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Author Topic: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters  (Read 207717 times)

Offline Digital Garden

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #210 on: June 27, 2018, 06:28:06 am »
I feel like I've been seeing a LOT of female muscle around my area lately. I'll say that I'm in the North Hollywood area of Los Angeles and I typically don't see a lot of women muscle out here. Well, I mean I will see muscle but there's no SUBSTANCIAL muscle to be seen out and about for the most part usually. But I've started seeing more and more hot muscle chicks age range 25-45 flaunting it out in public in the past year or so.

For example, I saw three completely different muscular women just this past Memorial Day weekend. First one was at a place called Vitello's, which an Italian Style restaurant nearby. Totally out of the blue this early 30 something year old woman walks in with another guy (presumably the boy friend) and she's sporting a tight sleeveless top and boy of boy her veins were POPPIN! Her arms were lit up like a road map, delts swollen, and there was absolutely NO mistaking it even from all the way across the room. She was gorgeous, long flowing hair and around 5'8 height. She wasn't freaky big, but she was lean and had what I would call SUBSTANTIAL muscle on her frame. If she wasn't a bodybuilder, she was most certainly a physique body type. After about 15 mins of her sitting down in the place she put a thin coat, covering up her beautiful muscular arms never to be seen again...

The second woman I spotted that weekend was at Universal Studio's City Walk open-air-mall area while standing outside the Hard Rock Cafe. All I remember at first was seeing this amazing V shape walking towards me. At first I thought it was a muscular guy from the size I was seeing, but she was wearing a form fitting tube top and jean shorts, big gucci glasses, long curly hair semi fro and medium/light black skin to her. It was earlier in the day, around 10:30am and she's got this big purse strapped over her huge boulder sized delt and then I notice the HUGE lats she was sporting, oh my... HUGE back. It would kinda push her arms out away from her sides a bit, you know what I mean? SUBSTANTIAL muscle. Her quads were POPPIN!! (Lord have mercy) Most definitely a female bodybuilding competitor, no doubt about it. But I couldn't place her face as she walked right past me. It all happened so fast, and she looked like she had somewhere to be so I didn't have the guts to try and stop her to say hi. I just turned around and watched that fine muscular goddess strut her stuff until she was out of sight.

The last woman I saw that weekend was when I was getting my car washed. I'm just there waiting, minding my own business when this Mercedes pulls up. A woman and two pre-teen kids pop out the car and walk towards me. She was obviously their mother, and I could tell that she was loaded or married into money. The clothes, the style, it screamed valley girl Mom but with a cute tight muscular body. Not a bodybuilder at all, more like a mid sized fitness competitor but her arms and shoulders were swole when I caught a glimpse walking past me. Must have been in her early 50s I think, plastic surgery, swollen lips the whole 9 yards. I could tell this woman wasn't trying to flaunt it, but it was hot. It wasn't like skinny fat muscle, I could tell that she participates in weight training for a long time. I imagine all she had to do was be a house mom and focus on building her muscles, not a bad gig if you ask me. ;)

...and as a bonus I just saw this cute muscled girl at the grocery store this afternoon. She looked like a natural blonde hair, 30 something yr old, 5'4 princess wearing a strapless sundress that went down to her calves. Best part was her whole upper torso was showing, exposing her BIG delts and biceps/triceps. She was literally glowing when I saw her in the store. Out of the corner of my eye I see this bicep, not tight and sculpted, but it was BIG. Like bigger than it should be. I immediately look up to see her face and she's adorable and gorgeous beyond belief, rooting through her bag for something. She looks up and we make eye contact, I smirk at her and she smiles back a little bit and then pushes her cart off presumably in pursuit of the next item on her grocery list. So I turn and walk in the same direction behind her. Now that I have a chance to really look I can she that even though she's probably 20-25%bf, she's got some SUBSTANCIAL muscle size on her frame. I start to envision her arms and shoulders during contest, she would have been ridiculously muscled for her height/weight. The rest of her body was covered in the sundress she was wearing, but her upper torso was exquisite to say the least. We both top at the egg section at the end of the isle, I turn to her and look right at her and say:

"Excuse me, I could help but notice your glowing smile just now. But now that I'm up close, I just wanted to say that I admire your big muscular arms."

She says: "THANK YOU" In a rather loud voice. "You wouldn't believe how many people freak out over my muscles and say such inconsiderate things" (I'm guessing guys in our area don't like the muscle women?)

I was a bit taken back, responding: "Who cares what those shaved apes think? If you want to be muscular, then dammit you be muscular" I hear eggs are great for that too by the way." Making a obviously jokester face.

She laughs: "Yes they do, I eat a LOT of eggs. Needs lots of protein to build big muscles" she says. "I go through like a 6 dozen eggs a week at least, but I usually buy those at Costco because they are so expensive here in the grocery store." The whole time she's holding a carton of eggs in her hand.

So then I say: "Well then why did you stop here to pick up a package of eggs?" You know what she said?

She says "I was kinda hoping you would stop over here too and start up a conversation"

Now I don't know if she was pulling my leg, but all I could do was just look her in the eyes and smiles at this angel holding eggs. Clearly hitting on me, or really messing with me hard. So I ask her: "You wouldn't happen to be a personal trainer by chance are you? Turns out she is, pulls a tiny card out her bag and hands it to me. "Call me if you want to get physical" she says with a gleaming wide smile, and then proceeds to put the carton of eggs BACK ON THE SHELF and rolls her shopping cart in the other direction. I was stunned... I didn't even follow after her, I just stood there for a moment, got one last item, paid and walked out to the car. I didn't see her again before I left.

So now I gotta decide if I wanna get serious with my training, cause I think I may have just found an angel to guide me. I just don't know if I'm just getting lucky right now or if this area is becoming more prone to muscular women for some odd reason. Either way, no complaints. >:D

Offline 009eli

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #211 on: June 27, 2018, 09:01:19 pm »
Nice little sighting earlier this afternoon.

My job lets me telecommute so some days a go to a library just to get out of the house to work. Today I was there working at the communal tables in the book racks head down when I look up and my eyes glance over to the computers that are used for reference. There’s a woman standing looking at them very intensely and although she is partially blocked by a stack of books something in my muscle radar goes off.

I look over every once in a while to see if my suspicions are correct but because of the design of the place and how she is standing I cant get a good glimpse of the rest of her body but I can tell I need to check it out. So I grab my little water bottle and head like I’m going to fill it up which gives me a chance to walk by as I did I was so happy I did so…

My god… This woman must have lived in the gym. She was overage height (maybe 5’ 4”) the first thing I could see coming around was she was wearing a white t with no sleeves and her arms and shoulders were bulging out. Large capped shoulders and her arms were fully exposed with large peaked bis and thick triceps. With a nice vein running across it – She was a little older. Maybe late 40s or possible early 50s. Short dark hair she was average looking, but not bad… just looked like an older woman but she looked stern.

Coming around I tried to get a better view – At first when I saw the shoulders I thought maybe cross fit but as I got a better look I could see that wasn’t the case (which wouldn’t be bad but honestly if it was a cf girl I wouldn’t have posted this) Passing by I could gauge by her shape and size she was competitive. A little too big to be figure but smaller then BB I would definitely gauge a solid physique competitor.

And my suspicions were definitely confirmed. I went to the water fountain and lingered trying to get a good view but I couldn’t because she was obscured by the book racks. As I came back I got a view of her from behind. This is definitely where I could see the different from a CF girl. Her back was too me and was nice and thick. Nice traps spilling out. But her shirt was cut stopping a little above her waist and she was wearing a fanny pack, which I thought was a bit odd but actually made her waist look smaller. She was wearing yoga pants and man – She wasn’t contest ripped but was nice and lean and her glutes were full round and definitely have worked to be developed. Big lush quads, hamstrings that popped off her body and calves which pressed through her leggings despite her standing still.

Very aesthetically pleasing. Topped off she had a nice skin tone. Not contest tan but she was nice olive skin tone which made her exposed arms and small of her back very attractive. Again as I was saying she was older looking and fine for her age but she had a very stern look on her face. I probably wouldn’t have looked twice at her without the muscle but with it I was definitely looking.

I took my place back at my computer, and here is a bit where I misplayed my hand. I thought she was using the reference to maybe look up a book and I’d get another chance to look at her as she looked through the racks but – As I looked up it she was talking to the librarians. This was another instance where I could get a sense she was a physique competitor. Her white sleeveless shirt was a bit billowy and from the front I could see where her chest was pushing the top up and away definitely indicating a nice full set of fake boobs. It was funny to watch this woman talk to the librarians who were about the same age but nowhere near this women’s physical condition. Kind of wondered what they were thinking when they talked to her.

I took my eye off the door and she must have gotten what she needed and was gone.

I go to the library often to work never seen her before. Hopefully she’ll come back.

Another funny thing to note is that the library is kind of hidden. It’s only really gone to by people in this one community that is very upscale (every car is a Tesla.) I was building a story in my head that maybe she was the rich wife of some guy who lived around there and got bored as a housewife and built her body up. Another thing I played with was that she could be a personal trainer come by to work out one of the rich housewives, as there are a lot of private gyms in the area too.

Its funny because later in the afternoon I went to the gym and was in the group fitness room and a girl who must have been prepping for either a bikini or fitness show was practicing her posing in the mirror in her leggings and sports bra. She looking good. Nice conditioning but she had nothing on the mature lush muscles I had seen just a few hours earlier.

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #212 on: July 04, 2018, 02:00:06 am »
I was in Nashville last year around this time. We go to the big mall in Nashville that I dont remember the name. I walked into H&m to see if they had any shorts on with my girlfriend. As I'm walking to the front of the store I  hear people say ''wow oh my god"". So Im thinking what the hell is going on. As Im going to leave I saw this massive lady, tan, her arms were big like Thor's arms,  Her back is the first thing that I saw because she had a dress one. I kid you not I tried not to look because I had my girlfriend with me and I wasnt trying to give my secret away about How I'am attractive to musuclar chicks!!! But all I kept thinking was mannnnn who is the lucky guy.  She was in her early 30s too. I mean Burnette which I love. 

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Offline YaxeniRocks!

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #213 on: July 15, 2018, 06:18:34 am »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?
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Offline 009eli

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #214 on: July 15, 2018, 11:44:30 pm »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #215 on: July 16, 2018, 12:39:28 am »
 The Midwest is not so much. I need to go down to Florida. Tampa I heard is the spot
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Offline tarzan7

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #216 on: July 16, 2018, 02:27:34 am »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

The old expression is "There are 8 million people in this city. And this is one of them." NYC is far too sprawling place to find FBBs. I was lucky around the East 20s or 30s six or 10 years ago and saw a couple. Traveling FBBs who visit still may go to the Milburn Hotel in the West 70s. I was there for a session with a lady once in the late 2000s and I saw two or three going out for brunch as I was about to go to her room. (Was new then and don't know to this day who but they were, but they were sexy & massive.) Hell of a thing...
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Offline YaxeniRocks!

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #217 on: July 16, 2018, 05:50:37 pm »
Thanks, guys!  I'm visiting soon.  So was hoping I'd get a chance to see them.  I was in the city last year, and around 4th of July weekend, I saw a bunch walking down from Levain Bakery on 74th street.  They were truly a sight for sore eyes!
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Offline YaxeniRocks!

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #218 on: July 16, 2018, 05:51:37 pm »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?
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Offline 009eli

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #219 on: July 16, 2018, 08:53:39 pm »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?

Syosset. So you are talking the outer burroughs.

Offline Digital Garden

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #220 on: July 21, 2018, 10:48:41 pm »
Hey guys!  Where can I find female bodybuilders in New York City?

Not sure where now because NYC is kind of sprawling. Like in LA you would just say West side by the beach. I remember when I was in NYC a decade or so ago there was a hardcore gym off Union Sq called Johnny Lats. Not sure its there anymore but I was a member for a year, the place looked like it was out of training sequence from Rocky (so awesome) but the dudes we huge... the chicks were serious and saw a few huge girls there including Carmela Cuerlton (sp?) in her prime. I'd like for places where hardcore people workout. Are you close to Bev Francis' place? Plenty of pros work out there.

Where is Bev Francis's place?

Syosset. So you are talking the outer burroughs.

Syosset is not a burrough, it's Long Island. You're talking a 40mins drive from the edge of manhattan on a good day, with traffic it could be double that.

I used to workout a Bev's when I lived out there, and there were always super huge male and female muscle coming / going from that place. Tons of equipment so you never have to wait for anything and it's always pretty steady group of people. Owners are super nice.

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #221 on: July 25, 2018, 05:21:36 pm »
Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?
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Offline 009eli

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #222 on: July 26, 2018, 04:01:51 pm »
Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?

There may be some but I cant think of any off the top of my head. You have to understand the economics of the situation. Manhattan is incredibly $$$ to live in and unfortunately now most ppl in the BB lifestyle just don't make the kind of money to live in the city. Thats why you see gyms like Equinox which charge clients 100s per month and can pay the high rents in the city and attract businessmen and women. Thats not to say you can't see some nice muscle at a place like NY Health and Racket or Equinox but your not going to get the kind of concentration youd find at a hardcore gym like Bev Francis of Golds Venice or Armbrust.

Offline YaxeniRocks!

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #223 on: July 28, 2018, 08:08:46 pm »
Any gyms in the NYC itself where I may be able to spot them?

There may be some but I cant think of any off the top of my head. You have to understand the economics of the situation. Manhattan is incredibly $$$ to live in and unfortunately now most ppl in the BB lifestyle just don't make the kind of money to live in the city. Thats why you see gyms like Equinox which charge clients 100s per month and can pay the high rents in the city and attract businessmen and women. Thats not to say you can't see some nice muscle at a place like NY Health and Racket or Equinox but your not going to get the kind of concentration youd find at a hardcore gym like Bev Francis of Golds Venice or Armbrust.

Very valid point.
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Offline YaxeniRocks!

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Re: Real life muscular women sightings and encounters
« Reply #224 on: July 29, 2018, 05:15:53 am »
How about the Connecticut area?
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