  • #1 by Heatseeker on 09 Jun 2022
  • Where in the world do you meet women like these? I never know there were so many women interested in bodybuilding and shaping their bods. S'wonderful!
  • #2 by Mr_Obvious99 on 01 Jun 2023
  • Asking the same thing myself
  • #3 by VegasAce on 01 Jun 2023
  • Get into activities that bring you around muscular women. Get into bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit or some other strength sport and join a dedicated hardcore gym. Get serious into it (no dicking around the gym,) and get involved with your local fitness community and be friendly towards both the men and women. Let people know that you are friendly and approachable. Compete and attend competitions as a spectator and use them as networking opportunities.

    Basically, if you want a buff woman, you gotta put in the work.
  • #4 by wolf5 on 03 Jun 2023
  • Im going to try and attend a show myself to actually meet a fbb other than sessions.
  • #5 by Lucas35 on 03 Jun 2023
  • Where in the world do you meet women like these? I never know there were so many women interested in bodybuilding and shaping their bods. S'wonderful!

    In my experience thee women are hard to deal with. If they are small and look good to the averge guy, they think they are a 10 and act like insufferable divas. If they're bigger, all the drugs make them crazy.
    I think you're better off finding a nice good ooking girl than chasing an fbb. But if you're lucky to find one that's worth it, go for it.
  • #6 by VegasAce on 05 Jun 2023
  • Where in the world do you meet women like these? I never know there were so many women interested in bodybuilding and shaping their bods. S'wonderful!

    In my experience thee women are hard to deal with. If they are small and look good to the averge guy, they think they are a 10 and act like insufferable divas. If they're bigger, all the drugs make them crazy.
    I think you're better off finding a nice good ooking girl than chasing an fbb. But if you're lucky to find one that's worth it, go for it.

    You do realize that they’re nice muscular women out there, right?

    And if in your experience all the buff women you have encountered are hard to deal with, it is probably more of a “you” thing versus a “them” thing. Remember the saying: “if you meet one asshole, they’re an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole”.
  • #7 by Adam_S on 18 Jun 2023
  • Where in the world do you meet women like these? I never know there were so many women interested in bodybuilding and shaping their bods. S'wonderful!

    I assume you mean FBB or WPD types? Others have said the right things about joining a gym or going to shows. could find a woman in good shape, who values fitness, and isn't afraid of free weights. She's not a FBB but she's also not soft. My wife will never look like a FBB or compete, but she hits the gym 4x a week, would 7x if she could. I'm definitely stronger but she's pretty strong for 5'7" and 40yo. She cares about it a lot // she'll always wanna be in shape and feel like she's strong. That archetype of woman isn't 170# of beef, but she's a lot more common.
  • #8 by Jimmyt on 11 Aug 2023
  • Where in the world do you meet women like these? I never know there were so many women interested in bodybuilding and shaping their bods. S'wonderful!

    In my experience thee women are hard to deal with. If they are small and look good to the averge guy, they think they are a 10 and act like insufferable divas. If they're bigger, all the drugs make them crazy.
    I think you're better off finding a nice good ooking girl than chasing an fbb. But if you're lucky to find one that's worth it, go for it.

    You do realize that they’re nice muscular women out there, right?

    And if in your experience all the buff women you have encountered are hard to deal with, it is probably more of a “you” thing versus a “them” thing. Remember the saying: “if you meet one asshole, they’re an asshole. If everyone you meet is an asshole, you’re the asshole”.

    VA has good points. That said, in my limited experience, Lucas’ comments are not totally off. I think the holy grail is meeting a woman who is not yet a physical masterpiece, but has that goal. You show her that you truly “like her for her” and support her as she physically grows into who she wants to be. The fact that you also like who she evolves into is what makes her the holy grail.

    Much easier said than done.
  • #9 by kitun on 13 Aug 2023
  • I think you just need to talk to them like ordinary women