  • #1 by urcaniulian on 08 Feb 2023
  • Who is she? (the lady with sox)

  • #2 by Baalphegor on 23 Apr 2023
  • That looks like Nikki Fuller to me, but not certain.
  • #3 by Warhawk Overdrive on 23 Apr 2023
  • Etta Timmerman? 
  • #4 by urcaniulian on 26 Jan 2024
  • All i know is that the picture is from the 1986 Ms. National Fitness.
  • #5 by Timmon on 27 Jun 2024
  • I wonder if it could be   Shirley Eson-Korito ("Sky" from American Gladiators)     

    In the pic she looks tall, Shirley was the world's tallest female bodybuilder in 1986.
  • #6 by catboss on 09 Jul 2024
  • Liz Karp?
  • #7 by Iron Wolf on 09 Jul 2024
  • Etta Timmerman