  • #1 by diggs on 03 Apr 2022
  • I can't log in to wb270 anymore. It started a few days ago but it hasn't changed so I'm wondering if it's just my browser (Chrome) or if others are having the same issue.

    It happened once a few weeks ago but it was working again by morning. Now it's saying the site is "insecure" and the browser gives up trying to connect after a minute or two.  :what:

    Are any of you experiencing the same thing?
  • #2 by myopter686 on 03 Apr 2022
  • I'm having the same problem with Safari. 
  • #3 by Prophaniti on 03 Apr 2022
  • Firefox too, don't think its a browser thing
  • #4 by Warhawk Overdrive on 04 Apr 2022
  • all of Diana the Valkyrie's sites are down?  ???
  • #5 by liftcarryfan1 on 04 Apr 2022
  • I can see it on my iphone
  • #6 by Prophaniti on 04 Apr 2022
  • Works for me now, I think it was a hiccup
  • #7 by artax on 04 Apr 2022
  • Same problem- appears to be corrected now
  • #8 by diggs on 05 Apr 2022
  • Yeah, I can get it now, too, but that was after a good three days. Weird.

    But I'm glad to know that it wasn't just me!  :woohoo:
  • #9 by hwillish on 03 Jan 2023
  • Well, time sadly continues to MARCH ON!!!  In order to start the New Year off properly I thought I would review what many of us remember as the Gold Standard for Session "enthusiasts" and see what the WB270 site was offering these days.  I decided to do this because when I searched it a couple of weeks ago the page that came up was a list of girls who were available in JUNE of 1998  >:D   Talk about wonderful memories...I was able to spend time with several of them on multiple occasions >: :dance:

    And THEN REALITY hit me right in the "kisser"!!!  As I said I just googled WB270 and now it's gone, gone, gone :'(

     So apparently the owner/moderater has finally decided to "hang it up" and from what I have heard from a reliable source he had no interest in turning it over to any one else.  But that's his decision and I respect him for it, but still...
  • #10 by e_honda on 03 Jan 2023
  • It’s a sad day indeed. There were some women who had listings there but not on SG. Wonder if they will decide to switch over. I can understand his decision to not turn it over to someone else. Likely didn’t want anyone “messing up” what he had created.

    Also, it’s highly unlikely anyone would’ve wanted to take over doing things exactly the way he did them. He manually updated all listings and travel dates. It’s not like SG where the women update those things themselves. The WB guy took e-mails from the women and manually updated things himself.

    I seriously doubt anyone would have the dedication to do the same thing he did. I’m truly amazed how long he did it for. Hats off to the guy.
  • #11 by liftcarryfan1 on 03 Jan 2023
  • Wow this is how i would get by most of my sessions even up until 2-3 years ago or so…
  • #12 by squeezemebaby on 03 Jan 2023
  • It doesn't have to be that WB270 stopped. The website is hosted through Diana The Valkyrie. That site also can't be reached at this moment.

    Might be a hosting problem.


  • #13 by Zenzen on 03 Jan 2023
  • So apparently the owner/moderater has finally decided to "hang it up" and from what I have heard from a reliable source he had no interest in turning it over to any one else.  But that's his decision and I respect him for it, but still...

    Not sure who is your reliable source but it seems you just speculate. I guess it is a temporary server issue which happened before many times. Bill is using Alan's host and his other websites are offline at the moment.
    Bill is 79 years old, Alan is 75 old but these dinosaur schmoes will never give up until they pass away. These guys are very secretive, Bill and Alan don't make friendship with other schmoes, they just live in their fantasy world so a reliable source is out of question, sorry for bursting your bubble.
  • #14 by nujerz84 on 03 Jan 2023
  • I have heard from many ladies on the scene who met the guy on multiple occasion's..about buying/taking over wb270.. Hwillish is correct in that he never wanted or had any intention/desire of letting anyone else run/own
  • #15 by Jackass500 on 03 Jan 2023
  • According to multiple sessionettes I know, the guy is like 100 years old. Something might have happened to him. I’m pretty sure he’d make an announcement if he was dropping it. It’s just not loading at the moment, that might be a server issue. Let’s hope so.