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Author Topic: #1st STORY: Family of Amazons [The First One]  (Read 24132 times)

Offline The First One

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#1st STORY: Family of Amazons [The First One]
« on: May 10, 2017, 05:03:10 am »
This is my first post, so constructive criticism/feedback is greatly appreciated.  More to come, but most likely in a different thread.

Family of Amazons
by The First One

Second Draft follows...

When I first met the girl who later became my wife, Helen Venata, we were both in kindergarten.  The first thing I noticed about her was that she was tall.  When our teacher taught us about units of measurement, she was a full two inches taller than Charlie Mason, the tallest and strongest boy in the class.  During recess, Charlie and most of the other boys (not me, I've always been the shy, scrawny, bookish one) would compete to see who was the fastest, who was the strongest, who could jump the highest, who could kick/throw a ball the farthest, who could flex their bicep the biggest, etc, etc.  Almost every time, Helen asked to join in.  Every time she was able to convince/pester/bribe/blackmail them into saying yes, she won hands down.  She and I always hung out at recess, with her approaching me on our first day of school, offering to share her carrot sticks and asking for a share of my bag of grapes.  For the most part we talked about TV, movies, etc while she tried to break her personal record for the number of pushups or jumping jacks she could do in one recess.  However, even when I told her about mine, she never talked about her family in any detail, saying Mommy would be upset if she did.  All I got out of her was that Mommy was the one who taught her to do her exercises.  She also dragged me along to the informal competitions.  Despite Charlie's taunts I never participated, but Helen stood up for me and I watched her and cheered her on every time she got to play.  A month or so into the school year, on the day of our first show and tell, Charlie tried to steal the toy car I'd brought and had been showing Helen more closely during recess.  I don't remember the details, but a supervisor had to pry her off him, and both were forced to stay inside during recess, him for three days and her for a week.  I spent those recesses looking in the window, watching her  eat and do her exercises in the classroom, making funny faces when we caught each other's eyes.  A few months later, she invited me and several girls from our class to her birthday party.  The house was... let's say strange, with higher ceilings and taller and wider doors than I had ever seen, at least in a house.  I'd been curious about her mother, but the party was supevised only by her father and older brother, both of whom reminded me a lot of myself: small for their age groups, scrawny and timid (if nothing else, I've always been good at reading people).  Apparently Helen's mother was picking her sister, Maia, up from college so that the whole family could go out for pizza together that night.  I still remember the pinata.  It was a fairly large one, but when Helen (as the birthday girl the one who got the first crack at it) took her first swing, it instantly burst apart.  I don't remember much else about that day because I was watching her the whole time, but Helen breaking the pinata in one strike became a staple of birthday parties among our circle of friends (basically the girls in our class and me).  Towards the end of the year, we all brought our mothers to school for Mother's Day.  Well, I thought, I guess it's easy to see why Helen's so big and strong.  Helens' mother was the tallest adult I'd ever seen, at what I later learned to be six feet, eight inches.  She had the same flawless, bronzed skin, bright green eyes and long, flowing, ankle-length black hair as her daughter, and every muscle in her body bulged to insane proportions, with the short (for her, at least) skirt and sleevless halter top she wore doing nothing to hide any of them.   Her neck and legs were thicker than the trunks of the trees I always saw around town, and although her massive chest, with both her pectorals and her melon-sized breasts visibly placing significant strain on her top, and her equally massive quads, delts, calves and butt gave her the classic hourglass shape, her eight-pack midsection, which her top didn't cover at all, was still wider than the entire torso of anyone else there.  The entire class, myself included, the teacher, and the other visiting moms all stared, open-mouthed, as Helen cheerfully, enthusiastically, and seemingly oblivious to her audience's shock,  explained that her mommy was her role model, and she wanted to grow up to be as big and strong as her.  Maybe even bigger and stronger.  The hulking woman finished off the presentation by flexing a bicep at least the size of a beach ball with one arm while with the other lifting the teachers' big metal desk most of the way to the ceiling with no visible effort.  My eyes followed her back to the rear of the group sitting in the back of the class, where she didn't even bother to take a seat, just standing behind the rows of folding chairs (which probably couldn't have held her weight anyway).  "She's got to be juicing, I swear" someone elses' mom whispered to another.  "Nobody gets that big naturally, especially not a woman.".  A couple seats away I saw another woman staring at Helen's mother (who herself was glaring at the whisperer), a stain spreading across her dress near the waist.  At the time I thought she must have spilled some of the juice everyone was given, but in retrospect I highly doubt that.  I didn't know what I felt looking at this feminine behemoth, but it felt good.  I didn't know what "juicing" meant either, but the next week Helen confided in me that a police officer had come to her house a couple days later and told her mother to come to the hospital for some kind of test, which, when asked, she would only tell her she passed.  "By the way," I said, not really sure what to make of what I had just heard, "did you mean it when you said you wanted to be as big as her?".  "Why else would I have said it?" "Maybe she wants you to get that big and you didn't want to hurt her feelings or something.".  There was a few seconds' pause before she replied with "Good point.  But yes, I really do want to grow as big as her.  If I can I want to grow even bigger!  She says that in a few years I'll start growing really fast, and if I exercise a lot I'll grow even more!".  "So, is Maia like her?  Is Maia a giant too?" "Yeah.".  "Then why is Kevin so little?".  "Maia and Mommy told me it's because he's a boy.".  "So all the girls in your family become giants when they grow up?".  "Mommy says it comes from her side.  Daddy's family is normal.".  "Then why-" "That's a secret." "I can keep a secret." "Sorry.  Mommy said I'm not supposed to tell anybody until I'm older and I've found somebody I want to be with forever.".  "Why?". "I can't say," she said with a giggle, "that's secret too!".  The rest of the day, I mused over what the secret to Helen and her mothers' strength could be, eventually falling asleep while pondering the idea of Miss Venata secretly being a superheroine, and dreaming of Helen in a Supergirl costume rescuing me like Superman rescuing Lois Lane.  On the last day of school, we (the girls in the class and I) celebrated with a slumber party Helen invited us to at her house.  Her mother and Maia (a goth girl with blue eyes and a pixie cut) were both there this time, and at the request of most of the partygoers, spent a while showing off their gigantic muscles.  I got a distinct impression they had both hoped we'd ask.  I think I actually started drooling at the sight of Maia's back, with her shirt conforming to every single hill and valley her superhuman muscles created.  Kevin and mister Venata made a couple pizzas, we all watched a movie, and crashed in sleeping bags in the living room.  Going to the bathroom later that night, I could hear groans, bumps and creaks from Helens' parents' room across the hall.  I was only six at the time, so I had no idea what that could be.  Checking the various hall closets and finding no sign of any superhero costumes, I returned to the living room, tiptoeing around the girls to my own sleeping bag.  "Jack?" came Helens' voice from next to me a few minutes later, "are you still awake?".  "Yeah.".  "There's something I should probably tell you.  We won't be able to see each other over the summer.".  "Why?".  "Tomorrow we're leaving to go see my grandma.  We spend every summer with her.".  "Where does she live?".  "I can't tell you.".  "Let me guess," I deadpanned, "It's a secret," we said in unison, equally deadpan.  "So, uh," I asked a few seconds later, "Is your grandma as big as your mom and Maia?".  "Actually, she's a little bigger.  Probably because she's older, I think.  But you should see my aunt Lea, she's the biggest one in the whole family!  For now, at least...".  I tried to envision a woman bigger than the two she-hulks I had already seen, to fairly little success.  And Helen wanted to get even bigger?  "Helen?" "Yeah?" "Can you keep a secret?" "I've been keeping plenty, you know that." "Right, yeah.  But the thing is, I... I think Maia and your mom are really pretty.  And the fact that they're both giant ladies with huge muscles is a big part of what makes them really pretty." "Thanks, I guess," Helen said, audibly unsure what to make of what I'd just said,  "Good night." "G'night.".  When my mother picked me up the next morning, Miss Venata, at Helens' request, gave her a slip of paper with her email adress, and asked for ours, which my mother gave (staring at the massive arm that took the sticky note from her).  As such, Helen and I were able to keep in touch over the summer, but she still refused to tell me where she was.  Were Miss Venatas' side of the family aliens, and they'd gone to visit her mother on a planet of giant, musclebound supergirls over the summer?  Were the whole family aliens and it was normal for girls to be inhumanly big and strong and boys to be small and meek on their planet?  If they were aliens, why did they go to school on Earth?  Was it something else entirely?   When we were notified of class arrangements for first grade, I was overjoyed to learn I was still in the same class as Helen and most of the other girls, many of whom had been inspired by Helen and her family to take up some kind of exercise regimen over the summer.  I distinctly remember that Helen was the only one who showed no strain at all when we put our chairs up on our desks at the end of the day.  And so it continued through all of elementary school.  Several of the other girls became strong in their own right with the women of the Venata family as their inspiration, but none of them, and none of the boys especially, could hold a candle to Helen.  Every summer Helen went off to parts unknown, and returned noticeably bigger and stronger than before.  And then came middle school.  On our first day of sixth grade, we ran into each other on our way to homeroom.  She had started to fill out over the summer, her curves and breasts developing, and her muscles, though not much bigger yet, much more defined, as if her baby fat was all being transferred into her womanly assets.  "It started over the summer," she said, when I pointed out how she'd changed, "Mom says that when it finishes, that means I'm about to start growing.  I can't wait!" "Me neither.".  Helen adopted a brutal workout schedule, and quickly became the star player of the womens' swim team the school had.  Her swim meets were the only sporting events I'd ever willingly gone to.  By the end of sixth grade she'd shed her baby fat, keeping just enough to keep her muscles rounded and prevent her definition from looking freakish, and her curves and breasts surpassed most of the eighth graders.  By seventh grade, she'd become taller and significantly larger, stronger, and more solid, and kept growing from there.  Our school dominated womens' swimming for another two years, and every meet I was there to cheer her on, just as I had been back at her competitions against Charlie and his group.  In high school, we started dating.  Nobody that knew us was even remotely surprised, and I recall many friends from back in kindergarten responding to the news with "About time!" or words to that effect.  By the end of our freshman year, she was bigger and stronger than everyone else in the school but a few seniors and even fewer teachers.  By the beginning of our sophmore year, she was the hardest, strongest, biggest, most muscular and powerful person at the school, student or faculty, bar none.  And she only kept expanding from there.  I remember one date in our early junior year, when we got lost on the way home from a late-night movie (which I had been feeling my loves' swollen, rock-hard form rather than actually watching) downtown and were accosted by a biker gang.  She tossed the nearest two guys off their bikes, which she then straddled, and slowly crushed together between her bulging, tree-trunk legs.  The rest of the gang left after that, and I called an ambulance for the first two.  As we kept walking, (somewhat awkwardly on my part with my rigid, twitching cock) I could see Helens' juices oozing from inside her skirt, down her legs, and to the ground.  Clearly her strength aroused her as much as it did me.  All throughout high school, she continued her obsessive workouts and became, and held the position of, captain of the girls' wrestling team, and I continued to watch.  On multiple occasions she was "randomly" selected for a drug test, which invariably came up blank.  One would think her melodic voice and natural G-cup breasts would give that away, but apparently not.  For our prom date, I wore the usual tuxedo, but Maia had wanted her dress to be a surprise for as long as possible.  That plus she'd stepped up her workouts, wanting to be as monstrous as she possibly could for the big night, and firbidden me to see her in the week leading up to it so she could surprise me.  When she entered the building, everyone stopped dead, staring open-mouthed at the musclebound vision of beauty in the doorway.  The dress was turquoise, and despite the fact that it would have been a tent on any normal girl, was tight enough to flaunt every overdeveloped muscle in her beastly frame.  Despite trailing a few feet behind my beloved on the floor, it left all four limbs completely exposed.  Her tree-trunk legs flexed with every step towards me, her abs, pecs and breasts were hugged by fabric that looked ready to burst with the slightest movement, her neck, sloping down to pumpkin-sized shoulders, was as thick as her legs, and her arms, which she kept flexed the whole way she strutted towards me, were bigger around than car tires.  She had gotten what she'd wanted all those years ago, and bulked up to at least her mothers' size, if not slightly bigger.  Looking around at the many jealous stares and moist or hard crotches, I felt proud.  This woman was the strongest person anyone here had ever seen or ever would see, with a body any jock or cheerleader would envy, albeit for different reasons, and tonight she was all mine.  And we danced the night away.  At roughly two in the morning, we crashed at her house.  Up in her bedroom, Helen tore off my clothes, then flexed her core enough to tear through her own, tossed me onto her bed (at least queen sized and specially reinforced to hold her four hundred pound-plus frame) and lifted the entire bed, with me on it, then, with some adjustments, shifted the bed so she could hold it high enough for me to touch the ceiling while still laying down, and so she reliably, unwaveringly held it with one trashcan lid-sized hand.  We'd barely even started the foreplay, and my moderately-sized dick was already rock hard, with its' tip touching the ceiling (Take a good, long look at that sentence, because I doubt you'll ever see it again).  She then set the bed back down.  "You ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a nervous laugh.  We were both virgins (though Helen had long ago confided in me that she was no stranger to masturbation, as her libido had grown along with her body) and had just gotten tested a couple weeks before, both tests came up clean, she was taking birth control and she'd promised to be gentle, but I was still nervous from a combination of this being my first time and my partner being strong enough to hurt me pretty badly by accident, and heavy enough to potentially crush me by accidentally rolling over.  I needn't have worried.  She was definitely the dominant one, but for my own safety I was the one on top physically.  I eased into her, taking a while to get all the way in due to the muscularity of her vaginal wall, and, after a few minutes, felt something tear and heard my girlfriend gasp in pain.  "You okay?" I asked, registering in the back of my head how bizzare it felt to be asking any such question of somebody a foot and a half taller than me, almost four times my weight and with more muscle in one limb than I probably had in my entire body.  "Yeah," she said, breathing heavily, "It's alright, I know what that was, and it's just pain.  I've felt worse, I'll be fine.  Keep going.".  She wasn't kidding about her libido.  She came at least eight or nine times before I came even once, then pulled me out of her.  I saw her clitoris rising from her shaved crotch, at least equal in size at this point to my own cock.  Then she flipped me over and penetrated my ass with it.  After she eased in and out for a couple minutes I came again, creating a small white fountain.  We were at it for most of the night, until I finally burned out and fell asleep.  Helen later told me she'd had a couple more orgasms from the aftershock, and fell asleep cuddling me a couple hours later.  We woke up just after noon the next day, ate a big brunch, started fucking again, had dinner, had some more sex, fell asleep, and woke up the next morning.  For the next few months, the first summer we were able to spend together, we looked into getting an apartment of our own.  We'd agreed to try to stay together and try for online degrees through college, and support ourselves with part-time jobs.  We ended up in the Los Angeles area, me working as a computer programmer and her as a personal trainer.  Helen had made it clear that I was the only one for her romantically, but also that, especially given our often-conflicting schedules, her massive sex drive could not be sated by one person.  Her job gave her a pick of other partners, who she fucked either at the gym or at home.  When we were both there, I had a standing invitation to watch or join in.  The first time I watched was with a guy only slightly bigger than me, who passed out barely an hour in.  She set him down on the floor and turned to me with an almost predatory look in her eyes, and the guy woke up in approximately the position I was initially in.  Our first threesome was with a tiny Asian girl, one of Helens' clients.  The three of us spent several minutes licking each other, before I plunged my cock into her while Helen impaled me on her clit again.  The overwhelming majority of Helens' conquests were tiny (in general, not just compared to her) with a roughly even gender ratio.  I'm straight, so I only actually participated when she brought home another woman, but watching my goliath of a girlfriend dominate and overpower her partners, of either gender, never got old. About a year after we moved in, the night before our anniversary, she later told me she had taken the day off, then gone to the gym anyway, to get her muscles huge and pumped for that night.   When I returned home, at 9 PM, the lights were off except for down the hall in our bedroom.  Walking in, I saw Helen standing just inside the door fame (which I should note she actually had to squeeze through, meaning she actually blocked most of the light) and came then and there.  She stood there, naked, clit standing at attention, shining with sweat and muscles pumped from her all-day marathon workout.  And was it my inmagination, or was she slightly taller than she had been last night?  "I want you," she said, breathing heavily, "NOW.".  Despite having just ejaculated, I was already rock-hard again.  I didn't get many chances to see her this pumped, and when she talked like that it meant the sex for the night would be amazing.  She carried me to the bed under one arm, tore my clothes off, and swallowed my next shot of semen.  For the next hour and a half, she manhandled me, fucking my ass with her massive clitoris and fingers, catching my ejaculations between her breasts, sucking  me off, having me pleasure her orally, and holding me up by the crotch at one point with only her vaginal muscles.  I was sirprised when, towards the end of our lovemaking, she did something she had never done before.  Specifically she pulled me in close, holding me over a foot off the floor, and placed my mouth around one of her nipples, saying "Drink it.".  I paused, not sure what to make of this.  "Come on, drink it.  Suckle me.  Let me breastfeed you.".  Her milk tasted oddly sweet, with a salty aftertaste, and left a slight, almost pleasurable burning in my throat going down.  After about a minute, she pried me back off, saying "Okay, that's enough."  She laid me back down on the bed, my eyelids abruptly getting heavy.  No sooner did I hit the pillow than I fell asleep, still fully erect.  I had no idea why at the time, but the dreams I had that night were, bar none, the most erotic wet dreams I'd ever had.  I woke up at seven thirty to a completely soaked bed, an almist painfully erect dick, and a note from Helen saying she had to go to work early and that she'd see me tonight.  I got up, started to take off the soaked sheets, and noticed the crater Helen always left in the bed, and instantly came, spraying semen almost a foot out in font of me.  Hurridly, I finished the job, making a mental note to wash them later, ate some cereal and an apple, and headed ownstairs to the parking lot.  Seeing our car, an extra-large model so that Helen could fit inside, even though she always jogged to and from work, I abruptly recalled when we first got it, and Helen showed off by lifting it over her head, grinning and actually getting so pumped she burst out of her clothes, forcing her to hurry inside to get more.  I was brought out of my memory of her nude run by the abrupt realisation that my shorts were thouroughly soaked, to the point that I had started to drip on the ground and my feet.  Blushing, despite being alone in the lot, I ran back upstairs.  What the hell was wrong with me?  Yes, Helens' size and strength had always made me horny, but this was ridiculous!  And since when had I come this much?!   I changed my pants, and brought several backups to work in a ziplock bag.  I ended up already needing one of them by the time I got there, then storing the rest in my locker.  My cock would become rock-hard for over an hour at the slightest provocation.  Any healthy woman I saw would make it start dripping.  Anything that specifically reminded me of Helen (I suspect because she already turned me on more than anyone else I'd ever seen) forced me to get changed again.  I eventually spent the last couple hours of the work day on a toilet, masturbating and flushing, and, when the workday ended, cleaned myself up, sprinted back to the car, drove home as fast as I thought I could get away with, sprinted across the parking lot and up the stairs, finally slamming the appartment door behind me, exhausted.  Only after catching my breath did I register a sound I hadn't expected to hear from the bedroom.  It sounded like Helen... crying, something I'd never seen or heard her do before.  I ran again, to find her sitting on the bare matress of our bed, bawling her eyes out.  "Helen?  Helen, honey, what's wrong?".  "I'm sorry!" she wailed, still not looking at me, "I'm so sorry!  I'd wanted to tell you our secret today, but I thought if I couldn't prove it first you wouldn't believe me and you'd think I was crazy, so I- and I wasn't supposed to and I didn't ask- and I-" At a loss as to what to do about this, I walked up to her and placed one hand on her shoulder.  "What did you do?  What's wrong?  You can tell me, you know I love you.".  After a minute or two, she'd calmed down somewhat.  "Remember back in kindergarten, when you asked why the women in my family were all like this?" she said, rising to her full, towering height, and doing a mind-boggling most muscular pose to emphasize.  "Uh... yes," I replied, dimply aware that I'd just come again from the display.  "And remember how I told you it was a sercret?  And how I wasn't supoosed to tell anyone until I found the one I wanted to be with forever?" "Yes, but what does that have to do with-" "Okay, now do you remember that mythology class we took in tenth grade?  The one I never needed to study for?" "Yes, but why the hell is that-" "Because, rember the Amazons?  The warrior women from the island of Thyrmescrya?" "Yes, but-" "Well, they're real.  And my mom's one of them.  And as her daughters, so are Maia and I." It took me about a minute to process what she'd just said, and a couple more to put together anything that could by any stretch of the inmagination be called a response, namely "But how-why-HOW?!" "We don't exactly know.  Apparently our ancestors had a lot of contact with the ancient Greeks, but when the Romans, who had never heard of them, came, the Council decided to withdraw from the world so they wouldn't be found.  The could have fought them off, but one small island fighting an entire empire would be a long, brutal war and not cost-effective, even though they could most likely win, and their husbands, brothers and sons were far weaker and more vulnerable and would probably die if it came to that, because only daughters born to an Amazon grow this big and this strong, while their sons take after their fathers, and most Amazons prefer either women or small, weak men as partners. Some do like large, strong men, but even the weakest Amzon was and still is stronger than the strongest man on the planet.  Amazons were allowed to go off into the world on their own and form relationships with outsiders, but they were only allowed to reveal the existance of Thyrmescrya and the Amazon people to their own families, who were also the only people they could bring back with them.  Given how the world has been since then, the rule has remained in place ever since.  My mom's the only one in our family to ever leave, and that's where we used to go every summer, to visit  her family.".  I'd been dead silent this whole time, staring at Helen with an expression that made me look as bewildered as I felt.  "You think I'm crazy, don't you?" "No!  No, I believe you.  I've known you most of my life, I trust you, it's just... how does this pretain to what you were upset about?" "Because of last night.  There's actually a certain amount of debate about wether or not Amazons count as human, because our bodies are so different from anyone else's, even our own male relatives.  And one of those differences is-" "Your breast milk?" I said, starting to catch on.  "Yes.  For other Amazons, it's just milk.  But for normal humans, it also massively increases libido." "That explains a lot," I said. "And I assume your libido is normal for an Amazon, am I right?".  "Yes.  Now, as I was saying, on males it also has some other effects.  Which" she said, looking up at the clock, "You should be experiencing phase two of right about now." A few seconds later, I felt my dick get hard again.  Hrder than I'd ever felt it get, almost to the pount of hurting.  Then the feeling changed.  It felt like my entire body was being massaged from the inside out, especially my crotch.  Looking down, I could see and feel a tent forming in my shorts.  A big one, bigger than I remembered ever seeing there.  And it kept growing, both bigger and harder.  Even my balls were growing,  pumping insane amounts of sperm into my expanding dick.  After about a minute it tore through the crotch of my shorts, then gave a long, massive spurt of semen.  Hurridly, Helen scooped me up in her massive arms and took my cock in her mouth as it shot off one spurt after another.  She later told me this went on for fifteen minutes, but I can't clearly remember most of it.  At some point I passed out.  When I came to, I was laying on the bed, naked, with Helen standing over me with a look of mild concern.  "You okay?".  "I think so," I said, sitting up.  Looking around, I noticed Helen must have remade the bed before laying me in it, and cleaned up after me while I was out.  She had also done away with her gym clothes, and was wearing a large formal dress that hugged her entire body.  Seeing this, I felt myself get hard again.  Looking at my crotch, I saw a cock about the length and thickness of my arm between the two biggest balls I'd ever seen.  "What the hell-" "That's what Amazon milk does to men, Jack.  If they're given it as a baby, like Kevin, it causes this" she gestured at my newly-grown sex organ " and the accompanying increase in libido more gradually during puberty.".  "But this is what happens when an adult drinks it?".  "An adult male.  You'd told me before that you wished you were bigger down there, and I had wanted to tell you about all this stuff on our anniversary, but I was worried you wouldn't beleive me without some kind of evidence.".  "So that's why you breast fed me last night?".  "Yeah.  When it's done like this the amount of growth is proportionate to the amount ingested, and I've heard tell of abusers who made their men too big to move around, but you should be almost done growing by now.".  "So you were upset about not asking permission for this?".  "Yes.  Again, I doubted you'd take me seriously if I did.".  "Honestly?  Thank you.  The only thing I'm concerned about is-" "My mom said that your libido should have reduced back somewhat when you transformed.  It's still much more than it was before, but you should be able to function day to day now.  At least with some of the extra-baggy pants I bought.".  "Yeah, I was worried about that.".  Getting dressed, I found that she'd heated up a frozen pizza while I was unconcious.  "Yeah, not the best anniversary present," she said, opening a drawer on her nightstand and removing a jewelry box, "but I also wanted to give you this.".  She opened it, revealing an engagement ring.  "See, in Amazon culture you're only supposed to breastfeed two kinds of people: your children and the person you want to be with forever.  So will you-" I hugged her, almost crying with happiness.  "Yes," I replied, "Yes, I will."

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Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: First story: Family of Amazons
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2017, 06:50:33 am »
Okay, I liked what I read for the most part, the height, well, I'm not all for Amazonian women, in terms of height, but that was minor here in terms of muscle description and strength feats, which I am all for.

My criticisms, when a story is one big wall of text like it is here, it's really a pain to read, don't worry, I started out like that myself. You have to find good places to end a paragraph and go into the next paragraph. I would say also that you should separate dialog better, maybe giving them their own lines, because putting one set of quotes next to another maybe confusing for readers. Again, I know this from experience. Now, I will say that the content was really good, so please, keep on writing, but if you do another story, please try to remember to separate into paragraphs and separate the dialog. Thanks. k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

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Re: First story: Family of Amazons
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2017, 04:58:07 am »
Thanks.  Honestly, when I saw somebody had commented on this, I was kind of afraid to look.

Wasn't exactly sure where to break things off at the time, and didn't think about the dialouge, but I'll keep that in mind.

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Re: First story: Family of Amazons
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2017, 12:37:13 pm »
Nice story but like others have stated it is tough to read the wall of text.  It is simple to break it up into paragraphs and conversational flows.

But the story has promise.  It has the core of a great story and you just need to expand on things like how they did things together when they were kids and how what they emailed to each other when they were on summer break.

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Re: First story: Family of Amazons
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2017, 08:51:18 pm »
I really like it, please continue! The one thing is, please, PLEASE split it up into paragraphs. Reading one giant wall of text makes it less enjoyable.

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Re: First story: Family of Amazons
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2017, 03:29:33 pm »
Nice story. Break it into paragraphs. Other than that it's great!
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Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2017, 01:48:25 am »
This is an edit of my first story, which I posted a couple weeks ago.  A followup will come soon, but I can't give an exact time.  As before, feedback and constructive criticism are appreciated.

This is my first post, so constructive criticism/feedback is greatly appreciated.  More to come, but most likely in a different thread.

Family of Amazons
by The First One

When I first met the girl who later became my wife, Helen Venata, we were both in kindergarten.  The first thing I noticed about her was that she was tall.  When our teacher taught us about units of measurement, she was a full two inches taller than Charlie Mason, the tallest and strongest boy in the class.  During recess, Charlie and most of the other boys (not me, I've always been the shy, scrawny, bookish one) would compete to see who was the fastest, who was the strongest, who could jump the highest, who could kick/throw a ball the farthest, who could flex their bicep the biggest, etc, etc.  Almost every time, Helen asked to join in.  Every time she was able to convince/pester/bribe/blackmail them into saying yes, she won hands down.  She and I always hung out at recess, with her approaching me on our first day of school, offering to share her carrot sticks and asking for a share of my bag of grapes.  For the most part we talked about TV, movies, etc while she tried to break her personal record for the number of pushups or jumping jacks she could do in one recess.  However, even when I told her about mine, she never talked about her family in any detail, saying Mommy would be upset if she did.  All I got out of her was that Mommy was the one who taught her to do her exercises.  She also dragged me along to the informal competitions.  Despite Charlie's taunts I never participated, but Helen stood up for me and I watched her and cheered her on every time she got to play.  A month or so into the school year, on the day of our first show and tell, Charlie tried to steal the toy car I'd brought and had been showing Helen more closely during recess.  I don't remember the details, but a supervisor had to pry her off him, and both were forced to stay inside during recess, him for three days and her for a week.  I spent those recesses looking in the window, watching her  eat and do her exercises in the classroom, making funny faces when we caught each other's eyes.  A few months later, she invited me and several girls from our class to her birthday party.  The house was... let's say strange, with higher ceilings and taller and wider doors than I had ever seen, at least in a house.  I'd been curious about her mother, but the party was supevised only by her father and older brother, both of whom reminded me a lot of myself: small for their age groups, scrawny and timid (if nothing else, I've always been good at reading people).  Apparently Helen's mother was picking her sister, Maia, up from college so that the whole family could go out for pizza together that night.  I still remember the pinata.  It was a fairly large one, but when Helen (as the birthday girl the one who got the first crack at it) took her first swing, it instantly burst apart.  I don't remember much else about that day because I was watching her the whole time, but Helen breaking the pinata in one strike became a staple of birthday parties among our circle of friends (basically the girls in our class and me). 

Towards the end of the year, we all brought our mothers to school for Mother's Day.  Well, I thought, I guess it's easy to see why Helen's so big and strong.  Helens' mother was the tallest adult I'd ever seen, at what I later learned to be six feet, eight inches.  She had the same flawless, bronzed skin, bright green eyes and long, flowing, ankle-length black hair as her daughter, and every muscle in her body bulged to insane proportions, with the short (for her, at least) skirt and sleevless halter top she wore doing nothing to hide any of them.   Her neck and legs were thicker than the trunks of the trees I always saw around town, and although her massive chest, with both her pectorals and her melon-sized breasts visibly placing significant strain on her top, and her equally massive quads, delts, calves and butt gave her the classic hourglass shape, her eight-pack midsection, which her top didn't cover at all, was still wider than the entire torso of anyone else there.  The entire class, myself included, the teacher, and the other visiting moms all stared, open-mouthed, as Helen cheerfully, enthusiastically, and seemingly oblivious to her audience's shock,  explained that her mommy was her role model, and she wanted to grow up to be as big and strong as her.  Maybe even bigger and stronger.  The hulking woman finished off the presentation by flexing a bicep at least the size of a beach ball with one arm while with the other lifting the teachers' big metal desk most of the way to the ceiling with no visible effort.  My eyes followed her back to the rear of the group sitting in the back of the class, where she didn't even bother to take a seat, just standing behind the rows of folding chairs (which probably couldn't have held her weight anyway).  "She's got to be juicing, I swear" someone elses' mom whispered to another.  "Nobody gets that big naturally, especially not a woman.".  A couple seats away I saw another woman staring at Helen's mother (who herself was glaring at the whisperer), a stain spreading across her dress near the waist.  At the time I thought she must have spilled some of the juice everyone was given, but in retrospect I highly doubt that.  I didn't know what I felt looking at this feminine behemoth, but it felt good.  I didn't know what "juicing" meant either, but the next week Helen confided in me that a police officer had come to her house a couple days later and told her mother to come to the hospital for some kind of test, which, when asked, she would only tell her she passed.  "By the way," I said, not really sure what to make of what I had just heard, "did you mean it when you said you wanted to be as big as her?".  "Why else would I have said it?" "Maybe she wants you to get that big and you didn't want to hurt her feelings or something.".  There was a few seconds' pause before she replied with "Good point.  But yes, I really do want to grow as big as her.  If I can I want to grow even bigger!  She says that in a few years I'll start growing really fast, and if I exercise a lot I'll grow even more!".  "So, is Maia like her?  Is Maia a giant too?" "Yeah.".  "Then why is Kevin so little?".  "Maia and Mommy told me it's because he's a boy.".  "So all the girls in your family become giants when they grow up?".  "Mommy says it comes from her side.  Daddy's family is normal.".  "Then why-" "That's a secret." "I can keep a secret." "Sorry.  Mommy said I'm not supposed to tell anybody until I'm older and I've found somebody I want to be with forever.".  "Why?". "I can't say," she said with a giggle, "that's secret too!".  The rest of the day, I mused over what the secret to Helen and her mothers' strength could be, eventually falling asleep while pondering the idea of Miss Venata secretly being a superheroine, and dreaming of Helen in a Supergirl costume rescuing me like Superman rescuing Lois Lane. 

On the last day of school, we (the girls in the class and I) celebrated with a slumber party Helen invited us to at her house.  Her mother and Maia (a goth girl with blue eyes and a pixie cut) were both there this time, and at the request of most of the partygoers, spent a while showing off their gigantic muscles.  I got a distinct impression they had both hoped we'd ask.  I think I actually started drooling at the sight of Maia's back, with her shirt conforming to every single hill and valley her superhuman muscles created.  Kevin and mister Venata made a couple pizzas, we all watched a movie, and crashed in sleeping bags in the living room.  Going to the bathroom later that night, I could hear groans, bumps and creaks from Helens' parents' room across the hall.  I was only six at the time, so I had no idea what that could be.  Checking the various hall closets and finding no sign of any superhero costumes, I returned to the living room, tiptoeing around the girls to my own sleeping bag.  "Jack?" came Helens' voice from next to me a few minutes later, "are you still awake?".  "Yeah.".  "There's something I should probably tell you.  We won't be able to see each other over the summer.".  "Why?".  "Tomorrow we're leaving to go see my grandma.  We spend every summer with her.".  "Where does she live?".  "I can't tell you.".  "Let me guess," I deadpanned, "It's a secret," we said in unison, equally deadpan.  "So, uh," I asked a few seconds later, "Is your grandma as big as your mom and Maia?".  "Actually, she's a little bigger.  Probably because she's older, I think.  But you should see my aunt Lea, she's the biggest one in the whole family!  For now, at least...".  I tried to envision a woman bigger than the two she-hulks I had already seen, to fairly little success.  And Helen wanted to get even bigger?  "Helen?" "Yeah?" "Can you keep a secret?" "I've been keeping plenty, you know that." "Right, yeah.  But the thing is, I... I think Maia and your mom are really pretty.  And the fact that they're both giant ladies with huge muscles is a big part of what makes them really pretty." "Thanks, I guess," Helen said, audibly unsure what to make of what I'd just said,  "Good night." "G'night.". 

When my mother picked me up the next morning, Miss Venata, at Helens' request, gave her a slip of paper with her email adress, and asked for ours, which my mother gave (staring at the massive arm that took the sticky note from her).  As such, Helen and I were able to keep in touch over the summer, but she still refused to tell me where she was.  Were Miss Venatas' side of the family aliens, and they'd gone to visit her mother on a planet of giant, musclebound supergirls over the summer?  Were the whole family aliens and it was normal for girls to be inhumanly big and strong and boys to be small and meek on their planet?  If they were aliens, why did they go to school on Earth?  Was it something else entirely?   When we were notified of class arrangements for first grade, I was overjoyed to learn I was still in the same class as Helen and most of the other girls, many of whom had been inspired by Helen and her family to take up some kind of exercise regimen over the summer.  I distinctly remember that Helen was the only one who showed no strain at all when we put our chairs up on our desks at the end of the day.  And so it continued through all of elementary school.  Several of the other girls became strong in their own right with the women of the Venata family as their inspiration, but none of them, and none of the boys especially, could hold a candle to Helen.  Every summer Helen went off to parts unknown, and returned noticeably bigger and stronger than before.  And then came middle school. 

On our first day of sixth grade, we ran into each other on our way to homeroom.  She had started to fill out over the summer, her curves and breasts developing, and her muscles, though not much bigger yet, much more defined, as if her baby fat was all being transferred into her womanly assets.  "It started over the summer," she said, when I pointed out how she'd changed, "Mom says that when it finishes, that means I'm about to start growing.  I can't wait!" "Me neither.".  Helen adopted a brutal workout schedule, and quickly became the star player of the womens' swim team the school had.  Her swim meets were the only sporting events I'd ever willingly gone to.  By the end of sixth grade she'd shed her baby fat, keeping just enough to keep her muscles rounded and prevent her definition from looking freakish, and her curves and breasts surpassed most of the eighth graders.  By seventh grade, she'd become taller and significantly larger, stronger, and more solid, and kept growing from there.  Our school dominated womens' swimming for another two years, and every meet I was there to cheer her on, just as I had been back at her competitions against Charlie and his group.  In high school, we started dating.  Nobody that knew us was even remotely surprised, and I recall many friends from back in kindergarten responding to the news with "About time!" or words to that effect.  I took to using the pet name "Jug," both refferring to her giant breasts and short for "juggernaut" in regards to the hulking, superhuman juggernaut of a woman she was becoming.  By the end of our freshman year, she was bigger and stronger than everyone else in the school but a few seniors and even fewer teachers.  By the beginning of our sophmore year, she was the hardest, strongest, biggest, most muscular and powerful person at the school, student or faculty, bar none.  And she only kept expanding from there. 

I remember one date in our early junior year, when we got lost on the way home from a late-night movie (which I had been feeling my loves' swollen, rock-hard form rather than actually watching) downtown and were accosted by a biker gang.  She tossed the nearest two guys off their bikes, which she then straddled, and slowly crushed together between her bulging, tree-trunk legs.  The rest of the gang left after that, and I called an ambulance for the first two.  As we kept walking, (somewhat awkwardly on my part with my rigid, twitching cock) I could see Helens' juices oozing from inside her skirt, down her legs, and to the ground.  Clearly her strength aroused her as much as it did me.  All throughout high school, she continued her obsessive workouts and became, and held the position of, captain of the girls' wrestling team, and I continued to watch.  On multiple occasions she was "randomly" selected for a drug test, which invariably came up blank.  One would think her melodic voice and natural G-cup breasts would give that away, but apparently not.

    I remember how, for one of our classes in our senior year, we had a "job fair" where we brought one of our parents to school to talk about their job and made a presentation about it.  I brought my mother, a model.  I had kind of hoped Helen would bring her mother as well, but she didn't.  She confided in me later that she had wanted to, but didn't because her mother was a dominatrix, and she hadn't been sure how the class (or, more importantly, the teacher) would react to that.  Apparently Miss Venata had kept this information from her until we'd had sex ed back in fifth grade.  Helen had asked about her job as well as her fathers, and Miss Venata actually catered to both sexes.  Where many in the business used things like rope, she instead preferred to restrain people with her own massive strength.  Given what I already knew about her, none of this surprised me.  Helen herself was starting to catch up to her, having grown to half again the size of than biggest guy on the football team and still growing (faster than ever, if anything), and was even stronger than one would expect for that size.  I personally couldn't wait to see her as a massive, musclebound she-beast her mothers' size or bigger, which she estimated would happen by the end of the year.  The thought made me hard, and made me want her more than ever, but we'd agreed to save our first time until we'd graduated, because we wanted it to be special.

  For our prom date, I wore the usual tuxedo, but Maia had wanted her dress to be a surprise for as long as possible.  That plus she'd stepped up her workouts, wanting to be as monstrous as she possibly could for the big night, and firbidden me to see her in the week leading up to it so she could surprise me.  When she entered the building, everyone stopped dead, staring open-mouthed at the musclebound vision of beauty in the doorway.  The dress was turquoise, and despite the fact that it would have been a tent on any normal girl, was tight enough to flaunt every overdeveloped muscle in her beastly frame.  Despite trailing a few feet behind my beloved on the floor, it left all four limbs completely exposed.  Her tree-trunk legs flexed with every step towards me, her abs, pecs and breasts were hugged by fabric that looked ready to burst with the slightest movement, her neck, sloping down to pumpkin-sized shoulders, was as thick as her legs, and her arms, which she kept flexed the whole way she strutted towards me, were bigger around than car tires.  She had gotten what she'd wanted all those years ago, and bulked up to at least her mothers' size, if not slightly bigger.  Looking around at the many jealous stares and moist or hard crotches, I felt proud.  This woman was the strongest person anyone here had ever seen or ever would see, with a body any jock or cheerleader would envy, albeit for different reasons, and tonight she was all mine.  And we danced the night away. 

      At roughly two in the morning, we crashed at her house.  Up in her bedroom, Helen tore off my clothes, then flexed her core enough to tear through her own, tossed me onto her bed (at least queen sized and specially reinforced to hold her four hundred pound-plus frame) and lifted the entire bed, with me on it, then, with some adjustments, shifted the bed so she could hold it high enough for me to touch the ceiling while still laying down, and so she reliably, unwaveringly held it with one trashcan lid-sized hand.  We'd barely even started the foreplay, and my moderately-sized dick was already rock hard, with its' tip touching the ceiling (Take a good, long look at that sentence, because I doubt you'll ever see it again).  She then set the bed back down.  "You ready?" "Ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a nervous laugh.  We were both virgins (though Helen had long ago confided in me that she was no stranger to masturbation, as her libido had grown along with her body) and had just gotten tested a couple weeks before, both tests came up clean, she was taking birth control and she'd promised to be gentle, but I was still nervous from a combination of this being my first time and my partner being strong enough to hurt me pretty badly by accident, and heavy enough to potentially crush me by accidentally rolling over.  I needn't have worried.  She was definitely the dominant one, but for my own safety I was the one on top physically.  I eased into her, taking a while to get all the way in due to the muscularity of her vaginal wall, and, after a few minutes, felt something tear and heard my girlfriend gasp in pain.  "You okay?" I asked, registering in the back of my head how bizzare it felt to be asking any such question of somebody a foot and a half taller than me, almost four times my weight and with more muscle in one limb than I probably had in my entire body.  "Yeah," she said, breathing heavily, "It's alright, I know what that was, and it's just pain.  I've felt worse, I'll be fine.  Keep going.".  She wasn't kidding about her libido.  She came at least eight or nine times before I came even once, then pulled me out of her.  I saw her clitoris rising from her shaved crotch, at least equal in size at this point to my own cock.  Then she flipped me over and penetrated my ass with it.  After she eased in and out for a couple minutes I came again, creating a small white fountain.  We were at it for most of the night, until I finally burned out and fell asleep.  Helen later told me she'd had a couple more orgasms from the aftershock, and fell asleep cuddling me a couple hours later.  We woke up just after noon the next day, ate a big brunch, started fucking again, had dinner, had some more sex, fell asleep, and woke up the next morning. 

      For the next few months, the first summer we were able to spend together, we looked into getting an apartment of our own.  We'd agreed to try to stay together and try for online degrees through college, and support ourselves with part-time jobs.  We ended up in the Los Angeles area, me working as a computer programmer and her as a personal trainer.  Helen had made it clear that I was the only one for her romantically, but also that, especially given our often-conflicting schedules, her massive sex drive could not be sated by one person.  Her job gave her a pick of other partners, who she fucked either at the gym or at home.  When we were both there, I had a standing invitation to watch or join in.  The first time I watched was with a guy only slightly bigger than me, who passed out barely an hour in.  She set him down on the floor and turned to me with an almost predatory look in her eyes, and the guy woke up in approximately the position I was initially in.  Our first threesome was with a tiny Asian girl, one of Helens' clients.  The three of us spent several minutes licking each other, before I plunged my cock into her while Helen impaled me on her clit again.  The overwhelming majority of Helens' conquests were tiny (in general, not just compared to her) with a roughly even gender ratio.  I'm straight, so I only actually participated when she brought home another woman, but watching my goliath of a girlfriend dominate and overpower her partners, of either gender, never got old.

      About a year after we moved in, the night before our anniversary, she later told me she had taken the day off, then gone to the gym anyway, to get her muscles huge and pumped for that night.   When I returned home, at 9 PM, the lights were off except for down the hall in our bedroom.  Walking in, I saw Helen standing just inside the door fame (which I should note she actually had to squeeze through, meaning she actually blocked most of the light) and came then and there.  She stood there, naked, clit standing at attention, shining with sweat and muscles pumped from her all-day marathon workout.  And was it my inmagination, or was she slightly taller than she had been last night?  "I want you," she said, breathing heavily, "NOW.".  Despite having just ejaculated, I was already rock-hard again.  I didn't get many chances to see her this pumped, and when she talked like that it meant the sex for the night would be amazing.  She carried me to the bed under one arm, tore my clothes off, and swallowed my next shot of semen.  For the next hour and a half, she manhandled me, fucking my ass with her massive clitoris and fingers, catching my ejaculations between her breasts, sucking  me off, having me pleasure her orally, and holding me up by the crotch at one point with only her vaginal muscles.  I was surprised when, towards the end of our lovemaking, she did something she had never done before.  Specifically she pulled me in close, holding me over a foot off the floor, and placed my mouth around one of her nipples, saying "Drink it.".  I paused, not sure what to make of this.  "Come on, drink it.  Suckle me.  Let me breastfeed you.".  Her milk tasted oddly sweet, with a salty aftertaste, and left a slight, almost pleasurable burning in my throat going down.  After about a minute, she pried me back off, saying "Okay, that's enough."  She laid me back down on the bed, my eyelids abruptly getting heavy.  No sooner did I hit the pillow than I fell asleep, still fully erect.  I had no idea why at the time, but the dreams I had that night were, bar none, the most erotic wet dreams I'd ever had. 

      I woke up at seven thirty to a completely soaked bed, an almost painfully erect dick, and a note from Helen saying she had to go to work early and that she'd see me tonight.  I got up, started to take off the soaked sheets, and noticed the crater Helen always left in the bed, and instantly came, spraying semen almost a foot out in font of me.  Hurridly, I finished the job, making a mental note to wash them later, ate some cereal and an apple, and headed ownstairs to the parking lot.  Seeing our car, an extra-large model so that Helen could fit inside, even though she always jogged to and from work, I abruptly recalled when we first got it, and Helen showed off by lifting it over her head, grinning and actually getting so pumped she burst out of her clothes, forcing her to hurry inside to get more.  I was brought out of my memory of her nude run by the abrupt realisation that my shorts were thouroughly soaked, to the point that I had started to drip on the ground and my feet.  Blushing, despite being alone in the lot, I ran back upstairs.  What the hell was wrong with me?  Yes, Helens' size and strength had always made me horny, but this was ridiculous!  And since when had I come this much?!   I changed my pants, and brought several backups to work in a ziplock bag.  I ended up already needing one of them by the time I got there, then storing the rest in my locker.  My cock would become rock-hard for over an hour at the slightest provocation.  Any healthy woman I saw would make it start dripping.  Anything that specifically reminded me of Helen (I suspect because she already turned me on more than anyone else I'd ever seen) forced me to get changed again.  I eventually spent the last couple hours of the work day on a toilet, masturbating and flushing, and, when the workday ended, cleaned myself up, sprinted back to the car, drove home as fast as I thought I could get away with, sprinted across the parking lot and up the stairs, finally slamming the appartment door behind me, exhausted. 

      Only after catching my breath did I register a sound I hadn't expected to hear from the bedroom.  It sounded like Helen... crying, something I'd never seen or heard her do before.  I ran again, to find her sitting on the bare matress of our bed, bawling her eyes out.  "Helen?  Helen, honey, what's wrong?".  "I'm sorry!" she wailed, still not looking at me, "I'm so sorry!  I'd wanted to tell you our secret today, but I thought if I couldn't prove it first you wouldn't believe me and you'd think I was crazy, so I- and I wasn't supposed to and I didn't ask- and I-" At a loss as to what to do about this, I walked up to her and placed one hand on her shoulder.  "What did you do?  What's wrong?  You can tell me, you know I love you.".  After a minute or two, she'd calmed down somewhat.  "Remember back in kindergarten, when you asked why the women in my family were all like this?" she said, rising to her full, towering height, and doing a mind-boggling most muscular pose to emphasize.  "Uh... yes," I replied, dimly aware that I'd just come again from the display.  "And remember how I told you it was a sercret?  And how I wasn't supoosed to tell anyone until I found the one I wanted to be with forever?" "Yes, but what does that have to do with-" "Okay, now do you remember that mythology class we took in tenth grade?  The one I never needed to study for?" "Yes, but why the hell is that-" "Because, rember the Amazons?  The warrior women from the island of Thyrmescrya?" "Yes, but-" "Well, they're real.  And my mom's one of them.  And as her daughters, so are Maia and I." It took me about a minute to process what she'd just said, and a couple more to put together anything that could by any stretch of the inmagination be called a response, namely "But how-why-HOW?!" "We don't exactly know.  Apparently our ancestors had a lot of contact with the ancient Greeks, but when the Romans, who had never heard of them, came, the Council decided to withdraw from the world so they wouldn't be found.  The could have fought them off, but one small island fighting an entire empire would be a long, brutal war and not cost-effective, even though they could most likely win, and their husbands, brothers and sons were far weaker and more vulnerable and would probably die if it came to that, because only daughters born to an Amazon grow this big and this strong, while their sons take after their fathers, and most Amazons prefer either women or small, weak men as partners. Some do like large, strong men, but even the weakest Amzon was and still is stronger than the strongest man on the planet.  Amazons were allowed to go off into the world on their own and form relationships with outsiders, but they were only allowed to reveal the existance of Thyrmescrya and the Amazon people to their own families, who were also the only people they could bring back with them.  Given how the world has been since then, the rule has remained in place ever since.  My mom's the only one in our family to ever leave, and that's where we used to go every summer, to visit  her family.".  I'd been dead silent this whole time, staring at Helen with an expression that made me look as bewildered as I felt.  "You think I'm crazy, don't you?" "No!  No, I believe you.  I've known you most of my life, I trust you, it's just... how does this pretain to what you were upset about?" "Because of last night.  There's actually a certain amount of debate about wether or not Amazons count as human, because our bodies are so different from anyone else's, even our own male relatives.  And one of those differences is-" "Your breast milk?" I said, starting to catch on.  "Yes.  For other Amazons, it's just milk.  But for normal humans, it also massively increases libido." "That explains a lot," I said. "And I assume your libido is normal for an Amazon, am I right?".  "Yes.  Now, as I was saying, on males it also has some other effects.  Which" she said, looking up at the clock, "You should be experiencing phase two of right about now." A few seconds later, I felt my dick get hard again.  Harder than I'd ever felt it get, almost to the pount of hurting.  Then the feeling changed.  It felt like my entire body was being massaged from the inside out, especially my crotch.  Looking down, I could see and feel a tent forming in my shorts.  A big one, bigger than I remembered ever seeing there.  And it kept growing, both bigger and harder.  Even my balls were growing,  pumping insane amounts of sperm into my expanding dick.  After about a minute it tore through the crotch of my shorts, then gave a long, massive spurt of semen.  Hurridly, Helen scooped me up in her massive arms and took my cock in her mouth as it shot off one spurt after another.  She later told me this went on for fifteen minutes, but I can't clearly remember most of it.  At some point I passed out. 

        When I came to, I was laying on the bed, naked, with Helen standing over me with a look of mild concern.  "You okay?".  "I think so," I said, sitting up.  Looking around, I noticed Helen must have remade the bed before laying me in it, and cleaned up after me while I was out.  She had also done away with her gym clothes, and was wearing a large formal dress that hugged her entire body.  Seeing this, I felt myself get hard again.  Looking at my crotch, I saw a cock about the length and thickness of my arm between the two biggest balls I'd ever seen.  "What the hell-" "That's what Amazon milk does to men, Jack.  If they're given it as a baby, like Kevin, it causes this" she gestured at my newly-grown sex organ " and the accompanying increase in libido more gradually during puberty.".  "But this is what happens when an adult drinks it?".  "An adult male.  You'd told me before that you wished you were bigger down there, and I had wanted to tell you about all this stuff on our anniversary, but I was worried you wouldn't beleive me without some kind of evidence.".  "So that's why you breast fed me last night?".  "Yeah.  When it's done like this the amount of growth is proportionate to the amount ingested, and I've heard tell of abusers who made their men too big to move around, but you should be almost done growing by now.".  "So you were upset about not asking permission for this?".  "Yes.  Again, I doubted you'd take me seriously if I did.".  "Honestly?  Thank you.  The only thing I'm concerned about is-" "My mom said that your libido should have reduced back somewhat when you transformed.  It's still much more than it was before, but you should be able to function day to day now.  At least with some of the extra-baggy pants I bought.".  "Yeah, I was worried about that.".  Getting dressed, I found that she'd heated up a frozen pizza while I was unconcious.  "Yeah, not the best anniversary present," she said, opening a drawer on her nightstand and removing a jewelry box, "but I also wanted to give you this.".  She opened it, revealing an engagement ring.  "See, in Amazon culture you're only supposed to breastfeed two kinds of people: your children and the person you want to be with forever.  So will you-" I hugged her, almost crying with happiness.  "Yes," I replied, "Yes, I will."

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2017, 02:47:22 am »
It looks much better this way, good job on it! k+!
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline The First One

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2017, 04:06:45 am »
Thanks man.  Also, there's one edit I forgot.  The follow up will most likely be in this thread.

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2017, 10:14:53 pm »
Thanks guys.

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2017, 01:12:17 am »
This is really a great, fantastic and wonderful store TFO. I am totally hook! Great job man!

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2017, 02:34:20 am »

Offline Jeremy Lightning

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2017, 04:54:02 am »
I think he's just abbreviating your name The First One = TFO.
Don't forget to K+ if you enjoy my writing.

Great stories about strong and muscular women and girls, hope you enjoy!

Offline WilfredDDeVoe

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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2017, 07:37:03 am »
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Re: Family of Amazons second draft
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2017, 04:53:06 pm »
Should've guessed. 

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