off her cardigan and hung it on the chair. Underneath she wore a pink tank top which revealed her veiny muscled arms. She walked over to Jake, raised her arms in front of him and flexed. "It sounds like you think you're in charge here."

As Mary flexed her muscles and looked at him with a stern expression, Jake felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him. He felt like a child being scolded by his mother, small and powerless in the face of her authority. He couldn't believe that he, a grown man, was being reduced to feeling like this by his own wife. He felt a sense of defeat and helplessness as he realized that he couldn't make her do anything she didn't want to do. He slumped down at the table, unable to meet her gaze and silently submitted to her will.

Jake watched reluctantly as Mary strutted out of the kitchen, leaving him alone with the daunting task of cooking his own meal. He went to the fridge, stood there for a moment, staring blankly at the open door. He had always relied on Mary to cook their meals, and he had never paid much attention to how she did it. Suddenly, the thought of preparing his own food seemed daunting and overwhelming.

He rummaged through the fridge, trying to find something he could work with. But everything seemed unfamiliar and confusing. He had no idea where to start. Frustrated and defeated, he slammed the fridge door shut and leaned against the counter, his head in his hands.

As he stood there, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as he heard the sound of Mary's laughter drifting from the living room. He had always been the one to relax and unwind after work, while Mary took care of everything else. But now, the roles seemed to be reversed, and Jake couldn't help but feel being left out.

He knew he needed to pull himself together and figure out a way to make this work. He couldn't let Mary win this one. He stood up straight and took a deep breath, determined to prove that he was just as capable as Mary. It was time to put his cooking skills to the test.

He took some potatoes and sausages from the fridge and started boil the potatoes. Uncertainty gnawed at him as he wasn't sure how long they needed to be on the stove. He kept checking on them, but they didn't seem to be getting any softer. In frustration, he decided to take them off the stove, thinking they were done. As he drained the water and cut into the potatoes, he realized that they were still hard in the middle. Disappointed, he put them back on the stove to cook for a bit longer.

Next, he attempted to fry some sausages. He put them in the pan and turned on the heat. As he waited for them to cook, he got distracted with trying to fix his undercooked potatoes. Before he knew it, the sausages were burnt to a crisp. He tried to salvage them by cutting off the burnt parts, but they were still inedible.

Feeling defeated, Jake sat down to eat his burnt sausages and undercooked potatoes. He liberally smothered the sausages and potatoes with ketchup, trying to mask the terrible taste. As he ate, he couldn't help but feel disappointed and resentful. He had always relied on Mary to cook their meals, and he had never paid much attention to how she did it.

Just as Jake was finishing his meal, Mary walked by and caught a glimpse of his plate. She couldn't help but smirk at the sight of his burnt sausages and undercooked potatoes. Jake looked up at her, hoping she would take pity on him and offer to cook for him again. She didn't say anything, she just grabbed a bag of chips from the upper cabinet and walked away. Jake felt a wave of embarrassment wash over him as he realized that Mary was probably thinking the same thing he was - that his cooking skills were subpar.

Jake silently finished his meal and cleaned up the kitchen. Despite his disappointment, he held out hope that Mary would come around and start cooking for him again, but deep down he knew that it was unlikely. He would have to figure out a way to improve his cooking skills and prove to Mary that he was capable of taking care of himself in the kitchen. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to try again.

The next day, he decided it was time to pay his sister Sarah a visit. Mary had mentioned something earlier about them talking and Sarah helping her become stronger and more self-confident, which led to her training and newfound strength. He believed it was Sarah's fault that everything at his house was now upside down. She had supposedly said something to Mary's that made her become this new version of herself, and he did not like it at all. He had to tell Sarah to fix this, talk some sense into Mary and make her stop with all of this nonsense. She didn't cook for him, she didn't wash his clothes, and it was all Sarah's doing. It was typical of his sister to be messing with him, she was probably trying to get back at him after all these years of him dominating over her, as brothers do.

After finishing his day at work, he drove home to Sarah's house, parked his car outside and went up to the house. He knocked hard at the door at the same time as he opened it, and walked right in without waiting for her to open. "Sarah, we need to talk," he shouted, his voice filled with anger.

She was standing in the kitchen with a surprised look on her face.

"What's wrong, Jake?" she asked, trying to keep her tone calm and neutral.

"You know what's wrong," Jake sad, his voice rising. "You been talking to Mary, and suddenly she's all strong and self-confident. It's all your fault. You've been putting ideas in her head and messing with my marriage."

Sarah felt a twinge of anger at Jake's accusations. "I haven't been messing with your marriage," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I've just been supporting Mary and helping her become the best version of herself. You should be proud of her, Jake, not angry."

"Proud? I'm not proud of her," Jake sad, his voice filled with contempt. "She's not the same woman I married. She doesn't cook for me or wash my clothes, and it's all because of you."

Sarah's anger began to boil over. "Mary's changed because she's realized that she deserves better than to be treated like your personal servant. You've always treated her like she's not capable of doing anything on her own, and she's finally standing up for herself."

Jake's face turned red with anger. "How dare you talk to me like that, Sarah. You're just jealous because I've always been stronger and more successful than you. You're just trying to get back at me for all those years of being in my shadow."

Sarah couldn't take it anymore, she stood up and walked towards Jake. Jake didn't see it coming as Sarah quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back, holding him in a tight grip. He yelped in pain and surprise, trying to struggle and fight back against her, but her grip was too strong. He couldn't believe that his own sister was able to overpower him like this.

"Sarah, let go of me," he shouted, his voice filled with anger and frustration.

But Sarah didn't let go. Instead, she leaned in closer, her breath hot against his ear as she whispered, "You see Jake, I've been working out too," as she held him in her grip. "I am just as strong as Mary and she told me how easy it is to beat you, little brother."

Jake struggled against her grip, but it was no use. His mind was reeling as he tried to process what was happening. He couldn't understand how Sarah had become so strong. He could feel his arm being twisted further and further behind his back, the pain becoming unbearable. He shouted and commanded her to stop, but she didn't let up.

"You've always treated women like they're weak and inferior, Jake. It's time for you to realize that we are just as strong and capable as you are. You need to understand that your way of thinking is wrong and damaging. Women are not here to serve you, we are here to be our own person and make our own choices," Sarah said, her voice firm and steady.

Finally, Jake's resistance broke, he screamed and begged her to stop. He panicked as the pain became overwhelming. He begged and cried to let him go, promising to change his ways, and finally, Sarah released her grip.

As Sarah released Jake's arm from her grip, he massaged his sore arm, still feeling shocked and angry. In a moment of desperation, he lunged himself at Sarah's midsection in an attempt to tackle her to the ground. But she was quick and easily stepped aside and let him stumble to the floor.

Sarah then grabbed Jake by his ears and twisted them, dragged him to the kitchen table where she sat down on a chair. She pulled him over until his upper body was lying over her knees. "You're going to listen to me now, Jake," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "You've been treating women like they're weak and inferior for far too long, and it's time for you to change your ways."

As she spoke, she applied more pressure on his ears, causing him to wince in pain and follow her every move. She grabbed his wrists and twisted his arms behind his back. "You think that just because you're a man, you're stronger and more capable than women. But you're wrong, little brother. Women are just as strong and capable as men, if not more so."

Jake struggled against her grip, but it was no use. He was trapped and at her mercy. "Please, Sarah," he begged, "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I'll change, I promise."

Sarah looked at him with a mix of anger and pity. "I hope you mean it, Jake," she said. "Because if you don't change, you're going to lose everything that's important to you, but I am going to help you, I will give you a little reminder". She held both of his arms in a tight grip behind his back with one hand, and with the other hand she unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down to his knees along with his underwear. "Sarah! What are you doing?" he yelled in panic.

Sarah held up her hand behind his back and then she spanked him hard on his bare butt cheeks. He screamed out in pain as her hand slammed against his buttocks. Tears streamed down his face. He cried and sobbed, begged her to stop but she kept going, smashed him again and again until his ass was all red and swelled. She kept going for several minutes until she finally looked down and saw a red shape of her hand on his butt. "I think that’s enough" she said.

"I want you to show your red butt to Mary when you take your clothes off tonight. Tell her that I did this to you and explain why I did this to you. It will be a good lesson for you that you can’t go on with your boring old stereotype views". She released her grip of his wrists and pushed him to the floor. Jake was broken, humiliated and totally wrecked. As Sarah watched him lay on the floor in fetal position crying uncontrollable she started to feel sorry for her little brother. "Get a hold of yourself Jake, be a man and start take responsibility for your actions. Go home and show Mary how much you love and care for her. Maybe you’re lucky and it is not too late to get your respect back. Now get out of my house".

As Jake crawled to his feet, Sarah could see the defeat and shame written all over his face. He couldn't bring himself to look at her, and instead just pulled up his pants and shuffled out to his car like a scared dog. Sarah knew that this was just the beginning of Jake's journey to understanding and accepting the changes in the women around him. She also knew that it would not be easy for him, and that he would likely resist and fight against it at first. But she was determined to watch him, to guide and make him, and to help him see that there was nothing wrong with women being strong and independent.

As Jake sat in his car, his mind was racing with a mix of emotions. He felt anger and embarrassment at being overpowered by his sister, and a growing sense of fear at the idea that the women in his life were now stronger and more independent than he was. He couldn't believe that his sister Sarah, whom he had always seen as weak and submissive, could overpower him so easily. He had always been the dominant one in their relationship, and the idea that she could be stronger than him was incomprehensible. He thought about Mary and how she had changed, and he realized that he had been treating her unfairly for years. He had always seen her as weak and helpless too, and he had treated her like his personal servant. He felt guilty for the way he had treated her and for the way he had treated Sarah. He didn't know how to deal with this new reality, and he didn't know how to move forward. He knew that he needed to change the way he saw women, and the way he treated them, but he didn't know where to start. He felt a sense of desperation and hopelessness wash over him as he thought about the possibility of losing Mary. He knew he had to change, but he didn't know how.

As he drove away from Sarah's house, Jake knew that he had a long way to go, but he was ready to take the first step. He was ready to start the journey of learning, growing, and changing, and he was determined to make things right.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: jhunter on January 22, 2023, 07:28:23 pm
Interesting for am AI story. A bit syiff at times, but not bad.
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: tamorr on January 28, 2023, 05:38:20 am
Wow :wow:

Can't believe this is an AI generated story.
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: phil123 on January 28, 2023, 06:43:16 am
Great what AI can already do. And this is only the beginning of the trend and chances of AI. What will be the next chapter?
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on February 12, 2023, 02:55:15 pm
Chapter five

The next day, Sarah knocked on Mary's door, eager to hear how Jake had behaved after his humbling experience at her house. Mary answered the door with a smile on her face, and Sarah could tell immediately that things were looking up.

"Come on in, Sarah," Mary said, stepping aside to let her sister-in-law enter. "I'm glad you came by. I have some good news to share with you."

Sarah followed Mary into the living room, where they sat down on the couch. "So, what's the good news?" Sarah asked, leaning forward in anticipation.

"Well, Jake came home last night, and I could tell right away that something was different," Mary began. "He was quiet, almost subdued, and he didn't try to boss me around or tell me what to do like he usually does."

Sarah felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. She had known that it would take time for Jake to change his ways, but it was clear that her actions had had an impact on him.

"He apologized to me, Sarah," Mary continued. "He said he was sorry for the way he had treated me in the past, and that he was going to try to be a better husband from now on."

Sarah's heart swelled with pride. She had never thought Jake would be able to change so quickly.

"That's amazing, Mary," Sarah said, reaching over to give her sister-in-law's hand a squeeze. "I'm so happy for you."

"I know, it's a big step for Jake," Mary said. "But I truly believe that he's going to try his best to make things right. And I have you to thank for that, Sarah."

"So, Jake said something more out of the ordinary to you last night, didn't he?" Sarah asked, trying to hide her own smile.

"Well, he did tell me about his visit with you," Mary said, her smile growing even bigger. "He was a little vague on the details, but I could tell that he was really shaken up by it."

"Shaken up is an understatement," Sarah said, laughing. "I mean, it was too easy. Maybe I was too harsh on him. I barely had to put any effort, just a gentle twist of his arm, and he was whimpering like a puppy, completely under my control. I've never seen someone go from so confident to so helpless so quickly. It was almost comical, to be honest. I couldn't help but laugh as he was lying there on the floor, crying like a little baby and begging for mercy."

Mary couldn't help but laugh at the image of Jake being taken down so easily by his sister. "I wish I could have seen it," Mary said, still laughing. "What goes around comes around."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he got what he deserved."

As Jake drove home from work, he couldn't shake off the feeling of vulnerability and helplessness that had consumed him at Sarah's house. The memory of being overpowered and humiliated by his own sister was still fresh in his mind. He felt like he had been thrown back to when he was a little boy again, with no control or agency in the situation. The realization that Sarah had so easily overpowered him, making him feel inferior and submissive, was a humbling and deeply unsettling experience for him. He remembered the way his arms had trembled under Sarah's grip, and the way he had begged for her to stop. He felt a lump form in his throat as he thought about how easily she had controlled him, and how small and insignificant he had felt in that moment.

As he drove along, he couldn't help but notice some couples outside, hand in hand, laughing and enjoying each other's company. He saw a couple sitting on the grass having a romantic picnic, and the sight made him think back to when he first met Mary. They had been so in love, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret and sadness as he realized how far they had fallen from that initial spark. He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to regain that love and trust from Mary. He knew that he had a lot of work to do, and a lot of change to make, but he was determined to try.

As Jake drove up the driveway and saw Sarah's car parked outside his house, his stomach dropped. He hit the brakes and considered turning around and driving away, not wanting to confront Sarah and the feelings of vulnerability and helplessness that she had evoked in him. But it was too late, Sarah and Mary were sitting in the living room, and they had already spotted him. They looked up and smiled at him, and he knew they had seen right through his plan to avoid them.

Feeling trapped, Jake slowly parked his car and took a deep breath before getting out. As he walked towards the house, he could see the girls' smiles turn into scowls, and he knew he was in for a rough time. He took a deep breath and steeled himself for the confrontation he knew was coming.

He walked inside and was met by the sight of Sarah and Mary sitting on the couch, their expressions cold and unyielding.

"Sit down, Jake," Sarah said, patting the seat next to her. "We need to talk about what happened the other day."

Jake sat down, avoiding eye contact with his sister. He didn't want to talk about what had happened, he was still too humiliated and ashamed.

Mary looked at him, her expression serious. "You went to Sarah's house and you treated her very poorly. You accused her of interfering in our marriage, and you were angry and aggressive."

Jake's heart sank as he realized that she knew what had happened. He had hoped that Sarah would keep it to herself, but he should have known better. He looked down at his hands, unable to meet their gaze.

Sarah leaned in, her voice low and menacing. "You're lucky I'm feeling merciful today, Jake," she said, her tone cold. "But you need to understand that your behavior is unacceptable. You can't treat us like this anymore."

Jake felt a wave of shame wash over him. He looked up at Mary and Sarah, and he knew that he had to make things right. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't realize how wrong I was. I'll do whatever it takes to change."

Mary and Sarah looked at each other, then back at Jake. They could see the remorse in his eyes, and they knew that he meant what he said. They both nodded, satisfied that he understood the gravity of his actions.

"Good," Sarah said, her voice softening. "But you need to understand that change is not going to happen overnight. It's going to take time and effort, and you're going to have to work hard to earn our trust back."

Sarah took a deep breath and looked at Jake. "We are going to help you change, Jake. We will be keeping a close eye on you, and make sure you don’t forget.

Jake nodded, determined to make things right. He knew that it was going to be a long and difficult journey, but he was willing to try. He had no other choice.

Sarah caught a glimpse of the clock on the wall over the TV and realized she had been there for several hours. She stood up from the couch and stretched her arms. "Well, it's getting late, and I really should get going," she said. "I need to start making dinner."

Mary nodded in understanding and stood up as well. "Of course, thank you for coming over," she said.

Jake also stood up, feeling a mix of relief and anxiety at the thought of being alone with Mary.

The three of them walked to the front door, with Sarah leading the way. As they went through the kitchen, Mary had a sudden idea. She turned to Jake and said, "Hey Jake, how does it feel to be weaker than your sister?" Her words dripped with mischief.

Jake's face reddened with anger and embarrassment. He didn't want to admit that his sister was stronger than him, but the memory of being overpowered by her at her house was still fresh in his mind.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, trying to brush off Mary's comment.

Sarah gave Mary a knowing look, encouraging her to continue.

Mary pressed on, a sly grin spreading across her face. "I have a proposition for you, Jake. If you can beat Sarah in an arm wrestling match, I'll personally teach you how to cook like a pro."

Jake's heart began to race. He didn't want to arm wrestle Sarah, not after what had happened at her house. But the thought of getting help with cooking was too tempting, and he reluctantly agreed.

"Fine," he said resignedly. "I'll arm wrestle her, but if I win, you have to help me with the cooking for the rest of the week."

Mary's smile broadened. "Agreed," she said. "If you win, I'll do all the cooking for the rest of the month and even do the dishes for you."

Sarah stepped forward and said, "Alright, let's do this. But if I win, Jake, you have to come over to my house once a week and clean it from top to bottom. No exceptions." Jake's stomach sank at the thought of having to clean Sarah's house every week. He didn't even enjoy cleaning their own house, and the idea of going over to his sister's house and cleaning up after her felt demeaning and embarrassing. But he didn't want to back out of the arm wrestling match now, not after agreeing to it. So, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the match. "Alright," he said, "let's do this."

The three of them sat down at the kitchen table and Jake and Sarah locked hands. The tension between them was palpable as they both stared deep into each other's eyes, their gaze intense and focused. Jake felt a surge of confidence when he felt her hand. It was so much smaller than his and he instantly felt more confident. Mary counted them in and they began to struggle. Jake gave everything to his sister, but she responded with just as much force. The seconds ticked by, and they were still in the same position, neither one of them budging an inch. As the minutes passed, Sarah's arm began to shake under Jake's grip, and he felt a sense of triumph. "She's wearing out," Jake thought. "I just need to hold on a little longer."

As the match progressed, Jake's advantage increased as he pushed against his sister's grip. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he gritted his teeth, putting all of his strength into overpowering her. He looked up and saw the surprise in Sarah's eyes as she struggled hard to keep up against him. "This isn't fair. I train hard and consistently, but I can't seem to beat my little brother in a simple arm wrestling match, even though he just sits on his ass all day," she blurted out in frustration as she exhaled hard. Jake brightened up and laughed.

Mary watched with a concerned look on her face from beside. Had she underestimated Jake? She knew that Sarah had become much stronger, but maybe she wasn’t as strong as Jake after all.

Jake, on the other hand, was ecstatic. "Hey big sister," he taunted, panting heavily from the exertion. "I will give it to you. You are strong, but you have to do better if you want to beat your little brother." With a final push he moved her hand downwards, but suddenly Sarah's arm stopped just above the table. He applied more pressure, but Sarah didn't budge. He focused and channeled all his energy into his arm. His body shook with effort as he twitched and tore, trying to force Sarah's arm down to the table. "What the hell?" he snorted and leaned in close over his arm, using all of his upper body weight, but still nothing happened. He could feel his muscles burning with the effort, and his heart pounding in his chest.

Jake was frustrated. It was as if he was pushing against a wall of steel. "Come on," he said, almost screaming in panic. Sarah spoke up, her voice calm and casual. "It will be nice to have some help with the cleaning," she said. Jake looked up and met her eyes and was struck by the cold, emotionless expression on her face. Her gaze was intense, but devoid of warmth or compassion. It was as if she was looking at him with the eyes of a predator, calculating and unfeeling.

Jake felt a chill run down his spine as he realized that she was looking at him with a complete lack of empathy or understanding. He could see the cold, calculating intellect behind her eyes and it made him feel small and insignificant again. He knew in that moment that she had been playing him all along. He felt a sense of panic rising within him as he realized that he was about to lose, even though he had been so close to victory.

Jake was now desperate, his eyes fixed on his sister's hand. With a growl of determination, he put all his might into one final effort to beat her. He gritted his teeth and let out a primal roar as he pushed with all his might, straining his muscles to their limits. But Sarah's arm slowly moved back up, and Jake's strength was beginning to fail him. The veins in his neck bulged with the strain, his face twisted with effort, but still, her arm kept going in a steady pace. He was losing, and he knew it. He couldn't let it end like this, not after all his hard work. With one last ditch effort, he threw his entire body into the match, determined to come out on top. Jake could only watch as she turned the match around. He gave everything he got but he couldn't even slow her down.

Sarah's face was determined as she locked eyes with Jake. Her arm muscles strained with effort. Jake knew it was over, but he couldn't give up. He tried to push back, but it was like pushing against a brick wall. He let out a heart-wrenching, guttural moan that was a mixture of utter exhaustion and despair. It was as if all the energy had been sucked out of him, leaving him empty and defeated. The sound was raw and anguished.

Sarah and Mary exchanged a surprised look as they watched Jake's valiant efforts. The sound of his exhausted and defeated groan still echoed in their ears. They were amazed by the amount of strength and determination he had put into the arm wrestling match. The two women couldn't help but exchange a quiet chuckle, amused by the sight of Jake's strenuous yet ultimately unsuccessful resistance.

Their hands were hovering just above the table. Sarah met Jake's eyes, her expression softening as she saw the disappointment there. She gently pushed his hand down to the table, bringing the match to an end.

Jake was left staring in shock and disbelief as Sarah stood up, victorious. Mary gazed at Jake with a mix of pity and satisfaction. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him as he struggled so hard against Sarah, his own sister. She knew how difficult it must be for him to accept the defeat. Yet at the same time, she was thrilled about their strength and superiority over him.

Sarah triumphantly removed her cardigan, revealing a shirt beneath that displayed her toned and bare arms. With a cheeky smirk, she raised her arms in a double bicep pose, flexing her impressive muscles. Jake was left in a state of shock, staring at her defined biceps in disbelief. He appeared distant, lost in thought as he processed his defeat. Sarah basked in her newfound confidence, enjoying the satisfaction of leaving Jake speechless.

"Feel them, Jake," Sarah commanded in a commanding tone. "These are what real muscles feel like, Jake," Sarah declared.

Jake hesitantly reached out and placed his hand on one of her biceps, feeling the solid muscle beneath her skin. His eyes widened in amazement. He tried to squeeze it but he couldn't make a dent. Sarah's biceps was like rock, unmovable. Jake was left in a daze, lost in shock and disbelief. He had never felt muscle like this before and he couldn't believe it was his own sister who possessed it. Sarah watched as Jake's expression went from amazement to defeat. She could see in his eyes that he had finally accepted that she was stronger than him. With a self-satisfied smile,

Sarah flexed her biceps once more, letting him really feel the hardness of her muscles.

"Kiss it," Sarah ordered and without thinking, Jake obeyed. He leaned in and pressed his lips against her arm, it was warm and firm. He could feel the power and strength of her muscles. He was in disbelief of her arm's size.

"Wow, Sarah," he exclaimed in awe. "You've truly transformed." He seemed almost mesmerized. Mary and Sarah both looked at each other with amusement as they watched Jake blindly follow Sarah's orders, even though he would never admit defeat to a woman, especially not his own sister. However, there he was, following her every command.

Sarah basked in her newfound strength and confidence, proud of the results from her hard work and commitment to her training. The feeling of control and recognition of her strength filled her with satisfaction.

Sarah then turned to Mary. "I'll talk to you later, Mary," she said with a smirk. "Be good, little brother now." With that, she took her cardigan, pushed Jake away, and walked out to her car. She drove away, leaving Jake and Mary stunned in the kitchen.

Jake and Mary sat in silence at the kitchen table, their minds racing. Jake felt a deep sense of shame and humiliation after been totally dominated in front of his wife. He couldn't believe what she just made him do. It was as if he was hypnotized. He just kissed her bicep without thinking. It was a disaster, his ego was shattered. How could this happen? He felt like he had lost his identity. He couldn't bring himself to look at Mary, knowing that she had seen him being played with so easily by his own sister.

Mary, on the other hand, was beyond euphoria. She hadn’t understood the magnitude of her powers. It wasn’t just about physical strength, it was also psychological strength. After all the years of always being the submissive one in their relationship, she had forgotten that she actually could make others do things for her now. She thought of the possibilities she had, the things she could make Jake do. She couldn't help but smile as she thought about the new ways their life could go. She already knew she was physically stronger than Jake, which became very clear when they had their first battle. But Sarah had made her realize that Jake is under their command from now on. She felt compelled to test how far she could push him, she looked over at him. 

"Jake, I want you to drop to the floor and massage my feet."

Jake hesitated for a moment, but then he slowly got up from his chair and down on his knees in front of her. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he reached out to take Mary's feet in his hands. He knew he had no choice but to do as she said, and the realization made him feel small and powerless.

Mary watched as Jake massaged her feet, a satisfied smirk on her face. She couldn't believe it, it was too good to be true. She had always been under Jake’s authority, but now, she was the one calling the shots and the sense of empowerment was exhilarating. She could see the defeat in Jake's eyes and knew that he was hers to command. She was filled with a sense of invincibility, feeling like she could conquer anything that came her way.

As Jake massaged Mary's feet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of arousal. He didn’t understand why he was feeling this way, as he hated the thought of being controlled and overpowered like this. But as he looked up at Mary, he couldn't deny the feelings that were stirring within him.

Mary decided to push him even further. With a sly smile, she commanded him to remove her socks and smell them. She knew they must smell bad, as she had been out for a run earlier that day. Jake hesitated for a moment, but then slowly complied. He could feel the embarrassment and shame wash over him as he sniffed her stinky socks, but he couldn't deny that he actually started to feel more and more aroused by her control over him.

Mary watched with wide eyes as Jake did as she commanded, a sense of satisfaction and amazement spreading through her. She had never felt so powerful and in control before, and she loved it. As Jake continued to sniff her socks, she thought of her next demand.

Jake, on the other hand, was feeling a mix of emotions. He was humiliated and emasculated, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of arousal build up inside him. He had never felt this way before, and it was a new revelation to him. He couldn't understand how he could be enjoying this, but he couldn't deny the feelings that were coursing through his body.

She raised her left foot and wiggled her toes in front of his face. Mary raised her eyebrows and gave him a nod. She didn’t have say it out loud, he understood what she wanted him to do. Without hesitation he just opened his mouth and began to suck on her big toe. Mary couldn’t believe it. "What is happening? He did it. Jake is standing on his knees and sucking on my sweaty toes." She thought. A tingling sensation started to build up inside her and it became clear to her that this made her very horny. She noticed that Jake was starting to seem like he was enjoying his submission to Mary. He grabbed her foot and started kissing and licking it up and down. It seemed almost as he was possessed. He worked her foot up and down with his tongue like it was ice-cream.

Mary leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Her arousal increased by the minute and she cleansed her fists. Suddenly she put her feet back on the floor and stood up, facing Jake who was still kneeling in front of Mary. She looked down at him with a stern look and he knew where this was going.

Suddenly, Linda, Julie, and Hannah walked into the kitchen and were surprised to see Jake on his knees in front of Mary, who was standing over him with a stern expression. The girls realized they had interrupted something intimate between Jake and Mary.

"What are you doing down there, Jake?" Linda asked with a hint of humor in her voice.

"Is this a proposal? I thought you were already married," Julie added, stifling a giggle.
Jake, who was clearly embarrassed, quickly stood up, straightening his shirt. "It's not what it looks like," he said, his face turning red.

Mary, who was also red-faced, tried to explain, "We were just...working things out."

But the girls couldn't contain their laughter and ran up the stairs to Linda's room, giggling all the way.

Linda, Julie, and Hannah were childhood friends and had grown up together. They were inseparable and had always been there for each other through thick and thin. They were now young women, but their bond was just as strong as it had been when they were children. They had a close-knit relationship and trusted each other with their secrets and dreams.

Jake stood in silence with Mary in the kitchen, feeling embarrassed and foolish. He didn't know why he let himself get caught up in the moment, but he couldn't deny the thrill it brought him to be under Mary's control. He just hoped that he wouldn't have to face Linda, Julie, and Hannah for a while after this. Jake reflected on the situation and couldn't help but think about how much things had changed lately. He remembered when Mary was just his obedient wife, and now she had taken over the household with her newfound strength and confidence. His sister Sarah, once submissive to his commands, now used him for her own purposes. He struggled with understanding how he had become the submissive one in the dynamic and if it was due to his own shortcomings or something more significant at play. Despite his confusion, he couldn't deny the thrill of being under Mary's control. However, he held onto the hope that this was just a temporary phase and things would eventually return to normal.

Mary's thoughts raced with excitement as she looked at Jake. The realization that she held such a dominant position over him filled her with a sense of strength and authority. Her newfound power was intoxicating and she couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of making him do her bidding. As she watched him obediently follow her commands, Mary couldn't help but wonder just how far she could push her newfound dominance and where this newfound control would take her.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: tamorr on February 24, 2023, 07:26:51 am
This story looks promising
Hope to focus on the female perspective of her body and strength
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: marc3603 on February 25, 2023, 06:58:55 am
This story is amazing. I really want to read further and explore how Mary Will change!!
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: tamorr on April 10, 2023, 04:39:47 pm
Hey, This one is too good and should not be dead
Its one of the rarly good transformation stories ever and open to many possibilities
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: Harrypoters on April 24, 2023, 06:10:35 pm
Plz continue this story must not die
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: vasorg on April 27, 2023, 11:22:32 am
great story, would love to see more!
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on May 17, 2023, 08:04:53 pm
The story is dead, I've killed it..  :o

No, I'm kidding. I just haven't found the time lately, but I have seen all your comments and I thank you for your kind words.
I have worked with the story again and I 'm almost ready with the next chapter. It will be published any time soon, maybe this weekend.

Stay tuned
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: phil123 on May 19, 2023, 05:32:33 am
Thanks and I' happy to wait for a new chapter
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: jeffbeans on May 22, 2023, 09:07:56 pm
This is great! I'm interested to know what you have to input into Chat GPT for it to output something like this
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: wowser1016 on May 28, 2023, 09:18:17 am
I am pleasantly surprised at how well this AI story has turned out. As long as there is an acknowledgement thst AI has plsyed a part I see no harm especially if the work turns out as well as this one has. Please continue.
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on June 13, 2023, 06:59:34 pm
Chapter six

Mary knew that the key to success in bodybuilding was not just lifting heavy weights or doing countless reps. It was about training smart and eat right. She spent hours studying the ideal way of building up her body, paying attention to every little muscle in her body. She understood early that training wasn't just about getting big and lift as heavy as possible, but about building a strong and healthy body that was capable of anything. Mary's training routine was carefully crafted to ensure that she worked every muscle group in her body, from the largest to the smallest. She knew that neglecting any muscle group would leave her weak and vulnerable in the end. She was determined to be the best version of herself, and she knew that meant training smart. Mary had seen too many men in the gym that focused only on the big muscle groups, neglecting the smaller, less noticeable muscles. They trained to get big and intimidating, but in doing so, they left themselves vulnerable and unbalanced. Mary knew that true strength came from working every muscle in the body, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. She would often see men straining to lift heavy weights, their bodies trembling with the effort. They would be so focused on lifting as much as they could that they would forget about the smaller muscles that supported their movements. Mary learned that this was not the way to build a strong and healthy body. You aren’t stronger than your weakest part, and neglecting any muscle group could lead to injury. Mary trained smart, and it showed in her physique. She was strong, lean, and powerful, with muscles that were well-defined and perfectly proportioned. She had built her body to be a well-oiled machine, capable of performing any challenge that she set her mind to. And she knew that this was the true meaning of strength. Mary's passion for fitness and her expertise in training had led her to start creating videos where she shared her knowledge with other women. She knew that there were many women out there who were intimidated by the male-dominated fitness industry and didn't know where to start when it came to building strength and muscle. In her videos, Mary taught women how to train like her, smart and efficiently, focusing on every muscle group in the body. She emphasized the importance of building a strong foundation and listen to the body. Mary wanted to empower women to take control of their bodies and feel confident in their own skin. Her videos gained a following, and women from all over the world began to reach out to her, thanking her for her guidance and sharing their own success stories. Mary was thrilled to see the impact she was making and continued to create content that inspired and motivated women to prioritize their health and fitness. Mary's legacy in the fitness industry was not only her own impressive physique but also the countless women she had helped along the way. She had taken her knowledge and turned it into a powerful tool for empowering others...

Linda and Mary were huddled together in the kitchen, planning their next Insta**** video. Linda had an idea for a new video concept, and she was excited to share it with Mary.

"What if we film you challenging dad in the gym?" Linda said, her eyes lighting up. "I know he doesn't stand a chance against you, but it would be a great way to show all the women out there that they can be stronger than any man."

Mary smiled at Linda's enthusiasm. "I like that idea," she said. "But how are we going to get dad to agree to it?"

Linda thought for a moment. "I'll lure him into the garage under the pretense of needing help with something," she said. "Then you can come in and challenge him. He won't be able to say no in front of the camera."

Mary nodded, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Let's do it," she said.

The next day, Linda set up the camera in the garage while Mary warmed up. She was dressed in her usual workout gear, a tight tank top and leggings that showed off her toned muscles. Mary began her warm-up routine, starting with some light cardio on the stationary bike. She gradually increased the intensity, her muscles beginning to warm up and loosen. Then, she moved on to some dynamic stretching, focusing on the specific muscles she would be using during the workout. She knew that warming up properly was the key to preventing injury and ensuring that her body was ready to perform at its best. Linda watched as her mother went through her warm-up routine, impressed by the precision and care with which Mary approached her training. Mary was always focused and determined, taking her fitness goals seriously and putting in the work to achieve them. Linda knew that her mother's dedication was what had made her such a success in the fitness industry. As Mary finished her warm-up, Linda handed her a bottle of water and a towel.

"Are you ready for this?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.
Mary grinned. "Let's do this."

Linda went to find Jake in the living room, where he was watching television. "Hey dad," she said, "could you come help me with something in the garage? I need to move some boxes and I could use some extra muscle."

Jake hesitated for a moment, glancing at the TV, but ultimately he couldn't resist the opportunity to show his strength in front of his daughter. "Sure thing, sweetie," he said, getting up from the couch and following Linda to the garage.

As they walked, Linda glanced at Mary, who was standing by the camera, ready to start filming. She nodded to signal that they were ready to go. When they reached the garage, Linda turned to Jake and said, "Ok, so I just need you to lift these boxes and put them on the shelf over there."

Jake nodded and went to pick up the boxes, but before he could even lift them off the ground, Mary stepped in while she looked in to the camera and said, "Hi everyone!" she greeted with a smile. "I've got a special treat for you all today. My lovely husband Jake is going to join us today. Jake, say hello to our viewers."

Jake appeared less than thrilled as he looked into the camera lens. Despite his forced smile, the tension was palpable.

"Hello everyone," he grumbled, waving awkwardly.
"So, what's this all about?" Jake asked, turning to Mary.

Mary chuckled, a glint of determination in her eye. "We're going to settle a long-standing debate once and for all," she declared. "Who is stronger, men or women?"

Jake sighed, knowing he was trapped. He couldn't very well walk away from the camera and his wife's challenge. He knew how determined Mary was, and if he refused, she'd simply chase him down and carry him back to the garage, making a fool of him in front of all her followers. Jake tried to argue, but Mary was resolute. His eyes darted around the room as he searched for a way out of the situation. Mary looked at Jake with a smirk on her face.
"Oh, don't worry Jake," she said sarcastically. "It's just an arm wrestle. Should be easy enough for you, right? If you win, it all ends. But if you lose we'll have to move on to the next challenge" she said with a smirk.
Mary continued speaking directly to the camera. "So, for our first battle, we're going to arm wrestle."
Jake hesitated, trying to come up with a way to get out of the challenge. "I don't know about this," he said, his voice hesitant. "I shouldn’t because of my thing with my arm, you know?" Jake gave Mary a meaningful glance, hoping she would understand and let him off the hook.
Mary's eyes flashed with amusement. "Oh come on, Jake," she teased. "Don't tell me you're scared to go up against your own wife."
Jake bristled at the insinuation. "I'm not scared," he protested. "It's just...I don't think it's a good idea."
Mary raised an eyebrow, her muscles flexing as she leaned forward. "So, you're admitting defeat before we even start? That's not the attitude of a real man, Jake.
Jake's shoulders slumped, but he nodded slowly. "Alright, Mary. Let's do this."
Mary smiled, a glint of determination in her eyes. "That's the spirit, Jake. Let's do this."
She went around to the other side of a workbench in the garage. Actually it was their old kitchen table which had been retired and exchanged for a new one. Instead of throwing it away Jake found use for it as a workbench in their garage. Now, it even functioned as an arm wrestling table.
Jake watched as Mary cleared the table, removing the scattered tools to make room for their upcoming match. He approached the table slowly, his shoulders slumped and his expression resigned. He couldn't shake off the feeling of defeat that was creeping over him, knowing he was up against Mary's immense strength. With every step, his fear intensified, and he tried to calm himself down by taking deep breaths and reminding himself of his own capabilities.
"You can do this, Jake," he muttered to himself, clenching his fists. "Don't let her strength intimidate you." Despite his efforts, he couldn't dispel the nagging sense of doubt that lingered in his mind.
As Mary leaned in, her eyes narrowing with a cocky smirk on her face, Jake could feel his heart racing faster. He knew he had to give it his all if he wanted any chance of winning, but the thought of losing to his wife in front of their daughter and the viewers was humiliating. Despite his doubts and fear, Jake took a deep breath and centered his focus, straightening his posture and trying to channel his inner strength.
The two competitors leaned in, their faces inches apart, and Linda zoomed in for a close-up. Jake could feel Mary's grip was strong, but he tried not to let it faze him. He glared at her across the table. Jake could feel his heart racing. He knew this was going to be a tough battle. Despite his fear, Jake tried to put on a brave face. He straightened his posture and tried to channel his inner strength. He could already feel himself starting to sweat as he prepared for battle.
"Linda, are you ready to count us down?" Mary asked, turning to the camera with a smile.
"Sure thing, mom. Get ready, you two.!" Linda counted down, and the match began.
Jake exploded with every ounce of strength he had, hoping to catch Mary off guard and win the match quickly. But to his growing anger and frustration, Mary appeared completely at ease as she effortlessly held Jake's hand in place. She turned to the camera and spoke casually, her words further fueling Jake's frustration.
"You know, it's funny. Jake thinks he can beat me just because he's a man. But we all know that women are just as strong, if not stronger than men," she said with a smirk. Jake's eyes narrowed as he tried to summon even more strength, feeling increasingly humiliated at being outmatched by his wife. Jake grunted with effort, his face turning red as he tried to push Mary's hand down, but she held firm, not even breaking a sweat. Mary turned back to Jake, still smirking.
"Is that all you've got, Jake? I expected more from you," she teased.
Jake gritted his teeth and poured even more effort into his arm, but it was no use. Mary's hand remained firm, and Jake's arm began to tremble with the strain. Mary leaned in closer, her eyes locked on Jake's.
"I'm starting to think you're not even trying, Jake. Are you letting me win?" she asked, her voice laced with amusement. Jake shook his head, his breathing becoming ragged. He refused to give up, not in front of his daughter and the camera. But as the seconds ticked by, it became clear that he was fighting a losing battle. Frustration boiled inside him as he tried with all his might to overpower Mary, but despite his efforts, she remained firmly in control.
"Come on Jake, you can do it!" Linda cheered from the sidelines.
Mary was seemingly unfazed by his attempts to overpower her.
"Ladies, don't be afraid to show off your strength. It's something to be proud of, not ashamed of," Mary said into the camera with a smile. "You're doing great, Jake," Mary said, her eyes twinkling. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to emasculate Jake or anything. I just want to show that women are just as strong, if not stronger, than men."
Jake was putting in every ounce of effort he had, but Mary was still effortlessly holding their hands in a locked position. Her bicep bulged with strength, her muscles rippling as she casually chatted to the camera. Jake felt like he was nothing in comparison, a wave of defeat washing over him as he grappled with the reality of Mary's newfound strength. He pushed with all his might, sweat started pouring down his face, but Mary's grip held steady. As Jake looked over at Mary's arm, he couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and disbelief at the sight of her perfectly defined and toned muscle. How much work had she put up to get to this level of strength, he wondered. As Jake continued to strain and push against Mary, his face turning red with exertion, Mary simply smiled and spoke to her followers.
"Well, it looks like Jake is putting up quite a fight after all, but I think it's time to end this," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye before turning to face him.
"Are you ready, Jake?" she asked with a sly smile. Jake couldn't believe it. He had been putting all of his strength into the arm wrestling match and yet, Mary seemed to be barely trying. It was like he was insignificant. Jake let out a growl of frustration and pushed even harder against her arm. Despite his best efforts, it was clear that he was no match for Mary's strength. Mary chuckled and leaned in closer to the camera.
"It's all about training and believing in yourself," she said, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I know some people might think that arm wrestling isn't a 'feminine' activity, but I say screw that. We can do anything men can do, and sometimes even better."
Mary looked at Jake, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Jake, if you want to win, you've got 10 seconds to do it," she said, her voice teasing.
Jake's eyes widened in surprise. She played with him just as she pleased. There was nothing he could do to stop her and he hated it. Mary grinned as she watched Jake's frustration grow.
"Ten," she counted down, relishing in his panicked expression.
Jake's muscles strained as he pushed with all his might, but it was no use. Mary's strength was too much for him to handle.
"Nine," she continued, enjoying every moment of his futile attempts.
Jake's breaths came in ragged gasps as he struggled against her grip. He couldn't believe that he couldn't even make her hand budge even the slightest bit.
"Eight," Mary taunted, enjoying the power she held over him.
As the countdown continued, Jake's panic increased. He knew he had only seconds left to try to win, but it was useless. Mary's grip was unbreakable.
"Seven," she teased, her eyes locked on Jake's.
With each passing second, Jake's hope dwindled. He could feel Mary's strength unaffected by his attempts to push her arm down, and it was only a matter of time before she put him down.
"Six," she counted, her voice dripping with confidence.
Jake gritted his teeth and strained with everything he had left, but it was no use. Mary was too strong.
"Five," she said, a triumphant smirk spreading across her face.
Jake pushed with all his might, his arm trembling with effort. He could feel his arm burning, but he refused to give up. He poured everything he had, hoping against hope that he could somehow push Mary's hand down. But still nothing happened, Mary's grip remained steady.
With only 5 seconds left, Jake's panic escalated. He was screaming through gritted teeth, twisting and jerking his entire body as he fought with all his might to push Mary's arm down. His veins bulged as he strained, sweat pouring down his face, but it was no use. Mary's grip remained steady and unbreakable.
"Four," Mary counted, her voice dripping with amusement as she watched Jake squirm in desperation.
Jake's eyes darted between Mary's face and her arm, searching for any sign of weakness, but found none. He continued to push with everything he had, his body shaking with the effort, but it was like pushing against a brick wall.
"Three," Mary taunted, her grin growing wider with each passing second.
Jake let out a primal scream, pouring all his remaining strength into one final push. He twisted and contorted his body, his face red with exertion, but again it was no use. Mary's arm remained immovable, her grip unrelenting.
"Two," Mary continued, relishing in Jake's helplessness.
Jake's arm trembled with exhaustion, and his breaths came in short gasps. He knew it was over, that he had been defeated. But still, he couldn't bring himself to give up. He pushed one final time, his face a mask of pain and determination, but again it was futile. Mary's hand remained firmly in place.
"One," Mary said, drawing out the final second for maximum effect.
With a final burst of effort, Jake pushed as hard as he could, but still without success.
"Zero," Mary's voice cut through the air like a knife, bringing an end to the agonizing countdown. Jake's eyes locked onto hers, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breaths coming in short gasps.
In the silence of the room, Mary's eyes bore into Jake's, radiating smug confidence. A sinking feeling settled in Jake's stomach, a profound awareness that he was entirely at her mercy. With a subtle hint in her eyes, Mary directed Jake's gaze downward, and his heart plummeted. Her bicep loomed larger than ever, bulging with an incredible size that made his head spin. He watched in stunned amazement as her muscles swelled, as if on the verge of bursting through her skin. The rippling definition and raw power of her bicep were intimidating, capable of overpowering his entire body effortlessly. A mixture of awe and envy washed over Jake as he realized that Mary existed on a completely different level of physical strength.
Their eyes locked once more, and a chill ran down Jake's spine, a foreboding sense of his impending defeat. Mary's smug confidence was palpable, almost suffocating in its intensity. Deep down, he knew that he was about to witness his own powerlessness unfold before him, and the realization filled him with a sense of dread.
In an instant, Mary's hand descended upon his with lightning speed, forcefully slamming it onto the table. The impact reverberated through Jake's entire being, a seismic tremor that shook his resolve. As her palm collided with his, he couldn't help but marvel at the sheer strength emanating from her muscles, each fiber flexed and bulging with raw power. Her bicep, swollen with an impressive amount of size, threatened to burst through her skin, a testament to her incredible physical prowess.
A guttural grunt escaped his lips as he strained against the overwhelming force of Mary's grip, futilely attempting to resist the inevitable. But it was an exercise in futility, akin to trying to hold back a tidal wave with outstretched arms. The sinewy contours of her forearm, defined and chiseled, spoke volumes about the countless hours she had dedicated to honing her physique.
A surge of raw power surged through Mary's arm, coursing into Jake's like an electric current. Every fiber of his being screamed in protest as he pushed back with every ounce of strength he possessed, only to be met with an immovable force. The strain was agonizing, his muscles quivering under the immense pressure. It was as if Mary's grip had transformed into an unyielding vice, determined to crush his resistance.
As his hand crashed down onto the table, a sharp jolt of pain shot up Jake's arm, leaving him wincing and clutching his throbbing limb. The defeat was not just in the physical realm but in his spirit as well, as his confidence shattered like glass. He couldn't believe the sheer magnitude of Mary's dominance, questioning whether she had broken something within him, not just his arm but his pride.
Flexing his hand and wrist, trying to alleviate the stinging ache, Jake mustered the strength to meet Mary's gaze once more. Her smug grin, a visual display of her triumph, further deepened the wound of his defeat. He felt small and insignificant in the face of her overwhelming power, a mere mortal against a force beyond his comprehension. The memory of her bulging muscles and her indomitable strength would forever be etched in his mind, a reminder of his own limitations.
Linda was standing behind the camera with a look of amazement on her face. Jake felt a mix of embarrassment and frustration. He had always prided himself on his strength, but Mary had completely outmatched him. He tried to push the feeling of defeat aside and focus on his injured arm, but the pain was too intense.
Linda approached him, concern etched on her face. "Dad, are you okay?" she asked
"I'll be fine," he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "I just need a minute to recover."
Mary, on the other hand, was beaming with pride. She leaned back, flexing her bulging biceps in a victory pose, and let out a triumphant laugh. The veins on her arms bulged as she basked in the glory of her strength. She had proven once again that she was the strongest one in the room, and Jake was left to pick up the pieces of his shattered ego. Linda continued to record the scene, capturing her mother's triumphant moment for all to see.
"Great job, mom!" Linda exclaimed, giving her a high five.
Mary, her confidence radiating like a beacon, turned towards the camera, a knowing smile gracing her face. She understood the impact her display of power had on their audience, and she relished the opportunity to showcase her dominance once again. Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of playfulness and determination as she addressed Jake directly.
"Well, I think it's time for round two," she declared, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. Her gaze locked onto Jake, inviting him into another test of strength, another opportunity for him to face the unyielding force that she embodied. "Jake, are you ready for a real wrestling match?" Her question hung in the air, a challenge extended with a tantalizing mix of confidence and allure.
Jake's eyes widened, a flicker of apprehension dancing within them. The mere suggestion of another encounter with Mary's overwhelming power sent a ripple of unease through him. His mind raced, torn between a desire to prove himself and a gnawing fear of the inevitable outcome. As Jake caught his breath, his mind raced with a glimmer of hope amidst the heaviness of defeat. He couldn't help but dwell on his physical advantages – his towering height and larger build compared to Mary's slender frame. Perhaps, he thought, this disparity would provide him with a better chance in the upcoming wrestling match. With each beat of his heart, Jake's confidence began to flicker back to life. He convinced himself that his weight and height advantage would tip the scales in his favor. After all, how could Mary, despite her impressive display of strength, overcome the sheer mass he possessed? The idea took hold, bolstering his resolve and allowing a flicker of excitement to ignite within him. As he gazed at Mary, preparing for the impending showdown, Jake couldn't help but visualize himself overpowering her, leveraging his size to his advantage. The thought filled him with a renewed determination, a spark of belief that maybe, just maybe, he could emerge victorious this time. However, a small voice of doubt whispered in the depths of his mind, reminding him of Mary's indomitable spirit and unwavering determination. He had witnessed her remarkable feats of strength, the way her muscles flexed and rippled with power. The memory of her overwhelming force tugged at his confidence, making him question whether his physical advantages would truly be enough to secure a win. But in that moment, as Jake readied himself for the next challenge, he pushed those doubts aside. He embraced the optimism that surged within him, a glimmer of hope that he clung to tightly. Whether it was a fool's hope or a genuine advantage, he was willing to find out. With a final exhale, Jake stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Mary, ready to engage in a battle that would test both their strengths and their wills.
"You're on," Jake said, feeling a sudden surge of confidence. "Let's do this."
Mary's grin widened. "That's the spirit! But first, let's take a quick break and grab some water. Wouldn't want you passing out on me, would we?" she said, laughing.
Jake nodded, grateful for the respite. As they walked over to the water cooler, his mind was racing. He couldn't believe that he was doing this with his own wife, who had never shown any interest in wrestling or weightlifting before. It was like he was living in a completely different reality, one where everything he knew about himself and his relationship with Mary was being turned upside down. He thought about the new terms that had entered his life recently. Women everywhere were training hard and wanting to become big as bodybuilding men. Powerlifting, squats, deadlifts, bench press, grip strength, and stuff like that. These were things that Mary had never cared about or even heard of before, but now they seemed to be all that mattered. He couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that had been creeping up on him since she revealed her new strong muscled body. He felt weak and clumsy in comparison, and it was starting to affect his self-esteem. He wondered if Mary was secretly enjoying seeing him struggle, or if she was disappointed in him for not being as strong as she was. All these thoughts were swirling around in Jake's head, making it hard to focus on anything else. He knew that he couldn't give up, though. He had to keep trying, keep pushing himself to get better. Maybe one day he would be able to match Mary's strength, or at least hold his own against her. Until then, he would just have to endure the humiliation and hope that things would eventually get easier.
Linda grabbed the camera and followed Mary and Jake as they moved over to the mat. Mary began to stretch and warm up, while Jake still tried to catch his breath.
"Come on Jake, you can do it!" Linda encouraged.
The two of them faced off on the mat, each sizing the other up. Mary shot Jake a confident smile and said, "Ready when you are."
Jake gritted his teeth and looked back at Mary, determined to at least put up a good fight. As Jake and Mary circled each other, Jake couldn't help but feel like prey for a predator. The two of them started with small outbursts, each trying to get a good grip. Mary was quick and agile, while Jake was more slow and observant. Linda held the camera, eagerly anticipating the outcome of the match. Finally, Mary made the first real move, lunging forward and trying to take Jake down. Jake was ready for her, though, and stepped aside making Mary turn her back to him. Quick he grabbed her, and to everyone's surprise, even to him, he managed to get her in a full nelson hold. Mary's eyes widened as she felt Jake's arms wrap around her neck and chest. She tried to struggle out of the hold, but Jake had a firm grip, and she couldn't break free. Linda cheered from the sidelines, excited to see Jake take control of the match. For a moment, it seemed like Jake might actually win. But then, Mary's obstinacy kicked in. She used her powerful legs to kick backward, hitting Jake in the shins and throwing him off balance. With a sudden twist of her body, she managed to break free from the hold and spun around to face Jake. He stumbled backward, surprised by Mary's agility. He knew he had underestimated her, and he felt a twinge of regret. But he wasn't ready to give up yet. He took a deep breath and got back into a defensive stance, ready for Mary's next move. Mary didn't waste any time. She charged forward, grabbing Jake's arm and twisting it behind his back. Jake winced in pain, but he didn't give up. He used his free arm to jab at Mary's side, hoping to catch her off guard. Mary grunted in pain, but she didn't let go of Jake's arm. Instead, she leaned into the hold, putting more pressure on his wrist. Jake felt his strength waning, and he knew he had to act fast if he wanted to turn the tables. Thinking quickly, Jake planted his foot behind Mary's and pushed forward, using her momentum to throw her off balance. Mary stumbled and fell to the mat, releasing her grip on Jake's arm. Jake took the opportunity to pin Mary down, using his weight to keep her in place. He acted fast before Mary could counterattack. He tried to grab her arm and twist it behind her back. Mary used her powerful legs to push against the ground, and with a sudden burst of strength, she managed to flip Jake over, reversing their positions. As Jake lost his balance, his body twisted in the air, and he landed with an audible thud on his back. The impact jarred his senses, momentarily leaving him disoriented. The force of Mary's maneuver drove the air out of his lungs, leaving him momentarily breathless. He lay on the mat, staring up at the ceiling, feeling the weight of Mary's triumphant presence above him. The realization of his defeat sank in as he struggled to catch his breath, his body temporarily immobilized by Mary's display of strength and skill. She threw herself on top of him, straddling his chest, with a smug grin on her face. Despite his efforts, Jake found himself pinned to the ground, feeling the weight of Mary's muscular body pressing down on him. Jake struggled to free himself from under Mary, but she had a firm grip on his wrists, holding them down on the ground. He tried to buck her off, but it only made her grip tighter. He could hear Linda's voice counting down the seconds, urging Mary to hold on and secure her victory. Jake's mind raced as he tried to come up with a plan to escape. He noticed that Mary had leaned forward slightly, putting more weight on her arms. He quickly seized the opportunity and lifted his hips off the ground, throwing Mary off balance. Mary tumbled forward, but she quickly regained her footing and lunged towards Jake. However, Jake was ready for her this time. He dodged her attack and grabbed her from behind, locking his arms around her waist in a bear hug. He squeezed with all his might, trying to force the air out of her lungs.
"Remember what happened the last time you tried this, Jake?" she said, a sly smile playing on her lips. "I think you'll find it's not going to work any better this time."
Jake gritted his teeth, frustrated by Mary's confidence. He squeezed even harder, putting all his strength into the bear hug. But Mary's body remained firm, and she showed no signs of weakening. Jake realized that she was right; the bear hug was not going to work. He needed to come up with a different strategy. As he released the bear hug, Jake spun around and attempted to take her down with a leg sweep. But Mary was quick to react and jumped over his leg, landing behind him once again. Jake turned around to face her, but she was already in motion. She caught him in a headlock, squeezing his neck tightly.
"Now, now, Jake," Mary said, sounding almost disappointed. "You should know better than to try the same thing twice."
Jake gasped for breath, feeling the pressure building in his skull. He knew he had to break free before it was too late. He reached behind him, trying to grab Mary's leg, but she was too fast. Jake's vision began to blur as Mary's grip tightened. He felt like he was running out of options, but he refused to give up. Suddenly, an idea came to him. With all his strength, he lifted Mary off the ground, using her own momentum against her. She lost her balance and fell backwards, hitting the mat with a loud thud. Mary slowly got back on her feet, rubbing the back of her head. She looked at Jake with a newfound respect, realizing that he was tougher than she had initially thought.
Jake's heart pounded in his chest as he looked over at her. He stumbled backward, trying to put some distance between them, but Mary was too fast. With lightning-fast reflexes, she closed the distance between them and grabbed Jake by the waist, lifting him up in a quick snatch. She paused for a split second and Jake looked down at her, admiring the sheer power in her legs and arms. He could see every ripple of muscle as she tensed, preparing to push him overhead. He felt her strength as she began to press him upwards, slowly but steadily lifting him higher and higher. Jake's heart was racing as he looked down at Mary's face, her expression one of intense concentration. He felt completely at her mercy, suspended in the air above her head. The power in her arms was incredible, and he could feel every ounce of it as she continued to press him upwards. As she finally locked out her arms and held him overhead, Jake couldn't do anything but to watch her incredible strength.
With a triumphant smile, Mary walked around the gym, showing off her strength to the camera. "You see this, guys? This is what women are capable of," she said with a wink. Jake couldn't help but feel a little scared. He had never felt so powerless in his life, and he was embarrassed to be put on display like this.
"Please, Mary, let me down," Jake pleaded, his voice barely audible.
But Mary only laughed, her voice deep and throaty. "You wanted to play rough, Jake. Now it's my turn."
With a grunt, she brought him down with his back over her shoulders, trapping him in the Argentine backbreaker hold. Jake's body twisted in excruciating pain as Mary tensed her arms, applying more and more pressure to his back. He felt like his spine was on the verge of snapping in half, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of agony. Mary's face contorted into a sinister smile as she applied additional pressure, savoring every moment of Jake's torment. Her eyes gleamed with a twisted delight, relishing in the power she held over him. She was enjoying every second of this, and she could feel her muscles bulging as she strained to hold him up. Jake was completely at her mercy, and the fear in his eyes only fueled Mary's relentless determination. There was a hunger in her gaze, a thirst for dominance that went beyond mere rage. It was as if a dark, insatiable force had taken hold of her, driving her to assert her power over him. He tried to fight back, but it was useless. Mary was too strong, too powerful. His attempts to wriggle free only made the pain worse, and he knew he was completely helpless. No matter how much he writhed and fought against her hold, Mary's grasp only grew stronger, her arms tightening like unyielding steel. The pressure on his body intensified with each passing moment, driving him closer to the brink of unconsciousness. Jake could feel the unrelenting power emanating from Mary's muscular frame, her sinewy muscles pulsating against his back. A sense of dread and awe washed over him, as if he was caught in the grip of a force far beyond his comprehension.
"Please, Mary, let me go," Jake gasped, struggling to breathe under the pressure of her powerful arms. But Mary only sneered, her eyes filled with a triumphant sense of dominance and exhilaration. She relished in the sensation of her superior strength, reveling in the knowledge that she held complete control over Jake's helpless form. Her grip tightened, savoring the moment as Jake's pleas grew weaker, a sinister pleasure coursing through her veins.
"You thought you could handle me, didn't you?" she spat, her muscles bulging as she tightened her grip even more. "Well, now you're going to remember your place," she hissed, her voice laced with a hint of satisfaction and a tinge of resentment. Memories of the years spent as his obedient little housewife surged through her mind, fueling her determination to assert her newfound strength and dominance.
Jake gritted his teeth, trying to resist the overwhelming pain in his back, but Mary's grip was too strong. He felt his body twisting and contorting as she applied more pressure, and he couldn't help but scream out in agony. Mary's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she continued to keep him in the hold, relishing in the power she held over him. Despite his struggles, Jake felt completely helpless, trapped in Mary's grasp with no way out. She could feel every movement of his body beneath her grasp, and the more he struggled, the tighter she held him. Jake gasped for air, his breaths coming in short, ragged bursts as he fought against her hold. For a moment, Mary relented and loosened her grip, allowing Jake to catch his breath. But the respite was short-lived, as she quickly tightened her hold once again, her muscles bulging with power. Jake's struggles grew weaker as the pain increased, and soon he was gasping for air and writhing helplessly in her grasp. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mary relented and released Jake from her grasp. He crumpled to the ground, panting and exhausted, his body trembling with pain and exertion. Mary stood over him, her muscles rippling with power as she flexed her biceps.
"Well, that was quite a workout," Mary said, stretching out her well-defined muscles. "I have to admit, Jake, you surprised me. I didn't expect you to put up much of a fight, but you got me warmed up nicely. And that's a good thing, because we're far from finished yet."
Jake crawled away from Mary, his heart racing with fear as she walked slowly after him, her eyes fixed on his back. He tried to push himself up to his feet and run, but before he could get up, Mary grabbed him firmly by the wrists and pulled him back towards her with ease. Jake struggled frantically against her grip, his nails scraping against the floor, leaving shallow marks, but he couldn't stop her relentless pull. Mary's strength was simply overwhelming, and he felt himself being effortlessly drawn back towards her. He twisted and turned, hoping to break free, but Mary just chuckled and tightened her hold, relishing in his struggles.
"Where do you think you're going, Jake?" she taunted, her voice laced with sarcasm. "A big man like you, are you afraid of your little wife? Come on, show me what you've got! Or maybe you're not as strong as you thought you were."
Panic surged through Jake's chest. He was completely at Mary's mercy, and he knew there was nothing he could do to stop her.
"Welcome to your new reality, Jake," Mary declared with an unwavering voice, her words carrying the weight of a promise. "You're going to experience what it truly means to be dominated."
With a swift move, she grasped Jake's feet and started spinning him around like a tornado. Blood rushed to his head, his vision blurred, and nausea consumed him. He tried to protest, but only garbled sounds came out. Mary kept spinning him faster and faster, never losing her grip. Jake felt his body becoming weightless and disconnected, the world a dizzying blur.
Just as he thought he couldn't take it anymore, Mary released her hold, and Jake went flying through the garage, crashing down onto the hard concrete floor. Pain seared through his body, his limbs sprawled out in all directions as he gasped for air.
"Done already, Jake?" Mary taunted, her voice laced with satisfaction.
All Jake could do was groan, too weak to even lift his head. He was at Mary's mercy.
As Jake struggled to stand, Mary approached him slowly, relishing the fear in his eyes.
"You see, Jake," she said, "this isn't just about proving women can be stronger than men. This is about me showing you who's really in charge."
Jake tried to back away, but Mary was too quick. She grabbed him by the arm and twisted it behind his back, forcing him to his knees.
"You've always bossed me around, Jake," she continued, her voice dripping with condescension. "But did you ever stop to consider how it made me feel? How it felt to be suppressed, overlooked, and underestimated? Well, those days are over. From this moment forward, you will experience a role reversal like no other. Every command I issue, every desire I express, you will fulfill without hesitation. And remember, it's not just about obedience—it's about doing it with a smile on your face. I want you to comprehend the sweet taste of submission, the way it feels to surrender your power to a woman who surpasses you in every conceivable way. So, get ready to serve, Jake, for your days of dominance are nothing but a distant memory now."
Jake's eyes widened in terror as Mary continued to assert her dominance over him. She forced him to stand and delivered a punishing blow to his gut, causing him to double over in pain. "You're mine now, Jake," she said with a wicked grin. "And you're going to learn to love it."
As Jake struggled to catch his breath, Mary towered over him, her gaze piercing through his shattered pride. She spoke with a mix of vindication and disdain.
"You know, Jake, if you had been a different kind of man, if you had shown me the respect and equality I deserved, none of this would have happened," Mary declared, her voice filled with a cold certainty. "But you chose to suppress me, to confine me to the role of your obedient housewife. Well, now you're going to learn the consequences of your actions."
She circled around him, her presence a looming shadow that cast doubt on every fiber of his being.
"You underestimated me, Jake," she continued, her tone filled with bitter irony. "You thought you could control me, dominate me, and keep me in a place you deemed suitable. But I have emerged stronger, more powerful than ever before. And now, it's your turn to experience what it's like to be under someone's thumb."
Mary reached out and grabbed Jake by the collar, forcing him to meet her gaze. Her eyes bore into his with a mix of triumph and scorn.
"I'm going to break down every ounce of your misguided masculinity," she declared, her voice dripping with a newfound authority. "You will learn humility, submission, and the true meaning of respect. I will mold you into the perfect example of a man who understands gender equality."
Jake's face contorted with a blend of fear, frustration, and regret. He knew he had pushed Mary too far, and now he was paying the price for his actions.
"And don't think for a second that you can escape," Mary added, her voice laced with a menacing edge. "I've already proven my physical superiority, and now I'll show you the depths of my mental strength. You will comply, Jake, because the alternative will be far more painful."
As the weight of his actions sank in, Jake felt a profound sense of regret and an acknowledgment of his past mistakes. He had pushed Mary beyond her limits, and now he would have to confront the consequences of his arrogance.
Mary released her grip on Jake, allowing him to slump to the ground. She stood above him, an embodiment of power and retribution.
Mary looked down at Jake, who was still struggling to get up from the ground. She grabbed his arm and yanked him up to his feet, pulling him close to her.
"I’m not really convinced that you really understand all this yet" she said with a grin.
With a quick motion, Mary pushed Jake down to the ground onto his stomach. She then straddled his back, positioning her knees on either side of his spine. Mary reached down and grabbed Jake's arms, pulling them back towards her as she leaned back, applying pressure to his back and neck. Jake grunted in pain as Mary tightened her grip, his face contorted in agony.
"Let it be a constant reminder that strength knows no gender, and that your old beliefs have no place in a world where women can rise above and overpower men like you." Mary said, her voice low and menacing.
Jake gasped in pain as Mary pulled his head back further, stretching his neck and spine to their limits. He struggled to breathe, his body writhing in agony under Mary's grasp. Mary tightened her grip, relishing in the power she held over him. She leaned back, putting even more pressure on Jake's spine, causing him to cry out in pain.
"How does it feel, Jake? Is it a thrill to experience the exquisite taste of defeat at the hands of a woman? To witness firsthand the overwhelming power that resides within me, while your feeble attempts at resistance crumble beneath my superiority? Revel in the realization that your once-held beliefs are nothing more than shattered illusions, and accept your new position as my subordinate. It's a delicious irony, isn't it? The mighty Jake, brought to his knees by a woman. Consider it a valuable lesson in the true hierarchy of strength and dominance."
As Linda approached with the camera, a mix of emotions played across her face. There was a flicker of concern, a hint of realization that things had escalated beyond their original intentions. Mary, too, recognized that they had gone further than planned, but there was a spark of excitement in her eyes, knowing the impact this video would have on the internet. Positioning herself strategically, Linda aimed the camera at Jake, capturing the raw and unfiltered emotions etched on his face. She couldn't deny the twisted allure of the viral potential, even as a part of her questioned the boundaries they had crossed. This clip, with all its intensity and unexpected turn of events, was destined to make waves in the online world.
Jake tried to struggle, but it was no use. Mary's strength was too much for him to overcome. He felt like he was being torn apart as she continued to apply pressure to his back and neck. Mary leaned in close, whispering in his ear.
"You're going to remember this, Jake. You're going to remember what it feels like to be at the mercy of a woman. To be completely and utterly dominated."
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Mary released him from the hold. Jake collapsed to the ground, gasping for air and clutching his back in pain. Mary stood over him, her muscles bulging with power as she flexed her biceps.

"You should consider yourself lucky, Jake," she scoffed, a sinister grin playing on her lips. "Imagine what would happen if some other random woman stumbled upon your outdated beliefs about women. I'm being gentle compared to what they could do to you. Trust me, they would've eaten you alive. So, count your blessings that it's me teaching you this lesson. I may be showing you the extent of my power now, but at least I have some restraint. You should thank your stars that you're in my grasp and not someone who would relish in tearing you apart limb by limb. Consider this a warning, Jake, and let it sink in deep. It's time for you to learn the consequences of underestimating women."
Jake lay there, panting and sweating, his body wracked with pain. He knew that Mary was right. She had proven her strength and dominance over him, and he would never forget it. From now on, he would be sure to treat her with the respect and reverence she deserved.
"You see, Jake, there's a wave of women rising up, realizing their true potential, and embracing their strength," Mary explained, her voice dripping with a mix of superiority and satisfaction. "They're breaking free from the chains of societal expectations, shattering the limitations placed upon them. Women are no longer content with being seen as the weaker sex, as mere objects to be controlled and dominated. They are discovering their power, their physical and mental capabilities, and they're unstoppable. And you, Jake, are witnessing just a fraction of what women are capable of. So, let this be a wake-up call for you, a glimpse into the future where women stand tall, proud, and in control. This is not just about me, but about a movement that's growing stronger by the day. And you, my dear, are merely a casualty in the path of progress." She looked down at him lying on the floor.
"Listen closely, Jake," Mary's voice took on a chilling tone, her eyes piercing into his soul. "There is a tidal wave of women rising, stronger and fiercer than ever before. They are breaking through the barriers of societal norms, shattering the glass ceilings, and embracing their true power. They have tasted freedom, and they won't be silenced." She paused, letting her words sink in.
"But here's the thing, Jake. If any of those women were to catch wind of your archaic, misogynistic beliefs, if they were to see the darkness lurking within you, they wouldn't hesitate to bury you. Oh, it wouldn't be physical pain, not like what you're experiencing now. No, it would be something far more insidious." A wicked smile played on her lips as she leaned in closer, her voice barely a whisper.
"They would dismantle your reputation, tarnish your name, and strip away every ounce of respect and dignity you once had. You would become a pariah, a cautionary tale of what happens to those who cling stubbornly to their outdated views. Trust me, Jake, you don't want to face their wrath." Her words hung in the air like a dark cloud, the weight of her warning pressing down on him. It was a choice between transformation or annihilation, and the decision rested solely in Jake's trembling hands.
Mary grabbed Jake by the neck and pulled him up to his knees, locking his head between her legs in a standing scissor hold. She ran her fingers seductively through his hair, a deceptive tenderness in her touch. As Jake momentarily relaxed, thinking there might be a glimmer of leniency, Mary swiftly closed her fingers tightly around a fistful of his hair. A sinister smile played on her lips as she yanked his head back, forcing him to face the camera, exposing his vulnerability for all to see.
"Look at him, everyone. This is what happens when you underestimate a woman's strength," Mary announced to the camera, her muscles bulging with power as she held Jake in place. "He thought he was so tough, so invincible, but I showed him that he's nothing compared to me. It's time for him to learn his rightful place."
Jake gasped for air as Mary squeezed him tighter, the pressure on his neck and head becoming unbearable. He tried to struggle, but Mary's grip was too strong. She released his hair and spoke to the camera, still holding Jake in the scissor hold. Mary flexed her bulging biceps in a double bicep pose, showing off her incredible size and dominance. The camera captured every moment of her triumphant display, and Jake could feel the eyes of her thousands of followers on him, watching as he was utterly humiliated by this woman, his wife, who had effortlessly overpowered him. He felt completely helpless and powerless under her grip, and he knew that there was nothing he could do to stop her from posting the video and sharing his defeat with the world.
"Remember, ladies, you are strong and powerful. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."
As Jake's struggles grew weaker, Mary maintained her vice-like grip, relishing in her complete control over him. With a shared understanding, Mary and Linda locked eyes for a brief moment, silently acknowledging the gravity of what they had done. They knew that the aftermath would require reflection and consideration, but for now, they were united in their anticipation of the internet's response. The clip they had captured would serve as a testament to Mary's power, igniting discussions about gender, dominance, and the limits of control.
As Linda pressed the record button, the room filled with tension and the knowledge that they had entered a realm far beyond their initial plan. They were about to unleash a video that would captivate the online world, forever altering the perception of power and the boundaries of control.
Mary, still standing tall and triumphant, nodded in agreement. She released Jake from her grasp, allowing him to collapse to the ground, utterly defeated and gasping for air. It was a moment that would forever be etched in his memory, a symbol of his submission to her power.
Mary and Linda, their mission accomplished, walked out of the room, their footsteps echoing through the garage. As they reached the door, Mary cast one final glance at Jake, lying on the floor in a state of brokenness and defeat. There was no sympathy in her eyes, only the assurance of her victory. With a cold smirk, she turned off the lights, plunging the room into darkness, and closed the door behind her.
Mary and Linda took a moment to catch their breath, the adrenaline still coursing through their veins. They exchanged glances, a mixture of surprise and amusement in their eyes. This had definitely escalated beyond their initial plan, but the results were undeniable.
"I can't believe how intense that got," Linda remarked, a hint of astonishment in her voice.
"I know," Mary replied, a satisfied smirk on her face. "We really took it to another level."
They both knew that things had veered off track, but there was an undeniable excitement in the air. The raw display of power and dominance had the potential to captivate audiences far beyond what they had anticipated.
"This is definitely going to be a viral sensation," Linda said, her voice tinged with excitement.
Mary nodded, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of mischief and satisfaction. "People won't be able to look away. It's going to challenge their preconceived notions and ignite discussions."
As they contemplated the consequences of their actions, a sense of accomplishment washed over them. They had created something that would leave a lasting impact, even if it had deviated from their original intentions.
"We may have gone a little further than we planned," Mary admitted, a touch of reflection in her tone. "But sometimes, the unexpected takes us to extraordinary places."
Linda grinned and nodded in agreement. "That's the beauty of it. We pushed the boundaries and created something unforgettable."
They shared a moment of silent contemplation, recognizing that their actions had stirred up more than just physical strength. They had tapped into a deeper narrative, challenging societal norms and empowering women in a way they hadn't initially anticipated.
Linda's emotions were mixed as she reflected on the events that had unfolded. There was a part of her that felt a tinge of sadness for her father. Seeing him vulnerable and defeated was not easy, even if it was part of the plan. She knew deep down that this experience would have a lasting impact on him, forcing him to confront his own beliefs and behavior.
However, as Linda reminded herself of the greater purpose behind their actions, her sadness transformed into a sense of hope. This was an opportunity for her father to grow, to become a better father and husband. The video and its aftermath would serve as a wake-up call, urging him to reevaluate his actions and treat women with the respect they deserved.
The thought of her father's transformation filled Linda with a renewed sense of optimism. She believed that this experience would ultimately lead to positive changes in their family dynamic. It was a necessary step towards a more equal and respectful relationship, one that Linda had longed for.
With this perspective in mind, Linda's sadness gave way to determination. She knew that their unconventional approach might raise eyebrows, but she firmly believed it was necessary for her father's growth and for the betterment of their family.
With a renewed sense of purpose, Mary and Linda turned their attention to the future, excited about the conversations and debates their viral clip would spark. They had created a ripple effect that would continue long after the video had faded from the limelight.


Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: tamorr on June 29, 2023, 09:03:14 am
That was a really good new chapter

We should see how much the household have turned into the upcoming chapter and the wife role.
Also, i wish if you would describe some from the wife point of view and how much she enjoys the power and the body she posses.

Hope to see a continuation soon
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: Joost on June 29, 2023, 04:44:17 pm
Me 2
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: phil123 on June 30, 2023, 04:34:35 am
Would like to read what will happen next and his new changed role.
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: jeffbeans on July 02, 2023, 02:21:52 pm
This is such a good story please keep going!
Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: janbanan on October 11, 2023, 07:37:23 pm
Chapter seven

Sarah paced around her house, her demeanor resolute and determined. Her footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor as she meticulously arranged her workout equipment in the corner of the room. Dumbbells of varying weights glistened under the soft light, a testament to her unwavering commitment to self-improvement. She took a moment to adjust her weightlifting gloves, each movement purposeful and deliberate, symbolizing her growing strength.
As she looked around, her gaze settled on a framed photograph on the wall. It captured the defining moment when she had triumphed over Jake in their arm wrestling match, his strained expression and the flexed muscles in her arm vividly frozen in time. The image served as a daily reminder of her newfound power and determination.
Her phone, resting on a small table nearby, seemed to beckon her. With a deep breath, Sarah approached it, her heart pounding with the resolve to confront her brother. She knew this was a pivotal moment, one that would test her determination and the newly acquired strength, both physical and mental. Sarah's fingers clenched around the phone, the cool glass providing a contrasting sensation to the warmth of her grip. She exhaled slowly, summoning her inner strength, before finally dialing Jake's number.
On the other end of the line, Jake's phone rang, its tone cutting through the air like a jarring alarm. He hesitated before picking it up, his reluctance palpable in the drawn-out silence that followed. The buzzing device felt heavy in his hand as he contemplated whether to answer or avoid the impending confrontation. His mind raced with excuses and justifications, but deep down, he knew that he couldn't escape the responsibility he had bet on and lost. It was a moment of reckoning, a clash of outdated beliefs and the undeniable reality of his sister's newfound strength.
As he finally accepted the call, a mix of fear and irritation welled up within him. The seconds before Sarah spoke felt like an eternity, each heartbeat echoing his internal struggle. The distant hum of the air conditioning unit was barely noticeable against the backdrop of his racing thoughts, and the phone's cool, smooth surface pressed lightly against his ear.
Jake tried to sound casual. "Hi sister, how are you?"
Sarah sounded calm. Her voice, soft as a gentle breeze, came through the phone with a subtle, rhythmic cadence. "Hey, Jake. I was just wondering, is there something you might've forgotten to do today?"
Despite his initial attempt to sound nonchalant, Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of unease creeping in. The rhythmic ticking of the wall clock filled the silence in the room, each tick emphasizing the weight of his impending confrontation.
Jake had hoped she wouldn't follow up on their agreement. He had no intention of cleaning her house. As time passed, Jake's memory of Sarah's strength had faded somewhat, like the distant scent of a long-forgotten memory. The vivid image of her overpowering him had started to lose its grip on his mind, like a fading, half-remembered dream. He had slipped back into his old habits, forgetting the lessons he had learned from that humbling experience.
Sarah's patience was wearing thin as Jake continued to avoid taking responsibility for his actions. With a stern tone, she told him, "Jake, you are going to come over here right now."
Jake, still trying to maintain his composure, objected, "Sarah, can't we talk about this later? I'm busy right now."
But Sarah wasn't having any of it. Her voice turned colder as she issued a warning, "Jake, you can either come over on your own, or I will come to you and drag you out of your house."
As the call abruptly ended, Jake found himself in a state of shock and terror. He had never witnessed his sister in this light before. Her transformation in demeanor, her newfound dominance and assertiveness, were entirely unexpected and unfamiliar to him. A flood of memories surged through his mind, vivid recollections of the arm wrestling match he had lost. He couldn't forget the sheer strength in her arm, how it had effortlessly pinned him to the table. Fear seized him as he recalled that earlier encounter at her place, where she had masterfully handled him. Regret consumed him as he acknowledged how gravely he had underestimated her.
The fear of facing his dominant sister once again was paralyzing. His mind conjured vivid, humiliating scenarios of what awaited him at her house. He pictured himself being forcibly dragged out of his own home by Sarah, a scene that would be witnessed by his wife and daughter. The mere thought of such a disgraceful spectacle filled him with overwhelming dread and shame.
In this moment of crisis, Jake knew that there was no escape. He had to comply with Sarah's demands, no matter how daunting they seemed. The weight of regret and anxiety pressed heavily on his heart as he contemplated the impending confrontation. With trembling fingers, he hastily composed a text message to Sarah, signaling his obedience and willingness to follow her orders. Each keystroke served as a stark reminder of the unease and apprehension that had taken hold of him. As he hit the send button, he resigned himself to the fact that he had no other choice but to heed his sister's commands, no matter where they might lead him.
As Jake rushed out of the house and towards his car, Mary watched him with a smile on her face. She knew everything that had transpired between him and Sarah, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
Together, Sarah and Mary had discovered a unique synergy, an alliance born of concern for the same man they both loved. Their methods were often unconventional, occasionally bordering on the humiliating, but their intention was unwavering: they aimed to guide Jake towards becoming a better husband and a more respectful brother.
Sarah's approach was to challenge him physically, to test his mettle and his deeply ingrained beliefs about gender roles. She wanted him to see that strength wasn't defined by gender, and she believed this transformation would help him grow. Mary, on the other hand, employed a subtler, psychological strategy. She pushed Jake to confront the outdated views he held, coaxing him into introspection and conversations about respect and equality.
Their shared mission was a labor of love, and it wasn't always easy. There were arguments, moments of frustration, but through it all, the two women stood together with a shared purpose. They were determined to shape Jake into a man who not only understood the importance of treating others with kindness and respect but also practiced kindness and respect in his interactions with others.
As Jake approached Sarah's house, the initial fear that had gripped him began to morph into irritation. "How can she be so arrogant?" he thought. "Just because she started working out and learned some wrestling techniques, she thinks she can boss me around like this. She can clean her own house." With each passing mile, his annoyance grew.
Upon arriving at Sarah's house, his determination to confront her had solidified. He believed that he could reason with his sister, make her see that their arm wrestling match had been nothing more than a friendly competition, and certainly not a binding agreement for him to become her servant. His face carried a resolute expression as he rang the doorbell, ready for a serious conversation with his sister about their recent "agreement."
But as Jake stepped inside Sarah's house, his carefully constructed confidence wavered. There, standing before him, was Sarah, clad in form-fitting athletic attire that left little to the imagination. Tights accentuated her muscled legs, and her sports bra revealed a glimpse of her sculpted abs. Jake's gaze inevitably traveled upward, finally meeting her eyes. His voice, once steady in his objections, began to tremble slightly, revealing the intensity of his internal struggle. He couldn't help but let his frustration show.
"Sarah," he began, his tone initially laced with contempt, but as he spoke, it became increasingly uncertain, "we need to talk about this. You can't simply expect me to clean your house just because you've started working out and picked up some tricks. I'm still a man, and I refuse to be bossed around like your personal servant."
Sarah stood there, her raised eyebrow indicating her readiness to listen. She allowed him to finish before responding, her voice tinged with amusement and a hint of mockery.
"Oh, Jake," she sighed theatrically, her amusement plain to see. Her eyes wandered over his face, then down to his chest, and further down to his arms, lingering on his muscles, or lack thereof. As she took in his appearance, her own confidence seemed to grow, and it was reflected in her condescending tone. "You're still not grasping it, are you? You're so predictable, it's almost tedious."
Jake's initial resolve began to crumble as he couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between his own physique and Sarah's toned, powerful form. His voice wavered, and his terms sounded more like a feeble attempt to save face than a genuine assertion of authority. It was clear, even to him, that he had already given in to her dominance, even if he was reluctant to admit it. Without warning, Sarah swiftly grabbed Jake's arm, turned him around, and expertly twisted it behind his back, pressing him firmly against the wall. It happened so fast that Jake couldn't react. With his hand immobilized high behind his back, Sarah leaned in closer and whispered into his ear.
"You see, little brother," Sarah continued, her tone exuding amusement, "your days of being the bullying brother are behind you. I'm in charge now, and there's nothing you can do to change that." Jake, caught off guard and driven by a surge of adrenaline, attempted to break free from Sarah's powerful grip. He pushed against the wall, trying to leverage his body to escape her restraint. However, Sarah remained resolute, her grip unyielding. She responded swiftly to his struggle by pushing his hand even higher behind his back, causing a sharp jolt of pain to shoot through Jake's arm. He winced and gritted his teeth but couldn't break free. Desperate to escape her control, Jake attempted to push himself away from the wall using his free hand, hoping to create some distance between them. Yet, Sarah was one step ahead. With a deft maneuver, she seized his free hand and expertly twisted it behind his back as well. Now, both of Jake's hands were immobilized, and he was trapped under Sarah's unwavering command. The pain in his wrists served as a constant reminder of his inability to break free. In a final desperate attempt to free himself, Jake attempted to kick Sarah, but she effortlessly blocked his feeble assault. With a swift motion, she kicked his legs apart, forcing him to stand in an uncomfortably wide stance. Pain shot through his legs as his rigid body resisted the movement. Sarah's extensive training had made her agile like a cat. With her feet strategically positioned on the inside of his, she began to push outward, making his feet go wider and wider, until he was stretched to his limits. Sarah whispered to him teasingly, "I didn't know you were this agile. I’m impressed!" Her words dripped with sarcasm as she relished in his discomfort and vulnerability.
As Jake stood there, his legs wide apart, he was consumed by a profound sense of hopelessness and helplessness. He couldn’t do anything, he was utterly powerless to escape his sister's relentless grip. Every ounce of his resistance had crumbled, leaving him with an overwhelming sense of defeat and vulnerability. The pain coursing through his limbs and the humiliation of his predicament had shattered his spirit, reducing him to a state of profound despair.
Sarah spoke slowly and mockingly, her words dripping with condescension as she asked, "Are you going to do as you are told from now on, Jake?"
Jake's heart raced, partly from the physical restraint and partly from the sinking realization that he had once again failed to assert himself. Sarah's strength was unquestionable, and he had no choice but to yield to her overpowering grip.
"Jake," she stated, her voice cold and commanding, "you had a deal with me, and you didn't uphold your end of the bargain."
Jake squirmed slightly, acknowledging his shortcomings. "I apologize, Sarah," he muttered, "work just got so hectic, and I completely forgot."
Sarah's expression only grew sterner. "Forgetting isn't an excuse, Jake. When you make an agreement, you need to see it through. That's how things work."
Sarah went on, her voice becoming even more commanding. "Because you didn't fulfill your end of the deal, there will be consequences, Jake."
Sarah leaned in closer, her voice a soft, almost seductive whisper as she spoke right into Jake's ear. Her grip on his arm and the position he was held in remained unyielding, and he was acutely aware of her dominance over him.
"Now, Jake," she purred, "let's hear your ideas on how to deal with your disobedience. Tell me, what can we do to ensure you remember your place?"
Jake's mind raced as he tried to come up with ideas to appease his dominant sister. He suggested a few ideas, but Sarah's reaction was swift and unforgiving. Each time he proposed something that fell short of her expectations, she pushed him further down, intensifying the pain in his legs. Jake's legs were trembling under the immense strain, and he couldn't help but fear that something might snap at any moment. The pain radiating through his limbs was excruciating, and he felt like he was on the brink of physical collapse. Sarah's dominance was not just evident in her grip but in her unwavering determination to assert control. As his mind raced with desperate thoughts of submission, Jake knew that he had to find a way to appease his sister. The consequences of his disobedience were becoming too much to bear, and he couldn't afford any further defiance. It was a grueling exercise in submission, with Jake desperately trying to offer ideas that would satisfy Sarah and end his torment. He knew that his sister had complete control over him, and he was willing to do whatever it took to earn her approval and avoid her wrath. Desperation clawed at him, gnawing at his resolve as he wracked his brain for a way out of this humiliating predicament. Every fleeting thought was a dead end, a cruel reminder that he was trapped, ensnared in a nightmare of his own making. With every second that passed, he felt himself sinking deeper into the quicksand of his sister's dominance. And then, as if the pain had finally shattered the last remnants of his pride, Jake's voice erupted from deep within him. "I clean your house every week the rest of my life, I’ll even do it naked, just let me go," he screamed, his words a desperate plea for release. The words of resignation tore through the room, reverberating with the weight of his submission. Sarah's cold gaze bore into him, and she allowed the silence to stretch, savoring her brother's vulnerability. She knew she had pushed him beyond his limits, and he had unwittingly offered her the ultimate surrender. Sarah's sly smile widened as she contemplated Jake's proposal. He had handed her victory on a silver platter, and she relished the taste of triumph. Finally, she broke the silence with her verdict.
"Very well, Jake," she said, her tone dripping with satisfaction. "I accept your offer. You'll clean my house every week for the rest of your life. And I'll hold you to that promise."
Jake's heart sank as he realized the gravity of his panicked words. He had thought it was the only way out of this humiliating predicament, but now he understood the weight of his surrender. With those words, the die was cast. Jake had sealed his fate, willingly submitting to a lifetime of servitude at the hands of his dominant sister. The room seemed to exhale the tension it had held, leaving behind the undeniable truth that their power dynamic had irrevocably shifted. Regret washed over Jake like a tidal wave as he lay on the floor, panting and recovering from the physical and emotional torment he had just endured. He couldn't believe the words that had escaped his lips in a moment of sheer desperation. The offer he had made to clean his sister's house every week for the rest of his life, naked, had been a desperate bid for freedom from her unrelenting dominance. As the reality of his impulsive declaration sank in, a profound sense of remorse gnawed at him. What had he done? He had unwittingly handed Sarah the reins of control, forever binding himself to her will. The consequences of his words weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had made a grave mistake. His mind raced, trying to find a way to backtrack, to take back his ill-conceived offer, but he knew it was too late. He had given Sarah the upper hand, and she would undoubtedly relish her newfound authority over him. Jake's regret was a bitter pill to swallow, and he couldn't help but wonder if he had just traded one form of dominance for another, more insidious kind.
Sarah stood over him and raised an eyebrow, her expression a mixture of amusement and command. "Well, Jake," she said, her tone dripping with authority, "So you like to be naked while you clean my house. What an interesting move." She looked down on him, waiting for him to get undressed. Jake's mind raced as he desperately sought a way to talk himself out of this humiliating commitment. The gravity of what he had just agreed to weighed heavily on him, and he was determined to find a loophole, some way to avoid the inevitable. As Sarah stood over him, her raised eyebrow and commanding presence left him feeling small and vulnerable. But he couldn't let her see his fear. Gathering what remained of his pride, he stammered, "Sarah, I... I didn't mean it. It was just... in the heat of the moment. I didn't think you'd take it seriously."
Sarah's amusement was evident, and her voice retained its authority as she responded, "Oh, but Jake, I always take agreements seriously. You should know that by now."
He continued to plead, "Please, Sarah, there must be something else I can do to make it up to you. I'll clean your house, I promise, but please, not like this. It's too much."
Sarah leaned in closer, her eyes locked onto his, and her voice lowered to a soft, almost seductive whisper. "Jake," she purred, "you made a promise, and I fully intend to hold you to it.
Sarah's unwavering gaze and the weight of the commitment Jake had made bore down on him. He could feel the inevitability of the situation, and the memory of her previous dominance still haunted him.
With a deep sigh and a resignation that only seemed to amuse Sarah further, Jake began to undress. He knew that resisting her at this point would only lead to more humiliation and consequences. He was trapped in the web of his own making, and the only way out was to follow through with his promise.
As he stripped down, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of embarrassment and vulnerability. The power dynamic between them had shifted dramatically, and he had become a willing participant in his own surrender. The weight of his actions pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he knew there was no escape from the path he had unwittingly chosen.
Jake's hands trembled as he reluctantly began to remove his clothing, one piece at a time. His face flushed with embarrassment and shame, knowing that his sister was watching his every move. Sarah's imposing presence seemed to magnify with each layer of fabric he shed, and he couldn't help but feel vulnerable and exposed under her scrutinizing gaze. With every piece of clothing he removed, Jake's humiliation deepened. He felt exposed and vulnerable in front of his sister, who stood there with an air of authority, watching his every move. Sarah didn't say a word as he undressed, allowing the weight of his actions to hang heavily in the air. Once Jake had stripped completely, Sarah took his clothes from him and locked them away in another room, her resolve unwavering. "You'll get these back once you've fulfilled your obligation," she stated firmly.
Naked and at her mercy, Jake felt a profound sense of submission. He knew there was no going back now, and that he had truly given in to Sarah's dominance. With a condescending smile, Sarah examined Jake as he stood there, stripped down to his birthday suit. She found it rather peculiar how he had been the stronger one for all those years, never realizing just how weak she had been. She couldn't resist poking him in the stomach, grabbing the loose skin that had replaced his former muscular physique.
"You know, Jake," she began, her tone laced with condescension, "it's quite fascinating. All those years, you were the strong one, and I was the weakling. But now, well..." She paused for effect, looking him up and down with mock pity.
Jake, standing there naked and exposed, felt a profound sense of humiliation. Sarah's words were like a constant reminder of the role reversal that had taken place between them. He couldn't help but squirm under her gaze, his face reddening with embarrassment.
Sarah continued, her voice dripping with irony, "It's peculiar, isn't it? How things have turned out. I was the one who needed protection, and now I'm the one in control." She emphasized her point by lightly pushing Jake's chest, making him stagger back slightly.
The realization of just how much the power dynamic had shifted hit Jake like a ton of bricks. He had gone from being the protector to the submissive, and it was a reality he couldn't escape. Sarah's dominance was undeniable, and he had willingly placed himself at her mercy.
As she continued to speak, Sarah extended her arm, showing off her well-defined biceps, making sure he watched in awe.
"This," she said, gesturing to her body, "is what real strength looks like, Jake. Discipline, dedication, something you seem to have forgotten." Her eyes locked onto his, radiating confidence and superiority. "It must be hard for you to see what I have become. You used to be the strong one, but times have certainly changed."
Sarah got a bit lost in her own moment, basking in the stark difference between her physique and Jake's, as well as the remarkable progress she had made through her training. She struck various poses in front of him, flexing her well-defined muscles, caught up in her own reflection of power and superiority. Jake watched in awe as his sister displayed her newfound strength, her confidence shining through with each graceful movement. He couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and envy, knowing that he had once been the strong one but had let himself go. The transformation in Sarah was undeniable, and he was left in awe of the woman she had become. As Jake stood there, naked and humbled by his sister's dominance, Sarah decided it was time to set him to work. She gave him a firm, commanding look and pointed toward the living room.
"Jake," she instructed, her voice carrying an air of authority, "start by cleaning the living room. Vacuum the floors, dust the furniture, and then wipe the floors. Make sure everything is spotless."
Jake nodded, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and submission. He knew he had no choice but to obey his sister's commands. With a resigned sigh, he walked over to the cleaning supplies she had laid out and began his task. Meanwhile, Sarah decided to walk away and take a break in the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder at Jake as he awkwardly moved around the living room, cleaning in the nude under her watchful gaze. As Sarah entered the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter, savoring the moment. She watched Jake's every move through the open doorway, reveling in her newfound control over him. Her confidence radiated as she sipped her coffee, knowing that her brother was now her obedient servant.
"Make sure you don't miss a spot, Jake," she called out casually, her voice carrying through the house. "And remember, I'll be inspecting your work thoroughly."
Jake's face burned with embarrassment as he continued to clean, acutely aware of Sarah's eyes on him. He knew he had a long evening of servitude ahead of him, and there was no escaping the consequences of his earlier defiance. Under his sister's watchful gaze, he diligently carried out his cleaning duties, every movement a testament to his submission to her newfound dominance.
Jake's nervousness reached new heights as he moved around Sarah's house, diligently cleaning while doing his best to avoid the windows. He couldn't shake the fear that someone might catch a glimpse of him walking around in the nude. His heart raced with every step he took, conscious of the vulnerability of his situation.
Sarah, ever observant, couldn't help but notice his cautious movements. She watched with an amused smile as he crawled or crouched whenever he came near a window. It was clear that Jake was desperate to avoid exposing himself to any potential onlookers.
From the kitchen, Sarah called out to him, her voice filled with mock sweetness, "Jake, don't forget about the windows! Make sure they're sparkling clean too!"
He started wondering if she was able to read his mind too, there was no escaping his sister's demands. With a reluctant sigh, he made his way to the windows, his face red with embarrassment. He grabbed a window cleaner and a cloth, feeling a sense of humiliation wash over him as he worked on the glass. Sarah's dominance was inescapable, and he was reminded of his place with every spray of the cleaner and swipe of the cloth.
As he cleaned the windows, he couldn't help but glance anxiously outside, hoping that no one would pass by and witness his exposed state. The thought of being seen like this, at the mercy of his dominant sister's commands, was both terrifying and mortifying. But he had no choice but to carry out her orders, no matter how humiliating they might be.
As Jake meticulously cleaned the window, his eyes anxiously scanned the surroundings outside. The fear of being seen in such a compromising position weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't help but be hyper-aware of his vulnerability.
Suddenly, he froze. His heart pounded in his chest as his gaze locked onto the figure of Sarah’s neighbor, an elderly woman from across the street. She had been walking her dog along the quiet street when she had stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief. In that instant, Jake realized that he had been caught, exposed for all to see. His face turned crimson with embarrassment as he stood frozen, a naked man in plain view of the neighbor. Panic surged through him, and he waved awkwardly at her, a feeble attempt to defuse the situation. But the elderly woman simply shook her head, her expression a mix of disapproval and disbelief. Without saying a word, she turned away and continued walking, her dog trailing behind her.
Jake let out a sigh of relief mixed with acute humiliation as the neighbor walked away. He couldn't help but feel a burning sense of shame for being caught in such a compromising position. It was a moment he would never forget, a stark reminder of the humiliation he had willingly subjected himself to under his sister's dominance. With a heavy heart, he returned to his task, determined to finish cleaning the windows and complete his obligations, all while praying that there would be no more unexpected witnesses to his ordeal.
After several exhausting hours of cleaning, Jake was finally ready to call it a day. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room. He was tired, hungry, and eager to return to the comfort of his own home. With a sense of weariness that seemed to seep into his bones, he began gathering up the cleaning equipment, hoping to bring this humiliating ordeal to an end.
However, just as he thought he might be in the clear, Sarah appeared behind him, her voice cutting through the weariness in a way that made his heart skip a beat. She asked, with an air of indifference, whether he was satisfied with his work. To Jake, her words carried a subtle implication that he had done a less than stellar job cleaning her house. Nervously, he stammered, "I... I cleaned every inch of your house, Sarah."
Without a word, Sarah motioned for him to follow her. As they walked around the house together, she meticulously inspected his work, her critical eye not missing a single detail. Jake's anxiety mounted with each step, fearing that she would find fault with his efforts and demand that he redo his cleaning. He had come to dread her exacting standards and the consequences of falling short in her eyes.
Sarah did indeed find a few minor areas where she believed Jake had been a bit careless in his cleaning. She pointed them out, her tone filled with a hint of disappointment, but ultimately, she decided that it would suffice for this time. Jake couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him, knowing that he had narrowly escaped the prospect of further humiliation and labor.
With a dismissive nod, Sarah finally spoke, "Well, Jake, it looks like you've done an acceptable job... this time. But remember, I expect nothing less than perfection in the future. Is that understood?"
Jake nodded fervently, eager to bring this chapter of his day to a close. "Yes, Sarah, I understand."
With that, Sarah seemed satisfied, and she allowed Jake to gather his belongings and dress himself. As Jake opened the door, ready to escape the confines of his sister's house, he was met with a sudden interruption. Sarah swiftly approached, her hand reaching out to the door frame just above his head. With a determined push, she forcefully closed the door before him, blocking his exit. Puzzled, Jake turned to look at her, a mixture of confusion and apprehension in his eyes. Sarah's stern gaze met his, and she wasted no time in issuing a warning.
"If you mess with me again next week," she began, her voice unwavering, "I will not go easy on you as I did today."
Jake's head bobbed up and down rapidly as he nodded in agreement. "Yes, of course," he stammered, eager to appease her, "I will come over next week and clean your house again."
Sarah regarded him with a steady, unyielding gaze. "Good," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. With that, she removed her hand from the door, allowing him to continue on his way.
A nervous smile played on Jake's lips as he made a hasty exit, practically bolting to his car. Sarah watched as he drove away, a sense of amusement washing over her. She knew she had established her dominance firmly and intended to make sure Jake never forgot it. With a sly smile, she contemplated the challenges and lessons that lay ahead for her submissive brother. As Sarah reflected on the events of the evening, a sense of realization reached her. She had ventured far beyond what she had initially anticipated. The taste of dominance she had experienced over her brother was undeniably intoxicating, and its addictive allure was not lost on her. For so long, she had been the one subjugated, always in Jake's shadow. But tonight, something had shifted. She had risen above him, surpassing him in strength and control, and the feeling was more exhilarating than she could have ever imagined. The newfound power she had discovered within herself had ignited a fire of confidence and assertiveness. It was as if she had tapped into a reservoir of strength and authority that had always been dormant within her. Sarah couldn't deny that she relished this newfound dominance, and it left her hungry for more. As she contemplated the path ahead, Sarah was acutely aware that her relationship with Jake had irrevocably changed. The dynamic had shifted, and she now held the reins of power. The challenges and opportunities that lay before her were both exciting and daunting, and she couldn't help but wonder just how far she would go to assert her dominance and shape her brother into the man she believed he could become. With a sense of determination and a newfound confidence, Sarah looked to the future, eager to explore the uncharted territory of her dominant desires.

Title: Re: The traditional old-fashioned family man
Post by: Joost on October 16, 2023, 07:02:55 am
Nice story. I like to read the setting and play in my mind with it... Iff you need new idea's; i got a creativ brain. And a poor English