  • #16 by Bulklover on 30 Aug 2022
  • I obviously didn’t read very well. I just wrote a humiliating thing my apologies

    That's okay . . . probably three guys here read your take and popped a load.  LOL!!
  • #17 by LynnD on 06 Sep 2022
  • When a girl forces you to lose a load I always thought that was called “being trophied”?  I’ve had dozens and dozens of sessions, but only “trophied” twice. Once a long time ago by Ms. Rayne where she threatened to rape me and I attempted to get away only to be caught, carried back to the bed, stripped, and pin in such a way that my one arm was twisted around my head while she laid on the other. Then she just played with me until I couldn’t control myself. I tried my best to think of terrible things to occupy my mind, but nothing worked. At the time I was petrified that she was going to actually rape me (strap-on?). I was very humiliated. Second girl who got me was quite a few years ago too. It was Cindy Taylor. We were wrestling around and it was very obvious I was no match for her (she had a good 20 pounds on me and was a pro wrestler/bodybuilder. At one point she was laying on her back, in a very skimpy two piece bikini I might add, and I tried to jump her and pin her down. I had control of her about a grand total of 2 seconds before she overpowered my arms pinning them to her sides and grapevined my right leg with her left leg. . I couldn’t get free and my face was directly in front of her 44EEE breasts. Then she slowly raised her left leg up and down lifting my entire lower half into the air. The feeling of her thigh between my legs, pressing my groin while lifting me up and down, as I could barely keep my face out of her cleavage, caused me to explode in my underwear. I begged her to stop before I lost it because it was only 1/2 way though the session and I didn’t want to lose focus, but she just ignored my pleas and kept lifting me up and down until I came. Both of these instances were very humiliating to me because it was not discussed, or agreed to in advance, and it was forced on me. What was also embarrassing and humbling was the fact that both these girls were almost identical in size (~5’9” to 5’10” and around 215 pounds) compared to my 5’11” and 185. It’s not like they were a super lot bigger than I was at the time. 
  • #18 by boyofwinter on 11 Oct 2022
  • One girl managed to set defcon 1 in the first minute of the session just from being transfixed by her freakishly big hard legs. I had already done over 200 sessions and never was a cheap date in this area, until that day.
  • #19 by Bulklover on 12 Oct 2022
  • I think the most humiliating version I ever heard was Nelson Rockefeller . . . I mean, how humiliating would it be to admit that a woman made you cum, and you died in the saddle?

    Anyway, after twenty-four years of marriage, that's my goal.  ::burp::  Oh, and Vas is a dick! Heehee!
  • #20 by FBBSeeker on 08 Nov 2022
  • I think the most humiliating version I ever heard was Nelson Rockefeller . . . I mean, how humiliating would it be to admit that a woman made you cum, and you died in the saddle?

    Anyway, after twenty-four years of marriage, that's my goal.  ::burp::  Oh, and Vas is a dick! Heehee!

    Sounds like a great goal.
    At this point, any FBB willing to would be a contender
  • #21 by boyofwinter on 18 Nov 2022
  • I think the most humiliating version I ever heard was Nelson Rockefeller . . . I mean, how humiliating would it be to admit that a woman made you cum, and you died in the saddle?

    Anyway, after twenty-four years of marriage, that's my goal.  ::burp::  Oh, and Vas is a dick! Heehee!
    Shot and killed by jealous husband at 90 remains the best life goal.
  • #22 by crazycrazy on 19 Nov 2022
  • I think the most humiliating version I ever heard was Nelson Rockefeller . . . I mean, how humiliating would it be to admit that a woman made you cum, and you died in the saddle?

    Anyway, after twenty-four years of marriage, that's my goal.  ::burp::  Oh, and Vas is a dick! Heehee!
    Shot and killed by jealous husband at 90 remains the best life goal.

    Shot at... and missed.
  • #23 by sprstrn on 21 Nov 2022
  • I always cum very hard with high pressure. I've had several sessions with uncountable orgasms. But there is one memorable:

    Had a session with Trapalicious. When I entered the room, my heart pumped so bad. There stood this tall, heavy muscled girl I dreamt of many nights. We get off our clothes and she flexed her enormous muscle. I touched her from head to toe. Then I pushed her a bit and said: "Lets look who is stronger." Then she catched me and thrown me on the bed as if I was nothing. It was in seconds. Shre wrestled me down and crushed me with her heavy muscled, strong legs. My cock was enormously big. She grabbed him and began to squeeze him with her big, strong hands. I said: "Do you mind doing that with your biceps?" Then she took him inbetween her thick, bulging forearm and her massive biceps (at least 17'' at this time). She flexed her arm and moved it up and down. Her biceps got so big that I sometime couldn't see my cock anymore. It was so awesome. Then I came with a massive load, it was by far the greatest orgasm I had in my life. My sperm spreaded all over the appartment. She took a tissue and washed my sperm from a sculpture standing two or three meters away from the bed, and she whispered: "Are you an artist?" That was so great. She made me cum another time in the session, in a way similar to the first. It was the best session of my life.
  • #24 by outmuscled on 06 Dec 2022
  • That's hot sprstm, but far from humiliating. Sounds like she was also impressed by you! Or pretty pleased with her own handiwork at any rate.
    However she was just doing what you asked her to, not exactly taking control or forcing you.
  • #25 by sprstrn on 13 Dec 2022
  • That's hot sprstm, but far from humiliating. Sounds like she was also impressed by you! Or pretty pleased with her own handiwork at any rate.
    However she was just doing what you asked her to, not exactly taking control or forcing you.

    Sorry, I am not a native english speaker. I thougt humilliating meant something different.
    But now you know my greatest orgasm ever in detail ;-)
  • #26 by lobadou on 27 Dec 2022
  • About ten years ago I had a session with the Hungarian wrestlers Viktoria and Antscha both together against me. Their complicity made them unbeatable and I spent the whole session wiping the mats while begging for them to let me breathe. When the session was near ending,  while Antscha held me on the floor with a Full Nelson and her legs wrapped around mine to spread them apart, Viktoria ripped my boxer to have me helpless naked with my male attributes at her mercy. Regardless my approval as nothing sexual had been discussed before the session,  she started to play with my cock and balls while her and Antscha were laughing to me. She played like that a few minutes before eventually make me cum while moking at seeing me so pathetic. It was both such a humiliating and exciting feeling that I'm still dreaming about that session.
  • #27 by Bulklover on 30 Dec 2022
  • About ten years ago I had a session with the Hungarian wrestlers Viktoria and Antscha both together against me. Their complicity made them unbeatable and I spent the whole session wiping the mats while begging for them to let me breathe. When the session was near ending,  while Antscha held me on the floor with a Full Nelson and her legs wrapped around mine to spread them apart, Viktoria ripped my boxer to have me helpless naked with my male attributes at her mercy. Regardless my approval as nothing sexual had been discussed before the session,  she started to play with my cock and balls while her and Antscha were laughing to me. She played like that a few minutes before eventually make me cum while moking at seeing me so pathetic. It was both such a humiliating and exciting feeling that I'm still dreaming about that session.

    I just remembered that I had a 2 on 1 with Debra D'Andrea and the late Lynn McCrossin.  It wasn't, um, "humiliating" as much as it was FUN!  Getting pinned by Debra, who was at her peak in both her strength and shreddedness and then getting snapped by LC was one of those memories that will comfort me in my old age.  And it was pretty weird cumming while totally helpless, so there's that.  Heehee!
  • #28 by Tiberius on 01 Jan 2022
  • That's hot sprstm, but far from humiliating. Sounds like she was also impressed by you! Or pretty pleased with her own handiwork at any rate.
    However she was just doing what you asked her to, not exactly taking control or forcing you.

    Sorry, I am not a native english speaker. I thougt humilliating meant something different.
    But now you know my greatest orgasm ever in detail ;-)

    It's all good fun :)
  • #29 by busthemus2003 on 22 Sep 2023
  • Not humiliating but one of my early sessions with Roxie. She got between my legs and after bj started HJ. Says don’t cum in my hair. Face is ok but I have 2 sessions after you. I nutted in her eye and she turned away and the second and third shots covered her hair. She squaelued and just gave me dead eye for about 3 seconds but was so sweet she then laughed. None of my favourite memories.
  • #30 by Zenzen on 22 Sep 2023
  • Not humiliating but one of my early sessions with Roxie. She got between my legs and after bj started HJ. Says don’t cum in my hair. Face is ok but I have 2 sessions after you. I nutted in her eye and she turned away and the second and third shots covered her hair. She squaelued and just gave me dead eye for about 3 seconds but was so sweet she then laughed. None of my favourite memories.

    Roxie? Do you mean Roxie Rain or A. R.?