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Author Topic: The Madness of Moorland Manor  (Read 6816 times)

Offline BossRose

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The Madness of Moorland Manor
« on: October 21, 2023, 06:59:18 am »
Here's a terrifying fmg tale for all of you to enjoy during this spooky season. Weaker minds and stomachs might find this one distributing, so proceed with care and don't say I didn't warn you! Also, this was written some help of AI. With that out of the way, let me present to you;

The Madness of Moorland Manor


I teed up my ball, took a deep breath, and swung. The satisfying thwack of the club meeting the ball filled the air, and it soared through the clear, blue sky. It was a perfect day for a round of golf.

As I strode along the manicured path toward the 18th hole, my buddies and I shared laughs and high-fives, savoring the jovial atmosphere that came with these weekend excursions. It was during these moments that life felt truly good and simple.

The 18th hole was unique. It bordered a dense forest, and just beyond the trees, an imposing mansion stood. It was an old structure, its ornate architecture a stark contrast to the modern golf course. Vines clung to its weathered stone walls, and the once-grand windows were now shattered or boarded up.

That evening, we decided to cap off our golf outing with a few beers at the clubhouse. The clinking of glasses, laughter, and the aroma of grilled steaks filled the air. We settled into a corner booth, and as the evening wore on, the conversation and drinks flowed.

I couldn't help but steer the discussion towards the mansion that had intrigued me earlier. "Did you guys see that old mansion out by the 18th hole? The one covered in ivy?"

One of my buddies, Greg, had a caddy with him—a lanky teenage guy that had barely spoken a word during the day. But now he piped up.

"Moorland Manor? I know of it." The caddy interjected, his voice a mix of intrigue and surprise. I'd later learn that his name was Allan. "But Moorland Manor is more than a building. It's a story, a tale of obsession, and a descent into madness."

The others leaned in, intrigued. "Well, don't leave us hanging," Greg said, with an encouraging nudge.

The restaurant grew quieter as the caddy began to spin a tale that sent shivers down our spines. A tale that would haunt my thoughts long after the night was over.

Part I

In a decrepit mansion, hidden away from the rest of the world, lived a young man named Edgar. He and his frail mother, Eleanor, had dwelled in the looming shadow of their ancestral home for as long as Edgar could remember.

The mansion, once a symbol of opulence, had fallen into disrepair. Its walls were adorned with faded portraits of their forebears, their stern gazes haunting every corner. The furniture, once grand, now lay draped in dusty cloths, hidden from the world, as though the family had ceased to exist.

Each day, Edgar followed the same routine. He would rise from his moth-eaten bed, the creaking floorboards announcing his awakening. He'd descend the ornate, but tarnished, staircase to find his mother in the dimly lit dining room.

"Good morning, Mother," Edgar would whisper, his voice trembling in the silence of the mansion.

Eleanor, her silver hair cascading around her like a ghostly shroud, greeted him with a warm smile. "Good morning, my dear," she would reply, her voice a fragile melody in the oppressive silence.

Eleanor's attire, a reflection of her mournful disposition, consisted of long, flowing gowns, once elegant but now worn and threadbare. Her dresses clung to her frail form like the wisps of forgotten dreams, their dark colors matching the perpetual twilight that shrouded their lives.

Breakfast, their one consistent indulgence in this otherwise dreary world, consisted of freshly baked scones, their aroma filling the room with a hint of sweetness. Eleanor served them on fine porcelain plates, their delicate patterns reminiscent of a bygone era. They sipped tea from antique cups, the steam curling upward like spectral tendrils.

As Edgar savored each bite, Eleanor's praise filled the room like a gentle, reassuring whisper. "You're the light in my darkness, Edgar," she would say, her eyes brimming with maternal pride. "You're so much like your father. He was a brilliant man, a seeker of secrets."

After breakfast, Eleanor would retreat to Edgar's father's old study, a room filled with the eerie remnants of another era. There, among jars of preserved organs and yellowed anatomy charts, she would spend the rest of the day engrossed in her late husband's journals.

Those jars had always disturbed him, ever since he was small. He'd asked his mother once what was in them, "Those are reminders, Edgar," she had answered softly, "of our past."

Edgar spent most of his days wandering through the labyrinthine hallways of the mansion, where secrets lurked around every corner. And when he wasn't wandering, he would read.

One set of stories particularly ensnared his imagination. They told of Amazon women, fierce and untamed, who dwelled in a hidden jungle far from civilization. These women were strong, their bodies sculpted by the wild, and their spirits untamed like the forests they inhabited.

As he read, Edgar found himself daydreaming of these Amazonian women, their exotic allure filling his thoughts with desire. Their lives were a stark contrast to his own, and the tales of their adventures awakened a longing within him—a longing for adventure, for passion, for a life beyond the mansion's suffocating walls.

Day would fade into evening as Edgar peered out the windows, observing the misty moors that surrounded the mansion, shrouded in a perpetual gloom.

This had been their existence for as long as Edgar could remember, a life steeped in quiet despair, a mundane existence that seemed endless. But little did he know that something as simple as a letter, arriving the next morning, would disrupt their lives and propel him into a waking nightmare.

Forum Saradas

The Madness of Moorland Manor
« on: October 21, 2023, 06:59:18 am »

Offline ArkhamAsylum

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2023, 10:35:30 am »
A very intriguing beginning. I'm looking forward to the continuation.

Offline El_Roy_1999

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2023, 06:33:15 am »
Oooh! Nice and gothic! Please go on!
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Offline BossRose

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2023, 11:07:47 am »
Part II

The following morning, Edgar found himself in the graveyard behind their gloomy mansion, a place that held a haunting beauty beneath the pale light of dawn.

With a letter clutched tightly in his hand, he approached his mother, who sat on an overgrown stone bench, her eyes fixed on the graves.

"Mother," he ventured, "I received a letter today."

Eleanor, her eyes still gazing at the mossy gravestones, acknowledged him with a subtle nod.

Edgar hesitated for a moment, then continued, "It's an invitation to a grand ball at the Brightwood estate. They're hosting it in honor of their daughter's return from orient."

The air was still, heavy with the weight of memories and unfinished stories. Eleanor finally looked up, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and longing.

"Edgar," she spoke, her voice trembling, "you know I've always wanted what's best for you. But these social gatherings... they're not for the likes of us. I fear you might be led astray by... unsavory characters."

"Mother, I've yearned for companionship, for a chance to find love and start a family of my own. This ball could be my opportunity."

Eleanor sighed, her frail form seeming to wither further as she spoke, "My dear, I only wish to protect you from the world's cruelties. These gatherings can be dangerous, and I can't bear the thought of losing you to the unknown."

Torn between his desire for a life beyond the mansion's walls and the tragic history of his family, Edgar remained silent for a moment.

Eleanor's gaze bore into him, her eyes moist with unshed tears. "Promise me, Edgar," she implored, "promise that you won't go. Promise that you'll stay here with your family, where it's safe."

Edgar hesitated, the weight of his mother's plea heavy upon him. But the longing in his heart was undeniable, a need that had festered for far too long among the silent graves. And in that moment, for the first time in his dreary life, he decided that he would disobey his mother.

Part III

As the evening of the grand ball descended upon Edgar's family estate, nestled far away from the bustling city, he stood by the grand front door, a small valise clutched tightly in his hand. His mother, lost in the shadows of father's study, was unaware of his daring plan.

A coach had been discreetly arranged to transport him to the Brightwood estate where the ball was to take place. The coachman nodded, and with a creak of wooden wheels, they began their journey. Moonlight dappled the country road ahead, casting an enchanting glow on the evening's adventure.

His heart pounded with anticipation as the coach trundled along the winding road towards Brightwood Manor, its lantern-lit silhouette growing larger with each step. The perfume of blossoms wafted through the night air, and the distant strains of music beckoned him closer.

Inside the grand ballroom, Edgar's senses were overwhelmed. He found himself in a world of vibrant color and laughter, an opulent tapestry of silk and jewels. The scent of perfumed ladies and the sounds of lively conversation filled the air. It was a world he had only dreamt of, a world of possibilities.

Then, he saw her—an embodiment of strength and beauty reminiscent of the Amazon warriors from his favorite tales. Isabella, her golden locks pulled back into a ponytail, stood tall and muscular, radiating a magnetic confidence. Her intense, cerulean eyes sparkled with a captivating allure, and her radiant smile could melt even the iciest hearts.

Her dress, a work of art in itself, clung to her muscular frame with a grace that was both enchanting and formidable. The bodice embraced her sculpted shoulders and arms, the fabric outlining each sinew and curve. Her powerful back, honed by years of wrestling and sports, was accentuated by the gown's elegant cut, drawing the eye to the strength beneath the beauty.

Isabella's legs, strong and defined, moved with purpose and grace beneath her flowing skirts. Her muscular physique was a symphony of power and grace, each muscle contributing to her allure. Her hands, the hands of an amazon, were both delicate and strong.

Their introduction was a lively exchange, filled with tales of horseback adventures and thrilling wrestling matches. Isabella's laughter was a contagious energy, and as the night wore on, Edgar couldn't help but be drawn to her vivacity.

"Come with me," Isabella whispered, her voice charged with determination. "I wish to wrestle in rings across continents, ride horses in the wildest of terrains. I can show you a life of vigor and passion."

Edgar hesitated only for a moment. In that instant, he knew that this was the escape he had longed for, the chance to live a life of excitement and adventure. He took her hand, and together they slipped away from the ball, disappearing into the night, leaving behind his old life.

With a heart full of joy and sorrow, Edgar wrote a letter to his mother, explaining his decision. He spoke of his love for Isabella and their plans to travel the world. His words were filled with gratitude for the life she had given him but also a yearning for the vibrant life he had found.

As the letter vanished into the postal service, Edgar and Isabella looked to the horizon, ready to embark on their own thrilling journey, leaving behind the country that had been Edgar's prison for so long.

Weeks turned into months, and Edgar remained enraptured by Isabella's world. They traveled abroad, exploring distant lands and sharing in her love for adventure. He tended her wounds as she wrangled Mongolian stallions and braided her hair in preparation for bouts with master Sumo wrestlers, and in a small village by the sea, beneath a sky ablaze with stars, he proposed.

She said yes, without any hesitation, and it was decided that they would marry in Brightwood Manor. Yet, the thought of returning to his past filled Edgar with unease.

He couldn't shake the feeling that returning was a step into the unknown, that his mother's reaction to his marriage might not be as welcoming as he hoped.

Offline BossRose

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2023, 05:33:45 am »
Part IV

With their hearts brimming with excitement, Edgar and Isabella returned to the mansion after years of adventure. The looming silhouette of Edgar's ancestral home greeted them, but something was amiss.

"Edgar," Isabella whispered, her voice filled with concern, "are you certain about this?"

Edgar gazed into Isabella's eyes, his love for her giving him the resolve he needed. "I have to see my mother," he replied. "I need to explain, to make her understand. She's the only family I have left."

As they entered the dimly lit dining room, Edgar's jaw dropped in disbelief. The once-faded portraits had been replaced with his father's faded anatomy charts, and the ornate dining table had been pushed aside to make way for an assortment of weights and exercise equipment.

"Mother!" Edgar called out in bewilderment, rushing through the mansion, Isabella following close behind.

What had once been a place of faded grandeur had been turned into a gymnasium. Dumbbells of various sizes littered the rooms, exercise mats were sprawled across the floors, and the air was thick with the scent of sweat and exertion.

In the kitchen, they found even more surprises. Enormous quantities of food had been consumed, as if the mansion had hosted a feast of epic proportions. The remnants of meat and bread were scattered across the countertops, and the pantry shelves were nearly bare.

Edgar's heart pounded as he called for his mother again, but there was no reply, only an eerie silence that seemed to engulf the mansion.

In his father's old study, they made a chilling discovery. The many jars of preserved organs had been shattered, glass shards and dried stains of unknown substances covered the floor. But the organs themselves were nowhere to be found.

Isabella clutched his arm, her eyes filled with concern. "What has happened here, Edgar? Where is your mother?"

Edgar's mind raced with confusion and worry. It was as though the mansion had been invaded by unknown forces during their absence. He knew he needed to find his mother and make sense of it all.

Part V

With trepidation, Edgar and Isabella explored the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit halls. As they reached the door to Eleanor's sanctuary, they hesitated for a moment.

Edgar pushed the door open slowly, revealing only the silhouette of his mother. She stood before them, obscured by the faint light from the corridor, her form shrouded in darkness.

Eleanor's voice was but a whisper. ""Good evening,my dear."

As she stepped into the light her full form was revealed, a monstrous spectacle of muscular power. A black leather corset struggled to contain the gnarly, bulging muscles of her well-endowed body. The corset's laces, pulled tight, seemed to groan in protest, unable to fully restrain the grotesque contours of her chiseled abdomen, emphasizing her newfound strength.

Her arms, once delicate, were now grotesquely sinewy and powerful, the leather straps of the corset stretched to their limits over her brawny shoulders. Her chest and back were a tangled mass of veiny, taut muscles, straining against the confining leather, giving her an air of dominion that sent shivers down Edgar's spine.

But despite this transformation, she was beautiful. Long silver hair cascading down her wide back like a waterfall of moonlight. Her face, though lined with age, held a haunting beauty that defied description.

As she approached them, her bare legs came into view, and they were nothing short of horrifying. The leather corset ended just above her hips, revealing legs that seemed more suited for a titan than a woman. Her thighs were monstrous columns of bulging sinew, like tree trunks with veins snaking across the surface. Her calves were gnarled masses of muscle, each movement she made a testament to her monstrous strength.

"Mother?" Edgar stammered, his voice quivering as he beheld the grotesque spectacle before him.

"Dear Edgar," she purred, her voice low and sultry, "I see you've returned."

Isabella stepped forward, introducing herself with a polite curtsey. "I'm Isabella, a friend of your son's."

"Ah, Isabella, you're the one who's stolen my dear son's heart." Her gaze shifted to Isabella's toned physique, and a dark, possessive look crossed her face. "Such magnificent muscles you have, my dear. Quite the Amazon."

Edgar's heart pounded as he struggled to comprehend the changes in his mother. "Mother, what has happened to you?"

Eleanor's gaze turned back to Edgar, and a bitter anger simmered beneath her words. "You left me alone in this house for far too long, Edgar. The emptiness, the silence, it was torture. All because you wanted to fornicate with this... Harlot." Eleanor moved closer to them, her monstrous presence dominating the room. "So I did what I had to do. While you were out gallivanting with your newfound 'love', I was here in this house." She gestured to the weightlifting equipment around the room, the walls adorned with charts and diagrams. "I studied your father's old notes, the secrets he'd unearthed. And I labored tirelessly, from morning to midnight, growing my flesh."

Edgar watched in disbelief as his mother flexed her powerful muscles. It was as if she had become a living monument to her own obsession.

"And the longing in my heart turned into a ravenous hunger. I ate everything in this house and these moors. Every scrap of sustenance I could find."
Eleanor's face contorted into a terrifying grin as she hissed, "Edgar, I ate everything!"

"Mother," Edgar gasped, A thought had crossed his mind. Almost too terrible for words. "What were in those jars?" He whispered. "The jars in father's study."

Eleanor's eyes locked onto Edgar's, her gaze unwavering. "Edgar, my dear, you already know, deep inside you," she replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

Edgar's mind raced as he tried to process her words, a sinking feeling of dread gnawing at him. "No, Mother, you must tell me. I don't understand."

"Annabelle, William, Charlotte, and Samuel. My poor babies."

Edgar's heart sank as he realized the horrifying truth.

"We couldn't bear to let them go completely. Your father preserved parts of them, their organs, and buried the rest in the cemetery."

"Mother," he stammered, his voice trembling.

She nodded slowly, her voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, my dear Edgar. Now they'll forever be a part of me."

Isabella gasped in horror, her face drained of color.

A sickening wave of revulsion washed over Edgar, and he staggered back, unable to comprehend the depths of his mother's madness. The room seemed to close in around him as the weight of the truth bore down upon him.

Offline BossRose

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2023, 07:31:05 am »
Part VI  Isabella clung to Edgar, her face pale with shock. "We need to leave, Edgar. Now."  But Eleanor's laughter echoed through the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. Her neck, now a pillar of immense girth, rippled with muscles as she threw her head back. "Leave? Oh, my dear son, you won't be going anywhere. You belong with me, and I'll make sure of it."  In a desperate bid for freedom, Edgar grabbed Isabella's hand and together, they rushed out of the room, down the grand stairs and made a dash for the front door. Panic surged through him as they approached it, but just as they reached for the handle, an arm knotted with pale muscle reached out and slammed the door shut with a deafening thud. The impact reverberated through the foyer, sealing their fate.  Eleanor's voice, now tinged with madness, echoed through the room. "You'd abandon me? Your own mother, who gave you life! For that little skank?"  Edgar turned to face his mother, his heart pounding. "Mother, please, this isn't you. Let us go."  "I'm not letting her take you," Eleanor's muscular form loomed ominously in the dimly lit foyer. Her eyes, once filled with maternal warmth, were now cold and calculating. "You're all I have left."  Without warning, she lunged at Isabella with astonishing speed and strength.  Edgar's cry of horror was drowned out by Isabella's scream as Eleanor's powerful grip closed around her throat. Her aged arms, once frail, were now bulging with grotesque, unnatural muscles, sinews and veins protruding like grotesque worms beneath her skin.   Isabella, whom Edgar had watched dominate Sumo wrestlers thrice her size, found herself utterly powerless in Eleanor's grip. She struggled to break free, her efforts proving futile against Eleanor's might. It was as if her own physical prowess had become irrelevant in the face of this monstrous transformation.  Eleanor's shockingly superior strength over Isabella sent a chilling message. Her eyes bore into the girl with a mix of contempt and disappointment. She sneered, "Is this what you thought would satisfy my son? Those muscles, so tiny and pathetic."  Isabella gasped for breath, her vision blurring as the life was slowly crushed out of her. Edgar, filled with a surge of adrenaline, tried to pry his mother's fingers away, but it was a futile endeavor.  Eleanor's revelation cut deeper as she spoke again, her voice dripping with disdain, "Oh, I know of his secret desires, the Amazon tales he devoured when he thought nobody watched. And you... you could never fulfill those fantasies."  Isabella's life slipped away, her eyes pleading for help that Edgar couldn't provide. In an instant, the woman he loved was gone, a life extinguished by the madness that had consumed his mother.  Eleanor released Isabella's lifeless body, letting it fall to the floor with a thud. Her eyes, once clouded by sorrow, were now filled with a disturbing satisfaction.  Edgar fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.  Part VII  As Edgar knelt beside the lifeless body of Isabella, grief and despair threatened to consume him  With a sinister smile, Eleanor bent down and effortlessly lifted Edgar to his feet as if he weighed nothing at all. Her strength was a horrifying testament to the extent of her power over him.   "Mother, please," Edgar pleaded, his voice choked with tears. "Let me go. This isn't you."  Eleanor's grip on him tightened, and her laughter filled the air like a chilling melody. "Oh, my dear son, this is the real me. The me that you never knew."  Edgar's struggles were futile, like a fly caught in the web of a monstrous spider. She dragged him through the mansion, her steps echoing with a thunderous force, each footfall a reminder of her monstrous strength. She locked doors and windows with ease, sealing Edgar's fate within the suffocating embrace of the mansion's walls. The life he had briefly tasted with Isabella had been snatched away, replaced by the suffocating grip of his mother's madness.  In the darkness of the mansion, Eleanor's eyes gleamed with an unsettling possessiveness. "We will live as we used to, Edgar, just you and I. You belong to me, and no one else."  The rooms of the mansion seemed to close in around them, their shadows concealing the horrors that had taken root within its walls. Edgar's pleas for freedom fell on deaf ears as his mother's grotesque, pulsating muscle-madness held him captive in the nightmare that had become his existence.

Offline BossRose

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Re: The Madness of Moorland Manor
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2024, 03:34:27 pm »
Part IIX

Days turned into weeks, and the mansion became a prison from which Edgar could not escape. Under the watchful, possessive gaze of his mother, Eleanor, he was forced into a harrowing routine.

Each morning, Edgar awoke to the relentless clang of weights and the sight of his mother's bulging muscles glistening with sweat, straining against the constraints of her corset.

Eleanor's strength and size continued to expand, her transformation into a muscular behemoth accelerating with each passing day. Her shoulders were now so broad that they seemed to fill entire rooms and her back was a tangled mass of muscles that rippled with every movement.

Edgar would dutifully prepare her meals, dishes laden with an extraordinary amount of meat. The once-decrepit mansion now echoed with the imposing presence of his mother.

In the dimly lit dining room, Eleanor would observe Edgar with a calculating gaze as he set a mountainous breakfast plate before her. Scones. Scones stuffed full of meat.

"You've become quite skilled in the kitchen, my dear," she remarked, a twisted smile playing on her lips.

"Thank you, Mother," Edgar replied, his voice laced with a mixture of fear and submission.

After the meal, his daily chores would begin. Cleaning the mansion, scrubbing floors, and maintaining the exercise equipment that had taken over the once-grand rooms.

At night, a disturbing ritual would unfold. If Edgar had been obedient and efficient in his duties, his reward was the privilege of worshiping his mother's incredible muscles.

"You've been a good son today," she would say, a twisted smile playing on her lips. "Your reward awaits."

Every gnarled detail of her aged body was laid bare for him to behold -Her chest, once delicate, now boasted a pair of gnarled pecs each bigger than his head. Her abdominal muscles formed a labyrinth of veins and bulges. The grotesque bulge of her deltoids, the knots of muscle that rippled down her abdomen, and the twisted sinews that coiled around her thighs. His own mother's grotesque body held him captive, and he found himself drawn into a dark and perverse fascination.

Kneeling before her, Edgar would say, "May I, Mother?"

Eleanor would grant her permission with a chilling nod.

Edgar's hands trailed up her legs. His fingertips brushed against her gargantuan thighs, encountering a grotesque expanse of muscle that felt like solid granite beneath his touch. Her legs were swollen to monstrous proportions, stretching the very limits of human anatomy.

As his hands trailed upward, her thighs seemed to go on forever, each contour and bulge grotesquely exaggerated. Her skin, stretched taut over the immense musculature.

Veins snaked across the surface, throbbing with an unnatural intensity, their rhythmic pulsations powered by her monstrous heart. Every touch was a reminder of her otherworldly transformation, a grotesque testament to the madness that had consumed her.

"Tell me, Edgar," she purred, "do you admire my strength?"

He hesitated for a moment before responding, "Yes, Mother. Your strength is... impressive."

His words were laced with a strange mixture of fear and fascination. As time went on, something dark stirred within him. The power and dominance she exuded began to captivate him in ways he couldn't understand.

He found himself addicted to the sight of her gnarled biceps and monstrous physique, a strange attraction that both frightened and enthralled him. His obsession with his mother's otherworldly muscles grew, and he felt himself drawn further into her nightmarish world.

One day, as they sat at the table, Eleanor's piercing eyes locked onto Edgar's face, her expression inscrutable. "Edgar," she began, her voice low and demanding, "what has become of your thoughts about that woman, Isabella?"

Edgar blinked, struggling to remember the name. "Isabella? I...I can't seem to recall, Mother. My thoughts are only of you."

Eleanor's wicked smile returned, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "That's my boy. You're finally starting to understand. It's just you and me, Edgar, as it should be."

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