  • #1 by purepro46 on 31 Jan 2023
  • I'm no AI expert but there's a growing number of websites/apps that can generate videos and images from text you enter.  Perhaps it's only a matter of time before it's possible to have AI create whatever kind of female muscle video you want, either for free or for a charge.  Might become serious competition to the female muscle pay sites as the technology improves.  Thoughts?
  • #2 by MaxSideburns72 on 31 Jan 2023
  • I just think it's positive.
    When I started interesting in female muscles there was a lack of anything related. Actually I am happy I am in good company
  • #3 by Timmon on 06 Apr 2023
  • AI used correctly will be positive, but incorrectly it will be very negative.

    Just looking at the FBB world, it will become possible to portray the top athletes in any scene the creator wants. Against the will of the athlete. This could destroy their credibility, even if they protest and claim the pictures or video are untrue and created by software. On the flip side, AI could be used to make an athlete look better than they ever have done, which the athlete may, or may not approve.

    And non FBB's could be changed into FBB's, and FBB's could suddenly find they are made to look smaller, causing upset.

    A non FBB example. I seem to get targeted by Fakebook whenever some conspiracy theorist claims the moon landings didn't happen! Fakebook seems to think I am interested in their views.
    Some of them claim that the moon landings were CGI! In the 1960's and 70's CGI was non existant until maybe late 70's onwards when it was in it's very early stages.
    Total discredited views, but I feel sad that when we return to the moon in a couple of years, the conspitancy theorists will be out again claiming it is all fake. And this time, it will be harder to show what is real or fake, so the lines between reality and AI will become forever more blurred.

    I prefer to live in the real world with all it's flaws and frustrations, than live in a false world where you can no longer believe that what you are seeing is in fact real, or not.

    Having said that, if I am alive when they invent Star Trek's Hologram Deck, I will be first in the queue to create a 1990's Ms Olympia programme for myself!
  • #4 by anonomega on 06 May 2024
  • I donèt think AI is there just yet. What she should be looking foward to are programs like Virt-A-Mate, Blender, and Honey Select2 (with Studio). I got the third program and while what I can create is limited it is still user friendly and I can do a lot by downloading mods others create. Its just a matter of making these programs user firendly and having pre made poses stuff. When these programs improve, potentially anyone can create a character and set up their poses, actions and scenarios. I was able to make a few still nimage stuff i posted on this site.
  • #5 by msclelvr23 on 08 May 2024
  • As someone who's been creating AI "Art" for the past year, it's not there 'yet,' but nothing beats the real thing.  It will get there at some point, by which I mean for an individual to create.  It's like real dolls, for a small niche they're everything.  For everyone else it's creepy as fuck.  There are a few people I've interacted in this scene that can make single images (female bodybuilding related) that are nearly discernable from the real thing, but there are still quite a few limitations.  The real thing at the moment is still so much better (imo).

    If we're talking about leaning more towards the fantasy aspect mixed with female muscle, then that maybe a different story, since you can create almost anything the mind makes up, and if there's no data, people can create LoRA's or DoRA's or Embeddings to facilitate those predilections.  Which oddly might actually be a good thing, to keep those people out of public life...
  • #6 by higty456 on 10 Jul 2024
  • I wouldn't trust AI.

    AI art has a specific look that is a bit too "clean", so just doesn't feel the same.

    I would assume videos would be the same.
  • #7 by Sapienss on 10 Jul 2024
  • AI is today what the calculator was back in it's days.

    It's a tool, that is so much more potent than humans at what it does, that it gets frightening. Yet mathematicians still exists, accountants as well, they just started using calculators, they evolved around it. And that ain't a bad thing, that's actually what helps our society move forward. Are there bad application of calculators ? Of course. Same goes for the AI. Yet the tool in and of itself ain't the danger.

    Now, having text to video AI is far from done, but we might eventually get there. Though is it really gonna be available to everyone ? Maybe not. Will it be a good or a bad use of that tool ? I really don't know. I guess it's cool, but it kinda destroys the thing doesn't it ? Athletes exist, and that is why images mean something.