  • #1 by yahring on 21 Jan 2019
  • Just in case nobody noticed about the new Marvel Hulk...  :woot:

  • #2 by monsdat on 22 Jan 2019
  • I dunno if I like this. She looks more like The Abominatrix  here.  I prefer some of the older version of She Hulk.
  • #3 by jmp135 on 20 Mar 2021
  • Love how big she is here... big is good 👍
  • #4 by bertmacklinsbrother on 22 Mar 2021
  • I really liked this She Hulk, but unfortunately the more casual fans hated this run.  So I don't think we'll get a repeat.

    And obviously there is a lot still up in the air as far as where they'll take the live-action TV show, but given costs of CG and the overall public reaction of women who have muscles, I don't have much faith that Disney will make her that big...
  • #5 by Saradas.Org on 14 Jul 2023