  • #1 by DrGORG on 03 Nov 2022
  • Have we met before?

  • #2 by DrGORG on 07 Nov 2022
  • Fashion images from a parallel universe...

  • #3 by DrGORG on 24 Nov 2022
  • Famous action actresses of the 60s : Maria GLOCKENSPIEL

  • #4 by DrGORG on 02 Dec 2022
  • diversity, curls and mass :

  • #5 by thebaron on 03 Dec 2022
  • It's good fun but a lot harder than you think I've been trying with mixed results. Good work. :clap:
  • #6 by DrGORG on 04 Dec 2022
  • It's good fun but a lot harder than you think I've been trying with mixed results. Good work. :clap:
    Thank you Baron.
    And yes, it is much more difficult to obtain good results than it seems (at least "on paper").
  • #7 by DrGORG on 06 Dec 2022
  • A bunch of completely unknown celebrities....

  • #8 by DrGORG on 07 Dec 2022
  • Chic et musclĂ©e, la parisienne n'a aucun complexe...
    (Both Chic and muscular, the Parisian girl has no has no hang-ups)

  • #9 by bigbody on 07 Dec 2022
  • Omfg i love your work this is awesome can you please do Taylor Swift and Billie eilish and miley cyrus and gwen stefani massive muscle they are my favorite thanks my freind
  • #10 by Kujarer on 10 Dec 2022
  • Famous action actresses of the 60s : Maria GLOCKENSPIEL

    "I don't recognize the face, but the name rings a bell...!"

     :funny:      :laugh:      :what:      :laugh:      :funny:      :sorry:
  • #11 by DrGORG on 10 Dec 2022
  • Famous action actresses of the 60s : Maria GLOCKENSPIEL

    "I don't recognize the face, but the name rings a bell...!"

     :funny:      :laugh:      :what:      :laugh:      :funny:      :sorry:

    I hate to say that but... Karma for that corny pun...
  • #12 by DrGORG on 10 Dec 2022
  • #13 by bigbody on 11 Dec 2022
  • Omfg i love your work can you please do Taylor Swift and miley cyrus and gwen stefani and Billie eilish please they are my favorite thanks my freind
  • #14 by Kujarer on 13 Dec 2022
  • Famous action actresses of the 60s : Maria GLOCKENSPIEL

    "I don't recognize the face, but the name rings a bell...!"

     :funny:      :laugh:      :what:      :laugh:      :funny:      :sorry:

    I hate to say that but... Karma for that corny pun...

    'K' + 1 = 711
  • #15 by DrGORG on 14 Dec 2022
  • In London, the fashionable twist n twirl must 'ave is muscle. Nah style and nah butcher's worthy wifaht biceps...
